#anyway ah well blah
inverse-problem · 8 months
once october is over I'll put more than [checks time between posts] 7 minutes of effort into art I post here, I swear
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aerithisms · 2 months
i think maybe i need to replay rebirth some time to look at this diplomatically because aerith is My Favourite and i might be biased but i think my biggest story critique of rebirth is that i wish they'd done a little more with her. given that this is the game she dies in i found it strange that they didn't push her into the foreground a little more since this is their last real chance to do that with her as a living member of the party (i'm sure she'll show up in some limited capacity in part 3 but dead lifestream!aerith is pretty different to alive!aerith i think).
i know that sounds like a weird thing to say when you consider stuff like them giving her the game's theme song to sing during loveless and the fact that the last chapter is basically The Aerith Movie but there is a strange lack of focus on her in moments where it feels like we should get more from her throughout the narrative. this game pushes tifa and cloud's relationship more in the mandatory story segments, and i LOVED what they did with that relationship in this game, but it felt odd that the same focus was not given to cloud's relationship with aerith throughout the story given that the ending hinges on him being so devastated by her death that he enters a delusional state of grief. and this isn't even a shipping thing bc as far as shipping goes i'm an aerti truther and i feel pretty equally neutral about both cloti and clerith as romances (if anything i prefer cloti!). it's about giving proper narrative buildup to the relationship that the game's tragic ending hinges on - a lot of aerith's most interesting scenes with cloud in the bulk of the game are optional, which i think is a weird thing to do given what the game is building to.
i also wish they did more with her being a cetra! again, the last couple chapters put focus on this but prior to that aerith is weirdly quiet about it. particularly in cosmo canyon, while we do get the lovely bonfire scene, aerith otherwise has a weird lack of dialogue when it comes to the lore dump scenes with the gi and bugenhagen. i expected her to feel some type of way about these revelations but any indication of that is at best subtext and she doesn't really say a lot about it. and for all that they emphasise aerith and nanaki's connection early on as beings closer to the planet, once you get to cosmo canyon there's a weird lack of payoff for it. same with tifa's dunk in the lifestream - i kinda thought aerith might have something to say about it as a cetra, and in fairness i think it's possible she did and the game is withholding some of aerith and tifa's offscreen interactions for part 3 (i swear this isn't even just an aerti cope lol i think the fact that they deliberately show them talking without us getting to hear it might be something they come back to), but i also wish we got to connect with this part of aerith's character more NOW, while she's still here, so it can inform our understanding of her choices and feelings at the end. i just find it kind of a bummer because aerith's complicated relationship to her heritage is a fascinating aspect of her character and her tragedy that i think goes a little untapped in this game, which means it's likely to go untapped in the story as a whole since she's. you know. dead.
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moonlight-seraph · 5 months
Smooth Operator (2011 Remastered) - Sade (youtube link)
Melts all your memories and change into gold His eyes are like angels' but his heart is cold.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#my desire to b productive vs my desire to create horribly earnest narut0 drawings#its just. i have a scene in my head that's like way too complicated to draw. but im gonna draw it anyway#and its gonna haunt me bc the dialogue is clunky. but whatever im gonna do it. this weekend. that is#i said id work on more writing school stuff today but ah i didn't sleep much and i did lots of focusing all day so like#brain is sorta mush now#snd all i can thibk abt is how much i lov 1ruka being narut0s number one dad brother#i just want to create a million scenarios where 1ruka cries over how much of a good kid narut0 is and how much bullshit he has to deal with#i just want someone to feel that pain for him. i mean. i guess thats s4sukes deal. but it feels different coming from a parent#from 1ruka it feels more. i wanna protect u. and from s4suke it feels more. i understand. lets destroy the world together. make them pay#they r the true ultimate narut0 stans. narut0 defense squad. everyone else back the fuck off#k4kashi is a 2nd teir stan. only bc hes got his own weird bullshit in canon. in my head hes also on the narut0 elite defense squad#wtf am i talking abt. ugh i need to sleep. i have to talk to ppl tomorrow. ugh no i should work on stuff#agh. fucj it maybe ill just wake up at like 5am and work on it then. and shift into proper work mode at 9 or whatever#blah. i now understand why i was feeling so like normal before this. its bc i was well rested lmao. im not at familiar levels of#exhausted unstabled energy. lov that for me#unrelated
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
How They Lost their Virginity
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Shanks, Mihawk, Buggy
I'm on crack- I'm sorry
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He was 'tricked' by a Food stall worker-
Ah Luffy- The 'I'd rather eat then anything else' type of guy.
Luffy despite what most would think, he knows what sex is and blah blah- He just doesn't care about it. So when the opportunity comes his way to have sex with someone he will accept if he's bored enough.
So when a food stall worker was flirting with him while he was getting a meat on the stick, as well as a offer by the person for free food with just some Romp in the sheets. He accepts!
He got a great exercise plus a fantastic free meals whenever he stops by that village! Won't care that he gave his virginity away for the food- Not like he was using it anyway!
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Still a Virgin
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With a Bartender
He had gotten lost- only a few years into his bounty hunting gig and still trying to figure it all out. However fortune was on his side and led him to a sleepy bar, were he chatted up the Bartender while they served him drinks.
Never having such chemistry with a person before. Drinking at the bar and chatting up the Bartender the whole night, which eventually lead to the two of them doing the frisky in the inn next door.
He'd left the next morning, but regretted it quite a bit-
He will never know exactly what bar that was so will think about thay Bartender all the time. Hoping one day the winds will bring him back to them for one of night-
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With a Dancer
It had been at a festival, not long after Roger's had been executed. He was young and wanted to distract himself from his anger and disappointment- drinking for the first time and ended up watching a street performer around his age.
Enamored by their beauty he used his charm to whoo them. Losing his virginity that night under the stars.
It had been magical for him, And he walked away from it all with a smile on his face and crushing on the dancer who had been with him.
Has a infinity for performers now, If a dancer catches his gaze he will he head over heels and will follow his youthful heart.
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With a Member of the Marines
Young, Dumb and filled with sperm. Mihawk had lost his virginity in his mid/late teens to a cadet in the Marines. The two of them the same age, trying to act like adults and decided to do the deed together.
Innocent and awkward- However Mihawk walked away proud from him. If not flustered and embarrassed from it all.
Developed a liking of sleeping with the 'enemy' it is a thrill for him and especially if he can do a sneaky link say besides a bar he will.
Will still sometimes drop by and sleep with that furst Marine member if they are still around. Finds it is nostalgic-
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With a Sex Worker
This man has such Bad/Negative Rizz he had a hard time in his youth pulling a partner. Maybe it was his loud mouth, rude tendencies or awkward graces that made it hard for him- However he got tired of lying about his 'sexual escapades' and instead decided to just get to the real thing at the age of 20.
He ended up going to a well established brothel. Buggy paid a unholy amount of money for one of the best in the brothel- tried to mouth off at first but after some firm words from the worker piped down and followed their lead.
Learned quickly to respect sex workers and also learned a few new things about himself as well. 😳
Has great respect for the industry and visits them often since he likes them.
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bubblergoespop · 5 months
My Top Caelum Quotes
@mokozroach as requested, the boyyy ♡
“What do you mean who am I? Who cares? Get up, let’s do something. I’m bored.”
“Well why do they call it a teaspoon if it’s for more than just tea? You humans are silly.”
“Oh my gosh, you keep asking the same stuff. Who are you? Why are you in my bed? Blah blah blah blah blah.”
“I don’t know, I don’t think I look scary. Do I look scary? Oh good, that’s good! I’m glad I don’t look scary.”
“I’m not actually very good at spelling anyway. You promise you won’t tell?
“Oh no, it’s more of the slash numbers, those make my head hurt.”
“If I was a d-e-m-o-n demon, you wouldn’t tickle me. Actually you probably would because you’re kind of crazy.”
“I mean you said you wanted a friend so I came! Isn’t that enough?”
“My mouth is dry. You ask too many questions, silly.”
“I don’t ever ever want you to think you aren’t worth everything—“
“… And Davey untying the knots. And Asher’s laugh.”
“I feel safe when I’m with you. I feel loved. That’s what I need right now, and you’re giving me that.”
“Oh wait! I can make us matching aprons!”
“Oh Gavin, they’re gon’ be mad…”
“Hey wait! I’m bored! I’m actually bored! That’s amazing!”
“This is the part where Asher would say ‘heck yeah!’ but the bad version, but I’m not gonna say that cause I don’t like saying bad words, but that’s what I’m thinking right now! Bad version of ‘heck yeah!’”
“Are you practicing falling asleep sitting up?”
“Cause it’s like when you’re on one of those rides, where they just keep looping over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.”
“Poke. Pokepokepoke.”
“I talk a lot, even when I’m actually only talking about a little, but I make the little a lot by talking a lot about a little until the little bit is a lotta bit less little. Does that make sense?”
“Vanillanin extract”
“The sad stuff is habitual— oh there’s a bad word in the middle of that word… Oh god.”
“You deserve all the congrat—those things!”
“1… ah! 2… bah! 3… pah!”
“And if you find somebody that the different works with, and your different works together, then the different is perfect! And your twos’ different is the perfect different!”
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
To What We Were Before, And All The Things After | JJK | Ch. 1
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Title: Assembly’s and Introductions 
Pairing: Prince!College Student!JK x Fine Arts Major!(F)!Reader
Series Rating//Genre: (M) | College AU, Smut, Angst, Fluff, S2F2L, Mild Indiffernce to lovers, sloooowwww ass burn
Summary: There’s a new kid at your prestigious university, he’s tall, tattooed and muscular, and oh yeah, he’s the Prince. 
Warnings: PG13, mild swearing, a general ‘lets get the ball rolling’ first chapter
Word Count: 5410
Release Date: January 26, 2023, 12:40PM
A/N 1: I’ve been working on this since September 2022, got 80K in, and have accidentally taken an extended break from Dec 1st until now. I need a kick in the pants to continue writing it so here’s the first chapter. I hope you enjoy as I have read this about 400 times and I’m sick of editing it.
A/N 1.5: it’s pronounced ‘Nehl” not “Neal”
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“Come on, come ooooon!!” Yuri says as she drags you by one arm down the corridor, the other filled with books and study notes. You’re being dragged from your mid morning study session and she's starting to stretch your favourite sweater from how hard she’s pulling.
Slipping from her grasp to save it from any permanent damage, Yuri uses her new freedom to take the lead.
“Not everyone cares as much about this as you do,” you say, rolling your eyes. “I get you’re here because your parents put you here but I worked for it. I can’t just abandon my study plans for some guy,” voice echoing in the corridor as you succeed in keeping up with her quick pace.
Yuri mocks your words in gibberish, matching your tone, just more nasally.
She’s heard this hundreds of times since becoming your best friend in first year after being assigned your roommate. She may force you to go to places and parties you don’t find nearly as important as she does, but you also know she’s the only reason you’ve had any fun since starting university.
That doesn’t deter you though.
“I’m serious,” you insist, refusing to back down.
A look you know well flashes over her face. One that’s a mixture of absurdity and exhaustion— specifically at you.
“You know, sometimes I can’t even believe we’re friends. He’s not just some guy YN,” she looks over her shoulder to make eye contact. “He's the prince.”
Ah yes, the prince.
How could you be so foolish?
The fancy name given to the poor bastard who doesn’t get to decide his future—or work for it for that matter. Just has it handed to him because he was born at the right place, right time.
The prince who’ll be king to the biggest nation in the west one day.
The prince everyone freaks out over.
Sure, he’s cute enough, and will eventually have lots of money and power, because those are so important for someone like him.
But what’s money and power if you’re miserable or an asshole or you don’t know what to do with it? What’s money and power for someone who’s never known poverty and helplessness?
The title of Prince means nothing if you don’t earn it. Means nothing if you don’t know how to use it properly.
Who knows if this one does? So why should you particularly care?
Unfortunately, most people can’t get past the ‘young, handsome, future king of the Western Shores, hunk-a-hunk of dreamy’—blah, blah, blah, the media splatters over every magazine cover they possibly can, earning the prince a hefty social following of adoring, screaming—slightly brain dead if you had any say about it— ‘followers’ aka fans.
And Yuri, like every other girl on campus, is one of them. Minus the brain dead and screaming.
Well…Sort of minus the screaming.
She has screamed, in the past at least. So maybe just minus the brain dead part…
Anyways, she’s grabbing your wrist and you sigh, wringing yourself free of her near iron grip, again. But you can’t blame her.
Yuri’s focused on one thing, and one thing only.
And it’s beginning in 15 minutes.
“Plus I want good seats!”
You scoff.
“He’s just a person, Yuri. I get he’s got an important title and fancy job, but that’s all that separates him from us.”
She glares at you as you reach the courtyard of your school.
Trees surround the perimeter in evenly placed lines, a large running fountain at its center. There’s plenty of open grass space the students use to study, picnic or throw a ball around on. And its cobblestone walkways are currently covered in rows upon rows of filled up seats.
Most of those filled seats are in the middle though, which surprises you. You would’ve thought girls would be lining up at the front row to see their prince.
“Yeah, just the title and fancy job,” Yuri says, taking her turn to scoff and opens her hand to count on her fingers. “Let's not count the fact that he’s insanely hot—have you seen his body? His face? Or what of the land he’ll inherit on top of the land he already owns? And money! Can’t forget that. Or clothes. Not enough? I can keep going,” she switches to her other hand. “How about control over the largest kingdom in The West? They don't call him ‘Prince of the Western Shores’ for nothing, Sweets. Also the mass of adoring fans, security and advisors following his every move, nice cars, fancy vacation houses…should I keep going?”
You’re pretty sure she only stopped because she ran out of fingers and you don’t deign her with a reply. Yuri seems content to have made her point and she did. 
But you’d never admit that to her. Instead you keep walking, taking in the sights around you.
Your school is The Royal Academy of Business and Fine Arts. Anyone can study here if they have the cash, or the brains, though one method is much more abused than the other.
It’s one of the most prestigious schools in the world because it’s where nearly every royal on this half of the continent goes to university. Hence the “Royal'' in the title.
Ladys, lords, dukes, duchesses, princesses and yes, princes all go here—are most of your classmates, actually. But there is only one prince everyone cares about. The one who, in the next few short years, will not only be at your school for whatever it is his father deems appropriate for him to study in his post secondary education, but the one who is also first in line and heir to the biggest kingdom in The West—if it hadn’t been mentioned before.
His Royal Highness, Prince Jeon Jungkook.
Okay… look.
It’s not that you don’t like him, he hasn’t done anything to make you hate him, and you’re sure he’s a decent guy once you get to know him.
It’s just that you don’t really feel any type of way about him, positive or negative. And that confuses so many people around you.
Which in turn, confuses you.
Most people seem to think he’s some sort of god sent angel carved by the hands of whoever created the universe. Fawning over him and thinking he can do no wrong. But what they all fail to see is that he’s just like them.
Got a bit more of a leg up on life than most, sure, but still human. Like you, or Yuri.
He eats and showers and uses the bathroom. He gets a runny nose and puffy eyes when he’s sick. He has bad hair days and ties his own shoes… you think.
He’s just a regular guy with an irregular job. So no, you had no opinion on him other than disinterested neutrality.
But if you had to feel something? You guess you probably felt pity.
You worked your ass off in highschool to get where you are. You and your mom screamed until your voices were hoarse when you got your acceptance letter two and a half years ago. One of 25 scholarship students accepted on a full ride every year.
You were doing a major in fine arts and a minor business, wanting to milk your education for all it’s worth on their dime. Lucking out that your two areas of interest were not only at one school, but at one of the best schools in the world for both subjects.
You chose what you wanted for your life and you worked for it for years. And now you sit comfortably at the top of your class in both fine arts and business, not taking your opportunity for granted for a second.
Jungkook though? He’s expected to go here. Doesn’t have much of a choice about it, and he doesn’t have to work for it either.
A small part of you that has yet to mature envies him for how easy he has it, for the privileges he is given simply because of one six letter word in front of his name. That he didn’t have to put in 60 hour weeks and give up his teenage years just to prove he was good enough to be here.
He was born good enough.
But that’s a small part of you, and you can ignore it if you try hard enough.
The point is you felt pity because he’s probably never had to work for something a day in his life. He doesn’t know the satisfaction of working towards something, to not only succeed, but to be the best.
To earn what he has.
He won’t know what to do when real life hits him.
Yuri lets a baby scream loose as she spots her desired seats and yanks you out of your thought spiral. 
The front of the courtyard is still relatively empty, middle still filling up faster than anything else.
“Yes! Score! First row, left side, that’s perfect! He'll definitely see us.”
She grabs your arm a third time and it’s an effort not to drop your books and groan at her.
Yuri’s like you in the sense where she is not royalty, but unlike you she—or should you say, her parents—are loaded.
Family business perks.
She’s here because she can be, because her family can afford to send her and make donations, not because she wants to be or because she worked for it.
But don’t misunderstand that, Yuri works hard. She just happens to party more than she studies most days. That and plan her future with a very rich and handsome guy who has yet to be determined.
You’d jokingly deemed her a royalty hunter after about an hour of meeting her for how badly she wanted to ‘marry up.’
“See you,” you correct, or has she forgotten about Nel, your boyfriend of 5 years? Your high school sweetheart and who is currently, much to your dismay, at school about 5000 miles away.
“I’m sure Cornelius wouldn’t be mad if the prince charms his girl just once, seeing as his royal highness can do that to most people just by breathing near them,” she quips. ”And even if he would get mad, Jungkook can just have him thrown in a dungeon for being overprotective and jealous.”
“The royal palace doesn’t have dungeons, but they do have a series of interrogation rooms on the third lower level,” you inform her. You did a project on the history and architecture of the royal palace in tenth grade—and Nel really wouldn’t care, he knows where he stands, just like you do.
“How do you just know that!”
Yuri didn’t know you in highschool and you used that to your advantage every single time you could, laughing bright and loud.
She starts dragging you down the walkway again, a habit of hers. Like she’s worried you’ll try to slip away if she isn’t forcing you where she wants you to be.
It’s a good instinct on her part.
You're nearly there, so you focus more on the trees just starting to turn colours overhead, casting slightly pigmented shadows on the ground. Fall is just starting to creep up on the heels of summer, the days of sunscreen and chlorine slowly being replaced by pumpkin spice and crisp apples.
She sits exactly where she wanted too, and you plop beside her, glad you’re wearing a light sweater and tights. They are just warm enough to keep the slight breeze from giving you chills, but also keep your legs from sticking to the plastic seats.
For such an expensive school to go to you’d think they’d have better assembly furniture.
You notice a news camera off in the distance and suddenly understand the empty front seats. No one wants to publicly embarrass themselves on national television from seeing the prince, rewindable and replayable, forever seared into the internet.
It’s times like these you’re happy you’ve never been one to get starstruck. They’re all just people, why be shocked or surprised when they exist near you?
Opening up your books on your lap, you figure you can kill the next ten minutes in a productive way, considering what happened to your original plans for the mid morning.
And as you do, you feel the seats around you begin to fill, not a single one empty by the time the event starts.  Not even the ones up front.
A jerked movement catches your eyes and you see that two seats closer to the pedestal from Yuri is Adaline.
Adaline Dupree is basically a princess from the Eastern Shores. ‘Basically’ because she’s not, but she certainly acts like she is. A fake princess, an even bigger royalty hunter than your best friend and your not so secret arch nemesis.
She’s in your fine arts classes—all of them, unfortunately—her proper title being ‘Duchess of…’ some province you never bothered to learn the name of, and she’s one of the most well known people on campus.
Tall, with beautiful blonde hair, hazel eyes, freckles, a slim figure and quite the socialite. You’re surprised she went into fine arts and not modeling. She’s got the ego part of the job down pat.
Good for her for being pretty. But anyone could be beautiful on the outside with enough money and a surgeon. That’s not why you considered her your nemesis, you don’t give a shit about any of that.
She was your nemesis in the academic world. Because not only was she beautiful, she was also brilliant at her craft.
Which happened to also be your craft, and it pissed you off to no end.
Where you were first, she was second and where she was first, you were second. Always neck in neck with one another, always trying to one up each other.
You only considered yourself better than her because unlike her, you hoped at least, Adaline was a complete and total bitch. She took what she wanted without remorse and she wasn’t above sabotage to get it.
You learned that the hard way in your first year. And you’ve always wondered if that was her privileged upbringing speaking or if she’s just like that naturally, so unused to not getting what she wanted that she’d take it.
Therefore, it is of absolutely no shock to you that she’s sitting as close as she possibly can to where the prince will be standing. Directly in front of the pedestal at the base of the fountain in the center of the courtyard.
A door opens to your right followed by a couple screams, and you can only assume the man of the hour has arrived. A red camera light flicks on in your peripheral vision and you take that as your confirmation and cue to close your books.
The Dean of Schools, a few advisor looking people, a good handful of terrifyingly large security guards, and a head of black hair you conclude to be the prince all make their way towards their destination.
A smirk graces your face at all the girls batting eyelashes or screaming his name, as if that would get his attention. You’re about to mention that exact thought to Yuri, but you notice her eyelashes looking awfully similar to those around you and can’t help failing to stifle a laugh.
She catches it. “What?”
“Nothing,” you say. “You might just want to pick your jaw up off the ground.”
Her response gets cut off when a voice comes over the speakers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for such a warm welcome,” says the Dean, calm and assured. She knew exactly the welcome they'd receive. “I’ll keep my introduction short. Today, I present to you not only the newest addition to The Royal Academy of Business and Fine Arts, but the future King of our great nation. He has requested to formally address the student body before he starts classes this fall semester, so without further adieu: His Royal Highness, Prince Jeon Jungkook.”
Riigghht. Did you mention he was the prince of the country you’re living in?
Well…he is.
The crowd soars in volume once more, a couple “I love you’s” thrown in for good measure as the prince steps up and you zone out.
From your angle, you can see his whole body from the side, and that even though he’s holding cue cards, he doesn’t use them, placing them face down on the pedestal.
His dark hair is swept back in a suave styling and he’s wearing a simple navy long sleeve button up, black dress pants and matching leather shoes.
The outfit makes him look ever so princely and very much not like a student. More like one of the faculty.
However, what you don’t expect are the small patches of ink on his arm peeking out of his right sleeve. Or just how tight the clothes he wears are on his apparently very muscular form.
You remember Yuri’s words from earlier, only now registering. You knew he had muscles, no one ever shut up about them. But seeing them in person… wow.
You kind of want to sketch him—for anatomy practice, of course.
The prince begins his address to the crowd and an eerie silence replaces the roars from earlier. You take a quick look around and notice that not one person isn’t completely transfixed on him. Even the dean can’t keep her eyes off him.
You give him credit for not balking under the intense gazes of literally everyone. You know you sure as hell would have, never being one to like being the center of attention. At least, not like this.
You clue into his speech as you look back at him. He’s talking about how he found himself as a teenager thinking of what he wanted his future to look like and what he wanted to do with his schooling, which is not only why he took a couple years to explore the continent before enrolling, but why he will be doing a major and a minor at the school.
One for his career, and one for his heart.
You won’t admit to yourself that the sentiment very closely resonates with you.
He continues.
“All that said, I asked to address you all today for one very simple reason, being that, for my time here at the academy, I wish to be treated like any other student. I am not unaware of my celebrity and how I am seen to the outside world. It is not lost on me my place in the world and who I am to become. I know for some that it may be… difficult to see me for anything other than who I am, and this is why I ask you humbly, just for the short while that I’m here, you all treat me no differently than you already do one another,” he pauses for a moment. “I extend my request most deeply to those who will be studying alongside me in my business administration major and photography minor, as I don’t want it to affect my studies.”
Yuri slaps her hand down onto your leg causing you to jerk forward and you clamor to not drop any of your books. Business administration is her major. Her parents want her to take over the family biz after school.
That was probably why she partied so much. Living as much as she can before being thrust into a job she doesn’t want for the rest of her life.
Pity creeps back up your throat at the thought.
Jungkook notices your jerking movement, but only for a second. His eyes meet yours and you hope yours convey ‘sorry for interrupting’.
You may not care about him, but just like him you are not unaware of his status in the world outside the walls of your school.
Yuri, of course, thinks he’s looking at her and not only does her grip on your leg tighten to the point of circulation cut off, she returns to her earlier routine of batting her eyelashes.
You roll your eyes away from her sight, but unbeknownst to you, well within the gaze of Jungkook.
He suppresses a smile at your response to your friend's clear attempts to gain his attention.
You, on the other hand, seem indifferent to him. He has the entire student body watching his every move with hawk-like precision, enraptured. Normal, for him.
But you?
You just seem to… not care. Like he wasn’t anyone special. Like the word in front of his name meant nothing.
And if it wasn't the most freeing feeling he’s felt in a long time.
“Thank you so much for your time, and I’ll see you all around campus,” he finishes before stepping down, security wrapping around him again until he’s barely visible. The dean pops up to conclude the gathering but you aren’t paying attention anymore, too busy trying to peel Yuri’s hand off your thigh.
“Yuri, retract the claws please!” you whisper-yell to your friend. And she does in fact, retract instantly.
“Shit, sorry. My brain is running a million miles a minute,” she says as she pinches herself, shaking her head and smiling. “I’m three years ahead of him in his major. His major YN! But he’s still older than us, which is so hot. I'm so glad he did that tour in the east and whatever else that kept him back for a couple years, it makes this whole situation even better,” you start to worry at the look in her eye as she continues.
“What if he needs a tutor? What if I become his tutor, and we fall in love like a cliche romance movie. I could be the future queen. YN, this could actually happen for me. I could actually get the prince, it’s not some wild dream anymore. I could talk to him and he would talk back and this could happen.”
You can feel that she’ll just keep spiraling, nothing being able to stop her train of thought at this point, so you try your best to at least have her do her thinking in her head.
“Maybe! I wish you nothing but luck!” And you mean it. You don’t think it will happen the way she does, but you never know. And you don’t want to give her false hope.
You’ve always been the realist to Yuri’s optimist.
With the assembly over, most of the crowd files out of the courtyard quickly, prior plans calling to them or classes starting soon.
Only a few stragglers are left behind. You and Yuri are two of them, as well as Adaline, and a couple more you don’t know.
Security starts to spread out and you watch as Jungkook makes his way to the people farthest from you, much to their delight.
It’s a group of guys, all of whom look muscular enough to be varsity athletes. Maybe Jungkook will want to do sports while he’s here. You know that he’s an accomplished rugby player, greatly to his fathers dismay, but to the pleasure of anyone who has about $10 and has access to magazines or wifi.
“Oh my god he’s making his way over. Do. Not. Move. I want him to come to us,” Yuri says, forcing you to stay in your spot. It would be fruitless to try anything anyway. Another lesson you learned the hard way in first year.
She starts fluffing her hair and asking you to check her teeth. You do. She’s in the clear.
Unfortunately, you two would most likely be the last people he greeted, so you had to watch as he made his way down the line of people.
He greets the guys with a handshake and a clap to the back, and the girls with a kiss to the top of the hand.
One thing you notice as he meets more and more people is that everyone still calls him ‘prince’ or ‘your highness.’
It’s automatic for them, they’re not even thinking twice about it, but it’s also completely besides the point of half of his whole speech. He wanted to be treated like everybody else.
It especially irked you when it was Adaline’s turn and she put on her most feminine, formal, and ridiculously overly flirty, “Hello, Prince Jungkook,” before curtseying, blasting her full facade of charm and courteousness.
Ever the dainty, prim and proper duchess, she’s all small laughs and less than subtle flirting, never impolite, and never speaking out of turn.
You wanted to gag, and you’re quite sure that’s exactly what your face conveyed. But Jungkook smiles wide for her, and is as kind to her as he was to everyone else prior. He even flirts back a little bit.
Yeah, you definitely want to gag. What a match those two would make.
But just as soon as he greets Adaline and her friend, he politely steps away and moves on to you and Yuri.
“Hello ladies, what might your names be?” he asks ever so formally.
You gently laugh at being called a lady and Yuri shoots you a look. Jungkook doesn’t appear to take offense though.
“Hello, your highness!” Yuri chirps in the most ‘I'm trying to flirt but trying to not sound like I’m flirting’ voice you’ve ever heard her use. “My name is Yuri Yeun, and I’m actually a business admin major too, just a few years ahead.”
Jungkook lifts her hand to his mouth, giving it a light kiss and she looks like she’s about to explode.
“It’s lovely to meet you Yuri, I’ll look forward to seeing you around the halls,” he says in the same tone he’s used for everyone else. He’s about to face you, but Yuri cuts in quickly.
“If you ever need any help with your studies, just let me know. I’d be happy to help you with anything you might need help with. Having already been through it, I may be able to give a students insight versus a professors.”
“I’ll keep that in mind for the future. Thank you for your generosity.” Again that same tone, you mentally dub it his ‘greeting the public like the ever so good royal I am’ voice.
He turns to you and extends his hand for yours.
You reach for it, twisting it so that instead of a hand turned upright to be kissed, it’s a regular handshake. If he wanted to be treated like anyone else here, you sure as hell were going to.
“I’m YN, it’s nice to meet you Jungkook.” At the mention of his name untitled, he pauses, eyes widening ever so slightly. It’s not a bad pause, just a surprised one. And by the looks of the small smile on his face, a good one.
Yuri's eyes, on the other hand, almost bug out of her skull at your informal greeting.
“Likewise,” he manages to get out, completely unlike his usually composed self.
You're the only one who hasn’t addressed him with his title, and it’s the most like him he’s ever felt.
Twice in one day—in one hour—you’ve managed to make him feel more human and more like himself than he ever has. With your distinct indifference to him of all things.
Jungkook decides then and there he’s very sure he wants more of it in his life.
He still hasn’t stopped shaking your hand, and you don’t know why that’s the only thing you can focus on. His hand is firm and calloused, the kind that can only be built over years of hard work.
Releasing you the second you think it, he looks as if he hadn’t realized he was still holding on too.
Quick to step back into his princely role, Jungkook says, “Pardon my forwardness, but I just have to say that the two of you are beautiful, and that it’s been lovely to meet you both.”
You swear you see Yuri’s soul ascend from her body at his words. “Thank you, Your Highness! That means so much coming from someone as well met as yourself,” she nearly fawns, and you roll your eyes out of her sight for the second time today.
And for the second time today, Jungkook does not let the gesture go unnoticed. How you hold no fear in showing how you feel in front of others, even those you’ve just met. As if it holds no consequence. 
It doesn’t for you, he realizes. 
You can freely show how you feel without worry of anyone over-analyzing your every facial tic. No fear that a slight misuse of a lip quirk or eyebrow raise could give away national secrets or offend a visiting diplomat.
He envies you for it. For having that freedom he so rarely does.
“You’re most welcome, Yuri. I’m glad you hold my opinion in such high regard.” He flashes her that well practiced bright smile and you already know what she won’t be shutting up about it anytime soon.
“I’ve always been told I have my fathers bone structure but my mothers beauty. I’ll be sure to let them know their Prince thinks the combination is worth complimenting,” you respond, not braggadocious or sarcastic in the slightest.
You know it would make your mom so proud to hear the future king found you pretty, even if you knew the compliment was given to every girl here.
Your father wasn’t in the picture, but that didn’t matter and the prince didn’t need to know.
“I hope they won’t mind a stranger's compliment on their daughter then,” Jungkook says, ducking his head slightly and giving you a smaller smile.
This one felt genuine, like he wanted to hold it back but couldn’t. So you return a small one of your own, to let him know this was an even exchange. You may not feel any type of way about the prince, but you were raised to be kind.
“Any praise for their daughter from the future King would be welcomed any day, I’m sure,” Yuri cuts back in, killing his smile along with it.
You’re sad to see it go.
“I’m relieved to hear it,” he responds, princely public persona back on. Stupid flashy smile back on. “What will you two be heading off to do now?”
“What I wanted to be doing for the last half hour in the first place before being hauled down here by this one,” you point a thumb at Yuri. “Finishing my study hour at the library,” you add quickly, before Yuri can get out her answer. You almost wish you hadn't because the hand that had your thigh in a death grip earlier now only somewhat playfully swats your shoulder.
“What!? I’m just being honest. He wants to be treated like anyone else right? That comes with people being honest to you instead of glazing over their answers with pretty little white lies to appease you.”
Yuri looks ready to rip you a new one, but she’s cut off again before she can open her mouth. This time by the prince.
“No, no it’s okay,” Jungkook says before she can swat you again. She stops mid swing at his words, eyes as wide as saucers at being stopped. “YN’s right, I appreciate the honesty, and I apologize for the interruption. I hope your studies will not be too greatly affected because of it.”
“Guess we’ll find out during midterm season,” you say with a smirk that turns into a genuine smile as you see Jungkook look panicked, like he actually thinks he messed up your education by disturbing your study session.
Relief quickly replaces the panic when he sees your smile and realises it was a joke.
Being treated like a regular person also meant being joked with at their expense, and he takes it in stride as his small smile from earlier makes a comeback.
“Well I have class in half an hour,” Yuri says, finally answering his question, “So probably grabbing a coffee from the cafe near the biz-admin building… I could show you if you want?”
“That sounds great actually, I’m still trying to figure out where everything is.”
“Great! Let’s go.”
Jungkook, ever the gentleman, lifts an arm for her to take and you watch them walk off, Yuri absolutely beaming as she glances back at you. You give her a thumbs up before collecting your books and heading back in the direction of the library.
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Chapter Two: Unknown Numbers and Sharp Tongues
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A/N 2: and so it begins.
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edosianorchids901 · 23 days
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When You Fall Asleep
Ace Omens Hugfest prompt - "an accidental hug"
Rome, 41 AD
“Would you like any more oysters?” Aziraphale asked, leaning forward to acquire a bowl of grapes. “Or are you all set?”
“Nnnh, this m’ set. I don’t, er. Eat big meals all that often.” Blinking slowly, Crowley pushed his tiny dark glasses up onto the top of his head. They knocked into his silly silver laurel wreath, and he hissed in irritation. “Guh. Here, hold this.”
He wrenched the wreath off and put it on Aziraphale’s head. It slid to one side and bumped into his ear, threatening to topple off.
With a chuckle, Aziraphale adjusted the wreath and fluffed his hair up to accommodate it. “Very stylish. What is with your outfit, anyway? I don’t think togas are supposed to be black, are they?”
“M’ not gonna be caught dead in white, am I?” Crowley snapped, snatching the jug of wine. “Probably literally caught dead. D’ya have any idea what Hell would probably do to me if I showed up wearing white? Besides, blood shows on white. S’ not exactly a good thing for a demon to be wearing.”
Aziraphale frowned, confused by the sudden outburst. “I know you’re a demon, but it’s not as if you’re running around stabbing people. Are you?”
“No! I’m the one getting stabbed, usually. And beaten, cut, whipped, whatever.” Crowley’s irritated expression slid to deeply glum. “It’s better when I can stay on Earth. I like Earth, even when I’m having to deal with bastards like Caligula. At least it’s not… I can get away from it all, up here.”
“Ah.” Unsure what to say, Aziraphale twisted his hands together. He eyed Crowley, suddenly quite chilled. “And you had to go to Hell recently?”
“Whatever gave you that idea?”
Even Aziraphale, who sometimes struggled with such things, couldn’t miss the heavy sarcasm in Crowley’s voice. Swallowing hard, he slid a little closer on the dining couch. “I’m sorry. Is there, um… anything I can do to help?”
Crowley shrugged and poured his wine. He largely missed the cup, pouring wine all over his leg. “Shit. M’ not very coordin… whatever. Maybe had too much to drink.”
He drank more anyway, then clumsily topped off Aziraphale’s cup as well. Aziraphale drank, a trifle lost. He was quite intoxicated himself, and that made it rather difficult to determine the right course of action. But there must be something he could do.
“Are you injured anywhere?” he asked, leaning to look at Crowley’s toga. He didn’t see any bloodstains, but it was black, after all. Much harder to see blood, indeed. “I could heal you.”
“Nuh. Not hurt anymore.” Crowley swayed, reaching for the jug again. He let out a derisive snort. “Too bad we didn’t run into each other yesterday. Coulda used it then.”
“Oh! Oh dear.” Stricken, Aziraphale clutched his hands together again. “Oh, I didn’t realize you’d been hurt so recently. I’m sorry. You really ought to be resting, rather than me pestering you to spend time together.”
Something odd tugged at Crowley’s expression. He took another drink, then set the cup down and leaned back. His dark glasses fell off his head and vanished amid the pillows. “Nah. This is, er. A good distraction. Hanging out and everything. It’s loads better than just sitting around being all blah. And we can argue and stuff! I like when we get all…”
He did some sort of complicated flailing gesture with both arms, as if trying to demonstrate the enthusiastic verbal sparring they’d engaged in earlier. Then he overbalanced, toppled over, and slammed into Aziraphale’s side.
“Oh!” Aziraphale automatically caught him, pulling his limp body closer. “Crawley— Crowley, are you quite all right?”
“Nnnnyeaaah,” Crowley mumbled, eyes closed. “I just. Just. Er. Drinking.”
“Yes, you certainly have been drinking.” Concerned, Aziraphale hugged him closer. Then he realized he was hugging a demon, and wondered if he ought to stop.
But no. He didn’t want to stop. And Crowley was certainly too drunk to straighten up. Really, Aziraphale was more than slightly drunk, and therefore possessed lowered inhibitions. It was quite reasonable to hug a demon, under those circumstances.
Crowley had been rather tense all day, a fact Aziraphale had noticed earlier without realizing the cause. Now, though, Crowley went quite liquid in his arms, like a cat fitting into an oddly shaped container. “Oh. Wow. You’re really ridiculously warm, you know that? S’ like. Like. Sunning on a really soft rock or something.”
“Quite a compliment,” Aziraphale teased softly. “And you look rather thoroughly intoxicated and on the verge of dozing off.”
Smiling, Aziraphale cradled the demon to his side, Crowley’s head on his shoulder. Crowley had somehow gone even more liquid now, his lips slightly parted, eyes still closed. His breaths slowed, deepening. Perhaps he really was falling asleep.
Remarkable, that Crowley could feel safe enough to sleep here after being hurt so recently. The trust was quite an honor, really, and Aziraphale gladly settled in to watch over him.
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ikkosu · 3 months
(adopting gn!human reader)
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a/n : been wanting a cute fluffy request I hope I wrote them uh satisfactorily 😭😭 I actually enjoyed writing about baby and cdrw maybe I’ll write more scenarios with this little family ughhh so cute
"Alright folks, we're leaving in thirty minutes!" Rodimus's voice echoed through the speaker.
"It's either you get on or get off the ship forever— Er, ah...oh what's that? We're not allowed to leave when— Damn it. Apologies, there's been a restatement by Ultra Magnus declaring it's illegal, you guessed it, for whatever reasons I'm not bothered enough to care. Blah, blah blah. Oh, shut it drift. Anyways, latecomers are welcomed in the brig. Buckle up in thirty! Rodimus out."
Rewind swivelled his gaze from the rock nestled on the grass, then to the ship, hovering not too far from where he's crouching. "Huh, guess I'm taking a detour." Then, his camera skims over the verdant fields of rolling hills. Red lights, blinking. "Won't hurt, would it?"
The LL had a short break stopping on Earth, mostly for refuelling, fresh air, stretching limbs,,,totally not because Brainstorm blew up the left wing again and The Science Team had to patch things up discreetly
Seriously, where is HR when you need it?
And, obviously, the Archivist is not missing the opportunity to explore, of course. It's earth! Home to,,,well,,,,the most complex (derogatory) kinds in the cosmos. And, this rock he's been examining? It's an extraterrestrial mineral. Figments of rocks from asteroids, comets, and the like originating outside of the Earth. Crazy, huh.
Better keep that for safekeeping.
Aside from, ah, well wandering where he's able to film stuff, occasionally animals and cows of the like, it's more like a need, at the moment, for a bit of (lets put this gently) space away from his conjunx — since, he's been acting like an ass of late.
Ahem, going behind his, ahem back to doing ahem Mnemosurgery....again.
It's not even an 'again' anymore, it's just borderline often
Why does he even bother to listen? You can't break old habits, as Ratchet would say. They'd break themselves before they could ever stop.
"So that's it? You're just going to ignore me like that?" Footsteps pattered behind him
Rewind huffs, walking faster. "Took you long enough to figure it out, genius."
He groans. "Oh for— Primus sake, Rewind, come on. Don't do this. We can talk."
"Oh sure, sure! Talk." He threw his hands up, whirling around to face his conjux. "That's what you always say, promising me like you're going to get your eyes gorged out if you didn't. What else, tell Red Alert to stop being paranoid and Whirl, a psychopathic ass?"
Chromedome palms his face. Primus, this apology isn't going well as he expected it to. "Look, I messed up. I breached a trust you had in me. I shouldn't have done it. That was very... inconsiderate....of me..."
"What is this, eight grade? Spelling bee on who's responsible?"
"That's not the point! You can't just—"
And, so it begins. The bickering. The blaming. Hand pointing. Arguments ablaze, never listening. Voice raising — just the tip of the iceberg, not even close to it's full potential.
"I bet my words doesn't mean anything to you now, does it?"
"It's does, Rewind. It does!"
"Hey! Stay there! Don't even come any closer or I swear to Primus I'll—"
A cry gurgled out amidst the bushes.
The Mnemosurgeon stiffens. He looking around for the source of the cry when he notices conjux was staring at him. "What?"
"Wow. Wow. Low blow, Chrome dome." Rewind puffs and presses his fists on his hips. " Low blow. I didn't think you'd do this. You're gonna resort to mocking me, now?"
He sputters. " You think that was me?"
"Yeah, blame it on the cows. Blame it on 'em like you do when avoid all responsibility."
"What's even a cow? Oh, for—" Then suddenly he lets out a surprised sound, dropping to crouch next to a bush. Rewind doesn't bother to look. Why would he? He's busy sulking and he wants that Mnemo-no-to-the-o to see it. Though, his audials tuned into a rustle of leaves when—
"There! Primus, Rewind look at this."
Said Archivist was still sulking, arms crossed, looking away. "Nuh, uh."
"Don't you nuh uh me." CD chuffs and figured actions were bigger than words so he scooped up the bundle of blankets and shoved it up his face. "Well? Still got film for this?"
Rewind takes a moment to register the visage.It was, if he knew his terms correctly, a human child. No, wait. A baby. It's the size of a sparkling but....smaller. And, significantly softer.
Most of all, it's crying. Coolant— er, tears streaming down the side of it's cheek. Gently, his servos curled around the scoop, nestling it softly against his chassis. He felt a kind of pull in is spark. Something fond pulsing. Chromedome loosened, looking away. What's the point? The mask already hid his smile.
"Seems pretty far from it's residential zone." Chromedome peers across the horizon searching for even the most recognizable specks of rooftops.
Nope, nothing.
Just rolls and rolls of green foliage.
"Hey there little fella." The Archivist coos, digit caressing the cheek to soothe it. The baby sniffled then blink, lifting up it's tiny fingers to bap his index. "What's a baby doing here of all places?Aren't human, uh, carrier, sires are very protective of their offsprings?"
Chromedome doesn't know what to say, he's not Ratchet or Percy, but he's sure as hell relieved their argument took a turn into park. "Misplacement, maybe."
"...How do you misplace a baby in a bush?"
"Things like that can happen, you know."
"If anything, it seemed like it's deliberately thrown in there. Look! It's even wrapped in a blanket."
He held it up for the Mnemosurgeon to see who, in turn, simply shrugged.
"Yeah. To keep it warm."
"Until someone finds them."
Chromedome narrows his optics. He's got a bad feeling about this. "Rewind. What are you trying to say?"
"What I'm trying to say is that this child is deliberately left here to be found. We can't just leave it out here—"
"Are you saying we should steal it?''
"I'm not saying we should- ugh yes! I'm saying we should steal it—"
"You're kidnapping children now?"
Ratchet cuts through both of their comms, immediately barraging them, "Are you two idiots done squabbling with whatever stupid problem you have or are we gonna have to wait another fraggin' hour until you both make up and kiss?"
They had to take the baby, much to CD's dismay.
Ultra Magnus was losing his mind. What do you mean you found a baby in a ditch, in a bush, in a field of all places?! Even worse, literally miles and miles away from the nearest habitual region!
Purely, coincidental. He'll have to look in his files for crimes like this lest another is let loose for havoc. The young are the future for society! Something Cybertron is severely lacking in
Unacceptable. Simply unacceptable. Oh, and by the way, you're both going in the brig. You're late.
"Chromedome stalled me."
"Here, we go again."
Everyone is busy cooing and taking turns prodding the bab, and can someone please keep whirl away from the child he's armed, (with the exception of Megatron, the medics and UM) who didn't, mostly for the fear of passing diseases to it, mostly stood far with unimpressed looks on their faces.
First Aid, though, eventually took matters into his own hand,,, by taking it into his own hands and putting it in a glass box (shut up Brainstorm we're not using your stupid Polyhex Quadrilateral Box or whatever) to scan it's vitals and conditions
Everyone was outside, peering through the glass, prodding, helms jut at odd angles to see through the crowd — while the medics delicately assessed its condition.
Ratchet had to explain poor Rewind that not everyone wants children and not every parents are deserving of it so. He's seen this a lot in human culture.
"So they abandon babies just for the fun of it?!"
Well, he's got a point. Most of it at least. "Rewind.... no."
When they were done ensuring the baby is in optimal condition, Ratchet comes up to the, er couple, if he had to put it that way and crossed his arms, a brow raised.
"Do you trust yourselves enough to look after the child?"
"Might as well." CD sighs. ".... I've got enough responsibility on my plate, already."
"Nobody forced you to go back and take it." Rewind mutters.
Ratchet held up a servo to cut off another argument brewing. " I'm going to put this out clear."
A digit points to them. Ratchet grits his dentas and every word that spooled out of his vocalizer, more intense.
"You both are going to have to put your differences aside. You're going to resolve that problem of yours, and resolve it clean — not in front of the child, but behind. Go hide in a broom closet for all i care. Mutilate or incapacitate each other's limbs, if it helps. Fight all you want, kill each other if you have to. But this baby? This baby? You're going to give this child the most loving, caring family it can have. You hear?"
Shenanigans ensue.
Obviously, given they're Cybertronians, human anatomy isnt a topic they're very well versed with. Rewind does know a thing or two. But consulting videos are not really the best way to go when neither of them have the tools to feed the baby
Percy and Nautica (because he doesnt trust brainstorm) are tasked with concocting the milk formula. They're seen tinkering away in the lab, barring the other scientist against a let-me-in charade. Lab doors are locked and padlocked with a specific colde — suck it BS.
All elements, minerals and resources as such are to be provided Rodimus (begrudingly), then fact-checked by the medics, very, very carefully.
They're like guts deep in space and very far from earth. A quantum jump to said planet, in case of an emergency, can affect the only organic living onboard.
Moreover, Ratchet doesn't trust CDRW to learn the stuff themselves, so he holds five hour long sessions daily on how to provide sufficient needs for the baby. You know, handling them, playing with them, learning their gestures, mannerisms,,,etc
CD loves holding baby by the armpit, and especially loves it when he does that, baby tries to bap his face, squealing and babbling, trying to reach him— he finds that his chassis always melts a little.
Rewind, on the other hands, adores cradling baby in a blanket. He likes how warm and soft it is against his arms. And how easily it his to nestle baby under his chin as he walks.
He is the most affectionate from the two. And definitely records everything. Soccer mom-esque, cheering loud whenever baby does something' monumental, for instance, blabbering dada coherently. But also the most rigid. Like, lattice structured rigid.
''Rewind you watch snuff films you hypocrite, a Sunday cartoon getting a liiiiittle violent is nothing compared to the archives you go through." Rodimus wags the CD in front of the Archivist, an upturned pleading pout, pulling his features. He looked comical hunching to regard the smaller Archivist with baby nestled under his chin.
It was an obvious ploy to fiddle with the baby. Everyone's trying to get a nab of their little squeals, these days. Why wouldn't they?
Those adorable fats for cheeks, soft and cuddly, crawling around the habsuite like a cretin, gumming on everything they could find.
Skids managed dodging through the vents after a successful glimpse of peek-a-boo (Rewind forbids physical touch. He's not risking any disease that can be transferred.)
He slinked down and baby immediately latched onto his pedes, babbling for an upsie. It took him a while, and much restraint, not to take it through the vents
Swerve almost poisoned baby with the engex again because, in his own words, what's a little harm in trying new things?
He's now locked up in the brig, banned from touching baby ever .
This entire crew is a hazard and Rewind wasn't having it.
"Is this the same captain known for illegal conduct of meteor surfing?"
"....Oh, shut it."
Chromedome's not very affectionate but is less-rigid when it comes to baby. He's the type to cave in when they want something. Sweets? Oh, you want sweets? He doesn't care if the Lost Light is miles away from the nearest planet. He's going there and he's going now.
Stop him and he'll plunge those long, needle-like nails into mecha's skull, their ancestors could see Primus's aft whole again.
Hoards like,,,,around fifty satchels of sweets. It was only until Ambulon had a private chat with the Mnemosurgeon, that, yes, the baby is going to die eating that much.
So, he offered safer alternatives if baby wanted something sweet. Boiled potatoes, ripe avocados and fruits could help. (They'll have to frequent the nearest planets)
CD is like the most cynical ass ever to exist so Rewind find himself with an existential crises, staring off into a wall, when baby would scrunch up their face, the way CD does when he's displeased.
"That mask stays on."
"But I didn't even—"
"It stays on."
But he also finds, a little begrudingly, that CD is a lot more understandable these days. Mostly always cradling baby and humoring the little cretin . Arguments are close to nill. He barely has to raise his voice
Cybertronians naturally have harsh edges, given they're metal (duh), so their rooms would be congruent in terms of features as well. Not exactly a pleasant thought when an organic is dawdling about.
So to be safe, in their habsuite, Chromedome installed padded cushions everywhere. Even the ceiling is padded, mecha's kibbles are also padded (much to Rodimus's chagrin)
And, every inch and crevice of that room is filled with scribbles. (Scribbles only Swerve can decipher, but he's busy lounging in the brig so there's that.)
Red Alert, during a habsuite check, once blacked out inside the room because he didn't recognize the new change. It was so pastel-ish, bright and soft, he justs goes away
Chromedome finds the poor mech on the ground, baby on top with their crayons, assaulting said mecha's face while squealing at the teal green against stark red paint
"A new paint job, huh."
"Chromedome, get the poor guy up for Primus's sake!"
Baby is limited to the Library and Med-bay (as per Rewind's request). Library because Megatron is there and they know for a fact he's more trustworthy with the baby than anyone. And, Med-bay because, well, medics
But obviously, baby is like, a little cretin who thinks rules are a no-go and said social construct a danger to society. And, by who's declaration? Rodimus. It's Rodimus.
Rewind is going to murder that speedster of a captain
So , it's a given mech's will see CD scampering across the halls upon spotting baby dangling off a goddamn beam. Or, hanging off someone's shoulder, (said bot doesn't know, because baby is so small, the sensors didn't pick up), then sees the mnemosurgeon slumping onto the ground in relief, passed out for a minute
What's baby doing there?!
Rip CD's spark rate.
And, since they've got to play the part of a happy family, Rewind has to sleep in the same berth as his conjux. Not that they didn't ever
After the reveal (CD going behind his back doing unethical things w/ his fingers) Rewind was obviously displeased so they sported separate berths. Now? They'll manage squeezing in the same bed.
Rewind tried to act all huffy about it, glancing to one side, as though he doesn't want to be there. He does. He's just sulking.
Chromedome silently stares at the ceiling. Baby is between them, chewing on a miniature Rung figure (that Rung gave because, somehow, it calms the little thing)
Baby notices the silence and wants attention, so they bap their hands on the surface when both mechs weren't listening. And does it again for the fifth time. CD sighs and decides to humor baby, a little.
"It's past bed-time." He says quietly, patting their head
With a squeal, baby plays with CD's servo and curls it over their head. He scoops the little bundle up into his arms and loosened up a little.
Rewind swivels to find baby nuzzling his conjux, both deeply asleep. Something soft thrums in his spark, and while he’d rather bash his conjux’s a skull with a hammer, he can’t deny the lovely visage of him cuddling their child. So, he scoots over a little, resting his helm on CD's shoulder. He doesn't flinch when a servo lands on his shoulder plate, pulling him close.
Maybe, it wasn’t so bad.
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taergalive · 3 months
So I'm being brave and sharing some of my self-indulgent scenarios with yall.
So in my self-indulgent scenario, Alastor basically saves some 7 year old sinner and said kid is like glued to his side because he saved her, and he's like, cool, free lackey. And of course, we're a sucker for the old "grows to care for them" trope so that happens. Because you can be a scary overlord and read bedtime stories to your kid. And the kid also likes Lucifer because he's all like "Hey watch this!" And oooh pretty magic~!
(I know. My details are great. I'm being vague on purpose lol)
Well, basically this leads to Lucifer and Alastor butting heads as they co-parent this child. And then whoopsies emotions happen. Alastor's all like "What the fuck is this feeling?" Because as a fellow Ace who was suddenly confronted by feeling sexual attraction for the very first time in your life, I know that feeling and it is terrifying. Like that person now owns your soul because no one else in the world ever made you feel that way what is happening??? So anyway, he and lucifer start a sort of relationship where Lucifer takes it slow so Alastor can assess these feelings and blah blah blah.
That was all just background information for the real thing I wanted to share so if you made it this far, congrats!
The hotel is having a party of some sort. Alastor has like one or two drinks, and Angel instantly notices that Alastor is actually kind of fun when he's got booze in him. So he tells Husk to keep Alastor's glass full. Any time Alastor's drink is done, suddenly another glass appears in his hand. He is bubbly, jovial, and even fun. He and Luci have been "seeing each other" for a lack of better words. Lucifer knows this is all very new for Alastor and is going at his pace while also respecting his privacy, so they've kept in on the downlow. Charlie found out and asked her dad about it, and he made her swear not to tell anyone, and especially not to tell Alastor she knows.
Anyway, Drunk Alastor is really touchy. Like really. And he starts getting all touchy on Luci, which Luci is eating up because he's a little tipsy too and loves attention. Angel notices and mentions it to Husk. "Fifty bucks those two are fucking." Husk likes those odds so he takes the bet.
At some point, Angel gets Alastor over to the bar. Angel's trying to weed it out of Alastor. "You and Short King were getting kind of handsy there." Alastor's all giggly and doesn't deny the accusation. So after a minute or two, Angel's like "So, who's topping?" And Alastor's confused and just laughing because he just enjoying himself at this point. And Angel's like "You know…" And makes a lewd gesture.
"Oh! You mean like intercourse?" Alastor waves him off. "No, no, we haven't done anything like that yet."
And it's that yet that makes Angel slam his hand on the bar top. "I told you, Husk! Pay up!"
And Husk is like "Ah, ah, ah, you said 'fifty bucks they fucking.' THAT doesn't sound like they fucking to me." He holds his hand out. "You owe ME."
And anyway, that's the scenario I had in my head last night as I was going to bed.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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prettypei · 8 months
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plot: them with a popular! chubby! fem! s/o; fluff!
reader: chubby! popular! fem! Reader
characters: yuuta, maki
warnings: mentions of fatshaming/homophobia, reader is sassy, mild spoilers for culling game arc (?, spoilers for jjk s2, use of Japanese honorifics, reader and maki are both lesbian in maki's part, a creep in maki's part
a/n: littleeeee bit of a self-insert... I jus wanted 2 write a lil sth LOL, yuuta is 2nd year btw
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a little backstory on the reader!! ok soso reader is a 2nd year who's the closest with the first years and in this au you're really close to yuji...you currently maintain a long-distance relationship with yuuta! (let's pretend culling games didn't happen lol)
so let's rewind to the episode where the slice of life is happening (aka the "yuji bf material" ep ACK)
it was just supposed to be the first years but you were in the area too cuz you had just finished a mission, and yuji REALLLYYYY wanted to watch Earthworm Man 4... so you reluctantly agreed to go with them
(ps the first years kinda have a crush on you,, like idolizing ykwim)
so the four of you finished the movie when you recieved a call from your bf
so you talk blah blah blah and you're like "wait, isn't it like 3 am in Africa?" and he replies with a nervous chuckle and a "well,, guess where I am now?" and you literally scream into the phone... okie the fic is down below!!
"You're WHAT?" You screamed into the phone. "(name)-senpai, please shut up." Megumi deadpanned. "sorry, megumi. BABE, YOU'RE WHAT?" "Babe?" The three underclassmen shared a confused look. "Wait, you're here? Like in front of the movie theater? I don't see-WAITHOLYSHITISTHATYOU-" The three of them turned heads to see the direction you were waving in. "(name)!" Yuuta yelled excitedly. "O-okkotsu-senpai!" Megumi said with a surprised look on his face. "Who's he?" Nobara whispered to you, giving yuuta a weird look. "Show some respect." Megumi hisses while glaring at Nobara. "Ah, it's fine!" Yuuta smiles at all of them. "I'm just here to visit my wonderful girfriend!" "Girlfriend?" The three underclassmen feign a shocked expression as Yuuta squishes your cheeks together. "(n-name) has a boyfriend?!" Yuji squeaks. "Don't forget honorifics, it's disrespectful!" Megumi scolds once again, but he's the most surprised one of them all. "I thought you were single!" Nobara pouted. "Well, I'm not. Y'all ain't got a chance with me anyways." You smirked while giving Yuuta a peck on the cheek, leaving him flustered. "Awww... but I wanted to ask (name)-senpai out..." Yuji mumbles. "What?" Suddenly the atmosphere became cold and dark, and yuuta was glaring at a certain someone. "I-I mean-I thought-" Yuji stammered. "Yuu, babe, let's go. Let's go watch Barbie!" You insisted, pulling on his sleeve. "Okay, sure!" Yuuta's entire face lightens up as you pull him into the cinema. "O-Okkotsu senpai sure is scary..."
reader is a 2nd year in this too :3
soooo maki is really like NOT open at all about your personal life, it's not that she's embarrassed of you it's just because she doesn't want others to stress her out about marriage, vows... she just wants to live the present
but that doesn't mean that she doesn't wanna share you with her closest friends though! And she's going to... but she keeps forgetting.
so basically you, maki and nobara are having a girl's day out and some creep tries hitting on ya...yk what's gonna happen.
"What do you guys want?" Maki asked you while you guys were lining up for the crepe shop. "I think... strawberry?" "Ohhh I want a blueberry one!" "Okay, I'll line up. You guys can go sit on a bench and rest." "You and Nobara walk to the bench under the tree, chatting excitedly while Maki told the cashier your order. All of a sudden, Nobara stopped talking and narrowed her eyes as a young man walked over. "He-Hello miss?" He asked timidly after tapping your shoulder. "Uh, yeah?" You give him a confused look. "Do I know you?" "N-No... I just wanted to ask for you nu-number...m-mommy...?" He squeaked, fiddling with his hands. At this point, you were beyond disgusted. "What the actual fuck?" You snap. "Get the-fuck-away from me!" "I-I like being degraded..." He whimpers as you push him away from you. "C-Can I get your number...? Promise I'll call you mommy..." "I don't-" "SHHHKKK." A long blade was dug in the bark of the tree behind the man, with only a millimeter to spare. "H-Huh?!" His voice's an octave higher. "Don't you ever touch my girlfriend ever again, scum." Maki growled as she came back with two crepes in her hands. "I-I-I won't! I swear I won't-I'll-I'll never-" "Shut up, little shit." Maki grumbled as she put her hand in yours, the man stumbling away and crying at the same time. "You okay?" Maki asked you with a concerned look. You giggled in response and held her hand tighter. "Love ya."
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the-fluff-piece · 9 months
Hiya, I’ve only just found your blog and I love your work🥰 would you mind writing a bit of a drama (i’m a drama queen🥲)? I’ve been thinking some misunderstanding like zoro being (unintentionally) popular with girls but one being extremely clingy to the point people, as well as the fem reader, think they are a couple. Female reader gets jealous and sad and Sanji comes to comfort her and Zoro sees that and gets the wrong idea and becomes jealous too. But they somehow find out the truth and blah blah romantic stuff confessions etc. I know it’s ridiculous but I live for the drama🥺 thanks in advance and i will understand if you don’t want to do it but I love ya anyway xx
Hiya dear reader,
Thank you for your kind words! I'm happy that you like my style!
I'm sorry it took so long, but I didn't want to post something unfinished XD I hope you don't mind me setting it before the time skip, I think water seven directly after enies lobby is a great location.
Drama is always good and that's a great setup - LET'S DO IT (got a little longer)
👉 masterlist stories
👉 masterlist headcanon
Zoro has no fucking clue
You defeated CP9 and returned together with Robin to Water 7, where the crew got the chance to heal and relax for a few days.
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Together, you really showed it to the world government! Well, mostly the big hitters in the crew. Zoro saved you when it came to fighting, not that you minded it. Whenever you were in danger, you knew that he would show up and defeat whatever marine captain or sea monster was trying to kill you.
When you got the key and released him and Usopp from the cuffs, he flashed you a heartmeltingly handsome smile and proceeded to partake in the absolutely ridiulous sword duel that destroyed half the building - and than he fought against thousands of marines.
He really deserved a break. And a thank you. You had been aimlessly wandering through the streets of water 7 to find something for Zoro, a gift to thank him. And maybe show him how much you like him.
Eventually, you decided to get him a Magnum bottle of sake, enough for his big thirst. It was something he absolutely would love.
Pleased with your purchase, you walked back to your temporary shelter in water 7- but your heart almost stopped. You were already so attuned to his appearance, that you could have picked out that green hair in any crowd - Zoro was here. And he seemed to be moving fast. Trouble? That meat head always managed to find a fight, you better help him out.
The gathering crowd slowed you down almost immediately. You squeezed through to see Zoro fighting with some guy, who was no match for the formidable swordsman.
Putting on a real show, Zoro played with the amateur, who poked helplessly at the air as Zoro effortlessly moved around the battlefield. Drinking in the "Oh!" And "Ah!" From the surrounding crowd, a cocky smile spread over his face.
With his two swords crossed, he finally attacked and struck his opponent down with one blow.
The crowd cheered - a very female sounding cheer. You noticed a lot of girls streaming to him. They clung to his arms and praised his strength- what was going on?
A girl shouted: "He got the pantie thief! He's my hero!" In a ridiculously high pitched voice and ran towards a grinning Zoro.
Pantie thief - of course. You rolled your eyes and waited for the crowd to dissipate. And you waited, and waited. One of them seemed glued to Zoro's arm, giggling and throwing her long, blonde locks around.
"Hey Zoro, let's get back to the others" you tried to get him to leave with you.
"Nah. this girl here will thank me with some booze! Just go back without me." He waved you off while the girl promised him all he could drink.
Rolling your eyes even harder, you went back to the crew at the galley-la building and informed them of Zoro's absence.
"Good riddance!" Sanji muttered past his cigarette. "Want an éclair?" He offered, almost in the same breath but with suddenly heart-shaped eyes.
"YES" you shouted, hungry for some kind of comfort after Zoro just trotted off with a blonde haired beauty.
"Stupid mosshead!" You cursed as you angrily shoved the sweet treat into your mouth.
"Yes he is, if he did anything to you I will kick that guy to the moon!" Sanji chimed in.
"No it's okay." You muttered and continued to mope for the rest of the evening.
Hardly able to sleep, you heard Zoro stumble home at dawn, throwing himself into a corner and snoring almost immediately.
You hoped that it was done with that - until the next morning. You heard Sanji shriek in delight as the door opened: "Such a sweet beautiful girl, did you come to see me, my lady?"
You didn't hear the reply clearly, but a high female voice cooed something and you heard a loud thud as Sanji's body hit the floor, an expression of total horror on his face.
The girl from yesterday pranced past you as you knelt down next to the cook.
"It's horrible..." he hoarsely whispered, seemingly near death, "she's bringing the mosshead breakfast. That beautiful lady..." his eyes closed as he sighed the last half-sentence and with it, his will to live (for the moment).
Hot jealousy surged up again. You stomped to the table, where luffy was sleep-eating heaps and Zoro gingerly unpacked a giant sandwich, seemingly made entirely out of meat.
The blonde bimbo had parked her breasts on the table and watched Zoro with a dreamy expression as he wolfed down the sandwich, splattering sauce all over the place.
"Do you like it?" She asked in a melodic voice.
"Yeah, thanks" Zoro answered with a full mouth. He seemed very content. That ass.
She didn't leave afterwards. In fact, she basically moved in immediately, either hanging on Zoro's arm or sitting close to him, watching him with heart shaped eyes and complimenting his every breath.
She eventually informed the somewhat irritated rest of the crew that her name was Silk (while throwing her silky hair around) and that she stayed with Zoro. Since she didn't actually do anything bad and Zoro didn't seem to mind, everyone accepted or ignored it.
"Come on, snookums, it's so crowded here, let's go out" Silk tugged at his arm. "I know a great liquor place!"
"Yeah why not" he lazily followed her as she maneuvered him like a tugboat.
"Snookums?" you stared after them in disbelief.
Nami, meanwhile, died of hysterical laughter.
"Didn't think that a girl could tame him that much. He's totally whipped!" she laughed and slapped your back while you didn't understand the world anymore.
The sake you bought was still in your bag, still untouched. Maybe you should bring it back to the store.
It was evening, Zoro and his girl weren't back yet. You found yourself so irritated that you couldn't sleep, just like Sanji, who sat at the table and poured himself some wine.
As you sat next to him, he silently passed you a glass as well. He somehow managed to get from perfectly coiffed, full of energy and dressed to the nines to unshaven and disheveled in the course of a day.
"I know why I am upset...but what is it with you?" You ask him.
Two bloodshot eyes stared back at you.
"I can't believe Marimo...that filthy brute, with no style and no interest in women has a...a..." The end of his sentence was too much to bear for him, instead he took a nervous gulp of wine.
"And she's so....soo...prettyyyyy" he dragged out the last word like a pre-schooler in a tantrum.
You gently tapped your glass against his: "to us" you whisper.
"To...us?" He half asked and half repeated and he smiled.
One glass turned into two glasses, and like that the bottle was gone. Your only topic: how much Zoro and that girl sucked.
A new bottle was opened, and another. Soon, you didn't find enough things to hate Zoro for anymore, so instead you moved on to different topics. Sanji told you about growing up in the restaurant while you told him a few stories of your own. After the third bottle was emptied, you were both pretty drunk, and you didn't really remember much anymore.
You drifted off to an uneasy sleep, full of Zoro how he made out with the girl named Silk. How they had children and generally shoved their happiness into your face.
"Oi, wake up. Y/n, wake up!" You heard Zoro's angry voice above you as he tapped you with his foot.
"Wha...let me sleep marimo" you answered, swiftly adopting Sanji's language and inflection.
As you opened your eyes, the swordsman's towering frame took up your entire field of vision. With his crossed arms and grumpy expression, he looked intimidating as hell.
You stretched and realized that you had slept on the floor, leaning against Sanji, amidst a lot of pillows. Sanji must have brought them during the night to make you more comfortable. Now that's a man!
When you moved, Sanji's head fell into your lap, still sleeping, and he immediately began purring like a kitten. Zoro grabbed him by the collar and shook him awake.
"What the fuck YOU think you're doing?" He bellowed at his sleepy crewmate.
"Go and have your nosebleed somewhere else, you pervy cook!" He said as he threw Sanji down again -hopefully immediately regretting it because Sanji answered with a fiery kick.
Not even 5 minutes awake and already near a fight, you decided to crawl away to safety and make some tea.
As you set down with steaming cup in hand, you spotted the blonde girl coming towards you, wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Demonstrably, she sighed and commented "what a short night" showcasing her disheveled hair with a pout.
"Uh-hu" was all you could manage.
"You are his crewmate, are you not?" she asked, "how can you live with that manly man on one boat and not fall for him?"
"Yeah, it's a mystery" you answered sourly. If she only knew that you did - and he didn't care.
She continued to talk about something, but you decided not to listen. Instead, you focused on the fight going on outside now, where Zoro and Sanji shouted insults at each other.
"You hurt her feelings! I cannot ignore that!" Sanji screamed. "FLAMBÈ SHOT!"
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, STUPID COOK!" Zoro answered among loud clashes.
Your head was aching too much, there was too much noise. You excused yourself and went outside - away from the fight - and sat at the pier. It was calm here. Just faint noises of fighting were in the background.
You thought about how childish those two were, always fighting about something. But you were one to talk, you were childish as well. Zoro or Silk had no way of knowing that they hurt your feelings. At least Zoro deserved an open apology. And his sake.
You sighed, already playing the conversation in your head. The waves crashed against the pier, it was really calm.
Too calm.
When you returned to the building, both Zoro and Silk were gone.
Sanji was at the stove, making breakfast.
"Zoro stormed off" he said flatly. "And Silk-chan followed, of course."
They didn't return for the whole day. Dusk came and there was still no sign of them.
It got late, evening turned to night and Zoro was still gone. It was time to have a talk, to let him know how you felt, and to clarify where you both stood. You packed the sake to finally give it to him and be the friend he deserved.
You made your way through the bustling streets of Water 7 once again, aimlessly walking and hoping to find Zoro. It was a lively city with people sitting outside and laughing late into the night. You didn't see the green hair anywhere, maybe they've gone to her place.
Your feet have taken you away from the people in the streets to side alleys, where everything was calm and dark. There were lots or piers looking out to the water where crews loaded and unloaded goods.
With relief, you spotted Zoro sitting on a wooden barrel near the water's edge, alone now, with an empty bottle of sake beside him. His expression was more somber than before, and he seemed lost in thought.
Taking a deep breath, you approached him, determined to have the conversation you had been avoiding. As you got closer, Zoro looked up and met your gaze, and you could see a hint of surprise in his eyes.
"Hey," you said softly, taking a seat beside him. "Mind if we talk?"
Zoro blinked and then nodded, a serious look on his face. "Sure, what's on your mind?"
You swallowed the lump in your throat and decided to be direct. "I am really happy for you, Silk seems to really like you." You paused, unsure where to go next.
"And I hope you're happy with the cook" he snorted.
"What?" You asked, surprised.
"The cook. And you. I wouldn't have thought..." His voice trailed off and he took the bottle again. Remembering that it was already empty, he threw it into the sea with a sigh.
"That goddamn cook with his nice words..." Zoro mumbled angrily.
"I am not with Sanji, silly" you told him.
"But you slept together...! On the floor!" He stuttered.
"We just fell asleep, nothing more." You said.
"I...I'm not with Silk either." He rubbed his head, "in fact, she was kind of unnerving."
"Than why be with her for days?" You asked.
"You know, it was nice to be appreciated for once. Silk gets it. You always call me stupid or silly." He shrugged.
"You stupid mosshead, everytime I call you stupid I mean that I like your stupid!" You rummaged in your bag for the Sake, "it means that you're adorable and cute and so, so unbelievably, awesomely stupid! And I do appreciate you. You save me all the time. I bought this for you, as a thank you" You gave him the extra large bottle of Sake.
Zoro's brows furrowed as the gears started turning in his head. "I didn't realize... I mean, I didn't think...why did you never say so before?"
"Don't know. You never really cared about anything besides swords and fighting." You shrugged.
"I...I do care, I just...I'm not so good with words." He held the bottle in his hands like he didn't know what to do with it.
He swallowed and looked at you. "You know, I think you're stupid, too. Really silly. The silliest person I've ever met." He laughed and you chimed in.
You felt a rush of relief and happiness wash over you. Maybe Zoro wasn't as clueless as you had thought. Perhaps he had his own way of expressing his feelings.
"Just to be sure...stupid means I like you" He whispered and invited you to sit with him. When you hopped on the barrell, he put his arm around you.
As you sat there by the water's edge, the two of you talked late into the night, sharing stories, laughter, and sake. The noise of the world around you faded into the background as you discovered a deeper connection with Zoro, one that went beyond the chaos of battles and adventures.
And in that moment, you realized that sometimes, the most meaningful conversations happened not in grand gestures, but in the quiet moments shared between two people who cared for each other deeply.
Epilogue (because I don't want to leave Silk's character as the only evil female catty villain)
Zoro and you eventually made it back to the company house and shocked everyone, first and foremost poor Sanji, with your new found closeness. It would be a long road until you could say the l-word to each other, but whatever your now relationship was, it was good.
It would still be a few days until you could sail from water 7 and you enjoyed the commodities of the city, walking through the busy streets, window shopping.
A store with beautiful cloth caught your eye and you entered. You looked at the exquisite goods when you heard a shop clerk approach "can I help you?"
"No I'm just look-AHHH" your voice and face must have derailed when you found yourself looking at an equally shocked Silk. A moment of awkward silence followed where you saw that her eyes were swollen and she looked really tired.
"Uhm, hi Silk, how are you?" You stammered.
"You know. Not so good" Silk looked unnerved. "What do you want?"
"I didn't know you worked here" you were caught off guard. But now that Zoro was with you, the anger against her seemed childish and mean.
"I'm Sorry if I was mean to you before" you said, surprising the girl, "I was unfair."
"No, don't. I was...overreacting, too. I'm sorry" She said thoughtfully. "He didn't stop talking about you. Really annoying, like he was hung up on you. That's why I was so pushy" Tears pooled in her eyes again.
Helpless, you tried to comfort her.
"Don't...he's just a stupid, stupid man" you told her.
"I know. That's why I liked him" she said, voice breaking.
You guessed that you weren't the best person to comfort her now, so you decided to leave.
"I'm Sorry. I should go now" you said.
"Yeah. Bye" She forced a smile and waved.
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bambikisss · 1 year
Christmas in New York :: Cho Guesung
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Summary : With work stressing you out, your boyfriend comes to surprise you
Characters: reader x Cho Guesung (South Korea #9)
Warnings: Unprotected sex (wrap it up, especially in this economy), biting, preg kink, lots love L bombs, use of a mirror, use of the window, he'll call you a slut
A/N: So fun fact, I got my first hate anon after writing for him lol so I'm doing it again heh. There will be a version without smut for the people who may want this without the sexy time.
Christmas fics: 2/?
You laid back on your bed after a long day of work, closing your eyes as you relished the feeling of your cloud-like bed. You had been up since around 8 am running around New York like a madman getting things ready for an event you had to host and attend in a few days. You had to pick up your supervisor's dress, your dress, make sure the caterers had the order and that they now include vegetarian options, blah blah blah. The thing that bothered you so much was that there were people at your job whose job it was to do this, not you. Now you had an article to finish and it honestly tired you out.
While you tried to weigh the options of whether it was worth quitting your job and moving in with your boyfriend and living in his closet, your phone suddenly buzzed. You groaned, turning to grab your phone, your annoyance melting away when you noticed who it was.
Baby <3: I lowkey hate airports lol. It's so crowded and everyone is staring at us.
You couldn't help but smile like a schoolgirl when her crush texted her, moving to lay on your stomach as you texted your response.
Y/N: You're telling me that the international heartthrob Cho Guesung doesn't like everyone admiring your hotness?
Y/N: Who is this and what have you done with my boyfriend?
You had been dating Guesung for two years, meeting him while you had a brand party in Korea. You were there for him while he trained to be added to the world cup team, and had even been there for some of his games. Now with the world cup over, you hadn't seen him in person for a while as he was busy with his schedule as everyone wanted to get to know him.
Baby <3: lol, you know how I feel about all this attention.
Baby <3: Especially when I'm receiving thousands of marriage proposals while I have you, baby.
Ah, how could you forget?
When everyone got a glimpse of him, everyone rushed to his Instagram and followed him, then flooding his comments and DMs with marriage proposals. He of course immediately told you and after you both read through some and laughed, he then muted the app. You weren't jealous about how everyone reacted to your boyfriend because, well, he was attractive. You actually found it a bit funny how everyone saw a glimpse of him being pouty on a bench at a game and said "Ah yes, husband material."
Y/N: Why are you in the airport anyways? Do you have a game or something?
Baby <3: Nah, I have a schedule in the states.
You tried to think about where he could have a schedule since you hadn't seen it pop up on his schedule when he originally showed you. Before you could ask him where be sent you a text saying "Gotta get on the plane. Love you, I'll text you after the interview! <3"
You pouted as you realized you could no longer talk to your man, checking the time before you got a text from your coworker, asking if you could help her plan an interview they had tomorrow.
There goes relaxing.
New York snow was something else.
It may look gorgeous in pictures but in person, it was horrible, especially when the wind hit.
You mumbled curse words as you carried the heavy Starbucks bags filled with pastries and hot chocolate for the interview guests, stomping into your work build as you passed by the group of assistants all gossiping by the door. When they saw you, they broke out into a fit of laughter, making you want to do nothing more than throw the bag of scolding hot chocolate at them. How dare they laugh at you? Even worse when you're doing their job.
You rolled your eyes before hurrying to the collaboration floor, rushing into the room where the interview was being held. You placed the bags onto the table, turning to your coworker who was smiling like a fool at you. Before she could begin to speak about whatever made her so happy, you cut her off. "How the fuck do those assistants downstairs still have a job? I'm out here, running around to do their jobs while they're gossiping about some random shit." Your coworker's eyes widened as her smile widened a bit as you ranted, nodding as she tried to hold back her laugh.
"Now, what are you giggling about?" You dropped your hand to your side, showing your frustration before you removed your jacket, tossing it to a nearby chair. Before she could speak, someone tapped your shoulder.
"Pretty outfit, baby." You paused at the sound of his voice, turning around to see your boyfriend standing in front of you, a smug smile on his face. You couldn't figure out words as you stared at him before wrapping your arms around his neck, Guesung picking you up to spin with you. All of your annoyance left your body as he pressed kisses to your temple, mumbling about how much he missed you. You couldn't let go of him as he pulled back to lift your face so he could properly kiss you. His lips tasted of watermelon, the familiar taste reminding you of the gum he always chewed.
"Woah, let's not make out here!'' Your lips paused as you heard one of his teammate's voices, turning to see a group of them all smiling at you, making kissing noises while laughing. You've never felt such a vast change of emotions: annoyance to happiness to embracement. You hid your face in his chest, Guesung laughing softly before telling the group to quit it, which they did after a few moments. He looked down at you with a smile, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before going to sit with the group, asking what kind of interview they were doing, which made you pause. You had completely forgotten that they were here for an interview with you. You turned to your coworker, who handed you the clipboard as she kept her smile on her face, which made you gently hit her arm with it.
"You guys have a puppy interview." As the group of boys cheered, a puppy's bark could be heard, which made the boys sing in a chorus of "awws"
You set the up before bringing in the puppies, starting the interview as the boys played with them. You laughed as the smallest dog moved to sit in Guesung's lap, not leaving his lap the entire time. You found it adorable at how the two were interacting; you could see the love in his eyes for the dog. Once the interview was over, you helped take the dogs back to their crates and handlers, the boys asking to adopt all the ones that caught their eyes. You helped distribute the hot chocolate and pastries as the boys passed you to head back to their van, hugging you and asking you to make sure they got their puppies. "Make sure you filled out the adoption application before y'all leave and I'll see what magic I can work." The boys all thanked you, hugging you tightly in a group hug as they left, making you feel warm. As you looked through the applications, you felt some arms wrap around your waist, soft lips moving to press against your cheek. "What time do you get out of work, today?" You turned to face your boyfriend, kissing his cheek as you checked your schedule for the day. "I should be out by like 6, why?"
Guesung said nothing, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before leaving with his drink, leaving you and your coworker confused. You didn't have time to think about it as your manager came to you to help go over the event's details in a meeting with the party planning team. You sighed as your coworker patted your back, telling you to look forward to whatever your man has planned for later. You held onto that throughout your day, the day seemingly moving by faster than usual.
After clocking out you made your way outside where the rest of the assistants from earlier were talking. They of course noticed you and all began to make fun of you like a group of middle school kids, making you roll your eyes. You ignored them as you began your trek home, mumbling about how much they didn't do their job. What were they getting paid to do?
You found yourself annoyed as you punched in the code to your apartment, looking forward to having the wine you had just bought and some much-needed alone time with your cat. After walking in and kicking off your boots, you looked up to see your living room decorated with candles and flowers. There was also some romantic music playing in the background, making you smile. The place smelled amazing and you wanted to find the cause of this romantic setup.
"Oh, you're home."
You smiled as Guesung came into view, a kitchen towel on his shoulder, showing you that he had been cooking. You weren't even thinking about the alone time you once wanted, rushing into his arms as he caught you. He chuckled, pressing a kiss onto your temple, spinning around with you before placing you down in front of him. He kissed you softly before rubbing your back, smiling softly. "How...I thought you guys were busy?" He couldn't help but laugh softly at your words, squeezing your hips before he returned to the kitchen, focusing back on the food he had been cooking. You took a second to admire him in his sleeveless tight tank top and sweatpants; the way he seemed so focused on the steak he was cooking, occasionally smiling when he glanced up at you.
After placing the steaks onto a plate to rest, he turns off the stove before finally answering your question. "The snowstorm closed the airport so we're all stuck here. The boys are at the hotel while I decided to spend some time with my sweet girlfriend." He smiled as he rounded the kitchen counter, pulling you to his chest as you smiled. "After I noticed how annoyed you seemed at work earlier, I thought you would enjoy me coming home to surprise you with a date."
"Aren't you romantic?" You couldn't help but press a kiss to his lips, feeling your heart skip a beat at how sweet he was. Guesung had a way with you that made your heart race and do backflips; he would buy you flowers just cause so that when you got home from work, you'd see them. He'd buy clothes, snacks, and other things that made him think of you while he was away in Korea while traveling and put them into a box and ship them to you along with a heartfelt letter and some polaroid pictures of him and sometimes of his teammates. He wouldn't hesitate to send you some of his clothes among other things just because he loves you. He had sent you so many of his clothes that he now has a section of clothes in your closet and a drawer in your dresser. It made you want nothing more than to just kiss him to oblivion and it made you wanna sometimes cry.
Like now, cleaning up after you both finished the steak dinner he made while you laid full on the couch. You couldn't help but smile at him as he fully cleaned the kitchen and fed the cat, then made his way over to you with the wine you had mentioned that you wanted to try. He sat down in front of you as he poured the wine, handing you a glass before repeating it for himself. He clinked your glasses together, holding your hand as he drank the wine. "Y/N, you know I love you, right?" You paused at the sudden question, placing your glass down to softly cup his face. He said nothing as he pressed a kiss to your thumb, making your heart skip once more. "Yes, Guesung. I know."
"I just wanna make sure. I know sometimes I'm not the most...available, but, I want to make sure that you know that I do."
You scanned his face as he spoke, noting his beauty marks and how his eyes searched your face. It sometimes shocked you how much he wanted to prove that he loved you. You knew that he did and it sometimes worried you that he felt like you didn't appreciate everything he had done for you.
You took a second before pulling him into a loving kiss, your lips moving together as you pulled him onto the couch. He grunted softly as he picked you up, sitting down on the couch before placing you on his lap. He gripped your hips as you two kissed, your hands moving into his hair as you pulled away. He at first chased your lips before pulling back to meet your eyes, giving you his full attention. You let your hand move to once again cup his cheek, your thumb moving to rub his bottom lip. His eyes moved to stare at your lips, his hands gripping your hips tighter. You loved how attentive he was to you, watching your every move. You watched as his breath hitched when you licked your lips, his eyes moving to try and meet yours.
"Y/N... Don't tease." You then met his eyes, pulling him back in for another kiss, this one more passionate and messy. He grabbed at your clothes, removing each article of clothing before tossing them onto the floor. He licked your bottom lip as he stood up with you, removing his own clothes before pulling you back to be close to him.
"My god, Y/N, you don't know what you do to me." He whispered, his voice coming out desperate as he massaged your body. "I don't," you hissed as his lips pressed against the sweet spot on your collarbone. "Why don't you tell me?"
"You just wanna hear me talk about how much I always wanna fuck you," he moaned as your hand slid down to make contact with his hard dick, slowly pumping. "Maybe," you whispered, your boyfriend chuckling in response.
He removed your hand before pulling you to sit on his lap, helping you to grind on him. You moaned as he wrapped his lips around your nipple, his free hand massaging your ass as his dick and your wetness made contact, grinding against one another deliciously. "I wanna fuck you so bad. All those times you acted cute while we face time, all those times you sent me a photo of a new outfit you got that barely covered your ass or these goddam gorgeous thighs," he paused to slap your ass, making you moan loudly. "Makes me just wanna get on the first fucking flight to your place and fuck you like crazy."
"Then do it." You couldn't take it anymore as you felt the tip of his dick make contact with your clit, making you press your forehead against his shoulder. "Fuck me like crazy."
Guesung wasted no time moving himself so he could push into you, his hips pounding into you as he held you still. You gripped the back of the couch, moaning loudly as your boyfriend fucked up into you at a harsh pace. He couldn't help but suck and bite on your skin, his hands making contact with your ass a few times before he moaned loudly against your stomach.
"G-guesung, baby. Oh my fucking god." You whined as his thumb made contact with your clit, playing with it as he looked up at you. He could feel you clenching and it honestly drove him crazy. "That's it, baby. Cum for me, show me how much you missed my fucking cock." You closed your eyes as his pace became brutal, your orgasm ripping through you, making you moan his name loud enough that you were sure your neighbors heard.
He then jumped up from the couch as you tried to catch your breath, pinning your back against the window as he picked up the same pace he had. You dug your nails into his shoulders, tossing your head back against the window. "Such a good girl- so fucking loud while I press you up against the window. What would your neighbors think?"
You honestly didn't care about what the neighbors thought, only focused on the man in front of you who was pounding into you and kissing your neck. You scratched up his back, your boyfriend's moan being loud as he felt your nails. He loved the way it felt when you dug your nails into him and when you scratched him; let him know that he was fucking you right.
When you noticed his thighs begin to clench, you knew he was close. You leaned in to kiss him, silencing both of your moans as he moved one hand to press against the window to keep you both up. "Gonna fill you up," he growled against your lips, his hips studdering as you moaned his name. "Gonna fill up my baby and show her how much I love you. Gonna prove it to you."
He let out a few breaths as he pressed his forehead against yours, his hips stopping to press firmly against you as he came. He breathed heavily as you rubbed his back, kissing his cheeks as you waited for him to calm down. "Love you" he whispered, pecking your lips before he let his forehead rest against your shoulder, pressing short kisses there. You ran your hand through his hair, giving him a moment to calm down after fucking you so hard. After a bit, he had enough energy to move you both to the bathroom, where he carefully started the bath before helping you get in. He had you pressed against his chest, his heartbeat not pounding as hard as it was earlier. While you both bathed and relaxed in the tub, he kept you close and held you tight. You enjoyed laying in his embrace, kissing his bicep before rubbing his shoulder. You both did not speak any words, only resting and holding one another.
After you both were done, he led you to the bedroom, where he helped you get dressed before laying you down. When you asked where he was going he, chuckled. "I promise you, I'm not leaving. Just gotta clean up our mess so that the cats don't get any ideas. Then, I'll come right back and hold you close." You nodded as he left to attend to the living room and the curious cat, leaving you to slowly drift to sleep.
~ ♥ ~
Snowstorms would sometimes be worse than they seemed in New York.
You woke up around 4 to see your cat slipping through your bedroom door to leave, going to join the other cat in the cat bed. You sighed, turning to check the time before glancing at the window. Snow was hitting the window aggressively, almost sounding like rain. You turned to face a now slightly awake Guesung, who was sitting up now. You ran a hand through his hair, apologizing for waking him up. He mumbled out something about it being alright, kissing your palm before asking what time it was. "Around 4."
"Why did you cat follow me in here just to wake us both up to slip out?" You laughed as he groaned, falling back onto the bed. You gently kissed his temple, asking him if he wanted any water, to which he said no. You nodded before heading to the kitchen to get some, returning as he sat up. You leaned against the doorframe as you watched your now more awake boyfriend sit up, the comforter dropping to show his toned body and abs. You let your eyes move to his thighs that were peaking out from the opening in his tight boxer briefs. They were so toned and muscular and would occasionally tense when he laughed, which made you feel something. He soon caught your eyes, opening his arms for you to come to join him. You put your glass down before joining your boyfriend back in bed, moving to straddle him, which made him chuckle and let out a small "oh". He looked up at you, his thumbs moving to rub your hips as he leaned up to press a kiss to your cheek. "You know, for someone who was so tired a few moments ago, you seem now very awake."
Guesung smiled at your words, raising an eyebrow as he moved the both of you so your back was laid against the bed while he hovered over you. He rubbed your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist so you were pressed against him before leaning down to capture your lips in a kiss. The kiss was slow and sweet, your thighs occasionally squeezing around his waist, making him moan softly in the kiss. You let your hips move against his hardening cock, making him pull back from the kiss to admire your face. "For someone who was just making fun of me for waking up, you seem to want to do something active."
"Aren't you an athlete, Mr. Guesung? Isn't being active you're entire thing?" You giggled as he ran a hand through his messy hair, making a sound of fake annoyance. He smiled as his hands came to rest on top of your thighs, his hips moving to roll into yours, making you moan. He didn't stop, squeezing your thighs as he pressed more against you each time. He watched the way your body rolled and arched whenever he pressed more against your clit, his tongue coming out to wet his bottom lip.
"You're such a slut, Y/N." Your eyes opened as he paused his movements, your hips trying to move to meet his as you whined. He said nothing as he flipped you over so you were on your stomach, his hand moving over the flesh of your ass and thighs before he pressed his still-covered cock against your now-wet entrance, making you both moan. "Such a slutty pussy, too. So wet from just some grinding." He licked his lips once more as you moaned, leaning down to press his chest against your back as his hands carefully moved down your body, pulling off your underwear slowly. He tossed your panties somewhere in the room before he pressed himself once more against you, his hips rolling as he was met with your pussy. You mewled at the feeling, pushing your butt back to press against him, begging for him to hurry up and fuck you, to which he chuckled. "Can't wait, can you slut?" He couldn't wait either as he pushed down his underwear, rubbing his tip along your slick before pushing into you slowly. You moaned softly, your head falling forward as his hips snapped quickly, hitting the flesh of your ass with force. He moaned loudly, leaning forward to grab your hair, pulling your head up so you could now face the mirror that was facing your bed. He moved faster as you moaned at both your appearances; his hair was a mess from sleeping, his upper body was slightly shiny from sweat and strangely still as his hips pounded into you. He leaned down to bite your shoulder, moaning when clenched around him.
"Look at us, baby. You look so fucking hot." you gripped the sheets, as he moved, tossing your head back as he moaned your name. "I'm gonna cum soon, baby," you moaned, your boyfriend mumbling the same as he focused on where you both met. "Does my slut want my babies?" He moaned louder as you clenched around him, your own hips moving back to meet him in desperation. "My slut wants my babies, huh? Wanna be swollen with my kids? It'll show everyone how well I fuck this pussy, my pussy."
You moaned his name louder as you both came, Guesung falling forward to continue rolling his hips into your ass. His hips ground against your ass, moaning as you both tried to calm down.
He pulled out, pulling you to lay next to him. You kissed his collarbone, whining softly as he rubbed your back. "Are you tired again?" He laughed, moaning softly when you bit his collarbone once more. "Kidding, kidding"
You smiled as he pulled the cover over you both, tiredness filling your body once more as he whispered how much he loved you.
~ ♥
"Alright Y/N. Have a good holiday!"
You thanked your manager, holding in your smile as the assistants were complaining about having to work the party, complaining about you being able to leave. You made sure to smirk at them as you walked out, chuckling softly.
You smiled as you entered your apartment, happy to have the holiday off. You were tempted to break out some wine and just relax, forgetting about the job you have. You picked up your cat before you noticed your other cat chilling by the bathroom door, purring happily. You leaned down to rub him, the door opening to show Guesung in a tux. You asked what he was doing here, putting down your cat before jumping into his arms, making him chuckle. After the storm ended a few weeks ago, he left immediately with his team. "Merry early Christmas baby." He led you to the bedroom, where he had decorated it with lots of roses and candles. You noticed a card in the center of the bed, picking it up as he stood behind you.
I love you. I wanted to say thank you for being there for me; through training, through the world cup, and through everything. I know it hasn't been easy, but you've been there for me more than everyone else has and I just wanted to say thank you and turn around.
You turned around as you put down the card, confusion on your face. "Guesung, what do you mean turn-"
As you turned to face him, you noticed he was on one knee, a ring being held out to you. You covered your mouth as tears pricked your eyes, Guesung smiling softly. "Y/N, I love you so much. I can't imagine anyone else being by my side for the rest of my life. So, will you do me the honors and...will you marry me?"
You nodded, tears streaming down your face as he placed the ring on your finger, then pulled you into a tight hug.
"I love you, Y/N..."
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oumaheroes · 4 months
Congrats on 1000 followers!! If you're still taking requests, I'd go absolutely feral for some of your scotfra! I love how you write modern nationverse with where characters reminisce or philosophise about the past <33
Phi I... I strayed. Okay, I strayed way off topic because this came to me so clearly that I couldn't not write it. I hope that you like it, even though there is no nationverse philosophying ;u;
Characters: Scotland, France (ScotFra)
Their home hits him with unexpected force as soon as he opens the door, the brass handle cool against bare palm. The smell of their lives together, clean linen and cedar aftershave. Walls cluttered with photos, Alisdair’s large leather armchair in the corner, Francis’ collection of Vogues tucked neatly besides Alisdair’s nature books into a handmade bookcase- collected fragments of two lives turned into one. A busy, friendly, assault of the senses.
Francis is in the kitchen, warm yellow lights and background radio above the metallic clatter of their cutlery drawer.
Alisdair sloughs his coat off, drapes it over the sofa, and walks in to join him.
‘Hello there.’
Alisdair can hear Francis’ smile through the words as he hugs him tightly from behind where he is at the counter, chin to shoulder. His arms go around him to their places automatically, right hand to Francis’ left hip.
Francis tilts his head back and up to try and meet his eye, ‘Good day?’
‘It’ll do.’
Francis snorts and cups his cheek lazily with one hand, reaching to place an empty pan on the stove, ‘Better than nothing.’
‘How was yours?’ Alisdair is loath to let him go but Francis wiggles free, gently nudging him back and away to let him get on with things. Alisdair retreats to the table in the middle of the room and watches.
‘Oh, you know. Same old same old.’
‘Tell me.’
Francis gifts him with a raised eyebrow. He fills up a pot with water and sets it salted to boil. ‘Well,’ he says, ‘Do you remember that new woman from a few weeks ago?’
Alisdair casts far back in time to find the name Francis might be referring to and finds too many to filter. ‘I remember you telling me about her.’
Francis raises an eyebrow, ‘Tina.’
‘Ah. Tina.’ He had forgotten Tina.
‘I cannot understand what is driving her to-‘ Francis sighs and clicks his tongue, ‘I don’t want to judge, but-‘
Alisdair smiles, ‘Yes, you do.’
Francis waves a hand. ‘Yes, fine. I do. But still, I am aware it’s not my place to say older people can’t randomly move jobs out of nowhere, and obviously they can learn how to do something new, but it’s...’
He stops, ties his hair up, and Alisdair's smiles widens. ‘Some people are slow, and I understand. It’s irritating to train them but I understand. Everyone has their own pace, and all that. Christ, I sound like Arthur when he’s being his most pretentious.’
Alisdair wants to call his brother then and has to swallow the feeling away, eyes fixed on Francis to keep him focused.
Butter to pan, salt to onions. The smell in the air is sweet. Condensation softens the windows, fogs the dark shadows of their garden beyond the glass. Francis moves whilst he talks, stepping lightly from one task to another.
‘But she’s not just slow to train. She’s someone who keeps questioning things, rather than just learning them. “Why do it this way, that way is much better.” Or, “In my last position, we did X Y Z blah blah blah”. Horrible. Aggravating.’ Francis tips mushrooms into the pan and shakes his head, ‘Anyway. Today I found out that she didn’t just move to join the analyst team because she wanted some sort of end of career change or have a last-minute depressing existential crisis. She was asked to move down. Because she was terrible at her job.’
Francis grins at him, his smile sharp teethed and wicked, ‘No wonder she’s so picky with everything. I got the feeling that she thought that we and what we do were beneath her but now-‘
Alisdair cuts him off before he can finish. Away from the table before Francis can stop him, he presses his mouth to Francis’, then to his cheek. Cups the back of his head in his hand, kisses his neck and feels the beat of Francis’ heart jump his pulse strong against his lips.
‘Stop it.’ Francis swats at him but the gesture is half-hearted at best, ‘You’re going to make me burn dinner.’
Alisdair kisses him again, Francis’ long hair soft and undone in his hands. ‘I don’t care.’
‘I care.’
Francis never burns dinner. No matter how busy the day or how many tasks he’s doing at once, dinner is never something to be sacrificed as part of a greater good. No matter how hard Alisdair could have tried to force it, in their life burning dinner was not a thing that would ever have happened. Today is no different. Francis extracts himself just in time to save things and Alisdair lets him go, knowing he needs to in order for things to work as they should.
The taste, once Francis is done, is perfect- one of his best meals, in Alisdair’s opinion, a warm mushroom soup. Thick bread- not homemade, Francis laments, but good enough- lightly toasted and thickly buttered. Alisdair savours every bite, takes small spoonfuls to draw out the experience for as long as it can go.
After they’ve eaten, the cooking a perfect mixture of memory and longing, they retreat to the living room sofa to fall deadweight against the cushions.
‘That was too much food.’ Francis says where he sits against Alisdair’s chest, their legs together under blankets before them on the L-shaped bend. ‘We keep on eating portion sizes that are way more than we need.’
Alisdair disagrees entirely. He is slimmer now, of course, much slimmer, but Francis doesn’t seem to notice. He pats the meat of Francis’ thigh and then grips it tight, ‘We’re doing just fine.’
Francis rolls his eyes and tuts but Alisdair sees the smile in his eyes, ‘No, not that. I mean that it’s expensive.’
‘It’s doable.’
‘Not with the sheer amount of lamb that you’re eating.’
‘It’s my favourite.’
‘It’s the costliest of all of them.’ Francis smiles and reaches up an arm to play with the short hair at the nape of Alisdair’s neck, ‘This needs a cut.’
‘You said you wouldn’t cut my hair anymore.’ Alisdair reminds him. Francis’ hand is warm, so warm, and Alisdair closes his eyes. ‘You said I complain too much.’
‘You do.’
‘Only because you threatened to shave me.’
Francis laughs lightly, ‘It would suit you.’
‘Well. That's why I complained.’
Alisdair opens his eyes.
‘Shall we watch something?’ Francis sits up for the remote on the coffee table.
‘Only if it’s not a period drama.’
Francis sighs, weary, ‘Emma is not just a period drama. I’m told it’s a brilliant film.’
Alisdair wrinkles his nose and then grins at the look Francis gives him, ‘I’m sure it is. But are you going to be able to sit there quietly and not bitch about the costume design?’
Francis blinks at him. ‘Yes,’ he says after a while, ‘Obviously.’
‘Fucking liar.’
‘I will! I won’t say anything.’
‘I’ll bet you a fucking tenner you won’t be able to stop yourself saying something.’
Francis glances at the TV, then back to him. ‘Fine,’ he says after a moment, ‘If it’s shit research, I won’t be able to help myself. But that doesn’t detract from it potentially being a very good film.’
‘Besides shit costuming.’
‘… So I’m told.’
‘But see, there you go.’ Alisdair leans forwards, ‘You’ll have a great time nonetheless but I won’t be able to focus on anything because-‘
Alisdair wavers, ‘…because I’ll have you going off making comments all the time and I’ll forget what’s happening and-‘
Francis looks scandalised, ‘You don’t know the story anyway?’
‘Why the fuck would I know the story?’
‘Oh for the love of-‘ Beep. ‘We have to watch it. That’s it, I can’t have this.’ Francis clicks on the TV and scrolls to Netflix, ‘What on earth was your mother thinking. You’d think with the amount Arthur goes on-‘
‘Arthur was the weird one. I-‘
Alisdair feels a tightness in his chest. He tries not to think of the cause.
Francis turns to him. ‘What?’
Alisdair’s tongue feels heavy, throat tight. ‘What.’
‘You were saying?’ Francis prompts. ‘Something about you and Arthur.’
His hair is tucked behind on ear but strands have fallen free. Alisdair wants to reach forward and brush them back but he can’t move. He feels hollow, belly empty.
He takes a deep, long breath in. His lungs fill, then release. Under his fingers, he feels the whorls of the sofa upholstery on the arm rest. Feels the warmth of Francis near his outstretched leg, face buttery yellow in the lamplight by the wall. It is all so real.
‘Right.’ He runs a hand over his face, ‘Arthur was the one who read all the books. I was a normal child and young man, and went outside. Made friends.’
‘I read those same books.’ Francis presses a hand to his chest, ‘And I feel I came out quite normal from the experience.’
‘I wouldn’t quite say that.’
Francis nods, sagely, and tilts his head to one side. ‘You’re not entirely wrong. I’m with you, after all.’
Alisdair nudges him with his foot, in the softness of his stomach, and Francis laughs.
Beep. Oxygen levels critically low. Warning.
Alisdair should have turned the alarms off.
Francis settles back against him and Alisdair leans back against the sofa, tucking them back in as he goes and wraps his arms around Francis, hold him tight. Here, like this, it would be so easy to forget. To think that this was happening, and was still something he could have and return to. Francis is so solid, so real.
But Alisdair cannot forget. Thousands of miles above earth, his body free from gravity, he watched as without warning mushroom clouds peppered through the skies below him. Rushes of clouds shot across oceans to collide with another wave, and then another, until the planet fell still.
The silence was loud. Space pressed in against the glass, a thick, dark nothingness that stretched on and outwards around him. Endless stars dull when there is no one waiting to share them with, Alisdair has found.
He still has no idea what happened. Whether it was planned, who started it, who could be left. He waited weeks for something, endless days on a knife’s edge by the comms system, unable to leave in case something came through or his planned replacement arrive to relieve him. Sleep in broken chunks, too tired to stay away any longer.
He doesn’t know now how long it has been. He stopped checking the days. There was nothing that could be done for him, anyhow. What good is it to know details of his final days, when the grand fact was that no one was coming. He lived because he was too scared to die, and that was that.
And now, here it is.
Alisdair had remembered to override the auto-safety control that diverted power to essential systems, at least. That was the important part.
It could warn him all it wanted; he wasn’t going to change anything.
Oxygen levels critically low.
A few more days with the bare essentials to sustain life, or this. One last go at the hollo-systems, one last story to play.
Warning. Oxygen levels critically low.
Alisdair had been holding back on playing this one. Eking out the power left on his ship for as long as he could, everything non-essential closed off to- why? To live? To remember?
Just in case, maybe. Just in case.
In his arms, the programmed memory of Francis shifts under the blankets and sighs through his nose. The film has started, Alisdair hadn’t noticed. The colours and sounds all curl and bleed together, flashes of something distinct stand out before falling away like a motion blur. Francis breathes in Alisdair’s arms, his face calm and easy, and Alisdair watches.
This is how he wants to go.
To go home to a life that only he can remember. Kept safe here in memories and code, a final goodbye.
‘I love you,’ he says. His voice cracks, ‘So, so much.’
Francis turns his head. He reads something in Alisdair’s face; Alisdair sees the flicker in his expression as he notes that something is wrong. But memory and code can only go so far, the real Francis would never have seen him like this before. Alisdair doesn’t know how he would have reacted. Whatever his husband’s virtual echo sees in Alisdair’s drawn, wasted face, it is not something that he was designed to see.
So, he smiles. Sees him as whole. ‘I love you too.’
The living room darkens, shadows fill the edges. Alisdair closes his eyes and buries his face in Francis’ shoulder. ‘I’ll be home soon.’
Francis turns slightly and wraps and arm around and under Alisdair’s back, ‘I’ll be waiting.’
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staygoldwriting · 1 year
💌 To the Steve I Loved Before: Part 1
A Steve Harrington TATBILB!AU fic
Summary: Y/N has written love letters to get over her deepest crushes. What happens when Steve Harrington gets his hands on her letter to him?
Disclaimer: This is inspired by the To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before series by Jenny Han! I have used none of her characters, but have only used the premise of a love letter in the wrong hands. 
Word count: ~850
Warnings: None, just fluff as usual 🙈
A/N: I feel like I keep saying I’ll be back on the writing train officially, but I think that the introduction of a series will finally make me follow through! I’m so so excited about this series, and I hope you guys enjoy it! The whole plot isn’t determined yet, so please make sure to send in your comments about what you’d like to see next--it might inspire me 😉 As always, please show love and support ❤️✨
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“I still can’t believe you’re leaving me. I mean, who am I going to hang out with? Who will I eat lunch with? What will I do with my life?”
“Robin, you’re being extremely dramatic.”
“I am not,” she said, rolling over from laying on her back to laying on her stomach. She was on your bed, pensively holding a stuffed dog and stroking its ear. 
“Let’s look at the facts here,” you began logically.
“Fact one: you’re leaving me,” Robin grumbled.
“For a college twenty minutes away,” you pointed out.
“But you won’t be here everyday,” Robin whined. “Seriously, Y/N, I’m going to be a senior this year, and you won’t be here for it.”
“Robin,” you said, sitting on your bed next to her, “I really promise you that I’ll be around, honest. I’ll be there for all your big senior events, and I’ll be home every weekend. Maybe I’ll even come to have lunch with you some days,” you said, bumping her shoulder.
“Sure, likely story,” Robin said bitterly. “Just wait, you’ll get a ton of friends at college and you’ll forget all about me.”
“Impossible!” you said. “You’re my best friend, Robin.”
“I’m your only friend, Y/N.”
“Ouch,” you said sassily. 
“Maybe you need a boyfriend to come back to,” Robin said thoughtfully, smirking. “If you get one here, you can’t have one at college, and then you’ll definitely come back.”
“Okay, A, I already have a reason to come back,” you said, poking her, “and B, there aren’t any good guys in Hawkins.”
“I think your letters might say differently,” Robin said, raising her eyebrows.
“I told you to never bring those letters up, Robin,” you said sternly.
“Where are they anyway?” Robin wondered, getting up and going into your closet.
“Robin, no!” you said as she reached to the top shelf. She grabbed a small box covered in stickers. 
“So predictable,” she smirked, shaking her head and opening the box. “Let’s see, Andrew Jacobs, Kevin S., blah, blah, blah… woah.”
“What?” you asked.
“Why do you have a letter for Steve Harrington?” she said, holding the letter tightly in her hands.
“Robin, give it back,” you said firmly, but she moved away too quickly for you. “Robin, I’m not joking, I need it back!”
“Oh, whatever,” she said, shoving the box back to you. “Can I read it?” she asked simply.
“What? Why? No!” you replied, confused.
“Well, I know him, and I mean, I don’t know, I just sort of wanted to know what you think of him.”
“I can’t imagine why my opinion of Steve Harrington matters to you,” you said.
“Okay, okay,” she said, throwing her hands up in defense. “But with the love of your life in mind, I have to go,” she said, grabbing her bag.
“What?” you asked, chuckling.
“That’s right, Y/N, this is what I’ve come to in preparation for your departure,” Robin said dramatically, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “I have to go to work at my terrible job scooping ice cream with Steve Harrington.”
“Ah, that’s right, little Miss Scoops Ahoy,” you said, holding back a laugh.
“You just love to see me suffer, don’t you?” Robin asked, eyes narrowed.
“I can’t wait to see you in your uniform, Bucky Buck,” you teased.
“Call me Bucky Buck one more time, and I’ll tell Steve about the letter,” she threatened.
“Robin!” you yelled in panic. 
Robin tapped her fingers on the counter and looked at her watch. She sighed loudly and groaned.
“Steve Harrington, late again,” she scoffed, then reached into her pocket and took out your love letter to Steve. She looked around her, then opened the letter quietly, hunching herself over to read it. She could feel bad for taking it, but hey, you were leaving her for college. You owed her this.
As she read, she held a hand to her mouth, stifling a giggle, but then her hand drew back down, looking at it seriously. She felt a lump in her throat and a new feeling of sympathy rush into her beating heart. 
“What are you doing?”
Robin jumped up, gasping as she turned to see Steve, who looked at her suspiciously.
“Nothing,” she said quickly, trying to hide the letter, but Steve’s eyes followed her hand as she shoved it in her pocket.
“What is that?” he asked.
“Oh, nothing, just the orders we need to make this week,” Robin said quickly, trying to sound casual.
“Oh, great, I was waiting on that! I can call it in,” he said, holding his hand out to Robin.
“NO! I mean, I can handle it,” Robin said, looking frightened.
“It’s my job, Robin, just hand it to me,” Steve said, stepping closer to her. 
“I-have to go to the bathroom,” Robin said, rushing to the back. Steve looked bewildered, shaking his head. He looked down at the ground and picked up an envelope.
“To Steve Harrington, the first love of my life,” Steve read to himself, then looked up, feeling even more confused than before.
“Is Robin in love with me?”
Taglist: @tillkummer @mlle-ayka @sonicthehedgedoggo @klaine-92 @aurumbelis @onlyangel-444 @beep-beep-sherlock @morishitoshi @onceuponathreetwoone @toomanybandstocare @underthebatcape @zeldaknight @fieldofsecretss @prettyinpunk85 @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires @thatonecurlygirl @luvthatlovestolove @loliakeoghan23 @dearelliewrites @mslunawinchester @aphex2winn @simonsbluee @inkedaztec @dumplinshee @pastel-abyss-x @frozenhuntress67 @hawkins-hs @witheringawayagain @theshinyrock @hollandcomics @pinkgothiccprincess @persephone13 @katsukis1wife @murnsondock @fictionlandslanddreams @srapalestina @babyghouly @madformunsonsstuff @harrys-tittie @middle—fingering @urmomgov @maybankstarkey @jbetches @stardustmunson @maltinonka
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rubye402 · 6 months
Happy Holidays to everyone! Huge shout out to @portal-secret-santa as always for being EXTREMELY patient with me as I fail to get my prompts again this year (We figured out WHY and shouldn't have problems anymore, but WOW it took a bit to figure it out.)
Anyways. My person is @radioproto ! A fellow Wheatley enjoyer! Sorry if this is too non specific, I looked through the blog but still had NO idea what to do aside from just an X Reader. I mean, I did include Fact just so you technically had both in one present...? So hopefully a present for you and the rest of the fellow Wheat kissers is good enough!
Also, here's an AO3 version!
Mistletoe Mayhap (Wheatley X GN!Reader)
Note: Does NOT include "Y/N" or talking for Reader, with minimal responses or descriptions for the sake of immersion.
Word Count: 1,213
“Sorry- You want to hang up a MISSILE?” Wheatley gawked. Well, as much as a core could, anyways. Fact sighed, optics pinching shut with a small clink of metal.
“MistleTOE, Wheatley. The plant?” He opened the lower plate, barely looking up to meet the blue optic of the fellow core.
“Plant? Mate, we have an entire tree! Threw lights and small little trinkets all over its branches, PLUS that star thing on top. Spacey was EXTREMELY excited on that one. WOULD NOT stop talking about it so I'm FAIRLY certain-” Wheatley paused when he heard one of the claws the cores were using to decorate picking up something, and Fact held up a plant book of some kind, page turned to a small bushel of plants. Two words stood out in the center of the page, indicating what the said plants were. "Holly" and "Mistletoe."
“These.” Fact spoke up.
“Ah.” Wheatley squinted, trying to stretch his optic slightly to see. He read the description of Mistletoe. “OK… "Scientifically called" blah blah blah… "More commonly called Mistletoe… Poisonous plant when consumed," that's grim for… "A holiday staple?" Really? "Traditionally hung up from the ceiling, and when two people are under it…"” Wheatley suddenly wheeled back on his railing, immediately feeling like his processor was heating up, and his fans whirred to life to cool him down.
“I figured you would like an excuse.” Fact set the book back and closed it as he just rolled his eye.
“An excuse for wot?”
“Kissing a certain test subject. You know who.” Fact looked over at Wheatley as he said that. The fans kicked up another notch. “I figured that if you weren't going to say something, out of whatever fears you have, that it would give you an excuse if they didn't reciprocate. Play it off as just a traditional thing and cut your losses.”
“Wh- Hey! Do you SERIOUSLY think they're going to reject me?!” Wheatley defended. Then thought about it a moment longer, handles faltering as he clarified. “...Would they actually, you think?”
“I never said that.” Fact glanced over as he grabbed a plant, assumedly the one in question, and handed it over to Wheatley. Doing so in an underhanded motion just so he didn't hold it above him and Wheatley. “I'm entirely neutral to whether or not you two work out, I was merely offering a way for you to try to find out if they DO like you, that gives you an easy out if they DON'T.”
“...Huh.” Was all Wheatley could muster. He looked at the plant… Then slid off on his railing to find somewhere to hang it.
It wasn't a big party. It was only two other cores, the two testing robots, GLaDOS, the companion cube as a VIP, and both Fact and Wheatley. Oh, but mostly some turrets facing away from the door and "talking" amongst themselves, and someone thankfully had the foresight to mark out where they'd not only be put, but where their eyesight ended. That was for the last guest. 
A certain test subject that had to equally watch their steps around the turrets, much like P-Body and Atlas, who were currently dancing to the holiday tunes newly coded into the radio, curtsy of GLaDOS, much like the fruitcake on the table. It was just a fake decoration since nobody could eat, but it was decoration for any other human Christmas party too, so it was fine.
Wheatley watched as they entered from his corner of the room. It was one end of the table that had the fake fruitcake, that wasn't near any of the turrets, GLaDOS was on the other end, and most importantly, had the mistletoe hanging on the ceiling above him. He just flexed his handle up and down as he nervously waited for them. Mercifully, it didn't take long for them to walk over to talk to him.
“Oh-Oh! Ello! Happy holidays, luv.” Wheatley's smile was obvious through his voice as he spoke. They regarded him with a grin and nod. “So uh, this might take you for a shock, you'll wanna hear this. Me and Fact over there, yeah? Pink optic guy? Decorated this whole space! By ourselves. Managed to set everything up! Well uh, not the fruitcake though. SHE did that one, not sure why though THAT'S decoration...” The test subject still looked around the room and did some small claps for him. “Hm-? Oh! Thank you! Glad you seem to like it then. That 's all… Accurate and things. Being honest, cards on the table, Fact definitely manages to gather up how to decorate this place properly like humans very well. Nicely done, all in a good day's work on his part. And-And myself of course. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I DO want to give myself SOME credit, y'know?”
Then they glanced up, spotting the plant. Here it goes…
“What's uh- What's that you spot?” Wheatley looked up, feigning surprise as best he could. “Ooooohhh… Look at that! That's that mistletoe thing, yeah? Isn't that rather-”
“...Wheatley, that's Holly.” Fact piped up, rolling over to them.
“Wot?” Wheatley turned to him.
“Holly has the pointed leaves and red berries. MISTLETOE has smooth leaves and white berries.”
“...Ah. I- hm. I seem to have gotten my plants mixed up.” He glanced over at the tester muffling a laugh. “Not! Y'know ENTIRELY my fault. I read up on this FAIRLY well, and in everything I saw they seemed PRET-TY sure the thing was spiky and-and RED. Very BRIGHT shade of red, might I add.”
“Fact: That is a bold face lie-”
“And here's a fact: YOU handed that plant to me.” He growled out.
“I thought the ONE BOOK I showed you said it was Holly.”
“There were TWO ENTRIES in the middle! How was I supposed to know which one was what?!”
“It DESCRIBED what the plant looked like!”
“Well! That's…! Good to know!” Wheatley huffed. Fact just groaned and rolled away.
“...So uh. Egg on my face, I guess. Yeah… Yeah I hung it up. Caught red handed, so to speak. Red handled, for me and my case I guess?” Wheatley dryly laughed, fans whirring more obviously as he lowered his railing down to them. “I uh… I guess what I was trying to do is… Not exactly a secret anymore. I uh, wouldn't exactly BLAME you if-if you don't want to. Especially seeing as it's not ACTUALLY mistletoe- Ah!”
Wheatley paused as the bottom panel of his optic got a kiss pressed up against it.
Oh. Oh they were anyways.
Wheatley took care that he actually stayed quiet. Kisses meant no talking, right? So he just, gently shut his eye, pressing his optic into it, to reciprocate as best he could. 
When it ended, he felt the world around him almost melting away as he just focused on them.
“Oh WOW. So uh. So that's a kiss. Yeah, I can see why humans like it so much, feels nice, makes you all warm. In a good way. VERY very good way. Not complaining one bit about that. In fact uh. Could I have another?”
With their nod, Wheatley shut his eye, and felt a now familiar press into said optic.
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