#and why Light is so lonely after L's death
Watching the death note musical and man, I just want to give Light some tea and terrible unlicenced therapy.
#like. no i don't agree with him#but also i completely understand the mindset#fundamentally he's a disillusioned teenager who wants any way to fix what he sees#(and to do something exceptional and full of meaning instead of what he sees as a bland and empty existence)#and then he's handed a notebook that can kill people#because it happened to be him - in particular - of course it turned out that way#it's tragic#it makes you wish you could help him#and imo he's not very emotionally mature. A lot of his issues remind me of me at 14#the guy was probably already tumbling headfirst into a mental health crisis#and you can absolutely cherry pick things he said and thought that make him seem like an absolute monster#and he definitely has lots of those traits that he Isn't Aware Of. but that's like. part of why you'd want to help him#and i feel like a lot of what L did was bring those traits out into the open for light#of course neither of them thought it was particularily wrong and the task force didn't pick up on it#but i think that's where some of the hatred comes from. not just that he's trying to stop Light#but also that he can see Light and is making Light aware of aspects of himself he'd rather not be#(insert homosexuality joke here even though that's not what I'm talking about)#remember that Light has been 'perfect' his entire life.#And everyone has said a million times over that the fact L sees him contributes to the weird sort of closeness they have#and why Light is so lonely after L's death#anyways all I'm saying is that it's tragic and while i doubt anything i could do would change it it makes me wish i could try#i love making fun of and criticizing Light as much as the next guy#but I guess today my brain decided to access the special Death Note Emotions
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lawlightautismtruther · 10 months
I genuinely feel like L’s monster speech is more or less just self-loathing rather than an objective observation of himself. I feel like once a piece of media leaves the artist’s mind, however a viewer interprets it, especially when the text itself suggests it more than anything, should be considered entirely valid. This is one of those situations.
The whole “L is a cold, stoic monster” thing just never really felt true, even though Obha insists on it. I’m not sure what his motivation for this might be, probably to make death note seem edgier than it is, colder and more morally gray, but tbh it loses depth under that lens.
I always interpreted L as so hypersensitive and lonely that he doesn’t know how to actually process it or communicate it appropriately, probably because of what I believe (and many others) is a case of autistic alexithymia. I think it made his death matter and it struck so much harder. It had more thematic implications on his and light’s relationship (lawlight aside Lmfao, even just the surface level friendship)
I think after years of having people run it into the ground that you will never be normal, that you are dysfunctional in your relationships, and that you’re a selfish liar would ultimately fuck up your perception of yourself. I think that’s L’s problem. He was always just a tool to other people— wealth for Watari and a mentor for the kids. He never got the chance to prove himself capable of human emotion so at this point he just believes what people have to say about him. I think his death is actually a rebuttal to this idea. That’s why the monster speech is post-death. It’s supposed to show you how L viewed himself vs how he really was. How his sensitivity and desperation for friendship and love killed him. I can talk about why I think L not convicting Light was a choice if you guys want, but yeah, that’s my take on the matter. Obha aside.
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grimalkinmessor · 9 months
Just to put a lot of my posts and beliefs about Light Yagami's character in one post (headcanons not included):
• He does not do anything for purely moral reasons. The reason he started killing criminals was because he was curious, and then afterward his "crusade" was built from panic and spite. He thought using the Death Note was going to kill him, so he decided to take everyone he considered a threat to society down with him—that way he would still be good. He would still be remembered. If he can't live, then criminals don't deserve to either. The weight loss and the insomnia shown in the manga, were more likely results of a fear of dying than moral stress.
• Then Light discovers he won't die. This negates part of the spite, but not the need for a moral justification to keep himself "good". He no longer needs to be a martyr, so instead he's chosen to become a God.
• During this week and half of time, Light goes from being a bored, lonely, listless teenager disgusted with the world because it's not how his father taught him it should be, disgusted because if he can manage perfection why can't the rest of the world—to a boy with a new friend and a new mission that gives him purpose. Something interesting. If the world can't be perfect on its own, he'll have to help it. The world needs his help, making him its "savior".
• In comes L. It is no longer about Kira, no longer about saving the world from itself, even if he might tell himself it is—it's about the game. Kira was a fun pastime, yes, but L has made things so much more interesting. (Light and Ryuk are actually wildly similar in several ways it's just not immediately obvious). This game is more fun, too, because this time he has an opponent—one not so nebulous as "the criminals of the world", who offered no challenge. Light is still justifying his actions through a lens of morality, because he has to, but they're beginning to run rather thin.
• Both the broadcast and the obvious taunts to L through changing Kira's killing methods supports the above. "You're too stupid, L. If you were just a little smarter, we could've had some fun." Drawing L in was to progress their game, not Kira's goals. If Light truly only cared about Kira's vision, Kira's new world, Kira's righteous justice; then he wouldn't have continued to play the game after the broadcast. There was no way for L to find him without Light drawing him in—the Death Note is literally the perfect murder weapon. Light knew this, he just ignored it because he wanted to play.
• In the same vein: Yotsuba Light doesn't know he's playing the game. He's forgotten that there even is a game, and so he sees L as someone who's been duped, who either isn't as intelligent as he's been made out to seem, or someone who's being purposefully cruel just because he can. Either way, to Yotsuba Light, L's threat level has only increased, because Light no longer has any sort of weapon to go against him with. He can't even wield his own innocence against him, because his innocence is not certain. Even to himself. Yotsuba Light knows that he has to play along with L's plays of friendship and morality in order to secure his freedom, but he does not respect L or like him. At least, not until near the end, where they're closing in on Higuchi. Where his freedom seems closer....and yet he sees his own, true innocence as more tenuous than ever. Notably, even when Light feels positively towards L there, he still does not share his suspicions about himself with him. His own life still takes precedence over any sort of justice or morality he might have, because Yotsuba Light is still Light. And Light will always put his own self-interests first.
• After killing L, something interesting happens. Because the game ends, but Kira is still left. And Light was willing to take risks and make wild plans in his game with L, but Kira's goals always, always came after his own life. And when only Kira's goals are left, Light stops taking those big, potentially lethal risks. (i.e. bomb desk trap, killing Raye Penber in person by handing him pages of the Death Note, killing Naomi Misora in person right in front of the police station, writing Higuchi's name while sitting right beside L with the murder weapon literally in his hand, etc. etc.). Winning the game was worth dying for—Kira's ideals are not. Or, to put it even more simply: His pride is worth dying for, but his morals are not. Five years after his victory against L, he's presented with another game, but instead of feeling fearful and excited as he did with L, Light is angry. Arrogant and angry. Because this isn't a game to these opponents, as it was to L—they're playing against each other, and Light is merely a piece in it. This game is not like his game with L; it's more like his "game" with the criminals of the world. One with no true challenge, just another defense of Kira's world—worth winning, but not worth dying for.
• Light's pride is more important to him than anything. He needs to be able to take pride in himself and his actions. Pride comes before everything else, before Kira, before family, before L, even before his own desires and physical health. He does not enjoy killing—he just turned it into something he could be proud of. Into another mastering of craft. Light is not particularly sadistic, he's just spiteful. He'll only take pleasure in someone's suffering if they make someone else suffer first, especially if that someone is him. Attacking his pride would count as making him suffer, because that's the most important thing in the world to him. Even though Light also values his life incredibly highly, attempting to kill him wouldn't invoke as much hell-hot wrath as attempting to humiliate him would. And Light will always get even. Always. He does not forgive and forget.
• He believes every lie he tells himself. Every. Lie. He is a Good Man. He is Good Son. He is a Savior. He is Better. He is NOT Evil, he is Good. He's incredibly adept at not only fooling other people, but fooling himself. Even if he's vaguely aware of the truth, he'll take great pains to make sure that truth never comes to light—because it would crush him.
• Light does not take his own desires into account. If he likes or wants something that contradicts with the perfect image he's crafted, he purges it from his mind. Makes excuses for why he doesn't need it, or even convinces himself very thoroughly that he didn't even want it in the first place. If it's not something he can be proud of (or convince himself to be proud of), he doesn't allow himself to desire it.
• Light sees everyone as beneath him (family notwithstanding, Light loves his family deeply), and while it's a pyramid scale of how far beneath him they are, it's not actually ranked by things like gender, sexuality, race—it's ranked by morality and intelligence. The more intelligent and moral you are, the higher up you are on the scale. Light feeling hostile towards someone does not always mean he sees them as further down beneath him; with L and Misa specifically, it means that they're a threat. Light tends to only see people near the top of the intelligence pyramid as threats; evidenced by him dismissing Matsuda completely even with the knowledge that Matsuda was a marksmen, and yet him immediately setting out to kill Naomi when he found out she figured out one of Kira's secrets. With Takada and Mikami, he treats them exactly the same as each other because they're both on the same level of the scale—and he didn't hesitate to get rid of either of them. (Or try to get rid of, in Mikami's case). Everyone is either a tool, a threat, a criminal, a citizen, or family to him. People to use (tool, criminal), people to serve and/or placate (citizen, family), and people to eliminate (threat, criminal). Everyone falls into at least one of these categories for him.
• Light Yagami is a tragic character. And he's a tragic character because he refuses to believe he's part of a tragedy. He would rather swallow broken glass than be considered a victim of anything.
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cursed2soul · 11 months
Please don’t leave me || Gojo Satoru x reader
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After Geto’s rampage, you start to fall into a pit of darkness. You want to leave the Jujutsu society but Gojo doesn’t want to. He wants you to be there for him along the way but can he convince you to if you’re so broken? Gojo will always be there for you, don’t you know that? Because between you and him, he is just Gojo satoru.
It’s been 3 weeks since the incident with Geto happened. 3 weeks since the massacre, 3 weeks of not seeing him, 3 weeks of more missions and 3 weeks of feeling lonely. The higher ups were not considerate, they had the nerve to give you more missions, not allowing you to take a break.
You’re done. You’re so tired, tired of the Jujutsu society. The higher ups are selfish and you will only witness more deaths before meeting your own doom. What am you even here for? You don’t even know, who am I doing this for? You can’t answer because there is no answer.
Sometimes you wonder what it’s like to live a normal life, to be so free and happy without witnessing death that just breaks you. Maybe it’s time to experience that and leave the Jujutsu world behind before it’s too late.
A voice calls out to you and you turn around to find Satoru sitting down next to you on the bench. You stare at him, knowing that he knows that you’re not ok.
Everyone knows, even Nanami who has been going distant. Shoko could tell that you were also not ok. Yaga was very worried about you but he couldn’t get anything out of you. Gojo decided to try to talk to you, he has the closest friend you had after all.
“Umm is there anything you want to talk about? You haven’t been yourself lately” he said, trying to find the right words to say.
Letting out a sigh, you decide to tell him because you’re gonna leave anyways. “I want to leave Jujutsu Tech”
You could feel the many different emotions that Gojo was experiencing. Shock, confusion and denial.
“W-what..?” He stutters.
“I want to leave Jujutsu Tech and the Jujutsu world, live a normal life.” You state.
“No..why? Is it because if the situation with Geto? Y/n please, as Jujutsu sorcerers this is expected, we’ll get through this y/n just please don’t-“
And that’s when you let out all the emotions that you’ve been feeling for the past few weeks. You stood up, “Because I’m tired! I’m tired Satoru, I’m tired of everything! Loosing people, witnessing my friends die, missions, I don’t even have a chance to fix myself! I’m just so sick and tired of everything! I want to live a normal life, I’m 16 gojo, I’m just a teenager yet I’m here saving lives, I should be studying, having fun with friends, going out, shopping, travelling…”
You turn away, not wanting to see his pitiful expression but a pair of arms wrap around you , making you turn, Gojo was hugging you, the strongest sorcerer.
Gojo knew that he could be himself around you, he could be Gojo Satoru around you, not the strongest. He doesn’t hesitate to hug you.
His hugging makes it impossible for you to escape.
“Y/n..i know that you’re devastated with everything happening right now but me, shoko and nanami are as well.. we need you y/n to be there with us, I need you! We’ll go through this together, we’ll find a way! I’ll do anything..absolutely anything! Just please….don’t leave me like everyone else…?” He lets his words and begging out without a doubt.
You start to resist, fighting back so you can just run away but Gojo holds you tightly, going even tighter as you wince.
“S-satoru..l-let go…y-you’re h-hurting m-me”
He softens his grip, still hugging you “don’t go y/n, please stay with me..”
“B-but I’m tired Satoru…” You say while a tear starts to escape your eye.
Gojo starts to rub circles on your back while you cry. “Y/n I have a dream, a dream to reform the Jujutsu world, I will become a teacher at Jujutsu tech and I want you to be there for me…if you leave, my dream will be incomplete so please, please stay with me…”
Your body feels light as you weaken, Gojo holds you in a bridal style now, you wrap your arms around his neck. “I..I don’t want to stay…I have no idea why I’m even doing this! Do you know how scary it is? We’re just here working until we die…”
“Then..stay for me!” Gojo declares “you have me, shoko and nanami here with you and I’m sure you won’t die, you’re strong and i would never let you die, i’m the strongest after all”
You let out a smile “fine…I’ll stay….just for you”
And from that point, Gojo carries you back to the world you hate the most, the world that you just can’t stand. But maybe it won’t be bad later on, as long as Gojo is by your side, he always will be, he’ll never leave you.
You smile at the photo card in front of you, the photo that you and Gojo created a week after you tried to leave. He was true to his word and was with you every step. Even when Geto’s death was announced, you felt no sadness. Just pity that things had to turn out that way.
You put the photo card back in your pocket and hear a notification from your phone. You open it to see a text from Gojo.
“Hey y/n ~~, amazing bestfriend Satoru here :], meet me at the park tonight at 7pm! No exceptions!”
You giggle at the text, leaving a yes reply.
Gojo will always be there for you, even if he’s always busy and being the strongest, he will always have time for you because between you and him, he is just Gojo satoru.
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pennyblossom-meta · 4 months
The hidden loneliness of L, the duplicity of Light
EDIT: 24/05/24 (added: further context)
Harping on from this post by @my-one-true-l.
Feel free to disagree and engage!
This was entirely out of the blue, but while watching the character analysis of Bruno from Encanto by therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright, I was somewhat taken aback by this set of comments on sequence where Bruno opens up to Mirabel about his apparent loneliness:
JD: But he's so into all this entertainment, the acting for himself, all these habits because he's so alone. AS: Yeah. JD: And when we don't have real connection, we sacrifice — you know, we get really into TV shows, we get really into movies. I mean, even more so than normal, we are out of balance because we don't want to have actual relationships, or we want to and we're not.
It was a coincidental throwback to this quote by Fu Takahashi, who plays L in the 2020 JP musical:
There are cartoon, film, animation and musical versions of “DEATH NOTE”; I think that the character is different in each version and has its own charm. A common thing about L among these versions is that, despite his superficial image as a smart guy who hates losing, he actually feels lonely and needs affection, I imagine. Perhaps he is an orphan – his character suggests so. He tries to control his emotions, like the feelings towards his parents, or romantic feelings; that’s why he is sort of dependent on games or battles of the mind. So I want to play L while thinking about the foundations on which his personality has been formed.
And while L and Bruno's situations are obviously incredibly different in both context and personality, I found it interesting that Jonathan talks about the concept of the identified patient right after; where a couple is on the brink of divorce, a group of friends or work colleagues keep arguing and having problems — there's a decision, whether subconscious or not, that a specific someone is the problem, i.e., the black sheep, and that fixing this person will solve the adjacent problems.
It further reminded me of the way that Light's duplicity throughout the first arc made L the black sheep of the Task Force, as no one wanted to believe for a very long time that he could be Kira. Certainly not while L was alive, as he was often accused of pursuing Light because a) he had no other suspects and b) out of sheer stubbornness.
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While L also mused whether his suspicion of Light was also, in part, due to a lack of others who could ascend to the same level of intellect and thus (his own) enjoyment of the game, the result of this duplicity in the psyche of the Task Force becomes even more malicious if we consider what Jonathan says next:
JD: (...) other times we're just going to let this person hold all of it so that we can believe in our own goodness and perfection.
Extrapolating this a bit: the inherent value to this reasoning is not that the Task Force wants to believe in their own goodness and perfection by focusing on Light's innocence; rather, Light wants to be seen as the good, perfect individual and cast on L an easy light (pun intended) of the outsider who clashes with the ethics of honor and professionalism of police officers, in an already strict culture of rigor and normalized behaviors (the hammer and the nail, the nail gets hammered until it fits in); whereas L sticks out like a sore thumb in both appearance and morals.
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
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The Red Lord (Chapter 2 of 2)
On the hills above your village stands a magnificent but supposedly cursed castle where the mysterious Red Lord lives. Lord Sukuna is a man of breathtaking beauty. Too beautiful. Rumors claim that there is something wrong with him. But what happens when an accident makes you end up in the care of that mysterious man? Will you uncover the truth about him?
Chapter 1
Pairing: Vampire!Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: Vampire AU, gothic fairytale, smut, fluff Word Count: 8k Warnings: 18+, Sukuna is a vampire, blood, mentions of murder and death, mentions of past domestic violence and abuse (NOT from Sukuna! But Reader's father, brother, and the man she was promised to didn't treat her well), smut, virginity loss, fingering, oral, creampie. All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact.
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As much as the evening in the rose garden and the tender kisses distracted you, you can't stop thinking about the villagers' accusations. Their words play over and over in your head.
Three men were killed.
But what do you know about what has happened down in the village? No one mentioned any names of the victims. For all you know, it could be anyone. There is no evidence that it is connected to you. So why should you presume that the victims were the three men that had wronged you? And why should you assume Lord Sukuna had anything to do with that?
The burn marks on his hand? A foolish mind could interpret them as proof that Lord Sukuna is a vampire. You remember how he didn't fully step into the sunlight but stopped in the doorway. Only his left hand must have come into direct touch with the sunlight. But isn't this a bit far-fetched?
Maybe Lord Sukuna just burned himself on candle wax. That's a far more likely explanation.
It would be convenient to wrap yourself in sweet ignorance and pretend everything is fine.
But you can't ignore the voice of reason screaming at you that all those coincidences are very suspicious indeed. The part about Sukuna being a vampire is still too wild for you to allow it. But what about those mysterious deaths that have occurred?
You have to acknowledge that there could be a connection to you.
Three men posed a threat to you. Three men were killed.
You catch yourself watching Lord Sukuna more closely. Wondering if those strong hands that are so carefully handing you a crystal glass filled to the brim with red wine could be the hands of a murderer. Wondering if those glittering diamond eyes and the confident and handsome smile are hiding his true monstrous nature beneath a beautiful mask.
Is the man who took you in a monster after all?
But the thing is, you find that you don't care either way. Because isn't it all a question of perspective? When is a monster an actual monster? Generally speaking, you don't condone murder, of course. But is it still murder if it was done out of the wish to protect someone? You don't think so.
So that leads to a conviction: Even if Lord Sukuna is the one who killed those men who you assume were your father, brother, and future husband, that doesn't make him a monster in your eyes. To everyone else in your village, he might be. But to you, he is the brave man who ensured that the men harming you would never lay a hand on you again. So you could say Lord Sukuna is your hero. Your knight who slayed the dragon.
You don't mind that he has some strange habits or that the way he speaks is a bit odd sometimes, old-fashioned. It is probably because he never really comes into contact with other people. Lord Sukuna lives here alone with only a loyal servant at his proposal.
He seems to be a lonely man in self-inflicted isolation. You tell yourself you would feel guilty at the thought of saying farewell to him, and so you decide you will stay a while longer even though all your injuries have long healed.
And wouldn't you miss him too? Wouldn't you miss the inspiring book discussions the two of you hold? Or the way Sukuna's face lights up when he laughs at a joke you made? When he looks so devastatingly beautiful in the candlelight, it almost makes you cry?
Wouldn't you miss the sweet kisses he shares with you? Stolen kisses in the rose garden at night. Gentle and sweet, but with an ever-growing passion on Lord Sukuna's and your part. The lingering touches when you pass him in the doorway. A brush of his hand against yours in passing by. A strong arm that sneaks around your waist to guide you down the stairs. A smile and an intense look out of those gorgeous eyes that make the fluttery feeling in your stomach and chest intensify.
You would miss all of those things.
And so you stay. Even after that incident in the village and Lord Sukuna's possible connection to it, you stay.
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The doubt remains, though. As crazy as you tell yourself it is to believe in such foolish tales as vampires, there are so many weird things about this place and about Sukuna that it's hard to ignore them.
But one particular incident makes you spin out of control.
Lord Sukuna brings you roses all the time. He puts them on your dinner plate or hands them to you with a smile and a soft kiss pressed to your cheek. Those roses from his garden are magnificent, red, and flawless. They never have any thorns.
Lord Sukuna told you that he asked Uraume to cut off the thorns so you won't hurt yourself on them. You always assumed he was just caring and thoughtful.
But then, one night, a single little thorn is left on a rose, and you prick yourself on it.
You gasp and lift your hand, inspecting the small cut, where a big drop of blood already wells up.
Lord Sukuna makes a strangled sound next to you. His eyes seem even redder suddenly, glimmering in an unnatural bright scarlet red as they stare at the thick drop of blood on your fingertip.
Before you can do anything, he grabs your hand and brings it to his lips. You can only watch in astonishment, and dawning horror as Sukuna's soft tongue flicks over your finger, licking up that drop of blood.
Your gaze meets his, and you can see a hunger in it that you have never seen before. So intense that it looks almost feral.
Those bright red eyes widen suddenly, and Lord Sukuna drops your hand and hastily takes a step back. Before you can process what is happening, he has already fled the room, and the dark wooden door falls shut behind him with a loud bang.
It's that incident with the rose that keeps you up for hours this night.
You have never seen Lord Sukuna like this. He usually is so calm and in control. So it seems strange to see him so distraught. The way his eyes were burning with hunger. Glowing red like never before. The way he had licked the blood off your finger. His hurried escape afterward. As if he wanted to hide something from you. Or as if he was scared, he did something bad...or would do something bad if he stayed near you.
You sit up with a gasp. Your head is spinning. It is time, you realize. Time to acknowledge those thoughts that have been haunting you for weeks.
What if vampires exist after all? What if you are living with one at the moment?
Suddenly you're filled with an unbearable restlessness, driven by the need to finally discover the truth.
Is there any base for those suspicions? Or are you just getting carried away by crazy thoughts and fantasies? You know what you need. Cold hard facts! More knowledge about this topic!
Only one floor beneath you is the vastest collection of books you have ever seen. So if there is a likely place to find more information about vampires, it will be there!
You are out of bed in seconds, not even bothering to put on shoes or wrap a cape around your shoulders to keep you warm. You just grab a candle holder and leave your room barefooted, only dressed in your thin nightdress.
The luxurious plush carpets feel soft under your feet as you rush through the long corridors and down the flight of stairs. The heavy wooden door closes softly behind you after you enter the spacious library.
You should start your search in the mythological section and then continue to go through the science section and look for medical encyclopedias.
You are so focused on your mission to find a book that will contain the information you seek that you don't see him until his low velvety voice drifts through the dimly lit room.
"Can't sleep, sweetheart?"
You almost drop the candle, your heart jumping to your throat as your head whips around to stare at the big red armchair Lord Sukuna is sitting on.
"L...Lord Sukuna! I am sorry for disturbing you!"
A lazy smirk spreads over his beautiful face, red eyes sparkling in amusement as he cocks his head and watches you curiously,
"Don't worry, darling. You can come here at any time of the day or night. This is your castle too. And I, for one, understand the nightly craving for information and the fantastic world books can offer us. I come here almost every night to read. Can I help you? Are you looking for anything specific?"
His glittering gaze holds yours for a long moment before slowly traveling down your body. Suddenly you become aware of the way you are dressed. Only standing in front of him in your thin nightdress that slips off your shoulders, sitting low on your breasts. Delicate white silk that is too thin for walking around at night at this time of year. 
Your nipples are stiff peaks because of the chilly temperatures, clearly visible through the thin material of your nightdress. You are sure that the snug fit of the dress does nothing to hide your body from Lord Sukuna's gaze.
Your free hand self-consciously tugs on one of the lacy straps, trying to pull it up over your shoulder.
"I... no, I am not looking for anything in particular. I just... I just need something to calm me down, I think. So I can find rest afterward."
The smirk on Lord Sukuna's pretty face turns even bigger, even more dazzling in its beauty. There is something in his eyes and in his voice, a certain sparkle, a specific timbre, that seems almost hypnotic, making you slowly walk towards him when he says,
"Then I have something for you, my dear. Come to me."
You are breathing too fast when you stop in front of the red armchair where Lord Sukuna is lounging, still in the formal and luxurious clothes he has been wearing the whole day. He took off his fine red velvet frock coat and draped it over the backrest of the armchair, allowing you a good look at his muscular figure in the red silk vest and white dress shirt he's wearing beneath it. His thighs in his red silk pants are spread slightly.
He looks gorgeous. Majestic, like a King sitting on his throne. A beautiful and powerful King. A man of such beauty that it makes your head spin.
He smiles at you, mouth opening wide enough to reveal his straight white teeth with the canines that are slightly too long, slightly too pointed.
"Let me read to you, my love. I am sure it will help you feel better. Come, sit."
Your mouth feels dry as you follow the movement of his elegant hand as he pats his muscular thigh, indicating unmistakenly where you should sit.
It's a scandalous offer. Highly inappropriate. Your heart is beating so fast, and you gulp hard. A decent woman would decline politely. It's what has been drummed into you ever since you were a young girl.
But you have left this old life behind. It's not like you haven't done worse things than sit on a man's lap. After all, you have shared many kisses with Lord Sukuna during the last few weeks.
Since he is here, you can't follow through with your plan of doing research anyways. So it won't hurt to spend a little time with him. Wouldn't it be suspicious if you turned down his offer?
And he is so beautiful, so tempting. You have never felt desire stir in your core when interacting with a man before. But Lord Sukuna makes something deep inside you feel so hot.
Before you can think too much about it, you quickly walk over to him and slip onto his lap.
After all, who is here to judge you? Who is here to call you a whore for sitting on a man's lap who isn't your husband? It feels oddly freeing to do this. To let go of all the guilt and strict rules forced upon you, which made you feel like a prisoner in an invisible cage.
Lord Sukuna's strong arms encircle you instantly. He takes the candle holder from you and puts it on the table beside his chair, and then those firm hands land on your waist, always holding you so securely in his arms, always making you feel so taken care of, so safe.
But tonight you aren't wearing several layers of clothes. Tonight there is only a thin layer of silk between your skin and Lord Sukuna's fingers. You can feel their coldness seep through the flimsy fabric, making goosebumps appear on your naked arms.
"Good girl. You don't have to be afraid."
He whispers, his voice as seductive as a caress.
"I am not afraid."
It's true. You aren't scared of him. Even though you came down here to research the possibility of him not being human. But as strange as it seems, you feel safe with Lord Sukuna.
Instinctively you snuggle into his arms, leaning against his broad chest, breathing in the luxurious and tantalizing smell of his perfume. A shy smile spreads over your face as you lift your head to look at him, caught in his spell, mesmerized by his beauty and strength.
He smiles back at you, and his strong hands tighten their hold on you, long fingers sprawling over your waist, thumbs caressing your sides gently. And you catch yourself craving more of his caresses, more of his touch, his kisses, his affection.
Your left hand lands on his firm chest, feeling his muscles even through the layers of expensive clothing. If there is a heartbeat underneath those clothes, you cannot feel it. But you find that you don't care.
You don't care if there is something unusual about Lord Sukuna. You don't care if he might not be human. If being this close to him feels so good even though it is supposed to be wrong, you are very willing to do the supposedly bad thing.
You are willing to let him taint you. To let him steal your innocence. You don't need it anymore. You left all that behind when you left your future husband, your cruel father, and your brother. It feels like for the first time you are truly alive. Truly living for yourself. Truly allowed to be yourself. To feel and to want and to desire.
And you desire him.
You want Sukuna, want to feel more of his muscular body, his firm but gentle touch, his kisses that are so sweet and addictive as if you ran right into one of those absinthe taverns your chaperon always warned you about.
He picks up the book he had been reading when you entered the library, opening it to the page he was currently on. There's a soft smile on his face as he begins to read to you,
"No man knows till he has suffered from the night how sweet and dear to his heart and eye the morning can be." 
You feel comfortable in his arms, resting your head on his broad shoulder and letting his low sultry voice lull you into a state of blissful drowsiness.
His long fingers are still sprawled over your waist, caressing you lightly through your thin nightdress.
You sigh and open your eyes to watch him. To bask in the beauty of his handsome face, the angular jawline, the high cheekbones. His sparkling jewel eyes focused on the page before him, his full lips moving so gracefully as he reads to you with that seductive voice that makes your heart flutter.
It doesn't take long for you to become bold and cup his beautiful cheek, distracting him from reading, and his pretty glittering gaze lands on you, raising an elegant eyebrow curiously.
His lips lift in a smile right before you cover them with yours.
The book falls from his hand, tumbling down and landing on the thick plush carpet with a soft thud.
But neither you nor Sukuna cares about that. Instead, his hand grabs the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair as his lips move against yours, mouth opening to deepen the kiss. You sigh softly when his tongue brushes against yours when he lets you explore his mouth, licking and kissing, groaning when the tip of your tongue comes in contact with the sharp point of one of his canines.
Your breath comes out in soft huffs when the lord's cold lips trail down your neck, teeth grazing over your sensitive skin, making your hips buck involuntarily when his mouth closes over your pulse point, and he starts sucking.
Your fingers find Sukuna's soft reddish-pink hair, running through it, marveling at the way it feels like silk. You cannot get enough of the tingling sensation of his lips on your skin. A gasp fills the dimly lit library when Lord Sukuna's mouth travels further down your neck, leaving soft kisses on your exposed shoulders.
You let your head fall back, giving him better access, leaning back in his strong arms that hold you so safely.
His mouth travels to the low neckline of your silky nightdress, making you shudder in anticipation when Sukuna's kisses caress the curves of your breasts.
You press your chest against his mouth, eager for more. The thought of his lips on your body sends a surge of longing through you. You want more of him, want to give yourself to him in any way he wants.
And then Sukuna pulls the neckline of your nightdress down, freeing your breasts, and making them spill out against his beautiful face.
You whimper needily when his soft lips close around one of your stiff peaks, kissing it lovingly and gently pulling it into his silky mouth. He is suckling on it and flicking his velvety tongue over it in tender caresses that make your whole body tremble with desire.
You never thought this was how it feels to be with a man. All those tales about how it is a disgusting thing that no woman enjoys and only has to do for her husband to please him made you believe it would be bad. But what Lord Sukuna is doing to your body feels so good. Better than anything you ever could imagine in your wildest dreams.
Heat is throbbing between your legs, and you spread them unconsciously, opening them only to feel a wetness between them that you have never felt there before. So slick and hot, throbbing with such intense craving, it makes you gasp and squirm against Lord Sukuna's muscular thigh.
He laughs softly, where his face is buried between your breasts, loving them with soft kisses and licks. And then he pulls away only to capture your lips with his a moment later, meeting you again in a deep passionate kiss.
You kiss him back feverishly, naked breasts pressing against his chest, moaning at the feeling of his silk vest brushing over your sensitive flesh.
One of Lord Sukuna's large, firm hands slips under your nightdress, caressing your knee and slowly traveling upwards. He is so cold, like marble. But his hand stays on your thigh long enough to warm up against your skin until it feels like a human hand should feel.
Your pulse is racing, your head spinning as you let yourself get lost in Sukuna's sweet passionate kiss and the feeling of his strong body against you. You can feel a hardness press against your thigh where you are sitting on his lap, making you feel dizzy with need at the thought of what that means. He is affected by this too. He desires you just as you desire him. It's exhilarating.
And then Sukuna's now warm hand slips further under your nightdress, long fingers caressing your inner thighs, making more wetness coat your womanhood as your thighs begin to tremble.
You gasp loudly when that strong but gentle hand finally reaches your hot wet cunt. 
Your initial reaction is shame. Not because you don't desire his touch but because you are ashamed of how wet you are down there.
You don't know much about the act of sexual intercourse. But what you know so far made you believe firmly that men don't want to touch women down there. That they only use your cunt to bring pleasure to themselves, to sink their manhood deep into it and take what they need.
You try to close your legs, pushing Lord Sukuna's hand away as your face feels hot with shame. 
Sukuna stops, his hand lingering gently between your thighs, fingertips only a breath away from your throbbing heat. You feel his lips on your neck again, showering it with more tender kisses, and then his low voice murmurs soothingly against your skin,
"Don't be shy, my love. Please let me touch you. I want to make you feel good, want to spoil you, my pretty little dove."
"B... but isn't this dirty? You don't have to do this..."
He laughs softly against your skin, the vibrations of his laughter sending shock waves through your body, making pleasure pool even more between your legs.
"I want to touch you, darling. It's the biggest blessing you could grant me to let me touch you like this. May I?"
And you let out a shaky breath and nod, whispering,
"Y...yes, please touch me."
A sob escapes your mouth when his fingers slip back between your thighs, brushing gently over your wet folds, and then your hips buck as those loving fingers rub over a very sensitive part.
He is tender as his fingers travel lovingly over your cunt, gently spreading your lips down there and gathering your creamy wetness on his long fingers, rubbing it all over your folds while soft moans fall from your lips.
His fingers find that place again that makes you cry out in pleasure. He caresses slow loving circles around your swollen nub, making you moan and spread your legs for him, abandoning all earlier shame.
Suddenly you are bold. You want to do more. You want him to do everything a husband is supposed to do to you on your wedding night. You want him to claim you, to make you his, and push his manhood deep into your waiting cunt. No one else but Lord Sukuna should be gifted with your virginity.
"Please take me, Sukuna. I want to be yours, all yours."
There's a fire in his eyes, and his voice sounds rough, full of need as he flicks his thumb over your nub again, making you moan his name as he answers you,
"Then I'll make you mine, sweetheart."
He lifts you as if you are a mere feather. Carrying you over to his large wooden desk and carefully sets you back on your feet, letting you lean against the desk, your back to him. You are breathing heavily, your body brimming with pleasure and nervousness.
Before your nerves get the better of you, Sukuna's strong hands grab the thin fabric of your night dress, his fingers twisting in it, and then he rips the dress off your body in one powerful motion.
The dress slips to the floor, leaving you completely naked in front of The Red Lord. You gulp hard, knowing that his hungry gaze must be traveling over your bare skin right now.
"You are so beautiful, my love. And all mine."
A gentle kiss is pressed to the back of your neck, making you shudder with need, and then you hear the rustling of clothes.
You can't stop yourself from looking over your shoulder, wanting to see him. He is already naked.
He looks like an angel, so glorious and breathtakingly beautiful. Firm defined muscles everywhere, strong arms, and a broad chest. And even down there, he is gorgeous. His cock is thick and long, already erect, resting heavily against the defined muscles of his abdomen.
A dazzling smile blooms on his handsome face when he catches you looking at him. And then he is with you again, stepping behind you, so close that his tall body brushes against your back.
You tremble lightly as his strong hands land on your hips, holding you as he begins to kiss your neck once again. You sigh, relaxing against him, feeling your cunt pulse with arousal, craving him so much that you fear you will pass out.
But Sukuna is there to take care of you, strong and firm behind you, one hand on your hip, the other cupping one of your breasts, massaging it gently, playing with your stiff nipple. And he presses his body against you, his thick cock pushing between your thighs.
He rubs his stiff hard length against you, letting it glide through your wet folds by rolling his hips in a tender slow rhythm. Letting you feel all of him, coating his long, girthy cock with your cream, making it slippery and warm the longer he stays between your legs. You cry out shakily when his gorgeous cock does what his fingers did earlier, massaging your swollen bud.
You are panting loudly by now, your body brimming with pleasure and your face feeling hot as you lean back against Lord Sukuna's broad chest and let him spoil you with his lips and his hands, and his cock.
You're trembling helplessly in his strong arms when the pleasure heightens, and suddenly you get drowned by it, crying out loudly as his cockhead kisses your swollen wet pearl in a way that makes pleasure explode in the little bud. You cling desperately to Sukuna's muscular arms as your body convulses and your cunt twitches and pulses hotly over his thick length.
You have never felt something like this before. It must be what the women in those steamy novels were experiencing with their lovers. And finally, you understand the fascination, the craving to want to feel this again and again.
Lord Sukuna's voice comes out in a low groan when he kisses your neck, and his strong hands caress your breasts with gentle touches. Allowing you to experience that high until the last wave ebbs off.
You turn around in his strong embrace, wrapping your arms around him and kissing him deeply, unashamed now that you feel this bliss. 
You press your naked body against him, whimpering with need when Lord Sukuna pushes your back against the desk, and then he lifts you with a fast, fluid motion, making you sit on the desk with your legs spread for him. You can feel your slick coating the wooden desk beneath you, spreading your heat and arousal over it. But you don't care.
Lord Sukuna's gorgeous cock is back between your folds, caressing you again down there, renewing your arousal. But this time, he leaves your bud after a few strokes and instead settles his thick cockhead at your wet entrance. You tremble for a moment in a mix of arousal and fear. Will it hurt when he takes you? He is so big. 
His cockhead is kissing your tight heat gently, stretching you open around his thick tip for the first time. Your first man, your first lover.
You gasp loudly when Sukuna pushes deeper into your virgin cunt, truly claiming you now. Taking your virginity with a gentle but powerful snap of his hips.
You hiss as a stinging pain makes your legs jerk, but Lord Sukuna stops immediately, long elegant fingers caressing your sides soothingly, and he murmurs against your neck,
"The pain will be over quickly, my love. I will be careful. I'll take good care of you, my sweet girl. You feel so good around me. So warm and wet."
His fingers grab your chin, tilt your face up to him, and he kisses you sweetly as his other hand wanders between your legs to caress those sweet slow circles around your nub again, making your cunt tighten around him as new pleasure surges through you. 
He rocks his hips again, pushing his thick girth into your slick cunt, and your initial pain lessens and gets replaced by a wonderful feeling of being full.
You wrap your arms around him, caressing his muscular back and lifting your hips to welcome him, to let him know you crave him, let him know that he can take you. And he does.
Sukuna groans loudly. His long eyelashes flutter prettily as he moves his hips, thrusting his manhood deep into you and finding a delicious pace that makes you gasp anytime he rams his thick girth back into you, filling you completely.
You discover there is a specific spot deep inside you that makes your body jerk and your hips stutter anytime Lord Sukuna's manhood kisses it. It only takes a short while until your nails dig into Sukuna's back, and you writhe in pleasure against him, feeling hot tears run down your cheeks as the bliss you feel gets more intense with every thrust of his gorgeous thick cock.
But you aren't the only one who gets increasingly lost in the pleasure your lovemaking causes. Loud moans fall from Sukuna's lips, whispered endearments and needy grunts, and then his teeth graze over your neck, and he growls. A sound that sends a shiver down your spine. But not in fear but in excitement.
You cling to him desperately, meeting his powerful deep thrusts, and you catch yourself whimpering,
"Please, take anything you need from me. I want to be yours."
Your mind is hazy with lust, but at the same time, you know full well what you are trying to say. What you are offering to him.
This man in your arms might not be human, and you are fine with it. You want him to show his true self. Need him to do it now that you are as close to him as you can be. Now that you are one with him, filled by his thick cock, your cunt twitching needily around him.
His low voice sounds strained, as if it takes all his strength to hold back.
"You don't know what you're asking for, sweetheart. I can't..."
"I know it, Sukuna. Please...just claim me in every way. I need you to..."
The rest of your words get drowned out by the feral-sounding growl coming from Sukuna. His hands tighten on your waist, and the next thing you know, a sharp pain explodes on your neck.
He did it! He really bit you!
His sharp canines are buried in your neck, drawing blood.
You cry out, but at the same time, intense pleasure washes over you, making your body jerk and your cunt clench needily around Sukuna's manhood.
The pain is gone in a second. Instead, pleasure engulfs you.
You whimper needily, feeling your lover's fangs buried in your flesh. He is sucking at the wound, making your blood spill out, which he drinks hungrily.
You gasp his name, full of longing, and feel something warm trickle down your chest and between your breasts which bounce with every powerful snap of Sukuna's hips.
His mouth leaves your neck to follow that warmth. You realize it is a small rivulet of blood that Sukuna licks up thoroughly, red eyes burning into yours as he looks up at you, tongue flicking over your breasts, licking them clean, moaning at the taste of your life essence in his mouth.
"So sweet, my love. You taste so sweet."
He takes you with even more vigor now, hard deep thrusts that make both of you gasp and moan loudly. A frantic mating, like two animals in heat.
You cry his name when the pressure in your core snaps, and you feel this heavenly bliss wash over you again. The only thing you can do is cling to Sukuna's tall, muscular body sobbing from pleasure while you are coming undone on his gorgeous cock.
His thrusts become faster and harder, making you gasp loudly at the sheer strength he possesses. And then his gorgeous eyes fall shut, and his lips open in a low moan, showing his teeth with the canines that are much longer than usual, looking like a feral beast's fangs, long and sharp with some blood still sticking to them.
You cannot stop looking at him. Sukuna is always stunning, of course, but especially now, at the peak of his pleasure. When his cock is buried to the hilt in your wet cunt as he cums deep inside you. Pulsing his seed into you while your blood is still on his teeth.
You are truly his in every way now.
You are breathing heavily when Sukuna's gaze meets yours, and he captures your lips in a tender kiss before pulling away.
You can't help but look down between your legs, watching in curious fascination as Sukuna pulls out of you. His long thick cock slowly slips out of your stretched cunt, glistening with wetness, coated in your creamy arousal and the evidence of your virginity that he took tonight. Traces of blood paint a filigree pattern on his gorgeous length.
Sukuna moans loudly at the sight, a sound that sends more arousal through you. You want to slip down from the desk, but Sukuna stops you with his hands on your hips. He shakes his head, and before you can ask what he wants, he already sinks to his knees between your legs, strong hands pushing your thighs further apart, exposing all of you to him. His beautiful face disappears between your thighs.
His mouth is soft and tender on your leaking wet heat. He licks and kisses it so gently and lovingly that it makes you cry as your fingers run through his silky hair, lost in the pleasure he gives you.
Sukuna is moaning against your heat as if it brings him just as much joy as it brings you. It's only then that you realize what he is doing. Licking all your virgin blood out of you, tasting the sweetest treat you could offer him.
He kisses a third high out of you, making you whimper weakly as your body shudders and your hips buck as your desire peaks and your cunt twitches against his beautiful face and soft mouth. And Sukuna drinks your pleasure eagerly. Licks your essence out of you as if it is his favorite food.
When he pulls away, you see a faint red stain on his lips. But Sukuna's tongue darts out immediately to lick it up, and his eyes close in pleasure when he gets more of your taste.
As grotesque as it looks, it somehow sends a spark of pride through you. This gorgeous man claimed you in every way. He took your virginity and drank your blood. He made you his like no other man ever could.
A decent maiden shouldn't find this appealing. But you are far from decent nowadays and also not a maiden anymore. The proof of it is still lingering there on Lord Sukuna's tongue.
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You don't need to find books about the topic of vampires anymore. You are pretty sure now. All the evidence leads to one assumption: The lord of this castle, the man who kissed you, caressed you and made you his, is a vampire.
And yet you don't leave. You don't even consider it. Because as strange as it may sound, you are happy here in this castle and with The Red Lord.
With Sukuna. Your lover.
He is sweet. He is alluring. He makes you crave him every day. Crave his kiss and his touch and the comfort of his strength and protectiveness.
Love was something you never thought would be possible in your life. A life that had been planned by other people.
Your chaperone had advised you to stop daydreaming about foolish notions like romance. She told you love is something for books or theater plays, but it has no place in everyday life. A woman is supposed to marry a man who her family sees as beneficial, not someone she picks herself and who she loves. She had constantly lectured you that marriage wasn't about love. It was about obedience, learning how to serve your husband, and make his life more comfortable. The sooner you understood this, the sooner you'd be happy.
But that thought never made you happy. The opposite was the case. It made you despair.
But now you feel your chest fill with warmth anytime you think about Sukuna. Your heart beats faster when he is near you. You feel happiness fill you when he smiles at you.
Lord Sukuna is different from how everyone told you a man would be.
He is gentle and respectful. A passionate lover in the bedroom who always makes sure that you find completion and enjoy what he is doing to you. Oh, and how you enjoy it. His kisses and touches are addictive, making you tumble into a hazy blissfulness that sends your head spinning.
But it's not just that carnal aspect that draws you so much to Sukuna. It's the way he treats you in every other aspect too. The respectfulness, the care, the humor. It's the shared interests the two of you have. It's the tenderness that this powerful man allows you to see.
He asks you to keep him company in his library. Invites you to read to him, and in turn, he reads to you. He recites love poems and dark gothic tales in his velvety low voice while his strong arms wrap around you in a loving embrace.
He lets you help him pick new roses for his garden, names them after you, and watches you with pride in those beautiful glittering jewel eyes when you tell him you want to water them yourself from now on.
He plays the piano for you, making tears well up in your eyes at how beautiful and delicate the sounds of his music are. How tragic and heart-wrenching those songs sound. The melodies carry a tale of centuries of loneliness to your ears.
When you ask him with a choked-up voice who composed those pieces since you have never heard them before, he smiles and tells you he is the one who did.
"I had a lot of time to do those things, my angel. But I didn't make music for a long time since it didn't bring me joy to perform for an empty room. I'm truly blessed I can play for you now, darling."
He visits you in your room almost every night. Comes to your bed and wraps you in his strong embrace. His body is so solid and heavy on top of you, but his touch is loving and tender, and he always takes the utmost care of you. He makes love to your whole body, kisses you, and caresses you in all the right places, sets your senses on fire as you gasp his name and come undone on his gorgeous manhood over and over again.
He feels cold to the touch, but his skin grows warmer when he lies with you. That may be why he likes to stay for hours in your bed. And after a few weeks, he doesn't bother getting up again but stays the whole night, wrapping his tall, muscular body around you and holding you to his firm chest.
You have never slept that peacefully before.
You have long accepted that your lover must be a vampire. And yet, Sukuna never admits it. He apologized to you after that passionate night in the library. Apologized for losing control and biting you. Claimed that it was a stupid accident and he never meant to actually drink your blood.
"I am deeply sorry, my love. It was in the heat of pleasure, and I wanted to claim you as mine, give you a little bite mark. But I misjudged my strength. It won't happen again."
You try to reassure him, try to make him see that it is fine. But Sukuna changes the topic anytime you try to confront him. He smiles his most charming smile and ignores your attempts to discuss the matter, distracting you with a new book or a new idea for the rose garden, or, if nothing else works, he just kisses you until you shut up.
You try to come to terms with the fact that you might never be able to get him to confess the truth. But it bugs you. You stare at the beautiful man in your arms, wanting to know everything about him and wanting him to see that you love him the way he is and that he doesn't have to hide from you. 
But how can you achieve that?
And then fate offers you a chance you didn't expect. One of your excursions through the castle leads you to a dusty room in the highest tower, and you stumble upon an old battered box that contains things from a former inhabitant, apparently. Some necklaces and old letters, lacey handkerchiefs, and a pearl ring. But you only have eyes for one thing:
A golden hand mirror.
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Your heart is hammering in your chest when you hear the door of your bedroom open and the soft footsteps of the man you love as he makes his way over to where you are sitting with your back to him at your desk.
With shaky hands, you lift the small hand mirror and angle it in a way that lets you see yourself and the room behind you.
Your breath catches in your throat. You see your own face very clearly, but where the reflection of Sukuna should be is nothing.
You turn around in your chair, staring at him with wide eyes. His gaze meets yours. A shadow flickers over his beautiful face, and there is a deep sadness in his gorgeous red jewel eyes.
"So you found out after all."
He sounds defeated. His usually so sultry voice is full of regret as he continues softly,
"You can leave anytime you want, my love. I will arrange everything for safe travel and ensure you find a good place to live and never have to worry about money."
You blink at him, tears gathering in your eyes. It breaks your heart to see him like this, to see the sadness in his eyes.
You drop the mirror, and before Sukuna can utter another word, you get up from your desk so fast that you knock your chair over and send the mirror flying.
But you don't care about the chair or the mirror. You fling yourself at Sukuna. Wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly, pressing your body against his and burying your face in his firm chest as you cling tightly to him.
"No! I don't want to go! I want to stay with you!"
You lift your head to look at him, seeing the surprise flash over his flawless features, the way his pretty eyes widen, and he blinks as if he can't understand what is happening. A tentative cold hand cups the back of your head and gently pets your hair.
"But... aren't you scared of me now, darling?"
He says it as if he can't believe you are still here. That he can't believe you are touching him, holding him, when he expected you to scream and run.
You smile softly at him and shake your head.
"No, I am not scared. What difference does it make what you are, Sukuna? That was what I was trying to make you see. That's why I was so adamant about finding out the truth. I know many people call your kind monsters, but I haven't encountered a single monster since I came to this castle. I only met a very kind man who took me in when I was injured and who took care of me and protected me from the people who wanted to bring harm to me. You aren't a monster to me, Sukuna. The only monsters I have met so far have all been human."
The sadness in his eyes gets replaced by a tenderness that makes your heart clench. Lord Sukuna's hand tightens in your hair, bringing you closer to him. He leans down to press a gentle kiss on your forehead.
His low velvety voice is full of wonder when he says,
"You never cease to amaze me, my love."
You laugh softly as you tighten your arms around him, feeling relief wash over you.
"I love you, Sukuna. Can I please stay with you?"
You can see the warmth in his eyes and the wonderous joy on his handsome features as he smiles at you and laughs softly.
"Of course, you can stay. I will be delighted if you stay forever. I love you too, darling."
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The months pass, but here in the castle, time doesn't seem to exist. Not when every day spent with Sukuna is so full of joy. And now that he doesn't have to hide his true self anymore, you are blessed with learning about the life of an immortal.
You love the long evenings you and Sukuna spend cuddling together on the large red settee in the library, naked under a warm blanket, letting your hands and lips explore Sukuna's gorgeous body while he tells you tales about his life. About all the different cultures and traditions he encountered in all the centuries he spent on this earth.
There is no heartbeat thrumming under your palms when you press them against your lover's chiseled chest. There is no pulse when you brush heated kisses over his neck. But there is so much warmth inside you when you are this close to him. And a matching warmth is in his gorgeous eyes when he cups your face and smiles at you.
"One day, I will show you all of this. We can go anywhere you like, my love. People get suspicious if I stay in one place too long. So we will have to keep moving. But you can pick our next destination."
You smile at the implications of Sukuna's words. 
Three days ago, he got on one knee in front of you in the middle of the rose garden, holding out a beautiful gold ring with a ruby as red as his eyes in its center. Now that ring sparkles on your finger.
It's a promise. A promise that you will be Sukuna's companion through countless lifetimes. His beloved bride, who he will turn into one of his kind so the two of you can be together for eternity.
Lovers until the end of time itself.
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Thank you so much for reading part two of my Sukuna vampire story! I am happy but, at the same time, a bit sad to leave Lord Sukuna and his gothic castle behind now. It was so comforting to disappear into this world. I hope this story could offer you comfort too!
Thank you so much for all the love I received for this short series! It means a lot to me to see that you enjoyed it! Please let me know what you think about the second part. Comments and reblogs make me happy!
The book Sukuna reads to Reader in his library is "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, a new novel that had just been released, and of course, Sukuna had to get his hands on it to check how Mr. Stoker portrayed someone of Sukuna's kind :) 
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sprinklepartyfall · 3 months
So, in light of this, and finding out Bloodmoon died apparently, the brainrot began, enjoy.
@o-i-w-u pspspspsps-
The trick board.
(Spirit/Monster?) Bloodmoon twins x Reader
[Insignificant Warnings: This is medium-long in length, I did not proofread this, it basically gets cut off as a cliffhanger at the end.]
In a far off timeline, the world was shattered. Chaos from the breakdown of the leaders and the cowardly actions of the followers. Luckily, you never liked people, so you were already pretty skilled at avoiding them, yay anti-social behavior-!
As a lone survivor, you learned pretty fast that most easy things were probably a trap made by other survivors. You had been currently walking around a store, sneaking around the people already there to grab supplies and go. That was before you heard them... talking to themselves? To air maybe?
Once you got a closer look, it seemed they'd been trying to use an ouija board... how someone could find one was a mystery, and why they would keep it was beyond you. But it was funny that they tried, and quite clearly failed to talk to whatever ghost or demon they were trying to find.
You stuck around, mostly since they were arguing and, well, it was over something stupid and you needed entertainment. That was when you got one idea, it only seemed to be three people... so you stole the ouija board while they were distracted, causing quite the fright when they noticed. Chaos was one thing that would never leave the broken world you lived in, and that was somehow a small comfort for you.
You'd left the building, walking through the shadows with your newly acquired item as the yelling of panic fades behind you. Was it mean? Yes. But was it funny? Hell yeah. The board, along with its little planchette, was under your arm.
You walked to an abandoned park nearby, climbing up a tree burgrudgingly so you wouldn't be spotted, and set the board down. You didn't expect it to work, so you didn't bother trying, unlike the probable ghost that made it quite clear it wanted to talk. You nearly fell out of the tree when you saw it start moving, firstly because that was definitely not just the wind, and Secondly because that's not how it worked...
The piece went to the 'hello' area showing this was happening whether you wanted it to or not, you did not get a say in this. But of course, after a couple minutes of stunned silence, the spirit spoke again; 'R-E-S-P-O-N-D–T-O–U-S' that wasn't comforting, that wasn't comforting at all, there were MULTIPLE.
"...Hi..." You mumbled out warily, panicking a lot more internally than externally. 'H-E-L-L-O' The spirit spelled out, even though there was a spot that already said hello- 'Y-O-U–L-I-V-E' The spirit pointed out, making you tense even more, maybe you were just insane? That would probably be... worse actually... "I am." You responded hesitantly, glancing around to make sure you weren't about to die some cruel death.
'W-H-Y–T-E-N-S-E' oh gee, you wonder why, it totally isn't the fact you're probably haunted or cursed now. "No reason." You stated simply, because you aren't going to be a jerk, that would be rude. "Who are you?" Your tone was polite although with a hint of anxiety, which was probably not fine. Most people would run from this... in fact, you would have been too, if it weren't for the fact you were in a tree, and would probably just lay there in defeat if you fell.
'B-L-O-O-D-M-O-O-N' You had to pause at that name, it wasn't common at all and definitely didn't scream "I'm friendly!" But you were probably stuck with it in some way now. "...nice to meet you." You responded politely, how else were you supposed to react to this? You were an anxious introvert and this was a potentially bloodthirsty ghost, not a great combination.
'Y-O-U–S-M-A-L-L' they pointed out, in which you weren't actually THAT small... so how tall was this ghost?? Apparently, much taller than you. "Okay... why are you... talking to me?" You asked, ignoring the strange spirits words. 'Y-O-U–L-O-O-K–F-R-A-G-I-L-E' the spirit responded, a sudden chill running down your spine as it spoke. "...is that a good thing to you?" You responded sheepishly, tilting your head slightly as you spoke. Instead of an answer, however, the planchette was thrown at your head, hitting the tree behind you. A few small bits of bark fell from the trees trunk, and you felt so thankful that you tilted your head out of its way.
"Nope, nope, nope, nope-" You started repeating as you moved to get up, you were ready to climb down and run now, but that was before you were grabbed by something... maybe someone.
You yelped, yet it was muffled by a cold hand over your mouth, another wrapped around your waist as you were pulled into the tree. Your eyes wideneding before shutting completely, a dizzy feeling overwhelming your senses as you were taken away.
Once you had regained your senses, finally opening your eyes, you were met with a void and... a face strangely close to you. You flinched back, now noticing the feeling of someone holding you from behind as they had chuckled at your feared reaction. "Other, they are finally awake." The one in your face stated with a grin.
It seemed like it was themed after the moon, yet showed no sign of silver aside from the silver star on its chest... it had various shades of red adoring its large form. It was a good four, maybe five feet taller than you and god was it intimidating. It looked like some sort of beast, claws, sharp teeth bared in that eerie grin it showed you. It looked... scaly in a way, its skin looked rough with the fading scars along its chest, arms, and left hip. It wore some sort of navy blue robe of sorts, yet it didn't cover much of its appearance like most would, more so just... kept it warm, maybe?
"Indeed other! It seems they survived!" The one that held you, or 'other'? Spoke, its excitement clear. its appearance quiet similar to the other creatures, the only differences being its star was gold, it had less scars, and it felt a bit fuzzy...
"They seem confused." 'Brother' spoke, its voice holding clear amusement as it held your chin up. "Yes, but I like them like this." 'Other' stated mischievously, squeezing your form in its grip, earning a slight squeak from you. "W-where am I‽" you blurted out, finally choking out the words stuck in your throat.
"In a void." 'Brother' stated bluntly, its grin widening slyly as it looked you up and down. "But- no- why-" You stammered, trying to lean away from both of them, but you couldn't move much... you were trapped with them. "Relax, little human! We won't hurt you, much~" 'Other' teased, pressing you further into it with a smug expression. "I-I can't stay here! I need to go back!" You exclaimed, trying desperately to reason with them, but it only earned chuckles of amusement. "No, no. You can' leave..." 'Brother' trailed off, both their grips on you tightening possessively...
"You're ours now, human."
[Oh my god, I contemplated giving up like three times while writing this. This is what happens when I get a prompt and make it up as I go. My notes app says this is like nine pages long too.]
14 notes · View notes
evereinefaust · 6 months
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝟐 *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
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Today's one of the many days that the two planned on spending alone time together. It was already after school — the bright sun was slowly descending down the horizon, and splashes of yellow and orange painted the evening sky. The colors of which Nagito was reminded of autumn, and of course, the feeling of warmth.
The male sauntered over the central plaza where the biggest fountain was located, the place where he and his little talentless friend would hang out. The soles of his school shoes clanked against the stone pathway, providing him with some sort of sound in this silent area. Once he saw the mop of [h/c] sitting on the bench, a smile made its way onto his face, walking faster to meet the girl.
"Did you wait long for me, [Name]-chan?" Nagito asked, sending her a sheepish grin as he sat right next to her.
"No, I just got here," she answered, reciprocating the smile with her own gentle one.
"I could get used to her smiles..."
The [h/c]ette began their conversation after, telling the white-haired boy everything that happened on that day. Nagito listened attentively, nodding and humming occasionally to let her know that he was listening to what she had to offer. The girl's face was bright — her [e/c] orbs were sparkling with much life and euphoria and a permanent smile was etched on her lips. Their days would always consist of this: it's either one of them would initiate a full conversation while the other just listens and occasionally provides responses.
Not a few moments later, Nagito's mind wandered and he unintentionally zoned out what his female companion was telling him. His dull-colored orbs stared blankly at the fountain in the middle of the plaza, watching its crystal waters spew out into the basin below. He squinted his eyes and let out a muted sigh.
"I wonder how [Name]-chan would react if I tell her about my illness? Does she still want to stay and hang out around some nobody like me, or will she finally decide to leave me? I guess the latter would be likely. After all, it would be unfair to her to know that I would die soon and she would ultimately grow too attached to me. Ah... how unlucky she would be if that were to happen. And it's all my fault."
His gaze dropped, feeling his heart starting to throb erratically against his chest as he clenched it. The boy knew this feeling, yet it seemed unfamiliar to him at the same time. The only time he would feel his heart race was when anticipating greatly about what his luck would cause him — either something good or bad. And for his entire years of existence, the silverette started to attribute the feeling to his luck and hope. But never once he would experience this new sensation and attribute it to something else.
Once again, his mind wanders to the lonely and sleepless nights he had prior. The scenes of what his luck would cost him — his family and other innocent people — haunt him to this very day. However, it's not like Nagito had control over it; no, he was powerless against his own talent. That's why all he could do was to cope with the misfortune it brings as a way to stay sane and in control. However, in the process, he started to lose his sense of reality and also his humanity.
"Ah... this feeling... It's so new to me that I'm afraid it's caused by my luck. And yet, I don't want this feeling to vanish. I was fine with dying while I was still healthy, but it's quite lonely to die alone... Now that I'm on the verge of death, I've finally realized what I wanted all along: somebody's love."
For a brief moment, Nagito turned his gaze to his companion who he'd noticed stopped talking. A light breeze passed by, making her [h/l] [h/c] hair gently sway in its direction. Her small hand tucked a stray strand behind her ear, revealing her [s/c] complexion and those alluring [e/c] orbs admiring the garden. A satisfied smile graced her lips, her eyes softening a bit as she continued her observation.
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Nagito, as well, couldn't help but contain a smile upon seeing how dazzling this particular girl could be. She wasn't any special of sorts — no ultimate talent that separates her from the rest of the people in the world. Yet, despite that, the male was still attracted to her.
"Should I tell her about her appearance? Ah... but I may end up saying something stupid instead. Though, she truly is bright; like there's this hope hidden within her. Hope... I want to see this hope that resides in her."
Ever since he decided to go to the reserve course side of the academy, ever since meeting her on that day, Nagito noticed a slight change in his dull life. Is this caused by his good luck? That, he doesn't fully understand yet. Because if it truly is, then...what could the bad luck that precedes this would be? But never once did the thought ever cross his mind; it was like whenever he was with her, he could forget about everything else. 
"Maybe it might not be that bad...to finally live my life to the fullest without being afraid of the consequences of my luck."
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"Ever since I was a child, I've been cursed to live this cycle of good and bad luck. Major events occurred that shaped my life right now... All of those were just a pattern to my luck. It's just like a rollercoaster. At first, I was definitely scared of all the bad things that happened to me, and was genuinely happy about all the good ones. But as time goes on, it just becomes boring already knowing what would possibly come next. But with her around, everything seems to just fade away like it doesn't even matter."
A sigh escaped Nagito's lips, turning his attention on a certain [h/c]-haired student walking in front of him. Her [h/l] tresses swayed with each slow step she took against the pavement, hands linked behind her back as her head turned side to side to admire the flowers lining up the pathway.
It was one of those days when the two would be allowed to explore more of Hope's Peak, visiting some available places such as the botanical garden. Although the garden was technically a part of the eastside quarter that housed the Main Course building and its research facilities for the students, Nagito would try to sneak this curious girl in. Besides, it's not like anyone could stop him from doing just that.
"Their words and actions... although at first, I didn't quite understand why they were like that towards me. But now, I realize it. Was it selfish of me if I wished to experience that same kindness and understanding coming from [Name]-chan?"
"Ah! So there's also [fav/flower] here? Wow, I didn't expect that! I thought that only a select species of plants were grown here. Ah, but then yet again, it's the botanical garden of Hope's Peak; of course, the Ultimate Botanist or Ultimate Gardener would be honing their skills here," the girl declared, stopping by the patch of the said flowers and bent down to examine the beauty of it. Her expression softened.
"So you like [fav/flower], huh?" the girl nodded, regarding him with her famous smile which made his heart skip a beat. Chuckling to himself, he felt his cheeks burn up. "I admit, they look good on you."
"Huh? O-oh... Thank you, Nagito-senpai," a blush spread across her face, smiling cheekily at his compliment.
"It's really weird how a talentless, simple girl like her brings change inside of me. I... didn't expect that you were the one to let me see things in a new light. Ah, then yet again — you are the only person who is not an ultimate who I interact with this longest." 
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Inhaling the sweet scent of the garden, Nagito then closed his eyes. At the moment, the male felt like he was consumed by a dream — a dream so wonderful that he didn't want to wake up. He could see splashes of different pale yet warm colors — yellow, orange, pink, blue, green, red, and violet — all of which combined to make a stunning canvas in his mind. The image he could see was void of any geometric shapes, just a random assortment of colors in the palette. Nevertheless, it didn't make it any less beautiful in his eyes.
"Ah... Then yet again, dreams are nice too. And unlike reality, anything could happen in a dream. Maybe this feeling that I'm feeling, this scenario that I was experiencing, was all just something that materialized in a dream due to my desires. Of course, for some trash like me, nothing like that would happen to me. As long as I live, it will continue." 
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"Ah...that voice. A voice filled with sweet, sweet hope. It fills me so much with bliss that I'm so happy to hear it again and again."
Heeding her call, the silverette slowly opened his lids. Grayish-green eyes were met with [e/c] ones. He saw her staring back at him, a slight crease in between her eyebrows with her head tilted to the side as she regarded him with a confused expression.
"Are you alright? You seemed to be in a trance," she asked, frowning with concern. 
Nagito could only chuckle in response to that, genuinely happy that she cared for someone like him. "I'm happy that you deeply care for a lowly bug like me. Though, don't worry; I was just thinking." 
"Oh, what are you thinking about then, senpai?" 
"You," he grinned at her. 
The girl's face bloomed a thousand shades of red due to his straightforward answer. She didn't expect him to respond like that. At all. She shyly hid her face from his gaze on her while the silverette only let the smile decorate his face still. Though, surprisingly, Nagito's face was also smeared with the pink hue. 
"H-how about we go back, senpai? Lunchtime is nearly over and I don't want to cause you any trouble if I'm caught here," [Name] said, grabbing the boy's sleeves and pulling him out of the garden. 
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Days flew by whenever the two would bond together, and it's only been recently that Nagito realized how much time has passed. Yet again, it's already been another month that passed by. The heavens were littered with droplets of white flurry, enveloping the entire land with snow. Winter had already started, and here the frost-haired boy was, standing near the bench that he and a particular reserve course student would hang out in, only this time, he didn't approach the lone girl sitting by herself.
His dull-colored hues immediately took notice of her melancholic expression — her once bright [e/c] orbs were glossed with waterworks, a stream of salty tears cascading down her soft [s/c] cheeks. He could hear her sniffs and hiccups even from where he was, and every time it entered his ears, his heart would churn in pain. 
Nagito didn't understand why he was debating whether or not to approach her, after all, they were already that close. But the boy never realized how crucial this moment could be — this moment in which he had first seen the girl without those bright smiles on her lips. And although he hadn't completely decided on what to do, his legs moved forward on their own. 
"Hey, [Name]-chan!" he greeted with his usual closed-eye carefree smile and a small wave.
"H-huh?! O-oh... It's just you Nagito-senpai," her eyes widened in surprise upon seeing this particular silverette. She then wiped her tears away though remained silent. 
"H-huh...? Why did I...?" 
Nagito blinked in confusion at his own action. He, too, was surprised about what he did. He sweat-dropped at that, though seeing that he was already in this situation, he concluded that it was better to just go on with it. He wordlessly took the seat next to her, the soft snow melting against his warmth. He regarded her with a scrutinized gaze, his earlier jovial expression contorted into those of concern.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" 
She meekly and slyly glanced at him briefly, before sniffling and exhaling a shaky breath. The air around her mouth vaporized into a mist, her shoulders slumping in the process. Mustering up her courage, she began admitting her concerns to this male. It's not like there's anything wrong that could happen, right?
"It's just that... I was having trouble here..." she admitted, a crimson hue dusting her cheeks.
"Oh... Why's that?" the male prodded.
"Well...despite all the good times that I had here, I find it hard to fit in; it's like I don't belong here," she continued, now fiddling with her gloves with her head hung low.
"But you're a student of Hope's Peak, you technically belonged here," Nagito bluntly stated, completely unaware of her words.
The girl only shook her head sadly. "I didn't mean it like that, senpai..."
"Oh, I'm sorry," the frost-haired boy chuckled at his blunder. "What do you mean by that, then?"
"It is true that physically, I am a part of Hope's Peak. But, as a student in the reserve course, I don't feel emotionally connected with them," she softly expressed, raising her head as she stared at the snowflakes fluttering down from the skies.
By now, the Ultimate Lucky Student was genuinely confused by what she was saying. However, knowing the boy, he isn't really the type to be able to read between the lines or read the mood around him. Yet, despite that, Nagito pursed his lips in deep thought, trying to find a way to make the girl feel better. Even if it's just a little bit.
"I don't understand... But you're friends with Hinata-kun and the others, right?"
She chuckled at that. "Yes, I'm friends with Hajime, Sato-san, Nanami-san, and the others. But honestly, I don't know why I feel like they weren't enough. Am I being pathetic? Wishing to find someone else even though I've been surrounded by wonderful people like them?"
"No, you aren't pathetic [Name]-chan. To me, you're amazing — the one who gave me hope." 
"My classmates, they... for the past months, I noticed that I'm becoming more and more of an outcast in class. In the beginning, it was fine, even though I never really got close to some of them. But as time passed, it felt like there was a growing rift between us — they actively avoided me, sending me dirty stares, and whispering against my back. It may be my imagination but I swear that I heard some of them badmouthing me for being close to Nanami-san and Sato-san, saying that I'm trying to get close to them just so that I can take advantage of their kindness. It...hurts..."
"I see..." he nodded. "Though it can't be helped. There certainly is a barrier between the ultimate and the talentless. And born from that division was the envy and jealousy that a person has hidden within. Some day at some point, it would undoubtedly spring out."
[E/c] eyes were wide as saucers at his words. Her expression...was something that Nagito could visibly see but couldn't understand why she was making that. Hurt and pain reflected in her glassy pools, staring at him with her eyebrows knitted together. Her mouth was parted ajar, may it be from disbelief, he doesn't know. Upon seeing her react like that, he felt his heart pound strongly against his chest, as if criticizing him for his behavior. After a few more moments, she returned her gaze to the frozen fountain.
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What happened after completely surprised the ultimate student. There, beside him, the girl he's a friend with was hunched over and now a sobbing mess. She had her gloved hands covering her entire face, the sounds of her loud wails were muffled. Her whole body was trembling greatly, often rising in every sharp inhale she would take. This is the first time Nagito had encountered this kind of situation. And unfortunately, he didn't know what to do.
The boy sweat-dropped, pursing his bottom lips once again as his eyes could only stare at her fragile and petite form. A crease was visible on his forehead, indicating his concern and conflict. He felt bad for being insensitive to her feelings despite her opening up her trouble to him. He knows that he has to do something, yet, because of his incompetence, he doesn't know what the proper procedure is. In the end, he could only blame himself for this outcome. 
"Ah, I'm terribly sorry, [Name]-chan. Because of a scum like me, I instead hurt you more."
"N-now, now, [Name]-chan," he started, scooting closer to her trembling form as he rubbed circles on her back as a way to comfort her. Noticing that she hasn't calmed down, he nervously sweat-dropped. "H-hey... How about I tell you a joke? Ah! How about this one? Why did the scarecrow get promoted? Because he was outstanding in his field."
An awkward silence ensued moments after he said his awful joke. And add to his problem, it didn't make any difference to the girl's situation. Here they are still: him rubbing her back repeatedly while she continued her breakdown. Her soft sniffles and hiccups were the thing he could hear in the vicinity, the sounds seemed to mock him for his failure to comfort his precious friend.
"Maybe it was a bad idea to approach her, after all. Not only do I make her cry but I also cannot fix my mistake and comfort her. Furthermore, for [Name]-chan to experience bullying in this school... Maybe it's my fault that this is happening to her... My bad luck has done this to her."
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After the whole ordeal that happened yesterday with [Name], Nagito once again walked the path towards the central plaza. However, this time, he doesn't plan on visiting his little reserve course friend. After all, if those bad things happened to her due to his bad luck affecting her as well, then maybe it's time that he should watch his distance from her. And that, he convinced himself to do. Yet, why did he find himself staring at the same girl that he vowed to stay away from?
Grayish-green eyes watched as the [h/c]ette conversed with the brown-haired male, her face a complete contrast to what he had seen the day before. Her bright smile which sparked hope inside him, was now given to her friend. He witnessed Hajime patting the girl's head affectionately, saying something to her that made her blush and eventually shy away. Hajime laughed, poking her cheeks repeatedly as the girl huffed in annoyance at his gesture and childishly pouted at him.
"I shouldn't continue watching them like this. [Name]-chan is better off with Hinata-kun and not someone like me. After all, he is her close friend and he knows her better than me. Surely, he could comfort her better than I could ever do."
Gazing at them for the last time, he then saw familiar faces approaching the two: Kokichi Ouma, Byakuya Togami, Chiaki Nanami, and Shiro Sato. Shiro casually strolled towards them, giving them a gentle wave with the purple-haired skipping beside the Ultimate Song Writer. Byakuya had his arms crossed as he walked on the ravenette's other side. Meanwhile, Chiaki held a controller in her hand as she smiled gently at the flustered reserve course female.
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Nagito let out a sad sigh, deciding to finally leave them alone. Hands in his pockets, he turned his heels and ambled away from the area. His gaze blankly trailed at the heavens, watching as the snowfall stopped. The breeze picked up moments later, making his fluffy silvery lock flutter away in its direction and his body shivering a bit from the cold. His mind began to drift away once again. However, every thought that he could think of was all from the girl.
"It's better if she's with them rather than with me. I don't know why you decided to stop and give attention to a lowly piece of trash like myself. And to think that I got ahead of myself and even dropped my guard."
"Huh?" he uttered, surprise evident on his face as he spun around to be met with the same girl he had thought of moments prior.
"I'm glad I found you, senpai!" she declared, stopping just a foot away and placing her hand on her knees. He could hear her heavy breathing as if she had run a mile to catch up to him. After she regained her breath, she stood straight and extended her arms towards him, a red hue smeared across her cheeks and a large grin on her lips. "Here! These are for you, Nagito-senpai!"
"Huh...? What is this for?" he questioned, baffled by the gifts presented to him.
His incredulous gaze examined the items in the student's hand — a uniquely designed journal with a small sachet of potpourri perched on top of it. He could smell a mix of familiar scents: roses, lavender, rosemary, lemon; and other more he couldn't identify.
[Name] giggled, urging him to accept the gifts. "These are gifts for you, silly!" 
"Is it...really okay to accept this...?" he questioned further, still reluctant and in denial of any of these happening in reality. 
"Of course, senpai," she answered, voice as soft as ever. She moved forward and took his hand, dropping the items in his open palm. "I made these as a thank you for yesterday. Thank you, senpai, for being with me that time and listening to my worries. Thank you for trying to comfort me even though I broke down without warnings. Even though it seems to be not much, your gesture truly meant a lot to me." 
"No...I haven't done anything to receive your thanks. But...for someone like me to be useful to you, and to even receive your words of gratitude...makes me happy."
Nagito's face was undoubtedly filled with pure bliss at that simple yet profound gesture. His heart started to race inside his chest, butterflies fluttering in his stomach, and his pale cheeks warmed up a pink hue. He remembered the wish he had made months before — the wish that said he wanted to experience the same kindness Chiaki and Chisa showed him from [Name]. And now that was fulfilled today, he was truly grateful to have met this girl. 
"Hmhmhm... Just thinking about the bad luck that's waiting for me is making me feel all tingly...!"
The confusion was written all over [Name]'s face at his comment. Truly, it was his quirk to make statements like that, though the young female is still not used to hearing him say that. Though seeing how soft his gaze was on her gift, she closed her eyes, linking her arms behind her back while letting out a wholehearted laugh. The sound of her dainty laughter filled Nagito with a fuzzy feeling.
"This feeling is really nice..."
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A young child of just 10 stared at the body of his pet dog, its corpse lying quietly on the side of the pavement. His greenish-gray eyes bore holes into its flattened form, a pool of dark red blood surrounding it. Inching his gaze to the dog's surroundings, he could see the bloody tire trails leading away from the canine. There was no one else in the area; not even a single soul.
His face was devoid of any known emotion — his pale facade was just a blank slate. He felt his heart churning in excruciating pain at the horrendous sight and the trauma. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to cry nor shed a single tear for his beloved pet.
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Nagito once again stood there. His widened eyes could only stare at the countless dead bodies littering the airplane. His parents' body was lifelessly laid a few meters away from him, blood pooled around their lifeless forms. A meteorite had gone and crashed the boarded aircraft, forming a split in the carrier and the passengers by the business class sections were dead, all except for this particular child.
He could hear the panicked screams outside, but he didn't mind all of them. All he could feel at the moment was despair upon seeing his parents being killed in front of him.
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A certain white-haired boy walked out of his middle school, minding his own business as he began to travel all the way home. Upon entering the busy parts of the city and maneuvering through the countless alleyways, a mysterious person took hold of him — covering his nose and mouth with a handkerchief and detaining his arms. Soon after, the boy was drugged to sleep.
After what seemed to be hours, the white-haired boy woke up, seeing nothing but darkness and hearing distant voices from where he was. He tried to move around, only to realize that he had been tied up and stuffed into a garbage bag. Soon after, he could hear the door being broken down and people coming in. Finally, he was freed from his unfortunate imprisonment.
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A lone young man stood amidst the darkness. There was nothing in sight — just an endless space of darkness. He let his eyes scan the area but was fruitless in his endeavor. Nagito then decided to walk around, trying to find any clue of where he was or what he was doing there. It was certainly unusual, that he could feel nothing from this place — no uneasy feeling, no nothing. Soon, the silverette halted in his steps, his gaze fixated on a person before him.
It was a girl, somewhere around his age. She had [h/l] [h/c] hair and wore a brown school uniform. She had her back facing him, and he couldn't see anywhere past that. Upon landing his eyes on this particular girl, his heart immediately sped up. He was confused by the occurrence but said nothing. He tried to take a step forward, however, it seemed that he was already glued to his place.
A few moments passed, and several other people started to fade into existence, standing on each side of this particular girl. Nagito instantly identified all of them: Sonia, Kazuichi, Ryota, Chisa, Gundham, Nekomaru, Ibuki, Hiyoko, Peko, Fuyuhiko, Mahiru, Akane, Teruteru, and lastly, Mikan. They just stood there, forming a line with the said [h/c]-haired girl in the middle. He watched them materialize, and they remained motionless like a mannequin.
Soon after, he could feel immense pain plaguing his insides. He gasped, sweat beads rolling down the side of his pale face as he clenched his throbbing heart. His knees buckled which forced him to drop. His other hand was planted against the cold floor, serving as a prop to help his crouched body. He had his head hung, seeing the salty water pitter-pattering on the ground. The boy let out a whimper, then panted. As he returned his gaze to the people in front of him, that's when his eyes dilated at the sight.
Each one of his beloved friends was dead, pools of blood surrounding their lifeless forms. All of them...except for a particular girl. There she is still, standing in the middle of the countless bodies arranged in a row — their death was unique in each way. After what seemed to be an endless minute, the [h/c]ette finally moved. She spun around and met Nagito's miserable condition.
At last, he finally saw her face... Those soft [s/c] skin, those bright [e/c] orbs, and those pink lips. Almost instantly, he was filled with tenderness and warmth upon seeing her face. She had a smile on, a smile which he grew familiar and attached to. Nagito tried to lift his body up and successfully did so as he staggered to keep his balance up. With a shaky arm, he tried to reach out to her, only for him to drop it seconds later.
What he saw next made the boy stop in his tracks; the previous corpses of his class vanished into thin air, now replaced in its stead were the closest friends a certain reserve course student has. He saw Hajime and Chiaki together, walking towards the young female. Shiro followed after, emerging from the other side with Kokichi and Byakuya right on his trail. He saw how this girl's face lit up upon seeing her friends, letting out a hearty chuckle with a small blush resting on her cheeks.
However, just like the previous times, the bliss of the moment didn't last long. One by one, he had witnessed a certain scene playing in front of him. First, it was Hajime. The brunette was, for some reason, printed on a large scratch lottery ticket. The title of it was printed in a large bold red color, the words 'Scratch de Hinata' engraved in Nagito's mind.
An unknown entity came in, a burst of maniacal laughter following it. With a giant coin, the entity harshly scratched the picture of the reserve course student. Hajime's screams and cries bellowed throughout the vicinity, tears of terror and pain cascading down his face as he slowly disappeared from existence. After the boy was completely scratched out, the words 'Try Again' were shown. The mysterious entity huffed in annoyance, leaving shortly after.
Soon after that, several other horrid death scenes come into play. Next was Chiaki, who was going through a death maze and was impaled in the end. Then there's Byakuya, who was thrown into a dump from high above. His bloodied form was then followed by random silhouettes throwing numerous rocks at him, injuring him even more. As the blonde heir tries to escape, however, he then ends up in a cold place. There was no one else there, yet due to the frigid conditions, he died shortly after.
The Ultimate Song Writer... the poor ravenette was strapped on an armchair, eyes were forced wide open with the help of equipment. His arms, torso, and left arm were the only ones strapped. There was a large television screen in front of Shiro, and on his desk were several papers and a pen in his right hand. As the screen opened, there was a video of the same entity from earlier. It cackled, then soon the television screen was switched to a horrid video shown to the ravenette.
Nagito heard his scream as the collar around the poor boy beeped and his neck was zapped with electricity. Almost immediately, Shiro's hands started writing song lyrics on the paper nonstop as the torture continued. It went on for what seemed to be hours...before Shiro's hands dropped and the pen in his hold clanked against the ground. There, sitting by the chair was a wide-eyed Shiro, his orbs were lifeless as salty tears streamed down his face. His neck was burned and wired, and soon, his neck snapped off and the head rolled off the ground.
Last but not the least, was the purple-tressed Ultimate. Kokichi's body was tied and he was placed under a large hydraulic press. The boy squirmed around, trying to untie himself and get away from the large metal plate slowly descending on him. Tears were formed at the corners of Kokichi's eyes, yelling out cries for help and even profanities. However, no one was there to save him. As the press was only inches away from crushing his body, the indigo-tressed student stopped and finally accepted his fate.
The loud and ghastly crunches of bones and muscles under the force of the press added by Kokichi's fleeting screams scarred Nagito. After the machine finished its job, the area around the hydraulic press was covered with deep and thick blood. Soon after everyone's death was shown, the vision faded away, revealing the same [h/c]ette standing still. The aforementioned people were now dropped dead beside her.
Nagito hadn't noticed it yet, but as soon as his gaze landed on her, he felt his eyes sting and a waterfall of tears came rushing down his cheeks. He opened his mouth, trying to call out to her but nothing is coming out of his throat. He tried to reach out to her, but his arms suddenly became heavy. His whimpers were the only sound he was hearing at the moment, yet, none seemed to reach out to her.
Soon enough, the girl faced Nagito. Her tear-stricken face — her bitter smile, and those [e/c] eyes full of grudge and hate — were aimed at the frost-haired male. She flashed him a sickeningly sweet closed-eye smile, and as soon as her lids opened, she regarded him with disdain. A few words were muttered before the scene before him changed and then he finally saw where the girl was standing... on top of Hope's Peak's Reserve Course building.
Nagito's screams resounded as he finally got a hold of his body. He threw his arms out towards the girl, yet it didn't stop her from falling down to her untimely demise. The breeze roughly rushed past her body before he heard a large splat and a flattened body lying on the cold pavement.
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"W-what was that...? A nightmare...?"
Deep and heavy breathing resounded in the empty room. A young man with pearlescent hair and grayish-green eyes was woken with a start. Beads of sweat covered his entire face, eyes wide as saucers and he could feel his heart beating erratically against his ribcage. The boy was disconcerted and frightened at that moment, and it took him much time before he could finally calm down.
Staring out at the room's window, he could see the luminescent glow of the white moon high above the skies, the snow falling gently and piling up on the grounds. Nagito let out a chuckle, putting a hand on his face and moving away some of his wavy locks. Shortly after, his chuckles died down and he slumped his shoulders, leaning idly against his bed's headboard.
"It's all my fault... Everything is all my fault... Why did I begin to believe that things would change just like that? A lowly piece of trash, a scum like myself doesn't deserve happiness. As long as I'm alive, as long as my very existence is tied to luck, I will always bring disaster to others. That will never change."
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The next day, with those words in mind, Nagito then walked his way towards school. He was aloof once again, his mind wandering elsewhere and trying not to let a specific person invade his thoughts. As soon as he reached the academy's grounds and entered, he noticed a couple of students rushing past him. He didn't give it much thought, but when his ears caught the words 'someone's dead', his heart began to race.
Grayish-green eyes dilated a bit, immediately stopping in his tracks. He could feel his whole body react negatively to that statement, and he hung his head low. Nagito blankly stared at the pavement, his mind ceased to function as the only thoughts swirling around were of that particular girl. Subconsciously, he let his feet follow the students who rushed to see the scene.
After a few moments of catching up with the others, Nagito then noticed the large crowd by the central plaza — students, both from the reserve and main course, teachers, school authorities, and officials surrounded the large fountain. Murmurs echoed throughout the plaza as Nagito tried to get closer to see the scene. The male was undoubtedly frightened of who he would see, his hand becoming clammy around the strap of his bag.
Once he was fairly at the front of the bunch, his surprised gaze landed on the person lying on the water fountain. Those short, raven locks, that fair complexion, those tattered Main Course uniform... There's no doubt; it was Shiro Sato, the Ultimate Song Writer. There were several lacerations all over his entire body, tearing apart the once charming male uniform of the main course students. His body was dumped poorly in the fountain, the water around him turning red from all the blood seeping out of the wounds.
Certainly, this came out as a shock for Nagito — that a symbol of hope like him had met this fate. But, at the same time, the white-haired male didn't know why he felt relieved at that revelation. Maybe because it wasn't her that ended up like this. Although he was completely out of touch with his emotions and suppressed any real feelings of sorrow, he still felt bad that something like this happened to his underclassman.
"Ah... How could someone do this to a symbol of hope like him? How dare they!"
Deciding that he had seen enough, Nagito turned around from the scene, ready to go on with his merry way and into the sidelines. However, as he landed his gaze on the group of students far back, his eyes widened. There, just a few meters away from him was the girl he deeply cared about — [Name] stood still on her spot, her gaze fixated on the horrid scene before her. Her [e/c] pools shrunk in disbelief and horror, her mouth slightly parted and a visible crease was in between her eyebrows.
The boy knew how much Shiro meant to [Name], and for her to witness something as gruesome as this, he didn't want to know how despair-inducing this could be to her. He knew that he had to stop the [h/c]ette from staring at the Ultimate Song Writer's body and take her away from this incident.
Unfortunately, he wasn't able to call upon her as the said girl burst into tears, instantly turning around and fleeing the area. Nagito gave chase, leaving the central plaza as well in search of his reserve course friend.
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Nagito followed after her without much thinking. He knew that he had to make the girl stay away from Shiro's corpse as soon as possible, but he didn't intend things to be this way. He wasn't the type of guy to assert himself and chase after another, yet, he found himself doing just that. It was like his body moved on its own accord whenever the situation involved [Name].
The student took a heavy breath, pausing for a while and planting his hands on both knees. He was completely exhausted by the uncalled exercise he had just done. Sweat built all over his body and on his face, making his school uniform stuck on his sweaty skin. After a moment of regaining his breath and rest, Nagito ventured forward to where he believed [Name] took refuge. The area was void of any life, with no students or teachers walking past whatsoever. His gaze immediately noticed a large patch of trees ahead.
"Maybe [Name]-chan hid there. I don't think she could go as far away from the central plaza in that state."
Following his assumptions, the boy trudged over the entrance of the forest in search of a particular reserve course female. He wandered inside for a few minutes, his grayish-green eyes scanning the area thoroughly to hopefully spot a mop of [h/c] locks. Not long after, Nagito finally saw the girl he'd been looking for crouched by the many trees in the forest.
He took small cautious steps, carefully approaching her without alarming the devastated girl. The soft crunch of the melted snow was made when he stepped on the ground, but fortunately, it didn't seem to alarm [Name]. Once he was near enough, Nagito bent down and gently touched her shoulder to which she flinched.
"Hey..." he started, voice as soft as ever. "Are you okay?"
[Name] briefly looked up to see Nagito's worried stare — his eyes were filled with concern and eyebrows knitted together, he also sported a frown unbeknown to her. When she glanced at him, Nagito was able to see the condition she was in — her bloodshot eyes were still forming salty tears that streamed down her face, a deep crease on her forehead, and quivering lips pursed slightly together. After a few minutes, the girl buried her face into her knees once again.
Nagito remained muted as he took a seat beside her on the grass. He didn't say anything, just there beside her as a wordless act of comfort. After all, he knew better than to say anything for fear of hurting her feelings more. The two stayed there under the canopy of leaves, the morning sun seeping through the cracks in the forest. A soft snivel was made and soon [Name]'s body was trembling. The male could only stare at the blue skies above, his half-lidded eyes were surprisingly filled with grief.
"W-why...? W-why does S-Sato-san have to e-end up like that?" she croaked, trying to voice out her thoughts despite her breakdown. "Sato-san was a g-great person... He was kind and c-caring... He e-even befriended a low t-t-talentless student like me... He showed m-me kindness and t-taught me a lot a-about his experience..."
"It's my fault... Because I was close to you, Sato-kun was affected by my bad luck..."
"T-Togami-san... Ouma-san... even Nanami-san and H-Hajime liked him... I'm sure that...that Sato-san's classmates also cared for him... So why...? H-he doesn't deserve this... He doesn't deserve this fate!" the girl shouted out, raising her head as she did so. Relentless tears kept cascading down her flushed cheeks, the signs of it stopping were nonexistent.
"He will be okay."
"H-huh...?" [Name] stared at her frost-haired companion with a puzzled look. "W-what do you mean by that, senpai?"
The mentioned male gave the girl a carefree closed-eye smile. "Sato-kun will be okay; he's not dead. As a symbol of hope, he would survive this. Besides, given the water at the fountain, the blood hasn't dispersed that much. It means that this happened lately and that Sato-kun can still be saved."
"Really...?" she asked, voice expectant as she slowly wiped her tear-stained face.
Nagito nodded, flashing her a calm smile. "Of course, believe in me."
"A liar..."
"I see... That's great then," she sighed in relief, finally calming down. Then, she regarded Nagito with a forced smile. "You are calm and composed even at times like this that it's scary."
"Is that so?" he chuckled awkwardly, sweat-dropping at her words.
She nodded. She then let her gaze land on the scenery outside the forest, her eyes lidded. "It must be nice to be calm and cool-headed in such a dire situation; not letting your emotion cloud your better judgment and analyze every detail present in the situation."
"Honestly, I was not that calm when I found out about that earlier; I was completely in shock."
"I don't believe so. It didn't show on your face, after all," [Name] shook her head, dismissing his words.
His grayish-green orbs gazed softly at the broken female beside him. Despite the words and praise she told him, Nagito knew better than it was a false belief that he let her assume by his words and actions.
"I'm much more of a coward than you believe I am to be, [Name]-chan. It truly hurts me that you think of me highly that way. After all, I'm just an insignificant bug standing in your way. Everything that happened today... was all my fault."
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After the discovery of Shiro's body at the central plaza and the arrival of the police and ambulance, the teachers told the students to return to their classes. However, despite the usual routine, everyone in Hope's Peak was restless because of what happened hours prior. Nagito escorted [Name] to her building, ensuring that she went in safely before he proceeded to his own building.
Upon entering his classroom, he was greeted by his worried homeroom teacher bombarding him with questions regarding Sato. Nagito was startled at first, then slowly reassured her that he was fine and explained to her everything that happened to him when he entered the academy up until now. Soon after, Chisa allowed the silverette to take his seat by the back.
Homeroom started shortly after. For the entirety of the time, Nagito's mind was adrift somewhere else. He glanced at the windows outside, seeing the reserve course building across the academy. Just like any other time, his thoughts deviated to the girl he was with earlier. The instant her name flitted his mind, the instant her despaired expression appeared. His heart pounded hard against his chest upon remembering her face. He pursed his lips, a deep crease in between his eyebrows as he replayed the scene in his head.
"Why...? Why do you think of me like that, [Name]-chan? Can't you see that I'm just a worthless waste of space?"
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𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝟏
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝟑
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kookie-doughs · 1 year
Happy Meal
Hawks / Keigo Takami X Reader
-As a young mother YN didn't know what to do when the number 2 hero had taken the last happy meal that her son so desperately want.
Chapter 19: Stories Are To Be Told
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A sobs and screams, moans and groans, so much sounds echoed through the mountains of debris. Heroes in a state of panic trying to save all they could.
The place was a wasteland after attacking the base of a villain group at the area. Numbers of buildings, homes and such had collapsed.
Number of injured are 378 and still rising.
Number of deaths are 167 and is also rising.
A hero, Nana, discarding large debris left and right clearing the site to provide more access to those possibly buried alive.
As the number of people found increased, Nana was growing tired.
Suddenly an ear piercing scream echoed the area alerting everyone. The scream was causing the mountair of debris to shake. It might break and crush potentially alive people buried.
Nana swiftly dashed to where the scream echoed, and it so happens that she arrived at the perfect moment as the debris was about to crush the little girl.
She manages to stop the debris and catching the girl's attention. There she saw a little girl clutching the hands of two older couple she assumed was the girl's parents.
The child could no be more than 6 maybe around the age of her grandson. Her hair was tangled with dirt, ash and rocks whilst wet with whatever liquid. She was covered in blood and dirt. Looking at Nana with tearful eyes.
The hero descends to her and picked her up. The child sobbed at the arms of the hero as she made her way to the medic.
It wasn't long after that the search ends. Nana was drawn to the child she had saved. There was something about her that reminds her of her dear grandson.
"Y/N..." The child says in an almost inaudible whimper.
"Its nice to meet you Y/N... I'm Nana..."
Nana had developed a relationship with the child within just few days. She was introduced to other children Y/N knew in the hospital. She adored it. But it is never one sided.
"So why don't you agree? I'm being quite diplomatic don't you agree?"
"What do you want from the children?" The president, at the time, of HPSC glares at the man.
"I just wish to adopt one. I am quite feeling lonely."
"We could attack you. You are a heinous criminal. The worst criminal there is."
All for One laughs, "You're low in numbers after the war you had forged with those no bodies. Attack me I'll win and take all the children. So let me repeat myself." He sits up straight, "I am quite feeling nice right now. I could feel a great luck coming to me... yes. I would adopt a child, and I will help rebuild the city."
The president glares at the villain. Unsure of his plans. Having no idea what to do.
"Why do you need a child."
"Children brings joy and light. Don't you think I deserve those right now?" He smirks.
"Which one..?"
AFO's eyes wander outside scanning the place where the children are. And as if the request couldn't be better. He spots Nana playing with Y/N. A smirk forms in his lips.
"Tell me about that one." He points at the two.
"L/N Y/N, she's 6. Nana seem fond of her." The president curses at how he said the information AFO was probably after. "Her quirk amplifies her voice when she screams."
With smirk he nods. "Her. Give her."
"What are you going to do with her?"
"That," He turned to face the president. "Is not for you to find out. So? A deal?"
The president looked at Y/N with guilt...
A sacrifice has to be made... For the better.
"We accept."
"Hello~" AFO sang.
The child reluctantly approached him. He had a smile, and it wasn't like Y/N had any choice. She's living with him either way so relationship is bound to be created.
"Can we be friends~?" He asked calmly and tenderly.
She nods.
"I'm sorry I took you from your friends." AFO pats her head. "You see, I wanted to be your friend. Take care of you, help you and all that."
"Can't you help us all?"
"There's too many of you." He sighed, "The place where you were, they're not keeping the other kids too. They're waiting for nice people to take them because it's hard taking care of them all."
"Where are they going to go?"
"I don't know."
A H/C (Hair color) haired girl proceeds to rush out of the room skipping, excited by the familiar voice.
"Master, you're back!"
She froze seeing her said master. Behind him was a boy, not far from her age.
"I brought you a friend~"
The boy peeks from behind the man and the moment he layed his eyes on her... he felt something. He felt excited and joyed, which he hasn't felt in forever.
"I'm Y/N." She had the brightest smile he's ever seen.
The girl was ecstatic finally she had someone new in her life other than AFO. She was going to rush to hold the boy but was stopped by AFO.
"Y/N! He's dangerous!"
Tenko teared up hearing that. But he knew what the man meant.
"I-I'll c-control it!" He cried.
Y/N looked at the boy worried. "What's wrong?"
"His quirk is uncontrollable... for now. I can provide you with a power to withstand him but right now you can't touch him okay?"
Y/N looks at the boy who looked at her expectantly. She nods.
"Tenko-nii!" The said boy was tackled down causing him to jolt.
A pair of E/C (Eye Color) eyes stared down on him while the girl sat on his stomach, giggling.
"Y/N, master said my name is Tomura now. Stop calling me that. And don't call big brother." He flicks her forehead.
Pouting she scratches the spot, "Yeah but you're Tenko to me. I dont care about that Tomura guy."
"I'm the Tomura guy. I'm Shigaraki Tomura now. Master gave me a new identity and I will live as he said."
"Yea and I'm N/N (Nickname/New Name) Shigaraki but you don't follow that do you? You still call me Y/N."
Tomura grunts, "Its because master deemed us siblings."
"I make a pretty cute little sister! I don't get why you don't want me to be."
"It's because you're dumb."
She pouts once again, "Yeah well if I'm Y/N, you're Tenko."
"Get off me already." Tomura huffs.
He pats himself down upon finally getting up and walks to the other room.
She was cut off by his lips crashing into hers.
Their lips finally met, and in that instant, a surge of warmth and electricity passed between them. The contrast between the roughness of his lips and the softness of her own, their connection felt undeniably tender and passionate. In that stolen moment, time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the intoxicating dance of their lips.
As they slowly parted from the kiss, their breaths mingled in the cool night air. Their eyes met, shining with a newfound depth of affection and understanding. He tenderly brushed his thumb across her cheek, his touch conveying feelings that words could not express.
"Y/N, I love you"
"Oh my god," getting a slap to reality Y/N pulls away red as a beet. "IS THIS WHY YOU HATED N/N?! YOU HAD SO MUCH ARGUMENTS WITH MASTER?!"
Tomura looks to the ground.
"H-How long have you liked me..." Her flushed face couldn't bare looking at the man.
"Since I've met you."
"T-Thats years ago-"
Tomura smiled, "I know."
Tomura craddles her wet beaten body. Her features were now marked by bruises, her skin mottled with shades of purple and blue. A disheveled cascade of hair framed her face, the strands tangled and damp, as its soaked in an unknown liquid. Her sobs echoed throughout the room.
"Master I'm sorry please forgive me!" You begged repeatedly despite the man not being present.
A kiss to your forehead and soft rubs on your back was all Tomura had to offer trying to calm you down.
"You're gonna be fine, I'm right here."
In a moment of deep despair, her tear-stained face, sought comfort in the presence of the guy who had always been a comforting presence. Her trembling lips met his in a desperate, fleeting kiss, an attempt to find respite from the overwhelming weight of her emotions. It was a kiss born out of the need to escape the suffocating grip of sadness, if only for a brief moment.
Tomura, caught off guard by the intensity of the moment, responded with a mixture of surprise and vulnerability. His arms instinctively wrapped around her, drawing her closer, as if he wanted to drown himself in the connection they shared.
In that passionate exchange, he reciprocated the kiss with a tenderness that belied his own inner turmoil. His lips moved against hers with a fervent longing, his heart beating in sync with hers. It was a response that spoke volumes, revealing his own hidden desires and the depth of his feelings for her.
Lost in the heat of the moment, their bodies gravitated toward each other, his body pressing against hers with an urgency that mirrored the intensity of their desires. The world around them ceased to exist as they became lost in the heat of their connection, their bodies entangled and craving more.
With each caress and touch, their passion intensified. His hands roamed her body, tracing the curves that had haunted his dreams, while she clung to him, reveling in the strength and warmth of his embrace.
"Where is she?!" Tomura screamed. "Master please!! I need her please master..."
"Tomura, she left on her own."
"SHE WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT IF YOU HADNT-" He took a deep breath.
Tomura should know better than to fight this man. But he was lost. What was he without you?
"She left you. She left us both. Truly ungrateful of what we had given her."
"Master, I can't go on without her in my life."
"Then use your pawns. Get her on your own. I for one have no need for her."
The call hangs up and Tomura was left to think of a plan to get you back.
It hasn't been a while from your departure, you should still be close by.
"Kurogiri," He looks at the city map trying to think where you'd go. "Here."
"Tenko, stop!!!" She sobbed.
"You are not going to leave me!" He grabs another person by the throat, one finger away from perishing, he raises it to your level to have a view. "Anyone who gets in my way from making sure of that. Dies."
The person's reduced to ashes. Y/N was met with his glaring red eyes.
"Y/N, I can't live without you. I need you." He walks up to her and hold her. "You can't leave me like that please..."
"Tenko... I can't go back there..."
"You have to. I'm goingbback there, with you no matter what."
"Tenko, you can't force-"
"I SAID YOURE GOING BACK WITH ME!!!" He grabs her by the throat and slams her against the wall. "YOU ARE GOING HOME WITH ME! I SAID I NEED YOU, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO KEAVE ME!"
"T-Tenko you're scaring m-me."
"Be scared. Scared people follow what's told."
"GET AWAY FROM MEEE!!!" Her scream staggers Tomura, giving herself a chance to run and get away.
The sound of chains rattling wakes you up. Memories you wished never had existed floods back.
"Shigaraki-san~! Your girlfriend is away~!"
You turn to your side where the sound came from, it was a blonde girl with golden eyes.
"You're so pretty!" She giggles.
"And you get away from her." A familiar voice says behind you.
Pouting and muttering to herself the girl leaves after the sound of the door slamming, followed by the lock, you had no escape.
"I worked so hard to get you back."
You finally got your courage together and faced him.
"I'm sorry I wanted to take Sato with us, but he's too busy being protected."
"Tenko let me go please."
"No." He looks away from you. "Y/N I already waited , you know how long, for you to come back to me. Now that youre back, I'm not losing you again."
"Tenko... I can't stay..."
"If you're saying that because of Sato are you suggesting I take him too?"
You think of what AFO would do with Sato. You can not have him take Sato.
"Y/N, I only want you. I'm glad, I'm ecstatic we have a child together." He creases your cheek, "I want to be with him. But, I know you wouldn't want that. I'll let him go. We can just start over, new family. Just us, our future children."
"T-Tenko, I can't. I don't wanna be here please. Let me go."
"NO!" In a fit the bed you lay on disintegrates and so does everything around you two. "STOP! ASKING! TO! LEAVE! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LEAVE ME!"
"Can you-"
You looked at him. His tear-filled eyes, once vibrant and fierce, now appeared clouded and dimmed by his overwhelming sadness. The bright red irises, normally intense and piercing, were now drowned in a sea of tears, their fiery glow extinguished. Each sob that wracked his body shook him to his core, his whole frame trembling with the weight of his sorrow.
Seeing him broke your heart. He's tried his hardest, you know that. He's not like this... he wouldn't have been like this if not for you.
You pull him to you, it didn't take him long to cling onto you. His face buried on the crook of your neck, tears flowing and staining your shirt.
"Tenko, I'm sorry..."
"I just want to be with you please. I need to be with you."
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @faithneko @officiallykuute @pinksilk @applepie-macaroon @lolawassad @grinnwolph
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sly-fox · 2 years
This is honestly going to suck but-
Okay, I don’t see enough people talking about this so- here we are. This will contain spoilers for the analog horror series, Guilty Tears Au of Sanders Sides. If you haven’t seen it or if any of the following triggers you, please skip: (I am listing the triggers from all the episodes just in case you want to watch it as well so some won’t make sense on a tumblr post, but just in case-) Disturbing Imagery, Loud Sounds, Body Horror, Blood, Gore, Death, Violence, Food (more like implied cannibalism, but ok-), Flashing Lights, Spiders, Ladybugs.
Now if any of that bugs you, I would say that this isn’t for you. This is just my personal opinion and analysis on this series! So let’s get started:
Episode 1: Teachers PowerPoint
So, we’re starting off with a very simple format; a PowerPoint presentation called “Dreams, a Manageable Analysis by Logan Sanders”.
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Like omg Logan is so cute in this 🥺. He keeps talking about sleep and the benefits and downsides of it. But something is… off about it. The monitor keeps glitching out and skipping parts of the presentation. It skipped over the definition of Non-REM sleep, and it just is a bit strange. Then this happens:
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And then it gets closer T-T. I kinda jumped when I saw it ngl- Then he gives us the definition of a nightmare. It kinda was normal at first but then-
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Like wth-? This was honestly just weird to me me, cause he looked like a fucking demon- this isn’t even the weirdest part (and therefore not the most interesting).
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Now, the first one is obviously a reference to everything going on with the wedding arc and… other things. Missing Important Events? The callback. Loneliness. More so up to interpretation, or is it? I’ll come back to it later. Rejection? Again, back to it later. Confusing Emotions? All that Thomas has been dealing with for a WHILE. Broken promises, WTIT, anyone?
The second photo:
Wow.. well what I say about this, is that Logan is snapping at Thomas again, cause as we have seen, he tends to distract himself rather than actually solving his problems. Logan is trying to communicate with Thomas again and he. Won’t. Listen.
After that we got a number sequence:
If you line it up with the letters in the alphabet, you get “Stop Ignoring Re”. I thought I heard it wrong but I didn’t-. So there had to be a reason for it to say “Re” instead of “Me”, right? Right. I’ll be tying it together, I swear. Just bear with me here. I also find it interesting that a YELLOW GLOVED HAND turned off the monitor and put an out of order note on the screen (I mean it was pretty glitchy so I mean-).
(Also there is a sticky note on the bottom left corner that reads “DONT LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN” keep that in the back of your mind c:)
Episode 2: Forgotten Fairytale
So it starts with Janus opening a story book titled “The Young Prince”.
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This is interesting- I see a little crown charm on the bookmark- Erin focus- okay so the cover already grabbed my attention. At first cause I thought of beauty and the beast and
H O L Y S H I T the parallels. We have a mirror with a green gem on the handle (I don’t think it’s important but I could be mistaken-). In it, a black wilting rose. Black roses itself mean death, while the wilting flower by itself means “Term used to supress desire when it would otherwise be impossible to fornicate.” Roman wanted to go to the callback (and ask out Nico), but it seemed just out of reach, so he ended up with choosing an option that goes against himself (Virgil helped him with Nico but still-).
To the actual story, it talks about how lonely Roman feels (Loneliness huh?) and that he wants to meet his true love. He searches and searches but can’t find them. One night, a witch pays a visit. He says that he wants to make a deal: he will give Roman his “one true love” in exchange for half of his kingdom. Roman didn’t want to risk it, and told him no.. the witch did not like that.
He cursed Roman, and his face had melted off. Overwhelmed by heartbreak, he locked himself in his tower. The people eventually forgot about him and he died alone, holding the wilted black rose..
And then Janus literally closes the book on that tale-. So Roman’s I feel is more metaphorical, he feels like his world is falling apart, trying to use love to distract him from the pain of his decision to go to the wedding, and the moment he was attacked, no one helped him.. (Janus I love you but you’re a bitch-)
Episode 3: Cookie Mistake
(Yes I’m sure it’s a pun off of Rookie Mistake, it’s Patton what did you expect?)
So this an actual person acting out Patton this time.
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The puns 😭. But yeah, it’s a simple baking tutorial! And it’s a mime kinda thing, so we have dialogue on the screen. It seemed normal, but this is Guilty Tears.
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He dumped the flour into the bowl and made a little bit of a mess- it’s baking what are you going to do about it? But Patton started shaking slightly saying “That wasn’t supposed to happen…” It’s okay I know you said you were feeling “crumby” but damn- it’s just flour.
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Ok then, laying it on thick. So Patton is freaking out over the little things and these little messages pop up. “Do you feel guilt consuming your every thought?” No I don’t think so- but this is maybe reference to POF, where he caused Thomas pain without realizing. The “Nobody is free of sin” seems like a twisted version of their new concept, “Not everything is black and white.” Patton is trying to distract himself from what happened and is only stressing himself out more.
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HOLY FUCK, PATTON- Okay. So there’s obviously SOMETHING going on. Why did he have blood in the first place? Why’d he think it was a good idea? Patton are you a cannibal now-?
This gave me an idea.. this could be both figurative or literal but, the blood is on his hands.. Let’s take a look at Virgil’s episode.
Episode 4: Wake Up Call
According to (assumedly) Thomas’ phone, it is 3:23 pm. April 23rd. Almost his birthday, hmm.
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Holy shit- no✨ Dolls are creepy enough-. Anyway, it’s starts off by (I assume) Virgil asking Thomas:
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So one answer is normal, one is more normal for Thomas and the other sounds more Anxiety related. He chooses to brush his teeth, but they fall out. In dreams, teeth falling out are associated with loss and important life changes. Thomas has been struggling to coming to terms with the fact that he isn’t a complete pure good, and his life has changed drastically. This series started from a silly blog and now it’s a series dealing with complex and controversial issues, while he’s struggling to show the world who he is.
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With the answers, they’re the same type. He chooses to make breakfast, but in the fridge with Virgil Doll, is a fucking skeleton/corpse and the fridge is all bloody. The “blood on his hands” thing might be more literal than we MAY have thought. Did Thomas kill someone? If so, who did he kill? I’ll get us there (hopefully-).
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Okay- Hi Virgil- so, here I want to point out c. “I promise tomorrow I will change I will be a good person I will clean”. As soon as it had showed up on the screen, Virgil appeared. Thomas is making promises he can’t keep.
Seems like Logan had another good point- Thomas keeps trying to say tomorrow this and tomorrow that, but Virgil knows. He wants Thomas to get up and be productive, but with Logan “out of service” you have anxiety based motivation. Virgil, being his anxiety, is also reminding him what he did.
At the end, Virgil doll is hanging by a thread (literally) and we see a gloved hand cut the thread. Setting Virgil free for now..
Episode 5: Important Reminder
Thomas is upstairs, and is going down to his living room to answer a knock at his door, and it is a WRECK. But worse than before. There’s blood on the walls and all that. He picks up “The Young Prince” something he apparently used to like during childhood, and finds this drawing between the pages:
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“Have you ever imagined killing your brother?” “This is me electrifying my brother!”
Could this imply that Remus was actually the supposed witch? It was (possibly) the drawing mentioned in the Moving On episodes within the pages of a book where Princey died. This could be implying that ever since Remus appeared, Roman has been hurting. Maybe because he blames his dear twin for the murder?
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Okay- I’m okay. If you can’t tell, the word “unhelpful” was written in blood, and there is some behind the curtain. I can’t tell who it is tho- Patton? Nightmare Nico?
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Speaking of Nico, ✨R E J E C T I O N✨
But really, Thomas is obviously having issues. He tried to get out the house, but Nico was busy that whole week. (Including his birthday 😢)
When he finally answered the door..:
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As we’ve seen in WTIT, Thomas is scared of getting older, so I think it’s interesting that Remus called him that. “I can show you how bad things can truly get” I think this is his twisted way of saying “Get over it, you didn’t do as much harm think you did.”
(“Stop Ignoring Re”)
But of course, Janus closes the door on him, shutting him away from Thomas.
Episode 6: Blinding Denial
>No no no.
>I’m fine, I’m alright.
>I’m just…
>I’m just tired.
>I’ll fix it tomorrow, okay?
>I promise.
Thomas have still not learned? 🤨
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I feel when Janus leaves the baby crying, he’s not talking about a literal baby, but Thomas. Janus has been sheltering him from the sides trying to confront him (Turning off the PC, Closing the Book, Editing the Video + cleaning the blood, etc.) but has had enough of Thomas prolonging the inevitable.
“You’ve been walking in circles”
“You’re running away from yourself”
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He squished the Ladybug. Whilst crushing the hope that good luck will suddenly make things better.
“It’s time to move on and forgive yourself”
Holy crap I did it. Well hopefully you enjoyed! See you later!
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dhr-deleted · 2 years
I've made changes to the master list replacing "Incomplete" with "Abandoned" and added "Complete". I hope this change will make it easier if you are only looking for complete fics.
If you have a more complete version of any abandoned fics, please share them!
2022 September - Uploaded
Acheron Bloom (15KB - One Shot - PG-13) Draco Malfoy - a good guy?! It looks that way, and the Death Eaters want to kill him for it. Can Hermione Granger actually have feelings for him? Light, romantic, somewhat amusing read that leaves you speculating on the future.
akatsukireunites Break Me, Shatter Me (27KB - One Shot - NC-17) Like a china cup, every crack broke her. Tore her from the inside until she finally shattered.
Dark Circus (15KB - One Shot - PG-13) A dark magician captures the attention of his audience, his dark and menacing eyes dragging you into a magical show of danger. Your lover becomes a prey to his enjoyment and you are frightened. Told from Draco's POV.
Easily Seduced (10KB - One Shot - R) Hermione slyly tricks Draco into visiting Muggle London, but then leaves him all alone! How does he handle his first visit? And why is his little minx getting her way with things? Just what kind of influence does she have on him?
Angel Mischa Divided Loyalties (44KB - Incomplete - R) Hermione is carrying on an illicit affair with Draco, which inadvertently began when she was still dating Harry. Now Harry wants her back, and Draco can't decide where he stands when Hermione starts to take control of her life. (Sequel to Meant To Be?)
Gone (4KB - One Shot - PG) A snapshot of life for Draco and Hermione after the War.
Juicy Fun (9KB - One Shot - NC-17) Hermione comes across a fugitive Draco Malfoy whilst in someone else's body.
Meant To Be? (43KB - 7 Chapters - R) A Draco-steals-Hermione story with a twist! It all seems to start so well for Harry and Hermione, but his role as Boy-who-lived causes a rift to form between them when he tries to protect her, only to leave her vulnerable to Draco's revenge. As Hermione discovers the truth about her lover, will she finally discover true love as well?
A Silver Lining... Part 1 (76KB - 9 Chapters - R) Draco and Hermione are forced together in their seventh year, giving them a chance to start their relationship afresh. However, Draco's traumatic summer may well come between them, which could spell disaster for the rest of the Wizarding world.
A Silver Lining... Part 2 (99KB - 10 Chapters - R) So Draco and Hermione have worked through their differences and decided what they really want from each other. But nobody else knows, and with Marianne getting in the way of some friendships, they may have to come clean. However, their confession will prompt another, and some serious intervention will be required in order to patch up the schisms.
A Silver Lining... Part 3 (25KB - Incomplete - R) The War is over, but what will the impact be on Hermione, Draco and the others? This is the final part of the trilogy, and hopefully rounds off all unanswered questions from the first two parts.
Someday (11KB - One Shot - G) Draco and Hermione meet in a dark corridor of Malfoy Mansion whilst the Order of the Phoenix is raiding Voldemort's labyrinthine hide-out below. Each is thinking the same thing, but they still can't bring themselves to talk about it, so Draco makes a vow that someday he will come back for her.
Bunnyhops (Severus' Malfoy Maiden) Dear Diary (39KB - 4 Chapters - NC-17) Hermione is feeling lonely and a bit disgruntled. Her journey starts with a diary and ends with something she’d never expected. L/D/Hr
Finders Keepers (187KB - Incomplete - R) A Veela fic Dramione . AU about Hermione's true origin, the war, and Severus' role in everything.
I Remember (129KB - 17 Chapters - NC-17) She remembers him as the boy who cried on her shoulder after he apologized, but what of the man before her?
The Protector (49KB - One Shot - R) He is her protector, she is a pureblood...now. can they forget their past and make a future?
Thrown Together (75KB - 10 Chapters - R) marriage law...First time, Can they make it work?
Two Roads Diverged (20KB - One Shot - NC-17) “Miss Granger, this is an injunction to prevent you from being within one hundred metres of any Weasley until the end of time.” Hermione simply gaped as the magic washed over her skin and her connections with the Weasley family were irrevocably broken. L/D/Hr
Unmanageable Boys (20KB - One Shot - NC-17) Language paradoxes and mid-morning conversations are a perfect recipe for what could have been. DM/HG SB/HG
Gallaz You've Got 0 Messages (One Shot - PG-13) HG and DM are both hardworking divorce attorneys in the wizarding world. What happens when troubled couples bring them together and they get more than they bargained for. DMHG. Written in formats of mail, phone calls, etc. Based on Laws of Attraction.
LitheLies Argent (209KB - Incomplete - R) Draco agreed to return to Hogwarts; he didn't agree to play the role of Head Boy. ( Dramione / Eighth Year / Post-DH AU / If there's a plot, it's purely by chance / Draco POV )
Find A Way To Live On (486KB - 48 Chapters - ) As the war retreats into her memory and the new world forms ahead of her, she cannot seem to move forward. It doesn't feel right to act as if everything is fixed, and that the problems from before vanished with Voldemort. Because he did vanish -- didn't he? What if The Brightest Witch of Her Age is the flame that went out too soon; bright for the sake of brightness, clever for the sake of cleverness. Everything is too easy and too difficult, all at once, and she just wants -- well, what does she want? It's been years since she's allowed herself such a thought. (AU Slowburn Eighth year, Dramione.)
Pick Your Favorite (19KB - 4 Chapters - G) A series of short ficlets based on Dramione; from Hogwarts to married life, from fluff to smut. But as always, angst.
Threadbare (144KB - Incomplete - R) "They're saying," Hermione's voice shook. "That if we don't agree to marry whoever they tell us to, that we'll die, and it's… It's our own fault." ( Eventual, Slow Burn Dramione / Forbidden Romance / Enemies to Lovers )
Marpesia The Christmas Present (8KB - One Shot - G) It's nearly Christmas, and Hermione has a surprise for Draco. However, Lucius threatens to ruin not only the surprise, but Hermione's life.
Melissa_Sadwick The Way We Were (13KB - One Shot - PG-13) Hermione hated crying in front of people almost as much as she hated Malfoy. But that was the problem...she didn't hate Malfoy. At the end of her 7th year, Hermione looks back on the way things were. (Songfic to 1973 movie titlesong.)
Morbid Fascination Alone Together and Perfect Hell (4KB - One Shot - R) Together we are so alone and yet we let ourselves live in this perfect hell.
Damned Hard Chairs (KB - One Shot - R) Fred and George have taken over the world.
Family of the Gods (7KB - One Shot - PG) He put her up on that pillar and she had to get down, and graveyards always have perpetually bad weather.
Fashioned Rhymes (KB - One Shot - PG) Harry's lifeline without an ending, the way Ron used to be, a brief Draco/Hermione romance, what it means to be a lion, and tales of what blood means. All these stories told in a few poems of my own creation...
Home (16KB - One Shot - G) Hermione tells her story and the history of magic class doesn't know how to reply. Hr/DM, Hr/VK, PP/PW, PW/other. HR/others
Honoring Deals (5KB - One Shot - PG-13) Draco gets his soul back in a business transaction.
Let's Talk (33KB - One Shot - R) At the end we look back at the beginning. Rating is just to be careful.
Not In Kansas Anymore (186KB - 17 Chapters - R) Hermione wakes up.
Relationships (9KB - One Shot - R) After the war there were graves. There were relationships. There had to be relationships.
Scarred Roses and Blood Filled Chocolates (36KB - Incomplete - PG-13) The war is over, and the repercussions are a weight to bear. They weren't supposed to fall, it wasn't part of Fate's master plan, and in return for going against her rules, Fate is making it awfully hard for them to get along. And when that doesn't work, Fate slings ever growing darkness in their general direction.
We Are Angels (28KB - 7 Chapters - R) Hermione has sunken to the unthinkable: she enjoys killing. No biggie, as it is for the good guys. But she's starting to slip in her morals. And the farther she falls, the more it looks as if she is the next in line to become the Angel of Death. Two guesses as to who the Angel of Life is.... Oh yeah, and Snape is the Angel of Fear. Are we surprised?
provocative_envy A Little Piece of Sincerity (125KB - 18 Chapters - PG-13) Hermione Granger falls in love with the harshly realistic words written on a small scrap of paper she finds on her way to Potions. She loses it, only to have fate play a part in making her the victim of Draco Malfoy's deception.
A Mandatory Alliance (60KB - 13 Chapters - PG-13) A mandatory correspondence with a foreign wizarding school and a chance encounter with two Gryffindors start a chain of events that leaves Draco Malfoy reaching an inevitable conclusion: he is madly in love with Hermione Granger.
By the Way (70KB - 18 Chapters - PG-13) It was exquisite, the way his face fell, the way his eyes grew round, the way his mouth dropped open: he was a study in disappointment, his dashed hopes cluttering the space that loomed large and noticeable in between us.
Disasterology (66KB - Incomplete - NC-17) She wakes up at exactly midnight on the eve of her nineteenth birthday—She screams.
Lightning (11KB - Incomplete - PG-13) I remembered the times he'd made me cry, warned me not to, the times our bare legs had entwined themselves in his bed sheets, and all the while I'd felt ashamed, disgusted, atrophied, in the aftermath.
Stronger (105KB - 19 Chapters - PG-13) My whole life had been leading up to this moment, this second of tragedy. I couldn’t imagine anything less of a disaster, less of a letdown. There was nothing anticlimactic about the wrenching of my gut, the roaring of my blood.
The Science of It All (131KB - 21 Chapters - R) That clutching, awful, cold, hot, flashing, clawing, cluttering sensation curling its way through my stomach, tearing its way down my vertebrae, winding and trailing and ending up somewhere in my throat.
When Tomorrow Comes (17KB - One Shot - R) I'd wanted the rest of the world to know, the same way I did—elementally, with every last scrap of blood and plasma and grey matter that called my brain its home—that she was mine, that I'd managed to dislodge my head from my arse long enough to recognize that perfection personified had a name, and it was Hermione.
RavenpuffLove The Evergreen Game (155KB - 16 Chapters - NC-17) Ron Weasley has been doing everything he can to keep Hermione safe, but when a home intruder threatens their precarious situation he turns to Draco Malfoy for help, putting them all in a situation filled with more tension than they could have possibly imagined. D/Hr/R
the Stranger in the Moonlight The True Meaning of Silver (One Shot - PG-13) What if silver was a Gryffindor color, not a Slytherin? What if silver were more valuable then gold? What if someone understood the true meaning of silver?
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poswiecenia · 9 months
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@zorkaya - views on loved ones (family, friends) passing for Furina, Freminet, Al-Haitham, and Bronya. \ free real estate hc asks.
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well. she hasn't had many close to her die just yet, even during her 500 years. she relied on neuvillette quite a bit during that time and it never occurred to her that he could die outside of the prophecy perhaps. he seemed very strong anyway but, well, now he has a target on his back - or he'll be giving himself one with what he apparently intends to do to the remaining archons by judging them. she had grown weary of the officials in the court or guardes that she noticed grow older along the way, caring for each and every one of her people too . . she didn't have many friends outside of that. she was putting on an act and when she wasn't she was trying to find solutions so the prophecy would not come to pass. she's gotten close to people now though and, well, she's mortal now herself. she's just gotten hold of new possibilities and freedom. she doesn't wish to lose people she cares for.
in truth he doesn't really want to think about it. he's already lost his mother and barely knew his father but he knows outcomes of losing people he cares about leads him somewhere lonely and he doesn't want to be left alone. he's . . alright with himself dying ( he has complicated feelings about what happened during 4.1 ) because he doesn't view himself as much of anything - the original ' father ' pressed that view into him. he should be ready to give up his life for family and he still is even through the change of hands. he's terrified of losing lyney and lynette but he's quick to shut down, grow anxious or change the subject if its brought up - the reason why he wants to see them smile or not be down like he often is. with them gone he . . wouldn't really know what to do with himself. probably hide in on himself 100%. still do his job but totally on autopilot.
restlessness and sudden bursts of anger ( though it mainly surfaces as him being more ' short ' than usual. which honestly could genuinely feel the same as ever to the normal person ) but also absolutely having delayed responses to the passing in the first place. when his grandma died he . . was just a kid still, a young teen who was still trying to just survive in a world that he'd been told that he would have to blend into. he had so much going on in his head that when he was told ( and, mind you, he was actually very close to his grandmother as she was the only real positive light / influence he had since about 8 years of age ) about his grandmother's death that he just slowly nodded, whispered out a thank you and walked out of the class he'd been in. he continued to his other classes, it having settled in but leaving him restless the rest of the day - going home to an empty house where he slid to the floor with his head in his hands. he'd been prepared for death, seen it happen but it felt different when it was someone he was close with. someone that actually cared and loved him. he doesn't wish to feel that all again. not that it's weak or anything, he just doesn't like the feeling and would rather avoid it. 4ggrivate squad karking it wouldn't ruin him but he wouldn't have a great time either. wheh.
tmw ur mom turns into an icicle after almost brainwashing you to be her mindless successor or whatever. but for real like, bronya's still working through it. she'd known her mother would die one day and that she'd be taking her place but she hoped there'd be more time y'know ? she's had to grieve in private because it was such a complicated situation. what she was up to and what she was going to do ? she still isn't sure if she's reconciled with that and everything else. it hurts for sure, but she's working through the loss while trying to remember the good so the bad doesn't overpower - but she does have a whole planet to govern now. it's slow going.
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0 notes
derailedfiction · 10 months
Lonely boy | 1. An Coineachan
Characters: Merlin | Hamish Mycroft, Galahad | Harry Hart, Merlin | Richard Mycroft (OMC), and other
Warnings: sadness, parents loss, abandonment, anger issues, swearing, death
Word count: 1942
Summary: it is a prequel to Run boy, run
A/N.: An Coineachan (en. Highland Fairy Lullaby) a Scottish lullaby, supposed to be sung by a disconsolate mother whose babe has been stolen by the fairies. Translated by L. MacBean, author of "Songs of the Highlands"
It was an unusual night. After a long day of heavy rains, it finally calmed down and the ground started to release accumulated moisture, forming dense and heavy fog around a mansion. When everybody should be sleeping one person, a child actually, was awake and waiting. Left alone with its nanny, in an extravagant and big mansion, the child was waiting for its parents to return. Despite being asked to go sleep a little boy refused to do so. Something wasn't allowing him to sleep, some kind of anxiety that made his tummy hurt a little bit. At once he became scared and stressed and looking through the window, searching for the lights of his parents’ car didn't help. All he could see was a milky cloud tightly hugging his home. The nanny took the snivelling boy in her arms and carried him to his bedroom. She put him in the bed and covered him carefully with a duvet and a blanket.
"Sleep now little one. Papa and Mama will be home soon," she tried to calm down the boy, but she only received quiet sobs in an answer. "Come on boy. Do you remember what Papa promised to you?" he nodded with trembling chin.
"We'll go flying", the boy said calmed down a little bit.
"That's right. So, think about flying in a nice plane and going to sleep and in the morning, you'll hug your parents. Sleep little one," the nanny kissed his forehead and left.
He had a hard time falling asleep. Those strange figures out of the window were making him wonder where his parents were and why they hadn't already come home to him. He curled up into an embryo and lay in complete silence. Even his hamster usually noisy at night was quiet as if something big was oncoming. The boy cried a little bit more but after a while, he fell asleep.
In the other part of the country, a man was woken up by an unexpected phone call. It was nearly two in the morning when he answered the phone, shrugging the sleep remnants almost immediately.
"Yes, yes of course. What happened?" he sat up trying to understand what was said to him. "What? Is there any chance...", the speaker interrupted him with new information. "Are you absolutely sure?" He was listening carefully, but he couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was hard to believe in such terrible news. "All right I understand that", but of course he understood. He heard the words, but their sense was lost to him, "Is there any chance that the child will live? The woman... His wife was pregnant... Oh Lord..." He felt all of a sudden numb, unable to speak.
Such tragedy, no one was expecting. His brother was dying, and his lovely wife was dead as the child she was carrying. His mourning thoughts concentrated on the boy they left alone in this world. Quickly he put himself together. He had things to be done.
"Is there any chance for me to arrive there just in time to see my brother?" the hope of seeing his little brother for the last time enlightened his face but it disappeared as fast as it came. The doctor on the other end wasn’t giving him great chances to survive the surgery.
"I'll arrive at the hospital as soon as I can. Yes, thank you," he got up and dressed in extreme rush.
The boy can't wake up alone, that was the most important thought for him at the moment.
"Arthur? It's Merlin. I need to borrow one of the helicopters. It's crucial. My brother and his wife just died, and they left a four-year-old boy after. I would be grateful. I need to get to Scotland as soon as I can. Thank you I owe you that, Arthur."
He was relieved that it went so smoothly. Just one more call and he was free to go but that was the hardest one. He dialled the number and waited.
"Hello?" the sleepy voice answered, he easily recognised Amelia, the nanny. "Amelia, it's Richard, Thomas's older brother." he was trying really hard to remain calm.
"Oh, good night, sir. Is everything all right?"
"How is the boy?"
“He had some difficulties with sleeping earlier this evening but eventually he is sleeping now," he could sense that she was suspecting something.
"Don't wake him, I’ll be there tomorrow. I have bad news, unfortunately."
Richard arrived in the early morning, quiet like a ghost. Of course, before arrival, he had taken care of things of practical matters like preparing necessary documents and contacting a lawyer. Some papers need to be changed. No sooner had he finished those small preparations than he went to the headquarters for the helicopter. The flight was surprisingly short, or it was due to the adrenalin and emotions building up. He didn’t pay attention to it deep in his thoughts looking at Glasgow bathed in the glow of the rising sun. The day looked promising, which even deepened the excruciating pain the man felt.
He tried to remember the last time was, he spoke to his little brother as he stood over his cold body, nodding to the mortician that it was his relative. It was not the first time he had to identify the body as the quartermaster of Kingsman, he got used to it. The coldness of the room and its sterility made him shiver.
Then Richard was presented with his sister-in-law's corpse, and he couldn’t take it anymore. Harsh gasp escaped his mouth as he helplessly tried to compose himself.
“Yes, that’s her,” he mumbled on the way out.
This was not supposed to happen. Never in his worst dreams has he imagined outliving his brother and being the one to determine if it’s the right body. He always thought it would be the other way around or that Thomas would end up getting a fancy letter with golden Kingsman’s emblem on it, informing with great sadness of his passing.
“Mr Mycroft?” he stood still observing the white-tiled floor with an empty gaze, “Mr Mycroft, are you alright?” a doctor touched his arm to get his attention, “I’m sorry for your loss, were you close?”
“We used to be. Unfortunately, my work wasn’t helping with keeping the relationship more devoted. At least at my end,” he cleared his throat and looked at the doctor, “How it will look like?”
“Well, we have to perform an autopsy but given it was a fatal car accident, it won’t take long. After that, the bodies will be transferred to the mortuary of your choosing for the funeral, Mr Mycroft. It will take a few days.”
“I see, you got my contact info?” after the confirming nod, he continued, “Good then I’ll wait for the call. I have to inform their son.”
“Mr Mycroft. Once again, I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Yes, thank you, doctor,” he brushed it off on his way out. The man’s thoughts were occupied and empty at the same time, already thinking how to deliver the news to his nephew.
“Amelia, is my mommy coming soon?”
“I’m sure she is, darling. Do you want to eat your breakfast?” the nanny showed him a plate of small pancakes with some berries on top.
“Pancakes? But it’s not Sunday,” the boy frowned puzzled with this offer, “I’ll eat them,” he added fast with a disarming smile.
“Very well, Hamish. Sit up and eat up, young gentleman,” Amelia put the plate with cutlery in front of the child and added a glass of juice after a moment, “When you finish you can go outside and play in the garden. How does it sound?”
“Mhmm,” he answered the best he could with a mouth full of food. He finished his meal excitedly, in his mind, already running on the barely dry lawn with a toy plane that would undoubtedly crush into the ground, “Thank you,” with a loud rumble he moved the plate away from him and ran away to dress up.
“Put your hat on, it’s rather chilly!” she shouted after her protegee. After a moment she heard a joyful scream as he ran out into the garden with his toys. She smiled to herself and started to clean up after the breakfast.
“Good morning, Amelia,” she jumped surprised.
“Good morning, sir. Quite an entrance,” she responded with a nervous laugh, “Can I get you anything?”
“Coffee, please. How is the boy?”
“He woke up in quite a cheerful mood. Is everything alright?”
“I’m afraid not,” he smiled softly, accepting the cup, “His parents had a car accident. They didn’t make it.”
Amelia gasped terrified, her eyes filled with tears, “My God, this is unbelievable. Oh, this poor boy. What will happen to him?”
“I don’t know, I spoke to the lawyer, I’ll become his legal guardian. We just need documents to move it further,” he heard a sigh of relief from the nanny, “Where is he?”
“Garden, playing with his planes,” her voice trembled as she tried to hold back tears. She was unable to imagine how he would feel when he finally heard the news, “Are you going to tell him, sir?”
“Unfortunately. I have no conscience to put you through it, Amelia,” Richard came closer to the window observing his nephew’s last moments of child’s light-hearted plays, “Let's give him some more carefree childhood. I’ll talk to him when he’s back home.”
Within half an hour a breathless and sweaty youngling stormed the house like a tornado, loudly demanding something to drink. Boots, hat, and jacket were left like a trail of breadcrumbs leading to the kitchen where he bumped into two adults conversing quietly.
“Uncle Rick!” he exclaimed throwing himself in welcoming arms, for a tight hug.
“Hello, dear boy,” the child nested himself comfortably in his arms and with cold hands touched his relative's face with naïve pietism, “What are you looking for, Hamish?”
“You look different, older…” he paused frowning, “Sadder.”
“Well, I am really sad today, lad,” Kingsman smiled softly, which puzzled the boy even more, “Let’s take our drinks and maybe we’ll go to the playroom?” he passed a plastic cup to the child and ordered to hold it tightly. With his other free hand, he took a half-finished coffee and they headed to another room.
“You stopped coming often, why?” nephew inquired, focused on not spilling his drink.
“I had a lot of work,” now I regret it, he thought to himself, “Alright, now off you go.”
As soon as Hamish stood on the floor, he greedily drank up the juice and gave back the empty cup to his uncle, eyeing a particularly soft teddy he wanted to play with. Richard sat down heavily on a black sofa and sank into it. He didn’t want to have this conversation with the four-year-old. All he wanted was to disappear or wake up from this nightmare.
“Hamish,” the boy looked at him expectantly, “Come here,” he stretched out his hand encouragingly, watching the child coming quickly holding teddy’s paw and dragging it behind him.
“Are you crying, uncle?” it was impossible not to hear how concerned the boy was, “Is it because you’re sad?”
“Yes, lad,” he lifted him and sat down on his lap, “I’m sad because something happened and I’m even sadder because I have to tell you about it,” as best as he could, Hamish tried to hide behind his teddy. If such a big adult was crying about something, what would be with him?
“What is it?” he whispered.
“Your parents won’t come home, boy.”
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You Were My Only Hope
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Angstember Prompt - “For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you."
You had been on your own for a long time now, floating through the galaxy and never staying in one place long enough for anybody to know you, hiding your identity and shutting yourself off from the Force completely whilst trying to push through each lonely day without focusing on the emptiness around you.
Obi-Wan had long since taken off, exiling himself to Tatooine to look after the boy, Anakin’s boy. Some days you almost caved and went to the planet but you weren’t quite sure either you or Obi-Wan were prepared to face your past life just yet. The two of you weren’t the same people you had been all those years ago, Anakin’s downfall and death had taken something from both of you that hadn’t yet been replaced.
You had loved Anakin, had loved him more dearly than anything else. You had been praised for how well you followed the Jedi Code but it wasn’t true, for Anakin Skywalker you broke the Jedi Code everyday even if he never knew. You had known he had a relationship with Padmé, though you hadn’t quite known the extent of it, had no idea they were married, but it didn’t stop you from loving him.
Even though Anakin didn’t love you as you loved him, it didn’t mean he didn’t love you in his own way. The two of you had grown up alongside each other in the Temple, you were Anakin’s first and best friend. Whilst Obi-Wan wasn’t actually your Master, he had been in every sense of the word other than officially. You had spent more time training with him and Anakin than you had your own Master and if the Jedi allowed a Master to take on more than one Padawan you knew Obi-Wan would have happily accepted you as his own alongside Anakin. Over the years you became everything to each other, something closer than friends and somehow more intimate than lovers, there hadn’t been anything the two of you didn’t share with each other, at least you’d thought there were no secrets between you right up until Anakin’s fall.
Seeing the destruction he had caused, the death of Padmé, leaving the bodies of children behind in the Temple, helping with the murder of Jedi across the galaxy and making sure that the few who had escaped had bounties on their heads forever, turned your stomach. You knew that if you had had the chance all those years ago you would have done anything to change it, would have given up everything so long as Anakin kept his light.
There was nothing you could do though, Anakin was dead, Obi-Wan had pulled you aside shortly after Padmé had given birth to the children and tearfully told you what had happened on Mustafar, told you that Anakin was gone. The two of you held each other, knowing that nothing would be the same again and you hadn’t stopped the tears that poured from your eyes, soaking the cloak Obi-Wan wore.
From that day on you had been lost, jumping from one planet to the other and it was only when you came across a group of Inquisitors that you were glad you had been running, glad you had shut yourself off from the Force. You had hidden yourself in the shadows, easily blending in with the sketchy figures around you as one of the Inquisitors Force choked a Jedi they had found. You knew this was common, any Jedi found was to be killed, the Empire wouldn’t rest until they were. You had grown numb to it, had seen it happen too many times, in the early years you had wanted to react, wanted to help the Jedi but you knew that meant exposing yourself and you couldn’t do it.
“Where is Y/F/N Y/L/N?” One of the Inquisitors snarled and you felt your eyes go wide and forced yourself to swallow against the sudden lump in your throat.
You knew the Empire was looking for Obi-Wan for whatever reason, over the years you had heard whispers of his name but nobody had found where he was yet, only a few people knew that information and none of you would ever betray Obi-Wan.
The question was, why were they looking for you?
Ever since you’d overheard that conversation you had cut down your time spent on a single planet, making sure to keep your face covered whenever you had to be surrounded by people and kept your head down. You had dodged many Inquisitors in the past few months and again the urge to go to Obi-Wan for help was strong, the urge to reconnect with the Force and call out to Obi-Wan but you never did.
Instead you ran and you hid and you didn’t talk to anybody that wasn’t necessary. You were good but there was only so much you could do without the Force to help you, for it to warn you when danger was near. It didn’t surprise you nearly as much as it should have when you rounded a corner and saw your little shack in the middle of nowhere surrounded by Inquisitors, a ship not too far away.
Without your own lightsaber it really wasn’t a fair fight and it wasn’t long before you were being marched into the ship, a collar around your throat to cut you off from the Force despite you having done that yourself many years ago.
You didn’t say anything though, just let them shove along, rolling your eyes as they gloated about catching you before you were being pushed into a small, dark room. The door shut behind you and you were glad to be separated from the troopers and Inquisitors, if only to be rid of their constant taunting that was nothing more than an annoyance.
You had no idea where you were being taken, you could feel the ship moving and you could feel it making the shift to hyperspace. You spent the journey sitting on the floor, legs crossed as you let your mind wander. Even as a Padawan you had struggled to mediate, your Master hadn’t had the patience to teach you after repeated failures but Obi-Wan was more than happy to sit opposite you and guide you through it no matter how long it took. Mediating without being surrounded by the Force felt pointless but you still tried, if only to pass the time.
At some point your peace was disturbed as the door opened and you opened one eye to see a female Inquisitor enter the room alone. You regarded her for a second longer before letting your eye fall shut again, not giving her a reaction. She waited for the door to shut before she spoke.
“Anakin Skywalker has been waiting a very long time for you.” She told you and you couldn’t hide your reaction.
Your eyes shot open, staring openly at the woman in front of you in shock as your back stiffened with her words.
“What did you just say?” You asked, voice low and cold.
“You heard m-” She started to say but cut herself off, staring back at you for a moment before letting out a laugh, one that showed just how much she enjoyed having some sort of power over you as a smirk spread across her face. “You don’t know.”
“Know what? What do you know of Anakin?” You asked, not having pieced together what she knew.
“You don’t know,” She repeated, glee written on her face as she continued, “You don’t know what became of him.”
“He died.” You said through gritted teeth, annoyed at whatever tactic she was playing.
“Oh no, Y/N. Anakin Skywalker didn’t die, Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader.”
Your blood ran cold at her words, your head already shaking in disbelief because that was impossible. You hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting Vader but when one travelled the galaxy as much as you did you heard the stories. There was no way that was Anakin, no way.
“You really didn’t know.” She murmured, pulling you out of your thoughts and glaring at the smirk that was still on her face. “I guess you are right, your sweet Anakin Skywalker is long gone, Darth Vader is who remains.”
With those words she turned to leave the room, leaving you with that bombshell as you tried to sort your thoughts out. There was no way Obi-Wan knew, he would have told you. He, like you, believed Anakin had died on Mustafar but clearly he had received help, something had happened after Obi-Wan left with Padmé.
Even knowing what you knew about Vader you had to believe that Anakin was still in there somewhere, buried deep down under Darkness. Had you known he was still alive you wouldn’t have wasted years running around the galaxy, you would have done anything you could to bring him back to you.
For the first time since you had shut yourself off from it you wished you could connect with the Force.
It wasn’t long after that you felt the ship land, the doors to your cell were sliding open and two Inquisitors flanked by a handful of troopers were revealed. One of the Inquisitors wrapped their hand around your arm and dragged you along, the other gripping your other arm once you were close to him. You let them lead you through the ship and it took a good few minutes before you arrived in front of two heavy looking doors.
Upon seeing you and the Inquisitors, as well as the troopers who had followed you, the trooper standing guard opened the doors and you were shoved forward. You kept a bored look on your face but it was quickly replaced by a sad look as you saw Darth Vader standing in the room.
That couldn’t be Anakin and yet even without the Force to guide you, you had a feeling in the pit of your stomach, one that turned you cold, that the Inquisitor hadn’t been lying.  
“Leave us.” Vader ordered, his voice modified through the suit, sounding nothing like Anakin.
The Inquisitors and troopers left the room and the door fell shut behind them leaving you alone with Vader. You stood tall, a neutral look masking the pain and sadness you felt, staring into the helmet of Darth Vader.
“You have been difficult to find.” He told you and you couldn’t help but smirk, you had only become aware of the fact that the Empire was after you a few months ago, you wondered just how long you’d had a bounty on your head. “I have you now and you will tell me where Kenobi is hiding.”
You struggled to keep your mask in place, struggled not to let it show how painful it was hearing the hate filter through the mask. How had things fallen apart so badly, how had Anakin Skywalker, the person who had never failed to give you hope all throughout the clone wars, the person who you only ever saw the best in, fallen so hard? How could that boy who looked up to Obi-Wan, who had loved him dearly, not even bring himself to say his name? Only able to spit it out like it was poison.
Where had it all gone wrong?
“It’s really you then isn’t it?” You asked him, despite your neutral face your voice betrayed you, quivering slightly before you forced yourself to take a breath. “I didn’t want to believe her when she said you were Anakin but it’s you isn’t it?”
“Don’t use that name!” He spat, one arm raised with a clenched fist and you found yourself  a few feet in the air, Vader cutting off your breath as he Forced choked you.
It was child's play, you could handle being Forced choked, Anakin knew it as well as you did. You had been through worse during the years of the Clone Wars, suffered worse things than a choking. The Clone Wars had been tough, you’d been kidnapped more times than you could count, tortured even more, Anakin had been by your side throughout it all, you both knew this was nothing.
“Skywalker was weak, he was useless.” Vader said as he stopped choking you and you just about stayed upright as you were dropped to the floor.
“Anakin was never weak and he was far from useless. He was the bravest person I have ever met, he inspired loyalty, he was a hero.” You said, stressing the last word as you gave Vader a look of distaste. “Can you say the same about yourself?”
“You abandoned him, left him to die. Don’t speak to me about loyalty.” Vader snarled and even without the Force you could feel his anger, his pain and frustration.
You had to believe there was more than that there though, that there was some light no matter how small and dim, there had to be.
Anakin couldn’t just be gone.
For years you had lived thinking he had died, alone and in pain, left behind by Obi-Wan. You hadn’t blamed Obi-Wan, you had had years to dwell on it, years to run it through your head and knew full well that if you were in the man's shoes you wouldn’t have been able to kill Anakin either.
Even now as you stood before the darkest and most twisted version of Anakin, knew of all the pain and horror he had inflicted on the galaxy, even now you knew full well if you had the chance you wouldn’t be able to kill him.
You could practically see Master Yoda in your mind, shaking his head in disappointment as he spoke about attachments.
“Abandoned you?” You asked, shaking your own head as you stared at him in disbelief. “I thought you were dead. If I had known, if I had even had an inkling that you were alive, believe me I would have found you myself. I would have done everything I could to break through all the darkness surrounding you.”
“You expected me to believe that?” He scoffed and you glared at him. It was hard talking to him like this, not just because of the anger and the hatred but because of the helmet. Anakin had always been so expressive, his every emotion played out on his face but now the man hid behind the helmet.
“You know I’m not lying.” You told him and he remained silent for a few moments.
“There was a place for you at my side, there still is a place for you.” He told you suddenly, voice quiet but firm and you felt your eyes widen, there was no way he thought you would ever turn to the Dark Side but then again you had once believed he would never fall. “All you have to do is tell me where Kenobi is.”
“You know I would never betray Obi-Wan, Anakin.” You told him and watched as he took a step closer to you, towering over you but you forced yourself to meet the helmet.
“I am not Anakin.” He told you, anger clear in his tone and you couldn’t help the sad smile that pulled at your lips.
“You will always be Anakin Skywalker to me.” You said softly before you were slammed into a wall by the Force, Vader doing nothing more than pinning you against it. “And for what it’s worth, I never gave up on you. No matter how lost you are, no matter how far you stray from everything you once believed in, I never gave up on you, not when I saw what had become of the Padawans, not when the order was given for the Clones to kill us. I still believe in Anakin Skywalker.”
Vader stayed silent, the only sound in the room was that of his breathing, heavy through the helmet. You knew you were pushing it, knew this was a dangerous game but you didn’t care, you had to know if Anakin was still there, still believed in the man you had once known, the man you had spent every day loving.
“You are loyal to a dead man.” He told you finally and you felt your eyes close, desperately trying to think of a way to push through the Darkness. “It makes you weak.”
“Lucky for me then because the man I believe in isn’t dead, I know it. The man who held me when my Master was killed, the man who snuck me out of the Temple in the middle of the night because I wanted to see the celebrations, the man who took more beatings and hits than he needed to just so I didn’t get hurt, the man who helped me see the Light when everything seemed so dark during the war. That is the man I believe in and that is the man I know to be alive, to be within you no matter how deeply you have tried to bury him.” You told him, voice shaking and tears filling your eyes but you forced them back, not letting them fall.
This wasn’t about you, this was about bringing Anakin back.
“You can’t tell me this is the life you wanted Anakin. You’re nothing more than Palpatine’s weapon, he ripped everything from you; Padmé, your child, Obi-Wan and me. And for what, Anakin? What did you get out of it that was worth losing everyone?” You keep your voice soft, watching as his fist clenched at his side and you wished so badly you could see his face.
“None of that matters now.” Vader said after a moment of silence and you hated how you couldn’t hear his real voice, how his emotions were hidden through the helmet, robotic and stoic and not giving away anything. “The man you knew is gone, accept it and give up your weak and foolish hope of his return.”
You shook your head, refusing to do as he said. No matter what happened on this ship, even if he killed you, you would die knowing that Anakin was still in there, that one day, maybe not any time soon, Anakin would break through the Darkness surrounding him. Maybe he would break through himself, maybe he would eventually find Obi-Wan hidden away on Tatooine and Obi-Wan would be the one to break through. It didn’t matter how it happened, all that mattered was that you truly believed it would.
“I will never give up hope for Anakin Skywalker.” You told him, standing straighter and looking at the helmet, his anger and annoyance clear even without the Force helping up and the helmet covering him.
“Enough.” He said, using the Force to lift you off the ground again back still pressed against the wall. “I have grown tired of listening to you talk about a dead man, your pathetic attachment to him makes you weak. You could have joined me, Y/N, you could have joined me. Instead you keep your loyalties to a man long dead and a man who will die at my hands.”
Even though you’d been through worse pain, worse torture, suddenly this felt like the most painful thing you had ever experience, the worst kind of pain imaginable, a type of pain that made you cold and empty inside. There was no fear but something shifted around the two of you and you could practically see the thick Darkness clinging to Anakin.
You knew he was so far into it, knew the chances of you leaving this alive were slim to none and yet somehow you weren’t scared. The thing you felt most was your absolute heartbreak as you faced what had become of the man you loved but you knew he’d come back.
He had to.
“You have tested my patience long enough,” He snarled, stepping closer until there was no distance between you. “Now, you will tell me where Kenobi is!”
As he spoke he raised his hand, stopping you from taking breaths and you could feel his phantom grip tightening on you with each second. You stared at him, stared into the helmet that hid his face from you and knew you were going to die but you were not going to die betraying Obi-Wan or Anakin’s children.
“Anakin,” You choked out, voice a broken whisper as you felt yourself getting lightheaded, “I know you’re still in there, I know you can hear me even if you’re not ready to right now.” It was hard to speak, throat closed up and his grip only got tighter with your words. “I know this isn’t you, it can’t be, not after everything. You will find your way back one day, I know you will and you have to know, even with whatever happens today, I never gave up on you.” Your vision was going bleary as you forced yourself to stay conscious. “I love you, Anakin Skywalker, always have, always believed in you.”
Your words were barely audible at the end, his grip on your throat too tight to breath by now and the last thing you saw before your vision blacked out was the helmet of Vader, emotionless and betraying nothing as you choked out something unintelligible before letting your eyes fall closed.
Vader let go of you, let your body fall to the ground. He walked away, desperately trying to ignore the feeling deep inside of him, buried under a mountain of Darkness, that felt guilty, felt heartbroken and angry. Your final words were a declaration of love, a promise that you had always believed in him.
He stormed out of the room, fists clenched at his side as he forced down that part of him, the part that was Anakin Skywalker, no matter how much he denied it. You had been right, not that he would ever admit it but Anakin Skywalker had always been there, a weakness to Vader. He had thought he had destroyed every bit of Anakin Skywalker, thought he had rid himself of such a weakness but then you had come along and reignited the tiny bit of Light in him that he had never been able to kill.
But now you were dead and there was nobody left in the whole galaxy that believed in him. You were dead by his hands and even though your dying words would never leave Vader’s mind, no matter how much he tried to forget them, there was no hope left in the galaxy for him.
That hope had lived and died with you.
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@heyitsaloy​, @f-sant​
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harghoes · 2 years
Ghost of You
pairing: billy hargrove x reader
warnings: angst, canon death, not proof-read lol
tags: @karasong @megmeg-chan @dameronology​
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July 4th, 1985 was the day tragedy struck. For most people, it was the fact that Starcourt Mall had been destroyed somehow. For Joyce Byers, it was because the person who believed her most died. For you, it was the tragedy of losing your loved one by a monster from a different dimension. 
You watched as the Mind Flayer's slimy tendrils speared through his body, but if the final limb had not pierced his chest, you know he would have survived. You watched as his body dropped to the floor. Max’s scream barely registered in your hazy consciousness. You rushed towards him, the black blood sticking to and coating your legs. 
Resting his head in your lap, he looks up at you. He tries to smile but it looks more like a pained grimace. You smiled down at him whimpering, “Hey. It’s alright. It’s okay, Billy.” You know you’re lying to him.  There’s nothing okay with the way blood is trickling from his mouth. You take a glance down his body, noticing the blood seeping into his white tank in the neon lighting of Starcourt Mall. You look in his eyes again before saying, “You can rest now, Billy, I’ll take care of us. We’ll be fine.”
More blood coughs from his mouth as he mutters his final words, “I’m sorry.” Witnessing life drain from his eyes, pupils dilating, was the most difficult experience of your life. The moment he took his last breath, a sob wracked through your body. Max pulled you close to her in a forceful hug. Sobbing into her shirt, you couldn’t get his final words out of your head. 
The funeral was the worst part. Many people showed up, but no one who knew the real Billy Hargrove, and the people who sat there that day to watch him die didn’t bother to attend. It was a closed casket with just his senior yearbook photo sitting at the front of the church. Sat in the front row, staring at that picture of him smiling while tears streamed down your face, the only thing grounding you was Max’s hand gripping yours. 
Neil Hargrove, the man who made Billy’s life a living hell, was drunk off his ass. It was clear that he didn’t want to remember this day, but he deserved to after everything he did to Billy. He was more aggressive than usual, which always happens when he has a drink or two. You sat between him and Max, trying to protect her from his wrath as much as possible. It was clear Susan wasn’t going to defend Max against Neil. She never had in the past. Billy had always been the protector in his own way, and now that role is yours. 
At the visitation, Susan came up to you. It was unlike her to come by herself to talk, Neil always being around, and it surprised you. She had started up a simple conversation with you before the alcoholic was stomping over.
“Thank you so much for coming. It means a lot to us,” She was talking about the boy like she had been there to keep him safe from his poor excuse of a dad, “I am glad we could have you here. I know it would mean a lot to Billy. And I know Billy was a little rough around the edges, but he was always sweet on you.”
As she finished talking, Neil appeared. He listened to her final words before letting out a scoff. You were preparing yourself for his words, knowing that you can’t truly make a scene, but you knew that what he had to say was far from the truth. 
Neil finally opened his mouth, “Don’t lie to ‘em, Susan. Billy only cared about you as much as any of the other whores he brought around,” Taking a deep breath to save face, he had continued on, “In fact, why were you sitting in the front row? That’s reserved for family.” 
For a moment, time stopped. Every single intrusive thought you’d ever had about hurting Neil Hargrove almost won. Your face held no emotion as you stared at him. You angrily tilted your head, nearly about to give into the impulse to punch him right in the nose, you catch a flash of red. Turning your attention to Max, you had seen how lonely she looked standing in the corner of the Hargrove-Mayfield living room, knowing that if you were to give this man the righteous indignation that he deserved, you would no longer be able to fulfill the promise to Billy Hargrove. 
That promise you made is the only thing keeping you from bruising this man like he had his son countless times. But it’s not enough to keep you from putting him in his place. You had turned your attention back to Neil, furiously staring at the blue eyes which are perhaps the only thing he has ever given Billy of worth. 
All the venom in those years of watching what he did to Billy came out in your next words. 
“You are not going to talk to me like that at your son’s funeral,” You pointed an accusatory finger at him, “Not when I know for a fact that Billy cared for me more than anyone else in his life, he told me as much when he told me he loved me.” More tears spilled from your eyes as you snarled,  “Billy had too much respect to hit you, but I don’t. He was your son, I am not. Any respect I had for you died the moment Billy took his last breath.”
Neil was visibly taken aback, but there was a creeping thought that if there weren’t other people around you wouldn’t be as safe.
You took one final look at him before spitting, “I will lay your ass out if I so much as hear from you again. Don’t think I won’t.” Looking over at Susan, you said through your teeth, “My condolences,” before you are marching your way to Max. You grabbed her hand and dragged her out of that broken home, determined to make her feel not as isolated anymore.  
The funeral was two weeks ago now. Sifting through the remnants of Billy Hargrove was difficult, but you were plowing onwards through your life, more for Max than for yourself. Pretending to be strong turns out to be easier than actually being strong. The reality is that every moment without Billy is misery. The way that the oxygen filling your lungs is like razor blades, the beating in your chest seems weaker, and every single step taken throughout the day feels heavy with the knowledge that he’s six feet below your feet. 
The early morning walk that you had decided to take to clear your head wasn’t making you feel better. Not only were your previous thoughts plaguing you, but as the sun rose the summer day got hotter and hotter, and the brown leather jacket that had once been Billy’s hung around your shoulders since you refused to remove it. The smell of him was the only sort of comfort available to you these days. 
Sticking your hand in the pocket, you feel a cylindrical object. Confused, you wrap your hand around it and pull it out. Opening your hand, you quickly realize that it’s a film canister. Shaking the canister to see if it’s empty, you hear something clatter on the pavement. Looking down, you notice the lid and the roll of undeveloped film. 
Crouching down to pick it up, the memory dawns on you as to how this got into your pocket. Hastily, you are grabbing the film and throwing it back into the canister. Popping the lid back on, you are in hysterics. Praying to whatever God is out there that this single film reel wasn’t ruined, but knowing deep down that it was. 
That canister was in your pocket because Billy had given it to you. Five weeks ago, he had tossed it at you while asking if you would develop it for him. Five weeks ago, you promised him you’d develop them that afternoon. Five weeks ago, he was still alive. 
The memory comes flooding back to you, it was one of the most truly happy moments you can remember having with him. Taking photos on the camera you had gifted him for his birthday this year. You remember how he smiled so genuinely when you took that first candid photo of him, accusing you of catching him when he wasn’t ready. You took another right after, catching the mildly scandalized look on his face. He was all blurry laughter and quick movement in his attempt to catch a photo of you, only to capture your equally blurry, bubbly laughter. 
You filled up that film with clandestine, innocent photos of the two of you on a day that didn’t seem as important as it inevitably would become to you. When it was full, he had given it to you while you were in his room, only to be forgotten about in the bottom of that brown leather jacket pocket. All of the things that you had thought were more important than that single roll of film paled in comparison now, because those had been the last photos you would ever take together. 
You were on your feet in an instant. Running to the film store that was on the corner square of downtown, the tears were flowing down your cheeks at the thought that you may have ruined one of the last things he had given you. Your stomach turns violently, anxiety shooting up your spine, as you realize that you have royally fucked up. 
Reaching the store, the bell announces your desperate attempt to fix what you’ve broken. The employees startled at your frantic appearance, and you’re glad that there’s no other customers in the store so you can go directly to the employee. You are slamming the canister on the counter before he could even speak. 
“Please tell me if this can be developed. Please tell me it’s not ruined!”
Your frenzied tone has him moving into action right away. He grabs the canister from the counter, and takes a look at you. 
He simply asks you, “What happened?” before you are explaining how you dropped it. Trying to express how important that film is, he finally starts to move towards the back room. He says he’ll take a look at it before disappearing. 
Guilt and worry overtake you. You’re chewing on your lip violently, watching the second hand on the clock tick by. It feels like forever waiting for him to return from the backroom and when he finally does, you can tell by the look on his face. The film is ruined. You destroyed it. There is nothing you, or anyone, can do to get those memories of Billy back. 
The overwhelming urge to cry takes over as you feel the pressure in your eyes and in your nose. The man tries to tell you that the film is destroyed, but that doesn’t matter now. He gently asks if you want to keep it or if he can throw it away. You snatch the container from him before turning to rush home. 
Arriving at your house, you see a certain redhead sitting on the front steps. You are quick to wipe the tears from your face, hoping to bury the heartache deep enough that the girl might not see it. You attempt to put on a smile by the time you reach her, but you already know that she’s seen right through you. If there was one thing that her and Billy had in common, it was the ability to read you like an open book. 
Max’s smile drops as she takes in your state. At this very moment you were trying to be strong for her. You had made that promise to Billy and you weren’t about to break it so early. 
But this fourteen year old girl was bearing witness to it, and while you know that this is not the worst thing that she has seen in her short lifetime, the guilt that comes with the understanding that dawns in her eyes is there all the same. 
The exhaustion of it all weighs on you. You collapse onto the stairs alongside Max. The silence is deafening between you but there is an understanding in the way she looks forward, away from you, so that you can have this small privacy in your grief. 
Max breaks the silence, and you’re grateful because you aren’t able to form words. She glances at you from her peripheral, making sure you’re listening.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you cry since the funeral,” she starts, “You have been strong for so long. Must be tiring.” 
She turns her head to look at you, and you return her gaze. You look into her eyes, and even though they weren’t biological, you almost swear you see a glimpse of Billy in the determination in her eyes. 
Max grabs your hand before softly promising, “I’m not the only one who needs to be looked after, y’know? Billy could be an asshole sometimes, but he’d want you to be okay too.” 
Tears glaze over your vision. You grab the back of her head before pulling her into resting your foreheads together, closer than two sisters could ever be. You both stay like that for a moment, eyes closed, just accepting the comfort brought on by the other. The bittersweet knowledge that you have both lost Billy, but you still have each other to rely on, blankets you. 
Pulling away, you reach into the pocket of Billy’s jacket. Fishing out the ruined film, you hold it in your hands before speaking to Max,
“I ruined this film. It was the only photos Billy and I had together.” You take a deep breath to try and push away the tears.
Max speaks softly, “Your love was more than photos. You still have memories of him, we all do.” 
Sighing, you know she’s right but it doesn’t make it sting any less.
 “That doesn’t matter, Max.” You breath shakily, “I don’t have any pictures of him. He exists now, only in my memories.”
Max pulls you into a hug, and the sound of your sobs fill the silence. She squeezes you tight to show you that she is there. When your sobs finally die down, she is mumbling in your ear.
“Billy exists in more than those photos. He is in the jacket that you’re wearing.” She leans away from the hug to look at you, “He is the grief you are feeling. He is that stupid Saint Christopher necklace you have.” 
She rests her hand on your shoulder before sighing out, “He is the love that you hold. He is the reason that you’ll always be my sister.” She wipes her own tears away before speaking with a small laugh, “We’ll never be free from his dumbass.” 
This gets a chuckle from you before you’re pulling her closer. 
“Sister, huh?” 
 Max halfheartedly shrugs before saying, “Yeah, I always wanted one.” 
She was right. Grief had pulled you apart but even now Billy was piecing you back together. After all, he had brought you a sister and he had left his own permanent mark on your soul. 
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
Random ask...Which houses from Harry Potter would you put your favorite characters from Death Note? And why?
mmmmmmm better question is which Camp Half-Blood Cabin/Godly Parent would the Death Note characters have?? Percy Jackson’s where it’s at!! (And no, they don’t all automatically get Hades)
Light - k I have no idea for him, I kinda wanna give him Zeus so he’d still have a superiority complex, but he can’t exactly go around subtly smiting people lol. I’m thinking Apollo because he could easily use the positive reputation as a mask, but I’m still debating! He’s always the hardest character to try and categorize
L - EASY. Athena. Would be head councilor of the cabin. Annoys Light to no end on the senior council.
Misa - Aphrodite (she would def have charm-speak, that’s how she gets away with everything)
Near - Hephaestus (he would be putting together the coolest puzzles and toys!)
Matt - Hermes (I can easily see him being a little scamp with the Stoll brothers lol)
Ryuk - also Hermes LMAO
Mello - Nemesis (maybe a tad on the nose, I’d want to pair something closer with his personality if I can find one later)
Rem - would actually be the one to get Hades (and she’d be very moody and lonely about it :’’’D sweet baby just wants love)
That’s all that I can think of at the top of my head! 
Sidenote, I am so stoked for the Disney+ series, especially after they casted the perfect Percy! Can’t wait for a resurgence in the fandom!
I threw these out there on a whim, so feel free to come back and let me know which ones you agree/disagree with! I’ll probably switch up some of my decisions later too. Thanks for the fun ask!! (that I derailed lol)
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