#and I look like trash today
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DAY 133: ive been listening to the song rabbit hole on repeat its really good. wait does this even count as a dress? you know what it does now whatever man,, <- there is like an hour or so left in the day im not drawing something else.
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starfleetwitch · 9 months
This year's hottest couples halloween costumes
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veronicathegoddess · 1 year
april's fools is canceled this year cause for me there's no greater joke than the men i've slept with
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btwn2lungs · 1 year
what i actually love about kazuki is that he cannot dress, like at all. i don't think he could put a good outfit together even if his life depended on it.
just look at his shoes! are they hiking boots? are they snow boots? are they some sort of construction boot? i don't know and I don't even think he knows (he doesn't care. they're functional and thats all that matters!) and i find that so endearing about him.
IMAGINE if he could cook, clean, AND dress??? he would be too powerful. God said "you can pick 2" and tbh he picked the right choices because rei likes him just fine, fashionably illiterate as he may be, and thats what matters most.
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polaroidcats · 3 months
oh my fun saturday night plans? organising my embroidery threads!
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sivvan · 2 years
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@userdramas​ event 01: (one of my) favourite kdrama[s] + favourite kpop group
↳ seventeen (hug) + if you wish upon me
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allylikethecat · 1 month
Hey! I’m sure you did some already at some point in here but after Fridays adorable atkh date chapter I’m desperate for more scenarios of fictional Matty and George together so do you have any more sickfic hcs for atkh? Both characters are rlly different than they are in all the other fics
Ahhh first off, thank you so much for reading! I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying All the King's Horses and how fluffy Friday's chapter was! I've talked about ATKH head canons before- they can be found HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. The most important being that Fictional!Matty is a blue raspberry vape enjoyer, obviously lol
In terms of more sickfic head canons for those two... hmmm
Fictional!George is for sure more dramatic when he is ill/injured, he really wants Fictional!Matty to like take care of him? But honestly Fictional!Matty doesn't really know how? No one ever took care of him so why should he be taking care of anyone else? Like he doesn't mean that in a malicious or ill willed way at all, but like being vulnerable is embarrassing why would you WANT someone else around to see that?!
Meanwhile, Fictional!George tries really hard to take care of Fictional!Matty when he's unwell, but it's hard sometimes for him to even know when Fictional!Matty isn't feeling great - he hides it very well, is maybe a little more snappy (which isn't like him at all) but nothing major - he's also extremely uncomfortable with Fictional!George taking care of him be just doesn't know how to accept that kind of care / help
The biggest thing though, is that sometimes Fictional!Matty's back will bother him, maybe he twisted the wrong way in his sleep, maybe he was riding a horse that was a little special, maybe Fictional!George got a little too rough in bed, whatever, something has triggered it and Fictional!Matty would really like to just lay on an ice pack on the floor and feel sorry for himself in private (especially because even though he's been clean for two years, that's when the urges and cravings are the worst, it would be so easy to just take something and make the actual physical pain that he is very much feeling stop.) Slowly, eventually, maybe, he'll start to realize that Fictional!George wants to help him because he cares.
Thank you so much for reading and for like being interested in head canons about these two! This version of Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George are so special to me and so different from any of the others I have written and I love them SO MUCH and I'm just so grateful others have been so accepting and welcoming of them too!
I hope you continue to enjoy ATKH and that you are having a wonderful weekend!
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theygender · 4 months
The management at my old apartment stole my fucking bike
#apparently theyve been mass 'confiscating' bikes off peoples porches without telling anyone that theyre taking them#i dont know how long mine has been gone bc i didnt notice it was missing until i went to load it into my car to move it#but if its been more than (i think) 30 days then it would be considered forfeit and they would have already sold/claimed/trashed it by now#my gf and i saw a whole pile of 20+ confiscated bikes near the maintenance building but it doesnt look like mine was in it#i called them today to ask about it and they told me that for them to look for it i would need to provide a photo to prove its mine??#its MY bike! you stole it off my porch. how tf was i supposed to know that i needed to take a picture of it beforehand#they told us we can go check out the pile so me and my gf are gonna go look more thoroughly now that we're officially allowed#but if its IN the maintenance building we wont be able to find it#and if they already sold it or took it home with them or threw it away then it also wont be there#and i cant even ask them to confirm when they took it / if its already gone#bc it looks like theyve been doing this with dozens of bikes over the past few months so how would they even remember one specific one#what the fuck#rambling#also to be clear: they arent being confiscated BECAUSE theyre on the porches#the bikes are supposed to be under the stairwell and thats where mine was#my neighbors who leave their kids bikes piled on their side in the yard got to keep theirs#theyve been doing unscheduled porch painting without any sort of warning or notice on and off since like december tho#so my only guess is that they decided since they werent giving us any notice to move our stuff off the porch ahead of time#they decided to just move straight into confiscating everything off of the porches and hoping no one would call them out on it#which is fucking bullshit
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inkykeiji · 8 months
boyfriend’s hoodie + cute leggings + classic vans = the ideal grocery shopping outfit ♡
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shima-draws · 10 months
To everyone messaging me in concern about icing my back: Do not fret!! By ‘direct contact’ I did not mean just slapping ice on my back lol I put it in a ziploc bag and then applied. But even that was a bit too cold so I used my shirt as an extra little barrier :’)
I’m probably gonna get one of those special little pillows with the beads inside that you throw in the freezer 🤔 Anyway thank you all for the kind messages and suggestions it means a lot!! Super glad there’s people out there that have experience with this kind of pain and know the best way to handle it
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downfallofi · 20 days
It didn't sink in at the time, I mean these things never really do, but being told by my sister that my art has "plateau'ed" and that I need to seek out life drawing classes because I don't want to quote, stagnate, has about the same delayed poison as my father telling me when I was 17 that all I draw are cute lil' cartoons but ya can't pay your bills with cute lil' cartoons.
Both obviously trying to sound constructive and yet, tone deaf and crushing, gosh sure do hope this doesnt slither into my brain and I don't draw anything else for another 8 years but.
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there-will-be-a-way · 10 months
Bro, my (ex) roommate (who I successfully kicked out) literally pissed in my bed. He pissed. In my bed. In my bed.
And into the bathroom sink too.
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I kind of miss getting to know the interior of other people’s homes. So many of my friendships in adulthood are distant, or long distance/only talking over the phone, difficult to make actual plans with because of Real Life Schedules Now, etc. etc., but like in school and stuff as a kid you can just hang out at someone’s house for a few days, have a sleepover every weekend, etc. etc. I still remember the interior of all of my childhood friend’s homes, I remember all the details to the rooms and the layout of the yards and etc. etc. There’s just something kind of neat about Knowing another person’s housing space, what the décor says about them, the history of how they came to live there and their household routines and what it’s like, etc. I feel like it can be an important part of really deeply understanding someone so it’s weird to talk to and vaguely know a handful of people, but also not even know what their bedrooms look like or how they organize the dishes after washing them or etc. etc. 
#'intrictae knowledge of another person in an extremely mundane way' my beloved#i also just really love looking at interiors like I'm fascinated with how people decorate their own spaces or what they have aorund#in the environment and what it says about them. Does anyone else snoop the backround of photos and videos and stuff?#like if theres a youtube video or a picture or something anyone posts and it has like a candid normal indoor space as the background#I'll pause or zoom in or whatever and really try to look around. see what's there. just make observations#not in a crerrpy way but just like.. idk I feel like it Says Something. I also love seeing people's computer desktops and phone screens#amnd looking at how they organize their apps or files or what aesthetic they give things. If I'm wathing someone play a game and they#accidentally exit to the desktop or something I always pause and try to see whatever I can glean from it lol#Bedrooms. Phone screens. Desktop of a computer. Also real life desk top that the computer is sitting on. etc. These are all spaces that are#mostly organized by and utilized by really just the ONE person themselves. like nobody else is going to usually be using your#computer or your bedroom nightstand. it's your space that you don't have to think about anyone else interacting with so they way you organiz#e and decorate it is very personal and Just For You. something about spaces like that are so interesting to me like in telling#little tiny details about someone and stuff. And also on a borader scale I just love thinking about how like. you could give 5 people the#same exact space and each of them would organize it and decorate it completely differently. and all of it would be an indication of their#tastes and personality and lifestyle. I used to want to be an apartment complex maintenace man because I would get to enter into everyone's#identical layout apartments and see how different they all are and what variety of things people have done to customize the same space#and what it might say about them or etc. etc. etc. Also probably weird but sometimes when throwing something away#I'll look at people's trash a little like if I'm in a realative;s house. which literally gives no important information but I love little#details like 'oh someone in the house had a snickers bar earlier today.' 'oh they bought a lightbulb I wonder which of the lightbulbs#went out' and then I look around the house at the shapes of the light fixtures or if there are any other clues (like a screwdriver or#ladder nearby) to see which one it is or etc. etc. ANYWAY .. idk..#one of my Big Fascinations. I just love seeing people's personal spaces and knowing little obscure mundane details that#dont matter really but it Matters To Me just because I love gathering every miniscule tidbit of data about anything in any situation#whether it's relevant or not. seek knowledge just for knowledge's sake I guess lol. Maybe thats an enneagram type 5 thing or something#else lol. ANYWAY.. thought about this because I have such a strong compulsion to ask everyone I know like long distance friends#for pictures of their bedrooms and phone screens and desktops but also for people who don't have the same Weird Interest In Interios#*Interiors and stuff that I do I feel like that just comes off extremely freakish ghbjhbb#I PROMISE IM NOT GATHERING DATA ON YOU! or like.. I am. but not maliciously. just in a manner of earnest detached intellectual fascination
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limielle · 8 months
idk i feel like so much discourse could be easily minimized if people learned to say "i think" instead of "it is"
#like “i think this is a bad game” is way less abrasive/aggressive than “this is a bad game”#do u know where im going w this like#it's literally 2 extra words and it could avoid like 99% of confrontation#ofc there would still be people who are like “omg how can u hate smth i like ur trash” but idk i feel like so much of this discourse u see#on twt especially#is like ? just people being deliberately aggressive abt stuff they dont like to antagonise others and then going “its just my opinion”#and it's hard to read tone online so it's often hard for me (and im sure for others ?? idk actually) to read whether or not sm1 is being#like. just sharing what they think vs them trying to bait out people who will defend smth they like#idk ive been trying to find ffxiv people to follow bc getting back into the game and finally being confident in my art to draw for it also#has me looking for ppl to follow but i wanna avoid the big livetweet first time experiencers and unfortunately that leaves#a lot of people who are afraid of dawntrail/unhappy with the current patch quests#of which i am neither and i also dont want to log on to the internet every day just to see ppl shitting on things u know ?#and i have seen a LOT of like#'x sucked' and 'fandom lacks critical reading skills' and whatnot#but then u see what theyre talking abt and all theyre doing is shitting on the game itself or going 'x expansion was mid'#like . if u stopped phrasing ur opinions as objective fact i feel like maybe ud avoid half those arguments id k???#just words#SORRY im talkative today the truth is i worked on a drawing veyr hard and i do not have the strength to colour it but it will not look good#without colour and i feel like i cant move on without it so i went and replayed shadowbringers instead and cried a lot#and now i have lots of icarus feelings again#WOW loiok at me writing an essay out here i overshare so much im sorry
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