#and they're dated like. 6+ years ago lmao
caernua · 9 months
i literally entered 2024 like it was 2014 i am sitting here reading all of solas' dialogue with the other companions on the wiki and looking up old patrick weekes tweets and listening to the trespasser soundtrack and reading posts with speculation from 8 years ago i am the world's stupidest soldier
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thewickerking · 11 months
hey. what?
well. For context everyone im assuming this ask is referring to this post and my tags below
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im assuming because of the. The.
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Many. Prev tags on it lmao but anyways here's more context. ill try to keep specific elements vague cause i don't want to doxx my grandma and by extension myself. But yeah let's go
my grandma (maternal) ran away from home in her teens (not sure the exact year/age but 70s ish) to join the circus and worked there for an amount of time doing ticket sales and miscellaneous jobs that aren't performance based
she met a guy also working there and they dated. this guy joined a satanic cult after joining the circus (? I think. Mightve been the other way around) and performed ritualistic sacrifice within the cult/with his murder victims. he was not in charge of the cult but was an active member and serial killer across around 4 states, maybe more (evidence was found for about 4 states iirc)
anyways he got caught for evidence of multiple murders but confessed to upwards of 20 (they couldn't find evidence of this so its unclear if he was exaggerating or if there simply wasn't enough irrefutable evidence) and went to prison while my grandma was pregnant and she was also arrested as an accomplice and had her kid in prison. She was 18 at the time. Idk how long she spent in prison but it was long enough to have her son taken away
her son (first of her four children, was my oldest uncle on my moms side) has adopted parents who changed his first and last name and didn't let him know about his biological parents (and were also extremely abusive) and so my mother and her siblings and her mom did unsuccessful research to find him over the years and he found our family a few years before he turned 30 (my moms ten years younger than him btw) and we've been in contact since and he was my personal favorite of my moms siblings
Oh also the serial killer got sentenced to life without parole and is currently on death row. My uncle died last year from unrelated circumstance (I posted about it some last year if anyone remembers) and my mom adopted 2 of 3 of his kids (3rd was a legal adult already) and then they got kidnapped and their kidnappers won the custody battle against my mom so. Yeah
Oh also worth noting my mom is the youngest of the four. my grandma had four kids with different men so im not related to the serial killer but he is in my family tree? Anyways yeah different fathers. My grandma remembers the serial killer and my moms father (my abuelito ♡ love him) but doesn't remember the fathers of the middle children (my aunt and uncle). So they're my moms half siblings technically and nobody knows if the middle children have other half siblings on their dads' sides 🤷‍♂️ but my mom has a half sister on her dad's side! She's 2 years younger than me bc my abuelito got married to his ex wife later in life but they're not together anymore (?) Not sure. They broke up idk if they legally divorced but they live in different countries and don't talk to each other. So.
Id love to meet her someday! But I don't know if thats feasible. She lives in Mexico and only speaks spanish so it would certainly be difficult. But I want to.... she almost immigrated to the United States like. 6 years ago?? My mom paid for documents to be legally translated and stuff but stuff happened and it didn't go through.she also tried to kill her mom once. But she's doing better. That's all a long story. We have a picture of her in our house from when she was little!
Ok thats very tangent-y. I have a lot of family stories. But also if anyone was curious this post below was also about my maternal grandmother
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shes a white woman who likes to weaponise having "friends" in nepal when people are mean to her. She's a character. if ppl are curious abt any of this i will answer btw i love talking abt my family they're deranged
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doctorweebmd · 16 days
hello just in case anyone is checking in on where i am lmao:
i gave myself up until the end of labor day weekend to dick around (i.e. working on tptp) and not do things i need to be doing (i.e. everything else) with this self-imposed deadline being imposed as such because i have a LOT of shit i need to work on in the coming weeks. i actually am, like, 32 years old, and have a full time job in academic medicine (… well, ish, im a perpetual fellow) and have a TON to get done on top of just working INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO:
-> research that i am so so regretfully the principal investigator on and have funding for somehow so i actually have to do it and produce results
-> meeting after meeting after meeting for said research. Why is there so much politics in research. Why is medicine such a fucking joke.
-> leaving country in 2 weeks
-> prepping to leave country in two weeks including tying up loose ends at work, doctors appointments, meds, clothes on top of making sure everything is planned and updated for the travel itself because I planned the entire trip lmao
-> finish updating my CV
-> cold-calling and emailing local programs for jobs because you would think after four years of college, four years of med school, three years of residency, three years of fellowship and another one year of even more fellowship people would be falling all over themselves to recruit MY ass but FYI unless you have a large NIH grant or you have a personal relationship with program heads your ass is NOT getting headhunted. and also MD jobs worth getting never get posted about online because, as mentioned above, openings are rarely made public and if they are they're desperate to hire anyone which is often not a good sign. Anyway most people say have a contract in hand between December-February which is… something.
-> abstract for (conference) due in a month, for (conference #2) in two months
-> critical care boards in two months that i need to start studying for!!!
-> lecture series for (x) fellows development and execution that I don’t have the dates for yet…
… anyway. I’m tired. I’m hoping to have time to write when traveling but damn. These are non-problem problems because I’m privileged to get to do any of this but at the same time it feels like a lot to manage. The good news is since I started getting medicated like 6 months ago I’m not totally shutting down at the prospect of this, but it’s still a bit stressful. Sigh.
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kafus · 9 months
You mentioned making proper genned event pokemon, but what does that entail?
depends on the event in question!
back in the day during gens 3 and 4, IRL event distributions were often handled by running a custom GBA cart with the event distribution software and hooking up to other GBAs via link cable or with the wireless adapter, or a custom DS cart that took advantage of the DS' innate wireless compatibilities. obviously all of these carts were meant to be sent back to nintendo or get destroyed, but that... just did not happen to all of them lol. (there are also a few local distribution softwares for 3DS and stuff but wayyy less common)
you can actually buy gen 4 distribution carts for an excessive amount of money, though i can't in good conscience recommend looking for gen 3 distribution carts, they're INCREDIBLY rare and most of the listings you'll find for them on ebay are 100% fake and are scamming you out of hundreds of dollars, and most people don't know how to tell the difference unfortunately.
that being said, i'm not recommending you buy these at all actually, because most of the ones in physical circulation have been dumped online and can be downloaded. the digiex forums contains them, and you can download these and run them on actual hardware and roleplay being the toys r us/gamestop/etc employee and distribute to themself just like how it would have happened back at the time of the event lmao. for the DS ones it's easy with a hacked 3DS and twilight menu, but for GBA you'd need a GBA flashcart and the associated link cable/wireless adapters + two GBAs. this can also be done on emulators with support for local connection between two windows and has the same exact effect as doing it with real hardware, it just feels cool to do it with real hardware (pictured below is an ancient video i took of me distributing 2005 Aura Mew to myself with the actual software made by nintendo, running off a flashcart. i took this years ago and the quality is ass and my positioning is awkward sorry lol. my room doesn't even look the same...)
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as for events without distribution software, old gen ones have the DNS exploit, which you can find simple instructions for here. this is much easier with gen 5 than gen 4 - you can find gen 4 help i wrote here. these restore all online functionality in the old games, including mystery gift - trying to grab a mystery gift from the internet will allow you to download pretty much any event in the game (though the one it gives you is random and you'd have to try over and over to get the ones you want). the data of these events is 100% identical to how the events actually were at the time of distribution, like completely indistinguishable, so it's a safe way to get those mons to bank and home, though you may want to change your DS date to the same date as the event in question so it doesn't look weird.
as for 3DS there is no fancy stuff like the above, you'll just want to go to project pokemon's public event gallery and browse for what you're looking for, which also provides a link to instructions for injecting these in your games. it's worth noting you can also inject all the gen 3-5 events that have been documented/archived this way, it's just less interesting than the above methods imo. this is probably the least legitimate feeling option but the data is still identical and well. other than elaborate glitches or something that's the best its gonna get. it's likely once 3DS servers shut down next year that eventually a DNS exploit-adjacent service will pop up for gen 6 and 7...
btw worth noting that gen 4 is the only gen where the name rater literally only checks for TID and doesn't even consider the "fateful encounter" flag that event pokemon are usually given, so you can RNG manip a matching trainer ID and then nickname event mons you aren't supposed to be able to nickname fully within the limits of the original game and hardware LOL. that isn't related to your question i just think it's funny that you can do that and it's technically completely legit
anyway sorry for the long ass answer i just find mystery gifts fascinating and it deserved me being a little more comprehensive
edit: oh yes and there's certain event mons that are still able to be obtained without all this wacky stuff, ie the pokemon colosseum bonus disc gives out infinite jirachis and they just released that as a preorder bonus back then. so worth looking at options for distributions like that too if you need a species of mythical or whatever!
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transmascpetewentz · 1 year
Had a terf try arguing with me that I'm not a "true homosexual" or some BS because I'm a trans man. I've only ever dated and been attracted to other trans men. I'm on the aromantic and asexual spectrums so it's hard for me to become attracted to people, and it's a total coincidence that the few people have either had a crush on or dated have been trans. Okay maybe not that big of a coincidence, I live in Chicago and two of the people I dated were long distance relationships but still. I didn't even know what t4t was until a few years ago. My longest relationship has been 6 years, still with him.
They went on a whole rant on how I'm just a lesbian because my partners and I were both afab. What a way to move the goal posts. I literally fit their stupid ideal on what a gay trans man is supposed to look like but nope.
By their stupid definitions I'm a "real gay man". Because I'm 'same sex attracted" in their eyes but it's still not good enough, they have to find a way to group me in with lesbianism even though I'm not attracted to women.
My partner and I both live our lives as men, are perceived as men, love each other as men, go through every aspect of our lives as men, and are men. What we happen to be misassigned at birth does not change who I am or what labels I'm allowed to use. Absolutely insane that they see two people who are men loving each other and think "yep, they're lesbians!".
Absolutely not a surprise that no matter what gay trans men do they will always hate us and jump through hoops to disprove our male homosexuality.
Every damn time lmao.
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potential-fate · 1 year
Sims Tag
Tagged by @andrevasims ~~
Tagging: uhm... idk this was quite long, so I don't wanna tag anyone, so I'm not going to.
anyways, my answers under a readmore, cause they're 26 questions.
1.What’s your favourite sims death?
there's so many funny deaths in ts2, but I rarely see them (I can't help it I like keeping my sims alive lmao....) I have seen the satellite death only twice in.... almost 20 years? Also think murphy bed death is pretty entertaining. oh, and that sims can spontaneously combust if too warm.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
funny I was just talking about this with @nappe-plays-the-sims on discord. My style is definitely maxis mix/semi-realistic. I think it'd probably be fully alpha in ts4 though, if my computer could handle it. but for ts2, I don't like how a lot of alpha cc looks, so it stays squarely in the mix category.
3.Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
hm. mostly not? there are certain sims that don't fit personality wise and I've cheated (in both directions both fat loss and gain) sheerly because their fitness just barely dipped and it didn't make sense. also as a storytelling simblr, I need consistency, so sometimes I'll cheat it for the moment, but then return them to their new fit/fat state once I have a bit of a time lapse.
4. Do you use move objects?
literally constantly. I mean, I have to to pose scenes, but also decoration in my game is ridiculously off grid so 🤷‍♀️
5. Favorite mod?
I legitimately don't think I can pick one. I have like 200 'curated' mods that I have mostly been using for literally a decade. Even in my "cc free" game I still have my mods folder and my defaults in. That being said, if forced to, I wouldn't be able to live without ACR/Romantic Standards, and the Traits Project.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
Glamour Life Stuff, but I pretty much followed the release date for ts2. for TS4, the entire reason I redownloaded the game was Cottage Living so... that one.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Live as in 'we are Live 🎬" (because literally that's how I always pictured it. the game is in action now, it's live.)
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
uhm.... probably Evren, though no one has seen much of him yet. I just think he's pretty.
9. Have you made a simself?
I have.... about 12 years ago. and that sim can stay back there LMAO.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
hm. I suppose Gloomy, Maker, Socially Awkward. it took me a while to decide though.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
in ts2, I guess the red is okay? idk there's a reason all my hair is defaulted.
in ts4, I specifically like the light blonde and the dirty blonde, but would like to set the one labeled "blonde" (the yellow one) on fire.
12. Favorite EA hair?
see above answer. I'm just... not a fan of ts2 hairs. When I was a baby, I used to use exclusively this hair on men (like they literally all had that hair it was kinda funny), before I discovered cc. but now I think I'd probably pic Caesar if I had to.
13. Favorite life stage?
Teen through Adult. I like them all probably equally, but I spend a LOT of time at Uni 😂 I don't understand why everyone wants shorter UNI mods lmaooo.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
can I say neither? what you guys are playing the game???? jk jk. uhm... I guess I'll say builder, but honestly a good portion of my time is literally posing. though said scenes are normally based off gameplay. but I don't get to play that often. like ie: the story posts I'm posting now are literally based off gameplay from 6 months ago so....
15. Are you a CC creator?
Yup!~ though it's not consistent, in posting schedule or what I tend to make so 🤷‍♀️ (that being said, I do have hair retextures I'm literally planning on posting this week.)
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I feel like I do, but I don't wanna post favorites and hurt someone's feelings. 😂 that being said, there's like 3-5 people I talk to almost daily.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
in case it's not obvious, it's ts2. I do like ts4 now with all the dlc now though. but ts2 will always be my ride or die tbh.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
I... don't think so.... I'm pretty sure I don't. I would be willing though probably. I mean, I sorta want a sims tattoo, and that's a lot more permanent than merch so.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
I do not. I don't really.... like youtube that much. or letsplays.... or filming myself.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
oh god. idk man, I was heavy into the whole scene kid 2008 type stuff back when I first started creating cc and stuff, let alone playing, so like.... "a lot" is really all I have. I'd like to say that it's improved? I definitely think my photo/editing skills are better.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I want to say it's potential-x-fate but i am not 100% sure on that... I don't think I've ever shared anything for ts4 anyways though.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
that depends heavily on what you're looking for. @deedee-sims, @mdpthatsme, and @serabiet for clothing come to mind.
Makeup by far is probably @lilith-sims. and JesstheEx (LJ).
Hair I do a lot of my own retextures, but @antoninko also does a lot of sunshine retextures.
For b/b I couldn't even begin to decide. I don't have as much and it's all over the place.
for TS4, like, literally 85% of my CAS is @pralinesims and I have 0 B/B so.... it's pretty much just Praline LMAO.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
technically? since 2008. I migrated here from LJ around then. but this account is newer than that, cause I used to have it as a side blog and that was not very convenient. the old account I deleted after I moved everything I wanted over. I also took a 3 year break from 2016-2019.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
Carefully. lmao. jk jk. uh.... lets see. I crop them (via my own action), apply actions (mostly other people's) depending on the scene, edit any clipping by hand painting, add in hair strands a lot of the time, and uh, then I add a 1% monochromatic noise filter, and the white border frame.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
since I play ts2 this isn't really applicable. but in the magical world of Allie Gets What They Want, I'd want a fix for ts2 to allow more customizability via CAS. by that I mean, I want more slots for skin details/tattoos/etc and accessories and such like they have in ts4, but in ts2. Obviously this is theoretical. but it's the thing I miss most in ts2.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
ahhh.... for ts2, I probably play with Uni the most, but ts2 was better at integrating gameplay elements into their EPs so I'd be hard pressed to drop any of them, even ones I "don't use" that often. (ie: nightlife came with chemistry and I'd die without it, even though I don't use any of the downtown functions often.)
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sunflower-reaper · 6 months
MORE FLORA RAMBLES LETS GOOOO let's talk about their first date w/ luci bc I'm in that mood today lmao
So. Flora has been at the hotel for about.... 6-7 months now. They've been through a bunch of stuff with the gang, including another extermination lead by Lute and Lucifer's twin brother, Michael.
They've developed a nice sort of friendship with Lucifer at this point. They both trust each other a lot (Flora has more than proven themselves at this point to him, especially after they cleaned house in the last extermination), and they both look out for each other.
Flora knows at this point they're crushing hard, but tends to push down their feelings, because a) they have an important job to do and b) it's not like Lucifer would just leave his wife, who he's been with for 10,000+ years, just to be with them.
And then. The flirting starts.
At first, it's small stuff-- little things could be dismissed as compliments or off handed jokes.
But soon, Lucifer starts getting.... bolder. He starts placing gentle little touches to their wrist or their back. He drops every conceivable line you can imagine. He smiles at them in a particular way, with a certain look in his eyes that they can't make sense of.
Then, one day, Flora notices something about him. Something they can't believe they missed.
His wedding band was gone.
Flora doesn't really know what it means, or how long ago he took it off, but it does get a reaction out of them, turning their face pink as they think of the possibilities.
Lucifer clocks their reaction immediately. He takes this as his chance.
"Hey, so like... I was just wondering. Are you, seeing anybody right now?"
Flora blinks, their brain struggling to catch up. "Oh-- no, not... not really."
Lucifer gives them that smile then, gently rubbing circles on the back of their hand. "Would you like to?" He asks, his eyes having that look they can't decipher in them again.
They are so caught off guard, but they tell him yes anyway.
Their date is the following week, and on the days leading up to it, Flora agonizes over it. Mainly, their outfit. They want to impress him, after all!
(Not that it mattered much, Flora could have shown up in a sweatshirt and some jeans and they would have been the prettiest thing in the room to him, lmao)
They end up dressing up just the right amount, as Lucifer takes them to a private little spot where a select few are allowed to go, namely overlords and various royalties. They have dinner, and spend the whole night chatting together. He tells them all kinds of stories from his time in hell, from the great war, to cute stories of Charlie from when she was a baby.
After dinner, Lucifer takes them back to Morningstar Manor, and shows them the almost endless library his family had.
"When Charlie was little," he says, a fondness to his voice, "she had a bit of a knack for reading. So, for her birthday, I made her this place... and for a long time, I think it served as a place of solace for her. I hope it did." He pauses, watching Flora take in the place with a look of wonder on their face. "It hasn't seen much use the last couple years, and I know you like books, so... I thought you'd like it."
Flora looks back to him, feeling happier than they had in a long, long time. No one had ever done something like this for them before. "Thank you." They say, sounding really happy.
They head back to the hotel after that, and Lucifer, not wanting the night to end, invites them up to his suite and this is where it gets a little spicy.
They sit and talk for a bit, but eventually they end up getting a little closer than Flora realized, and they freeze. Lucifer takes the initiative and makes the first move.
"Flora," he says, hand reaching up and touching their cheek, "could I kiss you?"
Flora feels their heartbeat pick up, and they subconsciously lean into his touch. "Please," they say, almost sounding like they're begging him.
He wastes no time, immediately claiming their lips, and they cling to him. He holds them to his torso, his fingers threading carefully into their hair. Flora gasps at the feeling of the slight tug.
He shivers, deepening the kiss gently.
They part for air, and Flora feels like their heart is going to explode.
"Lord," he breathes, "you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
They make out for a while (Luci def leaves some marks on their neck) but they don't get much more intimate than though.
(Lucifer really, really wanted to, but he actively didn't because if does go that far with Flora, he wants it to be special. Something he dedicates the whole night to.)
That'd pretty much where it ends-- Lucifer walks them back to their room and gives them one last kiss and tells them good night.
Flora doesn't sleep that night. They're too hyperactive.
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astralpenguin · 3 months
tagged by @its-tea-time-darling 💜💜💜
1. Best book you've read so far in 2024
so let them burn by kamilah cole
it's a jamaican-inspired fantasy following two girls: the chosen one and her older sister. except five years have passed since they helped liberate their country from oppression and it's turned out that the aftermath of war and child soliders and teen queens isn't quite so simple to navigate after all. then the chosen one's sister forms an unprecedented soul bond with a dragon and dragon-rider belonging to their old oppressors. the chosen one's gods tell her the only way to keep her people safe is to kill her sister, but both sisters care about each other way too much for killing each other to be an option.
if you like: siblings who'd burn the world for each other, dragons, soulmates who hear each other's thoughts, possession, gods who do not understand humans to the point that it causes Big Problems for everybody, and stories that explore what happens to the chosen one after the story is done, then you might like this book as well! also both sisters are queer (one is a lesbian and one is demi) so if you're looking for more queer books to read that aren't the same handful that always get rec'd first then here's one <3
2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2024
does the sunshine court count as a sequel? i'm gonna count it. that one. it's probably not Technically the best sequel i've read but it's added to the aftg brainworms that i've had for many years so
3. New release you haven't read yet but want to
dear wendy by ann zhao (two aroace uni students are enemies online due to their rival dating advice columns while becoming besties irl) and road to ruin by hana lee (bisexual polyamorous mad max fury road which also happens to have been written by a twitter mutual of mine)
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
compound fracture by andrew joseph white!!! which i have an e-arc of and will be the next thing i read because i've delayed enough already
5. Biggest disappointment
wranglestone i had such high hopes for you but i have ended up with NOTHING nice to say except that the cover is pretty. don't read this book it's so terrible in every way and everyone involved in shortlisting it for an award should be ashamed of themselves
6. Biggest surprise
i've had the abyss surrounds us by emily skrutskie (and its sequel) sitting on my shelf for literal years and i finally picked them up a couple of months ago and they were excellent??? like it turns out they weren't getting hyped on booktube ~2017 just because they were sapphic ya sci-fi at a time when there was very little of that, but because they're also genuinely very very good, which was definitely a surprise to me. i was expecting to like them well enough, not to love them like i ended up!!
7. Favourite new author (debut or new to you)
i've read all three of zoe hana mikuta's books this year so let's go with her jksdfhgk her books are very cool, though the prose is often unnecessarily dense (she loooves her purple prose) which can make it a little hard to understand what's actually happening (which she leans into hard in her wonderland reimagining, to the point of near-incomprehensibility, which she gets away with solely because it's wonderland), but that clearly didn't annoy me too much seeing as i still read all her books lmao. something i really like about her books is the way that she centres platonic relationships and platonic love just as much as she does romantic relationships and romantic love, and also isn't afraid of letting the platonic relationships be just as toxic and fucked up as the romantic ones can be
8. Newest fictional crush
i don't get crushes on fictional characters
9. Newest favourite character
if i solely look at books i haven't mentioned yet, i also read interview with the vampire for the first time this year (i will get to the show At Some Point) and how anyone can read that book and not come away from it having a lot of Thoughts and Feelings about claudia i do not know
10. Book that made you cry
none, but i don't cry very easily
11. Book that made you happy
the garlic duology by bree paulsen!! they're cosy fantasy middle grade graphic novels about garlic, one of many vegetables that have been brought to life by a small town witch to help tend her garden, and how her life changes when a vampire moves in to a nearby empty castle
12. Favourite book to film adaptation that you've seen this year
my mother is OBSESSED with bullet train, and i do really like it as well, so whenever we're in the same place we tend to end up rewatching it. it slaps. don't watch it if you can't handle bloody scenes, death, or the threatened death of a child, but if you can handle those things then i very strongly recommend it
13. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)
sigh. wranglestone. though tbf some of the fairyloot books i got this year before i cancelled my subscription are gorgeous too
14. What books do you need to read by the end of the year
compound fracture for sure!!!!!! then i just really need to make some kind of a dent in my unread e-arc collection lmao
15. How many new books have you read so far
according to goodreads i have read 48 books so far in 2024
i'm gonna tag @itsthemxze even though tea tagged you already (ha get double tagged), @fili-is-gone, and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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scary-monsters · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @crown-of-winterthorne, thank you friend!!! 🧡🧡🫶🏻
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 33 total! i've got 8 for jjba, 25 for haikyuu
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 473,497 🤯🤯🤯
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently only jjba, i don't anticipate anything else for a long time since my major interests tend to last for years
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? unsurprisingly they're all ushiten 😭 i won't link them but: "i'm a house with no windows" (200k friends-to-lovers), "shuffle" (fake dating/only one bed tropes), "fascinating facts about geckos" (high school teachers au), "on display" (nsfw oneshot), and "morning routine" (my very first fic ever posted :')) aw)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i try to!!!! sometimes i get really behind (like i am right now ugh) and that's either because i'm busy or i can't properly put my gratitude into words 😔 but i think i get to most of them eventually. i don't really reply to the ushiten ones anymore, but they still mean a lot to me.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i.. don't think i have any?? i love writing angst but i really cannot handle sad endings.. i'm a sappy little romance-obsessed fool, i fear i'm incapable of anything but sweet and fulfilling endings
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i mean it's gotta be "i'm a house with no windows".... they literally grew up together and got married and then visited their hometown as middle-aged men.. i don't know if i can out-do that. but if we're talking jjba then probably my most recent diego fic, "ritz to the rubble"
8. Do you get hate on fics? i have before LMAO, nothing too horrible but honestly i just shrug it off. i like my writing and i know lots of other people do too so i can't be bothered
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? ummmmmm yes.. i write a lot of it HFDSKLHGKLS.. i won't detail that here bc this isn't a nsfw blog but my ao3 speaks for itself.
10. Do you write crossovers? nope! the idea hasn't ever even crossed my mind
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? i feel like.. i remember someone telling me that one of my ushiten fics was on wattpad at one point but i never saw it myself and that was years ago so ??? MAYBE?? i truly don't know
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i couldn't find evidence of it but i remember someone requesting to translate a fic of mine to chinese?? and i had no problem with it but AGAIN LOL these things happened in like 2016 or 2017 so it's been a hot minute and my memory is garbage
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? not really, i attempted to collab with a couple friends in the past but it really didn't work out very well.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? diego and me (im kidding. kind of.), i mean currently it's dinopants and dinoballs. i love diejoni as well but the other two reeeeaaally hit that sweet spot for me. i like ushiten in a way that's like... aww.. those were my boys and now they're grown up and moved out ?? they are cute but they aren't My Guys anymore
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? UGH I HAD a dinopants university au that i started over a year ago but i ended up using one of the previously written scenes for my recent fic so i doubt i'd ever finish the original one. for the most part i finish what i start, though.
16. What are your writing strengths? DIALOGUE !!! at least to me, anyway. i think i'm really good at getting into a character's head and analyzing them and how they'd handle social situations, which is funny bc i have trash social skills. i fucking love character analysis in general
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i think i tend to overuse words sometimes... maybe lean too heavily into dialogue.. i'm always always always trying to get better, so in a way i think i look at everything as a weakness that i'm constantly working to improve
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? i've tossed in little fragments of Italian when i write gyro but other than that i don't think i'd personally do it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? realistically? naruto 💀 my original old-ass clunky desktop had several word docs of deidara fic, i'm like 99% sure. too bad limewire and heaps of viruses killed the damn thing
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? atm i think it's gotta be extra hot, well stirred, light foam :')) i was so iffy about it while writing but i think it's such a perfect balance of funny and sexy and i'm quite proud of it. it would make sense to say a fic from a while ago but i don't like my writing from back then.. i just think i've gotten so so so much better
IM TAGGINGGG @reclusiverisottonero @swallowed-teeth @hammerofspace @penny-lane-123 @phvntom-limbs but no pressure, lovingly patting y'all on the head regardless 🧡
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natelia-aldelliz · 2 years
Okay, I slept less than 4 hours last night and none this night, so I'm getting kinda sleep deprived, so I decided I'm gonna share some personal headcanons about the birth dates of the boys!
It's a bit long but not that long, I just put it behind a read more so people who don't care can pass it more quickly 😊
I'm going only by feeling, it's also got nothing to do with the horoscope bc I have personal beef with it but anyway feel free to tell me if something makes sense anyway, I'm still really curious despite my grievances (I'm being dramatic for fun btw, my beef with the zodiac is not that bad)
Anyway, I feel like Soap is a June 1996 baby, because he's sunny, so a warmer month, not overbearing tho because he's soft, so not summer, so that leaves either early June or late September and I feel like June is hope and September is not, so June it is.
Gaz I feel like is a winter child, but not a cold one, so either December 1995 or March 1996, the years are because I think he's older than Soap but not by more than 6 months, which he still lords over his head.
Ghost is harder because he is shaped by his trauma and it does not represent who he might have been if he hadn't gone through all that. But I think he's a softer month, so no winter or summer, March and November are too cold still, but September and June are too warm so I think either October or April or May 1991.
I have no idea for Price tho, I feel like he could fit any month, cause he's protective and possessive enough for winter, hot headed and brave like summer, warm and nice like spring and headstrong and cold blooded enough for autumn... The only months I can't see for him are January, April, July and October but the rest are fair game...
I dunno the year, I think he's between 38 and 45 years old tho.
Alejandro strikes me as either August or September... It's this late summer nostalgy vibe of looking at the stars at 22:00, being sad that it's been night since 21:00 when just a few weeks ago the sun was still out, but the weather is still comforting and you can hear the ocean.
Rudy I think gives off soft but sad, so I'm gonna go with maybe late winter early spring? Or February, maybe... Mmh no maybe not... Oooh maybe late March or early April actually, he gives sudden harsh rains that stop immediately, with hot chocolate and cookies and flowers and puddles outside, and hugs.
I think both Ale and Rudy are around Ghost's age, like early thirties, they're the same year but Rudy is older.
I think Graves is a January if anyone wants to know, because he's a bitch and I don't like him (sorry for anyone reading this who was born in January, I'm sure it's not your fault /j) I also think he's late thirties, but maybe he just looks old because he's a terrible person.
I think Roach is either May, July or November because he gives "nothing can kill me until it does" and I think it applies best to those months. I think he's either 1992, 1993 or 1994, not younger not older.
If you want to put anyone else through my compleeeetely unbiased and true feelings (lmao) don't hesitate to tell me, be aware tho that I don't know the multiplayer characters beyond the few tiktoks I see.
If you agree or disagree please go ahead I love when people do tho I fear my only arguments is 'my brain associates feelings with months based on my personal experiences and memories and feelings, which wouldn't apply to another part of France, let alone another country, so I completely understand that you have completely different feelings' which honestly wouldn't make me win a debate, sadly, but thankfully I'm not competitive.
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tunawithsoysauce · 6 months
Stuff you might wanna know :3
about ~me~
Name: Finn/Todd Henriksson
Age: 13 (2011)
Swedish, third generation Finnish
👆 the main stuff. Scroll for a bit more detailed bullshit.
▪︎I LOVE MUSIC!!! I go to a music highschool, my parents are musicians and I love singing and playing french horn. Fun thing, right!?
▪︎I'M TRANS (wow!) I'm transmasc, and have been as long as I can remember (I came out at eight, I believe?) And my pronouns are he/him! I'm a boy. Only boy.
▪︎I USUALLY DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING (wha) I don't know what im doing. Most of the time. Id like to believe im kind and try to be good, but you know. It is what it is.
▪︎HAIR DYE AND ROCKS! (lmao what) i love dying my hair. And rocks. Not cool rocks. Just... rocks.
▪︎ART!!!! (YIPPIE !) I love drawing and writing and stuff like that. Very fun. Its like the only thing I do haha
▪︎NERD!!! (OFc) I love fixating on stuff. Which leads me to our next segment...
▪︎Interests (online)
The main ones AREEEE: *drumroll*
1. Doctor who! (My sister used to love it. She showed me it all and now im as big a nerd as she is.)
2. Sherlock holmes! (Or Sherlock & co. Both. Mostly just the novels. The BBC show if you make me.)
3. Good omens! Or Neil gaiman in general! (He's very cool)
Eeeeh otherwise im very obsessed with loads of stuffs. Just. Ask me if ive seen something, ill probably have.
▪︎Mum & dad! (My mum's mean sometimes. Not all the time. She can be good. She’s just... she has a diffrent way of loving.) (Dad! He's amazing. I love him.)
▪︎ main siblings! (I have two fully bio siblings. Otto, and Ruben. Otto is 6 and Ruben is 14. Otto is silly, my big brother is amazing. He's my true rolemodel :))
A) -Anna!! She's the one im closest to. She’s the youngest (26) and has a cat and a fiancee (Jim.) Jim's cool. Very silly. He's also sort of a role model, for me. He's been in my life for all of it, I think? My sister had a boyfriend before that. He was very quiet. Anna is very nice and I love having sleepovers with her. She was also the one who introduced me to Doctor who!! We always have so much fun. She really likes the beatles. Don't know why I put that there. She just really likes them. Felt important.
B) Malin!! My middle big sister. She’s awesome, and She’s got a whole family. A husband (He's amazing and so so so smart i literally think he's so cool) which i think is very rad, and my neice !!! He's called Einar. He's 3. He calls me "uncle Todd" (AJSKSJJDKD)
C) My biggest brother Mattias. He's quiet, but also very awesome. His girlfriend is very nice too. She has green hairdye in her hair. :3)
This includes:
1. Leija! We met in the beginning of fourth grade. She’s weird like me. And awesome. I love her.
2. Elsa!!! She's been my best friend all my life. Our mums know eachother. She’s kind and beautiful and always makes me happy.
3. Elvira!!! My mandatory lesbian friend. That's a joke. She’s cool. And very nice. She never speaks ill of anyone. She’s truly the kindest human ever.
4. Sofie!!! A non-binary chaos machine. I love them. They're always a joy to be around.
5. Max!!! My absolute best friend. He's amazing even though we barely met even a year ago. I visit him frequently.
5. Jack!!! (Love interest? Kind of dating?)
Side characters (wtf)
▪︎My therapist!! She's called Emma. Uh.
▪︎My father figure!!! Otto. Not to be confused with my little brother.
▪︎ My Swedish teacher!! I just think she's awesome. She’s also called Anna. Not to be confused with my sister.
▪︎ All my finnish friends! Jesus christ if I named all of the finnish blokes ive befriended id die typing.
▪︎ this random dude I met on reddit i haven't talked to for two months :D
▪︎Sofia!! A lady at my school. She’s awesome. She’s practically my step mum. She’s held me while I cried in the nurses office more than I can think.
▪︎ uhm
Mondays: french horn B)
Tuesdays: dancing!! (With Elvira:))
Wednesdays: orchestra!! (French horn)
Thursdays: TSS!! (A place you can hang out at)
Fridays: bugging my music teacher and playing drums with my bassist friend until I get kicked out!
As previously mentioned i go to a music school. We have music everyday. Its awesome.
I love swedish, music, art, english, french, and history.
I hate P.E, math, science and homeroom.
Bye :33
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
i've gotta be honest, i don't think weiss' 'it's about time' comment brings us any closer to 'canon bees confirmation' than we already were two volumes ago. it's no more explicit than nora's speech to ren about blake and yang that preceded the renora kiss, and that ultimately didn't lead anywhere either lmao (well, it contributed to the holding pattern blake and yang were in, but that's been consistent since the end of v6. is it really a 'slow burn' if nothing's actually burning? i've seen glaciers melt faster)
I definitely see where you're coming from, anon. However, I do think there's a slight (but important) difference in how these comments are framed. Nora uses a Blake/Yang reference to try and goad Ren into acknowledging their own attraction. It's not about the bees, it's about renora. Though I don't think this is actually the case, it's possible to make an argument that Nora didn't really mean anything by her comments, at least not when it comes to her teammates. She's mad. She's frustrated. She wants Ren to acknowledge their relationship and she's willing to say or do anything (like the kiss) to get that out of him. The closest thing I can think to compare it to is an annoyed person letting that annoyance cloud their judgement of something else.
Person #1, at a Fun Even: "Wow! This is so much fun! :D"
Person #2, also at the Fun Event but really fucking mad at them: "Oh really? You think this is fun? Are you stupid?"
The takeaway isn't, "Person #2 actually hates this fun thing" it's "Person #2 is really annoyed with Person #1." As said, given everything else Nora is right that Blake and Yang are attracted to one another and I do think she legitimately believes they're more than friends, but the scene itself is constructed in a way that anyone who doesn't want the queer rep can argue that Nora doesn't really think this, she's just letting her own relationship bias color her view of the bees and/or she's spouting anything, no matter how absurd, that she thinks might get Ren to admit his feelings. Toss in the fact that Ren's response is, "What else would they be [if not friends]?" and you can picture people going, "See! See! He disagrees and doesn't see anything happening between Blake and Yang because nothing is happening!"
Weiss' comment, in contrast, is much more straightforward and far closer to irrefutable. She makes a comment that's only ever made about romantic couples, while in a calm state of mind, while not actually talking about herself, without Ruby coming in with a, 'Wtf are you talking about?' response. It's not exactly a world-shattering difference, but I think it's the stronger of the two scenes and, technically speaking, the closer to true canonization.
But as you say, anon: it's a glacial pace🤦‍♀️
It's actually funny because I went back to my old recap while reviewing that scene and I was SO hopeful. Like, Volume 7 Clyde still had a decent amount of faith in the writers, despite the utter failure of Volume 6. I'm talking up how they're finally becoming a couple, yay getting rep that's not side-characters/villains, I even use the term "canonize" to describe the scene because I didn't think they'd get that close and then stall for [checks calendar] four years. I jumped the gun under the assumption that of course we'd be getting a kiss/date/"I love you"/whatever soon.
Le sigh.
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olivieraa · 4 months
actually, y'know, idek when was the last time I talked about ygo abridged
like if I happen to be on tumblr when an ep comes out I'm like *O* and I'll post about it cause to me tumblr was always a "get your feelings out in the moment" site so in those moments I'm like aaaah new ep!
but never like talk talked about it, last time would be over 10 years ago defo
honestly? its special to me. Ive a great memory but I defo struggle with this not knowing the order, so it was either a) I decided to finally watch AN ANIME for the first time ever and put on inuyasha, THEN got curious about returning to yugioh and discovered season 0 and THEN watched the abridged or b) I randomly remembered I'd never seen the end of ygo and so looked up amvs of it on youtube thus discovering ygo season 0 came first and then found the abridged through that and THEN realised I wanted to welcome anime into my life and so I started Inuyasha and sooooo on down I went, the anime road from then on
so, ygo abridged is at the beginning of that journey
at that time in my life, I was heavily struggling with ocd. and I was ditching school a lot. if I wasn't hiding in the town library for 6 hours, I was at a friends who decided to ditch with me. I had my two reliables. and we always watched the abridged together. quoted it non-stop. eventually I was dating a lad for a month, and when we broke up (he had the same friends as me), HE started quoting the abridged with them as well cause they showed it to him. made me MAD! lmao
it was also something I watched every time we went on a ride to look at houses during the recession in 2009-2010. those long drives. abridged kept me and my brother sane lol
and then cut to being online with online friends, and tumblr, we all shared the abridged love with each other.
it was just unfortunate the episodes were rarer at that point but definitely... more frequent than they are now. they were coming out prob around 4.... times a year. maybe? whereas they used to be weekly. so that was a big change.
and now they're once a year. you're lucky if there's 2.
but here's the thing.
yeah its a parody. but idk... the fact that you can just pick up where you left off every time and not be a confused mess makes me happy. the fact that the characters are so distinctive and you never forget their personality traits is amazing to me.
I'm just proud of LK bc he could have dropped it a long time ago. I've seen youtube channels have their hype years and then fans disappear CONSTANTLY. video views going from 2.5 mill to maybe 30k. it happens.
but a good chunk of people who have been watching the abridged now for 15 years now or more still get excited when a new once a year ep drops. you just pick it up, have a giggle fest, wipe away a tear and then move on. never sitting there in anticipation for the next cause you know it'll be a while. just... happy to go on youtube and see one randomly there on a random day when you're not looking for it.
it fills me with joy.
my ONLY con here is that, bruh, season 5 to me is the best ygo arc. I been wanting to see that shit abridged for soooooooooo fucking long. there's so many scenes that I wanna know what he does with. I want to see Bakura without Marik, cause LK's flaw with Bakura was that he knew how to write Marik on his own but not Bakura on his own. so I wanna see that more. I wanna see what he does with Set and Kisara, what direction he goes. I love Joey's ghost moments in the main show so I I'm hyped for that.
the sad thing about it is being hyped for something I prob wont see till.......................... 2028? 2030?
but I'll still be watching. if he makes it that far anyway <3
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eldritchsurveys · 4 months
What was the highlight of your day? >> Sparrow made me a ginger bok choy soup and I don't know if this will give me cramps later but at least I got to eat something that actually tastes good.
Do you know anyone who is anorexic? >> I used to, but I don't think anyone I currently know is anorexic. Are you dating the person you texted last? . Who has hurt you the most this year? .
What's the last insult someone said to you? .
Was it a boy or a girl to text you last? . Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? >> I don't. Maybe if the storm that's currently rolling in is a good one I'll go out to the stoop to watch it, but otherwise I'm fine here in my room. Have you ever given up on someone for good? >> Sure.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? .
How much did your car cost? .
Will you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in 6 months? . Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? .
When was the last time you hugged someone? .
What is the last picture you received on your phone of? .
Are you better at remembering names or faces? >> I can remember both fairly easily.
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? >> I have.
Have you ever let someone go because you thought they deserved better? >> I have not done this. Who did you last share a taxi with? >> Sparrow, I assume.
Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? >> There is not. What do you hear right now? >> Thunder rolling, my typing, Sparrow talking to the cat because he is afraid of storms or whatever. Do you remember the first time you met the last person you kissed? .
Do you like polka-dotted things? >> I don't.
Do you do anything to help the environment? >> I... don't? Like, how do I answer this, lol. My little old existence isn't hurting ~the environment~ in the first place. What do you think of people who complain about Valentine's Day? >> I don't think anything specific about them. I generally assume when people complain a lot about V-Day, they're actually upset about something else (loneliness, dredged-up heartbreak, social pressure, the oppressive weight of amanormativity, whatever) and V-Day is just an easy target for their angst. Have you ever had to get stitches? >> I have.
When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong? .
What was the last thing you wore that was black? >> I'm wearing a black undershirt right now.
Is your tongue pierced? >> It is not. Do you think that you have a pretty smile? >> I do!
What month were you born in? >> May.
When's the last time you cried over a guy? .
Are you keeping a secret that would shock people if they found out? .
What pissed you off yesterday? >> Being hungry and not being able to do anything about it. The person you like at the moment finds someone new, what is your reaction? . Are you scared to lose the person you fell the hardest for? .
Has anyone seen you in your underwear this month? >> Sure, multiple times. Is your life falling apart or coming together? >> Neither? Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now? .
Do you know anyone in the army? >> I do not. Wait, Sparrow's brother-in-law is in some military branch or another but I don't recall which one. Do you have any friends that actually model? >> I do not.
If you could go back in time and change something, would you? . Do you care about the last person you kissed? .
Do they care about you? .
Are you for or against gay marriage? >> lmao remember when like every fucking survey had this question on it Ever kissed someone whose name started with A, B, C, & D? >> Oh, I don't remember. Is there someone you wish you were with right now? . Do you still talk to the person you liked 3 months ago? .
When do you want to get married? >> I got married in 2019.
Do you know anyone who’s committed suicide? >> I do not.
Have you ever imagined how it would feel kissing a certain someone? .
Would you fall apart if that last person you kissed died? .
Is there anyone who doesn't like you? >> I'm sure there is.
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? .
What was the last thing you cried about? >> Being frustrated about not being able to just eat normally.
Do you have nice eyes? >> I sure do.
What are the bad things you've heard people say about you? >> I only remember this sort of thing when I'm in flashback and I'm certainly not trying to be in one now.
Is there anyone that is jealous of you or anything that you have? >> I don't know, man. People aren't usually that transparent and frank about how they feel about other people.
How many true friends do you have? .
Does anyone disgust you? >> I've been disgusted by people, sure, but they aren't people I have to deal with or anything.
Do you flirt a lot? >> I don't flirt at all. Have you ever caught a friend cheating on their bf/gf? >> I have not.
What phrase or saying do you use the most? >> I have no idea. I say a lot of things frequently, as I'm sure most people do.
What mood are you in right now? >> Eh. Neutral, I guess.
Have you ever kissed someone that was high? >> Many times. Are you waiting for anything? >> I am not.
Do you have a good relationship with your mother? .
Do you think Jersey people are annoying? >> I was born and raised in New Jersey and I still have no idea what the hell this means. People in general are annoying, lmao, that's not a state-specific thing.
How many exes do you have? >> Enough.
Did anyone break up with you in the last 5 days? >> No.
Who was the last person that broke your heart? . Do you love anyone? .
Do you want to be single or with someone? >> I would love to be in an intimate emotionally-connected relationship with someone, but I still have no idea how that's supposed to happen. What song are you listening to right now? .
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? .
Does your mom think you’re a virgin? .
Is there someone that wants you to give them a second chance? .
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? . Would you rather get high or have sex right now? >> por que no los dos (they go very well together) Do you know anyone with a star tattoo right by their hip bone? >> I do not.
Did anyone give you anything last Valentine's Day? >> No. Do you keep condoms in your room? >> I do not.
What do you think about people who party a lot? >> What is there to think? I'm glad they're enjoying themselves, unless they're not, in which case I hope they figure that out and find something that they do enjoy. Have you ever been caught sneaking out of your house? >> No.
How much time do you spend on AIM a day? >> well, that's this survey carbon-dated, innit Is there a secret you've never told your parents? . Ever kissed someone over 30? >> lmao
What size bra do you wear? >> I don't remember. 34D or something like that Does the person you last kissed still like you? . Are your parents still together? . Was your first time good or bad? >> Entirely unremarkable.
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whatqueen-wildcats · 2 years
Answer the evens for the music ask 🤪
Here u go finally hahaha
2: A song you like with a number in the title
6/10 - dodie
4: A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
Sweater weather - the neighborhood
6: A song that makes you want to dance
Beyoncé RENAISSANCE, just all of it lol listened to it a lot this past summer
8: A song about drugs or alcohol
Idk uhh Juice - Lizzo also a very dance-able choice
10: A song that makes you sad
Wolves - Jensen McRae
Don't think I've ever heard this song without crying
12: A song from your preteen years
Stars - Switchfoot (any early sf qualifies tbh, but got to dance and scream to this one live last year with a couple of fellow ex-youth group queers in one of the weirdest and most healing concert experiences I've had yet lmao)
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
I Wanna Dance with Somebody - Whitney Houston haha every time I hear this song I just picture the reception dancing and singing along with a room full of people I love and my brand new spouse and it being such a moment of joy
I don't have super significant ones I want for ceremony or first dance or whatever cause i feel that's very dependent on the relationship, but this tune is a Must at some point on the dance floor
16: One of your favorite classical songs
Mmmm idk which individual piece would be my fave but i do love to listen to Chopin (To be a bit pedantic, he's a Romantic period composer, not properly Classical period, but in the Colloquial Sense of Classical it counts 🤣)
18: A song from the year that you were born
*hastily googles songs released in 1994*
Basket Case - Green Day
Very strong memories of hearing it for the first time about 10 years after its release from my cousins shiny new mp3 player and being SUPER jealous
20: A song that has many meanings to you
Twenties - Semler
Always a bit of a mindfuck to listen to honestly -- lmao press X to skip this monolog but please do listen to the song, it's excellent.
cause I so easily could have (and indeed for most of my life thought I was going to) follow the path of the ex-friend in the song, the good Christian girl just looking for any nice guy to settle down with and meet all those traditional expectations... it's what I thought I wanted. I'm sure if the first boy I wound up dating had actually been a good person and didn't fully shatter my entire already-fragile sense of self, I would've stayed on that path for decades and a couple of kids before even getting close to figuring out why I was so miserable. It's all I knew. And I think of all the people I know who did take that path, the friends i grew up with and no longer speak to... the repetition of the line "how long will you live until your life is your own?" I think of my mother and grandmothers. I hope they're all happier than I would have been had I stayed. I think of all the ways I still people please, and think with gratitude for all the ways I no longer do. I could go on but I won't lol.
22: A song that moves you forward
Idk what exactly this is even supposed to mean? Like, motivates me? Gives me hope? Who knows but youre getting
City - Thao & The Get Down Stay Down
24: A song by a band you wish were still together
tbh I can't think of one? I'm sure there are some, but several that I would've said a few years ago have either come back already or I no longer care for them lol. And of course there's plenty of Before My Time bands that would've been cool to be around for but feel like that's not the point of this question.
Idk, what keeps coming to mind is Foo Fighters - they aren't actually broken up but Taylor Hawkins, their drummer, passed suddenly last year. For the song I'll pick "But, Honestly"
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
So maaannyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ughgh
If We Were Vampires - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
Makes me absolutely SICK that I haven't met the love of my life yet and every day that passes is one less that I get to spend with them in this mortal existence 😫
Addendum: I've taken so long to finish answering these that I've found a new answer in the meantime that I'd like to share, Kevin Atwater, several of his songs apply, but going with My Blood is Your Blood *foaming at the mouth*
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Probably the best and most ENCHANTING voice I've had the joy of getting to hear live so far in my life is Florence Welch of F+TM, I'll pick the song Cassandra
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
Okay this would be SO EASY but i really don't wanna pick a sad or self-deprecating song. Those have their time and place but I'm practicing them not being my default lol.
Gonna answer with one that, maybe doesn't exactly *remind* me of myself? but helps me embrace myself: Hit or Miss - Odetta
Thank you, as always, for facilitating my long-winded nonsense! 💖
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#apparently his manager (i think tom since i haven’t seen jeff i think) was being v observant with the staff so she couldn’t say anything
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If you believe that guy is Superman
They’re selling tickets at the cinema
This is petty. He's basically saying "you're living a fantasy if you think this guy can give you everything". Like, if you think this guy is so great, you're living in a movie bc that isn't reality, you might as well just get tickets to the cinema then. It's also such a Louis insult.
784 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
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About fans outside Louis' show in Dallas - Feb 1 2022
826 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Pure facts on DWD:
Here's my opinion. Actually, we can start with facts:
I don't wanna see this movie. I'm tired of hearing about this movie. Everything I've learned about this movie has been against my will. It's been 2 years of pre-release fatigue. I'm tired of the PR stunts, I'm tired of the obvious photo ops, I'm tired of the press leaks, I'm tired of the on set leaks, I'm tired of the "anonymous sources", I'm tired of all of it. Any interest I might've had in this movie doesn't exist anymore.
This film went into production in 2020 during a time when every single studio was panicked and desperate to figure out how they were gonna survive the pandemic. With theaters being closed, everything shut down, them losing money to streaming services. And the PR campaign for this film, which started during casting, is a direct reflection of that [studios being panicked].
Again, the budget is small, it's a $20 million dollar budget, it's not a ton of money in movie-money, and they're obviously supplementing that small budget with a never-ending PR campaign to make up for it. (edit: it went over budget to 30-40M! All the more reason for the excessive PR).
On to my opinion:
1 - Harry and Olivia are obviously in a PR relationship.
2 - The movie is not gonna do well. It's gonna tank.
3 - Florence comes off looking great. I don't know her that well, I've seen her in a few movies, she's not my generation, but whenever I see her mentioned, whether she's being slighted or supported in the PR campaign, I think she comes off looking fine. Love that she's also pretty silent in terms of press. This film wrapped a year ago (edit: it was 2 years ago) and she's probably moved on to better things at this point, and will probably just do her minimal press, which is fine. She, despite being the lead actress of this film, does not have as much at stake as the stunt queens, Harry and Olivia do.
4 - General opinion on Olivia Wilde: I'm more the same age. I remember back when she was just a rich girl socialite in NY. I love that she's into acting and into directing. But, I know she directed this film....I dated a director one time, and when his film went into post-production I didn't see that man for months because he was locked in an editing bay and would not come out for air. This chick [Olivia] was on tour with Harry Styles 2 months after production wrapped, I don't know how that worked. (edit: it was 6 months but she still fucked off to England the day after production wrapped, and the film needed extensive edits and was delayed so yeah...she was not "directing" anything really). Also, as a director she is behind the camera role, but her PR team are dead set on over-saturating her in media as the face of this title. Even putting her out more so than the actual actors in the film. Which is weird. There's a word for it, I can't figure it out (edit: I can, it's narcissism. You're welcome.). She's all up in the video, all up in the studio, all up in the radio...it's like...just say this is your vanity project and move on.
5 - Harry Styles: there is no way in god's green earth that a role that Shia Labeouf was cast in could be back-filled by Harry Styles. Harry Styles is youth marketing - that is simply it.
6 - Shia Labeouf is right. I'm sure that when Shia quit this film the studio was desperate and panicked, and went into a tailspin and said 'figure out a way to save it or we're pulling the plug'. And just like Shia has a video of Olivia begging him to stay, I'm sure Harry has a video of Olivia begging him to join this film.
895 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
You give and give
until it’s gone away
Oh, hello there shady anon. Are you the same one who sent me the As It Was lyrics before it dropped?
I swear if these are real lyrics in his new single....I bet these are in the 'Late Night' song, the one with the bed in London...is this about his public narrative and speculation..... :)
Also, let the record show I got it this morning:
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Shall we find out on Apr 15th?
950 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
sound on
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994 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
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