#annoying marine biology rants
olive-ridley · 7 months
Okie dokie, after having to do meditative breathing after reading an instagram comments section, let’s talk whales!! What is a whale? What is a dolphin? Is a square a rectangle? Am I too pedantic? (yes) Is this important? (definitely not)
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So, the group ‘Cetacea’ is named for the Latin word, ‘cetus,’ derived from the Greek word ‘ketos.’ Cetus refers to large sea animals, including whales, as well as the constellation named Cetus, depicting a whale. The group Cetacea, as you can probably derive, are “whales.”
Let’s discuss the parvorders. Mysticetes are our baleen whales (see: humpbacks, blues, greys, fins, etc.), and Odontocetes are our toothed whales (see: orcas, sperm whales, bottlenose dolphins, harbor porpoises). Now, after this last set of parentheses, you might see where the source of the confusion from the questions I asked above is.
For many years, the general populous has been laboring under the misinformation that dolphins are not whales. But never fear, I am here to free them from the shackles of 2010’s Discovery Channel oversimplification. Ok but in all seriousness, let’s talk dolphins. ‘Dolphin’ often refers to species in the family ‘Delphinidae,’ but also to three more families comprising two families of river dolphins and one family of brackish dolphin. Dolphins is a distinctive term within Cetacea to describe several families. Although interestingly, ‘porpoises’ just refers to a single family within Odontocetes. I just learned that!
So, what is a ‘whale?’ If I surveyed people on the street, I think the general answer is that it has to be a huge cetacean. But when the maximum measured length (6.45 m/21.2 ft) of the smallest baleen whale (pygmy right whale) is 3.4 m/11 feet shorter than the maximum measured length (9.8 m/32 ft) of the largest dolphin (orca), that’s maybe not the best definition. Some might refer to baleen, but then how does the sperm whale, who has teeth and is an odontocete, fit?
The answer is, all cetaceans are whales! From vaquita to blue whale, it’s whales all the way down. Colloquially, this is not the definition that most use, but as a formal, scientific definition, this is 100% correct. So, if you are like me, and you see someone posted a beautiful drone video of orcas on instagram to celebrate World Whale Day for the comments to be full of people saying ‘these are dolphins, not whales,’ and not being like ‘holy shit thank you for sharing this beautiful video with us,’ now you too can be burdened by the knowledge that no, all Odontocetes are whales no matter how small! Good luck on fighting the endless fight in comments sections my pupils.
(My sources are the wikipedia articles for cetacea, cetus, toothed whale, baleen whale, dolphin, porpoise, orca, pygmy right whale, and whale. Wikipedia iffy yes yes, but rest assured I knew this info before Wikipedia from a Prophetic Dream/course on marine mammals during my bachelor’s/experience working in fisheries observing after my bachelor’s)
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neptunedivine · 1 year
astro observations pt. ii
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hi! I hope you’re doing well! I know it's been a while. I have a lot of things I wanna talk about. But for now, here are some observations I've noted since I've been gone. I hope you enjoy the read!
mutable signs and intelligence ✧ ALL MUTABLE PLACEMENTS SHOULD BE KNOWN FOR THEIR INTELLIGENCE. Since Virgo and Gemini are both ruled by mercury, I feel like this is a given. Sagittarius rules the 9H which controls higher education, so the same thing can be said for them. But then people throw Pisces under the bus…as if Virgo isn’t their sister sign. I feel like people see sister signs as opposites of each other, but in reality, they have their sister’s traits in subtlety.
As a Pisces sun and mercury myself, I understand the anxiety my Virgo homies get, it’s f*cking intense. But will I ever feel it full throttle? I don’t think so and I’m thankful for it.
But yeah, Pisces placements are not airheads, their smart too. I just think their intelligence is out of the ordinary or just not palatable like the other signs.
9H suns ✧ Kind of an addendum to my last bullet, but a lot of 9H and 12H sun celebrities are really smart. I’ve noticed this with Kendrick Lamar because he’s a 9H sun (in Gemini @ 9° -- damn), and he’s considered a conscious rapper (a subgenre of hip-hop that focuses on creating awareness and imparting knowledge). When I think of him, his words always have meaning, they’re not said just because. The same thing can be said about SZA (9H Scorpio sun @ 16°) and Frank Ocean (12H Scorpio sun 4°).
I'm noticing that they're both Scorpio suns at a Cancer degree, I might investigate that more in the future.
When they put out a project, I get annoyed when people immediately have a response (in all I think I get annoyed when this happens to any long-awaited album), because with the lyricism they have, let the words marinate. Their words are never just face value, there's always a deeper meaning.
SZA is also just smart period. She went on this little biology rant a couple of weeks ago. I was shocked but I loved it. Idk sometimes I forget that celebrities have other traits because they choose what they present to their audience and a lot of the time that isn’t intelligence.
✧ Do any other Pisces mercuries talk in funny voices or accents a lot? Like an unhealthy amount? Just me? Okay.
✧ Undeveloped Pisces placements want yes men to their delusions.
LGBTQIA+ ✧ Having mutable + Aquarius Venus/Mars placements and/or aspects could be an indicator of identifying as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Mutable placements are used to changing their mind a lot, so when it comes to who they’re interested in, they might not have a fixed answer. With aqua placements, they’re not used to sticking to the traditional. So going against the grain with who they’re romantically/sexually involved with is a common manifestation.
mars-jupiter and clumsiness ✧ Those with Mars-Jupiter aspects can be clumsy. Maybe because Mars can rule the physical body and Jupiter expands, they may be overestimating their range of motion.
aries/1H mars and headaches ✧ These placements can be prone to headaches, yes because Mars rules the physical body and anger, and Aries rules the head. But you guys are also quick to anger, so you kind of set yourself up for it. Breathe please, I don’t like seeing you stressed out babes.
aries/scorpio placements and tattoos ✧ Speaking of Aries placements, Aries and Scorpio placements, in general, could like tattoos, whether they want some themselves, have them, or just like the look of them. I feel like Venus and Mars placements are attracted to those who have tattoos, while Mercury placements could have the desire to tattoo people/become tattoo artists. If you have Aries/Scoripo in your midheaven, this could be a good career for you!
that’s all for now! I hope you enjoyed the post, see you later!
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dragonbarbie · 1 year
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 - modern!aemond targaryn x reader
rating: 18+, minors dni
summary: academic rivals, where revision has the same rules as strip poker
word count: 3.8k
tags: mature content, smut, modern!au, reader being petty and competitive, aemond also being petty and competitive, guest appearance by aegon
note: this is like… my first attempt at writing smut so ….*clown emoji* anyway hope you like it
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y/n was used to being number 1. all throughout high school, be it history or physics – she had the highest grade in every class and was managing to do so without much effort, really. she hadn’t expected that to change when she landed her dream university, dragonstone. but when she arrived she had the rude shock of getting acquainted with aemond targaryen. first day of their valyrian history class, she had expected to impress her professor with the extensive knowledge on the subject that had been one of her favourites in high school, but when she found herself being beaten to the punch by the blonde bastard, she took an instant dislike to him.
pettily enough, as everyone was leaving the class, she made a show of saying “suck-up” in a not so quiet whisper as she passed him by. “excuse me?” his condescending, posh tone made her eyes roll. “all i did was answer his questions. i wasn’t the one gushing about the books he had written.” he sharply pointed out. “whatever.” she tried to brush off the retort. “if you’re so jealous, maybe actually read before class next time, instead of whining.” he coolly stated as he stalked off, leaving her behind as she gritted her teeth and glared at his striding figure.
from that point onwards, every class that she shared with him, she made a deliberate effort to work extra hard for. she went beyond just the recommended readings, she would write extra few hundred words for every essay, and for every test she would spend hours in preparation. still, frustratingly, all of this effort only made her good competition for him and not the outright winner. it seemed that aemond targaryen was in fact used to going beyond just the bare minimum, she didn’t ever see him take a break. if he wasn’t at the library, she found him sweating it out on the track field. his perfection was downright annoying.
what her friend baela found annoying, was the detail with which y/n would observe (obsess over) his daily behaviour and then rant about it to her. by the time finals week was on the horizon, she was just about done with y/n’s obsession.
y/n had been in the middle of ranting about how she had caught aemond revising for finals on the treadmill, when baela slammed the book that was open in front of her with frustration. “why don’t you just join him then?” she sarcastically asked, earning a “yeah right” from y/n who returned back to her notes as she realised that all this talk of her rival had clearly seemed to drive her friend to the point of irritation. “actually… why not?” though she had asked the question rhetorically, baela soon realised that perhaps that wasn’t such a crazy idea after all. y/n, did not share that understanding. she blinked back at her “i’m sorry am i supposed to say something or just wait in silence while you regain your senses. what are you talking about?”
“you said it yourself, you study better with a partner. and i don’t have any of the same classes as you.” the thought of baela having fun studying marine biology while y/n had to suffer aemond targaryen’s presence all alone at the history department was a point that brought her great sadness each day. “he does. and you have to admit it, he’s pretty good.”
as soon as y/n opened her mouth with a retort right on her tongue, baela silenced her with one pointed sentence “i have one reply to all your objections — keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”
oh, y/n thought, she’d never thought of it that way. “besides,” baela reopened the book she had shut, “this way you can keep an even closer eye on his schedule.” she teased.
aemond somehow didn’t need to lift his eye to know who it was that had approached the corner library desk that had become his unofficial residence for finals weeks. “can i help you, l/n?” he asked, as she stopped before him. “no, but i can certainly help you, targaryen.” she announced, pulling out the chair across from him and putting her laptop bag down on the desk. he wordlessly raised his brow as she made herself comfortable. “look—” she knew that selling the idea to him was going to be just as hard as it was for it to be sold to her, but she was as stubborn as she was competitive, “—if we work together, our work will be halved. i can beat your ass at history of tyrosh and the origins of dorne any day of the week, and you are marginally better than me at valyrian history and aegon’s conquest. i am proposing that we sit and quiz each other on the exam portions and that way we’re both covered for our weaker subjects.”
she did not like the smug smirk that overcame his face at the suggestion. “so, you’ve come here to grovel for my help?” she could punch his perfect white teeth in. “look you little shit, while everyone on campus will be sweating and crying and chugging copious amounts of energy drinks to survive this week – we could be sailing through it, if we do this. our rivalry’s entertaining and all, but the stress of finals week will make even your fabulous hair fall out.”
“hmm.” he considered her words for a second. she rolled her eyes as he seemed to revel in making her wait for his response, “c’mon, targaryen, do it for the hair.” she was sure she saw his lips twitch upwards at her teasing.
“fine.” he finally gave in, causing y/n to sigh in relief, “but if you can’t keep up, i’m dropping you.” “likewise.” y/n promised.
she had to admit, studying with aemond was actually not that bad. their reading speed was similar, he kept her on her toes with his constant quizzing, and initially he had seemed to be singularly focused on the task at hand. as the days went on though, y/n found that they had actually started to talk of things beyond dead king and queens. “so, you’re like, related to the conqueror?” she asked as a manner of taking a break from their revision of her least favourite class, the conquest of westeros. “yeah, directly. he’s a great-great, times ten, grandfather.” he answered, turning the signet ring on his hand subconsciously. “that’s cheating, then. i’d be great at that class too if daddy had told me tales of grandpa aegon every night before bed.” she shrugged as she reached to grab the pot of black coffee, to refill her cup.
“well, ‘daddy’ didn’t even bother saying goodnight most nights, so let’s not attribute any of my success to him.” she looked up at him suddenly at the off-handed admission about his home life, but before she could really react, he added. “you just want there to be more to why i’m better than you, rather than accepting – i just am.” there was that smug smirk again, the one that she used to loath. but nowadays, that same smile was more playful than hostile, she had noted. “or, i’m trying to figure out if being an asshole is just who you are, or if it runs in your family. aegon burned half of westeros down to colonise it, so I’m leaning towards the latter.” “colonise?” he was clearly irritated at her choice of words. “one race of people, the valyrians, through violence made another race, the first men, submit to them. that’s the textbook definition of colonisation, is it not?” she raised her brow, inviting him to debate her. she knew it was the subject he felt most passionate about, and thus, it was the class where she would most often find herself playing devil’s advocate, for no reason other than to oppose whatever view aemond had taken. in their revision sessions, too, she liked to watch the passion light a fire in his eye whenever she would declare his opinion was wrong. he looked hot when he was academically pissed off.
“westeros was just different war lord states fighting for dominance until aegon united the seven kingdoms.” he firmly argued. “so what, that gave him open invite to just come and take over?” she challenged, crossing her arms with a self-satisfied grin at having gotten him so riled up already. he opened his mouth to throw his retort at her, when suddenly the door to aemond’s apartment, where they had been studying, swung open to disturb the proceedings.
she saw a man with platinum blonde hair that matched aemond’s stumbling as he entered the apartment with his arm around a beautiful girl, with black hair hanging down to her waist.
aemond, she noted, was visibly annoyed at this.
“oh, did we spoil your little study session?” the other man rhetorically asked, without any real remorse in his tone, his words slurring to indicate that he had been drinking. he sat himself down on the sofa next to y/n, uninvited, a move that inexplicably made aemond’s jaw tighten. “you must be my little brother’s study buddy, y/n. i know all about you, and i’m sure he’s told you nothing about me. i’m aegon, the nerd’s big bro.” y/n was immediately amused at the thought of this man, who was decked in a supreme tracksuit and who’s hair seemed to have been left uncombed, was the perfect, prim and proper aemond’s elder brother. “nice to meet you, aegon. are you studying at the university too?” “business major, yeah, graduating next year.” he replied stretching his hand to place it behind y/n. aemond snorted at his brother, “with the way your finals prep is going, i would not bother wasting money on a graduation gown.” he eyed the woman with whom aegon had entered, judgement clear in his eye.
“hey! i decided to follow your lead and i’ve asked cassandra here to be my study buddy. i’ve actually gone one step further than you and invented the best revision method.” he declared. aemond seemed to have no curiosity at his brother’s statement, but y/n asked “do tell.” aegon turned to her with a pleased smile, “it’s revision, but with strip poker rules.” he simply answered.
she raised a brow at his response, “as in…?” “as in you quiz each other, and every time one of you gets an answer wrong – you take an item of clothing off. it’s a win-win, if you get the answer right, good job, you know your shit. if you don’t…. well, its so much more fun if you don’t.” y/n had to purse her lips to suppress the laughter at the back of her throat.
at the sound of aemond packing up his books, she looked away from aegon to the younger brother. “let’s go to your dorm, y/n. he definitely doesn’t know his shit, and his ‘revision’ tends to be loud.”
as per y/n’s prediction, final’s week had indeed sailed by for aemond and her because of their revision sessions. they only had one exam left now, and it was the one they had both been dreading the most – historical methods. it was a subject that was so boring and plainly simple, that they knew it was easy enough to study for, but they could not bring themselves to revise something so mind-numbingly dull.
y/n, in her frustration, threw her notes on the table at aemond’s apartment. aemond, seated on the other end of the sofa from where y/n was lying on her back, shared her frustration, but he tended to be more stoic and was determined to finish the work on hand. “it’s just a few more topics, and then you never have to think about the subject ever again.” he tried to placate her. “it’s too boring, i can’t do it!” she complained bringing her hands up to her face in frustration. aemond couldn’t help but notice how the action made the t-shirt she was wearing ride up and expose soft skin just above her jean shorts, his eye remaining fixed on the spot for a second too long.
then, the mixture of a caffeine high and a boredom that was seeming like an unending chasm, gave birth to what y/n thought was a brilliant idea. she moved her fingers slightly, so only her eyes would poke out from behind them. “let’s try your brother’s idea.” she suddenly said, “i don’t think anyone has ever said that sentence before.” he remarked.
“i’m serious.” she sat up, as if to indicate her earnestness. “the ‘revision, but with strip poker rules’ idea, let’s try it.”
aemond’s expression was unreadable as she watched him, but she was certain she saw his adam’s apple move at the suggestion. “it’s a dumb idea.” he said, but his throat had gone dry at the thought.  y/n rolled her eyes, “that’s the point! it’ll break the monotony.” she crawled to his side of the sofa. “come on, aemond. don’t be a coward.” the suggestion of him even possibly being cowardly had clearly set off something in him. “fine.” he shut the book in his hand and placed it on the table.
they quizzed each other, and it was going much the same as their usual quizzing went, which disappointed y/n since it did not in fact break the monotony as she had wanted. that was until, in her over-confidence, she got a question wrong. “well…” aemond seemed to be very satisfied indeed at her wrong answer, “are you going to do the honours or are you ready to admit that you’re the only coward here?” he scanned the white t-shirt she was wearing, almost with hunger and an expectancy, y/n thought.
she pulled the shirt off over her head, and threw it right at his smug face, “i’m no coward.” he caught it with ease, and for a split second she was sure he smelling it as he held it to his face, before dropping it in his lap. when he looked at her now, he didn’t even attempt to hide how he was taking in her figure, as she sat exposed only in her black bra. knowing that she was being watched, she sat straighter, even as she muttered “pervert” but made no attempt to hide her form.
 “please, don’t even try to pretend like you don’t love it.” now, that did take her aback. sure, she had caught him looking at her chest or her ass many-a time over their study sessions, and had done nothing to stop it, but she hadn’t realised that he had in fact, caught her catching him when he looked. he knew she had allowed it all this while, unspoken.
the monotony was certainly broken now.
when it was next aemond’s turn to ask a question, he threw her an easy one, a question she had answered in class. but y/n shrugged and said, “i don’t know”, as an answer. aemond snorted at her, “yeah, you do.”
she simply laid on her back as she undid her shorts and slid them down her legs, eyes never leaving aemond’s as she did. he wet his lower lip with his tongue, and then bit down as he watched. his eye trailed her bare legs, up to her panties, with very little being left to his imagination now that she sat only in her underwear on his sofa.
“my turn” she had the perfect trick question in mind, and when he called her out, saying “there is no right answer to that”, she shrugged once again. “are you going to do the honours or are you ready to admit that you’re the only coward here?” she threw his words back in his face with a grin.
he didn’t seem to need a lot of convincing. he pulled off his shirt in one swift move, and y/n felt her stomach clench at the sight of defined muscles on pale skin. she took a minute to memorise his details before she asked him the next question, but she hadn’t even reached the end of it before aemond was unbuttoning his pants, answering the question by simply saying “don’t know, don’t care.” it seemed as if he was in a hurry, as if he had waited long enough for this moment.
y/n seemed to be in a hurry too, when she deliberately gave a rushed, wrong answer to his next question. she moved her knees to straddle him where he sat, able to feel everything through her own cotton panties over his satin boxers. “need some help with the bra hooks.” she said as an excuse for her action. he readily obliged, with his hands reaching behind her and unhooking her bra with ease, letting the material fall down to the floor. his hands trailed up from her waist to her chest, pale hands first covering and then roughly squeezing her breasts. she started to rock back and forth where she sat, her now wet panties grinding against his obvious bulge.
“it’s your turn to ask.” she breathlessly reminded him after a minute, “fuck revision.” he was trailing kisses around her collar bone, sucking hard enough to leave bruises, she was certain. ““fuck revision”? who are you and what have you done to aemond targaryen?” she chuckled. he only gave her a growl in return, as his arms snaked around her waist to hold her up and then place her back down, with her back hitting the soft sofa.
he hovered over her for a second, supporting himself on his knees as his fingertips traced her side. “you look so hot when you’re concentrating….” he murmured, seemingly out of nowhere, as his fingers found the waistband of her panties and hooked under them. “…and when you’re debating me….” he pulled the cloth over her legs, and his hand reached down to the wetness between her legs “… and especially, when someone tells you you’re right.” a shiver went down her spine she felt two of his cold fingers in her folds. “already so wet for me.” he chuckled.
“oh, would you stop being a tease and just…” at her complaint he withdrew his fingers suddenly, causing her to whine. “just what?” he asked, making her feel more frustrated with him than she had ever felt before. “did you really think i was going to let go of the perfect opportunity to make you beg for me? make you beg me, to fuck you?” oh, there was that stupid fucking smug smirk once again. Now, it was no secret that y/n had too much pride, especially when it came to facing off with aemond targaryen. but as she lay there, exposed and achingly wet, she decided she had to bury her pride to get what she wanted.
“aemond…” she swallowed, “fuck me.” that did not seem to give him what he wanted. he cocked his head to one side, “hmm. you’re missing something.” she huffed, thinking why he had to make this so difficult, and how satisfied he must be at getting her in this position. “aemond…fuck me….please.”
at that, he grinned. he bent down to be inches away from her face, “as you wish.”
she felt two of his fingers enter her suddenly, making her gasp. his fingers curled inside of her roughly, at the same time he started to kiss the side of her neck with more gentleness than she had expected of him. the dichotomy gave her a high. his fingers continued their assault, as her hands tangled themselves in his hair. “so tight…” he whispered against her ear, “how long have you been thinking about this, you little slut?” y/n could only hum back, not capable of formulating a well thought-out response.
Her legs clenched as he continued to dig his fingers inside of her with perfect rhythm. His thumb reached up to massage her clit, as her hand reach down to grab the arm that was inside of her, nails leaving scratch marks. A warmth spread around inside her stomach at the feeling.
when he suddenly pulled his fingers out, she groaned in frustration, “has anyone ever told you, you have no patience?” he tutted. y/n rolled her eyes as she sat forward and her hands moved to finally remove his boxers, “yes.”
with his boxers now discarded, he positioned her to lay back down on the sofa, her legs around his waist. his tip grazed her core, but he didn’t enter her which only added to her annoyance. “aemond, i swear to the old gods and the new, if you tease me for a second longer—” she was cut off by him slamming inside of her suddenly. “ah!” she moaned as he filled her, “that ought to shut you up.” he grunted, supporting himself by keeping a hand on the arm of the sofa that was beneath her head. “oh, gods… aemond…” she could feel him touching her spot, legs growing weaker with each thrust.
he was going at it with a ruthless pace, leaving her feeling helpless and satisfied at the same time. his mouth dipped and he began sucking on her nipple, his teeth grazing where she was sensitive, making her yelp in pleasure. she grabbed his shoulder, grip strong enough leave even more marks. as she felt his tongue circle the skin around her nipple, she made a mental note to tell his brother that she had come to agree that his method of revising was indeed ingenious.
“aemond…i’m…” she had begun to say, “yeah baby, almost there” he replied lifting his head to her face. he tucked a stray stand of her hair behind her ear, a gesture that felt more intimate than the sex. he placed his hand on her cheek before his lips finally met hers. she could taste the black coffee they had been drinking on his tongue, mixed with something minty like toothpaste. for all the roughness with which he fucked her, y/n realised that the kiss felt sweet, tender almost.
“fuck…” he said against her lips, and she could tell he was close too. “aemond…ah!” she reached her peak, just as he pulled out and finished on her stomach.
panting, breathless and sore, for once y/n did not have a retort in the presence of aemond targaryen. he seemed rather speechless too, as he remained above her, unspeaking but his eye refusing to leave her face. he seemed to be in deep thought, and just when he opened his mouth to speak, a different voice could be heard from down the hall.
“and you called my ‘revising’ loud.” aegon snorted, leaning against his bedroom door.
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phoebeejeebies · 5 months
lucky domingo headcanons
If lucky has a million fans, then I am one of them. If lucky has ten fans, then I am one of them. If lucky has only one fan then that is me. If lucky has no fans, I am dead.
she loves the beach. she was born in summerville, Oklahoma but she has family who live by the sea. and she Loves it. there's nothing that speaks more "home" to her than the beach. she has so many fond memories of making sand castles and swimming in the ocean
nonbinary lesbian, uses they/she/star pronouns
has a butch lesbian boyfriend who uses he/him, theyve been seeing each other since lucky was 17, and "officially" dating since 18 - Lucky's dad wasn't fond of his daughter dating until they were an adult at least.
Their dad is strict and a little overprotective, but loves Lucky dearly. Father's daughter archtype.
enjoys marine biology like it's her secret guilty pleasure. she's been fascinated with sea creatures ever since she was a little child
also loves engineering and chemistry. she's a stem girly trust me trust me
instagram enjoyer! snapchat hater! has a secret twitter page where they rant about things that piss them off. pinterest LOVER. has boards for everything, planned futures, houses, furniture, clothing, just general vibes, pretty colours.
i just know star loved icarly and victorious. star loves karaoke. definitely loved hannah montana also.
has a stick n poke tattoo they did themselves on their ankle. its small enough that her family doesnt notice. but it makes her smile every time.
dog person. likes dogs. grew up with dogs. especially big dogs the big fluffy dogs. big fan of dogs.
makes "that's what she/he said" jokes. only trevor finds it funny. podcast WOULD find them funny if he understood them, phoebe find them annoying and tasteless. (she also thinks her jokes are funnier. and make more sense.)
confident in her own abilities. she knows she's the shit. hates not getting taken seriously.
actually becomes really good friends with lars. they work together a lot, especially as they're an intern, and lars puts good faith in lucky. they seem to get it, and are on a similar wavelength, so lars trusts them. they're competent. he likes that. they're a useful asset to their team. and a good friend to talk to even after work
makes spotify playlists for every single specific situation, only to not play them ever. just listens to the spotify generated mixes instead.
keeps tabs on all the ghostbusters. half because she's nosy and curious, half because she wants to make sure everyone is okay
won't admit it to his face but trevor is one of their closest friends. no one gets ghostbusting the way he does. they liked their friends in summerville but they were mostly surface-level relationships, friends for the sake of company in a dead-end town.
will never stop teasing trevor for having a crush on them when they first met. lucky finds this endearing and a little funny. trevor, at first, is a bit embarrassed but he laughs about it now too. they're very good friends.
is an only child (but has a really big extended family). treats phoebe like stars little sister. phoebe goes to lucky for intimate advice that she feels trevor wouldn't understand. he's a little brash with feelings, even though he means well and that pisses phoebe off sometimes.
has a love hate relationship with NYC. would rather be by the ocean.
her favourite colour is purple
andddd scene.
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plutoplaydoh · 3 years
What the Obey Me! Brothers would be like in High School!
In all of the advanced classes that prepare you for college.
Definitely one of the top students in class.
He isn’t necessarily popular but is well known by his peers; despite being well known only has one close friend (Diavolo).
Lucifer is feared by the other kids around him but is known for being responsible and dependable, someone you would pick for a group project.
He is on the Student Body, obviously is picked to be the treasurer because he already knows how to deal with bills and taxes. *cough* Mammon *cough*
Is that kid in class. He goofs off in class, trying to make school as fun as possible.
Is the kid your teacher would sit next to the serious, studious kid, but ends up talking to them and becomes friends with them (that is what he thinks at least, they just tolerate him).
Is barely passing, and no one knows how.
Has SO MUCH school spirit, goes to all the dances, football games, all the sports games in general, and participates in spirit week.
Is a fun-loving guy who, if you tell him about one of your club events, would come to it to support you.
Mammon is on the track team and does the 100 meters and hurdles!
Is one of the "weird" kids just because he games and watches anime, let's be honest.
He would be quiet in class, sit in the back, with headphones on listening to music.
Levi would love to be in the marine biology class and is the only class he will freely talk in! It is like a safe space for him.
But like many quote on quote weird kids, Levi is actually really nice, just really into what he likes.
Would rant about anime, video games, and music in class if someone mentions it.
Gets average grades which he is content with it.
If there is a gamer, movie, or anime club, he is in it.
Like Lucifer in all the college classes, and is competing with Lucifer for valedictorian.
Rumors say that once Satan put some mysterious liquid in Lucifers beaker in science class, making it explode, they both had to stay after class and talk with the teacher.
Is the cute, quiet kid in the back of your class, the mysterious one; demons would always just watch him in class; he would get annoyed with it at first but just ends up not caring.
Spends a lot of time in the library and really enjoys it.
Satan was in the chess club until the incident happened.
Is a popular kid.
But Asmo is one of the popular kids that isn't rude and stand-offish; Asmo tries his best to be friendly and cheerful to everyone around him.
Asmo isn't the smartest but is funny and will make sure the best music is being played on the teachers' speakers.
He is the student at the end of the year awards to win "Best Style" or, in his words, "Most Beautiful."
He is known for skipping school to take a day off if he has too much stress from classes.
Asmo would also be on Student Body but is on because of his popularity, but he is dedicated to making all the school events and dances fun.
Extra: Would also be in theatre and choir!
Beel would 100% be on the football team.
He would make sure everyone was celebrating the football spirit week with him (even Belphie would join in).
He is a bit of an airhead but does average in classes.
Is popular with the ladies, and other demons get asked out a lot but nicely declines.
Additionally, Beel is just a nice guy to everyone, and everyone is friendly back to him.
He takes all the culinary classes at school and makes it tremendously fun!
Creating new dishes and forcing everyone to try them out!
If he isn’t on the field or in the weight room, he can be found in the culinary room!
Belphie is sometimes at school but sometimes not, depends on the day.
He is only well known for being Beel’s sibling, but unlike Beel, Belphie is not friendly to everyone.
Unless Beel says something about it, then he may put the tiniest bit of effort into small talk.
Does not want to be bothered; it is already a burden to be at school.
He is usually asleep in the back of the class, sleeping, but always does well on tests. No one gets it at all, but he always passes his classes with flying colors. (This makes Lucifer and Satan so mad).
Extra: Belphie would be excellent friends with the lunch lady so he can sneak Beel snacks.
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headcanon that Jotaro knows SO much shit on a thousand different subjects because when he was a kid he used to hop from hyperfixation to hyperfixation like it was an olympic discipline and he was intending to win a gold medal, before his brain decided to settle on marine biology as a special interest that actually lasted long enough for him to stay interested in it until he finished his studies.
during the trip to Egypt more often than not if he knew something about anything he would blurt out random facts about it completely unprompted. Kakyouin found it cute.
yes he had a space phase when he was a kid and that's why Star looks the way it does.
yes he also had an Egyptian mythology phase that was brought back in full swing once he figured out that Abdul was willing enough to talk about it and his country's culture.
Abdul: [starting to tell a few facts about the place they're visiting]
Jotaro: [vibrating at unprecedented speeds]
Abdul: are- are you alright??
Jotaro: yesi'mfinekeeptalking
a grown-up Jotaro is hanging out with Jolyne, the silence is getting awkward, neither know what to say and Jotaro just goes off on a rant about a nearby tree fueled by information that he somehow retained from that one time in fifth grade he got obsessed with trees and absorbed literally any piece of information about them that he could find.
Jolyne is somewhat impressed but also pretty annoyed.
Jotaro would also make friends with Foo Fighters and think it's really neat. it'd be the first time Jolyne sees him get excited over something, like- genuinely have sparkles in his eyes and smile.
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Californian Dream (Pt. 05 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
<- Previous part (04)
Next part (06) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
On the next morning, you're still feeling a little anxious, afraid of what he said last night was just to keep you from moving out. But, since you were sleeping on the couch, you woke up just when he was leaving for work, and you were so relieved when he didn't just say ‘good morning’ and left. He asked if you slept well, and said that you can try and sleep a little more on the bed now. It's just a little thing, but it's different from before. And you hope it lasts. You also got the chance to tell him not to bring anything for dinner. He has been spending too much money with that, so you told him you'd cook something yourself.
And that's what you doing now. The chicken breasts are in the oven, almost ready and you focus on finishing the potato salad, adding mayo, a drizzle of olive oil, and seasoning it, mixing everything together. You're happy with what you could come up with, and it did help you pass the time since there's nothing to do here other then watch the news, and that only makes you anxious. After checking the chicken once again, you sit on the table, pinning your hair up on a ponytail, and that's when Billy comes back, your eyes immediately finding him on the door as he closes it shut.
“Hey.” You mumble, running your fingers through the ponytail. For the first time, you notice the uniform he has to use. A nice, black polo shirt with the logo of the company on the left side. On all of those days, you were avoiding looking at him, since he seemed like he didn't want anything to do with you. “You look like such a good boy in this shirt.” You know he doesn't usually wear stuff like that. Billy doesn't know it, but you went through his wardrobe a couple of times, and there is nothing like that that shirt in it.
“That's company policy.” He sounds a little annoyed, and you can tell he doesn't like to wear it. “It smells nice in here. What are you doing?”
“Lemon roasted chicken with potato salad.” You gesture at the oven. “It's almost done.”
“You... Can cook?” Furrowing his eyebrows, Billy comes near the table, giving the oven a look. “Like, actually cook?”
You get what he means. The girls don't usually know how to cook since they'll always have someone to do that for them. “Well, in my house, my parents always choose what we'll have for the meals. So I figured out if I wanted something different, I'd have to cook it myself.” Shrugging your shoulders, you stand up to check the oven again. “So Amelia taught me everything I know.”
“You're a box full of surprises,” Billy mutters, so low it makes you wonder if he wanted you to hear it. “I'll shower. If you wait we can eat together.”
“If it's not in an uncomfortable silence, I'll accept the invitation.” Leaning on the countertop, you give him a look.
“Good.” He stands there for a few seconds before moving away, and you can't help but try to understand why he always does that. It feels like he wants to say something, but he never does.
You patiently wait, and when he comes back, hair still damp, you both serve yourselves and take the usual seats on the table, across from each other. Billy takes a look at his place and squints his eyes, right before staring at you. “(Y/N)?”
“Where did you get these peas?”
You didn't think he'd notice. “Uhm... There's a nice grocery store just around the corner.” It sounds like a question, but before he can say anything you raise a hand. “I know, I know. But I do look different and I borrowed your sunglasses just to be sure. I didn't speak to anyone... Well, I did chat with this old lady, but that was it.”
“You gotta be careful. I know it's far from your neighborhood, but even so.”
“I was careful, I just... It sucks being in here all day doing absolutely nothing.” You didn't want to rant about it, but it just comes out. “And, inevitably, I will watch the news channel.” Then, you're not hungry anymore... Despite skipping lunch again.
“Did they find anything yet?” Silently, you just shake your head no, deciding to push the food in, even though the heavy sensation on your stomach. “Sorry.”
“Don't apologize, it's not your fault.”
Then the silence hits again, and it goes on for way too long for your taste, a leg bouncing nervously. “It's really good, by the way. Much better than what I can come up with.”
“Thanks,” you mutter with a smile.
“I've been meaning to tell you. I usually go to the gym with some friends a couple of times a week. I've been coming straight back because–”
“No, no. Please, go. I don't want to mess with your routine. More than I already did.” Reassuring him, you feel relieved when he nods. “Oh, you mentioned something about college. What do you study?”
“Marine Biology.”
“That's so cool.” You exclaim, imagining what Billy could work with. California has a lot of opportunities for marine biologists. “I bet it's amazing.”
“It is. What about you?”
“It's not that cool.” Warning him, you can't help but feel bored just to think about it. “Law. At Cali's Elite Academy, obviously.”
“It doesn't sound like you enjoy it very much.”
“I don't.”
“Then why do you do it?” As he speaks, Billy moves to the fridge, muttering something when he opens it. And you know why. “You also bought soda.”
“Yup.” Turning towards him, you take the can he offers you, cracking it open and taking a sip. “You know why I do it. Mom wanted me to, father is a lawyer already, so you get the picture.”
“I hope to be around on the day you decide you had enough of this shit and rebel against everyone who tells you what to do,” Billy says as he goes back to his chair, his eyes focused on you. Sometimes it feels his eyes can see right through you, even the parts you try to hide from yourself. The places you rather keep secret, locked deep inside. He also brings to life things you didn't even know existed. A true need to break free from everything you can't take anymore, everything that has been drowning you, suffocating you.
“Maybe it won't happen.” You burst out, pushing your plate away, still half full. “You said it yourself on the night I came here. I'll probably just slip into anything my mother wants me to do and be as frustrated as she is. With nothing in life but some millions in the bank.” There's a lump in your throat, a cry you're holding back. You don't want to be like your mother. Or like anyone else from her circle. But would you be able to shake this away? You're so used to doing this, avoiding conflicts and being the good, obedient daughter... Could you be more?
“Don't you remember what you said after?” Billy leans forward, elbows on the table, those ocean blue eyes burning through your skin. “That you'd leave California before she forced you into being another stupid girl pushed into a loveless marriage just to add up to the family's fortune.”
“I remember.” Whispering, you look down at your hands, hoping he can't see your teary eyes. “I get brave when I'm sleepy, that's why I say those things but... I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to just leave like that.”
“I came back here a year ago. My father forced me to move to Hawkins, Indiana, a dipshit small town that I hated more than anything.” His words and the weight behind them makes you raise your eyes again, meeting his stare. Billy never told you anything about his past, and you want to hear it. “I have no good memories of that place, and the moment I turned eighteen and got my High School diploma, I got into my car and left.” There's power in him, courage. You know there's more to the story, but you won't push him into sharing it if he doesn't want to. But you can picture it, Billy running away from somewhere he hated, hitting the road and leaving it all behind. You're mesmerized by it, you're not sure why. “And I came back here. I came back home.”
“California never felt like home to me.” That you remember saying. “I... I really wish I had a place where I could feel–”
“Free?” Billy finishes off for you, and you nod. “I don't think California is the problem. I think–”
“Me. I'm the problem.” Crossing your arms, you sigh. You have no idea why you're telling him all this, or how he so skillfully stormed through your walls, but you feel like Billy is the only person who can understand. Who won't think you're stupid or crazy. “I feel so... Lonely and desolated, even when I'm in my bedroom. I feel better when I'm at the beach, all alone than when I'm in the comfort of my bed. I know it's insane, but it just... It's just what it is. Of course I wish I could run away like you, but maybe I can't.”
“It's not from California you have to run away, it's from this person you pretend to be just to please everyone.” Billy stands up, taking both your plates and moving to the sink. But you stay there, motionless, thinking how you could do that.
“Tell me how and I'll do it.”
“Be the girl you were at the party.” He says, and you decide to stand up as well to help him with the dishes... But also because you want to be near him as if he's the only one who could help you do this. What exactly, you don't know. But Billy was brave enough to do something you wish you could. “The girl who doesn't care if her company is just the pool guy, who doesn't care if she almost hits a waiter, and doesn't mind having to suck some chocolate off her thumb.” Billy glances at you, and you start taking the dishes and drying them with a dishcloth. “The girl who ran from a very important beneficial gala and was very happy about it.”
“Yeah, but if you weren't there, I would never do that.”
“I might have given you a little push, but you made the decision.”
You'd never take Billy for the guy who would say these things. By what people told you about his behavior, you'd never think he'd be this... Kind. “Are you always this nice with girls?” Trying to light up the mood after the emotional conversation, you ask him, chuckling.
“No, I'm not.” He passes you the last fork, and you dry it and put it on the drawer. “Definitely not.”
“I get it.” Lying the dishcloth down, you shrug your shoulders. “Guess some girls like the bad boy.”
Billy giggles, taking the dishcloth to dry his hands. “What about you? Good boy or bad boy?”
“A guy like you would be nice.” Wait. What? It takes a couple of seconds for you to process what you just said, and what it means. “Uhm... I'll... I'll organize some of my stuff.” You quickly manage to say, turning your back at him and leaving the kitchen.
When you reach the bedroom, you shut the door behind your back, wondering what the hell just happened to you. It's completely out of question to start liking Billy. You're literally living with him for who knows how long, it would complicate things to such a high level that you would really have to move out. You're already too lucky he doesn't bring girls here, but out there... Suddenly, the names Gisele gave you start flashing through your mind, and you groan, throwing yourself on the bed.
“Don't be stupid.” You mutter, pulling the sheets over your head and expecting a calm, dreamless night.
• • •
Before, you were anxious. Worried. Now, you're just angry. Another week has passed, and nobody knows anything. A bunch of people were abducted, in huge black vans, and nobody knows where they went. It's plain stupid by now. You're already up when Billy opens the bedroom door to shower and change for the day, and you move to the living room, putting on the news channel again and letting yourself fall on the couch. The boredom won't help either. Besides going to the grocery store, you're locked in here, doing absolutely nothing other than housework.
You're by the window when Billy comes out, already in the company uniform. Turning around with your arms crossed, you stare at him. “We gotta talk because I'm losing my mind.”
“Does it has to be now? Because if I don't leave in five minutes I'll be late.”
Then, the best idea you ever had in days comes to your mind. “Take me with you.”
“What?” He bursts out, eyebrows furrowed.
“Take me with you. Where are you going today?”
“William's. The mansion by the cliff.”
“They don't know me very much, my parents hate them. Please, take me with you. I can't stand being in here all day.” Walking over him, you grab his hand. “C'mon, Billy. I can help with something.”
“I don't think it's a good idea.” He looks down at you, a thoughtful expression on his face. “If anyone recognizes you it could be dangerous. Everyone thinks you were taken too.”
“See? Nobody will hope to see me hanging around.”
“I swear to God if you don't take me I'll head to the beach and stay there until sunset.” It wasn't a plan, but now it is. Stepping back, with both your hands on your hips, you wait for Billy's reaction.
“Is it a threat?”
“I don't make threats, only promises.” Shrugging your shoulders, you cross your arms. “So?”
“You have three minutes to change out of these sweatpants.” He's still speaking when you're moving, quickly taking your pj's off and putting the first thing you find. Short jeans and a black T-shirt that's a little bit similar to Billy's. Not so much, but it's the best you can do.
When you're back in the living room, dramatically putting Billy's sunglasses on, you rush through the door when he opens it, more than eager to spend the day somewhere other than in the apartment.
And, as if on purpose, Billy takes one of the most beautiful roads of California. At least in your opinion. On your side, you can see the ocean, and since the waves here are more violent, the beach is empty, except for some surfers. Billy has the windows open, and the wind messes with your hair. But you like it. Closing your eyes, you stretch your arm out, feeling the wind brushing in between your fingers. Maybe it's the speed, or the daylight, or the fact that you're finally outside after weeks of confinement. Maybe it's the company... But this feels good. Almost overwhelming. There's a smile on your face that doesn't look like it's leaving anytime soon, and for the first time in... Since you can remember, you have no worries. You allowed the wind to carry them all away.
“I forgot how beautiful this place is.” You tell Billy, holding your hair out of your face so you can look at him.
“Beautiful.” He says, his eyes on you instead of on the ocean outside the window. You squint your eyes, just about to ask what he's looking at when he clears his throat, eyes on the road again. “But we're almost there. Look.”
Some miles away you see the William's house. Huge, way bigger than yours, built by the cliff, which gives them an amazing view of the ocean.
A few minutes later, you're being guided inside by one of their employees. There's nobody home, and by what the old man said, they'll only be back by nightfall, when you and Billy will be far away. So there's no danger. You're taken to the pool, and Billy starts moving around.
“What do I do?” You ask, taking a look at the enormous pool. It's so big it has an isle in the middle. The last time you came here, you were a kid, and you didn't remember it to be so big.
“I'll start with emptying the pool skimmer.” He looks around and then points at the skimmer net. “Think you can get rid of those leaves floating?”
“Yup.” Moving to get the skimmer, you start with your task.
As you move around the pool, catching the leaves and placing them on a plastic canvas Billy lied on the deck, you notice him giving you a few glances. But you only know that because you're also staring every now and then, as he comes and goes from the supply closet. Soon enough, you get so nervous about it that you can't help but giggle as you walk to the plastic canvas, dropping some more brown leaves on it. Since he's coming your way, you wait there, using the pole to sustain some of your weight, your free hand on your hip.
“Getting tired, princess?” Billy mutters in a mocking tone, and you roll your eyes. “Still half of the pool to clean.”
There's that pet name again, and at the very mention of it, you feel something on your stomach, like tickles. “I'm alright so far.” You mumble, hoping you're not blushing. As soon as he walks by, you resume your task.
The truth is that you're very tired already, and the skimmer is heavy. And the wind starts blowing the leaves all around, which makes you walk around the pool too many times. It's past 1 pm when Billy is over, and you decide not to get the four leaves left in the water.
“Let's go.” He says, and you get up from the wooden bench you've been seated for the last five minutes after he locked the supply closet, following him.
“I'm starving.” You mumble, letting your hair down from the ponytail as you get into the car again. “Where do you usually have lunch?”
“In a restaurant associated with the company. Which means employees don't pay.” He glances at you. “And I guess you didn't bring any money, so...”
“I would have if you told me that.” Pulling the door close, you take a deep breath. “Just buy me an ice cream and I'll be fine.”
“Absolutely not.”
“I'm fine. You did the hard work.” You buckle up when he speeds away, once again hitting the road. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath when you feel the fresh wind on your face. “What are you doing next?”
“Got a fancy car to fix.”
“Uhm...” Opening your eyes again, you look at Billy's side, taking in the beach. It's completely empty now. But your eyes wander to Billy. In this perfect light, he looks amazing. Breathtaking. His grip on the wheel is loose, and he has a hand out the window, looking carefree. Billy loves this place, you can see it on his eyes, on his posture. He's home. “Do you think we have a few minutes to spare?”
“What for?”
“I just wanted to take a walk on the beach. But it's ok if you can't.” Looking away, you focus on the road ahead. But Billy is slowing down, pulling over to the side of the road. Biting your lip, you wait for him to stop before stepping out of the car. You're already crossing the road when you notice Billy is still in the car. So you stop, turning to look at him from the middle of the road. “Hey! Aren't you coming?”
“It sounded like you wanted some alone time.”
“I had plenty of alone time in the apartment.” Rolling your eyes, you gesture for him to come. “Let's go.” Reaching out your hand, you smile when he leaves the car, patiently waiting for him. You were just about to put your hand away when he takes it, rushing you to move since there was a car coming that you didn't see. It makes you giggle a little, your other hand coming to hold on to his forearm. “Seriously, you have to stop saving my life.”
“Then stop putting your life in danger.” It takes a little too long for him to let go of your hand, your fingers brushing against each other.
“I'll try.” When you get to the edge of the road, you don't see any steps leading to the sand. Only a rock that someone placed here to offer some help, but it's still a little too high for you. “Isn't it a buzz killer?”
“I'll help you.” Billy easily jumps to the sand, not even using the rock. “Come.”
“If I fall, I swear to God...” Sitting on the edge, you try calculating if you could just jump to the ground.
“You won't fall. C'mon.” Billy comes to stand right in front of you, both his arms raised to catch your fall.
Taking a deep breath, you push yourself forward, closing your eyes on the process, so you only feel when you collide with Billy. His hands are quick to hold your waist, sustaining your weight, and not allowing you to reach the ground. The sudden change makes you open your eyes, and you immediately take in how close you stand. His face is only three inches apart, and as he pulls you down, you hold tightly on his biceps. Billy's eyes are locked on yours, and even after you're safe on the ground, he doesn't move. His hands remain on your waist, his face still close enough to kiss, if only you were brave enough to stand on your toes. Your stomach feels funny, and your heart is trying to beat its way out of your chest.
But a car passing by snaps you out of it, and you both move at the same time, stepping back.
“Sorry.” You mutter, clearing your throat. “But thanks for not letting me fall.”
“I told you I wouldn't.”
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @clockworkballerina @infinitelycharmed23
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rosie-are-roses · 3 years
Movie Review: Josee, the Tiger and the Fish.
Posted on September 11, 2021.
“Grandma, the world isn’t scary at all.” - Josee. 
God, reading my old reviews just brings me back my past memories. A lot of things has happened, and somehow my coping mechanism has kind of fully switched from writing to drawing, because I’ve became illiterate lazy and unmotivated, a lot of bad things has happened the past 4 years. I’m now on the 7th semester or final year of my college. Okay, I will stop here, no one wants to know about your pathetic and uninteresting life, writer.
So, on the very beginning of September 2021, I decided to watch Josee, the Tiger and the Fish, originally just to listen to Ao no Waltz, one of the OSTs of this movie (Please listen to it I’m begging, it’s a masterpiece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyDCubgU57g) my all time favorite song, sung by Eve, the Great Amazing Eve. I didn’t expect the movie to be THIS good! Why and how? I will tell you!
It’s a light melodrama movie, but once the tragedy or main conflict happened it’s kinda depressing lmao, but there’s a rainbow after rain. I cried a lot too, prepare a lot of tissues, really! Overall, my rate is 10/10, it’s REALLY worth a watch. The animation is TOP TIER (Of course, it’s Studio Bones after all, the same studio who did My Hero Academia, I was amazed throughout watching, the visuals are outstanding, the OSTs are beautiful, everything about it is stunning. Definitely in my top 5 anime movies, not higher than Spirited Away and Howl’s Moving Castle, though.
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish is an anime about the bond between a marine biology student and a (disabled) paraplegic women. It is directed by Kotaro Tamura from a screenplay by Sayaka Kuwamura, with original character designs by Nao Emoto, released on big screen on December 25, 2020.
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That’s Josee! Pretty, right? TMI: I LOVE her voice, kudos to whoever her voice actress is. (It’s Kaya Kiyohara, by the way.)
Josee, paraplegic from born, on a wheelchair since born, never really came out from her house because her grandmother always told her that the world is a scary place, so for a 24 years old, she has a pretty childish and spoiled personality. She’s beyond demanding, but Tsuneo never lost his patience dealing with her (Yo, that’s a good husband material right there.), he has always been so supporting to Josee. Tsuneo, a final year marine biology student who dreams of studying abroad and diving in tropical waters, (He is struggling with part-time jobs and final research paper, and I can relate! Because I’m also struggling with internship and college final project!), he is a dream student and husband, he has good grades, he also got a scholarship study abroad in Mexico. His job is also going pretty fine. He has nice and supportive friends. 
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Sounds nice right? 
Until he got run over a girl on a a wheelchair who lost control over it, freefalling on a downhill road. Don’t worry, they both are fine, no injuries and such. And kids, that’s how I met your father. That was their first meeting. Tsuneo offered to walk her home because as he should! You men has to have basic manner! After reaching Josee’s home, he was greeted by Josee’s grandmother, Kumiko, her one and only guardian, and was offered a dinner. Josee couldn’t refuse and decided to take her offer. They had a good dinner, but Josee doesn’t like him, she talks to Tsuneo in a rude tone so Tsuneo wondered what is wrong with this girl?! 
Anyway, Tsuneo shared that he is struggling to find another job to pay his bills, so grandma Kumiko offered him a well-paid job, and that is to babysit be Josee’s servant, who has to accompany her and listen to all of her demands. Josee is really demanding, so it was a tiring job for Tsuneo. He kept ranting to his friends at work, Mai and Hayato, that he couldn’t stand Josee!
One day, Josee felt the need to go out and go to places, she needed to see the outside world inside of being trapped in her room full of drawings about oceans. She wanted to see the ocean, so they made sure grandma Kumiko was sleeping and quietly took Josee outside. They went to many places together. The aquarium, the zoo, the recreation park, and had so much fun. She went to the ocean and felt the saltiness of the ocean water because she never got to experience it since both of her parents died. She has always been stuck drawing in her room, only imagining what is it like outside, is it really scary like her grandma described? Turns out it isn’t like that at all.
That until a really depressing tragedy happened to both Josee and Tsuneo (What is it? I won’t give any spoilers.) It’s so depressing that Mai, one of Tsuneo’s friends who got a crush on Tsuneo (Let’s be real, who wouldn’t.) told Josee to stay away from Tsuneo and free him, because since Josee came into his life, his peaceful life has went downhill. Josee was a pretty selfish girl, I must say. But there’s always a room for development and change, right?  All of you will find her annoying in the beginning and maybe until the end, but she got a good character development in the end. I can’t decide if I want to have a Tsuneo or Josee, both are good characters.
Then how did Tsuneo fall in love with Josee? You’ll have to find it out by watching it, the movie is available on Netflix.
This movie basically tells you to go on with life and not give up after falling into the deepest pit of nightmares, to still have and chase your dreams despite having limitations. It’s so healing and heart-warming to watch on a pandemic like this. Tsuneo is such a patient, good and loyal man. Josee, an inspiring and tough women. Both suits each other, I’d say. (Although I was team Mai at first.) They both inspire and support each other to live their dreams, a sweet heart-warming love story.
Not to mention, the OSTs are sung by The Great Eve: please give Shinkai and Ao No Waltz a listen, it’s my top 2 favorite Eve music, I always listen to it whenever I’m sad, I was at a war with myself and found peace on these songs.
So, what are you waiting for! Go watch it!
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yesthatbigirl · 4 years
Zach with ADHD and he has played sports since he was young to get his energy out. The reason he was only looking forward to his sports scholarships, because his grades weren't the best, because he and his mom knew he had ADHD and didn't give him meds. She thought they weren't necessary but also didn't take him to behavioral therapy. In turn, he had to figure how to act and the heap of things that came with it. Like when he was younger he would stim but he would be looked at weird or be told not to, so he would mask it till he got home. He didn't tell many that he had it only Alex, Justin, and chloe. It also caused him to have some emotional issues, like not saying how he feels, being scared he will do something wrong, not wanting people to hate him so he hurts people on accident, and many more. He was also more sensitive, because of his RSD and, because of society he had to act tough. As he got older he started to find words to express how he feels and what happens too him. He found a lot of other people that are neurodivergent. The thing is when he got into a relationship with Alex he had a hard time because of having ADHD. He has a hard time expressing how he feels and he thinks if he does anything to upset him a little bit or if he does nothing wrong, he thinks Alex wants to break up with him. Eventually Zach breaks down about it too Alex and Alex understands and tries his best to make sure Zach knows he's loved and he's not going to leave him. Zach slowly starts believing Alex and they get even closer. Zach starts to find ways to help his ADHD and even start feeling comfortable stimming in public. One of Zach favorite smells is Alex's hair, weird right but cute to Alex and he just lets him smell his hair because it makes Zach happy. His favorite auditory stim is listening to songs on repeat for hours on end, when I mean hours like 4 to 5 hours maybe more and really likes songs he can stim too. Alex doesn't mind because loves seeing his boyfriend being himself and not having to wear a mask. Zach repeats phrases a lot, he once had a one that lasted for years, it just took breaks(I actually had a phrase like that). The phrase was 'what's new scooby doo' people were annoy by when he young but he usually did it anyway. Now he just repeats funny saying after they are said and Alex just laughs with Zach watching him repeat them because he finds it interesting how he process a joke. Zach's favorite texture is fluffy pillows and playing with Alex's hair. Alex just love getting his hair played with, it's very relaxing. Zach loves to lay on Alex's chest and listen to his heart. When Alex kisses him, Zach will ask for more and more till Alex has kissed all over his face and usually ends in making out for for hours as they hold each other. When Zach has a sensory overload Alex turns off the lights and will leave him too calm down and will run as fast as he can, when Zach wants to cuddle after. Zach's hyperfictions are marine biology, sports facts, random gay facts, and many more. He can just rant about fish for like an hour and switch the subject like that and talk about all the facts about Stone Wall. Alex listens intensely and commenting once and awhile to show that he is listening, reassuring him that he is not being annoying. Alex loves listening to Zach ramble, to see so him happy and so passionate about things. Alex does sometimes get hot headed but apologizes to Zach and tells that he is not mad at him, sovthat Zach's RSD isn't too effectived. Zach's favorite stims are shaking his hands, shaking both his legs very intensely, and when he listens to some songs he pops around too. Zach has come to terms with his ADHD and is so happy to have a supportive boyfriend. Alex loves his neurodivergent boyfriend and wouldn't change him for the world.
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mistabullets · 5 years
From the Fluff list: 13 + 2 for dense ocean man Jotaro? 💕
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?”
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
You and Jotaro had met during your freshman year of undergrad. At first, you were intimidated by the well-endowed man with a stoic yet daunting face. But the both of you would click; the two of you had decided to major in marine biology, had a passion for the ocean, and could enjoy each other’s company. Jotaro appreciated you weren’t annoying or obnoxiously loud like some of your fellow classmates and you admired how dedicated he was to his studies. Because you were pursuing the same degree, you shared most of your classes with Jotaro and became study buddies. Awkwardly talking about the assignments due, shyly asking Jotaro to be your partner for lab, and seeing who would be in charge of whatever section during group projects. 
Eventually, the two of you became friends. Becoming friends with Jotaro Kujo was a feat of its own, since everyone seemed so afraid of him. But he was such a nerd! He always rambled onto about good ocean documentaries and was thoughtful over your wellbeing, lending you his plethora of notes when needed when you missed a lecture. Before you went to your dorm for the evening, Jotaro particularly pushed a note into your hand, making no eye contact. 
“Meet me here. Saturday, 12:00pm. We’ll have a lunch after.” Before you could say anything, Jotaro pulled his hat down to cover his face, giving you a curt night before turning the other direction toward his dorm. You stood there confused but shrugged it off, noting this as usual, stoic Jojo behavior. 
Jotaro had found a local aquarium nearby and of course, you were pumped about it. Turns out you had developed  a crush on him and saw your chance to try to confess something, or at least gauge his interest in you. Even though you had knew your classmate for months now and considered him a friend, you didn’t want drive him away. Sometimes, it was hard to read what he was feeling, which proved difficult during your relationship with Jotaro. There was one night where you had dragged him out of his comfort zone to a nightclub, having heard its a hit in the town. However, it wasn’t your scene. Jotaro hadn’t express any discomfort but both of you left in less than an hour. He told you, three days later, to never take him to that nightclub again. 
For today, you dressed your best and followed the directions Jotaro had gave you. Luckily, it was just a twenty minute walk from campus (maybe fifteen from how you were skipping your way toward the aquarium). Eventually, you saw a familiar figure from a distance and your pace quickened. A smile spread on your lips as you approached the man; he was wearing a purple turtleneck and black slacks which hugged his muscles. Of course, he wore his iconic cap. You thought how handsome he was and stutter out a simple hey.
Jotaro hums, “Hey. Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?”
A hand instinctually slaps your face, feeling warmth radiating from your cheek, “Ahaha-- no reason! You look, uhm, nice today!”
“Thanks, you too,” he says nonchantantly, not realizing you’re blushing even more, before approaching the entrance. You trail behind him as your brain tries to make some kind of flirty small talk. Jotaro buys your admission fee and you kindly thank him, saying he’s always so generous. He doesn’t say anything and you just give a small smile, letting him take the lead. For the afternoon, the two of you engage about the different sea critters there. You admire how cute they (even the weird, ugly fish is cute) with Jotaro reminding you of some unique fact about said creature. You try your best to capture your crush’s interest but to no avail. You keep up with the conversation, giving him a genuine smile every here and there, and pointing out something of his interest. You try to be a bit flirty but Jotaro shows no reaction when you try to be extra flirty. 
Internally sighing to yourself, you ponder if Jotaro is acknowledging your attempts but is just... ignoring them? Perhaps he’s not interested. For the rest of your time there, you try to reassure yourself and say it’s fine being friends with Jojo. You almost bump into the towering man, becoming capitivated by a dolphin; you almost want to giggle, seeing his sealike eyes glued on the creature. The soft glow of the aquarium’s interior and the refracted water gives his eyes a memorizing subtleness to them. 
While he’s on a rant about how dolphins can name themselves, you compulsively reach for his hand and blurt out, “You’re cute, when... you talk about something... t-that you, uh, love, Jotaro. It’s really cute.”
It takes Jotaro a moment but he wraps his fingers interlocked with yours. A blush heats your face. He tries to hide his face but you can tell he’s flustered. 
“A-Are you flirting with me?” he says, with a slight stammer to your amusement.
You give a nervous laugh, “Y-You finally noticed?”
He gives an apology for not noticing and suggest it’s about time for lunch. Jotaro ponders to himself, realizing your little comments and how you seemed more giddy today. At least he didn’t have to confess first. It may come out wrong and embarassing on his end. He leads you out, still holding onto your hand. Jotaro tilts his hat to cover his red face, heat fuming from his ears. 
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acrobaticcatfeline · 4 years
Of Books, Brothers, and Broadway (Creativitwins College AU) Chapter Three!!!
Word Count: 6875
TW: Remus, Janus, cursing, ocean critters, think that’s it
Pairings: dukeceit, logince, I think mentioned moxiety, familial creativitwins, platonic everyone else with everyone else, a nice bit of parental Remus and Thomas.
Notes: It gets gay!!!!! Finally!!!! Also skirts!!!! We learn more about Thomas, who is baby TBH hes just like, Remus good boy and I agree. these two have a very close mentorship, Remus has been there for for several years and Thomas has pretty much adopted him. They have one of my favorite dynamics in this. A lot of angst comes shortly after this so enjoy the soft gays while you can.
Summary: Remus is gay and smitten. Roman is as well. The two battle to woo their brothers best friend and both succeed. Soft boys going on dates and being in love. Remus rants a bit.
By the time that they all finish dinner, Remus is more than a little excited to show Janus his lizard friends. Janus is so nice and cute and he has an interest in reptiles, and the book he wrote for the musical in progress, and god he's in love. Roman gives him permission to run off without him while he and Patton engage in ‘civilized’ conversation. So he shows Janus his room, and heck he's bringing a cute boy into his room god this is filthy, disgusting worse than the worst most cuddly pornos that he's ever sat through, this is intimate and Remus feels like his blood is going to boil. He smiles instead though, because Janus is squealing and bouncing and looking at all the little guys in the tanks and he so desperately looks like he wants to hold one but he bounces in place while sounding like a balloon with a leak.
“You want to hold one?”
“More than anything!”
Remus walks over to the tank and tries to pull out a small gecko, but his only snake slithers out and coils his arm before he could. He laughs at it, petting its little head softly and he's almost knocked unconscious by the pure joy on Janus’ face. His eyes are damn near sparkling, his bouncing has stilled as his jaw dropped.
“This little guy is a Kenyan sand boa, he's actually the only scaly friend I've ever gotten from a rescue, the rest of these guys are just local pals. His name is Amadeus. Wanna hold him?”
Remus guided Amadeus to slither up Janus’ arm. He ended iup coiling around his neck loosely and Remus could see the effort Janus was exerting to not get too excited. He petted the snake gently, stars in his eyes as the snake seemed to lick him.
“I love him!”
“He seems to like you too”
“I’m sorry I’m being so childish heh, I just, I lose my composure with animals I guess. And theater. I suck at keeping up this uh, facade I guess I can call it”
“Why would you? You're cute like this”
Janus froze and Remus nearly backpedaled on his words before Janus broke out in a huge blush with a matching grin. He swept the bangs that were sticking out from his beanie to the side of his face as he looked back at Remus.
“Do you want to go get coffee at some point? I mean uh, we can, we can talk about the musical some more and uh, maybe I can convince you to strike up a deal of some sort?”
Remus blinked and smiled back at him. He pulled out his phone and looked at something before changing it and handing it over to jay.
“I've got a class tomorrow and then work, and I'm bringing home an octopus so I probably can't do coffee tomorrow, but how does dinner sound?”
Janus took the phone and saw a new contact page pulled up. He smiled as he entered the information and sent a standard text and handed it back.
“That sounds even better! I'm free after 4 tomorrow!”
“How does 7 sound? I'm technically back at 5:30 but I want to be here for a bit in case shit goes sideways with Cephy”
“Sounds like a date! Er, um, a plan! Sounds like... a plan..!”
“God you're gonna have to stop being so adorable before I turn myself in to the police preemptively. Anyways, Roman might be getting annoyed from having you stolen for so long, so hows about we put back Dee and pick up this convo later?”
“Great idea!”
By the time that they leave the room, Patton is ready to leave, and as jay was his ride, he had to leave as well. The four said their goodbyes, and when he thought Roman wasn't looking, Janus mimed a little ‘call me’ motion to Remus and he nearly melted as the two left. Remus flopped onto the couch, and subsequently Roman, when the door closed with a sigh.
“You've already stolen him haven't you?”
“Were going to dinner tomorrow”
“Of course you are. I'm going to have to help you get ready aren't i?”
“Yup. and I'll make dinner on Saturday and Sunday as a thank you”
“And as payment for skimping on your original day”
“Yeah sure”
Remus wasn’t panicking, of course not, he was totally chill. It's just that he was bringing home an octopus at the end of his shift and then he was going on a date with a cute boy and he just wasn't used to so much happening in one day. He refocused however. He was wearing his lab coat and was sitting next to the institute's recreation of the coastal ocean with pen and paper in hand. He was recording some behaviors in the dolphin they just got, and its differences in behavior compared to their other inhabitants. It was moving slower, and did not seem to like getting close to the walls. He had many questions as he continued to note its peculiarities. Thomas walked in and squatted next to him with a smile.
“You have your inquisitive look on, whats up kid?”
Remus continued to watch the dolphin intently.
“Why is she so scared of the walls?”
“Oh, she was abused by her human caretakers, she's afraid of us still. She also doesn't like our feeding rods, or when we get in to do maintenance. She's just people shy, which isn't too terrible for her or us for the time being. She hasn't lashed out, and it's only a mild inconvenience during feeding times. The longer she's here with the others, the easier it will be, animals are great at encouraging trust in others, its key for survival. But isn't she just so beautiful?”
“Definitely! Hey, weird question, do you ever get transfers from different parts of the world?”
“Sometimes, not often though, they only transfer out of country or state if its a true emergency for the most part, and we aren't really in the hierarchy for those things”
“Hmm. I really want to see an amazon river dolphin. They're so fricken cool!”
“Well, if that's something you want to see about, and you're serious about it, I have some connections with the dolphin research center as well as Clearwater, and I think they both have some that were serious rescue cases. I might be able to set you up for a summer stint if you want?”
“Oh no, no that's fine I just, it's just one of the things that made me want to pursue marine biology. It was an episode of Go Diego Go if you can believe that. They were just, so magical, and I learned more about the ocean and like, the ocean is filled with magic that we don't even know about, and it's just, I dunno. Its a bucket list thing I guess”
“Fair. mine was jellyfish and sea turtles. Finding Nemo”
Remus chuckled at the image of the doctor as a child getting starry eyed at Finding Nemo. He nodded distantly and Thomas fully sat, giving Remus a nudge on the arm.
“What's eating at you kid? You're acting distant today, is something up?”
Remus finally looks at Dr. Sanders at this, a little shocked and confused. He looks back at the water and curls his legs up close to him and lays his head on them.
“A lot is happening and I’m scared I’m going to mess something up”
“Talk to me Re”
“Well, ok so my brother is real into theater, always has been, and he asked me when we were younger to write a musical with him. And, and it's fun, don't get me wrong, but I hate hate hate showing people my writing. And now I'm showing him it regularly, on top of my writing assignments for my creative writing minor. And like, I don't know how to feel about it. But like, it's not just that. Like, I'm a full time worker here now, not an intern, but I'm not even working full time hours, and I feel like I have to prove to you and everyone else that it was worth it but I don’t have the time to put in more hours and it makes me feel so guilty because you're losing money by upping my pay and I don't know, I feel like I'm not doing enough but I know I can't do any more. And then! I'm getting Cephy and like, I know she's gonna be a lot of work, and I'm so ok with that but I’m worried I’m gonna mess up and hurt her or something! And I've got a date with a cute guy tonight and he's my brother's friend and he's so cute and we mesh so well, but I could ruin it, like I always ruin my relationships, and then what if he holds it against Roman? He’ll hate me forever and I don't know what I would do if I lost my brother too, I drive him crazy but I know he still loves me but it makes me want to die thinking about how conditional it could be, even though he's never shown me that that would ever happen it still eats at me and god I'm a mess. God I talked too much I’m sorry boss, I'll shut up now, you didn't need to hear all of that”
Thomas hides the shock and concern on his face, choosing to nod as he rubs a gentle circle in Remus’ back. The two were very very close, they were basically family at this point, Thomas having chosen to be his mentor the moment he met him. He waits a moment to choose his words before speaking.
“I can't pretend that I totally understand your problems, but I'm aware that that isn't what you're looking for. So lets start with something easy. Cephy will not get hurt with you. There is not a single doubt in my mind that you won't be able to, while you were the only applicant, if we didn't know you were responsible enough to care for her with complete certainty and confidence, we would have sent her home with one of our older scientists. This was a long discussion and I know that you will do exactly what you have to to keep her safe. Two, you were not promoted because we needed you to work more. As I've said since you've started here, your studies come first. You were promoted because you did amazing work with what little you are allowed to do as an intern, and we could see that you would do even better with less restrictions. This was meant to give you the ability to learn more and aid in your work ethic. We don't need you to spread yourself too thin so you can work more, we have enough people for you to only work part time”
Remus nodded, he was trying to believe him, he really was, but his head kept turning them around with what ifs. He stayed silent as Thomas paused again.
“Your writing is personal, creative work always is, it is a bearing of your soul and its reasonable to be hesitant in sharing it. Even more so when it's to an overly creative person. But if I know anything about your brother, it's that he is a kind and uncritical person. You don't seem to have any reason to distrust him with it. I know that sometimes your head makes you nervous and casts doubt over others intentions, but it isn't healthy for you to be unable to trust even someone as close as your brother. And, if you let him know your feelings on it all, I'm sure he would be willing to work on it with you. This ties in with the other bit. If you have no reason to believe that something like a break up would cause your brother to hate you, then it's likely not the case. Trust that he values his relationship with you enough to endure the small likelihood of a break up between you and his friend. His friend is a bit of a wild card to you right now but just, give it a shot. It might go better than you can imagine”
Remus felt like he was about to cry. He pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes and took deep breaths. He pulled his hands away and looked at Thomas as he leaned slowly into a hug with the older man. Thomas smiled and wrapped his arms around the other and they sat there a moment in silence.
“Thank you Dr. Sanders”
“This is an emotional moment, call me Thomas”
“... thank you Thomas”
Remus had calmed down and felt far better after his conversation with Thomas, he was pretty zen as he drove home with Cephy on his passenger side. He parked outside he and Roman’s house and dialed Roman’s number. Roman picked up on the second ring.
“You back?”
“Yup. can you get the door for me, I don't want to set Ceph down on the ground”
“On it”
Remus got out of his car, opening the passenger door and lifting the rather small tank carefully in his arms. He felt bad for her getting stuck in such a small carrier tank. He got to the door and saw Roman in the doorway. Roman held out his arms.
“I imagine if I hold the tank I won't have to transfer her into the big one? So hand her over.
Remus chuckled and did so. He slid past then, opening the door to his room and lifting the cover on the big tank. He pulled on plastic gloves and did the same to the carrier. He laughed as Cephy’s arms immediately swung over the side of it. Roman nearly screamed and dropped the thing when one of her tentacles stuck onto him. Luckily he just hummed loudly and squeezed his eyes shut. Remus carefully picked Ceph up, placing her oh so delicately on the little rock shelf near the top before he released her and she dove to the depths of it quickly, swimming around happily, likely glad to have room again. Roman rushed to the bathroom, shouting as he went.
Remus pulled off the gloves and tossed them, placing the tank lid on again before going back to the car to get the rest of her supplies. When he finished unloading, Roman was back out of the bathroom with the tank now placed under the other one in the living room. His hair, which was about shoulder length, was tied up in a hair tie, his bangs pinned up and he was wearing a black crop top with golden print of a crown and shorts. He had a makeup bag in one hand and a hair brush in the other. He had the most sinister smirk on his face.
“K, go take a shower and change into shitty clothes so we can try some faces. Go on! Its 5:45 and I need an hour to get you in order”
Remus opened his mouth and shut it, knowing that Roman was right. He sulked to his room, grabbing some pjs and heading to the bathroom.
“Roman I’m going to look like a clown with all this makeup, why are we even doing this?”
“Because you want to look nice, and you'll look better if you do a little bit of makeup to accentuate your features. And also because you suck at shaving so I'm hiding the welts you gave yourself. He won't want to kiss you if you look like you've been eating out a beehive. Now sit still! We still have to choose your outfit and deal with your hair!”
Remus did as told, pouting as he did so. Roman finally, finally put down the makeup brush. He pulled up a mirror and Remus gasped at his reflection. His face looked clear and smooth, and his cheeks had color. But his eyes were stunning. They were black on the lid, but it faded into a sparkly green shade and gosh Remus loved it.
“I’ll put some lipstick on you when you're done changing. Don’t want to accidentally stain anything”
“Ro I love it!!!!”
“Good. ok clothes next. Where are you guys going?”
Remus blinked and felt himself flush and Roman rolled his eyes. He walked into Remus’ closet with a sigh.
“Typical. Ugh, men. Jay likes anything, he's pretty basic on that, I'd say go to olive garden. Mid Range price but nice aesthetic. Plus he eats bread sticks like an actual snake. He’ll love it. Maybe plan your next date a little more though”
Remus nodded, eternally grateful for the suggestion. He followed Roman as he flipped through his clothes. Roman sighed again.
“You're so lucky I saw his outfit and know it isn't too regal, otherwise I would make you push it to later and buy you new clothes. Here, how about this?”
He pulled out his skull shirt, some ripped jeans, his leather jacket, and his fingerless gloves. Remus smiled.
“He's not against punk?”
“Of fucking course not, did you not see his outfit yesterday? He's a baby pastel punk. He thought you looked good yesterday, he’ll think you’re the sexiest mother fucker tonight if I do this right so get changed”
Remus did so, not caring enough to be modest as he changed in front of his brother. They'd seen each other in less, it didn't matter. He grabbed some socks as well for the outfit, pulling them up before tugging on his jeans. He carefully pulled his shirt over his head, keeping it from hitting his face. He was swinging his arms through his jacket when Roman grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the proper part of his room. He sat down and Roman ruffled his hair before grabbing his hairbrush. 
“Ok so we’re making this look decent. Ok so you’ve got the fucking fade done, so how about the nice swoop?”
“I have no idea what language you're speaking”
“Okay it was a rhetorical question anyways. Lemme grab my gel”
Roman poured a decent heap of gel into his hands, rubbing them together before raking them through Remus’ hair. He then took his comb and moved his hair all over to the right. He pulled a few strands free to fall in his face then pulled away and smiled as he wiped the excess gel off with some wipes. He gestured to the mirror next to Remus and once he looked at it, Remus was once again astounded.
“Roman what the fuck kind of sorcery?”
“I'm a theatre major, I dabble in makeup and hair”
“Oh honey you should see Patton at work”
“Roman, grab my docs”
“Which ones?”
Remus knew that while a valid question, it was also meant to tease and he narrowed his eyes at him. He pointed at the ones still on his shelf that had skulls. He rarely wore them, and was ecstatic at having the chance to. Roman brought them to him and he slipped them on with practiced ease.
“I think you owe me for this”
“If I give you Logan's number will we be even?”
Roman sputtered and blushed but nodded shyly. Remus grinned. He texted Logan to get his ok, which he got instantly, then sent the number to Roman.
“There you go! Now, I have a date to get to!”
“You have his address?”
“Of course not”
“You fucking spoon. I’ll text it to you”
“At least I’m not gaysexual”
“What the absolute fuck did you just say?”
“Leave before I break your fucking neck”
“Fair, have a nice day”
Remus pulled up to Janus’ dorm room expecting many things. None of which he got. Janus was dressed in a black crop top with a turtleneck, a high waisted pastel yellow skirt that reached his mid thighs, and soft yellow thigh high socks. He was wearing bright yellow converse and had a golden flower headband. Remus thinks he might’ve died and gone to heaven. When Janus gets in his car he finally tears his eyes away as he goes to start driving again.
“You look nice Jan”
“As do you”
Remus avoids speaking, hoping that Janus will start talking and getting more anxious as he doesn't. Janus is playing with his skirt wait, his? Is his still a thing?
“Might I ask if you're still using he him pronouns?”
Janus looks up suddenly and smiles as a blush forms on their? Face.
“Oh, yeah, he/him all around, they them is good as well, but yeah”
“Ok cool”
“...I’m sorry I’m being so awkward, I'm a little on edge”
“Want to talk about it?”
“Not in the slightest actually. Um, where are we going?”
“My two brain cells fucked off and didn't think of that until about an hour ago, but Roman told me you liked olive garden so we’re going to olive garden”
Janus giggled and god if Remus wasn’t already gay, he wouldve been the ambassador of queerland to hear that again. He smiled and sent him a quick look, feeling his cheeks darken as he saw Janus looking at him.
“That sounds great! So um, how's the musical going?”
“Hm? Oh, it's going well. Uh, sort of. I've gotten a bit stuck on the script, and Roman’s hit a roadblock in the songs. I'm a little uh, let's say bad, at writing things like this. It's uh, it's far more tame than my usual stuff, but Roman isn't one for my more graphic shit, you know how it is. He's all unicorns and rainbows and im blood and porn, so writing something he would like is tricky to say the least. It's far easier to just translate all my night terrors and intrusive thoughts to paper than to actually be creative”
“Well, your night terrors and intrusive thoughts may be you know, normal or whatever to you, but I'm sure your writings about them are just as good! Creativity takes many forms and seeks different inspiration! I would love to see more of your writing, if it's ok with you?”
“Oh, no they're, they're shitty, you don't want to see them. They're about eldritch monsters and serial killers and they're really bad, I don't want to subject you to that”
“Nonsense! Like I said, I'm sure they’re amazing! But if you're uncomfortable showing me, then that's ok too”
Remus shuts up, avoiding the end of this conversation. Except he digs absently in the back seat and pulls out a notebook, handing it to Janus.
“It's filled with them. It's my last notebook, I suggest you just borrow it and not try and read them over dinner. Some of them make me a little sick to read. But uh, yeah. Go ahead”
Janus looks at it, the little doodles that are sprawled over the cover, and then looks at Remus with his eyes filled with stars. And Remus almost crashes, he’ll admit it, but that is a look that no one has ever given him before and he might actually die this time. They're at olive garden though, so he gets out and rushes to the other side to open the door for Janus who giggles again.
“So where'd you come up with the idea for the musical?”
Remus looked up from his food at Janus. Janus had his hands pressed together and he looked insatiable for answers. He smiled, licking his lips before explaining.
“When me and Roman were kids one of our favorite movies was the nutcracker. Around the same time that he said he wanted to write a musical, our uncle took us to the ballet of the Nutcracker live, it was our Christmas present from him. It was, well it was magical. So that was part of it. But like, as a kid I always loved reading. I found that I had loved some characters more than I had loved anyone outside my family. I had crushes throughout my life, but none of them really worked out, so I ran back to stories, it gave me something permanent and I dunno, I had a recurring dream where I would wake up and the hero or villain of my favorite books would be there and would love me. It's uh, it's a bit pathetic now that I say it out loud”
“No! Its, cute”
Janus was leaning on his hand as he stared and listened to Remus, moving to be more attentive in his posture, both arms on the table, with an insistent look on his face at Remus’ last words.
“It's not pathetic to want to be loved! It's hard to feel like you aren’t. I used theater as my escape from my shitty situation, and now I'm in college spending more money than I will ever use on anything else to pursue my escape as my reality. Sometimes it seems silly, but it makes me happy, so it's not useless. I mean, what other group would look at some guy with scars enough to play Deadpool who wears frilly skirts for fun and accept him? Definitely not any group from my home”
Remus frowns a bit.
“Anyone with half a brain”
Janus smiles at him.
Remus was dropping Janus off. He did not want to be dropping him off, he wanted to be taking him home and talking mindlessly for hours about nothing and everything, but Janus had to go, he had a shift in the morning. And Remus did as well, but all he could think of was how wonderful the night had been, and he didn't want it to end. They were standing outside, had been for a while, both of them trying to drag this out. Janus shivered and Remus immediately toar off his jacket and wrapped it around his shoulders. Janus was blushing again.
“You don't have to do that, I'm right outside my door!”
“Yeah, but this way I have an excuse to see you again”
Janus smiled and shuffled slightly. He mumbled something incoherent and Remus’ eyebrow rose.
“What was that?”
“I would really like to kiss you, if that's alright?”
Remus felt his skin burning at the question. He nodded, leaning down to kiss him. It wasn't fireworks. It was a chocolate fountain, soft and sweet and smooth, and they were pulling away and Janus looked completely blissed out. Remus felt the same way as he leaned back against the car again. He smirked and gestured to the dorm.
“You should probably head in, it's getting late”
“Yeah. yeah I should. I don't want to but I should. Um, I'll see you again?”
“That jacket is too expensive to leave with someone I don't plan on seeing again”
Janus smiled and nodded. He finally turned to go inside, and Remus waited until the door shut behind him to get back in his car and drive home. He starts the ignition as his phone rings.
“Roman holy shit Roman I’m in love help”
“Of course you are”
“Roman he wanted to read my stories”
“Well yeah, he's already shown interest in your writing-”
“No but the dark shit Roman, the nightmare fuel the terrors and murderers and the dark gritty shit I never show anyone”
“Yeah, he's really into that kinda thing. He's a fan of that genre”
“But he's, he's so soft!”
“Yeah, you only just got to his second layer of that, he's got a bunch of soft covering up the gritty fucked up interior. His words not mine. He's got some shit buried, Patton knows a bit more than me, but he really tries to keep that hidden. I knew you two would hit it off, you're very similar”
“I want to know it all Ro. I want to know everything about him, I want to know what he's afraid of and what his parents told him before bed and what dreams he has and what makes him tick and god I want to kiss him forever and never stop”
“That is the sappiest thing you've ever said. Want some coffee?”
“It's almost midnight”
“Did I stutter?”
Roman was distracted. He was at work, so he really shouldn't be, he didn't really have the time, but he and Logan had been texting since Remus sent him his number, and Roman had caught feelings hard. He was super hot honestly, which was unfair Roman thought, he's half his size he shouldn't be allowed to be so attractive. But they had been sending selfies back and forth, mostly because they were both too occupied with their hands and Roman fucking adored it. There was one of Logan in a tie that was slightly loosened and he was giving the camera some sort of smoulder. Roman had decided after that to explain that he was working and turn off his phone. He went to the back of the shop to grab some replacement baked goods to bring up front and he thanks his years in dance that he didn't fall when he saw Logan at the counter. He was still in his polo and tie, but the tie had been tightened and he looks significantly more innocent than he did in the photo. Roman set down the boxes and moved to greet him.
“Howdy hot stuff, haven't seen you around here, what are you craving?”
Logan smirked back. Suddenly Roman was grateful the shop was in a lull, and he's sure Logan was too as he looked him up and down.
“Well, if we’re honest I'm in the mood for a tall cup of sexy, but it doesn't seem like you're on the menu, so I'll go with a salted caramel mocha. I think its a close second in sweetness”
Roman is completely red, very unprepared for any of what was said. Logan's smirk breaks into a smile and he laughs. And Roman quickly gets to preparing his drink before he combusts. He mutters the price quietly as he makes it.
“Aren't you supposed to have me pay first? Or am I being treated by a knight in shining armor?”
“You're going to give me a heart attack, I hope you know”
“You can't expect to tease me and get away without consequence can you? You'd have to take me to dinner first to get away with that”
“I did not tease you, if anything, you were teasing me, you foul beast!”
“Oh so me sending a picture of me in full clothes is teasing, but you in your gym outfit is just the norm?”
“Of course!”
“Mhmm. keep telling yourself that hot stuff. I suppose if I did the same, you would find no problem then?”
“Wha, you go to the gym?”
“Yes, it is healthy and I attempt to keep a healthy lifestyle. In a word… duh”
Roman felt warm all over again, far more attracted to the idea than he was consciously ok with. The two had been flirting incessantly, and Roman may have teased the poor nerd a bit, but he still didn't deserve this!
“So then if the price of free teasing is dinner, then how about dinner tonight?”
“Hmm, irresponsible to wait until the day of to ask someone to dinner, but I am free tonight, so consider yourself lucky. 7 work?”
“Absolutely. I’ll be waiting for your fine ass at 7”
“Oh dear, how have you ever wooed a woman? How dare you objectify me like I'm a hunk of meat?”
“You're definitely a hunk, that's for sure. A true himbo”
“Falsehood, I have a functioning brain, you are the himbo between the two of us”
Logan grinned at him as he finished paying and took his drink. He waved as he walked away.
“Seeya tonight sweetcheeks!”
Roman didn't know what he signed up for but he was so in.
“Yeah so you don't have to worry about dinner tonight, I've managed to seduce Logan into dinner with me”
“Is that how it happened? Logan told a very different story”
“Ok no, but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story!”
“Yeah sure whatever, I guess that means I'm getting the house to myself?”
“Yup! If jay comes over please try to remember our agreement and dont fuck in the common areas?”
“What? One, of course not, I’m not a heathen, and two, we’ve been on one date, I’m a gentleman, no sex until at least the third date!”
“Mhmm. likely story”
“Oh, and one last request, if shit happens with you two, don't tell me anything you wouldn't say in a pg13 movie. If it's worse I don't want to know, I still have to go to class with him on Monday”
“What's cooking good looking?”
Logan was stepping in the car and rolled his eyes at the line.
“No idea, you're the one in charge of food if I can recall”
Roman thinks it's very rude how easily the nerd can manage to take his breath away. He pouts a little.
“Why were you so shy when I first met you, cuz you obviously aren't”
“Nerves. I wasn't expecting to meet someone attractive when dropping off Remus’ belongings and I startle easily”
“Attractive huh?”
“Don't get too excited, if there's nothing else other than good looks I don't imagine this will go anywhere”
“Fair, I could say the same to you”
Logan sent him a sideways glance. He was also ungodly attractive. He was wearing a black v neck shirt, black jeans, and a blazer and Roman didn't think anyone could pull off a nerd look and be hot but counter evidence was sitting in his passenger seat. Roman was wearing white jeans, a simple gryffindor t-shirt, and his letterman jacket from his high school that was a nice red and gold. He also had simple makeup done, as well as his hair being tied back, leaving his bangs to frame his face purposefully. He was really hoping this went somewhere.
“So, where are we going, might I ask?”
“Depends, do you like Japanese cuisine?”
“Yes, I'm a fan of it, why?”
“Well it was between cheesecake factory and Benihana, and we have now decided”
“Benihana? Roman, that's really expensive, we don't have to go there, I know I joked about you buying the ability to tease, but you don't have to pour a fortune into a first date!”
“Nonsense! As you said, I teased you unfairly, consider it an apology and a bribe”
“...I can already tell that you're even more stubborn than your brother”
“We came by it honestly!”
“So you're a theater major right? So you do the big three, acting, singing, and dancing? I imagine you aren't a fan of writing considering Remus is writing for your musical, but do you do any traditional arts?”
Roman was mid bite of sushi when the question came. He set down his chopsticks and grabbed his napkin to cover his mouth as he finished chewing. He finally set it down and smiled.
“I am and I do, but I do enjoy writing, but it's garbage compared to what Remus writes. As much as I'm not a fan of his subject matters, his writing is undeniably amazing. My writing is very ah, fluffy. Not much sustenance. And like, fanfiction, but that isn't like, real writing-”
“Fanfiction is real writing. Every idea is based and influenced by countless things, sometimes without realizing it. Besides, it takes a lot of the most menial and boring part of the storytelling process out. Exposition is just as difficult to write as it is to read, in fanfictions you get to start right where the interesting part starts, no boring history that means nothing to the plot other than for throwaway lines. Sorry for interrupting I just have uh, I have strong opinions on the subject. Continue, please”
Roman might’ve gone red again but he was shocked at Logan's response. It felt… nice to have the validation in the writing he enjoys. He did however, go back to the original question.
“Um, and uh, yeah I do traditional art, I don't really get? Digital art? It's just confusing to me so I just do the bare sketchbook. I think I have some pictures of them on my phone if you'd like to see them?”
“I'm actually quite intrigued. May i?”
Roman grabbed his phone and pulled up his gallery, choosing his art folder and handed Logan the phone. He went back to eating as Logan scrolled through.
“You and Remus have such similar styles in art, I'm surprised. Definitely different tastes in what you draw, but the style itself is almost indistinguishable. Did you learn together?”
“Hmm? I mean, yeah sort of. We both drew a lot when we were little, but other than the little doodles in his musical notebook I haven't seen any of his art in years”
“Hmm. I suppose that makes sense, he's very secretive and protective of his creative works. I wasn’t ever allowed to see his writing until we were paired for a writing project. Creativity is incredibly personal, and while many seek validation and approval, he seems to fit the other type that fears rejection. I can assure you, his art looks a lot like yours but far more ah, violent. And usually a fair amount of tentacles”
Roman smiled softly, he was happy to know that Remus hadn’t stopped drawing. Logan was still swiping through, eating rather absentmindedly. Suddenly Logan sat up and Roman swore that his eyes glittered.
“Is this the Marquis de Carabas???”
Roman looked at the phone and indeed it was an image of his version of the character. He nodded and smiled as Logan smiled back.
“Yeah, I was messing with plague doctor masks, and I had just finished the book. He was always very birdlike to me, so I thought it fit”
“Roman this is incredible! His coat is perfect and, and his hat? Goodness, this is so pretty!!!”
“Meh, it's not my best. I drew Door as well, I think she's a better piece personally”
“I didn't take you as someone who would like Gaiman”
“Remus loves him and he's another talented author. Besides, Terry Pratchet was one of my favorite authors and I fucking love Good Omens. Oh and I grew up on Doctor Who so that also helped”
“You like Doctor Who?”
“Hell yeah! It's probably in my top favorite TV shows I've ever watched”
Roman was walking Logan to his door and they were still chatting when they reached it.
“This was nice Roman. Thanks for taking me out”
“My pleasure. I got to spend a nice night with a radiant man”
He smirked and was ready to watch Logan step inside when Logan grabbed his jacket and yanked him down into a kiss. He stood there with his arms awkwardly floating for a moment before he wrapped them around Logan's waist. It was quick, Logan pulled away.
“I’m sorry, I should have asked first I-”
Roman leaned back in, crashing his lips against Logan’s,and it felt like a forest fire. Logan wrapped his arms around Roman’s neck and smiled into it. It was passionate and wild and warm and Roman felt like every inch of his skin was burning and he never wanted to let go. They did though, and Roman stared a moment at Logan's face, admiring the blush that colored it. He knew he wasn't any better. They stayed there until Logan finally spoke.
“Do you um, do you want to come inside?”
Roman released him, and had to hold back a chuckle at the sad whine that left Logan when he did so. He leaned back in, placing a small kiss on his nose before stepping back.
“Sorry doll, not on the first date. ‘Sides, I have work in the morning. Maybe next time though. Text me”
Logan nodded and watched longingly as Roman got in his car and drove away. He sighed softly before stepping inside of his home, reminding himself to get another date with Roman, and soon.
Roman was about to shout about how his date went when he walked in, but he saw the lights in the house were all off. He walked to the living room and cooed at the scene he was greeted by. Remus was sprawled over the couch, one leg on the floor and one arm over the back of the couch, and Janus laying on top of him, curled up small with his head over Remus’ chest and Remus’ other arm wrapped protectively around him. The two were both passed out and Roman chuckled. He went to his room and came back with a blanket to cover them with before going to his room to sleep as well.
Taglist: @fivebyfive-finebyfive @tacohippy56900 @analogical-mess @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @angels-and-dreams @fandomloverangel @booklover223
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my writing!!!
Thank you for reading I will see you later ladies lords and nonbinary royalty!!!
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dolphin-enthusiast · 5 years
i sent part 1 on anon and part 2 not on anon i'm a fuckign fool and i'm so sorry for being a DAMN FOOL. I'M A 26 YR OLD recent biology graduate who loves reptiles + amphibians to pieces. going for my masters to get into conservation biology hopefully. love learning new things + helping people out, highly empathetic and i love puns, especially bad puns. i also have a really dry, sarcastic sense of humor to the point where my friends don't always know when i'm joking with them. i like to tease 1/2
"2/2 and sometimes people think i'm being serious/don't like them because of it. i like scifi books like hitchhiker's guide and otherwise just read dry, boring science text books lmao.. physically, i'm petite at 5'1" with a pear shaped body, dark, curly hair and grey eyes. pale skin and also freckles over most of my body. (thanks 4 letting me send this in again ur honestly the best)"
Dw lmao it happens dkdmdn and it was only fair I let u resend that lost part again 👁️👁️
I match you with...
JOTARO! (Specifically 4taro)
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I don't know whether this came as a surprise or not, but I really feel as if you two would complement eachother fairly well. Your empathethic nature offers a good balance to his more stoic one, although you are fully aware of just how feelsy he can be under all of those layers. Your sense of humor would also catch him off guard and the man would try so hard to pretend that he's annoyed by your constant puns to the point where it would be downright hilarious. Watch him roll his eyes while cracking a small grin or even BLUSH a bit as you start teasing him. Don't worry tho for he will never get offended by your humor, this man can literally s e e through people and their way of acting.
And don't even get me started on you being into science, you two would instantly click and start vibing even if his shell is kinda hard to crack at first. But the second you bring up science he's immediately going to involuntarily perk up and ask you more about what you're studying. Bonus points if you also get him to rant about marine life. Even more so he absolutely loves these so called "boring science books" (as well as sci-fi/fantasy ones even tho he won't admit it) and he'll 10/10 read them alongside you whenever he has free time.
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