#anyway cheating slightly because i actually drew this last month
the-ninja-legacy-whip · 7 months
Jesse with ❄!!
❄ OC in what they’d wear on a very cold day
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Cole: C'mon, just a sip?
Jesse: It is not my fault you drank all your hot chocolate already!
Cole: But you made it sooo good! I had no choice 😭
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muninnhuginn · 8 months
76, 83, 88!!!
Thanks for the ask! I may have tangented slightly as usual, apologies
76. what's your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
I'm getting deja vu with this one weirdly. Maybe I answered a similar ask years ago or something. Anyway, the answer is salt and pepper chips (<- chips in the British sense, to be clear) followed by thick cut chips. These:
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83. writing or drawing?
Oof, this is something where my answer isn't clear-cut at all. My motivation for either sucks, but I'm more likely to get myself to draw something (usually for a secret santa or the rare occasion a series inspires me enough) on average, once every few months. (I used to just doodle on anything back on school so I can draw very specific things like idk eyes and noses and water bottles? Whilst anything outside of the specific things I drew over and again back then, the quality is... questionable. Especially cats. I'm awful at drawing cats, or at least when I last tried I was) Writing meanwhile I usually get the motivation every few *years* so I definitely do a lot less of it. I'm pretty sure I'm better at *editing* writing than I am drawing or writing, but that's not the question, really. I think I can pull out the occasional poetic line, something that just clicks, and I'm always really proud of myself when I get a phrasing like that. But you can't say that that's all it is. Far from it. You have to get from A to C still, and the thing is, I get demotivated super easily, so. Both drawing and writing are skills that require time and dedication put into them if you want to get to be good. And I know that that's not why everyone wants to do them, but personally, I *do* want to be good at them and I fall far below the standard I'd like to be. I'm probably closer to where I want to be writing-wise than I am drawing-wise, but I only manage that by keeping things as short as possible so that I don't run out of steam. Still, overall, I'll say "writing", I guess.
88. your greatest wish?
This feels like I'm cheating because it's so broad, but I wish that when people say "things will get better" it would actually be true.
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
A Lover And A Fighter - Richie Tozier
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word count: 3122 warnings: swearing, sight sexual harassment summary: Richie promised (y/n) that he wouldn’t get into fights anymore, but sometimes he just can’t help himself.  Especially when it comes to protecting her.
It was an understatement to say that Richie was protective of you.  The boy was downright insane about it.  Everyone in Derry knew not to fuck with (y/n), not unless they wanted Richie Tozier tracking them down and beating them half to death.
You’d given him a talk numerous times.  But not once did they work, it always went in one ear and out the other..
He’d beaten up three ex boyfriends, a couple guys that looked at you the wrong way, and Greta Keene.  He was proud of that amount.
But he’d promised that he would try his best not to act out on your behalf anymore.  And you made him pinky promise.  That’s a big deal.  And he didn’t want to break your trust or your promise.
However… once he walked past Henry Bowers and his dumbass friends, and heard your name being mentioned, he couldn’t stop himself from getting involved.
“What was that?” He spoke before he could think things through.
The boys turned to him, each bearing a scowl that wasn’t out of character.
“I said, (y/n’s) not fucking worth it,” Henry practically growled out.  “Now why don’t you fuck off, Tozier?”
“Your damn fucking right it’s not worth it,” Richie spat back, turning away, doing the right thing.  “I’d break your goddamn nose” He muttered under his breath.
“It’s not worth it to try and get in her pants,” Henry called out before Richie could walk far enough away.
He stopped in his tracks.
“Cause she’s such a slut anyways, it’s not a real victory to fuck-”
Richie had never whipped around so fast.  And with the punch he delivered went all common sense, and all the promises and reassurances he’d given you to prove he was going to ‘mature’ as you’d begged him to do. ___
“Hey, Richie,” You held your phone between your ear and shoulder as you painted your toes.  “This is like, my fifth message… so… call me back, I guess.  Okay, bye”
You sighed as you set the phone back on it’s holster.  Richie wasn’t the type of guy to stand you up, especially on taco tuesday.  And even if something came up, he always always, called.  But now he couldn’t even bother to return one of your calls, leaving you to assume that he was upset with you for some reason, and therefore ignoring you.
You weren’t sure what you did, and at this point, you also weren’t sure that he was going to tell you either.
When Richie didn’t want to talk to someone, he was the damn best at avoiding them.
But he’d never given you the cold shoulder.  And there was a time that you’d thought he never would.  Richie was your best friend, you trusted and confided in him more than anyone else, even the other Losers.  And in the last seven years of being his best friend, he’d never treated you this way.  In fact, he always treated you amazingly, like a princess, it was very surprising actually, the way he cared about you.
It was that care that always led him to picking fights where he shouldn’t be, though.  It started with your ex boyfriend.  He broke up with you once a ‘better, prettier’ girl showed interest (his words), and the next thing you knew, Richie was throwing him against the lockers.
When your next boyfriend straight up cheated on you, Richie took care of him too.
He broke the third one’s nose.
And then there was the Greta Keene incident… Beverly may have let it slip that Greta had been writing nasty rumors about you in the girls bathrooms.  And Richie declared that he didn’t have a problem beating up a girl if it was justified (and if that girl had man arms).  That was when you drew the line, and made Richie swear to try and control his anger.  And he pinkie promised to work on it, and that he wouldn’t get into any more fights over you.
You weren’t sure why he got so enraged over these things.  It was just drama, and you found it pointless that he tried to bring you justice, since he was so reckless about it.
It was getting late, and you knew that Richie wasn’t going to return your calls.  So you finished painting your toenails blue, and decided to spend the night in your room, reading, alone.
Even though you should have been eating a bunch of tacos and gossiping with Richie.
Just as you got situated in bed, and had turned off the overhead light in exchange for the soft glow of your lamp on the bedside table, there was a knock on the window.
When you glanced over, you could tell it was Richie by his silhouette, and you frowned slightly.
Nonetheless, you got up and unlocked the window, before sliding it open.
“Where the hell have you been?” You asked.
He could tell that you couldn’t see his face very well.
“Busy, you gonna let me in?” He grinned.
“Richie, it’s-” You glanced over your shoulder to the alarm clock on your table, before glaring back at him.  “-midnight.  Are you kidding me? Did I do something to piss you off?”
“What? (y/n/n), no-”
“Then how come you were dodging all my calls? And you’re seven hours late?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest..
Richie crawled in through the window, even though you hadn’t invited him in yet.  But he figured it was only a matter of time before you cave anyways.
Your distressed face disappeared as you caught sight of him now that he was in the light.  His left eye was bruising, and so was his right cheekbone.  Along with a split lip and a bloody nose, it was clear what had happened.
“Oh, Richie…” You mumbled, hand reaching up to cover your mouth as your eyes widened at the sight of him.  “Tell me you didn’t-”
“Look it’s not what you think-” Richie tried to protest.
“Don’t give me that shit”
He knew he fucked up, because you weren’t yelling.  Your voice was soft, and low.  You were heartbroken.
He stared down at the ground, too anxious to look at you anymore.  Not when you looked so disappointed in him.  
“You promised- you-you pinky promised me-”
“I know-! I know and I’m sorry, really, I’m really fucking sorry” He told you, desperately hoping that you’d forgive him.
You shook your head at him, and gestured for him to sit before you left the room.  Richie was the most frustratingly complicated person that you knew, and it drove you insane.  Why he couldn’t just walk away and not beat the shit out of people… you weren’t sure.  But it really hurt you that he didn’t even seem to try, and he broke his promise.
Richie was sitting on the side of your bed when you came back into the room.  He chuckled as he eyed the first aid kit in your hands, the same one that you’ve used the last four or five times you dealt with the aftermath of his episodes of rages.
“You don’t have t-”
“Yes I do” You cut him off and unpacked what you’d need.
You were upset, you were fuming, actually.  It angered you that Richie broke his promise, not even a month after making it.  That promise was important to you, because he was important to you.  And now here he was, waiting to be fixed up by you once again after he so stupidly, so recklessly got himself beaten to a pulp.
But no matter how angry you were, you remained silent.  Dabbing at the excess blood under his nose, which at least wasn’t bleeding anymore.  And when you were finished with his cheek, you moved on to rubbing cream over the bruise on his cheek.  Richie’s eyes fell shut as he sighed in relief at the feeling of the cool lotion, and your gentle fingers.
He knew your silence wasn’t a good thing.  In fact, it was the worst thing.  It meant he messed up beyond redemption.  And he’d never fucked up that bad before.  Sure, he’d pissed you off and frustrated you on the daily, but that was just the hallmark of his friendship, and it was never anything serious.  Just when he dragged you out in the middle of the night for slushies, or got you in trouble in class because he was running his mouth.  He’d never made you this genuinely upset before.
“Save it” You muttered before he could even start with the apologies.
That was another hallmark of his friendship.  You knew what came next.  The apologies, the excuses, the begging for your forgiveness, followed by a playful ‘you know you love me, you need me’ and puppy dog eyes that you couldn’t refuse.  Except tonight, you might just be able to.
He took you by surprise when he didn’t protest, and snapped his mouth shut.  Your eyes met his for a moment, before you started applying a smaller amount of lotion on the bruise surrounding his eye.  It was going to look a lot worse in the morning, but this would help with the pain now.
You hated that your heart ached for him right now.  You hated that you wanted to cry and hold him and make him feel better.  Because you were so fucking mad-
“I don’t understand,” The words suddenly spilled out of your mouth, as if your mind just couldn’t take them swimming around in your head anymore.  “I just- I- I don’t fucking get it”
He nodded, ducking his head down, only for you to lift it back up by his chin and continue with the lotion.
“I care about you, dumbass, and all I asked, which I thought was simple, all I asked was for you to stop with the fighting-”
“I know” He mumbled back.
You stared at him skeptically, wondering if he really did know, or if he’d show up again in a few weeks with the same battered face and guilty look in his eyes.  Richie didn’t look back at you.  He couldn’t.
“Who?” You asked, trying to soften your voice so he wouldn’t whither away from you like he was doing right now.
“You’re not gonna like it” Richie answered, fingers pinching at your bedsheets in an attempt to distract himself.  From the pain that burned across his whole face, or from the intensity in your eyes, he wasn’t sure, but he needed the distraction.
He hadn’t had a smoke in months, but it sounded pretty damn good right now.
“Well, newsflash, I don’t like any of this,” You told him.  “But I think I deserve to at least know what happened”
Of course you do, Richie hung his head in his hands.  You deserve so, so much better.
You watched as he rubbed his palms over his eyes, and it took everything in your power not to take his hands and hold them in yours, to tell him it was okay and you forgave him.
He muttered the single word without even looking at you.  But he didn’t have to look at you to know exactly what you looked like in that moment.  You probably had a dropped jaw and furrowed brows.  Disappointment, disgust, anger, all displayed in one heartbreaking look.
“Richie…” You murmured without meaning to.  “Why? Why would you-”
“I had to, okay?” He shot up suddenly.  “I know that you hate it, and as soon as I swung I- I knew I fucked up, but I had to”
You wanted to argue it, argue that there’s always another option, that he can always walk away.  But you bit your tongue.  Something about the way he spoke told you that there was more to this than his stupidity.
“I’m sorry, (y/n/n), I am.  But I… I don’t regret it”
Your heart sunk all the way down to your stomach.  Richie had such a toll on your emotions and he didn’t even know it.
“Tell me what happened” You said quietly, and shifted closer to him.
You wanted him to know he had your undivided attention, and that he should have the chance to at least explain what happened.  You pulled your leg up to rest on the mattress, and turned your body to face him.
Richie looked at you before looking back down at his hand, which was now fisted in your blankets.
“Richie,” You hummed, brows furrowing as you saw how reluctant he was to opening up.  “Tell me” The words were so soft, it was almost inaudible.
You wondered what Henry could have done that Richie didn’t want to tell you about.  He must have really outdone himself.
“He was just talking shit-”
“Richie,” You cut off his bullshit before he could even start.  “Come on, the truth”  
“It’s not-”
“I deserve to know, Tozier! Whatever it is, I don’t care, okay? Just tell me-”
“He said you weren’t worth sleeping with!”
Just like that, you’d gotten him to snap.
And you shut up instantly, shocked by the outburst.  His words processed slowly in your head.
“He said it wasn’t worth trying because you’re- because you’re a slut, and it wasn’t fucking true!” Richie continued to yell.  Not at you, he just couldn’t contain his own anger anymore.
And you thought you were pissed.
“Motherfucker had your name in his nasty fucking mouth and he was telling his buddies fucking lies and I couldn’t- fuck I couldn’t walk away.  I should’ve fucking killed him”
You were staring at him, speechless.  You should’ve known it was about you, Richie was always so fiercely protective of you.  And Henry’s wouldn’t be the first nose that he’d broken protecting you.  But this wasn’t like before.  He’d beaten on your ex boyfriends after they broke your heart.  Henry hadn’t said or done anything to you, he was just doing what boys do.  (Make shit up because they think it makes them impressive when really they’re even shittier than they look)
“I didn’t mean to break your promise,” Richie huffed.  His face was slightly flushed after his mini tantrum.  His hands grabbed both of yours, holding them close to him.  “I’m so sorry I put you through this again”
You were still silent, but he knew this wasn’t a bad silence.  You were still processing, still trying to figure out how to forgive him while making sure this was the last time he crawls through your window looking like this.
“I hope you know that it came from a place of- of caring about you,” He added.  “Caring about you too much, I guess” He mumbled as an afterthought.
Your stupid lovesick heart skipped a beat at the sweet words.  Richie wasn’t one for words, at all, but he somehow managed to say the most loving things without even realizing it.
“I can’t promise it won’t happen again, that much is clear.  And if Bowers says one more goddamn thing about your ass I’ll fucking string him up- I will- but I can promise I’ll try, okay? I will, I’ll really try”
He squeezed your hands a little bit, hoping you believed him, hoping you trusted him.
Your eyes flickered between his for a moment, and you could see in them that he was being sincere, and that he was broken up over hurting you.
“You…” He started to speak, but trailed off unsurely.  “You deserve better” He finished.
His eyes flickered to yours for a brief moment, before he turned away.
You shake your head, before you let go of one of his hands, and took his chin between your thumb and index finger, turning him to look back at you.
You cut him off when you leaned in and gently kissed him, trying to be mindful of his split lip.
Richie’s eyes remained focused on your closed ones, too stunned to close them, or really kiss her back.
He wanted to kick himself when you pulled away.  He managed to miss his fucking chance because he was too slow to do anything about it.
Your eyes fluttered open in such a beautiful way Richie swore you were holding his heart in your perfect little hands.
His brows were furrowed like you’d confused him, and you absolutely had.  He hadn’t expected you to kiss him.
“Why’d you do that?” He asked breathlessly, and your cheeks burned pink.
Your shoulders raised a bit in a shrug, and you had to bite your lip to keep from smiling too much.
“I just… wanted to” You whispered.
A smile twitched on the corner of Richie’s lips before his hand cupped your cheek, and he pulled you in again, so he could kiss you right this time.
Your lips were just as soft, if not softer, than he’d imagined they’d be.  And he’d imagined countless times what they’d feel like.  Daydreaming in class, before he fell asleep, and being right by your side for the last seven years.
Kissing you was bliss.
He did it again, taking your face in both of his hands and pulling you impossibly closer.  He could feel your lips smiling against his own, and once again, his heart was beating out of his chest trying to get to yours.
“I’m in love with you, (y/n/n)” He murmured when you parted, and you laughed softly.
“That makes sense,” You replied, reaching a hand up to play with the curls on the back of his neck.  “And… I love you too”
Richie gave you a sunshine smile, which you couldn’t help but return.
“I’m still upset, by the way,” You told him, still playing with the curls.  “But only cause I’m tired of seeing you covered in bruises, okay?”
He nodded, and you leaned your cheek further against the palm of his hand.
“I promise to try” He said, and then raised his pinky.
You looked from his hand and then back to him, a slight glare in your eyes.
“Come on, just do it,” He urged, you rolled your eyes, but he was persistent.  “Just link fuckin’ pinkies with me”
With a giggle you hooked your pinky with his, and held it for a moment.
“You want to go get tacos now?” He asked, and you grinned, nodding your head.
“You read my mind” You answered, and followed him back out the window.
It dawned on you that Richie was both your lover and your fighter.  And he held those titles proudly.
As he took your hand and walked alongside you down the street, he decided there were no other title he’d want to be labeled, besides yours. ___
taglist: @thegr8kush​
xoxo ~ jordie
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vad-hander · 3 years
Pairing: Jaebeom x reader
Genre: Series | Eventual Smut | Angst | Fluff
Warnings: break up, cheating, strangers to lovers, mentions of drinking
Words: 3.8k
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Your head felt dizzy and you wouldn’t lie if you’d say that everything caved in and pulled out from under you.
The first sip you took was when your foot exited the store, unscrewing the lid of the wine you bought, immediately. It burned your throat, but the whole in your chest burned ten times stronger and you chose to deal with your inner pain first. Your feet walked you through the streets of Seoul, trying to focus your brain on something other than the void inside of you but failed miserably. The first bottle didn’t do its job yet and when you pressed it against your lips for another sip you noticed how it was already empty. The nearest bin became it’s grave and the nearest store became your saviour, allowing you to buy another drink. This time your eyes fell onto the beer, and you bought three bottles, opening them in the park nearby, you sat down on the grass, fishing out the cake you had baked a day before from the bag on your shoulder. Not bothering with the way you’d it eat you just bit into it, getting cake all over your face. You chuckled to yourself, wiping sweet goodness from your skin.
You turned on music in your headphones, playing every upbeat song there was, nodding your head and moving your foot to the beat, right until you felt warm trails of tears on your cheeks. You laid your head on the grass, hiding your face in your palms, not holding back anymore from crying.
You weren’t able to believe it, you couldn’t believe he did this to you. You never thought he’d cheat, you never thought you’d find out about it in such a bad way. You never expected this from Jeno, but then again, who ever expects their partner to cheat?
Your mind went again over everything you’ve been through in the past 8 months, your mind went through your friendship of 3 years, 3 years of you being head over heels for Jeno until one day you became more.
Suddenly you remembered how Jaebeom told you to break up with him making you hate everything about the situation even more. If you listened, you would’ve not went through what you just went through, but why would you listen to a stranger anyway? You hated the fact he was right, but one single memory of him made you want to see him.
You fished out your phone to search on the internet open hours of the bar. The website said 5 PM, making you shift your eyes up to the clock of your phone. It was already three, and since your plans for the day and maybe even life were ruined, you had no better things to do than just come there and wait for him. Wait for Jaebeom for no reason. Just because he was the only person that didn’t know Jeno, just because he was the only person you wanted to see.
The route in your phone promised you that you’d be there right before opening if you’ll walk, so without hesitation you sat up, collecting yourself and walking in the direction of the bar.
You tried to do everything for emptiness in your hands to bother you more, than the new feeling of having your heart ripped from your chest, and halfway to the bar you went to one more alcohol store, getting this time a proper drink - rum. You didn’t know where this rum addiction suddenly came from, but now you guessed it should be your signature drink when it came to meeting Jaebeom.
The familiar by now burn of the drink gave your brain one more reason to think about Jaebeom. You have almost forgot that you spilled your drink over him, almost forgot the way he said your name. Memories of him almost made a small shard of your heart go back in place, almost, because the image of Jeno with HER, made all of your insides clench in pain.
Jeno. Jeno. Jeno. Jeno. Your brain went in overdrive, repeating his name like a mantra. Your fingers ached to dial his number but your brain knew you had nothing to tell him. Your love have died just like that, it didn’t go somewhere overnight, you didn’t wake up and understand that you didn’t love him anymore. He killed it with his actions, Jeno killed everything there was with his actions, and now you were killing memories of him in your head, finding the neck of the bottle with your lips.
From the side you must’ve looked like a psychopath, crying, laughing, talking to your own self, walking in a quicker and slower pace. Doing everything that came to your mind. Now you were free in every meaning possible, why’d you bother about anything?
You got there quicker than your phone have promised, seeing the door of the bar being closed. Not finding a better option than just sitting on the bench not far from the entrance, you placed the bottle next to you, only realising how tired you got from walking when your butt rested against wooden material of your seat. You looked around, noticing how the area of the bar was actually pretty quiet. Your eyes ran over the streets that were surrounding the building, wondering in your mind if one of those roads led to Jaebeom’s house.
Alcohol from the rum hit you like a rock, crawling from behind your brain with tiredness. You closed your eyes for a slight second, only to feel someone touch your shoulder the next moment.
“Are you alive?” a man asked you carefully. Your eyes blew open in fear, noticing how it was much darker outside. Your eyes focused on the man in front of you.
“Jaebeom.” you said quietly, sighing.
“Celebrating your boyfriends birthday to the max?” he joked, grabbing the bottle from next to you. You tried to smile back, biting your upper lip and lifting your eyes up to the sky to prevent from crying.
“No, I’m alone here.” your voice trembled and it was the last bit before you broke down. Hot tears streamed down your face, making you feel embarrassed. You barely could see Jaebeom’s face but he went quiet and you guessed he didn’t want to deal with that, expected.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, calm down.” his hands touched your cheeks and your insides turned upside down. “We’ll work everything out, you can tell me.” His thumbs drew soothing little circles under your eyes making you want to put it all in you to stop crying. You blinked multiple times finally being able to see his face properly for the first time this evening, seeing him squatting in front of you. He probably noticed you focus your vision on him, gifting you a kind smile. “Hi.”
“Hi.” you cleared your throat in a couple of seconds, finally replying. You thought he’ll let go of your face by now, but he kept his fingers glued to your cheeks, keeping his eyes glued to yours. You felt your breathing get heavier, but you attributed it to your recent crying.
“How come you’re so beautiful even when you’re crying?” he chuckled more to himself, beating air from your lungs completely.
Your hands slowly found Jaebeom’s on your cheeks, covering his hands with yours. You wanted to make him let go of you, but when you got the taste of what his hands felt like with your own, you changed your mind immediately.
People passed by, drunk and sober, some were just going in and some were already leaving. You didn’t know how long your nap took, you didn’t know how come you got so lucky to be woken up by Jaebeom and not some weird creep.
You stared at each other, both of you being scared to break the moment.
“Ya, Jaebeom, where did you get lost?” the voice of a guy made you jump in Jaebeom’s hands, turning your head in unison with Jaebeom to face the guy.
“Get lost, I’ll come later.” one of his hands left you, showing the guy to leave.
You let go of Jaebeom’s hand when he turned back to you, and he let go of your cheek too, sitting on the bench right next to you.
“Why did you sleep on the bench?” he asked not looking at you.
“Buy me a drink.”
“You wanted to buy me a drink twice, now I agree.” you looked at him.
“I won’t.” he turned to face you.
“Why is that?”
“You’re drunk.”
“I’m not.”
“Is that all you had? Half of the rum?”
“No…” You said shamefully.
“What else?”
“Wine, beer and then this.” you listed quickly expecting any reaction from him, but he just watched you.
“Let’s go.” he quickly stood up after some time of silence.
“Where to?”
“Cafe next block. You need food and coffee, and when you’ll tell me everything I’ll see if you’re allowed to drink any more. Come on.” he signalled for you to go with his head and you stood up too, grabbing the bottle to take with you. “Give me that.”
“I’ll carry it for you. Don’t worry, I won’t throw it away, I see that you have a special relationship with rum. I won’t fight it.” he shot you a smile, pulling the bottle from your hands.
“Eat up.” Jaebeom moved the plate closer to you when the waitress that eyed him wildly finally left your sight.
“Thank you.” you sighed, picking the fork and a knife, cutting up the pancakes in the plate. Jaebeom took the coffee pot, pouring hot beverage into your cup and placing the pot back on the table. “Hey, have coffee too.” you furrowed your eyebrows.
“You eat, you need to sober up.”
“I never offered the food, don’t even dream of that.” you played with your eyebrows and Jaebeom chuckled at you, smiling at you sweetly for a few more seconds after you lowered your eyes to the plate.
You cut through the pancakes, sticking a few pieces on the fork. Lifting your eyes up you noticed that he poured coffee for himself too. You waited patiently for him to lift his eyes up at you.
“Open your mouth.” you commanded the next second he looked at you. A smirk lit up his face and a sudden regret rushed over your body. Maybe that was a bit overboard, maybe that’s the rum inside of you speaking. Whatever it was, it was way too late now to back off. Jaebeom nibbled on his lower lip with a smile, opening his mouth slightly and extending his neck towards you. Your hand moved up and froze in the air when your eyes focused on his mouth. Redness flashed over your face at the thoughts that ran in your head. How soft would his mouth feel on yours?
His hand quickly grabbed yours, moving it towards his face, forcing the fork into his mouth and biting the pancakes off it. He let go of your hand, letting it fall back onto the table.
“So tell me, what happened?” he asked you after he finished chewing. His elbows laid on the table, making you feel as if you were under interrogation.
“Don’t be a party pooper, I just began feeling better.” you whined, making Jaebeom laugh again. What’s up with him laughing at everything you say? We’re you that funny…? You never noticed before.
“I didn’t know you considered this a party.” he sighed. “I’m sorry.”
You nodded quickly, forcing your attention into the plate, knowing if you’d keep your eyes on him a second longer you’d cry.
You stared into the plate through the whole time you ate, finishing the coffee in your cup, feeling how he stared at you quietly while you were consuming everything that was on the table.
“Jeno, my boyfriend, the guy you told me to dump, I guess he dumped me.” you leaned more into the seat, seeing Jaebeom’s face for the first time in a while. He kept quiet, allowing you to continue but you didn’t do it.
“On his birthday?”
“Right after you came with miyeok guk?”
“Yeah… well, I think technically before that.” you chuckled hysterically. “I came to his place, punched in the code and got to his bedroom only to find a topless girl on top of him. They were…” you coughed awkwardly.
“Fucking?” he asked carelessly.
“Yeah… that. So… I guess he only called me last night to find out if I’ll come early when she was already there, to see if he should make her leave or what. I shouldn’t have lied, if I didn’t I would’ve lived my happy clueless life. Want to know the funny part?”
“There is one?” Jaebeom seemed surprised.
“You were right about the girl, you probably did see her somewhere because she was the one with him. I doubt she is the friends sister now.” you sighed and moved in your seat worriedly. You felt better but at the same you felt wrong sharing this with him. “The ridiculous part is that you really did read through my entire life in a second. That’s really annoying.” you looked him in the eyes, chuckling. “And concerning as well, should I be listening to you from now on in everything I do?” you tried to joke with him once again and he gifted you another smile.
“I won’t protest, but I won’t force you either.” he looked you deep in the eyes. He did that way too often as if he tried to speak to you through staring.
“Would you like anything else?” waitress broke off the silence, ruining one of your moments.
“No, thanks.” Jaebeom gave the girl the same smile he always gave you, and a weird pinch of jealousy hit your chest. “Give us the bill, please.” his voice was soft and the girl smiled even brighter than before.
“Just a moment.” she bowed and left.
“So you’re friendly like that to everyone.” you noted to yourself but did it aloud for some reason.
“I’m friendly to everyone but for you I’m all that and even more.” he leaned in and extended his hand to you, laying it with his palm up for you to lay yours on top.
“Why?” he stretched his fingers signalling to you that he’s waiting.
“There should be a reason?”
“There’s a reason for everything.” you replied, fighting an inner battle if its appropriate now to touch his hand.
“Okay, then my reason is that I’m naturally attracted to you. Didn’t I tell you already multiple times that I liked you?” he sounded so casual as if he spoke about weather. Your hands felt cold due to fear you were experiencing. Was he meaning he liked you as a person? As a company? Or did he mean something else…? Something more? The idea of asking him to clarify these questions gave you a whiplash. His whole presence gave you constant whiplash with everything he said, did and even with the way he looked at you. You knew for sure you weren’t about to forget Jeno in a second and you were afraid to tell that to Jaebeom in case he didn’t mean it in that way at all. Jeno broke your heart and you knew that you needed more time to over-live it than 8 hours. At the same time you were afraid Jaebeom would laugh at your silly assumption of him wanting you by his side in a different way.
Giving him your hand to hold wouldn’t hurt anything though, right? You thought to yourself it wouldn’t and laid your palm on top of his.
“I thought you said I’m okay and we could be friends, now you doubted to lay your hand on top of mine for 10 minutes, I’m offended.” His fingers wrapped around your hand moving it closer to his side of the table. His other hand laid on top of yours and you shivered unconsciously hoping he didn’t notice. “ you’re funny, cute and smart, that’s his loss, you shouldn’t be crying about someone who didn’t only disrespect you, he just showed what type of person he is. He’s a trash bag if he cheated, don’t waste your nerves on that. It’s better you found out more or less quickly. If you need someone to rely on I can be by your side. You can call me anytime.” Jaebeom lifted your hands off the table, finding your eyes with his, biting his lower lip. Lifting your hands higher, he lowered his head, planting a small kiss on the back of your hand. You couldn’t help but smile shyly at his gesture. “Give me your phone, by the way.”
“Oh?” you asked surprised but didn’t want to protest or question him any further, moving your hand from his and getting your phone out on the table. You unblocked it getting startled by the photo on the home screen. The photo of you being on Jeno’s back, kissing his cheek sweetly, while he bended and smiled into the camera happily. You wanted to change it quickly for Jaebeom to not see but your hands just froze. The void in your chest suddenly enlarged to the previous size.
Jaebeom grabbed the phone from your hands before you could even realise it and began doing something you couldn’t see. It took him longer than you expected and you bit your tongue to not ask questions.
You watched him focusing his vision onto the screen of your phone, probably typing his phone number into your contacts while you were just appreciating his handsome features.
“Would you like to pay by card or cash?” the waitress appeared scaring you once again.
“Card.” you said in unison. Jaebeom gave you a look, laying your phone by his side.
“I ate, I’ll pay.” you expanded your hand to grab the phone and pay with it but he caught your hand with his, making you blush because you could definitely feel the waitresses eyes on your hands.
“No.” he nodded strictly and the piercing gaze that he gave you killed your will to fight with him over that.
“Thanks for food… and for words you said…” you told him when the both of you exited the cafe. “You really are a good friend I guess.” you lifted your eyes to see his face.
“You want to go home?” he sounded disappointed. “Sounds like you’re saying goodbye.”
“No, I’m just saying thank you.” you smiled. “Or were you hoping to not spend any more money on me? Didn’t you promise me a drink?” you whined jokingly.
“I thought you’re trying to run away from me.”
“No.” You shook your head.
“Good, i wouldn’t let you anyway.” he stepped closer invading your private space. “I’ll buy you as many drinks as you’d want me to…” he raised his arm and you stopped breathing to see what he’ll do next and he moved his palm closer to your cheek, making it burn with the electricity that was forming in the space between you two, but dropped his hand back down the next second. “Just stay by my side… for tonight, at least.” his hand found your wrist, pulling you to go after him towards the entrance of the bar. 15 minutes later the both of you were sitting at the bar, waiting for the bartender to notice you called him.
“Rum and coke?” Jaebeom asked with a laugh.
“I’ll have what you’ll have.”
“Okay.” he nodded seriously, lifting his arm again. “Two shots of vodka.” he gestured number two with his fingers.
“Just a second.” your eyes ran from Jaebeom to bartender quickly, trying to see if he was about to tell you it was a joke, but he didn’t. Even when the shot glasses hit the bar he watched bartenders moves quietly, only looking up at you when the order was done.
“I didn’t know that’s what you meant when you said you want to buy me a drink.” you laughed awkwardly.
“That’s just because you said you want what I want.” he pushed the glass towards you more.
Your eyes ran between Jaebeom and vodka.
“Okay, on the count of 3.” you grabbed the glass.
“No, no, both of these are for you.”
“Drink.” he gestured.
“Jaebeom.” you sighed disapprovingly.
“You’ll feel better when you’ll stop thinking about everything.”
“I’ll pass out, if it seemed to you that I’m a great drinker, you’re wrong. I’m not drinking often and I’m not really taking it well.”
“You can chill out, I won’t let anything happen to you even if you’ll pass out.” his hand reached your cheek, caressing it a few times.
“Give me a single reason why I should trust my life to a stranger?” you asked curiously.
“To see that I’m not just a stranger to you anymore.” his hand stopped moving and his eyes glued to you in anticipation. Your hand slowly found the glass without looking away from Jaebeom, raising it to your lips, you exhaled, quickly downing the shot. Now that you were completely sober the drink burned like hell and there was nothing to wash down vodka, so you just grabbed the other glass too, downing it in a span of a second. You felt Jaebeom’s hand move from your cheek to your neck, while you were wrinkling your face in disgust, suddenly pulling you by it from where you sat into his embrace. You fell, resting your body against his as if you were a small child, feeling his hand let go of your neck and rest against your back. Your face hid in the crook of his neck and you couldn’t not point out to yourself how bloody good he smelled. Everything about him was always too good to be true. He seemed perfect to the extent it felt concerning but you guessed it was a bit too late to back off now.
When you finally were able to open your eyes again you still felt his hands on your waist, moving yours to rest against his shoulders to push back a little. He didn’t let go of you, leaving his fingers to burn the skin of your sides even through the clothes.
“I didn’t think you’d actually drink both.” he chuckled “you fine?” you nodded yes and he allowed you to sit back.
“I want more.” you turned to face him when you sat.
“More of what?”
“Whatever you’ll buy me.” you smiled at him feeling a bit drunk. Jaebeom nodded at you, biting on his lower lip.
One more round of pure alcohol, and that’s the last thing you remember of the evening.
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
How could you do this babe?
In Breakable Heaven chapter one! Here we go!
Summary: Reader’s ready to celebrate her anniversary with her boyfriend, but things don’t go as planned. 
Warnings: Cheating, swearing, drunk people
Word Count: ~2100
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“…leave a message at the beep.”
You couldn’t help but be disappointed that he didn’t answer, but didn’t mind leaving a message. “Hey babe, I was able to close the bookstore early! I should be to yours in the next few minutes if you want to celebrate early. I know you like to have ample time to get ready, so I guess I just wanted to warn you. Anyway, I love you. See you soon.” You left the voicemail as you walked to your car. Tonight you are celebrating your three-year anniversary. You even changed into your brand new lingerie to surprise him, wearing a long coat to hide it in public. It felt a little bit wrong not wearing real clothes, but you were determined to make this the best anniversary celebration yet.
 The drive to his apartment was relatively uneventful. A light rain started about halfway through the five-minute drive. As you pull up to his apartment building, you notice the lights on in his room. “Good, he’s home” you think to yourself as you open the door, shuffling inside from the muggy DC weather. As you approach the apartment door, you can hear the soft music of the playlist you made last month featuring all of Taylor Swifts most romantic love songs. Your heart flutters as you think of the kind gesture. Of course, he would be thoughtful enough to put on music as you arrived at his apartment. Unlocking the door and untying your coat at the same time proved to more difficult than anticipated, but you managed to nudge the door open whispering “happy anniversary baby” in the sultriest tone you could.
 As you took in the rest of the apartment, your heart burst. There were roses everywhere. Candles lit a path to the bedroom. Maybe he did know how to be a romantic. Dropping your things on the counter and sliding your coat off the rest of the way, you tip toed into the bedroom to surprise him since he clearly did not get your message. The next sixty seconds felt as though time stopped. Or, more accurately, you froze and everything else in the world took on an impossible speed.
As you pushed open the bedroom door, three things caught your attention. First, you felt a surprising amount of resistant as you pushed the door over a bundle of clothes you didn’t recognize. Second, you heard the bed bouncing against the wall. Third, you saw streaks of auburn hair running through you’re boyfriend’s hands as he mercilessly pounded into a woman you didn’t recognize.
 Apparently, your entrance was too quiet for either of them to be interrupted. All you could manage was to slowly retreat into the living room, closing the door, but knocking into a side table.  You could hear them as they stopped moving, running to the door to investigate the noise. All you wanted was to get out of there though. Throwing your coat back over your lingerie, you grabbed your purse and keys, slamming the door shut. You didn’t even turn around when you heard him opening the door and calling your name. Whatever he had to say was not worth your time anymore.
 You couldn’t get the image of the two of them in bed together out of your head. You were feeling absolutely everything at once. You felt betrayed. You felt sad. A small part of you was actually glad you had a reason to end it. It had never felt like the kind of relationship that would move on. But still, you thought you were happy with him.
 But mostly, you were pissed. Rightfully so, but you had no idea where to go or what to do. Your blind adrenaline carried you to the car, and you wound up at a bar. You don’t even remember starting the car, much less driving, but you knew you needed something to drink. You ran inside, ordering tequila shots to drown the sadness, and sat at the bar. As you sat at the bar, contemplating your existence, a man walked up to sit next to you. You had your fair share of practice with this scenario. You had mastered the right mix “fuck off” and “sorry, I’m taken” to get men like this guy to back off with just a single look. But right now, all you could manage was a halfhearted grin that very clearly said “you do not want to deal with my emotional baggage right now.” It was all in the crazed look in your eyes, you were sure of it.
 Nobody else came up to you while you were there. You couldn’t help but think over the past three years with him for signs that he was unfaithful. You couldn’t come up with any, the cheating bastard. He must have been pretty good at hiding the secret phone calls and date nights. But then again, you had your own secrets. Not that they would have made him feel like you do right now.
 After sitting long enough to consume four shots of tequila, two vodka sodas, and one dark and stormy, reality set in. All you wanted was to curl up in a ball and scream. Or cry. You were obviously not returning to his apartment, but you couldn’t go back to your own either. There was too much there that reminded you of him. The idea of walking in there to see his sweatshirt on your couch made you feel sick. You were teetering on the edge of a full breakdown when the idea struck you. Penelope.
 Penelope Garcia is your best friend. You met her at a Doctor Who convention the same day you met he who must not be named. She was there with Kevin, but they broke up a while ago. The realization that you could go to Penny’s couldn’t have come at a better time. Ha. Penny. You only call her that when you’re drunk. She’ll know what to do. You opened your phone, barely able to call up the Lyft to take you to her apartment. It’s honestly shocking you didn’t fall asleep on the seven minute drive there. Whatever, all you needed now was to get inside and forget about him.
 After entering the building, you tried the elevator. Of course it was broken. It took you about thirty six minutes to hobble your way up two flights of stairs to Penny’s floor. With each step, you considered texting her to come get you, but you knew the second you saw her you would break down. You absolutely did not want to start sobbing on these stairs. Too many people could see you. Finally arriving to her door, you were exhausted. Mentally and physically drained. Knock knock knock “Penny?” Knock knock knock “Penny?” Knock knock knock “Penny?” you imitated the Big Bang Theory, knowing the small joke would make you smile, even if just for a second. When the door finally opened, you vaulted in for a hug, not even opening your eyes.
 As you squeezed Penny, you finally broke out into a fit of sobs. Whisper yelling, you told her as much of the story as you could remember. “Penny, thank god. I left wo-ork early to surprise Dr-Dr-Drew for our anniversary – hiccup – but he was having s-s-se-sex with someone else…” you let out a strangled sob, not noticing how stiff Penny felt in your embrace. You buried your head into her as you continued “So I got very drunk and came here. Was he cheating on me this whole time?” You asked as your tears turned back to rage. “I even went out and bought this stupid, uncomfortable underwear to surprise him” you shout as your coat had begun to fall open again. After what felt like an hour of crying, but in reality amounted to no more than 60 seconds, you finally noticed something was odd. Two things lead you to a simple conclusion that was somehow difficult to comprehend in your drunk state.
 First, Penny felt taller. Second, she was wearing converse. Upon noticing these two facts, your hands traveled up the body you were hugging until you found shoulders. Turning your head up, your eyes followed the path your hands had just taken. This series of events lead to the obvious fact that whomever you were hugging was absolutely not Penelope Garcia. Penelope was in fact not even in the foyer, but rather a very attractive, tall man with slightly curly brown hair and eyes like honey was staring back at you. And you couldn’t take your eyes off him.
Reid’s POV
 Spencer hadn’t actually had anything to drink since arriving at Garcia’s. No, he just drank prior to that point. Normally, he didn’t drink at all when his team got together, but this was just worth celebrating. Another serial killer was behind bars for life because of the work the team did today. Hell, even Hotch and Rossi stayed for a few hours before they left. As part of the “young crowd” on the team, he had stayed at the bar longer than the two older men before the group of you retreated to Garcia’s. Hers was the closest apartment, and everyone else wanted to keep the party going. Spencer couldn’t help but join them, not wanting to return to his empty apartment after the long day they all spent testifying.
 Finishing his second glass of water, he began to get up to get more and maybe some for the group when everyone heard the knocking. The group laughed as three consecutive “Penny’s” came from the door. “Reid, can you get that since you’re already up?” Garcia asked, motioning toward the door. “It must be Y/N. She always calls me Penny when she’s drunk.” He obliged. He obviously remembered Garcia mentioning Y/N before, but he had never met her. He swung the door open, expecting a drunk friend of Garcia’s. He was not prepared, however, for said drunk friend to throw herself at him, grasp him in an alarmingly tight hug, and start sobbing. He could barely make out what you were saying through the sobs hearing “surprise Drew”, “anniversary”, “sex”, and “drunk” before you practically screamed “I even went out and bought this stupid, uncomfortable underwear to surprise him.”
 It was clear you meant to be pouring her heart out to Garcia, but you hadn’t yet realized who answered the door. For the first time in his life, Dr. Spencer Reid couldn’t think of words to say as you ran your hands up his body to his shoulders. You were clearly taking in the information required to come to the conclusion that he is not in fact Penelope Garcia. As your eyes met his, all he could do was stare. He made every effort to keep his eyes level with yours, but one glace was all it took to be ingrained in his memory forever. He wouldn’t have looked, but the movement of your coat caught his eye as it revealed the exact type of surprise you had planned for whoever Drew was.
 The two of you were frozen, unsure of how to proceed. You looked just like he did- a deer in the headlights. Neither of you could move. Neither of you could speak. You could both hear Garcia’s voice as she stumbled down the hallway, but it sounded distant. It wasn’t until the mystery woman broke eye contact that he backed away. Trying desperately to control the blush he were sure had made its way to his cheeks.
 Y/N’s POV
 The moment was broken as you felt Penny turn you towards her. The flush on your cheeks only grew as you kept your eyes on the tall man as he retreated into the living room, not having said a word. “Y/N… Y/N? Y/N!” Penny had to yell slightly to get your attention. “What happened? What are you doing here? I thought you were celebrating tonight?” She asked rapid fire. You could tell she was also a little bit drunk.
 You told her everything. The words practically falling out of you as you started crying again. “Oh babe, I’m so sorry. Here, let’s get you inside.” Penny started to guide you into the living room, but you froze “Wait! Can I borrow some clothes before I go in there? I don’t need to flash anyone else right now.” You whispered. Penny laughed, “Of course! Who did you fla- ohhh. Reid.” She said, trying to hold back the giggles.
 “Yes. If that is the very tall man with the perfect eyes and the completely tuggable hair.” You responded, not quite filtering your thoughts, as you were still very drunk.
 “I’ll be back in a jiffy!” Penny replied, not knowing how else to respond to the fact that you are very clearly attracted to the young doctor, but also going through shit right now. She would just file away this information for later.
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lesmond-sycamore · 3 years
Scavenger Hunts
Words: 1971
ao3 link Summary:  Ivor, Harper, Jack, and Nurm have been given scavenger hunt lists by Petra and Jesse, but why? Notes: LOOK I KNOW IT'S PAST 12 AM BUT IT'S TECHNICALLY 10 PM PACIFIC TIME. I HAD WORK. Anyways, enjoy!
“You know, I’m starting to get tired of this wild fox chase.” Jack groaned as he fumbled with the piece of paper that would lead him to a “secret prize, in three weeks (which was, of course, today) only” as stated by Petra in her correspondence a few weeks prior. Nurm hummed lazily in response as he continued to mark locations on his map, unaffected by the stress of figuring out the answers to the clues to the scavenger hunt Petra had created for the two. Jack sighed, “I know, I know, but it’s been months since the last time we’ve seen her, Nurmie. I’m just- I don’t know. I know I shouldn’t be worried about her, but you how I am. I miss her, we haven’t gotten to see her all day because of this stupid scavenger hunt, and I have no clue when’s the next time she’ll be in town, an-” Nurm grumbled at Jack, indicating that he needed to just calm down for a second. Jack sighed once again to calm down his nerves. He might’ve been overreacting a bit.
Jack glanced at the pumpkin and enderpearl he had already gathered. “I just don’t see the point of this. Petra’s never done anything like this before. Why today? Do you think they found something while they were out adventuring and wanted to create hype to impress us?” Jack paused, then smiled fondly at the thought. “Doesn’t she know we’re already proud of her?”
Nurm hummed in agreement, Of course she does. She might just want to shake things up, although I will say that today-, Nurm trailed off. Jack stared at his husband for a moment, waiting for him to continue, but when he went back to studying his map of Beacontown, Jack realized he had no intention of picking up where he left off. Was today special?
“Ivor, seriously? You haven’t seen Jesse in months and you’re going to go dressed like you robbed a zombie villager?” Haper asked a very, very frantic Ivor who was currently wearing nothing but a (well-loved) bathrobe and hopping on one leg as he struggled to put on his shoe.
Ivor finished putting on his shoe and glanced down to his attire. “What? Both of you have already seen me in my underwear! I don’t think my bathrobe’s going to kill them considering how everything… and everyone… that’s already tried has failed. Including me. Twice.”
“Still. We have to go into town to do this… scavenger hunt? What’s that all about?” Harper asked, pulling a quill out from behind her ear in preparation, studying the list in front of her. “What the heck is a ‘block of a cheated deal?’ Does that mean anything to you?” she asked as she scrunched her face in confusion.
Ivor hummed in concentration as he collected his potions (you could never be too careful) as he mulled over the question. He planted a quick peck on Harper’s cheek as he began to walk towards the door. “I think I have an idea of what that means,” he stated with a wink as he made his way out the door, ready to solve the puzzle he had been presented.
“But you apparently still have no idea how to dress. Change into something decent if you’re going to been perceived by strangers, love,” Harper punctuated with a face palm, failing to hide the smile creeping on her lips.
“Looks like we’ve got most of the items, Nurmie. I hate to say it, but I think I’m actually pretty good at this. Looks like my adventurer’s intuition still runs in my veins. That or I’m still plain awesome,” Jack boasted as they made their back to Jack and Nurm’s Adventure Emporium to have a quick break and focus on the last item on the list, items in hand. “Although… I still don’t know what we’re supposed to do with all of these things.” Jack glanced over each item: an enderpearl, a stack of snowballs, a few baked potatoes, a sponge, a couple of pieces of zombie flesh, and a pumpkin. He hoped the quantities didn’t matter too much, because he lost all of his enderpearls when his shop was ransacked during Romeo’s reign in Beacontown and the price of a stack was not cheap.
Nurm rolled his eyes at his husband’s gloating. Jack playfully nudged the cartographer in the arm and scoffed in fake offense. Jack continued to walk and study the items he was currently carrying until he realized that the villager’s footsteps had ceased. Jack turned his head to look at Nurm with confusion at the random stop, until Nurm spoke. Jack, is that…? The villager gestured in front of them and tilted his head. Jack followed his gaze to find… Ivor and Harper outside the Adventure Emporium. What were they doing here?
“Ivor! Harper! Hey!” someone shouted to the couple. The two spun around to find… Jack and Nurm! Perfect timing! The retired adventurer jogged up to the two and shook their hands in greeting.
“Jack, it’s been forever!” Ivor exclaimed. “How’s Petra? I know she and Jesse are supposed to be in town today.”
Jack sighed and shook his head. “We haven’t seen her at all today. She gave us this list of items that we’ve had to find, but we’re confused on what the last one means. How’s Jesse?” “I’m afraid we’re in a similar situation ourselves,” Harper stated plainly. “We’re almost done, though. It’s weird, all of these items are so… seemingly unrelated. Do you think they have any connection?” She nodded down at her own items: a block of redstone, an assortment of stained glass, an iron axe, a block of lapis, a few fireworks, and some soul sand. “We had to solve a bunch of crazy riddles to find the items we were looking for.”
“Sounds exactly like we were doing,” Jack stated as he showed the other couple his own items. “Did Jesse put you up to this?”
Ivor studied the items in Jack’s hands for a moment and then flicked his eyes up to meet Jack’s. “Yes, that’s correct. I’m assuming Petra did the same to you?”
“Correct you are, my friend.” Jack answered. He put the items back in his inventory before gesturing to the two of them and then to the building. “I see that you’re standing outside our shop. Is there something you need?” he inquired.
Harper spoke up. “There is, actually. I’m not well-versed in anything non-mesa related, and Ivor thinks the final clue has something to do with adventuring. Do you know what item the clue ‘the big finale let you soar’ is hinting at?”
Jack grinned. “I think I have an idea.”
“I appreciate your help very much, Jack,” Harper thanked the retired adventurer as he handed her the second-to-last item on her and Ivor’s list: the elytra Jesse used to fly to the tower from the Admin episode.
“It's no problem. Now if only Petra could tell us what our last clue means. Nurm and I have been trying for the past few hours to crack it, to no avail,” Jack admitted with a defeated tone.
“What is it? We might be able to help. Actually, we've been scratching our darn heads at our own final clue. I don't have the slightest idea what ‘where it all began’ could be in reference to.”
“Ours is similar. ‘The first unhelping hand?’”
Ivor crossed his arms and closed his eyes in thought, lightly tapping his foot and humming. Nurm did the same, and slightly bit his lip. Harper chose to unconsciously chew on her quill, resulting in her gagging slightly when she got a mouthful of feather instead of the wood of her normal pencil and blushing, hoping no one else saw her do it. Jack opted to spread both lists and all items out on a nearby table and study them intently.
After a few minutes of silence, Nurm chirped and all eyes fell on him. Jack listened intently to what he had to say. Jack, think about our adventure all those months ago and look at the items we've gotten so far. Do you see a coincidence?
Jack glanced at the items and the lists. “Yeah... yeah! The sponge for the Sea Temple, the snowballs for the Icy Palace of Doom, the zombie flesh for the Sunshine institute, I think the pumpkin is for the golems everywhere, the enderpearl for the giant enderman, and the potatoes for that stupid password! Ugh, I cannot believe it took me this long to realize what they had in common. Harper, Ivor, are your items similar?”
Ivor dashed over to the table “Why yes! Of course! How could I have been so blind? These items line up perfectly with the many adventure I had with Jesse! Could this mean...?” Everyone watches Ivor study he and Harper’s list in anticipation. “I think I know what ‘where it all began’ is! The ender dragon egg! Without that, I would have never created the Witherstorm, and Jesse would've never saved the world and I would’ve never gone on those many adventures!”
“And I would still be in Crown Mesa, trying to avoid being chipped,” Harper commented with a sad tone in her voice.
Ivor nodded. “And I would’ve never…” he trailed off, eyes finding the floor the most interesting place to look at at the moment.
Jack gave an acknowledging grunt and closed his eyes “In that case, do you think that ‘unhelping hand’ could be the Ad- Romeo’s gauntlet Jesse found that made them and Petra seek us out in the first place?” Nurm nodded in agreement. Jack opened his eyes and grinned. “Well, I think we all know where those two items are.”
Everyone looked between each other and then spoke in unison. “The Order Hall.”
“What happened to all the darn lights in this place? I thought this place was supposed to be ninety-percent windows? I’m not going crazy, right?... right?” Harper asked as the group walked inside the Order Hall, treading carefully in the unusual darkness that was only broken by the light cast through the open door.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been here, Harper. Radar was left in charge after Jesse took off too seek out adventure with Petra and that llama. Maybe the man just has… peculiar taste. I did build my lab inside the Farlands myself, you know,” Ivor commented.
The group continued to trudge quietly through the Order Hall, careful not to trip over anything or anyone. After a few steps, the group heard a click, and Ivor, Harper, and Jack each drew their swords they carried for protection. Jack spoke up in a whisper “Quickly, get behind me” and the rest followed the instruction as best they could.
Everyone tensed, their breaths held, frantically glancing around the room, searching for any signs of life. It felt like an eternity, but only a few seconds after the click, the sounds of retracting pistons could be heard all around the four. Jack shuffled, preparing himself for any potential attacks, survival instincts kicking in action, ready to do what it took to protect his friends and husband, he-
The pistons finished retracting, leaving the Order Hall basked in the evening sky’s light. All four members of the group blinked at the brightness, adjusting their eyes. Once they could see again, their sight was filled with a few things: Jesse holding the ender dragon’s egg, Petra holding the Sea Temple gauntlet, a giant table full of food between the two New Order members, and Lluna in an (admittedly adorable) chef hat behind the table. Ivor, Harper, Jack, and Nurm stood in stunned confusion, until Petra and Jesse broke the silence with giant grins on their faces.
“Happy Father’s Day!”
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silver-embersss · 3 years
Broken Horns and Broken Hearts Chapter 8
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Tubbo had collapsed into bed only a few moments before, but the next the boy knew, he was sitting in yet another meeting, with the rest of the cabinet casting him slightly strange looks as they argued.
He internally panicked, scouring his brain for any memories of getting up, or even walking to the meeting - but there was nothing. A quick check of his timetable confirmed that he’d only lost a few hours this time, instead of two whole days, but that didn’t make it any less terrifying. Where were these sudden gaps in his memory coming from? And why was Quackity staring at him like he’d grown a second head? He shook it off as nothing, perhaps their confrontation last night.
The meeting was followed by another speech, where Schlatt announced a festival to be held in a week, the organising of which was probably going to be delegated to Tubbo on top of the rest. The teen scanned the cityline in boredom, and he was pleasantly surprised to see Wilbur duck behind a parapet. Thankfully, the ex-president couldn’t see him - specifically his horns - from where he stood next to Quackity, but he took a small step back anyway to make sure. Remembering the conversation he had with Tommy yesterday, Tubbo made a mental note to write down the ambush plans they’d discussed earlier and deliver it to the hidden chest.
The gaps in his memory became more frequent as the festival drew near, but Tubbo somehow managed to keep his act together, ignoring the strange looks he got as his horns grew and his patience diminished. The teen also ignored the way his friends talked about him behind his back, denouncing him just because of Schlatt. He simply pretended not to hear the hurt remarks about his grumpiness.
Tommy slashed wildly with a stone blade, shards of granite screeching off the wall, and he heard Techno chuckle condescendingly from behind. The teen spun around in irritated tiredness to snap at his older brother.
“At least I’m preparing and not just farming fuckin’ potatoes for three hours straight, dipshit!”
The mocking smile on Techno’s face widened.
“The thing is, Tommy, I don’t need the training - you clearly do.”
“Oh, shut up. Stupid pig bastard.”
Tommy glanced worriedly upwards towards the ravine entrance, where Wilbur stood, currently fucking up his sleep schedule even more. The pig followed his gaze and raised an eyebrow, silently judging his hypocrisy, but Tommy ignored the hint and went back to attempting to massacre the granite wall. L’Mandog could look after Wilbur. They had a war to fight, and if The Blade was going to slack off, well. Then it was down to Tommy to carry their rebellion, wasn’t it?
3 bites of a baked potato later, Techno was back in his farm, both him and Tommy trying their best to pretend each other didn’t exist.
Strangely, it didn’t work.
Eventually, Tommy gave the wall a break and swapped his stone sword out for iron, strapping the bare blade to his hip.
“I’m gonna go check the notebook chest!”
The teen called to Techno, trying not to disturb Wilbur in his moonstruck reverie as he left. Despite his efforts, Tommy felt his brother’s eyes on his back as he crept through the undergrowth.
A few hasty ducks and desperate, pleading headshakes at Niki later, the teen made it to the hillside underneath the prime path that hid the chest. For a split second, he thought he saw a flash of black - Tubbo, maybe? - dash around the corner, but it was gone before he could call out to whoever it was.
A quick glance in ‘the mailbox’ (as Techno called it) revealed the notebook they'd been writing correspondences in, but thrown hastily down on its front, bending the spine. The messy placement was at odds with how it normally lay when it was Tubbo’s turn, but the teen didn’t think much of it other than a muttered curse at the dictator who was keeping his best friend busy doing everything that Schlatt should have been doing.
Tommy skimmed through the rushed explanation of the festival’s weaknesses and snapped a picture of the map Tubbo had painstakingly sketched of the proposed layout. They’d agreed not to use names in the book in case one of them was caught with it, so Tommy just scribbled ‘Thx bitch, hang in there’ on the next page and replaced the book.
For a moment, he entertained the crazy idea of abducting Tubbo so he wouldn’t have to deal with the drunken tyrant, but the thought was soon brushed off due to its impossible nature. Plus, who would be their spy then? Will tried to get in contact with Fundy, but was left on read - the fox was still seemingly bitter about losing the election, even if he did cheat.
After a wistful glance at the half-broken walls, Tommy shoved his communicator back in his pocket, took a step back and fell into a creeper hole.
It wasn’t long until Tommy came back from the mailbox, but it was 11:30 at night, so Techno once again tried to convince Wilbur to come into the relatively warmer Pogtopia. The ex-president was mumbling a steady stream of nonsense (which was slightly concerning, to say the least) but it wasn’t exactly a strange occurrence.
“Wilbur? Will?”
No response.
“I’ll make you stew if you come in.”
Food usually got the attention of his siblings, especially Tommy, but still Wilbur ignored him. With a sigh, Techno gave up and went back to his farm, giving L’Mandog a pat on the head as he turned away. It wasn’t the best result, but at least he tried, right?
Casting his memory back, the piglin couldn’t remember Tommy eating that day either, so he pulled a cauldron on top of the campfire anyway, letting the water boil while he rummaged in the chests for some steak. Cutting the meat into small cubes, he threw it into the pot alongside some salt and half a clove of chopped garlic. While the pot simmered, Techno sat cross-legged on the ground next to it and got to peeling and chopping some of the potatoes he’d farmed, throwing the peel in a nearby bucket. It didn’t take long for Tommy to come barreling down the narrow stairs, an ecstatic look on his face as he sniffed the air.
“It’ll be ready in a bit.” Techno grunted at him, ignoring his excited yell.
“Do me a favour and get Wilbur.”
The teen raised an eyebrow at him.
“Bet you already tried.”
The piglin glared at him, and Tommy raised his hands in surrender.
“Okay okay, I’m going!”
The festival date was set. Planning was under way. All the information had been leaked to the rebels - and yet Tubbo couldn’t help but feel he was missing something important. The feeling was so urgent, he’d checked off lists a million times and gone over everything with Quackity a million-and-one, and it still hadn’t gone away. That, combined with the memory gaps, bleeding horns, and the alcoholic president, weighed on him more heavily than he’d admit. Sleep was a rare luxury, not a necessity. Fundy took every opportunity he had to glare menacingly at him, and even the recently-released Niki kept her distance. It hurt, to be so isolated from these people he’d fought beside for months, but there was no time for moping. There was barely even time for breathing.
“Tubbo! Get me a coffee!”
“Yes, Mr. Schlatt!”
As he sped down the hall, clipboard and a stack of papers in hand, Quackity called him from outside. He set the papers down on the hallway table and stuck his head out the door.
Big Q motioned towards the square, where a large hole sat in the centre of the seating.
“A creeper blew up the square, can you fix it?”
“Yeah, just-” “TUBBO! COFFEE!”
The teen bit his lip and gestured awkwardly over his shoulder.
“I gotta go-”
Without waiting for a response, he dashed back to the small break area where the coffee maker was kept. He set it going before rushing to collect the stack of forms left on the table. While the coffee brewed, he read through as many as he could. This was the usual routine - multitasking, never taking more than a second’s break, trying to stay on Schlatt’s good side - and he’d gotten used to it. As Tubbo grabbed a stack of cobble from his chest, a message buzzed through his communicator. Cobble in one hand, communicator in the other, he typed a reply in snatches, mostly looking forward as he hurried towards the creeper hole.
TommyInnit whispered to you: Tubso
You whispered to TommyInnit: What?
TommyInnit whispered to you: I need you
He sighed angrily.
You whispered to TommyInnit: tf do you want???? m busy!!!!!
TommyInnit whispered to you: is schlatt being a dick again? We need more info on the festical
You whispered to TommyInnit: well im actually doing stuf unlike some ppl!!!!! TommyInnit whispered to you: ???? u good?
You whispered to TommyInnit: lok i dont have the time!! get yor own fuckin informton!
Another message pinged through but Tubbo ignored it, shoving the little black box back in his pocket and continuing with his tasks. The next thing he knew, it was the middle of the night, moonlight streaming through the window of his room. A slight jolt of nausea accompanied the sudden change in his surroundings, but the teen shrugged it off. It was routine, after all. It was a struggle to pull his pyjama top over his head, as his horns grew bigger every day. Surely they’ll stop growing at some point. The sharp points protruded about a centimetre past his chin, and were a lot thicker than before. Succumbing to his exhaustion, Tubbo let out an ear-shattering yawn and fell into bed, digging his nails into the itchy skin around the base of the horns. A jolt of pain made him yelp, and something warm trickled down his hand.
Note to self: Invest in bandages for these things!
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smalltowndetective · 4 years
31 for A x detective please 🧡
Hi! Thank you for the request!
31- “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you”
So, this one does need a little explaining. As much as I love this prompt, my main A detective is just as much as an emotionally repressed dumbass as they are (but she is starting to get slightly better haha) and the other detective that I have been writing A with is way too sweet, and one, would never deal with her feelings this way, and two, would never say anything to intently hurt them. So, of course, I borrowed a detective from @lividlyinlove, who fits this prompt much better.
This is my longest request yet, and I hope you like it! And thank you Liv for letting me use your detective! You’re amazing!
Ao3 Link
Title: Give me Something 
Pairing: Adam and Kira (lividlyinlove’s detective)
Words: 3k
Summary: Kira has tried to move on from whatever her and Adam are supposed to be, just to come to the realization- she can’t.
Tags: @lilyoffandoms
She had never met someone who infuriated her so much.
               But she also had never met someone who drew her in like he did.
               Kira had long given up ever figuring Adam out. She had grown tired of the constant back and forth that he took her on, and she wanted to move on from whatever it was. The fleeting attraction that she had, act like it had never happened. Like she knew he would do.
               And goddammit she had tried. Finally accept that he was never going to thaw his icy shell that had formed over the past 900 years, and she was not going to be one to do so for him, even if she wanted to. Only he could so, and he seemed hardly interested in that, preferring to continue to hide whatever was stirring inside of him for the rest of his immortal life.
               Does that drive you crazy Adam? Having to try and figure out what the hell this is for eternity?
               I know it would if it were me
               She had gone on a few dates, a desperate attempt to move on, keeping them a secret from the rest of the team, and while she had internally rationalized that she was doing so in order to keep Felix or even Nate from asking her questions about them, but it was really about Adam. Kira wondered just how he would react if he knew, and while part of her wanted him to feel the confliction from all and maybe just actually say something, but she was not going to push it. At least not yet.
               It’s just some fun, a nice night out. There is nothing serious about them.
               But she was starting to fear that there never would be. Nothing about them made her want to go back on another, as if it was missing something, but what that was, she had no idea.
               All of them have been nice, and most of them are much more open then Adam is, not like that is particularly hard to be.
               What possibly more could you want?
               This is all came into a head after one particular date with a guy from the big city who was staying in Wayhaven for a couple of days.
               She ran into him on her walk to work, and he was nice. He seemed genuinely happy to talk to her, an easy smile never leaving his face, and was not trying to push her away the whole time, doing anything to avoid even seeing her.
               Like a certain someone I know.
               But one thing that drew him to her immediately were his eyes.
               They were a gorgeous green, but unlike Adam’s cold icy eyes, they were dark, as the color of the darkest evergreen forest, the kind that was still just as vibrant even under snow in the bitterest of winters. They were almost soothing to look into, never becoming fraught with hardness, just openness. Kindness. All the things she was not used to.
               He asked her out on a date, laughing as he did so, and told her it was on a complete whim that he did so, but she graciously accepted, already finding him intriguing, so different then what she was used to, almost a night and day difference.
               They went out together the next night, and everything about it was magical. As if was a scene in a movie, sweet and easy, smiles shared between them that she hoped would never die, drinking in all of the things that he told about himself, but she noticed there was some hesitance when talking about herself, but she was not sure why.
               He’s fine talking about himself, why aren’t you?
               It hit her like a slap across her face when she realized that she never had this trouble with Adam, stubborn and annoying as he could be, even with her own fears of vulnerability. He drew things from her anyway, and she could never understand why. It was not like he seemed to care anyway, nor would he ever.
               You are not going to think about him tonight.
               It’s not about him.
               Though she knew that he noticed her suddenly get quieter, he did not say anything about it, but she did the slightest tinge of confusion in his eyes, and Kira focused on keeping a smile on her face to drown it all out. Tonight, was not to mope about a guy who pushed her away whenever they got close. She was going to enjoy herself, make the most of tonight, with a new guy where maybe there could be something more, even if it was too early to tell just yet.
               The date ended with him dropping her off at her apartment, the sun having long set in the horizon, and she noticed that from the bright lights outside the door, his eyes looked paler than they did earlier, and it only reminded her of the person that she was trying so desperately to forget.
               She almost pushed him away at the sight, being confronted with the sudden rush of guilt, though she was not sure why.
               You’re not his girlfriend, it’s not like you’re cheating on him.
               Then why does it feel like I am?
               But she put that out of her mind, and as the pair continued to gaze at each other, as if they were the only two people in the world, she felt herself move forward, and their lips met in a kiss.
               It was not a long kiss, but there was sweet feeling there all the same, but then she could see Adam’s green eyes in her mind, and just for a second, she allowed herself to imagine if it had been him, and felt her pulse race at the thought, and she pulled him closer to her, forgetting all about who it actually was and allowing herself to imagine.
               And for a few precious seconds, it almost seemed true, her wildest dreams that she had longed pushed away.
               But that illusion could not last forever.
               When Kira opened her eyes back up, and as she stared into her date’s eyes, his eyes still as gentle and open as they had been all night, horror started to fill her, and she could feel her stomach drop in dread.
               What are you doing?
               This isn’t fair to him.
               It’s not his fault he’s not the one you want him to be
               She pulled back from his touch immediately, freaking herself out over everything that was happening, his hands starting to shake.
               “Kira, are you alright?”, she heard him say, worry filling his features, “Did I- “
               “No”, she stated firmly, “You did nothing wrong. This is all my doing”
               He opened his mouth to say something else, but she cut him off, “I’m sorry”
               She entered her apartment after that, guilt filling her stomach, and as soon as she closed the door behind her, she sank to the ground, burying her face in her hands, trying hard not to let the frustrated tears spill down her cheeks.
               Why can’t he leave my head?
               I want to move on, finally accept that he’s never going to admit anything for the rest of his immortal life.
               But I can’t.
               She was tired of all of this, this confusing mess of feelings. Kira wanted it all to end, stop pining after someone who would never give in to what she knew they both wanted deep down. For everything that he did that had just hurt the both in the end, even if he would never admit that.
               Damn it, she had even kissed Bobby. Her absolute scumbag of an ex, because she had been hurt. She knew that she should have not have, but when he leaned in closer to kiss her, she kissed him back, needing anything to get off her mind off eavesdropping on Adam and Nate’s conversation after the carnival. Him admitting that he felt nothing, when her own mind was such a mine field on confused emotions affected her more then she expected it to.
               “But you do have those feelings?”
               "No, I do not."
               Kira had been trying to avoid crying the whole ride home back to her apartment, and when she finally got home, she was far too drained and hurt to even refuse Bobby’s offer to come in, even if about every rational part of her told herself it was a horrible idea for a countless number of reasons.
               It was a definite moment of weakness from her, and one that she knew that he would shove back in her face more likely sooner then later, and as much as she regretted, she was not sure if that she could go back, she would be able to do anything different then what she had done.
               Maybe that spoke to her own maturity, but she could hardly care.
               How else was I supposed to react?
               She could not just keep finding other people to put her heartbreak on, trying to make them into someone they were not, since molding someone into you want them to be, breaking apart what made them special in the first place was the last thing she wanted to do.
               How long is this going on?
               Will months, even years, past, and I’ll still feel like this?
               A painful thought entered her brain, of her meeting someone, it all seeming to be working out, but sometimes, there would be times when all she would see was someone that she was trying so hard to get over.
               They say moving on is the hardest part.
               But will I ever actually ever be able to?
               Or will I be stuck in this never-ending limbo forever?
               There was no way she was going to have another night like this again, as tempting as it might be. It was not fair to the other person, to have someone who was pinning for someone else, and no matter who it was, they deserved better then that. Her date tonight deserved better than that.
               Should I apologize?
               Should I explain the situation?
               What would I even say?
               Kira resigned herself to the fact that there was nothing that she could say that would even make sense at all to anyone except herself, and she knew that it was best to part ways before anything became too out of hand.
               I suppose for him, it’s lucky that it happened tonight
               It’s a lot less of dragging him along with my own hurt feelings, while I try to desperately find some semblance of a person that he is not.
               Shaking the night out of her brain, she got up from off the guard, and she walked through her apartment to go ahead and head to bed, even though she knew she was going to be awake for hours, staring at the ceiling, hoping this would all go away.
               She heard the soft padding of footsteps and the light clicks of a collar, and she barely made out her miniature schnauzer Wolfgang in the dark, his already black coat besides the small white patch on his chest making him almost invisible in the dark. He normally would have been asleep at this time of night, so she was surprised to see him still awake.
               “Hey bud”, she said as he padded the side of her bed as I plea to get up, and she reached over to pick him up and set her on top of the bed with her, “Everything’s kind of a mess right now, isn’t it?”
               Kira ran her hands down his thick coat, scratching behind his ears as he settled into a crook in her bed, the motion soothing her brain slightly, “At least you’re still here. You don’t make things complicated”
               She could swear she almost saw him a slight of a nod of his head on the dark, and she chuckled at the sight of it, and she settled back down on her bed, and even though sleep never called her, her mind still too overactive to even try and figure out anything, it was calming none the less, even if she still had no idea at what to do.
               I feel like if I do fall asleep, I’ll dream, and I don’t think I want to.
               Before she knew it, she could hear her alarm go off on her phone, and she had not gotten a wink of sleep the whole time. She was tired, her eyelids feeling heavy but she would still not allow herself to sleep, and knowing that she would have to start her day regardless, she dragged herself out of bed, realizing she needed to go by the warehouse this morning.
               But there was a pit of dread in her stomach as she realized she was going to have to see Adam today.
               Why are you so worried about this?
               It’s not like he’s not avoiding you right now anyway.
               Sighing, she got up to get ready for today, trying hard to ignore the dark circles that had formed around her eyes.
               I look like an absolute wreck.
               Congrats, me.
               She pulled her clothes on, filling Wolfgang’s dog bowl before leaving, making sure he had everything he needed before she had to leave. She normally would eat breakfast, but she was still not feeling normal after last night, so she ended up leaving anyway.
               This is all such a mess.
               It did not take her long to make her way to the warehouse, and the first thing that Kira noticed was that Adam was standing outside, staring at the horizon as she drove up the warehouse.
               What is he doing out here?
               I know well enough he’s not waiting for me
               “Detective Eveli”, he remarked as she walked up to him.
               She fought hard to suppress the growl in her throat. It was not fair how at the second they were seeming to be getting closer, he would just push her away again, and this forced formality he had insisted on using was starting to grate on her, almost making her skin crawl.
               It was strange to her why she was getting so upset now, but after last night, she was a shell of repressed emotions, and they were threatening to overspill on any person that dared talk to her today.
               Shame (or perhaps not) that had to be the person that all of this was about in the first place.
               “It’s Kira, Adam”, she spat out, her blue eyes holding his eyes in a glare, “You might as well have the decently to use it”
               “I find that rather unnecessary”, he replied, the faint echoes of a scowl filling his face.
               “After everything that has happened, I think it’s quite necessary actually”, she said back, “It’s the least you could do”
               “I fail to see what you mean”, he almost whispered, almost hesitant, turning his head to face away from her, and she could not tell if he was truly ignorant or was feigning it.
               “You’re still going to act like this?”, she demanded, “Like nothing was going on between us?”
               She was not sure why she asked such a question, or what had even compelled her to ask it, but she hardly cared at the moment. After everything that was going through her brain, he had to at least share all of this in her head. She refused to think she was the only one struggling with this.
               “There was nothing”, he growled, but the sudden hesitance in his eyes that he worked hard to bury said otherwise.
               “I can’t believe you, you know that”, she huffed out, crossing her arms almost subconsciously, “We hold hands once and then you act like you can’t be around me anymore”
               Frustration just rose in her voice as he refused to answer, instead noticing that he swallowed hard, “I don’t understand any of this more then you do, you know that? I should have done what you told me to do and save Sanja, but goddammit, Adam, I couldn’t. I couldn’t leave you when you needed me”
               Kira felt the sting of tears at the edge of her eyes, and she fought hard to keep them from streaming down her face, as much as they begged her to, “I’m sick of all of this. I can’t take it anymore. You can’t keep drawing me in and then pushing me back out. It’s not fair”
               She took a shuddering breath, and she finally dared herself to look back at Adam, who was unsurprisingly, looking away from her, his shoulders tighter than she had ever seen them before. He looked more like a statue then he normally did.
               “I’ve tried to move on, you know”, she whispered, and his head snapped back to look at her, and the sudden intense gaze almost made her forget what she wanted to say, “Finally accept you’re never going to let your walls down. But it keeps me coming back to the ugly truth, a truth that I’ve been hiding from myself for so long”
               “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you”
               “Kira…”, Adam breathlessly whispered, and she could feel her hands clench, and she looked back into his eyes, narrowing her own.
               “You’re going to use my name now, huh?”, she scoffed, “Or are you just coming to go back after this? Speak now, or forever hold your peace”
               When he did not deign to reply, she could feel her shoulders slump, but she tried to hide it, “Of course. See you later I guess”
               She then walked to the door of the warehouse, the tears in her eyes starting to break through as she turned away from Adam and walked inside, wondering what can compelled her to say what she did in the first place.
               But it doesn’t matter now, and it never mattered
               Nothing is ever going to change.
               No matter what you say, no matter how much you beg.
               Nothing is ever going to change.
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epochofbelief · 4 years
Breath Control, Chapter Eleven
An A Court of Mist and Fury College Swim Team AU
All characters belong to SJ Maas!
Feysand and Elriel
Author’s Note: I promise, Rhys and Feyre will talk soon... It’s all about the build-up ;) Alsoooo part of this was Gilmore Girls inspired:)
Enjoyyyy and let me know if you want to be tagged!
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I had dinner with Azriel nearly every night that week. We didn’t go much further than kissing, and at most we spent an hour together every night. Both of us had so much schoolwork to do and he had training on top of it, so our time together was limited even though we made an effort to see each other daily. On Saturday, I was curled up in a blanket on my couch studying for a huge test I had next week. Despite it being four in the afternoon, I hadn’t yet put a bra on or gotten dressed. Or brushed my hair. 
I lived for Saturdays like this. 
Feyre was supposed to come over for dinner later and it would be the first time I’d seen her since she’d left my house with Rhys over a week ago. I had big plans to pump her for information and figure out exactly what happened between them. Azriel didn’t have an explanation, either. No one did. It seemed like Feyre and Rhys were determined to keep the incident hidden from all of their friends. Az had told me he was pretty sure Mor knew, but wasn’t saying anything out of respect for Feyre.
Not tonight, though. I had two bottles of wine ready in order to grill Feyre for answers. 
I stood, my cocoon of blankets falling to the floor around me. I should probably make sure I have supplies to actually make dinner for Feyre and me tonight.
I traipsed into the kitchen directly adjacent to my living room. My apartment was a dream, if I was being honest. I didn’t have a roommate so I had the whole place to myself. The front door opened into a cozy living room furnished with a plush couch and a couple of chairs. It was a fairly open concept plan, so the kitchen and living room were separated by a countertop complete with a few barstools. To the left of the living room was my bedroom and bathroom. Small, but cozy. 
I opened the cabinets to stare at my food. It looked like I had rice and beans, so tacos might be a good option for dinner. As I removed the can of beans, a strange rustling issued from the very cabinet I was gazing into. I set the can on the counter and stretched up onto my toes to see what it was--
And came face to face with a rat. 
I stumbled back so fast I landed on my ass in front of the refrigerator. The rat jumped out of the cabinet and onto the floor directly in front of me before it skittered under the dishwasher, disappearing from sight. I didn’t think I’d ever moved faster than I did just then, scrambling out of the kitchen and back onto the couch. 
I grabbed my phone and dialed Azriel. 
I gulped down some air before I could speak. “I have a rat problem.”
“A rat problem?” I could already tell he was laughing at me. 
“Yes. What the hell do I do.” 
He sighed. “I’ll be right over. Text me your address.” 
He hung up. I had not intended for him to pack up and come to my place, but if I was being truthful, there was no way I was handling the rat myself. Disgusting creatures. 
Twenty minutes later, there was a knock at my door. I tiptoed over to it and flung it open. 
“Hey, Elain,” Azriel said slowly. 
I had managed to sneak around my apartment, shutting my bedroom and bathroom doors in an effort to keep the rat out. I’d also put a bra on and some mascara, so at least I looked presentable.
“Good to see you’re still alive, considering the deadly rat currently inhabiting your apartment,” he said sarcastically. Sarcastically?
“You think I’m making this up?” I grabbed his jacket and yanked him inside, shutting the door behind him. He stopped just past the threshold as I continued into the living room and resumed my place standing atop the couch. He chuckled as I stood there, turning to face him with my hands on my hips.
“I opened up my kitchen cabinet and the biggest rat I have ever laid eyes on jumped out. I mean, it actually attacked me. That thing has an agenda against me or something. It skittered across my kitchen floor and under the dishwasher. That’s the last I saw of it.”
Azriel looked dubious. “So… There’s actually a rat in here?”
Why couldn’t this guy get it through his head? He’d come over, hadn’t he? “Yes there’s a rat in here! And I need you to get rid of it because I’m certainly not going to! Please?” 
He let out a breath and walked past me to the kitchen. “Okay, okay, I’m looking. Do you have any mousetraps or anything?”
I gasped. “You’re not going to kill it, are you? Can’t you just catch it and set it free?”
“What do you want me to catch it with, Elain? And I thought you told me it was evil.” 
“Just because it’s evil doesn’t mean it deserves death. I have an empty shoebox and a bucket. Would either of those work?”
“Where are they?”
I clapped my hands, delighted that Azriel wasn’t going to kill the rat, disgusting as it was. “Under the sink! You’re a godsend, Azriel.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, bending down to look under the sink. But I could tell he was pleased.
I jumped from the couch to the chair nearest the bar, then climbed up onto the countertop separating the kitchen from the living room to watch his progress. “You’re doing great,” I said as he pulled the shoebox out from beneath the sink.
“Thanks for the moral support,” he said.
I watched him peer under the dishwasher for a bit, shoebox at the ready. I jumped when he banged on the outside of the dishwasher. Then jumped again as the rat skittered out from beneath the dishwasher, aiming for the fridge. Azriel pounced, enclosing the rat within the box in one fell swoop. 
He stood, brandishing the box in my direction. I nearly fell backward off the bar. “Get that thing away from me!” 
He laughed. “It’s just a harmless little rat.” 
“I can hear it ricocheting off the sides of that shoebox. It’s trying to escape. Get it out of here!” 
Still laughing, he left the apartment and returned a few minutes later, sans rat and shoebox. Good. I wasn’t going to find a use for the box anyway after a rat had been inside it. 
“You can come down off the counter now,” he said, walking toward me.
“There could be more.”
He walked right up to the edge of the bar to where I now sat, my legs hanging over the edge. His arms wrapped around my waist as he came to a stop between my thighs. 
“Hi,” I said, resting my forearms over his shoulders. “Thanks for saving me from the rat.” 
“Anytime,” he said, and kissed me. I pulled him closer, my legs wrapping around his waist. His hands moved from my waist, to my breasts, to my hair. I had just as much difficulty keeping my own hands in one place as I stroked the hard muscles of his abs, his chest, his arms. He deftly lifted me off the counter and carried me over to the couch, laying me down gently. 
“Is this okay?” he asked. 
I merely pulled him down atop me and drew our lips together. I was just starting to consider… other things, when a knock came from the door. 
Azriel froze. 
“I bet it’s the rat, back for revenge,” he joked, but I could tell he just wanted to continue kissing me. 
“Shit,” I said, letting my head fall back against the couch as Azriel shifted into a seated position. “That’s Feyre. She’s here for dinner. She doesn’t know about us yet… Unless you told somebody about us. Which would be fine,” I added, even though we’d had a silent agreement to keep this on the down-low through all of our online communication and week of hanging out. 
“Well, unless you want me to climb out the window, I think she’s about to find out.”
“I would never make you climb out the window,” I said as I stood and aimed for the door. Before I opened it, I turned back to him. “What did you mean, earlier, when you asked if there was actually a rat here?”
His eyes widened ever so slightly. “Uhhh… Nothing. I thought there was a rat here the whole time.” His gaze cut to the floor.
“Yes?” He still wouldn’t look at me. 
I was about to continue my interrogation when another knock, this one a little more insistent, sounded at the door. I let Azriel off the hook and opened the door. 
“Hey, Feyre. Long story, but before you come in, I have to tell you. I’m not here alone,” I said in a rush. Feyre’s brows creased. 
“You forgot I was coming? Who’s here?” 
I opened the door a little wider and Feyre took a step inside.
“Hey, Feyre,” Azriel said weakly. 
It had been the longest week of my life. I remembered how much I hated living with Ianthe as the week progressed. We had kept our distance from each other the entire month of November. I’d avoided the common areas of the house like the plague, being sure to stay inside my room on my floor of the townhouse at all times while home. 
But now that it had been over a month since she’d, you know, betrayed me by making out with my boyfriend in front of the entire swim team, she’d decided amends could now be made. 
I wanted no part of it. 
She lingered in the living room every night after practice, attempting to cajole me into conversation about swim, or school, or my family. I would usually flip a trite remark at her and move on as quickly as possible, but I was reaching the end of my tether. 
And dealing with Ianthe’s tasteless attempts to ‘be friends’ again was just the cherry on top of the horrible week I’d had. 
I hadn’t spoken to Rhys since the night when he’d cornered me in the bathroom of the club.  The night he’d cheated on me with his ex, whom I had thought he hated! He had kept his distance, too, and I couldn’t decide if that made things better or worse. He hadn’t placed any effort in trying to talk to me, or reconcile, and that only served to make me believe he really was guilty, he really did cheat because he was weak, and had moved on without me. I’d said as much to Mor on Wednesday but she had vehemently argued against that opinion.
“Just talk to him!” she’d exclaimed over dinner that night. “And neither of you will hang with me, Cass, Az and Amren! Things aren’t the same without you guys. And you’re obviously miserable without each other. Won’t you just talk to him? There’s got to be an explanation.” 
But I hadn’t, and my week without Rhys and my newfound friends had accomplished at least one good thing. I had thrown myself into my training, needing an outlet for all the emotions warring within me. Should I talk to Rhys? Did I just have horrible taste when it came to men? All those thoughts, whirling around my head, only disappeared when I trained so hard at every practice that I could barely stay awake to study before bed every night. 
Coach King had even noticed my newfound motivation. He’d pulled me aside after practice on Friday night and congratulated me for my hard work. He’d even hinted that I might make the travel team next weekend… 
Somehow the motivation to work hard, accomplish things in my sport, had returned to me. And now that that was finally going well, I’d started considering changing my major to English or Art or something. Maybe I just needed to take a long break from boys. It made it a lot easier to focus on myself.
But some part of me knew that was a lie. I’d felt so different when I was with Rhys; I knew it was partially due to him that I suddenly felt confident enough to put everything on the line in practice, to even consider switching to a ‘less practical’ major. Even though he’d cheated. Now I knew I could conquer that sort of insult, channel that frustration into productive things that would hopefully make my life better. 
I hadn’t seen or explained what had happened between Rhys and me to either of my sisters, but tonight was the night I was planning on telling Elain about my newfound motivation. However, I had not expected Azriel, looking slightly disheveled and embarrassed, to be sitting in her apartment when I arrived. 
“Azriel… What are you doing here?” I asked him, even as I shot Elain a look.
She grinned weakly. “Az was just leaving!” She said, grabbing his arm and pulling him off the couch. He acquiesced because Elain definitely wasn’t strong enough to pull Azriel up off anything. 
“Az?” I asked her. 
Azriel’s cheeks were bright red and he wasn’t making eye contact. I glanced between them. “Is something going on here?”
“Bye Azriel!” Elain said, her voice strained and cheeks equally as pink as Azriel’s. 
Azriel grabbed his jacket from where it was laying haphazardly on the floor next to the couch. I shot Elain another look and she didn’t even try to smile. She just pushed him out and slammed it shut.
“Elain Archeron, you bad, bad, girl,” I said, unable to restrain myself.
“Oh shut up,” she said, throwing herself onto the couch and covering her face with her hands. 
“You want to tell me how long that’s been going on?” 
“Well, if you mean by, how long have I been seeing him, then only a week and a half. If you mean how long I’ve been talking to him… Over two months. We connected on a dating app, and at first it was funny because we were kind of connected through you, even though you two weren’t really close at the time. So we laughed about it and just never stopped texting. Our first real date was last week.”
I grew more and more stunned as Elain explained. She looked at me, obviously finished with details, and I closed my mouth, which had been hanging open. 
“Elain, I’m--”
“Don’t you dare ask me if I think I’m ready for this.”
“I wasn’t going to! I’m--I’m so, so happy for you!” I screeched, unable to contain my happiness that Elain had found somebody, whether it be long term or not, after Greyson. That bastard had hurt her and she deserved so much better. And I knew for a fact that Azriel was a good man. I threw myself at Elain, hugging her tight. “Are you happy?”
Elain’s slender arms wrapped around me hesitantly, and she patted me on the back. “I really like him, Feyre. And we’ve only been officially going out for like a week but everything feels so natural with him. I’m not afraid of it. He’s so easy to talk to, and kind, and…”
I pulled back, realizing there was one question I still didn’t know the answer to. “Was he supposed to be here when I arrived?”
She shook her head, standing up to walk into the kitchen. I followed, seating myself at the bar across from her as she pulled out a skillet and some ground beef. “Tacos okay?” She asked, and I nodded. “To answer your question, no, he was not supposed to be here. I called him to come dispose of a rat for me. Wine?” 
I nodded and she opened a bottle of red. “So you mean to tell me,” I said slowly, accepting the wineglass she offered, “that you called Azriel over here because you had a rat in your apartment?”
She nodded. “Yeah. Why is that so odd? Azriel acted strange about it too. You know what he asked me? He said, ‘Oh, so is there actually a rat in your apartment?’ What’s that about?” 
I rested my forehead on the counter in front of me. “Elain. I’m so glad you’ve found Azriel but you can be so clueless sometimes. He thought you asked him over here to have sex!”
“What? That makes no sense.”
“That’s like, the classic signal. You call your boyfriend, telling him there’s a bat in your attic or a chick on the loose in the house! Then you pretend to look for it, both of you knowing full well there’s not an actual rodent loose in the house. And then you… you know.”
“Oh God. That is so not a thing.” Elain downed half of her glass of wine in a few gulps.
“It’s a thing. I did it with Tamlin. And that’s all I’ll say about that.”
“Do me a favor, Feyre. Never mention this to anyone. And don’t give me any more details about your sex life with Tamlin, either.” 
“My lips are sealed on both counts, believe me.” 
Elain started browning the taco meat. “So… Speaking of boys.”
“Feyre Archeron, so help me, you are going to tell me what happened between you and Rhys. I’m very concerned, here! Even Azriel doesn’t know and he’s one of Rhys’s best friends! Drink your wine and tell me the truth.”
I groaned. But it had to come out sometime, right? Now it was my turn to tell the truth. I had just barged in on Elain and her secret boyfriend. 
“Rhys cheated on me last week.”
Elain’s mouth popped open, the taco meat in front of her momentarily forgotten. “He did what.” 
For the second time, I explained what had gone down between Rhys and Amarantha in the alleyway outside of the club. 
“There’s got to be some sort of explanation,” Elain said. 
“That’s what Mor keeps saying. He cheated. End of story. It’s exactly what Tamlin did to me a month ago. I’m not putting up with that.” 
I slept over at Elain’s that night after she consoled me about Rhys and then told me I didn’t need him. She had mentioned a couple times that maybe there was an explanation that would somehow justify him kissing his ex while I was nearby. I just couldn’t bring myself to buy it. Because if there was an explanation for Rhys cheating... What if there had been an explanation for why Tamlin had cheated? What if I was just getting everything wrong?
When I got back to my house the next day, I realized the door was deadbolted.  Which meant I would have to call Ianthe, because she wasn’t answering the door. Shit. 
Five fruitless phone calls later, I was still stuck outside. I banged on the door. If it was deadbolted, someone had to be inside. 
“Hello? Ianthe! Let me in!” 
Nothing. I turned around, surveying the empty street. It was early for a Sunday morning. Most of my friends were probably asleep. I could possibly call Mor, but she lived with Rhys.  And I didn’t want to hang out anywhere that I might run into Rhys until Ianthe was able to let me in. I sat down on the steps and starting scrolling through my social media, waiting for a brilliant idea to hit me. 
And then I heard the door swing open from behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Tamlin. 
“What the hell are you doing inside my house.”
“It’s not just your house, you know,” he said, leaning against the door frame looking smug.
“You know what, I don’t want to think about what you were doing inside my house. Just get out of here,” I said, standing and making to move past him. 
“Come on, Feyre. We all know you’re fucking Rhys. I’m not allowed to have a little fun of my own?”
I glared at him. He hadn’t moved and was blocking the only entrance to the house. “I don’t give a fuck what you think I’ve been doing, nor do I care what you have been doing. I do however, demand that you get out of my way and fuck off.” 
He raised his hands. “Fine, fine. But I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot more of each other from now on.” His subsequent smile was enough to tell me exactly why I’d be seeing him. 
Ianthe was a bitch. And Tamlin was a dick. 
I pushed past him and slammed the door shut. Ianthe was in the kitchen, wearing nothing but a robe. 
“Feyre! I didn’t expect you back so early.”
I ignored her, dialing Mor as I walked downstairs to my floor of the house. She picked up on the first ring. 
“Who is calling me this early on a Sunday.” Mor’s sleepy voice issued from the phone. 
“I need a place to stay,” I said. “And I can’t stay in your guest room because, well, you know. And I can’t barge in on Elain because her place is way too small for two people. And I certainly cannot stay here any longer because Ianthe is now fucking my ex boyfriend. So tell me what to do.”
“That bitch,” Mor said. “I don’t know Feyre.” She hesitated. “I don’t think you can get out of your lease until the summer. Just stay with us. Please? Rhys is definitely gonna stay far away from you.” 
“You’re only saying that because you want us to reconcile.”
“So what if I do!” Mor exclaimed. “There’s got to be some sort of explanation,” she continued. “And Rhys is at least a more pleasant ex-boyfriend than Tamlin, you’ve got to admit. Just come stay here for the week and see if you can handle it.”
I thought about it. I really did not want to see Rhys. But when I weighed the pros and cons… 
Tamlin wouldn’t try to avoid seeing me. He got off on antagonizing me and generally being a dick. Rhys was as reluctant to see me as I was to see him. It might be better that way. And at least I’d have someone on my side with Mor there, instead of it being Ianthe and Tamlin against me in this house.
“Okay,” I agreed. “But only for the week.” 
I could sense Mor’s smile through the phone. “Perfect! I’ll pick you up at ten. I’m going back to bed.”
@aknymph​ @sleeping-and-books​ @queen-of-glass​ @fabfire​
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princessselene126 · 5 years
Game Night
I was inspired to write this after finishing Supernova yesterday. I had this random thought that Nova does a weekly game night with Simon, Hugh, and Max where they talk about Adrian and he has no idea that they do this. It does contain spoilers for Supernova, so don’t read it if you haven’t read Supernova. I REPEAT: THIS FIC CONTAINS SUPERNOVA SPOILERS. Anyway. 2124 words of fluff and family bonding. Maximum fluff nodrian at the end.
This is part of a larger series that can be read as individual fics or one big one. If you’d like to read them in order, please go to the second masterlist linked below.
masterlist We Rise with the Sun masterlist
Nova didn’t bother knocking on the door of the old mayor’s mansion anymore.  SHe had no reason to now that she lived there. 
It’d been almost six months since the battle at the cathedral. Six months since Ace died. Six months since she’d told Hugh Everhart--Captain Chromium, one her boyfriend’s dads--that she, a villain, was in love with his son. Six months since he told her he didn’t believe there were villians anymore.
It’d also been about six months since game night began.
Game night started off simple enough. One night a few weeks after the supernova, Nova got a message from Max asking her to come over. This was nothing out of the ordinary now that he was actually able to interact with people without stealing their powers, so she went to the mansion without a second thought.
When she got there, however, she’d been surprised that Simon Westwood--her boyfriend’s and Max’s other dad--opened the door. “Nova, good to see you. Come on in. Max and Hugh are in the living room,” he said with a smile.
She found her lips mimicking his out of habit. “No Adrian?” She asked as she stepped into the threshold. The few times she’d been to the mansion Adrian was always with her, it was strange that he wasn’t there now. And as nice as Simon and Hugh had been to her since the battle, she knew she had a lot to do to earn their trust. 
Simon shook his head. “No he’s with Oscar planning some one month anniversary thing for Ruby, I think.”
“Right. He mentioned that a couple days ago.” She pulled her hat and heavy winter coat off, hanging them on the wooden pegs by the door. “I bet he’s going to jump out of a cake or something in the middle of HQ.”
He laughed. “I wouldn’t put it past him.” Together they walked down the hallway to the refurbished living room. 
Max smiled at her from where he sat on the floor. “Hi Nova! You ready for game night?”
Nova blinked a few times. “Game night?”
And that had been that. Every Wednesday night Nova, Max, Simon, and Hugh had game night without Adrian. It was a good way for them to get to know her better, for them to trust her. It didn’t hurt that she also got to hear a lot of ridiculous stories about Adrian as a child. A lot of very cute stories.
Tonight they were playing Uno, which was admittedly the most dangerous game they played so they didn’t do it often. Even though they were heroes, whenever a draw 4 card was set down threats were thrown around--very violent threats. Nova said she’d put someone to sleep and make them wake with the worst headache anyone could experience. Hugh would make a chromium knife and twirl it in is hand while biting his lip. Simon’s left eye would twitch and his fists would clench the table so hard his knuckles turned white. And Max? Max would curse the person out so much it would make any sailor blush. Uno was the only time that Simon and Hugh wouldn’t scold him for it.
Hugh shuffled the cards with his large hands, then started dealing them out. “Everyone remember the rules?”
“No putting anyone to sleep,” Nova said.
“No lying that I have to go to the bathroom then turning invisible to come look at your cards,” Simon added with a sigh. 
Hugh looked at his husband with his eyebrows raised. “Or?”
“Or anywhere else.”
The first couple times they played Uno that was a problem. There was no such thing as honor when it came to Uno, Simon had said after Nova felt his body near her and elbowed him in the ribs.
Hugh nodded. “Good. Max?”
Max was grinning at his cards. Nova couldn’t help thinking the kid had a terrible poker face. Well, he didn’t even have a poker face.
“What?” Max asked.
“What’s another rule?”
“Hey, I don’t have any rules that apply to me except the normal ones. You’re the ones that cheat, not me.”
Nova couldn’t help rolling her eyes at that. Just because the kid didn’t have powers anymore didn’t mean he was incapable of cheating, in fact he’d done it many times. True to his former hero name, the Bandit was excellent at stealing things, but also hiding them.
“Alright, fine,” Max said with a scowl. “No hiding cards.”
“Right. And what happens when someone breaks one of the rules?” Hugh asked. He set the remaining stack of cards in the middle of the coffee table and flipped the top one over as their starter card.
“They have to drink a glass of pickle juice,” Nova said. “Now let’s get on with it. I need to redeem myself after Clue last week. I still can’t believe I lost to you of all people.”
Hugh grinned as he took his turn. The winner of the week before always went first. “It was a very embarrassing defeat for you.”
They started off in a clockwise direction, and Max was next. The first few times around were uneventful, each wanting to hold onto the special cards until they got some numbers out of the way.
“So,” Simon said. “Who wants to share their most interesting Adrian story first?” He put a reverse card down, making Nova grumble.
She started to draw cards until she had one she could use, then set it on the pile. “He was pretty much his usual self around me. Didn’t do anything embarrassing.” Well, there was one thing that happened, but that was while they were making out and it was important for context that they were making out, so she wasn’t going to tell his dads and little brother about it.
“Liar,” Max said.
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
Hugh interrupted the back and forth bickering he knew was about to happen. “Max has a point. You always have an Adrian story for us.”
She could make something up that sounded Adrian like, but she’d promised herself and Adrian and his family that she wouldn’t lie to them anymore. “It’s hilarious, but if I tell you, you’re going to be grossed out,” she warned.
“Oh?” Simon seemed intrigued now. “Is it PG?”
Max set another card down. “I’m eleven, I think I can handle PG-13 after all the crazy things I’ve done.”
“That depends, on how PG-13 it is,” Hugh said as he eyed Nova. It was one of those looks that made her feel like she was undercover as a renegade again. It made her feel like she’d be sent to prison if they found out her secrets. Not that they would.
“It’s on the low end of PG-13,” Nova said.
Simon glared at his husband when Hugh set down a draw four. He drew the cards and seemed even more frustrated my what they were. “I want a divorce.”
Hugh grinned. “No you don’t. And go ahead and tell us Nova.”
She very pointedly didn’t make eye contact as she laid her card down. “Adrian wasn’t paying attention when he went to kiss me and accidentally stuck his tongue up my nose a little bit. It was weird. His cheeks were so bright it looked like he was wearing face paint.”
Simon snorted, Hugh covered his mouth with his hand to hold in his laughter, and Max made a disgusted face. 
“I told you it was gross.”
“I can’t believe he…” Simon started laughing so hard he had to set is cards down. 
Now that he was laughing, Nova looked them in the eyes with a small smile on her face. “Honestly, neither can I.”
“How would that even happen?” Hugh wheezed. “Please… please don’t tell me he kisses you with his tongue out all the time, because if he does we’re going to have to talk about that.”
“No, he definitely doesn’t,” Nova assured him. “I have no idea what he was trying to do that day and he knows better than to do… whatever that was again.”
Max gave her a look “Up your nose?”
“Only a little, but it was enough to be weird. I think he was going to lick the tip of my nose because I was annoying him.”
“And he misjudged the distance,” Simon mused now that he was calmed down a little bit. He picked his cards back up and took his turn, but he was still smiling at his ridiculous son. “We know his vision is terrible without his glasses, but he’s always been a bad shot with a gun too. Maybe his depth perception is off.”
Hugh set another card down. “But it hasn’t been much of a problem before. Drawing takes depth perception and he’s great at that.”
“It actually doesn’t take that much,” Nova said.
Simon and Hugh looked at her curiously.
She flushed slightly, still not exactly used to the two of them looking at her like she had more answers than them. “Well, think about it. Drawing happens on a two dimensional surface, he only needs to look at the piece of paper, or glass, or wall, or whatever he’s drawing on. But shooting, or aiming at anything really, requires you to be more spatially aware.”
There were a few beats of silence, as if Simon and Hugh were thinking over what Nova said, wondering if maybe their son needed to go to the optometrist again sooner than his yearly appointment.
Max set a skip card down. “It’s still gross that he stuck his tongue up your nose.”
“It really is,” Nova agreed. “What’s your Adrian story for the week?”
“He charmed an ice cream lady into giving me free ice cream,” Max said with a grin. “He forgot his wallet when we went yesterday and offered to take a picture with her in exchange.”
“Why wouldn’t you guys just come back and get it?” Hugh asked.
Just as Max opened his mouth, they could hear the front door open. Footsteps resounded down the hall toward them. “I’m home!” Adrian called to no one in particular.
“We’re in the living room!” Hugh called back as he tossed another card down.
Adrian stepped into the room and his brow furrowed the second he saw his dads, brother, and girlfriend sitting on the floor around the coffee table. “Uh… what’s going on in here?”
“Game night,” they chorused without looking away from their hands. 
“Oooookay that was creepy.” He walked across the room and sat on the couch behind Nova. Leaning over he pressed a kiss to her cheek.
She gently swatted him away. “Don’t look at my cards, you’d just go tell Max what I have.”
“What?” He laughed. “No I wouldn’t.”
“Yes you would,” Nova, Simon, and Hugh said together.
Adrian made a face. “You guys gotta stop doing that.”
“And you need to stop sticking your tongue up Nova’s nose,” Max said.
His cheeks heated, eyes darting back down to Nova. “You told them?”
She at least looked sympathetic when she turned toward him and rested her cheek on the side of his thigh. “Sorry. They pried it out of me. But in my defense, you didn’t give me any other good stories to tell them for this week.”
“What does that even mean?” he asked, more more confused than he’d been when he walked in. “Stories? You do--” Adrian paused mid sentence, eyes widening with realization. “You guys have been talking about me. That’s how you knew about the incident at the parade when I was thirteen.” He looked at his fathers. “You promised you’d never tell anyone about that.”
Simon grinned widely. “Actually we promised we’d never tell any of your friends about that, and we haven’t. Nova’s your girlfriend, therefore we haven’t broken any promises.”
“Friend is in the word!”
Nova reached her hand up to cup Adrian’s cheek, giving him a soft smile. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone your secret.”
He sighed and leaned into her, trusting her. “No more swapping stories about me.”
“Now that I can’t do. This is our destressing time.”
“You can destress with me.” 
She shook her head. “No can do. Your dads and Max need this too. You’re more than welcome to join us if you want to listen to stories about yourself though.”
“I’ll pass.”
“In that case…” Nova let her power surge through her, putting him into a peaceful nap. Adrian slumped back against the couch.  He’d wake up in an hour or two feeling refreshed. By then they’d be done with game night and she could spend some quality time with him.
She turned back to the table where it was still her turn. 
“Go drink the pickle juice,” Max said. “You cheated.”
“He wasn’t even playing!”
part 2 (kinda?)
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evesbeve · 5 years
Oh, Sinnerman (Happy TUA Anniversary!)
I cannot believe it’s been an entire year since The Umbrella Academy came out. This show changed my life in more ways than I can possibly say. But, I did write this fanfic—I hope you enjoy!
(Big thanks to @dyll-pickless and @casualsweatercollector for betaing this!)
Title: Oh, Sinnerman
Summary: The Hargreeves have always been competitive, and game night is no exception. And on the final round? Everything goes wrong.
(Read on AO3 + FFN)
Out of all the things that went down in the Hargreeves household, game night was the most intense one.
Intense was an understatement. Vanya had seen her siblings compete for all sorts of things when they were growing up—their father’s approval, for example—yet nothing came remotely close to how competitive they got when playing board games.
And well. Vanya included herself in that.
So when they all gathered around the living room on Sunday night, waiting for Luther to finally finish dealing the cards, Vanya knew she was going to win.
“We’ll take turns based on our Numbers,” Luther said, and Diego groaned. “What?”
“I thought we went by who has the most points now?” Diego said, pointing at the white board next to the fireplace. The words Game Night were written on top with colorful markers—Klaus insisted they make it fancy—and underneath were their names. Unlike how they were used to, the numbers next to them represented, not their team, but the points from their previous sessions.
Currently Five was first, followed by Allison, then Klaus, Luther, Vanya and lastly, Diego. Ben was usually the card dealer, since Klaus couldn’t manifest him for all sessions, this night included.
It was a different board game every night—last week’s Battleship didn’t end that well—and after three months’ worth of games, they were finally ending it with Uno.
The winner would not only go on holiday for the upcoming weekend, but also have the loser do their chores for an entire week.
Vanya needed that holiday.
“Last week we said we’d go by Numbers for the last session,” Luther explained.
“But someone was too busy running off because they lost again—”
“For the last time, Klaus, you moved your ship before I sank it and we both know it!”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Allison interrupted. “It’s important to stay focused during this,” she said. “Can’t have us losing before we’ve even started, can we?”
Five shook his head and sighed. Vanya shot him an encouraging smile, and he nodded in acknowledgement.
“My turn then,” Luther said and placed a card from the stock in the middle of the table, facing up. Blue Six. He took a look at his own cards before finally settling on another blue card. “Diego.”
“Yes, yes, I know it’s my turn!”
They kept going like this for a while. It was the first time Vanya was grateful for their Numbers, because for once, none of them got confused about whose turn it was. They never sat with a particular order around the table, so every week they had to check the leaderboard.
Tonight, Vanya was sitting on the chair in front of the fireplace. Klaus and Allison were sitting on the couch to her right—Allison and her always sat close to each other, to comment on the game—and Diego was sitting to the chair to her left. Luther was sitting on the other couch, at the fireplace’s side, and Five was sitting on the floor, at the other corner of the table.
Thing was, Vanya didn’t just suddenly decide not to sit next to Allison on the couch.
For one, yes, she needed to focus, and making fun of the others certainly didn’t help. But also, and maybe it was just a little unfair, she’d noticed the way Diego tilted his cards slightly to the right when waiting for his turn, and Vanya needed all the help she could get. Even if Diego saw, no one would ever find out anyway; Diego accused literally everyone of cheating.
They were five rounds in, and Diego’s hand currently consisted of three blue cards, three red ones—one of which was a Draw Two card—a yellow one, and a Wild Card.
Meanwhile, Vanya only had four cards left. And from the looks of it, she was going to get rid of at least two of them on her next turn.
It was all going well, until Five reached out for the discard pile. They were starting to run out of yellow cards, so it didn’t surprise Vanya. “Pass—”
They all jumped as they turned to Klaus’ direction. He’d slammed his cards on the table, getting up and pointing towards Five’s direction, who slowly drew his hand away from the pile. “What?”
“I call bluff!” Klaus repeated. “You’re bluffing!”
Now, that was interesting.
Five tilted his head. “Sorry?”
“I know you have that Draw Four card, young man,” Klaus continued. “You’re just waiting for the order to change again so you can use it on me!”
“This is ridiculous, Klaus.” Five stood up, holding his hands so tight he had most certainly crumpled them. “I do not have a Draw Four card.”
“Ben saw it! You’re bluffing!”
“Wait, Ben is helping you?”
Vanya could pinpoint the exact second Klaus’ soul left his body.
He slowly turned towards Diego’s direction, chuckling nervously. “Maybe he gave me an oh-so-little hand…?”
“I’m sorry!” Klaus whined. “I needed that holiday and I was not going to let you—”
“No, shut up, I expected that from you,” Diego interrupted him, and frantically looked around the room, presumably trying to spot Ben. “But Ben? I thought you wanted to play fair!”
With a sigh, Klaus put his hands together, and Ben’s figure slowly faded into the room. “Maybe I would have if you guys had actually included me—!”
“You literally asked us not to!”
“Sometimes people don’t say what they mean, Diego,” Klaus said. “Otherwise bluffs wouldn’t be a thing, Five.”
“Bluffing isn’t cheating,” Five mumbled.
“H-He’s right,” Vanya said. “But we agreed that whoever bluffs has to draw six.”
Silence fell upon the room for a while, as everyone considered Vanya’s words. She found herself tapping her fingers on her knee, waiting for the tension to die out.
“I’m okay with that,” Diego said after a while, to which Allison sighed in relief. “But Klaus is out and that’s not up for discussion—”
“How could Five possibly have a Draw Four card?”
Luther looked really skeptical as he said his question out loud, his eyes pinned on the floor, before finally looking up at them all.
“What are you talking about, Luther?” Five’s words were so sharp they might as well have been daggers. “You gave it to me at the begining of the game, when you offered up to be the dealer. Remember?”
“Yes but…” Luther turned his hands around. “I have all the Draw Four cards.”
And then hell broke loose once more.
“What?!” Allison practically yelled.
“Fine!” Five said, pulling up his sleeve and revealing not one, but ten Draw Four cards hiding under it. “Maybe I was swapping out my cards! You idiots were going to lose anyway, it makes no difference.”
“That explains the empty Uno boxes in his room…” Ben said to Klaus.
“Diego, I thought you said you had a Draw Four!” Allison said.
“He just has a plain Wild Card,” Vanya corrected her. It was then that she finished processing her sister’s words. “Wait, how would you know Diego’s cards?”
“Because we’ve been working together!” Allison admitted, and Diego groaned. “How would you know his cards?”
Well. Too late to back out now. “It’s not my fault he keeps shoving his hand in my face.”
“Is no one going to talk about the fact that Luther had all four of the best cards in the game?” Diego asked. “Just me? Because let me just put it out there that our dealer had four freaking Draw Four Cards!”
“Not even my dealer had all of that.”
“Shut up, Klaus!”
“Fine!” Luther said, placing his hand down too. “Perhaps… I rigged the deck.”
“Okay, fine, I rigged it!”
“I cannot believe you and Five just kept them for yourselves—”
“Klaus literally had Ben snooping around the entire room!”
“Allison and Diego worked together?! Don’t they hate each other or something?”
“Maybe I didn’t want to be Five’s stupid servant for an entire week—”
“Well I wanted vacation!”
“So did I!”
“Me too!”
“We all wanted vacation!”
“Well because of you and your stupid card-hiding skills, neither of us is going anywhere—”
“Oh cry me a rumor—”
The room fell into silence as Ben’s voice overpowered all the others. Vanya didn’t know how to feel about Ben’s newfound courage—it was certainly a good thing, but she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t been startled. They spent a few good seconds just looking at one another.
Vanya’s eyes travelled from sibling to sibling. They all looked so frustrated—she probably did too.
“Well?” Luther broke the silence, gesturing at Ben to continue.
“Oh, you were expecting me to say something.” Ben put his hands in his pocket. “Well… I guess you could…” He shot Klaus a look, probably to ask for help, but he didn’t say anything. He locked gazes with Vanya for a second too. He locked gazes with everyone.
He never used to look at them in the eyes.
“Sorry, I got nothing,” he said, gulping at the end, and sat down on the couch.
“What Benny here is trying to say,” Klaus began, “is that we can all learn something from this.”
Ben shrugged. “Sure?”
“See!” Klaus said. “We can’t let this all be for nothing.” He stood up, stepping on the table. “Yes, we may all be snakes. But if Buzzfeed quizzes account for anything—”
“They don’t.”
“—then not all Slytherins are bad!” Klaus continued, ignoring Diego’s comment. “Sure, we may have our differences… Some are more stubborn than others.” He pointed at Five and Luther.  “Some are more quiet.” He pointed at Vanya and Ben. He then pointed at himself. “And some deserve to go on vacation to the sweet city of Paris—”
“Oh get out of here with that shit,” Diego interrupted and grumbled, followed by literally everyone else in the room. Klaus pouted, but got off the table, and Ben patted his head.
“Let’s just call the final round off for today and have a rematch next week,” Allison suggested.
“I’m okay with that,” Vanya said, and slowly everyone else agreed.
“Next week it is, then,” Luther said.
“And I’ll be the dealer—”
“Ben, no offense,” Vanya interrupted him, “but literally no one here can trust you right now.”
Ben opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again. He shrugged instead. “Fair enough.”
In exactly six days and twenty-two hours, the Hargreeves would, once again, gather around the living room for their final round of game night. Little did they know, it was not going to be their last…
But for now, oh for now, all Vanya wanted was a nap.
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sour-badger · 4 years
Art style challenge: reflection
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So, during this very challenging months and 3-4 weeks of social distancing I was stuck. Drawing became boring and I was in state of stale purgatory and it was annoying me. However, my sate of monotony came to a halt whenever I watch “Cheer Up!”, a show/DnD campaign created by Wrapped Lamp that was set in the world of JoJo, but in a bleak setting. It's wonderful, and the characters are brilliant. (This a link of the first episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVF6ShkYqU0 )
As I was watching the show I decided to challenge myself, I have never drawn in Hirohiko Araki’s style before. I have never tried to draw like that because it is a simple but complex approach to illustration that is very hard to draw, let alone replicate, but I tried and I proud of the results. So because of this I set myself some rules:
1. The illustrations must be based on the player/character icons in “Cheer Up”
2. They must look like protagonists that could be in the anime but are not copies of existing Jojo characters. (Because that's cheating)
3. Each illustration must be done within 3 days. (A personal thing for me, I get bored of drawing the same illustration for more than 3 days, if you want try this you don't have to follow this rule)
With these rules, Photoshop and google images by my side I was ready. And this is how it went!
 (I am putting each reference of every character in groups of eyes, face, hair and body because I had to to a lot of research for this style, I have put the main influencers down there were more but are not important)
My process 
At the start of all my attempts I create a beginning sketch of original icons. I am going in blind so doing this shows me how they created it without tracing it, sort of like life drawing. I then made a rough line drawing to see what the design looks like without making it official. I sometimes draw a second outline to figure out the details and then I compose the final line work but I also have the original art, the many characters in Jojo Bizarre Adventure and real life examples at all times. Paint the hair, skin, clothes and then create the shading and then they are done.
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The first sketch 
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rough line work
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The final outline with the shading
I also chose to try not to use part 3 as reference material. I personally dislike  the seasons animation and character design. I don't know what happened in that season but they look terrible. It took me 3 tries to finish Stardust Crusaders and the art work was the main reason.
  The Characters  
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Played by jay (Stabbyness)
Isadora was the first character I drew. I chose her because the next live “Cheer Up” episode was in 3 days and with that time I decided to give myself a fighting chance by drawing her first (I find women easier to draw than men).
With Isadora I had to also decide what Jojo season they would be in from the start, I wanted consistency because they are the protagonists. I decided to do a mix of part 4 but was mainly based in part 5. For me I liked the colour shading of part 4 but loved the structure and graphic style of part 5. This made shading and highlights easy and consistent.
Because I had never drew anything like Jojo I had to use multiple characters as a frame of reference, (I did not copy the originals, if I did then there would be no point of doing this challenge in the first place). I thought it would be good to show how many characters I referred to to help with this process.  
Isadora was the easiest to draw out of the 4. She has a traditional female design, her only challenge was her eyes. As the first one this one was done in time and and looked good at the time. However now that I have got the hang of drawing in this style I want to redraw her again to show myself how much I have grown during this challenge.
Characters that i used for art style reference
Eyes: Trish Una, Narancia Ghirga and Yukako Yamagish 
Face: Trish, Erina Pendelten, Yukako
Hair: the whole part 5 crew (I had know idea how draw Jojo hair at this point)
Body: Joylne Jostar, Yukako  
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Played by Will (bigmovingtarget)
Donna was the hardest overall draw. She is a wonderful character but she does not typical female build. She is a MMA fighter, a tattoo, wears a hoodie and jaw that could cut glass. This created some problems, Araki characters rarely wear hoodies and his female characters are not normally drawn with strong features, they don't ever have a massive tribal tattoo. Also Araki’s female cast have a very small range of hair styles so I had to look at the male cast for inspiration and information because donna is an unusual design!! 
Her tattoo was very difficult and I was in a pickle for the whole first day. The original icon has only a few red marks on her face and the thumbnail of “Cheer Up!” (created by Six) depicts Donna with her back to the camera and looking with side of her face without the tattoo! 
This was driving me crazy.
In the end I had to reference real life tribal tattoos and the famous tattoo  from the movie “Dusk till Drawn”. I like the result. 
Her hoodie was also an unusual problem because I couldn't find a single character in the cast sporting a hoodie at the time of drawing her. So I wanted to draw her with a hoodie that the cast would wear. So when I was looking at fashion editorials I found Billie Eilish wearing the perfect hoodie and had to try to replicate it. (Elle 2019 interview, just incase you want to find it. Its the red coat!!) I also referenced part 1 and part 2 for her body because the those characters where drawn to fight, they are not frail and fawn like in appearance and think that is perfect donna. 
Characters that i used for art style reference
Eyes: Josuke Higashikata, Yukako, Lisa Lisa and Gyro Zeppeli 
Face: Gyro, Jolyne and Lisa Lisa 
Hair: Enrico, Yoshka Kira, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli and Koichi Hirose
Body: Lisa Lisa, Gyro, Leone Abbacchio and Jolyne
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Played by Christian
Jack was easy to draw because he looked like a Jojo character. Like Isadora, Jack has a typical male design for Jojo. This meant I had a pool of reference material for him and had finished him in 2 days, the only real problems where his hat, stubble and jewellery. Lucky most of Araki’s cast have jewellery and chains and Jotaro Kujo has hair as a hat! Jack was heavily based on Jotaro Kujo but I made sure that he wasn't a copy! 
Stubble...stubble doesn't exist in Jojo.
Jojo’s Bizzarre Adventure has magnificent beards or clean shaven men, and sometimes they have facial hair. This was the main issue with this character because with stubble you don't have Jack.  So I had to take the beard of Joseph JoStar and looking at real life stubble finally got his lovely 9 o'clock shadow that we have now. 
 Characters that i used for art style reference
Eyes: Joseph Jostar (part 2), Jonathan Jostar 
Face: Leone, Jotaro Kujo and Burno Bucciarti 
Hair: Jotaro and Robert E. O. Speedwagon
Body: a mix of the cast of part 5 with a little bit of Johnny Jostar (like Isadora)
This one was the start of really using real life as a reference. Although really started using them in Donna illustration, drawing men has always been a challenge for me so drawing from real life actually made it more like Araki’s style. I realised that Jojo art style is based in realistic body proportions. I honestly think that this looks better than the other 2 because of the life drawing I had to do.
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Played by Arimnaes
This was the last Icon I had to draw. I left this one last because I needed the practice to give this guy any chance of working. 
his face and body were not the issue because most of the main casts (in their respective seasons) have similar features but slightly different body heights and proportions. However, JJ’s hair was a difficult.
 In my research I found a total of 2 characters that could have his ethnic style  or texture for his hair. They were Enrico Pucci and Muhammad Avdol, and no one else. This ended in failure because their hairstyles are wacky and imaginative and JJ’s dreads just flat out don't exist in the Jojo universe. If they have his hairstyle then I must of missed it because I wasted a whole day solely on research!!!  Anyway, after that that I looked at male braiding and box braiding to figure out the hair line. Although I had the hair problem with Enrico I personally loved his design, he was drawn with an attitude and I thought it worked for JJ.  
Characters that i used for art style reference
Eyes: Enrico, Bruno, Joseph, Gyro and Giono Giovanna
Face: Enrico, Muhammed Avdol, Johnny and Bruno
Hair: Giono and Josuke, 
Body: Enrico, Bruno and Caesar 
Although the process was difficult, I had fun drawing these characters and have gained new techniques in drawing that I struggled in the past. I can draw stylised shading, tattoos, clothes and male characters better than I could before. I also learnt that I can draw surprisingly quickly and had finished both Isadora and jack in 2 days. After this challenge i also gains a new appreciation for Araki and the show Cheer Up and the number of literal hours it must of taken them to create an immersive show. 
However now I have to find something else to do whilst being stuck indoors!
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blustersquall · 6 years
‘War’s End’ or ‘Goodbye’ kiss, please, because I’m such a sucker for sad endings
I don’t know if this will actually be sad, Nonny. >.>This got quite long, so I threw it under a read more. Let me know what you think! Some info at the bottom.
@rdr-oc-appreciation @ineedpeetalikehekneadsbread
Spoilers for the game!!!Title: Loyal to What Matters
Arthur waited as long as he dared. 
He was awake long before dawn, and lay in the quiet cabin beside Isabel listening to her breathing and waiting for the first rays of sunlight to break through the threadbare curtains. Birds sang a chorus even before the light appeared. Arthur didn’t want to move until he knew he had to. He wanted to enjoy these last moments, alone with the woman he loved, before he joined Dutch and what remained of the gang at Beaver Hollow.
One last job, Dutch said. But then, as Arthur had bitterly come to realise in recent months and weeks, Dutch said a lot of things that weren’t true. Dutch manipulated, lied, and cheated his way through life. Using those around him, just as he had used Arthur for all those years.
Not any more. 
Arthur was not going to blindly follow him any longer. Never again would he be taken in by Dutch’s twisted words. Loyalty. Dutch always parroted at he and John. What was Dutch loyal to, except himself? 
Be loyal to what matters. Arthur told John after they blew up the bridge. What mattered to John was Abigail and little Jack. And Isabel mattered to Arthur. He had something that mattered now. More than Dutch, more than then dregs of a family that had fallen to pieces. 
After this job, after making sure John, Abigail and Jack all got out safely, that would be the end of it. Money or no money, he would leave Dutch to his fate, and he would come back here, to the cabin that once belonged to Hamish Sinclair, and back to Isabel. From there, who knew? As long as they were together it didn’t matter.
Arthur waited until the sun was peeking over the mountains that surrounded O’Creagh’s Run before he stirred and rose. He observed Isabel asleep beside him and pulled the blankets up to cover her bare shoulder to keep out some of the chill. Brushing her hair out of her face, he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. Something inside him twisted so tight it hurt to breathe. The idea that this might be the last time he saw her if things went south…
He leaned over her and kissed her cheek, “I love you.”
After rising, he drew the curtain across the space where the bed was, separating it from the rest of the one-room cabin. It wasn’t big, and he was able to retrieve the clothes he and Isabel shed in a rush the night before with ease. He carried his boots so not to wake her and placed the outside the front door. 
Since adopting the cabin as their personal hideout since Hamish’s passing, Isabel stocked up on supplies. Tinned food, salted meats of game she hunted, vegetables, fruit, some herbs and berries for medicinal tonics… She made the cabin quite a home for them in the short time they had to use it. 
Arthur raided the cupboards, wincing every time his foot found a squeaky floorboard. When his satchel was stocked with everything he thought he might need, he started for the door. As he rose the latch, Isabel’s voice caught him.
“You leavin’ like a thief in the night?” he turned to the sound of her voice. She was wrapped in the blanket, her hair tousled and her lips slightly bruised from the previous night. She rubbed one bare leg against the other, not realising how desirable she looked. “Was it that bad?” She huffed a laugh after her question, but Arthur sensed her anxiety.
“No,” he crossed towards her and slipped his hands around her jaw, “no. It weren’t bad.” He kissed her forehead. “It was…” His stomach clenched and he squeezed his eyes closed. It was so much harder to leave now she was awake. “It was perfect.” He slid his hands down and rubbed her upper arms. “You was… is perfect.”
Isabel smiled, but the sadness she was fighting to conceal broke through, cracking the facade she tried to present. She wrapped her arms around him, blanket and all, and buried her face in Arthur’s chest. As he returned the embrace, he realised she was shaking. 
“Don’t go.”
“Sweetheart…” Arthur sighed. He nestled his cheek in her hair. The tightness n his chest was worse now, like his ribs were digging into his lungs. “I have to.”
“Arthur, please,” she looked up at him, “I got this… awful pit in my stomach. I’m… I’m scared… Feels like if you walk out that door I ain’t never gonna see you again.”
“That ain’t gonna happen.”
“Let me come with you–”
“I can–”
“Isabel. No.” 
Her words trailed off and she sniffled, tears that she was holding back began to trickle down her face. Arthur quickly brushed them away. He smiled faintly, watching Isabel rub her cheeks with the palm of her right hand. 
“I can’t go an’ do this if you’re there. I can’t be worryin’ about you, when I’m gonna be worryin’ about gettin’ John, Abigail, and little Jack out safe.” Threading his fingers through her hair, Arthur sighed, “y’understand?”
“I do… I just…”
He kissed her forehead again, “I know, sweetheart.”
Isabel gripped his jacket, “you jus’ come back alive, okay?” She bit her bottom lip to keep it from quivering, her chin creasing with the effort it was taking her to hold back more tears. “I ain’t gonna be best pleased if you die.”
“Ain’t nothing in this world that’ll keep me from you,” Arthur hugged her, hiding his face in her hair while Isabel clung on to his jacket. “I promise.”
They stood, embraced and silent for a while. Arthur tried to memorize the texture of Isabel’s skin under his rough hands, the smell of her hair, and the way her body molded into his. Small things. Intimate things to keep him sane. 
“You wait for me here, okay?” Arthur said, looking Isabel in the face. 
She nodded, “okay.”
“If anythin’ happens I told Mrs Adler t’come and get you. So be ready, just in case.”
Another nod, “I will.”
“Good woman.”
“I love you, Arthur Morgan.” Isabel said, colour rising to her face. 
Arthur cupped her face in one hand, resting his thumb by the corner of her mouth, “I know.” He kissed her, hard, but brief knowing if his resolve to go and face his fate would wain the longer he remained. Isabel’s fingers tightened in his clothing, her naked body pressed close to him.
When he stepped away it was like a thread that connected them grew taut, trying to keep them bound together, and then snapped when the distance grew too vast. There was nothing left to say. Goodbye was too final. Too… sad. Arthur couldn’t bring himself to say it. 
Isabel watched him put his boots on, and was at the door when he mounted his horse. With each step away from the cabin, away from her, the weight of dread and fear in his stomach grew heavier, and heavier. 
Neither of them might have said it, but that kiss was a kiss goodbye. 
*coughs* So.
Canon can bite me.I’m writing fix-it fic. Because Arthur deserves a happy ending, alright? His illness gets cured or... he recovers and they travel somewhere warm and it recedes and. Yeah. I’ll work on it. Either way, FIX-IT-FIC.Anyway, I hope y’all enjoyed. Please let me know what you think?! Reblogs feed writers! So does feedback.
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kz-i-co · 6 years
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Summary: Your best friend is going away and you're asked to look over her apartment too bad her boyfriend won't leave you alone.
Pairing: Nam Woohyun/ Reader
Genre: angst/smut
Words: 3.5k
A/N: I had to write this since Woohyun is my ultimate bias and all :)
------Also be prepared for some cringy smut....I found out that I’m not really good at writing it lol
m.list ╫  ∞masterlist
"Honey, I'm home." You said with a big smile as soon as your best friend opened the door, the only problem was, once you saw who it was, your annoyance only grew. "Oh, it's you."
He made a face and laughed sarcastically. "Its nice to see you to."
"Don't you have your own place Woohyun? Why are you always here?" You walked inside.
"Wait don't answer that." You said as a smirked formed on his face.
"Will you two stop fighting for once?" Taeha came into the room.
"Maybe if your boyfriend stopped being an ass."
"You started it." He fought back.
"You fight like siblings." She laughed.
"I rather be eaten by wolves then be his brother." You slipped out.
"Ouch." Woohyun held his heart in pain.
"Ew, I hate looking at your face." You glared. That was actually a lie. Woohyun was very handsome, at least to you in the beginning, but then his personality came.
"(Y/N) That's so harsh, he has a beautiful face." Taeha grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.
You made a gag noise and moved to sit on the couch. You decided to turn on the tv until your eyes glanced over to the bags on the floor.
"Hey Taeha, are you going somewhere?"
"Oh, yes." She leaned over to you and sat down. "My sister just had her baby and she needs help adjusting for awhile so I'll be living with her."
"What about your apartment?" You asked.
"I'll watch over it and help pay the bills." Woohyun spoke before you could.
"What about me? I can do it." You were basically begging.
"I'm her boyfriend I should." Woohyun fought back.
"Shut up brat." You growled through your teeth.
"I think it's better if (Y/N) does."
"Yes." You cheered and stuck your tongue out at him.
"I'm sorry Woohyun but you have your own place you need to pay for, (Y/N) lives with her father so she doesn't have to pay for anything."
"But- wait you still live at home?" Woohyun asked you.
"Hey shut up. It's free rent." You shrugged.
He laughed and you immediately threw a pillow at him.
"Why do you want to anyway?" You asked annoyed.
"Peace and quiet." He pursed his lips. He had roommates, he was probably sick of.
"I suppose I can let you sleep on the couch." You smirked.
"You want to sleep in the bed me and Taeha have-"
"Woohyun! Shhh." Taeha stopped him from continuing.
"Okay ew, I'll wash the bedsheets, no biggie." You smiled annoyed. "So how long will you be gone for?"
"Not sure, probably a month tops." She slightly shrugged.
"Woah, how can you two be away for so long?"
"I'll drive up to visit every weekend." Woohyun smiled cutely causing you to roll your eyes.
"Why don't you just go with her?" You asked.
"Because I can't take a month off of work." He spoke.
"When will you leave?" Tomorrow morning. She said.
"Wow, so soon." You looked at her widely.
"I know, it's so sudden but she needs me." She tugged her hair behind her ear nervously.
"Well I guess I'll go pack....You probably want to say your goodbyes." You arched your eyebrows.
"We already did, before you got here." He said dumbfounded.
You made a face. "Not like that (Y/N)." Taeha clarified but you didn't believe her.
"Sure, goodbye." You left them alone.
"What do you mean, you're leaving for a month?" Your dad asked as you loaded your car.
"I'll only be in town, chill." You started. "Taeha needs someone to watch over her apartment while she is away."
"Come on dad, I'm 22. I'll be moving out eventually." You continued.
"I know." He agreed.
"And you have Arin." Your little sister. "I'll still be here and there, no worries." You said as you shut the trunk.
As soon as you entered the empty apartment, you moved around slowly seeing if there was an sign of the nuisance. You put your stuff into her bedroom and immediately took off all the sheets and threw them into the washing machine. You didn't want to risk those germs.
You could get used to this. Living alone with no one to bother you and no one to judge you. Taeha's bathtub was even nicer then yours that you couldn't resist. You drew yourself a nice bubble bath and plugged in your ears buds, feeling the most relaxed you have ever been in your entire life.
You sat there until the hot water eventually turned cold and the bubbles now faded. You tied your damp hair into a loose bun and dressed into an oversize t-shirt and leggings.
As soon as you left the room you heard pan rattling from underneath the counter. You could see the kitchen clearly from where you were but you saw no one. You hesitated to look on the other side of the counter afraid of what you were going to find. You grabbed the broom and walked over as slowly as you could. You lifted the broom ready to position as you got closer. Just as you were about to swing a startled Woohyun stared at you lifting his arms up for protection.
"Woohyun? What the hell." You put the broom down.
"Why are you trying to kill me?" He stood up.
"I didn't know it was you."
"I called your name when I entered." He said.
"I didn't hear you and how did you get in anyway?" You asked.
"I have a key." Should have known.
"So you're really staying?" You asked disappointed.
"Chill out I won't be here your whole stay, I just need a little break." He confessed. "I can cook for you." He gave you a begging smile.
"Okay fine." You easily accepted. You couldn't cook for shit. You threw the sheets into the dryer, as Woohyun started cooking dinner. He was lucky he was such a good cook, unless you would toss his ass right out on the street.
"Last week on big broth-" You looked around as your program suddenly changed.
Then the couch suddenly sunk next to you. "Woohyun? How do you keep sneaking in here?"
He just shrugged.
"I was watching something?" You said again.
"But the game is on?" He looked at you innocently.
"So? Go watch it in the bar or something." You snapped trying to grab the remote but he held it over his head, where you couldn't reach. "God, you're so annoying."
You sulked down in your seat. He looked at you guilty and changed the channel back for you. He tossed the remote so it was in your lap. The problem now was that you were feeling guilty. You.
He was playing with his phone until the show started to grab his attention.
"Why do you like this show? It's just a bunch of strangers living together and arguing over every little thing."
"That's not the point of the show, every week someone gets eliminated and whoever makes it to the end wins like a million dollar's." You explained.
"I don't get it."
"Its a game, you have to get people to like you since the people in the house are voting each other out." He still looked lost. "Its easier to understand once you watch it from the beginning." You gave up.
"You asshole!" You yelled at Woohyun as he pushed you off of the rainbow road. It was long after that you decided to play video games instead.
He was a laughing mess as you pushed him with your feet to the corner of the couch. "I was in first place."
"I'm sorry." He laughed and laughed even harder once your character came in last.
"I hate you." You said but more playfully. "I'll get you next round."
"Woah, it's 1 am....I have to get up early tomorrow." He stood up.
"Okay. I'll give you your couch back." You smirked.
"I have an idea." He looked at you with a challenging look.
"What?" You looked at him timidly.
"We'll play for it."
"Play for What?" You asked.
"The bed tomorrow night."
"Wow, how gentleman of you to kick a woman out of the bed."
"You scared?" He smirked some more.
"No, you suck at Mario kart, you just got lucky because you got a blue shell."
"Fine, then it should be a piece of cake then." He smiled.
You squinted at him. "Fine 3 rounds, best 2 out of 3, win."
You made your way to the bedroom as he made himself comfortable on the couch. Thinks he can beat me. Funny.
"Your boyfriends a tool." You said loudly through the phone as an elderly women gave you a disgusted look.
"What?" Taeha said.
"He's making a bet with me to sleep in your bed."
"Why?" She asked.
"Because I've been making him sleep on the couch every time he comes over."
She giggled but then suddenly stopped. "Hey don't be too hard on him okay, his roommate gives him a hard time, that's probably why he likes it there."
"What's wrong?"
"He's just a jerk. That's all."
"Well why don't you both just move back together?" You asked.
"He has to finish his contract first of all and last time we lived together it didn't turn out so well."
Taeha and Woohyun use to share that apartment last year, but something happened and he moved out suddenly and they broke up. You never knew what happened between them since it wasn't your business and seeing how much your friend was hurt, you didn't have the heart to ask. But since they got back together recently, they seemed as happy as ever but they stayed apart, even though he slept over most of the time.
"I have to go, I'll talk to you later okay." She sounded rushed and hung up.
Your mind grew more curious of what happened a year ago. You knew you shouldn't be so nosy but you just wanted to know so bad.
"You are going down." You pointed at Woohyun who just gave you an amused stare. "Here."
"We're drinking now too?" He asked as he grabbed the drink.
"So you can't cheat this time."
"I didn't cheat the first time...the game gives you the shells."
"Whatever, I think it be funny who would win when we are under the influence." You said.
"So now we are drinking and driving? You're dangerous." He laughed.
"Come on, it's fun."
You were both laughing hysterically as you couldn't even finish the race. You both were safe to say, at least buzzed. The drinks you choosen had a low alcohol rate so even the 4 bottles weren't enough to get you drunk, but it was enough to make everything seem more funny then it was.
"There is something I'm dying to know." You sat up but your vision couldn't keep up with you.
"What?" His head was leaning off the back of the couch.
"Why did you and Taeha suddenly break up last year...that even caused you to move out."
He stared off into space just thinking about it. Like you just opened a wound. "You don't have to tell me, I was just curious. You both just seem different towards each other since you got back together that's all."
"Taeha wants to keep it a secret." Was all he said.
"Taeha is keeping a secret from me? Well I have a secret she kept from you." You said with a challenge.
"What?" He asked.
"Okay I'll tell you but then you owe me a secret." Your almost drunken state was basically like acting like elementary school kids.
"She lies to you about loving your dog when she really can't stand her."
"She complaines when she gets dog hair all over her clothes." You shrugged.
He just stared in confusion.
"Don't be mad, she's just not an animal person, doesn't mean she hates them all." You continued. "Tell me a secret then."
"I heard you had a crush on me when we first met." He smirked.
"What?" You stiffened up causing him to laugh. "Taeha told you that?"
That bitch?!? How could she even tell him. You didn't even tell her. What?
"She lies." You said.
"She said that's why you're so mean to me, because you like me."
You threw a pillow at him. "Not anymore."
"Anymore? So you did?" He asked sitting up more.
"I just thought you were attractive. Thats it." You threw your hands up in defeat.
"Even though you call me ugly all the time?"
"Now you're ugly." You smiled.
"I look the same." He glared.
"Shut up."
"If it makes you feel better, I always thought you were cute." He turned away.
"Cute, like a child?" Your voice was getting annoyed.
"No. Just stupid stuff, like the look of disappointment when you look at the sink full of dishes, or how happy you look when you see a bird in your window, or just how aggravated you get when your hair falls in your face. All the expressions you use throughout the day."
"Wow, you're really drunk." You laughed.
"Yeah." He laughed with you.
"I just thought of secret Taeha told me that would really drive you insane."
He looked at you. "She said you're a horrible kisser."
His eyes opened wider. "What?"
You laughed once again taking another sip of a fresh drink.
"I'm not." He said like a 5 year old having a fit.
"Its okay, some of us can't be talented kissers like myself."
He arched an eyebrow at you.
"What? I am."
"How can you suck at kissing?"
"I don't know you tell me?" You smiled.
"Fine if I'm so horrible then you can tell me." He scooted over to you.
"Are you high, I'm not kissing you." You pushed him away.
"Its just a kiss, it doesn't mean anything...besides aren't you curious since you like me and all."
"I don't like you....anymore." You mumbled the last bit. "Did you forget you're dating my best friend?"
You siped your drink down even more, making you feel more loose.
"I told you, it won't mean anything." He was definitely more drunk then you.
Your stomach fluttered with butterflies. You would be lying, saying you never thought about it. Your head told you, you didn't like him anymore like that, but maybe it still lingered in your heart. It was hard to read though since when you looked at him you felt mostly annoyed now.
"Is this going to be the first secret just between us?"
He nodded. "We probably won't remember this in the morning." He said.
You shook it off and made the first move by bringing your lips towards his. It was a weird feeling. You couldn't tell if it was the alcohol in your system or the fact your stupid old crush lingered, but you were enjoying every second of it. He wasn't a bad kisser at all. It felt mesmerizing.
He pulled away trying to catch his breath. "What do you think?" He asked still leaning against you.
"I cant tell yet." You brought your lips back to his. His was working against yours desperately causing adrenaline throughout your body.
Your head was screaming at you to wake up. This was wrong. Your best friend didn't deserve this. They only just got back together a few months ago and now this? You were the worst friend ever.
But you couldn't stop. It felt right. Something in your gut was saying it was meant to be.
"Woohyun maybe we should-" You started but once he started kissing down your neck you felt lost.
The next thing you knew you felt the bed hit your back. Everything was happening so fast that you couldn't even process.
He had you pinned against the bed while he kissed up and down your neck. His wandering hands started brushing up your shirt, feeling every inch of you. You were just as guilty and you started undoing his belt.
You felt him playing with your bra strap, eventually loosening up the tight fabric. He had it off quicker then you realized and immediately started messaging your chest, loosely under your shirt. His lips made it's way back up to your lips, feeling more moist then before.
He stopped suddenly once he felt your hand making it's way inside his jeans. He closed his eyes tightly as you rubbed against him. You could feel the tightness growing causing you to unzip his jeans for more room.
When you felt like he had enough, you tugged his shirt up signaling for him to pull it off. You took some time to admire his toned body until he distracted you by tugging off your sweats. You went ahead and took off your own shirt being completely exposed.
It almost looked like he blushed as he saw you in full. He leaned down wanting to kiss you once again, but before he could reach you, you held your hand up to stop him. You started getting up causing him to lay on the bed instead.
At this point you were growing impatient. You still blamed it on the alcohol because normally you wouldn't act so desperate, but here you were breaking all the rules. You took off the last bit of clothing there was between the both of you. You gently took him in your hand and slowly jerked him only enough to lubricate. You leaned forward guiding him in and relaxed as you could adjust.
His muffled sounds were so beautiful as you began your movements. The pleasure was unreal. It was almost like a dream. If only it was to save you all the trouble.
You leaned down kissing him passionately as you quickened your pace. Once you lifted up for air, you grabbed his hands leading them to your chest. You tilted your head back enjoying the pleasure.
As you felt like you were lost in your own world, he grabbed your hips helping you keep the rhythm. You moved your hand to the front of your folds to guide your climax closer to the edge. Just as you were about to release, he beat you to it causing the room to spin. You felt numbness scattered throughout your body.
You looked down at Woohyun's beautiful face and you couldn't help but smile seeing how exhausted he was. You moved off and collapse on the bed next to him.
He turned on his side facing you as he gently started to close his eyes. You could feel the exhaustion effecting you as well but you asked one last question.
"Are we bad people?" You looked forward to see him already asleep. You kept thinking of that question right before you passed to.
Please be a dream.
When you woke up the next day, you felt more relaxed then ever. But you couldn't stop thinking about Woohyun. You were so convinced that last night was a dream you almost fell out of bed seeing him sleeping next to you.
"It wasn't a dream?" You said to yourself. It wouldn't be the first time you had a wet dream about the boy next to you.
You felt all the emotions hit you at once. Taeha would never forgive you for this. What were you going to do. You'll have to move far away. But what if you didn't tell her? You had to it was the moral thing to do right?
You leaned your head down, trying to get all the thoughts out of your head that you ended up screaming at the top of your lungs. Woohyun first instinct was to cover his ears as you suddenly woke him from his slumber.
"What the fuck-" He looked down and suddenly pulled the blanket up to his chest. Then he looked at you startled as ever. "Last night really happened?"
"We are terrible people." You were on the verge of tears. "Taeha will be home in 2 weeks, what are we going to do."
"Is lying worse then cheating?" His head fell down into the pillow.
"Oh my God, oh my god." You were rocking back and fourth.
"I'll tell her."
"Tell her what?"
"Just the truth, we were both drinking and did stupid things." He tried to steady his voice.
"We can't tell her over the phone, we'll have to wait until she gets home. Why ruin her trip?" You panicked.
But you knew the guilt would kill you. "Do you remember everything?" He suddenly asked you.
You did. "I mean yeah, but we weren't ourselves."
"Shoot, I need to get to work." He dragged the blanket off with him.
"Hey." You covered yourself with the sheet.
"Sorry, I don't want you to see." He looked down towards his sensitive area.
"I saw it last night." You glared.
He stuttered but continued to hide in the bathroom until he was fully dressed.
Everything felt so awkward. How were you gonna face Taeha again or better yet, Woohyun for the next 2 weeks.
The worst thing you could ever do to your best friend was done in her bed in her apartment. You may have lost everything you ever cared about.
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mentalcurls · 6 years
2. Sei uno str***o
I’m back with my thoughts of episode 2 of the first season of Skam Italia. This was much quicker than analyzing episode 1, but there’s still a lot of stuff I hadn’t caught or thought much about the first time I watched the season, like pre-Luchino interactions between the boys, sexy times and the earliest mentions of Marti’s mom. Bechdel test results at the end. Warning for gratuitous use of italics.
I’m still not over Skam Italia doing that video of Gio and the chat between him and Eva, referencing and overturning Skam og’s “No Norwegian boy would go down on a girl”, that shit was savage, bless LudoBesse
Oh, the song that plays while Gio and Eva are getting to the cabin! “It’s gonna be you / And me / It’s gonna be everything you’ve ever dreamed” is 100% referring to Eva, to her wanting to be with Gio, in peace, for a while, to her anticipation and plans for this trip
seeing the cabin again, though. I mean, intellectually I know this is the first time it’s ever seen on screen, this was the first time I saw it as well cause I watched all of S1 that weekend after 3.5 Ammucchiate, but now the magical triad of “Sto a Bracciano”, “Due ore” and “Patatine e marmellata” colors my experience of it so much, I almost teared up when Gio and Eva got inside
I had kind of forgotten how much they actually show of Gio and Eva having sex, I get why people drew the comparison after the Nicotino sex scenes, BUT “DUE ORE” AND “TU NON SEI DI MILANO” ARE PERFECT ANYWAYS
still not over the absence of any fic in which Gio gets to properly show off his oral skills (with Eva or anyone else) 
Marti moaning and complaining about how he’s scarred and traumatized after he walks in on Eva and Gio kills me; tbh his problem is mostly that he saw a bit too much of Eva (not a lot I think, because that sheet was pretty strategically placed) and not enough of Gio
I can’t focus on Eva when there are proto-Contrabbandieri interactions going on, I just cannot
ok, so, Marti. He says his mom “freaked out” because she decided to do housework and that he had to run. So, like. Given that he uses that same wording “sbroccare” that he’ll use in later episodes to talk about his mother’s mental illness, what’s happening here? Because while I see how a person would “freak out” about cleaning (like if they suddenly started obsessing over everything being dirty), I think from what we’ve seen of Mrs Rametta that’s not likely and she probably simply tried to do the spring cleaning. So is that what Marti considers a “freak out”? Does he put spring cleaning on the same level of what I’ve always assumed were, like, panic attacks? And then of course there’s the fact that we have a boy who runs like a bat out of hell as soon as household chores are mentioned. Now. We know in a few months Marti is going to pray for his mom to want to do the chores 💔
“C’mon Eva why are you being like this?” are you really asking Gio?
Marti is at peak 🐍🐍 here: he hijacks Eva’s time with Giovanni, stops them from having sex and keeps Gio busy with a thirteen-hour-long game of Risk Eva doesn’t take part in at all. And Gio lets him! He doesn’t even appear to stay mad about not being able to have sex for more than those two minutes when he hits Marti with his sleeping bag, is he even a teenage boy
that build up to Elia’s appearance, with the creepy music, gets to me every time and Gio going for the fireplace log lifter kills me
Elia Santini is a living meme from his very first line (“Ammazza che accoglienza”)
I mean that chuckle + “Che, davero?” combo is ICONIC
Eva’s unimpressed face at Gio is also iconic. 
“C’mon, what could I do, he asked if he could come, should I have said no?” ahem, OBVIOUSLY YES, since you promised your girlfriend it’d be the two of you (honestly, Gio, how did you expect to have sex, with your best friends in the room next to yours, only separated by a door??)
Notice that Eva walks away (only a few paces), fully expecting him to follow her and try to placate her more, so she can properly scream at him, except he doesn’t, he goes inside with the guys
so we get to the beach scene and what I can’t help but wonder is how long the two schemers, Gio and Elia, spent coming up with a suitable excuse to feed Eva for going back to Rome, something she wouldn’t question… and she actually questions it anyways for a minute
and God, the suspicious look Eva gives them as they walk away
in this proto-Contrabbandieri dynamic, I can’t help but notice that Martino fills that Luchino-ish role, obviously he’s not treated the same because he’s much more likely to have a sharp comeback to mocking and he’s not as naive as Luca, but he’s the one that gets left behind while the trouble duo goes to get the weed; and I think that if a Bastardata-like situation was to happen in S1 Marti would be the “victim”
and of course this episode has this big gaslighting incident, where Gio tells Eva he’s going back to Rome for his brother, Martino covers for him pretending he knows nothing (and encouraging Eva to drink and forget 😑) and when Gio comes back they all act like it’s fine, like it’s normal that he was gone most of the day and the whole night and like she’s totally overreacting when she’s mad
ok, but Marti is really really invested in Gio’s sex life, this boy is gone, desperately looking for any and all scraps. I think I’ve seen fic do the “Marti never wanked over Gio, he couldn’t have faced him afterwards” thing and while that’s valid, I think that he actually fantasized a lot about him, basing himself on the sexcapades Gio has told him about, like Villa Sciarra, because this boy has shown he’s thirsty af from day one, first telling Eva “c’mon, zozzoni, let me see” on Skype and then in this episode asking Eva outright what Gio’s like in bed
I can’t even describe Marti’s face during the conversation, first he fakes nonchalance, then he goes for a nice-guy-encouraging-reassuring smile, then he smirks and wiggles his eyebrows, then he’s smug, when Eva seems to be mustering up the courage to speak again he’s kind of hopeful, then smug again, then he softens when he starts cuddling Eva, but in the last shot from that clip he’s looking in the distance, he stops smiling and has a slightly disappointed expression
that conversation with Eva, God. Aside from any and all speculation of Marti’s motives, she is obviously embarrassed and uncomfortable, yet Marti keeps pressing; she clearly states she asked Gio not to talk about their sex life (not too in depth at least), yet Martino confirms he’s ignored her request and quotes some notable examples that prove his knowledge, which embarasses her further, to the point she stops the conversation; finally, Marti justifies Gio and himself by saying “You know, we’re like this.” like that excuses anything (or means anything, really)
those shots of the lake in the early morning and of the trees *insert Poetic cinema meme here*
Gio has the gall to come in like nothing’s happened and announce he’s brought back brioches, then to shake his head and sigh when Eva storms off, like dude? You left her alone with your best friend for a whole day and a whole night, no answers to her calls and texts, she woke up hungover on the couch and in the arms of a boy who’s not you and you’re surprised and exasperated by her being mad at you?? Honestly, Gio, you might be il mago dell’amore cause you’re half decent at matchmaking but you’re shit at doing relationships, at keeping them healthy and working
at least Eva finally gets him to follow her where they can talk alone, she finally gets him to choose her over his friends for a few minutes
Eva’s paranoid and controlling behaviour is not healthy for her or for Gio or anyone else, really, but I get where she comes from. Her relationship began with cheating, her boyfriend is currently hiding something, so trust is not something that comes easy here. Still, asking to read your boyfriend’s messages to someone else is not something conducive to a better relationship.
“You-you change when you’re around them.” hello “7 things” by Miley Cyrus!
And here we go again: “Eva, do you really think I’m hiding something from you? Eva, I’m not hiding anything from you, okay?” and he kisses her, trying to placate and distract her with physical affection 
poor Eva walking to a place that is as isolated as she feels
I mean, this trip must have been devastating for her, she’s been anticipating it for weeks, it should be her occasion to be with Gio, to strengthen the one relationship in her life that’s going well, to placate her fears and to forget all the stuff that’s going to shit in her life for a few days; instead Gio’s friends gatecrash the trip, Gio spends half of the time going back and forth from Rome, she gets stuck with Marti who’s a good guy, but inappropriate, she finds out her boyfriend discloses info about their intimacy without her consent, and there’s the whole Laura thing. The only pinprick of light at the end of the tunnel is that kind-of-weird, a bit too touchy-feely girl from the Easter party befriending her on Facebook, how sad is her life?
Bechdel test: this episode doesn’t pass the test. There’s a brief conversation between Eva and her mom at the beginning, but her dad intervenes, plus Eva’s mom is still unnamed so the conversation doesn’t count for the test.
This post is part of my complete series of meta about Skam Italia season 1.  If you’d like to read more of my thoughts about the other episodes, you can find the mastepost linked in the top bar on my blog under SKAMIT: EVA. Cheers!
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adobe-outdesign · 7 years
Tumblr media
Before the studio went to hell, it was rumored that Shawn Flynn and Wally Franks were an item.
(Note that I don’t speak Irish. I’m relying on Google Translate, and we all know how accurate that is, so apologies to anyone who actually speaks Irish if this makes no damn sense.)
Wally woke up on the couch to a headache and the smell of something cooking in the other room.
Blearily he stood up, motivated primarily by the delicious scent wafting towards him. Further investigation revealed Shawn, still wearing his ink-stained work clothes from last night, standing at his stove and stirring something in a frying pan. The other man looked over as he stumbled in, adjusting a dial on the stove face. “i was wonderin’ when you’d wake up. Almost was wonderin’ if you were dyin’ of alcohol poisonin’, given how much you were drinkin’ last night.“
Wally stared blankly at the clock on the wall, his half-asleep brain trying to decipher the time. He settled on it being about 11 in the morning. “Not that I’m gonna complain if you’re making breakfast, but why are you here?“
“Because you passed out in the alleyway last night and I had to drag your sorry ass back here.“ He dropped his voice slightly, noticing Wally wincing at the volume. “And I didn’t want to be leavin’ you alone during the night, so I camped out in your spare room.“
“Wait, you stayed here the entire night just for that?” Wally asked, pulling out a chair at what was passing for a dining room table and rubbing his eyes. “Well gee, thanks. Hey, I’ll do something in return as a favor. Seriously, just name it.“
“Put on some clean clothes,“ Shawn said bluntly, setting a plate full of eggs and sausage in front of him. “You smell like cheap alcohol and bodily... fluids“.
“No offense, but you don’t exactly smell like a spring daisy either,“ Wally pointed out, biting into a large forkful of eggs.
“And where do you be expectin’ me to be getting fresh clothes from?” Shawn asked, taking a sip from a cup of coffee he must have made earlier. “All of my clean clothes are back at my place.“
‘‘You can always borrow some of mine! I mean, you know, if you need to,” Wally added, realizing his tone might be a bit too excited. “They might be a bit on the big side, but you can always roll up the sleeves if you need to.“
“You sure you don’t mind?“
“Nah, not a problem! Anyone who makes food this good is a friend’a mine.“ He swallowed his lack forkful and waved the utensil in Shawn’s direction, grinning.”You plannin’ to go anywhere later tonight?“
“No offense or anythin’,“ Wally said, taking off his cap to rub some sweat off his forehead as he observed the floor in front of him, “but are you trying to make my job harder?“
“Your job’s a walk in the park compared to mine,” Shawn replied bluntly, setting down his brush. “We’ve got more stock than we know what to do with right now. We need to be focusin’ on selling what we got, not making more dolls no one wants, but Mr. Drew won’t be haivn’ any of that..” Shawn waved his hand towards the pounding assembly line behind him and the massive inventory of toys.
“Oh! But speakin’ of things no one is wanting...“ Shawn ducked down to rummage under the workbench, and Wally leaned into to try to catch a glimpse of what he was doing.
“Sounds promising.“
“Here we are!“ Shawn sat back up, holding a Boris plushie in his hand that wasn’t covered in ink. “The... what’s the English word for the súile-?” He motioned towards the head of the plushie.
“The... face?“
“No, the other whatchamacallit.“
“The snout?“
“That one! The snout’s a bit off on this one, but I still be thinking it looks nice. So here.“ He held out of the plushie and Wally took it eagerly, squeaking the middle.
“Well hey, thanks a bunch! Look at this guy!“ He held it up to the light, giving it another squeak. “Joey really wouldn’t like it?“
“Mr. Drew once redid an entire cartoon just because the animators weren’t drawin’ Bendy’s eyes quite to his likin’.”
“...I guess I can’t argue with that.“ He gave the plushie a final squeak and tucked it under his arm. “But I mean, his loss, right?“
“His loss, my gain. You’re owing me now, by the way.“
“C’mon, that’s not fair!“ Wally objected, but he was smiling. “Fine, fine. Whadda you want?“
‘I was thinkin’ we go to a bar and ‘hang out’”. Shawn pushed his foot against the desk, leaning back in his chair to survey the others in the toy shop, making sure no one found their thinly-veiled date as suspicious. “Friday after work soundin’ good?“
“Sounds swell! Now if you don’t mind, some sap spilled a bunch of ink on the floor that I gotta clean up,“ he teased, grabbing his mop.
“I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about.“
Shawn made sure to spill more buckets of ink after that.
“So how’d you play poker, anyway?“
“Use your cards to score points.“
“Thanks Shawny, really helps me out.“
“Not’a problem.“
“You have two cards in the middle, see,“ Grant extrapolated. “You want to take those cards and make a good hand out of them using the community group of cards. Whoever has the best hand gets the winnings.“
“Isn’t gambling like this kinda’, you know, illegal?“ Wally asked, picking up his hand and frowning at it.
“Don’t worry your little head about it. It’s allowed as long as we’re just using chips instead of actual scratch,“ Shawn pointed out.
“If you want to see actual gambling, you can always drop in on one of Grant’s casino games,“ Thomas said gruffly, lighting a cigar.
“Hey, hey, hold on. Now it’s not gambling as long as you know you’re going to win.“
“That’s because you’re countin’ the cards, you cheating bastard.“
“You can’t prove that, now can you?“
Shawn muttered something presumably explicit under his breath in Irish and grabbed another card. A few rounds passed in relative silence. Eventually Wally leaned over, flashing his deck at him. “Is this a good hand? I’m confused,“ he whispered.
“So are you two seeing each other or something?“ Thomas interrupted abruptly. Wally pulled away from Shawn and sputtered a few startled objections.
“Who wants to know?“ Shawn challenged, eyeing him. Thomas only shrugged, not looking up from his hand.
“I couldn’t care less. Just something I heard through the grapevine is all.“
“You should be careful now,” Grant offered, not taking his eyes off his cards. “You know how Mr. Drew will react if he catches wind of this.“
“He won’t be finding out,“ Shawn objected, looking over his own cards, then throwing them down on the table triumphantly. “Full house! Pot’s mine!”
“Nice try, but no.“ Grant swatted his hand away and tossed his own cards on the table, revealing a straight flush. Shawn swore again under his breath and threw down ten dollars, Wally looking on in confusion.
“I thought you said this wasn’t gambling?“
“I lied,” Shawn replied bluntly.
Wally opened the door, stumbled to his couch, and dropped Shawn onto it with considerable lack of grace.
“Hold on, lemme get you some ice or something.“ Shawn uttered a thank you as Wally disappeared into the tiny kitchen, returning with a bag of frozen carrots. “Okay, so I don’t exactly have any ice, but hey, they say carrots are good for your eyesight, right?“
“That was terrible.“ Shawn laughed, grabbing the bag and slapping it onto his left eye none too gently.
“Seriously, are you gonna be okay? That’s a nasty shiner.“
“Eh, it’s just a black eye, not’a big deal. The other fellow was in worse shape.”
“Yeah, but... look, I’m not normally the one tellin’ people to hold hands and sing kumbaya or anything, but you really gotta be more careful.“
“Aww, I’m touched. But you have’ta teach people like that not to be messing with you, or they won’t stop. Something I learned a while ago.” Shawn sat up a bit, flinching in pain. “If you’re that concerned, you could go an’ get me some more carrots for my back. The big bastard really did a number there.“
“On it! Take your shirt off, I’ll be back in a jiffy.“
Shawn obliged, throwing the slightly bloody button-down onto the back of the couch. Wally returned a moment later, eyes immediately focusing on Shawn’s exposed chest. “Uh, we didn’t have any- sorry, fresh outta carrots. Peas good?“
“I never cared for ‘em, but I suppose they’ll do,“ he teased, turning so Wally could slap the bag on the dark purple spot between his shoulder blades. He winced as the bag touched his skin. “Fuck a bastard, that’s cold.”
‘‘You want it be warm instead?”
“What I be wanting is my back to stop hurtin’, but I guess I we can’t have everything.” Silence filled the air for a moment. “I really do appreciate ‘ya helpin’ me out like this,“ he added.
“What, you think I was just gonna leave you to hobble back here on your own?” Wally flipped the now somewhat thawed bag over, pressing it over the bruise again. “I’d do that to Sammy, maybe, but not you.”
“Aww, ain’t you sweet? C’mere, you.” Shawn turned around and pulled Wally downward, firmly planting a kiss on his lips. Wally stumbled back immediately, nearly crashing into a nearby lamp. “I- I- What's the big idea!?“
“...I’m kissing you? What’s the problem here?“ Shawn asked in bewilderment, wincing as he tried to sit upright.
“I- you can’t just run around kissing fellows on the lips!“
“We’ve been datin’ each other for six damn months!“
“Yeah, but you’ve never-! Look, what if someone saw us?“
“Saw us-? We’re alone in your apartment! Who do you think’s gonna be seeing us, the pigeons?“
“No! I just think that we shouldn’t be doin’ this sort of thing yet!“
“And there, look! You’re doing it again!“
“Whatd’ya mean, “doing it again?”“
“That thing you do! You’re always perfectly happy to be together, but the second I so much as touch you you’re running away like a small frightened animal!“
“I am not!“
“Then kiss me!“
Shawn let out an exasperated noise, rolling over onto his stomach. A few moments passed in silence, neither making eye contact.
“Listen,” Shawn finally spoke up. “If you don’t want to be together, you should just say so instead of draggin’ this out.“
“What? Hey hey, I never said that! I mean... look, I’ve been with a lot of girls.“
“Don’t I feel special.“
“But none of ‘em ever worked out, you know? I even hit it off with a few of ‘em, but it never really felt right. I even ended up in bed with this real cute dish, but I ended up gettin’ outta there just because it felt so weird. You’re the first person I actually feel somethin’ for, as sappy as that sounds.“
Shawn reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, popping one into his mouth and offering the rest of the box to Wally. He shook his head and Shawn switched the pack for a lighter. “I was just thinkin’ that you were havin’ second thoughts about this whole thing.“
“No, it’s more like... I guess I’m not comfortably messin’ around with a guy yet instead of a dame, and you surprised me.“
“I didn’t mean to. I was figurin’ you’d like a surprise. Guess not.“ Shawn took out the cigarette, blowing out a puff of smoke as he sat back up. “Maybe we should be startin’ smaller. You wanna lie on this couch for a while with me, seein’ as I’m in no shape to be moving?“
“....Yeah, okay. I can do that.“ Shawn scooched over and Wally sat down beside him, leaning against his torso.
“Ow, ow! Éirigh as! Back!“
“Right, right, sorry!“
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