anheliotrope · 10 months
Me trying to explain what I'm working on: Yeah, sure! I am just learning how to use cmake files to get Piper to compile to WASM using the emscripten toolchain so we can get it to run on WebGL in an effort to get high quality on-device voice synthesis. The issue is that Piper's cmake files were only configured to use MSVC and gcc, but emscripten only uses Clang. So now I have to rewrite the cmake files to use ClangCL which is Clang with MSVC-like CLI. I could also try to use Clang directly, but I'm worried this would require using a non-MSVC generator for cmake and result in more work. It also seems like every generator and compiler can end up passing parameters slightly differently, which can lead to the build failing. MSVC needs to have utf-8 mode enabled in a different way, or else the compiler will detect multi-byte characters as separate characters. Piper takes care of this for MSVC, but when you use Clang with MSVC-like CLI, you need to do it in yet another way. I've been dealing with half a dozen issues like this. Different C++ compilers also seem to have varying levels of permissiveness about enforcing the One Definition Rule. No compiler is mandated by any standard to do anything regarding the violation, it leads to undefined behaviour, which leads to Piper failing under ClangCL even when everything else is set correctly -- from ClangCL's perspective the code in the translation unit is simply incorrect.
C++ build systems are cursed.
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spindlewoed · 2 years
obligatory heads up I’m about to post a bunch of shit from a new fandom: we’re into disco elysium now. incoming a bunch of reblogs of old musty men and meta posts, feel free to unfollow etc
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dorianmathay · 1 year
Watch "This is How Queen Bees are Shipped in the Mail" on YouTube
amazing material!
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heartorbit · 8 months
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always by your side
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nostalgic-muffins · 8 months
an and i were playing hide and seek (she won)
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winterswhite · 9 months
(hi tumblr, i've been dead for a bit, how is everyone)
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iceicewifey · 3 months
👉👈 would you feel like talking about Da Ice babies?
uwahh caz pls,,, i always feel like talking about them, i just have trouble containing myself once i start talking is all _(:3」∠)_ dkdksmdk
i can’t remember how much i’ve actually shared about them beyond just making kasim canon back whenever that happened, so i'll just drop a few bullet points or something to keep myself from rambling
(i usually view them in their ages around part 6 btw—20, 18 & 16. they don't do anything in p6 tho, except ramy in a canon compliant au but that's an entire can of worms in itself)
・he looks laid back but he's always getting into shit and stealing his mom’s cigarettes. ・wrestling fan. used to stone cold stunner his siblings ・likes to hide things that people are looking for with his stand—especially shay. half the time when she can't find something it's ramy's fault. loves her but loves to annoy her just as much bgbkjf ・had a juggalo phase in high school...... ・struggles to make & keep friends and has a tendency to do whatever he's dared to—no matter how dumb or disruptive it may be. ・literally terrified of creepy crawlies and WILL cry if he sees a bug in the house.
・major daddy’s girl like,, she used to cry whenever vanilla was out of her sight for more than 5 seconds as a kid. ・often the ‘voice of reason’ between her brothers and tries her best to keep them out of trouble... as long as ramy isn't being too annoying /lh ・she had a bit of a mean streak when she was in her mid-teens because she was self conscious about her height—embraced it a bit later on but still won’t wear anything other than flats/trainers. ・shay calls her 'bean sprout' because one minute she was just this little thing then the next she's 5'10" dfgbgj ・🏳‍🌈 (also a stand user but idk how to explain hers simply jhfbvhdf)
・the youngest and only child that wasn't born in florida—also the only one with shay's blue eyes ・tends to be very timid and keeps to himself when his brother isn’t dragging him around. ・carries a laptop bag literally every where since it's somewhat tied to his stand. ・not exactly a hacker since his stand does all the work but still. may or may not have accidentally accessed the pentagon's database once or twice. ・arch linux user btw. he will mention this often.
they embody this meme btw and it cracks me up whenever i think about it
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minecraftgender · 5 months
Hello, this is AL-AN. I actually would like everyone to know that I am very open to music suggestions. As you may see, my playlist currently contains a lot of rock but I would like to broaden my horizons a bit.
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echidnana · 1 year
ada and leon's dynamic is so good. the way after their first interaction in 4 they both just relax after the initial scuffle. leon hasn't seen her in 6 years, last he did she betrayed him, and he still just. relaxes in her presence. the trust is still there.
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
in other news:
huh, kk in... macau? along with three other celebs... could be interesting. he looks like an elongated grandpa though (somewhat fond)
my 12:00 album came today... wh. what. it left the warehouse in japan on the 11th, was shipped out (from japan) on the 13th, and has arrived today, on the 18th. this really is the shortest i’ve ever waited to get a package from asia i think
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anheliotrope · 8 months
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chikaoofka · 2 years
ok you lot were not lying the tumblr search system is a wee shit
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doolittle · 5 months
i sent mycolumbinee frined anpost sxreenshot about how retard eric and dylna are and inhope je gets upset bx lowkey o hate columbiners like gorw up get a job motherfucker
confession 23
doing gods work bomb girl would approve of this
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thekrows-nest · 2 years
You remind me of a snake, like the reptile, they look cool, you look cool, I love snakes, I love you
He looks to you, then a little bashfully to the ground, biting his lips a little as he kind of shuffles in place.
"O-oh... t-that's what you m-meant. Oh... U-umm... o-okay. T-that's b-better..."
"W-wait. You t-think I look c-cool??" You can see a tinge of a blush to his cheeks. He laughs a bit, but quickly covers his mouth with a hand. "Ahah... y-you f-flatter me D-Dove."
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whitecablesfan · 2 years
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Still from AnPost Christmas TV ad. Woman wearing a pink and red turtleneck jumper
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nostalgic-muffins · 9 months
i love her so much shes so fuckin tiny dude
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