#anyway i love janus's skirt look!
far-from-fran · 2 months
Violence ask game!! 7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Ooh, this is a good one!😈
I'm gonna start with the funnier ones, then get to the more serious ones.
I don't currently hate any of these characters. I've pretty much gotten over it, but these are the first ones that came to mind.
Ok, I'm putting this under a cut as a warning to people in these fandoms. I'm going to be bitching and moaning. Probably about your favs. So, read the tags and:
Danny Phantom
I don't have anything against Danny. I actually really like him. I just got tired of seeing him all over AO3. Almost every time I searched for a fic, even in fandoms that had nothing to do with him, I'd have to filter out a bunch of DP stuff. It got to the point where I was filtering out more DP tags than tags I actually wanted to filter out. It was annoying for a while, but I took a break from AO3, and now I just find it funny.
Dr. Emile Picani (Cartoon Therapy)
This is a general pet peeve sort of thing, but I just don't like how “uwu babyboy” people make him. He's a geeky therapist with a sensitive side, but people act like he's a softboi who's never done anything bad. (He has. I actually have big problems with his debut episode. The second episode is a lot better, imo.)
It's the same issue with Patton from Sanders Sides. They take a grown man and turn him into a tiny, wittle babyboi. It's mad annoying.
Also, I hate Emile in a skirt. I just don't think he'd ever wear one, so I wrinkle my nose whenever people talk about him in one. Honestly, the “fandom is afraid of masculinity” sentiment I've seen here and there is a completely different can of worms. But I'm starting to agree with it. Nothing against men in skirts in general/irl, though. Just to be clear.
But, anyway, fanon Emile is becoming indistinguishable from fanon Patton, and I hate that. Hell, canon Emile is becoming indistinguishable from canon Patton. Like, seriously. Since when has Emile ever had to “earmuff” because someone was cursing? (Mixed feelings about the Remy/Thomas therapy video.) Let Emile be an interesting character, please. And not just “Baby softboi, but he's wearing pink this time™”.
Virgil (Sanders Sides)
My feelings toward Virgil tend to fluctuate. Most of the time, I love him, but sometimes I can't stand him. (Mostly by his own doing.) But, the way the fandom treats him like the second coming of Christ in a purple plaid hoodie is so fucking annoying. Especially with the way people woobify him.
In canon, he started as a big jerk, realized he was a big jerk, and decided to be a little jerk. It's not like he's a little uwu baby who's never done anything wrong. The Halloween ep is even sort of about not woobifying Virgil. (It's more about taking anxiety seriously.) Like. I get it, but it's still really annoying.
Of course, there's the other side of the fandom that treats him like he's the devil. Which can also be annoying, but at least they actually call him out for stuff.
The most annoying thing, however, is how the other sides will be villainized to make Virgil look better. It's nuts. Like, yeah, Janus and Virgil have beef, but neither one of them is evil, so.🙄
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Speaking of people treating a character like they're the second coming of Christ…!
In all seriousness, I never really had problems with Aang until toxic Kataang shippers started harassing Zutara shippers. They held the ship, and Aang, to such a high stature that I couldn't like either anymore. Especially since zutara shippers were (and still are) accused of being shallow, at best, and… checks notes supporting genocide????? at worst. And, the brunt of that was when I was, like, 12, so.
Obviously, I don't blame all kataang shippers. Most of them are pretty cool. And, zutara shippers can also be toxic. I'm a zutara shipper, and I've seen some of the toxicity firsthand. But, that experience really made fandom shitty for me.
However, I've watched the show recently and remembered that I really like Aang. Despite how much he can annoy me. So, there's always a bright side.
But, yeah. Thanks for the ask, @msnihilist!😊 Sorry if I got a little heated.😅 That wasn't directed at you, lol.
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creativia10 · 2 years
Punk with Lavender
Summary: Roman is ready to spend Halloween with his usual group of friends. He finds himself more surprised by their costumes than he expected to be.
Relationships: romantic Prinxiety, platonic brotherly Creativitwins, background romantic Dukeceit, romantic Logicality
Wordcount: 1010
Warnings: some mockery (but it's light-hearted teasing among friends)
Notes: Tuliptober Prompt 30-Oneshots
Part of one-shots. Will have more than one.
Set for Halloween
Based on @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors Pastel/Punk verse
Roman smoothed out his costume and looked himself over in the mirror. He smiled. He thought he cleaned up rather well and made for a great dark prince if he did say so himself. The style looked like that of a typical fairytale prince costume. Except the color scheme was black and red. It fit him better anyways.
There was a knock on his door.
“Is his highness ready to come out yet?”
Roman snickered at Virgil’s unintentional irony.
“It’s funny you say that.”
Roman opened his apartment door only for his jaw to drop when he saw Virgil.
Virgil smirked. Virgil made fists and posed.
“Oo, look at me. I’m punk Roman. Totally a tough guy.”
Virgil was dressed like a punk. He was all in black. Roman didn’t think he’d ever seen Virgil lacking so much color. And he was wearing Roman’s jacket, a clothing item Roman let him borrow more on purpose now. He wore a mini skirt over fishnet stockings unlike Roman’s usual leather pants though. Still with boots though, just a bit more angular. The only thing that matched Virgil’s usual aesthetic, was his lavender-colored hair.
Virgil was still preening at Roman’s reaction. Roman blinked a few times.
“You don’t look completely like me,” Roman said. Virgil rolled his eyes and gestured with his head. They started walking out.
“Yeah, I thought it would be more fun this way.”
He shyly looked up at Roman.
“And uh, you look good too. Even if you couldn’t get a good roast in from your costume.”
Roman let out a little huff and put his arm around Virgil.
“I was perfectly fine with just looking good. Especially for you,” Roman said with a wink. Virgil shook his head.
“Idiot. You don’t have to do it for me.”
Virgil grumbled but leaned into Roman anyways. Roman hmmed.
The poetry café has been their group’s meeting spot anyways. The cafe didn’t officially have a Halloween event going on. But, it had become an unofficial tradition to dress up and hang out there around the spooky day anyways.
Apparently this year, Roman was not in on a group coordination effort though.
Remus was also dressed like a punk, but with neon green to replace Roman’s typical reds. He too smirked at Roman.
“Hey Ro, do I rock leather better than you? I bet I look so tough. Oo all this black totally means I’m extra and special.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “I think your neon exterior ruins your point.”
Janus hmmed.  His style was closer to Virgil’s current one. Janus wore a dark purple but with a leather skirt, and spiked heels.
“It is fun to see who could be intimidated by this though,” Janus added. Remus cackled and nodded in his agreement.
“Why did you all find it necessary to mock my style tonight?” Roman asked.
“Not everyone,” Logan said.
Roman looked over. Patton giggled. He was wearing a pastel blue sundress, the only one in pastel this time for some reason, which was an odd sight. He also had on blue converse. Patton’s hair was still dyed turquoise though, and his piercings were still in. Patton grabbed the ends of his skirt and spun around with a giggle.
“Oh, I love dressing so differently today! I feel like I look so cute! No wonder you all love to dress like this.”
“I wouldn’t exactly say cute is the correct descriptor for them usually,” Logan said. Indeed, the usual pastel wearers, Janus, Remus, and Virgil seemed offended.
“But uh,” Logan coughed, “You certainly do.”
Roman cooed at them with a smirk, getting a glare from Logan at his efforts. Remus mimed barfing in the background. Logan was the only other one who didn’t seem to be a part of this style-swapping scheme though. He was dressed as…a teacher maybe? Logan dressed like a professional, including a tie.
Janus gestured to the style swappers. “First it was just Virgil who wanted to, he thought roasting his new boyfriend was a good time. Something I can appreciate. Then Remus wanted to join as well. I thought the style sounded fun so I joined of my own volition. Patton didn’t seem to realize the intention was mockery and just wanted to have fun.”
Patton gaped at them.
“Of course, I’m not making fun of you! If anything, I’m honoring your look.”
Logan adjusted his glasses. “Yes, I did not understand it myself. But, it is apparently in good fun.”
“Speaking of, why did you choose to dress in that?” Remus asked. Logan huffed.
“It is different than my usual getup.”
“Yeah, but why a teacher?”
“It was different enough. I didn’t want to put too much effort into this when it is merely for going to our usual venue. I’m not exactly the costume type. Be grateful I dressed up for Halloween at all.”
 Patton cooed at him and linked arms.
“Well, I think it still looks good honey. I can see you being smart enough to be a teacher.”
Logan blushed a bit, “Thank you, dear.”
Janus and Remus made disgusted faces again.
Roman looked back to Virgil. “You’re the only one who went far enough as to change your physical appearance for this though, I noticed.”
“Ah, yeah.” Virgil brushed some of his now lavender hair back behind an ear and looked away.
“I thought it worked with yall’s typical punk aesthetic. Plus, I had kind of been considering getting it colored like this anyways. What do you think?”
Roman smiled at Virgil. He gently tangled some of his fingers into the lavender hair as he brushed it out of Virgil’s eyes.
“I think it really suits you.”
Virgil smiled and shyly looked up at him again.
Roman nodded, “Of course.”
Roman leaned in for a kiss.
“Alright lovebirds, let’s get going before yall start falling into tunnel vision again.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, but the two of them turned to join the rest of the group to head to their favorite venue. It should be a good Halloween.
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janus-stanus · 3 years
Some Nonbinary Sides Ideas
The Janus skirt pics reminded me of a train of thought I had back in March. And, hey, it's Pride Month, why not share it here?
So. Nonbinary sides headcanons. (organized in kind of a fic outline? not that I'm going to write this.
...probably not.)
Janus has known he's nonbinary for a good while (I mean, maybe it’s just me projecting onto my fav, but look at him. He is Gender). But he might experience a bit of a Pronoun Crisis once he’s not only revealed himself to Thomas, but is starting to be trusted by him, meaning people are talking to and about him a lot more.
Remus ate his gender years ago and every so often will try out a new set of pronouns (which may end up helping Janus find a pair he’s chill with?)
For Patton, it starts with the skirt shoot, which leaves him happy in a way he can’t explain. A week or two later, when he’s feeling sad again (maybe something about feeling like a bad dad?), he tries wearing the skirt again, but now it makes him feel worse, which breaks his heart :(
He talks to some of the others about it because he’s learning to communicate his feelings (we love progress), and eventually Remus connects how Patton might be feeling to his own shifting pronoun preference and suggests he might have some gender fuckery going on. Patton goes back to Logan to look into more specifics, and figures out that he’s some variant of genderflux!
Virgil used to joke with the other dark sides about how he sees himself as more a cryptid or “a storm cloud in human shape” or “the shadow just at the corner of your vision that’s breathing down your neck” than anything like a “boy” (insert the “maybe my ideal body is Moth Man” song here), but that unfortunately got repressed along with a lot of stuff as his relationship with the others soured and Thomas started having a lot more to worry about.
Now Janus (who is, again, very Gender) and Remus are back, and Remus at least is trying to reconnect with him, and he brings up that whole gender thing because Patton reminded him of it, which gets Virgil to thinking. Maybe he gets into voidpunk!
Roman has always had a weird relationship with gender because he’s both Thomas’s feminine side and his jock side, and those bubbling feelings are brought to the forefront as he begins meticulously planning his own skirt shoot. He ends up talking with Patton and Janus about it (they probably come to him first, considering where his relationships with them in canon are currently) And he ends up settling on the bigender label (likely after, again, doing some research with Logan)
Logan has never really felt like a man, whatever that’s even meant to mean, but he goes along with being a man, or at least being referred to as one, because that’s how Thomas seems to see himself. But as he helps the others with looking up stuff and sees them all coming into their own, it slowly occurs to him that he isn’t obligated to be a dude either. Ends up identifying as agender but continues uses he/him pronouns for the time being
And if you really wanted to go there... well, inevitably as they’re all hanging out post the gendering, someone raises the question, “Wait, if we’re all nonbinary… what does that mean for Thomas?”
Cue awkward silence. Then they all look over at Janus.
Janus: “What, what are you all… (laughs semi-awkwardly) Why do you think I would have anything to do… with… Anyway, bye!”
Y'all can take it from there. TL:DR; more nonbinary sides content pls
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daised-daisy · 3 years
Stay Instead
Ships: Logince, almost Roceit
Summary: After Logan had enough and moved to the “dark” side, Roman is devastated and can’t do anything but miss him. Then finally as he’s starting to move on, a special someone pays him a visit.
Word Count: 2,506
Warnings: Yelling, Roman gets very angry
It was a regular night, and Roman hated that. He hated that Logan being gone and Janus being there was suddenly normal. He hated seeing Janus sitting in Logan’s spot on the couch like it had been his all along. Roman sat at the other end of the couch, his constant glaring going unnoticed by its target. Virgil sat closest to Roman, but a bit of space stayed between them. He laid sideways with his legs bent. He was listening to music on his headphones while scrolling on his phone. After Virgil sat Patton, who worked on a cross-stitching project he’d started a while ago, but never got around to finishing. Logan usually read a book, but Janus read magazines. Logan held his books in one hand, his elbow resting on the arm of the couch. Janus usually held the magazine up in front of his face, but today he had it in his lap. Roman scoffed. He was going to get a cramp in his neck. He opened his mouth to tell him that in an all but helpful tone but froze when he realized something else was slightly different about Janus.
He was wearing glasses. Glasses that looked just like Logan’s.
Roman filled with rage and sadness as the sight tugged at his already aching heart. Tears threatened to spill, and his mouth curled into a scowl, his brows knitted together. He stood up, grabbing Virgil’s attention.
“Ro? What are you doing?” he asked.
“You can’t replace him! You’ll never replace him!” Roman shouted, ignoring Virgil and gaining the attention of the other two. He launched himself at Janus, snatching his glasses off his face and holding them tightly to his chest, tears streaming down his cheeks. “You’re not him! You can’t pretend to be him!” He sunk onto his knees.
“Roman!” Patton scolded, standing up. Janus held up his hand to Patton and looked at Roman as he continued to mumble weak insults about how Janus could never be like Logan. Patton hesitantly sat back, watching Janus and Roman closely.
“Roman, would you like me to sit in a different spot?” he asked, his voice gentle. Roman was familiar with Janus’s smooth tone. It was what he used when manipulating him. But this tone sounded different. It sounded genuine, though Roman was still hesitant to believe it actually was. He hiccuped and nodded nonetheless. Janus stood up, then kneeled down in front of the sobbing prince. Roman clutched Janus’s glasses tighter to his chest, keeping his eyes squeezed shut. Janus took off his glove and brought a hand up to his cheek. When Roman felt Janus’s skin against his cheek, he opened his eyes, letting the darkness give way to Janus’s warm smile. “Would it be okay if I sat next to you instead?” Roman hesitated before nodding again.
Janus slowly stood up, his hand leaving Roman’s cheek. Roman immediately missed his touch, which he didn’t expect. But Janus kept his hand held out. Roman looked at it unsurely. He reluctantly let go of the glasses with one hand and took Janus’s, letting him pull him up. Roman looked at the glasses in his other hand and held them out to Janus.
“I’m sorry,” he whimpered.
“I can’t say it’s okay, but I understand, and I forgive you,” Janus told him softly, then smirked. “Besides, I deserved it a little bit.” Roman giggled and wiped the tears off his cheek with his sleeve. “Also, if the glasses upset you that much, I won’t wear them. I can fashion up another pair that look less like… his.”
“Thank you,” Roman said. Janus nodded and led Roman back over to the other side of the couch, sitting down first to allow Roman to decide how much distance he wanted between them. Roman chose none, sitting right next to Janus and leaning into his side. Janus happily welcomed this, putting his arm around Roman. The prince closed his eyes and finally relaxed for the first time since Logan had left.
Patton smiled proudly and gratefully at Janus, who returned one as well. Virgil rolled his eyes but couldn’t hold back a small grin of his own as he turned back to his phone. Logan, on the other hand, wasn’t smiling. His face remained neutral as he watched from the shadows. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply to keep himself calm as he sunk out back into the dark side of the mind.
“I want to start tonight,” he said as he rose up in the dark side living room. Remus stopped shaking salt and pepper into each eye and looked at him.
“But I’m in the middle of an experiment,” Remus whined. Logan glanced at him and sighed.
“I already told you, Remus. Both salt and pepper will irritate your eyes,” Logan said. “And this setup is a disaster anyway. If you want proper results you’d need to have a equal amount of salt and pepper, but you’re barely even estimating it. It won’t yield proper results.”
“Fine,” Remus groaned, setting down the salt and pepper shaker, then standing up and waving Logan over. “Let’s get to the imagination.”
~ one week later ~
“Goodnight, Janus,” Roman said as they stood in front of Roman’s door, staring into each other’s eyes. “Thanks for sitting with me again. You make me feel a lot less lonely.” Janus smiled down at him lovingly.
“I’d do anything to make up for before, my prince,” he said his eyes briefly flickering to Roman’s lips. “Just don’t ask me to give you the most beautiful thing in the world because I don’t know how to give you to yourself.” He put a hand to Roman’s cheek, holding it gently. Roman giggled softly, a blush sprinkling his face.
“You’re so sweet,” Roman said, stepping closer. “Let me thank you.” Janus nodded, and Roman grabbed his face, stood up on his tiptoes and leaned in to kiss him. Janus’s heart sped up, fluttering as Roman got closer. He let his eyes fall closed and waited for their lips to meet.
Roman froze in place, his eyes shooting open when he heard that familiar voice he’d been missing so much. He let go of Janus’s face, much to Janus’s dismay, and spun around to face the source, almost letting out a sob when he saw Logan standing behind him. Janus scowled.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice seething with almost disgust for the former light side.
“I came to speak with Roman,” Logan said, his eyes flickering between Roman and Janus. “Alone.” Roman looked back at Janus pleadingly. Janus scoffed but walked off anyway.
“Logan,” Roman breathed once they were alone in the hallway. He stepped closer and placed his hands on Logan’s chest, partially afraid his hands might go right through him and he’d find it was only an illusion. “Oh my god. It’s really you.” He laughed. “It’s you!” Logan froze when Roman flung his arms around him.
“Roman, I… there’s something I want you to see,” Logan said stiffly. Roman stepped back.
“What is it?” he asked. Logan bit his lip and hesitantly grabbed Roman’s hand, then let go again uncertainly.
“M-may I?” he asked. Roman nodded, holding his hand out to Logan. Logan took it again, feeling Roman’s slim delicate fingers, perfect for creating intricate crafts as Roman often did, rest against his palm and holding Roman’s hand with his own thicker, rougher fingers that hadn’t seen as many lotions and creams as Roman’s had. With his other hand, Logan turned Roman’s doorknob.
“Where are we going?” Roman ask with a raised brow as Logan pulled him into his own room.
“The imagination,” Logan answered, opening Roman’s portal and stepping inside. Roman followed curiously, still gripping Logan’s hand tight. “Look, I never know how to say this, so I’m going to show you instead.”
“Show me what?” Roman asked, then gasped softly as they came upon a candle-lit table under a pink canopy surrounded by rose bushes. Remus stood beside it with a proud smile, gesturing at it with his hands. He then bowed and slowly walked backwards away from it. “What is this?”
“I asked Remus to help me create it,” Logan said. “But it was my idea.”
“It’s lovely,” Roman said, continuing towards it. He knelt beside one of the rose bushes and admired its flowers. While he was looking away, Remus snuck back in beside Logan and changed his clothing to a dark blue suit, which Logan hadn’t expected. Before he could comment on it, Remus rushed over to his brother and sneakily changed his clothing to a cute red dress that he knew Roman liked.
He didn’t even notice the change until he stood up and felt a slight breeze against his bare legs. He looked down and his eyes widened, but his surprised expression quickly melted into a smile and he spun around, the skirt of his dress twirling around him.
He looked up at Logan, his face heating up at the sight of Logan in his suit. He was so used to Logan being a nerdy mess all of the time, seeing him so together like this was… different. But a good different!
“You look very handsome,” Roman said, suddenly not so proud of his own outfit, doubting he looked as good in it as Logan did in his. Logan walked up to Roman and immediately smothered those doubts.
“You look… incredible,” he said in a soft tone of almost disbelief. “Gorgeous, I mean! No, amazing!” He laughed. “I can’t decide which word fits you best.” Roman giggled, his face heating up even more. Not just from the compliment. Hearing Logan laughed so freely made his heart flutter. He rarely heard it before and it was so beautiful.
“Thank you,” he said. “For all of this. It’s wonderful.”
“Don’t thank me yet. The evening has just begun,” Logan said, taking Roman’s hand and leading him over to the table. He pulled out a chair for him and he sat down. Then Logan sat himself in the other seat across the small table.
“Baguette! Baguette! French words!” Remus’s voice came as he swooped in again, this time donning a chef’s uniform. Roman already felt like throwing up. Nothing Remus made could be edible or safe.
But to his surprise, Remus set down a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich in front of Roman, and it looked like actual peanut butter and jelly. And it smelled like actual peanut butter and… Crofters!”
“Bone apple tea!” Remus said. Roman giggled as he watched his brother strut away. He looked back at Logan with a bright smile. Logan’s heart fluttered at the sight. He’d missed seeing Roman happy. He hardly saw him at all since he left the light sides and even when he occasionally lurked in the living room shadows to watch him and the others, Roman was always frowning.
“What are you staring at?” Roman asked. Logan blinked a few times and sat up from where he was leaning over with his chin held up by the back of his hands and his elbows on the table. Roman was still smiling, but now a blush accompanied it, making him all the more cuter.
“I... Looking at your smile makes me feel… happy!” Logan said, proud of himself for admitting his emotions. “A-and warm! On the inside, I mean.”
“Logan, you’re… acting different,” Roman noted, his brows coming together. He picked up his sandwich and took a bite.
“Different? Does that displease you? I can revert back to my original—“
“No, no! It’s a good different!” Roman assured him, and Logan relaxed, picking up his sandwich and starting to eat as well. “I like this Logan.”
“You like me?” Logan repeated, a grin growing on his face. He set the sandwich down. “I make you feel happiness?”
“More than that,” Roman admitted.
“And how does… Janus make you feel?” Logan’s lips curled into a scowl at just the thought of him and Roman together like earlier.
Roman sighed. “Conflicted. Confused. Unsure.” He frowned. “Bad.”
“Then why did you almost—”
“I don’t know!” Roman suddenly sobbed, putting his head in his hands. “Because I missed you and I wanted to pretend he could make up for you being gone but he can’t!”
“Oh no, please do not cry! I will make it better; just tell me how,” Logan promised, standing up. Roman looked up at him with tears in his eyes. He sniffed and wiped his cheeks with his wrist.
“Just…” he began, his voice shaking. “Come back to me.” Logan gazed down at Roman sadly and shook his head. Roman let out another sob, holding himself and hunching over. Logan quickly fell onto his knees in front of Roman and held his face in his hands, but Roman shoved him away and stood up. He started to run.
“Roman!” Logan called out after him. Remus popped back in.
“What did you do, dumb butt?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” Logan said. “I just told him I wasn’t going back to the others.”
“He probably thinks that means you don’t want to be with him either, you idiot!” Remus scolded, shoving him towards where Roman ran off. “Go after him!” Logan started running. He caught up to Roman and grabbed his waist, pulling him back against him.
���Stay with me,” he whispered into his ear. Roman stopped and looked at him. He repeated. “Stay with me, Roman.”
“You mean… be a dark side?” Roman asked.
“There are no dark sides or light sides, Roman,” Logan said. “The only difference will be where you stay. They don’t listen to you anyway. Please, be with me.”
“I… I want to, but…” he began, though he couldn’t find the words to follow. He had no but. No reason to stay. He nodded and lunged forward, smashing their lips together. Logan held on tight to him.
“You’re mine. All mine,” Logan mumbled against his lips. He pulled back and smiled. “I love you, Roman. And I’m not ashamed of it anymore.” Roman smiled back at him.
“I love you too, Logan,” he said. “And I’m proud of you for letting yourself feel things. I’m so proud of you.” He wiped his eyes. “Oh god I’ve missed you. I can’t wait to listen to one of your informational rants or even just hear you scold me for being dumb.” He laughed a little.
“You want to hear my rants?” Logan asked. “But I’ve been practicing keeping them in so I wouldn’t annoy you if you agreed to stay with me.” Roman’s heart sunk.
“Oh Logan…” he began. “Of course I do. I love you so much. I love hearing you talk and watching you get excited about what you’re talking about.” He glanced up at the sky and smiled. “Come on. Let’s not waste any time.” He sat down, pulling Logan down with him, and pointed at the sky.
“Tell me about the stars, my love.”
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coconut-cluster · 4 years
“Didn’t you go to an elite private school for a while?” 
“Saint Thornton’s, yes,” Logan says, his voice as lowered as Janus’ as they narrowly avoid a couple twirling a bit more enthusiastically than the crowded ballroom allows. “Why?” 
Janus smiles easily at the couple, a placating gesture that dissolves as soon as they turn away. “Just wondering why they never added ballroom dancing to the curriculum.” He spares Logan a quick onceover, mismatched eyes flicking up and down, and the eyebrow visible outside of his mask quirks up. “You clearly could have used it.” 
He either misses the glare Logan levels at him from behind his silver mask, or he simply ignores it; either way, it takes until Logan intentionally steps on his foot for him to grit his teeth and mutter a small “I was joking, you prick,” under his breath, as close to an apology Logan will get. 
A stray dancer, a young girl in a pink dress that oddly resembles a cupcake, nearly runs into them, mumbling pardons as she picks up her skirt and makes her way through the crowd. They barely spare her a glance; the music picks up, and they’re back to focusing on stepping in time with the crowd, on blending in with the pairs of oblivious partygoers and the one imposter, not unlike themselves.  
“Instead of insulting me,” Logan says after a moment of dancing, pointed enough for Janus to roll his eyes, “you could actually be looking for our culprit, so we can get out of here sooner rather than later.”
“But insulting you is so much more entertaining, darling.” 
Another glare Janus ignores, opting to hum along with the music instead of paying attention to Logan’s frown. “Well, then think up something actually clever and get back to me.” 
It’s Janus’ turn to glare, but as pairs break up and partners turn to new ones, Logan just offers him a brilliant smile and pushes him toward the nearest dancer, the girl in the pink dress (who still looks lost, though it melts into relief once Janus takes her hand and sweeps her into a dance with one last withering scowl at Logan over his shoulder). 
Logan wastes no time in taking the first free hand near him - a young lady with brilliantly red curls piled on her head, in a dress that’s a rather alarming shade of green - and setting off into a waltz. The girl is shorter than him, even with her hairstyle, and as they exchange small comments, Logan is able to look up and over her head around the ballroom, eyeing the other guests in small, sweeping glances.
“I love your suit,” the girl says sweetly, cheeks rosy with a smile. “You like stars, I take it?” 
Logan smiles back and hopes it’s not as stiff as it feels. “I do. I studied astronomy for a while,” he adds, and the girl raises her eyebrows, interested enough in the sentiment to miss the way Logan’s gaze catches on a tall, surly figure across the room, practically sulking in the corner, “so they’re something I know, at least.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful! My sister used to study astronomy, but she’s more of an a musician these days. Perhaps you’d like to meet her still - you might get along well, and she’s looking for a suitor-” 
“I’m afraid I’ll have to refuse on that front.” The man in the corner brightens suddenly as a woman in a deep blue dress comes to him, taking his hands and pressing a kiss to his cheek as they set to dancing together. Logan sighs to himself and begins to search the room again.
“Oh, you’re taken?” 
“Hm?” The girl is looking expectantly up at him, hazel eyes curious and wide. “Oh, uh- not exactly, just-” 
“Not interested?” she fills in, a knowing smile pulling at her mouth. Logan gives her an apologetic nod. “No worries. I feel she’s rather interested in the harpist in her orchestra, anyway.” 
His eyes land on a stone-faced woman near the stage, speaking to the man next to her with their heads together. Her dress is elaborate - her bodice is laced with jewels, her skirt draped in shining satin layers - and the clutch in her hands is held shut tightly, drawn in to her chest as if she’s guarding it and its contents; she seems, by most standards, the type to buy a stolen masterpiece. 
“Well, I wish them the best in getting together,” he smiles to the girl before him, and she brightens. 
“What about you, then?”
“What about me?” 
“Do you have an interest?” She glances around the ballroom, craning her neck as Logan figures out what she’s asking. “What about that fellow you were dancing with before me? With the dark hair? Oh, where did he go-” 
“Oh, no,” Logan says quickly. The woman near the stage sighs, obviously relieved, then climbs the steps toward the band and speak in low tones with the singer before they begin to switch spots - Logan resists the urge to curse under his breath. Another false lead. “No, that’s just my partner.” 
The girl blinks at him slowly. “...Partner?” 
Logan blinks back for a moment. “Oh! No, no, not- not like that, of course, my- uh, work partner. We work together.” 
“...Oh. Of course. Of course, your... work partner.” 
They’re both silent for a minute - there’s a little smile on the girl’s face, a little too knowing for Logan’s liking - as they dance, as Logan sweeps the ballroom again and finds his gaze caught on Janus’ golden mask and dark hair a few pairs of dancers away; he’s listening to his dance partner, his normally easy smile growing bored as she chatters away. Logan stares at them for a good minute before his own partner says, breezily, “Well, he’s a handsome fellow. If you don’t want him, let me know.”
Logan looks back to her, and a tiny laugh catches in his throat as he realizes what she’s suggesting. “Oh, of course,” he smiles. “I’ll keep that in mind, um...” 
“Nicolette,” she smiles back. 
“Right. Well, Nicolette,” he says as the music switches tunes, prompting another partner switch, “it was lovely meeting you. I’ll be sure to tell my partner he has options should he need them.” 
He offers Nicolette a small bow that makes her laugh, and she pulls away, waving to him as she goes to find another partygoer to dance with while the music is jaunty. He watches her go for a second - she goes to a gangly boy with wild curls and a suit that seems a size too big, who greets her with a brilliant smile - and after a moment, he turns to where he saw Janus last, carefully avoiding single dancers who try to offer their hand as he makes his way through the crowd. He can see Janus and the girl in the pink dress together still; she’s talking with a bright grin on her face, youthful and overly enthusiastic, and Logan nearly laughs at what Janus’ internal monologue must be in his predicament. As Logan gets closer, though, the urge to laugh falters. 
Janus’ waning smile, which had seemed bored from where Logan had been only moments ago, looks something closer to confused, something bordering on a frown as the girl talks. And she’s close, Logan realizes - she’s pushed her skirt back to get near enough to Janus to whisper, their waltz posture thrown aside for conversation. Logan stares at them, pausing for just a moment, but the girl looks over suddenly, her eyes meeting Logan’s, and with a final smile and whisper to Janus, she turns on her heel and prances through the dancers around them, disappearing into the crowd.
Logan hurries his way to Janus, hastened by his confusion. By the time he reaches Janus’ side, Janus is still staring after the girl, fiddling with the edge of his sleeve absentmindedly.
“The buyer’s not in here,” he says quietly as soon as Logan is close enough to hear.
Logan blinks at him, furrowing his eyebrows. “What? How do you know?” 
“They know we’re here. Not just us,” he clarifies, “but the others, too, and I don’t think they’re happy about it. They put a damn red herring in here to distract us.” He nods after the girl, his mouth a taut line. “They’re probably trading the art as we speak.” 
“Jesus- of course, that’s just what we need tonight. Fantastic.” Logan lets out a frustrated huff, running a hand through his hair and looking for the nearest exit. “We should get the others - we might still be able to catch them before they’re done trading, as long as we hurry-” 
“I can’t,” Janus says. 
“I can’t hurry.” His words are oddly slow, Logan realizes, like he’s focusing on getting each one out clearly, and Logan feels his eyebrows furrow again. 
“What are you talking about?” 
Janus takes a deep breath, slow and forcibly even, and manages to grab Logan’s arm and drag him to the nearest door as Logan realizes he’s growing pale.  "Don’t make a scene,” he says through grit teeth as they exit the ballroom and stall around the corner of the doorway.
And then he looks down, as Janus’ arm shifts from where it’s pressed across his middle, his gloved hand moving away from his side, teeth grit and expression stiff with forced calm. 
And Logan’s stomach drops as his glove comes away painted red. 
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What is Home? Chapter 5
Masterpost Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6
TW: None
Age(s): Emile (15), Logan (16), Remy (17), Patton (18)
As the sun rose the next day, the twins were up and getting ready for their first day of work. They decide to skip breakfast, something they do quite often, and head straight to the store. Once they get there they get out of the car and start walking to the door.
“I wonder what our coworkers will be like,” Roman says in a slightly excited tone. “I hope they’ll be nice!”
“I’m sure they’ll be fine. If any of them are rude to you though, I won’t let them get away with it,” Remus reassures his twin.
The shorter sibling smiles brightly, “Thanks! The same goes for you!”
The older twin nods and opens the front door of the store for both of them. They walk inside and walk to the cash registers. As they get there, the two of them see three other employees standing there. They recognize Virgil as one of them.
“Excuse me?” Remus calls out to them once they're in front of the cash registers.
“Oh, you guys are here,” Virgil smiles and turns to his coworkers. “These are the new employees, Theseus and Perseus.”
Virgil points at them as he introduces them, the twins each giving a small wave in return.
A tall boy with pale skin, pastel blue hair, and round glasses smiles brightly and waves back, “How fun, it’s been a while since we’ve had new people! It’s nice to meet you both! My name is Patton!”
“Well, as Virgil said my name is Perseus and this is my younger twin Theseus.”
Roman smiles, “Hi. It’s lovely to meet you. Oh, and I go by they/them pronouns.”
Patton nods, “Cool! I’ll make sure to remember that. I go by he/him,” He then gestures to the third employee. “Anyway I’ll let Logan introduce himself.”
“I’m Logan, like Patton said. I go by he/him and they/them pronouns,” Logan—who has black hair, dark brown eyes behind square-shaped glasses, and who appears to be the same height as Patton—steps forward as they introduce themselves.
“Nice to meet you,” Remus responds with an amused smile on his face, intrigued by the way the slightly shorter teen presented themselves.
Logan’s body language was uptight and cold, slightly intimidating even. Yet, their outfit reflected a more creative and free spirited personality. They’re wearing a white shirt with a sun, similar to the one on a tarot card, in the middle, a light orange-brown jacket, and black sun and moon pants. He also has an astrology necklace and a moon earring. Their clothes indicating that the teen is into the spacecore aesthetic.
Patton’s outfit on the other hand can be described as a classic example of light academia. He’s wearing a beige blouse with a brown sweater vest underneath and high waisted brown plaid pants. To top off his outfit he’s wearing a brown belt, silver earrings, and some gold rings.
Both of their styles were vastly different to that of Virgil’s alternative, modern grunge and punk style. Virgil was currently wearing black and purple split colored pants. His oversized My Chemical Romance shirt tucked into his pants as well as his black long sleeve shirt underneath. He also has a spiked choker and chain necklace on. It was interesting to twins to see such different styles of clothing in one place and they loved it.
“Our other coworkers are in the back, in the storage room, if you want to meet them,” Virgil informs them.
The twins nod and they walk to said room. When they get inside they see yet another familiar face as well as one unfamiliar face.
“Jan?” Remus calls out to his friend, “You work here?”
The other turns at hearing her name. She was currently wearing a long sleeved black lace dress with a high low skirt. She’s also wearing a corset, pentagram necklace, and fishnet leggings. Her makeup is mostly black with exaggerated eyeliner and eyeshadow.
She smiles and walks over to them, “Yeah, I’m glad to see you two again. Are you guys the new employees?”
Roman blushes slightly and avoids looking at Janus as they nod, “Yup, we are. Also, I like your outfit. You look nice.”
Remus can’t help but smile softly. He knows his twin like the back of his hand, so it’s easy for him to notice that Roman has a crush on Janus. This was actually a realization he made back when they lived with the goth, but he won’t say anything. He wants Roman to come to terms with their emotions on their own, afterall he wants his sibling to experience actual love.
“Thanks, you look nice too,” Janus responds with a smile, making Roman blush more.
Suddenly, the other teen that was in the room with them walks over, “Hey, sorry to interrupt but I couldn’t help but overhear that you two work here now?”
The twins look over at the stranger. The teen is tall, taller than Logan yet shorter than Remus. Their tan skin nicely compliments his short dark brown hair. Their eyes are hidden behind sunglasses, making it impossible to see their eye color. They’re wearing a coffee brown skirt with a matching cropped sweater vest. Under the vest they have a black long sleeved blouse. For accessories they have a brown beret and a black pendant necklace. They’re outfit seeming like a darker version of Patton’s.
Roman smiles and nods, “Yeah! My name is Theseus and this is my older twin Perseus. What’s your name?”
“Remy,” they say with a smirk. “You guys have really cool names. I’ve never heard those names before, except for when Jan and Logan are talking about mythology or whatever.”
The younger twin chuckles slightly, “Thanks. Oh and I go by they/them pronouns.”
Remy nods and runs a hand through their hair, “Good to know. Feel free to use whatever pronouns you want for me. I don’t really care.”
Remus hums, “Alright. Also, I like your outfit. It looks cool.”
“Thank you.”
“So,” Janus rejoins the conversation, “Have you both met everyone else?”
The taller twin thinks for a bit before shrugging, “I don’t know. We’ve met Virgil, Logan, and Patton at the front.”
“Then you’re only missing Emile,” Remy says, “She’s probably restocking some stuff. I’ll go get her.”
“Hey Jan?” Remus speaks in somewhat of a whisper once the other teen leaves the room, “Why is Remy wearing sunglasses? Especially inside?”
“Oh yeah, he has dry eyes so his eyes can get really sensitive to light,” Janus explains, “He doesn’t wear them all the time though, since he has medication. Plus he just likes wearing them.”
The twins nod, “Thanks for telling us.”
The three of them continue to talk for about 5 minutes or so before Remy comes back. With them is a short girl, who is only an inch or so taller than Roman. Her skin is fair with a pink undertone. Her round gold colored glasses almost match her short wavy blonde hair. One of the more noticeable features of the teen however are her stunning pacific blue eyes. Her outfit consisted of a sky blue long sleeved shirt tucked into a pastel pink skirt. Under the collar of her shirt, a pink tie is tied into a bow. She’s also wearing some white knee long stockings with pastel pink bows on them. Finally she has some heart earrings on.
“Hi!” She walks over with them and shakes their hands, “My name is Emile! I go by she/her pronouns. It’s lovely to meet you both!”
Roman shakes her hand back with a smile, “Lovely meeting you too! My name is Theseus. I go by they/them pronouns.”
“Perseus. He/Him,” the other twin answers relatively quickly, not really feeling much of an immediate connection to Emile.
Emile hums, “So, do you know who’s training you both yet? Or no?”
“No, we don’t,” Roman answers with a small shrug, “Who should we go ask to train us?”
“I don’t mind doing so,” Janus offers, “I mean, I much rather do than restock.”
Remus nods with an excited smirk on his face, “That works for me!” He turns to his sibling, “Are you okay with that too, Theseus?”
They take an unnoticeable deep breath to try and overcome the sudden wave of nervousness that hit them before nodding, “Yeah, that works for me.”
“Come on then.”
Janus leads them toward the front of the store. She shows them how to work the cash register. She also shows them how everything else works such as how to do refunds, take off the safety tags, discounts, and gift cards. After she finishes showing them everything at the front, she takes them through a mini tour of the store. Showing them every aisle and what is located on each of them. Then she shows them how everything is organized in the back. Finally, she shows them how to clean any spills or deal with any sort of emergencies.
By the time Janus is done training Remus and Roman, there’s an hour or two left of work so they practice checking stuff out and bagging the items.
Finally as the day ends, the twins say goodbye to their new coworkers, clock out, and head home. As soon as they get home, the two start getting ready for bed, tired from how much they learned that day. Both of them fall asleep smiling though, each of them excited to go to work again tomorrow.
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naminethewriter · 3 years
This Once And Never Again
My last entry for Dukeceit Week 2021 if finally done! I’m so happy I finished it 🥰 Thanks to @dukeceitweek for organizing this and thank you to everyone who read along, commented, reblogged and left tags, you are all amazing! 😍😍😍 Now I hope you enjoy this last story as well! 💛💚
Here on Ao3
Characters: Janus, Remus
Relationship: romantic Dukeceit
Rating: T
Words: 1,287
Summary: Why had he agreed to do this again? He should’ve just said no, it was a stupid plan anyway.
Janus fingers danced on the wheel nervously. The black gloves felt wrong on his hands. As did his hair stuffed under the also black beanie on his head. In general, he did not feel very comfortable in his current outfit. Or this car. A rental. Also black. Borrowed under a fake name and he had no intention of returning it to the dealer he had gotten it from. The sound of cars passing by in front of the small driveway he was parked in and the tap, tap, tap of his fingers on the wheel were the only noise. The radio was turned off, as were the lights and the engine. Appearing to be empty unless you took a closer look.
Janus checked his watch. Shouldn’t be long now. The make-up on his face was itchy. It felt uncomfortable and wrong, just like the clothes. Why had he agreed to do this again? He should’ve just said no, it was a stupid plan anyway. His eyes wandered back to his wrist. Not even a minute had passed. If Remus wasn’t here in the next 15 minutes, Janus was free to leave. But for now, he waited.
 Time seemed to move so slowly. Janus was usually calm even in stressful situations but this had his anxiety going wild. It really was a stupid plan. And an entirely unnecessary one to boot. It was only a few months, they’ve gone through worse! Literally! Remus had been gone for a year once. Granted they hadn’t been together then but still. Janus was nothing if not patient. His partner was anything but.
 A sound, from up above. Janus glanced out of the slightly open window but he couldn’t see anything unless he left the car. After all, the buildings to the sides of the small driveway were at least five floors high. Another sound. Another look at the watch. The timing matched. Clattering, then a thump as something landed in front of the car. Or rather: someone.
 Remus’ agility was still somewhat baffling to Janus. He had checked the walls beforehand, how Remus got down from one of the roofs without getting hurt was beyond him. His boyfriend stood up straight, dusted himself off before grinning at Janus who rolled his eyes in response. Remus looks have gotten even wilder over the last few months. His hair longer, not only on his head but on his face. The moustache was now part of a beard. Janus was not a fan. With a few quick steps, Remus was at the window.
 “Hey, danger noodle~” he singsonged while wiggling his eyebrows. Janus fixed him with an unimpressed stare.
 “Get in the back, I want out of these clothes as soon as possible.”
 “You haven’t seen me in four months and that’s the love I get?”
 “Yes, because you dragged me into your stupid plan, now go!” Janus hissed and closed the window. Remus pouted at him for a few more seconds, before he moved behind the car, opened the trunk and slipped inside. Once Janus was certain that he had closed the lid properly, he started the car and calmly drove onto the street, the sound of sirens in the background.
   The drive was thankfully quick and without incident. The couple police cars that crossed their way didn’t seem to find a reason to stop and check them. So after around 20 minutes, Janus pulled into a garage on the other edge of the small city. Once he exited the car, he checked that the shutter had closed properly behind him before he turned on the light and opened the trunk.
 “I really don’t know how you can act so stupid and still get so damn lucky,” Janus scolded his boyfriend, who grinned at him before climbing out.
 “I wish I knew, Jan-Jan! Then I could go and thank whoever made me so lucky that I have you in my life.” Remus delivered that awful, cheesy line with so much confidence, Janus almost forgot to be annoyed with him. Almost. Remus had moved closer, his face only inches from Janus’ own until he was pushed away, a black gloved hand on his cheek.
 “Shut up, you corny rat. I need to get out of this outfit.” Janus moved away, grabbing the bag that had been left by a door that led out of the garage and further into the building. He turned back around for a moment, hand already on the doorknob. “And you dear, need a shave.” Remus giggled and quickly followed his partner out of the room, turning off the light when he left. The rental remained, in a now empty garage, keys left in the ignition.
   It took Janus another 15 minutes to get out of the offending clothes, let down her hair and braid it, pick an outfit she liked from the few options she had packed, get the make-up covering her vitiligo off and decide to change the charm on her bracelet to indicate female pronouns. She felt so much better with a hat more her style, a loose blouse and knee-long skirt, slender shoes and her trusted yellow gloves. Once she was satisfied, she went to check on Remus.
 Her boyfriend was already dressed and shaven when she came in and frowned at himself in the mirror. And Janus had to agree, he almost looked worse than before. Without a hair left on his lower face and dressed in the trademark red shirt and white skinny jeans of his brother, Remus looked pretty bizarre. The only remaining difference between him and Roman was the wild hair. Remus’ eyes met Janus in the mirror.
 “I look gross.” Janus nodded.
 “But it was your plan, so no complaining.”
 “What’s the fun of it if I can’t?” Remus whined. His girlfriend sighed.
 “Just let me cut your hair so we can get out of here?”
 “Kisses first?”
 “Fine,” Janus sighed but she couldn’t deny how good it felt to feel Remus’ lips on her own again. Apparently he had also had the time to brush his teeth, a nice surprise. They simply stood there for a minute, locking lips but once Remus tried to get his tongue involved, Janus pulled back.
 “That’s enough. We have a long drive, let me finish your look.” Remus pouted but obliged, sitting down on a stool while Janus got out the scissors and electric razor. Janus worked in silence for a bit before commenting: “Roman is going to be so mad at you once he comes back from his trip.”
 “When’s that going to be?”
 “They planned to stay for five days, so three more.”
 “And he got Daddy, Nerdy Wolverine and Spiderling to come along?”
 “Yes and I don’t know how he managed that. I also don’t know how you convinced him that he should go on a ‘no technology camping trip’. And with perfect timing for your little stunt as well.” Remus grinned.
 “I don’t kiss and tell, Jannie, you know that.” Janus scoffed.
 “The less I know, the better, probably. But I brought Roman’s phone, wallet and perfume, so you should have no trouble convincing anyone that you’re him if we’re stopped.”
 “My, my, J-anus. Stealing my brother’s clothes and papers? You are so naughty~” Janus paused to hit him on the head lightly.
 “Just to be clear: this is the first and last time I help you break out of jail. When you get arrested next time, you’re on your own. And who in their right mind plans to break out in broad daylight?”
 “I got away with it, didn’t I?” Remus grinned.
 “We’re not home yet, don’t jinx it.”
 “Yeah, yeah. Love you, Jan.”
 “Love you, too, you idiot.”
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years
Sides+ Remus snaps them in mini skirts+reaction=?
at first i was really unsure of what to do with this. so i decided to make this just a fun little crack thing, i hope that’s okay.
includes: Prinxiety, Logicality, and Demus. lots of skirts.
Roman’s reaction to the skirt was exactly what Remus had expected. When the Duke snapped his twin into a red mini skirt, the Prince instantly twirled around, allowing himself to feel glamorous and wondrous. Remus couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the audacity of his twin, but allowed him to stay in the skirt for the rest of the day. He definitely made sure to mock Virgil for his reaction, though; the anxious side’s eyes were wider than he’d ever seen them and focused on the legs of the Prince.
Remus almost didn’t do it, afraid of how Patton (and the others) would react to the moral side being snapped into a mini skirt, but he decided to do it anyways. Once Patton was in the khaki miniskirt, though, his whole face lit up, and he snapped again to add some knee-high socks. Remus heard Logan choking behind him, and they all turned to see the logical side beet red and unable to stop looking at the chunky thighs of the father figure. Remus would make sure to get a proper thank-you from both of them, but that’d come later.
By the time that Remus got to Logan, the logical side saw it coming. The black mini skirt was perfect for tucking in the black polo, and Logan thought for a moment before snapping into black tights. Remus was a bit disappointed but not surprised at the development, but noticed later that Logan had been standing in front of a mirror for a while, admiring himself. Good, Remus thought. He needs to give himself more love.
Frankly, Remus was terrified of what the anxious side’s reaction to the skirt would be, but he was already almost done with his trip around the mindspace and he really wanted to see his twin flustered at Virgil in a skirt. It was a dark purple skirt, and he was even kind enough to snap the stormcloud into some black knee-high tights, knowing that maybe he’d be appreciated for it. The sound that came from Roman’s throat was one that Remus really didn’t want to remember, but he liked seeing the blush and smile on Virgil’s face. He considered it a win.
“I know what you’re doing, Re,” the snake’s voice from behind Remus startled him, and he spun around to see Janus standing there, already in a yellow skirt to match the colors of his coat. Remus pouted a little, sad that he didn’t get to snap the deceitful side into a skirt, but he still stepped up to his boyfriend, his hands resting on the hips of the snake. “You’re not as awful as everyone makes you out to be, and if no one else can see that, I do.” The deceitful side dipped his head down, capturing Remus’ lips in a kiss; Remus, for once, did not try to stick his tongue down his boyfriend’s throat. Maybe later, he thought.
He stood in front of the mirror in his room, having recently cleaned the grime off of it so he could see himself properly. The skirt hung around his hips almost loosely, and he admired himself a bit, his hands running down his bare thighs. A lesson in love, perhaps. It was intriguing to him, using his intrusive abilities to help those around him feel more comfortable in their skin, to have their partners appreciate them a bit more than usual. Remus cracked a smile at himself in the mirror, then snapped his fingers, and all of the skirts melted away. 
Maybe next week he’d try dresses.
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sarenicide · 3 years
This prompt got my attention so here we are!
Credits to @strangedeerconnoisseur
Ships: Roceit, background intruality
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None
"Oh I just love your skirt today Roman."
Roman blushes at the compliment and smiles, striking a pose. "Well of course I look good! A prince has got to slay," Roman exclaims.
Remus growls under his breath at Virgil. Logan places a hand on the latter's shoulder.
"Calm down, Roman will be fine."
"But what if he's lying! He's Deceit, afterall!" Virgil grumbles next to Remus. The Duke takes a deep breath and smirks, "I've found a way around that!"
Logan raises an eyebrow as Patton frowns. "ReRe...Don't say you're going to-"
"I made a truth serum!" Remus interrupts his boyfriend, pulling out a small vial with a pale blue liquid inside. He grins at Patton who sighs in defeat.
"Its...Water..?" Virgil cocks his head to the side, staring at the bottle. Logan takes it and examines it.
"Remus, show me the recipe later...This does have the correct color and it isn't bubbling..."
The giggling manifestation of intrusive thoughts takes the vial back. He pours it into his old cup of water and mixes it. Patton sighs as he's handed the cup. Remus makes puppy dog eyes at his boyfriend.
"Please? I'll let you see some of my sketches!"
Patton nods, goes to the kitchen, grabs a new glass of water for Roman, and goes to the two.
"Water?" Roman smiles at Patton and takes his cup, sipping with a 'thank you.' Janus takes the cup, inspecting it and glancing at Roman. He figures there's nothing wrong with it and takes a drink.
Almost immediately after, Janus puts the cup aside and feels quite a bit lighter. Before he can question Patton about the drink, said moral side has already run back to his boyfriend to escape the incoming rage. Roman opens his sketchbook and shows Janus a few drawings. "Anyway! I was thinking that these would look great for your dress!"
Janus practically floats as he looks at the sketches, nodding in acknowledgement. Incredible...How can he always exceed my expectations..?
Roman blushes bright red and Janus cocks his head to the side. He goes to say that they are ok but finds himself complimenting them more. The deceitful side flushes and covers his mouth with his hand. Remy approaches them as Janus clears his throat, making half-truth explanations about any criticisms he has. Remy, having no idea what's going on, decides that he's gonna play flirt.
"Sup babes. How's life for everyone's favorite liar and prince?"
Janus smiles politely at Remy, ignoring the smirk the other wears when seeing his light pink human side.
"Pleasantly. I was just telling Roman how much I adore his designs. Now if you'll excuse us, I'd like some time with just my love."
Janus and Roman go bright red. Janus hides his face in two of his hands and screams into them before looking at his drink with scrutiny. He then stares across the room to where the 4 others are. Remus bursts out laughing at Janus's reaction. Logan smirks to himself as Virgil goes wide-eyed. Patton, beautiful Patton, is squealing and cheering as the romantic side is finally being paired with someone.
Janus narrows his eyes on Patton and Remus.
"What did yousssss put in my drink?!"
The 4 sides freeze. Each one of them looks at each other before everyone points at Remus. "It was his idea!"
Remus is already running when Janus starts after him, chasing the chaotic side throughout the house while hissing curses at him. Roman stands beet red as Remy laughs, "Soooooo...Dee huh?~"
I'm not good at conclusions but I read that prompt and thought that I ought to try!
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Yay lasertag!!! Janus you should totally go visit Remus on the weekend and hang out! Also, maybe invite Remy too, if they wanna come. Then (specially if they don't show) you can plan with them both to maybe go on another hangout with Remus but to somewhere you like and let Remy tag along for the ride if they wanna while u're at it.
(Words: 3153 words)
Janus: "Ah yes! I will let you know that after hanging out with Remus I managed to use my incredible totally very good texting skills to ask the Rems if they wanted to go to an art museum and they both for some reaosn, maybe they are being blackmailed, said yes! I hope it will go g-"
He cut himself off as he saw the two Rems come towards him. He had been waiting outside the museum. (Honestly half the reason he had choosen it was because he knew Remus liked art)
Remus waved at him while grinning. He had on sweatpants, a way too large t-shirt and a necklace made out of animal bones. Remy had their arm swung around him. Even though they had sunglasses on their eyebags were still visible.
“Aight gamers! Are we ready to do an epic art heist!! I got my sunglasses ready!” Remus exclaimed. He didn’t, he was planning on stealing Remy’s sunglasses.
“Partner you’re forgetting that we must first observe the security measures of the museum before we can even start to plan the heist” Janus replied.
“Oh!!! That’s what we’re doing today isn’t it??”
“Correct partner!”
“Babes I dunno why you gotta steal art when I’m standing right here” Remy added while posing.
“Good point. Good point” 
Janus had on a yellow bowtie he’d gotten from Logan, a loose purple shirt and black dress pants. People had to look fancy when they went to museums right? Remy had a skirt short enough to fool god and their boyfriend’s hoodie on (it looked oversized on them but with how skinny they were Everything looked oversized on them).
As soon as they got in Remus started to bounce up and down as he looked at the posters showing all the different exhibitions. There was a modern art one, classical and one smaller exhibition for specifically mosaic works.
“So whatcha you wanna look at Snakey?” Remus asked.
Janus was caught of guard “Why are you asking me?”
“Well you chose how we would hang out. C’mon you deserve to choose this too”
He looked over to Remy who shrugged “Uhm okay. Well. The classical paintings would proably give us the most money on the black market so lets look at those”
Remus quickly took on his noise canceling headphones and a chew necklace before doing thumbs up. He firmly took Janus’ hand in his. He sent him a soft smile which made Jan’s heart spin before dashing of with him into the exhibition.
A few big paintings from the renaissance hung on the wall. Remy came a little later since with the cane they walked pretty slow. Remus eyed the paintings from a distance before squinting at them up close. He flapped the hand he was hoding Janus with around.
"Oh!!! This is so cool!!!! This is from the renaissance but it's not using the chiaro oscuro technique like everyone did 'cause Da Vinci would eat their newborn if they didnt!”
"Is that why it's looking flatter than me?" Remy asked.
“YEah!! Augh I love the renaissance!!! Mostly because they were dissecting bodies so much!! sometimes for the sole purpose of drawing anatomy better!! I wanna do that! Or watch someone do that! Getting to see one of those old classrooms where they dissected corpses would be so awesome!”
“Huh good way to get rid of bodies. Great time for serial killers” Janus commented.
He let out a dreamy sigh “It truly was. They’re doing serial killers dirty nowadays”
They went through some more rooms of renaissance paintings. Janus made sure to hold Remus back a bit so Remy could keep up with them. The duke kept rambling about different shading techniques.
They stepped into another room and the style changed. Remus continued to flap his hand nonetheless. Janus was definitely going to have pain in his wrist tomorrow. It was worth it if he could hold his hand though.
Remy leaned their elbow on top of Janus’ head “This is like the baroque time right?”
“YEah!” Remus’ eyes went huge “Bean you didn’t tell me you were into art history??! Do you know about Ruben too?? I like how he paints butts!”
“What? Nah. I just- I can like see it on the clothes in the paintings. Can’t you?”
“Do I look like a time traveling fashiong guru” Janus replied sarcastically “That is honestly impressive”
Remy sunk in on themself and a hint of red appeared on their cheeks “No. Nah. I’m like a total airhead! Completel idiot! hehe I’m like tots sure everyone knows this stuff. Y’all are just bad at fashion. I uh anyway Rem you were gonna rant?”
“I was?”
“Oh....Okay!!” He looked around the room before getting caught on a small painting in the corner. He dashed over to it “HANds!”
The painting depicted 2 bloody hands over a table. They were holding onto each other. the red stuck out against the dark background. It was hard to see if they were supposed to belong to two people who were fighting or in love.
Remus looked down at Janus’ hand while playing with his fingers “I think my favorite body part are hands” He mumbled “I mean they’re horseshit to draw but they can do so much”
Janus looked away from the painting as well. He let his crush do whatever he wanted with his hand as long as he kept holding it. the way he held him so lightly but kept rubbing his thumb up and down his skin made him melt.
“Yeah they can do a lot of fucked up shit” Remy butted in. Jan nearly jumped. He’d completely lost himself in adoring his crush.
“Well hands can also be used to give snakes small berries! And to make coffee!”
“Girl I wasn’t starting an argument. But you sure did won it!”
Remus was staring down into the floor as he said “When I become a cannibal I would wanna try eating human fingers first. I’m sure they would be tasty”
“Why was there a when in there?” Jan asked in a small amount of terror.
“Oh yeah babe totally. I will like actually eat a dick” Remy agreed.
“Why is there a will in there? What kind of time tenses are you people on?? Does english grammar mean nothing to you heathens!?”
Remy got a smug look on their face. They poked their finger right into Janus’ chest “C’mon say what you will eat when you become a cannibal”
“Yeah Snakey” Remus squished his cheeks “Say it! Say it! Say it!”
The two of them kept going on while Janus looked like a sour lemon until he finally caved in.
“Fine. I would either eat the stomach or....the buttocks since they would have the most fat and sustain me the longest”
The Rems looked at each other before bursting out into laughter. “He said butT!” Remus cackled out. The other Rem nodded along and pretended to wipe away a tear from laughter.
“Aight babe let’s put the guy out of his misery” 
They motioned for Remus to go ahead. He happily skipped into the next room and grabbed Jan’s hand to take him with him. The snake couldn’t help but notice how Remy stayed behind for a monent.
“Oh cool!! We’re onto impressionism! The first real art style!” He sighed “From impressionism to cartoon furries. How magical the journey of art is” 
(Jan who had a scaley phase in high school chose to not reply)
“I love the music as well. Crazy lads. My favorite lad?” Remus snickered “De bussy!!”
“That’s my porn name” Remy instantly replied, coming up behind them. “Hey that paint lady kinda like looks like Terra” They pointed at a painting.
“....Hey YEaH! I guess my art is timeless!”
Janus looked between them “who’s Terra?”
“Well girl” Remy playfully ruffled Remus’ hair “She’s just Rem’s tots cool like cartoon character. She’s like all over his sketchbook. Makes it look kinda straight if you ask me but she does have like a very cool design so I get it!”
“Oh......Yes...Sounds very....cool”
The group kept going around looking at art. While it felt like lead was filling Janus’ chest. He’d never heard about Terra. He’d never seen his sketchbook. Meaning they had spent time with each other without him.
He pierced his nails into his palms to stop the thoughts. He refused to be some jealous person who didn’t allow his friends to hang out without him.....Still he wish he could have seen the drawings as well....seen them smile together...heard their shared laughter....
Oh. Oh what if they thought he was annoying. What if they preferred being without him. What if he’d forced them to come here today. What if-
“Hey snakey wanna look at the modern art as well?” Remus interrupted.
Without realizing they’d gone through all of the classic art. Now they were in the last room with not much more than a giant painting the size of one of the walls and a bench.
“That sounds horrid!”
Remus quickly continued of into the next exhibition. Janus still had the taste of lead filling his throat as he went to follow. Until he realized Remy wasn’t there. He turned around and saw them sitting on the bench in front of the painting. They were leaning their arms on their cane.
“It would probably give us a lot on the black market” Jan said while sitting down beside them.
“Mhm. It’s pretty. I just like wanted to look at it some more” They lied.
The painting was pretty much a big flower field with a summer sky shining down on it. Janus noticed how Remy forced deep breathes through their gritted teeth. Their brows were furrowed and their hands kept shaking.
“Are you alright?”
“Of course!” 
“I have some painkillers with me. Would that help agains the pain you’re totally not in?”
They glanced over to him “Girl what you doing walking around with painkillers?”
He looked at them with the most deadpan expression “Remy I’m overweight. You can not phantom how often I get knee pain" He took out a pill and held it out to them "Here"
"There's really like no need! I can like handle it"
Even more deadpan "You shouldn’t have to ‘handle it’. It's 1 painkiller dear. I'm not exactly becoming a saint because of this"
They hesitantly took it "Thanks"
He did fingerguns "No problemo"
They stayed sitting for a bit so the pill could kick in. Jan shuly glanced over to admire them every now and then. Remy kept looking down into the floor while picking at their skin.
“I’m sorry” They said it in a much quieter voice than their usual high pitched one “I tried to do everything right so I wouldn’t ruin everything. I even went to bed early so I wouldn’t get tired....I...I really looked forward to getting to be with you two”
Janus heart beat faster. He pulled himself together to comfort them “You haven’t ruined a thing”
They hid their face in their hands “I’ve been tired and out of it all day. I keep like slowing you down. Don’t think I haven’t like noticed how much you have to hold Rem back from going faster! I’ve just been making this all much worse than it should have been”
“Well you’re here aren’t you? I for one appreciate you simply being here. You don’t have to do anything to make me appreciate you, don’t even have to talk. I hope you know that”
“Oh no darling I totally expect you to win the nobel prize while in a kind of pain I can’t even imagine being in on a daily basis”
Remy chuckled “Thanks”
“There’s really no need for that. I am at any and all times doing the absolute minimum to be counted as a decent human being”
“Sure snakey-babey” They had a soft smile on their face.
They moved to hug him. Their arms wrapped around his back and they muffled their head right between his man titties. Janus sat still for a few seconds, too flustered to think before moving his arms around them as well. A hand on the back of their head, another on their lower back. Their skin felt so cold against his.
Remy closed their eyes and let themself calm down. They could feel Janus’ breathing against their hair.
“I think my fav like human part is the chest” They mumbled out “‘Cause I can hear the heart beat. It reminds me I’m- we’re still like alive”
“Like a bloody biological seashell”
“Exactly” They pressed themself closer. “I like being with you” It was nothing more than a whisper, like it was a secret “When you’re here I feel a bit less like a rotting corpse”
Janus held onto them harder “Well I-I try my best”
“I know babe”
His heart was beating out of his chest. The people around them must think they were a couple. He closed his eyes and focused on Remy’s touch, on Picani’s words from their last session. He managed to push enough of the shame away and focus on the happy butterflies in his stomach instead.
Remy moved away. The moment broke.
“We should probs go find Rem before he starts like eating the art”
“haha yeah” Janus did thumbs up but kept sitting. He’d gone full idiot.
It wasn’t until he saw Remy straining to stand up even with the cane his brain kicked back in.
“Is there some way I could help?”
They didn’t answer. But they did lean their arm around his shoulder to let him carry some of their weight. They slowly but surely made their way to the modern art exhibition.
Remus was sitting crosslegged in front of a weird statue, he was doodling in his sketchbook but shone up into a smile when he saw them.
“There you are! I was starting to think that either the zombie apocalypse had started or you were making out somehwere”
“Oh yeah babe. Full tounge” Remy joked back. Jan let out an inhumane noise.
He closed his sketchbook “I think we’re done here. You’re looking tired beanie. We can come back some other day”
Remy held back the urge to lie that they were fine. Instead they weakly nodded.
The gang left the museum. Right beside it was an ice cream shop. Remus got 3 scoops of a worryingly weird mix of flavors. Janus got 1 scoop of lemon. Remy didn’t feel like eating.
They sat down on a couple of benches right outside. Remy laid down with their head leaned onto Remus’ thigh. He chewed his ice cream while calmly moving his hand up and down their back.
Soon enough they were deep asleep. Janus quickly laid his jacket over their legs. He didn’t want to accidentally see anything under their skirt without their consent.
Remus stared at him like a blood sucking eagle while smiling “Soooo now when beanie is in dream land.......Do” He stopped to giggle “Janny. Janny. Do. Do you like someooooonnneee??”
Janus just blinked at him for half a minute. This was too much. This whole day was too much. He was a wreck. His crush was asking him THis?! While his other crush was laying in his crush’s lap?!?
“Why- Why- What- Who are you working for?! The fucking FBI??? Are they after me?” He desperately tried to joke it away.
“No. No. But seriously JanJan!” He wiggled his shoulders around in a stimmy way “Do you happen to like anyone with a name that starts on R????”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Janus kept glancing between his two crushes while his blushing could be seen out into space. He wanted to lie but his mouth wouldn’t move.
Remus leaned closer and whispered “You’re into Remy right?”
He nodded. A breathe of relief went through him. At least Remus didn’t know he liked him.
“OH I KNEW IT!” Remus yelled out in excitement while flapping his hands.
“Shh! Shh!” Janus scrambled to cover his mouth as Remy stirred for a moment. “Shhhh!” They cuddled closer to their friend and fell back asleep.
“I knew it!” He giggled “Or I mean Remy knew. They told me they thought you were into them”
Now it was Remus that covered his mouth. He was full on cackling “Yeah! They said it was really obvious! But good for you snakey! I’m sure if you murder their boyfriend you can get them in no time! Or you can become a fab homewrecker!! I can help you buy a nice sexy dress and all!!”
Janus paled in terror “How- In- What- In what way did they say it was obvious?”
“Oh y’know-”
The notif on his phone went off. He checked and his eyes went wide. He carefully moved Remy’s head onto the bench before standing up.
“Sorry snakey! Ro needs super duper emergency help! Gotta go!! See you later! Don’t die!”
Remus left him just like that.  Right after dropping THAT bomb on him. Janus sat unmoving. His mouth was slightly agape in shock. His thoughts were runnig around screaming nonstop.
He sat like that for over 20 minutes until Remy let out a yawn and slowly woke up. They took off their sunglasses to rub their eyes. Just seeing their vibrantly green eyes made Janus panic even more.
“Did Rem disintegrate?” Their voice was hoarse from sleepyness. Janus pinched himself to hold back the uhm feelings.
“He- he uh he went he went he sure did went yeah”
They stretched their joints, they all cracked. They looked to Janus and moved closer. He couldn’t breathe. They knew. They knew. They knew.
“Girl are you feeling okay?” They pressed their palm to his forehead “You’re like super hot. In both ways! Maybe you should like go home and rest. I gotta get home before my boyf gets home anyway”
“Y-yeah” Was all Janus could get out.
“Cool. OH! By the way! Girl!!! We haven’t like hung out just the two of us right?? We should tots do that! Just like tell me whatever you wanna do and we can do it!”
“Awesome! Well I’ll see you on that hang out then”
They hugged him for just a few seconds but for those seconds Janus felt like he was in heaven.
They got up and left. Janus slumped over on the bench. His heart was going crazy. They knew. They knew and now they wanted to hang out alone with him. He turned to you. His eyes were wide and panicked.
Janus: “W-what am I supposed to do? I don’t know any good hang out plans! Do you know any??? I’m- this is all- how did they even know I like them! Oh I’m sounding like an overdramatic 13 year old.....This totally isn’t really overwhelming. I would hate getting Logan cuddles right now!”
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cotncandyboifics · 3 years
A Lovely Night: Chapter 2
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6
Pairing(s): pre-established roceit & prinxiety, anaroceit, eventual anaroloceit, eventual intruality
Word count: ~2k
Story summary: Roman's boyfriends had had a rivalry since before either of them had actually met Roman. Running a bit late to a date night, Roman accidentally gets them to start dating too.
General CW: non-detailed description of an anxiety attack, non-detailed description of physical pain, food, kissing, potentially triggering descriptions of physical bodies, swearing, caps lock, school settings, s-xual innuendos, slight description of gore(imagery), vague descriptions of anxiety, Implications of an eating disorder, fatigue, dissociation, suppression of stimming, implied heavy restriction (ED), inner monologue-style anxiety description, eating,(will be added to as I write more)
Chapter CW: kissing, swearing, subtle s-xual innuendo, (let me know if i missed anything please!)
Author notes: this is the starring role chapter! If that makes sense... after this I'm kind of making up the plot stream-of-consciousness style. I'm pretty excited to get CH 5 out.
Virgil knew this whole thing was a mistake.
Roman had practically begged him to break out his skirt, fishnet, and heels. He'd only just bought them, and Roman was entirely too enticed by the idea of his boyfriend wearing them. He was very nervous - he'd never worn heels before, and never a skirt out in public - but he just couldn't bring himself to say no to his love.
And so, here he stood, leaning on the railing over a valley as the sun began reaching to kiss the horizon. He'd worn his favorite ripped crop top and leather jacket, fishnets reaching across his exposed navel, down beneath his plaid purple skirt and all the way into the black high heels he wore. He'd done his makeup a little nicer than usual, winging his eyeliner and getting a bit of purple sparkles in with his eyeshadow. his hair curled and twined haphazardly over his forehead and eyes as he watched lights of houses in the valley flicker on.
This was meant to be a special date, just Janus, Roman and Virgil. Roman had planned it, and kept the events a complete secret to both his boyfriends, simply telling them when and where to meet him. Virgil checked his phone; it was two minutes to seven, the agreed upon time. Virgil tended to arrive early to most things, since he was usually anxious that he'd be late even when getting a 30 minute head start. He passed his phone between his hands, the screen flickering on when his thumb accidentally tapped it, and a picture of Roman kissing a smirking Janus on the cheek greeted him. He felt his cheeks heat up, and slid his phone back into his pocket.
A clicking noise sounded from a little ways away, and Virgil turned to seek its source.
Janus was walking up, the heels of his black and white dress shoes clicking on the pavement. He wore a black wool suit with golden accents, a red dress shirt with subtle frills and a black bowtie. On his head rested his favorite bowler hat, concealing the majority of his golden curls - some of which escaped anyway, tucked neatly against his forehead and over his ears. He smirked and bowed as he approached Virgil, dipping his head and holding one golden gloved hand fisted tight against the small of his own back. Virgil scoffed and shoved his shoulder, and Janus stumbled a bit, snickering back.
Janus joined Virgil at the railing, looking out at the valley and the setting sun. They stood in a comfortable silence for a while, Virgil needing to consistently will himself not to rest his head on Janus' shoulder that was painfully close but felt so far.
After long enough, Janus cleared his throat. "Where might our dear prince be?" He ran his fingers down the underside of one of his lapels, not yet tearing his gaze from the pink clouds surrounding the sunset. Virgil opted to check his phone.
"Uh..." He couldn't form the words, so he simply presented his phone to Janus. A single text had come through.
Romano<3 Hey babe, I'm running kinda late. Why don't you and Jannie entertain each other until I get there? Sorry. Love you <3<3<3
Janus hummed, eyebrows raised. "Well it appears we're stuck with each other for the time being." He smirked slightly, and Virgil scoffed, bumping shoulders with him.
"What a waste," Virgil mused under his breath after a few more minutes of them staring out at the sunset together.
"Ah..." Janus glanced at Virgil briefly. "Such a shame. What a lovely view. It's practically hand drawn for a couple." He sighed, a little too dramatically, and Virgil furrowed his brow at him. "If only Roman were here. Unfortunately, you're not really my type, darling."
"Really." Virgil spat, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest protectively.
"Alas it's only you and I," Janus continued, leaning slightly closer to Virgil, "and frankly, we've got no chemistry whatsoever."
"Ah, okay snakey." Virgil bit back, not daring to look at the smirk he was sure was playing on Janus' face. "I think I can make that call, huh? Just because you look all pretty in that polyester suit doesn't-"
"It's wool," Janus interjected in annoyance. Although after a moment he gasped slightly, turning to Virgil fully. "Wait a moment! Did you just call me pretty, Charlie Frown?" He leaned a little too close, and Virgil scrunched his nose, leaning away slightly.
"Stealing Ro's nicknames for me doesn't make you creative," Virgil deflected, smirking right back at Janus.
"Mmm, perhaps not," Janus leaned away, seemingly examining his fingernails through his gloves.
"And for the record, I'm also feeling no chemistry."
"Is that so?" Janus' attention was back on Virgil, and their eyes locked in an intense and silent battle. Virgil wouldn't back down, just as he never had before, but this time he wasn't sure what he was trying to prove. He straightened his posture, making his chest puff out slightly. Even if Janus was taller than him, he wouldn't shy away from a confidence contest. No, not even if his crush was literally looming over him, not even if he could swear he just saw Janus' eyes flick to his lips for an imperceptible millisecond.
"Yeah. It is." He leaned his head forward, almost bumping his forehead on Janus'. Had he ever seen Janus' face so red?
"So you agree, then," Janus spoke, voice ever so slightly unsteady, but he didn't dare back down. Even if he was nose to nose with a boy he was in love with.
"Yeah, I guess I do." Virgil scrunched his nose again. This time, when Janus' eyes flicked to his lips, it wasn't deniable. He watched it happen, clear as day.
And so, he took a chance.
He took one step forward, not moving his head at all but nearly pushing his body against Janus'. Janus responded in kind, taking a step forward as well, and they were chest to chest. Virgil reached up and gripped Janus' lapels. They were impressively soft, and Virgil realized Janus hadn't just been bragging; it was in fact a wool suit. Janus' hands came to Virgil's hips. Virgil pressed their foreheads together, and didn't dare look away from Janus' eyes. They both breathed on each other, caught up in the heat of the moment without even needing to move with each other.
They'd both been waiting for this for so long.
Slowly, Janus' arms wrapped around Virgil's waist, and Virgil tilted his jaw up slightly. Janus met him halfway, immediately initiating a passionate, openmouthed kiss. Virgil's arms wrapped around Janus' neck, and Janus held him as close against himself as he physically could.
Virgil's mind was exploding, and so was Janus'. Neither of them could believe that this was really real. But they were both too afraid to break the kiss to make sure that it was, so they just kept kissing.
Hands wandered as they did, and Virgil had his arms wrapped beneath Janus' and around his back, both of them pulling each other against themselves as snugly as they could. Neither could get enough of this feeling they'd been chasing for so many years, and the fact that it had all culminated into this moment felt intoxicating in a way neither could describe.
Eventually things slowed down, and they went from lovingly tongue battling to trading gentle slow pecks, both of them smiling stupidly as they rested their foreheads together once more.
Janus opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted. "I genuinely thought you two weren't going to stop kissing for a minute there. Jeez."
Janus gasped and Virgil yelped, both of them jumping about a foot in the air and a foot away from each other. Roman, who was sitting on the bench next to them, broke out in laughter.
"Ro you can't sneak up on us like that, man!" Virgil wheezed out though labored breaths, as he tried to calm himself. Janus just stood straight as a pencil with his hands pressed into his face.
After long enough, Roman caught his breath, but he was still smiling so big at his boyfriends. They both looked between Roman and each other, trying desperately to probe the situation without moving a muscle.
Roman brought his hands to his face, fingers curled into happy fists. "Do you know how happy it makes me that you two finally realized?" Roman practically squealed, and if it were even possible, Virgil's face went even redder. Janus collected himself, and cleared his throat.
"Well hello, Roman." He opened his mouth to say more, but the words wouldn't come. He kept glancing to Virgil, who had taken to staring at the floor.
Roman looked between the two of them for a moment. "Oh you big buffoons. Talking always has been hard for the two of you, huh? Come here, my loves." He patted the bench on either side of him, and his boyfriends came at his call, settling in with their thighs against Roman's. "Now hmm, how should we start... I suppose you can fill me in on what I missed?" he looked between them. "Surely you didn't simply see each other in your lovely-" Roman made a point to look Virgil up and down slowly, "-outfits," And Janus as well, "And just decide to attach at the lips immediately? That sounds like something I'd do, more so than either of you." Janus chuckled, and kissed Roman's cheek.
"Well, snakey here decided to make a deal about how pretty the sunset was. And how it was so romantic and all that. And how it was a waste that-" Virgil's snarky explanation was cut off.
"Excuse me, I started it? No no no Virgie," Janus smirked as Virgil's eyes widened at the nickname, "You were the first to make a sly comment about the waste of a romantic view."
"You tell Ro then, if you think you know so much better." Virgil crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his tongue out at Janus, who hummed a laugh.
"Alright. Well," His smirk was lost then, and he took to adjusting his gloves. "I then made a comment about the lack of chemistry between us, and... And I think Virgie said something about me being pretty," His smirk was no longer lost, and Virgil rolled his eyes to try and distract himself from his heart racing in his chest. "And... I'm not sure. We got... lost in the moment." Janus smiled then. A genuine smile. It was such a rare sight (as Roman and Virgil often commented to each other) that Roman nudged Virgil's shoulder so he'd look up to see it too. They both gaped at Janus happily for a few moments, before Janus cleared his throat. "So I suppose then that in the end, I was correct that you find me pretty, Virgil?"
Virgil choked on air for a moment. "Sure, yeah, whatever," He spoke under his breath, "but you were also wrong about the chemistry thing. So suck it." Virgil gave him a challenging grin.
"Ayo!" Roman snickered at the innuendo, and Virgil and Janus both rolled their eyes at him.
"But darling," Janus ignored Roman for a moment, and Virgil swore his chest would explode if Janus kept using pet names for him, "You so strongly agreed that there was no chemistry to be found between us, and yet." He held his hands out, gesturing to their circumstances and smirking yet again.
"Oh shut up pretty boy," Virgil growled in annoyance, reaching across Roman's lap and pulling Janus by the cheeks into another kiss.
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the-sunshine-dims · 3 years
closest thing to perfect
words: 1197
summary: Roman and Patton dance, and after a bit of protest, Janus joins them,
contents and warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, royaliceit, picnics, food mention, cursing.
Patton giggles as Roman spins him around in the little meadow he had created just for him and Janus.
It was honestly enough to make him breathless any time he remembered that fact, because not only did he have two of the sweetest boyfriends, one of them created an entire valley for them. 
He smiles toothily as Roman dips him, honestly, it didn’t make sense with the way they were dancing because dipping was typically overly romantic and fancy and associated with ballrooms and other fancy places and they were just spinning around in a wild field and twirling and dancing so loosely that they had to work extra hard not to fall.
but it didn’t really matter if it fits the dance or not because it’s so fun and when Roman pulls him up so they're both standing again and so both don’t end up falling their both smiling so wide and giggling so much instantly that they practically collapse right into the grass anyway, which makes them giggle even more.
It’s so fun, just being there with them.
Patton and Roman turn their heads as they hear Janus call over to them from the picnic blanket he had put under the shade of a perfectly placed tree and decided to never leave ‘because dears I would rather not get so sunburnt I can’t move without pain’ which was honestly fair but they had still teased him a little, it was the law after all, “my doves, when you’re done being the cutest of treasures in the world, why don’t you two join me in the shade to grab a bit of lunch before you two burn in the sun.” and honestly it took a lot not to giggle and blush at that- some of which Patton doesn’t have, and Janus says everything with such a plain face like he didn’t call them a pet name or call them cute and treasures or anything, and it makes Patton giggle all the more.
But even if Patton- and technically Roman but he has the integrity to pretend he’s not- even if their giggling to themselves as they hurry to try and untangle their limbs and make sure Patton’s dress and Romans skirt hadn’t been damaged by the grass, they still do the best they can to make it to Janus quickly, Patton, of course, being first because somehow he’s fast, happily collapses onto Janus, Janus sighed and adjusted so it was comfortable and so he wasn’t being elbowed right in the stomach, and then as if on cue of Roman realizing, there was a gasp as Roman came over as well, laying haphazardly on both of them, meaning Janus was solidly stuck.
“My darling heart has abandoned me, I’m heartbroken over this betrayal-“
“Songbird, dear, after lunch, right now you two need to eat, and I need to be able to move.”
Roman gasped “rude!-” but at a look he just sighed and huffed before agreeing “okay fine we can eat,” and Janus was almost relieved because he loved them but he also loved having not asleep legs, and the two needed food, he was pretty sure they had been too excited to even eat breakfast, and dramatics tended to interrupt food, however, that almost relief was stripped from him swiftly as Roman grabbed a couple of things from the basket they had brought, passed some off it to Patton, before relaxing right back onto both of them.
“You bastard.”
Roman ignored him and pretended he didn't have the biggest shit-eating grin.
“You bastard, bastard man,” he said, continuing and Roman laughed breathlessly to himself, almost unable to eat without choking.
“Truly heinous, my own boyfriend betrayed me, quite rude.” He said, completely deadpan, and Roman burst into giggles, completely and utterly guilty.
Patton giggles to himself at the interaction before piping up “sugar scales, firefly, I hate to interrupt but I can’t move and I want some of the lemonade”
Roman moved immediately with a bright smile “oh of course! why didn’t you say so sooner!” 
Patton smiled thankfully before grabbing some from the water bottle and happily sitting right into Janus’s lap again.
Janus just breathed deeply before sighing “you two are nightmares, and sometime in the foreseeable future I’ll need to move too, you know”
They giggle to themselves like it’s the funniest thing before Roman goes “it’s the price for not joining us to dance and hiding in the shade like a coward.”
Patton nods in agreement under Janus’s chin and he can’t help but sigh again, “really, are you two this spiteful?”
Roman hums to himself “I am! You knew that when you asked me out, Don’t know about Patton though, however, I do think at least 40% of his actions are fueled by spite so I mean-“
“You two suck,” Janus said deadpan and Patton nodded gleefully as he sipped his lemon-sugar juice. 
“You love us,” Roman said smugly.
“You are the bane of my existence.” he corrected
“Sounding a bit like Virgil there my striking cobra,” roman chided.
Janus huffed a laugh “I do not sound like him,” he said, before muttering under his breath, “maybe you’re a bit right about the first bit though, just a little.” and really only Patton could hear him for the second part, so Roman was completely confused when Patton began giggling all over again. 
Janus spared a fond smile, wrapping his arms loosely around Patton before trying to barter his freedom “so, if that is the source of your spite, would I get my limbs back if I dance with you two sweethearts?”
Roman and Patton grinned as they both looked at each other before Roman tried his best to act like that was not his desired outcome as he sighed overdramatically “fine I suppose, that would work.”
Janus huffed before helping Patton get up, Patton chipperly stood up and dusted himself off from the previous ground he had fallen on, before looking at Janus expectantly as he held out his hand, Janus hesitated as he looked at his sun hat a foot or so away  “don't you think it’ll fly off or get in the way?” He asked, in an unspoken way of asking can I bring it? He liked hats, they were a steady weight, and he also liked not being blinded by the sun.
Patton nodded with a grin and after Janus swooped the hat over his head Patton pulled him up happily, completely pleased with the outcome, and not making any move to hide it.
Dancing had always been fun, but Janus didn’t think he had ever loved it any more than he did today.
Dancing with his boyfriends as they spun around, occasionally falling or dipping each other.
He loved them more than he could ever say, or describe.
Everything they did made his heart want to burst.
And Roman, and Patton, both felt the same.
And that knowledge, as they spin him around with the biggest smiles, made more of a difference than he ever thought it would.
He loved them, and they loved him.
It was the closest thing to perfect a thing could ever be.
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starshard17 · 3 years
Dukeceit Week | Day 7 | Let me be your First
Pairing : Romantic Dukeceit (Human AU)
Summary : "Can I have this dance?" "I've never danced before.." "Well then let me be your first."
Janus sat beside the refreshment table, fidgeting uncomfortably. His friends had all ditched him to do something else at tonight's dance so he was left to be by himself, looking like an idiot in fancy dress which he bought specially for this occasion. He sighed, taking a sip from his red solo cup, staring at the ground sadly, a mask over his eyes, holes cut out to let him see. It was trimmed in gold glitter and was a bright golden color throughout.
There were a bunch of couples out on the dance floor, bodies pressed together and a multitude of colored masquerade masks floating around the room as a slow song played. Janus was never one for dancing, it just didn't really interest him. He crossed his feet, the heels of his shoes clacking together. He was just ready for tonight to be over with. He sat through the first song. Then another started playing. He groaned in exasperation, slumping back in his chair. He pulled the pin out of his hair, letting it fall down to rest on his shoulders. He pushed it back out of his face and tied it back into a low ponytail with the hair tie he had around his wrist. He played with the ruffles of his dress.
The melody of the song flowed through one ear and out the other. Oh how he wished his friends were here. He'd then at least have someone to talk to to satiate his hunger for fun.
Suddenly a hand appeared in front of his face. Janus glanced up, seeing a friendly face in front of him. He had thick, neon green hair and scruff on his chin and up his jawline. He wore a deep green suit and a bright green bowtie to match his hair. A black, bedazzled mask rested on his face, deep brown eyes peering out at him. Janus gulped.
"Can I have this dance?" He asked, his hand still outstretched to Janus. He swallowed his nerves, feeling a pit growing in his stomach.
"I-I've never danced before." Janus mumbled, adjusting the capelet around his shoulders and pulling his hair out over his shoulder to play with it. Anything to keep his hands busy. The boy snickered.
"Well then let me be your first." He offered.
Reluctantly, Janus took hold of the boy's hand and he quickly pulled him to his feet. He guided one of Janus' hands to his shoulder and he held the other one tightly. The boy then rested his free hand on Janus' hip, gently swaying with him.
His cheeks burned as he danced with this boy who he didn't even know the name of. He could tell he was doing something wrong. He didn't know where to place his feet or when to move so he let this mysterious man lead him the whole way. It seemed mesmerizing.
"Who are you?" Janus blurted suddenly. He cursed at himself for ruining the moment before getting caught up in those beautiful brown eyes once more.
"My name is Remus Kingsley. And you would be?" He asked, gently swaying their bodies to the music. Janus swallowed the dry feeling that had built in his throat.
"Janus." He muttered, his voice barely audible.
"Hm?" Remus hummed. "I couldn't hear you mumbles." He teased, quirking up an eyebrow.
"Janus. Janus Bodae. That's my name." He stuttered. Remus smiled.
"That's very pretty." Remus complimented, his voice smooth like butter. A tone Janus melted at, gripping onto his hand tighter.
"T-Thank you!" Janus flushed, a smile crossing his face. He watched as the boy's face softened into a tranquil smile. As the song continued the two moved around the entire room before finding themselves in the center of the room. They looked into each others eyes, freezing in place. Remus' eyes seemed to shimmer as Janus watched them intently. They stood there, a small moat of free space surrounding them. Heads turned to look at the two and whispers were heard throughout the room.
Remus moved his arm to pull Janus close, pressing their bodies together.
"I bet you look absolutely ravishing underneath that mask." The boy chirped, his hold on Janus' hand tightening.
"You too." Janus responded, his face indefinitely turning impossibly red.
"How's someone as beautiful as you out here all by yourself?" He asked, a feeling of mystery oozing from him.
"My friends all stood me up, but I had already bought the dress so I decided to come anyways." Janus told him. Remus frowned, pulling his hand from Janus' like ripping the seams of a skirt. He instead rested the hand on the back of Janus' head and without warning, brought his head in close, kissing him fully on the mouth.
Janus' eyes widened in surprise, weakness flooding over him. He allowed himself to melt into the touch, closing his eyes and leaning against Remus.
As their lips parted Janus could feel the boy's breath against his lips, soft and quick. His eyes staring at Janus, half-lidded and still somehow sparkling brightly. Something about the music that played in the room and the look in Remus' eyes combined together made Janus' heart thump out of his chest.
"Lets get out of here. There are better places where we can spend our time. Agreed?" He asked. Janus snapped out of his dream state and looked up at Remus.
"Did you have a place in mind?" He asked, his heart beating faster and faster.
"Anywhere I can see that pretty face of yours without this mask in the way." Remus said with a small laugh and a smirk.
"Then lead the way." Janus told him. And everyone in the room watched as Janus was pulled out by the mysterious man he had just met that night, the music fading the further away they moved.
Remus stopped in his tracks, staring up at the stars in the sky, the light of the moon glinting off of the black glitter on his mask. Janus watched him for a good while before moving a hand up to turn Remus' head to him. His eyes, wide and full of wonderment caught Janus' in their gaze and a soft smile spread across his face.
The boy rested his hand on Janus' cheek, then did the same with his other hand. And next thing Janus knew the boy was kissing him again, soft and full of love. Janus kissed back, moving up the other hand to hold his head. As they pushed their lips together, Remus moved Janus' mask up on his head before fulling pulling it off, gripping it tightly in one hand. Janus didn't seem to notice, or care however, tilting his head to the side a bit, effectively deepening the kiss.
Remus ran his hands down Janus' sides before eventually parting from him once again to finally get a view of his whole face. His skin was covered in lighter patches on one side and he had soft freckles littering his cheeks right under his eyes. There was prominent gold eyeshadow lining his eyes, one a yellowy green and the other a light hazel tint.
"You're pretty." Remus breathed out, seemingly at a loss for words. Janus let himself let out a light chuckle, moving his hands to grab Remus' mask before he stopped him.
"Am I not allowed to see you too?" He asked, his hands coming to rest on the boy's cheeks.
"I'm not half as pretty as you are, you'll be disappointed." Remus sulked, his hands resting on Janus' wrists. Janus gave him a sympathetic look before quickly slipping the mask up off of his face and into his hands. He was quick to turn his head away, avoiding eye contact.
"You should look at me." Janus told him, stepping a bit closer. While weary at first, Remus finally faced him. He was breathtaking. Deep, chocolate brown eyes. Thick green hair. Sleek eyeliner and purple eyeshadow. Beautifully structured face. A scar crossing from one cheek, over his nose, and onto the other. He was radiant.
"You thought a face as handsome as yours could disappoint me?" Janus snickered, running a hand up through Remus' fluffy hair. Remus smiled.
"Honestly I thought it would. But apparently I was wrong." He laughed out.
"I'm glad your friends ditched you tonight. I wouldn't have met you otherwise." Remus murmured against Janus' lips. Janus grinned, leaning a bit closer.
"I'm glad too." He agreed, kissing him sweetly.
"We should share our last dance together too y'know. Since we had your first tonight." Remus suggested after he pulled away. Janus thought on it.
"Alright pretty boy, as long as you take the lead." The two giggled and danced in the moonlight, sharing short kisses and words of love as they danced the night away.
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When Our Hands Next Meet
Series summary: Soulmates are given memories of their past lives when their hands touch. For Virgil and Logan, each memory is happier than the last.
This series was created for @analogicalweek and made in collaboration with the lovely @birdsongisland! Please go look at the wonderful art that inspired this work and support them with reblogs so their work can be seen!
Credit to birdsongisland for beta reading this as well, they helped make it flow a lot better.
Chapter 6: Mirror Our Past with a Better Future
Chapter Summary: Virgil didn’t know how he had gotten so lucky being able to work with Logan in stars tailoring shop. All he knew is Logan made him feel beautiful, inside and out. 
Day 5 Prompt: Past/Future
Warnings: none. If there are any please let me know!
WC: 1918
AO3 link
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @ace-in-a-shopping-cart @janus-is-an-adorable-snek-boi @logans-library @im-an-anxious-wreck @edupunkn00b
Logan leaned back in stars stool, a quirk to stars lips as star eyed the newest frock up and down. It wasn’t a style star usually went for- elegant and flowing as it was star much preferred a lot more poof and edge when it came to dress design. Carefully taking the pins from stars mouth back into the container star took another look at stars sketch. Long, delicate looking fabric swung off the hips and just barely brushed the floor. star hadn’t added color but star knew that it faded from a rich purple to a smoky black at the bottom, trimmed with a slight frill that made it swirl across the floor. The medium scoop neck flared out into puffed sleeves that gathered at the ends to grip the wrists. star had already made the deeper purple corset covered in a delicate lace, with shining false buckles lining the front and black ribbon that actually laced it in the back.
Looking down at stars own slightly oversized jumper paired with a medium length skirt and boots laced up to stars knees star couldn’t help but laugh softly. This was definitely a far cry from what star ever thought star would wear, let alone make. Somehow though, star knew star wasn’t going to be the one wearing it, and thankfully working alone in the shop meant star could afford a side project without tripping up anyone else. Typically with more elaborate projects like this star would make a prototype first, of a slightly less fancy design, and make sure all the kinks and possible uncomfortable spots were worked out of the design and made into something star could be proud of selling. Ever since star had taken over the tailoring shop star had been working towards a single goal- making things people could feel comfortable in. But with this- it had sat in stars brain for not even a day before star had finally relented and sketched it out and set to work immediately picking out the perfect fabric for it. 
Taking the needle back up star leaned close to gather the waist as carefully as star could, quick fingers moving skillfully to the tune star was quietly humming. This would certainly take a while, but star had a feeling it would be worth it.
Virgil leaned back in his stool, a smile on his lips as he looked the newest frock up and down. It was stunning like everything Logan made was and he found himself caught by how grateful he was to be sitting with stars, listening to stars quiet humming as star worked diligently. He knew star used to work here alone so he was always grateful to be allowed to sit with star. It was a simple thing, far from his usual somewhat dramatic style but Logan had assured him it would look nice so he had eventually resented. Folding his legs underneath him he only smiled further at the concerned look he was given, waving it off but putting one leg back down as a compromise. He assumed the quiet huff meant he had won and settled down even further to continue admiring the other work.
The skirt was gathered at the waist and slightly poofy from the petticoat layer underneath purple plaid dominated the pattern with black accents that broke it up nicely. Swinging his current jean-clad leg he began softly humming along to the tune Logan had been repeating, harmonizing low so it wouldn’t be too much of a distraction. He beamed as Logan shot him a smile- Virgil never could resist it- and looked away with a small blush to observe the rest of the shop. It was quiet today thankfully, the emptiness being a welcome reprieve from the chaos of yesterday. There had been a slight scheduling error which meant nearly everyone had come to get their orders at the same time, clamoring for places in line while the two frantically ran back and forth trying to shove everything in boxes as neatly as they could before shooing the clients out the door and tending to the next. As good a business day as it was they had been exhausted afterwards and the day spent with just the two of them was helping to melt away the lingering anxiety.
His smile turned soft again while watching Logan carefully pin along a seam, admiring the years of skill built into the movements. He remembered the first time he had walked into the store- not realized Logan had made nearly everything there- and being awestruck at the realization of how much time and care was put into every project. This one would most likely still take a while but he had a feeling it would be worth it.
Logan perked stars head up as the bell chimed at the door, managing to get one last stitch in before standing and making stars way out of the workroom. Stepping out star could just barely see a shock of purple hair moving between the racks, piquing stars curiosity enough to smooth down stars choppy, self cut mullet and make stars way over. star caught the other’s eye as star approached and star made sure to offer a kind smile to the obviously uncomfortable customer. They were gripping a couple different dress sleeves and worrying the fabric between their fingers as they shuffled their feet awkwardly.
star offered stars hand to shake, trying valiantly to be polite and not suggest a fidget cube instead for the nervous tic. “Hello, I’m Logan, star/stars pronouns please. Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Virgil...he/him.” He didn’t take stars hand so Logan retracted it easily. Some people were weary of soulmates, preferring not to touch anyone’s hand before they were ready and Logan could respect that. “I uh- I like your skirt. I kinda miss wearing them so I was just browsing.”
“Is there a particular style you’re looking for?”
Licking his lips Virgil nervously glanced through the various styles on the rack, mumbling low enough Logan had to strain to hear. “No...I’m not really sure I should be wearing them anymore- just wanted to look.”
Oh. Logan knew where this person was coming from, star had felt the same way when stars pronouns had changed- wanting to pass as...well decidedly not feminine but missing the garments star had made and worn nearly all stars life. Offering an understanding smile, star turned and began sifting through the colors to try and find something simple he might be comfortable trying. “You just have to find something you’re confident in.”
Virgil slid off the stool as he heard the bell chime, motioning to Logan that he could take care of it and making his way to the front of the store. Blowing his purple hair out of his eyes in a vain attempt  to make it look more presentable he caught sight of someone's back to him as they browsed the racks nearest to the front of the store. Leaning against the counter he made sure to make a bit of noise before speaking up so as not to startle them. “May I help you find something?”
Throwing a smile over their shoulder they held up a comfortable looking blouse triumphantly and made their way over. “Already found it!” 
Smiling at the cheerful customer he quickly rang them up and handed them their bag, waving as they left as he thought back to when he had first stepped foot through the doors. He wished he had had even half of that person’s confidence back then, instead if he remembered correctly he had nearly had a nervous breakdown over a skirt. Screwing his mouth to one side he turned on his heel and walked back into the workroom, hands on his hips as he stood next to Logan and leaned his head on stars shoulder. “You’re gonna go cross eyes if you keep squinting like that.”
Rolling stars eyes only to wince immediately after star consented and stuck the needle in a safe spot where it wouldn’t fall out. “I’m almost done anyway. Just need to patch up this side, I didn’t cut it straight enough to lay right.”
Pressing a kiss to stars cheek Virgil looked at the garment with barely contained excitement. “I love it already.”
“I just want to make you something you’ll be confident in.” Virgil smiled hearing the phrase he had heard so many years ago, remembering the effort star had gone through to find something he would like.
“Come out when you’re ready.” Logan called as star hung the already discarded pieces back on the rack. Biting stars lip star glanced at stars workroom in thought. Technically the dress was done and star was sure Virgil would look beautiful in it but star wasn’t sure he’d be comfortable in something so fancy right now. Looking back as Virgil came out with the skirt hung over his arm the decision was made for stars. 
“Wait here.” Shooting him a smile star left to quickly tie off the last of the stitching and tug the dress off the mannequin, grabbing up the corset as star passed through the door. Virgil’s eyes blew wide when he saw the dress, immediately going to protest but getting quickly shushed as the pile of fabric was shoved into his arms. “Go change it’s fine! I need someone to model it anyway!”
A few minutes passed during which Logan nervously worried at the skin around stars thumb, hoping star hadn’t pushed the man too far. When star finally heard the door creak and turned towards virgil however, all the nervous tension drained away leaving nothing but quiet awe.
“Oh,” star said simply. 
The realization earned star a puzzled look but the brief confusion did nothing to wipe away the brilliant smile on his face. The dress fit perfectly, the ends of the flowing skirt hitting the floor just so and the deep purple contrasting nickel with his pale features. The corset smoothed out his curves while still framing him wonderfully and Logan could swear there was air in the room just a moment ago but all star could do was gape stupidly at the radiance before him.
“I must have been making that for you,” star said quietly. “You look stunning.”
Blushing profusely, Virgil raised one of his hands. “I couldn’t get the buttons…”
“Allow me.” Logan was careful to avoid making contact with his skin as star looped the buttons. Pausing suddenly as memory after happy memory flooded stars thoughts star looked down to see one finger curled tentatively around stars own, glancing back up to see Virgil smiling softly.
“I had a feeling.” He offered sheepishly.
Logan smiled, squeezing his hand in stars. “So did I.”
“Come out when you’re ready!” Virgil heard Logan call for him and gave himself one last once over before deeming himself presentable. He ducked out of the dressing room giddily and twirled for his audience of one, cheeks aching from the wideness of his smile as he rubbed the fabric between his fingers excitedly. 
“It fits perfectly!” He watched as Logan smiled and reached for his hand, happily taking it and squeezing. 
“You look absolutely stunning.” Blushing at the compliment he leaned forward to rest his head against the others chest, drinking in stars presence and relaxing against stars.
“I love you.” He offered quietly.
Smiling, Logan enveloped him in a gentle hug. “So do I.”
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one chance to change your fate - chapter 1
Fandom: Sanders Sides Characters: All the sides, character!Thomas, Nico Flores, Dragon Witch (villain) Rating: Teen & up (see Warnings) Relationships: Loceit, Dukexiety, Royality, background Karrot Kings Warnings: Language, implied sexual content (no smut), Remus being Remus Word count: 5118 Notes: a big BIG thank you to my awesome beta @yougoodfahm​! 
Read on AO3!
My writing masterpost
start - previous - here - next - masterpost
Summary: The Dragon Witch arranges a contest to marry Prince Roman and Prince Remus off. The princes and their fathers, King Nico and King Thomas, are not happy about this. Neither is Patton, the gardener boy Roman is in love with whose lack of noble parentage forbids him from entering to win Roman's hand, or Virgil, a young noble forced into the competition by their parents who can't STAND the annoying-yet-handsome Prince Remus. As for Logan and Janus, the princes' best friends? With a pinch of luck, they just might be able to save the day for everyone—if they don't get sidetracked by making out every time they're alone.
Chapter 1 “—and that, Your Majesties, is why a competition for the princes’ hands must, by law, be held at once.”
“What?” Roman demanded.
“Are you out of your mind?” Remus snarled, almost at the same time.
The advisor smiled a little too smugly and shrugged. “It is a matter of law; it is out of any of our hands. Terribly unfortunate.”
“Well,” the princes’ father, King Thomas, said, holding up his hands placatingly. “That’s not such a big deal, is it? We can change the law. I mean, it’s clearly decades out of date anyway! Where did you even find this? I’ve never heard of it in my life.”
“It was in a back room of the library, Your Majesty,” the advisor said. “Together with other laws and official papers from your grandparents’ time. It had clearly been lost and nearly forgotten.”
“Good riddance to it, too,” Thomas said under his breath. He raised his voice. “Well, as I said, it’s clearly out of date and should certainly be repealed. Thank you for bringing it to our attention so we can do so.”
The princes’ other father, King Nico, nodded. “I would have assumed this had been repealed about the same time the ban on queer marriages was lifted. Let’s see to it at once.”
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Your Majesties,” the advisor said, that nasty smug smile still on his face. “The process for repealing this particular law is in fact written into its text. It’s a process that will take three years at a minimum. In the meantime, the princes are both twenty-one and unmarried, and by law that cannot stand. A contest for their hands must be called within the next two weeks.”
Thomas and Nico shared a concerned look.
“Boys,” Nico said to the twins, “would you give us some privacy to discuss this?”
“Everything’s going to be okay,” Thomas added reassuringly.
Roman crossed his arms and pressed his lips together, holding himself tense with his shoulders straight as he walked out, his red skirt swishing disapprovingly about his knees, white heels tapping a little harder than was necessary. Remus followed, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his green brocade pants, outright stomping his gleaming black boots on the polished wood floors.
“This is bullshit,” he burst out the second the throne room doors shut behind the two of them.
Roman nodded, falling into step beside him. “That absolutely draconian advisor—”
“Bitch,” Remus commented helpfully.
Roman made a disapproving face. He didn’t say “language,” but Remus could practically hear it anyway.
“Witch, then.” Remus shrugged. “Hate him either way.”
“We should call him the Dragon Witch!” Roman suggested.
“What?” Remus blinked at him.
“You know. Draconian. Witch. Dragon Witch.”
“I am very tired of pretending I remember all the titles he’s collected,” Remus said thoughtfully. He shrugged. “Sure, we can call him that. Anyway, what were you going to say about him?”
“I swear he hates us for some reason, he’s always going on about little things we do, you know? But this is taking it to another level.”
“I’d love to punch his damn face in,” Remus said cheerfully. “Wipe that stupid smirk off it and make him see how it feels when you’re out of control of your own life.”
Roman shuddered. “I mean, trying to marry us off? Nobody’s had an arranged marriage in, like, a century. Papi’s right, this should’ve been repealed years and years ago.”
“It’s all very well for you,” Remus pointed out, running his hands through the hair at the top of his undercut in frustration. “You have your little boyfriend—”
“He is not my boyfriend!” Roman snapped. “And I, uh, I don’t know who you’re talking about, anyway,” he added hastily, tossing his own hair, which, while it was as straight and black as Remus’s, was much longer—reaching down just past Roman’s collarbones.
“Oh, please. Roman, I’m ace, not stupid. Anyone with eyes can see that you want that gardener boy to bend y—”
“I am literally begging you not to finish that sentence,” Roman interrupted, holding up a hand in Remus’s face. “Anyway, Patton is not my boyfriend.”
“He would be if you said anything about it. You both just keep eye fucking for hours every time we go outside as it is.”
“That is not what we—ugh! You’re impossible sometimes, you know? Anyway, how would I even go about talking to him about it?”
“What, asking him to date you?”
“Yes! I mean, what do I say? ‘Hello, Patton, you’re earning your living under my family’s employment and I am literally in line for the throne of our country, would you please freely enter into a romantic relationship with me of your own enthusiastic and consenting will?’ It’s not a good situation to put him in!”
“Oh. It does sound kind of bad when you put it like that.”
“Precisely,” Roman snapped.
“But like, my point is, you have someone.” Remus gestured vaguely. “You could get out of this stupid law thing if it came down to it. And don’t say you couldn’t, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. But my love life is shit right now. What am I supposed to do? Marry Logan to get around marrying a stranger? He’d hate that! I’d hate that! He nags me enough as my personal attendant! He’d be an awful husband!”
“Wait, now you’re talking about marriage?” Roman looked alarmed. “You think I could just waltz up and marry Patton when we haven’t even held hands?”
“No, shut up about your stupid gay crush, I am wallowing now.” Remus pouted dramatically. “I want to figure out all that—” he waved his hands, wrinkling his nose “—romancy shit on my own time. Why can’t the fucking Dragon Witch just leave us alone? It’s not like having a biological child to inherit the throne is an issue anymore! That got sorted ages ago! In, what, our grandparents’ time?”
“Great-grandparents, I think. But Dad and Papi will sort it out.” Roman still looked worried, hugging himself and chewing on his lip, but he shook himself and gave Remus a smile. “Come on, let’s go find Logan and Janus and tell them we got out of government practice early! I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
It was decidedly not fine.
The Dragon Witch had smugly explained his way around every objection Thomas and Nico had brought up. The law, although nobody had spared it a thought in 70-odd years, was thoroughly set in stone and contained clauses and protections against every eventuality. Every royal child must be wed by their twenty-first birthday, or a contest for their hand had to be begun within three months of said birthday.
Which didn’t leave a lot of time; the twins had turned twenty-one two and a half months ago.
Thomas and Nico had immediately begun the first step in repealing the law—even before they left the throne room to break the bad news to the twins—but, as the Dragon Witch had so gleefully pointed out, the process required multiple committees to be formed and multiple hearings to be had, spaced out across certain amounts of time, and each step had to be approved by such and such a margin, and, and, and. The clauses and footnotes went on and on.
The most their fathers could offer them was the small comfort that technically, the contest they were required to hold ended only in betrothal rather than concluding with a wedding.
“So, we just call the engagements off as soon as the contest is over,” Remus said, perking up. It was the evening, and he and Roman were gathered in their fathers’ sitting room, together with both the princes’ personal servants, Logan and Janus. Thomas and Nico were seated on the thick, fluffy white rug in front of the hearth, while the twins were in two of the armchairs.
Logan, sitting in the corner of the room in a plainer chair, winced.
“Oh, not you too!” Remus groaned. “What’s the problem now?”
“Well,” Logan said, clearing his throat. “I am certainly no expert in political theory or foreign policy, and Your Majesties, please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that this contest is required to be open to nobility, and only to nobility, from the neighboring kingdoms, yes?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” Thomas confirmed, the unhappy line between his eyebrows that hadn’t gone away since this whole mess started deepening as he spoke.
“What’s that got to do with—oh, fuck, are you going to say something about diplomacy shit?” Remus slouched harder in his chair.
“Breaking off an engagement to a member of the nobility of a foreign kingdom after making such pomp and ceremony around forming the engagement in the first place… well, it does have a certain passive aggressive political flavor, at least to my mind,” Logan said apologetically.
“Fuck,” Remus commented.
“That is a concern,” Thomas said, nodding, clearly choosing to ignore Remus’s more colorful comments. “I just—I feel so terrible that we didn’t know about this in time to head this whole disaster off. I’m sorry, boys.”
“You didn’t know,” Roman mumbled. He was curled up in his chair, clearly trying to make himself as small as possible; it was the first time he’d spoken in this entire conversation. His hands were clasped around his knees, his brown skin contrasting against the white fabric of his leggings. He didn’t meet either of their fathers’ eyes as he spoke—his voice was quiet and dejected and horribly resigned. It made Remus want to hit something and scream until he made everything better and Roman would go back to his usual bright, bubbly, annoying self.
But you couldn’t hit a law, and screaming at the Dragon Witch got you grounded, even at twenty-one. And his fathers were so torn up about this already.
So he just grumbled wordlessly, slouching even further. His legs and butt weren’t even on the chair at all at this point. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Logan giving him a Look, a Look that probably was meant to communicate a lecture on how bad posture was bad for his long-term health, but he honestly couldn’t care less right now.
“We may not have known, but that doesn’t make this situation less unfair to you,” Nico was saying gently. “Roman, love, you’re allowed to express your feelings. All of them. You don’t have to bottle them up like this.”
“Yelling about it at you won’t make me feel better, though,” Roman said tearfully. “I’m not mad at you!”
Roman’s attendant, Janus—a quiet nonbinary person; Remus was quite fond of them, as the only person better at sassing Roman that he was—put a soothing hand on his arm. They were seated on a stool at Roman’s side, instead of near the door like Logan was. “Perhaps not,” they acknowledged, speaking much more sincerely than usual. “Is shouting at your fathers the only way you can think of to work through your emotions?” Their hair was drawn back in a low ponytail, so the exposed scales on the side of their face gleamed in the firelight, reflecting little spots of orange light onto Roman.
“I don’t know,” Roman muttered obstinately, wiping his nose on the back of his hand.
Janus waited expectantly for a moment; when Roman only curled up tighter without speaking anymore, they sighed. “Very well. We can revisit that later, perhaps,” they suggested.
Nico wordlessly opened his arms, and after a brief pause Roman got up from his armchair and crawled into them.
Thomas scooted closer to the two of them, beckoning Remus. “Come on. Cuddle pile,” he coaxed as Remus clambered into the empty space between Thomas and Nico. “You’re welcome to join too, Janus, Logan,” he added.
“No, thank you,” Logan said politely.
“Declining a request from the King himself? How daring of you, Logan. You’re quite the rebel,” Janus commented slyly, giving Logan a challenging smirk as they slid to the ground. They didn’t quite join the cuddle pile, but they did sit by Roman’s feet with their knees drawn up to their chest, within easy reach of him.
Logan made a short, frustrated noise before regaining his composure. “That’s certainly not my intention,” he said, tone clipped. “I simply prefer to maintain a certain level of professionalism in front of their Majesties the Kings, unlike some people.”
“What, you don’t see it as professional to tend to the emotional needs of your charge? Weak.” Janus was clearly enjoying themself.
“Really, Logan, you’re welcome to join in if you’d like,” Thomas said before Logan could retort to that. “No pressure, of course, but you two are like family to the boys. You can act as informally as you’d like around us. We don’t mind.”
“With respect, Your Majesty, I absolutely cannot do that,” Logan said, a look of mild horror on his face at the very idea, his back ramrod-straight.
Remus cupped his hands around his mouth. “Boo, you emotionally constipated whore,” he called over to Logan.
Logan’s expression went even more formal and polite, but he still managed to send Remus quite an intimidating glare using just his eyes.
“That was not appropriate, Remus,” Thomas put in on Logan’s behalf when it became clear Logan wasn’t going to say  anything.
“Fine, whatever, sorry.” Remus rolled his eyes. “Boo, you emotionally constipated wizard.” Logan was a wizard, he’d gotten certified three years ago, so Remus figured that was safe territory.
“I’m very sorry for disappointing you, Your Highness,” Logan said stiffly, not meeting his eyes.
Shit. Logan never called him ‘Your Highness’ unless he was actually upset. “I’m sorry, Lo. Really,” Remus said quickly. “You don’t have to.”
Logan gave him a single nod of acknowledgement, relaxing somewhat.
Thomas and Nico exchanged another look over the twins’ heads.
“Actually,” Thomas said, “unless there’s anything else of significance we need to cover, I think we can say you two are free to go for the evening if you’d like. It’s getting late and I’m sure tomorrow is going to be rough on us all.”
“As Your Majesties please,” Janus drawled. They took Roman’s hand and made a show of kissing it in the most formal manner possible. “My Lord.” They unfolded, clambering to their feet and crossing the room; their tall, thin frame was emphasized next to Logan, who was stockily built with plenty of comfortable pudge.
Roman’s lips twitched in a small, amused smile at the dramatic formality. “Goodnight, Janus.”
“Goodnight, Remus,” Logan said, pointedly ignoring the smirk Janus was giving him.
“Night, Lo,” Remus called, snuggling closer to Thomas.
Logan opened the door and held it for Janus, lips twisted up in a disapproving frown. “You’re unbearable sometimes, you do realize that?” he said in a tone probably meant to be low enough that the royal family couldn’t hear it.
“Sometimes? How dreadful. I’m aiming for all the time,” Janus retorted with an airy laugh as the heavy door swung shut behind the pair.
Remus sometimes wondered if there was some sort of bad blood between Janus and Logan to fuel their constant verbal sparring these last few years—but he was pretty sure he would know if something serious had happened. It seemed to be just petty personal dislike, as far as he could tell.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by Roman choking out, “It’s just not fair!”
“No. It’s not. I’m so sorry, Roman,” Thomas said, reaching over to press Roman’s hand.
“We’re going to figure out a solution. I promise. But right now it’s okay to be sad or scared or whatever you need to be,” Nico said, pressing a kiss to the top of Roman’s head and reaching to ruffle Remus’s hair.
Remus closed his eyes and let his family hold him.
Logan and Janus fell silent after the door closed behind them; they walked side by side down the corridor, heading towards the fourth floor, where the highest-ranking servants were housed.
“Well. Today was certainly… something,” Janus commented at last, reaching halfway across the space between them and offering their hand.
Logan looked over at them, stepping closer and easily sliding his hand into theirs, his warm olive skin several shades darker than Janus’s pale skin. “You can say that again. I’ve never seen Remus look so lost.”
“Roman cried to me three times this afternoon. Once about the competition as a concept, and twice about how he thinks it’s going to ruin any chance he has with Patton.” Janus intertwined their fingers with Logan’s, raising his hand to their lips and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “God, I’m not looking forward to this.”
Logan sighed. “Me neither. Let’s put it aside until the morning? There’s not much we can do about it at this point. And we are off duty now.”
“Hm, just so,” Janus said, a smile creeping onto their face. “You should kiss me.”
“Out in the open like this?” Logan looked scandalized. “Janus, anyone could see!”
“Our charges and their fathers are occupied at the moment, and it’s not like anyone else would recognize us—”
“They absolutely would, as companions to the princes ours are some of the most recognizable faces in the kingdom, we literally have our portraits on the walls—”
“—oh, fine, but it’s not like anyone would care. Your whole hangup about maintaining professional behavior doesn’t apply when we’re off duty.” Janus pouted and made puppy dog eyes. “Please, love?” They reached over and ran a finger down Logan’s wide nose before pressing it to his lips.
Logan closed his eyes, failing to keep a smile off his face at the pet name. “Oh, very well,” he agreed, opening his eyes and tugging Janus into one of the window alcoves set every so often into the stone walls. He pressed them against the wall, reached up, and cupped their cheek in his hand, gazing up into their eyes with an unabashed adoration that made Janus’s heart ache in equal parts satisfaction and hunger.
“Logan,” Janus murmured after a moment.
“Hm?” he responded, rubbing his thumb back and forth along their cheekbone in a way that was very distracting.
“You aren’t kissing me, darling.”
“Ah. Right.” Logan studied Janus’s eyes for a heartbeat or two more, then leaned up and connected their lips, his hand on their face sliding a little further back to caress the corner of their jaw. His other hand rested on their waist, moving to the small of their back and drawing them closer to him as he deepened the kiss.
Janus relaxed into his arms and kissed back, slow and soft, twining one hand in Logan’s tight brown curls and letting the other rest on his chest, trapped between them. They sighed into the kiss, a soft noise of satisfaction, drawing a pleased hum from Logan in return as he nipped at their bottom lip.
Janus pressed closer and kissed harder, wanting more, more, more—but Logan broke the kiss and drew back just slightly, both his hands now clasped around their waist.
“This is a rather open location,” he said when Janus gave him a very put-upon look. “Care to continue this in my quarters?”
Janus sighed, resting their head on his shoulder. “Well, if you insist, darling, I suppose that wouldn’t be too troubling.”
“You dramatic thing,” Logan said, pressing a kiss to the scales on their cheek and smiling.
Janus gasped, clutching their heart. “Dramatic? Me? You wound me, my love.”
Logan shrugged, his arms still around them. “I’m only saying, for all your dramatics every time I ask you to my bed, the last time you actually slept in your own room was more than a year ago.”
“Fourteen months, but who’s counting?” Janus shrugged, examining their fingernails. “They simply gave you a much softer bed, I don’t know what other motivation I could possibly have.”
“Falsehood,” Logan said, his amusement plain to hear, taking them by the hand and drawing them back out into the hallway. “Come along, dear.”
Since apparently Logan’s lips were off-limits for the moment, Janus spent the rest of the journey to Logan’s chambers pressing kisses to his hand instead, doing their best to kiss each of the countless freckles that dotted it, hardly paying attention to where they were walking until they came to a stop outside the door to Logan’s suite.
“I need my hand back, Janus,” Logan said patiently.
“Never,” Janus said, pressing one final kiss to it before relinquishing it. Logan rummaged in his pockets and pulled out his keyring to open the door.
“Is there some kind of spell for locking and unlocking?” Janus inquired, leaning against the wall, tipping their head back, and staring at the high, arched ceiling of the corridor. “One that uses words? So you could hold my hand forever instead of using it for silly things like keys?”
“Is it really such a hardship to let go of me for a few seconds?” Logan asked, lips quirking in a small smile, taking both of their hands in his and drawing them through the door.
“Yes,” Janus answered, leaning in and pressing a smattering of pecked kisses to Logan’s round, freckled cheeks and his soft lips as he pushed the door shut behind them.
He caught their mouth in a proper kiss, wrapping his sturdy arms around them and pulling them close; he was warm and solid and perfect, and Janus never failed to melt when he held them so tenderly and with such focus, like they were the only thing in the world truly worth his attention.
Sometimes—often. Daily. Hourly, of late—Janus thought that they would be more than happy to call Logan their husband. At twenty-three and twenty-four, they were both of an age for it, and they’d been together for three years already. If the way he was currently kissing them like he could find the whole universe mapped on their lips was any indication, Logan would likely be more than amenable to the idea.
“You,” Logan breathed between kisses, “are wearing far too many clothes.”
“I could say the same of you, darling,” Janus responded, running a finger along the line where Logan’s collar met the bare skin of his neck. “Let me braid my hair, I hate when it tangles.”
When it came to the idea of marriage there was only the problem, Janus mused as they sat on the end of the bed and went about divesting themself of their shirt and putting their brown hair into a braid, that it would be difficult—not to mention undesirable—to get married without involving the princes in some way. Janus and Logan had both been hired when the twins were thirteen, and had lived in the palace ever since. This was by no means a hardship. Getting paid to be someone’s friend and keep him out of trouble was, in Janus’s humble opinion, a pretty sweet deal, and the princes were very endearing people. The day they’d been hired, the kings had even paid to have the finest mages money could hire break the curse Janus had sported for much of their childhood—and the matching curse placed on their dad.
It was a dream come true, honestly; before they’d been hired at the palace, Janus’s job prospects outside of their dad’s bakery had seemed pretty limited. They were the bastard child of a noblewoman and a commoner, which made their social standing… very difficult to figure out. Janus was pretty sure that technically, they counted as noble and had a title, but it really depended on who you asked. And they’d grown up with their dad, anyway, as their mother hadn’t really had all that much interest in a child; this worked out well, in Janus’s opinion, as they didn’t have all that much interest in a distant mother. But when Janus had been five, their mother’s new husband—a nobleman at least twice as stuffy as she was, which was saying something—just had to go and hire someone on the black market to curse Janus and their dad. (And what had been the point of that, anyway? Jealousy? The man hadn’t even met Janus’s mother yet when Janus was conceived! Really, it was extraordinarily petty of him.) But the damage was done, and it was a high-quality curse, one that Janus’s dad really couldn’t afford to get reversed, so for ten years, the two of them had found ways to live with and work around it.
When Janus was fifteen, word had gotten out that the kings were looking for attendants for their sons, and Janus’s mother, for all her flaws, had been willing to give them the letter of recommendation that got them in the door to the first interview. Roman, for some reason, had taken a liking to their snark and sass right away, and they’d made it through five rounds of interviews to become the top applicant.
What always seemed the most unfathomable to Janus was that the kings didn’t seem to care about the reputation a curse of lies gave someone. The one time they’d worked up enough courage to ask, King Thomas had pointed out that when Janus was cursed to only speak in lies, they were technically being more honest than the average person, if you looked at it a certain way; lying was optional for everyone else, so it could be much harder to parse other people’s lies from their truths. He’d also said that Janus had been quite adept at working around the curse to communicate what they wanted to. That was true; Janus had found that using a sarcastic tone helped get their point across when they couldn’t outright say what they really meant, and even now that the curse was gone and Janus could say whatever they pleased, they still tended towards sarcasm out of force of habit.
“Besides,” King Thomas had said in that same conversation, giving them an amused glance, “you’ve never given us reason to doubt your integrity. I wouldn’t leave just anyone alone with my sons, Janus. I trust you.” And, with those three words that had shaken Janus to the core—I trust you, spoken simply and unflinchingly, like he really meant it—he and King Nico had seemed to leave it at that. But it couldn’t be that simple—could it? Nobody else let it be that simple. One didn’t get cursed for ten years without it leaving an impact on the way others saw them.
The scales, for instance. The scales had stayed. Janus and their dad had both been cursed by the man their stepfather had hired, but their dad had gotten the worst of it; he’d been covered in scales from head to toe in addition to the lie-speak. Janus had only been intentionally cursed with lie-speak, but they’d sprouted scales all down their left side for some unknown reason; the magical healer they’d consulted had shaken her head and said it looked like a byproduct of the curse on their dad. Apparently sometimes curses had strange side effects that could spill over to blood relations. Since Janus’s scales hadn’t been an intended part of either curse, they’d just… stayed. Even after the curses were broken and their dad’s scales had vanished like they’d never been there. Janus didn’t particularly mind the scales—they’d had them since they were five years old, after all—but they did mind the way people still whispered when they went home to their dad and helped out in the bakery.
Not that Janus didn’t love their dad and his bakery, but they much preferred life in the palace, where Roman never hesitated to give a thorough dressing-down to anyone who so much as looked at his friend wrong, and Janus was trusted by default. Janus would hardly consider doing something as big as getting married without at least telling Roman about it.
But that was where the problem came in; neither Roman nor Remus was aware that Janus and Logan were an item.
It had started out simply enough—they’d been flirting back and forth for a month or two when Logan brought up that perhaps it was best to not let it interfere with their duties as personal attendants to the princes. This had seemed reasonable at the time. But, Janus being Janus, they simply had to get a little cheeky sometimes and make teasing comments to Logan in front of the princes. They both laughed about them later, and Logan began coming up with retorts, until they were staging full-scale dramatic arguments. It was, frankly, one of the most enjoyable games Janus had played in a long time.
However, this had given Roman and Remus the idea that Janus and Logan didn’t enjoy each other’s company. So, naturally, about a month after Logan and Janus officially got together, they decided to see how long they could keep this up without the princes realizing. It had seemed like a funny idea at the time. It still did, as a matter of fact. Janus was very much looking forward to the look on Roman’s face whenever he finally pieced it together.
There was just the detail of this little facade now getting in the way of any ideas about marriage. Ideas that Janus might or might not spend hours daydreaming about. Logan would look so handsome in wedding regalia, after all, could you blame them for imagining it sometimes? (He’d look handsomer out of it the night after, kissing Janus’s new wedding band possessively or pinning them to a wedding bed, but that was neither here nor there.)
“What are you thinking about?” Logan asked softly, breaking Janus out of their reverie. He cupped their face in his hands, studying them with an unreserved attention in his brown eyes.
Janus gave him a half-smile. “You,” they said, since it was true enough. Always him. “Things I’d like to do together,” they added demurely.  
That certainly caught Logan’s attention. “What sort of things?” he inquired, pulling them a little closer.
Janus laughed as they easily climbed to straddle his lap. They trailed their hand down his bare chest, lingering about the transition scars he was so proud of—they were years old now, and faded, but still noticeable, a little smoother than the skin surrounding them. “Well…” they breathed into his ear. They might not be about to confess they wanted to marry him, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t about to get a very detailed answer to his question.
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b00t-s · 3 years
We're all gossip-y bitches sometimes
this is part two
Janus xey/xem
Roman she/he
Patton he/him
Virgil he/him
See the character intros for more info
TW. Swearing, arguments, alcohol, drunk characters, the word v//mit is used once, characters being characters, past trauma mentioned, tiny tiny tiny sprinkle of angst but just a passing of it at end, and nothing to intense
Again, tell me if I'm being insensitive. Shout at me if I am.
Summary: Patton goes to talk to Janus about Roman. The group opens...'some' bottles. Virgil adds on some...interesting opinions.
Events occur few hours after this.
Janus just finished xeir nightly shift when Patton came bounding up to xem. Janus raised an eyebrow at how ecstatic he looked.
"Yes?" Xey managed out, forcing back the hundreds of snarky comments xey could of said right then.
"Can you hang out at My house later?" Patton practically beamed out.
"why would I want to 'hang out'? It's just a social construct created to give people a higher sense of being." Janus remarked, flipping to closed/open side to closed.
"So you'll be there?"
"hmm. Will doom-and-gloom be there?
"doom and---ohhh, Virge. Yeah, probably," Patton realised now that this was a bad mix of people to invite "probably-probably not for long though!"
"Fine" Janus replied, taking off xeir apron. Xey ignored the obvious lie. "I'll be there in an hour." Xey knew one way or another xey would end up there due to Patton's... effective persuading.
"Great!" Patton exclaimed "oh yeah, and...um...it's raining outside so..take my umbrella, kay?"
His tone more serious all of a sudden, Patton nodded to Janus' heavily made up face, so well done an ignorant bystander wouldn't of noticed the thick layers of foundation on xeir face.
Patton handed xem a translucent umbrella, patterned with cute frogs and flowers, to Janus. Ignoring the distasteful cartoons, Janus nodded and took the umbrella.
"See you soon, Jan!" Patton cheerily waved as he bounced off.
Janus folded xeir apron, opened Patton's umbrella and braved the outdoors.
Janus arrived at Patton's house exactly on time, bone dry, despite the heavily flowing rain. Patton expected nothing less of his friend. He invited xem inside, amazed as always by his friend's everyday fashion.
Jan was wearing a casual yellow shirt over a long sleeved black shirt. Fishnet gloves adorned xeir hands, and xeir ruffled hair was let lose.
Xeir fashionably messy hair was topped with a neatly placed black fedora, which of xey never took off. Xey even scarred persuaded Thomas to let xem wear it to work.
Patton offered xem a smile, and walked xem upstairs. "Hi Jan!" He grinned.
"Hello" xey replied mundanely.
Xey absent-mindedly glanced at Patton's outfit, which contained a violet cashmere sweater, bell bottomed jeans, circular silver glasses and a sunflower clip in his perfect curls.
It was a good look, xey had to admit.
When they both reached Patton's room, Janus stood still, taking in xeir surroundings.
Patton's room was covered with things from the 2000's; Tamagotchi's, stickers pressed up against the pastel wall, stuffed animals, wristbands, old CD's, care bears posters and butterfly clips littering the floor in a deadly trap.
A trans flag was pinned above the single bed with blue tack, right next to some inspirational and motivational quotes.
The whole place looked like it had been puked on by unicorns.
It hurt Janus' eyes.
Xey was a little overwhelmed by all the spiraling colours and nostalgia-inducing objects, so xey sat cross-legged in the middle of the pink carpet. The world slowed down.
Janus wondered, not for the first time, how a 29 year old could be this cheerful.
Or appear this cheerful.
Janus gave a small twitch of xeir head, realising that xey had spaced out. "Hmm?" Xey replied.
"Hey, you were up with the clouds! I was just saying, I think Virge is here" Patton chirped.
"he...might be staying for a little longer then i said"
"How wonderful." Janus muttered, knowing this would happen but hating it anyway.
"oh, don't be like that! I'm sure you guys could become friends!" Janus snorted. "Or...at least not kill at each other whenever you're in the same general area" Patton corrected.
"Anyway! I'm going to greet him at the door!" He suddenly proclaimed, skipping downstairs.
Janus was disgusted at how naïve this man was.
But that was a lie.
Patton slowed his happy skip to a casual walk. His grin slipped into a content smile as he reached the end of the stairs. Being so happy takes its toll on people, he thought. Soft tapping of the door interrupted his thoughts as he opened the door to reveal Virgil.
The first thing you notice about this man was his unfair tall-ness. He nearly had to duck to get inside; being too skinny didn't help. Virgil was wearing a plain black hoodie over a mcr top, completing the look with a short, pleated skirt and docs. His face was slathered in white foundation, accompanied with dark eyeshadow under his eyes.
"Virge!! I'm glad you could make it, even if you are late!!Again!" Patton hugged his friend, genuinely glad for his presence. The taller man patted Patton's curls awkwardly.
"Heyyyy Pat-" Virgil did the awkward pats on the back everyone does when they want to get out of a hug but don't want to say it in fear of hurting ones feelings. "Traffic-"
Patton withdrew from the hug and smiled. "okay! at least you're here safe! Can't control the traffic"
"Janus is waiting for us upstairs" Patton continued. He hurriedly carried on speaking before Virgil could spit out an insult about xem "say, you know what I hate about stairs? They're always up to something!" Patton laughed at his own joke, whilst Virgil pretended to face-palm, hiding a snigger.
"Alright, Alright dAd, didn't you say snake face was waiting for us?" Virgil mocked. Patton chuckled uncomfortably at the nickname, but nodded nonetheless.
"Yeah, we shouldn't leave xem waiting"
They both entered his room, having walked the short journey there in a comfortable silence. Patton noted Janus had not moved from were he left xem; xey had just shifted to read a book xey most likely found lying around. Janus looked up upon their arrival, xeir face immediately twisting into a mocking grimace upon seeing Virgil. "ah, you brought the racoon"
"Janus play nice--"
"you're one to talk, you participated in 2012 Tumblr" Virgil threw back
"must you be so wounding" Janus dramatically threw xeir hand against xeir forehead.
"okAY, that's enough guys." Patton firmly said. Janus pulled a face in reply, and Virgil returned the favour. Patton sighed. He just wanted them to get along, which was probably a high expectation by itself.
Perhaps he had booze leftover somewhere.
Twelve near fist fights, two crying sessions and many, many, many bottles of alcohol later, it was nearing eleven pm and the group was drunker than a litter of catnip high kittens.
They all crowded into a close-knit circle on the bed, nearly falling off but not caring.
"ssso your telling me that flashy asss hhimbo sssssaid I wasss hot but then rude and that I wore too muchh makeup? What a *hic* bitchh" Janus hissed.
Patton giggled. "yeeeeee, be nice though! She was kindaaaa alllllllll over the place!" Patton continued bluntly, "But how would you feel if I set you guys up????~"
"oh pleassssse do, I would just love that" Janus may be trashed but xey still knew sarcasm. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending who you are, Patton did not.
"yayyy! This is gonna be great!!"
Virgil butted in then, waving around the bottle he was holding "hold on, just holllld on a minute there, you're planning to set up that" he vaugly gestured in Janus' direction "with Princy??? Xey've known her for what, 4 minutes? Life isn't a disney movie"
"Dare I detect a hint of jealousy there emo?" Janus purred "am I that lovable?" Xey hiccuped.
"ooooooooh" Patton leaned into the circle, loving the drunk drama.
"wouldn't you like to know weather boy" Virgil droned back, finishing off the bottle.
"Honey, I would dare ssay that was a yesss"
"oooooo, you liiiiike meeeEe"
"you disgust me"
Patton shook his hands excitingly at them, nearly hitting Virgil, causing them to shut up. "I can't believe you're finally open to a relationship after what happened! With my best friend no least! Boy did I try to get you to go on more dat--" Patton suddenly clasped his hands over his mouth as if he just said something nasty.
Everyone went silent. Janus stared at Patron, xeir mouth slightly parted. Virgil laughed nervously to try and break the tension. It sounded strained.
Janus began to speak to stop Patton from starting to spout drunken apologies. "Well thatssss jusst a liee, I've dated pleeenty of people over..well...that...period..of time."
Everyone went silent again, not quite sure on what to say.
Virgil's anxiety was heightening due to the social awkwardness and the influence of the alcohol.
Patton was fidgeting in his lap.
It was Janus yet again who broke the uncomfortable atmosphere.
"Sssso, *hic* you ssaid you wanted me to go out with thisss idiot?"
updated masterpost
tag list: @arrowthenon-binaryroyalty, @spellingwillbethedeathofme,
ask if you want to be added or removed from tag list
and we meet our boi virgil
context is for losers
i could of probably cut out unnecessary things in that but y'know I'm new and I like it
these posts will be in chronological order, unless flashback, but it's not following a set-in-stone story line, so asks are, yet again, much appreciated.
I procrastinated too much during the making of this
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