2000swootie · 2 months
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only on tumblr can you get people deadass saying RPF smutfics of like Dream or some other internet celebrity is the same as Dante's Fucking Inferno. i hope this website never dies.
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rjalker · 2 years
If you think it's okay to "write about" youtubers like they're fictional characters get the fuck off my blog and stay the fuck off it until you learn how to treat people with the most basic fucking respect.
"real person fiction" is wrong. Treating anyone, including youtube celebrities, like they're fictional characters, is wrong. It is immoral. It is dehumanizing.
Do not fucking interact with my blog if you think it's okay to treat real people--and yes, that fucking includes your favorite youtubers because newsflash! Just because you see them on your computer screen doesn't mean they're not real fucking people!--like fictional characters.
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rootbeergoddess · 2 years
Okay, so here is my thing about RPF aka Real Person Fiction.
I honestly wouldn’t care about RPF if it wasn’t for the fact that 95% of it is sexual. I think shipping real people is kinda weird. Can you think two people would make a cute couple? Yeah, totally. But the amount of people who don’t see an issue with shipping real people, writing sexual fiction featuring said real people and posting it just is bizarre to me.
And before someone comes in with ‘fiction doesn’t impact reality’ we know that’s a load of crap. Dan, from the famous internet duo of Dan and Phil, admitted that people shipping him with Phil impacted their relationship. 
I would be fine with RPF if it wasn’t mostly sexual and focused on shipping.
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valkylander · 1 year
It is not okay to publically air sexual fantasies about a real, identifiable person without their permission.
It violates their boundaries, it violates their consent, and apparently I genuinely don't know how to explain to someone that that's not okay.
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pseudophan · 2 months
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"rpf is fine" says the most rpf'd man on youtube
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kyliafanfiction · 2 years
Just write a normal fanfic about fictional characters like the rest of us.
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fandom-hoarder · 5 months
The notes in that rpf poll are literally making me sick. Oh, you're a "reformed real person shipper"? Oh you were only a silly teen? STFU. Like actually, grow up more. There's nothing wrong with RPF. Movies are often RPF, because people will write it with certain actors in mind. Historical fiction is RPF. SNL is RPF. Some centuries-old plays are RPF!
The only problem would be if it's being sent to the celebrity unsolicited, or people are harassing the real people to be in a real relationship. But that's not a normal part of writing RPF! Thats a PARASOCIAL problem; a HARRASSMENT problem; not a writing problem. That's more like what antis do to "out" people, or what people who can't tell fiction from reality do.
Genuinely hope all the people judging RPF purely on existing grow out of their ridiculousness. You don't have to like reading it. But judging a FRIEND because they start WRITING it??? What the actual fuck y'all.
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quillandink333 · 8 months
For PRO-FICTION baby selfshippers who see this
If you ever feel like trying to get more in touch and connected with your f/o(s), you can always try creating a selfshipping journal. It can be a fancy little notebook or a spiral notebook, doesn't matter.
Here’s a list of things you can add to your journal if you decide to start one:
Write down how you and your f/o first met
Add pictures, doodles or drawings of your f/o
Add doodles of things that remind you of your f/o or relationship
Write down any dreams or daydreams you have about them
Write down a playlist or list of songs that make you think about your f/o
Write down scenarios that go with a certain song
Buy cheap stickers of your f/o off Etsy or something and put them in there
Write about your s/i if you have one and how your s/i met your f/o
Write letters from your f/o or write letters to your f/o
Write about things you both enjoy doing with each other
It's fun to do cause if you're ever feeling down or anything, you could look at the journal and remind yourself that your f/o loves you <3
There's no limit to the stuff you could include in your journal so if anyone has other ideas, leave them in the comments/tags.
Reposted from an anti
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readthephible · 3 months
120+ misc ship questions! ✨
pick a ship, then headcanon these questions to your pairing <3 some of these are smosh centric but they’re open for anyone to use!
1. who rushes to open doors for the other?
2. who drives more often?
3. who is more eager to jump in the shower with the other?
4. who takes self care more seriously?
5. what’s a song that reminds you of them?
6. what’s another couple / duo (real or fictional) that reminds you of them?
7. which one keeps more things because they’re sentimental?
8. which one tells their parents about their partner first? how does it happen?
9. whose family are they more likely to stay with during holidays?
10. whose parents are / were stricter?
11. who uses more emojis?
12. where was their first date?
13. what’s their favorite game to play together (any kind)?
14. which one spams posts / links to the other?
15. who is the black cat and who is the golden retriever?
16. what mythical creature / monster would they each be? (vampire, werewolf, dragon, fairy, etc.)
17. who urges the other to go sing a karaoke duet with them?
18. what is their karaoke song?
19. who is more likely to serenade the other at random moments?
20. who stares at the other from across the room?
21. who brings a shopping haul of clothes home and who watches their fashion show?
22. who insists on paying when they go out to eat?
23. who is more impulsive?
24. who is ‘everything’ and who is ‘just ken’? /ref
25. whose main goal is it to make the other blush?
26. who is first to know about a new trend, meme, slang, etc.?
27. who gets up early to make the other breakfast?
28. who insists they are their pets’ parents?
29. do they have pets together? what kind, what names, etc.
30. who is more of an animal whisperer / befriends wild animals?
31. who has more patience?
32. who insists on fixing something themselves, and who would rather call a repair service?
33. who turns something into an innuendo first?
34. who takes longer to understand a joke or reference?
35. who hides in the other’s arms during a horror movie?
36. who is more jumpy / scared easily?
37. who makes more movie references?
38. who thinks die hard is a christmas movie, and who doesn’t?
39. who talks more during a movie?
40. who carries the other bridal style?
41. what are their thoughts on marriage?
42. what’s the last name situation when / if they get married? (who’s last name do they take, do they keep theirs, do they hyphenate)
43. who wants the less traditional wedding?
44. where do they get married, and where do they honeymoon?
45. where is their favorite place to travel?
46. what do they do on vacation?
47. which one overpacks and which one underpacks?
48. who is the yapper and who is the napper?
49. which one is a lighter sleeper?
50. who is the moon and who is the sun?
51. who collects more? (figurines, pokemon cards, etc)
52. who is more excited to decorate for the next holiday / event?
53. who stopped believing in santa later than the other?
54. do they want kids together? give me all the details - names, what traits they inherit, etc.
55. who is a stricter parent and who is more lenient?
56. who reads a book, and who reads over the other’s shoulder while cuddling?
57. which is booba and which is kiki? /ref
58. who believes in soulmates and who doesn’t?
59. who gets nostalgic more easily?
60. who is more of a perfectionist?
61. who hosts more parties?
62. who makes handmade gifts more often for the other?
63. which one is more formal when answering emails?
64. who prefers skinny jeans and who prefers baggy jeans?
65. who’s better at roasting the other?
66. who initiates more pda?
67. which one is better at censoring their language, and which has less of a filter?
68. who insists on being player one?
69. which one snores like “honk shoo” and which snores like “hoooonk mimimi”?
70. who gives more forehead kisses to the other?
71. what does their future look like?
72. which one believes in astrology more?
73. what was their first kiss like?
74. who steals the other’s clothes more often?
75. who steals the other’s food more often?
76. do they believe in ‘celebrity hall passes’? if so, which celebrities are theirs?
77. what matching couples costumes do they wear?
78. who is naturally more cold / more hot?
79. which is more extroverted?
80. how do they celebrate valentine’s day?
81. what’s a holiday tradition they have? (ex. presents before breakfast on christmas)
82. what niche pet names do they have for each other?
83. who hates small talk and would rather have deep conversations?
84. what’s their icebreaker / olive branch after a disagreement?
85. what kind of food or restaurant is their favorite to get together?
86. who believes in conspiracies more?
87. which had their friends try to set them up?
88. think of your favorite movie, then incorporate your pairing into it somehow and talk about it.
89. when they’re separated in public, what do they yell out to find each other?
90. professors!au. what subjects would they teach?
91. ghostmates!au. who is the ghost that haunts the other?
92. soulmates!au. how are they connected? do they have matching tattoos, names written on them, etc.
93. punk x pastel!au. which is which?
94. historical!au. what time period are they in? what are they up to?
95. hospital!au. who’s the doctor, who’s the patient, and how did they get in that situation?
96. massage parlor!au. who is the masseuse, who is getting the massage?
97. angel x demon!au. who is the angel and who is the demon?
98. gender swap!au. what are their names? (ex. anthony is antoinette)
99. superpowers!au. are they hero and sidekick? mortal enemies? villain duo? what powers do they have?
100. timeloop!au. who is stuck and who helps them out of it?
101. royalty!au. who is the royal and who is the knight / guard / maid etc.?
102. magic!au. what kind of magic do they use?
103. who uses uppercase while texting and who uses lowercase?
nsfw / suggestive ⚠️
1. what’s their favorite position?
2. who uses their mouth/teeth/tongue more?
3. who uses their hands/nails more?
4. who is a bit more adventurous?
5. who is more willing to go to a sex shop in person, and who is more embarrassed?
6. who is more into dirty talk?
7. who is more into eye contact?
8. what was their most risky / adventurous experience?
9. who likes to bite, and who likes to be bitten?
10. what is their favorite sexual activity to do together / to the other?
11. which is more dominant / which is more submissive?
12. what was their first time like?
13. who likes to be spanked more?
14. who sends dirty texts more often?
15. mile high club? yes or no?
16. what’s something they reserve for special occasions?
17. how long into their relationship did it take for them to have sex?
18. how often do they have sex?
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just-antithings · 8 months
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outlawssweetheart · 4 months
STOP headcanoning real people's sexual/romantic orientations! And stop writing fucking fanfictions about real people, too! Do whatever you want with fictional characters, but real people are characters for your entertainment. Having headcanons about them, especially about very personal things, is creepy asf and obsessive. STOP IT!
God, I fucking hate Stan Culture.
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3416 · 2 months
desperately need a 40k fic about mitch's descent into bisexuality and how he starts having threesomes w steph and am34 to explore that in a safe space which creates a fucked up balance between the three of them like................... why is hockey rpf dying... what happened to our roots ,
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asurrogateblog · 1 month
"y/n is sold to pink floyd" would be good just because you know roger would short-circuit over the psychological conflict between the obviously horrifying human rights violation and his irresistible desire to see how far he can push someone around before they snap
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devilsainz · 7 months
according to my narrative cause i want to, charles is a lil bit jealous of how carlos babygirls himself for lewis (video credits to @-leclercsletters x)
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kristalllkula · 7 months
a lot of OFMD fandom is loudly anti-RPF and that’s fair but here’s the news: a lot of the most popular SMAUs are RPF ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the boundaries between the characters and the actors who play them are extremely hazy in a lot of modern AUs and I think more folks could stand to be honest with themselves about it
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helloimsoverybored · 4 months
A Pretty Long Rant on RPF shippers in the context of David Tennant and Michael Sheen
the entire georgia/anna discourse is so. bullshit. because those are actual, real people, with real lives and real relationships with those around them
Regarding dt and gt, just saying, no one has five children together as part of a pr stunt. Same with Michael and Anna.
And the fact that rpf people fail to realise this is concerning- taking the "my wife" jokes quite literally. News flash, it's a fucking joke. It's not something gt and al are making up to cover up for the fact that their respective partners fell in love with each other (yes, this is an actual take i've seen on this matter)
And idk if the rpf people are just dumb or are fully aware of what they're doing, despite the fact that they're completely tearing apart the lives of real people.
Another retort I've often seen is that fans have the right to criticize celebrities. Yes, yes they do. But breaking down a marriage spanning over a decade isn't criticism! You're creating fake problems out of thin air and for what? Genuinely, for what?
Rpf shippers just automatically assume the worst in both Georgia and Anna, and you know what? God forbid women do anything. Because that's exactly what this is.
They're completely vilifying gt and al because... they're in a relationship with their "blorbo actors?" They're acting like gt/dt and al/ms are fictional characters that you can play around with like dolls but you can't play around with real people's lives! Simply put, it isn't ethical.
I feel like the rpf people just fail to understand the meaning of “real”, because I don’t even know how one can feel so alright and happy by tearing apart the lives of real people. The fact that people are finding every possible way to find problems in their current relationships to suit their fantasies is so fucking disgusting.
Okay now if you're with me so far, I'm impressed. Stay with me because I'm not done yet.
Regarding Georgia, don't rpf blogs just love to criticize her and her parenting methods? That Georgia's just lazy and only wants to drink wine, but omfg. wtf. She has fucking 5 children. I don't care what you think, managing those many kids is NOT an easy task. But also... posts I've seen on this matter never seem to bring up David? Why? Isn't he a parent? Shouldn't he also have a role in parenting? Whatever Georgia does surely won't be against what David believes, right? Wake up, rpf shippers, wake the fuck up.
David almost definitely does have a role in the parenting (anyone willing to fight me on this, come off, I'll give you the reasons) but since he’s all over London at the moment, he probably doesn’t have much time. Which means that gt has to manage 4-5 kids all by herself. So she does actually deserve a break, more than anyone else. But she doesn’t because wahoo god forbid women do anything.
And putting all that aside, what the hell gives rpf people the right to hate on her as if they know her irl. Their default behavioral status is set to mean and bitchy and that’s just. concerning. rpf people need to understand the difference between real life and fiction istfg.
Okay, i swear I'm nearing the end of this rant, please don't go yet.
Sometimes fans do have the right to speak up against an UNHEALTHY relationship. There are multiple examples all over the place where one person has expressed dissatisfaction but no one took them seriously. Except… neither gt/dt nor ms/al have expressed dissatisfaction. At all. It’s actually the exact opposite where they keep fawning for each other. There’s 0 suggestions of any of them being unhappy in their respective relationships apparent from yall overanalyzing their body language to the point where it becomes false.
Do Georgia and Anna ship themselves with each other and ship David with Michael? Yes. But that's a fucking joke. Learn to take a joke, yalls, it will get you a long way. And even if they are the ones doing the shipping, so what? That doesn’t give you the right to. It’s their lives. You’re just a person viewing their lives from a small peep hole known as Instagram.
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