zeestarfishalien · 10 months
Unwanted Farewells
[Day 5 DPxDC Week: Jason Todd // Soulmate AU // Funeral Rites ]
• Anger Management ship (Jasmine Fenton x Jason Todd) No relevant warnings beyond the usual DP stuff
Jazz has always had it the worst. Danny might have been the one to die but Jazz is the one who lost not only her soulmate, but her little brother too. It doesn’t matter that he’s still around, he knows the grief weighs on her sometimes. She overcompensates by being a massive mother hen and general pain in the neck but he tries not to get too upset with her about it.
With Dani with an “i” fresh out of high school and Jazz’s birthday coming up soon, he wants to do something special. He spends a lot of time bribing Ghost Writer in order to research his idea out.
It’s probably the most time and effort he’s put into a project that wasn’t about space.
Proposing the idea to her is the one big thing this all hinges on. He’s not 100% sure she’ll be on board with this but he’d like to try.
And trying is what kicks off the first part of his plan. It’s a little awkward to bring up the fact that he doesn’t have a grave and would like one. It’s almost physically painful to see the grief it brings to Jazz’s eyes. She tries to hide it but Danny has always been able to read her better than he lets on. It’s part of the process though. He needs her to see how this goes and feels. How it’s a celebration of life and honoring those who have passed and not just a somber reminder to the living of what they’ve lost. He needs her to see what it means to him. And what it would mean to her soulmate.
He makes the grave marker of course. They’re not about to buy one when he has the strength and abilities to carve it out himself. He makes sure that it’s vague unless you know him. No names, no identifying markers like age or dates. It’s simple and meaningful for him.
{May he rest here between walks among the stars, our friend and brother beloved}
From there it’s pretty much all fun and games. Literally.
Same brings the games while she has Tucker pack out the food. It’s a combination of some of Grandma Ida’s homemade desserts and various junk foods. Even Tucker brings some cookies his mom helped him figure out how to make.
Jazz is in charge of the drinks while Danny and Dani handled all the decorating. It’s a combination of solidified ectoplasm, his ice, and various flowers they’ve gathered and strung together in a flower chain.
It’s a smashing success and he sees something in Jazz release. Some niggling worry or grief she carried that is no longer there.
Now, he decides, it’s time for part two.
What throws part two for a loop is when Dani with an “i” brings up that she’d like a grave and proper funeral rites as well.
It’s not a setback. Definitely not when he sees how much more relaxed and content Jazz is at Dani with an i’s wake.
It’s only a couple days from her birthday when he brings it up. The funeral practices for soulmates are as varied as they are sacred. He proposes her options via a PowerPoint he put far too many hours into.
By the time he finishes rambling, she’s got this sort of startled look on her face.
He twists his shirt in his hands as he stands awaiting her judgement. The longer she’s silent, the more convinced Danny is that she’ll reject the whole thing and not talk to him for a month.
Okay, maybe a week but still a week is a long time.
Suddenly Jazz is crying and oh ancients he’s really messed up this time. She’s not even mad just straight up upset by his offer.
But then she’s hugging him, telling him she loves him, and thanking him.
It’s not as hard as Danny feared to actually track down the location of a Jason Todd who died before Jazz reached 16 (she never wanted to look him up before, didn’t want to know what she was missing) and the day before her 25th birthday Danny, Dani, and Jazz all pile into her little car to make the drive to Gotham, homemade foods in tow.
Danny and Dani made sure to swipe one of Vlad’s special rich dude credit cards to fund their trip and the stop at multiple flower shops to get enough flowers to make flower chains and crowns for all of them.
It’s closing in on evening, the day of Jazz’s birthday when they finally roll up and upload everything. They didn’t bring any lights, but none of them really need much light to see for eating food and drinking sodas. Jazz brought some jasmine tea and an extra cup to place on Jason’s grave. They make a funky, dark evening of it, but finally Jazz grows more somber and keeps taking long looks at the gravestone so Danny and Dani decide to make themselves scarce.
They’re about halfway across the cemetery when out of the shadows steps the looming menace of Red Hood.
“The fuck are you doing at that grave?”
It’s not his voice or his tone, but the sub vocal ghost speak that makes Danny and Dani freeze up ramrod straight.
That’s a revenant and they’re trespassing on his resting place without permission.
So of course like any sane person, Danny says something stupid. But he just can’t believe out of all the ridiculous coincidences to exist in the world, that Jazz’s soulmate is undead like him seems just too far to believe.
Almost late despite having the day off work bc I had to go shopping and bc of where I live, shopping is essentially a full day affair. This is shorter than I’d like it but I also kinda enjoy where it ends XD imagine their next moments however you please or feel free to add onto this.
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geareduptom · 10 months
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Anger Managment field trip lol~
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minnesota-fats · 11 months
Back to my old bullshit!!!
Anger Management au where it is kinda a reverse Persephone story
Where Danny is the king of the dead and Jazz is the princess of the dead is lured out of the ghost zone by the promise of knowledge and a cute guy.
Danny becomes frantic looking for Jazz who is out having the time of her unlife (because in this au she is kinda half dead and half alive like Danny) going on day three of a date with this guy she met when he was being used as a sacrifice or something.
Jason just thinks this chick is human and in the wrong place at the wrong time but was able to sneak both herself and Jason out of the random cult shit that they both somehow got into.
It all comes to head when random ghosts start chasing after the Bat clan cuz Danny thinks they had kidnapped Jazz. Jazz finally has to break the human façade she made to protect Jason and his fam.
Danny is embarrassed cuz he really thought that they were just gonna hurt Jazz.
Jason is like 100% more attracted to Jazz cuz tall and scary lady with sharp teeth.
The Batfam is kinda freaked out but starts looking into the unethical treatment to ghosts
The End!!!
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byfaithmedia · 4 months
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ladymacabrebeth · 11 months
I may appear as silent as a dormant volcano, but a dragon resides in me. It's been in hibernation, but one day, it will awaken. And the moment I am stepped on and taken for granted, it will rise from its slumber, and with fury, it will burn this city with its rage.
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aquanomad28 · 5 months
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I got flustered and snapped at my sister's significant other, reacting poorly to his demeanor. I normally handle my emotions well, but this time I let my anger get the best of me. I said hurtful things, and I know it will take some time to mend things.
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harmonyhealinghub · 2 months
Anger and the Power of Release Shaina Tranquilino July 28, 2024
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Anger is a natural human emotion, an intense response to perceived wrongs, injustices, or frustrations. However, how we handle anger can significantly impact our well-being and relationships. Traditionally, people might think of channeling their anger into revenge or retaliation, believing it to be a way to restore balance and achieve justice. But this approach often leads to more harm than good, creating an energy of imbalance that can perpetuate a cycle of negativity. A different approach involves releasing anger, which can foster healing, personal growth, and emotional balance.
The Cycle of Revenge and Its Consequences
Revenge might seem satisfying in the heat of the moment, providing a sense of justice or retribution. However, this satisfaction is usually short-lived. Thoughts of revenge can consume our minds, fueling anger and hatred. This emotional turbulence creates an energy of imbalance within us, affecting our mental and physical health. Prolonged anger and resentment can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression. Moreover, acting on revenge often perpetuates a cycle of negativity, leading to further conflicts and emotional turmoil.
The Power of Releasing Anger
Releasing anger doesn't mean suppressing it or pretending it doesn't exist. It's about acknowledging the emotion, understanding its root cause, and finding healthy ways to let it go. This approach promotes emotional balance and allows us to move forward without being weighed down by negative feelings. Here are some strategies for releasing anger effectively:
1. Acknowledge Your Anger
The first step in releasing anger is to acknowledge it. Denying or suppressing anger can intensify the emotion over time. Recognize that it's okay to feel angry and that this emotion is a natural response to certain situations. Give yourself permission to feel without judgment.
2. Understand the Root Cause
Take a moment to reflect on why you're angry. Is it a specific action, event, or person that triggered your anger? Understanding the root cause can help you address the underlying issue rather than just the surface emotion. This insight can also prevent future occurrences of similar anger triggers.
3. Express Your Feelings
Find a healthy outlet to express your anger. This could be talking to a trusted friend or therapist, writing in a journal, or engaging in physical activity. The goal is to release the pent-up energy in a way that doesn't harm yourself or others.
4. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools for managing anger. These practices help you stay present, observe your emotions without judgment, and develop a sense of inner calm. Regular mindfulness practice can reduce the intensity of anger and improve your overall emotional resilience.
5. Cultivate Empathy and Compassion
Try to see the situation from the other person's perspective. Cultivating empathy and compassion can soften your anger and help you understand the motivations behind others' actions. This doesn't mean excusing harmful behavior, but it can provide a broader context that aids in forgiveness and letting go.
6. Engage in Physical Activity
Physical activity is a great way to release the physical tension associated with anger. Whether it's going for a run, practicing yoga, or hitting a punching bag, exercise can help dissipate the intense energy of anger and leave you feeling more balanced.
7. Create a Peaceful Environment
Surround yourself with a calming environment. This could involve decluttering your space, spending time in nature, or engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. A peaceful environment can help soothe your mind and reduce the intensity of anger.
The Benefits of Releasing Anger
By releasing anger, you create space for positive emotions and experiences. Letting go of anger can lead to:
Improved Mental Health: Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.
Better Relationships: More harmonious interactions and less conflict.
Enhanced Physical Health: Lower blood pressure and reduced risk of stress-related illnesses.
Personal Growth: Greater emotional resilience and self-awareness.
Inner Peace: A deeper sense of calm and contentment.
Releasing anger is a powerful act of self-care and emotional maturity. While it may require effort and practice, the benefits far outweigh the temporary satisfaction of revenge. By acknowledging, understanding, and releasing your anger, you can create a more balanced and fulfilling life. Remember, true strength lies in the ability to let go and find peace within yourself.
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theoutdoorgoon · 2 months
How to do SHADOW WORK #shorts #shadowwork #carljung #depthpsychology
How to do SHADOW WORK #shorts #shadowwork #carljung #depthpsychology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SOTJIeA9bE via Messages From the Mountains - Inner Work https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTANtVq4l_m-ECqUvb35pdg August 02, 2024 at 10:00PM
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elithemiar-blog · 2 years
Werewolf!Jazz background
Jazz was gifted a wolf totem [carved by a wolf bone?] by someone close to her, it was meant to protect warriors from evil spirits (as legend goes).
Unknown to either owner or customer it was cursed with the spirit of a wolf.
As of the activation from the portal, she has had dreams of running free as a wolf, though sometimes being hunted as well.
She believes that they're just dreams until she has the instinct to protect her brother and she transforms into a quadrupedal wolf with the colors corresponding to her hair.
[Bi-pedal werewolf will come, just not yet]
The first transformation makes her a tad feral, as the spirit takes control of her body. It's thanks to her brother that she hasn't been hunted down, and as the heightened emotion disappears now that Danny is safe, she transforms back into human.
[Or Danny knows nothing of the first or subsequent transformations, because either 1) she doesn't know Danny is Phantom [early in the series] 2) she doesn't want to burden her brother with this 3) she herself doesn't realize that she's been transforming to a wolf]
Only when she dreams of being a wolf and wake up as said wolf does she realize that she may have a problem.
So, the wolf spirit that was trapped in the totem wanted freedom, and Jazz unknowingly accepted the spirit because she accepted the gift. So now Jazz is the new host for the wolf spirit.
[Or its a warrior spirit in the form of a wolf, meant for protection, and if it's not within a vessel tied to protection than it just fades.] [I guess that through generations of owners it could've started to be seen as a curse because death surrounds it (its corrupted through belief but thanks to Jazz it purifies? Cures? The spirit of the negative influence) and Jazz "uses" the spirit as a way "to protect" her brother, and eventually others around her]
[SPIRITUAL SYMBIOTE? is what I was trying to remember]
Danny eventually does help her get a hold of whatever this spirit is [either if he knows in the beginning or he finds out later] [he either 1) freaks out and wants the spirit away from her 2) accepts it and silently happy about not being alone in the freaky department 3) a combination of both].
They do eventually find out that this spirit does not just run-on instinct and is...sapient? Sentient?
Jazz and the spirit come to an agreement of sorts. It’s allowed to use her has a vessel but when it comes to the transformations, she has to have control.
Then starts the training, the first fully aware transformation is painful into a quadruped. So, the wolf spirit gives Jazz access of only half its power. So, the next transformation is the bi-pedal form, uncomfortable at first but not painful.
Further work on senses, understanding instincts and where they lay, and sometimes keeping a tight lid on her anger. Particularly when Danny is in trouble.
[Oh boy, the reveal gone wrong trope]
Jazz is not the person to piss off, it also takes a lot to do so.
====== So, it’s kinda related to the Dragon Amulets, but the wolf spirit isn't tied to the totem, it's just temporarily caged.
I was gonna run it into Native American legends [I think I was gonna tap into the wendigo myth] as it was where the idea of the totem came from, but I didn't want be confused with research and misinterpreted Native American culture and lore (and get yelled at for it).
==== Another simpler idea was the Fenton family being cursed by witches to be connected to an animal spirit so that they would feel what it was like to be hunted.
And I guess the wolf spirit just connected to her better because of her Parents bigotry towards ghosts. [Influence to understand being hunted?]
[Also didn't want people to think that witches and witchcraft were all bad]
==== It's just, the idea that Jazz gets some kind of power, not related to the GZ/IR, but still dead related was too strong.
And the opportunity of pushing Jazz protecting her brother causes a transformation.
I do know there are Native American Myths and Legends about totems, Spirits, and protection. So, I wanted to incorporate that.
Ya'll have fun with your own backstories. I just can't help myself.
["Curse" can depend on perspective. One man's curse is another man's gift.]
@stealingyourbones @tourettesdog this is your fault (affectionate)
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drjameslongjr · 10 months
Biblical Wisdom for Handling Anger: Embracing the BULLETS Approach
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Biblical Wisdom for Handling Anger: Embracing the BULLETS Approach
Dealing with anger is not easy.
Dealing with anger is an everyday challenge, and for Christians, it presents a unique opportunity to demonstrate Christ's teachings of love, patience, and humility. While conflict is inevitable, our response to it can either escalate or diffuse the situation. In this blog, Biblical Wisdom for Handling Anger, we explore the BULLETS acronym, combining practical advice with biblical wisdom, to navigate such encounters as peacemakers.
Embracing the BULLETS Approach
Be Seated When encountering anger, our first step is to seek a moment of calm. Psalm 37:8 advises us to refrain from anger and forsake wrath. By inviting the other person to sit, we create a space for peaceful dialogue. This act is not just about physical posture but an internal readiness to engage respectfully, reflecting Christ’s composure in times of conflict. Use the Person's Name In addressing someone by name, we follow Christ's example of personal engagement, as seen in His interactions with Peter (John 21:15-17). This approach shows respect and attentiveness, essential in affirming the individual's worth, irrespective of their behavior. Lower Your Voice "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger" (Proverbs 15:1). Our tone can either soothe or aggravate a situation. By consciously lowering our voice, we extend an olive branch, inviting a shift from hostility to dialogue. Listen Active listening is a cornerstone of effective communication. As James 1:19 advises, we should be "quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger." This means genuinely striving to understand the root of the other person's anger and acknowledging their feelings, creating an environment conducive to healing. Eliminate Humor Humor, especially in tense situations, can be misinterpreted as insensitivity. Ephesians 4:29 reminds us to use words that build up and fit the occasion. Our goal is to show empathy and seriousness, ensuring the other person feels heard and respected. Talk, Don't Argue James 3:17 celebrates the wisdom that is peaceable and open to reason. In conflicts, our aim is not to win an argument but to seek mutual understanding and resolution. We should communicate our perspectives respectfully, fostering an atmosphere conducive to problem-solving. Slow Down Patience is a virtue that allows for thoughtful and effective communication. Slowing down our speech rate is a practical way of modeling calmness, encouraging both parties to engage in a rational and respectful manner. So, How Will You Apply Biblical Wisdom for Handling Anger? Our role as Christians extends beyond personal salvation to being ambassadors of Christ's love and peace, especially in handling conflicts. By applying the BULLETS approach, we can navigate through anger and conflict with grace and wisdom. May we always strive to be peacemakers, embodying Christ's teachings in every interaction. Let us commit to using communication as a tool for healing and reconciliation, bringing about God's kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
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Embark on a transformative journey with our "Lessons for Life" membership. For only $7/month, gain access to on-demand training, tools, teachings, and resources, all designed to help you navigate life's challenges with biblical wisdom and practical solutions. Whether you're facing personal struggles, seeking spiritual growth, or need guidance in complex situations, our supportive community and the i3A framework will guide you toward a life-changing encounter with Christ​. Benefits Include - Biblically-based guidance for real-life problems​. - Practical application of each lesson​. - Supportive, like-minded community​. - Live Q&A sessions, expert guests, community coaching, and connection calls​. Transform Your Life Today Join now and be part of a community committed to personal and spiritual growth. Experience the power of transformation through faith, shared wisdom, and mutual support. Click here to join the Lessons for Life Membership. Read the full article
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medixic · 7 months
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जानिये गुस्सा करने से आपके शरीर पर किस तरह के प्रभाव पढ़ सकते हैं 🤔
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janahjean · 1 year
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deerparkinstitute · 2 years
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johntaylor0706 · 2 years
Anger Management
Anger management is the process of recognizing and controlling intense emotions and thoughts of anger. It involves learning coping strategies and techniques for managing anger, communication skills to express feelings, and problem-solving skills to resolve conflicts. The goal is to reduce the frequency and intensity of angry outbursts and improve relationships with others. This can be achieved through therapy, self-help, and lifestyle changes.
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Here are some tips for managing anger:
1. Identify triggers: Understand what sets off your anger and try to avoid those triggers or manage them proactively.
2. Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help calm your mind and reduce tension.
3. Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and release pent-up anger and frustration.
4. Communicate effectively: Express your feelings in a calm and assertive manner, instead of getting angry and aggressive.
5. Problem-solve: Use logic and reason to find solutions to problems that trigger anger.
6. Learn from mistakes: Take responsibility for your actions, and try to learn from mistakes and past experiences.
7. Get support: Seek help from friends, family, or a therapist if needed.
8. Stay positive: Focus on the positive things in life and try to maintain a positive outlook.
9. Avoid drugs and alcohol: Substance abuse can escalate anger and make it more difficult to control.
Remember, anger management takes time, effort, and practice. With persistence and determination, you can learn to manage anger and lead a happier, healthier life.
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blogjustjess · 2 years
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Yesterday I was triggered multiple times by people, and it’s effecting me still. I hate this, I hate how shitty people can be to other people, and they have no clue what either of them have going on in their lives or mind. A older guy yesterday who was drunk was trying to make me feel better but he was really pissing me off and triggering me, he’s cutting off my sentences, being a cocky dickhead that’s a know it all cause he was a “college professor”. And now your a cocky dickhead drunk that works at Walmart and makes everyone around them feel stupid. I LOATHE them people. He had the audacity of stepping and tried telling me what to do with my child. Let me tell you, if I have another man tell me how to teach or talk to my child, you need to step back before I maul you into pieces. #mommabear #bipolarawareness #angermanagement #dickheads #trymeidareyou https://www.instagram.com/p/ClBjhGfu5Jl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[2k3 - bish you already know who this is uwu]
Raphael; do you have any fond memories of when you were a kid? Any weird things/sayings/terms that you and your bro's used when you were younger but still sometimes use now that you're older?
" Hmm well, I have a lot of fond memories thinking 'bout it actually. Leo and I used to play follow the leader a lot. When leo would make me mad I just tear up his room, yeah I still do that now. Mikey and me haven't change much punk always got under my shell. Don and I spent the most time together. Being middle kids I guess add'n to it. Donnie had trouble saying my name so he call me Raphie mostly especially if something spooked the guy so like a good bro I hope in and protect him. He still called me Raphie when he needs me so guess it stuck. Don also had a habit of bitting" He chuckles a bit.
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"Just went and chomped on one of one day, it was awful! Leo and Mieky hated it me? eh i just took it as a sign to fight so we used to play fight a lot as kids. He bite me and I turn around and tackle him. Gusse that's why I'm a bit more chill with Don out of all my brothers. When I sass Leo he gets annoyed and it turns into a fight, Mikey? he likes to turn it into some banter to piss me off. Donnie? nah he sasses me back we fight with words more than anything." Smile slightly fades looking back. "Even if Don and I are...not seeing eye to eye right now? If he calls out Raphie in need of help I'll still show up. Leo's right were still brothers after all. "
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