#sick fic headcanons
allylikethecat · 5 months
Hey! I’m sure you did some already at some point in here but after Fridays adorable atkh date chapter I’m desperate for more scenarios of fictional Matty and George together so do you have any more sickfic hcs for atkh? Both characters are rlly different than they are in all the other fics
Ahhh first off, thank you so much for reading! I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying All the King's Horses and how fluffy Friday's chapter was! I've talked about ATKH head canons before- they can be found HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. The most important being that Fictional!Matty is a blue raspberry vape enjoyer, obviously lol
In terms of more sickfic head canons for those two... hmmm
Fictional!George is for sure more dramatic when he is ill/injured, he really wants Fictional!Matty to like take care of him? But honestly Fictional!Matty doesn't really know how? No one ever took care of him so why should he be taking care of anyone else? Like he doesn't mean that in a malicious or ill willed way at all, but like being vulnerable is embarrassing why would you WANT someone else around to see that?!
Meanwhile, Fictional!George tries really hard to take care of Fictional!Matty when he's unwell, but it's hard sometimes for him to even know when Fictional!Matty isn't feeling great - he hides it very well, is maybe a little more snappy (which isn't like him at all) but nothing major - he's also extremely uncomfortable with Fictional!George taking care of him be just doesn't know how to accept that kind of care / help
The biggest thing though, is that sometimes Fictional!Matty's back will bother him, maybe he twisted the wrong way in his sleep, maybe he was riding a horse that was a little special, maybe Fictional!George got a little too rough in bed, whatever, something has triggered it and Fictional!Matty would really like to just lay on an ice pack on the floor and feel sorry for himself in private (especially because even though he's been clean for two years, that's when the urges and cravings are the worst, it would be so easy to just take something and make the actual physical pain that he is very much feeling stop.) Slowly, eventually, maybe, he'll start to realize that Fictional!George wants to help him because he cares.
Thank you so much for reading and for like being interested in head canons about these two! This version of Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George are so special to me and so different from any of the others I have written and I love them SO MUCH and I'm just so grateful others have been so accepting and welcoming of them too!
I hope you continue to enjoy ATKH and that you are having a wonderful weekend!
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ohmygraves · 8 months
sick!ghost is so stubborn, refusing to drink his meds and insisting on going to work.
"i've got reports to do," when he's clearly just complaining about his buttload of paperwork the other day.
"those recruits would get in trouble," when johnny told you that ghost yelled at the recruits being dumb that they were cowering in fear because of his scoldings.
"old man needs me," when price literally told him to just stay home instead of getting the entire base sick with his cold.
so, you forced him to stay in bed. somehow.
it was a lot of wrestling with him, fussing for his health and damn near tackling him back under the blanket. you were so convinced at one point that you'd have to restrain him, but at some point he was too dizzy to even get up and walk around, so that sort of helped you.
you didn't want him to force himself until his cold got worse, so you stayed behind too, taking care of him. sitting by his bedside, listening to him grumble about how annoyed he is that he can't go to work, or how he is pissed that he's so dizzy and his sinuses are blocked and his throat felt scratchy... it was just endlessly complaining for him, that he didn't even notice you just caressing his hair softly, nodding along hearing his ramblings with a small smile on your face.
"'mmfine... s'not tha' bad..."
"baby you almost fell while making tea... i can't let you go out like that..."
"'mmfine... i promise..."
you make him some soup, something warm and filling, yet also light for his stomach. he would need it to take his meds. as much as you hated seeing him being so stubborn while he's sick, you hate it more when he's so sick that he couldn't even get up.
when you returned to the bedroom with a bowl of soup and some meds, he was sleeping, snoring away as he splayed all over the bed. you fixed the blanket for him, hands slowly caressing his hair and face to wake him up.
"simon, wake up. i made food. eat a little, okay?"
"mm... no..."
"come on, please?"
suddenly the stubborn man turned clingy, getting spoonfed some soup as he pouts, curling up in a blanket burrito. you patiently feed him, blowing on the food in case it's too hot, and smiling when he finishes everything.
"wasn't so bad, huh?"
"mm... whatever..."
you gave him a kiss on the cheek, handing him a glass of water and some meds. this time, he obediently drank his meds like a good boy.
secretly, he likes being taken care of like this. perhaps he hopes that he gets sick again soon, so you can dote on him more.
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astralnymphh · 1 month
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sick!ellie is the best, and irrefutably the worst menace. hot soups and action movies in bed did not endure this girl well enough, for a strange wellspring had infected her with energy aplenty. how exactly did she dispense that energy? by making you the object of her sick-in-bed entertainment!
“come here, babe. i won't get you sick.. please?” she would strainingly call out to you, her lanky arms at a stretch outwards, reaching for air she hopes becomes the shape of you in her hold. “just one cuddle for the sick girl?” she ended with a horrid and snotty sniffle, conflicting to her convinces. you cringe to admit it, but you complied each time; it was more than just one cuddle for the sick girl. it lasted throughout the hollow night and resulted in interrupted kisses in the dark. obviously, from sneezing: starting with sweet sensations puckered on your neck, to the inevnitable retreating, eyes unevenly squinting, and guttural, “ahh—choo!” that was shoved into the split ravine of pillows.
“sorry babe,” she would stuffingly drawl and slowly lift her ditzy face up, freckles popping like text in a book from flesh vampirically drawn of life. “did i accidently get it on you?”
then there were the retro 'n robust action movies you managed to tuck her down for. was she at all complying? well, halfway! to spell it out: locking her eyes with the screen at random and pity intervals, sticking spoonfuls of hot soup indeed into her mouth, sometimes into yours. “here comes the annoying, screeching pterodactyl!” she spoke in theatrics, swooping and wooshing the spoon carefully through the air until she nudged it to your mouth. god, this girl acts so stoned when ill. “save it for our kids, alright?” you ply the spoon from her fingers, feeding it into her cracked-open lips instead. “wait—wait, babe, did you say kids?” she nicks the lopsided spoon from her mouth, perked up as a sunflower. “you wanna have kids?”
neither one of you could abandon those vulnerable times, however. sunken lightly into the edges of something blue as morning glory, there was the empty residence of burden. having the flu is a simple, prosaic thing, but it creates a stump in time nevertheless. “sorry for wakin' you up like that i just.. mhhn, just felt it rush, y'know?” the trills of her exhausted speech echoed softly in the bathroom, a chuckle afterwards muddled in the basin of the toilet bowl. “don't want you to feel like you have to come in and hold my hair back everytime. maybe i should start tying it up?”
ellie made light of these situations to eradicate obligation and sentimentality. it took time out of your day, your night; she has this under control, she insists. but you kneeled beside her anyway, collecting her hair in the webs of your thumbs and reciprocating her weak grin, rubbing the warm hill of her upper-back as she plunged those retches right back in. “such an idiot, ellie,” you commented after, brushing thin baby hairs from the frail and pale color of her cheek. “why can't you take yes for an answer?”
“pshh—” she blows from her mouth, amused and propping up on crossed arms. “cause i like being taken care of by you—way too much.”
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sick and silly ellie is one of my weak spots, i think. ohh i have so many ideas for her.
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inkdrinkerworld · 19 hours
Remus doesn't love when you get sick, he hates seeing you with a red raw nose and a fever but he loves how you act when you're under the weather.
You're usually his independent girlfriend when you're fully healthy, but the minute you're even a bit sniffly, you can't lift a finger for yourself and he loves that he can take care of you.
"Remmy," you whine, shoving your face into his chest as he helps you sit up in bed. You'd be wrecked with a fever over the night and Remus had been a diligent doctor and placed a cool rag on your chest and back and had you bundled up all night.
This little routine had gone on all morning when he realised that the fever never broke fully.
"My love," he responds, smiling when you lift your head with a shy smile. "What can I do for you?" He pulls the rag from behind you, feeling the back of your neck and finding the fever reduced but not gone.
"I just want a cuddle and a kiss." Remus pouts, smearing a kiss to your forehead, cheek and then your lips and pulls you a little closer to him and squeezes you tight.
Remus smiles over your head, especially when you nuzzle closer to his neck and shift your body to his lap. "Better?" he asks, amusement colouring his tone as he moves his hands around you to hold you better.
"A little," you're too nasal for your liking. You hate being ill. You hate it more than anything in the world, but your job gets you sick every term. "Do we have vegetable soup?"
Remus hums, "I can make you some. With beef stock?"
You perk a little, leaning back to look at him with your bleary eyes. "And lots of egg noodles."
Remus nods, "But you have to take all your medicine." That deflates you instantly and he chuckles at the way you grimace. "Baby, you have to."
"But I don't want the syrup." You sound petulant and whiny but you lean even more into Remus, like you can hide away yourself in him and it makes his heart stampede in his chest.
"I won't give you the syrup, babylove." he pushes back your sweaty hair and kisses your forehead, frowning when he feels your fever again. "However," and at that you whine again, holding onto his neck as if it would save you from whatever heartbreaking news Remus was about to tell you.
"Rem," you cut him off and he shakes his head, only a little stern as he speaks again.
"You'll have to take something for your fever and they won't be the gummies you like. They'll more likely be tablets."
You sniffle wetly, congested making you sound worse as you speak. "Just two?"
Remus nods and pulls you from his neck, wiping the tears that tumble down your cheeks. "Just two. Give me thirty minutes to get everything together and we can have a cwtch and watch a show while you eat."
You nod, kissing Remus' wrist as you climb out of his lap and lay on the bed. He tucks you in and sets a cool rag on your chest just before he leaves and heads to the kitchen.
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writtenicarus · 1 month
and while you're bleeding on your back in the glass (regulus) i'll be glad that I made it out, and sorry that it all went down like it did (sirius)
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thehauntedetheral · 2 months
Hello! Since i saw ur bio that you take requests and i want to ask for a yandere boyfriend that wants to marry you immediately since you guys were at the right age, (hes 21 and the y/n is 20)
And I'm going to add something, like the boyfriend gets too jealous whenever there's other boys are looking at y/n or other people
(i don't know if you take baby fever? kind of thing, though just the boyfriend wanting a baby with you once you accept his marriage)
And just a headcannon of boyfriend getting so, sooo jealous whenever you get crushes on fictional men, you can add what you think of this! So and Is it okay if I give him a name? If yes, then Elliott, Thank You!
Keep up the good work! I really love it! And i also hope you'll do a part two of the Yandere Dom Kidnapper!
If you need ideas please do say!
(sorry for any grammar, english is not my first language! 😭)
Thank you for your idea. I hope you like this fic. And yes please keep sending me ideas. I love writing for you all.
Yandere Possesive (Dark)
Requests are open !
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• You and Elliott dated throughout the high school. He was older than you but only by one year.
• You were happy with him. He is caring, charming, has a good humour with which he always tries to make you laugh. He is love of your life and you are his.
• You and Elliott were in same college as he doesn't want to be away from you no matter what. Recently you celebrated your 20th birthday with him. Everything went well only the plot twist was that Elliott proposed to you on your birthday night. You love him and you know he is the only one you want to marry but not now. You were just 20 and Elliott 21.
• But after much convincing or more like manipluating Elliott convinced you to say yes. Life didn't changed much only the difference now was that you were engaged. You thought to yourself that you were just being anxious about marrying too young but was not a issue atleast to you and Elliott as he was a really good patner.
• Elliott would bring flowers for you weekly, cook delicious meals for you, read a book to you while you snuggle in his arms, go out on dates with him, watch movies, bake together, talk with each other till late night and then falling asleep in each others arms.
• But as no one is perfect and everyone has their own flaws. Elliott had them too. He was extremely jealous and possesive about you that it many times led you two to an argument which always ended with Elliott fucking you against the wall or wherever you are making you beg for him while he would ask you
"Who do you belong to, darling?"
• You were talking to a man who was not him for some college project? This man becomes extremely jealous. That after your conversation he threatens the poor boy to stay away from you.
• You loved your stuffed teddy and would often cuddle with it. Well this man is even jealous of your teddy bear. What can I say whatever or whoever catches your attention he gets jealous of it and when you ask him one day "have you seen my bear?" "No. Darling but don't worry I am here cuddle me whenever you want until we find that stuffed bear". When in reality he has thrown that bear to a very distant place in jealousy. This man wants your attention 24/7 on him. Madly obsessed with you.
• You read many romance books and whenever you compliments some fictional character he gets jealous and says "Let's recreate those spicy smut scenes of your novel so I can show you how much better I am than him."
• A guy tried to flirt with you when you were hanging out with him at bar? Elliott beats that person until he is an bloody mess.
• When some random boy looks at you a bit long kisses you infront of them. To show how you belong to him just as he belongs to you.
• This man worships you like a goddess but is a freaking dominant in sheets fucking you until you are a dumb drooling mess.
• Elliott often thinks about you with a glowing round belly pregnant with his child. Having babies of you two. Showing it to the whole fucking world that you are only his and carrying his child. Hence leading to his baby fever.
• Would often show you cute videos of babies and saying "Our's will be more adorable with your pretty eyes, darling".
• Shops all the cute baby stuff he finds under the saying of "For future, darling". While you just ignored his baby fever thinking it's just a phase.
• You both got married on the fixed date in a beautiful church.
• Elliott cries like a baby while seeing you walk down the aisle in a beautiful white wedding dress looking like an angel which you definitely are according to him.
• After marriage you thought Elliott's jealousy would become less as you are husband and wife now but it doesn't lessens even a bit. Hence leading to many arguments again.
• This arguments scares him thinking you might leave him so he baby traps you with him knowing too well you would never leave him while having a child. He knows he is fucked up. But no matter what he is never losing you. And after all you both love each other and the unborn baby so anything else doesn't matter to him. Now only you and the baby matters to him.
• Elliott knows that he is crazy for you. But after all love makes us do crazy things, right?
Want part 2? Let me know through comments.
Requests are open !
For more yandere Reading:
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italiansteebie · 1 year
whenever anyone was sick, steve would bring them soup.
classic chicken noodle, very soothing, very good. the issue was, no one could figure out where he got it from.
it was that kind of soup that you wanted on a cold winters night, or the days when you just need something cozy.
they had gone through all the restaurants in town that serve chicken noodle soup, and yet none of them came anywhere close to what steve brought them.
he always delivered it in a plain plastic bag, and a plain styrofoam cup wrapped in tinfoil. it was always still warm, just at the perfect temperature for eating.
it was like magic.
and then came the fateful day, eddie was sick. cough, snot, fever, the gross, disgusting works. and hell. he'd been waiting for this day, couldn't wait to try steve's soup. and weasel out of the boy where he got it from.
so the doorbell rang, and eddie all but ran to answer it. steve harrington in all his glory, standing on his front step with that famous grocery bag that contains the magic soup.
they get inside, settle into the couch and eddie cracks open the container.
"geeze man. where do you get this stuff? it's like heaven in a styrofoam cup."
eddie practically moaned into his first bite.
steve laughed, "everyone says that. it's just soup!"
eddie shakes his head, "but from WHERE?"
"from me."
and that stops eddie mid bite. he gestures to the cup with his spoon, eyeing steve. "you made this?" he asks, mouth full, broth dribbling out.
steve ducks his head, grabbing a napkin to dab at eddie's mouth. "yeah, it's no big deal."
the absurdity itself almost cures the cold that wracked eddie's body.
"dude! your soup practically cures all illness!"
steve scoffs, looking at eddie fondly, "whatever eddie, just eat your soup."
he pushes eddie lightly on the shoulder, watching as the metal head mocks him silently into the soup container.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Part 2 to this post
When gay marriage became legal, everyone expected Steve and Eddie to run to the courthouse and get it done.
They’d waited long enough.
But they were watching the news on a hospital room television instead of their home, keeping Wayne company while he received his last chemo treatment.
It had been a really rough six months, Eddie taking the brunt of caring for Wayne so Steve could work and pay the bills for all of them. But they wanted to.
Wayne had done so much for both of them, he deserved to be taken care of now.
The doctors had said he was getting to an age where the chemo would most likely only extend his life by a few years at most, that the cancer growing in his body would only be stopped temporarily by this drug that made him weaker than any cancer could.
At first, he didn’t want it. He told them both it wasn’t worth putting his body through it at his age, but Eddie convinced him through tears that he wasn’t ready to let him go yet.
And Wayne always did have a soft spot for Eddie’s tears.
Every other Friday, Wayne was brought to the hospital by Eddie, sometimes accompanied by Steve if his day off lined up right, hooked up to an IV of fluids and a harsh chemo mix, and kept for observation for 8 hours to ensure it didn’t cause any major issues on his frailer than he’d like to admit body.
The last treatment hadn’t gone well. Wayne ended up having low oxygen levels and high blood pressure, so they kept him overnight. Overnight turned into 3 nights, four days, which is sort of like a cruise to the Bahamas if you take out the fact they were in a hospital in Indiana.
Steve was holding Eddie’s hand as they all watched the tv, their silver wedding bands from a decade ago resting on their ring fingers.
It didn’t have to be legal to mean something to them.
Wayne had been much livelier over the last 24 hours, his blood pressure back at a normal for him level, though his oxygen level still fluctuated between too low and normal.
“Would ya look at that? They did it.”
Steve looked over at where he was sitting up in bed, smiling at the tv.
“They did.”
Eddie was wiping a tear from his cheek.
“Took them long enough.”
Everyone in the room huffed out an unamused laugh.
It did take way too long.
Steve looked back over to Wayne and noticed he was looking tired again, like the news was the only reason he’d been forcing himself to be awake.
“You remember that bet?”
They’d made a lot of bets over the years, usually during March Madness. Wayne purposely bet against Steve because it was an easy win, even though they liked the same teams and often had similar brackets.
So no, he didn’t really remember whatever bet he was talking about now.
“Oh come on. I’m the old one here. You’re supposed to have great memory.”
“I’ve had like, eight concussions. My memory is like a goldfish.”
Eddie snorted next to him and nodded in agreement. Just this morning Eddie had to remind him that it was trash day despite it being the same day every week for the last 17 years they’d lived in their house.
“You owe me $5.”
“I’d remember that.”
“Eddie asked for you.”
Steve and Eddie looked at each other with concern. Was Wayne having a stroke? Was he slowly losing lucidity? He’d never shown any signs of memory problems, but sometimes being in the hospital had a lot of negative effects.
“When Eddie woke up in ‘86. I told you he’d ask for ya first and he did. Never collected on the bet because you two were too much.”
Steve suddenly remembered everything from that day, tears pooling in his eyes at how all of this started.
If he hadn’t stayed to hold Eddie’s hand then, would he be holding it now? Would they be husbands in every way but legally?
Steve looked at Eddie with a smile.
Then he turned to Wayne and smirked.
“Bet you $5 I propose right now.”
Wayne smirked back at him.
“Bet you won’t.”
Steve gave him the look that said ‘just watch me’ and stood up, dropping to one knee slowly.
“Eddie Munson. We already wear rings. We’ve lived together as husbands for so long, I can’t even believe we aren’t actually married. But I want to be. I want to fill out the stupid paperwork at the courthouse and maybe plan a little wedding with our kids and family. I want to have a honeymoon and be young and in love even though we aren’t young anymore. I want to be yours in every way starting right now. How does that sound?”
Eddie was crying. He was always more emotional than Steve, he just hid it better. Usually.
“You wanna be mine?”
“I’m already yours. I just want us to have everything.”
“Then I wanna be yours.”
Eddie leaned forward and kissed him, more passionately than they usually ever did in public or around Wayne. It was a special occasion, though, what choice did they really have?
After a minute, Steve pulled away and looked over to Wayne.
“Sorry about your $5.”
“I’m not.”
Wayne had never been more pleased to not be able to collect on a bet.
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afyrian · 2 months
subway photos w/ suna | headcanons
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- you love to take photos everywhere you go - whether it be people or plants or machinery - sometimes you’ll catch something really unique - sometimes something plain - but you have a hard time erasing them regardless - they’re all so uniquely beautiful - and your computer has become full of them - your favorites are always the people - someone standing in line on the phone - or a kid running to the bus - today, though, you found your favorite - he was standing on the other side of the subway car - headphones large and clunky - he looked down at his phone and it gave you the perfect chance to grab a photo - his streetwear matched perfectly - even his large duffel bag matching - ‘wait did you just take a picture of me? i don’t appreciate paparazzi’ [suna] - you were instantly flustered - your twenty year old digital camera’s quality was far from amazing - ‘no, no, i just like to take photos of things.. your style is great’ [you] - you hold up your camera, letting him see - and he’s instantly very understanding and apologetic - scratching the back of his neck - light blush on his cheeks - ‘if you could send that to me, it’d be great, i could even take you out to dinner as an apology’ [suna] - ‘an apology isn’t needed, but yes, i just need to download it onto my computer’ [you] - which he accepts, handing you his number - he gives you a kind smile - one that anyone would swoon over - and he doesn’t return to his spot - standing beside you until you have to get off 
gen. taglist (open): @eggyrocks @causenessus
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ohmygraves · 8 months
i'm coming down with a flu i think so how about some ghost taking care of sick!reader?
when you wake up in the morning, you feel like you have swallowed pieces of glass in your sleep. your eyes felt hot, watering as you tried to rub it away to no avail. your sinuses felt awful too, you can't breathe properly through your nose. and worst of all you noticed that it's not even morning anymore, as the clock on your nightstand says 13:47 instead.
you started to panic, of course, you missed work and worried about getting in trouble with your boss, frantically searching for your phone. you saw it being charged just beside the clock (not where you left it, clearly you always fell asleep on your phone so it should be on the bed), confused as you unplugged it. your husband must've charged it on your behalf.
expecting for the worst, you braced for at least 53 missed calls from your boss and coworkers, though finding none instead. this surprises you, as you clearly know that your boss would've eaten you alive if you didn't return his calls, let alone missing most of the work hours.
simon suddenly walked in, placing a cup of hot honey lemon concoction on the nightstand. this confuses you evenmore.
"aren't you supposed to be at work?"
"well, you're at home yourself, love. aren't you supposed to be at work?"
when you rolled your eyes in annoyance, simon couldn't help but chuckle, sitting down beside you on your shared bed.
"asked th' old man to let me stay home today. said i'll get the whole base sick with the germs i carried to work."
as ridiculous as it sounds, at least it makes a lot of sense. you took a small tentative sip from the cup, flinching from the temperature. you didn't expect it to be so hot, then again simon always liked his beverages scalding.
"what about my work—"
"called your workplace for you, sweetheart. just rest for now, you sound worse than price today."
"you're so mean..."
"well i love you too."
he stood up, giving your head a small pat, his lips curled into a small smile. "i'll get you some food so you can take your meds."
you nodded weakly, unsure what else to say now since now your head feels like it's spinning. you placed the hot cup back on the nightstand, not wanting to spill it and getting hot lemon all over the bed or the carpet. no way in hell you're cleaning all the mess when you can't even stand up.
you must've fallen asleep afterwards, as simon woke you up, a bowl of hearty cream soup in hand. it has all of your favorite things in it, and smells surprisingly good. that's odd, simon doesn't really cook.
"where'd you buy this...?" you asked, clearly can't see him cooking this from scratch.
"i made this for you, love. now stop being snarky and eat it."
you didn't even have the energy to protest, just taking small bites from the bowl. it was surprisingly tasty, although a little too salty for you. some of the vegetables are also a little undercooked. now this is more like what you expected.
"not bad, gordon ramsey."
"still have the energy to joke around, i see."
"it's a compliment, simon."
now it was his turn to roll his eyes, sitting beside you and watching you eat his food. you pointed out how it tasted, and what he might have to fix next. he nodded quietly, hand caressing your hair slowly as he listened.
"i didn't get any call or text from work... what did you do?"
"just a little convincing, nothing big."
he didn't mention (vaguely) threatening your boss, or how he basically begged the captain to stay home today so he could take care of you instead. you don't need to know that.
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pupkashi · 2 years
when you’re sick
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includes gojo satoru, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, itadori yuji, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuta
a/n: hi friends !! here are some headcanons on how the boys are when you’re sick </3 ty for the request and let me know what y’all think !! i also have a megumi drabble w sick!reader if u wanted more tooth rotting fluff :]
— gojo satoru !
surprises you with how easily he slips into the role of a caretaker, immediately diagnoses you with ease and is providing you the perfect medicine to remedy your illness
“drink this tea i made it’ll help clear your nose up and help with your cough,” you state at him skeptically, but sure enough within the hour you feel better than you had the past few days
when you ask him how he just knows all these things he smiles fondly, “megumi went through a phase where he got sick quite often so i picked up a couple things”
cuddles you despite your protests of getting him sick, hits you with ‘im the strongest’ before pulling you into his chest, a smile on his face when you’re asleep within minutes
isn’t a great cook but he orders you so many soups and foods that know will be good for you !! wakes you up between naps to make sure you eat food and drink water, pedialite or gatorade
he finds you so adorable when you’re sick :( you’re just so clingy and soft and you need him there with you and it’s finally him taking care of you rather than the other way around and he’s just so happy to be the one taking care of you <3
“i know i look terrible right now” you chuckled and gojo only shook his head, smoothing your hair to make it look less of a mess and kissing your forehead
“you could never look terrible to me, lovebug” maybe it was the slightly high feeling from the nyquil or maybe this was all a fever dream but your bottom lip wobbled a bit as you looked at your lover
he’d never seemed more angelic than he did now, the sun rising casting a glow around his snowy hair, his beautiful blue eyes peering over the sunglasses he’d get to take off from his medicine run, his touch was relaxing as you melted into it
“i love you, angel boy” you mumbled, placing a kiss to his cheek before fluttering your eyes closed and drifting to sleep
gojo was left with a smile on his face, his cheeks rosy as he replied to you, “and i love you sweetheart”
— nanami kento !
warned you to take some medicine two days before you got even more sick but you brushed it off, “I’m not even sick this is just because of the change in weather” he’ll shake his head
it’s 1:47 am two days later when he reads the text you’ve sent him ‘i have a fever :(’ he can’t help the snicker that leaves his mouth as he slips on some pants and a shirt, heading out the door and on his way to yours
he takes your temperature by kissing your forehead
if you don’t have any medicine at yours he’ll probably just ask if it’s okay for you to go to his and if you say yes he’ll grab a couple changes of clothes for you, packing your bathroom stuff in a baggy and carrying to his car, placing you softly in the passenger seat, buckling your seatbelt before rushing to the drivers side and heading back home
if you decide you’d rather stay home he’ll rush to his place and come back with all his medicine and things to make good herbal teas
brings half his damn fridge to make you soup tomorrow morning because he does not plan on leaving your side until you’re better !!!
makes the best chicken noodle soup you’ve ever had, he smiled when you finish your entire bowl, happy that at least you haven’t lost your appetite
makes sure to do everything to keep your fever down, a frown on his face when you since as he takes away your blankets and presses cold towels to your feverish skin
comforts you all night, holds you tightly to his body when you tell him how much your body aches
makes sure you stay on schedule with medicine, cooking you light meals to keep down, will even spoon feed you
tells you how proud he is of you for finishing your food before telling you to drink some water and get rest :-(
cleans your apartment for you, does your laundry if you have some piled up, will help you shower if your fever has been gone for long enough but you feel too exhausted
when you’re finally feeling better he kisses your forehead, grabbing his keys and you’re pouting on the couch, “going to work already?” he can’t help but smile at how hard you were trying to hide how sad you were
“I’m going to get us more groceries, i won’t be long” a smile on his face when your face relaxes a bit, “i promise” he reassures, walking over and kissing your cheek before waving goodbye and hurrying back to you
once you’re all healthy you invite him for dinner, cooking him his favorite thing you make and buying some dessert for the two of you to share
“thank you for taking care of me” you smile, your head resting on his firm chest, his arm that was draped over your shoulders pulled you in tighter
“I’ll take care of you any time you need me, my love”
he’s perfect :(
— fushiguro megumi !
when you tell him you’re sick he wants to drop everything and just be by your side, he knows how stubborn you can be and he wants to make sure you actually take care of yourself rather than brushing your needs off
shows up at your door with all kinds of medicine, takes you’re temperature and has you sit on the couch, asking if you’ve taken medicine or not
can tell pretty quickly if you have a cold or something else, giving you the appropriate medicine and putting away the others in your designated medicine cabinet or nook
makes you a packet of maggi soup because he doesn’t know if he trusts himself enough to make good enough chicken noodle soup that you’ll actually keep down
becomes so soft !!! with h be smiling at you the entire time to make you feel better, tells you anecdotes and listens to his favorite songs with you <3
will put on your favorite movies and watch them in bed with you, promising he won’t get sick from a couple cuddles
laughs at all of your lame jokes instead of rolling his eyes like usual, he thinks it’s the least he can do when you’re running a high fever and you’re slightly delirious
will try his best to be with you at all times but if there’s a mission he has to take or gojo won’t stop bothering him about he will text you or call you to make sure you eat and take medicine
says he hates dealing with you for the 15 minutes it takes for nyquil to fully kick in but he secretly loves how you’ll start serenading him with whatever song he played last or how you tell him you could beat his ass even in this condition
followed by a pathetic attempt of a punch which he allows to hit him, “okay let’s calm down Muhammad Ali” you giggle at his comment
“you’re so funny gumi! why don’t you ever tell anyone else jokes?” he blushes and shakes his head, finishing tucking you in and placing a kiss on your nose
“i save the best ones for you, pretty” you smile widely, your eyelids becoming heavier with every passing moment
“love you megumi” you murmur, instinctively curling into his side, he blushes and your breathing evens out, “i love you more,” he replies in a gentle whisper
when the others find out all he’s done for you while you were sick they call him when they get sick, only for him to hang up the phone after telling them to look it up
— itadori yuji !
poor angel boy assumes the worst and races over to your place in fear that you’re dying
“y/n?! are you alright?” the concern is evident in his voice and even more obvious when you see his brows intensely furrowed and lips sitting in a small pout
“yuj, i said i was coughing a lot and might be sick not that i was on the brink of death” he scratches the back of his neck sheepishly with the smallest of smiles
honestly doesn’t know what to do, he never really got sick and his grandfather always took care of himself enough where yuji didn’t have to worry
asks you what your symptoms are and you roll your eyes, deciding to entertain him for a bit
his eyes are wide as web MD practically tells him you’re dying in two hours and there’s no cure for your ailments
“I’m sorry i didn’t buy you flowers everyday, im sorry i didn’t get us concert tickets for the group you liked please forgive me when you pass on!” there’s a couple tears in his eyes and you almost feel bad for laughing
“yuji, lover boy, it’s probably just my allergies, im not gonna die” “oh? why didn’t you say so earlier” his tears are gone and he’s seemingly perfectly composed and you can’t help but fall a little harder for the dork in front of you
he’ll buy you medicine so long as you tell him what kind, and he’ll cook some meatballs for you to eat, happy that he’s keeping you fed and not completely useless
will cuddle with you if you get a fever, holding your impossibly close to him, whispering sweet nothings in your ears so you could get some rest
he’ll do anything you need him to do so that you can rest with peace of mind, laundry? done, dishes? washed, floor? sweeped and moped, you have any assignments or something you have to turn in while you’re sick? he’s asking nobara for her to chegg account or googling how to do it
doesn’t let you do a single thing until you’re better !! even helps you shower, sings for you while he shampoos and conditions your hair, if it’s long enough to make a spikes or a mohawk he will definitely do it
just such a sweet kind soul that will provide you with anything you need while you’re sick, and though the first time he’s inexperienced, by the time you get sick again he’s ready with any and all medicines and tea remedies to help nurse you back to health <3
— inumaki toge !
competes with nanami for best personal nurse !!! absolutely will do the most to get you healthy again
“sorry toge, gonna have to cancel our date for tonight i think I’m getting a fever” you spoke over the phone, “mustard leaf?” “my body just really hurts and i feel a little hot, you don’t have to come over i don’t wanna get you sick”
“bonito flakes” he frowns, hanging up the phone before you can protest already making his way to yours, stopping by the store to buy a couple things for you
amazing cook !!! makes you all sorts of things that have all the vitamins and things you need that aren’t too heavy
gives you pedialite to keep you hydrated and makes sure you drink every last drop of it
very firm when it comes to you taking your medicine, doesn’t care if you hate it or think you’re all better, you will be drinking the disgusting cherry flavor he bought (turns out you were not better as you almost got a fever that night had it not been for taking the medicine earlier)
#1 cuddler !!! “i don’t wanna get you sick” a pout on your face, inumaki shakes his head, “fish flakes” you giggle as he works his way next to you, “everyone gets sick, you’re saying you’ve never been sick?” “salmon”
he’s so warm and welcoming and you’re immediately melting into his arms so you choose to believe that he won’t get sick as you snore softly on his chest
won’t let you use more than one blanket if you have a fever, places damp towels on your body to control your fever, apologizes in kisses and cuddles along with amazing soup
will get you anything you need from the store so that you can take time to fully recover and sleep, never telling you how much it was even though he’s also buying you snacks and ice cream
absolutely will binge watch a tv show with you !! you guys get absolutely hooked on Hell’s Kitchen, blowing through an entire season in one day
toge grows convinced Gordon Ramsey would be a terrible curse to exorcise, you can’t help but giggle at his words
he is just so caring and amazing and will get you to pristine condition in no time :( as soon as you’re better you pepper his face in kisses and make him burst into a fit of giggle
you definitely take him out on a much deserved date afterwards (he gets food poisoning and then you have to take care of him) (he denies that this counts as being sick)
— okkotsu yuta !
gets so worried !! that poor boy is asking questions faster than you can answer on the other end of the line
“do you have a fever? a cough? food poisoning? is there medicine at home? I’m on my way back” you don’t get to argue before you hear the tone of him hanging up
it’s a while later that he shows up, taking you in his arms and kissing your forehead, “you’re burning up! we have to get you out of these layers what are you thinking?” leads you to bed, shocked at how many blankets you were in before his arrival
changes you into shorts and one of his t shirts, asking if you’ve eaten before he even hands you medicine
if you hadn’t he’ll whip up something quick, making sure you eat everything before giving you medicine and placing you in his lap, smoothing down your hair and talking to you about his day as you struggle to stay awake
places you in bed and ticks you in, cleaning up any tissues that were on the nightstand or on the floor, washing the dishes and putting your clothes to wash
he’s preparing dinner for the two of you when he hears you quiet calls for him
“yuta?” your voice is small and he’s next to you almost instantly, “what is it baby?” he frowns when he takes your temperature again, even higher than before
he’ll give you some more medicine, getting in bed with you and cuddling you to warm you up, his chest tightening as he feels your body shake a bit
makes you lots of teas for you to drink throughout the day, gives you so much water and soups !!!
when you’re okay enough to shower he’ll change your sheets, wash your pillows and blankets and set out fresh cleans for you
babies you so so much <3 doesn’t let you lift a finger and will get you absolutely anything you want (he has to remember to cancel his free trial on Hulu since you wanted to watch rio but neither of you had the streaming service)
very gentle with you !! brushes your hair out of your face with the softest touch in the world, his calloused fingers just barely touching your skin
will lay in bed with you for as long as you want, running a calming hand up and down your back or arm until you sleep or he gets up to get you something you need
he is just so attentive and sweet the entire time, never once missing the chance to tell you how much he loves and cares for you
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triassictriserratops · 5 months
I think if peeta even got a sniffle Katniss would go fucking feral, drop everything and take care of him (and get sick herself)
She'd call her mom like, "he's dying, what do I do?"
Peeta's in the background like, "Hi Mrs. Everdeen, I just have seasonal allergies, I took some Zyrtec, everything is fine!
Now, Anon? Now i get to talk about what I think happens when KATNISS gets sick. And spoiler alert, it's GREAT.
The first time Katniss gets sick after the war, she doesn't tell anyone. She just locks herself in her house, puts a note on the door saying that she's fine and to come back tomorrow hoping that Sae sees it and doesn't bother with cooking anything for her. She grabs some remedies, a box of plain crackers, a blanket, some water, and trudges her way upstairs back to bed.
A few hours later she hears a loud crash in the kitchen. She waddles and sniffles her way downstairs to the sight of a cursing Peeta, sprawled on the kitchen floor, while his prosthetic is dangling from the open window above the sink.
"What are you doing?" she says in a congested voice, "I left a note on the door." She moves over to the window to unlatch his prosthesis from where it got snagged on the windowsill.
"This," he says, brandishing the crumpled paper in the air, "is NOT enough of an explanation. People were worried. Haymitch was worried..." He glances away at that.
"Haymitch? Bullshit." she snorts as she bends down to reattach his leg. She stays down when she's done, realizing that she's feeling a little unsteady on her feet.
"Fine. FINE! I was worried. What's going on? Did I do something wrong?"
"No! Of course not. It-it's fine. I'm fine. I'm just sick. Thanks for stopping by. I'll see you tomorr-." She's struggling to get back up when she feels the air whoosh around her and realizes that Peeta has picked her up to carry her over to the couch.
"Sick? What's wrong? Have you taken anything? Let me make you some tea, or do you want soup? I can make soup." he's rambling as he presses the back of his hand to her clammy forehead.
"I really am okay. I got this. I'll be fine, Peeta." she says, pushing his hand away from her face and regretting it immediately at the loss of contact.
"Katniss. Please let me do this, okay? This is what you and I do, right? That's what you said. Now, tell me where you keep your bouillon. I'm making some chicken stock and a good soup for you."
That's when it hits Katniss. She hasn't really been taken care of like this in years. Maybe since she was 11.
For years now, her mother would do her best to take care of her during the occassional cold, of course. But for the most part Katniss struggled to accept any softness or warmth from her mother. Feeling caught between that desire to be held and comforted and the anger she still felt towards her - they instead both settled for the distant, clinical detachment her mother had with her other patients.
But, really, the last nearly 7 years of her life have been dedicated to the care of her family and her loved ones. She learned to stop asking for things and began instead to meet all of her own needs, without relying on others.
After the games she'd begun the process of extending that branch and allowing herself to lean on her mother a little more. But now? Now her mother isn't here. And here she was right back to what she knew. Taking care of herself.
Looking up at Peeta, blue eyes shining in earnest. Ready to do and be anything that is needed of him. Anything that SHE needs of him. She wipes her nose on her sleeve and smiles.
"Pantry. Top shelf. On the right. Thank you, Peeta."
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lokisrealpurpous · 5 months
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loki x reader with endometriosis
warnings: mention of blood, mentions of periods, extremely bad period pain.
lokis fiancé has always struggled with her endometriosis, the pain leading her every month to passing out, throwing up or sometimes even in hospital and he dreaded knowing there was nothing he could do, but he finds a way.
this is for all my endometriosis girlies , as someone who has it themselves I wish it was spoke about more and that doctors didn't neglet it so much, getting forced to go on the pill and never given a remedy since 10yrs old is a horrible experience. My heart goes out to you all. If you'd like more like this, maybe small headshots of him looking after you in hospital or how he reacts when you faint, then please send requests or comment x
Loki's pov
I had arrived late from the mission I had so desperately been trying to get back from after seeing the 4 missed calls and 18 text messages left from my fiancé. I couldn't check the messages, being in a jet so high up there was only little WiFi, which was all being used by stark, so I sat in the back anxiously, merely muttering a word as i begged the trusted gods above me to keep her safe before I get to her.
I knocked gently before bursting into our bedroom, I was frantic and worried, adrenaline rushing through my veins before I stilled, seeing her lay on the bed, curled around a hot water bottle. Her face was flushed red, and her teeth were gritted. Her hair was a mess, and the blankets her tangled around her. The pill bottle on the side was empty, and the sickbowl on the other was not.
"heya dove..."
I whisper, slowly coming up beside the bed, pulling down some of the blanket that covered her pale but flustered face teasingly before sitting beside her, bringing her weak form in my arms and kissing her forehead.
"is it your cramps?"
I whisper again, running my hands through her knotted hair, untangling it gently.
She nods slowly against my chest, finally looking up at me so I could see her entire face. It was tearburnt and swollen.
"Oh darling..."
I take her face in my hands, rubbing her cheek softly with my thumb. I lift her up, bringing her further into my lap and wrapping my arms around her waist as they find her lower abdomen, I massage the area gently while kissing her neck.
"This good?"
I mumble and she nods again, leaning against my chest. I felt the guilt twist in my stomach that I wasn't able to get here earlier during her flare up, I was proud she managed to find her medication and get herself a sickness bowl, but the thought of her having to do all that while in absolute agony, then to be sick without me to hold her hair and rub her stomach, i never wanted to leave her side again.
"I was fine."
I hear her croak out.
"I don't always need my knight in shining armour my love, I know how to take care of myself."
I let a sigh of relief before kissing her neck, still massaging her lower stomach.
"I know princess, I just worry."
She chuckles, turning her head up to kiss my lips, then laying between my legs, her head resting on my chest, humming as I eased the tension in her belly.
It didn't take long for her fall asleep on top of me, and not long for myself either once switching off the crystal lamp beside us.
your pov 2:27am
I sat up, taking in the shadows of darkness that surrounded me as I reached across my lover's body to turn on the bedside lamp.
my hand flies to my mouth as I let out a groan of pain, not at all wanting to wake loki up, then slipping out of his embrace towards the bathroom until I realised the sheets and my brand new baby-pink nightgown.
'shit shit shit'
I mutter, stood in the middle of the dimly lit room, clutching onto my stomach as tears begin to well in my eyes.
I cover my mouth with both my hands now, pressing hard to stop the sobs escaping. The pain was unbearable as I held onto my dresser, my new gown and sheets were stained crimson, loki layed right next to the mess on our mattress, I had no medication left and I would not make it down the stairs to make myself a bottle.
wake him up.
I kept telling myself, but I couldn't bring myself to do so.
Before I could act upon a single thought, however, a wave of nausea crashed over me as the pain stabbed at my stomach, feeling as if my uterus was collapsing in on itself. I desperately ran to the toilet, holding onto the seat and puking into the bowl. My stomach churned and tightened as I gagged.. another meal rising up my throat.
Every spiralling worry stopped when I felt his hands run through my hair, pulling it out my face and using the band that was in just in his hair to tie mine in a tight ponytail.
He knelt beside me, rubbing my back and whispering things I couldn't make sense of at the moment with the pain still cursing me.
I sob, gagging over the toilet but not being sick.
He continued rubbing, kissing my head and making sure I'm sat comftable, I didn't even realise how he had put me in his lap.
I groan, holding onto my stomach, my hands gripping and the area and pulling and pushing, I didn't know what I was doing but I just wanted the pain off... I couldn't bare it...
I groan again, my voice strained in pain.
My voice cracks, tears spilling down my cheeks. Once he realised my scratching hands, he pulled them away slowly, replacing them with his own and massaging again.
I let out a whimper of pain.
"Shhh shh shh... trust me my darling, just relax"
He coos, rocking me side to side in his arms.
My eyes suddenly widen as I feel his palms heat up to the perfect temputure as he continues kneeding my skin.
I whine, leaning against him, the pain fading with every movement of his huge hands that now had mine wrapped around them. He dosent stop, just whispering words of affirmation in my ears and swaying me with himself as my eyes began to flutter shut, my body finally feeling at ease and calm.
"That's it..."
I hear him whisper as he lifts me in his arms, hands still on my belly..
"You're okay love, ive got you"
He says as he lies me in a bed, the sheets changed and fresh, and a new nightgown dressing my body with the flash of a small green light.
How he does it I will never know but I do know that him, and his mother's parenting, will always be there to guide me through terrible nights like this.
"I love you Lo..." I whisper as I feel my body sink into the mattress and a kiss on my lips, large arms wrapping around my waist.
"I love you more, my darling.."
He replies with another kiss, then turns the lamp off, keeping his hands on my abdomen throughout the early morning till dawn.
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sickficideas · 8 months
I NEED your Al/astor hc's please! He is also my fav and Im dying out here from lack of sickfic
omg of couuurseee💖 he's a prime candidate for being miserable
- this dubbed comic (which is delicious by the way 10/10 recommend) put me on board horribly seasick alastor lol...i think he doesn't really get motion sickness otherwise but on boats he feels like he's dying. unbearable nausea that is not easily remedied by anything. i think when he was alive it was much more manageable. Just a little nausea, and certainly something he'd never admit being from Louisiana but now there's absolutely no hiding it :))
- i think he hates throwing up, not in the emetophobic way, i think he just hates dealing with it. in an "i need to get this over with as soon as possible" kind of way
- does Not ❌️ like people touching him when he's sick or injured. in general not a fan of physical contact but in these instances especially. however when he truly can't do anything to help himself, he'll slowly lower his walls to let people help him, but certain things are still absolutely off limits
- when things are really bad. high fever, awful injury... and he's not all mentally there he'll start talking about his mom, or when mistaking people taking care of him as his mother 🥺 absolutely heartbreaking to anyone around to witness it. he said it once to charlie and she cried her eyes out poor thing. she knows his mother used to take good care of him
- i also love the idea of him being really good at taking care of other people because of his mother 🥺 him being sweet and helpful is very off putting to the majority of the hotel residents lol angel dust is creeped out by it
I have another ask with a request for alastor headcanons as well so I'll make some more on that one :))
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mahoushojo-chan · 11 months
Astarion x Tav || sickfic
can you keep me close? (can you love me most?)
synopsis: her vision is foggy, but she's fairly certain she can discern an angelic figure by her bedside, radiating a brilliant white or perhaps a gentle golden hue, accentuated by the candlelight in the dim room. then, the soothing radiance recedes slightly, and the angel utters, "you're an idiot," with a casual air, the words tinged with a devilish tone.
an excerpt of 'cause my love (is mine, all mine)
word count: 1435
pairing: astarion/tav
other tags: f!reader, bard!tav, half-elf!tav, hurt/comfort, sickfic, non-sexual intimacy, romantic tension, friends to lovers, the usual at this point, song inspo: someone to stay - vancouver sleep clinic
ao3: here
concept: sickfic!!
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Tav isn’t really sure what’s happening.
Actually, the whole past twelve hours have been a little blurry—memories and movements kept blending themselves in a non-cohesive way, she kept forcing her limbs to move but they would trail sluggishly behind, and she isn’t sure where she is right now.
When she feels something cool on her forehead, she finally startles.
Her vision is foggy, but she's fairly certain she can discern an angelic figure by her bedside, radiating a brilliant white or perhaps a gentle golden hue, accentuated by the candlelight in the dim room. Then, the soothing radiance recedes slightly, and the angel utters, "You're an idiot," with a casual air, the words tinged with a devilish tone.
Ah, naturally. She had never expected to receive her very own angel. It seemed more likely that the gods would send an eerie, skeleton-like old codger, draped in tattered robes, who would speak in cryptic riddles to assist her, or a dream guardian that, in reality, turned out to be a peculiar, haughty tentacled creature with aspirations of dominating all other races in the world with mind-controlling parasites.
She squints and blinks repeatedly until Astarion comes into sharper focus. He's seated in a chair, legs crossed, arms folded, and appears quite displeased. She vaguely recollects a caregiver mentioning bringing some medicine, and fervently hopes that her current company isn't the result of that promise. After all, her companion is one of the last individuals she wishes to see right now.
The situation is rather embarrassing. She's cocooned in blankets that are overly warm, her hair is in disarray, she can't quite manage to open her eyes completely, and her muscles are protesting, urging her to remain at rest. She's determined not to let Astarion witness her in this state or feel sorry for her.
Her first instinct is to apologize, especially under his scrutinizing gaze. Instead, she insists, “I’m dying. Can’t you be a little nicer?”
“Oh, goodness me. Perhaps I’ll just leave you to suffer this horrible affliction alone,” he offers, hand on his chest in mock offense as he gets up, pretending to leave.
“Good. You don’t need to take care of me—”
She reaches out for her hat and makes an attempt to rise, but Astarion places his hands on her shoulders, gently guiding her back onto the bed. His touch, once more, carries a soothing coolness, alleviating the hot discomfort and muscle soreness. "Oh, no, no, no. Absolutely not. I am not suffering another heart attack because of everyone’s favourite idiot again," he admonishes her, and she blinks in surprise, as it almost seems like he's expressing genuine concern for her.
“I’m not everyone’s favourite idiot,” she protests, weakly, even as he presses her back into the mattress to lie down.
“No, but you’re mine.” He says, perched on top of her. He's leaning above her now, effectively pinning her to the bed. He senses her slight movement beneath him, though it's hard to discern if she's merely shifting or genuinely attempting to break free, given her frail state.
Nevertheless, he gazes down at her from above, her hair splayed across the pillowcase, her face flushed, eyes half-closed, disheveled clothing, and heavy breaths. He realizes the position he’s in and releases her quickly, flustered. He hides this by opting to fetch a drink of water from his waterskin for her.
“You—you could have said something, you know.” He continues, smoothly. “Before it got this bad.”
“You had other things on your mind. Didn’t want you to worry about me,” she mumbles, but Astarion detects the slight slur in her words. He lifts the glass to her lips, eyes lingering on its shape, and she takes a sip of the cold liquid, letting out a soft moan of relief.
“Don’t want you to get sick, either.” She adds, snapping him out of his reverie.
“Thinking your companion is going to die after they randomly collapse is very worrying, so you know.” Astarion chides, putting away the waterskin. “And also, I’m far too dead to contract such a simple illness. Dalyria says it’s from exhaustion—something you’re suffering from more than me, for once.”
He’s really sure that she’s dying now. She does not retort, and against all odds, it seems that she actually managed to fall asleep again. It makes sense to him that her sickness might be getting slightly worse. When he first touched her forehead, it felt scorching to the touch, and she's now buried beneath several layers of blankets, almost swallowed by the bedding.
Astarion takes in the sorry state of the room. There's a soiled towel nearby with remnants of vomit. He observes her shivering, her clothes clinging to her body, drenched in sweat.
Astarion sets out to gather some supplies—more towels, additional water, and some rations. They were running low on food, but as long as she could sustain herself, he wasn't too concerned.
He watches her as she drifts in and out of consciousness, noting her increasing confusion, likely due to the worsening fever. She mumbles about things he can't quite make out as he settles with a book to keep her company while he monitors her condition.
He glances up from the pages periodically as she rests on the makeshift bed, wrapped in old, dusty blankets. Astarion stokes the nearby fireplace to provide warmth, even though she appears to be sweating profusely, so he's unsure if it's the best idea.
She did seem to be relieved by his touch, though. To check on her condition once more, he reaches out and gently brushes her hair to the side to touch her forehead. She initially flinches, and he moves to withdraw his hand—until she grips his wrist. It’s a feeble hold, but she keeps his hand pressed against her face.
He realizes he doesn’t feel repulsed by her actions at all. It’s true, she’s using him—quite literally, as some sort of relief—but it feels like she needs him in this moment. He can’t pretend not to like the thought of being needed, even wanted by her.
He wonders, as an extension of that line of thought, if he would be okay with kissing her. Reflecting on his past experiences with the drow, he remembers the familiar, lingering disgust and self-hatred that typically arose. However, Tav doesn't evoke any of those emotions within him. His hand drifts, and his thumb traces her bottom lip gently. It's not smooth or plump; it's dry and cracked. Somehow, that makes it feel more authentic, and the question lingers in his mind.
But he doesn’t need that. He can get physical affection from anywhere. He just… likes this. That’s all it is. That’s all it has to be, right? This is rarer—he wouldn’t give this up for the world.
So he doesn’t allow his thoughts to wander beyond that.
But seeing her reluctance to let him go stirs something within him. It’s a tug at the depths of his chest, an undeniable ache. Well, if he could be of help to her like this, then who was he to deny her? After all, it wasn’t as if they hadn’t shared moments like this before.
He proceeds with caution, making every effort to avoid disturbing her as the bed slightly dips underneath his weight. He pulls the blanket over both of them and he draws her near, and she emits a soft sigh as her arms instinctively encircle him, warming his chest.
In the absence of a clock, Astarion loses track of time as he remains in bed beside her. He devotes most of it to observing her, running his fingers through her hair with a gentle touch. It's an act one might do with a lover, although she remains unconscious. He could murmur tender words, and she would remain unaware. Even if she happened to hear, he suspected her current state of mind would prevent her from retaining the information. No, this is for his own solace, and he finds it strangely comforting.
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dootznbootz · 8 months
Odysseus is the type of guy who oozes rizz and can and will say the sweetest shit to Penelope and revels in her being happy with it ("You're beautiful in red" when she blushes. THAT type of cheesy bullshit. Have you READ the shit he says to her in the Odyssey?) but if she gives it back, he just freezes and Odysseus.exe stops working. Especially since he was the one doing all the flirting in the beginning until she finally chills out and "allows" herself to have a crush.
Penelope: ...You know, I don't really know if your name fits you. Odysseus: Oh? You don't think "Pain in the ass" is a good fit? Penelope: It definitely is...But...I don't know. Maybe it's because when I think of you, I don't think of pain, I think of joy... Yeah, instead of "pain giver", you're a giver of joy."Joy Giver" perhaps? Odysseus:
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Penelope: ...Are you okay? Odysseus: *completely red and continues to make a high-pitched squeaking sound like air being let out of a balloon*
He gets more used to it as they get further along in their marriage but in the beginning, this guy was screaming into his pillows and kicking his feet and twirling his hair and being stupid :D
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