#and yes as always this includes us. cross-platform even!
mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
Today's reminder that the block button is a free resource that can be used on anyone and anything that you don't care to find on your dashboard.
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joblrcensus · 8 months
it’s time for the JOblr census results 🧡🙌
before we start i want to thank everyone who took their time to answer this silly little project, gathering responses from 203 baby boos!! it’s my first time doing this so hopefully i can bring some excitement with the results <3
so buckle up and let’s get into it
general questions
Which continent are you from?
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Unsurprisingly, the majority is European with a total of 80.8% but it’s amazing to see that they’ve crossed the continent’s border and we also have 9.9% people from North America, 3.9% from Australia & Oceania, 3.4% from Asia and 2% from South America. No person chose the Africa option.
Which country are you from? (optional)
With this being an optional question, 162 respondents out of 203 opted to answer it. Let’s take a look at the top countries by number of people in JOblr (small note: I counted the few people who wrote England or Scotland as part of the UK answer)
Drumrolls 🥁…..
Finland - 29
UK & USA - 15
Germany - 11
Poland - 9
Italy - 8
Australia - 7
Sweden - 6
Austria, Spain, The Netherlands - 5
Croatia, Slovenia - 4
Czechia, France, Romania - 3
Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Ukraine - 2
Bolivia, Brazil, China, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, India, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Russia, Switzerland - 1
How old are you?
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45.8% of us are between 18-25, following by 23.6% between 26-30, 18.2% between 31-45, 10.8% under 18 and two people who are over 45 years old.
Are you part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Remember when they said Joker Out are for the girls and gays? 🏳️‍🌈
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Well that was absolutely not wrong since 77.3% baby boos answered that yes they are part of the community, while 11.8% are questioning and 10.8% have answered no
tumblr activity questions
How do you participate on JOblr?
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a majority of 98 people are mostly reblogging posts in the fandom but sometimes making posts of their own, 38 are only reblogging while 36 lurkers have stepped out of the shadow and made themselves known. The least amount of people (31) said to be active posters
Do you post any of the following?
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It’s already known this fandom is mad talented and entertaining!! It’s always a joy seeing everyone’s creations and posts no matter the type. And the people who are only enjoying and supporting the content are just as important 🫶
Do you also post about Käärijä?
Since these two fandoms are basically overlapping, sometimes even seen as one fandom, I was curious just how much
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50.7% also post about Käärijä outside of Joker Out, while 35% don’t post about him at all (or perhaps very rarely). 14.3% are mainly coming from Käärijä’s fandom
joker out questions
How did you find out about Joker Out?
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Another unsurprising result, with 89.7% of us finding out about them through Eurovision. But it was really cool to see that there are people who discovered them differently. Ten people found out about them through Tumblr or other social media, to four they were recommended by someone and one through a music platform. The “other” option was chosen as well and included:
finding out about JO through Käärijä
through a music blog review
on slovenian radio
Who from the current members is your favorite?
One of the hardest questions but it had to be done
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So Tumblr’s top favorite members areee:
Bojan - 69 votes
Jan - 42 votes
Kris - 40 votes
Nace - 35 votes
Jure - 17 votes
Have you been to a Joker Out concert?
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I did not expect this one to be so balanced but I am pleasantly surprised! 104 people have been to a JO concert, while 99 haven’t. It often feels like you’re the only person who hasn’t seen them live yet but it’s nice to see that you’re not alone, so if anyone feels the same don’t worry our time will come too 🥹
If you answered yes, have you seen them multiple times?
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Out of the 104 people who previously answered yes, there’s still a balance between those who have been to only one concert and those who have been to multiple
If you’re into RPF, which one of the most popular ships (according to AO3) is your favorite?
Another optional question where 181 out of 203 opted to respond to.
Oh boy, ooooh boy this was a tough battle. It felt like I was watching a horse race. I can tell you that all three ships have been at some point in the first place, or even equal. Are you ready to see the most interesting result yet?
Drumrolls again 🥁…….
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BoJere - 58 votes
BoKris - 57 votes
Jance - 56 votes
The “other” option was also chosen and the following ships were included:
aaaand that’s it, you made it to the end 🫶 hope you enjoyed and why not see you on the next census!!
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starzzach · 1 month
idk if youre still taking these but... aranged charlos?
yes of course i am still taking them anon! i don't know if you're coming from ao3 bc this is a published ongoing wip w/ 2 chapters to go. i honestly had to take a full step back from the constant fretting about finishing it, one reason being to prevent burnout and one reason being i am currently on vacation lol
it's basically about charlos getting contractually married very young and having babies (this was the idea when first developed).
another reason being that i have scrapped the 15th chapter about six times at this point, and even though i've written multiple notes for it actually writing it has been ... tough, to say the least. i will recommend, if you haven't read 'i take my whiskey (neat)', to not click under the cut!
i decided to include a bit of the epilogue instead of the 15th chapter purely bc i have written that most recently !!
they look at each other, his father with mild confusion and his dad with mild concern. his dad speaks first, coughing, “rafa, this is…?”
rafael springs into action. “this is ella,” he introduces as she waves hello. “she’s my, erm, my girlfriend.” he grins, hoping to earn their sympathy. “ella, these are my parents, charles and carlos,” pointing to each of them in turn. “i think my siblings are outside–”
“i’ll take you,” his father offers, still slightly confused. “we are, ah, grilling out back. do you like grill? i can show you out–” he stops, scratching the back of his neck, thinking hard. “we have invited a lot of people, but i’ll just walk with you so you don’t get lost.”
ella shoots him a panicked look before she’s shepherded nervously off to the back with his equally nervous father. his eyes follow their retreating figures, tightlipped, and his only thought is that they hadn’t been so scared of millie’s girlfriend. tearing his gaze away, his attention rests on his dad. he looks amused, fighting a smile, his arms crossed over his chest. he leans over the counter, towering over rafael from where he’s stood on the platform. 
“so,” he starts. “why is this the first time i am hearing of this girlfriend?”
rafael blushes high in his face, his ears turning red. “it’s new,” he sighs, pointed. “she’s in one of my classes, in english. she’s really nice, i think you’ll really like her.”
“yeah?” he says. it’s not a question. “how long have you been, you know, together?”
“two months, but i’ve known her for longer.”
his dad nods, thoughtful. he steps off the counter, his palm cold against rafael’s back. he stands slightly taller than his dad, something he takes advantage of, pulling him into a hug, squishing him. “my baby, all grown up,” he murmurs.
“daaaaad,” he whines, nearly suffocating. “stop, i’m not a little kid–”
his dad lets go, but cradles his face between his hands, pulling at his cheeks. “you’ll always be little to me,” he says, eyes twinkling. it’s the only part of him that stands truly the same from twenty years ago, resistant to time and change. “come, let us make sure your papa has not scared ella back to new york.”
he laughs at that, a little strangled, because he thinks the opposite is also entirely possible. laura materialises when they step out, blinking owlishly up at him behind her circle frames. “i met your girlfriend,” she says, eyes narrowed. she clutches a book to her chest and rafael has to stop himself from rolling her eyes because it’s so stereotypical of laura to be studying at their family cookout. “how do you have a girlfriend?”
this time he does roll his eyes, wrangling her in for a one armed hug. “good to see you too, chiquita,” he mutters. her reply is lost in her derogatory mumbling. “where is she? ella?”
“being harassed by your brothers,” comes his dad’s reply, a note of alarm in his tone. “you go and say hi to your uncles before they keel over and die, i’ll deal with this.”
laura and rafael watch as their dad wrangles their twin brothers into obedience, apologising to an even more apologetic ella. at ten, marco and miguel are getting up to absolutely no good, and have just started to grow out of the inseparable phase. it doesn’t mean they don’t team up to cause havoc at times like this – quite the opposite by their display just now. rafael feels uneasy, sweat starting to form. he coughs, gesturing, “i should– i should go over there, right?” he asks. “that’s something i should do?”
laura eyes him with no small amount of disdain, but her expression softens when she gently pushes at his shoulder. “you’re a real idiot you know that?” are the words that come out of her mouth. “seriously, you must be so glad millie’s inheriting the company instead of you, what a disaster that would have been–”
“–yeah, yeah, i’ve got it,” he grumbles, secretly pleased.
ella doesn’t notice him coming, her shoulders tense when he gets his hands on them. he pulls her into his embrace. “hey, you,” he says, willing his voice not to shake. “you’re okay?”
she sighs, relaxing just the slightest bit. “you know, in the car i was going over everyone’s names, and what you’ve said they like,” she admits. “but there’s like… so many. i couldn’t even figure out which one of your brothers i was talking to.”
rafael snorts. he smoothes down the sleeves of her shirt, trying to be comforting. “don’t worry, i had trouble with it for years. i still do, when they’re playing tricks.”
“ah, ella, i’m sorry, i had to take this call,” his father’s voice says from behind them. he’s smiling, awkward, but he’s smiling. “hi, rafa. did you–” his face falls, he must have seen his dad berating his brothers behind them. “oh, you met the twins?”
“she did,” rafael answers for the two of them, grimacing. “they’re being, well, you know better than me. how they’ve always been.”
his father sighs, muttering, “may lord help us all until they grow up,”  in spanish as he passes them by, patting rafael’s shoulder.
of course they had more babies. is anyone surprised?
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deadratio · 2 years
Tough Love- Chapter 1
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x fem!OC
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Summary: Avis Mitchell isn't all sunshine and flowers when her father reveals that he's remarrying. In fact, she's furious. After cutting him off, she pursues her future with love and passion while avoiding her father at all costs. Their paths cross unexpectedly, and she's forced to face the music.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Angst towards a parental figure, mentions of oral sex as a favor/bribe (no actual actions), intoxicants, cursing, being untruthful
A/N: FINALLY! Inspiration struck when I listened to this song. Huge shoutout to @callsignthirsty for proofreading and giving me additions and corrections! I also highly suggest reading the prologue for some context! I hope you enjoy, happy reading!
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Masterlist Prologue
1 year, 4 months later
Avis wasn’t surprised when her fiancé received a “save the date” to the Benjamin-Mitchell wedding several months ago. It made sense, Jake was also a fighter pilot. Knowing the date, Avis was able to avoid being his plus one at all costs. Working for a large firm kept her busy and she thanked her lucky stars for it. When she found a conference the same weekend as the wedding, she sent her boss a pitch to present, and when she got the thumbs up, she only felt a little bad about lying to Jake about why she couldn’t attend the wedding with him. 
It would also ensure that she kept Jake in the dark about who her father is. After multiple other spats between the two of them, she blocked Pete and Penny on all social media platforms and removed both of their numbers from her phone. If he wanted to make irrational decisions, then so could she. Jake believed her when she told him she was estranged from her family; she didn’t like to speak about them and shut down all efforts to broach the topic. The only person close to her father who knew about their relationship was Bradley, and she had enough sisterly dirt on him to make sure he remained tight-lipped.
Avis feels for her dad, she really does. But it’s difficult to get over her feelings of betrayal. Her heart hurts for their now non-existent relationship, and on particularly hard nights she’s almost tempted to reach back out. She misses the comfort her father used to bring her in her many times of need, but the trust was gone. He had made a promise to her all those years ago, and he had broken it. 
The week of the wedding comes quickly, and it takes all of Avis’s energy at the conference not to think about it to the point where she isn’t even sure she’s absorbing what the other presenters are talking about anymore. While she’s suffering, at least Jake is enjoying himself, even if it’s with bachelor activities. He even sent her a few pictures here and there, including one with the groom. Her father. The pangs of hurt roil in her chest when she sees it in her camera roll. Yes, her camera roll. Because despite her best efforts, she couldn’t help but save the picture to her phone.
The ceremony and reception are set to happen the evening she flies home from the conference, so she has a perfectly reasonable excuse to not be able to attend, aside from being out of town in the first place.
The red-eye flight Avis catches gives her no down time between the conference and having to rush to the airport. She texts Jake that she’s about to board and leaves it at that. She doesn’t expect Jake to be home when she gets there. Although the wedding venue is local, everyone has decided to stay at a hotel close to the venue to avoid driving home late at night. The next day, there’s supposed to be an afterparty at the Hard Deck, so Avis knows that Jake will be out of the house for a majority of that day as well.
There’s something about flying, though, that has always helped Avis clear her head — blame her dad for that one. Her flight home allows her time to decompress and think about her situation. By the time the plane has entered its final descent, Avis isn’t entirely sure she’ll  ever be able to reconcile with her dad. She tries not to care, but sometimes it eats away at her soul more than she’s willing to admit. And all of it is made worse by the simple fact that she wishes she could tell Jake the truth about it all, but she knows it’s best kept under wraps.
Arriving home the next morning, the bags under Avis’ eyes are a sign that she needs at least a week of sleep, if not more. In the year or so that she’s been with Jake, though, she’s found that she sleeps significantly better when he’s next to her, so she knows that at best, all she can do is take a nap and wait for him to come home. She wastes no time in setting her bags in their shared bedroom, changing into a pair of leggings and one of Jake’s old shirts before crawling between the sheets.
A loud ringing wakes Avis several hours later, the mid-day sun shimmering through the window and casting long shadows. Groggy-eyed and sore with tiredness, Avis does a quick search for her phone, finding it on the nightstand where she must have dropped it at some point before closing her eyes. She doesn’t check the caller ID, although she probably should have. 
“Hello?” Her voice is deep and low, the clearest evidence to the caller that she hadn’t been entirely awake when they called.
“You need to come get your man, Nicole.” 
“Bradley?” He was the only person who ever called her by her middle name.  It used to bother her, but she grew to understand Bradley’s attachment to it somewhere along the line as they grew up together. 
A soft groan escapes Avis’ lips, her free hand coming to swipe down the length of her face. “What did he do, Bradshaw?”
The chuckle on the other side should tell her exactly what Jake has been up to. “He’s drunk as hell. He’s got to get home somehow.”
“Why can’t you drive him?”
“Nobody here is entirely sober.”
Avis is about to reach for her keys when the realization hits her. If she goes to get Jake, it’s extremely likely that she’ll run into her father or his bride. More awake now, she sits up in the bed, gritting her teeth. “If this is a ploy, Bradshaw, I will never let you live this down.”
The other end of the line crackles with hoots and hollers, and she almost thinks that he’s forgotten he’s on the phone in the first place. Not sober, indeed. “Look, I promise I’ll do my best to make sure you aren’t seen, Nic. But if Jake doesn’t come out — and you know how he gets when he’s playing darts— you’ll have to come in and get him.” His voice becomes somber at the notion that Avis actually didn’t come to the wedding, and that she really didn’t want to be involved. 
Sighing heavily, Avis flips the sheets from her body. What she’s wearing will suffice, although she needs to throw on a bra and some shoes. “I’ll be there in a few. Don’t let him get any drunker.” Bradley knows that this isn’t a request, especially from the tone of her voice.
“Yes ma'am. I’ll see you soon.” With that, the call ends.
Avis isn’t in a rush to find the two items she needs to put on. She knows that, at any rate, Bradley will do his damnedest to get Jake outside to the parking lot and into her car. At the same time, she knows how stubborn Jake is, and that him being drunk will likely only make it worse. She pulls a different shirt from one of her dresser drawers, deciding that she should probably look at least somewhat decent if she was going to possibly interact with others. She slips on her sandals before heading out the door, car keys in hand. 
The drive to the Hard Deck isn’t very familiar for her. Avis avoided the area at all costs, and had only been there a handful of times when she was younger, before Penny ever owned it. Pulling into the parking lot, Avis isn’t surprised to find it nearly full. Her dad knows a lot of people, and she’s sure a popular girl like Penny does, too. Finding a spot, another sigh travels through her lungs before she texts Bradley that she’s outside and waiting.
The chat bubbles pop up but quickly go away, and Avis isn’t sure if he’s going to reply or not. She sits in the car for what feels like an eternity, staring out at the azure hued waves washing away the sand on the beach. Moments later, a loud ping from her phone alerts her to Bradley’s reply. 
Bradley: Sorry, Nic. He’s not coming out without a fight
Avis: Tell him I’m not wearing a bra
Bradley: Eeeeewww! 
Bradley: Nope. Not gonna happen.
Avis: Please?
Bradley: Man-up and come get him before he does something stupid(er). I’ll try to distract Mav
Avis: Did you just call me a man?
Bradley: We call Phoenix a MAN!
Avis: Wat?
Bradley: Phoenix is the manliest man of all of us
Bradley: I’m genuinely surprised Mav didn’t ask her to be his best man
Bradley: Because she is
Bradley: THE best man
Avis: I’m showing this to her when you’re all sober.
Bradley: You would not!
Avis: Too late. I’m screenshotting it as we speak
Bradley: …
Bradley: Stop stalling
Bradley: Come get your mans
Avis: Noooo
Avis: Just drag him out here. You know I don’t want to go in there
Bradley: Aids
Bradley: AVIS*
Bradley: FUCCK
Bradley: I’m going to walk across this bar and distract Mav so you can do your covert fiancé retrieval shit. Whether you use that to your advantage or not is on you
Avis: Wow
Avis: Big words for a drunk guy
Bradley: Fuck you
Bradley: You coming or not?
Avis: No thanks, I’m good on that first one. I’ll be in there in a sec, gonna throw up out of anxiety real quick
Avis’ dentist was going to hate her by the time this entire ordeal was over with. Her teeth ground tightly against each other as she exited the vehicle, slamming the door so hard someone else would have thought she really, really, hated the car. Her feet scrape against the gravel, the soft breeze coming in from the ocean doing nothing to cool her down. Avis didn’t have a chance to brace herself for this. She isn’t prepared to any extent, and doesn’t know if she ever could have been were this to occur at a later point in life. 
She wants to swing the door open with all the force only possessed by a mad woman, but she’s trying to fly under the radar. Instead, she slips through the door and finds the bar only mildly packed with people. Some have converged outside on the patio at the back of the building, and she guesses that’s where Jake must be, since she can’t find his golden hair amongst the inside crowd. The worst part of it is that she doesn’t see her dad or Penny, either, which means they’re also likely outside. 
Avis pulls her phone from her pocket, sending Bradley another message. 
Avis: I’m inside. If you can get him in here, I’ll handle the rest. 
The read receipt comes seconds later. She doesn’t want to go any further than she has to, so she glues herself to the bar, leaning against it coolly. Her attire doesn’t exactly match everyone else’s but it hardly matters since she isn’t going to be there for long. Another ping brings the worst case scenario:
Bradley: He literally will not budge even though I told him you were here. I’ll try to distract Mav and Penny, but you need to be quick. Sorry <3
Making her way towards the patio door, Avis peeks out the window. She can see the group of Jake’s aviator friends, with him standing at the edge. He’s laughing up a storm, gripping Coyote’s shoulder hard enough he could probably break it. There are empty beer bottles and shot glasses scattered throughout the high-top tables, which helps explain why he’s so intoxicated. Avis’s eyes avert to the corner of the window, revealing Bradley having a very animated conversation with her father and Penny, both of them facing away from the group. They seemed engrossed in whatever he was talking to them about, so this is it. Her opportunity to grab Jake and run. 
Slipping past the door, Avis beelines it to Jake, her hand landing gently on his bicep, but it takes a conscious effort. Jake immediately looks down at her, a bright, goofy smile adorning his handsome features when he realizes it’s her. “What are you doing here baby?” His words are slurred a bit, and Avis can tell that he wasn’t exactly expecting her to walk through the doors, no matter how much Bradley had tried to convince him she was coming to pick him up.
Giggling softly, Avis gives his arm a gentle tug. “I came to pick you up, you big lush. We need to go, though. I've still got some things to handle at the house.”
Jake scoffs playfully, fully turning towards Avis and wrapping her in his arms. “Why don’t you stick around, baby? Hang around a little bit, talk to some of my friends? I’m sure they’d all love to meet you,” Jake asks, laughing. “Oh!” It’s like a switch flips. “The bride and groom! I need to introduce you to them too!”
A rush of absolute fear encompasses Avis, and the anxiety of having to face her father sets in. It’s everything she’s trying to avoid. She shakes her head, ignoring the curious looks that Coyote and a couple of the other guests give her. “Maybe another day, honey. You’re drunk, and we have work tomorrow. It’s best we get you home.”
Jake’s smile turns into a child-like frown, feigning a sourness. “Since when’re you an introvert, Avi?” 
A soft groan moves past Avis’ lips. “Jake, we can talk about this later. Get in the car.”
“Why'd you wanna go home so bad?”
Avis drops her hand from Jake’s arm, her fingers now balling into fists. “I can meet them another time, Jake. They’re busy with their guests, and I’m not adding another person to their roster.”
“Please, baby?” he asks, grabbing Avis’s hand. “I promise I’ll go without a fight if we just go and say goodbye.”
Time for evasive maneuvers. “I wanna suck your dick.” Jake’s eyes go wide. “Get in the car.”
“Gross,” Coyote says to Jake’s side.
Jake shoots him a cheeky grin. “You’re just jealous.”
“So jealous,” Avis says, trying to hurry the conversation along. “Baby, get in the car.”
When arms wrap tight around her waist and Jake burrows into the crook of her neck, Avis is sure she’s won. “God, I love you,” Jake mumbles, his lips brushing over sensitive skin. “Almost as much as the bride and groom love each other. C’mon. I’m not leaving until you meet ‘em.”
Avis tries to wriggle out of his hold, glowering at him. “I’m not arguing with you about this. We need to leave. Now.”
“Avi,” Jake whines. Unfortunately for Avis, Jake is more stubborn than any mule on the planet. Which meant it was time to take out the big guns — well, big for drunk Jake.
“I’m taking the blowjob off the table at the count of three, Jacob.”
“Baby, don’t be like that.”
He pouts. “You’ll love them.”
“I just want you to meet my friends.”
“Jus’ go home Bagman,” Bradley’s trying to help, but it washes over Avis like cold water. If Bradley is here, he isn’t distracting the bride and groom. 
“Fuck off, Roo. Y’can’t tell me what to do.” Jake’s voice is louder than it was a minute ago and worry lances straight to Avis’ gut as she tries to hush him. 
“Jake, honey-” Avis shifts from trying to get Jake out of the bar to trying to diffuse the situation, but he’s faster than she anticipates. Before she can even finish her sentence, he’s got her arm in his grip, tugging her towards them. The sandals that she’d slipped onto her feet when she left the house have next to no grip on the concrete, and he’s practically hauling her over to her father and Penny who, by some miracle, still haven’t caught sight of her. 
“Jacob Seresin, you fucking unhand me right this moment!” Avis whisper-shouts, pulling against him. 
Stopping in his tracks, Jake turns to her. He’s barely sobered up from their drinking games during brunch, but it’s the look on Avis’ face that tells him he’s crossed a line. Looking around, he sees that some of the others are watching them, seeing him practically manhandle his fiancée in public. 
“Sorry, I-” His face is somber, like he really is realizing what he’s done. Any words he’s going to say are halted by someone patting his shoulder, standing next to him. 
“What’s going on here?” Maverick peeks around Jake’s shoulder, his stomach dropping to his feet at the sight before him. His daughter, his pride and joy, standing in front of him, a death glare sent in the direction of one of his students. He had been on the receiving end of that same stare multiple times, and he did not envy Jake Seresin. But what confused him the most was her actual presence. They hadn’t spoken in over a year, and she purposely didn’t come to his wedding. What was she doing here? “Avis?”
Avis redirects her glare toward her father, her jaw set in stone. A low anger boils in the pits of her stomach, and it takes everything in her not to say words she might regret. In the corner of the patio, Bradley rakes a hand down his face, his head thrown back a bit and curls a drunken mess. This is exactly what they had been trying to avoid.
Her fiancé and father are both staring at her, each of them experiencing different emotions. The clicking of heels jolts her from her stupor, and when Penny comes from behind her father, Avis can’t help but let the anger rise higher. Bradley comes up behind her, grabbing her shoulders, steering her gently away from the group. Jake unfreezes then, following closely behind them.
“Rooster? What’s going on?” The sequence of events seems to have knocked some sobriety back to Jake’s senses, and he can tell that Avis is mad. But it’s more than that. He’s never seen her just stop working before. He can’t tell if she’s mad that he wouldn’t come with her, or if it’s the fact that he practically manhandled her through a crowd of strangers. 
Avis only stops glaring at both men when Bradley has her turned far enough to make the angle weird, then she takes long strides toward the crashing waves. She huffs. This isn’t how she wanted to see her father again, nor reveal to him that she’s living in the area. Rooster stops halfway behind her, holding his arm in front of Jake to stop him as well. He turns to face his friend, and he almost feels sorry for him.
“Avis has a complicated relationship with her family. You know that, right?” Bradley asks Jake, turning back to watch Avis’ figure grow smaller in the distance. 
Nodding, Jake looks over to his mustached friend. “Yeah, why?”
Sighing deeply, Rooster hates to be the one to tell Jake the truth, but he knows that Avis would have an even harder time telling him. “Mav’s her dad.”
A brick wall hits Jake. He nearly gives himself whiplash looking back towards the Hard Deck to see Mav, Penny and the others gathered, having a quiet conversation, no doubt about the situation at hand. He knew her last name, he just hadn’t associated it with Maverick’s. It makes sense now, the sleek, black hair and captivating, fiery green eyes. The devilish smile when they were play-fighting on the couch about what to have for dinner or what to watch for the evening. The toothy grin she gives him when she laughs really hard at his dumb jokes. 
The salt water is almost licking at Avis’ toes when she finally stops walking. Hot tears streak down her cheeks, arms crossed over her chest as she hugs herself. She doesn’t know what to do. Everything is happening all at once. The realization that she really did give up her relationship with her dad over this. His love for another woman. But why? What had Penny ever done to her besides make her dad happy? She was happy with Jake. It was love, written into two different stories for two all-too-similar people. She can’t fathom herself, her decisions, or her mentality around it all. 
Strong arms are suddenly encasing her in a warmth she’s familiar with, and Avis isn’t quite sure where she wants to be anymore. Jake rests his chin on her shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek. They share a moment of silence before Jake speaks up. “Why don’t we go home, rest up, and we can talk about this after we both get home from work tomorrow?” It’s a kind suggestion, one that Avis is grateful for. Jake always knows what to do to bring her back down from the clouds.
Nodding, she pulls away from him, running a shaky hand down his arm, her fingers slipping between his own. The ring on her left hand feels heavy now, as though it holds the weight of the world on her finger. The careful balance she’d had between her past and future had been shattered. 
The journey to the car feels too long for Avis’ preference, but she’s glad when she slides into the driver's seat. She steadies herself, attempting to brace for the coming days she knows will be fueled with truths revealed and secrets exposed. Jake thinks that he knows her like the back of his hand, but he’s not ready for what’s coming for him.
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@dempy / @hedeviloffics / @luckyladycreator2
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Daughter of the House of Black
Summary: Aurora is the younger sister of Sirius Black and as the Christmas Holidays begin, the pair of siblings along with one of their best friends, Remus Lupin, return to Kings Cross station and all prepare to go their separate ways home for the holidays but not before getting into some mischief.
A/N: Hi guys this is my first Harry Potter short Fanfic so i hope you all like it, there is a second half included in this that's just something really sweet that I just had to write.
My fancast for Walburga Black is Eva Green.
Warnings: None.
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"Sirius wait up!" I called out to my brother who had already left the train and was no waltsing about the platform, whilst I struggled to pull my trunk along with me off the train.
I shouted for him again, trying to catch his attention over the massive crowd that had quickly formed across the platform, unlike last time he'd actually heard me this time but his response was no more helpful then just ignoring me, as he met my eyes and decided to simply stick his tongue out at me before having the audacity to tell me to hurry up.
"Here let me help Aura," I heard a voice next to me say and quickly saw Remus as he began to take my trunk off my hands with a slight grunt at how heavy it was. "What've you got in here Aurora?" He asked me as he tried to balance the weight of my trunk to make it easier to carry, "enchanted bricks?"
I couldn't help but laugh as my werewolf friend struggled to carry my bag, I was grateful but there was always room to poke fun with the boys. "Yep, did it especially for you Remus, thought you could stand to loose a few pounds," It took all the restraint in me to not laugh at my own joke, as we quickly left the train to catch up to my, quite frankly, rude brother.
"Took your time you two," Sirius was quick to find, as he was leaning against the wall closest to the exit, like the egotistical idiot he was, I bet he thought he looked so charming.
"Well unlike you brother, Remus here is a gentlemen and offered a helping hand, though the same can't be said for you." I spoke annoyed at him, as I stood in front of him with my arms folded securely in front me but still he looked at me with that stupid smile of his.
"Oh don't be like that Aurora," Sirius said to me as he clamped his hand down on my shoulder, "Your better off saving your annoyance and anger for when we get home." And with that Sirius released his hand on my shoulder and motioned for us all to get going and so we did.
The Crisp winter air back at Hogwarts was nearly unbearable but now that we were back down in London the weather was far more bearable which was amazing for me but with the snow still fresh and my company being to fifteen year old boys it didn't take very long for the snowballs to start flying and the words.
"Snowball fight!" To be shouted into the air and very quickly I was apart of a snow war between two Gryffindors and myself a Slytherin.
Quickly, all our luggage had been discarded on the nearby pavement, as we began to play out on the open streets not to far away from home.
The rules were always the same in the sense that there really weren't any, you get hit that's a point to the person who threw it and if you don't hit someone, well that was just sad.
The scores were currently fairly even. Sirius was on 7, Remus on 5 and I was on 6. Yes, I was currently coming second but Sirius played dirty, yet regardless of that I wasn't going to loose, not only was I a Slytherin, I was also a Black and defeat was a concept I'd never quite been able to grasp
When Sirius was distracted by Remus' oncoming assaults, I knew it was the perfect chance to take my victory. Quickly whilst everyone's attention was elsewhere I took my wand out of my pocket and with a simply spell placed on my mountain of snow next to me, all the work was done for me and Sirius was now being attacked from all sides by my snowballs.
Yes I was fourteen and technically that meant I was performing underage magic but a little charm here and a little hex there, the government rarely ever got to choked up about it.
"Aurora what... Hey stop it you little imp.... that's cheating!" Sirius tried to shout out between yelps and cries from my snowball assault but his cries fell on death's ear as me and Remus looked at each and took great joy at watching his pain.
"I thought there were no rules Brother, isn't that what you said three years ago when we started this?" I asked him as I quickly whipped my wand out and made my attack come to an end.
Then me and Remus were walking other to Sirius he was now lying on the opposite street, trying to recover from the ordeal. Now standing over my Brother's body I heard Remus say.
"Why Padfoot are you getting cold feet?" I saw the glint in Remus' eyes as he took the mick out of the Gryffindor lying on the floor.
"Of course not Moony, I'm simply...um... taking a moment to enjoy the scenery," I couldn't help but laugh at my brother's jovial sarcasm and as I helped him up from the floor I couldn't stop smiling from his antics.
"Come on Sirius, we better hurry up before Mother and Father Crucio us both into the next century," I explained as I helped brush off some of the snow that was covering his clothes.
"Fair enough sister,' He replied and then we were both saying a quick goodbye to Remus and wishing him a happy holiday before we both retrieved our luggage and made our way home.
Soon enough we were standing in front of the place we both called home, 12 Grimmauld Place. Almost in sync we looked to one another and had a quick glancing conversation before walking up to the front door and knocking twice.
within a moment of knocking the door was being opened and we were greeted in by Kreacher, who was quick to take our bags as we both entered the hallway of our home.
"What time do you call this!" A voice me and Sirius knew all to well shouted out and soon our Father was walking into the hallway from the adjoining drawing room, our Mother following closely behind.
"What on earth did you both do to your clothes?" That was our mother's voice sounding out from where she stood by the staircase next to our Father.
Well this was certainly a warm welcome as usual but neither me nor Sirius truly had courage to speak just yet. I could somewhat understand why Father was upset and currently staring us both down as if we'd robbed Gringotts but I couldn't quite fathom why Mother was so annoyed.
But then through the horrid silence that followed I began to hear the quiet dripping of water and with a quick glance to the floor, I realised that the snow that we had dusted off our clothes had melted and was now dripping on the wooden floorboards and suddenly I felt the cold impact of my soaked clothes and then my confusion over our mothers annoyance was cleared.
"We're sorry for being late Father, we got distracted and ended up having a slight incident in the snow," I tried to explain in a timid voice but I refused to look my Father directly in the eyes, so instead I settled on looking at him through my brows.
He was still angry and clearly unimpressed with us but I knew how quickly that anger could turn volatile and so with my head still downcast I continued, "We're both very sorry and we promise it will never happen again."
Often in times like this I tended to answer for the both of us, regardless of me being the youngest by a single year, I knew how uncomfortable our parents made Sirius feel, so I often tried to vouch for the both of us.
"We'll discuss this another time, now both of you get upstairs and clean yourselves up," Our Father's words were quick and left no room for arguing and as such we were both quick to follow his instructions and began to ascend the stairs.
_________________ If anything I'd say earlier's ordeal went quite smoothly, especially for in this house. I was half expecting for me and Sirius to at least receive some sort of punishment but no there was none. After allowing the events to play through my head as I washed myself and got ready, I eventually put the lack of punishment down to it being the Christmas Holidays and the fact that we'd be leaving for the Families Manor, which was currently occupied by Grandfather Arcturus, like we did every year.
I was currently sitting at my dressing table in my room, I'd probably been sat there for much longer than I should have been but daydreaming and thinking was far more appealing than finishing getting ready and attempting to pack.
As I sat gazing into my vanity mirror, i heard a knock sound out and turning to face the door, I saw my mother walking in. She was still dressed in her daily robes (basically a black dress), and I couldn't help but look, for a moment, slightly dumbfounded as to why she was here.
"Mother, is everything alright?" I asked her uncertainly as I watched as she closed my door behind her and walked over to me.
"Everything is fine sweetheart," my mother said kindly "May I?" She then asked gesturing towards my hairbrush which was resting in front of me on my vanity.
I gave her a slight nod and then she picked the brush up and began to brush through the dark tresses of my hair. It wasn't that odd that she was brushing my hair, I often enjoyed it when she did, it was just odd since not many hours ago she was telling me and Sirius off along with our Father.
"You've always had such lovely hair," She commented contentedly, as she replaced the brush with her hands as she began to plait my hair. "I remember when you were little and we feared you were going to be bald for the rest of your life because your hair just wouldn't grow."
She laughed as she continued to weave her hands through my hair and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at that. I'd scene so many of my baby and toddler pictures and in each one it truly did look as if I had no hair.
"I remember the pictures, Druella called me a gremlin for it and I remember how mad you and Aunt Cassie and Lucy got." I chuckled once again as the memory of that day flashed through my mind.
Druella said I couldn't be a child of Black because I had no trace of the classic dark curls, she'd insulted me as I was playing with my Mother and Aunt Lucretia, I actually thought Mother was going to Crucio her and I remember distinctly how Aunt Cassiopeia practically spat out her mouthful of tea.
"It was a good thing my brother loved her so much or she would have left our home with a missing limb," I knew Mother wasn't joking and I couldn't help but smile at that. I was no stranger to her inconsistent bouts cruelty but it was moments like these that I truly loved and wanted to be with my Mama.
"I think Aunt Lucy would have gladly helped, though I also think Aunt Cassie would have just enjoyed the show." I joked to my mother and watched from the mirror how her face broke out into a broad smile as she finished tying off the plait.
"I couldn't agree more sweetheart," she spoke softly has her head leaned down and she gave my own head a gentle kiss before continuing, "now I believe it's time for bed, we have to be at the Manor early tomorrow."
She explained to me and before I could answer verbally my body let out a tired yawn and I began to struggle to keep my eyes open long enough.
I quickly hopped into bed with my Mother standing by my bedside, then once I was lying down on my pillows she grabbed ahold of the duvet and pulled the covers over me before perching herself on the side of my bed.
for a moment neither one of us said anything and Mother just looked at me with the kindest blue eyes, she began to slowly brush my cheek with the back of her hand and I couldn't help but nuzzle into the warm touch, smiling at her.
"My beautiful witch," she whispered almost breathlessly and then her hand stilled on my cheek.
"Goodnight my little light," And as I was quickly drifting off to sleep I felt my mother's soft lips atop my forehead and now I didn't want her to leave, I wanted her to stay the night just so I wouldn't have to loose this moment.
"Mama will you stay, please I'll sleep better?" I asked her with a tired voice and hoped she'd say yes.
"Not tonight my little love, perhaps another night alright," She spoke so sweetly that I couldn't argue as I knew her words were genuine and hinted with the tiniest of guilt.
"Alright, night Mama," Was the last I said to her before she left and I fell asleep quickly, knowing I'd have to be well rested for the next week at the Manor with the whole family for the Holidays. ____________________
Hi guys I hope you all like this, just something a bit different and let me know if you want a part two.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Thoughts on a potential job for I.M.P. where they hunt their target in a cathedral at night?
Just imagine the 3 little demons silhouetted against big stained glass windows showcasing heavenly/angelic iconography as they chase and stalk their victim until they zero in for the kill, the action and irony comparable to what you'd see in animes. The target could be a clergyman or some choir member or even among the congregation.
(Then again, it might also get Heaven's attention since a murder in a holy place wouldn't go unnoticed. But that's optional!)
Ooh I like this! I don't know why but the general premise plus the mention anime style action instantly reminded me off the opening scene of Bayonetta Bloody Fate which is also a battle taking place in a moonlit cathedral.
Overall I love it! I.M.P would both stand out but also fit in the cathredal's gothic archictecture so a fantastic idea. I kinda want draw something based on this but for now I'll do a little mini fic
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I.M.P going after a target in a cathedral at night
I could see the scene opening with the target taking a lonely stroll through the cathedral, possibly locking up for the night before noises of movement are heard, them looking up and around nervously but not seeing anything and moving on as the camera pans up to a trio of sillouetted figures looking like gargoyles resting but when their eyes open and tails swish mischievously, we know it's the Immediate Murder Professionals...
Standing up, Blitz cracking his back for holding the pose, they quickly hop onto the a chandelir, grabbing onto the chain for balance as the platform swings a little, them looking down and sighing in relief at their target not noticing them, Standing tall once more
"Okay team, you hotties remember the plan?" "Yes Sir, we went over it like five times this morning, we remember." "Come on Mox, it's our job, Blitz just wants to make it fun" "Yes I do, and you better have fun, staked this fucking place out after all..."
"Regardless of that sir, we should get back to, you know? Killing him." "Quick to the point, always liked that about you Mox, now Millie, your going in close, Moxxie's got you covered with his rifle, and I got the mood music~"Blitz says as he hops off the chandelir to another and another before making it to a big pipe organ, turning back to his employess giving a thumbs up.
Millie leaves her husband with a kiss before hopping down onto one of the pillars and using one of her swords to slide down as Moxxie readies his rifle at the Clergyman praying at a cross, making sure Millie's in position before aiming and about to pull the trigge-
Before Blitz slams down on the keyboard, the loud sound startling everyone, including the target, Moxxie also missing the shot in surprise who the Clergyman only notices from the smokeing hole on the ground next to him, trying to run before Millie starts chasing him, making sure to keep him in the room, unable to land a throw on him directly due to often grazing his obscuring robe. Moxxie turns to back to Blitz with an infuriuated expression but the Horse lover too's focused on his organ solo to notice, the many pillars and chairs making landing a shot from up here difficult with how quickly the target is moving.
Eventually Moxxie get's fed up and pulls out his knife, cutting the chain making the chandelir crash down as the music rises in intensity, the sound startling the clergyman again and stumbling over a stair making him fall in front of the cross, unable to get up as Moxxie shoots him through the ankle and Millie finishes the job by bringing her axe down, cleaving both the cross and clergy man in two in a truly gruesome sight, the two lovers quite proud of the spectacle they managed despite the franticness for a bit.
Blitz eventually descends joins them, congratulating them on a job well done, and shutting his mouth when Moxxie glares him down for starting on how it took longer then expected, but either way another contract done, and the three go back to Hell after Blitz insists on a selfie with all three of them, Blitz promising to not jam the keyboard down if he ever does hit mood music again.
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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Wakana Winter Shark Festival Vol.#2 ~ Birthday Eve Cross Talk Event ~ LIVE COMMENTARY
It’s almost time for Vol.#2 of last year’s “Wakana Winter Shark Festival ~ Special Cross Talk Event ~ ”. As always I will be doing a live reaction to the event. Tweet by Wakana |
‖Event details Botanical Land members-ONLY streaming event Title: “Wakana Winter Shark Festival Vol.#2 ~ Birthday Eve Cross Talk Event ~” Date: December 9, 2022 (Friday) Time: 19:00~ (JST) Cast: Wakana, Yuuka Nanri (guest)
‖Ticket details Ticket sales: Bitfan tickets ; Livestream: Bitfan Live Sales period: November 18 18:00 to December 14 23:59 Archive period: ~December 18 ● Event viewing ticket ¥ 2,000 (tax included) ※ For FC members ONLY In order to buy a ticket, please refer to the tutorial provided by Botanical Land! I have also written my own tutorial for her previous FC event so feel free to check that out! Bitfan is a very foreigner-friendly platform so be sure to use this opportunity!
Ohhh, her hair looks darker here than it did in the recent pictures. Makes me happy. I was sad to see her darker go but it seems it was just the lighting that made it look like she had dyed her hair. She definitely cut it though but oh well, she obviously still looks gorgeous.XD Hearing Yuuka and Wakana reflect on last year’s live is getting me so excited for this year’s concert!! Also, they are planning to hold another event like this together. This time to celebrate Yuuka’s birthday in March.
Question Corner: Q1: To which prefecture would you like to travel together? Wakana would like to go to Shimane prefecture because she received some amazing omiyage from there a while back (Yōkan). Q2: Recent items that have a healing effect on you? Obviously it’s plants for Wakana  Q3: Do they buy Year-End Jumbo Lottery tickets? Yes, Wakana does indeed buy them and if she won, she would use the money for her plants Q4: Ways to calm down and work on blood pressure? Concentrate and think about the universe Q5: How would they spend a day if they lived together? They imagine it would be fun. Wakana is ready to do all the laundry because she loves it. Wakana doesn’t eat carbs in the evening so they would have trouble figuring out dinner since Yuuka prefers to eat carbs. Wakana is jealous that Yuuka manages to stay so thin even though she eats a lot of carbs. Wakana warns that she loses a lot of hair so that might be annoying for anyone who lives with her. Q6: If they could change voices, which of their respective song would they like to sing? They pretty much just praise each other’s voice here. Yuuka would love to sing Christmas songs if she had Wakana’s voice because she feels like Wakana’s voice fits these types of songs perfectly. Q7: Someone asks Wakana if she has bought a new microwave (since she mentioned last time that it’s super old and barely working anymore): She didn’t. It’s still working somehow. However, she did buy a bunch of other stuff but more on that later. Q8: Anything they would want as birthday present? Wakana wants a cordless vacuum cleaner (as we know, she bought one for herself at the beginning of the new year) Q9: Recommended cooking method: Wakana talks in detail about a gluten free version of an Okinawa Champuru dish. Q10: Something they like about each other? Here they are supposed to describe a positive character trait about the each other. Then they each react to the other’s thoughts and confirm whether that’s an accurate description of their character. Yuuka describes Wakana as very bright and cheerful. Mainly because she has been talking a lot since the get-go. Wakana is afraid this particular trait of hers might come across as annoying but Yuuka really likes it. She admits tough that she did feel a little overwhelmed at first because she couldn’t explain how someone’s switch was just always turned on, no breaks, no downtime, nothing. Q11: Any recommended instruments for playing and tips how to stay motivated? Wakana tries to play a bit of piano but she hasn’t been very diligent with her practicing so she is really not the right person to provide any type of encouragement or support. Wakana recommends just listening to the sound of instruments and choose what you like best when deciding on what to start playing. Q12: How have they progressed in the past year? Wakana has made some improvements on her neck by doing lots of exercising and stretching. Q13: How to spend Christmas as an adult? Eat chicken and cake. Have some red wine. A good meal is more important to her than presents. Q14: What was the most surprising thing that happened this year? Wakana finally realised that the right combination of air-con and humidifier is the best way to stay warm in winter. In the past she refused to use air-con heating due to the dry air. Q15: How to memorise lyrics for a live? Endless repetition and trying to come up with a simple story that makes it easier to memorise everything. Q16: Ever experienced a time leap or deja vu? Not really. She is often reminded of other stuff or experiences nostalgia but nothing else. One weird thing though: Sometimes she will dream of people contacting her and then they actually end up contacting her soon after. Q17: Have they visited Ghibli Park? Any other such places they would like to visit? No, unfortunately Wakana hasn’t been able to visit yet. But she wants to, especially after seeing everyone’s reports. Q18: Any artist/work (anime, drama, show, etc) that influenced your life a lot? They go off on a tangent and talk about idols. Wakana mentions a group called “Travis Japan”. Seems like she used to be quite obsessed with them. They even were on America’s Got Talent. Q19: The thing you worked hardest on this year? Wakana worked hardest on her music. Basically what she always does. But she also tried to drink more water and focus on skincare. Q20: Recommended Christmas book? She shows a few books
Present Time: Wakana introduces items she bought for her birthday (seems like she likes to buy presents for herself XD). She got herself a cordless hair iron (Ya-Man Shine Pro) that can be used in the bath. And a lint remover by Kedamatori.
Cake Time:  So cute to hear her sing for herself. The fruit tart looks absolutely delicious!
Game Corner (personality test): God, there was a lot of complicated stuff XD
Live Goods Introduction: I honestly wanna buy everything. The keyholder looks so pretty! And the pink gloves are cuter than I expected. Might have to buy two pairs. I wonder what that big spoiler in the pamphlet is all about? Probably her album release?
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wolfbark-and-co · 11 months
Sky Colony
(Formerly Skyclan)
A small, eccentric group of cats who live in a ravine camp. Often found hunting in the tops of trees, these cats seek comfort in high places.
These cats have a fairly loose leadership style, often given the most freedom out of every Colony to do as they want. They often accept loners and daylight warriors, almost always pass a “yes” vote on clan changes, allow other Colony cats to venture in their territory, and are generally a welcoming group.
Sky Colony rests partially on a large, open field, and partially on forested land. They hunt more often in the forest, but are known for being quite fast on the prairie as well, and doing most ceremonies under the light of the stars.
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Sky Colony is the worst at hunting large prey in groups, but is incredibly good at catching flighted prey. Songbirds, birds of prey, and other tree dwelling animals are most often on the menu, along with berries and nuts. They also have a lot of grains available, so commonly cook with them.
Sky Colony camp is in a hollow with a small stream running through it and some trees growing along the walls. The main feature of their camp is a wall filled with rock crevasses and stones.
At the center of camp is the cooling area, which keeps the space around the den warm. In the area there is a dug out hole to store raw prey, a rock oven, and some spaces to set up smokers and hot stones. There are also many woven mats around the area for cats to put food on, and sit around and eat as a group. There are many clay pots and storage containers around also, including kittypet tools.
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While Sky Colony’s main camp is on the ground, it’s not uncommon to find the bulk of the cats spending more time sleeping, hunting, and patrolling from the trees- their camp serves as a base of operations and a safe place, but surrounding it are large trees with platforms, hammocks, nests, and bridges between the trees, many of which hang/cross over the main camp, making a sort of walkway over the hollow, meaning they can always see their camp even when resting up in the trees. Many of the surrounding trees are hollowed out on the inside, making great dens for single cats or couples, or pairs of siblings who nest together.
The elder’s den is a small, warm tree hollow with many nesting materials.
In the center of the camp is a pit used for a constantly burning fire. It is only put out during bad weather they could cause smoke to blow too much.
Sky Colony cats are very open and honest, acting as one large family more often than not. They value each other's company a lot, often being found napping and hunting together. They are the least aggressive colony and prefer to socialize and make peace as opposed to fighting.
For tools, they use a lot of kittypet items mixed with stone and wooden tools. They often decorate with feathers and brightly colored flowers and berry paint, as well as the stunning colorful leaves from their territory’s trees. They’re often considered the most skilled clan when it comes to craftsmanship. When using bones in crafts, they mostly use small animal bones such as birds, making them very delicate, careful carvers. They are the most technologically advanced group because of this, often being found to even use strange twoleg lights that they claim are powered by the sun, to hang from the trees surrounding their camp.
Sky Colony is the leading colony for making small decorative items like beads and charms, so their harnesses and knives are often decorated with these items.
Sky Colony, second only to Moor Colony, are amazing at digging and tunneling- however, they use their skills to hollow out trees, both to serve as small dens, and to make an amazing place to hide and ambush prey and enemy cats. They have large claws that are great for climbing, jumping, and drilling into wood to make these hiding places!
Because of their long time spent away from the 4 colonies during their exile, Sky Colony views battle as a last resort and views all fighting as dishonorable unless in the defense of one’s life or limb. Because of this, they have a neutral view of scars as opposed to the forest 4’s reverence of battle scars. While they live with the 4 now, they’re certainly still quite unique.
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Sandstorm is wearing what I’d consider close to this AU’s Sky Colony outfit. She has bright colored paint, twoleg objects, and a leather belt. A typical Skyclan cat would have a smaller, more intricate knife unless traded for from another clan, and would at least be wearing their ranking feather on their tail tip.
They’re a fairly spiritual group, but come second in that category to Moor Colony. During ceremonies, they often wear colorful paint to resemble their most common food source, birds.
Sky Colony has a feather ranking system! Any cat can wear any feather, but the one tied to the tip of their tail decides their rank. Feathers anywhere else on the body can be any type, and this only applies to Sky Colony. Other Colony cats may wear feathers anywhere with no meaning.
Leader - eagle
Deputy - hawk
Healers - jay
Warriors (including hunters, crafters, guards, etc) - crow
Skywatchers - goose
Ambassador - owl
Caretakers - flowers replace feathers, flower garlands are wrapped around the tail or neck.
Elders - same feather as their current rank, but with the top sliced off.
Apprentices (warrior) - finch feather
Apprentices (healer) - finch feather + jay feather
Apprentices (caretaker) - single flower on ear.
Ambassador’s apprentice - Owl feather + finch feather.
- Skywatchers are Sky Colony’s version of the other 4 colonies Starspeakers. The name is to honor an old Skyclan cat.
Goose feathers for Skywatchers are a reference to Goosefeather.
Jay feathers for healers are a reference to Jayfeather.
Goldfinch feathers are a symbol of apprentices as a whole.
The most common names in Sky Colony revolve around birds, trees, and plants. Among the most common clan names (suffixes) are
Flower, petal, rose, stem
Jump, leap, spring
Tail, foot
Feather, wing, talon, flight, fall.
Nifty-senpai (camp art)
Bonefall (some AU ideas + oven art)
Fatal-blow (sandstorm)
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max--phillips · 1 year
The Game of Ask
Tagged by @thelittlest-lynx !!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Great question. Technically, yes. Here’s the necessary information. 1) I was SUPER not planned. 2) My mom is an English major (technical writing) and was really into British literature when I was born. Therefore, my legal first and middle names are Victoria Elizabeth. That said, they have no real significant meaning otherwise.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Great question... last week sometime probably
3. Do you have kids?
ABSOLUTELY not. I have Chucky and Donut and that’s plenty
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It depends entirely on who I’m with, but yeah lmao though I try to make it pretty clear when I’m on a text based platform
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did competitive swimming when I was a kid, marching band when I was in high school (YES that is a sport. Eat my ass). Now though I am blissfully sport-free.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Vibes. Gotta pass the vibe check
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Ummmmmm... why not both? For real though, happy endings, I’m a weenie and can’t really do horror
8. Any special talents?
Idk, I’m a good cook and I make a pretty decent handyman. I tend to fit into the jack of all trades category pretty well because my adhd has made me pick up a trillion hobbies, so I can sew, do leatherwork, cross stitch, weave, all sorts of little things. (I’m also pretty good at soldering electronics?)
9. Where were you born?
Lafayette, Indiana, at a hospital that no longer exists!
10. What are your hobbies?
LEGO, video games (which I am bad at), writing, cooking, and most recently, teaching myself HTML and CSS!
11. NA
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes! Chucky and Donut as mentioned, my two cats. I also consider my parents’ pets “mine,” too, and that includes Mama, Gravy, Frito, and Chewie (all cats) and Coco (their dog)!
13. How tall are you?
5′10″! But I wear Docs all the time so I hover in that 6′ zone
14. Favorite subject in school?
Man I don’t even know, high school was such a nightmare for me I don’t really remember it all that well. I loved band, though; I still enjoy playing flute if and when I find the time. I did enjoy my language classes I guess; my senior year i was in Spanish 4, German 2, and French 1 all at the same time lmao
15. Your dream job?
My dream job is not having to work lmfao
(Honestly though I’ve always kinda wanted to own an adult store???)
16. Eye color?
I’m not gonna tag anyone bc that’s just who I am as a person but if you see this and you wanna, consider yourself tagged!
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chenfordsource · 2 years
Are you okay withpeople using your GIFs on Twitter, as long as they give you credit and include a link to the original post?
Hi! @tim-lucy answered a similar question here and we whole-heartedly agree with her view point! 
We'd prefer our gifs not be cross-posted at all, but since it's bound to happen anyway, please at least spare a reblog (not just a like, those don’t circulate content on Tumblr unlike other social media platforms) before you save them.
There's nothing more discouraging than seeing someone save and repost your content elsewhere only for them to get equal or more traction for your work, without them even interacting with (or acknowledging) your original post in the first place! 
So please, if you like gifs enough to save them from people, do those creators a favour and reblog those posts too. If you have thoughts you’d like to share about those gifs, creators always love seeing positive commentary in the tags!
But yes, please, if you do feel the need to repost content on Twitter, link back to the original post. Thank you for asking, anon!
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dear-tortured-adam · 1 month
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001. this is eden's side-blog for writing. all content in this blog shall be centered around obey me swd and nightbringer.
002. english is not my first language. do tell me if i make any mistakes, especially in oneshots / longfics!
003. the majority of this blog is SFW, so everyone is free to read my content / interact with this blog. however, I may reblog suggestive posts.
004. do NOT send me thirsts here, i have a whole separate blog for that.
005. this blog is not spoiler-free.
006. do not bring discourse here or in any of my other blogs, as this is meant to be a safe space for me and everyone. if you don't like me or my content, you're free to scroll.
007. do not copy / translate / repost any of my writings here on tumblr or any other platform. i only post here and in my other two blogs
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001. this is my safe haven and i welcome you with open arms!
002. to start off: i love talking! got anything on your mind? you're free to share. heck, i don't care if you don't have a filter; at the end of it all is a good laugh hehe.
003. given the hypothetical scenario that you want to be mutuals, hit me up back at interconnectedmatrix! i absolutely love meeting people on this app <3
004. though for anyone who wants to interact with me, especially through dms / inbox, bear in mind that i am a college student. i don't always have the time to answer you immediately.
005. i write for anyone and everyone. yes this includes the nondateables. yes this includes michael. if you bribe me enough i can write something with the little d's.
006. i will mostly write about x reader. platonic, romantic, blurred lines, with benefits? give the signal and i'll write.
007. all fics featuring mc/reader will be written in second person point of view unless specified otherwise.
008. i honestly don't have a reader preference. while most works have the reader as genderneutral, i may sometimes lean into masc / femme territory if i feel like it.
009. i typically avoid using "mc" or y/n in my writings. i mostly use petnames or nicknames when referring to the reader [baby, dearest, sweetest pie, zephyr, player two, etc]. these names are varied depending on the character.
010. that said, this is what i'll be basing them off:
. male!reader / masc!reader : reader is strictly or implied male, uses he/they pronouns, referred to with masculine and genderneutral petnames and nicknames
. genderneutral / gn!reader : reader's gender is not specified, uses they/them pronouns, referred to with genderneutral petnames and nicknames
. fem!reader / femme!reader : reader is strictly or implied female, uses she/they pronouns, referred to with feminine and genderneutral petnames and nicknames
011. there shall be no romantic scenarios involving luke. it is non-negotiable.
012. on the topic of luke: i write him as a side character, more than the nondateables. it's unexplainable at the moment on why i do that but it's something i gravitate towards when writing child characters. this means that luke's part / drabbles will be comparably shorter than the rest.
013. i wholeheartedly apologize if a character acts ooc. i cross reference in-game dialogue and i know mistakes happen, so feel free to send constructive criticism as well!
014. finally, comments / reblogs are greatly appreciated! they brighten up even the darkest days.
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: 𝐌𝐘 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐍𝐎'𝐒 — explicit nsfw, non-con / dub-con, s/a, incest / stepcest / demoncest, pedophilia, graphic depictions of violence, abuse, self-harm, more to be added
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001. requests are CLOSED.
002. i accept headcanon / drabble requests. i do not accept requests for oneshots or multichapter unless we're close / mutuals.
003. with the sudden change in scheduling, there is no concrete timeline for when i finish requests. it may take around a week if i'm not too busy.
004. i have the right to reject / deny any request. don't feel invalidated if an author decides to not write your chosen prompt, as other writers will be more than glad to write such.
005. i do not accept requests for smut. my content shall be a bit on the nose at most.
006. no spamming requests. 1-2 instances are enough.
007. i like to keep the brothers and side characters separate for headcanon posts because it helps with the mental load. side characters are then separated once more: triworlds [diavolo, barbatos, simeon, solomon, luke] and nondateables [thirteen, mephistopheles, raphael, maybe michael].
008. please make sure you aren't requesting for any prompt that i won't write about before sending your ask. it will be ignored and deleted.
009. feel free to go wild! most of the stuff i write about are pretty self indulgent anyway ;v;
the rules are subjected to change as i see fit.
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that is all for now! thank you for reading up to this point. love you from wherever you are in the world, mwah mwah!!
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2024 © all rights reserved, please do not steal/copy my works
last updated as of 09/ 21/ 2024
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narendra-9761 · 7 months
Mastering Bookmarking: The Ultimate Guide to Chuuchoo
Welcome to Chuuchoo, the premier destination for mastering bookmarking and organizing your digital world. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know about Chuuchoo, from its features and benefits to practical tips for optimizing your bookmarking experience. Whether you're a seasoned user or new to the platform, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to harness the full potential of Chuuchoo.
Chapter 1: Understanding Chuuchoo
Chuuchoo is more than just a bookmarking tool; it's a powerful platform designed to simplify the way you save, organize, and access your favorite websites and resources. With Chuuchoo, you can create custom collections, tag bookmarks for easy categorization, and access your saved content from any device with an internet connection. Whether you're bookmarking articles for later reading, saving inspiration for a project, or organizing research for a presentation, Chuuchoo provides the flexibility and functionality you need to stay organized and productive.
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Chuuchoo
Signing up for Chuuchoo is quick and easy. Simply visit our website and create an account using your email address or social media credentials. Once logged in, you'll be greeted by a clean and intuitive interface, where you can begin adding bookmarks right away. To get started, simply click the "Add Bookmark" button and enter the URL of the website you'd like to save. From there, you can assign tags, create collections, and add notes to help you stay organized and find what you need quickly.
Chapter 3: Exploring Chuuchoo Features
Chuuchoo offers a wide range of features designed to enhance your bookmarking experience. Some of the key features include:
Custom Collections: Organize your bookmarks into custom collections based on your interests, projects, or workflows.
Tags: Add tags to your bookmarks to easily categorize and search for content.
Notes: Attach notes to your bookmarks to add context or reminders for future reference.
Search Functionality: Quickly find the bookmarks you need using Chuuchoo's powerful search functionality.
Cross-Device Syncing: Access your bookmarks from any device with an internet connection, ensuring you always have access to your saved content.
Privacy Settings: Control the visibility of your bookmarks with customizable privacy settings, allowing you to keep your content private or share it with others.
Chapter 4: Tips for Maximizing Your Chuuchoo Experience
To make the most of Chuuchoo, consider implementing the following tips and best practices:
Create a System: Develop a consistent system for organizing your bookmarks, whether it's by topic, project, or priority.
Use Tags Wisely: Take advantage of tags to categorize your bookmarks effectively and streamline your search process.
Regularly Review and Update: Periodically review your bookmarks to ensure they're still relevant and organized effectively.
Take Advantage of Notes: Use the notes feature to add context or reminders to your bookmarks, making them even more valuable.
Explore Advanced Features: Experiment with Chuuchoo's advanced features, such as custom collections and privacy settings, to tailor the platform to your specific needs.
Chapter 5: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q:
Is Chuuchoo free to use? A: Yes, Chuuchoo offers a free basic plan with limited features. Users can also opt for a premium plan with additional features and benefits.
Q: Can I access my bookmarks offline? A: While Chuuchoo is primarily an online platform, users can access their bookmarks offline by enabling offline mode in their browser or using a compatible mobile app.
Q: Is my data secure on Chuuchoo? A: Chuuchoo takes data security and privacy seriously, employing industry-standard encryption protocols to protect user data. Additionally, users have control over the privacy settings of their bookmarks, allowing them to keep their content private or share it with others as desired.
Q: Can I import bookmarks from other platforms? A: Yes, Chuuchoo allows users to import bookmarks from other platforms, making it easy to transition to the platform seamlessly.
Q: How often are new features added to Chuuchoo? A: Chuuchoo regularly updates its platform with new features and enhancements based on user feedback and technological advancements.
With its intuitive interface, powerful features, and robust functionality, Chuuchoo is the ultimate solution for mastering bookmarking and organizing your digital world. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to optimize your bookmarking experience and unlock the full potential of Chuuchoo. Start simplifying your digital life today with Chuuchoo.
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xtruss · 8 months
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For many cultures across the centuries, common foods such as tea leaves and cheese have been used to predict the future. Ovomancy, or fortune-telling via eggs, is still practiced in the Caribbean and certain parts of Latin America. Photograph By Betty Bossi/Picture Press/Redux
Onions 🧅 🧅, Cheese 🧀🧀, Eggs 🥚🥚 —This Isn’t A Shopping List. It’s Fortune-Telling.
Kitchen divination has a long, cross-cultural history. In some places, the art never went away; in others, it’s making a comeback through social platforms.
— By Suchi Rurda | January 11, 2024
Predicting the future hasn’t always been synonymous with tarot cards and crystal balls. Centuries before astrology apps and dial-in psychics existed, people who wanted a glimpse into the future worked with what they had—food.
Loose leaf tea and Turkish coffee grounds (tasseography), onions (cromniomancy), eggs (ovomancy), and even cheese (tyromancy) have all been essential ingredients used in kitchen divination. But over time, these rituals faded from the mainstream. However, a recent resurgence in Pagan practices—crystals and tarot cards, astrology, and herbal magic—has brought this branch of fortune telling from the back of the pantry to the top of your TikTok feed.
Diana Espirito Santo, associate professor of social anthropology at Pontificia Universidad Católica in Chile, says that this growing appetite for spirituality shows that food-related divination practices were never really off the table.
“More modern and liberal ritual specialists can do divination practices in absentia. I would imagine that food-based forms of divination are easier to handle and have a wider scope for interpretation,” she says. “This makes them extremely attractive to a virtual audience, who can imagine how the divination result applies to them in creative ways.”
Here’s what you need to know about food divination and destinations where you can sample it.
What is Food Divination?
California native Amber Corvidae, a retired chef and practicing witch who lives in Brisbane, Australia, says food divination in the West most likely stemmed from the witch hunts and accusations of witchcraft beginning in the early 15th century. This includes tea scrying, which in 1700s England was often documented as an excuse to have tea with friends, “when in reality, those friends were either witches themselves or seeking spiritual counsel from witches,” says Corvidae.
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In Zeytinköy, a Roma area in Antalya, Turkey, a fortune teller reads tea leaves. Photograph By Julian Röder/Ostkreuz/Redux
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A photo from the 1900s shows brothers Carlo and Ermanno Coretti having their coffee grounds read by their mother in Trieste, Italy. Photograph By Archivio Gbb/Redux
However, in other parts of the world, people commonly relied on the “magic” of natural chemical reactions in foods such as eggs, cabbages, and nuts to understand their destiny. The Scottish practice of “pulling the kale” was a popular way to predict the qualities of one’s future spouse in the 1700s. The size and shape of the stalks indicated your would-be beloved’s physique, while its taste determined their temperament.
Ovomancy, one of the oldest recorded forms of food divination, is still practiced in the Caribbean and certain parts of Latin America to predict marriage, childbirth, and death. For example, on Good Friday, traditionalists would drop raw egg whites into a glass of warm water and examine the shapes they made, from a ship (future travel) to a coffin (impending death). David J. Kim, a professor of anthropology at Purchase College in New York State, says it’s “staggering how many people go to see shamans and fortune tellers in South Korea and the amount of capital it generates.”
Kim, who studies Korean shamanic practices, adds that rice divination is often used to commune with spirits. A shaman reaches into a golden bowl of uncooked rice, grabs a pinch, and counts the grains. An even number of grains means “yes” or indicates the presence of a spirit, while an uneven number means “no” or the lack of spirits.
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A shaman uses a bowl of rice during a divination ritual in Yangju, 21 miles north of Seoul, South Korea. Despite living in one of the world’s most technologically advanced countries, many Koreans still consult shamans for medical reasons, divination, or personal advice. Photograph By Ed Jones/AFP/Getty Images
In Oaxaca, Mexico, maize diviners place a kernel of corn representing the seeker on a embroidered tortilla napkin. The fortune teller then tosses 12 (or more) kernels onto the table one at a time to search for an answer in the revealed pattern. Araceli Rojas, an archaeologist and professor at the University of Warsaw, spent time with the Ayöök people in 2007 and initially encountered only two maize diviners. But a recent visit revealed a new generation of practitioners intent on keeping these ancient fortune-telling methods alive.
Jennifer Billock, the Chicago-based creator of the Kitchen Witch newsletter, has been experimenting with—and writing about—the ancient craft of tyromancy. Divining the future with cheese was first mentioned in the writings of second-century-B.C. Greek historian and diviner Artemidorits the Dream-Interpreter. Followers of this cheesy magic use the patterns of fermentation, number of holes, and the shape of the cheese to answer specific questions. (You can pair this with a session of wine divination, known as oenomancy.) Billock says blue cheese works best, but she’s divined with everything from Colby Jack to a Kraft single.
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In the Middle Ages, fortune tellers would use cheese to tell the future. They based their findings on factors such as the shape of the cheese, the number of holes it had, and which way mold grew on it. Photograph By Rebecca Hale, National Geographic
Where to Experience Food Divination
Travelers can book an in-person tyromancy session with Billock in Chicago. She teaches divination either one-on-one or at group workshops at cheese shops, wine bars, or tea houses.
In Istanbul, Turkey, you’ll find a smattering of cafés offering coffee ground readings in English along Ayhan Işık Sokak, a side street off the famous İstiklal Avenue in the Taksim neighborhood. Or get a free reading from AI-driven app Faladdin, where you simply upload a photo of the sediments at the bottom of your cup of Turkish or French press java. (Your daily latte or flat white isn’t going to cut it.)
In Santa María del Tule, a small town just a few miles west of Oaxaca City, Venus Rodriguez practices and teaches the ancient art of maize reading for anyone interested. But if you can’t swing a trip to Mexico, Rodriguez also offers online divination sessions. Find more info on her Instagram.
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Women read each others’ future in their coffee cups at a street café in Istanbul. Photograph By Jerry Lampen/Reuters/Redux
Find tea leaf readers at the 94-year-old Bottom of the Cup tearoom in New Orleans, Louisiana, or book a 90- or 120-minute session of tea reading therapy at Dublin Wellbeing Centre in Dublin, Ireland.
Take an online course on Udemy to learn how to read a coconut or kola nut, a practice from the West African Yoruba religion, which dates back nearly 8,000 years.
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magnusrosen-blog · 9 months
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Who are we humans following?
We are told to prepare for w.a.r.
This e.v.i.l  forces is already taking place in several places just outside of Europe with the D.e.a.t.h of innocent people as a result.
Isn't it time to wake up now!!!!!
Or can't even this make people start questioning who controls the ship, and what kind of p.o.l.i.t.i.k is being carried and what we say yes to, or don't D.e.m.o.k.r.a.t.y  and the o.b.j.e.c.tt.i.v.i.t.y  work anymore? 😢
The f.e.a.r  is, sadly enough, a control tool that has been used throughout history. The abuse of p.o.w.e.r that still exists today if you lift the stones a little and look!
Don't we see that our own fear puts us in danger where it is easy to make the wrong choice if you don't dare to question!
Where is the p.e.a.c.e  s.p.e.e.c.h ????
W.a.r. is business that the little man pays with his so-called m.o.n.e.y while the multinational corporations earn the big  m.o.n.e.y 
W.a.r a is always wrong in all situations for man, animals and nature. We talk about the c.l.i.m.t.e  and thus pay a lot e.n.v.i.r.o.n.m.e.t.a.l.  t.a.x.e.s, where did this environmental hazard go?
War is not an environmentally friendly device!!!
It k.i.l.l.s!!!
In order to protect ourselves precisely against death, we take the v.a.c.c.i.n without questioning what kind of consequences this entails, this happens when the The f.e.a.r rules. We pay the  e.n.v.i.r.o.n.m.e.t.a.l.  t.a.x.e.s, without demanding that it is earmarked m.o.n.e.y, as we have f.e.a.r for the earth to fail.
Our buy and throw society that we have is absolutely not environmentally friendly. But it is not talked about.
And now we should hate, be afraid and prepare for  w.a.r  without demanding objective n.e.w.s how the world situation looks like?
Who is our shepherd who brings us into the age of f.e.a.r?
And who is the winner in this horror scenario that we initially entered about 4-5 years ago.
Maybe it is the executor himself in large multinational companies who are driven by people becoming a.f.r.a.i.d?
Interesting to follow the m.o.n.e.y flow. Interesting which natural resources always belong to certain countrys in just w.a.r ??? Who receives b.r.i.b.e.r.y  to be able to execute these d.i.a.b.o.l.i.c.a.l scenarios!
Who decided that we should have c.e.n.s.o.r.s.h.i.p  if example : already on F.B? ( this happens to me every time I write just about f.r.e.d ) then the a.l.g.o.r.i.t.h.m.s steps in and excludes me from the feed!!!
Allow yourself to dare to question and think a little.
Most major changes today are made with arguments that include fear.
Naive thinking some think, or a the
t.r.u.t.h think others.
Right here there is space for objective discussions, full of questions and answers.
Remember we are brothers and sisters on this planet so treat each other's different opinions with love, respect and thought before the f.ee.a.r and the h.a.t.e. take over.
Most people probably want a healthy and beautiful world 🌍 to live in. But we probably see different fragments of reality, hence these j.u.d.g.m.e.n.t.s  from each other.
This is probably where we should think fresh and try to understand that many times we want the same thing but express ourselves differently depending on which platform we stand on and because of different types of f.e.a.r.s
If we don't start discussing this openly with respect for each other, then a total c.o.n.t.r.o.l.  s.o.c.i.e.t.y. awaits as we said I to due to our own fear with arguments that we must embrace without questioning.
There is an old saying that goes like this.
"A spectacle for the people"
Earth is not an e.v.i.l place
but the actions of some people are e.v.i.l and spread through unquestioning people.
Let 2024 be a year of awakening amen
Make the world a better place
Love, Peace & Understanding
Questions give knowledge
Free Speech gives a Free World
Magnus Rosen - Ambassador for Green Cross
Green-Cross www.green-cross.se a f.r.e.d.'s organization for the earth.
Love Peace Understanding
#greencross #motherearth #spiritual #love #goodness #light
#avelibooks #soundpollution #greencross
#magnusrosen #bassplayer #ljuset #miraclet #basenimitthjärta #avelibooks #mrb #manneinstrument #manneguitars #ebs #mannebass #understanding #thesea #sun #heavymetal #rockmusic #rock #itstimetorocktheworldagain
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licenselookup · 1 year
The 5 Best Sites to Run a License Plate Lookup
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In today's connected world, information is at the tip of our fingers. One search category that has gained traction in recent years is the ability to run a license plate lookup. This service is useful for various purposes, including tracking down a vehicle's history, finding out about the owner, or even for safety reasons. If you've ever wondered about the vehicle that just sped past you or want to purchase a used car and want to ensure it has a clean history, these services come in handy. Here are the five best sites to run a license plate lookup:
License LookupOverview: LicenseLookup.org is a leading platform that offers an extensive database for license plate searches. With an easy-to-use interface, the site provides detailed information on vehicle history, owner details (where legally permissible), and other essential data. Features: Comprehensive vehicle history, user-friendly design, and fast results.
VehicleDataRegistry Overview: This platform offers a deep dive into a vehicle's past, allowing potential buyers or curious searchers to understand the car's history in detail. Features: VIN check, mileage check, title history, and accident reports.
LicensePlate.net Overview: A dedicated platform for license plate lookups, LicensePlate.net stands out for its accuracy and detailed reports. The site offers a mix of free and premium services. Features: Ownership details, vehicle specifications, and accident history.
CheckThatPlate Overview: An efficient platform that prioritizes user privacy, CheckThatPlate is perfect for those who want quick results without a lengthy sign-up process. Features: Instant search results, no mandatory account creation, and state-specific data.
PlateFinder Overview: PlateFinder provides users with a comprehensive database, ensuring that the vehicle's complete history, from its manufacture date to its last recorded event, is available. Features: VIN checks, vehicle photos, potential recalls, and service history.
Q: Are these searches legal?A: Yes, as long as you're using them for lawful purposes such as verifying vehicle history before purchasing or personal research. It's illegal to use this information for stalking, harassment, or any malicious intent.
Q: Is there a fee associated with these lookups?
A: Some sites offer free preliminary results, while others might charge for a comprehensive report. It's essential to check the website's pricing structure beforehand.
Q: How accurate are the results?
A: While most of these platforms boast high accuracy rates, no system is 100% foolproof. It's always a good idea to cross-check information or verify from multiple sources if accuracy is crucial.
Q: Can I find the owner's personal details using these services?
A: Due to privacy laws, most of these services won't provide personal details of the vehicle owner. They'll typically provide vehicle history, specifications, and other related information.
Q: Do I need the full license plate number to run a search?
A: Yes, to get accurate results, you'll typically need the complete license plate number and, in some cases, the state in which the vehicle is registered.
Using these platforms responsibly can provide valuable insights into vehicles, ensuring safety, transparency, and informed decision-making.
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ozinsulation · 1 year
How to hire oz removals?
Are you excited to work with the most reliable Oz removals? Welcome to today's blog post, where we will be exploring the topic of finding the best removalists in Melbourne.
Moving can be a daunting task. But you can hire the right professionals to assist you. Then the process can become much smoother and stress-free. So, let's dive in and discover some valuable tips on how to find the best removal company. 
How do I hire Oz Removals?
So, are you planning a home or office move in Melbourne? Then finding and booking the best removals company is essential to ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience. The good news is that there are many options available. That being said, it can also be overwhelming to know where to start.
1. Get Recommendations on Oz removalists
When it comes to planning a move, it's always a good idea to tap into the wealth of knowledge that surrounds you. And who better to turn to than your family, friends, and coworkers? You can even contact real estate agents in Melbourne.
They can provide valuable insights and recommendations that can make your moving experience a breeze. One topic that often comes up in these conversations is Oz removals. Don't hesitate to reach out to your loved ones and colleagues to gather information about other moving companies.
They might have firsthand experience or know someone who has benefited from their services. 
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Don't overlook the power of phone books
When it comes to finding a reliable moving company, there are various methods you can explore. One option is to browse through the good old phone book. Yes, it may seem like a traditional approach in this digital age. But it can still be a useful resource for finding nearby moving companies. 
Just flip through the pages. You can then discover a plethora of options that might not have crossed your mind otherwise. So, don't underestimate the power of the phone book when it comes to your moving needs!
Get quotes online
One of the best ways to gather quotes is by searching online. There are plenty of removalist companies in Australia that have websites where you can request a quote. However, it's important to remember that an accurate estimate can only be reached after an inspection. 
When requesting quotes online, make sure to provide all the necessary details about your move. This includes:
The size of your current home
The distance to your new home
Any specific requirements you may have
The more information you provide, the more accurate the quotes will be. It may be tempting to simply accept the first quote you receive. Nevertheless, it's always a good idea to get multiple quotes from different removalists in Melbourne. 
2. Read Google Reviews
Choosing a reliable and trustworthy removal company is a must. So it's always a good idea to do your research and check out their reputation. The removal company you choose can make or break your move.
Take the time to view their reputation, you can gain valuable insights and make an informed decision. Checking off Oz Removals from your list is a smart move, as it allows you to narrow down your options and focus on companies that have a positive track record. By doing so, you can ensure that you're choosing a removal company that is known for its professionalism.
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Online research is a handy move
When it comes to finding a company, two platforms stand out as reliable sources: Google searches and Facebook communities. Let's start with Google searches. With just a few clicks, you can access a vast array of information about any company you're interested in. 
You can check their official website for customer reviews and news articles. Google provides a comprehensive overview of a company's background, products or services, and reputation. Finding reputable Oz removals is easier with this option. 
Pay attention to other options, too
When it comes to choosing a moving company, it's crucial to do your due diligence. Recommendations from friends and family are valuable. Still, it's equally important to explore other avenues for gathering information.
One such avenue is the independent review site. On these sites, you can find ratings and feedback from customers who have used the services of various moving companies. 
Personal recommendations can provide insights into the experiences of those close to you. On the other hand, independent review sites offer a broader perspective. These platforms allow you to access a wider range of opinions and experiences. This gives you a more comprehensive understanding of a moving company's reputation. 
These ratings are typically based on factors such as professionalism, efficiency, timeliness, etc. 
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3. Check for licence and insurance
When it comes to choosing Oz Removals, there's yet another crucial factor that you should never overlook: insurance and licencing. You don't want to find yourself in a situation where you're dealing with inferior services. Such moving companies lack the necessary credentials. It's always better to be safe than sorry, so make sure to do your due diligence and avoid them at all costs. 
When it comes to house removal companies, there's an important aspect that often gets overlooked: insurance. It may not be a legal requirement for these companies to have insurance. That being said, the best ones understand the value of being adequately covered in case of any unforeseen mishaps.
Wrapping up
Compare the quotes and make the best decision for your upcoming house move. Oz Removals is the top choice for anyone looking to have a seamless and stress-free moving experience. By hiring the experts, you can rest assured that your belongings will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism.
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