#and willow made me do this
peixedobar · 1 year
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somedayillbepeterpan · 4 months
I'm pretty sure that this:
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Is in the same thought process as this:
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The tone and the eyes were the same 😢 the same embarrassment and the pain of feeling pitied and the despair of unrequited love (not knowing that he's going through the same thing).
I'm happy for her confidence in putting herself out there but the sacrifice of letting go of your first love after finally experiencing a kiss from him just breaks my heart. She was truly doing her best to move on.
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clarkgriffon · 2 months
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Anya Jenkins + Outfits (Season 3/4)
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Also I am. Constantly forgetting how fucking funny Hunter is. We never give him enough credit for how funny he is because his life is so fucked up but I swear 90% of his lines are just bit after bit after bit. He's not even trying either. Anytime he actively tries to make a joke it falls flat but if you just put him in a Scenario he'll find a way to be so over invested and yet out of touch/at odds with whatever's going on. He's so autistic
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yearningsaphic · 1 year
I think it would really advance society if we admitted that mothers can be just as toxic and abusive if not more than dads and stopped dismissing it as “they gave birth to you”
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frodo-with-glasses · 5 months
Dreams in the House of Tom Bombadil (and the Four Elements of Trauma)
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Now that we've gotten to the point where the hobbits spend the night in Tom Bombadil's house, I'd like to expand on this bullet point from my chapter review:
Much apologies to my girlies on the server who headcanon the hobbits with phobias corresponding to the four elements; sadly, Tolkien is not on the same page as us this time.
For context, I present to you these screenshots of messages sent on the Fig Tree Discord Server back in January:
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This started as a half-joke, but it's since evolved into something of a shared headcanon for some of us. Pippin has a Thing about fire, because of the Pyre of Denethor. Frodo has a Thing about water, because his parents drowned. Bri has since told me that she headcanons Merry has a Thing about air, specifically cold air, after his encounters with the Black Breath. And that leaves Earth to Sam.
The good news is that this is a really fun headcanon; and when you look at LotR through this lens, it's actually kind of staggering how well it fits with the events of the book.
The bad news is that Tolkien did not write LotR with this idea in mind; and the whole thing with Old Man Willow, and the subsequent nightmares that the hobbits have in Tom Bombadil's house, make that abundantly clear.
After all, what does Old Man Willow do to Frodo? Lulls him to sleep and then tips him face-first into the water. He almost drowns. He almost drowns. Sam finds him face-down in the water, unconscious, held down by a root and not struggling; there's water in his nose and his mouth and his eyes and ears and he can't breathe, he can't breathe, he nearly goes out the same way his parents did, in a river that connects to the one where they died. If Tolkien was writing Frodo with hydrophobia, this probably would've gotten a bit more attention than it did. But no; in Tom's house, Frodo dreams of Gandalf and Black Riders, because he's the protagonist and Tolkien needed an efficient way to foreshadow things a bit.
What does Old Man Willow do to Merry? Closes its roots over him, so that only his legs are sticking out; and when Frodo and Sam set fire to the tree, Merry screams, and begs them to put it out. "He'll squeeze me in two, if you don't. He says so!" He could feel the roots of the tree clamping like a vice under his ribs, squeezing, crushing, bruising; he could hear the voice of the tree in his head, demanding he communicate the ransom message. And as our beloved former anon, Meg, pointed out: Could he breathe in there? Was it dry and stuffy and stifling inside the tree? How much air could he even draw in, when his lungs were being crushed and had no space to expand? He screams with what little breath he has left, but can they hear him? He's going to die. He can't breathe. He's going to die.
But, ironically, he's the one who dreams about nearly drowning, and his dream-brain convinces him he's lying in a "soft slimy bog" before he wakes up and finds himself in Tom's house again. He's not the one who got tipped into the water, but go off Tolkien I guess.
What does Old Man Willow do to Pippin? Closes its roots over him completely, with a click like a lock snapping into place; and when Frodo and Sam set fire to the bark, and Old Man Willow gets angry, they can hear Pippin's "muffled yell" from deep inside the tree. Fire. Smoke and ash and anger. Could Pippin smell the burning wood around him? Could he feel any heat or sting? Did he hear Old Man Willow's voice, the same way Merry did, cursing the flames and threatening to smother him if it wasn't put out?
His nightmare, out of the three of them, is the only one that makes sense to me; he dreams that he is again inside the willow, hearing the wood creak as it sways in the breeze over him, and hearing the voice of the tree laughing at him again. But, sadly, no mention of fire.
All of that to say, if I wrote Lord of the Rings—which I realize is a terribly presumptuous thing to say given that I am, unlike Tolkien, Not A Genius, but hear me out—I definitely would have Frodo's nightmare be about drowning, Merry's be about suffocation, and Pippin's be about burning alive. This would then be foreshadowing for the later horrific stuff they're going to encounter concerning water, air, and fire respectively.
I dunno. It just seems like a missed opportunity is all. Which is probably why, despite how much I adore the “nightmares revealing inner turmoil and then characters waking up in safety and comfort” trope, I never really liked this sequence in the book all that much.
Sam, meanwhile, is welcome to continue sleeping “in deep content, if logs are contented". Good for him. 10/10, no notes.
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yupstillhere · 1 year
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Willow has not left my brain since November so have this as a present.
If anyone would want any of these cropped as a wallpaper I’ll post it cropped too.
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sapphic--kiwi · 2 years
@huntlowweek days 4 and 6: comfort and scars ❤️
(basically, the spirit of huntlow angst possessed me and i immediately got to work on my second animation ever)
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taylor-swift-bracket · 5 months
🎇Please reblog!🎇
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 5 months
Figured i'd start actually. slowly reintroducing the new monster au turned oc project by first posting the new character names!
Mark -> Markus Adrianne Addams (Mark/Chris) Cesar -> Martin Garcia Sarah -> Amber Addams (Ace) Thatcher -> Jackson Hyde (Jack) Ruth -> Mabel Palmer Dave -> Barney Holmes Evelin -> Olivia Davis (Liv) Jonah -> Aaron Jones (AJ)
Another thing I wanted to introduce, this universe from now on will be referred to as Whispers of Willows!
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willowser · 1 year
I wrote this on my blog but I was wondering how you feel about it, Bakugo and on only child. Do you think it would be intentional or due to circumstance how would he respond to others saying something about it, what kind of things does he do with his kid ect. I want to write more about this but never really see anyone else talking about it. 🥺
hello dear !! you know — i have never really...pictured him as having more than one actually !! that's not to say that i couldn't imagine him having a few little kiddos, but, typically, when i imagine dad bakugou in my head, it's just with one 😌 i don't really have a reason for it, i think, but if i had to guess why i usually go with that thought is because i do see him as being a little older by the time he's having a baby bean, and i do typically headcanon him as — struggling with being a father LOL so in my head, maybe i just see him as feeling like one is enough for him !
as far as him being asked about it, hmm 🤔 tbh, i — feel like a lot of his friends would be unsure if he's going to have kids at all, so if he were to have one, i can't imagine anyone really saying anything about it ?? anyone that is close to him at least; being asked about it in, like, the media or by the public or whatever, i don't think he'd even give them an answer LOL but if he was asked about it by someone — like maybe his mother, or something — i think his answer would be very: *shrug* "'s'wrong with what i got?" LOL i genuinely think he could be totally content with just one, so he sees no reason to alter that reality for himself because — he's happy !!
and with him having just one, i think he'd do everything with them ! put them in all the sports and encourage them to try all the things ! i don't think he's the kind to spoil his kid too much but — i think he also grew up fairly well off, so they're doted on in a way that he's taking them on trips for the summer and no expenses are really being spared for the things he thinks they need, because that's just what he's used to ! what his parents did for him !
that's his little pal 🥺 his bud 🥺 and i always think of bakugou as the kind of person that feels lucky to have whatever he has when it comes to romance and love and you and family and friends, that he wouldn't think to ask for more 🥺
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livingfandomly · 2 months
The recurring urge to want to watch all of Taylor’s MVs in succession but in IMAX….
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
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[ID: a digital comic based on the owl house, featuring Hunter and Willow. The comic is a redraw of the "alphabet confession" meme comic. In the first panel, Hunter stands nervously in front of Willow, saying "I..". The next panel is a closeup of Hunter as he continues, saying "I...I" with an intense expression. In the third panel Hunter stops and looks suprised as Willow (partly off screen) continues, saying "J, K, L, M, N, O, P...". The next panel is a closeup of Willow, somewhat bashful, continuing listing the alphabet, now on "Q, R, S, T, U, V...". The penultimate panel is a closeup of Hunter as he finishes off the alphabet for her, saying "W, X, Y, and Z". He looks equally bashful. The final panel shows Hunter and Willow holding each other and seemingly spinning in mid air as flower petals circle around them. The comic is in black and white with the gutters between panels being light pink, and Hunter and Willow are both in their post-thanks to them designs. End ID]
HAPPY 1 WEEK TIL FOR THE FUTURE! Here's a silly comic idea that would not leave my head <3 they are so fucking stupid
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nerdyqueerr · 5 months
that bit abt fantasy characters at a bar asking a party member why they're in full armor and they go "so I can push to the front of the bar and get you drinks, obv... also my binders are in the wash" or however it goes. that's Kit Tanthalos with the cuirass ok
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pinks-wizards · 4 months
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New wizards just dropped!
"Come on Thomas if we get good enough at magic we can make the dogs in Marleybone listen!" "I don't think we can-" "Sure we can!"
They are just about average for students of Ravenwood. They are having fun though and good for them to get out of there.
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cosmicdenro · 11 months
i think ive come to that point where thsc's still on my mind only because of copperright and carrings... and rave tbh. other ships do not appeal to me as much at all but whenever someone has some aroace hcs with them my ears perk up. im listening.
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