#and yes they do have a child and still monica is the only one who thinks they're more than friends
iridescentis · 10 months
this might be my favourite of my next gen characters this is so funny
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This is Mercury Balsano! They are the child...of Matteo and Ramiro.
Okay, so they are non-binary and bisexual, they simply want to be famous by any means necessary to live up to the legacy of their parents, their traits are Self-Absorbed and Adventurous, and their aspiration is World-Famous Celebrity!
They raised themself pretty much on their own because Matteo and Ramiro were busy touring and such so they basically lived alone in a mansion, pissing off their staff and getting into trouble for no reason other than attention! They didn't really see much of the other kids except Madeleine, who they grew up with (because of course Jim and Yam are still close with Ramiro). They're a bit awkward since they are home-schooled, grew up with basically only one friend and are constantly seeking spotlight (which tends to push people away) but they are so lovely <3
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lovelymessybubbly · 11 months
i see you added doki doki to your list! think we can get some yuri/monika tickles/hc's? I imagine how aggressive they'd get at one another ☺️
omg yes !!! thank you for asking hehe it makes me so happy to know that there are in fact still ddlc fans (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ i swear i am still just as in love as i was 5 years ago lol
yuri was my first love when i played the game (i am a sayori stan now lol) and monika is such an underrated s tier character. and after playing ddlc plus, my ot4 heart grew even more ♡^▽^♡ those two tall beauties do make a good pair, huh ??
monica tickles yuri to get her to loosen up, to tease her, to watch the usually solemn dame become ruffled and lively. being reserved but cheeky, monica usually delivers an attack of some kind at least once a day. but how can she help it ??? it is usually always provoked (at least if you ask monica). if yuri is gonna diminish sayori’s love for a rainy day by saying it reminds her of a young child’s funeral (like, really yuri ???) then of course monika is gonna dive straight towards yuri’s waist and drill her pointed hands into the violette’s sides until her desperate giggling and flushed face wash away that gloomy disposition ?? if yuri is gonna make snide remarks during natsuki’s poem reading, obviously monika is gonna have to order sayori to hold yuri’s arms back so monika can tickle her armpits until she says to natsuki “i’m sorry !! i’m sohohoryyy !!”
when yuri has particularly rough days, and just cannot seem to come down from overstimulation, monika is quick to offer some playful scribbles, just enough to get yuri to relax her muscles, to breathe deeply, to smile.
yuri never craves or yearns for tickling (like perhaps sayori does) but it gets her to relax quickly, and she knows this. so she never really gets upset or indignant at monika’s tickling (even if she does become quite bashful). in fact, she is grateful to have someone who knows how to calm her down so quickly.
not to mention, yuri rarely smiles (likely due to her consistent attempts to not get overwhelmed), let alone laughs. the way her body feels after a hearty laugh is nice, she soon realizes. it fills her with a pure happiness, not the kind that hurts, like she is used to. the giddy feeling is the best thing in the world to her and she treasures it. she is often left giggling sweetly a few minutes after being tickled because of this.
yuri tickles monica in sneaky fashion, never truly owning up to causing it, but her upturned nose and slight smirk gives away her sly, mischieveous and playful demeanor (which monika gradually discovers the extent of and loves yuri even more for it). perhaps she offers to massage monika’s shoulders, and while her slender fingers start off kneading firmly and monika is dozing happily, she soon changes to nail skitters and slow drags, yet denies when monika accuses her of “foul play” through yelps and squeals. or maybe yuri shows monika a new game she has learned, where she makes her hand a tickly spider that crawls and tickles its way up monika’s arm, or a buzzing bee that pokes and prods at monika’s torso with its ticklish stinger. or perhaps yuri sits on the floor, politely with her knees tucked under hear, scratching mercilessly at monika’s stockinged soles, her dormant hand gently but firmly gripping her ankles whilst monika twists and flails and grasps at yuri aimlessly, losing herself in tittering, hiccuping laughter as yuri rambles on and on about “how you feel ticklish only when someone/something else is tickling you because of how your brain reacts to the threat vs the stimulation” and “how ticklish spots are so ticklish because they are usually protecting vital organs or systems so the build-up of nerves are bigger” and “isn’t that just so fascinating ???”
and monika huffs at her, and puffs her cheeks, and expresses how uncouth yuri’s behavior just was, but it is always laced with a prominent smile, because monika just loves that playful part of yuri, even if she displays it in… unorthodox ways.
maybe some ticklish doki girls are in my drawing future (ෆˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈ෆ) sayori-chan is my fav but i will keep your love of yuri-chan and monika-chan in mind as well !!
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countessofravenclaw · 5 months
Something I have come to realize, when I write my OCs, most of who are parents of extablished charcters in the source material, is that Normalize Married Couples Being In Love.
Honestly, lot of the parenst in main stram media sitcoms and Disney Channel shows are often portrayed not so well. The dad is often portrayed totaly hand off and complete (for a lack of a better word) loser who the mom needs to always whack on the head to do anything and they are always bickering and disagreein all the time.
So like, do these people even like each other? We are supposed to believe that these people are in love, because they ahve gotten married and had sex at least enough time to have the kids that are often the main characters.
So if you had to think of a "parents" from a Disney show that don't bicker all the time and you can also belive that theyvare together because they love each other... Who are you thinking and why is it Monica and Miguel Valente? They are literally the only ones.
This is why when I write my parent OCs, especially Gastón parenst since they are so far more develobed than most of my other parent characters, you better believe they are couple goals. They are good parenst who love theit kid more than anything, but are also maddly in love with each other because that's the reason why they even had a child with each other in the first place.
Obviously it is different if parents not being together or the marriage being in trouble is part of the plot or someone's character. BUT NOT AT THIS POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE.
Okay, so back to specifically Gastón's parents. Have I been kind of hamming how good theirt relatioship is? Yes. Will I keep hamming it? Also yes. Is that some sort of foreshadowing about some trouble in a horizon? Absolutely NOT.
They have their tragic backstory, which includes everything from losing your parents to burn out to almost dying and infertility, and they pretty much went through hell to get where they are in S2AU and in my canonical fic series as well. When you have been through all of that with one person who has been your strength and the one constant, you'd bet you'd still absolutely be in love even after 20 years of marriage and even in your in your early 40s, which isn't even old. There is no way that flame will go out.
For me, it also just makes sense from Gastón's point of view. He seems to have very ideal view on love and he really believes in it, even from start of S1 with Delfi. From his comment to Nina about how "wouldn't it be good if her parenst got back together" he has clearly never known a day of divorce in his life. He's also such a great boyfriend and know how to treat his girl well. Those are very clear sings of what sort of enviroment he has grown up in and what sort of example he had at home.
Also Gastón's affinity toward physical affection with people that he loves, I feel like it is also something that he's from his parenst. It has been setting that is demonstrated by them, toward him and towards each other.
Obviously, in my writing, since they still are the parents there are certain lines that I will not cross when it comes to romantic interraction. You can probably guess what
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weirdboi · 10 months
If ur not comfortable with these pla leave
In Luci's brain a blurry picture was playing. It was showing some monster hands dragging a body of a child, slowly opening the child's mouth and putting it's arms in it. Suddenly, they woke up, all sweaty and shaking. Doctors were so surprised! Soon they dud some tests on Lucifer and later called his mom to pick him up. When Monica came she was so happy that her child is alright, but Luci still needed a lot time for recover. First, they needed to remember how to write and read again, then how to speak, how to walk, how to remember family members and loved once and other stuff. After ''full'' recovery Lucifer noticed something strange. They started feeling more angry and wanted to hurt ppl.
•Age 14
At this time Luci was a real teenage dirt bag. One day he woke up and saw hsi mom panicking in the living room and dad talking on the phone. They had no idea what was going on. But when they looked out of the window everything was clear. The neighbours broke down their gate. How could they! And this qas not the first time neighbours would do such a thing. Lucifer was getting bullied at school 24/7 . Plus the neighbours didn't like the family cause of Monica being German. Months passed by and in the end luckily, through all the courts and payings, the gate was finally back and now stable. But that doesn't mean that neighbours were being any nicer. In fact they were even worse! Because of that horrible behaviour Luci made a plan how to make 'em pay. One night Luci got a lighter from her father...
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And burned a bit of the Woods that were near the house. Soon everything was on fire! Neighbours called the fire fighters who slowly started putting the house down. In 2 am police took Lucifer and Monica to the station. In the court it was decided for Lucifer and his family to move somewhere else. After those news Octavius yelled the hell out on Lucifer and told them really shitty stuff. They had a week to choose where are they going. After calling family members and checking the money situation, Monica and Octavius decided to move to America.
Luckily Monica's sister lived there and paid for everything. The next week they got their card and papers and moved away.
•Someone special
Days went by and Luci really felt like home. He knew English really good, didn't have problems with understand and finding places and no problems with the crowds. But, in school he was quite a trouble maker, with great grades tho. Only grades were getting him out of trouble. After few school switching cause of big fights and sending a Lot of kids to hospital, Luci finally started middle school, but this time.. with Moe! They went to same middle school and Moe was so happy that his closest cousin isn't that far away anymore. One night when Luci was getting home from detention he heard some noise. He was curious and decided to follow it. She got to the place where noise was coming from and it turns out it was a shark... It was all beaten up. Luci came near it to help.
"Oml Are u alr??"
"Y-yes it's just a scratch..."said shark
"Umm don't worry I have sum... bandages if that is gonna any how.. "
"Nono no u Don't have-"
"Oh don't be silly, u need help and I can help u"- said Luci i and started helping the shark out. After that he asked the shark where he lives and Shark told him he can come yo the docks near "Molly's café". As he said that Luci took shark and started carrying him. On the way they talked about a lot of things.
"And I didn't catch ur name..?"
"It's Lucifer. And urs?"
". . . Lou. . ."
"Ok so we're here. U sure u can continue on ur own?"
"Yup plus u already did enough. I need to prepare for new school tomorrow anyway."
"Which school?"
"Ahhh "Arnold junior high"?"
"Really!? Really...cool.."
"But why school on the ground?"
"Well tomorrow Starts that *swap up* day we have here. It's about sharks going to earthlings schools and earthlings go to our water school woth crystals."
"Which crystals?"
"Well when animals turn 11 years old each one gets a special crystal that has a power that gives us waterlings legs and you earthlings fins."
"Why didn't I get my own one then?"
"Well maybe it's just late nothing else... Any how I'll see u tomorrow then, bey..."
"BEY!!"-she said and Lou swam away. The next day Luci was really hyped for seeing Lou. They came to school all happy and were waiting for him. Lou soon came. Luci was really pleased to see him. The day went by and it was time for geography. A teacher of geography was a real bitch and didn't like anybody sept rich kids. She caught Lou and Luci talk. She started yelling at them and told how they need to tell their moms to come.
"But Ma'am I-"
"But miss I-"
"U what!?"
"...I don't have a mother..." -said Lou quite sad.
"Oh...well then...Call ur father or whatever.."-she said and Lou got out of the class. Luci asked if she can use the bathroom cause of her period and the teach let her. When she got out she looked for Lou and heard someone in male bathroom.
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It was Lou. He was crying cause of this shit. Luci entered
"Hey u good bro?"-he asked and hugged him
"Y-yes dw.."
"I am so srry for -"
"It's ok...not the first time won't be the last.."-he said on the edge of the tears.
Luci hugged him again and told him he can cry all he wants. The rst of the class they spent in the bathroom, crying amd comforting. For the next few months everything was amazing. Lou and Luci really became close. One night they decided to run from home and meet up. They did so, both escaped during the night and had an amazing time. But when they stopped at one lil shop the owner called the cops because of vagrancy.
"Shit! We gotta go!" -said Lucifer as they started running. They ran for a while and decided to stop at one lake.
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"Wow...that was a close one... wasn't it?"
"Welp at least we escaped am I right?"
"Yeah..."-he said as they continued talking. They talked for a while when suddenly they saw some light. It was the car. It was near them so they both jumped into the water, before it was too late. Luckily, the car didn't get them. Lou looked out of the water.
"Is it safe?" -asked Luci swimming
"Yeah, I think it is"-he saud and they both got out of the water all wet.
"Are u cold?"-asked Lou Luci
"Nah broo I'm good :D And u?"
"I'm ok, as a shark u get used to it. But I know earthlings get cold when they are out of the water."
"Nah I'm good"-he saud as they both set down. They continued talking while drying. And out of nowhere... Lou took off his jacket and gave it to Luci. Lucifer blushed and their eyes went wAcKy.
"Ummmm u good?"-asked Lou suprised
"Yes, certainly. I do this when I'm happy."
Times passed and their friendship was growing and growing.
Hope u enjoyed!!! :D
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #279: COMMAND DECISION
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May, 1987
WHO Will Lead The Avengers?
Well, you’ve got some very good options and also Doctor Druid here.
This is a pretty solid roster, and Doctor Druid. I notice that the roster box on the cover has updated to reflect the post-Siege team.
But with Wasp going on a well-deserved vacation, who will lead?
The funny thing about the question is that in the issue, its not much of a contest. Not many of the team actually wants to take the top job.
But who do YOU, the viewer, think will lead the Avengers and Doctor Druid? Print your answer on a self-addressed 8x10 card and put it under your pillow. There’s no reason to do this.
Last times in Avengers: the Masters of Evil seized Avengers Mansion and tried to destroy the team. The Mansion is a pile of firewood now, more or less. And Hercules is in a coma. Namor is somewhere in the ocean being sad about his monster girlfriend instead of being thrilled at having a monster girlfriend. And Wasp wants a break.
So Thor, She-Hulk, and Doctor Druid re/join the team. Captains America and Marvel hold over from the previous roster.
A giant fishman named Tyrak attacks Hydrobase, looking for Namor but the Avengers manage to defeat him through the judicious application of swords and infrared radiation. Fishmen hate those things.
With that sorted out, all that remains is to decide who will take over for Wasp.
Hah. Command decision. Clever title.
And now,
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a hostage situation.
A man in Atlanta called Joshua Lanning has been hearing voices and the voices have been telling him that his family is demons.
Not great.
Thankfully, Captain Marvel is passing by and pops down to see what’s going on.
The cop police on site has no time for Monica. Because: its still a thing that people outside of New York don’t really take superheroes seriously. This guy sees a woman in a garish costume and tells her he has no time for trick or treat.
So Monica is like okay and neutrinos into the house.
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Reasonably, a jumpy dude with a gun who is sure there are demons everywhere that only he can see reacts excitedly to a woman suddenly appearing out of nowhere.
Also reasonably, Captain Marvel appeared in her hologram form so as not to get shot.
Joshua is stunned that shooting her a bunch didn’t do anything and jumps to the conclusion that Monica is an angel!
She neither confirms nor denies.
Captain Marvel: “I’m a friend who’s come to help you... to keep you from doing wrong. Get up off your knees and come with me. I’ll take you to people who will help you!”
Joshua Lanning: “Yes, I must follow the light to salvation! The light will lead the way!”
So she gets Joshua to turn himself over to the authorities.
And then she comforts the kids who aren’t really sure what’s going on.
Annie: “The man said papa is sick.”
Captain Marvel: “That’s right, Annie. He has to go away, to get better. While he’s gone, your mother’s going to need all the love and help you can give.”
There doesn’t seem to ever be follow-up on this family.
Shame. In all the up and downs in public opinion that superheroes and the Avengers have, it’d be nice to hear from someone Monica helped just by talking and also by being bulletproof and glowy.
At the least, Monica has impressed these random Atlanta cops with her actions. One of them saying that until now he thought everything he was hearing about Captain Marvel was just hot air and the other saying that the whole family probably would have died if she hadn’t happened by.
Meanwhile, in New Orleans, parents Frank and Maria Rambeau are sitting and watching tv when Captain Marvel appears on the screen.
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She controls the horizontal and the vertical.
Its not plot important, I just think its a neat use of her power.
She beamed into the tv as VHF-radio waves and waited for the commercial so she could imitate a PSA in case her parents had anyone over.
Maria Rambeau: “Mind? Child, you’re the best thing to come over that set... oh... at least, since the Odd Couple was cancelled!”
Monica’s powers are incredibly handy.
Anyway, Monica decides to get her parents’ take on the leadership crisis afflicting the Avengers.
Its nice that she can be open with her parents about whats happening in her superhero life but is she allowed to just tell her parents everything that happens in meetings?
I guess so!
So, at the meeting that last issue ended off with, Doctor Druid is voted in as a new member of the Avengers. Wasp nominated him and the Avengers tend to just accept whoever is standing nearby when they need new members so, yeah, not surprised. It fits the pattern.
Its when Cap(tain America) opens the floor for chairperson nominations that things get spicy.
Captain Marvel nominates Captain America because Wasp left him in charge and he’s very qualified for the job. I hear he has leadership experience.
But Cap(tain America) declines the job because he’s got his own solo ongoing with its own ongoing plot and this is the time in Marvel where that meant something.
Nowadays, Black Panther can get lost in space for an extended period of time during which he loses his memories and it doesn’t seem to affect his ability to lead the Avengers.
I blame Wolverine really.
Being on three teams and having his own solo adventures and guest starring roles and crossovers and the fans ate it up.
You ruined the tight continuity, Logan!
Captain America: “My obligations to my nationwide telephone hotline don’t leave me the time needed to devote to leading the Avengers. Besides, we have another excellent choice on the team... Captain Marvel, I nominate you!”
Excellent decision Cap. She doesn’t have leadership experience but on the other hand, I like her.
Black Knight seconds the nomination based on Monica taking charge during Secret Wars II while Wasp was missing and Captain America got Beyondernapped.
Also, she managed to get Hercules and Namor to behave and that’s an accomplishment.
Captain Marvel: “I’m honored... and I do want to lead the Avengers someday... but, I’m not sure I’m ready.”
Now to mention having the nomination sprung on her made Monica feel anxious.
And makes her uneasy because Doctor Druid is staring daggers at her, thinking “The things I could accomplish, were I to lead the Avengers! If only new members were allowed to take office during their probationary period... but, no matter. I shall bide my time.”
My cursed future knowledge senses are tingling.
Thor also has his own ongoing with his own ongoing plot concerns, like being under a can’t-heal-can’t-die curse that will eventually reduce him to flesh goo pooled at the bottom of his spiffy new outfit.
But he also wants to get this show on the road and given that the one person nominated so far doesn’t seem certain, Thor throws his own name onto the table.
And hey, he’s got leadership experience coming out the wazoo. He’s qualified to lead the Avengers. It’s not much of a thing today when everything is the tug of war between Steve and Tony but Thor used to be a frequent chairman of the team.
She-Hulk objects because she feels like Thor is trying to discourage Monica so he can have the job. In fact, hey, she thinks he’s bullying Monica!
And Thor doesn’t like her tone and Cap has to bang the leadership gavel and tell everyone to calm down.
Since things got acrimonious, Cap(tain America) decided to table the discussion until the next meeting. Which helpfully gives Monica time to sort out her feelings on whether she wants to accept the nomination or not.
Her parents are immediately supportive of her taking the job.
Frank Rambeau: “You’ll be great! Even Captain America thinks so! Captain America! Dang! You can’t turn down an endorsement like that!”
Captain Marvel: “I don’t know, daddy. The chance to lead is something I’ve dreamed of since before I went into law enforcement. But I never expected an opportunity like this so soon.”
Maria Rambeau: “But you’ve always been a quick study, Monica.”
A quick sidebar but maybe the Avengers should have like. More opportunities where someone is put in charge of a smaller group of the team to do a mission or task but basically let them get field experience leading.
Because otherwise, the title is going to get bounced back and forth between the same people who always have it because they’re the only ones who get a chance to get that leadership experience.
Wasp had to basically girlboss a meeting while everyone was feeling awkward about her divorce to get the chance to lead and she did great at it. But if she hadn’t been pushy, would she have ever gotten the chance?
Would Monica now if Tony wasn’t off with the West Coast team and Cap and Thor busy with their ongoings?
Start a membership program, the Avengers!
Monica also brings up that whole subplot where she wants to start her own business because if she takes on the chairwoman position, she won’t have time to do business.
Frank argues that Monica can start her business any time but Maria realizes (because I think she and Monica are in cahoots) that part of Monica’s business plan is to get Frank to take an early retirement from the fire department and go into business with Monica, so he won’t be running into flaming buildings and worrying everyone.
But Mom Rambeau is also torn between wanting the secret business plan to get her husband into something less dangerous and wanting Monica to live her best life so she just tells her to take her time and make the decision that’s right for everyone.
Meanwhile, She-Hulk is realizing that the Avengers leasing an island means the Avengers BASICALLY have a private beach.
Especially because its a decent beach and thus she throws shade at New York’s beaches.
She spots Black Knight already on the beach doing some anime level cutting a thing and having it only fall apart later exercise.
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Its about training precision, apparently.
He cuts a granite boulder without disturbing it so he can lightly tap it later and have it fall apart.
Plus, it looks cool.
If the major thing you’re bringing to a team is ‘owns incredibly cursed sword’ you might as well practice sweet anime moves.
She-Hulk decides sweet anime moves are sweet but lets talk plot and pivots the conversation over to whether Captain Marvel will accept the chairwoman nomination.
Black Knight hopes so because she seems the best candidate to him. He doesn’t want it, Cap doesn’t want it, and She-Hulk doesn’t want Thor to have it. Because in fairness to Thor, she finds him too high-and-mighty to take orders from.
Heck, if Captain Marvel doesn’t run, She-Hulk will. Just so Thor can’t have it.
Damn, Jen, Thor’s been team leader before and done an okay job!
She-Hulk: “I mean, how hard could it be? A leader has to be able to delegate and to think fast... I can do that!”
Anyway, political discussion aggros Dr Druid.
Like, he literally just appears out of the surf when She-Hulk and Black Knight are talking about the chairmanship.
This is why people think you’re a creep, Dr Druid.
Speaking of appearing out of nowhere, a giant... gorilla... thing? appears on the beach.
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She-Hulk tries to tackle the beach gorilla but falls right through it.
Because it was a psychic illusion that Dr Druid planted in She-Hulk’s brain.
Y’know. As a prank.
Dammit, Dr Druid, don’t make me like you!
Because, like, look. Him pulling a beach prank is the most human thing he’s done so far.
She-Hulk takes it in “good” spirit.
She-Hulk: “Funny, doc... r-e-a-l funny. Didn’t know you had it in you. I enjoy a good gag as much as anyone! But watch your step... you might not like my sense of humor!”
Oh please, please, please let this lead to a prank war within the Avengers.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, Captain Marvel decides to visit the prison war of the central New Jersey hospital where Moonstone is being held after she broke her neck flying into a cliff.
Monica feels bad about that whole thing but Moonstone immediately launches into a rant.
She accuses Monica of being here to gloat, blames Monica for her broken neck, and blames Zemo for how things turned out because by god if she ran the zoo!
Monica loses her patience and tells Moonstone that flying into the cliff was her own darn fault.
Captain Marvel: “A fine leader you’d be... always ready to blame someone else! Goodbye, Moonstone! You’ll heal -- but with your attitude you’ll never be well!”
and thinks: “I’ve met too many people like her. They want all the flash and glory that come with power, but none of the responsibilities. How does a person get that way? Visiting Moonstone was a waste of sympathy! There are others much more worthy of my time!”
One of the people more worthy of her time: Hercules, at Manhattan Newhope Memorial Hospital.
Yes, he’s still in a coma.
Chill out, it hasn’t been a day since the last time we saw him.
Monica talks to the comatose Hercules, telling him about Wasp stepping down and Captain America nominating her (Monica) to the position. Wondering aloud whether Hercules would follow another woman leading the Avengers. Whether he could follow any mortal for long.
Eventually, Monica flies off somewhere else to think and misses comatose Hercules saying something in I presume Greek.
If google translate is of any use, what he’s saying is “father.”
Calling a Zeus.
Elsewhere, Monica arrives at Roxxon oil tower #25, the place where she got her powers a few months ago.
Wow, that timescale!
She recaps to herself getting passed over for a captaincy promotion in the boat police, how old family friend Professor LeClare asked her with a South American dictator that was using his research to make a super weapon, how the whole situation ended up FUBAR’d and Monica punched a science machine to stop the super weapon, and was caught in an explosion that gave her powers.
Captain Marvel: “Not long afterward, I met the Avengers... and I’ve been going non-stop ever since! I’ve helped rescue the president... traveled to the Moon, the Sun, and other galaxies... I’ve seen and done things I couldn’t even have imagined a year before! I can accomplish more good in a week as an Avenger, than ‘Lt. Rambeau’ could in a lifetime. But all that good hasn’t come without a price.”
“Being an Avenger is so... consuming! I’ve been on call 24 hours a day. My private life has already dropped to almost nil. What would happen if I were to become chairwoman? I’m starting to realize why the Wasp needed a vacation... and why Cap doesn’t have time to take over full time. Whoever chairs the Avengers has so many responsibilities! Can anything be worth that kind of stress? I’d better have a long talk with someone who’s been there!”
Hm... I hadn’t realized it until Monica just up and said it but I do wish she had more of a supporting cast. Some civilian friends. I do like that she has her parents to talk to.
Now that its been brought up that Monica needs a better supporting cast, I hope she gets a better supporting cast.
Didn’t she have a thing with Agent Freeman? He could be a supporting cast. A love interest or something.
But she probably also needs a non-super friend. Even though She-Hulk is on the team now and she’s a super super friend.
Over at Kozak’s Cavern, a cave high in the Appalachian Mountains, Captain America.
He’s here to save six children and a guide who were trapped in the cavern after an earthquake.
Now Captain America may not have great super powers but he can use his shield as a shovel.
Also, peak human stats but I don’t know if that’s been established yet.
Jokes aside, he heard there was trouble and he came to help because that’s the guy Captain America is.
As soon as the rescue effort clears a hole big enough for a single beefy man, Captain America squeezes through to go look for the trapped people while the rest of the rescuers down under this mountain keep working to enlarge the opening.
And since this is a Captain Marvel focus issue, she shows up to talk to Cap(tain America) and also help once she learns there’s a situation ongoing.
Monica flies ahead to light the way and finds the trapped group.
Soon, Cap and a very bright Monica are leading the group towards the exit.
There’s another tremor though and the ground collapses under two of the children. They wind up on a rock hanging out over a chasm.
Captain Monica goes down (because she can fly) to help boost the kids up to Captain America who is hanging upside down from the ledge above.
They get kid one Joey rescued but kid two Bobbi Sue panics.
Bobbi Sue: “No... please don’t make me! Please!”
Captain Marvel: “I know you’re scared, honey, but you have to do this! Ever climbed a tree?”
Bobbi Sue: “Yes’m!”
Captain Marvel: “Then pretend that I’m a big ol’ friendly tree! Will you do that for me?”
Bobbi Sue: “Ah’ll try.”
But when Monica starts to boost Bobbi Sue, the rock they were standing on collapses into the chasm.
Leaving Monica hanging onto the cliffside with a child on her shoulders.
And probably lamenting that her powers don’t let her fly as her meat self and that she can’t hold anything when she’s made of energy.
I guess the ability to move at the speed of light and broadcast yourself onto television is a consolation but it would be neat to just pick up child and fly to safety.
(But: its also a limitation to Monica’s powers that keep her from being all-powerful so you have ways to write tension into scenes with her)
Speaking of limitations to Monica’s powers, she needs to be conscious to use them.
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Monica manages to pass Bobbi Sue up to Captain America but the little foothold she has crumbles underneath her and a rock bonks her in the head.
Captain Marvel plummets into the void.
But nah, she recovers before the bottom and nyooms back up as Shiny Monica.
Hah. Monica the Many Colored.
Anyway, she leads the group out of the cave.
Cap(tain America) tells Captain Marvel that if she hadn’t showed up, he might not have rescued these cave kids.
The whole experience really made up Monica’s mind about whether the pressures of leadership were worth it and she tells Cap(tain America) that she accepts his nomination.
Woo, the Captain Marvel run Avengers!
Oh and one last thing:
A shadowy figure sneaks into Newhope Memorial Hospital and godnaps the comatose Hercules.
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And by a shadowy figure I mean that’s definitely Batman.
Dammit, Batman! Stick to your own universe!
Follow @essential-avengers​ in memory of Hercules. Like and reblog, for Captain Marvel!
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fuckyeahilike · 1 year
I never liked Barbie, sorry. I understand that she's a great American cultural icon, and that she's very important to some people. But as a child I never wanted a Barbie, and I never understood her as a concept for a toy.
When I played with my dolls I was mom and they were my children. And Barbie is a fully grown woman who has her own life and doesn't need me. She's not a baby. I’m paying to watch her.
There's also something to be said about how she fosters consumerism - this was a point made by one of my favorite children’s books authors, Michael Ende, in one of my fave books as a kid, Momo. There’s this character who is a "bad guy", who tries to ensnare Momo by giving her a Barbie-like doll, that requires of her to keep on consuming more and more things for the doll. You can't just play with the thing and leave it at that, the thing is a vortex of needs: once you have her the doll also needs an entire wardrobe that is ever evolving and changing, and then of course she also needs her dream house and several cars and accessories, then there are her multiple friends with their own individual and multiple needs, etc.
I imagine that as a child you’re so close to this that you don’t see it. But when it's pointed out to you in your own favorite childhood book by your favorite author, you do see it and you never stop seeing it. It's not a toy, it's a school of consumerism for girls. It’s grooming.
All my toys who were my children didn't come with this burden attached to them. You bought them once and you were all they ever needed.
I also am not and never was a fan of the aesthetic. Barbie pink is ugly, most of her stuff is ugly and not cute. You couldn't pay me to dye my hair blonde. I'll never want to look like a pale Anglo-Saxon whose face is a beige blur. It’s not true that you can never be too thin or too white, never was. Barbie’s got nothing on her body. I would kill to look like Monica Bellucci who looks like a Woman, not like a tube.
I can vouch for the fact that little girls can still grow up to be anorexics who care too much about their appearance and with conforming to harmful stereotypes etc. I wouldn't dream of blaming Barbie for women's problems, anymore than you'll ever catch me blaming McDonald's for obesity. Handy though it is to have a scapegoat it's also unfair and therefore not useful.
But I will never forget how only too recently the Barbie company made these promotional videos for their commercial product where Barbie is seen addressing her audience, looking at the camera as if she were talking to you, the child, as though Barbie were a real person, talking about her own mental health issues (I think it was depression? Something like that) in order to groom children into wanting to buy more Barbie dolls because she's deep now, guys, she's not just some toy, she’s relatable, she’s a person. No, she’s an inanimate object designed to get your money. This is going too far.
I hope they go to hell for that one, but otherwise it's just a toy I never liked and so I don't care about the subject or anything to do with it, like the movie that hasn't even premiered yet. And yes, Ryan Gosling is too old for the part, both leads are too old for this.
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~Writing Advent Calendar~
Day 22
Prompt: What is the story behind christmas?
Aka: It's in the future and Luna is a chaotic aunt
"I'm gonna get you!" Luna chuckled, chasing Pamela, mostly called "Pami" by everyone, around the room. The three year old giggled as Luna picked her up and started to tickle her. "I'm a monster and I'm gonna eat you!"
"Noo!" Pami laughed.
"What's going on in here?" Simón asked, as he walked into the mansion living room with his son David, who was five, and carrying his youngest daughter Mimi, who was just eight months.
"Tía Luna is gonna eat me!" Pami chuckled as Luna more or less held her upside down.
"Uh oh!" Simón laughed. "So, Luna, can you keep the kids occupied for a moment? I need to do something with Ámbar."
"Not make more kids, I hope," Luna said with a raised eyebrow, "You already have three. Although, this house does have a lot of space for more, so if you really want to..."
Simón frowned and then then laughed awkwardly, "No, we're... gonna wrap some presents."
"Presents?!" David asked excitedly.
"Yes, hijo, for christmas you'll get some surprises. So you need to stay here with Luna while me and mama go and wrap them up for you."
"But I wanna see them!"
"You'll see them on christmas. Now, Luna," Simón held out Mimi, "baby delivery."
Luna put down Pami so she could retrieve the baby from Simón's arms.
"Stay here with Luna, now!" Simón said.
There was a nice life they had built for themselves during the past decade. Since Luna and Ámbar both were the owners of the mansion, they had made it their own. Simón had soon moved in permanently and it was like they were now living the life Ámbar and Luna were supposed to grow up with, if it wasn't for the tragedy fire. Luna often wondered how it would've been like if the fire never happened and she had grown up in this mansion with her biological parents and aunt, just like Ámbar and Simón's kids did now (even if Luna wasn't biologically their aunt). Would Sharon still have adopted Ámbar? A part of Luna thinks yes. Maybe Ámbar would have had a happier childhood in the mansion if she had Luna, as well as Lili and Bernie for her support. Then again, Luna couldn't imagine how it would have been like if she didn't grow up with Monica and Miguel - they would always be her parents. Now, Monica and Miguel had decided to move back to Mexico, but they often visited (and Luna, Ámbar and Simón visited them as well, especially because Simón also had family in Mexico). 
"Alright, what do you wanna do?" Luna asked, "Watch some TV, maybe?"
"I wanna hear a story!" Pami said, and David nodded in a agreement.
"Alright! What do you wanna hear about?"
They sat down on the couch, one kid on each side, as Luna sat in the middle with the baby in her lap.
"I wanna hear how babies are made," David said.
"Oh..." Luna said awkwardly, "Uh, I think your parents will kill me if I tell you, it's best to let them have that conversation with you."
"But you can tell only us! I can cover Mimi's ears if she's too small."
"No, I think... another story would be better."
"I wanna hear a story!" Pami said, "How was christmas made?"
"Oooh!" Luna said, as she grabbed a teething ring for Mimi to chew on, "Okay! The story behind christmas!"
The kids waited eagerly for her to start telling the story.
"Once upon a time, there was a man with a beard up in space named Santa Claus. He used a giant telescope to watch all the children in the world, and decided that the children that were nice needed some gifts. So, one night he flew out with his flying sled to deliver gifts to them. Watching all the children getting so happy, he decided to do it again next year. Eventually, it became a tradition for him to do it every year, but it was getting harder making all the toys himself. So, he moved down to the north pole and got the help of elves to make it happen. Now, Santa is very magical, so even though every child in the world live in different timezones, he can time travel and thus make it all in time."
"What's a timezone?" David asked.
"I'll tell you when you're older. Anyway. Still to this day, Santa comes with gifts every year and that's why we celebrate."
"But that's not how it happened!" David argued.
"Hm? Then how did it go?"
"We celebrate christmas because there was once a boy named Jesus."
"Aah... yeah, he exists too."
"So do we celebrate for Santa or for Jesus?"
Luna shrugged, "Why not both? Or pick yourself. Celebrate christmas your way."
"On christmas..." Pami said, "...I wanna eat a chocolate cake!"
"We can definitely eat chocolate cake, Pami. In fact, I am expert on baking them, because I used to help my mom so much with making them."
"Are you having fun?" Ámbar asked, as she and Simón came into the room.
"Mami!" Pami exclaimed, "Tía Luna said we can eat chocolate cake on christmas!"
"The most important detail about our full conversation," Luna chuckled.
"Where's our presents?" David asked.
"Be patient," Simón told him.
David then walked up to them, "Tía Luna said she was gonna tell me something when I was older."
"Oh no," Ámbar sighed, "Luna, what have you done now?"
Luna cuddled with Mimi on the couch, pretending like nothing.
"She said she was gonna tell me what a timezone was when I got older."
"...oh," Ámbar and Simón said in relief.
"That wasn't too bad," Simón said. "But we can explain it to you now, if you want."
"You two do that," Luna said, handing over the baby to Ámbar, "I need to use the bathroom."
As soon as she disappeared, David smiled.
"I have another question, too and tía Luna said she couldn't answer that, because you would kill her."
"What is the question?" Simón asked.
"Where do babies come from?"
Ámbar and Simón exchanged looks.
"Luna!" they exclaimed in exasperation.
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isca-tide · 1 month
6x05 aka me screaming into the void as I press play aka you know it's such a shame that season 6 only had 4 episodes but yep I don't see any more episodes here oh well... aka let's get this over with Lucy you liar, gift giving is absolutely his love language. I mean so is terse nods. The man just uses all the languages and then some. God they're so sweet and in love. The looks they have for each other. The smiles. Oh god their last kiss got interrupted. TIM COMMUNICATE. PLEASE. TIM. USE YOUR WORDS. NO DON'T. TIIIIM. It begins. Aaron no, don't. Aaron back away. I'm just going to yell at the screen this entire episode. Tim you pick up the phone right now and call your wife she is worried sick. Tim talk to someone please. Excuse me while I reach into the past and shake some sense into this fictional man and the people who wrote him this way. Is the LAFD the only ambulance service in this show? I'm trying to remember the last time an actual ambulance servic showed up to a scene. But maybe that's actually pretty common. I know they do have FD paramedics and they probably end up at a lot of scenes in a large area. Oh god she's wearing his shirt. TIMOTHY YOU CALL YOUR WIFE I SWEAR TO GOD. She's trying so much to give him space. To let him come to her. To be supportive. God this is going to hurt to watch again and in episode format. Tim please just change the show in this instance and call her back. Please. Go home. Go to your wife and rally your family to help you. Greer don't do this to him. Don't drag him back down. Let him live his new life. You have a family too. Don't do this. Ray really is psychotic. Who cuts a sandwich in half like that? You cut it in triangles. Sandwiches taste better in triangles. Also use a cutting board or a plate. I mean can't they just report that he's alive? Say 'hey, we thought this guy was dead but turns out he's alive, weird' and just not get justice for the rest of it? He'd still get punished for going MIA and faking his own death. They might not be able to get him on the stuff they lied about in the report, but they could still get him put away for a bit? Agggh I want to shake this entire show into a different reality. Wesley, he tries so hard. Wrangling a bunch of toddlers with guns at this point. Lucy and Aaron friendship. My heart. Stop taking these things away from Lucy please for the love of god. Greer, fuck off. Tim's moral compass, my heart. But also fuck you, Greer. You started all this and then you bailed and left Tim to pick up the pieces. You know he wouldn't be able to just leave it. Ugh, Monica. I do not have the energy for you right now. Lucy. TIM PLEASE TELL HER. But honestly yes, I completely 100% stand by Lucy in this response. I know we all wanted her to push him to tell her, to draw him into a hug and cuddle him and tell him it's okay, but what he's doing is not okay. He can't ghost her and lie to her and then come back and expect to curl up on the sofa. Anything less than that would be a discredit to her and insulting to her. He is the one who should be telling Lucy what's going on. Nolan, come on. We all know you're not there if she needs you. I do feel for Bailey so much right now. I know she agreed to it but honestly, yes. I work with kids, I look after kids professionally, I love my nieces but I am petrified of losing a child or being solely responsible for them. Which, given my job at the moment isn't the best but yeah. Luna, ultimate station mum/grandma. Please work your magic on Lucy. She needs a good mother figure. Oh Lucy. Part of me wants her to go searching. To try calling. To find him and push him into telling her. But it's not fair to her to have to do that. Tim please just call her. Please go home to your wife and daughter. Sidenote, Tamara and Lucy are just the cutest. Why would you also take that away from Lucy? Can you not let this woman have anything, show?! I do feel bad for Nolan and Bailey, but they were getting waaay to ahead of themselves with this.
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kindchenschema · 4 months
even their canon ones get sloppy treatment like helm/yasuda? incredible was a waste (why is helm even still there they clearly don’t give af about her) and monica/amelia never gave anything but blah. although i would take blah over the winston shit that was horrible. ik ur rejoicing 😭 bc you want kaimelia back and i love that for you (would love someone other than cristina to uphold their child free stance but im rooting for them resolve the kid thing) but i also don’t trust the writers not to slip a male in there while amelia ‘figures’ things out for like, that bisexual ‘rep’ or something idk. just a vibe i get.
also i so agree about catherine. they’ve always written her as cartoonishly evil but the actress pulls it off so well. everyone hates her but mean women are sexy sustain me and she’s never shit on my fave so she’s okay in my book idc lol. i kinda found everyone else boring this ep. jo/link esp. they need to be written off sooo badly because literally who gives a fuck. duller than dirt and idgaf about their fetus either like but other than zola and tuck, the kids on this show add absolutely nothing. 2/3
i'm honestly not that offended at how they treat lesbian ships because isn't that just... how they treat everything? bc the writing sucks and they won't touch the very sensible advice of "follow through with a storyline" with a ten foot pole. so
(but i think that's because 95% of my ships have never been canon and never will be, so i'm used to it. let's face it i'm simply more enlightened than the writers 😌)
oh girl i was cackling... i mean as a lesbian i was like damn y'all really baited us for the whole season (well they did like. the bare minimum. but) just to have her end up with this man .. like hmm okay supercorp if it did not slay and they had no chemistry and you bought katie mcgrath from wish
yes, back in s19 i fully believed they would resolve the kid thing. because i mean kaimelia's whole thing is that they're not an "ordinary" couple, like with amelia's speech to teddy about things not needing to be defined in order to be loved etc. like, scout already has two parents, sure it wouldn't be the traditional way of doing things but just bc you're dating someone who's a mom doesn't mean you also need to become a mom/dad. imo at least (but i know literally nothing and maybe this is wishful thinking because i'm only into 45 year olds)
you're so right, like nobody wants to watch that 😭 let amelia shepherd eat pussy 2k24 !
i'm like very anti-children and i hate that all my favs have kids EXCEPT for meredith/zola. i love zola. ever since she came onto the show she was the only kid i could tolerate and i grew to love her even. like she was sooo cute, so smart, never caused any trouble, i loved her adoption storyline, and now as a tween/teen she's also super adorable and a GENIUS like hello?? she rlly became a fav of mine these recent seasons because of the giftedness storyline and how the actress pulled it off (PLUS she's the OG merluca hater like it was sooo funny how much she hated his guts and ALSO inch resting how, when addison visited, she was super sweet and kind to her like ok zola really said meddison rights ! )
tldr she's just the superior grey's kid 🙌
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sadculturee · 10 months
Ratings: 6/10
Rating an MCU film, especially one with some of my favorite characters, a 6 felt personally painful to me. I didn’t have grand expectations coming into the theaters, knowing how poorly Marvel had executed their 4th phase, but 30 minutes in I knew I had to make my peace with the fact that “The Marvels” was simply badly written and poorly executed. An opinion that remains standing until the very end of the story. Iman Vellani aka Ms Marvel was the only good thing about the whole film, she delivered her character with her own unique pizzazz. Ms Marvel was a joy to watch and I truly hope to see her more in future MCU projects. 
Disclaimer: Minor spoiler alert and a sort of brutally honest rant from a Captain Marvel fan.
My first “umm?” moments came really early in the film, just when they were building up the story background. Our heroes were forcefully intertwined with each other, resulting in them having to overcome their differences and work out their powers in synergy. Watching this from an MCU-fan point of view, someone who has watched nearly all of MCU films/shows, I really did not get the tension they were trying to establish. I was still trying to grasp what was going on when the fight scenes and body swaps started.
I understand that they were trying to make it vague and mysterious for a “grand reveal” right before the climax, but it didn’t exactly do what it was supposed to. All it felt was: chaotic, incoherent, rushed in some parts yet too dragged down in others. I felt bamboozled by the constant light blasts and awkward attempts at comedy relief, not able to savor and enjoy any part of it. The music and soundtracks even felt weird, out-of-place and forced. It adds nothing to the story or the characters. 
There’s honestly not much to say about “The Marvels”. Random droppings of fan-favorite characters and a tease of a couple highly anticipated future projects were supposed to be a nice bonus on the side, not the sole highlight of the story (at least for me). Cameos and easter eggs used to be nice little bonuses fans got, but this time it's the only good thing we got.
I wished they raveled more about Carol and Monica’s relationship, instead of having them say a few emotionless lines, non-consensual memory evasion and then hug it out in a Disney fashion. This devoids all emotion and empathy from the audience, shrugging off the issue as meaningless, and the characters as hollow. The same case with Carol's relationship with Prince Yan, I imagine, was written as an attempt to add dimension to her character, to provide a human sense to her all-mighty powers. It felt more like a filler plot that adds nothing of value to the story. This, combined with the messy pacing, made the film even worse. 
I wish Carol showed more compassion for the people around her, actually thinking about what she’s doing and the impacts of her actions. A bare minimum quality ANY heroes should inhibit. Her initial reaction upon meeting Kamala for the first time felt out of character. I understand heroes have to make hard decisions during a crisis, but snapping at a literal child who simply wants to save people gave me the ick. It felt wrong in so many ways. And this is coming from a (self-proclaimed) hard-core Captain Marvel defender. These micro-interactions of her with Kamala felt like a complete butchery of her character for me. SOUNDS EXTREME I KNOW, but I’m actually pissed. This is not the Captain Marvel they introduced to us in 2019. This is not the badass superhero I fell in love with and rooted for. 
Iman Vellani's love and respect for her character and the original source materials (the comics) truly shows. Even with a bad script, a story struggling to build a clear foundation and failing to deliver a coherent climax, she managed to be the only main character who made the movie watchable. 
To sum up, did "The Marvels" deliver an enjoyable experience? To some extent, yes. Would I recommend this film to people who haven't seen it yet? No, even if you're curious, just wait until it's Disney+ release, it's not worth your money. If you're intrigued by the main characters, I implore you to watch "Ms Marvel" instead. It's unlike any other superhero series Marvel has ever done, so do not expect it to be in the same format as the superhero stories you grew up with, but it is really good. It explores Kamala Khan's origin story, her struggle with being a Muslim, brown, 1st generation immigrant teenager with reasonably high expectations from her parents and her new-found superpowers.  She's not depicted as the perfect, mighty hero we're accustomed to, and her flaws were actual flaws and not some weird exaggerations I’ve seen in others (for example: Loki/Sylvie Season 1) which makes her all the more interesting. Despite her weaknesses and teenage clumsiness, she always tried her best to help. Which, in the grand scale of things, is the core essence of being a hero. It felt personal and relatable. Like I’m living through her adventures.
PS: there's one after-credit clip you'd regret to miss, so stay put in your seat.
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teenageread · 1 year
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Review: The Bad Seed
There’s something special about eight-year-old Rhoda Penmark. With her carefully plaited hair and her sweet cotton dresses, she’s the very picture of old-fashioned innocence. But when their neighborhood suffers a series of terrible accidents, her mother begins to wonder: Why do bad things seem to happen when little Rhoda is around?
Originally published in 1954, William March’s final novel was an instant bestseller and National Book Award finalist before it was adapted for the stage and made into a 1956 film. The Bad Seed is an indelible portrait of an evil that wears an innocent face, one which still resonates in popular culture today.
Christine knew her daughter was special. Rhoda, daughter of Christine and Kenneth Penmark, was unlike her parents in many ways. She was neat, obedient, and the perfect picture of what a 1950s daughter should look like. She was polite, and affectionate when needed, and she could make her tears come when needed. Rhoda had mastered the art of acting, gaining adults' affection and always getting what she wanted. Always. With Kenneth away most of the time, it was just Christen and Rhoda, living in their apartment complex run by Monica, who placed herself as Christine’s best friend. When Rhoda did not win the penmanship competition, Christine told her daughter that it was okay, that it was the judge's call to make, and sometimes we do not get everything we wanted. Days later, police found the penmanship winner, Claude, dead in the water with his penmanship medal missing. Days later, Christine found the medal in a box of Rhoda’s treasured items and could not make the connection. Could Rhoda, peculiarly yes, but still her daughter, be a killer? But Rhonda is only eight, and children cannot be killers, can they? Taking on the role of if she is writing a story, Christine is digging into her own past, and the story’s about other children killers, to see if she can figure out if Rhoda really is a psychopath, and if she is how many people have she killed, and if she is not, is Christine losing her mind, accusing her own daughter of being a killer. 
William March took the world by storm when he released his novel about an eight-year-old killer in 1954. By today’s standards, it is not a shocker, as stories about psychopathy and child killers have been in all forms of media and are available for most of the public. Yet, in 1954 it was still a novelty concept that March took advantage of when he wrote this story. Titled because of the gene passed into Rhoda to make her a psychopath, March takes the narrative of the mother, Christine, who is described as a weak woman trying to do what is best for Rhoda and missing her husband terribly. Christine spends her time trying to figure out why her child is acting strangely, half believing her child could be a killer and trying to convince herself that Rhoda was sane and that these mishaps were just accidents. March takes the book into two subplot lines of Christine figuring out her past by working on her “book”, and the current activities of Rhonda, having them tie up neatly in the end leaving you with an ending that is appropriate but not one you wanted. March really makes you feel for Christine as our mother figure is going into complete crises about her daughter and is someone to just generally pity for what she must deal with. Leroy, as a minor character, was extremely integrating, besides his awful rape-y thoughts about Monica and Christine, but his perverted dialogue with Rhoda always made you on edge, waiting to see which one snapped first. Rhoda, March’s most developed character, was interesting to see the act because March makes it obvious that Rhoda is not normal, and even when they have announced Claude's death you know Rhoda had something to do with it. This girl with her two braids and sweet smile had a bloodthirsty side that March wrote about from the beginning. The plot and writing itself, do not have the shocking twist seen like in today’s writing, but slower and more thought out, thus having a mild pace despite its hard-packing storyline. Overall, as a book for the 50s it is good, with an interesting story arc, and fantastic characters, it is worth the read if you are in the mood for some child-killing action.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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survey--s · 1 year
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Did you get enough rest last night?  No, but that's my own fault because I knew I had to be up early and still decided to stay up on my phone until gone midnight lol.
What was the last thing that kept you awake?  The dog snoring.
If you have pets, do they sleep in your bedroom at night?  Archie does, but the cats stay downstairs at night otherwise they chase each other around like idiots over the bed at 3am.
Can you sleep with background noise or does it keep you up?  It depends - quiet talking is generally fine but I generally prefer silence or just the white noise of the fan.
Do you ever take naps? Do you take long naps or little power naps?  I only really take naps if I'm sick or have a really long day at work. They're normally less than an hour long.
What helps when you have trouble sleeping?  Watching random stuff online.
Who was the last person to cook you a meal? What did they make?  I honestly don't remember. Neither of us are really big cooks.
Who was the last person you cooked a meal for? What did you make?  Probably Mike when we had a roast dinner on Christmas Day lol.
Who is your female celeb crush? (If applicable)  I like Anne Hathaway and Amanda Seyfried. Also Meryl Streep in a weird, non-sexual way lol.
Who is your male celeb crush? (If applicable)  Johnny Depp.
Tell me about an interesting article you’ve read recently.  It wasn't an article really, but a story about a YouTube family who have been arrested for child abuse and neglect. It turns out loads of people (other family and viewers) have been trying to alert the authorities for years but nothing happened.
Do you have a favorite Marvel character?  I have no interest in supheroes.
Favorite DC character?  ...
Do you read comic books?  Nope.
Has a horror film ever actually scared you? Which one(s)?  Yeah, The Others really creeped me out the first time I watched it, hahah. I was underage though and decided it would be a good idea to watch it alone in the dark LOL.
What was the last horror movie you saw? I have no idea, it's not really my favourite genre.
What was the first horror movie you remember seeing? What did you think of it?  I don't remember. The Ring, maybe? I can't remember what I thought of it, it was over two decades ago now.
Name a few historical figures you find interesting. Why?  Nah, I don't have the energy for that right now lol.
What is your favorite historical film and why?  I don't enjoy historical films.
Do you usually enjoy historical films?  No.
Name a sequel film (any franchise) you like better than the first film. Why is that?  The later Harry Potter movies are all better than the first ones - with the exception of Goblet of Fire which is just awful, lol.
Which do you find most interesting: Greek, Roman, or Norse mythology? Why?  None of them, to be honest.
Which tale from whichever mythology you listed above do you find most interesting?  ----
Do you collect anything? What was the last item you added to that collection?  Jumpers and wax melts. I got some more wax melts a couple of weeks ago but I don't tend to buy new jumpers until about October-time each year.
Do you have any houseplants?  No.
How do you like your tea?  Milk with two sugars.
Who is your favorite Muppet?  I find the muppets incredibly annoying.
What is your favorite type of bird?  Penguins. < Yes. <--- same! Plus owls.
Which streaming platform do you use the most, if any?  Spotify, Netflix, YouTube, Prime. I use them all equally.
What is a skill or useful piece of knowledge you wish you’d learned sooner?  How to de-escalate a panic attack.
What is your favorite vampire movie?  None of them, lol. They're not really my cup of tea. I did watch the first two Twilight films but let's be fair, they were awful.
Your favorite fictional couple?  Monica and Chandler from Friends.
Do you have a favorite historical couple?  No.
Have you received any good news recently?  I wouldn't say it was GOOD news, but Mike is off work on Monday which makes my first day back at work a lot easier than it would have been otherwise, haha.
Have you learned anything new recently?  Nah, nothing's coming to mind anyway.
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader !!!
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader(Bestie)
Wanda Maximoff x Vision (HS exes)
Wanda Maximoff x Carol Danvers (Wives)
Monica Rambeau x Fem!Reader(Divorced)
Misery x Fem!Reader
Sad Beautiful Tragic (MW x Taylor Swift Series)
High School AU
Next Half
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Once your phone goes off, you reach out to shut it down, but the face illuminating your screen tells you that ignoring the call won't work well in your favor.
"Good evening sunshine!!! Piet and I will be by tomorrow at four to pick you up..." Your bestfriend, and business partner gleefully announces through the phone.
"Do I have to go?" You whined like a petulant child, as you pulled your blanket over your head in an attempt to block out the moonlight.
"Yes, now stop asking! We're going to show up looking fine as hell, and shove our success in all of their faces."
"Wands, sweetheart, with all do respect, I'm a divorcee, nearing her late twenties with nothing but a business to my name and a cat at home to give my love to. We both also know that Mr. Mittens would kill me if given the chance, so really what am I left with to show off...?"
"You have me, I love you, and most days I don't wish to kill you.."
"Well, I can't exactly show off my best friend, now can I?"
"You can though, Carol's going to be out of town, my parents will have Christina and Jackson, and I don't have social media so no one has to know the truth."
You giggle quietly to yourself at the mention of the beloved twins, the same ones that she named after a Grey's Anatomy binge session that took place as she was on bedrest. Carol's protests fell on deaf ears, and her glare fell upon you as you vehemently stood by Wanda's side.
"Me knowing is bad enough, plus I'm sure Monica will be there with her new husband, so she'd know too. I'd rather just show up as the pathetic loser who's so emotionally stunted by her first love, that she failed to move on."
"Nooo pity partying Y/N/N..." She tiredly singsongs, her Sokovian accent slipping right on through as she merges into a yawn.
"It's just known as a party for me." You sarcastically quip, and she loudly groans through the speaker.
"Get some sleep champ, I'll see you in less than eighteen hours." She concludes before promptly hanging up on you.
You roll over, acknowledging the late hour, and fall into a restless sleep, full of the memories of your high school years.
You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors, it's the morning of your very first day. You say "Hi" to your friends you ain't seen in a while, try and stay out of everybody's way
It's your freshman year and you're gonna be here, for the next four years in this town.
Hoping one of those seniors will wink at you and say:
"You know I haven't seen you around before."
The Summer of '13 had proven to be a great one for you, as puberty had finally done right by you. You'd finally grown comfortable in your skin, and it honestly showed in the way you walked through the hallways of your new school with your head held high.
You'd gotten to see most of your friends throughout the hallways, even catching sight of your oldest friend Yelena Belova near your set of lockers. Over the years the two of you had drifted apart into smaller subgroups, but you still mingled on the regular. Seeing her excites you though, because that should mean her older sister Natasha is enrolled here as well.
"Y/N Y/L/N! I didn't see you at any of the parties this summer!" The blonde greets you with a playful scowl, and you wrap her up in a tight hug.
"Yeah, sadly mom sent us kids off to Connecticut for the summer, we only just got back last week. She said something like 'you three are driving me crazy' and next thing I know I'm on a bus." You relay, and she gasps.
"My mom would never trust Natasha and I alone on a bus."
"Well, I can't really blame Melina, have you met yourself?" You laugh out, while slamming your locker shut, and quickly stepping back before she can slap you.
"Watch yourself Y/L/N..." She grumbles, but you can hear the playfulness in her tone.
"See you around Belova."
"Don't be a stranger!!!" She shouts after you, and you throw up a thumbs up, and smile widely the whole way to your next class.
First period had been super easy as it was English, and you like to think you knew that language very well. On your way to second period you'd had your head down, and unintentionally collided with Vision Stark.
"Hey, watch where you're going froshy..."
You rolled your eyes hard at the term, and then looked up to see his face change.
"Oh, Y/N, it's been awhile."
Not long enough...
"Yeah, I have been a bit busy, haven't seen much of Tony either..." You awkwardly relay, praying to some God that he'd step to the side so you could just get to your next class.
"Vis, who's this? I've never seen her around."
"I am Y/N Y/L/N, and you are?" You answer for yourself, not wanting to hear whatever it is the pretentious rich kid is about to introduce you as.
"Steve Rogers. Just transferred here at the end of last school year."
"Well, lovely to see you again Vis, and to meet you Rogers, but I do need to get to the D wing in less than two minutes."
"Nice to meet you as well."
"See you around Lezzy..."
There it is... What a douchebag...
You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail , and soon enough you're best friends. Laughing at the other girls who think they're so cool, we'll be out of here as soon as we can.
"Is this seat taken?"
You look up at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, curiosity peeking through as you try to place the accent, and you look to see a sweet looking redhead is patiently awaiting your response.
"Um, no, it's all yours." You squeak, feeling a bit bad for your obvious staring, but her gentle smile instantly calms your nerves
"You're new?"
"Well, aren't we all?" She jests, and you awkwardly chuckle at the painfully obvious truth.
"Well, yeah, I just meant that I've never seen you around before and it's a really small town." You quip, and she smirks playfully.
"I was just teasing, yes, I'm new. My family moved us here from California, but my accent, since you were clearly wondering, comes from my home country—Sokovia."
"I'm Wanda Maximoff, and that boy in the corner, flexing his noodle arms is my twin, Pietro."
You sneak a look in the corner, rolling your eyes once you see the girls he's trying to impress.
"He's barking up the wrong tree, those girls are especially mean."
"Mean is exactly his type." She cringes, then quickly turns her gaze to the front as the teacher calls for everyone's attention.
After class, your newfound friend follows you to the gymnasium with her brother in tow. The room is full of tables with sign up sheets, and you feel like a kid in a candy store at the overwhelming amount of options.
"Sestra!! I'm headed to the track and field table." Pietro announces, bouncing on his feet rather excitedly before taking off in a run.
"What a show off." She grumbles from your side, and you smile lightly.
"So, what are you into then?"
"I'm considering joining a sport, and two clubs."
"Woah, so we got a show off and an overachiever? Well, we will be a perfect trio then because I'm the girl who will join one club simply because my mom expects it of me."
"Lazy, just what I look for in a best friend."
"Maxi, are you sure this isn't moving too fast? We've only just met."
"Weren't you the one to just call us a trio? I'll find us the perfect club Y/N/N, don't you worry that empty little head of yours." She laughs out boisterously, booping your nose lightly before she takes off towards the tables.
"I think you meant to say pretty! Don't worry, I understood you." You shout after her before perusing through the many tables.
Absolutely not.
Dungeons and Dragons?
No thanks.
Gay-Straight Alliance?
Now why would anyone want to spend their time with the straights?! Maybe...
Seems gay enough, but you're not athletically inclined, so you'd be best to just move on.
As you go to walk on, your name being called pulls your attention up to see who's behind the table. Then a familiar face is rounding the table and pulling you into a hug.
Natasha Romanoff, older half-sister to your longtime friend Yelena Belova, the same one you've had a silly little crush on for the entirety of your adolescence.
"It's so good to see you! Yelena talks about you from time to time, but you never come around anymore, I'd thought you moved away." She relays, pulling back with a definite pout and your heart flutters at the mere notion that she'd missed you.
"It's been awhile for sure, sorry, mom kind of sent us away for the last two summers."
"Melina misses you, you know? She thinks you're a good friend for Lena, and she's right too, you keep her in check."
"Melina misses me?" You playfully question, and the redhead moves to deflect your obvious insinuating.
"So, you are interested in joining the softball team?" She chuckles in disbelief, because as long as the redhead has known you, you've always been the one shying away from physical activity.
"Oh, absolutely not, just trying to be seen as the kind of person who would partake in sports." You mutter with a playful smile.
"Good." She beams, and your face falls.
Natasha notices, and immediately lifts your face up by your chin so that she can look you directly in the eyes as she speaks.
"It's just, I'd much prefer a pretty girl such as yourself cheering me on from the bleachers."
Natasha smirks at the way you react to the simplest of flirts, and she chooses to continue to fluster you.
"However, you would look really amazing in the uniform so let me just put you down..."
Before she could even grab a pen you snatched the clipboard off her table, and ran off. Natasha took off after you and as soon as you made it out of the gymnasium she'd caught up to you. Grabbing you from behind, she playfully wrestled the clipboard out of your hands.
"On second thought, with all of that panting you're doing, I think it's best you stay in the bleachers." She laughs out, and the glare you send just spurs the laughter on.
You stood upright with a huff, and went to swiftly reenter the gym, but her arm holding out in front of you had stopped you.
"Y/N/N, wait."
"Why, so you can continue to tease me?" You say with your head down, and hands wrapped tightly around your backpack straps.
"No, silly, so I can ask you out..." She giggles, and your head snaps up to read her expression.
The genuine lift of her smile doesn't help to calm you, or the insane beating of your heart, because you're not entirely sure why a goddess like Natasha would even want you, but you're not going to miss this chance.
"So, what do you say pretty eyes, will you go out with me?"
"I- uh-Ye-yeah." You stutter out, and smile goofily in her direction, and her heart skips a beat at the way you're looking at her.
"Perfect! I'll pick you up this Friday at 5PM, wear something comfortable." She excitedly relays, before placing a kiss to your cheek, and leaving you a flustered mess as she rushes back to attend to her currently empty table.
"Hey... Are you okay?" Wanda asks, as she cautiously approaches your stilled body.
Your lack of acknowledgement should throw her off, but she just moves right passed it.
"Well, I signed us up for the Mathletes club." She nonchalantly states, and chuckles as your face contorts into a horrified expression
"You did what?"
"Ha! I was getting worried I'd have to take you to the nurse." She laughs out, then links her arms with yours and takes you both off to your shared fourth period.
"I actually did sign both of us up for the drama club."
"Not great, but not nearly as bad as mathletes so I'll let it be." You grumble, and she rolled her eyes.
"So what is it that happened to leave you stood like a deer caught in the headlights?"
"Well, I sort of ran into the girl I've been in love with since my late elementary days, and she just asked me out."
"Ooh... Who is she? Do we have any classes together?"
"Her name is Natasha, and no we don't, she's a junior."
"Oh no... Not an upperclassman... Be careful..." She warns, and now it's you rolling your eyes
"I've known her for years, and trust me, she's good people."
"You know, I've only known you for three hours, but shockingly I do."
You smile at her truth, then turn to face Mr. Wilson, before ignoring his teachings in favor of daydreaming.
And then you're on your very first date and she's got a car, and you're feeling like flying.
And your mamma's waiting up and you're thinking she's the one, and you're dancing 'round your room when the night ends.
"Shit, Belova, I'm literally stationed right next to you, no need to yell." You groan, shutting your locker, then widening your eyes at the sight of the glaring blonde.
"What's wrong?"
"You're going out with my sister tonight.." She states with a death glare, and prominent frown.
"Yeah, I-I am doing that."
"Don't let me catch you breaking her heart..."
"Yelena, I would never dream of it..." You frantically relay, reaching yours hands out to grip her shoulders as if that helps the situation.
"Oh, I know, I've seen the way you look at each other, but I still must threaten you as it's my sisterly duty."
"Are we good then?" You ask, while scratching at the back of your neck.
"Always..." She replies with a playful wink before running off towards her girlfriend.
That whole entire school day you'd avoided Natasha, hoping to hide your nerves, but you weren't so fortunate as she cornered you in the B wing when you'd been innocently drinking at the water fountain. She tapped your shoulder twice, and you jumped backwards with wide eyes, water now dribbling down your chin and onto your shirt. 
"Oh, pretty eyes, I never meant to startle you." Natasha coos, with a playful glint in her eyes to contradict her statement.
"Sounds fishy..."
"Well, you've been avoiding me all day... I'd had no choice but to catch you off guard."
"I have not..." You shriek, and she giggled at your horrible attempt at lying.
"Detka, lying isn't very ladylike..."
"Screw ladylike."
She snorts at your sentiment, finding herself lightly nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, you're right... Fuck being ladylike..."
"Now, back to why I tapped you, I was trying to get your new phone number. Yelena was actually offended that she didn't have it. I've texted you all week with no response, and I know my sweet girl would never just ignore me..."
"Oh my gosh, Natty.. I'm so sorry... I had dropped my phone in the toilet at my Nana's over the summer, and I lost all my contacts and then I keep forgetting to get everyone's number this week. It's funny too, because my mom had wanted to switch carriers anyways so she used it as a reason to do so. So that's why my number changed. I would never ignore you."
Natasha watches in amusement as you rambled on for what felt like forever, and she's hopeful that it'll be something you do tonight because she honestly finds it adorable.
"Here.." You sheepishly hand over your unlocked phone when you realize just how long you'd rambled for, and Natasha's smile widens at your background.
"Is that Boomer? This photo of you two is adorable... Send it to me please, for your contact photo..." Her eyes twinkle with a bit of nostalgia at the site of your cat, who'd she met a handful of times, and fell in absolute love with.
"Yeah, he um, he passed over the Summer. Mom called me to tell me, that's kinda why my phone ended up in the toilet..."
"Oh, sweet girl, I'm sorry... I know how important he was to you, honestly to the group, does anyone else know?"
You silently shake your head, Natasha decides to stop pushing, and instead to just pull you in for a hug.
"I texted myself, I'll see you tonight okay?"
You nodded against her, squeezing a bit tighter for just a moment longer before reluctantly releasing her and taking your phone.
"I'll see you later Natty..." You goofily smiled her way before continuing out of the block of classrooms so that you could walk home.
"Wanda! What am I meant to wear?!" You shriek to the girl as you walk home together.
"Y/N/N... She said comfortable, so just take a shower, put on a simple outfit, and do something cool with your hair. Don't be so worried, I literally saw her staring at you all week, the girl is already whipped."
"You're wild Wanda, she wasn't staring, and she's certainly not whipped..." You lightly chuckled at your new friend's statement.
"Seriously, Y/N, even I see it." Pietro pipes up, and you suddenly remembered he was present.
"The only person who doesn't see it is you, I literally heard that Yelena girl gagging when her sister mentioned you, I can only assume it was like the fiftieth time."
"Whatever..." You grumbled, then bid them farewell as you still had a couple blocks to go.
Natty ❤️
~Pretty eyes... Photo please? 🥺🙏🏼~
*Photo Attachment*
~More ? 😉~
*Of what?*
~You, Boomer, you with Boomer 🤷‍♀️~
*Lol.. Okay...*
*Photo Attachments*
*You send some too then, it's only fair. 👀*
~Download Photo Attachments~
~All you had to do was ask, see you tonight Y/N/N. 😘~
The photos she sent made your heart swell, as you scrolled through them. A goofy selfie caught your eye and you'd instantly set it as her contact photo. Then you saved the rest, as they included throwbacks of your group throughout the years. Before you knew it you'd made it home, and set off to get ready.
You sat on the living room couch, having finally settled on wearing a simple band t-shirt, a pair of bike shorts, your classic checkered vans, and settled on a front facing dad hat over your pulled back hair.
The doorbell went off, and you looked down to see it was only 4:45, and before you could answer it your mom already had.
"Natasha, it's been awhile, come on in..." Your mom greets the redhead with a side hug.
You'd quietly jumped up to see the nervous girl stood in your doorway with a bouquet of roses in her hands, as she anxiously teetered on the balls of her feet.
"These are for you." She quietly states, as she gently passes them to your mom with a sweet smile.
Natasha remembered how protective your mom was of you, having been around long enough to see your dad leave all those years ago. Her parents had been part of the main reason your mom even survived the sudden change. So, she was in her own way trying to let your mom know how serious she was.
"Thank you sweetheart, they're beautiful. Y/N's in the living room, please just have her home by no later than 9:30." Your all knowing mother gently relays, before setting off to place the flowers in a vase, and kiss your forehead before you leave.
"Will do Miss. Y/L/N. Mama also sent this over, and said she'd loved to see you soon." She says as she hands over a tupperware with some baklava.
"Oh, sweetheart, Maria is just fine, no need for formality. Please, tell her I said thank you, and I'm free next weekend."
"We're here..." Natasha singsongs as she pulls into the parking lot of the local mini golfing business.
"Mini golf?"
"No... Batting cages." She beams, and points to the side of the lot where they're located.
"Oh, so you brought me to your practice for a date then?" You tease, and her smile remains.
"No, I brought my beautiful date to a place I enjoy, so that I can share an important part of myself with her."
She jumps out of her truck, then excitedly bounds to meet you at your door to offer a hand in getting out. You overestimated your skills, jumping down while holding her hand, and she had to catch you before your knees buckled.
"Don't you even think about it." You groan, as you can feel her body shake with laughter, and watch closely as she bites her tongue.
Natasha pays for the hour session, then switches your hat out for a helmet. Without much warning the balls began to fly, and you wildly swung the bat, missing nearly every one.
"This is hopeless..."
"Y/N, it's only been a minute..."
"My arms are literally aching, how?!"
She laughs at your state, then moves to stand behind you, and quietly asks.
"Is this okay? Can I move you around?"
Too nervous to speak, you'd settled on a nod, within a moments time her front flushed against your back, and her arms wrapped around yours on the bat.
"Okay, keep your legs shoulder width apart." She instructs, then taps her toes against your heels until she feels it's suffice.
"Now adjust your grip, move your non-dominant hand below the other, then hold firmly so the bat is secure, but not too tight."
"Now, bend your knees slightly, rotate your shoulders so your tilted slightly inward, then make sure your bat is facing the sky."
You follow the direction, and prepare to swing.
"No, sweet girl, towards the sky, not on your shoulder." She coos, then readjusts you.
"Perfect, now let's work on your swing."
Natasha starts the machine up, and uses her body to rotate yours, allowing the first ball to come in contact with your bat, and repeating it a handful of times.
"Good, now let's see how you do."
Natasha stepped aside, setting the machine to intermediate, and watches your every move. As soon as the bat hit the ball, making the whooshing sound you'd dropped it and jumped triumphantly.
"Natty, I did —."
You groaned at the feeling of the softball hitting your abdomen, and the redhead watched you bending over in horror.
Great, she'd probably scared you away...
"Y/N... Are you okay?" She cautiously approached, and felt relieved when you just threw yourself in her arms in search of comfort.
"I'm okay Natty... Maybe just no more ball related sports for me."
"Sounds doable... Wanna leave to the next part of the date?"
"No, you paid for an hour, and I really want to see you take your turn."
Natasha smirked, then guided you to a chair before stepping up to the plate.
"Homerun!" You shout while clapping after the ball whizzes by you, and she giggles at your sudden enthusiasm.
Natasha returned the gear, and while she did you went and bought two water bottles.
"Here you are Natty."
"Y/N/N... This was supposed to be my treat..."
"It's a water bottle." You deadpan, and she defeatedly sighs while pulling you to the truck.
"Thank you..." She reluctantly whispers before shutting your door for you, then driving off to the next place.
It's silly, but the redhead just wanted to treat you to a full date all about servicing you, the water was harmless, and honestly a sweet gesture.
Your napping phase from when you were younger clearly never disappeared, because you had somehow drifted off for the twenty minute drive.
"Wow... Am I so uninteresting to you that you have to sleep to evade me?" She teases, as she jostles you awake.
"Natty, I require ten naps a day, you must remember this." You croak, as you stretch your entire body, then peep an eye open.
The lake—you hadn't previously noticed the picnic setup in the backseat, but now you were overtly excited.
"Thought we could eat some food Mama Melina made, and then watch the sunset."
You squealed in response, then pathetically crawled down from her truck, before resuming your giddy response and jumped around. Natasha just grabbed the picnic basket, then walked along the route to set it up, while she waited for you to catch up.
The night was spent mostly catching up, Natasha told you all about her first year here, and how she's excited to be able to guide you through yours. Her compliments of you never ceased, and you were pretty sure you were about to pop by how much she'd just inflated your ego. The two of you dipped your toes in the water, skipped rocks, talked about Yelena's crazy antics, and even brainstormed future dates.
"So, I got you a little something." She nervously sighs, and starts to fiddle with her fingers.
You gently linked your hands, smiling softly in an attempt to calm her, and it seemed to work as she matched your smile then handed the box over.
"Little? Natasha this is massive."
"Just open it..."
Inside the box was a heartfelt letter that nearly made you cry as you were reading it. Then there was a scrapbook full of photos from throughout the years, and there's honestly no way she'd just put it together. What really caught your eye though was the canvas painting of you and Boomer. It was in reference to your phone background, and it quite literally had you sobbing. The icing on the cake though was the kitten plushy, that resembled the calico in an uncanny way.
"Shh, I just wanted to commemorate the little guy, and help you grieve if at all possible."
You launched into her lap, she caught you with ease, and just held you while you cried.
"Do you do this for all the ladies?"
She scoffs, then pinches at your sides.
"You're the only lady I've got my eyes on sweetheart..." She genuinely replies, and you smile to yourself at the confirmation.
"It's getting late, we should get you home before the clock strikes twelve." She jokes, then lifts you, and the items around her with ease.
Your pouty lip drove Natasha crazy when she'd pulled up outside your house.
"No... Don't go..." You whimper, obviously delirious from your exhaustion.
"I'll see you soon sweets, let me walk you to the door..."
She lifted you from the truck in a bridal hold, before gently settling you beside her, and allowing you to use her body for support. Once you'd reached the door you turned to face her with a sweet smile, then you leaned in to peck her cheek.
"Thank you for tonight Nat..."
"No, thank you for agreeing to go with me, I'd been nervous you'd shoot me down."
"Don't be silly Natty, I've been crushing on you for years..." You shamelessly admit, clearly a side effect of the exhaustion.
Natasha smiles at the admission, and chooses to make her departure before you admit anything else in your tired state.
"Well, glad I wasn't the only one." She muses, before returning your gesture, and kissing your cheek.
"Get home safe Natty..." You sternly state, and she nods your way.
"How was it?" Your mom coos from the couch, and you nearly jump out of your skin.
"Magical..." You dreamily state as you make your way to plop down next to her.
"Natasha's a good one, so I don't doubt it. She looks at you like you're the only person she can see, so I trust her. Just be cautious with your heart sweet girl, life has a funny way of even ruining the best of things."
"Thank you mama, I love you." You beam, before hugging her, then setting off for bed.
You turned on Heart Attack by Demi Lovato, and danced around your room while getting ready for. Once you'd finished your nighttime routine you jumped onto the mattress and texted your favorite redheads.
Maxi 👯‍♀️
~That good huh?~
*Yes! I can't wait to tell you all about it on Monday!!*
~I'm going to be sick, sorry ... 😳~
*I can always bring some soup over tomorrow, then heal you with my happiness. 😉*
~See you Monday, Goodnight 😴~
Natty ❤️
*Hey Natty, did you make it 🏡?*
~Yes... I'm safe.❤️~
*Good!! Thank you for tonight, I had a really great time...*
~Me too! I can't wait to do it again next weekend.~
*Next weekend? 😯*
~Yes sweetheart, now get some sleep.~
*Goodnight Natty. 💕*
~Sweet dreams, angel. 😴 ❤️~
You fell asleep with a wild smile on your face, as you clung to the cat plushy she'd gifted you.
'Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them
When you're fifteen
And your first kiss makes your head spin 'round
But in your life you'll do things greater than dating the girl on the softball team
But I didn't know it at fifteen
Every weekend since the first one she'd taken you out, and this weekend she'd taken you to the first football game of the season. Wanda had vetted her outside of said game, and she played along very well with the outlandish questioning. Wanda had also started dating Vision, even though you had warned her he was a douche; she decided to want to learn the hard way. So, you settled on just being prepared for her inevitable heartbreak.
Natasha and Vision rounded up the snacks, while you and Wanda took initiative in finding seats near the back. The intention was to mostly just talk, and cheer along with the others when the time came. Even with your bags beside you, many students had attempted to take residence there.
"Please, move away from my girlfriend." Natasha politely announced her arrival, and the fierce gaze was enough to send the kid running.
You smirked at her, accepting the slushie and hot dog while moving your bag to the footwell. Naturally, her arm rounded your waist from behind, and your head fell to her shoulder. Wanda and Vis had finished their food rather quickly, and resorted to making out beside you—you're almost certain this was Vision's idea.
Vision left mid game to tend to "important" business, which usually meant saving Tony from ruining the Stark name. That left Wanda a bit sad, and more importantly without her ride home.
"You're not too far from Y/N, so really, it's not a problem at all Wanda." Natasha announces to ease your friends embarrassment, and she settles your bags in her passengers seat so that you'd sit with your friend without feeling bad.
"Thank you..."
"No need to thank me, it's the least I can do."
She'd quietly driven to a McDonald's first to grab you all a kids meal, and your stomach erupted with butterflies at the sweet gesture. You had felt her tense at the game when Vision basically told Wanda they could share the tiny bag of popcorn and handed her a water cup.
After making sure Wanda made it inside, she turned to you with a sheepish smile, and you immediately climbed over and into the passenger seat.
"That was really sweet of you Natty, I'll pay you back..."
"Absolutely not."
"You never let me pay for anything..." You pout, and she resists the urge to lean over and kiss it right off your face.
"And I never will." She laughs out, as she pulls onto your street, and then her laughter fades into a sigh.
"Never say never, I'll get you some day." You giggled and she just rolled her eyes before parking the car and turning to face you.
"I don't wanna say goodbye yet." She whispers, and you gently stroke your thumb across her cheek.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning..."
"I know..." She sighs, as she makes the move to help you out of her truck.
She wraps her arm around your waist, and spins you out of her truck, your giggles, and the feeling of your breaths against her collarbones literally drive her insane as you hide your face in her neck. Once your legs touch the ground, you made no initial move to pull away.
Slowly, you'd pulled away, as you did so your nose ran across her jaw, and she shivered at the slightest of touches. Your doe eyes bore into hers, and you're not entirely sure who initially leaned in, but you're eternally grateful as your lips met hers for the first time.
There was a gentle passion to the kiss, as Natasha allowed you to take the control. This was her first time kissing someone she'd actually cared about, and it was your first time ever kissing anyone. There was no rush to it, no pressure behind it, just an innocent connection between two young women navigating the world of romance. She smiled into the kiss as she felt you pushing to continue, even though her mind was becoming dizzy from the lack of oxygen.
"Detka, we can't forget to breathe." She chuckled out against your lips, and you'd pulled back to finally take a breath.
"Well, now I really don't want to leave..." She groaned, and you laughed boisterously before leaning forward to briefly peck her lips.
"Don't worry, there will definitely be more where that came from." You quip, with a wink before heading into your house.
The both of you walked away with painful smiles on your faces, that simply didn't fade.
Natasha knew she definitely loved you after about a month into the relationship. She'd always had love for you, but the butterflies in her stomach had been a new occurrence and she can't get over the overwhelming feeling. Now, you're seven months in, and she's more than ready to say it.
You'd been sitting in the bleachers with Wanda dozing off on your shoulders when she caught sight of you. Her cheeks tinted red at the sight of you in her jersey from last season, with a number one foam finger on your hand, and a confetti cannon in the other. Her heart beat that much faster once you winked and blew her a kiss as she stood up at the plate.
She took a steadying breath, then tapped the home base before raising her bat to signal that she was ready. The pitcher threw the ball, and it went straight into the glove behind her. Strategically psyching the pitcher out, so that on the following throw she could hit it out of the park. Her teammates were on each base, and one by one they all made it home while the other team scrambled for the ball. She was running as fast as she could, opting for sliding herself across the gravel, and sighing as she heard 'SAFE'.
Her teammates crowded her, lifting her up, but her focus was solely on the shrieking coming from the bleachers. She smirked as she saw the Sokovian's angry expression, as you'd jumped up to cheer her on. Then in a picture perfect moment you'd ran out onto the field, where she caught you, and spun you around before bringing you into a bruising kiss, that merged into a warm embrace.
"GO NATTY!!!!" You beamed, as you pulled back, shaking the foam finger, and blasting the confetti all over her head.
You giggled at her attempted glare, and snapped photos without hardly paying attention to if they were steady or not. Natasha couldn't hold back anymore, so she surged forward to kiss you once more, throwing her arms over your shoulder, and holding your head firmly in place.
"Y/N, I-um... I love you..."
You gasped, and your eyes immediately filled with tears at the overdue confession.
"It's okay if you're not there yet, but I just couldn't hold back anymore."
Your lips met hers in a clarifying kiss, hoping that she understood your shared sentiments.
"Of course I'm there, I've been there since fifth grade Nat..." You laugh out over your nearly uncontainable sobs.
"Natalia Alianovna Romanoff, I love you too."
“Now that this lovey dovey crap is concluded, can we please go for pizza?” Yelena groaned, and you turned from lover to see your gaggle of friends stood impatiently waiting.
“Malen’koye Der’mo…”
(Little shit)
“I’m telling mama…”
“Then who will buy your pizza?” Nat quips, as she slyly flips her sister off.
You wrapped your arms around the sisters…
“Play nice…” You warned, and the two of them straightened up, as the lot of you loaded into Nat’s truck.
6,196 Words
@beenicejoy @d14n4ol
LISTEN THIS SHIT WAS NEARING 10K and I wasn’t even done… So, Part 2 will be out later tonight, hopefully you enjoy this first half. 🤪
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emsemotional · 3 years
Can I go all social worker for a second here? Can I write an essay? Okay maybe not an essay, my next semester starts tomorrow and I’m already tired. But a discussion board post? On the ACE study (which you need to look up if you don’t know about it, it’s so interesting), strengths perspective, attachment theory and family development? Yeah? I’m so sorry, I know for a fact that this interests literally no one but me. But here it is, my self indulgent discussion board post on the power of positive relationship examples and early attachment/unconditional positive regard.
The fact that Franny, Liam and Fred get to watch Ian and Mickey learn how to be married and grow together as a couple is both incredibly sweet and it will play a major role in their emotional development. It’s beneficial to the whole family- none of the Gallaghers really know what a mature long term relationship looks like.
But those kids, especially the younger ones, get to grow and develop in a completely different context than the rest of their family. Sure, money’s still tight and they live in the same house. Yes, they’ve all experienced some significant Adverse Childhood Experiences. Exposure to drug/alcohol abuse, household members in the criminal justice system, parental death, divorce/separation. You name it, all the Gallaghers have experienced it.
But do you know why Liam’s already creating a completely new path for himself? And why I’m certain that Franny and Fred have the ability to do the same? Early secure attachment. They actually had a parental figure that they could rely on for basic needs and comfort.
While the older kids had Fiona, there’s really only so much a child can do, and I highly doubt any of them had any secure attachment in infancy/early childhood. That’s a risk factor in and of itself. That’s reason to believe that none of them fully emotionally developed in childhood. They were in survival mode, relying on Fiona when she could be there, and consistently being let down by Frank and Monica.
While Liam, Franny and Fred all had varying levels of exposure to Frank, none of them ever had to rely on them. By the time Liam was born, the older kids were able to work together to take care of him. For the most part, if Liam had a need, it was met. It wasn’t perfect, but it was met. He learned that people will keep you safe and that the world is generally friendly. He never had to actually rely on Frank for much of anything, he was more like a deadbeat, weird uncle who sometimes showed up to take him on wacky adventures. Then he’d come home, Fiona would have made dinner, Lip would help him with homework, and he’d be loved and protected by his siblings. It’s similar for Franny and Fred- I’d even go as far as to bet that they developed relatively secure attachments with Debbie and Lip/Tami respectively. Debbie and Lip learned how to care for others by modeling after Fiona and because they had been cared for by Fiona in their own childhood.
So developmentally, the three of them have already experienced some protective factors. But the whole family really lacks exposure to healthy adult relationships. We see it time and time again throughout the show. Fiona, Lip and Debbie all struggle tremendously with relationships. Lip and Tami are trying, but there’s a long way to go with them. Say what you like about season 11, but I think it was a realistic portrayal of Ian and Mickey learning what marriage means to them. How would they know? They have no prior experience, no positive examples. Not only are they learning what marriage means to them, but they’re learning what marriage looks like in general. And they’re growing! Together! Learning about compromises and communication and how to be on the same side. It’s huge! I could write a whole essay just on this, on their growth as individuals and together.
But I can’t emphasize the importance of the kids observing this. Not only do they have improved emotional development but they get to model future relationships after Mickey and Ian’s. Even though they’re learning themselves, they get to see long term love and see two people truly have each other’s backs. They’re partners, they have been for years. The kids get to watch them resolve conflict without the threat of separation- they’re on the same team.
And not only does this increase the kids’ likelihood of developing these strong relationships in the future, but it also speaks to the healing power of relationships, romantic or platonic. Mickey and Ian both have experienced tremendous amounts of trauma, and I will argue with anyone who says that their relationship hasn’t been mutually healing.
And I know these are fictional characters but I really do think that Shameless’ portrayal of generational trauma and abuse is incredible. There’s so much emphasis on strengths perspective and resilience and I love that it all fits. It makes sense- for both family and individual development.
I’m so sorry that’s been my Ted talk.
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Dutton's Holiday
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Request from @jayduttonx on Wattpad. Everyone is home on the ranch to celebrate the holidays where Kayce pops the question
Setting up the dinner table in the livingroom so a fight doesn't happen like all the other times. I smile hearing the front door open and in comes Beth and Rip with Carter. John stands in front of the fireplace smiling. Footsteps race down the stairs quickly for me to get a tight hug from Tate. More footsteps came down the stairs for me to see my boyfriend of two years, Kayce Dutton. He puts his black cowboy hat on his head lovingly smiling my way. This will be the first family Christmas for his family in years.
Kayce and I started dating after Monica didn't feel safe living on the ranch. I was hired as a farm hand alongside Teeter. I'd immediately bonded with his son Tate who he gets to see every other weekend when his mom is busy. Rip sits his hat on the back of the chair and Kayce does the same once we all sat down. John loved having his grandson and possibly grandson in his life. After the attack on the family he needed some joy in his household. The boys gave him what he was missing.
"The tree looks great Y/n." Rip spoke pointing to the decorated tree in the corner by the bright fireplace. I smile brightly loving when I got to decorate the house for Christmas when I was a child. "Thank you. Beth showed me where an old box of stuff was." Beth shrugs her shoulders taking another bite of food. "She seemed just as excited as I do when I fight with people." John shakes his head at his daughter's statement before eyeing my boyfriend. "Y/n, I love you." Kayce spoke smiling at me as I stare into his brown eyes. He gets up from his chair dropping down on a knee.
I gasped watching him reveal a small black box opening it to show a small ring. His brown eyes pouring into mine as he reveals. "Y/n, you gave me love when I thought I'd lost the only woman I'd ever love. But you've have a fun spirit, a passion for the holidays and always make sure Tate has fun. I love you, Y/n L/n. And I can't think of a better night than on Christmas eve to ask, will you marry me?" He has some tears in his eyes with the whole family watching us.
"Yes. Yes, Kayce of course!" I giggled in happy tears allowing him to slip the ring on my left hand. He gets to his feet slowly kissing me and I kiss back excitedly. "Daddy, it's snowing. It's snowing!" Tate rushed to the window causing us to break away seeing small white flakes of snow. Carter gets his coat rushing outside with him. Rip and Beth chase after them. John grabbed his jacket and we followed after Kayce and I. The small droplets of Snow covered the whole ranch as we stand on the porch. Kayce puts his hat on my head smiling down at me.
Carter and Tate bawl up some snow throwing one at each other. John joined in quickly throwing one at me I grin rushing down the stairs. Throwing one at each of the three still standing on the porch finally getting them in the fun. "You're starting to look like Santa, Kayce." I giggled as his brown hair started turning white from the Snow. He smirks tugging me to his chest by the belt loop of my pants. "Well then you'd be Mrs. Claus." Beth called out pointing up at the night sky seeing a shooting star. "Shooting star guys!" John tips his hat up grinning. "I bet it's your mom saying hi and congratulations."
"Sir, could we go inside its getting too cold out here." Rip asked pulling his jacket closer around himself. John headed back inside suggesting hot chocolate for all of us. As I'm about to step inside I feel Kayce grab my arm making me stop, raising a brow to him curiously. "What is it, Kayce?" He eyes me then something hanging above my head so I tilt it up seeing mistletoe. "Got ya cowboy. Merry Christmas Kayce." I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him. He rests his hands on my waist leaning down capturing my lips with his smiling. "Merry Christmas, Y/n Dutton."
Comment and reblog 🤗
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wndrcarol · 3 years
daddy’s favorite | ceo!c.d. pt. 6
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Daddy’s Favorite Masterlist
summary: working for your fathers company has its perks. But one of those perks is being able to gain connections.
a/n: more smut! Yes! Also I want to say thank you guys for all the love on this series! It warms my heart to know how much you guys are enjoying it so far and I- just thank y’all <3
pairings: Carol Danvers x F!Stark!Reader
au: CEO
other characters in chap.: Tony Stark, Sam Wilson + Natasha Romanoff (mentioned)
warnings: fingering, thigh riding, oral (carol giving, r receiving) dom!carol, sub!r, does contain smut so be mindful and 18+ please!
happy reading! x
After that night, you felt as though things were definitely heightened between you and Carol. It definitely wasn’t a business relationship anymore and that night wasn’t just going to become a one time thing.
You and Carol had begun to sneak around more, during the days and even nights. You’d skip out on meeting with your dad for dinner, using excuses like you had already made plans with a friend or you felt sick that night. Tony had begun to question why you were cancelling so much but didn’t want to think too much of it, having business consumed his mind with a heightened work season.
On the other hand, Sam had begun to watch Carols moves closely. He kept in close contact with Natasha, making sure she was in on it too because she didn’t want to see you roped into anything bad either and she wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to help out a friend.
Walking into your fathers office, you placed down the small stack of files on his desk before you looked up at him. “Here’s all the recent account you asked for, organized in months” you smiled at him as he just watched you, staying silent. You recognized the look but you dismissed it before continuing.
“Okay, I’m gonna take lunch now so if you need me just-“
“What have you been doing?” Tony asked you abruptly, cutting you off. You looked at him stunned before composing yourself and clearing your throat.
“W-What do you mean?” You stuttered out, mentally cursing at yourself. Tony looked down before getting out of his chair and making his way to stand infront of you.
“You’ve been acting sneaky” he said, crossing his arms over his chest and you felt small. You felt like a little girl again infront of a disappointed father. The pit in your stomach grew as all the guilt began to swirl inside. You wanted to tell him, say you were at least seeing someone so he would get off your case but you couldn’t bring yourself to, knowing he’d just want to snoop on who you were seeing.
“I know you’re seeing someone” Tony said, almost as if reading your thoughts. You looked at him with a shocked expression before he chuckled, leaning forward and grabbing your arms.
“I don’t care who you’re seeing. Just don’t act so sneaky and be safe, okay?” He finished, placing a kiss on your forehead before going back around his desk and sitting down.
“Now go get lunch before I make you bring me more files” Tony said, looking up at you, stuck in place before you nodded and rushing out of the room with a shaky breath.
Going to the elevator, your phone pinged as Carol sent you a message. You couldn’t help but smile at the text popping up while still feeling the sense of guilt swirl in your stomach.
C: Dinner tonight? Somewhere nicer than my office x
You chuckled softly, you stepped onto the elevator replying to her text with a ‘yes’ before putting your phone away and watching the numbers blink as the elevator descended.
It stopped on a few floors before and Sam stepped on giving you a warm smile. “Hey, (Y/N)” he said as he pulled you in for a side hug. Hugging him back, you both stood in comfortable silence.
“So” Sam started as you turned to him. “Any plans tonight?” He asked, looking at you as you smiled at him.
“Yep, got a date” you said looking back towards the doors in front of you as Sam felt his stomach drop softly, knowing exactly who it was. He wanted to tell you what Natasha had told him, wanting to save you from what you were getting yourself into.
“Hopefully not in the office again” Sam quipped as you gasped lightly, smacking his arm as he laughed out.
“Sam!” You said, letting out a small laugh as he looked at you, still slightly laughing. “I’ll have you know it won’t be in the office, thank you” you said before looking back towards the numbers seeing you were close to the ground floor.
“Hmm” Sam hummed, a smile still on his face before he got serious. “Just be careful” he said as you turned to him quickly with a confused look but the doors opened, signaling you to step out.
Waving at him, you walked away, his comment still swirling in your mind. You couldn’t shake off the feeling that you should take his advice.
To your surprise, Carol took you out to a local restaurant, living up to her promise of it not being in an office. It was nice to have dinner with her and get to conversation without having it to quickly escaped to having your hands all over each other.
Carol told you more about where she was from, her family and even touching on her accident she had, as you listened, taking her hand in yours and squeezing it softly whenever she’d speak about the accident. Carol admired that about you. You were a good listener as she expressed her background and for some reason it only made her fall a bit harder for you.
After dinner, Carol offered to take you to her apartment and you agreed, both a mix of nervousness and excitement swirled in you. It was walking distance from the restaurant so you had decided to walk, your arm looked through hers as you both talked abut the smallest things from music to places you’d like to visit.
One you reached her building, you followed Carol up and watched her give you a small smile as she unlocked the door. Immediately looking around, a small smile tugged to your face as Carol took off her jacket and began turning on the lights.
Carol’s house suited her. It simple, no bright colors or anything and it felt comfortable. There were some picture lined on a bookcase as you stepped closer, examining them. They were of her and another woman with a child as they were all smiling.
Carol didn’t have any personal things in her office that you could recall. She looked so happy in the photo, her smile was bright and you couldn’t help but find yourself smiling at the photo. You felt Carol move behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist as she laid her chin on your shoulder.
“That’s Maria and her daughter, Monica” she said as your fingers left the photograph you didn’t know you were touching.
“I’ve known them for a long time” Carol said softly as you hummed at her.
“Monica is adorable” you said, turning around in her arms and wrapping your arms around her neck as Carol hummed back at you before pecking your lips softly.
“She seems like the sweetest thing but don’t let her fool you. She’s trouble” Carol chuckled as you let out a soft laugh before she guided you towards the couch. Sitting down, Carol passed you a glass of water as you mumbled a soft thank you.
You both sat in comfortable silence before you reached for her hand, giving it slight squeeze as she looked up at you.
“Thank you for tonight” you said, a smile on your face as she nodded. “It was nice to have a date out the office” you giggled as she chuckled, squeezing your hand back.
“It’s my pleasure. Just thought I’d give you a proper night unlike having pizza in the office” she joked as you chuckled, taking another drink from your water before placing the glass down and turning back towards her.
Carol’s hand came to lay on your cheek, her thumb softly caressing the skin there as you leaned into the touch, your eyes shutting for a quick second.
“So beautiful” Carol spoke softly as she began to lean in. You followed her movements until your lips pressed against hers, letting out a soft, low moan as Carol pushed you back onto the couch softly.
Hovering over you, Carol pulled away looking at you as your hands moved up to her hair and pulled her back down, pressing your lips roughly against hers this time. Soon, Carol’s hands moved up and down your waist, moving to undress you.
Her touch was soft and the feeling only made you moan into the kiss. She pulled away once more as she helped you kick off your pants and shirt, leaning down to your neck and placing soft kisses against your neck as her fingers moved to your thighs, dragging up and down against the skin.
“Carol” you breathed out, as her hand moved between your thighs, tugging your underwear down your legs before hand moved your legs apart. Carol pulled away from your neck and began kissing down your body. Her actions tonight made your head spin. They were complete opposite from how they were the other nights where’d she’d be rough with you, fingers digging into your skin where’d there’d be slight bruises.
“So pretty” Carol hummed against your skin, moving closer between your legs before she inserted two fingers into you, beginning to thrust them slowly. You let out a moan, your hands gripping onto the fabric beneath you, sliding down slightly to get more comfortable.
“Look at you” Carol said, continuing to pump her fingers in and out of you picking up the pace, watching you arch your back off her couch, a string of moans leaving your mouth.
Carol leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against your clit, making you whimper as pleasure shot through you. She then began to suck softly against your clit as your hips lifted up slightly into her mouth. Carol’s free hand moved to push you back onto the couch.
Your head felt fuzzy again, the pleasure shooting through you made you feel helpless as you felt the familiar knot come back. You felt a bit embarrassed as to how quick you were building up but you were too much in a daze to focus on that.
“So easy to unravel for me, hmm? Such a good girl, taking my fingers so well” she said, humming against you, sucking lightly as you felt the knot begin to get tighter.
“Carol-“ you said before you felt her fingers slip out of you, making your whimper and look at her. She moved her hands to your hips, helping to lift you off your back as she moved to sit up.
“Come on” she said, patting her thigh. Whimpering at the thought, you moved over, straddling her thigh as you lowered down, moaning out to the new friction. You could feel the fabric of her pants begin to become soaked as you sat there.
“Finish yourself off, pretty girl” Carol said, placing her hands on your hips and squeezing lightly. “Let me see you ride my thigh”
Moving your hips forward and back, your head tilting back as a moan left your lips. Carol watched you in awe, the sight making shivers run through her body. It was so erotic but so beautiful seeing you like this.
You gripping onto Carol’s shoulders as you moved quicker, the knot in your stomach getting tighter as Carol squeezed your hip, helping you to grind down onto her thigh.
“That’s my girl” she said, taking a hand from your hip and tilting your head up to look at her before she pressed her lips softly against yours.
As you ground down again, you pulled away and let out a gasp followed by a moan as your orgasm washed over you. Carol’s hand continued to guide your body slowly on her thigh as you let out a string of moans and whimpers, your body slightly shaking.
You looked at Carol who watched with a smile on her face before she kissed you once more. Your hands moved up to entangle in her hair before she pulled away. “Let’s take this elsewhere”
You stirred in your sleep, turning over to see Carol’s side of the bed empty. You tugged the blanket over your naked body as you heard Carol’s voice outside the door. Slowly, you got up, grabbing the blanket with you as you covered yourself, getting closer to the door until you heard Carol’s voice better.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got it handled. Leave it to me” Carol said before hanging up. Carol walked back into the room and saw you standing there. She quickly gasped before letting out a breath as you looked at her confused.
“Everything alright?” You asked, wrapping the blanket you tighter as you felt chills run through you from the cold air. Carol gave you soft smile, a nodding her head.
“Yeah” she started, moving towards you. “Just business” Carol said, coming up and pulling you in, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You hummed in response as you smiled at her before you both made your way back to the bed. Carol laid behind you, wrapping her arm around you before she drifted back into sleep.
But you couldn’t fall back to sleep. Sam’s words swirled in your mind again. You knew you were going head first into something and you couldn’t help but be scared by what was going to happen.
feedback is appreciated!
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if you’d like to be removed or added to taglist, lmk! :)
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