#another persons ocs
danthefan28 · 8 months
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Do you like superheroes?
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Do you like drama?
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Do you like minor alternate history?
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Do you like sci-fi?
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Do you like satirical comedy?
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Do you like the crushing weight of geo politics as society itself begins to crash down as the rule base order that held since the Second World War comes crashing down if the emergency of new superpowers both in in terms of Metahumans and nations all the while nuclear Armageddon hangs over the entire world?
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Do you like call back to the early CW shows?
Wait hold up what was that last bit?
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You mean the CW part well some of our Y/A characters joke about how their lives kinda resemble a CW show from the early 200-
No before that
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You mean the crushing weight of geo politics as society itself begins to crash down as the rule base order that held since the Second World War comes crashing down if the emergency of new superpowers both in in terms of Metahumans and nations all the while nuclear Armageddon hangs over the entire world? Oh yeah I forgot to add the part about the 7ft tall black nationalist cajun man his pet cat girl side kick and their pet white guy with reality bend-
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Then turn to Age Of Heroes: come for the superhero leave with existential confusion!
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abbidavisart · 17 days
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I made a villain to go with @kianamaiart 's magical girl OC
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hallowshumour · 2 months
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nikoco11 · 11 months
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spider nico (spider bot…. sometime i call him circuit too) ((he’s like what if spiderman sucked ass))
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puppyeared · 2 months
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Alex and my farmer Cosmo (he/him)
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spooky-pop · 3 months
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How it feels when a milestone birthday is slowly approaching and all u can do is wait
Who knew I'd close out my 20's by drawing Trolls over and over and over
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numbuh424 · 30 days
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@nearsbday : DAY 7 - "FIXATION"
Wanted to get something with my Death Note OC in before the party ends 👀 Lee works part-time as a forensic/criminal sketch artist and one day Near asks her to draw L.
She wanted to be a successor but never made the cut, so she doesn't understand why Near is so fixated on the previous L when he already is L.
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possessedpasm · 4 months
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Killdeer are known to have a flair for the dramatics
[sketch for TheRedRuff]
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delta-orionis · 5 months
Currently losing my mind a little bit trying to find an alternate name for the Recursive Transform Array/Abstract Convergence Manifold regions in Five Pebbles/Looks to the Moon respectively. I think both names mean roughly the same thing.
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(Left: Coils in the Recursive Transform Array, Right: Coils in the Abstract Convergence Manifold)
(Theorizing under the cut)
Both regions contain sets of large transformers (or inductors, they both look like coils) arranged into different groups. I assume the function of this region is to receive power from an iterator's power source (how iterators get their power isn't exactly clear- but at least in Pebbles' case it probably comes from the Linear Systems Rail) and step up or down the voltage so it can be distributed to the different electronic components of an iterator's superstructure as needed.
Stepping up/down voltage is the function of a transformer, which is where I assume the "transform" part of "Recursive Transform Array" comes from. In Moon's case, "abstract" in "Abstract Convergence Manifold" is a synonym for "transform" or "change", one thing is being abstracted, or changed into something else.
"Recursive" means "repeating" (and "repeat" is a synonym of "iterate", funnily enough), so this part probably refers to the multiple similar transformers found in the Recursive Transform Array.
In terms of the Abstract Convergence Manifold, either "convergence" or "manifold" could correspond to the "multiple similar things" meaning. The objects in question are "converging", coming together, or being similar.
"Manifold" is a bit trickier, the general definition means "variety" or "many", but the word has other uses. In typography, it can refer to the process of making copies of a document (via a carbon copy), and in engineering it can refer to a component that distributes gas or liquid to different parts of a system. So in this case, I'm going to assume that "manifold" means "copies" and/or "distribution". This makes sense if the Abstract Convergence Manifold distributes power (or maybe even Void Fluid) to different parts of Moon's structure.
And finally, "array" in "Recursive Transform Array" means a group of things arranged in a pattern. This is also probably what "manifold" in "Abstract Convergence Manifold" means; a group of copies of things.
Based on this, both names basically mean "group of similar/repeating things that change". This might not just refer to the groups of transformer coils, but also to the big square structures that both Pebbles and Moon have in these regions:
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(These rooms are very dark, I'm only showing Pebbles' here because it's better lit than Moon's.)
This thing looks like a big computer chip, maybe a Central Processing Unit (CPU). I theorize that this room is where the majority of an iterator's processing takes place; where the actual iteration (in terms of computing: repeating a process) happens. So the things that are repeating and changed could be the actual iterative processes (simulations, thoughts, calculations) are carried out, altered slightly, and repeated again.
(Side tangent: I've always wondered what Pebbles was referring to when he mentioned his "processing strata". It might be layers of processors located in his Recursive Transform Array, possibly in the same big room as the square thing. Personally I think the processing strata are the little blinking lights you can see in the background of this room, but I could be wrong. If anyone actually knows the answer please let me know.)
TL,DR: If you have an iterator OC and you want to give their internal regions names but you don't want to simply copy existing ones, I'm pretty sure the naming convention for the transformer arrays uses synonyms for (similar/repeating) (change) (group). For example, "Sequential Flux Assemblage", "Parallel Modification Cluster". These sound silly, but basically everything iterator-related is silly technobabble, so I think the moral is to have fun with it.
Thank you for reading, and let me know if you have any ideas. I enjoy talking to people about random Rain World theories.
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15-lizards · 1 year
Westerosi-sonas are so funny like. I’m gonna input myself into the most crapsack world ever. I’m gonna reform the canon so I can imagine myself as the minor lord of a shitty keep. This is Harlan he got sent to the wall for sodomy and lost all of his toes to frostbite. Here’s Aenon he was murdered like saint Sebastian during the blackfyre rebellions. Wynnafred is a repressed lesbian married into the riverlands ofc and will fall in love with a tomboy daughter of a high lord before dying of Woman in ASOIAF Disease
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flowerakatsuka · 4 months
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kuroba has questionable tastes, part 02.
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angelbitezzz · 4 months
Whoops more spicy art incoming
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THIS is canonically set before this post so that's why he went a little overboard in that one HAHA
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ackee · 9 months
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these tags on a post i made yesterday are so funny to me bc so many people will tell budding artists "just make fanart to build an audience and then sneak in oc art!" like idk how to tell you that shit do not work. it really and truly do not and here is the proof !
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onegianthotmess · 3 months
I wanna write Kate x Reader fanfic because she’s literally the prettiest MC I’ve ever laid eyes on and I will fight William to the death for her love-
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*gay screeching*
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leopardmuffinxo · 4 months
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nothing special, of course. you're only the first person who i truly care for.
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daynightshipping · 7 months
He would never hate me for my mental illnesses and brain being fucked up and needing reassurance constantly,,
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