#and yes it has been soo long since i have posted here hello hi
gnosticpriesthood · 1 year
I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on this shit.
I would DIE for someone to write Shaw opposite Picard, hahaha. I honestly have to say, I think Shaw might be my very favorite Star Trek captain of all time. There is a man who takes no shit! If anyone wants to do some Shaw/Picard lingerings hit me up! I have so, so, so many things about Wolf 359. So many. All the things. I could also definitely get behind Shaw/Seven (I could play either role here). Love the shit out of their dynamix. Aahhh.
im da cutest of borg!! wewease the kwaken!!!! wewease meee!!
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withtheoldstars · 2 months
Hii I was a question soo I was scrolling down ur Tumblr and I Saw posts about a fic called back to black or sm but i cant find It on ao3 .
Did u maybe delete It or am I just dumb?
hello little anon <3
yes, the fic is not up on ao3 anymore!! i guess i was too excited and thought i could handle 3 wip at the same time (i cannot lmao)
but since you didn't get a chance to read here is a little piece of 'Traitor' a jegulus/wolfstar fic:
“My family,” he started, his voice sure and steady. “How good it is to see everyone together, despite the circumstances.” Testing his influence, he rose again, and everyone followed suit. Regulus felt a peculiar sensation as if the air had momentarily left his chest. It resembled a cult, the way his family moved and existed based on obedience, as if nothing else mattered in the world beyond their family, beyond the House of Black. It was almost like being a royal, and indeed, the truth was that it was. Toujours Pur.
Lowering his hand, he observed his family as they took their seats again, his mother being the exception. Walburga lifted her chin and then slowly bowed, waiting. Only after Regulus sat down did his mother follow suit, respecting the hierarchy that now placed Regulus above her. 
“Sir,” Kreacher appeared before the large double doors, bowing slightly. “Another guest has arrived.” The butler seemed uneasy. “We are all here” his mother stated, frowning.
Regulus already knew. He had been feeling it all day. He didn’t need to hear the name being announced because he already knew. “Mr. Sirius Orion Black has arrived.” 
Druella choked on her wine, her hand covering her mouth. Narcissa almost dropped her glass to the floor, and Bellatrix appeared ready to pounce on someone’s neck. The husbands wore expressions of disbelief at the unexpected sight before them. His mother continued to gaze ahead at Regulus, her face frozen, in stark contrast to the rest of the family, who stared at the door in shock. Even though Regulus had anticipated it, he couldn’t quite believe his sight.
Reluctantly, Regulus shifted his eyes toward the door, not wanting to acknowledge, not wanting to recognize. Yet, there he was. Sirius.
He hadn’t seen his older brother in six years, but it was as if time had stood still as Sirius confidently entered the dining room of the family he had betrayed and fled. Regulus could vividly hear his father breaking a wine glass against the wall and overturning his study table, accompanied by angry screams as Sirius’s voice echoed from the television, giving an interview about how the Black family were the worst people in England. The memories overwhelmed him as if he were reliving that moment with the glass flying and cutting into his hand. In a long black coat, wavy hair falling over his face, and grey eyes holding a hint of humour, Sirius continued to walk into the dining room. 
Right behind him was a tall man whom Regulus recognized as the doorman of the Peverell Hotel. Sirius stopped, as the man positioned himself right behind him, and leaned against the tall man’s chest with a smile on his face and a challenge in his eyes. Sirius walked around as if he owned the place—the true heir, the firstborn, Sirius Black III. 
He had come to reclaim his place, to steal Regulus’ position as heir. For, better than a spare, was a true heir taking his rightful place.  Right back where he never should have left. Right back to Black.
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phantom-kicks · 3 months
What is Ken’s phantom thief name?
Sorry this took SO long to answer, but I genuinely didn't have a phantom thief name for Ken until like two days ago. I'm not kidding ×_×
But thank you for asking!! If you hadn't, I wouldn't have spent months lingering on this question because I suck at naming and I didn't just want to pick something random.
Soo, here it is!!! His name Phantom Thief name is Poser! >:)
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Ken is a pretty sneaky guy in my AU because of his punk status. The name is a nice contrast I think. His initial role in the story is essentially being a spy for the Shadow Operatives as the Phantom Thieves do their business. You can probably guess that conflicts with his punk values. The outfit he has now is based off the Shadow Op DLC costumes that I love a lot so I wanted to draw Ken in that. As for his actual phantom thief outfit…. I’m afraid that’s still in the works u_u
Also yes it’s been months since I posted. School had me real busy, but I finally have a break and playing P3R has me feeling inspired!! I always planned on furthering details about my AU after playing it to gain new insight on the P3 cast, and Ken especially. Also, a refresher is always nice!
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melancholiepeufiable · 8 months
i know it's been some time since the final renaissance update, but it impacted me a lot and i needed to collect my thoughts,, so, sorry if this is a very late contribution to the debate. also obligatory warning that i am not a native speaker so my explanations might be a little wonky at times hahshd
to say it plainly: i sobbed, i laughed, i trembled and i melted with this fic. it had the perfect dose of everything; of pain, doubts, things being broken and then fixed with enough love and understanding that it reeked through the screen into my feelings as well. and you got my heart racing with every update!! my week revolved around your scheduled updates, however crazy that sounds.
like you said, it was cathartic. and painful. god, my heart ached so much every single time charles doubted himself and seb's view on him, and it ached when he longed for something as human as love with such resentment towards himself. but in the end, your brilliant writing soothed me like - pardon my perhaps nonsensical comparisons - those rays of sunlight in winter, when you've been freezing outside and they hit the skin of your hands and for a moment you think, wow, there is something more to this than just suffering. your writing style evoked such vivid emotions in me i thought i might be one with charles, lol. i love it, love it, love it.
you helped me realise a lot about myself in the process of reading too - and again, i am sorry for this little oversharing, but you also helped me realise that just like charles found out in the end, getting help might be worth it, and i will be getting it. it probably seems insincere,, but yeah. i am being genuine. your take on daddy issues hurt in a way where you realise that, damn, this is too realistic and hits too close to home, unlike those glorified scenarios on certain social media. bravo.
while i'm here, i would also like to mention that i read your other works, rouge et blanc and act of god. the latter in particular made it hard to breathe at times - not in the anxiety way, but in the in-awe-thanks-to-the-genius-storytelling way. you have this skill of uniting the reader and the main character to the point where they think alike, and it was only in the end when i noticed the escalation of the obsessive elements, that's how immersed i was in seb's unreliable narration. bravo again. (also, the religious imagery? chef's fucking kiss good LORD)
i don't want to go into detail over specific scenes in renaissance because this would be even longer than it is, so i'm just gonna wrap it up by saying: please, if you can, keep creating!! i don't mean it as putting pressure on you, the thing i want to say is that your art is absolutely brilliant and loved, if you ever doubt it. thank you for creating this fic and i am soo looking forward to anything you create in the future!!
hi anon ❤️
dw about it being late! my own reply is late as well haha, sorry (also dw about the english, you’re perfectly fine).
aw shucks, thank you so much. it’s always so lovely to see how much a work can reach someone, and to hear how it is has affected you is simultaneously joyous and tear-jerking (sorry about the pain it caused).
ahhh i love love LOVE that comparison to the sunlight during winter. might be one of my favourite compliments ever! it’s always sooooo pleasing for a writer to know that the reader is experiencing things almost as if they were the character themselves. thank you!
getting help is absolutely nothing to be shameful of, and i’m so proud of you going to get it. i wish you the best ❤️ (thank you again! i didn’t want the father complex to be dramatised bc in reality, it’s a lot different than what’s shown on tv).
ahhh and you read the others??? thank you omg! haha, thank you for liking act of god sm, i’m so happy that the general consensus has been positive. i was so nervous to post it, but i’m glad the religious imagery and seb’s unreliability managed to get through to the reader.
yes!! i will keep creating as soon as i get out of the writer’s block. i’m so grateful for your message and the support. have a great day! all the love <3
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explicitred · 3 years
Zhongli Swimming/Pool - (Male Headcanons)
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Zhongli Swimming/Pool Headcanons - (Male Reader)
Childe’s Swimming Date: https://explicitred.tumblr.com/post/667663759802793984/childe-swimmingpool-headcanons-male-reader
Xiao’s Swimming Date: https://explicitred.tumblr.com/post/667844958852726784/xiao-swimmingpool-headcanons-male-reader
Albedo’s Swimming Date: https://explicitred.tumblr.com/post/668026149456183296/albedo-swimmingheadcanons-male-reader
Scaramouche’s Swimming Date: https://explicitred.tumblr.com/post/668116744078032896/scaramouche-swimmingpool-headcanons-male
Hmmm... Going on a swimming date with a gentleman? We already know Zhongli will be extra as always and buy lots of stuff for his beloved to enjoy... (rip Childe’s wallet because he's GOING BANKRUPT STARTING NOW)
Childe sighed as he noticed his bank account money. Zhongli had used ALL his wealth in a day, and he had way more than 1B before!
And what for anyway? I suppose he would have to go ask the question himself.
Childe then immediately grinned as he noticed you walk into the Northland Bank.
To be honest, you weren't here at the bank for anything. You had to check up with Ekaterina, the woman who was a part of the Fatui like Childe. But instead of a Fatui Harbinger, she worked for managing the money in the bank. Or, I suppose to receptionist.
“Hello, comrade! What are you doing here? It's been too long for my liking since we last met.” Childe said, delighted to see you.
“Hello, Childe. I am merely here for a checkup with Ekaterina.” You greeted him, and then turned your head to Ekaterina, and then nodded.
“Ah! I knew that you were going to meet up with me sometime later, but I didn't expect it to be so soon sir... Anyways, welcome sir! I'm so happy to see you here!” Ekaterina smiled as she welcomed you.
“Yes, yes, very delighted to see you both too. I have a planned schedule for today, so I hope we can hurry this. That is, if it is not troublesome for you, Ekaterina.”
After you both chatted about issues and matters that were minor...
Childe pouted for who knows, the 100th time?
The 11th Harbinger’s pout then turned into a smile. You were finally done talking with Ekaterina.
“Soo~ Comrade, what schedule has you so busy?” He came near you and looked at you from your right shoulder.
“An event that is none of your business, Childe.”
“Aww, how mean :c” He sighed dramatically.
“I’ll be taking my leave now. Farewell, Eka and Childe.”
“Bye, sir!”
“Bye comrade!”
You walked out and hurried down the steps. You didn't want to be late.
Childe then thought out loud to himself, “Hmm... I wonder what could've made Darling so rushed.”
“I would like to give out my thoughts, sir. If you would allow it.”
“Perhaps the strongest harbinger is going on a date? Who knows...” Ekaterina said bitterly, with a hint of jealousy.
-Zhongli is so extra with everything- fancy lights, fancy food, fancy EVERYTHING
-Rest assured, any type of food you want? You will have it instantly because it's already there.
-Of course, being the gentleman he is. He will hold your hand and help you get down in the pool; whether you can do it yourself or not.
-There will be absolutely no splashing water from him to you. Unless you propose a water-splashing fight ☺️
-Oh and he has already planned everything, to the beginning, end, and aftermath. This was how excited he was for the date 🥺🥰❤️
-And how would Zhongli feel about being hand-fed from you? (clean hands ofc)
-y e s
-you are his damn fantasies
-So he would be delighted to be hand-fed by you 🥰
-He still doesn't get what these little “interactions” are for, but he will try them with you if you suggest it
-When you come up to the surface of the water, your hair is bound to get all over your face
-So being THE Zhongli he will gently get the hair out of your face
-Anyways- but just expect him to be the most extremely extra-extra guy you have ever seen (not to mention polite) during this date lol 😅😗
“Oh- Dear, you have some hair covering your face. Allow me to help you.”
-Zhongli enjoys your company a lot, so you will hear him ramble a lot about random stuff while you both swim or relax
“Osmanthus wine tastes...”
-When you both relax and are not swimming, you and Zhongli are usually sitting near the pool while enjoying some light-snacks
-This is when Zhongli feels the want of feeding you (no hands). Just something he thought of all of a sudden from the “little interactions” that humans do; which he still has no idea for what they could mean.
“Ah, darling. Would you mind if I fed you myself? Of course, if you are not comfortable with it you do not have to go along with it.”
Zhongli used the chopsticks in his hands and swiftly took a random light snack he had seen you glancing at multiple times.
You opened your mouth slightly as he put the snack in your mouth.
-Zhongli tries to see what you like and whatnot for future references for later dates.
-So when you ate that specific snack, he noted it in his mind
At the end of the date, you both would be chatting with some tea at your house.
Your house in Liyue was extremely elegant and cozy, fit for a king.
“You’re quite pleasant to be with, Y/N.”
“Oh, why thank you. You are pleasant to be with and chat to-”
The door suddenly was kicked down by none other than Childe.
Childe was wearing a “happy” expression. But you both could see that he was incredibly annoyed.
You sighed as Childe began to drag Zhongli out of your house.
“I don't care what he says... Whether he is loaded and that it won't make a dent in his wallet or not, I will have him pay for the damages.”
Childe overheard what you said just then, and stiffened.
“You know what- I still will get revenge but I CANNOT DAMAGE MY WALLET FURTHER!!!!”
He sulked as he remembered that Zhongli used up all his money, and not to mention the fact that Zhongli had a date with Y/N secretly.
It just added more fuel to the flame towards Zhongli.
You inwardly sighed again, as you patted Childe’s back in awkward comfort.
“I’m a harbinger anyway, it wouldn't matter if I paid or not.”
Childe then hugged you suddenly and sulked while pouting.
You accepted the hug and wrapped your arms around his waist.
“Comrade, it would make me very happy if you could hang out with me for the next week? If you have the week-break, of course.”
“I don't have any duties to do during the next week. I'm guessing the Tsaritsa gave you a break that lasted for a week too? And yes, sure.”
Zhongli stood awkwardly looking at you both.
Childe sneaked a glance at him and slyly smirked as his sulking face disappeared.
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Lmk when you wanna do the medic proposal ask akdkdkdk no rush tho 🥺🥺 thanks for being my favorite blog
-medic anon
Oh shit. I forgot I am so sorry!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot sorry!!!!! That idea just slipped out of my head goddamit! I hope you can forgive me. I am sorry for making you wait! Ummm ehem LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRL SORRY FOR LATE POST! HERE IS THE MEDIC PROPOSAL WRITING THAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! *curtains go up*(by the way there is a lot of reference to my past medic posts!)
~Medic`s proposal~
Medic and you were in love. DEEPLY in love. You both were happy.
Medic decided to propose to you. He wants to be with you forever, he will forever cherish you and be in love with you for eternity, even if death comes by.
He was soo nervous. He wanted to make this proposal the whole definition of PERFECT.
He had a lot of planning...just like his confession but this was much more serious it was like the final boss battle.
He was now prepared....he is ready
~Proposal day come~
Today was a beautiful day, the sky was clear and the winds gently blowing it was so nice. You were at med bay it was pretty early in the morning. You were on the hospital bed listening to the sound outside the window, it reminded you of when you first kissed medic, how soft that was...it had been a long journey since that day, and you two have fallen deeper and deeper in love. You chuckle at that memory ohh~ how you remember how bright red you were hehe.
Then you heard some birds flapping. Hmm? I wonder who it is...Oh! Its Archimedes! That little cheeky bird. Then Archimedes landed on your lap, it had a little note and favorite flower on its right leg/claw. ! This reminded you of when medic confessed to you. You then gently took the paper off its claw this time it did not fly off.
The paper said the following words ''Meet me in my room. Also, get ready to go out my love~'' Oh. OH~ It's a surprise date, isn't it! hehe, I should go wear something nice since we are going on a date. You also put your favorite flower in your hair, (like behind your ear. )
After changing to your favorite outfit and fixing your hair you went to medic`s room. *knocks on door* Oh. Hello my love~ *kisses your cheek* You look lovely♡! Did you get the message from Archimedes? Yeah, so I heard me are going out! Yes, we are, so are you ready? He was so handsome, I mean he always is but especially today he looked very charming... you were excited about the date.
You both went to the town, a nice cozy vibe where there are nice fancy cafes on every corner, colorful flower shops, nice smelling perfume shops, it was perfect.
You both had so much fun. Walking around, talking, laughing, smiling, eating lunch at a fancy cafe, everything.
~After a whole day of fun and giggling~
It was getting pretty dark now, the moon was rising and the sun was setting.
You both were in a lovely garden, it was quiet...the full moon was shining. Medic loved seeing your eyes sparkling under the moonlight your hair flowing through the wind, fireflies moving around you... it was perfect.
S/o can you close your eyes, I have a surprise. Oh? Of course. You closed your eye and heard some shuffles hmm?
Open your eyes you slowly open your eye *gasp* He was down on one knee a ring box in his hand, ''Will you marry me s/o?'' Yes!
You jumped on to medic, happy tears rolling down your eyes, he then picked you up and spun you around. You two were having happy tears, giggling, and smiling. He then forehead boop you and cupped your face ''I love you s/o.'' ''I love you too medic!''
*CLAPPING (pls clap for me)* I hope this was ok medic anon and everybody reading this. Also, extra note, since medic boy has been getting a lot of attention/writing (nothing wrong with that) I am now going to focus on other characters too, not just medic you know? Like demo, spy, sniper, and others. It does not mean I will not take requests for medic! I will it`s just I might focus more on other mercs! To even out for everybody!
So, medic anon I hope you will forgive me for the delay. I hope this was ok, you can tell me your opinion/comment on the request page if you like. Thank you for your support!
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stephreynaart · 3 years
Gravity Falls - “Waiting”
Pop-Pop AU
Stan sits in a hospital waiting room, thinking about his life and the people he loves.
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This is kinda old, but I realized I never posted it on tumblr. Hope ya like it!
Lots of fluff, the only ships are Soos and Melody.
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It had a square aspect ratio. Ink pen and watercolor on white heat pressed cotton paper in a bland white frame. One single blue flower in a red vase with what looks like a yellowish shadow. One shadow going left, the other going right. The lack of confidence and inexperience was obvious, the lines were unfocused and jagged, the color plainly filled the shapes and gave no other visual interest to the image.
Below the frame was a small white card that read “Painting donated by Jessica Blaise from Gravity Falls Elementary School”
Stan scanned the painting at least 20 times while sitting in that chair. The too rough and too soft at the same time chair that had similar copies populating the almost white room he sat in. The wallpaper bouncing off light pinks and blues with tiny ducklings as a makeshift wainscoting was starting to irritate the old man. It was too bright, and the consistent buzz of the fluorescent lights seemed so loud. Stan adjusted himself in his chair, switching his crossed legs to a wider spread and leaned his head against the wall.
The only other stimulus in the room were a few posters promoting proper hand washing techniques, the play area with a small table and chairs with large blocks, crayons and that weird “game” with the metal wiring and wooden beads that’s in every waiting room Stan’s ever sat in. He played with the toys to give himself something to do after he read all the magazines. The novelty wore off fast.
The television mounted on the wall was airing some cooking channel with no sound and no subtitles. Looking at food when you haven’t eaten in a few hours was practically torture, so Stan had been averting his eyes.
There were other paintings on the wall, one was less of a painting, but instead a print of a painting. He doubted that the artist got any compensation from it, if they were still alive. The other was a charcoal drawing done by a student from the community college a town away. Another square, but the entire image was black, the brightest thing on the page was an intruding infant hand coming from the left with the arm fading into the dark background. The fingers seemingly mid-twitch and grabbing at something. The lighting was dynamic and interesting. Stan swore it was a drawing of a penis the first time he glanced at it, which resulted in his brother’s laughter. Stanley smiled at the memory, it was only a few hours ago, but he relishes any time he can make Stanford laugh.
Stan’s eyes darted at the door in the far corner when it opened suddenly. He eased back into his chair when the nurse crossed the room to talk with the receptionist. He couldn’t hear the conversation very well, but could tell they were just gossiping and making jokes. Nothing that was of his interest. So he looked back to the elementary school child’s painting and analyzed it again. His eyes were dry and he was tired. He wished he could sleep, the chair wasn’t comfortable enough and when he did managed to sleep, his neck was sore when he woke up. He was only lucky Ford let him use his shoulder as a pillow for a while. He looked to his left and noted the book his brother placed in the seat. It seemed thick and in what looked like Hebrew. Stan wasn’t very surprised Ford was fluent in the language they were acquainted with as children. Their grandparents on their father’s side were the last to be fully fluent in Hebrew. It was like his brother to be curious of their heritage, but Stan only remembered a few phrases and words he learned from holidays and special event when he had to recite anything in Temple.
Stan crossed his arms and glanced at the clock on the wall and let out an exasperated sigh. It had only been 10 minutes since he last checked the time. He wanted to be at home, be in his soft warm bed and getting ready to eat pancakes at this time in the morning.
He and Ford were on the porch of The Mystery Shack when Soos rushed them off to the hospital the yesterday afternoon. What he originally thought would be a couple of hours of waiting turned into almost twelve. Apparently labour can last a long time.
Stan wished he could be a witness for Soos and Melody like he was when Dipper and Mabel were born, but Melody wanted her privacy, which Stan could respect, but Soos wanted him there…..so he and Ford waited in this bright, annoyingly pastel waiting room, twiddling his thumbs awaiting the arrival of the new member of the mystery family. He was glad he was in at least comfortable clothes, some gray sweatpants and a sweater Mabel knitted for him that read “godfather”.
He was never clear on what the title entailed, but it was mentioned a few times by Soos’ grandmother and the kids insisted that Soos was intending to ask him. He hadn’t, but he didn’t protest Stan wearing the sweater. Whatever job godfathers had, he was willing to play the part if Soos were to ask him.
Stan looked at the double doors a few feet away that lead out of the waiting room and into the halls. His brother left to find something for them to eat, but was taking his sweet time. The turkey being basted on the television was no help in aiding his growling stomach.
He distracted himself by returning his thoughts to Soos and Melody. Just down the hall they were experiencing the strange and beautiful phenomenon that was witnessing the arrival of a brand new person. Stan remembered the feeling so clearly. His entire life he’s felt the presence of human beings. It’s inherent in most people to feel when someone is in the room with you, the other soul sharing the same space as you. Imagine being in a room with a set amount of people and someone else comes in, but imagine they came in without using a doorway. Just appearing seemingly out of thin air. Suddenly another person is with you, and they’re brand new to the world, a life full of potential and power. Yes, today is indeed a happy day, but no amount of positive thinking would ease Stan’s nerves. His foot began to bounce and his hands unconsciously began to fiddle with each other. He didn’t want to think anything would go wrong with Soos’ baby, but anything can happen and life is so fragile, especially at the start of it.
He recalled his nephew’s nervousness the day Dipper and Mabel were born. His hands were shaking and he was constantly checking on his wife and asking the doctors loads of questions. He didn’t fully understand the twins’ father’s behavior until the end of that day.
Mabel’s birth was swift and easy. Her mother only needed to push one and a half times before she was here. It was as if she was eager to meet everyone waiting for her. She cried like most babies do, but Stan could’ve sworn they were tears of joy. While Mabel was greeted with, “hello, beautiful”, “hi, sweetie” and “she’s perfect”, Her brother’s introduction to world started with, “what’s wrong?”, “wait, let me hold him”, and “he’s not moving”. Dipper was rushed out of the room before his mother got a chance to look at him. Stan managed to catch a glimpse of the horrifyingly blue tint on his great nephew’s tiny face. The memory still gave him chills. He remembered how much he wanted to hold Mabel, who began to fuss and cry, obviously missing her brother. He was terrified at the prospect of another incomplete set of twins in their family. After the longest 30 minute of his life, Stan’s great-nephew returned with a bright pink face, wailing with all the power his little lungs could produce. Once the twins were reunited in their mother’s arms, they settled down almost instantly. The doctors told their parents Dipper was significantly lighter in weight than his sister, but both were very strong and healthy. Every so often Stan thinks about Dipper and how much he has impacted his life. His thoughts lead to darker places and he questions if Ford would be here if Dipper wasn’t there to find the third journal. He shook his head as a cold shiver went up his spine.
Stan did his best to distract himself from revisiting the scare that Dipper caused him 16 years ago.
16 years…..17 in August
Stan blinked. The squishy, bright faces that stayed with him that first summer had changed significantly. They stayed in contact all year round and visited every summer since they were 12. But every in-person meeting was always a shock. Dipper was developing the square jaw Stan, both his brothers and nephew shared. He started to regularly wear glasses their second summer with the Stans. Poor kid will grow up looking like Filbrick like the rest of the Pines men. He reminded Stan of Ford at that age.
And Mabel…..
Stan will never get over how much she looks like his mother. It didn’t strike him until Soos and Melody’s wedding and she put her hair in a bun. She’s calmed her hyperactivity down a bit, but not by a lot, she still brightens his day with her wit and creativity. They’ve both matured physically, but not much has changed personality wise and they still acted like big children when they’re around each other. Stan loved them very much, and wished he could see them more often. He wondered what the future held for all of them. Would they still visit town after going to college? Would they move here? Or somewhere else?
He’s had several conversations with them to see how they’re managing the prospect of separating. They’re much better at communicating than he and Ford were and they seem actually excited to have some independence. It made Stan nervous, but he was sure their close relationship wouldn’t suffer.
Wendy chose to be elsewhere for the next few years. She and her friends booked a plane ticket and plan to backpack and hitchhike around Europe and the UK. Stan hopes they stay safe and watch out for each other. Lotta weirdos in Amsterdam. She was set to leave in the coming days, Wendy wanted to wait until today arrived so she could meet Soos and Melody’s kid before going away for who knows how long.
A tap on the shoulder woke Stan from his deep thoughts. His brother arrived with some warm sub sandwiches and coffee.
“Any word yet?, he asked Stan
“Nothin’ yet”, Stan felt helpless not having any clue how Soos and Melody were doing.
Stanford took his seat next to Stanley and they both silently enjoyed their late breakfast. Since arriving they’ve witnessed families reuniting and going past the door in the far corner to meet their children, grandchildren or siblings. Stan looked at the clock again. How has it only been another 5 minutes? He sighed, leaned back and finished the rest of his sub. One hand holding the sandwich, the other went back to gripping the arm rest, then a six fingered hand went down to rest on top of it. Stan let go of the armrest and tangled his fingers between Ford’s and held onto it with a, hopefully not too tight, grip. It was like an anchor to reality, much better at easing his anxieties than any words could. Over the past 4 years, Stan and Ford’s bond grew stronger. Stan still feared one day he would wake up and find himself still in that basement surrounded by broken machinery and languages he didn’t understand. He hasn’t yet, and was enjoying the time he had left with his twin. Stan took a moment to look at his brother again, Ford made eye contact and smiled then continued to read his book. Hands still intertwined
Stans thoughts went back to Soos…
It amazed Stan how much he had grown and it still baffled him that Soos idolized him as much as he does. Before Soos, Stan had no one. His brother was….gone, the rest of the family didn’t talk to him much outside of the holidays and special occasion. There hadn’t been any sense of consistency in Stan’s life for years, decades even, until he hired the chubby little kid he barely glanced at one random Saturday. Soos always arrived to work early, sometimes with breakfast for both of them. Stan didn’t know how much he needed a reliable companion until he had it and he enjoyed the 10 years he had with that kid… or man he should say. Here he was…a few rooms away, becoming a father.
Stan used to daydream a lot about the prospect of having kids when he was younger. He’s was always good with them when he had the chance to babysit his nephew, then later Dipper and Mabel when they were toddlers. He loved having kids in his house that first summer. He loved the energy and the sense of adventure the twins brought. They gave him a sense of purpose and belonging he hadn’t felt in years. He wished he was brave enough to have his own children. Not that he was ever with anyone long enough to want to have kids with him. He supposed it was for the best that he didn’t subject a child to homelessness or an unhappy marriage. He was also terrified at the idea. His dad used to say having kids ruined his life. He wondered who his father was before his older brother was born. Did they really ruin his life? Stan often wondered if he would be like his own dad if he has children of his own. Would he change and become that annoyed parent that resenting his children?
He thought about Soos again
That was probably the closest to parenthood he ever experienced. The first time he felt like one was when Soos asked him for homework help after closing. He initially told Soos no, he wasn’t exactly smart and didn’t think he would be any help. It apparently upset the kid, so Stan sighed and gave it a try. It was fairly simple middle school math, he didn’t remember everything, but helped Soos do more than half of it. Soos thanked him and went home happy. Stan felt weirdly proud, he was glad he made a small difference and managed to teach Soos something he didn’t even know he knew.
The second time was when Soos was a teenager. His grandmother wasn’t able to teach Soos to drive, since she had forgotten how and her late husband used to do the driving, she mostly walked everywhere. Soos offered to work for free so Stan could teach him. Stan loved driving and found teaching Soos cathartic. He was a fast and eager learner, he only bumped Stan’s car once while trying to figure out parallel parking. Little did Soos know that he was getting paid for his normal work hours. Stan just put it away long enough to help buy the kid some old used truck in the junkyard for getting his license. They fixed the truck up and in only a few weeks it was ready to be on the road. Soos has taken good care of it and it’s still his ride to this day
Stan was very proud of Soos. He taught the kid some basic self defense and managed to be a decent influence in his life. Soos at least has his priorities straight.
Stan was even glad to see that Soos was willing to question him. When the portal was reaching the final countdown, he didn’t hesitate to protect the kids from him when he thought Stan was dangerous. He didn’t know, none of them did, so he didn’t blame Soos for distrusting him. He hoped he never had to betray him again. They both had crappy dads, and Stan knew how Soos saw him. Stan was never really sure if he reciprocated those feelings. It felt natural to act the part, but to put a label as important as “dad” on Stan was daunting. Soos definitely deserves better than what he was given, Stan wasn’t sure if he was it.
Stan looked up at the familiar voices running towards him from the double doors.
“Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford!” Mabel waved to them
The two teenagers and Wendy walked in holding a balloon and various toys. They took some seats across from the Stans and asked how everyone was doing and if the baby arrived yet.
“Not yet, hopefully soon” Ford answered
Stan relaxed and silently enjoyed his family’s company. He laid his head back and leaned slightly on Ford to rest for a minute. His eyes shut as he listened to the kids joke around and talk amongst themselves. He squeezed Ford’s hand one more time before drifting off.
He knew he should’ve tried sleeping earlier, he wasn’t out for more than 15 minutes when Soos came into the waiting room. Stan’s eyes shot open and he was on his feet faster than he did when he was being chased by angry costumers as a door to door salesman. Soos’ red eyes sagged and he seemed exhausted, but carried a proud, wide smile across his face. He sniffed and wiped his eyes.
“It’s a boy”, he squeaked, “mom and baby are okay”
Dipper and Mabel were first to start the hugs, and the room filled with cheers of congratulations and love. Stan felt light as a feather giving Soos a hug and joking about child labor.
“Can we see him?”, Mabel bounced with anticipation
“Yeah, dudes!”, Soos gestured everyone past the corner door and into the suite. “But only for a little while, Melody has to sleep”
The room was small, dimly lit and warm. The Pines crew collectively lowered their voices as Melody came into view on the bedding holding a bundle of blankets decorated with small yellow ducklings. She was leaned back on a large pillow, covered in blankets and toted a soft smile on her face. Soos stroked her hair and picked up his little son to show to the Pines’. The younger twins got a look at him first,
Mabel squealed and cooed at the tiny infant. Then Wendy, who said hi to the baby and told Soos she’d make sure to send him gifts while she was away
“What’s his name?”, Mabel asked Melody
“I named him after my dad”, Melody replied, “Jacob”. She smiled sadly at the memory of the father she lost the year before.
Soos approached the Stans, Ford smiled and complimented the couple on a having such beautiful little boy, but shot Soos a look, who silently replied with another one. Something was up.
Finally Stan got a look at baby Jacob. “Wow” Stan smiled, patting Soos’ arm. “He looks exactly like you”
Soos laughed, “really? I think he looks like Melody”, there was a short silence before Soos spoke up again.
“Do you want to hold him, Mr Pines?”
Stan looked at Soos and smiled, “heh, sure”. He held his arms out. Soos lowered his arms to pass the baby to Stan, who scrunched his face up and started to fuss. Stan took the infant and managed to hold him with one arm. He bounced and shushed little Jacob until he calmed down. “Heya kid”, He’s held babies dozens of times, but something felt different about this one. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but Stan felt an almost magnetic pull towards him. Jacob settled comfortably against Stan and continued his rest. Stan softly beamed at the tiny person in his arms.
“Hey, Stan?”
Stan lifted an eyebrow and looked at Soos, who was fidgeting with his hands and nervously smiling.
“Uh..”, he paused, taking in the sight of Stan holding his child. “You know about my dad”, Soos looked at Ford again, who shrugged and nodded. Stan studied Ford’s face, who’s eyes strayed away as he hid a small smile. Soos got his attention again.
“You uh…he wasn’t…”, Soos choked up, his voice strained a bit, “I met you when I was probably the loneliest I ever was in my entire life”. Stan pictured the little boy he hired on the spot, he didn’t remember him until Soos showed up at his door step the next day ready to work. He didn’t know how much that quick, thoughtless decision would change his life.
Soos perked up and walked across the room to a table and picked up the piece of paper sitting on it. Soos glanced at it, then at Stan and smiled, gaining some emotional strength it seemed.
“You mean a lot me”, Soos, “you were there when I really needed it, you gave me a job, taught me just about everything I know. I don’t think I ever thanked you for that”
Stan got a bit nervous, Was this him asking to be the godfather?Everyone was silent and curiously watching. Soos held his hand out and handed the paper to Stan. He adjusted his arm to properly hold Jacob in his arm and took it. Stan flipped the page and noticed it was the baby’s birth certificate. Stan eyes bounced off the page and read the various information: birthdate, weight, parents, but he froze when he read the full name. Stan’s wide eyes questioningly studied Soos’ face.
“Are you…”, Stan felt his own throat tightening, crap. Come on, not in front of everyone “really?”, he asked. Soos gave a genuine nod and sniffed.
“I uh” Soos cleared his throat, “I was wondering, since Jacob doesn’t have one…if you wanted to be…. his grandpa?
There it was
Stan felt dizzy and took a small step back before remembering who was in his hands and regained his balance. Ford came to his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Stan decide not to look at his brother and chose to stare forward, then his eyes went back to Soos, who look deflated. Oh man. Stan was terrified, he didn’t want to say no and hurt Soos, but if he said yes….he wasn’t sure what made him so nervous. The entire concept sounded so alien to him, like he didn’t deserve the title. He always considered Soos, Melody and their son a part of his family. But to bare a title like “grandpa”, had to mean he had children that that children. That he was already a parent without his knowledge. It all felt so natural to want to lean into this and become part of this family like Soos wanted.
He heard something make a noise from beneath himself. Stan looked down at little Jacob, who was mid yawn. The baby’s mouth grew wide opens and inhaled, scrunching up his face and suddenly shut. Suddenly two tiny eyes opened for just a few seconds, enough time for Stan to make eye contact before Jacob shut them and got comfortable again
Everything was different now.
Stan didn’t notice how quiet the room had gotten nor the tears forming in his eyes. Stunned by beauty and overcome with pride and a sense of purpose. The pride he felt teaching Soos math, how to drive and attending his graduation all combined just looking at the perfect being in his arms. If he said yes, he would want everything that came with it. Stan lifted the birth certificate up to read the name again.
Jacob Stanley Ramirez
“Y-Yes”, he heard a shaken voice say, almost not realizing it was his own “of course”. He looked at Soos, tears in his eyes and a bright smile on his face. He still wasn’t sure if he deserved this, but Stan wanted it. He wanted it all. Why not indulge just this once? He gave the certificate to Ford and used his now free hand to pull Soos into a hug. Gently sandwiching his…..grandson in between him……and his son.
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ahappydnp · 3 years
Hello apologies for how long this will be but I just hoped for your thoughts on something…ok so I haven’t posted / reblogged anything on tumblr since 2018 (but have still lurked lol) and instead been using Twitter (I know I know lol) buttt I haven’t been enjoying it for a while bc I feel like everyone there is just so negative and everyone I was friends / mutuals with now has either moved on from dnp or is kinda shitty toward them (like I just went on and soo many people being horrible to Phil about his new members post 🙁) And it feels impossible to find new people to follow bc apparently nice friendly adult phannies who actually still like dnp are v hard to come by. And omg this is pathetic to say but I just feel kinda lonely in phandom?? like I just want some people to cry over dnp with like the good ol’ days and feel like part of the community
So basically I just wanted to ask…do you think it’d be worth coming back to tumblr? Is it different here? I wouldn’t even know where to start and I was never anywhere near ‘popular’ or anything so it’s not like there’d be anyone that would recognise me. And I’d def be anxious about trying to talk to new people lol but it’s something I’ve been thinking about. Soo yeah I’d love to know what you think (if you actually read all of this omg bless you if you did haha)
Omg hi! Don't apologize at all! I'm sorry your community turned into a negative space (but yes I'm not surprised as it's twitter afsjkgfsg). But I'm sorry you lost some friends and your happy place :( It's not pathetic at all to feel lonely because phandom is first and foremost a community and it makes sense to want that again <3
I am ALL FOR you coming back to Tumblr! I genuinely love it here and there are tons of adult phannies who are hella nice and chill and very much love crying of them on a regular basis lmao. Like seriously I curate my dash and will very rarely see any kind of bad take or drama because the people I follow are here for the same reasons I am...to be dumb and yell about dnp (and then you meet said people irl and yell about dnp face to face and it's magical). So for sure! Come here! Feel free to DM me and I can send some recs over or anyone who sees this comment/reblog afdgfdsbdsdg
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londonspirit · 2 years
“There’s this queer pirates show. Go and watch it.”
Something like that started crossing my dash at the end of March. Only a few posts, but they continued, getting more enthusiastic every time I saw someone post about it (mainly looking at you @mylastvow​ and @atlinmerrick​).
I didn’t see anything about that show over on my Twitter (which usually is the reason for me to start watching something). But then again, I was still mourning the end of award season for Tick Tick Boom (also grieving a tough RL loss).
I wasn’t in the headspace for anything new just yet - especially not a TV SHOW (my brain’s weird like that the past two years - it’s either just new films or shows I know, very rarely I was in the mood to start sth new.)  
But then, on a normal Thursday evening the links for it crossed my dash (again) and I was like, why the hell not. You’ve got nothing else to watch, and since Tumblr seems to love it, there must’ve been something about it. 
So I clicked the first link. 
And it changed my life. 
First thing that struck me were the accents (I admit I expected English accents, not the insanely awesome mix of all sorts of accents.) 
Then there was the fact that it wasn’t a full on white show (which lately makes me wanna turn off things). 
And then there was Stede, swanning in like he does and I was like ‘okay, there's something strange going on - I like.’ 
And the second BB appears I was like ‘Oh hello, what’s happening here?!’ 
This doesn’t feel like a pirate show, not at all.  So I kept watching. 
(There’s soo many wonderful and deep analysis about the show so I won’t bore you with that - go and find them and you’ll see why exactly that show’s the most wonderful thing in the world right now and hopefully in the future we’ll see more like this!!!) 
Sadly I had to stop just after E5 to go to bed (yeah, NOW I do NOT know how I had the strength to do that after THAT episode! But I had to work and sometimes I can be a responsible adult.) 
I could NOT wait to get back home tho - and the second I was back I raced through the last five epis. 
My mind’s still blown away, and I knew I found something very very special!!! 
I did a full on rewatch over the following weekend, slower, appreciating all the amazing things, the acting, the sets, the STORYLINES, fucking everything! I was in love with every single thing. 
Naturally Tumblr (and then Twitter’s tags) helped deepen that love even more. 
And then it was all ‘downhill’ from there. 
Now I’m soo deep into that rabbithole I will NEVER come back out. 
I will defend David Jenkins until the end of times for coming up with it. 
I have deeply, madly and irrevocably fallen in love with Taika and Rhys (because I don’t do casual!)  (and in a less crazy way with the rest of the cast) and am working on my way to consume everything they made and will make! 
I haven’t laughed this hard or this much in a long time ( I'm pretty sure a therapist would have a field day with my mind right now, but it all makes me happy and helps to deal with harsh real life shit so I don’t care!). My face still hurts. Did you know that the back of your head can start hurting when you laugh too much? Right behind your ears?! Because it does! 
It’s funny: Taika’s been always around the past years, always at the periphery of my watching movies and shows, always been scattered around my social media for the things he did (mainly Marvel, of course, for me) and I liked him but I wasn’t in the headspace to appreciate his… well, everything. He was too silly, too all over the place for me. 
*shakes head at self* How fucking WRONG I was. 
Yes, he’s silly sometimes. Yes, even now he’s sometimes too much. But the more I watch and read and find out about him, the more I wonder how that man stayed as unique as he still is. 
That one’s too fucking special for the world he’s in. 
One just has to look past the exterior he puts on and you find one hell of a human, who’s kind and creative and intelligent and so painfully mindful of his surroundings, and I can only hope that the world will not break him and he can continue to be as incredible as he is. (He’s also fucking gorgeous! The HAIR! GUH! Those eyes and the deep deep crinkles when he laughs. The intensity on his face when he listens to something he cares about. I could go on but yeah…) 
A true fucking artist in every fucking way!!! 
So yeah, there will be LOADS more of him on my dash in the foreseeable future. I will keep yelling about the show and its incredible cast, and HBO better fucking renew it ASAP (and my country better gets its shit together and make it available over here so I can scream to my RL folks about it as well!!) 
What I wanted to say with this way too long, way too personal, post is
Tumblr media
For once again pulling me into something that keeps me sane and safe and happy in a world that seems to want to break me. 
And now I shall go and spend my weekend with yet another deep dive into everything OFMD and TW!!! 
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callioope · 3 years
Thoughts on Critical Role Campaign 2 Episode 133 below the cut!
Post-Battle Capeleb Scene
Me to spouse as I was pressing play: “I apologize ahead of time for any squealing this episode may cause.”
Cut to Capeleb picking up Essek after the battle! All King Kong style!!! Shoving him in front of the two clerics like “Heal him!!!” ahhhh that definitely got a squeal ... incidentally just as my husband was starting a call... oops. 
Bonus: Caduceus being like “dude I wanna heal you too”
Bonus 2: everyone like “Caleb you can put him down” Caleb: nO *puts Essek on his back* i mean caleb knows better than anyone you gotta protect the squishy wizard
Bonus 3!: Jester’s comment about “He doesn’t think clearly when he’s an animal.” and Essek’s “Evidently!” lol 
Let the Cleric Rest!
Okay earlier in the episode, when Laura was insistent on “guys we need to start our long rest ASAP,” I felt that in my bones. I play a cleric in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign I’m in, and we spent 3 or 4 sessions stuck in a dungeon filled with poison gas where we took 1d6 poison damage every hour. So no long rests there. Top that off with the fact that we’ve been in the Chultan jungle even longer, and we don’t get long rests unless we can find and secure a very safe location, and the pain of being a spellcaster and not getting a long rest is REAL.
And then no one was acknowledging her at first! Yeah later Fjord and Beau were like “yeah yeah we agree” but she had to say it so many times!!! And I kept shouting at my screen “listen to Laura Bailey!!!” thinking “my dudes you can do ALL of this talking and planning while you rest pleeeeze get that rest it” because I play a cleric too and running out of a spells is a thing.
Of course, having finished the episode/in hindsight, I’m actually not sure if the even had a full 8 hours from the moment Jester finished her Commune with Artagan to the moment the Tomb Takers arrived, but still. I feel so bad for Laura right now knowing she only has ONE SPELL SLOT left and they’re going up against the Lucien and Cree. She’s clever so I’m sure she’ll think of something but that just is a really sucky feeling going into any battle knowing you don’t have a lot of slots left, let alone The Super Scary Big Battle ahead. soo. yeah. Gonna be worrying about that all week through the end of the next episode. 
Also side note but jeez poor Laura rolling two one’s on that Heroes Feast. She needs to cleanse her dice or buy new ones altogether. she has the WORST luck with rolls.
IT!!! FINALY!!! HAPPENED!!!! I have been longing for Essek to see the Tower since episode 124 if not longer and at last! It was wonderful. AND CALEB SHOWED HIM THE NINTH FLOOR!!! amazing. fantastic. and what a talk. what a talk. ughh yes. they didn’t really have much time in the Tower outside of the Heroes Feast and the long rest but i’m sooooo glad Caleb got the chance to give the tour and they could talk. YAY!
Pursuing Lucien & Cree
Does anyone have any ideas of what they can do here? UGHH i wanna speculate on the best strategy for them (just because I find it to be a fun thought exercise). Like digging through the collapsed tunnel might take too long? Although we have no idea how long Lucien and Cree need. Hopefully the lack of the rest of the 3 Tomb Takers slows them down somewhat but who even knows at this point. I’ve been wondering if there are any teleportation spells that might work -- but Essek’s teleport is way too high to risk in Aeor right? Wonder if there’s any spells to magically clear the rubble? I’m stumped on this one. Super excited to see what they do but in the meantime while I have to wait would love to ponder this puzzle.
Fjord & the Rangers
not super wanting to like dive into intense discourse about this but like. I did have thoughts so here goes. I don’t blame Fjord for making the decision that he did, he had to make a spilt second decision and it seemed very in character for him to choose what he did. It did seem like he was trying to stall to help his party members get more rest, and it makes sense that he’d want to do that, BUT. here’s the thing. Battles in DND only take a minute or so TOPS. There’ s no way the battle itself would slow down the TT. If you’re hoping to delay the TT, you gotta hope the rangers can do enough damage to force them to at least take a short rest if not a long one. That’d only give an hour and that’s still not enough for the long rest the M9 need. 
ALL THAT SAID!!! I think there’s a very good chance that whatever that battle did helped lower the TT’s HP enough so that the traps the M9 laid could finish off the three members it did. So I don’t think it was in vain. Worth it as a delay tactic? Ehh not really. Worth it to hurt the TT? Yes.
And while I do think that Fjord and Essek knew the chances were high they were sending the rangers to their Doom (a) I think the rangers being here in Aeor know that’s an everyday possibility to begin with, and (b) I still think there’s a chance they might have been able to survive/flee. Maybe the TT decided to push past them and fled from the skirmish themselves? Yes it’s possible everyone (including Dagen T_T) fell during that battle, but I don’t think that’s set in stone. 
Also I don’t think the TT would think it’s weird to come across the rangers, they likely already knew they were there. And another thing -- even if they were like “Hmm rangers coincidentally by the entrance we were going to use?” Look they know the M9 became unscryable AND were trying to stop them. I honestly think the TT knew to be on the lookout for TM9 no matter what. And in hindsight -- which obvs Fjord did not have but we know now -- Lucien way underestimated them bc hey, despite everything, the trap still worked. Like, very much of what the M9 was trying to do during this whole arc was keep their cards close to their chest so Lucien would underestimate them. They really did lay the groundwork for that when they were traveling with them. Yeah technically they sort of revealed some of their hand during the Gelidon fight buuut they also ran from the TT limping later that day. So. Yeah. Anyways. 
I’m rambling now and gotta go start dinner. But those are my initial thoughts!!!! Happy to engage in polite discourse. Main things I love talking about are theories for what happens next!!! and also hello, this is my first like, big post in the tag although I’ve already posted a few times in the shadowgast tag. 
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uservillanelle · 4 years
Killing Eve ― 3x04 (Review)
Last episode was... something else for me. Episode 3 will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart because of Villaneve’s kiss and all that, but this episode. It has to be my favorite this season and if they keep up like that... not only will we have a PERFECT season, but it will be impossible for me to pick a favorite episode. I’ve watched it probably close to 10 times already and I’m not going to wait any longer. We have bunch of stuff to discuss! So let’s start!! (This will be a LONG review, so I apologize in advance lol!)
The Titles
It’s so interesting that they chose this season to experiment with episodes. Back in episode 2 we had the very first additional credits sequence which I, personally, liked a lot. However, maybe they didn’t like it as much? Since they didn’t use it anymore. I wonder why they haven’t placed the credits sequence in the premiere instead? It would still be unpredictable gesture, so I’m still wondering about it.
ANYWAYS! By titles, I meant the NAME titles this episode. The past two seasons we were used to having titles that indicate the names of PLACES e.g. RUSSIA, LONDON, TUSCANY ect. They are still doing that, in different way, the letters are smaller now and they use this interesting “blinds” effect that the letters appear and move like blinds would if we opened/closed them? Really nice touch, I must say. It’s something different, something we haven’t really seen before in the show. 
Now the names. I’ve read a couple of people saying something like “why the name titles? we obviously know who the person is? so what’s the point of that?!” I found that quite funny lol! I mean, YES, we know exactly who they are but that’s not the reason why they’re using those name titles. Name titles, in this case, are to show us WHO the show is focusing on for the time being. That also means that the normal sequence of events will be disrupted since there won’t be any scenes switching between different characters. For some reason I felt like something like this happened before but then I remembered that something like this was used in another show called Dare Me! That’s why it felt so familliar and Killing Eve is exploring that type of narrative and honestly, I dig it. Yeah, it might get confusing for some people, having to bounce back and forth between the timeline and the events, but it’s perfect for those of us who has a sharp eye for details. It’s for the viewers who analyse and put pieces together. It’s exactly what Eve is doing at the end of the day with all the kills, isn’t it? So thinking about it, makes it all even more fascinating. Damn. I’m REALLY falling for the show... aren’t I?
The titles makes it SOO much easier for me to write these reviews as they basically tell which character they are focusing on right now and that’s what I did in my reviews lmao! I’ll just follow the characters in the episode so I’m sure you guys will be able to catch up with me with no problems!
I didn’t see it coming. The way they released all those trailers/sneak peeks featuring Niko made it seem like he was finally getting his fresh start and like, I had a feeling we might even get an episode fully focused on him and maybe Eve or something? So, that’s how well they mix things up. My mind, yet again, has been BLOWN. 
Before we talk about the elephant in the room, I just want to say that Niko was a good person. I might not have been a huge fan of him, but I felt IT. Speaking of fans, I think it’s normal to NOT like him because he is playing the boring husband type and obviously he stands between Villaneve. But other than that, he IS a good, ordinary person. It’s a fact and Eve knows it. Niko keeps Eve grounded, safe, STABLE. He is all those things she found boring before in season 1 and didn’t appreciate enough I feel, because she was too used to them as all of us are. 
He gets to play the part of a normal, ordinary man who got scared when he found out that his wife is chasing an assassin, who soon enough possibly murdered Eve’s colleague and a dear friend. Yet, it didn’t seem to slow Eve down nor did she notice any of the red flags in front of her face that straight up screamed DANGER. I think most of us would’ve reacted to things like that the way Niko did. Yes, we would’ve been a boring man/woman who the viewers hate, because they crave for danger and psychotic obssession filled with hatred and lust and a LOT of craziness. It’s what we crave now, watching the show and WAITING for Villaneve to happen. 
This morning I’ve been watching a few of reactions of the episode and I got to explore different perspectives of people reacting to the same thing. I love that. I want to know what other people see in things, you know? And so... one of the people made a point about KE writers killing off whoever they want, probably to surprise the viewers as they probably don’t know how else to drive the story. Meaning that Kenny or Niko didn’t have to die. But that’s the whole point... one thing is to claim that they are doing whatever they want with the show, but another is to actually COME UP with ideas for a decent, I mean.. not even decent, AN AMAZING plot that people would be shocked and amazed by at the same time. You can only go this far without having to touch any of the main characters, you know? There comes a time when you have to make big, serious choices in terms of the story and this season Suzanne is GOING FOR IT. Like I mentioned in my previous post here, the first two seasons were amazing, but it only NOW feels like things are getting real. Suzanne took over and she’s getting shit done. She’s taking this responsibility and making huge important choices that will shift the main plot AND Villaneve in certain direction and so far it’s going sooo smoothly and brilliantly. 
I mean, yes, Niko deserves to start over and have a nice life but the moment Villanelle found out about Eve... Niko’s fate was decided for him whether he liked it or not. And having him simply disappear from Eve’s life AND from the show as if nothing... I’d see it as waste of character’s potential. So instead of not having Niko around but have HIM affect the story in such a profound way, I think killing him off was a great idea. This way... his character gains so much more meaning and it helps to drive the main story forward, but most importantly it will change and affect Eve in ways we have never seen before. So, I think I’ve read somewhere that Owen McDonnell (Niko) wanted his character to go out with a bang, and he truly did. Yes, it was a very brutal, shocking death but it was definitely a very strong one.
Now, the soundtracks STRIKE yet again. I’m talking about Niko’s soundtrack, Dear Diary by The Moody Blues is soo well fitting for his character while showing him trying to start over with his life. It carries this... sort of bittersweet feeling, but at the same time it’s so... freeing? And the lyrics speak his story without Niko having to say anything at all. 
“ Woke up too late. Wasn't where I should have been For goodness sake, what's happening to me?” 
Yeah, he WOKE UP a bit too late and realized that the life he had wasn’t really for him anymore.
“So many people by the score Rushing around as senselessly They don't notice there's people like me”
And we basically see him drive through the town and watch people going with their lives and not really notice him for who he is now, for what he had to go through. Probably none of them had to go through so much trauma and had their lives in danger the way Niko has.
“If they weren't so blind, then surely they'd see There's a much better way for them to be”
Perfect description for Niko the previous two seasons. Now that he’s “woken up” I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought that way. Again, this show picks the soundtracks for a reason and I’m not sure if in first two seasons the songs described and spoke instead of characters, but this season they are really going for it. 
Oh boy, where do we start?
So... from now on Eve spends her nights at Bitter Pill office. I mean, after being shot by a crazy assassin girlfriend, who, found out where Eve’s living now, it’s more than understandable for her to NOT want to stay in her apartment any longer. But staying in the office is not the best idea either. I mean, she still can go back to her apartment to clean up and all that? Guess not this day. Which happens to be her BIRTHDAY. I was convinced that Villanelle sent her the cake of a bus was only to remind her off their mindblowing kiss, because let’s remember back in 1x04 Villanelle had just murdered Bill and threw a birthday party to Konstantin. And it wasn’t his birthday. Yes, she tried to get on his good side, but I really thought this would be yet another example of Villanelle’s behavior. Turns out.. it IS Eve’s birthday... and my mind is blown yet again. I NEED to know what day is her birthday. Like, seriously?! And.. Niko hasn’t messaged her despite it being her birthday. Like.. you two have huge issues still, but hello? It’s your wife’s birthday... or maybe he forgot? But here is Villanelle not forgetting about Eve’s special day... and the fact that it’s a goddamn bus... WE GET IT, VILLANELLE, YOU’RE A HOPELESS ROMANTIC.
Before the cake arrives, we have a scene of Eve cleaning up in the bathroom, checking out her bruise and then the moment with Bear. Everything made total sense. Eve brushing her teeth, smelling herself, probably aware that she’s in desperate need for a shower, then again smelling her hair until Bear points it out for her. Yes, SMELL is the reoccuring theme in Killing Eve. So that was alright. Everything was going smoothly UNTIL Bear spotted the UNDERWEAR. Now, I did some digging to find a confirmation that it indeed was underwear and not some random piece of clothing or whatever... and in one of the recaps online they did say it was underwear. My question is... WHY? Why did they include THAT specific bit? The fact that Eve needs a shower was established more than ONCE, out loud and through a solo scene in the bathroom. So it got me thinking... and by thinking, I almost immediately got an idea... If it’s still not clear for you, let me remind you just how the last episode ended... with Eve sitting on her bed listening to Villanelle’s recording with her eyes closed. And now... the underwear being spotted and throwin in a bin and all the smell? Okay, I’m so going to say it now. Eve masterbated while listening to Villanelle’s voice. Okay. To me it happened and the underwear bit is a confirmation of that. And if that’s not the case... please let me know because I NEED to know what the hell did that bit mean. But until someone does that... I already know what happened and I’m happy with it. 
Now the cake moment. So not only does Villanelle know where Eve’s apartment is but where she works?! This gurl is putting some EFFORT for her girlfriend and on top of that buying a very expensive cake which Eve threw off the rooftop moments later. The reason for that is.. Villanelle. Duh. I was completely mesmerized by that scene. Again, THE SOUNDTRACK. I love, love, LOVE this score that was playing during the scene. It’s probably another new addition to Unloved album, but if anyone has seen it somewhere or has a link, please let me know!! The lyrics do all the work in this scene too...
“Set me free”
It all started in season 1 episode 7 when Villanelle told Agniya that she’s free to go and do whatever she wanted to. She replied with “I don’t want to be free” so she was killed off. Now, Being FREE has been mentioned SEVERAL times this episode. Including the lyrics in the soundtrack AND Sandra Oh talking about Eve trying to FREE herself from the Twelve and basically from the life she has been living before. Such a huge theme for Killing Eve. What does it mean for Eve to be free? Is it the same thing as it is for Villanelle? Again, in the scene with the accountant’s wife, Bertha, Villanelle tells her “You’re free now. You can be whoever you want.” and the other replies only with “But.. I don’t want to be free”. What an iconic parallel. So, for Villanelle, being free is being alone, as it seems. And in this case Eve is desperately clinging to Niko because she, like Bertha, doesn’t want to be free. Or more like.. she THINKS she doesn’t want to be free. So all those small gifts coming from Villanelle including the cake tells Eve that she CAN be set free. And.. as we can see from how the episode eneded.. Eve is now finally FREE. 
She opens the box soo carefully, not knowing what to expect from Villanelle and then sees the cake. Immediatelly gets flashbacks to their moment in the bus and how they fought and most importantly, KISSED. And next thing you know... we see how a gush of air blows in her face with the sound of someones BREATH. The sound of it is soo familiar. We know exactly who it is. Villanelle, breathing in Eve’s face. And for a second she closes her eyes. Gives into it... into Villanelle but then something shifts, the struggle within her continues to take over and she grabs the cake once she gets emotional and throws it off the roof. Only to instantly regret it afterwards. The complexity of this scene and of Eve’s character is just.. on one hand she hates feeling like this now that she knows she has feelings for Villanelle, but on the other hand she likes it... she admits it and a part of her just wants to give in. We saw the same thing, only reversed feelings, in previous episode. She finally gave in and kissed Villanelle only to headbutt her right after, once she realized what she did and how WRONG it’s supposed to be. Here, she gives in for a moment.. closes her eyes and then realizes how fucked up that is and what a terrible person and WIFE she must be so she throws it off and THEN the feelings for Villanelle comes back... I just have to say.. I’M LOVING THIS! I hope that at the end of the season Eve WILL fully accept her feelings for Villanelle and become new version of herself, new version of Eve who is FREE. And I can’t wait to see what kind of person will independent Eve be like.
Next. Eve and Jamie. I’ve seen pictures of them in Jamie’s house and I did NOT like that atll. I still have a feeling something might happen between them and god, do I hope I’m wrong. But that scene as they were just chilling in his living room was so great for Eve because she needed someone to have this frank conversation with. She has been focusing on herself lately so much that she didn’t think other people did mistakes or terrible things like she did until Jamie proved her wrong. FINALLY we are getting some information about the dude. Even if it’s not pretty. At least it’s the truth. Eve really needed to hear it and especailly the ‘choices’ part. Someone had to remind her that SHE is in control of her own life and it all depends on the choices she makes at the end of the day. 
Speaking of choices, as soon as Eve gets a reply from Niko, she gets hopeful and goes even as far as to meet him. I appreciate that she is putting so much effort in trying to fix things between her and Niko, but at the same time I feel she’s only doing this for herself... meaning, that she doesn’t want to lose the person that keeps her somewhat SANE still and used to ground her. And in the middle of this, she gets so distracted with this thing with Niko, she doesn’t even realize that it’s not actually Niko who’s messaging her and really, I don’t blame her for not realizing it, I, myself, the first time watching didn’t catch the sight of Dasha in the beginning and yeah I was also played like Eve. But this is where I noticed a nice similarity/parallel between Eve and Villanelle. Eve’s all distracted with Niko and desperate to patch things up, she’s not realizing how someone else might be manipulating/using her. DASHA is doing exactly that. And she does the same thing with Villanelle at the same time. Now, Villanelle is all about family this season, whenever she hears about family, suddenly she’s distracted and the same is with power. I mean.. is she really that naive to trust Dasha again? It looks like Villanelle believes everything Dasha tells her, or almost everything. And so Dasha gets to manipulate her into doing what she wants her to do.
Gotta mention the teddy bear Eve found in one of Jamie’s rooms she’s staying at. Literally the previous night Villanelle sent her a teddy bear with recording and even here... at some strangers house she finds a teddy bear. Seems like she can’t get away from Villanelle no matter how much she tries. “What do you want from me?” She’s asking Villanelle because she clearly isn’t leaving her alone. 
The last scene with Eve witnessing Niko’s death... all I can say is GIVE SANDRA OH A GODDAMN EMMY ALREADY!!! Her seeing Niko suddenly being stabbed with a fucking pitchfork in the neck forced her to freeze and stare in terror and that chuckle of disbelief that followed afterwards.. as if saying “am I dreaming? Is this really happening? It can’t be” because Kenny JUST died... what are the fucking odds someone just stabbed Niko in front of her eyes?! I would lose my SHIT... and Sandra expressed it so beautifully... her slowly approaching the scene but then has that massive lump in her throat and she can’t breath and next second she’s losing her balance and falling to her knees in complete defeat and just stares at his body... powerless to do anything about it. This scene and the scene where Konstantin tells Villanelle that Eve is alive.. these two scenes HAVE to bring Jodie and Sandra EMMY’S because thats ART of acting and pure talent and I can’t imagine them NOT getting the awards they deserve. And they deserve EVERY single one. 
So there is literally NO ONE left for Eve. Bill’s long gone, Kenny as well, now Niko. I think that will be the last straw for Eve. I really don’t know how she will be able to come back from this or.. keep going. She’ll have to do it to avenge the people she loved. But she really has no one except Villanelle now. And I think.. yeah, Villanelle will also only have Eve when she’s done with her “family” and realizes that Konstantin/Dasha were playing her and Eve all over again. 
You’re in some DEEP shit, mister.
Question time. Why Konstantin went to visit Irina? What was the point of doing so? Was it only so he could ask about the German car that his wife’s boyfriend owns? Or was it purely on Irina’s part? Because the conversation they had proved once more that Konstantin is NOT fooling anyone. Everybody knows he’s working for himself. Eve pointed it out during Kenny’s funeral, then Villanelle with “You’re full of shit” and now Irina, paralleling Villanelle by saying “you’re full of shit” and walking off. This girl has grown so much and she’s soo mature already and smart and a fucking badass! I missed her. And by putting her father in his place she mentioned ending up “dead” .. you know what that sounds like to me? FORESHADOWING. It is exactly that, isn’t it? For Irina to straight up tell him his future if he doesn’t stop whatever he’s doing. And I guess he won’t stop.. or will he?
So... was it him who stole those 6 millions? I thought it was Sergei... but it kind of seemed like someone set him up. Was it Konstantin? Because when he went to visit Bertha and she mentioned about how her husband worked out who took the money... and Konstantin’s face during that scene... he is literally shitting his pants lol! That makes me believe he had something to do with this and he defintitely has... but what exactly did he do? And now that Bertha knows about the email and some information about it, Konstantin doesnt hesitate to reach out to Villanelle to ask her to get rid of the accountants wife only to save his own arse. Once again.
Next up: Konstantin’s relationship with his DAUGHTERS. Am I the only one who sees that Konstantin is treating Irina AND Villanelle the same way?! They basically have the same dynamic. Both Irina and Villanelle curse at Konstantin, have their small tantrums with him and can put him in his place. And both of them have already done so. And let’s not forget... the producers ALSO call Villanelle and Irina his DAUGHTERS so it’s confirmed. Everybody knows it. And recently I saw a BTS video of this latest episode about Konstantin and hearing Jodie then say “then there’s Konstantin’s REAL daughter” and then there’s dramatic close up on Villanelle LMAO! The jealousy and the way they edited it... damn. Okay, let’s just agree Villanelle is Konstantin’s daughter. 
Now, did he visit Geraldine?! Because when we saw Carolyn drive back home, she saw Konstantin walking from the same direction her place is located. And her daughter was home at the time... so did Geraldine lie about Konstantin not visiting her and being there or she didn’t even know when Konstantin sneaked inside? I’m getting really suspicious now.
Villanelle? Listening to MUSIC? What did I miss? Back in season 1 she was interested only in national anthems. Now she’s listening to other kind of music?! Music to me is EVERYTHING, it’s a massive escape, it’s something that helps me get through every day and it evokes FEELINGS. It is associated with feelings so much and what does it say about Villanelle? That she has FEELINGS. The layers are slowly being peeled off her as Oksana is coming out and I can’t wait for the next episode. I’ll write another small analysis/discussion about Oksana and Villanell soon as I feel this deserves a separate discussion.Going back to the topic of music, at the end of the episode Villanelle arrives HOME and is wearing headphones indicating that she probably was listening to music on her way there. I’m sensing BIG changes. Villanelle is truly progressing and developing and we are getting to witness it!
Okay. the part we all have been waiting for. THE HICCUPS. The very first time they start is EXACTLY after Konstantin mentions “FAMILY” Villanelle is really invested in her family now and was in previous episode so now knowing that Konstantin found them probaly quickened her breathing and she got nervous/excited. The hiccups are involuntary contractions. You can’t control it. And at the same time they tend to be constant. We have never seen Villanelle have them before. And they only start after she hears “FAMILY”. This reminds me of a scene in 1x02 where Konstantin tells Villanelle Eve’s name for the first time and then suddenly the champagne’s bottle pops. It’s a sign. And the hiccups seemed to stop for a short period of time, right until Bertha approaches Villanelle and tells her that she wants to be a FAMILY and hugs her. Seconds later hiccups come back. The concept of FAMILY must be very foreign to Villanelle. It’s something she never really had and so now learning about her family, something so unknown to her, is affecting her body. And the way I see it... the hiccups are like a constant reminder to her, that yes, she never had family and that she’s finally interested to find that family again. So the hiccups symbolize the LOSS of something she never had. In this case, her family. Because we see her get off the train at the end of the episode and she reaches out to touch her neck. This scene for me has so many different meanings it’s sooo fascinating? And one of the meanings, probably the main one, is that she reaches out to her neck once she realizes that hiccups are finally gone. And that is exactly when she’s back at HOME. Back where her FAMILY is. So it’s like... she’s no longer alone, the void from before has been filled because she found her family now. 
Now, the very first time I watched the episode and that last scene.. I was like “shit, did she, by any chance, feel Niko’s pain?!” I mean that’s IMPOSSIBLE. Because Niko has just been stabbed in the neck with pitchfork and yeah it just occured to me. But then... I realized that maybe it’s not Niko’s pain she’s feeling but EVE’S. We see Eve freeze and struggle to breathe and have lump in her throat and that’s when Villanelle stops having her hiccups and she has this MOMENT. Almost the same moment as Eve had when she felt Villanelle’s BREATH on her face.The connection thesr two have... I mean.. VILLANEVE IS ENDGAME, OKAY?!
We got a tiny problem now. Dasha FRAMED Villanelle. It got me thinking.. this is basically a betrayal. And could that mean.. that maybe Dasha did something similar to Villanelle in the past? Like, framed her with some kill? Could it be that huge thing that happened between the two of them? I hope we will find out at some point this season. And I mean.. the way Dasha killed Niko is NOT Villanelle’s style at all. Villanelle had PLENTY of chances to kill Niko herself and she didn’t because she knew well enough that if she hurts Niko, Eve will never forgive her for that. So she didn’t. But Eve doesn’t know that. She wasn’t a part of that conversation Villanelle had with Niko and Gemma. What Eve does know... is Villanelle’s handwriting. The iconic “Sorry Baby” should be a perfect example. Let’s not forget the postcard Villanelle sent to Eve in Amsterdam. Yes, Carolyn took it, but maybe... she’ll give it to Eve once she knows what happened? I mean there is NO way Eve will believe that crappy note is Villanelle’s. Not even her handwriting. Plus... if Villanelle wanted to kill Niko, I don’t think she would’ve done it in front of her eyes. And even if she did... I think she would have wanted Eve to SEE her do it. At the end of the day, Villanelle wants Eve to know about each and every kill she does. And Niko wouldn’t be an exception. She’d leave a PERSONAL note/message for Eve. What did Dasha leave?! “Still Got It”? Really bitch? Is that a note to Eve or Villanelle? If it’s to Villanelle... you just prepared your grave, Dasha. I can only imagine Eve finding out it was Dasha and ending up killing her to avenge her husband. And Villanelle being there to gladly assist her with everything she needs.
Never thought frog sounds could be this relaxing
She’s still dealing with Kenny’s death. In her own way. I mean, I understand Geraldine completely when she confronts her mom and basically tells her that she wants them to talk about Kenny’s death. If I was in her place, I would want to talk about it too. But Carolyn doesn’t seem to operate in that way. Plus, she dropped the line “there are things you don’t tell me, that are for quite different reasons” and she means it about Konstantin. She saw him leave her house. Geraldine said nothing about it. So... is she working with Konstantin now? What’s happening?
The dynamic between Carolyn and Konstantin though. Both of them are double agents and ready to betray one another at any given time despite knowing each other for YEARS. One minute they are working together as they were in season 2, then now Konstantin is doing his own thing, and even maaybe going behind Carolyn’s back with her own DAUGHTER?! I don’t believe this. I don’t think Geraldine knows about him visiting the house.. or does she?!
She comes back home, lies down and turns on frog sounds to relax herself while grabbing a pillow to press against her own face. Makes me wonder if she did it because she kept on repeating that she MISSES Kenny’s smell, but why would that pillow smell like him? So maybe she only wants to run away from the world and shut off by grabbing the pillow? Though for a moment or two I really got worried she might be suffocating herself lol! Careful with grief, Carolyn!
The old hag of the hour. 
You fucked up, Dasha. BIG TIME. But before we get into the killing, I have to mention the scene where she meets the Lady of the Twelve. That’s what I will call her from now on. So, she’s either a keeper, or someone higher. I don’t think she is one of the Twelve, but she might be very close to them. Probably an assistant or something? Because she obviously has the power to HANDLE the HANDLERS. In this case, Dasha. I mean, I only saw her once and I already have the hotts for this lady, but she’s one of the bad guys and... WHEN DID THAT STOP ME BEFORE? I’m literally in love with a psychotic assassin LOL! 
Can I just point out the fact that the Twelve KNOW about VILLANEVE??? Apparently they have spies EVERYWHERE, like Eve said back in season 1 episode 3. “They are completely invisible and they could be literally everywhere”. That explains someone spotted Villanelle going around London, buying expensive ass perfume only to visit and fight with her girlfriend. And the Twelve know it. That’s a HUGE thing. They are treating it like a huge thing and they do not like Villanelle chasing Eve. That makes me think... so why would Konstantin let Villanelle know that Eve is alive if he is also working for the Twelve?! The same is with Carolyn and Eve!! Like?? Who is working for who now and who is betraying who?! I need explanations and QUICK!
Now Dasha proposing she can kill Eve... is this yet another foreshadowing moment? I know, the lady told her NOT to do it, but I have a feeling Dasha will try to hurt Eve at some point... and I hope Eve will be ready for it. As much as I would LOVE for Villanelle to save Eve.. I want Eve to handle Dasha by herself and take her revenge. I want dark!Eve at the end of this season. Am I asking for too much?! She already killed once. Might as well do it twice lol!
 So Dasha is supposed to “drive a wedge” between Eve and Villanelle. And when I realized Dasha stole Niko’s phone and was texting Eve to come to him... my first thought was “Okay, so is Dasha really trying to bring Eve and Niko back together?!?” But that is complete NONSENSE! I mean, I don’t think even a professional therapist will be able to bring them back together OR let alone recommend them to try to fix their marriage so how in the HELL would Dasha do it? It didn’t make sense.. but how else can she really fuck up Villaneve? Apprently by getting rid of Niko!! Dasha, sweetie... you ONLY BROUGHT THEM CLOSER BY ELIMINATING THE ONLY OBVIOUS OBSTACLE IN THEIR WAY!!! The hell was she thinking?! Does she really believe Eve will fall for her bullshit? Or does she expect Eve to find out it was HER and that’s when Dasha gets to kill Eve?! I don’t think she’s that smart. Either way... Dasha is done. I can totally see her dying this season, or possibly somehow magically escaping but I doubt it. Eve and Villanelle will deal with this bitch and it will be SOO delicious to watch them get their revenge.  
Overall Thoughts
JESUS. This was a LONG ass review. I honestly apologize, but if you reached this point, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You’re all amazing for spending your time reading my nonsense lol! It’s just that this episode had soo many great things worth discussing and so many symbols and meanings that make the show so complex and fascinating and god... I could talk about it for hours. I probably spend around 3-4 hours writing this so yeah, the proof that I have a serious fixation lol! 
But like I said.. this episode is my favorite this season. Perfect. I can only imagine how great the next 4 episodes will be. Also, can’t believe we are already halfway into the season. It’s crazy how quick the time flies!
And as always, if you have any thoughts/reactions/predictions you’d like to share don’t be afraid to message me or drop in my askbox!! I’m always up for discussing things like that!! 
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byunsbobobu · 4 years
Surprise! ( part 1)
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Baekhyun Best Friend/Idol x Reader (ft HYUNJIN )
Fluff, angst, smut in next chapter
Part 2
{Summary: Your best friend Baekhyun has been away on tour with his group mates EXO. You haven’t seen him in over 5 months. No calls, text messages, nothing. Busy with his touring schedule you thought you would never see your best friend for another couple months. You’d stay up late at night hoping he’d call to talk to you about his day, but he never did. You began to think he had forgotten about you, until one night you decide to give him a call unexpectedly he picks up and, the next thing you know Baekhyun shows up at y/n door surprising her.}
“Wow, y/n is that really your best friend” your roommate ask’s while you both were watching videos of him and his group mates EXO performing. “Yes, that is him alright. Byun Baekhyun”. You and your roommate haven’t known each other for too long. Since starting college last semester, you guys have grown surprisingly close. “You never told me your best friend was hot” she gawks towards her screen, practically drooling. “and that he could also sing like that.” She looked at the screen excitedly watching Baekhyun. You guys were watching their EXO’s 2018 Music Bank performance of “Tempo.” Tuning your roommates voice out you start to think about Baekhyun and how you haven’t heard from or seen Baekhyun in over 5 months. It was sad. You thought he’d make an effort to at least call you at the end of the night to tell you about how he’s doing, and how the tour is going, but you got nothing. You hunch over a little bit on the couch resting your hand on your chin and you let out a sigh. Your roommate notices your change of mood from just a few moments ago. Pausing the video, she turns over to face you. Her eyes looking at you with concern. “What’s wrong?’ she asks. “You seem down? Everything okay?” Sighing you look at her with sad eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just I miss him. I haven’t seen him since 5 months ago before he left for tour.” You answer truthfully. She gives you a soft smile, patting your shoulder lightly comforting you. “It must be hard” she says. “Being friends with an Idol and not being able to see them every day huh?” You nod. “Yeah. I guess it is” you chuckle. You’d never tell anyone this, but ever since 5 months ago you had begun to develop somewhat of a crush on your best friend. You don’t know how it happened, but it just happened. Baekhyun was always there for you whenever you needed him for whatever it was Baekhyun was always there, and so you started to slowly depend on his comforting words and hugs. You’d never confess that to him or anyone for that matter afraid of ruining your long-time friendship. “Do you want to watch something else? Get your mind off him?” Your roommate asked. Rubbing your back for comfort. “No, it’s fine we can still watch” you smiled at her. “Besides.. you haven’t seen half of these performances yet.”
The rest of the night you and your roommate continued to watch videos of EXO. Finally entering your room, you plop down on your bed letting out a long sigh. Laying on your back, your folded hands laying flat on your stomach staring up the ceiling you start to think about what Baekhyun must be up to right now. You thought if you should give him a call. Rolling over to the side of your bed where your nightstand was you grab your phone turning it on. The phone light blinding you from the over sensitivity from being in the dark for a few minutes. You check your Instagram to see if he has posted anything new. Finding nothing you put your phone face down on your stomach. “I’m going to just give him a quick call” you thought to yourself. “Not like he’ll pick up anyways.” Picking your phone up you started dialing his number
You felt like you were waiting an eternity. Your heart beating fast against your chest you thought it was about to explode. Why were you so nervous to talk to him? You never felt nervous to talk to your best friend before. Sighing about to hang up the phone the line goes silent. You heard mumbling in the background, like he must’ve been talking to someone. Thinking he must’ve answered without realizing you were about to hang up until you heard his deep raspy voice on the other line “Hello y/n” you could feel the smile on his lips through the phone as he spoke. “H-Hi Baek” you say shocked that he actually picked up after all this time. “What’s wrong? Why are you calling this late?” He asks concern laced in his voice. He obviously thought you called him because something had happened and not because you missed hearing his soothing voice. “Nothing” you answer. “Just calling to say hello. I haven’t heard from you in a while that’s all. He chuckles. God I missed that laugh, you thought to yourself. “I’m good y/n. I’ve been so busy ever since tour started.” He started. “I apologize for not calling often. Did you miss me?” He asks. You didn’t even need to see Baekhyun to know that he had a smug smirk on his face stupidly handsome face. Rolling your eyes, you mumble a “very” hoping he didn’t hear. “Well, I missed you too y/n” Your eyes going wide. He heard you. The line fell to an awkward silence for a couple seconds. Breaking the awkward silence, you tell him that it’s getting late and that you needed to get to bed, because you had an early class in the morning. “Well, listen I got to go now. I have an early class tomorrow morning.” You chuckle waiting for his response. “Okay y/n, have a good night. It was nice hearing your voice.” He says, making you blush. “Goodnight Baekhyun.” After the phone call with Baekhyun you drifted off to sleep with a huge grin on your face.
The next morning you woke up with the sound of your alarm going off. Groaning you roll over on your bed eyes still shut and turn your alarm off. Slowly opening your eyes, you squint due to the sunlight coming from your window hitting your face. Rolling back onto your stomach you remember the conversation with Baekhyun from last night. His voice, his laugh. You missed hearing his voice so much. You couldn’t even contain the smile on your face. If anyone were to walk in right now they would think you looked like a madwoman smiling up at your ceiling. Realizing that you have to get up and get on with your life you make your way to the edge of your bed. You had 30 minutes to get ready for your 8 am class. Walking to your closet you pick out your outfit for the day. Setting on a pair of black skinny jeans and your favorite Metallica t-shirt and converse you walk towards the bathroom fixing your hair and brushing your teeth.
Once you step foot outside your room your roommate was already at the kitchen.She was sitting at the kitchen table and eating a bowl of fruit loops. She looks over at me with her faced stuffed with fruit loops waving you a good morning. Swallowing her food, she speaks. “How did you sleep?” she asks. “Good!” you answer rather excitedly. Picking up on your happy mood she smiles. “Soo, I heard you on the phone with someone last night” quirking an eyebrow at you. “Who were you talking to?” she ask’s clearly curious on who you were talking to that so happened to leave you in such a good mood this morning. “Oh, just Baekhyun” you answer her. She raises her eyebrows at you a smirk plastered on her face. “Interesting.” She says. Confused on why she’s acting so peculiar you ask her. “What’s that look for?” you ask her, crossing your arms. “Oh nothing, just you’re so giddy this morning.” Rolling your eyes, you grab your bag heading towards the door. “You’re not going to eat breakfast?” she asks. “I’m just going to grab something quick at school. See you later.” You give her a smile waving her goodbye. As soon as you step outside your apartment your roommate speaks. “Whipped” she chuckles shaking her head and resumes to eat her cereal.
Later that evening were walking home with your friend Hyunjin from your last class of the day. “Damn, that class was whack today.” Hyunjin says, taking a sip from his iced americano. “It wasn’t that bad” you reply. “True, at least we weren’t assigned some crazy project to do over the weekend” Hyunjin says. Rolling your eyes, you shake your head at him. “You’re so lazy Hyunjin” Shoving you gently Hyunjin whines. “So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?” Hyunjin ask’s as you both walk towards your apartment. “Probably just hang out with my roommate and binge watch Karama’s together” you reply. “Sounds fun” he says sarcastically. Suddenly scratching his head, you notice his nervous state giving him a concerning look. “You okay Hyunjin?” you ask. “Yeah! Totally. I was just wondering if you wanted to grab dinner?” He asks. Both of you entering inside your apartment building, Hyunjin holding the door for you to enter before him. Smiling at him and thanking him heading inside towards your apartment complex you both trade glance at each other. He was blushing you could tell. You knew Hyunjin had somewhat of a crush on you and you thought it was so cute how flustered he would get around you. You were about to answer his question until you saw someone standing at your door. You paused. Hyunjin looked at you with confusion. “y/n are you okay? What’s wrong?” Hyunjin asks. “Hey, Hyunjin I’ll talk to you later. We can do dinner another time.” You tell him quickly walking towards your door not moving your eyes on the person leaning against your door. You couldn’t believe he was here in front of your door after all this time. He was here. Baekhyun…
 You made your way towards your door. You were now in front of him “Baekhyun?” you ask rather surprised, with a smile on his face he moves from against your door walking towards you. Now standing in front of you, his hands in his pockets. He speaks “Long time no see y/n”
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80s-roger · 4 years
Flirty & Insistent
Pairing: 70s!Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
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note: female reader's ethnicity will not affect the person who reads it. She's just greek and she already has a name but the POV will be in second person.
also, i won’t post smuts/series as often as i did until next month, due to uni’s exams period. but i’ll reblog and stuff, u kno. I’ll work in the meanwhile your requests xx love you all 
ps i worked hard on this one, i hope you like it as much as i did. feedback will be massively appreciated.
requested by anonymous:
"Plss write something smutty about roger being a massive flirt and being soo cheeky the reader(after trying acting indifferent and unimpressed) eventually gives in to the temptation of letting him have his way with her?? 💕💕 "
masterlist // dialogue prompts
summary: you left your country a decade ago to study in the UK and after graduating you established in Mallorca, Spain to work as a mixologist. That summer night, you're working for a party arranged by Queen's management to celebrate their "A Day At The Races" era success. The blonde drummer notices you fixing drinks with confidence and doesn't lose the chance to flirt with you. He's just trying too hard because you play it uninterested until he has his way with you.
word count: 3,933
warnings: surface sex, slow burn (becauase they were talking a lot before, idk if it really is a slow burn tho)
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A huge party was taking place in Mallorca, with the famous rock band Queen being the main guests of the event. You were one of the bartenders so all you had to do that night was fixing drinks for every person until they'd be shitfaced. The preparations were ready: the event was hosted at the beachside, opposite the calm waves and the golden sand. The sunset was magical to stare at, ready to welcome the bright moon. You had a moment to appreciate it before guests would come at any moment. It was the only thing that reminded you of your ex without feeling angsty about it; you gotta admit you didn't break up with good terms. It was toxic, yet heartbreaking. You loved that man but he left after cheating on you. It's been half a year and you needed to give yourself a break from dating and making out regardless of how social your job is and how much flirt you've received.
The guests arrived, minute by minute they'd get from fifty to hundred. Many people were coming to your counter to order drinks and cocktails. Beautiful women and attractive men would try to flirt with you but turned them down politely saying while you're working you can't do otherwise so they respected it. All these people were actually invited by Queen, their management and the entire record company. They were all celebrating Queen's "A Day At The Races" success and certainly the band which were yet to be seen until midnight.
You were working your ass for a couple of hours now until the band showed up. You could tell by the huge welcoming. The applause, the cheers and definitely women cajoling over them. Here they were standing in the centre of attention, thanking everyone for supporting them and buying their records. Their music was playing at the stereo and you couldn't prevent yourself from jamming to their songs.
When their speech was over, everyone was free to do what they wanted so your bar counter was full again with people chatting and drinking. You saw the entire fucking band coming to your place, obviously for an order. You tried to stay calm because hands-off, you liked their music and fangirled a lot when you saw them live last year in London with your boyfriend.
"Hello beautiful, can I have some Moet & Chandon, please? I really need to celebrate!" Freddie spoke first, carrying a wide smile on his face.
"Sure." You kindly accepted his offer.
"I'd like the same with Freddie." Brian interrupted when you moved behind to grab the expensive bottle and open it.
"So do I." John added and you nodded to grab three glasses, for now.
"And you?" You turned your gaze to the blonde handsome drummer who was already checking you out, focusing especially on your face.
"What do you suggest?" He asked with his eyes being totally flirty.
"Ah, darling, just give us the bottle. Roger is kind of undecided when it comes to drinks." Freddie felt the weird vibe growing between Roger and you. John and Brian giggled, looking whether at Roger or you.
"Eh, our waiter will do it for you. Just sit at your table and he'll take care of you." You kindly warned and he laughed.
"Oh, alright then love. We'll wait for our bottle." He laughed and left with his bandmates, leaving Roger and you alone.
"So? What do you suggest?" Roger turned his gaze back at your eyes.
"What do you feel like drinking? Something sweet, strong, alcohol-free?" You asked trying to help him but he was certainly not trying to find what to drink. He was clearly trying to flirt with you.
"Something to keep me up all night, I guess. But don't make me feel dizzy." He put on a crooked smile and hell, he was attractive as fuck. He knew how to play.
"Right, how does a mojito sound?" You recommended.
"Sounds nice and local." He smiled and you turned around to grab the ingredients. "Are you local? 'Cause your accent doesn't sound British to me." He asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Eh no, I am from the Mediterranean area though." You laughed after turning again to him.
"Italian?" He guessed.
"Greek." You answered.
"Oh, I've been to Greece twice." He started.
"Really? When?" You turned your gaze surprised. You had no idea he has come to Greece for holidays.
"Two years ago I was with my ex-girlfriend, in Santorini. The sunset there is amazing. And the next year I went with John and Brian to Crete. We needed a dose of some Mycenaean civilisation. Thankfully we weren't noticed by fans or anyone else. We were clearly there for tourism." He explained. You were impressed he's seen your country, visited two of the many islands your country has.
"Well, we had some political issues when you guys came to Greece. We were recovering from the junta and had some important historical issues by the end of 1974 so I doubt they'd run behind you, no offence." You laughed while fixing his drink.
"Oh, that's bad. But I understand. How come you're here in Mallorca being a bartender?" He asked and leaned closer to you. There was a nice conversation going on.
"Before junta ruled my country, I was sent to England to study because my parents thought I would be privileged. Now you see me in Mallorca because I work here and besides, I wanted to live somewhere that reminds me of Greece. Studying abroad has the privilege of learning a new culture, a new way of life and so on. Which is so wrong for the locals back home." You explained and cut a slice of lemon before having it ready for him.
"Wait, by saying it's wrong, you mean that..." his brain stopped working for a second trying to understand what you meant.
"Patriarchy is the keyword. They want women to get married at 18 and start a family. But obviously, women have to stay home." You were triggered at your words and internally thanked your parents for giving you the chance to go abroad.
"Cheers to your parents then. I wouldn't get the chance to meet you tonight." He was impressed by your short storytime. "How do I say bottoms up in Greek?" He laughed after you placed him his drink.
"It's pronounced áspro páto." You smiled after saying a Greek word. It must have been a year since you last spoke Greek. You haven't visited Greece for a long time. You found yourself in Mallorca. It's spiritually free and not restricting.
"So, I haven't asked you yet. What's your name?" Roger asked after drinking. He made an oddly satisfying grimace which meant he liked your drink.
"Oh, it's Ellen." You answered. His gaze was literally focused on you the entire time. He wouldn't give up this easy.
"So Ellen, make yourself a drink. It's a treat for you." He offered and you kindly accepted. It's not bad, you've been offered many times. Besides, you needed a drink to stay energised.
"Thank you, Mr Taylor." You thanked him and then his smile vanished.
"If you want us to be in good terms, it's gonna be Roger." His hand was warning you.
"Thank you, Roger." You slightly smiled. "It's just that..." you stopped and checked around if your boss is nearby. "We are obliged to speak to our guests in plural." You whispered and he nodded. Possibly understood the situation.
"So what are you doing later?" He asked after swallowing a sip of his mojito.
"We're cleaning the mess and we're heading homes." You said after drinking a shot. A treated drink.
"I'm not talking about your colleagues. I'm talking about you." He was straightforward. He was so into you, it was obvious.
"Oh well, I'll clean up the mess and I'm heading home." You changed the point of view trying to cut off his flirty attitude.
"When's that time? Dawn?" He guessed.
"Probably at the morning. It's a Queen party, I doubt people will leave before the sun rises." You rolled your eyes sarcastically.
"So..." he started. "Have you been listening to our music?" He asked.
"Yes, since your first album. It was brilliant for a newly formed band." You said with a huge smile on your face and he appreciated it. He appreciated that you didn't fangirl in front of him, having that humble and uninterested attitude. He liked feeling like a predator trying to catch his bait.
"What's your favourite song of A Day At The Races?" He asked. He likes talking to people about his music.
"Definitely Somebody To Love." You affirmed, feeling passionate about your answer, that it seemed you could relate your existence to this song.
"Oh, it's a band's fave too. Well, you relate to this song, don't you?" He asked and his body was closer to yours. The counter was the only thing beside you.
"I guess I do." You looked down for a moment, thinking of your ex but his hand touched your jaw trying to lift you up. Your eyes were looking into his and this is how you noticed how blue they eventually are. An ocean.
"Is it about a guy? I'm sure he doesn't deserve you." He tried to cheer you up with his soft smile.
"It's not that. It's..." you sighed. "Well, this is getting too personal." You pulled back trying to stop the situation. But he wouldn't abandon his try.
"Do you have any specific lyric of the song you relate the most?" He asked.
"Yes, there is that one: I've spent all my years in believing you but I just can't get no relief, Lord." You kind of explained the situation within a couple of lyrics. "He cheated on me. He had the audacity of saying it to my face and left without looking back or apologising." You nearly tore but tried to keep it for yourself. This is getting too personal and you're opening your heart to a stranger that you feel comfortable with. Maybe because you've been listening to him and his bandmates for years and you've seen him live too.
"You know..." he looked down for a second trying to find the words. "At least he was honest. He could keep you for his entertainment if things didn't work with the girl he possibly slept with." He tried to wake you, but he was right.
"I don't even know how long he was cheating on me. However, I did notice a weird behaviour in the last couple of months we were together." You answered.
"Be happy that you're not with him anymore. He took your love for granted. This is not how it works." He said with his eyes still focused on yours.
"You know, we once saw you live. Last year." You tried to avoid talking about your ex the entire time.
"Oh! That's great! Did I look nice?" He joked and he gained a laugh from you. That made him feel nice.
"Definitely, you always look nice." You took a moment to check him out. And hell, he looks and smells so nice.
"I'm flattered." He smiled and you pulled back again to do your job. You could see your boss staring at you. That wasn't good.
"You better get going, my boss is supervising us." You said and he got the hint. You were as cold as you could be.
"Sure, will I see you later?" He asked and stood up from his chair, ready to leave.
"No. I'll be too tired by then." You answered and he was saddened by your reply. He thought he had you. His flirting wasn't sufficient. Which means he had to try again.
He left and walked to his bandmates, they were there talking about their success until Roger joined their conversation but it changed as soon as he sat on the sofa next to Brian.
"So, how did it go Rog?" Freddie asked and they were all ready to hear.
"She seems so uninterested and hard to get, I have to try again." He took out one of his cigarettes, ready to smoke and think.
"Ah, your type of girls Roger." Brian laughed. "You like feeling a hunter don't you?" He added.
"Of course I do. But she recently broke up and I reckon she's still into him. How do women's brains work anyway?" He asked, frustrated.
"Oh darling, I don't see her as stuck with her ex as you think she is. She's been avoiding your flirting because she works here." Freddie had a point and John nodded.
"Just wait for her shift to end and make a move. She noticed you were flirting with her." John suggested and they all agreed to it.
"It's gonna take hours. She said it's possible for the party to end after dawn. She also has to clean up with her colleagues." Roger explained and turned his gaze back to you. But you were already looking at him and when you noticed, you turned back to your counter.
"Fine, then do it now," Freddie advised and Roger looked at you considered. "Wait where's she going?" Freddie asked after noticing your figure leaving your position.
"James, would you mind taking my place for a moment? I really need to use the bathroom." You called for your colleague who politely came to your counter.
"Sure, go ahead. I'll be here as long as you need." He smiled and you left for the bathroom to take a very needed pee.
"Shall I go after her?" Roger asked.
"Fucking go!" Freddie pushed Roger to run after you no matter how awkward it would be.
You walked in the staff-only bathroom, rushing to the toilet. After drinking a few shots, you needed to pee like a champion. When you pushed the flusher you unlocked your door and the very first thing you saw, was Roger standing at the wall.
"What the hell are you doing here, get out!" You were shocked by his presence and he wouldn't move.
"This is the only chance I have with you right now. Your boss can't see us." He came closer to you.
"No, but he'll get suspicious!" You tried to pull back until you reached the counter. Now you were sandwiched between Roger and the counter. There was no space between you. His face was coming closer to yours.
"I locked the door in any case." His nose tickled yours and his hands placed you on top of the counter, sitting now and having his bulge, against your area. That feeling is the shit.
"I work here, I can't..." you tried to refuse but the feeling of getting fucked couldn't stop you.
"I can't be in this toilet too, but here I am." His lips touched yours with passion and lust. His arms wrapped your waist and lowered down to your arse, squeezing it gently and your hands moved to his neck and his cheeks, trying to hug most of it. You haven't gotten kissed nor fucked for a long time.
Living on the west side of Europe had given you many opportunities. The situation you're currently now couldn't even be referred to Greek religious people as a joke. They'd freak out and tell you crap like you ashamed your honour, your family and your future husband. Your parents were too open-minded to let you live in West Europe and live your life as you wanted to. You had sex with your boyfriend at nineteen, with no need to be your first wedding night, you wear shorts on summers because you feel like it and now you're having a one night stand with a rockstar of a band you like and it's never gonna be the same anymore. You played it hard-to-get because you felt it was wrong. But it wasn't. It's just one more experience to add to your diary.
"Are you sure you want to do this, here?" He stopped the kiss for a second, to ask for your approval.
"Yes, but let it be fast, or I'll be in trouble." You checked at the door. "Are you certain the door's locked?" You asked.
"Yes, I am. It's just that..." he stopped.
"What?" You were scared he regretted it and he'd leave you like the mess you already are.
"I want to get more of you, but in this counter, I don't have the chance. I'll cope with it." He unbuttoned your suit while your hands tried to unzip his jeans.
"If you stay a little longer in Mallorca, you can get more of me." You winked and he smiled, thinking he has more chances with you.
"Works for me." He whispered and turned to your lips again for a passionate kiss.
He helped you with taking your suit off, now staying on your bra when your hands put his jeans down. "Mind taking your bra off?" He asked while his mouth travelled your neck, giving it soft kisses.
"I'd rather wear it..." you refused taking it off after gaining a lot of insecurities because of your ex-boyfriend. You remember him saying how small your breasts are and with that, no other man can see it. Your A-cups haven't be seen by any other man. Not even by your ex after the second time, you had sex with him.
"As you wish..." he didn't insist and pulled your skirt up, on your waist, with his bulge rubbing against your core and turning you instantly wet. "How long has it been?" He asked after noticing the humidity between your legs with his hand.
"Must be eight months. I'm out of practice." You sighed.
"Don't feel bad about it, I'll do the work. You're already wet for me. I like it." He bit his lower lip and turned to your lips again, for a deep kiss. "God, you are fat-bottomed aren't you?" He smiled between the kiss after squeezing your thighs and your small waist. "I'm starting to have a thing for greek girls." He complimented your body type and that boosted your low confidence level. With a simple move, he placed you against the mirror, taking your thong off your left leg to have clear access inside your wet area. His hand pulled his erected penis out of his black underwear, ready to thrust inside you.
"You better start before I cum untouched." You exhaled and balanced yourself at the counter.
He smirked and trusted inside you, feeling him completely weird inside you, maybe because you haven't had sex for more than half a year. The sensation was amazing and penetration was always the thing that released you from thoughts. His hands squeezed your thighs and each thrust was a try to pull you closer to his pelvis. You couldn't stop breathing heavily. You had to be quiet and so did he. It was a staff-only bathroom and the key was turned horizontally so no-one could break in with a spare key.
"Oh god, this is amazing..." you moaned at every pleasuring wave while your hands played with his blonde hair.
"Fuck, yes, you're so tight and wet for me." He tightened his teeth as he exhaled into your ear.
His thrusts were giving you the orgasm you haven't had for a long time. It was the tension between you, that made it more passionate but fast enough to make you come earlier than you thought. Soft whimperings coming from your mouth sent him the message that you were close enough and so was he. You could tell by his sharp thrusts, getting smoother and sudden. His gaze was focused on your eyes. Your sight was getting blurry and your legs began to shake; it happens when you reach your orgasm and it feels terrific.
"Ah, God..." you moaned and tilted your head behind, where the mirror is. "That was so refreshing." You gasped after wearing your thong again.
"Ain't gonna lie, but this WC shag was the best I had." He laughed and wore his underwear and jeans again.
"I can't make comparisons to it, I've only had two boyfriends in my life and this is my first time fucking a stranger at my workplace's restroom." You buttoned your suit and stood up from the counter to fix yourself.
"Stranger?" He asked confused.
"Stranger, Roger. I mean, I do know you're a rockstar, a member of my favourite band and I've seen you live once but it won't change the fact you're a stranger. I know you as a persona, not as a person. You get it?" You tried to explain how it feels.
"Oh, I see." He nodded. "Will I see you again? I want to know you as a person if you want that too." He suggested.
"Sure." You kissed his cheek gently, letting him take the lead. You wanted him to make the move. "I'll just walk out from the WC first and make sure no one sees you when you get out." You said and walked through the door until someone tried to get in. A knock on the door was heard.
"Ellen, are you still in there?" It was James.
"Yes, I'm coming." You internally panicked and hinted at Roger to hide in the toilet. "Hey James, is everything alright?" You asked after opening the door.
"Yes, I wanted to check on you. You were absent for a quarter. Are you okay? You look like a mess." James liked you for a long period of time but he wasn't your type. He's way too cute for your standards.
"Yeah, I'm fine... I just felt a little dizzy and wanted to wash my face with cold water. I needed it." You lied after checking your face in the mirror. You were red as a tomato.
"Oh, fine then. You should get back to your post. The boss has been looking for you." He pointed outside and you felt really bad about it. Your boss suspects you since the moment you started chatting with the blonde man hiding in the toilet.
"Alright, I'll be back in a minute." You closed the door to his face and rushed to the toilet where Roger was hiding.
"You're a cute little liar, aren't you?" He teased and gave you a little slap on your butt cheek.
"I won't be anymore if my boss finds out." You rushed, trying to leave the toilet.
"How will I reach you?" He asked trying to learn your phone number.
"Just come at my post and I'll hand you a drink." You declared and left the room, heading fastly at your post. You stared at the Queen members, looking at you all smiles and winks. They probably knew what happened a quarter ago.
You fixed another drink for Roger, trying to look calm and relaxed. But you weren't. You were tense and it could be seen. Two minutes later, Roger came to your counter again with a crooked smile on his face, waiting for the drink. He was looking whether at his bandmates or you. There was absolute silence.
"Here's your drink." You smiled and handed his drink with a small paper around the glass. He carefully grabbed the paper so it couldn't be seen and walked away, heading to the balcony.
He grabbed the paper, unfolded it and there was your phone number and a note in it: "thanks for giving me a good time Rog"
He smirked at your note and placed it in his pocket, anticipating the moment he'd call you.
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ener-chi · 4 years
Soo earlier in the day, I was kind of taking a nap, dozing off, when I heard a knock. Like telepathically. My dream surged like it has in the past when I was visited by a spirit while dreaming.
Unfortunately, right after, I woke up. But I've been thinking about it all day. I decided to go into the astral and maybe see if I could find out who it was. Here's some of my notes on the encounter:
I see... an outline of a figure... in void space...
But that's all I can perceive... how odd...
I'm in a blank room... i hear footsteps... a warm touch on my shoulder...
Uhmm... hello??
They move in front of me, and sit down... long, slender, almost twig-like legs... black...
A younger face... hi... oh... Prince?? No... you're not Prince... but you have a similar vibe... who are you??
Shh... let me speak...
Nice to meet you... I've been watching you... they cock their head in interest... they have a youthful face... blonde hair... kind of like Jack Frost from that animated movie...
Okay... are you... a spirit?? What are your intentions??
My intentions?? They chuckle
Yes. Or is it mere curiosity
Oh it's more than curious, definitely
Was it you that was knocking earlier??
Well, at least you are polite. What do you want with me?? And i mean that with polite intentions
What do I want with you?? Well... bleghhrgh hard time discerning
Why are you watching me??
At this point, I question whether or not this is real. As I do, they get kind of angry, and their face, which is normally youthful and soft, became like dark and this gaseous-black. I invited my guides to join me.
Relax, relax... I have no ill intentions... you are just curious. I was wondering if you wanted to make a deal
A deal? What kind of deal??
Yes, a deal. Energy for energy.
Why do you want my energy
Because your energy is different. It's a mix. Besides, it's not often that you find a human with energy to trade
Hmm... and what does that make you then??
Devilish grin... well... I'm a spirit, clearly...
Well... normally I might be inclined to accept your offer, but I kind of need my energy elsewhere at the moment, so I'm going to decline.
Hmm... fair enough. I can't hate you for that.
Thank you for understanding. I am curious about you as well. But if there's nothing else, I'd like you to leave.
They stand up and stretch
No... I think that will be all... perhaps we will see each other again.
Perhaps... farewell
Evil grin... I fade things to black and disconnect...
After this, I kind of felt them lingering around, so I did a banishment, which - interestingly enough, this is the first time that I did one proper. I did a banishing spell with a sigil in the astral, cutting them off. Once I did, those lingering feelings subsided.
I'm not sure what kind of being the entity was... but... I'm wondering if perhaps they are a daemon?? I've never came into contact with one before, and I don't know too much about them... but their energy did feel more sinister and... darker, than normal. That's not necessarily a bad thing. That's just how it is. Iind of reminds me of a hell-hound I spoke with a while ago. Also... they were more... intelligent?? Or wily than I've seen as well. Also... just realized maybe it was another kind of Fae... since they kind of felt similar to Prince... I've never come across an Unseelie Fae... maybe it was one of them...
Anyways. Sorry for the double-post, but this just happened and I wanted to make sure that I have it documented. I hope that everyone has a good night!
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aharris00britney · 4 years
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It’s 6am and Brandon woke me up when he got up to go to work so now... i answer asks bc i cant sleep. 
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@mileyzangel said: Can you please make a Harley Quinn hairstyle from both Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey?
I went and watched Birds of Prey the other night and it was really good. Brandon went to sleep I think tfgvhb. But I doubt I’ll try doing her hair from either of the films. @enriques4 is working on one for her Birds of Prey look if you are interested in that <3
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Anonymous said: is tiny living worth it? im leaning towards the gameplay although i love cas. is the gameplay as bad as people say?
I honestly don’t think the new beds do anything. They’re... there. Lmao I think the CAS and buy items are very nice. If we get some cc murphy beds then that would make them a lot more usable tbh.  
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Anonymous said: how do you and ayoshi keep making some fantastic collabs?? y'all are literally the first people i go to when I make a fresh install and I can't wait to see what you do next
Anonymous said: AxA CC KINGS!!!
Anonymous said: you guys didnt have to snap like that on AxA
Anonymous said: another iconic ah00b x ayoshi collab YAS LESSGOOOO
We put a bunch of cc ideas (hair and clothes) in a discord server we have together and then work on the stuff together on call usually so each item is the way we both want me. Like for example i’ll be meshing the Ivy top while he works on texturing the ribbed version.  We also only do collabs when they happen, we didn’t plan AxA 2019 or this new set, mainly just made cc starting in May and wrapped it up in July to release in August. Then this time we started making stuff late December and got most of it done by the time I got done with my break. Having a planned collab/deadline makes stuff less stressful and the stuff usually turns out better imo
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Anonymous said: hi! ur sims are so prettyyyy what skin texture and eyes do u use?
Anonymous said: hi! wcif the eyes of the sim in the edit that Dogsill edited for you please? thank you!
Anonymous said: Hi! I really love the way your sims looks so, I was what skin and eyes you use?
I actually am changing my default eyes so I need to update my resource page soon ;n; but the skins they use are all listed for each sim on the resource page here
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Anonymous said: you always name axa packs by the year but this one was named after a season those that mean.... 👀
We are wanting to do something in the fall, just not sure how our lives will be then ya know? There’s a chance that this will be the AxA 2020. Since we weren’t sure I didn’t want to label it that if 2 AxA’s release this year lmao
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Anonymous said: what game is the pokemon thing you're playing!? pls help a guy out i'm in love with the art style
Pokemon Sword and Shield (I have shield) for Nintendo Switch. I’ll prob post more pics once I get some new shinies :P
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@kristabunny said: lol is it bad that when I saw your Santana hair I read it as Satan Hair XD
tbhhhhh it was lowkey referencing that lmao. I made the hair in October for a speed meshing video and since it was around Halloween I was like “lemme give her an almost demonic name” also Santana from glee is a queen
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Anonymous said: Tbh I absolutely adore your female cc but I LIVE for your male cc!!!
Thank you! lmao the only thing I can take full credit for is the AxA male hairs. I mesh the clothes for packs but ayoshi does the texturing for them.  
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Anonymous said: Could you have a go at the updo Dua Lipa has on the cover of her Future Nostalgia? The high bun with a flick in it and the strands of hair down the sides. Thanks if so :)
I’m not the biggest fan of the hairstyle tbh ;n; but we will see. (Physical is a serve, just saying)
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Anonymous said: So ive never played pokemon before until my friend gave me a copy of pokemon moon. I love cats so of course my starter was a litten, but i had no clue about evolutions or anything like that. I was heartbroken when my cute litten turned into some big man cat :(
omg noooo ;n; yeah Litten is a cutie... incineroar is... well I got used to him tbh and kind of like him now? I absolutely hate scorbunny’s evolution (and most of the SWSH starters final evolution) so I think that made incineroar slightly better in my eyes. My shiny litten will be staying a kitten however :)
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@multifandom-slytherin said: Hello! I love your cc! Would it be possible for you to make the bangs from your Bree Hair a separate accessory that you can put with other hairs (for example the BG low ponytail)? Thank you so much!
Anonymous said: have u considered making or allowing someone to make an acc version of your handmade bangs?
I have thought of doing accessory bangs tbh, I just like... don’t like using accessory bangs myself. So I’m not sure if I’ll end up doing it. I might try it for myself and see how many hairs they work with, and if it is a decent amount I’ll release. 
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Anonymous said: First off I want to say how amazing all of your hairs and collabs are! Second I was curious if you ever thought of going back to your old hairs and updating their thumbnails / display indexes so they matched your stuff now?
I really really wanted to have all my 2019 hairs updated by 2020. It was only January 2019-April 2019 that needed updated (thumbnails and display indexes). But I just lost motivation for doing it. I will focus on it next time I have a big break from school. Also planning on updating select stuff from 2018 and 2017. 
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Anonymous said: please put Sophia Barker in the gallery. PLEASEEEEE it's the most beautiful sim I EVER seen! >:3 PLEASEEE!!!!!!!!!!
She should be on there? I think? Make sure you have CC enabled and if you can’t find me through the gallery her tray files are here
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Anonymous said: Hi! After the recent patch I started having a small issue with Bree hair(without bangs), when I zoom out it looks like a completely different hair, something similar to that one basegame hair that's layered with tips pointed outward but longer. Thought I'd let you know, maybe others have had a similar issue or maybe I need to change a setting or something. Love your work so much!
Really surprised this is the first time someone told me about this lmao. The hair should be updated now on SFS/Patreon <3
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Anonymous said: I tried to look around for this on your "Asks" portion before bothering you (so sorry), but do you have a link perhaps for all the lips you use on your models? Are they in game or a cc you create? Thanks so much! Love all of your work! I'm super new to cc stuff and I found yours like 2 days ago and have been going nuts with downloads lol 
like presets? None of my cc models use a lip preset. I do use this slider on some of them though. For lipsticks, that is listed for each model on my resource page <3
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Anonymous said: i’ve been looking for a hair like lexi that i actually like forever and now i find it but it’s for paterson peeps and i’m like actually broke and i’m like :/
im sorry ;n; at least it wasn’t too long of a wait? :/ I hope you liked the hair
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Anonymous said: I can't find your jisoo ponytails in your downloads?
they’re in my retired section... may they rest in peace. scroll to the bottom of my downloads and youll see ‘RETIRED.’ click that for the retired download page. 
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@eclypt-0-sims said: Hi, I recently started making MM hair and I know you're probably an expert at this but; every time I go into CAS to test a hair, all of my accessories clip with the hair. Like the hair texture would cover some glasses if my sim was wearing glasses. I don't know how to fix it, someone told me to delete an eye weight in blender but I don't really understand weight painting that much, any suggestions? love your content btw
this is a late as hell reply i’m sorry. I think that you have texture where the glasses texture would be. Hair texture should only be in hair section or hat section (if you don’t want it hat compatible). Here is a UV map layout that I use for making hair textures. It shouldnt have anything to do with weights
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Anonymous said: Do you use reshade when you take previews for your cc? and also is the tropical punch ombre overlay a palette or did you make it?
I do use reshade when I take cc previews. It adds a bit of saturation to my sims and gives them some shadows under their chin/clothes. Nothing major. Also, myself and @imvikai came up with the tropical punch palette together.
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@little-eris​ said: You probably have answered this before but who drew your tumblr icon? I’ve seen the same art style with other simmers 👉🏼👈🏼 it’s super cute!
thank you! here is their twitter 
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Anonymous said: The male sim in your Tiny Living review looks soo familiar; was there inspiration from anyone IRL? The person he reminds me of isn't even famous so I don't even know! He is very pretty though *-*
He was a gallery sim that I just revamped a bit so I’m honestly not super sure lmao. But he is very attractive yes I agree
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that concludes this ask ceremony please collect your things and move to the exit to your left. fvghbjn if you sent something I didn’t answer and it was off anon I’ll get to you soon (person who asked what beards I used for AxA... I see you)
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When they come home for the summer, Ford pays a visit to an old friend-and has a few things to say to his son.
Post-Weirdmageddon drabble-ish thing.
Knock, knock, knock.
Ford stood outside the front door of the former Northwest Mansion, lowering his hand back down to shove it uncomfortably into his pocket and wait patiently for someone to answer.
They’d been back in Gravity Falls for almost a full day now, after months of exploring the Arctic Ocean, but had come back to spend a fresh summer with their niece and nephew.  Stan was down at the Shack, admiring Soos’s many attractions and preparing for Dipper and Mabel’s imminent arrival; Ford had taken the opportunity to travel to this part of town and see how his old friend McGucket was doing, and just catch up.
Finally his patience was rewarded by the sound of footsteps in the hallway, and the door opened to reveal Tate.
The younger man’s eyes remained as hidden under his hat as ever, so his voice was the only evidence of his surprise.  “Dr. Pines?”
“Yes, hello.”  Ford smiled.  “Is Fiddleford here?”
Tate nodded.  “Yup.  He’s workin’ in the basement, but he oughta be comin’ up for lunch soon if you wanna wait.”
“All right.”  Ford also wouldn’t have minded going down to see if Fiddleford needed assistance, but he just followed Tate inside, remembering to wipe his boots on the mat first.
The house looked radically different from the last time he’d entered it, over thirty years ago; there was a conspicuous absence of taxidermy or suits of armor or other extravagant manifestations of wealth, replaced by an abundance of more...unorthodox decorations.  Several half- or fully-constructed robots lined the walls, some of whom appeared to have possums or raccoons or other forest creatures inhabiting them.  Several large hound dogs were sprawled lazily at the foot of the stairs, drooling all over the fancy red carpet and only moving to occasionally scratch themselves or roll over.  Tate led him to the dining room, which had an enormous swordfish hanging on the wall; Ford assumed it had been caught during a trip to the sea, since the lake was freshwater; on the other hand, almost anything was possible in Gravity Falls.
The size of the dining room implied that it used to contain an enormous table that would have stretched from one corner of the room to the other; now, however, there was a table just big enough for a small group of people, and another robot that looked a little like a giant pepper shaker.
“Dad’s been tryna build a robo-butler ta help out here and in the kitchen,” Tate said by way of explanation. “It’s a work in progress.”  He gestured for Ford to have a seat, while flopping into one of his own.
There was a moment of awkward silence between them.  Then Ford finally cleared his throat and asked, “...How’s he doing?”
Tate tilted his head.  “All right.  He’s gettin’ better all the time.  Still has moments when he gets a mite confused about stuff, but your niece made him a scrapbook that helps.”
His voice had its usual stoic tone, so it was hard to tell if there was any reproach to it; Ford cringed anyway.
Fiddleford had made it clear that as far as he was concerned, all was forgiven regarding him (or at least his arrogant insistence on building the portal and not having more consideration for his friend’s nerves) being one of the catalysts that had driven him insane.  But that didn’t change the fact that Ford had caused him to lose thirty years that should have been happily spent with his family.  Of course, Tate’s behavior towards his father had been far from perfect, he could always have tried harder to get him help, or at least given him a home that wasn’t the dump, but the fact remained that they never would have been driven apart in the first place if Ford hadn’t started it all.
Part of him wondered if the younger man resented him for it.
Tate’s head tilted upwards from the Stoic Monthly magazine he had picked up and started to flip through; again, Ford could only assume he was looking directly at him.
He cleared his throat.  “I-I know it’s ridiculously too late for me to be saying it.  But-” too late to back out now- “I’m sorry for taking your father from you.”
Maybe it was his imagination, but it looked like Tate’s hands clenched a little around the edges of the magazine.
“I should have...done a lot of things differently.  And I’m sure it must have been hard for you.”
His stomach clenched at the flat, blunt reply.  “But if there’s anything I can do…”
Doubtful, since how exactly did you fix a man’s family falling apart because you’d been careless and selfish thirty years ago?  Ford let the question hang in the air anyway.
An even longer silence sat between them; Ford was uncomfortable and annoyed to realize that he was actually starting to sweat a little.  Just when he thought Tate wasn’t going to answer him at all, he said, “Just don’t do it again, yeah?  We’ve spent more’n enough time bein’ apart.”
Ford swallowed.  “I will not.  You have my word.”
Tate nodded and went back to the magazine.  “Good.”
And at that moment, they both heard the sound of Fiddleford’s voice calling, “Tater-tot?  Ya home?”
A second later he appeared in the doorway, and beamed when he saw both of them.
“Well, howdy, Stanford!  Long time no see!”
I really do feel like this is something that hasn't been directly addressed by the fandom much. I mean, Tate was just a little kid when Fidds came to Gravity Falls; I can't imagine what that must have been like. Maybe it explains why he's Mr. Stoic all the time.
Hopefully you enjoyed.
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