#anyway i see pretty gifs on teen wolf all the time and it makes me happy
chloe-skywalker · 2 months
Not My Decision - Stiles Stilinski
Stiles x reader sister
Derek x reader-ish
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,085
Requested: TW imagine the reader is Stiles sister and u get into an accident and Derek turns u into a wolf and Stiles goes against ur wishes and u get pissed at him for doing so and Peter actually takes care of u - @cokecola4211
Authors Note: I enjoyed the concept behind this request, it was ajoy to write. Maybe a Part 2?
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Help!” Stiles yelled out carrying Y/n into the hospital. She was covered in blood and therefore so was Stiles.
“Stiles what happened?” Melissa asked as she called a team over with a gurney.
“Just please help her.” Stiles pleaded as he placed her on the rolling hospital bed. He had to watch as they rushed into emergency surgery. Scott had come running in after he had parked the Jeep for his friend. They Both sat down in the waiting room. It didn’t take long for the others to hear about what happened and soon pretty much the entire pack were in the waiting room.
Melissa came out a few hours later with a sad expression. “She’s stable for now.”
“For now?” Stiles asked with extremely worried eyes.
“I don’t know how long she’ll stay stable for.” She hated having to tell Stiles that his sister was basically dieing. Two kids she’s known their whole lives and practically considered her own at times.
“Mom?” Scott stood up with eyes that begged his mom to not say what he thought she was going to say.
“Its not looking good, hunny. I’m sorry. We should probably call your dad, Stiles.” Melissa bit her lip in solace that they’d probably all have to say goodbye.
“What if I could help? The bite.” Derek spoke up, he was very close to the female Stilinski. They were really good friends and if he was being honest he had a bit of a crush on her. Maybe he could save her.
“No. That could still kill her.” Scottt shook his head protesting, not liking the idea at all.
Derek shrugged his shoulders, trying not to show how much the possibility of Y/n dying affected him. “I’m just suggesting. It would be better to try then do nothing and lose her anyway.”
“That’s not what she would want.” Scott argued back. Truthfully he didn’t know if Y/n would want it or not but she would make comments about how it'd be hard being one would make life. Wasn’t that enough? “Stiles, you know that.”
“Do it.” Stiles didn’t care at the moment what anyone thought. He just couldn’t lose his sister.
“No Scott.” Stiles turned his head to look at his best friend. Stiles glanced down for a second before he continued. “I know it’s not what she’d want but I don’t have a choice. We don’t have a choice. Plus she trust’s Derek…”
Stiles knew Y/n probably wouldn’t want the bite, not without real thought put into it. But there was more of a chance for her to live. If they don’t do it, she dies. If Derek at least tries she might live.
“We have to try. I can’t lose my sister, Scott.” Stiles pleaded with his eyes.
“If the bite doesn’t take, then we still lose Y/n, Stiles.” Scott tried one last time, but truth be told Scott did think it was worth a shot. Y/n was like a little sister to him, he didn’t want to see her die either.
“At least we tried, because Scott we’re gonna lose her anyway if we don’t.” Stiles stated before turning his attention back to Derek. With a nod he stated. “Do it.”
“Follow me.” Melissa nodded at Derek and he followed her.
It was around 45 minutes before they came back out of the room. This time their faces looked more relieved.
“She's stable and improving.” Melissa smiled, happy to be sharing good news.
“The bite worked?” Lydia questioned the older wolf. Hoping she didn’t have to bury another friend.
Derek nodded with relieved eyes. “It worked. I can sense it. Feel it.”
After all, she was his beta now.
“Good. Good.” Stiles nodded, running his hands through his hair.
“You know she might be pissed.” Lydia looked to Stiles with a knowing look.
“Oh she’s going to be pissed.” Peter stated tauntingly, although he too was glad the girl was going to live. She didn’t treat him like the others.
“Then at least I made the decision that saved her life.” Stiles knew he made the right decision. But he really just hoped she would eventually forgive him.
Eventually everyone went home to get some sleep. Derek stayed and eventually Mr.Stilinski showed up. He showed up just in time when Y/n woke up. He was in there for a while before he asked Derek to come into the room. Which really made Stiles nervous.
Derek left the room not long before their dad did. The two shook hands and Derek left the hospital. Stiles was finally told by his dad that he could go see his sister. For a while the two siblings just sat in silence. Till Y/n spoke up.
“I’m different now. You made that choice for me.” Y/n stated looking down at her hands placed on her lap.
“I didn’t have any other choice.” Stiles stated back. Y/n nodded in understanding and Stiles was grateful that she did. But he still had a bad feeling.
“I need a break Stiles.” Y/n said looking at him with eyes Stiles couldn’t dechirer.
“What do you mean?” Stiles asked, confused, now sitting up in his uncomfortable hospital chair.
“I’m going to stay with Peter and Derek for a while. I already talked to dad about it.” Y/n explained biting her lip. It wasn’t an easy decision for her to have made but she needed space right now, and she needed Derek to help her learn to control her new abilities. Peter too, oddly.
“Y/n-” Stiles tried to interject but Y/n shook her head.
“I need time to adjust Stiles. To get used to my new life, the changes to my body and mind.” Y/n told him hoping he’d get why she was doing this. Why she had to do this. Y/n loved her brother but this? She needed time. “I also need time to understand your choice for my future. To calm down and be able to control myself. I don’t want to get angry at you and hurt you. You're my brother, we’re closer than close Stiles. We alway have been. But right now, I’m afraid I’m gonna hurt you.”
“Ok” Stiles couldn’t say anything else. She was angry at him and was afraid she’d hurt him because of her anger. Anger at him for the choice he made for her. Even though she was pissed, she was still protecting him.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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hendersister · 11 months
the power of love
summary: you and steve sneak into a preview screening of back to the future.
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!sister reader
title 🎵: the power of love by huey lewis & the news
a/n: sorry i didn't know how to end this so it just like kinda ends...
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“You almost ready, Steve?”
You’re sitting in the back room of Scoops Ahoy, waiting on your friend Steve. He’s in the bathroom changing out of his work uniform into some normal clothes. 
“In a minute!” you hear Steve yell from the other side of the door.
You and Steve have big plans tonight. One of the projectionists at the mall's movie theater told you that they were having a secret late night preview of the new movie Back to the Future. It’s not set to open for a couple of weeks and you’ve been dying to see it. As soon as you heard about the preview screening you asked Steve if he wanted to come along. You wish your little brother Dustin wasn’t away at sleepaway camp because you know that he wanted to see the movie too.
“Ok I’m ready! I’m ready!” Steve announces as he opens the bathroom door.
You jump to your feet. 
“C’mon, let’s go!”
You and Steve leave out the backdoor. Working at the mall has some perks. You both know all the secret passageways and found out a way to sneak into the movie theater. You aren’t the only people who take advantage of this. Dustin’s friends bug you or Steve at least once a week about sneaking them into the movies.
“Relax Y/N! We’re not going to miss it,” Steve reassures you, and then, “I’m sure that projectionist guy will hold off on starting the movie until you arrive. What’s his name again?”
You roll your eyes.
“His name is Danny and he wouldn’t do that,” you answer.
“Yeah he would! That dude totally has a crush on you,” Steve tells you.
“No he doesn’t!” you deny it.
“Trust me, he does,” Steve insists. There’s a hint of jealousy in his voice.
You shake your head in disbelief.
Steve opens the door that leads into one of the side hallways at the cinema. He lets you out first and then follows closely behind. You lead Steve to the theater. Even though this was supposed to be a secret sneak preview, the theater is pretty crowded.
You and Steve find two seats together just as the trailers start. Steve knows he has a few minutes to spare before the movie begins and he’s going to take advantage of that time.
“I’m gonna get a coke,” he tells you as he rises to his feet.
He walks away before you have a chance to respond. As you watch him leave the theater you shrug to yourself. Oh shit! I should’ve asked him to get me one too… 
Steve steps out into the lobby and approaches the concession stand. He recognizes the girl behind the counter. They went to Hawkins High together.
“Hey Steve,” she smiles. 
“Hey Jennifer. Can I get 2 cokes?” Steve nods.
Jennifer raises her eyebrows. 
“Who’s the lucky girl tonight?” she questions Steve.
“Oh, uh, no date tonight. Just here with a friend,” Steve replies.
“Sure,” the cashier rolls her eyes, unconvinced.
A few minutes later, Steve returns to your theater with the drinks. 
“Hey. What’d I miss?” Steve asks as he sits down beside you.
“A lot! There’s another movie coming out soon with Michael J Fox. He’s gonna be a werewolf that plays basketball,” you tell him.
Steve scrunches his forehead.
“Wait… What?” 
“Yeah! It’s called Teen Wolf,” you laugh, “Don’t judge me but I kinda want to see it….”
Steve chuckles and hands you one of the cokes. Your eyes widen. You didn’t even get the chance to ask for a drink but Steve got you one anyway. You’re touched by the gesture.
“Thank you,” you say sincerely.
“Of course,” Steve smiles.
The lights start to dimmer and the “Our Feature Presentation” graphic appears on screen. It’s showtime.
You and Steve watch the movie in awe. Back to the Future isn’t like anything you’ve ever seen before. You know that you’re watching something special. The movie isn’t out for another few weeks but you just know it’s going to be a huge hit.
While watching the scene where Lorraine makes a move on Marty, you close your eyes. It’s just too cringey. You impulsively flinch, accidentally taking Steve’s hand. You’re about to pull your hand away but Steve, still focused on the screen, instinctively intertwines his fingers with yours. 
You let out a deep breath. You don’t know how to explain it but holding Steve’s hand just feels right. You feel safe and at ease.
You and Steve quietly hold hands for the rest of the movie. You don’t let go until the end of the movie when the entire theater erupts into cheers. Everyone is clapping, including you and Steve. You loved it.
The two of you are hyped as you walk out of the theater. 
“That was one of the best movies I’ve ever seen! I think it's now in my top three!” you exclaim.
“Yeah! It was so good I can almost forgive the fact that the girl was trying to bang her son,” Steve jokes.
“You should go as Marty McFly for Halloween this year. I think you could totally pull off that costume,” you suggest.
“Oh yeah?” Steve smirks.
“Yeah definitely. Just don’t include those suspenders. Not many people are able to pull off that look like Michael J Fox,” you advise.
“Mhmm,” Steve nods, taking in what you just said.
“But on the flipside, I don’t think Michael J Fox could pull off your Scoops Ahoy uniform. You are the only guy I’ve seen that actually looks good in it,” you tell him.
Steve’s face perks up.
“You think I look good?!”  
You shyly smile.
“Yeah… but you look good in like everything,” you quietly reply.
Steve smiles. His heart melts a little bit. Since hitting puberty people have been telling Steve that he’s good looking. But it means more coming from you.
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daintylovers · 17 days
Young Loves
1.3 Pack Mentality
Teen Wolf x Aurora Young (oc)
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Hearing about Scott's sex/murder dream about Allison, was definitely not how I wanted my day to start.
"I don't know, I just woke up- sweating like crazy, not being able to breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."
Stiles and I seem to have the same thoughts as we chime in, "Really, I have, usually ends differently." Great, I'm no better than a man after all. We both look at each other, in horror.
"I meant, I've never had a dream that real. Also, please don't ever give me that much information about you guys in bed again."
Stiles looks like his head is going to pop off, and I can feel my cheeks burning. In unison once again we say, "We weren't in bed together!" This telepathy thing is not working in our favor right now.
Stiles manages to go on with the conversation while I continue thinking about Scott's comment. "It probably has something to do with your upcoming date. Worried that you'll rip her apart or something."
Scott really does embody a sad puppy dog, the look on his face is pitiful, and Stiles is not helping one bit. So it's up to me to lighten the spirits, "Look, Scott, to be fair you are the first werewolf we've ever encountered- and you're doing pretty good so far! No body count, and no one even suspects anything supernatural!" Maybe I'm not the person to motivate the crowd.
Stiles helps me out, "Yeah, it's not like there's a class you can take. Lycanthropy for beginners is offered anywhere near here."
"Not a class, but maybe a teacher." No, Scott, no way you are thinking of him.
"Who, Derek?!" Stiles smacks the back of Scott's head, harsh enough for Scott to lose his balance a bit. "Are you forgetting the part where we all collectively got him tossed in jail?!"
"Guys you don't understand, dragging her to the back of the bus felt so real."
"How real?" I pipe up.
Like a scene in a movie, Scott answers as he pushes open the double doors, "Like it actually happened."
There's blood. And a bus. But mainly a lot of blood. Is Allison dead?
We all make eye contact, confirming what's in front of us. Then pull out our phones to see if we can contact the lanky brunette. Going back inside the school, I get sent straight to voicemail about a million times. Scott is texting her every letter of the alphabet to see if she'll respond. Stiles is looking up if any news stations have covered the case already. Each one of us ends up nowhere.
"It could all be a coincidence," Stiles says, taking my place as worst motivator of the crowd. "A seriously amazing coincidence."
I hit Stiles in his chest, and he glares down at me. I mouth to him to shut up and he mirrors the words right back.
"Guys please just help me find her." Scott wheezes out.
We agree to split up, but Stiles ends up trailing behind me anyway. As soon as my phone buzzes, I'm quick to see who it could be. And thank god it is the woman of the hour.
"It's Allison, she's just running late. She also said that Scott was acting weird and I was worrying her. God, she asked me if I was alright."
"Are you?" he questions, pulling us both to a stop next to his locker. He looks intently for my answer.
"Yeah, yeah, of course. Everything's all good. She's fine."
"No- Rory, I asked if you were alright, not Allison."
He knows. I've been very on edge recently. Suddenly having to fear for your life, and getting a literal death threat, isn't exactly a great way to start the school year again. "I've just been a little stressed recently. All this is so new, and the drama with Derek is freaking me out. But again, I'm fine."
"Whatever you say Tinkerbell." He laughs as he says it.
Tinkerbell is the nickname, besides Rory, that I was gifted when we were kids. Because I never really grew up, the boys started calling me by the fairy's name. Also because she had a "bad attitude", they were just haters. I was their Tinkerbell, and they were my lost boys. Companions for all of time.
Making it to lunch today felt more like surviving a horror movie.
The news about the guy on the bus traveled like wildfire, and I was grateful that I wasn't with Scott and Stiles when it happened. Stiles texted me about Scott's freak-out, and we agreed to chill him out during lunch.
"It wasn't a dream, something happened last night. I just can't remember what."
"What makes you so sure Derek has all the answers?" Stiles questions through a mouth full of fruit.
"Because- during the full moon he was in total control. I was busy ruining an innocent man's life." Scott sulks. "I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel."
Even though I should be rejoicing at that news, I say, "Scott, no fucking way are you canceling on her."
"Yeah, Rory's right. You can't cancel your whole life because of one problem."
"If you haven't noticed, this problem has literally become my whole life. So that logic doesn't really apply here."
A new voice enters the conversation, "What problem?" Lydia?
The redhead takes the remaining spot next to me, giving me a smile. The three of us can't help but be shocked, she never sits near them. Me? Sure, but never at the same table if Scott and Stiles were there. Not that she had anything against them. They just didn't exactly fit her popular persona. Jackson was harsh about that kind of thing.
Someone answers here, but I don't quite catch what was said, too worried about being caught. Lydia catches onto my silence and gives me a pointed look. She knows we're lying. But thankfully, doesn't push it.
A few more members of Lydia's clique sit down, Danny on Stiles's left. Allison on Scott's right, Jackson bullying someone out of the seat he wanted.
"So I heard it was an animal attack. A cougar." Danny starts up with my least favorite conversation.
"I heard mountain lion." There goes Jackson, always trying to one up.
"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia surprises everyone, even herself. But upon Jackson's glare, she fixes herself, "I think? Right, Rory?"
God I fucking hate him. I always ask, why she stays with him. She gives me superficial answers, but I know that deep down she loves him. Which I can't fathom, maybe he has a softer side only she sees. But it's not worth having to dumb yourself down. Lydia just says I don't get it, maybe one day I will.
I would rather be single forever than go down that route.
"Who cares anyways, the guy was probably a homeless tweaker." Jackson again with the classy commentary.
Stiles gasps and shoves his phone to the center of the table, "Guy's look I found out who it was."
Scott looks as sick as I feel, and says, "I know him. He was my old bus driver."
Lydia saves the day, "Can we please talk about something more fun? Like where are we going tomorrow night? Rory, are you coming? I can set you up with someone extra salty."
Allison and Scott look mortified, their cute date night ruined in the blink of an eye. "We hadn't gotten that far."
"Well I sure as hell am not staying home watching lacrosse videos again, so if the five- possibly six of us are hanging out, we need a plan."
Oh, this is bad. Normal high school level bad. Maybe the werewolf murder scene was easier to handle.
"How about bowling?" she suggests. Absolutely not.
"I'm all good, but thanks Lydia," and then I add, "Stiles and I are gonna work on a project together instead."
She looks dissapointed but shifts he gaze onto her boyfriend, who looks ready to stab his eye out with the plastic fork clenched in his fist.
"If Aurora isn't going, then there won't be any real competition. And I only bowl with real competition." Jackson's not allowed to call me Rory. I made that perfectly clear when he tried talking down to me one time and I punched him in his eye. Now we aren't allowed to stand too close to each other, legally speaking.
Allison bites back, "How do you know we aren't real competition?" She looks to Scott, "You can bowl, right?"
Stiles and I whip our heads in Scott's direction, just waiting for his dumbass response. It's like we can sense when he's about to make a complete idiot of himself.
Scott glares at Jackson, "Yeah, in fact, I am a terrific bowler" Yikes.
Yet again, I am losing sleep because of Scott's new issue.
Stiles' jeep comes to a halt outside of the fence, where the bus that housed the crime scene earlier, lies beyond.
We all exit the car, before Scott says, "No way, you guys stay in the car." He comes over to me and places his hands on my shoulders to gently guide me back to the car.
"What?" I try digging my heels into the ground but to no avail. Scott was always strong, but this is ridiculous.
"Yeah, Rory will stay, but I'm coming with" Thanks Stiles. He meets my eyes, "No offense, but I would feel better if I knew you were safe in the car. Not waltzing through a murder scene." My arms whip out to the sides in disbelief. What the fuck man?
Scott stops, and turns back to Stiles, "I'm going alone."
"Okay why is it starting to feel like your Batman and I'm Robin? Alright, I don't mean to be Robin all the time. I deserve to be Batman some of the time too!"
"Who does that make me?" I question, feeling insanely left out. Maybe I should have taken Lydia up on her offer of a girls' movie night instead. Maybe there I would feel more wanted.
"I would say Wonder Woman but sometimes you are evil. So I'll say Cat Woman."
Smiling I give him a thanks, as Scott looks ready to recreate his crime scene. "Nobody is any sort of comic book character any of the time, alright?!"
Stiles, not knowing when to quit says, "Not even some of the time?"
"Stay here! Both of you!"
Stiles huffs in annoyance, as Scott hops the fence and I climb into the passenger seat.
"If I'm Cat Woman, then you would totally be my Batman. Just so you know."
Stiles looks to me with grateful eyes, "Thanks, Rory."
Our moment of peace doesn't last long enough, because in the distance we see a guard shining a light too close to where Scott is lurking. Stiles starts honking his horn, causing my arm to shoot out and grasp his wrist, trying to get him to stop. He gets himself out of my grasp easily and continues making noise.
"Stiles! What the hell are you doing?"
"Scott needs to leave like now."
Before I can answer, I see Scott do a couple of flips and suddenly is he barreling into the back seat, shouting incoherently at Stiles.
The car jerks into motion and we make a speedy getaway. Stiles would be a great Batman- he already has his own Bat mobile and everything.
"Did it work? Did you remember?" Stiles shouts.
"Yeah- I was there last night. And the blood, it's mine."
"Did you attack him?" I ask. I really don't want him to be a murderer.
"No, someone else was in there with us. Their eyes were glowing. It had to be Derek."
"Why would Derek help you remember that he killed someone?" Oh yeah, long story short, Derek is Scott's newfound mentor. But we can't trust anything he says. Cause that makes total sense.
Stiles interjects, "It's got to be a pack thing." Sensing our confusion, he continues, "Like an initiation. You do the killing together."
"Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience," Scott replies back.
"Yeah, but what he's saying is that you didn't do it. Which means-"
"Which means I can go out with Allison!" Bingo, bullseye, right on the money.
"Wait I thought she was gonna say that means you won't kill us?" Stiles gawks. Oh yeah, that too.
A/N: chapter three is down- nine more to go! sorry this was way short- but the date takes up a lot of the episode. I'm watching the vampire diaries currently, and am thinking of doing a rewrite of that as well. let me know if that sounds interesting. as always, my inbox is open! thank you so much for reading!
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hawkins-high86 · 2 years
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An: warning panic attack and language that all that I could think of this is based on my personal experience just saying be nice it’s my first time writing for liam Sorry for the spelling mistakes some smut ? First timers also everything is not accurate with the Teen wolf timeline didn’t proofread before hand
Summary:y/n has a panic attack but gets help
Parings : liam dunbar x reader ! Stiles sister overprotective dad and brother
Y/n POV ;
The tightness in your chest your hole body was shaking and you felt like you couldn’t breath felt like you were dying and all the pressure on your chest you felt dizzy and sick
“Hey look at me y/n”
It was liam
“Hey look at me count to ten with me ok?”
10 ? 1 -2-3–4-5-6-7-8-9-10 you still felt scared it didn’t work Liam
“Ok try this Visualize a safe place or a place that makes you happy “ he said
You closed your eyes a Visualize when you first met liam it was the first week of school and some jocks were picking on you and Liam stood up to them and asked you if you were ok and he made you felt better and you became best friends afterwards.
You felt more calm and opened your eyes.
“Feeling better?” He asked you
You opened your eyes yes thanks to you,you hugged him thank you so much I appreciate you help smiling at him so can I watch you play lacrosse?this afternoon? And maybe dinner afterwards?
“Like a date?”
Um I guess so if you want to
“Ok cool sounds good see you soon!”
The bell rang for your next class it was history you sat next to your friend Scott McCall he was pretty cool he played lacrosse too and somehow he was really good at it. The bell rang I bet I totally failed that test could you help me study for the next test tomorrow night at my house?
“Sorry y/n I’m I -um I’m busy “he said
Your always busy but ok that’s fine I’m just going to ask Liam anyways probably wolf business i guess right?
“Yea “He said
Time skips :
Well...good luck see you later Scotty you walked out of class and headed to the game and sat on the bleachers it was night out already and the bright lights you sat next to Lydia and she was talking to you about something but you were paying attention to the game.
“Hello y/n are you listening ? Or are you too busy looking at Iiam ? There is a little bit of drool on your mouth “ she said
Shut up you scoffed and no I’m not drooling over anyone so what you were saying?
“Come on I’m throwing you a party for your birthday and everyone is coming “she said
Lydia you don’t know that I don’t do party’s and stuff like that but it’s really sweet I just want to chill ok .
“Come on y/n what about a small gathering? Not a party “ she said to you
Fine,that’s ok sound fine who should we invite? You asked her
“How about Scott ,Allison ,Jackson ,stiles Aidan “ she said
What the heck you forgot issac and Liam my best friends.
“Ouch I thought that I was your best friend “she said
Lydia I could have more than one best friend and I- score ! Beacon Hills won the game our team won the crowd was cheering after the game you walked home with your brothers stiles so do you know who killed the girl I know it couldn’t be Scott.
“No not yet but dad is working on it but it was for sure Derek I bet me and Scott are going to figure it out tonight “
Oh wow- but be careful ok
“Ok I will so what are your plans for tonight?”
Nothing much just watching Netflix I guess you hated to lie to your own brother but he is kind of overprotective when it comes to you alone with boys you walked into the house and your dad was at his office working on the case hey dad.
“Hi hon how was your day at school?”
Um it was good you went upstairs to your bedroom and took a shower and got dressed you put on a top with a jean jacket and a necklace and some earrings and your favorite boots ordered some pizza and mozzarella sticks and soda ok so the pizza should be here soon you layed down on your bed and waited and a couple of minutes the doorbell rang it was about time your went downstairs to see who it was I will get it. I ordered pizza.
“Hello y/n ready to watch the movie?” He said
It was your friend Liam hi come in your said he came in pizza and drinks and the mozzarella sticks are in here he followed you to the kitchen you handed him a paper plate and got a slice of pizza a mozzarella stick and soda and a napkin and issac sat next to you he laughed. What’s so funny?
“You got a little bit of sauce on your face “he said
Oh shit you felt embarrassed you wiped it off is it gone ?you asked him
“No here “
He licked his finger and got the sauce off your cheek thanks you laughed at him you cleared your throat is it gone ? You felt flustered because you liked him a lot.
“Yep its all good “
Well good
“Lydia told me about your birthday party “
I’m not having a party I mean we were talking about it but decided not to make a big deal about it I told her this today during the game.
“Oh ok “ he said
But if I did have a party my I would be inviting you first anyways do you want to want to watch that new movie on Netflix I’ve got blankets and pillows set up all ready.
“Sure “ He said
He followed you upstairs to your bedroom he looked at you room you had a big tv and a large bed with a bunch of stuffed animals and blankets you sat down to watch the movie and you were falling asleep into issac chest you rubbed your eyes oh sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep.
“It’s fine the movie was kinda boring anyways “ he said
Yea I guess it was you felt really nervous because you really liked him a lot but you couldn’t do anything because of your dad and your brother. liam I really i- you started to freak out.
“I know that you like me “ He said
Yes-I mean no ugh fine I do but how did you know that? You asked him
“Ok but don’t get mad at me but I read your journal a few months ago it was just sitting near your nightstand and I was curious “
You sat up you read it? Now I guess it’s not a secret anymore you heart began to race
“Do you hate me ?do you want to hit me?”
No,I don’t hate you and no i don’t want to hit you you laughed
“So can I -“
Because he could say anything else you leaned over to kiss him because you knew that he was going to ask you that Sorry I’ve wanted to do that for the longest time but i always wanted to do that but stiles hovering you’d barely had a chance to even get close with any boys.
“Hey I know that “
He smiled at me he kissed you back you put your hands around his neck. He tugged the bottom of your top .
“Hey is this ok?I want you consent ?” He asked you
Um yes but this is so embarrassing but this is my first time I’ve never done anything like this before.
“We don’t have too”
No- I want to I promise ok you smiled at him.
“Ok are you sure ?”
Yes, I’m positive liam !
“Well ok”
He unbotton your blouse revealing your bra it was a black bra with a bow in the front. You blushed at him.
“You ok ?”
Yes ,continue please? You got on top of him he started to kiss your neck and shoulder lightly touching your bra straps he reached the back of your bra to take it off he unhooked it reaveling your breast.
“So beautiful my love “ he said
That nickname gave you butterflies he started to kiss your chest you ran your finger through his hair.
“Tell me if you want me to stop or if I’m making you uncomfortable are you ok y/n?”
You looked at him yes I’m ok just continue please you trusted him he continue to kiss your chest he stopped kissing you ,you were confused.
“Can you lay down?”
Sure you laid down and took your boots off he continue to kiss your chest and you were digging you nails in his back he started to kiss all over your stomach until he got to the waistband of your skirt His lips teased gentle pecks around the waistband of my skirt .
It’s ok you could do it I trust you.
“Oh ok “ he said
He took your skirt off reveling light pink underwear you didn’t blush this time he made you feel more comfortable.
You can take it off Liam ! You smiled at him he traced around your underwear and took them off now you were fully nude revealing yourself to him shaky hand reached between your legs to rub your clit in time with each thrust of his fingers.you closed your eyes and moaned fuck Liam that feels so good I’m going to cum .
“Not yet baby “ he said
You were slightly confused oh wow you knew what he meant now his pants you unbuckled his pants until they were off of him to the floor revealing his boxers you could tell that he was hard you yanked down his boxers revealing his cock he was so big he layed down on top of you your heart skipped a beat his cock was inside of you feeling so good you tugged your nails into his back Liam oh shit - I’m going to cum you grasp the bed sheets than warm liquid came out oh my gosh did I -?
“Yes but that was so fucking hot now let me tast you baby “he said
He licked his fingers
“Tast so good baby you did great “ he said
The too of you were shaking
Oh Liam that was amazing I’m so glad that it was my first time it was with you you smile at him while he covered yourself with the sheets and him to he kissed your shoulder you put your hand on his chest and he put his underwear back on and you but your underwear back on as well
Than the door was open horror plastered your face You nearly scream, scrambling for the sheets as your father stands in the doorway with stiles behind him looking completely mortified as he holds what seem to be Liams jeans in his hand.
Dad what the hell you tugging on the blanket that you and Liam were sharing to cover you up better
“Oh my god I think I’m going to puke and wash my eyes out with holy water “ stiles said while behind your dad.
You were so embarrassed in front of your dad and stiles your dad threw Liam’s jeans near the bed .
“Get dressed now ! Both of you and come downstairs “ you father said to the both of you.
He left the door and stiles was near the door looking at you to stiles go away please.
“No “ he said
“Why? Come on man “ Liam said to stiles.
“Because I’m going to beat the living crap out of you”
You were both looking at each other and burst out laughing you and Liam good one stiles like your going to beat him up -before you could say anything else stiles went to your room and yanked the sheets of your bed and pinned Liam against the wall you yelped with fear luckily Liam still had his underwear on you put his shirt on you stiles you walked over stop !!! You yelled and stiles backed away and left your room
“Well that was definitely not awkward at all “ Liam said
You smiled at him shut up and get dressed
Sorry if that was so bad I didn’t proofread anything lol this was in my drafts for so long now leave me alone lol
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xx-narcissa · 3 years
Who The Hell Is She?
The World Crumbles Around Us {1}
warnings: cursing, mention of drugs
chapter summary: Lydia notices Jackson is acting weird, weirder than usual at least. And a new girl shows up at school.
a/n: i’ve never written a series on here, but i had this idea and i love it so i’m going to do it. this is also my first time writing for teen wolf, so i hope you guys like it. right now since nothing much is happening, the chapters will likely be decently short. as more continues to happen, the chapters will be longer :)
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(not my gif)
“This is the person on the opposite side of a phone call”
“This is a text message”
You fell backwards onto Lydias bed and sighed. She was doing her makeup, getting ready for a date with Jackson or something. You didn’t know. She just mentioned Jackson and you stopped listening. The silence was broken by the slight squeak of her chair as she turned around in it. “Red or pink?”
“Be serious. He’s losing his mind right now, talking about some kid on the lacrosse team is on steroids. So I want to look nice so he can be distracted tonight.”
“Okay, fine. Red. It’s sexy.”
She smiled and turned back to her mirror, applying the red lipstick and finishing her makeup. Once she was done, she brushed through her hair and fixed her dress. “You look nice. Very pretty.” She glared at you, as if you had just said she looked like an ogre. “What? Girl, I said you look pretty. If that doesn’t distract him then I don’t know what will. Maybe Danny.”
Lydia scoffed and threw a decorative pillow at you, before the two of you erupted in laughter. “Yeah, yeah. Shut up. He’ll be here soon, so if you’re gonna stay don’t ruin my kitchen like you did last time.”
“Hey! Prada framed me. And besides, I’m tired as hell. I’ll probably be dead sleep when you get back.”
And you were. She came back and you were indeed sleeping. Which was unfortunate. After that horrible mess of a date, all Lydia wanted was to rant to her best friend. But she knew you needed your rest. The two of you were up late studying every day of the week, so you needed a break. She joined you in the bed after removing her makeup and changing. There was a considerate amount of space between you. She wanted comfort from you, but not on that level.
Your head snapped in the direction Lydia was pointing, and you scoffed. “Yeah, she’s not my type. Seems too…perky.”
“What’s your type then? Since you’re oh so picky.”
“Hm. Probably pretty little redheads like you.” You pat her head and she pushed your hand away playfully. “But seriously, she looks painfully straight. I doubt I’d have a chance even if I wanted to ask her out.”
“Well you should try anyways!”
Lydia pushed you across the hallway, making you bump into the new girl. She dropped her books and you both leaned down to grab them. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” You grabbed a couple books and handed them to her. “I’m (Y/N). Are you new? ‘Cause I think I’d remember such a pretty face.”
It was easy to see her blush due to her pale skin. She pushed some of her dark brown hair behind her ear and smiled. “Uh, yeah. I’m new. My name’s Allison.”
“Ooh, pretty name for a pretty face. Need help getting around?” She simply nodded, being too shy to form any words. After a moment of digging through her folder, she pulled out a paper and handed it to you. It was her schedule. You looked it over and smiled. “Well aren’t you lucky? We’ve got some of the same classes. Come on.”
You looked back to see Lydia giving you two thumbs up. To which you responded by rolling your eyes and flipping her off.
Almost your entire day was spent showing Allison around. When you were with her, you noticed this boy staring at her. And when you weren’t with her, the boy would talk to her. At first glance she didn’t seem like she’d be your type, but after meeting her you noticed how sweet and nice she was. If you didn’t already have feelings for someone, you could see yourself being attracted to Allison.
“Calm down. It’s not that serious.”
“No, it is serious. You need to stop acting like that and making me look bad.”
You turned the corner and saw Jackson with a tight grip on Lydias arm. As soon as he noticed you glaring daggers at him, he let her go and stormed off. “You okay? Or is Mr. Richie Rich bothering you? I’ll beat his ass if you need me to.”
“No, (Y/N). Don’t make it a big deal. I’m fine. Now tell me all about your new little girlfriend.”
You knew she wasn’t okay when she immediately dismissed the topic like that. But that also meant she was uncomfortable with it. So you decided you’d drop it for the moment. “She’s not my ‘new little girlfriend’. But she seems nice. So I don’t know. But I think that boy with the shaggy hair likes her. Might fuck around and set them up together.”
“Really? You’d set her up with a loser like him?” She pointed at the boy you were talking about. “I knew you were evil but that’s just cruel.”
“Hey! Gotta help him out somehow. Or else he’ll never get the pretty girl.” You saw him talking to some kid with a buzz cut. “Okay, I’m going to go and work my magic. You sit here and watch.”
She sighed and waved you off, and you ran to go talk to the two boys. “Hey! Tyler…and Dylan. My very good buddies. Now, Tyler. I couldn’t help but notice you making googly eyes at Allison. What makes you think you have a chance?”
They both seemed very taken aback by your sudden boldness, but went along with it. “Uhm actually. I’m Scott and this is Stiles. And I don’t think I have a chance, but she’s really pretty and I want to get to know her.”
“What the hell is a Stiles? Kid, do your parents not love you?”
“Woah, who the hell are you? Coming all up in our business. And if you must know, yes. They do in fact love me.”
You continued to talk with the two boys, until Allison and Lydia joined the conversation. Which is when you noticed the two boys demeanors instantly change. They got nervous. Everyone was already very aware of how Scott likes Allison, but maybe Stiles likes Lydia too? Ugh. So much feelings. And nobody leaving anyone left for you.
But the conversation was going well. Everybody was getting along. Until Jackson came and pulled Lydia away. You tried to follow, but she assured you it was okay. Then Stiles and Scott left for lacrosse practice. Leaving you alone with Allison. “Uh, I just wanna say thank you for showing me around today. Without you I would’ve been all kinds of lost.”
“Don’t even mention it. Just doing what anyone would do.” You smiled and pat her head.
“So, are you doing anything right now? Like practice or something? If not, maybe we could go over the chemistry homework at my house!”
You searched for an excuse, but ultimately couldn’t find one. “Sure, why not?”
Her father was scary. Her mother was scarier. You regretted every choice you had ever made in your entire life. And apparently her dad is a weapon dealer? Oh yeah, you gotta get out of there.
You texted Lydia to come get you, but she was with Jackson and found the whole situation funny. There was nobody else you could think to ask except for Danny, but he wouldn’t even answer any of the texts.
“Hey, just checking on you girls.” You looked up and saw Allison’s mom standing in the doorway. Her scary face honestly caught you off guard.
“Yeah, mom. We’re good. Now can you stop checking in every ten minutes please!”
Allison shooed her mom away, and the older woman simply laughed. “Okay, I’ll leave you guys alone. But I wanted to let you know I’m starting dinner soon in case you wanted to stay.”
“Oh, thanks. Sure.”
You facepalmed yourself in your head. Why the fuck would you say that? You could’ve made up any excuse in the world, but now you’re stuck eating dinner with Mr and Mrs Scary Face. And who knows if the food will even be good? It might be nasty. And you don’t know their hygienic practices. Curse your kind heart for making you say yes.
Once her mom left you two continued studying. “So, what was it like?”
“Sweetheart, you’re gonna have to elaborate. I don’t read minds.” Her face flushed at the name. You need to remind yourself that this isn’t Lydia, and you can’t get away with playful flirting.
She cleared her throat and closed the textbook. Whatever she was going to ask, you knew it was going to be awkward. “What was it like coming out to your parents?”
“Uhm, they were supportive. Me and my brother came out at the same time, so it was easier.”
“Oh. Well I was just asking because, I think…uhm…I might be gay? Or bi? I don’t know. I just know I’m definitely not 100% straight.”
Yeah. It got awkward. You have no problem helping out a friend with an identity crisis. But you barely know this girl. There’s not much to say.
“How do you know? If you’re thinking about coming out, it’s best to at least know for sure.”
“I’ve had my suspicions about it for a while, but I knew for sure I wasn’t straight when I saw you.”
Now it’s even more awkward. You silently prayed in your head to whatever higher being was listening, asking for a way out of this situation. Thankfully your phone began buzzing. You both looked down at it and saw the name ‘Dick Head’ light up the screen. “Oh, that’s my brother. Let me take this.” You grabbed the phone and left the room, closing the door behind you.
“What’s up? You blew my phone up at practice.”
“Help. Me. Im at this new girls house and her parents are creepy as hell and she just admitted to me being her gay awakening when we just met this morning! Get me the hell out of here or so help me god I’ll tell mom you had sex in her bed.”
“Jesus, no need to go there. It’s not my fault the plumber was in my bathroom. Anyways, why should I help you?”
“Because, Danny. You’re my twin brother and you love me so much. So get your gay ass over here.”
“Okay fine. Send me the address. I’ll be on my way in a second.”
“Thank you. Get off my phone.”
You hung up and shoved your phone in your back pocket. After breathing out a sigh of relief, you went back into Allison’s room. “I’m so sorry. He said he needs me urgently and he’s gonna pick me up. So yeah, tell your mom I can’t stay for dinner.”
“If you want, I can take you home. I don’t mind. My mom isn’t the best cook anyways so I won’t be missing out on anything.”
“No, no. It’s all good. I’ll just send him your address and he should be here soon. But thanks for inviting me. I had fun!” You quickly gathered your things in your book bag and rushed out of the room.
As soon as you rounded the corner, you were greeted with the death stare of Mr. Argent. “Leaving so soon?”
“Uh, yes. Thank you for having me, sir. You’re daughter’s a lovely girl and I’m sure she’ll fit in just nicely at school.”
He looked you over one last time and then stepped out of the way, allowing you to leave.
Danny couldn’t stop himself from laughing as you recounted everything that happened during your time at the Argents house. You gave him a death glare as he pulled into the driveway of your home. “Ugh, you are like, the worst twin ever. You should’ve had some twin senses and got me way earlier. Now I have to deal with this girl who’s no doubt going to be clingy and annoying.”
“Hey, that’s just what happens when you’re a Mahealani. We’re just known for being impossibly attractive.”
You pushed his face and opened the passenger door. “Don’t forget to pick me up some food when you get back from your little date.”
“Yeah, whatever. Just get the fuck out my car.” He flipped you off and you got out the car, but not before returning the gesture and leaving the door open, forcing him to get out and close it himself.
When you got into your room, the only thing you could think about was how this Allison was going to be nothing but a thorn in your side. You had feelings for someone else, and you couldn’t have her ruining that, even if it’s already going nowhere. But you just needed a way to turn her down for good in a polite way. And maybe you could help someone else in the process. You pulled out your phone and opened your messages app, clicking on ‘Dick Head’.
“Hey, what’s Scott’s number?”
Chapter 2
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cescalr · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Aww, thanks mate <3 I'm gonna count 'written' as 'finished' or we'd be here all day hemming and hawing about which ones are my favourite. <3 This narrows it down to 5 of 65 instead of 102, which... i think you'll understand why I needed to do that. Pls. Sanity. I need that. That's something I need to keep having. (Also, no repeat ships/fandoms, just to let my other works shine. Teen wolf has a major bias otherwise, with 40 of my fics being for that show)
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In no particular order;
For When The Sunset Turns To Gold - Chronicles of Narnia (Movies), Gen. Minor crossovers with Torchwood and Harry Potter, but mostly negligible. More about the Pevensies post-film lives (because they DO NOT DIE, BOOKS, THANKS) than anything else.
To note, I am incredibly proud of this fic! I love the feeling it's got. I was very emotional when I wrote it because I'd just watched Prince Caspian and got reminded of the very sticky ends each of these people meet and i was like NOPE OKAY and wrote this to make myself feel better. I'm pretty sure I cried when I was writing it. Actually, I'm tearing up rn. Onto the next one very quickly-
Keeping This. - Teen Wolf, Stiles/Theo, post-series AU. Soulmate AU, too.
Started in my Journey Across the Dimensions fic/let collection, finished here. This one was interesting because of how long it got, lol, for a one-shot. I ended up using it for my Steoday fic, and I'm still really happy with it. I just think this is some solid character work, and some extra-solid character dynamics work. I'm not so good with the building up romance thing, and I think this is one of the times where I did an actually good job with it, instead of just an ok one. Trying to get more comfortable establishing relationships than having them already established, since that's what I prefer to read anyway esp for non-canon fare. Anyway, I'm pleased with this one. As an AU i think it works, and i think it works more for being pretty canon-compliant. It's simple and it's easy and it's actually quite soft, which is rare for me. Especially when it comes to these two fellas. Stiles and Theo as written by me are... rarely soft. So this is a nice reprieve. Especially since I think I did a good job keeping them accurate despite the sweetness. I'm also pretty sure I managed to keep the tense consistent! But don't quote me on that. Same for all of these, actually. (Working on it, working on it...)
A Muggle Cliché (thank you for making me write this, lol) - Harry Potter, Ron/Harry, coffee shop/squib!harry/no voldemort AU! (Also background Dumbledore time travelled AU, but shhhh not important nobody ic knows that. The fic is fluffy and happy and great and the shadowy background history of the AU is not even remotely addressed.) I am halfway through writing a technical-sequel to this fic that's Cho/Ginny, stay tuned! (I know it's taking forever and the request came in before Easter, but to the person who sent in the prompt, I promise i'm literally like, halfway there. Should be done by the end of summer, at max.)
Obviously you know this one, since you made me write it, lol. Thank you for the prompt, again! I think this is my strongest ronarry excluding your other prompt, but I mean, like, non-canon ronarry is hard for me because i'm super attached to their canon selves, so this was a work in characterisation where I could see how an AU like this would change them without them being totally different people who we don't care about because it's like, in name only shit (which I'm never fond of, as a rule). So, yeah! This is one of the most saccharine things I've written. Good lord. Did pay you back for that, though.... sorry.
Somebody to Someone. - Slaughterhouse Rulez, Don/Willoughby, post-movie AU. Thank the entire Slaughterhouse Rulez discord for this one lol like a few years back. Man, how time flies... I was 17 when the film came out.... i'm 21.... gosh... anyway fluffy Christmastime goodness.
Yeah, I mean, I said it there. fluffy christmastime goodness. Don't blame that part on me, though, I had a lot of help writing this one. I'm proud of the parts I wrote and I'm super grateful for the help from the discord, you guys are great! So I guess this is my first fic that's a collaboration (that's actually a fic - we won't talk about the other one...) so, uh, yeah! Awesome! Collabs are fun. Working with other people on a fic can be a great experience. And I'm very happy with the outcome! Slaughterhouse Rulez is one of my favourite movies. If you take anything from me, it's that you should watch it and also join the discord server. It's a fandom of like 15 people. We need mooooorrrrreeeeeeeeeee-
In Another Universe (Maybe We Were Happy.) - Assassin's Creed, Desmond/Clay, 5 aus in which they (eventually, at least) get together romantically, and one in which they don't. Obviously varies wildly between angst and not angst, as is my M.O. To note I am working on that other AC fic (the soulmate au one) but it's taking forever bc i need to replay ac3. Dumb dumb moment here. Literally forgot the plot *facepalm.* Anway, somehow hoping these 44k words are enough to tide over the literal years people have been waiting for me to finish that other fic... ack.
This one is super nostalgic which is weird since it's not even that old, but I'm really fond of it. One of my first long-fics that i actually finished, which is also cool. Each chapter is it's own AU, so really I'm not sure if this is a fic per se or more a fic anthology, but either way, I'd never done the 5 + 1 format before and I thought it'd be cool. It was a good way for me to work through my characterisation of these guys, who I'd not written before, and my thoughts on the AC universe, which I'd also not written before. I think it's some solid writing and it's got one of my best AUs and romances, in chapter 2, with the coffee shop assassins AU where the Templars are Starbucks. Yeah, I know, I think something about coffee must trigger my romantic sensibilities which are usually stuck somewhere else in hibernation. Or fear. Or something. I'm bad at romance, anyway. The last chapter is some good Angst and I think some of my best angst, so there's that. It's a mite bit confusing if you don't know AC, though, but then that's the case for most fanfics of media. (I've read fanfics of media I've never consumed, though, that made perfect sense to me, so...) Anyway. Uh, yeah. Love this one. Very fond of it. Love my boys <3 Claysmond probably in the top ten for my otps. May even be top five, depending on the day. (Today? Yes.) Desmond and Clay are definitely in my top ten characters, anyway. I could not tell you where they sit, though.
Cheating to add Ginny Weasley, Veteran of War, Time Traveller, Defeater of Dark Lords, and Dark, but Good., which is a series and not a fic, and I don't think the components work as well on their lonesome. Technically hinny but for the first two fics he's dead. (actually, he's still dead in the last fic, it's just that ginny is as well. Not a spoiler.) Basically, well, read the series title: she time travels, she kills voldy, she's a bit fucked up and she's done some fucked up shit but she's still Ginny Weasley, and she's a good person at heart. Anyway, love these fics. Might've cried a little when writing. Might not. Can't prove shit you weren't there! (I did. I definitely did.) Anyway. Mostly Gen with Minor/Background Relationships. Contains Fantastic Beasts canon up to the second movie and kinda including, but veers very AU, and written before the third (which I wouldn't have acknowledged anyway, since i'm not planning on ever viewing it with mine eyes). Uh, yeah. (Premise of this fic series could actually lead to other fics/aus stemming from it..... given how Ginny gets back in the past in the first place. Sooooo that's fun!)
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Thanks again!
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blacknight1230 · 4 years
Halloween Treat
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Jim Hopkins Imagine (Bully: Scholarship Edition)
You switch costumes with Pete, resulting in Jimmy enjoying your Halloween costume. 
Twas the night before Halloween. Your most favorite holiday spent at Bullworth Academy. The campus was decorating with glowing jack-o-lanterns, spooky ghosts and bats, and toilet paper hauntingly hanging from the tree branches. And best of all, the student body had free reign to wreak havoc this autumn night. Of course, no one was in there costumes now, a full twenty-four hours until you could do so. 
So, you were walking back to your dorms from the mess hall, when you saw a disgruntled Pete on the steps to the main school building. “Hey, Petey, what’s wrong?” you asked the small boy. “Oh, (Y/n), hey” he greeted, hurriedly getting to his feet. “Is everything okay? Is Gary picking on you again?” you questioned, worried about your friend. Pete just nervously shifted from foot to foot, not saying anything. “Petey, come on, talk to me. You’re worrying me,” you begged. “It's stupid, really. It’s not even a big deal,” Petey whined, avoiding eye contact with you. “Well, it obviously is if your this uptight about it. Come on, Pete o’boy, tell Momma (Y/n) all about your troubles. I promise I won’t laugh,” you pestered, poking the young boy repeatedly in the arm. “Ok, fine. It's about my costume,” Pete admitted, finally giving up. “Your costume?” You were confused now; how could Halloween get-up make his this miserable. “You see, I already picked out my costume for tomorrow night. I was really excited about it, but now I’m afraid to be seen in it!” Petey explained, pacing around as he stressed over the situation. “Why? Your costume can’t be that bad,” you tried to reassure Pete. “Ha-ha, well, it's not exactly something Gary or Jimmy would where that’s for sure,” he said, voice shaking. “Then what is it?” Petey sighed and glumly ushered you to follow him.
He led you over to the boys’ dorms and inside the building. You ignored the dilapidated surroundings and B.O. smell as Petey brought you to his room. It really shocked you how Bullworth treated the boys living conditions compared to the girls. Anyway, Petey brought you into his small room and closed the door, before turning to his wardrobe. He opened it up, showing you his costume hanging on the inside of wardrobe door. You didn’t say anything when you saw the bright pink, furry bunny suit. It even had a puffy tail and ears attached to it. 
Pete noticed your silence, frowning even more. “Now you see what the problem is. I can’t go out in that! I’ll be the laughing stock of the school and a prime target for the bullies!” he freaked out. “I don’t know what to say, Petey. Do you have another costume to go out in?” you questioned. “Nope. And I have to wear a costume tomorrow. Gary will notice and make fun of me for it.” You took a seat on Pete’s bed, the springs of the mattress squeaking as you put your weight on it. “Well, you’re definitely in a pickle.” “Hey, tell me about it.” 
Petey sat next to you, head in his hands. You lightly patted him on the back, “There there. You’ll get through this.” “If only I could switch my costume out with someone else,” Petey mumbled into his hands. A light bulb went off over you head, an idea popping your brain. “Petey, I think I might have an idea,” you excitedly told him. “Wha-, how?” “Just trust me, Petey. Give me your costume and I’ll have another one for you by tomorrow,” you explained. The young boy was hesitate for moment, but he eventually got up and grabbed the accursed bunny suit, handing it to you without a word. “Thanks, Petey, I swear, I won’t let you down!” YOu rushed out his room and towards the dorm hall’s exit, Petey wishing you a disgruntled good luck. Looks like I have a night of work to do, you thought. 
~ Time skip ~
It was officially Halloween. And everyone was celebrating like crazy. Pranks ensued as the prefects partied away and the teachers stayed in their lounge. You were walking the school grounds in the costume you spent all night sewing and hemming. A couple of guys ogled your form as you walked past, while the girls complimented you on the costume. You could only smirk as you sucked on a lolly-pop, making your way over to the front of the boy’s dorms. When you got there, you saw Gary, Jimmy, and Petey gathered on the steps to the dorms’ entrance dressed in their costumes. 
Garry was dressed up as a Nazi SS soldier, without the symbols and armband. I got to remember to scold him later, you thought, frowning at Garry’s choice of dress up. Meanwhile, Jimmy was dressed up as a skeleton, with black and white face paint, and Petey was dressed up in the Grim Reaper costume you gave him. It was actually the costume you planned on wearing and as it wasn’t gender specific, Petey could wear it without being worried about Gary making fun of him. But Gary being Gary was still pestering poor innocent Petey. 
“Come on, Femboy, where’s the bunny costume I got you? Don’t tell me you go rid of it,” Gary threatened. “No, Gary, I traded it with someone and they gave me this,” Petey protested, his voice muffled from behind his skeleton mask. “Don’t lie to me, Petey. You know I don’t like liars. No one would take that damn bunny costume,” Gary said while rolled his eyes. You decided it was time to make your presence known. 
“Hello boys,” you called out to them. All three of them turned to look at you, eyes widening at the sight of you. You stood before them in the tailored bunny suit, having cut off the legs and sleeves of the one piece. It was now a sleeveless, booty short one piece with a cinched waist and a lowered neckline. You accessorized the look with hot pink fishnet thigh high stockings and fingerless pink fishnet gloves that end below the elbows. To complete the look, you wore white combat boots and sexy bunny makeup. All three of the boys just stared at you, mouths wide open. Gary was the first to snap out of it, a wolf whistle coming out of his smirking mouth. “Look at you, (y/n). Say, are you going to be our little Playboy bunny for the night?” he teased. “Knock it off, Gary,” Jimmy snapped suddenly. Gary, for once, backed off. 
Instead his attention was focussed back onto his Big Prank, as he liked to call it. He forced all four of you to follow him to the side yard of Harrington House, where Chad and the other Preppies lived. It was only then did he explained his twisted little plan. “Ok, here’s the deal. We’re going to feed Chads dog a bunch of this rancid meat then wait for him to take a dump then -” Gary started, a sick smile on his face as he explained the prank formed in his evil little mind. “Man, what the hell. I’m out of here,” Petey cried in disgust, interrupting Gary. He ran away disgusted, Gary just shouting, “Whatever, Pete.” “This prank is nasty, even for you,” you sneered. “Let’s just do this, guys. I’ll explain everything later,” Gary huffed. 
You all turned to look around the corner of the archway leading into the side yard, where Chester, the aforementioned dog, was running around. But there was little problem in this ‘brilliant’ plan of Gary’s. Chad was in the yard, playing with the Staffordshire Bull Terrier via frisbee. “Shit, now what do we do,” Jimmy questioned. “What do you mean ‘what do we do’? We fight him, of course. Geez, Jimmy, are you really that much of a pea brain?” Gary snapped. Jimmy opened his mouth to retort back but you stopped him before he could. “Pipe it down, you two. Let me handle this,” you hissed. Without another word, you sauntered up to Chad, seductively swinging your hips. 
“Hey, Chad,” you greeted in a sing-song voice. “Oh, ah, hey there darling,” Chad replied once he saw you. You could already tell he was in the palm of your hand as he looked at you with love struck eyes. You were pretty sure it was because of your costume, for without it Chad and all the other boys never would have spared you a second glance. Using your sex-appeal to your advantage, you continued entrapping him in your web. “Oh, nothing. I’m just so bored and lonely tonight. Will a nice strong gentleman like you help me?” you drawled, trailing a gloved hand down Chad’s chest. Sweat started to accumulate around the prep’s hairline and he struggled with his next words. “I would love to, darling. What you wanna do?” “Oh I think I have an idea. You just have to follow me to somewhere a little more private,” you practically whispered into his ear. Chad tensed up and swallowed a lump in his throat, but he allowed you to take his hand and pulled him away from the side yard. 
You were just about lead into the space between the left side of the preppies’ dorms and the fence when Jimmy came up behind Chad hit him on the back of the head. The force of the blow caused Chad to fall to the pavement, knocked out cold. “Jimmy! What was that for?” you hissed. “I thought that was your plan. To lure him away and knock him out,” Jimmy said, a faint blush on his cheeks. Before you could figure out why the teen was blushing, Gary hurried past the both of you to Chester. “Who cares what the chick was going to do? We got what we needed,” he voiced over his shoulder as he kneeled down to the dog. “Here you go boy. Have a little trick for a treat. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum,” he said to Chester as the staffy ate the meat. Immediately after finishing, Chester started whining as he squatted over the grass. “That’s gross!” Jimmy exclaimed as he crossed his arms in disgust. “Poor little guy,” you worried, holding your nose as the barely digested meat exited the poor pooches rear end. As soon as Chester finished with his business, Gary gathered the fecal matter into a brown paper back. 
“Score! Alright let’s go to the teacher’s lounge,” Gary ordered. The three of you ran towards the main school building, entering by one its back exits onto the main floor. Jimmy placed the bag of doggy doo in front of the door of the teacher’s lounge. As soon as he set it down, Gary lit a match and brought it close to the paper back. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Gary?” you distressed. All you could think of was possible setting the building on fire. “Don’t worry. It will be funny,” Gary threw off your worries. “Just pulled the fire alarm, Jimmy, and watch fun begin.” Jimmy did as Gary said, striding up to the nearby fire alarm on the opposite wall. He looked around before grabbed the handle and pulling it down. 
The air filled the sounds of alarms as Gary, Jimmy, and you hid around the corner. “What the hell is going on?” you heard one of the teachers shout from within the teacher’s lounge. The door opened to reveal Mr. Burton, who once he saw the paper back on fire, tried to put it out by stomping on it. He successfully put out the small fire but now the bottom of shoes where covered in disgusting, half-digested, port-a-potty smelling dog shit. Mr. Burton screamed and gagged as he tried to get the animal turds off his sneakers. You all couldn’t help but laugh as you all ran away and out the side exit, rushing away from the scene of the crime. Next thing you knew, you all were by the front of the academy’s gates, near the dorms. 
All of you struggled to breath, hands on your knees as you hunched over from both laughter and the sprinting. “That ... was the most brilliant ... and hilarious ... prank I’ve ever seen!” you complimented Gary. “Even I have to admit, that was a great prank, Gary,” Jimmy confirmed.  Gary got a wicked smile on his face, immensely enjoying being complimented on his ‘superior’ brain. “Thank you, thank you, hold your applause, please. I know you all love me,” he boasted, mock bowing to you guys. “Ok, don’t get so full of yourself,” Jimmy sassed. “Whatever, man. You two have fun jacking each other off. I’m going to steal some candy from the nerds,” Gary answered back. He ran off before you and Jimmy could yell at him. 
“Well, tonight was surprisingly fun,” you turned to Jimmy. “Looks like my first Halloween in Bullsworth is a success. It's a bummer that its ending already,” Jimmy replied. A light bulb went off over the top of your head, an idea forming in your mind. “Who said it was over? Follow me,” you announced. You sprinted towards the girl’s dorms, motioning Jimmy to follow you. You heard the sound of Jimmy’s footsteps following you as ran to the right side of the building. Quickly and efficiently, you climbed up the lattice bolted to the brick wall and up to the open window on the third floor. Once you stepped foot in the large attic space, you helped Jimmy climb in behind you. 
“Whew, you are surprisingly fast,” Jimmy huffed out, struggling to catch his breath after the sprinting and high climb. “Thanks, Jim. Come have a seat,” you acknowledged his compliment. You led Jimmy over to a small area of the attic where you had a pile of comfy pillows and blankets, a tiny tv with a built in VCR situated next to the wall. Fairy lights were struck through the rafters above it, barely lighting up the windowless area. You sat on the pile of pillows and turned on a battery operated camping lantern, finally allowing the both of you to see clearly what you were doing. As Jimmy took a seat next to you, you pulled out a bowl filled with candy. “Want some?” you offered the teen. “Where did you get these?” he questioned, grabbing a handful of assorted candy. “My parents sent me a care package of sorts. They know how much I love Halloween,” you explained, picking out a single piece of (favorite candy). “Wish my mom did something like that. She’s too busy hanging out with her 5th husband on their honeymoon to even think about me,” Jimmy complained. You could see thinking of his absent mother really upset hi, their relationship not on the best of terms. You nudged Jimmy on his costumed shoulder, trying to get him out of this little funk. “Come on, let’s pick out a movie to watch. I have a couple to choose from,” you said. Jimmy gave you a warm smile as you pulled a small pile of VCRs. 
The night continued with you and Jimmy stuffing your faces on candy and popcorn as you watched movies from within your secret chilling out spot. You were in the middle of the first movie, a classic slasher film, when Jimmy said something. “Hey, (y/n), back when you were distracting Chad, were you really going to ...” he trailed off. You pulled your eyes away from the TV screen, studying Jimmy. He was sitting on a couple of different colored pillows, leaning back on one of his outstretched arms and feet kicked out in front of him. He was refusing to look you in the eye, signaling that something was up. “What? Oh, that!” you realized what he was talking about. “No! Absolutely not! I was just trying to lead Chad away so we could get what we needed for the prank.” 
Jimmy looked relieved, the tension in his shoulders releasing as he let out a sigh. “Ok. Good. I just thought maybe you had a thing for him or something,” he explained. “Jimmy, do think I really would let anyone get with me like that?” you sassed. “Pff, well you are dress up as a more modest Playboy bunny. Any boy would fall for you dressed like that?” he replied, rolling his eyes. It seemed he was trying to change the subject. “Oh, so does that mean you like my costume, Jimmy? Has this little bunny gotten to ya?” you teased. Jimmy’s cheeks got red, as he no longer had his skull face makeup on. He started to stutter out half formed words, his tongue all twisted. You liked seeing so flustered like this. Seeing how you made him this way was kind of cute. 
Since meeting Jimmy that faithful school day you started to grow some feelings for the short stocky teen. Seeing how he stood up to bullies, student and faculty alike, and how determined he was to rise to the top in order to survive the hellhole that is Bullsworth was most likely the cause. As well as the way he was so kind to you despite not really fitting in with the cliques of the student body. Heck, you weren’t even that close to Petey and Gary before Jimmy came along. Jimmy brought out the best in you and you loyally followed him on his chaotic adventures, even if they weren’t something you could see yourself doing. 
So, your heart fluttered in your chest as you watched Jimmy struggle to find words to talk to you. “I - I actually do like your costume,” he finally admitted. Your heart soared and you tried to hide the impact his compliments had on you. “Really? What do you like about it? It’s nothing specially,” you bashfully replied. “Well, first it brings out your figure without revealing too much. It’s eye catching,” he revealed sheepishly. You could feel yourself blushing under your halloween makeup, it badly hiding your pink cheeks. “Thank you ...that means a lot coming from you,” you replied, flushed. 
A stiff awkward silence followed, both of you trying to focus on the slasher film on the tiny TV. You reached over to grab a handful of popcorn without looking, but instead of grabbing the buttery treat, you ended up grabbing Jim’s hand as he also reached for the popcorn without looking. Your breath hitched at the feeling of his warm rough hand in yours, secretly reveling in the sensation. Your eyes trailed down to your conjoined hands, up his arm, and to his face. You were meet with dazzling brown eyes staring into your own. The world seemed to stop as you gazed at Jimmy’s freckled filled face, traces of his face paint still lingering on his skin from where he failed to wipe it off. You noticed the distance between you two was slowly disappearing as subconsciously leaned into each other. “Aw, fuck it,” you heard Jimmy mumble before closing the little distance between you two. 
Jimmy’s lips met yours roughly, a little ‘Mmm!’ escaping from you. You couldn’t help but grab onto his stocky shoulders and melt into the kiss, quietly sighing as you did so. You could feel Jimmy’s hands move to grip your waist, everything feeling hot as stereotypical kissing noises filled the attic as you two moved your lips against each other. He taste like candy, you thought to yourself as a hand threaded through his short orange hair. 
You could have gone on forever connected this way, but you were both human beings who need air to survive. So you unhappily had to separate from each other, gasping for air as you did so. You trailed a hand gently down Jimmy’s freckled cheek as he looked at you with hooded eyes. You could see the longing within them, one of his hands slowly moving off of your hip, it leaving a lingering touch. “J-Jimmy ...” you stuttered out, not knowing what to say. “That was great. God, how could I not have done that sooner?” Jimmy wondered out loud. “Done it sooner?” you pondered, brain all fuzzy from the kiss. “(Y/n), I like you, a lot. And after seeing Chad’s hands all over you ... I couldn’t handle it,” Jimmy confessed. You thought you died and went straight to heaven. No way your crush was confessing to you. “So, I what I’m basically trying to say is ... will be my girlfriend?” Jimmy finally asked. 
You couldn’t stop yourself, planting a kiss right on Jimmy’s reddened lips. You felt Jimmy freeze up from the unexpected action, pulling away from the stiff boy to give him your answer. “Of course, Jimmy. I would be stupid not to,” you said, smiling from ear to ear. A similar smile broke out on Jimmy’s face, reaching out to you to pull you into another kiss. You happily let him, the smile still on your lips as were locked in a passionate embrace. Jimmy pulled you closer as you practically sat on his lap, his hands firmly holding you in his arms. “Best Halloween treat ever,” he chuckled, before proceeding to a makeout session. Best Halloween treat, indeed. 
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deliahscrush2003 · 2 years
Can't think of a specific question per se, but since I'm vibing with TW, wanna gush about Vanessa? (I have her first story bookmarked and plan on reading it at the earliest convenience 😊) Thank you!
Hey @wordspin-shares!
I first just wanted to say a huge thank you for trying out the Breathe for Me series!
It is literally my favorite piece of work that I've written, it was my first fanfic I ever posted and I am forever proud of it so it means so much that you're giving it a chance.
I've actually seen your comments and the fact that you took the time to leave them actually makes me tear up a bit!!
I just sit there, grinning like an idiot because I recognized your name in the comment section and my sisters are always like, 'You look manic' and I'm like 'You can't hurt me, people like what I write and you still need help writing your Year 10 English paper so whose winning'.
Anyway...that's besides the point....
I also love every and any chance to gush over Vanessa because she was my first ever OC and I treasure her as if she were my child and sit there writing scenes like a proud parent in the distance watching my child set fire to their first dumpster going, 'That's my girl, I taught her that'.
So I'm over the moon that you're asking about her!
I hope you're enjoying the series so far, you'll have to let me know which part you're up to!
Vanessa O'Connor: (I am the President of her Fan Club)
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Vanessa is acknowledged as being pretty badass by most of the canon characters of Teen Wolf.
Despite being human, she is brave, courageous and bold - something that many of the big bads both detest and admire about her.
It was actually her fearlessness that gained Peter Hale's respect when he tried to threaten her at a boutique and ended up getting bullied into giving her fashion advice for a dress to the Winter Dance.
Vanessa is a smartass so she always needs to have the last word.
She once responded to Matt Daehler's villain monologue in the station with 'cool motive, still murder'.
It is an inside joke to the pack that she's actually the Alpha (Derek ignores it like a saint, even agrees to extent that he's nothing without her help but he would never say the latter out loud).
If there's one thing Vanessa believes in above all else it's the freedom to make your own choices.
She used to have a crush on Lydia Martin in middle school/freshmen year (not as bad as Stiles though) and kind of saw her as someone to aspire to be. She was impressed with Lydia's confidence and worked hard to emulate her attitude, fashion and presence to be noticed by her.
Vanessa wants to be a writer and it was by reading YA books that she put together the pieces and realized Derek Hale was a werewolf not even an hour after first meeting him.
Oh, she and Derek met when she ran him over with her car.
She legally needs prescription glasses to drive (and to see five feet ahead of her) but she doesn't wear them through most of the series (because I forgot) but mostly because she insists it ruins her 'beautiful features'. Isaac thought she looked cute with glasses.
TAGLIST: @foxesandmagic || @lokitrasho || @wordspin-shares || @lilac-lemonade || @apollothe-sungod || @chickensarentcheap || @ocfairygodmother
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His thumbs looked chewed yep, but the others not really if you look at say Dylan Everett he has super nail issue. I just don’t see how Dylan always keeps them so neat? Or maybe this is the evidence I need to prove it is all a simulation the fact that Dylan’s nails don’t really grow? 😱 they just always seem to be finger blasting ready, and with a neat straight cut?
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My God, anon! I mean, you're not wrong. What a thoughtful guy? Hahaha! He also does sometimes make me think couldn't possibly be real. He's too perfectly crafted to fuck with me to actually exist, right?
But honestly, I think he chews em all down and then clips them to try and fix the damage. He has said nail biting is his worst habit, and I catch him chewing all the time in interviews. I also think he damaged one of his thumbnails at some point in the past and it continues to affect him. There are some closeup in S3 of Teen Wolf where it looks like he did something to his left thumb. And in more recent photos it looks like he may have reinjured it. I could be wrong though.
Anyway, I think this'll be the last ask I answer about Dylan and his nail grooming habits. I feel like we've explored it pretty thoroughly at this point ;)
Anon is referring to THIS ask and those linked to it about Dylan and his fingernails. Yeah. Anons get pretty particular around here sometimes ;)
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cherryneptunes · 3 years
Men (fictional and real) not in order that could do anything to me 😮‍💨😵‍💫
1.) Saul goodman/ jimmy mcgill
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he’s hot sorry,,u gotta watch to understand it’s all in the personalityyyyy babyyyy top 3 character in the whole breaking bad universe,,,somehow managed to make his spinoff slightly better than breaking bad imo. You always root for the underdog lmfao His HUMOR n also i love his suits,,,😮‍💨
2.) Dylan O’Brien
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This one is self explanatory i mean?? HELLO him in teen wolf,,mwah,,him in the maze runner,,mwah,,him in american assassin,,,HOT. He’s so sweet and attractive and stiles from teen wolf could get it too forget lydia. Um yeah he needs to tell ME to behave like he did that one girl on twitter. i also like the way his hair moves and the hold he has over the young black community needs to be studied
3.) Young Gerard way
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i cant even BEGIN to explain the hold he has over me?? it’s insane i don’t go a day without his fcking face in my head. First off he was so?? perfect. his hair no matter how messy <3 him being the frontman of one of my favorite bands. Dont ask why but i kinda have a thing for his thighs they’re so NICE. his voice god especially that one clip of him talking in the morning. I don’t know why i’m so attracted to him but i’m not upset. Actually might be in love w him. If i had a time machine i’d go back and hit on him so we could ****. His face he was pretty and hot at the same time kinda looked like a girl but MY girl. i live for the hairs that curled at his jawline. my ancestors are rolling in their graves,,they can’t believe i love a white man like this,,,oh well,, 🎶take me to the kinggggg🎶 Vampire bf kisses kisses
4.) Rick sanchez
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lord forgive me for i have sinned…
sike lol anyways i’m not ashamed to admit i’d let this mf twist me like pretzel dough. pls ****me. i bet he has so much experience and knows what’s going on Doesn’t discriminate and always down for a good time. I actually love him so much. His attitude makes him even hotter. I really wanna see him truly happy on the show fr. He’s so bad@ss. I need him.
5.) Damon salvatore
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no joke i’ve been in love w him since 7th grade. Still hate the person who introduced me to vampire diaries because i’m 18 now and still obsessed (comfort show 💀) the black hair blue eye combo has me in a chokehold. Actually love him sm top 5 personal tv character. Deserved more but lemme not. He actually seems to be super sensitive despite the hard shell he wears to protect himself. also he’s super protective and sexy..and he knows he’s sexy which makes him hotter. He looks really good in the bathtub .Pretty eyelashes even prettier eyes
6.) Prince
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15 year old me had NO RIGHT saying the things i said about this man on twitter,,, anyways he might be shorter than me but w my heels a kitchen counter and the right angle,,,we could make things WORK. He’s simply iconic..a genius tbh. Probably looked better in makeup than you. I still have his posters all over the walls in my room.
that’s all (for now) Honorable mentions include Eazy-E, trippie redd, young jonathan davis, ,,,
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exlibrisfangirl · 3 years
Three characters who live in your head rent free and why?
Tagged by @magic-multicolored-miracle 😘
Ah. Well. If you've been following me for more than a week, you should have figured out by now who takes the Number 1 spot at the moment. Say it with me, everybody:
1. Chris Argent
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I mean, my hyper-fixated brain has pretty much been a permanent resident of Beacon Hills since my fateful first rewatch of Teen Wolf in October, but this guy in particular lives in my head rent-free. He's perpetually sprawled out on the couch in his pajamas drinking bourbon in front of the fireplace in my mind palace. He's reading books and maps and polishing his guns in the study. (He's not allowed to have them anywhere else in the house. The guns, I mean. We have an agreement.) He's passive-aggressively washing my car and baking me angry cakes (probably because he's peeved at the other residents). I wake up in the morning and come downstairs and there he is making me coffee. I don't even drink coffee.
Why, you ask? Why Mr. Christopher "The Code" "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Gun" Argent, Werewolf Hunter, Weapons Collector, Arms Dealer, President of the Sad Dad Club, DILF Extraordinaire?
Well, first of all, just LOOK at the man...
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He's the epitome of my "type", both in terms of physical characteristics and character traits. Blue eyes. Beardy (most of the time). Expressive eyebrows. Excellent nose. Sexy hands. Nice booty. Daddy issues. Layers upon layers of trauma, like an onion (or an angry layer cake... mmm cake). Emotionally constipated. Good with a bow. Wants to protecc. Finds purpose and love in his found family. Epic redemption arc. My Silver Bullet. My human Ferrero Rocher. I love him, I love him, I LOVE HIM.
2. Allan A Dale
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Let's be real, this guy is always romping and roving around my mind forest somewhere, and has been since circa 2010. Rent-free, of course, because... well, he's an outlaw. Duh.
Why him? Why Allan "I'm not bein' funny" A Dale? Archer, Rogue, Scoundrel, Very Bad Thief, Spinner of Webs of Lies Stories, Redeemed (sort of... I'm not bitter, what are you talking about) Traitor?
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Again, he's exactly my type, in every way. Those blue eyes, that goshdarn goatee, soft spot for kids and dogs, morally grey, heaps of trauma, idiot sibling, daddy issues, finds purpose and love in his found family, yadda yadda yadda. Also, Joe Armstrong's nose is one of my favorite noses of all time.
He's the messy, irresponsible mind-palace roommate who always leaves wet towels on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink and charms his way out of trouble because he's "never had a real, permanent home before, you see, so it's gonna take some getting used to, right?" Chris resents him. Allan thinks Chris has a stick up his arse.
3. Daryl Dixon
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Daryl's the new guy (I'm currently watching TWD for the first time), and he's basically a redneck Allan, but less goofy and much, much angrier (and armed with a camo-detailed crossbow instead of a wood longbow or recurve bow).
Why him? Let's see. Blue eyes? Check. Great facial hair? Check. Daddy issues? Check. Problematic sibling (who dies)? Check. Layers upon layers of trauma? Check. Emotionally constipated? Check. Bow hunter? Check. Wants to protecc? Check. Finds purpose and love in his found family? Check. Absolutely melts around children? Check. Redemption arc? Check. (ARE WE SEEING A PATTERN HERE YET, PEOPLE? Gee whiz, it's almost as if I have a TYPE.)
I am nothing if not predictable. *shrugs*
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Better with babies than Allan. (I mean, that's a pretty low bar, but still.)
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I love my idiot archers.
Chris spends a lot of time shouting at Daryl and Allan to get their dirty, shoed feet off the coffee table and do their damn laundry. They call him a stick in the mud (or, Daryl's case, likely something a tad more colorful). Chris huffs off to his study or bakes yet another angry cake. This one time, Daryl "borrowed" Chris' new crossbow scope and broke it. The aftermath was... not pretty.
Runner-up: Dean Winchester
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With all the series finale hoopla, he's been on my mind a lot, especially given how catastrophically the show did him dirty. I haven't watched the final season, and I'm honestly not sure I will ever be able to bring myself to do so.
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Honorable Mention: Deke Shaw
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Not over the ending AOS gave him, either. Sigh. Why does this always happen to me.
Aaaaanywho. My head is a fascinating place, and these fictional boys are gonna be the death of me, I swear.
Tagging: @seven-oomen, @dreamersscape, @ardricael, @haslemere, @hacash, @oddwriter, @shieldmaidenofsherwood, @jammeke, @angel-in-a-big-blue-box, @mostly-vo1d, @shealynn88, and anyone else who want to do it!
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teenwolffanclub-me · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 11: Formality
Hey there beautiful reader! If you’re new here, this is a series I’m writing where each chapter is an episode from the first season of Teen Wolf. If you’ve been here before, hey! I missed you! Previous and future chapters are linked at the end of each part if you want to catch up.
Pairing: Stiles x Psychic! Reader (FINALLY!)
Warnings: angsty angst angst
Notes: Does anyone still like this series? The last part kinda flopped 🤨
Anyway, I’m back and super excited bc my babies are FINALLY official and they only had to almost die like three times to do it!
P.S. Lydia has terrible taste in men, Y/N still sucks at being a psychic, and the high school desperately needs more security
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Have you ever had a day go so unbelievably sideways that you honestly can’t even comprehend how fucked up it is?
Yeah, welcome to my Friday.
“This is the worst! My life is literally over.”
I huffed in annoyance, my jaw dropping at the pure absurdity of that statement. “Scott, Peter tried kidnapping you this morning and you’re worried about a dance?”
He frowned from beside me, his shoulders sagging. Last night, Deaton tried making Stiles and I leave the clinic once he was all patched up, but we both refused. I still wasn’t completely convinced that he was alive until he woke up with a start this morning.
It didn’t take long for Peter to show up, demanding that we hand him over. Actually, I can’t really say we because the three of us hid in the back while Deaton somehow took care of it.
Derek was still hanging out in the Argent’s basement, probably being tortured by Kate but most likely dead by now. I tried talking to Allison when I got to school this morning, but she practically ran away from me when I brought it up. I had no idea how much she knew at this point, and it was freaking me out.
And, to top it all off, Scott was flunking so many classes that coach banned him from the dance tonight.
Clearly, that was the most pressing issue.
He was so desperate afterward that he asked Jackson to watch over Allison, since he is her date. He apparently refused because it’s Jackson, so Scott had been losing his mind with worry all day. He was convinced that Peter would be after her next, but I wasn’t so sure.
She wasn’t an obvious choice. I mean, her family is literally just a bunch of professional werewolf hunters. Adding her to his pack wouldn’t make much sense.
“I just—I can’t sit by and watch him try to kill everyone I love.” Scott forced a hand through his hair with a heavy sigh.
My steps faltered and I peered over at him, my eyebrows raised in surprise. “You love her?”
“Oh,” His eyes widened as he realized what he said. “Yeah. I do. Holy shit. I love her.”
I watched as his lips slowly pulled into a grin, relieved that he wasn’t freaking out for a moment. It’d been pretty obvious for awhile that they loved each other, and I was honestly shocked it had taken him this long to acknowledge it, but happy for him nonetheless.
“That’s it. I’m going tonight.” His face hardened with determination before he turned on his heel and walked away briskly.
“Okay. Bye to you too!” I chuckled, curious to see how he’d manage to sneak in.
I only made it a few steps before someone rammed into my side forcefully. A pair of hands gripped my arms to steady me as I nearly toppled over. My eyes narrowed as they landed on Stiles’ sheepish expression.
“Hey. Sorry.” He let me go quickly and scratched at the back of his head. “Where have you been?”
“Class..?” I drawled slowly, my eyes trailing over his twitchy frame slowly. He seemed more wired than normal, which was saying a lot. 
His chest was heaving as if he’d just run a mile—which I’d recently learned he was surprisingly incapable of—and his eyes were shining with barely contained anxiety.
“I just...uh—I have a, I’ve been trying to...will you go to formal with me?” He rushed the words out so quickly, it took me a second to process them.
I just stared at him, waiting a moment to see if he was going to follow that up with anything else. “You mean the one that’s tonight? Are you serious?”
His honey eyes widened, as if he wasn’t expecting that response. I mean, what else was I supposed to say? I’d been waiting for him to ask me for almost two weeks now, and he waits until the day of? Who does that?
“Uh,” He glanced away from me quickly, his cheeks turning pink under the fluorescent lights. “Not if you’re going to say no.”
I just rolled my eyes, ignoring the way my heart began fluttering at the thought of going with him. I took a step forward so that there were only a few inches separating us and leaned up to place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“It’s a date.” I patted his chest before walking away, an amused smirk pulling at my lips at his stunned expression.
I let my fingers trail over the frilly materials hanging in front of me as I took in my options. I was failing miserably at finding something decent to wear tonight. I wasn’t used to dressing up or being overly girly, so I had no idea where to start. I’d really just been standing here for the last several minutes, overwhelmed by all the colors and textures.
Allison was standing to my left, inspecting a few dresses in a full length mirror. Lydia was long gone somewhere behind me with a mountain of cloth in her arms. I picked up a knee-length blue dress and decided it wouldn’t hurt to try it on.
I saw someone approaching Allison out of my corner of my eye and glanced her way fleetingly, but froze as my gaze locked with Peter’s. I looked around, not fully believing that he was here, before jerking my attention back to him. He gave me a slow, amused smirk before shifting his eyes toward her. My head whipped back to the dresses in front of me, my entire body going rigid as I tried not to alarm her.
Maybe Scott had been right this afternoon. But would he really try to turn her now? In the middle of the mall?
“That’s not your color.” I heard him murmur, and stole another look their way. I didn’t want Allison to catch on that I knew him, or that anything was wrong. Very, very wrong. 
Allison shifted her weight, looking uncomfortable as he stared at her intensely. “Sorry if that was intrusive but, considering your skin tone, I’d go lighter.”
“Because I’m pale?” She asked quietly, somehow not questioning the fashion advice from a strange man.
“Fair.” He corrected, his head tilting as he tried to look well-meaning. “I mean, you can’t call skin like yours pale. Not skin that perfect...”
“Okay.” She laughed awkwardly and put the dress she was considering back on the rack beside her.
“Trust me, I have a...unique perspective on the subject.” She nodded and turned to walk away with a tight smile, obviously weirded out, but he stepped to the side so she couldn’t get away. My skin crawled at the predatory gleam in his eyes as he practically sized her up.
She watched nervously as he grabbed a new dress from the rack behind him and took her hand in his. She reeled back instantly at the unwelcome touch, but that didn’t stop him from bringing her skin up beside the material for comparison. “See? Much better.”
I’d heard enough. I took the few steps needed to close the distance between us, my heart racing in my chest. I wasn’t convinced that he was stupid enough to try anything wolfy in public, but I wasn’t about to take any chances, either. I stopped at her side and grabbed her wrist gently. Her wide eyes jerked toward me, swimming with relief. 
“Hey, Lydia needs help in the dressing room.” I rushed the lie out quickly, barely registering that she nodded in understanding before pulling her away.
I didn’t even spare another glance at Peter as I weaved through the narrow isles briskly, not stopping until I found Lydia clear on the other end of the store. She actually was by the dressing rooms, posing to herself in a full length mirror. I staggered to a halt at the sight of the champagne dress she had on. It was somehow...familiar?
“That was so creepy.” Allison muttered quietly as she shook my hand off and plopped down onto one of the plush chairs beside the mirrors.
I walked right up to Lydia, unable to stop myself as I continued inspecting her dress. She watched me for a moment and raised her eyebrows expectantly when my gaze rose to meet hers. My face pinched in confusion. There was a persistent nagging at the back of my mind as I looked at her, like there was something I should be picking up on. But I just couldn’t place it.
“I think that’s the one.” I jumped as Allison suddenly spoke up from behind us. I cleared my throat and took a step away from Lydia, realizing how weird I was being.
She turned away from me with one last questioning glance before giving herself a satisfied smile in the mirror, her hands smoothing down the silky material before resting on her hips.
“Me too.” She spun around excitedly and disappeared behind one of the dressing room curtains.
I couldn’t explain it, but I suddenly felt my stomach twist as a dark cloud of dread washed over me.
I looked over Stiles’ shoulder, the hardwood floors beneath my feet vibrating as loud music rang throughout the space. We were slow dancing for the second time tonight, my arms locked around his neck and my head resting against his chest. It was really nice, being this close to him. It helped lower the base level of anxiety I’d been fighting all day.
It’d been nearly an hour since I last saw any of our friends. We all met up with our respective dates at the start of the dance, Lydia having brought a random lacrosse player since Jackson was with Allison. Just then, my eyes found them dancing stiffly a few couples away, but the sight did little to calm my nerves. 
He was completely wasted at this point, since he thought it was a good idea to bring a flask of vodka with him, and she was just trying to make the best of it until we all went home. It was clear that neither of them wanted to be here together, but Scott had pretty much threatened him into watching over her, and she didn’t want to be without a date.
Scott successfully snuck in through the roof—don’t ask me how—and was managing to keep an eye on them while dodging coach all night. My eyes swept over the room, seeing nothing but familiar faces, just not the one I was looking for. 
Stiles suddenly pulled back and my arms loosened from around his neck. His eyes rounded as they flickered around my face with concern. “You okay?” 
I glanced over his shoulder again, feeling uncomfortable under his intense gaze. I didn’t want to lie to him, but I also didn’t know how to explain the uneasy feeling I’d had since we got here. My dancing faltered as I noticed that Jackson and Allison were gone.
“Have you seen Lydia recently?” I asked absently, my eyes still sweeping around the gym quickly.
I took a step away from Stiles and turned all the way around, my chest tightening with anxiety. For some reason, I felt like I needed to find her. Right now. Or something terrible was going to happen. My anxiety was quickly rising to panic when I didn’t see her anywhere. 
“Y/N?” Stiles put a hand on my shoulder and I glanced back to see him watching me closely, his brows pinched in confusion.
“I have to...” My skin was crawling with the intense need to get out of here. Something was wrong. I could just feel it. I leaned forward to place a quick kiss on his cheek, already feeling guilty for what I was about to do. “I’m sorry. I’ll be right back.”
I started jogging away before he could try and stop me. My legs had a mind of their own as I stumbled through the dense crowd toward the exit. I braced my hands against the gym doors and pushed my way through, stopping for a moment as they fluttered closed behind me to consider where she could be. I huffed, feeling an urgency deep inside me that was only growing with each passing moment. 
I turned on my heel to keep moving, and slammed right into a hard chest. I reeled back, ready to brush past whoever it was, but stopped when I saw that it was Jackson. His chest was heaving, as if he’d been running, and his eyes were wide with fear. 
“Jackson?” I asked tentatively, the look he was giving me only increasing my unease.
He stammered silently for a few seconds, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly. His eyes fluttered as they glanced away from me apprehensively. He was acting like he’d just seen a ghost, or maybe something worse. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” I pressed, taking a step toward him. 
He gulped and let out a shuddering sigh. “I-I was out behind the school and...and I was...”
“What? What did you do?” My voice hardened with frustration as I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously. He had definitely been up to something, if his guilt-ridden expression was any indication. I momentarily forgot what I was supposed to be doing as my curiosity peaked. 
“I-I told...Allison’s dad, he was...”
My heart skipped a beat with panic at his words. Mr. Argent was behind the school? Why would he...
Oh shit. 
Oh my God. 
Without even sparing him another glance, I rushed past him and straight down the hall. Within seconds I was outside, the freezing night air causing my skin to rise with goosebumps instantly. My head whipped from side to side as I tried to figure out which way to go. On instinct, I starting running toward the lacrosse field. 
My heart was hammering painfully in my chest as I sprinted as fast as humanly possible. I was suddenly very glad that I’d chosen to wear ballet flats tonight, instead of the heels Lydia had tried forcing me to buy. I let my intuition guide me as I kept going until I reached the edge of the field. 
I staggered to a stop, my eyes widening at the sight of Lydia standing at the other end. Her back was to me as she walked around slowly, looking lost. I opened my mouth to call her name, feeling my chest loosen just slightly at the fact that she was okay. 
I froze, my whole body growing rigid with fear as Peter suddenly emerged from the tree line just outside the field. His figure was mostly cloaked by the bright stadium lights as he approached her, and it didn’t seem like she’d seen him yet. 
“Lydia!” I screamed, finally finding my voice through the panic coursing through me. I started running in her direction again, having no plan but just needing to be there with her. 
She whipped around at the sound of her name, but made no move to get away. There was nothing I could do but watch in horror as Peter stalked toward her and opened his mouth wide, his eyes flashing bright red. She didn’t react nearly fast enough. 
By the time I reached them, she was laying in a crumpled heap on the turf, blood splattered across her dress. All the air rushed from my lungs as a heavy sense of déjà vu washed over me. 
Of course, how could I be so stupid? It was the vision I’d seen when Derek helped me, finally playing out in real life. 
I let out a trembling breath, my chest feeling like it would collapse any second from the intense pressure. My mind went blank as Peter kneeled over her body, blood dripping down his face. His eyes, still red, slowly swept up to meet mine. 
“Well, they don’t usually run toward me, but I’ll take it.” He muttered lowly, an amused smirk twitching at his lips.
My eyes were still locked onto Lydia’s unconscious frame beneath him. Her new dress was ripped, the red stain at her hip growing alarmingly fast. My heart clenched painfully and tumbled down into my stomach at the sight. 
I was too late.
Peter took his time standing to his full height. I could feel his intense gaze on me, watching me closely, but I couldn’t look away from Lydia. She was so...broken. A wave of nausea washed over me and I forced my eyes to meet his.
My vision blurred as I tried desperately to catch my breath. “Is she dead?”
My voice was barely above a hoarse whisper, my entire body trembling. It was from the overwhelming terror being this close to Peter initiated, but I wasn’t just scared. I was angry. I knew something was going to happen all day, and I ignored my instincts. I saw this very thing happen weeks ago, but did nothing. And now, Lydia might be dead. Because of me. 
Peter hummed low in his throat, his eyes scanning me from head to toe before glancing down at her fleetingly. “Not at the moment.”
A few tears escaped down my cheeks as I tore my gaze away from him to look at her again. I wasn’t even sure if she was breathing. If she was still alive, it was just barely.
My panic only rose as I thought about how unlikely it was that I’d get out of this situation in time to bring her to a hospital. Her chances of survival were dropping by the second. And mine too, probably. 
“Tell me, Y/N, what do you see in my future?” Peter look a slow step toward me, and I stumbled back to keep some distance between us. 
My eyes jerked up to his as I stiffened, a shiver wracking my body as I became more aware of the freezing temperature. “How do you know about that?”
The earth crunched beneath his shoes as he stalked toward me. I stood impossibly still, knowing I wouldn’t be able to escape him. He didn’t stop until he loomed only inches away.
“How does anyone know anything?” He murmured hoarsely into my ear, and I recoiled back, my stomach clenching painfully in disgust. My eyes pinched shut as one of his hands came up to brush a stray lock of hair away from my face. “You, my dear, would make a fantastic beta.”
My eyes jerked open again and I took a miniscule step away from him, my hands clenching into fists at my sides. “Trust me, I wouldn’t. I’ve been told I can be really annoying. I wouldn’t make a good beta. Or a good anything, really. I’m hardly a psychic. You should just keep searching because, you know, whatever it is you’re looking for...isn’t me.”
“Oh, I think I’m willing to take my chances.” Time seemed to slow as his eyes flashed bright red, his mouth opening wide to show his razor sharp canines. 
I whipped around, ready to at least attempt running for my life, but instantly froze at the sight of Stiles barreling toward us. 
“No!” I shouted frantically, my heart leaping into my throat with panic.
A strong arm wrapped around my stomach and wrenched me backward. I slammed against Peter’s chest, hard. The air was knocked out of my lungs from the force, just as a clawed hand snaked around my throat.
Stiles lurched to a stop in front of us, his dress shoes slipping on the damp turf. He flailed to the ground before popping back up instantly, his eyes wide with horror as they glanced down at Lydia before landing on me.
“Don’t kill her. Please.” His voice was trembling with desperation as he held a hand out toward us hesitantly.
The tips of Peter’s claws dug into my skin and I winced, tears now running freely down my face. I was terrified. For myself, Lydia, and now Stiles. Peter had killed many times before, and there was literally nothing stopping him now. Stiles’ eyes flickered to my neck, his jaw clenching tightly. 
“Of course not. Just tell me how to find Derek.” Peter drawled, as if he wasn’t currently poised to do the opposite. 
“W-what?” Stiles stammered, seemingly surprised by that request. His gaze was still firmly planted on Peter’s hand.
I felt a sharp stabbing at the base of my throat and my lips parted as a shuddering gasp escaped me. He was surely drawing blood at this point. Stiles’ eyes widened with alarm at the sight and his hand jerked toward us as if he were itching to intervene. 
“Tell me how to find Derek Hale.” Peter leaned down, his warm breath fanning my shoulder. I tried jerking my head away, my heart lurching in my chest at his close proximity, but didn’t get far with his tight hold around me. 
“I don’t know that! How would I know that?” Stiles’ voice rose to a frantic shout, his chest heaving as his glistening eyes finally moved up to Peter. 
“You’re the clever one, aren’t you? And because deception has a very particularly accurate scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth. Or I will rip her apart.”
As if to prove the validity behind his words, his hand tightened around my throat. I instantly started pulling at his fingers as I felt my airway closing. My lips parted in a silent gasp, my lungs spasming painfully as I tried to force a breath in. 
“Look. I don’t know! Okay?” Stiles rushed the words out in a complete panic, his eyes darting between Peter and my neck. Tiny black spots dotted my vision as I felt myself growing faint. “I swear—I swear to God I have no idea!”
Peter hummed low in his throat, his chest vibrating against my back. “Wrong again.” 
Everything that happened next must’ve taken place in only a few seconds, but they seemed to drag on and on. Peter’s head jerked down to my left shoulder, his teeth digging into my skin easily. A scream tore through my throat as he finally released it, my vision blurring as unbearable pain rippled along my upper body. 
Stiles face crumbled in utter horror and he lunged toward me just as Peter’s arms disappeared. I tried gasping for breath as I sagged to the ground, but my body just wasn’t cooperating. It felt like Stiles caught me, but I couldn’t be sure as I lost all feeling in my limbs.
Then, everything went black. 
I stirred, already wincing in pain as I slowly regained consciousness. A high pitched droning was the only sound in my otherwise quiet surroundings. My eyes fluttered open and instantly squinted against the harsh fluorescent lights above me.
Everything felt heavy. I sluggishly started turning my head away from the lights, but jerked to a stop as searing pain radiated from my shoulder. My face fell into a grimace as a pitiful groan escaped my lips.
Something shuffled at the foot of my bed and I froze. My heart jumped in my chest with panic. Memories of Peter came flooding back all at once, and I started trembling with fear at the unknown presence.
Stiles jerked upright, appearing at my side a split second later. I let out a small sigh of relief, wincing as my lungs angrily protested each breath I took. My body began relaxing as I realized I was safe. 
“Oh my God! Y/N!” He practically yelled in my face as he leaned down over me. “Are you okay? Wait, that’s a stupid question. How are you feeling? Does it hurt?” 
One of his hands disappeared beneath the thin mesh blanket covering my body and he pulled out a hallow cord with a small switch in the middle. “If it hurts you can push this button as much as you want and I won’t tell. You’ll be higher than a kite, but—”
“Stiles.” My voice was barely above a hoarse whisper as I interrupted his frantic rambling. “I feel okay. Just tired.”
Truthfully, I hadn’t been awake long enough to know how I felt. I’d gathered that I was in the hospital, but obviously didn’t know much else. My entire left side hurt like hell.
My eyes trailed over Stiles quickly, noting that he was still wearing his clothes from the dance. His white button up was stained with blood and dirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His black jacket had been discarded on a table by the door.
Maybe it hadn’t been long, then?
“Seriously?” He sagged down into the chair that sat beside my bed, his eyes widening in surprise. “You were asleep for almost thirty hours.”
“I was what?” I planted my hands on either side of my hips and pushed myself up, ignoring the pain that ripped through my shoulder at the movement. 
How the hell had I been out that long? That meant it was already Sunday, although probably somewhere around midnight. Too many panicked thoughts invaded my mind at once to make sense out of any one of them. 
Stiles bolted back to his feet and pushed me against the bed with a disapproving glare. “It was actually twenty eight hours, forty seven minutes, and sixteen seconds, if that makes you feel better.”
“You know what, somehow it does.” I huffed sarcastically with a roll of my eyes, wiggling around on the hard mattress in an effort to get comfortable again. 
Stiles twitched his eyes at me while he sat back down apprehensively, as if not trusting me to stay put. He brought a hand up to rub at the back of his neck as he glanced down to my injured shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Y/N...”
“For what?” My brows furrowed in confusion. I really had no idea why he would be apologizing. There was definitely a list of people that should feel bad right now, but he wasn’t one of them. 
“I should’ve listened. If I’d just told him what he wanted...” He let out a heavy sigh and rested his elbows onto his knees before dropping his head into his hands. 
I reached out and took one of his hands in mine, rubbing my fingers across his skin soothingly as he looked up at me cautiously. He had no reason to blame himself. Peter had already proven time and time again that he’s literally insane, and I’d made the stupid decision to run toward him mid-attack. I had a feeling he would’ve bitten me either way, regardless of anything Stiles did. 
“It’s not your fault.” His lips pressed into a thin line, his eyes glistening with a slew of intense emotions. 
I didn’t even have time to start deciphering them before he sat forward in his chair, his face hardening with determination. “I should’ve brought this up before I had to watch you almost die, but...you’re not—you know, how you are with me...with any other guys, right?”
His voice was timid as he struggled to stutter out the words. My heart swelled in my chest as my lips pulled up into a small smile. That was the most adorable, perfect, Stiles way of phrasing that question. For a moment, I forgot about all my worries.
“Stilinski, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” 
His eyes twitched as he squeezed his fingers around mine minutely. “Only if you’re gonna say yes.”
I didn’t even have to think about it for a second. 
“Of course I’m saying yes, you dork.” I let out a breathy giggle as a big grin took over his face. 
His caramel eyes shined with happiness as he brought my hand against his mouth to place a gentle kiss on my fingers. It was about damn time we had that conversation. I honestly shouldn’t be surprised that it took us this long to make things official, considering how stubborn we both are. Regardless, it felt amazing to finally be able to call him my boyfriend. 
My boyfriend, Stiles. It had a nice ring to it. 
I only let myself relish the moment for a few more seconds before finally asking about the one thing I’d been dreading thinking about since waking up.
“How’s Lydia? Is she...?” I trailed off, not able to say the word out loud. 
When I’d seen her last, she was only moments away from death. I was sure of it. If I’d been here this long from a bite to the shoulder, I couldn’t imagine the damage that had been done to her. My heart clenched with regret as I thought back to all the moments I could’ve done something differently that would’ve saved her. 
Stiles winced beside me, hesitating for a long moment before answering in a quiet mumble. “She’s uh...missing.”
“Excuse me?” I instantly tried bolting upright at his words, my anxiety skyrocketing. Missing? How could she be missing?
He guided me back down gently with a hand on my uninjured shoulder, his eyes narrowing again in warning. “Yeah. She just kinda disappeared from her room this morning.”
It was like he could sense that I was about to try getting up again, as he peered down at me sternly and pressed his hand down more firmly. “My dad already has the entire department out searching. There’s nothing you can do.”
My mind was racing with anxious, jumbled thoughts. She could’ve been taken if no one was sitting by her bedside like Stiles had clearly done for me. Or, she could’ve run away. But why would she do that? She was in the hospital. Where she was safe and getting treatment. I guess, there was always a chance that she’d taken to the bite and shifted already...
I didn’t know what any of this meant for me. I could only assume at this point that I wasn’t a werewolf. I mean, my shoulder clearly hadn’t miraculously healed yet. I figured, if I were, it would’ve done so by now. I was just incredibly glad—and lucky—to be alive. 
My eyes met Stiles’ as he leaned back in his chair and inspected me closely. He kept glancing toward the place where Peter had bitten me as he drummed his fingers against his lips. It was like he couldn’t tear his gaze away. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I breathed, suddenly nervous. His anxious expression couldn’t mean anything good.  
“There’s something I keep—something Derek said awhile ago that I can’t get out of my head.” He mumbled, his eyebrows furrowing in apprehension. 
I looked at him expectantly, urging him to continue. He was seriously starting to freak me out.
“The bite—he said it either kills you...and I think we’re good on that one...”
I glowered at his poorly timed sarcasm as his eyes continued flickering between my own and my shoulder. He swallowed thickly, and I could practically see his heart racing as he let out a ragged sigh. He finally caught my gaze, twitching uncomfortably in his seat. 
“Or it changes you.”
Well, shit.
Episode 10                 Episode 12
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juvinile · 3 years
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* LÉO  DAUDIN ,  CIS MALE  +  HE / HIM  |   you  know  XAVIER  HUGHES ,  right ?  they’re  TWENTY - FOUR ,  and  they’ve  lived  in  irving  for ,  like ,  THEIR  WHOLE  LIFE ?  well ,  their  spotify  wrapped  says  they  listened  to  SAY  SAY  BY  YOUNGBLOOD  HAWKE  like ,  a  million  times  this  year ,  which  makes  sense  ‘cause  they’ve  got  that  whole  TRIPPING  OVER  LACES  YOU  KNOW  YOU  REMEMBERED  TO  TIE ,  THE  DULL  VACUUM  OF  GETTING  THE  WIND  KNOCKED  OUT  OF  YOU ,  SQUEEZING  CONSTELLATIONS  TOGETHER  TO  MAP  OUT  YOUR  FEATURES  thing  going  on .  i  just  checked  and  their  birthday  is  APRIL  30TH ,  so  they’re  a  TAURUS ,  which  is  unsurprising ,  all  things  considered .
TW  INCLUDE  anxiety tw, bullying tw, panic attack tw.
tripping over laces you know you remembered to tie, the dull vacuum of getting the wind knocked out of you, squeezing constellations together to map out your features, chewing teeth and regret, sharp tongued anxiety like flames at your heels, bearing crushing disappointment with hard taught posture, shoving fists into your pockets, empty trophy cases collecting dust, a hazy fog of shame, reusing beer cans for whiskey, telescopes that see into the future, planets with more rings than people.
patrick verona (10 things i hate about you), somehow both yuri’s (yuri on ice), jackson whittemore (teen wolf), tybalt (romeo and juliet), llewyn davis (inside llewyn davis), luther (umbrella academy. this one hurts to admit bt theres some parallels there. don’t execute me), haymitch abernathy (the hunger games), the premise of being an antihero, the trope of a bully that stops bullying ppl, scary looking dog that lives next door (my apartment)
full name :  xavier donovan hughes
age / dob :  twenty four / april 30th
gender :  cis male
pronouns :  he / him
faceclaim :  léo daudin
orientation :  pansexual
residence :  orion avenue / delphinus heights
occupation :  zoinkies employee
pinterest :  HERE !
they weren’t always irving natives, but no one can seem to recall when the hughes moved in to the big house at the end of the cul-de-sac on orion avenue. there’s probably a rational explanation for this but no one really bothers to find out. what a fun little moment of foreshadowing for xavier’s life. 
xavier was born in irving some time after the mysterious arrival of his parents. an only child, he would be the sole inheritor of the family estate (something they always told him and he was always like lmao what the fuck are u talking about). there’s probably a second home somewhere, maybe two or three, xavier assumes. makes sense because his parents were and are literally never home.
when they were home they were putting pressure on him to live up to some expectation that he wasn’t confident he could ever reach. he played like 5 different sports as a kid and was really good at most of them, but roadblocks would start to get in the way of that later.
he was also a really smart child but left to his own devices too much. grew up too fast and too slow simultaneously. he had a strict curfew, strict diet, manners classes, everything to prepare him for. what? 
xavier was a really smart child, blessed with private tutors and language coaches, a revolving door of adults to latch onto when his parents weren’t around. none of them permanent, and mastery of everything he did was always expected. 
in high school his parents refined their hopes for him. a soccer scholarship, xavier’s least favorite sport but the one with the most promise, the most room for growth and potential to make good on the hughes family name. he was instructed to quit everything else, even told to fall back in school if it was necessary. he repeated a grade. everything was harder then.
truthfully he’s really good a soccer, but he gets horrible anxiety before every match. it wasn’t along before that anxiety started spreading to. basically everything he did. 
lashed out at most people because he didn’t want to appear weak. was not a nice person in high school at all. had more enemies than friends and the friends he did have weren’t the most well liked people around, didn’t have the best reputations. didn’t want anyone to know how anxious he was so he forced himself out of his shell so much it hurt. 
his girlfriend cheated on him senior year with a guy he was unwilling to admit he kind of loved himself. it was the final straw that broke the camel’s back. he’d gotten a scholarship to a small in state school for soccer already and he played a season, literally did so bad. couldn’t even go to class because he was doing so bad. he got a second season chance to redeem himself and kind of shit the bed with that one too. lost his scholarship and his parents made him come home.
now that he’s back he does pretty much whatever he wants, and his parents pretend not to care (they’re never around to notice anyway) as long as he works a steady job. he’s officially really stuck in life with no backup plan for his future. all he knows right now is that he regrets the way he treated. pretty much everyone.
but forgiveness is never easy.
extroverted. introspective. intelligent, philosophizing about the greater meaning of things. anxious, buried under a lot of deflective techniques. relatively keeps to himself. overworked and put out, most of the time, it seems. big fan of bottling things up and collecting these feelings on his shelf. good at small goals, horrible at the big picture stuff. not organized. defensive of and loyal to a close circle. regretful. slothful, lately. passionate, mostly about outer space and pole vaulting. soccer hater. 
people he bullied in school that still hate him and look at him weird when he crosses the street.
someone he was a dick to in school who he’s always fighting with now.
ex soccer team members ... ex track team members .. maybe one of them saw him have a panic attack before a match. keep it a secret between themselves.
people who crash at his house when his parents aren’t home (which is always)
people who think his family is involved in shady illegal shit (they could be, xavier doesn’t know what they’re always doing)
coworkers at zoinkies? he’s notoriously bad at his job because he literally doesn’t try at all but somehow doesnt get fired. pretty privilege probably
people who want to see the good in him idk soft 
hook ups he probably has a few but hes emotionally unavailable. recurring trend in my muses.
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I've been dying to read more bad friend Scott! Do you have any new ones? (Glad you're back btw)
Anonymous said:
The more I watch Teen Wolf, the more I realize that “Scott McCall is a Bad Friend” and “Scott McCall is a Bad Alpha” is 1000% canon. So yeah. All the Teen Wolf fics where Scott McCall is portrayed like the toxic, shitty, abusive friend AND boyfriend that he canonically is pretty please? Any pairings
Yup, @flamingbisexual08 and Anon!
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Lost and found by nothing_much
(1/? I 327 I Teen I Steter)
One moment he was there, with the others, do intercept, or well, do an intervention with Stiles. They’d just gotten in, or settled down, he doesn’t really remember, because the next moment he was, well not.
What happened to Liam?
9. For the greater good by Anything00but
(1/1 I 1,490 I Explicit I Steter)
Stiles growls as he pushes Scott: “You need to tell me where Peter is right now so I can clean up this mess you have made. And no games Scott. I don’t have time for them right now.”
Scott looks like he wants to be anywhere else than right before fuming Stiles. Good, Stiles wants him scared and desperate. Stiles has always known Scott doesn’t like Peter but to sacrifice a pack member like that is unforgivable. Peter has been good ever since he came back from the dead. Stiles has made sure of it.
Dog-house by nothing_much
(1/1 I 3,463 I Teen I Steter)
Someone is in the dog-house.
They talk a lot.
Even When I Lose My Head (Guillotine) by IWriteSinsNotStraightLines
(1/1 I 3,501 I Teen I Sterek)
Curiously enough, Derek was the one who called for it, after the third time Stiles had screamed himself awake with him in his bed.
In theory, it was simple-- take your trauma, or at least the pieces of it you could stand to talk about, lay it bare and let it bleed, make sure the other person still wants you with everything out in the open.
Stiles looked over his own dull, tired eyes, bitten lips, shaking hands in the mirror and wondered if he was about to lose the love of his life, but agreed anyway.
Void of Emotion by Void (DramaticBlue)
(4/? I 4,671 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles knew something was in his head; they screamed at him every night, wailing to be let in. He knew and yet he.. He just. Brushed it off. How can he begin to tell anyone what monster corrupted his head if he doesn't even know himself?
The Strike of the Match by Pdxtrent
(3/10 I 6,890 I Teen I No Pairing)
He’d been trying unsuccessfully to track down Malia and Lydia before he had to meet Scott, and then the Jeep hadn’t wanted to start again, and he just hoped that the goddamn rain wasn’t a further metaphor for this fucked up day, because he was already past his limit. Scott came out of the clinic and Stiles didn’t know how he always looked so pulled together and calm with everything that was going on. It was one of life’s real mysteries, way beyond werewolves and the murder doctors. “Hey, he said to his best friend, “sorry I couldn’t get the jeep to start again. It’s barely holding on and I couldn’t get ahold of Malia or Lydia.” His voice trailed off as Scott stepped into the light, and there was a look in Scott’s face, something he’d never seen there before. “Scott?” He said, though what exactly he was questioning he wasn’t sure, but the look left him unsettled and on edge. Scott didn’t say anything, he just tilted his head up slightly and raised his hand, a gleam of something catching Stiles’s eye before he could see that it was a familiar wrench.
Frayed by HarleyJQuin
(1/1 I 8,490 I Mature I Steter)
When Peter goes missing without a trace Stiles does everything he can to rescue his mate.
Entropy by DarkJediQueen
(1/1 I 16,63 I Mature I Sterek)
Meeting Laura Hale changes Stiles' life, but after meeting Derek, her brother, he's not sure if it's for the best or for the worst.
The one who got away by Skb9
(11/? I 31,949 I Mature I Sterek)
Ragnarok. A prophecy which foretells the end of Asgard and that Odin believes will be caused by the children of Loki. As the years went by, Loki did his best to not have children and learnt everything he could to be able to hide and protect his children in case he did, however it was never enough. He had several children, some of which died, and the four left were captured by Odin. But little did Odin know that in his studies Loki finally figured out how to hide his children, albeit too late to all of them, except one…
Take my pride, Take my life, Take my body, but don't take the ones that I love by BedlamAtDawn, FunkyRacoon
(2/? I 98,009 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles thinks about what he learnt.
Derek arrived the morning after Laura had been partly found, Stiles and Scott had just ran into him on his first day back, so unless there is some other werewolf in town then the only other werewolf in Beacon Hills at the time of Laura's death was Peter.
Stiles thinks part of Derek knows the only suspect is his uncle, but he can't face it and really Stiles doesn't blame him.
But someone has to face it, someone has to confront him because people are dying, the Argent's are hunting, and his dad is in the middle of it all.
It's that that makes Stiles speed over to where Peter's being kept instead of the ruin that Derek calls home and beg the older and scary man for forgiveness.
It's stupid, it's reckless, but Stiles has to do this now.
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Things To Do
Title: Things To Do
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​​
Words: 1,712
Warnings: Cursing, sex with clothes on
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711​, @fioccodineveautunnale​, @phoenixhalliwell​, @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​
Teen Wolf Tag List: @linkpk88​, @pure-ghost​, @awkwardnesshabitat​
Author Notes: So this last one was inspired by the prompt “Sorry we’re late, I had things to do.” “By things she meant me.” And it just seemed to fit Stiles so perfectly. Welp another Thirsty Thursday in the books! I hope you all enjoyed the birthday themed fics. I sure did! Feedback is always appreciated.
Gif Credit: Google
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         “Lydia I don’t know what to wear!” you huff out loud as you stare at all the clothes flung about your room. You’re standing in the middle of your bedroom in a satin navy blue bra and panty set as you try to figure out what it is you’re going to be wearing for the birthday get together the pack is throwing for you. You run a hand through your hair and blow out a breath in frustration.
         “Babe, whatever you decide to wear is going to make you look gorgeous. Don’t sweat it. Besides I’m pretty sure Stiles will want to rip it off your body anyway.” Lydia says over speakerphone and you laugh softly. “That boy can’t control himself around you.”
         “Yeah you’re right but I just wanna look cute.” you complain softly to your best friend.
         “Wear the sexy maroon Henley with the three buttons on the front and your favorite pair of jean shorts. That’s always a super cute look on you.” Lydia says decisively and you nod your head along as you pull the mentioned articles of clothing from the piles around your room. “Match it with your converse and those dangly gold earrings I got you for Christmas last year and you’re set.” she instructed and you smiled over at where your phone lay on your bed.
         “You’re the best Lyds.” you say sweetly and she laughs brightly.
         “Now let me go so I can finish decorating.” she chastises you before the two of you hang-up with each other. You’re walking around your room picking up the clothes you had thrown about in your panic and begin to put them back in your drawers and closet. As you bend over to pick up a shirt a voice rings out in your room making you gasp and jump.
         “I didn’t realize it was my birthday today.” comes a familiar voice and you whirl around to see your boyfriend Stiles leaning against your door jam with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face as his eyes rake up and down your body. You chuckle softly as you roll your eyes at him before walking over and placing a soft sweet kiss to his lips. You go to pull away but his hands grab your waist and keep you pressed against him.
         “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” you tease softly and he nips at your bottom lip softly. When his teeth catch on the flesh of your lip your whole body heats with desire for him. You whimper softly and you can feel his smirk against your lips.
         “Yeah but you look so good in navy babe.” he responds easily as his hands slide up your back to pluck at the clasp of your bra. You groan softly and pull away from him.
         “C’mon I gotta get dressed so we can go to the party.” you admonish him softly. When you go to pull away from him again and get dressed his hands splayed across your back and pull you back into him. “Stiles.” you groan out softly.
         "I can't help it when my girlfriend, who is the birthday girl, looks as good as she does right now. Things just pop up." He grinds his hips against yours after his last words and you moan softly when you feel his erection digging into your hip.
         "You're gonna make us late." You scold halfheartedly and his smirk is sinful now as he looms over you.
         "You're the birthday girl; the party doesn't start until you get there." He quips back as he begins to walk you back to your bed. Once the backs of your knees hit the bed he leans down and presses his lips to yours heatedly. "Besides I wouldn't be a very good boyfriend if I didn’t give you birthday sex as many times as I possibly could." He whispers out to you when he pulls away.
         His hands come up to cup your face and his lips slant against yours passionately. You're drowning in his loving affection and you don’t want to come up for air. You can already feel yourself growing excited knowing what's about to happen. His lips trail from your lips to press a soft peck at the corner of your mouth and then travel across your cheek to just under your jaw bone where he sucks a wet kiss into your skin. Your hands are fisted in his shirt and you're quickly dragging it up and over his head to fling to the side. When you gaze at his naked chest you can’t help the reflex your fingers have to touch him.
         He moans against your neck, where his lips have been placing more sucking kisses, when you're fingers card through the chest hair in between his pecs. His hands slide down from your face and down your arms to your hips where he tugs you forward and presses you against him. You can feel him harden even further as you buck your hips against his.
         "Stiles please I need you." You murmur out into the air on panted breath. Your body feels too hot even though you're practically naked. All because of the young man in front of you. Finger slide down his chest to fiddle with the belt of his Jean's. He groans softly and his fingers come to help you undo his belt.
         "I wanna fuck you with your underwear still on." He pants out against your skin as he looks down at your body clad in the navy blue material. "You look so pretty with it on I wanna fuck you in it."
         "Yes, yes please." You beg him and suddenly a loud growl fills the room as it resonates from Stiles' chest. His hands on your hips spin you and push you forward so that you land on your hands and knees on your bed. A sharp sting blooms on your ass while a loud slap fills the air. "Stiles!" You yelp out.
         "Couldn't help myself. It's just there." He says heatedly as his palms come up and squeeze your ass cheeks. You moan and let your head fall forward between your shoulders. His fingers then dip under the material of your panties and you moan again at the sensation of feeling his skin on your own.
         Suddenly his hands are gone and you mourn the loss of his touch before you hear the ripping of a package and you know exactly what he’s doing. Looking over your shoulder you spy one of his hands gripping his hard cock and the other rolling a condom onto it. He steps closer and his fingers are back on your ass sliding under the material of your panties and pulling them to the side as the head of his cock glides up and down your slit slowly. 
         “Stiles, please.” you beg softly and he’s sinking into you quickly. You groan and throw your head back at the sensation of him filling you completely. “Oh shit, yes.” you gasp out. His hands flex against your hips when he's fully seated inside of you.
         "Fuck, you always feel amazing around me babe. So fucking good." He groans out as he leans over your back to press kisses against your shoulder blades.
         "Fuck me Stiles. Please." You whimper feeling his cock pulse from inside you. Your walls flutter around him in response and he begins to slowly slide in and out of you.
         "Damn the navy blue looks so good on you." He grunts out softly and slams his hips into yours making you gasp and fall forward onto your elbows. He's thrusting into you now at a steady pace that's making the winding coil of desire twist tighter and tighter. His hands seem to be everywhere on you at once, gripping and groping at your flesh.
         "Stiles please." You call out as you feel yourself climbing higher with the pleasure.
         "Please what birthday girl? Tell me what you need." He husks out to as his hips continue to snap against yours.
         "Make me come. Please make me come." You gasp out as your head falls back. His hands slide up your back to grip at your shoulders and he thrusts up into you hitting that deliciously sensitive spot inside you. You mewl once he hits it a second time and he's making sure he hits it each time now. You're gasping for air as he slams into you again and suddenly that pleasurable bubble that had been growing inside you pops. Your orgasm slams into your body and you moan so loudly you're pretty sure Scott can hear you with his werewolf hearing. Your walls clamp down on Stiles and he groans as he stumbles forward. His hips snap against once, twice more before he's stilling and spilled his release into the condom with a loud long groan.
         "Fuck birthday girl. That was amazing." Stiles says as he falls forward onto your back making the two of you fall onto your bed. 
         "Hell yeah it was. Best birthday present ever." You gasp out underneath Stiles' weight and he laughs softly as he falls to the side of you and pulls you into his side. 
           The two of you just lay there for a few moments catching your breath before you move and climb off the bed to get dressed.
         It's about an hour after Lydia had told you to show up and everyone is already there waiting for you. They cheer as soon as you and Stiles walk through the door. Everyone greeting you with cheers of happy birthday and warm hugs. When Scott pulls away from you with a knowing smirk you blush and address the pack.
         “Sorry we're late, I had some things to do at the house." You explain not meeting any of the werewolves' eyes.
         “By ‘things’, she means me." Stiles supplies as he throws an arm around your shoulders and presses a kiss to your forehead while everyone jeers at the two of you. "Just wait birthday girl once we get back home you'll have more things to do." He whispers in your ear and you grin as you turn fully into his side and press a kiss to his lips.
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nikosasaki · 3 years
teen wolf for the canon you would ignore ask game!
good lord what don't I wanna change,, keep in mind its been a hot second since I watched tw lol;
- starting off slow I don't really,,, care for corey so I think I'm gonna give mason a different bf oops
- I'm keeping kira around and including her in the rest of the storyline!! to me that makes more sense with the whole 'using her sword to bring theo back' anyway
- and ignoring scott x malia
- I'll probably mess around a lot with the dread doctors storyline bc it was kind of weird?? I'm completely changing/cutting the story of lydia being at eichen (because it gave me the heebie jeebies) which has a pretty big impact on all of the s5 storyline
- I also want to change a lot of the chimeras dying and coming back and dying again because,,, that's such a waste of time bro
- I want to spend more time making the dread doctors actually terrifying instead of just, masked dudes with a pretty cruel science fair experiment
- I will also probably change a lot in season six tbh, the entire stiles x lydia plot is gonna be cut so that influences the story for sure, and I'll spend a lot more time on developing theo post-hell
- everyone gets a gf; lydia gets a gf, hayden gets a gf, it's all 🌈🌈
- AND WHO COULD FORGET theo and liam being in love
- generally speaking drew even being around changes a lot of things because of her powers and the influence she has on the other characters so these are all of the things I could think of that weren't directly drew-related
that's all I got for now, let's see what kind of psychic damage my summer tw rewatch will cause and I might get back to this lol
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