#anything as long as i can draw wings tbh
windlullaby-arts · 1 month
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Birb friends
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dailymothanon · 8 days
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I’m back 🐶 thank you for being patient, things are relatively back to normal! Anyways I got some drawings… it’s the actual D&D au now! I’ve got plenty of ideas, but for now this is Alaska and Maine! Alaska is a Druid, circle of stars though his race is unknown (I also don’t have any general cloth ideas for him). It is noted he is very bird-like tho, no wings because he can just have a wild shape/starry form with a pair. Maine is a half human half beast, he’s quite prickly because unfortunately even in this au he still has to deal with the northeast 😒 (long rants of ideas below)
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I also have other ideas for other states, but I haven’t drawn them yet. For New Jersey I’m thinking like Nevada he is a fae folk but of a bee; and he was born with deformed and torn wings that resemble the Jersey devil’s. But due to his deformity his “hive” decided to just toss him out because they wanted a big strong community with no one holding them back 😒 so maybe Jersey had to barely survive out there on his own, and in later years NY could’ve found him (I like to think he is a human knight, merely because instead of his bat he can have a sword) and took him in 😌 (and they were roommates)
Another idea I’ve got is for Texas! I would like to think he is a mostly human gunslinger who is legally blind (not totally blind, tho still very blind) but sees thru heat & taste, much like a snake does. Maybe he collects bounties, I haven’t really thought much for his lore yet 🤔 but he is one of the best gunslingers out there despite his disability!
Cali is also one I’ve thought up, I think he could be a dragon rider. A funny idea is that he has a scam where he and his dragon makes this whole act where he pretends to be a princess damsel in distress, being held captive by the big bag dragon and people who come and try to “save” him but it just ends up with Cali robbing them 😒 (love me a big flawed character)
As for Alaska, he’s as stated, a Druid of the circle of stars! He comes from an unknown island (just imagine irl state of Alaska except disconnected to any continent tbh) that’s gatekeeped gaslighted girlbossed because they don’t want no colonizers or anything ofc. But Alaska grew up hearing all about the other outside lands and he wanted to go see it! So one day he ventured into the continents (the one that contains all the other states except for Hawaii) and yaddy yadda; and Alaska is actually very curious and friendly in this au because he doesn’t have the trauma of outsiders 😌 he has a pet(s?) dog with three heads (ofc, Balto Togo and Fido) to accompany him! I haven’t designed his starry forms yet btw. And also he doesn’t really know how his Druid magic works somehow 🧎 it’s mostly innate and learned behaviors and habits and traditions. It just comes naturally to him! This is the biggest difference between him and Mass with magic, think of Alaska’s Druid magic as traditional and natural, meanwhile Mass’s sorcery as artificial and learned and studied magic. So it’s hard to say who between the two is better at magic
Maine is a half-human-half-beast, he faces discrimination because of it and there aren’t much others like him in at home land. He mostly doesn’t care but the occasional person really gets to him. Not really sure why he is half beast yet tho I don’t have the lore for that. Mass keeps trying to pester Maine about learning magic, as Mass is one of the best magic users in his region (and he’s quite boastful/egotistical because of it) so he believes Maine might be really good too, and Mass wants him to be able to know it when in times of need, but Maine doesn’t really listen 🙄 though he is nimble and quite good at sneaking!
My last minor ideas is that Ginny is a great swordsman (race undecided), Mass is probably a human sorcerer, Nevada is a fae folk, Ny is a human knight, and Hawaii 🤔 some sorta sea/ocean critter maybe? Dunno yet. Anyways I hope these ideas are cool and that you guys like them! I also want to mention I probably wont post daily still, I wanna do what’s comfortable for me.
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feralcorpses · 12 days
Tw/Cw: Bright Colours, Possible Eyestrain, and a LOT of Eyes.
I love drawing watcher Grian so so much man
I was gonna give him more eyes but I got lazy I am gonna rant abt the watchers and stuff under the cut cause I really love my version of the watchers and have been dying to share how I view the silly eye cryptid.
(Click for better quality btw!!)
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Watcher rant ^^ (This wasn’t proof read btw so gl)
Sooooo Ima start off with talking abt the drawing I made, so this is watcher Grian aka Xelqua (Fun fact, Xelqua was Grians old name for his channel) and basically this would be considered their causal watcher form because DUN DUN DUNN they have a few diff types so they have a base form (so player disguises) semi-base form (player disgue + watcher features) lowest of watcher form (basically just what is shown in the peice here just less wings and eyes) their causal form (the one shown here in this piece) and thennn full form which is some creepy biblically accurate “humanoid” cyrptid creature.
There’s 5 types of watchers, low rank (usually newly turned ones) mid rank (most common one) high rank (woah your stupid for trusting these creatures this much 💀) pure watchers (blipped into existence as watchers) and then prime watchers (also blipped into existence but hold a lot more power, knowledge, wings, eyes, just rlly a lot more of everything tbh.)
The ranking system is based off skill, power, and reputation ig?? (it’s a odd one ok-) the easiest way I can explain it is it being the opposite to the feduel system so you can move up ranks you just can’t become a pure or prime watcher for obvious reasons.
Watchers usually only have 3 pairs of wings at most, pure watchers having abt 5 and prime watchers are undetermined. Their tails usually include some wings so a pure watcher might have one or two sets of wings on their tail with max for them being three and normal watchers very rarely have wings on their tails but will only have one pair if they do. (I am so not hinting at anything with this very specific thing noooo Grians wing number is soooo normal ;D)
This a bit of a odd one but they like don’t reproduce, pure watchers and prime watchers are just blipped into existence every now and again and taken care of by the previous generation of watchers and stuff.
Watchers can also be any species/hybrid so for example for example I usually base Grian off a great horned owl or rarely another owl I can’t remember the name of (I think it’s a long or short eared owl I sometimes base him off of idk) but anyway so watchers can be moth hybrids, phantoms, bats, anything but if the creature is non winged it’s eh a lot more painful to get turned because lets just say they give you wings you didn’t know you had :,)
Grians actually missing his eyes like his main eyes on his face like he has zero vision in those and usually tucks them away by covering his face with his main pair of head wings or the ones on top of his head but he wasn’t born blind it was more so a “freak accident” that made his eyes like that. He still sees tho through the rest of his watcher eyes because with his watcher type he can use more magic to hide things so he keeps his “extra” eyes out and makes them invisible and use those to see.
That’s all I have to say for now since I don’t wanna drag this post on for too long but thanks for reading this if you did lol
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llondonfog · 6 months
This is such a weird, RANDOM, and long ask (more like a rant tbh), but I wanted to say something because I can't get it out of my head.
Before you boo me, I COULDN'T HELP IT. I just, can't get it out of my brain.
Like, Lilia just wakes up one day, sees this mini horror in Silver's bedroom, and freaks out before realizing that IS Silver.
Everything he knew about Silver's parents is a lie.
Then, Silver transforms back, but part way, so he has these cute little wings with soft, white feathers, and Lilia just MELTS.
He's freaked out, amazed, confused, but he wants to comfort Silver, who is both confused and possibly in pain from the transformation. Growing wings seems painful.
Like, he had 6 wings (3 sets of 2) in the horror-fest form that is a Biblically Accurate Angel (I both encourage and warn you against searching that up lol), and now he has 2-4 wings (possibly with the feathers attached to his head as Seraphim Angels have. I think). Compared to his default human body, that's a big difference, right?
Anyway, I wanted to share this with someone. You don't have to do anything with this, or even respond, but THE IMAGE. I love Silver and he's already angelic, so might as well add a Horrifying version of that, AND pretty wings in the more "normal" version. I just can't write or draw my vision LMAO so I have to cope with sharing it instead.
BABY SILVER WITH BABY ANGEL WINGS!!! oh they are so soft and fluffy, like dreams and clouds and silk all at once!! the imagery of him draping them over lilia while they nap or simply shielding him from the sun with one as he gets older....my heart!!!
And then considering the imagery of extremely pissed off biblically accurate silver protecting his loved ones against any who would seek to bring them harm!!! Absolutely terrifying to behold!! I don't know why I'm partial to the specific one of the large eye surrounded by countless wings but that's what I think of!! All those wings to sweep up and protect his loved ones, and more to deal out powerful blows of damage, with one dizzying aurora-hued eye that can seem like the most gentle gaze that allows you to simply bask in unconditional acceptance or the most horrific choking sense of inevitable judgement for what you've done against the word of good.
on the other hand, the thought of lilia being in such awe and wonder of his child, this pure and innocent being who has been granted to him, who loves him unconditionally and uses his powers to make lilia's life kinder and easier as silver tries to take away the aches and pains and nightmares... I could see it verging into a cult of two territory; lilia being very protective and possessive of his son, the thought of throwing himself into service to protect the boy?angel?savior? at any and all costs, to be his knight in shining armor to keep him safe and unsullied from the world. silver becoming like this odd forest deity creature who pours his magic so willingly into the woods and gives freely to those that need his kindness, and his father is only too happy to kneel to him, renewed in his purpose to serve his benevolent, angelic son...
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star-girl69 · 2 years
I Loved You Like the Sun
a/n: i’m not ready to let go of this fic so i WILL be continuing it into the dance of dragons and i’ll be separating it into two parts. part one should conclude in what i hope to be 5 or less more chapters. i’ll be following the show plot bc that’s easiest for me. so that unfortunately means once i get through what’s happened in the show so far this book will be postponed until the new season comes in 2024 :( also- i heard all of you guys!! y/n will be claiming cannibal later in the series.
and i apologize for the weirdness with her father- after i decided to expand on this series, i decided to leave that conflict out. kinda a messy ending, but i’m eager for daemyra and reader to solidify their own family.
and btw guys it’s still me i just changed my username and stuff 😭
warnings: incest, swearing, violence, kinda sex tbh, mentions of death, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Twelve- Silk Sheets
Jace admits Lady Y/N confuses him.
He knows the facts- he knows that his mother and Daemon clearly feel some affection towards her.
He thinks back to their time in Kings Landing, when he saw Daemon with his hand on Y/N’s thigh and his mothers arm around her chair.
He remembers hearing a scream, muffled, coming from the other wing of their apartments. He remembers the banging on the door, and then the silence before screams of pain. They were unfamiliar. He remembers sneaking out of his bed, past the guards roaming the halls to look for something, he wasn’t sure. He remembers his mother crying, before bringing Lady Y/N into her arms. He remembers her calling the Lady “my Y/N.”
He remembers the special attention, the red dresses, the longing looks.
And he notices.
He notices how his mother and Daemon insert Y/N into their lives, scheduling bonding time with each of the children. He notices how his mother always makes sure Y/N is there.
His siblings are already entranced with her. Lucerys worships the ground she walks on, Baela proclaims Y/N to be her best friend, and Rhaena always draws her attention with soft words and nimble sewing hands. Joffrey and Aegon adore her as well, although they are too young to truly understand what is going on.
Jace does not know how his siblings have surrenders to her web. Does not know how his parents have. Does not know why he feels the webs clinging to his skin.
But now, she only watches him with fire-bright eyes. She does not carry their name. But fire burns in her, and Jace would be a fool not to see it.
He parries and blocks, rallies and ducks. He evades the wooden sword of the non-descript guard, feeling Lady Y/N’s eyes on him.
It is a blur of movement- an empty brain, devoid of thoughts about Aegon and Aemond and the rest of the Hightowers. His ailing grandfather. His poor aunt, who is subjected to a life with Aegon. How the crown already weighs heavy on his mother’s shoulders and she does not even have one yet. How one day that will be his.
He isn’t sure he can imagine it.
Baela at his side, Jace and Rhaena in Driftmark. Joffrey will be with him, of course. He needs a cupbearer if he is to be king. He likes to imagine Aegon will be a fierce warrior.
His grandparents dead. Daemon dead. His mother dead. Uncles bitter about their lack of power.
With a grunt, the knight yields. Jace’s sword at his throat. Lady Y/N claps.
Jace is burning under the spring sun.
You supposed you shouldn’t be surprised how grand Daemon and Rhaenyra’s chambers were- much less the rest of Dragonstone.
Sometimes you forgot they were as powerful as they were, that the commanded the skies and the sea, the earth and the wind. They had thousands of men at their beck and call- to fight for them, to die for them.
Knowing that Daemon and Rhaenyra had all of that power at the word of a raven made you feel better about the letter from your father.
The two had wasted no time in furnishing their room to become yours as well. A bookshelf on the far wall, the comfiest chair next to the fireplace, tapestries of your choosing on the walls. It was more of a home then your room at Chambers Manor ever was.
You let your hand stretch over the silk sheets, blood red. Your hand splays, fingers dig in, making that scratching sound that makes a shiver run down your spine.
You sigh, falling back onto the bed.
What would you think if your father could see you now? You, the youngest of four, just trying to make it by unnoticed by your family. Your mother had passed years ago- one of the reasons you bonded so well with Rhaenyra.
“I miss her.”
It is her mothers birthday.
She demands that you stay with her all day, so unlike her usual sweet asks and subtle coercion (you can’t refuse the feel of her lips). And her harsh tone is nothing like normal.
But she is hurting. You let her boss you around. If it made her feel better, you would rip out your own heart for her. You are already walking around with something inside of you that belongs to her, what difference does it make if it is in your chest or her hands? You never survived on blood. You survived on star power, on something mystical and otherworldly. Something no one else could understand.
Rhaenyra stifles another sob into your hair, as you hold her with tight hands. You urge her to breathe, and she does. Your chest aches.
Rhaenyra is your savior. Your lover. Your everything. She is like dragonfire being blown in your face- leaving you unscathed. She burns bright and hot but as you get closer, you see that she is just a young girl. Motherless. Powerless.
You know that one day she will burn. But today is not that day.
Besides, she is stronger than that. She is more than her loss.
It is a while before her sobs quite down.
“Tell me something. Distract me, my love.”
You sigh, mind scrambling. “Did I ever tell you about my great grandmother?” She shakes her head, and you hum. “Her name was Alyssa. She was a Targaryen, a cousin to Old King Jaehaerys. She had a dragon, you know. Pink, if the stories are to be believed. A ferocious she-dragon named Heartfyre. My grandmother claimed Heartfyre when she was only 12 years old. She said she wasn’t even sure what was happening. She thought the old dragon was going to kill her. But she did not. After my grandmother died, Heartfyre flew off- to Old Valyria, traders on the sea said. No one ever saw her again.”
Your hands tangle in Rhaenyra’s hair.
“That’s sweet,” she murmurs, and you are relieved to hear no remnants of a sob in her voice. “‘M sorry for being so rude today.”
“It’s okay, Rhaenyra. I know. I know.”
She does not cry. She is a princess. She is a Targaryen.
But here, with you, she lets herself fall. It is the sweetest thing.
The door opens with a sharp creek, and voices fill the room. It is what you have been waiting for.
You stand, skirting past Rhaenyra and Daemon in the doorway.
“Y/N, come back!” Rhaenyra calls, and for once, you do not answer her. You grab the letter you received late last night. It is hidden in your bookshelf, in between the cover of your favorite book.
When you turn back around, Rhaenyra is sitting leisurely on the bed. Daemon sets Dark Sister on the side table, fingers carefully tracing down the blade. He handles it with such care and reverence, you admire it.
You pad over to the wordlessly, letter burning in your hands. You do not trust yourself to speak, and Rhaenyra frowns when you hand her the letter. She tugs on your red slip, pulling you next to her on the bed.
“What’s this?”
You sigh, wordless, placing your forehead on her shoulder. You can tell she is concerned, placing a hand on the side of your face. You hear the sound of the wax seal ripping.
You did not dare open it.
Her eyes scan over it quickly, and you hear the sound of Daemon’s holster falling to the floor.
“Your father.” She whispers, and it is a breathless thing.
You nod against her, her hand curls into your hair.
“I won’t let him take you. Not again.”
“What?” Daemon asks, walking over, finally in earshot of your hushed voices.
“Letter.” Rhaenyra whispers. “Y/N’s father.”
“Tell him to fuck off,” Daemon scoffs.
You are too nervous to admonish him, Rhaenyra too busy reading.
“He says you can stay in Dragonstone. That your siblings married better than you. He doesn’t care.”
You let out a breath of relief.
The years of letting him pass you by have paid off.
“Thank the Gods,” you murmur.
“Were you scared, my sweet girl? You must know by now, we will not let anyone take you, hm?”
You pull back from Rhaenyra. Miss her warmth.
“I know, but, still. We are not married.”
“That can be arranged.” You do not need to look at Daemon to know his face is sporting a large smirk.
Rhaenyra sighs from beside you, beginning to take down her intricate hairstyle.
“We won’t do anything until you say so, my love.” She shoots a look to Daemon, and you smile. You fall back onto the bed, on your side, cheek pressing into the silk fabric. Daemon comes into your point of view, but only for a second. He walks past you, to the other side of the bed, bed dipping as he lays down.
It is domestic. It is normal. It is all you have ever wanted.
Daemon winds a hand into your hair, tugging you up. You sit up, and he beckons you over with a lazy grin and a movement of his finger. You come to your knees, and he palms your hips.
“Made for us,” he murmurs.
He pulls you to straddle him in one swift move- and he moans at the sight of your flustered from the lack of warning.
He is drowning in his own lust, in the tightening of his pants. You can feel it below you. Pressing up against you in the most delicious way-
When your hips move, it is a reflex. A desperate chase for more of this feeling.
Daemon and Rhaenyra have not ravaged you like this. No one has. Your husband neglected his duties to you. But you are take by the sudden need to be taken by them, to be full, to feel loved.
“Daemon,” you moan. He grunts, face burying into your neck to leave hard kisses.
You hear the silk sheets rustle from behind you, the press of something warm against your back. Rhaenyra is right behind you, breath fanning the side of your face. Her hands rest on your stomach, a comforting, sure pressure.
“This is what I want to see for the rest of my life. The prettiest girl, a desperate mess for us, yeah?”
You moan at her words, hips moving again. Daemon throws his head back, hands gripping your hips tighter, pushing you down-
When Rhaenyra’s hand travels along your stomach, you grab it, instinctively. You do not know if you are ready.
“We will have you as you are,” she whispers, and you let her hand go. When her warm hand dips under your skirts you shiver with anticipation. With want. With need.
The head of Daemon’s manhood touches his stomach, and you press against the length of it. It must be a painful thing, you think, by any way Daemon grips your hips.
Her hand moves past your small clothes, and Daemon lets out another groan at the press of her hand as well.
Daemon grabs the front of your dress, ripping it in half in a show of raw strength. You shriek in suprise, but he only laughs, dark and promising.
He leans back, admiring.
Your arms come over your chest, but Daemon grabs them with a growl.
“Did you not hear me?” Rhaenyra whispers, hot and breathy in your ear. The tip of her finger circles for the first time in so many years, and you throw your head back onto her shoulder. “I said we will have you as you are.”
And when they have you, you swear you melt into the silk sheets.
@wondergal2001 @akiraquote @a-lil-bit-nuts @anginoguera @thatkinkylesgirl1 @stitchattacks @honeypillowsblog @kaloafd @blackhoodlea @softtina @wallace02sblog @tetgod @hotd-fanfic
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oh-shtars · 2 months
Hey Saph! @wings-of-sapphire/ @signed-sapphire
Stupid tumblr tends to glitch and not let me edit my drafts for some damn reason so sorry for the inconvenience and that it took so long. I have to screenshot your ask and my response down. 😭😭😭
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- Interestingly enough, Mag’s main motive is not really to gain more power. (It’s still one of the benefits though, so sure. He’ll take power. Yayyy.) But most of the evil actions he does is out of vengeance. Losing his village took its toll on him. The universe turned its back on him so he feels like he’s justified to take something back for himself.
So now, he finds pleasure in putting others under distress in the same way he used to be.
- So as I said in my previous point, Magnifico loves toying/playing with his victims. Giving them that fake sense of hope and security just to see their look when they realise they’ve been fooled. (But this hypocrite hates being the laughing end of that stick lmaooo)
- He can be superficially charming and manipulative to get what he wants. But it is relatively easy to break down his facade compared to Amaya because of his anger issues.
- He would project his own insecurities/issues towards other people to lower their own self-esteem. An “I’m down, so other people are coming down with me” mentality.
- Just like Star, and being a parallel of Star, Magnifico assumes that people only really like him for what he could offer them. So he could be already suspicious and assuming the worst whenever you ask him for a favour. It’s a contradicting feeling. One, he loves the attention. But on the other hand, he’s so pissy on how ungrateful people are and always expect something from him no matter how much he tries.
(Especially with his belief that his father only valued him as a potential heir and never really saw him as a son. This isn’t true. Oliver is just horrible at communication)
- I imagine Magnifico’s relationship with King Oliver is similar to Shen and his parents from KFP2. How both believed their parents “hated them” for never reaching what was expected of them.
- Magnifico is highly likely to underestimate things and can be impulsive. Amaya usually helps with giving him some second-thoughts and opinions before he could go and do something stupid.
- Mag smiles at the smallest compliments and gets a tiny bashful at certain flirts.
- Magnifico does get symptoms of PTSD from time to time. He can be set off just with the look of uncontrolled fire and he overthinks and gets stressed when things are beyond his control in the kingdom.
(I am just now remembering Aled’s drawing of the Starboys burning the kitchen down. Hmmmmm……)
And tbh, that’s really all I could think of right now. Idk, he makes more sense in my head and I think it will click when I actually start to get into writing his scenes. I’ve made him quite complex that even I couldn’t put it into proper words. 😅
But if you really want to get to know his vibe, I think these songs might help give you an idea. The first one is like, my go-to song when I think of RFTS!Mag’s character though:
Also, @signed-sapphire, I read through your TFS!Au and if I understood it correctly, our Magnifico’s are basically:
“I’ve suffered through so much, so I’ll do anything I could to keep our people safe and not let it happen again.”
“I’ve suffered through so much, so the ungrateful btches of this kingdom will feel my wrath because I say so-“
Look me in the eyes. Are you sure our AUs aren’t made to be this hilarious Swap!version of the other or something? This is getting freaky-
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ofthecaravel · 3 months
I’ve been thinking long and hard about how Girl Van Fleet’s stage outfits would compare to Guy Van Fleet, but tbh I don’t think they would be that different.
She would wear the same jumpsuits as Josh, but part way through the show she changes into a sparkly white dress with a floor length flowing skirt so she can twirl around. The tops of her outfits would still be super open cut and it has to take a lot of clothing tape to keep her boobs from falling out. She usually doesn’t wear shoes, but she has a pair of embellished white slip ons (just like Josh’s) for when she goes to the b-stage and to the barrier.
She would absolute rock in Jake’s black cropped sparkly jacket. Underneath she has sparkly black bra. Instead of the pants, though, she would go for a matching mid thigh length skirt and fishnet stockings. Of course she also has the Chelsea boots (which are sparkly)
She would look awesome in Sam’s red outfit. Instead of having a suit jacket, she would have a sports bra like top with a thin strap on her right shoulder and a full sleeve with a wing for her left sleeve. She would have a red stone in her belly button piercing. Her bottom would either be a pair of short shorts or a short skirt. She would complete the look with a pair of knee height high heel boots. The whole outfit is red and sparkly and she looks like a ruby.
I think she would look good in Danny’s outfit with the sparkly silver mesh and gray scarf across her chest, and tbh I don’t think she would change much about it. She would wear the top as is. Same as Jos, it would take a lot of work to make sure her boobs stay in place. Instead of the white pants, she’d go with a pair of white short shorts. As a drummer, she’s gotta have practical shoes, so she wears a pair of sparkly white vans with her outfit.
it is TRULY so satisfying to know there are people who fully 100% understand my girls 😭😭 like literally zero fucking notes, you nailed it, down to the littlest details like jos' outfit change and the boob tape for her and dani lmao. my favorite details are sammis one sleeve wing jacket (i wanna draw that) and janie being in anything black and sparkly. bravo
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miralyk · 18 days
wait, even though you draw yourself, you don't want to associate yourself with f/o or selfshipping communities? genuinely curious, and want to be respectful of boundaries drawing gift art for you
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had to look up what "f/o" means but yeah i think i get an idea of what you're asking... i have a bit of a nuanced and long-winded answer wrt the Topic, which will be under the cut for convenience, but to start for for Fanart, i'm still very conflicted about my appearance both irl and in art, so i'm cool w something like drawing something like my trainersona or my pokesona/foxsona, but not art Directly Of Me, My IRL Self Showing My Bare Face, hope that makes sense!
as for the Specifics since this ask seems to be in response to a recent tag i did saying "i don't want to tag art of myself as self-insert or selfship", no, i don't selfship myself with al*x m*rcer or d*smond m*les, if that's what you're trying to indirectly ask LMAO;; it's just "guys being dudes", an older friend who babysat a little kid under their wing (eg axel and xion's dynamic, or "my coworker/college classmate that's super older than me" LMAO) sort of thing.
(full long-winded answer to this question and broad topic:)
i don't have a problem with selfshipping or self-inserts; any criticisms i have are just core "fandom issues" (out of character writing/art, ignoring serious themes/topics in the source material to flanderize or sanitize fanworks, excessive spam in tags, especially unrelated to the post and/or without proper blockable tagging, etc) that selfshipping/self-inserts can perpetuate like any other fanfics or fanart mediums.
for me personally, i technically do have "self-insert" stuff like trainersona/pokesona art and lore to even a selfship with riley called brilliantaurashipping, but i just try to keep it quiet and not bother anyone tbh. i don't have much confidence with my appearance or overall qualities as a person and the last thing i want to do is be ignorant and pretentious, which i feel like would be hypocritical just. constantly drawing myself. especially in a rose-tinted goggles and mary-sue "oh i'm perfect and nothing's wrong with me i have all the superpowers and plot armor in the world and i'm besties with EVERYONEEEEE" shticks,, it makes me wince for canon-compliance and "oh god i don't want to be someone shitty and ignorant like j*lloapocalypse" reasons.
i also don't want to risk annoying or bothering people... if you're autistic and/or a person of color too you may understand this struggle better, but i've had a lot of ""friendships"" where it turned out people who i thought mutually considered friends actually hated me the whole time and only held their tongue out of societal obligations, laugh behind my back as the "mean girl's autistic pet" thing, fail to communicate properly because of various social cues i couldn't process, and so on. i'd rather have up front, honest communication that doesn't sugarcoat anything or beat around the bush, so here i am doing the same with elaborating my thoughts and hope i'm not misinterpreted or have people make assumptions making things up based on lack of information too. this got a bit long but... yeah, overall i do like drawing, even of "silly" stuff like this, but there's a reason why the word guilty is in "guilty pleasure"
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apotelesmaa · 4 months
HELLO .WAIT. do you have more thoughts on wxs soul eater au i never considered combining the two even thiugh i am off the walls crazy about the,m
Oh I have. So many thoughts. You asking abt it even made me get up off my ass and draw again. Putting everything under the cut to avoid having a mile long post.
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When I first had the idea I really struggled on who was a weapon/meister but after deciding on wanting to pair ruikasa/emunene up I was like tsukasa and emu need to be the meisters bc 1) it fits with them being the founding duo of wxs 2) I really wanted nene to be a gun 3) fitting tsukasa’s goals into the SE universe worked better if he was a meister. I elected to make rui a whip first and then I realized I could fit a bloodborne reference in there and reference becoming potatoes with the cane. I’m not entirely satisfied w the first pass at designs for the universe (not super close to the SE aesthetic, I cannot draw guns, I’m not very good at character design, etc) but i kind of tried to pull inspiration from:
- tsukasa and emu’s happy Phoenix costumes (split colors on tsukasa’s coat, tsukasa’s boots, the corset/bell sleeves/little cape thingie for emu)
- for tsukasa specifically: piano (b&w colors and stupid long coat tails), his second wxs costume
- emu: bc I drew her last and it was getting late I did less searching and more winging it but I did try to combine the style of her wxs costumes (shoes, dress, striped socks) & general darker Lolita (for lack of a better word) fashion.
- nene: her gaming event card (weird energy ball device thing? Which I would imagine functions similar to dtk’s shooting soul wave lengths thru the thompsons)
- rui: his ugly ass coat (fond) he wears as his first wxs costume. Also becoming potatoes cane handle thing. Him being a trick weapon (bloodborne term, essentially a weapon that can switch between two forms) also kind of lines up w him being a tech genius.
Ok done talking abt the designs onto the in universe stuff
- not basing any au story off the soul eater plot bc it didn’t work out very well (too many pjsk characters) (going with the main story wxs plot w a soul eater spin. Kinda. Gonna have to think abt that a bit.) but if I did mafuyu > crona, miku & the kagamines > dtk and the thompsons. Would that make cfm lord death. Emu would fill a similar role to maka with mafuyu in that situation but in general (besides the surface level similarities btwn tsukasa and black star) nene is too different from soul, emu is way too different from maka, and rui is literally NOTHING like tsubaki so I can’t justify just swapping out emunene/tsukasa with soul&maka/black star&tsubaki. No equivalent to that fucking cat in this universe. & the pjsk characters get to wear clothes when they’re in the weird place weapons’s bodies go when they’re transformed.
- idk maybe the regular soul eater plot is happening/will happen/has happened but this is the Japan branch (oceania branch in canon?).
- vocaloids are professors (not the kagamines. Forever babies.) but if there needs to be a lord death equivalent making that miku would be so funny. Also the normal vocaloid personalities and not the WXS ones for conveniences sake. Uhhh first thoughts for M/W would be meister miku, weapon meiko, meister kaito, luka can go either way tbh, kagamines are both weapons but are each other’s meister.
- similar to how rui did shows on his own for a really long time I think he was his own meister for a while (like Justin Law was). He doesn’t have many souls bc dwma in this universe at least pretends to give a fuck abt student safety so they don’t want to send him out alone on anything dangerous (despite his talent) and he can’t resonate soul wave lengths with most ppl bc they don’t get him. He ended up giving up on finding a meister when he was younger bc of this & just worked really hard on his own. He experiences a similar isolation from his peers that dtk did (ppl find him intimidating/envy at his skill/etc).
- equivalent of him transferring in to kamikou (? Spelling) second year is the kamishiros spending ~10 years in America. He’s still childhood friends w nene he just moved away after they drifted apart and then came back. Mizuki probably did something similar just 2 keep the mizuki & rui connection still there.
- tsukasa’s SE universe goal is to be the best meister - he wants to protect & help people (inspired by saki. I’ll get to that) but the equivalent of tsukasa forgetting he wanted to make ppl smile & believing he just wanted fame would be tsukasa believing he wants to be the best meister for fame/power.
- saki’s chronic illness is a result of black blood due to an incident w a kishin egg monster when she was younger. I think she would be a weapon but along with the canon typical chronic illness symptoms (not erasing those) she struggles for a long time w controlling her ability to change in and out of weapon form. Tsukasa & her *could* have been a m/w pair & have compatible soul wave lengths but 1) he’s overprotective and I think he realized he would not be able to fight without being too scared of getting her hurt 2) saki’s illness means she can’t really enroll in the dwma (yet. She gets there eventually.)
- nene was in the not classes before the plot picks up bc she didn’t think she had what it took to be a weapon. In universe equivalent to her forgetting her lines would maybe be freezing when she was supposed to transform during an important test when she was younger? Not baby age like in canon (bc I know the DWMA likes child soldiers but 7ish is a bit much even for them) but old enough to be taking classes & old enough to be put into not classes as a result. Im not reading SE NOT! to understand how those classes work though so thank god she gets out of those classes
- nene *is* a really powerful weapon she just lacks the confidence and struggles to resonate with people (& unlike rui she can’t wield herself)
- on that note emu can resonate with just about anyone but she hasn’t found anyone that felt right yet, and Tsukasa needs someone who can keep up w the intensity of his soul wave length and hasn’t found anyone who can do that yet.
- ^ similar to tsukasa being a piano prodigy or whatever in canon tsukasa *is* a really good meister, he just needs a really good weapon. Bc his peers would need more training to get to that level
- I toyed with making emu dtk adjacent (daughter of death) (bc PXL -> DWMA) but that would be too complicated with her brothers/dad/grandpa so I disregarded it. Maybe I’ll come back to it. I think it would make more sense for emu to come from a long line of really talented meisters so she grew up training for the job and running around the dwma.
- emu approaches tsukasa and is like we should work together!!! We’ll do better on missions and be able to take down harder kishin & maybe witches!! & he’s like sure why not every star needs a sidekick (obnoxious laugh) even though emu could kick his ass without breaking a sweat (in line with canon). & like the angel she is emu is like (ignores his pre main story dickheadedness) wonderhoy!! (Deathhoy?) okie dokie we need to find weapon partners then!! (bodily drags him to class)
- tsukasa sees rui training on his own and is like wow he’s really talented! Fitting for a future star like me! & approaches him to ask if they can pair up. Rui is like on the condition that you can find my friend a partner in your class (wants nene out of the not classes bc he thinks she’s far beyond that skill level). Emu jumps on the idea and is introduced to nene who is placed in the higher level courses to accommodate this partnership. Idc if that can’t happen in SE canon I think the Otoris have a lot of sway and any potential issues w nene being less powerful (not the case but it’s the assumption made abt not students) can be made up by emu’s skill.
- emu is instantly very taken with nene and they resonate well. I know what u are dot jpg. Rui & tsukasa can resonate but struggle to unlock their full potential (similar to soul and maka struggling with using the witch hunter form) bc tsukasa needs to realize what his real motivations are.
- tsukasa assumes nene has a low skill level at first (similar to his issues w nenerobo. God I wish I could think of a way to fit nenerobo in this au. sorry nenerobo) but is proven wrong when emu wields her.
- equivalent to the climax of the wxs main story in this is nene freezing again during an important mission and the group losing an important target -> tsukasa gets mad and yells at her -> rui fights w tsukasa over this and tells him that he’ll never be a good meister if he cares more about fame and power than people.
- tsukasa chats w the death scythe kaito & realizes the Error Of His Ways -> emu is considering dropping out bc she feels that she fucked up all of their futures as weapons/meisters by putting this into motion but tsukasa has the heart to heart with emu and they agree to continue being a team -> emu and nene partner back up -> they approach rui who has gone back to working solo and he refuses to partner back up w tsukasa
- idk what a good equivalent to the lonely alchemist show would be. Tsukasa and rui need to resonate & work together to help emunene because they’re in peril or something? & rui through the resonance realizes that tsukasa is genuine? Some sort of hand wavey plot device is used to resolve everything.
- I think that emu & rui and nene & tsukasa are also able to resonate and they do occasionally switch it up just for funsies. Emu and rui bc they just get along very well and nene & tsukasa argue with each other but can still function as a team.
- I don’t think that rui & nene can resonate because. Put down the pitchforks please. *Because* similar to their dynamic in pjsk despite their bond and their care for each other there’s a lot of baggage that needs to be worked through. Too many things left unsaid. Etc. they could probably achieve resonance later on but there’s not really a need to given that they’re both weapons and both have meisters.
- Rui thinks it’s a great training exercise to fight tsukasa “how do you expect to get better if you don’t try fighting against a weapon without a weapon… I’m just trying to help you… (fake crying)” “I’m already good at fighting without a weapon!! This is never going to be relevant knowledge anyways!!! You just want to fight me because you think it’s fun!!!!!!” “(switching manipulation tactics) Someone who wants to be a star would want to be prepared for any situation no matter how small the chance is of it happening” “hm…that’s true… ok let’s do it!!”
- cut to them in the nurses office. This is a weekly occurrence.
- emu also thinks it’s good practice to use tsukasa as moving target practice but this is less dangerous and more just continuing tsukasa’s never ending torment (he is a willing participant in said torment mind you)
- like in canon emu pulls nene out of her shell and hypes her up constantly which is huge in getting nene to have more confidence in herself and her abilities. It’s also incredibly helpful to have a meister who will never judge her for freezing and will always meet her halfway.
- also like in canon nene is very helpful with reeling emu in. She’s a very helpful voice of reason/impulse control but one that understands that even if emu’s ideas are unconventional they still have merit (even if they need to be refined a little)
- similar to the soul eater main cast having the self preservation skills of very small stupid suicidal animals hell bent on getting themselves injured or killed (Liz excluded), emu and Tsukasa are very prone to charging in to a situation w/out thinking. Tsukasa is more reasonable but unfortunately his weapon parter is not and rui usually cajoles tsukasa into doing stupid shit. Nene is suffering.
- maybe someday I’ll design rui & nene if I ever go back and refine these designs but I’m really lazy.
- not really sure how I would go around incorporating the wxs arcs into the soul eater universe with regards to PXL selling out and stuff. Making peace with the witches maybe? Something will probably come to me eventually.
- unlike atsushi ohkubo I’m not a terminally horny freak so there’s zero weird shit in this au.
- initial thoughts on the other units: minori(w)/haruka(weapon that chooses to be a meister) + airi(m)/shizuku(w), kohane(m)/an(w) + toya(weapon who was trained as a meister before deciding to be a weapon)/akito(m), mafuyu(m)/kanade(weapon… don’t make her exercise) + mizuki(w)/ena(m), leoneed swaps pairs frequently but shiho & izuka are meisters + saki and honami are weapons. Open to debate for most of these I haven’t given them much thought.
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thymeebutter · 1 year
A few fun examples of things that probably should have ticked parents off towards my autism:
(!! Feel free to share with your own!!)
Having a comfort blanket, and when it was suddenly taken from me and thrown away after years and years with it, I completely shut down until it was replaced and I had adequate time to mourn. (Didn't do anything for over a week, like barely ate and just cuz I was fed)
Being so confused about the order of things and how you were supposed to do them, to where my mom got fed up and just printed and laminated step by step flow charts and guides for things like getting dressed, showering, brushing my hair, ect
Constantly stimming
Learning disability squad ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️💜✨💜✨💜 (dysgraphia specifically, effects my ability to put things in my head onto paper, my handwriting is atrocious, spelling is not good, I don't know how to write or type in proper grammar I just use speech to text, also writing hurts my hand a lot. Might ask why I don't type, I have a very difficult time putting things onto screen as well, I like speech to text because I can just say my thoughts and it cuts out the sucky middle man)
Refused to learn vowels and cursive, got extremely mad when I was shown algebra, calmed down when I realized there wasn't actually writing words involved
Was part of the "advanced group" of one other person in 5th grade and was learning algebra. (Definitely wasn't in advanced classes through high school though, those teachers were a lot less accommodating towards my learning needs so I got majorly behind in everything)
Loyal to a fault with friends, and was often taken advantage of and lied to
Obsessed with eggs, specifically deviled eggs, would go to every single neighbor on the street that I had been introduced to, and try to trade them pictures of their pets for eggs (it worked with two of them and I would routinely visit for more deviled eggs loll, I got inevitably caught when I would just put the unprotected egg into my pocket to save for later and made a mess) 😭
Didn't know how to approach people or play with them, at literally any age. Only didn't stand out majorly because on my first day of kindergarten a girl ran up to me and said that we were now friends and basically guided me through everything lol. Honestly looking back I think she just had fun bossing me around but I wasn't against it or anything, it helped me not stand out too much.
Would interrupt class to tell teacher that a poster (often times cartoon drawings) had incorrect gravity, physics, anatomy, ect, and would completely miss the point that it's a cartoonized version
Did not understand really the concept of sharing and what belongs to who for a good while
Told my mom that when I was an adult I was going to buy a hundred erasers to just chew on throughout the week, was told that this was a good idea, now I have chewy toys lol
Also remarkably too obsessed with pet toys, still am tbh, The crinkles and bells and squeakers are fun, what can I say?
Learned to "pretend play" when my parents were watching, but would just do my own thing otherwise and play with things in a very nerdivergent way.
Had very bad depression and anxiety since at least 4th grade
Literally my only other friends were either kids who just adopted me as a friend suddenly (99% of them took advantage of me), or were also disabled in some way and ostracized
OBSESSED with my little pony and having wings
Once I got slightly older and got unrestricted internet access, became even more obsessed with fallout Equestria (I have the fancy leather bound golden embossed print I'm so happy) (I want the project horizons one too)
Would very very obviously mirror people around me, typically adults, they thought I was just being funny
Very bad with volume control, would be extremely loud, then extremely quiet, then wouldn't respond at all. Parents didn't care as long as it wasn't the loud one since they were tired with younger siblings.
Taught myself to read because my mom was too slow, was reading Nancy Drew at 4 (I don't actually know if that's the normal age)
Could read well in my head, had extreme difficulty putting the words together out loud
My favorite blanket was two pieces of fabric tied together, and when I was overwhelmed I would untie some of it and then retie myself inside of it and hide in there for hours
Would retreat to small dark spaces like closets and under beds, parents didn't care cuz I was out of their hair
I grew up on my Little pony and a VeggieTales, so I was very over the top expressive when I was younger since I was copying the shows I liked, didn't mean I would pull the red expressions at the right time though, people just figured I was funny
Would walk directly behind people I liked and trusted, constantly got yelled at by my mom for stepping on her heels
Would get extremely upset if anyone was behind me more than once or for more than 20 seconds
Always felt like a really bad kid, and like I was really stupid for just having a different brain
Very clearly not a cishet kid, not an exact trait of autism itself, but autistic people are more likely to be LGBTQ+
Was extremely good at reading in my head, but extremely upset when I was told to read at the same speed and level out loud. There's like a disconnect in my head that makes it hard putting words in my head or from paper(extremely bad at reading out loud) into vocal noise that is coherent
Took things very literally (very fun story! Was bad with personal space, and when I was about 10 my parents realized that I wasn't just trying to be cute, I was told to stay an arm's length away from everyone at all times. Later that day, A pregnant lady at our church feels a tiny hand on her tummy, thinking that I must be curious about her baby she excitedly turns to me. I am glaring, and when I see her looking at me I explain that I was told to keep an arms length away at all times, but I was very frustrated because I was still somehow doing it wrong??????? She found this very hilarious, and found me years later to tell me the story, apparently it's one of her favorites so that makes me happy at least. I did definitely get in trouble though rip)
Book I like? Reading it cover to cover over and over until I can tell you what happens on every page
Tried to show interest in other people and bond with them by info dumping on things I liked and then waiting for them to do the same, sometimes this worked out very well, other times it did not and I may or may not have thought that my dad hated me all throughout middle school because he did not show interest in the same way and neither of us understood.
Bonded a lot with my dad though as a kid through both getting hyper fixated on the same LEGO game, he would play and be very strict about anyone interrupting his focus or making noise, and I would sit and watch for hours without moving, it was pretty chill
Terrible at telling when I was hungry or thirsty
My first memory is signaling for a parent to fill up my sippy cup, and my dad did. Except when I took a drink, it was lukewarm! I was disgusted and even though I needed water and felt bad physically I refuse to drink. Now I'll drink lukewarm water if I have to I guess, like if I have a bad headache and need to take meds.
Got low-key hyperfocused on dork diaries in either fourth or 5th grade for a bit, taught myself a chunk of calculus, scored way too high on my computer state testing and gave my teachers way too high math expectations :p. Forgot everything within a week because I got re-obsessed with mlp
Got in trouble for giving rude looks a lot, turns out I was just either giving too much or too little eye contact, I figured out that you could counteract this a bit by complimenting people, because a lot of people like when younger kids compliment them
Did not at all realize that I was bullied until I entered middle school and the kids were a lot more obvious about it, even then I was very dense to most of it and still kind of am
Bad at telling when things hurt, had a terrible ankle that would constantly give out, and because I wouldn't be able to tell it hurt or wouldn't be able to react appropriately to the pain I would just be told to walk through it. Whenever I ended up hurting myself I would always hope that no one saw so I could just continue playing, unfortunately when the kid is covered in blood that's kind of a red flag and you get sent to the nurses office and then to the doctors or home loll
Also related, I was not very good at acting sick when I was sick, so teachers wouldn't believe me. I would tell them very straightforward that I was about to throw up and I guess I wasn't acting the part because they would tell me not to lie. Jokes on them I guess, or the janitor. Poor janitor ya'll deserve more love
Took people seriously, whenever I was told to figure things out on my own or do them myself I would, even if I ended up extremely hurting myself. I would always get scolded for not asking help but I would be so confused cuz I was told to do it on my own
Later in elementary school I was very bad at playing the games everyone else played, especially the pretend ones since I didn't really get the rules or what was going on, but my best friend was really popular so I just followed her around and she vouched for me (once again, someone who just adopted me as a friend, still friends now and we like to joke that she's stuck around me too long and has just gotten used to it all lol)
Final fun fact, was told when I was 15 by my bio mom that she always figured I was "somewhere on the spectrum"(depending on her mood she used the r slur >:/) but didn't want the family to have to deal with the ~stigma~ . Like wow, feels great but y'all knew something was up with me but never thought to even talk to me about it because you didn't want to look bad to others. Also this was completely unprompted lol.
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sky-neverending · 11 months
(i don’t know anything about spiderman so sorry if this is inaccurate lol)
how i think each of the crows spidersona-suit-things would look like
Kaz: His suit would be all black, the top sort of a vest shape with the spiderwebs in gray. his pants and shoes would just be formal dress, but still something he could move around in. his mask would be black with gold detailing, and a sort of shape that mimics a beak at the front. the back of his suit would have spiderwebs in the shape of wings. his cane would have webs in it as well has his body, so he would use it to get around. it would be lightweight, thin and sleek, but still have the crow on top. his gloves would be a key element, tipped with special technology to help his webs go further and be stronger.
Inej: Inej would go for a one piece suit that was strechy, and put a cropped, hooded cloak type thing on top. her details would be in a deep purple, and her main thing would be sneaking around. her suit would have extra ability to stick to different materials, making it easier for her to climb walls. her knives would all have web detailing on the handles. her webs would be near invisible.
Wylan: ok so fashion over function on this one but fuck it. Big yellow sweater over his off-white-almost-orangey suit. Thin belt on his waistline to tuck away his chemicals. mask is off white with bright orange eye hole things. webs are laced with chemicals that make certain ones explode when he wants them to. (is that possible? it is now. it’s my show bitches.) converse with his suit cause he’s just like that.
jesper: dark green, almost black in color. flashes and sparkles lightly in the sun. has a long coat on over it, one that is embroidered with the web design and holds his guns. hat on top of his mask, one that never falls off even though it probably should. he has a special gun that shoots webs. honestly that’s all that comes to mind
nina: big red skirt with leggings underneath. deep red in color. big poofy sleeves. web design in the shape of hearts on her suit. white mask with red hearts around the eyes. big red and white boots that she fucking kicks people with idk.
matthias: i honestly don’t have much of an idea for him. just a normal suit but in white and blue? maybe with some wolf elements on it? idk how that would work tbh.
can you guys tell which ones i put the most effort into lmao?
also if anyone wants to draw these feel free!!
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sotogalmo · 18 days
7 — 9:12
Hand & feet design for Comet in StarsAligned! (og AU by @scribble0rat ) // More info about my AU 👍
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I believe that Comet doesn't really mind having long claws/he doesn't have that much time for such things (he uses his claws to dig up resources for food, etc etc). — his paw pads are.. unique to say the least. The middle one (the softest) has light scars.
His wrists/lower arm is the one with the most damage (from himself and other dangerous things. The dot is where he got his power — where he got his embers drained from / the other scars are from himself; self-harm (quite self-explanatory given his backstory and his traits) and by accident).
The reason why he doesn't seem to wear gloves (that often, he does wear gloves & even moreso in the future) like Mobians/the other three, is because of cultural differences. His species finds Gloved hands to be a sacred thing, for the ones you love (romantically, platonically, familial, etc).
His hands are quite big, as to store energy. And just purely on vibes, he would have big hands methinks.
-- His arm! The fur that is shaped like wings(?) (just wanted to draw from that perspective and,, yeah)
His feet; I've decided to stick with the whole, bird like other toe - it's used for balance and support while meditating (and for other tricks too tbh. He can be up in trees and stay balanced just with that toe on his ankle). It acts like a thumb. // The nail is retractable but it's a permanent thing (not rlly but Comet is whining about it being cut <- autistic)
The rest of his toes don't have claws/nails: declawed. (Then how about the second thumb? : you don't cut it off. It's very thick cartilage, but can be cut off. But to Comet it would be like cutting off an Arm or two(2) fingers off <- autustic ²).
His legs are the strongest part of his body. He's trained that area of himself the most, that he has great leg muscles (powerful kicks and such).
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Relationship chart cuz I can (and I think I was kinda hinting at it when explaining the whole glove thing yk??)
S -—> C: love at first sight(moreso aesthetic wise. Comet's very beautiful - but later down the line he will fall more head over heels/slow burn)
C -—> S: Watches over him, a funny teacher (appreciates him very dearly. In the future he falls in love with him/slow burn)
T -—> C: Views them as a big brother
C -—> T: Reminds them of someone familiar (very familiar, like a little brother or someone else), and gives them deja vū. / Will protect Tails from anything that will damage him (in all forms).
K -—> C: Beautiful warrior. (slow burn)
C -—> K: he relates to Knuckles (slow burn)
R -—> C: finds him to at least be useful. If not a tad annoying tbh
C -—> R: HATES him. Crazy and weird
Dr.S -—> C: Doesn't pay that much attention
C -—> Dr.S: was passed out, so he doesn't know about him.
To -—> C: Comet's like a Son to him tbh
C -—> To: A great knight! An admirable one.
M -—> C: like a Son to her as well tbh
C -—> M: likes to hang out with her the most out of her and Tom. She's a great healer
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katyspersonal · 1 year
The trap of enlightenment in Bloodborne
Tbh I think the ‘Kos hates humans’ impression, whereas could be true, might miss some nuances?
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According to Simon, Hunter’s Nightmare is a place specifically for blood-drunk hunters - an easy parallel to draw with those that murdered citizens of Fishing Hamlet! It is not supposed to target humans in general, only those indulging in the ‘Hunters’ practice - a thing often hinted in lore as a quest doomed by design but benefiting a kinda corrupt (or ‘insidious’ deity).
But also, I feel like Fishing Hamlet residents were pretty comfortable living with their sea mom before Old Hunters ruined everything! From how they speak, they’ve been loyal to Kos ever since she was beached ashore, and aware she was pregnant. Whether mutation was voluntary or not, they definitely resent what hunters done more than what happened to their bodies.
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Patients of the Research Hall were trying to get in tune with the ‘sea’, as in earlier Healing Church days, Arcane was associated with the water, and it is very easy to assume that Milkweed was the voice of Kos. It gives me a strong impression that not only Kos encouraged Adeline, who wished Insight enough to wade through horrors that driven other patients crazy, to seek the ‘stars’ for salvation, but maybe herself fallen victim of hunger for Insight - that is stimulated by parasites that possibly sickened her body!
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I pointed out already that parasites found within Kos resemble Brainsuckers very much, and I think it makes sense! Tiny parasites resembling a specific type of Kin that sucks your Insight out, you know? The very type that easily could stimulate hunger for eyes.
It is sort of why I don’t think Fishing Hamlet fish-people dwellers were “cursed” by Kos parasite - they look nothing alike, and they seem to be more interested in living in harmony with their Great One than in research for Eldrich Truth. If anything, their mutation seems more like adaptation (similar to spider people such as Patches, with Amygdalas they worship)
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We can conclude that Eye is the rune representing the voice that comes from Ebrietas, but also that she is more or less a pawn of the ‘Moon’ on Earth - aware of her twisted role or not. Nonetheless, her resemblance with celestial larvae isn’t accidental, and it goes beyond sharing the way their wings look.
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So, essentially, Research Hall patients end up being tortured by whatever they witness in the ‘Sea’, meanwhile whatever the ‘Stars’ are offering are their salvation; nonetheless, the knowledge that Kos (or “ocean” at least) offered Adeline suggests seeking the ‘stars’, and don’t forget the way that OoK cries towards the moon!
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Honestly? It feels less like Kos deciding to hate the whole humanity in general, but more like the ‘marine’ enlightenment is not morally aligned (unlike ‘divine’ Star/Moon enlightenment and ‘cursed’ enlightenment Amygdalas and alike offer). If you are a horrible, sinful human being - you will suffer; if you are open and in a way naiive (like Adeline) - you will be mere fascinated by the mysteries.
Moreover, again - it is possible that Kos fell for the trap herself - after all, she has humanoid face, so maybe she herself ascended from a mortal once and came to wish for more knowledge. Or in this case, parasites tainted her with the desire for Insight? We know that the ‘Moon’ is insidious and somehow benefits for the cursed cycle of bloodshed and hunt, yet there is a large layer of ‘facade’ covering her motivations and own depravity, in the form of starry Arcane and Ebrietas and illusion of salvation and Insight.
But all in all, Kos might be not even herself be all aware of the motivations of the ‘Moon’ - so she wishes to be saved from pain and dread that caught up with her even through she herself transcended humanity long time ago! And so even people who waded through all horrors such as Adeline (and Rom I presume) were offered just the ‘seek the Stars for Insight and salvation’. Because Adeline envisioned Milkweed that suggests lumenweed reaching for the stars, and because Ebrietas weeps the corpse that looks much like Rom. Rom also bleeds grey from her head if you hurt her in the Lake area - ‘grey’ blood is very specific for cosmic Kin, too!
Alternatively, Kos is bitter towards humanity, not necessarily hateful. She tells those that try to reach her - ‘Go away and seek the corrupt Moon that governs this world and hunters, maybe this will give you peace!’. But in the middle there are ‘Stars’, that offer illusion of purity and knowledge. Maybe she thinks that by nature humans are not ready for true Insight and the “Sea”, and they are better off (and safer, and kinder) under protection and total control of Stars and Moon... Ignoring what happened to Ludwig and what the ‘Moon’ really wants, apparently.
...or maybe Kos knew of the depraved ‘true’ form behind the ‘Stars’ from the start, Fishing Hamlet priests didn’t know better and had all TOO dignified opinion on her, and Kos and Flora been corrupt lesbians from the start, working against humanity to trap them into vicious cycle from the get go and her “death“ was to curse humanity with search for the Insight and the vicious cycle ( x ) from the get go.
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We just don’t know fhhdfs
I guess it depends on how noble and dignified you want to make Kos be?
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creative-crybaby · 1 year
Thanks a lot for indulging into my fantasies I loved the little drabble you did of them😭😭.
I just checked you're an INFJ so I'm guessing you know bout the mbti types. I've always wanted to see some mbti personality mixed in fanfics, you know. Very very self indulgent ask of me but if you're willing to humour lil ol' me(a girl can dream big) I'd ask for your thoughts on entp reader(basically Kuroo's type) X characters.
Sakusa is what's on my mind specifically since I barely see content on entp X istj, (that also brings me to the idea of sakuatsu but I can't ask for so many things at once so I'll just leave that for later) and ofc I'm can't for the good of my heart live without a bit yandere mixed into stuff so do spill your thoughts on this pairing (Imsosorryimjustsodeprivedbarewithmepls)
P.s. do tell me if my asks are being too much!!
So sorry for the delay!
Ngl the only reason I know my MBTI type is because I had to know it for a little in-class assignment (idk why and tbh I don't think the prof knew either). Just got a wee bit curious and took a peep at ENTP--pretty intrigued, honestly.
Note: I love when people send me asks, and people wanting content they can't often find isn't unreasonable. That said, if you want me to write a fic, that's a commission, to which you can DM me to discuss the specifics as well as the price. As much as I love writing, creating a whole story takes time and energy. Otherwise, I'm sticking to a drabble.
Upon doing my bit of research on the ENTP type, I immediately thought of sakuatsu, mainly because I can imagine Sakusa's irritation around the personality type (in an enemies-to-lovers way, ofc). However, we're also adding yandere shit into the mix (as we should), so I view the enemies-to-lovers dynamic to be the front Sakusa sets up to hide his true feelings. A mix of love (if you can call it that) and jealousy for being almost everything he isn't, he knows his thoughts of you would be frowned upon.
The wing-spiker can't say he's a fan of your rule-breaking and spontaneity--it's just begging for chaos to ensure, and with what he has to deal with from some of his teammates (you know the ones), he doesn't need any more of that. But those concerns are nothing compared to how he greatly admires your creativity (not that he'll ever admit it), and while he hides from crowds, you welcome them, though he can't say he particularly enjoys your attention being elsewhere (especially when other people are involved).
The fact that you're willing to interact even with him intrigues him. Dare I say, he wants you to come back, perking up when you call his name to start a conversation. Sure, you do most of the talking, but he's more than willing to listen, so long as you don't notice his staring, or that his thoughts are stuck on you, morphing farther away from innocent. At least you don't suspect anything malicious when you catch him zoned out. He'll scoff at your teasing if it means keeping you unaware of his true desires.
Now he's listening in on more conversations, even the ones that he's not in. He hates crowds, but he'll deal with them if it means seeing your lips curl upwards while you talk. He's just looking over you, of course. He's seen how others look at you--the curses of having charisma, he supposes. Keeping them in line is the least he can do for you.
That excuse doesn't work when you're home alone. You're talking on the phone--to whom, Sakusa couldn't care less. So long as you didn't have a partner, he'll gladly watch you go on about your day from his little hiding spot. Learning whatever he can, hoping to somehow bring it up in your next conversation without drawing any suspicion. Maybe you'll come back to him more often afterwards, grow closer until your feelings match his. He's willing to change for you if it works, if you'll stick around a second longer.
Just a little longer.
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pick-me-up-im-scared · 8 months
Get To Know Me(-ish)
I was thinking I could answer some typical “get to know me” questions, if anyone’s interested in reading them. If not, I’ve just done it for myself, I guess. Anyway, I’ve found these on Google. Let me know if there’s someone to credit! (prepare for me babbling on about completely useless stuff)
What's your name? Julianna (but I´m open for any nicknames, especially "my little ps5 cooling fan")
How old are you? I turned 23 this year. Yep, I´m having an internal crisis
What's your sexuality? I will say bisexual for now. But there´s a VERY high chance I'll change it to 100% lesbian. Like, right know girls are the only thing that interests me.
What I love the most about myself? I´m very kind and loyal. It could be seen as something bad, ik. But I´m trying to not let people use it against me. I also believe I'm a good listener, which is somethings I'm proud about. I'd also like to think I could make a boring task funny, like grocery shopping or doing the dishes.
What I dislike the most about myself? I have a pretty bad temper, I blame it on my dad. If I'm pissed, don´t even bother trying to calm me down. Just give me a few minutes to myself and I'll be back. But that leads me into the next thing I hate about myself, I hold onto things for waaaay to long. If someone did something bad 5 years ago you better believe I remember it. I´m also stubborn and think about other people´s opinion SOMETIMES, but let's not focus on that. I like to believe I just need to find "the right person" to pull me out of that mindset...
What are your favorite movies? The Wolf of Wallstreet, The Dark Knight, The Amazing Spider-Man, Yes Man, Toy Story, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Cast Away, Forest Gump, How To Train Your Dragon (duh), Black Swan, Django Unchained, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003), (I've got a bunch, but basically anything that's either directed by Christopher Nolan or Quantin Tarantino OR has Tom Hanks or Leonardo DiCaprio in it)
What's your favorite song? I can't choose one, but here's a few songs that I can listen to on repeat for months and still find them as good as the first time I heard them:
José Feliciano - California Dreaming
Danzig - Mother
Ansel Elgort - Supernova
ASAP Rocky - Everyday
Pharrell Williams - Freedom
Post Malone - Hollywood's Bleeding
Skrillex - Don't Go
Adele - Chasing Pavements
Macklemore - Wings
KALEO - All The Pretty Girls
Justin Bieber - Hard To Face Reality
The Fray - Look After You
The Lumineers - Cleopatra
The Killers - When You Were Young
What are your hobbies? I´m trying to make myself busy with literally anything. I can't stand the thought of not being productive (doesn't stop me from laying in bed, watching youtube for hours!). So basically anything productive. Drawing, some sculpturing (nothing professional, calm down), very rarely write (obviously, I haven´t been updating this blog for like ages!). Recently I've been trying to learn how to play the piano AND electric guitar (ik, you can give me your number after the show).
Do you plan your outfits? Yeah, way more than I think anyone who sees me thinks. Idk how many nights I've spent, planning out in my head the outfit for the next day. Even if you see me wearing sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt you better believe that t-shirt wasn't the first one I tried on. Even if I´m going to the fucking hospital I can´t wear socks that doesn't match with the rest of the outfit...
The meaning behind my username? Tbh, I just started thinking of random stuff, like "sayings" that doesn't sound too...cringe? Then the Patrick meme of him in a knitted sweater with the writing "Mom, can you pick me up? I´m scared" (or something like that) popped into my head. I rephrased it a little before checked if it was taken, and it wasn't.
Any addition? Vanilla Coke or/and Dr Pepper (apart from my huge cocaine addiction), like I´m obsessed. Ik it sounds sooo dramatic, but if I had a no limit access to either of those sodas I'd die of diabetes in a week. If you want to get in my pants, just buy me a can and I'll get on my knees and propose to you.
Turn ons? I could say something like "eyes" and "hands", but I'll say some features I don´t think are AS common, but I got craaazy for. One of them would be scars. I can't explain to you how fucking kneebendingly HOT I think scars are. Idc if it's from acne, self harm or an actual injury. It's. So. Fucking. Attractive! People who's self contious about their scars, hit me up! Second thing I find really attractive is backs, idk why but I just find them so ecstatically pleasing especially filled with scratches by my nails.
Turn offs? People who's playing hard to get or think they're hot shit! I've spend too much of my teenage years chasing those type of assholes. And people who think people like that, wtf is wrong with you? I'd have a nerdy sweetheart everyday of the week! These fuckboy-type of behavior needs to be stopped, istg. If you like me, tell me that! (also, I need that clarification every now and then, otherwise I'll think you despise me...)
What skill would you most like to learn? To be able to comprehend any social situations without wanting to blow my brains out. I´m the worse when it comes to socializing, like overall. Doesn't matter if it's my relatives or complete strangers, I'll dig my nails so hard into palms inside my pockets. People who can start having a random discussion with someone on the streets, or blend in with their partner´s family first time they meet them PURLEY amaze me. I wanna be like them sooo bad.
Favorite ice cream flavor? I will say just plain vanilla, CAUSE if a brand is good the flavoring doesn't need to be so complicated (to slap). The brands who has these crazy flavor combinations are usually doing it to try and conceal their shitty ice cream *cough* Ben & Jerry *cough*. But if I wouldn't choose that I'd probably be something super childish, like "rainbow bubblegum cotton candy confetti".
Dogs or cats? I know the lesbian community will throw me out, but I 100% choose dogs. Idc what you say, cats are satans creation!
Favorite quote? "When you're having a bad day, don´t forget you're ugly too"
Favorite sport? I´m not really into sports. I was never an athletic kid. But whenever there´s pingpong on tv, I'm in a trance. Like I'll spend HOURS watching that shit without even knowing the rules.
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tenthhell · 8 months
NAME: Orianna
RESIDENCE: Firstly, there's the manor in Baldur's Gate, secondly, the library also in Baldur's Gate, third, her home in the cursed-ass forest, and she guesses that wherever the party's camping currently counts. She also definitely still has her childhood room in Malsheem.
TYPE OF BED: Envision clawfoot 4-poster probably in a non-traditional shape that helps support the wings ( bc lbr, that's gotta be awkward to contend with when laying down ) and also bc that's some rich person bullshit, furs, silk sheets. Whole nine yards of the most luxurious shit. Of course, while camping, a more traditional bedroll plus a few furs and a portion of Zaibis is all she really uses
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Let's be quite frank here: she has a lot of blankets, and none of them are for utility, as the only times she's ever been somewhat chilled in her life have been in the frozen layers of the Hells. Some of them are for the aesthetic, some for making a comfortable resting place for limbs, some just because they're nice to touch. Her bed is like a veritable bird's nest of blankets.
NUMBER OF PILLOWS: Ironically, only one; the deficits are made up by creature or blanket.
TYPE OF CLOTHING: If we're talking sleep clothes, I don't think she really subscribes to the notion so much as her comfy, 'I'm not going out and I'm most assuredly not entertaining anyone' clothes, which are simple but pretty dresses, often made of silk, sometimes linen. Otherwise, when not travelling, she takes after daddy dearest and wears clothing so expensive it'll make your eyes bleed. While travelling, it's still expensive and elaborate, but far more attainably so, and typically the sort of robes one would expect of a spellcaster.
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY?: Hard no. Plausibly bc she's got severe trust issues from the last person she was close enough to to allow that, but also specifically bc she tends to try to avoid letting anyone that close. So it's entirely possible that it changes if she actually bonds with someone enough; it largely depends on what her partner's comfortable with, bc Ori tends towards that cat quality time; she doesn't necessarily have to be close or touching for it to be magical spending time with a loved one.
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?: I mean.... Considering she doesn't actually require sleep, no? But assuming we're talking about the resting ( the sort of lounging about, chilling, that we all wish counted as sleep ) she does actually do.... I'm going to say yes actually. She lowkey really enjoys that good good physical contact ngl -- even if she doesn't necessarily seek it out.
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?: As long as she's comfortable, not really -- but again, she's got the privilege of getting to chill instead of go through the REM cycles so like??? It's cheating, is what I'm getting at
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP?: Not terribly applicable, so we're talking about what she does during her downtime instead. Which is read, primarily. Mostly non-fiction things about the arcane as one might guess, although tbh she's easily content with anything she can get her hands on. She might tear it apart, so to speak, but. All literature can be good literature, even if your only enjoyment from it is making fun of how bad it is. Other times, if the mood strikes, she draws or paints. Her works tend to be really abstract, but surprisingly easy to make sense of if you've the capacity to see into her mind or have a familiarity with the inner workings of the weave, Infernal magic, as they're the beginnings of spells. Sometimes, though, she'll also paint landscapes or creatures. Very rarely does she draw people.
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES: She doesn't really experience these except for those induced by the dream guardian. ( As a sidebar to make this more than one little statement, I imagine that on the nights they're visited by the guardian, she falls asleep while reading and dreams like the others. )
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS: Since she does actually have the ability to sleep if she wishes, we'll go with naps bc sometimes it's nice to lay next to someone and share unconsciousness with them for awhile. Sometimes.
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: Resting she does really any time she begins to feel fatigued. Actual sleeping, though? Only when it's for bonding purposes, or the general vibe is fuck being aware right now.
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: Looking at her wrong. I am not exaggerating with this; she's an extremely light sleeper when she actually does.
EARLY OR LATE RISER: So like even if she did have to sleep, she'd be one of those early riser sorts. Lots to do, after all, and tbh she likes watching the changes of the sky.
TAGGED BY: @vampiheir TAGGING: @angshel ; @aliarssmile ; @divineflames ; @imperalolligo ; & anyone else who hasn't done this. For science purposes.
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