#anyway I cried involuntarily and everything burns <3
panzershrike-pretz · 3 months
Today I held both a dead rat, a human skull and a femur
I won.
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navidoll · 1 year
please tell me more about wheelchair adora
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So originally I found wheelchair Adora from a friend's fanfic
^ go read its vry good and gay
So in this fic Adora becomes wheelchair bound from the aftereffects of the Heart, her body had a lot of strain put on it and her legs burn and give out from under her every time she tries to stand up. So she has a lil wheelchair to help her get around.
I really liked this idea so I went along with it, but I wanted to put my own spin on it, so now because of this ask I brainstormed with my friends to figure out a way that Adora became disabled, in my own au.
-content warning for panic attack description-
(Set during early season 4) So sometime in Brightmoon, everything is all find and dandy at dinner, and Adora is just gobbling up her food like she hasn't eaten in 2 years, before she starts having a coughing fit. It gets the attention of everyone at the table and people start getting concerned, and Adora excuses herself to go to the bathroom, but before she makes it to the door she promptly collapses and passes out.
Everyone is obviously freaking out, so Glimmer teleports her friend to the infirmary, where Adora ends up staying the night. Adora wakes up in lots of pain (poor bb) and the doctors run all sorts of tests on her and find out that she's been poisoned.
When Glimmer hears about this, she's very angry and collects all the cooks in Brightmoon to ask who did it. And surprisingly, someone answers. One of the new chefs admits to poisoning Adora's food on purpose, and they are soon fired, after a long discussion on why what they did was wrong. The chef told Glimmer they believed that Adora was still loyal to the Horde, and was trying to off her by their own means.
Back to Adora, she's in the infirmary for a few days before she's allowed to go to her own room to continue her treatment. Bow and Glimmer try to do everything they can for their ill friend, including sleepovers, trying to find ways to cure her poison, and even try magical healing. But nothing works, it only serves to worsen Adora's condition.
It's been a week and Adora is deathly ill. The poison has been in her system for too long and it's taken a toll on her body. She has bad nightmares and bags under her eyes, she's barely eaten anything in the past week, the nagging paranoia in the back of her brain telling her that someone is out to kill her. It doesn't help her mental health. She can't walk without help, and her limbs shake involuntarily at times. She's on strict bedrest. She-Ra has been doing her best to take care of Adora when her friends aren't there. Opting to cuddling, getting her water, and helping her walk and eat, and even bathing together.
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Its been a rough week. She-Ra's worry for her friend only grows the worse her condition becomes. Until one day, something inside her remembers. Memories are hard to come by, so when She-Ra remembers Madame Razz has all sorts of medicinal herbs, she makes the descision of going out by herself to retrieve some.
She leaves a sweet note next to Adora's bed saying 'I'll be back soon, sweetheart. Keep the bed warm for me until I get back! <3' (Have I mentioned they're like a couple and use terms of endearment? But its like 'platonic' flirting and bantering, totally just friends) Adora reads it and blushes at the pet name, and cuddles her handmade She-Ra plushie.
She-Ra visits Razz and pretty much cries because she hasn't seen her friend in so long. They have a nice long hug and catch up a bit before she mentiones that Adora's been poisoned and is dying. Razz says to not worry and goes to her little shelf and grabs a few jars and mixes a few ingredients up in her little mixing bowl. She puts the mixture in a little baggie and hands it to She-Ra and gives her a warm smile. She-Ra holds the bag like her life depends on it. After a little more talking She-Ra thanks Razz and leaves to go back to Brightmoon. After inspecting the contents in the bag she recognizes it as tea. An old recipe that even she doesn't know.
When She-Ra gets back to the bedroom she notices Adora had fallen back to sleep cuddling her She-Ra plushie looking absolutely exhausted. She can't help but feel adoration for this girl. After standing there for a little too long looking at Adora, she goes to the tea nook next to the bathroom, and prepares some hot water. She puts the ingredients from the bag into a small tea strainer, and waits for it to seep into the hot water.
When the tea is ready, she gently wakes up Adora, smiling at her and saying 'Good morning, sleepyhead.' Adora gives her a weak smile, before looking what's in She-Ra's hand. She-Ra helps her sit up so that Adora can drink the tea at a better angle. Adora wordlessly drinks the tea and notices it had a slight bitterness to it, but its overall flavor is delicious. They sit and chat for a little, and Adora ends up drinking all the tea. She already feels better than she has all week. This stuff must be magic, she concludes.
Her eyelids fall closed, and they stay that way for a few weeks. Adora had fallen into a coma. And it worried all her friends, and the alliance. Adora had always been a key member at meetings and missions, it was strange to have her presence not be there. While Glimmer and Bow and the others were out fighting the Horde, Adora was in the infirmary, recovering from the poison in her system.
She-Ra had been by her side the whole time. She had nothing else to do, but she wanted to stay by her side. It was her duty to protect Adora. Even if she feels like she failed on that part.
When Adora woke up, her entire body was sore, but she felt a lot better. Her muscles didn't move on their own, she could sit up on her own, except-
She couldn't feel her legs, they didn't respond to her.
Adora's chest felt tight, and she spiraled at the implication alone. What will she do now? Can she even fight like this? Will her friends hate her for being disabled? Will they leave her? It was all too much for her, and she hyperventilated and screamed her lungs out. She-Ra was there to bring her back to reality, and comfort her like no one else could.
It wasn't the end of the world for Adora, but the news that she had permanent nerve damage to her lower half meant that she would never be able to walk again. It changed her life completely.
She soon got a wheelchair and when Bow and Glimmer saw her, she cried on the spot. She felt like a failure and a burden. They both gave her a hug and reassured her that everything would be okay, and she believed them.
If only things got better from there.
Anyway! I hope u enjoyed this little story, I'm definently going to be exploring it more and drawing more Wheeldora. She is everything to me. She-Ra takes care of her whenever she can but not to a suffocating degree, Adora still has her independence.
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odetojeons · 3 years
No Better Canvas To Paint A Ruined Landscape — Lee Seokmin
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request: hii can i request a sub!seokmin x dom fem reader?? you catch him touching himself and then he is super shy about it when you confront him!!<3
tags: soft dom and fem!reader, shy and sub!seokmin, cockring, orgasm control, light bondage, established relationship, praise kink, noona kink, semi-public sex (kind of?), snowballing, unprotected sex, blowjob, fluff at the end if you squint, seokmin being adorable, and potentially killing me with his cuteness
a/n: I’m a whore for sub seokmin. that’s all I have to say. definitely not alive after this. tbh this was my favorite tumblr smut until now all because seokmin. lee seokmin. yeah. bye.
word count: 7202
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Seokmin looks like he might combust into a thousand tiny Seokmins really soon.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You keep staring at him in interest, looking with an amused lifted eyebrow how his red face turns to the side to avoid your eyes like it’s some sort of plague. There’s a lonely drop of sweat running down his left temple, a hand coming to swap at it and freezing in the middle of the act when your eyes find each other, the blush creeping in his cheeks burning with an even darker shade as you watch fascinated the bob of his adam’s apple when Seokmin swallows nervously.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He jumps a little where he’s sitting when you nudge his feet with yours. Seokmin comically widens his eyes at you when you mouth “what’s going on?”, quick to shake his head what it seems like at least fifty times. A frown forms on your brows, your boyfriend being oddly nervous and suspicious is poking on your curiosity, especially when he excuses himself to the bathroom in a hurry.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You stare at his empty seat, the plate of food laying almost untouched on the table. It’s been a while since the both of you hosted a party on your house, so you wanted to make the experience good for your friends — and you know Seokmin does too, but for some reason he’s acting… whatever the way he’s acting —, having even put a lot of effort into dressing up for the occasion. Something must be wrong, so you excuse yourself from the friends who are sitting on the table and go through the little crowd, heading towards the bathroom.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Seok-ah?” you ask softly where you stand right in front of the door. No answers. You knock again, this time a little bit louder. Maybe he didn’t listen to you, the music loud enough to shake you all the way to your bones. Again, no answers. Your frown worsens, gripping the handle and turning it just to be met with an empty bathroom. “Seokmin?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He’s not there, and okay, there's definitely something wrong. Seokmin sometimes tends to go through stuff you have no idea about because he keeps thinking he might bother you with his problems, and you just want him to know that you love him so much that it pains you more to see him suffering in silence than hearing him talking about it. Overall, Seokmin is the biggest overthinker ever, your sweet and shy boyfriend, a ball of sunshine despite his little defects you’re so fond of. 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You go to the master bedroom, your last hope to where he must be as your house doesn’t have many rooms. Worry settles deep within your stomach thinking that Seokmin might be sick or something.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He isn’t.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Quite the opposite, actually. Seokmin is more than healthy.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You were not even remotely prepared for what you find inside when you open the door of your room. Seokmin is standing in front of the old escritoire you bought from an antique store, one of his sprawled hands supporting the weight of his body on the desk and broad back dressed in a white social shirt, still turned to you as the music overlapped the sound of your arrival — everything normal at first, and you’re about to open your mouth to question if everything is alright with him when your eyes catch a movement.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin’s arm is working on something really fast, hand going up and down, tiny, soft noises coming from him, and your mind goes blank when the realization that Seokmin is jerking off sinks deep within your core.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s a shiver rocking on your body, head spinning.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Seokmin,” is what you say, monosyllabic and completely flabbergasted.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin snaps his head so fast in your direction you think he might have broken his neck for a second, eyes widening right before he closes them very tightly and moans loud enough that makes you want to close the door in fear of someone listening, but you’re too stuck in the fact that Seokmin almost just came to even be able to move from your spot.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“F-fuck,” he cries out, the grip he has around the base of his cock almost painful, probably there to hold his orgasm back. You’re stunt into silence as he scrambles desperately to hide his beloved friend back into his pants, struggling with the zipper in the process because the bulge is too big.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Seokmin,” you say again, like it’s the only word that remains in your vocabulary. Your mouth goes dry, heat burning on your lower stomach when you look at the notebook in front of Seokmin and sees one of the videos you record to be his fap material when you’re not around, playing on the screen. But you are around. “What are you doing?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
It’s more than obvious what he’s doing. Even so, you still find yourself asking.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin still hasn’t turned around. You know he must be very embarrassed right now — who wouldn’t anyway —, if the blush spreading all the way down to his ears and neck is anything to go by. His body stiffens when a soft moan comes from the notebook speakers, hands reaching to close the video and the screen so fast he knocks some things off of the table and into the ground.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Turn around,” you tell him, finally finding enough strength to close the door and lock it. Seokmin flinches at the sound, shoulders tensing, but he remains unmoving. “Now.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He flinches again, this time because of the finality in your tone, leaving no spaces for objections. Seokmin then complies, turning his body to you like every movement pains him deep within the bones, hands coming to cover the front of his pants and head hung low in shame.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You take a sweet moment to admire Seokmin’s figure; his shirt is open until the third button, firm and red chest peeking out of it, sweat glistening his skin to a beautiful shade of gold, biceps looking like it would pop out of the sleeves of his social shirt and lips swollen, probably because he must have bitten them really hard. Fuck, your boyfriend is so hot.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You lift a finger and crook it a few times towards yourself. He gets the message, coming closer lightning fast and stopping right in front of you, still refusing to look you in the eyes. You had enough of this attitude, spinning him around so his back could be against the door and cradling his chin between your fingers to tilt his head enough to look at you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Aren’t you going to answer?” you question with a pout, voice poisonously sweet. Seokmin’s shiver doesn’t go unnoticed by you, satisfaction licking on your lower stomach.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I— I-I’m, I was…” Seokmin mumbles intelligibly, a moan escaping his lips when your nails sink onto his shoulder and the darkness swimming in your eyes leaves his legs weak. He can’t shiver, needs to remain composed or else he might embarrass himself further, if that’s even possible, might make you realize the reason why he’s like this, might make him—
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin shivers.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“‘M s-sorry.” he offers, hips bucking slightly when he hears your pleased hum.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Are you though, sunshine?” bodies pressing closer, you watch Seokmin’s arms twitch, not knowing if he’s allowed to touch you. You smile at that, biting at his lower lip. “You were so desperate to touch yourself you came here all alone and jerked off to one of my videos? You don’t seem very apologetic to me.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He whines at your condescending tone, head hitting the door with a soft thud when you tilt his chin back to lick a hot stripe up his neck, pulling it to the previous position once you’re done teasing him a little. There’s a sound threatening to come out of you when you see how much want is written all over his face.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I-it’s because you look—” Seokmin’s sentence gets cut off in the middle when he feels the feather-like trace of your fingers on his hands that were still doing a very poor job of hiding the press of his cock to his pants. It brings tiny goosebumps all over his skin, Seokmin needing to take a deep breath before proceeding. “You look s-so hot with these clothes…”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your touch stills completely, and Seokmin’s heart might jump out of his thoracic cage any time soon, but even so he doesn’t stop talking.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“And, and t-the way you were dancing was just— j-just so fucking sexy,” he mumbles quietly, closing his eyes for a second like he’s remembering how you swayed your hips obscenely to the beat of the music earlier. A flash of a memory runs through your mind, Seokmin sitting on your couch, manspreading as he watches you with one of his legs moving up and down nervously. “Want to f-fuck you so bad.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yeah?” you tangle a hand on his hair, fisting it so you could pull his head backwards and pleasure yourself with the moan he gives you. Seokmin blinks at the ceiling, like he’s willing himself not to move. “My baby boy got hard watching me dance?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The pet name does something to him. It always does. Seokmin bucks his hips involuntarily, the front of his hands hitting your stomach as he ruts against his palms with such a whiny mewl you could swear you feel a punch to your lower stomach.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yes. So hard.” and his voice, so sweet and beautiful, makes your penties start to soak. His hot breath fans your face, chest heaving with the intensity of it. “I’m so hard for you, fuck.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You slap his hand away. Seokmin turns his head to look at you, eyes big like he has been caught doing something very wrong.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Lost your manners, sunshine?” grabbing at his wrists, you pry them away to take a better look at his bulge, finding endearing how his cheeks immediately go redder at that. It looks painful, the outline of his cock pressing tight against the fabric of his blue pants, and you try not to let the smugness seep through your voice when you notice a wet patch of precum on it. “You’re that desperate you even forgot how to ask?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You trap his hands behind his back; realistically, Seokmin could break free at any time he wants, with him being almost twice as bigger than you, but you know he wouldn’t do it because right now you got this kind of power over him that surrenders Seokmin putty, and it turns you on so much. He looks so good this way, back resting against the door, hips stuck to the front like he wants you to do something, eyes looking down at you with a hunger, a hunger to take what he wants already, but at the same time with an enormous amount of submission.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And Seokmin is huge, not even just down there but in the rest of his body as well. Huge, thick thighs, huge chest, huge biceps; he is broad enough to tower over you even if the height difference wasn’t so big. And still, he chooses to give in to you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Everything about Lee Seokmin drives you insane.
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“Please…” he says, barely above a whisper. With the door closed, it was more than enough for you to be able to listen even through the loud music going on outside. “P-please.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Please what?” you press further, fingers coming back to make a hot trail on his cock. Seokmin bucks forward a little, whining when you press a thumb on the cockhead.
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“Hmmm,” is all he answers, face burning with shame when he averts his eyes elsewhere. Seokmin knows very well what you want him to call you, it only happens when you’re feeling extra mean and horny, but he’s always so shy about it even if he has called you that more times than you can count.
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You sigh, letting go of his cockhead and wrists to cradle his face with your hands, swallowing the frustrated cry he lets out with a kiss. Seokmin takes a few seconds to react, mind in haze with all of the electrifying horniness shocking his body, and then you feel his hands hold on your waist tight enough to leave marks. He moans, as if having your lips on his is the best reward he could ever ask for, and you yelp when Seokmin turns you both around and slams your back against the door. Seokmin kisses you rough, tongue pressing so hard on yours your head ends up hitting the door with a faint noise.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Fisting a hand on his hair, you hold onto it tight enough to make him hiss at the slight, but pleasurable pain. Seokmin is trying to take what he wants and you’re having none of that, using the hold on him to control the pace of the kiss and tilt his head to the place where you want it to go. You suck at his bottom lip, sinking your teeth in the plump flesh just so you could soothe it later with your tongue — and do that again, and again, and again. It doesn’t take long for him to be putty with your ministrations, knees buckling under his weight until he’s kneeling on the floor. You bend down slightly as he does so, kissing his breath away.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Look who’s getting all bold now,” you scoff when you part away, Seokmin’s eyes half lidded and swollen lips open to take big lungfuls of air. “Yeah, that’s right.”
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You stare down at him, the sight of your taller boyfriend on the floor making something evil twist in your belly.
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“Kneel for me like a good boy and I’ll let you fuck me like a bad one.”
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“Please,” Seokmin begs at that, moaning when he closes a hand around his cock. You tsk, grabbing his jaw tightly and squeezing it between your fingers. “Wanna come.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Stop that before I decide to punish you,” you admonish, watching his eyes go wide for what it feels like the hundredth time this night and his hand falls uselessly on the side of his body. “Actually, you know what? Take your clothes off and lay on the bed.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin blinks a few times as if processing the order, walking over to the bed with trembling legs. He looks at you for some seconds, face burning red, and starts to unbutton his social shirt. You keep watching in silence, cooing at the cuteness of your boyfriend, right before the breath is punched right out of your lungs when his toned abs come into view. No matter how many times you see his body, it never fails to make you incredibly horny — the duality between his adorable face and the rest of him leaves you speechless. 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You clear your throat when Seokmin covers his chest, embarrassed with being stared so attentively. Not your fault he’s so hot.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Come here, sunshine,” you purr, sitting on the other side of the bed and patting on the space beside you. He nods a little as if telling himself to obey, hopping onto your side and laying on his back after he finishes taking off his shoes. “Take your pants off too.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
This time Seokmin complies faster. It must hurt a lot, seeing the big bulge down there, and his fingers fumble to undo the button and the zipper so fast you’re surprised he didn’t hurt himself in the process, taking his pants and boxers completely off and throwing somewhere neither of you care. Seokmin’s hard cock slaps against his belly with a soft sound, smearing precum on his lower stomach. It’s an angry shade of red for being denied for so long, the wet mushroom tip making your mouth water as his hips kick upwards with the sheer need of touching it.
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Seokmin looks at you with big, expecting eyes.
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“Seems like you were so desperate you couldn’t even hold yourself back from jerking off like a horny teenager,” you start, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear. Seokmin visibly trembles when you pull away, rummaging through your nightstand’s drawer to find what he knows very well it’s a cockring. “So why don’t you do exactly that for me? And maybe, if you put on a good show, I will let you come.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin stares at the golden thing between your fingers and swallows, taking it when you hand it to him. He looks at the ring like it’s a dessert — you know how he loves being edged even if he won’t admit it, enjoys being denied just so the sensation of his orgasm could be bigger later —, closing a fist around his cock and pumping it a few times before slidding the ring down until it fits tightly at the base. Seokmin’s needy moan drowns your own, sounds like music to your ears, hips thrusting into his hand and he can’t possibly hold himself back.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Hgnnn, fuck,” he whines, pace fast where he does up and down movements on his cock. You lick your lips, mouth salivating with the size of Seokmin’s length. He’s so big, the thickness of him being so much it pleasantly hurts to suck him off, and it doesn’t help that he has such beautiful, veiny hands. “F-fuck, feels so, ah, so good.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin’s eyes catch yours looking at him like he’s a whole banquet being served just for you, the want and darkness in your eyes surrendering him into a shy mess. He blushes furiously, arm coming up to hide his face from embarrassment and legs pressing together to try and cover his cock — of course it doesn’t hide, Seokmin is too huge and too hard for that.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Don’t do that, sunshine,” you admonish, cooing when he shakes his head. Fingers closing gently around his wrist, you pry his arm away to take a better look at your shy boyfriend. You smile at him, endeared with his cuteness. “Let me see you being beautiful for me.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Y-yeah?” Seokmin murmurs, and you nod at him, fingers teasing on his nipple. His back arches softly, eyes closing and a whimper escaping through his swollen lips.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yeah,” you echo, too entranced on his noises to possibly think straight. Big breaths; you will your impatience down, wanting to see Seokmin pleasuring himself some more. “Such a big cock. Makes me want to suck you off until my mouth hurts.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The lewd sound Seokmin lets out to that punches a moan straight out of you, fucking up into his own hand as if your words were the ones doing so. He presses a thumb on his cockhead, spreading the precum all over the tip and slipping his fist further down when he concludes it’s wet enough. Seokmin writhes on the bed, unable to contain the hot surge of pleasure coursing through his veins. His free hand flies to his left nipple, pinching it with more strength than you thought he would — it makes his whole body tremble, head sinking back into the soft pillows and fingers letting go of the red bud to squeeze the sheets so hard his knuckles turn white.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Please, ah, p-please, wanna— W-wanna cum so bad,” Seokmin begs, wants your hands on him. Of course it’s smaller than his own, but you know how to flick your wrists just right to make him feel good, and he needs that right now. If they were your fingers, they would warp perfectly around his cock, even if they didn't close all the way around it as you stroke him. Or maybe you’d tease him a little, as you sometimes do to him when you want to be a little mean. It always pulls the sweetest and loudest whines from Seokmin, you saying that his reactions are cute. “Touch me, please.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I am touching you,” you tell him with a pout, referring to the caress you’re doing on his biceps. You chuckle when he makes a frustrated groan at your retort, knowing very well how you’re going to be today.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin doesn't say anything else — knows it won’t make you touch him anytime sooner —, breath hitching and hips shuddering with pleasure. He continues to slowly rub his finger over the flushed head of his cock in teasing little pats. There’s a bit of squirming on the bed, Seokmin trying to grasp on his own memory the sensation of your hands on him, playing with his thickness with a tiny smirk on your lips and it’s like you enjoy seeing him writhe around in desperation. Seokmin opens his eyes to find you with that exact same expression, moaning when he fucks up into his hand again after he fists his cock, panting heavily.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin lets out a soft cry of relief, knows he should be more invested in putting on a show for you than concentrating on his own pleasure, but you love anything he does anyway. Also, it’s not like he has enough patience to hold himself back, has been hard for such a long time his balls may even start to turn purple soon.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
So he plants his feet on the bed, hips kicking faster, rougher, moans high and wanton as he fucks his own hand. Seokmin watches you intensely, how you look so good with those clothes, lips swollen from the kissing and dark eyes lusting for him. He thinks about your mouth on his cock, how you look so pretty with the girth inside it and holding his hips down when Seokmin thrashes around, too desperate to cum down your throat to stop himself.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your imagination works on something similar as you enjoy Seokmin falling apart right beside you. What would be his reaction if you pressed your feet on his cock where he sat across the table almost an hour ago? Would Seokmin keep talking with his friends, disguising the way his breath would turn shaky and unsteady? Would he pretend that his girlfriend isn’t rubbing him off right then and there, regardless of who could hear or see the obscene noises of him moaning or the way you move your feet on him?
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You would love if I touched you right there under the table, wouldn’t you?” you purr your thoughts out, watching the pad of his fingers play with his nipples. Seokmin has always been sensitive there, and honestly it turns you on so much. He nods fast at your question as he pinches the bud, rolling it between his thumb and index finger. “But instead of telling me, you went to our room and jerked off to one of my videos without asking for permission.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin turns his face away, cheeks burning at what you’ve said. You weren’t exactly talking about the video when you said permission, but rather him touching himself. He knows very well he needs to ask you before doing so.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin is nearly on the cusp, but knows he won’t trip over and orgasm solely because of the cockring. It makes him almost cry from frustration, hand jerking himself off furiously and it’s always like he’s on edge, unable to come but the pleasure high enough to make him think that he will. 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I-I didn’t want to, hmmm, ruin y-your party.” Seokmin admits with a small cry, not wanting you to look at his face right now. He struggles to gather words, mind in a haze from neediness. “‘M sorry— s-sorry, please.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Awwww, my sweet baby boy. You’re not ruining anything.” you coo, cradling his face between your hands and turning it towards you, his eyes still not meeting yours even so. You caress his blushed cheek with your thumb, pecking his lips one time and noticing how Seokmin shivers beautifully at the pet name, hand still working fast and rough on his cock. “Honestly, watching you fall apart for me is way better than any party.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin is visibly affected by the affirmation, head sinking further into the pillow and hips twitching where they thrust up into his fist.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So beautiful for me, so stunning, my pretty baby boy.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Fuck, and he can’t take it.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Noona,” Seokmin moans out, shame twisting his gut along with pleasure, but it feels so good to see what the name does to you that he suddenly is not so embarrassed anymore. “Please, please t-touch me—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fuck, Seokmin,” a hand grabs at his jaw, your body trembling with the need sinking deep within your bones. It’s so fast your mind spins and for a moment you think you might pass out with all the blood surging down to your core. “Shit, call me that again, baby. Come on.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“N-Noona— Noona, please, I’ve b-been good,” Seokmin begs, writhing all over the bed, and you think he might start crying very soon if you don’t give him what he wants. “I-I’ve been so good, ah, just— J-just give me what I want, p-please.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So fucking good for me,” you moan, getting on top of his thighs and kissing him stupid. Seokmin lies plient underneath you, pace not even faltering. If anything, it became faster, the little kicks of his hips making you bounce on his lap. “Want you inside me.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin grabs your waist at that, but you only hold onto his wrists and pin them down beside his head. You move up on his lap until you’re sitting on his hard cock, the wetness of your folds seeping through your panties only serving to remind you how you’re still with your clothes on.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“God, look at you,” there’s a whine, and you’re not sure who lets out, you or him. You move your hips over his cock, like you’re riding it, and the stimulation on your needy cunt makes you squeeze Seokmin’s arms bruisingly tighter. “So desperate… I wanna do really bad things to you.” 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“T-tease me—” Seokmin starts, words being drowned on a choked out moan, and it has you stunt, him saying something like that since he’s usually more quiet in the bedroom. At least when he’s not crying or pleading, of course. “Tease me until I’m begging for it.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The smile you give him is dirty and dark, nearly a sneer, and he throws his head back. If there’s one thing you love about Seokmin is how he enjoys submitting to you. He feels pleasure on letting go as much as you feel taking over, especially knowing that if he wanted to, he could manhandle you right now, push your face on the bed, pull your ass up and fuck you until you cry. But Seokmin won’t. He doesn’t want to. He loves having you on top of him, teasing him, touching him, ordering him around.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yeah? Fuck, such a dirty baby boy,” you roll your hips to emphasize your point, basking in the way he writhes so beautifully underneath you. So ready to be torn apart and pieced back together later. Seokmin presses back, moving himself obscenely. “Stay still.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Reaching to the nightstand again, you move your hand blindly there until you’re able to pull a soft blue silk from the drawer. Seokmin widens his eyes at it, gulping at the implications behind the fabric.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You’re not obeying me today,” you admonish. To be honest, you would rather get the ropes or the cuffs that are in the wardrobe, but your own impatience and desperation ends up winning and choosing what’s closer. “Touching yourself without my permission, not begging properly, trying to take what you want and now… You can’t even do something as simple as staying still?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“N-Noona, Noona,” is all he’s able to say, body shaking from wanton. Seokmin let’s you pass the silk through his wrists with practiced ease and ties them up together, and then at the headboard. This way his arms are restricted, biceps bulging due to the position. “I’ll be g-good. I’ll be your— y-your good boy, please—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you tell him instead, fisting his hair and yanking his head backwards. You kiss his chin, parting away to finally take your clothes off.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin stares all the way through it, dark eyes drinking the sight of your naked body, the faint sound of the music adding to both of your fuels like a dirty soundtrack.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Like what you see?” you tease with a raised eyebrow, smiling at the way his cheeks turn red.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fuck yes,” Seokmin answers even so, wrists pulling at the silk trapping them as if he’s trying to break free and touch you. The sincerity in his voice makes you blush softly. “Y-you’re so hot, Noona. Can’t believe I have you all for myself.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s something possessive burning at his eyes that has butterflies dancing on your lower stomach. You suck a deep breath, leaning down to capture his lips on yours. It’s far too messy for your own good but you don’t really care, wanting nothing more than to kiss the breath out of Seokmin’s lungs.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You succeed, pleasure swelling up in your insides when you have him panting, mind in a haze and chest heaving uncontrollably. He lies there, pliant for you as you lick one of his nipples. The reaction is immediate, Seokmin’s hips kicking up and his hard cock consequently slipping between your chest. A shiver rocks all over his body, your teeth biting at the red bud and sucking at it until his voice gets an octave higher and so, so sweet it makes you moan.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You bring your free hand to thumb at the other nipple, tongue doing circles all over it. Seokmin is desperate, thrashing on the bed as if he’s being electrocuted. You bite harder for good measure, snatching at his waist with a firm grip and pining it back down on the mattress.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So sensitive, my cute baby boy” you appreciate with a hum, making sure to press your chest onto his overwhelmed cock. It’s painted in an angry shade of red now, the veins protruding against the length. 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s spit obscenely connecting your mouth to his nipple, and the realization coils heat on your blood and pumps arousal all over.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“People might hear you if you don’t keep it down, you know?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
What you’re not expecting is how he tenses at that, muscles contracting, back arching off of the bed and hips stuttering where it fucked his cock between your chest. Seokmin moans, so loud you instinctively put a hand over his mouth to make him quieter. 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
When his body falls limp again, the room is full of silence, other than the sound of his labored breath filling the air after you let go of him. You’re completely quiet though, still processing what just happened, head spinning.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You came,” it wasn’t a question, the scene that just unfolded in front of you being enough confirmation to your suspicions. “You just had a dry orgasm.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your tone was full of amusement and unbelievaness. You can’t quite grasp that fact; it’s not the first time he has used a cockring, but it’s the first time Seokmin actually was able to come with it on and also being barely touched. Laughing incredulously, you trail a finger down his still hard cock, watching him squirm violently underneath you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“W-wait, Noona, I—” his words get cut off by his own moan when you take the cockring off, throwing it somewhere in the room as you hurry to fetch yet another thing from your nightstand. “Ah, f-fuck, I j-just came, N-No— Noona—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You close a fist on him after pouring lube on his cock, watching in pure ecstasy the look of bliss turn into one of frustration. You feel Seokmin’s body twitch to the touch of your hand and react heavily as you keep going, with no remorse, slicking his cock up and flicking your wrist faster and faster.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You know what to say if you want me to stop,” you tell him. It’s overwhelming, really, but nothing could ever top the sensation of your fingers around him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
It makes Seokmin’s brain fuzzy, and it’s too much, his cock already sensible from his recent orgasm, but at the same time he wants to squirm away, he feels the mind numbing pleasure sink deep within his bones. Seokmin moans louder, pulling at the fabric binding his wrists in place, and shaking violently on the bed.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Ah! Fuck! Noona… f-fuck… ahh—” he pleads, swollen lips trembling, abs contracting and relaxing, the blushing red running all the way down to his chest, and legs kicking when he tries to get out of your grip because it feels so damn torturously good. 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You take it all in, the burn of arousal lighting a flame on your lower stomach. All mine. You lick at your bottom lip, letting out a soft whine as Seokmin whimpers high in his throat, his hips moving, back arching, head thrown back — beautiful and yours.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Want me to stop, sunshine? Then say your safeword,” Seokmin groans at your remark, feeling tears well up in his eyes, body writhing out of control. He moans again, shaking his head a no as he humps his hips up into your hand.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“A-ah! Ah! Noona… ah! Hgnnn, Noona, p-please…” he begs, hands trembling and he actually thinks he might go crazy soon.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Dirty boy, had a dry orgasm even with a cockring just from thinking people might hear you,” you say, tone soft and gentle despite your ministrations. “Should have tied you up there, on the chair, and overstimulated you in front of everyone else.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You press a thumb on his cockhead, so hard you see a tear finally run down his cheek. Seokmin looks beautiful like this. So beautiful.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Almost came earlier from being caught jerking off too,” you add, brushing a strand of his hair behind his ear. “My sunshine is a little bit of an exhibitionist, isn’t he?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The fight has already left him, leaving Seokmin a stuttering mess. He only moans and shakes his head and pleads and you actually feel a little bad for the cry he breathes out when you let go of his cock. It’s short livid though, the hurry to rearrange yourself and sit on his lap making you almost fall on him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin doesn’t comment on your desperation though, doesn’t even have the strength to, and watches you line him up against your soaking cunt like you’ll die if you don’t get to ride him until sunset, the party long forgotten.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Need you inside, need you,” you moan as you sink on his cock. Today morning you fucked, Seokmin hugging you and thrusting inside you lazily when he was spooning you just after you woke up, but it still feels almost like too much, the stretch of his cock splitting you open leaving you gaping. “So damn big.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You open your eyes — don’t even know when you closed them — finding the prettiest view you could ever have. Seokmin’s fingers turned white from how hard he’s gripping the fabric around his wrists, and you think for a second that he might break the headboard, if the way he’s pulling at the silk is anything to go bye. The sweat goldens his skin, a gorgeous contrast with the redness tinting his face, neck and the beginning of his chest. And it’s stunning, really, his eyebrows frowned from pleasure, tears in the corner of his eyes and lips swollen from all the rough kissing.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There is no better canvas to paint a ruined landscape than Lee Seokmin.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He gasps, throwing his head back when you lift yourself up until only the tip of his cock is inside, and slam yourself back down, pelvis flush against Seokmin’s. You fall in a comfortable rhythm from there on; riding him like a pro, making sure to clench as tight as you can just to see him sob and plead and beg for whatever it is that you’re in the mood or willing to give him.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“G-god— I l-lo—” he tries, struggling to get words out with the way he’s bouncing on the bed with the force of your hips fucking down of his cock. “I love— I love y-you, N-Noona, Noona, fuck—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Seokmin,” you moan, holding his face between your hands. It’s barely a kiss when you lean in to smash your lips on his, more like a moment in which your breath mingles with his and you both become one.  “Seok-ah, Seokminnie, sunshine— you sound so, so pretty and sweet, my beautiful baby boy. I love you so much.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“U-untie, please,” Seokmin cries out, pulling harder at the restraints. “Wanna t-tou— ah, touch you, please, I have— h-have been so good—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You’re always good, baby,” you reassure him, reaching out with fumbling fingers to undo the knot on his wrists. “Come on, sunshine. Fuck me as hard as you can.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your brain can’t even process what happens as soon as he’s free; there are big hands on your hips, Seokmin planting his feet on the bed and fucking up inside you so hard you’re not able to support yourself up, body falling limp on top of his. He’s moaning by your ear now, so high and affected, and you think you can actually feel the spit running down from the corner of his mouth and sticking to your shoulder.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“S-shit, shit, Seokmin,” you whimper, louder than you ever had this night, can’t even rock your hips back because Seokmin is holding you tight and pulling you down on his cock, pace brutal and unrelenting. “You’re s-so desperate, fuck.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wanna cum, w-wanna cum,” he keeps saying, burying his face in the juncture of your neck and shoulder. You feel his lips there, sucking the skin between his teeth and biting at it in a weak attempt to muffle his moans. Seokmin has always been the most vocal between the two of you, but you know it’s useless at this point, the people in your house probably know what is going on by now. “P-please, please, Noona, Noona— Want— N-need—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Before you can even answer him, the chant of “Noona, Noona, Noona” leaving his lips like a prayer has your orgasm hitting you suddenly. Your whole body tenses, muscles contracting tightly as the mind numbing sensation washes all over you, and you don’t know how much time you spend coming but when you come back to yourself Seokmin is still fucking you like it’s the last thing he will ever do.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You put a trembling hand on his chest and use the other free one to grab at his wrist, signaling for him to stop. At that, Seokmin starts crying. Like really crying.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“N-no— Let m-me come, let me— L-let me come, please, please, please,” he begs, and you coo at him. 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Shhh, it’s okay, baby,” you peck his lips gently, wiping the cascading tears with your thumbs. “I want you to come on my face. Can you do that for me, hm, sunshine?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin stares at you with big wide eyes and you think you might die from how cute he is. He nods what it seems like a hundred times.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Words,” you remind him with a soft, calm voice, and smile when he answers a meek yes, please. “Good boy.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin blushes, sniffing a little and lifting his upper body up to have a better view of your lips descending on his cock. You kiss the tip one time, giving it a kittenish lick, and suckle at it hard enough to prove the salty taste of precum, not wanting to tease him more since he has been so good. Seokmin shivers, hips contorting on the bed, and you feel pride swell inside you when you realize he’s trying to stay still. 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You give his thigh a gentle pat, licking at the underside of his cock and bobbing your head a few times. You grab at the base of his length, slaps it on your tongue and look up at Seokmin. A small part of you gets embarrassed with the way he’s watching you so intently, but it’s quickly replaced with a burning need to see him coming.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“G-gonna cum, cum, I-I’m— I’m coming, shit, fuck, hgnnn, N-Noona—” you hum at his cries, the last warning you give him before reaching up and taking one of his nipples between your fingers; you twist it as hard as you can, and then he’s coming.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Seokmin moans, more like screams, and he arches forward, fingers flying to grab your hair so hard it hurts a little. There’s cum shooting out of his cock, your hands helping him out as the white ribbons fly across your face. Most of it lands on your mouth, some on your lashes and cheeks, some on his thighs and abs, and some even end up hitting your hair.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The thing is that Seokmin doesn’t stop coming. His hips keep twitching, cock slipping and he thrusts on your face, unable to keep himself still as he rides his orgasm. After what seems like a good few minutes of him coming, Seokmin falls limp on the bed, his eyes closed, chest heaving with his labored breath, and looking completely fucked out.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You’re quick to kiss him, his tongue pushing against yours when he tastes the leftover of his orgasm. His hips kick miserably, a little bit of come sliding down his softening cock.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Holy shit,” is what he says after a few minutes of silence, laughing weekly. You follow Seokmin, laying down beside him as you do so. “I think that was the best orgasm of my life.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I think so too,” you agree, Seokmin moving his body to lay on his side and take a better look at you. He brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear, his heart eyes making butterflies dance on your stomach. The fact that he’s looking at you like that even so you’re dirty with come, sweat and possibly spit makes you want to marry him. “So, you have an exhibitionism kink.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The affirmation seems to have caught him off guard, his cheeks warming up adorably as he coughs. You giggle when Seokmin tries to turn his back on you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I hate you,” he mumbles with a pout.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Nah, you don’t,” you dismiss, and you’re right, he doesn’t. He could never. “Maybe we should try that out later?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Try what?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Me tying you up in a chair and making you come in front of everyo—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Shut up!” Seokmin laughs and yells at the same time, hitting a pillow on you. You just grab it and throw it somewhere in the room. “You’re dirty.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So is you,” you add with a smile. Seokmin turns around and pulls you by the waist.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yeah,” he admits, hugging you tightly. It should be disgusting considering both of your conditions, but it only feels right. “Only dirty for you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You scoff, mortified.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Now you shut up,” you swat at his — incredibly big and hot — arm, his giggles making all types of things to your heart. “Fucking sap.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Hmm hmm,” Seokmin hums, and looks at you like that again. Full of love and respect and content, and there’s no better feeling than this. Together. With him. “A complete sap.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
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sparklyicecube · 3 years
Scorching Romance
Why you should read it: a review? Suggestion? Anyways.
Name: Scorching Romance
Status: Completed!!!
Length: 90episodes (pretty long but it’s worth it I swear)
Genre: Highschool romance
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Quick summary:
‘Cursed girl who is constantly hot meets cursed boy who is constantly cold.’
Ok so:
Despite the ‘cursed’ parts we honestly don’t have magic running rampant in this place besides the fact that our two main characters genuinely feel really hot and cold to the point that Ember (the girl and hot one) can heat stuff up and give burns with body temperature, but mostly it is set in our normal universe. The start of the whole thing is pretty slow-paced with me not really that invested, but not turned off by anything. It gets reaaally action packed eventually and I nearly cried ahahahah.
The author is genius. The characters are honestly not one-dimensional, no matter what the story tries to trick you into believing, and the best part is that they introduce sooooo many characters in but by the time the story ends, there are virtually no loose ends and you are invested in all their stories. They don’t take advantage of misunderstanding nearly as much as they could realistically actually do and it will make you squeal!
I would say the overall theme of the entire thing is forgiveness and owning up. The amount of times someone said sorry for doing something awful and I genuinely believed them, because that ‘sorry’ just held all that weight.
Ten outta ten would recommend!!!
Spoilers from this point on! (I rant about my feelings on it down here)
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I loved the dynamic between them and I love how they ended up being really truthful to each other and Aspen didn’t lie even though he thought about it :...) they’re so sweeeet
I looked at the chapter number when their curses broke the first time and was like waiiiiit. I then also wondered whether the rest would be just fluff scenes (not that I’m complaining) but the author really said “BUCKLE UP IT GONNA GET SERIOUS”
The author put so many references to little things that happened and tied everything together so nicely??? Also Trevor, idk when I started rooting for you but you were real. You and Moxie should get together. (You will never make it as a kpop idol because your bullying scandals) 
I think overall, I really liked how it all came together and ended?? They even had that Rocky dude go with someone else??
The forgiveness/repenting aspect of the entire thing was really amazing. Aspen kept saying ‘sorry’ for so much at the start and throughout, yeah he was genuine but he was also overusing it. Later on, ‘sorry’ became such a powerful word that was used in such serious cases, like when Harry’s grandma cursed Ember or when Monica burned the place down.
Can we talk about Harry???
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At the start, even though I knew that it was Aspen and Ember I was like ‘does Harry sorta like Aspen though?’ and low-key shipped it but then he said ‘he’s too good for you’ and there was the whole “I DO NOT LIKE ASPEN” when being bothered by Ember and I think that is actually really sweet. We never get the answer to why he sticks with Ember, well, at least not explicitly, but we definitely know why. 
1. He and Ember were childhood friends, he saw her deteriorate to such a serious state and is willing to stick with her because they’re friends (serious state being both her heat and her temper as he sees how she did actually attempt to be nice to people only to be backstabbed)
2. She’s been there for him when very few people have. When Aunt Monica left him Ember was right next to him, that makes them very close and also feel like they’ve been through a lot, and so are willing to stick to each other more.
Harry not having any romantic interests in Ember or Aspen just makes him so much more appealing, he teases them, is there for them, and we can see how amazing he is and without having any romantic unerlying agendas! Love fuels a lot of stuff in this manhwa but so does platonic love and I love that for him. I also don’t think Megan deserves him, because she is too immature and honestly, still hasn’t figured out love yet. (Especially with the ‘buying him ice cream was worth it’) like GURL have you SEEN his HOUSE he does not need a sugar parent. Even until the end she eats ice cream with him, which just shows she can’t open up to him and she was honestly pretty childish thoughout the whole thing. Either way I love how the author baited us several times with Harry for us all to be like ‘Could it be??’ and then ‘I knew it.”
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I love how the whole thing played out to be honest. At the start, I didn’t like Ember’s attitude, or Aspen’s attitude but they both grew so much as people and their character growth through was just so amazing! You could see so many parallel’s where Aspen stands up for himself, where Ember is more restained, it’s *chef’s kiss* amazing!
One of the best bits was when Aspen couldn’t bring himself to lie to Ember, which was what I feared. It seemed like the worst misunderstanding ever but Aspen managed to trust Ember enough and vice versa, showing how far they’ve come. The two of them are now able to banter and converse freely, which both of them trusting in their love and relationship so much! 
Aspen trusting Ember was the bit thing I think, if he couldn’t trust Ember they would keep having these issues, but Ember had grown to be more trustworthy and Aspen had grown to be stronger and have better self-confidence.
At episode 64 or smth where Ember’s curse broke and I thought ‘are they going to have another 30 chapters of just fluff?” (not that I’m complaining), and they didn’t, but the fluff they did have was so cute!!! Also when Ember collasped and hugged Aspen after ‘faking’ a relaspe *sobs* it was so cute :.)
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This next part will be a collection of little observations I found (there are probably still more) that I though were super cool!
1) Aunt Monica’s cigareete. We see her throw it as a little thing like a (I’m leaving/I’m outta here) thing when we first find out that she was Harry’s aunt, then we later find out that Harry’s grandma cursed Ember because of a fire from a cigarette butt from him. At that point no one realises what happened yet. Then she has an epiphany when some person from some car throws at her when it’s all dramatic (I thought that was Lucifer or someone going to burn her originally but it was just a random person) and then we find out it was all her! We even find out that the fire happened on the day of her leaving and no one realised! Anyways...
2) Hypnosis. Monica says in her little ‘angels club’ thing that they must wear sunglasses all of the time lest they hypnotise people. I read that, realised that Lucifer was from there, then went ‘wait a second...’ because Lucifer hypnotised Moxie!!! Several times!!! Cool easter egg I love
3) Remembering things. Aspen didn’t remember Monica from when he was so young, only his mom did, because Aspen was 1. Young and 2. Monica didn’t have much of an impression on him. I like it when author’s decide how much people can remember because let’s face it, even when we’re not children we don’t remember what we ate yesterday morning. Also, Ember not remembering that Monica told Harry to think of her as his mom. Same logic, Ember was young and it had waaaay more of an impact on Harry than anything. More than that, Monica left the next day and it would seem like an irrelevant detail technically.
4) Names. I love how they actually tied in names with meanings, it made it so easy to remember the names and it also made it not really weird and obvious (I’m looking at you J.K. Rowling) but integral to the story. One could predict what role they had in the story by their name. Rocky’s name particularly threw me off a bit, because I could tell it was based off the ‘Rocky mountains’ but was unsure of whether that was related to ‘cold water’ and just decided that it was, but it wasn’t as Aspen’s. Making him just ‘water’ was really nice because it gave us reason as to why Ember seemed to be helped by him but also make him just out of the picture as well.
5) The ice storage. Making the bodyguards faint and be cold too, especially wen they didn’t really coma (or at least, the second one) because we knew you had to go in involuntarily to no be in coma, very good detail.
6) Aspen still having the misunderstanding that Ember was up on that roof saving him to this day because it was never disputed. Ever.
There are totally loads more than that but I need to re-read it a few more times to spot them I suppose!
I think the only hing I want more content of in the whole thing is from Aspen’s dad. His guilt after what he heard his son and wife went through, his bonding with Aspen, him and his family, I feel like that was the only thing that was left unfinished and that I’d want to see more of. 
Finishing it off with a- how are you reading this part??? You must really like reading me ramble. Anyway, that might or might not be all from me on Scorhing Romance, I’ve been getting into manhwas lately and especially finished ones (bcs duh) so these rants might come in a bit more frequently but who knows.
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Cw: Broken bones, Injury, Exhaustion, Blood, Implied cannibalism, Supernatural horror, Hearing voices, Bones, Implied dead bodies, Panic attack, Emotional distress, Environmental hazards, Mild swearing
Previous: Falling Short
This is still part of the prologue (part 2/3), I'm dragging it out a bit too long maybe. Anyway, let me know if I forgot to tag something!
Red Masterlist here
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Nothingness, a whisper stirring to the top of it, breaking the surface. Only to drown again without words.
Quietness, there is nothing here. Rhythm of breath slowly coming to consciousness.
Wait-I.. am something still?
It was cold, something cold pressed against his left cheek? Or was it all around him? He couldn't tell but the freezing was rabid. It was leeching into his bones with aching intensity.
He became aware he was laying on his side. Groaning at the sharp pain in his leg when he tried to move.
Eyes shot open, illuminated by the endless dull pastel they fell upon. Paleness divided only by the deep shadows that cracked though it. A vast, blank canvas that mirrored the stars above with near crystal clarity.
Shit.. it's the salt flat. How long have I been here?
He had no idea, but he knew this place was pure despair under it's beautiful surface. This was the outskirt of the underworld, a place the cast out often fell. The weak scavenged off before they can escape it. Such a wretched place, that whispers haunt it in sorrow. The afterthoughts of those that perished in it's vastness. Voices that were once demons, he would join the solemn chorus if he didn't find a way out soon.
The best hope was to escape before the sun came out, he would die of dehydration quickly in the heat of day. The salt was notorious for drinking every bit of moisture available.
Inside he felt terrible. New fire eating at him. This feeling was fighting for control. Hunger crying out for attention. His eyes burned, his color erased no doubt.
But, now was not the time to mourn his lost self.
I'm just Niko now, a thought quickly drifting away with his breath.
He strained to sit up, everything was sore. Right leg felt close to excruciating, as he rearranged it beneath him. Shivers ran down his spine as his leg didn't feel solid under him, restraining himself from crying out.
No being would hear his cries for help anyway, his heart felt shallow. He was forsaken, Felix had unbound himself from Niko, shedding the responsibility like it was nothing.
That bastard.. after all my years of loyalty, this is how he repays me. In traitorous cruelty.. curse him. I would've gladly died for him, yet he sacrificed me on a whim!
He had to save himself for once. The injury would heal soon no matter how much it hurt now. But there was no time to wait, he couldn't let himself die here.
Every direction he turned his head seemed the same, but he knew there was only one way to salvation.
But which is it?
The echoes overtook his thoughts, endlessly whispering of misfortune. His now sensitive ears could hear every grisly word they said. Every syllable radiating up from the baron white ground to meet him.
He tried his best to ignore them, looking to the sky, a different sky than he was accustomed to. A bright white star shining the brightest, setting the white beneath him aglow. His new sense of night vision painfully overpowered as he stared into it. More white: the color of death, erasure.
Will I sink into the white as well?
He quickly shrugged the thought away, deciding he would follow the star. It was better than no direction at all, at least that way, he couldn't go in circles.
At that decision, he forced himself to his feet, not yet used to his new wings and tail. His bones were no longer hollow and he was heavy.
He stumbled forwards on his bad leg, noise escaping from him involuntarily. Throwing his hands out to catch himself, he noticed his clawed hands for the first time. He lifted his hand off the ground to stare, turning his palm up towards his face. Dark claws on his curled fingers contrasting with his salt stained palm.
"No time for this now" he murmured to himself, setting off an eerie chain of whispering.
He rose up slowly on his good leg. Shifting his weight to his other leg gradually, testing if it would support him. It did. He winced as he took a shaky step, but it held him up.
The sun bleached bones of hundreds were in sight, doomed to stay in their grim places forever. A few souls wandered like zombies far in the distance, others making smooth movements as they searched for the unlucky.
Best to avoid every being here, Niko had never been very strong. Falling always makes one stronger, but he had no faith in his ability to defend himself.
Lining himself up with the deafening brightness, he started walking, a deep limp paining him with every step. Though, it hurt less with every passing minute. Gradually he sped up, still walking directly towards the white glow above.
Soon he had been walking for hours. The faces of the dead looking up at him with envy, voices getting more relentless with their words. It was getting to him, no matter how hard he tried to ignore it.
Was he to be like that too? Scavenged on by his own kind
A terrible thought that started to consume him. Graphic whispers choking out his own thinking. He fought back against it, his last stand.
He wanted to run, and he nearly could. His leg was starting to feel much better, the limp getting shallow.
I cant panic right now, I have to drag myself from this hell
The burning warmth in him strengthening.
Was this what strength felt like? A strange feeling
But it was only fleeting, put to death by the purplish glow on the horizon. It was dawn, the beginning of the end. His end, lost spirits filling in every detail of his demise.
My time is up, I'm going to die here
He felt so thirsty already, it worsened the more he thought about it. Swallowing hard, he started to run. Easily ignoring the pain caused by it. Did he have a headache now? It felt like did. He ran faster, tripping over bones carelessly. All he could see was the endless expanse, his breathing was wild, eyes unfocused. The stars blurring in his tears, splitting into a thousand shards of light under the growing lilac color.
It's over, was all he could think, none of it mattered now.
Every step was fighting him back, exhaustion setting in. He stopped, bracing his hands on his knees under his ragged breathing.
A creature stirred not far away, disturbed by his presence. Deep sea green eyes peering over its pile of collected misfortune. The sound of bones slipping to the cracked ground. A demon like him, fresh blood smeared over its lower face, whatever it had been eating hidden from Niko's sight.
Niko tried hard not to imagine it, he didn't want to know. Hopeless thoughts overtook him again. He ran, even though it was nearly impossible.
I have to keep going! They'll eat me too, maybe they won't even wait until I'm dead.
He ran for a few solid minutes, the aching pain came to him after the adrenaline started to wear off. His heart dropped further as the sun broke over the horizon, instantly adding heat to his skin. The ground burning with a newfound intensity.
Something new caught his eye, squinting to make it out in the harsh light.
A structure? It was a structure
Black stone in the distance made of sharp angles. It was more than a structure, it was a town! Shape broken up by the horizon.
He turned towards it, walking defeated as the heat of day started to spike. Salt starting to feel uncomfortably warm under every step he took. It was so far, deceptive on the narrow plane of view.
As he neared, he noticed others lingering in greater quantities. Niko kept his vision to the ground as he passed them by, not veering from his course. He walked steadily, not changing his demeanor at all. It was a bluff of false strength that the others weren't willing to test.
Every muscle was protesting his feat as he drew nearer to town, heartbeat drowning out his hearing. Niko's foot made contact with the scorching brick of the town at last. He had survived, against all odds.
Next: Hunted by the Past
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lookoolah · 4 years
respite (1.6k) read on ao3 for the “intimacy without sex” adoptable prompt on my @tonystarkbingo​ flash card
“I’m fine, Steve!” Tony called out from the bathtub, the sole fact that he was sitting in an empty bathtub in his underwear at 3 in the morning probably not helping his case, “You can go back to bed.” He tried to keep his voice as steady as possible, cleared his throat a couple of times in an attempt to vacuum away the sobs threatening to escape. 
“Hey, you don’t have to let me in if you don’t want to, but I’m not going back to bed,” Steve called back from behind the locked bathroom door — wait, fuck, he wasn’t sure if he locked the door, what if Steve just came in? He couldn’t let Steve see him like this, he would rather  die  than let Steve see him like this, absolutely  not  —  no, it was okay, Steve wouldn’t just barge in, Steve respected his privacy, Steve respected  him  . God, what was there to respect, anyways? But, alas, his words were gentle, his tone even gentler. And albeit his own protests, Tony felt his muscles relaxing at Steve’s voice. Fuck, why couldn’t he just let Tony fall apart in peace? Stupid Steve. Stupid, wonderful, caring Steve.  Fucking Steve . “I’m just gonna sit over here, alright? I had this sketch that I was working on, anyways.” 
“Fuck.” Tony spat under his breath, but who was he kidding anyway? Steve, with his supersoldier hearing, definitely picked up on that, considering that he was most likely leaning against the door right now, with no intention to leave Tony  alone. 
Another wave of panic spilled down on him like a rainstorm on the Equator, in buckets of freezing cold water, so fast that he couldn’t quite assimilate what was happening, even as he began to hyperventilate, even as the sobs fled his throat. He heard the echo of his own — screams, was it? Weeps? Cries? He stuffed his head into the gap between his elbows and knees and felt wetness on his skin. Oh, he was crying. Of course he was, god, what a fucking mess. What a worthless, broken mess. 
“Steve–” He whimpered out in between sobs before he could tie his tongue into a knot and keep it from ever uttering another word again. 
“Yes, darling, I’m here, always here,” the voice from behind the door replied quickly, Tony barely recognizing it as  Steve’s  voice. Steve, who was  here . Here, with him, with his disgraceful, his useless self. Broken self, broken, broken, broken, broken, brok– “Can I come in, sweetheart? Can I please come in? I just want to hold you, I just want to make sure you’re safe.”  
Safe  . Safe, safe, Tony wanted to be safe. He wanted to be safe from every word ricocheting itself from the walls of his brain, he wanted to be safe from the panic filling his lungs, from the sobs clogging up his trachea, he wanted to be safe from feeling broken, he wanted to be safe from  being broken  , he wanted to be safe from  being . 
“Please, Steve.” Everything was starting to swim, he wasn’t sure if it was because of the tears staining his corneas or if it was the lack of oxygen or if everything was turning to jelly around him. It was probably not the latter, but with every passing moment, he felt more and more detached from reality, more and more like he was floating in space,  falling in space . God, he was falling, he was falling again. “Don’t want to, don’t want to–” He choked out with each sob, almost like every breath in his lungs was replaced with said phrase and he couldn’t stop reciting it, he couldn’t stop chanting it over and over and over and over and–
There was a loud cracking sound that made the jelly that Tony was sitting in — what? Why was he sitting in jelly? — stop shaking for a moment. He turned his head and the next thing he knew was somebody pulling back the shower curtain and then Steve was standing in front of him, his hand on Tony’s shoulder, his eyes painting the jelly that Tony was sitting in sky blue. 
“Hey, Tony, hi.” He spoke softly, warmth pooling at Tony’s shoulder where his hand laid, and Tony suddenly realized just how cold the rest of him was. It’s okay, at least his shoulder was warm. He didn’t deserve that warmth though, did he? No, no, of course he didn’t, he didn’t deserve any warmth. Another sob broke free and his head fell in between his shoulders, the muscles of his neck giving up on him, just as everyone else did. “Darling, hi, it’s Steve, it’s me.” Everyone else, but  not Steve, not Steve, not Steve.  
“Steve,” He breathed out, forced himself to lift his head, tried to move his hand to touch Steve, but it flopped uselessly back down onto his knees. Too heavy, everything was too heavy, the world was too heavy, and god, why did he have to carry it? 
“Yes, sweetheart, it’s Steve. I’m right here. Hey, come here,” He felt Steve gently move his heavy,  oh-so-heavy  arms out of the way, straighten his legs out and suddenly Tony was being honest to god cradled and god,  god  that felt so safe.  So, so safe. “Right here, I’ve got you, my love, I’ve got you right here.” He was vaguely aware of Steve lifting him onto his lap, breathing words that were probably so very kind, so very lovely (like everything about Steve was) into his ear, as the world slowly turned from jelly into a cream. “Can you focus on my movements and my words? Can you just focus on me right now, darling?” Steve said and Tony tried to nod shakily against Steve’s neck and oh, his neck was wet. Tony was crying into Steve’s neck, wasn’t he? But Steve said to focus on him right now, so it didn’t matter, he supposed. He felt one of Steve’s hands on his bare back, drawing patterns – pretty ones, probably. Everything Steve drew was pretty. Where was his other hand? Steve did have two hands, right? There was a soothing feeling on his scalp and oh, there was Steve’s other hand – smoothing out Tony’s hair, massaging his scalp. Good thing Steve had two hands, otherwise Tony’s hair wouldn’t be getting smoothed out and his scalp wouldn’t be getting massaged. 
Steve was pressing his lips against Tony’s temple, kissing “You’re safe, I’m here, I love you” into his skin in sotto voce over and over again. Steve’s chest was warm against his side and Tony was slowly becoming privy to Steve’s lack of a shirt. Why was Steve shirtless? Didn’t matter, probably. And, oh, Steve was speaking again. 
“Friday, fill the bath with 104-degree water, please.” Tony tried to make sense of what Steve was saying, but then Steve was speaking again, asking Tony something, maybe, “Do you want to keep your underwear on, darling? It’ll get wet in the bathwater.” 
“Bathwater?” Tony heard how small and groggy his voice was, how downright shattered he sounded, but Steve said to focus on him, so it was okay, probably.  
“Yeah, bathwater. I was thinking we should fill up the bath, since we’re already sitting in it.” Steve smiled softly against his cheek. Steve was smiling and Steve was speaking so tenderly and Steve was right there and he wanted to throw Tony a bath, and Tony was safe, so he felt his lips twitch involuntarily just the tiniest bit. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He whispered back, tucking his face deeper into Steve’s neck. 
“So, underwear on or off, dear?” 
“Off.” Steve pulled at the waistband of his briefs and, for a moment, he was being lifted out of Steve lap just enough for Steve to pull them down his hips and off his legs and then he was back in Steve’s arms, barely aware of the whimper he let out in the short second that he wasn’t. 
He was starting to feel the warm water pooling up under them, and Steve’s soft stomach pressing against his side was now wet, and Tony was almost positive that it wasn’t from his tears. 
Steve slowly backed away and leaned them against the bathtub wall, he turned Tony towards him, maneuvering one of Tony’s legs to the other side of his lap, so that Tony was straddling Steve, Steve’s large hands on his waist under the comforting warmth of the water and Steve’s lips whispering something about the sketch he was working on into his shoulder, stopping once a while to press a soft kiss wherever his lips reached. 
Soon, the water reached Tony’s chest and he distantly noticed how the flow of the water stopped, Friday probably turning it off. Artificial intelligence was quite nice, wasn’t it? Not as nice as Steve, though. 
“Not as nice as you either, darling.” Steve told him and oh, did Tony say all of that out loud? He didn’t realize, but oh well, Steve had chuckled and called him nice and pressed another kiss into his collarbone, so it was okay. 
It was okay, even though it really wasn’t, even though Tony had spent forty minutes shaking violently and having consecutive panic attacks that grew in power each time, drawing potential energy from Tony’s exhaustion, from his fear, from his debilitating, raw vulnerability. 
But it was okay. It would be. Because Steve was there, drawing what seemed to be the infinity sign on Tony’s shoulder blade and breathing softly against his skin and his vulnerability no longer felt like a raw, exposed wound. It felt like Steve blew on it, applied some Neosporin, put a heart-shaped bandaid over it, and kissed it softly. It felt cradled, loved, and safe.  He was flushing red under the nearly burning touch of the water, the world was standing strong and steady, Steve’s chest was pressed against his, probably flushing alike, and he was safe. 
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ceaderblocks · 5 years
The Devil’s in the Details ch. 3
Chapter One Chapter Two
Made alongside @thematrixmutual
Scar had been avoiding everything for the past few days. His builds plateaued, his shop’s stocks dwindled, and Scarassic Island was quiet. Cub and Xisuma had flown in a few times to check on him, but Scar had hidden away, Jellie purring softly as he shoved his face into her soft fur and waited for his friends to leave. 
Scar was tired, miserable, and in so much pain. His wounds from the Void hadn’t healed, and his Vex magic had been taken from him, leaving him drained, empty and lethargic. The Void said it would return when he finished his end of the deal, but Scar wasn’t sure. He continued on, however, packing shulker box after shulker box full of supplies. Jellie meowed softly, watching Scar pack more dirt with trembling hands.
You’re overworking yourself. She seemed to say.
“I know,” Scar answered, stepping on another chest to reach the last of his wood. “I have to do this. The Void told me too. I wish I could cuddle, Jellie, but I don’t have time to risk it.” Jellie meowed in response, sulking away. Scar watched for a moment, saddened, then shook his head and went back to work. The Void hadn’t left him alone after it destroyed Cherry. In fact, it’s insistence had gotten worse. Every night he dreamt of the Other Him, with their cold hands and harsh voice. They gave him instructions on what to build, how to build it and what to use. The Other Him promised to give back his Vex magic when he finished to the Void’s and the Other’s standards. 
God, did Scar miss Vex magic. He missed fooling around with Cub and playing silly pranks. He missed the warmth and the fire that burned inside of him when he had it. He missed eating cake and not feeling sick to his stomach after a bite. Scar really, really hated the cold of the Void. He didn’t know how Xisuma dealt with it. The constant chill sank into his bones, and his layers of clothes never seemed to help his shaking hands.
Closing his last Shulker box, Scar put them into his inventory, and then fastened his Elytra, mentally preparing himself to go back to the Shopping District. The Shopping District meant Hermits, and Hermits meant questions. He was going to fix Cherry, put the redstone stock away, and then come back to work on the Void’s project. Scar made his way to the surface, lighting a rocket and shooting into the sky. 
The wind rushing in his hair was a blessed relief from the previous cramped quarters of his base, and the fresh air helped clear his head. Scar mentally compartmentalized the item’s he needed for the Void’s build, as they’d be more difficult to get. Obsidian, quartz, end stone, end bricks, bedrock, dark oak and maybe some spruce wood? 
Wait, bedrock? How did The Void expect him to get bedrock?
Scar made a surprised hum, backtracking on his thoughts. It was impossible for him to get bedrock, and Xisuma would start to question his motives if he asked for some. Biting his lip, Scar circled the crater that used to be Cherry before landing on the edge. The bedrock problem could wait, Cherry was more important. 
“Oh dear.” Scar whispered, surveying the damage.
Whatever Vex magic he had used was impossibly powerful. Neither Scar nor Cub had seen it destroy blocks before, only mobs. The redstone shop was long gone, not even a slab left. Where the foundation used to be was now a gaping pit, about 16 blocks deep and 16 blocks wide. A whole chunk was missing. It looked like dozens of supercharged creepers had gathered in the centre and blown up. The ground was charred, barren and still smoking. A shiver ran through Scar as he realized he had involuntarily caused this. He felt sick when he realized that if it wasn’t for the Vex, he wouldn’t be alive. 
“Okay,” Scar said, taking a grounding breath. “Let’s just… let’s just start with filling in the hole. I can do that. Just filling the big, gaping hole that I made. Yeah.” 
Scar placed a few shulker boxes, and dug out the dozens of stacks of cobble and dirt he had brought. 
“I hope there’s enough,” Scar muttered to himself. “I’d hate to go back and grind more.”
Climbing to the bottom of the pit, he began painstakingly filling all the missing blocks. It was a slow process, as there were lots of nooks and crannies that he originally couldn’t see. About four hours later he crawled out of the pit and took off his hat and jacket, folding them gently and placing them on the outskirts of the danger zone near his storage. Dirt and dust covered his once clean shirt, but it felt nice to be productive. He had filled half the pit, and had lots of supplies left. Wiping the sweat from his brow, Scar took a moment to look at the setting sun. He had started mid-afternoon, and skipped dinner. He was starving. Reaching into one of the scattered chests, he looked for some baked potatoes he had packed. 
“Here,” A voice said and Scar jumped, smashing his head into the lid of the chest. 
Spinning around, he saw Cub holding out a bottle of water and a plate with baked potatoes on it. Scar hesitantly reached for it, accepting it from his friend. Cub’s new coat had sneaked up on his arms, and the bandages that covered his burns peaked through, making Scar lose his appetite. 
I did that to Cub. Scar thought to himself, accepting the water and food.
“Thank you,” Scar said, nervous around his friend. Did Cub hate him for hurting him? Was he scared of the Vex power Scar had used? Did he see Scar as the same person?
“Can I eat with you? I haven’t seen you in a few days.” Cub asked, sitting on a double chest and patting the spot next to him.
 Scar figured he didn’t have much of a choice, and sat down next to him. Cub pulled out his own meal (which was really not a meal, but just cake) and they ate in silence for a while. Every bite Scar swallowed got stuck in his throat with guilt. Watching Cub eat cake made Scar want to vomit. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. 
“I’m sorry for hurting you.” Scar said abruptly, and Cub made a surprised noise. 
“What? You didn’t hurt me.” Cub said, looking genuinely confused. “When did you hurt me?”
“Yes I did!” Scar scowled, gesturing to Cub’s bandaged arms. “When I let the Vex get out of control, I hurt you!” 
Cub looked at his burnt arms in surprise, then back at Scar, who was tearing up and staring at the ground with determination not to look at his friend. 
“Scar, that wasn’t you.” Cub said. Scar opened his mouth to protest, but was quickly interrupted by Cub. “Seriously, dude. It may have been your body, but it definitely wasn’t you. That Vex magic was super powerful. Like, original time we found it type powerful, not Scar using it powerful.”
A shiver went down Scar’s spine as he remembered the first time Cub and he had stumbled upon the Vex. How they were both beaten and desperate, and how the Vex had embraced them and used it’s magic to tear through them and make their atoms separate at the seams and their voices disappear before shoving them back together again. 
“Oh,” Scar said. “I didn’t…. I wasn’t…”
He took a deep breath, and Cub waited patiently. 
“I wasn’t there, mentally.” Scar finally said. “I had no idea where I was. I couldn’t see or control anything my physical body was doing. Um, I didn’t even know my body was there. I thought I had attacked you when the Vex possessed me.” 
Scar felt sick at the thought of the Vex having complete control over his body while he was mentally checked out. The Vex were immensely powerful, and if they had a suitable vessel then a repeat of what happened with Cub and Cherry would be far more common. If the Hermit wasn’t ConVex, they might be dead.
“It won’t happen again.” Scar said, frowning. The Void had taken his Vex magic, the warmth of it long chilled. “It can’t happen again.”
“I’ll be there if it does.” Cub said reassuringly, patting Scar’s shoulder. 
“Thanks, Cub.” Scar smiled. 
“Any time. Do you need some help filling the pit?” Cub asked, gesturing to the half-filled hole.
“No thanks,” Scar said. “I’m almost finished, and you should rest your wounds anyways.” 
Cub snorted. “My burns aren’t that bad. The bandages are just to protect the scabs. Anyways, I came to drop this off.”
Scar’s eyes widened as Cub pulled a familiar yellow shulker box from his inventory and placed it on the ground. 
“No way!” Scar cried out, opening the lid. It was his treasure chest! He thought he had lost it back on the End Island, but there it was, sitting in front of him. “You found it! How?”
“The Vex guided me.” Cub admitted with a shrug. “They seemed… guilty, in a way? They wanted this back to you. It was tricky to find, you really managed to misplace it!”
“Thank you, Cub! This is amazing!” Scar spun on his heels, launching himself at Cub and entrapping him in a huge hug. 
“It’s no problem, dude.” Cub laughed, returning his hug. There was a pause, and Cub gently pulled away, holding onto Scar’s shoulders firmly. “Scar, if there’s something bothering you, you know you can talk to me, right?” 
Scar frowned. He should’ve seen this coming. His friend was worried, naturally, but he couldn’t tell Cub what the Void wanted from him. 
“I will. Don’t worry.” Scar said, plastering a forced smile on his face. Cub looked relieved, and nodded. 
“Awesome. I have to head back to ConCorp, but’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Sounds good!” Scar said, and waved as Cub lit a firework and took off into the sky. 
Taking a deep breath, Scar turned back to the partially filled crater. The sun was beginning to set, and he had a lot more work to do. 
“This is going to take forever.” Scar muttered to himself. 
“It certainly is.” A voice said, and Scar froze, ice running through his veins as a hand clasped his shoulder.. “It’s also not what the Void wanted you to work on. Breaking our deal already?” 
Scar turned his head to see the Void version of himself looking impassively over the crater. His cyan eyes seemed to glow in the dimming light. After taking a moment to look, the other turned his bored gaze to meet Scar’s fearful one. 
“This isn’t a pillar.” They said. Scar didn’t respond, choosing to keep his mouth shut. 
“Oscar. This isn’t what the Void asked for.” 
“Stop calling me that!” Scar snapped, taking a step away from the other, jerking the icy hand from his shoulder. 
“Oh, rude now, aren’t we?” They said with an amused smirk. “Well, if you don’t like your full name. I’ll just use it. ‘Oscar’. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it, Scar?”
Scar balked at Oscar, rare anger flooding his veins. “Wha- no! You don’t get to take my name! Even if I don’t like people using it! You’re not me!”
Oscar rolled his eyes, and disappeared. Scar whipped his head around, looking for his doppelganger. Cold hands clawed over his mouth and gripped around his chest from behind, pinning Scar in one place. Scar couldn’t help the muffled gasp of surprise and fear escape, before immediately squirming and trying to escape. Icy bands of Void magic began to creep around his body, and Scar cried out in pain as it burnt his body.
“I don’t think you understand the situation you’re in, sweetheart.” Oscar snarled into Scar’s ear. “If you don’t do what the Void says, I will replace you. You’ll be stuck in the Void with a front row seat to the Oscar Show! I’ll destroy everything you care about. This world is ugly and scarred, and I want it fixed. Every block needs to be perfect, and if you won’t do it, I will. I’ll destroy your friends if I have to.”
Scar blanked, terrified for his friends safety, straining against the burning bands of magic. “No! Please, I’ll do it. I’ll stop working on Cherry, I’ll- I’ll leave ConCorp to Cub, I’ll do the Void’s pillars and terraforming. Don’t hurt my friends. Please.”
“I don’t believe you.” Oscar said, but he let go. The bands of magic disappeared, and Scar dropped to his knees, legs shaking and limbs burning. Oscar walked past him, and picked up Scar’s jacket and hat that he had folded aside earlier in the day. 
“Why don’t we start with a test run, hm?”
“What?” Scar said, watching Oscar put on the jacket and hat.
“It’s simple, really.” Oscar said, adjusting the hat to tilt a little to the right. “I replace you for a day, and you watch what I plan to do. Maybe you’ll actually follow through on your promise that way.” 
“Wait, I-” Scar reached out, arms shaking, and Oscar smiled. 
“See you in twenty-four hours.” 
[GoodTimesWithScar left the game.]
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emeraldwaves · 5 years
Title: In Which We Burn Together Angst Week Day 4 Pairing:  Todomomo Rating: M Word Count:  2,518 Read on Ao3 Summary:  
Todoroki Shouto has never believed in soulmates. Why should he? It didn’t work for his parents, so he doesn’t expect it to work for him, especially when he can’t even remember what his now burned off mark looks like.
Full fic under the cut! For @bnha-angst-week !! Day 4 Choice // Wish Thank you to @its-love-u-asshole for betaing! <3
Yaoyorozu cried after they completed their exam against Aizawa-sensei. Shouto wasn't really sure why since they both passed, but he didn't wish to judge her. By now he was aware she could get overwhelmed.
They made their way off the examination field, heading back towards the school. Shouto walked behind her, not wanting to bother her if she was internally processing things. Her plan had been amazing though.
"Mm..." he muttered, wondering why she was passing the credit to him when it had been her plan. "I think it was more thanks to you."
"A-Ah!" she waved her hands up and down quickly. "N-No! I think it was more thanks to you. If you hadn't believed in me-"
"How about we call it a team effort?" he said, cutting her off. That was part of the point of these team exams anyway.
She smiled, her eyes glistening again. "Yes," she said. "You're right. It was a team effort. But still... thank you for having faith in me."
Shouto stared at her, confused why she was thanking him for something that came so easily to him. "I always will," he said bluntly. He loved the way her cheeks grew redder at the compliment.
Shouto found he worked well with Yaoyorozu and more often than not, if they were able to pick their teams during any training, they would end up on the same team together.
During their first year, he often paired up with her for research projects or team battles, simply because he trusted her. Even when she had deep, internal anxieties about her abilities, Shouto knew she would pull through. He would watch Yaoyorozu slip her finger under her bracelet, running her finger against her skin. He never asked her what was underneath it, he never cared, which was something he knew she appreciated. He didn't know what was holding her back in her mind, but he knew she was stronger than it. She was an extremely capable woman, even if she didn't think so herself.
Either way, Shouto chose Yaoyorozu every time.
Their rather excitement filled first year was coming to an end soon, and Shouto silently hoped their second year would be quieter.
As the bell rang, marking the start of their vacation, he glanced towards Yaoyorozu, packing up her things. It would be strange, to not see her beside him everyday, and suddenly he was hit with an empty feeling. He would miss the way her cheeks flushed when he offered her any sort of compliment, even minor ones. He would miss the way she took notes with rigorous concentration and he would definitely miss the way she said good morning to him every day.
They would only be away for a little while, but still the idea of not seeing Yaoyorozu during the entirety of their break was... oddly disheartening.
"Yaoyorozu-san." Her name left his lips faster than he meant it to and she turned to stare, her dark ponytail swinging behind her, her black locks brushing against the back of her neck.
"Yes, Todoroki-san?" she asked. Her eyes were wide, eager, and interested in what it was he could possibly say. It was times like these she left him a little speechless, her cute enthusiastic energy too much for him to handle.
"Todoroki-san?" she repeated and Shouto almost jumped, pulled from his daze.
"Ah..." he muttered, realizing he didn't really know what to ask her even. "Would... you... over the break that is..." Why was it so hard to ask her this? Asking to train together was not a strange thing, not when they had been each other's choice partners for the majority of the school year.
She tilted her head, clutching two of her textbooks to her chest. Oh gosh that only made it worse. His eyes involuntarily glanced at her chest and he immediately snapped them back up to her face. He wasn't a pervert! Nothing like some of the boys in their class, but Yaoyorozu was pretty and intelligent, and amazing and admittedly, beautiful.
"What about the break?" she asked.
Right. He was asking her something. "Would you want to train together?"
Her eyes widened, shocked by the proposal. "Train with... you, Todoroki-san?"
"If you wanted to," he offered.
"Yes! I would love to! I-I mean I want to!" she smiled, looking a little flustered. "I'll text you my schedule for the break and we can find a time that works for us!"
Of course she had her break all planned out on a schedule.
As expected, she texted him almost immediately that night. He was impressed by the strict regimen she was sticking to. Even with school being on break, she set aside time to study, (mostly chemistry, for use of her quirk) and training of course. There was a part of him that wished to join her everyday, but he didn't wish to impose.
Instead, he picked a few times and sent them back, waiting for her to choose. She was quick to respond, setting their times into her schedule.
The next morning, he woke up to a text from her.
[Text from: Yaoyorozu Momo]: Good morning, Todoroki-san! I hope the first day of your break is both relaxing and productive!
A smile was quick to pull across his cheeks. He could hear it in her voice, could see her smile as she took her seat next to him. Yaoyorozu was so genuine and friendly. He'd never encountered someone like her. He didn't feel comfortable around most people, yet he enjoyed being around her. He liked it when she babbled on about something she was excited about, or when she didn't quite understand something and she thought about it extra hard in hopes of comprehending whatever confused her.
It was like his whole life he'd been waiting to meet someone like her... like a soulmate.
For the first time in his life, Shouto wished he knew his soulmark, and he wished, above all else, that Yaoyorozu Momo was his soulmate.
He didn't believe in soulmates... and even if he did, Yaoyorozu was most likely not his. Though they were similar in many ways, they were also different, came from two different lifestyles. They both wanted to be heroes but...
It was useless to think about, and he would never know if she was his soulmate unless they...
His face turned bright red and he turned over in his bed, burying his face in his pillow while willing the thoughts to go away. The last thing he needed was to think about how beautiful her lips looked sometimes, especially when she wore the shimmery gloss and-
He pushed himself out of bed. He couldn't keep thinking about her like this. Eventually she would find her actual soulmate and then all of this wouldn't matter. It would honestly be easier for him if he was alone. He could focus on being a better hero and eventually passing his father.
For now, he was going to go for a run.
Yaoyorozu set the day for the them to train together a few days into the break, and Todoroki was silently dying. Even with their good morning texts, which she sent everyday, he missed seeing her cute smile and her cheerful eyes.
When had he started thinking about Yaoyorozu so much? Maybe after he saw her in the rain after the U.S.J. incident. Or maybe after the festival, when he showed her his burned soulmark... he had trusted her enough to do that... or maybe it was when they worked so well together it felt like he never wanted to partner with anyone else.
Is this what people called a crush? It was such a foreign, unfamiliar feeling.
Shouto hated himself for wondering what was underneath her small bracelet. With his burn and his inability to remember what his soulmark looked like, they wouldn't be able to tell if they were soulmates anyway, so he didn't know where these small tugs of caring came from. He would never ask her about it anyway; he wasn't rude like the rest of society.
When the day finally came to meet her, Shouto arrived at her house a little early. Knowing Yaoyorozu, she would be expecting him to be punctual. Her house was very large, as many of their classmates discussed before when she held study sessions at her place and Shouto had to buzz an intercom to get in.
"Todoroki-san! Good morning!" she said, meeting him at the front gate. "It's good to see you." She bowed politely and he did the same, though they were friends, with her everything was always on the formal side.
"It's good to see you too, Yaoyorozu-san," he said, unable to stop the small smile which pulled across his cheeks.
"Come!" she said. "Let me take you to our training room!" Unsurprising she would have one of those. His house had one too, though the memories in there were anything less than pleasant.
Her fingers wrapped around his hand as she led him to the room. It was a large square room, mostly white and completely empty. "It's proofed for quirk use, so please don't feel like you have to hold back your ice or fire. In fact, I would prefer you don't!" she said.
She slipped off her jacket and Shouto glanced away for a moment. The clothes weren't revealing, but the black tank top dipped far down her back, leaving space for her to produce whatever object she might needed.
"I wouldn't hold back," he said, leaving his bag outside the door as he followed her inside. He would never offend her like that.
"Good," she said and bowed to him again. "Should we begin?"
"Alright," he nodded, and took a stance.
He knew she would mostly likely wait for him to charge for her first, and knowing her she was probably calculating out his various moves in her head. She would assume he would use his ice first, as he often favored that side, but things were different now... he knew he could handle the fire... his fire.
He leaned towards his right side but was quick to ignite his left, sending a row of flames barrelling towards her.
Yaoyorozu was faster than that though. She dodged, pulling a shield from her back and a spear from her arm. She clutched the items tightly, panting from the heat, and he stomped his foot down, sliding across the floor on a path of ice he sent across the room. He shot more fire her way and she continued to dodge.
The problem was, she had a difficult time getting close to him as he moved around the room with ease. Even using a long range weapon, he was able to freeze a variety of objects she tossed his way.
Eventually she fell to her knee, panting heavily... the lipids in her body most likely running low. "Yaoyorozu-san, are you okay?" he asked.
"Mhm..." she nodded, though she looked slightly ashamed.
"You did excellent-"
"Todoroki-san! Can we train more tomorrow?!" she asked and Shouto blinked, surprised by her outburst.
"I'll train whenever you are free, Yaoyorozu-san."
Maybe it was pathetic, but any excuse he had to spend more time with her the better.
So he spent his break training with her. Every morning he got to hear her gentle voice and see her smiling face wish him a good morning. They would train together, until she grew too tired, having used her body too much. However, each day she improved more and more.
The sessions would last longer, tiring Shouto out and towards the end of summer break, they would spend hours going back and forth, her trying to get hits on him. She often did, even when he tried to deflect, she occasionally would make a break and knock Shouto to the floor. Yaoyorozu grew more and more impressive with everyday.
School was close to starting up again soon, and Shouto found as much as he thought he would miss seeing her everyday in school, he knew he would miss training privately with her even more.
He stood across from her on the penultimate day of their break, ready to challenge her. They usually waited to see who would make the first move, but this time, Yaoyorozu was quick to rush him. She pulled a spear from her arm, dashing towards him. Shouto aimed ice at her feet, but she jumped up to avoid it, and she spun the spear down, hitting against his arm as he collapsed to the floor, her spear and hand pinning him to the ground.
"Amazing..." he whispered, staring up at her, not bothering to move. He always knew she was incredible. He expected her to kick his ass one of these days, so it was unsurprising to find himself laying on his back, staring up into her dark eyes.
"A-Ah! Todoroki-san!" she breathed out, looking down. "Are you hurt?!" She held out her hand to him, her small bracelet sliding down her wrist.
"No..." he muttered and took her hand, sitting up, his eyes fixated on her wrist. They both sat on the floor, attempting to catch their breath.
He remembered what she said about her parents not being soulmates... how they lost their actual soulmates and found each other later. He knew it didn't matter to her. He knew she wouldn't care if they were soulmates or not, right? They could choose to be with each other... like her parents.
"Tomorrow," he said softly.
"Ah yes! Tomorrow is our last day to train like this. Though I'd be happy to train at school if you want to-"
"Go out with me."
"Eh?" she squeaked, pausing to look at him. "T-Todoroki-san?"
"Tomorrow... instead of training... I... I want to take you to lunch, or dinner... whatever. I, uh, I don't know..." he stammered, suddenly unsure why he blurted those words out so suddenly.
"L-Like... a date?" she asked. It was rare for someone to ask someone on a date if they didn't know their soulmark. It was practically unheard of. Of course she would be thrown off by the prospect of going with someone like him, destined to never know just from looking.
"...if you're... interested. I know I don't know your soulmark and you know I don't know mine-"
"Yes..." she said, and she slid her fingers to lace between his. "I would love to go on a date with you, Todoroki-san." She turned her face towards the floor, her cheeks flushed the brightest red he'd ever seen.
He squeezed her hand back. "Okay..." he breathed, still not quite sure what to say as they sat there with their hands laced together, but his chest felt warm. She was smiling, and that was enough for him.
Tomorrow, he would go on a date with Yaoyorozu Momo, and it didn't matter if they were soulmates or not.
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All the personal asks plz
Alrighty then!
1. Any scars?
Mhm, pretty much all the scars I have are burns. One is from burning the side of my arm on an iron my mom had  standing upright that I brushed against trying to reach something on the counter behind it and I’ve got one or two other scars from my culinary class on my hands from trying to put a tray in the oven and bumping it on the rungs above the ones I was putting it on. I burnt my hand day one of actually cooking. Yes I’m a disaster.
2. Self harmed?
Absolutely not. One, I’m too scared of pain, and two, I have uh… An unpleasant history involving someone else threatening self harm to make me do what they wanted, so… It’s a really sore spot for me.
3. Crush?
I honestly have no idea.
4. Kissed anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
Neither they make me physically ill
6. Someone you hate?
There’s a LOT of assholes at my school but the person I hate the most is probably my dad for reasons.
7. Best Friends?
Mhm! I’ve got a handful on this site but my IRL best friend is @theansweris-a. She doesn’t really get on tumblr anymore but if you’re reading this I love you friendo and have a good day! :D
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
hahaha fuCK NO. I’d rather not get addicted to something that can and will kill me and throw my money at people to sustain it. If someone offered me either I’d probably flip them off whilst slowly backing up and getting tf out of there because NO.
9. What’s your dream job?
Author/Illustrator with some VA work and Video Game directing on the side.
10. Ever been in love?
I have. It was with someone I didn’t have a chance with and who would be an absolutely awful lover to me since we weren’t compatible emotion-wise so I let it go. It was hard, but I did it.
11. Last time you cried?
Last Sunday trying to explain to my mom why our preacher and the church we go to has completely fallen out of my favor for it’s very loud blatant ‘LGBT people are bad abortion is evil insert other white conservative stuff here’ ‘cause she doesn’t know I’m LGBT+ (and it’s going to stay that way) and I was trying to explain to her why I would never say invite my LGBT friends to church because they would be mercilessly persecuted by people who call themselves followers of God then spit in his eye by doing the exact opposite of everything he’s asked of them. Yes I still feel really strongly about this.
12. Favorite color?
13. Height?
How coincidence, I just got it measured today! 5′6, FINALLY OFFICIALLY TALLER THEN MY MOM MUHAHAHAHAHA
14. Birthday?
November 17th!
15. Eye color?
Milk chocolately-brown
16. Hair color?
Dark brown
17. What do you love?
this is so open ended hjkfjfjkhgkjh okay then I love girls, video games, anime, writing, drawing, reading, and animals.
18. Obsession?
My top 3 in order of obsession; Kill La Kill, RWBY, and Kingdom Hearts.
19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
For every single illness, disease, syndrome, disorder, and so on to have a cure. From Cancer to Asthma. Both because I have so many incurable diseases/disorders and because I know there are people out there who have things so much worse than me in that department.
20. Do you love someone?
I love all my mutals, friends, and most of my family including extended family. 
21. Kiss or hug?
I’ve never been kissed so I don’t know anything about how that would be so I’d say hug because I love hugs!
22. Nicknames people call you?
Derpy, Slurpy, D-Slur, Resident Cinnamon Roll (That’s my actual nickname on a Revue Starlight discord)
23. Favorite song?
this is like asking me to pick my favorite child uhhhhh… This Life Is Mine by Jeff Williams, it just means a lot to me.
24. Favorite band?
i know no bands by name
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?
….Okay, uh, this is gonna be really hard to decide because a LOT of bad things have happened to me. I’ll go with the more physical choice because I’d rather not dump too much of my emotional baggage onto yall. One time I was being prepped for surgery and they needed to get the IV in. (for the record I’m shaking pretty badly right now from thinking about this) They had to stab my arm with what they called a ‘Bee sting’ (it wasn’t a bee sting it goes almost down to the bone) that had numbing stuff in it and they were trying to find a vein they could put my IV in but they couldn’t find one (okay now i’m typing really fast so I don’t have to think about this for long) and they kept stabbing my arm over and over again. The thing is I have a serious phobia of needles that sends me into panic attacks, I’ll go lightheaded I’ll lose my hearing and so on. So I was trying to put a brave face on despite my parents not even being there but they would. not. stop. They didn’t give me a break. It was one stab then another then another then another. I was having a full blown panic attack, I was almost crying. Then they seemed to get it. They left me for a bit and my parents came in. My arm started swelling. They HADNT got it. My arm was being filled with whatever my IV was. They came back in with the beesting. They started stabbing me again but on the other arm. I couldn’t keep a brave face anymore after thinking they were finally done. I started to cry and sob and the panic attack I had that day was the single worst I have ever had. It got worse. They missed a vein entirely and instead hit a bundle of nerves. My hand started involuntarily twitching as pain unlike any I’ve ever felt before or until now wracked my arm. I had actual trauma from this, the night after the surgery I kept feeling ghost pains of the stabs in my arms, I had to sleep on my stomach with my arms wrapped around my front just to make them go away. I’m still extremely traumatized of this to this day. I never want to have surgery again. I never want an IV again. 
Okay that got away from me there I’m sorry I kinda was having a panic attack while writing that. Anyways moving on.
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
This is gonna sound cheesy but meeting @theansweris-a. She’s the sweetest and kindest person I have ever met in my entire life and I feel so incredibly lucky to call her my friend, though knowing her she’ll see this and reply with ‘No U’ because we always end up in a shouting match of ‘YOU ARE A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING’ ‘NO YOU’RE A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING’ 
27. Something you would change about yourself?
I definitely would lose weight. Not because of societies bullshit but because I legitimately want to lose weight so I can actually get strong and build up some muscle, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO OPEN GATORADE BOTTLES GODDAMNIT
28. Ever dated someone?
Nope, I’m closeted and have no interest in even pretending I’m straight by dating a guy, I mean I know some genuinely nice guys (all of them dorks) but they’re all just my friends though they are massive goofballs and I love them very much. (Entirely platonically)
29. Worst mistake?
I… Don’t think you guys wanna know that. It’s nothing bad its just depressing and I don’t wanna be more depressing then I already have been.
30. Watch the movie or read the book?
Depends on which is better, like I’d rather watch the Chronicles of Narnia than read the books because the books are honestly terrible but I’d rather read Percy Jackson than watch the movie because the movies are incredibly unfaithful to the books.
31. Ever had a heartbreak?
32. Favorite show?
Kill La Kill!
33. Best day of your life?
My cheesiness never ceases but the first time I actually hung out with @theansweris-a IRL at the mall. I remember being SO excited for it but also nervous that how easily we talk to each other wouldn’t translate into real life and I remember spotting her walking up and practically shouting her name before running up and giving her a big ol’ hug whilst crying happy tears (I know i’m sappy shut up) and then when we were let loose to walk around we quickly discovered that we clicked almost immediately and incredibly well it was just the best thing ever. Like, in that one day alone we spent six hours in that mall just chatting and buying stuff and having fun and we left the mall with like three different inside jokes despite it being our first time meeting in person since we first met. Hi my name is Derpy and I’m a big ol’ sap.
34. Any talents?
I’m pretty good at writing, I can type really fast, and I can play the harmonica.
35. Do you wish you could ever start over?
Absolutely not. Things are the way they are for a reason, and even though I’ve been through a LOT it’s because of all that that I’m the person I am today and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.
36. Any bad habits?
Yeah, I’m a nail biter.
37. Ever had a near death experience?
Yes actually, when I was 3 or 4 we took a plane to California to visit some relatives and I almost walked out of the air hatch one the way out, I remember this vividly even though it was a long time ago. If it wasn’t for the flight attendant grabbing me before I fell out, I wouldn’t be here today.
38. Someone I can tell anything to?
@theansweris-a and @my-words-are-light, they’re both really good listeners and have helped me through a lot of stuff.
39. Ever lost a loved one?
My Great Grandpa Ritch died shortly after I was born, there’s a lot of pictures of him smiling and holding me while in a hospital bed and hooked up to oxygen.
40. Do you believe in love?
Oh absolutely, 100%. I mean if you know me you already know that I have just ABSURD amounts of love in my heart and I genuinely believe that it exists.
41. Someone you hate/Dislike?
Wasn’t this already a question?
42. Are you okay?
Mostly, yeah. I have some stuff to work on but I’m honestly at the best i’ve ever been!
43. Relationship status?
I’m a Single Pringle
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missmarj · 6 years
Should I let you go?
So this is a sequel to How Do I Let You Go?
Summary: You are going to marry Bucky Barnes in a few days and on his Bachelor's party, Steve got drunk thanks to Thor's Asgardian liquor. You ended up having to look after drunk Steve and he ends up having an alcohol-fueled confession about his unrequited love for you.
Pairings: Bucky x Reader x Steve
Mentions: Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, a dash of Natasha Romanoff the rest of the team
Warnings: Implied sexy time lol. Fluff at first, regrets and angst towards the end as usual.
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"How do I let you go?" Steve asks again, his voice fading to a whisper as his eyes drifted close and his hand cupping your face and holding your hand falling limp. You sigh, wiping Steve's tear-stained face and fixed his blanket. Your heart felt like it was tore from your chest as you stare at Steve, finally at peace in his sleep.
You couldnt believe the things he had just said. You shake your head. Part of you hated him for not saying anything after all this time. Thinking about how much you and Bucky probably had unintentionally hurt Steve by always having him included in every milestone in the relationship. You've always come to Steve for help for all the anniversaries, preparing for Bucky's birthdays and achievements while Bucky was always telling him pretty much everything about you. Bucky told you that even on picking out the engagement ring, Steve was right there with him. But a part of you is confused and that's what's causing the tears to fall nonstop. You hated that you're feeling confused. You're marrying Bucky in a few days. You shouldn't be feeling this way.
The tears wouldnt stop pouring from your eyes, even after getting a hot shower and crawling into bed in Bucky's arms. The image of Steve crying in agony as he pours his heart out for you haunted you. Thank God for Thor's liquor knocking Bucky out cold because if not, your little sniffs and quiet sobs would've woken him up instantly. That was the first night in forever that you cried yourself to sleep.
The light escaping your blinds burn bright red against your lids. You grimace, putting a hand on your face. "Are you awake, sweetheart?" You nod and smile involuntarily upon hearing Bucky's morning voice and feeling his strong arms pulling you close. His metal fingers grab your face then he's kissing your mouth.
"Good. Morning. My love." he greets with every peck, his lips traveling down your neck. You giggle at the feel of his beard and his hand skimming your sides down to your thighs. "Bucky! That tickles!!" you squeal, swatting his hand laughing. "What?" he asks feigning innocence, looking back up at you but the smirk on his face fades. "Y/n, what happened to your eyes? were you crying last night?" he asks, furrowing his brows as his cool metal fingers ghost over your puffy eyelids.
Shit. Youve completely forgotten about last night. "Oh, no. I must have an allergic reaction to the make up from last night." you shrug. He stares at you doubtfully for a second then his frown deepens. "Stop using that shit please you dont need it anyway." he leans down kissing your lids. "You're already so beautiful. You really dont need anything else." You sigh and hugged Bucky. "Thanks, love." you murmur against his cheeks. The occurrence from last night replays on your head and it's making your heart beat faster.
"You doing okay already? I've never seen you drunk before." you say, trying to keep your mind off of Steve. Bucky props himself on top of you, his chin on the valley between your breasts with his hands on your sides. "Yeah, I'm good now. Last night was incredible, thank you for making me go." he grins. "I'm glad you had fun. You guys were all pretty wasted." you say as you lay your head on your arm to be able to look at him better. "Thor brought the good stuff last night. Sam and Clint were long gone after their first glass. But Steve! Fucking Steve was a monster last night, taking drinks one after the other. I don't know what's gotten into him! And he's the one who dared us all to jump off the yatch!" Bucky laughs, his eyes glazes as he fondly tells you his story. You plastered on a smile and a little fake laugh because deep down you felt bad knowing well the exact reason why Steve was acting like that last night. "Of course we all had to jump off too. Well, I had to at least. The idiot just jumped butt naked on icy atlantic waters. What was I supposed to do, right? He's my idiot." Bucky shakes his head, a reminiscent smile on his lips. "I can't help but see him as this asthmatic scrawny kid even after all these years." his chest rumbles against your stomach as he laughs. You usually love it when Bucky gets all talkative like this. You loved that his eyes lit up as he tells you everything on his mind but right now you really just want to keep your mind off of Steve.
There were 3 knocks on the door and then it swung open. Sam walks in, hands over his eyes and a playful smirk tug his lips as he hears you and Bucky scramble to get decent. "Stark asked me to bring your asses down to the conference room for the last remaining details for the rehearsal dinner." he says with a shrug. Bucky hurl a pillow at him effectively resulting in Sam hitting his face with his own hand with a smack. "Barnes I know I interrupted a possible sexy time and I'm sorry.. That I'm not sorry!" Sam says with a chuckle, throwing back the pillow which landed flat on Bucky's face as well. You hear incoherent grumbling from your fiancee as he starts to climb out of bed, metal hand whirring as he reaches for Sam who is snickering his ass off. You shake your head and grabbed Bucky by the waist, not really in the mood for one of their infamous brawls. "Sammy we'll be down in a minute. Buck, calm the fuck down love!" you grunted holding him back as hard as you could. "Yeah, you better run, Wilson!!" Bucky screams as Sam sprints out of the room laughing like a mad man. Bucky glares at the ceiling, "FRIDAY, didn't I ask you not to let Sam in my room or Y/n's?!" the AI responded ever so calmly, "Sorry Mr. Barnes, but Boss did ask Mr. Wilson to come get you and Ms. Y/LN." Bucky growls, muttering under his breath.
"Jesus Christ, Buck let it go. It's pretty late in the morning anyways." you sigh as you get up to walk to the bathroom. Bucky looks after you with a disappointed look on his face and asked, "So no sexy time? Stark can wait. I mean, it is our wedding after all." You chuckle as you slip the straps of your night gown down your shoulders. "Let's multitask." you wink, cocking your head towards the shower and Bucky's face lit up before scrambling to his feet, lunging himself at you.
You met with Tony after the steamy shower to run through the details for tomorrow then headed to the kitchen for breakfast. It is quite the ruckus every morning usually but today most of them were groaning and barely touching their food, very much hungover.
Your heart stills when you saw Steve by the kitchen island making himself a cup of coffee. When he looks up, he flashes you and Bucky a smile. "There you two are, coffee?" he asks, raising his mug. Bucky lets go of your waist as he approaches Steve. "Yeah pal, I could use one." he says. You blink and took a second before walking over to them. Surprised that it's as if last night didn't happen at all for Steve.
"You were so drunk last night, Rogers. I had to carry you to your room!" Bucky laughs as he takes the mug in his hands. "Could you not talk so loud??" Natasha groans, dropping her head into the kitchen island. "Sorry about that." Steve wrinkles his nose. "Guess I lost track of the number of drinks I've taken. Thanks for not letting me sleep in my vomit, by the way." Bucky shakes his head as his mouth was still filled with coffee, once he swallowed he turns to you saying, "You should be thanking Y/n. She's the one who dealt with your drunk ass because I was pretty hammered myself too." You saw Steve's cheeks and ears get red as he bites his lip. "Y/n, it was you? Christ, I'm really sorry. And thank you." he says, smiling shyly.
You stare at him in disbelief. He didnt remember that you were there in his room last night, so he probably didnt remember telling you all those things. You blink and plastered on a smile, "Oh, sure. " you say.
"Alright gentlemen, go finish your breakfast, we've got final fittings to attend to. " Tony says as he walks in the kitchen, pausing to give you a peck in the cheek before heading for the fridge to grab an energy drink. "Pepper will be here in about 20 minutes with the designer. She asked me to tell you ladies that she'll meet you at the conference room." he says.
You tore your gaze from Steve who was unbothered as he chat with Bucky and Sam on the corner, turning to Tony. You nod a bit too late and mutter him a thanks. "You alright?" Tony asks, walking over to you. You wet your lips and glanced back at Steve, a frown tug on your lips. "Yes, I'm fine." you say, smiling half heartedly at Tony. He didnt buy it of course, not one bit. "Come on, darling. What is it? What's bothering you?" he pressed, following where your gaze was seconds ago. Tony looks at Bucky with Sam and Steve, trying to think why Y/n looks the way that she does. Suddenly it dawns to him, he turns to you, touching your arm. "Are you getting cold feet?" he whispers. Your chest heaves and you avoid Tony's gaze. "No, I-I just.." you sigh, pulling on Tony's arms, towing him out of the kitchen.
You told him everything because seriously, there's no point in hiding from Tony because he knows you too well. He stares at you worriedly though he didn't seem surprised. "I dont know, maybe it was just the alcohol talking or maybe-" you sigh, dropping you head in your hands. "Steve told you the truth. We've known about this unrequited love for years." your head snapped up looking at Tony like he'd grown another head. "You knew?! Wait, you said, we? Who's we??"
Tony sighs and looks around warily. He asked Friday to secure the area, locking the doors and soundproofing the glasses that divides the room. "Nat and I knew for the longest time. We were on a mission together. Remember Siberia? When we got ambushed and Steve got hurt real bad?" you nod, how could you not? "On the way home, we all thought he was gone for sure and Steve thought so too. He pointed to his things and asked us to retrieve his sketchbook. He asked us to give it you in case he doesnt make it and to," Tony sighs and held your hand. "to tell you he loves you."
"Bucky and I weren't together then." you murmur, your brows knitting together. "True, but Steve knows at the time that Bucky is already head over heels for you." Tony says with a sigh. You felt your heart drop to your stomach, feeling the blood drain from your face as you confessed. "But I was in love with him too, at the time " you confessed, tears stream down your face.
Tony leans back to the couch with an exasperated breath. "This just got a whole lot more confusing, y/n." you shake your head as you wipe your tears. "It shouldn't be. I'm marrying Bucky in a few days. What do I do, Tony?"
"I guess you listen to your heart, kid."
@mia-at-work @justmesadgirl @lookclosernow @yafriendlyfangirl
Read next part here: Letting You Go
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Chey's pov I walked in the door from work. It had been a long day and I was exhausted. It wasn't easy working these twelve hour days but I knew Ian wanted some stuff. I began to strip as soon as I made it through the threshold.  I could hear him in his room yelling about some combo he couldn't get exactly right. "Baby I'm home" I shouted. I began to walk to my room stopping by his to say hello when I realized he broke my number one rule. Rule # 1: clothes come off as soon as you are in the house. I went off before he could even get a word out. "DO YOU CARE TO TELL ME WHY YOU HAVE, YET AGAIN, FAILED TO FOLLOW THE RULES THAT YOU HAVE FOLLOWED FOR HOW LONG IAN? DO I NEED TO MAKE YOU A LIST AGAIN OR SHALL I MAKE YOU WRITE EACH ONE OF THEM DOWN 500 TIMES". I was furious and you could see it burning behind my black eyes. My small frame stood their in my favorite pair of lingerie; the ones I knew drove him crazy. Ian's pov I didn't think as I heard her come in. I needed to get this hand right if I wanted to win Atlanta. When I came in from school I dropped my shit and went straight to work, not thinking it was my second time this week that I had failed to follow the rules. I knew I was fucked as soon as I heard mommy's heals click down the hall. "Fuck" I spoke aloud before she started to scream. You could see she was pissed and my ass was gonna fucking get it before the night was over. It was entirely my fault. I knew she had a long ass day today and I still managed to fuck up. " I'm sorry Mommy. I'm sorry. I promise I won't do it again" I pleaded as I immediately jumped up and started taking my clothes off. Shirt first followed by my sweats. I knew once she had seen that I didn't wear boxers today that I was getting punished. I cowered away as she walked toward me. I could feel my cock twitch and start to harden. The black and pastel purple lace outfit that curved around her perfectly was my favorite. I could see hear laugh as she glanced at my cock. I was fucked. Chey's pov I laughed as you stripped and tried pleading for forgiveness. Like that was ever gonna get you anywhere. "Shut the fuck up. I don't wanna hear your bullshit apology. This is the second fucking time this week goddammit. You try to act like you're so good for Mommy but Mommy is fucking done with your shit you little brat. On your knees" I could see he was a little taken back for a moment and didn't process that he was given a direct order. His cock was standing at full attention now and it was absolutely adorable. "ON YOUR KNEES NOW OR ARE YOU TOO FUCKING STUPID TO UNDERSTAND SIMPLE COMMANDS" I stepped towards him, grabbing him by the hair and yanking him to his knees. As he is much larger than me, he knew when to comply considering I physically could not make him do anything he didn't want to. I gently took his glasses out from in front of his beautiful grey eyes, knowing that if I hit him with them on it would hurt more than intended. I sat them on the table next to me before slapping him across his face. "AND WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU NOT WEARING BOXERS WITH SWEATS. IAN YOU GO TO A PUBLIC SCHOOL. YOU ARE AROUND GIRLS. TELL ME WHY YOU THINK ITS A SMART IDEA TO LET EVERYONE SEE YOUR FUCKING COCK? OH WAIT YOU'LL SHOW ANYONE WHO ASKS ANYWAYS" I hit him repeatedly until his face began to bruise. I squatted down to his eye level. Gently I took his chin in my hand and make him look at me. "You know Mommy didn't wanna have to punish you today baby" I spoke softly, not wanting to scare him anymore than I already have. He was always such a good boy and I know he's been stressed lately. I sat down and crossed my legs, motioning for him to do it with me. Caressing the side of his face I leaned in and lightly pressed little kisses all over where I had hit him. "Baby you know Mommy loves you with all her heart. I'm sorry I'm so harsh on you. I know you're stressed with everything that's going on and Mommy can't be home as much as she wants anymore. I have tomorrow off. You don't have to go to school. You can have Mommy all to yourself." I kissed his lips ever so softly and wiped the tears from under his eyes. Ian's pov I cried every time she got mad at me. I just wanted to cuddle into her chest and suck on her big beautiful breasts while she jerked me off. She could see my leaking cock but what she didn't realize is that I could smell how wet she was. It was intoxicating. I wanted to taste her so bad. I was thinking about everything I wanted to to to her when her hand came in contact with the side of my face. All of the drool that was sitting in my mouth was now sprayed all over the side of my sheet. I cried harder. I was a good boy for her..most of the time. I tried my best. She gets harsh when she's stressed and I know she's been saving up money to give me. I found it when I was snooping through her stuff but I would really get my ass kicked if she found out I was doing that. Rule # 7: don't snoop through mommy's stuff. With every slap that hit the left side of my face I could feel myself getting harder. It was pathetic. She started tearing up and apologizing. She only did this when she knew she was being too harsh. I did grabby hands when she pulled away from kissing me. "Mama.. c-can I suck on your chest?" I stuttered out. She motioned for me to come towards her. Letting me slip off her bra, she pulled me towards her. My leaking, throbbing cock was now laying on her inner thigh. I massaged and sucked on her soft boobs. By the way she tensed up when I touched her, I could tell they were sore. She let out small whimpers and began to play with my hair, making my cock twitch and throb more. She put one finger on my chin, making me look her in the eye. "When was the last time you came baby?" She asked. I gulped and thought for a second. It had been weeks and I was so sexually frustrated that I couldn't even wear anything the than sweats because the friction from the material made me almost cum in my pants. "About two weeks, Mommy...Please help I need to I can't take it any more. It's so sensitive. " I cried out praying that she would be forgiving. Rule # 3: no cumming without mommy's permission Chey's pov I could see my little baby struggling. I could hear the need in his voice as he begged me to help him. I knew it had been a while since I made him cum. I had been working so much it all just sucked. I needed to take some time off for him. I began to stroke his cock. Soon my hand became soaked with precum. It was obvious that he hadn't came in a while. You could tell by the way he involuntarily thrusted into my fist, the way his precum shot out of his tip, how he moaned for more. You could see how swollen his balls were. I leaned my head down and began to suck on them. Rubbing my thumb over his slit, making him almost scream. I licked and kissed up his shaft. Nibbling a bit, I put my tongue in his dickhole just as he liked before I took the tip of his cock in my mouth. Ian's pov "Oh fuck Mommy agh" I screamed out. Blushing like crazy and thrusting upwards against my will. She knew exactly what I liked. I trust myself into her throat as soon as she wrapped her pretty little lips around my cock. Grabbing her by the back of the head and forcing her little mouth open until all eight inches of me was in her and she was licking my balls. She drove me crazy but god did I love her. She was grinding her tiny wet little kitten on my leg. I could feel her little cunt dripping all over me, even through her panties. She was moaning and gagging around my cock. I pulled her head away so she didn't throw up on me. As much as I liked it, she was the one punishing me, not the other way around. She continued to hump my leg, I could feel her little clit throbbing. You could see she was close by the way she was shaking. "Mommy ride me please. We're both so close. I'll be a good boy, please I wanna bury myself in your dripping little kitty" I pulled her towards me, gently slipping off her panties off. She had kicked her heals off earlier, leaving her in just fishnet stockings. "Come here" I spoke softly and lightly sat her on my thick cock. She winced at how it stretched her little pussy but automatically began to bounce on me. Attaching her lips to my neck she covered me in hickeys. She put her hands back on my thighs, tilting her head back and moaning in complete euphoric pleasure. It was captivatingly beautiful. She pulled herself back to me, as she was shaking too hard to hold herself up any longer. I held her to my chest and thrust up into her. Pounding her g-spot as she dug her nails into my back, making me bleed. "Come on Mommy" I said softly as I caressed her hair "you can cum. Please cum on my cock Mommy" I could feel my orgasm sneaking up on me. She screamed out and drug her nails downwards, as her walls clenched around my cock. I lifted her off of me as she squirted all over my lower stomach and cock. As she went to pull away, I grabbed her by the throat. "Aww bitch you think you're done? How cute" I yanked her by the hair, nearly breaking her neck. "Spit in my hand slut" I barked and pulled her hair harder. She shook her head and whimpered. I cut off her breathing and made her look me in the eyes. "Whore you might wanna spit before I break this pretty little neck of yours" I whispered with a maniacal smile on my face. Slowly she spit in my palm. "Good little slut" I removed my hand from her neck and pulled her to a standing position. Making her look me in the eyes, I laughed and slapped her so hard with her own spit, she hit the adjacent wall. She crumpled into a ball at the base of it. I picked her off the ground solely by her hair. "How does it feel? Huh bitch? How does it feel to get knocked around by the person who "loves you more than anything"? You might be "Mommy" but I'm bigger." I slammed her head off of my knee until I felt blood drip from it. Laughing again, I violently shoved my length back into her as she went limp. "Agh fuck take that cock, take it" I growled, pounding away at her little kitten, as I held her by the throat and listened to the little whimpers she made. Soon I released my load into her fertile pussy, and continued to rape it deeper inside her until I got tired of her crying "Too much" She mumbled. "Bitch if you can still make noise it's not too much" Throwing her to the bed, I shoved my thick cock in her ass without lube. I hit her so hard on the back when she cried out that I knocked the wind out of her. I fucked her little ass until it bled and I wasn't sure if she was even alive anymore. Then again, in the moment I didn't care if she was or not. i came three more times in her until she no longer interested me. I walked out for a moment to clean myself off and pull some shorts on. Walking back to her just to rip her from the bed, pulling out a hand full of hair as she fell. You could see the tears streaming down as she tried to protect her face. I kicked her as hard as I could, earning a satisfying crack from her ribs. I bashed her already bleeding head off the corner of my nightstand. "Who's in control now? Huh "mommy"?" I taunted. I gagged her with my fingers. "Stop fucking crying. By the way your making a mess all over your thighs you enjoy this." I kneed her in the cunt and made her throw up on my hand before smearing it over her face. Looking in her eyes I could see the fear and innocence. It was cute but it could only mean one thing. Little space. Pulling her to my chest, I leaned her head into the crease if my neck. "You're okay, baby girl. Dada got you. Just breathe" I cooed and kissed her temple. Slowly rubbing her thighs that were definitely gonna bruise from me pounding her. "Love, let me sit you down. I can run a bath for us" she whined and clung to me as I stood, laying my darling on my bed. I covered her shaking figure with a hoodie that smelled like me. I walked out to the bathroom. Running a bath I put a few bubbles and spearmint essential oils in, just the way she likes it. I walked back into the room, stopping at the door way to observe at how tiny she looks. It was beautiful. She was covered in wounds and bruises. I could see her little kitten peaking out from under my hoodie. Cum and blood was leaking out of her. I had ruined her. As I walked over to her and wiped some of my cum off of her onto my finger before using it as lube to finger her ass with. She moaned and trust herself back onto my fingers. "Still such a slut for Daddy. Come on baby girl. We're gonna get you all cleaned up. Come here" I sucked my fingers clean before picking her up and carrying her to the bath. "I-I'm sorry for hitting you. I'm so sorry, Daddy " she cried as she lightly touched the bruises she left on my face. "Don't worry about it dork" I laughed "I'm use to it. A little bruising isn't gonna phase me" I kissed her tiny lips. "I might be covered in bruises but your tiny little fists can't do shit." I kissed her knuckles and pulled off her stockings before settling into the bath with her. I took a sponge and lightly began to scrub her left side. As I went to clean her princess part up, she got all shy, trying to hide her face in my chest. "Come on baby girl, I need to clean you up. Be good, let Dada do this he'll be quick." That's the thing. She was mommy a lot but I did cherish the times when she was a little. Times like these when I could take care of her. "Aww good girl" I whispered in her ear as she opened her legs for me. "Good girl. I love you" I praised. " I love you too" she mumbled. She was exhausted. You could see it written all over her. I kissed over her small frame. Washing her as I went along. "Close your eyes. We don't want soap in them" as she closed her pretty black orbs, I quickly washed the blood and vomit from her face and hair. "All done my little baby" She whined and grabbed for me as I got out. I wrapped a towel around my hips before wrapping her up in her own and carrying her bridal style back to her room. "I love you baby girl" I kissed her little lips. "Lets get you to sleep" Dropping the towels from both of us, I laid us down to sleep. "I love you too Dada. With all my heart" she whispered before passing out.
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ravkasqueen · 7 years
Everything was perfect
Harry x reader
A lovely anon requested: Imagine with Harry meeting a pureblood son of a Death Eater first instead of Ron and they becoming best friends? And even though he’s Slytherin he is like really cute and sweet and awkward and rather protective of Harry when Draco’s bullying him? And then like when Harry starts liking somebody he gets really jealous and he’s like really confused why? And then one night at astronomy tower he admits his feelings to Harry and they kiss.. idk, so much fluff- can he also have blue eyes and dark hair?
Note: This was written, intended, for male readers but in all honesty, I feel this can be enjoyed by everyone no matter your gender :) also - please note that I did not make the reader have dark hair etc. as I leave these blanks for each individual reader to fill in <3
Word count: 2759
Forever tagging: @crownofdaisies @drxgonflyblue
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As the rain splattered against the window of the compartment you sat in, legs drawn together and book in hand, a grin overtook your face. The typical English weather was nothing to be happy about but the memories it conjured always gave you a reason to smile. It wasn’t all that long ago that you sat in this compartment, in this train, met a strange boy with a lightning scar and green eyes which shone like emeralds.
How different everything would have turned out, had you gotten to the train on time and found a compartment for yourself, as opposed to reality where you had to search for somewhere which wasn’t already full. One thing was certain; the infamous Harry Potter would have never become your best friend.
The second he mentioned his name and your eyes turned wide you knew that he didn’t have a clue just how widely known he was. Coming from a pureblood family had meant that you knew exactly who he was. Having a father who was a Death Eater meant that you knew exactly why the mere mention of his name in your house was a taboo of sorts.
Growing up, you had been told stories of the Potter boy the same as any other child of magic. However, when you were told the story Harry became the villain rather than the saviour. Only as you grew older did you begin to realise that this may not be the case but instead of arguing about it with your parents, you simply chose to keep quiet.
The day that you met the boy, you saw that he could never possibly be all that he was said to. His clothes were drowning him, his hair looked as though it had never been combed and his smile was too carefree as you told him more about yourself. He certainly didn’t look like someone who wanted to take away magic and destroy its purity. And, the more you thought about this, the easier it became to realise that everything your family had told you had been a load of rubbish. Who cares about the purity of blood when the half-blood who sat opposite you made you feel as happy as you were in that moment?
Those were the ideals you kept with you until today. You were sorted into Slytherin, which was no surprise but the only reason you wished you never were, was the fact Harry was sorted into Gryffindor. This didn’t mean that you couldn’t be friends, though, and you were determined to make Harry yours. Now, six years later, you could say that you succeeded in doing not only this but also in keeping the fact away from your family. The last thing you needed was to be bombarded with constant questions regarding your best friend’s status, which was something you were certain would happen. Putting Harry in any sort of danger just wasn’t an option for you to consider. The mere thought of doing so made your insides curl and churn uncomfortably.
Recently, however, things had become a lot more tense. Nearly two years ago, You Know Who returned and killed Cedric Diggory in a graveyard, making the battle once again very, very real for everyone. Last year, you and a group of others were caught in a fight at the Ministry, which resulted in the death of Harry’s godfather; his last remaining member of remaining family.
The decision between your family and the side you wanted to be on had been an easier one to make than you would have originally thought after you saw your father leading the chase that night in the Ministry. Though, a small part of you suspected that the choice had been made all along since you and the boy with messed up hair had shared an entire trolley of sweets together.
Over the years, your feelings for Harry had become a lot more complex and now, whenever you looked at him you could barely refrain from grinning. The mere spectacle of him set your chest alight with the burning of unanswered questions and his grin could flip your stomach upside down, causing the butterflies could escape their jail. Whenever he was near, your fingers twitched with the impulse to touch him and when he went away your smile grew cold
Though, you knew it was pointless. These feelings you kept chained up in your heart could never be shared. There was no way Harry could ever possibly feel the same; he certainly never made it seem like he could. Besides, what would people say? The Chosen One…with you. Poor, plain, always in the wrong place at the wrong time throughout the years, you.
A loud noise which came from your left went off with a bang and you jumped out of your reverie. Eyes wild and head-turning you searched for the source but relaxed when you almost immediately found a group of Slytherin guys messing around with a couple of the Weasley’s products. You rolled your eyes and turned away to face the Common Room fire which shone an eerie green colour. ‘So much for “never buying them and supporting their joke of a shop,”’ you thought to yourself as memories of these very words came to your head.
Biting your lip nervously, you checked the time on your watch and decided that it was close enough to dinner to begin walking up towards the Great Hall. You sighed as you reached forwards for your forgotten book, closing it with a snap and intending to take it with you on your way as you stood up from your chair.
“Hey! Y/N!” A voice called and your eyes closed involuntarily for a couple of seconds as you breathed a small sigh.
The main thing you hated about your house where the people you shared it with. You could now see how you had been brainwashed to think a certain way while growing up but it was clear no one else in your house had either come to the same realisation or felt brave enough to say it out loud. Even you kept quiet about how you disregarded everything your parents had taught you – with all except Harry, that is.
Turning on your foot, you found yourself coming face to face with Draco. “Y/N!” He cried, smiling falsely. “Running off to see the 'wittle Potter?” He asked scathingly.
Despite you loving and understanding your close relationship with Harry, not many others from Slytherin house did. Draco constantly droned on about how proud and vain Harry supposedly was and whenever you corrected him on his opinions and accusations the complaints turned against you.
“Yes, Draco.” You sighed once more. “I’m going to the Great Hall where everyone else, including Harry, will be so I’m sure I’ll see him.”
Draco faltered for a moment before contorting his face in irritation. “No need to become sarcastic.” He bit out. “I was only asking a question after all.
You huffed. “Well, you were asking a stupid question, weren’t you?”
“Potter’s a twat.” He said. “I don’t know how you, or anyone else for that matter, can stand him.”
“Well,” you said while moving past Draco and towards the door without another look in his direction. “I don’t know how anyone could ever possibly stand to be in the same room as you for more than a couple of minutes. You don’t ever shut up and your voice is grating.”
You had almost gotten to the Common Room door when you felt a hand grab around your bicep and halt you in your tracks. Swinging around, you saw that Draco was there, preventing you from moving away.
“What did you just say to me?” He asked in a tone which suggested you likely shouldn’t anger him or else he may tell his father about you.
“The truth.” Was all you replied with before pulling your arm out of his grip and walking through the portrait hole.
You forced yourself to walk all the way to the Great Hall without checking over your shoulder, thinking that it would likely take Draco a while to understand your insult of him, anyway.
Once you got to the Great Hall, however, you were more than ready to see your friend once more. It had been one of the rare days where your timetables just didn’t match up and you ended up not seeing one another much at all. It always saddened you to reach the morning of this day and took great effort to drag yourself up and out of bed when the knowledge that you wouldn’t be seeing Harry until Dinner, after breakfast, hit.
You strolled through the large doors and spotted the boy with messy hair almost immediately and on impulse, you smiled and made a move to walk towards him where he sat at the Gryffindor table. Although, you stopped short of the bench the moment you saw whom he was with.
Laughing and joking by Harry’s side was Ginny Weasley.
Your heart clenched painfully within your chest and the guilt that you knew that you had no right to be hurt – Harry was not yours after all – made the experience more devastating. Swallowing nervously, you bowed your head and without your customary greeting to Harry, you headed to your own table and joined the other Slytherin students.
You partially felt as though you were being overly dramatic but when you turned and saw the longing expression on Ginny’s face; you knew you had been right all along. Ginny Weasley, after all these years, indeed still liked Harry Potter.
The thought alone was enough to make your stomach twist itself into knots and your appetite to leave completely. The truth behind the thought made you want to curl yourself into a small ball and hide away forever.
“You alright?”
Startled by the sudden words, you jumped and looked up to see Blaise Zabini looking at you with concern flickering in the crevices between his eyebrows.
Eyes widening and cheeks reddening, you nodded quickly and hastily poured yourself a goblet before raising it to your lips delicately as if you hadn’t a care in the world when the reality was quite the opposite. You were being too obvious if Zabini of all people could tell there was something bothering you. If he could tell, then that meant Harry would be able to tell in a heartbeat.
Sighing once more you allowed yourself a final look at the pair tables behind you, barely able to prevent your eyes from straying in that direction any longer. You winced as you saw Ginny laughing and grinning widely at something Harry had said. When she leant forwards and playfully slapped his shoulder, however, you couldn’t stand it any longer and you were soon pushing away from the table and heading back towards the Slytherin Common Room for the day. You weren’t hungry anyway.
 It had been two days and you had barely ventured outside of your dorm, feigning illness whenever someone asked and pretending not to think it serious enough for Madam Pomfrey to attend to when someone offered to fetch her.
You thought yourself dramatic but your sorrow kept you from feeling utterly pathetic. Doubt had crept into your mind and reality had struck. How on earth had you ever even entertained the possibility that Potter could ever like you back? The knowledge that he likely never would knock the wind out of you and prevented you from feeling much of anything other than the despairing numbness which had spread from your mind, your heart and into your fingers and toes. 
However, everyone has to pick themselves up and get on with life eventually. Everybody was at the Great Hall and you were alone for it was dinner time and the silence helped you to collect your thoughts. You knew you couldn’t allow yourself the time to grieve over a petty trouble any longer so you were trying to come up with a plan to distance yourself from Harry but the idea alone was crushing to tend to.
You were sat on the edge of your bed, head on your hands when a small scuffling sound caught your attention. Your head snapped up but when you looked, there was no one there to see but instead of turning away your eyes narrowed and continued to look around the room. It wasn’t unlike your fellow Slytherin members to leave a few…surprises behind. Grabbing your wand, you stood up and held it out in front of you defensively, ready for even the slightest move.
“Hey, Y/N!” Harry said, making you jump and shoot red sparks from your wand without thinking as he revealed himself from the invisibility cloak he had obviously been wearing.
Your jaw dropped as you stared at him dumbfounded. “What are you doing here?” You demanded after a moment’s hesitation.
Harry grinned cheerfully and dropped himself down onto the edge of your bed. “Visiting my best mate, what else would I be doing?” He asked with a cocky tilt of the head as he bundled the cloak into his arms and patted the place next to him as if he owned the place.
You fumbled for a minute before asking; “But, how did you get in?”
“It was simple,” he said in a bored tone with a non-committal wave of the hand. “Now, how are you feeling?” He asked. “I was told you were sick but you seem rather fine to me.” 
Scowling, you stalked forwards and dropped back into the space where you had been, next to Harry. “I am ill.” You defended weakly.
“Really?” Harry asked. “Must be some new illness which has no side effects at all.” He said sarcastically. “Now what’s really up?” You opened your mouth but he cut you off. “And, I want the truth.”
You frowned and shut your mouth before opening it once more. “I just have a lot on my mind at the moment, alright?”
Harry nodded to himself. “Alright. And, this isn’t something you feel able to share with your best friend, right?”
You bowed your head, guilt flooding you as you realised you had never before kept anything from Harry and nor he, you. “I-”
“No, I get it,” Harry said. “It would just be nice to know so I don’t have to worry about you.”
The thought of Harry worrying about you made the butterflies flutter once again but you restrained their emotion. “Do you like Ginny?” You questioned after a moment without thinking before opening your mouth. After hearing the words you had spoken, your eyes widened and your heart started to beat rapidly. You couldn’t believe that you had been so blunt and obvious.
Harry’s eyes widened to and he blinked to himself for a while and swallowed nervously. “What?” He asked after a moment. 
You closed your eyes and turned away, trying to shrug and feign nonchalance – as if it were no big deal to ask your friend about their romantic status with a random girl. “I don’t know.” You said hastily, wishing there was a way to take back what you had said. “It doesn’t matter, I don’t-”
“Nah, I don’t.” He said. “She’s not really my type in all honesty.”
You blinked and blushed. “Oh.”
“Why’d you ask?” Harry questioned with a hint of amusement in his tone.
He laughed nervously and scratched the back of your neck. “Oh nothing, I was just-”
“Yes.” You nodded without thinking before your eyes shot out of your head and you began to shake it frantically from side to side. “No!” You shouted. “No that’s not what I meant! I don’t, I-” 
When you turned back to face Harry, your words got caught up in your throat due to how close he was and you froze for a moment as your eyes stared directly into his. “Do you like me?” He asked.
“W-what?” Your voice trembled as your eyes betrayed you and strayed towards his lips. 
“Do you like me?” He repeated with a glint in his eye.
You sighed and bowed your head. “Yes,” You never got to finish your sentence as, as soon as the one word you had been dreading saying left your lips; a grin the size of the world sprung into place on Harry’s mouth and before you knew it his hand was caressing your cheek and he was lifting your head and pressing his lips against yours.
And, in that moment, everything was absolutely perfect.
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Secrets and Spies: Kabul (3/?)
Summary:  Flashback from “Secrets and Spies, Truths and Lies”: What really happened to Killian and Liam five years earlier in Kabul.
A/N:  This chapter is, as the ones before, for @killian-whump​ in honour of her birthday. At this point, it will be finished in time for her next birthday... It is coming, I promise!
And, as always, I have an immense amount of gratitude for @icecubelotr44​ for everything. Thanks for being my friend.
Rating: M for extreme violence
Word count: ~ 2,200 (~ 8,300 total)
Previous: Chapter 1   Chapter 2
Killian opened his eyes slowly, the darkness of the room almost as complete as behind his closed eyelids.  For a minute, he wasn’t sure where he was, why he was lying on the ground, why his chest was so sore and it was hard to-
Kabul.  Gold.
He stifled the urge to get up quickly, to move much at all, and tried to pay attention to what was around him.  He was back in the small room, he recognised that much.  Was Liam there too?  He concentrated on breathing evenly, trying to keep his bruised torso as still as he could, and just listened.
Muffled voices somewhere outside, a few words in Arabic he could hear.  Wind rustling some trees or bushes outside their tiny window.  And the steady, nearly-silent sound of his brother’s breaths behind him.
Killian let out a low sigh, careful not to jostle his chest too much.  His ribs and back throbbed along with his heartbeat.  He couldn’t quite tell if anything was broken, but it was probably safer to act as if something was.  His head rested on the floor, his neck complaining at the angle, and he wondered just how much it would hurt if he tried to roll onto his back.
A cough from Liam made him jump, pulling a low groan from Killian’s throat.
“Killian?” Liam whispered hesitantly.
Killian waited until the urge to groan again passed.  “Aye.”
A pause, and then Killian felt his brother’s hand touch his side gently.  “You okay?”
“I’ll be fine.”  He didn’t move, even when Liam’s fingers touched a tender spot on his ribs.
Another silence.  Killian didn’t rush to fill it.
“Be honest with me, brother,” Liam said quietly, but firmly.
“Liam, I-”
“I mean it,” Liam cut him off.  “I can’t… I don’t know if I can do this if you won’t tell me the truth.  Lie to Gold, to the others, I don’t care.  But please, Killian.  Talk to me.”
Slowly, gingerly, Killian rolled off his side to face his brother.  Every movement made his chest ache, and he could feel his fists tightening against the flaring pain.  Finally on his back, he let out the breath he’d been holding and faced Liam.  He could barely make out the shape of his brother’s face in the dark.
“On one condition,” he said quietly, grateful that his voice didn’t shake as much as he thought it would.
“Killian,” Liam started softly.  “That’s not-”
“No.”  Killian was firm.  “My turn.”  Liam didn’t respond, so he went on.  “You can’t tell Gold the codes.  No matter what.  That’s the deal.”
“What?  You can’t b-”
“I’ll tell you anything, I’ll be honest with you,” Killian said quickly, “but you have to promise me you won’t give him what he wants.  You can’t, Liam.”
He could hear his older brother swallowing in the dark and, though he couldn’t see Liam’s face, he knew he wasn’t happy.
“I can’t just sit there and let him kill you, Killian,” Liam said quietly, his voice tight.  “I won’t, you can’t ask me to do that.”
Killian paused for a moment, to catch his breath and keep his frustration from getting to him.
“You have to,” he finally said quietly.  “You can’t trade the other agents’ lives for mine.  I’m not worth it.”
He put out a hand, touched Liam’s leg to hold back the argument he knew would be coming.
“I’m not worth more than them, brother,” he murmured, relaxing his tone.  “I won’t lie to you, as long as you keep Gold from getting those access codes.”
Liam didn’t answer right away.  Killian waited for his response, keeping his breathing as even as possible despite the hitching pain that raced through his chest on each inhale.
“I’ll do what I can,” Liam finally said.
“No.”  Killian squeezed his brother’s leg.  “Promise me.”
A quiet sigh.  “Fine.  I promise.”
Before Killian had a chance to reply, the sound of metal scraping in a keyhole caught his attention.
They’re back, he thought, his heart pumping furiously in a sudden panic.  He felt his brother’s hand over his own just then, Liam’s fingers squeezing tightly.
“It’s okay,” Killian whispered, briefly clenching Liam’s hand.  “It’s gonna be okay.”
The door burst open, light from the outside hallway making Killian blink with the intensity.  The same three men walked in, weapons slung over their shoulder, the same command as before the only word they spoke.
Killian didn’t move.  Couldn’t move anyway, too sore and afraid of hurting worse.  Liam squeezed his fingers once more then slowly slid up the wall.  There was no point in fighting back, Killian knew.  They both knew.  They couldn’t overpower the armed guards anyway, and there was no where to go if they did somehow manage it.
The only way to fight was to not give up.
Killian allowed the men to drag him to his feet, managed to stifle a cry of pain, letting out only a low grunt as they manhandled him from the room.  He shuffled along with them, his feet stepping automatically, his eyes locked on his brother a few paces ahead of him.  He tried to ignore the fear racing through his limbs, the nervous trembling that had taken hold in his belly, the images of what could happen this time that kept flashing through his head.
The men brought them to the same room, hooked his arms to the chain above his head in the same spot, strapped Liam to the same chair.  Everything was nearly identical to the way it had been earlier.  Even Gold was standing in the same place he’d been before he’d lost consciousness the last time.
The only difference he could see was the fire burning steadily in the far corner, the light casting flickering shadows around the room that set Killian even more on edge.
He met Liam’s eyes, his brother’s fear evident behind the mask of determination he tried to keep on his features.  They could do this, he hoped.  They could hold on.  And if not, if he didn’t make it… at least Gold wouldn’t get the codes.
“I hope you had a good rest,” Gold said with a grin.  “Might need it.”
Liam spat on the floor at Gold’s feet.  “Go to hell.”
Gold said nothing, only nodded to one of the men somewhere behind Killian.  He heard the footsteps cross the room from beyond his vision, saw as the man approached the fire, reached out a gloved hand and-
The man pulled out an iron rod, glowing red at the end.  Killian knew, he knew, what was coming next.  He wanted to struggle, to fight back, to do something but stand there in one place.  But Liam…
He glanced back to his brother.  Liam’s eyes were wide, and he didn’t bother to hide the terror this time.
“It doesn’t have to be like this, Agent Jones,” Gold said to Liam.  Killian almost couldn’t hear the other man with his pulse racing so loudly in his ears, the heated metal coming closer and closer as the man approached him, the rod gripped tightly in his protective gloves.  “Just tell me the way into the program and you both can go back home, no more problems, no more hassles.”
Killian saw the apology flash briefly across Liam’s expression, replaced with a firm look a moment later.
“No,” Liam said simply.
Gold shrugged.  “Your choice, his consequence.”  He turned to the man beside Killian.  “Do it.”
Without a pause, the man hefted the hot metal rod and touched the end of it to Killian’s chest.  Killian tried, for a moment, to fight back against the blinding agony that roared from his blistering skin, but he couldn’t think, the pain blocking out everything else.  He could smell his skin burning, his clothes searing in the heat.  
He screamed.
He didn’t know how long it lasted, didn’t really care.  His muscles stretched tight as the agony seemed to go on forever, spreading from his chest outward.  Eventually he realised that the metal was no longer pressed against his body, but the pain left behind continued to burn.  Killian gasped in a breath, his limbs shaking involuntarily.
Slowly, he pulled open his eyes, though he didn’t remember closing them in the first place.  He found his brother through the haze of agony, Liam’s mouth moving, the familiar sound of his own name somehow miles away.
Killian swallowed dryly, fixed Liam with a hard stare.  “Don’t… tell him,” he grunted haltingly.  “Don’t.”
He didn’t see the iron coming this time, but he felt the fire of it - oh God - burning into his back this time, pain radiating from somewhere just below his shoulder.
This time, he didn’t even bother trying to hold back his cries.
Liam’s eyes were fixed only on his brother, burning as he refused to blink while watching Killian scream from across the room.  Every muscle in his body felt as if it were pulled taut, and still it wasn’t tight enough.  He needed to get free, he needed to get to his brother, he needed-
He let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding as the iron rod moved away from Killian’s body, his brother slumping heavily in his chained bonds.  He waited, gaze locked on Killian as his brother drew one ragged breath after another.  Finally, after what felt like hours, Killian’s eyes slowly opened, the normal blue faded, duller than usual.
Their eyes met, Killian’s full of pain, though Liam could see how he tried to hide it, stuff it down, bury it beneath the fierce determined glare that settled over his face.
“D-don’t,” Killian whispered.  “Please…”
Liam fell back in his chair wearily.  Killian was still fighting, still holding on.  He could refuse Gold, he could be at least as strong as his little brother, he could…
He didn’t think he could do this.
“I hate to interrupt,” Gold’s voice said from somewhere off to the side.  Liam didn’t even turn his head.  “But I am waiting for some access codes.”
Liam caught the quick shake of his brother’s head.  He coughed quietly, his eyes never leaving Killian.
He wished his voice sounded stronger on that one word, wished it hadn’t managed to waver so much in just one syllable.
He wished he didn’t have to see the way the other two men picked up metal rods of their own, the three of them taking turns holding the heated ends to Killian’s chest, back, legs.  He wished he didn’t have to hear his brother’s screams each time, Killian’s voice growing hoarser with every round.  He wished he didn’t hold the only way out, the only way to end Killian’s pain, the only way he could think of to make it back home alive.
Liam wasn’t sure when it was all over, he didn’t remember very much of anything.  One moment his brother was crying out in pain and the next they were both being dragged back to the cell, Killian no longer conscious.  He didn’t care where they left him in the room.  The second the men released his arms, he crawled over to Killian’s still form, his brother’s clothes burned and tattered all over, so many…
He swallowed.  No time to think, to worry, to feel.  He needed to tend Killian’s wounds as best he could.
Careful not to jostle Killian too much, Liam ripped off the remains of his brother’s shirt, the scorched holes rendering the garment useless.  He could clearly see the burn marks on his Killian’s back and chest, red and angry and so raw.  Couldn’t think about it.
Instead, Liam pulled off his own shirt - dirty, dusty, and rumpled from their capture and imprisonment.  He ripped off the long sleeves of his shirt, pulling them away from the body of the shirt with a sharp sound.  As gently as he could, he wrapped the strips of his sleeves around his brother’s torso, smoothing out the fabric over the fresh wounds as best he could.  That done, he ripped the shirt in half up the back, splitting it in two.  Liam carefully bandaged each half around his brother’s legs, trying to protect the blistered welts as best as he could.
Suddenly weary, Liam sank down to the floor against the wall, his brother’s too-still form just beside him.  He was trembling, he realised, his hand shaking as he reached for Killian.  Gently, slowly, he managed to raise Killian’s head and rest it on his legs.
Killian didn’t move, aside from the irregular breaths that hitched at his chest as they puffed near-silently from his mouth.
Liam couldn’t bring himself to offer his unconscious brother the words he so desperately wanted to say, the words he knew Killian heard already, the words that marched endlessly through his head regardless.  
I’m sorry.  I’m sorry.  I’m sorry…
He sighed softly, his chin resting on his chest as he stroked his fingers gently through his brother’s sweat-soaked hair.  He didn’t care about the burning tears that filled his eyes this time, the splashes of wetness on his arms as he let them flow down his cheeks, the way they evaporated in the night air only to be replaced with fresh tears a moment later.  He didn’t care about anything, except the one thing he couldn’t do.
Keep Killian safe.
I’m sorry.
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leearosa · 7 years
DAY 86
(pt 2)
i remember i wanted to write about these before the dreams got more faint and i just remembered so i’m gonna write it now!
so actually whenever i go to georgia, i have crazy dreams... no way it’s a coincidence. georgia is seriously such a special place to me. okay the dreams aren’t like super crazy i guess maybe compared to other people but since i only usually have random, insignificant dreams, these were a big deal to me.
1. this was when i first went to georgia in the summer of 2016. i had this dream where i was in some room and then there was a staircase leading downstairs, but for some reason i was SO terrified of going downstairs. like i don’t remember being more scared in my life. but eventually, i somehow ended up going down. the moment i got downstairs, i ran across the room by myself and sat in the corner. while sitting there, i looked back to the staircase and i saw a pair of feet that was walking down the stairs. for some reason i kept thinking that it was a demon that was coming down and my fear just grew. but when the figure came down the stairs, it actually made its way to the middle of the room and sat down next to a bunch of people in front of a screen. it was basically a church service and it was just joining everyone else. that’s the end of my dream. but the weird thing was just that i was literally so scared and suspected the feet to be a demon.
2. this dream was also the first time i was in georgia. i think it was a friday night. i had the dream in the morning, saturday around 10am i think. in the dream, i was sitting at a dining table with a bunch of people i knew. it was just a collection of a bunch of different people i know. my dad also happened to be at that table. while eating and talking, somehow it turned out to become an argument. before i knew it, everyone was yelling at me and verbally attacking me. i started breaking down and bawling. and then my dad told everyone to stop blaming me for everything and yelling at me. the crazy thing was.. i actually woke up from my sleep bawling. i opened my eyes and started bawling uncontrollably.. like seriously, i don’t cry often, but when i do, it’s really extreme.. i cried for about 10 minutes not really knowing why i was crying. and then p.e. knocked on the door and came in. i’ve never woken up crying before and i’m not sensitive to dreams, so that really affected me.
3. this dream was from when i went back to georgia over the winter. it was the first day i was back in ga. i sleptover hansols place. in the dream i would just be doing my daily thing and suddenly i would fall to the floor on my knees and my body would kind of cave in. i curled up into a ball involuntarily and all of the muscles in my body would burn like crazy. it was so so painful.. it felt like someone injected my whole body with acid and my muscles were deteriorating. and then after that “attack”, i would just get right back up and continue doing whatever i was doing. and then i would get an attack all over again. and that whole cycle would continue multiple times. so eventually i went to the doctors. they told me i had cancer. they told me i had a parasite living inside of me and it was eating all my organs and killing me from the inside out. lol talk about symbolism. 
it’s weird. i’ve never had any dreams like this in NJ or NH.. i always get it when i’m in GA. anyways, all 3 of these dreams are pretty clear, relevant signs from God.. i am thankful that God spoke to me like this. thank You for clarity. 
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