#another lil one cause i noticed it when i was giffing the other set
buckleysbegins · 1 year
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Forehead kisses from Maddie
Buck Begins // In Another Life
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jakeyp · 1 year
can you do a tut. for this set https://at.tumblr.com/jakeyp/b99-certainly-not-a-tumblr-bot-description/f7a9lvd4z70q
sure but... maybe next time say please at least akjshdk (please)
the tutorial is under the cut!
first off, you need the fonts helvetica, helvetica bold, and helvetica rounded bold (you can just download the whole family adsjd)
let's begin! the dimensions of our gif will be 540 width x 370 height:
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ik it says 368 there but... ignore that aksdhsk
!! pay attention to the amount of frames of the gif !!
anyway we have it colored, sharpened and ready, right? we're gonna click here on canvas size:
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we're going to make our canvas 540x540, basically we're just changing the height so the gif becomes square, and then we drag the gif to the top of the canvas:
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next up, we're going to create a rectangle, the dimensions for it will be 540 width, 180 height, and we'll place it at the bottom:
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the rectangle doesnt necessarily have to be black cause themes right? but i like it like this :)
next, for the icon thingy, we have to make a second gif, which will be 110 x 110! it has to have the same amount of frames as the first gif!
covert the second gif to a smart object, and copy paste it on top of the first one:
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we place it there, and then move it up 20 px:
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to make it circular, create a circle with the elipse tool, it will also be 110x110! place it over your small gif:
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now, with the elipse layer selected, and pressing control click on the layer to select your circle:
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then click on add a layer mask:
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and this is what you'll get:
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then, click and hold the mask and drag it to the small gif layer, like this:
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we don't need the circle layer anymore so you can delete it or make it invisible!
now that the small gif is circular, right click on it and covert it to a smart object!
then, add a gradient map to it:
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now you can make it brigther and even sharpen it if u want!
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next up double click on the layer of the small gif and add a strok of 10px to it:
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with the gif i chose its not too noticeable but akdksjd formalities :)
now, with the font helvetica bold, size 45, add a text layer and write "Untitled", then make it the color of your gif. using the align tool, i centered it the text on the canvas:
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then move it down 178px:
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honestly i wasnt precise at all about the position of my text when i was making the set but if u like it to organized this is more or less where the text should be!
next, the description text, use regular helvetica size 18! (im gonna just keyboard smash it for the example) place it below the title:
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for the emojis i literally looked them up on google like "winky face emoji windows) cause i had no other choice but if u have an easier way to add them go ahead!
anyway, you have your sexy description:
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for the username in the left upper corner, we'll use helvetica rounded bold, size 18:
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again, if you wanna be precise about your coordinates, just keep them in mind so they can be the same in all the gifs!
for the lil icons and arrow next to the username, i also googled literally "gift icon" and "loupe icon" etc etc. what i do is i have my image. the icon has to be black and the background white:
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i paste it on tumblr and use the magic eraser tool to erase the white part, then set the layer to exclusion and invert the layer! (ctrl + i to invert!)
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so we have it there, and now we have to add a color overlay, which we'll set to hard light:
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and now make your icon smaller! 22px for the height is okay i think, the width will vary!
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then repeat that with all the little icons, (for the arrow we simply erase the white part and invert!) i made the chat icon myself but u don't need to be so thorough!
you don't have to make the icons/text exactly the same size as me! it's okay if its a bit different as long as it looks similar to tumblr akshjskd
lastly, arrange the icons at the top, and voila!
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that's it! :) if you have any problems or something i said wasn't understandable you can send another ask!
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OH MY GOSH can I maybe possibly request Steve x Eddie’s sister/sibling!reader I’m so excited you wrote for him like- love u byeeee
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*One of the gayest photos ive seen but we'll talk abt that another time*
*Nother lil side note: I went to get water and when I came back this gif was on my screen AND I SQUEALED AND GIGGLED. THATS WHAT KINDA HOLD THIS MAN HAS OVER ME. ok imma stfu and let you get to reading* *LAST ONE I SWEAR: Listened to this while writing:) .... and this :)))*
~Yall actually met before the Vecna stuff
~You're in your senior year for the FIRST time unlike your idiot brother Eddie
~You're not in hellfire but you do spend A LOT of time with them
~Literally the mom of the group
~You have other friends that you'd gladly hang out with but you stay with them because the minute you leave one of them is gonna end up somehow missing a finger
~They need adult supervision at all times and youre the best they got even though Eddie is literally a year older than you
~You were the one who convinced Eddie to invite Mike, Dustin, and Lucas to Hellfire (He didn't wanna at first cause they were "shrimpy freshmen" his words not mine)
~Dustin excitedly ranting to Steve about the group when he first joined
~"He's so cool! He gets on the table n shit and doesnt give a shit about what people say"
~"Dude I don't wanna hear about Eddie 'The Freak' Munson"
~"He has a sister y'know... she's 18. She's pretty awesome too. And single"
~"Well that's great for her" (mf started zoning dustin out at this point poor dustybun)
~Dustin thinks you'd be so fucking perfect for Steve so whenever he sees him he always always always finds some way to work your name into the conversation
~He starts doing the same to you poor boy is set on this ship and will not give up till it sails
~Eddie gets so pissed whenever Dustin brings up Steve. His mood noticeably changes but Dustin, being Dustin, can't take the hint
~You cant be mean to Dustin cause you find him so sweet and adorable so you just endure it even though you have really no intention of talking to Steve 'The Hair' Harrington
~Literally 3-4 months had passed and Dustin was still talking you up to Steve and vice versa even though the two of you still hadn't met
~The Hellfire club was hanging out at the trailer park and when everyone was leaving you heard Dustin say he was gonna go to the video store so you decided to drive him cause you borrowed Robin's history notes cause you ditched class
~You took Eddies keys while he was using the restroom and made sure to leave before he could yell at you for stealing his car again
~You went inside with Dustin and he introduced you and Steve
~"Steve! This is Y/n"
~He gave you a small nod, unaware of what to do. You tried to match his awkward energy so you just gave him a small wave
`"I'm Steve"
~"I know. Little Dustin over here doesn't shut up about you"
~Dustin has the widest smile on his face seeing the two of you meet for the first time but it immediately drops when he hears you call him "little"
~"Hey what the hell"
~"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it 'Dustybun'" you said as you messed with his hair
~"I've told you already! Only Suzie calls me that!"
~You start laughing at Dustins face cause he looks so pissed and oml when Steve hears you laugh his heart MELTS
~He loves the way you treat Dustin
~Its hasn't even been a minute but mans is already down bad for you
~"Anyways, is Robin here? I borrowed her history notes and I'm just here to drop off little dustybun and give her her notes back"
~"Stop calling me Dustybun!"
~"Uh she's not here yet but she should be in about 15 minutes"
~"Oh alright. Can you give these to her when she gets here then?"
~"I mean or you could stay? Y'know, make sure she gets the notes safely. Plus it'd give me a chance to get to know you better..."
~You stand there for a second contemplating it. You were curious to get to know more about Steve Harrington, especially since Dustin was constantly talking about him. Eddie will kill you if you have his car for too long without asking though, which was even more of a reason to stay. God you love pissing your brother off.
~"Well what do you wanna know Harrington?"
~The two hit it off surprisingly well
~So well in fact that even after you give Robin her notes, you stay longer
~The moment you leave Steve's decided that he's in love. Like thats that. His search for the right woman is over. He's found you and he's gonna try his damnedest to win your heart
~When you got back to your trailer Eddie was fuming
~He was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and his leg bouncing up and down while staring at the door
~"My my, what ever is wrong dear brother?"
~"What have I told you about taking my car without permission?!?"
~"Relax I was only gone for 30 minutes"
~"YOU WERE GONE FOR 2 HOURS! What were you even doing?! I thought you were just dropping off Henderson!"
~"I stayed a bit longer to talk to Steve"
~"No Eddie, fucking Steven Spielberg"
~Steve constantly bugging Dustin about you and asking him random ass questions about you
~Dustin deciding to be his wing-man for once, he's always asking you to drive him to the video store
~Constantly stealing Eddies car to take Dustin
~Every time you drop him off, you always stay for an extra hour just talking with Steve
~He tries to flirt with you but he gets so nervous when you're around he becomes Scoops Ahoy Steve again
~Dustin and Robin literally face palming whenever he says something stupid but you finding his failed flirting attempts absolutely adorable
~Eddie constantly asking you what's up with you and Harrington
~Telling him you're just friends but him continuing to nag you
~Eventually having enough with your brother bs so you throw a pillow in his face
~Him throwing one back
~Munson sibling pillow fights>>>>>>
~3 months of you and Steve talking at the video store and he still hasn't asked you out
~Robin and Dustin taking bets on when he'll finally confess
~You constantly go to the video store to talk with Steve, with or without Dustin
~One day you were sitting on the counter reading your book while Steve worked and all of a sudden he just kinda blurted the words "movie theater"
~You looked up from your book to see him looking at you
~"I, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me"
~"Only on one condition"
~"You let me pick the movie"
~Steve regained his confidence and the two of you started going back and forth as you always did, laughing and talking
~The two of you decided that Steve would pick you up at 7 and you would surprise him with the movie
~"Wait so let me get this straight. Steve 'The Hair' Harrington... asked you out on a date?"
~"Jeez don't sound so surprised. Your little sister is a very desirable woman"
~"Yeah, sure" Eddie said as he scoffed and rolled his eyes
~"Anyways, it's not a date. At least I don't think it is"
~"You've been hanging out with Steve Harrington every day for the past 3 months. It's a date."
~"Go away and let me finish getting ready please"
~"Sure. Meanwhile I can dust off my 'Protective Older Brother' speech"
~"I will hurt you. Get out. Now."
~"What exactly are your intentions with my little sister, Harrington?" Eddie said, mockingly
~"Out!" You said as you threw a pillow with him and he ran out cackling
~At almost 7 exactly, you saw Steve's car pull up to the trailer and you checked yourself really quickly in the mirror before going to meet him at the door, but much to your dismay, Eddie opened the door before you could get there
~"Hey, uh, is Y/n ready?"
~You could HEAR the nervousness in his voice
~"Depends, who's asking?"
~"Eddie, don't be an ass"
~"Sorry Y/n/n, it's habit by now" (God I can just picture his cocky ass smile)
~You roll your eyes before greeting Steve
~"Hey Harrington"
~"H-hey. You ready, gorgeous?"
~Meanwhile Eddie is gagging his soul out behind you after hearing that
~Idk bout yall but I would just combust right then and there... anyways :)
~Steve holds out his hand to help you down the steps and you gladly take it
~As the two of you walk towards his car you turn around to see Eddie still standing in the doorway and you silently jump up and down to show him your excitement
~Has the cutest big brother smile on his face after seeing how excited you are
~Steve opens the door for you and Eddie shouts to the two of you
~"Hey! You better keep your hands to yourself Harrington!"
~You flip him off through the open car window
~No cause why can I picture Steve almost FALLING when trying to walk around the front of the car to get to the drivers seat. You can't tell me you don't see it. Argue with the wall. I do every day... lets not get into my psychological issues and get back to the story :D
~As the two of you are driving there you sing along to the songs on the radio together
~"So what movie are we watching?"
~"You'll see when we get there"
~You guys finally get there and walk up to the ticket booth
~"Two tickets for Clue please"
~"Really?! Clue?! Haven't you seen that movie 4 times already?"
~"5 times actually. Plus you've never seen it! You cant go through your life never having watched Clue!"
~You reach into your pocket to pull out your wallet and Steve sees
~"Put that away. I'm paying"
~"No you're not. I chose the movie, I pay"
"You may have chosen the movie, but I'm the one who asked you out"
~"You barely asked me! All you said was 'movie theaters'"
"I'm paying!"
~"No you're not!"
~As you tried to pull your money out, Steve snatched your wallet out of you hand and you stared at him in disbelief
~"Uh! Gimme my wallet back Harrington!"
~"No! You'll get it back after our date."
~"Oh so this is a date?" you asked teasingly
"Oh, uh, I mean if you want it to be"
~The way his vibe quickly deteriorated after realizing what he said
~"Okay fine. I'll get my wallet back after our date"
~Ion wanna be cheesy, but imma be cheesy cause its Steve motherfucking Harrington
~The classic both hands in the popcorn bucket thing happened (if you dont know what that is, its this thing in movies and shows when the love interests go to the movies and reach for popcorn and there hands touch and they get all awkward and flustered)
~Steve did the stupid thing where he slowly inched his hand closer to yours so he could eventually hold it but you could clearly see what he was trying to do, so you moved his drink onto the ground, lifted the arm rest, and lifted his arm around your shoulder and laid against his chest
~He was flustered as hell. He was not expecting you to do that
~After the movie he drove you home and you could tell he was nervous the entire way
~He walked you to the door but you dragged him to the back of the trailer where there was no window cause you knew Eddie would watch if you guys said goodbye in front of the door
~Before he could comprehend what you were doing, you put your hands around his neck and pulled him down and kissed him
~He was shocked at first but eventually gave into the kiss and wrapped his hands around your waist as he pulled you a lot closer to him (rail me rn like pretty please)
~Once you guys broke apart for air, he rested his forehead against yours
~"I've wanted to do that since the moment I laid eyes on you"
~The two of you stayed there like that for about a minute or two
~You kissed him one more time, this time reaching into his pocket and taking your wallet back
~You gave him one last peck on the lips before running inside
~When he got to his car he was fist-bumping the air and freaking out stop he was so excited
~You walked into the trailer and it was pitch black
~When you turned the lights on you saw Eddie and your uncle sitting on the couch with their arms crossed as they stared at you, which obviously made you jump
~"What the hell are you guys doing?! Why are you sitting there like a couple of weirdos?! God!"
~"We're the ones asking the questions here missy!" Eddie yelled
~Clearly they were both fucking with you since they loved to poke fun at you all the time
"Did he try anything?" Your uncle asked looking more serious that Eddie did
~You sighed and rolled your eyes
~"No he didn't try anything Uncle Wayne"
~"Woooow! So what, does he think you're not good enough?!" Eddie yelled once again
~"What?! No! I mean we kissed a few time but-"
~"You what?! You shouldn't be kissing anyone till your at least 30!" Eddie screamed as he stood up
~"I'm going to sleep. You two make me wanna off myself"
~Your uncle laughed and Eddie walked over to you before you could walk away and he pulled you into a hug
~"You seem happier since he came around. I'm happy for you"
~You wrapped your arms around him, smiling at your older brothers kind words when all of a sudden his grip tightened
~"Let him know that I said if he ever hurts you there is not a place on earth he can hide. I will hunt him down for the rest of my life if I have to and I will make sure he suffers."
~"Alright get off me" you said as you shoved him away in disgust and your uncle laughed in the background
~"Night baby sis!"
~You didn't say anything and just flipped him off as you walked to go to bed
~The next day you walked into the video store and the minute Steve saw you he ran towards you and pulled you into a kiss
~Robin and Dustin hadn't known about your guys date so they were very surprised
~"Fork it over Robin" Dustin said as he stuck his hand out
~"You guys couldn't wait one more month?!" Robin said as she gave Dustin 10 bucks
~Steve driving you to and from school
~You and Robin bullying him in the car
~Friday night date nights
~Lots and lots of cuddles
~Trying so hard to get Eddie and Steve to get along but they just won't budge
~Steve meeting your uncle and winning him over
~Steves parents absolutely adoring you
~Steves mom thinks you're "a nice break from all those trashy girls he used to date"
~Going on late night drives cause why not
~Hellfire going crazy when Dustin brags about the fact that you and Steve are dating
~"You're actually dating Steve Harrington?!"
~Eddie yelling shut up the way he did in episode 1 when everyone gets rowdy
~He hates hearing about your relationship mainly because your his baby sister, but the fact that he doesn't like Steve is a factor
~P D A he is all about PDA
~You guys never actually had the whole Bf/gf talk
~It just kinda slipped out on accident and he didn't even notice
~Your first "I love you" was when he got attacked in the upside down and you jumped in after him
~Nancy getting a bit weird with you because youre dating her ex, but she sees how good you are for him and the two of you actually hit it off
~Dance parties with him are a must
~He takes you to skull rock but its all cute n stuff he like laid blankets down and had snacks and you guys just laid there cuddling while staring at the stars and talking
~Thats actually when he let "girlfriend" slip out
~"You're the best girlfriend anyone could every ask for, y'know that right?"
~Ended up accidentally falling asleep there and Eddie freaking out when you got home cause he was worried
~I cannot stress this enough but I'll try. Public Display of Affection !!!!
~On your guys night drives you sit on his lap in the backseat and you guys have fallen asleep there multiple times
~One time you guys even fell asleep after you were parked in front of the trailer and you didnt feel like going in yet
~Basically hes just one of the best boyfriends you could ever have and now i wanna cry cause I know I'll never have this
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Make a Move
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➣ Pairing/genre: roommate!Hobi x reader
➣ Premise: You thought ‘Hope’ was a girl, but looking at the hot dude currently claiming to be your roommate, you might be wrong.
➣ warnings/tags: pure fluff, reader gets a lil sick for a minute
➣ word count: 4.6k
➣ a/n: this was a commission by @hobi-gif for Army for AAPI! Thank you so much for commissioning this, I hope you enjoy it! You guys, check out ways to get involved in this awesome cause by clicking the link!
You look down at the application, and back up at the person standing in front of you. Down, then up.
Twice more, just to wrap your mind around the dumbest mistake you’ve ever made.
The man fidgeting nervously before you manages a bright smile. “Yep. That’s me!”
Again, you stare down at the application. “I…you’re the one moving in?”
Hoisting the heavy-looking box higher in his arms, the man – Hope if he’s to be believed, offers a strained nod. “Yeah, it’s sort of a nickname…Hoseok. I’m Hoseok.” He looks around, poking his head through the doorway to your small apartment. “Mind if I set this down? It’s kinda heavy…”
You step aside in a daze, watching as Hoseok sweeps inside and sets the box down with a thud on the counter. A moment later another head is peeking inside before carrying in another box.
“Hey, I’m assuming you’re one of the roommates?” The newcomer asks, sweeping some of his ashen-blond hair off his forehead and extending a hand out to you. You take it with some trepidation.
“I am. And you’re Hoseok’s friend?”
“Namjoon. Just stopping in with a few of his things. Oh,” Namjoon waits until Hoseok walks back outside before continuing, speaking to you in a hushed tone. “I just wanted to say thank you. You know, for letting him move in. Ever since our landlord found out we had seven people instead of six, it’s been hard trying to find a place but Hoseok was adamant he be the one to move out. Did want to separate the others-”
“Wait, woah,” you hold up a hand, effectively cutting him off. “Seven? Seven people living in one tiny apartment?”
Namjoon tilts his head to one side, brows furrowed. “He didn’t tell you? That’s why he moved out; someone had to. Our apartment has a six person limit, so once our landlord found out Hoseok volunteered to be the one to move out.”
It appears that Hoseok hasn’t told you a lot of things.
“I…no, he didn’t mention that.”
Namjoon moves on, unphased. “Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for taking him on. It’s nearly impossible to find a place this time of year, and we weren’t sure if you would be chill with having a male roommate, but it really means the world. This way he can stay close to us-”
“Yeah, we live just a few blocks away. He didn’t say that?”
At that moment Hoseok walks through the door, still wearing that sheepish smile that he directs at you.
“No. He must have forgotten to mention that, too.”
           Once Namjoon has left and Hoseok gets into organizing all of his things, you set up camp on the couch. Book in hand, you can’t help but assess your new roommate.
           A part of you wants to get rid of him, but another part of you is interested to see what might unfold from this strange situation. You’ve never had a male roommate before, and if Namjoon is any representative for what this man’s friends look like…
           You suppose it’s not too much of a pain to allow Jung Hoseok to stick around for a little while.
           Hoseok hums to himself, occasionally making little sound effects as he puts a bowl away or opens a cupboard. Every once in a while he’ll ask you a question, like, “Is this spot free to use?” or “Are you allergic to anything?”
           You’re nearly heading to bed when Hoseok knocks softly on your door. Your rooms are on opposite ends of the apartment, something you find yourself being extremely grateful for tonight. The knowledge that a stranger is chilling in your apartment is enough to have you feeling a little worried.
           It’s simple. Sure, Hoseok seems nice enough. Friendly even. But he’s too attractive to be normal.
           “What’s up?” You ask, opening your bedroom door to see Hoseok with his arms full of shampoo and other shower items.
           Despite the large bottle of Pantene blocking his chest, it’s easy to tell that he doesn’t have a shirt on beneath his robe.
           Indeed, the sight before you is enough to have you clutching the doorframe until your knuckles are white in an effort to not gape.
           Wearing nothing but basketball shorts and fluffy white robe, Hoseok shuffles from one foot to the other. “Oh, I was just wondering if you had any preference about where I put my things in the bathroom. You know, if the left side is specifically yours or something like that.”
           “Huh?” You shake your head, forcing yourself to only look at his eyes. That turns out to be even worse, in some weird twisted way. “Oh, yeah. Well, I tend to put most of my stuff on the left side of the vanity. But you can put your stuff wherever. I’m not worried about that.”
           Hoseok nods, taking a step back. He bids you a quiet goodnight before retreating back down the hallway.
           A few seconds pass as you remain in your doorway, thinking hard.
           No, you’re not worried about sharing a drawer in the bathroom or putting the A/C on a lower setting, as he asked you about earlier.
           You’re just worried about the fact that you’ve never found a pair of basketball shorts more attractive than just now.
           Basketball shorts paired with nothing but a robe?
           “This is gonna be great,” you mumble to yourself, closing your door and leaning against it. Only when you hear the sound of the shower going do you allow yourself to relax. “I’m gonna die.”
2 weeks in
           “I’m headed to the store, you need anything?”
           You pause, assessing the contents of the fridge. “Um…eggs?”
           It’s not very often the two of you are in the apartment at the same time, your schedule being polar opposites. However, it’s always relatively friendly. Still a little awkward, but always cordial.
           Hoseok – or Hobi, as he’s repeatedly invited you to call him – scans his little list. “Already on the list. Anything else?”
           “You already put eggs on the list? Like, for me?” The two of you by no means share groceries.
           Hobi shrugs. “Yeah. I figured you were nearly out since you eat them like every morning.”
           “Hey, not every morning-”
           “Every weekday morning.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you. “Tell me I’m wrong. I’ll wait.”
           You groan. “Yah, just go. I’ll text you if I need anything.” Turning back to the fridge, you utter out, “Annoying little-”
           “What was that?”
           You wait until you hear the door close to let out a sigh. “Huh.” You didn’t even realize that he would notice those kinds of things. It’s a strange feeling, having someone notice even the most mundane parts of your routine.
           You…like it?
           Opening up a few of the cupboards, you realize that you’re nearly out of bread. You grab your phone, pulling up Hobi’s contact and calling him. He picks up after a couple of rings.
           “Hey, did you remember something else?”
           “Yeah, would you mind picking up some bread, too?”
           “Oh, good one. Um…” you can hear him moving around, and you swear you hear the click of a pen before he speaks up again. “Wheat, right?”
           Again, that strange feeling stirs in your chest. “Right.”
2 months in
           “I’ve never met anyone as obsessed with skincare as you.”
           Hobi chuckles darkly, beginning to apply his night mask to the other side of his face. “I doubt you’ve ever met anyone with such oily skin before, either.”
           You lean up against the doorframe, resting your head against the side of the door. Hobi continues applying the crème, looking utterly focused on the task. His forehead scrunches up in little lines as he looks up, rubbing underneath his eyes.
           If you’re being completely honest, it’s adorable.
           To put the icing on the cake, he begins humming to himself and leaning in closer to the mirror, making you chew on the inside of your cheek. It’s horrible enough that he has to be wildly endearing, but does he really have to be so cute?
           It’s exhausting.
           “It smells good,” you sigh out, eyes drifting shut. Hobi’s good looks isn’t the only thing that’s been exhausting to you lately. School is trying its best to wreck you and you hate to admit that it’s doing a great job of it.
           “You want some?”
           Eyes fluttering open at his question, you furrow your brows. Hobi is looking at you in the mirror, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He squeezes out a bit of the night mask onto his finger, turning to you.
           “You already washed your face, right?”
           “Good,” he nods more to himself than to you. “Close your eyes.”
           Giving him a distrustful look, you realize that you’re too tired to bother bickering with him at the moment. Instead, you close your eyes and hold your breath.
           A moment later the cool feeling of Hobi’s fingers dabbing the cream on the tip of your nose. He repeats the action all over your face, his other hand coming to cup your chin as his thumb absentmindedly traces your jaw.
           You suddenly feel extremely off balance, swaying on your feet. Hands shooting out to steady yourself, you instinctively cling to the front of Hobi’s sweatshirt. He chuckles lowly, making you tighten your grip.
           “Don’t fall over,” he mumbles, beginning to rub the night mask into your skin.
           You don’t say anything, settling for an annoyed huff. After a moment, Hobi takes up humming the same tune he was before. The two of you settle into a comfortable daze, your shoulders relaxing as the seconds tick by.
           “You know,” Hobi muses as he switches to your right cheek. “We’re pretty good roommates. Don’t you think?”
           “Mm. I’m still angry you put ‘Hope’ on your application, though. That was a dirty move.”
           Hobi’s laughter has you opening your eyes just to catch the expression of happiness he’s sure to be wearing. Sure enough, his head is thrown back and his heart-shaped smile in on display, the sight tugging at the corners of your lips.
           Catching your eye, Hobi smirks. “How can I ever make it up to you?”
           You purse your lips, melting a little at the concentrated pout that forms as Hobi resumes applying the night mask. He’s moved up to your forehead now, making your eyes drift shut again.
           “I vote you make me French Toast one of these weekends.”
           “Oh, and that’ll solve it?”
           “No, but it’s a start.”
           He chuckles quietly, pausing and then tapping lightly against your cheek. “All done.”
           Opening your eyes, you see the slightly confused look in Hobi’s eyes as he squints down at you. “What?”
           He blinks. “What?”
           You nod at him, “You look confused or something.”
           When he doesn’t answer after a long moment, you step back into the hallway. “Alright…I’m heading to bed. Thanks, Hobi.”
           His brows are furrowed as he turns back to the mirror, the confusion only growing. “Night.”
3 months in
You’ve quickly come to learn that there are pros and cons to having Hoseok as your roommate.
           One very strong pro is the fact that he’s a clean freak. You swear you haven’t had to worry about vacuuming for the past three months, he always beats you to it.
           “What are you doing?”
           He pauses mid-fold, eyes wide as he looks up at you. “…folding.”
           “My laundry?”
           He glances down at the shirt in his hands as though just realizing that these are your clothes. “I…yeah. Yeah, I am. It’s just, you left your basket out here by the couch so I figured I might as well fold it and put it away if you’re gonna leave it out here.”
           The passive aggressive tone in his voice rolls off your shoulders, knowing that he didn’t intend it that way. It’s obvious to tell that something is on his mind as he continues to you’re your shirt and place it atop a neat pile beside him.
You find yourself sitting cross-legged across from him and silently joining in on the impromptu folding party. Once you finish, Hobi clears his throat and avoids eye contact with you.
           Perhaps it has to do with the fact that he accidentally grabbed the same pair of lacy black underwear at the same time as you, which ensued in an awkward match of tug-of-war that you quickly won once he realized what he was holding.
           “So, the guys are doing a thing tonight.”
           You blink, pulling the folded laundry toward you and getting up. “…ok.”
           Hobi’s face lights up in a grin, and he jumps to his feet. “Really? You’ll come?”
           Perhaps it’s the utter joy you see in his eyes or the way he’s currently shaking your shoulders and causing the socks on the top of your pile to tumble to the ground, but you burst out laughing.
           “Hoseok!” You shout through your laughter. “You didn’t even invite me!”
           He immediately stops shaking you after that, scrambling for some form of a response. Swiping one of the pairs of socks that slipped to the ground, he kneels down on one knee and looks up at you with a giddy grin.
           “Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to visit my friends tonight?” With no shortage of sound effects, he offers up the socks as though proposing to you with a priceless diamond ring.
           “You’re an idiot.”
           Hoseok’s smile only grows. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
           Hobi’s light knock on your door goes unnoticed as you slumber on, completely dead to the world. After you had put your laundry away, you felt a wave of exhaustion overtake you.
           He knocks again, and this time you rouse just enough to grunt out something incoherent. He slowly opens the door, poking his head inside.
           “You still gonna come with me, sleepyhead?”
           His chipper voice makes you wince, your head pounding. “Mm, jus gimme…” you close your eyes again as the dull light filtering in through your blinds is enough to send you spinning. “…a sec.”
           It’s quiet for a moment, and you think that Hobi must have left. A second later, however, you hear him padding across your floor.
           “Are you sick?” He answers his own question as he places his hand against your forehead. “Oh, jagiya, you’re burning up.”
           The pet name has your temperature rising a bit more. “Mm fine.”
           Hobi chuckles softly, taking care to be quiet. “Have you eaten? Where’s your water bottle?” They’re all rhetorical questions apparently, because moments later he’s scooping your water bottle off the floor and tiptoeing back out of your room.
           After what feels like hours later, Hobi sidles back into your room with a full water bottle, some soup he must have microwaved, and another glass of liquid. It’s steaming, the scent making you scrunch up your nose in distaste.
           “What…” you can hardly muster up the energy to finish your sentence. Hobi perches on the edge of your bed, carefully placing everything on your nightstand.
           “It’s medicine. Drink it, and it’ll help. But first you need to sit up.”
           Easier said than done. Your body is exhausted, and your arms shake a bit as you attempt to scoot back against the headboard. Cheeks burning a brighter red, Hobi thankfully doesn’t comment on it. He just patiently readjusts your pillows and tucks your hair behind your ears with meticulous movements that have you smiling softly.
           “Ok,” he sighs out once that’s been taken care of. “Now, eat some soup…” his words trail off as he hands the bowl off to you. He watches as you bring the spoon to your lips, mumbling, “Blow, it’s hot.”
           Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you follow his instructions. Once you’ve eaten over half of the soup and feel too full to continue, he hands you the steaming cup that has you scrunching your nose up all over again.
           “C’mon,” he urges, “my mom used to give this stuff to me all the time when I was a kid. It works like a charm, promise.”
           “What?” He crosses his arms, frowning. “You don’t believe me?”
           You shrug, mindful of the full contents of the glass. “It’s just easier said than done, that’s all.”
           “Here, I’ll take a sip to show you that’s it’s not bad!” Reaching for the cup, you burst out into a fit of laughter as Hobi stares down at the liquid with unabashed terror. He clears his throat and squares his shoulders. “Right…just one sip…”
           Blowing across the surface carefully, he sacrifices his tastebuds. The instant he swallows, he thrusts the cup back into your hands and dives off the bed. “Ach!” He rushes out of the room, no doubt heading for the kitchen. Indeed, a moment later you hear the faucet running and wonder if he just decided to shove his head under the running water instead of wasting time on grabbing a cup from the cupboard.
           With your water bottle on hand, you attempt to chug the medicine. It’s horrid, making you gag, but you continue until the contents are drained. You’ve just managed to drink some water to rid yourself of the lingering taste when you hear Hobi’s phone ring.
           “Hey hyung,” he’s still in the kitchen, but you can hear him clearly. “Oh, yeah…I don’t think we’re gonna make it. No, it’s not that, she said she’d come.”
           You freeze, holding the still-warm cup close to your chest. For some reason, your stomach does a little flip when you hear the way Hobi’s tone changes as he speaks about you. It’s infinitely softer, something you don’t recall hearing before.
           “She took a nap and woke up with a fever-” he pauses. “Yeah, I just gave her medicine. But she needs to rest. She’s exhausted. What? Ugh, really Jin? I’m not-” The sound of Hobi shuffling about has you leaning closer to the open door, trying to hear what he’s saying. His voice is much quieter when he speaks next, but you can still hear bits and pieces of what he’s saying. “I can’t just make a move on her while she’s sick, that’s unethical!”
           Clapping a hand over your mouth before he can hear you snort, your eyes widen. Make a move?
           On you?
           “Yah, quit it. Tell everyone I say hey, I’ve gotta go.” Again there’s a pause, quickly followed by an annoyed hiss. “See, this is why I never tell you anything.”
           He quickly says his goodbyes after that, and you scramble to appear normal despite your pounding heart. You hear Hobi’s sigh from the kitchen, and you wish you could know what he was thinking.
           “Alright,” Hobi calls, heading back into your room. The second he enters you feel as though you’re seeing him for the first time. “Let’s get it- oh, you already finished it?”
           You blink, suddenly blinded by the sight of his adoring smile. As he settles down on the edge of your bed, you manage a feeble nod.
           “Jagi,” again with the pet name, “you look exhausted. Let me take the dishes and how about you go back to sleep?”
           Despite the fact that you literally live in the same apartment, the thought of Hobi leaving you alone in your room has you stalling. “Uh, who called?”
           There’s a flicker of panic that’s quickly replaced with an easy smile. “Jin hyung, he was wondering where we were. Don’t worry, I told him we weren’t gonna be able to make it.”
           You’ve heard plenty about Jin – truthfully about all of Hobi’s friends. You were excited to meet them tonight, after hearing so many stories.
           “I’m sorry,” you frown, still clinging to your glass. “You can still go, if you want.”
           Hobi looks at you like you’ve grown a second head. “Why would I…? No, I’ll stay here with you. Can’t leave a sickie on their own, you know that.”
           Groaning, roll your eyes. “I feel like an idiot.”
“If you’re an idiot, I’m an idiot.”
You snort, setting your glass down before you cause an accident. “Isn’t it, ‘if you’re a bird, I’m a bird’?”
Hoseok shrugs, a smile playing on his lips. “Close enough.”
He holds your gaze for a few seconds too long, but neither one of you look away first. Instead you bunch up your blankets in your fists and offer him a crooked smile. “Thanks, Hobi.”
His eyes linger on your smile, his lips mirroring it. “Anytime.”
4 months in
           Nothing has changed, and yet everything has.
           Ever since you fell ill, you’ve been jumpy. Anytime Hobi accidentally brushes up against you as he reaches for something in the kitchen, whenever he knocks on your door, even when he calls you from the grocery store. It all makes you jump and sends your heart racing.
           “You’re so dramatic.”
           You look up at Yuri, your most brutally honest friend. “…ouch?”
           She shakes her head, sinking down lower in her seat across from you. You keep boxing up your leftover food to take home, wondering if Hobi would like it.
           “I mean it. You’ve been freaking out about this guy for over a month now without doing anything about it.”
           You pause, looking at Yuri with wide, pleading eyes. “What am I supposed to do? He’s my roommate!”
           “So what? Your lease is up in a few weeks, isn’t it? If it backfires, just move out.”
           You snort. “Easier said than done. I can’t just up and move whenever I like, you know.”
           “You can’t or you don’t want to?”
           “Shut up.”
           “I refuse. Now,” Yuri checks the time on her phone. “tell me what you like about him.”
           “I never said-” you sputter, but Yuri holds up a hand and cuts you off.
           “Actions speak louder than words. He’s literally your background on your home screen.”
           Ok, that sounds like a bit much. It’s true, though. A week ago Hobi finally got to take you out to meet his friends. Together you went on a midnight hike (something you’d honestly never do again) and found a breathtaking view at the top. His friends, specifically Jimin and Taehyung, had practically shoved the two of you together for an impromptu photoshoot under the night sky.
           The photos are a little blurry and dark, but you love them. Enough to add one as your background. “But you can’t actually see us in the picture, it’s just pretty-”
           “Sure it is. You two make a cute couple.”
           “W-we do?”
           Yuri jumps up, clapping her hands and startling a couple just a few tables down. “Aha! See, you do have feelings for him!”
           “Ok, ok,” you hold up your hands in surrender. “Just sit down.”
           Once she’s taken her seat again and apologized loud enough for the couple she scared to hear her, you lean in close over the table. She rubs her hands together, looking every bit the scheming friend she is.
           “Alright, let’s plot, shall we?”
           Hobi checks the window for the eighth time in under five minutes, brushing the curtains aside to see if your car is in the lot yet. It’s not.
           “C’mon Jung,” he rolls his neck, bouncing on his feet. “Calm down. Keep it chill. Everything’s fine.”
           Everything is not fine.
           Things haven’t been fine for months now, something he’s been able to deny to an impressive level. Last weeks, however, the lie came to an end.
           His friends loved you. Like, ranted and raved about how funny and cool you were until he was worried he needed to organize an intervention. Then, the icing on the cake.
           Yoongi had grabbed him while you were hiking back down, sandwiched between Jin and Jungkook. He nodded down at you, turning a knowing eye to Hobi.
           “So…when’s that gonna happen?”
           Hobi played dumb, frowning at Yoongi. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
           “Hoseok, c’mon.”
           You laughed at Taehyung, who jogged up ahead. He was quickly joined by Jungkook. Hobi’s pretty sure his heart stopped beating as you turned around, searching for him. Once your eyes found his, your smile widened.
           Yoongi laughed at his side. “You’re whipped, and you don’t even realize it.”
           Indeed he was. Dangerously so, if he was going off of the amount of times he’s knocked on your door to ask you out only to change his story at the very last moment to ask you something stupid instead. You never seemed to mind, just laughing at his strange questions and teasing him mercilessly.
           “Ok,” Hobi whispers to himself, still bouncing on the balls of his feet. “You’ve got this. Just rip it off like a Band-Aid. Quick and to the point.” He tilts his head to one side. “But not the painful part. No pain.”
           He’s in the middle of his pep talk when the sound of your key in the lock alerts him to your return. Hobi is standing in the middle of the living room, looking like an idiot. Naturally, he shoves his hands in his pockets. Yeah, that makes him look less like an idiot.
           The second the door opens and you step into the apartment, every thought eddies out of Hobi’s mind.
           You freeze, not expecting Hobi to be standing in the middle of the living room impersonating a lamp when you got home.
           “Hi…?” Hobi swallows at the sound of your voice, watching your every move as you slowly lift up the bag of leftovers. “I brought home leftovers if you want some…”
           “I need you to go out with me.”
           Now you’re really frozen, staring up at Hobi as his eyes widen at his own words.
           “What? What for?”
           “For me.”
           You slowly close the door behind you, setting the food down on the counter before turning to face Hobi again. “For you?”
           He nods, a panicked look in his eyes. “Yes. For me.”
           “Hobi, I don’t understand. Do you need a plus one or something for an event? Is that what it is?”
           Removing his hands from his pockets and taking a step towards you, Hobi shakes his head. “What? No, I need- I need you.”
            It’s a good thing you already set the food down. “Me?” You squeak out, looking your roommate up and down as he takes another step.
           Clearly there’s been a communication error. Hobi brushes his hair back from his face, chewing on his bottom lip before coming to a stop before you.
           “Us,” he repeats, voice low. “I need us to be a thing.”
           “O-oh.” That’s all you can manage as you try to recall if Hobi has ever looked at you like this before. It’s hard to contain yourself when you realize that he has, however he’s always been quick to mask it with something else. Or, more often than not, a silly question.
           “Will- can you…” he stops, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. Without his gaze on you, you gain a bit of courage and raise a hand to cup his cheek. His eyes fly open, and he offers you a shy smile. “Do you want to go out with me? On a date?”
           Craning your neck, you hold your breath and plant a kiss on his cheek. You delight in the way he instantly flushes, garnering more courage by the second.
           “Yes.” Then you arch a brow. “I have one condition, though.”
           Hobi’s eyes are half closed as he looks down at you, appearing as though he’s slipped into some euphoric realm. “Hmm, anything.”
           “I demand French Toast.”
           Dissolving into a fit of laughter, Hobi sinks to the ground, taking you down with him. You protest, but not too much. Holding you tightly, Hobi subsides in his laughter enough to wink down at you. “French Toast it is.”
main masterlist
taglist: @baepsaetay​ @dreamcatcherjiah​ @kookie-vuitton​ @thecaffeinatedscribbles​ @moon-write​ @fangirl125reader​ @heishichoulevi @knjkitten​ @sacha-cff​ @vik7797  @eusticenatalie​ @hesmyphenominiall​ @miriamxsworld​ @kayahay​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @marianeamine​​ @hqtetsurou​ @protontippens​ @beginwithamin​ @limiworld​  @jeonyoongi-jimin @buttvi​ @yoontaethings​ @sunshinejunghoseokie​ @delacyrose224​ @jiminiesmagicshop​ @hitsussi
© alpacaparkaseok
385 notes · View notes
Ok but hear me out... Reader wearing The Strap for Carol and Dave feeling Some Type of Way watching his wifey get railed by the girl next door👀
anon...babe..you GET IT!!!
uhhhh I wrote a lil somethin something i hope you enjoy 
Warnings: wlw sex, smut, voyeurism, sort of cuckolding, polyamory, sex with a strap-on, poorly described sex im sorry you guys. Basically Dave comes home to you railing his wife but yall are in a mutual relationship so its NOT cheating. also the girls are at their grandma’s house dont worry we have class here.
put a dave york gif cause i couldnt find anything good for carol of the top of my head srry. 
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Dave gets home late to the sounds of his wife crying out and he is absolutely s h o c k e d at the sight that greets him.
When Carol said you two were having a "girl’s night" he really didn't imagine this. He assumed it would be wine, a nice rented movie that the you both had been meaning to sit down and watch (Carol was an avid Sci-Fi fan) and perhaps some tipsy kisses and sneaking hands before the pair of you fell asleep together. He knew how tired you both had been lately. He knew the girls had been running Carol ragged for the past week and you told him yourself your own job hadn’t been a saving grace this quarter. 
But what he came home to was much sweeter to see. 
The dress carol wore was bunched up to her waist and tugged down beneath her chest so he could see her tits, covered in bite marks given by you, bounce every time your hips snap against hers. The lipstick she applied to meticulously before was smeared, red smudges cover your own lips as well but neither of you seem to care as Carol tugs you down for another heated kiss.
He should probably say something. Do something. He'd been standing in the hall for the better part of five minutes now but neither one of you noticed him, nor did he expect you to. The pair of you were too wrapped up in each other, moaning muffled profanity and praise into each others skin while you brought his wife closer and closer to paradise with each harsh thrust of your hips.
"Fuck." Her voice shook and she dug her nails into your back with a shameless cry. Carol let her head dip back and face her husband perfectly, but her eyes fluttered shut as you continued to fuck her so his presence was yet to be acknowledged. "I can't-it's too-" "Too much?" your voice is almost mocking her. Your hand moves from gripping her hip to hiking her leg higher around you, before pulling out of her glistening cunt tauntingly slow and thrusting back in with such an obscene noise that Dave knew he wouldn't forget it.
Not the way she cried out your name as you did.
He finally found his voice, ever confident and smug when he spoke.
"Oh honey, I thought you liked too much?"
Her eyes opened at the voice of her husband, watching her, half dressed and mewling your name like mantra. Her back arched off the couch and his sweet Carolina cried out a frantic "David!" as she came around you.
Her legs were still shaking as Dave loosened his tie and set his briefcase down on the counter. 
“You two have a fun girl’s night, I assume?”
108 notes · View notes
yourmcu · 4 years
Wish You Were Here (i)
Pairings: Tony Stark x daughter!reader, Avengers x Stark!reader
an Infinity War/Endgame AU where Tony Stark’s daughter (you) is one of half the population that vanishes in the snap, Tony finds out later on when he arrives back to Earth, devastated, then you come back like the others to help fight Thanos.
Word count: 2,030
A/n: (moved to the end of the fic!)
Warnings: angst, death, swearing, a lil soft!Nat in the beginning bc I love her, mentions of anxiety/anxiety
read on ao3!
Part 2
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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You wanted to help in whatever was happening, you weren’t quite sure still, but it had something to do with the infinity stones and how you guys needed to find them before some guy named Thanos does.
It took a lot of convincing for Steve, Natasha and Rhodey (they were the ones more protective over you) to let you come, especially with Tony not around to scold you since he was in space.
“I’m coming with you guys whether you like it or not - no, I know what you’re gonna say, I can handle myself. I’m sixteen! Did you know Peter’s in space right now with Dad? Outer freaking space. You’re not the only one who has a suit, Rhodey-”
The argument ended with, “if something happens and I-” you dragged your thumb across your neck, “then it’s on me. None of you are to blame. Can we go now?”
So they didn’t have any other choice. You went to Wakanda with them to get the mind stone out of Vision and intend to destroy it afterwards.
Things got a *bit* out of hand though, there was an army of creatures - they’re from space, you assumed, working for Thanos - trying to get the stone. You fought alongside Sam and Rhodey, sometimes even fighting with Bruce who was using the Hulkbuster. You also helped the Wakanda tribes when they got overpowered by the creatures.
Even Thor came back to fight and he brought a raccoon and a tree with him.
The battle was going really messy, until - “Everyone on my position. We got incoming.”
You fly to where Cap and the team are, and there he is coming out of what appears to be a cloudy, blue grayish portal, Thanos himself.
“Cap, that’s him.” Bruce says as he hides you behind the Hulkbuster to shield you. He slowly walks over to the purple titan before saying, “stay down, [Y/N], alright?”
Did all of them suddenly forget that you, if not more, are stubborn like your father?
Because when all of them attack, you fly behind Thanos when he's distracted and wrap both your metal covered arms around his neck in stupid attempts to strangle him. He effortlessly uses his gauntlet to throw you back to the ground, knocking you out.
He eventually got all the stones, snapped his fingers when Thor failed to kill him, and left.
“What did you do?!”
“Where did he go? Thor, where did he go?”
“What’s happening?” You get off the ground as Bucky turns to dust. You look around and saw the air filled with the same dust, just from different people.
What the hell did that snap do?
People are vanishing, disappearing, are they dying? Why are they dying? You’re pretty sure you're panicking. Your lips start to quiver and you feel your chest tighten, making it hard for you to breathe.
Natasha notices right away. She's the one who could help you with your anxiety attacks besides Tony. She comes to you and places her hands on your shoulders, looking you in the eye. “Hey, it’s going to be okay, you’re fine, just breathe with me,”
You watch Wanda, one of  your best friends, turn to dust too which did not help in the slightest. What’s worse is when Natasha holds your hands to calm you down,
They start turning into dust particles.
“No no no no no no,” you grow weak, holding onto her. “Nat, I’m scared - I don’t - I don’t know what to-”
“Y/N, just breathe like we practiced, okay?”
You try copying her breathing but it’s no use. It doesn’t change the fact that you’re still fading away. You look at her, tears threatening to fall out of your eyes, “I’m so sorry.” She has no choice but to hug you tightly until you get dusted completely.
The Avengers just lost a kid. Not just any kid, for them you were special. You always supported the team no matter what. They couldn’t even imagine what Tony’s reaction would be.
When Natasha told Pepper of course she didn’t take it well.
You were Tony’s own flesh and blood (and some one night stand chic that we won’t mention anymore starting now), but Pepper helped raised you when Tony first took you in and treated you like her own. Sometimes you even called her ‘mom’.
She was so relieved when a spaceship came by the compound to drop Tony off - he looked weak and skinny - she didn’t know how to break the awful news to him while he was in that condition.
“I lost the kid,” he meant Peter. What he doesn’t know was that he actually lost two.
“It’s been twenty-three days since Thanos came to Earth.”
Bruce and Natasha keep looking over one another as images of the people they lost in the snap took turns popping up as holograms. Rhodey feels tense and keeps tapping his foot - nervous of what his best friend’s gonna do once he sees-
Tony abruptly stands up from his wheelchair. “Stop. Stop there.” (“Tony, you need to sit down,”) “No.” He stumbles over to a particular hologram, the one with his daughter’s face.
Y/N Stark.
The room is awfully quiet. Despite you telling them that it isn’t going to be any of their faults if something happens to you, they still feel responsible for you.
“Was anyone going to tell me?” He speaks softly. Too soft and calm for all of them that they remain glued to where they're standing, avoiding eye contact. He clenches his fists and sends a look to  everyone in the room. “You better not be shitting me I already lost Parker and I - I can’t - I can’t lose her. I can’t.”
“Tony,” Natasha says. “We couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
It's like being stabbed with his own blade all over again. She tells him everything that happened, how you got dusted like Peter, and Tony just stares blankly at your photo, looking very pale.
Tony takes a deep breath and pushes his glasses further up his nose, holding in  tears. Good thing his glasses cover it up. He mutters ‘okay’ over and over as he takes a seat back in his wheelchair. Steve hesitates to continue the discussion but Tony encourages him to go on, even though he feels like he was literally dying inside.
His mood definitely went downhill from there - Tony's furious with himself. Furious with them, with Steve, that he takes it out on the super soldier. By the end of it he's on the floor, passed out.
“Dad, come in, it’s [Y/N]. Everything alright out there?”
“Oh y’know, typical day in the city - pair of aliens came to visit again.” Tony sounded breathless.
You paused briefly. “...what? W-well, do you need help? I can help, and Peter’s probably on his way there - he just made a lame excuse and hung up on me so, I figured he sensed something was wrong.”
“Yeah. Stay where you are and when things get worse, find Pepper and get to safety.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“Nope. Deadass serious. Stay out of this one.”
Tony opens his eyes and takes in his surroundings. He's transferred to a bed with the same wires poking his arm. He dreamt of his last conversation with you - before and while he was dragged to space.
“Hey, I’m still here, you know,” you cut him off while he was arguing with Strange.
“[Y/N]? How is this still connected?”
“I made the earpiece set myself - I guess it has really long range, huh?”
“You’re a nerd.” Tony cracked a small smile.
“Hi [Y/N]!” Peter shouted from a distance.
“Peter? You’re in space too? I’m so jeal-”
The line completely went out, guess the range wasn’t that long.
“Tony?” Pepper says gently. “You shouldn’t be up - it’s only been an hour since you passed out.”
He looks at her for a moment then returns his attention to the wall, eyes bloodshot. “Have I been a good father to her? ‘Cause I feel like she deserved more. Way more.”
“Of course, she loved you! Tony, [Y/N] loved you as much as you love her,” Pepper reassures, running a hand through his hair. “I know you’re upset but you really should be getting bed rest right now.”
He sniffles and gave a small nod, “okay.”
He closes his eyes again when she left the room and sigh, mumbling “goddammit kid,” before letting the tears flow down. Tony rarely cries. Barely cries. He usually keeps those stupid emotions in but this - the fact that his little girl is gone, it's too much for him. He realized never fully showed how much you meant to him and he regrets it.
Can't help but think that it should've been me Either way, I still wish you were here.
Fast forward to five years later: Tony now lived at a lakeside cabin with Pepper and their daughter, Morgan.
Moving on was better than to be sad and depressed for the rest of his life. That’s what you wanted for him anyway, to be happy.
So that’s exactly what Tony did.
He spent time with his family, made new suits which he enjoyed to do, living his life peacefully. That doesn’t mean he forgot about you. Sure the last few years were hard, he missed you every single day, but he had to face and accept it.
Tony moved your stuff from the compound and into a vacant room in the cabin. Sometimes he’d look through your crazy inventions, your journals that were filled with ideas for future gadgets and he hung up framed photos of you and him (some with Pepper) on the walls.
He told Morgan all about you. How awesome you were, how you were energetic and enthusiastic in everything you do, and how the both of you would be best friends if you two met.
“I wanna meet her,” Morgan says, looking at pictures of you.
Tony smiles sadly and looks at the photo of you and him. It was at your school’s science fair and your invention won first place (he remembered laughing at all the science teachers’ shocked faces because of your advanced gadget, way advanced than the grade you were in). Both of you looked really happy.
If a picture is all that I have, I can picture the times that we won't get back If I picture it now it don't seem so bad Either way, I still wish you were here.
“Someday, maybe.” He replies, giving her a warm smile.
Steve, Natasha and a new guy Scott visited him one day. They basically told him bringing back everyone who died in the snap was possible, hinting time travel.
Tony was torn. He didn’t want to risk losing what he had now, but bringing everyone back... that was something. Everyone in the universe that vanished, the other Avengers, the guardians he met in space, Strange, Peter, you.
That same night he thought about you, and Peter when he stumbled upon a picture of both of them. That same night, he figured out time travel.
“Hey legacy,” he chuckles a bit, remembering how you always frowned or pouted whenever he called you that. He likes that nickname on you though. “I... uh, this is just a little video. For you. Sure you won’t see this but... I like to pretend I could still talk to you. I miss you, a lot.”
“It’s been five years, hun. Morgan, your sister... you have no idea how much she talks about you. She wants to meet you someday,” he looks at the camera. “I know I can’t tell her the real reason why you’re not here with us, not yet, but anyway, ‘couple of old pals came to visit me. They want to try to get everyone back, that includes you.”
Tony sighs, looking away. “As of now I don’t know if we’re ever gonna pull off something like this. I figured it out, just a couple minutes ago actually. Time travel. It’s dangerous, very risky...”
“But we’ll see. We’ll figure something out. I hope to see you soon, [Y/N]. I love you.”
so I’ve cut this lil idea into two parts - I’ll probs post part 2 soon right after this one - if everyone likes it of course :)
oh, and I listened to this song by Neck Deep while writing this, which is where I got the title too, you can listen here. (I also put in some lyrics from the song to the story, just because it fits well hehe)
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dramaqueeenamby · 3 years
Waves: Wild Hearts
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A/N: This is sorta a follow up to Fighter that I’ve had on my computer for months. I have included the ending of that oneshot at the beginning of this one to help refresh memories, but if you want to read Fighter, you can do so here. Yes, there will be a part 2 to this one. 
Warnings: Angst
Words: 2K
-GIF from Google-
TAGS: @babe-im-bi​ @notacamelthatsmywife​ @queenoftheworldisdead​ @tashawar​ @valkryienymph​ @letsshamelessqueen-m​ @lettytheletdown​ @hello-therree​ @toni9​ @kpizzletrash​ @missdforever​ @missyperle​ @mani-lifes​ @koko-michelle @liquorlaughslove​
Previously on Waves
“Now back to the news that broke headlines just last night. Academy Award-Winning Actress Summer Hemsworth was allegedly attacked in her Georgia hotel room last night. Hemsworth suffered two gunshot wounds and reportedly collapsed in the lobby as horrified onlookers called 911 and attempted to stop the bleeding.”
“She was rushed to the local hospital where doctors performed emergency surgery, and as of now, we are hearing reports that she is in stable condition.”
“While details are still unclear, what we do know is that the attacker is now deceased, reportedly at the hands of Summer, who fought him off. In addition, the perpetrator has been identified as Myles Hampton, the same man who stalked and attacked Mrs. Hemsworth almost six years prior.”
“Hampton was sentenced and serving a 15-year sentence which has the world wondering. How did he get out? How was he able to re-traumatize his victim? How--”
His son’s voice ripped Christopher from his phone where he was watching the news for reasons even he couldn’t explain. Well, rather, didn’t want to explain.
Elysha glared at her brother, bringing her index finger to her mouth. “Shh. Papa said we gotta be quiet.”
Summer moaned, finally waking up from another nap. They had her on heavy painkillers that made her sleep, much to the chagrin of all four individuals occupying the private hospital room. For the twins, sleep meant she couldn’t talk to them. They needed to hear her voice to know that she was going to be okay.
For Christopher, well, even awake, he still worried.
And for Summer, she just hated to be unconscious as she recognized the concern that it caused her family.
“Did he now?” She whispered, blinking a couple times as she managed to lift her hand, bringing it to Emmett’s cheek. “Well, mama says you don’t have to.”
Both kids responded with a smile, quickly grabbing the sheets on either side of the bed, where they’d remained the entire time.
They wouldn’t leave her side.
“Look, mama,” Elysha chimed as they lifted the papers. “We drew you pictures. Mines is bestest.”
“Nu uh!”
“Uh huh!”
She smiled, ignoring the pain she was still experiencing. It mattered not though. She’d take the pain of survival over the finality of death any day.
“They’re both the bestest,” Summer shared, making both of them grin for a few seconds when she noticed Elysha drop her head. “What’s wrong, baby?”
Elysha took a few seconds, her voice barely above a whisper. “We’re glad you’re okay, mommy.”
“Yeah,” Emmett agreed. “Why’d that mean man try to hurt you, mama?”
Summer closed her eyes. Her pain was no longer a concern. Her priority was the hurt she saw and heard in her children, her beautiful babies prematurely forced to encounter the evils of this world.
“Well, it’s about time you woke up, lil’ missy.” Helen spoke with a warm smile as she walked into the room.
Seeing their grandmother raised their spirits just enough to eat away some of Summer’s guilt. Helen walked over and gently felt her daughter’s head. “How you doing, baby?”
Summer, conscious of the watchful set of blue eyes on her, smartly replied. “I’m good, mama.”
Helen nodded. “I see you’re getting some of your color back. Good. You was getting a lil’ pale on me, lil girl.”
Elysha gasped. “Can I have some of mommy’s color, grandma!”
“Me too, grandma!”
The twin’s excitement and naivety made Summer smile. Their uplifted spirits nursed her soul.
“I don’t know about color, but how about you two come with grandma to the cafeteria, and we’ll see what kind of ice cream they have.”
The promise of their favorite dessert quickly dimmed when they realize it meant leaving their mom.
“Ya’ll go. Mama has to talk to papa,” Summer referenced Christopher who’d sat silent while allowing the children time to bond with their mother. “Please?”
Emmett groaned but relented. “I’ll bring you ice cream back, mama.” He looked back at Christopher. “You too, papa!”
“I’ll bring you some too, papa!”
Careful kisses on either side of her cheeks preceded the kids finally walking out hand in hand with Helen.
The sound of tiny footsteps repeatedly diminished until they could be heard no more, replaced by heavy-footed strides and the creaking of a chair. Summer closed her eyes at his warm touch, his hand clasped over hers, the other going to her forehead.
He laid his head against her shoulder, Summer angling her own so that she could kiss the top of his head.
She gently tightened her grip on his head. “I’m fine, Christopher.”
“Don’t.” She licked her lips, concern shifting from her kids to her husband. “Don’t give me that shit, Summer. You are not fine.”
“I’m alive, Chris,” she croaked, wanting desperately to stress how grateful she was. “He shot me. Twice. And I’m alive.”
“This never should have fucking happened. If they’d been watching him, he would have never-”
“Hey,” she forced some bass into her voice. “We can’t do that. It happened, and it-it sucks, but-”
“How can you be so calm about this?” He forced out bitterly, finally lifting his head to reveal glazed eyes that burned with fear and rage. “After everything he did, what he tried-”
She attempted the comedic route, something that typically worked for them. “Well, it’s not like this is the first time I’ve almost died.” The dark joke fell through, possibly increasing his irritation. She swallowed. “I-I think-I still don’t know what to think, Chris. I-It’s a lot to process, but I can’t do that right now. Emmett and Elysha are watching us, watching me, and every time I look at them, look at you, I’m reminded of everything I stood to lose, and I’m just-I’m thankful. And the last thing that I want is to further worry the twins…or you.”
He lifted their conjoined hands and gently kissed her fingertips. Summer recognized the gesture as acknowledgment.
“I love you,” she breathed as he moved his mouth to kiss her inner forearm. “So much.”
He brought his hand to her cheek, their eyes meeting with a burning and moving meeting that conferred the ardent love between them but was now tinged with a new emotion.
Wild Hearts
“Just a few more seconds. Come on, Summer.”
Face scrunched up in discomfort, the actress swallowed her pain and scraped for every bit of resilience that she had left, successfully completing the set before relaxing as soon as her therapist gave her the okay.
Dropping onto the floor, Summer crossed her wrists and placed them over her head. Deep, relaxing breaths abated her nerves and aching muscles as Rene attempted to offer words of encouragement and praise that Summer was only halfheartedly listening to.
It wasn’t that Rene was bad at her job. No, far from it. She was a wonderful physical therapist who pushed Summer in ways that were both challenging while also welcoming. It was that Summer still hadn’t come to accept that she was back at square one. She felt like she was preparing to become Storm all over again. Relearning suddenly replaced years of maintenance. Her schedule had been disrupted, and it created cognitive dissonance.
Hand unconsciously falling onto her core, her fingers slid over the dark scar that still bled with remnants of trauma and regrets. One of two, it was the most prominent and noticeable. Folks rarely paid attention to feet, but the stomach, it was the area that generally garnered a decent amount attention based solely on the level of flatness.
Rene noticed the way Summer’s fingers stroked her slick skin and cleared her throat. “Why don’t we call it a day?”
“The day has been called, ma’am.”
The ginger grinned crookedly and complimented her client. “You did great today.”
Summer snorted, groaning quietly as she sat up and braced her palms against the mat. “Now you’re just kissing my ass.”
“While you do have quite the ass,” Summer rolled her eyes. “I’m not quite sure how my wife and your husband would feel about that.”
Summer rolled her eyes as Rene reached a hand to help her stand up. “Noted.” Rolling her shoulders, Summer walked over to grab her pink Blender Bottle, downing down the water mixed with lemons and limes. The typically acrid mixture was welcoming because of the addition of ice cubes that quenched her parched throat, assisting in the cooling down of her warm body.
“I think we could even maybe move down to twice a week instead of three.”
Swallowing a couple more ounces, Summer lowered her cup and wiped at her mouth. “Seriously?”
Rene nodded as she crossed her arms. “I meant it. You’re doing great.” A beat. “Physically.”
And just like that, Summer rolled her eyes and turned her body to start packing up her items. “Here we go again.”
Rene already knew that she was going to be met with apprehension, but that didn’t dissuade her. “I can only help you rehabilitate your body, Summer. But your mind—”
“—is fine.”
Rene stilled, her green eyes softening. “You can say that until you’re blue in the face, but it makes no difference if you don’t really believe it, and I don’t think you do.”
Summer stilled, her back toward the tall woman. A part of her, a very small part of her, wanted to switch things up. She wanted to entertain the conversation, just to see how it would play out, but another part of her knew exactly how it would play out, so she did as she’d done a lot lately.
“So, same time next week?” She spun around, swinging her bag over her shoulder. Before the other woman could offer a response, Summer shot her a wink and walked past her. “Thank, Rene.”
As if on cue, Phillip’s large frame appeared in the doorway, and Summer’s grin fell.
Arms clasped in front of him, he nodded in acknowledgment. “Ready, Mrs. Hemsworth?”
An elongated sigh escaped as she approached him and managed to reignite her previous smile. “I told you, Summer is fine, but yeah, I’m ready.”
A grunted response that she couldn’t really make out proceeded him opening the door for her only to quickly move back in front of her so that he was blocking her view. For a man his size, he was impressively quick on his feet.
A few more doors, elevator ride down, and Summer was met with the blistering Australian heat as a firm hand moved to her backside and escorted her out the building. Out the corner of her eye, she spotted the photographers who snapped away, a few inching close to the star but not enough where they were in arms reach of Phillip.
They weren’t stupid.
Phillip had served as a bodyguard for some of the most important figures across the world, celebrities and royals included. His resume was impeccable, and he was damn good at his job, a job that, while she respected, Summer felt suffocated by at times.
The fact that she even had a full-time bodyguard was something that she still hadn’t swallowed. She’d always been vocal and open about the fact that she loathed the whole “barrier” between celebrities and “regular degular” people. Her occupation, in her option, shouldn’t place her on a pedestal.
Plus, she was far from hopeless, and so a bodyguard was something could never get with unless they were provided by the event she was attending.
But a certain husband of hers was absolutely adamant about hiring the 24/7 protection following the attack, and while Summer understood his reasoning, she still wasn’t in agreement.
Not that it mattered…
The drive was short as the outpatient treatment center was only about twenty minutes away from the Hemsworth residence. Once they reached the mansion, Summer relieved Phillip from his duties. She had no plans on going out again. Christopher was picking up the kids from school. She’d maybe take Doggy out for a walk on the beachfront, but that didn’t require the 6”3 giant’s presence.
Not even three seconds into the door, Christopher was in front of his wife, hands on her hips as he pecked her lips.
“Hey, honey.”
Summer faltered only for a second before chewing on her bottom lip. “Damn, waiting for someone?”
“Always.” He winked and smacked her ass, prompting her to try to push him away.
“I need to shower,” she protested with a small pout as he brushed her comment off and slyly lowered his mouth down to her ear.
“I’ll join you.”
Summer grinned, momentarily contemplating his offer. “Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?”
“We are married, aren’t we?”
“I mean….” She laughed at his scowl and managed to pull away, walking past him to make her way up the steps. “Can you make us—”
Summer stopped and turned around on the second step only to see that was directly in front of her, on the first step.
She lifted a brow. “Sir?”
She crossed her arms. “I’m pretty sure that I said n—Christopher!” She squealed as he silenced her by picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. “Put me down!”
“I am going to put you down,” he responded while continuing their track up the stairs. “On my dick.”
Summer rolled over on her side and ran her hand over her face, eyes shut as she struggled to catch her breath. Holding onto the pillow, she pulled the blanket up to her neck, depriving her nude body of the chilly air that the AC caused to consume their room.
She smiled softly as her husband kissed her temple. Feeling the bed creak, he peaked and saw him moving out the way as he started to pull on his clothes. Leaning on her back, she grabbed her phone off the nightstand and saw that it was time for him to leave to pick up the twins.
How long were we?
“Phillip will be here in a few minutes—”
Summer frowned. “What?” She sat up, not caring that the sheet fell down, exposing her breast. “Baby, I told him he could go home for the day.”
Christopher stood up, pulling his pants on. “Why would you do that?”
She looked from side to side. “Because I don’t need him? I didn’t plan on going out today.”
“But you knew that I had to go pick up the kids, so you’d be alone.”
Summer closed her eyes. “Christopher….”
The chime of his phone interrupted her as he glanced at the screen to see that Phillip had arrived and entered the house using the key that Chris thought was a good idea to provide him with. “He’s here. I have to get going.”
Summer frowned and leaned back against the headboard. “Okay.”
Looking back over to see that she was still dissatisfied, he walked over and sat on the bed, reaching out to cup her cheek. “Why don’t you come with me?”
Her brows furrowed. “Seriously? Christopher, you’ve already called the man over here.”
“And?” Chris didn’t see a problem. “He’s staying the night—”
“Again?” Summer was no longer so disappointed. She was irritated. “That’s the third damn time this week.”
Summer scoffed and moved away from him, crossing her arms. “You know, I would appreciate it if you would actually, maybe, communicate with me before you make these decisions.”
“What is there to talk about, Summer?” He watched her move to the other side of the bed as she kicked the blanket off and scurried around to gather her clothes. “You need pro—”
“No, Christopher, what I need is for you to stop treating me like a child!” A beat. “I can take care of myself!”
“Like you did with Myles?”
Summer clutched the shirt in her hand at the same moment Chris closed his eyes. “Fuck, Summer—“
“You can go to hell,” she whispered, yanking her shirt over her head and marching past him, snatching her arm away from him when he reached for her. “Don’t—“ she stopped, eyes closing as she fought the sob in the back of her throat. “—touch me.”
Christopher recognized that tone. It was rare, but when present, he recognized that nothing he could say or do could penetrate the impenetrable exterior that was Summer’s wall.
The slamming of the bathroom door indicated what he already knew. Walking over to the door and placing his ear against it, welcoming it to the quiet sobs of his wife confirmed it.
He’d fucked up.
A/N: So....whose side ya’ll on?
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starlightkenobi · 4 years
Anakin’s metal arm...that’s it. That’s the title. I don’t know what you expected. // Anakin Skywalker x Reader
this one is dedicated to the lovely @anakinswhore who is an amazing writer and i adore their fics so please go check them out, love u bb
also this is for everyone in the anakins bitches gc 😘 love you all
rating: explicit, seriously this is just porn
warnings: metal arm kink metal arm kink metal arm kink, light choking, praise kink, lil bit of degradation (he calls you slut a couple times)
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(not my gif!) but seriously look at his arm dude im about to go feral
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
A long breath escaped your lips as your hips arched off the bed. Each touch that Anakin pressed into your skin sent shivers down your spine and heat to your core. You trembled in his grasp, completely at his mercy. His lips pressed into the skin on your neck and his teeth sunk into you, leaving marks that would remain for days, sending waves of pleasure every time you noticed them in the mirror. Your lips parted in a loud moan, only encouraging Anakin to grind his hips against you harder, to sink his teeth into you deeper, to grip your thighs and breasts tighter.
“Ani...” Your voice was breathy and exasperated, surrounded by moans and gasps of pure bliss. “I need you to...to touch me.” Your hips arched to meet his, grinding into his languid thrusts.
He chuckled, slowly dragging his hand from your breast to grip your neck. Not cutting off your ability to breathe, just applying enough pressure to make you feel a little dizzy. “But sweetheart, I am touching you.” He gave one final squeeze to your neck before going back to squeezing one of your breasts, pinching your nipple through the thin fabric of your shirt. His thumb rubbed small circles into your thigh, the cold touch of his metal arm making you shiver, yet turning you on immensely. “I am touching you all over, baby.” His mouth returned to you, sucking deep marks right above your collarbone.
“Anakin...” You whined impatiently. Your skin felt like it was on fire, and it was Anakin who set it ablaze. “You k-know what I mean- ah!” Your sentence was interrupted by a moan as Anakin’s fingers finally made contact with your clit.
“You want me to touch you here, don’t you baby? My little slut loves it when I play with her down here.” His thumb rubbed circles on your clit through your underwear as you babbled and begged between moans.
“P-please Anakin, I want you...ah! I want you inside...” Your fingers twisted in the sheets, seemingly your only grasp to reality as you felt like you were floating. 
“Of course baby.” He cooed, sliding your underwear down your thighs. A line of your slick connected your dripping cunt to your underwear. “Look at how wet you are for me, baby. And I’ve barely touched you here.” He tossed your panties to the side, sliding his hand up your thigh and nearing your entrance. You quickly stopped him, grabbing his wrist and meeting his gaze. He looked worried, nervous that somehow he had hurt you.
“I want...” You paused, pondering how to form your words. “I want the other one.” Anakin cocked his head almost like a confused puppy dog, before realizing what you meant.
“You mean...the other arm.” His gaze fell to his metal arm, which was currently gripping your thigh. “Are you sure? I just don’t want to hurt you, and I’m not sure that I’d-”
“I’m sure. I trust you, and I know that you aren’t going to hurt me.” You could see in his face that he was still hesitant, you slid your hand up his cheek and kissed him gently.
His lips moved in tandem with yours, his teeth grazing your bottom lip and causing soft moans to bubble up from your throat. While he kissed you, his metal hand traveled further up your thigh and approached your entrance. If not for the searing kiss currently taking your breath away, you might have noticed.
Suddenly, the tip of his metal finger slowly slid into your entrance. Your head immediately fell back against the pillow, breaking the kiss as your mouth fell open and you moaned. “Fuck, Ani!” The cold touch of his metal finger sliding inside your cunt made you clench and gasp.
Anakin pulled back, staring in amazement at how your body was reacting to his movements. “Damn, you really want this.” Almost tentatively, his finger began pumping in and out of you as he marveled at the way you writhed under his touch. Ice collided with flame and your cunt throbbed at the feeling.
“More, Ani...” You wiggled your hips, begging to have more of the metal inside of you.
Another metal digit slipped inside of your wet cunt, and you realized how much Anakin was gonna have to clean his arm after this. The thought would have made you chuckle, if not for the mind numbing pleasure and endless moans falling from your lips. You were bucking against his fingers, meeting each pump of his hand with a thrust of your hips. You were in sync, so utterly connected, even though no real part of him was even inside of you.
“Getting off on riding my fingers...such a horny, desperate little slut, aren’t you?” You couldn’t even begin to form one word, let alone a coherent sentence that could explain to Anakin how desperately you craved him, and how turned on this whole situation made you. So, you opted for a frantic nodding of your head.
“I bet you could take another, couldn’t you princess?” Although it was posed as a question, you knew it wasn’t. He was going to slip a third metal finger into your entrance and you were only able to moan and take it. You would be lying if you tried to protest though, if you were able to speak past a desperate moan or whine, you’d be begging him for it. Anakin knew this too, of course. He could hear your mind screaming for him.
As the third finger pressed inside of you, Anakin chuckled deep and low in his throat. “Of course you would. You would take anything I gave you.” You felt so utterly full, his fingers pumping and curling inside of you, hitting spots that you never knew you even had. The teasing of that little bundle of nerves inside of you would have been enough to send you soaring off the edge, but Anakin wouldn’t settle for just enough. He was going to make you cum, and he was going to make sure you came screaming.
A metal thumb made contact with your clit, rubbing in a circular motion that had you clawing at Anakin, the sheets, literally anything that could keep you grounded and in this realm.
“I want you to be good for me, little angel. Be a good girl and cum for me.” Anakin growled, increasing the speed of his fingers inside of you and his thumb on your clit. You cried out, eyes rolling back in your head and back arching off of the bed. You were floating, soaring through an orgasm that left you weak and gasping for air.
“That’s it...good girl.” Anakin smiled genuinely, slowing the movements of his hand, but leaving his to thumb put pressure on your clit.
“A-Ani...pl-ease...” Your eyes welled up with tears in overstimulation. Taking pity on you, he dragged his fingers out of you slowly, bringing them to his lips and licking them sensualy. Even after that powerful orgasm, you still felt a pang of arousal, seeing him lick you off of his metal fingers. His tongue curled around his middle finger, giving it one last suck before pulling it from his lips.
You were panting, chest rising and falling as you tried to let your body catch up with your brain. Anakin grabbed your face, pulling you in for a desperate and heated kiss before pulling away and kissing your forehead. “I’m gonna get you a glass of water and let you recover, your pussy should be nice and open for me now.” You cocked an eyebrow at him, the most effort you could put into any physical movement at the moment. “Oh, baby. You didn’t seriously think I was done with you?”
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trulivin · 4 years
Actual Sex God
A/N: As promised. Sorry it’s so short. I’m in a real writing slump right now and I don’t know why. I hope you enjoy this and to the nonny who requested, I hope this is what you were looking for! Also this is my first time writing something mildly smutty so I apologize in advance. 
JJ x Reader, Outer Banks
Warnings: a lil bit of sexual themes, swearing
*gif not mine*
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“My friends will love you, I promise,” Kie said to Y/N as the two of them made their way up to the front porch of the Chateau. “You don’t know that,” the girl nervously bit her lip, “I just moved in three days ago and from what you’ve told me, y’all seem pretty tight.” Kie threw her head back and let out a light laugh.
“Y/N you are my new sister. They have to like you. And besides, they’re super chill. I promise you,” Kie smiled sweetly before entering the screened-in porch. “Guys!” she called, “I have someone I would like you all to meet!” 
Y/N watched as three boys piled out of the house. “This is Y/N Y/L/N, my newly adopted sister,” Kie introduced.
The first one who stepped up said, “What’s up? I’m Pope.” He gave Y/N a kind smile and shook her hand enthusiastically. The boy with brown longish hair raised a hand and spoke, “John B and this,” he gestured to the blond boy who was shamelessly checking Y/N out, “Is JJ.” “Sup,” JJ winked. 
“Pig,” Kie muttered as JJ threw his hands up in defense. “Hey you never told us your new sister was hot,” JJ responded. “No, nuh uh Y/N is off limits. No Pogue-on-Pogue macking,” Kie fired back. As the two went on bickering, John B approached the timid girl with a gentle look on his face. 
“Welcome to the life of the Pogues, Y/N,” John B said. “Thanks,” Y/N returned the smile, sitting on one of the chairs. John B took the seat next to her as Pope, Kie, and JJ settled around them. 
“So, Y/N,” Pope started, “Why did Kie’s parents adopt you, if you don’t mind me asking.” Y/N chewed on the inside of her lip instantly heating up as all the attention turned to her. Y/N glanced around and saw Kie give her a small smile of encouragement. 
“Yo, you don’t have to tell us if it’s like some personal shit or something like that,” JJ interrupted. Y/N shot him a grateful glance but took a breath anyways. “My dad left and my mom is now an addict. They’ve known Kie’s parents a long time before we moved off the island so when DCS wanted to put me in foster care after my mother about OD’d, Kie was the first person I had them call. So now we’re here,” Y/N explained. At this point, Y/N was relieved to get out of her messed up home. 
As soon as Y/N stopped talking, she noticed how quiet everyone was. Heat flushed her face as she spoke again, “Look, not a big deal. I’m glad to be gone and out of the foster care system.” She glanced around and saw looks of sympathy and pity written across everyone’s faces. 
“Well,” Pope said slowly, “Welcome to our family.”
The others murmured in agreement, and Y/N soon felt herself relaxing even with JJ’s eyes constantly on her. 
Weeks turned to months and Y/N soon found her place amongst the Pogues. During that time, she had grown extremely close to JJ, surprisingly. It took awhile for her to stop being so ruffled by his flirtatious remarks, but once the ice was broken, the two found themselves inseparable. 
Especially on beautiful days like today. 
The Pogues decided it would do them some good to take a break from the whole treasure hunt and Kook drama and spend the day on the docks. 
“This is so peaceful,” Kie groaned, laying out. Y/N smiled at her “sister” before turning her attention to the boys who were lounging on the floats. 
“Do you guys ever wonder if like crabs can communicate with their own kind in some sort of language under water?” JJ asked. “Annnnnd, moment ruined,” Kie sat up shooting JJ a confused look. Y/N let out a laugh as John B, Pope, and the blond started discussing their theories. 
Kie just laid back down rolling her eyes as the boys began arguing over some other stupid topic. Y/N, however, happily watched her friends so care-free and for once, relaxed. John B wasn’t worried about finding the gold, Pope wasn’t stressing over his scholarship, and JJ, well he seemed happier than he had been in days. 
JJ had told her he went home a few days ago and it wasn’t the greatest reunion between him and his father, leaving him in a sour mood. 
Y/N took the time to really look at JJ too. She noticed how the sun seemed to turn his skin bronze while his hair golden. The glistening water dripped down his toned arms every time he would articulate while his abs flexed when he held himself up on the float. The aviators gave him a sexy edge as well. He looked like some sort of sun god or something.
Y/N couldn’t take her eyes off of the boy. 
“You’re staring,” Kie said as she sat up again. Y/N jumped at the sound of her voice. “I am not,” she snipped. Kie let out a hearty laugh and said, “You should just tell him you like him.” Y/N gave her an incredulous look. “Pfff,” she struggled to lie, “I do not.” 
“Is-is that drool?” Kie asked playfully gesturing to Y/N’s chin. 
Her eyes went big and her hand shot to her mouth. Y/N felt nothing. 
Kie roared with laughter as Y/N playfully smacked her. “Shut up Kie!” she exclaimed as her friend kept cackling. “It’s okay. You two are always flirting anyways,” Kie laughed. “We do not!” Y/N retorted. 
“Ya you do,” Kie said, “But it’s fine because JJ seems very happy whenever he’s around you.” Y/N felt warm and not because of the sun. She always loved seeing JJ happy even when he had a horrible home life, and she was glad she could be a part of his happiness. 
“No Pogue-on-Pogue macking,” Y/N scoffed. Kie rolled her eyes from right next to her. “Long before you got here, JJ hit on me like everyday. And not to mention John B tried kissing me once,” she said. 
“What?” Y/N barked out a laugh. The sound carried all the way to the boys in the water causing JJ’s attention to turn to the girls on the dock. Y/N’s bikini clad body and the sound of her laugh made JJ feel weak. 
“Yes yes shut up,” Kie retorted playfully, shoving Y/N. 
“My point is, it’s really not that big of a deal. Unless it’s one-sided then things get weird. BUT it’s not one sided so you should hit that,” Kie added. 
“You sound like JJ,” Y/N snorted, “but I will say, I would gladly.” 
Later that evening, as the sun was setting, John B and Pope made a bonfire while JJ, Y/N, and Kie were inside the Chateau gathering whatever they could burn. Luckily they also found marshmallows and stuff for s’mores. 
Kie slipped outside with her items leaving JJ and Y/N to finish scouring the home. 
Y/N opened a cabinet and saw an unopened box of graham crackers that weren’t stale, and went to reach for them. Unfortunately, her height was unforgiving tonight as she stood on her toes trying to reach for it. 
She huffed, trying to jump up and grab it, but still was unable to reach it. 
A warm hand grabbed her exposed waist as an arm appeared to her right grabbing the box with ease. “Shortie,” JJ laughed in her ear. Y/N turned around and immediately flushed at the close proximity of their bodies. JJ was wearing his signature smirk and no shirt.
“Thanks,” Y/N tried to sound playful, but it almost came out as a stifled groan as his body pressed hers against the counter. 
“Aw what’s got you so flustered Y/N?” JJ grinned. Y/N dared to meet his gaze. He had a playful look in his eyes, but his pupils were completely blown. She gulped slowly trying to ignore the heat radiating between them. “Nothing,” she gasped as his warm hand found her waist again. His other hand rested on the counter, trapping her further. 
Y/N subconsciously bit her lip and saw JJ’s dark eyes flicker to her mouth hungrily. The next thing she knew JJ was leaning closer. Y/N’s head was spinning. His face was mere inches from her. He smelled like salt and still seemed to be glowing even without the sun. Closer and closer. Y/N didn’t dare move.
And just as his lips brushed hers, he turned his head and whispered in her ear, “Are you sure about that?” All traces of playfulness gone. Y/N didn’t even respond as his lips connected with her ear and trailed down her neck. 
Finger tips danced at the waistline of her shorts. Her hands immediately steadying herself by grabbing onto his ripped stomach. 
“You know,” JJ spoke lowly in between his wet, sloppy kisses burning her skin, “You’re not so subtle when you are staring.” Y/N’s eyes flew open, more heat rushing to her cheeks. JJ halted feeling her tense under him, pulling away to look at her. 
“I-I was not,” Y/N mumbled, diverting her eyes. She felt JJ’s chest erupt with laughter before his hand tugged her chin up, forcing her to look at him. “I like staring at you too and imagining what you’d look like without clothes for that matter,” he drawled. 
With that, JJ attached his mouth to hers and Y/N immediately melted into the kiss. He was sweet and slow at first before his tongue slid over her lips asking for permission. Tongues fought for dominance as she hooked her legs around his waist as he hoisted her on to the counter. 
JJ’s hands dug into her thighs as he ground into her looking for any sort of friction. Y/N let out an exasperated groan as she felt his member push on the inside of her thigh. His hands found their way to the waistband of her pants again, wasting no time tugging on them for permission. 
Y/N let out another strangled moan as his lips broke from hers and found her neck again, as a hand dipped in her pants now. His fingers slowly teased her before slipping into her entrance. “Shit JJ,” Y/N cursed causing him to chuckle. 
“Guys!” a voice yelled from the porch. JJ and Y/N both seemed to jump a part being pulled back into reality. John B couldn’t see them from the porch but he could definitely hear them. “We’re waiting on the s’mores stuff and I would really appreciate it if you two don’t fuck in my kitchen!” John B shouted. 
JJ and Y/N looked at each other sheepishly before he helped her down from the counter. “We’re coming man!” JJ yelled back, helping Y/N gather stuff up. JJ smiled at the appearance of her. Her hair was a mess, her cheeks were flushed, and her neck was already starting to bruise up. 
Y/N met his gaze and smiled back before letting it falter. JJ instantly frowned. 
“Um, this-this isn’t just like a uh one time thing?” Y/N asked quietly as they made their way for the house. “What?” JJ replied. “Like it…” she paused, taking a breath. “Like it isn’t just a fling. Like there will be more to it than just this.” 
JJ stopped and faced her. He had just assumed she thought he liked her with all his constant flirtatious remarks. “Y/N,” he said seriously, “I told you the moment I met you, you were the hottest person I’d ever seen in my life.” Y/N rolled her eyes, not really happy he was saying this. She thought for a fraction of a second that Kie was maybe right, and that maybe JJ liked her back and more than just her looks. 
“And then I got to know you,” JJ continued immediately after she tore her gaze away from him. Her eyes snapped back to his. “Your personality made you ten times hotter. You have a beautiful soul and you never fail to make me smile everyday no matter what. You became my best friend from day one. How can there not be more to this?” JJ concluded. 
“JJ…” Y/N grinned. He smiled back at her before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers again. The kiss was soft. Reassuring. 
“Seriously! Don’t fuck in my kitchen!!” John B shouted again while watching the two on the porch. Y/N and JJ broke apart laughing at each other. “Ok! Ok!” JJ yelled back wrapping his arm around Y/N. 
“Besides,” JJ leaned into her, whispering as they crossed the lawn, “When I do fuck you, it won’t just be on his counter. We’ll christen the whole damn house.” Y/N’s stomach dropped and heat rushed to her face earning another chuckle from JJ. 
“One day sweetheart,” he said kindly, pressing a kiss to her forehead joining their friends around the fire pit. “One day.”
Yay I’m so glad I got something out there! SO SO sorry for the delay! 
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dralf0yy · 4 years
omg hii may I request something for neville where he's just so shy with the reader and he kisses her one day and she suddenly wants to get it a lil steamy and he's fine w/ it but he's all flustered icnndnd if.you dont wanna, I understand ❤️
A/N: This is rlly cute omg,, thank u sm for requesting and I hope you enjoy 🥺🤍 - I’m not that good of a writer so im hella sorry if this disappoints :(
1st fic hehe
Greenhouse || N.L x Slytherin!Reader
Requested: Yes
Summary: Y/N and neville have been best friends since their first year at hogwarts. They’ve both developed feelings for each other but none of them have the courage to do anything about it. Until one day in the hogwarts greenhouse • Set in TGOF •
Warnings: Steamy kissing ? eEK
gif cr: @emilylkinney
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You rushed towards the greenhouse to meet your best friend and crush, Neville Longbottom, like you had done every morning since first year before going to class
But today, unlike the usual mornings, you woke up late and barely had time to meet Neville. You didn’t wanna break tradition so you still made an effort to go see him.
Snape could wait a little bit, after all, hell would have to freeze over before he’d take points away from Slytherin
You stumbled into the greenhouse looking disheveled, making eye contact with the boy you were so in love with
“H-Hey, Y/n” You noticed that he was holding a rose and a small box
“Hey, who’s that for?” You asked as a pang of jealousy hit you
A faint blush made its way onto his pale cheeks “This was actually supposed to be a surprise for y-you later tonight but since you’ve already seen it, I might as well”
It was your turn to blush as Neville walked towards you. You hoped he didn’t see but the bright red tint on your cheeks was hard to miss, especially up close
“This is gonna sound really cheesy but.. Y/n, 3 years ago today, an amazing friendship was born. Our friendship. And to say I was surprised is an understatement. You’re outgoing, popular a-a-and amazing, I was just, well, m-me. But you looked past what everyone else saw and stayed beside me for all these years, even when we got sorted into different houses, and that’s when I realised that I w-was in love with you. I love you Y/N Y/L/N, and I was wondering if you’d be my g-girlfriend..?”
You stared at the dark haired boy with tears brimming your eyes as he handed you the rose and opened the box to reveal a ring
“I-it’s a promise ring,” Neville mumbled
A bright smile covered your face when you saw that he was wearing an identical one on his right middle finger
You looked up and made eye contact with Neville. He broke eye contact and his gaze wandered down to your lips. He closed his eyes and leaned in until your lips were finally touching
The butterflies in your stomach were going absolutely wild and you were sure that your face turned into a tomato
Neville noticed the lack of reciprocation and pulled back. You mustered up all your courage and grabbed him by the collar of his school robes and pulled him back into another kiss
It felt like fireworks had erupted around you. His hands gently wrapped around your waist and he held you as if you were made of glass
Your hands flew up around his neck and you lightly tugged on his soft locks of hair
As much as you didn’t want to, you pulled away for some air. You opened your eyes and you let out a breathless chuckle
“I was wondering when you’d finally do that” You winked playfully at Neville
“S-So I’ll take that as a yes then” He smiled sheepishly
“Yes you git, now shut up and kiss me” You giggled before pulling him into another kiss, this kiss being a little bit more intense than the last
You deepened the kiss and buried your fingers in his hair, tugging it a little harder than before, making a muffled groan come from Neville
“Holy shit that was hot” You thought and smirked against his lips
A sudden wave of confidence washed over Neville’s flustered state and he nipped your bottom lip, causing you to gasp slightly and he took this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth
You reciprocated his actions and your tongues battled for dominance
His hands gradually got lower and lower but before things went any further, someone loudly cleared their throat
You and Neville abruptly pulled apart from each other and saw Professor Sprout waiting at the entrance with first years sniggering and whispering behind her
You looked up at Neville’s face and his mouth was wide open and his face was the brightest shade of red that you had ever seen
“Mr.Longbottom, Miss Y/L/N.. Don’t you have a class to be attending at the moment?” Professor Sprout questioned and narrowed her eyes at the two of you
“I- um-”
“Yes actually, we do. So sorry Professor, but as much as we’d like to stay and talk about what you just saw, which was 100% just your imagination, we have to get to class.” You grinned widely at her and the lot of first years as they giggled more
“Well what’re you waiting for? Go on to class” Professor Sprout gave a tight lipped smile to you and Neville as you scurried through the doors
“Oh- and Mr.Longbottom!” You and Neville stopped and turned around to face the short woman once again
“I suggest you.. do those kinds of things with Miss Y/L/N in the safe space of your common rooms or at least anywhere but in here”
If it was even possible at this point, Neville’s face got redder and flushed as he nodded and grabbed your hand to run to potions
You were about halfway there when you remembered who was actually teaching the class
“Shit. Snape’s gonna be pissed”
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themilky-way · 4 years
nightcrawler {t.holland}
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gif credit: tommyhoelland2013
pairing: mafia!tom holland x fem!reader
summary: your original task was to satisfy your midnight cravings. what you find is something you don’t quite expect. based on this ask. 
warnings: minor hints of violence, mentions of stalking, language, and SMALL  nsfw bc its mafia!tom what do you want from mE
author’s note: haven’t written for tom in a while and this request spurred up some thoughts lmao. ALSO i tweaked this a lil bit hope u don’t mind :)
everything residing inside the proportionally small bedroom was brought to life in almost an instant. with a single yank, the curtains covering the glass windows gave way to a clear view of the moon, allowing its illuminating rays to seep through. the outline of a messy, disheveled bed was puzzled together, with accompanying piles of clothes scattered across the room. a pair of slippers waited patiently next to the door for their owner to retrieve them, and with the sudden entry of glimmering light, it wouldn’t be long until someone did. 
it had all started with a simple rumble of your stomach. there wasn’t much to it, nor would you have ever thought it would escalate this bad. you had been given quite a luscious meal, large enough to get you through the night without residual hunger. so, the idea of skipping dessert altogether seemed appropriately reasonable. however, as the night wore on, you began noticing a distinct noise deep in your belly. you ignored it at first, but as soon as you’d permit your eyes to close, the feeling returned more painful than before. now, here you were: on a mission to indulge in a much-needed snack. 
you should at least have a bite, he had told you. you might regret it if you don’t. it had been silly of you to have denied his suggestion. he had meant well by it, too-always had, and most likely always will-but now the thought of possibly being caught by him doing exactly what you had refused to do was awkward. the spoon in your hand was already digging into a scoop of ice cream amidst this ludicrous internal conflict of yours, and as soon as the rich flavor of chocolate reached your senses, everything troubling you faded away. should listen to him more often, you pondered. 
 the old-fashioned clock hanging from above the fridge appeared to stop clicking with each mouthful of the decadent dessert, and if the man who had offered you a home in his luxurious estate teased you for this later, you simply would not care. after a particularly large bite though, an echoed grunt sounded in the next room, causing you to set the nearly empty jar on the counter. whoever that was-they sounded angry. your curious mind prompted your feet to move cautiously across the cold tiles with no regard to the possibility of it being an intruder. it seemed as if tonight you were on a quest to find something-anything-that would give you a thrill. yes, if someone was in fact in his home, and if by chance you were the one who discovered them, it wouldn’t be so exhilarating. yet, as your feet traversed further into the dark halls, and your brain continued joining dangerous situations together, you mindlessly wandered into something damn near close to threatening.
“tom?” a faint, quivering voice questioned. an innocent, ignorant little mouse caught in a trap. a pair of eyes shot up to meet your horror-struck features, taking in every possible detail they could make out through the obscurity of the room. then, he smiled. a small, deceiving curve of his lips made your heart jump hurdles, and right now, it was difficult to pinpoint whether it was fear or something a little more than infatuation. 
“darling, i’m so glad you decided to join us.” the dark-suited man stood up straight, a hand extended towards you invitingly. by now, it was evident that tom never asked politely, never offered anything to anyone; he just took whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. which is why his rough palm had now enveloped your tiny one. he adjusted the cushion behind you so you could have a seat, advising you that your line of vision had to be vast if you were to see what came next. 
“what-no! who the hell is that! why is he-oh god-why is he tied up!” a meek attempt at rising up from the couch was ceased by a strong pair of hands gripping either of your thighs. it shouldn’t have provided you a passive wave of goosebumps on your skin, not from something so minimal. he felt them, too; the rush of your skin and how it was suddenly so cold, and now it was damn near-boiling. his orbs were obsidian, a single glare from them mixed with the timidness of your own. “i’m sorry. can you just tell me, please?” you amended weakly. 
“oh, honey, you don’t have to be sorry.” a gentle stroke to your hair was followed by a reassuring grin. tom tugged a loose strand of your behind your ear before turning to the side, nudging to the half-beaten person in the middle of the room. “but he does.”
with the light adjusting accordingly now, the features of this stranger didn’t seem to be so unfamiliar anymore. upon closer inspection, the realization hit you like a blow to the chest. “oh my god, is that-”
“the fucking man who’s been bothering you? yeah, that’s the one.” it came out of tom’s throat as a growl, every word dripping with disgust at the mere acknowledgment. “should’ve talked to me about it-put an end to this son of a bitch sooner.” the grasp on your fragile legs turned tighter, your mouth falling open at the flutter of pain that came with it. “close your pretty little mouth before i forget we have company, baby.”
in an instant, he wasn’t centimeters close to your face anymore; his hands no longer held your aching skin, but rather the other man’s throat. a whirlwind of threats, punches, and blows encaptured your entire focus, and to say it didn’t entice you (among other things) would be a blatant lie. fully prominent on tom’s neck, the darkened profile of his snake tattoo maneuvered with every searing hit he made. the moon-the very same one you saw only minutes ago-casted a shadow on his rings, and the one you’d caught yourself staring at one too many times glistened back. perhaps this was your own personal heaven? or were you possibly in a drug-induced coma; the man looking at you once every few seconds with a mischievous glint in his eye a mere conjuring of your brain? 
a command was given, and an obedient man went on to lift your stalker’s limp form from the chair. you had almost missed it, given your disorganized (and very much hormonal) state of mind. tom came to rest beside you once he gave instructions to another one of his men, a leg crossing over the other as his arms snaked around the couch. he didn’t say anything, regardless of how intensely you were looking at him. all he did was relax, or appear to be, while his men scurried to obey their boss. a few seconds later, one of the few you recognized handed you a tub of ice cream, red velvet flavored this time, and a clean spoon. a look of confusion spread on your face, unbeknownst to just about anything you believed to be certain. all tom did was laugh at your concern, assuring you he wouldn’t bother you with witty remarks if you satiated your craving. 
“wait, how did you know i was eating some in the first place?” you ask mid spoonful. you miss the drop of creamy texture that starts to drizzle on the side of your mouth, but tom sure doesn’t. with a slow, swift movement of his hand, his thumb is wiping it off before putting it into his mouth. 
“darling, you may think i know nothing when it comes to you, but i know everything.”
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spookyold-saintjm · 4 years
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[gif: @h0rr0rpancake] 
Mandalorian x female reader
Part of the Pilot series [Masterlist]
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol consumption/intoxication, canon-typical violence, it’s steamy but it’s not smut (yet) so chill.
Word Count: 3,808
Surprise! I was able to finish this one (number SIX?!) sooner than I thought, so here you go!
If you’re seeing my work for the first time: hi! You don't necessarily have to read the other parts of this series for this one to make sense; I write each new installment as something that can be enjoyed as a stand-alone or as part of the whole. Reading the others will give you bits and pieces of context that (hopefully) make each new part more impactful, but there’s no need to do so if you don’t want.
This is my longest work yet so...phew. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! A lil ol’ reblog would mean the world to me, if you want. x
You had never thought it was something you’d see again. At least, not if it were done by your own hands. 
Fragments of a one-man ship crumbled and burned and drifted down and out through infinite space. Your hands trembled like leaves against the Crest’s controls, and a cold sweat trickled down the side of your head as you stared numbly at the destruction you had just created. The life you had taken.
You heard the familiar footsteps of the Mandalorian approaching from behind you, and snapped back into survival mode. This wasn’t just about you.
You shakily turned toward the panel on your left, typing in codes to redirect your flight path to the nearest safe planet you could think of. The ship needed repairs; you needed to land as soon as possible. Mando was behind you just as you swerved the ship to a hard right and away from the sight of the debris. Away from choice you’d had to make to ensure your safety. And theirs. 
You vaguely remembered him going to get the child immediately after you’d fired the fatal shot; somehow, despite the rocking and frantic turning of the ship, that sound had been what had awoken and startled the tiny being that had been resting in his carrier in another part of the ship. He was now tucked into Mando’s arm, ears perked in curiosity.
The amount of time that had passed up to that point was unclear to you; you’d kept a clear mind, focused, each move intentional and calculated as you attempted to get the attacking ship off your tail. It was when you realized that they weren’t going to give up on their pursuit, that they were intent to take you down, that you knew what you had to do. And you’d done it, but not without the dull, numbing feeling of acknowledging death quickly beginning to set in, despite the countless hours of training you’d once been through to teach your mind otherwise.
You had told yourself you weren’t going to do it again. And yet, here you were.
“I’ve changed our course.” You spoke quietly, quickly, before Mando could ask if you were okay. It was a question you didn’t want to answer. “We need to land soon. Damage.”
Mando said nothing, only watched your still-trembling hands attempt to restore the ship to full operation so that you could more quickly reach your new destination.
“S-sorry,” you added, immediately wishing you could take back the words that were already spilling from your lips. “I—I wasn’t—it’s been a long time."
He listened, letting you speak the words that were making your stomach turn the longer you held them inside. He didn’t ask questions, didn’t try to tell you to calm down. Only listened. It was something that you found yourself to silently appreciate as you started to steady yourself, your breaths regulating, your hands still. 
He had seated himself in the co-pilot chair behind you, the child quiet in his lap. “Thank you.” he finally spoke. It was the only thing he could think to say, but it was enough. 
Without turning away from the viewport, you nodded slowly in grateful acknowledgment.
“They were after him, weren’t they?” you asked, your voice low. You already knew the answer, but to assure yourself that what you’d done was worth it…
“I think so. Yes.” Mando replied simply.
“Not Guild. Not now.” You added.
“No. Someone else.”
You had a feeling you both had the same suspicions, that word had spread about the Mandalorian taking down Moff Gideon and escaping with a bounty he’d very intensely sought after. A very valuable one.
Neither one of you said it aloud, but you knew. The running wasn’t over.
Hot. Why did this planet have to be so kriffing hot?
You reached to wipe sweat from your forehead as you meticulously worked away on the wiring you pulled from out of a panel near the bottom of the ship. The repairs weren’t necessarily difficult, but time-consuming. And costly. Maybe it was the heat on this planet getting to you, but you’d snapped at Mando at his slightest hesitation of the full repairs. 
“This ship is a ticking bomb. I don’t fix her, I don’t fly her. She’s all yours."
You could have sworn you’d heard his teeth grinding beneath this helmet when he’d handed over the credits for the necessary parts. 
You were still coming down from your mood when the Mandalorian returned to the hangar where you’d been permitted to leave the ship a couple hours later. The child was following, happily toddling along behind him, but nearly thudded straight into his boot when Mando abruptly halted in his tracks.
He saw as you stood from your crouched position by the ship, muttering light curses under your breath as you stepped over to search through the crate of tools provided in the hangar for the repairs you were currently addressing. A stray hair drifted down into your eyes from where you had tied it atop your head, desperate for any means to cool down, and you blew it away as you continued to dig through the crate. Your long-sleeved shirt was tied at your waist, leaving you in your sleeveless undershirt that, thanks to the heat causing everything to stick to your skin, wasn’t leaving much to anyone’s imagination...
Not that…not that he would imagine anything. No, the heat was just getting to him, too. 
You finally noticed his presence and looked up, shielding your eyes with a hand to look at him through the light of the setting suns glinting off his armor. 
“Hey, shiny. Step out of the light. I’m going blind here.”
Once he remembered how to walk, Mando was standing by the open hatch of the Crest, telling the child to head inside out of the heat. He obeyed, but not before letting a long stare glide between the two of you. 
You were faced the opposite direction from him, but you didn’t hesitate to whip your head around your shoulder to send him a hard glare of warning before he quickened his pace inside with a small giggle.
“What does he say to you?” Mando asked as he approached you. You shook your head as you pulled the tool you’d been looking for from the crate with a low hum. He knew well enough by now how you communicated with the child, although maybe he didn’t quite understand the process of it. Some things were better to just silently accept. And this seemed to be one of them.
“You know…kid stuff,” you shrugged, though the fluttering in your stomach when Mando reached your side easily betrayed that. You walked over to the panel you’d been working on, and used the tool you’d retrieved to finish connecting and securing the last couple wires before locking and screwing the panel back into place. 
“Well, we’re getting there.” You announced as you came from underneath the ship again. You dusted off your hands onto your thighs, and looked to Mando with a sigh. “Stabilizer still needs some work, and I have to re-align the left thruster. Need to double check the fuel driver. Might as well knock out the cosmetic work too if we’re going to be here for a few days.” You leaned to rub at a deep scratch in the thick metal of the Crest as you spoke. “Any luck on your end?”
“We found lodging. Doesn’t seem like we’ll be bothered.” Mando replied, already giving up on trying to make sense of the information you’d just given him. You knew that the mechanical side of things wasn’t really his area, so you weren’t at all surprised at his lack of questioning. Laughable as it may have been to you.
“Good,” you replied. “I hate being bothered.”
Mando folded his arms over his chest as he watched you type some final information regarding the repairs into the datapad before looking to him with a faint grin.
“Alright, then. If everything’s settled…I need a drink.”
With one arm propped against the bar, you knocked back the next shot of glowing orange liquid passed your way.
You weren’t quite sure what it was, but Maker, did it burn in the best way.
You swiped a slightly larger glass of dark brown liquid you’d requested off of the counter and turned to look for your companion for maybe the twentieth time that night. 
You finally saw him, the rough silhouette of the Mandalorian making his way toward you. 
Taking deliberate steps, you wandered over to meet him, the music in the room so gods-damned fantastic that you nearly forgot what you were doing until you nearly bumped into him.
You grinned up at him and shoved the glass in his direction. “Got you something!”
“I’m alright.” He knew you were beyond the point of him trying to explain to you that even if he did want a drink, he couldn’t drink it. For obvious reasons.
“Fine. Suit yourself.” Mando stared blankly at you as you pressed the glass to your lips and tipped back your head, finishing the entire thing in one go. You let out a heavy sigh of contentment as you placed the glass, now empty, down onto the nearest table. 
He had agreed to stay back with the child as you’d gone to have a couple drinks at a nearby to unwind. When an hour and a half had passed and you hadn’t returned, he put the kid down to sleep and came to check in on you, a dull surge of worry rushing through him. It wasn’t entirely impossible that you’d all been followed onto this planet...
But instead he found you perfectly content, clearly more than a “couple” drinks in.
A tall, dark haired human female had wandered over, wrapping her arm low around your waist as they gazed eagerly at Mando.
“Oh! This your boyfriend or something?” The woman winked at him with a wide grin before she turned back to curiously tilt her head at you with her blue-painted, pursed lips. “Didn’t see you as the...boyfriend type, too.” 
She turned back to Mando and reached a hand upward, a thin finger lazily reaching to trace the visor of his helmet. “What’s he look like under—"
Before she got the chance, you had her pressed face-first onto a table, that same hand pinned behind her back.
“Don’t. Touch. The helmet.” You spat down at her, before sending her off back in the direction she’d come from when you’d decided to let her go.
The Mandalorian wasn’t sure he was breathing. 
“Handsy-ass bitch,” you muttered, turning back towards Mando with a shrug. “Sorry.”
He was still internally reeling from everything he’d just had to process in that matter of seconds, but shook himself out of it once he saw you faintly sway on your feet.
“We need to get back.” He said, his tone bordering that of an order. “I left the kid."
Your head snapped back upward toward him. “You left the—what the fuck is wrong with you?!” you gasped, and frantically tapped on the beskar covering his shoulders, urging him to turn around to the door. “We have to go.” 
You both made it roughly five steps when he had to catch you from nearly stumbling to the floor. You walked the remainder of the way with hands clasped onto Mando’s arm to keep you steady. 
You didn’t really need to, though. At least, that’s what you’d muttered under your breath on the walk back to where you were staying for the night. You were just being nice and accepting his help.
Mando let out a long sigh as you followed him inside.
Fortunately for the three of you, there were small rooms available for travelers to stay near the hangar, whether it be for time to make repairs to ships or to find temporary work until one could get off-world again. Mando, with the child tucked in his arm, had to quickly clarify that he would need two beds—in fact, two separate bedrooms—when he’d explained the requirements for a place to stay. Much to the owner’s amusement.
“Eh, don’t worry about it, guy. She’ll get over whatever you did to piss her off. They always do,” he had stated when he’d handed over the access card for the door.
Mando was silently thankful you hadn’t been there to hear the exchange, because even with you nowhere around he felt the distinct urge to throw himself into a sarlacc pit.
Your first instinct once you were inside, despite the haziness in your mind, was to check on the kid. He wore a peaceful contentment on his face as his slept in the carrier. Perhaps he, too, was relieved to be staying the night somewhere other than in an old bucket of a ship. Mando followed behind, a dull relief washing over him when he too saw that the child had been undisturbed during his short absence.
You spun around and glared up at him. “Do not leave him alone again.” You said, keeping your voice low. "For two hours or five minutes, I don’t care.” 
He could have easily argued that maybe you were the reason he’d left him alone to begin with…but he was fairly certain that it wouldn’t be the best idea.
You had closed the door to the room you’d designated as yours seemingly before he could blink, coming out a while later, freshly showered in a new set of clothes. You still had that vague floating feeling as the effects alcohol continue to pulse steadily through your body, but you were at least coherent enough to walk on your own now. 
The lighting in the room was dim, so as not to disturb the sleeping child, when you walked over to where Mando was tweaking the blaster he always carried with him at the small table in the room. 
You plopped down in the seat across from him, hands rested under your chin, dark circles already formed under your eyes.
“Can I tell you something?” You asked, after watching him in silence for a while.
If it hadn’t been for all the other ways you’d surprised him that evening, the question might have given him pause.  “Go ahead."
You tilted your head. “I want to kiss you, Din Djarin.”
And his entire world froze.
“I know, I can’t.” You waved a hand dismissively toward him, your words still slightly slurring. “It’s the Way, or whatever. I get it. But stars, if I don’t just want to kiss you sometimes.” 
“Stop.” His voice came out far quieter than he’d meant as he began to earnestly wipe away a spot on his blaster that didn’t exist. “You’re drunk.”
You shrugged. “It's when I’m the most honest.”
He practically dropped the blaster onto the table, much louder than he’d meant. Both of you immediately jerked your heads toward the sleeping child, who thankfully hadn’t stirred.
Mando lifted his head, finally looking back at you. It almost felt like some strange stand-off, this long, silent exchange between the two of you. What was he supposed to say to that? His thoughts weren’t lining up right in his head, not only because of your confession, but the fact that you’d used his name when he said it. You hadn’t dared to speak it again since the night you’d left Navarro. Not until now. And then, there was the matter of what exactly you had said...
You were torture. Absolute torture. 
“Um,” You slowly rose from your seat, muttering curses to yourself in your head when you realized he wasn’t going to give you a reply. You pressed your palms flat against the table until the shadows of the room and Mando’s silhouette stopped wavering around you. “I’m gonna go."
You had turned to walk back to your private space for the night when the single light in the room switched off.
You nearly tripped over your feet as you halted, slowly turning back to what you guessed was Mando’s general direction. 
“Hey, wait I can’t see anythi—"
You felt his presence in front of you just as your mind fully processed the thought.
You couldn’t see.
Your breathing suddenly felt heavy, dizziness threatening to overtake you again the longer you were stripped of your sight. The quiet in the room was nearly deafening.
Mando was moving, a familiar sound of shifting beskar finally breaking the silence. Your feet were heavy weights, holding you in place while you heard him set something onto the table behind him.
Another silence passed, and breathing became nearly impossible as the walls closed in around you. “Mando, I—“
Every nerve in your body threatened to short-circuit at the sound of his voice. His voice.
He’d taken off his helmet. He was standing in front of you and he’d taken off his helmet.
“Is that really what you want?” he asked.
Oh, Maker, if he kept speaking you were going to pass out. 
Little did you know, he wasn’t feeling all that different. It took his every last ounce of pure willpower to keep himself from wavering, from putting back on the helmet and turning around and hoping he could convince you that you’d been dreaming if you asked in the morning.
But you wouldn’t, couldn't forget this if you tried.
He took a step forward, a step closer to you, awaiting an answer. “Well?"
“T—to kiss you?" you nodded once, slowly, despite knowing he couldn’t see you. “I…yes.” You swallowed thickly, an attempt to raise your voice above a whisper. “Do…do you? Want to, I mean.” Stop talking stop talking stop talking...
Another rustling, and you felt his touch, his fingers rested beneath your chin. “Yes.”
You stood unmoving, other than the heavy rise and fall of your chest. His forehead rested against your own, the first contact of his bare skin to yours enough to send you through the roof. You could hear his own uneven breathing now as he leaned in, his pace achingly slow. The tip of his nose brushed against yours, and your reflexively parted your lips in your wound-up anticipation…
And he kissed you.
His lips were feather-light and hesitant against yours, testing your acceptance to what was happening. You leaned into it, fully capturing his mouth with yours. 
He tasted every bit the warrior, like blood and dirt mixed with something sweet and uniquely him, something that you could get drunk on, if you hadn’t been already.
The kiss was long, heavy. What had started out as something so light and timid quickly deepened into something else entirely, the instinctual need for contact that you’d both been deprived of for far too long rapidly taking over. What was once slow and steady soon turned messy, desperate, his teeth grazing against your bottom lip as you opened for him. 
You’d snapped out of your shock and your hands were quick to press into his back to urge him closer to you before they wandered immediately up to his head.
Curls. The tiniest curls of hair sat atop his head and you wrapped one set of fingers in them while your other hand rubbed against the rough stubble on his face and slid along his neck and back up again. You wanted to remember every last inch of his face, how it felt. The sight of it didn’t matter. Not anymore.
At some point, you noticed your back was now pressed against a wall, the realization that he’d moved you there causing you to impulsively tug at his hair. 
Some faint, low noise erupted from him and his fingers curled deeper into your waist in direct response and it set a fire deep within you that threatened to erupt at any moment.
More. You wanted more.
But he…was he trying to pull away from you? 
You chased him, your lips reconnecting once he’d hardly leaned back. He indulged it a moment longer.
He, too, wanted more. Wanted it more than he knew he could possibly want anything.
But still he pulled back again, his hands moving to instead wrap around your arms to blindly pin you against the wall.
“Din—” you slurred, almost a plea. You reached up to move your hair away from your half-open eyes in a way that would have sent him to the floor if he’d been able to see it.
“I know,” he answered, his breath coming out in short bursts as he again rested his forehead against yours. “But not...like this. You’re still…"
He felt you nod against him before he could finish, despite the frustrated hum that crept from your lips. 
“Okay,” you breathed. Your rested your palms against his chest, fingers curling against the armor there in a silent wish.
Mando leaned to press a soft, final kiss to your swollen lips before releasing his hold on you, both of you attempting to catch your breath as the room grew silent.
He was across the room again before you fully had the chance to miss his touch.
“You should sleep.” he stated, his voice again altered by the modulators of his helmet. There was now enough light for you to see rough shapes in the room, and despite how badly you wanted to turn away, you were looking back at him, standing, watching you.
You couldn’t help but sigh. Just like that, it was over. As if it had never happened at all.
“Yeah,” you muttered, the only answer you could pull from your throat as you turned back toward the room you had claimed as your own.You wandered inside, shut the door behind you with the blind press of a button, and immediately collapsed onto the bed. A real bed, but in that moment it felt as hard and unforgiving as if you were lying on the ground outside. 
The knot in your chest and the fire set low in your stomach had yet to cease. Your eyes were wide open, but you were seeing nothing. You laid there, for several minutes or maybe hours, before eventually your exhausted body and the alcohol still drifting through your veins lulled you into a deep sleep.
And in the room beside you, Mando laid on his back, the beskar long stripped away. His hands rested at his sides, his eyes stuck to the low ceiling with no other thought than that of the choice he had just decided upon, the unspoken promise he made to himself, to you, as he, too, waited for sleep to overtake him.
tag list: @nadia-rosea​​ @capsironunderoos​​ @electricprincess888​​ @jamesdeerest​​ @smolashie​​ @iwatobiswimbros​​ @backontheolebullshit​​ @100kindsofblake​​ @pandacookieowo​​ @biolo-tea @baby-yodas-cool-aunt​​ @heyitsjaybird​​ @krtslxx​​ @edgy-hufflepuff-bro​​ @dirty-dancefl00r5​​ @fastidious-and-a-mess​​ @officiallydeceased​​ @sunkissed-winter​​ @crushingonmando​​ @ah-callie​​ @wrinkled-daydream​​ @holamor​​ @din-and-juice​​ @cosmo-bear​​ @c0recl0wn @tedpicklez @miartian @disn3yfreak (please inbox me if you’d like to be added!)
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i-growl-growl-growl · 3 years
Attack on Lanling city
I took some liberties with this scenario because.... fiction....
This story falls apart at the seams as it goes on so prepare for a good start off but downfall of the story as you continue reading.                  
Also, this scenario doesn’t include Wei Wuxian or Lan Wangji.
Hope you enjoy anyway.
Members of the Lanling Jin sect watch in terror as dark clouds of black smoke fill the air, looming over the carp tower with its damning fiery bolts of lightning flashing dangerously as the approach of the storm nears closer at an unfathomable pace. Couples and families cower as flashes of the unnaturally red lighting strike in the distance leaving wakes of fire the color of blood to spout in their paths of destruction. Screams and cries from young ones fill the air as people hysterically rumor of their impending doom to each other, even Jin Guangshan and Madam Jin are filled with fright as hysteria picks up around them. All who are witness to the filling darkness of the sky know that the cause is of a casted curse or a ploy to have the city distracted while troops or monsters of another clan make way to destroy them, from whom and why however is unknown. The wise know that such actions as cowering away or screaming for help, running in no given direction other than away from the storm won’t serve to aid their positions should an attack arise but even they quiver in their places as the storm surges on, now passing overhead.
“Master Jin, who is causing such havoc?” a lady asks as she nears the leading couple of the sect, tear of fear fill her widened eyes as her body shakes when otherwise not preoccupied with jumping in her place whenever the deafening strikes of lightning sound from above. “I’m not certain” he speaks to her, leaving his focus from the storm to face her, noticing the brown and red stains of her robes, shoes nowhere in sight, her feet bloodied more than her robes- obvious implications that she had been elsewhere, facing other terrors beforehand. “The causer of this is unknown” he replies, remaining as stoic as he can, determined to keep pride in his image as a strong leader. “Madam Jin” he calls to his lover beside him “take her anywhere that is safest and have someone tend to her.” “Yes” she obeys with a bow of respect to his order, “miss, we shall go now” she speaks lightly, holding out her hands to wrap around the young lady as they leave to find a place of peace.
Jin Guangshan returns his attention to the storm which has now covered the city, the clouds are darker- a black so unfathomable that it’s nearly blinding to the eyes as though an inverse of directly staring into the sun- the sharp lightning within rapidly unpaced. No major building has been struck, the palace left untouched by the storm, for this the leader is grateful but, with each passing moment that he bears witness to the lightning purposefully keeping distance from such important structures he becomes more aware that whomever has sent this storm has plans to take over in some way. An attack is inevitable, this much the leader and his fellow men have now become sure of. Jin Guangshan holds his sword with a tight grip at his side in preparation, he has decided that he will do what is honorable, he shall fight with his men once the attackers arrive, whomever they may be.
It takes a touch from another’s hand to cause the leader to realize that someone has joined his side, standing to his left just a stoic as he. Jin Zixuan, his son, has come to fight with him honorably, for this the pride within Jin Guangshan rises. “the storm cannot last much longer” Jin Zixuan speaks confidently, “we shall see who has brought such a foreboding state to our city.” Jin Guangshan only nods in reply as he looks to his son without expression, he knows that his son has faced may dreary situations before, giving him knowledge of what is likely to happen during time of upheaval.
Just as Jin Zixuan had spoken, soon after the sound of rumbling troop gear and the screams of those approaching fill the ears of the pair who had stood their ground. The two turn to face the sound and see troops running towards them, an endless hoard- all with their blades unsheathed.
Those in the clan that hadn’t already run race to the frontlines to protect their leader and the heir, their screams mix in with those of the attacking forces while the sounds of blades clashing together also fill the air. There aren’t many men there to fight, but there are plenty to stall the opposing troops from getting to Jin Guangshan and Jin Zixuan before they move into action. Jin Guangshan glides into the hoard with grace, his blade effortlessly slicing at any who near him, clearing a path for a small group of men to enter along with him. Jin Zixuan witnesses this as he jumps into the air, providing a harsh kick to a group of troops that have nearly taken down a supporting fellow clan member. Like a domino effect, those who are kicked down knock those around them to the floor, allowing Jin Zixuan time to guide his supporter to his feet. Not a word of thanks is spoken for they are both too busy blocking attacks, the opposing forces doing their best to lash at any flesh or garb that doesn’t match the color of their own.
It’s nearly a blind fury of moving swiftly and hoping for the best results as the battle goes on, more and more soldiers from each side drop to the floor dead or dying as swords continue to clash, lightning having been directed to focus on the mass of people fighting, now striking those of both groups. If a man doesn’t die from being stabbed by a sword then he is likely to die by being struck or by catching on fire from those who’ve been struck if they are near. Jin Guangshan nor Jin Zixuan know of each other’s fates although there is no time to worry of such things for their minds must stay centered on fighting and surviving what both of them do know however is that their clan was far outnumbered from the beginning, and with the drop of more of their clan members, they become increasingly aware that they are fighting an already lost battle.
Sweat gathers at everyone’s foreheads from the exhaustion of battle and the heat of the flames that lick at the bodies that the lightning has scorched. Every person has a wound, they’re garbs stained with their own blood amongst the blood of their fellows as well. Should either Jin Guangshan or Jin Zixuan look to their robes, they would be unable to recognize the once pure colors of white and gold that had adorned their robes, what they’d see instead is red from collar to shoe. Everyone is slowing their advances, even those with well-trained endurance. Jumping into the air to evade an attack or perform a stunt that would’ve, and had, once aided the pair of Lanling men in their endeavors to fight off surrounding attackers are now no longer an option, the use of their own abilities have dwindled as the battles has raged on for what feels like hours but has more than like truly only been a single given hour.
Before they know it, the pair are the last remaining fighters amongst their kind. The soldiers of the attacking forces have killed their supporting men, some have branched off to find others that had hidden. The two are overpowered but face not death, the troops that have staid behind keep them in place by pointing their swords at any given place on their bodies where there’s room to prevent struggle. For what reason they are being kept alive is likely the leader’s request to interrogate them and have them tortured before granting them death. Neither Jin Guangshan nor Jin Zixuan would give in to such advances easily if it’s to be the case. As they wait for the arrival of the wretched being that has destroyed the city, they can only use their wisdom to imagine what shall happen to them as well as listen to the scream of women and children as they are chased, killed and…. They dare not think of what else is happening within the buildings that aren’t already burning around them.
When a new set of footsteps comes to attention, Jin Guangshan and Jin Zixuan both wish to see who approaches. A group of five soldiers each surround two figures, while a group of ten surround another. Two figures, Zixuan easily recognizes, it doesn’t take them to turn and face their captives before the hostages look on. Wen Chao and Xue Yang- a terrible pair that had joined forces not long ago to bring terror to the world around them. Neither of the villains speak once they face the Lanling hostages, once cocky-devilish smirks cross their faces as they eye their prey.
Jin Zixuan and Jin Guangshan can come up with no reason as to why these two would want anything to do with Lanling… that is until they find out why they remain silent. The third, final, figure to come along with the evil pair has his guards shift to the side, giving him space to be more mobile and dramatic with his reveal. Had the third figure been wearing his usual robes, the Lanling royals would’ve recognized him the most but, rather than sport his usual robes of white and gold, he has switched to a darker tone of black for his garb. Betrayal crosses the faces of both Jin Zixuan and Jin Guangshan as the final bringer of terror to the Lanling territory shows his face, an even worse devilish smile crossing his expression. The reason for Lanling Jin’s downfall……. Jin Guangyao, illegitimate son of Jin Guangshan and half-brother of Jin Zixuan.
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(I found the perfect gif for this but Tumblr wouldn’t let me post it because this sites a lil bitch).
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chimiibo · 4 years
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hi its me so this is a shoutout to @abysims​ cause if it wasn’t for them i wouldn’t be making a tutorial
FIRST of all I have adobe photoshop 2020 and use the NVIDIA GeForce Experience to record but tbh ANY recording software will do the job.
I also use reshade in game, heres another shoutout to @simgguk​ and her amazing preset. 
before we start just know that ALL of my graphics settings are set on the highest options
--->>> pls go here and download avidemux which we will be using to trim the video
1. Go in game and find SOMETHING you want to record tbh anything! **make sure you are in tab mode so it looks nicer**
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2. Once you have recorded what you want to turn into a GIF, open up Avidemux and drag your video file into Avidemux (it should look like this)
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3. Now that your video is ready to be trimmed, we are going to be using the start marker and the end marker. THESE ARE AMAZING because you just click the A wherever you want your video to start and the B for wherever it ends. I recommend to set the A-B to be a duration of about 5 seconds or less.
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4. SO now that we have our video trimmed and ready for photoshop we have to save it, before saving pls make sure the output format is set to MP4 MUXER. Save it somewhere you won’t forget! and name it something you dont forget.
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5. Open up photoshop and go to File -> Import -> Video Frames to Layers...
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6. Select your TRIMMED video file and a pop up like this should show up. The settings should automatically show up like these but just double check it looks the same.
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Once it loads it should look like this! (DON’T BE AFRAID OF ALL OF THESE LAYERS, IT SHOULD LOOK LIKE THAT) 
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7. As you can see the image isn't as bright as I would like it to be (depends on what preset you use) so I make a new group by clicking the folder button and under that folder you CAN DO ANY ADJUSTMENT you want to achieve the aesthetic you want! Make sure you select the top layer before clicking the make new folder cause if not this will become a mess! 🙃 So the enhancements folder needs to be at the TOP
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8. When you have your gif looking just how you want it to look then its time to resize it, I resize it so that the width is at 1080 pixels, the height i just let it do its own thing **the limit for gifs on tumblr is 10mb and sometimes a lil more if you’re lucky so if 1080 is too big of a file you can always resize it to a smaller width size**
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to resize go to image --> image size...
After that you are TECHNICALLY done and you can crop it however you’d like and if thats the case JUMP to STEP 13 if not please continue to the next step
9. I have recently started to use @aliennooboo​‘s amazing post templates!  So I use the 1080px width ones as my gif templates as well. Open up the PSD of your desired size and then DUPLICATE the layer of the template to your gif psd. Just right click the template layer and click duplicate layer...
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(I do this because i usually would drag the template layer and plop it on top of my gif psd but when i would playback the gif, i noticed that the layers would move because of me putting the template on the EXACT spot where I wanted it to be, but then i realized if i just duplicate and afterwards SELECT ALL THE LAYERS and move it how i wanted it then i didnt see that issue)
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it should look like this! as you can see the template layer is above all the layers and what we want is to be UNDER all the layers so drag it in layers tab until its under LAYER 1. **don’t worry about the positioning yet**
10. After you have the template layer under layer 1, go ahead and shift select layer 1 up to the last layer of the gif (DO NOT SELECT THE ENHANCEMENT GROUP OR THE TEMPLATE LAYER)
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then go ahead and right click while having all the GIF layers selected and click create clipping mask
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your pic should look like this!
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11. WE ARE SO CLOSE TO FINISHING! So with the GIF LAYERS selected you can move the gif around to fit the template just how you would like it! I didn’t move it because I liked how it looked so I just went ahead and cropped the excess blank space to make it look like this.
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IMPORTANT**** after you crop it we need to play it back ONE TIME just to make sure everything is looking correct plus so all the layers render (or something like that i just know you gotta play it once) so click the play button at the bottom of the timeline and let it reach the last layer and you should be good to go
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BONUS STEP BEFORE SAVING (which i just learned how to do; i’m telling you this is a forever learning process)
as you can see from my previous gifs they go super fast? but i learned that you can create a delay so that they go at a more slower but not so slow pace just select all the layers in the TIMELINE so shift click 1 to the last number. Then right click on the timeline where the 0.02 is at and a pop up like this should show up! All you have to do it click other... and set the frame delay to 0.06 (i recommend this for like scenery type gifs, but you can play around with this) and press OK.
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save your gif under save for web or ctrl+shift+alt+s
make sure where the arrows are pointing that it says pattern or noise (whichever you prefer for your gif) for my first couple of gifs i used diffusion but sometimes it can make the file super BIG and we are trying to at least stay under 10mb, as you can see mine is 8mb.
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CLICK SAVE AND NAME IT WHATEVER YOU WANT! now give yourself a pat in the back and look at your amazing gif! 
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hope this has helped and if you have any questions my inbox is ALWAYS open~💗
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raysofcrosby · 5 years
“𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥. 𝘖𝘳 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺.” ━  𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬, 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧
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requested: yes | no
warnings: mentions of alcohol and swearing. 
word count: 7,562 [ ok but i swear its all worth it tho ]
authors note: okay yay we’re finally at part four and the friendship is getting a lil bit less...friendly and more romantic ;) any-who, if you need a visual for the outfit y/n and kennedy wore in this, here it is [but just imagine it’s in two pieces instead of one big one ok yay]. anyway, um here’s parts one, two and three. so ya enjoy and i’d love to hear your theories, your likes/dislikes, anything, so don’t be afraid to pop on over to the ask box! ok byeee :)
The best thing about the boys only having one game during the week, was the free-time they had to hang around and relax. Katie, your brother's longtime girlfriend had flown in for the week to pay him a visit before she had to go back to work in L.A. Tyler, being the ever social person he is, decided to invite the team over to his house every day for pool parties and other stuff, just so everyone could relax and mingle amongst one another. Kennedy and Big Rig were getting closer, seeing as he was over at your dorm every day and you were getting a lot closer to Tyler as well.  
The night he invited you over to help you study was the most fun you'd had in a long time. Tyler not only stuck to his word and let you cuddle with the dogs while he quizzed you using your flashcards, but he also tried (and miserably failed) to make the two of you milkshakes, which resulted in a messy kitchen and uber eats delivering you two milkshakes at 3 A.M. In the minutes before you were set to go to sleep in the guest bedroom, you had managed to convince him to record a Hallmark Christmas movie, and he promised that he wouldn't watch it without you.
Which is how you ended up back on his couch with him and the dogs the next night and every night for the last week just watching and recording more and more Christmas movies. Tyler and Big Rig invited both you and Kennedy out to the bars with them and the boys, and for once you actually accepted the invitation. The third time you and Kennedy had joined them at a bar, Jamie wasn't nervous about approaching you with the question as to why you were coming out with them all of a sudden when you hadn't dared to in the past. It was awkward, trying to come up with an answer on the spot, especially since Katie had asked you the same thing earlier in the night. But Tyler swooped in to save the day with a beer for him and Jamie and saying that Kennedy had dragged you along since Big Rig invited her– and Jamie ate it word for word.
That was your cover-up all week when you showed up at the same bar they did– that you were here for Kennedy and it was all Tyler's doing. It was a tricky thing to play it off around Jamie that you were here for Kennedy's sake and not just to see Tyler. Though there were those gap moments when you and Tyler were able to separate yourselves and talk. That's what it was at first, just talking. He'd offer to get you a drink, you'd accept it and then you'd mingle with each other and the rest of the boys who decided to come out– talking about anything and everything.
But that Thursday night was when everything changed. You were all at Bottled Blonde, Tyler's pick of bar that night, and had wandered off to the bar to get yourself a drink after dancing your ass off with Kennedy and Katie. Distracted by texting Kennedy that you'd be right back, you didn't notice someone was beside you until their arm was resting along your lower back and gripping your hip. When you looked to your left, expecting to see one of your friends or a Stars player, you were met with an unfamiliar, and clearly drunken, stranger. You tried to move out of their grip, only to be pulled back in as he was persistent with getting your phone number while complimenting your dancing on the floor. 
You weren't the least bit panicked until the words 'I have a boyfriend' seemed to not affect the man. And when you found yourself suddenly freed from the man's grasp and pulled into someone else's side, your heart continued to race– because it was Tyler who had pulled you away. 'Back the fuck off, she's taken' was all it took for the guy to stumble away. You didn't know if it was because it was Tyler Seguin saying it or the fact that his tone had dropped into a demanding one that sent chills down your spine...and maybe even turned you on a little bit.
When the bartender handed you your drink, Tyler told him to add it onto his tab, grabbed your hand, led you away through the dance floor and over to a tucked-away space where the music was mumbled. He had you cornered, looking you over before letting out a relieved breathe before asking if you were okay. You didn't know what to say. That you were freaked out because some guy came onto you at the bar? Or that you wanted to do nothing more than pull Tyler against you and kiss the hell out of him? 
Instead, you just nodded and he led you back out to your guys' group, never letting go of your hand. For the remainder of the night, you stuck close to your group and Tyler stuck close to you. For anyone watching, it looked as if you were just hanging out with friends and laughing. But secretly, Tyler was always touching you. Sitting at a booth? His hand was on your thigh underneath the table. In the big crowd? He was cradling your lower back. Standing up? The two of you were standing thigh to thigh.
It was comforting, it was safe, it was hot...and it wasn't as secretive as you thought it was. Because the next morning before her class, Kennedy asked you the one question you'd been asking yourself over the last few weeks.
'What's going on between you and Tyler?'
And tonight, a cool, Saturday night was no different. Instead of getting ready to go out with the boys– you, Kennedy and Big Rig were getting ready to go out to Cole's fraternities big annual off-campus 'ABC' party. Tyler had extended an invitation for you guys to join them, they were only going out for a little bit since they had to leave for Winnipeg the next morning– but you had already told Cole a while back that you'd go to the ‘ABC’ party. Besides, you and Kennedy had put in some work on your Jack Daniels' boxes to make them outfit material, and that wasn't going to waste. Big Rig was surprisingly comfortable in his box and almost asked for you guys to make it as short as yours– but according to him, he'd need a shit ton of shots to follow thru with that idea.
"Okay so I know I've already asked you this before–"
You groaned, turning away from your makeshift vanity and looking at her. "If it's what I think you're about to ask, then try like a hundred times...since yesterday!"
"Don't be so dramatic, it's been like ten."
"Actually, it's probably closer to–" Big Rig went to chime in, but Kennedy raised an eyebrow at him and he raised his hands in defense. "Ten sounds about right."
"Anyway, as I was saying," she stopped tying the shoulder strap of her box and turned to you. "What's going on with you and Tyler? I mean, you've been over at his place almost every night since last week, sometimes spending the night there. Plus he was all touchy and staring at you with lovey-dovey eyes all night, Thursday."
You turned away from her, returning back to double-checking your make-up. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh please, are you and Segs hooking up or what?"
"Jamie!" Kennedy blurted out, tossing a nearby shirt at him. "You can't just blurt it out."
"What? It's not like we're all not thinking it!"
You put down your mascara and turned to him. "What do you mean by 'all'?"
He shrugged his shoulders, kicking his box to the side as he lounged on Kennedy's bed in his compression shorts. "I mean you've got Kennedy and me. But then some of the guys have kind of noticed how you two have been...I don't know," He plucked at her comforter, looking away from you. "Getting closer, I guess."
You feel a sense of panic wash over you as your brain starts to list off the possible names who noticed you and Tyler. Which ones have been around you two when those little moments happen? "Does Jamie suspect anything?"
Big Rig shook his head. "Nope, he's oblivious as hell. It's just the young ones– Miro, Klinger, Hintz. Why? Are you admitting that something is going on between you two?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and smiling.
You flipped him off and stood up from your chair, walking to your bed. "No, I have a boyfriend, remember? Cole?"
"Yeah, a boyfriend who you haven't talked to since the Halloween party– TWO weeks ago."
You wanted to argue against her, but you knew she was right. You and Cole haven't texted, called or spoken to one another since Tyler's Halloween party– at this point, you weren't even 100% sure you were still dating. You looked over at Big Rig and stuck out your bottom lip, asking for help.
"Oh no," he laughed, shaking his head and holding his hands up in defense. "I'm not stepping in the middle of this."
"Ugh, you suck," you replied, tossing a pillow from your bed over at him. "Anyway, nothing is going on between Tyler and me, and there probably never will be."
"Do you want there to be? Cause the boys might be oblivious to looks, but I see how you've been looking at him all this week when we're out. You do that giggle and you constantly touch your hair and roll your eyes at his stupid jokes," Kennedy walked over to her bed and plugged her phone in to charge. "They're all classic Y/N likes someone, signals."
You were speechless because she was right and you knew it. You liked the way Tyler was around and with you, and part of you wanted him to know it but is too nervous to admit it. You cleared your voice, putting your make-up away.  "It doesn't matter if I do. I'm his best friends little sister for God's sake, could you get more cliché than that?"
"I mean, have you met Tyler?" Big Rig added in, no humor in his voice. "Not to be a total downer here, but he isn't picky when it comes to his girls...and I don't think Chubbs being your brother would stop him from going after you. At least, if he likes you it wouldn't."
Ouch. You knew Big Rig was right. Tyler's reputation and resume of hookups didn't paint him as someone who had a type or cared what the girl looked like– he just went for it and that was it. But damn, hearing that if he really liked you, he'd have made a move by know and knowing that he hasn't done anything... gut-punched you.
Kennedy smacked his stomach and shot him a look. "Don't say that!" She looked back at you with a hopeful smile. "Listen Y/N, what he said,  maybe true, but you're also not just any other girl in a bar downtown who just wants to be able to say they slept with a professional hockey player."
"Yeah, because instead, I'm Jamie Benn's kid sister," you mumbled, turning towards your bed.
Kennedy turned you around and kept her hands on your shoulders, looking at you. "No, it's because you're his friend. You see him every day, you watch his dogs...he cares for you."
"Oh great, so now I'm in the friend-zone!"
She rolled her eyes and reached over for the bedside table and grabbed your beer, handing it to you. "I've seen the way he looks at you and I highly doubt you're anywhere near the friend-zone. I just think he's probably trying to figure out how to make a move."
"Well if he could do that sooner rather than later, that'd be great," you said, taking a long sip of your near-empty PBR. No sooner than the words left your mouth, did you realize what you just admitted? Your eyes immediately looked towards Kennedy and Big Rig to see them both smiling. "Don't you–"
"I knew it," Big Rig cheered, hopping off of Kennedy's bed and pointing at you. "Ha! I knew it! Klinger owes me 10 bucks."
You groaned as your phone beeped and you walked back over to your desk, picking it up. You chugged the rest of your PBR and turned towards the duo. "Stop being assholes and come on, our Uber is here."
"Whatever you say," Big Rig replied, brushing by you and walking to your door, turning around and winking. "Mrs. Seguin."
"JAMIE OLEKSIAK I SWEAR TO GOD!" You yelled out, only for him to already be completely out of your door. "I'm going to kill him. Have your fun tonight Ken, because he's a dead man."
"Please don't kill him Y/N, he's the best hook-up I've had in a long, long time," she joked, nudging you out the door. "Plus, he's not exactly wrong. Seguin is a good look for you."
You rolled your eyes and stormed ahead of her and down the hall to where Big Rig was holding open your complex door. Your costume prevented you from crossing your arms and fully bringing on the attitude, so you had to settle with your best resting bitch face to act as a mask so they wouldn't be able to tell just how much you actually liked the idea of Tyler being yours.
Beta Upsilon Chi's off-campus 'ABC'  party, was arguably one of the biggest parties of the semester. It was thrown in a warehouse owned by a former member and has been a big tradition for the last ten years. A lot of shit happens at these parties, stuff that you thought only existed in unrealistic movies– but your freshman year you were surprised when you and Kennedy walked into one of the rented bathroom trailers to see a group of kids doing a line of cocaine. Another year, the entire men's swimming team decided to initiate their freshmen by making them do a naked lap around the warehouse and a spotlight following them around.
You had to give it to the fraternity though, while some wild ass shit always went down, nothing tragic ever happened, they always made sure people got home safe and it was always a damn good party. It was wild from the moment you guys stepped into the warehouse, both the literal party and the groups of people who would come up to the three of you and talk to Big Rig. After the ninth or tenth group stopped the three of you, you had found Cole talking to his roommate, Tristan. It was an awkward greeting since the two of you haven't spoken in weeks, but no sooner than he kissed you and Tristan offered you a few shots– all went back to normal. Cole managed to leave his fraternity duties behind for a good while so he could dance with you, Kennedy and Big Rig– all while managing to refrain from even looking at Kennedy, most likely due to what happened at the last party.
But the dancing didn't last long before Cole had to go back to doing his rounds as one of the Frat members and you were left third-wheeling with Big Rig and Kennedy. As the night went on, you realized that for the first time in a long time, you and Cole were getting along pretty well– when he came to find you in the crowd. The two of you were laughing, he was getting along with Kennedy (when she didn't secretly give him a stink eye) and it reminded you of the early stages of your relationship. Either it was real or it was all of the shots you took, blurring fantasy and reality together, you didn't know, but also...you didn't care.
Sometime during the night, Big Rig took Kennedy back to the dorm because she wasn't feeling too hot and he had to be up the next morning to fly to Winnipeg with the team. He offered to take you home too, but you were still wanting to dance and told him Cole had said he'd take you home later in the night. And that's how you ended up at the party alone, being fed shots by Cole's fraternity brothers whenever you walked by the table in search of your boyfriend...which totaled to be a lot of shots. Stumbling your way through the crowd wasn't too hard, seeing as you were amongst people who were much drunker than you and dancing wildly. When you got to the middle of the floor, you saw Cole through a group of people talking and waved your arm in the air to get his attention.
When the group broke and your line of vision cleared, your stomach dropped into your shoes. Cole had a girl pressed against him, his hands wandering along her body as he had his face pressed into her neck; whispering into her ear or kissing her skin, you couldn't tell– but she was smiling. Before you could even manage a logical thought, your feet were carrying you over to the two of them, stopping right beside them. You reached out and shoved Cole's shoulder, instantly gaining both of their attentions. "What the fuck, Cole?"
You expected his eyes to go wide in fear at the fact that he was caught in the act. That there would be a hint of regret hidden on his face or in his body language when you confronted him, but there was none. And at that very moment, you didn't know what hurt worst. The fact that he didn't seem to care you had caught him or that strangely...you weren't surprised.
"Hey, you're Y/N, right?" The girl asked, looking between you and Cole. "The ex-girlfriend?"
"EX- girlfriend?" You asked, looking at Cole. "Who are you?"
"I'm Paisley..." She looked up at Cole, linking her arm in his before looking back at you with sympathy. "His girlfriend of, what's it been, Cole?" She smiled up at Cole once again, "three months?"
Your eyes were about to pop out of your head the moment your mind registered her words. It was like you had completely zoned out, the only thing you could hear was the muffled music mixed with your heartbeat. Your mind was running a million miles a minute, throwing out questions that your mouth couldn't even speak.
"Also, don't worry about the dress stain. I took it to my dad's cleaners and they got it out like it was nothing. I never figured Dallas Stars team parties got so wild."
And that was the nail in the coffin. The dress Cole had brought for you to wear to Tyler's Halloween party– the one he said belonged to Pat's girlfriend, actually belonged to the girl he had been cheating on you with for three months. You tried to push down the nauseous feeling as the questions kept creeping back into your mind. Was he sleeping with the both of you? How did he hide this? Was it your fault? 
Then the tears started to build. Partially because he was cheating on you and from the alcohol, but mainly because you couldn't believe you had been so stupid. And then the laughter soon followed, because here you were, still with your shitty boyfriend that:
A) None of your friends or family liked.
B) Managed to get an entire NHL roster team to hate him
and C) Was so shitty to you, that even the most prolific womanizer in Dallas could see it and thought it was wrong.
You looked at Paisley and smiled. "I don't know what he told you, but we're very much still together," you turned to Cole, the anger suddenly needing to take over. "And you're such a piece of shit that I honestly don't even know why I'm surprised."
"Y/N, you're making a scene–"
"What do you mean you're still together?" Paisley turned to Cole, a confused look on her face. "You told me that you broke up with her before the semester started!"
"Nope, we're still together! Though Paisley, a bit of a warning for you? He's a misogynistic asshole who's total shit in bed, will belittle every little thing that you do and–"
Cole stepped towards you, looking around at the few people who were starting to notice that your argument was even taking place. "Y/N, enough!" He growled, putting on a smile and nodding before looking down at you. "Let's go and talk somewhere. You're drunk and upset and not making any–"
"No!" You yelled, stumbling back from him and poking him in the chest with your finger. "Fuck you, Cole! I have a right to be angry! I turned down hanging out with people who genuinely like me to come to your party because you whined about me missing the last one and it turns out you've been cheating on me for months!"
He laughed, rolling his eyes. "People, who genuinely like you? Who are you talking about? Seguin and the rest of your brother's pathetic team? Newsflash, Y/N," he stepped towards you with anger in his eyes. "You're just a young, hot piece of ass to him and that's all you'll ever be. Just another girl trying to fuck a Hockey player." He smiled and looked off to the crowd before looking back at you. "Huh, I guess that replacement Halloween costume...wasn't a costume after all then, was it?"
You could feel the tears come back as you bit the inside of your cheek to keep them from falling. That was a sore spot that he just did a boxing combo on and you just wanted to turn around and run. But you were tired of letting him treat you like this, so even though your legs were shaking, you kept your shoulders back and blinked back the tears. "Go to hell Cole," you spat, throwing whatever was left in your cup onto his costume and spinning on your heels to walk away.
"What the fuck, Y/N?" He yelled, seconds before he reached out and clutched onto your forearm, trying to stop you from leaving with all of his strength.
You whipped around, swinging your free hand back and up, your knuckles making solid contact with his eye and cheekbone. He immediately let go of your hand and went to touch his face as more people looked on. Your heart was racing as you took in what just happened and yet sympathy for him was nowhere to be found. "In case that wasn't obvious, Cole...we're done." You looked up at Paisley, who was standing in the same spot, frozen. "Sorry about the dress."
Before either of them could reply, you stormed off through the crowd, not caring who you bumped into as you tried to distance yourself as far from them as possible. You ended up by the bar in search of the cooler that held some free water in it. "Hey, want a shot?"
You turned to see someone you didn't recognize but looked a little too old to be a college student. This wasn't surprising because there's always been a problem with non-SMU students sneaking into the party with invites from current students. "Uh, no thanks."
"Come on, just one shot! It won't hurt you and look, you can even watch me pour it in case you think I'm going to drug you or something." He laughed, brushing off the seriousness of it all and opened his flask, pouring out two shots and sliding one over to you.
"I said no."
"Hey, Hey!" He grabbed onto your hand as glared at you as you went to turn away. "I'm offering you a fucking drink, you don't have to be such a bitch about it!"
You snatched your hand away from him and stumbled back into the crowd, not even caring if the tears you'd worked so hard on holding back were starting to fall. You took your phone out of your spandex beneath the bottom portion of your box and unlocked it, scrolling through your messages as you continued to stumble through the crowd. You clicked on a contact, calling the number as you reached the entrance of the warehouse. It only rang once before they picked up, but you didn't even bother to give them a chance to speak.
"P-please come get me," you struggled to take a deep breath as you pushed your way through the crowded entrance and out into the night air. "Kennedy and Big Rig left, I p-punched Cole, some creepy guy tried to give me a drink and I-I don't have a ride home. I'll share my location, just...please."
"Stay right here, I'm on my way."
You hung up the phone and broke down alongside the warehouse building.
The chill wind was just starting to pick up when you felt a presence in front of you. "Y/N?"
You looked up from your arms to see Tyler squatting down in front of you in a sweatshirt and shorts. "You came?"
"Of course I did." He looked at you as if you had two heads before holding out both of his hands. "Now come on, let's get you home."
You grabbed onto his hands and he helped you up, looking at you and turning you side to side to make sure you were okay. "I-I'm fine," you sniffled, wiping your nose with the back of your hand. "I just look like a drowned rat."
Tyler just laughed and pulled you into his side, wrapping an arm around your waist. "No, you don't, Y/N. Let's just go home, okay?"
You nodded and snuggled more into his side, relaxing against him as he led you away from the warehouse. "Tyler! Hey Tyler Seguin, what's up man?" A drunk partygoer yelled out, waving at Tyler. "Go Stars!"
"Not much man, thanks for the support!" Tyler replied, pulling you further into him, staying tense and on alert as he led you to his car. When you reached his car, you noticed that he was parked pretty much on the curb in his fancy-ass Mercedes. He opened the passenger door and looked. "Do you need help getting in?"
You scoffed, tossing your hair over your shoulder and acting as if you weren't totally shitfaced and had been crying for the last fifteen minutes. "I am an i-independent and newly single woman, Tyler. I c-can do it."
You took a step up onto the sidestep and reached out for the 'oh shit' handle, grabbing air and almost falling forward. Tyler grabbed onto your hips and helped you steady yourself. When you looked back at him in embarrassment, he just shook his head and tried to hide his smile. "I won't say anything, now get in the car."
With a little push, you were seated in his leather passenger seat and looking around the car. He stepped up and grabbed your seatbelt. "I'm going to buckle you in, okay?"
You just nodded and watched as he reached across you, balancing himself by only holding onto the 'oh shit' handle and standing on the side step with one foot. He was so close to you that you could smell his cologne radiating off of his body and man, it smelled good. Your eyes took in his mess of curls he called his hair and for a split second, you wanted to reach out and run your fingers through it. When you heard the buckle click, he stopped right in front of you and smiled. "All buckled in."
'I could just lean in and plant one on him', you thought. Just grab onto his face and kiss the hell out of him. What's stopping you? Not Cole, that's for damn sure. Now that you were a single woman, you could indulge in your feelings and finally go after Tyler...assuming he'd even be okay with that.
Tyler reassuringly squeezed your thigh and got out of the car, closing the door and making his way to the driver's side. It was only a few seconds before he was in the driver's seat, starting his car and turning on your seat warmers. When he turned the radio station from Hip-Hop to Country, he smiled at you. "I know you like country music, so just listen to this and we'll be home before you know it."
You nodded as he started to drive away from the party and zoned in on the song.
"You brushed away your blonde hair And you kissed me out of nowhere, I can still show you the spot where everything went down. Oh, I told you I was gonna marry you, you probably didn't think that it was true"
The moment your brain registered what song was playing, the waterworks just exploded and you burst into tears. Tyler looked over at you with a panicked look on his face before slamming on the brakes at a stop sign. "What? What is it what's wrong?"
"The s-s-song," you pointed to the radio and wiped your cheeks. "Th-that was our song. He said it was our s-song when we first started dating b-because we met on October 14th."
You felt stupid, bawling like a baby into your hands in Tyler's car over a song that an asshole of a boy dedicated to you years prior. It wasn't the fact that the song was the issue, but how you remembered how nice your relationship was at the beginning of it all.
"Okay, okay we can fix this," Tyler cleared his throat and kept changing the station channels until settling on another country station that had a song just ending. "How about this, hey...look at me, please?"
You sniffled and picked your head out of your hands to look at him. His eyes took in your tear-stained cheeks and immediately he covered his hand with his sweatshirt and patted the tears away. "S-Sorry that I'm such a mess."
"Don't apologize for what that asshole did Y/N, ever." He brought his hand back and nodded at the station. "I've got an idea, hear me out?" You nodded and he pointed at the radio.
"The next song that comes on, that'll be our song, okay? Not you and douchebag, you and me. Does that sound good?" Nodding again, he smiled and held his hand out across the center console towards you.
You looked at it and smiled, reaching out and holding onto it for what felt like dear life. He intertwined your fingers with his and held up your hands, looking at you. "You've got me on your side, okay? If you need to cry, vent or just yell, go ahead and do it...I won't judge."
"Thank you, Tyler." You sniffled, squeezing his hand.
He just smiled and let your hands relax back onto the center console, where he didn't release his from yours. As the long list of commercials came to an end, Tyler squeezed your hand again before turning down the street. You rested your head back against the headrest and looked out the window as the radio DJ kept talking about the CMA awards. You weren't listening much, only trying to focus in on what song would play next- the song that would belong to you and Tyler.
"I'll never settle down, that's what I always thought. Yeah, I was that kind of man, just ask anyone. I don't dance, but here I am, spinning you around and around in circles. It ain't my style, but I don't care, I'd do anything with you anywhere. Yes, you got me in the palm of your hand, 'Cause, I don't dance."
You tried your best to sneak a peek of Tyler from the corner of your eye to see if he reacted to the song, but before you could even get one, he let go of your hand and changed the song. "Next station!"
"What? Why!"
"This song is better," He turned the volume up and went back to staring at the road.
"If he don't love you anymore, just walk your fine ass out the door. I do my hair toss, check my nails– baby how you feelin'? Feeling good as hell"
He looked at you quickly, soon frowning. "What? You don't like this song?"
"No, I love this song and Queen Lizzo," you sighed, slumping into the seat. "It's just... that was gonna be our new song, remember?"
"Oh," he cleared his throat and turned it back to the country station. "I just figured since it was like a...romantic song that uh, I'd change it."
You shrugged your shoulders and turned your attention back to the window, continuing to jam out to Lizzo. You had the urge to cry but bit the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from doing so. Tyler changed the song because it was a romantic one, he hadn't bothered to grab your hand again– maybe you were thinking too much into things and your friendship with him. Otherwise, he probably would've been okay with the song...right?
Tyler had his arm around you still as he helped you up the steps and to the door. The longer you had sat down in his car, the more the alcohol had hit you and the moment you went to get out of his car, he practically had to catch you or you would've hit his garage floor face first. "I'm such an i-idiot. My brothers were right," you slurred as Tyler held you up and against him, throwing your arm over his shoulders. "Cole is a fucking dickface and I wish I could k-kick him in the balls."
"I'm sure we'd all love to do that, Y/N." He laughed, unlocking the door and pushing it open with his foot. "Now there's a step, so be–"
You walked ahead of him, wanting to get into the house and completely tripping over the step he was telling you about. “careful...”
You landed on your hands and knees as his tile floors felt cool against your skin. Crying wouldn't have helped any, so all you could do was laugh. You crawled ahead and out of his way as the familiar sound of paws echoed down the hall. "PUPPERS!!!"
In seconds, the three blobs of fur sprinted around the corner and tackled into you, knocking you onto your but and inadvertently breaking your DIY costume bottoms. "No! Bad boys, go back!" Tyler said, closing the door and snapping his fingers.
The dogs didn't listen as they continued to crawl all over you and licking you. "Be nice to my puppers Tyler," you said, reaching forward and rubbing Cash behind an ear as your other hand was rubbing Marshall's butt. "Because dogs are so cute and lovable and they don't screw other girls behind your back."
Like he knew that you needed it, Gerry reached up and started licking your face. You could feel yourself start to forget all about Cole and Paisley as the three Seguin boys showered you with their love and attention. Standing over you, you saw Tyler laugh and shake his head as he had his hands on his hips. "Don't worry, you guys are the best, goodest boys in the world and your daddy is just jealous that you love me more than him."
"Alright that's enough you needy dogs," Tyler shooed them off and ignored your pout as he held onto your hands and stood you up off of the floor. "You lost your pants." He said, bending down and picking up the Jack Daniel's box. "Need these?"
"Throw them away, I don't care." You replied, moving ahead and walking towards his living room as best as you could.
"Oh no you don't," He ran up behind you and turned you around, his hands on your waist. "Come on, please don't make me toss you over my shoulders."
You gasped, a smile breaking out on your face. "Like a fireman? Oh, could you? That'd be so cool."
Tyler just sighed and directed you towards the stairs and pushing you lightly up them, keeping a hand on your lower back in case you were to fall. You only fell back into him a few times before reaching the top of the stairs and when you did, Tyler grabbed your hand and led you to his room.
A crazy sense of Deja vu washed over you as you knew the situation was all too familiar. You in a...broken costume of sorts, drunk and Tyler taking you to his room. He walked you over to the bed and sat you down, pointing at you. "Stay right here, okay?"
You brought your hand up to your forehead, saluting him and almost knocking yourself over. "Yes, sir!"
He just laughed as you fell back onto his bed, staring up at his ceiling. "Don't fall asleep on me, Y/N!"
"Technically," you raised a finger into the air. "I'm not sleeping on you, I'm sleeping on your bed...which is so comfortable. I think I'm going to steal it for my dorm."
You heard him walk by you again as he tossed something onto the bed beside you. "I'd love to watch you try, Y/N. Now come on, stand up for me."
He tapped your bare thigh and you felt your nerves send a shock throughout your entire body. "Did you just shock me?!"
"What? No!" He replied, reaching out to you and pulling you up by your hand. He made sure you wouldn't fall back down as he reached beside you and picked up a shirt. "You can go ahead and put these on so you don't have to sleep in...whatever that is."
"It's called art, Tyler," you scoffed, sliding the straps of your box top off of you and letting it drop onto the floor as you took the clothes from him. "And I'll have you know, I worked the hell out of it!"
You reached down to take off your bandeau and Tyler immediately spun around. "What are you doing?! Just put on the shirt! You don't need to," he waved a hand around in your direction. "Do that!"
"I never sleep with a bra on, Tyler. Besides, it's a bandeau and it'll just slip off when I roll over," You took it off and tossed it onto the floor, sighing. "I bet you he cheated on me because of my boobs, do guys do that?"
You could hear Tyler choke on his breath as he kept his back to you, looking up at his ceiling. "I mean, I think my boobs are great and they're real! I bet you Alpha Gamma Psi Paisley the bottled blonde's boobs are fake!" You looked down at your chest before looking back at Tyler. "Mine are real! I grew them myself, I mean...aren't my boobs great? Actually, Paisley was really nice...now I feel mean.”
Tyler brought a hand to his face shaking his head. "I'd prefer not to answer that question, please."
"I demand you to look at my boobs Tyler!" You glared at him, the alcohol taking over you completely. "How else can you judge them fairly?"
"I'm not going to look at your boobs, Y/N..."
You groaned and plopped down onto his bed. "Tyler Seguin, you look at my boobs right now or I'm telling my brother."
"Well, that's exactly why I can't look at your boobs."
It all seemed so ridiculous, the fact that you were getting so upset because he wouldn't look at your chest. You were 100% positive that he's looked at other girls' chests without protest, but yet here he was with his back to you still, being stubborn and refusing to look. The thought of him not returning even a slight bit of feelings, combined with the alcohol and everything that happened tonight- was enough to make you start crying again.
"I bet you he cheated on me because my boobs are ugly or something," you wiped your cheeks as more tears fell. "Am I that undesirable of a girlfriend to where he had to go out and find a-another girl?"
You could see Tyler's shoulders relax before slumping over as he let out a deep breath. He turned his head slightly, looking you in the eye before letting his eyes travel down for only a second before he turned right back around, just as fast. "Your boobs are great, Y/N. Now can you please get dressed?"
"That wasn't even a full look, but I guess you're just really nice," you sighed, pushing yourself up. "Nothing like the manwhore everyone says you are–oh!"
You tripped over the Jack Daniel's box that was still around your feet and Tyler turned around quickly to keep you from falling. When he looked down at you, his eyes went wide before he looked away towards his closet and helped you up. "Just, use me for balance and get dressed."
You picked up the shirt and put it on you, resting a hand on Tyler's shoulder whenever you felt like you were going to fall over. When you sat back down onto the bed, Tyler picked up your bandeau and folded it, placing it onto the dresser. He turned back around with a pink pack of facial wipes in his hand and squatted down to your level as he pulled done out and started to wipe off your make-up.
"Is this okay? It's not too hard, right"
"Why do you have these? From your last club conquest?" You asked, not afraid to hide the jealousy and sarcasm in your voice.
Tyler blushed as he nodded at you to close an eye so he could get the mascara off of your eyes. "Candace uses them and I love the way they smell, so I bought them for myself." He grabbed a new wipe and moved to the other eye, "plus they keep my beautiful face clean."
You laughed as he finished up and pulled back the covers of his bed and patted the empty space, "welcome to your bed."
You smiled and crawled towards the empty space, digging your legs beneath the covers. "With the dogs?"
Tyler just laughed and rested his hands on his hips as he whistled. It was only a few moments before the three dogs you babysat often, were jumping onto the bed and each picking their place beside you for the night. "You three better behave yourself and let her sleep," he said, looking at each dog individually. "And no funny business, I'm looking at you, Gerry. That means no shitting on my floor."
He turned back to you and grabbed onto the covers, pulling them up as high as the dogs' weight on the blankets would allow. He picked up the facial wipes and walked into the bathroom, tossing them away before going to leave the bedroom altogether.
"And you?" You asked, propped up against his pillows and petting Cash who had claimed the spot right beside you.
Tyler stopped and turned around, looking as if he was contemplating whether or not he would join you in his bed. He rubbed the side of his beard and shook his head. "Not yet, I've got just some to do really quick."
You tried your best not to allow your disappointment to show but ultimately failed, "Oh. Later then?"
"Maybe, later." He headed towards the door and stopped to look at you again.
"Thank you for coming to get me again, you're the best I don't deserve you." You yawned and rolled over onto your side, snuggling down into his bed and against Cash. "Goodnight Ty."
It felt as if the moment your head relaxed into his pillow that your body and brain just slipped into a fast sleep. No sooner than you closed your eyes, you heard him turn off the light and then start to walk...except the steps were coming closer to you. You felt him tug onto the blankets a little more, making sure that your upper body was covered, feeling his hand rest on your shoulder.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he whispered, removing his hand from your shoulder softly. You thought that maybe he was leaving the room, but as soon as you felt his lips and the scruff of his beard against your cheeks– your heart stopped. "And no...I don't deserve you."
You stayed still as you listened for his footsteps leave the room and the sound of the door closing. You opened your eyes, bringing your hand against your cheek, swearing up and down that you could still feel his lips against them. You smiled and snuggled more into Cash, petting his head as he sighed. "Holy shit Cash, he just kissed me...does this mean he might like me? Oh God, what if I'm just overthinking this? Do you think I'm overthinking this?"
Cash lifted his head slightly and licked at your face before plopping his head back down onto the comforter and letting out a long breath. You sighed and kissed his head, "okay yeah, you're right, let's just go to bed."
As you closed your eyes again and cuddled with the Seguin boys, your heart was thumping against your chest as your brain thought about the one Seguin that you couldn't help but wish was lying here with you– Tyler.
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We are talking about the same person! Omg! Yes that one is absolutely on the path to saesang! At first they were pretty nice but to even go so far as to buy the expensive ass clothes/accessories he wears!? Thats fcking weird, period. Yeah I may like somethings they wear, clothes or accessories wise (Shownu's Capteen Bvlgari set 😍 gorgeous!) But I'm not going to go out and buy the stuff! All while updating lil gremlins on the process/dilemma!
Granted I love Burberry, I have painfully expensice taste and a painfully empty bank account, and if I could afford it I'd have a few pieces in my collection. However I liked Burberry well before I saw any of the guys wearing the brand endorsements, heck I liked it before I even knew about Monsta X!
I actually got some broadcast pcs from them and never again. I am firmly against GOs cause it takes to damn long to get the stuff and has a higher risk of the package getting lost or damaged due to being shipped via individual instead of a comapny. And broadcast pcs? I have another individual I think I'll contact for broadcasts instead from now on.
And like... knowing their job, how tf do they afford that expensive stuff.. all the time!? There's no way unless they are/were independently wealthy beforehand or their family just kinda throws money at them... no normal foreigner in their job position could afford to buy all the stuff they do (I've my research for both study and work in SK for myself as someone who loves the culture and history amd wants a better understanding just to be clear on my interests, its not for my faves).
Which hey cool, that's their business for how they spend their money but parading that around sns is so suspicious and an elitists mentality and just... shitty (no other word for it tbh). And they suck the random 1 or 2 album purchase fans that win fansign/video calls into the lil elite group thing and suddenly that individual gets into the events all the time with their "sponsor" asshat, to borrow your wording.
Also I used the wrong signature with that first ask 😆 but yeah Suni's GIF and Sus anon is the same person 🤣 I contemplate A LOT about fandoms it seems
I’m not surprised we’re taking about the same person, she’s a big name in Twitter mbb i noticed 🙄 she annoys me so much with her victimizing behavior like she’s always like “oh my god someone says I need to tone it down with the fansign stuff how dare they 😭 I deserve the fansign as much as anyone else” omg stahp you’re embarrassing. It’s very interesting how the fans act like stans where if you talk bad about the GO host then we’re gonna drag you like ?????? what does that solve?
I also like Burberry but that’s long before I knew of Mx, but I always thought of Burberry as rich Vermont fashion 😂
I participated in a group order because the website I was ordering from was giving me a hard time to purchase internationally. Another group-ish order I participated in was back when twotuckgom was like 75% off and I managed to get a zizi WAY cheaper than I would anywhere else but it was from one person who did a few orders for friends, so it was different. I’m still never going to do a GO again because I got suspicious over the draw of the fansign happening long before I got the product. I looked at who got into the fansign and I recognized her name as well as her friends. You can’t convince me otherwise. I totally agree that they must be independently wealthy in order to afford buying signed merch and all of these fansign tickets and albums. Not everyone could afford that and it’s ridiculous that only a handful of people could afford to buy in bulk (but then they try to sell their extra albums and it’s so funny how they bump up the price like +++)
Omg what I hate is when they sell their signed albums like three times more than they originally got them for and people still fucking buy it. What I hate even more is when fans get signed albums and they’re like “boooo I didn’t get my bias 😭 I don’t want this album anymore” 🖕🏼
I saw that people were selling the Mx dolls on eBay for like more than twice they were selling for and it’s embarrassing. I will never sell my babies, I really hope doll makers produce more! But not just the Mx dolls but any kpop doll they would sell them for like 40+ bucks but in reality I ordered them for like 28 😬 (shipping wasn’t bad but it still didn’t make it 50+ in total)
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