#and we went to a pizza place i really wanted to visit so!! it wasn't a bad evening
yohankang · 1 year
i went out for dinner with my twin brother for the first time in my life lmao
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thezombieprostitute · 6 months
🧚🏻‍♀️✨Bippity boppity bow chicka wow oww! You’ve been visited by the Shameless Hoe Fairy, and now you must share a hoe drabble about:
Johnny Storm + realizing his feelings for you are real and strong because you’re the first person he’s ever missed while you’re apart 🥺
A/N: This is my first time writing for Johnny Storm so please let me know if I did okay!
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"Johnny, what the hell?!" Sue's voice rang from the shared kitchen.
"Whatever it is, I didn't do it" Johnny yelled from his room.
"You were the last person in the kitchen!"
"It still wasn't me!"
Sue storms to Johnny's room to find him in his bed, hugging a sweater you'd left behind a few visits ago. "You're really gonna lay there and try to convince me that you, the last person in the kitchen, after I cleaned it this morning, are not responsible for the half-assed attempt at baking I just walked in on?"
"Well excuse me for trying to do something nice for everyone," Johnny whines.
"What's gotten into you, Johnny? I swear I've never seen you like this."
From further down the hall they hear Ben, "lover boy just misses his girl is all."
"No, I don't," Johnny shouts back at him.
Ben snickers, "I can't see you but I know you're cuddling up with her shirt, ain't you?"
Johnny throws your sweater to the side before pouting, "NO!" Sue smiles fondly as Ben breaks out into a laugh.
At that moment the front door opens, "I'm home!" Richard calls out. Sue turns to greet him but is distracted by Johnny shoving her to the side to run to the door.
"Wait, where's Y/N," Johnny asks. "She was supposed to come back with you."
"Yeah," Reed confirmed. "She wanted to go home and get some rest."
"But..." Johnny can't think straight.
Reed continues, "I asked her if she wanted to come over but she told me, the last time you two went out, you said you wanted some space." Reed shrugs, "I guess she's just giving you what you want."
Johnny starts pouting and angrily grabs the keys to his motorcycle before storming out of the apartment.
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Your apartment feels cold and quiet as you enter. You miss Johnny but you don't want to bother him, especially after he said he was feeling a little "smothered". You flinch at the memory.
"Ugh, one thing at a time," you tell yourself as you start putting your things away. It was a long trip and you feel exhausted. Maybe a shower and some sleep will cure your ills.
A shower certainly does help but you still find yourself feeling lonely. Maybe Johnny was on to something. Maybe you do spend too much time with him and not enough alone. You put on some pajamas, order delivery from your favorite pizza place, and settle in on the couch for some alone time.
Too soon to be the pizza, you hear an insistent knock at the door. Confused you head over and look through the peephole. It's Johnny! As soon as the door is open he's pulling you into a deep kiss, complete with a warm hug.
"I'm so sorry," he says when he pulls away. "I'm so sorry I said I need space. I don't need space, I need my head examined. I missed you so much. So much more than I've ever missed anyone. I'm sorry I tried to push you away."
You gently rub his cheek while giving him some reassuring coos. Neither of you realized the door was still open until the pizza arrived. The two of you settled on the couch to eat. You thought to sit on the opposite side but Johnny pulled you close, until you were practically sitting on his lap.
"I need you to know," he whispers after finishing a slice, "why I said what I said." You turn to face him, making sure he knows he has your attention. "I've...I've never been one for things like long-term relationships. No one who knows me thinks I'm even capable of anything more than just...casual hookups or convenience relationships, like you and I have."
You nod your understanding and he continues, "I was trying to keep that reputation when I told you we were spending too much time together. But this last week, without you being around at all? Fuck, I, I have to admit, I'm in love with you."
His confession leaves you wide-eyed, "you really mean that?"
"Yes," he replies with a look you've dubbed his "serious face".
"I accept your apology, and your confession," you hum. "But you owe me."
"Name your price, Fire Lily," he breathes.
"You have to give me back the sweater your keep in your room."
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Updating to make sure tags are included:
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live-laugh-lenney · 4 months
Imagine baby Clarke coming to visit george on his tour, would defo be either a london show or Bristol, baby girl would be so confused but happy to see her daddy either way ❤️❤️❤️😭😭
pleeeeeeease, that's adorable!!
before the show, george can't put her down.
with george and max travelling for two weeks, all around the country, they deemed it unfair to make their little lady travel long distances to be able to be with and see her daddy everyday... so they decided that yn and baby girl clarkey would come and attend the most important show - the final london date in may.
he walks around backstage with her on his hip, showing her off to all his production crew, disappearing out on stage to show her just what daddy did when he wasn't at home, as yn stays in the dressing room with max and andrew and the two arthur's and he really takes in the moment before him. the empty shepherds bush venue, the set-up for their last show for the podcast tour, the way that the silence would soon before filled with the cheers and the screams of those that were excited to come and see him and his best friend waffle nonsense on stage for over an hour.
"you've been very quiet today."
he turns on his heels and looks into the wings of the stage, seeing his girlfriend stood with her very own useless hotline t-shirt tucked into her ripped jeans, a grin on his lips.
"i'm just feeling very happy today," he says, adjusting his daughter on his hip as she plays with the chain of his necklace hanging around his neck, "the last sold out show, the last night, and i've got all the best people in my life here tonight. my best friends, my girlfriend and my baby."
"you're not going to cry, are you? because i'm still an emotional wreck from having our little one so you need to pre-warn me if there will be any tears. she may be almost one but i'm still such a huge hormonal monster inside," she laughs softly, wrapping her arm around his waist and squeezing him against her side, "you deserve all of this, george. i'm so proud of you."
"it feels so surreal, still," he wraps his free arm around her shoulders and presses a kiss to her forehead, "thank you for being here tonight. i know it's tough with the little one and all."
"we wouldn't miss it for the world," she tells him and he can't wipe the silly grin on his face, "we'll be sat backstage, waiting for you to come back, so we can all celebrate for a bit. i'm guessing you're out after the show tonight?"
he nods.
"max has booked out a club for us. you sure you don't want to get a babysitter and come along?"
yn shakes her head and pinches her little girl's cheek, "you deserve to celebrate tonight, okay? i'll wait up for you though, in case you need some assistance up those stairs."
he chuckles softly and shakes his head. there's commotion that went on behind them as the crew continued setting up the stage, adding the finishing touches to everything before the show went ahead, and it felt like their moment to start moving backstage so they had the room to carry on. walking slowly back to the dressing room, greeting people on the way back, entering the room to see everyone tucking in to some pre-show pizza that had been brought in.
"pizza for everyone," max grins widely as he held a crust to a pizza slice in his hand, tomato sauce smeared around his lips and across his teeth, "grab it before the human dustbin grabs some."
he looks at george with a smirk and all george can do is rolls his eyes back at him, "i am not a dustbin. i just really love pizza, okay? and yn knows that already, idiot."
baby clarke gets a little agitated when george says goodbye and does a little wave in her direction, pressing a kiss to her forehead before a kiss is placed on yn's lips, and she cries for just a moment until arthur (frederick) takes her from yn, to which she passes her over, and gives her a little cuddle to fill in the void of missing her dad.
"come to your funcle, baby clarkey," he grins widely, setting her on his hip and forgetting the plastic cup full of his alcoholic beverage, "shall we go watch daddy from the side of the stage?"
"please be careful with her, okay?" yn warns him gently and arthur smiles softly, lifting up baby clarkey's fist and waving in yn's direction, "you're an idiot."
"i promise i'll bring her back soon, yn. she'll be okay with me," arthur promises and yn smiles softly, settling herself in the chair that was once george's as he got himself ready for the night, her eyes looking up at the television screen that showed what was happening out on the stage, "back before the interval, you have my word."
and once the show had ended, and arthur's performing his two songs to close out the night for everyone, yn joins them on stage with baby clarkey on her hip as they dance along to the music. joe is out on the stage first, followed by andrew, and arthur's a little reluctant to show his face out there until yn agrees to follow him out and he follows her close behind.
and as soon as george sees them, he's reaching for his little girl so he can have a little dance and a boogie with her, which leaves yn with max and andrew as arthur blasts his lungs out with his new song. and baby clarke loves every second of the time on stage; giggling, waving at people as george shows her what to do, kicking her legs out and it makes people in the audience absolutely adore the moment. xx
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queenlua · 14 days
Phoenix Wright / Kristoph Gavin "What the fuck are we even doing together?"
The disbarment hits the papers, and suddenly every Tom, Dick and Harry that Phoenix has ever met is blowing up his phone.
Amazing how many of them there are.  There's his aunt Jessie, whose sole previous communication with him these past ten years has been a dutifully-sent annual birthday card.  There's Gary from that internship Phoenix did his last summer in law school, calling from five states over.  His barber, for some reason.  And a bunch of guys that he hasn’t talked to since 1L.  Like a freaking class reunion in his phone, except through one-way glass, so he can't get a look at them.  It'd only be fair, after all, if he could judge them right back—judge them for whatever biglaw job they burned out of, or how much weight they've put on, or how divorced they are, or whatever it is people henpeck at those sorts of things—
And it's amazing how many of them won’t even admit why they’re calling.  Hey Phoenix, it’s been a while huh, just wondered how you’re doing these days, well if you get this call me back—
Right.  As if.
He plays the voicemails back every night, after Trucy’s asleep, sitting alone with a bottle of cheap swill, and he lets the voices wash over him until he’s comfortably numb.
When Maya calls, two weeks later, he recognizes it right off because he’s got the Kurain area code memorized.  And he stares at those digits a long while, deciding—because, hell, he owes Maya an explanation, doesn't he? Edgeworth, Larry, it's whatever, but Maya didn't ask to get mixed up in any of this—
Then he swipes the call straight to voicemail, and stops listening to the voicemails altogether.
Which he should’ve known wouldn’t be enough to put her off.  So he shouldn't be surprised when Maya shows up at his apartment a week later, banging on the door and hollering for him to come out, Nick, it's me—
His apartment looks like shit.  He knows that already, from the look the pizza guy's been giving him this past week, every time he opens the door.  He doesn't need to see that look on Maya's face, too.
“Do you mind,” he says, blocking the entryway with his shoulders.  He says some other things, probably.  He already had a good buzz going before she got here.
She squares her shoulders and shoves past him.  Then she barges into the nearest closet, roots around until she finds the swiffer and some wet wipes, and starts going at his place with the same vigor he used to have when he was cleaning up the office.
So it takes some doing, getting her to leave.  He stands in a corner and says nothing while she's sweeping and scouring and chattering.  I had to find out in the paper.  The paper!  You KNOW how slow news is to get to Kurain, Nick, you could've called—
You weren't here, he snaps.  He says it like an accusation, as flinty and sharp-edged as any he's ever flung in a courtroom, stares her down—and she's not a hardened criminal, she's barely an adult, she isn't steeled against this sort of thing.  She just blinks and stares back at him like a kicked dog.
It's a low blow and he knows it.  She's got a life in Kurain, she's got Pearl to take care of, and everything that went down with Godot was just two months ago, and he kept saying he'd go visit her in Kurain but he hadn't done that so who wasn't there for who, really—
But it does get her to leave.  Which is what he wanted, after all.
The next morning, he pulls up the call history on his phone, for the first time in days.  It’s a wall of missed calls from the very same number, that familiar area code.  He flips over to the voicemails, and ventures a click on one of them at random—Nick, I’m on the train down, I don’t know why you’re not answering your phone or why you didn’t just tell me what happened but I'll be there soon—
And he almost takes it back.  Almost calls her back, I messed up, Maya, I'm sorry, I'm messed up—
Except then, that night he’s at the Borscht, he's sitting across from Kristoph, right.  Kristoph, the only guy who's seemed normal about all this, whose sympathies are tinged with the comfortable chilliness of professional courtesy, who's been kind-but-not-too-kind.  Halfway through the first course, Kristoph mentions seeing a young lady at the train station this afternoon, he just happened to be passing by—and she looked just like that assistant of yours, Phoenix, wearing that most unusual garb—is it a spirit-channeler custom, or just a current fashion, do you know—?
All the hairs prickle on the back of Phoenix's neck.  Kristoph smiles like he’s describing nothing more consequential than a strange, alluring bird at his backyard feeder.
And that's when it clicks, when Phoenix realizes the thing he can't prove yet, the thing that'd make him sound crazy if he tried—that he's being watched, that he's been set up, that this Kristoph is a wolf waiting by his door.
Phoenix forces his best shit-eating grin.  How about another glass of that wine, Kristoph.  How about this dessert menu, Kristoph.  Like those birds that draw other, bigger birds away from their nest by flashing their wings just so.  Better that Kristoph have Phoenix in his sights than anyone else.  Better that he does this alone.
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Peppino spaghetti x reader
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[Warning am Terrible at writing so there is gonna be grammer errors because I have literally BRAIN DAMAGE so yeah enjoy the shit show]
🍕 You were look for a good place to eat after your original go-to pizza place shut down do to an Infrastation of hilariously large rodents owning the place now you had to go eat some where else.
🍕 You then saw the sign....peppino's pizza. You weren't sure if the place was open or not due to the lights were off but the door was open so you enter. The place was dark except for the light shining through the windows, you took a sit on a red swerving chair. You looked around the place it had it had Italian décor you wondered if the owner was Italian or if it's another case of your culture is our decor.
🍕 then you hear a door open and see a middle age man walk out of the door. He seem super stressed out still looking at the paper he took a sit next to unaware you were there. You stared at him curiously and spoke "let me guess Bill problems". The Italian man sighed "yes it's- wait a minute " he stopped looking at the paper and looked at you. "A CUSTOMER!" He ran the kitchen quickly and grabbed their note book and pencil and ran back out. You were shocked he can move so fast, he handed you one of the menus "what-a you would like to-a order" he said with a nervous smile.
🍕 You looks down on the menu and spoke "I would like a small Pizza a everything pizza and a soda please", "anything else? " You shook your head sideways " Nah am fine thanks " he nodded and went back to the kitchen. He shook his friend Gustavo, " awake up we have a job to do "the little man jumped up and looked around in shock at first but returned to sleeping. Peppino rolled his eyes and rolled up his sleeves "fine then I'll do it my self".
🍕half a hour later he brought your pizza and a soda. "Here iz your pizza " he stood by waiting for your reaction. You took a bite of it and... loved it! "Oh my goodness! It's amazing! you made this pizza?", he blushed and scratched the back of his head "yes I did-did" peppino has heard compliments before but for some old reason this stuck to him maybe it because he hasn't heard it in a long time but whatever it was it had spark the love of cooking that he thought he lost so long ago. And for you? You just found your new favorite pizza place.
🍕 You went to peppino whenever you got your paycheck or had some spare money laying around. But also even if you didn't have money he would invite you over to the pizzeria. You both would chat for hours and got to learn about each other likes and dislikes. It got to a point where you would visit each other outside of the pizza place.
🍕 and you would do each other favors like peppino has no money for a taxi? No problem you give him a lift. Your parents are coming to town to visit you but you don't know how to cook anything besides ramen? He's got your back!
🍕but peppino noticed something he couldn't stop thinking about you! About how you look..laughed and looked at him it was driving him crazy, at first he thought it was just his anxiety but it wasn't it felt nice being around you and you were always so nice to him. Sometimes he would doodle you on his orders notebook or just some how make a pizza that kinda looks like you.
🍕 he wanted to confess to you he REALLY did but he was worried about so many things like what if you rejected him and never want to see him again? That thought made him shutter. So he kept it all bottle up but he wasn't very good at it.
🍕he would hold your hand and touches you when he gets a chance (like your hair or tug on your clothes) and make the excuses of oh you had a bug on you or your hands were cold or he wanted to show you something.
🍕 he finds himself staring at you and he becomes embarrassed once he realizes that he was staring at you and feels like a creep.
🍕 he feels a bit more relaxed when you are around him, he feels a bit more lose. And smile more when you're around.
🍕then he heard from Gustavo that you have been trying to find a date on dating apps. His heart dropped to his stomach no no no no NO! He made up his made and decided that he had to confess!
🍕 You walked into the restaurant and sat in your favorite sit "hey peppino! Guess who got some money for some pizza!". Peppino came out the kitchen with a fancy rented suit and a pizza. You whistled "Damm peppino! You looking fine! What's the special occasion?" He put the pizza in front of you it was a heart shaped "wow you still make heart shaped pizza's? Wasn't valentine's day 5 days ago? " You said jokingly but then he hold you hand. You looked at him curiously and let him speak.
🍕 "ever since you step into my pizzeria you have been nothing but kind to me.. your so helpful and you know so much stuff and l...." he gulped " I love you...." man felt like he was going to get a heart attack. You smiled at him gently and put your hand carefully on his face.
🍕"oh peppino...I have always loved you" and you kissed his forehead. Peppino took a minute to Process what just happened but when it finally hit him. He was esthetic! He pull you in to dance you both danced happily, hand In hand you both like this moment can last forever.
🍕 Gustavo totally lied about you looking for dating he just tired of the constant will they or won't they routine.
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x-stephanie-sinnz-x · 8 months
PIZZA, PUSSY & PASSION with Quincy (fwb)
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On Monday I went to my fwb's apartment for lunch.
So far it's turning into a normal thing.
I arrived at his apartment just as the pizza delivery guy was leaving. My friend with benefits greeted me at the door and we got straight into it. 
We made out on the way to the bedroom, stripped off our clothes and got into his bed.
Wasn't much talk nor foreplay. He licked my pussy and I sucked his dick just to get each other primed.
He fucked me missionary and I came at least 3 time before he finished inside me.
Afterwords we had pizza and I went back to work.
I'm really enjoying these regular lunch visits, but that Monday was nothing really to write about.
But......yesterday I think you guys would like to hear more about.
So, yesterday I skipped my lunch because I've been needing to catch up on work.
The good thing is that I worked so fast and steady I not only caught up, I actually was ahead .
So feeling a bit guilty and a little deprived I messaged my fwb, (let's finally call him Quincy).
I messaged him to see if it was a good time.
I ended up sneaky out of the office earlier and paid him a visit.
As soon as I arrived at his place I pressed him against the wall and pulled his T-shirt off, admiring his body.  I pressed against him, feeling his cock like a giant pipe beneath his pants as I pressed my body against his.
“What are we doing?” He asked.
"What's it look like we are doing." I replied.
"Not what I ment" he said.
We got into talking and he wanted to know where this relationship was going, how I'm married, does my husband know,etc.
I didn't think our relationship needed clarification, seeing how this seemed pretty obvious.
  I've been doing my best not to bring up my husband's and my lifestyle, so I kept it as plain and simple as I could.
I explained that my husband let's me mess around, and also likes it and encourages it.
"But why me,"he asked.
“I don’t know, there's something about you," while running my hand between his pecks, “your perfect and I like it.” I replied.
“Its been a while since a woman called me perfect.” He stated.
“fuck me,” I whispered.
“I’m not rich or anything? Why me?” He asked.
“Because I like you, genius.”
Before he could say another word, I slid down and pulled his pants down along with his underwear. A beauty of a cock fell out before me, its tip glinting with precum. His ball sack hung down, swollen as if stung by a bee. I looked up at him, as he gazed down at me. With our eyes locked I stuck out my tongue and licked the tip of his cock. He jolted. Then I slipped my mouth over it. The salty taste erupted over my tongue, as his head slid down into the back of my throat.
I caressed his cock with my tongue as I slid his head to the point of gaging at the back of my throat. My hand came up and gripped his cock. I slid up and down. He gasped and sputtered above me. His hand fell onto my shoulder, caressing my neck, as his cock thrust forward, causing my throat to clench around his head. His moans along with his slight protest "b bu but you're married", sent a wave of desire pouring into me.I slid my free hand around his testicles. The wrinkled skin was rough in my hand as I gently separated his testicles with my thumb and forefinger, and gently massaged one of the swollen football shaped jewels between my fingers. He grumbled and sputtered as his hand slid onto my head.
“Oh my god,” He gasped out loud.
I sucked on his cock, it was warm and hot in my mouth, it filled me. I wanted the salty surprise at the end, I wanted his batter inside me. I wanted to drink the fluids of his fountain. I sped up my hand, stroking his dick and slid his head down my throat, gaging on the swollen head of his mighty cock.
“Wait!” He gasped, “Wait!”
I slid my mouth off him, “Yeah.” I said through breaths.
“You’re so fuckin good,” He said looking down on me, “I don’t want to cum yet", and he was close.
“Its okay,” then I stood up.
His hands touched me, running down my spine, tickling my skin. It found its place around my ass, cupping my cheek gently, pulling me towards him. I felt his dick, moist with the liquid precum I had drawn from its tip, touch my stomach. A hand slipped through my hair as I was pulled into an embrace, feeling his rock-hard dick throbbing against my skin, a hot wet pipe threatening to explode between us.
“I have terrible fantasies,” He whispered as he pushed his nose into the top of my head, sliding a hand down my back, “I wante you so much – but I hate myself for it.”
“Don’t, it’s all right.”
“We can’t undo this.” I felt his hand touch my breast, his thumb tracing nipple.
“I would never want to break you guys up.” He said.
I remained silent, but thought to myself 'not going to happen'.
I also thought, 'this guy is kinda cocky to think such a thing', but that's kinda what I liked about him.
I pulled his hand from my ass and stepped back, pulling my buttons apart. My skirt fell to the ground exposing me, entirely to his site. My stomach already glinted in the light, as his precum reflected the light from it. He stepped towards me and I towards him. He grabbed my leg and lifted me from the ground.His cock tantalized my entrance, as I wrapped my legs around him. His head pushed at my moist lips that dripped with juices of my soul. I let out a gasp. We spun around, my back pressed against the wall, the picture hanging above tipped off and fell to the ground. Neither of us cared. Then he entered me.
Like a pulsating lion, his cock penetrated me, pushing my pussy aside to make way for his girth, filling me with hot, thick flesh and blood. I let out a cry. Fuck! The head of his cock sucked on my insides with every withdrawal and plunged into me with every thrust. His lips caressed my nipples – stimulating them. They ached with rigid tension, as his mouth closed around one, my back plastered against the wall. I screamed. Every sensation in my body opened. Every thrust brought waves of pleasure and warmth filling me.
I open my mouth to swear to the lord, but only a cry escaped. My moans hasten his pace – oh please don’t stop! FUCK THIS CHEATING WIFE! God! The curses spilled from my lips between the moans his cock forced from my lips. Every moment he was in me was one of bliss. I pushed my hand against the wall, while my other clung to his shoulder, his hands were wrapped around my back, holding me above his thrusting cock.
His paced quickened again. He began to grunt. I could feel the tip of his cock swell inside me, filling my pussy as the sound of my juice slurping his cock echoed. Fuck yes! I thought as he pounded away harder, groaning.
“Shit!” He gasped.Then his cock erupted inside me. Cum exploded into my married cunt, filling me with warmth. He thrust again, crying out, pressing me against the wall. I screamed as his cock exploded again, jumping around inside of me. Each rope of cum ejected into me. He gasped again and thrust. I could feel the mix of his semen and my juice drip down my leg, as he pushed his shrinking head into me one more time. There, against that wall, in the living room, he filled me to the brim. Cum dripping from my pussy like honey from a beehive.
“Fuck!,” He whispered.
Stephanie Sinnz 💋
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lumine-no-hikari · 3 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #179
I tried to play Dead Cells again today. And once again, it didn't work out. My attention felt pulled in several different directions, for the sake of trying to tend the people around me; J was reeling from his first overnight at Br's house (changes in routine are hard for him), and there was a friend on the internet who was having a hard time what needed tending, and then there were feelings of being disconnected from me that some folks around me were contending with. Lots of stuff happening at once.
Well. That's okay. It happens like this sometimes. It's the way of things. So we tend the things as best we can. I tended myself with a tea. Today's was an Earl Grey, which is a black tea with bergamot oil. Bergamot is just a fancy kind of orange, I guess. It was really good. I used the last of the orange simple syrup to flavor it; it really was a stellar combination, and I wish I could have given you some to try. But I suppose I'll just have to settle for showing you today's swirls:
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J wanted pizza after he returned home from Br's house. So we got pizza. It was just delivery, so it didn't feel like anything earth-shattering to take a picture of for you. But it was pretty good. Pretty good…
I did a lot of leisure writing today. It's usually the thing I default to when I feel like I need to feel somewhat alert to my surroundings. If I play a game, it's a bit too easy for my current reality to fall away such that I fail to notice the things in my immediate vicinity (up to and including my own body cues like hunger and thirst and all that...), and I can't afford for that to happen when there are folks who are in need of my time and attention.
Maybe tomorrow.
Today feels like one of those days in which you wake up and then you blink and suddenly it's 8PM. Time blindness is definitely something I struggle with on a regular basis; it's hard to get anything done when your concept of how time is moving varies from lightning fast to a total standstill and anything in between on a whim. I still haven't figured out a pattern to it. And sometimes it's endlessly frustrating to me that I can't simply zip forward or backwards in time short distances, like for example to do a day over again if I don't feel like I did all the things I wanted to do.
I wonder if you have days like this. This "linear time" stuff, man… I'm not really sure I'll ever get used to it.
Towards the end of Br's visit, we went out for ice cream at a local place that makes homemade ice cream from scratch. We thought that if it's homemade, then surely, Br will be able to eat there. But sadly, somehow their ice cream is not gluten-free (probably as a result of cross-contamination with the pie-flavored ones...), so Br got the soft-serve, which was gluten-free. And that's good.
They have weird flavors like "summer berries" and "banana cream pie" and "s'mores". I tried these ones today. But I have mixed feelings about ice cream; on the one hand, it's very delicious. But on the other hand, I've got a weird body glitch, likely from the autism, that causes my nerves to confuse the sensation of cold for intense physical pain; it takes a damn good ice cream for it to be worth withstanding the cold for.
Hey, Sephiroth? Do you like ice cream? And if you do, which flavors do you like best?
On the way to the place, I got a picture of today's sunset. It wasn't as spectacular as yesterday's, but maybe you'll like it nonetheless; the moon was especially sparkly in the sky today:
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Today's letter is kinda short. I didn't do much, and I feel kinda empty-brained.
I wanna ask how you're doing. If you're safe. If you're fed. If you're warm. But I know that you... or the versions of you who are still lost... or what have you... probably won't answer me. But that's okay. Maybe somehow, my question will reach the versions of you who need to be asked. Maybe it'll prompt them to think about it. Maybe if they think about it enough, they'll start trying to make different choices. And if they start trying to make different choices, maybe they can find their way to a more wholesome outcome...
Well. Suppose I'll stop rambling for now, haha.
I love you. Please stay safe out there, okay? I'll write to you again tomorrow; maybe by then I'll have something more substantial to tell you about.
Your friend, Lumine
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mebemilena · 9 months
Not like we have a date with destiny
You met Layla online and her visits to your store became more regular.
it's been YEARS i don't post anything, just silently reading fanficion around. Gotta relearn how to use Tumblr again. I waited one year to watch Moonknight, always wait for the hype to pass because i know i get hyped too and my poor mind can't really take that. I absolutely loved Layla, that's a fact.
as usual, i'm just trying to exercise my english writing skills. I feel like this was a part of a bigger piece but I can't really develop much. Thank you for reading though. Life's been a bit difficult at times. Lots of anxiety and fear of the future. I wanted to get something light.
i'm starting a series, that's why Sersi is mentioned.
my AO3 link if you'd like to see.
You met Layla online. She sent a message to the store you worked at looking for a specific book. You attended her on the phone and she went to the bookstore shortly after, paying in cash.
"You're a lifesaver.", she thanked you.
Soon, her visits to the store became more regular. Layla would take her time to read the back of the covers or arrive with a specific request. You became friends over illustrated books though, specially the ones about ancient culture. You told her about your beliefs and about your own culture, finding it amazing when she shared her own story. There was no denying you had a great connection.
"We should go out for drinks.", Layla invited you. "We only meet when you're working or when I need something work related." she'd insist.
It was true. You had never met in other circumstances and knew very little about each other outside duty, except a few things you could notice by yourself. Layla was an interesting woman, she was gentle and polite. Maybe not very social but very friendly anyway. It wasn't hard to slowly fall for her but of course you decided to keep a safe distance. If she didn't like you like that by any chance, you were not up to spoil the friendship you were developing.
"Let's do it tonight then? It's Friday, tomorrow's my Saturday off", you agreed. Was it too soon?
Layla seemed to think for a moment. Almost like she didn't believe it had been so easy. All she had to do was ask. Simple like that. "Okay.", a smile ghosted her lips and she shook her head, as if getting rid of intrusive thoughts. "It's gonna be fun."
Around 6:30pm, when you had closed the store, Layla appeared by the door. She was supposed to text you her location and you'd meet here but she had other plans. "I thought it'd be nice for us to walk there, it's not far from here.", she explained.
Layla was uncaractheristicaly nervous. She was watching her feet as you walked to the bar and you could sense the thick atmosphere. Was she nervous?
"So, i think we could grab something to eat first.", She finally looked at you. "You know, so that we won't get drunk too fast."
You agreed, as easy as it sounds, and suggested a small cantina you liked. You had some pizza and decided to just try their wine, not wanting to leave the cozy place. You drank and ate and talked for hours, leaving only because the owner came talking to you saying it was time for them to close.
Layla walked you home, the cold air sobering you up way too fast. Your night couldn't end better, though you thought that maybe it could. If Layla kissed you goodnight.
You stood by your doorway and bent goodbye and Layla kissed your cheek when you hugged. It happened a few time after that. You went out for drinks or food, hanging out together for log walks, cultural programs and sometimes to watch movies at each other's place.
You were talking about your romantic life when you mentioned the last mess you got involved in. "She was nice and all. Really. We'd go to the museu, to natural parks. We had fun together, i thought we were fine. But then her ex came along and she just disappeared.", you told her, realizing that it didn't really hurt anymore.
Layla listened to you, giving the attention you deserved. There was a hint of something in her eyes and she smiled. "Just like we do? You seem to have a type.", she said, playfull.
You chocked on your drink.
Layla laughed at your antics and gave you a napkin. She kept looking at you, a smile never leaving her face. "I mean, you said she was a Historian, that she worked with museology, and i'm an archeologist. We both like going out for drinks and trying new food, we're both into ancient culture...", she explained.
Your jaw dropped, you were speechless. Layla looked into your eyes and took a big gulp of her wine before dropping the bomb. "We both have a close relationship with our exes, she told you. "I mean, i just got divorced.", her eyes inspected you for the smallest of reactions.
You felt your heart falling on the floor. If she had just gotten a divorce it meant she probably wasn't ready for any romantic bullshit. Part of you was okay with that, because you liked her a lot and were willing to accept what she had to give you. Another aspect she had in common with Sersi.
The other part of you was catching the bitter taste of rejection.
Layla was waiting for you to say something, you knew that. But there were no words for you to use. She seemed to understand the hint and started talking again. "We are friends though. Kinda.", she cleaned her throat. "We work together sometimes.", she explained and noticed you were still silent, which made Layla start to panic. Was it the wrong time? The wrong words?
She took a deep breath. "I don't know where this is going but i'd love for it to continue.", she smiled, almost shy at herself. You nodded and approached her side of the couch way too slowly , kissing the tip of her nose.
Layla relaxed and smiled larger. She placed her hands on your cheeks before kissing you on the lips.
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Code Blue Ch.5 "2:22"
Summary: Lee and Jo share a sweet texting conversation. He later hangs out with Dr. Bloom and soon after finds himself in another mess. Jo worries when her texts go unanswered. She pays Lee a visit and gets more than one surprise.
*Warning* Angst, language, alcohol/drug use, graphic descriptions, mentions of death, child loss, domestic dispute
Stories Masterlist
Salem, Massachusetts
February 3, 2023
After you left, Lee went upstairs to crash and sleep the day away after eating pizza he had delivered. Lord knows he needed the rest after what he had just put his body through last night. He found himself tossing and turning into the night hours...with relentless thoughts of you. Thoughts of the loss you had suffered. He still worried that if you knew he was the doctor that tended to your brother, would you still look at him the same because he couldn't save him? He eventually just laid there talking to himself....and eventually to God, whom he believed in whole heartedly, although he had went through the first few years of being angry with him after Jacob's death.
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Lee then picked up his phone to find a text message from you. When he had used your phone to call his so he would have your number, he actually texted it instead, knowing you would see the message he sent from your phone. It was a simple "Cherries are my favorite fruit btw."
Your reply conjured the biggest smile upon his face.
"So I gathered from the fact of u saying u liked the taste of my cherry chapstick and then dashed off singing about it. How r u doing? R u alright?"
Lee rubbed his eyes and sat up, staring at his phone in the darkened room, contemplating his reply. It was 11 pm, twelve hours after you had been there and he had only slept merely three of it at the most.
He swung his bare feet across the bed and placed them on the wood floor as he yawned and turned on his bed stand light, then put on his reading glasses.
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"I am fine. A bit sore and bruised but ok. I just woke up actually. Gonna get up and continue cleaning this money pit lol. What about u? R u alright? How did things go with your mom?"
You had tried so hard to fall asleep but Lee's cologne was all over you, teasing your nose and other parts of you that ached for him. As you placed your hands on your face to inhale his remnants, you were startled by the sound of your phone chiming. You instantly hoped that it was Lee. Fumbling to look at the screen, his name appeared and awoke your butterflies from their dormant state.
"Hey u. Yes, I am fine and I am so glad to hear from u. My mom is drugged up on sleeping meds right now. We have to go to the funeral home tomorrow which I am dreading. I just woke up too, right before u texted me. Weird lol."
Lee softly chuckled. "Clairvoyant maybe? Ur not a witch are u?🤔"
If you had told him about your dream of him being hurt just eight hours before you found him passed out cold on the floor, he might actually think that you were. Hell, you even wondered sometimes, as this wasn't the first time you've ever had premonition like dreams.
"Well, I do live in Salem in one of the witch houses my father bought. I'll let u ponder on that. 😉"
"Oh dear lord. Well that is just perfect. I love witchy stuff."
"Really? Me 2. I actually write about things like that, fantasies and fairytales etc...it's just a hobby but it keeps me grounded, a coping mechanism per se. I kinda like escaping life for awhile."
"Well no shit? I don't write but I love to read. Your genre is right up my alley. I no what u mean about wanting to escape, even if only for a little while. I guess we now have another thing in common."
"It looks that way. So cool. So....do u believe in wishes?"
"Witches, maybe. Wishes....not so much. Why do u ask?"
"Because it is 11:11 right now."
"Ahhhh. Let's just say I have wished upon it before, but I never was granted my desires."
"Well...hurry. Make a wish right now before it turns and I will too. Maybe if we wish at the same time, it will come true lol."
Lee chuckled, then decided to humor you and closed his eyes. The wish he would have liked to make, he knew would not come true...ever, for it was for Jacob to be alive. He had wished it so many times, he lost track. The wish that invaded his mind in that moment stunned him. He wished for you. He had actually wished for you in the past. Not you literally per se as he never knew you, but someone just like you he longed for. It seemed to him that wish may already have been answered but he wanted to do it again, to maybe seal the deal...He then laughed at himself for being so ridiculous. He knew these things weren't real.
In that same moment, you made the same wish. You wanted him. You wanted him so bad it hurt. If only you both had realized that you wanted the same things, a wish would not even be needed, for destiny would take it's course regardless.
"Soooo...what did u wish for?" Lee asked.
"If I tell u, it won't come true. Ha ha."
"Alright. So if it does come true, u will tell me right?"
"Most definitely. Hey, I'm gonna let u go for now so u can go do ur cleaning n stuff. I gotta get up early for all the funeral stuff and what not. Talk later? I hope."
"Oh fo sho girl. Get some sleep...and...thank u so much for everything. Goodnight witchy woman. 😂"
"Omg lol....ur so welcome. Ok. Goodnight Lee. ttyl."
"Sweet dreams lady luck."
Lee began his cleaning while he was wide awake and in the mood. He knew this was going to take him longer than the two weeks he had off because he still had other priorities. He needed to visit his father and still check in on patients by consulting with the covering physician. Plus he had farm animals to tend to along with a cat and a dog, which he would go do each day at some point, and if he absolutely could not do it, he had well paid trustworthy people to take care of it.
He laid his phone on the table with pandora app set on the 80's pop rock station. A song came on that got him in a spunky mood as he started singing while collecting trash from the back porch.
"Josie I've got your number. IIII'm gonna make you mine. Josie don't change your number 867530 ni eee yiiiine." He laughed to himself in amazement at how well that fit with everything.
The doorbell rang in a frenzy. Lee opened it to find Orlando with booze in hand. Wine and whiskey, and of course, munchies.
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"Banando!! Come on in man and give me some of that."
Lee grabbed the bottle of whiskey from Orlando's hand and trotted into the kitchen.
"Man, you weren't kidding bro. They really did a number on this place." Dr. Bloom said as his eyes scoured the living room.
"Tell me something I don't know...and if you tell me you open mouth kissed a horse once, I am going to kick your ass."
"Ha ha ha. No...I didn't do that...not recently anyways." Orlando grinned and poured himself a large glass of wine as Lee sat down with the Jim Beam, drinking it straight from the bottle.
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"Why does it smell like women's perfume in here dude? You got some chic here somewhere??"
Lee was taken aback that your floral scent still lingered after an entire 12 hours had passed. He figured he must of become nose blind to it, but then he did slightly notice it after Orlando brought it up. The reason he could now smell it was because it was all over his tee shirt from when you had your body against his to help him off the floor...and when you had hugged him, which then explained why Orlando smelled it. Now Lee knew why he could not sleep, besides the fact that you had clouded his mind with your golden eyes and his ears with your angelic voice....and his nose with your succulent sweet scent. He seriously needed a shower, he told himself...a cold one.
"I wish." Lee chuckled. "I think it's your cologne."
"Oh, that's hilarious Bee Gee Lee....Seriously man, I smell it. Who did you have here? What's the big deal?"
"Exactly. What's the big deal?" Lee snarked and took a swig of his whiskey and swiped his finger over his phone., then glared at Orlando as the song by the bee Gee's played called Massachusetts.
Orlando set down his glass and stared at his best friend. "Ok...like...did I just strike some invisible nerve here? What are you not telling me? It's me man. Why do you act like you have some classified secret or something?"
Lee swigged another drink. "Because it is...technically. Doctor patient confidentiality." he smirked.
"Oh hellls naw. Are you shitting me? You're fucking a patient?"
"Whoa, hey. I never said that."
"Uh...you didn't have to. I see it now. It's written all over your sexually deprived face. Who is it? You know you gotta tell me."
"No, I don't."
"Don't or won't?"
"Can't. You know that. If it's a patient...well technically, she's not but.."
"There's that word again, technically. And what?? So there is a...she? Damn it man, spill it."
"Stop getting your also sexually deprived self in a twist. It's just....a girl...that I met at the hospital."
"A girl...a.... girl? Lee mother fucking Pace has met...a girl?" Orlando raved. "Ok, this is news worthy stuff here."
"Ok. This topic is closed. I gotta get this shit hole cleaned up. You helping or not?"
"Yep...I will help....when you tell me who this girl is that has you so damn secretive. Since when have you kept these things like this from me?"
Lee gazed down at his bottle. You weren't just a thing to him, that was why. He respected you, how could he not?
"Since now. I just don't want to talk about it alright? I got too much shit on my mind as it is."
"I'm sorry man. I know how hard this time is for you. I haven't forgotten what yesterday was."
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Lee immediately deflected. "So, judging by your attire, I see you just came from the hospital. How are things going there?"
"Oh, you know, the usual. Nurse Theresa always up my ass about my handwriting. You know she rudely came into a room when I was tending to a patient and scolded me right in front of her. Such bullshit man. It's how I write. If I try to change it, it will literally take me forever to get things done. Even the patient was pissed off by it. Called her a bitch after she had left the room." Orlando chortled as he pictured that moment.
The good doctor knew that patient was you and he still didn't tell Lee that you had requested to see him, even after he told you he would when he saw Lee again. Orlando wanted his own chance with you and he knew he wouldn't have a prayer against his best friend, since he could tell you were into the ridiculously gorgeous Dr. Pace. Even Nurse Theresa didn't give Lee a hard time and his handwriting was far worse than his. Dr. Bloom had always secretly walked in Lee's shadow.
"You know what I always say to that." Lee coaxed.
"Yep. Fuck em."
Both men bellowed in laughter and continued chatting and drinking for about another hour before attempting to get some work done. It was 1 am and Lee was heavily feeling his tippling inebriated state affecting him. He had never been much of a drinker until the accident and he could usually do it in moderation until the anniversary dates came around, and it certainly didn't help with him by being in that house with all of Jacob's memories and belongings.
Lee just wanted to sell it. Out of sight, out of mind kinda thing. Stupidly he went upstairs to drunk dial Elizabeth and tell her he decided to do it. She had no claim on the property so why he wanted to inform her was even beyond him as he avoided her like the plague. But as usual, his intoxication would always make him do stupid things. Such as drunk texting you as well.
"P.S. I don't want u to let me go." His thumb hesitated over the send button...and then he pushed it. What did he have to lose at this point, he thought. It's relevance was to the end of your prior texting session when you told him you were going to let him go so you could get some sleep.
Then, he called Elizabeth.
"Lizzy...it's me."
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"Jesus Lee, it's after 1 in the morning. What the fuck do you want?"
"Do you always have to be such a bitch? I need to tell you something."
"And it couldn't wait till morning? We haven't even spoken in over a year. What could you possibly have to tell me that I could even care about?"
"Ahhh morning. Yes..I am in mourning...still. How about you mommy dearest? Sleeping like a baby at a time like this..."
"Are you drunk?"
"Maybe. So? What's it to you? It's how I cope...unlike you who don't give a shit about what happened to your own son. New man less than a month after, new house and a new baby. You've got it all, moved on without a care in the world. Speaking of, that's why I called. To tell you I am going to sell this place. Then all of it will be non existent to you. Oh wait...it already is. My bad."
"And this involves me how exactly? I don't give a shit is right, about what you do with that dump and I am certainly not going to sit here and listen to your drunken rants. You need help Lee. I suggest you get some."
"After what you did to me? To our son, oh sorry, I mean your son. So is your child even the new guy's kid? or are you going to make him believe it is like you did to me? Then drop the bomb on him at the most inopportune time? And if anyone needs help Lizzy, it's you, to learn how to buckle a fucking seatbelt!"
Lee slammed his thumb on the end call button and hurled his phone against the wall as he roared in rage.
Orlando came running up the stairs to find Lee in a panic induced state.
"Lee, man what just happened? I heard you yelling."
Lee slowly turned to him seemingly disoriented.
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"Lee! Are you alright man?" Orlando proceeded in concern as Lee wouldn't speak and began to breath heavily.
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"Lee, snap out of it man! You're scaring me. I hate it when you get these attacks. You need to breathe..."
Lee knew in that moment how you must have felt just before you passed out. Orlando's words echoed and faded as Lee raced down the stairs and then all went black as he crashed to the floor.
February 4, 2023- 5 am.
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Your hand blindlessly fumbled to disable the screeching alarm clock and then you laid back with a sigh after turning the light on. Up you finally went to go get a shower and begin the dreaded day.
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Another hobby and talent of yours was ice skating and you were damn good at it too. So good that you could have went down that path professionally, but that wasn't what you wanted as a career. To you, it was just a sport that you began as a child and it became a huge stress and anxiety reliever as you got older. It was all for fun as well and twice a month, you even taught lessons at the ice rink downtown, and one of those days was today. You always went early so you could skate alone with the music blasting and you certainly needed it before you had to go with your mother to make funeral arrangements.
You quickly checked your phone, solely to see if Lee had texted again for any reason and there it was. The one he sent at 1 in the morning telling you he did not want you to let him go. You had to sit back down on the bed for a moment as it had taken you aback. Staring at his words, you pondered on how to even reply to that. What did he mean? A smile formed on your face as you felt a bit flirtatious and sent a simple reply.
"I wasn't planning on it 😉"
Finally, off to the shower you went but not before placing your shirt up over your nose and breathing in his lingering fragrance one last time. You swore you would never wash that shirt.
When you came out, immediately you checked your phone but there was no reply. Of course, though, it was 5:30 am and surely he must be sleeping, you thought. Out of curiosity, you checked the status of the text. Sent but not received. So now you figured his phone must be off and decided to text him later.
It was 7 am when you got to the rink as first you made breakfast for you and your mom, making sure there wasn't enough for Megan when she got up, which probably wouldn't be until late afternoon anyways as she was absolutely unproductive in every aspect of her miserable life.
You unlocked the door and turned on the lights, kicked on the music then sat down and put your skates on.
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An oldies genre you picked today, 60's to 70's. You were just in the mood for something different than your usual rock genre. A song came on you hadn't heard in quite awhile. Massachusetts by the Bee Gees.
"Perfect." you said and went gliding out onto the ice. The cold breeze felt so good on your face as you did twizzles around the arena. Your thoughts instantly drifted to Lee and how much you already missed him. As the song concluded, you did a few axle jumps and then whirled around in a camel spin and merging into a sit spin.
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You skated until 8:30, then sat down for a break as the class wouldn't begin until 9, which consisted of a dozen girls ranging between the ages of 11 and 13 and would last roughly two hours.
Checking your phone again in hopes to see a text from your dashing doctor, a frown devoured your face to see nothing. Probably still sleeping, you thought. You spent the remaining of your break thinking of him and the way his firm body felt against yours. God, you wanted to see him again so bad.
The class was finally over at 11 am and you then went home to change into something more appropriate for the funeral home appointment.
Lee awoke on the floor to a raging headache and a broken phone laying beside him....and Orlando asleep on the couch. He grimaced at the sunlight shining on his face and laid his arm over his eyes as he moaned and groaned in agony.
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Memories of the prior night were vague but one thing he clearly remembered was stupidly texting you.
He painfully propped himself onto his elbow and saw the shattered screen on his phone. He then recalled throwing it against the wall upstairs after his heated conversation with Elizabeth. Orlando must have brought it down and laid it beside him.
He tried to power it on in desperation to see if you replied but it was dead and most likely trashed.
"Shit..." he muttered through his foul whiskey breath and let it drop from his hand.
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Orlando heard the clunk and sprung up with a gasp. He had barely slept as he kept checking Lee throughout the night and early morning to make sure he was breathing. Lee's loud obnoxious snores had assisted in leaving Orlando sleepless so he knew he was going to be alright, but he still had to make sure and monitored his vitals. Dr. Bloom had witnessed these episodes on more than one occasion, even without liquor being a factor, and knew a trip to the ER was not warranted. Lee would have kicked his ass if he had called 911, but Orlando would have done it regardless if he felt it necessary.
"Well look who's up!" he shouted intentionally with a grin.
"Fuck you." Lee snarked and grunted as he placed his hands on his head.
"Oh I am sorry. Am I too loud?" Orlando snickered.
"Yes and I would prefer it if you did not speak at all."
"Well I am going to, to tell you what you already know. That you're a dumb ass. Why the hell do you keep doing this to yourself?? I am always saving you, from high school up to now."
"I was taller than you then, and I still am. I think I can muster the strength to come over there and kick your scrawny ass if you don't shut the hell up."
"Duly noted."
Lee staggered his way up to a standing position and quickly leaned on the wall. He still felt drunk.
"I think I am going to be sick."
He ran off to the bathroom just around the corner and upchucked yesterday's pizza and last night's booze. The taste made him continue his vomiting until he was doing nothing but heaving bile. He laid with his arms draped over the toilet seat and his head hanging almost inside of it.
"God...somebody kill me please." he exclaimed in a growl as he dropped to his butt and leaned up against the bathtub. Orlando peeked around the corner with a now serious and concerned face.
"You're doing a good job of that all on your own. Take some Tylenol with a shit ton of water and go try to sleep. I'll stay. I don't have a shift today. I can make lunch later if you're hungry then."
Lee moaned and laid his head on his knees. "God...no...no food. Man, my phone. It's history. I need it. I have to explain to her..so she understands...."
He abruptly stopped as he remembered exactly what he had said to you.
"Explain what and to whom? Lizzy? I assume that's who you were screaming at since I couldn't help but hear what you said."
"Fuck no...just forget I said anything. Can you go get me my other phone??"
"Just use mine man, if it's that important. It's that girl isn't it? The one you won't tell me about. Damn....you got it bad. I've never seen you act this way over any woman."
"No..." Lee blurted out and raised his blood shot eyes to Orlando. "I...I need one anyways...like now... so could you just do that? Go to the farm and bring me back some soup and crackers or toast. I think I can handle that and keep it down....and feed the animals please? I think my phone is in the kitchen....on the table."
"Alright. I saw Tylenol in the cupboard. Go take some and lay down. I won't be long."
Orlando left and Lee made his way to the kitchen to chug down ice water and take some pills. He stood over the kitchen sink with his hands on the ledge holding himself up and let his head hang as the humiliating events of last night scrambled through his pounding brain.
Off to the couch he went to lay down and try to sleep. All he could think of was you and what you must be thinking due to his blatant text. And he thought of Orlando's words. Yes, he was so right. He had it bad and he didn't know what to do about it.
You ravaged through your wardrobe in disgust. It wasn't that you hated dressier clothing, but the fact of what it was for. What you did hate was heels. You were a boots kinda girl and saved the murderous spikes and unstable wedges for when you had to work on the Haunted Star, as it was a fancy party venue. It absolutely amazed you that you could balance perfectly and gracefully as well as be on spot with coordination on a thin sheer blade over the slickest surface but could twist your ankle or fall at the drop of a hat in a pair of high heels. It wasn't even just the footwear that was a problem, as you were just uncoordinated as hell off the ice. Accident prone was your middle name and you had the scars and bruises to prove it.
You finally chose a long sleeved burgundy button down shirt to pair with your cream colored skirt, completely annoyed with the flimsy material as you fought with trying to find the sleeve.
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Then you kicked off your boots and slid your feet into a pair of boring black heels, then pinned up your hair in a messy bun. Mismatched as hell you felt but were running late so it would have to do.
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"Jo! Come on...it's time to go. What on earth are you doing up there??" your mom hollered up the stairs.
You sat in a chair at the funeral home waiting on the director to come out. Your mom sat beside you with a kleenex clenched tightly in her hands and said nothing until she saw your nose stuck in your phone. You were texting Lee to check on him since it was now 12:22 pm and you had heard nothing. All the usual assumptions ran through your mind as the status still showed sent only. His phone was clearly off. Was it dead? Was he ignoring you? Did he change his mind about wanting to be friends? Did you do or say something wrong? But then your mind wandered to worry. Was he alright? The anxiety was sneaking up. What if he was hurt again? You decided that if you did not hear from him by the time you left, you were going to go check on him.
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"Josephine LeeAnn March! Is that all you can do is play on your phone right now?" your mother snapped. She only called you by your full name when she was fed up and meant business.
"Mom...calm down. It's not like we're doing anything at the moment."
"Calm down? Your brother's body is somewhere in this building where we sit and you are more concerned with texting whomever in the hell it is that you are texting. It's that damn doctor isn't it? Why can't you just be happy with Dave? The man adores you and you won't even give him a chance."
You ignored that last part of her ramblings as you were not going to discuss your love life with her.
"Mom...can you not say it like that? His...body."
"How would you have me say it then? That's what it is. You know, I had to see it don't you? To identify him. I couldn't even do it! His face was unrecognizable. All I had to go on was his clothing and his ring. The rest of him was badly burned. Do you know what a sight that was for me??"
"Thanks Mom, I didn't know but now I do after that detailed description. You do remember that I was there when it happened? You so did not need to tell me all this. I have enough anxiety as it is."
"Well maybe you should try taking your medicine and then you wouldn't have that problem." She turned her head and said no more.
God you couldn't take this. No one understood how the medicine made you feel. No one but Lee. You put your phone away to please her and sat with your head turned away as tears burnt your eyes.
It was finally over and you all went back home with a funeral date only days away. You didn't even bother going inside and quickly got in your car, taking off like a bat out of hell with a destination of Lee's place. One more time, you attempted to contact him by calling this time. It went straight to voicemail. You contemplated on leaving a message as his beautiful voice flowed into your ear.
"You've reached Dr. Pace. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. If this is an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital."
It was an emergency. You needed him but how ridiculous was it that you felt that way over someone you barely knew. Maybe you should just call Dave instead, you thought. No, you couldn't. You didn't want to. Something felt off and you were extremely worried about Lee after how you had found him...and even more so after his strange text in the early morning hours. Had he been drinking again?
Trying to compose your voice, you left a brief message.
"Hey Lee, it's me...I mean Jo...just wanted to check on you. I'm actually on my way to your place right now. I hope that is alright. Please all me back...or text. Ok...bye."
Your voice started to break up as you had told him to call you back. You hurried and ended the call so if by chance he got the message, he wouldn't hear you being a big baby. You honestly thought you should just turn around but something wouldn't let you.
You cried all the way there after a song played that struck every chord in your soul. You had noticed the clock when it had started. 2:22 pm. Strangely, it was the time you were born. You had this thing with seeing numbers in various ways and at certain moments, wether it was the time, catching the microwave's countdown or even the total on a purchase just to name a few. It was always double or triple digits of the same number. 11, 22, 33, and 44 were the big ones for you, and the 3's came in other ways too, such as the eerie pattern of celebrity deaths. The clairvoyance probability really wasn't that far fetched.
The first time you ever kissed his mouth, you absolutely did feel the earth move in your hand like the trembling heart of a captive bird....just like the lyrics said. You were in way over your head with this man. He had awoken something in you and made you feel alive again. He made you breathe....and without him, you would suffocate.
You pulled into the driveway behind his car and noticed the clock at 2:44. You released a stunned giggling sigh, wiped your eyes and got out, quietly closing the door.
As you came to the front door, you could see Lee through the three small windows it held, sitting on the floor playing catch with a ball against the wall.
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You could hear soft muffled music and him singing from inside as you knocked but he didn't hear you, so you walked in.
He then heard your voice and turned his head.
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When he saw that it was you, he eagerly staggered his way up and almost ran into the wall, in which he then leaned on as a crutch. You could tell he had been drinking or maybe even on something else.
"Miss Massachusetts. What are you doing here?"
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You sucked in a breath and began rambling.
"I'm sorry, the door...it was open and you didn't hear me. I..I wanted to check on you...your phone...is off or something. I....I hope it's ok that I came."
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His body moved unsteadily as he tried to balance and seemingly didn't want to look you in the eyes.
"Yeah...that. Sorry.. I kinda broke my phone. Seems it can't handle the impact of a wall. But my other one should be here soon. Of course it's alright that you came. I am glad you did Jo March. Sucks being here all alone."
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'Ohhh...yeah. That can happen." you lightly laughed. "Lee...are you alright?"
"Never better...now that you're here anyways....So...you came all the way here to check on me? Why?"
"I...I was worried about you when you didn't respond to my texts and call."
"You...texted and called? Shit...I am sorry. My phone...I broke it."
"So you already told me. Lee, what's going on?" You sat your purse down and walked over to him as you were worried he was going to fall.
His eyes looked you up and down and then he just gazed at you. His eyes were so glassy and his pupils dilated. He was definitely highly intoxicated, or just high....maybe both.
"My god, you...you are so beautiful it hurts."
Your lips slightly parted as a small gasp escaped them. How were you going to respond to that?
As you went to offer a simple thank you, the door opened and in walked Dr. Bloom.
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konrul · 1 year
Lombardy razionalismo italiano tour (post in which will be less architecture and more tour, because my films are waiting to be sent to developing)
So our first base was in Bergamo. A most atmospheric town. If you are in love you must go there. The same if you like stairs and funiculars. The lower station of the first funicular may be crowded and there could be a line of people (you should use the bus if this is the situation) but one morning it was just me, the conductor and his buddy.
I feel that in a couple of years Bergamo may be overridden by tourists, now it were mostly Central European ones and blond people.
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Bergamo - Città Alta
Luckily the former Casa Littoria was open to the public for a boring exhibition. However you couldn't really enjoy the Affresco celebritivo per Antonio Locatelli because they put some reflectors next to it that just blinded you.
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From Bergamo you can go to Como by train. You must change in Milano or Monza, but you will arrive in a couple of hours.
You can't visit Terragni's building, but the Guardia di Finanza people will let you step in and take a photo like this:
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Also in Como you can observe some interesting half measures at the stadium in front of the monument for the fallen ones, where at the main gate (?) the fasces were made unrecognizable but were left untouched at the other gate.
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Also from Bergamo you can reach Milano in about an hour. We went there only because my other half wanted to see the Duomo. So I didn't research any rationalist buildings because there were too many.
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(this is where I post from image)
However just going from the cathedral to a pasta place unwillingly went through the Piazza San Sepolcro and bumped into interesting architecture. Also from the top of the cathedral you can see that brutalist building that you have already seen on this hellsite.
If it wasn't raining we probably wouldn't go into the Camparino in Galleria (but luckily it did):
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(image from the Internet)
You must really go and drink some Campari with seltzer.
After Bergamo we moved our base to Brescia (also around one hour distance by train). So what to do in Brescia? Besides the architecture We are interested in there is a photographic machinery museum (free entrance) and the Vittoria alata.
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Until October you can se the Boxer at Rest next to her, so to double the aesthetic pleasures.
Also in Brescia you could do some rationalist grocery shopping.
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Since in Como I opposed to getting on a boat I had to compensate with a tour of the Isola del Garda owned by the Borghese Cavazzas.
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So you are there, you learn about the family's history and you come home. And after a few days you realize that Junio Valerio Borghese's grandmother was Hungarian (blows your mind).
From Brescia you can go to the Vittoriale in Gardone Riviera by bus. This was the time when I learnt an Italian craft. If there isn't a machine to validate your bus or train ticket or it isn't working then you simply write the date and time on it with a pen.
Not much to say about the Vittoriale. I wish all of my dear mutuals to go there. Be aware: the water in the fountain is luke warm. Better drink a Cedrata Tassoni if you are around the lake (also if you want to be in style). When you leave the Vittoriale, then you should go to the small souvenir shop in the small square. They have cheap cold water, interesting souvenirs and curious liqueurs (like one made from pine).
Last day in Brescia. You can still make some culinary discoveries like the capù scapàt that I enjoyed so much. Cabbage leaves filled with a mix of breadcrumbs and cheese.
At the Risorgimento museum there was one more discovery waiting. A copy of a bust made by Adolfo Wildt.
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Have seen pizza just one time. Eaten none.
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val3ntina-she · 6 months
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Aphmau POV.
I looked around, but there was no one there. Me, Aaron, Zane, Kawaii-Chan, Ein and Pierce were strangely teleported from my server to who knows where. I couldn't find them anywhere and I think this portal separated us. I sighed but heard screaming so I turned my head. I tilted it because the sewer flap moved and it seemed to me that someone or more people had entered it. It was very strange, so I went there. I watched to see if anyone was watching me sometimes, and luckily no one was. I leaned over to the hatch, trying to open it, but it was so heavy that I sighed. I noticed how she moved a little and I smiled. I pushed it away as I went down the stairs. This place or rather resembled canals. I heard screaming from here and realized these people lived here. My intuition tells me not to go there, but it made me very curious. I heard an alarm and I covered my ears in pain. Does this mean that they already know about my stay?! Oh no, no, no! I had to get out of here ASAP!
| Meanwhile elsewhere |
,,Guys! We have a problem!" Donnie shouted, running to the computers
"What's wrong, Donnie?!" Leo shouted, finding himself here like his brothers
"Looks like some strange guy found our hideout and inside!" Donnie shouted
"What?!" Mikey shouted
"Could you check who it is?" Leo asked as Donnie nodded
His head looked at the keyboard as he moved his fingers, "And Bam!" He shouted, sticking his hands up in the air
A camera with an entrance to the sewers appeared on the screen. Their eyes looked at it, looking closely. It was a girl of about 20 years old
(Pssst! Aphmau is 34 years old, if I'm not mistaken, right? Correct me if I wrote it wrong)
,,Girl?! Where the hell did she come from and how did she find our lair?!" Raph shouted as he had a toothpick in his mouth
Leo frowned at him as he then looked at Donnie, "Could you scan her face?"
"Sure, it'll take me a while." He said, zooming in on her face as he identified her, "There, done!"
They looked at the monitor and there was some information about her:
Name: Jessica Bravura
Age: 34
Family: Jason (husband) and Joseph, Julia, Jesabelle, Jennifer (children)
"A bit April's age, but younger," Mikey said
"It's not from here. Her date of birth is 1989, but I can't identify the month or date," Donnie said, adjusting his glasses, "Guys? Do you think she's from another universe?"
"Universe? Have you lost your mind, Donnie?!" Raph shouted, slapping his hand against his forehead
,,Come on? I'm just asking!" Donnie shouted
"We could call April because she's a journalist, but she went to another city to visit her sick aunt," Leo said, crossing his arms
"Aww... can't we just call her and ask her?!" Mikey shouted, groaning in disappointment
"Are you crazy Mikey?! She told us that if we even called her, she would," Raph said, putting his finger to his throat and moving it, "She cut our throats!"
Mikey groaned, folding his arms over his chest. They were so focused on Mikey that they didn't even look at the monitors
Aphmau POV.
I started walking through the sewers, holding my nose because the stench was reaching my nose and I wasn't feeling well. I avoided sewage water because I didn't want to get my shoes and socks dirty. It took me some walking, but once I got inside it felt like an apartment. There must be someone here, but I'm too afraid to speak up. I really missed my friends, but I hoped I would find them. I looked around, but it was empty. I think these people hid because they weren't aware of the unwanted guest: "Um... is anyone here? Hello?" I asked as I entered and luckily I didn't fall to the floor
This place looked suspicious and strange. There was a kitchen, computers on the right side, a couch covered with a blanket. I walked up to it, revealing it: "Are these empty pizza boxes?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck.
I let go of the blanket and continued watching. This place looked like some ninjas lived here. It couldn't be better. I stiffened when I saw a huge rat in the distance. He had his back turned and looked like he was meditating. My legs were shaking like jelly, but I had to get out of here. However, I am already lost in this strange place. I heard footsteps that made me take my sword out of my inventory, hoping it would protect me: "W-who's there..?" I asked, turning sideways
I was backing up, but I felt like I bumped into someone from behind and I screamed quietly. I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw a huge turtle. I was sweating with fear. He was wearing a blue mask, but I could see his eyes. If looks could kill, I'd be dead already: "Uh... hi...?"
He had katanas hanging out and strange contraptions. I don't know much about myself. I held my sword close to me as I saw even more turtles. All three of them were here, so counting one more, there are four of them. The rest of them have orange, red and purple masks. They had the same weapons, but the purple one had taped glasses: "Who are you and what are you doing in the lair?" The one in red asked
He had a toothpick in his mouth and his gaze was menacing and frightening me: "I-I... I'm sorry I got into your territory, b-but... I got lost. I heard someone entering the sewer, so I did the same."
I sheathed my sword so they wouldn't think I was a threat. I hugged my hands together, swallowing: "Who are you?" The purple one asked
"I'm Aphmau, but my friends call me Aph," I said, smiling nervously
"Aphmau? Your real name" The red one said
"It's Jessica, but I prefer Jess..." I said
"Ok Jess... dude that's an awesome name!" Orange shouted, smiling
"W-what?" I asked, confused
"Mikey!" All three of them shouted, looking at him
,,Come on? Seems cool!" He shouted
"What is that noise?" an unfamiliar voice asked
Everyone turned their heads and I stiffened because it was a huge rat. He could talk! I was sweating a lot. Zane, where are you...?
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limitlessmalta · 1 year
Good morning my dear followers! I'm going to give you a small overview of what we did after my last update post.
On Thursday night we went out to go eat. First we dwelled a bit around where we live but there wasn't really anything we liked so we took the bus to Valletta. There we searched for something to eat and we all agreed to eat pizza at a lovely place. The pizza was in my opinion some of the best I ever ate and I took the pizza with Parma ham and buffalo mozzarella. (don't mind Ward in the picture he was a bit shook of the quality of the pizza).
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The day after we went out again in St Julian's which was very fun again. On Saturday we decided to go do something fun so we went to a waterpark in Naxxar which was very fun. Surprisingly the water in the waterpark wasn't that cold. After the swimming we went home and chilled out for a bit.
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On Sunday we wanted to go Comino to visit the famous blue lagoon but we didn't go because the weather was absolutely dreadful with constant rain and strong winds. We thought that maybe we could do something a bit closer so we wanted to got to an arcade in St Julian's. When we got there it was raining like crazy so we found shelter in a McDonald's and we ate something there. When the rain settled down a bit we went to go withdraw some cash. In the end we didn't go to the arcade because it was still raining very hard and it was getting late so we went home.
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tenebraevesper · 10 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Nothing Remains, Night 2: Welcome To Freddy's
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''Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls… Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria! On stage, we have Freddy the Bear, Chica the Chicken, and Bonnie the Bunny, here to perform just for you. So sit back and enjoy the music while you chow down on our award-winning extra-cheese pizza. And if you're feeling up for a voyage, sail on over to Pirate Cove, where Foxy the Fox will be your best matey. By remaining in your seats at this time, you do hereby agree that Fredbear's Pizzeria is not liable for any damages, bodily or otherwise, that may occur to you or your child during your stay. Enjoy at your own risk. Alright, so uh, put your hands together for Freddy and the Fazbear band!''
 – Bonnie's Mixtape by Griffinilla and Replacer ft. Kaggy (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Sam hugged the Fredbear plushie, still half-asleep, even though she felt that it was already morning. She wanted to sleep a little longer, but she knew that she would have to get up. She kept her eyes closed, turning over and reaching for her smartphone. She frowned, confused when she felt something soft under her fingers.
''Good morning, sleepyhead.''
Sam opened her eyes suddenly, staring at Springtrap who was crouching next to her bed. Somehow, in her daze she had managed to miss the table with her smartphone and was instead touching Springtrap's nose.
''Oops, I'm sorry Spring, I-'' She then started laughing, especially after seeing his exasperated expression. She booped his nose playfully, with Springtrap not looking amused at all, but he still took things in stride.
''You really love to sleep as long as possible,'' he said.
''Yeah,… What time is it, anyways? 8 AM?'' Sam asked.
''Actually, it's a little past 9 AM,'' Springtrap replied in a dry tone.
''What?'' Sam's eyes were wide and she stared at Springtrap in surprise. She quickly got up. ''Why didn't you wake me up?''
''Well, whenever I wake you up early, you always fall back asleep,'' Springtrap replied. Sam figured that he had a point.
''Still, you could've woken me up,'' she muttered.                           
''I'll keep that in mind,'' Springtrap said, grinning. He exited her room and went downstairs, deciding to wait for her in the kitchen. He leaned against the table, briefly glancing at the fresh stack of pancakes he made for her, hoping that they didn't get cold. Sam joined him a few minutes later, staring at the pancakes with a hungry look on her expression. She took the strawberry jam out of the fridge and sat down, looking rather happy about the breakfast.
''So, we're going to Freddy's today,'' she said between bites. She glanced at her smartphone, checking the date and time of the grand re-opening of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Springtrap sat across her, giving her a curious look.
While they had actually already been at this establishment several times, she was still quite excited. The place had been closed at the time, so it wasn't that surprising that she was eager to see it opened. However, this wasn't the first time she had visited a location connected to Freddy's.
Springtrap knew that she had been several times at the location Henry and Michael had managed, having visited it until it burned down. Considering how curious Sam could be, he was surprised that they didn't run into each other at some point. Nevertheless, he was glad that they didn't, as she would've certainly become his next victim if they did.
Even before that, being a self-proclaimed urban explorer, Sam had attempted to visit Fazbear's Fright during the week it was supposed to open, but had been chased away by the night guard, not knowing at the time that it was Henry himself whom she had seen. She did visit it again, this time with Springtrap, although there wasn't much to explore due to the place having burned down. Nevertheless, she was still happy about just being there.
The last location they had visited was Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, the only location that seemed to have survived Henry's purge. Aside from finding the remains of the Funtimes, they had also found the Nightmare Animatronics in a hidden area connected to the main part of the location. Rest assured, Sam was beaming when she saw what the place contained, even though that didn't last. She ended up getting herself accidentally injected with remnant, being left with a near-death experience, even though she did recover. However, both of them assumed that she might've had really died, only for the remnant to tie her soul to her body again.
It felt as if things would get only worse…
''Springtrap?'' Springtrap realized that he was probably giving Sam a blank stare, once again lost in his thoughts. He glanced at her, with Sam giving him a sympathetic smile. ''I guess you're more concerned about what might happen this time. After all, this is probably the first location in a long time that doesn't contain haunted animatronics.''
''Are you sure about that?'' Springtrap asked, his eyes flashing in a faint purple. Sam stared at him for a moment, then rose an eyebrow.
''Don't tell me you're planning on staying there,'' she said. Springtrap frowned.
''Of course not, but that doesn't mean that I won't explore it,'' he replied. ''After all, Fazbear Entertainment wasn't supposed to be a corporate entity anymore, but now they're back. I want to know how this is possible and what they're planning to do, as well as how long they will last, considering Freddy's dark reputation. There's no doubt that people know about what happened or have at least heard the rumors.''
''You're not the only one,'' Sam said. ''Not to mention, I'm probably not the only one who had played the Five Nights at Freddy's games.''
''True, although, considering what we had seen at the location, things seem to be fairly normal. If anything, what happened at Ricky's Wonder Shack might cause people to reconsider and decide to visit the 'new and improved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza','' he added the last part in an announcer's voice, quoting the description that had been put on the official Freddy Fazbear's Pizza website.
''I think you're right about the possibility of Ricky's having their reputation damaged because of what Connor did. I mean, in the span of 3 weeks, two employees have vanished and one of them was found murdered, a child had been kidnapped and drugged, and now they have another employee missing,'' Sam said. ''Sure, it's not even close to what happened to Freddy's, but the Wolfrun Corporation had always advertised Ricky's Wonder Shack as 100% safe, often claiming that they were much better than Fazbear Entertainment.''
''The only problem is that you need only one person to destroy everything,'' Springtrap said. ''From what I've seen, Connor is incredibly self-destructive and would do anything as long as it suits his goals. Honestly, I doubt that at that point he even cared about what might happen to Ricky's, or he might not have been aware of what would happen.''
''It's not like we can ask him now about it,'' Sam said darkly, looking down at her pancakes and stabbing a piece with the fork. She then added in a distraught tone, ''At least I hope we won't have to…''
''Don't worry,'' Springtrap said, with Sam looking at him, noticing his eyes suddenly glowing. ''If anything happens, you can rely on me. However, I don't think there's any point in worrying about it, unless you want to get stressed even more. The only thing we should deal with now is Freddy's.''
''I guess you're right,'' Sam said, nodding. As she thought about it, she slowly started to feel a mix of anxiety and excitement again. She remembered her visits at Henry's location and how much fun she had there, even though it was a trap, and she hoped that it'll be the same for this location. ''I hope we'll have lots of fun there, as I do believe that we deserve to enjoy ourselves a little.''
''I couldn't agree more with that,'' Springtrap said. While he too hoped that things wouldn't go wrong this time, he was aware that he had to remain wary.
When it comes to Freddy's, nothing is what it seems to be…
Sam was standing outside Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, feeling a little nervous about entering it. It was as if her stomach was filled with butterflies, but despite the anxiety she felt, she really wanted to go inside. If anything, the location looked quite inviting, with the neon sign featuring a cartoonish image of the mascots – Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy – above the name of the location.
The location had already been open for a few hours and she saw other people going inside, wanting to join them. She wished that Springtrap was with her, but they both agreed that it would be better if he tried to get inside via the back entrance, as they were sure that someone might be wondering why an animatronic was entering the place through the front door. For all she knew, he already might've been inside the building, searching for her.
After taking a deep breath, Sam finally entered Freddy's.
The first thing she had noticed was how it different it felt being inside the building during the day in comparison to the times she had been inside during the night. Sure, it helped that there were actual people inside, either working or visiting the location, but there was also something else, something Sam couldn't really explain.
One thing was certain, though. Unlike Ricky's, which was almost always packed and somewhat dark, it seemed that Fazbear Entertainment went with the idea of keeping this location bright and comfortable. As Sam walked through the restaurant, it felt quite cozy and warm, if not even a little nostalgic. It also had a somewhat retro feeling to it, a callback to the good, old days, when Freddy's was at its heyday.
Okay, I like it…
Sam smiled as she observed the decorations on the wall, some of which were the posters of the mascots and even children's drawings. However, her attention was drawn by a sign that had bunch of rules written on it. One rule caused her to rise an eyebrow.
'''Watch out, you might lose your head. Keep your distance from the animatronics.' Are you kidding me?'' Sam muttered. She couldn't believe that they were actually referencing to the two Bites that had occurred. Hopefully, people won't get hurt this time. Hell, even the animatronics don't deserve dealing with idiots who have no idea what they're doing.
She turned to the area next to the stage, realizing that, while there were people there, the place wasn't as crowded as Ricky's Wonder Shack was. She didn't mind, as she actually didn't like huge, loud crowds, so she felt a lot more comfortable at Freddy's than she was at Ricky's.
She also observed the employees, whose uniforms consisted of black pants and dark purple polo T-shirts with a logo sewn on the left side of the chest. The logo was a black Freddy head inside a circle, with the name of the location, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, being written inside the circle. They also had name tags clipped on some part of their clothing or worn on a lanyard.
Sam then stepped closer to the stage, observing the animatronics. Currently, they weren't singing, even though music was playing through the loudspeakers, the song being Freddy's signature tune; a music box version of Toreador March from Carmen. There was also a screen next to the stage, with Sam assuming that it served for announcements.
The animatronics themselves were quite similar to their incarnations from the 90s, but there were some obvious differences. To start off, the suits were brand new, the fur clean and neat and their eyes were almost glowing. They didn't have that stocky build anymore and were more proportionate. Also, unlike the last time Sam had seen them, they were dressed up now.
Freddy Fazbear was wearing his usual black top hat and bowtie, along with black pants, a white shirt, a black waistcoat with two golden buttons and black fingerless gloves. He was also holding a microphone in his hand.
Bonnie the Bunny was wearing a red bowtie, along with black pants, a white shirt and a red open waistcoat with a black stripe on the bottom. The sleeves and the collar were torn and black on the edges, with the waistcoat looking somewhat like a jacket. He was also holding a red guitar.
Chica the Chicken was wearing a sleeveless orange dress with a black shirt with puffy sleeves underneath it. Over the dress was a white apron with the words ''Let's eat!'' being written on the top. Unlike Freddy and Bonnie, who were barefoot, Chica was wearing black stockings that reached to her knees and orange boots that reached a bit under her knees. She was also holding the cupcake on a plate.
Foxy the Pirate Fox was wearing brown pants and a blue frock coat with golden accents. He was also wearing a white fencing shirt with a black belt-like strap over his chest. On his head was a black pirate hat that had a marking resembling a red fox skull in front of two blue cutlasses that were crossed. His hand, as usual, had been replaced with a hook and he also had a black eye patch. While Foxy was currenly alongside Freddy, Bonnie and Chica, he also had his own stage in a corner on the far side of the restaurant.
Now, this is impressive! Sam smiled as she crossed her arms, tilting her head as she observed the animatronics. They had put so much work into those animatronics. Hopefully, they will last. She almost jumped out of her skin when she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.
''So, what do you say?''
''Springtrap!'' Sam hissed, turning to the animatronic, who had a curious look on his expression. ''Don't sneak up on me like that!''
Springtrap just grinned, with Sam rolling her eyes. She looked past him, noticing that people, aside from a curious look here and there, weren't really paying attention to Springtrap. She figured that they believed that he was just another animatronic that belonged to the restaurant, even if he wasn't on the stage with the rest of the animatronics.
''Anyways, I see you managed to get inside,'' Sam said.
''It wasn't that hard, but I'm not really surprised,'' Springtrap replied, glancing around the room. He then turned to Sam. ''Say, have you already ordered anything to eat?''
''Not yet,'' Sam said. ''I was just looking around. It seemed that they added a few new things since we were here last time.''
''I've noticed,'' Springtrap said, then pointed at a booth at the far side of the restaurant. ''How about you get yourself something to eat and we could then discuss everything in peace?''
''Okay,'' Sam nodded, turning towards the counter where she could order her food. However, a bit away from it were three self-order kiosks. She went towards one, ordering herself a pizza with cheese and a soda. Aside from being hungry, she was also curious about how the food tasted. After she got her order number printed out, she went to the counter to pay for the food.
''Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!'' The employee, a woman with brown hair tied in a neat ponytail, greeted Sam. Sam just nodded politely, smiling as she gave the latter her order. She noticed the name tag pinned on the woman's shirt, on which stood ''Kylie Anthelm, Manager'', with Sam figuring that she was the one in charge of Freddy's. As Kylie typed the order number, she added, ''We are also handing out free Faz-Tokens Passes today, as a gift for the grand re-opening of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Would you like one?''
''Passes?'' Sam was confused when she was given the Faz-Tokens Pass. ''I thought that there would be actual tokens.''
''That's how it is now,'' Kylie shrugged, then smiled. ''Each pass has a code and if you go on our website and enter the code, you can keep track of how many tokens you have on your pass or you can check it over at the prize corner.''
''Okay, thanks,'' Sam replied, paying for her food. She glanced at the screen above the counter, with her number appearing as her order was being prepared.
''It'll be about 15-20 minutes until your order is done,'' Kylie added, with Sam nodding and walking away. She looked down at her Faz-Tokens Pass, wondering how many tokens she got on it. She wanted to try out her luck at the arcades and get a prize from Puppet.
There's so much to explore here. Sam looked around, mostly looking for Springtrap, but she also wanted to see as much of the restaurant as possible. She felt a little overwhelmed, knowing that it would take a while to adjust to this place, but she was really curious about what this place had to offer; not only during the day, but also during the night. I hope that they haven't changed the locks.
Sam had spotted Springtrap at the booth he pointed out to her, quickly walking over to him and sitting across him. She glanced around once again, still wondering why nobody was paying attention to the golden-green animatronic bunny sitting across her.
''Okay, have you even been approached at all?'' she asked.
''Not really,'' Springtrap replied. ''I know it's a little hard to believe, but it seems that people just aren't that interested in interacting with an animatronic.''
''Or they believe that, if they get too close to an animatronic, they might get hurt,'' Sam said.
''They wouldn't be wrong about it,'' Springtrap replied, sounding slightly amused. He noticed Sam's nonplussed expression, wondering whether he said something wrong. ''Anyways, what do you think about this location?''
''Well, for starters, I like it more than Ricky's Wonder Shack,'' Sam said. ''Although, it's still too early to say whether it's better than Henry and Mike's location.''
''At least it's not a trap this time,'' Springtrap said. He actually hadn't even seen the location Henry and Michael had managed, except for the salvaging room and the maze he was trapped inside. On the other hand, they had a good reason to keep him, Molten Freddy and Scrap Baby away from the main area.
''You know, as long as I get to enjoy myself, I'm happy being here,'' Sam told him.
''That's great to hear,'' Springtrap replied. Sam looked past him a few times, with Springtrap realizing that she was just making sure to see whether her order number would be called out. She then glanced at him.
''What about you?'' she asked.
''It certainly feels like I went back into the past,'' Springtrap said, glancing at the stage where the animatronics were. An announcement flashed on the screen, showing that they would perform another song soon. ''Even though some things are different, but I had already expected that. It's not as if Fazbear Entertainment would create an exact copy of a past location.'' He noticed Sam looking once again past him. ''You know, you could wait at the counter if you want. I'm not going anywhere.''
Sam gave him a sheepish smile, then stood up, walking over to the counter. Springtrap looked at her, knowing that she was quite excited, wanting to make sure she didn't miss anything during their visit to Freddy's. In a sense, she acted like a little child, impatient to taste the food, to play the games, to watch the animatronics perform…
She deserves to have fun. Springtrap sighed. That's how Henry and I imagined this place when we came up with the concept of Fredbear's Family Diner. It was supposed to be safe, to be family-friendly, with people not having to worry about anything. However, I guess that, with me being there, it just wouldn't last.
He could still vividly remember the diner. It may have been small and only have two animatronics, but both he and Henry were proud of their achievements. People loved to visit the diner and the children were overjoyed about their opportunity to run around and play games. It was a dream that came true, only to turn into a complete nightmare.
It was a nightmare I had created, something I was proud of. He didn't even notice that he was clenching his fist, his eyes glowing in a faint purple. Now, I'm back, and there's virtually no person who could stop me from doing what I want. He closed his eyes, still feeling the anxiety spreading through his chest. However, things are different this time. Not to mention, it's not like I need Henry's approval for this.
''Springtrap?'' He opened his eyes, noticing Sam's worried look. She had placed her soda and the pizza on the table, looking at him. ''Maybe coming here wasn't a good idea.''
''No, it was,'' Springtrap replied, with Sam sitting down. She gave him a questioning look, with him shaking his head, indicating that she shouldn't be worried about it. While not completely satisfied with the answer, she started eyeing her pizza. ''Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy your meal.''
''Thanks,'' Sam replied, taking a slice and biting into it.
''Does it taste like cardboard?'' Springtrap watched with mild interest as Sam almost choked on the bite, clearly not expecting such question. She rose an eyebrow, staring at him in bewilderment.
''What? Do you want to tell me that the pizza at Fredbear's and the previous Freddy's locations tasted like cardboard?'' she asked.
''No,… Well, not really,'' Springtrap said. ''I mean, we did have a few people complaining, but the food was otherwise fine. Besides, the complaints came when Henry and I weren't in charge anymore…''
''If you want to know, the pizza is actually really good, if hot,'' Sam replied, trying to make sure the cheese wouldn't fall off. ''It is better than the pizza at Ricky's, which, while it didn't taste like cardboard, it did taste a little strange. Hell, someone even made a conspiracy theory about them recycling their pizza.''
''Really? You didn't tell me that,'' Springtrap said.
''Well, it was a while ago, so I forgot about it,'' Sam told him, picking up the napkin to wipe her ketchup-stained fingers and then reached for her soda. ''In any case, I'm fine with it. Although, you'd probably want to try it yourself, right?''
''You know that that isn't possible,'' Springtrap told her, with Sam just grinning mischievously.
''Yeah,'' she muttered as she took another bite, ''one of the consequences of being undead.''
Springtrap stared at her for a while in silence, with Sam continuing eating her pizza. He then lifted his hand, placing his index finger on Sam's forehead, much to her surprise. She gave him a perplexed look, first glancing up at the finger on her forehead, then at Springtrap.
''You should know that there's always a way to learn from your mistakes,'' he said with a confident look on his expression. ''Keep that in mind.''
He then gently pushed her back, with Sam still feeling confused. She was wondering why he told her that, noticing that he still had that self-satisfied smirk on his expression.
''Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Fazbear Entertainment would like you to put your hands together for the one, the only, Freddy Fazbear!''
The two then got distracted by the music that suddenly started to play. The two looked at the stage, realizing it was time for the animatronics' performance. Sam smiled as she observed the animatronics, feeling excited about the performance. She was curious to see how this would turn out, still remembering how things were at Henry and Mike's location.
''Hello, everybody! You ready to have a good time? I know I am! 'Cause it's…''Freddy waved, with him, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy starting to sing together.
''Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! For kids, it's number one! Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! Where fantasy meets fun!''
Freddy then stepped out, gesturing at the animatronics and then at himself.
''Well, let's meet the band! My name is Freddy, I'm the singer in the band, got a hat and a big bowtie! I'm a big, brown bear, but don't be scared, I'm a real fun-lovin' guy!''
Bonnie then stepped out, placing his hand on Freddy's shoulder and pointing at himself as he looked at the audience, with his guitar being on his back, held by the black strap.
''Bonnie's my name, I'm hoppin' along, floppy ears and a cotton tail!'' He then stepped back, taking his guitar. ''My guitar is blazin', this rabbit's Hare­-raisin'! Just listen to me wail!''
''Take it, Bonnie!''
Freddy stepped back, giving Bonnie the spotlight as the bunny performed an electric guitar riff. The four animatronics then started to sing again.
''Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! You get yer pizza by the pound! Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! Where all the kids are safe and sound!''
Chica then stepped out, holding up the plate with the cupcake.
''Hey, I'm Chica! The lady of the group, my singing is a treat!''
''So sweet!'' Bonnie chimed in.
''But keep an eye on your pizza, 'CUZ I'M A BIRD WHO LIKES TO EAT! NOM NOM NOM NOM!'' Chica continued, giggling.
''Finally, there's Foxy! One eye and a hook for a hand! He hangs out over in Pirate's Cove.'' Freddy took over, pointing at Foxy.
''Now you've met all the members of the band!'' Foxy added, with the band singing together.
''WOO-HOO!! Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! The fun just can't be beat! Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! It's time for us to eat! Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! For kids, it's number one! Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! Where fantasy meets fun!''
''Shameless self-promotion much?'' Springtrap commented in an amused tone. Sam rolled her eyes.
''It would've been if they put advertisements in-between lyrics,'' she said, grinning. She was really enjoying herself, feeling that this was exactly how things should be. However, the joy she felt was replaced by a chilling feeling spreading through her chest. She saw Springtrap staring at the stage, as if reminiscing about something. ''You know, I wonder whether Fazbear Entertainment would be willing to make a song about the past of the Fazbear band. Now, that would be something interesting.''
''I don't think that they would want to deal with that issue,'' Springtrap said. ''I mean, they were trying to cover up the Five Nights at Freddy's games.''
''While I do understand why they wouldn't want to remind anyone of the horror show that happened over more than 30 years ago, I'm certainly not the only person who showed interest in Freddy's dark past,'' Sam said. ''I guess we'll have to wait to see what will happen.''
''Exactly,'' Springtrap said. ''So, what do you want to do now?''
''I had planned to have a go at the arcades and at least get some kind of prize from Puppet, just to see how she would act,'' Sam replied, glancing down at her half-eaten pizza. ''Maybe I should ask for a pizza box to take this home. I'm sure Mum would want to try it.'' She then glanced at Springtrap. ''What about you? Do you want to join me at the arcades?''
''Actually, I just wanted to take a look around,'' Springtrap replied. Sam shrugged, standing up and walking over to the counter to ask for the pizza box.
Springtrap meanwhile wandered away. While he was somewhat interested in how Fazbear Entertainment was managing the restaurant, he was more curious about the animatronics. He knew that they weren't haunted, as every haunted animatronic, aside from him, was destroyed in some way; not to mention the fact that he was able to see the spirits of the deceased due to being dead himself. However, he felt that he needed to keep an eye on them. Maybe it was paranoia, maybe it was his experience with the animatronics, but he felt that nothing was as innocent as it seemed.
I should ask Sam whether she'd want to return here after hours, just to see if something might happen.
He was restless, feeling the anxiety creeping up his body and entering his mind. He tried to shake it off, finding a secluded corner of the restaurant where he could observe the animatronics that were on the stage. They were in the middle of another performance, completely oblivious to the fact that they were mere replacements for their predecessors. They now had their own life, completely unburdened due to not having to share their body with the soul of a child.
This is supposed to be a good thing, isn't it? The children are free, except for the one that decided to torment me, and nothing of the past except for the memories has been left. Springtrap shook his head, his vision turning into static. He felt cold, with a feeling of emptiness spreading through his chest. Things are supposed to be fine, but why am I feeling like this?!
Static overwhelmed his vision, briefly flickering. He once again saw the restaurant, but it was different. It was dimmer and smaller, with people walking around with worried looks on their expressions. Then, everything went dark, only for Springtrap to hear a blood-curdling scream.
Suddenly, everything was bright again, with him realizing that he was back at Freddy's. Nobody had noticed him, but he didn't care. To the patrons and employees, he was just another animatronic created by Fazbear Entertainment. Even if he wasn't on the stage, they would just assume that he was probably following the AI's programming, even though in reality, there was no Spring Bonnie AI, only William.
Springtrap glanced at where the prize corner was, noticing Puppet handing out a Chica plushie to a little girl. Her arms were tied via strings to the metallic plates above her, allowing her to move around. She looked quite similar to the animatronic that had been possessed by Charlie; tall, black with white stripes on her arms and buttons on her chest, and a mask with red cheeks, blue streaks below her eyes and a wide smile. However, this version of Puppet was also wearing what appeared to be a black and white party hat with a bell covered in plush material on the top, so it would muffle the sound of the jingle the bell made whenever she moved.
Springtrap looked down, taking a deep breath. He knew that that scream would haunt him forever.
It was only the beginning… More had followed… His eyes started to glow in a faint purple. He tried to calm down, but noticed that he was shaking. It is different now… I said I wouldn't hurt anyone... I promised…
Springtrap glanced back at the stage, with Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy still performing. He thought about his plan, knowing that what he had in mind would draw Henry's ire, if not even Emma's. He also figured that the kid would lash out at him, but he knew that it would worth it. He wasn't breaking his promise, even if it seemed to be the case. The only thing he feared was that his plan might fail, but he was willing to take the risk. He hoped that everything would end up well, promising himself that he could make things work.
How can I resist, a promise, such as this.
However, there was still one person he needed to discuss his plans with. He knew that, without her, none of this would be possible. However, he wasn't sure how she would react to it.
Would Sam really be willing to accept my idea?
''There we go. He'll fit in with the rest.''
Sam put the Freddy Fazbear plushie, which had clothing similar to the actual animatronic, on her bed next to the plushies she and Springtrap had found at the Circus Baby's. She was really proud of winning the plushie, even though she had to go buy herself extra tokens, simply because she messed up at one game, missing out on the extra points that would've given her even more tickets.
Nevertheless, seeing Puppet giving her the plushie was a really great experience. As she had placed the tickets into the box on the counter and selecting the toy she wanted on the screen on the top of it, Pop Goes The Weasel started to play. Puppet suddenly popped out of the box, greeting her and reaching for the toy on the shelves behind her. She then turned to Sam, giving her the plushie. Needless to say, Sam simply couldn't stop similing during the whole encounter.
However, even that smile had faded when she noticed Springtrap's troubled expression. He didn't say anything during their return back home, having a rather distant look in his eyes. He would occasionally comment on something and he even looked happy when she told him how much she loved the visit to Freddy's and how this was one of the best days she had experienced. However, a moment later, he would be lost in his thoughts again. Afterwards, Sam kept quiet, deciding to confront him at home about it.
She sighed, turning to the bunny animatronic, who was staring at the floor, looking rather distraught.
''Sam, I need to talk to you,'' Springtrap said suddenly, before Sam could get even a word in. She was stunned, but kept quiet. Despite being anxious, he also seemed to be quite determined to tell her about the issue. ''I've been thinking, and I was wondering whether you'd be interested in learning more about robotics; specifically, how to deal with animatronics?''
Sam stared at him in surprise. She didn't expect such a question. ''Are you serious about this?''
''I had this idea on my mind for a while, and now that Freddy's has opened, I figured that it would be a good moment to ask you whether you'd want me to teach you everything I know about the animatronics,'' Springtrap added. ''I mean, wouldn't it be better if you didn't have to depend on my help when dealing with another animatronic and actually be able to deactivate or even fix one on your own? After all, if our experience with Connor has taught us anything, it's that we could easily get separated and you'd have to handle the situation on your own. Not that you're not capable of doing that, considering how you dealt with the Drawkills.''
''Well, you do have a point,'' Sam said after a short pause, noticing Springtrap's eyes briefly flashing purple. ''I guess that learning how to deal with an animatronic would be a quite useful skill…''
''So, you do want me to teach you?'' Springtrap asked, looking both nervous and excited about the possibility of Sam accepting his offer. Sam tilted her head, crossing her arms on her back, staring at Springtrap curiously, with the animatronic wondering what was going through her head. Maybe I took the wrong approach... Still, there's nothing that can be done now. It's up to her to decide what she wants to do now.
''You know, it is an interesting offer, and I might accept…'' Sam said, watching the glow in Springtrap's eyes grow stronger. ''However, I want to know the actual reason why you decided to suddenly tell me all of this.''
''But, I had already told you…'' Springtrap muttered, only to keep quiet when he saw Sam frowning, obviously suspicious of him.
''While I know that I can trust you, William, you're still the kind of person who always has some kind of hidden motivation for doing something,'' Sam replied. Springtrap stared at her, stunned for a moment. He then sighed.
''You're just like Emma,'' he muttered, sitting down on Sam's bed. ''I was being honest with you when I told you that it would be useful for you to learn more about robotics, especially considering that you have shown interest in it.''
''While that's true, there's still more to it, right?'' Sam said, remembering their visit to the Machinations Factory and how she observed Springtrap dismantling the Drawkills, even helping him out with it.
''I admit that there is indeed more to it, although…'' Springtrap muttered, with Sam sitting next to him. ''I don't know…'' He shook his head. ''I hate how this sounds, but I just feel that I'm here on borrowed time. I do want to stay here, but I don't think that that is possible.''
''I see…'' Sam muttered, feeling concerned about Springtrap.
''I had figured that, in case that something happens to me, at least you would know what to do,'' he said. ''I mean, you're the only person so far who knows virtually everything about me, about my past, about Freddy's… I figured that, perhaps, it wouldn't be a bad thing for you to also know how to deal with the animatronics.''
''So, you want me to become your successor,'' Sam said, with Springtrap staring at her with a stunned look on his expression.
''I didn't mean it like that,'' he replied, only to fall silent. ''I know that this sounds incredibly wrong… I don't want you to think that I-''
''That you're going to continue with me where you had failed with Elizabeth,'' Sam had finished his thought, noticing the look of guilt on Springtrap's expression. His ears had lowered as he was staring down at his hands, shaking.
''I messed up, didn't I?'' he muttered, unable to look Sam in the eyes. ''I'm sorry…''
''William…'' Springtrap closed his eyes. Sam had sounded quite irritated, with him feeling his anxiety skyrocketing. He then heard her standing up and stepping in front of him. ''William, look at me.''
Springtrap rose his head, glancing at Sam. Even though he feared dealing with Emma whenever she got furious, he was more afraid of Sam's reaction. He felt that it was because he cared too much about her and he didn't want to make her upset or hurt her. As he looked at her, he noticed that, while she was angry, she didn't look as upset as he thought that she would be. Instead, she had a look of determination on her expression.
''William, I am not Elizabeth,'' Sam told him in an icy tone. ''I understand that you see me as if I were your daughter, but don't treat me as if I were her.''
''Sam, you know that I wouldn't do that,'' Springtrap replied, feeling desperate. ''I know that you aren't Elizabeth and I wasn't going to treat you-'' He cut himself off, suddenly seeing static appearing in front of his eyes. He attempted to shake it off, only to hear a buzzing noise filling his ears, with a faint voice talking to him, sounding like an echo.
Suddenly, the static had vanished, along with that haunting voice. It took a moment for Springtrap to realize that Sam had hugged him tightly. He looked down at her, realizing that she was worried about him.
''What happened?'' he asked.
''You just lost it,'' she said. ''You started screaming and you looked completely horrified. Was that another hallucination or a memory?''
''I-I don't know,'' Springtrap replied, feeling both freaked out and exhausted. He thought that those hallucinations would stop, but it seemed that this wouldn't be the case. He felt that this was just another punishment on the top of the mess he was already dealing with. He glanced at Sam, who looked a little relieved that he was back to normal. ''This is just wrong... I'm sorry…''
''Will, calm down,'' Sam said, with Springtrap staring at her blankly. ''Nothing bad has happened; you just had briefly lost yourself, but now you're back.''
''You know what, just forget about this,'' Springtrap replied, frowning. ''This was a bad idea from the start…''
''If you ask me, it wasn't,'' Sam said, with Springtrap looking stunned. ''You made a good point that I should probably learn how to deal with the animatronics on my own.''
''Then, why…''
''As I said, I wanted to make clear that you to not make the mistake and suddenly start treating me as if I were Elizabeth,'' Sam told him. ''Considering how you still have those hallucinations and they cause you to lash out at people, I fear that something awful might happen if you confuse me for her.''
Springtrap stared at her in horror, remembering how he already had confused her once for Henry during one of those hallucinations he had, almost killing her.
''I would never hurt you…'' he said in a quiet tone, feeling as if he was just lying to her and to himself. If I don't figure out how to deal with those hallucinations, I will hurt her. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He knew that, the more he worried, the worse it would get. He glanced at Sam, who looked relieved that he seemed to feel better now. ''So, you really want to go through with this?''
''Yeah,'' Sam said confidently. ''I'm really curious about what you're going to teach me.''
Despite knowing the implications of this and despite a part of his mind still screaming that this might be just another one of his ideas that would end up in a disaster, Springtrap smiled.
''Okay, then,'' he said, pausing for a moment. ''Henry and Emma are going to kill me for this.''
''I don't think that this is possible,'' Sam replied. ''The most they would do is to try to figure out how to send your soul back to Hell.''
''Trust me, if I am going back to Hell, then it will be under my conditions,'' Springtrap replied, his eyes flaring up purple.
#Previous Chapter
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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fixingmysociallife · 2 years
Letting go of emotional pain
G'Day Depressos,
back again and with a serious burner this time. I know I tend to ramble quite a lot anyway and this time, my story is a long one. The life lesson at the end is worth it tho, promise.
Last April was my last day of highschool and I was in bliss for about three weeks. Being out of hell finally gave me time to sleep, de-stress, plan a few nice projects and just calm myself down. However, I didn't realise what kind of risks this time in my life would bring. Today I know that I am hugely dependent on clear routines, tasks to work on and emotional support by my friends. Last year, all that stuff wasn't quite clear yet.
So naturally, my mental health slowly began to decline without me figuring out why. I became an unmotivated insomniac with rising anxiety levels and when I tried to lean into my support system...it collapsed right under my sorry ass. In this story I will especially focus on one particular friend. She and I got very close in 11th grade and from that point on, I had given her everything she could ever needed. I gave motivational speeches, hugs, carried emergency chocolate, ordered a pizza into school and went for late visits to watch a comfort movie together. She was not really stable and I was, so I didn't mind pouring some love into her, knowing that she would return it if needed.
I called her multiple times, crying and hyperventilating (surely over some bullshit that triggered my anxiety, but still) and got immediatly cut off because she was busy, usually with her boyfriend. She also never texted me afterwards or even replied in unter two days and I did not see her alone for two months. To me, it sounded like now that I required some attention and support from her, I was no longer useful or worthy of interaction. So I stopped contacting her.
My overall condition was getting worse and worse and I desperately tried to gain new friendships fast, going out with someone every other night to hang. Didn't help. By the start of summer, I was deep in a depressive phase, a new experience for me. This caused me to be all over the place, miss my friends' birthday and frankly not having energy left to deal with just myself, rather than other people.
And I didn't choose to communicate any of it to her, continued to be a bad friend without given reason and was mad about it. A few times we had a little contact, minor discomforts or arguments, but nothing serious from my perspective. I invited her to my 18th Birthday, she ghosted me for five days and then rspv'd no. Suddenly, it was the end of September. She was scheduled to leave for an exchange in middle of the month. Without a word, she was gone. And I had no idea why.
Damn, I was mad and hurt. I decided to let myself grieve, bring distance between me and the situation and get my life back together first. Maybe that was wrong, maybe that was my last chance to have a talk. Idk. Anyway, college started, I slowly got back on track and am happy and healthy now (more or less, see the entire content of my tumblr blog). She got back, I waited two weeks and then asked to meet up and talk, telling her that I didn't really know why we drifted apart. She declined with the reason that she clearly communicated her feelings and that a talk most likely wouldn't change anything.
Of course, I was a little perplex. It didn't sound like her to not let someone speak for themselves and completely disregard the changes a person normally goes trough in half a year and more. It was rude. It was unfair. It was wrong. But you know what? It wasn't my decision to make. Also, I had wanted an open discussion about both our faults, reasons and circumstances. Whilst she had washed herself clear of all guilt in her reply text, basically informing me that the conversation that I imagined couldn't have happened anyway. I was in a bad mood for an evening, laid off homework to watch Newsies (1992) and Legally Blonde, cried a little and got to sleep. And the next morning, I was over it.
Because I realized that, when someone doesn't want closure or help, investing energy simply isn't worth it. The memories of my friend and I together are bittersweet now, but it couldn't have that back anyway. She changed in a way that I dislike and I probably did too.
Recycling is great, but sometimes, broken things cannot be repaired and that's okay.
See you around with the next of my social adventures,
Let's be real no one will read this monstrosity of a post.
Oh well
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shotcat · 3 months
A bit of everything and a bit of nothing.
Slow morning, taking our time to get up. First visit, UCLA, the university my father went to. Sadly the weather wasn't the best. But it was nice going there either way. Bought some souvenirs memorabilia and asked my mom some important places from them there, so I could take photos.
Then we went to the Urth cafe in Pasadena. Food was okay but overpriced, mainly I feel I could prepare the same myself. Except the pecan pie! I wanted to eat one during the trip and this was a delicious one.
Afterwards I had a bubble tea. Really felt like having one. But I was surprised that when I looked in Maps I had a bunch of weird results, like Blade Pizza. Luckily I found a real one, and they even had roasted oolong tea!
Next we checked a bookstore, which was quite nice, but in a big bookstore I miss the option to look for books, like a computer. I was looking for The night is short, walk on girl! but I couldn't find it, but they had the second part for the Tatami Galaxy, so hey.
Following that, we decided to check the Griffith Observatory. But it was so packed that it took 20min to reach the top by car, and then we couldn't even park, so we had to go back down and park below. 40min lost. But we checked the views.
To finish the day, we went to a Korean restaurant in Korea town. The restaurant was nice, I wanted to order the cold noodles, but I was convinced to take another dish, pulled beef soup. I regretted not taking the cold soup.
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0 notes
yihrae · 3 months
I went to Universal Studios the other day. Celeste had acquired tickets via a HP family day event and had invited three of us (Ting, Zheng Long and I) to tag along. We met at around 11am at the 3rd floor of Vivocity, just outside the monorail. Zheng Long arrived the earliest at around 10:45am, while I arrived second at around 11:20am. Ting and Celeste both arrived at around 11:30am… I shared a cup of Playmade with Zheng Long (original milk tea with pink cactus pearls). He commented that Playmade had “fallen off” to which I agreed. I do remember it being much better in the past for some strange reason.
We were a funny group. Among the four of us, Ting and Celeste were more... timid. They were not very willing to take some of the more extreme roller coasters. Zheng Long would get motion sickness, meaning there was a chance he would throw up after the roller coaster. That left only me... Essentially we were not the optimal group to be at USS.
After a singular stop on the monorail we alighted. Large, bold red words informing us of our destination sat atop a larger rock. This sight was familiar yet still retained a sense of novelty due to the period that had passed from my last visit. We walked only for a maximum of five minutes before reaching the entrance. We equipped our HP family day bands and entered!
I frankly don't remember Universal's Studios too well. When we entered I could faintly piece together a few attractions to my left and to my right, but I suspect large parts of the park had undergone renovation. Our first stop was to queue up for the mummy ride. However after we entered the queue, we realised the wait would be a ninety minute one. We then made a tactical decision to eat lunch first and then queue during lunch hour to increase our chances of encountering a short queue. We scouted out the pizza place but we decided it was too small, so we headed to the western place instead. It was $17 for the burger and some fries. Frankly, this was not as overpriced as I thought it would be. I mean it’s bad for sure, but it wasn't horrid. We each had a $10 meal voucher and a $5 meal voucher, totalling to $15. We later realised that only the $10 vouchers can be stacked. We paid $40 using the vouchers and the remainder with my cash.
The burgers were honestly not bad! They came almost instantly (within 30 seconds or so) which was slightly alarming but I chose not to think too much of it! We talked about a range of topics while enjoying our food. Later, we went back to the mummy ride. Our plan had worked! The queue was drastically shorter so we ended up only waiting for around 20 minutes before taking the ride.
The ride itself wasn’t too bad. I’m not sure why but my recollection of the backwards sections was slightly more intense. I suppose Singapore is too small to have anything too insane. It was a pretty solid ride! Afterwards, we headed to Enchanted Airways, which was almost instant. Take this with a grain of salt, but I honestly think the Enchanted Airways (yes the kiddy ride) was more intense than the mummy one… I’m not sure why. The rides were just lacking in intensity and duration in general! But perhaps I’m a psycho - I want to ride until I have a headache and my neck is sore…
We then took the Puss in Boots ride afterwards and some other dinosaur ride. For the approximate hour+ that we had to spend waiting for both rides, they were sourly disappointing. It wasn’t too big of an issue though, for we spent those hours talking away about all matters! Ting had to leave early so after the dinosaur ride she headed back.
We were down to Celeste, Zheng Long and I. I told them to send Ting off first and I would queue for Cylon in the meantime. I really, really wanted to sit on Cylon and I was worried it would start raining and I would lose my chance. Celeste complained that the previous ride was lacking in thrill, to which I capitalised on and once again pitched my “let's take Cylon together idea”. She said she’ll think about it. Anyway, I went into the Cylon queue and queued first. I waited a long time for Celeste. I eventually exited and looked around. I asked her if she was coming and she was like "Oh I thought I said ..." that I did not recall... it was a bit of shame because essentially I had waited in the queue for nothing and had wasted a single Cylon ride because I could have just gone myself. I went back into the queue alone while Zheng Long and Celeste waited outside.
The queue had lengthened by then. They didn’t allow us to bring our mobile phones in so it was literally just me and my thoughts. I observed others - lots of couples and rather young friend groups. I got so bored at some point I started counting the duration in between the movements of the queue. It was approximately 140 seconds. Assuming my counting was accurate (which it definitely wasn’t). Probably closer to 160 seconds then. When I had finally reached, I asked the people in front of me if they minded swapping. I desperately wanted to sit in front. However, they just gave me this confused look. I switched to Chinese and figured that would resolve the issue, but the confused look persisted. Eventually, I gave up on trying to steal their front seats and settled for the third row. Since I was sitting alone I was seated with a stranger. I made small conversation and realised he actually also wanted to sit at the front…
The ride was good!! I wished it was a bit longer and that we had spun a couple more times but I was somewhat satisfied. Upon exiting we headed over to Enchanted Airways and took it one last time before sending Celeste off. It was just Zheng Long and I now. We had to get to school by 7pm for Sports Camp stuff. I figured there was still time to take Cylon ONE MORE TIME. I distinctly remember Zheng Long asking me “Alex if I throw up will you take care of me?" to which I excitedly said “yes!!”. We quickly found a locker and headed up. The queue was only 20 minutes, so I figured we would make it. We waited two whole turns just to secure the front seats. It was worth it. Really. It WAS. My favourite part was honestly when we plunged into the mist and came out, then plunged in again!! The mist is cooling and adds to the ride's exhilarating factor.
Zheng Long told me he didn't feel like throwing up but said he was a bit dizzy. He kindly requested for me to retrieve our bags while he sat down to rest. It was all a flurry from there. We were on a time crunch so we rushed to school!! We ended up getting slightly lost and missed the monorail so we walked all the way back to Vivocity. My feet hurt from all the speed walking when we took the train.
Overall a super fun day! I’m really grateful to Celeste for providing the tickets and that I was invited. Someday maybe we’ll come back and do this again :)
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