#another bad ending ughhh
fariesoiree · 9 months
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it’s completely normal to have a disagreement with your boyfriend but hobie cannot understand why you’d resort to the silent treatment.
caution! mdni 4.5k wrdz, angst to smut pipeline, brat reader, oral ( r. receiving ), fingering ( r. receiving ) pet names, gwen makes an appearance, hobie smokes weed reference, partially unedited pls do not spam like my blog if you enjoyed it, feel free to tell me in the reblogs
you’re not entirely sure how it happened. or rather, you’re just not ready to admit it, yet. you suppose it really started before you met up with hobie, having woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
everything pissed you off today. the way the outfit you planned looked terrible on you, showing up late to class, getting yelled at by customers at work. every event just piled right on top of each other and made you feel a thousand times worse.
you only made it halfway through the day before a grimace etched itself on your face and your words became short and curt.
the cherry on top was when you planned to lay in the comfort of your bed, only to find yourself whisked away to hobie’s houseboat.
he seemed so happy with his proposition for you to meet a friend of his who just happened to be in town. you couldn’t say no despite so desperately wanting to. when would there ever be a chance that his friend would be back and he’d be this happy to tell you?
and with your terrible mood, your usual demeanor was replaced with something much colder. instead of engaging in the conversation between hobie and gwen, you sit silently in the corner.
your knees are pulled into your chest and you fiddle with the seams of your socks. each sonorous laugh has your teeth grinding. you haven’t uttered much more than a few sentences, wondering when you’re going to be able to make your escape back home.
you miss hobie’s curious peeks. it’s so blaringly obvious that you’re not feeling like yourself. if your silence didn’t give it away, your lack of affection definitely did.
you didn’t squeeze him tight in a hug the moment he showed up at your door. there was no rambling of your day, no kisses and giggles that follow. all the usual bits he loves and look forward to never came and on top of that, he gets the odd feeling you’ve been avoiding his touch since you got there. it makes his stomach twist in knots.
“gwendy,” he says with his eyes darting towards you.
you’re oblivious, nails scraping against the divets and curves in the fabric of his small sofa.
“i’m off to get a drink. want somethin’?”
“i’m good. thanks, though, hobes.” gwen shakes her head with a smile. she’s also just as clueless. having this being her first time meeting you, she just assumes you’re always like this and there’s nothing wrong with being quiet, albeit the way you do it makes her feel a bit uncomfortable.
you press your lips into your knees to hide your scoff. “ ‘hobes’,” you mouth, picking at a thread. it’s such a minuscule detail, one that you’ve repeated overlooked in the past. never has it been anything but a friendly nickname but in your miffed state, it’s a sign of betrayal.
hobie doesn’t need a sixth sense to know there’s an obscure issue. he’s known you long enough to know when you’re irked and how he has to force it out of you.
for your sake and not wanting to draw attention to the situation, he strolls into the kitchen. his slides scrape against the floor. the sound is like nails on a chalkboard and has your face scrunching up.
with just you and gwen left, the silence is deafening. most of the conversation had been with hobie and nothing changed your unwillingness to talk. still, gwen felt the need to try. whether she wanted to relate to another girl or make a good impression is unknown.
“so . . . you and hobie, huh?”
you consider ignoring her but guilt blooms across your skin. even if your worst mood, a small remnant of your manners remain. not enough to make you pleasant, though. “mhm.” you hum, not bothering to look in her direction.
next to you, your phone vibrates to reveal a text. you sit up just enough to lean over it and the screen unlocks after recognizing your face. you’re not dumbfounded that it’s the topic of the conversation himself, requesting your presence.
at some point he’d say something, that you know. doesn’t exactly make you feel any better about it. “i’ll be back,” you mumble, legs unfolding until you’re standing.
you’re not looking forward to the upcoming conversations but you shuffle forward, regardless. your arms are already crossed when you stand in front of him. this is the first time you’re truly looking at him since you got here and your expression is so frigid.
“what’s up with you?” hobie leans against the counter, his arms crossed and mirroring yours. “been pissy all day.”
you know he’s seriously waiting for an answer when he’s unaffected by the eye rolls that follow. “nothing’s wrong. i’m not anything.”
“you’re really goin’ to stand there and tell me there’s nothin’ goin’ on when you’re actin’ like that? come out of it.”
you dodge his narrowing gaze by staring at the kitchen sink instead. your lips are pressed together and your thoughts move at a hundred miles an hour, searching for the perfect method to dissipate this conversation. “i’m fine. there’s nothing going on.”
“then that’s worse,” hobie eyes you down. it makes you feel small, the way his head is tilted and bordering a correctional glare. “then you’re jus’ being mean for no reason.”
“i’m not being mean. i just don’t feel like talking.” it’s not completely a lie. you don’t feel like talking, that’s true, but you’ve also purposefully been abhorrent so you’d have an excuse to leave.
he looks at you incredulously, scrambling to stand and motioning towards gwen’s direction. “you’re not being mean? so you haven’t said a word to gwen and barely two words to me because you ‘don’t feel like talking’.”
“yes. exactly.” you can already tell this isn’t going to end well. not with the way your chest burns with an angry fire. “that’s what i just said.”
hobie feels like he’s talking to a wall with the way you dismiss everything he says. “darlin’, i’m really, really trying not to cause a scene right now but you’re makin’ it harder than it needs to be.” with a hand on your shoulder, he guides you farther back into the kitchen. his patience is wavering, he can feel it. it’s becoming progressively more difficult to maintain his cool. “it doesn’t take fuckin’ einstein to know there’s somethin’ up.”
“you’re trying not to make a scene but you just cussed at me.” you grumble, dragging your feet until you’re stationed next to the glass door.
“i did not – ” he has to stop and take a breath, noticing the crescendo in his voice. “ ☆ , what is wrong with you? your mood is poor and you aren’t even speaking to gwen, which is the whole reason i wanted you to come.”
you glare off the porch, watching the water lap and crash against each other. between everything he said, all you got is he’s prioritizing another girl over you. in your spoiled brain, he should never be scolding you about this. “oh, i’m sorry if i’m making you and gwendy uncomfortable. maybe it would be best if i go.”
“do not do that.” he points at you, thumb facing the ceiling. “do not turn this into something it isn’t.” his restraint officially snapped, words dripping with venom. “everyone is being nothing but nice. you’re the only one here that has an issue. i only asked you what’s wrong because i care about you. stop acting like a – ” hobie pauses again, eyes closing in frustration. “whatever. i’m over it. do what you want.” he waves it off and turns on his heel. he would have considered that a win, had you not stopped him.
“no, say it. call me what you were going to call me.” you dart in front of him, hands on your hips. you should have stopped, let the argument vanish into nothing but you couldn’t help yourself. you had already committed yourself to it.
“just let it go.” hobie attempts to side step you, only for you to stand in front of him again. he has no interest in playing your games so he waits at a standstill. “i don’t want to hurt your feelings and i don’t want to argue. let it go, ☆ .”
“say it,” you insist. you have your head tilted up, basically pressed all up against him. you’re daring him, as if he won’t do it and you don’t expect him to. not once can you remember hobie ever calling you anything but endearing names.
he sucks his teeth and takes a step away from you. you’re unhinged, he decides. daily stress has finally gotten to you and you’ve gone off the rails. “i’m going to say this once and i mean this when i say it. you need to go the fuck home and get your shit together. honestly, love, this is unacceptable and i’m not takin’ this disrespect in my house.”
you wanted to go home. you wanted to go home a while before this but you wanted to go on your own accord. you weren’t supposed to go back and forth like this and he wasn’t supposed to kick you out. “you’re joking, right? hobie, you brought me here. how am i supposed to get home?”
it’s a well known fact that hobie prefers to take the unconventional routes. he’d rather swing than walk and walk than drive. even when it comes to you, he’s always willing to be your transportation so you aren’t driving or being driven around. so when he pulls out his phone and promptly sends you enough money to get an Uber, it truly cements how sincere he is. “go home, lovely. i’ll come by later and we can try this again.”
“ ‘bie,” you sniffle, eyes welling with tears. not only is he kicking you out but he’s also sending you home.
“go home,” he repeats. his parting gift is a pat on the head before he walks past you. you’re unsure whether or not he really saw how distraught you felt but you doubt it would make a difference.
you’re too embarrassed to show your face so you take the back way, exiting through the porch by the kitchen. you circle the boat until reaching the dock and step off, wiping the tears from your cheeks.
it’s unbelievable that your sweet, darling hobie would do this to you. granted, you deserved it and technically got what you wanted.
still, you can’t stop your tears from flowing the whole way home, even up through the lobby of your apartment and into your room. the warmth of your bed is just as you imagined, although now bittersweet.
your eyes are puffy and hurting. you fight the urge to let them close and scroll through your phone. most of the reasoning behind was to see if hobie would text you at all but your notifications remained empty. it stings more than you imagined. he’s always always texted you to make sure you’ve gotten in your room safely.
“whatever,” you toss your phone onto the other side of the bed and roll over. “i don’t need you. enjoy your date with gwendy, hoe.” you mumble into your pillow. you huff, pulling the covers up to your chin. if hobie wants to be like that then fine. he can do what he wants.
you stir awake to the sound of your bedroom door clicking shut. you’d be worried if the familiar smell of pine and weed didn’t fill the air. it’s subtle but you know him too well to be wrong.
you reach for your phone, feeling around in the bed until the cool glass meets your palm. the bright screen reads midnight and entirely too far past his normal arrival time.
“you stink,” you mumble when he gets into bed beside you. he has his own bed but he’s so accustomed to you and your warmth, hobie can’t help but make his way to wherever you are.
“don’t kill my high.” his gruff whisper fills your ear. he slips his arm between you and the mattress to pull you into his chest. “sent gwen off and came here. didn’t have time to enjoy it, yet.”
you purse your lips, flashbacks of earlier in the day coming flooding in. your nap nearly wiped all those memories away. he just said to bring it up, again. and right on cue —
“feelin’ better?” he splays his over your tummy and brushes his thumb back and forth along your skin. “we can talk about it, again.”
you don’t respond, too busy feeling crossed. it would be best to reopen the discussion now that your emotions aren’t running as high but you’re too petty to do that. hobie wronged you. he started an argument and kicked you out. he didn’t even check to see if you made it home safe.
“lovey? you okay?” he taps his fingers against you. maybe you fell asleep on him.
hobie sits up. you can feel his weight shift as he peers over your body. your eyes are open and he can see you looking at him, you’re just not speaking. he raises a brow and pushes your shoulder over until you’re on your back with a clear view of each other. “do you hear me talkin’ to you or what?”
he’s peeved when you roll over without even acknowledging him. “absolutely fuckin’ not.” he pushes your shoulder down again and holds it there. “you givin’ me the silent treatment?”
you shrug.
you fucking shrug.
hobie considers himself a rational person. if he’s upset, he’ll talk about it. if he’s not ready to talk about it, he’ll let you know. if he notices you’re too upset to communicate efficiently, he’ll give you space. what he will not tolerate is bullshit like this. you’re ignoring him, purposefully not saying anything and he’s expected to take it?
“i’m talkin’ to you.” he squishes your cheeks is his hand until they pucker, eyes narrowed into slits. he doesn’t know what your problem is but he’s sure if you continue like this, he’ll snap the world in half.
you pull away from him, reeling your head back until it’s out of his grasp. with you’re newfound freedom, you roll over and tap your phone. it’s now half past midnight and you’re losing hours on sleep.
hobie watches, enraged, as you slide it beside your pillow and snuggle deeper into the comfort of your bed. he doesn’t move, still processing his emotions. what he wants to do is pull you into his lap and keep you up all night until you speak to him but he figures it just make you more irritable.
so he scoffs and lays back down beside you. “okay. throw your tantrum. we’ll talk in the morning.” he pulls you into his chest, regardless, fingers curling around your waist. his lips are pressed together and by your ear.
he’s hopeful that in the morning, this mood you’re in will pass. that’s the notion he holds on to while he drifts off into his slumber and the same one he wakes up to when he’s reaching for your missing body.
the sun is up and beaming through the sheer layer of curtains. you must have opened the blackout layer behind them. he can hear the shower water running to a stop. hobie rubs his eyes and pulls his arm over his head for a stretch.
it’s a bit odd, he thinks, that you’ve woken up without him. he doesn’t think you’ve rolled over and pressed soft kisses on his face until he’s waking. maybe you did and he went back to sleep.
his legs carry himself into the bathroom where you reside. he’s operating off your normal schedule, getting ready together. he’s surprised when he turns the handle, only for it to fall short. “the door is locked, sweetheart.”
hobie leans against the frame. he’s tall enough to take up the entirety of the space. his hand comes up to rub his face once before he realizes the amount of time that’s passing right now. he can hear you in there, hear the water in the sink running but you don’t open the door.
his first thought it maybe you just can’t open it right now.
he, however, comes to his second thought when you do open it and scroll right past him without one glance in his direction.
you’re still ignoring him.
“oi duck, here’s what’s going to happen.” hobie knows you’re listening when you pause, hand freezing at the lotion pump. “i’m going to go brush my teeth, yeah? and you’re going to get over this thing you’re in and when i come back, we’re going to sit down and talk about this like adults.”
what he doesn’t know is the insinuation you’re not acting like an adult sends you farther into you stubbornness. to be truthful, he’s not wrong. you’re only doing this to make a point, to stick it to him that you didn’t appreciate what he did to you
you scoff to yourself and have a seat at your vanity. “who does he think he is?” you mumble, unscrewing the lid to your toner. “telling me what i’m gonna do. i’ll talk when i want to.”
you can see him in the mirror. with the bathroom door wide open, you get a perfect view of him slowly turning his head towards you, toothbrush dangling from his mouth.
it dawns on you that he heard you when he’s hastily rinsing out his mouth. you jump to your feet so quickly, the chair nearly topples to the ground. you’re darting across the room on the way out.
you only make it halfway before a sticky web is wrapped around your waist and pulling you back to the center of the room.
“what’d you say, sweetheart?” hobie turns you around, hands planted firmly on your hips. his fingers dig into your skin as if ready to pull the answer out of you.
you persist with your silence even while your heart beats out of your chest. you avoid looking at him, instead staring at the the gleaming silver hoop pierced through his nose.
your refusal to say anything has him ticked off. you haven’t said a word to him since last night and the only time you’ve even acknowledged him is to talk shit.
hobie isn’t having that.
he doesn’t bother to ask you again. he picks you up easy, a hand wrapped around your waist. he considers himself to be patient, letting you have your fun. he didn’t say anything to you last night, he forgave you for trying to incite an argument, he was even giving you another chance and was willing to work through it.
it’s you who’s making it difficult, uncooperating like a unreasonable person. you won’t even tell him why. how is he supposed to mend the situation if he doesn’t know what the problem is?
“you’re pissin’ me off.” he drops you on the edge of the bed. his talk could be mistaken as directed towards you but in actuality, he’s ranting to himself. “so spoiled y’know? throwing a fit for no reason.”
you freeze when he hooks his fingers inside the waistband of your shorts. your instincts are screaming at you to whine and complain but your intransigency is too focused on making a point.
“i’m so gentle with you and you take me for granted. showed up mad and that’s my fault? should have just told me but that’s too much to ask.”
a sharp gasp is ripped from you when hobie rips your panties off you. the seams pop and snap under the stress of his rapid tug.
he pushes you back and down on the bed with a large hand on your chest. “to be frank, i don’t want to see you. i don’t want to hear you either unless you’re gonna tell me what the fuck is wrong with you.”
you’re tempted to protest, already preparing to draw away from him but hobie beats you to it. he pins your waist down and peels your folds apart. he licks a stripe up your cunt, spit dribbling and mixing with your juices.
you keen, back lifting off your bed. it’s sickening how his knowledge of your body is affecting you this time. usually, it would entail the best orgasm of your life but now it meant you’d be eternally suffering.
he pushes your back down with a grunt. it’s as if every little movement you did only sent hobie father off the edge.
he pushes your leg up by the underside of your thigh until your knee is pressing against your chest. hobie’s nose bumps against your clit and his tongue probs at the walls of your slit.
“fuck! that’s so – ” your scream is cut short by a gulp of air. your hand reaches down to grasp hobie’s wicks, only for him to swat you hand away.
you cum rather quickly, pussy throbbing from the stimulation. by the time you’re sitting up, hobie is staring at you with half lidded eyes. he has yet to remove his grip, lips glistening from your arousal.
neither of you speak, the air growing thicker with tension. your gaze darts between both of hobie’s peering brown eyes before you turn your head away with a huff.
the smack of hobie’s hand against your thigh rings in the air. his demands for your attention has you whining. your skin blooms with a stinging pain, only for it to be followed by another. you’re not moving fast enough for him.
only when your eyes lock does he lightly trace his fingers over your skin. hobie, however, has no plans in letting up with his lesson. he thumbs at the hood of your clit, pulling it back until the puffy bundle is nerves is revealed.
so badly does he want to coo his praise but every time he thinks about how you treated him, his heart burns just the same.
you struggle against his grasp to clamp your legs shut when he wraps his tongue around it. thanks to his hands anchoring you in place, you’re forced to endure all of it.
you twitch and tweak, hands curling around the fabric of your shirt. this is wild, you think, all to get an answer out of you. the deep, docile part of your brain is ready to do whatever he asks to get the soft touches and sweet names, again.
“ ‘bie,” you mewl, reaching out for him again.
“ready to talk?” hobie lifts his head, replacing his tongue with his thumb, performing tiny circles. he’s disappointed when he’s listening to your moans and hums instead of a explanation. how long will you continue to do this?
he drives his fingers into your cunt, a sigh fanning over you skin leaving it hot and sticky with your cum. “you’re being such a brat today. how hard is it to open your fuckin’ mouth?”
he’s relentless with it, routinely pressing his fingers against the spot that has you crying. he tunes out your warbling, sucking in a breath. “can’t believe you tried to make it about gwen knowing damn well this is your problem.”
his words go straight to your cunt. it’s unexpected, the way you tighten and gush. you’re humiliated and even more so when hobie scoffs. “no chance you’re getting off on this.”
your body tenses, coiling in on itself. your chest rises with one final heave before your cunt is spasming around his fingers. hobie doesn’t cut back, head tilted as you wail.
“why aren’t you talking to me?” he fingerfucks you past your orgasm. he’s unaffected by your squirming to get away from him, pulling you back by your waist.
“it’s too much,” you sob, hand pushing at his.
“that’s not what i asked,” hobie shoves your hand away for the second time that morning. he’s fed up. his hand pops down on your cunny, ogling at the shining cream pouring out.
“ ‘cause,” the tears spill over your waterline and cascade down your face.
“ ‘cause what?” hobie finally removes his hold on you and takes his place next to you in the bed. he pulls your putty body into his lap, a hand on your chins to direct your attention.
you sniffle, lips trembling. you’re hesitating, already knowing how he’s going to react. forming a verbal reason makes you realize how immature you’ve been.
“angel,” his voice is heavy with a warning. you can feel the heat of his fingers slot their way beneath you.
your expression immediately contorts at the feeling of your sensitive nerves being stimulated. “ ‘cause,” you scramble for words, shifting until you can no longer feel him. “i don’t know.”
his fingers find their place again, this time pushing back into you with seething annoyance. “you . . . don’t know? so you did all that ‘cause you don’t know?”
they move slowly. slow enough to draw out soft pants and keep you talking. “i –,” you hiccup, “was upset.” you find yourself chewing on your bottom lip. there is no reasonable excuse. he’s about to that find out.
“mhm,” hobie hums, still dissatisfied with your words. “and did that have anything to do with me?” he feels the answer is obvious but there’s always some gratification in hearing you say it.
your head shakes in a tiny swivel. your hands clench into fists and quiver. having being toyed with for so long, hobie could spit on your cunt and you’d cum. when he’s pressing your spot like this, you’re nearly spilling out your arousal.
“didn’t think so.” hobie pressed his lips into a firm line. he takes pity when you lean your weight against him at the feeling of his digits pump in your tight hole.
his poor girl can’t even sit up on her own. she’s having to resort to using him to hold her up. of course it’s entirely your fault but at least you admitted it.
“that’s all you head do to, love. all this is unnecessary,” hobie mumbles underneath your whimpers.
there’s a soothing hand circling your hip through your orgasm. he listens to your babbling with soft shushes and promises of relief.
all he really wanted was to get the explanation out of you. to begin the start of conversation. hobie knew he could do it. after all, you’re his sweet girl. his ray of sunshine.
when your pants turn into into soft heaves is when hobie lifts your head, held in the palm of his hand. “listen to me, ducky.” he’s firm, eyes narrowed. “never ever do that again, you hear me? you have a problem, you talk about it.”
your half lidded eyes are full of passivity and you nod. you’re resting against him, pleased when hobie’s long arms envelop you in a warm embrace. “ ‘m sorry, hobie. i really am. i didn’t mean it.”
his hands run along your spine and be pressed a kiss atop your head. “i know, dolly. i know.”
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penisliker-moved · 2 years
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look how cute this outfit is
#th hair n shoes r both cc. and the eyes as well#i ended up deleting her bc she didnt fit with my Idea of the character but also ive completely flipflopped skull...#originally th person i made (jeanie) ws gonna be a highschooler but then i remember how Incredibly overwhelming highschool years is for me#like idk something abt it makes me so anxious. ithink its bc rh schools like.. So empty. yk#its weird. and the layouts weird af to me. it just makes me uncomfortable#and ikk that like. well 1 i dont have to go along 2 its like. they Cant pack the highschool with a normal amt of students it would#like. crash the game real bad real hard.but its scary why r there TWO classrooms and like 8 students in each.#also ik this is Also impossible but. man. i kinda wish we ciuld have different highschools for different locations....#TBVH. th only thing i rly like abt hsy is th clothes and even then only some of them. hehe.#i havent fucked around with boba shops or thrift stores yet thouygh...#but like i HATEEE socialbunny i hate it so bad#i rly rly rly wish they would like. Make up their minds on what the social media js#and obviously irl theres like. Multiple. duh#but having simstagram AND socialbunny and. i think theres another one. its so.#and every socialbunny post is so cringe 💀 theres lke NO subtance to socialbunny i dont get it at all. i hate it...#maybe with th influencer career.. they added that right idr. a little funny. no firemen? but we can be selling tummy tea? ok#UGHHH just like. idkidkidkk... sims 4 just. wellll im a hater lets say that#and it sucks bc i rly rly rly prefer the character creator + th buildbuy mode is Leagues easier rhan older games#obviously i have ISSUES with both . wood swatches 💀#like i undersrand why some ppl r glad abt the uhmm. create a style being gone#bc i understand it could get overwhelming for sure. but i think like. there could be a balance between swatches and create a style..#um anyways th baby update do we have any more info on that. i havent looked into it since the direct or whatever. im nervous but excited?#SRY FOR RAMBLING LOL#If u guys wanna see jeanie lmk ^-^ i think ill resrarther as a young adult + move in another sim i started making. and have them get#togerher bc i think theyd be cute..ok.
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palukoo · 2 years
okay I am interrupting my gonch posting to say. wtf dead to me that was the worst possible ending like. I quite literally could not have come up with an ending that bad what the hell
#my post#look. I am about to get into spoilers here bc I need to express my rage. so just#this is the warning. :/#the fucking nuclear family ending??? with Ben????#the way that the only way they built up Jen/Ben was through DIRECT parallels to Judy/Jen while refusing to acknowledge Judy/jen??#like the fucking. number of scenes they basically copy pasted and then made straight ughhh#I KNEW Judy/jen wasn’t gonna happen I’m not stupid I just thought theyd still be together not Judy being fucking dead jesus fucking Christ#also a baby?? fr?? the only way you can justify jen having a baby to me is if it’s with/for Judy. not. to have a nuclear family with Ben#also just SUCH a disservice to Judy you literally let her resolve nothing just get cancer and die#like I will say it was kind of nice to have her like admit to Jen she had cancer and slowly get a little more comfortable with asking for#help and all that but like. you can and should do that without killing her!#they took my toxic codependent besties and did this?? like I always am like screaming about the ep 9s of s1 and 2 and how good they are and#I don’t even know this ep 9 I mean it’s fine yeah i think it was a good ep I guess with another little confession moment. but that finale!#literally what the fuck was the point of the first two seasons and the show if that’s the end#like it’s about them and their friendship and family not. Ben. oh and retconning him into the back of the car was stupid as hell#I’m sorry like the thing is I’m generally fine if :/ when shows end like. in a way I don’t want them too and I knew that I probs wouldn’t#like. love however it ended I guess? but this was so bad#it literally didn’t serve a single character (like. I’m sorry I’m supposed to believe Jen is just a happy satisfied gf and mother now?)#and it didn’t serve the plot or any themes or anything. I just don’t get how those were the choices they made. and it sucks bc like.#I like the show and the characters this was just really bad. like I could elaborate more but it’s just bad and upsetting#tagged
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modawg · 5 months
love thalia but i wish she felt some type of guilt abt handing the prophecy to percy
like i know at first it was a weight off her shoulders she became a huntress and it was prob the best feeling she’s ever felt in her life especially after watching 2 of her friends die and the boy she had loved and relied on turned out to be the biggest  douche bag in chb history all after finding out she’d basically lost a HUGE portion of her life that she would never get back
and i know for more or less the entire 3rd book she’s being emo and bitter to really everyone especially percy but could you imagine turning around after like basically selling yourself for immortality to see this young boy who’s been really helpful and has done his best to help you and your sister like friend out this whole time when he really didn’t have to at all staring at you after you basically threw him to the wolves
like the immediate gut punch
and on top of that he ends up with the same decision as you and no matter what type of hoping praying and begging that he would do the same thing as you he doesn’t he chooses the prophecy and he chooses protecting another person over himself
like i know in character she was prob ljke “damn tuff for him” bc she shouldn’t have to feel guilty she was choosing herself which she has every right to do but UGHHH
there had to be some part of her deep down that hearing him say he chose the prophecy felt like a slap across her face and a label on her forehead saying how bad of a person she was for not doing the same
especially if they got closer during the years leading up to the prophecy, meeting his family, seeing how camp treated him, how annabeth and grover treated him, ik she stared into the darkness at night reminding herself that she did the right thing
anyway love you thalia
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lucvly · 10 months
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— boyfriend headcannons with matt. ⸰ 𖥔 ͙
warnings: the usual !! sfw and nsfw parts. not proofread my bad.
a/n: i love reqs helppp 😣 working on another one which actually involves writing as we Speak !! i had to reupload this because i forgot tags SORRY anon 💔
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— this man is obsessed with you. literally doesn’t even find any other women attractive. he has the biggest heart eyes for you it’s insane.
— adores hyping you up on instagram. he’s the type to reply “alr i saw it you can take it down now !!” when you post a story. your posts are filled with comments from him.
— he’s an absolute sucker for grand gestures. asked you to be his girlfriend by decorating your room with balloons !! goes all out on your anniversary (buys you a dress, gets you new jewelry, etc.)
— loves to color coordinate with you. whenever you two are going out or just seeing each other he calls you to match outfits. he thinks it’s the cutest (+ chris and nick tease him sooo bad for it)
— always gets you your go-to drinks. you’ll mention an iced latte once and he’s getting one for you every single day !! he’s so cute bye
— secretly loves it when you take pictures of him like a soccer mom LMAOO. he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. you love taking pictures of him doing literally anything: driving, doing laundry, etc.
— loves sleeping on call with you. he absolutely adores hearing you rant about your day. + sleeping on call together him while he’s on tour and misses you so badly !! half of the call is just him complaining about how much he wishes he could see your face and kiss you.
— he may whine about how you’re stealing all his clothes and hoodies but secretly loves watching you in them.
— him driving is sooo attractive. he’s such a gentleman ughhh. this man will get out of the car and open the door for you, leans over and buckles your seatbelt, + always has his hand on your thigh.
— always kissing you. forehead kisses, neck kisses, cheek kisses, etc.
— soo good at comforting and reassuring you. he’s such a sweetheart it’s sickening !!!
— your personal driver. it’s 3 am and you wanna go out? call him and he’ll be there in 5. you’re drunk at a party and need a ride? your boyfriend’s there.
— replies to your texts at lightning speed it’s sooo embarrassing but cute !!
— updates you on everything that happens throughout his day.
— nsfw below!
— anytime you kiss him it ends up in a heated ass make out session. your hands softly pulling on his hair, his hands gripping your waist as you ever so slightly grind on his hardening cock !! lollll !!
— he leans more towards the gentler side in bed. cute pet names, makes it All about you and your pleasure– (though he loves it when you give him head).
— howeverrrr, he can definitely get mean during sex. i’m talking manhandling, shoving your face into the pillow, dirty talk. (“too big— i can’t–,” “i don’t care, you can take it. i’ll make it fit.”)
— loves it when you overstimulate him. it’s his favorite thing ever. have fun watching him squirm, hearing him moan and whimper your name.
— begs you to sit on his lap. he adores it. stroking your hair, kissing your neck, his hands on your waist as he tries his hardest to not grind his hips up or simply just fuck you senseless.
— he’s vocal. whimpering out loud, begging, groaning, grunting. all of it.
— extremely good at aftercare. he’ll immediately clean you up, get a bottle of water for you, cuddle, talk, anything you want and he’s completely at your service.
— he’s such a secret pervert !!! cannot see you in a skirt because he’s already hard. showing a bit of cleavage? hard. sees you in a bathing suit? it is over for him. he needs you.
— cockwarming him while he’s gaming <333. he’s all for it. one time you two made a bet that consisted on making the other crack first. spoiler alert: you ended up with your moans being muffled by a pillow because you just couldn’t let him finish his game, could you?
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harufluff · 1 year
asking them to marry you on over the phone (unironically)
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warnings - cursing, but that should be it.
genre - crack, fluff, bf!enhypen x fem!reader, established relationship au
wc - 1.1k
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inspired by ‘you’re here that’s the thing’ by beabadoobee
yang jungwon
was stunned
actually thought he was having a heart attack for a second
he was doing something as simple as eating his gummies when you suddenly blurted out
"oh god- marry me."
man nearly choked on his gummy
more under the cut :))
if you were joking that was a bad idea cause he is fully prepared to marry you right that second >:(
either way, he's flattered
he thinks its honoring that you feel comfortable enough to say that
eventually you convince him to stop freaking out (it took way too long)
but even then, it still makes the heat rush to his face
thankfully it was just on facetime, so you couldn't see the red at the tips of his ears too much
he knows he's down bad fr 😋😋
lee heeseung
on the other hand mr i'm so confident on stage was like a little puddle
genuinely thought he heard you wrong at first
he was just sitting there zoning out for like two minutes and finally snapped out of it when he heard you say
"just marry me, you dork."
you thought it was funny lol 😎😎
probably should have thought that through cause you just messed up his heart with two words
"w-wait did you just- what did you say?!"
poor hee was so confused
"idk what did i say..."
"oh yea lol"
he was a tad bit mad
just a little
literally walked over to your place so he could give you hugs and kisses 😤
park jay
he's been ready for this moment his entire life
literally got mad cause he wanted to say it
it ended with you having to beg him to stop talking
jay was cooking for the boys with you on facetime cause he was bored and everyone else would get in his way
so he gave you a call and you ended up staying on a call with him for over two hours
but the second he started tasting his food like the gourmet chef he is👌👌
suddenly he heard some of the best words he'll ever hear in his life
"ughhh- when we get married will you cook for me?"
poor baby whipped his head around so fast he almost broke it
at this point you were staring at your phone with a blank stare
"you said marriage. you're stuck with me you can't leave me haha sucks for you."
"its ok i didnt want to anyway." 😊
whoops you just killed him with a smushy heart
sim jaehyun
he screamed
long story short, he almost fainted and quite literally did that "mrs rabbit has fainted" thing
the two of you were folding your own laundry together on facetime because, well, he gets lonely
obviously you said yes, because why wouldn't you??
"you look so cute and domestic, i love it. i could marry you this second if i could."
took him a couple of seconds
but eventually your words processed through his head and he SCREAMED
"mhm!! you look cute." 😚
another puddle guess what you're the mop. come wipe up your jake puddle babe
he laid on the floor for a solid five minutes just processing.
anyway now hes at your house still a little jake puddle and he's making you watch movies with him on the couch.
park sunghoon
he was ready 🫡🫡
hoon got the phone and everything. he was ready to make the call to all the family
but obviously before that he took it a TINI TINY bit seriously
a tini tiny bit
basically it was morning and he was on tour so he was sad and alone (besides sunoo who was just offended that he even said that)
babe started drinking water until he heard
"i miss you a lot. when we get married, you're not aloud to do this to me."
spit water out of his mouth
it was kinda gross but did he care? no.
he's a little mean when he's flustered ok?
"wait, you wanna get married to me? really??"
if you could slap him in the face you would, but truth is he was flattered.
he would marry you any day 💘💘
kim sunoo
also went along with it
you were going through all the snacks you found at the market with sunoo over facetime
to say the least he was just excited you were excited
"i got this thingy, and im not really sure what it is but it looks good."
the call went on with you eating the snacks and reviewing
"ill try it sometime then."
"we have to get it together and maybeeee you can buy it??"
"ill buy you any snacks you want, my love." 😋
"ugh marry me already."
next time you go over to his place he had a little toilet paper boquet for you 😊😊
nishimura riki
my babe fr
another one who was a little too confident
you were on a ft with him late at night just for funsies
honestly the two of you were just messing around while eating snacks and making little crafts
anyway he was like quite literally about to fall asleep and he looked SO DAMN CUTE
like his eyes about to close and his lip is getting all pouty and UGH-
"night, ki"
"nooo i'm not asleep don't leave meeeee"
"lol you're so cute just marry me"
"married huh?? you're really that obsessed with me"
aaaaaaand again you're stuck 😋😊
i literally love him sm
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©harufluff 2023
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xxoxobree · 1 year
The Boy Is Mine
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Miles Morales x Black Fem Spider-person Reader v Gwen Stacy.
Summary: He saved you and She didn’t want to and maybe she was right because the boy is now yours.
WARNINGS: Fighting, bad words, I think that’s it.
A/n: I was tied!!! Of seeing Miles cheat with Gwen so I took matters into my own hands. This is probably one of the best stories I’ve ever written too so don’t skip. I had so much fun writing this.
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For the past 2 years, you've been the one and only Spider-woman. Everyone knows the story by now, bitten by a radioactive spider, and now you spend your time protecting the city. Everything was going great. Or that's what you wanted to believe as you fought Wilson Fisk, a person who is supposed to be behind bars. This Wilson was different - bigger, stronger, he was giving you a run for your money.
"What have they been feeding you at the Raft, Willie?" You quipped as you dodged a punch. "Haha, missed me," you said, landing a punch combo to his jaw.
"You stupid spiders are always in the way," he said, managing to catch you off guard, knocking you back. This fight is definitely gonna take a while.
"Who are you anyway, where's Spider-Man?" Fisk asked, walking menacingly toward you as you lay on the floor to catch a breath.
"I don't get paid enough for this," you said, getting up, squaring up with the large man.
Spider-Man, what are you talking about, Fisk?" You asked the man leaping backwards, dodging all of his hits.
"Enough of this talk, this ends now," Fisk said, running toward you. You charged back, your fist balled, about to strike, but he dodged and caught you by your throat.
"Another spider under my belt," Fisk said, laughing as he squeezed your throat. Gasping for air, you tried your best to break free from his grip, but your vision began to fade out. Your strength left you, and your eyes began to close. All you wanted to do was sleep, but you blinked your eyes again. Maybe you were hallucinating from the lack of oxygen, but a portal with glowing lights appeared, and two other spider personas flew forward, knocking Fisk out. You dropped to the floor, gasping for air, but still fainted in the process.
You probably weren't out for long, but you heard faint voices, a female and a male.
"What do we do, Gwen? We can't just leave her here."
"Miles, what are we supposed to do? We can't take her back to HQ."
You were too weak to actually open your eyes to see who was talking. Too weak to stop them from kidnapping you and taking you to wherever HQ was. You tried to let out a small groan, but it was useless.
"That's exactly what we need to do, Gwen. She needs medical care."
"Ughhh.... Fine, you grab her."
You heard footsteps move towards you, and your body being lifted before you succumbed to the darkness around you again.
Your bloodshot eyes shot open as you sat up, feeling around for your mask that wasn't on your face. You heard the fast-paced beeping of a heart monitor, letting you know your heart rate was up as you ripped all the pads off of you, standing ready to leave the room before two people came walking inside. You immediately got in defense mode as you studied them - an older man in a blue suit with a spider on the front, and a younger boy about your age in a black suit, also with a spider on the front.
"Where the fuck am I, and who are you?" you said, pointing.
"Welcome to HQ, Spiderwoman. I'm Spider-Man, and he's Spider-Man. Glad you survived. Miles, I'll leave you to it," the older man in the blue suit said, walking away.
Miles walked closer to you, setting off your spider senses. You closed one of your eyes, moving your head to the side, resting your hand on your head. "Don't come any closer," you said.
You're probably not used to that, but you're like me, it does that sometimes. I'm Miles.
"Yeah, I got that from earlier," you said, flopping back on the hospital cot, still very much in pain.
Miles wasn't in the room when they took off your mask, so this was the first time he saw your face. He scanned every detail of your face, taking in the way your plump lips formed into a natural pout, or maybe that was just because you were in pain. The way your brown eyes sparkled under the bright white light, he couldn't help but be captivated by your gaze. He loved your braids and the way your pink beads rattled every time you moved.
Miles felt something stir in the pit of his stomach the longer he looked at you. Maybe it was just gas from the spicy food he ate earlier, he thought, in denial of the growing attraction he felt for a stranger.
"Well, aren't you gonna tell me your name?" Miles finally mustered the courage to ask.
You turned to face him, the pain momentarily forgotten as you observed his silly smirk. You weren't usually the friendliest person, but there was something about Miles that felt different, something that made you want to open up.
"I'm Y/n," you replied, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
Nice to meet you Y/n," Miles said, offering his hand. You looked at it. "I'd shake your hand, but I'm in too much pain right now," you said, causing both of you to laugh. There it was, that fluttering feeling in the pit of Miles' stomach again as he watched a beautiful smile grace your face.
"So, what is this place and why am I here?" you asked Miles, curiosity shining in your eyes. "This is the Spider Society. We brought you here because you were in bad shape from fighting Fisk," Miles explained. You coughed a bit. "Yup, he whooped my ass," you said, making both you and Miles burst into laughter again.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, Gwen stood outside the door, her eyes fixed on the scene unfolding inside. With each word you said to Miles, with each chuckle you elicited from him, the flames of jealousy ignited within her. Unable to bear it any longer, she burst into the room, startling both you and Miles.
"What the fuck? You didn't even have to do all that, shawty," You exclaimed. Miles stood up, a look of surprise on his face. "Gwen, this is Y/n, Spider-woman, the one we helped," he explained, pointing toward you.
"Oh, hi. I'm glad you're okay," Gwen said, her words laced with a hint of insincerity.
This your girl Miles ?" You asked.
"No, no." They both said in unison dragging their o's. It was obvious to you that there was more to the story by the way she busted into the room but that was none of your business.
"Well, it was nice to meet you, Y/n. We should get going," Gwen said, gently tugging Miles towards the door.
Before leaving, Miles tossed you a watch that you effortlessly caught. "Maybe we can see each other again," he said, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. You smiled, watching him walk away.
"Hmmm," you hummed, examining the watch before clasping it onto your wrist. "Maybe we will, Spider-Man."
As Gwen and Miles made their way through the headquarters, Miles couldn't ignore Gwen's evident distress. He studied her face and body language.He called out to her, "Gwen?"
Getting no response, Miles tried a sing-songy voice, calling her name once more. "What, Miles?" she replied, her voice tinged with bitterness.
"I know you're upset. Do you want to talk or not?" Miles asked, genuinely wanting to understand what was bothering her.
"Why don't you go talk to Y/n?"
"Gwen, are you serious? I barely know her, but she's a cool girl," Miles defended, trying to reassure her.
"Oh, she's cool now?" Gwen's tone dripped with sarcasm and doubt.
Miles gently reached for Gwen's hand, stopping her in her tracks, making her face him directly. "Look, Gwen, you don't have to worry about her, okay?" he said softly.
Gwen's expression softened, and she nodded, a flicker of trust returning to her eyes. "Alright, Miles. She said giving him a small punch to the shoulder.
✨The Mission✨
You were back in your dimension 2 days post fight with Fisk feeling good as new. You were in bed, examining the watch Miles gave you, when a hologram of a woman appeared, making you scream.
"Oh hey there new recruit, I'm Lyla," she said, waving.
"Hi... Lyla," you said slowly, waving back.
"Sorry to scare you, but the boss needs you at HQ, your first mission... Yayyyy, so suit up," she said before disappearing.
"Uh, okay," you said, slipping into your skintight suit and mask, slapping on your watch, struggling to find out how to get it to work because no one gave you a tutorial. But you managed using your genius brain and stepped through the portal, gracefully landing in a dark room with monitors.
"Great, you're here......Miles!" the man you were familiar with but never got his name called out.
From the shadows, Miles emerged with a smile on his face. "Good to see you again, Mamita," he said.
"Oh, we're using pet names now?" you said, matching his flirty energy.
"That's enough," Miguel said as he stood before you two. "Anomaly in Earth 746, catch it."
"Anomaly?" you questioned.
"I'll tell you all about it later," Miles said, grabbing your hand, opening a portal, and pulling you through.
You dusted off your hands. The mission went well, a little too well, especially for a Goblin mission.
"You're pretty good, Miles."
"You too, Mamita. Gotta say, I doubted you a little after the Fisk fight," he teased.
"Oh, whatever," you said, rolling your eyes, chuckling a bit.
You moved closer to Miles, mere inches between you two, as you ran your fingers along his jawline.
Miles' breath hitched as you touched him, his hazel eyes expressing the tension between you two. There was no denying that Miles was handsome, and you were eager to learn more about him.
"So what dimension are you from, Papa?" you asked playfully, a flirtatious smile gracing your lips.
"1610. Maybe we could go there?" Miles responded, his voice filled with anticipation.
"Take a girl on a date first, Miles," you laughed, teasing him gently.
"No, I didn't mean it like that. I..." Miles stammered, trying to explain himself.
"I would love to see your dimension, Miles," you interrupted, cutting him off.
And so, Miles took you to his dimension.
"This is Brooklyn." Miles said as you two stood atop the Williamsburg Bank building, you marveled at the city below. It was similar to your own home, yet distinctly different. Miles watched in awe as your eyes sparkled at the city, feeling a flutter in his stomach.
"It's beautiful, Miles," you whispered, taking a seat to soak in the view.
He walked forward and sat beside you, his face beaming with joy. You turned towards him, a warm smile on your lips.
"So, what's your story, big head?" you asked, playfully leaning on him.
"My story?" Miles responded, a hint of surprise in his voice.
"You're Spider-Man, Miles. What's your origin?" you asked , curious him.
"You know, regular Spider-Man stuff. I gained my powers and now I fight bad guys," Miles answered, a humble tone in his voice.
"That's not what I meant," you said, giving him a small shove. "What's the real story? I was bitten by a radioactive spider too, two years ago on a field trip to Oscorp. Your world doesn't seem to have Oscorp." You sighed, frustration and sadness mixing in your voice. "I got these crazy powers that I didn't know what to do with, so I decided to keep them a secret and pretend that I was a regular kid."
The weight of your words hung heavy in the air as you choked up, memories flooding back. Miles noticed your distress and perked up. "It's okay, you don't have to share if you don't want to," he said, trying to comfort you.
But something compelled you to open up, to let go of the burden you had been carrying alone for so long. You rested your hand gently on top of his. "I pretended to be some regular kid, and that led to me losing my mom. And from then on, I decided to help everyone else," you finished.
Miles's heart stung as he listened to your story. "I lost someone close to me too, my uncle Aaron. He was shot saving me," he shared, the pain evident in his voice.
A sense of understanding and connection washed over you both. You leaned your head on his shoulder. "See, that's your story, Papa," you said softly, appreciating the bond that formed between you. "You know, Miles, it's so nice to have someone to talk about this stuff with now," you added, gazing at the sun setting on the horizon.
That moment solidified your blooming relationship with Miles. Whenever you had free time, you would pop into his dimension, and vice versa. Now, in your suit, you found yourself in dimension 1610, patiently waiting for Miles to catch up as you swung through the bustling city.
"Keep up, Miles," you teased, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you effortlessly jumped from building to building, landing with grace. The two of you were headed back to his house, where Jeff and Rio, his parents, adored you and had grown fond to your presence after all the time you spent with Miles.
They couldn't wrap their head around the whole different dimension thing and just assumed Miles' imagination had run wild. You two walked through his front door.
"Hey Mama Rio," you greeted Miles' mom.
"Hey Mija."
"Hey Mom," Miles said, hugging his mom before the two of you walked into his room. You two were too caught up in conversation to notice a guest. Gwen. She cleared her throat, making you two snap your attention towards her.
"Gwen, hey," Miles said nervously. "What are you - what are you doing here?"
"I came to see you because I barely see you anymore, but now I know why," Gwen answered.
You snickered a bit, knowing you essentially snatched Miles from Gwen.
"Oh, that's funny?" Gwen asked.
You threw your hands up in surrender, not wanting to get into it with her.
"We were about to watch a movie, order some pizza. You can stay if you want," Miles offered to pacify Gwen, but he was hoping she'd turn it down. He cherished his alone time with you.
"No, it's fine, Miles. I'll leave," Gwen said with a hint of frustration in her voice.
"Uh, okay. Bye," Miles said
"Bye, Gwendolyn," you added, unable to hide the small smirk on your face.
Gwen turned to you and asked, "You know what, can we talk outside, Y/n?"
Rolling your eyes, you agreed, "Sure, why not?" You grabbed Miles' hand, signaling for him to come along.
"Alone," Gwen insisted, her tone unwavering.
"Okay... I'll be back, papa," you said to Miles, giving him a smile and a pat on the cheek.
As you followed Gwen out of the window and onto the roof, you could feel the tension building up. Once you reached a secluded corner, she turned to face you, arms folded.
"What is your problem?" she asked, her voice filled with accusation.
"Girl, what are you talking about?" you answered defensively.
"Miles," she replied, her tone laced with frustration.
"What about him? He's fine, great even," you said, walking closer to her.
"Don't play dumb, Y/n," Gwen snapped.
"What are you getting at, Gwen?" you said, your tone becoming pointed as you grew tired of the conversation.
"He's mine, Y/n, and you're trying to steal him away," her voice filled with possessiveness.
You couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Yours?" you asked, shaking your head. "Gwen, you lost him the day you two saved me."
As the words left your mouth, the truth hung heavy in the air. Gwen had been holding onto her feelings for Miles while pretending everything was okay. But deep down, she knew that the connection between you and Miles was undeniable.
What you didn't see coming was a slap across your face from Gwen, not thinking she was bold enough to do it. The sting of her actions lingered in the air as shock resonated through your entire being. And what Gwen didn't see was Miles, camouflaged and watching you two from a distance. He didn't hear anything you two talked about, but he sure did see the slap.
As the pain subsided, you didn't retaliate. Deep down, you and Gwen both knew that you had won this battle, that Miles was now dedicated to you.
"Why would you do that, Gwen?" You heard a voice behind you, and turned to see Miles standing there, his eyes filled with disappointment.
You watched in satisfaction as Gwen's eyes widened, realizing that she had not only hurt you but also jeopardized her chances with Miles. She had unknowingly made it even easier for you to snatch his affection away from her.
"Miles, I..." Gwen stammered, unable to find the right words to justify her actions.
"Why would you hit her?" Miles asked, his voice filled with a mix of anger and hurt.
"You didn't hear what she said, Miles. She's trying to tear us apart. You were mine," Gwen spewed out, desperately clinging to her fading hopes.
"Yours? I'm not some object, Gwen," Miles retorted, his voice laced with disappointment. "Is that why you brought her outside? To hit her?"
A heavy silence hung in the air as Gwen struggled to find an explanation, her words failing her. The truth had been laid bare, and Miles saw her for who she truly was.
"Save it, Gwen," Miles said, his voice firm. "You just showed me the type of person you really are. I've been pining after you for months, and you always brushed me off. But now, now I have someone who actually likes me back."
With those words, he took your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
You looked at Gwen, a smug look on your face as you squeezed Miles' hand tighter.
"You don't mean that, Miles."Gwen said.
"Yes, I do," Miles turned to you. "She likes me back, and she's the most caring, sweetest, funniest person in this dimension and every other," Miles said, making you tear up a bit, your lip bottom poking out.
"You're so cute when you do that," Miles said.
Gwen watched as her heart slowly broke. She had played with Miles,but now she had lost the game. She wanted to look away, but she couldn't. She should be the one he said all those things to. The tears pricked her eyes.
"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" The words echoed in Gwen's head, the final blow that made her tears roll down her face.
"Of course, I will, papa," you said, jumping on Miles and giving him a tight hug before pulling back and giving him a big kiss, your first one in front of his former crush.
You and Miles turned to Gwen, watching as she continued to cry.
"You should go, Gwen," you said, your heart aching a bit for the girl, but not a lot.
Miles grabbed your hand as the two of you walked off toward the stairwell, leaving Gwen behind.
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
Tattoo artist Connie and ony??? This is y/n first tattoo and they’re real nervous so con and ony gotta help them relax 🤭
might end up tattooing their name on that pus- nvm…
i love love love thisssss😩
first ink
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cw: needles, smuttt
word count: 2.4k
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never in your life did you plan on getting a tattoo. it was too scary and you absolutely hated needles. if your mom didn’t get it done when you were a baby, you doubt you would’ve even had your ears pierced. you were getting older though, and the sight of the pretty art of your friend’s bodies swayed your judgement. you became very infatuated with them, always running your fingers along them when they were with you.
“girl just go get one. tired of you caressing my stomach like i’m pregnant or sum” sasha sighed, rolling her eyes as you laughed. “sorryyyy. it’s just so pretty” your friend put her hand on top of yours, squeezing it as she looked deep into your eyes. “i love you so ima touch your hand as i say this. you need to stop being pussy and get some ink. you look like a child.” you rolled your eyes, yanking your hand from under hers as she laughed at you. that was your last straw. you told her that day that you will finally get a tattoo, making her jump for joy as she called up two of the best artists she knew.
as the two of you walked in the shop your eyes instantly met the light brown orbs of a tall man. “buenos tardes ladies. what can i do f’yo-…oh hey sash” the man came across the counter he was standing at, giving sasha a side hug before outreaching his hand towards you. “hola mami, my name’s connie. you must be y/n” he gave you a kind smile, his gold grills shining in the light before he gave you a light peck on your hand. “boy move she here for some ink, not a pregnancy scare” connie rolled his eyes, lifting his hands in surrender before walking deeper into the shop. thats when another man came out from the curtain in the back.
“wasgood sash” the man said as he walked towards his booth before sitting in the spacious chair. “this her?” he mumbled. sasha pushed you up towards them. you haven’t said a word since you got here. too in awe at the beauty of these too men. “don’t talk much do she?” connie chuckled as him and ony continued to look you over. sasha knew how you got when you met new people so she didn’t try to push you to speak. instead she wrapped her arm around you while she did the talking. “this my girl right here. she never got any shit done before other than the piercings in her ears and that was when she was a baby so i need y’all t’be real delicate with her ‘kay?”
ony and connie shared a look, eyes widening as they realized that sasha was telling the truth. there wasn’t a single thing on your body other than your small stud earrings in your ears. “yea we gotchu. come sit while i set up.” ony said, getting up from the chair to let you sit down. the sound of sasha’s phone ringing brought your attention to her. “what….girl call your mother….ughhh why i gotta do it?…whatever whatever bye” you gave her a confused look as she carried an annoyed look her her face. “i gotta get my cousin from summer school, her bad ass. i’ll be back right after i take her home ‘kay?” you gave her a wide eyed look, her cousin lived almost an hour and a half from where you were. your fear was clearly showing on your face. you couldn’t get a tattoo alone.
as if reading your mind sasha gave you a tight hug whispering in your ear. “girl i’ll be right backkkk. don’t be scared. jus breathe and focus on something else, you’ll be fine” with that she gave the two men behind you stern looks, pointing her acrylic finger at them as she spoke. “behave yourselves. it’s her first time” ony and connie both gave her quick nods before she went out the door. as ony set up his stuff you slowly sat down in the chair waiting for him. “so it’s your first time huh ma?” he said, noticing your nervousness as he looked up at your pretty face. “mhm”. your response made him chuckle as he got up from his seat next to you. “what you gettin and where you want it”
you showed him your desired tattoo, making his eyes widen as he looked at the photo. “you sure?” sasha told you that this was an easy spot so you listened to her, nodding your head quickly as a reply. ony gave you a small smile before turning towards connie, who was in one of the other chairs scrolling on his phone. “baby turn some music on. it’s quiet at hell in here”.
baby? you turned your head towards ony’s face, your quizzical look making him chuckle. “sasha ain’t tell you?” you shook your head. “of course she didn’t” before ony could speak again, the sound of psa by kay flock started to play. making ony and connie rap along to the lyrics as they continued on with what they were doing. “so what you getting mami? a butterfly?” connie asked, inked hand rubbing on his boyfriends durag covered head. “she getting a thigh tat, cute lil sun” connie nodded his head as he listened, looking at your legging covered thighs. “well y’know you gotta lose those right?” he said, pointing to the fabric. you had totally forgot, eyes widening as you internally sighed. today was not your day.
“i mean…we don’t mind, could close up the blinds and lock the doors so it can seem like we closed right now. since sasha won’t be back for awhile and ion want you just sitting here waiting f’her” you thought about his words. they seemed like nice, respectful guys. and if sasha trusts them then you knew they wouldn’t do you wrong. “okay” your soft voice made the both of their heads turn to you, making you shy away and put your gaze on your lap. “so she does speak” they both say.
~about an hour later~
“listen mama, if you don’t calm down i can’t get started. i can’t tattoo you while you shaking like this” ony said softly as he watched you twitch away from the needle for the fifth time. you had no problem taking your pants off and letting them put the stencil on you, but as soon as you heard the machine start you couldn’t get it together. “he’s right mami, y’gotta relax for us ‘kay. we not gon hurt you”
you were trying, you really were, but your body just wouldn’t relax. and you weren’t helping them either, ony was ready to pass out from the sight of your ass making your thong practically disappear. and connie was trying his hardest to make his hard on as least noticeable as possible at the sight of your teary eyes staring up at him. your pretty hands gripping his tightly as you tried your best to be calm.
“what we gotta do t’help you relax huh? you want a snack?” connie asked, smiling softly at you as you nodded your head eagerly. ony got up from his seat behind you, walking towards the back to grab you some fruit snacks. “sit up and eat em. ion want you choking or nun” he said as he passed you the packet and walked back behind the curtains. you sat up on your knees as you tried your best to open it, but your hands were too sweaty from how nervous you were. connie saw you struggling so he helped, looking down at your pretty eyes as he slowly opened it. you didn’t even notice, too focused on his pretty light brown eyes as he slowly took a fruit snack from the packet.
on instinct you opened your mouth, not knowing what came over you as you slowly sucked on his finger after he put the small miniature orange in your mouth. “you want sum else t’help you relax mami?” you couldn’t help but nod your head yes. these men were fine, and you were desperate to relax. “pa c’mere! she said she need our help to relax” ony made his was to his boyfriends side, smirking down at you as he realized what he meant. “oh we can help you with that real good”
before you knew it you were laid back in the chair, this time with your back on the end of it as connie eagerly ate your pussy on one side, and ony fed you his long dick in your mouth on the other. “that’s right ma, keep suckin it jus like that. don’t you feel better? no more shakin and cryin” ony’s words went straight to your core, making your arousal increase as you began to leak onto connie’s face. “taste so good mama, you like when he talks t’you like that huh? talks to me like that too at home. y’wanna come home wit us baby?” you instantly replied with a “mhm”. the vibrations of your voice sending ony over the edge as he shot his thick ropes down your throat.
“shittt you suck me so well mama. you gon let connie make you feel good, gon let him fuck you?” as he spoke connie began lining himself up with your entrance, rubbing his inked hands all over your stomach as he waited for you to reply. “y-yes” you said in a small voice, turning the both of them on more as connie slowly sunk into you. the stinging stretch of his dick making you whine as you tightly gripped ony’s arm. “we know mama, s’okay we here” ony coo’d at you, helping you relax as he gave connie the signal to speed up. before then he was pounding you into the chair, long light brown dick pulling loud moans and cries from you as ony stood behind him, whispering dirty words in his ear as he’d occasionally kiss up and down his boyfriends neck. his eyes never left yours as he did this, controlling the tempo of connie’s thrusts without having to lift a finger.
“there you go pretty boy. makin her feel so good” connie’s eyes were closed as he focused on the words of the man behind him. “i wanna cum in her” he whined as ony gave you a small smirk. he knew the sight of them was driving you crazy so to pleasure you further he slowly gripped connie’s neck, turning his head towards his to give him a sloppy kiss. your pussy clenched at the sight, making connie whimper into ony’s mouth as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. “m’finna cum, you want papi t’cum in you mami?” his deep voice rang in your ears, pushing your release closer as you moaned out at loud “yes”
with that connie spilled his seed deep into you, his thrusts halting to a stop as he made sure to keep you full of him. you watched ony whisper something in his here, making connie slowly pull out of you before ony took his place. “gonna make me feel good too now, that okay baby?” you quickly nodded your head yes, but he wanted more. ony teased you, rubbing his tip all over your wet clit to make you whine. “let daddy hear that pretty voice. want y’to talk me through it like i did connie” connie helped you up as ony spoke, kissing your neck as his boyfriend waited patiently in between your legs. “listen t’him mami. or he won’t give you what you want” your brain was clouded with pure lust right now as you finally replied to the man in front of you. “want you t-to fuck me”
“that’s a good girl”
~a couple hours later~
“alright all done pretty girl” ony chirped as he began to wipe the last bit of ink off your freshly done tattoo. “she’s still asleep” connie chuckled out as he sat in the chair with your pantsless body on his chest. as soon as they finished fucking you, you fell asleep so they woke you up to ask you if you still wanted the tattoo and you said yes, and who were they to deny a pretty thing like you especially after you were so good for them.
as you stirred awake you noticed you were still in the chair, a warm blanket draped over your body. you went to get up, but were stopped by a little stinging pain in your leg. “she’s up pa” connie said as he watched you from one of the couches in the waiting area, a bag of chips in his hand as he watched his show. “heyy pretty girl, we ain’t wanna wake you so we just put the blanket on t'keep you from getting cold. want some water?” you eagerly nodded your head yes as you reached for the water bottle in ony’s hand. before you got to grab it he pulled it back towards him. “lemme hear that pretty voice baby” a shy smile planted onto your face as you looked up at him. “can i have some?” a smile spread to ony’s face as well, his big inked hand transferring the bottle into your much smaller one. “good girl”
as you drank the water, connie made his way towards the two of you, a small smirk on his lips as he looked down at you next to ony. “you not gon look at your new ink?” he said. you had honestly forgot, but excitement bloomed in your stomach as you slowly moved the blanket from your thigh. there sat the beautiful sun you asked for, prettily wrapped up along with something else you didn’t see in the picture. there sat an infinity symbol in the middle of the sun with two letters in the spaces. an o and a c.
“you said you wanted t’come home wit us right? if you gon be ours you gotta rep us.” connie said before him and ony pulled up their shirts, the same infinity symbol showing on their sides with each others initials and yours in the spaces. your mouth dropped to the floor at the sight of the pretty tattoos, stomach doing flips in excitement as you realized what you had gotten yourself into.
“you ours now mama”
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
It’s me
Anyway I’m thinking Kimi. I heard somewhere that Kimi had his back operated on a few years ago and so I thought I might start with that. So retired Kimi doing I don’t know motorbikes or whatever he does and falling, not a bad fall but just enough that his back aches. And I don’t any other parts just that and the person reader thing helping somehow?
I honestly don’t know I’m just winging it.
Again if you do not wish to write this, then don’t.
Anyway how are going? I hope this isn’t past the due date but I don’t know cause I’m in Australian time.
Ughhh 😩 I’m just now getting around to this 👹 also this picture makes me giggle 🤭
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“You’re not invincible” — Kimi Raikkönen x reader
Ft Jenson,Mark,Fernando and Seb
Fluff,Crack and Comfort
This is mostly for laughs
It also has a bunch of banter we love banter in this house
Word count 3k
When Kimi retired from Formula One he didn’t expect his retirement to be so boring. He wasn’t gonna lie he missed the adrenaline rush he got from racing and his friends. I guess that’s who Kimi found himself at Sebastian’s with Mark,Jenson,Sebastian and Fernando standing around in the garage looking at the new motor bike Seb had bought.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Jeson says, holding his hands up and taking a step back from the bike.
“Says the man who is a WEC driver” Seb jokes.
“Hey my wife would kill me if she found out that I was on that thing” Jenson said defending himself.
“Yeah I’m out too I have to be in Montreal for the race in four days” Fernando said shaking his head.
“Okay that leaves Mark,Kimi and Myself” Seb says crossing his arms over his chest.
“Count me out! My wife's a nurse and she sees motorbike accidents all the time” Mark says, shuddering at the countless accidents he hears from his wife.
“I’ll do it,” Kimi says, shrugging , finally speaking up.
Seb’s eyes light up with excitement as he realizes Kimi’s agreed to go on the bike ride.
“Yes!” Seb exclaims, pumping his fist in the air.
Jenson, Mark, and Fernando all exchange glances, shaking their heads in disbelief at Kimi’s decision. They know just how reckless he can be on the track and they worry that he might get into trouble on the motorbike.
“Are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?” Fernando asks, raising an eyebrow.
Kimi smirks and shrugs, his typical laid-back demeanor on display.
“I can handle it,” he replies confidently, his eyes glinting with a hint of mischief.
Jenson and Mark share a look, clearly concerned for their friend's safety. They know how competitive and adrenaline-seeking Kimi can be, and they're worried about what he might do on the motorbike.
“Just be careful, man. Those things are dangerous,” Mark warns, placing a hand on Kimi's shoulder.
Seb rolls his eyes, clearly growing impatient with their cautionary words.
“Relax, guys. Kimi's a professional racer. He knows how to handle a bike,” he says, trying to reassure them.
Mark and Jenson exchange another worried look, but they know there's no stopping Kimi when he's set his mind on something.
Jenson sighs and throws up his hands in resignation.
“Fine, just be careful, okay? We don’t want you ending up in the hospital,” he says, giving Kimi a stern look.
Kimi just chuckles and gives Jenson a casual wave.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” he says, his tone lacking any concern.
“He’s right you we aren’t exactly 20 anymore some of us are almost 50 years old” Jenson says side eyeing Mark.
“That’s not funny” Mark says smacking Jenson on the back of his head.
Seb smiles and shakes his head in amusement at their banter.
“Come on, guys, lighten up! We’re still young at heart,” he says, grinning.
Fernando chuckles and crosses his arms over his chest, amused by their behavior.
“Young at heart, maybe. But our bodies might disagree,” he says, giving them a knowing look.
Jenson lets out a defeated sigh and nods in agreement.
“You have a point,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
Mark crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed by the reminder of his age.
“Yeah, yeah, we get it. We’re old,” he mutters, leaning against the wall.
Seb grins and punches Mark on the arm playfully.
“Don’t be such a grump, old man,” he teases, enjoying how Mark’s face twists in annoyance.
Mark shoves Seb back playfully, his annoyance growing.
“Watch it, Sebby,” he warns, glaring at Seb.
Seb just laughs and holds up his hands in defense.
“Just kidding, mate. Lighten up,” he says, grinning.
“Oh, and you’re such a mature adult, Jenson?” Mark shoots back, rolling his eyes.
Seb grins and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, where’s your sense of adventure, Jense? Too old and bored in your comfy armchair?”
Jenson feigns offense and puts a hand on his chest.
“Excuse me, I’ll let you know that I have plenty of adventures. I just prefer ones that don’t involve motorcycles and broken bones,” he says, raising an eyebrow. “Now Kimi, are you really sure you want to do this?” Jenson asked.
Kimi nods, his eyes fixed on the bike.
“Yes, I’m sure. I’ve been wanting to try something different since I retired. And this seems like a good enough adventure for me,” he replies confidently.
Seb grins and slaps Kimi on the back, clearly excited to have him on the ride with him.
“That’s the spirit, Kimi! We’re gonna have so much fun!” he exclaims, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
Mark crosses his arms over his chest and frowns.
“I still don’t like this. It’s too risky,” he mutters, worry etched on his face.
Jenson nods in agreement with Mark.
“Yeah, I have to agree with Mark on this. You’re not exactly young anymore, Kimi. You could seriously hurt yourself,” he says, his concern evident in his voice.
Kimi rolls his eyes and sighs, clearly annoyed by their concern.
“I appreciate your concern, guys. But I’m not a fragile old man. I can handle a bike ride,” he says, a hint of irritation in his voice.
“Ok if you say so” Mark says.
Seb grins, clearly sensing the tension in the air.
“I’m you think that Kimi because your going first” Seb says handing Kimi the keys and one of Kimi old helmets from a helmet swaps they did years ago.
Kimi takes the keys and the helmet from Seb, a feeling of nostalgia washing over him as he holds the old helmet. He shrugs it on, adjusting the strap under his chin.
“Fine, I’ll go first. Just to prove that I can handle it,” he says, his voice determined.
Seb grins and pats Kimi on the shoulder.
“Atta boy, Kimi. This is gonna be great!” he exclaims, clearly excited at the prospect of the ride.
Jenson,Fernando and Mark exchange a worried look, their concerns still evident on their faces.
Kimi swings his leg over the bike, settling himself onto the seat. He takes a deep breath and grips the handlebars, a mixture of excitement and nerves coursing through him.
“Let’s do this,” he says, looking over at his friends with a determined look.
The ride didn’t quite go as planned. As they were riding, Kimi lost control of the bike and ended up crashing into a nearby ditch.
Thankfully, it wasn’t a major accident. Kimi was a bit banged up, and he grimaced as he tried to sit up.
“Ugh, my back,” he groaned, wincing in pain. Seb quickly dismounted the bike and rushed to Kimi’s side, concern etched on his face.
“Kimi! Are you okay?” he asked, helping Kimi sit up.
Jenson, Mark and, Fernando hurried over as well, their expressions mirroring Seb’s concern.
Kimi leaned against Seb, his face twisted in pain.
“I’m fine. Just a little sore,” he groaned, trying to play it off.
Mark rolled his eyes, not buying it.
“Yeah, right. You’re about as convincing as a three-year-old trying to lie about stealing a cookie,” he said dryly.
Seb shot Mark a glare before turning his attention back to Kimi.
“Let me see,” he said, gently lifting up the back of Kimi's shirt to inspect his injury.
As Seb lifts up Kimi's shirt, he sees a large bruise forming on the small of Kimi's back, the skin red and inflamed.
“Ah, that looks painful,” Mark says, wincing as he sees the bruise.
Jenson and Fernando nod in agreement, their faces etched with concern.
“Come on, let's get you home” Mark says.
Kimi nods weakly, his face pale from the pain.
“Yeah, let’s go,” he mutters, trying to stand up. But as he tries to stand his legs buckle under him and he stumbles forward.
Seb quickly steadies him, looping an arm around his waist.
“Easy, mate. Let’s take it slow,” he says, supporting Kimi’s weight.
As they make their way back to the car, Kimi grimaces with each step, the pain flaring up with every movement.
Jenson and Fernando follow behind, watching with concern as Seb and Mark help Kimi.
Mark shakes his head as they reach the car, clearly annoyed.
“You just had to prove something, didn’t you?” he says, opening the car door for Kimi.
Kimi just grunts in response, too focused on the pain radiating from his back to come up with a snarky retort.
Seb helps him into the car, adjusting the seat so that Kimi is comfortable.
“Don’t be too hard on him, Mark. He was just trying to have some fun,” Seb says, trying to ease the tension.
“Oh and you're telling y/n what happened” Marks adds.
Kimi groans at the mention of Y/n.
“Ugh, can we just skip that part?” he mutters.
Seb chuckles, clearly amused by Kimi’s reluctance to tell you about the accident.
“Afraid your wife is gonna give you an earful?” he teases.
Mark,Jenson,Fernando and Kimi all exchanged looks before says “yes!”
Seb laughs, thoroughly enjoying their reactions.
“Oh please, it’s just a little back injury. I’m sure Y/n will understand,” he says, clearly underestimating the situation.
Jenson shakes his head, a knowing look on his face.
“Oh buddy, you have no idea what you’re getting into.”
Mark nods in agreement.
“Y/n won’t be happy about this. I mean, come on, Kimi. You’re not a young driver anymore. You have to be careful,” he says, his voice filled with concern.
Fernando chimes in.
“You’re lucky it wasn’t worse. You could have really hurt yourself,” he says, his expression serious.
Kimi groans again, knowing they’re all right.
“I know. I know. I just didn’t think it would end up like this,” he mutters, feeling guilty for worrying you.
Seb pats him on the shoulder.
“Hey, it’s okay. It was an accident. But you’re gonna have to face the music, pal,” he says, trying to lighten the mood.
Jenson nods in agreement.
“Yeah, you’ll just have to explain what happened and hope for the best,” he says, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Kimi sighs, knowing he has no way out of this.
“I guess you’re right. Let’s just get this over with,” he says, resignation in his voice.
As they arrive at Kimi's house, Kimi's anxiety grows. He knows he's in for it with you.
Seb and Mark help him out of the car, supporting his weight as they make their way to the front door.
Fernando and Jenson follow behind, still concerned about his injury. As they enter the house, Kimi’s heart sinks as he sees you sitting on the couch, reading a book. You look up as you hear the door open and your eyes widen in surprise as you see Kimi being supported by Seb, Mark, Fernando and Jenson.
“What happened?!” you exclaim, jumping up from the couch and rushing over to them.
Kimi looks at you sheepishly, feeling like a child who got caught doing something they weren’t supposed to.
“I uh...I had a little accident,” he mutters, avoiding your gaze.
Seb, Mark, Fernando and Jenson all step back, leaving Kimi to explain the situation. They exchange knowing glances, already bracing themselves for your reaction. You look at Kimi, anger and concern etched on your face.
“A little accident? What do you mean a little accident? You’re in pain, you can barely walk, and you have a massive bruise on your back!” you exclaim, your voice becoming louder with every word.
Kimi winces under your gaze, feeling like he’s been scolded by a teacher. "I know, I know. It wasn't supposed to go like this. It was just a fun ride, that's all, " Kimi tries to explain, his voice sounding small and meek.
Seb, Mark, Fernando and Jenson all stand there awkwardly, feeling like they're witnessing a couple's fight.
You shake your head in frustration, your hands on your hips.
"Just a fun ride? Oh, and I suppose that bruise on your back is just a temporary tattoo?!" you retorted, your eyes narrowing. Kimi rubs the back of his neck, feeling more and more like a child under your disapproving glare.
"I know it looks bad, but it’s not as bad as it looks," he says, trying to downplay the situation.
Seb, Mark, Fernando, and Jenson all inwardly cringe, knowing that he's only making things worse for himself.
They all watched as you sighed before saying “the important thing is that it doesn’t look major”
Kimi's eyes flick up at your words, a glimmer of hope in his gaze. He'd been expecting a worse reaction, so he's somewhat relieved by your calmer tone.
Mark, Seb, Jenson and Fernando all exchange glances, surprised that you're not chewing Kimi out like they thought you would.
“Let’s get you upstairs some grab the ice pack from the freezer and the heating pad from the hall closet” you said to the guys
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando nod, understanding your instructions.
Seb dashes off to the kitchen to grab the ice pack, while Mark heads to the hall closet to retrieve the heating pad. Jenson follows behind Mark, feeling a sense of relief that the situation isn’t escalating.
After a few minutes, all four men return, each holding the items you requested. Seb returns with the ice pack, which he hands to you, while Mark gives you the heating pad. Jenson and Fernando stand there, waiting for further instructions.
Kimi remains there, looking sheepish and embarrassed, as if he had just been caught sneaking a cookie from the jar.
You take the items from the guys, giving them a small smile of appreciation.
You then turn your attention back to Kimi, looking at him with a stern but loving expression.
"Come on, let's get you settled upstairs," you say, gesturing towards the stairs. Kimi nods obediently, wincing slightly as he takes a step, the pain in his back flaring up again.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando all exchange looks, impressed by how well you're handling the situation. They follow behind you and Kimi as you make your way upstairs.
As you reach the bedroom, you help Kimi settle onto the bed, making sure he’s comfortable. Then, with practiced ease, you place the ice pack on his bruised back, trying to reduce the inflammation.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando all hover nearby, watching you with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. “Thank you for bringing him home guys but I can’t take it from here” you said looking at the four men who were standing in the doorway.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando nod in understanding.
"Of course, no problem," Sebastian says, giving you a small smile.
Mark pats Kimi on the shoulder, a sympathetic look on his face. "Take it easy, mate. We'll check in on you later," he says.
Jenson and Fernando nod in agreement, their expressions showing their concern. "Yeah, get some rest, Kimi," Jenson says.
Kimi gives them a weak smile, appreciating their support.
"Thanks, guys. I'll be fine. Just need some rest," he says, his voice betraying how tired he truly is.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando chuckle slightly. "We know you're a tough old man, but even tough old men need to rest sometimes," Mark teases.
Kimi glares at Mark playfully before grumbling, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Just get outta here"
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando laugh, clearly amused by his attempt at being grumpy.
"Alright, we're going. You two behave now," Jenson teases, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Kimi rolls his eyes, but a hint of a smile forms on his lips.
"Yeah, we'll be fine. Thanks for your concern, lads," he mutters.
Seb, Mark, Jenson and Fernando all say their goodbyes and make their way out of the room, closing the door gently behind them.
Once they're gone, you and Kimi are left alone in silence. You focus on applying the ice pack to his back, making sure it's placed in the right spot.
Kimi watches you for a moment, grateful for your care.
"Thanks, love," he mumbles, his voice softer than usual. You look up at him, noticing the vulnerability in his expression.
"Of course, darling," you reply, a comforting smile on your face. "But next time, maybe stick to less dangerous activities, okay?"
Kimi huffs out a chuckle, his expression sheepish.
"Yeah, I guess I got a bit carried away, didn't I?" You nod, still holding the ice pack to his back.
"Just a bit. You're not a young driver anymore, you need to be careful," you say sternly, your tone betraying how much you worry about him.
Kimi winces a bit as the ice pack touches a particularly sore spot.
"I know, I know. I was just having some fun, that's all," he grumbles.
You shake your head, a playful smile on your lips.
"Fun is great, but not if it ends up with you hurting yourself like this," you say, gently chiding him.
Kimi sighs, knowing you're right.
"I know, I know. I should have been more careful," he mutters, wincing again as you apply more pressure with the ice pack. You pause for a moment, studying his face closely.
"You're lucky it's just a bruised back and not something more serious," you say, your voice filled with concern.
Kimi nods, feeling guilty for worrying you.
"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry for scaring you like that," he says, his expression remorseful.
You soften your expression, your eyes filled with love and understanding.
"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. Just...promise me you'll be more careful next time, okay? You're not invincible, no matter how much you like to think you are," you say, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Kimi chuckles weakly, looking up at you.
"Yeah, I know I'm not invincible. And I promise I'll be more careful from now on. No more showing off, I swear," he says, his expression sincere.
You smile at his promise, satisfied that he's taking this seriously.
"Good. I just want you to be safe," you say, gently removing the ice pack from his back.
Kimi sighs in relief as the coldness disappears, replaced by the feeling of your warm hand on his back.
"I know, and I appreciate it. I don't like worrying you like this," he mutters, his voice softer than before. You begin to gently massage his back, your fingers working to soothe the muscles under his skin.
"I know you don't. But accidents happen. Just promise me you'll be more careful in the future," you repeat, your tone still stern but filled with love.
Kimi nods, feeling the tension in his back slowly ease under your touch.
As you continue to massage his back, Kimi closes his eyes, completely relaxing under your touch.
"I promise, love. No more showing off. I'll be a good boy from now on," he mutters, a small smile on his face.
You chuckle at his words, amused by his choice of words.
"Good boy, huh? I like the sound of that."
You continue to massage his back, feeling a strong sense of affection for him.
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jweekgoji · 2 months
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wow how long has it been? two years since I wrote something for TUA? I still haven't rewatched it since I'm finally catching up with breaking bad but I hope I'll rewatch TUA next week or so. for some strange reason I feel that weird feeling like I need to come back to my fav fictional family with bread and milk and concentrate on it ughhh. when I rewatch it I will check that requests I had before for TUA and will finish them!
tw: yandere Five, unhealthy obsession, mentions of the reader's death, Five has ZERO moments of peace here, angst, controlling Five, mentions of Five's childhood, sort of happy ending?
I'm probably describing my thoughts sooo bad don't be mad please
Like we know, Reginald wasn't afraid to use his own «children» for every heroic mission. Bank robbery? He'll make a 14 year old kids deal with it. Some villains are trying to cause problems? Well, another time to test Number 1's leadership skills, no time for a happy childhood, kiddos! And that is basically what their life is.
Basically, the only source from which they can get the feeling of being needed, loved by the public, and recognized, if not by their father but by the citizens. Reginald trained them well, as long as there are 6 of them, they can deal with any kind of problem. I mean, come on, they're THE Hargreeves, one of the strongest people in the world who have unique superpowers, it's not like something might go wrong one day.
Five was always the most compatible member of the team, always trying to be the best. Despite only being the fifth in the ranking, it doesn't stop him from showing off every time he taunts another criminal, making them lose their minds in attempts to catch him.
It was another day when he and his siblings would find a criminal to deal with. Everything went smoothly, as Luther would discuss the plan with everyone. Klaus and Ben would be outside waiting for the signal, Allison and Luther would be the ones to distract the criminals from the hostages and Diego should disarm them before causing any serious trouble. Five would be the one who would save the hostages.
I think his abilities help the most in such situations. He can teleport any person away in just seconds and lead them into safety, no one would even notice. And if something happens, Five is capable enough to fight by himself.
You are the last hostage he protects now. He had already saved more than 10 people non-stop before, and for some reason, his powers refused to work. It's not like he is weak or something, no, no, just give him some time to catch his breath, and he will continue in a moment! He can't let someone see him like this, let alone let his father find out about this little problem.
He would huff and puff about it, probably imagining how Diego or Klaus were teasing him, how Five was losing his cool and accidentally forgetting how his own powers were working due to what a pretty little hostage Five talked to! And they're close to his age too, so it would be natural for his age to get shy and awkward in front of someone cute he found~! Well, at least it's exactly what he imagines hearing from Klaus after the mission.
Five wasn't quiet around people, usually. He enjoys talking with his siblings, well, with some of them—and he finds it amusing to toy with criminals.
For some reason, he is quiet around you.
Of course, he would try to reassure you that everything is fine, he is a good guy here, and soon enough, you would be safe. The only thing you have to do is just listen to him and follow his lead.
He didn't suspect everything, of course, and was so full of himself even at such an age, thinking nothing would go wrong. You were around his age, and naturally, despite being an arrogant little brat, he did find you quite cute. Maybe, if he had a different life, he would have approached you in different circumstances.
But Five learned the hard way that he's not the strongest and could never be the number one. He would never be able to save everyone. He just stopped paying attention for a one damn second, and the next thing he heard, was a gunshot. Five could feel your hand slipping away from his own, and he would look back just in time to see you almost stumbling, only to catch you in his own arms. Blood painted his dark blue uniform in red.
After that incident, Five became more obsessed with the idea of time travelling. If at first he wanted to prove to his father that he is capable of much more, to show that he's actually much better than everyone, this idea also feeds off his guilt. His first mistake, the only time he failed to do his task. And he just can't let go of it, no matter how much Viktor tries to tell him that it's really not his fault, that he couldn't predict it.
And then, during dinner, he runs away, despite Viktor silently begging him not to do it. Then he blinks again, again, and again, until it's nothing but ruins surrounding him. Until The Handler decides to pay him a visit, expect that he will probably be much more calculative and controlling. 40 years of being alone did it's horrible job on his mind, every day trying to survive while thinking about a possible way out of this situation. Maybe, if he makes much better calculations, he will actually succeed. But being away from humanity for so long makes him crave human contact, he already had that mannequin, Dolores, he could find, talking every day to her about how he actually missed his family, how he wants at least some kind of sick normalcy he had back in the academy. At least he had a place to live without worrying every day about his own survival.
During these moments, where he actually gives himself some time to be weak, he wonders would he still do this if you were still alive? Would he still risk everything just to make his father proud?
He didn't know much about you before. The police shortly said that day that one of the employees had a child in the building, and they were taken hostages by the villains. You were around his age, a young, probably promising student in your normal school, with caring parents and friends who worried about you. Something he craved deeply, even though he would have never admitted it.
When he couldn't have teleported you away safely, he led you through the second way out. He can tell you were scared. Of course, who wouldn't be? It's not like you were used to it. He isn't the gentlest person, more like focused on the business and how to end it all as fast as possible. But you were shaking mess, asking from time to time if it's safe or is actually everything okay? Five, in his some kind of nonchalant and gruff manner, would only nod, reassuring you that his siblings probably dealt with the villains by that time.
You looked so normal for him. You had no powers, no one made you train every day just to bend you into their high expectations, you didn't have to compete for someone's love and approval. You acted like he's just a normal person too, never bothering him with questions about his brothers or a sister, not trying to peek into some secret life of the Hargreeves family. Do you even know who he is?
Eventually, he can't remember who exactly started the dialogue. Was it you, who just wanted to talk about something so boring like your school life, or like that you probably skipped a few classes and missed a math test? Or was it him, remembering his trainings how he should try to make the worried and scared hostage less afraid by making a small talk with them? He's too old to remember every single detail. But he certainly remembered that he at least listened to what you said to him. That he was actually looking at you, giving you his full attention.
Maybe if he was born into a normal family, he would have had a chance to live that normal life with you. But that would be too kind to wish for, wasn't it? Now, that his hands are covered in blood of so many innocent people he had to kill, asking for a normal life is impossible. Even after taking hundreds of lives, he still can't understand why is the sight of yours in his hands any different? He thought he would be used to it by now. What kind of evil God makes him see it over and over again, in every goddamn timeline?
First, it was a villain killing you right in front of him. Second, it was the Swedes who killed you the next day they saw Five trying to talk to you. He almost lost his mind when he spotted you living near the same hotel where his siblings and he decided to stay. But once again, the more problems just followed, leading to another damn disaster to take you away.
When he lost his powers, he didn't know if he should feel relieved or more concerned about it. Of course, that means that he probably has to find Reginald, to get more answers about what the hell happened in this new universe. But that also meant that he finally has a chance to live like a normal person too. Like you did.
He was unfamiliar with this world. He felt lost, humiliated most of the time now that everyone treat him like he's actually younger than he is. At least people stopped treating him like a child, yet he still has to deal with someone underestimating him. He has to find a job, a place to live, for God's sake, how the hell is he going to live without any documents here?
The fate seemed to be connecting you two once again, as it seemed. You would meet him accidentally, one time you just saw him visiting a café you were working for and the same process would repeat again. This time, he would actually remember every single little detail. He would approach you first, carefully and as politely as he could. He still thinks that if he makes even the smallest mistake, he would experience your loss once again. This time he won't screw up, he would plan everything strictly to his scenario. Your meeting, your first date, your first 'I love you'. You might think he's just the most perfect guy you ever met, which actually... would not be so far from the truth? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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inuiiwonderland · 1 year
Hate that I still love you (part 2)
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A/n: Here is the long awaited part 2! (The bad (?) ending…or good one? Idk whatever you prefer) so sorry for the long wait! This should’ve been out a week ago but I lost track of time so that’s my fault!
You don’t remember when was the last time you felt like this. Feeling happy and in love. Everything feels ten times better when you're with the person you love.
Time sure does fly
It’s been a year after your break up with vil
And compared to back then, you feel more happy and loved.
Because Neige LeBlanche was the one to pick you back up on your feet and fix the hole in your heart.
And show you how it is to be loved
You never would’ve believed that you will move on from vil. Since at the time, you were so deeply in love with him that you couldn’t possibly move on and love another.
But look at you now
You finally moved on and met someone far more deserving of your love than vil. The person that you're with isn’t afraid to publicly admit his love and affection for you. He isn’t afraid to hold your hand and kiss you passionately in public. He isn’t afraid of letting everybody know that you're the one for him and he’s the one for you.
And that person is Neige LeBlanche
Neige loves you deeply. He loves holding your hand. He loves kissing you and taking you out on dates. He always makes time for you and doesn’t hide anything from you.
He truly loves you
And you're so happy that you finally found someone that loves you like how you love them. Someone who actually makes time for you instead of ignoring you. Someone who actually takes you out on dates instead of saying it’s a waste of time. Someone who isn’t afraid to show affection to you in public and someone who isn’t afraid to let all of twisted wonderland know that they are in love.
And the most important thing of all. You found someone who is loyal.
You groan as you hear your alarm go off. You covered your ears with the pillow, hoping it would drown out the sounds of the alarm that was currently going off.
“Y/n! Turn it off!” Grim says as he covers his ears. You roll your eyes before turning to the side to turn off the alarm. Once you did, you sat up and stretched.
“Good morning to you too grim” He yawns as he tiredly looks up at you.
“Why did you put up an alarm so early again? It’s the weekend!” You giggle before getting up.
“Because~ neige has something planned out for the both of us today!” You say excitedly as you walk to the bathroom. Grim follows tiredly.
“Am I going to stay with ace and deuce again? Ugh please no! Last time riddle went full tomato red and collared me along with ace!” He whines. You playfully rolled your eyes.
“I wonder why”
“I didn’t do anything!” You giggle as you continue to brush your teeth.
“So am I staying at heartslabyul again?” You shook your head no. He sighed in relief.
“Oh thank the sevens” After you were done with brushing your teeth and washing your face. You hurriedly walked out the bathroom to look for what to wear today.
“Hurry and brush your teeth”
“Huh? Wait! I’m coming with you?”
“Duh silly! I told you, didn't I?”
“Uh no you didn’t!”
“I did!”
“I said he has something planned for the both of us! Now go get ready!”
After getting ready and feeding a lazy grim, you finally started making your way to where neige wanted to meet up.
You were so excited to see him again after 3 whole days of only calling and video chatting. So you got there pretty fast. You smiled when you saw neige waiting for you by the tree and you quickly made your way towards him.
"Neige!" He immediately turned around when he heard you call his name and the boy immediately smiled.
“Y/n! Oh I’m so glad to see you again!” You giggle as he pulls you into a tight hug.
“Ah! And grim also came! I’m very glad he did” Grim just yawns which makes neige giggle before taking something out of his pocket and handing it to grim.
“Here! I got this for you on the way here” Grim eyes sparkled with joy as he saw the beautiful can of tuna in neige hand.
“Wha- good quality tuna?!” Grim then quickly grabs it from your boyfriend’s hand as he begins to eat.
“Grim, what do you say?” You ask sternly as you eyed him.
“Thnak yuo!” He says as he stuffs his mouth with more tuna. Neige only giggles as you roll your eyes.
“Sorry about that”
“No it’s fine! Grim is very cute” You look at grim and cringe once you see how messy the corners of his mouth are.
“Yeah…cute but messy” Neige giggles before grabbing your hands which causes you to turn and look at him.
“I talked with the headmaster of RSA about you transferring to the school and after some bit of convincing he agreed to let you transfer there!” Your eyes widen with excitement at the news.
“Mhm! And! Your dorm won’t be far away from mine! Oh! And I’ll also be the one to show you around!”
“Isn’t this amazing?!”
“It is! I can’t wait!”
“Woah woah woah! Your transfering to RSA?!” Grim screeches before looking at you with wide eyes. A hint of sadness in his eyes.
“Not only me grim, you too! Both of us are going to RSA”
“Huh? Wait, both of us?!”
“Yes, both of us!” You could see relief wash over him before he started to cheer.
“Yes! More fancy quality tuna for me!” But then his cheerful attitude goes away as he seems to remember something.
“What…what about the others? It’s not that I care about them or anything! It’s just…does ace and deuce know?” Your smile then falters as you suddenly remember about the friends you made at night raven.
“Ah…I-I forgot about that”
“Wait, does Crowley know?!”
“I’m sure Crowley won’t mind! But your friends on the other hand…” Neige then looks at you with worry. You made very good friends with the first years at night raven, so to suddenly then transfer to another school without them knowing made him a bit worried. And a little scared that you will change your mind.
“It’s fine! I’ll have a talk with them today”
“Are you sure?”
“Mhm! Everything will be fine neige”
“Your what?!”
Maybe you spoke too soon…
You awkwardly rub your arm as you sheepishly smile at your friends.
“Wait wait wait! You're telling me- us! That you are transferring to RSA?!”
“But-but what about NRC?! Your friends and teachers and us?!”
“You can’t leave us!”
“Human! How dare you even think about transferring to RSA of all places!”
“That school sucks!”
“Why do you wanna finish school off in a place full of bratty little rich kids!”
“Yeah! Why go where the losers are when you can be here with us cool night raven folks!” You roll your eyes at the insults that ace and epel spit out about rsa as you fold your arms against your chest.
“I’ll be graduating this year, and I think spending my last year of school at rsa with my boyfriend will be a good idea”
They all frowned but knew that they couldn’t convince you to stay since you were already so determined to leave to rsa. Deuce sighs before giving you a small smile.
“If it’s your decision to go to rsa to finish your last year of school there then I’ll respect your decision” You smile at that as you playfully punch his shoulder.
“Thanks deuce”
“Mmph…I guess it’s fine that you’ll go…”
“You better not forget about us!”
“Don’t start thinking that those spoiled little rich kids are better than us!”
“I hope we’ll still be in contact” jacks says and you look at him with a smile.
“Of course we will. I won’t forget about my cute lil brothers that I’ll leave behind!” You say as you pull both ace and epel in a headlock as they both groan and whine for you to let them go.
“I’ll make sure to text and call you guys everyday! And we’ll definitely make plans to hang out too!”
“You better!”
You giggle as you pull them all into a group hug
“I’ll miss you guys! Don’t start causing too much trouble now okay?” They nod as they hug you back.
“RSA still sucks…”
He couldn’t believe his ears once he heard that you would no longer be attending night raven college.
And to then transfer to Royal sword academy of all places made him sick. But why? Why go there when you were perfectly fine here? His brows furrowed when he heard the news from epel who was complaining to rook about how it’s not fair that those “snobby rich kids” will be able to see his big sister (you) everyday.
And during epels complaints, he heard a name that he despises oh so much.
Neige LeBlanche
Oh he’s heard of Neige LeBlanche alright
And he also knows about the lovely relationship between you and neige too. When news of Neige being in a relationship broke out, everyone was talking about it. Everyone knew that neige was in love and just the way he would talk about his mysterious girlfriend had everyone wondering who this person was.
Vil of course didn’t care about it at the time. Why would he care about Neige LeBlanche's love life? He had other things to worry about other than neige useless love life.
But when not just a week later when neige mysterious partner was revealed and was all over the news and social media with pictures of you and neige looking so deeply in love it was then when he started paying a little bit more attention. And feeling a bit weird about the situation.
You? And neige?
He couldn’t believe it. You actually moved on. Vil never expected you to move on from him. He never even expected you to end up with his rival of all people!
To say he was shocked when he first saw the pictures of you and neige. He couldn’t believe his eyes.
But it’s fine. Vil shouldn’t even care about who you end up with. He shouldn’t even care about you anyways. You moved on and you're in love with somebody else. He shouldn’t care that his rival neige now has you in his arms.
He has emi! The one girl he truly loves. The girl that makes his heart flutter and cheeks darken.
He loves emi, not you.
But why does he feel weird about your relationship with neige? And why did he seethe with anger when he found rook’s secret fan page account for you and neige?
It’s just a stupid fan account. Why should he even care about that?
He angrily wipes his makeup off as his eyes are glued to the tv screen.
“Hello twisted wonderland! It is such an amazing and exciting night today! I am here with neige LeBlanche tonight and today we are going to talk about the exciting news about neige love life! More specifically, his mysterious girlfriend y/n l/n!”
The camera then shows neige who sweetly smiles to the camera and everyone as pink dust decorates his cheeks.
“Haha I’m very glad to be here tonight lily! And especially if we’re going to be talking about my dear girlfriend!” The crowd awes as vil scoffs.
“Glad to have you here neige! So about this girlfriend of yours, how did the two of you meet?”
“Ahh it’s actually a funny story! I was at the wonderland mall when I first met her! I was kinda..running away from some trouble when she came by and saved me!” Again, the crowd cheers and awes at neige story.
“It was like love at first sight when I saw her! I think she looked very beautiful while she said that she didn’t since she was wearing sweatpants and a large t-shirt when we first met!”
“Haha! That cute. And so, what happened after she saved you?”
“I offered her a free meal! And to also get a chance to get to know her better!”
“Wow! All because she saved you?” Neige blushes as he nods.
Vil glares at the TV as Neige continues to talk.
“Yeah, I had a great time with her that day! After that we exchanged numbers and soon became friends”
“Aww! That so cute! I also heard that she now attends royal swords academy! Is that true?”
“It is a 100% true! I’m happy she attends the same school as me so I can see her everyday now!”
“Oh how cute is that!”
Vil grabs the remote before turning off the TV. Already having enough of the interview.
His phone then rings as emi name pops up on his notifications.
Let’s hang out at my place this weekend! If your not busy
The text read.
Right. He’s with emi. He shouldn’t feel weird about you and neige.
He loves emi, not you.
I‘ll be free this weekend.
He texts back before gently putting his phone down before starting his skincare routine.
Vil is too prideful to admit that deep down he knows that he made a huge mistake of leaving you.
But he would never admit that
Again sorry for not updating anything! I’m currently very sick rn so even getting out of bed feels like a chore😓 hope you guys enjoyed tho!
Tag: @41sh4
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weirdsht · 2 months
"Would u like to hear me yap about regressor!reader x cale? (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡ or not? ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^" "If it's a fic prompt why not? 👀"
OKKKKK 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 .
Ughhh imagine Cale and the gang with someone who regressed because of them and they had no clue about it. In the 1st timeline, everything was fine, they meet the fam, do crazy things, and form relationships until they realized a lot of their companions get hurt or shockingly die. They were a transmigrator like Cale as well, they read the TCF novel, so they were heavily confused a lot of times when out of expectations scenarios happened. Like why are things that never happened in the TCF novel keep happening?
One time they died, then unexpectedly regressed to the starting line, like they came back to the place and age they first gained vision of the TCF world. They try to make everyone safe all while forming unbreakable bonds with her companions at heart.
Sooo in the end they find out that everything happened because of their existence. They were an anomaly, something that shouldn't mess with the original plotline for the journey of Cale Henituse and his family, so that was why they were the target, but somehow, their enemies end up causing harm to the wrong people a lot of times because they try to fight before reader can even lift a finger. Though, none of them know that every time reader dies by their enemy's hands, they regress to their own starting point before they meet everyone. Timeskip they end up dying again lol
In the third timeline, angst and shi, they avoid everyone since they were the main characters and they weren't her enemy's enemy. Thankfully, they survive until the end of the war.
Imagine reader and their loved ones meet again :(( they don't remember about them but somehow the gang keeps stumbling upon reader and they keep seeing weird scenarios and thoughts about reader which confuses them to the max (AND WHY IS READER VISIBLY AVOIDING THEM??? Sus) because they've never met this person before, especially Cale
Insert guilty as sin's "I'm seeing visions, am i bad or mad or wise?" LOLOL
If it's too long or u can't understand the shit i just spilled, it's ok to js keep this as an unanswered ask
I just like to yap and overshare 😭💟
Apparently Not - LoTCF & Regressor! Reader
tags: gender-neutral reader, regressor reader, vague novel spoilers, hurt/comfort (not sure if it hurts though), very loosely inspired by how orv uses the disconnected film theory
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read navi)
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The first time was confusing.
Scenarios that did not happen in the novel kept happening. For some reason despite Cale’s actions being mostly the same, the timeline has taken another course. Things did not go their way. It seems like the enemies are cunning too. They laid out plans that [name] had never read before. Their inadequacy caused the regressor to die at the hands of the magic spearman.
The second time was devastating.
[Name] thought that they got it this time. Thought that they had prepared enough even if things went south.
But why..?
Why is nothing going Cale’s way?
Why are they still losing?
Why is the sword of disaster piercing their heart?
Why are Raon’s teary eyes the last thing they could see before they die?
[Name] thought they were prepared. They thought that with the help of the original novel and their first regression, they could get through everything.
But that was not the case. Time and time again things that did not happen before kept happening. No matter what they did all the favours stack up to the White Star’s favour.
In the [Name] died whilst unable to do anything.
The third time felt like an enlightenment.
Huff. Huff
[Name] woke up with a jolt. They could still feel the fiery sword piercing through their skin and bones. However, when they touch where they have been stabbed there’s nothing there. Their body was perfectly intact as if everything was merely a nightmare.
They must be back then. Back in the starting line. Back to the time when Cale and the others have not met the regressor yet.
‘If I don’t insert myself into the narrative maybe things will go according to the novel?’
Yeah, that must be it.
And so [name] did their best to blend in as a background character. Of course, they still helped behind the scenes. But they made sure to stay out of the spotlight. They have been better at doing that compared to Cale anyway.
They manage to both survive and not have any run-ins with what used to be their family for a long time. It hurt [name] to deliberately avoid the people they love the most, but it had to be done. They can’t be selfish for it will cause the world’s demise.
However, everything changed during the war against White Star.
“Have I met you somewhere before?”
Alberu asks them as they bump into each other after the battle on the Stan Territory. This sent [name] into a mild frenzy. Their original goal was to just weaken the enemies from the shadows, help free the prisoners and then disappear as they they never existed. But now they have come face-to-face with Alberu.
“I wasn’t aware that the rising sun of our kingdom was such a flirt.”
It took everything in the regressor to not cry. Just seeing the quarter-dark elf’s face was enough to make them emotional. Enough to make them remember all those late nights they have spent together talking. All the days they spent bonding over baking. All those talks they had about Cale being a headache.
Not able to take any more overwhelming emotion, [name] excused themself. Disappearing in the shadows once more. Leaving Alberu confused at the interaction.
That night Alberu had dreams of ranting all his dongsaeng problems to a certain regressor that he was sure he had never met before.
What [name] thought was a one-time thing became a frequent occurrence.
Choi Han, Raon, On, Hong, Ron, Beacrox, Rosalyn, Eruhaben…
[Name] kept running into them like a joke by fate.
As if the world wanted to rub it in their face that they could never be part of that family. That their presence will only bring them demise.
So every time they have a run-in with one of them they run away. They didn’t care if they looked like a frightened dog with its tail tucked between its legs. Didn’t care if the interaction always left the other party confused. Could not care if sometimes tears are pooling in their eyes when they have to turn their back once more.
That was until [Name] encountered Cale.
The one person they have been avoiding the most.
Others were fine. Sure it hurts having to run away from them but [name] can just cry it off for 2 nights and they’ll be able to function once more.
But not with Cale.
They can never run away from Cale.
Hence why silence lingered over them as they stared eye-to-eye. Both of them did not break eye contact even when a lone tear dripped on [name]’s cheek.
“I-I’m sorry I don’t know what’s gotten over me. I must’ve confused you for someone I know.”
[Name] tried to hastily wipe their tears as more flowed from their eyes. Their dam of emotions finally overflowed upon meeting Cale and there was nothing the regressor could do to stop it.
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I’ll get out of your way now.”
They couldn’t see the redhead’s expression due to their tears. However, they were sure he was looking at them weirdly. The mere thought of it hurts, but it’s not as if [name] could blame him since he didn’t know them
Thus why they are now trying to walk away from the situation.
Keyword being try.
How could they when Cale is holding onto their wrist? When he pulled them back in his direction to wipe their tears away?
“You must’ve suffered quite a bit.”
Cale mumbled in their hair as he let the regressor cry in his chest.
The action confused [name]. Cale was kind, but not this kind towards strangers.
“What do you–”
[Name] tried to ask but Cale shoved their face in his chest more to prevent them from speaking.
“[Name]... My records never lied to me. The moment I saw you, recordings of our past timeline resurfaced.”
Ah, so that’s why…
“Then you must also know why I went this route. Let me go…”
Please let me go before I lose my will to fight.
Please let me go before I fall for your warmth once more.
“No, your place is with us. Everything will work out this time. I promise.”
Cale stroked [name]’s hair. He has no plans of letting them be on their own again. They’re family, even if Cale has to flip the world upside-down just to make sure they will remain one.
“You’ve been away for long enough. Let’s go home now.”
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
so hear me out... snowleopard! satoru getting SUPERRRR needy. like somehow more than usual. mans is PANTING cause of how bad he needs you
GULP... imagining him displaying submissive behaviors the second you walk into your shared bedroom.
laying on his back. stomach exposed. ears low. and tail swishing arounf him ina anticipation hoping that you understand what hes trying to get at
teehee and then you overstim him past the point of tears 😇 ughhh i can js hear him babbling half coherent "thank you's"and his cute tail wrapped around you
GRAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY RRRRRRRRAHHHHHHHH HE'S IN A RUTTTTTTT😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫HIS SHIRT IS RIDING UP HIS STOMACH SO PERFECTLY AND HE KNOWS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his happy trail says hello and you know you just have to play with him hihihhiii
no but srsly the image of him down on his back, wriggling and swiveling on the bed with his tail dancing around, inviting you closer and closer is just😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫he's already leaking through his boxers bc he's just soooo fucking desperate. his face is so flushed and he looks soooo fucking cute gray i can't do this. you'd hover above him and spit in his mouth - you don't even need to tell him anything, he parts his lips soooo willingly it makes you even more insane. his tail wraps around your upper thigh, around the most sensitive area and it tickles. but this isn't about you!!!!!! your baby wants attention, he needs it. and who are you to deny him?
crying and whimpering, hips bucking up into your hand as you jerk him off. refusing your own body just to see his pretty teary eyes:((((( he can't even be mad bc he thinks it so hot. he wants you to be meaner. he wants it to hurt a little. it feels so good.
he ends up cumming all over your hand and when you raise it to his mouth, he laps it all up so fucking eagerly that you promise yourself to make him cum atleast another three times. he looks absolutely fucked out below you, his fingers dig into your sides, silently pleading for more. he want you to milk him dry:(((((((((((((( please he wants you and your touch soooooo badlyy:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((he's so cute i wanna bite himm:((((((((((((
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rosiestalez · 22 days
hi hi, ok ok so what abt gambit helping out f!reader when she’s drunk (they’re in an established relationship) ughhh i just want to see him being caring 😩
anyways thank u sm and hope u have a good day/night 😋
Remy Takes Care of you after drinking:
Gambit(Remy LeBeau) x fem!reader
SURE! Here’s something! It’s short, but I think it does the job. He’s a southern man so he’s a gentleman💜.
Warnings: Alcohol, Remy is a little older than the reader, but not explicitly mentioned (I just thought that it would make sense for this lil not so drabble). Drunk reader, picture is from Pinterest!
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You and Remy had engaged in a extremely long night of drinking, partying, poker, and whatever else he came up with. Compared to you, who is a light weight, Remy seemed fine, he’s holding his own. He’s not stumbling, slurring, or giggling uncontrollably like you happen to be. This ragin’ Cajun knew how to party; it’s like it was in his blood.
He guided you up the stairs of the shared home, his hand placed kindly on the small of your back while the other fiddles with the door knob. You can’t help but laugh, “baby I believe that is the wrong key”, your words slurring.
“Oh, s’rry mon amour”, he fiddles with his key chain again before finding the right key and opening the door with ease, “alri, les gon ahead and get you inside”, you stumble in, he’s holding you to stop you from falling over. He softly sits you down on the bench by the door sliding off your heals, and helping you take off your jacket. You sit there for a second just staring at the spinning walls while he makes you a glass of ice water. “Here ya go Cherie, don’t chug”, handing you the glass; you do what he says and take tiny sips while he picks you up and carries you to the bedroom. He grabs the glass from your hand placing it onto the dresser and slowly lowers you onto the bed.
“Reeeeemmmyyy!!!!”, you whine grabbing at his hands to pull him down beside you, to bad he’s stronger than you resisting your motions. He snickers at you; he strips your dress off, “ahhh yes!”, you moan when he takes off your bra. He can’t help but smile at your antics.
“That feel better amour?”, you bite your lip nodding drunkenly, your eyes are so hazy and your ears feel like they are filled with water. He grabs some pajamas and dresses you before tucking you into the plush sheets of the bed. He kisses your forehead, runs down to the kitchen grabbing an ice pack to keep you cool so you don’t start feeling sick. He puts it on your neck and rolls you on your left. “Bonne nuit, mon amour, Je t’aime”, he kisses you again on the cheek knowing you’re already out cold he walks over to his side of the bed shutting off his bedside lamp. He watches you for a couple minutes before drifting off to sleep himself.
another a/n at the end, but this is for all the girlies who get sick a lot or for people who don’t know, but always try to keep cool. when i get nauseous i get hot and an ice pack keeps me from throwing up, laying on your stomach on the left side also helps. also humming when you feel like you’re gonna spill your guts.
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mirnightghost · 1 year
I finished-
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Okay, let me first say important things that are more likely to be addressed to the fandom, and then thoughts. love thoughts.
I didn’t spend enough time with the characters, so I can’t choose clothes for them, let alone mugs SO if you have mug/pyjama ideas I would love to hear them "Pajamas? Mir, are you five?" Pajamas are cool. Everyone who disagrees is just not cool enough-
Btw, it's tea, not coffee. Yeah, because I said so
That's it, important information is over, then just another wall of text
I liked the process, but I don't like the result... Yes guys, drawing people is still torture- In the end, you sit and fight with a sketch for three hours... but each attempt increases the skill ⚔
(oh yes, and I'm also an idiot and decided to take the color of his scar through a pipette. And draw another scar with the same color. And it doesn't work like that.)
I like to draw them. It's so...unusual. 'Cause I usually spend five years in a fandom with no fanart because I'm physically sick-
I consider it a success
Before that, I drew sketches without painting, and here is a new level (but this is because the skin tone is easy to select, since cartoons are very simple in this regard)
Yes, I still don't like the result, but it won't be the best if I give up. Thanks to everyone who supports my art in general! And a special thanks to my partner, without whom I would not have got out of the abyss of thoughts to take the stylus pen.
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neetily · 1 month
ugh piss kink going wild so have some thoughts about it with an assortment of people
Sam who never listens when you tell him you need to go to the bathroom when you’re in the middle of sex, who would rather you pee on him than make him leave your warmth, he already puts a towel down what’s the harm?
Whitney who presses on your bladder, degrades you when you squirm and whine to get him to stop but he doesn’t, not until he’s thoroughly entertained
Alex (SDV) who tries, really he does!, to do it properly. Get you comfy with the idea of it but ends up fucking you in the shower and not pulling out until he pissed inside and wants to watch it pour out of you. gross isn’t it? he doesn’t really care though, he’ll clean you up later
PISS KINK. where my pissers at 🗣️!!!!!!
thank u for sending this in. sorry it took me a bit to get to it, i was dying <3
MDNI. piss warning ofc !!!
sammy the lover boy... he just doesn't care, does he? or rather, he cares about every part of you way too much!!! it's okay, if y'gotta piss, then piss he'd reassure you, heart skipping a beat at the thought of being covered in your scent. he doesn't even slow down to allow you breathing room as you try to hold it in in spite of his words, only in turn making him feel even better as your muscles clench and contract around his fat cock with swiftly dwindling promise. ughhh the way he'd pound into you harder too, kissing your bright red with embarrassment cheeks all sloppily, huffing against your ears that it's okay, s'fuckin' hot in between moans. and he means it!!! he gets off on fucking you so good that you end up pissing yourself, getting him all messy with pee, just so in love with every part of you. even your piss. cause at the end of the day, it's just another liquid to him. no different from when he eats you out all night long and swallows your slick down his parched throat. maybe that's something he can convince you to do next time, right?
whitney is just so cruel with it. a complete sadist, force feeding you copious amounts of water on a hot summers day in school just knowing that you'll try to excuse yourself to the bathroom soon enough— but he doesn't let you go. grabs your wrist to tug you towards him instead of the door and makes you sit on his lap, squirmy little princess rubbing his clothed cock so well as you struggle to keep your composure in front of his taunts and teases. bet y'need to go so bad, huh? god, imagine how embarrassing it'd be if ya pissed yourself in front of so many people, right? poking and prodding at your bladder knowingly as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, pressing your lower half closer to his front, the feeling of your thighs squeezing around his lap is enough to have him gasping for air. make a mess and you're fuckin' in for it, slut. he'd warn you, but he secretly hopes that you do piss yourself— not just for his own selfish gratification, but so that he can punish you with his own stream of waste in the boys bathroom, buried balls deep in your soaking piss cunt to fill her up again.
alex just wants to try it out!! that's all. he swears. the gnawing thought of coating you in yellow, of warming you up with his stink, it won't leave him alone !! god, the thought of marking you all up in his scent especially? drives him crazy !!! and it's not that he's trying to be sneaky about it, no, never !! he's just a lil shy... a scared boy, worried about what your reaction might be to his perversion... but in the shower, you'd surely not be able to tell the difference, right? he'd get what he wants, and you'd be none the wiser. he just wants to try it out. pressing you against the shower glass, tits squished against the soapy surface as he spreads your ass cheeks open for his viewing pleasure. it's building quickly, he can feel the tight pressure in his abdomen, heavy balls slapping against you with loud smacks as he repeatedly buries himself to the hilt over and over again. and yet still he holds back, refuses to cum first— not until he's released his piss inside of you. and he's got you spread to watch it happen, the shower water trickling down his backside as he pulls out enough to leave just the tip inside of you, offering you small rocking fucks so that you don't think anything is amiss, but he can see it shoot out of him, eyes glued to where his piss gushes out of your overstuffed cunt and down his length, his balls, fuck, how it drips down your thighs? he might have just wanted to try it out, but he makes a mental note to try it again every shower time in future too.
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