#anon youre brilliant
shunshuntaiga · 1 year
this might be out of the blue and i am so so sorry but these italianvidiots are running my life rn...
what about a suburra au where our boys get together but aureliano refuses to say 'i love you' because, given his history, he is convinced that coming from him it would be a curse of sorts?? a death sentence rather than a declaration of love. cue some misunderstandings and angst that end in hurt/comfort because these two deserve nice things 👀
so sorry again for barging into your asks like this!!! have a great day <3333
Barg away anon! I too, cannot get enough of these Italian idiots and they take up about 70% of my brain functions lol
And gosh that's just so like Aurelia isn't it? Convinced that by even speaking his true feelings it's all but signing the death certificate for Spadì.... the angst! The drama! Lol
And oh my god it would fuck with Spadino SO MUCH. Because all he wants is for Aurelia to say the words when his actions seem to already say it. But he would *need* to hear it, because otherwise, how can he trust its true?
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luimagines · 8 days
Time ranting/complaining to warriors because
"why did twilight have to go fall in love with a demigod, couldn't he settle for a nice farm girl like I did" time paces back and forth with a grouchy expression as warrior watches.
"well.... In a way you have godly power when you put on your FD mask, so in a way malon settled down with someone who had godly powers...... So if anything twilight takes after making" warrior said with a raised eyebrow awaiting his reaction.
Oh my god-! XD
What a twist!
Time is lamenting over Twilight just being like that and thinking that it's his fault, when it's actually Malon's fault. Time chose her. ...So I guess it's still technically his fault, but not for the reasons he thinks.
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ethogirlsanonymous · 2 months
in the Discord server I have, they made a swear jar for me. It’s just because they say I’m “obsessed” with Etho, and every time I say his name or send something with him in it, they yell at me and make me put a random thing from my photo library in the jar. I’m not obsessed with him, they are.
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statementlou · 4 months
great news everyone it's time once again for.....
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starting our new official format with one I think people might find tempting....
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reply, reblog, tag, whatever you like just remember... wrong answers only to win* at What Are You Anon About!!! *winning= uhh getting to have fun together? there is no prize whatsoever
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piratekane · 2 years
We see more often Ava getting hurt, so could you do one where Beatrice gets hurt? I was thinking along the lines of the Otahan situation, where Adriel goes “is she your favorite” while looking at Ava
a slight deviation
"I've got plans wrapped in rubber bands," she murmurs dizzily as Beatrice storms the castle behind her. A song she heard once, but doesn't know all of it. It's no matter, her plans are coming unraveled.
And maybe the problem was, none of those plans involved Bea. A part of her laughs derisively. The only thing she should have planned for was Sister Beatrice of the Order of the Cruciform Sword doing the opposite of what she told her to do. Bea has been her one constant through all of this; the one thing she can always count on when the cards are down. Her fail safe button she's fought so long and hard against pushing.
Beatrice doesn't take the time to notice, hands flitting nervously over her body as she tries to assess the damage. Ava wonders what it looks like, what Bea's God sees when he looks down on them now, huddled together on the floor as a demonic angel towers over them. She wonders if they look small. She wonders if they look significant.
(Beatrice is significant. Beatrice is worth a thousand of everyone Ava has ever known in her life.)
And then the thought vanishes, replaced by the quiet exhale as Beatrice finds what she's looking for: wound after wound, bloodstain after bloodstain, pain leaking out from within her. She's not healing fast enough, the halo tired and worn. She's tired and worn. And the end doesn't seem to be in sight.
A laugh - hard and loud and hardly humorous - echoes around them. Ava look away from Bea with blinking eyes, vision swimming for a moment before she focuses back on Adriel, his mouth stained with blood and his teeth bared. Those hands stutter for just a moment and Ava covers them, pressing softly to let Bea know they have each other.
If nothing else, they'll have each other. And Ava knows, after hours spent pressed shoulder to shoulder in bed staring up at the odd water stain on the ceiling, being together was all they ever needed to be.
But Adriel isn't satisfied. He looks at them with mirthful eyes. He must see the way Beatrice shifts, one arm slung low around Ava as she draws Ava closer; the way that her spine straightens and Ava is folded into her; the way that, despite it all, Ava rises on unsteady legs and pushes Bea back a step.
Lilith crackles into existence behind him, like a flash in a pan. She sees them, makes eye contact with Ava before her gaze drifts to Beatrice, and then she's gone again, the air rippling around them as the Arc starts to effuse energy.
Lilith's words remain unspoken: if Adriel wants anything else from Ava, he's going to have to take it all by himself.
But Adriel isn't going to go quietly. Not after all this time, trapped away for centuries with only the glimmer of freedom sustaining him. No, he wants the Halo. And he's going to take it from her. She's ready for that. She's ready to give herself up to protect it. She's ready for anything he-
"Is she your favorite?" he hisses, eyes only for Bea.
Dread grows in the pit of her stomach, tight like a knot looping around her lungs and pulling down, down until she can't breathe and the only thing pounding in her ears is the roar of blood as it scream Bea's name. No, no, no.
Adriel takes a purposeful step forward. "You certainly seem to be hers."
And then he's before them, one hand outstretched as he tries to grab for Bea. A shock races through her, body twitching as she goes to intercept him, catching his arm in both of hers and twisting hard so he moves off balance. She sweeps a leg out, catching him in the ankle. He stumbles, doesn't go down, but he's off-balance enough that when she lifts her leg into the air and brings her heel down against his cheek, she hears a sickening crack as his bone shatters. He drops to the hard concrete, a sharp whistle where his breath should be.
Ava pushes Bea back behind her, one arm outstretched as if her tired and shaking limb could stop Beatrice from getting past her.
"You can take me. You can kill me." Ava rolls back an aching shoulder, listening to the soft click that comes when something is out of place. Her hand stretches, feeling Bea's finger graze hers. "But you won't touch her."
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arcielee · 8 months
"Hello, princess," he murmurs in your ear as he saunters up behind you, letting his warm breath out against your neck.
His fingers snake up under your shirt, grazing your bare skin as he presses an open-mouthed kiss where your neck and shoulder meet, smiling after you give a little shudder from his attention.
"Such a good girl for me," Aemond rasps as he continues his exploration of your body with a ravenous mouth and hands filled with wander lust.
"My good girl, aren't you princess?"
My darling anon, I just... 🥵💨
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This had me simultaneously swooning and grasping at my imaginary pearls. This left me all aflutter and in want of more.
Thank you. 💜
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pawbeanies · 23 hours
pawnte and his guide.... virgin.,....
FUCK thats really GOOD ... anon i am giving u a doggy kiss if you so desire one. if not perhaps a civil pawshake. i would lay down my life for yew
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mlmfocalette · 6 months
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requested by; anon
rarepair requests open ! :]
flags used -
background left to right; bisexual, lesbian
face flags for the both of them; transfeminine flag
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oifaaa · 1 year
Before your art gained more traction, how did you deal with not having much interaction/many views of your art? I understand that art isn't just for an audience, but it can be frustrating when only a few people see something you've worked on!
Never really had that problem to be honest when I started posting my art to tumblr most of it was getting like 40 to 500 notes which I was ecstatic about bc it definitely didn't deserve that but it was also 2017/2018 and easier to get notes - if you want some advice tho on how to get more notes on your art - play to bigger fandoms and try to be funny/creative/funny and creative - your trying to get people to reblog your art which is way harder now then it used to be but from my experience people are more likely to reblog art if its funny or part of an interesting au
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cowboydisaster · 9 months
Hi sorry if you’re not Arthur Morgan focused rn but I thought it’d be a really cute idea if Star was singing “go to sleep you little baby” (you shoulf listen to the O’ brother Where art thou version) while bathing herself in the lake and Arthur walked in on her doing this after being lulled in by Stars singing and he gets so flustered and excited by it
Sorry to bother you I love your fics ♥️
oh, imagine him getting back from a job, and Star isn't in his tent or hers, so with his brows furrowed, he goes looking for her. Everyone's mostly asleep, and he's growing worried until he hears a soft humming coming from the lake. He walks quietly towards her, watching as she scrubs her hair in the moonlit lake, singing peacefully to herself. God-- how his heart would swell. He'd be filled with so much love, maybe she'd even remind him of his mother. Someone good. Someone worth fighting for.
I love the idea of her singing "Go to sleep, you little baby." I've just had a listen to the version you suggested. maybe it's a song from her childhood, and Arthur recognizes it, kind of like Star singing "all the pretty horses" in chapter.. (2, or 3, I think?)
Arthur might join her in the lake, or he might go back to his tent and wait for her, but I think either way, Arthur would ask for her to sing to him again. It might become a comfort, hearing her voice as he falls asleep.
I think where we're at in the series, he's just beginning to think about getting her out of the gang. He's tiptoeing around and toying with the thought of leaving with her. for her.
A moment like this, Star singing in the lake, would really start to solidify that decision. He knows she's good. too good. she deserves better than the gang, and he wants to spend the rest of his life trying to give her what she deserves.
ahhhhhhhhb! sorry. anyway, I love you nonny. this is brilliant. I'm definitely adding something like this into the next chapter.
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josecariohca · 2 months
To be honest for an 87 year old man I’d just buy him snacks. If he doesn’t eat them, someone who comes over will. Sorry about your back 😩
ghjkj thank you anon i appreciate this. its for my elderly brazilian grandpa who is the pickiest man in the entire world, but tbh you may be onto something with the snacks. youve actually given me a great idea so THANK YOU and you may have just saved me an entire day of panicked fretting
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the-darklings · 2 years
all your stories make me wish for a love stronger than I can understand. I just want to feel the same intensity of emotions with someone as I do when I'm reading what you write
sorry for my poor english, I’m brazilian ((saying that as a request for help, ppl here are crazy :s
Thank you, that’s always the hope, isn’t it? A love that makes you feel everything, good and bad, because that’s what being human means, feelings good and bad.
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godblooded · 11 months
hello i love @postguilt
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she-is-juniper · 2 years
“You like how full my fingers make you feel, hm doll?” The eyes that usually gave you butterflies soon caused a knot in your stomach to grow, less of a knot and more like a fire that spread throughout your lower region.
“That ain’t my name” He would grab your neck pulling it back to his chest, you would let out a soft squeak, unable to form words. “Now you wanna try this again?” -💜 AHHSHA I TRIED NOT MY BEST WORK BUT IT IS SOMETHING TO START
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chaos0pikachu · 5 months
If you got transmigrated into an omegaverse universe, which dynamic would the fates give you, and why?
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I'd be the one on the right, take that as you will
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thedamesdrains · 11 months
well i guess im gonna have to stay as anon till further notice~ <3 i sent two things so ill just put em in separate asks, starting with:
secretly putting something on an invisible string and then flushing it in front of its owner, only to then sloooowly pull it back out of the drain just to rile them up~
M-mrraah!! Quite an exciting concept... toy with me about losing a prized toy or plush, get me all squirming and whining before revealing the trick, "Now I know how it'll look when I really send your little thing away for good~"
...Though perhaps just as fun if an accident should happen and the string snap in the attempted retrieval... "Ooops... well, guess it really is glugged for good~"
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