barfville · 29 days
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sketchbook dyump of a few lil comics.
anyone elses father make them insane even though you've never even had much contact with the bastard
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the-eyemunchies · 2 years
"Lucifer was once a angel"
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Just a bit of my anxiety art, Lmao, love to draw when tou feel like hating yourself
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ramyeongif · 1 year
I have such a love-hate relationship with gratitude.
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thedisabledfaery · 2 years
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I’ve been using my CPAP a lot more and it’s helping me sleep better. This is a nasal mask, which I’m using because my nose is sore from the other mask. I have 90 stops of breathing per hour and actually have to use my CPAP a lot. Sleep apnea can be very dangerous if you have many apneas (aka you stop breathing). From headaches to strokes and even death. It’s no joke. But I do look funny!
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ishizizzle · 2 months
The more I think about Inside Out 2 the more I like it
Anxiety, girl, I can’t do shit about the current circumstances BUT I can get you a really refreshing lemonade and proper air flow babes 🧡🧡🧡
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amiaaa-official · 11 months
There's this one student named Yukio who might be able to help as well, I think? though I'm not sure associating with him would be the best for your ah... social standing.
... Why not?
Does he like. Kill people?
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mango-shpango · 5 months
guys i hate wearing just tshirts 😭
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franzliszt-official · 7 months
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This u?
Tsk. Rookie numbers
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hushedhippie · 2 years
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Me praying for a good week at work because one person decides to make me their punching bag🌱
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morethanonepage · 1 year
so much "damn girl you live like this" energy in my apt rn, what do i even do w that
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thedisabledfaery · 2 years
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Big win!! I’ve been able to go on short walks (15 minutes) on my OWN!!! That has never happened and I’m soo proud of myself! I also got back into reading, currently re-reading my favorite book (The Fault In Our Stars). Life is good atm!!!
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the-grove · 10 months
Thinking about how when we were younger, we were upset that knives didn't end up with Scott... because we related to Knives and we didn't realize just how bad Scott was. Like she deserved better then what happened, and she deserves better than scott and we were just too young to get that
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nocribdoll · 2 years
✨Russell hot 90s Mael✨
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byakuyasdarling · 1 year
Look blank while I’m asked to do something and dint reply, but get to it at my own pace -> told to just go to room because apparently I’m displaying such a sour attitude -> go to my room and go squish my plush toys, anxious because I know he did my chores because apparently I’m too much of a hassle and it’s going to be held over my head -> tries to explain I didn’t feel bad or anything and I was just tired and thinking, my emotional expression unrelated to my chores -> told I’m lying and trying to gaslight because they apparent know me so well and told I’m a selfish liar -> cry because this is literally my life and expressing something or nothing at wrong intervals I can’t identify gets me lectured and insulted daily -> yay! (/s)
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mariatesstruther · 1 year
Tbf as much as I don’t trust TV writers, I have no doubt Maria will be fine. Part of Tommy’s storyline is that he actively chooses to leave her when he goes on his revenge quest and when he returns a broken man, the one thing he has left is his marriage, and he ruins that too and without that, and that pain will only be doubled with a 4 year old kid as well.
It also makes the contrast to Ellie leaving Dina and JJ more poignant, and maybe even backs up Tommy’s decision to go to the farm more as in ‘I left my wife and kid for you, you can leave yours for me’.
So even though it would set Tommy down a darker path, I actually think it’s pivotal Maria is alive for the revenge quest because of that choice to leave, which is easier if she’s not there and I think a lot of Part 2 is about choices and if the costs are worth it and if his family are dead, Tommy doesn’t really have any ‘costs’ left but if they are, his choices can actively haunt him since they’re alive but he’s still lost them
these are very awesome and legit points!!!! i think its been a while since i last watched a tlou2 playthrough as well so thank you for the reminder of how his game/season 2 story kinda reflects ellie’s in those ways
i think part of the reason im just major major offput about them adding a pregnancy for maria in s2 in it just makes things so much more sad and stressful for maria????? like her whole life has just been loving people and then getting left behind. imagine finding a husband you love and having a child with him and then losing them BOTH to a goddamn zombie apocalypse. id already be devastated. joel lost his child and it completely ruined him; maria lost a child and their father, who as far as we know she had a happy life with. fucking brutal
but THEN she picks herself up, dusts herself off, and finds the strength to keep going. builds a place that she would’ve been maybe happy with raising kevin in, if she could, and she opens her heart up to tommy. she falls in love, and theyre happy, and now shes pregnant. shes having another baby that she gets to raise and lose with a husband she adores
like im sorry, i love me some good ol revenge as much as the next guy—i really do. the glory was my favorite show, and the first time i watched a tlou 2 full play through i was rooting for tommy and ellie to honestly take out EVERYBODY in joel’s name—and i also know firsthand what kind of distorted thinking tommy’s level of grief can cause. but i just HATE the idea that tommy would leave a CHILD to go after anyone, even the people that killed his brother. and i think if joel saw him do so, he literally would smack him upside the head and drag him back to jackson
it also just doesnt fit what i imagine tommy would do in the instance that he has a kid???? like this is the same tommy that watched joel devote his whole entire life to his own daughter from jump, who wouldve done anything he could to protect his first daughter and DID do everything he could to protect his second. tommy knows from joel that when you’re a father, you’re kid comes fucking first. fuck everything else
so i just can’t imagine tommy leaving both maria AND his child???? like tbh i could understand him leaving maria in the game, as much as i didn’t like it—but his own baby???? he knows joel wouldnt ever want him to do that, no matter what happens to him. to me it just wouldn’t make sense for tommy’s grief over joel to take him so far that he makes a choice he knows joel would hate
(and i know ellie made the choice to leave jesse and dina, but i think a big reason she did that was bc she had the additional guilt of having jesse on her conscience and knowing that tommy wouldn’t physically be able to do it after being shot. tommy’s circumstances for leaving his kid would be different)
so like for those reasons on tommy’s side, it doesn’t make much sense to me that he would go after joel unless his own child was out of the picture, and i don’t see his child being out of the picture unless maria i also out of the picture
NOT SAYING ID RATHER MARIA BE DEAD THAN PREGNANT BTW I WANT HER TO BE ALIVE AND HAPPY AND SAFE. i am just so confused about the hbo writer’s intentions with making her pregnant like!!!!!! feels very sus to me!!!!!!
especially bc of the track record for the way nonwhite tlou characters are brutalized in the game/show too. like @clickergossip ur tags on the reblog were so so so so so so so SO right on point. them making maria a PREGNANT black woman just makes me so nervous that something terrible will happen, esp considering what we’ve seen happen to the other Black characters in the game/show
and i totally understand brutality and gore and death is all part of tlou anyway, but i feel like with joel and ellie, the violence is almost always balanced out witth a degree of love/humor/lightheartedness. unfortunately rutina wesley’s maria hasn’t had much opportunity at all to partake in those lighter moments, which makes me think either the writers have a LOT of good stuff coming up for her or that they think she’s expendable. idk idk idk idk this does even have a point, im just rambling and thinking about it a lot aand very on edge as a maria-truther 😭😭😭 as much as i want to have confidence, i have many many doubts she will be fine
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