#anyway i'll try to comment more on things and to reblog things. at the risk of being blocked or flamed or whatever.
nostalgia-tblr · 7 months
i realised the "antis" thing and the age-old joy of shipwars is one reason i don't comment on fic as much as i would otherwise - there's this fear that appears that the author will click through to my own Works and see that i have written The Bad Pairing (whichever one that is for that person, which i mostly have no way of knowing) or some trope that enrages them and they'll like. block me and/or reply angrily. as far as i know this has never actually happened to me and yet for some reason i still worry about it.
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jinhyun · 1 year
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
genre: fluff, suggestive, college au, dance major hyunjin, art major reader
word count: 7.8k
summary: sometimes things do not go to plan, hyunjin realised. not even when he had so carefully prepared a date to ask you to be his girlfriend for once and for all.
warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of condoms lol, MINORS DNI!!!!
a/n: you know what, i've decided to embrace the word count and i'm not even apologising this time bc we all saw it coming :') also!! i couldn't come up with any proper title for this so i just went with this basic one (if you get it, you get it). i hope you guys enjoyyy, please let me know your thoughts on this, your comments and reblogs make me the happiest<3
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You enjoyed your 10 A.M. class on Fridays, you really did.
You enjoyed listening to your professor and taking notes of everything he explained. You enjoyed learning a little bit more about art with each class, and you certainly enjoyed getting to put it all to practice.
Today, however, you could not seem to be able to pay attention — neither to your professor, nor to the hardly touched canvas in front of you.
And how could you? The man you were in love with had just told you last night to pack an overnight bag and wait for him after class.
Not only that, but the conversation that had preceded his sudden outburst had left you restless, too — in the best of ways, of course. You could only anticipate what was to come during the little date he had planned. An entire day of only you and him, in whatever place it was he was taking you to.
An entire night, too, of only you and him. That you were also looking forward to.
A whole day and a whole night… He was definitely dropping the question at some point, right? He wouldn't be going through all this trouble not to ask you to be his girlfriend by the end of the day, would he?
Almost like he was reading your thoughts, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You didn't need to take it out to know it was Hyunjin letting you know he had arrived at your building and was already waiting for you, but you did anyway — smiling wholeheartedly at his addition of the pet name 'baby' at the end of his text.
The whole ten minutes left of the class were hell after that.
In between small strokes of colour on your canvas and looking at the clock every twenty seconds, you managed to make it through. And as soon as your professor said the class was over, you picked up your bag and flew outside of the studio.
Hyunjin must've noticed the class was done as well, for he was waiting right in front of the door, wearing a smile that only grew wider the moment his eyes met yours.
"Hey, cutie…" he greeted you softly, reaching an arm out for you to hold.
"Hey…" you smiled shyly, letting him pull you to him and press a brief kiss to your lips. "You've been calling me that a lot lately".
"Well, you did say calling you that would take me places" he smirked, getting a roll of eyes from you.
"You don't even know what places I was talking about" you bit back.
He chuckled, leaning in to brush his mouth against yours. "Hm… I think I'll take the risk".
Laughing under your breath as his lips pressed on yours once more, you rested your hands on his chest. "If anything, you're the one who should be taking me places now".
That got a throaty laugh from him. "I am," he confirmed, sliding your bag down your shoulder and hanging it on his instead. "Shall we go?"
Biting your lip to try and conceive the smile that was threatening to show at both the sight of his hand waiting to be held by yours and how cute he looked wearing the pastel pink bag you had brought that day, you nodded, no longer fighting your smile when you held his hand and his smiley lips pressed softly to your cheek.
"Where are you taking me?" you asked as you made your way out of the building.
"First, we're getting lunch".
"You know what I mean," you squinted your eyes. "What are we doing after lunch?"
"You'll see" he smirked.
"Babyyy~" you pouted, earning an amused roll of eyes from him.
"Not gonna work".
"It's a surprise".
"Can we go now then? We can get something to eat later".
"Aish, so impatient" he pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes closing in feigned annoyance.
"Jinnie…" you pouted once more.
"We can't skip lunch" he denied. "I'm not having you starve during the train ride".
"Train ride?!" your eyes sparkled and a proud smile curved up his lips. "Where are we travelling to?"
Throwing an arm over your shoulders, he pulled you to him and pressed a kiss to your temple — one that any other time would've been sweet, yet this time around seemed more taunting than anything. "That's as much as I'm saying".
You were not even halfway into the day and it already felt like a dream.
Sitting by the window of a train, head resting on Hyunjin's shoulder while you looked at the passing scenery outside and listened to one of his playlists as you shared his earphones… everything about it truly felt like one of the many daydreams you used to have with him back when everything was one-sided.
And it could only feel even more surreal when you recognised the landscape outside; one you had not visited in over a year now — the last time being for the birthday party Innie's parents had prepared for him.
For some reason still unknown to you, Hyunjin had taken you to Busan.
You found yourself having to ask him if he was serious when you first heard the destination at the train station, not believing your ears when you heard the name of the city through the speakers. And a part of you did still not believe he was taking you there until you saw it with your own two eyes.
You enjoyed the ride from the station to the place Hyunjin had booked for the two of you to spend the night, which turned out to be a very nice modern building that was a few minutes away from the beach. You took a mental note to visit it later that day or at least before leaving the next one, as going to the beach with him had just become a fundamental point of your couples to-do list with him.
The hotel room was bigger than you expected, yet not enough to take that coziness you craved so much away. The open curtains and beige walls brought just the right amount of brightness into the room, and it went well with the white sheets of the king bed in the middle.
The king bed.
You couldn't help the heat in your cheeks at the sight of it. You had been hoping there would be only one bed; you had actually supposed so at first, for you had slept together a few times by now. But actually being met with one bed only, regardless of it might being obvious, had sent a rush of heat through your body.
Watching as Hyunjin placed your bags on the small couch by the window, you decided to take off your shoes and lie down on the mattress for a bit. For some reason, the train ride had left you exhausted.
Hyunjin's lips curved up into an adoring smile the moment he turned around and saw you laying down on your back — arms stretching out above your head as if you had just woken up from a deep slumber, and managing to drag your black top up enough for half your abdomen to be uncovered.
"Don't tell me you're tired now" he teased, crawling right next to you.
"And what if I am?" you dared.
He smiled, resting his hand on your bare waist and drawing small circles on your skin. Goosebumps were fast to show under his touch. "It's not even dark outside yet".
"So what, I'm tired and this bed's too comfy" you snuggled up closer to him, receiving a tender kiss to your forehead.
"It is very comfy, I'll give you that".
"Can't believe you booked a hotel room for us" you smiled incredulously.
Hyunjin smiled as well, shrugging lightly before he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest. "I figured we could stay the night and that way enjoy the city all day today and some more tomorrow".
"I love that…"
"I was hoping you would…" he mumbled, resting his chin on your head. "Besides, getting to sleep with you is a nice plus to it".
Your cheeks heated up. "We've slept together back in Seoul, though".
"Yes, but not like this".
"Like what?"
He didn't need to say anything back. The single look he gave you when your eyes went up to meet his was enough to let you know what was so different this time. And you wanted it to be like that.
You had been taking it slow for a while now, and you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't miss his naked body against yours and the entire different level of intimacy that came with it.
Hyunjin missed it like crazy, too, and he couldn't help but show you with a kiss. After all, he had only been holding back all this time because you wanted to take things slow and he was willing to do that for you.
If it were up to him, though, you'd have spent endless nights tangled up in bed by now.
Your hands went to his nape in a second, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. Your heavy breathing mixed with his hot one, pressing your mouth to his once more and feeling a shiver run down your spine when his hand moved from your waist to your ass.
That's all you needed to push him down on the mattress and crawl on his lap. The low moan that slipped past his lips was music to your ears, and his hands squeezing your ass before he pushed you down on his crotch was enough to get a muffled moan from you in return.
Your hands travelled down from his chest to his waistline, where you reached his pants.
"No, no… wait…" his breathy plea against your mouth stopped you from pulling the zip down, looking at him in confusion instead. "I didn't bring you here to have sex".
The look on your face must've been accusing as hell, for he couldn't hold back a laugh.
"I'm serious!" he said in between a giggle, hands unconsciously digging under your top and resting right above the curve of your waist.
"Your hands tell me otherwise" you teased.
Hyunjin bit his lip, contemplating for a moment before he stole a chaste kiss from your lips and removed his hands from under your top, bringing them up to your shoulders instead.
"I'm supposed to take you somewhere else today," he confessed. "Right now, actually. We're already running a bit late if we wanna see the whole thing".
You cocked an eyebrow, suddenly interested. "Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise" he smiled, giggling once again when you squinted your eyes daringly. "Last surprise of the day, I promise".
"But I wanna stay here…" you pouted.
Leaning in to press your lips to his in a lingering kiss, you felt him sigh against your mouth — already regretting having to take you somewhere else and considering just staying here in bed with you for the remaining of the trip.
"Don't do this to me…" he whined, hands travelling down again and fingertips pressing hard against the flesh of your hips as he lost the battle against himself and leaned in to steal another kiss from you. "If we're staying in bed all day we could've just stayed in Seoul".
You pouted. "But I want you".
"Couldn't you want me this bad back home?"
"I did want you this bad," you confessed, lips lightly brushing his. "I just have a lot of self-control".
Hyunjin chuckled, nuzzling the crook of your neck before pressing a soft kiss to it. "You're gonna have to keep that self-control up for a little longer then".
"Ugh, don't say my name like that when you're on top of me" he pleaded.
"That is your name, though" you laughed.
"Mhm… play innocent all you want, baby" his grip on your hips tightened playfully. "You're gonna love the place I'm taking you to much more".
"More than staying in bed with you for what's left of the day?"
A heavy whine escaped his mouth this time, one that was followed by a feigned cry as he threw his head back in exasperation — clearly having failed at trying to convince himself of it.
You laughed loudly at the very troubled sight of him, but it didn't last long, for he was fast to turn you around so now your back was pressed against the mattress and he was on top of you.
"Don't play with me, baby…" he whispered, and this time you couldn't tell whether it was a plea or more of a threat. "I promise you we'll have all night to ourselves".
"All night?" you pushed it.
He smiled, leaning in to kiss you gently. "All night".
"Okay then…" you sighed, gently running your hands down his biceps. "Since you promised".
"Trust me, there's nothing I'd want more than to stay here with you right now" he kissed you again. "But there's a reason I brought you all the way here, so…" he sat up, holding a hand out for you to hold. "Let's go?"
It only hit you how perfectly Hyunjin had planned everything out when you finally arrived at your destination.
The hotel you were staying at was hardly ten minutes away by foot, and you had surely enjoyed the hand-in-hand walk over there. You could honestly enjoy anything as long as you were with him, and you were definitely having the time of your life looking around the city to realise the place Hyunjin had stopped in front of.
Bon Davinci Museum.
More particularly, the Van Gogh Village Exhibition. The same one you had missed last year back in Seoul and had no idea was now back for a while in a different city.
The look you gave Hyunjin at the realisation was one of pure adoration, and you wondered how expressive you actually were, given you could clearly see the effect your eyes had on him — bringing a bright pink to his cheeks and that cute dimple of his was not something you achieved on a daily basis.
He cleared his throat, trying to control his shy smile at that. "Let's go".
Too stunned to speak, you let him guide you to the line of people who already had their tickets. He had truly left no details behind, and your heart could only soar over how much effort he had put into this.
"I can't believe we're here," you squealed, quietly enough not to bring people's attention to you — that didn't stop Hyunjin's attention and heart eyes from focusing on your beaming face. "God, Innie's gonna be so jealous when he finds out".
Hyunjin chuckled. "Now I feel bad because he gave me his ticket for Nam June Paik's expo and I didn't invite him here".
"He couldn't go to his expo, the ticket would've gone to waste anyway" you squeezed his hand, walking forward as the line in front got shorter. "And let's be honest, he would've third wheeled so hard if he came here with us".
"I'm telling him you'd make him third wheel with us" he smirked.
"Do that and I'm making you third wheel when I'm with him".
"I would like to see you try" he gave you a cynical smile.
Mirroring his attitude, you stuck your tongue out to him before he loosely placed his arm around your shoulders. You lightly rested your head on his shoulder.
"I need to record the Almond Blossom room for him, that's what he wanted to see the most" you nodded to yourself, then looking up at Hyunjin with hopeful eyes. "You think they have the Vase with Daisies and Poppies?"
"I knew you would look for it first thing" he shook his head in amusement.
"Do they?" you perked up.
He shrugged, not even trying to hide his will to tease you. "I guess we'll find out".
"You so know the answer and don't wanna tell me".
"Aren't you the one who wanted to visit so badly in Seoul? Shouldn't you know that, baby?"
Your jaw fell in offense, and you wasted no time in pulling away from his hold. "I hate you".
Hyunjin chuckled, pulling you into his embrace once more and then pressing his lips to your temple. "I know you don't".
Rolling your eyes as you silently rejoiced in his touch, you didn't pry away from it — instead, you wrapped your arm around his waist right as you reached the girl who would scan your tickets.
From the moment you step a foot inside, it was everything you had hoped for.
You remembered how bad you and Innie wanted to go last year when it was in Seoul for a couple of weeks, but it just so conveniently happened to be during finals season, and so you both had to give up enjoying this anticipated art exhibition over your art courses, as ironic as it sounded.
Hyunjin had found out about it one evening when he was lying down on your bed while you worked on a paper — Van Gogh being brought up as you mindlessly chatted and then you casually mentioned your and Jeongin's tragic story.
It had been just that. A light conversation while your attention was mostly focused on your research and Hyunjin's eyes remained focused on his phone, as he had only come over to keep you company. You had mentioned it and moved on. Just that.
You didn't expect him to remember, and you most certainly weren't expecting him to go out of his way to take you to a completely different city so you could finally see the exposition you had missed a year ago.
If he only paid attention, he would see in your eyes just how much harder you had fallen for him right then.
He was too excited making sure you'd admire every masterpiece that was portrayed on the multi-screens, however — far from looking into the way you would stare at him and instead getting lost in the way your smile would take over your face and your eyes would sparkle with every piece you reached.
He was personally most excited about the Starry Night, but when you finally reached the room it was in and you were suddenly covered under the blue and yellow lights, he couldn't help but admire you instead.
Funnily enough, you were doing just the same with him. The difference being you couldn't contain yourself and ended up taking your phone out of your pocket and snapping a picture of him. A picture that turned into five more as you asked him to pose for you and he complied, and which then turned into some more when he took out his phone and had you as his personal model for a while — later pulling you to him and snatching a few selfies together that would make it to his favourites folder.
It made him almost wish you could stay in that moment forever, but there was one last piece you were the most excited about and he was taking you there.
Your face the moment you saw the one painting you had asked about earlier was all Hyunjin needed to know bringing you here was worth it.
"Jinnie, oh my God, they do have it!"
You heard his quite loud yet shy giggle as you rushed towards the huge projection of the Vase with Daisies and Poppies.
Being quite lost in the sight of it, you missed his presence coming up closer to you — jolting up for a moment there when his arms sneaked around your waist from behind, before your body relaxed under his familiar touch.
"I knew they had it" he admitted the obvious, just as his chin rested on your shoulder.
"I knew you knew whether they had it" you side eyed him.
He laughed under his breath, pressing his lips briefly to your cheek. "I just wanted to leave the best for the last" his thumb ran up and down your sides. "Although in my opinion the best was the Starry Night".
"That's because you're basic".
He gasped, tightening his hold on your waist as he leaned back and pulled you slightly away. "You did not just call me basic, daisy girl".
"No, don't bring daisies into this" you warned him.
"They're like the most basic flower out there".
Once again, you were the one to act offended. "You know, you just lost all the points you had gained by calling me 'cutie'".
"Come on now, that's not fair".
"It is plenty fair".
"What about all the points I won by taking you here?"
"Oh yeah, those are gone, too".
"All because I called daisies basic?"
"You deliberately attacked my fixation on them, so…"
He pouted once more, and you could not help but smile sweetly and trace his bottom lip with your thumb.
"You do get some points back for being cute, though".
"Oh, that definitely makes me feel better" he snorted.
You laughed under your breath, lightly pecking his mouth before your eyes locked with his. "Thank you…"
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What for?"
"For this?" you pointed out the obvious, motioning around the room. "I know I already said that I can't believe you brought me to Busan and all that, but this… I mean, I wanted to see this so badly and I didn't even know it was in Busan right now? How did you…"
Hyunjin shrugged, naturally resting his hands on your waist. "I knew you couldn't go last year when it was in Seoul, and I… to be honest I didn't know it was in Busan either, I just started to look for places to take you out on a date and this popped up and it was just perfect".
"You could've just taken me to any art museum back in Seoul and I would've been just as happy, you know?"
"In between taking you somewhere we can go to any other day and taking you to an exposition that will only be here for a couple of weeks… and which you really wanted to see to begin with… I think I know which one would make you happier".
You laughed lightly, wholeheartedly, cupping his face in your hands and tenderly running your thumbs over the corners of his mouth as your eyes went up to meet his. "I love you".
You felt his breath get caught in his throat, and although he opened his mouth to say something in return —or at least try to, as you could see already his voice would betray him—, you didn't need to hear it nor see him struggle. So, you kissed him.
He kissed you back immediately, tenderly as ever — his warm hand cupping your cheek and deepening the kiss before you could pull away.
"You don't have to say it back" you smiled truthfully. "I've just been really struggling lately not to say it every five minutes and needed to let it out".
"Y/N… I, I'm…"
"It's okay, baby, really" you reassured him, reaching for his hand and eagerly tugging at it. "Now let's go! The beach is close, if we rush we can watch the sunset!"
I love you. I love you. I love you.
That's what you had said, so effortlessly.
I love you. It's what he wanted to say right back the second those three words had abandoned your mouth, but he froze.
He froze.
Love had always come easy to you. You loved selflessly, effortlessly, shamelessly, fully, and expected to be loved the same. He, on the other hand, had always been an outcast to love and romance as a whole.
In his mind, he had told you he loved you plenty of times. When it came to finally, actually saying it outloud, however, his breath had got caught up in his throat and he could physically not let the words out of his mouth.
To say he was upset was an understatement.
You didn't seem to be upset or slightly hurt at his lack of response. Were you that used to his distance from love? Had you really been expecting him not to say he loved you back? Or were you just one hell of an actress?
Whatever the right answer was, it could only upset him more. God, he wanted nothing more than for you to know he loved you.
The sun had still another few minutes to go before settling, and so you had taken a little detour from your walk to the beach to buy the two of you some coffee — on you, as you did not let him pay for it no matter how hard he fought it. Your date, the one he had planned, was not over yet after all.
Hyunjin couldn't help but feel like he had failed at that, too. He had brought you all the way here with the intent of asking you to be his girlfriend, yet the words 'I love you' had been said and suddenly he was out of words and letting you drag him out without even protesting.
If it weren't for how happy you looked back then and how happy he was to see your bright smile adorning your lips as you enjoyed the entirety of the exposition, he would've felt like it all had been pointless.
But there you were, on the other hand, playfully swinging your interlaced hands and sipping on your iced coffee as you walked to the beach. As if nothing had happened ten minutes ago.
A contagious smile took over your face when you finally reached the beach — one that he couldn't help but mirror, feeling at ease over the way your hand had tightened around his as you fastened your pace towards the sand.
You stopped just before the sand turned wet and the waves could reach your feet, yet were still close enough to feel the small drops of salty water that were dragged by the wind to lightly hit your body.
The sun had just started to go down, creating a blue canvas in the sky that turned darker with each passing second, and which was painted by bright strokes of pink and orange that mixed together at certain points.
You couldn't tell whether this was the most beautiful sunset you had ever seen, or whether it was only the fact that you had Hyunjin with you to watch it what made it so special.
Whatever the answer was, you couldn't take your eyes off of it — only doing so to look at Hyunjin when you felt his arms sneak around your waist and his chin rest on your shoulder. You could get used to this new habit of his.
"I always wanted to do this…" you sighed dreamingly, placing your hands over his.
"Do what?" he mumbled, looking up at you.
"You're gonna say it's corny".
"Tell me" he encouraged you.
"Watch the sunset with the person I… you know…" you laughed timidly.
Hyunjin felt a pinch in his chest, and he couldn't tell whether it was out of the insane amount of love he was feeling for you or out of pain.
He knew what you had wanted to say, and he knew you had stopped yourself from saying it not to make him uncomfortable — because, in the end, although his lack of previous response had not hurt you, it did make you fear you'd put him in a tough place if you kept saying it.
Pressing his lips to your shoulder and then clearing his throat, he pulled away from you. "I brought you something, by the way…"
"I thought you said there were no more surprises?" you cocked an eyebrow.
He chuckled, kneeling down on the sand before he took off his backpack and rummaged through it. "It's not really a surprise if we had agreed on making this for each other".
"You brought me your painting?!" you perked up at that, sitting down right next to him with crossed legs.
Hyunjin nodded, silently taking the painting out and handing it to you. "Your painting now, technically".
One look at it, and it had already become your favourite painting in the world.
You had made many portraits in your life, but you had never been on the other end of it. You had never seen yourself through someone else's eyes, and seeing yourself through Hyunjin's right there sent a million butterflies flying around your stomach.
It was funny how both of you had painted each other. However, both works of art were very different.
You had gone with a darker palette — ocean blue being the main star of it. Hyunjin, on the other hand, had gone for lighter colours like white, violet and yellow.
You had used more of a zoomed out picture of him —not like you had used an actual picture, as you had used nothing but your memory to paint that beautiful face of his you had fallen in love with at first sight—, and he had made your face justice by making it the main attraction.
However, although your face was the first thing that caught your eye, your attention and admiration went to the flowers he had painted around. The very same ones he had called you out about earlier that day.
"So… you like it?" Hyunjin asked softly, unable to hide just how nervous he was over your reaction.
"Baby…" your eyes fixed on his expectant one. "It's beautiful, I love it".
"You do?" he giggled.
"Yes, it's—" your eyes went back to the painting, and Hyunjin's smile grew brighter at the way you admired it. "Fuck, it's so beautiful I could cry".
"Now you know how I felt when I saw the one you made for me".
You smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "I really love it, Jinnie. Thank you".
"Don't make me shy now…" he warned you breathily.
"Aw, can't the guy who lives for the spotlight at Mrs. Moon's class take a compliment now?" you taunted.
"It's different…" he rested his head on yours. "I had never painted something for anyone before".
And the fact that the first time he ever did it was for you did not help his case at all.
Your heart soared, and you couldn't help but press another kiss to his cheek — this time closer to the corner of his mouth.
"Well, I love it" you whispered. "Especially the small details of the daisies".
"Yeah… forget about me calling them basic earlier and all that".
You shoved him away with your shoulder as you laughed. "I want to believe this painting as a whole isn't calling me basic".
"I would never" he murmured against your lips, pressing a soft kiss to them.
"That's good," you smirked. "Because you drew a daisy on me once, so that would've been sad".
Hyunjin looked dumbfounded for a second before he got what you meant — a throaty yet somewhat nervous laugh making its way out of his mouth as he was flooded with memories of the night you first kissed.
He didn't think you'd even remember the small blue doodle of a daisy he had taken his time drawing on your neck.
He should've known better, though, for the first thing you did that night after he walked you home and you said your good nights was to go in front of a mirror and check your neck out. You were expecting to see an embarrassing drawing, the kind middle schoolers would draw on their friends' notebooks when they left them unattended, but you were met with a surprisingly neat daisy adorning your skin instead.
You had loved it, and although you were too shy to ever bring it up to him or to anyone else at all, it was a memory you had kept close to your heart. The first ever thing Hyunjin drew for you —or on you— being something you loved so much. And now the first ever proper painting he made for you had, too, made a beautiful inclusion of it.
"You've just made them your whole thing now, ever since we met" he explained. "So I think of you whenever I see them".
"You do?"
"Mhm… you're pretty like them".
"Just pretty?" you batted your eyelashes.
A low chuckle abandoned his mouth as he leaned in to kiss you. "Pretty beautiful, actually".
"Ew, when did you get so corny?" your nose scrunched up in disgust.
"Oh, don't act like you don't love it" his eyes squinted accusingly.
You giggled, shaking your head in disbelief. "God, I love you".
There it was again.
You had breathed those words out like it was so natural for you. Your eyes were no longer on him this time, though, but on the painting he had made for you instead, which could only make him feel like you hadn't even realised you had said it.
It just came that naturally to you.
"You used watercolor in the end" you pointed out, looking up at him with a smile.
"I don't think it was ever up for debate" he chuckled.
"I thought of using it as well…" you admitted, much to his surprise. "But then I thought about the painting I had started that night you came to the studio and thought I could finish it for you… it was all about you after all".
"That's why it looked so familiar" he brought a dramatic hand to his mouth.
"It's not like you got to see much of it back then" you shyly laughed.
"No, because your pretty face was taking up most of it".
You felt your cheeks heat up at his remark — not only because of the use of the word 'pretty', but also because of how your face lying on the fresh paint had been what led up to your first kiss.
"So, you were painting me in blue back then… should I be worried?"
You shrugged, this time a somewhat sad smile reaching your eyes. "You really did put me through a lot, Hwang Hyunjin".
He smiled sadly, too. "I know…"
"Although it was mostly my fault, because I was the one who kept chasing after you even when you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me" you nervously fidgeted with the sand under you. "And! The painting is not all blue as you can see, there are some bright colours, too. I added the yellow moon to the sky after that same night".
"Why the yellow moon, though?" he asked.
"Yellow makes me happy" you shrugged nonchalantly. "And the moon reminds me of you".
A bright smile parted Hyunjin's lips. "So you're saying I make you happy?"
"Shut up" you warned him.
"Do I make you happy, baby?" he cooed tauntingly.
"Of course you do…" you murmured, not meeting his eyes. "Now leave me alone, I'm embarrassed".
A throaty laugh escaped his mouth, not letting you push him away like you had playfully tried to do, and instead tugging at your wrist. "Noo, come here".
Before you could even protest, he was pulling you to his lap. You straddled it like he wanted, arms naturally resting over his shoulders while his hands fell loosely over your lower back.
You couldn't help but look around for a moment, suddenly hitting you that you were in a public place and anyone could see how lovey dovey you were being.
Luckily for you, the sun had just set completely and the beach was pretty much dessert — the only people who were still there were either friends catching up on their lives or couples who were already too into their own worlds to pay attention to anything else.
Two fingers on your chin brought your attention back to Hyunjin. His nose rubbed gently against yours and his lips brushed yours ever so softly.
"Kiss me" he whispered.
You rested your forehead on his and cupped his cheek before you whispered, "In front of all these people? While I'm sitting on your lap?"
"That's what I said".
"You think you'll be able to control yourself?"
He snorted quietly, shaking his head in amusement before he cupped your cheek instead and pressed his mouth to yours.
Guess you would just have to find out.
The hand of yours that was still over his shoulder tightened around his neck, right as his hand on your back pushed your chest closer to his and his tongue traced your bottom lip for you to open up. Once you did and your tongues met one another, he couldn't hold back the small contented sigh that abandoned his mouth.
The kiss was soft, slow, tender — not a single rush in the world as it felt like you were the only two people in it that night.
"I love you…"
It wasn't coming out of your lips this time, but out of his.
It came out as a whisper, barely audible if it weren't for his mouth being attached to yours, but there was not a single hint of hesitation in his voice.
Your eyes opened in a heartbeat, being met with his genuine yet surprised ones, as the words had seemed to have slipped out of his mouth before he could even notice.
Maybe it was that easy to say those three words after all.
"What?" you asked in a whisper, pulling him slightly away by his shoulders. "No, Jinnie, I didn't… I wasn't expecting y—I wasn't trying to pressure you when I said—"
Your trembling rambling was shut down with a soft kiss of his.
"You really think I would say it if I didn't mean it? After how fucking hard I tried to avoid love all these years?"
"Why didn't you say it back at the exhibition then?" you frowned.
"I froze," he shamefully admitted. "I wanted to say it back so bad but I just couldn't get the words out".
"You mean it?" you whispered, still in disbelief.
"Of course I mean it. I've been struggling not to say it for a while now, too, but then you said it first… twice… and I guess I got too stunned to say anything back".
"Seems like I'm always one step ahead of you when it comes to love" you proudly stated.
"That you are" he agreed, smiling sweetly while his thumb drew small circles on your chin. "I really love you, Y/N".
You pouted, feeling like you could cry out of happiness right then and there. "I love you, too".
He pulled you into a kiss, probably the happiest one you had shared, as the curved up corners of your lips and the breathy laughs escaping them made it hard for you to suck on them.
"Is that why you brought me here?" you asked against his pink mouth. "To tell me this?"
He bit his lip, lowering his head and fidgeting with your fingers. "It was actually so I could ask you to be my girlfriend…"
Your heart skipped a beat, having to take a moment not to let out a squeal. "You planned to ask me at the beach all along?"
"No, um… I was supposed to ask you at the exposition, actually" he tilted his head. "But then you told me you loved me and I froze and, well…"
"You really had that much of a hard time trying to ask me?"
"No, I mean, I don't know?" he whined. "You're just, you".
"What is that supposed to mean?" you laughed under your breath.
"It means that I wanted it to be perfect but then again I still get so nervous around you and feelings are still ugh, and I get all—you make me so flustered, woman".
You threw your head back, this time laughing with your whole chest over how cute his troubled expression was.
"Aw, I love that" coming back to look at him, you pulled him in to kiss his nose. "You're adorable".
"That's not really the reaction I was going for…" he joked.
"You know it didn't have to be perfect, right? You could've just asked me while we were hanging out back at yours or mine, or even after class for all I care" you tenderly pushed back a strand of hair that was covering his eye. "I would've said yes regardless".
"I asked you when we were in bed the first time and you said no" he pouted.
"You were drunk," you reminded him, earning an obnoxiously cute shrug from him. "I wanted you to mean it when you said it".
"I did mean it" he fought.
"I wanted you to say it without the influence of alcohol in the middle then".
"Alcohol made it easier, though" Hyunjin pouted.
You cupped his face as a small laugh escaped your mouth. "I bet it did" your thumb traced the corner of his mouth, where you pressed a light kiss to. "And for the record, I never said no".
"You told me to ask you again when I was sober".
"Which made it implicit that I was saying yes".
"Are you saying yes now then?"
"If you ask me properly…" you sighed over-dramatically. "Then possibly".
"You're just playing with me at this point" he recriminated, earning an amused chuckle from you.
"Maybe…" you taunted him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Do you know the implications of me becoming your girlfriend, though, Hwang Hyunjin?"
"Of course I know," he smirked, pulling you in. "It means you'll be all mine".
You bit your bottom lip. "It also means you'll be all mine, though".
He shrugged. "I've already been for a while now".
"I've also been yours for a while now. A pretty good while, actually".
Hyunjin chuckled, his hand running up and down your back. "Maybe, but now I'll be able to go up to any douchebag who tries to hit on you and let them know you're mine".
"Haven't you already done that?" you chuckled, and his smirk only grew. "You even used the word 'girlfriend' if I'm not mistaken, which I was not back then".
His plump lips trapped your bottom one in between, gently sucking on it before he slowly pulled at it with his teeth.
"Be my girlfriend then? For real?" he mumbled against your lips, and you felt like you would die when his hungry eyes stared at your mouth for a couple of seconds before they went up to your eyes.
You nodded, because words were not something you could speak anymore.
"Words, baby" he pushed it. "I need you to say it".
"Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Jinnie".
His eyes turned into two crescent moons, and suddenly you realised why the moon reminded you of him. With a breathy giggle leaving his mouth, he pulled you into another kiss — the first one you would share as an official couple.
Looking back at it, you couldn't believe you were living all this with the guy who used to avoid your attempts —or avoid you as a whole— and who claimed not to want a relationship, ever. You couldn't believe your feelings were returned in the end, and that he actually wanted to be with you in a serious, formal relationship.
But here you were, in a Busan beach after the sun went down, sitting on his lap while one of his hands remained on your lower back and the other one on your nape, sharing a kiss that somehow managed to be more special than all the others you had shared that day.
"What's so funny?" he wondered when a small, breathy laugh ran past your lips.
"I managed to get you in the end, huh?" you giggled, earning an amused roll of eyes from him. "Was I too charming for you not to fall for me, baby?"
"Don't let it get to your head" he warned you.
"Oh, I would never" you smirked.
Hyunjin shook his head in amusement, pulling you in to plant a kiss on your forehead right as you shivered. "It's getting cold..." he pointed out, looking around to realise there was no one else at the beach anymore. "Let's go back to the hotel, yeah?"
You nodded, standing up from his lap and offering him a hand to help him up before you could pick up the half emptied cups of coffee. "Should we get something to eat?"
"You're hungry?" he asked while putting his backpack on.
"Not really," you shrugged, handing him his coffee. "But it's late…"
"We could order some food later" he suggested, pulling you closer and stealing a lingering kiss from your addictive lips. "Just want to head straight to our hotel room now".
"I'm guessing you did bring a condom this time around?" you teased, although you both knew you were half serious.
"Tsk. Of course I did. Learned my lesson the hard way with you" he shook his head. "Besides, I was being quite optimistic about today".
"Oh, were you now?"
"Mhm..." he nodded, interlocking his fingers with yours before you started walking back to the hotel. "I actually brought like fifteen of them".
You laughed. "Don't test your luck, Hwang Hyunjin".
"You did say we had all night to ourselves".
"You said that".
"And you agreed".
Hearing your laugh right then and feeling you lean closer to him in look for warmth, he could only feel the luckiest to have you with him.
Things had not exactly gone according to plan today, and despite it making him upset at first, it was that little detour what allowed him to hear you say you loved him. And although it took him a while, he, too, had told you he loved you.
It was that little detour what allowed him to ask you to be his girlfriend without feeling like his heart would break out of his chest at any given moment — though he did still feel nervous when he asked you anyway. But it was natural, the words had made their way out of his mouth effortlessly, not even giving him time to chicken out like he had done a couple of times by now.
And somehow, that little moment of yours at the beach, ignoring the world around you as nothing and no one else seemed to matter, had been so much more special than anything he could've ever planned.
In the end, he realised he didn't have to try so hard and instead let things take their own course and go on their own pace. When it came to you, no matter what happened, you would be able to find your way back to each other. The two of you could always count on that.
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tag list: @blaaiissee @hyuneytoast @staysuki @tardiscompanion @princehyun-jin @hyuka-luvbot @halesandy @nattisbored @berryberrytan @hibuki-chan @purenjuniverse @seungly @suhnnyskiess @midsoulz @kwanisms @esme-ordaz @candyapletree @firnze @soobin-chois @moon-320 @ohmyteez @elviransworld @valewoos @ktttwwn @hazzaloveschopsuey @hannahdinse8 @zoe8stay @leechanniee @phenomenalgirl9 @aeminju @threevracha @laryisthinking @wolfietara @iam2out @peterparkoure @cosmic-railwayxo @straykidsficsrecsbaby @marsophilia @choibeomgogi @ddaengpotate @oceanyocean @rinsdesires @jhslmhbtsskz @lixlovesworld @keenlampponyclam @yerimselgi @mal-lunar-28 @littlestarhyun @mingiholic @euphroseia
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sunnylands-world · 11 months
If it's the last time forever
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PAIRING: Draco x fem reader
SUMMARY: it wasn't ever supposed to be more than a few nights together but a few nights can lead to three words that can ruin everything
WARNING: mentions of sex, angst, some poetry I wrote in between
UNIVERSE: harry potter
A/N: hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been as active, adult life is kicking my ass right now, anyway I have a request similar to this so I'm thinking I'll make that part 2
You read the warnings if you continue to read. I'm not to be held responsible.
Comments, reblogs, and inboxes are appreciated and motivational
Draco knew what this time meant. He'd come to your door around this hour many times but this time it felt more weighted, like what was behind it was his two way answer for life and choosing the wrong answer would ruin everything, he didn't like this feeling. It was suffocating, wrapping his heart in rope and pulling at it till it bled and left sores; but this wasn't supposed to feel that way and it hadn't always.
It was just sex, it had been for months and that's how it was supposed to stay but going into this he knew the risk of touching, seeing, and breathing you in.
That's what started this in the first place.
He'd wanted you but not like this, not before at least. In the beginning he wanted you to himself for pleasure and pleasure only. He didn't like the thought of sharing what he touched and you were his, just for a night; but after a while it wasn't just a quick leave and enter…
The words that were whispered in a breath, the touches that gripped tighter, and the positions went from just feeling to seeing.
The need to see your eyes, the need to feel your lips.
you'd both broken the rules all because sex gave way for feelings and they were clearly there with every movement but neither of you let the words that would change it all slip…
That's where it got intense, that was the hold back that was the brick of ice on waves of water.
As you opened the door you didn't even meet his eyes, and in the beginning that was how it was supposed to be but now it hurts not seeing them look hopeful and excited to see him.
He only sighed as he looked you over while you fidgeted with your fingers. you were so beautiful so perfect to him, something written out of his own diary…
"We need to stop this," you rushed the words out like they were hot on your tongue and he had to admit they stung.
"I- fine" he said, kicking his raw emotions down the steps and watching them tumble.
"Why can't you just say it, do I really mean nothing to you? are you not even gonna try to change my mind!?" You shouted, cracks in your voice making way for your tears to fall and shaking like you'd cave.
"ricochet, ricochet my love… don't fall apart because of me."
"Say what?! That I want this!" He snapped, still fighting back the part of him that wanted more.
"you won't even fight for us, it's like you're heartless!" You say, pointing at him and every breath sucked in like there's not enough air to breathe.
"Can I hold you close, caress your skin, til you can breathe once again? I am the wave beneath your boat, I know how well you float…"
he wanted to tell you that it wasn't true, that he'd been thinking about you when he wasn't here. that he'd been distracted because he needed to be near you to focus. That every time he said possessive things in your ear he meant it but…he wasn't going to.
"I'd tell you something in French because it's pretty, but I can't speak it. My darling, my love. it's hard to be romantic when you're choking on food"
he wasn't sure why but all this scared him, maybe it was because he was in a position that put you in danger or maybe he was afraid of what this all meant but seeing you cry like this dropped his heart Into in stomach breaking it into pieces. He never wanted to be the source of your pain, he only wanted to make everything better but here he was breaking your heart because he was scared.
"Don't cry, please don't cry. I swear I tried but I fuck up sometimes. This isn't an excuse, my pretty muse. I'm an asshole and I know it's true but I sure do give a fuck about you"
"Are you ashamed? Is that it? Does being in love with Harry Potter's sister bother you that much? No, you're a coward. you don't want others to see you with me!"
Your words were full of rage and he deserved it but this was how it had to be, to much was what it would cost and because he hadn't really experienced love he was sure it was worth the risk but he also didn't want it to end like this but telling you otherwise would light a fire in you with hope so he lied.
"yes! I'm afraid I'll look like less if I'm with you!" He said and it sounded like a script he'd rehearsed but it did the job because you felt like a bullet went through you, you were bleeding out, possibly dying.
"Say it isn't true. I'm pulling the rope because I'm in love with you. Be the one to pull it back, fight for what I tried to push back. I won't last long your love gives me a heart attack"
"Get out! And don't even come back again, I never want to see you again, don't speak to me ever again!!" You shouted slamming the door in his face and just like that it was over.
He had to hide his pain as he walked away. He didn't need people to know he was seeing you in the first place. He could hear his father now, picture all the danger this one relationship could be.
He knew if others found out they'd have a field day with the knowledge that draco malfoy was with potter's sister. Word would travel fast like fire on grass, one blade catching and passing along until the whole field burned and that would mean the other death eaters would know. then they'd force him to say where Harry was or worse tell him to trick you into trusting him enough so he could get closer to harry and then they'd want him to kill him.
He couldn't do that to you, he wouldn't.
As time went by his days seemed to be darker than before, much darker and colder than his home.
He didn't like not seeing you anymore, not breathing your air, not meeting your eyes that held a light pulling him and taking him away from all of this.
He wished it was different, pictured a life where he wasn't who he was. Just an ordinary boy without complications but maybe then none of this would have happened, there may not have ever been a him and you.
It made his heart heavy and put a pit in his belly and his throat felt closed and empty. Were you worth it? Were you worth changing everything… he knew you were but he was still just Draco Malfoy and he knew deep down that what happened between you would be the last time forever…
Or maybe it wouldn't
"I can kiss a million roses and forget which one but the reds all stay the same like our love with a claw. I've never been scared of bears because I've never seen them maul but now I know they do have claws, scratching at our love like we've attacked them all. fear not my love, it's not the end for hearts can heal again and roses may grow with new stems…"
©Sunnylands-world this belongs to me therefore you don't have the right to do anything with my work or ideas without permission.
Nice thought, reblogs, and inboxing is appreciated and motivational ❤
Draco lovers and requests
@alexxavicry, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @phildunphyisadilf
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murkycran · 5 months
Misc. Vox Fic Rec List
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Welcome to my Miscellaneous Vox Fic Rec List!
Soooo after a lot of consideration, I decided to make a third rec list. This one will be for miscellaneous fics, which can mean anything from smaller Vox pairings to fics that are not strictly Radiostatic or VoxVal. You'll see what I mean.
I will keep updating this periodically as I read more fics, too, so feel free to check back every once and a while! I'll reblog it when I update it, plus make a note with the date at the top. Trust me, this is by no means a complete list; there's fics I still want to add to this that I just haven't gotten to yet. I just decided to go ahead and post it anyways, because if I kept waiting until I ran out of fics to rec I'd probably be working on this forever.
These are not in any particular order; I'm going by both my Bookmarks list on AO3 and my memory of fics I forgot to bookmark. I also tried to make notes on what fics were written before season 1 released, but I might have missed some, so keep that in mind.
Please let me know if any links don't work or are wrong!
✨Before you proceed:✨ read the tags on these fics if you decide to read them. Many of them have heavy material - no surprise given the fandom, but still, felt like this needed said. On that note, there's also fics with explicit material and some fics are straight up PWP. Again, read at your own risk/heed the tags.
Fic Rec List Masterpost
Radiostatic Fic Rec List
Staticmoth Fic Rec List
Alastor Makes a Porno by Charnel_Goat, spappest
Summary: Alastor interrupts Val and Vox's personal time to get his rut over and done with, and they're just going to have to deal with that.
Basically, Alastor and Val try to have a threesome, but they keep arguing, everyone's injuring each other trying to figure out the logistics, and nobody cares what Vox has to say about any of this.
Notes: This has Staticmoth, Radiostatic, and Valastor. It's not strictly leaning more towards any pairing (tho Val does make a pretty sweet comment at the very beginning about Vox lol), which is why it's going on the Misc List. Porn with an edge of hilarity that - despite the tags - made it pretty funny. Three terrible people being terrible to each other. Vox suffers. Heed the tags.
He's Visual, Alright! by dead_boy
Summary: For Valentines Day, Charlotte Morningstar— Lucifer’s brat— had announced the hotel would be hosting a sweetheart poll, allowing winners to vote for the biggest ‘sweethearts’ in Pentagram City! How adorable!
— Of course, when Angel gets involved, things get a little twisted, and hell treats it as a most-fuckable-celebs poll.
Vox isn’t the only one surprised by how high he scored, and how concerning the amount of votes he received was.
But there was no way in hell this “demand” was enough to make him give into Valentino and Velvet’s newest fixation: Making use of this fame and making Vox do some modelling!
Surely he won’t mind the lingerie and toys provided by Velvet and Valentino respectively, right?
edit march 2024: i can’t believe he just won the hottest hazbin character poll. literally manifested
Notes: Poly Vees. Funny af. Vox suffers, but in a good way. Written BEFORE the hottest HH character poll, can you believe that? Lmao.
stray by vol_ctrl
Summary: How Vox met Vark. ♥
Notes: No ship. Written before season 1 release.
After the Credits Roll by leftofrevolution
Summary: Everyone knew the Magnes sometimes liked to spice up their sex life by dragging another demon into the middle of it.
Vox maybe should have paid more attention to that particular tidbit of information than he did.
Notes: Lilith/Lucifer/Vox. Chapter 1 written before season 1 release, with Chapter 2 being released after season 1 release. I read for the crackship, ended up liking the Lilith/Lucifer/Vox dynamic and world-building a LOT. Lol. Poor Vox. Or good for him? Still has yet to be seen.
The Shopping Cart Test by spappest
Summary: Angel never expected Prince Charming to have a TV for a head, but when Vox kills Valentino and saves him from his abuse, well… Maybe Hell doesn’t have to be all that bad. With Val out of the way, everyone can have a happy ending. Angel’s safe, Charlie’s happy, and even Alastor finds love.
Oh, wait. This is Hell. It’s always that bad.
Notes: Angel/Vox. Started before season 1 release. First Staticdust fic I read. :)
Hold Me Up by Sameko
Summary: Vox has been in and out of a relationship with Valentino for years. Always breaking up. Always coming back.
Then one night comes the definitive crack at the expense of one of Valentino's employees, to which Vox never paid much attention other than for shits and giggles.
One night, one word too many, might be enough to shift the perspectives of two people once strangers to each other.
Notes: Staticdust. Pretty bleak and dark at times, but so, SO good. Two broken people trying not to cut each other with their edges while also trying to help each other.
Cruel Melody by Hiding_Behind_a_Pencil_and_Pen
Summary: A man hopelessly in love with a monster, despite how much it hurts.
A person chained to a beast he can never escape, no matter how hard he tries.
Vox and Angel Dust have given their body and heart to Valentino, and neither know how to free themselves from his lies.
But maybe, even if it never gets better, they won't have to suffer alone.
What if Husk was just a little too late to get to the bar in episode four? And a certain media Overlord helped Angel instead. They find out that they're not so different after all.
Notes: As of now, I think this is Queerplatonic Staticdust.
Revelations in Technicolor by Awesome_Possum
Summary: Velvette had been dead for six years, part of The Vees for four, and fucking Vox for a little over two. They had a good thing going.
On one of their bi-weekly Vox-mandated movie nights, Valentino put a plan into motion and Velvette learned something new and surprising about her business partner and part-time sugar daddy that made a shocking amount of sense.
It ultimately ended up bringing The Vees closer and if Valentino claimed that was his intention all along, no one had any reason to believe him.
Notes: The Vees are a V and Vox is the hinge, so he's in a relationship with both Valentino and Velvette. Interesting headcanons for Vox's human life. :) (What is the ship name for Velvette/Vox again?)
System Shutdown by Swoolie
Summary: Taking a leaf from Alastor's book, Vox goes on a small break from everything.
He doesn't stick around long enough to see the chaos that ensues after his sudden disappearance.
Notes: This is tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. It's too early in the story to tell definitively which direction it's going to end up, so for now it's going to be on the Misc list. I'll probably move it when it becomes more clear what the main pairing will be.
Dapple Rose by The_Penny_Tails
Summary: Everyone always assumes the same thing about Alastor and Vox's relationship: That it's one-sided, that it's based on fixation, and that the reason for their falling out was due to the obsession turning into something that couldn't be controlled.
All of those assumptions are correct. The only problem is, everyone gets the 'who is obsessing over whom' part of the equation wrong.
When Vox and Valentino end up stuck at the hotel, suddenly the entire relationship between the radio and television is put on display, casting it and Alastor in an entirely different light.
Notes: Tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. Due to both this and the entire story itself (you'll see what I mean when you read it), it's going here on the Misc List. I freaking love this story, because so far I've not seen another fic where Alastor was obsessed with Vox while Vox was not obsessed with him in return. :3 Everything Penny_Tails writes is gold!
Here I Come by Heliosolar
Summary: Vox contemplates his lackluster life as he stands over the edge of the city.
Or, the fall of Vox, both mentally and physically.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. No ships, just Vox. Heed the tags.
Entertainment for Two by Heliosolar
Summary: With the radio demon joining them for the night, Vox puts on a show the two overlords will never forget.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Staticmoth and Radiostatic, at the same time. 😳
Proposition by Snorp_Lord
Summary: Alastor does not, strictly speaking, have a 'relationship' with the King of Hell. But they certainly have a something.
A something which does not include Vox. But Alastor is at least willing to indulge Lucifer in whatever this new idea is.
The new idea is Vox.
Notes: Contains Radiostatic, Radioapple, and Staticapple, but for this installment, Radiostatic is definitely the focus. Very intense, pretty sweet. 😳 Has 2 more parts in the series which are definitely worth the read, though they don't feature Vox as much.
meteor shower by spoondrifts
Summary: alastor, rosie, vox, and a study in non-traditional love.
Notes: QPR Alastor/Rosie/Vox. Very good! (What's the ship name for this?? Radiostaticrose?? Radiorosestatic?? Roseradiostatic?? Staticradiorose??)
spiraling down thy majesty by spoondrifts
Summary: “Okay, um, time out,” Lucifer said, because he felt like they were maybe losing the plot a little. “I feel like I should remind you that I’m not here because I was like, uh, overwhelmed with lust for you, in particular. I’m here because Husk said you were Alastor’s ex and I have poor impulse control and thought it’d be funny, but I’m realizing now that this is actually just really weird and you, my friend, have some serious issues that I am not equipped to handle.”
Or: Lucifer and Vox have a shared problem that starts with Al and ends in stor and has a in the middle—thankfully, there's a solution! (The solution is sex. It's just sex.)
Notes: Staticapple. Revenge sex. As in...they're both getting revenge on Alastor...using each other. Lol.
(Fic rec list to be continued as I read more)
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annab-nana · 9 months
Hi Anna!🥺 I have a request for your winter wonderland sleepover🥺
Scenario: told parents about SO and now you have to rope someone into it for the holiday with Eddie🥺🥺
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please i love this request sooo much!!
warnings: not proofread
❀ masterlist ❀
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that was the only question you could ask yourself as you hung up the phone.
why in the world did i do that?
why did i say that?
you had to talk this out with someone and there was only one person who could help you make sense of this. so, you got in your car and drove to the trailer park.
"hey- woah," eddie started to greet you when he opened the door, but you were on a mission, beelining it to his bedroom. he just shut the door and followed you there. when he passed through the doorway into his room, he saw you lying on your back on his bed with your hands covering your face.
being your best friend, he could normally sense if the issue at hand was a more serious one or a dramatized one. today, he was picking up the vibe that it was the latter, so he crawled into bed beside you and copied your actions.
"why are we laying here like this?" he asked out loud, his voice muffled by his own hands.
when you responded, he couldn't make out many of the words you'd said. "can you repeat that? i only got because, christmas, and parents."
you lifted your palms up off your mouth but kept your eyes hidden by your fingers. "because i'm an idiot. i didn't want my family nagging me again about not having a boyfriend yet, so i told them there is someone when there isn't so now, i have to find someone in the next two weeks or show up at my parents' house with no one and get interrogated even more so than i would've if i had just kept my mouth shut."
once done with your explanation, you let your palms drop back down over your mouth and groaned into them. your body rolled over onto your stomach and closer to eddie. he moved onto his side and brought his hand to your back.
"hey," he started softly while rubbing between your shoulder blades in a comforting manner. "i'm sure it'll work itself out. how many times have you gotten yourself into something and figured a way out? too many to count, so i don't doubt you'll do it again."
suddenly, you lifted your head out of your hands and looked at him, a mischievous glint in your eye.
"that's your not-very-good-idea face," eddie commented. "i'm a little worried."
"i don't know what you're talking about. i only come up with great ideas and i've got another right now. but, it'll take some convincing."
"just spit it out already."
"you love me, don't you, eddie?"
"okay, now you're scaring me."
"well, i was thinking you could step in and be my fake boyfriend for the holidays, just to get my family off my back, you know. you don't have to kiss me or anything. at most, you'll have to hold my hand or kiss my forehead or be close to me. but, it's perfect because you know me so well already. we'll just have to come up with a backstory. eddie, i'll do whatever to make it up to you whether that be do your laundry, help with d and d stuff, do your homework, whatever, but pleas-"
eddie cut you off. "i'll do it."
you weren't expecting it to be that easy. "really?"
"yeah, why not? wayne's working on christmas so i'm free anyway and based on the stories you tell, i've always wanted to meet your uncle charlie. i get something to do on christmas and get to hang with my best friend. i would've said yes before the whole speech, but now that i know i can get some stuff out of you, i might cash in some of those favors later."
you jumped to wrap your arms around him. "oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, eddie! you don't know how much a relief this is."
"yeah," eddie spoke, trying to ignore the way his heart was racing. that was the one thing he forgot about before agreeing to this whole thing. it was going to be hard to keep his crush on you hidden, but for you, he would risk it all. "no problem."
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remember to support writers & reblog :)
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spasmsofthought · 7 months
currents swept you out (high tide came and brought you in) [shang-chi x fem!reader]
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Almost a year later, but the muse came. (Sorry but also not sorry! xo)
I love all the melancholy and weight in Shang-chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. It's something I tried to explore here but I'm (of course) unsure if that was conveyed well.
Also shoutout to the sweet anon who asked about a part 2 to i'll be getting over you my who life many months ago! It kept some of my motivation for this up and kept me from deleting the draft.
Anyways, I love Shang-Chi and I would love to see more writing for him!!!
Please like, comment, and reblog! xo
You think you catch glimpses of him throughout the years. A mirage of his figure around the corner, in a shadowed hallway. When you lay outside among the trees, you swear you see a vision of his face as the sun shines down on you. In the brief moments where the quiet becomes too much at the compound, you glance over your shoulder to see if he’s waiting for you, like he did before when you would sneak around for a quick word or a forbidden touch.
But Shang-qi is not there anymore, not here at all, and you don’t see him anywhere. He feels everywhere but you also know he is nowhere you can reach. Nowhere you can go. He cannot appear to you, even when that’s the only thing you want.
He is a ghost that lingers, but he is a ghost nonetheless.
And when you finally escape the compound and head for Ta Lo, you resolve to leave his ghost where it belongs: in the past.
You aren’t expecting to see Shang-qi in Ta Lo when he finally comes. You aren’t expecting to see him at all. Nan had told you that they had prepared for both his and Xialing’s arrival, but you doubted that he would ever come.
You are not even part of the welcoming group when his company rolls up in the car. First treated as a hostile group, then welcome like family. Your duties keep you physically away but the longing in your heart pulls at you no matter the distance you happen to keep from Shang-qi or Xialing.
You long to see his face, to watch as his eyes light with recognition (if, in fact, he did remember you at all). An ache deepens, and the pulling in your heart becomes slightly painful. You decide you don’t know what will be worse: living with the pain in your heart and leaving him alone or being in his presence after fifteen years of absence and wondering and grief.
When you feel your heart has gathered enough courage, you go to find him. Though the scenery is much different, for a moment you are reminded of when you would look for him at just fourteen years old, willing to risk what felt like it all at the time just to see him transiently.
The teenage love you for him that felt so all-consuming now just makes you feel forlorn.
You sit down next to him and greet him, "Shang-qi."
He turns his face and looks at you. It takes a second but there is a little surprise amidst his recognition. There is something else, too, something deeper. Something that you may not have words for but you understand all the same. A tenderness and vulnerability is there, but also shadows and fog. The rawness of what he felt fifteen years ago has dimmed with age and grief
"It was a long time ago when we last saw each other..."
"I didn't even know if you were still alive." He shakes his head and clasps his hands together on his lap.
"I found my own way," You smile, leaning in to his space before retreating.
There is a brief silence that elapses. One filled with a strange, awkward sense of peace. Or maybe comfort.
"I have heard you are trying to find your own."
"That's one way of putting it." His brow furrows and his eyes take on a different kind of shine. It's not as light as it was.
There is a gap of fifteen years in which you both lived without each other. Whatever innocent little thing you shared with him before he left to make another life for himself has been overshadowed and forgotten for things far more substantial.
For a moment the teenage girl in your heart cries. She wonders if you will ever know his lips on yours or his hands in your hair or a smile meant only for you. It is all she has ever wanted. Adult you, however, knows that the chasm between then and now is something that may not ever be able to be bridged between the two of you. And though Shang-qi is sitting beside you now, you recognize that you may never get to find what was lost so suddenly fifteen years ago.
Shang-qi may never stop being a ghost that haunts all your what-ifs and maybes.
“You were so heavy,” Your hands close around his. “So hard. Brittle. When I was younger, until you left the compound, all I wanted was to help you bear your burdens, but I know now that you wouldn’t have let me. If I asked you now, I think you still wouldn’t let me.”
Shang-qi doesn’t say anything, but you can tell from his eyes that he’s listening. He’s always listening. But his muscles are still tense, his shoulders tight. Still listening but withholding at the same time. Always withholding.
“I know I can’t solve this for you — whatever it is you are trying to fix. I can’t do any of this for you; you must do it for yourself,” You remove your hands from their place over his and expel a deep breath. “But I hope you know you can lay some of what you carry down.”
It is still quiet when you stand from your seated position next to him, but the quiet has transformed. It’s no longer peaceful for comfortable or familiar, but solemn and weighty. No matter how much you may wish to, you cannot untangle Shang-qi’s knots for him. You cannot bridge the gap between the present and past for the both of you. You can only decide to do it for yourself and and hope that he meets you halfway.
“Shang-qi,” It takes a moment, but he tilts his head up and his eyes meet yours, “I know who you are. I’ve never forgotten. But you seem to have, and what we — I — want is for you to remember.”
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greypetrel · 1 year
Hi! You don’t need to post this if you don’t want, but I saw the response to that comic you had before you deleted it, and wanted to reassure you that there was no way to interpret your comic as making fun of the atomic bomb. I think the other commenter may have been confused and thought that any mention of the Oppenheimer movie was an issue?
Hi noonie, thank you for reaching out!
Replying the next morning because yesterday it was extremely late and I tried to get some sleep.
Thank you for the assurance, I indeed think I accidentally stepped on ground that was made delicate and hurtful by the whole thread without realising.
My ignorance doesn't justify me or make what I wrote less hurtful, still. But it's gone now, so no more people will get upset, I won't engage anymore in trends I know nothing of thinking I act outside the chorus when I'm not, the topic is problematic as a whole, let's not risk again to hurt other people.
... Or at least, I hope it's that, and that it wasn't the summit of many things I drew and said that caused some hurt without me realising. I sincerely hope they weren't there brooding over my content and reacted at the Nth problematic one. (but that's my anxiety speaking... Or so I hope)
I would just like to add any further that if I reacted a little harshly, it was just because I felt accused out of the blue in a modality (a comment under a post) that really makes me unconfortable. It was the first time I interacted with that person and not being given even the benefit of the doubt... I don't blame them, they were hurt. I could surely have reacted better than I did with a person that i don't know and who doesn't know me and I'm sorry.
I'll stop before I start justifying every single thing I ever did or choice I made.
To make this useful for everyone, just some notes under the cut if they may be useful to clarify some things about me and my behaviour on socials.
Thank you for your kind words, noonie, really! And sorry if this comes out as terribly long and wordy. I'm not the best with anons, I'd reply privately if I could. But since this is public anyway, I'm trying to get some good for everyone and hopefully help avoiding further miscommunications.
This blog is for my art and writing. I reblog DA stuff here because there are people following me here from the fandom.
All other topics are reblogged on my sideblog @stridingcorgi.
I don't talk about stuff if I don't have anything constructive to say or a fully formed opinion of. It doesn't mean I don't like to read about it, even if the opinion is the opposite of mine.
I actually love to hear different opinions! Please, tell me when your opinion differ from mine! I loved shivunin's Your Fate For Mine... And Solas is definitely an antagonistic figure there, I loved seeing that take! Unironically, even if I like to write him differently.
(and just to clarify further: I love Vivienne. She's one of the most complex and nuanced characters in DAI. I don't write her because I never played her -yet- at high approval and I know I'm missing a lot of her characterisation. I won't just mock other people's takes on her before having first-hand experience in game, that's all. Take this for every character you don't see me writing about.)
If I say or do something that hurts you: please, by all means, tell me. I have no problems editing or deleting posts, and I have zero issues apologising.
All I ask is, please: some politeness. I am a person and I'm trying, if there's something hurtful for you assume I apologise in advance, I didn't do it on purpose. Does it minimise the hurt you're feeling? NO, at all. But rest assure that I wasn't aiming at you, there wasn't any malevolence, there's no need to attack.
Just, since I have my idiosinchrasies (again: Anxiety Disorder): if you can, please reach out to me in private. Message me and let's discuss it there! If you want explanations I can give them, and if you don't that's perfectly fine, I'll apologise and fix my mess without you having to explain why. Hurt is hurt, whether I see why or not. Just a "Hey that post hurt me can you edit this or delete the whole of it?" will do.
I just... Don't like much discussing these things in public, PARTICULARLY in places I have a limit of characters. My first reaction is explaining my thought and what I did, because getting why people acts some way I find offensive helps me cope with it and accept it better. The character limit deprives me of the chance and makes me feel anxious.
My anon asks are open until I have a reason to close them.
I will tell you that I had bad experiences with anons... And my tolerance for them is lower than other people's. It has nothing to do with this story, but just so you all know.
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ghostlygeto · 2 years
and and levi saying 14? please😞 i’m being greedy i’m sorry
so greedy in fact it took me a whole month to write it. all jokes aside sorry it took me so long. i rewrote it like four times and i’m still not crazy happy with the beginning BUT it’s cute and funny :’)
pairing: levi ackerman x reader
warnings: reader almost dying, levi to the rescue, it’s not really angst or anything but i’ll classify it as that anyway.
wc: 520
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14. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."
You could feel your entire body shaking, trying to hold your breath and keep quiet. You knew there was a titan a few hundred feet behind you. That's why you instructed your team to go ahead without you, you'd meet up with them soon.
But you wouldn't be able to meet up with them, because you had run out of gas in your ODM gear. This left you with no way to get out of your current situation aside from hoping the titan didn't find you. Which was unlikely, titans always seemed to find even the best hiders. And currently your only cover was a root of the large tree that barely covered your whole body.
The ground shook as the titan grew closer. You began muttering to yourself, apologizing out loud for every wrong you have ever done. Hoping, begging, somehow something would happen that would save your life. You aren't ready to die, not even close. You still had so much to do, so much to say to people. This couldn't be it.
"y/n!" Your eyes shot up, and like the miracle he is, Levi was shooting towards the titan in his gear, "Run! I'll kill this thing!" Without being told twice, you found yourself on your feet and running straight forward. Legs shaking with the bounce of the ground as the titan chased after you faster than he was moving before.
The titan came tumbling down, the weight of it's fall causing you to fall down as well. You were out of breath, your limbs felt numb, and you had only realized you were crying because of the droplets making the ground below you wet as well. You rolled over onto your back, attempting to calm yourself down. You haven't had a scare like that in years. Frankly, you could have gone the rest of your life without experiencing another one.
You finally opened your eyes when you could feel Levi kneeling next to you, annoyed look on his face. "Why didn't you have your team send for help? You almost died."
"But I didn't," You gave a dry laugh, tears slowing down now. "I didn't want them to risk their lives trying to save me. I'd rather I die than them, anyway."
Levi clicked his tongue, annoyed. "You knew as soon as they arrived without you I'd come looking. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, y/n." His annoyed look fell for a second to show one of compassion, a reminder that your lover wasn't as tough as he always appeared to be. "I wouldn't know what to do if you died, y'know? I'd be lost without you."
"And I, you, Levi." You put your hand on his face, leaving a smudge of dirt in it's place when you moved it. "Let's go, now. I'm pretty sure I pissed my pants."
Levi made a face of disgust, helping you stand. "You can walk back, then. I don't want to carry you in your piss-pants." But he laughed afterwards, showing you the smile you cherished more than anything. "C'mon. There's a fresh change of clothes waiting for you at the wall."
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hurt/comfort prompt list
comments, requests, reblogs n liked appreciated! <3
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wwinterwitch · 3 years
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IM NOT DOING WELL THE NEW OBI WAN SHOW HAS A RELEASE DATE I– the way I almost died when I saw the show has a date now. Anyway, I just HAD to search through my half-done obi fics and post one to celebrate (tho the story I decided to post is very sad but it was the best one I got). I really hope you enjoy!
gif is not mine, if you know who it belongs to please let me know to credit them!!
summary: you confess your true feelings to obi-wan and things don't go as you expected
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x ex-sith-now-padawan!gn!reader
word count: 1.9K
warnings: age difference (reader is +18), angst, heartbreak, reader gets rejected
a reblog would be very much appreciated!
You could hear footsteps approaching, turning around just in time to see Obi-Wan walking into the balcony and heading towards you, standing next to you in complete silence. You eyed him for a few seconds as the man stared ahead, contemplating the beautiful sunset. In this light, he looked absolutely stunning. At that moment you find it incredibly hard to look away, almost hypnotized by him, struggling very hard not to open your mouth and confess to him just how good he looked right now.
Even when you knew this was wrong, you can't help but feel like this. Knowing the two of you made an oath not easy to break. Knowing what you feels is strictly forbidden. However, you've come to find yourself not caring much about your promise to the Jedi Order. The risk of getting caught and expelled suddenly didn't matter. Nothing does, really. You only care about him now.
Obi-Wan eventually turned to face you, making you almost obligated to act like you weren't staring at him ever since he walked towards you, but it was clear that the man has noticed. He didn't seem to care though, which was relieving.
"Master Plo want me to take the trials," you eventually said, just as an excuse to start a conversation and avoid being silent. You needed something to distract yourself from the conflicting thoughts clouding your mind.
"You'll do great, no doubt," he replied, though quickly sensed some doubt in you. "That is if you want to go through with it?"
You were confused by his question at first, until you figured he must've felt something was wrong. He probably thought the conflict inside you had to do with the trials, unaware that he is the only one to blame for the overflow of emotions inside you.
"Of course! It's an honor that my Master thinks I'm ready, it's just...well, I still don't want to fully believe there's an actual opportunity for me. If you haven't noticed, the Council kinda hates me."
Obi-Wan couldn't hold back his laughter. "No one in the Council hates you."
"Oh, sure. Master Windu looks at me as if he's expecting me to explode any second. I don't want to get my hopes up just yet."
"Well, you can always count on Master Plo to speak on your behalf," he commented to try to make you feel better. He's almost certain that Master Windu will try to oppose to the idea of you taking the trials, but he highly doubts anyone else in the council would deny you the chance. "And I'll try to help him if anyone else tries to argue."
You smiled, knowing you shouldn't think of this as nothing more than the words of a friend trying to help. However, you couldn't help but fabricate a deeper meaning to his intentions, which really didn't help to let go of your feelings for him. Was that even possible at this point? "Thank you, Master. Your support really means a lot to me."
Obi-Wan smiled back, putting a hand on your arm as a simple gesture of friendly affection. Or so you told yourself, trying very desperately to believe it. "It's nothing, young one. I'm glad to be able to help."
You looked up at him and his eyes looked more beautiful than ever in this light, the last rays of sunshine bathing over his features and making it that much harder to look away. His hand was gently gripping your arm for longer than you'd expected and his proximity was driving you insane, though he still wasn't as close as you would like him to be. And you knew she couldn't do anything about that– you shouldn't do anything about that.
He stood quiet for a few seconds, apparently as analytic of the situation as you. Knowing he should probably let go, but he didn't. Instead, his hand slowly travelled down your arm until his fingers brushed against yours in a gentle, careful move. Though the gesture was a complete surprise, you wasted no time to let him know you wanted this contact as much as him, reaching slightly to grab his hand. Then, as you took his hand, you felt it. The force around the two of you. It took you just a few seconds to figure out what he was trying to do.
"Stop it," you warned calmly.
"I'm not doing anything," he lied, a soft grin appearing on his face. Of course he would get caught as soon as he tried. If he wanted to, he could've break the barriers of your mind with ease and have complete access to what you were thinking without you realizing about it, but he didn't want to do that. He didn't want to see anything you didn't want to willingly share with him.
"You're trying to get inside my head. I don't like it."
"I apologize," replied Obi-Wan almost immediately. "I'm just...I'm trying to understand."
"Understand what?"
It took him a little to find an answer. "Anything."
He didn't need to elaborate, because you knew what he meant almost instantly, feeling your face warm up just slightly at the realization of what he was hinting at. "Haven't I been obvious enough?" you dared to ask, feeling your heart beating faster than ever before.
Obi-Wan looked slightly taken aback by your answer. He was choosing his next words and moves very carefully, not really knowing what to do now.
Both of you have been trying to avoid this, tiptoeing very carefully around the topic neither dared to directly address, secretly hoping for the other to feel the same. You never found the right time to talk about it and even if one of you did, you would've probably had a hard time trying to come up with the right words to ask.
And yes, you both avoided talking about your feelings because you didn't know hoe you talk about them, but also because is entirely forbidden. It's dangerous to allow yourselves to care so deeply about one another and risk forming an attachment.
But it is just so hard not to think about it. And although there is no way this could ever work between you, it seems like neither cared at that point, far too comfortable with their new found proximity. Right now, words weren't nearly as good enough. Perhaps you could allow him to read your thoughts and confirm everything by himself, but that didn't sound right either. You wanted to show him exactly how much you need him.
Still holding one of his hands, you moved your available hand up to his chest at the same time as you started to lean closer to him. Obi-Wan quickly guessed your intentions and, for some reason, didn't try to stop you.
He wanted you. Badly. It was a sensation and a longing he knows he shouldn't be feeling. Your presence was intoxicating, and you had managed to bring so much darkness out of him. Obi-Wan knew this was wrong, that he should stop thinking about you in that way. As the Jedi Master he has become, he should know better than to allow himself to feel this way. To let his selfishness and needs get the best of him. To be so vulnerable. He should push you away and tell you that this will never happen because it will create problems. He should do many things, but it was very difficult to resist you.
However, with the very last sense of self control he had left, Obi-Wan eventually took a step back.
"I– we can't..." he mutters, much to your disappointment.
He watched you stand there in complete silence for a few seconds. He's right, but...
"Are you afraid, Master?"
"Fear leads to the Dark Side, young one," he quickly replied, hesitating before continuing. "So is this."
"I– I don't understand," you sigh, frustrated. "How is this wrong?"
"Don't ask when you already know the answer."
"I only know what we've been told," you quickly argued, growing impatient. "I'm asking because I want to know your answer."
He looked hopeless at this point. It was very hard to follow the rules when his entire body was screaming for him not to. "We made a promise."
You noticed how troubled he was and that gave you hope. Obi-Wan was conflicted, because he wants this just as badly as you "I know. And I also know that you're just repeating what others have told you is right. That's not how you really feel."
"Don't make this more complicated than it should be. We made an oath to the Order and we cannot break it. And I...this– this is forbidden. If the Council ever finds out we..." he quickly cuts himself off, having too much thoughts inside his head to come up with the right word for what was on his mind. "We..."
"You still haven't answered my question, Obi-Wan."
Perhaps he really had no other excuse to push this confrontation away, or maybe it was the fact that you just called him by his name for the very first time that finally got him to talk.
"I can't deny there's...something," he started, looking more nervous and lost than you have ever seen him since you met him. "I've tried to ignore it, but it just won't get out of my head. You won't get out of my head. And I don't know what to do anymore. When you're around, it's almost as if I can't focus on anything or anyone else but you. But it is forbidden to form attachments, we both know that. Selfish desires lead to the Dark Side."
"But that's what they want us to believe!" you quickly argued. "Caring for someone else shouldn't be a bad thing, Master. Yes, it can sometimes be seen as a weakness, but it can also be someone's biggest strength. If you just let me show you–"
"We can't," Obi-Wan cuts you off, sounding harsher than before, though the pain of having to push you away was evident in his eyes. "I'd like to, but it's impossible. We cannot go down this path and it's best for the both of us to stop this now before it escalates."
In that moment, he wished for things to be different. He wished for the two of you to have lived completely different lives and meet then, in a reality when he could actually give this a chance.
You were hurt, obviously, but your pain slowly transitioned into pure rage. You were so angry at him for being so...so weak. How could he claim to be such a great Jedi when he's so terrified of his own feelings? To try to excuse his fears by claiming it's impossible when there's clearly a choice? He allowed you to make a complete fool of yourself just so he could brutally reject you immediately after. Building an empty expectation just so he could see you crumble to the ground and laugh at the scene. You haven't feel this much anger since...
"I'm sorry," he says after getting no answer from you.
You didn't even bother anymore, choosing not to say anything back. Why trying to argue when he has clearly make up his mind? And how were you so foolish to believe he would ever chose you over your stupid Jedi Code? You could never be good enough for him to even try.
Instead of embarrassing yourself any further, you just walked away, not standing his presence any longer. Obi-Wan didn't try stop you.
This went far worse than you would've ever expected.
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stuckysdaughter · 3 years
Kinktober 2021
Day 17 - Breast Worship with Aleksander
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Summary: You're helping the General strategize, and he gets distracted. A little blurb of why, and how he solves his dilemma.
TW: 18+, explicit, smut, language
Tagging: @eginv-blog @rachlovesactors
You were training when you caught his eye. He admired your silent strength, and how you carried yourself with pride. You didn't let bigger Grisha get the best of you, and if by chance you did lose, you were graceful and dignified. He asked you to dinner a week ago, and you had gladly accepted. Since then, you and he developed some sort of a relationship, although what you weren't sure. You talked fairly often, seeming to find comfort doing your work in a shared space. Tonight, you were helping him strategize, offering another set of eyes to catch what Aleksander might miss.
He was sitting in a chair at his desk, you behind his shoulder. You were leaning over him, and it was so fucking distracting. Aleksander could barely focus, your scented perfume filling his nose. You looked exceptionally beautiful tonight, and it didn't help that at this angle, he had a perfect look down your shirt.
If Aleksander had to pick a favorite part of your body, it would be your breasts. They were perfect, just the right size for your body, and they looked so good bouncing up and down when he fucked you. He loved your intelligence and your caring above anything else, but if he had to pick something physical about you, that would be it.
"I think we send them around the mountains, by the Fjerdan border. We run the risk of druskelle, but I think it's better than trying to scale the mountain range. What do you think?"
If he was honest, he didn't catch a word you just said. You could have said to surrender and all jump off a cliff for all he knew, so he just hummed in approval. He trusted that you thought of something smart anyway.
You caught him though, not fooled for an instant. "Aleks, everything ok? You seem a little... spaced out."
"Yeah, I'm just fine. That sounds like a good course of action."
You shifted, putting a hand on his shoulder, and turning your head to look at him. He looked up, and your eyebrow was quirked in questioning. Saints, you were beautiful. He was lost in your Y/EC eyes, and he did the only thing he could think of. He stood up, and cupped your face, kissing you. You gladly reciprocated, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He tugged at your shirt, and you helped him lift it over your head. At the sight of your lacy black bra, his breath caught in his throat. He cupped both breasts, gently squeezing them.
"Did you wear this just for me?" You nodded, a faint smile across your lips.
He dipped his head, kissing the space between your breasts. Your hands moved to his hair, causing Aleks to smirk up at you. Continuing to squeeze one breast, he flicked your other nipple before licking it. He sucked on it, and you let out a low moan. He repeated the action on your other breast, switching his attention to the other side.
"Fuck, Y/N, you're so beautiful. Your breasts are so fucking sexy, Y/N, saints."
He continued to pay more attention to your chest that night, absolutely entranced by the soft flesh. You would have never guessed that the great General Aleksander Kirigan would have a breast kink, but now there was no denying it. That was his favorite body part of yours, and he wasn't sharing them with anyone.
Author's Notes: Ok, this one was a little short, sorry. Things got busy, and I didn't really know where to take this one. I have hope that at least the next one will be better. If you liked the fic, please like, reblog, and comment. If you want to send in a request and/or be added to the taglist, send me a message and I'll get right on it. I love you all so much! - Butterfly
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imagininghim · 2 years
If you love me, let me go
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A/N: This is my first ever Billy Loomis imagine and it is going to be one that rips your heart out and slams it on the ground or at least that is what I am aiming for. This is intended to be a two parter (or more) if there is enough interest!
I am glad to announce to those that are unaware that I now write for Scream (1996) and I am accepting requests!
If you love my work, please like, comment and reblog!
Please DO NOT copy my work or post it elsewhere without my permission.
Ghost!Billy Loomis x Fem!Reader and a little bit of Stu
TW: Mentions of death and murder, swearing and depression. If I forgot any, please let me know and I will add them.
I do not condone any of the actions that may be written in this fanfic (such as murder, etc...) This is strictly for fictional reading pleasure.
Please read at your own risk.
Synopsis: ~ The reader is Billy and Stu's best friends, with a secret love and devotion for Billy. On the night of the attempted murder of Sydney, the reader is working late when she receives the call that they were murdered in an act of self defence. Five years later, the reader moves into the old Macher resident and discovers not all things have stayed buried in the little town of Woodsboro. ~
I was at work when I got the call that changed my life.
Heartbroken, I fell to my knees as a sob ripped its way through my chest.
Billy and Stu were dead.
~~Earlier that day ~~
"Enjoy your movies and have a great day!" I said with a smile, waving at the customer as they left.
"Well, well, well." I looked back as a smile rose across my face. "If it isn't our favourite little video store employee." Stu said, leaning on the counter with his head in his hands with Billy standing behind him looking around.
"If it isn't my two favourite boys, what are you guys doing here?" I questioned looking at Stu before glancing back at Billy. I began to take note that he seemed more distant than usual.
"Oh you know, renting some movies tonight for the party?" Stu said laying Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Friday the 13th onto the counter.
"A party, huh?" I began with a smirk. "I don't remember being invited to a party?" Before Stu could speak up, Randy appeared by my side.
"Did someone say party? I'm always ready for a party!"
"Of course you are, dickwad but I don't think I was talking to you." Randy put his hands up in defence.
"Alright, I get it. You want your alone time with (Y/N) but if you're having a party expect to see me there." And with that Randy walked away.
"As you were saying." I said continuing to ring him up, out of the corner of my I watched Billy talk to some of the girls from our school, they were giggling and laughing whatever he was saying, I could feel jealousy rising up in me. Stu took note that I was no longer paying attention to him as he followed my eye sight to Billy.
"I see you still haven't told him how you felt."
"What's the point? He'll never feel the same and we're better off as friends anyway. By the way, that'll be $3.75." Stu handed me the cash before leaning over the counter to whisper in my ear.
"Trust me, you two are better off as more than friends, you can cut the sexual tension with a knife between you two." He said pulling away and making a cutting motion with his hand.
"Oh, shut up!" With that Billy reappeared by Stu's side.
"What did he do now?" He questioned looking between Stu and I.
"Nothing, I'm just telling (Y/N) I better see her beautiful face at my party tonight when she gets off." Billy nodded looking back at me.
"I wish I could, but I promised I would stay late and help set up the new displays for the second Nightmare on Elm Street movie." Billy and Stu both gave me a frown as I let out a sigh. "Fine, if it's not too late by the time I leave here, I will try to make an appearance."
"I'll be looking forward to seeing you tonight." Billy said with a smile before making his way out of the store, Stu following closely behind making pretend kissy faces at me. I threw up the middle finger at him as the door closed behind him.
"What do you even see in them?" Randy questioned reappearing behind me.
"A lot more, then I do in you." I said walking away as he gave me a look of disbelief.
Later that evening, I had just finished doing up the new displays. Looking at the clock, it read '3:31 AM'. It would be too late for me to head over to Stu's now, I was taken out of my thought's by my boss coming over.
"(Y/N), I am going to take off now! Please ensure you get home safely and lock up after you leave!" I nodded in agreement, wishing him a good night.
Finishing up my work, I grabbed my hoodie and purse before making sure I had everything. As I was about to head for the door, the phone rang.
"Who the hell is calling this late?" I muttered to myself, making my way to the phone. As I picked it up, I could hear the faint sound of sirens.
"Hello?" I felt my anxiety begin to rise.
"(Y/N)?!" It was Randy.
"Randy, what's going on?! Are you okay?! I hear sirens!" I questioned in a panic.
"(Y/N), I'm fine. I was just shot in the shou-"
"You were shot?! By who?!" I cut him off, pacing back and forth as he tried to explain.
"Listen, I'll explain everything but right now, I need to tell you something." I stoped mid-pace.
"What?" I heard him sigh on the other end.
"It's Billy and Stu." I could hear my heart beating faster as he continued. "They're dead, they were ghostface. They killed Casey, Steve and Tatum..." Randy went on but I had stopped listening. I didn't realize but I had dropped the phone and began to fall to my knees.
My two best friends.
The love of my life.
~~ Time skip: ~~
It had been five years since the murders had happened and everyone had pretty much moved on.
That is, everyone but you.
Coming to a stop, I looked up at the vacant home. From what the realtor had told you, it hadn't been lived in since 96'
261 Turner Lane.
The infamous Woodsboro murder house. Where Billy Loomis and Stu Macher's story had come to an conclusion.
After the murder's took place, the Macher's packed up and sold their home before moving out of Woodsboro for good.
The house had never sold, it stayed vacant. No one wanted to live in the murder house where all that tragedy had been bestowed by two high school teenagers.
Some people would claim the house was haunted, they would say they seen a light turn on or someone standing in the window but there was no actual truth to it. Just a ghost story for people to tell around the campfire.
No one would risk going near the house, not even on a dare.
Since that unfaithful night in 1996, the house was never lived in.
Until now.
Shutting the engine off in your car, you removed the key and opened the door before closing it behind you.
Taking a deep breath, I made my way up the driveway and to the front door. Putting my key into the door, I twisted the handle and opened the door.
Silence and darkness surrounded me as I made my way into the house. I reached out into the darkness looking for a light switch when I heard my name being called.
My stomach dropped, I felt my fingers graze the light switch before flicking it on to reveal that there was nobody there.
"Hello, is anybody there?" I yelled out, looking around. When no one responded, I let out a sigh and closed the door behind me. The place hadn't changed, I walked into the living room and looked around.
I could feel as if someone was watching but when I turned there was nobody there. I tried shaking off the feeling as I made my way into the kitchen.
~~ Billy's POV: ~~
"You think with being dead and all, there would be a lot more we could do." Stu said, sitting against the wall in the hall.
"Yeah, I sup-" But before I could respond, the sound of the door being opened caught our attention.
"Look Billy man! Some fresh meat we can scare." Stu said hoping up from the ground and coming to stand beside me.
"About time." We watched intently as the figure moved further into the house until we could see who they were.
"Billy, is that who I think it is?" Stu questioned never taking his eyes off of her.
"(Y/N)..." We watched as she looked around frightened, looking around she found the light switch and turned it on.
"Hello, is anybody there?" She questioned.
"Billy, man! She heard you!" Stu whispered shouted.
"Fuck, what is she doing here?" I questioned. Stu and I followed her into the living room, as she looked around, eventually she turned around as if she could see us but shrugged it off and made her way through the rest of the house.
"I don't know man, but maybe she came back for us." Stu said leaning against the counter, looking back at me.
"What the fuck does that mean? How can she come back for us? We're dead." I stared at him in confusion.
"I don't know, maybe she can see dead people." Stu said trying to make light of the situation. I scoffed at him as his mood changed from happy to annoyed. "Look man, we've been stuck in this hell hole forever now. We haven't seen her since that night, there has to be a reason she's back." He said, continuing to follow her. (Y/N) made her way to the hall before heading up the stairs.
Looking up at the stairs, I glanced back over at Stu.
"I guess we're just going to have to find out, aren't we." Stu looked at me with his big goofy grin before taking off after her as I followed closely behind.
~~ Time skip: ~~
(Y/N) had been here for a little over two weeks now and from what we could tell, she had moved in. We watched her intently and every little thing she would do.
When she would fall asleep reading, Stu and I would tuck her in and make sure she was safe and sound. We would
We looked around at some of the things she kept, and the photos she hung on the wall of family and friends. It wasn't until one night that we were watching her sleep peacefully that we noticed a framed picture on her nightstand that hadn't been there before.
Walking over to it, I picked it up and began to examine it.
It had been a picture of the three of us, taken in this very house. Stu was laid across our laps with a goofy grin while (Y/N) and I were sat together laughing, while trying to hold him up.
For a moment, I swear my cold dead heart skipped a beat.
"Watcha looking at?" Stu said coming to stand over my shoulder to examine the photo. "Oh shit! I remember this!" He said, laughing to himself at the memory. I looked down at her sleeping form, thinking back to all the good times we had. "Earth to Billy." He said snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"What?" I broke from my thoughts and turned to Stu, but before he could respond he was cut off by someone else.
"B-Billy? Stu? Is that you?" Stu and I turned around to see (Y/N) sitting up in bed with a confused and frightened look on her face.
"(Y/N)? You can see us?" Stu questioned, almost immediately she get up from her bed and made her way over to us.
"I can but I thought... I thought you were dead." She stated with a hint of sadness behind her (Y/E/C) eyes.
"We are." I muttered as she turned to look at me.
"Is this a dream?" Reaching up her hands, she pressed one to my cheek and the other to Stu's. I could feel her warmth against my cold skin. "Because if it is, I don't wanna wake up." Whispering the last part, she pulled us into a hug.
We stood there for a moment, just holding her until she pulled away.
"I've missed you guys so much."
"We've missed you too." Stu said with a smile.
"So boys, I have a question for you." We both nodded, intrigued about what she was going to ask us. With a sarcastic smile, she asked her question.
"When were you planning on telling me you were masked fucking murders?"
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