#anne and dan would be very confused
moonbear-from-space · 2 years
We don't know what's gonna fully happen in this third movie but for fun what would you wanna see in Venom 3 the most?
Was gonna wait until the first vote was done but didn't feel like waiting so here have this one too.
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
Tonight's movie is gonna be Venom.
Mostly because I found something out about Eddie that I can guarantee I could've lived without, but what's done is done.
....I'm never gonna be able to watch any movie with Venom in it the same....
Apparently, Eddie is aroused by Venom.
I could've lived without that knowledge (I've never read the comics)
You all probably could've lived without that knowledge
Anyway, I'll be back to share my thoughts on the movie once I get it up and playing after dinner.
Space. The final frontier. These are the-
Wrong movie.
Spaceship crashed in East Malaysia.
At least it wasn't New York
Let's go inside it!
Venom's so dramatic! I love him.
He's like s husky.
The movie score only adds to this point.
Eddie's a mood.
"Meeting? Oh, shot, yeah. My meeting."
Eddie and Peter would get on like a house on fucking Fire.
Eddie would hate Tony, no matter the fact that he no longer makes weapons.
Oooooo! He snoopin'!
He snoopin'!
Eddie's gone off script. He's revealed info he's not supposed to be privy to.
There goes his job.
There goes his girl
Poor Annie.
Poor Eddie.
Subtle, Venom. Very subtle.
Eddie's sloched.
Homeless lady is absolutely awesome. What a deal she ran.
The store clerk is also a queen. She doesn't deserve the gun to the face.
Eddie's a good guy.
Poor Eddie. Can't even hear his own scream of frustration at his shitty neighbor.
Also, Drake is giving Supervillain vibes.
"No need to be frightened," my ass.
Starting human trials the minute a single animal trial is successful.
And now he's twisting the Christian Bible to suit his needs. Just like Christans
Poor Issac was not prepared to be possessed by a symbiote.
Ope, now he's dead.
Doris! She's cool.
Eddie won't even give her the time of day.
It's kinda funny. If we ignore the context of why she's approached Eddie.
I love Eddie.
Doris is having none of his shit.
It's funny.
Hi Venom.
Eddie is suddenly a lot stronger than he remembers and is very confused.
He's also very thirsty and very hungry.
I wonder how much fun Tom Hardy had with this role.
Venom: "Eddie."
Eddie: "Wtf?!!"
Basically their first meeting: Venom: Oogily Boogily Bitch!!
I mistook the other symbiote as Venom. Forgive me. Either way, I maintain that Venom is a dramatic bitch.
Poor Eddie did not sign up for this.
Dan is chill.
Poor Venom does not like the MRI.
Poor Eddie.
I love Venom. He's a little murder puppy.
Don't do it, Doris! Don't trust him!
Damn it.
I told ya not to.
I know Eddie's from NYC, living in LA, but he's such a Midwesterner
Is being restrained to a wall, I foot in the air: "You have a brain tumor, Eddie."
I love him so much.
I also love his bike.
Look at Venom keeping Eddie alive!
Venom!!! Look who's come out to play!
Venom has no lips. Hos smile is literally all teeth
Also, him threatening Eddie to cooperate or die as if they don't become best friends (friends with benefits in the comics.....kinda) is based.
I'm literally Eddie, dude!! 🤣🤣
"Jump." doesn't jump. "Pussy."
Also, Eddie and Venom working in tandem after only knowing each other for two hours at most is amazing. I wish I had a friend like that.
DC reference!!
Venom is an anti hero.
I'm sending a pattern with some of my favorite characters. Deadpool, Red Hood, Venom.... they're all anti heros.
I love Venom and Eddie. They're besties already.
Drake just got a symbiote.
Venom doesn't like Dan. He likes Anne, though.
"What happened to 'we'?" "We're done."
Eddie, you sound like you just broke up with him.
Venom, do nOT-! And he's possessed the dog.
Comic Book Eddie is a monster fucker!!🤣🤣
Drake, stfu.
Your symbiote said "I" before you corrected him to "We". You are expendable to him, Drake.
Anne as Venom!!
Venom made Anne and Eddie kiss!
.........I can see how similar comic and movie Eddie are.........whether on purpose or on accident.
"What made you change your mind?"
"You did, Eddie."
They are in love, your honor!
Or they could just be besties to the end. Either way, they have a great relationship and I love them.
Venom, hurry and save him!!
I think he's angy...
You can't just save the world and peace out like that, Venom!! That's not how that works.
I can't wait for Along Came A Spider to come out.
Venom's playing wingman for Eddie. He's failing, but he's trying and it's based.
Stan Lee Cameo!!!
Eddie setting ground rules?
Venom following them?
Eddie allowing Venom to eat bad people?
"Bad guy?"
Venom threatening Bad Guy™ by calling him a turd and then eating him is so funny.
"We are Venom."
I love it.
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cold-red-venom · 2 years
Imagine Dylan, Sleeper, Dan and Anne's kid(s), and maybe their friends(maybe the other symbabies) all standing around Eddie, chanting "Kool aid man, Kool aid man" until venom comes out and yells "OH YEAH" like the Kool aid man, and all the kids just go apeshit and start cheering... I think it's funny..
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energonbunny · 3 years
I got to see V2 today and here are some of my very Important notes:
-During an argument about what V can eat, Eddie responds that the two chickens they have in their apartment have brains and Venom goes “I MOST PASSIONATELY DISAGREE!”
-Venom also refuses to eat the chickens because they’re “friends” with each other
-The tire swing is there for Venom to bite when he gets really mad
-The holes in the ceiling are from 1. V+E chilling on the couch in the Venom suit and standing up and punching a hole through the ceiling with their head 2. Venom shoving Eddie into the ceiling
-Eddie literally grabs on to Venom’s goo and manhandles him. Venom allows this to an extent
-Venom grooms Eddie on their way to see Anne
-”Eddie, I apologize I cannot mend the heart” and then two seconds later “Must pull up your big boy pants and suck it up”
-so Eddie is still going around talking to himself and doesn’t even really bother too much with explaining it or hiding it
-This convo: Venom: YOU SUCK Eddie: *walks into the prison and to the guard stand* You suck! Guard Lady: Excuse me?! Eddie: ... Yeah, I don’t have an explanation for that
-”This is a ME thing and not a WE thing“ (which unless is in the comic I think is just a fanon thing? so that’s great)
-Eddie and Venom are arguing so Venom forces Eddie to just type ‘dik dik dik dik dik’ on his computer
-Eddie lying on the floor after chasing Venom out of him and smiling because Peace but then he hears smashing and yelling and looks out the window to see Venom destroying his bike lmao
-”SAYONARA” venom yells as he flicks Eddie off with an extended arm out of the new meat suit he hitched to
-”What would Venom do?” Eddie asks himself when he finds out Cletus has gotten out. I need #WWVD to start trending
-During the festival a woman in a mask says “Hello, gorgeous” to V and he responds “Sorry, no, not my type!”
-So during the festival there is a lady singing the song VENOM up on a stage and Venom literally hears his name called and looks dead at her as she keeps repeating the word and he thinks she’s calling him up to the stage. Like... that’s why he fucking goes up there lmao he thinks she’s inviting him up there
-Venom takes the mic from her and stands there for a few seconds and goes “Oh, shit...” because he doesn’t know what to say lmao
-What he says during his little speech at the very beginning literally makes it sound like Eddie has made him keep their relationship on the DL because they’re gay and in the closet and the crowd is appropriately horrified
-”I wish you could have seen me tonight, Eddie” MY HEART
-Eddie takes the chickens and abandons them in like a fountain area?? For some reason?? And has like a “you know this would have never worked out” moment with them, obviously in place of a missing Venom
-So Cletus gives Frances a warning before he reveals Carnage because he doesn’t want her to get scared and C+C bring out some tentacles and Frances goes “That is SO hot!” and honestly same girlie same
-We have actual confirmation that Venom did not need to tongue-fuck Eddie’s throat to go back to him after riding in Anne. In this movie Anne and Eddie hug and Venom transfers over! No kiss needed. Hell, I don’t think there was even any bare skin contact. I’m thriving
-This convo: Eddie: Looks like we’re going to a wedding Venom: Will there be canapes? Eddie: You bet your ass!
-A combined Venom+Eddie enter the church to confront Cletus and Frances. Cletus+Carnage combine and we get this winning conversation: Carnage: There you are! Death to you, Father! The priest that was kidnapped to marry C+F: NOOOOO Carnage: Not you, Father... *points to Venom* You, Father!
-Venom sees Carnage and immediately nopes out, leaving just Eddie. Carnage for some reason then does the same, leaving Cletus and Eddie just staring at each other. Eddie hits a new stage of grief as he tries to get Venom to come out again
-”OH YEAH” this is like the second koolaid man moment Venom has
-Venom and Eddie going in to fight Cletus and Carnage: Venom: Time to die! Eddie: That’s the spirit! Venom: I mean us, we are going to die!
-Venom and Eddie speaking in unison: TOGETHER WE ARE THE LETHAL PROTECTOR
-Just learning in general that Venom loves the idea of being a superhero and wants a superhero name very badly
-Dan and Anne forming like a pillar type thing for Venom to go into so he could then go out of them in time to beat Eddie to the bottom of the church floor and save him
-Eddie and Cletus having a Moment: Cletus: I wanted your friendship. Eddie: I’m sorry, Cletus. Venom, taking over again: FUCK THIS GUY *eats his head*
-Venom tells Dan to take care and then tells Eddie they didn’t really need him and he didn’t really help lmao
-The cop somehow has a symbiote?? Or idk Frances’ powers? I didn’t see him take in any blood so I am very confused but okay
-Eddie takes Venom to the park where he like left the chickens to have a Deep Talk and THE CHICKENS ARE STILL THERE?? It’s been at least a day if not more and by all appearances they’ve not left the grassy area
-Eddie goes to say “We are Venom” and Venom yells over him when he hits the “Ve” part
-Okay the ending has them on a beach. Like literally on a beach. Sitting on the sand watching the sunset together.
-Venom quotes something that basically says ‘the people you love’ Eddie: Did you just say you love me? Venom: Uhm...
-Eddie making V very happy when V asks where they’ll go: Eddie: Anywhere that needs a lethal protector, I suppose Venom: OH YOU REALLY MEANT IT
-Venom’s head comes out of Eddie’s body and like the last shot is them both looking into the sunset
-There is a after credits sneak peak thing and it starts with a Spanish telenovela/soap and Venom is super into it
-This brought up by the stupid Spanish soap: Venom: We all have a past, Eddie Eddie: Are you hiding something from me???
-okay so technically Venom does say ILU first but Eddie I think shows it first because he puts aside what little hope he was clinging to of a Normal Life and staying on the Down Low so they’d be safe so he could instead travel around with Venom protecting people and making his symbiote happy
-like yeah we get that little scene where Venom makes Eddie breakfast but I think it’s partially because Anne said to take care of him and Venom is not the Best At It yet but he tries bless him
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rauko-creates · 3 years
He Helps
Fandom: Venom Pairings: Symbrock, Anne/Dan Words: 518 Summary: Dan gets a little too curious for his own good about just how much Venom is there for in Eddie's, uh, personal life. Spoilers: the answer is Venom's always there.
Eddie shoved another bite of fajitas into his mouth.
This...is not what we need, Eddie.
He rolled his eyes and pulled a bag of M&Ms from his jacket pocket, ignoring the confused looks Anne and Dan were giving him from across the table. He tore open the bag and popped a few, careful to avoid the red ones, before setting the rest on the table by his plate.
"That's a weird addition to Mexican food…" Dan said with an amused voice.
Eddie shrugged.
He has obviously never had molé, not that brains wouldn’t be better.
"Not when your other half is an alien,” Eddie responded around a mouthful of rice. “It's either this or let him bite your head off. I do mean that literally, by the way.”
Dan’s eyes widened and he leaned back in his chair as Anne scowled at him—even as she bit her lip against a smile—and rubbed a comforting hand on Dan’s shoulder.
He would make a tasty snack.
Eddie chuckled. "Down, boy."
I know. Anne would be sad. She would get over it. We would help her.
Eddie hid his smirk behind another bite of fajita.
Dan leaned back over the table, threats of being fed to an alien symbiote forgotten. "So...is Venom really with you right now?"
He could feel Venom's indignation. Of course. Always with you, Eddie.
"I mean...he kind of lives inside me, man." It was more than that.
We are one.
Anne grinned and waved her fingers. “Hi, Venom.”
Tell her to come be with us.
Eddie ignored that.
Dan tilted his head, eyeing Eddie curiously. "So, you never go anywhere without him?”
It hurts.
“He’s clingy like that.”
Take that back!
“What about at the house? What do you do when you—you know...have to do things like shower and stuff? Does he leave for a while?"
Live inside you, Eddie. Why should I not see your outside? Am your skin when it's dry. Why should I not see it wet?
Eddie scoffed. "Yeah, we had that argument a lot in the beginning; but...no, Venom doesn't leave, not anymore."
"Huh. Does he just...go to sleep or something?"
Don't need it. Eddie sleeps. Eddie sleeps and I...think.
Dan’s eyes widened. “What?”
Eddie laughed. “Not you. At least, I’m gonna pretend you’re not and try very hard to never think about that again.”
“Oh my god…” Anne put her head in her hands. “Can we please talk about anything else?”
But Dan’s curiosity wouldn’t be deterred. “So...what does he do?”
Eddie looked down at the table as his mind flooded with images from their shower at home. Black tendrils working shampoo into Eddie’s hair, taking the soap and sponge from Eddie’s hands to scrub his back and all the hard-to-reach places, running over his shoulders and back and legs in soothing relaxing movements beneath the warm spray.
Help, in many ways.
Or sometimes some not so relaxing movements…
Eddie looked back up between Dan’s wide curious eyes and Anne’s knowing expression.
Eddie smirked. “He helps.”
EDIT: Part 2 is here.
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Venom Let There Be Carnage Alternate Ending
"What would Venom do?" Eddie asked himself as he tapped on the desk, scrolling through his computer for something to help him. "We're fucked." The reporter banged his head against the desk when there was a knock on the apartment door. Despite their fight, as Eddie got up he hoped that maybe it was Venom coming back.
"Yeah, what's u-" Eddie trailed off when he saw the woman at the door. Frances Barrison had a large grin on her face.
"Hey there Eddie." She stepped in the apartment as the man backed away. "You're invited to mine and Cletus' wedding."
"Do I get a choice in this?" Eddie asked as he scrambled for something to defend himself with.
"Nope." She opened her mouth and began to shriek.
"C'mon Eddie. Pick up, pick up..." Anne sat in her fiance's minivan, trying the man's number again but still got nothing.
'He's not picking up. Typical.'
"Well you're right there." Anne said as she tried to dial again, Venom manifesting over her shoulder to look at the phone screen.
"I'm sorry but how are you so can about this? There's literally an alien inside you right now. You kissed Mrs. Chen so he could go inside you. Don't your think that's weird?" Dan said as he looked at both his fiance and the alien incredulously.
"We know it's weird, at this point we're just used to it."
"How do you get used to that?" Dan asked as he pulled the car into park in front of Eddie's apartment building. The trio getting out and moving inside. Dan reaching for the elevator button but one of Venom's tendrils extended out and slapped his hand away.
'No time need stairs.'
"Venom said we don't have time for the elevator."
"Well tell him that I have tender calves and am taking the stairs." Dan pressed the button again when more tendrils shot out and grabbed the doctor. "What the hell-?" The doctor didn't get to finish as he was thrown up the flights of stairs followed closely by Anne and Venom. "Hey! What the hell was that? ...ow..."
'Tell him I think him and his tender calves are full of shit.'
"Venom said this was easier."
'Liar.' Anne rolled her eyes at the symbiote and instead focused on finding Eddie's apartment. Wasn't hard considering the door was blown almost completely off.
"That can't be good." Dr. Dan commented as they stepped over the door.
'Thank you for the commentary Dr. Dan.'
"Hey he's doing his best." Anne defended her fiance. Facing the room she was greeted by a mess. Not unusual save the large claw marks along the wall and all the busted out windows. "Don't suppose you had anything to do with this?"
'No. Not that we can remember.' Venom peeked of the woman and called out. "Eddie, we're here and willing to take an apology for your stupidity-wait where's Sonny and Cher?"
"Sonny and Cher?" Dan asked as he looked around the small apartment.
"Our chickens."
"Why do you have chickens?" Anne asked as she took a deep breath. "Uh gross. What's that smell?"
"The answer to both of those questions are, you don't want to know."
"Hey!" Dan came towards them holding a card in his hand. "Found this...I don't think it's good." Venom had one of his tendrils lash out, grabbing the card from Dan's hand and holding it in front of his and Anne's face.
"...a wedding invitation."
"Oh what a happy day! Aren't you excited Eddie? Me and Frances finally getting out promised wedding." Cletus danced in the chapel's aisle excitedly. His suit covered by a ridiculous fur coat as he hummed before taking a seat in the pews next to Eddie. Eddie glared at Cletus as he wrapped an arm around the man's shoulders. "Or you at a loss for words too?"
"I'm gagged you asshole." Came out a muffled grunt as he tried to pull away from the man. Looking across the aisle he saw Detective Mulligan still slumped over unconscious. Eddie had been in a lot of not good situations before. But trapped with a serial killer that had alien symbiote in his body and they both wanted to kill him? Probably near the top of the list.
"All we have to do is wait for our guest of honor to arrive and we'll have a full on family reunion! Carnage sure was excited when I mentioned both his daddies were gon be here."
Daddies? Eddie narrowed his eyes. He was barely able to take care of himself, the idea he had a part in making a baby was somehow more terrifying than the situation at hand.
"Don't worry about him baby." The woman who brought him here laughed as she pulled Cletus away and dipping him for a kiss. "All that matters right now is you and me."
"Don't think I don't know that darlin'." The serial killer returned the kiss and very openly shoved his tongue down her throat. Eddie watched in horror as he tried but to vomit in his mouth. Instead focusing on his hands that were bound in front of him and trying to save at them on a broken off chunk of wood from the pew.
He didn't get very far when the doors to the church slammed open. Both he and the psychotic couple took pause and turned to see Anne standing in there doorway, a very angry look on her face.
"Anne!" Eddie tried to call out excitedly. Cletus pulled away from his to be wife, eyebrow raised.
"And who exactly are you?" Cletus asked. In response Venom appeared, taking over the woman's body and snarling.
"You took our Eddie."
"Oh! Well I guess the show has begun!" Cletus backed away and allowed his body to fade as a large red body took over. He looked like Venom only taller and if Eddie was being frank, much, much more terrifying. It seemed Venom agreed. The symbiote backing away with a loud ,"Shit!"
"Hey there daddy." The symbiote spoke. Extending his arm and grabbing Eddie. Yanking the man in front of them. The other arm turning into a large blade against Eddie's throat. "Don't think we've got the chance to meet. I'm your son. And it's time to pay up."
'Shit, shit, shit!'
Venom cursed as he retreated back into Anne's body. The woman stood there, trying to make the symbiote come back out.
"Venom, what the hell?"
'That's a red one!'
"I can see! What's so scary about that?"
'That means it combined with the blood of another species.'
'And it's a lot stronger than normal ones!'
"So you're saying we're in trouble."
'An understatement but yes. Very much so.'
"Can you come back out now?" Anne yelled as she scrambled back when the symbiote began to approach them. Eddie in his grip, looked almost as terrified as they were.
'No way, we'd definitely die.'
"We're definitely going to die of you don't come out!" Anne screamed as she dodged out of the way of a tendril. It narrowly missed her head as she began to crawl under the pews away from the creature.
'No you're definitely going to die. We'd probably be fine.'
Another tendril wrapped around Anne's ankle, starting to drag her back to the creature.
"Yeah but Eddie won't be!"
"If you come out I'll let you eat people!" Anne was now full out panicking as she clung to the leg of a church bench for dear life.
"Yes! Everyone! Just help me out!"
'Okay!' The bench finally gave way but Venom took over the woman's body. As they were pulled up to the creature, Venom jumped up and punched the creature with a hard uppercut. This surprised them enough to drop Eddie. The reporter quickly crawling out of the way as the red symbiote retaliated. Bringing the makeshift blade down on Venom as they just further their own shield. The two trading blows when the church bells started to ring loudly. Both the symbiote screeched in pain. Retreating into their hosts bodies.
This left Anne and Cletus staring at each other. Anne getting ready to run when she was grabbed from behind by the strong arms of a woman.
"Hey there blondie." The other woman giggled as Cletus approached them.
"Ah Frances darling, got me another wedding gift? You shouldn't have." The bells continued to toll when the man grabbed a stray plastic bag from the dirty floor and wrapping it around the woman's face. Anne choked and gasped while the couple just stared at her with glee. Darkness starting to creep into the woman's vision when there was a loud shout.
"Hey! Get the fuck away from my fiance!" The grip on Anne loosened allowing her to fall to the ground. She immediately took the bag off to see Dan holding an aerosol can in one hand and a lighter in the other. "Say hello to my little friends!"
By now the bell had stopped and everyone was clearly able to hear this terrible quip.
'He did not just say that.' Venom spoke in Anne's head.
"No...he did."
'I still don't get why you left us for him.'
Venom couldn't complain too much as he took over Anne's body again. Dan lit his makeshift flame thrower and backed the couple away. The red symbiote taking over Cletus' body again and growling.
"This isn't over." The creature hissed out, grabbing the woman and swinging out of the chapel she cackled, them disappearing into the night. But that wasn't what was important. Instead they rushed over to Eddie who was sprawled out on the floor.
"Eddie!" Venom rushed over to the man. Leaning down they ripped the gag out as he opened his eyes.
"Mmm...Venom? You actually came?" He sounded surprised. The symbiote sliced through the ropes and brought the man up in a hug. "Whoa there buddy....you must've really missed me."
"We're still angry at you."
"Yeah. I kind of figured."
"Is there anything you want to say?"
"I'm an idiot?"
"You're not a parasite?"
"And....I'm sorry. I was a huge asshole and I could probably be a better host."
"Isn't there anything else you want to say to them?" They turned to see Dan who had been intently watching them from a distance.
"Anything else?" Eddie asked confused.
"Like I love you?" Venom asked and Eddie made a face before leaning in.
"Yeah. I guess. I love you sounds about right." Venom leaned down, lips locking with Eddie's as they left Anne's body and took over his.
"Aww..... that's sweet. I think." Dan spoke as Anne stepped back. "You okay?"
"Yeah. I think so. Honestly I'm glad they're finally working through their issues."
"Yeah....here's hoping they don't have anymore kids though." Dan laughed as he said this. "I mean, what are the odds?"
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foxes take on the mall
so the foxes want to (or were coerced into wanting to) go see a movie at the theater in the mall but they decide to make a day of it so they get there way before the movie starts to just do whatever
when they first get there, they were all together and were trying to figure out where to go
they eventually broke off into groups and went off in different directions with the plan to meet up at the theater ten minutes before the movie started
Nicky and Andrew went off together to go shopping like the fashionable boys they are
as did Aaron and Allison, but to other stores
the other five started off together but pretty early on matt and neil ended up splitting from Kevin, Dan and Renee
now. Matt and Neil.
neither of them have any initiative to go shopping for any specific thing so they just drift around a bit
they find an escape room place and Neil is interested, so they go in for one
and come out approximately three minutes later because the first thing Neil picked up was somehow the box that had the very last clue and he picked the lock on the box and there the passcode was
matt was too impressed to tell Neil that that wasn't how most people played and he managed to convince the very confused lady who worked there to give him and Neil their money back because...three minutes
they did go into different stores, usually when Neil saw something that reminded him of one of the foxes and wanted to buy it
they hit every single corner of the mall that had free food samples and rated each of them between themselves
they also got loads of really shitty mall drinks and ended up hopped up on sugar
there were also lots of typical matt/neil conversations: "how do they get the car inside the mall?" "that is *not* how you pronounce Louis Vuitton, Matthew" "hypothetically, how much do you think you could sue the mall for if one of those massive decoration things fell down on you?"
they somehow ended up in multiple high end stores (one in which they saw Andrew and a very surprised-to-see-them-there looking Nicky)
matt also has a video of Neil running up the escalator..in the opposite direction
(matt actually has multiple videos of Neil running up the escalator in the opposite direction but in only one of them was Neil successful. he loves the outtakes even more though because watching Neil first struggle to get the hang of it and then watching him terrify old person after old person as he started reaching the top was hilarious. he'd be flying up the escalator and some nice old lady would then choose to step on and Neil would nearly trip himself as he tried to stop without crashing into her and then he would turn around, face furious, and ride the escalator all the way back to the bottom just to start again)
they found a churros vendor and while they were waiting for the new batch to be ready they plopped into the massage chairs that are placed randomly about the mall and matt has a selfie of the two of them looking very content and luxurious in the chairs as Neil debated the technicalities of getting one into his rooms in fox tower
at one point they also wound up in the arcade and bought fifteen dollars worth of tokens just so they could play air hockey a million times
Aaron and Allison saw them when they were in there and poked in long enough for Aaron to absolutely tear Neil apart in guitar hero. after they finished their game they had to wait like ten minutes for Allison and Matt to finish a very competitive round of Dance Dance revolution (matt is a king but if Allison was wearing sneakers.... well it'd be tough to call)
Matt introduced Neil to Auntie Anne's and the whole time they're waiting for their order Neil watched the person in the window twisting the pretzels at lightning speed
they pass by a Build a Bear workshop at one point and neither of them had ever been in there but like, it's very intriguing from the outside, so they wind up inside and walk around in awe for a little bit until they realize that every single person, parents and children and employees alike, are (not very subtley) staring at them because they're whole ass adults
"just looking," matt announces to the store at large. "you know, for our daughter." Neil snorts.
a similar thing happened at Claire's but this was because they stood there for like twenty minutes debating whether or not Neil should pierce his ears (they decide not to do it there after Matt relayed one horror story after another that he's heard about infections and whatnot from places like that)
they go into an electronics store so Matt can buy new headphones and in the five minutes it takes him to make his purchase Neil landed a new high score on a game on one of the sample phones laid out
by this point, they're starting to experience the first effects of what was looking to be a very intense sugar crash but they still have forty five minutes until they were to meet with the others so they settle down at one of the tables at the food court and order a bunch of fries
they have all their purchases laid out around them and they're both slouching with their feet propped up on opposite chairs and they're parallel to each other and practically laying down, just chatting under/across the table and lazily flicking a sugar packet back and forth between them
because the food court is on the way to the theater, this is how the others find them... looking like tourists who just rolled out of some sort of amusement park for the first time where they bought every single thing in the (albeit, expensive) gift shop
i mean Neil has a Gucci fanny pack just sitting on his lap, sunglasses (with the tag still on them) propped on his head despite being indoors and his tongue is still blue from the slushy he had three hours ago.
Matt's not much better, as he's got his headphones wrapped around his neck, new shoes on his feet and a smudge of lotion on his cheek from the lady at the skin care kiosk who had attacked him with a free sample in a horrible attempt to flirt
the others migrated over to their table oddly fast for a group that was so spread out and within a minute of Dan and Kevin joining them (Renee had gone off to find Andrew and Nicky earlier) the others were all there (with, it should be mentioned, a mere dozen bags between the seven of them)..all there and staring in horror/fascination/awe at all the shit surrounding matt and neil
"how..how long were we gone for?" Dan says in lieu of "hello"
"is that real?" Nicky demands, pointing at the (Gucci) fanny pack in Neils lap
"yeah. you can have it though. I got two others. and I can't get any one of them adjusted comfortably"
mouths drop
Neil shrugs. "matt said they were cool." (matt: flashes a peace sign above the table)
"why is your sleeve soaked?" Allison asks of neil
"mishap with the wish fountain"
"why are you wearing new shoes?" Dan asks of matt
"mishap with the wish fountain. the powers that be demanded a sacrifice for said mishap and apparently it was either my shoes or my boy"
(Neil bumps matt's fist from where they're still laying across from each other under the table)
while the others cautiously poke through Neil and Matt's bags and attack their fries, Andrew flicks the house shaped cardboard box on the table with a "what the hell is this?"
"oh that's- shit what's his name? hold on I have his birth certificate somewhere." Neil starts to push himself up from where he's been practically horizontal for nearly forty minutes to root around in the Build a Bear box
"his name is Edmund you negligent, negligent father," matt says from where he is still horizontal and practically hidden on the other side of the table
"ah, right," Neil says, turning back to Andrew. "that's Edmund"
Andrew just stares.
"my teddy bear," Neil explains. "well, my and matt's teddy bear. well, technically he's a teddy frog but if it's all the same to you..."
Andrew looks at him closely. "are you drunk?"
"no. but we did have a shit ton of candy from the arcade and sugar from the pretzels and slushies so I'm not feeling too hot anyway but it's good, I'm good"
*insert distressed Kevin Day noises*
"how..long...were we gone for?" Dan asks again looking around dazedly
Neil shrugs and then starts. "oh by the way Dan, I got you something"
he sits up fully and starts looking around for a bag when Renee hastily cuts in with a "why don't you wait until we're back home to get into that. the movie's about to start. well, if we're still doing that?" this last thing she addresses to the group at large but is directly mostly to matt and neil
"what? yeah no of course." Neil looks under the table to Matt for confirmation. "Matt. Matty. Boyd."
"yeah yeah I'm down, lets go."
needless to say, neither Matt nor Neil make it through even half the movie
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
what are some of your favorite dair fic ideas? it doesn't have to be ones you plan on writing, but what are some plots that come to mind?
oooh so open-ended I love it!
I do love an au of a pre-existing story, that's how the P&P and LW aus came about, but there has to be a Something in the characters or the plots that parallels em...dair has great potential for a Persuasion AU, but I've not the spoons. The last time I watched Philadelphia Story I thought there was prime potential for a Dair AU, but only if the ending's changed. Tracy & Mike 5everrrr. Also....there's been some Titanic parallel talk around the mutual circle lately....
lowkey have thought for a while that doing a dair au of the move The Holiday would make for a very fun christmas fic, I just need to plan to write it before the holiday season this year if I want to pull it off....
and I love a good canon divergence idea that pulls dair together earlier in canon. a good s2 au while there in high school. s3 aus at either yale or nyu. (nads did not invent the yale au but she did perfect it...and there's jsut so much to mine in a s3 set storyline when you do not care about chip wiskers. if blair and vanessa had been allowed to be friends that relationship would have ended SO fast)
S and I have talked about a s3 au post chair breakup in which blair adopts dan and vanessa as her nyu human shields and they're both terribly confused but kind of just go with it, and blair accidentally becomes their unwilling relationship counselor. the vibe we were discussing was that of an episode of parks and rec, where april gets so fed up @ ann and tom and their relationship problems that she gets drunk and tells them to just break up already.
i've rattled a couple yale theatre major centered aus around in my head before, but have never set about writing them, but here's a premise: academic adversaries blair and dan fight to be allowed into the upperclassmen shakespeare class (they each think they'll be the only sophomore, and are furious when that's not the case), but their chemistry is so *flames emoji* that they're cast opposite each other in the semester production of Much Ado. dan has a work study at sterling library. shenanagins and stage kisses ensue.
in the same vein, I love me a W AU, where they get to be cowrokers longer than one (1) workday, or an AU that asks and answers the question, what if dan had gone to paris that summer.
and on that note: travel fics are fun! I love me some Dairis - I love the idea of them living there for a while too. or ending up there in a post-canon fix-it. I love a Dair in Rome fic (since we were ROBBED), and a road trip fic is always a good idea!
s5 ideas range from everything from fix-its to missing moments to full out canon divergences to angsty breakup foreshadowing. there's the potential for a very fluffy dan's 21st birthday, or a very angsty tswift "all too well"-esque dan's 21st birthday. I've had a thought for a oneshot of what would have been blair's due date. i've even thought about a follow-up to the kinktober wedding night fic that I shared in the fall after they run away from blair's wedding.
since s6 is fake, the urge to fix it is overwhelming, as is the urge to fix post canon. dairfair is always a good idea, and given the warm and lovely reception of my latest fic, I haven't let go of a post canon dair + jenate fix-it fic, a la what I shared here.
lately today, I've been dm'ing S about actually writing a fic that asks and answers the question: what if blair did ask dan to be her fake baby daddy to save her from chip and lewis' clutches...and the more I think about it, the more excited I get!
I also have a google doc titled "unspecified [redacted] ideas" though right now on that list the only things that involve dair are a wisp of a blair/dan/nate idea and one that just says: "dair + handcuffs?"
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thechildofstark · 3 years
Dan and Venom
yes Dan and Anne are great together and yes Dan and Eddie being friends is very cool but what about Dan+Venom friendship?? Y’all are sleeping on the potential. (’k yes i know from the trailers its prolly not going to happen in Carnage but like let me dream fanon is my sandbox) - Like, Dan is this nice chill sensible doctor man and V is. well. ya know. But once they get to know each other it would be so cool! Dan teaching V about like. the functions of the human body, and the ins and outs of. well. all of Eddie’s internal bits and pieces. V having someone to ask if one of Eddie’s organs doesn’t seem to be behaving properly. Or even just watching films together. Or Dan teaching V about pop culture. Because we all know that Dr Dan is just a lil but feral, and I like to think his media choices reflect that. Like, I love him, but I doubt that Eddie “Actual Bi Disaster, Literally Ate Trash” Brock is going to introduce V to High Art™. Or at least, Dan trying to educate the opinionated space splooge but V is more interested in going through the kitchen. Because formerly-evil space splooges don’t have the frame of reference to understand human literature but they do understand food. So we end up with Eddie and Anne sitting at the table and having a lovely conversation (lets be fair they got engaged the but have a few mutual interests) and over in the kitchen Dan is baking chocolate cake and trying to explain The Priory of the Orange Tree, the exact function of the human liver, and what medical ethics even are, really, to a confused but enthusiastic Venom (who is coming out of Eddie’s back and sort of stretched across the room to the kitchen counter) who is munching his was through a pile of raw tater tots doused in maple syrup, and asking very complex and vaguely off topic questions to Dan, who is having the absolute time of his life. 
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Kill the Lights
Part 2: https://elysiadjarin.tumblr.com/post/647758084188602368/kill-the-lights
Warnings: implied discussion of threesome? I mean, it’s a symbiotic relationship, literally. Poly at the most, but we all know that’s what we’re here for.
3: Furthering Feelings
Eddie started as he heard a knock on the door. A little puzzled, he went to open it. His eyes widened as he saw her standing on the doorstep, a shy smile on her face.
“Hi there,” she greeted. “I hope it isn’t a bad time...”
“Oh, no, no, come on in,” he managed, swinging the door open and shuffling aside.
She stepped in, and he could practically feel Venom drooling in the back of his mind. He could smell the soft, sweet smell of her natural scent and her perfume, and it washed over him like it always did.
She turned back to him, holding a paper bag. “I wanted to come visit you both, but I also wanted to bring you this...” She handed him the bag. “I tried out a new recipe and remembered that Venom loves chocolate, so I figured he could give me an opinion on it?”
He peeked into the bag. “Wait, you made these?” He looked up at her.
She flushed. “Well, yeah,” she laughed. “I am a chef. I like to experiment once in a while.”
Give me.
Eddie hastily pulled it out, opening the neatly wrapped box. “Sorry, he’s- Uh- impatient.”
She tilted her head, smiling. “I’ll take that as a good sign.”
Venom’s head appeared over Eddie’s shoulder, and he opened his mouth to let his tongue flick out and grab a piece of the chocolate. Eddie grabbed one for himself. His eyes closed as he groaned, the taste of the sweet chocolate bursting on his tongue.
“This is... this is amazing,” he said, looking at her.
Her eyes lit up. “Really?” She clapped her hands.
It’s good. Venom gobbled another piece.
She laughed delightedly. “Success!” she cheered. “I’m so relieved you like it, both of you. I was worried the flavors were too strong.”
Venom extended his head toward her, getting close.
“Whoa- whoa Venom-“ Eddie reached out.
But as always, Rosemary didn’t even flinch, instead smiling brightly. “Hi Venom.” She reached out and gently placed the tips of her fingers on his cheek.
He growled, pushing his head further into her hand.
She laughed. “I’m so relieved you like it.”
Like you.
“I like you too, Venom.” She smiled at him.
Venom turned his head to Eddie. Eddie, tell her.
“Whoa, no, we talked about this,” Eddie hissed back, eyes flicking between Rosemary’s face and Venom’s.
“Tell me what?” Her head tilted.
Fine then. I will.
Before he could protest, Venom took over.
I stared up at Venom, his face a good few feet above me. Venom didn’t frighten me. He’d never hurt me, never seemed to want to. And something about him always made me wonder what it would feel like to just... sink into his organic matter. I swallowed back my feelings.
“Did you want to tell me something, Venom?” I asked, a little confused.
Venom stepped forward, his tongue flicking and head tilted. His large, milky eyes stared at me. Eddie’s a coward. He doesn’t want us to tell you.
“Tell me what?”
He took another step forward, but I didn’t flinch. We like you.
I blinked. “Um... thank you-? I like you too?” I responded. Though I’d always wished he meant a different way, I’d found out that Venom was always blunt about his likes and dislikes.
No. Venom closed the distance, reaching out.
My heart leaped into my mouth as his giant hands gently encased my waist. But I didn’t move, just letting the large alien do whatever he wanted.
His face loomed closer, until his forehead rested against mine. My hands found their way onto his forearms. His body seemed to almost suck me in, tendrils curling around my fingers. My breath hitched at the feeling.
Want you. If possible, his voice had deepened into a growl that echoed through my body. Love you. We want you to be ours.
I gasped. Head jerking up, I looked up at him, hope warring with fear. Did he... mean it?
“You... you like me?” I whispered.
Yes. Me and Eddie. Want you.
I closed my eyes and let the hope bloom. “Me? But I’m just... I’m just...”
My fingers clenched. Venom’s organic matter started to curl around my waist, snake up my back, pulling me closer. My eyes fluttered closed as his mouth covered mine, moving across my lips. It felt strangely both warm yet cool, sending sparks skittering down my spine. His tongue flickered at the seam of my lips.
My lips parted almost automatically, and I muffled a gasp as his tongue slipped between my lips. My mind fuzzed, giddy. Everything about Venom felt so... safe. The way he was so much bigger than me yet molded around me, embraced me so fully. Even the kiss felt so different, so much more... intense.
I tugged away for air, chest heaving as I caught my breath. “Venom,” I breathed.
You like us? His eyes searched mine.
I managed to laugh a little. “Yes. Yes, Venom, I do. I like both you and Eddie,” I said shyly, smiling up at him.
Venom melted back enough to reveal Eddie’s head and torso, though his black matter still anchored us together by the legs and waist. Eddie stared at me.
“You do?” He sounded bewildered.
I tentatively reached up and touched his cheek. “I know it’s a little weird of me, but... I do. I’ve liked you for a while, Eddie. And Venom, too.”
“Then, you’ll... be our girlfriend?” he seemed to blurt. “Venom- I- we- have been c-crushing on you since the day we met. He won’t stop telling me to kiss you.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, imagining it. “I would really like to be your girlfriend, Eddie, Venom,” I addressed both of them, smiling. “If you’re okay with me...”
Eddie bent. His mouth slid against mine, burning hot compared to Venom. Still, he felt just as safe, just as solid. His kiss was different, less possessive, more... hesitant. But as I shyly responded, the hesitancy seemed to slowly melt away.
It felt like a dream.
His mind fuzzed as he pulled away reluctantly. Her breath tasted so good.
“You’re beautiful,” he blurted, staring down at her. “I... I can’t believe you’d date us.”
He’d long since accepted that Anne had moved on. He liked Dan well enough, and the man made Anne happy. His feelings for her had faded into memory.
But Rosemary... Rosemary was different.
She shook her head, cheeks flushed. “I’m not anyone special. I... I didn’t think you or Venom would ever think of me that way.”
“Why not?” he asked, genuinely baffled. “You’re- you’re gorgeous. And you’re smart, and your cooking is incredible. You accepted both of us, chose to be our friend. I mean, I’m just a journalist with a-“
A what? Venom growled.
He corrected. “A symbiote. A weird one. Two losers.”
Rosemary reached up and kissed his cheek. “Then we’ll be three losers together,” she said. “Besides, you helped save me that night. And both of you have protected me ever since then. You’ve helped me feel safe again.”
Eddie swallowed thickly. “We’re lucky.”
Rosemary blushed. “And I’m lucky too,” she murmured.
Eddie lost himself in her kiss.
I pulled away from Eddie, then smiled up at him. “I love both of you, but that chocolate needs to go in the fridge before it melts.” I gently patted his chest, then skimmed my fingers across Venom.
No. I’ll eat it.
I shrugged. “Sure, Ven. But I thought I’d... well, if you don’t mind, I figured I’d stay and make dinner-?”
Eddie buried his face in my shoulder. “Please stay,” he mumbled.
I reached up and buried my fingers in his hair. It didn’t feel half as rough as I thought it would, and I could feel him shudder a little.
“For dinner, or just stay?” I half-laughed.
His hands tightened. “Yes.”
“Alright. I’ll stay.” I kissed his forehead. “But if you want dinner, you might have to let me go so I can actually make it.”
He groaned in protest.
“Okay, okay, deal.” I patted his hair. “Let me make dinner, and after that I’ll get on the couch.”
Deal. Venom decided to make the decision.
I laughed at Eddie’s disgruntled face, then went to the kitchen. Draping my scarf over the back of a chair, I set up my phone and hummed, going to the fridge. Finding some ingredients, I hummed to the music I put on and familiarized myself with his kitchen.
“You know, Anne told me to date you. Both of you.”
Eddie grunted and dropped something. “What?”
“She’s the one who encouraged me, actually,” I admitted, cracking eggs into a bowl. “She... guessed I had a crush on you both.”
“I- I guess that’s... good?”
I nodded absently. “I’m just a bit surprised she figured out that I was crushing hard on Ven,” I said thoughtfully, tapping the wooden spoon against my lip as I turned on the burner. I turned to him, holding the pan. “I mean, you’d think it’d be unusual. No offense, Ven, but I’m pretty sure I’m one of the very few people in the world that would crush equally on you both.”
Eddie quirked a smile. “He says he doesn’t care.”
“I figured.” I turned back to the stove.
“I worried about it. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you.” Eddie set something on the table. When I glanced back at him, he was staring at my scarf, fingers twisting nervously. “I mean, with Venom... it’s not like any relationship can just ignore him.”
“I guess I’m lucky, then.” I smiled. “I don’t have to choose, I can have both.”
“Venom, stop,” Eddie hissed behind me.
The eggs sizzled as I poured them into the pan, and I reached over to grab two plates. “Can you get the tots from the fridge, please, Eddie?”
He handed them over. “What are you making?” He peeked over my shoulder.
“Oh, you had the ingredients for omelette rice and bacon wrapped tots so I figured I’d just go with that.” I looked up at him. “Did you want something else?”
His eyes widened, but before he could say anything, Venom’s head darted out from his shoulder. I squirmed and giggled as his tongue licked across my cheek.
“Ven, that tickles! I take it you like that idea then-“
Yesssss. He hissed.
I kissed his head. “Sounds good, now let me actually not burn the eggs.”
Half an hour later I finished setting it all on the table. Eddie brought me a drink from the fridge, and we both sat down. Venom immediately launched off of Eddie’s shoulder to gobble down his plate of tots, while I smiled and took a bite of the omelette rice.
“This is so good,” Eddie said around a mouthful, tucking into the food as eagerly as Venom.
“I’m so glad.” I contentedly ate. After all, the greatest compliment a chef could receive was seeing people devour their food. I was no different.
Eddie loaded the dishwasher once we were done, and I went to go curl up on the couch. From what little Anne had said, Eddie had really taken an up in his life after settling into Venom’s presence and renewing friendship with her and Dan.
I sighed and grabbed a throw, pulling it over my legs and shivering slightly. Eddie came into the living room and shuffled over to the couch.
“Are you alright?”
I nodded. “I run cold,” I explained sheepishly.
He hesitated, glancing at me.
“Does Venom like... to cuddle?” I asked, curious.
He blinked. His eyes unfocused a little, listening to Venom. “No, it’s- it’s like hugging.”
I tilted my head. “I can show him.” I reached out my arms. “I’m a cuddler my friends always told me.”
Venom took over, and he hunched over me.
I laughed a little. “Okay, just... sit down, Ven.” I crawled into his lap, settling myself sideways and leaning into his chest. I pulled the blanket over our laps, then wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest, feeling his organic material begin to wrap around me in tendrils, making me sink into him a little.
This is... cuddling?
“Mmhm.” I nodded, then took his hand in my lap. His talons were long and pointed at the ends, and I laced them with mine. “I’m so tiny compared to you,” I laughed.
His fingers shrank a little, creating more of a glove around Eddie’s hand. Our fingers tangled together, and I hummed.
We like this. Venom’s head bent, his face barely brushing my hair.
I tilted my head up, leaning back against his huge arm. My nose bumped his face, and I smiled. His tongue flickered, his fangs bared. His breath washed over me, but I just closed my eyes and didn’t say anything as his tongue grazed my collar and flicked up my neck.
My noise of surprise was lost in his mouth as he abruptly kissed me, but I didn’t protest. Eddie’s fingers were clenching around mine, and I let my eyelashes flutter as Venom dragged his tongue across my lips.
I reached up with my other hand and cupped Venom’s cheek. His growl vibrated against my mouth and chest. I pulled away from the kiss, catching my breath.
“Ven, I do need to breathe, love,” I murmured.
He nuzzled me, a sort of purr rumbling through his chest. I melted at the sound, smiling.
“I’ve never heard you do that before,” I remarked, delighted.
He pulled back, head tilting a little.
“Don’t stop, I really liked it,” I pleaded.
His purr accompanied his eyes half-closing. I ran my fingers across his chest, feeling the odd texture. It felt more rubbery than slimy, but it had a sort of... pulse to it that made it so much more alive.
Ours. We will protect you.
“Thank you,” I whispered.
Venom’s head darted down. I gasped but didn’t flinch when I felt his fangs prick at my neck. My head rolled to the side out of pure instinct, and I could feel him clearly needling a mark onto my shoulder. He let go, his tongue swiping over it as he purred.
Biting my lip, I pushed back the little prickle of pain. I supposed it made sense with him being a possessive being that he’d want to... mark me?
With one last nuzzle, Venom retreated his head to let Eddie have control of the talking, though his body still remained.
“Are you okay, Rose?” Eddie asked, eyes concerned.
“I’m fine, Eddie,” I reassured, smiling. “It’s just Venom.”
He blinked at the mark on my neck. “He did a number on you.” Reaching up, he brushed his fingers across it gently. “Does it hurt?”
I shook my head. “It just stung a little but it doesn’t hurt anymore. Really, it doesn’t bother me, Eddie, I promise.” I leaned into him comfortably.
“Ok. Ok, that’s... that’s good. Sorry about him.”
“Don’t be.” I ran my hand over his arm soothingly. Curiously, I looked up at him. “You know, it doesn’t bother me if you talk about Anne.”
He looked startled. “Wha-?”
“I noticed earlier, you looked uncomfortable. I didn’t mean to make it awkward, she’s a good friend.”
He sighed, leaning his forehead against mine. “You’re so perfect,” he muttered.
“Not perfect,” I protested. “I just know that both of you have moved on. I’m glad you’re both friends. I’d be sad if I weren’t friends with Anne and Dan.”
He leaned forward to gently brush a kiss to my lips. “I promise I only think about you. I’ve... thought about no one else for months.”
I could feel the blush rising. “I can’t say I’m not happy.”
Eddie stared down at her, just... drinking her in. How did he get so lucky? She liked both him and Venom equally, made them food, comforted them, even didn’t mind their being friends with Anne. And with Venom’s teeth marks on her shoulder...
Venom felt all too pleased about that in the back of his mind.
His breath shuddered a little at the feeling of her delicate fingers laced in his, her other hand pressed against their chest. She just felt so warm and fit perfectly in their arms. She hadn’t been wrong when she said she was tiny in comparison.
“I love you,” he blurted.
She blushed, but her smile lit up her eyes. “Love you too, Eddie. And Ven.”
Love her.
“He says he loves you too.” He pulled her a little closer.
She snuggled into him with a contented hum.
“Rose, does it...” He sighed, unable to push the thought from his mind. “Does my job bother you?”
She looked up at him with a confused blink. “Which one?”
It was his turn to be confused.
“Vigilante or Reporter.”
He had to snort a little, shaking his head. “Both, I guess.”
“No.” Her head tilted. “Should it?”
He glanced away guiltily. “I mean, I do tend to get wrapped up in work and obsess over things sometimes. I am a journalist.”
She laughed. “Sometimes I work a lot more too just because I enjoy it, Eddie. Besides, if you start to make me too lonely, Venom will bring you back to me. Right, Ven?”
She’s right.
He sighed. “He agrees.”
She smiled triumphantly. “Told you. But really, I’m proud of you for sticking up for what’s right. It’s how you met Venom. And how both of you saved me. It’s important to you.”
He wondered if she could get any more perfect.
She sighed wistfully, then. “Being selfish is one of my weaknesses,” she admitted. “I always want to just... I always think of my friends as being just my friends and no one else’s. I start to get possessive of their time with me, even though I know they have a life besides me.”
She wrinkled her nose. “And I wish I weren’t so worried about my job. I always get so stressed worrying that things need to be absolutely perfect.”
“But that’s just the way you are.” Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. “Pretty natural.”
She smiled. “Well, it’s something to work on.”
He and Venom agreed that they’d follow her on the journey. As long as they could be beside her.
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xelothen · 3 years
Some Venom 2 Thoughts
Couple things that I just want to say first:  --One thing I thought was weird was Eddie never acknowledges Carnage as Venom’s offspring.  Carnage literally points at Venom and says “father” but there’s not even a passing comment or anything. The most we see is that when Eddie is filling in Anne earlier and says there’s another symbiote, but never says anything about where it comes from. I don’t know, just kinda stuck out to me. --Definitely could have benefited from being longer.  It felt like there was a lot thrown in, but also a lot missing/a lot that could have been added. --One thing I had to look up prior to this post was what happens with the FBI dude Mulligan. I guess he becomes the character Toxin due to Carnage leaving a tiny piece inside of him (assuming the article I’m currently reading is correct) but that’s never shown I don’t think?  (unless I missed it, which is very possible) I was just confused why his eyes were glowing blue and mumbling about monsters, without really seeing anything as to why. He has the most interactions with Shriek, but I couldn’t understand how his eyes would glow from that.  Now onto other thoughts:  --Domestic Symbrock was everything.  --Venom said he loves Eddie. <3 (even if Eddie never said it back. :( That’s okay though, he can say it in Venom 3. ) --Venom also now is on the side of liking Dan!  --On the subject of Dan: Dan in Venom 1 > Dan in Venom 2, although he did help in the fight against Carnage, so bonus points. --Venom 1 = full on hetero Venom kiss, Venom 2 = toned down, just nice simple friend hug.  Venom 3 = ??? --That ending beach scene though. <3 
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eldritchsquared · 4 years
Okay so I heard that disney is thinking abt an agent venom disney+ show with eddie as the main antagonist in the form of anti-venom, and after going through every stage of grief, I thought of the singular way this could at least be pro-symbiote, and be entertaining without killing Eddie’s character
The series would start off with Eddie having Venom. It’d be pretty chill, until maybe a third of the way through the episode, he starts getting really sick, throwing up, and Venom has no clue whats going on. It’s stated that this has been going on for a while, but it seems like its getting worse.
Since Venom can’t figure out whats going on, the duo go to Dan Lewis, who through the magic of medicinal bullshit, diagnoses Eddie with some severe cancer. Eddie’s like, “oh shit, that would explain a lot,” and immediately decides that, since the cancer is hurting Venom too, Venom has to leave his body, and go stay with Anne.
Venom is obviously very distraught, Eddie is in tears, Dan is watching from the side awkwardly, its a shitshow. Eddie, after a lot of arguing, blasts Venom out of him using an MRI or similar, and they do the window hand of love thing. It’s very sad, and very much portrayed like a breakup scene. Or maybe that one scene from Deadpool.
Anne is out of town for the day for some reason, so Eddie tells Dan to take care of Venom, and storms out the door. Dan looks back at wherever Venom was being held, and sees that Venom’s gone.
Next scene is of Eddie running to a church. As true to comics canon, shit always goes down in a church. Eddie starts praying, asks for V to find a really nice host, blah blah blah. A man walks up to him, lays his arm on Eddie’s shoulder, asks if he’s alright. Eddie is like, “no, ive got cancer,” and the guy goes “lmao rip, i’m martin lee,” his hand goes black, eddie’s eyes go white, and thats that. Scene ends.
Cut to Flash Thompson, one floor below the MRI (or wherever Dan is/was) room. He’s sitting beside some relative, reading a book or something. Venom plops down from the air vent onto the bed, startling Flash for a sec, before he starts being like “man thats cool” and poking at V, causing them to bond. Blah blah blah exposition stuff happens, Venom makes it very clear that they wont hurt Flash and that they need his help, Flash is like “okay lets so find your boyfriend,” Venom is confused by the word, scene ends.
A few episodes go by of Flash and Venom looking around for Eddie but always just barely missing him. One episode Flash walks by the church, thinking they can ask the priest if he’d seen Eddie, but Eddie’s kneeling at the altar, white goo pooling around him. He’s chanting something, idk maybe either the our father prayer or some really metal bible verse, Venom’s like Hey! Thats my boy! and flash is like Oh? That? Thats the guy you’re looking for? and all of a sudden eddie stops, the white goo flows upwards over him, and bam, antivenom.
Venom is obviously very upset in a very “youre cheating on me” way, antivenom’s just like “the world must be cleansed” and goes out and starts killing over the smallest offenses. shit like littering and parking outside the lines. you’ll be murdered. Venom’s like “okay, thats not eddie doing that, i know eddie,” and so they work together as agent venom to stop antivenom
they eventually take him down by giving antivenom something huge to cleanse, and it destroys it. eddie’s back, cancer cured, outstanding. venom goes back to eddie, feelings are had, stuff is great. bonus points for love confessions. flash is like “alright that was weird ill see you around i guess” and thats that.
Exposition includes:
eddie and v being cute
them going on vacations/working/etc
date night
and the third movie follows the events of the The Nativity comic. thats all, thank you.
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matildashoney · 4 years
London Town
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Loving You’s the Antidote Extra
TAG LIST: @ihearthemcallingforyou, @goldenfeelin, @detroitkiwis
talk to me about it!
thank you miss @berrynarrybanana​ for creating the sex bucket list fic challenge! i wanted to write something with the mile high club for harry and ames a while ago and this gave me every opportunity to do so. this is pure filth about harry and amelie getting back to london recently after being stuck in malibu during the quarantine.
warning: this is literally 4.4k of filth. i can’t be sorry for what my brain has done. i take no responsibility.
Harry is guarded, to say the least. There was too much happening for him not to be.
One of the security guards that was driving them to the airport got out with Amelie first, making sure that there weren’t any photographers waiting outside for them (which there shouldn’t be, all things considered) and having her get inside to wait for Harry when he was able to get all their luggage and out of the car. Harry was nervous, his hoodie tugged over his head and his passport and identification all sitting in his hoodie pocket. Amelie was wearing the hoodie they bought at a Spice Girls concert the year before, but it was beginning to fit a big snuggly around her tummy and they knew that anyone that saw them would start pregnancy speculations before they could even begin trying to have a baby themselves. Her hand grabs his as soon as he walks beside her, interlocking their fingers and hiding her face in his chest, the exhaustion beginning to set in and the bruising on her hips from the needles beginning to ache as she stands for much too long without rest.
Harry guides them through security, his heart breaking as Amelie knuckles her eyes and desperately clings to her last bit of energy and pouts as his bag gets checked once more and she isn’t able to sink into his embrace as she wants. Considering the amount of time Harry and Amelie have spent together in quarantine, it would have made more sense that they need space, when in fact, Amelie has never been clingier. Not that Harry pays any mind to it. He knows that it’s with the best intentions, all because she loves him and is happy to be with him. Her hormones are messy with the new birth control she was trying, as well, with all intentions to perhaps make her body ready to be pregnant later in the year. All Amelie wanted was a good snuggle a very hefty amount of the day. Harry was happy to give that to her.
Los Angeles International Airport is surprisingly empty, Harry thought there would have been more celebrities trying to get back to wherever they’re from now that flights are slowly beginning to depart again – not that they really should be. Harry is excited to get back to England, London particularly. Amelie, although her heart is in love with California, misses London, misses home. All of the exhibition pieces that she was working on were left there, and for nearly four months her creativity was dry and there was nothing she could think of. Harry misses his family, his home. He even misses Tigger, especially now that he’s been staying with Anne for nearly six months. Harry misses their routine. Amelie misses the comfort of being home.
Malibu is home in a lot of ways.
Malibu is where they said the three words for the first time. Malibu is where they got engaged. Malibu is where they got married on a whim. All of Amelie’s family is nearby and their best friends and godchildren are only a fifteen-minute drive away. Mostly, it’s being together that makes it feel like home. Home is so subjective. To Harry, after travelling for so many years, unsteady relationships, the media overwhelming him with labels and rumours and the way his mental health suffered, Amelie really became the one thing that made the most sense, that made him feel safe. To Amelie, with all that she went through, the idea that someone could make you feel like home was absolutely mad, and there was a nagging voice that always told her she wouldn’t find it, and then Harry waltzed into her life and simply knocked every single thought she had about her life into another world; Harry made her feel as though there was nothing that she couldn’t do, and maybe he was right about that. Home was with each other, no matter where they are or where they go.
Harry squeezes Amelie’s hand, the engagement ring and wedding band ice on his skin. He smiles though, the feeling that the symbol gives him making his eyes sting with tears. He sniffles, drawing her attention and her eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. He shakes his head, kissing her hairline and nodding to the near-empty terminal that was about to board their flight.
“’ey,” Amelie whispers, brushing her thumb under his eye and moving the mask slightly to kiss his cheek, “you okay?”
“Thought about how we’re married and got all,” Harry mutters, his nose in her hair and laughing to himself. “Don’t know, guess m’heart is softer, now.”
“Always has been, baby,” she smiles, laying her thighs over his legs and cuddling into his chest, her eyes falling shut as he gently rubs her back. “Think they’ll yell at us for laying in the same bed, again?”
“Don’t think so since everyone has to stay away,” he mumbles, taking in the way the ten other passengers for the flight are wearing masks and gloves. “Can’t wait to be home and don’t have to wear this thing.”
“Meaning you’re gon’a be naked in the garden most days and dragging me out with you.”
Harry snickers, meeting Amelie’s knowing stare and shrugging his shoulders, “As long as you’re naked, too.”
“Don’t try your luck, Mr Styles,” Amelie sighs, squeezing his hips as his thumb dips beneath the waistband of her leggings. “Harry.”
“Didn’t wear any knickers.”
“Je ne voulais pas qu'ils me montent au cul pendant douze heures,” she whispers under her breath, trying to avoid the entire terminal hearing that her decision this morning was to go without any knickers on an eleven-hour flight.
Harry smirks, tugging his mask to his chin and pressing his lips to the shell of her ear, “Tu essaies d'entrer dans le club du mile high, chérie?” For a man that slept maybe three hours, Harry is awfully horny at barely four in the afternoon.
Amelie lightly smacks his hand as his fingers inch towards her inner thigh, coming dangerously close to her centre. “Harry, I swear to God.”
“Oh, it could be fun, Ames.”
“Ah, yes, because you,” Amelie’s voice lowers to a whisper that even Harry can barely hear, “fucking me in our seats in first-class sounds like so much fun when we could get caught.”
“’s the thrill of it all, baby.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t use the baby card,” she says warningly, her eyes narrowing at the man she loves with her whole heart, trying to convey her seriousness. Her thighs clench around his hand, a near-death grip to break his movements where his fingertips would brush over her heat.
“Need those fingers, Cherry.”
“Don’t stick your hands in my leggings, then.” Harry smirks at Amelie. “That doesn’t mean you find a loophole and stick your hand over my fanny either, thank you.”
“Mean, technically I’m not over your fanny.” Harry laughs so loudly, the entire terminal turns to face him. “Need you to tell me when the hell you started calling it that, though. Taking to all the slang now that you’re half a Brit, huh.”
“Much less aggressive than calling it my,” Amelie whispers, “cunt. Don’t you think?”
“Quite like calling it that,” he shrugs, weaselling his hand further up her thigh, nearly holding her heat in his palm. “’s mine to call anything, you know.”
“Oh,” she snorts, shaking her head and lightly pushing his shoulder and smirking when he grabs her hand with his other hand, kissing her palm with a smirk. “Is that how marriage works? Don’t think that was on the document we signed.”
“Mean, as far as I’m aware. Got like,” Harry hums, pretending to count on his fingers the number of months since they’d gotten married in March, “three months under m’belt. ‘s kinda like how you say you want my cock in your mouth.”
“Harry, quit it. There are people around.”
“Half of them would need a hearing aid to hear me, honey.”
Amelie shakes her head, “Whipping your best terms of endearment isn’t making me any more inclined to have sex on the plane.”
“Hate to break it to you, angel, but you saying, fanny, doesn’t really give me an inclination to stick my hand in your pants, anyways.”
“Good,” she says, wrapping her hand around his wrist and moving it away, interlocking their fingers and grabbing their bags to walk to the desk to board. “Not to mention, it’s barely four in the afternoon.”
“Oh, time is a social construct, baby. Isn’t that what you say when you’re begging for it in the morning before I have get on a flight out somewhere?” Harry whispers in her ear, smiling at the flight attendant and handing his phone for the boarding passes.
Amelie releases Harry’s hand, tugging her sweatshirt sleeves over her fingers and crossing her arms over her chest. “I hate you.”
Harry smirks, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and kissing her head, his phone stuck in the front of his The Face sweatshirt that Amelie threw onto the bed for him to wear while he was sleeping. “No, you really don’t.”
“Welcome,” one flight attendant says through their mask, oblivious to the sexual tension spurring in between the freshly married couple and the way her hand was holding his simply to ensure that he wouldn’t squeeze her breast with his hand hanging limply over her shoulder.
Harry steps inside the row first, and Amelie knows why he’s hiding in the seat that would be the least likely to be seen by the flight attendants. Her head shakes with a sigh, heaving a breath and settling into the chair, giving a warning glance to him as his lips toy with a mischievous grin.
“Garder les mains pour soi.”
“Can’t keep m’hands to m’self for eleven hours,” Harry stresses, his cheek laying on her shoulder as he stares at her through hooded eyelids, the separator pushed away to allow him to cuddle into her, the way her nails are scratching at his scalp making him want her more.
“Harry, yes, you can,” Amelie says, knowing that Harry is trying to wear her down with the dramatic nature of the conversation. Her thighs are warm thinking about the adrenaline that would course through her veins by having sex where they very well shouldn’t be, but with the environment being heavily closed away from interaction, maybe this was just the right time to do so.
Amelie wouldn’t admit that to Harry, though. No. Because that means he won.
“Haven’t touched you in like, three days.”
“Because we had to get all of our things together, see our godchildren, and see my family. Not because I didn’t want to.”
“Alright, well, now we have eleven hours.”
Amelie sighs, carding her fingers through her hair and gently pulling out the tie in her curls and letting the baby pink fall over her shoulders. Through her peripheral vision, she can see Harry roll his eyes, trying to look away as she tugs on the sleeves on the sweatshirt, gently pulling the material away and leaving his eyes to bask over the loose-fitting shirt from his closet and her chest free from any restrictions.
“For fuck’s sake, Amelie,” Harry groans, sitting up and beginning to pull his mask away from his mouth, all the passengers boarded and the flight attendants beginning to go through the safety measures as he’s heard a million times before. “Did you not wear a bra, either?”
“Like you said, eleven hours,” she shrugs, a smirk playing at her lips as she set the sweatshirt over her thighs, dragging the blanket over her body, locking his hand between her legs.
“Know just how to get what you want, huh?”
“Maybe,” she hums, spreading her thighs the slightly amount to give him the ability to roam further across her skin. “Have had quite a few years of practice.”
Harry smirks, taking Amelie by surprise and sliding his hand beneath the waistband of her leggings, her thighs unable to be held together as his fingers drag slowly and teasingly across her mound. “About, five years, huh, baby?” Amelie gulps. “Don’t go quiet on me, now. Have had the wittiest comebacks for an hour and now you’re quiet?”
“Harry,” she says through a clenched jaw, trying her swallow back a moan as his fingers delicately trace along her core, arousal collecting on his fingertips as his finger draws over her clit lightly, barely touching her skin. “Either you do it or you don’t.”
“Do you want me to?” Harry smirks, lips ghosting across the shell of her ear and making her sink further into her seat, her thumb between her teeth as she nods shamelessly. “Amelie Fay, tell me what you want or I’m going to take my hand back.”
Harry rarely uses Amelie’s whole name. And by rarely, Amelie means that Harry only uses her whole name – first and middle – when they’re arguing and she won’t listen (which is most of the time) or they’re about to do something filthy and she won’t give verbal consent (which is most of the time they’re taking to exhibitionism). But whenever Harry uses it, fuck, it’s another type of sexy. His accent draws out every syllable, especially when he’s trying to use an accent that her mother has or it’s deeply his own.
Amelie sucks in a deep breath, trying to steady her breathing and not melt into the chair with the barely-there movements of his fingertips, his middle finger teasing her warmth by dipping in to collect more arousal over her clit. “Okay, okay.”
“Okay, what.”
“Need you to use your fingers,” she sighs, his fingers beginning to ease into her warmth and brush against the velvet that squeezes him in. “Fuck.”
“Be quiet,” Harry says strictly, his cheek laying on her shoulder and his lips touching the cut of her jaw. “Have barely touched you and you’re already squeezing me, doll. Maybe I should’ve tried a bit harder to get you into bed, hm? Have I been neglecting you? Horrible husband, you have.”
Harry and Amelie never could describe their sex life as neglected – certainly not that – but it definitely was not what it was when they first got married at the beginning of March. Harry and Amelie tiptoed around the subject because there were days when there was too much frustration to even think about getting naked and sharing their thoughts with the other person. That definitely isn’t what want they wanted, what they promised each other. And so, here they were, three months into the isolation and just being able to go home, and there was a desperation lingering between them that neither really knew was there. Getting comfortable was something they didn’t want, and that’s exactly what they did.
His fingers work at a speed that could only be described as desperate and longing. His thumb pressed against her clit with patterns that have her hips longing to writhe beneath him, his middle and third finger curling inside of her with every thrust, taking a second to ghost across the spot that would have her screaming inside their bedroom.
“Baby, please,” Amelie whimpers, tucking her face into his hair and breathing out through parted lips, squeezing her eyes shut as the flight attendant walks through the aisle, completely unsuspecting of what is happening beneath the linen. “Harry.”
“All over me, honey. Gi’ me all of it.”
Amelie tugs on Harry’s curls, earning a smirk and a grateful kiss, swallowing her moans as the orgasm ripples through her body. Her hands shaking as she grasps onto the blanket and her hot breaths hitting his neck. His hand is coated with her orgasm, his mouth watering at the thought of her taste on his tongue.
If Harry couldn’t go down on her, right now, this is the next best option.
“Get out the fruit and water from your bag.”
“Huh?” Amelie whispers, her eyes barely opening to try and read Harry’s expression. “For what?”
“For you to drink,” Harry smiles, kissing her hairline sweetly. “And so, I can stick my fingers in m’mouth and it won’t look like I just fucked you under the blanket.”
“Christ, Harry,” she mutters, rolling her eyes as he chuckles under his breath. “Do you realise you still have your fingers in me?”
“Can’t lean over and grab everything with you puncturing my cervix.”
“Don’t flatter me that much, baby,” Harry quips, nodding towards the bag laying at her feet and gently tapping his thumb against her clit once more. “Already have a big head.”
“Hate you,” Amelie swallows, trying to control her breathing as she leans forward and reaches for her bag, Harry’s fingers wiggling inside her warmth. He is just as needy as she is, at the moment, except, Amelie would rather wait until they are home and can’t be caught. “Here.”
“But, baby, I know you don’t.” He chastely kisses her cheek, gently taking his fingers from her warmth and slowly removing his hand from her pants, pouting his lips, “My hand is cold, now.”
“Unfortunate,” she shrugs, taking a long sip from her water as his tongue licks along his palm, his two fingers suckled between his lips and tasting all that he’s missed in nearly four days. He isn’t used to going that long. Maybe, he’s a bit spoiled in that regard. Harry and Amelie are running on the same sex drive at all times. Call it inspirational in some respects. Amelie has found it quite useful in the exhibitions recently. Harry finds that flattering.
“Quit being a brat,” Harry teases, squeezing her knee over the blanket and standing on his feet, nodding towards the bathroom a few feet away. “Have to wash my hands. Got a bit messy.”
Amelie shakes her head, wiggling around in her seat and shrugging her sweatshirt over her torso, settling under the blanket and laying over the chair, waiting for Harry to get back and cuddle into. Harry smiles at the sight, wiping his hands over his sweatpants and manoeuvring around her legs and settling into his seat. His arms open wide, graciously accepting Amelie as she climbs over into his seat and lays in the reclined bed with him, tucking her face into his neck. “Hi.”
“Hi, Cherry.”
“Can’t wait to go home,” she whispers, yawning as his fingertips drag through her hair. “Miss home.”
“Know you do,” he says, kissing her temple and bringing the blanket tighter over her body. “Me too.”
“Need a really good night of sex, too. Or day. I’m not picky.”
Harry snorts, “Have our other nights not been satisfactory to you?”
“Always the best with you. Don’t worry,” Amelie smirks, kissing his jaw and breathing in his cologne. “Different when we’re home, though. Don’t care about anything or anyone. Can just do it wherever, whenever. Don’t have to worry about my parents or sister, or our friends coming and knocking on our door.”
“Love your sister,” Harry says, his voice hanging on the last word, “but she is the biggest cock block in the entire world.”
Amelie laughs so loudly into Harry’s chest that the flight attendant peers over his novel. “God, you’re right.”
“Need to just be alone with m’missus for a while.”
Her voice is quiet, once again, barely above a whisper as she begins to fall asleep nuzzled into his warmth. “Alright.”
His eyebrows furrow together in confusion. “No argument? No rebuttal?”
“Not today.”
Harry laughs breathily, shaking his head and kissing her hair, his hands dragging along her spine as she drifts asleep. He stays awake until nearly eleven, waking her to eat and watching a film on his phone until they’ve fallen back asleep together, only waking to the sound telling them to buckle their seatbelts and settle into landing. Harry can see the relief on Amelie’s face, the smile that sits permanently on her lips as the pilot welcomes them to England and Heathrow Airport.
Amelie nearly forgets their luggage when Harry pulls into the garage, rushing inside to see Tigger and breathe in the scent that is permanently a mark of their London home. He tugs in their bags, setting the mickey mouse printed luggage in the foyer and wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her neck sweetly and nosing her hair away from her skin.
“Fuck, ’m happy to be home.”
“Know you are,” Harry smiles, gently biting her neck and licking over the red mark lingering on her skin. His hands squeeze her thighs, lifting her onto his hips and wrapping his arms under her ass, his eyes rolling as their cat begins to rub along his legs. “Not the time, Tigger.”
“He missed you.”
“Flattered, but not really the time. Quite missed shagging m’wife, so that’s the priority at the minute.”
“That sounds really sexy coming from your mouth,” Amelie hums, dragging her thumb over his plump lips.
“Hm?” Harry asks, carefully making his way up the stairs and shoving their bedroom door open, careful to make sure that their cat would not be in the way when the door closed behind him. He became way too good at carrying her up the stairs when they moved in two years ago.
“My wife.”
Harry snickers, walking straight into the bathroom and turning on the light with his elbow, setting Amelie on the counter and harshly pressing his lips to hers. “’s what you are, m’wife.”
“Can’t wait to have this on me,” Amelie smirks against his cheeks, her fingertips dragging along his beard as Harry tugs their sweatshirts and shirt off their bodies. “First place you’re going to have sex with me in our house is the shower.”
“Know you better than that to think you’ll let me on the clean sheets after we were just on a plane for twelve hours.”
Amelie giggles, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and tugging him into her, his arms circling her waist and his tongue tasting her lips, her tongue, her. “Know me well.”
“Hope so after five bloody years.”
“Go turn the water on.”
Harry nods eagerly, walking away and turning the water in the shower, the waterfall faucet sprinkling water over him as he tugs on his sweatpants tie. His head rolls back as two hands skirt along his naked torso, dancing dangerously close to where he wants them most, his cock already painfully hard between his thighs.
“Don’t tease me, now.”
“Am I not allowed to have a taste, either? ‘s been four days, remember?”
“For fuck’s sake,” Harry moans, squeezing his eyes shut as Amelie’s hands bring his sweatpants over his ass and thighs, her gently hand tugging teasingly over his shaft. “Get in the bloody shower, woman.”
Amelie laughs, taking Harry’s hand and stepping inside the shower, the steam already beginning to fog over the glass doors. His back hits the tile wall, a gasp leaving his lips as she sinks to the ground, her knees printed with the tile, her tongue dragging over the arousal wetting his tip. He moans, the sound spurring her on, his hand running through her hair as she wraps her fingers around his base and begins sucking on his cock, all of him surrounded by her tongue and her wet lips and her warmth.
His stomach tightens, nearly spilling his entire orgasm down her throat. His whimpers as she pulls away makes her laugh, his eyes barely open before he’s helping her stand and grabbing her thigh to wrap around his waist, his cock sliding deep inside her warmth without warning. Her forehead falls to his collarbone, the sensation overwhelming and deeply missed. Her nails dig into his shoulders, their kisses messy and sloppy as his thrust reaches every inch into her core, his thumb drawing shapes around her clit the way he knows she loves.
“Missed this so much,” Amelie moans, her fingers tugging at his curls and bringing his mouth to hers. “Can’t go that long again.”
“Fucking swear on m’life,” Harry grunts, the way his cock is driving into her making her lift onto her toes. “Gi’ me your leg.”
“Do you want to fall over?”
“Trust me.”
Amelie wraps her legs around Harry’s waist, sighing when her back hits the cold tile that is out of the water’s reach, a gasp leaving her lips as his shaft sits deeper inside her warmth.
Harry is grunting mercilessly into her neck, Amelie’s moans echoing inside the bathroom, and to anyone that doesn’t know them, they might have thought that they’d not seen each other for a month, maybe two, with how intense their orgasms spill onto each other. Her thighs shake around his waist, their orgasms dripping out of her and onto his legs as he holds her, making sure that she wouldn’t fall.
And their shower isn’t devoid of more touching and kissing, in fact, the water goes cold before they’re fully finished washing up and rinsing the shampoo and conditioner from their hair.
Harry watches Amelie change intensely, soaking in the way she’s never changed the way she looks in their time together – except for the new three tattoos – the way she’s never felt the need to. Harry adores every curve and tattoo and mark and dimple, especially when she’s naked and he’s touching her skin.
“Can you look away for maybe two seconds?”
“No,” Harry deadpans, laying his hands behind him on the bed, the towel still loosely covering his waist.
“Are you going to eat lunch with me?” Amelie wonders, tugging one of Harry’s old shirts on and sliding briefs onto her hips – he never wears them anyways.
“Think I need to go for a run, and then I’ll shower and come back and eat.”
“You want to go for a run? After a twelve-hour flight?”
“Need to otherwise you and me will be in that bed for the next twelve hours,” Harry says surely, taking a deep breath and nodding his already semi-hard cock between his thighs.
“For fuck’s sake,” Amelie breathes, shaking her head and walking to him on the bed. Her lips press against his chastely, once, then twice, smiling when he tugs her onto his chest, and they fall against the mattress.
“Love you.”
“Love you more. Go for your run. Think I can take, like, six hours in bed, with breaks, alright? I’m not a machine.”
“Ooh, a compromise.”
“Married men get three compromises a year, this is one.”
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Good News...? (Harry Styles x Reader)
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Warning: Angst
A/N: It would be nice to hear your views on the fic :-)
Summary: Harry wants a baby, you don’t. Angst ensues.
“So, when are we hearing the good news?” Your husband’s aunt asked you excitedly. You barely stopped yourself from retorting something that would most certainly tarnish your reputation amongst your in-laws.
This was not the first time someone had asked the two of you about having a baby and you knew this would definitely not be the last.
“Hopefully sometime soon, auntie.” Your husband let out a little laugh.
You turned your head towards him, your eyebrows furrowed as if asking him a question; one that he didn’t seem to catch as he continued talking to his relative.
You left his side to look for something other than champagne to drink, murmuring a little excuse me and passing a smile to his aunt who had now moved on to tell your spouse about her friend who recently had a miscarriage because she and her husband got pregnant too late.
You walked towards the kitchen, swiftly passing by all the other guests before they got the chance to say hello. You had lost all your cheery mood, and could not be bothered to act more proper.
The kitchen seemed to be the only place in the entire house which was somewhat empty. You beelined towards the fridge, champagne was too light to help you go through this evening, you needed something heavier. 
Opening the fridge, your eyes immediately fell upon the lonesome bottle of vodka sitting in the back. You looked around the kitchen, making sure no one was paying attention to you and pulled out your soon-to-be lifeline.
“Rough night?” You turned around at the sudden voice, only to find your mother in law staring back at you, her foot lightly tapping against the floor.
You made a sound of frustration, “Why the only thing they have to talk about is babies?”
Anne’s face softened at your complaint like she understood your concerns, she was there once.
“They are just intrusive people who have nothing better to do, your eyes raised at Anne’s blunt statement; noticing your expression she raised her hands, “You know it’s true, they did the same when I first got married, seems like they found a new target in you.”
Anne took the bottle of vodka from you and poured it in two shot glasses, sliding one to you.
“So, what do I do?”
“Just smile and nod, occasionally let out a little laugh, that’s really all you can do. Anne’s advice didn’t help to ease your mind but at least now you knew she was on your side. The truth is it wasn’t the relatives’ words that were bothering you, it was Harry’s.
You tipped your head back and drank the shot, feeling the burn run down your throat. That definitely helped.
“Thanks, mum now I guess I have to go find my hubby.” You left the kitchen, a little more prepared to take on your inquisitive relatives.
“Y/n where were you? I was looking all around.” Harry clasped your elbows and pulled you aside.
“I was just in the kitchen looking for a drink, then I started talking to mum.” Harry started to say something—
— “Hey lovebirds, what are you doing here hiding in a corner?” Harry and you moved apart a bit and found Harry’s other aunt grinning at both of you.
You both looked around the room and almost everyone was now turned towards the lot of you.
“Honey, I think we all know when a married couple is hiding in a corner there can only be two things they must be doing,” uncle Matthews claimed loudly, a slight slur in his voice, but face lit up with excitement. 
Aunt Matilda’s forehead wrinkled in confusion as she tilted her head to the side, figuring out the meaning of her husband’s implications, her expression soon morphed into a big smile, “They can either be fighting or be doing the complete opposite,” she waggled her eyebrows in suggestion, “Which one is it, dearies?”
Uncle Dan tilted his head back and let out a boisterous laugh, which prompted everyone else to join him, some people even started cheering.
You plastered a big smile on your face, nodding a little; you made sure to chuckle occasionally, and then kept your head downwards, not even meeting eyes with Harry until everybody went back to mingling with each other.
But Aunt Matilda remained by your side the entire evening, thankfully now indulging in and asking you about your work, and you were extremely happy to oblige.
“So you’re now the head at your office?
“Yeah, I got a promotion only a few months ago. The hours have definitely increased but we make it work, right Baby?” Your eyes met Harry’s green ones. Your mind was a lot more calm, even with a shot of vodka running through your bloodstream.
“Of course. I am so proud of her,” his dimples more prominent than it had been the whole evening.
“Aww look at the two of you, so cute,” she reached forward and grabbed each of your and Harry’s hand, “Have you both decided on getting pregnant yet? don’t you think it's time?"
You almost rolled your eyes, no matter where you went, it seemed impossible to escape the baby question.
You pressed your lips together and left the question for Harry to answer, “Yeah, hopefully, we'll have good news real soon," the dimples didn't leave Harry's face at all.
She turned towards you, as if to confirm Harry's statement, you pulled your cheeks back in a smile and nodded lightly. 
Her eyebrows raised a little in surprise, a big smile graced her lips, "Well that's lovely," She brought her hands up to cover her mouth, "Oh, can you imagine a little Harry running around the house?"
Harry, still smiling, nodded along. While you cast your eyes sideways and around the room until they landed on Anne.
Anne tossed her head backwards in greeting and you passed her a pleading look, directing her eyes to the still talking Aunt Matilda.
Anne shook in silent laughter, relating to your situation a little too much. She nodded her head and walked away.
Your parted your lips, unsure of Anne's plan. But guessed she had experienced pesky relatives enough times to learn how to deal with them.
Your guesses were confirmed when Anne's voice called out to everyone that dinner was set up. You lifted your head upwards and thanked your stars but most importantly, your mother in law.
Aunt Matilda left to join the rest of the family.
Harry offered his elbow to you, his back completely straight, "Shall we go for dinner m'lady?" He asked in a posh accent.
You laughed at the goofball but declined the dinner, you couldn't take any more of his family.
His forehead crinkled, "But why?"
You hated lying, especially to your husband, "I am not feeling well, I guess" you shrugged your shoulders, guilt slowly creeping up on you.
His eyes softened as he brought his hand closer to the side of your face and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, "Okay, you go rest upstairs, I'll deal with the fam."
You pressed your lips tightly to not make a noise, but you were still shaking, trying not to burst out laughing, "fam?"
Harry moved his lips into a pout, a red tint making an appearance on his cheeks, shut up.
You placed a kiss on his left cheek and made your way up the stairs, leaving him standing in the middle of the room. 
You were still smiling when you entered the second room to the left and were instantly met with all the posters from when Harry was a kid. You glanced at each one by one, your attention then taken by his old Manchester United t-shirt hung on the wall.
You opened the window and sat down on the bed, finally away from all the people. You loved this room the best out of all in the entire house. It showed Harry's true essence; he still had his old model cars lined neatly on the shelf, along with pictures of his old mates.
The room was filled up to the brim with silence and the smell of Chinese food from next door lingered in the air. You felt calm.
The door opened with a little creak, you turned to see Harry entering his room. He placed himself next to you and lied down, taking you with him. Together you both laid on a single bed surrounded with trinkets from Harry's childhood.
It was probably very late in the night and you were still awake. Harry's breath tickled your neck, but you didn't want to disturb him. His statements from earlier this evening came back to you.
You were wondering if Harry had been wanting a child but didn't say anything. You also got worried imagining why he didn't tell you. But most importantly, were you ready for a child?
Before you realised, sunlight filtered through the room and Harry was up. As he was getting dressed, you feared for the conversation you were about to bring up.
"Wake up, sweetie. It's almost time for breakfast," Harry whispered by your ear. You couldn't wait any longer.
"H, Do you want to have a kid?"
Absolute silence surrounded you.
"Harry talk to me. Please." You were on the verge of begging to get him to say something, anything. But you were with nothing.
Harry let out a sigh and sat down on the bed. You got up from your lying position and brought yourself next to him.
"Yes, I do. I really do." A lone tear ran down his left cheek. He immediately wiped it away.
"Why didn't you tell me before?" You didn't know why you asked this question, you both knew the answer.
"Because I wasn't sure if you were ready," he turned his body towards you, you could see he was holding his breath and his eyes were slightly widened, "Are you?"
You closed your eyes, you were turning in your bed the whole night thinking exactly about this. You then met his eyes, they were waiting eagerly for your answer, "No."
Harry let out the breath he was holding, and looked down for a moment before rejoining your previously held eye contact, "Why? I remember very clearly that we talked about kids before getting married, why are you refusing now?"
His voice was increasing in volume with every word, "I didn't say anything for the longest while, hoping maybe one day you will, and now you are saying that you don't want to have kids." He stood up from the bed and you could see his hands were now clenched into a fist.
You were really nervous, you didn't expect this reaction from Harry, he was usually such a calm person, "I am not saying that I don't want to have kids ever, but you have to understand Harry, things have changed. I am the head of my firm now and you are away on tour for months on end,"
You stood up as well, your volume was now matching his, " How are we supposed to raise a kid when we are not there to raise the goddamn kid?" You took deep breaths to calm yourself and made a mental note to not raise your voice moving forward, shouting at each other wouldn't help anybody.
"Every couple in the world figures it out, we will as well. I want to have my own baby, Y/n, what am I supposed to do?" his voice was barely audible now, his shoulders slumped and he sat back down on his bed, "What am I supposed to do?"
You didn't have an answer so you just stood there, hoping for a miracle to happen while the silence once again engulfed you two.
"Harry, Y/n breakfast is ready," Anne's voice interrupted the uncomfortable silence between you. You thanked her in your mind, she had lately become a saviour for you.
Harry and you walked down the stairs to join Anne in the dining room, the silent tension following you.
During the entirety of breakfast, Anne was the only one talking. There was no chance she hadn't heard your fight. This was a small house and you both were being pretty loud. 
She filled in you two about the events of last night's dinner, which weren’t in the least bit interesting and she ended up just describing what each member of the family was eating.
You two were eager for this temporary distraction and let her go on and on about essentially nothing, "You know how Mike is allergic to mushrooms? So, when he started removing them from his chicken, Aunt Matilda scolded him to finish his dinner as if he were a kid," Anne laughed.
You stopped eating your pancakes for a moment to fake a laugh for her sake. she was helping you get through the breakfast, the least you could do was meet her halfway as she was bullshitting through a story.
Soon after breakfast, it was time for you both to return to your place in London. Frankly, you were dreading the trip back home. You would rather live in your husband's childhood home for a few more days than suffer through a 3-hour journey in your current situation.
Unfortunately, you had a life to get back to, so an uncomfortable long drive was the only option.
Harry stood up to prepare for the trip back home. Anne stopped you before you could leave as well, "You okay?" her eyes were soft and full of concern for you, "I heard the fight, will you be okay going back home right now?"
Your heart filled up with love for the woman you now called mum, she didn't ask for an explanation of your fight, all she cared about was you.
"I'll be okay. Thanks, mum," you nodded your head, staring straight into her eyes. You were almost sure yours were glistening.
Harry came into the room, "Y/n, we should go or we'll be late," he stood there for a moment before nodding his head towards his mum and then left through the front door to wait in his car. His voice held little emotion, which made you more anxious about the journey ahead.
You wished your mother in law goodbye and exited the house.
Harry was in the car, wearing his shades when you sat down in the passenger's seat. You realised you had forgotten your weekend bags and opened your mouth to inform Harry, who pointed to the backseat where he had placed them.
The car ride had been one of the most awkward 3 hours you had spent with your husband. It was eerily quiet, which was something new to both of you. You two were never silent, either you would be talking or Harry would be singing a song under his breath or some noise, never complete silence. Even when you were fighting, you would argue each other's heads off.
This was new territory, this fight wouldn't be solved with make-up sex. You had to have an adult conversation about it. You just weren't sure what it would entail. What was the middle ground here?
When you entered your place, before Harry could walk away, you held his elbow, "H, I don't know what to do, but I know that this silence is killing me. Please say something." Your voice was hoarse for some reason and you were barely holding yourself together.
"I need some space," he removed his elbow from your hold and went out the door, leaving you feeling stranded in your own home.
It felt like a dam broke, with the way the tears were falling down your cheeks. You didn't have the time to go up to your room or sit down somewhere before you broke down, so you were currently sat on the floor, arms around your knees which were pressed against your chest.
It was a horrible sight to walk onto, which was exactly the first thing Harry saw when he entered the house after a few hours. You were rolled into a ball in the middle of the room, shaking as the tears flowed freely.
Harry rushed towards you and kneeled down in front of you. He held your face in his hands, making you face him. You could hardly see with the tears obstructing your view and still noticed his glistened eyes. They were swollen and red covered his entire face. He was crying too.
"Please don't cry baby, I am so so sorry. I am an idiot." He took your hands in each of his and made you slap him repeatedly, "I am an idiot, I made a mistake. I am sorry." He started trembling and sobbing at this point.
You couldn't bear to see Harry like this, you stopped him and removed your hands from his grasp. You were frantically shaking your head, "Stop H, please stop it." Your eyes were staring into his.
You both took deep breaths together, slowly calming each other down. You two were on your knees, holding each other, regaining your composure.
Harry spoke first, "What was I thinking, forcing you into having kids? I am so so sorry I acted like a dick Y/n. I don't know what came over me. I promise to never ever act like this again," he shook his head, his eyes moistening again.
You wiped his tears with your thumb, "I want to have kids. I wasn’t lying when I first told you that I wanted kids. You were right, we'll figure something out." You noticed Harry's expression turning uncertain, "But not right now, I need time."
Harry started nodding slowly, "However much you want."
”A year, H, I need one year for us to figure out how we'll handle having a baby and so we can be completely ready before we start trying."
Harry cupped your cheeks and rested his forehead on yours, exhaling lightly, "Absolutely. I'll cut back my time on the road to take care of you and the baby, our mums can help us babysit anytime we need the extra help."
You bit your bottom lip, letting out a small smile, "They'll fucking jump on that opportunity."
You both started chuckling, and before you realised, you were sprawled on the floor, in each other's embrace, laughing.
"I love you, baby."
"I love you too, H.” 
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Fell in love with your MCU crossovers ideas (& your other stories of course) but I was wondering if you would consider this plot bunny. Eddie/Venom running into Caroline Forbes from Vampire Diaries. She's snacking on a mugger & they go to her rescue but see she's got it handled. Then Venom asks her to share. Could be a soulmates or not
I’m afraid I haven’t seen Vampire Diaries so it’s from Eddie/Venom’s POV. Hope it’s okay. xoxox
I’m hungry, Eddie.
“I know, bud,” Eddie sighed as they made the trek back to the apartment.
I was good all day, Eddie. Let you talk to all the whiny little meat bags.
“Yes, you did.”
Didn’t interrupt once.
“And I just want to say thank you for that. I really appreciate it.”
I was good. You said I could have a treat if I was good, Eddie.
“Did I say that?” Sensing Venom’s growing irritation he laughed it off. “Alright, alright… what do you feel like tonight? Tater tots and chocolate? Peanut butter and pepperoni sandwiches? Or what about a couple of those deep fried cheeseburger things? You liked those, right?”
Yes, but that’s not a treat, Eddie.
“Okay then, what do you want?” he asked even though he knew the answer.
We want… bad guys.
“We’re having bad guys tomorrow night. Weren’t you listening when I was talking to the ‘whiny little meat bags’?” he asked.
No, Venom responded before grumbling some more about his need for lungs and pancreases.
Eddie did his best to ignore it, and in doing so noticed the sounds of some sort of physical altercation – a mugging, probably – coming from a nearby alleyway. He stopped to weigh the pros and cons of Venom getting involved. He sighed. “Looks like you’re getting your wish, bud.”
The first thing Eddie saw was a flash of blonde hair and his mind immediately conjured up images of Anne being attacked. But Anne was halfway across town probably having a nice meal with Dan. And she definitely didn’t have fangs and a penchant for ripping out men’s throats. At least not since Venom had taken her for a ride.
“Whoa…” Eddie whistled as the woman body slammed one creep into a brick wall before zipping across to the other side of the alley in the blink of an eye to sink her teeth into the neck of another.
Ooooh… we like her, Venom purred.
They stood there like an idiot, but there wasn’t much else for them to do. The woman dropped the body she’d been draining and finally noticed she had an audience.
“Shit,” she cursed, trying to wipe the blood from her mouth. When it was clear Eddie wasn’t going to run she made to approach him, pausing midstep when she recognised him. “Shit, you’re that journalist, right?”
Before Eddie could respond the woman was standing in front of him, her hand wrapped around his throat.
“Nothing personal,” she apologised and squeezed. Well, she tried to.
Eddie smiled as the woman’s initial confusion turned to panic as Venom oozed out of his pores and wrapped himself around her hand, forcing her away from Eddie’s throat.
“Nothing personal,” he echoed, “but you’re not the scariest thing we’ve ever seen.”
With a gravely chuckle Venom shoved her away. The woman rolled with it, quickly moving to a defensive crouch as she bared her fangs at them.
“What the hell are you?”
“We are Venom,” they said as Venom pulled himself down over half of Eddie’s face by way of an introduction. “But you can call me Eddie,” Eddie smiled as Venom retreated. He went over to her and offered her a hand up. She took it, warily, and let him help her to her feet. “And you are?”
“Caroline. Vampire,” she added with an almost bashful shrug.
Very cool.
“We’re a little more complicated,” Eddie apologised as he led her away from the multiple dead bodies. “How about I tell you about it over dinner tomorrow night? You like Russian? Because I got a tip about a deal going down at the docks that we thought we’d interrupt.”
She smiled a still bloody smile and Eddie felt a thrill run through him, but that was probably just Venom’s excitement at the thought of a three course meal of bad guys.
“Sounds like a date.”
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
Gossip Girl: Blair Waldorf - Type 3w2
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Blair is ambitious, driven and selfish. Blair has a vision of what she wants to be and where she wants to be and she will do anything to achieve these goals.
At her best, Blair begins to understand that success isn’t everything and she should pay more attention to the relationships in her life. She starts to become more empathetic to the feelings of others. At her worst, Blair becomes vengeful and vindictive towards others that she sees as an obstacle to her success. For example she feuds with Miss Carr when she receives a bad grade and goes to great lengths to eventually get her fired.
Blair comes from a wealthy family in the Upper East Side of New York and has an elitist opinion of others, deeming them to be beneath her. She holds this belief towards many people in the serious and can underestimate their  abilities based on their class. This happens in particular with Dan, who ends up sharing many similarities with Blair and has a strong emotional connection with her.
Blair has a very complicated relationship with Serena throughout the series. She can be jealous of Serena because she thinks that Serena gets whatever she wants without working hard for it. Blair believes that she has to work for everything in her life, especially the approval of her parents, unlike Serena.
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Blair’s relationship with Chuck shows some of her negative and positive traits. Blair tends to do things she regrets while being in the relationship with Chuck, for example, her actions with his uncle. However, Chuck wants to be a better person with Blair and she puts his feelings above her own. 
Blair has a wing 2 as she is looking for more approval from external places and is less introspective than a wing 4. She is also very outgoing and tries to charm any new people she meets that she thinks could be helpful to her at a later time.
Tri-type: 3w2 - 6w7 - 1w2  
Some quotes to describe Blair’s motivations:
“You need to be cold to be queen. Anne Boleyn thought only with her heart, and she got her head chopped off.”
“Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.” 
“If you really want something, you don’t stop for anyone or anything until you get it.”
“Feelings never do make sense. They get you all confused. Then they drive you around for hours before they drop you right back where you started.”
“Forget boys. Keep your eyes on the prize.”
“I’m not a stop along the way. I’m a destination.”
“Nothing’s holding me back anymore. I know what I want and I’m gonna get it.”
“I’m the best of the best. I’m Blair Waldorf.” 
“I would never put my fate in someone else’s hands.”
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