#and to do it 5 or 6 times in a quarter was absolutely a blast
hrefna-the-raven · 3 months
Heart of Steel
Fallout masterlist - main masterlist
Chapter 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12
Song for this chapter:
Summary: the Brotherhood's final assault and the last time you'll see your son....
Warnings: swearing, death
Notes: this is it, the end of Maxson's redemption story^^ I hope you enjoyed the ride :) the picture for this chapter was made by the wonderfully talented @hpysprkl <3 please check her Fallout art, it's absolutely amazing :)
I'm not 100% satisfied with this chapter but it's been sitting there for so long without changing so here you go, the final chapter :)
Chapter 13 - A new dawn
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The walk along Liberty Prime towards the C.I.T. ruins felt like an agonizing eternity, battling against synths and mutants while the robot spewed one absurd statement after another.
"Democracy is non-negotiable.", Prime's static voice reverberated through the towering buildings as it advanced, "we will not fear the Red Menace."
"The nostalgia is real", you chuckled, nudging Maxson who walked beside you, "sounds exactly like the news broadcasts back in my days."
"Embrace Democracy, or you will be eradicated."
"I definitely liked Prime better when it was still silent", the Elder rolled his eyes, though the hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
Every muscle in his body was tense, his eyes frantically scanning his surroundings to spot potential enemies in time. Your destination was mere minutes away and he fell slightly behind, motioning for the knights in power armour to form the first front with the robot. You noticed how on edge Arthur was, a stark contrast to your first mission together back in Fort Strong, but then again neither of you was wearing power armour this time. He wore his usual reinforced battlecoat over his black uniform, holding a massive gatling laser tightly in his hands. His gaze shifted between you and the surroundings, prepared to protect you at any moment if needed. The Institute hadn't deployed many of their synths along the way but the moment you finally reached the C.I.T. ruins, swarms of them teleported in, firing relentlessly at you.
"Obstruction depth: five meters. Composition: sand, gravel and communism. Stand back."
You fell back, making space for the robot to dig or rather blast its way down to the Institute. After the Knights cleared out the last remaining synths and the dust had settled, Arthur's hand quickly found yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze before you descended. As you squeezed through the old run down hallways, disabling the outdated turrets along the way, nausea slowly spread like an all consuming darkness through your entire body, getting worse the closer you got to the part you had seen on your first visit here. Your trembling hand rested on the door while you took quick shaky breaths. You kept reminding yourself that you joined this battle for the good of the people of the Commonwealth but deep down you knew that it was inevitably linked to the death of your son. Regardless of how you'd play this or the choices you made, by the end of the day he'd be dead, his body buried underneath the rubble of the organisation that took and corrupted him. Arthur's hand found yours, pushing the door open along with you. He felt your pain and understood the weight of what awaited you in these halls. He lost his parents, was sent to grow up in a place that meant well but left him scarred, always torn between who he was and who he needed to be but he would do whatever he could to lessen your burden. As soon as the last synth in the mainhall fell to the ground, Proctor Ingram's voice resonated in your comms.
"Paladin, we've located the reactor. It's accessible through the Advanced Systems division. Only... you can't reach it. The security override can only come from the Director's terminal. You'll need to access his quarters."
Her words knocked the air out of your lungs and dizziness shrouded your mind as you stumbled a few steps backwards. You weren't ready to see him again, the sneer etched on his face as he'd realise that his own mother was tearing down his life's work, a betrayal so close and yet so far from the blood that bound them.
"I'll go", Maxson's steady voice broke through your panic, nodding towards you, "Paladin get ready to make your way to the reactor as soon as the door opens."
And with that he disappeared in to the elevator.
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"You've doomed humanity... you know that?", the old man's voice echoed from the corner of the room.
"If anything, I'm saving humanity", Arthur replied dryly.
His gaze shifted to Father and for a moment he felt pity. The person lying there seemed old and weak, time wasted within these sterile walls for the sake of destruction instead of spending what time he had left with his mother, the sole person in this world who truly loved him, who went to great lengths to protect him until she witnessed first-hand that he had become lost, poisoned by the Institute's doctrines.
"Ah she didn't even bother to come here herself but instead sent the Brotherhood. I never thought my mother would be so cowardly", Father spat, his voice laced with arrogance.
Arthur took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, gathering every ounce of strength to resist the overwhelming urge to strangle your son with his own hands. The way he spoke about you, the hatred and air of hubris that emanated from him, it became all too clear why you returned so broken from your first visit here.
"She's not cowardly!", his voice trembled, "she had to go through more than you could ever comprehend to save you, only to find out that you toyed with her, that she was nothing more than an experiment for you. From all I've seen, it's clear that you have even less emotions than the machines you create. I always thought the Institute created monsters, but she showed me the truth, it's not the synth, it's you, you're the monster!"
"How dare you low-life wannabe soldier talk to me like that?! I'm her family!", Father screamed through his coughs.
"No!", Arthur slammed his fists on the side of Father's bed, "I AM her family now! You heartless monstrosity can't even begin to comprehend what she means to me! To you, she is nothing more than a mere tool, but to me, she is everything, my world!"
Father's hollow laughter echoed through the chamber. He laid there, weak and dying and yet he had the audacity to laugh in Arthur's face. Pity rose within Maxson once again, along with a profound sadness. He'd gazed into the very essence of your bright soul, your damned big heart that felt compassion for those he considered mere machines, it was your goodness that had saved him from himself and he was glad that he'd spared you the sight and the words of that despicable man lying in the bed before him. His body tensed painfully at how he yearned to slam his fist into Father's face until the laughter fell silent. Every punch delivered would be in retribution for the pain he had caused you, every tear you had shed because of him, until there was nothing left anymore. His hand rose as clenched fist but just before throwing the punch, he paused. The memories of how you'd stepped between his gun and Danse flooded his mind. It was time to rise above his hatred and prove once again that he was so much more, that he was the man to whom you pledged your loyalty and love to. Arthur stepped away and proceeded towards the terminal on the desk, initiating the process of overriding the lockdown and deactivating the hostile synths. Father's laughter and shouts no longer rang through to him. As Arthur headed towards the door, he cast one last glance back to the dying man.
"You threw your life, your family, away for nothing and now you'll die for nothing", Maxson spoke before leaving the room.
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Planting the bomb in the reactor was a walk in the park once the synth fighters had been disabled. You couldn't wait to get out of this place, leave it all behind and start over, together with Arthur but the moment you entered the room on your way to the relay, your heart sank at the sight of the boy clinging to Ingram. As soon as he spotted you, he darted towards you, relieved that you had finally arrived.
“Mother”, his small arms wrapped tightly around you as you froze in place.
Arthur's eyes widened in shock as he instantly recognised the true nature of the child and who it was meant to imitate.
“I'm not your mother. Whoever told you that was lying.", the pain in your voice revealed the depth of your heartache.
After all you had been through, he had managed to stab your heart one last time by throwing a synth child at you, pretending to be him. Your heart wanted to accept the child, wanted to pretend none of this had happened and simply start over with your little boy at your side, but you knew better. No matter how much you believed synths to be sentient, to be truly alive, this was still not your son and he would never be.
“Why would you say you're not? Don't you love me anymore? ", the boy uttered heartbroken.
You sobbed at his words, the sound of them almost too much to bear as they sounded sincere, despite knowing it better. Arthur tenderly held your face, placing a gentle kiss upon your lips before whispering softly into your ear.
"If you truly want this, take him. I'll keep both of you safe, my love."
Your heart ached at his words, torn between the profound sadness of leaving the boy here and the desperate desire to have your child back but no matter how you reasoned with yourself, this synth child, was a creation of a broken world, a last way of Shaun to hurt you, and was not yours to keep. His existence was a painful reminder of the past, a past you had fought to leave behind to finally be free of that sadness.
“I loved my son... my real son. You're not him. I'm sorry", you sobbed as you took Arthur's hand and walked towards the relay, ordering Ingram to teleport you out of the Institute.
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You still thought back at the moment where your trembling hand hovered above the button, hesitant, afraid. When you closed your eyes, you could still feel the breeze on top the building you were standing, Maxson's fingers intertwining with yours as he whispered into your ear. The words he spoke that moment felt so different from the first speech on the observation deck. He had changed, not entirely but enough to recognise the heart beating within his chest. You enlisted under the Elder who vowed to eliminate every synth and by the end of your mission, you were engaged to Arthur, who would have granted you a life with the synth version of your son. The only problem was that you had changed too. Your heart broke the moment you met Shaun again, realising that your baby died back then along with your husband, the man who he was now was nothing like you, his arrogance mocking your very existence. And while you sometimes wondered whether you should have given into the pain and lie of raising that synth child, the certainty of your decision always came around to reassure you. You lost your family, your old life, the world you lived in, but you gained a husband you truly connected to, a new family, not made out of blood but the bonds you forged along the way and you had a new life in a new world you'd help to shape for the better. You were right where you wanted to be and no memories of that fateful day six months ago could sow doubts.
Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Hancock's infectious laughter. He leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Well, I guess we can all be honoured that the great Elder of the Brotherhood is sitting here without shooting any of us", he said, chuckling, "but that still won't change the fact that he lost this round, so off with those clothes!"
"But-", Arthur groaned in protest, slamming his cards on the table.
"Don't be a sore loser", MacCready chimed in, taking another sip from his glass, "I'm half naked too, that's the price you gotta pay when you play against a cheating mayor."
"Hey, not my fault that you all suck at poker. Ain't that right?", Hancock nudged you in the side, a mischievous smirk on his face.
Your hand gently caressed Arthur's thigh as you offered him a supportive smile.
"I call tactical retreat", Maxson threw his hands up and got off his chair, standing there in only his briefs and one sock, "besides I don't want to upset the ghoul."
"Oh afraid I'll go feral?", he winked.
Arthur rolled his eyes and sat down again, taking a sip from his drink.
"I told you not to play", Danse shrugged.
"Yeah, got him yesterday, his little friend Haylen got all flustered."
"You and scribe Haylen?!", Maxson called out, looking sceptically at Danse who only nodded, blushing slightly.
"Leave him alone and bear your defeat like a man by taking that sock off...or the underpants, I don't care", Hancock winked at Arthur.
You almost burst into laughter, ignoring your husband's angry stare. You knew that this outrage was simply a play, a constant banter between him and the mayor, since the day of the first of your monthly poker games. You felt at peace, with your life, your love right next you, loosing to a cheating ghoul. You always wondered how someone as sharp as Arthur could not notice that Hancock obviously played cards that shouldn't have been in the deck so many times. But then again, as you watched him fling his last sock straight into the ghoul's face, bursting into laughter, a suspicion arose within you that he might have actually noticed it. He was among friends, away from the Brotherhood, he wouldn't need to beat anyone, he would only enjoy the company and have fun. Maybe, if those two were able to bond despite their differences and ideas then there was still hope in the midst of this chaotic world.
It was one of the many nights that would forever be etched in your memory, a testament to the bonds of friendship and the resilience of the human spirit despite the hostility around. And as you left the room, you couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited you in this unpredictable world that now was your home....
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codylabs · 3 years
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Knight Sabers!
But redesigned to use technology from my universe!
Apparently my universe has infinitely-sharp swords and razor wire now!
Okay, so by 'redesign' I mean essentially just repainting the Class-5 Berserker Frame from my own universe. The C-5 was already fully interchangeable from the elbows and ankles down, and has hardpoints for specialized equipment on the knees, shoulders, and helmet, so this little exercise was as simple as researching cool weapons, then pausing and screenshotting the anime to get the colors right, because I'm naturally garbage at colors and prefer to trust a computer.
Bubblegum Crisis was a big inspiration for the C-5 in the first place, especially on the character-customizable side, so this was a blast.
For info on the C-5's general mechanical design, including what those ankles are for and how the operator gets in and out, go to the original post where I designed it, linked above.
Anyway, I gave each character the weapons and tools that either best match their original loadout, or best match their needs and fighting style if the originals were deemed unrealistic. All together, their equipment is suitable for taking out heavily-armored, slower-moving targets in urban environments, while maintaining a short-range tactical network within the squad.
In order of protaganosity,
Priss, the blue one:
Equipped for close-quarters combat. The large clamps are much stronger and better suited for grappling and crushing than the ordinary waldoes, but their musculature system doesn't leave any room in the gauntlets for integrated machine guns like Nene and Linna have. The claws do have a couple fingers that can unfold off their tops, so she isn't completely incapable of fine dexterity.
Each gauntlet externally mounts a short-barrelled 30mm-calliber cannon, which fires high-powered tungsten-carbide discarding-sabot kinetic perpetrators. The short barrel makes these inaccurate at range, but the high speed, high mass, and low cross section of the rounds make them ideal for piercing armor from mid-range or close range. These replace the weird glowing spears that she shoots in the show. They are essentially just non-glowing spears that travel a lot faster and are MUCH louder. Each magazine holds 6.
Knees are each mounted with a single-use high-explosive anti-tank shaped charge designed to blast a gap in an armor plate, then release another blast through the gap, in a two-stage detonation. Vents in the knee plate prevent armor or operator from being damaged by the kick-back, though the knee plate itself is often destroyed.
Priss being the most reckless and close-quarters combatant of the bunch, her helmet is largest and most tanky; it contain extra padding and armor against blunt force impacts, a minimized sensor suite consisting of a pair of night-vision-capable armored cameras, and the non-retractable variety of communications antennae, and an external speaker so she can yell at cops or something.
She elected against armored skirt plating on the grounds that it looked girly, which leaves a vulnerability in the upper thighs, where a large area of light joint ribbing is exposed. Shouldn't be a huge issue as long as she stays too close for machine guns to target. As you may guess, Priss gets hurt a lot, and no redesign will change that.
Sylia, the silver (mint?) one
Equipped for precision strikes and rapid movement. Her gauntlets, aside from the standard waldos, prominently feature a pair of short swords. Their blades contain neutron-froth graphene, a highly expensive material over 10,000 times stronger than steel, and only 2,000 times as heavy; it only exists in a very thin strip on the leading edge, but is hard enough to maintain a monomolecular sharpness. The rest of the gauntlets are occupied by the muscle systems needed to swing and align the sword, and the pumping system needed to maintain the cold temperature needed to stabilize the neutron froth, and so she doesn't carry machine guns either.
Externally mounts the same kinetic perpetrator launchers as Priss, but with 3-round magazines instead of 6, both to save on weight, and because she doesn't use them nearly as liberally.
Knees and shoulders contain compact gravity dynamos for increased maneuverability. On extended discharge they can allow for limited flight, and on fast discharge can provide a powerful "boost" in any direction, vastly increasing the ability to strike, retreat, strafe, or jump. I know gravity dynamos are pretty out-of-left-field, but they're a thing in my universe ever since exotic mass was discovered on planet Hephaestus.
Sylia's helmet is fairly standard, with comm antennae that can retract during maneuvers, and a sensor suite that can be swapped out depending on mission specifics or how fabulous she feels like being.
Not quite sold on her paint job here. Anyway,
Nene, the pink one
Equipped for fire support and electronic warfare. Gauntlets contain the standard waldo and machine gun loadout, as well as extra feelers and data ports for interfacing with computer systems. I don't know why I drew a little screen folding out of the gauntlet, that doesn't make a lot of sense when you have a HUD, but it looked nice. Speaking of looking nice, the shoulder joints of the C-5 suit actually cannot physically bend into the position that Nene's arms are in right here. So that's some disappointing.
The suit mounts no heavy weapons, but is accompanied by a pair of gravity-propelled escort drones. They normally act in a strictly observational role, but can ram and self destruct with a high-powered shaped charge if needed, which is nice.
The suit is meant to serve as the nerve center of the knights' tactical network. A large suite of antennae extend the range of its comm systems, allowing it to connect with friendly systems at distance, as well as listen in on enemy signals, or jam them completely. A powerful onboard computer handles decryption and data processing from enemy signals.
Those knee pads are smoke grenade and flare launchers. It seemed like a nice thing to have.
Helmet speaks for itself. It contains a vast sensor suite, allowing her to see in perfect dark, use infrared thermal imaging, 'hear' electrical activity, measure radiation sources, and even detect trace chemicals in the air and stream in 4k until Sylia told her to stop.
The first drones were named Sneezy and Sleepy, these two are Happy and doc. Whenever one gets destroyed she names its replacement after the next dwarf. Someday she'll run out of dwarves and will have to resort to pacman ghosts or bionicles.
Linna, the green one
Equipped for high-powered, hit-or-miss type attacks, and high mobility. Linna is their most nimble and physically intuitive operator, so they have her be first to try out any exotic or experimental equipment. If it's any use, she would be the one best suited to find that use, and if not, she would be best suited to get out of dodge.
Gauntlets, as mounted here, are a standard waldo/machine gun unit on her left, and high-explosive anti-tank ram on the right, which uses the same 'rounds' as Priss's knees. Her right gauntlet is the only arm on any of the four to completely lack fingers, so that's amusing. Maybe I could fit a little claw or something but I forgot.
Knees and shoulders mount gravity dynamos for extra mobility, same as Sylia. To decrease weight and increase bodily control, she went so far as to forgo the armored skirt, same as Priss did.
And of course the fancy whip things. They're composed of the same neutron-froth graphene as Sylia's swords, but in the form of micron-diameter razor wire, which would be able to slice through light armor in broader strokes and greater range than a sword. At such a tiny thickness even NFG wears through quickly, so the suit contains spools to replenish it. Although I drew the wires as black lines here, they would be thinner than a human hair, and quite nearly invisible in person, so it would be down to the operator's skill and intuition to keep track of where they actually are, and to keep from getting hurt by them. Speaking of, in the show the whips come out of her HELMET, which (although I appreciate the Sailor Moon pigtail aesthetic) makes absolutely zero sense, would be nearly uncontrollable, hard to swing with any power, and, more to the point, absurdly dangerous. Mounting these whips externally on the gauntlets seemed more effective and responsible. They can roll up and retract when not in use.
So yeaah
This was done as a request for @mechanicalinertia I think, but not actually, because I wanted to draw it too anyway, they just reminded me.
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czytling · 4 years
A small idea of fic that came to me when reading @jackdaw-kraai 's fantastic #Guides, in particular the newest instalment. Thank you, Jack, for all the marvelous fun you provide us on weekly basis. (And tears, and angst, and feels). You are amazing.
The fic is set in series, running more or less parallel to first chapters of installment 3, up until to and including the 5th chapter of the "How to design your own prosthesis and turn the project into a bonding experience". Honestly, most ideas are either @jackdaw-kraai 's or from some of the asks on their tumbrl profile, I just played with them a bit.
I hope this does not offend you @jackdaw-kraai , or anyone else who created the headcanons, if you want me to put the post down or add acknowledgements, or anything, PM me and I will.
How not to assasinate Head Engineer Luke Lars (for neither fun, nor profit)
1. Do not, under no circumstamces, accept the bounty on his head. You will fail.
2. If you absolutely must accept the job of assasinating Luke Lars, for example if your head is on the line, flee the known galaxy instead. Believe me, you will be safer this way.
3. If fleeing is not a choice, do not set yourself unobtainable deadlines. Like, for example, three days since his return from Imperial centre.
4. Do not underestimate the safety of the Executor. You will find no way to sneak into Head Engineer's quarters while he sleeps.
5. Do not underestimate the staff of the Executor. They will do everything they can to stop any and all individuals from harming their Engineer. They will kill the offenders with all prejudice. For some reason, they consider him as important as their lives, as if they had a huge chance of dying if he were injured. Who would have thought?
6. Do not underestimate Head Engineer Luke Lars. He will not behave as expected. He will not follow his own schedule. Your perfectly set trap will not catch him, because this once he will use a completely different door than he did for all his stay on the Lady.
7. Do not expect to ‘accidentaly' shoot Lars in the hallways. He moves like ghost. He just appears out of thin air whenever he is needed.
8. Do not try to stop the air ventilation to his quarters, so that he is smothered in sleep. He will go into vents and repair it before it even starts making problems. And then overhaul the whole system, just in case.
9. Do not try to make Lord Vader angry with Lars. He will not kill him, but your neck WILL be on the line.
10. Do not add the Black Pepper, one of the most deadly poisons to his food. Oh, he will eat it, no doubt. But, for some reason, it will not kill him. And he will complement the seasoning and ask for more. (Sic.)
11. Do not try to sabotage the only way down from the three floors high construction site Lars is working at the top of. Instead of going down (and having a deadly accident like a normal person) he will just JUMP three stores down when he thinks no-one is looking. And he will be perfectly fine afterwards.
12. Do not mess with the heating system to make his room boiling hot. He will thank you, and everyone he meets, and coo over to everyone he meets about „How finally his quarters are decently warm”.
13. Do not suggest humanely impossible stunts to Luke and do not try to convince them to try them. He will succeed. He will break the plane of possible things to do by humanoids. He will do it in such a way it seems simple and easily doable by anyone. You will not be able to say anything to anyone for fear of them either considering you insane or realising you were trying to hurt Lars (bad idea, refer to point 5)
14. Do not expect Lars to have realised there were assassination attempts on his person. Apparently everything you can think of is normal, nearly daily occurrence where he comes from. Or alternatively, he will consider them favours done for him. Honestly.
15. Do put some holes into container of 3D painter dust. Make it inconspicuous. Maybe he will not realise in time and get caught in the blast. Even if there is no way to do this in such a way you will stay anonymous (or alive for that matter, not for long). When you took the job, your life was forfeit anyways. At least you will take your target with you.
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #157
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making Emiya Alter! No, not that one, the one they gave a really dumb nickname to.
Anyway, Demiya is a Vengeance Paladin to take down anyone who would threaten humanity (and protect himself from mind control nonsense) as well as a Hexblade Warlock to project whatever blades he might need straight into enemies. I know he made the deal with Alaya, but it made him good with swords, so it’s probably fine.
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: Man’s worst nightmare
Race and Background
Despite your arguments to the contrary, you’re still a Human, giving you +1 Strength and +1 Dexterity. You also get proficiency in Insight to be a better investigator, and the Fighting Initiate feat, because paladins don’t get the Archery fighting style normally. This gives you +2 on ranged weapon attacks.
What was it that turned you to the path of Alterness? Whatever it was, it made you a Haunted One, giving you proficiency with Investigation and Arcana, as well as a healthy hatred for anything Kiara-based.
Ability Scores
You’re good with guns and small swords, plus you fight shirtless, so make sure your Dexterity is as high as possible. Second is going to be Charisma. You’re a pretty scary guy, we need it for multiclassing,and it’ll help you shoot good later. Your Wisdom is also pretty good, thanks to your built-in mental protection. You’re too affected by your Alterfication to get affected by anything else. Your Strength isn’t that bad, you do use melee weapons too at times and we also need it for multiclassing, but your Constitution is rather low. Kintsugi is very pretty, but it’s not a great way to build a person. Finally, we’re dumping Intelligence. It’s less that you’re dumb, more that you just absolutely don’t care about stuff enough to get scholarly on most subjects.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: Paladins get better hit dice and the martial weapons we need for that Fighting Initiate we got, so we’re kinda stuck starting there. First level paladins get proficiency with Wisdom and Charisma saves, as well as two paladin skills. Intimidation is pretty self-explanatory, but you also get Athletics. Look, you’ve got pretty good abs, they had to come from somewhere.
You also get a Divine Sense, letting you sense threats to humanity nearby, and Lay on Hands for a bit of free healthcare for you or whoever else you touch. You get 5 hp of healing per paladin level per long rest, and you can use 5 points from that amount to heal a poison or disease.
Yeah, first level isn’t particularly in-character, but it’ll get better later.
2. Paladin 2: Second level paladins get another Fighting Style, so grab Close Quarters Shooter from the underdark UA for sick melee ranged attacks. This negates the disadvantage caused by making a ranged attack near hostiles, your ranged attacks ignore all but full cover, and you get another +1 to ranged attack rolls.
You also learn how to cast an prepare Spells using your Charisma. You can either use your new spell slots for, y’know, spells, or for a Divine Smite to add on extra radiant damage to a melee attack. Ranged attacks in melee range don’t count, sadly.
As far as prepared spells go, Detect Evil and Good can help hunt down baddies, ditto with Protection from Evil and Good. 
3. Paladin 3: At third level, you can at long last devote yourself to Vengeance!, giving you the spells Bane to trip up foes and Hunter’s Mark to stick some serious damage onto your enemies over time. You also get Channel Divinity once per short rest that you can use in two ways.
Abjure Enemy spends an action to force a wisdom save (DC 8+charisma mod+proficiency) or one creature is frightened for up to a minute or until it takes damage. While frightened, it can’t move. On a success, the creature’s speed is halved for a minute or until it takes damage.
Alternatively, you can swear a Vow of Enmity as a bonus action, giving you advantage on attacks against a nearby creature for a minute or until it hits 0 hp.
You also get Divine Health, making you immune to disease. Like half your body is gold, it’s not like sniffles are a big concern at this point.
4. Paladin 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab the Crossbow Expert feat. There’s a lot of overlap with Close Range Shooter, but you can now attack multiple times per turn with a crossbow, and you can use your bonus action to attack with a hand crossbow if you attack with a one-handed weapon with your main action. Unfortunately, that’s the one kind of crossbow that won’t work with warlocks, but for now it’s fine.
5. Paladin 5: Fifth level paladins get an Extra Attack, letting you attack twice per turn anyway! Making great use of feat you just got.
You also learn second level spells! Your freebies are Hold Person and Misty Step. Admittedly neither are really in character for you, but if you want to power game Hold Person gives you guaranteed critical hits on the held person, which is super busted when combined with your smites. Food for thought.
Otherwise you can use Magic Weapon and other smites to make normal swords into fancy magic swords.
6. Warlock 1: Bouncing over to warlock for a bit puts you in a pact with an even fancier magic weapon: a Hexblade. You might not have a soul any more, but you do have a Hexblade’s Curse, which you can put on one unlucky bastard as a bonus action once per short rest. The target’s cursed for 1 minute, during which: You add your proficiency to damage against the target, crit on 19s, and you gain HP equal to your warlock level+your charisma modifier when they die.
You also become a Hex Warrior, turning one non-two handed weapon into a charisma based weapon instead of dexterity or strength. You can also use this on any kind of weapon made with your pact weapon feature later.
Finally, you get Pact Magic, which is pretty similar to your old magic except it recharges on short rests instead of long ones. While the spell slots don’t blend like other multiclassing builds, you can use warlock slots to cast paladin spells and vice versa.
Speaking of warlock spells, you get Eldritch Blast to summon gunfire and Sword Burst to summon swords right into people. You also get Cause Fear because that’s most people’s natural reaction to you and Expeditious Retreat to stay in archery range. Just because you can fight in melee range doesn’t mean you should.
7. Warlock 2: Second level warlocks get Eldritch Invocations. Like usual, we’re saving one for level three, but you still get Armor of Shadows now for free Mage Armor on yourself. Now you can finally rip your shirt off and make Kintoki jealous!
You also learn Comprehend Languages. Alaya probably wouldn’t drop you off in someplace without giving you the language to get around, right? Right?
8. Warlock 3: Your pact boon, as you can probably guess, is the Pact of the Blade, letting you summon pretty much any melee weapon you could want as an action. It also counts as magic for overcoming resistance, making the Magic Weapon thing from earlier pointless.
That invocation we were saving becomes Improved Pact Weapon, which expands your pact weapon choices to pretty much any ranged weapon you could want and it gives any weapon you make +1 to attacks and damage.
Honestly there aren’t that many second level spells that I think really fit Emiya as a warlock, but Blur is nice. If you’re going to be nameless, you might as well be faceless too, I guess.
9. Paladin 6: Going back to paladin for a bit lets you create an Aura of Protection, adding your charisma modifier to any save you or allies within 10′ of you make. It’s not an enormous buff, but a +2 is a +2, take what you get.
10. Paladin 7: Seventh level vengeance paladins are Relentless Avengers. When you hit a creature with an attack of opportunity, you can move half your speed as part of the reaction an ignore opportunity attacks. Like a lot of paladin goodies, this doesn’t pair well with your guns, but you do have swords as well.
11. Paladin 8: Another ASI at last! Bump up your Charisma for better saves and spells.
12. Warlock 4: Use this ASI to become Tough for an extra 24 HP now and another 2 each level. If you want to get in close, you’d better be able to take a hit. Also, you’re part gold. Sure it’s a soft metal, but it’s still a metal. That’s worth a few HP.
You also learn True Strike because I’m really hoping you’re aiming those things, and Shadow Blade for yet another sword you can summon.
13. Warlock 5: Fifth level warlocks get another invocation and a third level spell. Spirit Shroud makes all your swords a little bit sharper, dealing extra damage to and slowing down creatures in a 10′ radius. You also get Eldritch Smite, which burns through warlock slots to deal extra force damage, and can be used with ranged weapons.
14. Paladin 9: Ninth level paladins also get third level spells, like Haste which adds to your AC, bumps up your speed, and gives you and extra action for the duration. When the spell ends you have to take a turn to chill, but it’s totally worth it. You also get Protection from Energy, which... I mean if someone’s throwing around acid arrows, yeah go for it. Otherwise you can get more smites and Elemental Weapon for more fancy weapons.
15. Paladin 10: Tenth level paladins get an Aura of Courage, preventing allies in it from being frightened. I’d be more worried about charms, but honestly your wisdom save is pretty good at this point.
16. Paladin 11: Your Improved Divine Smite means you can add radiant damage to melee attacks even when you have no spell slots to burn; unfortunately that’s still just melee attacks, not ranged attacks.
17. Paladin 12: At seventeenth level you can finally use this ASI to bump your Charisma up past the point where your dexterity started, meaning your attaks finally get a bit more accurate thanks to being a Hex Warrior. This also bumps up your spell effectiveness and all your saves.
18. Paladin 13: Thirteenth level paladins get fourth level spells, like Banishment and Dimension Door. You also get access to yet another new smite for yet another new sword.
19. Paladin 14: Your last mainline paladin goodie is a Cleansing Touch, spending an action to end a spell affecting yourself or a willing creature charisma mod times per long rest. You’d think this anti-Kiara protection is coming late, but to be honest you probably should be level 20 to take on a Beast of Humanity.
20. Paladin 15: Your capstone level makes you a Soul of Vengeance, letting you make opportunity attacks on a creature affected by your Vow of Enmity if they try to attack anyone. Again, this only affects melee attacks.
Mixing your Hexblade’s Curse and Vow of Enmity together means you’re really good at dealing crits with basically four times the odds of critical attacks each attack compared to your regular fighter. This is especially good for a character that can double smite like you can, dealing serious burst damage easily.
You also deal consistent damage with a +14 to hit and several different ways to stick more damage onto your attacks, like the afforementioned curse, Hunter’s Mark, or Spirit Shroud.
Thanks to your warlock slots recharging on short rests, you can go ham on smites a bit more than most people could, making your Unlimited Lost Works available to you more than other paladins.
You’re a paladin specializing in ranged attacks. Admittedly the only things really making you a ranged fighter are your fighting styles, which can easily be changed, but if you’re playing to character you’ll find it a bit harder to use your paladin features.
Another reason staying at range is a good idea is your Concentration saves are really bad, with a total of +0 and no way to improve them.
Starting as a paladin but then adding in hexblade later means you have something of an awkward beginning, with your first couple ASIs not really contributing much to your character, with those first few mostly making up for your weaknesses rather than playing to your strengths.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: The Top 10 Fight Scenes of 2020 According to YOU!
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  One of the defining features of anime as a medium are the fight scenes. From their diversity of visuals and dramatic staging to their use in narrative development to the off-the-wall powers and techniques their characters employ. Watching weightless CG battles in superhero flicks, it’s hard not to feel like Hollywood is decades behind. Let’s fix that by letting YOU decide who gets some accolades.
  If you’ve read this article’s companion pieces on 2020’s OPs and EDs you know the drill. What follows is a list of the Top 10 fight scenes of 2020 as determined by viewership on the Crunchyroll Collection YouTube channel, weighted at 30 days so anime from earlier in the year don’t get an advantage and to balance flash-in-the-pan popularity vs iconic moments that will continue on in the fandom’s consciousness. It’s not a perfect metric but I’ve gotta say, the results do show some great taste ...
  10. Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? - Ais vs Asterius
    Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? has always been measured with its action, honing its greatest moments into dramatic peaks, so it was great we were able to finish 2020 with not only some of its biggest battles, but Ais finally stepping on the gas for the first time on television since 2017 by battling the legendary minotaur Asterius. Ais didn’t disappoint, as she shouldn’t with her place at the very top of the adventuring world and an unreachable ideal Bell aspires to. Also, opening the fight by shearing off her opponent’s arm may be the most brutal kickoff to a Danmachi fight we’ve seen yet. This battle topped 500k in its first 30 days and I’m confident will make a lasting impression.
  9. Tsugumomo2 - Kazuya vs Kyouka
    Tsugumomo’s second season delivered some absolutely huge battles, but I gotta say I’m surprised the top fight wasn’t Kanaka terrorizing the entire cast of the series with their hunt for blood. That said, Kazuya’s battle against Kyouka had some spectacular effects, a few creative obi adaptations, a divine possession, and a shorted punch to secure the victory so it had all the primary features that make Tsugumomo fights great … And for fans of the series, yes it also had that … This fight drew 600k views in its first 30 days to secure its spot on the list.
  8. A Certain Scientific Railgun T - Level 6 Mikasa vs Touma and Sogiita
    A Certain Magical Index and its various spinoffs have a penchant for going completely off the rails very quickly. This fight in spinoff A Certain Scientific Railgun T is every bit as absurd. Mikasa is pushed into Level 6, giving her godlike power and sending her into a berserk state that only Touma’s magic destroying hand can take down. We also get a guest appearance from one of the series' best side characters in Sogiita whose ability to literally turn guts into power is impossible not to love. 
  Basically, the fight was amazing, Mikasa’s Level 6 form and its absurd power were wonderfully adapted by JC Staff and Touma and Sogiita showed off some amazing combo attacks to prevents the destruction of the city. In particular, Sogiita’s “Super Amazing” punch and princess carrying Touma drew 700k viewers in its first 30 days.
  7. Golden Kamuy - The Stenka
    The most common phrase I hear from Golden Kamuy fans is that the series is underappreciated and, as a Golden Kamuy fan, I’m inclined to agree. This series is so violent, I’m constantly surprised by what it gets away with. I’m hard-pressed to think of another series that has aired in the past five years with the same level of brutality. Basically, I’m saying I’m overjoyed to see Golden Kamuy made the list, even if it's from one of its most tame battles that is simply a no-holds-barred free-for-all where everyone gets their nose broken by a berserk Sugimoto. 
  Might have been the JoJo's reference (not really) but this battle got 700k views in 30 days and just barely beat out Railgun T by ~1k views.
  6. JUJUTSU KAISEN - Gojo vs Sukuna
    Another series I’m unsurprised to see on the list but with an unexpected battle. I would have imagined Gojo’s battle against Jogo might have drawn more attention, or perhaps more recently, Itadori’s battle with Mahito. This clip does make sense after a fashion. It was a breakout moment where MAPPA showed they really meant business adapting JUJUTSU KAISEN and the fight was between two characters that have become fan favorites. 
  Definitely, a defining moment that pulled in double the seventh placer's views at 1.4 million in its first 30 days! Since JUJUTSU KAISEN is still attracting new fans and already topping popularity lists, I imagine it would have been even higher given a bit more time in 2020. Gojo vs Sukuna has continued its upward climb to almost 3 million views, putting it only a few days away from claiming the Number 4 spot in lifetime views. Not bad for an anime in the year's final quarter!
  5. Boruto - Sarada vs Sakura
    BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS has delivered spectacularly animated battles for just about its entire run that prove this anime is no afterthought to the Naruto franchise. Despite a wide selection of quality battles that dropped in 2020, I must admit I knew this one would be at the top. What self-respecting Naruto fan wouldn’t be interested in seeing a less-than-friendly mother/daughter slugfest between Sarada and Sakura? Although theoretically a training match to help Sarada develop her Sharingan, the amount of destruction makes it clear that one wrong move and even Sakura’s medical Jutsu would have trouble putting either of them back together again.
  The Uchiha family battle secured its place with 1.5 million views in its first 30 days. Sarada's family moments, even the ones without fighting, are always winners and Sarada vs Sakura is the third youngest clip on the list so I'm guessing this one is going to withstand the test of time.
  4. One Piece - Zoro vs Hitokiri Kamazo
    One Piece has been on a tear since the beginning of its much-anticipated Wano Kuni arc. Even after delivering a huge battle between Luffy and Katakuri at the end of Whole Cake, there has been a notable bump in the frequency and quality of standout animation in the long-running series, which is great to see since the Wano arc is a series of back-to-back skirmishes that can be elevated by some explosive visuals. 
  No moment this year stands out more in my memory than Zoro’s battle against Hitokiri Kamazo and it seems the fans agree. Zoro borrowing his enemy’s weapon to pull off an amazingly animated Purgatory Onigiri may be one of the coolest sequences in One Piece’s almost 1,000-episode long run. This moment also got 1.5 million views in 30 days, narrowing beating Boruto by about 13k views.
  3. Black Clover - Everyone vs The Devil
    Black Clover has grown as a production to develop a unique visual style for magic-heavy battles and really deliver some hugely impressive battles. It’s ramp up hit a peak in 2019 with the battle between Julius and Licht and it’s been riding high ever since. The top fight of 2020 is an obvious one, as the climactic moment of the series' insanely escalating arc kicked off by Julius and Licht’s battle. It seems like half the cast piled into Hell to take on the unnamed devil and his overpowered word soul magic. To be honest I was surprised the series kept going at all after a moment this climactic (I’m not complaining though).
  The final attack of this battle drew 1.6 million views in its first 30 days and now sits proudly in the Number 2 spot for lifetime views on this list at over 5.5 million!
  2. The God of High School - Jin vs Jaegal
    With its sheer number of lovingly animated battles, The God of High School was a shoo-in for this list and might represent 50 percent or more of its total entries if I hadn’t limited it to one entry per series. Jin vs Jaegal is a natural choice, as the climactic battle of the fast-paced fighting series which delivered on the much-anticipated reveal of Jin Mori’s charyeok. This one really put the god in the high school, jumping far past One Piece to pull 2.1 million views in its first month.
  1. My Hero Academia - Endeavor vs Special Nomu
    My Hero Academia had a huge climactic battle to cap off the winter season, so I gotta say I’m surprised to see it’s the other one that secured the top spot as the Number 1 battle of 2020. Deku vs Overhaul was a huge moment for the series and definitely sits in the upper half of this list, if not the Number 2 spot — but something about Endeavor fighting a Nomu really pulled in a crowd, even putting the clip on YouTube’s trending list. It continues to creep upward at 7.5 million views. One of the most-watched moments of the entire year!
  On reflection moments that show a theoretical power ceiling of a series are always impactful, such as Orochimaru’s battle with Sarutobi or even My Hero Academia’s own battle between All Might and All for One. Endeavor definitely pulled out the guns for this battle to leave an impression before the long wait until the next season ... Or maybe it was just because he said “plus ultra?” Regardless, Endeavor blasted past even the Number 2 spot on this list at 3.7 million views in its first 30 days.
  Those were the best battles of 2020 according to you and, consequently, the last of this series of Top 10 lists. When it comes to fights there’s a lot more to look forward to in 2021. Boruto, Black Clover, and One Piece have all been building toward their current arcs' big conflicts and each seems primed to pull the trigger early next year. If that weren’t enough JUJUTSU KAISEN is about to kick off its school event and MHA is set to make its return.
  That does it for 2020. Hope to see you all at the same time next year.
  If you feel the fandom has missed a great moment, feel free to share it in the comments below!
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      Peter Fobian is an Associate Producer at Crunchyroll, writer for Anime Academy and Anime in America, and an editor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Peter Fobian
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drunkkenobi · 5 years
Catt’s Favorite BuzzFeed Unsolved Episodes
This Friday (March 27, 2020) BuzzFeed Unsolved is going to air its 100th episode! I have no idea if they’ll acknowledge it, but exciting all the same. In celebration of it, and because watching two dummies ghost hunt and talk murder is actually a good use of everyone’s time right now, I’m going to list my Top 10 Supernatural and Top 10 True Crime episodes. (But first, subscribe to Watcher)
BFU Supernatural Top 10
10. The Haunted Quarters of the Dauphine Orleans Hotel - Both New Orleans episodes are a hoot and a half, but I give the edge to the Dauphine because of the bedsharing, the spooky footsteps, “I STOLE THEM OFF A WOMAN WHO DIED ON THE TITANIC”,  and, of course, two ghost bros chillin’ in a jacuzzi tub six inches apart.
9. The Search for the Mysterious Mothman - While this episode is so enjoyable (the pizza, the ogling of the Mothman statue, the Mothman calls, etc.) on its own, I love it so much for introducing Mothman into the BFU mythos. I think about Ryan saying he’d ride Mothman for life almost every day of my own life.
8. The Hunt for La Llorona - The Weeping Woman - Yes, a sponsored episode made my top 10 and it’s because Curly is a goddamn treasure and brought out so much weird chaotic horniness in Ryan. Also they got some spooky spirit box answers at the cemetery.
7. The Subterranean Terrors of the London Tombs - The best Unsolved episodes are when some spooky stuff actually happens (as it does here, with some unexplained noises and a light turning off), but what freaks Ryan out the most is just a very normal haunted maze attraction. Magnifique. 
6. The Mysterious Disappearance of the Roanoke Colony - This one is just so fucking funny. Ryan’s theories getting increasingly bonkers are always a fun staple, but never better than when he gets to drop that “the Roanoke colonists turned into zombies” bomb on Shane who throws Timmy’s ball he’s so mad.
5. The Unbelievable Horrors of the Old City Jail - a newbie, but still worthy of the top 10. Yes, Ryan’s freakout on his solo investigation is what makes this one, but we can’t forget the completely bizarre bellybutton courting and Ryan and Shane’s rap. Nor the way Shane very softly greets Ryan after his freakout.
4. Return to the Horrifying Winchester Mansion - I love the Winchester mansion, it’s a place I’d love to visit someday. (I don’t think it’s all that haunted, I just think it’s neat). The boys return is very fun, especially their overnight stay in separate rooms. Ryan’s running monologue of begging the ghosts to stay away from him (even though he’s there to collect evidence of their existence) is never funnier than here. It also gave us an all-time moment in the Post-Mortem where Ryan admitted that Shane provided him a great deal of comfort.
3. Three Horrifying Cases of Ghosts and Demons - The one that started it all. It remains a favorite (and their most watched) for a reason. The original Winchester ghost hunt and the Island of the Dolls are good enough on their own, but it’s Sallie House that made the show into what we all know and love today. Ryan screaming at a flashlight, Shane laughing at Ryan screaming at a flashlight...that’s it, that’s the show.
2. The Terrors of the Yuma Territorial Prison - “This episode is underrated!!!” she screamed from the rafters. Shane is in a very odd mood in this one, insisting to Ryan that he did hear some strange footsteps (and Ryan doesn’t seem to believe him), he gets into an argument with a possible ghost on the spirit box, “I’m strange and OFF-PUTTING!”, that goofy ass gift shop investigation, and then there’s the bats. It’s a great thrill to see what Shane is like when he’s actually a little freaked out, and it’s, as always, an even greater one to see Ryan reduced to tears.
1. The Demonic Goatman’s Bridge - Is it an obvious #1? Yes. Does that make it any less worthy? No. One of my favorite things about this episode is that Shane’s iconic antagonizing of Goatman happens in the first half of the episode. Then they have to go into the woods and yell about cult stuff and be afraid of real people hanging out in said woods after! The energy started chaotic (”Are you taking off your pants? We’re in public!”) and never stopped from there. An absolute classic and it always, always makes me laugh. 
BFU True Crime Top 10
10. The Historic Disappearance of Louis LePrince - I think season 3 of True Crime is really strong, in general. As a true crime fan, it had a lot of cases I had never heard before and I think they’re all pretty interesting, this one included. I also like that it gave Shane a chance to shit on Thomas Edison. He deserved it.
9. The Odd Vanishing of Amelia Earhart - Like Shane, I do like to imagine Amelia crash landing among the crabs. It’s a good mix of a classic mystery we all know a little about and the boys taking it to the extremes.
8. The Enigmatic Death of the Isdal Woman - One of the best directed episodes of Unsolved (great job Sara), I really enjoy all the flourishes this episode has. Plus, it’s a great mystery. Yeah, she was probably a spy, but that’s only one part of the story. 
7. The Terrifying Axeman of New Orleans - The boys have a lot of fun with this, especially the rumors that the Axeman was somehow supernatural and able to shrink down to enter doors. 
6. The Creepy Murder in Room 1046 - One of those mysteries I had never heard before and I was totally enthralled for this episode because of it. I’ve even heard this on other True Crime programs since then, but Ryan and Shane talking about it is still much more interesting and entertaining to me. This episode did introduce us to the running joke that will not die, Ricky Goldsworth, but it’s helped by the realization that Ryan 100% named his ~evil alter ego after his childhood dog.
5. The Thrilling Gardner Museum Heist - This one holds a special place in my heart because it was the episode that really hooked me on the show. It wasn’t the first I watched (that would be Bobby Mackey’s), but it was the one that interested me enough to keep clicking around on YouTube to keep watching these two cute doofuses. It’s also a very fun mystery since no one dies.
4. The Disturbing Murders at Keddie Cabin - One of the most visually stunning episodes of BFU, the boys trip to the Keddie Cabins is one of the most genuinely unsettling episodes. The rainy day and glances of townspeople watching them poke around the remnants of the cabin where a woman and children were brutally murdered really add to the mood, especially because of the rumors that town and police corruption are why these remain unsolved.
3. The Mysterious Death of the Eight Day Bride - Ah, the polyamorous episode, as I refer to it in my head. It was nice to see them tackle a case that included a possible queer angle and treat that part of it pretty respectfully. It was also nice for Ryan to compare himself to the third wheel of the story when talking about hanging out with Shane and Sara all the time. (this episode also gets a slight boost for having the best Post-Mortem of all time. He would ride Mothman for life, y’all.)
2. The Strange Disappearance of DB Cooper - It’s just hilarious. They have a ball discussing one of the biggest American mysteries of the 20th century, nearly choking on their bourbon and sodas, “SPRING BREAK!!!”, and laughing at the “phantom of the sky”. 
1. The Treacherous Treasure Hunt of Forrest Fenn - Ryan Bergara emerging from a Best Western bathroom dressed up as Indiana Jones while Shane stares in stunned silence is the greatest 3 seconds this show has ever produced. I will not be taking critiques at this time.
No, but seriously, this episode is a full-on blast. I love how different it is from anything else they’ve ever done. I love the “over-produced montages”. I love the actual thrill when Ryan sees that square rock. I, obviously, love the Indiana Bergara of it all. I love that they really did do a lot of research into where to look for Fenn’s treasure. I loved their stupid Post-Mortem outfits and renting an expensive car all for a stupid bit because that’s why I love these two dummies. They delight each other so much with their similar bullshit and sense of humor and it’s never more apparent and charming to me than this episode. 
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Agents of Shield Series Finale thoughts (finally)
Or alt title Skye finally sits down to write this after two days of being overtired, overwhelmed and as a result, anxious! Feeling a WHOLE lot better today after a few anxiety naps and watching Phineas and Ferb on Disney + (that show is just pure serotonin I swear) 
God what can I say that hasn’t already been said. I’m so beyond happy. I have no idea what my expectations were but by god were they exceeded. I cannot say enough how happy I am. They saved the world with empathy. How utterly beautiful. The endings everyone got were all just so utterly utterly deserved. I’m still in shock really. 
If you haven’t already guessed it, I did not make it to my alarm at half past 6 on Thursday morning. I woke up at quarter past 5 after barely three hours of sleep and just could not help myself. I finished, cried for two hours and collapsed for another hour and a half. And she wonders why she’s felt like utter shit the past two days...
DEKE DEKE MY WONDERFUL MY MOST DEAREST DISASTER SON!!!!!!!!! I love him so much. I know he’s happy in alt. 1983 but losing him was honestly such sweet sorrow. I had a feeling that he would sacrifice himself but I could not have guessed that it would happen in honestly such a good way. He still gets to live, gets to be the director of Shield (god help them) and I’m equally happy and devastated for him. I love Deke so much, he is very dear to me, and the money I would pay for a miniseries of him just absolutely killing it as Shield director in the 80′s with his side business of being a popstar, like the amount doesn’t exist. Also his impersonation of Fitz was so incredibly hilarious, Jeff Ward actually does a not bad Scottish accent and the IMMEDIATE adoption of the pregnant lady pose just ABSOLUTELY SENT ME!!!!!!!!!!
Mack. I’m so happy he lived. His team up with Sousa will forever give me life. Them taping goddamn chronicoms to the missiles to blast a hole in the ship, like whoever came up with that idea, you are now my favourite human on this earth. It is so supremely dumb but I love it so much. As much as there was BIG concern going into this that he was going to die, ta Henry, I never once felt worried for him. Like he never even came close???????? Also a raise to whoever put him in that big long jacket at the end like oh my god are you serious, AMAZING
Yoyo. I had NOT A SINGULAR CLUE, NOT EVEN AN INCLINE of what was going to happen to Yoyo. Her little team up at the end with Piper and Davis (DAVIS ROBO!DAVIS YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS BICKERING WITH PIPER WE LOVE TO SEE IT) was beyond incredible. Yoyo had such a great arc this season, and I’m just so happy to see it concluded so well, plus that shot of her zooming out of the car at the end was beyond A+ it was beautiful.
May. May, wonderful May. Her appearing OUT OF GODDAMN NOWHERE TO JUST ABSOLUTELY END SIBYL IS JUST FOREVER GOING TO GIVE ME LIFE. THE CAVALRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so intrigued with where they were going with her arc this season, like I enjoyed empath May but I was so curious to see where it was going and oh what a pay off it was. I literally shouted AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH at my screen when she put her hands into that machine and Coulson explained it, BECAUSE IT ALL JUST MADE SENSE. Also it was 100000000000000000000% her idea to name it Coulson Academy, and no one disagreed with her. I loved her little call back to S1 with her just being the pilot. In general I thought all of the call backs were very well handled and placed, nothing felt too fan servicey it was all very natural and organic bc these writers really just know what they’re about and are just so incredibly good at their jobs. ANYWAY MAY. I’m happy that she’s getting a little bit of rest from the field, she absolutely deserves it. 
Coulson. I’m not gonna lie, I wasn’t sure about Robo!Coulson when he was introduced at the end of last season, but my god am I so happy for him now. He is truly the heart of this show, the whole thing began because a stubborn group of fans refused to accept that he had died. And really isn’t that a theme that has carried us through this entire show haha? I was so terrifed for about 30 seconds that Sibyl was going to turn him against the rest of the team, so the RELIEF of May popping out of the ceiling to JUST END HER ENTIRE CAREER WAS INCREDIBLE.  The reappearance of Lola ABSOLUTELY SENT ME. I also love that after years of Coulson refusing to let Mack work on Lola, Mack just went “Fuck it” and built one from, I assume, scratch. He is going to be the best Grandpa to little Alya Fitzsimmons and you can tear that headcanon from my cold dead hands. Again, what a deserving ending. I could not be happier for him, that last shot was just perfect. 
Daisy. Oh boy, we’re getting into my heafty emotions now. I would just like to say that her entire arc throughout this entire show is one of the most incredible, most amazing and well crafted and well thought out characters arcs in television history. Watching her go from this lost little hacker with a bit of a smart mouth, to this strong and powerful LITERAL SUPERHERO has actually been a privilege and I cannot stress enough how much I have loved watching her grow and evolve over the past seven years. That being said, I am low key FURIOUS that they made me think that she was dead for even just a SECOND. I WAS SOBBING NO AT MY PHONE FOR THAT ENTIRE LITTLE INTERLUDE LIKE NO FUCKING WAY ARE YOU GOING TO KILL HER OFF AND LEAVE HER BODY IN SPACE I WILL NOT LET YOU, LET ME GO SHARPEN MY PITCHFORK I AM COMING FOR YOU. I will now invite you to imagine the look of absolute and utter joy and relief on my face when I saw she was alive. Skye/Daisy holds such a special place in my heart. Her whole thing with Sousa this season was SO UTTERLY OUT OF THE BLUE BUT SO INCREDIBLY DELIGHTFUL AND DESERVED!?!?!?!??!?!!?!? Like out of everything I think that little plot detail is what surprised me the most, and I surprised myself by really loving it as much as I did. I would have been happy if she had ended the series single but I’m so happy that she has this wonderful partner who loves her so much and has her back and just looks after her like it’s just like the most wonderful added bonus which she deserves. Sousa is also like a whole ass snack and as I have been saying in my tags for the past few weeks, DAISY GET IT!!!! I love that she ended the series with her own little family, her sister and Sousa. I just. I cannot even think about that without welling up. Daisy has a family, and she chose it and she loves them all so much. I know it was last weeks ep too but I will never get over her calling Simmons her sister. Never ever ever for as long as I live. I’m so happy for her. So beyond happy.
FitzSimmons. Here we, here we, here we fucking go. What to even say apart from big, long and loud sobbing noises, cause that’s all I have really been able to do in regards to them for the last two days. Happy isn’t a strong enough word. There is no word big enough, nor all encompassing enough to say how utterly UTTERLY happy I am that they got their most beautiful happy ending. Fitz guiding her through her memories, the second Jemma said Alya I started screaming, I just I knew that was her name, and him just being so gentle with her whilst she was remembering, like oh my heart. I excuse them everything, the lack of Fitz (WHICH WAS NO ONE’S FAULT I WILL NOT HAVE ANYTHING ABOUT THAT HERE) this season was honestly just paid back tenfold in the scenes that we got of him. His frustration IMMEDIATELY at everyone not understanding their plan was so amazingly hilarious. Simmons half remembering everything was both heartbreaking and hilarious, the scene of her asking for a supersuit like Daisy’s was incredible and both Deke and Daisy responding to her like she was a child they needed to trick into doing something for them, like yes if you come with us you’ll get a supersuit and a bit chocolate, incredible. The acting in both episodes from both IDC and Elizabeth was just truly something else. The fact that neither of them have been nominated EVER for their work on this show is nothing less than criminal. Her face when she remembered Alya. Dear god my heart. I have watched that scene of them reuniting with her at least 3000000000000000000000 times since Thursday morning. I won’t ever forget it. What a beautiful scene. What an incredible scene. “You were guarding our everything.” SHE’S THEIR EVERYTHING. THEIR UTTER EVERYTHING! I’M ACTUALLY LIKE SOBBING WRITING THIS I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE GET OVER THE FACT THAT THEY LET FITZSIMMONS LIVE IN PEACE FOR FOUR WHOLE ASS YEARS, LET THEM HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY GIRL AND THEN LET THEM LIVE IN PEACE AGAIN I JUST!!! I HAVE WANTED THIS FOR THEM FOR SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO VERY LONG!!! (also @ marvel I’m not in a place where I want any kind of continuation or spin off at the moment but I would watch a FitzSimmons miniseries of them just being happy and domestic and working in space for 4 years. Just SOMETHING to consider) I cannot thank the writers enough for finally finally letting them have their happy ending. They have been through so much, and it was all worth it because it led them to their happily ever after and to their little girl and I just, that is everything. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! I have talked a lot in this post about people deserving their endings but honestly none more than FitzSimmons. Fitz playing with Alya in their little garden whilst Simmons watches with the biggest smile on her face. How perfect. I could not have dreamt a better ending for them I’m so so so so so SO beyond happy for them. And god that little girl is just the most precious. Her gleefully exclaiming “Mama!” at Simmons is the EXACT moment that I started sobbing and did not stop for the rest of the episode. Also I know they didn’t explicitly say it but they are 100000000000000% at their cottage in Perthshire, again you can pry that headcanon out of MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!! I’m just so so so so so so so so SO beyond happy that FitzSimmons got the ending that they deserved so much. They can be at peace now. I have loved them since LITERALLY day one, and I cannot imagine what would happen if I got to tell little 15 year old me how they ended up. I’m sending her good vibes to the past, I know she got them, because I never ever ever gave up on that hope for them. FitzSimmons, to me, represent so much goodness and hope and just everything I aspire to have in a relationship (without the constant separation and the death and all that fun shit), but just the utter love they have for each other. (thanks for the impossible standard to which I hold all men now JedMo). I have been on just a rollercoaster with these two characters, their relationship and each of them as individuals have taught me so much and brought me so much comfort, especially during some of the hardest times I have ever experienced. I’ll tell some of those stories one day. Not yet. I’m not ready. I’m still honestly just reeling. I have wanted A Happy FitzSimmons ending for SO LONG and I just cannot believe that we got it. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU. 
Writing this felt very cathartic. It’s almost been good to just get ALL OF THE EMOTIONS OUT. I think I’m actually going to take a nap now. I forget how tiring it is to be so emotional. What can I say to end this except reiterate again just how happy I am with that finale. I’m so thrilled that they gave us such a beautiful ending, it really was just a love letter to the series as a whole and to it’s message. I think it was quote from Jeff Bell that I saw and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since, because of how true it is, and really that’s why I hold this show so dear and why I have done for the past 7 years, and that is that this show is ultimately about hope. What a beautiful thing. 
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
a little in love now and then, part 6/? | ao3 | ff.net |
Summary: Abarai  Renji doesn’t have a fortune, but he does appear to be in want of a  wife, at least in Lady Kuchiki’s opinion. Fortunately, Lady Kuchiki also  has a sister, and a woefully eligible one, at that. (itty bitty Hisana  Lived! AU)
Rating: T, for minor cussing
This time: The Cavalry: Renji seeks outside advice.
Older parts: | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 |
Renji pounded his fist against the doorframe. He waited. He pounded again. “KIRA!” he bellowed. “KIRA, IT’S ME, ABARAI! OPEN UP, I NEED YOU!”
Slowly, the door slid open, and the exhausted lieutenant of Squad 3 squinted at Renji with purple-shadowed eyes.
“Kira, how do noble people get married?” Renji demanded.
Izuru stared at him for a moment, taking into account the hour, the fact that Renji was dressed in his New Year’s best, and finally, the question. He rubbed at his hair and blinked, before realization penetrated his haze of sleep-deprivation. “What have you done?” he gasped, horrified.
“You look bad, buddy,” Renji observed, before he suddenly remembered the probable cause of Kira’s condition. “Aw, cripes, Kira, I’m sorry. I forgot about, you know.”
“My captain being sent to the Maggot’s Nest?” Izuru asked dryly.
Renji cringed. “Something crazy happened and I thought o’ you, and I really wasn’t thinkin’ and I’m sorry. I’ll just go.”
Kira rubbed at his face tiredly and tried to blink his eyes into focus. “You cannot just show up here and ask me how to marry a noble person and then leave again.” He managed a small smile. “Besides, if you and your captain hadn’t cracked open Aizen’s conspiracy, who knows how much worse things would be. I probably owe you one anyway.”
Renji hunched his shoulders. “I didn’t do anything, aside from trying and failing to beat up that Kurosaki kid.”
Izuru smashed a fist into Renji’s shoulder. “Whatever, meathead. The fact is, I am so sick of auditing the last forty years of squad records that digging you out of whatever horrifying situation you have enmeshed yourself in will be a delightful distraction. Let’s consider it a mutual favor.” He stepped aside and waved his hand. “Come inside and tell me whose honor you have besmirched. I’ll put on tea.”
“I haven’t besmirched anyone’s honor!” Renji excused, trailing his old school friend into his quarters. “Lady Kuchiki wants me to marry Rukia.”
Izuru almost tripped on his way into the kitchen and had to catch himself on the edge of the counter. “What?”
“Not, like, this minute. I guess she’s taken a liking to me, probably ‘cause her baby likes me, and she’s been trying to find a nice husband for Rukia, which seems like a terrible mistake, and she’s made an even worse mistake insofar as judging my suitability for this, and I’m trying to take advantage of it before she catches on.”
Izuru squinted at him. “She wants you to marry Rukia because she likes you? Not because of your decades of loyal pining and sad puppy dog eyes?”
“She doesn’t even know about that,” Renji nodded incredulously.
Izuru set the kettle on the stove. “So, let me get this straight. Back when we were in school, right after Rukia was adopted, you came up with this incredibly half-baked plan to distinguish yourself in the Gotei, impress Captain Kuchiki, defeat him in battle, and… you always refused to say the last part out loud. What was the goal, anyway? To see Rukia again? To prove to her that the only difference between you and a man born all of the wealth and advantage you can imagine is a little elbow grease? To ask for her hand in marriage?”
“Something like that,” Renji replied vaguely.
“And you’re telling me it worked?”
“I didn’t even have to fight Captain Kuchiki!” Renji exclaimed, waving his arms. “Which is good, because you weren’t there when he fought Aizen, but even with my bankai, I’m pretty sure he can still kick my ass.”
Izuru shook his head. “You are simultaneously the most blessed and cursed idiot I have ever met.”
“I know it,” Renji admitted sincerely.
“Okay, so let’s talk about what actually happened,” Izuru said, pulling out a pair of fine tea cups painted with elegant blue cranes. “Did they extend you an offer?”
“Huh?” Renji echoed. “No, nothin’ like that.”
“She just said, Mr. Abarai, you seem like a sporting fellow, would you like to marry my troublesome sister?”
“Rukia is not troublesome! And it was more like, she invited me over for dinner, and afterwards, Rukia said, ‘Oh, my sister wants to marry me off because I’m troublesome and she’s picked you’.”
“Because you seem like a chump?”
“I am absolutely a chump, but I am pretty sure Lady Kuchiki genuinely likes me.” He scratched his head. “It’s weird that a person exists who would marry Captain Kuchiki and also likes me.”
Izuru nodded thoughtfully. “Indeed. And how does Rukia feel about this?”
Renji made a face. “Well, she’s not a huge fan of it, but she didn’t shut it down, either. She’s willing to consider it.”
“Hmm,” Izuru replied with mild surprise. “And Captain Kuchiki?”
“He… doesn’t hate me,” Renji shrugged. “I’m not sure he knows what his wife is up to.”
“I see,” Izuru nodded, pouring hot water into the cups. “And what about you?”
“Me?” Renji repeated.
“Yes, Abarai, you get an opinion, too, you know.” Izuru studied his own friend carefully for a moment, before saying, “People can change a lot in forty years. You two didn’t exactly part on the best of terms.”
Renji’s face stiffened. “I know.”
Izuru took a cautious sip of tea. “I didn’t mean anything by it. You’re my friend and I just want to make sure you’re doing something that will make you happy.”
Renji huffed. “Look, I said Rukia wasn’t quite on board yet, and I ain’t interested in marrying anyone who ain’t interested in marrying me.”
“Granted,” Izuru nodded, waiting for him to go on.
Renji stared at his teacup as he spun it in his hands. “I blew it. Back then. I’m not… I can’t…” He let out a frustrated breath. “Of course I want to get to know her again. I’m sure some things have changed. But I can’t screw this up again. If this is my shot, I gotta take it.”
Izuru knew how much it embarrassed Renji to admit things like this. He felt very grateful that, despite the rocks their friendship had hit over the years, Abarai still trusted him this much. He cleared his throat. “Good. I have the landscape of it. You’re interested, Rukia is open. Lady Kuchiki is for it, Captain Kuchiki exists.”
Renji thought for a moment, and then nodded. “Yeah. That sums it up pretty good.”
“So, let’s talk about the mechanics, which is why I suspect you’ve come to me. In general, it is your prerogative, as the guy, to propose. Very noble families, like the Kuchiki, might extend an offer of Rukia’s hand if they were trying to create an alliance or propose a deal with another family. It’s also possible that could happen if someone performed some great service to the family-- they very well could have offered her to that Kurosaki boy that stormed the Seireitei for her, for example.”
Renji’s shoulders went a little stiff, and Izuru realized he had hit a nerve. Maybe not quite a nerve. A soft spot. “He’s not even dead,” Renji pointed out, not sounding very confident that this was an adequate objection.
“Right, and he’s got no status in Soul Society at all, and also, they didn’t,” Izuru reassured him. “My point is, we should expect that the ball is in your court, at this point. There are two halves to this: proposing to Rukia and getting her Clan Head’s approval. Now, if you were rich and powerful enough, and didn’t care about Rukia’s feelings, you could skip her entirely, and go straight to Captain Kuchiki. Rukia would still have to agree, but it would be mostly on her family to get her buy in.”
“I don’t want that,” Renji mumbled.
“Exactly. Plus, you’re broke. You are still broke, right? If you’re not, you owe me 400 kan for your bar tab on Shuuhei’s birthday.”
“You mean when I had to leave early to drag Shuuhei home because he was blasted?”
“It was 600, but I’m giving you the good friend discount.”
Renji made a troubled face. “I am still broke, but I can pay you back.”
Izuru waved a hand. “Forget it, that wasn’t the point. The point is, and I cannot believe I am going to say this, but unless you plan on winning the lottery or passing your captain’s exam in the next few weeks, you are going to need to charm your way into this family. Lady Kuchiki likes you, but I am going to go out on a limb and say that it’s Rukia’s opinion of you that’s ultimately going to sway her, no?”
Renji nodded curtly. “That was my impression.”
“Then all of this is really a lot less complicated than you think. Spend some time with Rukia. See if she’s still the person you remember. Try to stay on Lord and Lady Kuchiki’s good side. Don’t jump the gun. If it’s meant to be, she should be so thrilled by the time you ask, she can help you wrangle the proper approvals from her sister and brother-in-law.”
Renji sighed, and took a long sip of tea. “What kinda odds you think I’ve got?”
Izuru gave a little shrug. “I’m frankly dumbfounded you’ve gotten this far. We are outside of the range of calculable probabilities.”
Renji fidgeted with the sleeve of his haori. “Do you really think… that Rukia might…”
Izuru settled his chin on one hand. “Abarai, in the time that I saw the two of you together, I found you and Rukia to have the most incomprehensible rapport I have ever seen between two people. I found her to be utterly impenetrable and you to be…” He trailed off. “Look, we’re outside of my area of expertise. I hope I was helpful on the nuts and bolts stuff.”
Renji’s eyebrows shot up. “Yeah! Yeah, thanks, Kira. You were super helpful. I’ll get outta here now, so you can get some sleep, I’m sorry to--”
“Hey!” Izuru interrupted him. “I didn’t tell you to leave. I just said we were out of my depth. Do you wanna call Momo? I’m pretty sure she hasn’t slept in a month, either.”
“Er…” Renji frowned. “Are you really sure--?”
Izuru was already on the phone. “Hey, Hinamori! How’s the endless cycle of self-recrimination going? Oh, you’re stress-baking again? Perfect. You want to get overly invested in Abarai’s personal life with me? Yeah, come over as soon as they’re done. No, you’re going to have to wait and hear him explain it, you would never believe me if I tried to tell you. Okay, great!” Izuru flipped his phone shut. “Momo’s in. She’ll be here in twenty minutes with dorayaki.” He paused. “You’re not imposing. This is good for us. Let us have this.”
“Ah,” said Renji. “Did you say dorayaki?”
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seriouslyhooked · 4 years
The Same Soul Part 9
Available on FF Here and AO3 Here. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8.
Our world AU where Emma and Killian knew each other as teenagers. Killian was sent to spend a summer with family in America. He met foster kid Emma while there. They fell in love but then he was forced back home and she couldn’t take the memories so she ran away, trying her best to move on from the dreams they’d always hoped for. A chance meeting brings them back together years later, and this time nothing and no one will keep them apart. Rated M. 10 Parts.
A/N: Hey everyone! So here we are with the final actual chapter of The Same Soul. I have one last installment planned (a final epilogue that flashes forward to the future), but full disclosure I do not know how long it will take to publish. I am *hoping * it will be quick, so the story is fully complete before the summer, but with school still as crazy as can be, I have to be realistic. Please just know I will get it to you all as soon as I can, and I promise to make it as fluffy and adorable as possible. This chapter, meanwhile, brings us to Emma and Killian’s wedding weekend. As you’ll see, I am doing things a little differently than I normally would for a ‘wedding chapter’, but I hope you’ll all appreciate the fluff in the end. This is what my muse imagined, and I think it honors the story in the way I really wanted. That being said, I can’t wait to hear what you all think, and I thank you all so much for reading!
“I can’t believe it,” Emma said, her eyes cast out from the car window to the town around them. “It looks exactly the same. It’s been ten years but it’s almost like we never left.”
Killian agreed with his love’s apt impression of this beautiful corner of the world. His Uncle had found a charming place to call his home, and one of the benefits of having such wealth in the area was that things remained charming and quaint and untouched. This was a place designed for nostalgia and classic appeal. It was timeless, but still well maintained, and at this time of year there were fewer tourists puttering around. The people out now were the locals or those with vacation homes here come for a quiet weekend of reprieve, but the energy was the same. The sun shone on this blessed part of the world and if the forecast held, it was bound to be a simply gorgeous weekend.
This was not unusual for this area. Surely the summer they’d spent together years ago had proved that to be true. It rarely rained, and when it did it never lasted a whole day. This was a place that pulsed with possibility, but when he’d lost Emma, Killian could never bear to come back here. Every part of this place reminded him of the girl that he loved. He could see nothing without seeing her too, and so he never came back. Despite missing his Uncle and despite loving this town, it hurt too much to know that he would be here without her. Now though, those fears had receded, for there would never be another day when Killian did not have his Emma at his side, and tomorrow was going to cement that once and for all.
“Would you change anything?” Killian asked his bride to be and Emma shook her head before looking back at him with a smile. Her hand reached out to take his and she squeezed lightly.
“No. This is perfect. It’s exactly how I pictured it.”
The rush of pride that Killian felt at knowing he’d helped in securing Emma’s happiness was profound, but he hoped his pleased expression didn’t give too much away. She was thrilled with this place, and he was glad for that, but he had plenty of surprises still in store. Emma might assume that a week was not enough time to plan a ‘real’ wedding when she told him after he proposed that she didn’t want to wait long, but he knew that on this one subject she was incorrect. In truth, he’d had the benefit of years and years of hoping that someday they would get here. In that time he made tentative plans, and as soon as he found Emma again he solidified those, hoping that sooner than later they would get to this point.
When they finally pulled up to his Uncle’s estate a while later, Killian moved without hesitation to get out of the car and open Emma’s door. She chuckled at him and his continued insistence that she wait for him to do the gentlemanly thing, but he knew that she loved it. He could see her appreciation clear as day in her green eyes, and he felt her subtle gratitude when she pressed a fleeting kiss to his lips.
“I love you so much. I can’t wait to marry you.”
Blast it all to hell, she was so damn tempting! He’d intended to do this with some semblance of decorum and composure, but that thinking went out the window with her words. Instead he pulled her close, bringing her body flush against his as he claimed her lips. He took more than a taste, branding the both of them with the overwhelming love between them, and soon enough he forgot where they were at all. Only the distant sound of footsteps and the eventual clearing of someone’s throat brought them back to the present.
“Hate to interrupt the happy couple, but there are, in fact, some things still left to do.”
His Uncle’s censure was teasing in nature and Benjen descended the stairs with a chuckle before pulling Killian and Emma into separate hugs. His greeting was warm and sincere, and Killian knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Uncle Benjen was thrilled at their being here. He’d missed Killian’s presence here for years, telling him straight out that he wanted Killian to come back. He respected Killian’s feelings on the matter though, and after everything, Benjen was finally getting his wish. Add to that the fact that Killian was marrying a woman Benjen expressly approved of and the older man was positively glowing with good will. He seemed nearly as happy as they were about the wedding, and that excitement was infectious for both Killian and Emma.
“Your house is even more stunning than I remember, Mr. Jones,” Emma said and his Uncle raised a brow at her before she corrected herself. “Oh right sorry, Benjen.”
“That’s more like it, lass. Come, let me show you your rooms, and leave your bags. They’ll be handled.”
They followed his Uncle’s instructions and entered the home that was incredibly familiar to Killian. This was a place he’d explored many times over that fateful summer, but Emma had never seen past the first few rooms. When she came here, they always stayed outside, enjoying the summer for every second that they could. Seeing her experience this now made Killian smile, and as they moved from room to room, he made mental note of what things caught her fancy amongst the magnificent manor. When they finally came towards the kitchen though, the serenity of the rest of the home deteriorated, and there was clanging and banging coming from behind two large wooden doors that could separate the cooking quarters, pantry, and windowed breakfast nook from the rest of the house.
“Is everything all right?” Emma asked, looking concerned as the sound of clanging metal signaled something falling to the floor. It was loud as could be, and Killian too had to wonder what could possibly be happening.
“Perfectly so. Mrs. Potts is overseeing all meal preparation for the festivities.”
As if the mere mention of her name could conjure the housekeeper, the wooden doors glided open and she appeared, sticking her head out before letting out a surprised squawk. She immediately slammed the door closed again, murmured some things to whoever else was in the kitchen and then opened the door enough to slip out and close up behind her. The normally put together manager of the estate looked a bit disheveled. There was flour all over her apron and some other stains as well. Whatever they were making back there, it was certainly involved.
"Oh, Killian, as I live and breathe, you’ve really come!”
Mrs. Potts was eager to greet him but made no motion to do more than take his hand in a sign of affectionate motherliness. Killian grinned and despite her current state of messiness he picked her up in a giant hug that had the older woman crying out before laughing. It had been so long since he’d seen her, but this woman had been incredibly kind to him that summer, and she’d been another constant ear for him to bounce off ideas with when it came to Emma and what might make her happy. When he put the older woman down she was laughing like a school girl, swatting at Killian for the lack of politeness.
“Oh you are the same rascal you always were. And thank the lord for that. You’ve had your Uncle worried all these years, you know that? What with the brooding and the working. Gah all that work! It’s not good for a soul to do so much.”
“All this coming from a woman who refuses to rest. No one the world over works as hard as you, Eleanor,” Uncle Benjen quipped and for the first time Killian watched the dynamic between the two of them.
The use of her first name was indication that things between them might be more than that of a boss and worker. Was that interest he saw in his Uncle’s eyes? Yes he believed it was, and here was Mrs. Potts feigning annoyance, but he could see that she also appreciated the attention. Well this was remarkable! He’d never thought of it before, but it made sense. They were the same age, after all, since Uncle Benjen was older than his own father by a good number of years. Mrs. Potts for her part was a widow and had been a long time. Her children too were all grown now, most of them, if Killian recalled correctly, were around Liam’s age. But still she was running the house after all this time. It was perplexing, but he intended to find out the truth of the matter sometime over the course of this wedding weekend.
“Oh enough of that now. Besides, what could be a better call to work than a wedding,” Mrs. Potts said, turning to Emma with a look of true wonder and enjoyment. “You, my beautiful girl, are absolutely Emma Swan, but you look so different now. You’re fully grown, and you’ve blossomed into a truly beautiful young woman. It is an absolute pleasure to see you again.”
“Again?” Emma asked, as she accepted Mrs. Potts’ hand.
“Well technically we’ve never met but you don’t think I would let the young master of the house fall in love without getting a glimpse or two of his favorite girl, did you?” Emma laughed and shrugged.
“I guess I never thought about it.”
“Oh well trust me, it was of the utmost importance that I get a few good glimpses. Otherwise how would I report to the lord of the manor?”
The teasing way she referred to Uncle Benjen spoke to a long held intimacy between the two of them, but the information was surprising. Mrs. Potts was a spy then all this time? Now that he thought about it, Killian should have suspected, but it still surprised him to realize that his Uncle was keeping such close tabs even when he’d been overrun with work.
“I’d try to deny it, but I’ve never been a liar and I’ve no intention of starting now,” Uncle Benjen quipped.
“So what did you think?” Emma asked, suddenly sounding a little unsure but proving brave enough to ask the question all the same.
“I thought that Killian had landed a rare kind of gem. A teenage girl who knew herself and knew the world. Who was kind and beautiful, patient and strong. I hardly knew such a creature could exist, but there you were, stealing his heart piece by piece and all at once.”
“And she’s had it well in hand every day since,” Killian agreed, kissing Emma’s temple as he held her close and Emma let out a soft sigh of contentment, meeting his gaze and silently replying that he had her love as much as he had hers.
At that moment more loud noises emanated from the kitchen and Mrs. Potts let out an eye roll for the ages before shaking her head. “Mother of all good things, they do test me here. I better get back, and you two best get ready.”
“Get ready?” Emma asked, and Killian smiled.
“There may be a surprise or two afoot love, but no worries. You’ll enjoy them all.”
With that, the two of them headed upstairs to their quarters in the house. It could hardly be called a room, given how spacious it was, but even in its grandness it felt like home. After a little rest and relaxation, Killian gave Emma enough clues to get ready, and when they were both showered and dressed, he in a button-down shirt and slacks, and her in a beautiful yellow dress with her hair pinned back, they headed downstairs and out back where they were expected.
“So what exactly are you up to?” Emma asked, as they came through the glass back doors. They stepped outside and she appeared to be surprised when there was no one and nothing in the back patio area. Clearly she imagined any kind of gathering would happen directly outside, but she was wrong, and only when he lead her to the secret path from many years ago did she begin to understand. “We’re going to the glen?””
“Aye, love,” he acquiesced, leading her down the grassy lane from yesteryear.
As they ambled down the way, there were the same glowing lanterns lighting their journey. The day was ending now, and if they were somewhere with less trees they’d see the sunset, but as it was they saw the golden haze of a day’s end flittering through forest groves, and saw the clouds above them colored with pinks and orange and violet streaks. As they had in the past, the lanterns led to a beautiful patch of the world, but this time their glen was filled with seating and food and most importantly people. When Emma arrived she saw Liam, Uncle Benjen, and Mrs. Potts, but she also saw Mrs. Hubbard and Emma’s new but already dear friend Ruby. Ash she took in the surprise, Emma’s hold on Killian’s hand tightened. She was truly shocked at this first little gift.
“You didn’t,” she said, not from vexation, but from disbelief.
“Ah, but I did. Or we did as it were. It was a group effort.”
Emma grinned widely before moving over to Mrs. H and giving her a huge hug. Mrs. Hubbard for her part hugged Emma back, and Killian could see the tears streaming down the old woman’s face. When they broke apart, there was a true love for Emma in her eyes, whether they were related by blood or not. This being the case, it was absolutely necessary that Mrs. Hubbard be here. She was family, and family must be a part of their special day.
“You didn’t really think I’d miss your wedding, did you Emma?” Mrs. H asked and Emma shook her head, her own tears having slipped out as she wiped them away.
“I wasn’t sure, I mean I know how difficult it is for you to travel.”
“Difficult?” Mrs. H said with a scoff. “Hardly. Especially when I had such a fun partner in crime.”
Looking to Ruby Mrs. Hubbard explained that the two of them had made the journey together, and they’d taken the chance to talk all about Emma and the wedding and the future for hours and hours on end. Killian was so gratified for that, but he imagined this might be the case. When he reached out to both women they’d been eager as could be to be here for Emma’s wedding, and they asked what they could do and how they could do it. To say it had all paid off handsomely was an understatement, and as the night went on and this little party came together, it was clear that there was love enough for all of them, even with so few people in attendance.
The evening was filled with merriment. The food was delicious, the company was even better, and despite the odds his hoped for entertainment emerged. At this time of year it was questionable whether lightening would strike, or rather, whether lightening bugs would strike, but when the sun had dipped low and night was just starting to claim the world, sure enough they came. One blip turned to two then two to many and sure enough the meadow was filled with hundreds of dancing lights bringing back perfect memories and lasting joy for all of them.
“Tonight was simply perfect,” Emma said hours later when everyone decided to head back for the house and get some sleep before their full day tomorrow. She leaned against him as they walked, seeing their loved ones all before them, mingling and laughing as the night drew to a close. “It might be the best one I’ve ever had. Except for the day you found me.”
“Which time?” Killian asked, but he already knew the answer.
“Both times.”
He agreed with her that this moment belonged in the echelons of his life. It was immensely gratifying and fortifying to feel so calm and secure. He had the whole world when he had Emma’s love, and having the people who meant the most to them here to share that was incredible. But as wonderful as today had been, Killian expected that tomorrow would be even greater. For tomorrow, as the sun was setting in the sky, and the sea was sending subtle winds and lapping gently on the shore, they would be married, becoming man and wife and truly tying themselves together forever in every possible way.
These happy thoughts danced through his mind as they walked together and made their way back up to their rooms. They found themselves winding down, readying themselves for the night, but before Emma got into bed, and before he took her one last time (or more realistically a few last times) before marrying her, he had one last gift to give. Pulling it from his bag, Killian felt the weight of the letter in his hands. To most people it might seem unremarkable. Just an envelope stuffed full of papers with etched words directed to one Emma Swan. But this was a letter written long ago, back before Killian had realized Emma was gone. He’d written to her every day as promised, and eventually had been given these letters back again. In time he showed them all to Emma, knowing that though they may bring some grief, they would also bring proof that his love for her had never dwindled and that he’d carried her in his heart just as he promised.
But this letter was the only one that he held back. He saved it for this moment, knowing that the time to give it to her was not all at once with the others, but on the night before he’d make her his and he’d become hers. For this was a letter expressing a dream, a dream that had lingered, and a dream he hoped would come true tomorrow.
“Is everything all right?” Emma asked from the doorway. 
His heart thumped loudly in his chest. Damn she was a sight, hair hanging loose in shimmering golden waves, her face flushed from the fun they’d had today, and her adoring smile bringing light to every part of her appearance. Couple that with the barely there nightgown she donned and the glimmer in her eye of want and need and he was gone for her, but he swallowed down the instinct to snatch her up and pull her close. Instead he held back.
“I have one last thing to give you tonight, love.”
“Just one?” she teased, and he groaned at her seductive lick of her lips.
“Let me rephrase. I have one last thing to give you before ravishing you properly.” His growled out words sent a shiver through Emma, and he couldn’t help bringing her into his arms and taking comfort in her warmth. “Nothing in the world could ever mean as much to me as you. You are everything, plain and simple.”
“You are too,” she whispered, moving to kiss him but he halted her. She pouted at his action, but then looked at the letter he had in hand and her eyes lit up. “Another letter?”
“The final one,” he admitted.
“I didn’t know you had anymore,” Emma said, eagerly taking the envelope in hand and using her other hand to guide him towards the bed.
“Emma, perhaps I should -,”
“Oh no way. You are getting into this bed with me and holding me as I read this letter. You know what they do to me. I need you. I always need you.”
What could he say to that except that of course he would stay. He wanted to stay, but he never wanted to assume. Perhaps she wanted privacy, but he should have known better. There was no where either of them would ever be running to again. In this life they were meant to walk together, and tonight would be no different. Bringing her body close to his he held her tight, his back against the headboard and hers against his chest. Then he watched her and listened to her open up the letter and read the words he’d written years ago.
Dear Emma,
Today is the 47th day I’ve gone without you. I’ve had 47 mornings since you left. 47 days of missing you, of wishing I was with you, and knowing that nothing means anything when I’m not at your side. Every day I wake up and I think of you. I send you love. I miss you dearly. And every night is just the same. I think of how much I’m missing with you now, but I also dream of what we will have when I’m back with you again. I know it feels so far, love, but we’ll be there soon. I’m coming back for you, Emma. There’s nothing that could ever keep me away.
“You never stopped believing did you?” Emma asked, her voice taut with emotions in the face of his past words. “Even when you came to New York and they gave you back these letters. You still believed you’d find me again someday.”
“I had to find you, Emma, because I meant exactly what I said. Without you I had nothing – none of it mattered. Only you.”
“I love you,” she whispered, kissing him gently and he kissed her back, but then broke away, urging her to keep on reading.
But today is more than just the 47th day we’ve spent apart, love. Today is also my favorite day in all the year. Because today is your birthday – the day that the best part of my life came into the world and made it whole. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that you hate your birthday and you always have, and perhaps today isn’t all that it could be. I know you deserve so much more, Emma, and I wish I could be there to give it to you, but next year at this time I will be, and I’ll see to it that every birthday from this point on is the best kind of day. The kind you always dreamed of, and the kind that you deserve.
“God I wish we’d had that,” Emma said as a tear slipped down her cheek. Killian brushed it away gently, and he felt the same pain beneath his breast. He also wished they’d had that chance, but he knew in his heart that the road they’d traveled was the one they were meant to find. He might have missed many more birthdays, but the ones from here on out would be as he promised – filled with enjoyment and laughter and love.
I know that you may read this and feel doubtful, Emma. I hope that you have faith in what I’ve promised, but some days, I know, it’s hard to imagine how we’ll get back to each other. But I want you to know that it will happen, love. Someday we’ll be together, just you and me and a whole wide world to conquer. We’ll follow our hearts and our ambition. We’ll make a change in this messed up world, but most importantly we’ll love and be together, just as we should be.
I don’t know how long it will take. Part of me thinks you’ll make me wait, and since you’re always right, I’ll trust your judgment. But I fully intend to marry you someday, Emma. I plan to ask you, to love you, and to promise you myself forever and a day. I actually dreamed about that day last night. I caught a little glimpse of it, of what it’ll be like on the day I make you mine.
“Killian,” she whispered, looking up at him and he nodded, promising her this was all true. She stopped reading the words aloud, clearly unable to speak, so he gently took the letter from her fingers and carried on, filling in the rest.
In my dreams it’s just like we whispered to each other at the cove. We marry on the beach at sunset, when the seabirds quiet and the rest of the world falls away. In the dream I stood there in the cove waiting for you, the sand beneath my toes. I felt the wind swirl around me and there was magic in the air. There was music too, your favorite song, and the sound of your laugh all around me. Then, just as I was at the brink of missing you, you appeared, in a gorgeous gown made of white lace just like you wanted. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful, and then you smiled at me and I stood corrected.
People say that time is different in dreams, it slows and stops then flies right by, but when you walked to me I knew just how I’ll feel the day you become my wife. Every second felt like the sweetest kind of torture. I memorized just how you looked, to keep with me forever, but I wanted you in my arms again so badly. Finally you came, you put your hands in mine and it was time to make my promise. A voice asked for my vows and I said them to you, meaning every word.
I, Killian Jones, take you, Emma Swan to be my lawfully wedded wife. I vow to honor you, to cherish you, and adore you all the days of my life. I vow to never leave your side again, to always be your person, and never let you feel alone. I vow to give you all of me, my heart, my mind, my spirit. Everything I am and everything I ever will have is yours for now and always. I vow to make the dreams you have come true. I vow to build us a life and a home and to make it what you always wanted. I vow to be your family, and to someday make our family grow, whenever you so choose. But more than anything Emma, I vow to love you. I promise to choose you. I promise that everything I do, I do for you, to see you happy and to see you safe. I promise to trust your instincts. You know what’s right for you, and so you know what’s right for us. I promise to never dull the things that make you you. I promise to realize every day how lucky I am to have you, and I promise that my love will always grow and never shatter. Every day I live, I will love you more. Every day I wake, I will thank my lucky stars that you are mine. And every day I’ll work to be the man that you deserve, the man that makes you happy, and the man that you can love for this day and every day.
Killian read the final lines of the letter, the ones that told Emma that his love was more than a dream and promised again that he’d find her soon, but he was struck in the moment by the truth of those vows. They applied even more today than they did that day, and he could think of nothing better to say to his true love than this when they were wed tomorrow.
“Please don’t change a thing,” she whispered when he put the letter away, and she turned to face him in his arms. “Those vows are perfect just the way they are.”
“You think?” he asked, slightly unsure, but very glad that she had liked them.
“No, I know,” she countered, cupping his face. “In fact, their so good that I want to say them back to you in exactly the same way.”
And so she did, without needing to read the words upon the paper even once. Emma made the same promises, and recited every word, only swapping out their names as needed. She did so with great patience, bestowing every promise with a kiss, a touch and a heated action designed to please them both. She showered him in passion and in love, and by the time that was through, they were at the precipice, with love so big between them they had no choice but to crash into the sweetest bliss. Sure enough they found completion, when she whispered the final words, ‘for this day and every day.’ And as they lay together in their bed, spent from their love but hopeful for the future, they waited for sleep to take them so they could see this perfect wedding and start their life together as they’d always wanted for once and for all.
Post-Note: Okay so I know technically we didn’t see the actual wedding, but I hope that you guys can appreciate what I’ve done here. It goes without saying that their wedding will be exactly like the dream, with the same magic in the air and love shared between them. These are the vows I have pictured for them, and this is the cuteness that would be in store. I just thought that this was a beautiful way to tie back the letters Killian had written into the story, and get them to a happily ever after in a slightly different way. That being said, however, I have promised to make an epilogue, and you can all rest assured it will include some CS family cuteness and fluff galore. It might be a little shorter than this chapter, but it will be no less packed with love. Anyway, thanks again so much for reading, and I appreciate all of you joining me for this story and sending me your thoughts. It always means so much to see what people think, and this story has prompted some truly kind words from so many of you. I hope this chapter brought some light into your day, despite the craziness of the world, and I can’t wait to see you all next time!
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shitandramblings · 5 years
Bank Hours
Summary: 2 weeks holiday with no work while your boyfriend is in town, but you can’t avoid going in anyway.
Genre: Romance, Smut, Short (?) Story, 
Characters: Taeyong x Fem Reader
Rating / Warning : Adult, Sex, Light Swearing
Word Count: 4222 (It was supposed to be short!)
A/N: First real fic I’ve written in many years. I have been missing fics with a story component and also some romance rather than hard smut. (not that I am opposed I just wanted this to be something a bit different) 
When you open your eyes the clock beside your bed says 5:00 am. The room is filled with the soft light that happens just after sunrise in summer. You can hear the birds just starting their morning song. Looking over at the man snoring softly on the other side of the bed you figure he’ll be down for at least another 6 hours. Taeyong looked absolutely beat the night before when you picked him up at the small airport in your town. He looks so peaceful and sweet with that little smile he often has on his face while sleeping. It’s hard to leave but you slide quietly out of the bed and head downstairs to get dressed. You have 2 weeks with your boyfriend and while you had both agreed no work you have a few things to finish off at the bank before you could fully start your holiday.
Getting dressed quickly in shorts and a tank you then slip on your flip flops. You write a note on the chalkboard you keep on the kitchen cupboard for notes and shopping lists, just in case he wakes while your gone. “Went to the grocery store for coffee and muffins, be back soon.” It’s only a little lie, you will pick some up on your way back from the branch after you’re done there.
When you get to work all the lights are off as they should be on a Saturday morning. You get your keys out and go in. It’s a familiar routine letting yourself into the branch, disarming the alarm and going to your office. You like the quiet of the branch when its closed and the fluorescents are off. The only light coming in is the little bit that makes it past the closed blinds in your office and through the back windows. You start your computer up and go to check the rest of the branch to make sure that no one is there that shouldn’t be.  On your way back upstairs after checking out the lunchroom and making a cup of tea, you stop to look out the back windows and their view of the Salish Sea. Your old office used to have this view but when you received the promotion to Branch Manager you had to move to the larger office on the street side at the front of the branch. You miss the view of the sun setting behind Vancouver Island during the summer, the ferries and cruise ships going past, and of the winter storms approaching from over the water.
 You finish your check and go back to your office to see if your computer is ready. While its finishing loading the last programs, you pull your speaker out of your bag. The other thing you like about being at work by yourself is that unless you are on the phone you can play your music as loud as you want. As the first song starts you get down to business. Time to tackle the few reports remaining so your Assistant Branch Manager doesn’t quit while your away. Since you’re planning on disappearing for 2 weeks the least you can do is make it as easy as you can for her.
 You get started checking the numbers for a major report due at the end of this quarter. You realize you’ve been fighting with the spreadsheet for 2 hours. You get up to go down to the staff room and refill your tea. As you come up the stairs one of your favorite songs is blasting from your office. You can’t help but sing and dance along not really paying attention to anything and nearly spilling hot tea on your hand. When you get into your office you put your tea down on the desk and finish the dance. But the spread sheet is not going to fill itself in and you still have a few tasks left to do before you head home. A short while later and your filling in the last numbers that were escaping you. As the song changes from Enter Sandman to Long Flight you can’t help but keep singing along. The music pauses for a second as the text notification comes over the speaker. You save your work happy that it’s done and look at your phone to see who could possibly be messaging you at 8am on a sunny Saturday morning. Its from Tae and only says
 “You’re not at the store.” Damn it, busted you think.
 “Why would you think that?” you answer.
 “The grocery stores don’t open until 9am here, your car is parked outside and anyone using the ATM can hear you singing my music.” After locking your computer, you leave your office to look out to the ATM lobby and sure enough there he is leaning against the front door wagging a finger at you. You open the door to let him in. After locking the door behind him he follows you back to your office. 
“I thought you said no working while we were together?” he asks you after flopping down on the couch in your office. He doesn’t sound annoyed at you, just exasperated and resigned.
 “I just have to finish a couple of reports I didn’t get done Friday night  before I picked you up and call a credit officer about a deal for one of my lenders. If we can get this deal done in time it will make sure the branch ends the quarter and most likely the year at the top of our market. But I need to impress upon the credit officer that time is of the essence.“ You explain to him as you sit back at your desk.
 “I’ll just sit here and watch you work then.” He says as he leans back on the couch. You look over at him knowing that he means to do just that. You get up and go over to him,
 “I think you should walk that pretty ass back home or I won’t get the half dozen pain au chocolat I was planning on grabbing at the bakery.” You say as you reach for his hands to try and pull him up. He easily pulls you onto his lap instead. 
“Well this is much more like I was thinking.” He smiles at you and kisses you deeply. You push him away after a bit and move to sit beside him while lightly punching his chest.
 “Tae I’m dealing with client and bank information here. You can’t be here while I’m working with this. That would be a huge privacy breach. And no office nookie! I need to be able to work here.” You tell him sternly as he starts trying to run his hands under your shirt.
 “So, what can I do to make sure you don’t find just one more task that needs doing if I’m not allowed to be here to keep you honest? I know you. You can always find just one more task that is absolutely critical and I’m going to be selfish. I want to spend this time with you.” He says while you keep slapping at his hands.
 “How about this? You can go sit in the staff room downstairs. There are still some pastries in a Tupperware from Fridays coffee, the tea drawer is full and we just refilled the nespresso selection. The couch is more comfortable there and the TV has Netflix. I promise I have one 30 min task and the call to the credit officer. I don’t think it will take much more to than an hour, hour and half.” You offer this compromise to him. He gives you one of those puppy faces that melts your heart, and damn it he knows he’s doing it.
 “Okay I’ll take an hour and half being bored in the basement of a bank but I’m setting a timer. In 90 minutes, your mine for the next 2 weeks.” He stands up and before you can get yourself up, he grabs your hands and pulls you into his arms. He’s kissing you and then nibbling on your ear, neck and jaw. You find yourself clinging tighter to him before returning the kiss and nipping at his lower lip. When you break apart, he starts to head out of your office, but then he turns back and says to you, “In 1.5 hours I get to finish that kiss.” You can only describe his tone as both promise and threat. And you can’t wait for it.
 You sit down at your computer and try to calm yourself. The merest touch from Tae has your juices flowing and he knew just what he was doing right now. How the hell are you supposed to argue with one of the pickiest credit officers in western Canada knowing that your boyfriend is just downstairs and apparently fully recovered from all the travel yesterday. You try not to think about just how hard he felt through the light shorts you are wearing when he pulled you into his lap.  About how good nibbling and nipping at his jaw and neck make you feel. Especially when he starts making those low groans and his breathing becomes all ragged. You take a moment to breathe a little before unlocking your computer and dragging a file out of the cabinet for the next task. Your ready to finish this and really start your holiday.
 A little less than 90 minutes later you have finished 2 pressing tasks and sent an email to your lender regarding her deal. You feel elated and accomplished as you log off your terminal and lock your cabinets. Not only did you finish what you needed to, but you got an extra one done that your Assistant Manager was not expecting you to do and you knew she was dreading. The email that you just sent to your lender was going to make her so happy when she read it on Monday. Not only did you get the exceptions that you needed for the deal, but you and the credit officer worked to get all the terms and conditions satisfied. The only thing left was signing with a lawyer and letting your colleague wrap up this deal. You gather your bag and put your speaker in it still playing softly and grab your empty teacup before heading downstairs. Tae would also be pleasantly surprised you got done before you said. As you round the corner to the staff room you don’t hear the TV as you expected. When you come through the door you look past the lunch table to the couch in the corner and smile. Tae is lying there on his left side with his hand under his head and his right hand tucked over his left shoulder. The fuzzy blanket that your staff keep here for cuddling under on cold winter days during their lunches because the heating sucks is tucked up under his chin. You smile at him sleeping soundly and quietly put your mug in the dishwasher.
 You hesitate for a moment over waking him or letting him sleep. Maybe he’s not as recovered from jet lag as he seemed earlier. While more comfortable than the couch in your office this one is too small for your lanky boyfriend to be comfortable on for very long. Putting your bag down in the table you crouch near his head. You put a hand on his shoulder and give him a kiss.
 “Wake up sleeping beauty.” You say to him while shaking him gently. You see him start to rouse. He peeks his eyes open and tries to stretch a bit. “I got all my work done, time for us to leave.”  He reaches out and pulls you into a kiss. This over balances you a bit and you fall forward. He sits up as you right yourself and draws you back in. Your hands automatically go around his neck and play with the hair at the nape of his neck. He helps you up onto the couch while never taking his soft lips off you. He slides his hands up your back under your tank top and chuckles while your kissing.
 “What’s so funny?” you ask him as you move to get his earlobe between your teeth. 
“I was right,” he answers you once you stop nibbling on his ear and he can focus again. “You’re not wearing a bra.” 
“Mmhm, didn’t want to wake you this morning rooting through my drawers for one. And you were supposed to be sleeping still when I got home.”
 “Oh, I’m not complaining, quite the opposite, I find it rather hot.” He says as he brings his hands around to cup both of your breasts and starts to rub your nipples with his thumbs. Now your really turned on yourself. You can feel it gathering in your hips and spreading out over your upper legs and your chest. You lean back against the arm of the couch as he trails kisses and nibbles down your throat and chest. As he’s trying to lift your tank top over your head you come back to yourself a little bit.
 “Um, Tae, I think I said no office nookie.” 
“But this isn’t your office.” He points out as you help him take your shirt off. 
“No, you’re right it isn’t but I do have to eat lunch down here everyday and so do my staff.”
But you’re not really concerned. The way his hard on is pressing into you and how wet you are there is no way either of you are leaving this bank until you’re both completely satisfied. And better here than in your office where someone might notice from the sidewalk or in your car, as you don’t think either of you would make the 5 min drive back home.
“Well I guess I can just sit on the other couch and try not to smile too hard at lunch time.” You tell him as you drag him up onto you and reach into his loose shorts. Besides your damn sure your assistant manager has had at least her last 2 boyfriends here and possibly in other places in your branch as well. As you move to cup his balls and cock, he moans loudly. He’s already very hard and starting to drip with precum. You slide his foreskin back to reveal his sensitive head. Using you thumb while gripping his dick you lightly spread the slickness over it. A shudder runs through him as he gives a little grunt. He starts rolling one nipple between the thumb and finger of one hand while his mouth licks and nips at the other. You momentarily have to stop your ministrations on his cock as this feels so good. That gives him a chance to get in your shorts. His fingers slide past you lips and his thumb finds your already engorged clit. Slow lazy circles of his thumb have you arching you’re back and making noises in your throat.
 “Mm so wet already. It’s like you missed me or something. Or does running a bank do this to you?” He asks while he slips one finger into your heat.
 “Definitely not the bank!” You answer back between gasps. You pull your hand out of his shorts and start grabbing at the hem of the T-shirt he’s wearing. 
“Take this damn thing off” you grunt at him “I want to feel your skin on mine.”  He needs to remove his hand from your shorts to accomplish this and you have a moment of regret for your request. As his thumb leaves your clit and he slowly removes the digit that was quite effectively fucking you the regret grows but then his shirt is off and he’s right there in front of you. Not to toned or too soft. His shorts riding low enough you can see the edge of hair peeking out.
 “Your turn to lie back.” You say to him as you gently push against his chest. One of your hands start circling one of his nipples and his breath starts hitching. He lays back for you as you move up over him. Your other hand catches his waistband and tugs his shorts down to his thighs. He looks down his chest at you as move higher up his legs and he leans his head back expectantly. You go right past his cock and start nibbling and sucking at his other nipple. You hear a sharp inhale as he opens one eye too look at you. 
“Guess I can still surprise you” you say as you lick his nipple lightly. You kiss your way up his chest to his throat. More nibbles and kisses there. Past his jaw with a few nips and now a soft moan right in his ear. He lets out another low moan when you do this, and his hips buck upwards. You drop the hand that was flicking his nipple to his dick as you move from his ear across his jaw to nip at that full lower lip. You can feel his cock twitching in your hand. With one last kiss that has you crushing your lips against his and sucking his tongue you suddenly move down to his cock and go down hard. He mages to gasp out “still surprising me” before he lapses back into incoherent mumbles, groans and gasps. You can feel just how wet you are. Your underwear sticking to yourself. Being able to do this to him gets you going so much. As you move up and down his shaft with hand and mouth you can feel him reaching for you. He always thinks he needs to give back what he’s getting right away.
 “Nope” you say to him saucily with his dick still in your mouth and slowly pumping the shaft. “You just lie back and enjoy. Don’t worry about me now, we’ll get to that later. This is for you.” You turn back to his cock as he decides to listen to what you said. You continue to slowly stroke him while you use your tongue to lick around the edge of his soft glistening head. As you lick you also stroke the frenulum underneath. That gets a grunt of approval. Quickly you wrap your lips around his length and start sucking with much enthusiasm. He puts one hand by his waist and the other goes to your shoulder. He knows your not a fan of having your head grabbed so he uses his hips and his grip on your shoulder to help you set the pace. When you feel him start to stiffen everywhere and he’s no longer leading you know he’s close. You slow it down and release his cock from your mouth with an audible pop and much drool. The hand that was stoking him moves down to fondle his balls before going past to rub his taint. You can feel how hard he is still even right to the root.
 “How do you always know when I’m at the brink but not so far gone that it hurts when you stop?” He says to once he can speak again. “How many times have you taken me there to just bring me back and do it again? God your so good. But now I think its my turn to return the favor.”
 “Please do.” you say to him. He moves so he’s kneeling on the floor and scoots your ass to the front of the couch. He then pulls you shorts and underwear off one leg. You lost your flip flops at some point, but they can’t have gone far. He nudges your thighs apart with kisses. You are more than happy to open wide to him. His breathe is very warm on your clit as he moves in to start sucking. You feel his tongue flicking over as he applies light pressure. You drop your head back and let him go. You can feel the heat starting to concentrate in your hips as everything else gets all tingly. 
 “Oh god you taste so good. And still so wet, I’ll have to let you suck dick more if it does this to you!” He says to you as he comes up for air. He keeps up the motion on your now very swollen and sensitive bud. You roll your hips into his motions. Your coming so close to the brink yourself but you think in the back of your mind that he must be feeling it bending down to reach you on the couch. 
“Gods Tae your so good but I need you now. I need to feel you in me when you go over.”
 After some rearranging you end up changing places once again but this time your riding him while he’s seated. You lower yourself fully onto his cock and both of you moan as you take him all the way.
 “Fast, slow, something in-between?” you ask him while rolling your hips and trying to find just the right spot on his pelvis to create the most friction on your clit.  He crushes his mouth to yours while grabbing your hips to set a quicker pace. Both of your hands roam all over each other as you ride him as fast as you can.
 “Almost, almost, fuck, now, nownownow.” He gasps in your ear as you feel him go ridged under you and then his load being released as he crosses over. You keep going chasing that same release and soon you feel your own center tighten completely and you go over as well. You move for a few more strokes to capture the last few waves that have you both shuddering.
 You collapse onto his chest and he wraps his arms around you. Both of you sit there for a few moments catching your breath and letting your heart rates settle a bit before you gingerly get up and grab a fresh tea towel from the package on the lunchroom counter. “I was wondering why the laundry service leaves us 50 tea towels for 2 weeks, when we have a dishwasher and a staff of 10.” You joke as you dampen one end and go back to clean him and yourself up. You both finish getting re dressed and you toss the used towel in the laundry bag. Good thing linen service is tomorrow you think to yourself.
There is not much space for a post coital cuddle as you usually do but then sex in a semi public place is also not something you usually do. He comes up behind you wraps you in hug while leaning his head down on your shoulder. 
“I love you so much. I hope you know that it’s not just the awesome sex, I do love you.” He says into your ear while squeezing you tighter. You turn around in his hug and wrap your arms around his waist while leaning your head on his chest.
 “Yeah I know. I love you too. And the mind-blowing sex doesn’t hurt either.” You laugh.
 You go up the stairs hand in hand laughing together. “I’m going to lock the door after you go into the ATM lobby then set the alarm and come meet you back at the door.” You say to him has you give him a kiss and push him out the door.
 “I’ll just wait here then. No more working.” He says to you as you lock the door behind him. As your crossing the branch while the alarm gives its arming beeps you hear Baby Don’t Stop comes on your speaker again. You smile and think at least this time you don’t have a cup of tea in your hand as you let yourself out and lock the door behind you.
 After getting into the car Tae turns to you when he realizes what song is coming out of your bag. “One of these days I’ll teach you the proper choreo for that one as I don’t remember a cup of hot tea being involved. And your pronunciation still sucks.” He teases you.
 “Shit you saw and heard that? How long were you standing there before you texted me?” You ask feeling slightly embarrassed.
 “Long enough but then you seemed to be concentrating on something important after your dance break. I couldn’t see much once you moved into your office because of the blinds. It was only about 10 minutes really.” He says back to you with a smile.
 You think about this. “Okay non apology accepted. And as for my shit pronunciation, you sing something in French and then we can talk.” You tease him right back.
 “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, çe soir?” He sings back to with a wink and to be honest pretty damn good pronunciation. You turn the car onto the road and head up the hill to the grocery store while laughing. 
“Not fair! That’s a 20 year old song with one line that everyone knows.” He just looks at you and smiles. This is going to be a good 2 weeks you think as you pull into the grocery store parking lot while you laugh and joke with each other.  
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drawbauchery · 5 years
Morning Blues And Morning Brews
(Inspired by this https://drawbauchery.tumblr.com/post/188805733692 and this https://drawbauchery.tumblr.com/post/188823790082 !! )
(fic by cartoons-tothemoon!)
Private had come to the realization that Skipper seemed to be really going through it as of late.
Private didn’t know how to define this “it” in question, but it definitely seemed to be something.
Skipper always seemed worried.
Not in a nervous or tetchy way, just in a serious, paranoid, grumpy way that made it feel like he had been serious, paranoid, and grumpy for a while now.
In Skipper’s mind, home base might as well have been on fire every day for the past year, as he treated it with a simultaneous level of worry and apprehension, but also the same banality that came with things that were mundane. Like, yeah, their HQ was on fire, but he also lost his favorite mug, and he thinks he just saw Rico whistling inconspicuously earlier, so, what was he supposed to do?
Honestly? Private could understand it.
Although he knew he wore every emotion he had ever felt and will ever feel on his sleeve, he understands the sort of day-to-day crisis thing he has going on.
Private’s surprised he’s lived this long as is. He doesn’t even mean it in a morbid way, what with how often they’re dealing with criminal overlords and military-grade weaponry, more like, “top 3 colleges? I thought I’d be dead in the back of a truck by now.” Now he has to deal with military-grade weaponry AND the fact that he never got into med school, which, by all things considered, he thinks he’s dealing with just fine.
Skipper clearly isn’t, though. Though at this point, it’s less of a problem per say, and more of a quirk of his personality, like the way Kowalski never got over Doris the Dolphin, or the fact that nobody can make eye contact with Mort. It’s just the way things are. It’s a trait. An aspect. A quirk.
Still, just because HQ might be on fire all the time, is it wrong of Private to try to smother those flames every once in a while?
Not completely, of course. That’d never happen. Not without therapy, at least, but, is it so wrong to try to help Skipper take the edge off?
Is it so wrong to try to help a friend?
Skipper hadn’t been getting enough sleep lately. That seemed obvious since when he wasn’t sequestering himself in his quarters, he’d been giving death glares to anyone’s gaze who dare reached his eye.
He must’ve been working late, god knows Savio loves to keep his rings of debauchery on the move, and Private swore he heard Skipper say that they were “this” close to finding one of the more notorious ones that had settled in their home state of New York for the time being to dispatch a new drug, and Skipper was determined to stamp them out.
Of course, it could never be that simple. How could it be? Their arrogance proceeded them.
Skipper, specifically. He was always into bearing that cross, not that it ever did the team any favors.
“What’s wrong with Skippa? Is he sick? Should I call Dr. Mankowitz?” Private whispered  from outside the kitchen’s entrance, all the men at least a little cautious when it came to dealing with the beast that was an angry Skipper.
“No, he just didn’t get enough sleep last night.” That much was obvious, and Kowalski almost felt put upon to answer the question at all, but, it was easier than laying into anyone. He’s sure Skipper would do that later anyhow. “Come on, sir. We’ve got work today.”
Maybe it was the blasé way he said it, maybe it was because the statement itself insinuated he didn’t complete the task he had set out to do, but nonetheless, Kowalski received a death glare that would send lesser men into a fright. And Kowalski, in this instance at least, was a lesser man as he ran for the hills. Or, at least the corner.
Private had no such predilections. No such fears.
Private had a strategy.
Private approached Skipper with a small glare on his face, but it too soon softened as it had the tendency to do, as he talked calmly and quietly, placing a small hand on his shoulder.  Honey is sweeter than vinegar, after all.
“Hey…let’s take a moment and go have breakfast, okay?”
Skipper regarded him with almost a soft suspicion at first, like he was considering his options, but soon relented, almost joyously.
After that, Private set up a brew, and things seemed to go significantly smoother after that, though the two were still alone in the kitchen. Rico was probably checking up on his royal highness, and Kowalski had probably been frightened off after his first brush-up with death that morning.
Not to knock Kowalski, of course. Private knew that he was probably trying to do him a favor. It was just a weird way to do it.
Nonetheless, it’s not like Private minded. Weird had become normal, and normal in kind had become weird. It was normal for Skipper to be chopping up fish for his coffee, and it was weird the fact that the two were talking quietly as he did so, about absolutely nothing at all. The two seemed so intertwined that no social convention seemed to stick.
Like Private sitting in Skipper’s lap, that was weird AND normal, even for the two of them.
“D-Dude, you okay?” Rico asked, chuckling a little to himself as he came in the kitchen for an energy drink and whatever fruity concoction Julien had left in the fridge.
“MM-HMM.” Skipper said, gritting his teeth and trying to shoot the same daggers that took out our dear Kowalski, but the ruffled, blushing look that came with having Private in his lap weakened its effects.
Rico snickered, but left it all alone. He went through all this too, the least he could do was give them the fifteen minutes of dignity they deserved before finding a love song on Julien’s playlist to blast. And besides, they had a bed and breakfast to get to.
Skipper rolled his eyes as he watched Rico leave. Was he really going to say something about it? Private was easily the most clingy of the group. Whether he was hugging Kowalski or cuddling on movie nights with Julien, he was at the very least the most tactile. He didn’t have Private in his lap because he //WANTED// to, it’s just that the kid needs a hug every now and again. Even Rico gets his time in when he’s not being actively horny on main, so he shouldn’t talk.
However, considering all those factors, this shouldn’t be weird for Skipper at all. This was normal for Private, and this seemed normal to the rest of the men as well, so why fret? Why did he have to justify simple hugs and handholds when Kowalski and Rico were fine with kissing and cuddling?
Maybe it’s because all it was was handholding and hugging and pecks before. Maybe it was because everyone had treated it as natural. If they felt the same as he had, he doubts he’d consider himself abnormal in this regard. Of course, maybe…
Maybe, at the end of the day, it was because Private saw him frowning, and gave him a smile in kind. He was the one who had lifted his spirits, he was the one who spoke with him about inanities like popcorn and lunacorns when Kowalski would’ve immediately begun planning their latest mission. He was a rock of sorts. He’d be there when Skipper swam too far out to sea, and Skipper would stay with him when the waves bore too hard on him. They were there for each other, and not just in battle, but in every other aspect of life.
“When we’re done with breakfast, do you wanna take a nap?” Private asked. “Kowalski said he thinks he could pinpoint the location of Savio’s new drug ring on his own, but it’d take him the next three hours, so we’d have a bit of free time.”
Skipper choked a little on his coffee, but made a quick recovery. “No, no, it’s quite alright, I can-“
“No, it’s not. It’s not okay. You haven’t gotten a full night’s rest in the past 6 days, and we need you at the top of your game if you’re going to take out that snake’s goons tonight.”
“So this is less of a “want” and more of an “or else” kind of thing.” Skipper said slowly.
“Yeah, kind of.”
“This assertiveness training has been “kind of” paying off.”
“Thanks!” Private said proudly, flashing a little smile as he hopped off Skipper’s lap. Skipper made way to dump his mug in the sink as Private seemed to follow him. “I mean, all we need to do is find Savio’s drug den, right? Then you can rest easy again!”
The bitter taste of truth tastes so much like black coffee that Skipper had to bite his tongue.
Skipper hadn’t gotten 5 hours of sleep across the past 6 days.
He found Savio’s hideout two days ago.
(Hey! I hope you enjoyed! Fun fact, if Skipper makes a deeply worried expression one (1) time, I will stare at it until I can formulate 1600 words worth of his thought process. I’m sorry for not really including the other asks in between the two mentioned at the top, there wasn’t really a way for them to answer these questions in the story-verse, if that’s what we’re calling it.)
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shadowed-dancer · 5 years
SVTFOE Season 4 Rewrite
Long, long ago I hinted that I’d make this and then I didn’t post it. It’s been sitting in my drafts for months so I figured “hey, maybe it’s time.” Some of you may recall this rewrite I did back in May which changed the events of Cleaved, but I wanted to go further. In an ideal scenario, we never get to the point where Cleaved is a necessary episode because the build up of the season was designed in a way that any resolution ends up being unsatisfying.
For this little writing exercise I’ve decided to undertake, I’d like to establish my ground rules. I will be working with the amount of episodes already allotted to season 4 (21 episodes) and I’ll be writing under the idea that they are aired the same way (two every Sunday, with the finale being aired alone. I’ll put a “-” in between episodes so you know which would have aired together). Some episodes will remain the same, some will be similar but will have changes, some will borrow ideas from real episodes, and others will be the same as episodes we actually got, just shifted to a different point in the season. Some of my episodes will be 10 minutes, others will take the whole 20.
As always, this is just for fun, I still have the greatest respect for the svtfoe team and what they created.
It’s a super long post, which is why it’s under the cut. I worked really hard on this, so any likes and reblogs are appreciated! Alright, without further ado, season 4!
Episode 1: Butterfly Follies
I found that this episode was a lovely reintroduction to the characters, so I wouldn’t change anything about it.
Episode 2: Escape From Pie Island
Honestly, it was fine. I think it tied together the “finding Moon” plot from Butterfly Follies pretty well. I’d include a little more about Festivia if anything.
Episode 3 A: Moon Remembers
A nice episode as is, I wouldn’t change anything
Episode 3 B: Swimsuit
Also an awesome episode! One of my favourites actually, so it stays (don’t worry, we’ll get to the juicy changes soon enough)
Episode 4 A: Ransomgram
Ransomgram was a cute episode. It helped us take a break from the plot driven drama of the past few episodes. HOWEVER, I would change 1 thing. At the end, when someone has to stay in the ab dimension to repair the damage, I’d have Star do it (like she tricks Marco into leaving, closes the portal behind him, then comes out a few seconds later in Mewni). This way her age evens out with Marco’s. The way it’s currently written actually makes the age gap worse! So yeah, have Star stay behind without Marco.
Episode 4 B: Lake House Fever
A good episode, I loved seeing more of Dave and Wrathmelior, but I would start really foreshadowing that Star and Tom are about to break up. Don’t have the cute “are you an angel” exchange at the end. Instead, let them have the awkwardness of a couple who’s fallen out of love. We want to break people off their desire for Tomstar early, not super late.
Episode 5 A: Yada Yada Berries
Who doesn’t love a good detective episode? Plus, the events of this will be important later. It stays the same
Episode 5 B: Down by the River
Similar to the original, but now have Moon actually excited to start a new Kingdom. It’s in her nature, she’s been trained to be queen her whole life, so show the establishments of the new kingdom, but with a queen who really wanted it (have her be excited when new people show up, have her eagerly establish living quarters and such).
Episode 6 A: The Ponyhead Show
Same title, different plot. Ponyhead’s new show is set to premiere with it’s first celebrity guest, Eclipsa, but someone cuts the connection. The show was supposed to be Eclipsa’s first official address to her people. This episode’s plot is the characters trying to get the connection back before their allotted time runs out. They end up succeeding and Eclipsa gets to sing her song. Also, cut all the Kelly and Marco interactions, or at least make it super obvious that they are just friends (why not give Kelly a boyfriend? One that isn’t Tad)
Episode 6 B: Surviving the Spiderbites
Perfect episode, wouldn’t change a thing. Absolutely amazing.
Episode 7: Curse of the Blood Moon
Yeah, I cut the entirety of the original episode 7 and shifted this one up a bit, but can you really blame me? Those episodes were pointless! This episode was good, I wouldn’t change to much, however, make it really obvious that, after the curse is broken, Marco still thinks everything about Star is adorable. She could also feel the same way about him. To make room for this, cut that weird couch segment.
Episode 8 A: Princess Quasar Catepillar and the Magic Bell
This was a fun episode, and since we’ll just be coming off of a plot driven episode, let’s do something cool with Ludo!
Episode 8 B: Ghost of Butterfly Castle
Same as the actual episode, but now we learn that Mina was not only behind the Yada Yada berries, but she was also behind cutting the connection at the Ponyhead Show.
Episode 9 A: Cornball!
Same as the actual episode we got, but without the whole “Break up buddies” thing between Marco and Kelly (remember how we cut that whole episode?) Now, we just have Marco and Kelly being friends, maybe with Marco hinting that he really likes Star and Kelly giving some relationship advice?
Episode 9 B: Meteora’s Lesson
Same title, but it’s been rewritten! So, the episode plays out the same up until they meet Toffee. In this new episode, they don’t meet Toffee at all! Instead, they travel to Skywynne directly after she destroyed the dimension. Turns out the lesson wasn’t for Meteora, it was for Skywynne. Glossaryck reassures Skywynne that everything will work out between her and her crush and, as proof, he brought her great granddaughter from the future. Skywynne is super confused and attributes the whole thing to being a hallucination caused by her dipping down for the first time (because remember, Skywynne thinks Glossaryck is dead at that point in her life). Glossaryck tries to explain that he’s real and, to prove he’s fake, Skywynne grabs her wand and is about to blast him. Meteora reacts to this and dips down to protect him (like the way it’s described in the book, out of the protection for another). Glossaryck and her go back to their own time, leaving Skywynne really confused. It ends the same way the real episode does.
Episode 10 A: The Knight Shift
I didn’t like this episode, but I like the relationship building between Marco and Star. It ends similarly with Marco saying that, no matter what, he’ll be there for Star and will visit her often. He then gets a call from his parents, leading us to...
Episode 10 B: Mariposa
A completely new episode! Marco and Star learn that his new baby brother is about to be born, so they return to Earth. Maybe there’s some trouble getting there or whatever. It would just be a cute episode, so I won’t go into huge details since they don’t matter, but it would obviously end with the baby being a girl and being called Mariposa! Star decides to stay on Earth for a few days, realizing that she feels more comfortable there than on Mewni at the moment.
Episode 11 A: Britta’s Tacos
Pretty much the same episode we actually got. I liked it.
Episode 11 B: Beach Day
Again, same episode as what we got in the actual season. However now there is the obviousness of them slowly wanting to be a couple.
Episode 12 A: Gone Baby Gone
Pretty much the same episode because I love getting to see the teen designs for Mariposa and Meteora. However, this time it’s not Heckapoo who leaves a portal open, instead someone (doesn’t matter who) accidentally cuts a rift to the abs dimension. Also, now we’d actually get to see adult Star from when I aged her up back in ransomgram!
Episode 12 B: Sad Teen Hotline
Tom comes to visit Star on Earth and breaks up with her. It’s basically the same as the original episode, but the portals are actually being affected by their emotions (not by Heckapoo closing the portals). It ends with him coming to terms with it and is able to make a proper portal to leave.
Episode 13 A: Pancake Day
Similar to the episode “A Spell With No Name” from the actual series in the sense that we get to hang out with the spells again. Star’s spells are in a bit of a panic because ownership has transferred from Star to Eclipsa and they fear they may never be used again! To help ease their minds, Narwhal and Spider go out to the other rooms and interview spells from past queens (specifically spells we actually read about in the book) and they get to realize that, even if another princess doesn’t use them, they still can lead good lives inside the wand! To celebrate, the invite their new spell friends back to their room for a pancake day.
Episode 13 B: Junkin Janna
Star needs to accompany Eclipsa to a meeting with the MHC, while Tom needs help keeping his mind off his breakup with Star. Janna tags along with Star to Mewni and offers to take Tom boot sledding. Eclipsa and Star learn that there are readings of magic being emitted from the destroyed Butterfly castle (not the monster temple). Eclipsa and Star say they don’t know who it is, since neither of them had gone back. Meanwhile, Tom and Janna get attacked by the bird and we learn that Mina is creating a giant suit of armour for... something.
Episode 14: General Loveberry
A flashback episode! Yay! This episode starts the same way “Pizza Party” starts, with an introduction to rag peddler Mina meeting Solaria and the promise that Mina will be the fiercest warrior Mewni ever knew. It cuts to a scene at the meeting table (the one from “Moon the Undaunted”) with Jushtin yelling at Solaria that the idea is insane. Mina says she’ll happily risk herself to defend the kingdom, and that perhaps Mewni is lucky Jushtin never became queen. Jushtin stands up and takes Eclipsa from Solaria, saying that it’s his sister’s choice on how to proceed, but that it’s no place for a baby.
We then go through a series of cuts to the different Queens at the table. At each cut, Mina becomes a little more unstable.
We start with Queen Eclipsa and Shastacan arguing about whether to deploy the Solarians. Mina reassures Eclipsa that her armies will destroy every last monster, making Eclipsa squirm. She says that she’s the queen and her decision is final, they will not use the Solarians.
Cut to Festivia and the MHC. True to Festivia’s chapter, Rhombulus is suggesting war, Omnitraxes says to wait, Glossaryck isn’t there, and Heckapoo is being super supportive of Festivia. She decides they will go to war and Mina says her army will fight just as hard, if not harder, than when Solaria had first made them.
Cut to Dirhhennia doodling balls on a piece of paper while Festivia introduces Mina and describes all the valiant things she did. Dirhhennia looks up and shrugs, making some comment or whatever. Festivia and Mina exchange a look and it cuts to the literal same scene, but now it’s Crescenta excitedly listening to the victories of Mina. She says that, with her plans for the kingdom, Mina and the Solarians won’t need to fight, and that they can take a break, but it’s good to know they fought so hard.
Cut to Rhina asking if it’s possible for the Solarians to protect her on a trip to the Underworld. Mina explains that not many Solarians are left, and besides, their job wasn’t escort missions, they were made for battle.
Cut to Celena comforting Mina, as we learn that she is the last Solarian left.
Cut to the MHC arguing again with Estrella drawing instead of paying attention, while Mina tries to explain the benefit of another war.
Finally, we cut to Queen Comet explaining her idea for a peace treaty. Mina tries desperately to change her mind, but Comet refuses and explains how the tension between monsters has been going on for too long. She tells Mina a detailed plan for her trip to make he deal, and is then called in by Moon, who needs help figuring out a pie recipe. Comet leaves and Mina is left to think.
Under the cover of night, Mina goes out to the Monster camp. The Monsters freak out as she walks in, but she explains that she means them no harm... yet. She demands she speaks to the general (Toffee) and she gives him all the details of Comet’s travel plan. She says that a peace treaty won’t benefit either side, and he says he agrees. She tells him to do whatever he wants with that information, before she runs back into the woods.
We then get a cut to the present, where Mina is standing in the garden at night, facing statues of the previous queens that we just saw. She apologizes to Comet, saying that it was the only way to end the war once and for all. She hears footsteps behind her, and Moon appears. She says “I’m ready to help” and Mina smiles.
Episode 15 A: A Boy and His DC‑700XE
Again, same episode. This was a really nice, fun episode. However, any and all jokes about Tomco are removed, and instead Tom says that if Marco wants to date Star, he can.
(I want to deal with this now, because I know someone will ask. The reason I don’t want any Tomco hints is because, in this fake season, Starco is already under way. I want to minimize the shipping drama and just build as healthy a relationship as possible for Star and Marco, one that the fandom would hopefully be ok with).
Episode 15 B: Return to St. Olga’s
Eclipsa comes to Star and says that Meteora won’t stop crying and she’s not sure why. She gives Star a drawing that Meteora did, which Star immediately recognizes (it’s just a bunch of scribbles, the audience isn’t meant to know what this is but somehow Star gets it). She tells Eclipsa she knows what Meteora wants, and goes to get Marco. They then go back to St. Olga’s and we get to check in with the girls over there (they’re doing well). The details don’t really matter, but in the end they find Meteora’s old car parked out front (the one she used to live in) and in the trunk they find the dolls of Eclipsa and Globgor. They return with the dolls and Meteora begins clapping before hugging them close. Eclipsa expresses her shock, stating that she hadn’t seen those dolls in 300 hundred years. It ends with Eclipsa looking at the Globgor doll and smiling.
Episode 16: The Monster and the Queen
Similar to the real episode, but longer. It ends with Star proclaiming that Eclipsa will receive a proper coronation, and then will become the proper queen of Mewni once again.
Episode 17 A: Doop Doop
Same title, altered plot. Moon goes to Star and tells her to go on vacation to Earth because the stress of planning a coronation is clearly starting to get to her. Star agrees, saying it would be nice to take a break from planning. Star and Marco go through Mewni and say good bye to all their friends, ending with Doop Doop, before actually leaving for Earth. Once they’re back on Earth, Star says she forgot something and tries to open the portal, but it doesn’t work. She questions if it’s because she’s emotional, like what happened with her break up with Tom. She attempts to call Tom with the intention of having him bring the thing she forgot, but it goes to static. Her and Marco realize something is wrong with the portals.
Episode 17 B: Jannanagins
Same episode, but now Tom isn’t here.
Episode 18 A: Mama Star
Same episode, but Tom isn't here.
Episode 18 B: Ready, Aim, Fire
Similar to the real episode, but Globgor is not free yet. Star, Marco, and Janna all wake up in different places on Mewni (Doop Doop, lint catcher, and Meteora’s nursery). Marco learns that the MHC plans on freeing Globgor, then having the Solarians attack while he’s still disoriented from being freed. Moon is shocked that Star has returned, and Star goes to help Eclipsa, whose castle is under attack. Janna is staying with Meteora while Eclipsa defends her castle and her people.
Episode 19 A: The Right Way
Star and Eclipsa defeat the one warrior (not with the total annihilation spells, just with something else). Moon shows up to help but slips up and reveals she sent Star to Earth knowing this attack would happen, and that she wanted Star away from the danger. She’s then forced to explain herself and reveals that she (Moon) made the new Solarians with the intent of getting rid of Globgor once and for all. Moon speaks of the horror stories she was told about Globgor, leading Eclipsa to speak up with the truth.
Episode 19 B: Queen of Darkness
A flashback episode, very similar to “Moon the Undaunted” from season 3. This would be the story of Meteora’s kidnapping, Globgor eating Shastacan, the attack on Spiderbite village, and Globgor’s crystallization. The whole episode would end with Eclipsa being crystallized.
Episode 20 A: Here to Help
Moon tries to reason with Mina, explaining that she was wrong about Globgor and that he was just a parent looking out for his family. She takes away the powers of the Solarians, leaving Mina as the only one left. Moon tells Mina that Eclipsa will leave with Meteora and Globgor will stay crystallized forever. Mina complains that they are all being let off too easy and tries to attack, but is held off. The group of heroes fall through a portal like they do in “Pizza Party”, and they meet Heckapoo.
Episode 20 B: The Tavern at the End of the Multiverse
Heckapoo reveals that Rhombulus and Mina are going to destroy Globgor and there’s nothing they can do, so they might as well stay safe until this whole thing blows over, then Moon and Star can return, while Eclipsa and Meteora stay in hiding. Moon is mad until she realizes this is exactly what she did to Star, and suddenly understands Star’s conviction to fight for her beliefs. Star is freaking out over the whole thing and sees Glossaryck, forcing herself into his eye. From there, she tells him she needs advice and he takes her to the grandma room. The ghosts appear similar to the actual grandma reunion scene, but this time Star asks them for help on what to do. A few of them motion to Moon’s tapestry, revealing Toffee can speak. He and Star have a civil conversation which leads to him revealing that Mina gave him the information on where to find Comet. Star turns to ask the ghosts if that’s true, but they’re gone. She sees her tapestry though, it’s her and Marco holding hands while standing on a stage. They are facing away from the audience. Facing towards the audience is Eclipsa, Globgor, and Meteora, being cheered on. Star realizes this is the coronation and that she needs to make this happen. She returns and explains that Eclipsa needs to be the true queen again. When Moon protests, Star reveals that Mina helped plot the murder of Comet. With that, Moon prepares for battle.
Episode 21: Cornonation
The episode begins with the group of friends all backstage while Eclipsa gets ready. It’s not as huge of an auditorium because they’re trying to keep things pretty quiet so they don’t attract any unwanted attention. (At some point here, Marco can point out the typo of “Cornonation”). Eclipsa learns a string on her guitar broke and runs to go fix it. Star goes after her and finds that Globgor has escaped. It was Mina who convinced Rhombulus to let Globgor out, but they didn’t anticipate he’d be so fast and he escaped. In a panic, he crashes into the coronation stage (rather than running to the swamp) and Mina goes for the attack. At some point, we show Moon returning to Butterfly castle to get her armour, and there can be another scene where she looks at her mother’s tapestry, smiling before going out to avenge her.
At this moment at the Coronation, Eclipsa is being crystallized but suddenly breaks out her butterfly form and dips down for the first time. She and Moon join forces to do the spell with no name but now it's effects are less deadly, it simply destroys Mina’s armour (rather than flying out and melting everything else). Moon can have a cool moment where she confronts Mina about Comet.
The MHC is still fighting Globgor and we get a similar cool fight scene. Tom suddenly flies up (he was back stage with Marco) and summons the dead queens (remember how he did that with Mackie Hand?) Mina is about to deliver the final blow on Globgor, who’s been reunited with Meteora, when Solaria intercepts the blow. Mina asks her why she’s doing this and she just holds Mina’s face in her hands. “You’ve served me valiantly, Mina. But it’s time to rest.” Mina returns to her normal form and looks around and sees how innocent Globgor looks with his family. She runs off into the forest.
The dead queens take a moment to look at their family. Solaria has a touching moment with Eclipsa and her family, showing she accepts it. Jushtin can swoop in and ruffle Eclipsa’s hair, causing them all to laugh. Maybe even Festivia and meet with Eclipsa (just a silent scene), perhaps with a hug from Eclipsa to Festivia. Meanwhile, Star and Moon reunite with Comet. Star finally gets to meet Celena and apologizes to Festivia for destroying her legacy. Star then makes amends with Skywynne, to whom she confesses that she was her favourite grandma. All the queens wave goodbye and are about to leave when Eclipsa stops them. “I know that some of you aren’t my real family, but we were all Queens of Mewni. And this kind of reunion doesn’t happen every day so... will you stay for my coronation?”
It ends the same way the real episode ends, but now we see all the character’s we’ve come to know sitting in the audience (including the queens and including some earth people like Marco’s family). The credits roll as Eclipsa and Globgor continue singing an extended version of their song. The last shot of the show is Star and Marco kissing backstage, with Marco’s cheeks glowing.
Some Final Thoughts
I hope you enjoyed! Since I have your attention, I thought I’d justify and explain some of my reasonings for making the changes that I did. If this doesn’t interest you, feel free to click away now
Ending With Globgor’s Freedom
Some of you may be wondering “Why would you free Globgor at the end?! Don’t you want to show how cute he and Eclipsa are?” I do, which is why I extended “The Monster and the Queen” and why I added another flashback episode about them. I want you to think really hard though for one second. After his freedom in the original series, what did he do? He was injured, sure, but that didn’t lead to anything. He was just sort of... there. Did you know that Globgor doesn’t say a SINGLE word in Cleaved? Yeah...
Ending With the Coronation
Think about it. Svtfoe has always been about Star being a magical princess. This is the physical proof that that point in her life is coming to an end, just as the show is coming to an end. When I first watched season 1, I kind of assumed the series would end with Star becoming Queen. After we learned that Eclipsa was still the true heir, it only felt right to end it this way.
Adding “General Loveberry”
This fan made episode was honestly just a way to give the queens voices, but it also helps flesh out Mina’s character and show her descent into madness. She has seen all her fellow solarians die, she has served every queen, give her this recognition!
Making Mina Responsible for Comet’s Death
I had seen this theory floating around, but unfortunately I don’t know who created it. However, I think it adds a valid reason for Moon to turn on Mina. In the original, Moon flips sides too much, and her only reason for betraying Mina is “I didn’t know she would go so far”. HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW THAT? In mine, Mina DOESN’T go that far. She’s ready to do her duty to get rid of Globgor, and that’s all. It’s her past actions that catch up to her.
ALSO it would show Moon that her monster bias wasn’t completely right. I didn’t elaborate too much in the above section, so I’ll do it here. I would make it very clear throughout the series that Moon kind of blames all monsters for Comet’s death, so learning it was actually a Mewman, her trusted general no less, that was truly behind it makes her rethink everything.
Swapping Toffee for Skywynne in “Meteora’s Lesson”
Reason #1 is because I want to hear her voice, and she wouldn’t be in the “General Loveberry” episode. Reason #2 is because I want to see moments of the book addressed in the show. The fact that a queen destroyed a dimension is oddly glossed over in the series. I also think that visiting a past queen is more relevant than visiting Toffee, especially in my rewrite. Originally, Toffee’s appearance felt like fan service, but it kind of reminded people that Toffee wanted magic destroyed. Well now we don’t want to destroy magic, so Toffee can have his appearances in “General Loveberry” and “The Tavern”.
Not Destroying Magic
In my opinion, destroying the magic was NOT a satisfying way to end. Magic had always been a part of this world, so to come to the decision to destroy it  ONE episode in advance, it felt awkward. Keep magic, keep the queens, but now it’s a new generation. A generation where a queen will rule hand in hand with a monster.
Changing “The Spell With No Name” to “Pancake Day”
Is it just me, or did the original episode “The Spell with No Name” feel super over hyped? Like, they foreshadow this horrible destructive spell, and then Eclipsa uses it a few episodes later but nothing happens! There’s no “Oh my corn we need to stop it!” It just flies off, doing who knows what, and it’s never addressed! With my shift to a lighter episode, we get to address something that I assume would be a very real concern for the spells (not being used) and we get to meet some other spells. This also helps ease the audience into the idea of meeting the past queens, so it doesn’t seem as weird when they pop up at the end.
Why not break up Tom and Star even earlier?
I considered breaking up Tom and Star right after the Bloodmoon curse thing, but it felt too rushed. I felt there needed to be time where they're in a relationship, but it’s clear they aren’t super pumped about it. The way I have it, we still get lots of time between their break-up and the finale, plus Star and Marco never actually confirm they are dating. It ends more on the promise of “Let’s see if this works”.
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
Do we choose rule, or do we choose suck?
Alex Clifton: Juuls. Juuls. Juuls. Oh my god, Juuls. [7]
Katie Gill: It's a little bit telling how all the comments on the YouTube video are comparing this song to other meme songs and not talking about the merits of the song itself. Still, there will always be a place in the world for meme songs that are serviceable memes but less than serviceable songs that teenagers can obnoxiously quote on the bus. "Where's My Juul" fits that niche perfectly. I expect a fleet of TikToks featuring people lip-syncing to this and will be very disappointed when this inevitably doesn't happen because I am out of touch with the youth. [6]
Kalani Leblanc: I can see there's already an abundance of blurbs submitted for this song, and the number will have risen by the time I finish this. After thinking so hard about how to go about being the fifteenth person to say "It sounds like "Shoes"," I'm realizing it's not really "Shoes" anyway. While they're both jokes that bear a resemblance in the thrash of a breakdown, "Where's My Juul??" is also listenable. The comparison is getting tired because it's like did anyone listen to "Shoes"? As a song? In earnest??? While this is not an entirely impressive piece, no concerto or FKA Twigs production, it's enough. Since 2006, we've been making everything into jokes, so it makes perfect sense. Nicotine-induced freakouts would've been the subject of an after school special ten years ago, but now they're joke material for hypebeasts and others on Twitter. Lil Mariko makes an impressive case while trying to find her Juul; I can't find anything this song did wrong, sorry. [8]
Will Adams: The mid-song 0-to-11 ramp is what takes this past the mean-spiritedness of "#Selfie" and the meme-spiritedness of "Phone" into effortless "Shoes"/"Let Me Borrow That Top" absurdity. The Juul is a placeholder; sub in any other monosyllabic cultural artifact, and Lil Mariko's rage against Full Tac's electroclash-y beat would cut through just as effectively. "Sorry, guys!" she says at the end, except there's nothing to apologize for. [7]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I wrote 20 pages about Juul culture in 2018 so I should in theory be the exact target audience for this. Yet "Where's My Juul??" doesn't really click for me. It's charming and funny in parts (Lil Mariko's spoken verses, which transmit nervy anxiety and barely restrained fury effectively) but the hook, which takes up most of the very long minute-forty-five, is comedy via brute force principles: repeat a phrase enough and it will transfigure into a joke. [5]
Brad Shoup: About as funny as the related TikTok meme, though not as menacing, surprisingly. I wish so badly that Full Tac had gone full hardcore -- or even brostep! -- but am glad that Lil Mariko's Danny Brownian ad-libs and sudden reversals grind "#SELFIE" into the dirt. [7]
Oliver Maier: I need not catalogue the myriad ways in which this is transparently designed to blast off on TikTok -- you would probably know better than me -- but that cynicism detracts from "Where's My Juul??" for me. There's none of the spontaneity or sense of genuine fun that animates certain other genre-agnostic, threat-spewing, extremely online weirdo duos, more savvy than it is genuinely silly. It's not badly executed, but I felt like I got the picture before even hitting play. [4]
Will Rivitz: I get this is supposed to be more meme than song, but I so wish it had leaned into the latter for more than half its runtime. The "FUCK!!!" at the beginning of its second chorus is worth at least a [7] on its own, and its redlining nu-metal production is such a tight fusion of XXXTENTACION's sonic fingerprint and simplified TikTok trap that I'm surprised the "oh my God" ad-libs aren't followed by a "Ronny." As it stands, "Where's My Juul??" and its just-a-little-too-long interludes that grate after listen number four or so functions as a sort of "Thrift Shop" for the current day, a track defined by its novelty that we as an Internet music-Twitter hivemind all agree was genuinely good about five years after it's exited the public consciousness. It deserves more. [8]
Ian Mathers: Both less musically compelling and with less of a point than "Can I Get a Box?". [5]
Katherine St Asaph: It's kind of amazing how it took seven years for Rebecca Martinson to release her debut. [1]
Nortey Dowuona: Lil Mariko is actually kinda weird in the lol so random funny way that people think that [insert overrated white comic who had a Comedy Central show] is and has a really great metal screaming voice. I don't know who made this dull approximation of Kenny Beats and Pi'erre Bourne, nor do I care. Lil Mariko will hopefully get a recurring cameo role on Nora From Queens and get her own show from that. [5]
Mo Kim: The best joke here is the escalation of nonchalance (hey, where's my Juul?) into something desperate, and therefore dangerous: it hits like the drop in a rollercoaster when Lil Mariko finally breaks out the deep-throated metal screams, but the moment wouldn't have half the thrill without the masterful way she gradually ups the heat on the song's first chorus before that. Both of her spoken monologues, where she merges Valley Girl affect with murderous menace, only sweeten the deal. [8]
Ryo Miyauchi: "Where's My Juul??" gets spiked with an infectious dose of adrenaline when it suddenly turns a lot more aggro than you'd expect from a meme-y cross-section of Rico Nasty's mosh-pop and PC Music's ironic bubblegum. The demented beat stings with a pungent metallic sourness, and while her Valley Girl accent scans as an obvious put-on, Lil Mariko's blood-curdling scream is legitimately hair-raising. The song rapidly combusts, ensuring the joke doesn't overstay its welcome. [7]
Joshua Lu: Yes, hearing the unassuming Lil Mariko scream and snarl over a missing Juul is intrinsically funny, especially accompanied by a music video that knows exactly how to push the limits of its concept. But the real strength of "Where's My Juul??" lies in its sheer relatability. The title could be anything -- where's my wallet, my phone, my eraser -- because anyone who has ever misplaced anything can relate to the escalating panic and rage in not only the cataclysmic vocals, but also Full Tac's discordant production. Also crucial to the song is its sense of plot, as it steadily progresses from confusion to blame to outright violence. The ending, though predictable (Lizzo used the exact same twist not that long ago), is a necessary denouement, as it provides the moment where everyone involved can look back on the last minute and a half of chaos and laugh. [8]
Iain Mew: As a song structure trick, I love the fake-out final verse, those ones that seem like something slowly developing before the artist brutally cuts it off for the chorus or instrumental to come back stronger than ever; the "Don't Speak" and "Your Best American Girl" kind of thing. The key moment of "Where's My Juul??" comes in taking that same trick to a ludicrous, brilliant extreme. It has a drawn-out, jittery verse, a cartoon scowl of a chorus, and then one question into verse two it veers straight into swearing, screaming and fucking everything up. That's perfect enough that it would ideally be even shorter than it ends up. [7]
Kylo Nocom: Full Tac and Lil Mariko do in less than two minutes what took Justice five. The gimmick is the least fun part, and judging by my sample size of BigKlit's "Liar" and Full Tac's very own "CHOP" the producers behind this might not even be as funny as this video would imply. But I've long settled with music that's good on the merits of just being fun; when the production here is layered with discordant guitar sampling, analog drum kits, and distant screams of "piss!" and "fuck," I'm willing to buy into the ugliness. [8]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Full Tac returns with another take on "Liar," succeeding because the goofy conceit here finds an appropriately goofy (that is, unexpected) vocal performance. Part of the appeal is how "Where's My Juul??" could sit comfortably alongside songs from Rico Nasty and Rina Sawayama, but has the appeal of shoddy viral videos from yesteryear. It's that "Kombucha Girl"-type reaction it's striving to elicit, and it accomplishes that as soon as the screaming starts. The best detail, though, is the most subtle: the moment Lil Mariko stops herself from saying "who" and politely asks "have you seen it?" [7]
Michael Hong: Have you ever been dragged to a party only for your only friend to disappear, leaving you to mingle with a group of people you don't know? And one person makes a comment so absurd that you just giggle along with the rest of the group even though you're not really sure if they're layering their statement with even a hint of irony or if there's something much more unsettling lurking underneath? But the jokes are getting more and more uncomfortable and suddenly fewer people are laughing along, instead furtively glancing across each other with an exasperated look as if to say "is this person for real?" And instead of backing away, that person instead starts doubling down, getting more and more aggressive, screaming across the room for what feels like hours and surely people must be ready to head out. Instead, when you finally catch a moment to glance down at your phone, you find that only two minutes have elapsed since you arrived and you realize that not even a quarter of the time has passed before your ride will come and you can leave this godforsaken party. You have absolutely no choice but to continue standing in the group in discomfort, waiting for this moment that feels like an eternity to finally finish, with the only background noise being the stereos blaring what sounds like someone's first attempt at using GarageBand. [0]
Crystal Leww: While I was digging through "likes" on SoundCloud, I noticed that a friend of mine had liked "Baby Let Me Know" by Full Tac, which sounds like the synth heavy dreamy pop that was popular at the beginning of last decade. I did not stick around for "Where's My Juul??" so imagine my surprise today when I turned this on and it's umm, screaming. A consistent genre as an essential part of an up-and-coming artist's brand is less essential than ever, especially in an age where (waves hands) dance music has eaten itself alive in its swirling storm of troll energy. Chaos in and of itself is a brand -- from 100 gecs to Alice Longyu Gao's dueling sister tracks "Rich Bitch Juice"/"Dumb Bitch Juice" to any DJ Bus Replacement Service set, it has fully infiltrated dance music. How this goes from sweetly threatening to full-on psychotic and back to cutely apologetic is chaotic so yes, I think Full Tac could make some noise (both in creating a fanbase and also like literally) with this. [8]
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plutoniumcybernetic · 5 years
So you're a cy8org, huh? What happened that led to your transform8tion?
hhhhhokay so I did promise I would get to this eventually but I had to be in the right mood for it. I’m feeling good enough right now that diving back into all this won’t ruin my night, hopefully. lets get started then, shall we?
roughly... 5 or 6 sweeps ago, this all took place, was only a little over 6 sweeps myself so yeah it’s closer to 5. I was doing my thing as a high-priority courier, getting important things to important places, very fast, very discreetly. I was young but like, damn good at it and even had quite a few repeat clients. did I end up in some trouble from time to time? sure! it’s a dangerous gig! (hell my mate got me to retire from that because she was so worried) but sometimes, you know, things get to be a little more than you can handle...
was doing a run for a relatively new client, only done one or two runs for them before, some real high tech stuff they needed to get to their client. I had all that previous work experience that they loved, I was perfect for the job! so yeah, in the middle of my like, third run or whatever. a couple of people start giving chase, all slowly and trying not to let anything on at first, but once I start getting evasive they book it after me. unfortunately for me, whoever the hell was organizing these fuckers knew me well enough to grab and corner me in an alley.
this part gets... more fuzzy for me, both due to what all happened and from how much I want to distance myself from the memories of all that. but uh... basically like, big guy starts questioning and torturing me, shatters bones, destroys my insides, last thing I really remember is just like... something going through the bottom of my jaw and out the top of my head. I don’t remember what. I don’t even want to try. the only thing that truly sticks with me is this fucking... weird vision I had after blacking out.
basically i’m just laying there in pitch blackness, up against a wall, unable to move, whole body screaming in agony, the works. suddenly there’s this BRIGHT ass flash of green light, almost positive it’s my blood color which might be why this next part feels so crystal clear despite the pitch black. this figure starts slowly approaching me, it’s absolutely my ancestor, I know it in my heart (what’s left of it I guess) that it’s her. I’m basically just fading out, assuming I’m about to be taken to some afterlife before she puts a hand to my chest and with a green glow I literally feel like, life being restored to me is the best way to put it. everything is pain but I’m not dying at all, and things are going numb. what she said as she did that I still remember exactly.
“It’s not your time yet, dear. I mean, we haven’t even been introduced!”
and then boom, I snap awake floating in like, a fuckin sci-fi ass tank of goo with no feeling in any of my body. everything’s a blur for a few moments before I start to recognize a figure, then it’s coming into focus as this funky looking blueblood guy in glasses is just... scrambling around all surprised and waving at me. I kinda... try to wave back but it’s hard when you don’t know where your limbs are. dude freaks out, I don’t know if I actually waved back or if it was just the movement that spooked him but he immediately goes up to the side of the tank I can’t see and the whole thing starts to drain, I’m still super numb as it gets to the bottom and I’m just kinda laying there learning to breathe air again, feeling sorta starting to come back as he just picks me up in his arms and starts disconnecting pipes or wires or something from my back, just going “there there dear, don’t worry you’re safe” and stuff but I’m like, just high out of my mind to a degree that I’m just fuckin confused as shit lmao.
anyways he helps get me cleaned up, introduces himself as Deronn, explains to me about how he basically had to rebuild my body from scratch I was so fucked up. I guess I just start... busting up laughing as he explains things, since he awkwardly tries to laugh with me and that sticks as like, probably one of the most heartwarming moments of my life as I’m just... naked in a bath with this guy I don’t even know cleaning me up because I’m too weak to move, and I’m just laughing my ass off while the guy is just, trying to laugh along while all super worried that he fucked something up in my brain or whatever and then I just go, after like a minute or two of laughing, “I’m good, thanks” and fuckin pass out in the tub again. I must have been high as shit, actually.
So Deronn’s gotta be like, 12 sweeps old at this point I’d think, and he’s basically just taken me in and started rehabilitating me. teaching me about all the cybernetics I got installed in me, all the ins and outs, how they’re used, what all I should be doing with them. Periodically he’s giving me software updates for everything he did with my brain... All this tech is like, stupidly advanced, stuff I don’t think ever was actually made by trolls unless Deronn did some really crazy reverse engineering of stuff. I’m just being a prissy little 6 sweep old bitch but he’d always counter me with just being always kind and understanding and... calling me princess. aaaahhh shit I know where that comes from now. fuck me.
so I’m slowly recovering and mom comes to ‘visit’ (probably to bite Deronn’s head off, I never told him that) so I have to get up and explain to her what’s happening super fast and letting her know I’m okay and not there against my will or anything. mom’s ready to begrudgingly let me stay as long as I need to, so long as I’m ready to come back with her asap. I keep staying with Deronn as he helps me get better and used to my new body.
as soon as I’m like, fully mobile again I’m just like, all sure of myself so I go up to him like, hey I gotta repay you somehow for everything you’ve done, so I’m gonna stay a while longer and help you out, and hopefully be an awesome courier for him. Deronn’s IMMEDIATELY trying to shoot me down and telling me that nono I don’t owe him anything but like, you know, I’m a stubborn little princess and all that so eventually I wear him down and just... (ahaha fuck I’m crying because I know where this gooooes) eventually he does agree that me getting out again would be a good idea, especially since I’ll be so much stronger now. I’m all smug and confident in myself and get in touch with some of my old employers to smugly tell them that yes, I’m alive after like a quarter of a sweep with no word, and ready to do runs again. and uh, the one i was doing runs for that got me into that first mess? apparently didn’t exist anymore so that’s spooky.
I’m out doing runs for money and as favors for Deronn now, while giving him a part of my payout so that he’s able to purchase things that I was able to run back to him. (he was stupidly adamant about not going lower than 60-40 split for me, I even tried to sneak more money to him sometimes but it’d just end up next to my coon again in the evening lmao) biiiig problem for me was that like, I was stupidly overconfident and doing risky stuff all the time for no reason, getting myself hurt and coming back with a big grin as Deronn had to fix me up from scraps or falls or anything like that... the biggest problem came when I showed up back at his place after a bad run, three bullet holes in me and bleeding like crazy with a big dumb grin on my face like I was the coolest fucking kid in the empire. I woke up in the tube again after that, apparently one of those bullets went through my heart!
so uh, after that there was a lot of crying, him holding me tight, just happy that I was still alive and all that but there was a really big ultimatum after that. Deronn tells me he’s not gonna be around forever, I’m gonna need to take care of myself again eventually, and he can’t keep fixing me up like this. I couldn’t bear to see him like this so of course, I agreed that I’d be allowed to keep doing the jobs, so long as I was actually taking care to not get hurt at all to the best of my ability. I still didn’t believe him, though. He was a blueblood, he was gonna be around forever, right? yeah... anyways it went smoothly from there on until like, half a sweep in. we were close, I was helping him with the computer stuff, and getting ready to leave back with my lusus in maybe a perigee or so.
one night, I’m out on a run doing my typical work, I’m cloaked invisible and in the shadows and everything, learned so much more from everything I’ve done and had happen. Suddenly in the city there’s just this... Massive flash, and a thunderous, powerful explosion that rocks the entire damn hivecluster, I bet you could have felt it for miles and miles. I didn’t think about that though because that explosion came from around the area that Deronn lived. I fucking bolted straight to the scene of the explosion, the only problem was that there was nothing but a massive, scorched crater waiting for me. the map on my hud confirmed everything I dreaded, Deronn’s hive was at ground zero. I basically collapsed, bawling my eyes out until my mom came and picked me up, carrying me in her arms the entire time we were underground, headed to my new hive. my old one had been completely destroyed, apparently. 
I... still don’t know what happened. I know he had a fusion reactor that powered all of his hive, that’s the only thing that could have caused such a blast but... was it intentional? an accident?? sabotage??? it still hurts just thinking about it, knowing I’ll never get any closure. by sunset he’s kissing my forehead telling me to have a good day and tell him all about it when I get back, by sunrise I’m crying myself to sleep in my mom’s arms. Deronn was without a doubt the kindest, most compassionate soul that I think has ever existed, always strong and ready to protect me, give me a shoulder to cry on, make sure I was taken care of and always had somewhere to go...
...fuuuuck. that’s why I feel the way I do about Valter too, isn’t it? hhhhhfuck.
anyways. I never got to say goodbye, how much he meant to me, anything like that. there’s always a place in my synthetic heart for him, especially considering he’s the one who put it there and fixed it when it was broken and everything. I’m never going to be truly over it, but it’s... he changed my outlook on life so dramatically, literally saved my life on several occasions, so like...
I miss you so much Deronn, I love you and will always love you. and above all else, thank you so, so much. for everything.
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Guardians of the Galaxy: Part 11 (Peter Quill x Reader)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
A/N: Hey sorry it took me a little while to get this part done but here it is. Honestly, it kinda sucks just cause it’s a bunch of fighting and not enough flirting with Peter. There is one final part after this and then I am going to be writing one for Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 which should come out shortly! Hope y’all enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, mild violence
As you emerge from Peter's quarters, you can't help but feel a pair of judgemental eyes watching you. Turning around you face Rocket who is leaning against the doorway with a satisfied grin. He notices you wearing Peter's large shirt that hangs down to your thighs and a pair of Peter's boxers peeking out from underneath. You suddenly become aware of how suspicious you look, slowly shutting Peter's door wearing his clothes as the raccoon stares you down.
"Rocket," you acknowledge nervously, hoping he doesn't notice the waver in your voice.
"Y/N," he responds smugly. "Nice pajamas."
"Shut up, furball."
Rocket snickers. "Hey, no need to get defensive. I figured it was only a matter of time before I caught you leaving Quill's room in the morning."
Intrigued, you raise an eyebrow. "And what is that supposed to mean?"
"Come on, Y/N," Rocket states casually as if you already know what he is going to say. "You and Quill have been dying to jump each other's bones the moment you first met."
"That's ridiculous," you defend, looking away from Rocket.
"Keep telling yourself that," he responds, turning around with a grumble. He begins to saunter away from you, mumbling under his breath. "You Terrans are so fucking oblivious."
As everyone slowly starts to wake up, you all meet up in the common area of Yondu's ship. Yondu and the Ravagers offer up some Ravager garb for the group, that way you will all look like a team. You all take the offer and go off to change. Everyone's outfits are able to accommodate their individual needs during the battle. Peter wears his usual Ravager clothing that has holsters for his guns and spots for his rocket launchers on his boots, paired with his iconic leather jacket of course. Drax ditches the shirt and only wears the red pants and boots that allow him to store his swords inside. Rocket dresses in what would be an average outfit for himself: a vest and pants that have strategic places for all of his insane weapons. Gamora puts on a Ravager outfit that also contains a spot for her sword and weapons. Obviously, Groot wears nothing because he never does.
Lastly, you step into the bathroom and are thankful to change out of your dirty clothes from Morag. You were reluctant to change back into them this morning, but after your discussion with Rocket, you figured it would have been a terrible idea to leave Peter's room wearing his underwear. The new Ravager outfit they give you looks identical to Gamora's, but it has space for guns instead of swords. Checking yourself out in the mirror, you zip up the red jacket that looks incredibly good on you. It's not too revealing but it's not too modest either. You like the way the tight pants grip your curves and how the boots make your legs look amazing. Automatically, you strap your walkman to your belt and are very happy with your final appearance.
You step outside the bathroom door where you find Peter leaning up against the wall. Upon hearing the door open, his head shoots up and he stares right at you. His eyes travel down your body, exploring every inch of it in your new outfit. Holding back a snicker, you smirk at him. "Guess I look pretty good then, huh?"
"You look so fucking hot..." Peter mumbles to himself, face distraught. He hears you laugh at him so he coughs and makes his voice deeper. "I mean...yeah you look pretty good."
"Thanks," you say, turning on your heel to head down the hallway. "You look hot as well, Peter." You can feel him grin at you as he stays close on your trail, following your every step. He wouldn't dare walk in front of you, because then he couldn't get the nice view he has from behind you.
In the common area, you all agree to go through the plan one more time as you approach Xandar. Rocket steps in front of the group. "There's one more thing we need to complete the plan," he announces, everyone looking at him. "That guy's eye!" He points to a Ravager with a mechanical eye and you chuckle thinking back to when Rocket made Peter retrieve a prisoner's prosthetic leg.
"No!" Peter shouts. "No, we don't. No, we don't need that guy's eye."
"No, seriously, I need it! It's important to me." Rocket laughs to himself. Thankfully, no one lets him try and take the man's eye, although it would be kind of funny.
"We do not need that dude's eye," you giggle, nudging Rocket.
After going over everything one more time, Peter goes off to send a message to the Nova Corp officers that arrested you guys a few days ago while Rocket gets his weapons ready. You look over your guns and practice aiming them while Drax and Gamora train with their swords.
"Ronan's fleet has been spotted and will arrive in T-minus fifteen minutes," a voice on the ship's speakers recites.
You sit down on a bench in the common area of Yondu's ship. You take a deep breath, breathing in and out slowly. What if you die today? It's a very big possibility and honestly, it scares you, no matter how tough you try to come across to others. Peter speaks briefly with Yondu and then takes a seat next to you.
"Hey," he mutters, nudging you with his shoulder. "You nervous?"
"Well, don't be. I really think we got this under control. We can take down Ronan."
You sigh. "But what if we can't, Peter? We all said we might die out there today and we were all fine with it. What if that actually happens?"
"You think I'm gonna let you die without kissin' you again?" Peter jokes, causing you to chuckle. He slings his arm around you and pulls you into him. He smells like vanilla and leather and you want to savor the warmth of his comforting embrace. "In all seriousness, Y/N, I'm gonna try my best to make sure nothing happens to you...or anyone."
"Okay..." you smile up at him. "We can do this."
"Hell yeah, we can! Plus, I totally got somethin' that will cheer you up." He gets up from the seat and removes the tape from his walkman. He pops it into the player and "Cherry Bomb" by the Runaways echoes throughout the ship. Peter immediately starts dancing to the music like an absolute dork. He was right, that definitely cheers you up.
He pulls you along with him as the rest of the gang lines up to walk toward your ships as the beat plays in the background. First, it's just you and Peter, then Gamora walks alongside you, then Drax, then Groot, and then Rocket. You felt like superheroes walking in slow-motion to save the day. That's a pretty new and exciting feeling.
"Don't fuck up out there, humie." Rocket looks up at you with a sly grin. "I'm counting on you."
"Yeah, right," you snicker. "You're just saying that cause you're worried I might die out there and you'd miss me too much."
"Maybe," the raccoon discloses. "But don't get all high and mighty about it." He begins to walk away toward the flight deck.
"Hey, Rocket!" You call out to him. "You don't fuck up out there either, okay?"
"Me? I wouldn't dream of it."
"Let's go get em, boys!" Yondu hollers from the pilot's seat. He opens the gate below the ship and several smaller ships emerge. Rocket is in another craft while you, Peter, Gamora, Drax, and Groot head out in the Milano. Peter steers the ship and he has that cute, giddy grin he gets whenever he is piloting.
"This is a terrible plan," Gamora complains.
"Hey," Peter retorts. "You're the one who said you wanted to die among friends and family."
As Ronan's ship, the Dark Aster, enters, all of the ravager ships block his path. On Yondu's command, you all begin firing at it. The ship manages to deflect most of the shots and gets ready to shoot at you and the ravagers, so Rocket and a few other crafts head to the starboard side, trying to knock it down. The Dark Aster releases the tiny ships with Ronan's henchmen in them so they can shoot at the ravagers.
"Quill! Yondu! Now!" Rocket calls. Peter steers through the madness of the battle with Yondu beside your ship. As you get closer to approaching Ronan's ship, Yondu gets taken down.
"Hell!" he screams. "I'm going down, Quill. No more games with me, boy! I'll see you at the end of this." With that, his ship goes down to the surface of Xandar. Peter just groans at his statement and continues to get to Ronan's ship. It grows more and more difficult to dodge the shots, and after you're hit by one it feels impossible.
"There are too many of them, Rocket! We‟ll never make it up there!" Gamora yells.
Suddenly, a fleet of ships enters and begins assisting you in taking down Ronan's smaller crafts. It's the Nova army! To your surprise, they're here to help you.
"Peter Quill," a voice calls from one of the Nova ships. "This is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corp. For the record, I advised against trusting you here."
Peter's face lights up. "They got my dick message!" he exclaims. You laugh while the rest of the crew seems to raise their eyebrows at him.
"Prove me wrong," Saal states.
Now with the help of the Nova Corp, you're able to pick up the pace and blast through the Dark Aster. It is very hard to come to a stop as the Milano scrapes against the floor while several henchmen shoot at you. All the while, Drax is cracking up in the back seat. Peter manages to stop the ship successfully while Ronan's goons scurry.
"Yes!" Drax shouts in excitement. "Yes!" He continues to laugh hysterically.
"We are just like Kevin Bacon!" Gamora points out. You and Peter share a look, appreciating her enthusiasm for a Footloose reference.
"Definitely," you answer your sister, causing her smile to shine brighter.
You leave the Milano, taking some useful weapons with you, and step out into the foggy interior of the ship. The area is completely dark and obviously, the fog only makes things worse. "I can barely see," Drax says what everyone is thinking. Groot extends his hand, and when he opens it, a bunch of fireflies flutter out. You stare at them in awe. Not only are they beautiful to look at, but they illuminate the ship, allowing all of you to see clearly. "When did you learn to do that?" Drax asks.
"Pretty sure the answer is 'I am Groot'" Peter huffs.
"The flight deck is three hundred meters away," Gamora informs. The group nods and resumes walking in the right direction.
"I want you all to know that I am grateful to your acceptance after my blunders. It is pleasing to once again have...friends," Drax conveys. "You, Quill, are my friend."
"Thanks," he replies.
"Y/N is my friend."
"Right back at ya."
"This dumb tree, he is my friend," Drax says. Groot hums in acknowledgment. "And this green whore, she to-"
"Oh, you must stop!" Gamora snaps.
All of a sudden, Nebula drops before you. "Gamora, Y/N, look at what you have done!" she states. "You two have always been weak. You're stupid, traitorous..."
Drax shoots her with his gun and she falls into the broken debris of the ship. "Nobody talks to my friends like that." You and Gamora send him smiles of gratitude.
"Head to the flight deck," Gamora says. "I'll shut down the power to the security doors."
As you jog toward the flight deck, Korath and his men stop you. "Star-Lord," he states.
The corners of Peter's lips creep up into a goofy grin. "Finally!" He is truly the biggest dork ever, but a cute dork nonetheless. The two of them engage in a fight while the rest of you quickly take down his henchmen. Drax cuts them with his swords while you fire at them with your guns. Groot gets rid of them in his own ways, punching and extending his roots and such. Korath throws Peter up against a wall and he seems as though he is unable to get up.
Your eyes widen as you stare at Peter almost nearing defeat. The men you're fighting off almost notice your distraction and the way you easily let your guard down, yet you punch or shoot them one by one. As you continue firing shots and fighting the henchmen, your mind wanders to Peter as you attempt to make your way over to him.
Luckily, Drax goes to his defense and begins attacking Korath. Korath shoves him down against the floor. "You will never make it to Ronan."
Peter gets back up and you fight side by side to take down the henchmen. He uses his rocket launchers to slide across the ground and shoot at any of the henchmen in the way. Drax continues to fight Korath, punching him until he has him pushed up against the wall.
"Finger to the throat means death." He slams his head and Korath shakes until he falls to the floor, dead. You and Peter stare at Drax. "Metaphor," he declares.
Peter shrugs. "Yeah, sort of." He turns to see a ton more men run toward you. "Oh no," he mutters. But, Groot grows his hand and takes every single one of them down, screaming in rage during the process. He turns to look back at the three of you and simpers sheepishly. You move forward.
You feel the ship move downward as it pulsates through the blockade the Nova Corp army created. Ronan has started heading toward the city and you are losing the battle.
"Quill, you gotta hurry," Rocket says through the earpiece in Peter's mask. "The city's been evacuated, but we're getting our asses kicked down here."
"Gamora hasn't opened the door!" Peter responds, slamming his fists on the closed door you need to get through. You wait for a few brief seconds until it finally opens. You duck into the flight deck, where Gamora enters on the opposite side. You kill all of the henchmen blocking your path to Ronan so you can all stand behind him, ready to defeat him once and for all. Peter gets the hadron enforcer warmed up and takes the shot. It hits Ronan, exploding him into a blue cloud of dust. Peter deactivates his mask and smiles brightly.
"You did it!" Drax cheers.
However, your beaming grins soon change into frowns as you see Ronan stand up. You and Peter share a look of fright, he wasn't able to kill Ronan. He can't protect you now. Ronan gets up and faces all of you. He lifts his hammer that contains the Infinity Stone and turns it, causing you to fly back. Drax collects himself instantly and sprints toward Ronan, who puts him in a chokehold once he gets near him. He struggles to breathe and his feet dangle, kicking as he fights against his grip.
"I was mistaken," Ronan's loud voice booms. "I do remember your family. Their screams were pitiful. I-" he is cut off by Rocket's ship entering and slamming into him. This causes the whole quadrant to go up in flames and you know the entire ship is about to explode.
Peter retrieves Rocket from the ship and brings him toward Groot while you and Gamora drag Drax over. Pieces of the ship crumble around you and you feel it going down. Groot looks around amongst all of you and then grows every branch on his body to cover you in his protection of strong sticks. He uses the branches to strap you down and keep you secure. You reach out and grab Peter's hand. He intertwines his fingers with yours and sends you a meaningful look. You stare into his magnificent, green eyes as you prepare for your descent into the ground on Xandar.
"No, Groot. You can't, you'll die," Rocket says to him. "Why are you doing this? Why?" He starts to tear up as he watches his best friend try his best to save you.
He uses a small, curved twig to rub against Rocket's face. "We...are...Groot," he delivers. You all understand and appreciate that he is risking his life to save his friends. You mean something to him, and him to the rest of you.
As you draw closer to the ground, you close your eyes and brace for impact. Ronan's ship slams into the hard surface and explodes, destroying Groot and throwing the rest of you around. You feel the gravel beneath you and sit up. Peter's speaker from the Milano must have been tossed in the process because it begins playing once it hits the ground. The song "Ooh Child" by the Five Stairsteps plays through the sounds of explosions and ship pieces crumbling.
You all have various injuries as you hassle to get up, groaning as your feet touch the dirt. Rocket collects some remaining sticks from Groot and cries quietly to himself. Ronan evacuates the ship, his Infinity Stone hammer in hand.
"You killed Groot!" Rocket screams as he runs toward Ronan. He waves the hammer slightly, sending Rocket away into the dust and knocking him out.
"Behold!" Ronan announces. "Your Guardians of the Galaxy. What fruit have they wrought? Only that my father and his father shall finally know vengeance. People of Xandar, the time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods! Your salvation is at hand." During his speech, you notice Rocket regain consciousness and work on a weapon. Drax assists him and you turn to Peter. He meets your gaze and knows he must do something to save you.
Just as Ronan raises his hammer to slam down and wipe out Xandar, Peter stands up and sings along to the song.
"Ooh child, things are gonna get easier,
Ooh child things will get brighter,"
"Listen to these words," he commands, pointing a finger at Ronan.
"Ooh child, things are gonna get easier,
Ooh child things will get brighter,"
"Now bring it down hard!" He dances while he sings along and the entire crew watches him and confusion. You just stand there and smile, knowing exactly what he is doing.
"Someday we'll put it together and we'll get it undone,"
"What are you doing?" Ronan questions.
Peter pumps his hips in the air as he gets more into it. "Dance-off bro! Me and you." Everyone stares at him while he continues to dance. He extends a hand to you. "Y/N..." You shake your head, simply due to your fear of Ronan. In any other circumstance, you would've gladly danced with him. "Subtle," he says. "Take it back."
Ronan fumes with anger at Peter's ridiculousness. "What are you doing?" he spits.
"I'm distractin' you, you big turd blossom."
Ronan turns to his other side where he finds Rocket and Drax holding up the Hadron Enforcer. They fire it at him, shattering the hammer and letting the Infinity Stone break loose. Peter lunges for it and so does Ronan. As Peter's hand closes around it, you wince. "No!" you cry.
He has it in his possession now, and you know it will kill him slowly. He falls to the ground and screams in pain, a dark cloud of purple surrounding all of you. The air inside the purple cloud is thick and hard to see in. Peter stands up and you struggle to make your way to him.
"Peter!" you wail. "Take my hand." You reach for him and he just stares at you blankly but you can see that he is certainly hurting everywhere. "Take my hand!" you repeat. Peter moves his hand toward yours and takes it, his big hand enveloping yours. You suddenly feel everything he is feeling and you can't help but scream too. Gamora climbs up next to you and takes your other hand. She also screams once she feels the pain. Drax pats Peter's shoulder and Rocket grasps Drax's his finger. Then you're all standing there screaming as you feel the agony of the Infinity Stone flow through you.
All connected, you become silent, standing there with straight faces looking right into Ronan. He stares at Peter in disbelief. "You're mortal! How?"
"You said it yourself, bitch," Peter states. "We're the Guardians of the Galaxy." he thrusts the Infinity Stone forward and it destroys Ronan in seconds, killing him at last. Gamora takes one of the devices from her side and apprehends the Infinity Stone with it. The purple cloud disappears and everyone is released of the irritation from touching the Stone. Peter faces you, his hair a mess and matted down with dirt and his face covered in cuts and bruises. You peer into each other's eyes as you find proper air to breathe, chests rising and falling forcefully. The two of you take steps closer to one another until there is almost no space left between you and him. He looks down at your lips and then back into your eyes. You desperately want him to grab you and kiss you passionately, but a familiar voice interrupts.
"Well, well, well, quite the light show," Yondu yelps, striding towards you. "Ain't this sweet, but you got some business to attend to before all the nookie-nookie starts.
"Peter, you can't give it to him," you utter.
"You gotta reconsider this, Yondu. I don't know who you're sellin' this to, but the only way the universe can survive is if you give it to the Nova Corp."
"I may be as pretty as an angel, but I sure as hell ain't one." He adjusts his jacket so his arrow is aimed at Peter, threatening him if he doesn't cooperate. "Hand it over, son."
Peter reluctantly passes it to him. "Yondu, do not open that orb. You know that, right? You've seen what it does to people." Yondu just nods in response and then saunters off with the rest of the ravagers to their ships. You sigh, knowing Peter had to give it to him even if it was unsafe. "He is gonna be so pissed when he realizes I switched out the orb on him."
"Clever," you respond with a faint grin. "But he's gonna kill you when he finds out, Peter."
"I know, but he was about the only family I had."
Gamora put a hand on Peter's shoulder and smiles warmly up at him. "No, he wasn't," she says. The rest of Guardians face one another with beaming grins.
Peter looks away from the team and turns to face you, looking at him with eyes of admiration. You admire his handsome face even if he looks a bit disheveled. He shoots you a kind smile and leans in to put his hands on your waist.
"Now how about that kiss?"
Part Twelve: Here
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Always: Part 6
Pairings: Chibs x Reader (Reader has breast cancer)
Warnings: Swearing, breast cancer, angst, fluff, hair loss, Chibs being an ass and some miscommunication.
Word Count: 2,679
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
When you came too, you were absolutely frozen and you were shivering so hard you wondered if your bones would actually break from it. You could feel course ropes digging into your wrists and ankles and another one was wrapped around your chest right under your scars. Your wig was slightly crooked on your head and blocked part of your view but from what you could see of the dimly lit concrete room, you weren’t missing much.
“Damn it, man.” You groaned as you leaned forward as far as your restraints would allow as your stomach rolled. “Not cool.” You leaned over to the side as best as you could and threw up violently as the door to your cell flung opened.
“Damn son! Couldn’t grab a healthy old lady?” A man asked as he watched you be sick all over your leg, the chair, and the floor again.
“She was the brunette right outside the hospital, man. We snagged her from the front door.”
“I was having chemo, asshats.” You groaned as you picked your head up as best as you could and shook your head until your wig fell off. “I have cancer. You grabbed the wrong old lady. I just… I…” You tried as your stomach rolled again. You had just enough time to bend over as far as you could to get sick again.
“You fucking idiot!” Someone shouted seconds before a gun shot rang out in the small room. You let out a yelp and got sick again when a body hit the floor in front of you. Reality settled in and you tried to pull on the ropes.
“Please. Please the longer you keep me, the sicker I’ll get. I’m not involved with the MC…” Your words were cut off quickly as a black man with a scared face who you assumed was in charge punched you hard in the jaw with his gun. You could almost feel your eyeballs roll in your head and you though you felt the hit all the way to your toes.
“Don’t waste my fucking time by lying, bitch. You were with the head whore herself.” The man said as he crouched down in front of you. “So you’re worth something to one of those cock suckers. Even if you are… disgusting now.” He said as he reached out to push down the collar of your shirt as if to make a point. You closed your eyes and tears welled behind your lids as the man chuckled darkly. “Oh yea… you mean a whole lot to one of those back stabbing mother fuckers. And I bet they’ll pay up a lot faster with you.”
“Damn.” You whispered to the only guy of the group that captured you that was kind enough to check up on you and bring you water. “Thought the cancer was gunna kill me. Not exposure.” The younger guy with an ‘XIX’ tattoo on his neck looked up at you and you could see the hesitation in his eyes.
“It’ll be OK. Just stay quiet.” The kid said. You nodded as you swallowed the gulp of water he had given you.
“What’s your name? I’m (Y/N).” You asked, hoping that if you got personal that he would let you go get the medical help you knew you desperately needed. He simply shook his head.
“They made a deal.” He whispered as he glanced over his shoulder. “Sons are coming to get you.” You nodded and let out a sigh of relief as he gave you a little more water. “Just… hang in there and stay quiet.”
“Thank you.” You whispered as he wiped off your mouth and headed out of the cell you were being kept in. Tears of gratitude filled your eyes as you let your head fall back. You let out a slightly choked sob and sat up with a nod of your head.
“He’s coming.” You whispered to yourself. “Chibs is coming.”
You had some how managed to fall asleep with your head on your chest when out of no where, the wall to the right of you was blasted toward you. You and your chair went flying across the room as the roar of an engine filled your ears. You landed hard on your hip and the chair partially broke on the impact. You did everything you could to cover your head with the arm under your body as debris from the rotted wood roof collapsed on you. 
“Spread out.” You heard Clay shout over the sound of gun shots.
“Here!” You choked out as loudly as you could as tears welled in your eyes. “Here!” You didn’t know if any one could hear you as you tried to rummage through the rubble to untie yourself. Your vision blurred and your world spun from being thrown by the truck and not having anything to eat or really drink for what you assumed was an entire day and you had to force yourself not to throw up the little bit of water you had in your system.
“Please.” You cried softly as you tried to fight the exhaustion that was seeping into your soul as you frantically tried to untie the ropes around your wrists. “I’m here, please. Filip, here!” You got your right wrist untied as your vision started to tunnel. “Please…” A crunch above your head caught your attention and you tried to look up, catching just the hint of a pair of jeans before everything went black.
“The fuck we gunna do with her, Rig, huh? She’s fucking sick, look at her!” The kid who had told you the Sons were coming shouted over the rumble of a car. You opened your eyes slowly only to realize you were not only blindfolded but also gagged and tied up as he continued. “They know we fucking have her! And LaRoy is going to flip his shit when he finds out…”
“Finds out what, Tyler?” A man shouted back.
“Finds out we fucking kidnapped a woman that has fucking cancer, especially after what his momma just went through…”
“You know what, Tyler. You make the fucking plans then, how about that?” The man you assumed had to be Rig said. “You make the plan on how to pay back those sum bitches.”
“Fine.” Tyler said as the vehicle you were in shifted violently and came screeching to a halt on the side of the road. You heard a door open in front of you before another one opened by your head. He untied your bandana and looked down at you as he pulled off your gag.
“I’m leaving you here.” He said as he helped you sit up and handed you some quarters. “About a block up the road is a gas station. Call your old man and have him come get you. Sorry…”
“Just let me go.” You said as he untied your ankles and helped you out of the car.
“Look, they know it was us. But just…”
“I know.” You said as you let him help you lead you over to the curb. “Just let me go and please don’t come back.” He nodded as he leaned you up against a street light pole. Without another word, he ran back over to the drivers side and took off. The moment his tail lights disappeared, you collapsed to the ground and sobbed. You took a minute to control yourself before getting to your feet as fast as you could and stumbling toward the gas station.
“I need the phone.” You snapped at the teen that was standing by the pay phone smoking a cigarette. He took one look at your wild appearance and the dried vomit on your leg and took off at a run. Your hands shook violently as you put in the change and dialed the familiar phone number. You gripped the edge of the booth to keep yourself upright as you waited.
“Filip.” You gasped as you rested your forehead on the payphone to see the address on it. “Gas station. 543 Lily Street in Oakland. Please…”
“Found her! I’m comin’ baby. I’m comin’. Jus’ stay there, m’luv.” You nodded your head as you slowly rolled off the phone toward the brick building.
“Just… please.” You threw up the little bit of water you had in your stomach and sank down to the ground with tears in your eyes. You curled into yourself in excruciating pain as you laid down on the sidewalk while your fiancé screamed your name into the now dangling phone.
You knew when you came to that you were one hundred percent safe just by the subtle smell of your fiancé’s body wash and the faint smell of cigarette smoke. Your eyes flew open and Chibs lurched to his feet beside the bed. Your eyes went wide in shock as you looked at his mask covered face and the bright yellow paper gown covering his clothes.
“LaRoy didn’t know.” You interrupted with a small shake of your head that sent a fiery pain ricocheting through every inch of your body. You cringed but continued anyways. “A guy with a scared face was the one running the show. They were looking for someone else; another brunette that was with the club or something. One of the guys named Tyler told me you were coming to get me and he’s the one that must have gotten me out when you assholes tried to run me over with the car… thanks for that.”
“Sorry, luv.” You nodded slowly as you took ahold of his glove covered hand.
“Tyler took care of me. He was the one who made sure I had water. He’s the one that brought me somewhere to call you. The other guys, the scared face guy and the ones with the x-i-x tattoos are trying to pay you back for something but I don’t know what. But it wasn’t supposed to be me…”
“OK, OK, m’luv. Breathe for me.” He said as he gently grabbed your wrists and sat down on the bed. “It’s a’right, now. Yer safe.” You nodded your head as you looked down at your feet for a moment before realizing where you were.
“Wait, what happened?”
“Ye got sick, luv. When we found ye, ye had a fev’a ‘round hundred and four, ye were shakin’ sumthin’ fierce, an’ ye couldn’t catch yer breath very well. They were thinkin’ pneumonia but once we got ye ‘ere an’ got ye warmed up an’ on fluids ye came ‘round. Ye do ‘ave the flu but ye’ll be OK, m’luv.”
“My last chemo?”
“You’ll get it ‘ere.” He said as he reached out to brush his fingertips across the giant bruise that covered the left side of your face and body from being punched and being thrown by the car. “Yer… umm… yer gon’ be ‘ere for a couple weeks, sweet’eart. Yer docs want ta bring this fev’a down an’ keep ye in a controlled environment ta prevent anythin’ else from ‘appenin’. Jus’ in case, luv.”
“Can I admit something to you?” You asked as you rolled your head to the side a bit.
“Wha’s tha’ luv?”
“I love that you love that club… but it smells like rank pussy in there and I’d much rather stay here if I can’t go home because I have enough reasons to throw up these days.” You could see his smile light up his eyes behind his mask as he nodded his head.
“Yea, tha’s the club for ye.” He chuckled. “Tha’s why I ‘ad Gem clean the room for ye… but this is a much bett’a option. All sterile an’ clean… an’ no rancid pussy anywhere.”
“And I get to see you in this lovely get up.” You teased as you reached up and poked the mask on his nose. “Now if only I had my phone to take a picture…”
“No’ ‘appenin’ luv.” He chuckled with a shake of his head as he stood up. “Ge’ some sleep, baby girl. I wan’ m’fiancée ta come ‘ome ta our bed as fas’ as possible.” You smiled broadly as he sat back down in his chair.
“Sounds like heaven to me.”
“Well, it’s official!” You called out from your room when you heard your front door open. You ran your towel over your very short hair as you walked over to the bathroom door that lead to your living room. You pulled it open with a smile at your fiancé. “I’m cancer free.”
“‘ey! Congrats luv.” He replied as he leaned out your front door to grab something. “Guess I planned this perfectly.” Your brow furrowed and you stepped out into the living as Chibs set the bottom of a guitar case on the floor in front of him; your guitar case. You gasped and took a step back with tears in your eyes. “Found the payment slip in yer drawer when I was gettin’ ye clothes for the ‘ospital.”
“Filip… I had like three grand left on it.” He smirked and nodded as he picked up the guitar case and brought it over to the couch.
“An’ I ‘ad three grand ta spend on the woman I luv who jus’ beat canc’a.” He said as he set the case down and popped it open. He looked up at you and gestured to the instrument. “Will ye play for me, m’luv?” Your smile grew impossibly larger as you held on to the top of your towel and headed over to the couch. The guitar looked even more beautiful after almost six months of not seeing it and you got actual goosebumps as you picked it up. You grabbed your finger pick from the pocket in the top lining and sat down on the couch. 
“Baby.” You breathed with tears of joy in your eye as you strummed the strings one by one. You looked up at his smiling face once more before singing the first song that came to mind.
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all
You looked up at Chibs as he sat back on the couch and nodded at you to continue. With a smile, you let your tight hold on your towel go and relax more than you had allowed yourself in the last six months. When you finished ‘When You Say Nothing At All’ by Keith Whitley, you leaned back against the back of the couch and just kept playing. After a couple songs, your fiancé silently got up to get ready for bed, ecstatic that he could see happiness he hadn’t been able to see yet in his fiancée.
You played until your fingers nearly bled; until the strings made temporary dips in your flesh and your right hand was so stiff it was almost painful to continue… not that you minded one bit. You set your baby back in it’s case and carried it into your bedroom. Chibs looked over from the TV show he had been watching with a smile as you set the guitar case against the wall by the door.
“Thank you.” You said softly as you tossed your towel in the bathroom and got into bed.
“Of course, m’luv. Ye deserve the world.” He turned off the TV, set the remote on his bedside table, and scooted down on the bed to wrap you in his arms. “It’s so nice ta see ye relaxed like tha’, sweet’eart. Ye needed it.” You nodded as you curled into his chest and wrapped your arm around his waist.
“I did.” You agreed as you looked up at his gorgeous brown eyes. “Thank you… for everything you’ve done for me.”
“Always, (Y/N). Always.”
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