#ann x y/n
fallingfor-fics · 2 months
Meetings in Secret- Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
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Pairing: Step-Aunt Melissa x Step-Niece Reader (not blood relatives!!)
Word count: 11.6k DAMN this a whole book, if it does well i may make a part two
Warnings: fooling around with your step-moms sister, mild smut, fingering, grinding, some angst, drug and alcohol usage
Summary: You are 21 in college and meet Melissa at a family party and continue to run into her. You fall into a loop with her and she keeps dissapearing.
this was def not based on true events
Friday nights were always your favorite since you started college, and now you are freshly twenty-one meaning you prepare yourself all week for Friday nights. You and your friends would go out, have a blast, come home, and crash. Then you would do it again the next weekend. They were almost sacred nights now. So when you got a call from your step-mom saying her son's graduation party was on friday, you held in a displeased groan. Of course you said you would be there and dreaded the event. You did your hair and makeup, leaving your hair down and light makeup since it was mainly outdoors. You wore a simple skirt with a nice tank top and headed home just as it was about to hit seven. 
When you arrived you took a deep breath and grabbed the card you got for your step-brother then headed inside. You could hear the music as soon as you got out of your car and your eyes went wide. There were a ton of cars parked in the front of the house and you heard the roar of chatter. Wafts of barbeque and beer came your way as you walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh Y/n! I'm so glad you made it!” Your step-mom, Mary, said with a smile and came to give you a hug. “Your father is outside on the grill and Jude is outside with his friends.” she went back to cooking and you nodded.
“It smells great in here, what time did everyone get here? Sorry I'm a little late.” 
“Oh it's fine people started arriving at five but they’ll be here all night.” she laughed. You looked out the window to see tables set up under canopies, with lights dangling all around, a balloon arch graced a window, and there was a large speaker playing music. Your jaw opened slightly, they didn't even go this big for your high school graduation. You turned back to Mary with a smile.
“That's a lot of people.” 
“Yeah so we are trying to keep the inside off limits, unless it's for the restrooms.” she quipped in response as she bounced around the kitchen. You went outside and said hi to your dad before going to congratulate Jude. 
“I got this card for you, Congratulations!” You said with a smile and he gave you a hug. 
“Thanks Y/n.”
“Your mom really went all out.” you laughed and he nodded.
“Yeah I don't even remember some of these people, but hey mom’s letting me have a few beers so I can't complain.” You laughed before heading back inside to see if Mary needed any help. 
After a couple more hours, people were dancing and mingling like crazy, drinks were flowing and people were either gossiping at tables or dancing by the speaker. You had to admit you were having a pretty good time, you had been hanging around your dad or just chilling by yourself for most of the night, but you were enjoying the people watching, and the juicy rumors people were chatting up. Your step mom called everyone in for a shot and your head started to hurt from the thought of that many people in the kitchen. You had also managed to avoid any introductions and didn't want that to change. You felt better with the drinks you had in your system and had already done a shot or two with Jude when no one was looking. Only the people that actually wanted a shot came inside, thank god, and you stood outside of the circle of people around the kitchen island where your stepmom was pouring the shots in these tiny plastic cups. Your dad yelled a salud to Jude and everyone cheered as they downed their shots. After that most people went back outside but a few hung around for another. When most cleared out of the way, through slightly fuzzy vision you saw a woman standing at the counter, red hair draped across her shoulders in smooth curls, and eyes that sparkled in the dim lighting. An angel- you thought to yourself. You looked away when you realized you had been staring and went to pour yourself another shot.
‘Oh do you want a glass of wine or a cocktail instead?” Mary asked from the sink and you shook your head. 
“Nah thats okay im good with this and the beer selection isn't bad.” you said politely and she laughed, clearly more tickled due to her wine buzz she had going on. You took another shot and figured that was enough for now and went to the bathroom. As you were coming out you ran into your other step-brother, Anthony, who was older than you by a few years. 
“Oh hey how’s it going?” you asked and he nodded. 
“Not bad just got here. I was actually looking for you, you know I owe you for that time we smoked here fourth of july so I brought some stuff if you wanna come to my car?” he asked in a hushed tone and you looked around. 
“Your mom still doesn't know you smoke? I don't think she will care. I mean Jude is shitfaced right now.” you said surprised and he shrugged. 
“I guess. Come on I dont wanna risk it with the nosey neighbors and we are already being hella loud.” he pleaded and you nodded. You walked to his car, his cousin joining as well. He was parked under a tree and you got in the passenger seat, grabbing the lighter from the door and handing it to him. He gave you the joint to start up and you did, passing it to him as you looked out the window. 
“So what happened with you and that girl you were seeing? The crazy one with the boyfriend?” you asked Anthony as his cousin nodded and handed you the joint from the back seat.
“Yeah, you're still seeing that girl?” she asked, leaning forward and he shook his head. 
“Nah I ended that, I didnt wanna mess with that situation anymore.” he replied and you took a drag before handing it to him. 
“What about you Y/n? You got a man?” his cousin, Ariel, spoke from the back and you laughed, 
“No, I'm focusing on school right now.” you smiled and they nodded. You stayed and talked with them a while longer before you guys decided to head back to the party. You sprayed yourself with perfume and washed your hands when you got inside and paused to look at your reflection. You had a good crossfade going and started laughing as you thought of the fact you were going to have to spend the night now. You rolled your eyes before heading back to the kitchen.
Soon it was just you, Mary, another woman that was rather gorgeous but slightly older than Mary, and Ariel. 
You smiled as you sipped on some water and talked with Ariel, your back to the patio door. You heard it open and didn't think anything of it until you felt someone come and stand next to you, her arm pushing into yours as she rested her hands on the counter. 
“Hey Mary, can you make me another drink?” she asked with a cute smile that made your heart stop for a second. Okay maybe it was also the substances in your system but you caught your breath and turned back to Ariel. 
“It's the angel.” you whispered to yourself.
“Hey Melissa, can you make it yourself?” she chirped and you raised your eyebrows. Mary saw and laughed, causing Melissa to turn and look at you. Her smile softened at the sight of you and she stood up straight, looking over your appearance. 
“And who is this beautiful young woman?” Melissa asked and you hesitated to speak, the wave of nerves almost suffocating you. 
“That's Y/n, Christopher's daughter. You met at the wedding but Y/n is always away at school for any of the parties we have here.” Mary answered as she started to make Melissa’s drink. “Y/n this is my younger sister, Melissa.” you nodded now vaguely remembering her. Your dad and Mary got married right before you left for college so you didn't see much of her family.
“Oh I didn't even recognize you, you have changed so much.” Melissa said with a smile and you weren't quite sure if that was a good thing or not. 
“Well I grew my hair longer and stopped dying it. I also cooled it with heavy makeup.” You rambled, the drinks in you allowing your tongue to roll words right off it at a rather impressive speed, for your current state at least.
“I see. You have such beautiful hair sweetheart.” she said with excitement in her voice clearly a result from some drinks. She moved her hand to run her fingers through the ends, her fingers grazing your back through it. You felt a chill travel up your spine and your cheeks grew hot. 
“Thank you, but you have the most beautiful hair I have ever seen.” you said softly and she smiled. 
“Awe thanks hon.” she rubbed your back then grabbed her drink from Mary. “Are you coming with us girls to go shopping tomorrow?” she asked and Mary looked up with a smile. 
“Oh yeah Y/n I wanted to ask you but I got so busy cooking. We would love to have you. We are just going to hit up some shops in town.” Your step mom said sincerely as she took a sip of her wine. You felt Melissa looking at you and you met her glance for a second. Her eyes were firm yet dazzling. You felt as if she was challenging you, but not threatening, rather observing your response and demeanor. You nodded with a smile and Mary cheered and Melissa's satin lips curved into a cocky smile. 
The next day you got up early to shower and get dressed, you wore denim shorts and a baby tee with sneakers and did some light makeup. You had slept in your room that was right across from the guest room, which you learned Melissa was staying in and you struggled to sleep with that fact circling in your head. This encourages you to wake up and get ready though. Because now you had a reason to get put together before you were seen by her in your pajamas with your hair a mess. 
You step out of your room and see Melissa sitting in the kitchen, her back to you and Mary sat next to her with a cup of coffee. You took a breath and walked up to them with a smile. 
“Good morning.” You said to them as you got a cup of water. 
“Morning sweetie.” Mary chirped, Melissa looked up at you with a smile and muttered a greeting before going back to her phone. 
It wasn't until you all went to load into the car that you realized you were a seat short. You offered to ride in the trunk but Mary refused. 
“I think we can all fit if we squeeze.” Ariel muttered and you sighed. Melissa turned to you with a smile. 
“You can sit on my lap if you need to hon.” she said casually in her rough and seductive voice. Your cheeks grew hot and it took every muscle of restraint to decline the offer. I mean you had to give yourself a pat on the fucking back at the willpower you had to say no to this. You knew it wasn't right to say yes since she was just offering to be nice and you respected her too much. You shook your head and laughed. 
“Um I'll just take my car, and follow you up.” you said moving to grab your keys. 
“Oh ok thanks for doing that.” Mary said and you nodded, “Go with her, Melissa, so she's not alone and so we all fit comfortably.” Mary ordered, gesturing to Melissa to walk to your car.
“Is that okay with you?” she asked and you nodded in shock. She walked up to you and grabbed the keys from your hand. You allowed her, not saying anything and just smiling. “I'll drive if that's ok.”
“Go right ahead.” you said and you walked to the passenger side. The car ride went fast, Melissa asking you about school, and you asking her about work. You learned she taught at an elementary school and that thought only fueled the butterflies. She said what you were studying was cool and that also made you blush a bit. You knew you couldn't keep thinking this, but it was hard. She was very affectionate, I mean they all were, but she would alway place hands on your arm or back and she always held eye contact. You were confused from all the signals getting crossed. Of course you knew she was just being nice, but you couldn't help the way your mind wandered about her every time you would lock eyes. 
You split off to go shopping with Ariel and met back up with the others for lunch. Melissa sat next to you and you smiled up at her, she had her hair down but was wearing a casual yet very flattering sundress that had thin straps. You didn't notice any bra straps which made you think she either wasn't wearing one or had a strapless one on. As if she was reading your mind, she let out a sigh and her hands went to the fabric on her chest. 
“I got one of these stupid sticky bras and the damn thing is falling off.” she muttered to the table and you all laughed. Your step-mom went on to share her own experience with those heinous creations and Melissa continued to mess around and you once again turned your focus away from her. 
“Oh my god, should I just take it off.” she laughed turning to you and you laughed along. 
“Just go to the bathroom and fix it.” you suggested, her knee was pressed to yours and you couldn't help your eyes accidentally glancing to her chest for a second. 
“I mean look at that.” she said, holding the top of her dress out for you to see her dilemma. You felt your chest tighten and you panicked inside. The Schemmentis were all very open and close with each other, and you loved to be able to be a part of it all, but this moment had you wanting to drift away in a gust of wind to never be seen again. You couldn't help it and you looked down quickly before nodding and looking away. 
“Yup yeah that sucks.” you said as you took a sip of your water. By the time you all got home you were ready to go back to campus and see your friends. You said goodbye to everyone and drove an hour back to school. Before you left Melissa gave you a hug and you felt her soft hands around your back, one resting on the exposed skin of your waist from your cropped shirt. Her hands were warm along with her skin which was silky soft and radiant. You cleared your head and quickly got into your car to leave. You only had a few more weeks of school, and wanted to hang out with your friends as much as possible. 
The next Friday you and your friends took a trip to Philly a few hours away to visit another friend that you hadnt seen in awhile. They had mentioned this popular gay club you and your friends wanted to check out so of course you agreed to go with.
“Yeah I guess it's owned by a famous drag queen, it's in Milwaukee though it's just so far and not worth checking out ya know?” Your friend said to you in the uber on the way to the club, no one wanted to be sober tonight so the Uber was necessary. Your hair was down and you were wearing a little black body con dress with sequins on it and some cute black heels. Currently you were reapplying your lipgloss since the pregaming rubbed some off and you needed to look good tonight. You arrived at the place and you and your friends all cheered when you got inside. The place was two stories, with the second floor being balconies that looked down onto the first that had a large dance floor and of course the bar. 
“Follow me!” your friend said and you all grabbed hands as you moved through people. You noticed the crowd was full of all kinds of people. Some were younger, some were older, but everyone seemed to be having a good time. You were led upstairs where you found another bar, and then booths and high tables placed around under the colorful lighting. You all went to the bar and ordered some drinks, you noticed all the tables up here were full and your friend suggested you go dance. You all agreed and finished your drinks before going back downstairs. You took a second to have another shot and as you were walking to catch up to your friends you saw through the tables of people, on the other side of the room, flaming hair and a glowing smile that erupted with laughter sitting in a booth. You realized who it was and your heart stopped as you admired her. You wondered if you should say hi or just sneak away, as you pondered, one of your friends came up to you. 
“Come on, Y/n” she said and you turned to look at her muttering an apology. You looked back up at Melissa and she was sipping her drink, she must have felt your relentless stare because she looked up and before her eyes landed on you, you were walking downstairs with your friend. Melissa caught a glimpse of you walking away and saw the shine of your hair and furrowed her brows. She assured herself it was just someone else but she couldn't get the image of you out of her head. She walked over to the bar and got a beer, taking it over to the balcony. She leaned over it looking down at the mass of people dancing and her eyes darted through the group. There were so many people squished together she felt her eyes sting as she focused looking through them, searching for your smile. Finally she smiled when she saw you and your friends pulling each other to the dance floor, thankful she wasn't crazy after all. The lights swirled around your face and you danced freely but with elegance to the music. Things slowed down as drinks started to flow and you smiled at the feeling. Time slowed for Melissa as well while she watched you dancing in the haze of smoke and music, your friend moved up behind you and you pressed against her, grinding to the beat and laughing as you did so. Melissa felt her breath catch and her smile grew. She admired your beauty and confidence mixed with your overall humble attitude. The innocence you wore underneath all of that was pulling Melissa in and she took a sip of her beer when she felt her throat going dry. When she looked back down, your friends were coming back from the bar down below, empty shot glasses left in your place at the counter. You kept dancing with your friends and Melissa felt a twitch of jealousy in her. Her brow raised slightly and she sucked her teeth with a smirk. She couldnt peel her eyes away from you, your hips, your face, the way you moved up against your friends, it all enchanted her. 
You smiled and laughed while your friend put her hands on your hips and you both moved along to the music. It was already hot in the room with the amount of people there, but you felt your face heat up even more all of the sudden and you opened your eyes fully and slowed your dancing a bit. You felt eyes on you and something drew you to look upstairs. Immediately bright green eyes were locked on yours. Your hips didnt stop moving as you stared up at the woman, She was smirking at you and you hesitated in reacting. You were fairly tipsy by this point and you had all smoked before coming so when your eyes landed on her you were rather stunned. You couldn't help but smile at her, a sheepish and regretfully seductive smile that caused her to smile back in return. Your friend turned to push her back against you and you instinctively did so, your hips once again moving in sync. Melissa watched in envy from above and sipped her beer, giving you one last glance before walking away. 
You snapped out of your haze and stopped dancing, casually enough to not raise concern, and then said you were going to the bathroom. Your friends nodded and you went upstairs. Fueled by alcohol-induced confidence and of course delusion, you looked for Melissa in the large circle of people. You spotted her table from earlier and you saw her sitting with three other women. From a distance you watched, observing to see if any of these women could be with her. That's when you realized… Melissa was at a gay bar. Which meant one of two things, her queer friends invited her, or Melissa didn't just like men. You knew she had been married and divorced to one but didn't think anything of it. Your heart started to beat faster and you let out a breath, now unsure about going up to her. What good could that do? While you pondered Melissa had seen you standing over by the bar alone and made her way over to you. 
“You really shouldn't be alone hon.” a raspy voice chirped from behind you and your head snapped to look at her.
“I was just up here looking for the bathroom.” you said and she nodded, gesturing you to follow her. By how quickly she took you to the bathroom your senses pointed towards option two of your possibilities for Melissa being here and you sighed to yourself. Melissa held your hand as she led you and you smiled as you kept up with her. When you got out of the bathroom Melissa was waiting outside it, leaning up against the wall of the hallway that was semi-secluded from the rest of the loud music and voices. You smiled at her when you got out and you took advantage of your current situation and looked at her with a grin. She raised a brow and you sighed. 
“So.” you paused looking up at her, “What are you doing in a place like this?” The words dragged out of your mouth but somehow managed to be quick enough that you couldn't properly phrase the question and you made a face at your choice of words. She scoffed with a smile and crossed her arms casually. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” she said softly and you nodded.
“I'm just here with my friends for the weekend.” you said shrugging and she pushed herself off the wall to step closer to you. You looked in her eyes and she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Why are you really here Y/n?” she said with confidence and you felt your knees go weak. 
“I told you, my friends brought me.” you replied and she shook her head.
“Come on. Be a good girl and tell me what I want to hear.” she said getting serious and you almost melted right there. You wouldn't believe what just came from her mouth. This woman you had met twice, and oh yeah, who was also your step..aunt? You swallowed and she smirked. 
“My dad didn't tell you I like girls… well, women.” you slurred out a bit with a sly smirk and she tilted her head at you.
“I get the feeling you didn't tell him.” you looked at her plainly and laughed, shrugging it off and she stepped closer once again. You felt your back hit the other wall and you couldn't help a small grin. 
“My family doesn't know, I'm very private. I'm not currently seeing anyone. I am as clean as a whistle. I like all women but have a soft spot for redheads.” you rambled out, your eyes softening at the last part as you winked. You would be the first to admit you were fairly drunk at this point. 
“Anything else you wanna know? Oh, I'm wearing black lace panties.” you muttered as you teased her and you went pale when you realized what you said. Embarrassment took over and Melissa just smiled at you with a cocky and mysterious smile. You didn't say a word and just turned to walk away, but she grabbed your arm and pulled you into her, her hands cupped your face and she kissed you softly but with a desire so strong it made your stomach flip. You kissed her back, running your hands through her hair and pulled away with a sigh to catch your breath. Your eyes widened when you realized and you looked down shaking your head. 
“I'm so sorry.” was all you said before walking away to find your friends.
“Damn did you throw up or something?” One said from their spot at the bar. You laughed and shook your head. 
“No, I ran into a friend.”
Your friends were growing tired and you were all about ready to head back. As you were closing out your tab your friends ordered the Uber and used the restroom. You signed the check and thanked the bartender, putting your card back into your purse. The Uber came and you left with your friends. 
That was the last time you saw Melissa for months.
 It took a couple days but after your kiss with Melissa you were able to eventually shove it away in the deep dark depths of your brain. You were currently at a work event for the organization you were interning at, and the event was at a nice history museum in Philly. It was a more formal event and you decided to just stay the night in a hotel instead of driving back. You were wearing a very simple yet elegant dress and some smaller heels. Due to your anxiousness you arrived early and decided to drop your stuff at the hotel first. The office made the reservation and covered the hotel expenses, so your room was rather fancy. It was on the top floor of the hotel and had a large king bed and a chaise lounge that sat in front of a large window that overlooked the city. You gasped at the sight and held in a scream at how gorgeous and amazing this was. You looked at your watch and saw it was almost time to head out so you fixed yourself in the bathroom mirror, and then grabbed your phone and purse before heading out. 
You got there fifteen minutes early, and walked up the steps of the museum looking around at all the dimly lit architecture that graced the outside walls. You gawked at how magnificent and intricate it was and continued to do so as you made your way in. There were signs pointing you where you needed to go and eventually you saw some of your coworkers. You mingled with them for a bit and grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waitress as you waited for your boss to arrive. 
“Oh Y/n, you see that group of people over there? Those are the investors we are trying to impress tonight.” one of the other interns whispered to you and you looked over in the direction she pointed. You saw a bunch of people in suits that definitely looked the part and raised your brows. 
“Wow, they are the real deal. Too bad we can't talk to them.” You laughed. 
“Who says you can't?” you heard your boss chime in from beside you and you looked at her with a smile. 
“No one really, just myself.” you replied and she nudged your arm. 
“It's all about networking darling, and anyone can network.” she smiled and then walked to the front of the crowd. 
Did you want to fuck your boss? Yes of course you did. She was brilliant. However at this point in time you knew better, and you needed this job. That didn't stop her from flirting with you, and she actually did flirt, it wasn't in your head. Only reason you know that is because even your friends at work thought so.
After her speech was over you were free to walk the museum, you decided to go checkout the best exhibit they had-- the planetarium. This was always your favorite part of museums and with how fancy this one was you knew it had to be pretty astounding. You decided to go to the bathroom before you went to the exhibit, and as you stopped to read the map on the wall to see where the closest one was, you saw people out of the corner of your eye. Naturally you glanced at them before looking back at the map. However, you recognized a face and you felt your cheeks grow warm, you slowly looked back over out of fear you could be right, and your eyes went wide when you saw the familiar glow of red hair. You watched as Melissa walked slowly, looking at some boring historic artifacts, arm hooked in the arm of… a man. You held back the disapproving glare that tugged to appear on your face and you decided to just turn back around. You decided to stare at the map until they had walked by. Eventually you lost track of how long you had been there, checking your phone to see it was definitely not longer than three minutes. You exhaled and before you could go to turn around you felt a hand on your back, stroking your hair. 
“Hey Y/n.” you heard a velvety voice mutter your name and you felt a ping in your chest. Turning to face her with a smile, you fidget with your watch and look around for the man that was accompanying her. 
“Hi.” you let out, your eyes locking with hers. You looked over her and your chest grew numb as your eyes traced over her curves that were gracefully accentuated by her dress. 
“What brings you to a place like this?” she asked with a grin and you laughed at her mocking question. 
“I could ask you the same thing. We have got to stop meeting like this.” you joke with a light blush on your cheeks as you smile. Trying your best to play your role as a perfectly normal college kid who did not kiss a step relative at a gay club. 
“Looking for the bathroom I presume?” she asked and you nodded, slightly embarrassed. “It's that way.” she said and you nodded in realization. Soon the man she was with came from one of the staff only doors and came to stand next to her, a hand on her back.
“Hey, thanks for waiting.” He said to her before looking over at you with a small smile.
“No, problem I was just catching up with Y/n here she is my sister's stepdaughter.” she said with haste, “Y/n this is Clint he works here at the museum.” she said and you nodded. 
“Nice to meet you. Clint.” you said enunciating the ‘t’ as you looked at Melissa. 
“To clarify I actually own part of the museum not just a regular employee,” he said casually and You saw Melissa's eyes flicker to yours, she was reading your face for a reaction and her eyes softened as she listened to this preppy douche talk about himself, she felt embarrassment creep up on her as she watched you watching him. How could she stand here in front of an intelligent and beautiful girl like you with her arm linked to a man that was barely in Melissa's league and even she knew that for certain. “What brings you here?” he finally asked. 
“I'm here for a work event.” you nodded and he had an “ah-ha” look on his face. 
“Ahh yes, you’re with Smith Archives right?” he asked and your lips flattened. 
“Yup, I'm interning there.” you replied politely and Melissa furrowed her brows. 
“Wow hon that's a long drive home.” she asked with more concern laced in her voice than she intended and you just looked down. 
“I'm staying the night, they put me up in a hotel a few blocks from here.” Her face relaxed and you saw a mischievous twinkle in her eyes for a second before you cleared your throat to break the silence.
“Well it was nice seeing you but I have to get going. Good to meet you, Clin-t.” You said quickly before smiling and turning to head in the direction of the bathroom. The slight sting of jealousy trickled in your head and you rolled your eyes at your own reactions to everything. 
The exhibit was beautiful as you expected. The giant dome was lit up with the night sky and you sat in one of the seats, staring up at them as the soft sound of a narrator explained the astronomy facts. No one else was in there so you got to enjoy it in peace. Amongst the stars you zoned out, thinking of Melissa and convincing yourself this will all pass just like last time. You felt your head hurt from the stress and you took a deep breath. You sat there for at least two rounds of the little speech and were debating on staying for one more before you flinched slightly at a voice from behind you.
“Magnificent isn't it?” you turned to see your boss, Vivian, standing with her arms crossed as she looked around. You stood up and leaned on the backs of the seats. 
“Yeah it is, I'm surprised we are the only ones here.” you muttered as you looked over her frame. Vivian was gorgeous, but her mind, it was her mind that was so brilliant it never failed to reel you in, the way she spoke, and carried herself often left you in a haze. She was so humble and reserved yet gave you just enough to leave you on your toes. She had long dark gray hair with white sprinkled through it, despite only being forty-eight. She had strong cheekbones and piercing brown eyes that were so inviting yet intimidating. 
“Yeah well everyone is at the Dinosaur exhibit.” she laughed and you let out a soft giggle. 
“That makes perfect sense. Did we have any luck with the investors?” you asked and she didn't answer she just turned to look at you with a smile. 
“I want to ask you something Y/n.” she said softly as she walked past you to stand closer to the front of the dome, her head looking around at the stars in front of her. 
“Yeah what's up?” you asked, trying to appear normal. She turned to look at you and you smiled. 
“You know, you are very good at your job,” she paused and you felt your heart stop- oh god were you getting fired right now? “And I really value having you here but there is just one small issue. It is hard for me to help you get the most out of this position when you look at me like you want to fuck me.” Your eyes went wide and your jaw dropped.
“What?” was all you could croak out and she smiled, a soft laugh leaving her lips. 
“Its okay Y/n, I know you don't mean to, and I can't blame you,” she said, gesturing to herself and you laughed awkwardly, “but this brings me to my question.” she started and you nodded for her to continue, you were unsure if this situation could get any crazier so why not. 
“Are you able to get over this little infatuation or do I have to fulfill your fantasy in order for you to move on?” The words left her lips all too quickly and you felt your knees buckle as you leaned on the seats, she walked over to stand in front of you and you smiled up at her. If this was really happening you knew you had to take the opportunity. She stood over you and raised a hand to tuck hair behind your ear. The gesture made your heart ache and you were suddenly reminded of Melissa. You knew nothing could ever come from either of these situations, but your cons were longer for hooking up with Melissa than they were with Vivian. Melissa was never going to do the things you wanted her to and you had accepted that in this moment and allowed yourself to give in to pleasure. Vivian leaned down and hummed waiting for a response. 
“No one will know?” you asked with a smile and half lidded eyes as you looked at her, standing to meet her face to face. 
“Where’s the fun in telling?” she scoffed and you smirked, she moved a hand to brush a thumb over your lips and her other moved to rest on your waist. Just as she was about to lean in to kiss you, you saw movement behind her and you backed away, she did the same. Standing away from you nonchalantly. She relaxed when she saw it wasn't a coworker but you tensed up further when you saw Melissa standing there with a face full of confusion and shock. She didn't know how to feel and could only identify the jealousy she felt burning in her chest. 
“Sorry to interrupt.” she laughed bitterly, before turning and walking out. You watched as she left the dome and you looked down. 
“Did you know her?” Vivian asked and you nodded, “Hmm, ex?” she asked and you shook your head. 
“No, it's complicated.” was all you said. Though you were surprised, that's what Vivian's first guess was.
“Well whoever she is, the way she was looking at you really reminded me of the way you look at me.” she laughed and your eyes snapped up to hers.
“Really?” you asked and she nodded. You looked at your watch and saw that the event was technically over. “I have to go Vivian.” you said with a shaky voice from the anxiety coursing through you. 
“Go ahead Y/n. we can always pick up where we left off another time.” she winked and you ignored the small flutter in your stomach as you said goodnight, placing a kiss to her cheek, and then leaving the exhibit. You practically jogged down the hall, you looked all over and couldn't find her, the last place you looked being the front of the museum. You slowed when you saw her standing on the curb. You walked over and took a breath before coming to stand beside her. You didn't say anything and she looked at you.
“Was that your boss?” she asked and you nodded which earned a scoff from Melissa and you rolled your eyes. “I see you do have a type, though she looked a little too old for you.” she joked with a slight sting behind her words that fueled your own jealousy.
“Where is your date, Flint?” you asked with a smile and she sighed.
“Clint, and he is pulling the car up.”
“Where did you, uh, meet him?” you asked and she crossed her arms, both of you not looking at one another. 
“I met him on a field trip here, this is only our second date.” she spoke softly and it set off a signal in your brain. She seemed more mellow than usual, she seemed unhappy and all out of pep. You thought maybe she was just tired but didn't want to ask. You decided to bite your tongue and not make any more remarks about the topic. Soon you saw a car in the distance pulling around and knew you didn't have much time.
“Melissa.” you said and she looked at you.
“Yeah hon?” 
"Who were you with at the club that one night?” the simple question came out rather judgemental and you looked down.
“My friends from work. Why do you ask sweetie?” she said and you felt your heart swell at the pet name. You felt your cheeks grow hot and she sensed your nerves. She knew you wanted to ask her something else and just couldn't find the push you needed. “I date whoever I want, hon.” she said casually, leaning closer to your ear and you furrowed your brows. She gestured around and you realized what she was alluding to and you nodded. 
“What did you really want to ask me?” she said and you looked down.
“I can't, not now, as much as I want to.” you said softly. You both turned to look at one another and Melissa smiled. 
“What’s there to lose?” she said and your eyes met hers, she could see the desire lit within your gaze, she knew exactly what you wanted. Now it was up to her to decide, she had you at her fingertips and she wasn't going to let this chance pass by.
“Who says anything has to happen sweetheart?” she said assertively and you just smiled. Clint came pulling up and you looked at Melissa. Clint got out of the car to open her door and she put her arm around your waist gently and looked at him with sympathy. 
‘Hey Clint, I'm actually going to take Y/n back to her hotel room. She isn't feeling too well and I want to make sure she gets there okay.” You didn't say anything and just hid the smile that crept at the corners of your lips.
“Oh ok I can follow and take you back to your place after?” he offered and she shook her head. 
“No, that's okay, i'll take a taxi. Have a good night thanks.” She looked at you with a smile and you grabbed your purse. 
“I'm driving this time.” you chirped and she laughed, grabbing your hand and walking to your car. The ride to the hotel was so tense you thought you wouldn't make it there without the car breaking down from the sheer weight of it. Your legs were spread slightly and your dress was riding up. Melissa tried to keep her gaze under control but you eventually caught her looking and smiled. Your cheeks flushed and you looked out the window. The wind coming in from the cracks of the windows chilled your face and made your cheeks grow rosy. The slight humidity in the air was comforting and you couldn't help but smile as you looked out at the streets. Soon you were arriving at the Hotel and you felt your chest tighten as you got out of the car. 
“This is a very nice hotel.” she said as you followed her in and you laughed. As you walked through the lobby you spotted the bar and looked at Melissa. 
“Are you tired?” you asked and she shook her head. 
“Want to get a drink?" you said, gesturing to the bar. 
After two hours of talking and nursing a few beers as well as two cocktails and a shot, you and Melissa moved to just drinking water, and went to sit on the patio. You sat facing each other on the couch, your knees tucked up and your elbow resting on the back of the sofa. You and Melissa were talking about all kinds of things, getting to know each other, and joking around together. It was one of the best nights you’d had in a while, where you were truly having fun and getting to just exist in the moment. 
“Ugh do we have to go to bed? I could sit here talking all night” you stated simply and she smirked. As if she did it herself, you felt your throat dry up and you went to grab your water, taking large sips you felt a drop trickle down from the corner of your mouth and down your chin. Melissa let out a shaky breath and you set the glass down looking at her. She raised her hand to your face slowly, not taking her eyes from yours. 
“What do you want to do sweetie?” she said as her thumb wiped the water off your chin and you felt your chest go hot and your breathing grew shallow. You decided there was no going back now and you smiled. The drinks were flowing and you felt fuzzy, the kind of tipsy you usually only got from wine. 
“What I want to do isn’t appropriate.” you muttered with a grin, tearing your eyes from her and looking down into your water glass. 
“If you are gonna say things like that Y/n, say them with confidence.” she quipped and you looked up at her with big eyes that soon turned hazy. 
“Why were you on a date with Clint?” you asked as you were told to, your back straight, and your voice clear. 
“I have needs. I know he was an idiot.” she said simply.
“How many women have you been with?” you said swiftly and she looked down and then sucked her teeth.
“I don't think you want to know.” she shrugged and you furrowed your brows.
“I've never been with one.” you said looking at her with a shy gaze and her smile softened. She knew from the moment she first saw you that there was a sweetness in you and she could tell by your body language and the way that her words affected you that you were inexperienced and searching for the right woman's touch.
“I know hon.” she nodded and you felt your cheeks heat up again at how easily she saw right through you. The air grew thick as you admired each other and you looked over her face in awe. 
“Why did you kiss me that night?” The question left your lips softly but with speed, you didn't regret asking it though. 
“Do I need a reason?” she said with humor and you moved to sit closer, your knees touching hers.
“Why won’t you kiss me now?” you said with confidence, and you held the same challenging look on your face that Melissa had months ago. She smiled and looked you up and down slowly, your skin melting under her fiery gaze. Your core tightened and your eyes darted between hers. 
“Do you want me to, baby?” she said softly with a teasing tone and you felt your heart swell. Her hand moved to play with your hair as she looked in your eyes. Her eyes searched yours for the answer and you felt the weight of her gaze cause the rise of tension and lust to float in the air. You could feel your cheeks tingle like pricks of a needle on your soft skin. You nodded and she raised a brow, waiting for more. 
“Yes, I want you to kiss me.” you practically shouted with a laugh and she didn't hesitate to grab your waist and pull you in, her lips devouring yours as a hand moved to grasp your jaw. You moaned into the kiss and pushed your chest against hers as she moved her other hand from your hip to grab your ass. Her hand then slid under your thigh to hook under your knee and lift it to her hip, causing your core to press against her as you moved to straddle her. You felt a fire erupt in your core at the action and you swear her skilled mouth caused you to almost climax there and then. The heat between the both of you was so strong with one strong gust of wind you would have set the whole hotel ablaze. You moaned and she pulled away from the kiss, admiring your glossy eyes and puffy lips with her own lips being slightly pink around the edges. 
“What else do you want me to do?” she said out of breath and you just pulled her back in for a kiss, you let her tongue roam your mouth and find a pattern with your own. Your stomach grew hot and you felt your core tighten around nothing. You answered her question by grabbing her hand and moving it between your legs and she groaned into your mouth, causing a wave of arousal to wash over you. 
“God honey you are soaked for me huh?” she muttered between kisses and you nodded, she kissed along your neck as her hand moved your dress up and slid her hand into your panties. You moaned as she moved her fingers over your clit and pleased you with precision you weren't surprised by.
“Fuck Melissa- I want you so bad.” you whined out and she pulled away, removing her hand and grabbing yours. 
“Come on baby.” she said as you stood up and walked back inside, you headed to your room and the moment you got in the elevator Melissa was pushing you against the wall, her hands roaming your body as you tangled your hands in her hair, and moaned against her lips. The sounds you made echoed in the small area and only spurred Melissa on. The ding chimed loudly to alert you of your arrival and you broke away from her, digging in your purse for your key as you stepped out. Melissa kept an arm around your waist as you walked to your room, which you couldn't unlock due to the nerves and drinks in your system causing you to miss the slot. Melissa grabbed it from you and did it with ease and you smiled at her.
“Thank you.” You opened the door and led Melissa inside, shutting the door behind you and locking it. 
“Holy shit this is a nice room.” she said looking around and you nodded. When she turned to face you again, you were taking off your heels and pulling your dress off over your head. Her eyes grew heavy with lust and she walked over to you, cupping your face and pulling you in for a kiss, she backed you up to the bed and she pushed you back. You climbed up and sat against some pillows, your legs spread. She watched and bit her lip as she admired your frame. She took her own shoes off and hesitated. 
“Fuck you are gorgeous. You sure you want this baby? Once I fuck you, we can't go back.” she said firmly and you nodded eagerly. She slipped her own dress off and you felt your breath hitch at the sight of her. Her body was gorgeous, absolutely perfect. You wanted to feel her skin under your fingertips and trace her curves for the rest of your life.
“I want you more than anything I've ever wanted.” you said with a lovestruck voice and she smiled. 
She came up and straddled you, immediately kissing you again with force, her teeth sinking into your bottom lip earning a surprised and throaty gasp from you. She looked down at you and moved her hand to cup your center. You admired her as she rubbed circles on your sensitive core. Her eyes were sparkling, and her lips were turned up at the corners in a smirk. You moaned into her kiss as she continued to move her hand. Her thighs laid over yours and the warmth of hers around you felt like heaven. She pulled away to breath and you looked each other in the eyes, her hand came out of your panties and to your lips, she brushed her thumb over your lip and you looked at her with doe eyes. Your hands rested on her ass, and she looked down at you with a smile. 
“Open.” she said softly and you didn't hesitate to open your mouth and allow her to slip two fingers in. You sucked on them not tearing your eyes from hers as your tongue did circles around them. Melissa pulled them out of your mouth slowly before allowing them to return to their spot on your clit, your warm saliva touching your slit caused you to groan and Melissa kissed your open mouth, her tongue diving in and swirling around yours, finding a rhythm as you kissed back, you rocked your hips into her hand, causing her arm to press against her own center. Your hands squeezed her ass and nudged her towards you gently, she arched into you, her chest against yours as she continued to kiss you roughly. Without warning she slid her fingers into you and you let out a loud moan into the kiss and she smiled, pulling away to hover just above your mouth, your lips almost touching as she curled her fingers inside you, deep and rough. Your brows furrowed and your mouth opened as you rocked against her fingers. 
“You liked that baby?” she whispered in her deep voice and your stomach fluttered. You nod with a smile.
“Don't stop please.” you whine and she giggles.
“I wouldn't dream of it.” she pushes into you harder and faster and you feel the heat in your core grow hotter, a tight feeling forming in your sensitive and deprived cunt. She stayed hovering a mere inch above you as she moved her hips slowly and her fingers moved hard and fast. You rocked your hips into her faster and she looked down at you with a devious smile. She watched as your face contorted with pleasure and your eyes went glossy as you grew closer to your release. You moaned as you felt your legs press together and your back arched into Melissa. 
“Fuck, im going to cum.” you moaned into her and she smiled, finally kissing you again, this time slowly and tender. Her soft lips wrapping around yours gently and her fingers shoved into you caused quite the contrast and you felt your chest flutter from the contradicting emotions. Your brows furrowed and you squeezed around her.
“Cum for me baby, be a good girl and let it all out.” she said softly and your eyes snapped shut as you came around her fingers. You let out a loud moan as your legs tingle and you twitch under her slightly. You rode it out on her fingers and she pulled them out of you, bringing them to her mouth with a smile. You watched in amazement as her plump lips wrapped around her fingers coated in your flavor. 
“Fuck you are,” you paused looking up at her, the dim lighting around her caused her to glow, her hair cascading around her face that was dewy from the things she had just done to you. Her lips were pink and her eyes were full of mischief and lust. She looked stunning, she was stunning. How could you put into words how incredible she was. She raised a brow waiting for you to finish with a smile on her face. “Ethereal.” you finally said and she looked at you with a more serious gaze, trying to detect any underlying emotions you may have been disguising. 
“Well you aren't so bad yourself babe.” she laughed and you shook your head gently, still in your hypnotic state as you stared at her.
“No, I'm serious Melissa. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” you said with a serious tone and her smile faded as she looked at you. After a moment she looked down and sighed. 
“Thank you, hon.” she said as she moved off you and got off the bed, you watched her with confusion and your eyebrows scrunched together when she reached for her dress. 
“Woah hey, did I do something wrong?” you asked getting up to walk over to her and she quickly shook her head.
“No, not at all. You’re a wonderful girl Y/n, but we can't be doing this, I want you but you are young, and I don't want you to..” she paused, her hand going to her forehead and you looked down as you realized.
“Fall in love with you?” the words left your lips quietly and she looked at you up and down with sympathy. 
“I'm sorry I didn't think any of this through. I'm going to go, before anything else happens.” she said looking for her shoes and you shook your head, walking to stand between her and the hall to the door. 
“I know I'm young but I'm not some high school virgin that's gonna fall in love with you because we sleep together.” You scoffed and she shook her head. 
“No you’re not, but you have never been with a woman or been in a serious relationship with one, and I cant have this be your first.” she said, grabbing her purse. You stepped closer to her and she used all her strength to keep her eyes on yours. 
“Is this not what you wanted though?” you asked sharply, gesturing between you and she looked down. “You didn't want to see me naked, on display for you?” you asked as you moved to take off your bra. 
“Y/n-” she started, not looking at your body and you laughed as you slid your panties to the ground while you looked her in the eyes. 
“Tell me this isn't what you wanted. Tell me that you weren't dreaming about me after we kissed that night, that I didn't cross your mind while you touched yourself, that you didnt want to fuck me in that museum while my boss watches. That you don't want to touch me right now.” you said stepping closer, now only a foot from her, she looked into your eyes and let out a sigh.
“I-” she couldn't get the words out. Melissa was usually so quick-witted and good with words, but with you it was hard, and in this moment it felt impossible. You looked at her with a smirk, reaching to grab her hand, you placed it on your chest and she kept her eyes on yours. Slowly and effortlessly, you slid her hand over your breasts and down your stomach. Her breath hitched in her throat as she looked at you. 
“Fuck me.” she muttered under her breath, deciding to say fuck it and bringing her other hand to your waist, pulling you into her and kissing you with heat and aggression, she dominated the kiss and her nails dug into your hips as she kissed you with a desire strong enough to cause you to slam against the wall behind you, you moaned from the feeling, and she pulled away.
“Lay back on the bed baby.” she ordered and you nodded, moving to the bed once again. After many orgasms later you both eventually fell asleep, naked and tangled in the sheets, Melissa's warm body pressed against yours all night. 
A loud ringing song woke you from one of the best sleeps you have had in a long time. Annoyed and groggy you lifted your head to see what it was, you saw Melissa reaching for her phone and the noise stopped, but she brought it to her ear as she moved to get up out of bed. You watched her frame move gently around the room and she gathered her clothes from the floor and chaise. 
“Yeah I’m fine.” she said in a soft tone and you tried your best to hear who was on the other side. You heard a lower voice but couldn't quite make it out. “Mhm. Oh um, I can't go to brunch today but lets rain check.” You furrowed your brows as you turned to lay on your side and propped your head up on your hand, your naked body lay exposed aside from the sheet barely covering your cunt and one of your breasts. Melissa turned and saw you were awake and smiled at you as she looked for her shoes once again. “Oh dinner? Look Clint I have a busy day maybe next weekend? Ok yeah, bye.” She hung up and you raised your brow with a smile. “I'm gonna shower.” was all she said as she put her hair in a bun and took her undergarments into the bathroom with her. 
Your lips flattened into a disappointed expression and you looked around the hotel room at the mess you two made. Sheets were scattered around along with your own clothes. You got up and looked in the mirror, you had a bruise on your hip and you smiled at it. Thankfully she avoided leaving hickeys. You walked over to the bathroom and gently moved the handle to see if it was locked, it moved down and opened and you smirked. You shut it behind you and looked over at the shower. It was a large walk-in shower with glass walls and a built-in shower bench. A towel was thrown over the panel of the door, just barely blocking your view of Melissa's wet and naked body. As you put your hair into a bun, you walked over and opened the door, stepping in and coming up behind her, your arms coming to rest on her hips as your lips placed kisses on her shoulder. 
“You sleep okay?” you asked and she hummed as she turned to face you, turning you towards the water so you were wet too. 
“You did so good last night baby.” she praised you with a velvety voice as her hands roamed your body, she grabbed the body wash and put some in her hands, lathering it and placing her hand on you once again. She went over your arms and shoulders, turning you around to get your back as you washed your face, her hands moved over your hips and that's when she saw the bruise. 
“Oh hon, did I hurt you.” she said with a sympathetic yet teasing tone, her fingers moving to trace it gently, sending a chill up your back. You looked over your shoulder at her, placing a kiss to her soft lips and smiled. 
“No, I had a wonderful time.” you answered and she moved her hands to trail up your stomach and over your breasts. You turned to face her and cupped your hands to her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss, you felt her wet breasts press against your chest and you moaned into her mouth, she took control, pushing you against the shower wall as her tongue moved around your mouth. You groaned and your hands moved to squeeze her ass and pull her into it, her knee came to sit between your legs and you pressed your core into it. Melissa pulled away swiftly and you opened your eyes, she was stepping out and grabbing her towel with a sinister smile. 
“Finish up baby, I'll be here when you get out.” she reassured you and then grabbed her things and walked out of the bathroom.  You stood in shock, hot and bothered as the water grew colder on your skin. You did as you were told and washed your hair as you tried your best to hurry. When you got out of the bathroom, Melissa was dressed and fixing her hair into a ponytail, perfectly curled pieces falling to frame her face. 
“You know my boss said I could use the hotel for another night if I wanted.” you quipped looking at her seductively as you walked to your suitcase and got out a change of clothes. Melissa didn't say anything, she just got up and walked over to you. 
“I had a great night, and you are.. Amazing.” she started and your lips turned down slightly.
“But?” you said with a scoff and her brows pushed together.
“But it was a one time thing.” she said and you shook your head, you dropped your towel and started to put your clothes on as you argued back.
“Oh fuck off with that Melissa, there is no reason two adults cant have sex every now and then. Guess what we fucked last night and im not in love with you.” not yet at least your subconscious chirped and you rolled your eyes.
“I know, but like I said last night it's wrong of me to let this happen. I’ll see you around.” she said before grabbing her purse and heading out of the door. You stood in disbelief and put your shoes on, grabbing your phone and purse and heading out after her. You caught up to her and grabbed her arm.
“Let me drive you home.” You said and she looked at you for a moment.
“Fine, but I'm driving.” she said and you walked to your car giving her your keys. You sat in silence before grabbing your phone and texting your boss. You told her you wanted to stay another night and she liked the message before sending a witty response that made you smile. Melissa saw but didnt say anything and just kept her eyes on the road. She lived close so the drive was short and you walked her to her door. 
“Come see me tonight while I'm still in town.” You said as she opened the door. She turned to look at you and you smiled. 
“I cant.” 
“You absolutely can.” you quipped and she tilted her head.
“I shouldn't.” 
“Why not? Give me one good reason.” your tone was light, but your eyes didn't leave hers as she looked at you. 
“Your dad is married to my sister. That's my best reason, I'm sorry hon. Get back safe.” she said before shutting the door and leaving you on her porch. You felt your cheeks grow hot in frustration and heading back to your car, driving out of her neighborhood. You didn't know where to go so you just drove around, looking at the beautiful architecture of the city, you found a cinema and decided to go see a movie. 
By the time the movie ended the sun had just started to set and you looked for a place to get dinner. An idea popped into your head and you smiled, pulling out your phone. You texted Melissa asking her to go to dinner with you since you were alone in the city. However you felt your chest sink when she read the message and never answered. You scoffed and chewed on your lip. You didn't understand why Melissa even slept with you in the first place if she didn't really have to desire to. I mean were you bad? Screw this, you headed back to your hotel and decided to drive home.
The truth was Melissa was the one afraid of falling in love with you. She loved your personality and she felt butterflies all night while you two talked, fooled around, and slept together. However she was terrified of someone finding out and her sister, or your dad finding out and being uncomfortable. She figured she would just cut it off now and she wouldn't go to any parties if she knew you were going to be there. She wouldn't go back to the museum, and she would sit at the club every weekend, sifting through every crowd, looking for your smile. 
She did that for months. Just like when she kissed you, she created an unforgettable memory with you, then disappeared. Leaving you to get over the experience and pretend it didn't happen. 
This time it took a couple months to fully get over your night with Melissa. You would dream of it constantly. If you closed your eyes in the shower you would see her. If you went out you would look around the bars for her. You even stopped masturbating because you could only ever finish if you thought of Melissa. Eventually, with time you rarely thought of her. Some rare and rough nights she would plague your dreams, kissing you, fucking you, saying she loves you. Those nights you would wake yourself up and not go back to sleep. On the more lonely nights though, you would stay asleep, stay in the perfect illusion your mind created and wake up in a funk that would last a week. 
You were home for winter now and knew you were going to see Melissa at least once. You started mentally preparing ahead of time, and just hoped you would be able to be normal, but when you heard she was coming to stay for a few days you almost decided to just leave. Having no place else to go did pose a challenge, but you were worried about what those days would bring. She was coming to stay over for new years and you knew this setting was going to teach you a great lesson on self-control. You only hoped things wouldnt be awkward forever, and you hoped that your heart wouldn't fall out of your chest and into her hands upon your first glance.
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spooky-holtz · 4 months
You Don't Need To Keep It Hush
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Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Genre: fluff, VERY suggestive, its so close to being smut
Word Count: 2.7k
Prompt: based on the song 'Toothbrush" by DNCE (cringe, I know)
There is an undeniable warmth coursing through your body when you finally manage to wake in the morning hours of a spring Saturday. The sun that peeks through the open curtains casts your bedroom in a yellow hue, the glow making the once boring room seem so much more enticing. While this helps the warmth you can feel, there is no doubt in your mind that the main culprit is the body pressed against your back.   
A heavy arm is wrapped around your waist and a soft pair of lips exhale gentle snores onto the smooth expanse of your back. You can’t help but smile as memories of the night before come flooding back. Flashing details of red hair and heavy breaths surge through your mind, the heat that was already coursing through you growing exponentially as you remember the sounds that left the lips currently pressed gently to your spine.   
You can feel the smile that graces your lips before you realize it's even there, a blush creeping across your cheeks as the sight of Melissa’s heaving chest comes straight to the forefront of your mind.   
You had never meant for your relationship with Melissa to end up this way. You had simply started as co-workers, but that’s how it always starts, right? What was the odd weekend catch-up over coffee quickly turned into full-blown meals together and now Melissa is like clockwork, always managing to turn up at your apartment door at 6pm on the dot every Friday after school, a bottle of wine and a bag of take-out under her arm. What started as a way to simply relieve stress after a rather tipsy suggestive conversation during one of those evenings has easily become the best part of your week.  
You’re snapped from your thoughts by the arm around your waist tightening, pulling you closer into the redhead as she lets out a quiet groan.   
“Jesus Christ, couldn’t you have managed to close the curtains properly last night?” she asks, her voice thick with sleep. You let out a laugh, a sharp exhale through your nose as she pushes her face further into your spine to escape the harsh glow of the morning sun.   
“You didn’t even give me chance to, you know that right?” You retort, playfulness laced in your tone.   
Melissa’s manicured nails scratch gently at your bare stomach as she stirs, pondering her next comment. You feel her smile as goosebumps erupt across the flesh of your torso where her hand lays, clearly feeling the effect her touch alone has.   
“Touche,” she says through her sleepy grin, “Can you blame me, though? Those plaid pajama pants you had on last night were extra sexy.”   
You turn your head slightly to look at her over your shoulder, only seeing the mess of red hair that is sprawled across the pillows she insists on keeping in your bed. Before this little arrangement you were quite happy with a single pillow but, of course, Melissa had her way and now the head of your bed is adorned with well over half a dozen pillows for the single night she spends here every week. The sound of soft giggles breaks through your faux-offended silence as she chuckles into the skin of your back before pressing a soft pair of lips between your shoulder blades.  
“I’m just kidding, babe,” she says, her voice still incredibly raspy from the slumber she has just awoken from. Your stomach flips at the little nickname. The giddy feeling you always get whenever Melissa calls you ‘babe’, or ‘hun’, or ‘sweetheart’ never gets old, even if she has been calling you some variation since you met in the teachers’ lounge at Abbott. The words carry an entirely new meaning now than they did a few years ago.  
Even if you aren’t technically in a relationship, you know that her words carry the affection that she shows you in other ways. That same affection is there in the sickly-sweet cup of coffee that waits in front of your seat in the teacher’s lounge every single morning, directly next to the redhead’s Stanley Tucci mug. It’s in the requests to get your classes grouped together during every single Abbott field trip. You see it in the way she’s memorized your take-out order for each restaurant this side of Philly, or the tupperware filled with leftovers that she brings you most days. While you both may not explicitly say that you love each other, you hope that these actions speak so much louder than words possibly could.   
“You’re an asshole, I hope you know that,” you say, breaking the growing tension between you. You feel her lift her head from the pillow, the hand that rests against your stomach pulling to roll you onto your back so you can get a real look at her face.   
Her chin is resting on her hand, propped up against the soft mattress and awaiting your gaze. You can’t help but be taken aback by just how beautiful she is. The sun reflects off her fiery hair, giving it a golden tint that creates a halo around her head. Her eyes sparkle with mischief as she teases you, knowing exactly what to say to invoke a reaction from you, only so she can soothe the ‘hurt’ a few seconds later.  
“Yeah, but I’m your asshole,” she says, batting her eyelashes that still wear the remnants of yesterday’s mascara, the makeup collecting under her eyes that are impossibly bright despite her sleepy state. You scrunch your nose at the statement. She does nothing but giggle, seeing your immediate disgust – she knows what she’s doing.
You can’t help but feel all traces of negativity leave your system when you feel her relax against you, choosing to move her head from her hand to rest her chin on the soft flesh of your chest. She looks up at you through her incredibly thick eyelashes and you feel your entire demeanour soften within seconds. You let the comfortable silence take over for a few moments, the two of you simply taking each other in. Her head rests against a chaotic pattern of red lipstick stains that cover your skin from the night prior. You can still feel each kiss that left each mark burning your skin.  
“Morning, gorgeous,” you say, a hint of a smile playing at your lips. She rolls her eyes at the nickname, but the blush that spreads rapidly across her cheekbones and down the milky expanse of her chest reminds you just how much she loves being called that. She’s propped herself up again, looking down at you with unspoken admiration as your free hand traces patterns up and down her spine. She forgoes words and instead trails her hand up your body to rest against the side of her neck, her nails once again scratching gently at the flesh there.   
She pulls you toward her gently, meeting your lips in the empty space between. She’s careful to use a tenderness that is only reserved for you, gently pressing your lips together while you hum your appreciation for the action into the quiet of the room. She moves languidly against your lips, taking her time to show her affection. You automatically move your hand to cup her jaw, moving her head to deepen the kiss and regain your control. You feel her gasp at the action as she reciprocates hungrily, tracing her tongue against the swollen flesh of your bottom lip. You can’t help but groan quietly against Melissa’s lips, feeling her smirk into the kiss.  
With a newfound satisfaction for your appreciation, Melissa moves away slightly and swings her leg over your waist coming to rest on the other side of your waist. She uses the leverage to straddle your hips completely, trapping you on the bed between her thick, pale thighs. As she pulls back from the kiss to look down at you through curtains of red hair, you can’t help but notice the shift in her energy, the relaxed Melissa you had just seconds ago being replaced by one that has an undeniable hunger in her eyes. It’s the same look you’ve come to recognize every Friday evening, and one that you will never tire of.  
You’re half-hypnotized as you look back at her, a mixture of her incredible beauty and intoxicating actions rendering you useless. She just smirks as you stare at her dumbly, knowing that she has you wrapped around her little finger. You find it incredibly easy to lose yourself in these moments, taking in the wrinkles around her eyes that deepen when she smiles, her bright green eyes never leaving your own.  
She’s looking down at you with a similar admiration, her eyes flitting from your own down to your lips and back. You raise your eyebrow slightly in a silent taunt, inviting her to act as she sees fit.  
She wastes no time in leaning back in, this time bypassing your lips completely and attaching her own to your sharp jawline. Her hands rest on the pillow either side of your head, trapping you in place, as if you had any desire to be free from the situation. Though your eyes are closed with pure bliss, you can feel her mussed red hair tickling against the skin of your chest as she moves one hand to rest against your jawline, maneuvering your head to reach the places she needs to reach.  
You whine as she tilts your head, her lips travelling across your jaw and down the expanse of your neck. She finds the sweet spot underneath your ear and latches to the skin there, the firm grip she has stopping you from moving away from the inevitable mark she will leave there. Covering that on Monday morning is the least of your worries right now, with the only thought coursing through your mind being Melissa’s intoxicating floral scent. You can feel her heavy breathing in your ear as she works, the sound only bringing back welcome memories of the night prior.  
As if she’s reading your thoughts, you feel Melissa’s hips push into yours from where she sits atop you. The feeling of her undeniable arousal on your stomach making your head spin, the hands that rest on her hips guiding her and pushing further into you. You’re given a slight reprieve from the overwhelming sensations as she begins to pull away from your neck, moving her head upwards to look at you properly again.  
“I guess I forgot to say, ‘good morning’”, she says, licking her lips. There is no denying that she knows exactly how to rile you up and you know she’s proud of it with the smug expression she wears. Over the last few months Melissa has learned your body like the back of her own hand, knowing exactly what spots will have you melting at her touch and bending at her mercy. She runs her thumb over your swollen bottom lip from where her hand still sits against your jaw, her strong grip keeping you in place. She looks at you almost expectantly but all you can do is stare back with your mouth slightly agape, wondering exactly what you did to deserve this wake-up call.  
“Jesus Christ Mel, you’re going to have to give me a few minutes before you pull that shit again.” You say, sighing through the sentence.  
You feel her giggle as her face breaks into one of those cheesy grins that you love, her dimples becoming more pronounced as she does so. You don’t think you will ever tire of the bliss and domesticity of your Saturday mornings with Melissa. Even if you aren’t in a ‘real’ relationship, it’s an unspoken rule that she’s not allowed to leave before you can cook her breakfast (or brunch, depending on how long you decide to stay wrapped up in bed together). Sometimes she helps you by chopping fruit or brewing the pot of coffee on the kitchen surface, stealing glances from the other side of your apartment’s small kitchen. 
The comfortable silence is broken by a quiet sigh from the redhead before she begins to move off you.  
“I guess I should probably start getting ready for the day,” she says, swinging her leg back over your hip so her bare feet can reach the cold hardwood floor of your bedroom, “Those papers won’t grade themselves.”  
She picks up your crumpled Blondie shirt from the night before from where it lays discarded on the floor at her feet, pulling it over her head before she shakes her hair out. You can’t help but watch her in awe. She truly makes even the most mundane of tasks seem incredible.  
She moves toward the bathroom as you sit up in bed, wrapping the now warm sheets around your torso to cover the smattering of lipstick stains across your chest that will probably sit there for another few hours. You can hear her as she rummages through her bag, no doubt trying to find the toothbrush she always swears she packed before leaving her own home the evening before. You sit cross-legged as you wait for the rummaging to stop and the sound of running water to start. As if she can hear your thoughts, her head appears in the bathroom doorway, a sheepish smile on her face.  
“You wouldn’t happen to have a spare toothbrush I can borrow, do you?” She asks. Her fingernails drum on the doorframe as you stare back at her, the soft smile on her face relaxing her anxiety radiating from her.  
“Check the cabinet. I bought you one while I was in the grocery store yesterday.” You say, your smile growing wider with the evident relaxation on the redhead’s features. “You can always just leave it here then, ya know? You’ll never have to remember a toothbrush if you already have one at my place.”  
She cracks a grin from where she stands, hand removed from the doorframe and playing with the rings that sit on her fingers. “Thanks, hun,” she says quietly, the sheepish grin back on her features, “I really appreciate it.” 
She disappears again and you can feel yourself slipping away with the easiness of these mornings. There is a domesticity that you’ve found yourself craving since meeting Melissa that you can only find in the Saturday’s you spend together tangled in sheets. You know that there is something more to it but the thought of ruining this near-perfect arrangement stops you from taking the next step with her.  
“Hey, how would you feel about going out for breakfast with me this morning?” You blurt out into the empty room. You can hear Melissa’s actions freeze as the quiet swishing of her new toothbrush against her teeth stills. She pads toward the doorframe again, toothbrush still in hand and foamy toothpaste covering the corner of her mouth. The sight of her makes your heart melt in your chest, knowing that nobody else gets to see her this vulnerable.  
“What, like, out-out?” she asks, her brows furrowed slightly. The question makes your gaze drop to your hands, suddenly incredibly distracted by the way that you’re picking at your cuticles.  
“Yeah, I uh, I thought that maybe we could actually go on a kind of date instead of, you know, just doing this and then not seeing each other until Monday?” You say, more to the bed sheets than to Melissa herself. You’re trying so hard not to be offended by her lack of answer, knowing that even saying anything that could hint toward your real feelings was the worst decision you could have made.  
Before you can decide to get up and remove yourself from the situation you’ve created the bed dips in front of you and a warm hand comes to rest against the side of your face. Melissa is kneeling on the crumpled white sheets that are half-wrapped around you, the grin she’s wearing showing you her newly cleaned teeth. You don’t have a chance to react before her lips are on yours, the redhead’s grin making it impossible for her to kiss you the way she really wants. She holds you delicately, the softness of her actions a sharp departure from the night before.  
It’s a short few seconds before she pulls away and meets her eyes with yours, her chest still heaving from the exertion.  
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
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melagnes · 3 months
Truth or Dare
Synopsis: The Abbott crew gathered for a night at Melissa’s place; of course, Janine and Jacob convinced everyone to play truth or dare. The game unveiled some deep truths and with a few too many drinks, leads to you and Melissa getting even closer.
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Word Count: 4.6K
Warnings: smut
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The evening had unfolded lazily, each passing moment steeped in the warm glow of soft lighting that Melissa had meticulously arranged to create a cosy ambiance. The air was filled with the gentle hum of shared laughter and the unmistakable comfort of close friends finding solace from the relentless pace of everyday life. Melissa's home, with its inviting atmosphere and welcoming decor, had transformed into a sanctuary for the group.
Among them were you, Melissa, Janine, Jacob, Ava, Gregory, and Barbara–a group who had known each other for years. As the night progressed, you all settled comfortably into the familiar rhythm of friendship that required no pretense or formality. Glasses clinked as toasts were exchanged, and conversations ebbed and flowed effortlessly, fueled by the easy camaraderie that only longtime friends could share.
Janine and Jacob, always the instigators of fun, decided to inject a spark of excitement into the gathering. “Hey, guys, how about we spice things up with a game of truth or dare?” Janine's voice rang out eagerly, her eyes bright with anticipation.
Jacob was quick to jump on board. “Ah, Janine, you beacon of mischief! Count me in.”
“Sure, why not,” you chimed in, intrigued by the prospect of the game. You followed Janine and Jacob as they led the way to rearrange the furniture in Melissa's living room, forming a circle that accommodated everyone comfortably.
Ava, Barbara, and Gregory joined the circle, their expressions signalling interest as they sat down. 
Melissa chuckled good-naturedly as she shook her head. “Come on, guys, we're adults now. Isn't this a bit juvenile?” She teased, her tone laced with mock seriousness as she glanced around at the group. Finding a comfortable spot on the couch next to you, she sat close enough that your thighs lightly pressed together, sending a jolt of electricity through your body.
Jacob, undeterred by Melissa's scepticism, leaned over to nudge her side. “Oh, Melissa, you're not afraid of a little fun, are you?”
Melissa rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Fine, fine. Let's do it, but don't expect me to play along if your dares turn out to be ridiculous.”
With a collective agreement, the game began. Janine, always eager, wasted no time in setting the tone. She turned to Jacob, excitement evident on her face. “Jacob, I dare you to perform an impromptu dance to a song chosen by Ava,” she declared, her voice filled with enthusiasm.
Ava, known for her impeccable taste in music, quickly selected “WAP” by Cardi B. Ava took pride in being the resident DJ, and Jacob, never one to shy away from a challenge, sprang to his feet with exaggerated flair. He went from the top and made it drop.
Melissa choked on laughter, a soft sound that barely escaped her lips, as she sat beside you. Her hand, warm and comforting, rested casually on your thigh, a touch that sent a sudden surge of awareness through your body. You couldn't help but be distracted from Jacob's masterful dance moves, your mind wandering to the tantalising possibilities her touch evoked–what it would feel like if her hand moved higher, tracing a path towards your core, exploring the sensitive skin beneath your clothes.
“Hey, are you okay?” Melissa whispered, her voice low and intimate, her breath tickling your earlobe as she leaned in closer.
Your heartbeat quickened at her proximity, at the hint of sultry in her tone. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied softly, trying to suppress the flutter of anticipation in your voice. “I was just daydreaming.”
“What were you daydreaming about?” Melissa whispered again, her lips grazing your ear with each word, sending a shiver down your spine. Her touch was electrifying, igniting a slow burn of desire that flickered in the depths of your being.
You hesitated, unsure whether to reveal the provocative fantasy that had momentarily consumed your mind. “Oh, you know,” you deflected, offering a half-smile as you gently moved her hand away from your thigh. “Just random stuff.”
Melissa arched an eyebrow, her playful demeanour hinting at an underlying curiosity. “Random stuff, huh?” she teased, her gaze lingering on yours with an intensity that made your pulse quicken.
“Yeah,” you replied, your voice steadier now as you met her gaze, a mixture of attraction and uncertainty swirling in your eyes. “Just silly daydreams.”
Her laughter, tinged with amusement and something more, filled the space between you. “Well, now I'm curious,” Melissa admitted, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on your upper arm. “But it’s fine if you'd rather keep your thoughts to yourself.”
“Thanks,” you replied, grateful for her tact, yet inwardly conflicted by the desire to delve deeper into the moment. The air between you felt charged with potential, a crossroads where friendship could evolve into something deeper, something more profound.
As the night wore on and inhibitions loosened with each sip of wine, the atmosphere in the room subtly shifted. Conversations flowed more freely and laughter came easier. Amidst this convivial setting, the air between Janine and Gregory grew thick with unspoken tension, their stolen glances and nervous smiles betraying emotions they both tried to hide.
From across the room, Melissa noticed the palpable tension and decided to stir the pot further. “Janine, truth or dare?” she asked, her tone challenging.
“Dare, of course!” Janine responded with feigned confidence, though her nerves fluttered beneath the surface.
Melissa's smirk turned devilish, her eyes sparkling with expectancy. “I dare you to confess who you’d wanna sleep with most in this room.”
Barbara gasped at her friend's forwardness, “Melissa Ann Schemmenti!” 
All eyes turned to Janine, who suddenly found herself the centre of attention. Her cheeks flushed pink as she hesitated, her gaze flickering nervously towards Gregory. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for her response.
Sensing Janine's discomfort and eager to protect her from potential embarrassment, Gregory attempted to intervene diplomatically. “Um, I think we should stick to something less... revealing,” he suggested, his voice gentle but firm.
But Ava, ever the keen observer, couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire. “What's the matter, Gregory? Could it be that you want to sleep with someone in this room?” Her tone was teasing, yet it carried a hint of genuine curiosity.
“Absolutely not,” Gregory stammered, his voice faltering slightly under the weight of the group's scrutiny. His cheeks matched Janine's in hue as he desperately tried to steer the conversation away from dangerous waters. 
The tension in the room was immense. Janine, emboldened by a mix of wine and the support of her friends, took a deep breath. “Alright, fine. I'll answer.” Her eyes met Gregory's, and for a moment, the world outside their circle ceased to exist. “If I had to choose... it would be Gregory.”
Everyone went silent, except for Jacob, who practically squealed at the top of his lungs before quickly covering his mouth with his palm to silence himself. 
Gregory's eyes widened, but a small, pleased smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Trying to regain some semblance of normalcy, he chuckled nervously. “Well, I suppose that's flattering,” he said, his voice light despite the redness in his cheeks.
Melissa, satisfied with the stir she had caused, leaned back with a grin. “See? That wasn't so bad, was it?” she quipped, winking at Janine, thereafter exchanging a knowing glance with you.
As the game of truth or dare continued to unfold around the group, Janine turned her attention to you. “Truth or dare?” she asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.
“Hmm, let's go with truth,” you respond.
Janine leaned forward, her expression turning serious for a moment as she formulated her question. “What’s your type? For dating and stuff,” she asked, her curiosity evident as if she were mentally preparing to take notes for a future blind date setup.
“I guess I would say I like women who are older than me, who are direct and forward with what they want,” you replied. “Red hair would be a bonus,” you added boldly, feeling Melissa's eyes staring a hole into the side of your head.
“Good to know,” Janine replied, nodding thoughtfully.
After a few moments of jovial discussion, it was your turn to ask the next question. You turned to Gregory, catching his eye. “Gregory, truth or dare?” you inquired, a hint of slyness in your tone.
“Dare,” he replied slowly, hesitancy evident in his voice as if he were unsure if he had chosen wisely.
You took this as an opportunity to push your friends into making a move. “I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Janine,” you said, mirth in your eyes. “In the closet over there,” you added, glancing meaningfully towards the hallway closet.
Gregory just stared at you, clearly caught off guard, but before he could fully process the dare, Janine jumped up from her seat, a determined look on her face. She grabbed his arm and, with a mix of eagerness and nerves, wordlessly dragged him towards the closet. “See you all in seven minutes,” she called back over her shoulder, her voice carrying a note of awkward excitement as she closed the closet door a little louder than necessary.
The room buzzed with suspense as the closet door clicked shut. The minutes began to tick by, each one stretching longer than the last. What was supposed to be a brief interlude felt like an eternity, their prolonged absence not going unnoticed.
After some time had passed, Ava glanced at her phone, which had been set to time the dare. The seven minutes were up, but there was no sign of Janine and Gregory emerging from the closet. “So, uh, should we go check on them?” Ava suggested, her tone betraying a hint of jealousy towards Janine.
“Leave the kids alone, Ava,” Barbara replied with a chuckle, her voice laced with a touch of affectionate exasperation.
Jacob, unable to contain his excitement, practically floated out of the loveseat he was sitting on. “Yeah, Ava, we’ve been waiting for this moment since the first day Gregory walked into Abbott.”
Melissa raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. “The first day they met, Jacob? That sounds a little exaggerated, don’t ya think?”
“Nope, Mel, he’s actually been their number-one shipper since Gregory started as a sub. It seems like he manifested this one,” you chuckled, remembering all the times Jacob had subtly tried to push Janine and Gregory together.
“Damn, impressive,” Melissa laughed, glancing at the closet with a mixture of intrigue and curiosity.
Suddenly, a loud bang echoed from the closet, startling everyone. Barbara, always the voice of dramatic humour, rose from her seat, raising both hands in the air. “Praise Jesus!” she exclaimed, her tone exasperated as she imagined the origin of the sound.
Melissa, still chuckling, added, “No but seriously, if they take any longer, we might have to send a search party.”
Just then, the closet door slowly creaked open, and Janine and Gregory emerged, their faces flushed and their gaze avoidant. Janine’s hair was tousled, and her buttons were done up haphazardly, one conspicuously lower than the others. You noticed but kept quiet, already plotting to share the details with Melissa later, once Janine and Gregory had left the room.
The atmosphere turned tense, and an awkward silence settled over the room. Janine, attempting to maintain composure, offered a sheepish grin. “Well, I can confirm there are definitely enough coats in there,” she joked, eliciting a wave of relieved laughter.
“and we made sure they were all in order,” Gregory added in an attempt to back up Janine. 
Jacob, unable to resist, let out a loud whistle, “It’s about time!” His comment was met with another round of laughter, while Janine and Gregory ducked their heads, trying to hide their embarrassment.
As the game died down and the group hung out for a bit, Barbara eventually announced, “It’s time I head back for the night. My dear Gerald is waiting for me,” Rising from her seat, she began to tidy up, gathering rubbish and ensuring it was all tossed into the trash before turning back to the group. 
“Same here. I’m heading to a club after this—gotta run,” Ava chimed in, standing up with a sense of urgency. She walked over to the closet to grab her coat but hesitated, her hand hovering over the doorknob. Memories of the evening’s earlier events seemed to give her pause. Jacob, however, was quick and confident. He opened the door, grabbed his coat, and turned back to the group.
“See ya, folks!” Jacob called out cheerfully. As Gregory looked away to put his shoes on, Jacob leaned towards Janine and mouthed, “I’m so proud of you! You need to tell me everything,” his voice barely above a whisper. Jacob had perfected the art of whisper yelling, and though Gregory pretended not to notice, he couldn’t help but smile to himself.
As the others began to file out the door, you felt a pang of sadness in your chest—you didn’t want this night to end. Melissa’s presence had a way of making you feel whole; you never wanted to leave. Summoning a bit of courage, you turned to Melissa and asked, “Hey Mel, need some help cleaning up?” You glanced at her, hoping she would say yes. “I can stay for a bit,” you added, trying to sound casual.
“I won’t force ya, but since you’re offerin’...” Melissa replied with a warm smile.
As everyone departed, Barbara, the final one to leave, extended her gratitude. “It was a delightful evening, Melissa. Thank you.”
Just before closing the door behind her, she turned and winked at you, a knowing look in her eyes. 
And alas, as the game came to an end, the house quieted, leaving you and Melissa alone in the aftermath. Empty glasses and scattered snacks littered the coffee table, remnants of a night well-enjoyed.
“Whew, what a night! Thanks for hosting, Mel,” you said, breaking the silence as you began to help her tidy up.
Melissa grinned warmly, her eyes twinkling with residual amusement. “No problem. As much as I hate to admit it, I enjoy when this crew gets together.”
“I may have had a little fun setting up Janine and Gregory with you,” Melissa confessed, a knowing smirk on her lips.
You chuckled, “I noticed that. Hopefully, it works out for them.”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” Melissa replied. She turned to her liquor cabinet and asked, “Want another drink?” as she pulled out a bottle of whiskey.
“I can’t say no to that,” you replied, crossing the room to join her. Melissa poured the drink into two glasses and extended one to you. Balancing the broom in your other hand, you accepted it graciously. As you took the glass, your fingers lightly brushed against hers, sending a warm sensation up your arm.
“Thanks, Mel,” you said appreciatively.
“No problem, Tesoro,” Melissa responded, the pet name rolling off her tongue. Oh, what Melissa calling you ‘Tesoro’ does to you—you could die in peace.
The continued gentle rustle of cleaning up punctuated the comfortable silence between you, a silence that spoke volumes of the easy familiarity and unspoken bond you shared.
“You know,” you began with a chuckle, breaking the quiet that had settled between you, “I've gotta admit, that game was way more fun than I expected.”
Melissa nodded in agreement, “I can't argue with that. It was quite the night.”
Melissa chuckled, shaking her head. “So, what do you think happened in the closet?”
You playfully smacked Melissa in the arm with the back of your hand. “I don't want to know.”
Melissa laughed at your reaction, the sound warm and infectious. “Oh, come on, you can't tell me you're not at least a little curious,” she teased, her eyes dancing with mischief.
You shrugged, trying to maintain a serious expression but failing miserably. “Maybe a tiny bit,” you admitted, your lips twitching into a smile. “But I also value my peace of mind.”
Melissa shook her head, still chuckling. “Fair enough.”
Once the living room was back in order, Melissa glanced around, a satisfied smile on her face. “I think we did a pretty good job,” she said, turning to you.
“Definitely,” you replied.
“Hey, can I ask you somethin'?” Melissa's voice broke the quiet, her tone softer now, tinged with curiosity.
“Sure thing. What's on your mind?” you replied, genuine interest in your voice as you turned your body to give her your full attention.
Melissa hesitated for a heartbeat, her gaze holding yours with a mix of whimsy and something deeper. “Have you ever kissed a woman?”
Your laughter caught in your throat. “I thought we were done with truth or dare,” you teased lightly, a smirk quirking on your lips. “But uh, yeah I have, why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” Melissa replied casually, her gaze dropping and lingering on your lips for a moment longer than strictly necessary. “Nothin' wrong with a little curiosity, right?…” Her eyes met yours again, a new intensity in her gaze. “Now, truth or dare?”
You played along, your curiosity piqued and a sense of expectation settling in. “Dare.”
“Kiss me,” Melissa challenged, her voice dropping to a whisper, a roguish spark in her eye.
As Melissa's challenge hung in the air, a charged silence enveloped the room—you couldn't help but play along.
“Mel… Are you sure you could handle it?” you teased, your voice laced with mock incredulity. The corner of your lips twitched upward in a half-smile.
“Oh, you'd be surprised, sweetheart,” Meissa replied, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. With a confident smirk, she leaned in closer to you, her movements slow and deliberate, drawing out the tension. You glanced down at her lips before your eyes flicked closed. Melissa's fingertips traced a delicate path along your jawline, her touch feather-light yet electrifying. A gentle caress lingered on your cheek, her thumb brushing against your skin in a silent promise of intimacy.
As your noses brushed, your own hands found their way naturally, one sliding around her waist to pull her closer, while the other tangled in the soft waves of her auburn hair. The strands were silken beneath your touch, inviting a deeper connection as you threaded your fingers through them, savouring the sensation.
As Melissa's lips finally met yours, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the heat of the moment and the taste of her on your tongue. The kiss was tender yet fervent, a meeting of souls that spoke of years of friendship blossoming into something more. When you parted your lips to allow Melissa better access; she took this opportunity to deepen the kiss, her tongue gently exploring yours. A suppressed moan escaped the back of your throat, which edged Melissa on even further. Her hands mirrored your own, her touch exploring the contours of your back, drawing you nearer in a silent plea for closeness.
Entwined in each other's embrace, the kiss deepened, fueled by a mutual hunger that transcended words. Melissa's fingers trailed down your spine, leaving a tingling trail of sensation in their wake, while your grip tightened in her hair, pulling her impossibly closer.
As you both began to run out of breath, you attempted to pull back, but Melissa held you close with a gentle bite on your lip. A breathless moan escaped your lips as she finally released your lip. “Mel…” her name escaped her lips as you attempted to catch your breath. “Truth or dare?” you state.
Melissa raised a brow at you as if challenging you. “Dare,” she stated confidently.
“I dare you to take me to your bedroom,” you said, your tone serious. At that moment, you didn’t care that she was your coworker–you only cared about her.
Melissa stared at you with dilated pupils, wordlessly accepting the challenge. She let out a breathy laugh and grabbed your wrist, leading you swiftly to her bedroom. Once inside, she pushed you against the door, causing you to gasp in surprise as it slammed shut.
“You're quite the eager one, aren't you?” she teased, her voice low.
Your stomach fluttered as you chuckled nervously. “Is that really such a bad thing?” you managed to ask.
“No, hun. Definitely not,” she replied, her thigh pressing between your legs as she leaned in to kiss your neck. You tilted your head back, offering her better access, and tangled your fingers in her auburn hair, urging her closer. She left a trail of wet kisses along your neck before nibbling on your earlobe, eliciting a suppressed moan from your lips.
“Now, truth or dare?” Melissa whispered huskily.
“Dare,” you responded, your voice shaky with desire.
“Take off your shirt for me,” Melissa demanded, her eyes fixed on you with admiration.
With shaking hands, you slowly unbuttoned your shirt, Melissa watching you closely. With trembling hands, you continued, aware of her intense gaze roaming over your exposed skin. “Good girl,” she murmured, her knuckles trailing lightly down your arm. Her compliment sent a thrill through you, validating your vulnerability
“You're so beautiful,” she added softly.
“Thank you,” you managed to reply, your emotions swirling as you stood half-naked before her.
“M-Mel, truth or dare?” you asked her, your voice coming out stuttered as you were falling apart in front of her.
“Dare,” she replied, her own voice husky with desire.
“Fuck me,” you blurted out, your need for her overriding any hesitation.
Melissa's eyes darkened with desire as she closed the distance between you, her lips capturing yours in a passionate kiss. Her hands roamed your body, exploring every inch with a deliberate slowness that drove you wild. The intensity of her touch ignited a fire within you, and you responded eagerly, your hands tugging her closer.
Melissa's lips pressed firmly against yours, the kiss deepening as her tongue teased your mouth open, tangling with yours in a dance of raw desire. You moaned into her mouth, your body arching into her touch, craving more.
She pulled back slightly, her breath hot against your lips. “You’re so perfect,” she murmured, her eyes drinking in every inch of your exposed skin. Her hands moved to your bra, deftly unhooking it and tossing it aside. She cupped your breasts, her thumbs brushing over your nipples, sending jolts of pleasure through you.
She guided you to the bed, pushing you gently onto the soft mattress. Hovering above you, she looked into your eyes, her gaze filled with a mixture of passion and tenderness. “Are you sure about this?” she asked, her voice a seductive whisper.
“Yes,” you breathed out, the word barely audible as your heart pounded in your chest.
She undid your pants and slid them down your legs. 
Her touch was electric, each caress and squeeze making you gasp and writhe beneath her. Melissa’s eyes never left yours, the intensity of her gaze adding to the thrill of the moment. She leaned down, her lips closing around one nipple, sucking and nibbling gently. You cried out, your hands tangling in her hair, urging her closer.
Melissa’s smile was both reassuring and wicked as she began to undress, her movements deliberate and tantalising. You watched in awe as she revealed her body, each piece of clothing discarded with purpose. When she was finally as bare as you, she climbed onto the bed, straddling your hips. 
“F-fuck, you're so beautiful,” you let out, your voice tinged with admiration and desire.
Melissa's grin widened at your words, her eyes revealing her arousal. She leaned down, brushing her lips against yours in a soft, teasing kiss. “Glad you think so,” she murmured huskily, her breath warm against your ear.
Her hands continued their exploration, caressing your skin and sending shivers down your spine. Her lips followed, leaving a trail of kisses along your collarbone and down your chest. You moaned softly, your body arching into her touch, craving more of her.
“Tell me what you want,” Melissa commanded, her voice low and commanding.
“I want you,” you replied, your voice trembling with desire. “I want to feel you inside me.”
Melissa slid off your underwear, her fingers caressing the skin of your thighs. She lowered her face near your core, her tongue flicking out to taste you. She looked up at you, her eyes burning with desire. “You’re so wet for me,” she murmured, her breath hot against your sensitive skin. She pressed a kiss to your inner thigh, her tongue flitting over your folds, teasing you with each movement.
“Melissa, please…” you whimpered, your body tensing in anticipation.
“Please what?” Melissa teased, her voice a seductive whisper as her breath ghosted over your skin. She knew what you wanted but wanted to hear you beg for it.
You were writhing beneath her, your hips bucking involuntarily. “Melissa, please, I need you inside me… right now.”
Melissa did not hesitate. Her mouth found your clit, and she began to suck gently at first, then more urgently. “Oh fuck,” you gasped, gripping the sheets of Melissa’s bed. Her fingers began pumping inside you in a slow, steady rhythm. You moaned loudly, your hips grinding against her mouth, the pleasure building with each thrust of her fingers, each flick of her tongue.
“God, you feel so good,” Melissa murmured against your clit, her voice husky with satisfaction. Her breath hitting your most sensitive area caused you to arch your back. Her movements grew more urgent, her fingers pumping faster, her mouth working you closer and closer to the edge.
The world around you blurred as you lost yourself in the moment, your senses consumed by the pleasure she was giving you. The tension built higher and higher until, with a final, powerful thrust, you shattered, a scream of ecstasy tearing from your throat as you climaxed. “Oh, God!” you cried out. Your breathing quickened and grew uneven, your abdomen and thighs tightening as pleasure washed over you.
“You're doing so good,” Melissa stated, her voice filled with a mixture of pride and affection.
As the waves of your climax subsided, Melissa gently pulled back, her fingers sliding out of you with a tenderness that made your heart swell. She then brought her fingers to her lips, sucking them clean with a slow, deliberate motion. Afterward, she lay down beside you, her body enveloping yours in a protective embrace. You nestled into her, feeling the warmth of her skin against yours, both of you breathing heavily. For a moment, there was only silence, the aftermath of your shared passion hanging in the air. 
“You okay?” Melissa asked softly, her hand brushing your hair back from your forehead.
“Yeah,” you replied, your voice still a little shaky. “That was… amazing.”
Melissa grinned and kissed your temple. “You were incredible,” she murmured. “So beautiful and responsive. I'm really proud of you.”
You felt a rush of warmth at her words, a mix of pride and contentment. “Thanks,” you whispered, snuggling closer to her.
Melissa pulled a soft blanket over both of you, tucking you in snugly. She rubbed soothing circles on your back, her touch gentle and reassuring. “Just relax,” she said calmly. “Let me take care of you.”
You sighed contentedly, your body relaxing into the mattress. “I feel so safe with you,” you admitted softly.
“And I with you,” Melissa replied warmly.
Melissa chuckled softly. “You've got me,” she reassured you. “Always.”
The two of you lay there in a comfortable silence, the intimacy of the moment wrapping around you like a cocoon. Melissa's fingers continued their gentle caress, her touch a reminder of the connection you shared.
The room was filled with a sense of peace and contentment as you both drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, the afterglow of your shared passion and the comfort of your mutual care creating a perfect moment of closeness and love.
It’s safe to say that truth or dare had been long forgotten.
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babysukiii · 7 months
the rooms are all on fire (every time that you walk in)
// melissa has a thing for her new neighbor, but she refuses to let it go too far because of the age difference. though, the redhead might realize how deep her feelings go once it’s too late. //
warnings: insecure!melissa, reader is so painfully in love with melissa it’s hilarious, melissa is an idiot who can’t handle emotions, pining, mutual pining, jealous!reader, jealous!melissa, brief gary x melissa (they go on one date), reader is in her twenties.
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melissa knows right away that she doesn’t like you. you’re too young, too loud, too perky, too nice. you had moved in across the hall from her a couple months ago, and had knocked on her door the same day you moved in. you had this big smile on your face, along with this large tupperware of brownies. though, in your defense it had not been a good day for melissa. her ex husband had just revealed he had an affair while they were still married, and even though she no longer loved joe, it still hurt.
“who the hell are you?” she asks, as soon as she swings the door open. your smile doesn’t even falter, and it’s the most annoying thing melissa has ever seen. “i’m y/n! i just moved into the apartment across the hall. i just wanted to introduce myself and give you these.” your western accent indicated you were far from home, and the positive energy radiating off of you only seemed to put melissa in a worse mood than she already was. you hand her the tupperware of brownies, and she scowls.
“we don’t really introduce ourselves to neighbors ‘round here. your lucky you didn’t knock on 402’s door. he’s a creep.” she mutters as she takes the tub of sweets. “oh. thanks for the warning.” you joke, and you tilt your head to side, “i never got your name.” you add and she snorts. “cause i never gave it, kid.” she responds curtly before shutting the door right in your face.
that was your first impression of melissa. it was enough to make any sane person steer clear of her… but you weren’t necessarily a sane woman. you were usually up before eleven every morning to go on a run or do a small workout. one morning you wake up extra early, and catch the redhead in the elevator. you don’t appear to notice the way her eyes roam up your tight leggings, and small zipped up sweater that clung to your body. “good morning, neighbor.” you greet her, and she keeps this stone cold expression etched onto her features.
“morning.” she flatly responds, clearly uninterested. “did you like the brownies?” you inquire curiously, as the elevator door closes behind you. “i’m not a fan of chocolate. i prefer pumpkin or apple.” she bluntly replies, and you don’t let her attitude discourage you. in fact, you visibly pep up at the newly found information. “i love pumpkin cinnamon rolls. next time i make some, i’ll bring some over for you.” you say, as the elevator door opens. “i’ll see ya around, neighbor! have a good day.” you call out as you rush towards the exit of the building. melissa rolls her eyes as the elevator doors close, and she continues her way to the parking garage.
your perkiness in the mornings was something melissa couldn’t adjust to. she didn’t want to. as soon as you realized the redhead was in the elevator every morning at 7:20, you were there as well. it was borderline obsessive in the redheads opinion, and she couldn’t stand that dopey grin on your face whenever you’d see her. it was like clockwork. she’d get in the elevator, click on the floor for the parking garage, and you’d squeeze in before the doors closed. she was beginning to consider taking the stairs.
she wasn’t sure how you knew when she was home, but on friday evening, she was in the middle of making dinner when a knock on the door caused her to knock over an open bottle of water. “shit! fuck— i’m comin’!” she yells out frustratedly as she makes her way to the front door. when she opens it, there you are with that stupid smile on your face. this time you’re holding a plate with a large slice of sweet bread on it, with icing slathered on top. it was saran wrapped cutely on the white plate.
“pumpkin cinnamon bread, with cream cheese icing.” your voice is light, and you’re gazing up at her with these big innocent eyes; just begging for her approval. there’s hopefulness laced into your orbs, and not even melissa has the heart to turn this away. “pumpkin in april… thanks kid.” she mutters, and if she thought your smile was big before… it seems to illuminate with her backhanded compliment. maybe it was the fact that one of her favorite students made her a painting in art class, and she was feeling particularly mushy today.
“you like pasta?” she asks you blandly, still sounding indifferent about your sudden intrusion on her dinner making. you nod eagerly, “yup! i haven’t had it in ages though… i don’t know any good italian spots around here, and i can’t cook to save my life.” you confess sheepishly, and she nods as she turns around and disappears into the apartment. she leaves her door wide open, and you stand there, clearly confused. “well, what ‘re you waiting for? come in, dinners almost ready.” she commands, causing your eyes to widen in shock.
“unless you got somewhere else to be tonight?” she asks, looking over her shoulder to see how shocked you look. you shake your head quickly, “nope! it was just gonna be me and the takeout guy tonight.” you half joke, as you walk in, shutting the door behind you. you go quiet as you stand behind the counter, and melissa wipes up the water she had spilled earlier. she turns her head to see you glancing around the room, clearly nervous. it’s the quietest she’s ever heard you. “what? place not what you expected?” she asks, and your eyes lock with hers.
“i just… i didn’t think i’d get to see the inside of your place before i got to know your name.” you admit, and melissa can feel an uncontrollable smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “my names melissa.” she confesses, and your eyes go all soft at the revelation. “melissa… huh. that’s a pretty name. it suits you.” you blurt aloud, and she turns away to check on the pasta, hiding the blush that coats her cheeks.
melissa learns quite a bit about you after that. you’re twenty-four, you had lived in the west coast all your life, and you spent your teenage years stuck taking care of your grandma and siblings. the more melissa discovers about you, the harder it is for her to hate you. your kindness isn’t fake or falsified like most of the people around here; you speak every word with genuineness and sincerity. a routine seems to progress between the two of you; every friday evening you knock on her door with some new platter of sweets, and melissa proceeds to invite you in for dinner.
every friday turns into every other day, and before she knows it, you two are having dinner together every night. the redhead went from hating you, to enjoying your presence more than anyone else’s. at first, melissa assumed she simply enjoyed your company because she was lonely. but after a few months of you, she quickly realized what the little flutter in her belly meant whenever she’d see you. melissa’s head would grow fuzzy whenever you complimented her, and she turned into a blushing mess. not to mention how she couldn’t necessarily hide how happy she was to see you now.
she’d pick out a bottle of wine, and makes different recipes she thinks you’d like. she finds herself humming along to old italian songs as she cooks, waiting for the gentle knocks on her door.
tonight you brought her new york cheesecake with raspberry filling on top. you greet her as you push past her, placing the cake onto her counter. “i know, cheesecake is so bad for our health, but i had a terrible day.” you tell her, and you begin to ramble about how awful your boss is. though, all melissa can do is take in how absolutely beautiful you are. the way your hair falls, and moves as you talk with the emotions you wear on your face. when you don’t get a response from melissa for awhile, you look over and see her leaning against the door, staring at you with a peculiar expression.
“what? what’s wrong?” you question, she offers you a gentle shake of her head. “you’re really beautiful, you know that?” she blurts out, her entire demeanor changing as soon as she realizes what she just said. her eyes go wide as she stands up straight, instead of looking appalled or surprised, the blood rises to your face. a shy grin plasters itself onto your face, as you push your hair behind your ears before gazing at her like some shy schoolgirl. “you’re calling me beautiful? have you seen yourself?” you ask her, and that’s the moment that seems to solidify it for melissa.
the way her heartbeat picks up as the words leave your lips, and something in the pit of her stomach bursts, as if a million cocoons hatched into butterflies inside of her. she began to feel something she hasn’t felt since before she married joe. she couldn’t believe some western twenty something year old kid was making her feel this way.
you appear to be able to read melissa like an open book. she doesn’t have to tell you how she’s feeling for you to know. you’re the only person who’s ever been able to figure her out, and it’s scary. melissa also wasn’t an idiot. she could tell judging by the gleam of adoration in your eyes, you were growing quite the crush on her. sometimes she wonders why. you’re in your twenties, you’re hot, and you know how to bake a mean banana cream pie… melissa also sees how the doorman and a variety of other men ogle you in the mornings. you could have anyone you want, yet you spend your evenings eating melissa’s various italian recipes.
however, the redhead is very closed off. especially romantically. after joe, she’s dated around but nobody’s ever gotten a second date. she hasn’t been so intimate with someone in so long, even before her divorce, the marriage was falling apart. dinner every night was not an option for her and joe; he always came home late, and by the time he arrived his plate of leftovers were in the microwave. even when he’d be home while she was cooking, he’d eat in the living room in front of the tv. you were so enthralled by melissa, sometimes you could hardly focus on the food with how much attention you paid her.
she tries to hide the way she revels in your attention, and how the glimmer in your eyes directed towards her causes those stupid butterflies inside of her to repopulate. “you do not actually have random baseball bats around your apartment…” you trail off one evening, as you’re both sitting on melissa’s comfortable couch. there’s a glass of wine in each of your hands; you’re both on your second glass, and you’re sure it’s the expensive wine melissa keeps locked away. it makes you feel special when she puts so much thought into the dinners you two share. they mean something to you, and you’re positive they mean something to her as well.
“i do. they’re hidden around.” she explains, taking a sip of her wine. you let out a genuine giggle; your wide eyed gaze is pouring right into her, nobody’s ever looked at her with such reverence. something then flickers in her eyes as she remembers something; “speaking of… i’ve been meaning to give you one. ya look like you can’t swing for shit, but it’s better than ya having nothing to defend yourself with.” melissa rambles as she stands up, disappearing into her bedroom. your brows knit together in slight confusion as you wait for her to return.
when she does, she has a medium sized wooden bat. it was dark wood and looked brand new. “wait, you were serious?” you ask, letting out a breathless little chuckle. “you live on a questionable part of town, by yourself, y/n. you barely even forget to lock your door when you come over.” she scolds, sounding undoubtedly upset by the fact. your baffled features quickly morph into a soft expression, “you worried about me, lissa?” you tauntingly ask, and she lets out this vexed huff, waving the wooden bat closer to you.
“just take the damn thing and keep it by your bed.” she commands, while you gladly accept the strange but thoughtful gift. “it’ll make you feel safer.” she adds, her neck burning as you stare at her with a vulnerable look on your face. “okay. but i’ll have you know i’ve never felt safer than knowing my tough, kick ass neighbor is right across the hall.” you assure her, and something inside of melissa is slipping; whether it’s her resolve or the walls she so desperately tries to keep up. “thanks for worrying about me though. i worry about you too.” you clarify, and melissa would normally scoff at a comment like that.
she’d shake her head and demand for you to know she can take care of herself… but she can’t. as you stare into her eyes with the sole intent of wanting her to understand how much she means to you, melissa finds herself taking a seat beside you again, deciding to let the comment slide. maybe she enjoyed knowing someone as sweet as you cared about her. it’s been so long since anyone’s cared for her in this way; it was sort of foreign to her by now. yet it was also comforting.
though melissa often found herself thinking about what things would be like when you finally met somebody. if you’d opt to spending your evenings with your new girlfriend or boyfriend… if you’d look at them with the same gaze you’d look at her with. some evenings she’d catch herself staring at you, and she’d think of being in the shoes of some younger woman… someone who can give you the start at life that you need. you’re in your early twenties, and there’s no way you’d ever want someone old and used up like melissa.
so naturally, the night you invite melissa to your place for dinner instead of just heading to hers… she feels an odd bundle of nerves knotting up in her stomach. she changes after work; which is something she never does. she puts on that sundress she likes to wear when she’s feeling good about herself. as soon as you open the door, your eyes nearly bug out of your head. you have a grease stain on your cheek, she assumes it’s some kind of cooking oil. the apron you’re wearing is hiding the tight top and jeans you’re wearing underneath, but melissa thinks you’ve never looked more cute.
“you’re early! i— i’m still making dinner, please sit down.” you urge her, and melissa offers you that soft smile that seems to only be reserved for you these days. she looks around your place; taking in the pictures on the walls, and the flatscreen that’s too big in melissa’s opinion. she barely watches tv, and when she does it’s in bed on her phone. “yeah, i left a little early because ava hired some of the teachers some new assistants.” she tells you, and you cock a brow, flashing her an amused grin. “an assistant? how do you like that?” you question curiously, knowing how difficult it was for the redhead to warm up to new people.
she snorts, “the kids fine. she’s a little younger than you. can’t understand a word she says but the kids like her.” she murmurs, shrugging, before she looks over at you. you’re stirring whatever’s in the pot, and she quirks a brow. “you actually might like her.” melissa’s comment rolls off your back easily, you don’t seem to notice the difference in her tone. you laugh lightly, “i doubt that. i’ve never gotten along with girls that well. guys either.” you confess, and melissa snorts. “oh yeah, sure, the girl who makes conversation with the mailman doesn’t have any friends. who do you think you’re lying to here, kid?” she questions, and you frown, rolling your eyes. “i’m not a kid. and just because i know how to make conversation with people, doesn’t mean i have a lot of friends.” your voice is light, and lacks any sort of defense or malice.
melissa sort of envies how easy it is for you to talk about things. “i mean, even in high school i had like three friends. they all still live back home, and we talk from time to time but it’s not like we can just hang out every weekend, you know?” you begin to ramble as you stir the searing food in the pan. “you’re the only person who i hang out with, and i’m lucky you even wanna hang out with me.” you add half jokingly, and you turn to see an inscrutable expression etched onto the older woman’s face.
“anyone would wanna hang out with you… i mean one day you’re gonna find someone who can’t stay away from you.” melissa says in an abnormally gentle way, there’s a hint of sadness in her voice and you cock a brow at the redhead. “does it count if i’ve already found someone i can’t stay away from? i’m literally making beef stroganoff for her, and i almost burned down the kitchen twice just to impress her.” you admit, and on cue whatever is in the pan begins smoking.
melissa’s eyes widen as a blush coats her beautiful face. she rushes over to your side, “jesus, y/n! why didn’t you tell me you wanted beef stroganoff? i could make this in my sleep!” she begins to shoo you away, and you frown, shaking your head stubbornly. “because you always make dinner; i wanted to cook for you.” your fervent voice causes melissa’s heart to lurch in her chest. “i don’t just cook for just anybody, yanno’? i cook for you because i like ya, and don’t know how else to show it. i’m not all sweet like you.” she clarifies, and your heartbeat quickens as her words sink in.
she’s trying her hardest to avoid your eyes, and you can’t help the uncontrollable blush on your cheeks. “you like me?” you ask her, and she rolls her eyes. “like it wasn’t obvious when i cooked mac n cheese as a main dish. seriously, kid, your taste buds are strange.” she mutters, and you bite your lip, trying to contain the grin on your face. “yeah, well, as strange as my palette is, you like me.” you taunt her, and notice the way her focused stirring falters ever so slightly. she scoffs, forcing an exasperated expression on her face.
“don’t make me take it back.” she murmurs, and you can’t seem to stop grinning at her like an idiot.
the seasons change and so do things between you and melissa. it isn’t a significant enough change for you to mention it, but it is enough for you to feel the difference. melissa is so soft, and carefree around you now. before she was so tough and prickly; she’s still a bit prickly but you don’t mind getting poked in order to see her true self every now and then. you two appear to be doing this slow dance around the obvious feelings you have for one another.
melissa is way more reluctant than you are. she hates the way her mind works, but it’s not like she can control it. usually how cute and thoughtful you are washes away any doubts she has about herself, except for one day she runs out parsley, and has to run to the store. of course you offer to come along with her, pulling at the sleeves of your sweater and excitedly trotting by her side.
“you sure you don’t need anything else from here? you’re running out of juice.” you remind her and she mentally scolds herself. “you’re right! thanks hun.” she sweetly thanks you, making your face hot as she reaches for the orange juice. you both make your way to the checkout line, and you aimlessly look around at the chocolates. “y/n! hey!” a familiar voice causes you and melissa to turn around. you eyebrows rises slightly as you run into a woman who you went on a few dates with when you first moved here.
“tracy! hey!” you greet her, and she hugs you before you can even think. melissa is watching the interaction like a hawk, and as soon as the raven haired girl hugs you, there’s a burning sensation of pure rage deep rooted in her belly. her eyes narrow as “tracy” pulls away from you, and looks at you as if she wants to ravish you in the supermarket. “you never called me again! i had a lot of fun mini-golfing with you.” she says, and you sheepishly rub the back of your neck, clearly racking your brain for a flimsy excuse.
that’s when realization hits melissa; you dated this woman! the thought alone nearly makes her scoff. this was your type? mid-twenties, soft skin, hippie wannabe? “i just got really busy adjusting to living here and all that… but how are you?” you try to steer the subject away from the awkward final date you hated. it wasn’t fun for you; you had to force yourself to be some cool girl you clearly weren’t. “i’m good! how are you? what are you up to tonight?” she asks hopefully, and you smile.
“i’m good as well. this is melissa, we’re here picking up some parsley for dinner tonight.” you introduce the redhead, and tracy’s demeanor immediately shifts as she assumes the older woman is your girlfriend. “oh. hi, i’m tracy.” she introduces herself to the grade school teacher, holding out her hand for the second grade teacher to shake. melissa only nods curtly in in tracy’s direction, “hey.” she flatly responds. and you notice the tension in the air right away. “well, it was nice seeing you again, tracy.” you say suggestively, and tracy nods.
“yeah, you too. you should call me sometime.” she squeezes your arm before she leaves, and melissa looks as though she wants to murder you with her eyes. “next.” the checkout clerk calls out, snapping the redhead out of her thoughts. she places the orange juice and parsley down much harder than she intended; it even causes the middle-aged man to jump slightly. “rough day?” he questions with a goofy grin, trying to lighten the mood. melissa shoots daggers at him with her eyes, causing his smile to fall as he clears his throat.
he scans the items quickly, “that’ll be $8.97.” he states; not a single slick remark left in him. melissa inserts her card, finishing the transaction without another word. she storms out of the supermarket with you in tow, trying to catch up to her as you follow her to her car. when you’re both strapped in, the car starts and the ride is quiet for the first minute and a half. you hate awkward silences, especially with her. “i honestly forgot i even tried dating when i first moved here.” you pipe up.
“well maybe now you can give her a call, since you’re no longer busy and adjusting.” she mocks your lame excuse from a few minutes ago, and you frown. “i didn’t— the reason i didn’t call her back wasn’t because i was adjusting—“ you try to explain yourself, but melissa cuts you off. “you don’t have to explain yourself to me. we’re friends, i don’t care who you go on lousy dates with.” her voice is harsh, and it’s a tone you recognize all too well. it’s the same one she uses when she used to have her walls up high, refusing to let you get even a glimpse into her mind.
she doesn’t allow you to tell her it was solely because you didn’t want to call tracy again. the dates were terrible; the entire time you were just pretending to be someone you’re not. you only forced yourself to go because you had been living here for a month, and hadn’t made a single friend. melissa stubbornly cooks dinner, and the conversation through the night is short. you aren’t used to it, and it hurts. but you convince yourself tomorrow she’ll be ready to talk about it.
but the next morning, melissa must’ve left for work earlier than usual because you don’t see her in the elevator. you text her to have a good day, but never get a response. throughout the day you can’t help but think about her, and you wonder why she became so closed off after finding out about your meaningless dates with tracy. you understood she might’ve been a little jealous; sometimes you got jealous whenever she spoke about joe. but she seemed so genuinely upset, all you wanted to do was figure out what was going through her head.
you decide to make her some pumpkin carrot cake before heading to her apartment for dinner. it’s nearly six when you’re finished, and you place it in a tupperware nicely for her. you’re practicing in your head what you want to say to her tonight, and how you should assess the situation. by the time you knock on her door you have a simple smile on your face, and the door swings open, the sight nearly causing your eyes to bug out of their sockets.
melissa was wearing a tight black dress that hugged her body perfectly, and enhanced every single curve. the exposed cleavage caused you to force your eyes on hers in order not to sneak a longer peak. your hopeful smile falls a bit when you notice the hard expression on her face. before she can even ask you anything, you begin blabbering like you usually do. “look, i know you said we’re just friends, but there’s more to us than just that… we both know it. we may not have ever talked about it or what it means, but i haven’t dated anyone since this started…” you ramble, and melissa’s eyes soften for a split second, her hard facade slipping as a wave of panic washes over her.
“y/n—“ she tries, but the voice behind her is interrupting, causing your heart to fall right into your stomach. “everything okay, red?” a deep, unfamiliar voice asks, causing you to freeze. melissa suddenly has this unrecognizable expression of regret on her face. “y-yeah everything’s fine, gar.” she says back, “gary? as in the vending machine guy who’s been flirting with you all year, gary?” you ask in disbelief, and a slight bit of anger is mixed into your voice. she had been so upset about you going on a few dates with tracy before you two were even friends, and now she was here having a romantic dinner with gary. you could even smell the type of food she made him.
“he’s been asking me all year, and i decided since it’s been awhile since i’ve been on a date, i should get back out there.” melissa says the words she’s practiced saying to you in her head. she knew you’d come over today, you always do. she knew you’d see her with gary, and maybe she wanted that. she wanted you to feel how she felt when she saw you and tracy. though as you stare up at her with this kicked puppy-dog expression, she knows you aren’t feeling what she was feeling yesterday. you’re just straight up hurt and it’s written all over your face.
you glance down at the stupid dessert you spent all afternoon perfecting. “well, this is for you, because i wanted to apologize for upsetting you. i can see now you weren’t upset at all.” you have to force yourself to speak, and you surprisingly hold it together as you shove the tupperware in melissa’s hands. you turn to walk back into your apartment, and a wave of regret flashes over the redhead. melissa reaches out for you, “y/n, wait—“ a firm but soft hand wraps around your wrist, but you pull it away from her as you spin around and flash her a dejected look. the sight breaks her heart in two.
“it’s fine. you were right; we’re friends. you don’t have to explain yourself to me. i don’t care who you go on dates with.” you throw the words back in her face, and there’s a flicker of emotions on her face but you turn away and disappear into your apartment. melissa stands there staring at your door; she looks down at the cake in her hands and she hates how tight her chest gets. it’s like her heart might pop in her chest. she doesn’t feel the way she thought she would, and suddenly she mentally curses herself for thinking it’d feel good to hurt you.
melissa is off her game at work the next day. she texts you, and for the first time since you two became friends, you’re the one who doesn’t reply. the redhead realizes she made a mistake. instead of talking about her insecurities or how hurt she was when she saw you and tracy, she ended up jumping the gun and going out with the safest option. gary.
in truth she did like gary; maybe not enough to want to date him, but she found him moderately attractive. she also thought he was pretty funny, and he appears to like her a lot. though none of that was anything compared to what she felt for you. melissa could not stop thinking about you and that hurt face of yours all day. she even decides to cook your favorite food for dinner.
but when six-thirty rolls around, and you still haven’t knocked on her door, there’s a sinking sensation in her stomach. melissa huffs as she looks at the dinner she prepared, and thought of it going to waste angered her. or maybe it was the thought of you just standing her up, even though it’s not like she personally invited you tonight. maybe you think she’s with gary again.
usually melissa is very stubborn, and she would never consider going across the hall and begging you… but she can’t get you out of her damn head. so she takes her ass straight to your door, not even bothering to close hers. she knocks on your door vigorously, not stopping once until the door swings open to reveal you. your hair is damp, and you’re in an old oversized tee shirt; the printing was faded but the hem reached just below your thighs. melissa had to refrain herself from gazing down at your smooth legs.
“i cooked dinner and you’re ready for bed, what gives?” she questions, hating how she sounds like a petulant child. you look a bit surprised to see her, “don’t you have a date with gary and his mustache?” you ask a bit bitterly, and melissa scowls. “it was just dinner, y/n.” the redhead says, and you gaze up into her eyes. “dinner like we have?” you ask, and she huffs in response. “that’s different and you know it! you said it yourself yesterday, there’s more to us than just that.” she reminds you.
“i was clearly wrong.” you sound abnormally stubborn, and melissa sighs in frustration. “i’m not going to see gary again, kid. so just come on over and sit down for dinner.” she commands, and you shake your head defiantly.
“no.” you retort, and she raises a brow, obviously shocked by the disobedience. “no?” she asks you in the warning tone she uses whenever one of her students is testing her. “that’s right, i’m saying no. ever since this started, i’ve always done what you say. i go at your pace, i wake up earlier just to see you, i don’t bake anything with chocolate because you hate chocolate. did you know it’s my favorite? i do whatever you ask to satisfy you. i put my feelings to the side, just to make sure yours are valid. all for my efforts to be outweighed by a guy who restocks the gushers in the vending machine.” you stress, sounding reasonably upset.
“why did you even get so upset about tracy the other day if you were planning on going out with gary? i don’t understand you.” you add, and the dam melissa built to keep her emotions in abruptly bursts. “exactly! you don’t understand me! you’re this young kid who has her whole life to look forward to. this is just a passing moment in your life; this apartment, this city, our dinners, me.” her voice lowers, “you got your whole life ahead of ya, you shouldn’t waste it tryin’ ta’ understand me. you should be dating girls like tracy who are equipped with all sorts of emotions, and able to give you what you need.” she adds, and you frown as she pours her heart out to you. she appears to be full of regret, and vulnerability.
“and what exactly do i need, lissa?” you can’t help but ask, and she runs her fingers through her soft red locks. “you need someone who’ll take care of ya, and show ya how much they care about you. you need someone who isn’t old and afraid of what everyone else thinks. maybe someone who wouldn’t completely embarrass the shit out of ya whenever you decide to take them back to your hometown…” she trails off, now she’s avoiding your eyes and the abnormal, unconfident demeanor causes you to frown. you practically worship the ground melissa walks on; even if she didn’t know it, you were completely enamored by her. it frustrates you to know she doesn’t put herself on a similar pedestal.
“you are the most beautiful woman i’ve ever laid eyes on. when i met you, i felt this instant pull that i had never felt before. god, i don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone as pretty as you, and it makes me so mad that you don’t think of yourself that way. i love you, you know? everything about you; the crinkles by your eyes whenever you smile, the way you curse when you’re angry, your southern philly accent… that irritated frown on your face whenever you’re upset.” you begin to get lost in your words, the space between you both getting smaller and unnoticed. her heart palpitates as you rave on and on about her with this genuine expression of stringent affection.
“you have all these amazing qualities, and you sell yourself short. you’re the best freakin’ cook in the world; the best and sexiest teacher in the world; you’re tough as nails; you have this energy that follows you, it’s fierce and warm. just like you. and as for your age, it’s hard for me too…” the last comment makes her eyes harden, and you’re quick to add, “… but it’s not because i think you’re old, mel. it’s because sometimes i feel like you don’t think of me as your equal. you just think of me as this young kid who’s a burden. but i know who i am, and what i want. i keep a memory of everything you do in the back of my head, and the space in my mind you take up is only getting bigger and bigger. you’re it for me, i’m positive, because how can i see anyone else when you’re engraved in my mind and heart?” you ask her, pouring your whole heart out to her.
your eyes widen when you see the tears threatening to fall from her delicate green eyes. “that’s— that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me… you— that was more romantic than the vows at my wedding…” melissa’s voice cracks and she tries to put on that stony facade, but it doesn’t work. your words seemed to have broken one of the steel walls she puts up; it’s crumbled into millions of pieces and left her exposed in front of you. her eyes are unguarded and her expression is fragile. she feels so small.
“you can’t just say things like that!” she snaps, her voice higher than usual. you shake your head, “why not? you deserve to hear more good things about yourself, and i can go on all night.” you sheepishly admit, and melissa’s eyes soften when they meet yours. “you really feel that way about me? even though i’m probably older than your mom?” she half jokes, but the self-doubt is leaking through her tone. “you are definitely way hotter than my mother.” you mutter, and melissa gasps but can’t manage to fight to the grin that’s tugging at her lips.
“gee kid, you feel all of that for me and have never even tried ta’ kiss me? what gives?” you can hear the genuine curiosity behind the playful question, and your cheeks turn an embarrassing shade of pink. “i didn’t… i didn’t think you wanted me. i mean, yesterday when i saw you with hulk hogan—“ she cuts in, “gary.” she corrects and you scowl cutely, “whatever. when i saw you with him it kind of reminded me you’re a woman who needs someone to take care of you and i… i’m just a kid.” you look down at your sock covered feet, and before you can even think about anything else, melissa is cupping your face and making you face her.
her lips are on yours in an instant, and the butterflies in your belly begin to repopulate one by one. she pulls away before you can think twice, “you’re not just a kid to me. you’re a good person, y/n. i’m sorry i was so immature about everything.” she sounds ashamed, but the sincerity in her voice makes your heart speed up. your cheeks burn and maybe the kiss sweetened you up a bit. “it’s okay, lissa. i understand… next time just talk to me.” you assure her and she smirks. “or i can just kiss ya again and see where that gets me.” she half jokes, making you grin.
“or that too.”
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Family Bbq.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - hi everyone! after taking a couple of weeks off im so happy to be back and creating content for you all it truly is my happy place. thank you to everyone who reached out it truly meant a lot. so as a thank you present have this. fyi, even though we don’t know gemmas daughters name, for the purposes of this fic she is named willow. ☺️
word count - 2.2k
in which, with a rare day of sunshine in london, harry and the missus decide to throw a little bbq where all of the close family are invited, drinks are spilled, games a played and memories are created that last a life time.
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The rare sight of sunshine streams through your London window, bringing a smile to your lips.
Harry, always the planner, had seen the forecast and organised a family BBQ. He invited his family to stay for a few days, eager to make the most of the bright weather.
In the kitchen, you’re busy getting everything ready.
The countertops are filled with fresh ingredients, and the delicious aroma of marinating meat fills the air.
Since you told your two-year-old son, Jaxon, that his Nana would be coming, he’s been running around the house chanting “Nana’s coming!” with infectious excitement.
The sound of his little feet pattering around and his joyous cries fill your home, adding to the warmth of the sunny days ahead.
As you chop vegetables and prepare the grill, you can’t help but feel the anticipation building, knowing these days will be special with family together and the rare London sunshine.
Harry’s currently in the shower, whilst Jaxon plays in his ball out in front of you whilst coco-melon plays on the tv, his eyes hooked onto the dancing fruits.
You’re chopping vegetables when, about ten minutes later, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
The familiar tattoos lining the left arm and the scent of his aftershave make you smile. His damp hair from his shower brushes against the back of your neck as he leans his head into the crook of your shoulder.
“Need any help?” Harry murmurs, his voice warm and comforting.
“Everything’s almost ready,,” you reply with a grin, leaning back into his embrace.
He chuckles softly, his breath tickling your ear. “It smells delicious.”
As you continue preparing, Harry’s arms remain around you, a comforting presence. The anticipation of a family gathering and the promise of sunshine create a perfect blend of happiness, making these days feel all the more special.
Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Jaxon’s head pops up from the ball pit he’s been playing in, his eyes wide with excitement. Both you and Harry can’t help but laugh at the adorable sight.
“Nana?” Jaxon asks, his voice filled with hope.
Harry releases you and walks toward the door. He peeks out the windows next to it and smiles. “It is Nana, and more,” he announces, turning the knob and swinging the door open.
On the other side stands his mother, Anne, along with his sister Gemma, her boyfriend Michal, and their five-month-old daughter, Willow. The whole group beams as Harry steps forward to greet them. He hugs each one tightly, pressing a tender kiss to Willow’s head, making her giggle softly.
“Hey, come on in.”Harry exclaims, joy evident in his voice.
Jaxon, unable to contain his excitement, bolts from the ball pit and runs straight into Anne’s arms. She scoops him up, holding him close, their bond palpable and heartwarming.
“Hewwo, Nana!” Jaxon squeals, his face lighting up.
“Hello, my little love!” Anne says, her voice full of affection.
“Nana, you came!” Jaxon continues, clinging to her.
“Of course I did, darling. I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Anne replies, kissing his forehead.
Gemma steps forward, hugging you warmly. “The weather’s perfect for this, isn’t it?” she says with a smile.
“Absolutely,” you agree, glancing outside at the bright, sunny day. “H has been planning this for days.”
Michal, carrying Willow, joins the conversation. “Smells amazing in here. What’s cooking?”
“Just getting everything ready for the BBQ,” you say, pointing to the countertops filled with food. “Make yourselves at home. We’ve got plenty of time to catch up.”
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A little while later, the garden is filled with the mouthwatering aroma of food cooking on the BBQ.
Harry and Michal take turns at the grill, and currently, it’s Michal’s turn to cook the burgers. He flips them with ease, the sizzle a satisfying sound in the warm afternoon air.
Nearby, Harry is playing bean bag toss with Jaxon. Anne sits on the grass next to them with Willow on her lap, gently bouncing her and cooing softly.
“Come on, Jax, y’can do it!” Harry encourages, handing Jaxon a bean bag.
“I Fwrow it, Dada!” Jaxon giggles, his small hands gripping the bean bag tightly before tossing it with all his might. The bean bag lands just shy of the target, and Jaxon laughs in delight.
“Almost there, buddy! One more try,” Harry says, clapping his hands.
Anne watches them with a smile.
“You’re getting so good at this, Jax,” she praises, her eyes twinkling with pride.
“Tank you, Nana!” Jaxon replies, beaming up at her.
Willow gurgles happily on Anne’s lap, her tiny hands reaching out to grab at the grass. Anne chuckles, adjusting Willow’s sunhat. “You’re having fun too, aren’t you, little one?”
Michal calls out from the grill, “Burgers are almost ready! Who’s hungry?”
“I am!” Jaxon shouts excitedly, dropping his bean bag and running toward the BBQ.
“Hold on, buddy. S’wait until they’re off the grill,” Harry says, following him and lifting him up so he can see the burgers cooking. “See how they’re sizzling? That means they’re almost done.”
“Mmm, smells so good, Dada,” Jaxon says, wrinkling his nose in delight.
You and Gemma were sat around the pool in the garden, sitting on some sun loungers.
“So, how’s everything going with you?” you ask, adjusting your sunhat.
Gemma sighs contentedly. “It’s been a busy few months. Between work and looking after Willow, things are non-stop. But it’s all good.”
“I can imagine,” you say, nodding sympathetically. “How’s Michal handling everything?”
“He’s been fantastic,” Gemma replies, smiling. “He’s really stepped up with Willow. It’s been a bit of a juggling act, but we’re managing.”
“That’s great to hear,” you say. “It must be nice to have some help. How’s Willow adjusting?”
“She’s doing well,” Gemma says. “She’s growing so fast and is quite the little explorer already. Every day is something new with her.”
“I bet,” you say, smiling. “I remember when Jax was her age, it goes by so fast honestly, and he loves having her around. He’s always so excited to see her.”
“It’s sweet seeing them together,” Gemma agrees. “They’re already forming quite the bond.”
“Definitely,” you say. “It’s wonderful to have family moments like this. I’ve missed having everyone together.”
“Me too,” Gemma says, looking around at the garden. “It’s nice to just relax and catch up. We should make sure to do this more often.”
“Absolutely,” you reply. “These days are precious. We need to hold onto them.”
“Food’s ready, everyone!”
You and Gemma stand up from your sun loungers and make your way over to the long table set up in the garden. The table is adorned with colorful plates, fresh salads, and a variety of grilled meats.
You sit down next to Harry, who’s busy serving up the food. He places a juicy burger and a piece of grilled chicken onto your plate, making sure you have everything you need. As he leans in close, his voice drops to a seductive whisper.
“And y’can have the sausage later,” he murmurs in your ear, a playful grin on his face.
You choke on your own breath, caught off guard by his cheeky comment.
“Harry!” you gasp, trying to regain your composure as a flush spreads across your cheeks.
He chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
“Just teasing, love,” he says, giving your hand a quick squeeze before moving on to serve the others.
Gemma glances over with a knowing smile, shaking her head in amusement.
“You two are something else,” she says, settling into her seat.
“What would you like, prince?” you ask, smiling and making eye contact with your little one.
“Chickie and ketchup, pwease,” Jaxon replies, his eyes bright with excitement.
You nod and carefully place a piece of grilled chicken on his plate.
“Okay, sweetie, I’ll get that for you.” You then grab the ketchup bottle and add a generous dollop to his plate.
With a smile, you start cutting up the chicken into smaller pieces. “Is this good, Jax?”
He watches intently, nodding eagerly. “Yup, tank you, Mama!”
“There you go,” you say, handing him the plate. “Enjoy your food.”
Jaxon immediately dips a piece of chicken into the ketchup and takes a bite, his face lighting up with delight. “Mmm, yummy!”
You chuckle, watching him happily. “I’m glad you like it, sweetheart. If you need anything else, just let me know.”
Anne lifts her glass of wine into the air with a warm, radiant smile.
“I’d like to make a toast,” she says, her voice carrying over the chatter.
Harry and Michal each hold up a bottle of Budweiser, while you and Gemma raise your glasses of wine. Even Jaxon, sitting at his spot, holds his sippy cup of fruit juice up high.
“To family,” Anne begins, her eyes sparkling. “To sunny days like today, and to making wonderful memories together. May we always find reasons to celebrate and enjoy each other’s company.”
With that, everyone clinks their drinks together.
“Cheers!” you all echo, raising your glasses and cups in unison.
“Cheers!” Jaxon shouts, grinning from ear to ear as he clinks his sippy cup against the edge of the table.
Everyone laughs.
“So, have you been watching the new season of Below Deck lately?” Gemma muses, stabbing her fork into a bit of chicken.
Harry groans softly and mutters under his breath, “Here we go,” knowing full well how much you love the show.
You laugh, catching Harry’s comment. “Yes, I’ve been keeping up with it. The new crew is something else this season. I can’t believe some of the drama that's happening .”
Gemma nods eagerly. “I know, right? The tension between the crew is intense. And the new chief steward is so different from the last one.”
“I’ve been hooked,” you admit.
Harry, shaking his head with a playful smile, adds, “I guess it’s good to know that Below Deck keeps you entertained.”
You turn to him with a mischievous grin. “Hey, H, since you know I love the show so much, how about you take us all on a super yacht sometime? It could be our very own Below Deck experience!”
Harry laughs and shakes his head. “Sure, I’ll just add that to the list of things to do. Maybe one day we’ll make it happen.”
Your husband pulled his phone out of his pocket and made himself a reminder to inquire about it later.
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It’s around three o’clock in the afternoon, and the sun is casting a warm, golden glow over the garden.
The table is still surrounded by the remnants of lunch, and the conversation has settled into a comfortable hum of relaxation.
You’re sitting with Anne, enjoying a peaceful moment as you sip your wine and chat about the latest family news.
Jaxon, having played around the garden with his father and uncle and enjoyed a hearty meal, wanders over to you with a soft, contented expression on his face.
He tugs gently at your sleeve and looks up with wide, trusting eyes.
“Mama,” he says softly, “milk pwease?”
You smile warmly at him, feeling your heart swell.
“Of course, sweetheart,” you reply. You lift him onto your lap, gently adjusting him so he’s comfortable. With a loving touch, you help him settle in, and he begins to breastfeed, his little hands resting on your arm.
Anne, recognizing the need for a bit of privacy, gives you both a tender smile and gracefully steps back, taking a seat at the far end of the table.
“I’ll give you two some space,” she says softly. “Enjoy this quiet moment.”
As Jaxon feeds, you stroke his hair and whisper soothing words to him. “You’re such a good boy, Jax. Mama loves you so much.”
He responds with a soft murmur, his eyes fluttering closed as he begins to relax.
“Luv you, Mama,” he murmurs, his voice growing quieter.
You continue to talk to him gently, your words flowing like a comforting lullaby.
“I’m so glad we’re spending this day together. Look at how happy everyone is. It’s perfect, isn’t it?”
Jaxon nods slowly, his tiny frame snuggling closer to you.
“Yup,” he whispers, his breathing steady and calm.
Harry, having finished chatting with Michal and Gemma, notices the peaceful scene and walks over. He carefully lowers himself into the seat next to you, glancing at the two of you with a soft, affectionate smile.
“How’s my little guy doing?” he asks quietly, trying not to disturb the moment.
You look up at him with a warm smile. “He’s doing great. Just enjoying a quiet moment with Mama.”
Harry reaches over and gently strokes Jaxon’s head, his touch tender and loving. “He looks so peaceful. S’moments like these that make everything worth it.”
You nod in agreement, your heart full. “Absolutely. It’s these simple, quiet moments that mean the most.”
Jaxon stirs slightly but doesn’t fully wake, his contented sighs the only indication of his presence. You continue to hold him close, enjoying the closeness and the gentle rhythm of his breathing.
Harry leans back in his chair, watching with a fond expression. “M’glad we could all be together today. S’been perfect.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” you say softly, looking at him with love. “It’s days like this that remind me of how lucky we are.”
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frickingnerd · 10 months
gilbert blythe telling you "i love you" for the first time
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pairing: gilbert blythe x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, unspecified relationship (implied romance)
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the first time gilbert said those three little words to you was on a sunny spring evening
after school, he had walked you home but on your way there the two of you got sidetracked and ended up strolling through the woods, just talking and laughing together
eventually, you two ended up near a small lake and took a break there
while gilbert sat down near the water, you picked a few flowers that grew nearby, holding them in your hands and admiring them
your eyes were fixated on the pretty flowers, while gilbert's eyes were glued to you
he sat there in silence, until those three little words just spilled over his lips, as if he couldn't keep them to himself anymore
"i love you…"
the way he said those words, you could've sworn that he never said them to anyone else before, nor would he ever tell anyone else
it was like those words were just for you to hear…
when you whipped your head around to look surprised at gilbert, he just smiled softly and apologized
"that came out of nowhere, i'm sorry…"
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fanfiction-she-wrote · 3 months
MC: You cheater! How could you do this to me?!
Sebastian: We both knew it was inevitable! I wish there was another way, but I did what I had to do.
MC: That’s it. I’m leaving, and I’m taking Ominis with me.
Anne, picking up the Gobstones: That’s enough for one day.
Ominis, already walking towards the door with MC: Same time next week?
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4theluvofsapphos · 8 months
Butterfingers - ch.1
pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Futch Mechanic!Reader
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a/n: HI FIRST MEL FIC AHFUDJ the worms…the voices…. anyways i don’t usually describe reader since i know that can take away from the experience but a tall buff himbo futch reader x a petite angry italian is just too good 😭 enjoy! i plan for there for be some possible smutty smut in the FARRRR future but this is first and foremost melissa learning how to love again!!-
chapter 2 here
“I didn’t know we had a new vending machine guy! Gregory, we have a new vending machine guy!” Janine looked to Gregory, who in turn nodded and looked up from his laptop.
“I noticed…uh- hi, by the way. That’s Janine, I’m Gregory.”
You looked to the two from your kneeling position by the old vending machine, matching names to faces before clearing your throat to introduce yourself in turn.
“Hi Gregory, Janine…my name I-“
“Who the HELL took my mug?!” A loud voice bellowed from across the room, the doorway now occupied by a stout looking redhead, and an angry one at that.
“…Which mug? Oh..” Gregory immediately blurted out, looking from his to the sink’s counter. “I thought- I figured this was a communal mug, was this- not a communal mug? I’m sorry, I- I’ll just go get a new mug for you Melissa-“
The fiery features of the redhead son softened, her brow knitting together in confusion. “Did ya not read the front? It says ‘Schemmenti’s the best teacher ever’ on the front, see?” The woman marched over to where Gregory stood, spinning the mug around with her one hand and pointing with the other.
“Right, okay. To be fair, I am not enough of a cryptologist to decipher 2nd grader writing. But now that you said it- I…I definitely see it, yeah.”
You stayed kneeled on the floor, Janine blocking your view slightly, and Gregory standing in the way of the redhead’s sightline. She hadn’t yet seen you, and you didn’t know whether to feel grateful or petrified…A mixture of both swirled in the pit of your stomach, growing heavier with each passing moment. Janine then turned to look at you, smiling sheepishly and sidestepping to walk towards the pair.
“Hey so Melissa- Uhm…you left the mug here yesterday, so I cleaned it for you and put it on the rack to dry. I’m sorry if that was what caused all this.” The woman, who’s name you now knew was Melissa, seemed dissatisfied with this explanation.
“Look hon, next time you don’t know, just ask?”
“Sure, yes, of course! You’re right. Sorry Melissa.” The young teacher bowed her head, nodding in agreement and proceeding to stand awkwardly next to Melissa for the next minute or so in silence.
After Gregory had settled back into his seat, the previously controversial mug now emptied into a default ‘employee lounge’ mug. You had continued your work quietly, not looking at the room much to avoid the palpable tension. As a couple more teachers filed in, a young twinkish teacher, and a teacher that seemed around Melissa’s age. She gave you a small smile, introducing herself as Barbara. In return, you told her your name, shaking her hand gently, before asking if she had any requests for the machine.
“Me? Oh, no.” She waved the question off with a dismissive hand,”However, if you want to make some friends, I’d ask the others.” She then gestured to the few that sat a few feet away.
“Gushers. Please.” Janine blurted, grinning. “The other guy used to bring in Gushers, but since Meliss-“ Gregory held up his hand, cutting off his coworker.
”Nah ah ah- not important. You want Gushers- she wants Gushers, please.” Janine nodded excitedly, and you smiled back.
“Uhh, Gushers? Sure! I can probably find something at the warehouse.”
“I got a guy that works at a candy store.” A voice piped up from the table to your right. You looked to see it was Melissa, fork in hand, what looked to be some leftover ‘rigatoni Calabrese’ in her Tupperware.
“Oh! It’s no worries. I remember seeing a few packages on the east wing by the back. I can bring them tomorrow, if I have time.” You reply, standing up to talk properly with the others. Melissa watched you carefully, seeming to hold your gaze with a challenge behind her own. For what, you weren’t sure…But you were feeling the heat from her, and it was making your palms sweat. It wasn’t about the fact that she was glaring you down— it was the way she was doing it that made you nervous. You weren’t a small girl by any means. You were nearly 6’2”, with enough workouts in you to put a bouncer to sleep. The problem was that you knew she didn’t like you.
Melissa glared with contempt. Behind her eyes, the gears were churning up something ugly.
You weren’t the guy she knew, why should she trust you? The last one went horribly wrong, why wouldn’t this one?
Regardless of your social standing with her, you took a few steps towards her, offering your best smile. “Well, do you want anything for the vending machine? I have no problem stocking it.”
You had been working there for a few days at this point, but most of your job consisted of doing maintenance on the vending machines in the cafeteria and halls. But after your employer noted an extra vending machine in a non-documented area, you did some digging and found that the previous technician noted an extra vending machine in the employee lounge…thus— here you were.
Melissa replied by shooting you a pointed look. “No. I’m fine.” After a long pause, she tacked on a little ‘thanks, though’ at the end. You nodded, taking your queue to head back to the machine. As you finished loading the already available inventory, the teachers all began to head back to their classrooms.
When you got up, you expected to see the room empty. You were wrong— Melissa stood behind you, her controversial mug in hand, and an unreadable look on her face. You cracked a little smile, clearing the hair from your face and setting down the empty box you were about to leave with.
“You got Butterfingers?” She asked, raising a brow.
“Oh- I don’t- I’m sorry! Did I drop something?” You looked around the floor, trying to think if you recall dropping any inventory while you were stocking.
“No! I meant the candy, hon.” She sighed, pinching her brow and shaking her head slightly. You felt your face go red with embarrassment at the misunderstanding. She seemed to be amused, but you felt stupid.
“That- that makes a lot more sense. I have Butterfingers, yeah! Would you like me to stock some..?” She thought for a moment, and shook her head.
“It’s— kind of a guilty pleasure. You think ya got any more discreet ways to slip me one or two every now and then?”
You looked to the machine, then back to Melissa, before nodding. “I can do that…no problemo!” You gave her a little thumbs up, picking up your empty box, before heading for the door.
She followed after you, giving you a small smile and nodding. “Maybe you ain’t so bad. Thanks, hon…my name’s Melissa, by the way.” She held the door with her foot, looking up at you when she spoke.
You looked over to her, chuckling lightly. “Pleasure to meet you, Melissa. I’m y/n. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Before you headed down the hall, you looked to her coat. It was a nice leather jacket that you felt matched her tough exterior. “I like your jacket, by the way. It suits you.”
“Yeah? Thanks.” She offered, but the appreciation seemed rehearsed. Something in her eyes faltered, before she turned on her heel and quickly left in the direction of what you presumed to be her classroom.
Melissa Schemmenti was an enigma to you. But you would figure her out eventually. It couldn’t hurt…could it?
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annievrse · 1 year
it's a bad idea, right?
eren x fem!reader —ᡣ𐭩 fic summary: seeing your ex after a night out… it’s a bad idea, right? cw: 18+, smut (afab!reader, unprotected sex, creampie), exes to lovers, swearing. w/c: 4.5k a/n: first time writing a ~proper~ smut, kinda bad, kinda fucking terrified to post but, we move 💪 olivia's new song is perfect for an exes to lovers whore such as myself, so i had to use it in a fic. enjoy :)
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Despite having the same friends, you hadn’t seen or heard from your ex for 2 months. The break-up was mutual, something about growing apart and wanting different things. Sure, you were upset, devastated even, but something inside you that knew you’d hold him again. And somehow, that one sliver of hope had wrapped around your heart and held it hostage. 
It’s how you found yourself at Moose with your two friends, Hitch and Annie, on the brink of passing out. The club’s multicoloured lights gave you a headache, and the generous amount of alcohol you had consumed an hour earlier started to wear off, but you continued to dance, laugh, and sing with the two girls. 
You held your phone in your hand as you threw your arms in the air. The room was lively and had been the best night you’d had at Moose in the past few months (or maybe it was because you knew who would call you tonight…). 
But when Hitch slapped you on the arm, and the phone in your hand started vibrating simultaneously, you had an inkling of who was calling.
“Don’t answer it,” Hitch yelled over the music, her eyes narrowed. 
You shrugged and, without looking, declined the call. “Who was it?”
“Don’t act dumb,” She shook her head, still jumping around. 
You rolled your lips between your teeth, and your heart started pounding faster. There was only one person who could elicit that tone from Hitch. 
You kept a playful smile on your face, and it remained when your phone rang again. But, this time, you faced the screen toward your body so the girls wouldn’t see. 
Eren’s name flashed on the screen, along with his contact photo: him with bedhead, shirtless, with the biggest smile on his face. Why his contact was still in your phone, with that specific photo, was beyond you, but all questions were out of your head when you turned around and left the dance floor without explanation. 
Swiping right to answer, you brought your phone to your ear. “What?” It probably wasn’t the most polite thing to say, but you were half-drunk, and your feet hurt. 
“Hi to you too, baby.” 
The tone of his voice sent shivers down your spine. It was the first time you’d heard his voice in months. 
“Eren,” You said, squeezing through groups to get to the bar. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m great, actually, now that I’m talking to you.”  
You could hear the smirk in his voice over the music, and that’s when you could tell you were in trouble. “What’s up?” 
He hummed into the receiver, but you could barely catch it. “Wanna come over tonight?” 
“Why?” You asked, but it was playful. 
“I got a new place. Wanna give you a tour.” 
“Do you? Well, where was this call, I don’t know, a month ago?” 
Eren groaned into his phone. “Just come! Please, I miss you.” 
You paused as you were adjusting your spot on the bar stool. “You want me to come over?” 
“Do you want to come over?” 
“Yes,” Your voice was breathless as you answered, and Eren’s soft laughter in the background wasn’t helping. “As friends.” 
“Okay, yeah. I’ll text you the address, bestie,” He said. “Can’t wait to see you.” 
And then he hung up. You knew what he wanted because you wanted it too. 
Flashes of Eren played on a loop in your head: the last time you saw him, the first time, him smiling at you in that cocky way of his, his body on top of yours, his under yours… it was insanity.
“Why’d you leave?” Hitch shouted in your ear. You jumped, a guilty look on your face that you hoped she and Annie wouldn’t notice. 
“I feel sick. I think I might go home,” You cringed at how the words came out of your mouth. 
And when Annie side-eyed Hitch, you knew they knew you were lying. 
“I’ll just get an Uber,” You unlocked your phone and clicked on the app, receiving a text from Eren simultaneously. 
How convenient. 
Typing in 843 Campanula Street, CS Apartments, you knew you should stop, but you couldn’t. A car popped up: 5 minutes away. 
Getting up to leave, you knew they would follow you outside. So, you held Hitch’s hand and pulled her, who pulled Annie out of the crowd and out of the entrance. You adjusted your purse on your shoulder and stepped out into the warm night air. 
“You should probably not see Eren tonight. You’re not in the right headspace,” Hitch said behind you. She knew you were lying about feeling sick, so you may as well play into it.
“Can’t two people reconnect?” You teased, glancing over your shoulder. 
“Bullshit,” Annie stated boredly. 
Blah, blah, blah… Eren, Eren, Eren…
“Listen, I only see him as a friend,” You rolled your eyes. “We’re done, we’re through, we’re never ever getting back together, okay?” 
Hitch and Annie shared a look. You’d just told the biggest lie you’ve ever said. 
“What’s the worst that could happen?” You looked down the road for your Uber.
Then Hitch choked out a laugh and Annie sighed. You furrowed your eyebrows. 
“We just don’t want you to get hurt again,” Hitch said softly after she finished coughing. 
You shook your head. “I won’t. Besides, I’m going straight home. I’ll ask him what’s up in the morning.” 
Hitch nodded knowingly. “Yeah, okay. Have fun at home. Text us when you get there.” 
Your Uber pulled up next to the curb. You smiled at Hitch and wrapped your arms around her neck. “See you.”
Turning toward Annie, you only grinned, making her look more bored. “Don’t be an idiot.” 
You threw your hands up in defence. “I’m not. I’m going home.”
“Bye then,” Annie waved and turned to reenter the club. Hitch stayed a little longer to ensure the Uber left, waving enthusiastically after it. 
You knew you should stop, but you couldn’t. 
Fuck it, it’s fine. 
When the elevator dinged, you stepped out onto the second floor. It was a nice complex with white walls, gold door handles, and dark, clean carpet, an upgrade from his previous apartment complex just off-campus. 
The floor was quiet for a Saturday night, except for the bass from party music coming from the lower floor. The carpet was plush under your feet, and the hanging lights were gold too. Maybe you were more tipsy than you thought as you picked out details you would’ve before. 
You saw nobody as you passed the first apartments. But, as you turned the corner of the hallway, Eren was standing in the doorway of the last apartment with a cocky grin. 
“Hey,” he called. You looked around and hushed him. It was 1am, after all. “Pish, they’re probably all out anyway.”
You felt your face heat up when you got closer, feeling self-conscious in your party dress and shoeless feet. But you couldn’t stop looking at him. Somehow, in the last 2 months, Eren had gotten more attractive. His black t-shirt was taut against his chest and biceps. His hair was pulled back into its usual half-bun, but the pieces in the front made him look prettier. You swore you’d seen someone much hotter for your sanity, but nobody came to mind. God, he really encapsulated everything you’d ever want and need. 
“Seeing you tonight… It’s a bad idea, right?” You giggled, swinging your heels in your hand. 
“I’d say it’s the best idea ever, but depends on who you ask,” His eyes raked up your body as you walked toward him. “Besides, just friends, right?”
The dimple you’d missed appeared on his cheek as he smirked, and your confidence grew. 
“We’re the best of friends,” At the sound of your voice so low and sultry, Eren blinked. 
His tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip, and when you reached him, his hands wrapped around your shoulders, pulling your cheek flush against his chest. The action didn’t surprise you because you would do the same. 
“Hi,” He whispered before pushing you away, his hands still on your shoulders.
You were going to speak, but your brain short-circuited. The rational side of your brain continuously asked you why, why, why, while the other side screamed at you to kiss him. It was a jumble of static and blah, blah, blah… Eren, Eren, Eren… 
All you could think about was him. 
Fuck it, it’s fine!
“Wanna show me,” You paused, flickering your eyes to his. The usual bright green of his eyes turned darker, and his grip on your shoulders tightened—his hands were burning your skin. “The apartment?” 
This seemed to snap Eren out of his daze because he shook his head to rid his thoughts, then nodded, stepping back and widening the door to welcome you. 
“Uh, yeah, so…” Eren stumbled, closing the door behind him. “This is the apartment.” 
You walked inside, placing your purse on the granite kitchen counter and your heels on the floor. 
“It’s lovely,” You muttered. From the couch to the posters and photos on the walls, it was so Eren, but it was mature. And it was lovely, different, attractive, but your attention wasn’t on the decor. It was on the owner of said decor, but you weren’t going to make that obvious yet. 
Eren rubbed the back of his neck as he watched you look around the space: into the open-plan living room, down the small hallway to the bathroom and the spare bedroom, and then back into the kitchen and to the lone door on the other side of the living room. 
“Your bedroom?” You asked, your voice light. You weren’t giving anything away yet. It was risky being here in the first place. There were reasons why you broke up, but you didn’t care at that moment. This was more fun than ignoring each other. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Eren teased, breaking out of his frozen state to meet you at the door. 
The air was charged like it used to be, but you dismissed it, making a beeline for the couch—a large L-shaped black leather lounge. As soon as you sat down, all the aching in your back dissipated as you sunk deeper into the throw cushions. You groaned in relaxation, propping your feet up.
“Why do you always get the comfiest couches?” You closed your eyes. “S’not fair.” 
Eren didn’t say anything as you shuffled around to get comfortable, pulling the hem of your dress down your legs. He looked at the clock on the wall in the kitchen. 01:47.
“You tired, hm?” He asked, and you nodded, pretending to yawn. Eren narrowed his eyes when you did so. He’d seen that action before, the lesser version of your actual yawn—he’d seen the real one too many times to know when you were faking. 
“Guess I’ll take you home then.” 
Your eyes snapped open, and you shook your head. But when you saw Eren, a cocky smirk rested on his face, much like when you arrived. 
“I knew you were faking,” He laughed, stalking toward you. You pouted and looked up at him, your gaze catching his for a second before you looked away. 
“A more detailed tour, please,” You reached out your hand, and Eren pulled you up. 
The momentary touch of skin on skin was enough to fry your brain for a few minutes as you mechanically followed him into the bathroom, where you washed your face with his face wash, then into the spare bedroom to look at the view from the window, and finally, into Eren’s bedroom off the living room. 
Nothing was said as you entered, but the smell of his room was the same as it had always been—it was just in a different space without you to experience it. Cedar, geranium, bergamot, apple. It was the scent you bought him for his 19th birthday 4 years ago when you first started dating. You were stepping into a time machine, and all the emotions that came with it hit you in the face. 
You willed yourself not to cry as you turned your back to him to look over his desk. You ignored the few extra things he’d gathered without you in the two months you’d be apart, but it was all the same. It was Eren. 
“You like it?” He mumbled, the heat on your back making sense. You didn’t realise how close he was standing until he spoke, his hands on the desk beside you, caging you in. 
“It’s very you, Ren. The whole thing,” You spun around, your hips against his. “I really like it.” 
He smiled in relief and let his eyes wander your expression, recounting every mark, pore, scar on your face that he had memorised. It was all the same. You were still you. 
“I’m glad,” He breathed. “Thanks, bestie.” 
But you didn’t laugh. Your eyes were focused on his mouth. The realisation made Eren lick his lips again, but you noticed they twitched with anticipation this time. 
“This okay?” You whispered, slowly wounding your arms around his neck and pushing your hips harder against his. 
“You’re kidding, right?” He smirked, gaining his confidence back. His hands slid from the desk to your hips, and he leaned closer, breaths mixing, lips lingering. “I missed you so fucking much.” 
Eren’s lips brushed yours as he spoke. And you almost caved. Your fingers played with the loose hairs of his half-bun, and the action reminded you that you’d done this before, more than you could count—but never in the situation you were in right then. 
“Fuck it.” 
You don’t know who made the first move, but soon Eren was swiping everything off his desk and onto the floor so he could lift you onto his desk. You spread your legs apart and locked your ankles around his hips, pulling him closer. The kisses were sloppy and hasty, making up for lost time. You smiled when he began pushing the hem of your dress higher, his teeth tapping yours as he grinned too. 
Panting into each other’s mouths, you slid your hands down his chest and into the waistband of his sweatpants. 
“I want these off,” You mumbled, getting your nails under his briefs and pulling them down with his pants.
“Well, I want this off,” Eren laughed, reaching behind you to fiddle with the zipper on the back. The sudden exposure of your back to the hot air of his bedroom sent goosebumps over your skin. 
The front of your dress began to loosen, and soon, Eren pulled away from you, his hands carefully dragging the straps of your dress down your arms. His sweats were halfway down his legs, and his briefs sat awkwardly over his ass, but he couldn’t care less, not when you looked the way you did. 
The more you reflect on that night, the more you disagree. The thought of being in a club not an hour ago left you feeling gross and probably smelling gross too. But at that moment, you didn’t care because you were with him, in his new room and apartment, and all you could think about was him.
Blah, blah, blah… Eren, Eren, Eren… 
Eren laughed breathlessly at the sight of your tits, and when your dress was at your waist, he cupped them with his palms. “Fuck, I missed you.” 
Blah, blah, blah… Eren, Eren, Eren… 
When Eren leaned down to press kisses to your neck, you reached your hands to play with his hair again. “I… missed you… too.”
“Tell me what you want,” He breathed heavily into the space under your ear when he heard you struggle around the words. 
You whined in response, tilting your head back.
He laughed lowly. “I know you know how to use your words, pretty girl.” 
The pet name caused a moan to escape your throat, and soon you were clenching around nothing. Your mind was far away, head in the clouds, from being with him like this again. “You…” 
“Where?” He pulled away from your neck, his lips plump. “Where do you want me?” 
“Eren…” You frowned, eyes half-lidded as you looked at him. Eren’s eyes retraced your expression, his hands brushing stray strands from your face. 
A cheeky grin spread across his cheeks. “You’re so damn cute.” 
“Everywhere,” You finalised, leaning up to capture his lips with yours. 
Eren got the message and wrapped his large hands under your thighs to pick you up. Your legs remained around him as he expertly approached the bed without looking. 
“Gotten a lot of practice at that?” You joked, breathless. 
But, Eren shook his head and kissed your cheek. “There’s only ever been you.” 
The thought brought heat to your ears, cheeks, and body, and soon, you were burning. “Me too.” 
“Fuck,” He half-laughed, half-groaned, laying you on the bed. Eren gave you a crazy grin before he opened his mouth, biting your shoulder. You tried to push him away, giggling, but you never forgot his strength. He went down your body, pulling your dress down your legs as he went, leaving open-mouthed kisses on your stomach. Gripping the sheets, you arched, keening into him, chasing the buzz of his lips and the feverish marks they leave. But before he reached your underwear, he sat back his heels and pulled his shirt over his head by the back collar—like he always did. 
There was nothing to be shy about, you’d done this a thousand times with him, but you placed a hand on your torso nonetheless. When Eren noticed this, he furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Nuh, uh, no being shy around me,” he whispered and picked your hand up, holding it as he leaned over you. You quickly spread your legs to make room for him between them, and he wasted no time filling the space, tucking his other arm underneath your shoulders and lifting you up so your chests were flush. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and will ever see, understand? Us not being together doesn’t change that.” 
You sighed, tears springing in the corners of your eyes. Maybe it was the moment or the weeks of not speaking to the one man you trusted with your life, but you couldn’t help the words that tumbled out next. 
“I love you,” You mumbled, lifting your free hand up to fun through his hair, pulling the rest out of the bun. 
Eren smiled a tender smile you knew all too well, which he reserved for you during moments like this. “And I love you. I’m gonna show you how much, okay? Will you let me do that?” Eren’s voice was soft and warm, your skin ablaze, and your heart grew tenfold. 
You nodded, searching his eyes with your own. All you saw was tenderness, infatuation, and everything you had grown accustomed to in the last 4 years. You pressed your lips against him in a quick peck in response to his original question. 
Eren laid your body back onto the bed, trailing his hand down your side and into your underwear. You gasped at the coldness of his fingers as they dragged through your slit. 
“So wet, baby,” Two of his fingers started rubbing circles around your clit, making you arch into him. “Miss me?” 
“I thought we’d already established that, Jaeger… shit,” You squeezed your eyes shut when he pushed two fingers into you. 
“Don’t get sassy with me. You know how that goes,” Eren smirked, watching you fall apart from just his fingers. 
“Eren, don’t—oh fuck,” You moaned as soon as you felt his fingers go precisely where they needed to, his thumb on your clit. He knew you inside out, and you knew he was getting off on that thought. 
Pure white pleasure set fire to your insides as you climaxed, though the embarrassment of cumming so hard on just his fingers never came. Because it always ended like this. 
You looked down at your hips, where his hand was inside your underwear, and nearly blacked out from the sheer familiarity of your first time with him. “Take those off right now. We are not repeating our first time.” 
Eren barked a laugh, shaking his head as he pulled them down your legs. “I thought it’d be cute,” He mumbled. 
“Get up here,” You scolded, but the demand was lazy and playful, making Eren want you more (if possible).
He climbed up your body again, his pants and briefs on the floor, as his cock rested against your stomach when he kissed you. There was no time to be wasted, not when you’d waited months for this to feel him again. You always knew you would hold him again. 
Eren sat up, and you wrapped your hand around his cock, lazily pumping him a few times. He was hot and heavy in your fist, and the feeling was delicious. “I haven’t even touched you yet,” You giggled. 
His eyes found your core, where you were dripping onto his dark sheets and clenching nothing, and the sight made Eren moan and screw his eyes closed. “It’s just you… fuck Y/n.” 
And then you took your hand off him, and Eren’s jaw fell open, looking down at you.
“C’mon,” He whined, and you shook your head, laying back on his bed. 
“Fuck me, Eren.” 
At your crude words, Eren bit his bottom lip to stop his smile. “Yes, ma’am.” 
He hovered over you, his hair brushing your cheeks as he looked down to guide himself into you. He ran his cock through your folds a few times, causing you to jolt, before he sunk the tip into you. 
The stretch was like coming home after a long time away, burning with slight pain before the pleasure took over. You welcomed him back into you. Circling your arms around his neck, you buried your hands in his dark locks, pulling the way you knew he loved. 
“Jesus,” Eren cursed lowly when he bottomed out; the sensation of you around him was one he’d never forget. “You good?” 
“Yeah, baby,” You squeezed his sides with your knees, dragging your nails softly along his scalp. He didn’t move for a beat, eyes trained on your nose's scrunch and relieved smile. 
“Good girl,” He whispered, pecking your lips as he rocked in and out of you. Your hands pulled at his hair harder than before, and he groaned into your lips, your mouths touching but not kissing. “You’re so tight, fuck.”
And when he picked up his pace, you cried out into his mouth, the feeling and sound of his body on top of yours familiar and obscene. Above you, Eren made the pretty sounds you’d once begged to hear again. And soon, perhaps too soon, your stomach twisted into a coil again, his thrusts becoming too much when he continually hit that one spot like he always did. His voice became rough and desperate, panting your name before the volume increased. 
Words tumbled out of his mouth sloppily, curses and jumbled questions, and your name. His usual deep groans turned to whimpers, and the sound made you reach your high faster. 
“Close?’” Eren asked, running a hand down your body to find your clit, fingers slippery as they circled quick. 
“Mmhm, yeah,” You mumbled, nodding sporadically and arching your body to mould to his, his name falling from your lips like a prayer. 
And then, the coil in your stomach snapped, and the white-hot flash that burned you from inside set you ablaze. Your body opened up for him, and Eren chased to meet you at the top, his movements becoming sloppy as he fucked you through your high. You’re too sensitive, warm, and wet, but Eren came inside, filling you fully.
He groaned deep into your ear, shuddering, and at that moment, you vowed to never let him go again.
After your activities last night, Eren gave you his favourite t-shirt and wrapped you up nice and tight in his sheets. You kissed him repeatedly, making promises under the blanket of night, the moon your witness. Never again would you leave, not when you knew him like you did, when you’d spent four years of your life moulding to each other. You cried, Eren cried, you laughed, he held you, you flicked his forehead, he tickled you. It was like you’d never said the words that caused the downward spiral of your life in the first place. 
Reaching over to grab your phone off the bedside table, your notifications were filled with messages on messages from your group chat with Hitch and Annie, and… Reiner?
07:24 Hitch: Where are you?????? Answer pls!!!!
07:59 Annie: Y/n istg 
08:50 You: Sorry I was asleep
08:50 Hitch: Thank god 
08:51 Hitch: We’re gonna facetime rn 
You groaned and turned your head toward a sleeping Eren. His hair was all over the place, his face innocent and soft, his skin golden and back bare. He was all you could ever want and more.
You slowly lifted the charcoal grey duvet to swing your legs out and sat up. Your entire body ached, and your legs shook as you stood up. Stifling a laugh of embarrassment, you tiptoed out of his room, careful of the one creaking floorboard he’d warned you about the night before.
It wasn’t until you got to the living room that your phone vibrated with an incoming group Facetime. 
“Hi,” You said tiredly, trying to block as much background as possible; they knew your apartment better than you did. 
“Good morning,” Hitch glared through the screen. Annie said nothing. 
“What happened to your neck? Hm?” The brunette asked, her voice accusatory. 
You moved toward the couch, sitting on the lush black leather, tucking a pillow behind your back. “Oh, I tripped and fell—”
“Yeah, into Eren’s bed,” Annie cut you off. 
Hitch muffled a laugh, and you stared at her in disbelief. 
Your mouth opened and closed with no sound. “No?” You visibly cringed when the usual statement came out as a question. 
“Y/n!” Hitch yelled, a smile taking over her false scold. Annie rolled her eyes with a hint of a smirk. Then, all that could be heard was laughter. 
“Well, at least you’re okay. I mean, it’s just Eren,” Hitch giggled. You smiled at her, grateful for your friends. 
“Oh! Reiner texted me too,” You suddenly remembered seeing his name on your lock screen. 
“Reiner?” The confusion in Hitch’s voice matched the thoughts in your mind. Why would Reiner text you privately?
You clicked around your phone until you opened Reiner’s message. 
02:49 Reiner: i’m happy for u and all, but pls stfu
But you couldn't find it in yourself to care, even after the realisation that all your friends knew you'd slept together washed over you. Because all you cared about was him.
Blah, blah, blah… Eren, Eren, Eren…
a/n: prologue
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fallingfor-fics · 2 months
Anything: Melissa Schemmenti x reader
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here is part 2 to Meetings in Secret!!
Pairing: Step-Aunt Melissa x Step-Niece Reader (not blood relatives!!)
Word count: almost 9k
Warnings: fooling around with your step-moms sister, mild smut, fingering, reader goes down on mel, some angst, drug and alcohol usage
Summary: Melissa is staying over for New Years and lets just say a lot of stuff happens in the span of 48 hours.
not very well proofread tbh
Melissa was set to arrive at your house the day before New Years Eve, and of course your family was having a huge gathering at Mary and Melissa’s brothers bar. They were going to have fireworks for the count down, tons of food, and live music. That meant there was no way you were gonna miss out on a party like this. Thankfully you got lucky and your mom wanted you to spend the first day Melissa was in town with her, so you agreed to give yourself an extra day of mental preparation. That meant when you returned home from a night at your moms, you saw Melissa’s car in the driveway, and let out a deep sigh. You’d be lying if you said you didn't put on a little makeup before getting out of the car even if you were about to go shower it all off. You noticed Mary's car was gone and you furrowed your brows. You walked up and unlocked the door, walking in and looking around. It was dead quiet aside from the muffled sounds of a TV coming from the living room. You walked in and saw your dad on the couch.
“Oh hey. Where is everyone?” you asked as you went to get a cup of water. 
“They ran out to get stuff for the food they are taking to the party tonight. We are leaving at 6 are you riding with us or following up?” he asked as his eyes remained on the TV
“Um, I will ride with.” You said and he nodded.
“Great, I'm gonna go shower.” You walked to your room to set your things down and you looked at the door to the guest room, it was cracked slightly and you could feel the lingering presence Melissa left behind. You shook your head and headed into the shower. The one thing you hated about this bathroom was how badly it fogged up, it would get steamy and humid and you hated getting dressed in there, so usually you would just dry your hair a bit and wrap a towel around yourself, and then go get dressed in your room. So you did, stepping out on the towel you put down, drying your feet, and then drying your hair. You opened the bathroom door and the cool air hit your damp skin causing you to shiver, you moved to round the corner out of the bathroom and that's when you saw, standing in front of the door to the guest room, your angel. She was paused on her phone, one hand on the door. You knew there was no sneaking by and if you moved the few feet to your room she would see so you just took a deep breath and decided to be brave. You opened your mouth to speak but you couldn't find the words, what were you supposed to say to her after all these months? Soon you  saw your cat coming out of your room and she looked up at you and you looked at her pleading, she just blinked and then meowed loudly. You shut your eyes and sighed before looking over. Melissa heard the cry and turned with a smile on her face that soon faded when she saw you. You stood in front of her, hair dripping around you, water trickling down your arm slowly, your skin glistening from the dew of your shower. Your hand was clutched around the towel, pressing your breasts together, your cleavage on display and you had the most frightened yet desperate look in your eyes as they laid on her. 
“Hey” was all you could choke out and her lip twitched into a smile at the sound of your voice.
“Hey hon.” she replied and you smiled. You decided you didn't have to stand here anymore, and turned to walk to your room. You shut the door, locking it and let out a sigh.  Melissa let out her own breath she was holding in the whole interaction, and went into her room. God that was awkward, was all you could think. Despite your heart racing you thought it didn't go too bad, but definitely less dramatic than you thought it’d be. As you did every step of your routine you wondered what Melissa was thinking after that interaction. Did she care at all? 
To go out, you put on a black mini skirt and sparkly top along with sheer black tights, and some black leather boots to match your leather jacket you were bringing in case you stepped outside. Before fully dressing, you put on a silk robe to wear while you did your makeup and hair. However, you needed your blow dryer next and you remembered it was in the guest bathroom that was in Melissa’s room. You let out a sigh as you realized and cursed under your breath before going back to adding the finishing touches to your face. With a tight chest and almost dry hair from the procrastinating, you walked over to her door and knocked gently. She answered and you felt your stomach fill with butterflies at the sight of her, her own hair and makeup was already done, but she was also only wearing a robe, her lacy bra-clad breasts peaked out and you swallowed as you kept your gaze on her face, her eyes were sparkling with surprise and confusion, and you felt your throat get dry. 
“Um, my blow dryer is in the bottom drawer of the vanity.” you said softly and she nodded moving out of the way slowly. You walked in quickly and grabbed the hair utensil before walking towards the door. 
“So you’re going with us tonight?” she asked in the midst of the silence and you stopped, looking at her slowly. 
“Yup I'm riding up with y’all.” you nodded then turned on your heel and walked to your room. 
By the time everyone was ready it was a little past six, and you were grabbing your purse and heading to the door. Your dad was already in the car warming it up, and you learned Jude was at Anthony’s and was going to ride with him. Which meant it would just be you and Melissa in the backseat, for the thirty minute drive. You went and got in, sitting behind your dad and facing towards the window, the less contact the better. After a few minutes, Mary and her came walking out, locking the door and coming up to the truck. You didnt turn to look at anyone, and just kept your gaze out the window. 
“You got the jalapeno poppers right, Melissa?” Mary asked and with a crinkle of tin foil Melissa confirmed as she set the tray between the two of you. She looked at you as she did and you could feel her eyes tracing your silhouette but you continued to look away. The drive was going fast as you zoned out, looking at the scenery and the lights sparkling in the dark distance. You sighed and your breath fogged the window and you drew a star watching as it faded just as you made the fifth point. 
“So Y/n how was your mom’s?” Mary asked kindly from the front and you looked up at her, Melissa's gaze on you could be seen in your peripheral vision. 
“It was good to see her.” Was all you said and you looked back out the window. You didn't really like to get into the situation with your mom, but Mary was very respectful about that so she just nodded. 
Soon you were arriving at the bar, mingling, and drinking with people. The friends you had invited got there soon after and you were hanging out with them before they had to leave to go to their own family's parties. Of course you didn't tell them about Melissa, so you tried your best to lay low and avoided her for most of the night. You had grabbed a beer and stepped outside, taking a break from dancing and going to get some air. The air was crisp and made your cheeks tingle, and the moon reflected off the blanket of snow surrounding everything. Some people nearby had already started shooting off fireworks so there were a good amount of people outside too. There was still thirty minutes til midnight, but a lot of people were already getting ready. 
You rested your hands on the wooden railing of the porch, and looked out at the sky as you sipped your drink and tuned out the faint popping noises. You had a few drinks in you and you were feeling pretty good, but you decided to pull out your cigarettes from your purse, the crumpled pack you kept on hand for times like this. You took one out and looked for your lighter, you heard a flick and looked up, a taller man with dark hair and scruff held out his hand with a flame ignited from a silver lighter, you looked at him as you moved, lighting yours and then moving back, you held up the pack to him and he shook his head. 
“Thanks.” you said finally as you breathed out.
“No problem. Im TJ.” he said with a nod and you nodded in response. 
“Y/n. Are you part of the party or just here at the bar?” you asked as you took a drag and blew it away from him. 
“I'm here with the family, I'm John's son.” you nodded and looked down to hide your awkward face. 
“Cool, Mary is my step-mom.” you said quietly as you looked anywhere but at him. You felt him stand closer as he stood against the railing and looked at you.
“Do you go to school around here? You’re in college right?”
“Yeah, my school isn't too far out from here, but I still stay on campus.” you finished and he nodded, taking a sip of his own beer in hand. 
“Do you, uh, have a boyfriend?” he asked and you were surprised by his boldness, you smoked awkwardly as you thought of how to respond. To be honest he was a very attractive guy, but you had put a pause on dating men awhile ago and you didn't want to kick off the new year with one. Unbeknownst to you, Melissa was watching the boy flirt from her spot at the bar inside. She saw your body standing close to his through the large windows and she felt her jaw clench as she watched him smile and talk at you with smothering confidence. She could tell you weren't interested, she knew he was far from your type and she debated going over there. 
People were getting restless and antsy in anticipation for the countdown, and Melissa did want to get some fresh air. She shook her head at her subconscious offering up reasons to go see you. She knew she needed to stay away from you, give you space, and let you live your life. She had to keep whatever forest fire of drama she would bring to your life far from you. Still there were hooks in her stomach that just pulled her to you. 
As she stood at the bar, the dim lights giving everything a beautiful glow, she admired the way you spoke. The way your pouty lips curled around the filter, and blew out the smoke. She didn't even know you smoke but she didn't seem to care. Her eyes softened at the sight of your reddening cheeks and nose, and she smiled as she looked you up and down, admiring your legs that stood out in the open air beneath a very sheer black tight. She watched as your eyes began to flutter as you looked up at the man and she furrowed her brows in suspicion. What could he have said that all of the sudden had you batting your lashes up at him?
“Yeah I'll get you a drink girl, just wait here.” TJ said before walking inside and you let out a relieved sigh. Your fake smile drops as you put out your cigarette and throw it away along with your empty bottle. 
Melissa watches as TJ walks up next to her to ask the bartender for another one of your drinks and a drink for himself and she can't help the smirk on her face as she looks at you waiting patiently, cutely. Of course you were conning a man for a drink, she laughed at the idea since it only made her more fond of you and your brilliant mind. 
“Hey Aunt Mel.” TJ spoke and she reluctantly muttered a response. He walked back out to you and she felt her chest tense up with envy. There was an urge deep in her stomach that made her unable to keep her eyes off of you. She wanted to be the person you were talking to at a bar on New Years. A loud voice caught her attention and she looked over to her cousin telling everyone there was only ten minutes left. She let out a huff and sipped her beer, looking back out the window at you.
“Yeah so it can get pretty intense but I like it.” TJ said after finishing his fifth sentence about himself. His low voice had long ago been tuned out and you stood mindlessly nodding and humming in agreement. 
“Do you want to kiss at midnight?” he said with a clear voice and you felt your cheeks grow red. He went right out and asked and you had to give him credit for the bravery, but now you were left there. Melissa managed to hear the question when a passerby opened the door outside for a brief moment and she quickly felt her arms grow itchy and hot as her blood rose in temperature. Why this was bothering her so much she didn't understand. She wished she didn't care, but she did and the jealousy moving through her veins made her neck twitch. It grew worse when she saw you turn to face him, looking up at him once again with starry eyes. However this time she saw you say something and then turn to walk towards the door. Crowds of people were all around fitting tightly in the bar and the live music echoing throughout the high ceiling created a busy atmosphere. Melissa watched you walk in and start to weave through people, a hunch gave her an idea of where you were going and she pushed herself off the bar and walked towards the back. She saw you walking towards the hall of the restroom and she casually sped up to reach you. 
“Y/n” She grabbed your elbow, pulling you back firmly before pushing you against the wall. After the initial shock wore off, and you registered who you were looking at, you threw her hands off you and tried to step back, your back against the wall stopping you. If only you could melt through walls you would be able to solve this problem.
“Ugh I just have to pee. Leave me alone.” Was all you said as you pushed past her and went into the restroom. You were fairly tipsy and this isn't something you wanted to deal with right now, especially not with midnight being minutes away. Was it a little presumptive, probably, but in the moment your dazed brain couldn't think of anything else to say. Thankfully she didn't follow you in, and you looked at yourself in the mirror as you washed your hands, nose and cheeks red from the cold. You patted under your eye and touched up what you could with your finger before finishing up and then taking a breath and heading back out. To your surprise Melissa wasn't there and you began to wonder if it was a hallucination. 
 You decided to go outside for the countdown, your friends had all left already and you didn't feel like being around that many strangers right now. There was a hill right off the porch that overlooked a lake, a skyline of the city behind it. Of course some people were sitting down by the lake to watch the fireworks, and you remembered you needed a glass of champagne, grabbing one from a table inside, before heading outside. You looked around for a place to stand and looked down at your phone, two minutes. Soon you felt a hand grasp your upper arm firmly and pull you and you looked to see red hair and a sparkly top. You didn't protest and just followed as she pulled you around to the back of the bar. It was down hill and out of view from most that would recognize you, and you huffed as she pushed you against the building once again. The number of patterns between you two was getting frightening at this rate.  
“Jesus Melissa, what do you want from me?” you asked, frustration evident in your voice as you crossed your arms.
“What were you doing flirtin with TJ?” she asked firmly and you made a face at the question. 
“I wasn't, what were you stalking me?” you scoffed as you rolled your eyes, Melissa grabbed your jaw and you looked at her as she smiled. 
“Just can't help yourself huh? You just go for anyone that gives you attention?” she laughed and you huffed looking down.
“No, Melissa, you were the only one and you know it, thats what makes this so fucked up. But you know that too.” you said with a hint of sarcasm, grabbing her hand from your jaw and pulling it off. You grabbed her belt loops and turned to push her against the wall now, you retracted your arms to sit across your chest. She looked at you with shock, speechless from what you had said and the action that followed. Suddenly roars of cheers could be heard as people started counting down from ten. 
“Y/n, I-” her lip twitched and she just looked over your face as you stared at her with undeserving compassion. The look in your eyes only made it harder for her to resist you, though you almost looked at her with an innocent pity. She saw your pupils shrink and your eyes grow darker as you furrowed your brows and shook your head slightly. 
“You want me to tell you what you wanna hear? Right? Well, this is all you, Melissa. So make a decision and stop fucking with me.” you spat out in frustration, your eyes beginning to brim with tears from the pent up emotions. Suddenly everyone started to yell ‘Happy New Year’ from the top of their lungs and Melissa laughed, grabbing your hips with force and pulling you into her. Her hand found your jaw once again and gripped it tightly as she kissed you with passion and fire. She quickly turned you so you were against the wall again and you felt your back being pushed hard into the rough brick of the building. Her tongue roamed your mouth without shame and you couldn't help the moan that crawled up your throat at the motions. Forceful hands gripped your hips, her thumbs digging into the flesh below your hip bone and her own breasts pressed into yours. When you heard a loud final cheer you pushed her face away from yours, her mouth attempting to meet yours again in a reflex before she pulled back and looked at your reddening face. 
“Fuck- No we have to stop.” she said looking down and you rolled your eyes as you shook your head in annoyance. 
“Happy fuckin new year Melissa.” you scoffed, shoving her away from you with little effort and walking up the hill with a slight stumble, and then back inside. You felt frustration build up again and your cheeks grew hot. You sped to the bathroom and locked yourself in a stall before small tears fell and you wiped them quickly, sniffling a bit from the cold. Melissa stringing you all around was giving you a headache, and every rejection from her you went through chipped away at your faith and ego. After gathering all the pieces of you again you let out an exhausted sigh and exited the restroom. You found your dad and told him you were ready to go and he sighed. If it wasn't for Jude also wanting to leave you would have had to stay longer, but your dad drove the both of you home and dropped you off before driving back. 
“Why did you leave early?” Jude asked as you unlocked the door and you shrugged. 
“I was just tired, you?” he nodded. 
“It was too loud and I'm still hungover from last night.” he admitted and you laughed.
“Anthony?” you asked with a brow raised and he nodded. “Glad you're being cautious.” you nodded and he said goodnight as you parted ways. The moment it was just you and yourself you felt your chest sink in. A weight was placed that you couldn't shake and caused you to wash your face and brush your teeth before crawling into bed and turning out the light. 
You didn't wake up until one in the afternoon.
You woke up from the light in your room along with the sound of people talking in the kitchen and you sighed. You turned over grabbing your phone and felt a slight twinge of shame at the sight of the time. You hated sleeping this late. Below it sat messages from Mary and your dad asking you if you wanted to go with everyone to their sisters house, followed by messages from a few minutes ago that said they were leaving since you didn't answer. You weren't upset in the slightest and took the opportunity to just rot back into bed and not leave until this weekend was over.
Eventually you had fallen asleep and when you woke back up the sun had started setting. With a long sigh you slinked out of bed and walked to the bathroom. You decided to shower to get the sleep and lingering Melissa off of you, and you seemed to not be able to think of anything else. In the shower and as you got out all you could do was think about her, and her lips on yours. The sweet sounds of her moans, the way she felt under your touch and against you. All these months, you had almost forgotten how she felt and reacted to things. These thoughts of her would get smothered by memories of her continuous rejections. It was the back and forth that made it so unbearable. You just needed her to decide and to stop being such a selfish, beautiful, two-sided-- a knock at the door interrupted your thoughts and you furrowed your brows. You got up and walked to your door, opening it slowly and feeling your lungs tighten when your eyes land on Melissa. Your brows furrowed and you ran a hand along your forehead with an annoyed groan. While it may have been a childish action, you didn't care because it was how you felt.
“Please just- can we talk?” she said in a steady and calm tone, deep and raspy yet kind. She was never bothered by your “immature” gestures.
“Is everyone back?” you asked, looking out of your room and she nodded. 
“Jude went to Anthony’s and your dad and Mary went to bed.” she replied and you turned to look at your clock, realizing it was nine already. You frowned when you realized how much time you lost thinking about her. Then your eyes went wide when you remembered you had plans tonight. 
“Oh I actually can't talk right now, my friends are coming to get me at ten we are going out for a new year celebration.” You said apologetically before moving into your room to start setting out your clothes and shoes. Melissa stepped in and shut the door slightly behind her.
“Does your dad know?” she asked and you shook your head.
“Considering I haven't talked to him since he drove me home, I'm gonna say no.” you fixed your hair and did some light but flattering makeup. In your vanity mirror you could see Melissa looking around your room, soaking up bits of your life and personality through the posters and trinkets scattered neatly around. 
Melissa knew she was in no place to tell you it was not safe to go out tonight, or that you should just stay home since its late, but as she watched you do your makeup she felt her heart ache and she sighed shaking her head, she had to stop these feelings now before they got worse. She had to stop observing you behaving.. domestically. It only made her chest hurt more. 
“Hon, I'm sorry for last night.” she said softly and you looked at her through the mirror and just put on a smile for her.
“Dont worry about it.” After adding the finishing touches you stood up and grabbed your dress. The air in your bedroom grew heavy as you looked up at her and your hands held the dark fabric. 
“Sorry,” she turned around and you blushed as you got dressed, “I just want you to know it won't happen again, and it's my last night and I think from now on if I come to town i'll just stay in a hotel to be safe.” she said all of this so casually, facing away from you and fidgeting with her fingers, but her voice was so neutral. You looked at her as you slipped your pants off and paused to think. The tone and words Melissa was speaking out made a funk wash over you that you couldn't quite name. While you had said you wanted her to make a decision, the way she was acting was making you feel insignificant. Like all her words were phrased like the beginning or end of an email. 
“I don't think that's necessary, I'm perfectly capable of being normal.” You slipped on your dress and stepped into your shoes. 
“I'm sure you are but, y/n,” she let out a huff and looked down and you furrowed your brows, sensing the shift in energy. You walked closer and she let in a breath, “I don't know if I can stay away from you. You're just too… ethereal.” she said with a small laugh at the last word. You don't know why but all you felt was anger washing over you rapidly at her use of the word. The word you searched so hard for to describe her so she knew just how radiant she had looked to you,  only to be turned away and scolded for it. Now, all these months later, she begins to understand its meaning and uses it to for you?
“Melissa.” you said firmly, now standing right behind her, your hand coming to her shoulder to let her turn back around. “You use that word like it didn't cause you to nearly jump away from me when I said it to you.” You kept your chin high and your back straight, hoping she didnt see through the fake confidence and find out how much she intimidated you.
“I know. Baby I think you are phenomenal, but this thing would only cause trouble.” she said gesturing between the two of you and you scoffed as you rolled your eyes. Just when you thought she was trying to be genuine, she throws another cliche. You grab your purse and phone and look at her with a small scowl.
“It already has. Don't worry though, if you say it's over, it's over.” you brushed past her and headed out, your friends ready to pick you up outside.
It had been awhile since you had been under the influence of anything that wasn't weed or alcohol, but when you got in the car after Melissa's revelations, your friend's friend offered you some ecstasy and well of course you did not decline in your current state. However, you were having a delightful time because of this fact. You were hardly thinking of Melissa, and you were just happily dancing with your friends, and drinking some cocktails. It was all around a great night until suddenly everything went downhill really fast when you went to the restroom and were waiting in the line. There were three women ahead of you and you just scrolled on your phone as you waited. You came across a picture Melissa put on instagram and you felt your stomach twirl and you furrowed your brows. You soon felt an ache between your legs and you let out a small sigh. You forgot the increased libido that can sometimes come with this substance.
When it was finally your turn you went in to pee and looked up at the wall in front of you. Your eyes widened when you saw a particular writing amongst all the scribbles and words on the walls that stood out to you. Though you knew it was a mere coincidence, seeing a heart etched around an M and your own initial, caused you to let out a pathetic laugh. You hurried up to finish and looked at it closely once more. How cheesy and cliche this marking was, yet staring at it gave you an eerie and looming feeling you again, couldn't describe. You felt a sadness take over when thoughts of your redhead flooded your mind. You took a picture and exited the restroom, walking to find your friends. Now the woman was present in your mind and she wouldn't leave. She was everywhere you looked, and everything your friends talked about would somehow bring a memory of her. She had infiltrated your thoughts so much even the red club lights made you think of her.
“Guys Peter is fucked up we gotta go.” one of your other friends said coming over and you all stood up and nodded as you gathered your things. You got dropped off first and said good night to everyone before entering your home as quiet as possible. It was almost three in the morning so you were trying to be super cautious. After taking off your shoes and setting your purse down you went to the bathroom but paused when you saw Melissa's light was still on. You could hear the TV faintly and what you assumed was movement. Most of the effects of the drug had worn off and now you were left with the deadly combination of arousal, alcohol, and anger. 
You went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer to nurse for the next hour since you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep. All you could think of at this moment was the fact that the beautiful woman that you had the most passionate and pleasurable sexual experience you have ever had in your life was less than two inches of wood away from you. You decided to say screw it and grabbed your phone, texting her as you sat in your room. 
Are you still up? I see your light on.
She didn't say anything and you huffed. Damn, what were you doing? All that whining and complaining about wanting her to make a choice and she does and now you are picking for her attention. Hypocrisy didn't feel good, but seeing Melissa would and that's all you wanted in this moment. Thankfully you always have the drugs to blame if not. 
Yeah. Can't sleep. 
You looked at the message with a small smirk and stood up, you checked your makeup in the mirror and fixed your hair. 
Did you just get home?
yeah. had to leave early.
Everything okay?
Your heart fluttered at her question and you sighed looking down at your phone. You could say yes, and then leave it alone, or you could say yes and ask her what she was doing. Your thumbs danced over your screen and you went to type when bubbles popped up.
Do you want to come talk about it?
You didn't say anything and sighed. You knew you should say no and go to sleep. To refuse and remind her this isn't what she said she wanted. You can just stay in here and save so much trouble. Your phone buzzed and you looked at a message from her. 
Who says anything has to happen, Sweetheart.
You felt a fire ignite between your legs at the message and you looked up at your door. Peaking out of it you looked at her door and saw the light was now dimmer, the glow of the TV seeming to be the only thing casting on the floor and out of the room. You took a breath and walked over quietly. Your parents room was on the other end of the house, but if you spoke loud enough they’d still hear you, so you tried your best to be smooth with your actions. A shaky hand reached out to the door handle and grabbed it gently, pushing down slowly before opening it slightly and stepping in. 
As you walked in you saw Melissa was in bed with her head propped up on her hand, she looked away from the TV to catch your gaze. She smiled at you with an almost sweet and pure grin that sent a shiver down your spine. It was a rather unusual expression to be displayed on her face. As heavy eyes traced her form under the covers, you didn't hesitate to walk over and pull the covers back slowly as you slipped into the bed with her. Your cold legs were met with the warmth of her body and you felt your thighs squeeze together at the realization you were once again in bed with Melissa Schemmenti. Slowly your eyes met hers and yours softened as you looked over her face. The light from the TV illuminated her beautifully, the colors popping off her cheeks and making her eyes sparkle, of course it was some rom-com playing too. Muffled voices from the TV swirled with quiet romantic music filled the air to allow for less awkward silence, and mixed with the thick tension between the two of you caused the atmosphere to be flawless. You reached your hand out to cup one of her cheeks and she looked down then at you, slightly taken aback as her eyes looked between yours trying her best to read your intentions hidden behind your doe eyes that didn't pull away from hers even to blink. 
“I don't want to talk about it Melissa.” was all you said in a low and desperate voice before you leaned in and pressed your lips to hers. You kissed her with passion and hunger, moving on top of her and stroking her cheek with your thumb. It was then as your legs tangled together that you realized she was only wearing underwear and a tight thin-strapped tank top with a v-shaped neckline that allowed for almost all her cleavage to be on display. You moaned into the kiss as Melissa moved her hands along your waist and to your hips, her fingers gripped them tightly and they found the hem of your own shirt, sliding it up slightly so her fingers could feel your skin. You moved a hand down her side, sliding it slowly over her stomach between your bodies, before moving down to gently brush your fingers over her clothed center. Her hips pushed up into you and you kissed her deeply, she moaned into your mouth and you felt your stomach flip and your core throb. Her hands moved from your hips to your ass, squeezing it firmly before she moved her hands back to your waist. She pulled away and her hand came to grip around your jaw as she admired your reddened face and shallow breathing. 
“Remember I call the shots sweetie.” she said in her velvety voice as she pushed her lips to yours with aggression. A pathetic moan slipped into her mouth and without a moment to catch a rhythm she took your bottom lip between her teeth, you moaned again as her knee went to press between your legs. Your kiss grew sloppy as you pushed down onto her knee and you felt her smile as she hummed in satisfaction. She pulled away and sat up and you grew fearful for a moment before she pulled back the covers and sat against the pillows and your breath hitched as you slowly moved up to her, she stopped you with her foot and you wrapped your hands around her ankle in a submissive gesture. With a desperate hand you grabbed her panties and pulled them off before setting them aside, your hands stroked up her calf as you continued to hold her leg, pressing kisses to her silky, soft skin. You went over her knee and started inside her thigh before her pulled you up to her lips with a harsh kiss.
“Good Girl.” she muttered breathily into the kiss as her hands tangled in your hair and you felt your brain melt at the line and the delivery. Your core ached for her and you couldn't help the touch starved nerves reacting to her heavenly grasp. You squeezed her breasts and she moaned which caused a cocky smirk to prick at your mouth and Melissa pulled back and a hand slid to your throat, squeezing ever so gently, before sliding down to rest in a V at the base of your neck, resting above your collarbones.
“Do you like making me feel good baby?” she teased and you nodded hesitantly, “Then don't get cocky about it. Now come on, we have to be quiet.” she quipped and you paused to make sure you weren't just dreaming and everything was going to disappear if you moved too quickly. She moved her hands to your shoulders and pushed you down and you quickly grasped what the gesture ment, your hands slowly ran down the sides of her thighs, you squeezed them, nails teasingly scratching down the sides of her soft skin. With one hand you pushed her shirt up to reveal her stomach, your palm resting flat on her stomach, trailing down to her lower stomach, you traced along the invisible band of panties, moving your hand to her hips. You leaned down and placed kisses to her upper thighs. Her plush and silky skin was irresistible and it made it hard to not soak in every inch of her. You looked up at her with a smile and her hand came to brush your hair from your face. Gentle kisses were placed along the crease between her thigh and stomach and she flinched slightly. You smiled against her skin and you soon felt her hand go to your hair and grip it with a mild force to warn you. With starstruck eyes you looked up at her as you kissed closer to her slit. 
“Come on sweetie, I need you now.” she spoke out softly and with a clear flustered tone. Mischievous eyes met her hazy ones and you kissed her center. You didn't waste any time and your lips met her clit, sucking and licking a stripe up her folds. Her hand gripped your hair tighter and you heard her breathing hitch. You smiled to yourself before moaning into her cunt as your tongue collected her slick, you wrapped your hands around her thighs to hold them in place, the pads of your fingers pressing down into her skin. The sweet, soft sounds that left Melissa’s lips painted her in a much different light than you were used to seeing from the rather feisty redhead. Instead here she was beneath you, yearning for you and whimpering as you moved your tongue in circles around her clit before pushing it inside her. Her head went back onto the pillow and her nails ran through your hair, gripping it as you felt the muscles of her thighs flex to move together. 
Melissa’s breath grew slow and shallow and you felt her back arching up slightly, you pulled away to breath, a small smirk and she looked down at you quickly. 
“The fuck are you doing.” she stated more so rather than asking.
“Breathing Melissa, give me a second baby. Fuck you really are so hot for me huh?” you laughed as you bit your lip with big eyes looking up at her with a seductive playfulness. The hand she had in your hair came down to your face, gently cupping your cheek before she gripped your jaw tightly. 
“Be a good girl or I will kick you out and finish myself off.” she hissed with a low voice and you felt your stomach grow hot as your core ached. She jerked your head slightly as she moved her hand back with attitude. It went to rest in your hair again, brushing it away from your face as you kissed her gently on her clit. You knew what she wanted, but as you held onto her, your head between her thighs and her fingers playing with you hair you realized at any moment this could all be gone, she could be gone, and you wouldnt get to live through this amazing of an experience ever again. She had done it to you before too, and that only worried you more. Therefore rushing through this was hard when all you wanted to do was soak up every inch of her body. The curves of her hips, the fold between her thigh and waist, the stretch marks along her bottom that ever so slightly stretch to the sides of her lower stomach like the stripes of a tiger. Her soft, radiant skin that tasted sweet and smelled of roses was a sensation you wouldn't forget. Your tongue flicked over her clit as you moved a hand to her center, shoving a finger in her without warning and moaning into her cunt. You closed your eyes to savor the moment, heightening your other senses. You could taste her sweetness and smell her scent, the sounds that left her pouty lips rang sweetly in your ear and created a rhythm with her heavy breathing. You inserted another finger and she let out a moan and you felt it send a jolt right to your own pussy. You pressed your thighs together and moved your fingers in and out of her slowly, stroking her inside with precision and delicacy. Her hips pushed up and your fingers went in deeper. 
“Fuck!” her raspy voice moaned out with more projection than intended and you squeezed her thigh tighter. 
“You have to be quiet.” you spoke quickly before continuing to suck on her clit with the rhythm of your fingers thrusting into her. 
“I'm almost there sweetie- yes god.” Her hand pulled your hair and her other gripped the sheets as her back arched up off the bed. You felt encouraged to speed up and use more force, your tongue pressed down firmly and her hips jutted slightly and you smiled, they rolled against your fingers and tongue as she breathed heavy. You looked up at her and the sight alone could replace any porno you could watch. Her hair and face was illuminated from the TV and her brows were pushed together as her teeth bit into her bottom lip, holding in a moan. Her chest was glistening ever so slightly from the sheen of erotics. You picked up the pace and felt her squeeze around your fingers, her hips grinded into you faster and you matched her pace, you moaned into her cunt, the vibrations causing a sensation to ripple through her clit and she whined through tight lips. 
“Fuck Im gonna cum baby.” she spoke heavily and her thighs squeezed around you as she came, her cunt hugging your fingers as you continued to move them. Her legs tensed up and her back was off the bed. Her hips didnt stop but slowed as she rode out her high and allowed her body to rest back on the bed fully, she caught her breath and opened her eyes finally looking down at you. You pulled your fingers out of her and she grabbed you hand keeping them inside of her and you felt your core tighten, you placed sloppy kisses on her inner thigh and she sighed. Slowly your fingers curled inside of her and she flinched with a grunt. You continued the motion and she sucked in a breath. You didn't tear your darkening eyes away from her sparkling ones as you moved your thumb to brush her clit. Both of her hands came up to rest on your shoulders, gripping them and stroking over them and over your biceps before back up and to your neck, they tangled in your hair and the action sent a chill up your spine. Your fingers moved faster and you felt her clench around you and you smiled at her. She bit her lip and her eyes grew hazy as she rapidly reached a second orgasm. She didn't allow her eyes to shut, wanting to watch you admire her as she came around your fingers for a second time.
She let out a soft moan as she came and she couldn't help but feel some of the serotonin from the high quickly go to waste as she looked into your eyes. So sweet and pure looking up at her with such admiration. Your lips were red and puffy and your eyes glossy from your prior efforts and she couldn't help but feel guilty as she looked into your helpless eyes. Yes you could take care of yourself, and yes being in your general presence was just as good as being in bed with you, but Melissa couldn't shake this guilt she was taking opportunities away from you. When you finally pulled out and away from her, you crawled up to meet her lips. Her green eyes looked over your face as you hovered over her, her hands coming to stroke your cheek and tuck hair from your face. The domestic and loving action gave you intense butterflies and you smiled, leaning in to press your lips against hers. 
She moaned into the kiss as she tasted herself on your plump lips and she allowed her tongue to enter your mouth as she deepened the kiss, her hand coming to rest on your lower back. You pulled back and kissed down her jaw, moving to her neck and quickly reaching her chest, you placed kisses down her sternum and stopped at the top of her cleavage. You looked up at her and she just admired you worshiping her. You were everything she ever wanted, so why on earth did it still feel wrong to love every minute she was with you. After all these months and encounters, sex and fighting, kissing and laughing, you brought her a joy she couldn't find with anyone else. 
“We need to fuck somewhere I can hear all the moans from your pretty mouth freely.” you muttered against her chest before looking up at her. She was smiling and the mischievous glint in your eyes faded as you looked into hers. You could see she was thinking hard about something and you pushed your brows together slightly as you came to meet her face once more. Your stomachs were pressed together and your legs intertwined your arm propping you up so you could look into her eyes.
“What's wrong Melissa?” you asked softly and she was quick to shake her head. Her fingers grazed your cheek softly and she played with the hair behind your ear. 
“Nothing, you did so good for me baby.” she smiled and you felt a relief spread through you. She suddenly moved and flipped you so she was on top. Her warm body pressed against yours as she leaned in and kissed you with haste until your lips quickly began to grow pink and raw again, you pulled away for air and without a second thought her soft lips were moving down your jaw and your neck. You moaned when she bit down suddenly and your hips pushed up into hers. Nerves and adrenaline flooded your veins and you were on a whole other high from it. 
You could feel your panties were soaked, and from that though you moved your hand from Melissa's breast to squeeze her still naked bottom. 
“Take off your clothes hon.” she muttered into your hot flesh. You smirked and obeyed taking off your dress and allowing Melissa to have her way with you.
You woke up to bright light from the sunrise shining in through the window and your eyes fluttered as they adjusted. Looking around confused, your eyes went wide when you saw Melissa beside you still and realized you had never made it back to your room. A hand went to your head before looking  over at the alarm clock. Thankfully it was only six so you quickly grabbed your dress from the foot of the bed and your panties that were lost in the sheets. All the movement caused Melissa to wake up and she looked over at you. 
“Fuck.” was all she said and you nodded in agreement as you stood up out of the bed. You grabbed a throw blanket to wrap around you and looked around for your phone. When you realized you didn't bring it with you, you let out an exhausted sigh before looking up at Melissa. Even freshly awake from a night like you’d had, she still looked like an angel, her hair was still loosely curled and her lashes were long. She watched you with uncertainty, nor sure what to say or do. 
“What time do you leave?” you asked softly and her eyes looked over your expression but you managed to maintain a rather neutral one. 
“Ten.” she answered and you nodded. 
“Um-” you started to fill the awkward air and she shook her head.
“It's fine hon, there's no reason to act like you shouldnt be leaving, we can't have anyone seeing.” you nodded once more and looked down.
“I guess I will see you for Anthony's birthday then.” you said casually and she looked over your frame with confusion. 
“His birthday party isn't until the end of March?” The phrase came out almost as a question, hoping it could disguise the slight hurt in the sentence. You looked up at her and shrugged.
“Yeah I mean I don't usually come back for anything between now and then.” Your words were honest and you couldn't help but be shy from the thick tension in the air that seemed to suck out the oxygen causing your lungs to tighten slightly. 
“So you dont want to see each other til then?” you looked in her eyes at the question, she seemed genuinely unbothered to be asking and this only confused you more. In reality Melissa was just as confused as you. Did you not want to see her or were you too scared to ask out of fear of another rejection by her hand. 
“If i'm ever in Philly i'll give you a call, you do the same for me too?”  Your heart stung a bit but you knew this was the best arrangement. You weren't a couple and you could never be one and you both needed to accept that.
“Okay.” she nodded and you smiled.
“Ok.” you turned to leave but she got up.
“Hang on, Hon.” She came to stand in front of you and you faced her, her hands came to grasp your face gently and she pulled you in for a kiss, her lips pressed against yours with tender love and pure emotion. You kissed her back, her sweetness filling your senses as your mouths moved in a perfect rhythm. She pulled away, placing one more peck and then looking between your eyes, gathering any remaining information she could. Your heart fluttered as your eyes gazed into hers and you gave her a sweet smile before opening the door. 
“Don't be a stranger.” she said sincerely and rather softly, causing an ache in your chest as the vulnerable tone. 
“I'd be an idiot to try and forget you Melissa.” you walked out quietly and shut the door behind you before quietly shuffling back to your room. As soon as you shut your door the wave of depression and uncertainty hit and you fell into bed, sliding into your sheets and drifting back into a deep sleep. 
When you woke up the house was silent, your phone was dead on your nightstand, and it was cloudy outside. You stood up slipping on a t- shirt and shorts and going into the hall. The guest room door was cracked and you walked over slowly. Your hands pulled it back and you peeked inside. The air was empty and clean, the bed was made, and it looked almost untouched. As if she hadn't even been here at all. As if it really was all just a dream. The only thing that allowed you to believe it really happened was the familiar weight on your chest, and the lingering touch of her on your skin. 
Like always, you wouldn't see her again for months. The only thing that was different this time around was when you went back to work your boss was eagerly waiting for you. Standing before you like a confident and sexy method of getting over Melissa faster. 
okkkk what did we think??? please lmk and please send in requestsss
tags// @vyvvycg @freshrot @neverfindmegone @insert-issueslol @pitstopsapphic @darkcolorphantom
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spooky-holtz · 8 months
Kelly Green
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Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Genre: fluff, some VERY suggestive language, alludes heavily to smut
Word Count: 2.3k
Prompt: "mel x reader where they’re dating and the r keeps stealing mel’s eagles sweatshirt and one day mel finds the reader all curled up on the couch sleeping with the sweater on.."
“Honey?” You hear Melissa call in your shared bedroom from where you sit at the bathroom vanity that was once just hers. The products that litter the surface are a mix of both of yours; Melissa’s various pens and bottles sitting on one side, neatly tucked into a makeup back, your own strewn across the surface as you try to prepare yourself for the day ahead, “Have you seen my lucky sweatshirt anywhere?”  
You know exactly the one she’s talking about. It’s game day so there is only one item of clothing she will wear and it’s her relic of a sweatshirt. The heather grey material is a little discolored and frayed around the edges from years of constant use and the green print that displays the Eagles logo across the front is cracked beyond belief, making it nearly impossible to read the Kelly green font.  
“Babe?” She calls again, “Are you even listening?” The slight panic in her voice is evident as you realize you haven’t actually answered her yet. You stare back at your reflection in the mirror from the padded stool on which you sit, hair curled and makeup half-applied after your shower, Melissa’s silk robe you grabbed from its hook on the back of the door currently resting on your shoulders and tied loosely around your waist.  
You sigh as you realize you should probably go and help the redhead and rise from your seat, anticipating the level of stress you’ll no doubt find her in.  
When you cross the threshold from cold tiled flooring to the soft carpet of the bedroom, you immediately find Melissa torso deep in the chest of drawers that holds most of her clothing. She hasn’t even noticed you yet, the entire top half of her body nearly submerged in the sea of shirts as she rummages through them frantically. You can hear her mumbling something about “that goddamn sweater” as she digs through the drawer, your presence unnoticed.  
You don’t want to get too close to the scene, knowing that you could get hit by one of the sweater-turned-projectiles that your dear wife is currently throwing halfway across the room, not bothering to look back and see where they land. Instead, you choose to lean back against the doorway from which you just entered and admire the view of Melissa bending over in the tightest pair of leather pants she owns. Game day has its advantages, and every single one of them are those pants. You decide to finally put her out of her misery and break the silence.  
“You know it’s not going to be in there, right?” The sound of your voice immediately catches her attention, and she jumps, caught off guard by the intrusion and nearly hitting her head on the drawer above her head that sits ajar above the current focus of her attention. “The last game day was literally a week ago, so it’s probably folded up by the dryer somewhere downstairs.”  
In reality you know it’s not anywhere near the dryer; it’s in your own chest of drawers that Melissa doesn’t dare to touch. She can’t know that you’ve taken it, especially not now when she’s this far into what is coming close to a nervous breakdown.  
You didn’t even mean for it to take up residence among the rest of your clothing. It just happened last weekend when Melissa was out shopping and lunching with Barbara and you quite simply missed her, choosing to curl up in the sweater that she’s worn since long before you met. It just never found its way back to its rightful home and is now tucked away safely among your countless band t-shirts on the other side of the bedroom.  
After what feels like an eternity of watching your wife rifling through her own clothing, she finally stands from her crouched position, grumbling about her knees and gripping the edge of the cabinet, and turns to meet you.  
“How about I check the dryer for you, hm?” You ask as she turns slowly, her stiff muscles making it difficult to do so quickly. The stress in her features is evident, the crease between her eyebrows prominent from her furrowed brow. Her face softens as she meets your eye-line from where you rest against the door from, arms folded and head leaning against the wood.  
“I’ve already checked, it’s definitely not there,” she replied, taking a few steps closer to where you stand. As she moves you can’t help but notice her eyes dipping down your frame, taking in your form. Her expression has gone from stressed, soft, to starving in seconds. “You know, I never even noticed that this is what you looked like right now.”  
She’s crossed the room already and stands in front of you, arms reaching out to wrap around your waist and bring you away from the door frame, toward her. Your own arms unfold and lace themselves around her neck, her red curls brushing against your wrists as you move. You scratch at the nape of her neck lightly, knowing that it calms her even in her most tumultuous of moments.  
“I haven’t even put my eyelashes on yet,” you huff. “I’m literally nowhere near ready.”  
Her eyes dip down again, your own following her gaze to see exactly what she finds so interesting. She wraps her arms tighter around you, bringing your body impossibly closer to her own. Her hands dip lower, brushing against the small of your back, bunching your robe and holding you in place.  
“You know, that isn’t a bad thing at all.” You can hear the smirk in her voice and your suspicions are confirmed when you look up and see that all too familiar expression laced across her features. Her dimples are deepened by the quirk of her lip, her eyebrow raised almost as if in a challenge. Your eyes dip down to her lips just as her tongue darts out to lick her bottom lip, coated with sticky pink shimmering gloss. When you look back up again you know you’ve been caught.  
You feel the heat rise up your neck, covering your chest in a pink blush. Even after all this time, Melissa’s flirting still makes you feel like a teenager. You can feel her subtly maneuver your body so that your back rests against the painted wall and not the sharp doorframe, narrowly missing the large wooden picture frame that protects an image of the Philly skyline.  
You know she’s proud of herself and the flustered state she’s got you in. Her lips haven’t even touched your own yet and you’re already putty in her hands, the task at hand completely forgotten. You feel her press into you, pushing you further into the wall, her leg coming to rest between your own.  
Her hands still hold your waist, keeping you in place and precisely where she wants you. The contact burns through your robe, the same way her eyes burn holes into your skin. When her eyes meet yours, you can see how dark they’ve become, the emerald green almost unrecognizable from the blown nature of her pupils. Her one hand leaves the comfort of your waist and instead trails up your body to rest at your jaw, her thumb coming to rest on your bottom lip.  
“You know, we’ve still got some time,” she says lowly, her eyebrow arched again. She knows you can never say no to her, especially when she looks as delicious as she does right now. The combination of her tight pants and buttoned plaid shirt makes your head spin, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and buttons undone slightly so you can see the smooth expanse of milky skin beneath. Her gaze runs down your body again and you feel yourself shiver under her scrutiny, goosebumps instantly appearing where her eyes follow. She leans closer, pressing her lips to your rosy cheek. “What do you say, pretty girl?” 
“My eyes are up here,” you whisper, the words catching in your throat as she presses her lips to your neck, using the hand on your jaw to keep you still and precisely where she wants you. You can feel the tackiness of her lips as they press into your skin, moving their way up toward your ear. Melissa’s breathing has gotten heavier, and you know there must be a trail of pink across your skin from the redhead’s attack.  
“I know,” she breathes into your ear, her deepened voice making your knees weaken. “Can’t I admire my beautiful wife?” She asks. You can hear the smirk in her voice and feel it where her lips press into your jaw, immediately giving her intentions away, as if the thigh pressing into the heat between your legs and the fist she has burrowed into the back of your robe doesn’t already. That same hand snakes its way around your waist, your wife pulling you impossibly closer as she continues to melt your hard exterior and quickly make use of what little time you have left.  
She uses the positioning to her advantage by sliding her hand around your thigh and lifting, bringing her even closer to your core. The sudden movement causes you to gasp, and her smirk only intensifies against your neck, turning into a full-blown shit-eating grin. You wrap your leg around her waist from where you stand, not letting her move away any time soon.  
She pulls her head back to look into your eyes, the green entirely replaced by her black pupils. Her lipgloss has smudged past the edge of her lips, almost matching the rosy hue of her cheeks, and her hair is mussed from where your hands have been buried within her red locks. This is one of your favourite versions of Melissa. She’s clearly hungry for whatever you can give.  
“How long do ya think we’ve got before Janine panics over us not being at the bar?” she asks, eyes trained on the pink glittery trail she’s left across your jaw. She’ll have to help you reapply your make-up later.  
“Probably an hour?” You respond, following her eyeliner as she admires her work, “But it’s never going to take that long, let’s be real.” 
Your words cause her eyes to snap up to meet yours, her mouth breaking into an instant grin, the lines around her eyes growing deeper at her joy.  
“I say we test your theory,” she says seconds before she spins you, leading you backward toward your bed.  
That was three weeks ago and she had all but forgotten about her sweater, her thoughts preoccupied with the other more important issues at hand. That was until she had walked back into your home one evening after her usual Saturday afternoon lunch with her Nonna. You would usually attend these lunches, finding the older Sicilian woman’s takes on the world incredibly entertaining but a week of testing means that you were far too behind on grading.  
When Melissa closes the heavy wooden door to your home, her belly and heart full, she can’t help but notice the eerie quietness. The usual music is playing from the radio on the kitchen counter, but instead of blasting some cheesy pop song that Melissa loves to pretend to hate she’s greeted by the dulcet tones of Carly Simon’s subdued crooning.  
She makes her way across the wooden floor, stepping carefully so her high-heeled boots can’t make the usual cracking noise with each step. When she rounds the corner into the living room, she is greeted by the dim light of a candle that has nearly reached the end of its wick, the sickly sweet scent of vanilla filling the room. She can see where you sit on the couch, the top of your head where a hastily thrown up bun sits giving away your location. You clearly haven’t noticed her presence yet, not moving at the noise of her walking closer.  
When she rounds the side of the sofa, Melissa can see that you’re not in fact hard at work but have evidently fallen asleep mid-grading. Your legs are a tangled mess where they rest along the length of the sofa, the plastic that protected the material had been removed long ago when you moved in with the red head, your relationship still fairly new but clearly thriving.  
Your head rests against the cushion of the sofa behind you, pen still in hand and paper discarded where it lays in your lap. Melissa can’t help but laugh lightly, thinking about just how many times she’s managed to find you in this exact position over the years. Your fluffy socks and bright red plaid pyjama pants are the image of comfort, she thinks, as she takes in the sight of you- wait a second, is that her Eagles sweater? The sight makes her jaw fall open in disbelief and everything clicks into place.  
The subject changes whenever it was brought up in conversation suddenly make so much sense to her now. She can’t help but chuckle and shake her head slightly, impressed that you had managed to misdirect her for so long but so enamoured that you could do all that just for a sweater. She would have let you wear it if you had asked, but she thinks it’s probably better to make you feel the achievement of swindling her out of her favourite item of clothing.  
Her heart feels impossibly full as she looks down at you where you rest, glass askew on your face and soft snores filling the room. Even if the losing streak the Eagles endured at the end of the season are a result of Melissa not wearing her sweater on game days, she would take the losses a million times over if it meant she could come home to this sight every evening. 
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melagnes · 4 months
Heat in the Kitchen
Synopsis: After struggling to find a new apartment, you move in with Melissa. An intimate moment unfolds while cooking together when Melissa gently wipes sauce off your nose. Who knows what will happen next; after all, you were only roommates…
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Word Count: 2.6K
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“Ughhh,” you sighed as you made your way into the breakroom for lunch. The weariness in your voice caught the attention of your colleagues, who turned their heads to look at you with a mix of curiosity and concern.
“Are you doing alright?” Barb asked, worry etched across her face. She set down her coffee mug, her focus entirely on you.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied, though your tone suggested otherwise. You dropped into your usual seat with a heavy thud, next to Melissa, who was in the middle of consuming her salad. “It just sucks. My lease is up in my current apartment, and I’m scrambling to find a new place. It feels like there is nowhere to live right now. Every place I’ve looked at is either too expensive or already taken.”
Barb’s expression softened, sympathy evident in her eyes. “Oh dear, that sounds really stressful. I’m sure you’ll find somewhere soon,” she said encouragingly, though the uncertainty in her voice was palpable.
“Thanks, Barb,” you said, offering a small smile as you took a bite of your sandwich. An awkward silence settled over the room, with the other teachers unsure how to ease your concerns.
Melissa had been quiet, her fork suspended mid-air as she studied your face. You felt her eyes on you and turned to meet her gaze. “What, Mel?” you asked, curiosity piqued by her intense focus.
“Stay with me,” Melissa blurted out, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of nervousness. “I’ve got a spare room you can rent. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s available, and I’d love to help you out.”
You stared at her, shock and gratitude mingling on your face. “Really? You would do that for me?”
“Yeah, hun,” Melissa said with a warm smile, her eyes softening. “That’s why I’m offering. You’ve been a great friend, and I’d hate to see you struggling.”
“Thank you so much, Mel,” you said, your voice filled with relief and excitement, even as you winced inside at her use of the word “friend” because you wished you were more.
“When can I move in?”
“How’s tomorrow sound?” she replied, her smile widening.
“Tomorrow works perfectly! This is such a huge help, you have no idea,” you exclaimed, leaning over to give her a quick, heartfelt hug. “Thank you, Mel!”
As you stood up to head back to your classroom, you felt a lightness that hadn’t been there before. Melissa watched you leave, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks. Barb, observing the exchange, couldn’t help but notice the tender look in Melissa’s eyes. She smiled to herself, hoping that living together might finally nudge both of you to acknowledge the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface.
You walked down the hallway with a renewed energy, the dread of your housing situation lifting. Thoughts of packing and moving swirled in your mind, but underneath it all was a burgeoning hope that maybe, just maybe, this living arrangement would bring about more than just a place to stay.
The days leading up to your move were a whirlwind of activity. Packing boxes, organizing your belongings, and saying goodbye to your old apartment kept you busy and distracted from the nerves forming inside. You couldn’t help but wonder how living with Melissa would change things. Would it bring you closer together or drive a wedge between you? There was only one way to find out.
Finally, the moving day arrived. You loaded the last of your boxes into the car and took a deep breath before turning the key in the ignition. The drive to Melissa’s house felt unusually long, perhaps due to a mix of anxiety and the promise of something new. But as you pulled up to her house, a wave of calm washed over you.
With a determined breath, you knocked on the door. It swung open slowly to reveal Melissa, her face lighting up with a warm smile. “Um, hey… Welcome, I’m glad you’re here,” she said, her voice tinged with a hint of shyness.
“Thanks, Mel. I’m so grateful for you letting me stay here. Honestly,” you replied, feeling a surge of gratitude and relief.
As you stepped through the doorway, you couldn’t help but admire your new home. Melissa had a knack for creating a cozy and inviting space. “Mel, you have such a nice house,” you said, genuinely impressed.
“Thank you. I hope you settle in nicely. I’ll let you unpack your things, and I’ll make some dinner. How does that sound?” Melissa asked, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.
“That sounds amazing, thank you,” you replied with a smile.
You began to carry your boxes into the house, each step making the reality of your new living arrangement sink in. The house was a perfect reflection of Melissa—beautiful, warm, and welcoming. As you hefted a particularly heavy box, you caught Melissa glancing your way. Her eyes lingered for a moment, and you couldn’t help but notice her blush deepen. Your tank top was doing you justice.
After you finished unpacking, you made your way to the kitchen, where the tantalizing aroma of Italian cooking filled the air. Melissa turned around, a shy smile gracing her lips as she presented a steaming dish to you.
“I made lasagna,” she said, her voice tinged with excitement as she gestured toward the table,
You both took a seat at the table, your mouth watering as you eagerly dug into the rich, savory layers. Each bite was a testament to Melissa's culinary skills, and you couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for her effort and thoughtfulness.
“Mmmm, this is so good. You are seriously the best cook I know,” you complimented her between bites of the delicious meal she had prepared.
“Don’t inflate my ego, amore,” Melissa replied, her cheeks flushing for the third time that evening. The term of endearment slipped out so naturally that it made your heart skip a beat.
“You should teach me how to cook one of your dishes next time. I love to cook, I just don’t cook Italian that much,” you said, eager to share one of her passions.
“Oh, I definitely will, hun,” Melissa said, her smile widening.
As the evening drew to a close, the two of you settled into a comfortable routine. The initial nervousness began to fade, replaced by a sense of effortless companionship; living with Melissa was surprisingly easy.
Over the following weeks, your relationship with Melissa deepened. You found joy in the little things—sharing breakfast, chatting about your day, and laughing over silly jokes. Melissa’s presence was a constant source of comfort and happiness.
One evening, Melissa finally decided to teach you how to make one of her favorite Italian dishes: homemade gnocchi with tomato and basil sauce. The kitchen was filled with the fragrant aroma of fresh herbs, garlic, and simmering tomatoes, creating an inviting atmosphere that made the house feel even more like home.
“Alright, let's get started,” Melissa said as she showed you how to knead the potato dough and roll it into small, delicate pieces. She then guided you through shaping the gnocchi with a fork. “These little ridges help hold the sauce better,” she explained, deftly demonstrating the technique with her fingers.
Melissa was hypnotizing as she cooked, and you just couldn’t get enough. Her presence was soothing yet electrifying, a combination that made your heart race.
“Now, for the sauce,” Melissa said, handing you a wooden spoon and positioning you in front of the simmering pot. “It’s all about balance. We need to let the tomatoes, garlic, and basil meld together perfectly.”
You carefully added the ingredients to the pot, the vibrant colors and rich scents mixing beautifully. As you stirred, you became deeply focused, trying to get the consistency just right. So focused, in fact, that you jumped when you felt Melissa’s hands on your arm.
“You got a little somethin’ here,” Melissa muttered as she cupped your cheek.
You froze, taken aback by the sudden intimacy of the moment.
Melissa’s thumb slowly brushed the sauce from your nose, and you watched, entranced, as she brought her thumb to her lips and sucked the sauce off.
“T-Thanks, Mel,” you stuttered, feeling your heart pound in your chest. You both began to lean in closer, the space between you shrinking as an unspoken connection pulsed in the air.
Just then, the sound of pasta boiling over broke the spell. Melissa quickly moved to turn off the stove, muttering, “Damn pasta,” under her breath. You both laughed, the moment diffused but not forgotten.
The meal was a success, the gnocchi were soft and pillowy, perfectly coated in the rich, flavorful sauce. As you both sat down to eat, the atmosphere was charged with unspoken feelings. Each bite seemed to carry the weight of what had almost happened, you almost kissed Melissa, and Melissa almost kissed you.
“That was incredible, Mel,” you said, savoring the last bite. “You’re an amazing teacher.”
“Well, you make a pretty good student,” she replied, winking at you. “Maybe next time, we’ll get through a recipe without any sauce on your nose.”
You laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you at her teasing. “I’d like that. Maybe you can teach me to make your tiramisu next?”
“Oh, I see you’re aiming high,” she teased, leaning back in her chair. “I suppose I can share my secret recipe. But only if you promise not to get distracted.”
“Deal,” you said, grinning, though you knew it would be impossible not to get distracted by her captivating face—her full lips that frequently curled into a playful smirk, her vibrant green eyes that seemed to see right through you, and the way her fiery red hair framed her features so perfectly.
That cooking session was not the last of Melissa’s teasing. As the weeks went by, these cooking sessions became a cherished routine. Each of Melissa’s flirtatious comments made your bond stronger, while simultaneously driving you crazy.
“Hey, chef,” she called one evening as you were chopping vegetables. “Try not to chop your fingers off. I kind of like them the way they are.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” you shot back with a smile. “I’ll try to keep them intact.”
“Good,” she said, her eyes glinting with humor. “They’re quite useful, you know. Especially for stirring sauce. Or… other things.”
You choked, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks at her suggestive tone. Melissa laughed, clearly enjoying your reaction, “What’s wrong Mia? Cat got your tongue?” she teased, using the affectionate Italian pet name that made your heart flutter every time you heard it.
Days turned into weeks, and the playful banter between you two only grew. The chemistry was undeniable, a magnetic pull that seemed to draw you closer with each passing day. You found yourselves sharing more than just meals and chores; you shared stories, dreams, and secrets. The connection between you deepened, and with it came a growing awareness of the feelings you both harbored but had yet to fully acknowledge.
One evening, you settled onto the couch to watch a movie. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the TV casting a cozy ambiance. As the movie played, you found your attention drifting away from the screen and towards Melissa. She was sitting close, her presence warm and comforting.
As the movie “The Parent Trap” played, you found yourself completely engrossed in the plot—totally not distracted by the redhead who looked strikingly like Melissa.
“Ha, she kind of looks like you Mel,” you chuckled as you glanced between the TV and Melissa sitting next to you.
“Huh, really?” Melissa inquired.
“Yeah, she’s sexy,” You glanced at Melissa with a smirk on your face.
Melissa rolled her eyes, “You're cute.” She playfully leaned in to kiss your cheek.
Just as her lips brushed against your skin, you turned to ask her a question. In that fleeting moment, your lips met in a soft, unexpected kiss.
Shock pulsed through you, momentarily freezing you in place. Your mind raced, trying to comprehend the suddenness of the situation. It was as if time slowed down, and all you could feel was the warmth of her lips against yours, the softness of the connection sending a jolt through your entire being.
For Melissa, there's a moment of surprise, her eyes widening slightly as she registers the unexpected contact. But then, almost instinctively, she responds in kind, her lips meeting yours in a gentle and tentative exploration.
The world seemed to fade away, the softness of her lips against yours sending a warm shiver down your spine.
Time stood still as the kiss deepened, your bodies pressed together heatedly against the couch. Your fingers tangled in her hair, while her hands grasped firmly at your waist. At that moment, all you could feel was her: the scent of vanilla filling your senses, the image of her fiery hair and green eyes etched into your mind. And for her, all there was was you: the aroma of lavender lingering in the air, the image of your raven-black hair and brown eyes imprinted in her thoughts.
When you finally pulled back, both of you breathless, your foreheads touched, and you whispered, “Did not expect that,” you whispered breathlessly when you finally pulled back, your foreheads touching. Your heart was pounding, and you could see the same intensity reflected in Melissa’s eyes.
“Well, I’ve wanted to do that for so long. Living with you has driven me crazy,” Melissa admitted, her eyes sparkling with honesty and desire. She cupped your face with her hands, her thumbs gently stroking your cheeks. “Every time we’ve cooked together, every joke, every look… I’ve been falling for you more and more.”
Hearing her words, your heart swelled with emotions that you had been trying to keep at bay. “I feel the same way, Mel. I’ve been trying to hide it, but living with you has made it impossible to ignore how much I care about you.”
Melissa’s smile was radiant, her eyes shining with happiness. “So, what do we do now?” she asked, her voice soft but filled with anticipation.
“Maybe we start by acknowledging what’s been happening between us,” you suggested, your hand finding hers and intertwining your fingers. “We’ve been more than just friends for a while now. Let’s see where this goes, without holding back.”
“I like the sound of that,” Melissa said, leaning in to kiss you again, this time with the certainty of mutual understanding and shared feelings. The kiss was tender, filled with the promise of a new beginning.
With their relationship now blossoming into something deeper, the dynamic between you and Melissa shifted. There was a newfound intimacy in your interactions, a sense of ease and comfort that only comes with true emotional connection. You found yourselves more attuned to each other's needs, and more open in sharing your thoughts and feelings.
One evening, as you were cooking together, Melissa stood behind you, her arms wrapping around your waist. “Remember what I said about your hands being useful for other things?” she murmured in your ear, her voice sending shivers down your spine.
You chuckled, turning your head to kiss her cheek. “Oh, I remember. And I’m looking forward to discovering all the other things they can do.”
Melissa laughed softly, her breath warm against your skin. “I’m glad you’re here, Bella. Every day with you feels like a gift.”
“Feeling’s mutual, Mel,” you replied, turning in her embrace to face her. “Here’s to many more days of cooking, and… whatever else we can come up with.”
You kissed her again, the taste of possibility on your lips. The future was bright, filled with the promise of love that had finally found its way into the open, ready to grow and flourish in the warmth of your shared home.
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frost-queen · 5 months
I'll take care of you (Reader x Jerry Baynard)
Requested by: @angelwriter0963 Forever tag:@missmelodramatic , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly  @denkisclown, @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampthing07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat  , @rosecentury ,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn , @niktwazny303
Summary: Reader gets her period and doesn't realize it till she starts having bad cramps. Jerry helps you out, by being a true gentleman. Giving you medicine, washing your dress, cuddling and making sure you are alright.
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You knocked on the wood of the barn to get his attention. It didn’t seem to catch his attention as he was too busy rustling the hay around with a pitchfork. You tried knocking the wood again, hurting your knuckles again. When that didn’t work, you started clearing your throat. First soft then louder. It appeared he was caught up in his own imagination, whistling a bit. – “Jerry!” – you called out as a last resort. Jerry got startled, some hay scooped up in the air as it fell down. Some lost strays of hay falling on his shoulder. 
“Y/n!” – Jerry said as the shock wore off. He noticed some hay laying on his shoulder, so he wiped it off. – “Anne is not home.” – he said figuring you came for her. – “I know.” – you replied walking into the barn. Jerry frowned wondering what you were doing here then. – “Nor Marilla or Matthew.” – you let him know.
Jerry set the pitchfork down, leaning a bit against the handle. – “You’ve spied on us.” – he teased with a cheeky smile. It made you pull your shoulders up innocently. – “What are you here for then?” – he asked seeing you smile shyly. His eyes widened with surprise.
“Don’t tell me lovely Y/n you are here to see me?” – Jerry said dramatically gesturing at himself. – “If you are taunting me, I’m not.” – you answered already turning on your heel. Jerry dropped the pitchfork, running over to you. – “Non, non Y/n you shall stay.” – he made clear taking you by the wrist and holding you in place. His reaction made you laugh as you could never stay mad at him.
You let Jerry pull you further into the barn. – “I just have to finish this up and then I am free for you.” – he spoke letting go of your hand. – “I’ll help.” – you suggested picking up some hay from the ground. Jerry quirked his eyebrow up at you. You threw the hay around with a sheepish smile as it made Jerry snort loud. – “Don’t laugh.” – you made clear trying to glare at him.
It made Jerry snort even louder at your face. His laugh made you laugh as well. – “You can sit over there.” – Jerry pointed at a barrel. – “And watch me work. It will be faster.” – she spoke. You obeyed sitting down on the barrel. Jerry winked your way before diving back into the work. You watched how he worked. Fast and organized. Scattering the hay around for Belle, the horse. She needed a warm bed after all.
You were kicking your legs back and forth while humming a song. Jerry started to whistle along with you, occasionally looking over his shoulder to you. – “How is school Y/n?” – he asked to make some small talk. – “Alright.” – you answered stroking your skirt. Removing any wrinkles by hand. – “How are you Jerry?” – you asked in return making him laugh. – “Good Y/n.” – he replied with a chuckle.
Jerry continued to work as you looked around. Blinking a few times thoughtfully, you weren’t sure what you were suddenly feeling. A sense of something brewing. Bubbling inside of you. It took you a few seconds to actually feel the discomfort coming from your stomach. Furrowing your brows, you rubbed your hand over it.
A numb pain let itself know as you felt it squeeze your inside. Making you grab for your stomach. Where was this stomach-ache suddenly coming from? The discomfort grew as it made you cross your legs, bending a bit over to press your hand deep into your stomach.
“You okay?” – Jerry asked having looked over his shoulder to you. – “Fine…” – you answered with distress on your face. – “Liar.” – Jerry spoke back as he suddenly saw you winch from the pain. He let his pitchfork fall into the hay, making his way over to you. – “Where is it hurting?” – he asked with concern.
Your muscles contracted as you panted loud from the pain. Then your eyes widened. Feeling a sudden wetness between your legs. It made you jump off the barrel. You turned a piece of your dress to the front, gasping at the redness of it. Jerry saw it too, making you pull it embarrassed back.
It was your period. – “I…I…I…I’m so sorry.” – you stuttered out feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed. Your cheeks flushed with heat wanting to sink through the ground from shame. You started to make your way to the open gate of the barn to disappear.
“Y/n it is alright.” – Jerry said calmly following you. You started crying feeling stupid and ashamed that he had to see that. Another wave of pain came as it made you flinch at the pain. – “I…I’ll just go home.” – you breathed out not wanting to saddle Jerry with you. You were a mess and you felt like one. – “Non!” – Jerry said firm, grabbing you by your arm.
He started pulling you out of the barn towards the house. – “You are in pain. I will take care of it.” – he said leading you up to the house. He pushed the door open, letting go of you. You stood a bit lost in the room, hands against your arms, blocking your chest. Sniffling loud, you looked embarrassed away. Embarrassed that you had your period around Jerry. A boy!
Jerry started searching the cabinets as he found nothing. He then left for another room, leaving you alone. Feeling disgusted from the wetness between your legs, you felt it leave a thin line of blood going down your leg.
Jerry returned holding some small boxes as he took you again by the arm. He led you up the stairs. Leaving you in the bathroom. There you saw yourself in the mirror. Face red from crying. It made you wipe some sticky hair out of your face and trying to be presentable. What would Jerry think of you now? Jerry returned with a dress. – “Here is it Anne’s, but you can use it for a moment.” – he commented holding it up to you.
You accepted the dress. Jerry then placed the little box on the sink. – “Those are medicine Marilla gives to Anne when she has it.” – Jerry explained. – “I’ll let you change clothes. Do you know what to do?” – he asked. You nodded wiping your cheek dry. Jerry nodded already closing the door. Once shut, you stared a bit lost around you. Till you slowly started to undress.
Sobbing a bit, you cleaned yourself, washing up. You did what you had been taught to keep your dress from staining more. By wrapping extra protection around your waist. Then you took in the medicine for the pain. You gently knocked on the door, letting Jerry know you were done.
Jerry opened the door, taking your blooded dress from you. – “I’ll wash this up so it will be clean when you go home.” – he spoke wanting to disappear again, but you stopped him by calling his name. – “Jerry!” – he paused. – “How… how is it that you know so much? What to do and stuff? I mean you are a boy…” – you spoke. Jerry chuckled. – “I have sisters Y/n.” – he simply said before shutting the door once more. Jerry went downstairs to wash your dress.
Put it in the sink and wash the stain out. You left the bathroom, going down the stairs. Nearly below you stopped to admire Jerry washing your dress. He almost got the stain out, scrubbing hard with soap. When he was done, he turned around, noticing you on the stairs. He smiled lovely at you before heading outside to leave your dress to hang and dry.
He returned, taking your hand to lead you further down. – “How are you feeling?” – he asked concerned leading you into the living room. – “Better, thank you.” – you replied. Jerry sat you down as he came sitting beside you. He wrapped an arm around you. You snuggled closer to him, pulling your legs up with you in the sofa. – “Thank you… for taking care of me.” – you told him, looking up. – “Always lovely Y/n.” – Jerry responded looking back at you.
“I’d care for you a hundred times. I’d wash a thousand dresses if you like. I don’t want to see you in pain or discomfort.” – he told you touching your chin. Lifting yourself a bit up, you neared him. Bringing your lips to his to kiss him. Not just to thank him, but because you actually cared and liked him. Jerry kissed you tenderly back. Then the two of you snuggled closer, cuddling till you no longer had any pain and your dress was dry to change back.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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asolitaryrose3 · 9 months
Are you jealous?
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Melissa schemmenti x fem!reader
Summary: Reader is shy and feels like Melissa is too far out of their league, but with enough nagging from Ava, and the presence of Gary, they finally tell Melissa how they feel.
Warnings: fluff, minor angst, jealous reader, comfort, Gary (for the plot only), my failed attempt at humour, Ava and readers are besties, Most of this was wrote at 3am, first time posting my fics on here, I’m trying my best.
“I think you should tell her” Ava suggested, “why, so she can laugh in my face and ruin the perfectly good relationship we have? Yeah, No thanks.” You joked slumping further into your chair.
When you had joined Abbott you had instantly fell in love with the people there, janine, although she could sometimes be annoying at times, you know she means well by it all. Jacob was like a brother to you, he was nerdy and sometimes ruined a joke or two, but for the most part he was caring. Gregory took some time to open to you, but when he finally did, he was surprisingly funny and good to be around. Barbara was one of the kindest people you had met in your life, you saw how she mothers the younger teachers, Janine mostly, and it was sweet and admittedly wholesome to be around.
Melissa was at first cold and icy toward you, which you later learned that was normal for her, but eventually she warmed up to you. After some time she started to bring in cannolis from your favourite bakery, more recently though she started to even bring in home cooked lunches for you. She was sweet and you admired her, but eventually you realised after a while, that you had developed a crush on her. You knew she wouldn’t like you like that though, You were quiet and awkward, while she was strong and confident, not to mention gorgeous, and so you figured a woman like her, a woman who deserves the best, wouldn’t settle for a person like you. But that was fine, if friendship was all you could have, you were fine with that but, a date or two would be nice though.
Ava was your best friend at Abbott and the only person that knew about your little crush on the second grade teacher. When you first met Ava she thought you were like Jacob or janine, more on the awkward side, but when she ran into you one night clubbing, she found that you weren’t at all like you were at school.
That was why you were currently sat in Ava’s office sulking in the chair across from her desk. “But what if she feels the same though? I mean, your hot, so I don’t see why she wouldn’t” Ava said putting her feet onto her desk. “How could Melissa Schemmenti like me?” You questioned. “Oh come on? What are you gonna wait till someone else swipes her up? Girl c’mon live a little, you can’t avoid her forever” Ava asked, her face now serious. “Cause have you seen that vending machine guy? he’s been makin’ moves on your lady” she continued. “He has?” You turned to her with wide eyes, normally you would be in the break room at lunch but since your realisation you’ve been staying in your classroom as of late, not that you don’t want to be near Melissa, but you thought that if you distanced yourself, your feelings would eventually go away.
“But what if she doesn’t feel the same?” You questioned, concern filling your face. “But what if she does though?” Ava countered, The bell rang as she finished. Letting out a sigh you finally agreed with Ava, “alright, we’ll I’ve got to go get my kids from the gym” You pushed yourself up from your chair and walked out of your friends office.
The next period ran over quicker than you thought it would. You were dreading going to lunch. You knew Melissa would never like you and yet after talking to Ava you somehow gained this false hope that if you asked Melissa out before Gary did, then maybe, you had a chance.
Finally, after many minutes of persuasion you went into the break room, you only saw Barbara at first, but then you saw…him. You had forgot Gary stocked the vending machine today, you saw the questioning look sent your way from Barbara, you walked straight over to the counter and grabbed your cup out of the cupboard and started to make a coffee, as you waited for the drink to finish you began overthinking everything, you knew you should have never thought you had a chance, it was obvious that Gary liked Melissa and of course she would like him back, he was good looking and he was sweet and thoughtful. Barbara had said it herself a while back, even she saw that they would be perfect together, and how could Barbara Howard be wrong?
The beep of the machine in front of you rang through your ears as you broke out of your thoughts. Grabbing the cup you tried to get out of the room as fast as you could. Opening the door you almost bumped into someone, it was Melissa.
“hey hon, slow down, your gonna trip over someone-” The second grade teacher hushed, “hon, are you alright?” She continued. The care in her voice sent a pang of pain to your heart, you didn’t want to avoid her anymore, but you knew it was for the best. “Yeah Mel, I’m fine” you rushed past her, practically running to your classroom.
You slammed the door behind you and slumped down in your chair. You threw your head back and let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Not long after, you heard a knock on your door and you groaned at having to talk to someone when you were on the verge of tears.
“Go away Ava” you murmured, with your eyes closed. You heard the door open and you began to speak again “Ava I’m not in the mood-” when you opened your eyes you had realised your mistake. “Oh- Um, hey Mel, sorry I thought you were Ava coming to talk about one of the student’s dad or whatever” you half laughed trying to seem alright in front of the redhead. Mel perched herself on the side of your desk, crossing her arms. “care to tell me why you haven’t been coming to lunch?” She questioned with a raised brow. “I- I’m just catching up on marking”
You weren’t necessarily lying when you said that. Most off your time was actually spent grading papers, while the rest was spent either sleeping or wallowing in your own self pity. “For two weeks straight?” She frowned at your petty excuse. “Tell me what’s wrong Hon, please” she pleaded with you, but you couldn’t look at her, “why do you care, shouldn’t you be with Gary” the words left your tongue like venom, the very Mention of the man made your fist clench and your heart ache. “Why would I be with Gary?” She questioned, confused at the relevance he had in all of this. “I don’t know, maybe because you always are.” You mumbled, jealousy taking over your words. “Oh c’mon that’s not true and you know it” She reasoned. “Oh please, every time he’s here, you only talk to him.” You retorted.
Melissa grew silent after that, as she re shifted her focus to your face. You felt you face flush beat red under her unrelenting gaze. After a while, her furrowed brow raised as a smirk grew on her face. Melissa stood from her seated position on the side of your desk and sauntered her way toward you. As she stopped in front of you, she lent down and grabbed both of the arms on the chair. With her arms trapping you and her legs either sides of your now closed knees, you were practically unable to move.
“Are you jealous, hun?” She asked, the humour in her voice evident. “I-uh…No, why would I be?” You stuttered out, knowing you did not seem convincing at all, as you looked down and away from the woman. You felt one of her hands grasp your chin in her hand and forced you to look her in the eyes, “I want your eyes on me, sweetheart” she practically growled, “now, are you jealous of Gary?” She asked again, her voice significantly lower than before. You contemplated on lying to her again, but as you stared into her piecing eyes, you felt you brain go foggy from her close proximity.
“Well, I- uh…maybe, yes” you mumbled as you stared at her with an anxious look, “I- I like you Melissa, like really like you” Melissa’s eyes softened, as she smiled. “That’s good to know” she chuckled. Suddenly you felt Melissa’s lips meet yours, you froze at the sudden action but melted in to her soft touch shortly after. You whined as she pulled away with a smirk. “I like you too by the way” she laughed again at seeing the adoring look on your features. “Wait but I thought you liked Gary?” You questioned. “Oh please, sure he’s nice, but you? Your amazing hun, I’ve practically liked you ever since you got here” Melissa smiled sweetly at you. “I’ve like you since you got here too” you grinned back at her.
“I was thinking, how bout this weekend you could come over to mine and we can have dinner?” She asked, sounding very small as she spoke. You smiled at her hoping to comfort her, “I would love to Mel." She rose to a standing position, she kissed the top of your head as she did so. “I’ll see you later, hun” You watched as she left and you smiled to yourself at the feeling of lips that still lingered on both the top of your head and your own lips. You spun in your chair at the thought of dinner with Melissa.
Once you turned to the direction of the door, you saw Ava’s head appear from around the doorframe. As she walked in to the room you the look she was giving you, “tell me everything” she gasped with shared excitement.
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frickingnerd · 9 months
baby, it's cold outside
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pairing: jerry baynard / buote x gn!reader
summary: jerry helps keeping your hands warm
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"i'm freezing… i don't think i can feel my hands anymore!"
you whined, rubbing your hands together and blowing hot air onto them, in an attempt to keep them from freezing in this cold winter weather. 
jerry smiled softly and watched, your cheeks red from the cold air around you.
"you can have my gloves, if you'd like!" he suggested and slipped off his gloves from his hands, reaching them out towards you. "they'll keep you warm" 
"oh no, keep them! you'll just get cold yourself!"
you gently pushed the gloves away and shook your head as you spoke. you couldn't accept his gloves if it meant jerry would have to freeze instead of you! 
"then…" jerry put his gloves back on as he spoke, before reaching his hands out towards you once more. "how about i hold your hands to keep them warm~?" 
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smolbean12 · 1 year
Dating Headcanons
Jujutsu Kaisen
Nobara and Maki's here
Itadori and Megumi's here
Sukuna and Naoya's here
☆ Gojo Satoru ☆
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First of all, all the best. You really need it.
He's a menace.
Will wake you up at 3am and ask you stuff like "Do you think bugs will take over the world someday? They're tiny but I'm really scared of them."
"Satoru what the actual fu-?"
He would mostly only date someone if he was 100% sure that they could protect themselves or if he could be there for them.
But if he did start liking someone seriously, he would not cheat. He has found the one and there is no reason to drive them away.
He acts happy and carefree in front of others but in front of his lover he crumbles.
He's able to be weak for once and cry and cry and cry. please hug him, he deserves it.
Sometimes he gets really whiny and cuddly and won't let you go even if you both cuddled for the whole day.
"I got you some souvenirs from my mission!"
You take him to meet your parents and he manspreads the entire couch. So, your dad has to bring a chair from the dining table and sit on it. Asks your dad stupid questions to annoy him. "Why can't we just print more money?" everyone pretends not to notice the TV remote chucked at him
Flirts with your grandma. She loves him.
Eats the dessert your mom made and only the dessert. Your dad has to warn him about diabetes. i wonder if he has a lot of cavities
Your mom and grandma really love him but your dad hates his guts.
He's just a 6'3 tall babie who likes sweets and you :)
☆ Geto Suguru ☆
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When I tell you this man is boyfriend, husband and baby daddy material.
He is THE man. The only man ever. gojo you lucky lucky man
Treats you SO WELL that you start thinking he's imaginary 'cause no way anybody is THIS perfect.
This is the Geto Suguru before defecting btw.
Never forgets any of the important dates like your birthday, your mom's birthday etc etc
"Hey, isn't it your second cousin's dog's birthday today?"
Lots of friendly banter. He looooves giving you silly little nicknames. He looks at you lovingly and goes, "My little tolerable monkey" jkjk
He's a human heater. Always warm no matter the weather. You wouldn't even need a blanket when you sleep next to him. He will put his arm and leg around you and snuggle his face in your hair.
You weren't scared at all to introduce him to your parents. He instantly becomes your family's favorite and they forget about you and keep Geto forever :(
Helps your mom in cooking dinner, setting the table and washing the dishes. Helps your dad to fix the light bulb and engages him in deep conversations.
Helps you wash your hair when you're feeling too tired. Will also cook you your favorite food and try to cheer you up.
Sometimes he gets really angry during arguments but he always makes sure to think things over and apologize if he said something hurtful to you. He makes sure the issue is solved and that the both of you are happy.
The best boyfriend to ever boyfriend. except he became evil and died
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reblogs are appreciated :)
Work by: @smolbean12
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