#and yes i think this is an autism thingie
Im not nonbinary but I do believe in their beliefs
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if you ever watched house the medical drama TV show, know that dr house mean and rude to everyone and very insensitive.
season 3 episode 4 about a severely autistic nonverbal boy with behavioral issues and no way to functionally communicate
of course have bad aspects. filmed in 2006. have bad ABA elements and bad PECS and drills and doctors not knowing how to handle nonverbal autistic boy w behavioral issues. definitely not down playing that. (and some other bad things in the subplot not related to the boy)
but dr house out of all people. is one that actually figured out how to communicate with him.
in this post i talk about how house’s interaction w the boy demonstrates how to connect with nonverbal nonspeaking autistics (despite the “he won’t understand”), presuming competence, the nuance of autism parents, and functional communication. i use the show to go beyond the plot and talk about wider (level 1 speaking) autism community issues.
so even if you not interested in the TV show House. still hope you can read.
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“nobody knew how to speak ‘autistic.’ “
procedure need anesthesia mask thingie. and kid screaming and no one can put mask on him and make him stay, everyone trying to hold him down. house came in made insensitive remarks as always, but modeled to kid what to do. house put the anesthesia mask on him and breathed for bit for kid to see until he stopped screaming, then put it on kid, then put on himself, then on kid who successfully went under anesthesia.
which was so important. meant so much to me. because kid so unfamiliar don’t know what people are doing to him, probably no one explain, may or may not understand what happening. everyone so impatient and don’t know how to get on his level, and so many people restrain him so of course want fight back. but house was only one who considered what the kid needs what he is feeling. house mirrored it showed him what will happen what to do to kid in a way he will understand. he was even gentle. he smiled a little.
yes house used rude monkey metaphor to explain reasoning. but does that to every patient nonverbal autistic or not. so really, for house he didn’t treat the patient any differently.
afterwards. house even critiques dr cameron’s construction of “normal” in a somewhat intersectional, race conscious way. and don’t pity the child at all. resisting the idea of institutionalization.
See, skinny, socially-privileged white people get to draw this neat little circle. Everyone inside the circle is normal. Everyone outside the circle should be beaten, broken and reset, so they can be brought into the circle. Failing that, they should be institutionalized, or worse, pitied.
So, it's wrong to feel sorry for this little boy? Why would you feel sorry for someone who gets to opt out of the inane courteous formalities, which are utterly meaningless, insincere, and therefore, degrading? This kid doesn't have to pretend to be interested in your back pain, or your excretions, or your grandma's itchy place. Can you imagine how liberating it would be to live a life free of all the mind-numbing social niceties? I don't pity this kid.
I envy him.
when the medical team was suspecting that parents slip kid alcohol to calm him down (which turned out to not true), house breaks down why martyr parents becomes martyr parents:
How would you know that? The kid can't talk. Why do you think I took this case? He's not going to give away the ending. They quit their jobs for him. Yes, they are everything you'd want in a parent. Unfortunately, their kid is nothing you'd want. When a baby is born, it's perfect. Little fingers, little toes, plump, perfect, pink, and brimming with unbridled potential. Then it's downhill. Some hills steeper than others. Parents get off on their kids' accomplishments. ...They'll annoy you with trophy rooms and report cards. Hell, they'll even show you a purple cow and tell what a keen eye for color their kid has. But this kid, he doesn't smile, he doesn't hug them, he doesn't laugh. His parents get nothing but the right to brag that their kid picked orange juice out of a lineup. So you figure they slip the kid a mickey so they don't have to deal.
i think show parents in dynamic way too. lots of ableism, for sure. the bad coercive compliance drill kind of ABA tactics, for example.
but fully shows how hard it is to raise a “severely” nonverbal autistic kid with behavioral issues and no functional communication. as much as autistic community like to deny it, it is hard. it is a lot of work. and recognizing and acknowledging that it is a lot of work whether because of inherent autism as a disorder or because lack of societal support, acknowledging this fact alone doesn’t make a parent a martyr parent, an autism parent. i think this is where the (level 1 speaking late diagnosed) autistic community get wrong.
the parents are desperate. they do bad things. they don’t mean to do harm to the kid, they think they’re doing what’s right for their kid. but they still do bad things. and they care for the kid, they celebrate the kid’s achievements, yes sometimes misguided but they want to do good. there is nuance to this. the parents aren’t vile. they aren’t evil evil ableist want to force their kid to be neurotypical against all odds regardless of well-being. most autism parents are more nuanced like this. the level 1 speaking autism community need to listen, too.
and the show ended with. as the family is leaving, the autistic boy voluntarily goes towards dr house. and hands him his video game console (like a switch but not a switch idk), something that is a part of his routine that he melts down when interrupted when grabbed, that he probably very attached to. he gave it to house. and looked at house for a long time.
yes, the eye contact part can be seen as the show over valuing eye contact. but. the bigger impact is the fact that. the show showed the boy connected with house. whether it is thanking him, feel safe with him, we don’t know because the boy have no functional communication. but the boy formed connection with house, and expressed the connection in his own nonverbal way. no “thank you,” no hugs, no conventional way, but the boy’s communication in his own unique nonverbal autistic way. looking at his parents’ reactions, this is incredibly rare, probably even first time, and the parents are crying.
and house was able to diagnose the kid because he actually listened to all forms of communication. he didn’t dismiss the kid’s repeated drawings as meaningless. he didn’t dismiss the PECS image the kid picked in response to his question as meaningless and incompetent even though it was not the image/answer he was initially suspecting. and both things were crucial to the correct diagnosis. if house didn’t listen to them, the kid would have died. house listened to all forms of communication. he assumed competence. he assumed the kid was trying to communicate something, he didn’t chalk the kid’s behaviors as meaningless. despite the “he won’t understand you” “it would work” etc throughout the episode.
but. also want to say. these forms of communication, albeit need to be listened to, is still not functional communication. and functional communication is important and should strive towards for a reason.
another thing the (level 1 speaking) autistic community get wrong is saying nonverbal nonspeaking autistics can communicate same way/as effectively as speaking autistics. that only person to blame is evil evil ableist people not listening to their behaviors. if only they listen!
but more nuanced than that. many many ways to decipher the kid’s repeated drawing, for example. house got it right. he assumed that drawing has connection to the kid’s medical symptoms, and that it is a worm parasite. there can be million other interpretation even if you take kid seriously. i thought it was a ocean wave, for example. thought the kid like waves like beaches like ocean.
if the kid had functional communication—and by functional communication, i don’t mean speech, altho that can be a form of it, i include robust AAC—he could have communicated. in words (spoken/typed/written). what he was experiencing. what he was seeing in his eyes, the swiggly worms he was seeing. and the diagnosis would have arrived sinner. been put through less danger. and if house wasn’t there and another another was there and the doctor didn’t pay attention to the kid and dismissed the kid, the kid would have died because he didn’t have functional communication to tell people what he was experiencing.
it’s not as easy as “just listen!!” and chalking everyone who don’t exactly understand the nonspeaker as ableist.
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sundewhasaudhd · 3 months
I'd love to hear your dsmp headcanons when you have the time!
I have multiple notes on my Notes app for this moment
TW: mentions of suicide, mentions of starving oneself, mentions of self harm
Tommy: aroace, he/him, 17, 6’1”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD, prosthetic leg. No voice claim yet. Very skinny and scrawny, like he would struggle to lift a gallon of milk. But also insanely fast. Demi god (through Kristen).
Tubbo: queer, trans ftm, he/bee, 18, 5’7”, AuDHD, dyslexia, PTSD, half blind. Voice claim: David from Hilda. Pretty buff, I’ve also been seeing I good amount of chubby c!Tubbo designs, so I might do that as well. Goat hybrid.
Ranboo: pan, enby, they/them+neos, 18, 8’5”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, body dysphoria. Voice claim: Freckle from Lackadaisy. The most twink to ever twink, y’know, on account of being half enderman. Half enderman, half love god.
Wilbur: bi, he/him, 23, 6’6”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD. Voice claim: Red Guy from DHMIS. Another twink. Doesn’t help that he barely eats most days (most of the time it’s just because of the ADHD, but he has tried to starve himself as an [unsuccessful] suicide attempt). Demi god (through Kristen).
Techno: aroace, he/him, 23, 6’3”, AuDHD, social anxiety, depression. Voice claim: Sun Wukong from LMK. Buff. That’s all I have to say. Piglin.
Phil: bi, polyamorous, he/him, immortal, 5’11”, damaged wings. Voice claim: Bandit from Bluey. Again, same as c!Techno. Buff. Human that was gifted immortality, pointy ears, crow wings, and stick antler thingys.
Jack: bi-curious, probably not cis, he/him, 19, 5’9”, AuDHD, probably physically disabled as well, I need to think about my c!Jack design some more. Voice claim: Gyro from DuckTales 2016. Cyborg.
Niki: bi, demigirl, she/they, 29, 5’6”, AuDHD, anxiety. Voice claim: Bubblegum from Adventure Time. Fat and buff. Half demon, half human.
Fundy: gay, trans ftm, he/him, 16, 6’3”, AuDHD, anxiety, dyslexia. Voice claim: Steven from Steven Universe Future. Half fox hybrid, half siren.
Eret: bi, polyamorous, genderfluid, any pronouns, immortal, 6’3”, AuDHD, dyslexia dyspraxia, depression. Voice claim: Aaravos from Dragon Prince. Pretty curvy. Semi god (child of a demi god, that demi god being Herobrine).
Foolish: pan, agender, he/they+neos, immortal, 7’8”. Voice claim: Raine from The Owl House. Buff. Demi god.
Charlie: aroace, agender, he/it, immortal, 5’9” AuDHD. No voice claim yet. CHONKY :D. Plus sized c!Charlie my beloved. Walking piece of goo Normal human.
Quackity: gay, ambiamorous, trans ftm, he/him, 21, 5’8”, depression, PTSD, half blind. Voice claim: Whizzer from Falsettos 2016. Duck hybrid.
Purpled: ace, polysexual, enby, they/he/star, 18, 5’8”. Voice claim: Louie from DuckTales 2016. Alien.
Punz: bi, agender, he/they, 25, 6’0”, ADHD. Voice claim: Zane from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. Gold hybrid.
Ponk: gay, transfem, genderfluid, any pronouns, she/he preference, 34, 5’7”, ADHD, prosthetic arm. Voice claim: Mikey from ROTTMNT. Half lemon fairy, half human.
Sam: omni, male preference, bigender, he/they, 35, 7’4”. Voice claim: Raph from ROTTMNT. Creeper hybrid.
Dream: unlabeled, he/they+neos, 23, 6’2”, ADHD. Voice claim: Macaque from LMK. “Powerless” god.
George: gay, transmasc, any pronouns, they/he preference, 24, 5’8”, autism. Voice claim: Philip from The Owl House. Half mushroom fairy, half human.
Sapnap: pan, ambiamorous, he/him, 21, 5’10”. Voice claim: Finn from Adventure Time. Pretty buff. Half demon, half human.
Karl: ace, polysexual, ambiamorous, he/swirl/pop, 21, 5’11”, AuDHD. Voice claim: Bow from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power reboot. Time noodle (idk wtf to call it).
Bad: bi, demisexual and romantic, he/they/it, 36, 9’6”. Voice claim: Moxxie from Helluva Boss. Demon.
Skeppy: gay, transmasc, demiboy, he/it, 34, 5’7”. Voice claim: Percy from Lightning Thief the Musical. Diamond hybrid.
Puffy: bi, transfem, any pronouns, she/her preference, 31, 6’9”, OCD, prosthetic leg. Voice claim: Annapantsu. Goat hybrid.
Hannah: lesbian, trans mtf, she/her, 22, 5’4”, damaged wings. Voice claim: Katara from ATLA. Rose fairy.
Aimsey: lesbian, enby, any pronouns, 20, 4’11”, AuDHD, uses a walking stick. Voice claim: Hilda from Hilda. Bunny hybrid.
Boomer: bi, trigender, he/they/she, 23, 5’9”, ADHD. Voice claim: Ed from The Owl House. Frog hybrid.
Connor: ace, gay, he/zap/blast, 22, 5’7”, autism. Voice claim: Sea Hawk from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power reboot. Time noodle (still don’t know what to call it).
Schlatt: gay, he/him, 36, 6’3”. Voice claim: Haymitch from The Hunger Games. Goat hybrid.
Michaelmcchill: bi, he/him, 33, 6’2”, autism. Voice claim: Jake from Adventure Time. Panther hybrid.
Eryn: bi, demiboy, he/they/sharp/it, 16, 5’10”, ADHD. Voice claim: Leo from ROTTMNT. Half demon, half human.
CPK: pan, genderfluid, he/they/she/it/swish, immortal, 6’4”. Voice claim: Terry from Dragon Prince. Kitsune.
Callahan: gay, he/him, immortal, 5’7”, mute. Voice claim: no one. He’s mute. Demi god.
Alyssa: lesbian, she/it, 24, 5’5”. Voice claim: Sasha from Amphibia. Some sort of hybrid, I haven’t decided yet.
Tina: bi, trans mtf, she/her, 23, 5’3”. Voice claim: Candy from Gravity Falls. Half demon, half human.
Antfrost: gay, he/him, 29, 5’7”. Voice claim: Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug. Cat hybrid.
Hbomb: gay, he/she, 17, 5’8”. Voice claim: Launchpad from DuckTales 2016. Cat hybrid.
Vikk: bi, he/him, 38, 5’8”. Voice claim: Mr. Boonchuy from Amphibia. Parrot hybrid.
Lazar: probably queer in some way, he/him, 63, 5’10”. Voice claim: Fergus McDuck from DuckTales 2016. Gingerbread man.
Miscellaneous headcanons:
Cuddling with Quackity helps Wilbur sleep.
Whenever Tommy or Wilbur think about death, they play with the white streak in their hair 
When Dream was little, he used to draw his smile (TM) on stuff to “claim it”. Like, toys and shit like that.
The Syndicate gave each other hair styling tips.
The reason Quackity always wears a beanie is to cover his ears. For trauma reasons.
Tommy’s cardigan is made of Friend’s wool.
Sometimes Fundy, Foolish, and Sam spend the night at Las Nevadas, so they all have their own rooms there.
When Purpled winks, he winks both eyes on one side.
Karl has a bunch of those goofy ahh socks with like, fruit on them. You know want I’m talking about.
Dream’s birth name is Clay but he changed once more people started arriving in the SMP.
Techno plays violin and is teaching Ranboo.
Dream’s walking speed is the same as the speed walking of everyone else.
Bee duo wears their rings on their horns because Tubbo’s ring finger is busted and they wanted to match.
Fundy calls Eret dad, but not Wilbur. (Rip)
Ranboo’s a soprano.
Aimsey’s hair turns white in the winter.
Burger duo have to keep an eye on each other when they use knifes at the van. For… reasons.
Peer pressure duo practice controlled breathing together.
Techno’s bruh is a vocal stim.
Little Fundy used to jokingly bow at Eret.
Techno has reading glasses.
Techno’s hair gets really tangly if he doesn’t brush it after a day.
Callahan uses ASL to communicate and Alyssa’s his translator.
All of the fandom songs are written by the characters.
Ghostbur put stickers on his guitar.
Tubbo played softball/baseball growing up.
When Dream was in prison, he tallied the days he was there in the shape of a smile.
Wilbur sings and plays guitar to help Tommy fall asleep.
Charlie cries “human bits”.
Bad became really against swearing after he adopted Sapnap.
Wilbur taught Quackity how to play guitar.
Sam just saw George and Quackity all alone on the street and just adopted them.
Dream wears contacts.
Purpled’s UFO crashed on Earth when he was a little, so they don’t really remember anything about his home planet .
Tommy watches Bluey.
Tommy mainly listens to audiobooks.
Aimsey draws on their arm.
Kristen gave Phil immortality so they could always be together, but that caused him to only have one live.
Puffy and Schlatt are half siblings.
Quackity has a Medusa tattoo .
Before Quackity gave everyone in Las Nevadas rooms, Purpled slept in the van with Wilbur.
Boomer watches MHA.
Dream got a spider web tattoo on his elbow after prison break.
Hannah watches Miraculous.
Jack made Tommy and Wilbur matching chats.
It doesn’t matter how much sleep he actually got, Wilbur looks tired no matter what.
Fundy listens to the High School Musical soundtrack.
Karl was/is in the WoF and Warrior Cats fandoms.
Tommy sings Welcome Home and My L’Manburg to himself to help him fell asleep and/or destress.
Niki taught Tommy how to sew after Exile.
Every time Jack loses a life, he becomes more cyborg.
Phil started growing his hair out after Techno died.
Wilbur is that one annoying ass person that sings happy birthday well (everyone knows you’re not supposed to sing happy birthday well).
Wilbur masked for most of his time on the SMP (especially during the elections and Pogtopia) and only really unmasked after the people he was really close with.
Dream has retractable fingernail claws because of his limited shapeshifting abilities.
Sally and Milo are besties.
That’s it. I hope you like em :3
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signed-sapphire · 7 months
The Fallen Star ✨
A Wish rewrite
Cielo design 💛
The boy is here! The most ever! The Fallen Star’s very own Starboy!
So I lied and don’t have the finalized designs for King Maggie or Queen Ams yet soooooo *throws confetti at you* take this Starboy reimagining in the meantime!
Eugh boy the name gave me trouble. I didn’t want to use Aster since that’s the name of a a couple popular Starboys already (@annymation/@gracebeth3604/ @mythartist21) and while the Greek name is cool, I wanted something a bit different.
SEE-EH-LO, for anyone wondering. He/they pronouns <3
I was heavily considering choosing Estrella and making Starboy a Stargirl, and then we’d have a gay romance. But this is supposed to be SOMEWHAT of a homage to early Disney. This may not be KoW, but… idk. Cielo is a gender neutral name. Literal manifestation of light. Go ahead and draw them as a female-presenting figure and it’s still TFS!canon~
Aaaaaaanyways. Here’s the actual rewrite!
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First of all! Cielo is NOT the Northern Star! He’s a baby star like… in the bottom right
However, the Northern Star? Evangeline? Yeah, she’s gonna be in my rewrite
But Cielo is NOT her
For now I’ll just say Evangeline is sort of a mentor-figure to Cielo and leave it at that
So not all stars are wishing stars, and similar to Kingdom of Wishes, a wishing star is born when first wished upon
Once a wishing star fulfills their first wish, they become Stars (capital S), and are free to help anyone that needs it
The more wishes a Star fulfills, the more powerful they become
Idk maybe it’s like a Rise of the Guardians thing, where the more people that believe, the stronger your magic is
Sparkles and hope and glitter and shit
Until, as explained in my rewrite… the Stars grew bored and started simply granting wishes
Then people grew lazy and started demanding wishes
And all this belief made the Stars go overpowered
Basically it became Wonderland, everything coming true, kingdoms burning and villages destroyed
Yeah. So Magnus god rid of them eventually
Though who would suspect that it would be the king’s own daughter that would bring back his greatest fear?
Yep, Asha brought Cielo down
Not purposely, but even if she had done it purposely, she wouldn’t have chosen Cielo
He’s a little baby, a dwarf star maybe
Only ever gotten one wish in his life…
Huh never seen that before *side eyes KoW*
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Personality traits
Very Anna-coded
Probably ADHD tbh (autism x adhd duo unite)
HE’S the quirky Disney princess
Although more Flynn than Raps
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Fuck around and find out
(And by fuck around I mean wait for my rewrite to come out bc I haven’t slept in two days and I’m too tired to articulate their story accurately)
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Due to popular demand, Cielo now has the Charlie Morningstar cheek thingies
Also @gracebethartacc got an ask about canon!Star being marketed with a star over their right eye so… vitiligo mark, anyone?
Yeah I don’t have many colored refs but basically Cielo’s star eye mark and cheek thingies turn into vitiligo marks when in their “human form”
Uh take this
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Ye sort of like this^
Heart shaped face! His part is also supposed to resemble a “V” shape to make the top of the heart
My sister said they looked like Viva and I’m crying but too late to take it back
I guess they’re both Spanish? Ajdjajhsjajajs
Thin slutty waist. Imagine Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel bc Jeremy Jordan is Yes.
Like I’m obsessed with that wet cat of a character I’m thinking about Cielo’s voice being Jeremy
Although his younger VA days as like Varian would better suit Cielo…
Design by @mythartist21 save for the Trolls hair and cheek thingies! Those were my additions
Uhhh pointy ears, poofy sleeves
Idk is the star eye mark AND the cheek thingies too busy? Lmk and I’ll try to post a colored ref of that helps
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the-arteest · 1 year
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the silly tortles
so!! in this au Yoshi was a famous musician rather than a movie star!! he passed his love for music onto his children, and is much more appreciative of all forms of art than in canon.(though he still thinks music is the best and most legitimate cough cough)
close ups of the boys!
Donnie(any pronouns)
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i'm so sorry for the low quality aurgkuetg but! Donnie plays the piano! he is still very into tech, but their stuff and look is based a bit more on a piano because that's what the famous Hamato Yoshi played! wow!! but she truly wishes to play the drums because autism(/j please don't harass me)!!
next boy!
Mikey(any pronouns)
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Mikey plays the (heavily modified) flute! While they love the instrument, it's just not enough for him. She needs the big guns! the bari sax!! did i mention all of them are very into jazz??
next boy!
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he's such a creature
anyways, Leo plays the trumpet! yes he's totally the asshole trumpet stereotype and i love/hate him for it. he loves the trumpet, but the music doesn't hit him in the feels, give him the jazz vibes! ignore his vanilla design ayuktghatg
next boy!
Raph(he/she/just Raph[ael])
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i love her so much he is my life
yes those are little eyelashes!! alligator snapping turtles have little eyelash thingies and i love them for it<3
Raph plays the tuba, but the trombone is where his heart lies, she live laugh loves trombones
more details!
Splinter, while being a bit more accepting of who they are and how they express themselves, is still a bit stubborn. he won't let them all switch instruments until they master the ones they have. unfortunately, they inherited his stubbornness and refuse to practice their instruments until they're allowed to play the ones they want to play. this is a terrible stand-off and the boys partially lose anyways
they eventually find some strange vibey instruments(similar to the ones they already have) in Draxum's lab and take them home to mess with, and they find out the instruments are mystical! THAT'S RIGHT BABEY THEY'RE FUCKING BARDS WOOHOOOOO
eventually they learn to harness the
and can make their funky instruments on their own! (they can still technically make the stuff they do in canon but they don't know anything but basic self-defense and would die with a weapon in their hands)
also the funky doodles
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hope you love them as much as i do!!
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oliveatesoap · 8 months
Just stuff abt me ig (finally-)
Yes one of my sonas is techically an ink sans but also not I guess? (Art I made of them below the cut/more thingy)
Otherkin and therian... (and fictionkin.......) if you don't like that that's fine, just don't send hate for someone expressing themselves in a non-harmful way.
MINOR!!!! Please keep that in mind
asexual, greyromantic, and pan (I don't think I'm bi lol, pretty sure I'm actually that)
Demiagender Agender!!!! (maybe agender boy??? idk...) (ANY.)
Yeah you can call me Nox, Molly, Fennel, or even Ink if you want. Any of those are fine!
Very anxious person!!!!
DNI proship, homophobes, transphobes, ect... or if you suppport bad things or whatever. thanks.
Yeah that's enough of that (mostly the basics)
More stuff!!
In many fandoms
OTP? Destructivedeath. (Error x Reaper) Oh and Inkmare!!!!! :D
FGoD (Forced God of Destruction) enjoyer!
Favorite vocaloid is Flower!
Favorite Vocaloid song is めっっっ。by SLAVE.V-V-R
Enjoys weezer :3
adhd & anxiety (but shows signs of autism)
Shy ;-;
Favorite pokemon is mimikyu
favorite animal is the grey fox
likes mythology
I love Periwinkle from Blue's Clues and I am not afraid to say it
Also I like art :3
@amalgamatedentity!!!! 💜
Ask blog for my warriors ocs
Ask Blog for me and a friend's sans aus (Asks not open at the moment)
Blog for a warrior cats au I made
My Son's "fanon airy"'s, Faltered's, ask blog
Main YT account (started making wcue content)
Strawpage!!!!! <3
Silly! <3 (I'm still not the best at drawing full body, but I'm trying, oh and my other sona, tyler (the orange cat thing one)
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goblinbugthing · 9 months
hi hi <3 2, 7, and I think it was 21 for Laika :)
2 - How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
Very loosely. He calls everyone his friend, even if he’s only spoken to them once — he refers to Ghost as his friend, despite the fact that they Very Clearly Dislike Him, and never leaves the Abyss
7 - What would you tell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
Me? I’d be like, “WHERE THE GOD DAMN IS THAT STUPID MOTHFUCK”. He would proceed to call me a bitch from across the room, and I would be able to locate him easily.
Holly, on the other hand, would say they found some type of critter. Laika loves little critters.
21 - What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
After some googling, as I have no idea what qualifies as ‘common etiquette’, I have some proper answers.
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He doesn’t always use proper greetings. Usually he’s just like “hey” or “sup”, unless he’s speaking to someone of high order or whatever the word is, then he speaks “properly”. (e.g. speaking with Chrysanthus/PK, Viol/WL, or other royals)
He also doesn’t always say “please” and “thank you”. Generally, this is because he forgets — he is a self-insert after all, and I also constantly forget to do this.
He doesn’t give a damn about “proper table manners”. Neither do I. He hasn’t cared since he was a kid, same as me.
He also couldn’t give two shits and a flying fuck about minding his language. He swears like a sailor, and on very rare occasion, he’ll call himself a slur. Just like me fr!
He is VERY respectful of others’ personal space. One of very few things he treats with importance.
He doesn’t care about dressing “appropriately”. He wears whatever the fuck he wants. He grew up in Bugaria, and over there, clothing isn’t really mainstream.
(At one point, in the Bee Kingdom’s hive, Kabbu references the choice of scarves and cloaks as clothing items to buy in the clothing shop. He says he doesn’t much care for clothing — and most bugs in Bug Fables don’t wear any form of clothes, either. Leif uses his wings as a cloak, but he’s not actually wearing anything.)
Laika sucks at listening unless he likes you, or whatever you’re talking to him about. Autism be like
The last one doesn’t really apply here, because phones don’t exist in Bugaria, or Hallownest.
But, in modern variants that I’ve never released, he does use his phone very often. He spams Holly with TikToks every five seconds.
(Oh, and phones also exist in Ette’s home kingdom. But Laika’s never been there, so in canon EP, he doesn’t own one.)
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quodekash · 1 year
EPISODE 2 BAD BUDDY OS2 LETS GOOOOO im so freaking excited holy hell 
i still cant believe that patpran and earthmix are going to INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER??? AND EXIST IN THE SAME SPACE???? HOLY HELLLLLL 
wait hang on 
will we get longtae?? pls give us longtae i need to see my boy 
WAIT hang on how does this work. how do bad buddy and 1000stars exist in the same space if drake plays korn and also rang. i need to make some kind of murder board of the connections between shows holy hell 
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tut tut, phu, you need to take care of yourself for goodness sake 
pran is too autistic for this, he doesnt know how to Social Situation and communicate what he was actually trying to say and now they think he wants to be a teacher 
also im gonna slide past the phutian relationship problems bc i dont want to think about it. my dads are not getting a divorce, and thats final 
hang on. there’s new kids now??? where the hell did they come from? 
tian’s teacher frustration is so real 
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i know ocd is an anxiety disorder but there’s a lot of overlapping symptoms and apparently autistic people are more likely to experience ocd 
and even if its just ocd, im still allowed to hc him as autistic 
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(definitely didnt completely forget about him) 
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his gaydar is going off so much he can smell it (i made the screenshot too big and now phupha in the foreground is making me laugh so hard omg- i swear its the funniest thing ever. im probably tired. its 1:30am) 
(yes, i know they already know about phutian bc of tian’s online diary thingy, but it still counts) 
i wanna read this diary so bad but i cant read thai. and also idk where i would find it. its probably online somewhere. it might be a merch thing. who knows man 
“why would a good guy come to watch me take a shower?” THE LOOKS PATPRAN JUST GAVE EACH OTHER- OMG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 
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i love everything about this so so so much 
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the amount of joy that just this one image brings me? help 
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ive been wondering why they keep making those movies 
wait hang on 
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guys i think we might actually be onto something 
on another but related note: what do you guys spend 25 minutes doing at 2 in the morning when you should be sleeping? cos apparently i make beautiful atrocities like that. 
theyre like little kids, “he liked me first” “NO HE LIKED ME FIRST” 
this is starting to sound very familiar 
pran screaming at the waterfall reminds me of patpran screaming off the top of the hill at the beach 
“i think they kissed” “agreed” “they certainly did” “i agree” okay they didnt but they absolutely should have and we all wanted them to 
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they so in loveeee i love themmmmm 
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hah, you bloody americans, they probably had to google what 18ºC is in fahrenheit, but i, a superior australian, know that that is... warmer than it has been recently. its currently 13º. its really weird, im not used to it getting this cold, even in winter, and winter only technically started two days ago. anyway, enough about abnormal australian weather, back to patpran 
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i love them so much 
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pat, i- 
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the kid demanding payment through sips of oishi tea? thats my kinda style 
id adopt that kid if i had to. 
i hate kids 
but ice tea? it bonds people. 
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lucky kid 
i rly like this karaoke idea, i was wondering how they were gonna incorporate the ost but i guess pat’s gonna sing it 
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“actually, my boyfriend and i also fought about who fell for the other first. but in the end, it isnt important. what matters more is that we love each other” AWWWWBHFGHBR 
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i love him 
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i love them 
ooooo phu vs pat drinking challenge, this’ll be fun 
i really like how the young ones are giving advice to the older ones for a change, its very nice. and also just goes to show how powerful patpran are 
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omg this kid is everywhere, i love him 
the pure RELIEF when they both see that they are, in fact, wearing pants. 
its so funny to me how intense the music is rn 
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well at least we know that means we’ll get more patpran next week, we dont have to say goodbye to them today 
anyway that was wonderful, its 3am and i feel fine currently, cant wait to feel like a dead banana peel tomorrow, goodnight folks, see you next time! 
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plasmasimagination · 10 months
Hi! I hope You’re doing well and I wanted to ask who you’d match me with from HSR, preferably the guys because ahhahdjsbdks my pfp, but ignore jingy rn I want your true and honest opinion. (I don’t mind a female suggestion either)
I’m going to really try and keep this short (I feel like I will fail this as I literally over-explain everything—) but don’t feel pressured at all to reply to this or anything! (I kinda feel i alr did this but im forgetful too help-)
A quick summary:
I’m afab, like 160cm(5’2? With chest which I hate because I want the dark academia dressing style (i dont have money)), she/they, libra, INFP, I’m sorry, I haven’t really had the hyperfixation on sun moon and rising and well astrology stuff tbh 😭
My personality (a mess im so sorry):
Well, I don’t think I could tell you. What I know of myself is that I try to be honest, I am loyal to my friends and probably obsessive when someone shows me interest and i dont know- (there’s some mental disorders going around, along a suspicion of autism) Personally I see myself as a shy annoying brat, while in reality I don’t ever initiate conversation and never know what to say unless it’s about a hyperfixation or something—AGAIN I OVEREXPLAIN EVERYTHING. My mouth doesn’t work as well as I’d like to, I cry too much (imo) I’m sensitive to well a lot, I get overstimulated quickly depending on the situation and um well I’m a picky eater I guess.
RAHHH I LOVE FOOD. And I’m chubby. I’m VERY self conscious and messy (which I’m sure you’ve noticed if you got this far)
Fun fact! If i were to live alone (still living with parents because house market is hell) I’d probably forget to eat a lot/overeat even more than I already do. Why? Because I don’t feel it. I don’t feel a limit to my ‘hunger’ and I don’t even really think I feel hungry at times.
Also, I hate to be perceived by people. It makes me feel like… too much alive. I don’t really feel a connection between my mind and my body, like someone sees my body and I’m just: THAT AINT ME YALL PLEASE IT AINT MEEEEE 😭😭😭😭 but id never say that bc again, my mouth doesn’t work.
I think I’m pretty useless at a lot too, but I don’t mean for this to be a traumadump thingy, which I also don’t realise when I should stop or not like RIGHT NOW I SHOULD PROBABLY STOP (the doubt is real, I’m so sorry—)
I’m a Jing Yuan simp, obviously, name and all, but I also firmly believe we wouldn’t be good together? Like he’d be great for me. But what would I bring to him? Besides messy thoughts and nothing?… Which is literally nothing. I want to be someone he could properly rely on and not just a hopeless random girlypop who stops processing information after something becomes a bit too much mentally.
I have my serious moments, which will for most part go unnoticed online, but it’s not like I’m inherently useful or whatever. I feel like I’m really lacking in lots of aspects, and yes I’m aware I’m not ‘old’ yet, but my thoughts eat me alive and I won’t be surprised if I well blablah me me me I hate talking about me. Nothing bad even happened I’m just weird at this point, apologies! (Im a mess, my mind is still that 12 year old kid who just wanted a good hug from her mom and a good chat with her mom without all the school and later college problems aghh I wanna be 5 again.)
ANYWAYS if you made it this far, kudos to your determination anddd i hope you stay hydrated! And eat well. Health before anything.
I FAILED TO KEEP IT SHORT. Sorry I- AAAA that’s how my brain is.
Good god jingsnuggler you're Litteraly the best request I've had in my inbox- (IM SORRY MY OTHER CUTIEPIES DONT GET JEALOUS)
And I also was scrolling from like bottom to top to write some request and saw your pfp and was like "wait didn't I just recently get another one of them?" And I was right >:} You really did stay in my memory HSHSHS anyways anyways not tryna chit chat too long since we know why you're here, and I'll use both of your submits to give you the perfect match...
Drumrolls please....
I genuinely with all of my heart think that you guys would be perfect like no joke
He would balance you out, just fine.
He's a gentle soul, and would find you very amusing and enjoy being around you
Your talkative and bubbly nature would soothe his soul and calm him even.
Sensitive personality? Don't worry Jing yuan will pat your head and tell you it's fine
Forget to eat? Jing yuan will take note of it. And make sure you never forget. Ever
Okay enough of fluff you said you don't think you have anything to offer for him while I strongly disagree
I think Jing yuan needs someone who can keep him entertained, someone that can talk to him, he's a lonely man believe it or not, he doesn't really interact much with plp other than Yanqing, and between you and me Yanqing is boring af
So he'll greatly appreciate having a small birdie on his shoulder that will tell him all that they think , after hours of doing general work all he would need is to have someone talk to him about some casual stuff and random thoughts, yk?
I also think he would turn to you in case of a crisis, sometimes just come home to you and lay down to cuddle with you, it comforts him somewhat, youre like his stress reliever, hes usually very reserved and calm with other people, but with you..it's so different
To him you're like a fresh breath of air, like just a slap to the face to wake him up, you keep him from going freaking insane
I don't think Jing yuan is usually fit for people with a personality of like blade or Dan Heng (just an example of personality I am no shipper nor anti shipper don't shoot me)
Like ...yeah I guess they can be friends but like...Jing yuan wouldn't click with them? I don't know how to explain it but jing yuan needs someone lively and like all over the place, so he can take time to slowly organize you and your thoughts in his mind.
Phew that's all from me, sending lots of hugs and loves I hope to see you around on my blog since you're a small blessing on my acc (≧◡≦) ♡
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samferd · 1 year
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Remember what I was saying about that parasite AU? Yeah I finally got around to it. Here’s some doodles of the designs.
Rushed a bit with fungi-face and fungi-head since it was really close to bedtime (yes I still do have a bedtime despite being towards the end of being a minor, crazy I know)
(Note clarification in alt text for those who couldn’t read it)
Some extra notes about characters:
Peppino sometimes uses bits of himself in mushroom pizzas. His ingredients are extra fresh after all. Also why he has so many gills but not a lotta caps on him.
Gustavo and Brick are the only non-parasites (excluding fungi-face and Noise I guess, but he’s more parasite than ant at this point and Noise still has parasites inside that he uses so ehhh), as Gustavo practices commensalism on Brick by riding on top of brick with his suction cup just like real remoras do!
Corpseman (wow one of the few name changes) does try to keep his smell nicer as he has to smell nice for the public. Can’t have people thinking he rolls around in maggots for a living… he does have a large collection of flies and thus maggots to help pollinate some non-living corpse flowers as they look just like him and are thus very pretty to him.
The vigilante (probably the design I’m most proud of) likes to ride around in his pet sturgeon by ratatouilleing her with her tongue-stub thingy. He never drinks the blood from her though, he treats his sturgeon very well, in fact!
The Noise still runs NTV and as an easy way to rack in views, actually uses the 2 green-banded broodsacs in his antennae to catch the attention of anyone who looks at them for a little too long. Really scared of going outside though, particularly birds, downside to having 2 literal parasites inside you that really want you to get eaten by a bird.
Fake Peppino, as mentioned in the notes, is constantly taking over and stopping taking over a poplar, the same fungus Peppino is made of. Basically he’s rapidly decomposing himself and his host fungus.
Fungi-face was just a normal queen ant looking to start a colony until Fungi-head offered her a whole tower of colonies, at a cost. What she didn’t know was that the cost was her free will and while she does technically rule over her colony in the tower, she doesn’t do anything as all free will has been sapped from her by Fungi-head
God this post is long, hello there if you read all that
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etherealspacejelly · 3 months
shutdown anon. bro you type fast sHort answer: yes. Anxiety sucks space dad. one time this dude told me i was super socially awkward and my (autistic) buddy goes “we think theyre autistic”. fabric issues caused by scars tho. not sure if that counts? ive had ppl ask me if I’m autistic and im like…probably? don’t know for sure. Currently looking into comborbities cause a lot of symptoms kinda…got worse?? after that darned COVID so. Yeah :)
i do type fast lmao. it also helps that i hate hate hate the little. notification thingy. i have to get rid of it every time. so if im online i see every notification like. seconds after its posted lmao
if your autistic buddy says you're autistic, you probably are tbh. we have a 6th sense about these things. we know when you're One Of Us. we just click on a different level with other autistics.
i hope you manage to figure it out, whatever it turns out to be. remember to be gentle with yourself, and that you deserve to accommodate your needs whatever those may be. you dont need an autism diagnosis to use stim toys or noise cancelling headphones. if something would help you, use it!
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Hi! I'm Mx. Raine! I’m your local kindergarten teacher!
Some information!!
I am Nonbinary/Trans masc! My pronouns are He/They/Xe/It/Pup/She!!
I am 19! But my little age can be anywhere between 0-5! I'm an age dreamer with the same years as well! I am also a pet regressor and pet dreamer! I regress to multiple animals!!
I regress from TRAUMA! Along with regressing to destress!
As I have said, I have a LOT of TRAUMA from a LOT of different things unfortunately!!! So I will go ahead and say DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME IF YOU'RE NSFW, this is my place to be sfw and regressed!!! Please be kind!!!
I will more than likely end any post with a 🪐 or 💫 or ✨! I enjoy the emojis a lot!
Kindly, DO NOT INTERACT! if you are NSFW(Even if you say you're "sfw"!!) , MAP, Transphobic, Homophobic, Anti-Neopronoun, an Abuser, Racist, Ableist, PROSHIP, Religion shame, PRO- ED, or are just here to hate!!!
All are welcome other than those who meet my DNI! I am almost always here to talk to those who need it!
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More about me!!
I am Demipansexual and Cupioromantic! I was very confused about my life until I figured this out!! Same with my gender!
I identify as Nonbinary/Trans Masc!! However I use xenogenders to further this identity!
I grew up in the South! Which is probably a good factor to my trauma!
My favorite colors are pink, black, and red! I'm a very indecisive person!
I started regressing at 13! So I've been doing this for a bit!! Pet regression is relatively new by I think two years ago!
I am self diagnosed with Autism! I speculate I may also have ADHD! Yes I've done my research!!
My special interests are Spongebob, Marble Hornets, Melanie Martinez, and Undertale!! Another is creepypasta!!(Of course I do not support most of the creators!!)
I'm an artist!! Not the best digital artist, but I'm pretty good with a pencil!!
I enjoy gothic things, or darker witchy things!! I'm into witchcraft, or better put paganism!
Wishlist thingy!!
That is all for now!💫
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orchideous-nox · 4 months
1, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 23, 26, 36, 52, 91 and 99 for the ask thingie < 3
yay good, this will keep me busy for a while
1 - do you carry around a bag when you're out and about? if so, what's usually in it?
I am a backpack bitch but in that backpack I keep a tote bag in case I need to be more gay. I also always have chewing gum, lip balm, an umbrella and every receipt from the last month just in case I need it.
9 - who is your biggest inspiration?
I don't think I really have someone who I could categorise as an inspiration for me. I get short bursts of inspiration from everyone around me I guess, from my friends, my family, people on the internet. That feels like such a non-answer 🙃 Alex inspires me a lot though < 3 (sorry to be gross but he's my best friend so it's allowed)
10 - any unusual fears?
Fun bit of Katie lore, I don't personally think this is unusual but I have megalophobia which is a fear of large objects. I get an physical reaction just thinking about those pictures where they use people as perspective for how big something is like the Statue of Liberty or the anchor chain on big ships, it makes me feel sick.
11 - favourite myth?
I am so glad you asked. I have Greek Mythology autism so this is difficult and I am deciding to do a top 3 because this is my blog and I can do what I want.
First is The Odyssey, I love Odysseus and his journey and the way he changes as a man on his way home. I am classing this as one myth but if I had to be even more specific I would go with Odysseus and Polyphemus. I studied the Odyssey at school when I was 14/15 and I would mark it as the start of my special interest in Greek Mythology. I would love to visit some of the places along his journey (not the Underworld though).
Second, Ariadne, Theseus and the Minotaur. I have always loved Ariadne and especially her links to Daedalus and Icarus who haven't made the list but were so close. It was an early introduction to mythology for me and I'll always love the stories surrounding these events.
Third is difficult but I think it is the Labours of Heracles (again, I am counting this as one but you're being picky the Cretan Bull). I could talk about him forever, about the people who came and went during this time, about the lasting effects of these labours. Heracles is such a fascinating character and Disney did not do him justice even if I love that film.
Special mentions to Apollo and Hyacinthus, Daedalus and Icarus, Medusa and Atalanta.
15 - favorite font?
I normally write in Calibri, however I am fond of a Garamond.
18 - what's your most controversial opinion?
I don't like the Prisoner of Azkaban film. I won't be elaborating.
23 - what's popular with the people around you that you can't seem to get behind?
Bridgerton. I've never watched it, I have no intention of watching it. I have a few bones to pick with the books from what I have heard about them and while the show might have got rid of them or has changed things, I'm just not vibing honestly.
26 - would you enjoy being famous?
Would I enjoy having more money? Yes. Being famous, however, absolutely the fuck not. There's so much pressure behind fame and public influence and the idea of people watching every move Imake and critiquing everything I do fills me with anxiety. I'm quiet happy being of little importance to the world.
36 - what's the most expensive thing you've ever spent money on?
I'm going to exclude holidays which would take the top two spots, and my rent doesn't count either. I guess my laptop but that's not any fun.....my film degree that I've done nothing with.
52 - what the best anon hate you've ever received?
I can't remember any of the specific wordings and it would take too long to scroll back and find them because tumblr is homophobic and isn't showing me any of them if I search jegulus on my blog but there's always anti-jegulus anons that are like "but jily is canon". The last time I got one, I just sent them a link of one of my jegulus fics and said it was a petition to have jegulus banned form the internet.
91 - what's a common misconception people have about you?
That I'm intimidating or that I am grumpy/pissed off/hate everyone. I just have that thousand-yard autism stare which on me kinda looks like rbf. Humble brag but I actually think I'm lovely.
99 - is there anything you would consider yourself an expert at?
Expert? No. But I would love to actually be an expert on Greek Mythology and there are probably people who do consider me an expert but I'm just an enthusiast.
Thank you for the endless list of asks my darling loser husband < 3
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fictive-culture · 1 year
does it mean anything necessarily if you have dreams about being a system? i'm a singlet but on and off questioning plurality (it's really unhealthy for me) (it's at a point of obsession) and i can't tell if this is something i should factor into "maybe look into this" or if it's simply a side effect of me literally obsessing over plurality. i know one specific character was in one of the dreams that i've said "man i'm not plural but if i was i would have them as a fictive i bet" (which is a very singlet thing to say. obviously /lh) and in another recent dream i WAS that character and something even happened that while not directly recreating it reflected a moment in their source that i hadn't seen yet (i didn't know about it until one of my friends responded to my dream saying "no that actually happens though") but i know dreams don't inherently mean anything but at the same time i feel as though my mind would know my mind??? i don't know where i stand on this much like everything else
So I'm going to describe some vaguely relevant stuff related to our system as a starting point and then see if I can provide you with some other advice/information
First, we have a very fun origin in that a lot of things play into other things. So we id as traumaendo because our brain first chose madd to deal with our trauma however our madd eventually developed into plurality. So we are paragenic, but since our madd is caused by trauma, it kind of counts as both. Our madd is greatly affected by our autism and adhd so we hyperfixate on lots of things. That leads to so very frequently gaining members from our hyperfixations. We obsess over something long enough and boom 1-3 new pals.
Second, we have a handful of other sources, a decent amount of stressgenic, one possible willogenic and important to this two somtives headmates introjected from dreams. They aren't fictives of sources that exist, but that doesn't mean that can't happen.
Now, while what I'm about to say isn't a complete list of what could be happening, I hope it helps work as more of a starting point to think about.
There is the possibility that the obsession is caused by preexisting plurality. We did have an interest in it prior to our realization, but mostly because we wanted to try and create a positive plural character. I feel like it isn't uncommon to have some level of intrigue towards plurality beforehand.
This next idea stepping stone thingy is o-genic and oc-genic [both terms are links], which are both neurogenic origins related to plurality caused by obsession oc-genic is ocd exclusive but I'm unsure of o-genic. But basically, just if the brain keeps obessesing over plurality, it could create a system kind of like willogenic but to the left.
Or it could be neither, and you are a singlet who is getting obsession induced dreams about plurality.
There are probably more ideas and theories and explanations for why this is happening to you, but the actual advice that isn't just me sharing neat plural things is you gotta explore. Try talking to them, keep track of things that seem plural, read up on other people's experiences, there could be something plural about this or it could not be, maybe read up on median systems, try meditation, join system servers and find safe places for you to explore, look into willogenic/parogenic system creation if it's something you are interested in doing, stick around here and other system culture is blogs and see what feels familiar to what you are going through. Dreams are really iffy, and while they can mean something, and I believe it is how some systems enter headspace, it could mean nothing. So, while I'd love to give you a solid answer, all I can do is give you things that may be relevant to your experience and tell you to go out and explore. I can also tell you that there isn't anything wrong with questioning and ending up as a singlet. The question isn't always yes, so don't worry about it too much. So, just welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay, and I wish you luck.
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nami-lvr · 1 year
Correct OP Headcannons
Ft: Luffy, Usopp, Nami, Robin, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Brook, and Franky!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
A/N: Hey guys! First post YAYAYAYYAYAY 🔥🔥 I love love love the silly show smsmsm and the next part will include Mihawk, Doffy, Cora, Buggy, and Crocodile!
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Erm I don’t have much for him
Bro smells
Does not wash his ass
Has those back pimple thingys and lets you pop them (GROSS!!!)
Band kid
For sure
100% a band kid
iPad kid as well
Can’t do anything without entertainment
Has autism
If you disagree you don’t like autistic ppl :/ (JOKING OFC!!)
I think his special interest would be pirates bc he thinks they’re cool
Has greasy hair
Smells bad (knows) doesn’t care
Doesn’t floss his damn teeth
Needs braces
Doesn’t get them bc this fool won’t take care of them
Paints his nails
Extremely ugly and bright colors
Cat shit green
Dog puke brown
Effervescent Shitstain
Whatever he can find
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My bbg would also be a band kid
Would not do anything with his hair.
At all.
Not even pick through it.
I swear
He just lets that shit grow
Won’t even loc up.
Only pulls bitches in his late teens/early adulthood because he doesn’t look 5 anymore
I’m convinced he has a gyatdayum uhhh
Fat ass
Im positive that if he was real he would have that THANG just THANGin up back there
Grabbable asf
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Popular pretty nice girl
Pick me (sorry!)
Would smell like strawberries for sure
Would be the girl to always have lotion on her
Would willingly take Spanish and be invested in it
Would always have gum on her
Lie about having gum on her so people won’t ask
People ask anyways
Definitelyyyy is the girl who only hangs out with guys (no shade to girls who do)
Not bc she gets along better
But because of Sanji 🙁
Literally they’re there to protect her from him (can you tell I hate Sanji yet 😛)
Basic white girl BUT I STILL LOVE HER
Stan Nami ong
She would be so proud of her friends
“Nami I got a 90% on my tes-“
So supportive
Very erm
Tough love kinda gal
You definitely have to WORK to be her friend
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I heavily headcannon that she speaks Russian. (I’m projecting 😊)
She would teach you Russian for sure
And be like
Super nice about it
I love Robin
She is so
Guys hear me out
She is a cat person
Would always wear fuzzy socks
Prefers the cold
She is allergic to grass fight me
Does yoga I can feel it in my bones
Would do yoga with you
Definitely bakes
Her favorite show is something true crime related
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Cmon man
This guy is so likeable
Dyes his hair a different color every month depending on what the awareness for that month is
As in blue for child abuse awareness month and green for mental health awareness month and so on
But no one knows that that’s why
They just think its cool
But he knows
He knows.
And I just think he would be the kind of guy to help the teachers clean the classroom
Straight C student
Sleeps in class
Has neck problems
Complains about said neck problems
Cycle repeats
Everyones friend
Natural born leader fr
Every tía would pass him the baby
He’s incredibly good with kids and wants some of his own
He is asexual
Makes fun one people to their face (me for real)
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I fucking hate Sanji. Not sorry! He is weird 😁🫶🏻
Would probably grab my ass
Would probably stare at my boobs
(I’m a well built gal)
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My son
I adopted him back in erm
Mexicans existed in the 1800’s and I adopted him then so
Everything I say from now on is cannon bc he is my son :p
Paints his nails
Bites his nails
Has autism
Bc I said so
Definitely loves plain pasta
Like thats his favorite food
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I don’t really like him either-
Bro is a stoner
No more questions
Tokes it up in the back of class
Gives no fucks if he gets caught
The kinda guy you wanna smoke your first joint with
Extremely good trip sitter
I feel like
I really feel like
I hope hope hope
He would dislike Sanji for being perverted and see that its bad and change his ways
Brook recovery arc bc i say so
#brook redemption arc
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The fun uncle
Everyone loves Franky
Loud drunk
Extremely loud drunk
Noise complaint loud kinda drunk
Still funny as shit thought
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hey there! Can I request a pair-up thingy for the mw2 boys?
If yes then here's some info regarding me. (It's long as hell so beware)
Appearance: Appearance-wise, I can describe myself as emo but in a casual way. I have black hair styled in an undercut, I have a few piercings and the classic dark eyeliner and black painted nails. Most of my wardrobe are in the monochrome spectrum. Other things to note is that I'm shorter than usual, is sorta toned, and has light brown skin and eyes.
Personality: I tend to be described as chill yet funny by other people. It's true but I can be abit of a gremlin when I'm close to people. I am a huge introvert and barely makes any new friends (also caused by a few shitty friendships and resulting in trust issues). But when I do befriend someone, I think the world of them even though my main form of affection is teasing. I do have a problem with being abit emotionally constipated and empathizing with others, but I've masked my undiagnosed autism long enough to cover all this up.
What I seek in a partner: I am pretty open-minded to all kinds of things, things of this sort is no exceptions. I don't really have a preference for a partner, whether it may be appearance or gender. Some personality traits I swoon over more are partners that can double as my best friend, patience with regards to my issues with emotions and a good sense of humor.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
How you met: Civilian As you entered the cosmetics store, you quickly made your way to the nail polish aisle. You had come here for years and knew exactly what you needed: an Essie brand black nail polish. To your dismay, when you walked to the aisle you saw a young man standing there with the last bottle. You were about to grab another brand when he spoke up. "Um, excuse me, you wouldn't happen to know if this is a good brand?" he asked sheepishly. As you eyed his casual attire and cap covering his short hair, you couldn't help but feel like this was a joke. "Yeah it is, the best one actually," you replied, "I've been using that one for years!" "Oh really, I feel bad for taking the last one then," he said before handing you the bottle. You picked out your second favorite brand and handed it to him, "here this one should work just fine." "This might be asking for a lot but would you mind painting my nails for me? It's some stupid punishment from my mate," he asked, hoping you wouldn't find him weird. You thought for a moment but didn't see the harm in it. This was the start of you both as you gently painted Kyle's nails on the curb of the cosmetics store.
A peek into your relationship: "Kyle, I hate this," you said, hiding behind the dressing room curtain. This morning you both saw a TikTok about dressing your significant other and he thought it would be a great idea. Now, you regretted it as he stood handsomely in the monochrome outfit you had chosen for him and you were in neon overalls. "C'mon love, I just want to see," he encouraged. You huffed and came out of the room in a flurry of neon orange. "I look like a damn traffic cone," you said as you rolled your eyes. "Yes but you're my traffic cone," he replied and gently placed a kiss on your forehead. Later that evening you would get back at him by painting his nails neon pink and yellow :)
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