#anon you’re so sweet I’m actually shook
anyasathenaeum · 1 year
As someone who has family in medical (my mom works at a clinic and used to work ER when I was little) and plans to go into an adjacent healthcare field (psychological medicine), I salute you for making time to write cuz I know just how hard and exhausting things can get. I also salute your work with the kiddos, I'm sure they appreciate all you do. ♡♡♡
Seriously, I appreciate your kind words, that means a lot to hear 💖 I’m not the speediest writer because of my work, so I appreciate getting messages like this. They’re so encouraging for me to continue, both in writing and my actual work as a nurse. 🥹
Also, Anon, best of luck with your studies! I know you’ll do amazing, but make sure you take time to care for yourself! Self care is a treatment in its own right! ❤️💖❤️
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frvnkcastles · 2 months
hello 👋🏻 how are you? first thank you for everything you write, your blog it's my safe place. 💓
aaand i have a request if you like i was thinking in a frank x reader.
where they have been dating for two years and live together. one night she goes to a nightclub with her friends and a man keeps trying to talk to her, but she quickly manages to dismiss him, until she starts to feel like she's going to pass out and doesn't really understand what's happening so she gets up to go to the bathroom and the same man starts going after her, and she realizes that the guy put drugs in her drink, she starts running and locks herself in the bathroom and calls Frank in a panic and he keeps calming her on the phone until he arrives there and when he arrives he takes her home and takes care of her?
thank you💓
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Summary: When you’re harassed at a club, Frank comes to the rescue.
Warnings: Reader is drugged, harassment, feminine nicknames
Word count: 2.2k
Author’s note: I’m doing okay anon, I hope you are too <3 Thank you so much for this idea! I actually had something like this written from years ago, so I just had to revamp it a little and here we go :) I hope you enjoy!
”Anythin’ comes up, you call me, aight?” Frank’s voice was demanding but full of care and love as he looked at you with intent eyes and his hands on your shoulders. As soon as you had told him your friends had invited you out to the local club, he had been all over you, not only appreciating the sight of you in that dress you only brought out for special occasions, but also making sure you would be okay. He had armed you with pepper spray and now, for the third time, insisted that even if he was going out himself, all you had to do was call and he’d drop everything to come and get you.
”I will. I’ll be okay, baby”, you reassured him, cupping his cheek and pressing a quick but sweet kiss in the middle of his mouth, causing him to lick his lips to revel in the taste of your lip gloss.
Reluctantly, he let go of you and you were well on your way. It wasn’t like he didn’t trust you — he was well-aware you could take care of yourself, it was just that he preferred to be the one doing it. You were everything to him and sometimes that manifested in overly protective behavior, but you appreciated him looking after you and knew it was just the way he was built after suffering enough loss. You didn’t fault him for it, if anything, knowing he was always in your corner was exactly why you felt safe going out into the dark night.
The club and your friends were a welcome distraction from the long week at work, and you felt so free and happy just dancing away with a fruity drink in your hand and the beat of the music guiding your hips. You weren’t exactly the best dancer, but you let the song carry you away, not a care in the world as you swayed and swung.
Time passed quickly in the company of your dearest friends, but eventually, your feet began to ache from the constant dancing and you retreated to the bar for another drink by yourself. Parting ways with your friends turned out to be a grave mistake — as soon as you had ordered another cocktail, a man appeared by your side and boldly invaded your personal space.
”Hey gorgeous, buy you a drink?” he asked with a crooked grin, and trying your best not to cringe at his attempt to charm you, you shook your head. Only Frank had the right to call you gorgeous, and you kept that fact locked and loaded if he wasn’t going to take your first hint.
”No, thanks. Already ordered”, you gave him a polite smile while gesturing at the drink delivered by the bartender. You were about to grab the glass and head back to the dance floor to find your friends, but the tall stranger cornered you, and in an instant, your alarm bells went off.
”C’mon, what’s the rush? What’s your name, princess?” he continued, and with a surge of disgust in the pit of your stomach, you shot him a glare.
”None of your business. Besides, I have a boyfriend”, you retorted, gripping the glass as you stood between the people behind you and the man towering over you. He didn’t look like the kind of guy who got rejected a lot, which was enough to let you know it was going to be an ordeal to get rid of him. If only you could catch sight of your friends.
”Well, I don’t see him here. What he don’t know won’t hurt him”, he countered, and with great discomfort pushing on your chest, you tried to sneak away from him. He stopped you, though, a tight hold wrapping around your wrist, and panic started to make way within your veins.
You refused to let him toy with you any longer, and so, you snatched your hand away from him and forcefully pushed through the crowd. Relief flooded you when you got away from him, but it was a short-lived victory, as a bout of dizziness smacked you in the head, and you staggered. Trying your best not to lose your balance, you held your head in one hand and your drink in the other, but it was no easy task, especially when your vision began to blur.
Changing direction, you headed for the bathroom, but as you glanced over your shoulder, you spotted the stranger following you. You hoped it was just your impaired sight playing games with you, but when you stumbled and your drink flew from your hands, you realized he must have slipped something in it. Fear rose in your throat and you picked up the pace, clumsily making your way to the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind you, making sure to lock it.
As soon as you felt like you were safe, he started banging on the door and cursing at you. ”Open up, you bitch!” he shouted through the wood, and with your eyes brimming with tears, you shakily dug your phone from your purse. You were scared the door was going to give in, even more scared that you’d pass out from whatever he had drugged you with, but with all the strength you could muster, you did the one thing you knew was a good idea — call Frank.
Your hands trembled as you held your phone up to your ear and waited to hear Frank’s voice, your eyes squeezed shut while you drew in shallow breaths. You leaned against the door, your heart running a million miles as you waited and waited until, finally, he picked up.
”Sweetheart? You there?” Frank’s voice crackled through, and stifling a terrified sob, you ran your fingers through your hair.
”I’m sorry—I know you’re out doing your thing but I’m so scared, I—I lost my friends and some guy started bothering me and I think he put something in my drink—”, you began explaining with your wavering voice, only for a bang on the bathroom door to cut you off, your sharp inhale filling the space where your words hung. Momentarily, you tried to pull yourself together but there was no denying the crack in your voice when you continued. ”I hid in the bathroom. Please hurry”, you whimpered, the fear in your voice evident.
”I’m on my way, baby. Stay on the line, yeah? Can you do that f’me?” he spoke, hoping his steady voice would give you something to hang onto, something to ground you. When you responded, he made an approving noise. ”That’s my girl. I’m leavin’ right now, okay? I’ll be there soon”, he promised, and finding immense hope in his words, you swallowed and wiped your tears away. Your head was spinning and you could feel yourself slipping in and out of awareness, time passing even without you fully acknowledging it.
”You whore!” the stranger yelled through the door, loud enough for Frank to hear through the call, only making him more furious. He was keeping his rage at bay for your sake, knowing that his uncontrolled temper wouldn’t do much to comfort you, but he was seething. The asshole who had done this to you was surely going to pay the price, and Frank was going to enjoy every second of it.
”It’s gonna be alright, sweet girl. Don’t worry, ’m almost there”, Frank swore, growing more concerned when you didn’t respond. You were starting to find it impossible to stand, and so, you wound up sitting on the closed toilet lid, your face buried in one of your hands while the other one tried to balance the phone against your ear.
Soon enough, Frank spotted the neon sign of the club and he swerved to the side of the street, hastily parking before jumping out of the truck. With his blood boiling at the mental image of what he’d find inside, he hung up the phone and stomped into the club with his heavy boots, the sleeves of his shirt already rolled up as he looked for the bathroom.
The banging and shouting alerted him in the right direction, and with his fists aching to punch and hurt and break, he strode straight to the man bothering you from the other side of the door. Clenching his jaw, he yanked the guy away from the door by his shoulder, a cold stare in his dark eyes.
”Get the fuck out”, he spoke calmly, the kind of calm that was far more threatening than any shout ever could have been. His voice was dripping with sheer anger, and yet, the man faced him with an unimpressed look.
”Or what?” he chuckled, and without hesitating to show him exactly what he had signed himself up for, Frank grabbed him by the neck and threw him into the wall hard enough for his nose to crack. The man collapsed on the ground with a cry, gaining some attention from the people around but not enough for anyone to actually care.
”Get out”, Frank repeated with just an inch more effort, and this time, it worked. The man scrambled up to both feet and rushed through the crowd, running away to make sure he wouldn’t end up on the Punisher’s kill list — of course, he had already made it there. As if anyone would get away with hurting Frank’s girl.
When he was left alone, Frank took in a deep breath and leaned against the door. ”Hey. Ya in there, sweetheart?” he questioned quietly, all scariness gone from his soft voice as he glanced at his boots and waited for your answer.
You couldn’t describe the relief you felt when you heard him. For a moment, you couldn’t tell if it was real, your head making it hard to focus on anything, but Frank kept talking, confirming for you that he was right there.
”It’s safe out here. Wanna come out or can I come in?” he continued, patiently waiting for you.
Carefully, you got up from the toilet seat and wobbled to the door, unlocking it and letting Frank in. He peeked in only to find you hugging yourself with puffy eyes and red cheeks, and with a sigh, he stepped inside fully. He was delicate as he reached over to you, brushing a thumb across your face.
”All right? He touch you?” he queried gruffly, fearing your answer, but when you shook your head, he welcomed relief. His deep eyes met yours as he lowered his head to be on your level, and he radiated safety and comfort and warmth, and it was enough for you to break.
You stepped closer and clung onto him in a desperate hug, shaking in his arms. ”Thank you for coming”, you whispered, and with his arms folding around your body tightly, he nodded.
”Of course. You call, I’m there. Always”, he stated simply before kissing the top of your head. You stayed like that for a moment, but finally, he pulled away and took your hand. ”C’mere, let’s go home”, he suggested, undeniably worried by your state. It was obvious you had ingested something you shouldn’t have, and even though you were safe with him now, he couldn’t help but consider the worst case scenario. He cared for you so much, it was like the thought of anything happening to you caused him physical pain. He didn’t always have the words to tell you how much he loved you, but he was sure as hell going to show you.
He took you home where he made you drink water and helped you undress before tucking you into bed. He knew you needed the rest, and it didn’t take you long to drift off to sleep, giving him time to plot how he was going to find the man who had hurt you and, in return, hurt him. He didn’t play around when it came to your safety and well-being, and that was a lesson he was going to teach the asshole who had drugged you.
For tonight, his plans were just that — plans. He wasn’t going to leave your side, and he wanted you to know as much, and so, he climbed into bed with you. He couldn’t
sleep, though, far too preoccupied worrying about you and watching over you.
As he tenderly stroked your cheek, you stirred awake, and he opened his mouth to apologize but the words got stuck in his throat while he gazed down at your flawless face. You were so beautiful and he felt so lucky to have you, even if that meant fighting off everyone else.
”Feelin’ better?” he asked quietly, his rough voice so gentle with you, and breaking into a smile, you nodded.
”Thank you, Frankie. I love you so much”, you whispered softly, causing the smallest of smiles to bloom on his face. He leaned down to kiss you, his large hand holding your chin as his lips met yours, and it took your breath away. He always knew how to send your heart flying, and it made your smile widen as you wrapped an arm around his neck. ”My hero”, you added quietly when the kiss broke, earning a snort from Frank.
”I’m no hero. But I’ll always come for you, pretty girl. I love you, yeah? There ain’t a thing in the world I wouldn’t do for you”, he vowed, and as he kissed you again, you knew he meant every word.
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jasmines-library · 9 months
Anonymous said:
Live for your writing <3 I’ve read the batfam and I am quite literally obsessed
Could I ask for a piece about the batboys comforting batsis reader because she had/is having a panic attack? thank you so much!!! :D
Fight or Flight
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Note: Hello lovely anon! I'm so glad you like my writing. You absolutely can, I hope you enjoy. Also I’m so sorry but I lost the original ask as my tumblr was acting up and I forgot to add tags the first time.
Warnings: Panic attacks, hurt/comfort kinda.
Word Count: 1k (short but sweet)
You had been feeling off all week. Not only was it Gotham’s busiest time of the year, which meant that you were constantly on your feet, but you also had a bunch of unfinished assignments to catch up on that were wearing you out. You had stupidly agreed to help Cass finish her assignments on top of your own and the load was becoming overbearing. On top of that, you didn’t have the heart to tell her that you couldn’t do them, which completely added to your stress level as it now meant you had to find the time to finish all of the paperwork.
You were still feeling overwhelmed as you suited up for patrol. You were out with your four brothers and you knew that the night would be busy. Gotham always was this time of year. The five of you had already stopped a few petty crimes and were making your way through the city. The silence that fell over the five of you allowed your mind to wander and you quickly became worked up over your increasingly large to-do-list and you began to hyperventilate. You just wanted to leave, but you knew you couldn’t. Conflicted, your heart began to beat faster and faster and your breathing got shallow and shallower like someone was cutting off your supply and-
You felt like you couldn’t breathe. Your chest was rising and falling in quick, sharp breaths as you tried to take in air that refused to come. Ridden with panic your body was completely tense as you fell behind your brothers, stopping in your tracks to clutch as your constricting chest. Trying to blink away the flood of tears that just fell heavier, you leaned against the wall. This only made you panic more as you knew that you needed to keep going with the patrol.
Dick had noticed that you had fallen behind. His trained ears noticed the absence of your light and smaller paced steps that contrasted against his and his brothers. He slowed his pace as he glanced behind him to try and spot you. The vigilantes eyes widened when he saw you clutching your chest and leaning desperately against the wall and for a heart-wrenching moment he thought that you had been injured. Turning on his heel he sprinted back toward you alerting your brothers who all followed quickly after seeing the cause of Dick’s sudden change in demeanour.
When they reached you, after what felt like too long but was actually only a matter of seconds covered by long strides, Tim was quick to search you for injury only to come back looking confused with his eyebrows turned down when he found you seemingly unscathed.
“What’s the matter, kid?” He asked frantically “Are you hurt?”
You shook your head and tried to give him an answer but all that came out was a ragged sob as you continued to clutch at your chest. Your heart pounded in your chest as you shook, surrounded by your brothers, and suddenly Damian clocked what was happening.
“She’s having a panic attack.”
You nodded somewhat recognisably as your brother's high alert switched off somewhat. Jason took your hands gently, moving them away from your suit that you were clutching and held them gently in his. He then eased you to the floor and crouched in front of you.
“Hey, Y/N/N. Look at me. You’re okay.”
The sound of his gentle voice and the feeling of his leather gloves in your hand grounded you somewhat and you managed to get your eyes to stop looking around sporadically and to focus on him.
“Good. Now deep breaths.” He moved your hand so that it rested over his chest to allow you to feel his steady rhythm.
“In and out, Little Wing. Follow Hood.” Dick added. He was still hovering over you anxiously as Jason tried to calm you down.
As you followed your brother's breathing, you found yours gradually slowing until it somewhat was back to normal.
Damian made his way over and sat down beside you to offer you some comfort. You were feeling slightly dizzy, and noticing he signalled for Dick to grab you some water from his pack. Damian took your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You’re okay, sis.”
You sniffled, wiping away the last of your onslaught of tears. “Sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Little Wing.” Tim told you. “It happens to the best of us.”
“Oh yeah.” Dick added. “I’ve totally freaked out during a mission before. We all have. In fact, just last week Damian-”
“Tt. We don’t need to talk about that.” Damian chided, rolling his eyes.
There was a moment of tender silence as you regained your composure before Jason asked:
“You wanna talk about it?”
You shrugged at them, bringing your knees to your chest. “I don’t really know what happened… I guess I’ve just had a bad feeling about tonight and I’ve been so stressed about all of my assignments I still need to write up. I guess it just all caught up to me at the wrong time.”
“Oh kid. I’m sorry none of us have been around to help. We’ve been so caught up in our own stuff that we’ve failed to notice that you might need help too.” Dick told you.
“How about we get you home so you can relax? Hm?”
“But…what about patrol?” You asked, voice raising an octave as you began to panic a little again “We can’t just miss it!”
“Bruce will understand.” Tim reassured you.
“And we’ll help you finish your assignments.”
“I can’t ask you to do that.” You protested.
“We’re your brothers, kiddo. It’s what we’re here for.”
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abbyromanoff · 10 months
could u do a golden retriever/black cat dynamic with maria or nat, where R is the golden retriever so everyone assumes they’re the bottom, but its actually the complete opposite?
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PAIRINGS: Maria Hill x reader
WARNINGS: smut, car sex, bottom!reader, subspace, Mommy (M), if yall can’t tell i have mommy and daddy issues with the amount of mommy/daddy kinks i write, innocent!R, fingering, pet play, public sex, cunnilingus, making out, dirtbag!Maria, praise kink, degrading kink, kinda dumbficfation, think that’s all :)
“Are you sure about this?” You sat on the woman’s lap, nervous glances being sent each way. Her hand came to your cheek, her thumb rubbing small, gentle circles to ease your fear.
“Of course, my love. I promise you, no one’s going to see us.” The car had tinted windows, blocking anyone’s insight but gifting you the ability to see anyone nearby.
“But my parents-“
“They won’t notice you’re gone, okay? We won’t get caught.” You hesitantly agreed, sucking in a breath as you allowed her to guide your hips against her waist. Her jeans teased your covered cunt, the cold, metal button sending shocks through your body and causing you to whimper. Your grip fell upon her shoulders, your panties being pushed to the side by Maria’s wandering fingers.
“Pinky promise?” She linked her pinky with yours, kissing the tip before doing the same to your lips, leaving you with a goofy grin and cheeks bright red.
“Pinky promise.” You trailed your hands down, asking for permission with your eyes before you dipped your hands beneath her shirt, cupping her breasts and choking out a moan as her thumb pressed against your clit. She smirked, leaning forward as she connected her chapped lips with the skin of your neck, creating a suction that left dark markings along the area, and she knew you’d whine and groan about it later on. If your parents saw, they’d kill her. They never liked her in general, many people don’t, but knowing she was having sex with their child and ruining their sweet doves' innocence would only cause harsher amounts of bile in their throats.
“Did that feel good?” She asked when receiving a loud moan, your lips parting as your hips sped up. Her fingers teased your hole, dipping in and out in anticipation that riled you up.
“Mhm!” You bit your tongue to silence the threatening sound, but she wasn’t having it.
“No, baby, I want to hear you.” You threw your head back, but she slowly eased you forward by your chin, and your gaze soon met her hazy one. The windows began to blur along with your mind, and drool trailed on your lip.
“Awh, has my puppy gone dumb already? I thought you were my smart little mutt, I guess I was wrong.” You shook your head quickly. She hissed as you tugged on her nipples accidentally, but you barely even noticed.
“No, I-I’m ‘mart, Mommy.” She hummed, and you could tell she didn’t believe you. You stuffed your head in her neck, sniffing her sweet scent with a smile.
“Mommy’s dumb pup, huh? Is that what you are, sweetheart?” You sniffled and shook your head once again, whimpering as two fingers slowly eased into you. You mumbled out your denial, but she only chuckled your way.
“Shh, just bounce on Mommy’s fingers.” You did as told, whispering incoherent pleas as she added a third finger. She shushed you every time you tried to speak, insisting you weren’t of the intelligence level to form a functional thought.
“M-Mommy- g’nna…cum.” You told her, earning a pout of her lips in response. She pulled on your hair, forming a ponytail as she did so. Allowing your head to loll back as she kissed her way up to your ear, nibbling softly on the skin as she spoke,
“You better not fucking cum. Only I can give you permission, got that?” You nodded slowly, crying out with a pained sob as she forced you to ride her faster. She repeatedly hit your g-spot, and you could’ve screamed from the large amount of pleasure she gifted you.
“You think you can decide that on your own, hm? You think Mommy doesn’t matter anymore?”
“No, Mommy, I- I didn’t me-mean to-“
“You don’t need Mommy’s help anymore, is that it? Are you suddenly a big girl, you can think on your own?” You fought the coil building in your stomach with hopes of her approval.
“I-I need you, I do! I nee’ yo’ so b-bad, Mommy!” She chuckled darkly, letting go of your hair and interlacing a hand with yours. She slowly eased you off of her, and you whined pitifully as a result. She guided you to rest on the floor, her body towering over yours as she sat in front of you.
“That’s it, good girl.” She dragged out the praise. “Now, get to work, we don’t have all night.” She guided your face to her now bare skin and your lips met her clit in an urgent manner, desperate to feel her cum all over you.
You were unable to notice the camera aiming in your direction, or the crowd erupting out of the doors that you were parked in front of. But she did. She noticed everything, but she denied letting you do the same. But that was okay, you’d do anything she wanted. It was only fair for how well she took care of and protected you. After all, she was your Mommy, she’d go to any extent to keep you safe, and you’d go to any extent to make her as happy as you could.
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ann1eee · 25 days
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Fanboy! Gojo pt2
Requested by an anon 🫶🏻
Gojo whistled as he walked back home, grinning as if he had just gotten married.
He swung the unnecessary supply of mochi gently, staring at the cute little note you had given him. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Was he some sort of God? Kinda, but he figured his prowess in the field didn’t apply to situations like this.
As he reached home, he quickly typed out a message to send to you.
Hey pretty. Liked me enough to give me your number huh?
He pressed send and stared at his phone in anticipation. His eyes widened at the almost immediate ding.
Sure did. You gonna do something about it? ;)
Satoru couldn’t believe his eyes. Not only had he gotten your number, but you were outright flirting with him. He definitely was blessed by the Gods.
He sent you the address of one of the fanciest restaurants in Tokyo, with a time and date.
Let me take you out and show you exactly what I’m gonna do about it.
You smirked as your phone lit up by his confident promise, and decided you could take time out of your heavily packed schedule to go on a date with one of your most handsome fans.
You didn’t know what had come over you when you gave him your number, there was just something about him. Your knees almost shook when he first spoke, a feeling you weren’t sure you ever had before. You needed a way to get to know him, acting like a fangirl yourself. You didn’t care, he was an exception.
For the first time in a long time, you found yourself stressing about what to wear, and what you’d say to him when you met. How cute. You had a little schoolgirl crush on a fan. Never in a million years would you have expected this. You thought these kind of feelings would’ve come when you met someone also adored by the public eye, not your fan. Whatever, none of that really mattered to you. You were excited.
As you reached the restaurant in one of your many fancy cars, you tried your hardest not to attract any unwanted attention. Since this was a fancy place, however, the crowd was bound to be more sophisticated and unbothered.
You spotted your little fan, waiting at a fine table far back.
You smirked and walked over to him, eyes scanning his face and body as he stepped out of his seat to pull out your chair.
Gojo, on the other hand, was sweating. He had put on a suave face, hoping to impress you. He couldn’t believe how stunning you looked, and he couldn’t believe you actually came. He was living his dream.
“Your name is Satoru, right? I remember you introducing yourself at the fan meet.”
Oh god. The way his name rolled off your tongue so sweetly made his heart clench. Your voice was so unbelievable soft, and the fact that you had bothered to remember him was driving him wild.
“Yeah, that’s me. You’re quite cheeky for a celebrity, slipping your number to me like that.” He smirked.
“I liked you. You’re quite handsome.” You winked, Satoru blushed.
You both spent the next few hours chatting and laughing, hitting it off really well. This was the first date you had in a while that made you feel so light.
Satoru was ecstatic as the night continued. You were such a sweet and confident person, even better than he had imagined. He couldn’t believe he was actually on a date with his favourite actress, and how charming he found her.
Your personalities complimented each other wonderfully, hearts and stomachs full after the lovely date. You held onto Satoru’s arm as you walked out of the restaurant, deciding to take a stroll before calling it a night.
“I didn’t expect you to come yknow.”
You giggled.
“Why not? I was the one who made the first move after all.”
He smiled softly as he looked down at you.
“Dunno. Seems like a dream.”
Your heart skipped a beat. This man had such an effect on you, he was so smooth with his words.
You were used to being adored by fans, you’d seen multiple fan accounts curated just for you-your life, your work. But he was different.
You felt relaxed, like you could let him know the real you, not the facade you put on for the cameras. Your heart felt like it was gonna beat out of your chest when you were in close proximity with him. Your legs felt wobbly, like jelly when you walked with him.
He looked so good, in his suit. His hair was shiny, you bet it felt really soft to touch, like a cats. You stopped to stare, which he noticed and asked if anything was wrong.
You reached up and pet his head, and he widened his eyes in shock. His face felt really really hot, and your hand felt really really good.
You smiled as you noticed. You reached up on your tip toes and gave him a sweet kiss on his lips.
Satoru couldn’t hold back anymore. He cupped your cheeks and kissed you back, tongue wandering into your mouth as you gasped.
He smirked and explored your mouth, eyes shut tight.
When he finally pulled away, he saw your flustered expression, lips swollen red.
He pulled you closer as you walked, hand around your waist the whole time.
“I want us to have another date, y/n. I know you probably think I’m just some smitten fanboy with a passing crush, but.. I really like you y/n.”
“I really like you too.. and I’d love to have a second date.”
You kissed him again.
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enid-rhees · 9 months
any chance you could write a maggie x fem r where maggie gets drunk and fem r looks after her wife but maggie doesn't realise she's falling in love with fem r again. then the next day, everyone knows about what happened and they tease maggie over it?
drunk in love || maggie rhee x fem!reader
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warnings: drinking, one sexual joke (drink responsibly!) (it’s also short, i apologize for that.)
a/n: thank you so much for your request, anon! hope you all enjoy 🫶🏻
Maggie Rhee Masterlist
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“y/n!” Maggie wrapped her arms around your shoulders and pulled you in a hug, but dropped all of her weight on you. you let out a noise of surprise and pulled her up, “hey, sweetheart.” you laughed, brushing some of her hair away from her face. “have you been drinking?” you questioned, and Maggie giggled.
“a tinnyyyy bit. Carol invited me over for wine while you were on your run.” Maggie poked your face as she said that. “ah, that’ll do it. drinking with Carol.” you hummed. “we talked about you.” she giggled again.
you raised your eyebrows, “yeah? what were you saying about me, love?” Maggie began tracing shapes into your skin, “about how… pretty you are. and… how you’re so strong. you’re really, really strong. did you know that?”
“i did know that. you like that i’m strong?” Maggie nodded repeatedly. “i love that you’re strong. you look so hot when you’re beating people up.”
you laughed again. “why don’t we get you to bed, love? you’re gonna have a huge headache in the morning.” Maggie gasped, “you want to sleep with me?! that’s so inappropriate.” she whispered the last word like it was scandalous.
“no, Maggie. to actually sleep, no sex tonight.” you told her, pulling her arm so she would stand up with you. Maggie stumbled and fell into your grasp. “okay, keep holding onto me, sweetheart. we’re almost there.”
you managed to walk Maggie all the way to your shared bedroom and gently sat her down on the bed. Maggie hadn’t stopped staring at you the entire time, so you leaned down to meet her eyes. “what’s on your mind, Maggie?”
“i really like you.” she whispered. “i would hope so. we’ve been married for a year.” you giggled, and Maggie shook her head. “no, like… i really like you. i think… i think i love you too. yeah. i love you. a lot.”
you couldn’t help but smile widely. “i love you a lot too, Maggie.” you leaned forward and pressed a short but sweet kiss to her lips. “now let’s get to bed.”
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you started working on the garden in Hilltop early in the morning, that’s when the newly grown vegetables were most fresh. Carol was working on cleaning clothes, and some of the others were doing their own thing.
as you began to replant the last section of seeds, you heard the front door of the main building open and close. you turned around and watched as Maggie slowly, very slowly, walked down the stairs while holding her head. you stood up and ran over to her.
“good morning, love.” you laughed as Maggie dropped her head into your neck. “did you take the pills and water i left for you?” Maggie nodded. “yes, thank you.”
“ah, look who finally woke up.” Carol’s voice came from behind you. “you are quite the drunk, Maggie.” you laughed again when Maggie groaned into your neck. “who else did you tell?” Maggie asked you.
“totally not me.” Rosita suddenly said, “but i agree, Maggie. isn’t Y/N like… super strong?” you tried to bit your lip to contain your laughs, but failed. “you’re terrible.” Maggie whined.
“i’m sorry, love. it was too funny not to tell everyone.” her eyes widened slightly. “everyone?”
you gave her a nervous smile. “i love you.” you told her, in hopes it would let you off the hook. she gave you a brief glare, “you are so lucky i love you back.”
you pressed a kiss to her head. “i’m extremely lucky to have someone like you love me back.”
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withlove-xixi · 29 days
hi xixi!! could you write a fic where a normally teasing/silly reader actually gives chilchuck serious compliments and tells him how much they admire him? preferably gn/male reader but i’m not picky (*´꒳`*)
- bard anon
— FROM THE HEART: chilchuck x reader
ᥫ cw: chilchuck is a bit mean, but what's new? ᥫ wc: 946 ★ hello again my dear bard ano-non~! i did something short and sweet teehee :3! wanted to do smth that was chil focused, like w his perspective and him slowly warming up to things and stuff! tho ... idt its how u might've pictured this request to be im sorry but i hope you enjoy ٩(๑`ȏ´๑)۶ cross posted on ao3
[♡]: he saves no time for dillying or dallying, he focuses on what’s important. it was a trait his employers admired him for. sure, it makes him seem more standoffish than he’d like to be, but hey, whatever gets the job done, right? wrong! because as much as he’s planned on keeping his coworkers at simply an arms reach, it seems as if he’s pushed them a bit further than anticipated.
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CHILCHUCK ALWAYS SAW YOU AS IMMATURE, how couldn’t he when you could just be so childish sometimes? It’s not to say he doesn’t enjoy your company or admire your skills, but gods, you were just a bit… annoying sometimes. Chilchuck was never a patient man, but with you? It was as if you found new ways to toy with him, to drag him around like a ragdoll in a dog’s mouth. It was aggravating for one, he was a grown man, he deserves to be treated like one. It pissed him off how you’d tease him like you were school kids, how you could just be a bit too carefree at times, especially during work hours.
Now was no different as he pressed his fingers against both temples, rubbing circles on them as you conspicuously watched him work, no doubt wearing that stupid grin on your face. Normally, Chilchuck already hated it when people watched him work, it simply bugged him. He felt cramped, suffocated. Plus there was always the threat of them undermining his abilities as a locksmith, that hurt is pride more than anything. With you, he disliked it twice as much, finding there to be so much pressure with expectant eyes so intently studying the way his fingers moved.
Now was no different.
Chilchuck heaved a heavy sigh, without turning back, called out to you: “you gonna keep staring?” He said it so plainly, though you could tell his eye would twitch in frustration, as it usually did when you pushed the poor half-foot to his limits.
“I just like watching you work, Chil,” you softly said, smiling slightly. You rested your chin on your palm, squatting a bit closer behind him.
Chilchuck sighed again. You could tell he rolled his eyes with the way he shook his head.
Again, it wasn’t that Chilchuck didn’t enjoy your company. In fact it was something he looked forward to, after work hours of course. Post-dungeon crawl drinks at the bar were the carrot at the end of a stick for Chilchuck, and he enjoyed them even more when you were around. You had this way of lightening the mood, easing the tension. Could he truly be blamed if you were simply so nice to be around? But of course, work was different. Chilchuck was different when it came to work. It was something he was certain you noticed, something you’ve learned about him. The change in his demeanor, how he began to smile less, how his eyebrows knit more. It was like Chilchuck had an on and off switch, knowing the right time and place to wise up and when to just relax. And Chilchuck was certain you’d pick up on that, that it would be another thing you learn about him. He’s proven wrong, of course, with the way you leaned forward to get a better view of the lock he’s picking.
He’s about to open his mouth to scold you for doing so, to snap at you to back off and give him some room to breathe or something along those lines. But you beat him to it, cutting through the silence by letting out a soft giggle.
“You’re really cool, you know?”
Five words and he feels his breath falter.
Anybody else, he might’ve lashed out, called them out for patronizing him or looking down on him or teasing him. And honestly, Chilchuck half-expected him to do the same to you. He had fallen victim to your antics far too many times before, a half-hearted, playful quip would’ve been almost natural for him to hear from you.
Except deep down inside him, he knows it isn’t half-hearted, it isn’t playful. He hears it in the way you said it (perhaps his keen sense of hearing helps him pick up on it more). There’s something he’s not entirely used to hearing in your tone, that being pure, genuine admiration. It was the sappy kind he used to get when his daughters would watch him work or cook dinner, the one that was just so awestricken it was almost pure, innocent. And you had said it so casually too, like you were just stating facts and not shattering his world right now, chipping away at the walls he didn’t intend to build so high.
Chilchuck's heart felt a pang of guilt that for even a second he might've thought you were teasing him, because he knew that had you both been in the bar, two or three drinks down, faces flushed, smiles bright, he wouldn't have second-guessed your compliment. He would've smiled a bit wider and blushed a bit more, shoot back some weak response on how you're just joking because he knows you're being serious.
He felt just a bit more guilty when he turned back to meet your face, a gentle smile gracing your lips, staring at him like he had just constructed cathedrals, that he had done something greater than picking a simple lock. It fills Chilchuck with unbelievable warmth and it allows him to entertain the idea that perhaps he's come to be a bit too harsh, a bit too distant.
"Thanks," he says quietly, his eyes quickly averting yours.
He hears you giggle again, louder this time. "Such a cutie." He hears you say with a soft sigh right after. Chilchuck hid his face in his neck warmer, humming in response, afraid trusting his voice would expose how flustered he’s become. He turned back to his work, a small loving smile resting on his face. Perhaps it was time for Chilchuck to take things easy and start to be a bit less serious. Especially when it comes to you.
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onelocket · 1 year
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cuddles, please?
sick fyodor d. x sick reader
requested by -- sweet anon! (click here for more context)
involves -- domestic relationship, a touch starved gn reader, scenario held place in summer & possible russian mistakes ;_;
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you feel as if it was your fault sometimes
Because each one brings you a shock, honestly. How was Fyodor also sick with you? One day you just woke up to the sound of him quietly blowing his nose on a tissue, jolting yourself up to sit as you see him sat on the desk, head turned to you in surprise of your wake.
“I’m sorry, milaya. Did I wake you?”
“…Fyodor? Wait- why are you sick?!”
‘Why’ as if he wanted it in the first place. Your sad little face and teary eyes would make him a little startled at first—perhaps even a bit amused as the process went ahead, but eventually would he coo to you how he’s okay, and that it wasn’t your fault regardless if you had the fever first.
endless mutual worry and care
Now that you both were sick, it was kind of hard to balance out who should take over for who. But now, it’s as if the care rocks back and forth a little too quickly… yet who were you to complain? He didn’t seem to complain either.
“Really, (Name). I’ll be okay. I’ll make us a cup of tea, you sit there.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do all the work.” You frown out, peeking from his behind as he was already holding two cups. “Mm.. how about I make you your cup while you make mine? I promise to add your jam..” You deal out, a small smile copying his that eventually came out too.
“Want me to tell you a Russian bedtime story?”
Sometimes, when the nights were difficult to sleep through and boring since you still don’t get to hold Fyodor because of his ‘reasons’, you end up staying awake in these hours. He obviously realizes this, at first just watching you in hopes you’d close your eyes at it. But when you just can’t,
“Mm, (Name). Come closer.” He whispered, catching your attention.
“Yes, why?” You ask, although doing as told whilst you scoot closer, both of you on your sides as you look up at him curiously. “Will you finally give me a hug?”
He shook his head, but before you get to complain again—“I want to tell you a bedtime story. Would you like me to?” he strikes up the question, earning your excited nod.
Those nights end up easier to go through as you hear his lovely, addicting voice. You’d, albeit faint, sometimes hear him say ‘Я тебя люблю’ a lot during the ending of each story, sometimes even hear it add up with ‘так сильно’ after the ‘Я’, which made you really curious about what he actually said. Unbeknownst to you though, your lover was saying ‘I love you’ and ‘I love you so much’.
you’re too cute for him to resist.. sometimes…
Despite how you know Fyodor prefers to be warm, he actually denies your touch still, reasoning that “We’ll sweat together” or “I might cough on you”. Personally you saw these reasons unlikely of him, but instead of arguing, you improvised.
“Fyodor… I want to take a nap.” You whine out, placing your head carefully on his lap as he sits there leaning on the bed frame, gazing at the afternoon sky.
“Then nap,” He replied, tilting his head though still not facing you. “You want to sleep there, don’t you? Just this once, milaya.”
“Hehe, okay.”
You knew he knew your tricks, but if he lets you? You’ll take it all the way. It made him happy too, seeing you want him even if he already said for you to feel otherwise.
“(Name), you shouldn’t use your phone so often.” You hear whilst you do as digressed—finger scrolling through the endless sea of posts and rants your friends flocked your feed with.
Despite summer being this new opportunity for a big blank canvas to paint with vibrant and eye catchy colors, they’re instead using their time to click through letters upon letters and share rants about how they’d be doing better things right now like ‘making life more colorful’. What irony, huh?
Speaking of, what about you? Why were you scrolling through these rants? Well, you had your reasons. One of which was because of somebody’s state right now.
“I’ll be okay, Fyodor..” You whine out, rolling on your back as the soft mattress hugs it just right, you able to let out a quiet sound of satisfaction from it whilst you kept your hands on the phone.
It’s only been a few minutes since you even had your phone screen unlocked, so you found it quite irritating that he was already telling you to get off. “Meanwhile, I personally think that you stop worrying and get-” You’d trail, momentarily pausing when you hear Fyodor’s coughing interrupt you; “…more rest.” finishing with a sigh.
“Mm, and what does that make you, milaya?” He replied, slowly putting down his hand which was just covering his mouth a few seconds ago. “Aren’t you going to rest?”
“I don’t want to.” You pout, once again rolling against your stomach as you swing your feet up and down, your toes hitting the pillows. But you weren’t that petty to hit your lover, so you also slowed down a bit, turning your head back to him. “I can’t find my eyes sleeping.”
“That’s because you’re on your phone.” He points out with a small gesture, his own head tilting to the side before he sighed—“My.. come here.” patting the spot beside him whilst he carefully sat up. You wondered if you should play around a little with your boyfriend, but because he was sick, you denied the taunt.
So you press your palms on the bed sheets as you get yourself sat up, one hand moving to click your phone shut. You crawl back to Fyodor, pout softening to a normal gaze as you considered to hold him, but his body language didn’t seem to match the thought. Instead you sit beside him, hugging your knees a little.
“You’re upset with me, (Name). Isn’t that right?” He cooed, a finger delicately brushing strands of hair away from your face as your cheeks peach up, although react no further than that. “Why should I be?” You question, fingers finding themselves holding onto your kneecaps.
“Let’s see… because I keep refusing to hold you?” He immediately had a response to, a soft smile on his face. To the normal sight, Fyodor might even be seen as charming and such a gentleman for smiling like that for his lover, but to you—oh you knew… that his smile was definitely a taunting, teasing one.
You groaned at the knowledge, a frown coming back rather than a pout. “I don’t understand why not? We’re both sick.” You tampered, tapping onto the bedsheets like an impatient customer.
“That’s exactly why.” He replied almost in a fake surprised voice, putting his hand down as he picked up the bottle of sanitizer on the bedside table, spraying alcohol on the hand that he coughed on earlier before showing the bottle to indirectly ask if you want to do the same. You take it, mainly so that he can rub both of his hands together. But you also end up spraying a bit on your hands, plopping the bottle on the beside table on your side before facing him again.
“What do you mean ‘that’s exactly why’? I want to hug you, Fyodor. It doesn’t matter if you’re sweaty! Don’t you wanna warm up from the air conditioning?” You contrast, spreading your hands a little in desperate request for his hug. “You know it’s you who’s the main reason why I hug you, not just because of how it feels.” You even add, hoping it’d move his heart.
He quietly chuckles at your claim, which honestly boosted up your hopes… for a moment, until you see his gaze back to normal without even a hint of change in his answer. What- did he seriously just laugh at you because he takes pity on your desperation?
“O-or just forget it..” You scoff out, your arms crossing each other as you turn around, your stuffy nose deciding that now would be the great time to embarrass you as you sniffle, although try to hold it back just to appear more… oh, what even was the proper word?
You were just petty. And upset that you can’t hold your lover. “I don’t need your hug anymore.” You add whilst laying down, to which you wouldn’t know how it’d affect him as your back was turned to him.
He was quiet for a little bit—Fyodor resting on his elbow with a faint smile as he indulged a bit more into your reaction. You were always either so attractive or so cute to him, now being the latter as he moved his elbow away, lying down on his side with his body facing you.
You refused to initiate the talk again, although your arms would slowly fall back from crossing each other, pressing against the smooth mattress as you hum in delight.
At least the bedsheets felt nice. It was one of the more lighter coverings, one silkier and nice to the touch so it’d ease the both of you to sleep.
And it worked exactly as it’s purpose.
Before you and even Fyodor knew, he’d hear quiet snoring coming from you, your body’s tension gone and melted as the cold of your air conditioning eased the sweat off.
His smile fades, although face keeping a soft look on it while he thought, “I couldn’t even get to move yet… but you’re already sound asleep.” left to look at your beautiful hair and your back hinting your slow breathing.
But quickly would he grow sleepy of watching you, his eyes glancing at the door for a bit before they fall back to you.
He planned to go outside the bedroom to get a hot cup of tea, even more so excited earlier as he thought of sharing the sudden idea with you, but found himself discarding it.
“Tomorrow..” Fyodor tells himself, closing his lips as he moves closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as careful as possible without you waking up.
He’d close his eyes at your scent, his love for your smell never leaving even if the both of you were sick. At that moment, he had genuinely hated how his nose was stuffy as well—loathing it to disappear just so he can indulge more in you.
But him in your arms was enough. To see you asleep and peaceful kept him calm and satisfied.
Fyodor scoots closer so his head meets your shoulder, resting it there comfortably as he kept you warm. “Good night, (Name).” He hummed out, pressing a kiss on your shoulder before rubbing your skin softly with his thoughts lingering—“Get well soon for me. Because I’d rather see you feel better than see anything else right now.”
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billiedeansbitch · 2 years
How have you been!? Idk if you have TikTok or seen this trend, but it’s basically where someone is putting on lipstick and it ends up smudging the wrong way and the camera shows another person wiping it away and the other person had a bunch of kiss marks on their face.
I think it would be cute if that could be a one shot with Larissa Weems? It could be that Larissa is putting on the lipstick or the other way around with y/n?
𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞
(𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
a/n: thank you for requesting this anon i really liked the idea and immediately worked on it (like i'm not working on a couple of fics already) this was too cute.
warning/s: nothing.
Larissa took the compact mirror from her desk drawer and uncapped her lipstick, mindful of your lingering eyes that glimmer with excitement, lips slightly ajar in anticipation.
She started to apply her lipstick wantonly slow. You watched it glide on her lips like butter, painting her lips red. The colour was sensual contrasting the cool, breath-taking big blue eyes. It was so tempting and inviting you couldn’t help yourself but ask for a kiss. Just a kiss. One quick peck on the lips. 
“Please?” Her lipstick wasn’t smudged proof, it would transfer to your lips but that didn’t seem to bother you at all and she had seen you proudly walk in the halls of Nevermore wearing the sheer colour on your own lips, unapologetically flaunting it to everyone. 
She chuckled and beckoned you to come closer. You complied with unbridled enthusiasm and stood from the armchair in front of her desk. Larissa stood, leaning halfway over her desk and grabbed the collar of your button-down to pull you closer and peck your lips. And as always, you giggled as you attempted to kiss her deeper, ruining the freshly applied coat of lipstick.
And it happened, again and again. In the morning before she exited your shared bedroom, you asked for a kiss just after her lipstick was done, she shook her head, and kissed you.
After lunch with the faculty, which included you, she excused herself, grabbed her little purse and disappeared in the restroom to retouch her make-up and lipstick–for the third time and it was only midday. The culprit? You.
Eventually during one afternoon, you waltzed in with your hands behind your back, Larissa didn’t think much of it. You were holding back a cheeky smile when you noticed the tube of her favourite lipstick in her hand and her lips were popping red. “No” she said immediately while shaking her head knowing how this would go.
“You will not ruin my lipstick.” she added glaring playfully,, her tone final and dismissive.
You merely laughed, stalking toward her desk, “I’m afraid you’re overreacting, Love.”
She huffed, rolling her eyes and ignoring your antics. “Why are you here?”
“Am I not allowed to visit my favourite Principal now?”
“It’s usually more than that.” she said knowingly while feigning disinterest.
“I’m actually here because I’ve got you a gift.” But it wasn’t her birthday or your anniversary. Her eyes shot up. 
You pushed the little box you had been hiding behind you. You saw her eyes lit up. “Go on, open it.” She tried to hide her excitement by rolling her eyes but her lips betrayed her by curling into a dainty appreciative smile. She took it in her hands and unwrapped the gift.
“Now you don’t have to worry about running out of lipstick.” 
In the box was three full sized lipstick in similar shade–her favourite.
“Come here, darling.” her voice was much softer now  like she was melting inside. 
Sat on her lap, her arm smoothly pulled you in, keeping you close by the waist, eyes were levelled with yours and as if that little-to-non-existent gap wasn’t enough, Rissa leaned forward, her lips ghosting on the shell of your ear, “I think you deserve a kiss.”
The kiss was fond, very sweet and gentle, short but satisfying. You thought it was over, that it was done because you confusingly watched her retouch her lipstick. You thought she would usher you off her lap but then Larissa ’s lips were hot, a little damp as they made contact with the outer corner of your eye, then to your nose and automatically, with the attention she was giving you using her lips, you puckered your own, directly asking for a kiss on your lips. She chuckled and gave in.  She nipped on your lip affectionately, moved on to kiss you down to your jaw again. 
It was so wholesome and light, then it turned to sloppy, playful bites and before you knew it her lips were smothering your whole face with kisses, faint marks filling your face like an art on a sheet of canvas. Larissa’s very own art.
The adorable sound from your lips falling in between a snort and laughter filled the room. Larissa kept kissing you, filling the areas where she hadn't kissed yet. You let her fill your face with the imprint of her perfect lips.
And then the doors flung open without any sort of warning catching you off guard in Larissa’s lap.
Wednesday’s eyes widened in disgust. Enid, who was trailing behind her bumped to her roommate when the goth girl suddenly stopped in her tracks.
“Oh, hi Mrs Weems!” The werewolf greeted with a wave—you waved back. Larissa pinched your side. 
Enid had a megawatt smile on her face like finding you in their Principal’s lap, your face filled with kisses was the most normal thing on earth.
Wednesday turned without breathing a word and pulled the other girl outside. The door slammed leaving you two alone. 
“I think I just saved you from Wednesday.” you quipped and bursted into laughter. Larissa laughed along, too carefree to care–for now–about what Wednesday and Enid just witnessed before resuming to kiss you all over again.
Now this, this is heaven, you thought.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
Congratulations on hitting 450!
Maybe you could do Tech x Jedi!Reader post Order 66?
I've recently been obsessed with all youre writing, youre doing GREAT!
Awww thank you anon! That's so sweet of you.
I hope you enjoy this little fic.
Love oo
Warnings: Order 66 mentions, deaths, loss, angst, fluff, comfort, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
The datapad gave off a faint glow as you looked at the list of wanted Jedi in the galaxy. There were so many that had been declared dead, even your name had a line through it. You were no longer a threat to the Empire, that is until they found out you were actually alive, and living with Tech and his brothers on Pabu. 
You let out an exhaustive breath, it was all gone. Everything you had grown up knowing. All your friends, family, people you looked up to. Gone. Tears pricked your eyes and you did your best to stifle a sob, the last thing you wanted to do was wake up Tech, but you’d failed.
He stirred and sat beside you putting on his glasses, “What is it?” his fingers played with your hair, hoping the action would calm you down enough to tell him what was wrong. However, he didn’t have to take too long to guess, as soon as he saw the datapad in your hand, he let out a sigh. 
He wanted to comfort you, to take away the sadness and pain, the loss you felt from that day. He slipped the datapad from your hand and placed it on the stand beside him. As he pulled you into his arms and leaned back into the mattress, he slipped off his goggles and placed them on top of the datapad, and then turned his attention back to you. He squeezed tighter as he kept you tucked into his side, kissing your temple and forehead.
“It’s okay.”
“They’re all gone. Everyone …” you stated as you tried to fight the sobs.
“Shhh … it’s okay. I know.” He pressed another kiss, “But you’re not, and I’m still here.” He held you tighter in his arms, tucking your head under his chin. “And obviously that list is faulty, so who knows how many truly survived.”
“Maybe we could try and find them.”
This was a point of contention between the two of you, you wanted to go out there and find other Jedi, track down every lead; and he could understand your desire, but for Tech that would put you needlessly in danger, and it never sat well with him. 
“Listen, cyare, I know you want to find your people. I understand, however … you’d be putting yourself in harm’s way, and you wouldn’t even know if it was worth it. If you’d even find the ones you’re looking for… no one is as important as you. I know I’m being selfish, however … I don’t want to lose you.”
You couldn’t really argue with him about that, you didn’t want to lose him either. You wanted to stay on this paradise island, and remain in his arms, but you couldn’t. 
“I know, and you are the most important one to me too, but … I need to do this. Alone if I have to, but … I need to know. I need to know I’m not the last one.”
Tech fought back the tears, he would gladly go with you, gladly stay by your side, but not if it meant you’d be putting yourself in harm’s way. He couldn’t handle seeing you in that vulnerable position again. It took everything within him to find you after Order 66, and when he did he thought the galaxy gave him one final gift knowing you were still alive and in his arms. But now … now you wanted to leave. 
“There’s nothing I can say that will change your mind, is there?”
You shook your head, staying tucked under his chin and holding him close. “I’m sorry. I love you, Tech. I do. However, I … there’s a calling deep within me that won’t rest until I know there’s at least one more Jedi out there. I … I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to have the weight of the Jedi order on my shoulders alone. I’ll stay in constant contact, and I’ll start looking for those who were already declared dead. I know some of them died on Coruscant, but there are others whose deaths were confirmed but their bodies were never found. I can start there. It’ll be safer, for now at least.”
“And what happens if you do find out you are the last?”
“Then I’ll come back to you.”
“I’ll come with you. I … I don’t want to be apart from you, and not being by your side and worrying will be worse.”
“Tech, you don’t have to, I know how much staying with your brothers and looking after Omega means to you…”
He shook his head, “No. They’re my family, but you’re my cyare. It was my duty to make sure Omega, Hunter, and Wrecker were safe. However, Echo already left to pursue his own sense of duty, it’s now my job to make sure you’re safe. We’ll tell everyone in the morning. Hunter can take us to a space port, where we can ‘borrow’ a ship.”
“I love you, Tech. Thank you.” You shifted and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I love you, too. But so help me if you die on me, I’ll bring you back just to yell at you.”
You laughed as you pressed your forehead against the side of his face, “Okay. You have my approval to bring me back from the dead and yell at me.”
“Good. Now go to sleep cyare. I’ll keep you safe.”’
“Thank you, Tech. I love you.”
“I know.”
You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh, as though a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You didn’t know if this was a smart idea, but the force was telling you, you needed to look for those on the list, it was telling you to help. How could you say no to the force?
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Stefan x reader - what I’ve done
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Can i request a Stefan Salvatore one where he turned off his humanity and ur the only one who can make him turn it on - Anon💜
You weren’t in town when it happened, if you were you would never have let him turn it off.
Now you were everyone’s only hope of fixing what Klaus had done, but trying to find Stefan was a mission and a half, but you managed to track the pair down to a small town nearby.
Walking into the bar, you looked around before spotting them sitting without a care in the world as the sipped their drinks and drank blood from the poor unsuspecting bar tenders.
“I didn’t think you’d find us so fast.” Klaus mused.
“Let him go.” You warned.
Klaus turned to face you, a smirk on his lips as he swirled his drink around in his glass.
“What’ll you do?” He chuckled.
You didn’t reply, because truth be told, what would you do? You couldn’t do anything.
Stefan didn’t even bother to face you, and that stung. The man who looked at you with nothing but love and adoration, who held you on your worst nights.
He simply sat there, eyeing up some people in the corner of the room with malicious intent.
“Stefan…” you called softly.
This made him finally turn, and the look in his eyes made you shiver.
“Go home.” Was all he said.
Klaus chuckled to himself and got up, walking away.
You walked over to Stefan and stood in front of him, searching his eyes for any sign of the old him being there, but you couldn’t find anything.
Stefan didn’t say anything, but he met your gaze with his cold and uncaring one.
“Stefan… I know you’re in there…” you whispered.
“It’s pointless.” He mused.
You shook your head.
“It’s not, because I know you Stefan, I know you’re in there. The real you.”
“This is the real me (Y/N)! Why can’t you see that! This is what I am!” He snapped.
“It’s not! This is what klaus wants! He wants you to be like this! But this isn’t you!”
Stefan’s hand tightened around his glass that hard it shattered under his grip.
He quickly stood up, and you stumbled back a step, flinching just a little as he slammed his hand on to the counter.
Something in his expression changed for a second, you could have sworn you saw regret, but just as quickly as it came it went.
“Leave.” He said calmly.
“Stefan I’m not going to give up this easily, you know me better than that. I know I can bring you back, and I will. Because I love you, and I don’t want you building your a huge pile of regret that you’ll never be able to forget.”
You gave him a sweet smile and held out your hand to him.
“What?” He asked.
“Please? I’ll leave after.”
Stefan sighed and held out his hand to you.
Taking it, you reached into your pocket and pulled out the necklace he gave to you, a promise he would always be with you.
It was a promise that no matter what happened, where you guys went, Stefan would always find his way back to you.
“You need it more than I do.” You whispered.
Closing his fingers around it, you let his hand go and walked out of the bar.
Klaus was leaning against your car, a smirked on his face as he stood up straight.
“Given up?”
“Not a chance in hell. Let him go Klaus, I swear to god let him go now.”
“Hm. Let me think. No.”
You walked in front of him, when you were close enough you quickly pulled a stake from your pocket and shoved it into his chest.
Klaus roared in pain, but it soon turned into laughter as he pulled it out before it could have any effect.
“You’re dead.”
He pinned you to your car, hand around your throat as he tightened his grip.
“You know what?” He whispered, “I’m not going to kill you… I’m going to make Stefan do it…”
He called the other vampire and he came rushing out, standing right next to klaus as his eyes bore into you.
You knew this was stupid, you had no plans of actually doing any of this, but seeing the flicker of emotion from Stefan when he scared you, you knew it was your only chance.
You had to try this, the absolute last resort, you had to try while you still knew where they were.
Even if it didn’t work, you knew you tried.
“Kill her.”
Klaus dropped you, leaving you gasping for air as you fell to the floor, hitting your head.
Blood trickled down your face as you slowly looked up.
“What?” Stefan asked.
“Kill her. Now.”
Stefan didn’t do anything.
Klaus grabbed Stefan by the shoulders, eyes boring into his as he smirked to himself.
“Kill her, and make her suffer…”
With that, he walked away.
“She better be dead when I come back out!”
Stefan looked down at you, watching you slowly stand up, leaning heavily against your car.
Stefan slowly reached out, but he hesitated.
“Stefan please…” you whispered weakly.
He didn’t say anything, he simply grabbed you and tossed you across the parking lot.
The pain flooding through your body was intense, it hurt so much, tears spilled down your face.
You tried to sit up but you couldn’t, every time you moved a scream of pain ripped through you.
Stefan slowly stalked his way over to you, standing just a few feet away as he watched you struggle.
That’s when he saw it.
The bit of metal you had snapped off when you went flying into the air.
It was stuck straight through your stomach, blood dripping from the end.
But it didn’t make him hungry, it didn’t make him want to drink every single drop of blood flowing through your body.
It made him sick.
Stefan’s hand slowly came up to his mouth, covering it as he crouched down, eyes meeting your teary ones.
“Just kill me…” you chocked out, “please…”
Stefan moved closer and you held eye contact with him.
“Stefan… it.. it hurts… please… make it end…”
He knelt next to you, hand slowly reaching out to brush some hair from your face.
“It’s.. it’s not your fault…”
His eyes brimmed with tears, he pressed his hand to the side of your face.
“I.. oh god.. I’m so.. I’m so sorry…”
Stefan bit his wrist, and fed you his blood, then he looked at the metal sticking through you and looked back at you.
“This is going to hurt…”
He reached around you, holding your head to his chest as he gripped it from the other side and quickly ripped it out.
You screamed and he quickly held you tighter.
“Come on, come on…”
He quickly picked you up and rushed you to your cat, sticking you in the back seat he jumped in the drivers side and sped away.
He had to get you as far away as possible, so he drove and drove.
He kept looking at you in the rear view mirror, and when he saw you head dropping he panicked.
Pulling up to some sleazy looking motel he got a room and rushed you inside, laying his jacket on the bed before resting you in it.
He felt your pulse, it was weak, but it was there, though your skin was deathly cold.
“Come on…” he whispered.
He wasn’t going to turn you, he promised to never do that until you agreed.
Looking at you deathly pale form, he couldn’t help but cry.
He did this.
This was his fault.
And nothing could ever fix what he’d done to you.
He couldn’t do anything, so all he did was call an ambulance and sit with you until it was close, then he left.
He couldn’t stand to look at you, look at what he’d done to the woman he loved.
So he left, hoping and praying you would make it through the night
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Love takes two- Part 2
Emmett x reader(Cillian Murphy’s role A quiet place 2)
Part 1
And with this part, this series is complete ✨ until next time my sweet Emmett 🥹
Edit: ⚠️ smut 🔥
Request from lovely anon 🥰 - I decided to mix two different requests for this story (one for each part) because it felt so fitting to Emmett’s background or what at least I imagine it is…anon sorry it took me a while (I always say this I’m slow but I will definitely write it), I hope you like this I really appreciate your beautiful idea and here it is finally 👏🏻
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“Are you alright?” Alex asked, but Emmett wasn’t listening, his hands clasped together covering his mouth as if he was trying to prevent himself from saying something he would regret. “Emmett?”
“I made a mistake, right?”
Alex sighed, under different circumstances she would’ve teased him endlessly. But after watching the pain in his eyes, she decided to wave the white flag.
“We’ve never been close or crossed more than a few words, but if you took a closer look, you’d realize a lot of things.” Alex explained, deciding it wasn’t her place to speak on her friend’s behalf. “I can only suggest wait for her and have a long chat.”
She then explained Emmett she needed to go away.
Time was irrelevant at this point, five minutes felt the same as an hour, Emmett was having an internal battle. Should he keep his mouth shut and allow you to be happy with someone else while he stepped aside, or should he express his feelings towards you? Deflated he decided to wait for you sitting on the steps, his forearms hanging over his thighs while his gaze was fixed on the ground… afraid of losing his only chance to be happy.
Terrified of losing you.
To your own surprise, you realized Mark had a joke to everything and a wicked sense of humor. But a date in this new life consisted of handmade sandwiches in a basket and a walk down the beach, resources and options were kind of limited.
“You’re kind of quiet.” He pointed out after a while.
You looked away from him, realizing no matter how much you tried, your mind couldn’t stop comparing him to Emmett, the way his eyes weren’t that blue or his smile didn’t give you butterflies and of course his laugh didn’t make your heart skip a beat.
Staring into the waves crashing down you couldn’t stop the words from coming out.
“I’m sorry Mark, but it’s not fair to you… even if it doesn’t work out I can’t do this to you.” Giving him an apologetic look, you stood up and started to walk away.
Mark would have been a terrific date and partner, he didn’t have a single bad thing to point out to be honest, that’s why it felt harder. Considering the little options that were left after the invasion, rejecting Mark was letting go of probably the only decent chance you had to start all over. But that’s what you get for falling in love with the one who doesn’t love you back.
Why did Emmett had to get under your skin the way he did?
Trying to clear your head, you shook it. Stopping by the deck and a little voice inside your head scolded you for going to the exact place where Emmett held you while you had an embarrassing breakdown, but he didn’t seem to mind, he only wrapped an arm around your back while his finger stroked your shoulder softly. That night he didn’t just showed you his kind heart but that he was able to make you smile afterwards. After that night it was so easy to trust him completely, you simply loved being around him, everything was easy; he was a practical man, he always had a solution for everything, sharp mind. But you also noticed over time how he slowly started trusting you back, you noticed his guard fell down when you were together.
Taking off your shoes, you allowed your feet to touch the cold water in an attempt to distract your busy mind.
How would you be able to continue being his friend while being in love with him?
“Ugh I’m so stupid.” You groaned to yourself bringing your hands to cover your face in frustration.
Your alone time lasted longer than the actual date to be honest, and after hosting the internal battle between your heart and your mind, you felt wore down so you didn’t make a huge effort to go back home.
But to your surprise you were shocked to find Emmett sitting on the porch.
“Where the hell have you been?” He asked in a harsh tone, making you take a step back.
“Somewhere that’s non of your business.” You replied with the same anger. Confused by his attitude.
“Of course it’s my fucking business, this isn’t a safe place you don’t know people’s intentions, not everyone you meet is good.”
“I’m old enough to look after myself, thank you.” Your hands moved frantically. “I’d like to be alone if you don’t mind.”
“Alone or with Mark?” Emmett pressed with a scoff.
Crossing your arms your answer came out in an annoyed tone. “That’s non of your business.”
“Oh, sorry for bothering you for once!” He spat and noticed the necklace he gave you at your belated birthday celebration, it was resting against your collarbone. “It’s not my fault you’re in a bad mood.”
“Like you even really care.” You shook your head.
“Really? After bringing you here and saving your life?”
“Oh yes, thank you Emmett.” You answered him with sarcasm.
“You should go back into your house.”
“Are you gonna be the guard tonight? In case I want to sneak out?” Your annoyance grew by the minute.
“You know what? That’s actually a great idea, to keep the pricks away.”
“Who do you think you are Emmett?” You couldn’t believe his words. “Why do you even care?”
“Why do I-“ He started to pace around the deck. “You can’t just go with someone by yourself, you should’ve known better.”
“Excuse me?” You gave him a shocked look.
“You barely know that guy, that puts you in a risky situation.” He shook his head, but his energy softened a bit. “You trust too much, Y/N.”
“Are you even listening to yourself?” Hands on your hips, you leaned forward. “I don’t owe you an explanation for what I do with whoever I want.”
That seemed to trigger the anger in him, imagining you being touched by another man, another man’s lips on yours and your body. Emmett felt his blood like boiling.
He completely lost it there.
“Over my dead body.”
Feeling more confused and tired than ever, you sighed. Debating whether to ask him or not again why he cared so much, but his next move took you by surprise when he grabbed your face between his strong hands, one at each side of your face and his lips found yours with such force that it took your breath away. He didn’t even gave you time to react, or move, much less to process what was happening.
“You silly little thing… you don’t understand a thing, do you?” Emmett asked you once he pulled apart, his salt and pepper beard scrapped your chin.
Your brain felt completely groggy, like you had been under the water for the last three minutes and you were running out of oxygen. Words were stuck in your lips as this was the first time you were able to see his ocean eyes from such a short distance, you felt like you would swim away in the depths of them until you could see the spot where the ocean meets the sky…
“I’m sorry… fuck I knew this was a mistake.” He totally misunderstood your silence and got the wrong impression.
There was a tingling sensation left of your lips.
Defeated once again, his head hanging down from the embarrassment. Emmett turned around and was about to come down the steps when you recovered from the shock and grabbed him by the shoulders to make him face you again.
This time around, it was him who didn’t get the chance to react before your lips crashed his down. Your hands keeping him close from the nape of his shirt. It took him a few seconds to register what was happening, but once he did, he kissed you back with everything he had.
His lips moved against yours hard, demanding, roughly, hands trying to get the other one closer -as if it was even possible- a slow but evident growl emanated from his chest as your teeth pressed his lower lip slightly, a pair of strong hands circled your waist in a tight lock to prevent you from pulling apart.
“What are we doing?” You whispered separating barely from his mouth.
“Kissing.” Emmett answered as if it wasn’t obvious.
His sarcastic but accurate answer made you snort. “I know silly, but I mean…”
Now that he had tasted your lips, that he felt your sweet, warmth body against his he didn’t want to waste a minute so he started kissing you all over again, the only difference is that this time he took it slowly, letting the minutes go by. Tilting his head bumping his nose against yours in the process, one of his hands came up to tangle in your curls to keep you in place.
Giving into the kiss and his touch completely, you let him set the pace, enjoying how his lips moved softly, tentatively, your hand moved from his shoulder up to his neck, and then a bit up, taking in the feeling of how soft his beard was. Pulling apart to take a deep breath, his eyes found your full lips.
“After learning you went out with someone else I lost it, Y/N… went crazy thinking I lost my only shot with you.”
Taking the fringe that was in the middle of his forehead you brushed it away from his face in a delicate motion, feeling his breath fanning over your skin.
“I went out with Mark because I thought you could only see me as your friend, but after a few minutes talking I realized it was a waste of time… because he wasn’t you.” You confessed with your arm still linked behind his neck.
He stared down at you, not fully believing what he just heard.
“All this time, I’ve been trying to disguise it thinking how unreal this would be.”
“You never let anything slip away.”
“It’s called secret feelings for a reason.” He rolled his eyes, making you giggle. “I thought I wouldn’t stand a chance because you’re younger than me.”
“And here I had been thinking to do a cartwheel to get your attention.” You stole a small peck. “Sorry for how I reacted, I was angry with myself.”
“That wasn’t very friendly… I thought I was he grumpy one.” He tried to lighten the mood. “Thought the date would go great.” Emmett’s lighted up when you pulled him down for another kiss, apologizing as well for the angry welcome he gave you.
“That made it worse actually, I kept thinking about you.”
“I was so fucking jealous.”
His statement made you feel butterflies not only in your stomach, they were all over your body.
“I really liked when you kissed me like that the first time, all bossy.” You admitted biting your lips.
Emmett blushed, surprised by his own visceral reaction. It was so unlike him, made him feel like he was desperate.
“Emmett, I really like you.” You decided to confess.
“There’s no point in trying to deny the attraction I feel about you, Y/N.” Was this really happening?
“If I’ve learned something after the invasion is time is a precious thing we shouldn’t take for granted, so…” standing up on your toes, you kissed him softly, feeling a rush of heat expanding by your body thanks to his tender touch, you stepped closer into his embrace, feeling the evident bulge pressing against his jeans. Moving your hips slightly back and forward you felt him groan against your lips.
Emmett drummed his fingers on your hips, giving you the cue to wrap your legs around his waist. Once you opened the door, he kicked it making it bang against the wall, the sound made you gasp at first, then giggle and this time, you were cautious enough to close it softly.
“Where’s your bedroom?” He mumbled against your mouth.
“Upstairs to the right.” You tried to wriggle to get down, but his hands held you right in place. “Are you sure you can -?”
“Of course I can, what makes you think the opposite?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Well… no offense but earlier you said you were worried for being older than me.”
“Shut up.” He stated and showed you how he didn’t even flinch carrying you upstairs, your weight or his age wasn’t the problem. The real problem were your lips on his neck while he tried to walk.
So far you had only managed to unbutton half his shirt, the rest was trapped between his body and your legs. Dropping you gently on the bed, he towered over your frame, undoing the rest of the buttons.
Taking the hem of your dress, you threw it to the floor, right next to his shirt.
“Been dreaming about this moment for so long.” Emmett admitted, allowing his eyes devour your frame.
Smiling by the way he looked at you, the desire you found in his eyes made your entire body tingle from the anticipation. Kneeling on the bed you moved to the edge to take Emmett by the neck and start kissing him once more.
“Tell me what you dreamed about.” You felt the skin of your legs like burning under his touch as his fingers trailed a path up and down. Fumbling with the belt, you sighed contently as his lips kissed your chin, moving along your neck.
“Move over to the center of the bed.” He instructed wrapping an around around your waist to help you. The bulge restrained in his briefs brushed against your hip as he hovered over you, his fingers moving dangerously up stopping at the feeling of the fabric of your bra. “I wondered how would you look…” he started spreading kisses on your shoulder, “how would you feel,” taking your hands, he brought your fingers up to his mouth, his free hand tracing a pattern on your hip, “how would you moan my name.” He was so lost in her, nothing prepared him for this moment, nothing could compare to this feeling.
“I wasn’t prepared with anything fancy.” You whispered explaining why you were wearing the most boring underwear and loved the way small wrinkles appeared around his eyes.
“This is perfect… you’re.” Emmett admitted before settling between your legs. “But let me make it up for the boring expectations.” Leaning back on his calves, he pulled you with him, his blue eyes penetrating every single layer of your body and soul, as his lips explored your neck and collarbone, his hands got rid of your bra, while your hands moved across his back, feeling every muscle under your touch.
“Emmett.” You called him in a low voice, pleading as his fingers teased your nipples, his mouth only adding more pleasure.
But he was only warming up, pushing you down into the mattress again his teasing growing by the minute as he licked the bud in his mouth and the flesh around, not forgetting about the other one as he covered your breast with his palm. Your fingers moved up to tangle in his locks.
“Mind if I take these off?” He asked out of breath as his hand fanned over the elastic of your underwear, his hand then moved to cup your core with his palm making you moan at the sudden contact, the pressure felt delicious and your body’s reaction was now beyond your control. “Have to keep it down unless you want the fucking creatures to hear you, Y/N.” Emmett teased you by tapping his fingers against your still covered clit.
Hips bucking to get more friction, you had to bite your lips to suppress a louder moan, recovering from the unexpected pleasure, you ended up kicking the piece of fabric. But he recently discovered a new hobby by teasing you in bed, and he was planning to take his time with you. So he started kissing your flesh from the valley of your breasts, stopping a ridiculous amount of time on your stomach, every minute passing his beard scrapped dangerously south.
“Emmett please.” You felt him smiling against the inside of your thigh, finding a moment later a mischievous look in his eyes as your eyes locked.
You lost it completely the moment his tongue came in contact with your entrance and traveled up over your folds, finishing at your clit. Clamping your eyes shut, you couldn’t stop the pleasure from expanding through your body. Your hands grabbing the sheets into fits to try to contain the fireworks going off in your core.
Emmett took a moment to take in your features contorting, lips parted while your hair was scattered all over the pillow.
Grazing two fingers over your folds, he found your wet entrance, immediately welcoming his middle finger, in and out, slowly as your walls tried to suck him in. You thought you wouldn’t be able to accept a second finger but the thought quickly disappeared from your mind as he added his mouth to the sensual attack.
“Please… oh! Emmett…” Your hips jerked and just as you thought you would come undone any second, he withdrew his fingers. Leaving you clenching around emptiness.
You wanted to beg him at that point, needed him fill you once more. But as soon as his eyes locked with yours, you knew you didn’t have to ask for anything, as he was willing to give you all. Positioning himself at your entrance, you gasped at the feeling of the tip of his cock.
Leaning down he kissed you slowly, loving the way you were holding his face.
“A part of me is totally embarrassed because I think you’ll wake the entire island up and the other part just feels extremely proud of it.” He chuckled against your neck, feeling how fast your heart was beating.
“Shut up, Emmett.” You shook your head feeling your cheeks burning.
Pushing his hips forwards, it was his time to moan at the feeling of your walls fluttering around him. This was much better than any of the times he dreamed about it. After giving you a few seconds to adjust, he started moving rolling his hips, all the way in, pressing the magic button every time he bottomed out. Over and over with one of your legs wrapped around his lower back, making you feel how surreal all of this was.
Pushing he fringe out of his eyes, you hung to him like a life jacket.
“Cum with me, Emmett.” You wanted to see his features as ecstasy exploded inside of him.
Moving your fingers to reach for the point where your bodies were connected, he swallowed your moan, feeling how your body was shaking from the intensity. He exploded mere seconds before you, his load shot into you as his body stilled and it was beyond his control now. Kissing his shoulder you saw him trying to regain his strength to prevent his weight from crushing you down, your fingers tracing over the tattoo on his arm.
“You knocked me down.” Lying down next to you, he was trying to recover, pulling you closer to rest on his shoulder.
Emmett touched the pendant he gave you, his thumb rubbing the edges absently, his mind trying to comprehend the unexpected turn this took.
“It was so hard to keep this feeling bottled inside because we see each other daily… How could you keep this from me?” You asked softly, without a single hint of reproach in your voice.
“I was scared of losing you if you didn’t feel the same.” He explained while you studied his profile. “Your happiness was contagious, it was impossible not to fall for you.”
“That’s funny cos I felt the same, thought you wouldn’t look at me as a woman.” Your hand found comfort on his chest, moving to the rhythm of his breathing.
Emmett ‘s chuckle came out genuinely.
“Chances were low for me with so many young candidates around.” He laughed of himself, it was the best he could do to try to feel a bit less bad about his age.
“Experience won if you want some validation.” You teased leaning on your elbow to give him another kiss. “I hope your batteries are full again.”
Pushing him onto his back, you straddled Emmett, his eyes showed the transition from the initial surprise to the desire he felt. Your hands running up and down his chest, loving the way his thick beard felt against your skin… his lips answering to your demands in the same way.
The freedom of finally admitting your feelings towards each others made everything easier, made things fall into the right place.
The realization of being reciprocated about the secret love you have been developing as you became one again made the two of you accept that no matter what’s happened in your past, the only thing that mattered is that love takes two.
Thank you for reading! ♥️ If you enjoyed this little story, remember your feedback it’s the best tip I could get🫙 ✨
Tag list: @lyarr24 @lespendy @elenavampire21 @sloanexx @imichelle-l-rigby @esposadomd @winchestergirl22 @forgottenpeakywriter @forbidden-forest-witch @allie131313 @lovecleastrange @stevie75 @elenavampire21 @onlydeadcells @zablife @cillmequick @raincoffeeandfandoms @nyxxxz (can’t tag) @peakyscillian @camilleholland89 @thenattitude @kittycatcait219 @sherlcrown (can’t tag) @cillianmxrphy @kmc1989 @adaydreamaway08 @darleneslane @shaddixlife @shelbydelrey @tiredkitten @nela-cutie
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queenofallimagines · 1 year
Hi! This is literally my first time requesting anything ( I couldn’t see if your requests were closed or not but if they are please ignore this), but I would like to request daisuga x first year (black) reader please? :)
Also, I love your blog! It’s so hard to find people who make hcs for black people so when I found you I was sooo excited :) love you, and have a great day!
This has so much flavor anon ily🥹
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- this is the funniest relationship ever congratulations
- Bc not only are you dating two third years daichi is constantly tired of you and suga’s shenanigans
- Suga can run w the best of em I fear so daichi is left in the dark when y’all start acting goofy 😭
- “No bc I’m not about to let her shenan😒”
- “???? What?”
- “Daichi keep up🙄🙄Bc if you let ‘em shenan once best believe they gon shenanigan!”
- He’s stressed!!
- Suga is just as chaotic as noya and hinata so he can be the mom friend but in more of a wine aunt “get they ass!!” Type way
- And he’s very “if you do it imma do it too” so god help whoever starts shit w you be he’s got your follow up💀
- Daichi making sure you do your homework
- Constantly pestering you to sleep and heat healthy too
- Likes bringing you to vollyball practice buuuut highkey lowkey you a distraction
- Noya and Tanaka asking you how you managed to pull them both and also you’re just really chill to hang with
- Hinata and kageyama have huge little sibling energy even tho your in the same year
- Putting tsukishima in his place Lmaoo
- Y’all gossip buddies sorry don’t make the rules he’s the devil on your shoulder encouraging you to be meaner
- “Drag them👀”
- Plus you’re besties w asahi by proxy so you get along w the whole team
- Sticking up for asahi to stress out daichi more>>>
- “Leave that little guy alone!!”
- “LITTLE HES LIKE 6”2????”
- Sleeping over at sugas house and cuddling is like the best past time activity
- he has a bonnet you left there that he keeps when you come over
- we will NOT let you put in on yourself he will put in in you like a crown lmao
- daichi gets jealous bc he insists on doing it every time you guys sleep together
- will oil and braid your hair up for bed
- I feel like daichi is really good at helping with your hair
-if you get either of them a durag as a joke they will wear them seriously and not take them off
- Along with working out!
- Daichi will definitely not let you ogle him and suga as they workout so you’re gunna be sweating too
- Which suga will definitely pull a “let me help you get in the right position” to feel you up
- He’s definitely shameless about how attracted he is to you like he’s NOT ashamed to show that he’s with two hot people
- Daichi is more reserved to where PDA is just holding hands, head pats and cheek kisses
- Really makes it look like you guys are just really good friends but will say your his partner without hesitation
- Suga is going around parading how hot his two partners are and how he’s the luckiest guy in the world
- Planning your wedding as we speak tbh
- Daichi was trying to bite his tongue when two classmates were making jokes about how he’s a third wheel and suga and you will ditch him and start dating
- Like at first he was like lmao you have no idea
- But they’re were really trying to make him insecure
- To which he goes
- “ACTUALLY both of my partners make sure to spare equal amounts of their time with me”
- Like he will subtly flex his relationship if people want to act up
- Suga will show up to your classroom to collect you for lunch lmao
- Everyone is all shook bc this super pretty third year shows up and he’s the volleyball teams setter?
- And he’s like “I’m here to get you so we can eat lunch together💕”
- Lmao he will embarrass you by being so sweet
- Asahi praying for you tbh bc you have to put up w both of them at once
- Also hope you don’t have any classes w tsuki bc he will “go as your boyfriends” YOU TO DEATH!!
- “Hey kei can I borrow a pencil?”
- “You can’t go ask your boyfriends if they have one??”
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errythinisblue · 2 years
Hi to the most beautiful person on Tumblr! I was wondering if you could write sth with John where you're like 5-6 months pregnant and he takes you shopping for the baby and for you and everything's so sweet and when you're in a shop trying on a bag or some dress you say sth like "oh well my belly's in fhe way" and he smiles caresses it and you the sales assistants are looking at you lovingly, things like that. Thank you and sorry if it's been too specific 🙈
Aw you’re so precious, dear anon! Thank you for your request! 😍 it’s actually the first time I’m writing for John, so I hope I made him justice! ❤️
My baby.
John Stones x Y/N
Summary: Once he’s home from the World Cup, you’re the only thing that can save John from his “demons”, so much that he decides to spend a whole day spoiling you and your baby.
Warnings: none. Just pure, fluffy fluff!
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gif credits to @bluemoonstonesy
“Wake up babygirl,” John whispered in your ear as he moved your hair away from your face, “I made breakfast…”
His deep morning voice woke you up from your peaceful sleep; while he caressed your cheek with the back of his forefinger, you slowly opened your eyes. John’s baby blues were the first thing you saw, those beautiful eyes of his you were so fond of; he smiled at you, his full lips looked so soft; his whole face looked as perfect as ever, making you question if you were still dreaming.
“Good morning sleeping beauty,” he chuckled as he watched you stretching your limbs, “how are you feeling?” John asked you as he stroked your bump over the soft material of the blanket.
“No more morning sickness so…” you yawned, “I’m good, but I’d be feeling even better if you’d give me a kiss.”
“Is that so??”
“Is that you asking, or your crazy pregnancy hormones?” John smirked as he bumped his nose against yours.
“Both!” you grinned after you pecked his lips, surprising him.
“I figured,” he shook his head smiling, before he leaned forward and placed a loving, tender kiss on your forehead, “do you want me to grab your robe for you?”
“Please.” you looked at him with adoring eyes; John really was putting all his effort into helping you, and you were so grateful to him even for the smallest gesture.
“Here you go mama,” your boyfriend smiled as he held your robe in his hands, waiting for you to get out of bed, “whoa, look at you!”
“What?” you asked John, as he looked at you in awe.
“You look so… pregnant!”
“You don’t say!” you playfully rolled your eyes at him, “I’m six months pregnant John, of course I look pregnant!”
“Hey don’t be mean!” he whined, “You know I’m not that good with words!”
“Oh yeah I know that baby,” you chuckled as you took the robe from his hands, right before they instinctively went to your belly once again, “but you know? I do feel different now that I’m standing…” you admitted as your hands joined his over your robe.
“See? That’s because you look different!” John exclaimed in an obvious way, before he dragged you by your hand in front of the full-length mirror in your bedroom, “Look! It seems like your belly finally popped!”
“Oh my God…” you murmured as you took your appearance in. You turned to your right as you looked at your stomach, gently caressing it with your hands: it was rounder than it was before, and you couldn’t help but get emotional over the fact that your baby was growing more and more every day.
“Here we go with the hormonal waterfalls…” John teased you as he wrapped his big arms around your shoulders, kissing you on your temple as you sniffled, before you wiped your teary eyes with the heel of your hands.
“Those are not hormonal waterfalls Stones,” you narrowed your eyes at him, “I’m just feeling like crying because now I’ll have to tell you were right.”
“I’m always right.”
“You aren’t.” you shook your head at him, before you leaned your forehead on his warm chest.
“I am.” he countered as he left a peck on the top of your head, “But that’s not the most important thing right now, you have to eat come on.”
You couldn’t really argue with that, as you were hungry indeed; plus you knew John wouldn’t have listened to a word you said, not before you ate enough at least.
“Do you want me to bring you some more tea? Or maybe some fruit?” John asked you as he sipped on his glass of fresh orange juice.
“No thank you babe,” you smiled at him, “I really ate for two this morning!” you giggled as you stood in front of him, “Breakfast was amazing, I love you John, thank you…”
“I’m glad I made you happy, I want to do everything I can for you and our baby…” a soft smile grazed his lips as he gently touched your face, “aaand… I love you too, my precious baby.” he kneeled in front of you as he pecked your belly countless times, tickling you and making you laugh out loud.
Surprises never seemed to end that day: John was set on spoiling you, and he wouldn’t stop until he thought you had been satisfied. His mind was still going back to the World Cup semifinal, but being back home with you and your baby was making things a lot easier for him; so it only seemed right for him to be spoiling you both as best as he could.
“Babe I really don’t get this,” you said as you got out of John’s car, “You hate shopping so why are you putting yourself through this??”
“That’s true, but you don’t.” he simply stated as he shrugged his shoulders, locking the car in the meantime, “And today is about you and our baby, so I’m taking you both shopping. So you can buy whatever you need.”
“What should I need, John?” you looked at him dumbfounded before your brain started to overthink, “Oh my God you think I’m getting fat??” you left his hand as you stopped walking, as John immediately turned around.
“What??” he asked, “No, no baby I could never think that!”
“Prove it to me.” you weren’t buying it, your crazy hormones wouldn’t let you do so.
“Here?? We’re literally in the middle of the street!”
“Here John.” you insisted as you crossed your arms, trying to look a little intimidating even if deep down you knew it was impossible due to your boyfriend’s height.
“Okay,” he chuckled as he took a step back towards you, his hands immediately finding your face as he knew you couldn’t resist him when he was this close, “listen carefully to what I’m saying because I might not be able to say it again,” he said, smiling again, “I could never think you’re getting fat, I couldn’t even if I tried. You’re carrying our baby, and seeing you like this is making my brain go nuts! If anything I’m so grateful to your body, for everything it’s going through and everything is going on inside you… How could I think you’re fat? Hm? I love you.”
“How did you get so good with words??” you whined as you wrapped your arms around his waist, snuggling as close to him as you could.
“A simple ‘I love you too John’ would have been great you know??”
“I love you too John?” you said as you innocently smiled up at him.
“You’re lucky you’re cute…”
“Or else??” you provoked him as you walked down the street, looking at showcases as you did so.
“Don’t test my patience baby.” John smirked as he held you closer to his side, his hand slipping in the back pocket of your jeans.
“Boooringg…” you rolled your eyes at him, yelping as he squeezed your butt and immediately removing his hand from your body.
John’s cheeky little laugh was so contagious that you soon joined him laughing, as you took his hand in yours while you walked. Everything looked so magical, late afternoon strolls in Manchester were something you loved during Christmas time: the air was chilly, sometimes freezing, but nothing could stop you from walking under those beautiful Christmas lights. This year it was even better, since it was your very first Christmas with your baby.
“Oh myy…” you said as you looked at a beautiful burgundy red dress, your mouth open wide as you took every detail of the satin dress in awe, “John look at this!”
“You’d look so beautiful in this…” he whispered in your ear, “Do you like it?”
“Like it??” you gasped, “More like I adore it!”
“Come on then,” John said as he took your hand, “let’s go and try it on.”
“What?? No way! This dress costs a fortune John!”
“Since when has money become a problem??” John frowned, “I’m not taking no for an answer Y/N.”
“It’s not about money, but look at me! How am I supposed to get into that dress??” you chuckled, thinking that even if you had it tailored you wouldn’t be able to wear it again.
“I’ll think about that, you don’t have to worry.”
“John!” you protested as he dragged you inside by your hand.
“Good evening Mr. Stones, good evening Miss,” the sales assistant greeted the both of you, clearly recognising John, “how can I help you?”
“Good evening,” John said as he wrapped his arm around your waist, “my girlfriend here kind of fell in love with the red dress you have in your showcase, is that possible for her to try it on??”
“John you don’t-” you tried to protest again before John shushed you with a kiss on your cheek.
“Yes I do,” he said, “I wanna spoil you and our baby, so please let me.”
“Yeah but me being pregnant is the very reason why I can’t wear that dress!” you chuckled as you excused yourself to the sales assistant for your boyfriend’s behaviour.
“Oh no, that’s really not a problem Miss! We can find the right size for you, and have the dress tailored for you and your baby! So you’ll both feel comfortable.”
“See? I told you I would have thought about that!” John said as he playfully winked at you.
“Yes you did, but you’re not the one who’s actually ‘thinking about it’!” you sassed back, making John giggle as he hugged you while you waited for the sales assistant to find the right dress for you.
Once she found it, she guided you to the fitting room. And that’s how the longest hour of John’s life began. He really wasn’t getting how it was possible for someone to take this long just to try a dress on, and he was getting impatient as he obviously couldn’t wait to see you in that dress. He was sure that you’d look like a daydream in it, and he was really looking forward to see you wearing it.
“Are you ready to see your girlfriend Mr Stones??” the sales assistant softly smiled at John, as he saw the poor man pacing the floor right in front of the fitting room.
“More than ready…” John sighed as he nervously scratched the back of his neck.
“Okay, Miss Y/N you can come now!” she said as she opened the door to let you out, helping you with it as you held your bump with your hands.
“You’re so nice, thank you,” you smiled at her, glad she was so helpful and patient with you, “I’m so sorry, I still have to get used to this bump being in the way of everything…” you chuckled as you walked out of the fitting room, your gaze immediately falling to the ground as you blushed under John’s stare.
“Don’t you dare apologise for our beautiful baby,” John rasped, his voice suddenly deep, his breathing almost laboured, “you look stunning.”
“I wasn’t apologising for it, but for how clumsy I am,” you softly smiled at John, “Thank you though, you were right, I feel so beautiful in this dress…”
“Two times in a day??” John exclaimed, “I’m not used to you saying I’m right so many times babe!” John joked, his breath dangerously close to your ear as he hugged your satin dressed body.
“Oh shut up you silly…” you whined, making the sales assistant laugh at how cute of a couple you were, “It’s better if I take this gorgeous dress out now…”
“Of course, I’ll help you Miss!” the sales assistant said as she held the door for you to go back into the fitting room.
“Can I have a word?” John stopped her before she could enter the room with you.
“Yes, of course.”
“Is it possible to have the dress delivered at my house in like a week?” he asked her, “You know we have an important Christmas party, and I’d like to give the dress to her as a surprise…”
“Of course it’s possible, that’s such a nice thought Mr Stones! I won’t say a word to your girlfriend…”
“Thank you, I appreciate it!” John smiled as he walked to the checkout to pay for your dress.
“You know you didn’t have to buy us all of these things?”
“I know,” John answered your question as you both were putting your bags in the boot of his car, “but I wanted to do that, you’ve been fully supporting me through everything, I wanted to repay you for that.”
“John, I didn’t do that for you to repay me.” you pointed out, “I’ll always support you, because I love you, and I love what you do on the pitch.”
“I don’t really love what I do on the pitch right now…” John sighed, thinking back at the lost game against France, “Not after that semifinal.”
“Take me home?” you softly caressed his cheek, trying to comfort him in the sweetest way.
“Okayy…” he said as he was closing the boot of the car.
You walked to the passenger’s door, opening it before you sat down on the car seat. As soon as John slammed the boot of the car shut, he snapped out of his thoughts, and he jogged to the driver’s door.
“What’s wrong??” you asked him as you sensed his mood changed somehow.
“Fuck that game, fuck football for tonight. Are you up for some hot chocolate??” John smiled as he looked you in the eyes.
“Are you the one with food cravings now??” you laughed incredulously, happy that John was seemingly ready to let that game go, at least for the night.
“We’re expecting a baby, aren’t we??” he winked, closing his door and running to yours, “Come on, my baby wants some hot chocolate.”
“How do you know that??” you chuckled as you got out of the car once again.
“It’s my baby, I can sense that!” he said as he held his arm out for you, “Plus I know you want some, mama.”
“Well you’re right,” you said, “like mama, like son.”
“Son?? Do you think it’s gonna be a boy??”
“It’s my baby, I can sense that!” you winked at John as you slapped his butt, making him laugh.
Today was about you, you and your little family. And John thought that he wanted nothing more than to spend forever like this, with you.
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aanoia · 2 years
JJ Maybank x reader
Summary; the Outer Banks becomes a winter wonderland
Warnings; swearing
Words; 648
In honor of the snow my home is getting 🙏
Requests are welcome and encouraged! I have an anon submission box and you can ask in comments!
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I shivered as the arms around me tightened their grip, pulling me in closer. I slowly opened my eyes, squinting as they adjusted to the light. It was colder than usual in the Outer Banks, temperatures reaching down to 28 degrees at the lowest, which was very unusual for us. The weather forecasters had toyed with the possibility of snow -which excited the pogues to no end- but deemed it unlikely due to the low chances of rain.
I strained my neck to look out the window and my breath left my body as my heart sped up in excitement. With a wide smile I shook JJ awake as he groaned.
“S’too early. Five more minutes,” He groaned, throwing his free arm over his eyes.
I laughed, making a small smile come across his face, “JJ, it’s snowing.” I whispered and his arm went back to his side as his eyes shot open.
“No shit, actually?” He asked, wide awake.
I nodded, “Look.”
He sat up and looked out a window. Immediately a large smile came across his face and excitement filled his eyes. He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. He shot up from the bed and to John B’s room, accidently tripping over Pope in the process, which made me laugh as Pope grumbled angrily.
“Pope, wipe that frown off of your face. It’s snowing.” I told him with an open mouthed smile.
He looked at me in disbelief. “Yeah right, snowing in the Outer Banks?”
I put my hands up, “If you don’t believe me, look for yourself.”
“Ugh, could you guys be any louder?” Kiara groaned from the floor.
“Yes we can!” JJ and John B yelled as they ran out of John B’s room and out the door. I laughed as I swung my legs off the bed and put on my shoes.
I hugged my body as I left the chateau, the cold air nipping at my skin as I watched JJ and John B dance around in the snow, already throwing small, wet snowballs at each other. There wasn’t much snow, most of it already melting by the time it hits the ground, but we’ve never even seen it before so this is mind blowing.
I was brought out of my thoughts as cold erupted in my face. I brought my hands up and wiped away the snow/water mix. I looked at the two boys as they froze and both pointed at each other.
“Oh I’m gonna get you guys.” I said as I ran down the steps and began gathering snow. Kiara and Pope came out, layered up, and joined our snowball fight.
We fought and laughed for a while, everyone chilled down to the bone. Kiara, Pope, and John B all went inside to warm up and make everyone hot chocolate. JJ pulled me close to him as we looked into each other's eyes.
Snowflakes had landed on his eyelashes, only making JJ more beautiful. I smiled at him.
“What's the smile for?” He asked with his own smile.
I moved some hair from his face, “You’re so pretty.” I whispered.
He paused before shoving his face into the crook of my neck, small giggles falling from his lips. I thread my hand through his hair as we stood there, swaying side to side. After a few moments, he lifted his head and placed his hand on my cheek before leaning in and connecting our lips.
His lips were cold, and slightly chapped, but still soft. The kiss was soft and sweet, filled with nothing but love. The kiss lasted a few moments before we pulled away and rested our foreheads together with our eyes closed.
“I’m so in love with you.” He whispered.
I smiled and opened my eyes, “I’m so more in love with you.”
He laughed and opened his eyes as well, “Nah.”
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sintowinemily · 2 years
Heyyy could you please write a spencer reid fic where he sees y/n stretch marks for the first time xx
hello anon <3 thank you for the request!
pairing: Spencer x gn!reader
summary: Spencer and Y/N share a hotel room after the case, and he comforts their insecurities.
warnings: pure fluff! Mentions of stretch marks, lack of body confidence, body insecurity, no mention of weight or actual body shape
word count: 740
click here to submit your own request!
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You and Spencer had formed a close bond while working together the past months, Derek teased Spencer about how he followed you around like a lost puppy; but you chose to pretend like you didn’t hear him. You liked Spencer’s company, and he seemed to like yours. You would be lying if you said you didn’t think of him in a romantic way, but despite Morgan’s teasing, you knew deep down, he didn’t feel the same.
After a long case, Hotch informs the team that they have to pair off into hotel rooms, Hotch shares with Morgan, Emily and JJ share, and Rossi, well of course he paid for a deluxe sweet all to himself, so you and Spencer are left to share. You two had shared a hotel room before, it wasn’t a big deal. 
“Hey, Spence. I’m going to take a shower first.” You tell him, gesturing to the bathroom on your left. “Do you mind?”
“No, it’s all good.” He smiles back, holding up some obscure Russian novel he had begun reading while perched at the edge of the bed. 
Once you had showered, you unpacked your go-bag only to realise you had only packed shorts and a tank top as pyjamas, you were in the deep south in the middle of summer after all, and it was a million degrees outside. Immediately your heart started to race, you knew you had deep purple stretchmarks across your thighs, and the last thing you wanted was for Spencer to notice and thing badly of it. You shook your head, and thought to yourself, the last thing Spencer Reid will be looking at is my bare legs. You put on your PJs and head out of the bathroom and rush to the bed as quickly as you can, snuggling deep under the covers before Spencer can even look up. 
You sit in a comfortable silence for what seemed like forever, Spencer speed-reading his novel, before you realise you’ve started to sweat. 
“Is the AC on?” You ask him.
“Broken, I think.” He shrugs, not looking up from his book. He’s already changed into shorts and a Star Trek t-shirt, comfortably sitting atop of the sheets. 
“It’s so warm in here.” You groan, staring at the ceiling and trying your best not to think about how warm you are. 
“Get out under the sheets you fool.” He laughs and looks down to see you nestled up to your chin in the sheets. “Why are you under there if it’s so warm?”
You don’t reply, and don’t meet his eyes either. “What, are you worried I’m some kind of perv?” He asks, half-joking, half-serious. He doesn’t want you to think badly of him.  
“Not at all!” You answer hurriedly, “it’s not that, I promise.”
“Well, what is it?” He’s genuinely curious. You look down at yourself under the sheets and back at him. “You’re not self-conscious, are you?” He doesn’t ask to ridicule you, it’s as though he’s genuinely surprised.
“Show me.”
“I think you’re beautiful, and I want to see you.” You’ve never seen Spencer so forward; this is so unlike him at work, but you can’t help but blush at the order and cautiously step out of the bed. You trust him, more than anything. 
You’re lingering awkwardly next to the bed, feeling his eyes rake across your body. He stops when he notices your stretch marks. “Is this,” he gestures to your legs, crawling across the bed to get a closer look, “what you were so worried about me seeing?”
You nod slowly and he tuts, disappointed. “Don’t you realise how beautiful you are?”
“Am not.” You don’t mean to be coy.
“You know, stretch marks, or striae distensae are caused by tearing of the dermis during periods of rapid growth but can also be caused by hormonal changes. Everybody gets them, but you are more likely if you have a genetic predisposition. Actually, I think they’re amazing.” He rambles, this is more like him. 
“You do?”
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