#angie that was so many holy crap
stevenbasic · 1 year
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GITJ Post 349: That was Then, This is Now, p1
“Mmmmph! M-Morgan!! Pl-please!” I sputtered, head buried deep in the big bosom of my new Hungarian APRN. My arms were straightened stock-stiff at my sides.
“Oh, Dr. J, do the relax!” the enormous blond woman laughed, mirth jiggling through her mighty chest as she hugged me tightly. She nearly had me pulled off my feet as I stood there in my office that Monday morning, her strong arms encircling my head, shoulders and upper back. I’d been waiting for my coff-…my m-…my warm morning beverage and the meeting Melissa had wanted to have but had been summarily assaulted - this counted as the twelfth one - by the “Good Morning Hugs” of my staff as they’d come one-by-one to greet me. New office policy, it had been announced, I guess: Dr. J gets a hug every morning, from everyone. 
Julia had been here with hugs, Bobbi and Brittni and Bianca and Bessie as well, all thanking me for such a fun weekend and being so cool and nice to them on Instagram. Wait what? Shanette had come early and lingered long, feeling especially soft and had purred motherly greetings. Katarina had, with a peculiar giggle, offered to fill my mug if I’d been waiting too long for Melissa to appear with my warm milk. Josie didn’t stop at a hug and gave me kisses, while Randi and Katie had each started flat-out making out with me. Angie nearly had me out of my pants and it was only Aubrey showing up for her hug that saved me from an early-morning, non-consensual handjob. Lakshmi had left just a few minutes ago, after helping me clean the lipstick of all these other from my face and finally showing me on her phone what all the girls is had been mysteriously hinting at and talking about: the Instagram posts made to my account after my own phone had been hijacked on Saturday night, before its demise at the bottom of Melissa’s pool. Good god! I remembered so little of the weekend, had I really been a part of all this…this…debauchery?
What a way to start a week!
“I hear you have the exciting weekend,” Morgan was now purring to me, her basso profundo rumbling through her chest as she held me captive at her monumental breast. “Morgan sorry she not there, she the busy. But happy you have the good time. Many orgasm, I can know!” 
At that, she released my face from the depths of her bosom and - god help me - held me out at arms reach. My feet were six inches off the floor! My mouth gaped: Morgan was huge! Enormous! Maybe not quite as tall as Melissa but probably outweighing her by sixty pounds, at least. Jesus Christ the size of her! Yes, whatever my mystery affliction was had been reducing my stature (I really have to get this checked out…) and changing my perspective, and I knew Morgan was a big lady, but - holy crap! What had happened to her?!? I’d seen her just last Friday, working with patients, and she was nowhere near this size, was she?? She was a house! Thick curves threatened to burst forth from her stretchy pants and overmatched, overstretched blouse whose buttons seemed ready to -
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“Haha button go pop,” she laughed as - yes - the top button of her blouse flew past my face.
My eyes just goggled as her cleavage bulged forth and then, slowly, she began to lift me up, up, up until we were eye level. Good god this woman wasn’t only huge, but hugely strong!
“Because you, the breasts of me are so bigger now,” she said, cryptically, “Tell me, what the happen? What you do on the weekend?”
Oh my god what did happen this weekend?
I remember, of course, getting in a little late this Monday morning with Melissa driving me to work. I’d stayed the night, again, the third in a row at her place. She’d helped me get ready and had clothes for me - these new, XXS unisex scrubs she’d found at the mall. I normally didn’t like wearing scrubs at the office as it made me look, well…like the rest of the staff, the medical assistants. But today I had little choice. So while this morning’s memories were clear as day, the day before, however, was a little fuzzier. Though with a little effort I pretty much recalled the whole thing.
“Um,” I told Morgan, as she held me aloft like a rag doll, “M-Melissa and I just sort of relaxed yesterday…”
Of the events of the weekend, Sunday afternoon’s were clearest in my mind. It had turned out to be a lazy day of napping in and out and cuddling on the couch. Melissa spent it pampering me, barely letting me lift a finger, keeping me couchbound in her arms, or pinned underneath her, or with her head in my lap. She’d apparently wanted to spend most of the day in penis worship, and wanted me also adulating her breasts. It was Sunday, after all. Time for church. And so we honored the occasion with either me sucking on her or by her sucking on me ‘like a piece of candy’, tending to the every whim of the insatiable beast between my legs, barely letting it leave her mouth for hours on end. I don’t know how many times her skilled lips, tongue and throat had brought me to climax there on the couch - it was a lot. But it was right before the dinner of Mac n Cheese she’d made for me that I finally had to stop her. I was sore, I was actually really sore, my balls tender and shaft raw from so much overuse this weekend, a sex marathon that did a number on my privates. She’d cooed and clucked in amused pity, offering ointments and creams 'to make it all better', but they only served to get me ready for another round in her mouth or tender grip. It was finally with a laying-on-of-hands, a strange cooling sensation that her palms brought my groin with no liniments or salves, that in the end miraculously healed my pain. Had she done something like that before? On…Saturday night, to a bruise on my neck? I was a little weirded out, as that moment brought back flashes of other memories. Was I just imagining some of these things? I remember her, and the other girls doing…stuff. Like, I knew Melissa was really strong, but there was no way she used her breath to blow me across the pool, was there?
“I heard you almost the drownded,” Morgan said, watching my face as I continued to try to recall the weekend. 
“Who? Me? Oh, um…”
Yes, I had woken Sunday morning and found my busted phone. Did I get it from the bottom of the pool? Or was that Melissa? Wait, did she actually save me from, like, almost drowning? I shivered, recalling it now. Yes, I felt it again - the fear, the near-death experience at the bottom of the deep-end and then suddenly being safe in her arms. Anyway, I remembered intimacy with Melissa in the pool, in the shower, at breakfast. Jeez we were horndogs!
“...yeah, I uh, had a little accident Sunday morning,” I admitted to Morgan, “but it was a f-fun little party the night before. Too b-bad you couldn’t come.”
Saturday was, for sure, more of a blur. There were girls over at Melissa’s, lots of them. I must have been drinking that afternoon because I barely remember that time at all. Later on into the evening I recall a little more - time in the hot tub? Sushi for dinner was it? A movie, some warm milk? Bedtime was more easy to recollect, with Shanette sharing the bed with Melissa and me for a while. 
“Sound so the fun,” Morgan smiled, the twinkle in her eyes telling me she knew more than she was saying. 
“Yeah,” I agreed. Realizing now why I already felt so exhausted: I had the sex lives of twenty men. Yes, I’d slept like a rock last night, after Melissa had taken me to her bed and put me under by humming sweet lullabies that reverberated throughout my cock, hips and spine to settle in my mind and rock it to sleep. But I felt like I’d need to sleep another week to recover from what I’d been through. I hadn’t even stepped through the door of my apartment upstairs this morning, having come straight into the office, and I was already looking forward to collapsing in my bed tonight. 
But first I needed to get through today. Still held aloft by the shoulders in Morgan’s strong hands, I was reminded of that by a knock on the door. Melissa, maybe, I hoped? We both turned to see who it’d be.
Aubrey, peeking around the doorframe. Back for more hugs? Apparently not. 
“Gianna needs to talk to you,” she said. 
thanks to RiF for editing help
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fandomscraziness22 · 2 years
Hi Kira! I'm here to be annoying again 😂
3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25 all for JATP
3) What inspires you to keep creating fanworks?
hmmm well right now it's mostly my friends tbh! usually it's also an innate love for the material and the desire to build something off of it or explore something cool from it
4) answered here
6) What has been one of your favorite fandom experiences?
MAKING FRIENDS 10000000%!! i always heard people online talking about that and it never really happened to me, but in the past year it's been so amazing to make special friends within the fandom and be able to talk about anything and everything with them
8) Who are three fanwork creators (fic writers, gifmakers, artists, meta writers, etc.) that you love seeing on your dash?
i love @pink-flame so much, anything she writes is pure gold. i also love seeing @thedeathdeelers on my dash all the time, keeping that juke love alive! and i'm so excited that @pawprinterfanfic is back in the writing groove for willex!! (all her fics are also so incredibly good)
9) What’s a fanwork that made you laugh?
i don't really read fics for laughter? i know it's kinda weird but i love angst and love, not sillyness in fics. that said, i am a SUCKER for witty/funny banter, and the wizarding world of food service series has some good ones!!
10) answered here but i can add more (of course!) counting the ways to where you are is just heartbreaking as a concept and it soooo amazing, and i loved the look at Flynn and her own grief in i'm on your side (when times get rough)
11) What’s a fanwork that made you squeal?
okay another quick Bright Sessions one, say my name (and every color illuminates) is so fricking cute i love caleb/adam with everything in me. and an oldie but a goodie for juke is you're a part of me (i've reread this idk how many times!)
15) What three fanworks are you the proudest of making?
oh boy! okay, con au running with fire i live like a liar because it was the most worldbuilding i've done outside of a strict au by myself (and also i think it came out well). evil music my beloved! nothing broken (just our minds) is painful but i really liked the tension and the way it continued to ramp up in intensity each time. and then my luke survives au, i miss the days when. definitely one of my more intense and darker fics but i'm proud of how it turned out.
18) What fanwork of yours would you like more fans to check out?
i think don't say goodbye, my boys death fic? i just looked at the stats for it (i never look at stats for anything lol) and it has way less hits than i would have thought
19) What fanwork by someone else would you like more fans to check out?
SHELLY'S POEM FIC MY BELOATHED everyone go read there's more than one way to lose your mind it's soooooo incredible and cool and painful and AHHHHHHHHH
21) What is a recent fic you read for [fandom] that you enjoyed?
uhhh i haven't really read many jatp fics recently but All That Remains just started updating again and i started rereading it and it's so wonderful everyone should read it!
22) Tag someone who brings great vibes to [fandom]!
@legolasghosty is always encouraging and wonderful to hear from!!!
25) What unique thing do you think you bring to [fandom]?
oof, idk! i think i bring enthusiasm (although this is slowly waning sorry jatp) and fun aus????
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movedtodykedvonte · 3 years
What do ya think Donna’s s/o’s reaction would be when they find out that Donna eats nothing but treats and sweets
I’m eating strawberry pancakes as I write this, so this feels hypocritical
At first you think it’s just a really big sweet tooth, you’ve found yourself in the past eating nothing but junk for awhile so your not that concerned
Then you notice how many sticky wrappers, jellies, jams, pastries and other sugary treats are exactly in the house
Again this wouldn’t be an issue if not for the fact you can’t find anything BUT the confections and candies
It would put Willy Wonka’s factory to shame really
“Donna, sweetie, can I ask you something?” “Yes, dear?” “What’s with all the sweets?”
She seems a little confused, “What ever do you mean?” It’s genuine and innocent
“There’s only candies, pastries and cookies-” “And cakes” “...And cakes in the house... Why?”
“That’s what I eat.” “Why?” “Because that’s all I need” “Who told you that?” “Angie.”
You immediately understand the issue, as taking eating advice from a doll obsessed with tea parties can’t be good
Actually... you’re not entirely sure the lords (excluding Alcina) need to eat things or if it’s like a hobbie
Either way only eating sweets can’t be good and you immediately explain to Donna (much to Angie’s annoyance) that it isn’t good.
You start bringing literally any other food into the house; fruits, vegetables, meats, non-sweet bread.
Angie insists it’s all poison and Donna is scared to eat broccoli, “Why did you bring tiny trees?”
You insist it’s not poison and start small: Honey roasted carrots. They are sweet but technically healthy
Donna looks over your shoulder the whole time you’re making it and Angie hounds you
“It smells funny.” “You can’t smell Angie.” “I bet it would smell funny.” You think about shoving a carrot in her mouth just to keep her quiet.
When you finally plate it, Donna just pokes at it, possibly debating on backing out in favor of a tea cake
Then she sees you happily munching away at your serving and decides it may not be that bad
Holy crap it’s good! She’s surprised that it’s somehow sweet and earthy(?). It’s no short bread but it good in a different way
She’s even more excited that she can grow some of these veggies in her garden
You are very pleased that she’s liking it but soon regret it when she constantly wants you to make something new each night
It’s a lot but anything for your beloved ❤️
Plus when you’re cooking she’ll come up and hug you from behind (score) to see what you’re making.
Sometimes she’ll sneak in a kiss under the guise of getting a closer look.
You tell her to stop (you don’t mean it) cause it’s distracting and you’ll burn something (has happened once)
Every night turns into a cooking date night and you both couldn’t be happier.
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mikimagines · 4 years
the thing we all waited for...the masterlist!
but in this case on how I was so close on giving up.
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Danganronpa THH:
Dating Headcanons: Boys
Dating Headcanons: Girls 1
Dating Headcanons: Girls 2
Ghost Hunter S/O - yasuhiro and mondo.
Grieving S/O 1 - toko and byakuya.
Mad Scientist Classmate/ S/O - toko
the snowball war with the entire danganronpa 1,2 and 3 cast.
Classmate/ S/O who actually does magic - Makoto and Chihiro
Byakuya with a s/o he is ONLY nice to.
Hina trying to apologize to her s/o after almost killing them in chapter 4.
girls, well actually just hina, kirigiri, toko? and sayaka with a mute s/o.
Giving the girls flowers.
Chihiro dating headcanons
blackeneds accidentally kills s/o.
Holy Shit it worked! - dr girls.
Bad Driver S/O - mondo
toko trying to apologize after rejecting reader.
junko with a s/o who is afraid of her killing them for despair.
Makoto Going on a amusement park date
Danganronpa Goodbye Despair:
this is going to be a lot. *sobbing in background*
cast with the ultimate lil bomber.
fun fact! I’m shocked on how none of you got my reference to genshin impact’s Klee.
cast with the ultimate lil bomber the sequel.
reader hacks the neo world
Hiyoko with a twin who is looks exactly like her, same clothes, height, voice
Nagito Ruins Everything. Season 1, Episode 1.
Sonia has to choose: her country? or her s/o?
Mad Scientist S/O/ Classmate -kazuichi
Quiet S/O suddenly rage quits. -fuyuhiko
Classmate Reader who suddenly just picks up kittens -peko
Ghost Adventures with nagito and gundham
Ghost Adventures with nagito and gundham 2
the snowball war between the entire danganronpa 1,2, and 3 cast.
peko being gifted a puppy
nagito’s s/o breaking fourth wall
peko’s s/o mistaking fuyuhiko as pekos little brother
soft-spoken s/o.
gundham w/ ultimate reader s/o
Mikan with a soft/tough s/o that takes her out for ice cream not in that way..
gundham and his s/o + Sonia free animals from a kill shelter.
Sdr2 seeing photos of their selfs as ultimate despairs
dr2 girls with the ultimate voice actor.
meet the most lovey dovey crap I have ever made!
peko accidentally kills her s/o
s/o isn’t the blackened but gets killed anyways.
and the most lovely dovey shit I have ever made and I hate to look at...
this: sdr2 boys find their dead s/o murdered
moving on...
Hajime, Nagito and Chiaki w/ a ultimate prophet s/o
peko with a over dramatic reader
Dr2 Girls Dating Headcanons
Danganronpa 2 cast with a reader who is a little too obsessed with “justice” and like nagito
Reader who gives a hug to Monomi/Usami.
Danganronpa 2 cast meets future’s s/o’s and their Child. (kinda, only chiaki, kazuichi, Hajime and nagito.)
Dr1 and Dr2 react to finding out about the tragedy? as well as junko lives?
Nagito Komenda w/ Ultimate Unlucky Student s/o
Nagito Finding out that y/n killed someone who tried to kill him.
I’m so done,, there’s too many.. so much work... this is just going to be randoms for now.
Kokichi, Nagito, Shuichi, Rantaro, Hajime, Kiibo and Taka react to someone from a different class having a crush on their crush.
Makoto, Hajime, Shuichi and Fuyuhiko with a short s/o that pranks them after they make fun of them.
Gundham, Kazuichi, and Fuyuhiko with an s/o who reveals themselves as the mastermind.
Angie Yonaga as a mother.
Miu and Kokichi with an s/o who is oblivious to their jokes.
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rainbowpandas23 · 4 years
Blow Me For Luck-
*Hazbin Hotel. Angel and Husk have date night at a casino. They flirt and gamble. Gay ensues. This is the setup and if y'all want more then the second part will be E for extra spicy*
The casino was packed, bustling with demons all looking to win big or screw someone else over; a typical night in any of Hell's casinos. Angel leaned against the beautiful polished bar, smoking a cigarette while waiting on the bar tender to finish mixing his Cosmo and pouring Husk’s regular- a whiskey sour, neat.
He looked across the crowded casino hall and saw the throng of sinners at the craps table surrounding his boyfriend. Husker was usually a poker player (which Angel found both attractive and hilariously on-brand thanks to the pattern on the cat demon's wings) but when they came to this gambling house for tonight's date night, Husk made a beeline straight for the dice. And, boy, was he on a roll…some pun intended.
Husk knew when to bet on Pass or Don't Pass like it was second nature. Everyone was flocking to his table to throw chips down and cheer him on. His come-out rolls were frequently 7’s and 11’s but every so often he would place other bets around the table to spice things up and rake in more dough.
Angel smiled to himself as he took a final drag off his cigarette, smashed it in the ashtray and plucked the two glasses of liquor off the counter to head back to his lover. It was fun to watch Husk on a hot streak. It was even more fun being his arm candy and feeling like the most powerful couple in the room. Heads turned and the crowd parted as Angel slinked forward in his short, tight dress.
“Here ya go, baby.” Angel pressed his chest to Husk's back and draped two of his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders as he returned to the table, setting the whiskey sour on a coaster. “Just how ya like it.”
The spider demon kissed Husker on the cheek, feeling everyone around eyeing them with envy and/or approval. Not quite the same type of high as hard drugs, of course, but definitely a high that Angel enjoyed basking in.
Husk snaked one arm around Angel's waist and pulled him close.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Husk smirked at Angel Dust, mirth in his eyes from win after win. “I needed a stiff drink. This table is fucking crazy!” The cheers kicked up at that comment, everyone hooting, hollering and throwing down more chips before Husk rolled again.
Husk leaned up to whisper to Angel while the crowd was distracted by the revelry.
“Welcome back, my beautiful corno portafortuna. What took you so fuckin’ long?”
Angel Dust felt a warm blush spread across his cheeks. The “lucky horn" nickname was a new one (and, if Angel was being honest, a very smooth one at that). Clearly Husk was riding a high of his own if he felt confident enough to drop sweet-nothings in Italian while out in public.
“Tha line was long, bello. But now I'm back an’ I’m ready to watch you win…big." Angel stroked Husk's chest and looked down at the stack of chips in front of them. He did a quick mental tally of the winnings-good so far- but knew Husky was just getting started.
More bets were placed, more dice were rolled. People swore, cheered and laughed around them. About an hour in and Husk had more than doubled his starting cash amount, despite a few sour rolls. But…it was about time for Angel and Husk to head back to the hotel. Charlie and Vaggie had let them borrow the limo for their date on the condition that the boys be home before midnight.
*Like fuckin’ Cinderella* Angel thought, looking at his phone. A little past 11….they could play for a little while longer but Angel would be double-damned if he wasted an opportunity to fuck in the back of Charlie's limo. It would piss Vaggie off to no end knowing that him and Husk had a kinky time in Charlie's lux family car, ESPECIALLY if they made sure to leave it pristine afterwards. She couldn't get him in trouble if there was no proof, after all. All he had to do was pull Husk away from the craps table and get him in the mood.
One was definitely easier than the other, in Angel's experience.
“How're ya feeling, Husky? What do ya say we call it a night? Maybe take our fun back to the hotel?” Angel crooned, leaning his arms against the table and pressing them together to accentuate his chest floof. Husk, like many others, was a sucker for Angel's fluffy figure.
“Huh?” Husk looked over to Angel, seemingly about to protest, but the spider gave him a coy smile and a few bats of his long eyelashes. That stopped the older man in his tracks and he took a moment to think before responding with a happily defeated sigh. “Okay, Angie. But one more roll before we go? I feel it in my fuckin’ bones…this is the big one!”
Angel expected about as much.
“Fine, I'll take that deal! One more roll, then we cash your big, fat winnings and get outta here.” Angel let his voice drip with seduction to make sure Husker knew that he wasn't gonna get a chance to roll again after this last one. The spider had plans, after all.
Husk grinned, gathered all his chips and turned to the stickman.
“All in. Horn high snake eyes.”
Angel's jaw dropped. Not only was Husk going all in, but he was doing so on the bet with the shittiest probability of winning. The demons around the table exploded in reactions and clamored to place their own bets in response.
“Holy shit Husky! Honey, are ya sure?”
“Of course I'm sure, mi corno portafortuna,” Husk picked up the dice, rolled them between his paws and then held them out on his palm in front of Angel. “Now give Daddy a blow for luck.”
Angel was taken aback. Husker's current confidence was completely different than his normal curmudgeonly self. Normally Husk would rather chew on glass than admit to a single soul that he and Angel enjoyed some Daddy kink every now and again. Not to mention the blatant innuendo in front of a large group of strangers. It was surreal, but at the same time incredibly hot to see.
This was gonna be fun.
“Anything for you, Daddy.” Angel leaned down and blew a steady stream of air onto the two red dice. Then he turned, grabbed Husk's face and gave him a hard, deep kiss.
“And if you win, I'll blow you too.” Angel murmured as he pulled away, smiling to show a glint of his gold tooth.
Husker grinned a sharp, almost feral, grin in response to Angel's promise. He looked fierce, determined and borderline unhinged- he was truly a different demon while riding the high of his vices.
He shook the dice in his hand once, then let them fly across the table. The crowd went dead quiet as the little red cubes bounced around, tension in the air. They came to a stop on the felt covered table.
Snake eyes! Everyone surrounding the table shouted in excitement, impressed by the cat beating the very small odds.
“Fuck! YES!” Husk slammed the last of his drink in celebration.
“OHIMIGOD HOLY SHIT HUSKY!” Angel hugged Husk from behind with all four of his arms, jumping and beaming with joy.
They collected their chips immediately and brought them to the cash out counter, getting several large stacks of bills in return. Angel clung to Husk's arm as they walked, trying to hurry him out the door and into the limousine as fast as possible. After seeing Husk act so intense and confident, Angel was yearning to give his boyfriend what he promised.
And after that, well…Angel Dust had no doubt that he was gonna get lucky too.
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Continued thoughts on RE8
This was copied when I was making my DeviantArt journal about this. And ah, thank goodness, I don’t need to space out shit. Guess DA using numbers like that helps me out lol.
Hope the title is creative enough. But...the game has been out a month. But I'll tag spoilers anyway. So I got done with the game at 12:04 or well, I put my PS4 into rest mode to charge my controller. I'm gonna say three things.
Donna's death honestly fucked me up...and not in a good way.
Moreau is likely the best boss in the game. Maybe.
Shut your fucking hole is honestly funny.
Okay but yes, I finally played more of Resident Evil 8. And surprisingly, and I wanted to save and be done with the game after I got into the confrontation with Heisenberg.
Let me be honest with you all. Resident Evil 8 is a fine game. While I am still critical about it's story and what choices they made. The gameplay is pretty fine, and I think it's an overall nice or alright experience. While I don't think this is the best RE game ever. And I do think this game got too much of high praising. It was overhyped honestly. But I do feel like it becomes I guess more enjoyable as you play it.
Now I'm gonna go over me going through the sections I talked about real quick. And no, I didn't beat Heisenberg...I haven't yet.
Donna and Angie's section is maybe the best part of the game. Gonna admit when you go to House Beneviento, it's actually beautiful seeing a waterfall beside it. And while I do think the Silent Hill comparisons are...I'm no expert. I've only watched movie format of the first four Silent Hill games. But that part is where the game is scariest at. Despite me being annoyed by the puzzle stuff in one part of this game. Luckily, I feel great I decided not to look anything up.
But I guess it's the closest we'll get to a modern Silent Hill game. But I overall loved this part of the game. Despite I was being stupid and didn't put half of a child puzzle piece into a door for a few minutes. I will admit, I do feel like the puzzles are easier than usual than older RE games...which is kind of fine with me.
Also that giant fetus baby thing is fucking creepy. Thank God I wasn't devoured by it...but amused I was spooked by maybe the projection falling and bookcases moving. Which I dubbed Scooby Doo shit.
And...I'm sorry, I was not expecting Donna's death to go like that...like wow...despite what my friend told me about...wow...just saying, I am not selling Alcina Dimitrescu's or Moreau's remains to the Duke. And I'm sure as Hell not selling Angie either. Besides, I get a lot of money in this game already. Seriously, I'm loaded.
It's just silly like...I didn't want to go to Donna's house first but I had to. Will admit, I do feel like she was underdeveloped. And that could go as well to maybe the other lords. And I did go back to Donna's place to get her treasure...where I fought this fucking giant with an axe...and I'm really interested in who the Hell is that Claudia Beneviento. Considering she died very young.
Moreau's section was pretty fine. But I think along with Alcina's section, was a pretty nice place. While Donna's section seemed a bit more simple, it was more focused on, creeping the shit out of me. Yet I was still terrified being in Castle Dimitrescu because it was my first time...and may still could be scared if I replay the game again after I finish it.
Will admit, I was annoyed I got killed by Moreau three times in the water. I think the reason I liked his part because his boss felt very classic Resident Evil. Maybe almost like Nemesis when he's fully unleashed in the original RE3. I feel like Moreau was pretty unique. Despite at first...kind of wonder if I do want him to look more a Gilman creature. Because he's likely inspired by that those kinds of films.
Also I will admit this, him popping up as a huge fish at first spooked me. Continuing on, I have been going to wells and using the crank to collect shit. Which got me to collect Alcina's golden statue of herself. Which yes...is very narcissistic of her haha! Along with the treasure from Donna...and I forgot to mention I've finished those first three...weird ball games...
Gonna admit, I strangely feel reminded of Sonic Spinball and those pinball sections in the Sonic series. I sound stupid saying that. They are interesting puzzles. I'm just glad and to me personally, Alcina's ones was the most tricky.
So after I beat Moreau, I got the Wolfbane, which was the pistol I was very interested in and it killed that weird beast(Is it like a dog turned Lycan dog or something?)...in one shot...this is maybe the strongest gun in the game. Holy shit, Barry Burton would be proud.
But yeah, I went through the Lycan's den. Turns out, Heisenberg wasn't there. Also the grenade launcher is great to use too. And seriously, the amount of Lycans heads I've blown up with mainly a normal pistol amazes me. Holy crap, I killed a shit ton of them, so many heads blown up.
After getting that last flask and finally opening a way to Heisenberg's factory, I finally get to meet the fella. To be honest, I'm not huge on Karl's voice. I've heard it before, and I know the voice actor got inspiration from Nicholas Cage...but I just imagine Karl's voice to be different. Maybe Cage when his voice is higher pitched, but I forget. Maybe if I get used to it, I'll be fine with it. Here's one of the more amusing lords and...really, the four lords and a lot of other stuff is why I like this game.
What I hate is of what later on happens and...the future of these main games.
I also wanna say that the part I saved on is when I have to escape the factory. But holy shit, how the fuck can the Duke get into these fucking places or whatever. At least the Merchant made sense and whatever else...I'm rambling on. I just find it amusing that this huge character can get into certain places that would maybe seem impossible or not.
But yeah...I'm very likely close to the end of the game. Played a couple of hours. Maybe 3 to 4 or so. While I am...critical of this chapter of the RE franchise. There are things I genuinely liked. I just strangely hate...that this is the final product and we're gonna have to live with it. This is the RE game people are making memes about...I shouldn't be very excited for the new movie reboot this year...but that's what I'm more excited for.
The 25th anniversary of Resident Evil has been going good. Despite my feelings on this new main game.
I remember now, I feel like when I finish this game and I be more detailed with my criticisms. I've heard from a good friend of mine that Under The Mayo has similar opinions to us of how we feel about Resident Evil 8...yet before I decided to listen to the usual 1 hour version of the RE8 save room theme. Which is this.
Resident Evil 8: Village Save Room 1 Hour Extended - YouTube
A day ago, he posted a video that has this thumbnail and the title of how God Of War ruined Resident Evil...I'm really wondering how the fuck is that possible. And my usual bitching is about the fact we hardly see our old characters anymore(Such as Jill who isn't such a big focus anymore), some characters are not better expanded upon or whatever else, and the future...I'm just not interested. Despite I've said to a friend I could be interested in seeing how it goes...
I just explained a little of what I had problems with. I'm just gonna say Capcom needs to be a bit more ambitious and meaningful with their storytelling now. Which may sound stupid...I just want better for this series. And when mentioning that upcoming movie. If we ever get a movie adaption of RE7 and 8, ESPECIALLY 8, I want that to be a loose adaptation and some shit changed.
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
Okay so I'm halfway ish through dcs metal event reading and poor angy scared baby dami, firstly he's like 13 he's too young to be trying to fight this shit also earlier bruce let him drive a freakin tank through the rainforest!!!!! but anyway don't wanna give spoilers so I'm not gonna be specific but bruce is missing and the heroes are in this bar talking about what they should do literally everyone including nightwing votes against attempting to get to bruce (supes wants to go get bruce tho), damian does not take this well and straight up calls dick a b*stard and hits him up the head and dick is like I love you and bruce but that's not a good plan and clark being the angel he is says I'll find him kiddo and damian hugs him and just aww bless you clark anndd a couple of issues earlier damian gets trapped in a coffin lined with nails and hes trying to think of a way out and he remembered dick calling him hard headed so he freakin headbutts his way out hahaaa andd yeah side note the batman who laughs looks kinda dope and the dreamer guy yikes he's pretty
Ahhh confession I still haven’t read the full Dark Metal series(there are so many parts and tie ins too omg), tho I know all about it(I need to watch the comicstorian videos on it tho)tho I have read the follow upish/kinda tie in The Batman Who Laughs and HOLY CRAP THATS SOOO GOOD! He is SUCH a powerful villain omg. But anyway! You had me at bruce letting Damian drive a tank through the rainforest xD
That sounds stressful tho omg.(have you read the DCeased comics??! They are soo so good but oh. So. ANGSTY. Omg). Oh my gosh, Damian literally head butted has way out of a coffin cause dick called him hard headed I CANT OMG. That made my day lmao.
Have you read the Red Robin series? I’m currently finally reading that and omg I love my boy Tim so freaking much, he is such a relatable stressed mess, I love him. His constant inner monologue kills me omg
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35 Q’s for Fanfic Writers
From this post
I’m having a shitty, rude alter-y, crap night so I’m just going to answer all of these to distract myself and focus and to not bother anybody just making my own post and putting it under the cut btw, notice to anyone not aware: since I’m moving I won’t likely be updating anything until I’m done doing so.
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing?  (No downplaying yourself!) 3/5? Could use more editing and description and can be weirdly paced.
2. Why do you write fanfiction? Because it’s better than focusing on pain 24/7. 
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? I don’t seem to have a specific narrative voice that people recognize but I’m pretty proud of mostly organic dialogue. 
4. Are there any writers that inspire you? as a rule i never look up to anybody for inspiration but there’s some stuff in my ao3 bookmarks I fawn over.
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of? Right now, none of them. It changes normally, anyway. If get too proud then I’d get my ass kicked by RSD if someone didn’t like it so it’s safer this way
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily? Dialogue. 
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most? Organic description, poetic language kind of stuff. I can paint a scene but I’m not so great with bring out out a feeling with description alone.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write? Janus and Virgil are probably tied. They both have things I struggle with but I don’t have to go back and do much adjusting of language and tone with them. Though admittedly my Virgil is signifigantly more foul-mouthed than canon and I tend to prefer pre-AA feral asshole Virgil.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write? Patton. I write him the least, so people can probably tell. I love Patton, I really do, but it’s so hard to keep away from fanon Patton. 
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for? Angst w/ H/C obviously. Or if you’re talking about regular book genres, Fantasy. I fucking love fantasy world building.
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most? Trauma. I blame Daeram. As if Ayri isn’t a giant Angst Demon.
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about. Slopes. I’m really into it. I’ve got three one shots running right now. Patrons can read the first part of the unnamed cat remus one, there’s also a coffeeshop au tropey nonsense one like eglantine & lycoris, but Slopes is addiction angst. Mmmmm. Virgil is addicted to coke and alcohol and will listening to his friends even be in time? Who knows, especially not me, but there’s already over 30k. 
13. First fandom you ever wrote for? InuYasha. Or was it Harry Potter? Or shit, The Blue Sword? Fuck, I’ve been writing for a long time, I really have no idea.
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for? Sanders Sides. The characters are the perfect dynamic for writing since they exist in balance of each other and the popular, easy to project on archetypes featured are incredibly fun to do basically any scenario with.
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for? Weird storywise? Kingdom Hearts? I can’t even follow the plot anymore. Weird Fandomwise? Sanders Sides. Its simultainiously the fluffiest and angstiest nonsense at the same time.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)? Vampires. Gay ones. Gay Vampires. I also love calm tol and angy smol.
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for. Any tropes that normalize incredibly toxic behaviour or tropes that are inherantly ableist, but I can’t think of any.
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written? Incorrigible continues to be complete nonsense.
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between? AUs. I mean closest I even have is canon-divergence other than a single short.
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff? I like it when there is gay nonsense along with a plot that is treated as more important than the relationship the most. But I like both. There’s more shippy stuff in tss so i read more shipping action by default.
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!) Anxceit/Sleepxiety, but in general, give me darksides or give me death/j
22. Do you listen to anything while you write? Almost everything I write has a special playlist I listen to to help me write it, but otherwise I listen to my Nyan playlist, an alter is picking the tunes, or a voidfam playlist. I never have music off. When my internet is down I just listen to the songs I own or Anxiety’s theme on loop.
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas? I’m fine with all of them. I love working with prompts but I tend to deviate. And I’ve never done a challenge since I can’t do deadlines and bad things happen bingo never sent me a card and I applied three times.
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works? I am generally multi-chaptered stuff, but I’ve been working on a few one-shots lately that are much longer than most one shots.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them! I was originally thinking of doing some little 13-year-old Dreaming!Roman (y’know, the one with a job) shorts but it turns out I just had an alter of that little bastard and that’s why I inexplicably know more about him then I ever even considered. I still might do them after Dreaming is done. But that’s paced so slowly who knows when that might happen. Otherwise I put stuff in my notes and just do shorts of it if I’m like “oh you know what’s cool???” but since I can’t daydream maybe this question doesn’t apply to me.
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try? I want to do more autism stuff, and I’ve had it demanded a few times, but I’m scared of being that explict about it for some reason. Possibly because I might be, possibly because I’m scared of doing it wrong even though I’ve accidentally coded multiple characters autistic. I’m scared of explictly tagging them as such, too. 
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received? That I can remember off the top of my head? I’m going with one from @a-genz-with-trauma-and-kins. It really helped me out and was just so kind and literally the best christmas gift I got in 2020. 
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing? I can handle it alright but Daeram is a little fucking pissbaby about it. Constructive criticism helps people get better, so I appreciate it. I can’t handle critism that is incomplete, though. “i just don’t get it” or “I don’t know I don’t like it” kind of things. If I can’t understand the why to fix it then things get out of control. And then I spiral and RSD for like four days minimum. If it came from an anon or a troll, too, It might not bother me for as long. Things that are just like “this is shit and you should feel bad” just make me laugh. Couldn’t even bother to read it long enough to insult me proper? I don’t care.
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out? I have a few times. Mostly in shorts and prompts, I think. I think they turned out okay. They’re not particularly inspired or anything.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst? Depends on my mood. Am I triggered? give me the fluff. Am I vibin? Angst. 
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them! Fuck, fam, no, I can’t, I have so many. I have multiple original stories and some of them have very large casts and like holy fuck. Or do you mean in Sanders Sides fandom? Um, Morgan and Thorn in PD. The lesbian and her himbo dynamic. I love them. They’re dorks. Morgan is strong person with sharp tongue and soft romantic heart and Thorn is just so kind and so dumb and so exciteable he’s like a puppy. They were just filler characters and I got attached to them. Felton even gets redemption for being an ass later in PD, like oof i never intended to include so much OC content, especially for names I just picked randomly. 
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less. nope I’m doing all of them because these are fun plea for my new self: 2 gay vampires, 4 humans, 1 braincell dreaming while I wake: trauma child needs therapy and so do you break: big oof, oh dragons, oh why, go virgil go rebuild: virgil is so not okay there’s more virgil to deal painful death: gay teens drink themselves into a new religion stargazing: whoops we didn’t realize people actually cared whole castle: everyone will throw down for kid!patton, even you incorrigible: found family with a shot of psychological horror and crack dangerous instincts: wholesome crime syndacite action  slopes: addict gets mugged and thinks that’s just fine with him conflagration: logan avoids everything ever like a champ cat!remus: bored fae shifts gay pining from one person to another  caffeine cyptids: caffinated gay panic goes faster than regular gay panic eglantine & lycoris: more tropes than you can toss a shoe at storytime: overpowered virgil also overreacts literally always
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process? an alter and I write together and I have absolutely no idea what’s going to happen, what I’m writing about, or even what year it is. I often don’t even remember what I wrote. There’s no outline. I have an idea and I pick things at random for it. There’s just notes and an evil gleam in a demon’s eye. The only reason I know more than readers is because I take a long time to edit and some of these stories have fucking alters up in my head who can tell me things. Daeram tells me nothing. The writing demon supposedly has all this knowledge but I have absolutely no clue because he does not talk to me, he just fronts and slams out 9k in a few hours or we cofront to write and I’m like “oh no she didn’t” while typing 
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of. i’m fond of the entire painful death series and I tried to find something I really liked without spoilers in stargazing and I couldn’t so here’s a random thing from incorrigble: “So, what do you do with your friends?” Patton continued on with a megawatt smile. “Grand larceny,” Virgil deadpanned and glared at Patton, who was taken aback. Remy and Andy just broke out laughing while Virgil tentatively sipped his still-too-hot-cocoa. 
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!  slopes my dudes slopes i have learned so much about cocaine! like wow! I thought for a minute it was going to end with MCD around 30k but it swtiched from whump to hurt/comfort and I still don’t know if it’s going to be MCD but look at that funky little coke/alcohol addict go, it’s a medical wonder he’s alive! It’s not like there’s what seems to be a little talked about interaction between alcohol and cocaine that causes a toxic chemical to build up in the liver which can result in liver failure and sudden death at basically any moment! Which is part of why it may result in MCD but this time no ghosts! maybe it’ll be h/c with whump elements or maybe it’ll be whump with h/c elements we can’t know for sure
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Danganronpa v3 Pre-FTE Dialog (Chapter 1 - Part 3)
This is the pre-free time event text from chapter 1′s third free time slot.
I’m going to be mentioning full game spoilers.
You can find all of these here on my blog, as well as the first part which has a full explanation of this. Just be careful following the link, as there may be series spoilers depending on how far in the future you read this.
Full post below the cut, since it’s a long one. (Yes this is basically copy-pasted, but shhhh.)
Angie Yonaga
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Gonta Gokuhara
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gonta the results are in and you are not a failure also holy crap do they really strongly emphasize this aspect of his character right from the beginning like, to veer sideways into something that I promise has a point, my mom works with special needs kids and she cemented into my brain that you should treat people with respect no matter who they are or what they sound/talk like and essentially that infantilization is a bad thing this is also why I think that his tarzan-speak in the English localization isn’t necessarily a horrible choice, since to me that kind of drives home the idea that somebody can be legitimately intelligent and helpful regardless of whether or not they sound kind of slow, and that not taking them seriously just because they speak a little differently is a bad thing but that’s a hot take which I can elaborate on later
Himiko Yumeno
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this one was so long I split it into two to make sure it’d upload
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himiko is an entire mood
Kaito Momota
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I like how kaito was standing outside the entrance to his lab literally the free time slot right before this
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Kirumi Tojo
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Kokichi Oma
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kokichi: *says something valid* kokichi, immediately afterwards: *says something stupid* that’s it that’s his entire MO
but really I cracked up when I first saw this, just, “No thanks!” like, that’s technically a polite way or turning somebody down, but because it’s kokichi saying it is it really meant that way?
Korekiyo Shinguji
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Maki Harukawa
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it’s the largest man-made structure visible from space, obviously
Miu Iruma this is the same for both slots 3 and 4
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Rantaro Amami
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Ryoma Hoshi
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I can’t believe ryoma had their number this whole time
Shuichi Saihara
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man, it’s really interesting that shuichi seems to have faith in his classmate’s talents, but when it comes to his own he downplays his abilities which I know is similar to makoto in the sense that they both feel like they don’t deserve their ultimate titles, but in shuichi’s case his talent is representative of a legitimate set of skills (his reasoning, observation, and investigation skills, most prominently) that he can actively apply, rather than being something relatively abstract like “is lucky, sometimes” in a way, shuichi kind of struggles to find his way out of the “murder happens -> solve murder” box that murder mystery detectives are usually--for admittedly good reasons--stuck in, despite not specializing in homicide himself (tbh he seems closer to a private eye than a police detective if his FTEs are any indication), and you can really see the effects of that throughout the game, to the point where he doesn’t really break free of it until after that way of thinking is repeatedly challenged and– I’m rambling so I’m gonna stop and stick a pin in this for a separate post or something because there’s a reason I like shuichi’s character as much as I do, dangit
Tenko Chabashira
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Tsumugi Shirogane
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why are there so many AoT references in this? also why are they all the same joke?
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darthspideys · 6 years
I’ve loved you before (Part 1)
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Dear Andrew | Dear Luke | Dear Tom
(Y/N) writes letters. She writes them in her phone notes, and there for her three best friends, Andrew, Luke and Tom. She never meant for any of them to see the letters, but suddenly there out. Now her past present and future are all converging and the walls shes built are coming crashing down. She wants to love, but she has secrets. Can she finally come clean? And find the love she wants?
               - Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist - 
                        - Updating Today, Wednesday & Friday - 
                                                   --------- Dear Andrew...
Your eyes stare deep into my soul. Wait that is way too intense.
(Y/N) woke up and stretched. She hadn’t slept well at all, on account of she couldn’t get herself comfortable no matter how many positions she tried. She sat up and looked towards the bathroom thinking about how much she didn’t want to go to work and just lay back down in the bed underneath the soft covers. Her stomach gurgled and she burst out of the bed and ran to the bathroom.
She made it just in time to heave out yesterday's dinner into the toilet. She leaned against the wall, and let out a sigh. It had become a part of her daily routine, her offering to the porcelain god before she showered. She got into the shower and ten minutes later was in the kitchen making herself a slice of toast. Then to the car, and then to work, the thought of which exhausted her so much she just wanted to lie down on the couch and call in sick. But she couldn't because she wanted to every day and if she did then she’d be fired.
“Uhh Earth to (Y/N).” Angie waved her hand across (Y/N)’s. “I think you fell asleep with your eyes open.”
“I didn’t.” (Y/N) shook her head, “Ugh. I swear if I sign another paper my hand might fall off.”
“Same here.” Angie cocked her head to the side and pulled her chair up closer to (Y/N). In response (Y/N) made a face at her and moved farther away. “But you seem off. I don’t know how to explain it are you okay?”
Really? No. “I’m always okay Ange. You always ask and I always say yes.” She plastered a smile on her face.
“Is it about Luke again?” Angie out her hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder. “I know it’s been four months but I’m here.”
She smiled softly at her best friend. “Yeah, I know. I appreciate it.” She ran a hand through her hair and smiled for real that time before turning to look down at the stack of papers in front of her. “Back to the grind.” Angie, such a good friend, after everything that had happened. But she asked way too many questions for (Y/N)’s liking. She knew that she meant well, but she wasn't used to someone wanting her to actively comment on her feelings as much as Angie asked, which was usually four times a day.
Even before, everything, she had just liked to be with herself, and if she chose her friends and not talk about her feelings to anyone unless it was really important. And then, in the aftermath, she just needed some time alone to process.
Angie’s eyes lingered on her for a while, most likely deciding if she was going to let it go that easily. “Yeah, Yeah.” She paused, “Perks of the job.”
Two hours of singing acquisition documents later, (Y/N) was ready to go home. Good thing she had six hours of work left. She moved her chair back from her desk dramatically and sighed loudly. “So many documents.” She said to no one particular, wishing silently that she would get sent to an actual set the following week. She got up to use the bathroom.
But when she came back, her phone was gone. She looked frantically over her desk for it, and when she couldn’t see it anywhere, she turned to Angie’s desk, “Hey, have you seen my phone?” She tried to sound as not panicked as possible though she was very very panicked. She was smiling, trying to make everything seem normal.
“No, I haven’t.” Angie cocked her head in surprise, “Did you lose it?”
“No. No.” Just left it under my desk, “I can see it right there.”
“Uh, (Y/N/N), your looking right at me-“
“Thanks, bye.” (Y/N/N) fell back behind the divider that separates their desks, and crouched there for a while, her mind running with panic. Her phone, it had all of her most important things on it, including.. The letters. Crap. Crap.
She’d written them years ago, okay maybe months for the most recent one. All three, address in her iPhone notes to her three best Friends, Andrew, Luke, and Tom. Or they used to be her best friends anyway. She really needed to find her phone, before anyone found them because that would be her worst nightmare.
“What?” (Y/N) smiled, as all three of them stared at her. Somehow they had all found themselves on a park bench in the middle of the night.
“Nothing.” They all said at the same time, which piqued her interest, but as soon as they said that they stopped looking at her and turned off in completely different directions.
“Uh okay.” She replied, turning her interest to the moon, which hung high in the sky. Stars glittered the sky, and she leaned into the bench, letting out a sigh.
“(Y/N/N).” Andrew said suddenly, “Don’t you have to go to work tomorrow?”
“Probably.” She shrugged, trying to think about it. The actual answer escaped her, and she thought about it for a while, before pulling out her phone and looking at the calendar. “Uh yeah, I do. Que hora es?” All three of them stared at her again. “It’s spanish for what time is it, jeex guys get some culture.” A pause, and no one said anything. “SO what time is it?” She raised an eyebrow. She forgot in that moment, that her phone was in her hand and completely capable of telling her what time it was.
All three of the boys fumbled over themselves trying to pull out a phone, a watch or a sundial or anything that would tell them the time. At last Andrew pulled out his phone, “Holy-it’s 11.”
“And I’ve got to go to work tomorrow.” (Y/N/N) threw her hands in the air dramatically, “You guys are such a bad influence on me I swear.” She gave them an exasperated look.
“I think by bad influence we brought some much needed spice into your life.” Tom laughed, “I mean admit it (Y/N/N), before you met us-I mean me, who you met first.” He paused to make that point to Luke and Andrew. “You would just be in your apartment reading scripts, you would never go out and have a drink or two, and just enjoy your resistance.”
“For the record, I do enjoy my resistance. And reading scripts is my job.” She laughed a little, “Sorry that I don’t want to act them out like mr big shot actor over here.”
“She got you there man.” Luke clapped Tom on the shoulder. “But he’s right (Y/N) the spice was much needed.”
“Shut up, all of you.” She smiled, “Now which one of you is going to drive me home, because I do have to go to work tomorrow, like an adult and I would prefer not to oversleep and be late because I am a professional.” She stood up and looked over all three of them, who blinked at her.
Finally, Andrew raised his hand. “I will.” It was reluctance, in his eyes as much as it was anxiety almost, which (Y/N/N) didn’t understand.
“Thanks.” He looked her in the eyes and smiled at her, which made blood rush to her cheeks. They waved goodbye to the other two and walked across the park to where his car was parked. “You don’t think I’m lame, do you?” She asked him, playfully. He looked at her and smiled, and she saw the moonlight illuminate his face, in a way she’d never seen before. His eyes, brown with specks of something else it looked like and she wondered why she’d never noticed that before.
“You know their just messing with you. We all think your cool.” He laughed, “Your like the only woman who will hang out with us so-”
“Oof, that hurts.” She swatted his arm, as they both got into his hair and started the drive to her apartment. “Just using me I see.”
“You know I’m not.” He changed the ‘we’ to an ‘I’m’. The car was silent for a while, “(Y/N/N).” Andrew said, quietly, running a hand through his hair, “Do you ever think about-?” He cut himself off and turned his eyes back to the road, not looking in her direction for a second.
“What?” She asked, looking at him, his eyes fixed on the road, hands on the steering wheel perfectly at ten and two. Whatever it was, he was daring himself to say it but he couldn’t bring himself to completely. Partially she knew what he was wondering and she understood why he wouldn’t want to, it would change everything. Everything that they’d created in the past ten months, the friendship the group dynamic would be gone the second he said those words. They both knew that, and (Y/N) knew that as soon as he did she would say yes. Because if he loved her, then she loved him too. Or you could replace both of those words with like because neither of them were really ready to commit to love. “Do I ever think about what?”
He pulled up outside her apartment and parked the car. His hands gripped the steering wheel. He didn’t unlock the doors or say goodbye, though if he had done either of those things she wouldn’t have moved. “I-I can’t.” He turned to look at her and leaned in closer. She did the same until the two of them were inches apart.
“Andrew.” She said, quietly, and for a moment it was going to happen. Screw the waiting, screw the consequences, she was going to say yes. He leaned in for it, and she pulled away. She pulled away, grabbed her things and unlocked the door herself. “I’ve gotta-go. Thanks for the ride.” She said quickly, running up the steps to get into her building. She said no, because she didn’t want either of them to regret it, and she knew they both would’ve. More than they both did then.
When she got home, (Y/N) trashed her apartment looking for her phone. She flipped over sheets, and cabinets and looked in every drawer and every cabinet. Until she found it sitting on the coffee table. She was so happy to have found it, and exhausted from looking everywhere for it she collapsed onto the couch. She opened it to send a text to Angie, and that’s when she saw them. The text messages, sent to Tom and Andrew. She didn’t even have to look inside them to know what they were-the letters. “Oh my god.” She said aloud before she heard a knock at the door.
She opened it slowly, and when she saw Tom standing in the doorway, phone clutched in his hand she dropped her own on the floor. She let out a breath, before sucking one in quickly and holding it. He looked the same as he had when she’d last seen him, brown hair tousled some of curls falling onto his face, same brown eyes looking at her with a vaguely panicked expression.
“Hey.” She greeted, leaning against the doorframe.
“Smooth.” He replied a gentle smile crossing his face. “You look good, (Y/N).”
“Uh thanks.” Her cheeks flushed. “Uh you too, long time no see. Though I know you're not here for a catch up.”
“Well now, you're making me sound selfish.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “But no, I came here to talk about, the thing.” He didn’t say it out loud, he stuttered over it. “It just came out of the blue and I haven’t seen you since-” He stuttered over that too. “You know, and I just, I don’t know, what’s going on?”
“Someone stole my phone.” She explained, knowing that he wanted to know more than that but hoping that he wouldn’t ask. “And sent them out.”
“Was I the only one?” He asked, and she was taken aback by the question because she didn’t think he’d ask that.
“Long story.” She huffed, moving out of the doorway, “I don’t think I can stand for that long, so come in?” She waiting for his reply which was a small nod and she lead him over to the couch. “There was one for you, one for Andrew and one for Luke.” The two of them paused, and she felt a pang in her stomach as a look of grief passed over Tom’s face.
“The three amigos.” He said wistfully. “You loved all three of us?”
“Well, not at the same time.” (Y/N) laughed a little, and Tom smiled. “But yeah, I guess. I mean I hate to play into the stereotype that people of the opposite gender can’t be friends without something romantical happening but yeah that’s how it went.”
“And you never acted on any of it?” He asked.
“No.” She shook her head, knowing that was a lie.
Tom was the one she never acted on. It was because she never quite knew what he was thinking. Of the three of them, she never even caught an inkling that he would at all be interested in her any way besides a friendly manner. She couldn’t tell, and she didn't want to try and make a fool of herself, so she never did. She never said anything to anyone about him, he was her one secret, the one letter she really didn’t want to get out. Only now he was sitting on her couch, having read that exact letter.
“Wow.” He leaned into the couch, “I never even knew.” Which was partially a lie. “I never even thought about us.” He said, which was a complete lie.
“Ouch. You didn’t have to say that.” She jokingly replied.
“I’m sorry I’m just-” Trying to protect myself. “Kidding.”
The two of them sat there for a minute, laughing a little and doing a lot of thinking about everything. About the past, how they had gotten to where they were and what they were going to do next. Then, the door creaked open and another head peaked in. Andrew popped his head into the room and said, “Uh (Y/N), are you home?”
The sound of his voice made her panic. Really, Really, Really, panic. Like panic so hard that she took Tom’s face in her hands, and kissed him, just as Andrew made is way into her living room. She didn’t even feel the kiss really, it was fast, and enough to make Andrew spin on heels, and say “Oh my god,” before walking out into the hall.
Andrew, the first guy she had ever really loved. (Y/N) like to rate the letters, by who she loved more or who was more important because they all had been her best friends so all the letters were pretty important. If you asked her she couldn’t really tell you why seeing Andrew ignited the ‘kiss the guy nearest to you’ panic, but it had. She had wanted to tell him that the letter was outdated and that nothing had really happened between them but then again she didn’t really want to have to verbalize that exactly.
Andrew was different from Tom, something had almost happened with him. And that ‘almost’ made everything about 100x more complicated with him then the other two. So she kissed Tom.
Before Tom had time to say anything, (Y/N) let go of him, and ran out into the hall after Andrew. “Andrew!” She called after him, and he stopped and turned back to her. She caught up with him, and sheepishly grinned, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were going to stop by-”
“Didn’t know you two were together, I thought you were giving us the silent treatment, he enevr said anything.”
“Yeah I needed space at first, but I don’t know we just clicked.’
“Yeah.” Andrew breathed, looking down at his feet. “I just, got your text and I didn’t know what to think.”
“Oh yeah, someone stole my phone.” (Y/N) dug her foot into the floor, “That letter is like seriously outdated, I mean it's from two years ago.”
“Oh okay.” He blushed. “Cool, cool, then that’s all I wanted to know I guess. I didn’t think that it was something we should talk about over text so-”
“Of course.” They stood awkwardly.
“I should get going.”
“Yeah, yeah. Uh we should catch up soon, I’m done with space and I miss you. Maybe you, me and Tom get the old gang back together-” She saw the look that crossed his face when she said Tom, “Or just you and me, whatever you want. Just let me know.”
“Okay.” And he turned around and walked toward the stairs.  
What the heck did I just do?
“What the heck did you just do?” Tom was standing in the middle of the living room with his yes raised.
“Uh-” (Y/N) tried to think of something. “I didn’t want to talk to Andrew, okay? So I panicked.”
“And you kissed me!”
“Yeah, that too. Sorry?” SHe paused, “And Andrew thinks we’re together so double sorry?”
“Are you kidding? First you kiss me and then you mess up my relationship with one of my closest friends?” He was angry, “(Y/N/N) what the heck?”
“I’m sorry okay? It's been a long day for me. I’m sorry, but for the record you still have me as one of your closet friends.” His face softened and he looked at her, “I know the letters make things awkward but you know at least it got me to stop ignoring you?”
“Ha!” Tom pointed at her, “You admit you were the one giving me the cold shoulder.”
“Yeah yeah. So you forgive me?”
“I guess.” Tom shrugged, “But wait I take that back. I will forgive you if you do me a favor.”
“My brother is getting married next weekend.”
“Before you?”
“Yeah, yeah very embarrassing but stay with me here.” He smiled, “My parents want me to get a girlfriend, because you know my brother is getting married, so since Andrew already thinks we’re together, I’ll forgive you if you do me a favor and come as my date. Just for a night. My parents already know you and they’ll love it and please?”
She wanted to say no. She should’ve said no, but she did need him to forgive her after all so she said, “Yeah I guess. You should feel lucky my schedule is even open.”
“Oh yeah, the busy schedule of a production assistant.”
“Don’t mock me or I won’t go.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll pick you up, and wear something nice.”
“Well duh.”
He walked to the door, and smiled at her. “See you next weekend then.”
.. I should’ve said yes that day in the car. But I couldn’t, I didn’t want either of us to end up regretting a relationship because of everything at stake. But I think about that night a lot, and sometimes with regret but sometimes with happiness. I remember your eyes, the way they flickered in the moonlight. I loved you then, and I think part of me always will.
-Love (Y/N/N)
taglist: @quigleylm14 //  @thebadassbitchqueen  
people who haven’t asked to be atgged but have expressed intrest: @spiderboytotherescue // @unmbrellaspidey  // @noir-spiderr @peterthwipparker
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lirulii · 6 years
It’s time for Good Ole hcs
The week has been such a Todhunter Moon Week i’m loving it
So some wild Sep+Tod apprenticeship headcanons because they’re amazing:
-Every apprenticeship in the Castle has an infamous nickname- For example, Sep and Marcia’s was called ‘The Rekindler’ or ‘The Fyre Apprenticeship’
-With Sep and Tod, however, due to the entire Ancient Ways re-discoveries, the nickname is ‘Nova Terra’ or ‘Nova Mundo’ depending on who you ask
-in the Pathfinder village it’s known as New Geo because the kids try to be cool amirite
-Chicken soup is the last, but very needed, resort when it comes to food courtesy of the blessed @geekyzelda and her stories
-They’re both ridiculously over and under qualified to attend those stuffy formal balls and meetings
-Don’t lie to me they try to see how many pastries they can fit in Tod’s bag
-Tod stays in the Junior ((and later Senior)) Girl’s Dormitories but sometimes she stays up in the Pyramid Library too long and crashes in Sep’s couch
-I know you were expecting angst but the REAL reason why Tod doesn’t sleep in the Apprentice Room like Sep did with Marcia is because while Sep was showing some new apprentices his rooms one of them was fooling around and blew the room up
-Their running joke for procrastination is “OH I/we were repairing the room”
-Sep founds an international Apprentice system with other countries,yet it’s secretly more for him to learn from higher up leaders because his self esteem is on the floor his first couple years as EOW
-CANONICALLY Angie has stated in two different cases that Sep gave Tod a silver version of the Flyte Charm and a star Charm with a silver dot 
-They’re both good in different ways s obs,,,
-Tod makes her month rotation in the Manuscriptorium when she’s 16
-She works as a scribe/Charm organizer but snuck down several times to look at the Historic Way archives with Oskar when she was supposed to be on-duty
-Sep also hands her off to Marwick, Sam, and sometimes Benhira Benhara for 3 weeks Traveling the Ways annually, starting in her 3rd year
-Literally anyone: Extraordinary we need you for a task
Sep, already heading away: call up my apprentice she can do it
Tod, in the middle of a midterm exam, 21 floors above: *looks into the camera like the office*
-The real reason why Sep makes her do that is to teach her responsibility and to not make her as reckless. Works a SOLID 75% percent of the time. Tod is already pretty responsible yet her biggest flaw is that she sees her Apprenticeship as only Magyk and no real-life situations
-The Castle harbors a small half-dislike for her initially due to all the events of Sandrider, and it takes her longer than Sep to earn her people’s respect
-He’s very open and will take his gosh longest to comfort Tod through her adolescence, from picking out dresses to the tangle that is feelings
-Sep picks up on her changes faster than Dan sometimes, which sends him through the roof with jealousy
-They also share a lot of sadness together, though-although Sep can’t relate with the immigrant situation he does remember how hard it was for him to cope with a missing family- Also helps with her PTSD moments ((specifically her Kraan nightmares which she continues to have until her young adulthood))
-Ancient Pathfinder language is a mix of German, Spanish, and Portuguese and in exchange for teaching Sep those Tod learns more about Ancient Scriptures
-There’s different types of green eyes- Sep’s are more Chrysoberyl while Tod’s are bright peridot ((because she’s so young)), but as she matures they become a nice lemon green with some teal undertone
-Tod in pristine robes, year one: h-hello Septimus I am ready for the lesson this afternoon
-Tod again, 19 this time, at 4 am, rolling up with her night clothes on and glow-in-the-dark sunglasses: whaddup hey there’s a cryptid in my room also I learned how to ride a unicycle with only Magyk
-Sep, taking off his own neon sunglasses: holy shit I taught you well
-One day Tod mentions meeting a certain Syrah Syara while doing an errand in the Port and Sep can’t meet her eyes for the next two days
-Sep eventually gets back on good friends terms with Rose again, only because Tod insists on taking extra lessons in Charms 
-In order to gain more knowledge about foreign Magyk, Sep teaches Tod how to use the Flyte Charm, while Tod teaches him how to Navigate the Ways and also breathe Underwater ((with the help of an Air Bubble Charm ofc))
-This results in her slamming into the Palace Walls and Sep nearly drowning- thrice
-From Tod’s 4th year onward they both gradually begin growing out their hair- to the  point where Sep rivals Rose in hair length 
-You: Marcia has light up sketchers
Me, the THM intellectual: Sep and Tod have sparkly heelies
-Tod later teams up with Oskar for the Sled race and Sep and Beetle are proud parents(tm)
-They actually dominate the race track until they get DESTROYED by Queen Jenna, who gets the right to race in Tod’ s senior year 
-It is customary to the EOW to give their Apprentice something in their initiation, but it’s also custom for the Apprentice to give their Teacher something back on their Departure Ball
-She gets them matching bronze rings inlaid with lapis with the words ‘Find a Way’ and Sep cries
-Septimus visits the PathFinder village for more business reasons and he’s honestly so honored like good Christ
-He’s great at fishing but is crap at rowing
-he fell out of his boat twice and tod never let him live it down
-In her junior year, Septimus starts prepping Tod for the Darke exam
-The training goes a little too well and her knowledge in Darke and Hidden Spells increases after her Darke Week, not quite on par with Sep but still making her a more feared
-The first time Tod sees the ghost of Cassi is when she turns 22
-Sep still picks Tod up from literally aNYWHERE with Spit Fyre, whether it be the next block or across an ocean
-If he can’t make it, Jenna makes it on the Dragon Boat
-Other people: Ms. Alice!! Your Teacher is so cool,,,, he’s so imposing and confident,,, he has a dragon,,he’s so cute,,
Tod, having seen Sep cry over the fact that snakes don’t have arms, fallen on his face while dancing with another countries' Princess, and made a rug out of Spit Fyre’s scales: um,,,sure Joanna,,, whatever you say,,,
-When she becomes older (18-19) Tod begins to mimic Sep’s original personality in THM- cold, formal, and cunning
-Sep begins to fear and after some arguments quickly snaps her out of it
-When she graduates from her Apprenticeship Sep names her the Head of the new International Magyk Relations branch of the Wiz- she spents her first two years basically travelling around, hardly seeing her friends, family, or her teacher
-Seps Title is ‘Extraordinary High Grace Septimus Heap’ and when he jokingly says Tod should get one as well, he suggests ‘Shining Lady Diana‘, based on her middle name
-HOWEVER, After finding a Lady bearing the same name, with an unfortunate fate, in the Ancient Archive, Tod decides to change it to ‘Shining Lady Moon’, based on one of her last names. To the irony of everyone, it sticks with her for the rest of her life.
That’s all I got for now ;D
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thelonesomequeen · 7 years
Honest question. Why are so many people obsessed with this relationship? Good and bad. I get gossip but holy crap. It starts in twitter, bleeds to blogs, internet mags see it and spread it further for clicks and$$$. Ive never scene so many people losing minds over people they don't even know. Brad and Angie never had this, granted not much social media then. It would be funny if they were just 2 people doing normal boring stuff, and the public created and interpreted most of the mess. Why ???
First remember that back on the day of Brad and Angie internet was diferent. So that already tells a Lot.Now JS and Chris. It's not normal to a "hot celebrity" date a normal woman that can be tagged as nerdy and is Peculiar like her. That sells. It's the prince charming tale everyone loves. Everyone loves a story of people from different worlds falling in love. So many movies has that plot. It sells, that's why it's everywhere and it's getting so much attention. 👑
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paintrider13-blog · 7 years
I hope I did this right! The ever amazing @atc74 sent me a gif to help with my writers block and this was the brain child of that. It was supposed to be a little drabble for her new series, but it kind of got away from me! h]However this is follows her Say What you Mean and Mean What You Say. It was a fun little piece! Thanks to her and @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms for reading through it for me!
It was 3 am when Jensen rolled over to find my side of the bed empty. He sat up and looked around before grabbing his robe and venturing into the house to find me.
“Uh babe? What is all this crap?” 
My head shot up from where I was bent over the counter piping chocolate onto wax paper.
“Jens, hey babe. I hope I didn’t wake you.” I bit my lip as I straightened up to look at my boyfriend, pushing some stray hair out of my face with the back of my hand.
“No, but you didn’t answer my question. Babe, it’s like 3 am! What is this crap? Meg, is that an engagement cake?” He stopped opposite from me at the large island looking at the 24 inch round cake I had just wrapped in fondant, and 12 inch round cake I had just frosted with almond buttercream.
“Um, yes,” I looked innocently at him.
“For whom?” He leaned on the counter crossing his arms.
“Angie and Rob,” I smiled sheepishly at him, wrinkling my nose.
“Babe, I thought they had someone to make their cake holy shit are those cupcakes?!” He exclaimed noticing the cooling rack on the counter behind me.  
“Mmhmm,” I nodded stepping into his line of vision trying to block the 200 cupcakes behind me. I chewed on my lip waiting for his reaction.
“Meg, Baby,” Jensen stepped around the counter eyeballing the large piece of wax paper with blue chocolate cooling on it before grabbing me by the shoulders. “I thought you were taking pictures,” he looked questioningly at me, a slight smile playing on his lips.
“I am,” I smiled widely at him nodding enthusiastically.
“That does not explain the obscene amount of cupcakes on my counter, or why you are standing in the kitchen at 3 am in your panties and my shirt with flour in your hair and on your face,” he smiled brushing at a spot on my cheek.
“I know. I just, oh Jensen! I was talking to her tonight on the phone and she was so upset. The lady she had doing it messed everything up; it wasn’t the right color, it wasn’t the right flavor, it was just wrong.” I dropped my hands to hang to my sides, the piping bag still in my right hand. “I couldn’t stand it. I told her I would call the lady and fix it, she has no idea I am doing this. I couldn’t sleep. I was going to call the lady and go down there tomorrow but, if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Soooo when I couldn’t sleep, I started poking through the pantry. I was going to make hot chocolate and come back to bed but I saw all my cake mixes and couldn’t help myself. You know I bake when I am stressed and can’t sleep!” I let it all out in a rush. It made me want to cry. Angie had been so upset, but I knew I could help. I looked up at him, his green eyes were shining back at me, wrinkled at the corners from his smile.
“You, Megs, are the most wonderful, amazing woman I have ever met,” he laughed, taking the piping bag still filled with chocolate from me and gathering me in his arms.
“You keep telling me that and as long as I can keep you convinced of that I must be doing something right,” I giggled into his bare chest.
“That you are Babe,” he kissed the top of my head just as the timer sounded. I kissed his chest and went to save another batch of cupcakes from the oven.
“How many are you making?” Jensen asked leaning his hip on the counter as I fished the cupcakes out of the pan.
“300, I just need to freeze them. I will put the chocolate leafing and everything on them at the venue Monday night after I frost them.” I smiled over my shoulder at him as I shifted a cooled batch off of my cooling racks. “I also dipped all of the cake pops and just need to drizzle them.” I turned and smiled at him.
“Holy shit woman.” He laughed. “What can I do?” He asked clapping his hands together.
“You can go back to bed babe, you don’t have to help,” I wrapped my arms around his waist and smiled up at him.
“I know, but it’s for Angie and Rob, I will do whatever I can to help make it a little easier on my crazy girlfriend,” he kissed the tip of my nose. “Now what can I do, Oh Great One?”
Jensen and I were up until almost 7:30 in the morning making cupcakes. He almost died when he realized I had packed his outside deep freeze to the brim with cupcakes and the inside freezer was full of chocolate for the tops of the cupcakes and the cake. I  finally convinced him to go to bed since he had a convention with Rob later that night. He told me he needed his beauty sleep but he could only get that with me. I followed him to bed and tucked him in, finally getting some sleep curled up with him, both of us smelling like frosting and cake.
I snapped a quick picture of the finished 12-inch cake for Angie and Rob, it was their personal cake for the announcement at the Con that night. I had frosted it with almond buttercream and piped their names on top then added the anti- possession sigil to the top as a joke along with a microphone for Rob. I quickly sent it off in a text to Rob so he knew it was done; it was his surprise for her.
I was nestled in the front row with Angie and Ana that night for the concert, we stood and cheered when the band including Rob and Jensen took the stage. We never missed the con’s when they were close by. The ones that were out of state were a little harder but we did what we could to make them. This just happened to be in Vancouver and made it easier for Ang and Ana to attend.
Halfway through one of the sets, Jensen disappeared quietly off the side of the stage. I watched with trepidation; he was up to something. Angie glanced questioningly at me and back to where Rob was still singing, I shrugged not knowing what was going on.
“You know what the best part about being backstage at cons is?” Jensen’s voice suddenly came over the speakers over Rob. The band looked around and fell silent as they looked for Jensen.
Everyone in the crowd laughed and people called out ‘no’ in response. I suddenly knew what he was up to.
“You find all sorts of things back here!” Jensen laughed. “There are goodies, food, drinks, and sometimes...” he paused.
“The dirty rotten scoundrel!” I gasped as he entered the stage from the left holding the cake I had made for Angie and Rob..
“What does he have Megs?” Angie asked looking at me curiously.
“Just keep watching. I have a feeling he is going to show you,” I shook my head and rolled my eyes there was nothing to be done now, all I could do was laugh.
“You see ladies and gents, my amazing girlfriend is a little crazy. She has this weird habit of baking when she can't sleep. It is a wonder I haven’t gained 200 pounds since meeting her. Now, this work of art,” Jensen tilted the cake towards the audience. The screen focused just long enough to see Congrats Angie and Rob with the anti-possession symbol and the microphone.  “This was made at 3am this morning. It was a little surprise for Rob’s fiancee,who is sitting here in the front row next to Megs. Ang, will you come up here next to Rob?” Jensen asked still holding the cake.
“Megs?” Angie turned to me, a terrified look on her face.
“Oh no, I am not saving you. Get your cute little ass up there!” I pushed her from her seat.
“This was actually supposed to be a surprise, but we all know that Jensen can’t keep a secret to save his life, Angie will you come up here babe?” Rob stood and motioned for Angie to join him, smiling.
“I had Megs make this so that we could publicly announce our engagement. I was going to do a big well-to-do but-- Jensen!” Rob suddenly shouted as the cake started to tilt vicariously and started to flip out of his hands. Jensen reacted quickly, catching the top of the cake with his free hand.
Everyone in the entire auditorium erupted into fits of laughter as Jensen tipped the cake back up. He winked at me and began licking his fingers with a smug look on his face.
“Well Angelina, Megs made this cake for you, however it looks like Jensen is going to be the one enjoying it,” Rob shook his head and laughed.
“No, no, there is a spot on the corner I didn’t touch,” Jensen flashed a cheesy smile as he pointed at one corner.
The whole auditorium continued to laugh.
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jo-the-schmo · 7 years
Breaking... Ch.13
Breaking Masterlist
A/N: ‘m really sorry if this chapter feels kinda rushed and out of no where, I’m at a weird point in the story and I don’t know how to go around it yet so I’m really sorry you may have to suffer through this. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Wordcount: 2964
Warnings: Cursing (like more than usual), arguing, just generally being upset, revelations
Tags: @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit @renae-writes @deltablue202 @literally-melonkitty@meunicorn @favouritefighting-frenchman @demi-godamit @gum-and-chips @sweaterkitty-fluff@pinkyiger7 @littlemissshortcakes@msageofenlightenment @unprofessional-inhumanbeing@fandom-panda-221@hummusandchips @spoopy-piineapple @ashwolfcub @myself-and-the-madman @sweet-fate @superwholockbooknerd526 @frozengal2013 @lmaodedhaha@itsmikayblr @sarmar29 @arya-durin-77 @phantastic-fandoms @hoshihime98 @shinigamired @martapetrovic @robotic-space @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit2 (lol) @asprinkleofmermaids @pinkyiger7 (I’m tagging you twice my friend!)
Breaking Chances
This is it. It’s only a few more hours until everyone gets back and honestly you couldn’t be happier. The past two months working for Burr have completely sucked ass. Seriously if I have to hear “talk less, smile more” one more time I’m going to shoot someone. Aaron let you have these last few days off, just in case they came back early. You finally had some time to think, and damn were you doing a lot of it. You realized after your horse accident you need to be more careful. You’re about 99.9% sure that the voices you heard were from your timeline. And you were even more sure that you heard Anna calling out to you. God, I must be worrying the hell out of her… I’m so sorry Anna… Being away from the Hamilton’s was a wakeup call in it of itself. You’d gotten too comfortable being with them, they were practically your family at this point. You didn’t want to risk the universe but you were scared. You felt selfish and that made you more scared. You’ve majorly fucked up; you can’t tell what the backlash from your actions will be. But honestly, you didn’t really care, if that made sense. What you did care about though was how they would feel. What if you just woke up back at home? What if you didn’t get to say goodbye? So you found a way to fix that. Letters. If Alexander and Rachel taught you anything it was that writing solves everything. Or at least, almost anything. You wrote a letter to everyone, just in case something happened. You told Johnny that he needs to open up more, there’s nothing wrong with being a bit more reserved but he needs to be more confident in himself and his voice. You told Jamie that he needs to stop being so serious all the time, it’s alright to be responsible but he needs to lighten up! He’s just a kid, kids need to have fun! You told AJ that he can’t ever let go of his positivity, always think on the bright side and be there for the people he loves when they go through tough times. To Angie you wrote about her determination. She’s strong and intelligent, she should never lose confidence in her abilities. You told her to explore, not to force herself to be the ‘typical lady’, be someone no one has ever seen before! You told Alexander that he needs to relax, spend more time with his family, slow down on the work. Life is too short to let it fly by. For Eliza, your words were simple. Never lose hope, don’t give up. She taught you a lot and she needs to be proud of all the amazing things she’s done and will continue to do. Philip…that was a different story. You didn’t know exactly what to say and that made you question yourself. It was easy to write to the others, no second drafts, no redoes or anything. But Philip’s required many sheets of wasted paper. Nothing you put down felt quite right. How do I feel about him? I definitely care about him, I’ll never find anyone as trusting or as kind as him, especially not back home. Am I falling for him? Oh no, what if I already have? Shit, do I… Do I love him? No! I’ve only known him a year, I can’t say ‘love’ yet! And what would that even mean if I did? I don’t want to hurt him; I know I will. But still… When I fanaticize at night, it’s into Philip’s eyes. What should I do? He deserves someone who can make him happy… But what even IS love? Is it when you see someone for the first time and know you’re meant to be? No, love at first sight is silly. Is it when you miss someone so much that it feels like you’re suffocating? Possibly, but that doesn’t exactly have to be romantic I suppose. Then what is it? Whenever I read Philip’s letters…my mind feels fuzzy, that’s never happened before. If we read in the study, I end up not reading at all. I peak my head over the book and just watch him, try to guess what he’s thinking, guess what chapter he’s on, count his freckles. I don’t get distracted by anyone else. He makes me forget things, sometimes I don’t even remember that I’m from the future. I feel at home with him, even when we’re both awkward and don’t know what to say. I’m never bored with him, he always talks to me, he’s interested in what I have to say and I wouldn’t miss what he has to say for the world. If I’m feeling anxious or sad, he’s always the first one by my side, trying to make me feel better any way he can, and it always works. I can’t stand seeing him in distress, I just want him to always be happy, even if that’s literally impossible. I just love everything about him! Wait… Holy shit, I just said ‘love’! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, no! I…I love Philip Hamilton… Oh my god! What do I do?! Do I tell him?! Well duh, of course you tell him! Idiot! Nothing good comes out of hiding your feelings, but how do I do it? How do you even bring that up? Do I just blurt it out? No, then you’d look crazy! Real nice job, Y/N! You sighed and held you head in your hands. I never thought I’d ever feel so helpless… You looked up and out your window, the sun was high in the sky. Crap! They should be here any minute! You quickly put all your stuff away and ran out of your room, not bothering to check your appearance. Running down the hall and into the main room you heard a sound that made you both over joyed and incredibly nervous. You haphazardly moved some of your hair to sit over top the still healing cut, you hoped it wouldn’t scar so that your life could for once be a little easy. You stood in the middle of the room and waited for a moment. From outside you heard Eliza.
“We’re home everyone! Now children please grab your- Philip dear, where are you going? You need to get your bags!” You heard impatient footsteps on the steps and then the door flew open. Philip was there, waiting for a moment. A huge, dorky smile on his face, wide eyes. He looked so happy that you could barely see his freckles behind is smile.
“Star!” He called out excitedly as he ran towards you. He wrapped his arms around you, lifted you off the ground and span around. You gripped onto his shoulders cautiously.
“P-Philip! Come on! I-it’s only been a few months!” He set you back on the ground, you couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious as you looked up at him. You heard someone clear their throat and turned to see Alex, holding way too many bags. Eliza, holding a slightly bigger Willy than you remembered, and the children following close behind, but once the kids saw you they all rushed over.
“TT! I’ve missed you so much!” AJ yelled. Angie wrapped her arms around you, giving you a squeeze.
“Oh TT! You missed everything!” She pulled away. “I’m fourteen now! I’m a proper young lady! Isn’t that exciting?” She squealed. You chuckled, you missed her excitement. Jamie and Johnny both stepped up to you and shyly hugged your sides, you patted them both on the head. You looked up to see Eliza and Alex waiting to say hello. You walked over to them and wrapped one arm behind each of their backs. They gave you a gentle group hug and pulled away to look down at you. Eliza raised an eyebrow incredulously.
“Are you alright, my dear? You seem out of sorts.” Her voice was soft and full of concern.
“Um, yeah? I’m a bit tired but I would say I’m feeling okay.” Do I look sick or something? Philip stepped up beside you, Eliza and Alex walked around the both of you to check and make sure the children brought in all their things. Philip turned to face you, when he looked at you he seemed confused. Yet he was also amused by something. He chuckled softly.
“Were you writing before you came to greet us?” He laughed.
“Yeah, how’d you know?” He raised his hand to your cheek, he grazed your cheekbone with his thumb, your hair pushing out of the way as he did so. You didn’t even register what was happening at first. “You’ve got ink on your face silly…” His eyes suddenly widened. Oh no… He moved the rest of your hair, completely exposing the cut on your face. His eyes filled with something you can only equate to terror. “What happened? How did you get that?” He asked worriedly.
“Uh…Um, n-nothing happened?” What the hell am I doing?! He grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze but now he seemed even more confused. He lifted your hand up and turned it in his own, making you palm visible. He focused on it, there were small almost scarred cuts on your hands. Damn you teacup!
“You’re lying; I know when you’re lying! Wait, why are you lying?” He asked with panic. “Did someone do this? Was it the suitor? Did he find you?” Who’s he talking…? YOU’VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME! No! Did he really remember that? Aw, he really does pay attention! Fuck, no Y/N! This is serious! You instinctively pulled your hand away and took a step back.
“I… I can’t…” You looked down at the ground, you couldn’t even look at him in that moment, you could hardly speak. I just found out I love him, how am I supposed to lie to him? But if I tell him the truth… it’ll crush him. I can’t do that; I can’t do that to him!
“You can’t what? Can’t talk to me? I thought you trusted me! We promised not to lie to each other!” He sounded genuinely hurt, you didn’t know why but you felt angry. Not at him but at yourself for getting into this mess.
“I don’t have to tell you everything Philip! It’s not like I’m your wife or something! And even if I was I don’t have to tell you shit!” You shot back. What am I doing? Where did that even come from?
“Well who even said I’d want you as my wife? Because I sure as hell don’t want my wife to lie to me!”
“What else do you expect me to do Philip? You wouldn’t understand! You’re just a kid!” You yelled. Philip’s eyes looked like they could pop out of his head, but for some reason you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. I hate it when I can’t guess what people are thinking!
“So…that’s how you really feel, huh?” He asked softly. You didn’t move, your muscles were completely tensed up, your hands were clenched into fists and shaking. Philip let out something like a short laugh. “Of course, I’m such an idiot.” He turned and walked away from you, past everyone else and up the stairs. You didn’t dare take a breath until you heard his door shut. What did…Oh God… Philip, I’m so sorry…so sorry… You felt tears running down your face, your shoulders moving up and down with your cries. You covered your mouth to muffle the sobbing. Eliza and Alex were whispering behind you, after a moment you heard Alex speak to you in a calm voice.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” He stepped up to you and placed his hand on your shoulder, you shook it off. He began to say your name again but you cut him off by gathering your skirt and running to the door. You swung it open and rushed out. You didn’t know what you were doing, you weren’t processing anything, melting snow crunched under your shoes. The sun was warm but the air was sharp. You ran out of the yard and down the road, you didn’t realize where you were going, until you came upon that lamp post. The one that you woke up under on your first day in this strange old and new world. You stood in front of it and kicked it with all your might, not caring how badly it might hurt.
“Damn it! Why? Why me? I didn’t ask for this! Take me back! I want to go home! Do you hear me? Take me back!” You screamed, so loud it made your throat burn. Your knees hit the ground, you couldn’t stand anymore. You felt weak, and this time you couldn’t lie to yourself. “I’m helpless… I ruined everything!” Your vision was blurry but as you looked down at the ground, a small light flashed into your right eye. You wiped away your tears so you could get a better look at it. There was a small plaque at the base of the lamp post, you didn’t remember it being there before but it looked old and worse for wear. The only part you could make out was the end. “…nix? What?” The beginning was blocked out by some kind of metal fragments imbedded in it. It looks like…what is that? Broken shrapnel? Whatever it is, it’s making this really hard to figure out. What does ‘nix’ mean? That’s obviously not all that’s there. You heard footsteps quickly approaching you, you didn’t bother to look up. Whoever it was kneeled down beside you.
“Titania! You can’t just run off like that! Or at least tell us where you are going first!” Alex said, trying to catch his breath.
“…Alex…What have I done?” You asked as you continued to stare at the golden metal plate. Alex sighed.
“I’m positive that if you just-“
“Not that! None of this was supposed to happen… Everything I get close to ends up going to hell. What have I done to deserve this? How could I make such an idiotic mistake? I made the man I love hate me…” Alex was silent for a moment.
“We all make mistakes, some worse than others.” He placed his hand on your shoulder once more and you raised your head up toward the sky. “Look at where you are, look at where you started. The fact that you’re alive is a miracle. Just stay alive and that would be enough for him. Look at how lucky you are to be alive right now!” He said with fatherly optimism. “I can’t pretend I don’t know the challenges you’re facing. The words you keep erasing and replacing in your mind. But I can tell that he’s just as afraid. He knows that he loves you, he wants to grant you peace of mind. All you have to do is let him inside your heart.”
“But I’m scared… I shouldn’t be a part of the narrative in the stories they’ll write someday…”
“Yes, you should. Let this moment be the first chapter where you decide to stay.” He encouraged.
“But could I be enough? Would this be enough?”
“It will be enough.” He finished. You knew he was right, you made a mistake but as long there was even a slim chance at redemption, you knew you had to take that chance. Even if he still hates you in the end.
“When should I tell him?” You asked.
“Not now, I believe he needs some time to cool down. I would suggest apologizing in a few days but don’t confess your feelings just yet. You’ll both need time to adjust before you can accept your mutual fondness.” You nodded in agreement. It was probably best to keep your feelings a secret for now, at least until you both felt comfortable again. “While we are away from the others I have a question for you Titania. Rachel, she left with Cato didn’t she?” He asked, you turned your gaze toward him, obvious shock painted on your features.
“How? How did you know?” You asked curiously, he chuckled.
“When we heard from Mulligan that Cato was gone, everyone was shocked. That is, except for Betsy and I. We saw the way she looked at him, to us it was obvious. She’s a bit of a rebel, isn’t she? Laurens would be very proud of her.” He smiled. Wait what? Laurens? As in John Laurens?! Like leader of the first all-black battalion?! “She may not look like him but she sure as hell has his spirit!” He laughed. OH MY GOD JOHN LAURENS IS RACHEL’S DAD HOLY FUCKING SHIT!
“My friend is the daughter of one of the first anti-slavery activists in American history… And fell in love with the slave of one of his closest friends…while she was raised by the other…Wow…” Honestly at this point you had an incredible headache, you had a lot to think about and you told Alex that. He agreed and you both made your way back to the house. You immediately went into your room and fell onto your bed. Making irreversibly bad decisions is exhausting… I wish Rachel was still here…just so that I could talk to her. I wish Anna was here! Why do both of my green-eyed best friends have to be so far away?! If Angie was a little older I would have no issue with talking with here…actually her and Anna are pretty similar sometimes… I guess I’m just going to have to deal with this one on my own! Hopefully I’m not running out of time...
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Psychic Wars part 7. Children Shouldn’t Play With Dean Things Part 2.
Note:  I do not own any of the Supernatural characters or stories, but I do own Dakota Winchester. Please leave comments and let me know if you want to be tagged.
Summary: Sequel to Dakota Elizabeth Winchester
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4    Part 5   Part 6
A/N: Look who finally got around to updating! Sorry it took so long.
Dakota pushed the hair out of her face as she leaned against the wall of the grave they had been digging for the last hour. All three of them had shed their jackets and were panting by the time they finally reached Angela’s grave.
“Ladies first.” Dean said as he and Sam went to stand off to the side of the cabin.
Dakota groaned, “Y’all suck.” She complained as she reached down and threw the lid if the coffin open. It was empty.
“They buried the body four days ago.” Dean panted out and Sam reached for there bag by the tombstone and pulled out two waters.
“I don’t get it.” He said as he passed his water to Dakota. She didn’t take it, she was busy staring at the inside of the coffin.
“What is that? The fabric is all torn.” Dakota said shining her flashlight.
“Are those carvings?” Dean asked bending down to examine it. “Wait, I’ve seen these kinds of symbols before.”
Bright and early the next morning they found themselves standing on the front porch of Dr. Mason’s house and Dean was banging on the door so hard he could probably break it.
“Dude!” Dakota exclaimed as he continued to knock.
“Take it easy.” Sam said.
Dean stopped knocking and took a step back, glaring at the door. Dr. Mason opened the door still in his robe and pajamas.
“You’re Angie’s friends, right?” He asked.
“Yes, sir, we are.” Dakota said. “Dr. Mason…”
“We need to talk.” Dean cut her off.
He looked at them like they were crazy, but opened the door wider all the same, “Please, come in.”
“Thank you.” Sam and Dakota said as they walked into the house.
“You teach Ancient Greek? Tell me, what are these?” Dean demanded, pulling out the copy of the carvings Sam had done last night.
“I don’t understand, I thought this had something to do with Angela?” He said accepting the paper.
“It does. Please, just humor me.” Dean said, toning down his anger a little. Dakota looked at the man sitting on the sofa as he examined the paper and she took a seat in one of the chairs across from him, trying to get a read on him, but all she felt was grief.
“They’re part of an ancient Greek divination ritual.” Dr. Mason said.
“Used for necromancy, right?” Dean asked, a bit of a bite coming back into his tone.
“That’s right.” He answered.
“See, before we came over here, we stopped by the library and did a little homework ourselves. Apparently, they use rituals like this one for communicating with the dead, even bringing corpses back to life. Full-on zombie action.” Dean spat and Dakota shot him a warning look.
“Yeah...I mean, according to the legends...What’s all this about?” Dr. Mason asked cautiously.
“I think you know.” Dean accused.
“Dean.” Sam warned.
“Look, I get it. There are people that I would give anything to see again, but what gives you the right?” Dean asked.
“Dean!” Dakota snapped. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed something behind Dean, a flower pot with beautiful living flowers in it.
“What are you talking about?” Dr. Mason asked.
“What’s dead should stay dead!” Dean yelled.
“What?” Dr. Mason asked.
“Stop it!” Dakota yelled and Sam walked over to Dean and put a hand on his shoulder.
“What you brought back isn’t even your daughter anymore! These things are vicious, they’re violent! They’re so nasty they rot the ground around them. I mean, come one! Haven’t you seen ‘Pet Sematary’?” Dean yelled.
Dr. Mason shook his head, “You’re insane. Get out of my house.”
Dean tried to fight, but Sam dragged him out.
“I’m so sorry, Dr. Mason. We won’t bother you again.” Dakota said walking out and closing the door behind her. She turned to look at Dean, “What the Hell was that?” She yelled as Dean stalked towards the car.
“My job!” He yelled.
“No you weren’t, if you had been you would have seen that all the plants in the house were alive.” Sam argued.
“Back off.” Dean grumbled.
“That man in there is innocent and grieving. He didn’t deserve that.” Dakota said.
“Okay, so she’s not there. Maybe he’s keeping her somewhere else.” Dean said.
Stop it! That’s enough, okay? Enough!” Sam said quickening his step to catch up with Dean.
“Sam, I  know what I’m doing!” Dean said still walking down the street towards the car and Dakota walked quicker, trying to keep up with her big brothers long strides.
“No, you don’t...at all. I don’t scare easy, but you’re scaring the crap out of me, man.” Sam confessed.
“Don’t be overdramatic, Sam.” Dean said.
“You’re lucky this turned out to be a real case, cause if it wasn’t you would have just found something else to kill.” Sam said cutting in front of Dean to stop them from walking.
Recognizing where the conversation was headed, Dakota decided it was time to intervene. She stood on the garden wall of the house they were in front of so she was the same high as Sam and Dean and put her hands on her hips.
“You two need to knock it the Hell off! Sam, for the love of all things Holy stop trying to be Dean’s therapist and fix all our problems, you aren’t getting anywhere! Dean, I know you think everything is fine, but please find a way to deal with whatever crap is bottled up inside of you. Get a hobby, take up yoga, write a novel I don’t care. Figure it out! Now, if you two could please get your heads out of your asses we have a case her with a growing body count!” She snapped.
The boys were frozen in shock as Dakota hopped off the wall and walked to the car with her head held high.
“So, you can’t just waste it with a head shot?” Dean asked once they were back in their motel room pouring over research.
“Dude, you’ve been watching way too many Romero films.” Dakota said.
“So, you’re saying there’s no lore on how to smoke them?” Dean asked pacing the room.
“No, Dean, I’m saying there’s too much lore.” Sam corrected, “There’s a hundred different legends on the walking dead, but they all have different methods for killing them. Some say setting them on fire. One says feeding their hearts to wild dogs.”
“That one’s my personal favorite.” Dakota interjected.
“Is there anything they all have in common?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, the vic is dead and back up and around.” Dakota said and Dean shot her an unamused look.
“A few say that silver might work.” Sam said.
“Silver’s a start.” Dean nodded.
“Yeah, but now we have to find Angela. How are we going to do that?” Dakota asked.
“We gotta figure out who brought her back.” Dean said
“Okay. Any ideas?” Sam asked.
“I think it might be that Neal guy. As much as I would like to think that a they can be opposite sexes and just be friends, but he probably has a crush on her.” Dakota said.
“If it’s not the dad, it’s probably Neal.” Dean agreed. “Plus I got Angela’s diary, ‘Neal’s a real shoulder to cry on. He so understands what I’m going through with Matt.’ And there’s more where that came from. This thing’s got unrequited duckie love all over it.”
“That doesn’t mean he brought her back from the dead.” Sam argued.
“Ture, but did I mention that he is Dr. Mason’s T.A.?” Dean asked sarcastically, “He has access to all the same books.”
“Let’s go pay Neal a visit.” Dakota said standing up and grabbing her jacket off the back of her chair.
They piled into the Impala and drove over to Neal’s house and by the time they pulled up it was dark outside and all the lights in the house were out. They quickly picked the lock and entered the house.
“Neal, it’s your grief counselors. We’ve come to hug.”  Dean called out.
“Silver bullets?” Dakota asked as they started walking around the house. Dean pulled his gun out and checked the clip.
“Enough to make her rattle like a change purse.” Dean answered. They slowly walked into the kitchen and Sam pointed to the counter where there were several dead plants. They walked a little further until Dakota noticed that there was a huge iron lock on one of the doors that was very out of place. She grabbed Sam and Dean and nodded to the door.
“Unless it’s where he keeps his porn.” Dean joked in a whisper.
Dakota glared at him as Sam opened the door and Dean rushed in, pushing himself against the wall and aiming the gun down the stairs. Dakota went in next, followed by Sam.
Down stairs, in the basement, there was a small bed set up with a few blankets on it, it was fairly cold and most of the lights were off.
“This looks very zombie like to me.” Dakota commented.
“Yeah, an empty one. You think Angela’s gone after someone?” Sam asked walking further into the room, ducking down to avoid hitting his head on pipes.
Dean walked over to the far wall and Dakota looked over to see that the screen covering one of the windows had been taken off.
“No, I think she went out to rent ‘Beaches’.” Dean sassed.
“Really, Dean, ‘Beaches’? I know you think, but even I haven’t seen that one,” Dakota joked.
“Look smartasses, she might be out killing someone. We got to find her!” Sam said, Dakota was sure it was supposed to be menacing, but watching him scold them while ducking down to avoid hitting his head made Dakota suppress a laugh.
“Yeah. Alright, she clipped Matt because he was cheating, right? Well, it take two to, ya know, have hard-core sex.” Dean said and Dakota rolled her eyes.
“Does Angela have a roommate?” Dakota asked.
“Yeah, Lindsey. Why?” Dean asked.
“My money’s on Angela going after her roommate.” Dakota said.
They rushed back up that stairs, still trying to stay quiet and relocked the door on the way out like they were never there. Sam pulled up Lindsey and Angela’s apartment and they jumped out of the car racing to the back door and quietly sneaking in through the door. They heard yelling and objects breaking in the livingroom and they raced towards the noise and pausing in the doorway while Dean emptied two shots into Angela. She turned and glared at them before sprinting across the room and jumping out the open window, completely unaffected by the silver bullets.
“Feeding her heart to wild dogs is starting to sound less crazy.” Dakota said as Dean ran after Angela and she and Sa went to go comfort Lindsey who was crying and shaking.
“Don’t worry. We’ve got you.” Sam whispered
Dean climbed back through the window without Angela, “Damn. That dead chick can run.”
“I think we should go have a little chat with Neal.” Dakota suggested.
After calming Lindsey down the Winchesters loaded into the car and started driving.
“So, the silver bullets did something, right?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, something, but not enough. What else you got.” Dean asked.
“Okay we have, ‘nail the undead back in their grave bed’, ‘burn the corpse, and the dogs.” Sam said reading the list he had made.
“I vote nailing them in their coffin.” Dakota said holding her hand up as if they were actually voting on something.
“It’s mentioned a few times. It’s probably where the whole vampire-staking lore comes from.” Sam explained.
“Is that really what you spend your time thinking about?” Dakota asked.
“Their grave bed? You serious?” Dean asked, focusing their attention back on the case, “How the Hell are we going to get Angela back in that cemetery.
“We could try using Neal.” Dakota suggested.
“We need to find Neal first.” Dean said.
“If he wasn’t at home, maybe he’s at the college. You said he was Dr. Mason’s T.A., right?” Sam said.
When they pulled up to the college most of the doors were unlocked and they could see a faint amount of light pouring out of the frosted window that sled to Dr. Mason’s office. Dakota opened the door and walked in going straight to the desk where Neal was grading papers.
“You know, I’ve heard of some people doing some pretty desperate stuff to get laid, but you? You take the cake.” Dean said.
“Okay, who are you guys?” Neal asked setting his pen down as all three Winchester siblings stood in front of the desk.
“You might want to ask Angela that question.” Dakota said looking around the room to see if there were any plants alive or dead. In the corner of the bookshelf there was a wilting potted plant.
“What?” Neal asked.
“We know what you did. The ritual...everything.” Sam glared at the kid.
Neal scoffed at them, “You guys are crazy.”
“Your girlfriend’s past her expiration date, and we’re crazy?” Dean said putting his hands on the desk, “When someone’s gone they should stay gone. You don’t mess with this kind of stuff.”
“Angela killed Matt.” Dakota said bluntly.
“She tried to kill Lindsey.” Sam continued.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Neal said shaking his head.
Dean rounded the desk and grabbed Neal by the front of his shirt, lifting him off the ground, “Hey, no more crap, Neal! This blood is on your hands! Now, the three of us, we can make it right, but you gotta tell us where she is.”
Neal looked at the ground, “My house. She’s at my house.”
“Dakota?” Sam asked.
“He’s terrified of us and he’s lying. Also, there are dead plants in the corner.” Dakota said reading Neal’s emotions.
“Are you sure she’s at your house?” Dean asked Neal who nodded and looked over his shoulder a little. Dakota followed his line of gaze to what must have been a closet door.
“You know it doesn’t really matter where she is because there’s only one way to stop her. We’ve got to perform another ritual over her grave to reverse the ritual you did. We’re gonna need some black root, some candles, it’s very complicated, but it will get the job done. She’ll be dead again in a couple of hours. And I think you should come with us.” Dean rambled slowly backing away from the closet that must have Angela in it.
Dakota figure out where her brother was going with this and played along, “He’s right. You should leave. Now.”
“No.” Neal stuttered out, shaking his head and looking at the ground.
Sam walked over and put his hands on the desk before whispering so low that Dakota almost didn’t catch it, “Get out of here as soon as you can. No sudden movements. Don’t make her mad.”
They quickly walked out of the office and went to the car, hoping the lie would trick Angela into coming to the graveyard to try and stop the fake ritual. Once they got the the cemetery they grabbed shovels, their bag if guns, salt, and lighter fluid, and Dakota grabbed a handful of candles.
“Do you really think this is going to work?” Sam asked setting up the candles and lighting them as they hid behind the mound of dirt they had dug up last night.
“No, but it’s the only plan we got.” Dean said.
They heard a twig snap a little ways away and Dakota crossed her fingers that it was Neal or Angela and not the cops. The boys pulled their guns out and split up while Dakota waited by the grave with the coffin lid open, ready to trap Angela. She heard yelling and two gunshots go off and pulled out her gun, staying in position, but getting ready. She saw Sam run full speed towards the grave and watched him get tackled to the ground by Angela. She grabbed his neck, but was stopped when Dakota fired two shots at the girl from the far side of the six foot hole. Angela charged her, tripping and falling into her coffin in the process and Dakota immediately threw the top down and stood on it to hold it closed.
Dean ran over with a silver sword and Dakota jumped out of the hole lifting the lid so Dean could plunge the sword into Angela, pinning her to her deathbed and Dakota watched as the girl collapsed unmoving back into the white fabric of her coffin.
They spent the rest of the night refilling the grave with dirt and the sun had been up for nearly an hour by the time they finished and started slowly walking back to the car.
“You know, the whole fake ritual thing to lure Angela back to the cemetary- pretty sharp.” Sam complimented.
“Thanks.” Dean replied with a small smile.
“But, did we have to use me as bait?” Sam complained.
“Well, I figured you were more her type. She seemed to have a crappy taste in guys.” Dean teased.
Dakota noticed Sam cradling his hand and raised an eyebrow, “You okay?”
“I think she broke my hand.” He pouted.
Dakota chuckled and Dean shook his head, “You’re just too fragile. We’ll get it looked at later.” He trailed off, looking behind them.
Dakota turned and looked and saw that their mother’s grave was in perfect line of sight.
“Do you want to stay for a while?” Sam asked.
Dean stared for a moment longer, “No.” He said before walking towards the car without looking back.
They started driving to an urgent care in the next town over when Dean pulled the Impala over on the side of a dusty road and got out, sitting on the hood. Sam looked back at Dakota who shrugged and got out as well, going to join Dean followed by Sam. They didn’t say anything, just waited for Dean to talk.
“I’m sorry.” He finally said.
“For what?” Dakota asked, genuinely confused.
“The way I’ve been acting.” He explained. It was quiet for another moment before he continued, “And for Dad. He was y’alls Dad too and it’s my fault he’s gone.”
“What are you talking about?” Dakota asked drawing her knees up and crossing her ankles.
“I know you’ve been thinking it, so have I. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. Back at the hospital I had a full recovery. It was a miracle. And five minutes later, Dad’s dead and the Colt’s gone. You can’t tell me there isn’t a connection. I don’t know how the demon was involved, i don’t know how the whole thing went down exactly...but Dad’s dead ‘cause of me. And that much I do know.” Dean confessed.
“We don’t know that. Not for sure.” Sam said.
“You two and Dad...You three are the most important people in my life. And now...I never should have come back. It wasn’t natural. And now looks what has come of it. I was dead and I should have stayed dead. You two wanted to know how I was feeling, well know you now. That’s how I feel. So tell me, what could you possible say to make that alright?” He finished with tears in his eyes.
@one-giggling-unic0rn @skeletoresinthebasement
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thelastspeecher · 8 years
What would Angie's favorite anomaley be in Gravity Falls. I personally think she would be partial to scampfires, but the dinosaurs would always hold a special place in her heart. (Not to mention the gobblewonker. Is the gobblewonker an ancient reptile, or an anphibian?)
Oh my goodness gracious you know her so well!
When I first came up with Angie, one of my thoughts was “holy crap she would LOVE the dinosaurs”.  She’s also the kind of person who doesn’t really comprehend field safety.  Lab safety, she gets.  But she’ll take pictures of things as they are attacking her.  So she wouldn’t care a whit about how the dinosaurs can get loose and attack people.
She would adore the scampfires, because she has so many fond memories of camping when she was younger.  But dinosaurs would be the best.
As for the Gobblewonker, well...she would think about the Gobblewonker the same way I think about Nessie: I love it and want to believe but some part of me knows that it doesn’t exist.  And yes, she understands that this is Gravity Falls, land of the strange and just west of weird.  But it just.  Doesn’t really click with her.  And then her older brother makes a robot version and she’s like “yeah no it isn’t real then is it”.
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