#anyway i have asks to answer today!!!! :D yay!
inkykeiji · 3 months
in such a blitzo mood today oH MY GOD i blame maisie and her incredible selfship questions i fell asleep to last night >:(
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
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This is a short scene inspired by @knyee​ ‘s painting of Virgil painting on the floor. I hope you don’t mind me bouncing my inspiration off your amazing artwork :D
I haven’t written in weeks and I had a doozy of six day working week, the last two days embellished by three migraines (yay), so quality is questionable. Let’s just say I sought the refuge of Tracy bros when feeling crappy.
Many thanks to the amazing @gaviiadastra​ for the read through when I finally finished this tiny fic. You are wonderful to me.
Anyways, less blabbering about me and more FishTank!
Gordon sipped at his recently constructed Tracy Sunrise mocktail, complete with a slice of candied lemon and mandatory umbrella, as he climbed the stairs into the comms room.
He and Virg were back from a successful rescue in England. Part of an ancient, like really ancient, two story cottage had half collapsed on its tenants.
Virgil had muttered something about stressors and mortar and age, most of which had gone over Gordon’s head as engineer technobabble, but John had agreed and thrown them all the numbers.
They had been in the area after pulling a sub out from under the ice in what was left of the Arctic ice sheet, so a quick drop in on the way home was easy.
The elderly couple had been saved. Their dog had gone missing for a moment or two, but Rover had gotten himself found by Gordon and all family members had reunited at the local ambulance with little more than a scratch or two each.
Couldn’t ask for a better result.
John sent them home and into the darkness of night time and what was likely to be a quick debrief when Scott got back from Australia.
Gordon had been tempted to drop in on Penny along the way, but apparently she was in Russia.
He didn’t ask why.
So home, a quick sandwich in the kitchen, and a tropical mocktail to shake the cooler climates out of his soul.
“Virg, you gotta try this.”
There was no answer from the lounge.
Gordon frowned. His big brother was nowhere in sight. He coulda sworn…“Virg?”
The familiar clink of a paintbrush being rinsed in a water glass just as Gordon approached the lounge…and there he was.
Virgil sat on the floor in his pyjamas, painting. It was hit or miss as to whether there was more paint on him or the canvas sheet he had spread on the floor.
Grandma was not going to be happy about that.
But…”How on Earth have you managed to get into such a mess so quickly? We only got home half a hour ago, and most of that was shower.”
Virgil grunted and didn’t even bother to look up at him.
Okay, immersed in what he was doing. Don’t prod the bear when focussed.
Instead Gordon sat himself down on the couch beside his brother and sipped quietly on his drink.
Gordon had to admit that he quite enjoyed watching his brother work. Brotherly ribbing aside, Gordon was quite proud of what his brothers were capable of and Virgil was great spectator sport.
Paint came out of tubes and was dabbed onto the canvas to create all kinds of interesting things.
Today it appeared Virgil was painting a flower of some kind. There was pink and green…a rose?
Virgil was known for painting flowers, after all, they had plenty on the Island to play with, but roses weren’t the typical.
“A rose?”
Virgil didn’t even look up at him. “Has thorns.” It was muttered absent-mindedly, and as Gordon peered closer he realised he had been a little mistaken.
The figure on the canvas sheet had its origins in a pink rose, but as his brother laid down more colour, it morphed into something closer to Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors. What the-?
His brother sketched in teeth and the painting snarled despite its pinks and soft greens.
Gordon frowned. “You okay?”
Another grunt from his brother only had Gordon frowning harder. Virgil obviously had a bee in his bonnet.
But then the lighting caught a particular shade of pink that screamed cloudy day reflecting off scattered petals amongst fallen brickwork.
There had been a climbing rose on that cottage. Virgil had said something about accumulated growth and the weakening of ancient mortar…
“We saved them, Virg, no one was hurt.” He reached out and placed his hand on tight shoulder muscles.
His brother sighed and sat back, just touching Gordon’s knee. “I know.” He rolled his shoulder, brush still in hand, and the joint cracked.
Gordon winced. “Maybe we should skip debrief-“
“No, no.” Another sigh. “Gotta get it out.” The last word faded as Virgil returned to painting his devilish floral creation.
Gordon just sat and watched his brother. Gordon could see desperate swim strokes in Virgil actions, that need to work it out of the system. He could understand.
Scott wasn’t going to be happy. But then Scott was never happy when a brother wasn’t one hundred percent. But they all had their coping mechanisms, both the gym and the Tracy Island trails could vouch for that when Scott needed to do the same.
Virgil’s method was just a little different-
(The plant monster now had dripping fangs)
-if a little terrifying.
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 36
@haileymorelikestupid - hello! i have been LOVING baby scarab SO MUCH!! i have an idea that you’re welcome to use or not use! what if the boys came home and as they’re unlocking the door they hear faint music and they’re like oh yay the kid is home! they get inside only to see her absolutely sobbing and just freak out like oh shit oh fuck what happened to her what’s going on?! they start asking all these questions and eventually she just looks up and goes this song is so sad :( and they’re like ??? fucking turn it off then??? and she’s like NO i like it so they resign themselves to just let her lean on them and cry while they listen to it on loop until she feels better (and maybe steven refuses to front for a min because “that song is sad if i front i’ll just cry with her”)
anyways i love this series so much i cannot say it enough !!! :)))
anon - aww the eyeliner thing gave me an idea! bs doing steven's makeup super carefully/gently, he'd look so pretty
@littlebird101 - Hi again. I don't know if your busy or not but I have an idea for your baby scarab series. Maybe like the reader tries using their powers but is having a hard time. So Marc and Layla come to her rescue and them plus Steven all go into over protective parent mode, even Khonshu. :)
A/N : these r cute so imma use them :) casper content coming in the next chapter :D
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : i spent too much time procrastinating :D
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), language, spidey stuff, power failure, borderline breakdown, steven being pretty, crying, let me know if i missed anything
pedro and luna were the ones that woke you up.
they had slept all day while you were suffering in a child’s body, but now they are more hyper than ever.
they were trying to get your attention by crawling all over you and steven, who groaned quietly and sat up.
you had an arm over your eyes, one of the cats nudging your arm, making you move it look up to see that it was luna.
“are you my new alarm?” you ask her, steven breathily chuckling while scratching behind pedro’s ears while she sat in his lap.
“it’s either her or me, so take your pick” steven jokes and you point to the cat.
steven scoffs and yanks the blanket down, the sudden cold making you shiver.
“you have to get to work early today, get up” he tells you, and you groan, shoving your face in the pillow.
“you know you have to, don’t-“ you hear marc start, but you cut him off by shooting a web out at his reflection.
“tell natalie that i’m sick again” you mumble, steven giving you ‘that’ look.
“if you don’t go to work, you’re grounded” steven says sternly and you sit up only to make a face at him.
“you heard me” he says, you now sitting up to glare at him.
“you can’t ground me, you’re not-“ you cut yourself off, biting your lip and looking down for a second before sliding out of bed.
“i left my uniform at my place” you start, steven watching as you swiftly and awkwardly make your way to the door, collecting your things along the way.
“i’ll see you guys tonight” you rush out, leaving steven to stare at the door, marc and jake being speechless.
“you reckon she didn’t mean it?” steven asks the two of them, jake being the one to answer.
“she didn’t know what she was saying, ella esta avergonzada” he mutters, marc being the next to speak.
“i hope she didn’t mean it” marc puts emphasis on the hope.
“she said she’d be back tonight, so everything’s fine, right?” steven asks more to himself than the others.
“she’s calling herself an idiot at the moment” khonshu pipes up, all three men turning to him.
steven was about to speak when both the cats started to rub against his chest, making him roll his eyes.
“yes, i will get you breakfast in a minute” he says to them, pedro and luna not understanding what he said and annoying him further.
“but she’s not an idiot-“
“she feels bad” khonshu interrupts.
“i need to feed the cats” steven gets up, khonshu, jake, and marc all still talking to each other.
after steven gave both the cats their food and refilled their water bowls, he noticed where you shot your web, one of the mirrors.
he scoffed and was about to take it off, when he realized something different about it.
the web looked.. weak? it was all stringy and droopy unlike the stronger more put together ones you have.
his eyebrows furrowed for a moment before ripping it off the mirror, and tossing it in the trash.
“-we can just ask her tonight then” steven tunes into marc.
“or we can just forget about it and move on” jake offers and marc scoffs.
“if you guys want to ask her, i don’t mind” steven says quietly, earning a look from both marc and jake.
“just- it depends on if she has a good day at work” steven defends himself, marc shrugging in agreement.
“we just have to.. wait” marc ends, already fairly impatient.
since marc had gotten attached to you, he ends up missing you a minute after you leave, and gets really impatient while waiting for you to come back.
he knows it’s unhealthy, but he bottles his anger he gets from waiting, and he ends up taking it out on others.
a couple time those ‘others’ being you.
he wanted to desperately to give you what his mother gave him after his brother passed away.
and that was love.
he could never ever do what his mother did to him, to you.
not even if there was a gun to his head. he wanted to give you the parental love he only partially got all his life.
he didn’t want you to end up like him.
he wouldn’t live with himself if you did, or if he himself ever ended up like his mother.
a drunk. that beat him senseless.
he wanted to be the best parental figure he can to you, and he’s doing the best he can and it’s turned out very well.
so well that he and layla had been talking about something very important for a couple weeks now.
but that can’t be revealed until later.
it was an average day at work for you.
you completely forgot about the mini freak out you had before you had left this morning.
though steven sent you a text saying that him and layla would be there a bit later than usual- that probably being around 7, you were still excited to get back home and relax a bit.
you were calling steven, marc, and jakes apartment home.
you did still go to yours often, but for some reason after living in your own place for years, theirs felt more like a home now than yours did.
it was weird to think about sometimes.
you were walking home, exhausted out of your mind.
you waved to the crows on the roof, some of them flying away and some of them watching you.
you made sure to snag some strawberries, tossing them on the ground as the birds eat them faster than you can blink.
once you ran out, you apologized to them and walked inside the apartment building.
you had a weird tension in your head, and you only had a small feeling like you knew what to do.
once you quickly made it up to the guys place, you locked the door and tossed your bag carelessly to the side, slipping your shoes off as well.
you moved to the kitchen, seeing that the time read 5:43. you sigh and dig your phone out of your pocket and play the first song that comes up.
the one that specifically makes you cry.
as in, bawl your eyes out for no reason at all.
you play it at a louder volume than usual, and set your phone on the counter before sliding down and sitting behind it, so that if anyone came in they wouldn’t see you.
you had your back leant against the cabinets while you listened.
you completely relaxed as you let your eyes tear up.
here’s the thing- when you would have boring days like this, sometimes crying would make you feel better.
it just released all that stress and made you feel better when you were done.
granted there hasn’t really been a ‘boring’ day, it was just time.
you were too lost in thought to hear the door open and then close, and the sound of two hushed voices.
“kid?” you finally tuned into the real world, wiping the tears dripping down your face to turn to marc, who was standing next to you and looking down at you with a confused look on his face.
that look soon turned to concern when he saw your puffy red eyes.
“hey, are you okay?” he hurries to sit down next to you, taking your hand in his own.
you just chuckle and nod, confusing him further.
“marc, don’t make that dumb face” layla starts. “i do this too, remember?” he asks and marc gives her a look.
“yeah, but you hit me and tell me to leave you alone” marc tells her and she rolls her eyes, going to sit on the other side of you.
“i like it” layla starts, directing the compliment at you. “the music, i mean” you smile.
“thank you” you say quietly, not used to getting compliments on your music taste.
“why’s it so sad?” marc asks and you scoff.
layla nudges your shoulder, making you look to her. “you see little scarab, you don’t have to answer him” she starts.
“his questions are stupid” 
“is it because he’s a man?”
“why else?”
you and layla both share a quick laugh before marc squeezes your hand and you look to him with a sheepish smile.
“sorry” you mumble, squeezing his hand back as layla ‘aws’ at the both of you.
you both turn to her, marc rolling his eyes.
pedro had found you guys, luna not far behind as the two sniff at layla, since they haven’t exactly met before.
layla smiles and reaches out a hand to pet them, the kittens being very excited and accepting it.
you and marc both smile at her, then you lean your head back on the cupboards just to jump at khonshus face peering down at you.
“dude, what the fuck” you shrug up at him and he obnoxiously shrugs back.
this was it.
your whole family was in this room.
listening to your sad music with you as your eyes stopped watering.
you wouldn’t ask for anything less.
it was already after dinner with you and steven cleaning up, layla had to take an important call so she was in the empty room in the apartment.
you never asked about the extra room, because when you saw inside there was literally nothing in it.
you kept trying to convince the guys to let you turn it into a cat room with a dozen towers for luna and pedro, but they said no.
well, marc and steven said no.
jake was all for it, looking up designs for cat towers to build himself.
but alas, they want to keep it empty.
you were wiping off the counter as steven dried the remainder of the dishes, and that’s when he realized that when he looked around he couldn’t find his glasses anywhere.
“y/n, have you seen my glasses?” he asks, still scanning over the room as you hum.
you spot them on the coffee table. “yeah, i’ll get them”
“thank you, darling”
you go to casually shoot a web out when barely anything happens.
you get confused and feel a weird sensation in your stomach as you try to shoot them again, and tiny strings of webs go out about an inch away from your outstretched hand.
you gasp quietly and bring your hand back to you as steven notices and rushes over.
“steven why isn’t it working?” you ask while shaking your head, steven standing in front of you with concern written all over his face.
“i thought they looked off this morning” he mumbles and you shoot your head up to him.
“what do you mean they looked off? why can’t i-“ you’re cut off by yourself taking in a sharp breath.
you unconsciously start to dig your nails into the palms of your hands, making steven have to pry your hands open.
you try shooting them again, even though you’re pointing towards stevens chest, and this time nothing is coming out.
“what is going on?” you ask yourself, breathing quickening in the slightest.
“hey hey, don’t panic it’ll be fine, you’ll be-“
“but what if i’m not? it was a spider bite, who says it wouldn’t wear off? but peters didn’t. but i-“
steven cuts you off by letting go of your hands to slide his own up to your wrists, rubbing light circles over the tiny holes while one of them circles over the ‘w’ carved into it.
“it’s not wearing off. you’ll be fine” he says sternly and you nod, looking down at the ground.
“i’m sorry”
“oh, darling there’s nothing to be sorry for” he shakes his head. “it’s just a little hiccup, that’s all”
you nod again slowly. “i just.. it’s gone- what do i do?” you take a deep breath as you hear layla come back into the room.
“you calm down while we figure it out” marc says and you nod again.
“guys? what happened?” layla comes over to stand next to steven. 
“her webs aren’t working and she almost just completely freaked out” steven whispers to her while you turn your hand to mess with stevens fingers, a calming thing for you.
“oh, little scarab” layla starts solemnly. “don’t feel bad, it’s just a tiny speed bump” she reaches a hand out to rub your shoulder and you smile at her.
“thank you guys” you mutter, taking your hands back and wiping your cheeks.
“i wanna watch star wars” you blurt out, steven snorting and layla chuckling.
“alright, let’s watch star wars then” steven smiles.
you all ended up on the couch, you being bored after five minutes and watching star wars while cleaning out your old makeup bag you found under your bed a couple days ago and brought over to try and bribe the guys to put makeup on them.
they said no. but you kept the bag here in case they ever changed their minds.
you remember having the darkest eyeliner on every day when you were 14, which remembering it now makes you cringe.
you found the eyeliner.
it was a pure black liquid, the thin brush still being in perfect condition.
you dart your eyes to steven for a second, him noticing and then looking to what was in your hands.
“no” he says and you pout.
“..dad please” you say quickly and he perks up, stammering over his words.
he eventually sighs, layla just watching the whole thing with a smile.
“fine.. make it quick” he says and you silently cheer.
you quickly move on top of him, so that you’re straddling his lap but leaning to the side so he could still see the tv.
you looked back for a second and saw that one character that you thought looked exactly like him.
“are you sure you’re not an actor in your free time?” you ask, turning back to steven and focusing in on his face.
“i’m sure. he doesn’t even look like me i don’t know what you’re talking about” he scoffs and closes his eyes, waiting for you to just get the eyeliner over with.
“yes he does- layla please back me up”
layla just chuckles. “i’m a silent observer, don’t drag me into this” she says, looking back ti the tv.
you roll your eyes and start drawing on the straightest lines you can, and when you’re done with the first eye, it doesn’t turn out terrible.
if anything, it made steven look pretty.
you snort and move to the other side, and doing the other one almost identical yo the other.
once you were done, you pat stevens shoulder and got off of him, putting the eyeliner back in the bag and reached in for a small mirror.
you handed it to him, to which he looked at himself hesitantly, but was pleasantly surprised when he saw that he didn’t look half bad.
“hm” he hums and looks to you nodding. “not bad” his head is turned by layla, guiding him to look at her with her hand.
she nods as well. “nice job, little scarab” she says to you and you smile.
now khonshu had been watching the whole time. 
and never in his life has he thought that his avatar- or avatars technically- would let a teenage girl put eyeliner on him while watching star wars with one of their ex-wives.
but hey, weirder things have happened.
like literally everything khonshu had done to you.
the cat thing.
the child thing.
snitching on you after you all first met when you got the shit beat out of you.
great times.
it was all great times.
just watching star wars with your family.
what could go wrong?
well, your powers could disappear forever.
or harrow could have people kidnap you again.
or he could make you have more nightmares.
but other than that? nothing, really.
on the other hand- 
no, you have to think positively, just think about how you keep arguing with marc, jake,  and steven about how the guy on tv looks exactly like him.
or how you call khonshu ‘bird boner’ sometimes.
because it’s funny, get it? like he’s a bird and hes literally a giant bone-
whatever, just. calm. down.
after the movie was over and the credits were rolling, you heard a quiet groan from where you were separated from layla and marc.
they had switched halfway through the movie, steven being nice and letting him have control.
you also separated a bit when you got really focused on the movie.
you were at one end of the couch, and marc and layla were on the other.
there was another quiet groan, but that one came from layla.
you look over at them, and raise an eyebrow when you see what they’re doing.
literally kissing with tongue. 
in front of you.
the audacity.
you clear your throat and they both jump, looking to you with wide eyes.
“if you guys are gonna have sex can i leave?” you ask, marc stuttering over his words and you calmly get up.
“we weren’t-“ layla starts but you click your tongue.
you make your way to the door after collecting your things and wave at them, slipping your shoes on.
“have fun kids. wrap it before you tap it” you point at marc lastly, and open the door before rushing out.
you doubted they were actually going to do ‘it’.
but you never know.
this is one of the only nights you’ve slept in your own bed in a while.
well, by yourself that is.
it was refreshing in a way, being alone. 
but it was also kind of.. well, lonely. at least you had your plushies to keep you content.
and that’s how the night officially ended.
marc and layla totally not having sex a few doors down, and you cuddled up with your plushies.
a total win, for sure.
except the fact that they completely forgot to ask you about what you said this morning.
but the thing is, they knew you didn’t mean it.
because they are all your dads.
it’s just not official.
A/N : wowowoow i finished a whole half hour early :D the next chapter is going to be fun, so buckle up for that i guess.
sorry the requests aren’t put out there perfectly, i do try my best but i try to fit them in the best i can with the overall theme with the characters and how i portray them.
thank you all for the requests, you all are adorable and i love you <3 see you all in two days :)
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @magnificentcreatorpenguin @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil
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nightfallsystem · 13 days
Hi! idk if you’re still doing these questions and also I’m not sure if you wanted just systems to respond or not so I don’t know if I’m like allowed to do this BUT ANYWAYS! the questions I have are:
8: what's your favorite food?
9: do you look the same as your source? if not, what's different?
13: what's your favorite animal?
YAY no immmstill doingh thejm im still here (i front for way too long anyway) also i dont mind singlets sendning fun ask games im 99% sure no systems mind singlets sending ask games to tjem ^_^ so dw
my favourite food auuhm ieve never thought about that actually 😭bbut i had a really good cake today so maybe cake ?? it was fun thho
i look basically hthe same as mmy source (atleast . to me. in headspace (??) (in my mind at least.) hwhic h is cool
mmy favourite animal is tigers and i really want to pet thhem but they wont let me which is really mean ithink i should eb allwoed to bcuz they look really fluffy an i like them
mmy answers and spelling r bad bcuz i cant spell an d im confused all thhet ime bbut i hope u dont midn that...... sorry if its unreadable... thnanks alot for the ask i like talking abt myself iget an excuse to be using this blog even though its not mine and i proabbllyyyy shouldnt be here
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
no ramble for today lmao- just checking in on ya :D
how iseth thee 🥰 /p
Meanwhile, I'm just dealing with hw and stuff yk? Exams are up after a few weeks (plus we have to perform for smthn) sooooo perhaps I won't have a lot of time to send rambles :')
(tis a sad moment for all of us)
BUT ANYWAY!! hope you're doing well, Ceres! toodlesss :P
— 🅰non || 05/16/2023
I'm doing pretty okay for having to go to a job that I lowkey hate (it's fine, I'm gonna put my two weeks notice in soon). I've also realized that it's a lot easier for me to bring myself to answer asks and draw stuff while I'm at work, probably because I don't want to do work so I'm distracting myself from it by keeping up on Tumblr. Idk.
I hope you do well on your homework and tests, the school year is almost over right? You got this!👍 And then perhaps you'll be more free to do other things, so yay! Have a lovely day 🅰️non ♡
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Medical Verdicts
So, doctor verdict!
According to my serology tests, whatever gluten intolerance I have is not coeliac. Which is honestly good because who wants to have an autoimmune disorder, am I right? I asked the GP what it might be if it’s not coeliac and apparently it’s either intolerance to the gluten protein or to wheat carbohydrate in specific. I’d honestly like to figure out which it is if only because I really like barley in soup and stuff, but I’m not sure it’s worth it. Better to just stick to the gluten-free diet, leave it at “gluten intolerance” and avoid gluten as much as possible because while I’m glad it’s not autoimmune, doesn’t change the fact that I suffer if I eat most gluten-containing things.
(Though maybe I could try soup with barley in it, so long as it hasn’t got wheat as a thickener, and see if that makes me ill. But maybe some other time.)
My vitamin D levels, on the other hand ... yeaaaaaaah those are still low. So I’m getting yet another loading dose of vitamin D thrown at me, and then I have to have more blood tests for calcium and parathyroid of all things, since they’re trying to figure out why I’m vitamin D deficient. I think it probably has something to do with lactose intolerance and the fact that even if I did go outside much, both those tests were done in winter when there’s maybe seven hours of daylight anyway. GP doesn’t sound overly worried but does say I should probably start taking over-the-counter supplements once I’m finished the loading dose. Yay.
I did have an amusing bit of aside with the GP when he was trying to explain to me what parathyroid meant in really simple terms and I was like, “Don’t worry about it; I’ve been a medical secretary for 25 years”. So now this one knows he doesn’t have to worry too much about his terminology with me. It’s a thing I keep having to tell doctors when I see them, just because I can hear them trying so hard to put things into simple terms while also not panicking anybody and I’m sitting here like, “no, seriously, I have typed so many letters about this, I get it, it’s fine”.
So there we go, a couple of answers and a few more questions but overall we can stick with the idea that my digestive system doesn’t like it when I go off a gluten-free diet,and it’s probably worse now than it used to be because IBS comes with the fibromyalgia bumper pack so yeah, seriously, stay away from gluten but at least I don’t have an autoimmune problem. Like I say, not exactly worried about parathyroid issues; just a lactose intolerance and British winter plus not really going outside much means I have some issues getting sufficient vitamin D and should keep an eye on that.
I was considering going out today but on balance I think not; I have a significant case of the aches after yesterday and I need to save a few spoons because Mother’s Day is coming up (19th March here; thirty years and I’m still struggling because of the difference between North American Mother’s Day and when we celebrate it here) and I wanted to make my mother some home-made caramels or maybe maple sugar candy, and at least get her a card. She doesn’t want me spending a lot of money on her, especially in the current climate, so I’ll give of time and spoons instead. Also means I break out the candy thermometer, which needs some use.
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Finally I finished the third chapter of the may prompt list by @creativepromptsforwriting :) and we are only four days into june! Yay :) I never thought I could keep this up.
3. Golden Hour
“Hey, Magna.” A - by now - familiar voice greeted her. “How are you doing?” 
Magna turned her head toward the person and a little smile stole across her face.
“Yumiko.” She answered quickly. A little surprised, she licked her lips.
Magna was sure she didn’t have an appointment with her lawyer today. She would not complain about the company though.
She was sitting in the courtyard, where all of the inmates were constantly watched by two prison guards. Some fellow inmates were playing soccer on the pitch with one of the supervisors being the referee. Magna did prefer bathing in the sun of the golden hour though.
She could totally take the vitamin D that the golden rays sent her. Her bare skin was dipped in orange light. The shirt she wore allowed a clear view of the many tattoos on her arms. Magna’s eyes were half-closed, her head zoned out just slightly. She would never let her guard down completely. 
She could not risk that. Ever.
Magna’s hair looked almost red in the setting sun. Small reflexes of light and a golden shimmer made Yumiko gaze at her client for a bit too long.
Bathed in the sun, Magna looked so alive.
Even her eyes had this little twinkle within them.
“The sun suits you.” Yumiko noted with a light chuckle. 
“You take what you get. Especially here.” Magna commented with a grin and patted the seat next to her on the bench.
As soon as Yumiko sat down, Magna could not hold her words back.
“What gives me the honor?” Hopefully, it was nothing bad. Spontaneous appointments often meant that something had changed. And prisoners never knew if it was good or bad.
But this time, with this lawyer, Magna didn’t care why she was visiting her. She enjoyed Yumiko’s mere presence, no matter what.
“Calm down, you are good. You didn’t miss an appointment. You never do. We both know that.”
Magna snorted in amusement.
“Yeah. You’re right.”
“I was here anyway. And I thought you could use some variety.” Yumiko said with a smile, well knowing, this sounded strange.
The kind of ‘too close for lawyer and client’ strange. 
She gave Magna a tender look, who remained quiet. Somehow, this young woman and her story touched Yumiko deeply. She deserved freedom. She deserved the world.
“Did you think about your internship? It’ll help you after I get you out of here.” 
“Oh come on Yumiko. Did you forget? I am not having an appointment right now. Let’s chit-chat.” Magna slowed Yumiko down, who still wasn’t convinced.
“I am not the right person for you to chit-chat with, you know.”
“Still, you are here.” Magna rolled her eyes as she tilted her head slightly.
Well, she definitely got a point. 
Yumiko opened her mouth again, but Magna interrupted her.
“What are you doing today, as the sunset is fantastic and you just finished work?”
“I am sitting on a bench in the sun. Watching people playing soccer.” Yumiko answered rashly and took another breath before she went on. “And I am having good company.”
A little smile caught her lips and Magna replied immediately with a grin.
“Sounds nice. I don’t think your company is as good as mine, though.” Magna’s look got a bit provocative.
Yumiko raised her eyebrows and decided to play along.
“Oh, you think you know my company?”
“Hell yes. She can be such a burden.” Magna sighed. “But my company is always… featherlight. You should see her. In her fancy suit.” In slow motion, her eyes were wandering up and down Yumiko’s body. There was something in her gaze she could not quite put.
As soon as Yumiko realized what Magna, her client Magna, was doing, she froze. Then she shook her head vehemently.
“Don’t do that.” 
“What do you mean?” Magna asked as Yumiko was biting on her lower lip.
“You are raving about me. Don’t do that.” Yumiko’s voice was serious and soft at the same time. Magna didn’t know how to handle that tender nuance in her lawyer’s tone.
“I mean it. I am your…”
“Lawyer, I know.” Magna took the word out of Yumiko’s mouth and then frowned. “Just tell me… Do they shove these giant sticks up your asses while studying law? Is it part of your education or why do all lawyers I know have a massive sti-…”
“Magna!” Yumiko looked annoyed. She sighed quietly. “Not fair.”
“Well, you are the one visiting me, no one is forcing you to stay.” Magna bit back. She already started rebuilding her half-dismantled walls. 
What the hell did Yumiko want anyway? Why did she care enough to come and visit her outside work? It didn’t make any sense. 
And apparently, Magna has ventured a little too far. It had been a mistake to be that frisky. She didn’t even know why she allowed herself to act that obviously. But Yumiko seemed to be the first person to kind of care about Magna (since Chelsea got taken away by the youth welfare office and Magna never saw her again).
“I wanted to see you because I like your company. And I thought you could use it.” Yumiko suddenly admitted. The words left her mouth with no hesitation. They were raw and true.
“But for now, I am your lawyer. Until I get you out, I’ll be your lawyer. Maybe even after that.”
“I know…” Magna’s voice cracked.
Yumiko took Magna in one last time and sighed deeply. Suddenly she stood up.
“Well, I think I’ll see you in two weeks. Take care.” 
“Don’t go.” Magna tried to reach out but stopped in the middle of the motion. “I just can’t believe someone gives a damn shit. I am a fuckup. Nobody ever…” Magna’s voice died again. Her hand found her hair and she let it run through the curls.
Yumiko smiled weakly. Her heart ached because this woman must have gone through hell all her life.
“I think you can use a friend after you leave this shit hole behind.”
“I could use so much more after I bail on this place.”
Magna closed her eyes slightly and took a deep breath. 
The sun bathed her face in a rich yellow-orange. Yumiko could not resist smiling wider. She eyed Magna down. She wanted to memorize every detail of her face. 
Her long eyelashes, the full, curved lips, the striking cheekbones. 
A few curly strands were blown into Magna’s face. Yumiko had to suppress the urge to brush them away. Shit, she was way too close already. Not physically, but emotionally. But she didn’t want to pass the case. She knew that others wouldn’t fight for Magna’s freedom. Not as hard as she herself would.
Yumiko sat down again and directly faced the other woman.
“You are not getting rid of me, I will look after you, Magna.” 
Magna winced barely noticeable. 
Nobody ever told her that. Nobody.
“But we need to keep our distance. Or they will take me off your case.” Yumiko explained quietly. Her eyes sparkled with determination.
“No one except for you ever cared enough to at least try to get me out.” Magna admitted honestly. Finally, she caught Yumiko’s gaze and did her best to not look away. Her vulnerability clearly showed.
“Oh, girl. You deserve it. We are going to win.”
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jodilin65 · 5 months
Yay, Adonis is alive! He’s just been having a rough time.
Anyway, I tried to post the following entry last night so I’m going to backdate this, but we had a huge storm that took out the Internet. The Panhandle had tornadoes and we had a tornado warning here. Got tons of wind and thunderstorms. It’s a good thing I was up during the loud thunder, not that I don’t get woken up numerous times for other reasons.
I’m still sleeping shitty. Part of it is the sleep apnea and the other part is that I’ve been warm and hot flashy as if I’m back in perimenopause. I read that the Mayo Clinic considers that a serious side effect of Diflucan because that could mean an allergic reaction or liver problems and I’m now thinking the cramps I’ve been having was my liver after all. It’s a little better now, though. I took Ibuprofen for it, assuming that’s what it really is, and that helped a bit. I think that because the Diflucan is hard on the liver mine got some inflammation but it should go away. My eyes aren’t yellow or anything. I just hope I don’t keep waking up on fire again tonight!
The frustrating part is not knowing how much of the Diflucan was responsible for my emotions and feeling warm as opposed to my thyroid medication because they have similar symptoms. I might think most of it was the Diflucan if it wasn’t for the weight loss. As the Diflucan continues to leave my system, I’ll get a better sense of what may be on the levothyroxine. I still think it accumulated in my system and pushed my TSH down to 3-4 which would be great for most people but not for me.
Yesterday wasn’t the greatest. I wasn’t anxious but I was a little down. Just missing so many aspects of my past. The way I felt emotionally and physically. Some parts of it, anyway. You definitely see the world through a whole different set of eyes when you’re younger. You don’t realize in your twenties or thirties or even you’re early forties just how much things change when you get older. When you’re young, you laugh at the older people who worry about you but then you get older too, and then you get it.
I just wish I could bring a lot of the old me into the present me. I want some of my old feelings back but I also want to keep the knowledge I have today and my present life. Then again, I miss the days before my sleep disorder progressed and I was out more often. It’s just not easy to get out every day other than walking around the park which I barely have energy for since there’s no place to go but to stores and doctors. Plus, we have an old electric car and not much money.
I just feel like everything has been thrown off. Especially with the insurance change. Galileo finally responded to my email and all they said was that they’re not partnered with my new insurance company but I could still subscribe. I know I can subscribe but how would I coordinate the two? They didn’t answer any of my questions about that so I asked them on Facebook how things would work. If they ordered tests or medicine, how would they bill Aetna? Argh, why don’t they just partner with everyone?
Another thing that stresses me out is that they changed my losartan brand. Instead of a green oval pill, I now have a white round pill. We looked online on a pill identifier site to confirm that it is losartan and the proper dose but I don’t know what side effects may come with it that the other brand doesn’t include. I still have a week’s worth of the old brand, though. Maybe I’ll take one tomorrow and see how I do.
Lastly, I started getting this funny feeling in my mouth and I knew it couldn’t be thrush because I’ve been having yogurt and the Diflucan also kills that. I remembered probiotics can do that so I’ve cut those back along with vitamin D. That’s already improved.
Today I only cut my waiting time by 10 minutes so tomorrow I will be back to my regular levothyroxine regimen and waiting 4 hours before I take the losartan and we’ll see how I do. As I said, as soon as the Diflucan gets out of my system, anything else I feel is definitely on that.
Because my sleep apnea is still causing sleep disturbances and snoring, we’re ordering a device on Amazon that may or may not work. It says free returns so I can return it if it doesn’t. It’s similar to the nose pillow I tried with the CPAP. You stick it up your nose and if it works it will at least not have any hoses and I should be able to change positions easier.
Here’s where our perfect neighbor next door isn’t so perfect anymore. He’s blasting his TV so loud I can hear it in here. It’s not quite as bad as the guy across from us in Cali but I knew it. I just knew it. People wait a handful of months after moving into a new place and then say “fuck it.” I don’t know if they simply stop giving a shit about their neighbors or they figure they’ll be more tolerant now that they’ve been around a while, but this is totally typical. The guy’s up late, too. Some nights he’s out but I’m sure this isn’t a one-off but the new nightly norm. Oh well. As long as it doesn’t get any louder.
Tom gave plasma today for $65 and it made him queezy and tired. I hope it doesn’t keep doing this to him. Still, we managed to run out and treat ourselves to some BK. It was so windy that birds had trouble flying and we could feel the car being pushed.
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meimeimeirin · 1 year
pssst, rin jie!! it's been a while since i checked in and thus, i have arrived. how was your day today?? i hope it was nice as it should be every day, hehe :D
for me, my day was pretty alright!! i woke up today at 3 am and went for a walk (half-walk half-jog hdjkadksj) around my neighborhood and AND AND before you scold me for going out alone when it's dark (sorry not sorry, the intrusive thoughts won /j)— it was much more calming than i expected?? the night breeze was cool, there were street lamps so it wasn't completely dark, it was quiet since people were asleep, and i had some chill music playing. so, it's a 10/10 experience except for the fear that smth will ambush me from the bushes— but aight, i'm pretty sure i can fight it off!! wanderer will pinch the life out of my cheek for this if he knew /lh >:3c other than that, i got productive stuff done both school-wise and seelestia-wise which makes me vv fulfilled today. hoping for the best for us tmrw too <3
ANYWAY, i hope you're having a good day, rin jie!! and know that ilysm and that each time i see a notif from you, i smile a little because i get to see you interact with your friendos and followers (and i live for it). never change, mwah mwah <33
also, a fun lil' question to end this ask on (because why not?? i might start doing this in my future asks for fun, hehe): what is a usual nightly routine like for you with zhongli and alhaitham?? this is an interview, you have no choice but to answer 🎤 (/lh)
- lia ʕ⁠ ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ
my day was good! it's a super long weekend for me because of PH and i took a day off, but i have unfortunately been unproductive so far sobsob.... ah well. can't force my brain to braining when it doesn't want to ;;;;
3am walk???? hsldfkjsldjf STAY SAFE PLEASE ;w; but that does sound very nice and peaceful... to tell the truth i've always wanted to do something like that but i live with other people and i worry that i'll wake them up if i sneak out at night so lsjkdflsld
wanderer and ayato will definitely scold you if they know yes
productive stuff yay yay!!! so proud and glad for you wahhhhh <3
you too you sweet human being!!! ily /p and you're one of the most endearing people i've met on this site - i'm hoping things are going great in your life!!! you deserve it you sunshine!!
and hsldkjfklsjdklf nightly routine you ask? hmmmmm let's see... *taps mic* *clears throat*
with zhongli it's definitely having a cup of tea before bed!! most days it's chamomile but whatever fits the atmosphere hehe also!! i like to shower or wash my hair before bed so he would help me with drying and taking care of my hair <3 i shed like a samoyed and it always amuses him
with al haitham it's usually just a relaxing winding down after a day of work!! he's reading his books on the bed (typical) most of the time and he'd subtly glance at me whenever i'm in his peripheral vision like "aren't you coming to bed" lol
now.... UNO REVERSE CARD. tell me what your nightly routines are with ayato and wanderer when you drop by next!!! mwah mwah kithes /p <3
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jungwoniics · 2 years
memories. — y. jungwon
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↦ pairing: yang jungwon / jungwon x reader
↦ synopsis: After being involved in an accident, you lose your memory. While you could regain your memory, it would take time and patience. Patience your best friend, Yang Jungwon, didn’t have. Just when he thinks nothing could go any worse, you shun him away and grow closer to a different boy.
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↦ genre: angst, fluff
↦ rating: pg13, sfw
↦ w/c: 2.1k+
↦ warnings: none :D
↦ a/n: hello fellow liadeundanz !! how has everyone been? i hope we’re all having a really great day today,, especially since its my beluvd jungwons special day 😻 anyway yes this fic is in celebration of his bday yay omg i cant believe its alrdy our second time celebrating his bday 😭😭 yes anyway do lmk what you think of this!! <3 (also this might be the longest fic i’ve ever written here bcuz of my disappointingly short attention span)
↦ event: happy jungwon day! 🎉
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➵ taglist status: open — send an ask/dm or fill in this form!
➵ taglist (permanent): @enhacolor @goldenhypen @rozisisme @i2gyus @ahnneyong @odetoyeonjun @acciomylove @jalnandanz @giyyuzz @c9tnoos @soobin-chois @ily-cuz-i
➵ network(s): @kflixnet @thesunshineshop
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i. “How is she?” Jungwon asks, his voice quivering.
Jungwon was actually in Osaka for his family’s annual end-of-the-year vacation. He managed to catch a last minute flight back to Seoul and rushed to the hospital as soon as Seoyeon had called.
“She’s alright but-”
Before Seoyeon could finish, Jungwon turns his attention away to a stretcher that was coming towards them. A look of recognition washes over his face as he looks at the girl laying on the stretcher, heaving a huge sigh of relief, “Oh Y/N, thank god you’re okay. I don't know what I'd do without you.”
“Aww that’s so sweet… but who are you?” you ask, leaving him dumbfounded as you disappear from his sight as quickly as you had appeared.
Completely frozen in his spot from shock, Jungwon looks at Seoyeon who just shrugs, giving him a I-tried-to-tell-you look. Sighing exasperatedly, he glances in the direction you had gone. “Alright look, the doctor said she can regain all her memory back, but we can’t force it,” Seoyeon says, falling in next to him, tapping his shoulder in reassurance. “Let's just try to support her in the process, okay?”
Jungwon knew Seoyeon was right about not forcing your memories back, but it wasn’t that simple. You were his best friend (whom he’s had a crush on for years, but that doesn’t matter right now) and he couldn’t live without you.
What if you find a new best friend?
Or worse
What if you fall in love with someone… that isn’t him?
Pushing aside his thoughts, he looks up at Seoyeon and realised that she was still waiting for an answer. “Okay, I promise I won't force it,” he tells her, putting his hands up in defeat.
She nods, “Good.”
ii. Obviously Jungwon had lied, but to be fair, it was easier said than done. It’s been 2 weeks and you still couldn’t remember a single thing about him. You had started regaining memories of your parents and your sister, Seoyeon, though. And Riki.
Who’s Riki? Well, he’s your dance partner. He's a really nice kid; Jungwon doesn’t hate him. But in recent times, he often overhears you talking about Riki to your sister, which then sparks an overpowering feeling of jealousy in him.
In yet another attempt to speed up the process of regaining your memory, Jungwon decided to come over to your house. He thought that if he could spend more time with you, maybe you’ll get your memories of him back faster. Then everything would go back to the way it used to be. But as soon as he steps into the house, he finds you studying with none other than Riki.
Obviously, it really pissed Jungwon off. He was your study partner. Not Riki. Riki never even used to hang out with you this much. You catch Jungwon’s eye and you internally roll your eyes as he takes a seat next to you. The way you shift in your seat a little away from Jungwon doesn’t go unnoticed.
Trying to strike up a normal conversation, Jungwon clears his throat awkwardly, “What are you guys doing?”
“Homework. What are you doing here?” you reply, noticeably trying to keep a safe distance away from Jungwon as if he was going to attack you right that second. He shrugs, raising his eyebrow a little, “I just wanted to hang out with you guys. Is there something wrong?”
“Look, uh…”
You glance at Riki, who mouths, “Jungwon.”
“…Jungwon,” you continue. “As much as I really want my memories back, I still don’t remember you. And you being this clingy and trying to rush out the process isn’t helping a single bit. I don't mean to be rude but please just back off and give me some space.”
Jungwon’s heart drops. He had never heard you talk in such a way before, especially not to him. It made him fearful of the person you were becoming because of your memory loss. It made him wonder if he had already lost you. Not really sure what to do next, he just nods slowly, “Right, I'm sorry. I’ll leave you to it.”
He gets up and quickly leaves your house, afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would end up doing something he would later regret. Besides, you clearly didn’t want him around.
As soon as Jungwon leaves, you pick up your pen as you continue on the assignment you were working on. Your mind wanders as you observe Riki punch numbers into his calculator, already halfway done with the worksheet.
You drop your pen onto the desk, admitting defeat. “Alright, Riki. I’m sorry but I really need some kind of explanation.” You could hear Riki sighing softly under his breath as he also puts down his pen. Glancing up at you, he says, “Okay, first of all his name is Jungwon. Does that ring a bell?”
You just shake your head. “Why is he so desperate for me to remember him? It’s kind of annoying.”
“You don’t understand, Y/N. You’re his best friend, and he’s yours. You just don’t remember it yet. Imagine your best friend losing his memory. And now, he wants nothing to do with you. That's how he’s feeling. You can’t really blame him,” Riki explains, shrugging.
He examines your expression closely as if questioning if you understood what he was trying to tell you.
Which you did.
But as much as you want to instantaneously regain your memory, rushing the process could cause even more damage. You turn away as you recognised that uncomfortable feeling of regret at the pit of your stomach. Maybe you had been a bit too harsh with him earlier…
“I know you can’t remember. But just keep trying… and maybe try to get comfortable with Jungwon-hyung. He’s really nice. Even if you’ll never remember him, you could always start anew,” Riki tells you, patting you on the back assuringly.
He starts packing his bag, stuffing all the worksheets carefully. “Anyway, I have to get going now. I'll see you tomorrow.”
iii. One whole week passes quickly since Jungwon last spoke to you. He often saw you along the school corridors with Riki and as much as he wanted to approach the two of you, he stopped himself. He constantly reminded himself that you needed time and space, the harsh words you had said always ringing in his ear. Sunoo was also kind enough to let Jungwon hang out with him and his friends. Just to get his mind off of you for the time being.
After school, Jungwon and Sunoo decided to head over to your house at Riki’s request. It confused them as to why he would ask to meet specifically at your house but when Riki mentioned that you had given him permission, Jungwon and Sunoo just brushed their thoughts off. Having assumed that you wouldn’t be there, Jungwon panics a little when he sees you seated on the couch watching Friends; he could feel his heart beating aggressively against his chest.
“What are you doing here?” Sunoo asks. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you reply nonchalantly, “It’s my house. Where else would I be?”
“Besides, Riki wanted to hang out here,” you continue.
Jungwon turns to look at Riki who seems to be really nervous as he plays with his fingers. He gulps, “Yeah, there’s something important I wanted to talk to you about…” Jungwon raises his eyebrow as he follows Riki to the side of the room.
“We really need to get her to remember you soon. She’s been calling me her best friend this whole week. She even saved my contact in her phone as ‘Riki my bestie’. This is not going well,” Riki quickly says, his voice trembling.
Riki looks up at Jungwon to see a blank look on his face. “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do about it, Riki. I mean she doesn’t even want me around her.”
“Jungwon, you can’t just give up now,” Sunoo says as he turns to look at you. You turned off the television as you grabbed your coat from the rack by the door. “I’m heading out to get a cup of coffee,” you inform them as you put on your coat.
Oh? Riki suddenly gets a brilliant idea as a satisfied smirk appears on his face. “There’s a really good café nearby. It’s called +82. You should go there.”
“Oh, thanks. I’ll go check it out,” you nod your head as you leave.
You take your time walking along the streets, taking in the different scents, the sound of vehicles coming to a stop at the red light, the soft tapping of feet rushing to their destinations. You feel a sense of familiarity with the surroundings as you cross the street to the café.
A sweet aroma wafts throughout the café and into your nose and as you take in the ambience of the café, you suddenly get tiny snippets of your past that you had forgotten. As you waited patiently in line, you recall moments you’ve previously spent in the exact café, laughing and having great times.
Just as you were about to give your order to the man by the counter, you suddenly saw yourself seated at the table in the far corner and you weren’t alone. Jungwon was seated in front of you, a wide grin on his face. You held a paper bag in your hand with a nicely wrapped gift with a card attached to it. “Y/N, I like you,” you hear Jungwon say as he brings his arms onto the table, a small box in his hands.
“Excuse me? Ma’am?” a deep voice interrupts your reverie as your eyes focus back on the large hand that was waving under your nose. You look up to see the man behind the counter staring at you with a slight look of worry in his eyes. “Uh, may I get your order?” he says awkwardly, bringing his hand back to his side.
“Oh, right. I’ll get, uh, one java chip frappuccino. Thank you.”
iiii. Once you receive your cup, you dash out of the café, wanting to get back home as quickly as possible. You literally throw the door open, shocking the other three boys who were talking to each other. “Are you okay?” Sunoo asks you, both him and Jungwon getting up to approach you while RIki stays seated, a wide grin on his face.
“I- Jungwon, can I talk to you? Alone?” You place the cup of coffee on the table, taking off your coat as you go to your room, Jungwon following closely behind you. “What’s going on?”
“Jungwon… I’m really sorry for being really harsh that day. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings,” you mumble, looking down at your fingers. “It’s alright, it’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have barged into your life like that.”
“I remember everything now,” you whisper under your breath as Jungwon’s head jolts up.
“You do?”
Finally looking up, you nod. “I remember us at that café… and you told me that you liked me. Is it still true?”
This time, it was Jungwon’s turn to nod. You notice the way his cheeks were flushed pink as his eyes quickly averted to the ground when you look at him. The two of you remain silent for more than a couple of seconds, just basking in reality. Suddenly, the silence is broken by Riki’s deep voice and Sunoo’s shrill one. “Oh my god, just say you like him back already!”
You shoot them a cold icy glare before turning back to Jungwon who was waiting expectantly. “I guess they said it for me,” you shrug, turning away only to be pulled back by Jungwon.
“No, you have to say it yourself,” he says with a big smirk on his face. His grip on your wrist was gentle yet tight enough that you couldn’t escape it. You sigh dramatically, “Okay, okay, I like you too.”
Jungwon raises an eyebrow, his grip on you still as tight as before. “I’m sorry? I didn’t quite hear you.” He cups his ear with his hand, leaning forward towards you in exaggeration. “Too bad. I’m not saying it again.”
Before Jungwon could reply, Riki interrupts yet again. “Alright, enough with the romance…ness. Can we watch a movie now?” You and Jungwon exchange glances before throwing yourself onto the couch, cuddling up with one another as Riki throws the two of you a look of disgust.
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© jungwoniics. all rights reserved. please don’t repost, plagiarise and translate. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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jungw8ns · 3 years
PAIRING: boyfriend!enha x gn!reader. GENRE: established relationship, fluff, crack. WARNINGS: profanity (not that much tho), mentions of death (?). WORD COUNT: 100 - 200 each member.
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the two of you were so pumped playing an escape room together for the first time that the other people in line had to calm you guys down (which was trully embarrassing to say the least 🤐🤐)
he was looking at the ranking board filled with pictures of players that had succeeded in the shortest amount of time and he just wanted nothing more than to see both your faces on there
but anyways, we all know how competitive heeseung gets 🕴️
oh boy let me tell you, this guy WAS SPEEDRUNNING IT but not the kind you were thinking
the second the timer had started he was literally SPRINTING AROUND THE ROOM LOOKING FOR CLUES YET COMPLETELY MISSING THEM 🏃‍♂️💨💨💨
while he was busy running around, you were picking up the little details in the room and in no time managed to open a few locks
"y/n look i found– oh 😐😑😐"
when you noticed him standing from afar staring at you with his arms crossed, you called him to solve this one puzzle you already did
*gasps* "oh no! babe i don't understand how to do this, please help me 😔😔🤥🙏🙏"
he had to bite his lower lip to stop himself from letting out that cocky grin but it got out eventually
"oh it's so easy sweetheart, just put this here and then voila! 😉"
when the two of you escaped you suprisingly got to take a polaroid with him home after ranking 2nd in the records
heeseung was the one who held onto it tho, placing it underneath his clear phonecase for safekeeping <3
"y/n stay behind me >:(("
"um, babe, you do realize that's just a door right?"
you knew you shouldn't have played horror games with him a few nights ago cause he looked like he was about to lose his mind 😔
you had to shove his ass aside and move on to the next mission cause the both of you knew that he was stalling 🏌️‍♀️
jay was being extra clingy the whole time you were playing, he'd either link arms with you or hold hands (he's literally so adorable) 💞💞
while you were roaming around the room trying to solve a puzzle, you saw this horse mask on a nearby table
and so you made sure jay was distracted and put on the mask
you could've NOT worn the dusty old thing but where was the fun in that?
"jay can you come here for a sec?"
you hid behind the wall beside the door frame waiting for him to come into your sight and attacked him
now, how about we guess what happens next?
a. he faints
b. he runs away
or c. he slaps you in the face and forces you to buy him food for the rest of the night
if you guessed c then YAY! YOU'RE CORRECT 🥳🎉🎉🎊
when he finally takes off the mask like those scenes in scooby doo he's never felt so betrayed in his life
he wouldn't stop side eyeing you until you guys finally pulled up on the mcdonalds drive thru
"hi, can i get two um– bts meals please? 😒😒 and two oreo mc flurries 🙄🙄 and also large fries 😐😐"
sane (1/3)
would be trailing behind you like a little puppy (i love him so much 😭😭😭)
he either has his arm linked with yours or held hands every five minutes
really focused on the puzzles he's doing but the second he hears you call out his name for help he's there beside you with the sweetest smile
but anyways, mans was POPPING OFF the entire time you were playing
he was solving problem after problem in no time (he wanted to impress you is why he activated his inner flash ⚡⚡) but he did let you play tho, the last thing he wanted to do was make you pissed at him for hogging all the games
def buried jake with compliments and forehead kisses right after ❤️__❤️
and so the two of you got out in like an hour and a few which you were very proud of
"you were so cool today babe, good job !!"
"aww thank you angel 😊😊"
sane (2/3)
would be linking pinkies with you the whole time, only letting go whenever the both of you had to solve something that needed two or more people
there was this one game tho where he had to arm wrestle this literal hand lever to open the door to the last room (yea...don’t ask why, the staffs were pretty weird 😬😬) 
it made him enjoy the experience a bit more as it was only the two of you playing instead of getting accompanied by strangers
“oh this’ll be easy, y/n step aside, i’ll handle this 😏😏😏”
idk if you were supposed to think about how handsome he looked with his serious expression on and his veiny hands coming into frame or be worried for him because the lever was REAL HARD to pull that his veins looked like they were going to pop any second soon, you stepped in and helped him tho cause you were a good s/o <3
from a spectators point of view, the two of you looked like y’all were about shit your pants but the two of you eventually succeeded on beating it, immediately dragging him to the next room which had a sofa in it, laying down to catch your breaths
cliché moment ahead ⚠️⚠️
the two of you shared a few laughs before standing up on the empty space, held hands and started to jump in circles to celebrate your success 💃💃
yupp, y’all were never going back to that hellhole again
very stubborn at first, he wanted nothing to do with the game but then you held him at gunpoint by saying:
"please just this once or else i'll revoke your mint choco ice cream rights 🔫🔫🔫"
"it won't be that scary sunshine, besides, i'll be ready to 🤜💥 yk?? trust me babe i would never let anyone hurt you <33"
kinda pissed since you blackmailed him into the place and also bc he wanted to play bumper cars and dance mania but he yea he caved in pretty quick 😋😋
(y/n let him play his games in peace tf >:(((( )
once you guys got in tho he realized how normal it was and that it was not terrifying at all
he wouldn't stop back hugging you and you couldn't bring yourself to push him away to play the games so you just let him walk behind you with his arms on your shoulders 😩😩
(y'all were walking kinda funny but don't tell sunoo that 🤫🤫🤫)
yea the two of you ended up escaping with a whopping 2 hours and a few minutes
but it was the effort that counts so A+++++ for the both if you 😜👍👍👍
sane (3/3)
was the one who suggested going, he even searched on naver about really good escape room places to visit and was overall really looking forward it
he liked going to places and having fun with you so it wasn't a shock how his eyes were literally crescents and his dimples were so evident
yea he literally rushed the both of you to the place that you were the first in line 😵
while waiting for the staff to finish setting up he was playing with your connected hands like 🖐️✊🖐️✊ (so precious 💞💞)
"y/n why are you taking so long 😭😭 what if they close and we end up not solving a single lock, hurry up por favorrr 😩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏"
when they finally lead you to the room he was kind of surprised that they had separated the two of you into different spaces (like the one with txt where they had the answers to the other member's puzzles yk???)
he was locked inside a telephone stand while you were handcuffed in the main room
dw the two of you reunited after a few minutes cause jungwon was rushing his lock to get to you 🤭
you both were progressing at an average pace and it made you guys a lot more closer (not that you guys weren't before but you get what i mean)
after you guys escaped the two of you went to eat curry and talked about the whole experience 😋✌️✌️✌️
this boy literally dragged you in the escape room with him
"ok masterchefs, in order to test your abilities we must go through series of puzzles and make it out alive, understood?"
he tried ignoring how confused you were and went on to try and get you guys to escape
HE'S LAUGHING AT YOU FOR WHATEVER REASON AND OBV YOU LAUGH ASWELL CAUSE WHO WOULDN'T??? his laugh is so contagious pls 🤖🤖 he was so close to d wording cause he couldn't breathe from laughing too much
yea.. you guys spent so much time laughing at each other for being so dumb at this that you ended up playing 'till closing time
spoiler alert: he fails on doing anything cause the second you made eye contact with him this child collapses 😍🤩
"haunted house next weekend???"
NOTE – god they were WAY funnier in my head but yeah.... i love them so much AND OMFG HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HEESEUNG’S SELCAS LAST NIGHT???!?@??#?@?!?@ HE’S NOT REAL WTF ⁉️❓❓⁉️
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also, idk why BUT EVERY TIME I SAVE A DRAFT the paragraphs get scrambled?? £!?) 6=6) 🤣😂💔💔🤣🤣😂💔 it's so annoying but anyways, ilysm pls stay safe and have a great day <33
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enhypia · 3 years
JY ; almost lovers
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almost lovers answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: sim jaeyun x gn!reader
genre: fluff, angst if you squint
words: roughly 1.4k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - jake speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold - both reader and jake speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking and swearing
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hello~ my name is jake!
and i'm (y/n)
and we're almost lovers
[you guys were invited here today as almost lovers for a fun little drinking game, you guys aware of that right?]
yes we were
[okay, for this game, questions will be asked and if you refuse to answer, you drink, it's that simple. should we start?]
i'll be drinking regardless if i answer or not btw
it's free alcohol
[how long have you guys known each other?]
since middle school ??
yup, so like 6 or 7 years ?
[wouldn't you be childhood friends then?]
oh no, jake and i weren't friends
*jake laughs and (y/n) grins
we really weren't, we were just somehow always put in the same classes
classmates, that's literally just what we were
ah i got it, we just knew of each other's existence
yup that
*both laugh
[how did you guys became almost lovers then?]
oh it's the classic project partners thing
we became seatmates, and like for that whole school year almost every teacher assigned seatmates as partners
it's like they all collectively agreed to it
yeah so we just eventually got close and ,,,
chaos ?
*both giggle because jake's giggle is contagious
[why didn't you guys get together?]
we were both cowards and dumb with feelings
and jake had to move back to australia
and i had to move back to australia
[so if jake didn't move, you guys could've been together?]
,,,, i honestly do not know
yeah same
jake was the popular dream guy, i wasn't even dating him back then but so many rumors spread
i'm sorry about that really
don't worry, it wasn't your fault
*you pat him on the head making him smile widely
[how about we start the q&a between you guys?]
yeah, let's go~
*both nod and played rock paper and scissors to determine who gets to ask first, jake wins
okay! first question
*jake picks up a card and laughs in disbelief
[do you still find me attractive?]
*(y/n) bursts out laughing
i don't know if i should be offended that you're laughing or what
no, because it's ridiculous!
jake i literally compliment and hype you up whenever we meet
*jake blushes
so yes i still do find you attractive because you ARE attractive.
*(y/n) smiles teasingly
*jake rolls his eyes
*(y/n) picks up a card
oh wow
[did you see ever yourself loving me?]
*jake takes a shot
you know that just makes you sus
it's not like you don't know the answer?!!
that's the point! i do know so you could've just answered instead of drinking
shut up *jake grumbles
*you take a shot to make him feel better
the answer is yes btw, i did see myself loving them
*(y/n) almost chokes
*jake laughs
it's different hearing it out loud
*jake g i g g l e s
just read the next question
[do you think it's my fault that we didn't become a couple?]
i mean
yeah yeah, but for me i'm blaming australia
sure buddy.
*jake :O
but no i don't think it was your fault, like we said a while ago, even if you didn't move, we were still dumb with feelings and we probably would've prioritized our future than a relationship. it wasn't the right time i guess??
*jake nods in agreement
[sorry, was it ever clarified between you guys that you had feelings for each other?]
oh yeah! we knew about it
*(y/n) laughs
we met up when he came back and i just went "oh did you know i liked you back then?" and then jake just -
*(y/n) can't finish the sentence because (y/n) remembers the scene perfectly and is laughing hard
*jake groans
thAT! he groaned like that and basically slammed his head on the table.
yeah and you gaped like a fish after i told you i liked you back then too!
*jake :P
*(y/n) :O
i did not
yes you did! you went *jake imitates a gaping fish
yah! *(y/n) hits jake's arm lightly
*both laugh
*(y/n) reads the card and takes a shot after
why are you drinking? i'm the one answering
i know, i just needed that shot to prepare myself
[do you still have feelings for me?]
*jake turns red and reaches for a shot
moving on-
i'm answering
*(y/n) error404 please restart
*both cannot look each other in the eye
i don't know honestly? i still am kind of dumb with feelings but the reason why i say i don't know is because i'm trying to make sure that what i'm feeling for (y/n) is real?? like i actually do like them and not with the feeling ??
*(y/n) nods understanding what he meant
because wouldn't that be unfair to (y/n) ? saying you have feelings for them when you aren't really sure? i don't want that, i don't want to hurt (y/n) in any way or form
*(y/n) downs a shot and covers their face in embarrassment
why~ ?
*(y/n) narrows their eyes at jake and just hands him the card to read
*jake laughs
okay let's go,
[do you still think about what could've been?]
*(y/n) takes a shot
*jake is basically just laughing at everything at this point, but that's okay he's cute when he laughs
yes, i do. i think what plagued me the most were 'what if?' questions. when i see my friends getting into relationships or hearing them talk about someone they've been seeing. i would often ask like "what if we just had confessed earlier?" "what if you never moved?" "what if we actually got together?" things like that
but i think my hardest 'what if' was "what if we just tried?"
*please put jake in rice he is not working
*he raises his glass to do a cheers
here's to painful confusion !
and dumb feelings~
*both take a shot
[question for both: do you regret that you guys didn't get together?]
honestly, no? i feel like if we did, we would be two completely different people right now?
yeah, i like who i am and who you are right now, so i don't think i regret it either.
and we were shit at romantic feelings
we aren't kidding, we really were
i feel bad for everyone who had to witness that phase in our lives
*both laugh
[freestyle! ask any question you want]
don't think too much
no <3
*(y/n) rolls their eyes
okay, okay, i have one
this better be good sim.
[you said a while ago that it wasn't the right time for us before. how about now? do you think we're finally at the right time?]
*(y/n) is speechless
*(y/n) downs a shot
jake don't ask me out on television
*jake bursts out laughing
i don't know jake, you tell me, you're the one confused with feelings.
... .. ... .
*(y/n) realizes what they said
*jake literally 👁👄👁
,,,, what?
*(y/n) clears their throat
nu uh, what did you just say ??
i haven't said anything yet?? are you okay?
*(y/n) looks at the crew around them that were covering their mouths preventing laughs and squeals
you definitely said something that meant you have feelings for me!
i did not! you need to get your ears checked
*(y/n) is blushing and is avoiding jake's intense look
[that's one way to end, huh?]
oh yay! we're done, good job everybody!
*(y/n) is hurrying to escape like a pokemon
*jake is still dumbfounded, poor guy
[is he okay?]
don't worry about him, he's rebooting
*jake glares adorably at (y/n)
we are talking after this
sorry i have plans, i need to water my dog
*(y/n) teases jake making him facepalm
[i think i smell another feature, but maybe as couples next time?]
*both blushes at the statement
that's all up to jake, director :D
*jake :O
honey, close your mouth, you'll catch flies
*jake wakes up at the term of endearment and his blush deepens
yah~ !
*(y/n) grins widely and waves to the camera
»————- ♡ ————-«
bonus: youtube comments (peep last one)
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masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
a/n: AAAA ENHA CB !! the enhypen dimension opens owo <3 anyways, i made jake's lighter since i couldn't make it angsty, he's too precious, i must protect him. also, my jake timestamp (oh worm?) received a lot of love, thank you !!! i hope you like this one as well~ sunoo's will be uploaded next !! please look forward to it <33
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kpopgirl1234bl · 3 years
Hey honey, how are you?, I'm here again to request something cute with Hawks ahhaha 💖 can u write a scenario where Keigo's girlfriend has to take care of him cuz for some odd reason he's now a 6 years old child, and he doesn't remember anything but her name? Thnx so much sweety 💖💖💖💖
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Hi sweetie!
I don't think i have tried writing Something like this before, so I was a bit excited for this one.
Pairing: Keigo Takami(Hawks) x fem!reader
Words: 1.4K
Request: Yes
It was originally your day off, so when you saw your agency calling, you groaned. But you answered it anyway.
Safe to say, you weren't ready for the following conversation.
"Okay, so let me get this straight. My idiot of a boyfriend got into a fight with a villain with some kind of time reverse quirk, and now he is a 6-year-old child." You spoke to the person over the phone.
"That's right." The person over the phone confirmed. They sounded like they had as much will-power as you right now.
"I'll be there in 10." You said before ending the call.
So how for having a relaxing day.
You got ready and raced down to your and Hawks' agency.
As soon as you entered, someone shouted.
"L/n! Over here!" It is Endeavor. He stood next to a few chairs were a mini version of your boyfriend Hawks.
"Okay, lay it on me." You said and Endeavor explained everything that had happened. When he finished, you looked at Hawks, who was looking at you, but looked away when you looked at him. You crouched down in front of him.
"Hey Keigo, how are you?" You asked him. At first, he didn't say anything, he just kept glancing at you from time to time.
"It's okay buddy, take your time." You smiled and took a seat next to him. You noticed how Keigo would look at you when he thought you weren't looking, it was adorable in your eyes. All of a sudden, you felt a tug on your sleeve.
"Hm? What is it?" You asked as you turned towards him.
"A-Are you y/n?" A high-pitched voice came from Keigo instead of his luscious deep voice, and it just made you melt on the inside.
"Yes, that's my name, do you remember anything else?" You asked him.
"No." It Was the only thing he said.
"Hey, it's okay, if there's something you want to know, just ask me." You rested a hand on his back. You felt him tense up for a second before you felt him relax and lean into your touch.
"So, what do you want" you were about to ask him what he wanted to do when you heard his stomach growl.
"Do you want to get something to eat?" You asked him, and you saw him his eyes lit up as he nodded.
“Well let’s go then, you can choose whatever you want to eat.” You stood and reached your hand out for him to take.
“Really?” He asked as he jumped down from his seat.
“You bet.” You said.
“Yay!” He shouted and grabbed your hand and dragging you towards the entrance of the building. You two walked downtown to where all the restaurants were.
“So what do you want to eat?” You asked him.
“I don’t know,” Keigo said as he looked around at all the restaurants. Hawks may not remember everything, but you remembered his favorite restaurant.
“How about we go to that one over there, they serve really good chicken.” You told him and pointed towards his favorite restaurant.
“Yeah! Chicken! I love chicken!” He shouted excitedly.
“Let’s go then.” You said as you walked towards the restaurant. As soon as you entered the restaurant, an employee was greeting you.
“Hello and welcome! Is it only you two for today?” They asked.
“Yes, just us two for today.” You confirmed.
“Well, here’s your menu, and let me guide you to a table.” They gave you a menu each and let you two a table for two.
“I will come back shortly to see if you want to order, for now, can I got you two a drink?” They asked and pulled out their notepad.
“I’ll take f/d, Keigo what do you want?” You asked him.
“A soda!” He said and you laughed.
“Okay, so one f/d and a soda coming right up.” They said and walked away. You didn’t even have to look at the menu to know what you wanted, you had been here with Hawks so many times you knew the whole menu by hand.
“So have you decided what you want Keigo?” you asked him.
“No, I don’t know to choice.” He said still looking at the menu.
“You can get anything you want buddy.” You smiled at him.
“Really? Can I have the fried chicken?” He looked up at you with hopeful eyes.
“Of course you can Keigo.” You smiled and ruffled his hair a bit.
The employee soon came back and asked for your orders and wrote them down before walking back to the kitchen.
It didn’t take for your food to arrive, and when the food was placed in front of Keigo, his whole face just lit up with joy. You laughed as Keigo made a mess of himself while eating his fried chicken.
“Keigo slows down, you’re going to choke on your chicken.” You laughed as you tried to stop him from eating his chicken too fast. When he was done eating, both his hands and around his mouth were greasy. You laughed at the site.
“Come on buddy, let’s wash you up.” You said, and you guided him towards the bathroom where you washed his hands and around his mouth, even though he whined about it. You get done cleaning him and finished eating and paid when you both were done.
Not long after exiting the restaurant, you got a call from your agency. Since they had caught the villain Hawks was fighting, they asked him how long this effect would last.
You were told that the effect would wear off within a day.
You ended the call and looked down at Hawks. You were surprised to see he was almost falling asleep where he stood.
“You tired buddy?” You asked as you crouched down beside him.
“Mmm.” It Was the only thing he said, but that was the only confirmation you needed.
“Okay then, how about we go home, so you can sleep.” You said and picked him up and began to walk home.
You got home and quietly walked through your home and into the bedroom and carefully placed Hawks on your bed.
You tried to walk very quietly out of the room without waking Hawks, but it didn’t go too well.
“Y/n?” You heard Hawks say.
“Yes, Keigo?” You said and walked over to the edge of the bed.
“Don’t leave.” It Was the only thing he said, and it shot right through your heart.
“I’m not going to leave Keigo, I would never do that to you.” You said and crawled into the bed and laid beside him.
Keigo crawled closer to you and wrapped his arms around your neck and hugged you tightly, and you did the same to him.
While holding him with one arm, you used the other one to stroke his hair, and you soon felt him relax in your arms.
“Goodnight Keigo.” You whispered and kissed his forehead.
And with that, you both fell asleep.
You began to slowly wake up but didn’t open your eyes right away. Soon you began to feel something heavy moving on top of you. You slowly began to crack your eyes open. You rubbed your eyes and looked to see what it was.
You were met with a fully grown Hawks laying on top of you with his head on your chest. You were kind of shocked for a moment, before relaxing. You smiled and placed your hands in his hair and raked through it with your fingers.
“Hmm.” He made a sound of contentment and wrapped his arms more around you.
“Good morning Keigo.” You whispered.
“Mmm.” He responded.
“Still not a morning person I see.” You chuckled.
“Some things never change baby,” Keigo said and finally faced you.
“Hi.” You smiled.
“Hey.” He said in his luscious deep voice that you knew.
“How are you feeling?” You asked as you stroke his hair.
“Pretty good, still tired tho.” He said and buried his face in your chest again.
“How about I make a pot of coffee and breakfast and call the agency for the day off, and we just stay like this for today.” You suggested.
“That sounds fantastic.” He said and smiled at you.
“Go and wash up a bit, and I’ll be right back with coffee and breakfast.” You said and started to get up.
“Don’t be gone too long angel face, I might miss you too much,” Keigo said.
“Can’t promise anything!” You shouted from the hallway.
“Damn, how did I deserve her, she’s perfect,” Keigo said to himself while laying in the bed alone.
“And good with kids too might keep that in mind.” Keigo smiled to himself as his mind started to wander.
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ilovemenightsnacks · 3 years
the time of the month zack x reader
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I am doing this bc i feel like it soo yeah enjoy oh and ASIAN LIVES MATTER
Summary: Y/n was about to start her period and zack didn't notice until she asked for pads and from there he was scared that y/n is dying. oh and y/n is mexican sorry for those who are not anyway read and find out what happen p.s ray is not in the book]
y/n pov :
shitt i thought knowing that today was my time of month but.. i left my pads in the bedroom where zack is.......shit now i have to go ask him but i bet he has zero idea what the fuck that is soo imma have to teach what it is " zack.." i say a little scared of embarrassment  " yeah what is it?" he said popping his head from the room like puppy when their owner is home  " can...um can you get me pads from the room?" i says and all i got back a confused look and answer " what that?" he asked confused on what hell a pad is "um i-it's a on night table where i sleep inside" i say  looking at him.
and all i got back a was a head nod and "okay"   and then walk away to find my pad  as there was an awkward silence came in the air for one hot minute before " is it the one with a color pink that looks like an envelope?" he ask cleary confused on how it looks like "yes please can i have  it?" i asked  as he came with the pad looking at it weirdly like it was it was strange to have it as he handed it to me i snatched so i can put it one
time skip
"hey um (nickname) can i ask you something?" zack said looking kind of embarrassed  i look at confused on he is gonna ask me "yeah go ahead"i say wanting to know "what that thing you ask for early and why you need it?" ah shit i knew he would ask me about this i just hope he does not freak out  on what i am gonna tell  " well it's called a pad and-"  [alright i am gonna stop y/n right there b/c i do not wanna explain the whole nor do i want to right soo yeah time skip again]
"WHAT THE FUCK!!" zack yelled clearly terrified about knowing about a period " cállate la boca zack /shut your mouth up zack!!  your loud and you'll get us caught by the cops "  jeez the first i wanted him not to do and it's the first thing he does and- omg is he crying " h-hey you you good-" i was caught off by a hug " p-please d-don't die i really love you i can't live without you" he says snuggling in me and still does not understand what period is still " aww zack i am not gonna die and the reason i am bleeding is cause it is taking unnecessary blood out of me  that my body does not need anymore and that's why i am in pain and mood swings i am not gonna die okay?"
i look at him while seeing him tearing up " y-you promise?" he says sniffing  while giving me puppy eyes that i cannot say no to " yeah i promise plus i told it might a last a week okay?" i say smiling at him god he is such an adorable baby " and also get ready for big moods okay " he look at smile softly " i love you y/n so much " he says cuddling me in the bed "i love you too you big baby"
okay i finished this chapter yay thanks for reading byee  
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fluffyseapancakes · 3 years
Hello hello wonderful people! I am (kind of) back from my hiatus. A lot has changed since the last time I was on here, but in a good way. I moved out of an abusive situation, found a job I love, made new healthy friends, and all around, in such a better place than before. I’ll explain more in future posts, but for now, I’m going to try writing and find my love for it again. Thank you everyone for being so patient and supportive through all of this, I love you all <3 
You have some time left to spend while on set of the new Spiderman movie. After finding Tom doing a livestream, you decide to join in and some giggles ensues.
“Okay Y/N, you’re all set for this scene. We’ll call you when it’s time to shoot your next one,” the production assistant smiles at you. You wipe the sweat off your forehead and smile back.
“Awesome, when will that be?”
“Let me check the call sheet…,” she checks a piece of paper and scans through the list of names and times, “looks like you have five hours of downtime.”
“Great,” you groan, “the one day I forgot my Switch at home.”
You roam through the set, stopping to chat with some of your costars and crew. Everyone seems to be particularly busy today, so most conversations are cut short and you find yourself by the trailers. You head towards your trailer to take a nap and mope, but then you notice that Tom’s door is cracked open.
“I haven’t talked to him in a while.”
You happily bound up the stairs and slowly open the door, you see Tom sitting on his couch with his phone in his hand. He is chatting away with someone and before you can quickly leave without bothering him, he smiles at you and pats the empty seat next to him.
“Y/N! What a surprise!”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Oh no worries, I’m doing a livestream. Come join!”
You smile shyly and take the seat next to him, he snuggles up closer to you so you’re in frame of the livestream. You see a flood of comments filled with heart emojis and you blush at some of them.
Y/N and Tom are so cute together!
Sooooo jealous of Y/N
I ship them so hard!
“What brings you over here today Y/N?”
You snap out of your thoughts and shrug awkwardly, “I have a couple hours to waste and didn’t have anything to do.”
“Well lucky for you, my livestreams are a wonderful form of entertainment,” he jokingly says, he wraps his arm behind your back and gives you a squeeze, “and it’s always fun with a guest.”
Tom continues chatting about the new Spiderman movie and the shenanigans that happens behind the scenes. He is a lot better with not revealing spoilers and carefully avoids any dangerous questions asked by curious fans. You quietly sit there, making a few comments and answering some embarrassing questions about Tom.
“Well you guys, I’m going to wrap up soon,” Tom pats you on the head, “thanks Y/N for being my guest today.”
“It was fun, I’ve never seen a livestream before so it was really cool,” you giggle. Tom looks at you in shock.
“You mean…you’ve never seen any of my livestreams?” He dramatically puts his hand to his chest.
“No, I never had time,” you blush, “I hear you talk all the time anyways.”
“My friend not supporting my livestreams…I think a punishment is in order.” The chat explodes at his words.
Oooo Y/N is in trouble!
take Y/N’s phone lol
tickle Y/N!
“That might work,” you hear Tom mutter under his breath. Before you can stand up to run, he grabs your arm and wrestles you down so he has you trapped between his legs, all while still holding his phone with his other hand.
“Tom,” you whine, trying to get out of his grasp, but all the training for him to becoming Spiderman has given him some freakishly strong legs.
“This is for not being my #1 fan,” he smirks, immediately scribbling at your ribs. You jerk and let out a loud squeal, you try to block his hand but it was useless. He expertly squeezes your sides and lightly scribbles across your stomach, you give up fighting back and scream with a resigned laughter.
“It’s all good Evans, I won’t kill Y/N,” Tom laughs, suddenly digging into your stomach, causing you to scream even louder. Chris must’ve sent out a comment in the chat.
“T-Tom I’m sor-rry!” You barely manage to scream out, your laughter gets even more frantic as he moves back up to your ribs.
“Will you join my livestreams every day for next week?” He smugly asks.
“E-every day?!”
“Or I can tickle you until they call you for set,” his fingers wiggle between each rib and he leans his head down to nibble on your neck. You’re laughing too hard to be flustered by his approach.
“F-fine! I’ll d-do it!”
“Yay!” Tom lets you go and you collapse onto the floor in a fit of giggles, “On that note, catch Y/N and me livestreaming tomorrow!” He ends the stream and laughs at you being a giggly mess.
“T-that was mean,” you gasp out.
“It was fun,” he leans down and ruffles your hair, you blush and playfully swat his hand away.
“For you,” you giggle.
“I don’t recall you telling me to stop,” Tom cheekily shoots back, your face burns bright red and before you can come up with an excuse or comeback, the trailer door opens slowly. Zendaya pokes her head in and smiles at you two.
“I’m going on an ice cream run, wanna come?”
“Yes!” You jump up and practically run out of the trailer, you hear Tom chuckling behind you and Zendaya looking confused.
“Did something happen between you two?” she asks.
“Y/N was in their first livestream.”
She lets out a laugh and shakes her head, “poor kid, don’t scare them off okay?”
Tom watches you jogging to Zendaya’s car, he smiles and shakes his head.
“Don’t worry, I think Y/N will fit in just fine.”
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yong-bokk · 3 years
all in²
pairing: special agent ! lee felix x medical examiner ! reader
genre: f for fluff and felix
warnings: mentions of dead bodies and a ghost.. or a murderer... or a ghost murderer
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welcome back to skz criminal investigation division !!
i’d like to introduce you to special agent lee felix yongbok ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )
he’s one of the two agents with the prettiest long blond hair in the division in the whole wide world
also has the prettiest !! freckles !! that looks like stardust sprinkled all over his cheeks
to conclude: felix looks like a tiny ball of sunshine,
especially when he smiles ,,
BUT he can kick ass real hard ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
very good with weapons and combat in general
he also has the deepest voice which comes in handy during interrogations
“stand up and show your skills you know the drill”
+12983742 points for intimidation >:
don’t u worry though
bc he’s nothing but a cuddle bug and the sweetest ball of fluff to his loved ones ‧⁺✧(⁙´ワ`⁙)⁺
and that will include u
but first ! u’ll have to meet him
so u, my precious reader, are the new medical examiner in the office yay!!!
it has only been a week since u started ur new job and u’re still trying to adjust
but thankfully u have seungmin, the senior medical examiner and also ur new partner, who has been so so helpful and friendly
u’ve been so busy during ur first week with work and all the transfer administrations that u haven’t got the chance to formally meet everyone
so far u’ve only met, well, seungmin
and the unit chief, bang chan, who is very friendly too
but one day !!
an unfamiliar face showed up at the medical examiner’s office |ω・)
i’m going to give u a clue
long blond hair, prettiest freckles, and a BLINDING smile
FELIX (♡ > ◡ < )
he came to ur office to fetch a report from seungmin
and that’s when he saw u for the first time
u were bagging up a few articles of clothing to send to forensics
felix never thought anyone could make a lab coat look so pretty
u: exist
felix’s lovestruck braincells: (⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ 。 ᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝⸝)(⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ 。 ᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝⸝)(⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ 。 ᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝⸝)
cue: felix embarrassing himself in front of u
“hi, i’m here to r-report”
u are ??????(・ ・ ? confused
bc the most beautiful person u’ve ever seen just popped out of nowhere and says he’s here to report?
what does he even have to reportksljflkasdf
“hi! uhm i’m sorry, report what?”
“the medical report….?”
“OHH u mean u’re here for the medical report? hold on”
out of his entire lifetime
his brain choses to be dysfunctional right there in front of u
felix, deep down inside: i want to. (」。≧□≦)」 D I S SIPATE. (」。≧□≦)」
“oh right y-yeah, for the burn victim”
u hand him a copy of the report u had prepared and walked him through some of the findings
“we found something in the victim’s ear but i think we haven’t heard back from the lab-“
“hey yn they ran out of the cookies u wanted- oh! (。・o・。)ノ hey felix!”
“h-hi seungmin”
seungmin looks at him weirdly bc ??? what was that
who is this and what have they done with felix, his giggly cuddlebug of a friend
after u finished going through everything, felix said thank u and bolted out of ur office so quick
chan: “u okay there, buddy? u look.. uh”
“……that’s exactly how i feel too”
since then on
he never stops thinking about u
also keeps reminding himself of how embarrassing he was and gets sad over it again • ʖ̯ • )
not that he knows but !! u keep thinking of him too
u’re a little sad that all u know about him is that his name is felix (he didn’t even tell u himself :c ) and that he’s one of the special agents in chan’s division
but u two don’t see each other again after that for awhile
the next time u saw him was when u got back to ur office after lunch break
felix was fetching another report from seungmin
and he was all smiley and giggly (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚* with seungmin but the moment u walked into the room
he just smiles awkwardly at u and rushes out
u figured that he’s uncomfortable whenever u’re around
and it was like that for a very long time
he’d come in with chan sometimes for the reports
and he’d be like buddy-buddy with seungmin but whenever u’re there he’s just hhshdfhshfgotta go
u wanted to be his friend too because he looks so lovely to be around :(
little did u know that he’s just shy because he likes u like A LOT and his brain just short circuits whenever u’re within his eyesight :(
u got felix going dumb da da dumb (sorry)
but stop being sad bc
here comes !! the twist to the plot !! (。✧ᴗ✧。)
one day
u were working late and we’re talking like LATE late because
(1) seungmin was out of office for a hearing, and
(2) suddenly 4 new bodies came into the office in a span of 2 hours?!@?!?!@# and u were currently in the brink of breaking down ;—;
but seungmin didn’t raise no quitter
with the power of coffee and anime by ur side, u started working through the bodies one by one
it’s a little past midnight now and u were quite sure the last light outside ur office turned off a couple hours ago and
u see
u could just leave and have seungmin work at it in the morning
but the caffeine in ur bloodstream said u wouldn’t be able to sleep once u get home anyway so
(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و back to work (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
u were scraping something from the last victim’s nails when suddenly ??? the lights went off
ok let’s be real
u are ⁿᵒᵗ afraid
u work with dead bodies every. day. but it’s god knows what o’clock in the morning AND NOW it’s pitch black and u just hhhhSHDFHS
ur hand went into ur pocket to fish out ur phone but then u remembered that u left it to charge on ur table AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM
reader u dummy
u didn’t know how long u froze in that same spot bc ???u’re kinda afraid and u couldn’t see anything
but suddenly u heard the sound of glass shattering and someone’s groan and u thought
this is it this is ur END
seungmin is going to walk into this office tomorrow and find 5 bodies instead of 4
u crouched as a horrible attempt to hide from the ghost……….. or potential murderer…………. honestly u don’t know which one’s better (maybe bc the answer is NOT BOTH??!)
u were internally cursing about how u could’ve had a scalpel in hand for self protection but instead all u had with u was a goddamn TOOTHPICK when u felt something? or someone?touch ur shoulder
“p leasedon’t kill me i’m new here i really don’t know anything pleaseiwon’t sayanything to anyone”
“i’m not here to kill usdfskdfjs it’s me!! felix”
felix? (・Θ・)
that was
“w-what are u doing here?”
“the electricity got cut off and i heard hyunjin say u’re working late and probably still down here so… (´ . .̫ . `) i came here to check on u”
u could barely make out his face in the dark but he was close enough u could see him smiling at u
the two of u just stayed there crouching on the ground and u were just about to say something when suddenly the lights flickered on again
( 〃..) ohsldkfjs he’s so close and if he keeps smiling that lovely u swear u’ll combust
“are u gonna go home yet?”
“i-i’m not done yet”
“oh ! i’ll wait for u”
“WHAT no it’s late go home”
“exactly! it’s late!! i’m not letting u go home at 3 in the morning by urself”
so u quickly finish and when u’re done u found felix nearly dozing off on ur table </3
how can a person be so CUTE ◕︿◕
he walked u home and offered u his jacket along the way
(wouldn’t take no for an answer)
it was a little awkward bc the two of u are just very very Shy
but u enjoyed his company
when u finally arrived at ur apartment,
the two of u just stood there for a little while, u fiddling with ur bag and him with his earring
“i-“ “hey-“
“sorry, u go first”
“i apologize for scaring u earlier…. whenever we meet i just always embarrass myself”
he mumbled the second half of his sentence and ur sleep-deprived brain couldn’t make out what he said but !! he looked so disappointed (っ◞‸◟c)
so u gave him a tiny hug
“no, thank you for checking up on me earlier and for walking me home”
felix was bright red
shy shy felix shy
“no worries..” ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ ⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ “i guess.. i uh- i’ll get going, yeah? see u tomorrow?”
“see u tomorrow, be safe”
felix waited until u went inside and then let out a giggle
u hugged him
this is the BEST day of his life
it doesn't even matter if his house is on the other side of the city
he’d walk u home every day if it means u would hug him again
“thanks for walking me home again” (⌒⌣⌒ )
lix looked like he was about to ask u something
but all he could say is his usual “no worries”
u see
felix has been meaning to ask u for ur number for a WEEK now but he just couldn’t seem to get the words out of his head >:
he was just about to chicken out once again when u fished out ur phone and gave it to him
“u know… i’d say text me when u get home but i don’t have ur number”
smooth reader very smooth (^⌒^*)
he thanked the heavens he didn’t drop ur phone when typing in his number because boy was he SHAKING
the two of u stayed up all night texting and neither could stop smiling that day
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