#anyway I have more stuff planned that isn't just this au but man I can't help myself
gremliinsart · 6 months
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Tell me something I don't know...
Posting this again cause the original post just...ate itself...happy Thanksgiving I guess? NFHDNDMN
Anyway I've just had this idea floating around that, because Bubble is an ai used for information (there's quite a lot in that little brain!) that someone like Jax, if given the opportunity would use that to get info on Caine for drama or perhaps more nefarious reasons...
And while Bubble is loyal to Caine (he did make them after all) they don't exactly understand that just because you know something, doesn't mean you should tell. Can you blame them though? It's in their programming...
As always, the Amazing Digital Carnival au belongs to the lovely @sm-baby 💖
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stevieschrodinger · 9 months
Part One of Rock Star Eddie and Baker Steve wrong number AU
Link to Part Two
Eddie's got dubious history with picture messages. Only a very small group of people have his number, considering he's the front man of a multimillion best selling metal band, he doesn't ever want his number to be public knowledge.
So yeah, picture message from and unknown number? Dubious.
Eddie's had enough dick and...vag...pics in his time that he, honestly, doesn't really want another. But when the picture is followed by a message, "were you thinking something like this?"
Well, Eddie's a curious guy. So, committing himself to the idea that this might be new number time, again, he opens the message.
To be confronted with a cake. A really fucking cool cake actually, it's got a car dashing around a muddy track on top with a big '5' in the middle. All of it looks edible, made out of...cake stuff. Eddie has no idea what it is, but it looks delicious.
"One layer chocolate, one layer red velvet? I can do any combination of flavours you want."
Well. Eddie isn't anything but impulsive and he was trying to figure out what the fuck to do for the 'quiet' celebration they were planning for going platinum. Again.
"I think you have the wrong number'" Eddie types, "but I definitely want to order a cake from you."
"Oh my god I'm so sorry, unsolicited cake pics are the worst 😉"
And Eddie can't help it, he laughs, and types back, "if I told you I wanted three tiers of the darkest, spookiest, cherry chocolate what would you come up with?"
It takes a couple of minutes, but Eddie's phone pings twice in quick succession, the first picture is of a spooky orange cake clearly Halloween themed, covered in ghosts and skeletons and stuff. The second is jet black and has a coffin on top that looks like it's leaking green corrosive stuff and Eddie nearly throws his phone in excitement. "That! The second one!"
"🤣 that's an old pic, I was just starting out then, but everything is edible, the green slime is made out of jello"
"Where are you based and can you make it for the 15th? I'll get a courier to collect."
"Sure thing, how many portions? And I need a deposit up front. I'll do chocolate ganache and cherry filling."
"Errr...like, 150? Maybe?"
Eddie sits and watches as the dots appear and disappear, appear and disappear, and then there's a pic.
It's a selfie of the most beautiful man he's ever seen. And he's standing in a kitchen, holding a cake pan. Suddenly Eddie's phone is ringing in his hand and he is panicking because beautiful man is calling him. "Hello?"
"Hey, man, it's Steve, the cake guy?". Eddie assumes he makes an affirmative noise because Steve keeps talking, "anyway, that cake pan I'm holding is literally the largest one I own, even if I did three tiers, no way will it cater that many, I'm a small business, you know, it's just me. I can recommend you some companies I know would do a great job."
But then, Eddie will never get to talk to beautiful man ever again, "what if you made like, three cakes?". He asks desperately.
There's a long beat of silence on the phone, "I mean, in theory, I mean, it might cost you more than-"
"I'll pay it. I'll pay double, for, inconvenience, or whatever-"
And oh no, beautiful man has the most beautiful laugh too. Eddie's fucked. He's so fucked.
"I'll raise you, two cakes and fifty muffins?" Steve laughs again, and Eddie laughs right along with him.
Steve grabs his phone when it pings, hoping for Eddie. It is Eddie. It's a selfie from the neck down, like always, Steve still doesn't know what the guy looks like, but Eddie's wearing a deep red shirt that he's clearly just dumped a whole cup of coffee down, "hope your days going better than mine, sweetheart,"
Steve sends back a selfie with a lump of uncooperative modelling fondant in the background, "that depends, can you tell what this is supposed to be?"
Steve's pretty sure it's wierd to talk to a customer every day, but he's started to find he's looking forward to Eddie's messages. Even when they turn flirty. Especially when they turn flirty, maybe.
And maybe it's not exactly professional that Steve's found a lot of reasons to call Eddie. He just, needs to get this right, and if Eddie wants chocolate covered cherries on the cupcakes, well, Steve needs to call him and check, right? Right.
Steve heads out into the lounge with flour on his nose and a mixing bowl under his arm, Dustin, Lucas and Max are sprawled on the couch, El lying on the floor. He can hear Mike and Will fucking around outside. He spoons up some cherry mixture, "hey will you try-"
Well. Rude. Steve looks to the interview they're watching on the TV. It's some metal band Steve vaguely recognises, and when the lead guy speaks...Steve has to sit down. Because that sounds a lot like-
"So, Eddie," the show host guy starts, and Steve's knees would go weak of he wasn't already sitting down. He's certain his stomach has left the building. "Seeing anyone?"
Eddie laughs, says no, but the band mate next to him makes a show of nudging Eddie and sharing a look.
The host picks up on it immediately, "so there is someone," Eddie's still shaking his head, but he's got a shy smile on his face that makes Steve feel like he's melting. "Come on Eddie, give us something."
"It's not a thing," Eddie flaps his hands, "don't make it a thing."
"Oh it's a thing alright," the audience laugh, "come on, give us something!"
Eddie looks uncomfortable for a second before shrugging, "they, uhm, they make the most amazing cakes you've ever seen."
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childotkw · 1 year
yeet au: im obsessed with this au. tom just showing up and, just, telling harry everything, ruining all of dumbledore's plans. horcrux stuff too and all. next time dumbledores being all cryptic or whatever, tom's just like, yeah fuck that guy anyways want to break into gringotts with me? also (this is kinda biased on my part because i like cute pets) do you reckon he'd end up stealing nagini at some point? like, idk, "was gonna kill her but she gets along with harry and i like hearing him speak parseltongue more often" or something. also (slightly unrelated), you said voldemort gets curious later on, but I assume at the start he's still on his must-kill-potter plans, I wonder how angry tom would be if he tries that in front of him lmao (i imagine lots of literal cursing with spells, and also metaphorical cursing because how can someone who has an ALIVE harry in their world be so ungrateful?)
Tom really just rocked up and became the best filter in existence for Harry.
He hears Dumbledore being all mysterious and whatnot and just starts 'translating' in the most bland voice ever because it's so stupid in his eyes to not tell your ace-in-the-hole everything he needs to know to fight your Big Bad.
Forewarned is forearmed is something Tom takes very seriously.
And it's not that he thinks Harry is an idiot or can't figure it out for himself, but Tom's impatient and he loves ruining Dumbledore's day, so he takes great pleasure in cutting through the crap in these instances so Harry can give his attention to more important matters (like training or listening to Tom or gathering horcruxes).
I'm not sure if I'd make Tom gather this Nagini - but I could see him bringing his own version of her with him? Then we could have a badass snake vs snake fight at some point. It'd also mean Harry could speak to and be friendly with a massive snake that isn't technically the Dark Lord's. au!Nagini would be chill af compared to this Nagini.
And oh boy the first time Voldemort tries to kill Harry when Tom is there goes... poorly. Tom would become so cold and blank as he stepped between Harry and his other self. His rage would be destructive but frigid like frostbite, and more than one of the unfortunate people caught nearby choke from the sheer anger permeating the air.
Tom has lost Harry once already, has had him snatched away by the cold hands of Death and has seen how life (his life) became darker as a result.
That any version of himself would think the only good Harry Potter was a dead Harry Potter was one he pitied. Because they had clearly never experienced what being the centre of such an intoxicating man's world was like.
What being loved by Harry Potter was like.
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kbagraces · 3 months
Flip A Switch - Lando Norris
Lando Norris Mafia AU
As much as we try to suppress the stigma, strong women will continue to be perceived as intimidating until you learn to love us.
PART 3 - Demons
I sped straight home to Mandi. She's my absolute ride or die, she's also the only person I've ever been allowed to be around. My father always hated anyone who tried to associate with me, Mandi somehow charmed her way into being my best friend and almost like an adopted cousin to my family. She's been by my side from the age of 15 and will be forever.
I may not have a gang of men supporting me but combined, Mandi and I have more intelligence than the lot of them. Mandi suggested there was no time to be wasted so we packed up all the stuff we could carry, my essentials consisted of all the weapons i could fit into my bag, Mandi however filled hers with clothes for every scenario as in her words "murderous rampages can still look cute". And I can't argue with that.
We had a plane waiting for us in Dover, we agreed flying from London would be a little too obvious however we were going to detour through London to possibly trick them in case they were tracking us in anyway. Keegan is not the brightest so I don't think he would've caught on just yet, but you never know his team might surprise me.
We sped down winding country roads, only an hour from London where we'd stop briefly.
Mandi reached to turn down the music, "What do you think Norris meant when he said his family leaving your dad was a misunderstanding?"
Now i love Mandi, but she does like to see the good in people. This was just not one of the times it was needed.
"Mands, he's a man. He's lying. As much as he painted it that he wanted to help me, there's always an ulterior motive, there always is with men in this business."
"Your dad was a man though. You trusted him, even more than you trust me."
"Daddy always had my best interests at heart. He never lied to me." I miss him so much, we were exactly the same. My mother used to hate the way we'd pair up in everything we did. My relationship with him fuelled Keegan's hatred as well. Daddy loved Keegan, he was a great father to us both. But daddy knew Keegan wasn't business minded, he was messy and he never planned things out or thought before he acted, he wouldn't make a good leader and he's going to ruin my entire bloodlines reputation if we don't get to Spain.
Keegan knows. Unsure when they're leaving.
"Why is he still reaching out to you?" Mandi questions as Lando's message flashes up on the dash. "You must've made a lasting impression." She smirked, I wasn't sure what she was getting at but i didn't appreciate it.
"Not going to send some love hearts back then?"
She finds herself too funny.
"Fuck off and put this in," I lean over my the centre console into my bag in the back, pulling out earpieces. She raises an eyebrow, I already know what she's thinking.
"Are we fucking spies now or something?" She laughs.
"I know you think it's excessive Mands but this isn't a drive along with my dad, you're fully involved now. It's just a precaution." She nods, slipping the device into her ear.
The low fuel warning light flashes up on the dash, "might have to make an early stop."
We pull into a rough looking petrol station. Mandi jumps out of the car beginning to fill it up. Watching her every move in case of any unexpected danger she waltzes into the station. She suddenly turns to the cashier before bolting to the dimly lit bathroom.
"Y/n/n, fuck there's two men sat in the cafe. Guns on the table, the cashier looks fucking terrified. I think they're- I hear her say over the earpiece.
The sound of glass exploding beside my head cut off whatever she was saying. Shards flew all around me, i instinctively ducked down into the foot well of Mandi's car.
"Mands. Don't move. Do not leave the bathroom" I stressed, popping my head up slightly, the men had disappeared from the cafe however the entrance to the petrol station door was swinging.
"Are you fucking joking? You'll die on your own!"
"Stay there!" I screamed, she's not here for this.
Footsteps clicked around the car, "I think we got her! The boss will be happy. Check her."
The passenger side door where I sat flew open, my gun being the first thing to welcome him, not the dead body he was expecting. A smirk found its way on my face as he scrambles for his own gun once more. One shot to the head. He slumps straight down. I jump out, where is this other idiot. "If you're going to put a hit on me, you actually have to hit me you fucker." I spit, sliding my way around the car.
"You've got a smart fucking mouth. They all say it's a shame you're a bitch with a body like that." I feel his arms clasp around me, pulling me against his body. One hand clasping a knife pressed into my neck, not hard enough to pierce the skin, but with one glide, dead. His other hand wrapped in his hand pulling my head back into his shoulder.
Fuck. I bend my arm backwards, grabbing at his manhood, squeezing and twisting. He screams out in pain, leading his grip to tighten, the opposite of what I was hoping would happen.
"Fuck you." He seethes, smashing my head into the side of the car. My vision going with every hit.
I hear Mandi, come out screaming. She's not armed. I made a mistake not providing her with a weapon, i didnt think we'd need them this early into the trip. Fucking stupid.
I want to yell at her to stop, I don't know how close she is.
I hear a gun shot.
But then the grip begins to loosen in my hair his head sliding down my back a warm trail of what i assumed is his blood staining the back of my hoodie. Did Mandi have a gun?
"What the fuck?" I hear her exclaim.
My body collapses finally, my vision still blurred but the piercing screaming sound in my ears slowly dispersing.
"How many times do I have to stop these situations before you realise I'm on your side?"
I know that voice. I'm starting to hate that voice. Lando.
I know he just saved me and Mandi, but he just can't mask the cockiness in his voice.
"How did you know we were here?" Mandi questions as she runs over to me, wiping the hair that was stuck to my head with blood away. Using her sleeve to clean up what she could.
"If they can track you, so can we." He shrugged. He's worryingly nonchalant after killing someone. I feel pangs of guilt even if i hate them, with Lando, not a care in the world, he was born to be a killer. I was taught.
"Thank you." I choke out, my voice hoarse.
"Nat has a place not too far from here. It's protected, you guys can crash with us tonight. No strings if you still want to be proud and carry on without us you can. But get some rest first." He speaks to Mandi, he can tell she's not as one track minded as i am.
"No we need to carry on-"
"Y/n with what car? You're in no state of mind to make decisions."
I try to argue but i feel Lando's hands already, grabbing both my arms, pulling me up. I lean into him, feeling a lot less stable than i convinced myself i was. Mandi already stepping into the car, Lando assists me to the car, my arm around his waist as his is slid beneath my arms.
"Good to see you again, y/n!" Natalie cheers as Lando places me in the backseat, he leans over clicking in my seat belt for me, I want to protest, but i genuinely don't think i could've done that myself.
Its strange how Natalie is so cheery as if she didn't just witness a murder, possibly two.
The mumbles of their voices all begin to merge together. I hear Mandi, shaking me to stay away just until we get to Natalie's.
All i could do was hum.
I can't fight it. Their voices finally disappear.
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havendance · 8 months
New Comics Time!
(Doing this for the first time lol)
Batman #138
Look, let's start with the basics: have I read the rest of this event? No. Will I read the rest of this event? Who knows? Probably not. I jumped into this issue for the drama.
And it did not disappoint!
Man look, I am a simple bro with simple pleasures. I am here from the dysfunction.
We've got some messed up Jason and Bruce stuff (I am an enjoyer.)
We have Dick and the batman oath!!! Man, I love that. I love a good oath
Dick fighting Bruce! Tim fighting Bruce! Brother fighting brother!
Tim calling back to why he became Robin in the first place! He's over here holding Dick back!
Damian is also very fun. Poor kid coming over from his lighter (as I've heard) Batman & Robin series to get caught up in this.
Birds of Prey #2
The art continues to be the MVP here. I love the stylism and dynamism of it all. The fight scenes are so good.
(And the x-ray effects are also very cool)
More of a set up issue plot wise. Last issue was the assemble the crew issue (a trope I do enjoy) and this issue is the go over the plan and set up various rabbits to pull out of hats later issue.
Hopefully next issue will let us get into the action.
Less Cass and Barda :(
Harley was less irritating to me in this issue though! I actually found her kind of fun.
I'll be interested in seeing Themysicra. When I last left off on reading Wonder Woman rebirth comics (issue 71ish), it was still inaccessible so this'll be my first time back in current continuity.
Looking forward to more fight scenes :)
King Shark at the end was fun. Look, he's a giant shark man. I think it's hard to go wrong with him.
Detective Comics #763
Okay, this isn't a new comic at all. In fact it is a 20+ year old comic. However. I also bought it and reread it at the same time and I remembered how much I loved it.
So this is the Joker: Last Laugh tie in where Huntress teams up with Sasha Bordeaux as written by Greg Rucka and look. The man has Brought it Again.
I am forever obsessed with his use of the Jason case in this issue.
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Sasha: I protect people. And I can't protect anyone doing what he says.
Anyway, when I first read this issues, I didn't care that much about Sasha and this was one of the issues that got me to the other side.
But her and the Huntress. Helena's perspective that she brings to this: one day you will fail him because everyone does and then you'll fall.
(Someday (maybe today idk) I will write the little follow up scene between them for the AU where Huntress kills the Joker in Joker: Last Laugh that lives in my head.)
Just the way that this question of failing Bruce haunts Sasha during her whole time in prison later.
Anyway, definitely glad I picked this up.
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thiotchi · 1 year
Have you seen Zoro’s family tree from oda yet?
yes I HAVE
I've been obsessing over his mom. Like yeah, I knew he was most likely a Shimotsuki because of one of Oda's previous SBS'. BUT HIS PARENTS CAN WE JUST
Furiko most likely had dark blue hair like Ushimaru. And based on her silhouette, you can tell she has that strong Shimotsuki chin and nose and long eyelashes. Pinzoro? Don't know him. He isn't important beyond being a samurai and named Roronoa I guess.
Arashi probably takes mostly after his mom, because those Shimotsuki genes are strong, man. Though his hair may or may not be that strong dark blue, depending on his dad's coloring. The man never learned how to use a brush though.
There's supposedly a character named Tera in FF? somewhere. I forgot which game. But green hair, silver eyes, and a swordsman? That's how I imagine Zoro's mom. And given that she was the daughter of a criminal? She definitely knows how to take care of herself on the battlefield, even if she wasn't a swordsman herself.
she was though bc I said so shh
With her small chin and nose, and long-ass eyelashes, you know Zoro got those from her. Also, how she ties her hair back in the silhouette? If Zoro had long hair, male or female, that's how I'd imagine it. It's. It's perfect.
Zoro literally taking after the women in his family tree.
as a side note, Kuina's mom doesn't have any noticeable eyelashes in her silhouette so all I can think of is Zoro ending up with more stereotypically feminine features than his cousin lmao
as another side note, Kuina and Zoro's moms both dying from the same illness while they're children. You know. Just to make it Sad™️
All their names are apparently gambling references? So that's probably an (albeit kinda weird) explanation for why Zoro was so good at gambling in Wano and also why he seems to be really good at math? idk but it'd be funny if that's why.
Ushimaru def had a back tattoo so I'm kind of curious about if the "marks on the back is a swordsman's shame" is from Pinzoro's side of the family hmm
but also I still can't get over PINZORO. I know it's a legit reference but PINZORO. Arashi and Tera named Zoro after his grandpa knowing that THAT was his name.
Speaking of Ushimaru, I haven't caught up to the manga or anime but does he look like he has big tiddies? Because Tera def does so that would explain how Zoro has the biggest badonkadonks on the Grand Line. Because it's from both sides of the fam /joking /notjoking
I'm having IDEAS.
There was a wip I was thinking of about maybe giving Zoro a mom where she doesn't die like in my HS AU and now I have CANON stuff to work with. ehehe
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
listen even though we can't ever read the og novel Lloyd read i just can't not think about Lloyd having a silly little crush on Novel!Javier and honestly? The au of Novel Javier going into their world would be such a Y/N moment for him, I can't stop thinking about how they'd deal with stuff together like:
Where would Novelier even stay? at an inn? He's bound to be caught by Javier if he does, but then again he might be in too much pain to stay at the baron's estate, but Lloyd insists on him picking either instead of hiding in the mountains somewhere(just to keep tabs on him, totally not because he wants to be able to utilize TWO javiers in work somehow)
but then like, at that point i think Novelier would have trouble sleeping(idk if he ever got over his insomnia, I'm still at chapter 80 of the novel) so after Lloyd does his lullaby service one time to Javier and it actually working on him too, Novelier decides to keep distance at night but close enough to hear the service-
mamsnmsmanam MAN i just love this au it's so embarrassing ahaha i just want to see Novelier and Lloyd interact mansmsmsmma and maybe Novelier lowkey start liking him too👀👉👈
listen my isekai pet peeve will always be that i can't read the og novels I NEED THE DETAILS!!! how am i supposed to work in these circumstances °՞(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞°
but yeah!! this would absolutely be lloyd's y/n moment, he's thriving! (he's also freaking out because this is another wrench thrown into his plans but still!! his fictional crush isn't fictional anymore!!)
i was thinking maybe lloyd would convince novelier (which btw,,, i love that, if we go by the other spelling of his name we can even use noviel i love it) of not showing his face by wearing a helmet or a mask so he can get around more easily. and novelier thinks it's stupid, but they do live in a world with warlocks and dragons and elves so a guy wearing a mask isn't the weirdest thing ever so he agrees because as much as it hurts to see the baron and baroness, the idea of being so close and not see them hurts even more.
so lloyd introduces him to his parents, spinning the same tale he did to javier, telling them he wants to keep novelier around too and they,, accept because of course they would, this is not even in the top five strangest things lloyd has done and they trust him so it's fine, of course the strange nameless knight that seems to be staring and at a loss of words as he's being introduced to them can stay, whatever lloyd wants <3.
javier is,,, flabbergasted. is he the only one that sees something wrong with all of this. is he really.
and btw! as far as i remember javier hasn't stopped needing the lullaby service up to where i am at the novel (i think. my memory isn't the greatest unfortunately) so i think it's safe to say novelier still has his own insomnia problems!
ajdkajdla what if. what if lloyd tells javier "hey i can put you to sleep in your own room now :) im having the knight of blood and iron sleep in my room now it's fine :)" and javier is just. chewing on glass the entire time. without knowing why the idea of someone else sleeping on the room with the young master bothers him so much. and novelier notices and makes a big show of telling lloyd he'll wait for him at his room, somehow giving javier a smug look while still wearing a mask adjsjdksl
and hey. lloyd has two hands. they're both for shoveling but he wouldn't say no to two boyfriends who are both good at construction work anyway <3
i am definitely living for the dynamics the three of them would have, like javier and lloyd are still in that 'refusing to admit they're even friends although they spend all the time together and are each other's person they're closest to' stage, except now javier has to compete with someone else for lloyd's attention and he doesn't like that, lloyd has an embarrassing crush he refuses to admit he has on novelier mixed with a small dose of hero worship which novelier kinda notices and uses to fluster him sometimes in order to annoy javier, maybe even play flirting at times except oh shit it's not playing anymore ok alright he can deal with yep no problem
i am obsessed with this au now you don't understand i love ittttt!!!!
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Dst/worship au? :0
I'd be interested in what you have to say! :)
i've talked abt the au a little bit a short while ago, but to put it in a bit more explanatory manner, the world of worship is set in around the ending of the middle ages. humanity is steadily building- in power, technology, and audacity- and some individuals have begun to reroute their attentions and loyalties to the once-forsaken old gods; eldritch beasts whose terrible power nearly brought about the extinction of humanity.
but obviously that was like. all in the past. the elder gods are epic and would never do that a second time. obviously. cults are super safe and would never lead you astray ever.
mechanically, worship is set to play somewhat similarly to don't starve, with your selected playstyle affecting how the world reacts to you, and vice versa. however, unlike don't starve- where your playstyle is determined by your character- worship's playstyles revolve around the elder god you choose to serve. which- for a swap au- allows me much more room to play around with the dst cast. it doesn't have to be a one-to-one swap, and certain characters can share alliances with others- or be outcasts, unbelonging to any cult at all.
currently, there are only five unique gods, which i will touch upon very very briefly:
hubryus is the self proclaimed sewer of insanity. your 'standard' eldritch, unspeakable beast. he takes great pleasure in contorting the bodies of mortals, and sees man as the perfect canvas to transform- which is caused through ideas instilled in the subject's head (and its madness. the 'ideas'. the ideas are madness. you mutate when you go mad)
an-ansgaidh, the apostle of deliverance, is a blood-soaked and ancient thing. pitiful of humanity- its sentience and mortality- it has become hellbent on snuffing all sentient life from earth, in what it considers an act of mercy. he looooves blood. so much. can't get enough of that stuff. also don't ask me how to pronounce his name bc i dont know either
salithys, the deceit weaver, is probably one of the more interesting and lore relevant gods. creating a false image of herself, she portrays herself as a merciful god (somewhat reminiscent of- but not identical to- the typical interpretation of christian god), instead of the eldritch monster she truly is. using this facade, she plans to take over the world, her charming appearance masking the ruthless underbelly of her true intentions
glub, the dank lord of fertility, is a fish. a fish god, but a fish nonetheless. he's a simple thing, really. he craves for humanity to flourish and boom in population, so he can flood the earth and feast on them all. also he's a crossover god, originally from crawl. so. if you played crawl before. just think of that one guy from crawl
then there's kessessa, mother of the coven, who is also very lore heavy, but to put it simply, she's there to. protect the coven, really. in exchange for humanity's knowledge, she offers rituals to those who serve her. shes also a moth (and moths. are epic)
i am realizing that i said i would be doing a brief overview. and that i'm a big liar bc this is not at all brief. um. swagever. its my blog... and its ur fault for trusting me to not have worms in my brain
anyways, i'll talk more abt this if i'm prompted to a second time. but i'm sure you can already see where some characters would fit in (max, having insanity as his whole motif, seems obviously fitting to go with hubryus. and wilson with his stupid knowledge seeking self would probably flock to kessessa. excreta).
since worship isn't like. real yet. it's pretty difficult coming up with a plot or anything for this au. right now i'm just playing with them like dollies. but that in itself is pretty fun. we love dollies here, right. we love those thangs.
if you want to learn more about worship from the guys who actually are making it, you can check out their kickstarter page here. OR, if you want, i made a google doc that gives you links to every update, as well as a quick synopsis about what that update actually entails, if you want to have an easier time skimming than KS'... less than ideal format.
also theres doggies in worship
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wooahhh epic. so cool.
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joysmercer · 2 years
the kids successfully perform the ceremony instead of the adults and frobisher wakes up ‘good’
ok first things first, the entirety of 3b just. wouldn't have taken place if this happened haha
backstory: the kid's plans to get the adults out of the way still fail, until there's a legitimate fire alarm at Anubis (eddie may or may not have deliberately burnt a batch of cookies) and they evacuate every building on that side of campus, including the gatehouse. Patricia and alfie grab jerome and joy and force them to circle back as soon as they can without anyone noticing, and they perform the ceremony (harriet appears somehow too idk). jerome and joy are confused but trust their friends more than the teachers so they go along with it. the teachers come back, re-perform the ceremony (incorrectly, but it doesn't matter), and discover RFS awake the next day.
obviously, the adults are overjoyed with robert waking up. Victor (and Sweet, to an extent) immediately demand he help them with the elixir, although Robert doesn't know the formula either. 
Victor also gives him a rundown on what happened to sarah/Anubis/the chosen one-osirian drama/etc since he was put to sleep (obviously making himself look g r e a t in the process, lest RFS think any less of him for, y'know, treating his daughter, the chosen one, the society, the descendants, etc like crap.)
sweet then takes some of his $ to set up some kind of education scholarship, maybe help send some of the kids at the school to uni if they couldn't afford it otherwise.
denby is found out immediately because RFS knows she's not the true Keeper. the other two use their connections to that police officer and nurse delia to have caroline arrested and harriet released from the hospital/given the care she deserves to recover from whatever caroline had done to her
after taking like a week to acclimate himself to the 21st century, Robert just…leaves. there’s not really a reason for him to hang around now that his home is an entire school that he has no part in running
He goes to say hi to KT first, though
he takes the opportunity to explain exactly why Charles was sent away and give KT whatever inheritance she's entitled to
but then she realizes that it's all stolen/produced through colonial means and she insists he go back to egypt, return the stuff, and "make things right"
he's a bit reluctant at first but then Patricia bursts into the room out of nowhere like "you made my life a living hell, you know that" and he's so taken aback by this girl who a) looks exactly like his old coworker; and b) is scolding him as if he isn't her elder (kids these days, am I right) that he ignores her in favor of KT just because that seems to be an easier conversation to have
so anyway, he leaves. he's gone. he's absolutely no help in this au
Sweet gives all 4 descendants straight A's because he finally comes to his senses and realizes they deserve it after being re-traumatized for like no good reason, actually
no mystery or anything pops up until the end of term (tor) for the kids. so, meanwhile,
the sibuna members sit joy and jerome down and explains what was going on during the eclipse ceremony. they're horrified, particularly joy—after what that man indirectly did to her, she can't fathom why anyone would want to wake him up.
it's not until fabian explains that it was either them or the teachers, and it had to be the former if they wanted any chance of him not being Evil, that she calms down
she still thinks it was a stupid idea though. "what were you going to do if it failed??? dumbasses"
the revenge plot: starts off the same. however, everyone is now actively involved in the sisterhood, enabling Patricia and KT to immediately put a stop to the fake-dating idea because they realize how ridiculous it is (joy and willow are too close to think rationally about it, which is partially why it went on for as long as it did in the original show). mara has a lot of support and encouragement and moves on in a healthy way.
patricia and eddie: ok so it starts off at a sisterhood meeting soon after the revenge plot is resolved…patricia's basically the only one with tea so they're all teasing her and she reluctantly admits that she misses eddie and has feelings for him yadda yadda.
KT offers to figure out if he feels the same and goes about it in basically the same nonsensical way it happens in the show. she then gives patricia the idea for the fake date but forgets to tell mara about it, so the whole "No!…okay, this is a conversation I can't win" thing at the breakfast table still happens
the fake date is also pretty much the same but afterward, instead of going straight to eddie, patricia chickens out a bit (because she didn't really see his reaction and therefore doesn't know for sure if he likes her still) and the girls are like "r u stupid"
patricia refuses to listen even when joy drags fabian in ("oh, be quiet mara, it's only for a minute") to confirm that eddie is, in fact, still pining. irdc how cliché this but fabian and joy are so fed up of this nonsense that they "accidentally" lock them in a closet or abandoned classroom or something, and that's when they finally make up – *cue bottle episode*
patricia doesn't get paired off with ben during the trust exercise thing because they have a competent business studies teacher who doesn't make up lessons to manipulate her students, but she and ben do end up as partners for a drama lesson and eddie gets heated watching them practice Shakespeare with each other
she goes to Isis dodgeball practices, but not to cut oranges—she knows how important the tourney is to eddie so she goes to take notes on their strategies or whatever, with plans to share it with Anubis. Eddie's behavior ends up pissing her off though so she doesn't
that weird date still happens where he takes a call from his mom and refuses to tell her that it's his mom.
the bits where she clocks him with his arm around KT still exist too
they have a pretty intense argument after the tournament's over and she tells him they need to take a break if he can't trust her and she can't trust him
KT basically knocks him upside the head, he goes and apologizes but also asks exactly what she meant by the fact that she couldn't trust him and then tells her she has nothing to be jealous about etc
after establishing that communication is important and they both have issues but they can work those out together, they're good for all eternity because i say so
eddie and sweet never quite recover their relationship. something about the casual way he was just shipped off to the hospital alone makes eddie mistrustful, and sweet never really forgets how eddie almost ruined the ceremony for them
but honestly? it's okay. he has a family still.
jerome and joy: so obviously the fake dating doesn't happen and honestly joy just avoids him because of the whole cheating thing. 
but then mara inherits Letdown, joy offers to wash him, and jerome just happens to walk into the kitchen when that's happening and decides to help. they bond
the play isn't about jara at all but mara still ends up writing it (with fabian, this time) and joy and jerome end up co-directing because their drama teacher is the Epitome of All Evil (aka she drew names out of a hat)
the first kiss happens after eddie and KT, the leads at the time, refuse to rehearse that scene, so they have to do it instead.
“see guys? it means nothing, it's just acting." *cue eddie and kt’s eye rolls*
jerome walks into joys room afterward and asks her out because "we both know that wasn't just acting." she says no.
--sidebar about the play--no one disappears and they all pass drama…eventually. they do have to completely rewrite the script two days before opening though because they wrote in another fabian-as-victor-for-laughs thing and victor found out and was not amused. so they hurriedly hold auditions in the living room and willow demonstrates the life cycle of a tree for hers (because that's too iconic not to exist).
also alfie has way too much time on his hands now that sibuna has nothing to do so he makes a life-size RFS paper mache sculpture, brings it into the house, uses it in his audition for no reason. he has no idea there's an identical one six-feet under the Anubis foundation, though
joy and jerome spend a lot of time together during the play production and he falls for her. hard.
she does the same but it's super complicated because she's also around fabian a lot, plus the whole mara thing
until mara confesses that fabian's actually really smart and funny and she's never had more fun working on a school assignment in her life
and joy is not only not jealous at all, she's actually relieved to hear that
meanwhile jerome's at his wit's end because he really really likes joy but she keeps having deep and/or flirting conversations with him and then #disappearing. so he goes to trudy for help
he writes her a letter (very similar to the one he did in the show, except without the "you might not truly like me" parts) and gives it to her like two hours after she has that conversation with mara
and they're also happy together forever because I say so
mara/fabian: so mara starts to have feelings for the guy during the writing process but doesn't want to say anything because she's convinced he's still hung up on nina
especially because nina re-establishes contact with all of them right after the eclipse ceremony and The Original Trio has group facetime calls, like, all the time
except one day, nina calls mara instead
"hey, so I got asked to winter formal by someone, and not as friends, and I said yes. I know you and fabian are close…could you help me break the news?"
mara says no only because she thinks this is a private conversation and she's not going to meddle
but when fabian comments "yay! have fun you two!" on the pic nina posts of the asking, mara knows her path is clear
so she asks him if he'd like to grab lunch with her in town the next day.
"like as a date?"
willow and alfie: mostly the same as in the show except he doesn't miss a date for sibuna matters. 
they go on double-dates with peddie for a while until one day they come back covered in paint and slime and trudy makes a rule that they can't go out unsupervised anymore
now that KT isn't worried about her great-grandpa, she has time to get a girlfriend
amber's constantly texting or facetiming someone in the house, so much so that there are times they've forgotten she doesn't actually live on the continent anymore
all the kiddos study/write college apps together every Thursday evening and go into town together every Friday (for grocery shopping/restocking their sweet and alcohol stash). Saturday evenings they make dinner (trudy insisting they have to learn some life skills before uni) and then sneak into the cellar for a midnight feast.
Victor turns a blind eye to that last bit
also they're all terrible liars so mara and willow eventually learn about Sibuna during said midnight feasts
a few weeks before graduation, RFS sends a letter to KT (because he doesn't quite understand email) and lets her know that he saw Sophia milling about when he was at the school and immediately recognized her as Evil. said letter also has the locations of the touchstones, so TOR lasts like 10 minutes in this AU
the osirian still gets sacrificed
overall, though, they're all just happy and content and get a break because god-knows they deserve it.
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flydotnet · 8 months
How Not to Handle an Illness At School 101
WHUMPTOBER 2023, DAY 15: “I don't need you to help me I can handle things myself.” Makeshift Bandages | Suppressed Suffering | “I’m fine.”
Day 15 was always going to be MatsuYoshi, I knew that, considering those two are professionals at pulling the "I'm fine (isn't actually fine)" spiel, to a nauseating degree considering how few times Yoshiko appears yet has managed to pull it off screen for months. Also, you know I had to do it to 'em.
What I hadn't planned on was setting this in an HSAU flashback fic. Truth be told, it's not purely out of serendipity: it's also due to some very emotional reasons linked to a recnnt terrorist attack that targeted a former school of mine. I originally had a whole-ass wall of text about it, but at the end of the day… this fic isn't a memorial, it's just a silly AU funky soccer manga fanfiction, and I don't want to take away from that. This fic is motivated by a will for this school I truly care so much about not just be a place of tragedy and I want it to be seen as such.
My thoughts and prayers to the victims, their loves ones, and current students and staff of Gambetta High. Shout-out to my profs at Carnot.
So, uhm, yes, the funny fanfiction about HSAU Hikaru and Yoshiko being who they are! Can't forget about the original stake at hand! They're in their second year of prep class, there.
In terms of HSAU Lore, this fic somehow introduces both Jeanne Mouchon, one of Hikaru and Yoshiko's former classmate, and Mr Moinot, who was mentioned in… I don't remember, actually. I think it was either We All Gotta Start Somewhere or the first chapter of "Promotion to Parent". Most likely the former. Anyway, he's 'karu and Yoshi's old lit prof! And absolutely not an OC I already have who's also kind of maybe based on my own former lit prof.
Also, slight reminder of culture and stuff: grades are given out 20, some students have scholarships as in they get money to do studies because they're otherwise dirt-poor, and we're in France.
It's a little half-baked, but I didn't get a lot of time to work on it, so it'll have to do for now. I may go back and edit it later.
How Not to Handle an Illness At School 101
aka: Pinmontagne, Or The Reason Why "Febris" and "February" Share a Latin Root
Summary: People don't always think it through before they try to push through illnesses. Or: asking a nineteen-year-old to have clear-cut priorities may be a lot to ask, sometimes.
Fandom: It's your friendly neighbourhood French high school AU (actually it's Captain Tsubasa, but very, very removed)
Word Count: 1.7K words
AO3 version available here.
It’s only seven in the morning and Jeanne is already silently telling him he’s a big-ass idiot, in that way only her can do.
“What?” He asks, still mixing in the cheap cocoa powder into his bowl of just as cheap warm milk.
“What, what?” She asks back, an eyebrow corked. “Be more precise, man. I don’t speak Pinmontagne as far as I know.”
She’s absolutely trying to get a reaction out of him – which he will not grant her.
“You’re lookin’ at me funny. What’s your problem with me?”
She immediately cringes.
“Geese Louise, you’re so snappy today! Tho I guess I asked for it.” She regains a serious expression, perhaps too serious. “You look a bit, uh… bad. God, uh, I don’t know how I phrased it when I emailed FM about that, but you look like that.”
The laugh he tries to level at her accusation turns into a coughing fit.
“You’re not accusing me of having pneumonia now?” He still tells her. “Cuz that’s what Moinot had back then, no?”
Her expression doesn’t get lighter and he hates that oh so very much.
“Maybe not pneumonia, but like, dude, you sound like shit.” She frowns. “You’re not gonna attend class like that, right?”
He clears his throat before he can talk again. His voice is already a shitshow, better not wake any suspicions among his classmates now.
“It’s just some stupid cold that won’t go away. Tryin’ to get excused outta class sounds like a much bigger chore.”
“I mean… Yeah, you’re right, but like…” Her eyes grow wide. “Wait, didn’t you have an oral with Moinot today?”
“Yeah, I do.” He coughs again, shit. “What did you pick for yours?”
“Oh, I chose Notre-Dame de Paris, that seemed – hey, don’t change the topic!!”
He shrugs.
“Same, actually.” His nose’s starting to get too clogged for oxygen’s good faith. “I, uh, don’t jive with Ernaux much. Not in text commentary at least.”
“I don’t think you should jive with any author today, dude.”
“My scholarship doesn’t say the same.”
“Just… Go to a doctor, dude, or Yoshiko’s gonna get on your case. You wouldn’t worry her, right?”
“Fuck you,” he replies with a chuckle.
“I was being serious, y’know.”
He sighs, his chest wheezing as he does. Maybe the Moinot comparison wasn’t that inaccurate…
“I’ll be fine.”
“I tell you, I’m fine,” he tells his girlfriend for the third time today. To say geography class hasn’t even started – not just that, the prof isn’t even here yet.
Still, he knows it’s just bravado because, yeah, his scholarship doesn’t handle missed classes well, and he needs it. And, also, worrying her is a crime… even if he isn’t sure of his modus operandi anymore. It does sound like it’s doing the opposite thing it should be doing.
“But, Hikaru… You’ve been sick for the past week. It doesn’t seem to have gotten better either…”
“Colds can be like that, y’know” he replies with as much of a smile as he can muster. “But are you fine, Yoshiko? You’ve not been catching it from me, right…?”
She smothers a sneeze in the crook of her sweater.
“No, don’t worry, I’m fine,” she replies in a manner eerily similar to him, only starting to smile again now. “I’ll go to bed earlier than usual and take some medicine. You should try and rest in the dorms when you can.”
“With our schedule that’s gonna be hard to do, but like, I don’t think I need it anyway. I’ll manage.”
“If you ever feel like you need help, get some, okay? I’m really worried for you.”
He leans against the wall, suddenly aware of how uncomfortably wet his hair is. Maybe it’s more obvious than he thought that he feels like shit.
“I’ll make sure to let you know, at least.”
It’s a lie, the only kind he’s capable of and they both know it, but before she can protest, Mr Beaubonnet has finally arrived, and class is bound to begin soon.
He doesn’t hold her hand – just because he doesn’t want her to catch the plague, dear God. Yet he watches her hand try to reach for his, even sitting in class.
His lungs aren’t the only thing that hurts, today.
By the time noon comes around, Hikaru isn’t even sure of how he’s still on both his feet, waiting in the cafeteria crew. The fact he’s sandwiched between Jeanne and Yoshiko helps, he imagines, not to let himself look as bad as he feels. Ironic, for someone who otherwise doesn’t give two fucks about appearances, let alone “looking right”.
He usually doesn’t even care about queue speeds, especially on Wednesdays where it’s just the four prep class rosters and their profs; but today, it’s long. Painfully slow. He wants his bed and maybe a hug from Yoshiko. Okay, he definitely wants the hug from Yoshiko, but that’s beside the point, he always wants one.
When they finally sit down, he can’t hide the relief on his face, just like they can’t hide the fact they’re worried as shit about the crap he’s trying to pull off – cut him some slack, the scholarship won’t like it if he skips over it.
Also, Yoshiko’s coughing, and that can’t be good.
“Hey, you okay?” He asks her, still twirling with the idea of ingesting food.
“It’s nothing,” she says before blowing her nose. “You should focus on yourself, Hikaru. You need the care more than I do.”
“I’m fine, I told you.” It’s starting to sound like a farce, and it shows, because both Jeanne and Yoshiko are utterly unconvinced.
“Hikaru, dude, you can barely speak,” the former replies first. “I dunno how you’re planning on survivin’ English, let alone an entire oral with fuckin’ Moinot. That guy’s gonna wring you dry of words like he always does.”
“You dun need to remind me of my last grades with him, thanks.”
“Actually, I will! You got a 6 on your first oral, which was somehow worse than my 7. Then, on your specialty oral, you got a 9, but like, can’t blame ya, Banny can’t have explained how that was supposed to go without going on four tangents in a row. And ya got a 11 on your latest one, but it was a damn close call.” She puts down her fork. “All that to say, on a good day, you’ve got trouble dealin’ with his shit, and now you want to do that while you’re literally cookin’? Dude, you’re insane.”
“I’d rather die than lose my scholarship.”
“I’m… pretty sure medical reasons would excuse you,” Yoshiko replies. “Please, Hikaru, you’re swaying on your feet, you shouldn’t be here…”
He rubs his temples, his throat hurting just as much, but no solution comes to him.
“It’ll be fine, I’m sure. Just, lemme handle this and I’ll go see a doctor after class.” Or tomorrow.
“I don’t think you’ll find any by the time you’ll be outta there.”
“I’ll find one.”
Oh, he won’t, but he sure can try.
“You’re so fucking stupid, man,” Jeanne adds.
The topic quickly changes to bitching about English class.
So, uh, fun thing about running a high fever: he can’t read text anymore. No matter what he tries, letters just start swimming before his eyes. Not that he’s actually been able to understand whatever the hell Hugo was trying to say about that rat hole or some shit – who knows, not him, that’s for sure.
And that’s a big issue, because right now, he’s in front of his own prof, and he has no idea where to fucking begin.
“I, uh, gimme two seconds, please,” he coughs out, already realizing this is going nowhere.
He swaps paper sheets around, rubs his eyes and tries focusing – but aside from the absolute urge to hug his girlfriend and find peace with his bed, there’s nothing coming up. Nothing makes sense. He almost doesn’t know where he is and he’s losing grip on if his thoughts are staying inside or if he may be spewing them out.
“Do you need help with anything?” The prof asks in a voice too kind not to be suspicious.
Or maybe it’s normal? Uh…
“I don’t need you to help with things, I can handle things myself.”
He shuffles his papers around again, and this time, he actually gets tricked by the coughing fit. It lasts entirely too long, and he’s spent by the time it ends; but watch him rise back to his hands because that oral won’t do itself.
Mr Moinot looks entirely displeased with the shitshow this has been so far, in such a manner that, when he opens his mouth, Hikaru is ready to endure a verbal beating—
“You should go back home, Hikaru.”
Dread fills his every pore anyway.
“You are very clearly ill. Be honest, did you even understand the text?”
He’s way too exhausted to lie. He doesn’t even like lying to begin with, do you expect him to do so when he’s down the gutter?
“No, sir, I really didn’t get it. I don’t even know what it’s about.”
It hurts so much, at this point, to speak that he can’t not cough every time he opens it, God.
“I can’t evaluate you fairly in those conditions,” Mr Moinot replies. “Let’s postpone it to when you feel better, okay? The class is small enough, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.”
“O-okay.” The shame is almost overwhelming. “Sorry about that, sir.”
“It’s fine. I know a thing or two about pushing through an illness.” He sighs. “Now, call someone to get you. I’m not letting you go home on your own.”
Oh, it must be that bad – of course it is, you idiot, you’re hotter than a furnace and barely able to piece reality together. Even walking to his dorm room sounds like a chore. As such, in silence, he grabs his phone, scrolls to the one contact whose picture he cannot mistake for anything else, and calls.
It isn’t pneumonia, but it’s damn close; so close Yoshiko has decided, actually, he was going to live at her place until he can drive himself home.
It’d be embarrassing if it wasn’t a dream come true.
0 notes
audiovisualrecall · 1 year
Hm. I wanted my dragonriders of pern iron man au to basically be a fusion where it's the plot of - or major points of - iron man transposed onto a pernese setting, with changes to fit the context of course. But reading other pern fanfic im like. Part of me wants to just play around with the sandbox of tony impresses a gold dragon, without the iron man plot points, or at least skipping figuring out how to map the whole thing with him being captured and tortured and Obadiah trying to kill him, onto pern. But then I feel like it's a cop-out on the complicated difficult bits of the story and lazy. Idk.
Sigh, idk
Maybe the whole kidnapping/torture/attempted murder and character growth happens before tony impresses a dragon? That would..actually really solve a lot of the problems, because how would you keep someone and their dragon apart so as to prevent rescue? So it happens before he bonds to ironath. Okay that makes way more sense!! Obadiah is Tony's superior in some way - maybe tony is the son of the now-dead lord holder of my made-up Stark Hold, and Obadiah made lord warder, bc tony was technically underage when his parents are killed (im going to go with by holdless folk for this). Of course deposing Obadiah (tho mostly its obie tries to kill tony for good and also kind of goes mad...not sure how he dies, tho. Maybe have the wrong-firestone, the stuff that explodes on contact with water, be in some corner collected by holdless folk to use as bombs, and Obie falls back and into it and they fought in water right before? Or something, idk. Anyway he dies, and tony is technically lord holder now. He gets confirmed as well, after maybe some usual back and forth but they don't want the hold in contention...
Okay so how does he go from lord holder to dragonrider? Obviously he has some health thing occur related to his torture, and believes he won't live long enough (and not long enough to sire an heir) so... I guess he gives the Holding to Jarvis who has been doing much of the work of Holding anyway, especially recently with tony sick. He doesn't keep it a secret from his friends in this, or at least not from jarvis, who has known tony since he was a child and honestly should have been lord warder in the first place. I guess he doesn't keep it a secret from pepper, either. Not sure if he tells rh'dey (rh'dey) who is a dragonrider, maybe bc he's busy and tony doesn't want to bother him, and he asks pepper not to tell rh'dey either when they see each other.
Tony has a blue firelizard named Dummie, because the flitt is not the brightest, but tony loves him. Writing stuff down as it occurs to me ok
Ah, anyway, pepper does end up telling rh'dey that tony is sick, which gets somehow up to Weyrleader N'klas, who decides no, tony can't be allowed to die (he doesn't know tony gave Lord Holdership to Jarvis, not yet anyway), now that Obadiah is no longer causing problems among the Holders about the Weyrs, and stark hold being neutral-to-friendly with the weyr now is beneficial to N'klas' plans, plus he has heard how intelligent tony is, and he has journeyman status in his craft, so all in all he has reasons to try to keep this man alive. So he sends for the Master Healer, but he believes if he sends the Healer *to* tony, the man will not receive it well, and he wont be able to treat Tony. So he has his weyr harper, who is trained in methods that one could call 'spy' skills, go to Stark Hold under a different guise. She will bring the medicine which the Healer is certain will treat Tony's ailment - heart-related and stress-related troubles - with her and will manage to find ways to give him the doses. Eventually he will be told, when his heart is strong enough he won't have an episode from the stress...
Yeah, this isn't going to go over well once tony finds out. And pepper has no idea, she thought maybe rh'dey would ask for the Weyrleader to send the Healer. Tony's reputation for being difficult is why the Weyrleader made the call, but it does make tony very displeased with him and nearly undoes N'klas' plans. Whoopsie doodles. Though he accepts that the not telling him is due to the risk of his health worsening from stress, but they could easily have just had the Healer come and tell him what ailed him and give him the medicines himself! So the Weyrleader is personally on Tony's shitlist for a long time. Deservedly tbh. He still appreciates the weyr and dragonriders but yeah.
And that ends parts 1+2.
Part 3 is where tony is at the Weyr to watch a Hatching when the gold dragnet hatchling decides to say fuck tradition and screw all these candidates, I want that guy. Oops. Ironath is very strong-willed, and Tony loves her but wishes it wasn't so complicated. He is glad he put in the paperwork while he was sick because it is quite easy now to have the Lord Holdership officially transfered to Jarvis, and the other Lord Holders reluctantly accept this because well, as Steward Jarvis has had much of the running of the Hold already.
Pepper impresses a Gold at the next Hatching, also. I was gonna have her bond a different color maybe at the same hatching but I thought that might be too many stands impressions in the same hatching, and also I can't see her with anything but Gold, either, so. She is an official candidate then, tho, she gets Searched. Woo, the trio are all at the Weyr now! Also she meets H'gan ;)
Ah, so part 3, continues with a dragonrider appearing from an accidental trip between times - from the past! No one has ever timed it to the future, not without following someone from the past, and yet somehow S'teve and Bronze Rogerseth did it. Yes this becomes a stevetony story bc I love them your honor. Ahem. Anyway, stuff! Friendship! Romance! They probably are dumb abt feelings and don't say anything without walking it back until Ironath rises and they express themselves before they end up unable to lol
And then I guess somehow the avengers plot happens, idk. Part 4 ig.
Oh also I'm Sure Tony and N'klas had so much fun discussing Tony impressing a gold and how he's now one of his riders at shield weyr and etc etc 🙃
Ah, I'll figure out how the plot of the avengers movie works for a pernese context another time.
0 notes
shin-knee-gami · 2 years
lawlight fic recs [1]
lawlight fic recs [2]
lawlight fic recs [3]
because I didn't read through every single smutfic in ao3's 'lawlight' tag just to come up empty handed. you're welcome ;)
**I plan on updating this list for the foreseeable future, so remember to check this original post on my blog for updates!**
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed
Other: mostly Top!L and Bottom!Light, moderate to heavy plot details, canon divergent, very messy relationship (because they're messy people), mostly oneshots, mostly Light's third-person-limited POV
'the forest holds strange creatures' by avoidfilledwithcelluloid
the first time you listened to touch-tone telephone by lemon demon, did you immediately think "man, I wish this was gayer"? then have I got just the fic for you--an AU where L is a big tall tree cryptid and Light is an endearingly pretentious paranormal researcher, complete with a very thorough and extensive study on 'bodily compatibility.' mostly fluff, smut, and humor; there's a bit of angst, but blink and you'll miss it. (this author's written a lot of great stuff and is regularly active on ao3, so go check out his work!)
'vertigo' by crimesofhallowed
have you ever wanted to read a short semi-realistic smutfic that explores Light's delusions of grandeur and paranoia with an ominously ambiguous ending? well you're in luck! L might be a dead man walking, but that's not going to stop him from topping.
'Slow Down' by arcadevia
want a bite-sized tutor!L/college student!Light oneshot with a simple plot twist that'll still manage to get a laugh out of you? look no further, this fic's got you covered.
'(Please) Stay' by Rachello344
L returns home after a long business trip and Light demands he make up for lost time. if you're a fan of Light being needy, you'll definitely get a kick out of this one.
'Psyche' by PurpleOlie
Light is a huge slut, L begrudgingly admits to himself that he wouldn't mind if Kira won, and they're both equally toxic for each other in all the most delicious ways. some very angry power-struggle hatesex ensues.
'How's your head?' by vxlleyhxe
I'll be honest, I didn't expect a fic with the barebones premise of 'Light is a proud sapiosexual' to be so self-aware. in this one, both he and L are tenured professors working at the same university, and Light is simultaneously charmed and mildly repulsed by our favorite cynical gremlin. definitely worth a read.
'Idle Hands' by gayraito (@gayraito)
L has an interesting proposition for Light. Light takes him up on it. short, simple, sweet, and pretty darn well-written, though it might not be for you if dirty talk isn't your thing. (I can't say much more without spoiling the ending, but F in the chat for poor Mogi lmao)
'Body Glitter' by theredplace
what can I say? I'm a sucker for good sex work AUs. if you wanna read about stripper!Light strutting around a pole onstage like a peacock, then subsequently getting his world rocked by a certain dark and mysterious recluse, this is the fic for you.
'nothing wrong' by coprinus_atramentarius (@translightyagami)
while I usually prefer L as a top, I've gotta admit--this fic does a really good job of keeping him in-character as a bratty bottom. and he gets to be trans, no less! anyway, if you're looking for a fic to scratch that yotsuba arc itch, look no further. there's also a spiritual sequel ['need you'], so be sure to check it out! (this author's written a lot of great stuff and is regularly active on ao3, so go check out their work!)
'Catch Perfect' by Resilicns, ZombieJesus
I haven't finished this one yet, BUT I've heard a lot of good things about it and I enjoy the dynamic Light and L have going so far. basically the whole premise is, Light's desk burns up and he forgets about the death note until 6 years later when Ryuk returns with a new one.
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loafsanimen · 2 years
well this is just my fake scenario and this is my 1st time writing AU in English<3
Lucky — Suna x Reader
"Rin!" You shouted loudly from your boyfriend's apartment door. No response. You take your cellphone and press the contact named “Rin”. Still no response. Actually, you know your boyfriend's apartment unit pin, but it feels impolite to suddenly enter. Since there was no response you decided to go inside yourself.
“beep beep” The door opened.
You looking for Suna around the room.
"Rin?" The room is empty.
'Has he left first?' you thought.
Today you and Suna are planning to have a date at the cafe which has just opened for the grand opening, Suna is planning to pick you up but it's been more than three hours and there's been no call or message from him so you decided to come here. You try to contact him again. Suna's cellphone ringtone was heard from inside the living room. You approach him. And yes, the man was sleeping on the couch with one hand folded over his forehead. You walked over to him with a small laugh.
"Rin?" you called softly, barely caress his cheek. Warm. Suna's cheeks were warm and her forehead was slightly sweaty. You immediately placed your palm on his forehead making Suna widen in surprise and immediately sat up.
"Babe?" he called surprised.
"Oh, it's eleven o'clock? sorry i promised to pick you up, but i end up fell a sleep" he said while holding his head.
"You have a fever, you know?"
"Yeah, it's a bit dizzy too"
You gently massage your boyfriend's head.
"Change your clothes first, is it really good to sleep wearing jeans like this?"
"Why did i change clothes? We're going on a date, come on."
"Rin, you have a fever, let's just reschedule it," you said softly. Suna's face looks disappointed. "But you're here, what I should have picked you up instead came back"
"No, now hurry up and change clothes and rest in your bed, I'll cook for you"
"But, Babe…"
"Suna?" your cold call was greeted with a small clicked from his tongue. He got up from the couch still with his hands massaging his forehead.
"Can you walk?" you asked mockingly.
"Ofcourse, it can be" he said.
You go to the pantry in the apartment. Take the apron and put it on. You open the refrigerator to look for ingredients you can cook. You decided to make corn soup. Honestly you also rarely cook but You think it's fine to try. You start boiling the water and then chop the scallions and other ingredients. The sound of knives clashing with cutting mats filled the silence in Suna's apartment.
'Rin must be sleeping' you thought.
You put the stuff into the boiled water, take some seasoning and then correct the taste.
"Mhm gewd" you said. It felt like something was approaching. Yes, Suna approached you. His hands are embraced your waist. He put his chin on your shoulder.
"Rin? Why aren't you sleep?" you blushing but you hid it while pretending to stir the soup in front of you. Suna shook his head. "Come with me" he said.
"Well, you eat first—"
"Rin, I can't move if you're like this, wait, babe" you said, forcibly removing the hand that was wrapped around your waist. Suna hardened her hand.
"Rin, I want to get a bowl" you said in a surrendered tone. The man on your shoulder shook. You turned your head towards him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Suna smiled happily and then released his embrace.
"Sit there first, I'll prepare"
Suna nodded quickly and then filled the dining table chair.
"Babe, thank you," he said.
"Isn't it delicious?" you asked a little worried, but that worry immediately disappeared seeing the man in front of you devoured with enthusiasm.
"This is the most delicious food I've ever eaten, I think I'm getting better right away"
You laughed, "Youre too much"
"Oh seriously, anyway thank you babe"
"What were you doing yesterday, how come you have a fever? stay up late huh?” you asked interrogating.
"Yesterday afternoon, when I came back from your house, it was drizzling and I didn't change my clothes, I just fell asleep"
"Do you have cold medicine?" your question is answered with a shake. "I'm going to walmart, you're done eating first"
"Oh, you don't have to, it's getting better" Suna whined. "Don't leave me please"
'New character unlocked, Suna is super spoiled when he's sick'
"Suna Rintarou, I'll just go to walmart for a while babe, after all the walmart is right in front of your apartment, I won't stick anywhere," you said with great emphasis which left Suna no choice but to let you go.
You go to Suna's room carrying a plastic bag containing medicine and some snacks. You approached the one lying on the bed and adjusted the blanket. Take the compress plaster that you bought earlier, put it slowly on Suna's forehead.
You take your cellphone and take a picture of Suna sleeping with a fever plaster on her forehead. Your laughter wakes Suna up.
"Babe? come here" he called, patting the side of the bed next to him. Sensing something strange, Suna lead his hand to his forehead, your laughing again.
"You're teasing me huh?"
"No, Rinn, I bought it because you had a fever but when you put it on you were really cute, you looked like a kid—"
Suna pulled you onto the bed and hugged you.
"Make me sleepy"
"Yeah, I promised earlier," you replied.
Suna's warm breath is felt at the base of your neck. The warmth of his palms also penetrated to your waist.
"Then when are we going to the cafe?" asked Suna breaking the silence.
"That's why you must get better soon so wr can go to the cafe"
"I'm cured"
"Nothing, it's still very hot" you denied while holding his palm.
"Rin don't you know?”
"When you're sick, you're really spoiled like a baby"
"Really? Sorry for bothering you"
"Oh, it doesn't matter, right, I'm your girlfriend, I also like it when you're spoiled," your answer invites Suna to laugh. “And after all you’re literally my baby” He tightened his arms around your waist. You feel very comfortable in this position.
"Thank you Babe" said Suna.
You smiled then changed position to face Suna. Slowly bring your face closer to him—want to kiss him which Suna immediately held. "Eh?" you muttered confused.
"I'm sick, I'll transmit it to you" he answered barely. You laughed at Suna's face—still with the fever plaster on his forehead.
"Well, I'll just kiss your cheek, okay?"
Suna nodded quickly, "A lot of kisses please"
"What a fussy"
Suna's laughter fills the room.
“How lucky i am” —you both thought.
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jaehyunzzmilk · 3 years
dinasty (part 2)
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pairing: prince jaehyun x concubine reader
word count: 3.4 k
genre: Historical Mafia AU, smut, light angst
summary: after the perfect escape, you have to find a way to fit in your new life, leaving the past behind may seem easy when you're working for 4 princes and one of them is interested in you, right?
notes: hello again, part 2 is up and we have a new love triangle, thank you for liking the first part so much, and prepare for even more surprises
this doesn't have any relation to real facts and history, it's just pure fiction for entertainment purposes
warnings: violence, blood, cheating, unprotected sex, oral (female receiving)
main characters: jaehyun (prince), yuta (samurai, villain), ten (thai mafia, villain), kun (China's emperor warrior)
Reality - Part 2
Part 1 here
"- Nice tattoo!" the man says.
It was dark and his face was only visible through the moonlight.
You freeze, the man stays still looking at you like you were his prey.
You try to cover your body but your only reaction is to grab your stuff and run, praying he wasn't gonna come after you.
Arriving at your room, breathing heavily you try to think about what just happened. A guy like that had to be a prince or someone really important. Ms. Lee told you to be lowkey and on the first day you let a man see you naked in the bath area. "Whatever" You were just too tired to think, you didn't do anything wrong anyway, so you were gonna pretend that it didn't happen. The Korean Palace was gonna punish you for going to the wrong bath?
Suddenly you realize Kun's necklace isn't with you. "Fuck, I must have dropped there" but now it's too risky to come back and look for it so you decide to do that tomorrow. You lay down on your mattress and try to fall asleep.
Next morning Ms. Lee showed you the rest of the Palace, the kitchen and assigned your tasks. It was a lot of work and details, each of their meals had to be perfectly planned. They had someone even to taste the food before them so they know it's not poisoned.
"- I'm gonna be responsible for the King's meal and you're gonna be responsible for the four prince's meals."
"- Yes, Taeil, Doyoung, Johnny and Jaehyun. Now you should prepare their tea, they always drink green tea in the morning."
While preparing the tea you wonder which one you saw at the bathing area and if you should tell Ms. Lee what happened yesterday.
You're walking with the trays to the dining place when you try to talk to her.
-Ms. Lee!
-So yesterday...
You realize you still don't know much about Ms. Lee and even if Kun trusts her, you don't. Also you can't help but think that serving tea was much better than your life at the concubine's house, so you try quickly to think of something else to say.
-Well, yesterday… Before I met you… this man helped me at the harbor, he was wearing black clothes and had a samurai sword.
-"Stay away from him!" She turns at you. "They are dangerous, they will kill everything and everyone on their way, people you don't want to mess up with."
By Yuta's facial expression when you mentioned Ms. Lee's name you weren't surprised she said those words, you wonder why but she wasn't gonna be the one to give you the answers. Otherwise, you still weren't afraid of him, he was gonna be the last of your problems here.
-"Now let's get in there, first you bow and then you serve them the way I showed you, don't look at them in the eye and don't say anything." She says.
In silence, you enter the dining room along with the other servants behind you bringing the food plates and you stop in front of the tables on the floor where all the princes are. There are two on each side, the two oldest and the youngest, all of them are sitting on cushions, they all have long hair and are wearing beautiful hanboks.
-"Your highness, may I introduce you to your new servant 'y/n', she is my niece and she is gonna work with me in the kitchen from now on." Ms. Lee said while you bowed, you were still too nervous to look up and look at them. "Now, may we start with the tea." Ms. Lee turns to you and signs that you can go and serve them.
Holding the teapot you go to the first prince, the oldest, Taeil, he is very handsome, with his light brown hair, face delicate and mature at the same time. Slowly you pour the tea into the cup by his left, he doesn't do anything, just stays still looking down and you wonder if you did something wrong. On his right it's Doyoung, after you pour the tea he gives you a small nod which makes you feel calmer. He is also very handsome, shiny black long hair, perfect posture, he sure looks like a prince. On the other side, Johnny, you can feel he is looking at you, the first to say "thank you" after you pour the tea. His face is gorgeous, even if he is sitting down you can feel how tall and strong he is. And then, Jaehyun, the man from the bath. You freeze when he looks directly at your eyes, you try to stay calm and pour the tea but can't help but shake a little bit. He is the definition of perfection, he had perfect skin, perfect face, everything about him.
Jaehyun keeps staring at you even when you stand up and comes back to Ms. Lee side.
-"Seems like someone likes our new servant!" Johnny says laughing. The other boys look at him but Jaehyun remains silent and serious, still looking at you.
They give the first sip to their tea. Taeil stops and smells the cup.
-"Did someone… put ginger on the tea?" He asks.
Ms. Lee turns at you with her eyes wide open.
-"Did you put ginger when you were making the tea?" She says in a low voice. - Yes, that's how we usually drink it in China, I'm so sorry.
-"Don't..." Taeil says taking another sip "- From now on keep in that way". You see Jaehyun smirking with the corner of your eyes.
Your whole body relaxed, you felt like you were going to faint. Ms. Lee bows and tells them to excuse both of you. As soon as you enter the kitchen's door she grabs your arm.
-"You have no idea how lucky you were this time young lady, Taeil is the most picky to all the food we make, when he started speaking I thought I was gonna have a heart attack"
-Me too! But I'm so sorry, I swear I'm not doing anything again without asking you first.
-"Good! Now get back to work"
Later after you finish your schedule you come back to the bath area to look for Kun's necklace. You look everywhere but it's nowhere to be found.
-"Looking for this?" Jaehyun stops behind you holding your necklace.
You turn around and he comes closer to you.
-"I asked if you're looking for this?" Now he is inches from you.
-Ye- yes!
Jaehyun walks behind you and gently moves your hair to the side, putting the necklace on you.
-"Does that belong to your boyfriend?" He is so close it's almost he's whispering in your ears. You get goosebumps.
-Excuse me?
He smirks and comes back to look you in the eyes.
-"I fought in the war 2 years ago, I remember those from the chinese soldiers." He tilts his head to the side and looks at you from head to toe. "Or you did?"
-A prince fighting at the war?
-"And a very bloody one but yes... it would be a shame being a prince and let your people alone bring victory to your country"
-It does… belong to my boyfriend.
You hold your necklace in your chest.
-"And where is your precious boyfriend when a pretty face like you is talking to the enemy in another country?"
-It's complicated!
-"I have time!"
-Why? Do you want the full story to snitch on me?
-"Sweetie if I wanted to snitch you out I would have already!"
He was right.
-You wouldn't believe if I told you anyway!
-"Try me, I've seen it all"
You both sit on a stone beside the water.
-Well, when I was 9 my family was struggling, we didn't have food, money, anything… so my father sold me and my sister to a concubine's house. She went to a different house than mine so I never saw her again actually. But anyway after years of being a slave in all forms to that house I fell in love, to someone from the thai mafia, of course things got out of control, I was so dumb. When I tried to run away he found out and did this tattoo on me, I was in so much pain because I fell off the roof trying to run away that I didn't even felt the pain of the needle, I just stayed there, still. Then I met Kun, I fell in love again, he helped me to escape, and it worked.
-"And I assume that story of being Ms. Lee's niece is all lies."
-Yes! She helped to raise Kun and met his mother so it's the only reason she's doing this until he arrives.
-"Oh so he's coming."
-He works for the Emperor and he said they would kill both of us if he ran away, so he is gonna wait a little bit and ask to retire, he wants to do it the right way, then he'll join me.
-"If you allow me to say this but… I would never have let you to come alone, sometimes you don't have to do it the right way" He gets up and walks to the exit of the bath. "But I'm glad he did and we could meet"
You give a small smile with the corner of your lips.
-"Oh and by the way..." He turns at you. "The staff's bath area is on that way." He points to his left.
-I know now. Thanks.
He smiles and leaves.
Weeks passed and you were getting used to your new life. You were doing your job right, even making some different dishes from your hometown to the princes. Meanwhile you unexpectedly started spending time with Jaehyun. Since your conversation at the bath, you both got closer in a natural way. On every free time you had you spent time together, you mostly liked to walk on the garden because it was more private, he told you about his childhood, how he had to give up on so many things to be who the kings expected him to be, how he felt like he was on a prison his whole life and how he found joy on learning how to fight because it was the only way he had to express himself and not follow the rules. You were surprised at how wholesome he was, he made questions about your life in a way that you know he wasn't being just pity, he was interested in how other realities exist outside the Palace.
One afternoon Ms. Lee asked you to go to the flea market to buy fruit for the dinner's banquet. You went alone since now you were familiar with that.
Because of the summer there were a lot of different kinds of fruits on sale. You bought peaches because you knew Jaehyun likes it. After buying everything you needed you see some crowd gathering between the market, you approached them and notice some weird men you've never seen before. They were thieves. They were on their horses, destroying the sellers' stands, pushing everyone in their way, they even tried to put a food stand on fire. You saw a little kid who got lost from their parents and was crying right in the middle of the path where the thieves were. You run in his direction and catch him, putting him safely to the side of the road, when one of the men slaps your face "Get out of the way slut!"
The slap was hard so you fell on the ground when suddenly you see another group of men coming that way, they all had black clothes and katanas. The samurais. They were so fast, they fought the thieves in a blink of an eye. There are people running and dust everywhere, you feel a hand on you. "Let's get you out of here" you recognize the voice, Yuta holds you and takes you to a safe place.
-"Why every time I see you, you're in trouble? Didn't I tell you to not walk around alone?"
-I was just buying stuff at the market when they came out of nowhere.
-"You're bleeding, let me see your lips" Yuta takes the fabric that was covering his mouth and carefully wipes the blood on your lips.
-"You're gonna need ice if you don't want to get bruises..."
-Don't worry, I've had worse wounds! - You laugh.
-"You didn't tell me where you came from"
-You didn't either, and why are you doing this? Helping me when you told me to stay away?
-"Well you should!"
-I'm not afraid of you.
Yuta looks at you, his mysterious gaze turns into vulnerability.
-So, I will tell you my story if you tell me yours! - You say.
-"Years ago the king had a deal with Osaka’s emperor, since he traveled there and they proposed to do an alliance and protect each nation together, but when the war happened and the emperor asked for the samurais to fight on their side here in Korea. We came and it was all a trap, a lot of us died, the emperor stole our ships and made all his people be afraid of us spreading lies, that we were dangerous. Since we couldn’t come back home we settled ourselves here, but the funny thing is every time the small villages are in danger, like what you saw today, it’s us who come first to help them. You asked me why I saved you, where I came from, we take care of everyone, no matter what."
-I'm sorry!
-"Now your turn, what’s your dark pass?"
-Apparently like you I was also a victim of the war in my country, but other than having a sword and fighting I was just a concubine trapped in a house for so many years, let’s say I just involved myself with the wrong people and ran away.
-"It’s called a katana… the sword. And maybe I can teach you how to fight." He smiles.
He gives you the sword.
-It's much lighter than I thought.
-"Careful, it's lighter but the blade is gonna be the sharpest of all swords. Here... You must hold like this!" He took your hands and taught you how to hold the sword, carefully he showed you some self defense moves.
-"Now if someone ever tries to slap your face again, you do this..." Yuta grabs your wrists and pins you agains't a tree, you can't move obviously, he is so close to you and you feel the sexual tension building.
-"Get away from her!" You hear a familiar voice screaming. It's Jaehyun.
Jaehyun gets off his horse, he was mad, you never saw him like that. You jump in front of Yuta.
-No wait! He saved my life! - You scream.
-"What? Y/n do you know who he is? He is a murderer." Jaehyun looks at you.
-"If you arrived 10 minutes earlier you could have joined us but the little prince was busy at his Palace right?" Yuta provokes him.
-"That's enough!" Jaehyun comes closer but Yuta doesn't even flinch.
-Please Jaehyun, let's go!
You grab his arm and take him away from Yuta.
- "This doesn't end here bastard!" - Jaehyun spits at Yuta's direction.
You come back to the Palace with Jaehyun and he takes you to the bath area.
He is sweating, you could see his veins popping because of how mad he was.
- Jaehyun please, everything is alright, you need to calm down!
- "No it's not, look at you, you're hurt" he grabs your face and touches your lip with his thumb.
- It's ok now, I was at the market when some thieves arrived, I was protecting a little kid who was gonna get hit by their horses, they got mad because I was in the way but I swear it was nothing and Yuta helped me and everyone in there!
- "What? How do you know his name?"
- When I arrived from China he saw me at the harbor, I was so weak from the trip he helped me and even took me to Ms. Lee! I don't care about your old family issues, he helped me and that's all.
- "I'm sorry I'm just… the Palace guards heard the thieves were at the market and when I knew you were there I got my horse and went after you, I just couldn't let anything bad happen to you y/n!"
He grabs your face with both of his hands and kisses you. You try to push him but still can't open your eyes and break the kiss completely "Jaehyun we shouldn't..."
- "If you don't want it then tell me to stop" your heart is beating so fast, you swallow hard and look up at Jaehyun, "I know I'm not the only one feeling this" He says kissing you hard again.
He is right. "Touch me" you say, grabbing his hands and placing them on your breasts. When he is caressing his hands on your breast he removes your necklace, dropping it on the ground. He unties your dress and slides the fabric until your lower body, he is on his knees in front of you and he passes his hands on the back of your thighs until your butt and kisses your thighs slowly. He keeps eye contact with you and licks your clit, you moan and grabs his hair in response to his tongue going faster.
In your head it felt so wrong because you were in love with Kun, but Jaehyun made you feel so needy, mind and body.
Jaehyun gives a hard lick on your clit and makes his way up to your stomach leaving a tray of kisses until your breasts, he sucks one nipple while his other hand and flicks the other one. He gets up and kisses you, the kiss was so wet, for a moment you forget that anything else exists while he kisses you hard, licking and sucking your bottom lip. He takes off his clothes, his hard dick slaps on his toned abs, pre cum leaking over his tip. Jaehyun lifts you up "Let's go inside" taking you to one of the hot tubs.
When you felt the heat of the water on your body, the feeling of pleasure and lust took over you, Jaehyun pulled you down onto his lap and gave you another kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck when you feel his tip on your core. "Oh my god" you scream while his hands holding your waist puts you down until his whole length was inside of you. The feeling was so different, you got a harder friction because of the water and you start moving up and down to get used to his size. Jaehyun's shoulders and biceps tense while his cock is stretching you out. You bounce on him screaming in pleasure, body trembling as he helps you to move faster.
He was pushing all the way into you, hitting your g-spot. You arch your back and moan his name, clenching every time he enters you. You're almost out of breath when he sucks your neck and presses his thumb against your clit. "Jae, I'm gonna..." you can see he is close as well as he sucks your neck even harder and moves his finger faster. You scream when you feel your orgasm, your arching pussy made his cock tighter while he couldn't hold it anymore and released into you as well.
You both stay in the water for a bit recovering from the climax, he pulls you to his chest and you close your eyes.
-Am I dreaming?
-"I think the reality right now is better than your dreams."
"Reality" you thought, back at your own senses you couldn't help but be disappointed at yourself. Because of you Kun was risking his own life to help you to run away and now you're with the prince of the place he arranged you to work for. Maybe you were just a filthy concubine, maybe you deserved everything they did to you, even your tattoo. You roll your body and rest your head at the border of the hot tub, a tear coming out of your eye.
Part 3 coming soon
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mminttae · 3 years
Clandestine | 02
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-> Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x reader
-> Genre : tattoo!artist Jungkook, mafia! JJK,mafia au, bloody!missions, slight violence, got secrets they can't tell, angst, romance, Jungkook's part time job is flirting, sad (backstory), Y/N is strong!
-> Summary : who would have known that just doing a part time job at a night club would lead you to the tattoo artist Jeon Jungkook's messed up world. One letter related to the secret comes out of your mouth you'll be laying in Jungkook's arms but alive or not, that's not guaranteed...
-> Word Count : 4.286 K ( A/N: I’m increasing words )
-> T/W body language, killing, curse words and intimacy are included in the story (you may read if you're comfortable with these)
Part : 2
<< previous chap
.・゜-: ✧ :-playlist -: ✧ :-゜・.
Jungkook's mouth opened and closed like a goldfish. Even if me saying that line didn't flatten him enough I knew the nickname did as it always have been doing. It was clearly visible that he didn't expect me to be this bold suddenly. But he being himself smirked after a couple of seconds as his hand snaked up to grab my wrist pulling me more closer "Sure princess.. Do you want to go to the trip now? " His tongue rolling over his bottom lip as his piercing doe eyes holding so many thoughts looked at my lips then to my eyes.
"I don't want to interrupt but the trip has to be postponed "Jimin interferes in the moment, his eyes narrowed and only looking at me as if scared that the younger guy would throw him out if he locked eyes with his. Making a 'tch' sound Jungkook raises his eyebrows at Jimin in a manner that reads he's asking why postpone. I yeet his hand which was holding my wrist and get off from the table clearing my throat while fixing the skirt and apron. Jungkook clearly disappointed for not being able to hear my answer gets up from the seat while putting the black leather jacket around his shoulders. Jimin and Taehyung following him gets up too grabbing their bags. Jungkook walked up to me while fixing his bangs with his index finger.
"Gotta go princess a client's waiting" Nodding I proceeded to walk away but I could hear Jungkook saying with a sad dramatic tone. "Atleast act that you don't want me to go". I'm afraid I won't be able to because I myself don't know what this client of yours gonna do if you don't go on time. Is the person waiting even a client or not? Knitting my eyebrows I look back only to meet with strangers taking up the seat. The three tall mesmerizing men with inks on their body not to be seen anywhere. I don't know what's going on in that foolish yet extremely clever brain of yours but...
Be careful Mr. Artbook..
Mid summer yet the night breeze is able to run shivers down your spine. Not a single soul in sight.
10 at night maybe the shopkeepers closed down the shutters and went to bed. Not many shops here in this area to even begin with. The only workshop's bell which rings here is the Jeon's Tattoo corner which has been ringing from the morning today , seemed to have stopped in the evening but now making its sound again. "Argh I should really break down this bell "
With an annoyed expression the black haired guy opens the drawers searching for a fresh towel. The tall man who just entered the shop walked past the desk table, turning the door knob and allowing himself inside the cozy room. His loud footsteps on the wooden floor telling Jungkook that the guest has arrived.
"Where were you? I waited here for five minutes then went inside the nearby plant store to kill time"
Taking off the long coat the tall silver haired guy walks up to the chair positioned in the middle of the room beside the various tools. "Sorry hyung, Taehyung and Jimin wanted a new tattoo so went to hear out their designs"
Jungkook says, eyebrows knitted while he fishes out the stencil of the beautiful clematis he has drawn beforehand of the leader's arrival. Smiling to himself he walks up to the seated boss whose like a big brother to him, he puts the stencil aside. Taking out a black rubber band from his pocket he takes his hair and ties it up to a small ponytail before taking out a drawer full of tattoo needles and inks. "Heard that Yoongi started boxing classes with you"
The older male speaks as his lip corners slowly moves upwards. Jungkook giving out a laugh says, "Yea Yoongi hyung be moving like a turtle. "
The thought of his hyung boxing and whining that it's hard is enough to make the little one giggle. Taking out a small wooden stool with one hand as the other one was holding the tattoo gun, Jungkook sits himself beside the strong looking man who rolls up his shirt's sleeves revealing all the different type of arts and words of different languages tattooed on his arm.
"Need chewing gum?"
The younger one asks at the thought that it might hurt but the older one replies plainly that he's fine after all his skin had been coming in contact with this gun for a long time now. Jungkook nods before resting the needle on the free space on the top of the man's biceps before starting to draw on it, the awestrucking clematis. "Was thinking of getting a lip piercing but not being able to get it cuz of the adults in the house"
The man says while his dimples makes visits to his cheeks.
"The exact same reason why am postponing on getting an eyebrow piercing"
Jungkook replies as he carefully moves the tattoo gun sideways on the man's bicep.
"So when are you planning on telling your sister?"
He asks as the silver haired guy closes his eyes once realizing what Jungkook meant.
"When the time's right.. "
He replies, slowly opening his eyes his gaze meeting the ceiling.
"But first we need to pinpoint Mr. Choi's location"
Replying with a small and quiet yes Jungkook draws the details on the flower carefully.
"Seokjin has been checking the cctvs regularly and the only thing he found was the black hyundai stopping at a night club at exactly 7pm every Tuesday and Wednesday"
"What's the night club's name? "
Jungkook asks as he draws on the small leaves.
"Hell's night club"
With just the mention of the night club's name Jungkook's hand stops moving as his eyes widened. "Isn't that the club you often visit with the others? "
The silver haired man asks making Jungkook quietly nod his head. If the most feared mafia in the country slash his team's biggest rival had been going to the exact same club at the exact same time as his how come he never saw the familiar old man's face? He thought.
What kind of person does the man disguise him as that even Jimin who encountered him multiple times doesn't notice. "You should be careful and try to see your clients faces carefully and see if they match that old fart's face or not"
Jungkook humming a response continued on giving the clematis it's final touch. Finishing the tattoo he removes the gun making the silver haired man sit up straight and fix his shirt.
"You know what to do right?"
Jungkook asks referring to putting on Vaseline ointment on the tattoo and stuffs. The older guy nods while fetching his coat. "I'll get going then. Thanks for the tattoo kook"
Jungkook simply nods his mind stuck in a different topic. Putting the equipments away and tidying up the towels as the older guy leaves the shop and disappears into the darkness of the night in the empty alleyway, Jungkook couldn't help but think about what you were up to. His mind stitching up different negative thoughts together.
"If Mr. Choi is really going to that club then he must have seen Y/N always talking to us..... What if he does something to her? " Jungkook asks to himself and the next thing he does is take his bag, turn off the lights, lock the doors and run off to meet you.
• -
"I'll be off then"
Bowing politely you take hold of the two big disposable bags and huff out a breathe when you realize how heavy both of them were. Kicking the back staff door with your leg open the first thing you see is Jeon Jungkook leaning on the wall infront. His hair tied up in a small ponytail, a bag hung around his shoulder and inked hands resting inside his jeans pockets. His eyes falls on your hands holding the disposable garbage bags, sighing he walks up to you.
"I thought your job was to serve and take orders not bring out garbages" You looked down at the bags in your hands while saying, "I was coming out anyways it's no biggie"
You flashed him a small smile but his eyes looked worried and his face tensed. You wondered what happened but didn't dare to ask thinking that he will only answer with 'none of your business' . Yes Jeon Jungkook unknowingly says harsh things without thinking when he's tensed. Jungkook takes the garbage bags from your hands and put it beside the door when his eyes lands on your right hand which was bandaged. His eyes widen and he quickly took your right hand examining it while asking
"How did this happen? Are you okay? "
Embarrassed you put your hand away from his warm ones and answer while smiling, not making eye contact
"It's okay I'm fine these kind of injuries are meant to happen if you work in a bar." Jungkook not convinced took your hand again now keeping it infront of him not letting you pull it back. His eyebrows knitted . "You were totally fine this evening tell me what happened". Chewing on your bottom lip you look down, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
"Y/N tell me what happened.." Jungkook says once again this time his voice laced with concern as his hands caressed your hair. You were actually a bit taken aback at how the always dominant voice of Jungkook is making its way to you in a concerned and soft way.
"A drunk guy harshly pulled my hand wanting me to sit beside him but I fought back and he suddenly let go of me making me loose my balance at hit the edge of the glass table behind and that's how I got this"
You say while looking at your bandaged hand which was now resting in jungkook's warm palm. He softly held your injured hand and lower down a bit to meet your height. Looking at your eyes he said
"Tell me who did this. Tell me who did this to you I'm gonna fucking kill him"
In a calm soft voice but the last part obviously didn't come out in a soft way. You laughed and pushed him a bit away from you. "It's okay am fine don't overreact he was drunk" But Jungkook not buying the answer walked closer to you and again with a serious tone asked you . "Tell me how he looked like"
Knowing that he won't let go of the topic unless you give him a proper answer you sigh, rolling your eyes while describing the drunk man you happened to meet inside the club. "He had small eyes , a sharp nose and dark stubble on his face and.." You trailed off thinking what else did the man have but Jungkook interrupted asking in a quick manner
"Did he have any sort of tattoo on his wrist? " Replaying the moment inside your head you widen your eyes a bit and nod your head, "Yea he did.. Was that a crown? A crown maybe"
Exactly knowing who that drunk man you encountered was Jungkook's chest sank at the thought that the old man touched you with his dirty hands. Gulping down the saliva that formed in his mouth he without thinking pulled you to his chest engulfing you in a hug. He wasn't sure why he felt like protecting you but he wanted to . He wasn't supposed to feel this way now that he set his mind on the plan his brain made up on the way here but..he did. He wanted to make sure you were safe.
Widening your eyes at how Jungkook suddenly hugged you, your mind went blank. There's no doubt in how fast your heart was beating. To be honest to yourself you were actually frightened when that man tried touching you in an ill manner but now being in Jungkook's arms you felt safe. You felt safe when he was around. Jungkook's arms around you got tighter as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck.
So this is how you gonna play it Mr. Choi
He thinks.
Flashback 5 weeks back
Stretching your arms you give out a small yawn before grabbing the books from the table and making your way out of the auditorium. Walking while looking at your  surroundings you didn't notice the tall man standing infront of you. Too immersed in the same old paintings hanging on the walls you hit something hard making the copies and books in your hands fall down. Without looking up at the person you bumped into you quickly said 'sorry' while kneeling down to pick up your supplies. The tall gentleman kneeled down too helping you with picking up your stationerys. You got up, the man following you soon. This time facing the guy properly as both of you made eye contact you were about to say thank you when your voice abruptly decided to not come out.
The man had soft long black hair .The kind of hair you would want to play with all day. His baby doe eyes staring at you, his lips parted. The oversized hoodie he was wearing made him the grizzly huggable bear image more.
As your eyes scanned him from head to toe, your lips a bit parted, the guy not being able to control his laughter at how cute you looked when your eyes went big as if you saw something really interesting and you'd like to study that thing more, he gave out small giggles making you quickly close your mouth and look at him. Noticing how every students in tha hall were staring at both of you, you shifted your weight from one leg to another leg uncomfortably. But the guy's Adorable bunny smile didn't go out of your notice. His eyes wrinkled as he tilted his face and asked you softly
"You okay? "
Blinking couple of times you nodded your head making him shyly scratch his nape and mumble 'thank god'. Your lips automatically curved up when your eyes landed on the ID card hung around his neck
"Jeon Jungkook"
Once realization hit you that you were now standing infront of your college's hearthrob while looking like a whole mess which you didn't care about that much until you bumped into him, your cheeks got tinted in a light blush. Pulling your lips in you tilted your head a bit to the side making your baby hairs fall over your face.
"Hey kook!"
A loud deep voice entered the ears of the people standing in the hall making them turn their heads to the two seniors waving their hands at Jungkook's direction, a big wide smile plastered know their face. Jungkook takes out his bracelet covered wrist from his pocket and waves at them. Jimin running towards us and wrapping his arm around the tall guy's shoulders he notices me and flashes me a smile
"Hey Y/N"
Waving your sweater paw at him as a hey you smiled. You met Jimin and Taehyung a couple of times before in some group works with seniors. You not really interested in gossips of the college noticed just a few days ago that Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook are the well known hot trio of this college.
Jungkook repeats your name to himself before looking at you once again , smiling while saying
"Sweet name"
His sweet honey voice saying your name was enough to melt you. If it was any other guy right now you would have simply said thank you for helping you pick up the books and walk away without saying anything but surprisingly Jeon Jungkook made you stop. "I'm hungry didn't have breakfast this morning" Taehyung whines while holding his tummy earning a slap on his head from Jimin. "we are going for lunch wanna join us? "
Jungkook asks you making you widen your eyes at the sudden invitation and Jungkook earning some smirks from the seniors beside him, Jimin elbowing his arm while wiggling his eyebrows. Jungkook simply rolled his eyes at his hyungs before looking at you for a reply. You glancing at your silver wrist watch said "I would love to but I should get going. I have some stuffs to do"
Jungkook quietly nods his head before flashing you a smile.
Is he always smiling?
You thought noticing that he had been smiling since the moment both of you met. "Y/N's always studying hard"
Taehyung says earning a nod from Jimin making you shyly scratch your nape.
The Brunnete haired approached you giving you a pat on your shoulder before saying "Study well but don't forget to have lunch okay? "
You flashed him a smile while nodding. Jungkook waving his hands at you as a 'bye' walked past you with the two boys. You looked back at three of them noticing that two of them were wearing hoodies and one of them were wearing full sleeved tees.
It's so hot these days why are they wearing hoodies on top of tees?
Shaking your head you quickened your pace and quickly got out of the college grounds. Walking to the bus stand while looking around at the cozy coffee shops on the streets you keep glancing at your watch from time to time to make sure that you're going on time or not.
Now here's a secret about you that no one knows
You're a student at an art college but you are also a student at a law school. Your father runs the family business of electronics. Yes the electronics company ranking the second best in the country out of all the other electronic companies, which he wants to hand over to your big brother after he retires. Your mother always wanted a child of her to be a sculptor. Borning late in the family with the talent of art you were forced to study this subject whereas you were interested in prosecution, catching criminals and stuffs. What you were most interested in were being a mafia or an assassin but you gave up on those dreams and decided to study law. Your parents only giving their all attention and care to their first born, didn't care about you that much. The only thing they wanted from you was becoming a great sculptor and bringing praise to your family.
After nights of confusion and judgement you decided to study in the law school that you got admitted, secretly with the money your grandparents left you. Your grandparents left some money for you and your brother before passing away and thankfully they were enough to pay for your study books expenses. But maintaining time for your law school as well as the art school was hard but you managed to make time after dropping off from some extra courses of the art college without telling your parents. But it was hectic. Your college hours starts from 7 am. And you have classes till 9am then a break at 9:15 am to 10:30 due to dropping off from some extra class. Your law classes starts from 9:30 so during the break you quickly leave the grounds and head off to the law classes. Then you return to the art college at 10:20 when it's a break at your law school. Then once again when it's a lunch break at the art school you head off to the law school while munching on some snacks, obviously not getting time to have proper lunch. And when it comes to events you had to make up excuses at the law school for not attending as your parents would obviously not skip their daughter's presentations.
It would be more hectic from today cuz you just applied to a job at a night club. There's a course for learning shooting at the law school but you don't have enough money to pay for that so it's time to earn some money.
Stretching your arms while getting up from the seat you had been sitting on straight for 2 hours, you give a yawn before taking out a scrunchie and putting your hair up. All the classes for the day are done. Putting the back pack around your shoulder you bow at the teacher before leaving the school premises. Walking inside the bus and sitting on one of the seat you take out your phone and start typing to your mother , 'Mom I'll be late tonight as I got some extra lessons. Don't worry for me and you don't have to send car I'll come by bus'
"No one's gonna worry about me though"
You say to yourself while letting out a small laugh and looking out at the window. Everything vanishing from your sight at a fast pace as the vehicle picks up its speed upon seeing the empty road. Some of the street lights flickering due to not being fixed for several days now. You take out the 'guideline' paper of the bar you're gonna work in from backpack, going through the structure of the building in your mind and remembering all the rules explained to you yesterday when you went to apply for the job. This night club only seemed to be safe for you to work in now. By safe means you would have no worries of the common students who spends time in bars and clubs to see you. If anyone recognizes you then it's game over. Plus the pay is high too.
The phone screen lighting up as a notification popped up you unlocked the phone before seeing from whom the text is from.
Bro: heard you're coming late at night should I pick you up from the way while coming home?
"Geez already told him?"
You say to yourself once realizing that your mom told your brother to pick up but your brother being nice asked if you want to be picked up first or not. Smiling at his text before typing your reply It's ok you don't have to come. The office is far away from my college anyways. Get home safely.
Waiting for a few minutes to see his reply which you didn't get you turned off your phone and put it inside your bag. Looking out from the window thinking why he didn't reply when he saw your text whereas usually he would try to come pick you up, being the 'protective' brother. You got down from the bus as soon as the bus came to its stop. You walked for a few more minutes from the bus stop till arriving at your destination.
Hell's night club
It's been only five minutes of you serving drinks but you're already tired. How can a human body and mind work for 13 hours straight without any rest. You did mess up some tables a couple of times for which you were now getting a scolding from the manager. You looking down bowing slightly while your hands in front of you.
"Miss Lee Y/N did you properly see the table numbers today? "
The old man asks to which you nod. "Then why are you messing up? " He asks in a raised voice making you flinch and quickly mumble a sorry. You lift your head up a bit to see the old man sighing while pinching his forehead, clearly visible that he's angry. "I'm letting you go as this is your first time don't make mistakes anymore"
He says making you bow and say
"Thank you"
He looked around trying to see if any waitresses are free. Sighing at how there's no one free without counting you he gave you a look before handing you a tray of various kinds of drinks. "Take this to table no. 14. And  do not  make any mistakes. They are regulars here I don't want them gone" Nodding at him you set off to find this table no. 14 . Noticing how your skirt got up a bit you tried pulling the skirt a bit down with one hand as the other one was holding the tray, you quickly withdraw your hand without fixing the skirt upon seeing the tray tremble in one hand. Quickly holding the tray in place and scanning if any drinks were spilled, you sigh in relief. You looked back to only lock eyes with the manager . He staring straight at you with his cold eyes. You gave a small awkward smile and walked towards table 14.
The table no. 14 seemed to be surrounded by many big men. All had some sort of tattoos on them. A familiar man sitting in the middle holding a pen and scribbling something on a notebook. His inked arms full on display as the silver earrings were still being able to shine despite the dullness in the scene. His long bangs falling before his eyes not letting anyone see the face beneath it.
You quietly approached the table and when you raised your eyes from the ground to the man sitting in the middle, your legs automatic came to a halt and your breath hitched.
Jeon Jungkook right there was sitting. The table in front occupied with various weapons and him sitting like a whole five course meal, fingers playing with the dangly earrings
This is totally not what I expected
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anondudeao3 · 3 years
Fic Recs!
Since I'm on hiatus, I've finally had time to do some reading, and I thought I'd give some fic recommendations, since I won't be posting for quite a while. These are my absolute favourites!
(I'm splitting this into two posts — one for JayDick and one for JayTim — because now that I'm finished with the first half it's quite long)
A Love Triangle With The Same Person
By: Chrystie, kate882
Word Count: 10,031
Summary: Dick might have a bit of a thing for Jason, one of Red Hood's criminal underlings. But he's also already a little in love with Red Hood.
→ Identity porn! Who doesn't love identity porn? Very cute and sweet.
Everything I Know
By: epistemology
Word Count: 12,360
Summary: Red Hood is a little bit in love with his partner, Nightwing, who has a huge crush on Jason Todd, the hot bookstore owner, who is actually the Red Hood, who is too busy being in love to notice Dick Grayson, who's actually Nightwing.
Jason and Dick fall in love with the wrong versions of each other, and things become complicated fast.
→ More identity porn, but this one is a lot more sort of missed connections, plus it has bookshop owner Jay who was never taken in by Bruce! It really has you begging SOMETHING to happen to somehow make them see that THEY ARE EACH OTHER, THEY ARE THE ONES THEY LIKE. AHHHH IT'S THE SAME PERSON. And when it finally does happen, it's so sweet and satisfying. (I recommend checking out their other fics too! Lots of sweetness.)
Lie To Me, Darling
By: Chrystie, kate882
Word Count: 19,214
Summary: Officer Dick Grayson is undercover in the infamous Red Hood's gang trying to track down the man behind the helmet. With his former partner killed for being found out, there's a new guy in the gang to take his place. Jason doesn't seem like the average new gang recruit, and Dick may be getting more than he bargained for trying to get close to him.
→ Okay, ngl I JUST now noticed that this one is by the same people as the first one, and I specifically didn't want to put multiple fics by the same people (just say I recommend checking out their other stuff, but not rec separately), but it's too late now and I don't have a 7th JayDick fic to recc that isn't also an author repeat, and I don't want it to be uneven.
But ANYWAY. This one will fuck you up, I can't lie. Unhappy ending, but if you can brave that, ohhh it's so good. It's so damn sweet whilst the good times last, even though you know it's only temporary and it's all going to go to hell at some point... man. It hurts. But it hurts so good. It's beautiful, and I personally think it's worth the pain.
Two Birds on a Wire
By: empires, pentapus
Word Count: 20,565
Summary: Dick asks Jason for help on a case. Jason should have never agreed.
→ It's probably laughable that I'm reccing this, since pentapus is one of the authors and their art is like huge in the JayDick fandom, and the fic has more than 22.5k views, which seems to be quite a lot as far as JayDick fics go. But in the event that you haven't read it yet... This is actually the very first JayDick fic I EVER read, it introduced me to the ship, and I just reread it and it's still just as amazing, what a winner to start out with!
The dynamic between Jay and Dick, the way Dick gets so into his undercover role, Jay's emotional turmoil, the action — it's all just absolute chef's kiss! It's so hard to write action well, and these two made this fic so engaging!
All Soulmates Final, No Refunds
By: empires, salvadore
Word Count: 38,900
Summary: Mystic Waters Grande Hotel sells itself as a luxury soulmate retreat with all manner of couple’s activities. The cost is high, and all is not as it appears on the hotel’s grounds. Dick and Jason go undercover as newlywed soulmates to find out what’s behind the rash of missing persons. And dig up old feelings in the process.
→ (Since empires was collaborating with two different people of the different fics, I don't count that as a repeat).
Well firstly, this is a rare Batman!Dick JayDick! And secondly, yes, one of the ubiquitous soulmate AUs. But with some very interesting twists! Also, like TBOAW above, the action in this is amazing, and absolutely had me on the edge of my seat. Similarly, their undercover personas were lots of fun, and it was very fun to see them push each other further and further with them.
Secrets of the Sea
By: ParzivalHallows
Word Count: 42,711
Summary: Being a merperson was dangerous enough, but being a merperson captured by pirates? That's got to be one of the worst fates for a merman. Merman Dick Grayson is captured by a slave ship, where he meets Jason Todd, who's a slave on that ship. Together, the two plan an escape. However, they need to put aside their odds first, which is very difficult for the two stubborn men.
→ I have to give you fair warning first, this one is incomplete and hasn't been updated since 2017, so I don't think it's ever going to be finished (but it can't hurt to leave a nice comment!) BUT WAIT, DON'T SCROLL YET, hear me out. It's really good, okay. You do need to mind the warning tags because there is major character death (not Jay or Dick though, and since it's not complete I'm kind of choosing to believe that they're not really dead and later in the story it actually turns out that they managed to survive).
There are a lot of grim things in this story, it's really about survival, but the worldbuilding is fucking phenomenal, and the author drew me right in. The descriptions and the action and emotion, the unexpected magic that they have to figure out? It's all so cool and well done.
Steady On Forward
By: JayseHasNoGrace
Word Count: 96,287
Summary: Dick Grayson's life has never been easy, but he'd like to think it's been going better lately. He's been operating mainly out of Gotham again for almost a year, and has been in a steady relationship for just over. He knows where he stands with crime-fighting, and the family is all on pretty good terms, considering.
Things are really going pretty well.
Unfortunately, the balance doesn't last long, and old horrors from Dick's past end up dredged up alongside new ones.
This is a story about love and family, but equally so about trauma and healing from it. Please heed the warnings in the preface.
→ Alright, the final JayDick rec, the longest, and the darkest. But wait, again, don't scroll! It's also by far the most hopeful AND FLUFFY. Now, the author is NOT fucking around about heeding those warnings, there's a shitload of them and it's really heavy, hard shit. Do not get me wrong, this fic is going to HURT you. But by the end, it's going to have felt so cathartic, and you're going so feel soft and hopeful and whole. I don't know how they did it, but it's SUCH an emotional rollercoaster. Another commenter on AO3 (mach5plus1) said it better than I could:
I gave this fic my whole heart, it took it, smiled and said “awwww, I’ll take care of it!“
Then started putting pressure on it and I told it “ouch, that hurts”
The fic kept smiling and put more pressure until a piece broke off (last chapter)
and then another (this chapter)
The fic keeps doing it until my heart is shattered into pieces and it’s standing over each shard with a frown saying “oops” (the upcoming chapters)
Then, after finding each piece again and picking them up, the fic will slowly push each piece back into place.
By the end it’ll give my heart back a little different, but somehow better than it was when I gave it away.
It will crush your heart, but it will lovingly patch it back together by the end, I promise. If you can read it without getting triggered, I thought everything was well handled, and it's so worth it. (I recommend checking out their other JayDick fic too, they only have one, but it's a fluffy romcom, so if you need a break after this one, that's there!)
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