thundergoodspeed · 2 years
so goddamn sick of people telling ppl there’s a right and wrong way to be poor/homeless/on welfare/whatever.
i’m poor. i’m making 16 an hour, 80 hours a paycheck, make enough for bills and rent and phone bill but guess what? i’m bad at money. i’m responsible enough to try and make payments on time but if i’m at the store and i see something that’s just outside my budget but i really want it? it’s bought. i see something tasty on clearance? mine. i wanna spoil my cat with slightly better food than i usually get? she’s getting it. final space has a LAST EVER shipment of merch coming out? you bet your ass i did the shop pay “pay in four”. and yeah, this is fucking stupid of me. but if i wanna get myself a nice snack because i’ve been having a rough and anxiety-filled few days that’s on me. the people who help me out, whether by commissioning me or by lending me a few bucks here and there, have seen me do this. some of them encourage me. because life fucking sucks and it’s nice to spring for the latest ffvii compilation release even if it puts me a bit in the hole because while i’m playing it i can relieve the fucking stress and anxiety that won’t otherwise go away. (doesn’t stop me from crying at the end of crisis core but fictional tears are better than real ones.)
on to rent. idk if it’s everywhere and i definitely have no idea if that’s what loke is doing (guess what? i have her blocked so i don’t know ANY of what she’s doing! 😯 shockerrrr) but here in college-rich utah if you need to move before your lease is up you can sell that lease to someone else. sometimes you have to. rent is being fucking gouged to hell. the last place i lived? i had to move because rent was going up by FOUR HUNDRED BUCKS and my sister, whom i was housing after a bad breakup and who didn’t have a job for more than a month at a time during that entire year and a half, wasn’t helping.
oh, and messy houses? mind fucking off about that? my house is a disaster atm because not all of us have the necessary executive function to keep an area clean. ever had adhd? y’all go on about ableism and then bitch that someone’s got a dirty house...literally check yourself.
you don’t know the circumstances. and people who are poor don’t owe you every single detail of why they’re poor. they don’t owe you their grocery receipts. they don’t owe you a screenshot of what their landlord is charging. and they don’t owe you the time of day. there is a certain level of transparency needed if they’re asking people to give out of the goodness of their hearts, but for the most part i’ll refer you to one of my favorite posts:
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kkolg · 4 months
Hey uhm small reminder guys
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This guy is a proshipper and states it in their pinned post
don’t interact with them
They’re very active in the md and tadc community
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zabreus · 3 months
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original thread
link to the book in question
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the-muppet-joker · 7 months
I am shaking with rage.
After my many unpleasant encounters with women these past few days (anon hate, mother being a pest) I updated my DNI to include women. I take my DNI very seriously and expect people offline to respect my boundaries as well. Naturally, the females in real life have been making this Incredibly. Fucking. Difficult. Fine, I will simply find more Males and Non Binaries to follow on tumblr and continue blogging in my female-free space to avoid their complaining and their feminism. I begin to scroll through the blogs of people I am following to see if the people they reblog from are not pesky women, so that I may follow those people as well.
When lo and behold, I see an intruiging post on one such blog about vultures (death and all things related to it captivate my twisted mind). I see it was reblogged from someone who, in their description, refers to themselves as a "Mr. Strange." I am delighted to find a male, and even more delighted to find someone with a strange and dark mind similar to my own. I scroll for a bit and. What's this? A screenshot with a youtube channel, the same name as this tumblr user.
The screenshot contains a Woman, but I assume this to be a guest on Mr. Strange's channel, at best. Certainly not a fellow host, and certainly not Mr. Strange himself.
I venture to the Youtube Channel. The female is on every thumbnail. My hands close into fists. Right before I fly into a rage, I remember a crucial piece of information: The Transgenders! This is clearly just a Transgender Male who dresses in a feminine manner. Why else would this person go by Mr. Strange? I smile to myself, relieved. I'm sorry, Mr. Strange for mistaking you for a female.
I was mistaken. After many confusing videos and video titles, I realize that Mr. Strange is not their name. It is a joke. A mockery of us men. I have been unknowinly watching. A woman. For hours. I am so enraged, and I am lucky that my boyfriends (K and J) are here to calm me down or I would go dark mode fucking permanently. Men, be warned: the woman's account is Strange Aeons. If you see a "Mr. Strange," remind yourself: A WOMAN.
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utmv-callouts · 4 months
* masterpost . [ submissions: closed ]
account for calling out proshippers, neutrals, creeps and weirdos, etc. in the utmv fandom. in other terms, yes, this is a block list and nothing more. not a harassment campaign so don’t think of it as such.
disclaimer: we do NOT tolerate/condone any kind of harassment towards/against these people. if you don't like what you see, please block and move on. we will not give you any attention and will instead block you. (asks will always have anonymous turned off for our safety. if you want to send a submission or ask a question, do it without anon on. do not complain about this either.)
owners: K [🩸🔪] + (other owner is not going to be using this blog anymore)
inspired by undertale_callouts on instagram
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
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"Bath Curtain" (1992 - Hugh Steers) / "Can’t Help Myself" (2016 - Sun Yuan & Peng Yu)
BATH CURTAIN: I don’t have any coherent way to describe Bath Curtain just that I want to swim in the colors and I can feel the. the It. I can’t put it into words but if I think about it too hard I’ll start crying. there’s poetry in the way they’re sitting. There’s poetry in the way it takes me ten minutes to track down every time because Google just shows me Amazon listings and mommy blogs. I can’t do this. (courfeyracs-swordcane)
CAN'T HELP MYSELF: oigjg my god im not nlrmal about it not at all. ever sinc ei learned about it around 2017 its just been buried there. idk something about its repetitive endless motion and the noises it makes and the stains the blood leaves on the floor. the way its been gradually slowing as if getting tired. the way it will Never see end. it has many different interpretations and i agree with every one . idk. idk. insane insane insane (firebuug)
("Bath Curtain" is an oil on gesso-ed paper painting done by Hugh Steers, a gay American painter, during the time of the AIDS crisis in the US. The piece, 162.56 x 182.24 cm (64 x 72 in), is currently owned by Yale University Art Gallery in Connecticut.
"Can't Help Myself" is a Kuka industrial robot made of stainless steel and rubber mopping up cellulose ether in coloured water made by two Chinese artists, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu. This installation was displayed in Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York but was removed from display.)
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momentsofamberclarity · 7 months
this might come as a surprise to some people ... but the question is not are you "pro-ship", "ship neutral", or "anti-ship" ...
the real question is do you support artistic freedom or do you reject it in favor of compliance to the standards of mob mentality?
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rinnyluver69 · 1 month
Another callout,,
Reminder that this person, @/littlecutewriter is a proshipper who ships Rinny x Nappy and calls it “toxic yuri.”
They’re currently stalking me at the moment because I called them out and are now making horrific accusations against me. Mind you this person is an open proshipper and is 14 years old drawing Nappy porn, who mind you is a child. I made two callouts on them on Twitter;
1st callout: https://x.com/rinnyluver96/status/1815630064374923579?s=46
callout I made today due to them making accusations against me (calling me a p3do all because I called them and another minor out for drawing actual cp) : https://x.com/rinnyluver96/status/1823015849235505454?s=46
Reminder if you’re a proshipper, DO NOT INTERACT.
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sannin-three · 6 months
I've seen a few people say that if you leave out the stuff we learn about him as the story goes on, Hiruzen speech during his death scene, about family and such, can still be rather touching.
To that I say: what about Naruto???
Even if you want to ignore the stuff that comes later: everything involving Danzo, the Uchihas, Orochimaru, and the promise that he made to Naruto's parents - even if NONE of that happened - he would still be the asshole who let everybody in the village treat Naruto like shit and left him to live in a shitty apartment by himself from the time he was a small child.
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proshipmizook · 2 months
guys i saw one of those useless instagram callout posts and one of the things listed was “blocked people who didn’t deserve it”
is this why antis jump to harassing people instead of just blocking and moving on. do they genuinely believe blocking people is problematic
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satyrradio · 5 months
Haha, what? I did/said something horribly racist? Erm.. you know I'm literally queer right? I'm literally trans? And gay? And polyamourous? Yeah, sorry, looks like *you're* actually the bad guy here. Maybe should've thought about that before calling out my horrific racism ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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apotheoseity · 5 months
>_> <_< yknow guys i dont think it should be a radical opinion that you can dislike people without trying to ruin their personal lives
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Callout Post
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yourmothersmooom · 6 months
Just a quick message on someone who used to be in the Hazbin Rewrite server.
If you can vaguepost about me I can vaguepost about you too. Except its not gonna be vague because I'm going to say your fucking name. I'm not sugarcoating anything.
Wannursyafiqah74, leave me, my friends, and the Hazbin Rewrite server alone. We want NOTHING to do with you and your manipulation tactics and obsessive behaviour.
Just because I haven't been as "mean" about the situation doesn't mean I'm any less angry. I don't want to talk to you. Move. The fuck. On.
You've treated Neon and their system HORRIBLY throughout all of this, constantly bringing up things that they SAID. MULTIPLE. TIMES. Triggered them. You threatened suicide if they didnt help you. You constantly mentioned SA and abuse. You'd go to channels Neon was chatting in just to mention these things. And you never stopped, even when we threatened MULTIPLE TIMES to leave if it carried on. But you still did it! Why? I dont know! But it lead to us not wanting to associate with you anymore! Then when you left our friend server to move on and "improve", you just started doing the same shit in a completely unrelated Hazbin Rewrite server filled with minors who aren't equipped to help you with your personal problems!
I sent you that message weeks ago in hopes of you actually following through. I kept you unblocked with hopes that you wouldn't betray my trust like you had so many times by breaking your promise to cease contact.
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This should have been the end of it. But you did it again. You didnt even apologise, you just went straight to asking if you could post art in our server! And even AFTER admitting it was stupid, you sent me another god damn friend request on discord. (Yep, friend requests show what time they were sent now!) So I blocked you. You've broken the last inch of trust I gave you.
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We can't forgive you for the scars you've left us and ESPECIALLY Neon's system.
Im not playing quiet mouse anymore. I'm sick of this shit and I just want to be left alone. So do Al, Neon's system, and the Rewrite Server. Stop using me as a tool to get back into servers. I'm not falling for it anymore.
Tagging vivziepop critical tags as a lot of the Hazbin Rewrite members reside there. They can add on if they please with evidence, screenshots, etc. Love y'all, /platonic, I hope you're able to recover from all of this.
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drunkin-kong-donic · 1 year
Hey, I just gotta say...
It's ok if you ship Vecpio. Really. Everyone knows I do. I don't try to hide it.
From what I've seen, new fans automatically ship them until some 'anti' pops up with the tell tale 'espio is 16 and vector is 20.' bullshit. BUT GUESS WHAT.... Espio isn't actually 16, and Vector isn't actually 20. I can tell you right now, no Vecpio fan ships them at those ages or ever have. Everyone can agree that's MESSED UP. Same with a 20 year old raising a 16 year old as their own kid. They're peers. Can't everyone at least agree on that? Platonically or not. (listen, we can all go on for ages about the characterization of each of these characters, but I digress. I'm trying to keep this short) For as long as those two existed, they were never written as their listed ages, which is why recently, Sega officially got rid of those ages and removed them from Sonic Channel. (remember, the wiki's are fan run) Espio and Vector have always been on equal grounds in the Chaotix, and just because Vector is the leader, doesn't mean Espio's any lower in status. With their personalities, its just why they click so well. Vector is naturally a leader, and Espio's a natural follower given his ninja background. Throw a rambunctious bee in the mix for them to take care of and you got a perfect found family. What's to hate? (again, platonic or the two of them as Charmy's guardians) People in fandoms NEED to stop letting other's force their headcanons onto others And if you don't ship Vecpio, that's fine too. Block it, mute it! Just like any other pairing you're not into. But don't go around to OTHER people and tell them what they can and can't do. And call them 'proship' like its a bad thing or say they're liking a pedo ship with no basis besides the intention to scare them onto your side with that word. (also plz look up the actual definition of proship i beg u) Trust me, I'm old enough to know that as soon as you stop caring about what other people think, life'll be so much easier on ya and you'll have a lot more fun in a fandom. I promise. UNTIL THEN....
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IT'S OK to ship Vecpio and not feel bad about it. Don't let other people bully you away from having fun about a harmless pairing in a fandom. Everyone can stay in their own lane and live their lives peachy keen like. SssssEEYA!
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