#and why the wolf and the dragon has been abandoned
missisjoker · 24 days
Lost Prince!Jace x Cregan Stark
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A short foreword: 1. Boltons flay people because they can "steal" others' magic by wearing the skins.
2. Dragons can't fly over the wall because it breaks their connection to their riders AND breaks their connection to any warg that might be controlling them.
On his 10th nameday, prince Jacaerys takes his first flight. It goes splendidly well, and later that night, he sneaks out of his room to fly on Vermax again. He doesn't know that far in the North, a Bolton is wearing the freshly flayed skin of a skin changer and trying to warg into Vermax. When he takes to the skies, Vermax gets "snatched", and flies straight to the Dreadford. But they get caught up in a storm, get disoriented, and end up North of the wall. The moment Vermax crosses above the wall, control is lost, and he crashes down to the ground, taking Jacaerys with him.
The boy regains himself in White Tree, wildling village north of the Wall. The wildlings keep him alive because he is "magical" to them. They start training him in their ways, teaching him, and forcing him to fight. Sometimes bleed and starve him for their "magical" rituals.
Sometime later, during a hunt, he sees a group of Night Watch riders, and tries running to them, hoping with all his heart they listen and take him back to his mother - but almost gets killed. He starts hating the Crows for abandoning him, and hating his family for getting him on that dragon and then forgetting about him.
Years pass. Jacaerys grows into a fine wildling leader, smart and brave and ruthless, because wildlings are unforgiving- and so is he. His people call him "Prince".
He learns that a neighboring tribe has been worshipping the Others by leaving newborn babies in the mouths of weirwood trees for the Others to "eat". He is horrified, but...It's not his business what others do onto their children- after all, his own family left him for dead, so why should he care? He also has nightmares where a distant gnarly voice talks to him, promises to flay him and wear his skin like a cloak, and mount a dragon. Or, maybe, break him instead, and warg into him. And then return to Kings Seat and become the King of the 7 kingdoms. He doesn't know what it means, but feels glowing eyes watching him from the dark.
One day, he learns that the Crows raided the neighboring village, snatched a sacrifice baby, and now, judging by the sudden onslaught of Winter, the Others are pissed and are coming to kill everything breathing north of the Wall.
He leads his men after the Crows. His ambush is almost successful, he even sees the child- a small bundle of flesh and skin writhing in cold snow- he thinks of keeping the child alive, but then decides that killing it IS a mercy. He doesn't get to finish the job though, because a stone wall of a man in a wolf fur cloak slams into him. They fight, and the fight is brutal, and even though Jace is one of the best wildling fighters, he finds himself outmatched. He's disarmed, thrown on the floor, and a sword pressed into his throat. He has a flash thought "this is valyrian steel", and realizes- this must be someone from the South, perhaps a lord. A lord in the North? A Stark? "Killing an unarmed opponent? I thought Starks were supposed to be honorable." The man grabs him by the hair and drags him up to meet his gaze, "Honor is reserved for those who deserve it. And there's no honor in killing a suckling babe", and then Jace's world goes black.
He wakes up bound in a cave, near a fire, with Crows around him and with a Stark man watching him with the grey-blue eyes of steel. "Stop staring, it's impolite." "You whisper in your sleep." The man comes closer, and Jace feels uneasy under his piercing gaze, "Was I whispering your name?" The man smiles, and Jace begrudgingly admits that the man is handsome. "You're the one they call Prince?" "Yes, but you can call me Jace." "Hm." The man lifts his chin and runs a thumb over Jace's jaw- the same spot he clocked him in earlier. "Admiring your work?". The man's lips twitch in a half-smile, "And what if I am?"
There is a sudden commotion outside, and Jace finds himself alone. He crawls to the fire and burns the ropes around his hands, trying not to scream when fire licks his skin. He gets out of the cave expecting to run into a centinel, but outside is a massacre. There is a pack of wolves attacking the camp. He sees the Stark man- throwing off a beast off his men, face and cloak drenched in blood. Jace wants to run, but then sees a giant bear going straight for Stark. So, he grabs a half-broken spear from the frozen ground, screams, "Stark!", and throws it at the bear. Stark turns, and his eyes widen in horror because the spear only nicks the bear's side, and the bear roars and charges Jace. Jace moves and evades, but the beast still catches him with one of his paws, knocking him on the ground, and starts to claw at his chest. Jace hears his own bones break and skin tear, and screams when the bear goes for his throat, but in that moment a valyrian steel blade runs the bear's head through and exits thought his maw. Jace sees blood dripping on the snow and doesn't know if it's his, or the bears- and the world goes black, yet again.
When he wakes up, he ... is lost. His body aches badly, but he is warm, and his bed feels softer than he ever remembers feeling. He is covered in furs, and a brightly lit fireplace licks stone walls and arched ceiling with amber glow. He tries to move, but a firm hand stops him.
"Try not to move".
The Stark man is sitting next to his bed. His face is covered in scratches, but his eyes are ... soft. Jace feels a sting of something in his chest.
"Winterfell. You were badly hurt, so I brought you here with me."
Stark cups his head and helps Jace sit. His hands are rough from handling a sword, but strong and gentle, and Jace melts into the touch. The man gives him a sip of water,
"the bear..."
"It was a warg."
"A warg?"
"A skin changer. A man who controls animals from afar, makes them do their bidding."
Jace swallows hard,
"Is he dead?"
"No, he's not." A moment of silence follows, then,
"I Wish to go back."
"Am I your hostage then?"
"It isn't safe for you back there, your Highness."
Jace's face burns,
"Your Highness, is it now?"
Stark looks at him for a long moment, gaze unwavering, and Jace feels his skin prickle.
"Your name isn't Jace."
"You kept repeating a phrase in your sleep. Se anogar hen zaldrizes iksos isse issa." The northerner's accent sounds a bit wild, but the words are undeniable. "The blood of the dragon is in my veins." You're Jacaerys Velaryon, son of Rhaenyra Targaryen and the Crown Prince of Seven Kingdoms."
Jace feels treacherous tears burn in his eyes.
"Jacaerys is dead."
Stark stays quiet for a while, then sighs, "Maybe so. But, whatever it is- stay here until your wounds heal."
Jace's heart is hammering in his chest and he turns away from the man, hiding a single tear rolling down his cheek.
"I don't need your pity".
"I am not offering you pity, I am paying back my debt. Stay here as my guest, and once you recover, if you still wish so, I will escort you back North of the wall."
Jace's eyes search the man's handsome face,
"Do you promise?"
"I promise. As long as you don't kill any more of my men."
He offers a hand to Jace, and Jace shakes it.
"Then it's a deal."
The man smiles, and Jace wonders for a second why does his hand fits so perfectly into the man's.
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Hello again 🙋🏻‍♀️! I couldn't stay away from your blog much longer, treating myself a full binge of your beautiful work on my evening off 😋.
So, I come with another meow meow Daemon thingy, where he's betrothed to a sharp Stark lady who's ruthless with him and he's like 😍; So he's geting "ahem" impatient at the wedding, losing control and trying to touch her. I'll leave the rest to you as I trust in this vivid imagination 😄.
Thanks for being the amazing creator you are, have a lovely day 💐
A Ring is Merely Jewelry and Marriage a Contract
Daemon Targaryen x Stark!Reader
Summary: You had a lot to say to your father about his plans to marry you off to house Targaryen. And though you thought the prince was as appalled by the match as you are, something rewired his brain when he saw you. Direwolf against dragon anyone? Dare to place your bet on who wins?
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Misogyny, arranged/forced marriage, fem!reader, snarky!reader, annoying!Daemon, enemies to lovers(?), father's reader is sick and coughs every other moment, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE THIS IN MY INBOX!!!!! '... couldn't stay away from your blog much longer' begs the question why were you staying away in the first place 🤨 I'm so glad you think im amazing <3 SLAY yuh. my heart goes boom but i have to admit, the prompt stumped me a bit. so hopefully you enjoy what I made. i enjoyed writing it myself Also, I don't know much about game of thrones lore so im just making stuff up as i go SKSKASKFA:SF I LOVE LONG HAIRED DAEMON GAAH LOOK AT HIM ALL PETTY AND PATHETIC WITH THAT DRAGON EGG Part 2 anyone "Fire & Havoc"
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I slam my hands on the table, "I WILL NOT GO, FATHER!"
He is unfazed by the ruckus I cause and only proceeds to eat his breakfast.
"You told me I could choose whom I marry," I whine, "you swore it. I-"
"But that was before," he speaks plainly, offering me a mere look after.
I scoff, twice as wronged because I knew exactly what he meant. "Cregan!" I call to my older and only other sibling, "surely you do not-"
"This matter does not concern your brother," my father dismisses.
"Oh," I stand from my seat and glare at my father, "does it not" I scoff yet again, "when he will surely benefit from the marriage you are suggesting with that horrid prince-"
"Silence!" my father takes his turn slamming his hand on the table. For a moment, the two of us glare at each other. He continues after taking a deep breath, "you are to pack, leave your wolf and-"
"Leave my wolf?!"
"-to travel to King's Landing at once, with not a single complaint."
My jaw slacks in utter disbelief. My fists tighten in rage.
Cregan, who had been spectating silently the entire time, finally drops his fork and swallows the food in his mouth, "father, don't you think making her leave without Ha-"
Both Cregan and I stiffen at the echo of our father's voice. However, his body proceeds to rattle with an intense cough.
The anger in me fades into concern when his ragged barks do not cease. Before I could gather my skirts and go to him, he raises his hand and forces him breath to even, "enough."
Rickon looks back to me and the hollowness of his face is suddenly apparent, "I will not argue over this any further, daughter."
"But, fa-"
"You are a Stark," he sighs, "cunning, strong, and capable, but when I die, all that I have will pass to your brother," he leans against his chair, "and even though I know he would not abandon you, the fool will surely not remember you enough to keep you safe."
"But I don't need him to be safe, I-"
"The world will not allow it," he manages before choking into another cough.
As Cregan gives the old man a drink, I feel tears glass my eyes out of spite.
Rickon does not accept the cup upon seeing my expression.
"It is not fair," I mutter under a jagged breath.
He sighs, "if it were up to me, I would-"
"You cannot make me leave my wolf," I point accusingly, "you cannot make me go to him, as though I am a subservient entity with no mind and no desires."
My father speaks my name, but I am not having it.
"If you are so hellbent on me marrying that insolent younger Targaryen that you waste your dying wish on him," I seethe, anger leaving me in a form of bitter of tears, "then I will do as my Lord Stark commands," I offer a fake curtsy.
My father calls me again, another cough takes possession of him.
"But know this," I say as I straighten myself up, "if he dares lay a finger on me, I will slit his throat. And if he is a good enough warrior to survive my blade, then he will slit my throat for my treason," I move away from my seat, "and when my blood waters the earth, father, it will be because of your dying wish."
"ENOUGH!" Cregan demands, pointing at me angrily.
By the time my the coughs reverberating in the dining room dampens, I've already made my way out.
There was a part of me that regrets leaving home like that. But it was precisely Rickon Stark who imparted his great pride upon me. I could not even bring myself to look at him before I left, though Cregan bribed me with my own wolf to have me speak to our father.
She new I was leaving, Havoc. I nearly jumped out of my carriage when I heard her desperate howls. I found that my door was locked from the outside and the idea enraged me enough that I nearly broke the window open.
But then it dawned to me that it was pointless.
Even if I managed to get out of my prison, I would be shipped to King's Landing either way, only this time, I would have worn everyone's patience thinner.
You could only imagine the state of my own patience when I arrived at my horrid destination.
It was unbelievably sweltering and unimaginably cold all at once.
Him, tenfold, that Daemon Targaryen.
Not only did he place no efforts in welcoming me, it seems he ordered my chambers to be at the opposite of his, to make things more annoying and more difficult for everyone.
It seems he did not want me, and I did not want him. We at least had something in common we could work on.
Today marked the 10th day of my stay in this wretched place. Each morn, I would seek audience with my betrothed and yet his handmaiden would curtsy to me and say, "the Prince is not here, my lady."
I chuckle dryly in disbelief and make an effort not to snap at the woman, for I knew she was not at fault, "and have you expressed my tenacity to seek audience with him. I-- Lady Stark, who has defeated my Lord suitors in combat, and would gladly attack him for less if he continues ignoring my existence-- seek his audience" I nod feverously, "have you expressed this to him?"
My words are visibly unsavory to her ears, "I have, your grace."
My face twitches as I avert my gaze away from the woman. But not even the sight of the blue sky halts the way my chest vibrates in annoyed laughter, "then he is more insolent than I could have ever hoped," I release a sharp shudder, "and I am to be wed to him in two days time."
I turn back to the perturbed maid, "what jovial news, don't you agree-- Bethany, was it?"
She nods her head as her face twists in fear.
I take deep breaths to calm myself and screw my eyes shut at the feel of sweat dripping down my nape because of the fucking climate of this wretched place.
I rub the back of my neck roughly as I open my eyes and force a smile, "then shall you lead me to the training grounds?"
"As you command," she shakes her head, "but I am sure the prince is not-"
"Not for him," I blurt, "for me."
Her brows knit, "... your grace, I-"
"And I do not mean the royal training grounds. It's utterly boring there. I mean the area where those Gold Cloaks train. Do you know what I speak of?"
Bethany quickly nods.
"Yes, that's the one. I am fucking sick of doing nothing all day, and so I might as well entertain myself before I end up killing someone."
I do not have enough patience to explain the light jest in my tone after hearing how roughly she gulps.
Bethany wordlessly escorts me to the training grounds, where I then see about a dozen men, sweaty and loud, as they spar and practice together.
I find myself releasing a sigh of relief at the sight before me, and promptly dismiss Bethany with a nod.
The moment she goes on her way, however, I call out to her, remembering my own poor handmaiden, "might I ask one last favor before you leave?"
Bethany nods, "of course, my lady."
"Please inform Belidea of my whereabouts. She is a terrible worry wart and I cannot stand the sound of her high pitched nags."
"Of course, my lady," she repeats more urgently.
I nod, "very good. You have my thanks."
Once she is gone, I make my way to the training grounds, and my mere presence commands the attention of the soldiers.
"My lady," a man with brown hair and a long beard nods, walking over to me with his golden cloak swaying behind him.
I nod back at him, "who is the commander of this training session?"
"That would be me, my lady."
I smile at him and introduce myself, "you are welcome to call me simply by my name."
"I do not wish to offend Prince Daemon," he says, then adding, "Ser Phineas, at your service, Lady Stark."
"A pleasure," I say, "though I must correct you in your belief that your beloved prince even knows of my existence."
"Nonsense," he shakes his head, "his head is heavy with thoughts of your marriage."
I snort, "you don't say? You are acquainted with his insolence well then?"
Phineas lets out an uncomfortable cough, My lips curve at it.
"I would not myself assume to be well-acquainted with our prince at all."
"Hmm," I cross my arms, "very well then, ser Phineas. I wonder then if you would allow me the warm regard your dragon born did not when I arrived to King's Landing."
The man bows in response.
"I would like to spar with your finest swordsman."
He lifts his face to me.
"I am terribly bored and quite frankly annoyed by the continuous absence of my beloved," I suck in a deep breath, "and so I should like to relieve my stress rather than allow it to fester within me."
He opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again, square shoulders relaxing, "Ah. I would gladly instruct the lady in the art of-"
I raise a finger at him, "I did not ask to be taught," I cut him off, "and if it is you who you believe to the best amongst your peers, then I shall warn you not to twist my words and delude yourself to be better than I, simply because you are a man."
I see how his expression shifts at my words. Phineas sucks in a a breath from his nostrils, "Lady Stark, I do not wish to harm you, nor do I think it would be wise for you to rile up the prince, if that is-"
"Bold of you to think you could harm me, first of all," I say walking off to the circle him, "second of all, if you bring up the prince again, I will rip your cloak off and use it as a towel," I rub my forehead, "the heat of this place is unbearable."
"It must be polar opposite to the frost up North," he says, turning to me when I make it back in front of him.
"It is," I state, "now. Will you let me spar, or will I have to provoke you even more?"
He is unable to control the curl of amusement from his lips.
The whole training ground clears and crowds around us as we make it its center. Phineas turns to his brothers-at-arms and then back to me as he twists his sword in his hands for show, "I will go-"
"Easy on me?" I roll my eyes and finish for him, stabbing my sword on the ground before me so that I can stretch, "I would advise you otherwise, since I am as adept with the blade in a skirt, as I am without." I roll my shoulder back as I smirk, "it would hurt your fragile ego too much if you should lose to me too quickly."
The crowd mumbles at my haughty remark.
Phineas chuckles but shows no trace of annoyance or anger.
I smile at his composure and pull my sword up, pointing it to him, "enough chat."
"MY LADY, NO!" the frantic voice of my handmaiden calls out. All eyes turn to her as she makes her way through the crowd and makes herself visible to me.
"Belidea," I call, "just in time for the show."
"Please," she catches her breath, adding lowly, "do not make a spectacle of yourself."
I roll my eyes, "then would you like to spar with him?"
Belidea only continues to heave as I offer her the weapon in my hand.
I raise a brow at her and go back to my stance, "then be still and silent."
Phineas readies himself, "you can still-" but the sound of my steel crashing against his effectively shut him up.
It seems, finally, after all this time, I have finally merited the attention of the prince.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Daemon barks, beholding his beloved Gold Cloaks, worn out, battered and beaten, with several injured.
Having taken a moment to drink some water, I see the long silver hair on his back and find my brows raising at the sight of it.
The man I was drinking with, Elias, chokes on his water and wipes his lips quickly with his wrist. He leans and mutters to me, "that's the prince, my lady."
"Yes," I shift on my leg, "it is obvious, it is not?"
Faced with frantic faces, Daemon is still with rage at the lack of answers.
"Betrothed," I call from behind him the moment I am near. With my hair wild out of its original hairstyle, and my skirt ripped short out of my own rage towards it, I curtsy at him with my hands behind my back.
My eyes do not leave the Targaryen's face as he examines the cuts on my arm and thighs. There was blood on my clothes that was indistinguishable if it were mine or not, but there was a sure darkness behind my eyes. I rise when I speak, "it is a wonder to finally meet you face to face."
Belidea, who was quick to run to my side, shrinks as not to meet the prince's gaze. She quickly makes an effort to wrap the golden cloak I took as my prize to mask my indecency, but I merely push the cloak of me.
"Were you captured?" he quickly interrogates, as if he is concerned.
I scoff and roll my eyes, "as your men are ashamed to admit," I turn to Phineas, who was missing his cloak, "I amused myself by winning all the matches against them."
The man shifts to face me, grabbing the fabric of what used to be part of my sleeve, "and this looks like winning to you?"
I rip the fabric off me using I had in my palms and step forward, motioning to the side, "does that?"
He bares his profile to me as he examines his battered men. A curve forms on his lips and it makes my eyes narrow in anger.
"All of you morons lost to the lady?" he calls loudly, ending his words with a chuckle.
I fidget with the dagger in my hand.
Upon catching this, Phineas places a hand on my arm. I turn to him with a dirty look that immediately makes him withdraw.
"Is it so hard to believe, Prince Daemon?"
Daemon turns back to me, eyes bright, matching his grin, "no, I am impressed."
I scoff, "because you do not believe my might."
He steps closer to me, eyes flickering to the dagger I was still playing with, "perhaps you would grace me with a demonstration-"
"Go fuck yourself," I blurt, throwing the dagger off to the side before storming off.
And as shocked as he was, Daemon was more so excited than anything.
It seems he was so moved by my performance that he finally came to me instead of the other way around. He, however, lacked the decency I had and came to me in the darkness of night.
It took everything in my not to ram into him and strike him with the comb I was using when he rudely walked in my chambers. I controlled myself for the sake of the poor servants that would behold my massacre.
"What do you want?" I blurt, eyeing him from my vanity.
Daemon, who was in his own sleeping attire it seems, smiles softly as he places his hands behind his back, "my lady wife has been seeking my audience."
I slam my comb on my vanity and cause my maids to gasp. I march in front of the seemingly further amused prince and clench my jaw at the sight of him, "the mere fact you are referring to me as your wife tells me that I should not seek your audience at all."
He chuckles at my words, linking his hands in front of him. Daemon hums, "I see. You do not wish to wed me."
I scoff, "and a few hours ago, you shared the same sentiment." I tilt my head up at him in annoyance, but it seems the sight of the blood on my clothes has made you change your fickle mind."
He chuckles more loudly this time, "that was because I was fed lies about marrying an obedient wife that wanted nothing but to sire me strong heirs with the will of Starks and Targaryens."
"And what pig shat out that crap?"
"That would be the lords of the council," he smiles, "but clearly they have not met you."
I lick my teeth at his expression, "do not act so pleased, as though you have won me over."
"Worry not, my dear, the dragon in me so burns at the challenge."
I shake my head and roll my eyes at him, "do not speak to me of your dragon," I step away from him, "it does not entice me."
I catch sight of my servants as Daemon laughs. I promptly dismiss them as the prince makes his way to my bed and sits on the side, "ah yes. I was wondering why I had yet to behold your famous direwolves."
I cross my arms as he presses his lips into a pleased smile, "would they not fare well in this weather? Is that why you did not bring yours?"
"Are you quite comfortable, my prince?"
His shoulders shake in amusement, "I am."
"Then do not be surprised if you do not make it out of here alive," I say as I stalk towards him.
Daemon give me a lopsided smirk, "they did not allow you any weapons, as your brother warned."
"A comb would be a good weapon as any," I blurt, grabbing the said object from my vanity and pointing it to him as I stand before him.
I am surprised that he does not laugh at my words. He is wise not to anger me any further.
"You must admit it is better that you and I end up with each other."
"And why would I ever admit that," I whisper through grit teeth.
"Because you and I are the same," he says, standing.
"We are not the same."
Daemon turns to the comb still pointed at him as he walks closer, "I too would make a weapon out of anything I could get my hands on."
I lean towards him, dropping my comb, to grab his collar, "that does not make us the same."
He releases a hot breath that hits my face. As I glare at him, his hands land on my sides, making me jolt. I promptly shove him off when I feel his unwelcome touch, "fuck off."
He reels back, but does not fall on my bed. I gaze upon him with anger and wrap my arms around myself, annoyed by the goosebumps that form on my skin.
"If you shall call to me again, I will hastily answer."
I grunt, "Fuck. Off."
He offers me one last chuckle as he nods, "I look forward to our wedding."
I do not.
The hour comes swiftly despite this.
We were now in the dining hall on either side of the king. The two brothers were making merry, yet I was making no effort to hide my distaste.
"I heard that you made a spectacle of the Gold Cloaks, sister," Queen Aemma spoke, making me turn to her as she caressed the bump of her belly.
I looked at her smile and pitied how she was reduced to nothing but a baby maker.
"Uncle went from denying your existence to praising the very ground you walked on," Rhaenyra adds, mischief written all over her face. Her mother to scolds her, to which she responds, "what, it's true?"
"I so would like to know how good you are with blades. It is not everyday that we hear of a woman warrior," King Viserys chuckles, and it makes me snap.
"Well it is not everyday that a father allows his daughter to practice her strength," I coldly remark, turning from him to Rhaenyra, "I heard you dissuade the princess from going on dragonback though it is in her very nature to be drawn to it."
Daemon chuckles as his older brother goes quiet.
I catch sight of my impeding doom's amusement, and turn away from him. That very moment, the dining hall's doors open and I find myself shooting up from my seat.
No matter ho much of a solid fortress I convinced myself to, the moment I saw my brother walk in with my father being carried by two of our men in a litter, I was crumbling at the very seams.
I feel the Targaryens burn their eyes on me but I do not care.
The moment my family is before me, I clench my jaw.
"My King, My Queen, My Prince, My Princess," Cregan smiles between the royal faces then turns to me, "dear sister."
"Lord Rickon," Viserys greets, "Lord Cregan."
"I hope you have taken kindly to my daughter, Prince Daemon," my father mutters with a strained voice.
I do not tear my gaze from my father, whose illness was clearly getting the better of him.
"She was surely the pride of your house," Daemon says, "and now she will be the pride of mine."
The old fool nods at the prince's words, and I feel bitterness coat my tongue. My father seemingly wanted to say something, but his cough decides he won't before he can even open his mouth.
Cregan takes it as a cue to take him away. He gives me a look, "father wished to tell you that you are the perfect bride."
I watch as they make their way to their spot.
I cannot bring myself to move an inch from where I was standing as tears coat my cheeks. It was all a betrayal. It was all so much colder than the Northern snow I find myself yearning for. How could they allow this to happen to me? How could my-
"Go to him."
I turn to my side, finding Daemon's face as he repeats, "go to him."
Before I know it, I am standing behind my father who had just caught his breath from the coughs he started.
Cregan calls my name once he notices me, and this causes Rickon to turn over his shoulder and make me grind my teeth.
"You fool," I mutter bitterly, "you old, fucking fool."
Cregan places a hand on me. My father calls my name, and it brings me to my knees. I grab onto his cold and thin arm, thinking how it felt nothing like the hand that guided me in my youth.
"Do not waste your tears on this old, fucking fool, daughter."
I look up to him and see tears on his face. I shake my head, "papa," I whine, "don't do this to me. You can still take back your word."
"Sister, that is enough," Cregan hushes.
Rickon places his other hand on my head and sighs, "he does not deserve you," he inhales, "that much I agree."
"Then make this right! Release me-"
"So make him deserve you," he catches my chin, "make him as loyal as your wolf," he coughs twice, "or feed him to Havoc yourself."
Our father rattles out into another fit out coughs.
Cregan pulls me to my feet and sighs. He pulls me to the side yet the sound of coughing does not fade. "He has only worsened since you've gone."
I suck in a breath and will my tears away.
"I pray you release your grudges, before it's too late."
I scoff, "easy for you to say when everything is easy for you, brother," I push his hand off me, "you are the heir, you are in charge."
He calls my name in frustration, "you know damn well that is not what I meant."
"Worry not," I scoff in annoyance, "I will do as our father instructs," I turn to the said man, "as always. I will make him as loyal as Havoc," I gulp, turning to the prince who was already looking at me, "or feed him to her myself."
Cregan watches as I storm all the way back to my seat.
The rest of the events are a blur, the toast, the ceremony, the merrymaking I was clearly not a part of.
But it doesn't matter. What matters is that I could now feel Havoc's warmth against me. She had nearly tackled me to the ground when we were reunited. She felt my heartache and whined with me as I emptied my sorrows on her fur.
Though she spoke no words to me, she provided the best comfort I could ever ask for. Havoc and I have been bonded ever since she was born. She knew nothing but me and I knew nothing but her.
And so when she began to snarl, I felt her protectiveness in my bones.
I turn to the direction of her anger and see my husband still in his spot.
"You are wise not to tread any nearer," I mutter to him as I stand to my feet. Havoc stands beside me. I command her to stand down and lie on her belly. She is reluctant but obedient.
Daemon places his hands behind his back, "I hope you know that it was a mistake for them to bring her to the dragon pit."
"I am not a fool, I would not bring Havoc anywhere near your-"
"I will introduce Caraxes to her slowly," he cuts me off, "though I confess, I do not know how he would react."
I tilt my head to him and measure his words, "and why would you do that?"
"Because she belongs to wife," he spokes as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
When he stretches his hand out to me, Havoc reacts with another snarl.
"Enough, Havoc," I command her, placing a hand on her snout, making her soften her warning sounds.
"Would you introduce me to her?" the prince asks, hand reaching out to me.
I feel a pit in my stomach. There a loud voice was screaming loudly in disagreement, screaming to allow Havoc her carnal desire. Yet the voice of my father rings in my mind, 'make him loyal'. At the same time, the feeling of Daemon's gentle touch as he kissed me after our vows plays in my head.
I turn to Havoc, back to Daemon, and step once so I could reach the prince's palm. Once I have him in my grip, Havoc begins to snarl loudly again. I scold her and pull Daemon behind me. I ignore the way my stomach drops when his other hand rests on my waist. Though the touch is uninvited, I do not fight him off for the sake of keeping Havoc calm.
I place my hand atop Daemon's and link my fingers in his then place his palm on my wolf's large, furry head.
Havoc does not appreciate it, I can feel it. And yet, she does nothing but snarl as she feels Daemon's hand on her.
"He is my husband, sweet girl," I hush her, placing my other hand on her back, "you will not eat him."
Daemon chuckles, then presses closer behind me. I feel my body ignite when his chest meets my back.
He proceeds to speak in another tongue, and to my surprise, Havoc tilts her head at him and dampens her threats.
"How did you do that?" I mutter, turning to him as well.
Our faces nearly touch when I do, and I make sure not to start, lest I trigger the direwolf.
"My blood runs with magic she recognizes," Daemon mutters, violet eyes peering down at me. My breath hitches when his hand brushes to my belly, "I do not doubt Caraxes will recognize the same in yours."
I turn away from him and pull my hand out of his. I then push him away just as Havoc finally ceases her growls altogether and begins to pant.
I release a sigh and turn to my beloved wolf, "good girl," I praise, grabbing her large face.
Daemon chuckles behind me, "you treat her like she is merely an overgrown pup."
"Well, she is," I say, turning over, finding the prince's soft expression, "and yours is an overgrown lizard."
He tilts his head, "I have not met a lizard who breathes fire."
"I wonder why you look any further," I pull away from Havoc to look at the vast chamber, "so, tell me. If not here, where then shall I keep her?"
He shifts on his legs, "your chambers would be large enough, would it not?"
I narrow my brows, "my chambers?"
He chuckles, "well I cannot force it to be our chambers in the face of your beast now, can I?"
I scoff at this and whistle, making Havoc stand.
Daemon does not break eye contact with me as I walk over to him. I move past him though and beckon my wolf to follow, "I appreciate your candor, prince husband. Perhaps I shall not commit treason after all."
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darilarostarg · 2 months
HOTD Predictions for Season 3  
I honestly cannot tell with all the changes they have made so far where the fuck they are going with this, and I have no idea how they are going to fit this entire story into four seasons, 16 episodes, but here are of my some thoughts/ideas, feel free to leave yours below (please be careful of future plot spoilers below);
I can see season opening one of two ways. I don't think we have time for a ease in episode, given the news of four seasons, so it may be either of the following;
The Gullet
To me this makes the most sense as it happens first in the book. All the Dragonriders that partake are currently on Dragonstone. I also think it would be great tension and drama, that when Rhaenyra does take Kings Landing, she has now lost two sons, a complete an utter betrayal (on purpose or not) when she arrives to see Alicents son, who's head she was promised, is in fact missing.
I also think Baela may partake in the Gullet, replacing Nettles.
2. Fall of Kings Landing
Just as it was set up at the end of S2. I can see the gullet happening while Rhaenyra and Daemon are taking/have already taken Kings Landing (that is why they are not there etc.), but I cannot at this point see Rhaenyra leaving all her dragon riders on Dragonstone if the gullet had not happened yet but CGI budget tells me it will just be Rhaenyra and Daemon lol.
Again the climax of the Fall will be the fact Aegon is not in the capital and Alicent will not know where he is. Alicent and Haelena will finally be taken captive at this point. I also think this needs to happen a little later in the show, as at a minimum we need Otto to return to be executed.
Other plot points throughout season three;
Rhaena claiming Sheepstealer - more a fact than prediction? However completely unsure where it leads to, if i'm being honest. No something I have really seen the vision on yet, as I do not believe Daemon will go to Maidenpool anymore etc. and have that whole part of the nettles arc. Also the blacks will still have a large ridable dragon at the end of the dance which is a little messy for the plot? I maybe Daemon does send her way? Or she leaves herself (the abandoned becomes the abandoner?)
I can see them combining elements of Honeywine/Red Fork/Lakeshore and possibly Butcher's Ball into one single battle. Deaths of Jason Lannister, and Cole (maybe Gwyane if they do not find a way to get him back to the capital before the fall).
Alys fucking with Aemond (maybe visions, I don't think we have the time though?) cause she misses her bestie girl Daemon
Haelena's death :(
Fall of Dragonstone - death of Moondancer :(
Season three ends with Tumbleton - Hugh and Ulf betray the blacks
I also think it is entirely possible they combine elements of Honeywine, Red Fork, Lakeshore, Butcher's Ball and Tumbleton all in one!
Season four possibilities
Gods Eye either episode one or two - Deaths of Daemon, Caraxes, Aemond and Vhagar rip daemon, FREE MATT!!!
However, I could also see them pushing this event out to keep Matt around for longer. God's Eye is an event most people are looking forward to, and they may be scared that people will check out after they lose their biggest name - I hope I am painfully incorrect about this.
Rhaenyra really unravels as she has been betrayed and lost her biggest ally - possibly Corlys turns on her at this point if it doesn't already happen in season three (or at all...)
Storming of the Dragonpit - orchestrated by Mysaria? - deaths of Joffery, Dreamfyre and Syrax
Tumbleton 2.0 - Death of Addam, Daeron, Ulf, Hugh and the remaining dragons (Vermithor, Silverwing, Seasmoke, Tessarion)
Rhaenyra flees to Dragonstone - her death
Aegon is poisoned at this point I think Alicent will be the one to do it lol
Hour of the Wolf - Deaths of Larys and Mysaria
Series ends with Aegon being crowned
So basically three very large CGI and battle sequences each season (with smaller set pieces with the dragons in between) to make it somewhat work, hitting the key points from the book.
Let’s hope and pray HBO have upped that budget lol
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wild-dagon · 1 year
Following up on my prior post about Wild going back in time and becoming a dragon
Which member of the Chain do you think should pull the Master sword from him?
Twilight has the closest relationship with him. That’s his cub. I love the idea that Twilight was with Wild on his first quest. I think Wild is Twilight’s most important person. Very few people in Twilight’s life know about his wolf form. But Wild adores that side of him. After Midna left it was so hard for him to find his footing. He’s been searching for his place for years only to find centuries in the future. He woke up one more stuck as a wolf and with a new hero to mentor. And he loved it. No one in his world knows about his ability to transform into a wolf outside of Midna and Zelda. Yet this kid and his world welcome this side of Twilight with open arms. He never wanted to leave. When he was pulled away it was unbearable until he was pulled into a new quest. This time instead of traveling with one other hero he was traveling with 8. One being his mentor and one being his cub. But once again the gods have ripped his cub from and this time it’s permanent. He doesn’t know which one is worse Midna choosing to abandon him and going where he can’t follow. Or wild who is still here but is completely out of his reach. I could go way more into their relationship, I love them so much.
Time. Time is the dad of the group. Wild is a part of his legacy. Twilight is his descendent and Wild is the protégée of his protégée (is he also Twi’s descendent who’s to say) he loves these kids, all of them but there is a special bond between the three. But would he be willing to draw the master sword again. The blade has already taken so much from him, and now in an effort to restore it, it has also taken wild from him.
Sky. The master sword is his blade. He forged the sword and he has a relationship with Fi. The Blade is far more important to him then it is to the others. To find out it shattered had to hurt. It shattered on Wild when he need it to protect him and Zelda. Sky knows he has gotten mad at Wild in the past for draining the Master Swords energy but it’s not truly his fault that Fi is so old by the time he needs to wield her. He can’t help but feel responsible for Wild sacrificing so much to restore Fi. His brother gave up everything that he is to restore Sky’s friend. (I don’t think enough people play with Sky and Wilds relationships they have such a sweet dynamic)
Four has never wielded the Master Sword. And while he and Wild have a close relationship with Four trying to craft a sword that Wild can’t break. For all of Four’s inflect I think he would realize that he can’t be the one to draw the blade. Not because they aren’t close but because the master sword has never been his to wield
Warriors is interesting. He, Wild, and Sky are the knights of the group and while Wild might not remember everything that doesn’t mean he and Warriors haven’t bonded over their time in the service. He’s also the best at compartmentalizing what is going on. Is his little brother now a giant worm? Yes. Have they seen this giant worm flying all around hyrule’s history meaning Wild’s been trapped like this for eons? Yes. Does this dragon have the weapon they need to free Wild’s world from Ganondorf? Yes. I think it will wreck him later but I think in the moment he would be the most objective.
Legend. He’s never been this mad at the goddess. How dare she do this to his brother. It wasn’t good enough to kill him on his first quest no she need to force him to sacrifice everything on his second. And for what? So that one of them could complete a fetch quest to get her super important sword. No. He wants his brother back. Not this giant dragon. If they were allowed to help why couldn’t they be there from the start. Why couldn’t they fight Ganondorf in the past with Wild. Why couldn’t they beat him back then before Wild even need to swallow the stone. This is so many levels of wrong. And now one of them needs to draw the sword from Wild’s skull.
Hyrule is distressed. He can barely feel Wild’s magic in this dragon. It’s definitely their brother but he’s also different. He’s ancient now. The same feeling he gets around a great fairy. How has this happened. Wild his adventuring and wondering buddy is gone? Forever? And they weren’t there to help him. And now in his place is this ancient dragon that barely feels like his brother. (Wild’s still there he’s conscious is just buried deep at the moment)
Wind. Don’t blame the kid but this is kinda awesome. Wild’s a dragon! And yes he’s stuck right now but the master sword has broken worst curses. And if that doesn’t work then maybe he will be restored after they beat Ganondorf. And if not well Wild never mentions his worlds Triforce. They could find it and wish Wild back. The gods couldn’t be mad at such a wish from their hero’s. No they would get Wild back. He has to believe that because if they can’t then what’s the point of all of this?
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
why do you think we don't see jon's reaction to sansa's wedding and robb's death?
i can only guess here; only george knows the real reason. but i think it’s to hide jon’s feelings about tyrion. despite tyrion being a help to jon, jon’s thoughts about tyrion later are a bit…detached? in fact, he only thinks about tyrion once after tyrion leaves the wall:
Jon had known Tyrion Lannister, briefly. He took my hand and named me friend. It was hard to believe the little man had it in him to murder his own sire, but the fact of Lord Tywin's demise seemed to be beyond doubt.
He doesn’t wonder if Tyrion had a hand in his father's death
He doesn't wonder if Tyrion had a hand in the red wedding
He genuinely doesn’t even dwell on the red wedding which could mean so many things
He doesn’t comment on Stannis referring to Sansa as “lady lannister”
it’s a far cry from tyrion, who looks back on his time at the wall fondly. so my current running theory is i think we don’t get jon’s initial reactions to any of this because jon’s opinion has gotten increasingly sour. when you look at the timeline of information here, it seems jon (and the wall in general) don’t get news about robb’s murder and sansa’s forced wedding until after stannis gets there. then we get that above quote.
that combined with the fact that the first three chapters of “a dance with dragons” are jon, dany, and tyrion introducing aegon - it makes me believe jon’s chapters are frustratingly lannister-less because when they meet again, whereas tyrion may expect a warmer welcome from his “old friend” jon is going to be wary, perhaps even hostile. the sansa marriage in particular- it’s very clear to everyone involved what sort of marriage this is going to be (a hostage bride/forced marriage) because look at other reactions:
Robb's fingers brushed the pommel of his sword. "If I could I'd take his ugly head off. Sansa would be a widow then, and free. There's no other way that I can see. They made her speak the vows before a septon and don a crimson cloak." Catelyn remembered the twisted little man she had seized at the crossroads inn and carried allt he way to the Eyrie. "I should have let Lysa push him out her Moon Door. My poor sweet Sansa...why would anyone do this to her?"
"I forgot, you've been hiding under a rock. The northern girl. Winterfell's daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leather wings like a bat, and flew out a tower window. But she left the dwarf behind and Cersei means to have his head." That's stupid, Arya thought. Sansa only knows songs, not spells, and she'd never marry the Imp.
And jon has had plenty of interactions with other forced marriages, he’s likely to see this one for what it is, and i think it sinks his opinion of tyrion - but george doesn’t want us to know yet. he’s gearing up for a dance, where the three “dragons” will fight and tyrion will be the power propping up at least two but likely all three dragons at one point, and that means none of them trust each other.
So I think similar to how Jon tries not to dwell on Robb, he forces himself not to dwell on the fate he knows awaits Sansa as a forced bride, or on the many betrayals of his family headed by Tyrion himself, because he has no ability to stop them. It's not until he gets the letter that all of these feelings crack open and spill out and he takes that final last leap of officially breaking his vows to save "Arya" from a forced marriage. And I tink when we get him awake again in TWOW, we will see a Jon who is more than ready to abandon the Night's Watch in favor of protecting his family - love is the death of duty, after all.
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angiiiiexx · 6 months
Writing down a few thoughts about who I think Ras' master could be (if it's someone we know) (I have absolutely no idea what Ras or his master's plan is)
First of all, the most unrealistic options:
Harumi doesn't make any sense (even though it would be kinda funny if she was behind everything)
Garmadon, because it would mean that Ras has been abandoned by his master like 3 times (and those coming shatterspin comics imply that Garmadon actually fought against the wolf clan)
Next up, the option that would be bad writing:
The overlord
Like damn he's already been defeated enough. While he does possess a lot of power, I feel like he's only fixated on ninjago. His comeback would just be bad.
Now, some options I thought about:
The time twins
No one knows when and where they ended up. I have no idea what kind of motivation they would have though, so very unlikely. They aren't powerful enough anyway.
The first spinjitzu master (or some evil version of him)
He's definitely powerful enough. This would make sense if he separated the good and evil parts of himself and the evil version was behind everything and destroying everything his good/normal part worked against. This would also explain the existence of shatterspin, cuz who else would make some bad version of it if not the creator of spinjitzu himself.
And the last one:
One of the source dragons
They are definitely strong enough. And I think the idea of one of them being evil is kinda interesting.
It's probably going to be an entirely new character tho, so idk
Now I'm gonna add some thoughts that are spoilers for episode 1-4
Ras says that the power he needs to open the shadow dojo is the power of a source dragon. So it doesn't make sense if he's already working for one, because that one could just give him the power.
But: the source dragon could just try to keep up appearances with the others because they don't want to interfere with mortals. This would also explain how he managed to capture a source dragon/knew about them.
And for the first spinjitzu master part:
Shatterspin is a completely evil version of spinjitzu, which is something an evil version of the creator of normal/good spinjitzu would make.
Shatterspin was used like a thousand years ago, which means that the fsm was still alive when that happened. And if Rontu and Egalt defeated the forbidden 5, why didn't the fsm help. Maybe he was too afraid of his evil version or something. Idk
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decarabiandivorce · 7 months
Tbh the sheer magnitude of angst potential that decarabian has is untapped. Imagine thinking everyone loves you, that you know you’re taking care of them and they appreciate what you do for them, that people look up to you in respect. But in reality your kingdom is falling apart, everyone including your own wife hates you and your actions, simply because you’re blind to the world around you, trying and trying to protect everyone but nearly everyone else thinks you’re trying to hurt them. You have so much love in you for everyone you know that it system overflows into hatred, apathy, and obsession, and the two people who could ever have the potential to truly understand you and your motives are both plotting together to kill you
(he needs therapy)
😔 he needs both therapy and a divorce. Those who hated him realized they couldn't do anything about it just left. They would rather embrace the cold than defy him. No wonder why the only people left in his city were those who 'respected' him. Its survivorship bias. The naysayers are all outside his walls and so of course only the yes-men were in earshot.
Also yeah once Amos is like "you know what? I should leave him!". Decarabian starts to Spiral. Its not healthy at all, and it effects him a lot. Amos was completely justified in leaving him, and thats why i think Decarabian's winds get even worse. You know how there were tornadoes and such when Dvalin attacked the city? Yeah. Yeah.... Anemo guy gets abandonment issue 3.0 and acts like a dragon.
This just makes his citizen hate him even more, driving more people to the Nameless Bard's side. Oh once he realizes that all of them are on that bard's side he's going to blame the bard for everything. "Things were perfect until you came along!" Type of monologues. Its a mutual hatred, NB hates Deca for stuff that Deca didn't even do. They should stab each other :)
I can just imagine him at the top of his tower, the halls are as silent as they always been but its only now he can sense the *missingness* of it all. He knows something is wrong. He knows that he isn't happy. But he refuses to wake up. His throne glitters while the stone beneath him shatters. For the first time in a long time he feels emotions other than content. Anger. Despair. Bitterness. Guilt.
If he surrendered would he be able to see Amos again? See his citizens again.
Thats such a silly thought! He's trying to protect them! There is a war outside!
But Andrius's blizzards are weakening. When was the last time that wolf fought against his winds
When was the last time he went outside and talked to anyone
Everything is fine! Its perfect.
He misses her so much. He misses her so much. He misses her so much. Amos where did you go? Are you eating well? Are you cold? Your ring is right in my hand. Please come back. Please. You would do anything for her
Well, besides what she wanted.
Was happiness worth the lack of protection?
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theleslistuff · 2 months
DPcaw24 day 3,4,5,6,7 preview
I'm so sorry for not finishing in time! 😞, this are taking longer than expected, but to post before the event ends, I'll just show the previews and what I got so far
Dpcaw24 day 3: Bleeding out in an alleyway
Danny phantom/My little pony friendship is magic au/crossover
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Starlight finds an alicorn bleeding out in a alleyway, when she takes him to zecora he no longer has injuries and he's just a regular pegasus, she's determined to find out what secrets he's hiding.
Dpcaw24 day 4; Trapped in the thermos for months or years
Danny phantom/How to train your dragon crossover au
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Phantom is one of the most aggressive boneknappers in all Berk, it was expected since Hiccup found the poor dragon in an abandoned trap they all suspect the dragon hunters have kept him in since he was born just to lure other dragons to their perish, the gang has given up in trying to bond with it since it almost ripped off Hiccup's arm, letting it out in the wild where he decided to hide away in a cave, thinking it would help to get away from the humans, but unfortunately for him... Danny got lost inside that same cave.
Dpcaw24 day 5; Controlled by an outside source
Danny phantom/Cult of the lamb crossover au
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The lamb has not been paying attention to who they let into the cult, Narinder uses this to his advantage to use a faithful acolyte from his own dying cult to rip off the red crown from the Lamb's head, this rouge follower should have already died to the Lamb's sword, but this one is strange as if death itself wants to share a bond with the little wolf than the Lamb, Narinder will laugh knowing that filthy lamb finally knows what despair feels like.
Dpcaw24 day 6; Runaway
Danny phantom/Hollow knight au crossover
Filled vessel au
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Danny has been overhearing how the princess of spiders Hornet and her sibling The Hollow knight miss their missing sibling; Ghost, the vessel tries to contact the Shade Lord to talk about this, the god of void is intrigued to hear this failed vessel.
Dpcaw24 day 7; Captured by characters from another media
Danny phantom/Helluva boss crossover
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Andy was Danny's twin brother until in mid patrol, he tripped by accident and fell from a building to his death, he doesn't know why but he ended up in hell, but since he's here, he doesn't want to be alone, so he contacted IMP's services to make his brother die and get to hell by doing something bad.
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nightingaletrash · 1 year
Okie, so her name is Tala. She was conceived on the trip to the Arbor Wilds, but was only 'discovered' after Lyris returned from the Frostback Basin. So there was the fun realisation that she'd been pregnant while venturing through the Deep Roads and fighting a possessed dragon lmao
She was born in Wycome and was delivered by Keeper Deshanna, who performed the typical rites and rituals to induct the newborn into the clan as one of the Dalish. Lyris also made a point to bring her to the Vhenadahl in the Alienage and receive blessings from the Hahren because if there was one thing Lyris learned, it was that too many elves - Dalish and City - felt like they were entirely different peoples, and she wanted to try to promote some kind of unity, to remind them all that they are of the same people regardless of circumstance. There ended up being a celebration amongst the elves over the new arrival, and the party lasted for hours before mother and baby were exhausted and needed to retire.
During the time before Trespasser, Tala grew up primarily in Skyhold. As she became more mobile, she made a habit of hiding and jumping out at staff, soldiers and visiting dignitaries before running away laughing and she loves to spend time in the garden hunting for bugs and worms, and eating dirt as tiny children often do.
Krem stitches her new toys from time to time. So far she has a nug with wings, a golden halla, a griffon with a crooked tail, and a dragon that breathes fire (aka Dagna figured out a way to make the dragon spit out illusionary sparkles when it's squeezed and Tala still isn't sick of it).
She learns to speak Elvhen, Qunlat, Antivan, and a little Orlesian, and everyone anticipates that she's definitely going to be a mage, given that her mother and father are both mages and powerful ones at that, so there's plenty of discussion about her training. Lyris intends to stick to Dalish tradition on that front. Once the basics are covered, the others can give their own input, but Tala needs a solid base without any mixed messages.
And when it comes to Solas, no one is allowed to openly detract him in front of Tala. They don't need to sing his praises, but Tala deserves to form her own opinion of her father and not be spoonfed criticism. And if anyone's ever asked about where he went and why he never came back, the official answer is 'I don't know, but we assume it's very important'.
After Trespasser plays out and Skyhold is carefully defanged, Lyris takes Tala to live in Kirkwall where she takes up her role as Comtesse, though they make plenty of trips to Wycome over the years. Lyris tells Tala the truth about Solas being Fen'Harel and that he left for an important mission, but certain details are withheld on account of her age and Lyris' hope that Solas' mind can be changed and he can still come back to be Tala's father. She'll be told more as she gets older, but it's very piecemeal.
By the time Dreadwolf comes around, she'll be nearly eight years old and probably have just come into her magic within the last year or so with Lyris and Merrill as her primary teachers. When she tells her mother about the strange wolf watching her in her dreams, she learns that her mother has the same dreams, and that its Solas watching over them from the Fade, never drawing close because they could tempt him to abandon his path.
Solas has known about Tala the whole time, having learned about Lyris' pregnancy from dreams and his spies, and he tries his best to maintain an emotional distance from the child. He doesn't always succeed though, and he watches over her, protecting her in her dreams. On one occasion, he might let her reach him so that he might get the chance to speak to her just once, to let her know him because this is his daughter and he wants to love her even though he can't and if he just allows this one meeting, maybe it will satisfy this terrible yearning in him so that he can focus solely on his path. But he knows that if he meets her once, it might be unbearable to return to that path and he might fail to let go.
Essentially he's torturing himself even more because he loves Lyris so much and he wants to love their child so much, but he loves his people and can he really put his love and their child over the countless souls that he betrayed?
Smash cut to Tala eating dirt and trying to climb into the stable with a drasolisk, which definitely gave poor Master Dennet a heart attack.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
October 31st
Author's choice : Halloween
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Okkkkk here we go with the last one...In honour of the first character who's drawn me in and made me write fanfiction: Thorin II
A special thanks to @lathalea, @legolasbadass, @fizzyxcustard, @middleearthpixie, @linasofia and @laurfilijames who have been with me for long months since.
Also @lordoftherazzles, @frosticenow, and many many others who enjoy Thorin :D
If you like this premise, @middleearthpixie has a whole fic about canon-Thorin falling into the Modern World. It's really good...check it out! -> Where I Belong
Here we go for the last story in October. Thank you for having been with me; I love you all.
Words: 750
Warnings: innuendo
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“I don’t see why I cannot wear my own clothes,” Thorin grumbled, “as they are apparently so ludicrous.”
You wrinkled your nose as you sought a good retort to this for he was not entirely wrong; upon finding a disoriented and considerably sour-faced stranger wandering around in your neighbourhood last spring, you had not hesitated to point out how incongruous and absurd his heavy coat and sharp-looking sword were in this part of town. 
If only you had known then what you knew now, but there was no use in crying over spilt milk or careless comments carried away by the nightly mists.
It had only been after several drinks and many a confusing hour that you had found out that he had found himself indeed not only in the wrong locality or city but in the wrong universe entirely. 
Since that confusing night – there had been talk of a dragon, a hoard of gold, and other rather fantastical things – Thorin, who imagined himself to be the long-lost heir of some imaginary kingdom, had been your guest and lover in the small one-bedroom-apartment you called your own realm.
Weeks bled into months and, as he seemed rather interested in the customs and habits of the inhabitants of your world, you had decided to take him to a Halloween party.
Unfortunately, Thorin did neither understand nor like the idea of dressing up as someone or something else and had turned rather petulant when you had presented him with a fluffy wolf-jumpsuit.
He was bulky and broad and, short of letting him leave bare-chested in nothing but a loincloth, you had not come up with any better ideas as most costumes that were for sale in the tiny shop down the street would not have accommodated his prodigiously broad shoulders and sturdy thighs.
“Come on,” you coaxed, wrapping your arms around his midriff tenderly and resting your head on his shoulder gently, “you’ll look fierce.”
“What is that even supposed to be?” he asked with a hint of humour in his voice as he took the costume from you and fingered the cheap fabric disapprovingly.
“It’s a wolf,” you explained, even though you had to admit that the likeness was not a very good one.
Before Thorin could launch into a long description of birds and beasts in his world, you held up your hand and swirled it suggestively to signify that you’d be willing to listen to him while he was putting on the costume.
The red cape draped around your own shoulders billowed as you walked over to the mirror to check your Red Riding Hood costume one last time.
“Why are you a little girl?” Thorin asked while tugging off his boots to step into his own disguise.
“It’s a long story,” you laughed, “but suffice it to say that the little girl will be eaten by the wolf!”
“I’d eat you all right!” 
His words made a shiver race down your spine and so you forewent the pleasure of letting him know how the story ended for the wolf; you had already proven that you could rewrite a story and you were not about to stop now.
It was not entirely clear to you why it mattered so much to you that he’d accompany you to the small gathering in an abandoned warehouse, but – after so many years of heartbreak and loneliness – you finally felt like yourself again and you desperately yearned to take the little miracle that had been granted to you into the world.
A part of you was afraid that Thorin and all his tender love and unyielding support would just dissolve and vanish once the clock struck midnight but another, stronger and more adventurous, part needed to check whether the magic that had painted your grey and drab life in rainbow colours again would withstand the cold gleam of the moon and the pounding bass of bad music.
“As my lady commands,” Thorin groaned and stepped into the monstrosity as if into battle.
“You know,” he added slyly as he pressed a quick, possessive kiss onto your lips, “where I come from, our foes ride wolf-like creatures.”
Giggling, you allowed him to lift you onto his back, slinging your arms around his thick neck and breathing in the warm, seductive fragrance of his long, wavy hair.
“Carry me away, my noble steed,” you cheered, deciding that an approximation of a wolf was a thousand times better and more promising than an enchanted pumpkin anyway.
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@fellowshipofthefics: Here we are...the very last of the month. Thank you for the lovely prompts and sorry for the spam!
Thank you again for everyone having read any of these stories...
Lots of love from me ❤️‍🔥
-> Masterlist
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It’s me again. And I’ve got some fun news. I’ve resurrected my original Custom Chapter scheme with the release of Leviathan. I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do with them at first. I usually make all my models space wolves or divy them into my “for sale” pile to help fund my studio but I want getting any strong vibes from the space marine half of the box.
However, the tyranid half has been going into expanding my fathers tyranid army. Hive fleet Rhamnusia. And I thought, with his original concept getting love, why shouldn’t I do so?
I had abandon my army in 2018 for a full space wolf legion. And two years before that I had changed the armour design. Still, all wolfified. But, I never felt the primaris marines really fit the space wolf vibe. So most of them waited patiently for me to decide how I’d go about adding them into my space wolf army. And a few did. But many received no such love.
So with Pops nids getting love, I revived my original army. The Angry Dragons. And returned to their original scheme, eating up all the ignored primaris marines and building a fully fledged primaris army. Pulling most of the units from leviathan, Shadowspear, indomitus, Dark Imperium and wrath of the soulforge. My dragons have returns stronger than ever before.
With this new development, my dragons will sport no firstborn. My wolves will take them all for themselves. And I’ll just run both chapters uniquely. It’s nice because I don’t have to really customize the bits to fit the chapter as much. I can take the models at face value and add my colors.
And should the inevitable phasing out of firstborn ever happen, I still have a full functioning army and a super sexy firstborn Space Wolf army to reminisce about.
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emilykaldwen · 9 months
thanks so much for the tag @theladyelizabeth!
tagging: @acrossthesestars, @stannisfactions, @arrthurpendragon, @mercurygray, @alicentive, @nyctophilic0vitnir, @selfproclaimedunicorn, @themaradwrites, @lya-dustin, @dragonsoftheeast
1. How many works do you have on AO3?: I have 9 so far! I ended up deleting some old works that were abandoned and didn't have a lot of interaction that were over a decade old (and they didn't have bookmarks either so I wasn't worried)
3. What fandoms do you write for?: Currently, House of the Dragon is the hyperfixation
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Maiden and the Drowning Boy - HotD Canon Divergent
Soulmates Never Die - The Borgias (my oldest fic)
Fight For Me (If It's Not Too Late) - Teen Wolf
Boy With a Broken Soul (Heart With a Gaping Hole) - HotD Fae AU
You're the Lighting of the Blaze - Hotd Canon Divergent
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always! (and if I don't it's legit cause I forgot/thought I did and AO3 ate the comment). I love the community aspect of fic writing so if you take the time to leave me a comment, I love to engage. I especially love it when commenters ask questions and look for discussion.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably one of the old Prequel Star Wars Fics I wrote way back in the day.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Right now, it's a tie between You're the Lighting of the Blaze and Bright Star
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not on my fics directly but I have gotten some rancid hate in my inbox re: Abby (And then that escalated to telling me to end myself so). This is why I now have anons turned off. Sorry guys.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do write smut! I'm not sure what it means by 'what kind'? I've done a few solo smut-shots, and Maiden will have a few explicit scenes when this arc is completed. I'm definitely someone who loves Plot with a side of Porn, and as long as the smut flows well and isn't overly repetitive, I'm here for it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I have written a crossover! I had a mini-series of Whedon-verse/Supernatural called It Must Be Tuesday back on LiveJournal. Sam and Dean meet River Tam in a bar and the apocalypse happen. Dean and Buffy hooked up. I was acutally very proud of that LOL
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not stolen but I did have some concepts lifted from a Once Upon a Time fic
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! Soulmates Never Die was co-written with a friend at the time (we've lost touch since then), and then when I was in the Charmed fandom, I adopted out an abandoned fic of mine and was the beta/co-writer on a big future Fic series with Wyatt, Chris, and Chris' friends. Those were some fantastic stories.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? Oh man. I really love me Jacelaena and Helaemond still has a soft place in my heart (but the trajectory of a lot of the fics has just been... a turn off). Harry/Luna will always be warm and fuzzy for me (I used to be the ship captain back in the Fiction Alley days). Buffy/Angel was my first real Fandom OTP.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Hmmm... I don't have anything right now that fits that. I did have Isabelle Martin's Life is Totally Over which was a Derek/Lydia future Kid fic that I was actually enjoying but the fandom was such an utter turn off by that point.
16. What are your writing strengths? God fuck if I know. I think I'm really good at tying things together/call backs and really emphasizing those themes. I like to think I'm thoughtful at cause/effect of character action and consequences. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I feel like my descriptions are lacking and I get lost in the weeds. I struggle with finding the stakes in a story. Conflict is difficult. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? me crying with dote on doing some appropriately translated high valyrian for Maiden instead of just copy/pasting from one of the online translators. Only very, very, VERY few people will know that they're grammatically correct and honoring the original development of HV, but it was important to ME.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Star Wars back in the late 90s.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Maiden obviously holds my heart and soul, and it's always going to be everything for me, but I'm actually incredibly proud of Fight For Me (If It's Not Too Late). It was a two parter, and I wrote it in the span of a week? Maybe two weeks? and it was the last thing I wrote for a very long time.
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cjcroen1393 · 1 year
So I've been hyperfixating on a Vocaloid Monster AU lately.
It started with me wanting to expand on the WOEFULLY underutilized concept of the PowerFX Vocaloids being "Classic Monsters" and just kind of... spiraled out of control from there. Now I have a LOT of ideas for Vocaloids, UTAUs and other vocal synthesizer characters as monsters for this AU.
So, specifically:
Sweet Ann and Big Al = Frankenstein's Monsters (canon, more or less)
Oliver = Werewolf (I was inspired by this headcanon I found over at the old Vocaloid Headcanons blog and it hasn't left my brain since)
Yohioloid = Vampire (just LOOK at him!)
Ruby = Witch (I decided to round out the "classic" Halloween-style monsters with the only one that seems to be consistently female in these situations; after thinking about it though, it still fit, especially with the little star pattern in her jacket)
The ZOLA Project (based on their Carnelian designs)
Kyo = Vampire (Carnelian!Kyo has bat wings and bat = vampire)
Wil = Zombie (I actually don't know if Carnelian!Wil is specifically supposed to be a zombie, but someone said he looked like one so I went along with it)
Yuu = Werewolf (the furry, animal-eared hat and tatters/tears on his outfit scream "werewolf")
Other Vocaloids:
Aoki and Merli Lapis = Faeries (canon, obviously)
Aurum = Ghost (their aesthetic is supposed to be "a 1930s radio producer", so I thought why not make them an ACTUAL 1930s radio producer who died and now haunts the abandoned radio tower they used to work at? And yes, I know Aurum isn't technically a Vocaloid/won't be one when they're released, but let's ignore that for now)
Avanna = Witch (she gives off "magic user" vibes to me)
Daina = Kitsune (because foxes)
Dex = Werewolf (because wolves and also his voice provider made an entire song about him being a werewolf so canon)
Fukase = Demon (mostly just vibes in this case)
LUMi = Mermaid (because she's part jellyfish)
Luo Tianyi = Angel (canon)
Mayu = Vampire (it's in her aesthetic; I like to think she tries to bite people she's in love with so they'll never leave her)
Meika Hime and Mikoto = Forest Spirits (canon)
Chikune Kenta = Vampire (canon, obviously)
KYE (Fuyuki Kaisei) = Dragon (he likes reptiles and also dragons are cool)
Kasane Teto = Human/Demon Hybrid (hence, "Chimera")
Kurobousuku = Werewolf (his name is literally "black wolf")
Namine Ritsu = Witch (another one based on vibes; also it would be funny for one of the few male witches in the story to also be a crossdresser)
Scott-129 = Alien (sort of canon)
Sekka Yufu = Yuki-onna (she's speculated already to be a "snow spirit" and a Yuki-onna seemed to be the most fitting choice for her)
Yuutsukoe Karasu (Kellyn Werner) = Tengu (sort of canon)
I want to do something with this idea, and I have some plot bunnies floating around in my head, but I'm not certain if I'll get around to it.
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Frost Prince AU - The Wolf and the Sheep
The cream wolf blankly stared at the cotton sheep beside it. The sheep, Fluffy apparently, stared back.
Their caretakers were talking to each other. What about, the two didn't care enough to pay attention.
The two animals looked directly at each other, uttering not a sound. That was, until Fluffy spoke.
" That affogato person is a bitch."
" Oh most definantly, fuck that guy."
" Does Cacao seriously not realize his advisor is up to some shit???"
" Exactly! He's, like, a thousand years old. He should be in tuned to sniffing out this shit."
" Maybe he's so old that he's lost his ability to tell?"
" Yeah, that would make sense. I don't get how no one has brought this shit up."
" The gate guards have literally watching this bitch turn people from dying villages away, yet they have said nothing. Like, why wouldn't you mention this to anyone??"
" Then us Wolf patrols end up wandering up on abandonned villages. I can't tell why Crunchy Chip hasn't mention this yet, because it's been happening a lot!"
" Our cookie friends are idiots."
" Yeah."
" They're still loveavle though."
" Exactly, Fluffy. Exactly."
Anytime Fluffy interacts with Crunchy Chip's wolf, they will gossip and talk a little shit with each other.
They still love their owners, it's just that they recognize their occasional idiocy.
They just sound like they're making random noises when they talk. No one is aware what they're saying except for the twin dragons. They also occasionally gossip with the two.
By occasionally, I mean like basically every time Crunchy Chip has a meeting with Dark Cacao
Don't ask how no one has noticed the two literal dragons gossiping with a cotton sheep and a cream wolf.
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CONTINUATION OF THE PERCY JACKSON AU WHERE NICO HAS A YOUNGER/OLDER BROTHER THAT'S SON OF DEMETER(this probably will be unaccurate and OOC, also I don't know to write a story so this probably is going to be shit, Btw there could be continuity issues) part 3
Part two here
Elio's POV
Actually I think we should find a place to stay, maybe we could go to that camp that was in war with camp half blood Laven said
Well that will be a more or less good option and I could go talk to my new sister, what was her name again? I asked
Her name was Hazel lavesque and do you really think she would believe you being Nico's brother? He asked
Of course I have proofs one of them is my pendant the other could be my bracelet and nico's matching, although I have two which one is matching yours, I said
Oh shut up, will you it has been over around 60 days since you gave this bracelet that let me use your powers to me which in respective it has been 60 years that we lost and didn't even experience, I really want to experience how has the world evolved after all we're in the 21th century and to be specific 2021 which in a way is quite surprising, seeing how things changed, he said
Well what can go wrong, I don't think she or the so called camp jupiter would abandon a demigod to their death, apart of the fact they are a military force and they have to train with the wolf goddess Lupa, but that's how things are, for now we should fine a place were we can stay for the night which is coming, I said
Look there's a place I think it's name is Waystation, he said
Okay we're going there although is kinda weird that this city is called indiapolis, like why?? I asked
How am I supposed to know that?, he said
Well, fine we're going to descend anyway so grab onto me, I said
And so we did the dragon descend at a moderate speed and I decided it was fine for her to rest in a while, and we somehow managed to be undetected in the night even tho there were some people guarding, in the morning we decided to recollect some food and other stuff that's when we found the elephants
"Guau, ellos realmente están algo locos si dejan elefantes por aquí, aunque parecen ser propiedad del campamento Júpiter", i said
Yeah should we see how things are for them? He asked
You just want to touch them isn't it, I said
Yeah, he said with a little of shame
Why are you ashamed we're partners in this world and that we don't know about so there's not point in being ashamed, then let's go to see them closely, I said
And we did that we approached the elephants touched some of them, of course if they allowed to and we were about to feed them when suddenly a voice was heard behind us
What do you two think are doing and who are you guys, a mysterious guy said with a golden sword in hand
Heyyyyy, we were just seeing the elephants, there's no need to use that sword, I said
Oh is that so, you may have answered what you two were doing but that doesn't answer who you are, the guy said
Well we - I looked through the place behind him - are just some 12 years old kids who were just visiting and searching for something, I said
That doesn't answer anything, in fact it doesn't make sense that two demigods want to find something here and less if they say something like visiting this place without any reason apparently, he said
Well, it's a shame that you didn't want to believe in us, I said while taking Lavender hand and teleporting to multiple meters away from him - it's time to Run, I said
Not so fast, the guy said, while chasing us
Okay, we just screwed up a little but there's still a way to get out of here, I said while I started run floating with leaves on my feets, allowing us to go faster than him
Damn it, the guy said, while he going in another direction
We were close to the exist just for two person interposing in the way
I am so happy to spend time with my friend after all these time, another guy with tan skin said to a girl with a slightly lighter tan color
It's been months since we met, after you know, I just wanted to see if you were doing fine Leo, she said
I'm pretty good, you know I finally have a stable life for once and Jo and Emmie are really good parents and lytierse has been pretty good and busy with his work with the elephants although he goes to the same high school as me, so you shouldn't worry about me that much piper, Leo said
In a brief moment I teleported with Laven a few meters afar from the exist just so I witnessed how, just so the mysterious guy slashed down the place where were a few seconds ago, surprising both Leo and piper
Lytierse!! Geez dude you shouldn’t swing your sword at us, Leo said
Yeah, that was dangerous, and you know that very well, piper said
I sorry for giving you guys almost a heart attack, but these two kids he pointed at us, were invading the space of the elephants of camp jupiter
We just wanted to see them, okay? There wasn't any reason for you to almost kill us now, Laven said
And you think, I will be fooled so easily?, Lytierse said
Well if you don't believe in us is not or problem you know, and if you wanted to fight you should've just said, I said while I was drawing my spear to fight
Wait wait, maybe we could talk it out without fighting, Laven, Leo and Piper said at the same time
What's there to talk the other part is irrational, Lytierse and I say at the same time
Well that's it, bring it on, I said meanwhile I put Laven on the ground and in a defensive place
We went against the other colliding our weapons, then separate from each other just for the next moment to clash weapons over and over, I've tried to stab him thanks to the spear range only to fail because lytierse keep dodging only to retaliate and do the same
Lavender's POV
Due to Elio and Lytierse fight, I managed to get close to the other two who were too stunned with the fight to do anything
Hey you two, we have to stop them before they destroy the place fighting I said that just for me to hear a noise of metal against the ground and it was lytierse a few meters from the three of us with a big path of a cut and few meters from him was Elio who seemed tired well it was pretty obvious he would get tired after all he didn't recover completely from the creation of the Hestia Cabin
You're a good fighter but it seems you lack the resistance, he said to Elio
Well you fight very good for me not using any of my papers but that will change, he said that while he was putting a paper with the words "rayo y electricidad"
Oh you want to keep going, then that will be your doom, Lytierse said while he was repositioning himself in a stand to fight
And they collided again but this time Eli activated the lighting letting less space for lytierse to attack in fact he was barely given space to breath due to the constant attacks and the electricity covering a lot of space, somehow lytierse managed to get a brief moment to breath before being attacked with a lightning bolt from the Eli spear that's when I decided that I needed to interfere
I need you two to help me stop the fight before they kill each other I said to Piper and Leo
Well yeah, that's obvious but what can we do these two are so concentrated in the fight that it would be difficult to stop them without any type of protection and less if we take in consideration the boy with the spear with lightning, the amount of electricity could be letal, piper said
Well we could try stopping lytierse with your chamspeak, Leo said
I would stop Eli and you two or well she stops that guy with her chamspeak, and this guy makes helps us distracting the two of them, I said
Why do I have to be distraction?, Leo asked
I think you can just shoot a massive fireball in between them so they focus their attention on you, Piper said
Well that could work, but what if the kid tries to strike me down with a lightning bolt of his, I mean I don't think is such good thing to be attacked by a son of Zeus or Jupiter, Leo said
First of all Eli is not a son of Zeus or Jupiter, he's the son of the goddess of harvest Demeter and second I will cast a barrier of light on you so the lightning doesn't impact you, trust me we've tested the strength of that barrier in the past and it's maximum power so you don't need to worry
While I don't want Leo to get in unnecessary danger, I could stay by his side so we can do the plan more easily, you better be telling the truth, Piper said
So I hid in a column and the plan started with Leo shooting a fireball big enough to get the two of them attention and I light travel to Eli's side and dragged him in a corner to tell him to stop with the fighting and that we needed to go to camp Jupiter, in the end we came out of the corner just to see Lytierse, Leo and Piper talking normally and Lytierse seemed to be calm so we approached them
I am sorry for the troubles I caused, Eli said with a little of shame
Yeah me too, Lytierse said
Well it seems like this fight has been solved so tell us what were your planning to do, Piper asked
"Bueno se supone que íbamos a ir al campamento Júpiter para ver a Hazel después de descansar en la noche anterior, además queríamos quedarnos en ese campamento hasta que Demeter no estuviera físicamente en el campamento mestizo" Eli said
Ohhhhhh you should've said that earlier, Leo said
What did he said? , Piper and Lytierse asked
That they were supposed to go to camp Jupiter, Leo said
Ohhhh, The two for them said
Well we don't interrupt you anymore, to your journey to Camp Jupiter, Lytierse said
We can't just let two kids to go to camp Jupiter alone, Piper said
Then we should accompany the, Leo said
It's not necessary and I don't think you two would like to be riding a snake like dragon with us, I said
The what? , Piper asked
The dragon look there she's, Eli pointed the snake like dragon made of plants
Will's POV
I shouldn't have talk with my dad, the reasons are the his care for me and my half-siblings overwhelm me after all these years and he seems to be able to read me like I was a book even tho, he didn't interact that much with me
Past view
So dad what did you want to talk about that Nico can't hear?, I asked
Well we are going to have a serious conversation between father and son, this time I would like to know about how you feel and had felt through the years that I wasn't here because in the end I'm not a good parent for any of my kids for so long so this time I want things to be better for my kids so I have to start by the oldest in the camp am I right? He said all that and he probably noticed my face was a little off, noticing my fears and grudge that should've calm down a long ago
Well let's sit here and let you tell me about your feelings over the years
I- I have always thought that you didn't care nor loved any of us that we were just dispensable for you, I mean the gods always had that thinking with them and when you became a mortal, you seemed so human that I thought maybe you would change how things were with your kids then you never in the next months until now, I thought that wouldn't see you again in many years, there's also the fact while my siblings died over and over and you seemed so uninterested, also the fact that you never were with me when I was a kid, made me think that you didn't love and there were also the other kids that were normal having their two parents, mom has always tried to show me that she loves me a lot that she was enough and she is but I think how would I have been if I had you with me like a normal parents, and then I became afraid of losing people when I started my training to be a healer
I am sorry for not being a good parent for any of you, Lester said while hugging which made me cry
I will do my best to be all of you, taking care of all of you specially you who were forced in harsh life as a conseleur, Lester said
Suddenly a cocoa puff appeared by my side
Aww little one, since when were you there sadsy, I said in a better mood
It probably smelled your sadness and wanted to be with you as a way of support for you, Lester said
I grabbed the puff, I'm so grateful for all of you to be here, I said
Well that really show that you would be a excellent parent with Nico by how much they love you the two of you , Lester said
Heh the puffs prefer me over Nico I would be the better parent, I say
That's good in a way but I don't think you should say those things who knows maybe Nico steals your position as a good parent, Lester said
That won't happen even in ten years, I say
Let's hope so, he says
Then what's your opinion over the new Cabin that Elio made, the Hestia cabin?, I asked
That will depend on how things go but in a way is good for the Hermes kids can get space for themselves and that the unclaimed kids have their own place without feeling like they are invading others places and there's the fact that there are three cabins that are unused such as my twin sister Artemis, my father and my stepmother's Cabin which is a lot of space unused so a Hestia cabin is a good thing also Hestia probably is going to get more offerings and prayings allowing her to be more powerful than she is right now.
I guess is a win-win situation even tho it was probably made so Eli didn't sleep in the Demeter cabin mostly because he seems to dislike his godly parent I said
You could say that, after all he clearly shows dislike for being her son, he says
Well I think it would be time for you to go and talk to other of your kids, I said
Are you sure you want me to leave?, Lester asked
Yeah, I am sure go talk to your other kids, I said
Then I will be going see you later my dear son, Lester said waving his hand before becoming a flash of light
Yeah see you later, I said while I took the puff in my hands
Then I tried light travelling to Nico's Cabin and successfully accomplishing it
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werspinna · 1 year
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What Is Your Muse Afraid Of? BOLD any fears which apply to your muse. Italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
the dark | fire | open water (sea/ocean) | (any) deep water | being alone (for too long) | crowded/enclosed spaces (agoraphobia) | confined spaces (claustrophobia) | open spaces | change | failure | war | being controlled/lack of free will |  blood | drowning | suffocation | public speaking | supernatural monsters/animals | heights | death/dying | intimacy | rejection | abandonment | the unknown | the future | not being good enough | scary stories | speaking to new people | poverty | loud noises | lack of noise | being touched | sex | chains | inner demons | hallucinations | staring | going berserk | powerlessness | bugs | ghosts | demons | growing old | forgetting | rain | lightning | natural disasters | poison | school | hospitals | pain | disease | mirrors | religion | falling | buried alive | betrayal | people | social class | freedom | frogs | dogs | challenges | making friends | injury | powerlessness to prevent loved ones from being hurt | marriage | childbirth | pregnancy | child-rearing | adulthood | the cold
Wolf not fearing injury: Wolf had always had a natural higher selfhealing factor than the average person, which was eventually the reason why she survived beeing infected with the pox as a fourteen year old child after she had just crossed the alps and was still batteling the effects of starvation. However, after she had been bitten by the radioactive Spider and her dorment mutative genes were activated, her selfhealing became inhumanly effective in the manner that she is able to heal a broken bone in an hour and can heal any injury to her body as long as its not beheading or the extraction of a organ (because otherwise she would need to constantly pull her wisdom teeth and she is not ready for that).  Accordingly Wolf had become very casual with getting injuries: She knows she will heal so she does not care if she is injured which eventually makes her horribly recklessand even careless when it comes to her own safety. If she has to stab herself to stab the villian behind her, she will do so and mostly even crack a joke about it, which is not made better by her knowledge as a Medicus about anatomy and with that avoid lifethreatening injuries to her own vitals.
Tagged By: Stolen from @inhcritance Tagging:  @hidefire @alchemaxed @iobartach @goblinfire @neonwebs @wovendeath @sickthem @voltedblood @spinxeret @books-and-right-hooks @kylo-wrecked @canoncompliance @attercopus @sleeperkeeper @bewitchingbaker @betterbutbitter @svperboi @itsybitsypeterparker @the-rogue-dragon @carnivorousfatality !
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