#and wanna stick around /gen...
failed-inspection · 8 months
I just realized I have 124 followers?? Holy shit???? Thank you so much everyone that genuinely means a lot to me waaah
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listen. im a very simple creature
if i ever see so much as ONE of cleo scarab beetle babies peeking out from under frankie's jacket collar, you may as well just buy me a tombstone
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
Again same anon, no need to like post this one BUT the whole cig shotgun thing, i also think that he wouldn’t want her to inhale the smoke. He’d make her exhale it after holding it for a second or two—let her get the taste. “Can’t have you doin shit tha’s bad for ya, you already overwork yourself.” And perhaps he’d hold her jaw while he holds it to her lips.
Okay bye now I will spare you my devious thoughts
you sent this ages ago sorry but i was going through my inbox (sorry there's a lot) and i am just-
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"Can I try?"
Simon nearly jumps out of skin at the soft whisper of your question. His neck snaps over his shoulder, taking in your tired form standing in the doorway, hands rubbing at your eyes. The cool summer breeze pulls at your nightshirt; it does nothing to hide the swaying parts of you that dance beneath the fabric as your bare feet trot against the cool cement of the balcony. Dark shadows dance across your face as you blink, waiting for your answer.
"Hmm?" he asks.
"Your cigarette," you clarify.
With the way his brows draw together, you would have thought the item had magically formed between his lips and he hadn't realized it until you pointed it out. Embers glow and flicker as he takes it into his fingers, making sure to hold it away from you as you lean against the railing next to him.
"You wanna try?" he asks.
You shrug. "Never have before."
Mulling your proposition over, he bites the insides of his cheeks as he studies you. He always enjoys when you're like this. Half awake and still trying to fight off thick prostration. Your eyes always seem to glimmer more. They dance in the moonlight as you stare at him, tongue wetting the inside of your lips. He swallows as he takes in the sight of them, so soft and sweet. Figures maybe he wouldn't mind putting something between them.
"Alright," he relents. Surprised, your eyes widen as you tilt your head, not having expected him to give in so quickly. He raises the cigarette, plumes of smoke traveling in its wake, yet he refuses to hand it over. "But don't inhale this shit, yeah? Holdin' it in your mouth'll do plenty. You're already workin' yourself half to death, don't need to speed that up."
Nodding your head in agreement, he finally pushes the cigarette toward you, but he still won't hand it off. Instead, he situates it so the filter faces you, and gently brings it to your lips, spoon feeding you the nicotine high himself. Warm fingers hold your chin steady, trying to keep the ash from falling on you. Eager lips wrap around the filter, and his eyes become inky as he soaks up the sight. Your lips hollow, dragging the smoke into your mouth, and you hum as the flavor washes over your tongue.
He recoils the moment you start coughing, puffs of smoke expelling from your mouth too fast to keep shape. His titter is slightly jeering as he shakes his head, shoving the stick back into his own mouth as you attempt to catch your breath.
"What'd I tell ya?" he chuckles.
"How do you keep doing that when it burns so bad?" you wheeze.
"Lot'sa practice, sweetheart."
As it usually does this late into the night, Simon's mind begins to wander. He thinks about that delicate sheen on your lips, how prettily they parted for him, and he feels that heavy libidinous ache swell deep in his stomach. There's a feeble attempt to hide his growing desire, and he smothers it with a quick drag just as your coughing begins to dwindle.
"C'mere," he prompts, head motioning for you to come closer.
Sucking in a breath of fresh air, you comply happily, pads of your feet slapping against the ground. Simon pushes himself away from the railing, standing tall as he brings his free hand up to your face. He relishes the softness of your skin underneath the thick callous of his thumb as he presses on your bottom lip.
Lips parting, you watch in awe as he takes a long drag, eyes never leaving you for a second. He leans forward, mouth full of smoke as his lips hover above yours and then blows. Gently, it seeps between your teeth and fills your mouth, coating your skin in a haphazard mess. Your warmth pours into him as he holds your jaw steady, and it's then that he realizes he can't hold back.
Sparks flying, his discarded cigarette flies through the air as he flicks it away, lips crashing against yours just as it collides with the ground. Between the nicotine high and the taste of you, it can't be helped when his tongue breaks free from his mouth and into yours. You hum, the vibrations cutting straight into his chest as you wrap your arms around him. That hum quickly turns into a giggle as you prematurely end the kiss.
He huffs as his nose knocks against yours, silently begging for more. Withholding it from him, your hips begin to sway.
"Gonna come back to bed?" you ask.
Before he replies, he steals a quick kiss as his hands wander down to your hips. He pulls you closer, body colliding against him and his growing want.
"I'd never say no to that."
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h0nkch0c0late · 1 year
Oh my goodness finally someone who wants to write for Gen v 😛😛 I was wondering If you could write about a really clingy reader ? Like when they went to that party in the first ep, and the reader was just clinging onto Jordan
YES ABSOLUTELY OH MY GOD. Also, apologies if this is a little skewed I've only watched episode 1 like once so far and only remember a few things AAAA.
Jordan Li x Reader
SUMMARY: you were never one for parties, and Jordan knew that well. When you agreed to go with her this time, though, she wasn't at all surprised when you clung to them the entire night.
WARNINGS: Gen V spoilers, swearing, major fluff, drugs
When it came to parties, you would rather stay in your dorm room and read a book. Which was ironic, since your partner and their friends did it on a nightly basis.
But when you had heard from Andre that he invited Marie Moreau (one of the newest freshmen to join Godolkin), you decided, "why not?" As it was a good chance to meet the girl.
So, when you found yourself in Jordan's room like usual, with her arm wrapped around your waist, body pulled close, you decided to drop what you thought was surprising news.
"I think I wanna go to tonight's party." You said, turning your head to look at them.
Jordan smirked, eyebrows furrowing together in curiosity, "oh really? Didn't take you as the party type."
You rolled your eyes, nudging her in playful annoyance as you yanked her arm off of your waist.
"Hey!" They wined, putting their arm back around but you didn't protest, only huffing at them to ensure that you were upset at their reaction (you weren't).
"I thought you'd be more surprised." You sighed, turning your body towards them as you looked down. She chuckled lightly, sitting up with you but keeping her arm around your waist.
"Why would i be surprised? You're practically attached to my hip like, all the time." She snickered.
"Yeah, but never at the parties." You shrug.
"That's because you hate people. And the whole drug thing." They pointed out with a small laugh.
"Okay, well, I'm still going."
As you made your way to the top of the Seven tower, you made sure to stick to Jordan's side the entire time.
And of course, Cate, Andre, and Jordan went straight for the things that get you high as fuck, snorting it right up their nostrils.
And look, it's not that you didn't WANT to do that stuff with them, it's just that you couldn't.
Here comes the irony again with the fact that your parents pumped you full of a drug when you were a baby, but whatever.
As you clung to Jordan's side, with their arm wrapped tightly around your waist as they laughed along with their friends, you watched Luke as he made his way over to Marie.
She was a nice girl, as far as you could tell. The two of you had exchanged hi's and names, a bright smile on the girl's face the entire time. You would have talked with her more had she stayed with the group, but you understood.
Your head laid against your partner's shoulder as you sighed, knowing that this was only the beginning of the party.
...and you were correct!
Soon enough the six of you had entered a club, Cate taking one of her gloves off and using her powers of persuasion against the host guy that had asked for a reservation from them (to which they did not have).
Looking back at Marie as you gor dragged along by Jordan, you could see the amazement on her face at Cate's actions.
"Dont worry, you're gonna see that more often, and soon enough it won't be as impressive." You joked, saying it loud enough for Cate to hear through the crowd.
She turned around, her eyebrows furrowed, "Hey, I heard that!" She grinned.
You nodded, "you were supposed to, Cate." You chuckled, causing the rest of the group to erupt in a wave of chuckles as well as you were led to a table.
As you all sat down, Marie took notice of your clinginess with Jordan, "Is she always attached to you like that?" She asked them as Andre took out a small baggy of molly, Jordan immediately snatching it from his hands as he grinned.
Cate answered the question for Jordan, "yes, yes she is. She won't admit it but one second away from Jordan, and she is WORRIED. She's clingy because she has attachment issues." She smirked.
You rolled your eyes, "I do not have attachment issues, Cate. I just hate being without her for too long. It's called being clingy." You respond snarkily as you pressed closer to them.
Marie held in her laugh as she noticed the baggy, "is that cocaine?" She asked.
"We finished all the coke," Jordan began as he opened up the baggy, "this is molly."
"Hey, I don't really fuck with powders, but.." Luke pulls out a baggy from his pocket, waving it at Marie, "I do microdose shrooms."
"So, what do ya say, freshman?" Jordan smirks, their arm moving to their girlfriend's shoulder as Andre waves the baggy of molly at Marie.
Marie looks around at all of them, you seeming to be the only one other than her not interested in the drugs, "Uh...no thank you."
After some persuasion from Cate, and a little nod of reassurance from you, Marie took the jump and took some of the molly, the group cheering as she does.
"Cmon, let's dance!" Cate exclaims as she drags Marie off to the dance floor, leaving the other three at the table.
"See? I told you." Andre said, looking towards the couple beside him.
"Yeah, super nice." You smiled, picking up Jordan's drink and taking a sip from it.
You weren't much for alcohol, but you thought that tonight was special enough.
You and Jordan had split from the two boys for a bit, coming back from wherever you had gone and nodding at people that you passed by.
You clung to Jordan's arm, and just as the two of you passed the doorway back to the main room, Jordan felt comfortable enough to change.
"Oh, my girl's back~" you purred jokingly, "oh, how I missed you~"
Jordan rolled her eyes at you and laughed lightly, "you're so lucky I love you."
You smiled at them, "oh, boy do i know it."
As you joined the boys back at the table, you were now accompanied by two more trays of drinks (courtesy of you and Jordan).
"There she is." Luke greeted as the two sat down.
"You changed. Why?" Andre questioned.
"Because I fucking felt like it." Jordan responded as they felt you snuggle into their side, and you tuned out the rest of their conversation.
Eventually your group had split up, the drugs and alcohol finally taking into affect.
Luke was somewhere near the bathrooms, Cate and Marie were still enjoying themselves on the dance floor, and Andre had endulged himself with the flirting activity at the bar area.
Jordan had somehow convinced you to join her on the dance floor, the two of you absolutely not following the beat as you slow danced to the club songs.
Your enjoyment was ended when screams erupted from the bar area, and suddenly you found yourself getting dragged out of the club by Jordan, Luke, Andre, and Cate joining you both.
As you passed the bar area you had noticed the woman bleeding to death on the ground, and Marie standing there.
You tried to call her name, to get her to follow you and the rest of the group, but your calls were drowned out by the rest of the crowd.
Who knew the day you decided to be extra clingy would end up a very messy and bloody night.
the ending is a little different and a bit quicker than I had planned and I am so sorry for that but I hope you enjoyed <33333
And yes I did in fact lie when I said I didn't have access to prime video I'm just a little stupid Ok.
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another-delta-lover · 2 months
I get MAD when people simp for medic bc, I understand, tumblr insane sexy man blabla yadda yadda IDGAF
You all CAN'T SEE HOW MUCH OF A PERFECT PERSON HE IS. He's such a good person, he's such a good son and older brother, doin the dishes for his mama, caring about the absolute safety of his sisters, LITERALLY SAVING EM FROM A THING I FORGOT IT'S NAME WHEN HE WAS LIKE, IDK FUCKIN <20< ??? HE'S SUCH A GOOD FAMILY MEMBER. HE WOULD PROTECT U SO WELL AND ALWAYS CARE ABOUT UR SAFETY. AUGH ES UN HOMBRE Q RESUELVE LO JURO. HE ALSO RISKS HIS LIFE TO HAVE MONEY FOR THEM??? AAAAAAAAAAA. He does enjoy his job a lot (WHICH I LOVE IN SOMEONE. HELL YEAH ENJOY UR JOB AND GET WELL PAID), But the main reason of him working is just for his family and the money to help them. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?????
Also HE'S SUCH A GOOD TEAMMATE???? HE WILL PROTECT ALL OF HIS TEAM WITHOUT FEAR AND WIN??? AND ALL HE NEEDS IS SOME CUNTY GAY ASS GERMAN DUDE BEHIND HIM??. He could be such a good grandpa/father figure or even just a really good n close friend to all the mercs, but even so, he acts so cold so quiet and mysterious around em🤭
AND ALSO!!! His masculinity ain't broken by showing love to his teammates??? He can hug em and literally yell to them "I LOVE YOU" from across the map??? Sayin "I LOVE YOU DOKTOR!!" Isn't common between men, even less in that time. If he IS gay, good for him! If he isn't, I'm glad he can express how much he loves someone without the fear of lookin weak is something I admire soso muchhh.
He's a good cook, he cooks really nice meals and doesn't mind to share u some, which I wouldn't do bc I don't share my food. HESO NICE AUGHH. I LOVE IT WHEN MA BOI COOKS😭😭😭 IDK WHY THAT MAKES PEOPLE MORE ATTRACTIVE FOR ME.
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Also his body is so JAHSLAHDJQHDJALSH he so big so perfect😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 His arms are the size of my whole body. AND HIS HANDS AAAAAAAAAA. He so FAT I LOVE HIM. I need him to crush me un a hug so badly. U all don't understand how much of a good body that could be in a relationship. U cold? U hug him problems gone. U wanna be cozy at night but the pillow is too small? He's the biggest pillow and he can hug u back that's soNSHSJAVDJSHD. He can carry u in his arms when u tired, u can lay on his chest and everything.... sighhh.... AND ALSO HE CAN FIGHT A BEAR WITH HIS BARE FISTS AND WIN, THEN EAT IT???? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THAT IS????? LIKE HOLY FUCK THAT'S LIKE THE PEAK OF MANLINESS FOR ME. The question "would u rather be in a forest with a man or with a bear" I'M CHOOSING THIS BEAR HOLY FUCK HE WOULD PROTECT ME FROM THE BEARS.
ALSO HIS VOICE OH GOD HIS VOICE. It's such a loud and strong voice in English 🤭 even tho he isn't the best at it (me neither), HE SPEAKS IN SUCH A WAY IT MAKES ME KICK MY FEET GIGGLE AND CRY. I need him to say nice stuff to me with his cool asf voice. And when IT'S IN RUSSIAN AHHH😩~ I SWEAR He's such an elegant and polite man😭😭😭 he sounds so professional and ajsvqkebalhdmaoevs And IDC what u all say to me, he could sing so perfectly<3 for me his dialogs of him singing are well sung/GEN. I just imagine him singing:
To me.... Ik the song is kinda sad and not very romantic but IDC HE WOULD SOUND SO PERFECTLY.
Also his COSMETICS. HIS FUCKING COSMETICS ARE SO HOT AAAAAAA. Most of em are normal silly hats but WHEN THEY AREN'T. OHMY GOD THOSE DARK GLOVES GOT MY LEGS SHAKIN. AND HAVE YOU SEEN HIM IN SUITS??? OH GOD AUGHHH. Not into mafia people n stuff BUT.... FOR HIM I MAKE A BIG AHH EXCEPTION. And also, i want to point out the fact that HE WEARS DRESSES. I shouldn't make it a big dear but DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT'S THE 60's-70's???? AND HE'S A BIG RUSSIAN MAN???? He broke the gender dressing codes of the time not only bc he's a man wearing dresses, but a BIG MAN WEARING THEM??? AND A RUSSIAN MAN??? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO ME????💔💔💔💔 Also his hats are cute I like them.
Just to summary:
Medic < HEAVY!!!
Good person I general, son, older brother, teammate, friend, father and possible partner, risking his life for his family.
He doesn't think lovin teammates is weird or GAY. Unless he is, but honestly good for him
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guillotinna · 2 years
I keep seeing these Gen z is task force 141 and I wanna join
Anytime you use a computer, you do that stupid movie hacker trope of exaggerated typing and say "I'm in"
Saying "POV" in front of sentences
In the group chat saying "1 like and I'll kms", liking your own message and then saying "damn guess I gotta"
I see a lot of these posts were Gaz and Soap would understand y/n....bffr, no those geezers would not
No one knows what the gen z kid is saying they just know it's probably not good
"You're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?"
You have a small photo you keep tucked in your chest pocket and after enough times seeing you looking lovingly at it, one of the guys asks who it is. Is it a s/o from back home? 😏😏
You say no and pull out a photo card of your fave singer and they're like ??? Really
One time during a particularly physical scuffle with the enemy, you get thrown to the ground and huff out "one hop this time" only to promptly tackle tf outta your assailant while saying "take it back now yall"
Reads everyone's zodiac charts except ghost bc he won't tell his birthday let alone the time he was born so you just make one up
Price calls a 6 am meeting to which you say "double it and give to the next person"
*Alexa, play teenagers by MCR*
If you had time describe the base, you'd say it smells like ball sweat, blood and war crimes which everyone took offense to for different reasons
Would absolutely get soaps doodles tattooed
Actually speaking of which, imagine getting caught giving yourself stick and pokes with a pen and being banned from using pens period
You'd be in a meeting with a #2 pencil
Ofc a gen z member would be absolutely feral which very little regard for their own safety much to the dismay of the others
Quoting "Oh these aren't homemade, they were made in a factory....a bomb factory......they're bombs." All the time around soap even though he has no idea what you're talking about
You don't spent too much alone time with ghost bc he likes quiet and you can't be alone with your thoughts which is why you lean more towards spending time with soap or gaz
I just like puns so I'm gonna add this but gen z love borgs (a customized gallon jug of alcohol that is usually given a name) and yours is appropriately named taskforce 1-borg-1
this is mainly for my americans but i know pretty much the whole world got beef with engl*nd: before you met Soap, you thought the entire 141 was en*lish so when you finally did meet him, you said "oh thank god" with a sigh
americans 🤝 scotts
making fun of english "people"
"Pull up in the monster, automobile gangsta With a bad bitch that came fr-" "....sergeant, comms off please"
you show Ghost WAP and he has to take a walk
*price yelling at gaz and soap*: KYLE GARRICK AND JOHN MACTAVISH GET IN HERE- Y/n: oop not the government name
Another for my US baddies: if your'e ever arguing with any of the guys, the nail in the coffin would be "and it's called soccer"
"one more like and i'll-" "enough!"
you call Price "ms. girl" and he could not be more confused
someone asks "do you serve?" and u reply "yah, serve cunt"
when asked why you decided to join the military you said something like: "well i didnt think i'd live past 18 so when I did, i ended up here".....crickets from the rest of the team
"good thing we only have showers on base because i would have already taken a toaster bath by now"
ask Gaz "no bitches?🤨" one more time see what happens
price: the enemies have taken civvies hostage and blocked off all exits and entrances to the town-" y/n: "omg tea"
Also calling price "capt. Save-a-hoe"....I wanna be saaaavvveddd ;)
If you took a shot every time you said "rest in peace to all the soldiers that died in the service, I dive in her cervix", you'd be dead lmao
When asked if they like the military they'd say "it was either this or the psych ward so yah, I'll take it"
Quoting MPGIS constantly and no one even sort of knows what that is ("Crack. Is that what you smoke? You smoke crack?")
Some detainee being interrogated is spilling some nonsense, so you hit them with "oh brother this guy stinks!" And then with the butt of your gun
"Little bad trini bitch but she mixed with China, real thick vagina, smuggle bricks to-" "SARGENT ENOUGH"
Falling asleep on team mates (minus ghost's) shoulders mostly because the most peace they get is when you're unconscious
*when y/n hears any slightly suggestive/dirty phrase*: what are we talking about 😏 (iykyk)
Same energy as: " born next to a nuclear power plant, has an IQ of 2 and was hit in the head with several Rocks as a child"
Vine quotes out the wazoo, it's just awful for the rest of the team lmao
Replying to everything with "on god?"
soap: "what are you 6?" y/n: "yah 6 inches deep in your mom".....you did not walk away from that unscathed to say the least...worth it tho
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honeytrap26 · 9 months
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Senku Ishigami x Reader
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summary: Chrome bugs you about a game Senku taught him how to play. cw: a little dirty at the end but nothing crazy aunote: Quick scenario about Senku and reader. I used a pig translator for Gen’s parts, apparently that is what he speaks when he says his words backwards… I don't know if that's true or not. Finished watching season 3 of Dr. Stone and saw that there wasn’t much fanfics for them. So here’s one from me. Enjoy and happy reading! 🐼🖤 wc: 700+ (proofread 🙈)
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“Hey, Senku taught me a new game.” Chrome nudges you.
“ Oh yeah and what game would that be?” you continue to knead the dough, not looking at Chrome.
“ It's a very hard game, I’ve been so close to beating Senku.” he smirks at you, rummaging in his pocket.
“ Take a look at it.” he flashes you the cards with numbers on it.
You cover the dough and place it on the table next to the other ones that Francois kneaded, you wash your hands, looking at the cards in his hand.
“ Bingo….” -your brows furrow at Chrome- “Senku taught you how to play Bingo?” 
He nods happily, “It’s a great game we should play, I need to get better so that I can beat Senku.”
You shake your head, drying your hands off on your apron before taking it off and hanging it up in its designated area.
“And why do you wanna play with me?” you walk over to the oven checking the temperature before pushing past the curtains and walk outside. 
“ Cuz Senku told me you were easy to beat.” he smirks, pulling out more items from his pouch.
You sigh as you scan the field for Senku. “That dumbass” you whisper under your breath.
“ Fine, I’ll play with you but I know how to help you win against Senku.” you smirk at Chrome.
“Hey Senkuu!! I’m ready to play with you again.” Chrome yells while jogging towards Senku who was standing next to Taiju and Yuziriha. They were busy going over inventory, and Senku was talking to Yuzihara about making more winter clothes for everyone. Senku looks up at him, he sees you jogging behind Chrome with a grin on your face.
“Looks like he actually went to ask her about the game. You tease her too much Senku.” Yuzihara chuckles.
Taiju rubs the back of his head and laughs out loud. “Of course he would! But ya know you can’t trick her.” Taiju slaps Senku on the back.
Senku does his signature laugh as he puts his hands on his hips. “I know ya big oaf, but I like to try anyway.” he walks over to Chrome who's setting up the cards on a table.
“I'm ready for you.” -Chrome gives you a wink and a thumbs up- “I know all the tricks.”
You give Chrome a thumbs up and winking back at him. “Shall we begin Senku?” you drag out his name just a little longer.
“B64, G17, O53, I7, N-”
“BINGO!” Chrome shouts, slapping his card on the table, he throws his fist in the air.
“Woohoo! Great job Chrome!” you clap for him as you run towards him giving him a hug, you guys both jump in joy and tease Senku, sticking your tongues out.
“Blehh, we won and you looost.”
Senku just smirks and digs his ear. “Good job, I went easy on you..” he shrugs as he walks off.
“I29” Slap!
“B34” Slap!
“S-senku, please.” -he chuckles at you- “thought you said you could beat me.” he rubs your red ass cheek.
“B-but I already won.” you whimper as he leans down to kiss the small of your back.
“ Your so close though.” he smirks “ let’s continue”
“ N-N…69” Slap! 
You moan as he slips a finger in your wet slit.
“ That’s a good girl. I think you deserve more. Get on the bed.” he slaps your ass one more time before letting you go. You saunter towards the bed and lay down. “This is going to be a long night.”  you think to yourself.
 Senku slips off his clothes then walks towards you before pulling you into a kiss.
“One more time” he whispers in your ear and chuckles.
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Extra Trimmings!! “Hey Chrome wanna play Bing-” “Shhhhh ,don’t say that word around Senku.” Chrome covers Gen's mouth. “W-why not?” Gen asks, pushing Chrome's hand away from his mouth. “B-because last night I heard slapping and moaning coming from Senkus hut, talking about how that’s what she gets for playing Bin-that game. She kept saying one number in particular saying that she liked it alot.” Gens face turns bright red. “W-what was the umbernay(number)?” he whispers, afraid of the answer.  “69.” Chrome whispers back.  “Whatcha talkin bout?” Senku rubs the back of his head as he yawns standing behind them. Gen and Chrome both scream and take off spouting, “Othingnay (nothing)!” “We’re not talking about Bin-” “Ushhay (hush) it!”
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natasha-rogersbarnes · 3 months
Nana and confusing old people with Gen Z and Gen Alpha humour.
Nana: *Having Doritos*
Steve: oh hey *grabs a dorito*
Nana: *still eating*
Steve: *Shoves the chip in his mouth*
Nana:*holds hand out* fanum tax now.
Steve: What?
Bucky: So there's this girl that I like. I'm not sure if she likes me back, if not I won't proceed with her.
Nana: Dude you're a Beta male Ight? Ladies are finna drool over your goodness.
Bucky: ...are you speaking in English? Last I knew... eight and male don't go together?
Nana: *Facepalms*
Nana: How the hell do you spell "Shofurr" *singing*
Clint: C-h-a-u-f-f-e-u-r ?
Nana: OoOh fancy pants rich Mcghee out here!!
Clint: I litterally just answered your question?
Nana: what's 9+10?
Tony: Uuh 19?
Tony: *On the verge of tears calling Rhodes* IDK WHAT SHE WANTS FROM ME SHE ASKED ME WHAT 9 + 10 WAS AND I SAID 19 AND SHE FREAKED OUT SYAING ITS 22!!!!
Nana: I SENSE SOMEONE MISQUOTING!!!!!!! ITS 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nana: *Singing* Party at the party, partyin' with his nose now
And baka got a weird case why is he around?
Certified lover boy? Certified pedophile
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop ain't you tired
Tryna trike a cord and its probably A-Minor!!!!!
Sam:*profusely sweating* *on call with Steve* yeah uhm Steve I think it's time you get your daughter. I DONT CARE IF YOURE STILL IN YOUR MISSION. YES GET HER OUT OF HERE NOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nana: Sticking out your Gyatt for the rizzler
Lala: You're so skibidi, you're so fanum tax
Nana: I just wanna be your Sigma.
Bucky: *shaking* No Steve it's isn't in the dictionary! I've tried Google! It just says a bunch of random words, IDK I THOUGHT ALPHAS WERE WOLVES!!!!!!
@iwasmadetobeasoldier @that-punk-from-brooklyn @samwilson-official @theironcan @clintbarton-thearrowguy @fluffycows4life
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 1 year
The Pack With A Gen-Z!Reader // HC
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Dude would be so confused.
You're just yapping on about some random tiktok you saw.
Sam just looking at you like you've lost your mind.
Don't get me started on him trying to understand slang.
Sam would literally have a heart attack trying to figure out what you are saying.
Gives me the vibes of trying to be down with kids but fails miserably.
Definitely thinks he's cool because he found out about the dab and won't stop doing it.
He once locked you out by accident and all he was met with was “open the noooor”.
He thought you were having a stroke.
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My sweet baby Paul would be utterly confused at first.
Might think you're possessed.
He finally figures it out and he's all for tiktoks
Helping you prank the pack and getting it on video.
Definitely bullies you if you're trying a new tiktok trend.
Is the type to obnoxiously start screaming "Yaaaass gorrrl"
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Don't get me started on this boy.
Major younger brother vibes.
Sees you trying a new recipe? Will literally scream in your ear and run away.
Will join in with making tiktok videos.
Starts reciting random shit he's seen on Instagram reels 100%
The most in tune with the Gen-Z kids, giving feral energy.
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Judging you all the time.
Why do you keep saying girl boss?
He would honestly hate you if you constantly kept saying random tiktok sounds.
"Hi I'm Shelley Duvall" is now stuck in this poor boys head.
Will personally ask Edward to suck you dry
Would be absolutely mortified if you said you might like it.
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Partner in crime.
1000% up to piss anyone off.
Everyone knows the Gen-z kids always do something really fucking random.
Wanna steal a car? Embry is already grabbing a crowbar.
Wanna take pictures of Sam asleep and stick them all around the house? Fuck he's already got the camera.
Wanna tie-dye random clothes? Already getting the bleach ready.
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In a constant state of fear when he's around you.
Like, he doesn't know what you're gonna do.
Bark at him? Definite no.
Set the house on fire because of a spider? He's outta here.
Crying because you couldn't renew your spotify/apple music? Doesn't know how to react.
Quil.exe has stopped working.
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Seth is a little puppy.
Will literally do anything you ask.
Go up to Sam and start reciting the lyrics to I'm A Survivor? He is already marching over there.
You ask him to make bread from 1930 with you? Sure, he doesn't care that it has random ingredients in it.
Would definitely let you do the "p for papas, it's a papas party" on him while in wolf form.
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Questioning everything.
She asks where your shirt is from? The only response she gets is "Gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss"
Utterly confused.
Wishes she could travel back in time and kidnap the maker of tiktok so she wouldn't have to hear "Attenzione pickpocket" for the 100th time.
Will cry if you start trauma dumping out of nowhere.
Give my girl Leah a rest
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adobe-outdesign · 4 months
Any fossil Pokémon you’ve not reviewed yet you wanna do? Favourite or least favourite, either way
(I'll be doing the Tirtouga line because they're the only fossil 'mons I haven't reviewed yet:)
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To be completely honest, I constantly forget Tirtouga exists. I think it's because it's Just A Turtle; there's no real clear theme at this stage, and there's not really anything about the design that sticks out other than the lovely gray and blue color palette.
Part of the problem is that while Tirtouga and its evo are based off of extinct giant turtles (Protostega and the massive Archelon, respectively), turtles... you know, still exist in the modern day. And because they still exist, there are a lot of other turtle and tortoise 'mons, like the Squirtle line, Torkoal, Terapagos, the Turtwig Line, etc. Sure, it's technically the only sea turtle 'mon, but that's not enough to inherently differentiate it and make it interesting.
Given the direction the evo takes, I kind of would've liked to see more emphasis on the shell; make it giant and bulky relative to the body, make it extend up over the head, etc. It's nice enough visually, but it really needs something that would make it stand out.
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(Fun pointless fact: Ken Sugimori once drew an illustration for a magazine cover featuring a bunch of fake Pokemon-esq creatures, one of which (above) likely became Tirtouga later on. This is probably why it evolves from the "cover fossil". This fact is more interesting than the actual 'mon.)
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Carracosta has something going for it by standing up and becoming bipedal. This isn't unheard of for either turtle 'mons (Blastoise) or fossil 'mons (Kabutops), but it instantly gives it something distinct and visually differentiates it from its pre-evo.
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The other thing it has is a very unique shell design, which is segmented like ribs that stretch around the shoulders/legs and doesn't wrap over the stomach. It's likely meant to look like a bullet-proof vest, which is sort of random but it at least pretty cool looking. It strikes me as very classic Gen 1/Gen 2-ish design, despite being a Gen 5 'mon; it's something in the way it stands up and the bony yet somewhat organic shell design that does it.
My only nitpick here is that the ridges on the flippers look out-of-place, as that shape isn't shared anywhere else in the design. It feels like it needed to reuse the bulkly polygonal shapes from the front "vest" to create a pair of brass-knuckle like covers that wrap around the entire flipper. Otherwise, this one's pretty solid.
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Overall, Tirtouga is too generic for its own good, but Carracosta's pretty neat and has a solid design. There could be room for regionals down the line, if you assume the line adopted to other regions before dying out originally.
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gaymerhowell · 3 months
im gonna cry i wanna see them live so badly. :’((
but honestly i have no genuine expectations anymore like i really dont expect them to add shows in asia, latam and africa. i would love if they do but all i can do is just hope they actually do so.
ill probably just sit here and wait until something is said. this is genuinely upsetting. feeling insanely left out. like im happy for all of you who are meeting them /gen
but just like when is it latam, african and asian phannies turn
being a poc phannie is so fucking tiring. we are constantly needing to deal with the racism in the phandom, demand for shows in our continent, our voices constantly being ignored.
like come fucking on, i thought we as a phandom was all about being inclusive :/
‘around the world’ and yet you stick with the whitest parts of it ok cool :)
i get that there isnt alot of phannies in asia, latam and africa compared to the US, UK and etc. but like we phannies still exist and would like to experience the tour too .
im genuinely really happy to all the phannies who are seeing them, and i hope you have an amazing time. you deserved getting those dam tickets.
i also cant wait for all the content we will be getting like im so excited !!! :D
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ladywaffles · 1 year
calloused hands in soft hands + Icemav
thank you for playing! :)
calloused hands in soft hands
“Hey there, sailor, has it been a long tour?”
Six and a half months.
That’s how long it’s been since the President overturned Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
He is finally free to marry his partner, openly and within sight of their family, friends, and former flyboys.
“It’s worth it when the sea brings me back to you, lover,” Maverick replies with a lascivious grin.
Ice rolls his eyes, even as he stands to greet Mav. “I’ve changed my mind—the tides can have you. You’re terrible at this.”
“What, after all this time?” Maverick drops his pack in the foyer and winds his arms around Ice’s waist, sliding one of his hands into Ice’s back pocket. “When I can finally do this in public?”
“You know, you’re still technically not allowed to do that, I’m still a superior officer.”
“Yeah but—”
“Don’t even say it, Mitchell,” he cuts him off. “It’ll be cheesy and bad, and I’ll be looking to trade you in for the newer model by the end of the year if you do.”
“Trade me in?” Maverick asks incredulously. “After I finally got you house trained?”
“Got me house trained?”
“Breakfast for dinner is nice, dear, but it’s the only thing you can be relied upon to not burn when I ask you to cook,” Maverick replies.
“You’re just mad because the laundry always smells nicer when I do it no matter what you try.”
“And who was the one who had to stick his arm up the backside of the dryer because someone nearly set a lint fire?”
“There wouldn’t have been a fire, if you’d cleaned it out the first time like I asked—”
“You know you can go more than a week without washing your bedsheets, it’s not the end of the world—”
“—put a sticky note on the fridge and everything, reminded you before I left for D.C.—”
“—and if we’d switched to the other towels that don’t give off all that fluff, the lint wouldn’t have built up nearly as bad anyway—”
“—I told you, it was one list of things to do, a very simple list of three chores around the house, and you didn’t listen the first time or the second time, so third time’s the charm, right—”
“—and then you kept insisting we use dryer sheets when wool balls work just as well, better even—”
They cut themselves off and smile. Ice sticks out his hand, wiggling his fingers until Maverick takes it.
“So. It’s been a while since I last saw you.”
Maverick laces their fingers together. “Yup.”
“Seven months.”
“Seven months, two weeks, and three days. But who’s counting?”
“Did you see the news?”
“I’ve heard a thing or two.”
Ice squeezes Maverick’s hand. It’s scarred and calloused from all the maintenance he does around the house, on his bikes, and on the Mustang they still haven’t made airworthy again. There’s a bump right where the stick sits between his thumb and his forefinger after hours sitting in the box, first in a Tomcat and then in a Hornet, and soon, maybe, in one of those fifth-gen stealth planes that go five times faster than Ice ever did.
His own scars from his days in the sky have long since been traded in for hardened ridges where his pen rests, reams of forms to fill out and files to read. There’s no flying for admirals, Viper had once warned him. Flying’s like riding a bike, but the memory of it starts to fade from your body faster than it does your mind.
Between the two of them, Maverick is much more the image of a pilot than Ice is, in his tailored suits and stars.
He runs his fingers over the back of Mav’s hand and presses their palms together.
“What do you think?” he asks.
“Of what?”
“Now you’re just playing coy.”
“Well, Admiral Kazansky, if you’re asking little old me,” Maverick starts, “I think it’s about damn time.”
Ice grins. “See, I’d thought something of the same myself.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out two wedding bands, made of newly minted gold.
“So, what do you think, Mitchell? Wanna get hitched?”
Maverick holds onto Ice’s hand tighter and drags him back towards the front door.
“Where are we going?”
“Where else do you think? We gotta go catch Slider before he gets too far from base and tell him to call up the boys, we’re getting married this weekend!”
send me a type of touch, a number, and a pairing!
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r4vn · 4 months
kai w those promots u reposted ill die
“I don’t mind wasting time on you.”
something where the reader hates kai more and is an overall bitch but kai is the only one who tried to talk to her despite her attitude, but he accidentally got on her bad side and he got petty and just started being a dick (as deserved) to her. for no rsn she gets mad cs of the way hes treating her and they argue, hes gen pissed cs he tries so hard for her, and she makes it seem like hes like such a bad person to her + even insults him and goes personal. hes vv pissed (angsty except put everything on the reader) its sad cs hes so sweet to her —doesnt have to be smut exactly (but it so can) cause idk where you’d put that but ill take wtv idea fr
OR OR i know how dumb ts is for the reader to be wrong so if u wanna find a character or make sb up feel free idk +so sorry ab the size of this my way witj keeping msgs brief are critical
—DYNAMIC [prompt]
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kaı x fem!character
w.c: 3,150
disclaimers: enemies to lovers, sweet!kai, angstttt!, fluff¿, meanfem!character, no smut sorryz, the blue doesn't exist in this lol, happy ending, not many warnings tbh
—synopsis: you never rlly understood why kai followed you around like an annoying puppy. but soon you begin to see how much time he wastes with you, or wants to waste.
a/n: from the enemies tl lovers prompt(s) i reblogged couple of days ago :) SORRY FOR THE WAIT. TY 4 READING ♡
「divider by @/ cafekitsune」
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nahara wasn't particularly liked on the ship. she wasn't a prissy bitch like julie was or super serious like sela, but her most known attribute was being brutally honest and pessimistic. she was the only one to show such traits.
of course character traits are complex, like a color wheel. anything and everything can overlap. nahara has friends ,yes, due to those who compliment her traits are best compatible. sela and nahara got along well during class time. meanwhile, julie and zandie were two-faced drama queens, snakes the size of humans. though, nahara had two friends who were on the sweeter side. laura, who was a shy sweet girl and penelope who was more of a blunt nerd, and they were seen often together.
some particular characteristics are hard to blend with nahara's personality, but they jump between interest and irritability.
charisma. unpredictability. and of course, persistence. kai checked all those boxes off. if only he wasn't obnoxious and he would linger more on the interest zone more.
"you think chris sleeps with sela? i know zac wonders." kai spoke with a hint of amusement as he held up a pair of pliers for her to grab when ready. nahara sighs loudly to symbolize her annoyance.
"no, kai. i don't care who sticks their stick in someone's hole." the deep auburn sighs out. she turns to kai, who is holding her tool like a servant. she grabbed the pliers and went back to the wiring.
"thanks." she mumbled.
"always," kai grinned in content. "now, are you sure you dont care hara?" kai grins, biting back a laugh. nahara clenched her jaw to hold back on becoming flustered.
"kai has anyone ever told you're a super interesting character?" nahara questioned. the slightest of faux politeness laced her voice, but of course kai didn't catch it. he was too caught up in her even initiating conversation. he brightened at her question, forcing his smile to look subtle.
"u–uh no why? am i that interesting..super interesting?" he queried with hope, fidgeting with the back of his curly hair. nahara shrugged, carefully clicking wires in the ship software.
"well you certainly are special.." kai heard her mumble. he saw a small smile pushing at her lips. she was being sarcastic.
"ha ha. very funny nahara." kai slumped his shoulders and rolled his eyes. nahara chuckled to herself and kai's heart fluttered. he couldn't help but smile too.
kai was quietly known to help nahara around the ship. whether it was just holding her tools, cleaning around her as she continued to work, or simply helping her with little tasks. unfortunately in return, nahara doesn't fully acknowledge his actions, scolding and being being a smart ass as he helps her. he plays along with being naturally charismatic and tries to make her smile. though she would ever admit that she gets flustered from the brunette male easily.
when they were young on the ship, nahara often either socialized with sela or by herself. kai would naturally talk to others. growing up into pre-teens, kai would try to strike up conversations with nahara whenever in class, and quickly got shut down most times. other times, she would have to talk to him due to group work. fast forward to now, he enjoys any time he gets with her. but there is a striking difference between them.
regarding the unspoken 'popular' spectrum, nahara landed more in the middle. kai was on the higher end of popularity. the only time they would cross paths was while eating, doing the same ship tasks, and in the sparring room.
recently, kai has been more persistent with his actions. nahara didn't know why, but it was getting more unbearable as days went by. within the past week, laura and penelope had been gossiping with nahara about kai. they'd ask why she hasn't pursued him and how he is exceptionally handsome.
"nahara, why haven't you gone for him? he seems sweet." penelope asks, fidgeting with a little pen. laura nodded quickly, agreeing with the blonde
"yeah until zachary comes around, then he is an obnoxious manwhore and wants to talk to everyone." nahara replies, staring outside the window that separated them and space. penelope groans dramatically, waving a hand in the air.
"he's like a completely different person with you! he seems genuine! think about it please, yeah?" laura said, cutting in. nahara did not respond, instead changing the topic. she already sees him everyday involuntarily. she didn't want to think of him in her room. after gossiping, penelope and laura left nahara with her thoughts.
unfortunately, she began to think about her and kai in their early teens and how extroverted he was. he always was involved in any social group, attatched to the hip with zachary. hara wasn't interested in such group talks. she would instead sit in the med bay and memorize tools with sela. her and sela aren't best friends, but they were pretty close and enjoyed each other's company.
kai went through a small phase of scaring nahara to start conversation. he would pop out behind a corner and nahara would be startled and annoyed, walking away. of course, kai would follow and try to chat it up with her. nahara chuckled at the memories. suddenly, she felt a small ache in her stomach, gulping.
her brain began to play every single memory of kai with her, the ache becoming more prominent. she sat up in her bed, holding her abdomen. her mind focused on his features next, his eyes, hair, lips. nahara stood up, pacing her room.
is this..do i...
"nope.. nope nope. i do not.." she mumbled to herself. she hit her own head with the palm of her hand to quickly disperse the memories. to get out of her thoughts, she went to shower, then came back to her room to sleep, tossing and turning all night.
"you okay? you look.." started laura.
"like i didn't sleep? yeah, i didn't. thanks for noticing." nahara answered bluntly as she got her tray of food. all three girls sat down at an empty table before eating. nahara occasionally added in a comment or two in penelope and laura's conversation about space theories again.
"well i know we are only the first generation of three, but what if we make something that makes us live to see the planet? all of us?" penelope asked before eating a piece of fruit.
"immortality isn't always a good thing. imagine being cursed with immortality–" kai immediately sat down in the empty seat next to laura with his tray and a smile.
"i think immortality would be pretty cool, don't you think nahara?" he asked, diverting the attention to the auburn brunette. hara sighed and shrugged, eating her food.
"i think i'd rather die than deal with two generations, let alone already raising one." she stated, getting a laugh from kai.
"what? you don't like kids? sooner or later you're going to have to find someone." kai spoke with amusement. laura and penelope gave each other a look, silently giggling before continuing to eat their food.
"nahara, laura, kai, and tayo, you're all on security wiring." chris stated. the auburn rolled her eyes hearing that she has to do splicing and wiring again with kai. not necessarily with kai but he always finds a way to get stuck sith doing his tasks right next to her
"looks like we are stuck together again, hara." kai nudges nahara's shoulder with a cheeky grin. she sighs and nods, rubbing her temples as the group walked to the security room. the sleep deprivation was getting to her now and they were only halfway through the day.
chris handed each of the teens wiring kits to each of them and everyone got to work. in the recent days, security had been glitching and cutting out, and some kids were taking advantage and slacking on tasks. so chris has been enforcing those to fix it as fast as possible to stay on course.
nahara was more avoidant to kai than usual, and he noticed everything about her. so he damn sure saw how she didn't even bother to complain about working with him again. kai didn't say anything just yet, instead doing his usual tasks; subtly helping nahara around.
he sat next to her, working on opening his new wires silently. hara was already taking out old ones from the security switch boards. kai stole glances, watching how careful she worked. as rough-edged as she was as a person, kai wondered if her touch was the same too. or if it was the opposite, and her touch was as tender as her looks.
kai quickly swatted away his thoughts, clearing his throat. as soon as he opened his mouth to start a conversation, he noticed nahara was struggling with connecting wires. she seemed to be losing her cool quickly, mumbling curses under her breath.
"hey– hara, you want some help?" kai pointed to her hands. they seemed to shake, but of course she didn't acknowledge it.
"no. im fine, thanks." nahara murmured, her hands slipping at the wire every few seconds. kai stayed quiet and watched, frowning at the state she was in.
"nahara, are you sure? just take a break." kai placed his wiring down. he fully turned his body to her and closely watched her body language. she seemed on the brink of losing it.
"i’m fine, kai." she said again, more firmly this time. the wiring clipped off from the board again and nahara's eyes glazed over from frustration.
"hara stop being stubborn and let me help–" kai finally had enough of watching her suffer and grabbed ahold of her hand along with the wires she held. she flinched and immediately broke.
"for god's sake kai i said i got it!" nahara pushed kai back, snatching her hand away from his. she immediately stood up away from the now shocked brunette male. kai furrowed his brows and stood up, confused and his chest aching.
"whats your problem? im just trying to help. like i always do!" kai asked loudly. the other began to look and watch the altercation unfold.
"you're my problem kai. i never asked for your help. i never asked for you to sit with me. i never asked to know you!" kai clenched his jaw at her words. they sliced through him like a serrated knife.
"everyone think you're this sweet, extroverted social butterfly when in reality you're an obnoxious leech who can't detach himself from me and i hate it! i'm sick of you!" nahara yelled out. her heart pounded in her ears and her hands trembled at her sides. kai stayed silent, staring at her with eyes filled of disbelief and hurt. his chest ached, burned of anxiety. he took a step towards her, his brown eyes daring into hers before opening his mouth.
"fuck you, nahara." her heart jumped, stopped even. the slightest of shock painted her face from such sharp words. kai stepped away from her and sat back down, working on his wiring. nahara said nothing in return, instead silently taking her exit and leaving kai where he was.
it had been 2 days since kai and nahara's fall out, and no one spoke about it. of course, kai was still loved and was very social with others. meanwhile, nahara was treated the same, but with more silent stares. she couldn't care less though. she only relied on those she truly spoke to, laura, penelope, and sela.
"are you sure, you're alright nahara?" sela asked quietly at the table. the three girls worried for nahara. ever since the fight with kai, she had become even more detached. she spoke less within group conversation and only did her tasks. she spaced out alot during class time and even in the medbay with sela.
"mhm." hara nodded at sela's question. she wore a bored expression on her face. laura and penelope couldn't even read her. a group of people started getting louder with laughter all of a sudden and it caught hara's attention. her eyes traveled to the labeled 'popular table', watching kai julie, zac, zandie, and kai laughed and converted. as nahara's eyes wandered to kai, they eyes met, hara looking away first and she immediately stood, dumping her tray before leaving.
as she walked to the other main room for tasks, she noticed everything felt quieter. maybe it was because kai wasn't yapping in her ear about the future but there was a slight ring in her ear from the silence. her headspace felt more gloomy and her chest had a dull ache. she didn't know why. she didn't like it because she did what she wanted to do. she got kai away from her. he annoyed her. she didn't like him. she couldn't stand him actually.
she couldn't stand him, yet he inevitably flooded her mind.
"nahara, you're on wires again. just finished the last few replacement wirings and you can be dismissed." chris said, typing away on a tablet. nahara did not protest, instead taking her electrical packet and headed back into the security room. as she sat in her spot, she noticed kai a couple rows down, conversing with julie as they worked together. she mentally cringed at the sight, rolling her eyes. nahara detached the old set of wires from the data box, being extremely delicate. she sure as hell didn't want to get electrocuted by a 1200 volt charge. her ears subconsciously listened toward kai and julie's conversation.
she could hear julie's sickening giggles from kai just rambling about nothing. nahara didn't know how to feel about it. maybe it should have been her, and not kai. but it was her. it was nahara. and she lost her opportunity.
"oh wow your arms look nice kai.." julie giggled out. hara’s head twitched from restaurant. she damn near broke her neck to look at them but subconsciously stopped herself. she would have immediately looked guilty. nahara tried her best to focus on the wires to get out of there quicker. she began to quickly unravel the new pack of colored wires and began to reconnect them to the box. she started mentally saying her abc's to block out her interest in their conversation. she hated her brain. she half wanted to stick the end of exposed wires into her ears and destroy all her hearing.
"oh yeah? thanks for noticing." he replied to the short curly brunette. she giggled again.
ugh god please shut up..
"of course, have you been doing something different?" nahara heard her ask in a meek tone.
nahara sighed to herself briskly. she was almost done now, she began inserting the new wires, her head was spinning with anxiety. she truly believed ignorance was bliss and she wanted to hear nothing of this conversation right now.
"i guess recently i've had, well, more time on my hands–" suddenly, a loud zap, followed by a bright spark ignited from nahara's direction. she yelped loudly, quickly scrambling away from the sparking circuit box. everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards nahara's direction, noticing she was holding her arm. kai, the only one snapping out of his shock, immediately ran to the emergency shut off button and turned off the electricity to the security room. the room fell silent, everyone's eyes landing on nahara.
nahara slowed her shallow breathing, swallowing thickly from anxiety. she looked at everyone in the room, her eyes falling on kai last. it took every ounce of tall brunette's being to not run to her aid. he stood like everyone else, being the only one to visibly express concern. nahara's eyes glazed over as she picked herself up and walked briskly out of the room.
tears trailed her face as she walked the halls. she was hurt, both mentally and physically. though it was her fault for her own hurt. she ran away from her feelings and in the end the person who she thought of when in danger did not immediately come to her aid, and it was her fault.
she missed it. missed how he'd drop everything to help her. missed how he helped her even when she didnt want it. she missed him.
she quickly ran to the medbay, crying out of frustration. she opened several cabinets for her tools and sat down in a rolling chair before placing her arm on a small sterile metal table. she sniffled, gently coating her electrical burn with a thin layer of antibiotic gel. she was lucky it only left a surface burn and did not electrocute her entire body. she placed the gauze on top, sighing out in even more frustration as it wouldn't stay in place for her to wrap. tears welled up in her eyes again, a feeling of helplessness taking over.
"nahara..c'mere let me see." a voice calls out. out of the corner of her eyes, she could see a familiar tall brunette walking through the open door with anxiousness in every stride he took. closing the door behind him, he swiftly grabbed a chair and sat across from her to help. hara sniffled and took the gauze away from kai's reach before he could grab it. she looked down at her arm to avoid eye contact.
"don't bother wasting your time. you know i'm basically right behind sela in medical training–" abruptly, she swung her head back quickly at the touch of kai's hand on her wrist, pulling her arm towards him. he grabs the gauze with a soft smile.
"i don't mind wasting time on you." she flushed a bright red and avoided eye contact, sitting silently. kai could see her nose had a tint to it, keeping down a laugh. he silently dressed her wound, wrapping her forearm carefully. the auburn got goosebumps every few seconds from the tips of his fingers tenderly touching her skin. as he finished, kai raised her arm which caused her to finally look at him, her lips parting as she watched him plant a soft kiss on her skin. nahara gently pulled away before diverting her gaze. she got up to walk away from him, already terribly flustered.
"thanks–" though kai stood up right after her and grabbed her wrist, spinning her smoothly into his body. he wasn't done with her. hi cupped the side of her face and her waist before capturing her lips. the kiss was gentle, nahara's body immediately relaxed under his touch. her anxiety slowly dispersed under him. that gloomy cloud in her head finally let the sun shine through. she felt lighter. nahara slowly pulled away and kai smiled softly, their brown and hazel eyes mixing.
for the first time, kai saw her eyes soften towards him, and he took in every moment of her loving gaze.
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© r4vn ²⁰²⁴, do not repost my work.
much love. ♡
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weskin-time · 2 years
Ooo how about Wesker with the “you wanna kiss me so bad prompt?” Either in DBD or maybe in the first fight with him in RE5? Thank you love your work so much <3333
KSJWISJA YES !! i did in dbd to fit the theme <3 this has a lot of wesker slander (in an affectionate way)
not beta read :3
post referencing this post of mine
Spotting a metal box made your blood run cold, even colder than it had been when you appeared in Raccoon City Police Department, it was nice to narrow down who was going to be hunting you and your friends. You sorta hoped that it wasn’t the blond, red eyed, asshole that seemed to hunt you down every trial you were in with him.
You and Chris were pretty good friends, you two got along better than any other survivor in this dark limbo that wasn’t from his own home, they knew each other, the banded together, and you were one of the few to slip into their friendships. That must have been why Albert Wesker hated you, because you were close to Chris Redfield, the man who killed him. That or he was just an asshole. It was probably both honestly.
Rain was falling from the sky as you walked outside to make your way to the generator by the gate, the sound of police sirens almost drowned out the sound of the roaring flames from far behind you of the crashed helicopter. You didn’t really know how to repair a generator but sticking your hand in there and wiggling things around all while flipping some switches seemed to do the job as the motor slowly began to kick to life.
Your gen was almost done now and it had been quiet, you haven’t heard a scream, a pallet drop, any hint of the killer, and worst of all you didn’t see any zombies shambling around, which you made the conclusion that it was indeed Wesker who was on the hunt.
Speaking of the fucking devil and he shall appear.
A wooshing sound was heard along with a male chuckle from somewhere behind you, you looked over your shoulder and saw him standing by the flames, his back to you as he stepped on a totem. He hasn’t seen you yet. Good. Your gen was just a few seconds away from being done but you wanted to be an asshole to Wesker, he was one to you so it was only fair. He would come check the generator next, kick it and leave, but you had a very fun trick up your sleeve.
You left the gen and crouched over to one of the cement road blocks, the one with the pallet leaning against it, and waited. Your heartbeat made your chest move with how hard it was drumming in your system, peeking over to see him walk down the stairs you watched him as his head turned at the sound of a generator across the station popping. You put your head down and got ready as he made his way to the generator you were just working on. It was hard to keep a laugh in as you saw him fall for the trap you set up.
As soon as you saw his figure over the road block you moved, jerking your body and pulled down the pallet. He jumped back in shock, his sunglasses flew off his face, and you just laughed in his face. Running as fast as your legs could take you and sliding to the generator, ignore how the wet concrete bit at your flesh under your clothes and popped it right as you heard Wesker break the wood he was hit with.
“You’ll pay for that!” He roared.
You were fucked instantly when it came to going up against this asshole, the only person he cared more about catching and killing than you was Chris, and you wanted to bite Weskers head off.
You booked it.
You tried your best to run into RPD, the rain made the ground slick which worked to your advantage as the man behind you slipped and shadow dashed into a wall. Sucker haha.
The main lobby was massive, but you had your eyes on another pallet up the stairs, just to hopefully create some distance between you and the blonde who wanted to kill you. Taking a right you ran as fast as you could to get to the stairs but knew it was a tad too late for you when you heard that woosh again right behind you. You didn’t even get to make it past the front desk as you were grabbed by the back of your neck like a kitten only more violent, and thrown forward.
You screamed as you flew through the air, a chuckle came from behind you as you hit the ground with a force, you did your best to roll into the impact thankful to not hit anything but the ground below you. Your shoulders took most of the force but your legs found their ground to push you back up again and you bolted up the stairs, if anything he just made more distance for you, but he was able to infect you in that short time frame. Uroboros didn’t hurt as it faded into your skin and wiggled into your DNA, it didn’t hurt when it fazed through your flesh and disappeared inside of you like you were a fresh compost box full of worms, it just felt wrong. Wrong in the sense of illness, the feeling of when you first start to get sick, that feeling of ‘there’s something wrong with me’ before you check your temperature.
How could a virus be wormy??
“You can’t run much longer! Uroboros has infected you!” He was so dramatic about everything.
Your wet shoes squeaked as you padded up the stairs, coming to the landing of the second floor waiting just behind the pallet. He stopped in his tracks, standing on the stairs as you looked down to him.
It was still. The only sound was your labored breathing. You could see the red glow of his eyes through his dark glasses, his leather outfit clung to his form like a second skin and you had absolutely no idea how he could move in it so fluidly, your eyes trailed over him, taking him in for the first time that wasn’t as he was chasing your or piercing your flesh into a hook. How tight was his clothes if you could see his abs through them? You never let your guard down even for a second as you took him in. Why wasn’t he moving? Was his ego so fragile that he couldn’t take another pallet to the face to he was trying to wait you out?
He was rather attractive to be honest. You could never admit it to yourself let alone someone else that you liked what you saw, that a little voice in the back of your brain was keeping his form stored. You couldn’t tell if your red face was from the effort to run or because you were staring, but it definitely exploded into warmth as he smirked. He was watching you check him out, watching your eyes run over his body, taking him in.
He might have been an asshole but at least he was a nice one to look at.
“Aren’t you going to run little mouse?” He mused at the situation. It was a game of cat and mouse and it confirmed your suspicions, that he did like chasing you around because he was an asshole. “Getting tired?”
You stood silent as you felt his gaze on yourself. You could just see the glow of his eyes, you couldn’t tell what he was looking at but you could feel the red stare on your body, looking at you, burning into your flesh, watching your body twitched at the Uroboros that infected your system, gazing at the way the wormy black masses wiggled in your skin. Your entire body burned.
The black tendrils slithered up his arm out from under his coat sleeve and writhed around each other as he lifted up his hand, and he was too fast for you to even react. You didn’t bring the pallet down to stun him, his burning gaze flustered you into dropping your guard a tad, just enough of a window for him to pounce. He knocked into with a force of a train, in an instant your back and harshly pressed up against the wall of the police station, his hand around your throat and the inky limbs holding you in place.
A deep purr came for him chest in the form of mock laugher as you tried to gasp the air back from it being knocked out of you. Your hands came to grab at his arm to weakly attempt to pull him off. He never lingered for this long, he usually just knocked the wind out of you and threw you over his shoulder, but he held you in place as Uroboros slithered across your skin, coiling around your limbs and one slid across your cheek. They were warm, and kinda gooey. It felt weird. Super weird. You didn’t appreciate the feeling in your gut as you were no longer being held up by your throat, instead being supported by the tendrils.
His red gaze seemed like it was going to melt his glasses off his face, he was just watching you struggle against him, against the black Uroboros.
“Now you’re putting up a fight, what happened on the stairs mouse? Got scared? Got…” his teasing voice paused for dramatic effect, “Distracted?” To help with the dramatics the tentacle on your cheek ran along your lower lip.
“Oh shut up asshole.” You choked out, thankful to finally have air back in your lungs, “You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
Time stood still for a second once again that trial. You feared for a second you might had read the vibe wrong and now you were going to get moried for your stupid social skills but the fear disappeared when he laughed and leaned in closer.
His face was inches away from your own and your heart stopped. His head angled to the side as his grip on your throat became a little more firm, his lips parted like he was going to kiss you. You eyelids felt suddenly heavy as you looked at his own lips through half lidded eyes, the feeling of Uroboros in your body was null compared to this moment. He slowly inched forward, your lips almost touching, is you could just move your head you could meet h-
“Your hearts beating rather fast mouse? Are you expecting something?”
He was feeling your pulse from his hand around your throat. Oh my gods. You were jerked from the wall, suddenly the warm embrace of Uroboros’s tentacles released you as you were thrown over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing.
“You might be right about wanting to kiss you dear but I can’t have you winning this match.” He dragged you down the stairs to the main floor, the hook in site as you wiggled against him in protest. “Your pesky friends are already far ahead of me and I can’t have that.”
He hooked you. Pain seeped through your entire body as you screamed and protested against the hook in your flesh. His gloved hand ran down your shin as he spoke.
“Do come see me after this trial mouse. Now if you’ll excuse me.” and with that he was gone.
Fucking asshole.
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carrotsnake · 11 months
Botw/Totk headcanon: Sheikah NPCs beyond Kakariko
after impa being the Last of Her Kind for nearly 20 years, we were kind of spoiled with the era of wilds sheikah. still, kakariko is known for it's older population and botw makes a point to let us know paya isn't used to seeing people her age. this post is about asking 'where are they?' and filling in the gaps. being a peaceful farming village it makes sense the younger gens would want to leave as soon as they can for some adventure.
sheikah typically have hair on the grey-to-white scale (granté proves this isn't a requirement), and unlike the past games they have a greater diversity in eye colour. below is a list of hylian npcs that look too young to have greying hair that i hc are either from kakariko, or have some sheikah ancestry.
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from left to right: lecia, letty, mina, her brother mils by proxy, teli, juney, and baumar. i'll go into more detail about each under the cut, comparing them from the 2 games alongside some more headcanons. some of them i haven't found in totk yet, so i'll edit when i do.
pic on the left side is them in botw, totk on the right.
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Mina is a treasure hunter looking for loot with her brother by the exchange ruins outside the great plateau. the siblings also show up in the dlc. they're trying to steal a sheikah heirloom back from the yiga hideout, though they don't know it's purpose - they just wanna sell it. in totk she walks on the path between lakeside stable and lurelin. she says that even treasure hunters deserve some fun once in a while, so we can assume she's takin' it easy. Mils, meanwhile...
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...joined the zonai survey team, and moans about what tough work it is. he walks through pagos woods to the zonai ruins. he joined in the hopes it would lead him to treasure, but he hasn't had his lucky break yet. most hylians travel from stable to inn and can be assumed not to have a proper home due to the lasting effects of the calamity. this is my bias but i like to think he's talking about kakariko when he mentions home. let him grow some pumpkins and wrangle cuccos. he wishes to live a quiet life.
i find it sweet him and mina are both in faron. maybe they decided to split up and cover more ground? with mina off sunbathing and sipping mimosas in lurelin, mils got the short end of the stick again.
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'i hope you die': lazy, cliché, unrealistic. 'i hope your favourite botw npc gets mushroomed and bowlcutted': it's scary, it's possible, it's happening to me right now. such was the fate of our poor resident shield-surfer bro from botw. known for many hit quotes such as 'let's go bamboo! yahoo!', 'shield surfing is like, totally radical, dude', and my favourite:
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in botw he rides his horse on the path between serenne and snowfield stable. in totk he's part of the fashion tour-group that run around hateno village. maybe he went to hebra to show his 'wicked' surfing moves to selmie and she said 'kid, if i let you out on the slopes you'll die. sorry'. his world was completely shattered beneath him like a broken shield, so he turned to cravats and puffy short shorts to cope.
his name is similar to the hills of baumer above deya village ruins. maybe he's a descendent of the few survivors. i wonder what his ancestors are thinking now, watching what he does with the gift of life.
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Teli walks between fort hateno and hateno village. He sells ancient guardian parts and even mentions he trades them with Robbie. he has a high opinion of himself and tells you he's known across hyrule for his 'roguish good looks.' in totk he's one of the men in the 'Gourmets gone missing' Penn quest that gave himself food-poisoning by riverside stable. after which he scares away some cuccos and makes you wrangle them for a sidequest. just L after L for this dashing rogue.
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Juney, now famous for her rupee grinding sand seal minigame, i instantly recognised as the epic divorce woman from rito village. her attitude is just as surly as ever but they gave her a soft side. i like that every minigame location could not be further from hateno. you'll find that school someday queen.
she was a newly wed mad at her husband, jogo, for choosing a cold place for their honeymoon. he begs you to give him flint to cook some baked apples for her to save their already failing marriage.
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in totk they're not together, jogo inhabits a cabin in tabantha village ruins with another woman. he didn't give her enough baked apples.
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Letty walks along the path between lakeside stable and lurelin. she gives you cooking tips and that's pretty much it. i'm pretty sure i've met her as a yiga disguise more often than i've seen the real her. if anyone has found her in totk, please let me know.
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Lecia is a new character in totk. she's with the research team and plays a part in the foothill stable Penn quest. she kind of looks like a grown up Koko. maybe a distant relative? but maybe she's not sheikah. maybe the sight of all those pasty naked man nips traumatised her so bad she got marie-antoinette syndrome from the shock. i haven't seen her since.
thank you if you read to the end. to clarify i'm working on some fic stuff and that entails finding npcs across the overworld to give some more lore. it's a sheikah focused fic so i needed some characters other than the kakariko residents. it's also just fun fleshing out random npcs to make the world feel more lived in. again, i'm missing some details like what mina does before you save lurelin, so i'll edit this post in the future.
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Pants rolled to show cute pigs. I say cute but my 2nd toe is an asshole and the nails grow weird. Don't get me started on the 4th toe on my left foot. That piece of shit. But yea. Mystery revealed! I have buttery soft feet with high arches and cute toes. Sitting on a metal box like a knock kneed dirt farmer in 1st gen. Iron Fist. haha
Having a farewell party with booze tonight. Absolutely fucking killing myself and unless I wanna end up dead in a ditch I need to rein it in. (usually type reign cause slayer and dumb) Goal is 30 days.
Scared tbh. Haven't been sober longer than a week in years. Hopefully I don't totally suck asshole and fail miserably. Sticking with the weed though. Can hop around on one crutch awhile.
Keep a good thought for me. Foresee some dark days ahead but I'm excited for the challenge and the change. Going out with a bang though obviously. haha
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