#anyway it was really annoying and i think that much sickness so close took a lot out of me
imeminemp3 · 2 years
i still can't believe this winter i had a cold then a couple weeks later i had the flu and then following that i had mild tonsilitis like... the past 2 years in lockdown i obviously didn't get sick and then i was just hit with all of those all at once
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mosaickiwi · 3 months
Little "Love" Notes
Angel should really tell someone if they think somebody’s breaking in but instead they do… this? For some reason.
very good idea
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
Quiet and quick as could be, [REDACTED] slowly opened your window by the fire escape. He climbed in carefully, a little astonished that you still weren’t bothering to lock it after all these months. Their boots hardly made a sound as he took practiced steps over the hardwood floor of your apartment and headed straight to the kitchen. He didn’t need to see to know which floorboards would creak or groan underfoot.
Just as they expected, the usual sight that had him even more excited to go on his now almost nightly break-ins was there to greet him. A handful of hastily scrawled, bright pink sticky notes were slapped across various surfaces.
At some point or another you'd gotten sick of things going missing. Sure, most of them turned up after a while—and always right where you thought you'd left them—but even still it annoyed you. So you started leaving silly messages for your supposed burglar. He chose to read them as love notes.
“Don't take anything in here you BITCH I'll be so mad!!” screamed one from its place on a kitchen cabinet. Your writing there was a little illegible from how fast you surely wrote it, but he found it endearing.
Another, on the side of some faded plastic-ware read, “I made these cookies for a friend but a lot of them came out wrong. You may have the burnt ones.”
“Give that ugly red shirt back it doesn't belong to me.” That was the last one he could find in the room for now, left on top of the counter next to the notepad and pen you always used.
As much as he wished to, the hacker usually didn’t respond for fear of confirming your needless worries. They'd never want to harm you like a real burglar. But he always followed the instructions when he could. And he could do some of those tonight.
Since you'd so nicely asked, he left the bottom cabinet alone. They already knew what you kept in there anyway. He wouldn’t tell a soul.
He took a few burnt cookies out of the container left on the counter—not enough that you'd notice. Some to eat once he left, and one to keep. It was another thing you offered up to him, after all. 
But the sorry excuse of a shirt that your (worst) childhood friend had left behind was long gone. [REDACTED] had already given it a much needed vacation to the bottom of Lake Bluemoss, along with some other items that Leon had dared to leave among your belongings.
With the notes in the kitchen mostly taken care of, he set off towards your laundry closet. Only to find the small sliding door in the hallway closed shut with a note of its own smack dab in the middle. 
“Please don't take my comfy clothes anymore :c I know you always give them back but it'll be getting cold soon!! You don’t want me freezing in the middle of the night, do you? Won't you forgive me? Pretty please? ♥ ♥”
Mind going a mile a minute, [REDACTED] had to read your beautiful handwriting again and again as if decoding a different language. Those tiny, black inked hearts at the end of the note were all he could understand in the moment. Your sweetly written, pleading love letter finally sunk in once he managed to shake away the haze you’d unknowingly swept him into.
This one was a risk that he was willing to take. Of course they wanted you to be comfortable. He gently peeled the note off so it wouldn’t tear, and folded it away to tuck into his jeans.
Then, the dark haired man began to tug his favorite hoodie up and over his shoulders.
You lazily pulled the folding door open in search of a blanket. It was just a little bit colder for some reason when you woke up this morning, so you needed something to keep you cozy while you waited for Violet to come over later that afternoon. You reached up to the middle shelf where you normally kept extra blankets, but something just below it caught your eye.
A huge, black hoodie sat folded on top of the pile of clean towels you forgot to take care of days ago.
You didn't recognize it, but it had to belong to one of your friends, right? They all formed a habit of leaving stuff with you once you moved back to town. Jae still hadn’t picked up the roller skates he got for Maple—they were only used the one time.
Ignoring the blanket you meant to grab, you picked up the hoodie and slipped it on. The giant thing practically swallowed you, sleeves enveloping your hands and the hem falling well past your hips. The garish horror design that decorated its front didn't seem to be anything your friends were into, either.
But it was warmer than you thought possible. Plus, it smelled nice, like cherries and a little familiar comfort of something you couldn't place. Whoever it belonged to surely wouldn't mind if you kept it for a while.
You didn't bother to spare it another thought and hurried off to check the kitchen. Hopefully the cookies you'd painstakingly baked yesterday were still there.
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kurosstuff · 4 months
Jk- you don’t gotta if you aren’t able to do it
omf YES- omf twist(like we talked abour-)
making it a bit short since- idk what else to add I hope you like it-!!
Lute x demon!reader: soul mate au
Warning(s): adam- so he talks about his dick(implied?), Don't think really any other then that
You couldn't help but curse Charlie for making you send this letter to these pesky angels. APPARENTLY you have to find some annoying(Charlie's words surprisingly) Man. Adam, the first man. Grumbling, you froze, glancing at the once dimmed red string spring to live a soft sting entering the rope interlocking with your ring finger.
A crude reminder of the dream you wished when alive. Finding a soul mate. Your soul mate but. Never once has it actually been this bright. This beaming light. Snorting at the sick joke. Of course, hell would be playing a sick joke like that. Walking to the tower, you glanced at the paper, the name written exactly who to give this to - entering something odd happened.
The string burned. Yanking you to the room.
Singaling your soul mate is near. Your forever mate. Is near. A dry laugh escaped your throat. What a joke. Entering the room There's no way in hell your soul mate is here-
Your tail flickered in thought before an annoyance flush crept up your face. Staring at the exorcist before your finger burned, looking down at your hand, you watched as the rope burned, going into a straight line to her instead of limp like usual. As if yelling that your mate is her.
Guess this explains why your string never acted up until now. Your soul mates an angel
Oh how cruel the irony is.
The more Adam talked, the more drained you got. Does this first man ever talk about anything else other than being the original dick haver? Apparently not. Grumbling, you glanced at the woman beside him- where your string was connected to her - humming in thought
How cruel of am irony that you. A demons soul mate is an angel. And any type of angel, either. An executioner. Who? Treat demons like animals to slaughter - not much different from some demons you knew of- humming you crossed your arms glancing over her mask how to changed depending on how she *felt* what she said- God. Her voice
Blinking, you barely even noticed how Charlie entered the room - just so focused on the masked woman you're bound to. Not even as the meeting began. You just stared in deep thought, humming softly. Before? Your face heated up as she took her mask off-
Hearing her name for the first time from that crude angels lips. How did he manage to get into heaven anyways-? Your thoughts of the matter went away when you locked eyes with her- that cold almost uninterested look but - you could have sworn? Is that a hint of curiosity in her eyes?
Staring at Lute as she spoke- your heart beat faster. Feeling warm all over as if her speaking(which was so fucking hot?) Seemed to relax you- put you in some odd sense of warmth and security. You hummed softly- the red string glowing even more brightly filling your whole hand as if to convey your true feelings for one another-
Before that, Adam guy started to sing - you internally groaned. Is Hell and Heaven just some musical? Blocking him out until she began to sing- humming, you didn't even care of the crude words she spoke of your kind - never mattered in the slightest to you anyways given your a demon-
But damn. Her voice? Was the single most gorgeous thing you've ever heard- staring at her. You ignored how Charlie grabbed your arm on instinct as the executioners came close - Lute came so close to your face - it took everything in you to not lean in as well
"-All vile sinners Like yourself should be slaughtered- can't wait to kill you" she snarled in your face- but that did nothing to change your views. Your heart beat faster as you came to a single conclusion
Your fucked.
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weirdthinkingdragon · 6 months
At Least There's One
Mostly dainsleif x gn reader (honestly could be platonic or romantic)
I don’t remember if he knows who the archons are. Possibly slight ooc dainsleif. This also got out of hand 
Warnings: you get a broken forearm and mentioned other ways of being harmed
Not proofread
Thinking of sagau again. What if you started wearing a mask and they accepted it as you'd change your face if you could? 
They absolutely despised you from looking like their creator (who is actually you but neither they nor you knew that), and have called you every name and even some harm at some point. But at least they're sane enough to understand that faces are genetic from birth. (I also believe teyvat isn't progressed far enough for beauty stuff like plastic surgery, so they knew you COULDN'T change your face.) 
So one day you had enough and just… started wearing a mask of some sort. Even a simple bandana worn like a treasure hoarder's seemed to work. Sure, they still didn't like you very much, but at least they weren't physically hostile and you could actually buy some stuff for foods. You were getting quite sick of just berries and not the best cooked meat. 
You knew ingredients for the recipes from memorizing them from playing genshin, but most if not all don't tell you exactly how long to cook it, always making you overcook or undercook it and just never coming out right or tasting very good.  
That's all you wanted and you weren't ever coming into a place full of people again until you absolutely had to. Every time one of your favorites glare at you it hurts so much more. The only thing you want to do is search harder for a way back to your real world but that better be possible in the wild. 
In speaking of that, it's almost funny to you how willing places were to give you recipes and even ingredients for stuff like hair products when you informed you were planning on stocking up and want to stay out of cities and even towns as long as possible. 
While traveling and stocking up, you thought of the best place to be. Dvalin seemed to be rather kind to you that one time you ran into him, but you knew he was close to Venti and he’d visit Dvalin a lot. He’d… probably not like you hanging so close very much. 
Liyue has so many mountains and you do NOT want to push Zhongli’s patience, whatever it may be. You’d rather not die by a rock or spear. 
Which is also why inazuma is out of the question. You don’t know where the traveler is, and you don’t even know if the puppet’s been changed yet or not. 
Sumeru is an okay option, but running into the rangers would be annoying, and no way are you going to the desert. 
Fontaine would possibly be okay, but that’s so incredibly far from where you are in mondstadt that you decide not to. And past that you haven’t played or experienced so no going other places either. 
Your bag is pretty much full as you go to leave. 
You’re distracted though and not looking in front of you, still thinking of where to go when you bump into someone. 
You look and know who it was immediately. You wonder because of who he is, would he act like the others or no?
He notices the glare the archon is giving you from quite a distance away. What could you have possibly done to make him not like you like this?
“Sorry! Wasn’t looking where I was going!” You were really worried you were about to be verbally beaten down again. 
“It’s fine. I forgot what I came here for anyways.” He didn’t, but he could just get it later. He left with you to spite the look the anemo archon was giving you. 
You two get a pretty far distance away from Mondstadt. “Care to explain why the archon seemed to hate you so much?” 
You decided the best way to tell was to show, and took off your mask. “Apparently I look like their creator?” You decided to continue with a lie in a way. “Which I wouldn’t know since I don’t really focus or care about gods or the archons or whatever.” 
He was astounded. That’s all? The only offense you’ve done is literally look like some fictional god or the “creator” he’s never seen or cared to read much about? He didn’t know the archons could find a way to be even worse. 
“I’m also looking for a place without people. No offense but uh, you seem like someone who’d know a good place for that.” 
He shakes off his slight stupor. “I usually don’t stay in a single place for long, but I do know a few.”
He leads you to a really isolated place that took a few hours of walking, but you managed. He even offered to help carry some of your items which surprised himself and you from knowing how he is. 
Your stomach rumbles loudly, embarrassing you. “Sorry. Sadly they wouldn’t let me order food and eat in the city.” 
He’s finding this situation more and more stupid. “That’s fine. Should be pretty easy to set a fire and make some food.”
It’s eventually made and you actually were able to follow a bought detailed recipe of a food you really wanted to try in the game. Looks just like it would. You offer some to Dainsleif which he relents and accepts after a bit of pestering by you. 
The first bite was the best thing you’ve tasted in literal months. It was so good you teared up.
A galaxy looking tear falls from your face, hardening into a solid mass as it falls onto your lap.  They’re not very small either. They somehow become triple in size of an average tear. Then another. And even a few more from just the delicious taste coming to you fall. You don’t even notice.
Dainsleif gets a very bewildered expression. He barely remembers reading about the so-called “creator” but that’s a sign of them that no matter what magic is used can’t be replicated. You… you’re really the creator he thought was fiction. And the strong believing archons… Even their people… He could almost laugh at the absurdity. 
One is still only half-made and sticking to your face. After another moment, it disappears like it was never there. The solid ones are still in your lap though.  
It wasn’t the last time you’d tear up either. A time not too long after that you were kidnapped after falling asleep. Dainsleif left to do who knows what, but you thought you’d be fine alone. 
They’re treasure hoarders. They’re not known to be very nice, and especially aren’t to you, who’ve they heard of as an imposter. While you were tied up one even went so far as to break your forearm. That hurt severely, making a few slip and them all stop dead in their tracks as a solid tear hit the ground. 
Thankfully Dainsleif saw them and you from coming back wherever he was. A protective urge formed from him actually rather liking you. The more he thought about it, the more he was open to liking you and having you as a god other than the archons and celestia. Why? Because being Human. That’s what you were, human. 
His mind made up you wouldn’t have had gods if you could. After all, you let Khaenri'ah form back then. There were gods, but if people didn’t want one, they didn’t have to believe in one. You let people be who they were, and he wouldn’t doubt you would have saved Khaenri'ah more if you could have. But he’s still here, so it isn’t fully gone. You let him stay the best of your abilities to spite the Archons. He likes you’re not all-powerful as well. At least not in this time you decided to come here. Maybe you needed to be human a while to get your strength back? 
Even if not the case, he now wants to be around you. To protect you the best he can, even if it isn’t the best. He also swears when he focuses on it that his curse feels slightly weaker when around you.
He injures them but doesn’t kill them. Just to send a message. 
The treasure hoarders end up letting the info slip next time they’re out of their disguises in mondstadt and liyue, making the two archons hunt you down do apologize for not believing you were. 
They surprisingly work together and find you and Dainsleif rather quickly. 
You’re laying on your back in the grass with your broken arm in a pretty poorly made cast and holding one of the solid tears in your other hand, turning and moving it to watch the sparkles like stars in it move as well. A part of you wishes you could bring one home with you. They’re actually really cool looking. 
Dainsleif tried his best to make a cast but obviously he’s not an expert in the medical field. He's resting as well fairly close to you. Honestly your thighs are almost touching. 
The archons notice and are quite envious. They glare at Dainsleif. 
He senses their presences and turns to look. Having you look as well.
They're shocked with the black shining item in your hand, and just realized all this time they were ignoring the real creator. Not again! They will NEVER ignore you again! “How dare you keep the creator to yourself.” Zhongli says harshly. 
What? You and Dainself share a rather incredulous look. Then go back to looking at the two archons again. 
This makes him hate the archons all the more. He didn’t really care about even the creator before, but at least he had and still has respects for them. And they really didn’t even think of finding a way to test it? Someone shows up for the first time ever in history with the face of the creator and they don’t question it?
How dumb, even the so-called gods themselves who were so beyond obsessed with you were too stupid to realize it was you. He finds it ironic. 
“Why would the creator want to be around any of you after the way you treated them?”
“But we didn’t know!” 
You just respond with an eye roll. You're not going back with them after the way they treated you. Not too long ago you encountered Dvalin again from temporarily staying by a place near the Stormbearer mountains. Dvalin even told you he'd try to tell Venti you're the creator but Venti must have ignored his friend. 
Dainsleif looks at the two archons like they’re stupid. “And… you didn’t bother to check? Even if you didn’t know, they could have still been a human you turned against, which is very unbecoming of an archon. 
You play right into the role, more time passing for you to accept it. "Precisely why I'm not going back. Why would I want to go with someone who'd turn against another just for them having a face of someone they know? I'm ashamed of you guys and your people honestly. If I wasn't the creator, you'd still treat me as nothing more than sand." 
"But-" Venti starts as you cut him off. Shame filling the two more by each of your words.
"I don't want to hear it. You made your Graves, now lie in them. I may not have powers now or ever, but that doesn't mean I should have been treated that way even as human. Leave." 
They did, but are planning ways to make it up to you. They have to have their creator with them, not some low-life like Dainsleif. If it comes down to it and they have to kill him to eventually bring you with them, then that's just what they'll have to do.
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Pumpkins & Picnics II Laura Wienroither x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1771
Your girlfriend Laura and you were already about to leave Beth and Vivianne’s home which you visited earlier in the day when the Dutch woman put on a serious face: “Wait a second. Bring her home safely, okay?” “Of course, Viv.”, you reassured the older teammate not without a little eye roll at her direction. Home was not their place anymore for the Austrian home was the appartement you shared together. Smiling Beth scolded the dark-haired forward: “Viv leave the children alone.” “Sorry, Viv can be such a dad.”, Laura apologized.
But you just waved it off with a small grin on your lips: “It’s fine, I’m used to it by now.” “They’re really just looking out for me.”, the defender told you. With a sigh you admitted: “That’s in equal parts adorable and annoying because they should trust me by now.” “They do. Really.”, your girlfriend told you in a comforting tone which put your mind at ease.  
“Girls, you almost forgot your coats. You’ll need them for your outdoor picnic!”, Beth said making both of your heads turn as she handed you the coats.  “It’s not even that cold Beth. You’re such a mum.”, Laura laughed but the way she looked at the older forward was full of love. Nonchalantly the blonde shrugged her shoulders: “I don’t want you two to get sick that’s all, she stopped for a second before adding with a wink, Besides Arsenal needs your girlfriend let.” “Yes, yes I know.”, the Austrian mumbled.
Softly you tapped your girlfriend on her shoulder: “Come on, let’s go, Lau.” “Coming.”, she replied. Beaming you waved at the older couple: “Goodbye, Viv and Beth.” “Have fun, girls.”, the English national team player hummed.
It was a beautiful autumn day outside. The leaves were turning into all shades of yellow, orange and were softly falling from the trees. The lake to which you went was mirroring the colourful trees. “I think we can do our picnic here.”, you pointed to a place from where you had a perfect view at the water. While Laura and you were unpacking your things the Austrian whispered:” That’s beautiful.” “It really is, do you want a hot drink now?”, you asked her cheerfully. Excited your girlfriend nodded: “Yes, please. What have you got? Tea? Hot chocolate?” “Actually both.”, you confessed. The smile which appeared on her face warmed your heart as she stated: “Oh my god, you’re the best.”
“Only the best for you, Lau.”, you grinned as you handed her a cup of hot chocolate. The defender took it with both hands and breathed in the steam with closed eyes; “If I weren’t in love with you already, I’d be right now.” You fondly rolled your eyes as you poured yourself some hot chocolate; “Cheers.” Carefully, Laura clinked her cup against yours before taking the first sip; “It’s delicious.“ A comfortable silence settled in while you enjoyed the view with your hot drinks.
You quietly cleared your throat to draw your girlfriends attention back to you; “Lau? I’m so proud of your first run yesterday.” Her excited smile was the same as yesterday when she took her first steps out of the gym; “Thank you. It felt great to be back on the grass.” “I can imagine…”, you replied quietly, your gaze subconsciously shifting towards your own knee. One hand was tracing circles on your jeans in the places where your own knee surgery had left scars. “I can’t wait to play again.”, Laura went on, the longing for the football pitch now overshadowing the pride for her achievements. You nodded slowly; “Me neither. Something’s missing when you’re not on the field.“
With a mix of genuine light-heartedness and self-deprecation, she laughed; “I didn’t play that much anyway.“ “Right before your injury you did.“, you corrected her, biting your lip for bringing up the other injuries in the squad. Laura patted your knee; “Don’t worry, I’m okay. The ACL Squad is taking good care of me.“ “I’m glad they do. Because I can’t always be there like they can…“, you could not avoid the slight hint of sadness in your voice. At the same time you loved the team for it. Beth and Vivianne let Laura stay with them whenever she wanted and Leah was always in the gym when Laura was, celebrating every small progress. “I know.“, Laura answered with a soft voice. “Sorry.“ “It’s okay. Really.“
You could feel the mood shift and didn’t want it to affect your date, so you started to unwrap freshly baked cinnamon buns and offered them to your girlfriend; “Cinnamon bun?“ Lauras eyes went wide as soon as the smell of cinnamon and butter met her nose. Delighted, she took one; “Sure, thank you.“ “You’re welcome, love.“, you smiled warmly and took one for yourself. Laura took the first bite and hummed happily; “They’re so good.“ “Yes, I made them with the other Swedish Girls.“, you explained, satisfied with how much your girlfriend enjoyed the taste.The Austrian’s beamed: “Nothing better than real Swedish cinnamon buns.” “Agreed.”, you winked at her. Sheepishly smiling Laura admitted: “I could eat all of them.” “Seems like we need to make some more before Jonas team meeting.”, you observed amused your girlfriend’s hunger for the Scandinavian treat. The taste and scent of cinnamon buns always put a smile on your face because it reminded you of your home country.
The blonde could not help but to tease you: “Are you trying to convince him to let you start?” “Rude!”, you playfully slapped her upper arm. Innocently she smiled back: “What? It was just a question.” “Maybe I should them to Lina.”, you thought out loud. Your teammate really shined in recent national team games so it would have been only fair for her to get more game time in the club aswell. Confusion was in Lauras voice as she asked: “What?” “So, she is able to start?”, you explained. Determined the defender shook her head, holding the baked goods close to her chest:” You keep those delicious cinnamon buns right here.” “Okay, got it, Lau.”, you giggled. Pleased about your answer your girlfriend replied: “Thanks.”
A leaf slowly fell from the branch on to your light hair.: “Huch.”  “Oh wait. Let me get this one out of your hair.”, Laura offered while carefully removing the leaf from the top of your head. It was those small gestures that made you fall more in love with her everyday: “Thanks, Lau.” “Cute.”, she remarked. Grinning you suggested: “Maybe we should take that leave with us as decoration?” “To put it in your hair?”, the defender joked. You could not help but laugh: “No for our appartement.” “Oh. Right.”, Laura blushed.
Curiously you watched her walking around your blanket:” What are you doing?” “Picking up more leaves?”, the Austrian replied with an adorable smile. Immediately you stood up from your cozy place:“Wait, let me help you.” “Lia would be proud of us.”, she exclaimed delighted by that task which was something different to her monotone rehab days. You had to agree with your girlfriend’s observation: “Yes, except she wouldn’t let us take the leaves inside a house.” The Swiss woman was known in your team for always cleaning of her front porch as she did not like them there. Still, she was one of your closest teammates despite her peculiarities because let's be real everyone has them.
“I guess that’s true.“, Laura nodded thoughtfully. “She’s missing out on that though.“, you laughed. You looked up as your girlfriend didn’t answer. She was looking up at the exceptionally blue sky and the colourful trees, breathing in the crisp air. “It’s such a nice autumn day too. What’s more autumnal than colourful leaves?“, she finally said. “Very true.“, you agreed. “Oh, I know something.“, the Austrian answered her own question all of a sudden.
You cocked your head in surprise, waiting for her to go on; “Yes?“ “Pumpkins would be perfect right now.“, she beamed at you. Your jaw dropped; “Oh my god. Yes.“ Nothing screamed autumn quite like pumpkins did. “We could carve them. Or make pumpkin soup.“, Laura suggested, her eyes bright with excitement. “Or both. What do you think about that?“ Eagerly, your girlfriend nodded; “I’m in.“ “So, time to get a pumpkin.“, you said, starting to pack up your picnic. “Or two.“, Laura grinned while folding the blanket. “Right. One for carving and one for the soup.“
Holding hands, you left the lake side and made your way to a farmers market. Laura let out a squeal of delight when she saw a pile of pumpkins displayed. Carefully, she touched the smooth, round surface of one. You knew she had already decided to take this specific pumpkin home. “Maybe Viv and Beth want to carve a pumpkin too. What if we do an Arsenal themed one?“, you asked. “We should!“, she agreed. Together, you picked out some pumpkins. They were probably more than you would need but Laura was convinced to take them home.
At Beths and Viviannes house, you dropped off the pumpkins. Vivianne was eyeing the amount of vegetables on her kitchen tables while Laura and Beth immediately got to work to cook a pumpkin soup. The soup was slowly simmering on the stove, filling the kitchen with a delicious smell. Beth looked at the left over pumpkins on the table and grabbed a knife for carving; “So, Arsenal themed, huh?“ “Yeah, why?“, Laura asked innocently. Beth turned the pumpkin, trying to find the perfect side to work with; “Should it be the Club’s Logo?“ Amused, Laura shrugged and gave the older player a challenging look; “If you’re artistic enough for that.“
“Do we have something easier?“, Vivianne asked, not convinced that any of them would be able to reproduce the intricate details on a pumpkin. “We could do Win, the dog.“, Beth suggested. She and Laura had taken a particular liking to the team dog, so Laura nodded; “Oh yes!“ “As if that’s easier.“, Viv rolled her eyes but finally gave in. Happy with the outcome, you took out your phone and snapped a picture of the dog-themed pumpkin; “We finally made the pumpkin! Let me send this into the team group chat.“ “It looks like a cat though.“, Vivianne criticized with a smile. Beth nudged her; “Oh shush. The pumpkin soup is ready too.“
The sun was setting and your carved pumpkin illuminated the kitchen while you were crowded around the table enjoying the warm, comforting taste of the soup. You smiled to yourself. It was the perfect cozy autumn night to end the day.
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indigo-o · 11 months
The Pet clown
Pt 2
I think we know who it's abt lmao
Nikolai gogol x reader PLATONIC
And some fyodor
Reader is a teenager
Tw impatient stuff depression, fyodor drugging, sleep deprivation, those annoying blankets they give at mental hospital even tho it's like -1 degrees Celsius if you know you know, talk of death, yandere fyodor, Manipulation from fyodor, Nikolai gogol, I think that's it so yeah
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I wish you were here, this room is empty. White walls, heavy doors, thin white blankets, and chained blury windows.
This thin gown can't keep me warm. I know him. He just wants what's best for me. I guess that even means putting me in this room. This room to keep me safe.
Safe from me. No possibility of me hurting. I'm to sick leave this bed and to tired to talk. He says I'm helping him.
Im helping him cleanse the world of evil. So I guess if my pain will save the world I'll stay in this room.
Everybody else deserves to be happy and well so I'll hurt for them. If one death would save the world I'd die.
My body's purple now.
I hear a click at the heavy door. To my surprise it wasn't a anemic rat, it was his pet clown.
I looked at him. My eyes were heavy. But he did bring some color to the room. I smiled at him.
I opened my mouth to talk but I couldn't.
"Oh dove you still can't talk! I forgot! Dos-kun told me to take you outside to have some fun.".
He lied, either were not going to have fun or fyodor didn't tell him anything. Either way I was going to have to walk. I knew I couldn't but I was going to try anyway.
Fyodor knew If I could walk I'd escape from him. So he kept me physically, emotionally and mentally sick. I would have no choice to stay.
As soon as I got to my legs I collapsed, but Nikolai caught me.
"Silly me I forgot you can't walk guess I'll carry you.".
He picked me up as if I were a little kid.
"D-dont dr-rop.". I manged to get out.
"Oh dove I may be crazy but not only do we need you, Dos-kun would kill me, but I want to protect you from harm. Not like you can protect yourself in this state.".
I looked at him. Then laying on him. We proceeded to go through his cape.
We were in what seemed to be his house/apartment.
He went to put me down on his couch but he's so warm.
"Wait w-warm.".
He looked down at me.
"I guess we can go out later.". He picked me back up and took me to his bed. Laying me down cuddled with blankets, pillows and now a pet clown. I shut my eyes and finally went to sleep.
I woke up to Nikolai looking down at me.
"Am I a good pillow?". I realized how I was very much on him.
I nodded my head.
"You want to go outside for a bit dove?". He was using a soft tone.
He wasn't ever like this
Maybe because I'm a teenager but I don't know.
He got up "You slept threw the whole night, but the good thing is we have a whole day today and tomorrow, you know why?".
He leaned in close "I lied Dos-kun is away and he doesn't believe in your freedom so I'm here to show him that you're a good kid who won't run away. You see Dos-kun takes away your warmth so you can't sleep making you so tired that's why you slept for so long he wants you to be weak, weak without freedom. I'm here to give you freedom. To fly like a dove.".
He went to his closet and pulled out some clothes.
"Here's so clothes to wear so we're not caught. That sounds weird. I my dear am a very wanted person so I must look different and you can't really walk let alone the sun should hurt you eyes so if I were to be caught you wouldn't leave be caught up in it.".
What ever he said I guess.
I changed and so did he and he look pretty different
He picked me up and took me to wheel chair that he some how got, but I shouldn't question it.
He placed me in the chair and we Leigt looked like sibling going out for fun.
"F-flowers please.". I looked to him.
"You want flowers we will get flowers.".
We went to florist.
"Hi! What flowers are yall looking for!". She sounded very happy.
"What do you want dear?". Nikolai asked
While I could barely see I knew exactly what I want.
"R-rose and Lillys.".
"Of course dear I'll get right to that!".
The rest of day was amazing
I got flowers, yummy pastries and other stuff.
Who knew a deranged clown could be so kind. But at last we came back to his apartment/house.
He made dinner for us and helped me get to the bed. He tucked me in.
"Good night dove.".
I woke up
Back in the room
The room with white walls, a heavy door, thin blanket and blury chains windows. But now there wad a desk but with roses and lily's on top of it.
I heard the door click. An anemic rat with his pet clown walked in.
"You've proven yourself for now, you may keep your roses and lily's. Nikolai may visit you now and then. One thing. You may not regain full energy but.".
He stopped his words and Nikolais smile grew.
He ran over to with a puppy dog smile.
"Don't make regret this.". The anemic rat walked away throwing the key at the pet clown.
That was alot longer than I expected but I hope yall liked it!♡♡
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mouschiwrites · 4 months
I was wondering if you could please make Jays head canons, or Jays story's?
Sure thing! :D
Ninjago - Dating Jay Walker Headcanons
It definitely wasn’t love at first sight when he saw you, but he couldn’t deny how attractive you were
He didn’t really see you like that; not at first, anyway
You were helping them with a mission, and once it was over he figured you’d separate forever, and that’d be that
But by the time the mission was over, he found he couldn’t bear the thought of losing all contact with you
He’d come to like your personality even more than your looks, which was really saying something since he thought you were STUNNING
So, just as you were about to part, he suddenly took you by the hand
He reddened, stuttering, trying to get out his words
You just smiled, knowing what he meant before he could even get a coherent word out
You guys exchanged info, promising to meet again sometime
Later that same night, Jay contacted you, requesting a meet-up at his favorite sushi joint in Ninjago
You guys continued on like that, taking turns picking your meet-up spots
It takes a while for Jay to actually admit his feelings, but he’s painfully obvious
Honestly you’ll probably have to make the first move, unless you want to wait forever
But when you finally start actually dating, he is ECSTATIC
He is THE turbo-boyfriend: super romantic, always showing his love in huge displays, memorizing all the things you like (as if he hadn’t done that already…)
His love languages are: All Of Them. Think of literally anything romantic (poems, gifts, doing chores for you, caring for you when sick, etc, etc) and he’s done it at some point
You might legitimately have to tell him to tone it down
Especially with PDA; we’ve seen in the show that he sometimes struggles with boundaries
He’ll always want to hold your hand or stand super close, but he’ll back off if you ask
Once you outline your boundaries, though, he does his best to follow them
He’ll probably slip up once or twice when he gets excited, but he tries his hardest :(
He’s very excitable when it comes to you, but he’s also prone to channel that energy into anxiety
And jealousy, which leads to insecurity
He sometimes feels that he’s not good enough for you, with you being as amazing as you are
Don’t worry though, you can easily cheer him up by showing him literally any amount of affection
But an evening cuddling and whispering sweet nothings works best ;)
Cuddling is a must with Jay; he clings to you like a koala, and he complains that he can’t sleep without you
In fact, he insists that everything is way better when you’re there
It sometimes annoys the other ninjas
They’ll be doing something completely unrelated and he’ll just sigh and go “I wish Y/n was here”
And they’re just like: 😐
He could (and does) gush about you endlessly to others
Much to many people’s annoyance
With all this in mind, I’ll finish off by saying he’s the type to shower you with all the love in the world but then break down sobbing when you so much as smile at him
(Please smile at him)
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Thank you so much for this request! And thanks for reading, take care sweet doves!!
(divider by saradika)
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shrimp-buffet · 4 months
Because holy crap the first one got so much positive attention- (again, headcannons after cut cuz I’m gonna yap for a sec)
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Thanks to everyone who enjoyed the first one! It’s my most popular post ever and I’m glad it was so well received. I really hope this is a good follow up! Feel free to let me know if you want more Brawl Stars headcannons going forward cuz I’d be happy to make them.
Anyway it’s finally headcannon time!
Larry focused, Lawrie focused, Both
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• Larry’s favorite music genre is literally elevator music (Lawrie likes rock!)
•Both of them hate the Cops theme song, they think it’s very annoying. Doesn’t help that park guest and other brawlers (*cough* Nita and Leon *cough*) tease them with it
• At first, Lawrie didn’t let Larry have a weapon since “they’re dangerous and you don’t need one” but Larry managed to craft his ticket wheel into an explosive weapon somehow and Lawrie was just too afraid/impressed to not let him have it
•They both live in the park’s security station. Specifically, Larry took an unused storage closet and made it into an actual little bedroom, while Lawrie just sleeps in their office (if they sleep at all)
•Lawrie collects bobble heads. They make him smile
•Larry really likes baking! Not to eat the sweet treats (since he can’t even if he wanted to), but he just loves the process of making them. He often bakes cookies with Pearl
•He has no clue that Pearl is related to the Gold Arm Gang somehow. They’ve seen her with them but it just somehow has never clicked and probably never will
•Lawrie does know, but they just think Pearl is harmless enough. The second any other Gold Arm member even gets close to Larry though, they’re ready to strike
•Larry is a hypochondriac even though he can’t even get sick. Lawrie is kinda similar, but they’re just a neat-freak. Either way, everywhere the two go is getting deep cleaned and disinfected
•Lawrie gets a ton of coloring books for R-T since they see R-T as like a little kid and don’t know what else to get them.
•Larry is really good at engineering, and makes elaborate “mouse trap” like contraptions to try and catch criminals. They also make little mini robots! Those don’t have any consciousness but he treat they like his children all the same
•Lawrie pretends they don’t like the little robots, but they will protect those little guys with their life if they have to
•Lawrie’s idea of “fun” is challenging Larry to little games that test their knowledge on all the parks rules (Don’t worry cuz Larry thinks it’s fun too)
•If you bring it up to them, both Larry and Lawrie the living embodiments of anti-smoking/drinking/gambling ads
•People will often sneak up behind Larry and put stickers on them to poke fun at him. He never notices until Lawrie takes them off. He keeps them in a sticker book because they think it means people like him
•No one puts any stickers on Lawrie because he’s just impossible to sneak up on and will punch someone if they try
•They own a cat! Larry found a little Calico kitten and went annoying little brother mode until Lawrie agreed to keep it
•Lawrie hated the idea of having an animal around, but much like a middle aged dad they’re now the one who spoils the cat the most
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That’s it for now! Hope you liked it and thanks for reading this!! Again, show some love if you’d like more!
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
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〚 Prompt - "I'll cancel our plans for tonight. Staying in and taking care of you is more important." 〛
〚 Pairing - Kate Bishop x Reader 〛
〚 Wordcount - 715 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
[basically a sequel to this!]
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“Baby….” A small hoarse voice croaked out from beside you, gently nudging you as you stirred from your doze, “Baby, wake up.” 
You yawned and shuffled up to lay back against your headboard, smiling lazily down at the sleepy, sick girl laying on your side. 
“What’s wrong Katie?” You murmured down at the sniffly girl cuddled up on your shoulder.  
“We were meant to go out tonight.” She whispered, her bottom lip wavering a little as she remembered the date that the two of you had planned earlier in the week.  
Your heart ached as you looked at Kate, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. You gently brushed a strand of hair away from her forehead, feeling the warmth radiating off her feverish skin. 
“Oh baby, I'll cancel our plans for tonight. Staying in and taking care of you is more important.” You sighed as she muffled a fit of itchy sneezes against your side, “and I doubt you’re feeling up to going out anyway.” 
The young archer sniffled and nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Maybe you're right," she murmured, her voice still raspy. "I just wanted to spend time with you." 
You leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her forehead, careful not to exert too much pressure. "And we will, sweetheart, I promise. As soon as you're feeling better, we'll have that amazing date we planned. But for now, let's focus on getting you back to your healthy self." 
She nodded again, her eyes closing as exhaustion washed over her. You adjusted the blanket around her, making sure she was comfortable and snug. 
As you settled back against the headboard, you felt Kate's body tense up beside you. Her breathing hitched, and you could tell she was trying to stifle a sneeze. You reached over and grabbed a tissue from the bedside table, holding it up to her as she struggled to hold back the inevitable. 
"It's okay, Katie," you reassured her softly, your hand rubbing soothing circles on her back. "Just let it out. Don't try to hold it back." 
Kate's face scrunched up, and a muffled sound escaped her as she finally succumbed to the sneeze. It came out in a series of rapid, explosive bursts, her body shaking with the force of it. You held the tissue against her nose, catching the remnants of the sneeze and providing her some relief. 
"Bless you," you said with a gentle smile, offering her a glass of water to soothe her throat. She took a sip, her voice still hoarse as she spoke. 
"Thank you," she sniffled, her eyes watery. "I hate being sick. It's so annoying.” She wavered off into a small whine, earning herself a small sympathetic kiss on the forehead in return. 
"I know, sweetheart," you murmured softly, your fingers tracing circles on her back, “But you’ll feel better soon, I promise.” 
Kate nodded, leaning into your touch. "I'm sorry our plans got ruined because of me," she murmured, her voice filled with a hint of guilt. 
You shook your head, a gentle smile on your face. "Hey now, don't think like that. It's not your fault. These things happen, and taking care of you is my priority right now. Besides, we can always reschedule our date for when you're feeling better." 
She sighed, sniffling once more. "I was really looking forward to it." 
"I know, love," you replied, your voice filled with understanding. "But trust me, when you're all better, we'll make it even more special. We can have a cosy night in, watch your favorite movies, and have a delicious dinner. It will be worth the wait, I promise." 
Katie's lips curled into a weak smile, her eyes reflecting gratitude. "You're the best," she whispered, her voice barely audible. 
You leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. "I love you, Kit-Kat. And I'll take care of you until you're back on your feet. Rest now, my dear. I'll be right here beside you." 
With those comforting words, you settled back against the headboard, keeping a watchful eye on Katie as she drifted off to sleep. You knew that with time, love, and proper care, she would soon recover and be back to her vibrant self.  
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nightwalker6200 · 6 months
Dad Gojo Headcannons:
I know the timelines/ ages are messed up with quite a few but I love little kid Meg and Tsumiki: I'll post more as I think of them :)
Gojo almost always has glitter or stickers somewhere on his clothes/ person. He normally doesn't notice and can go the whole day with a cat sticker or blue glitter on his back/ pant leg.
Gojo once handed back a report that Tsumiki had drawn all over. Yada keeps it tucked away in his desk.
Tsumiki and Megumi drew all over several graded papers (accidently) that Gojo then handed back. Inumaki, Maki, Yuta and Panda hung them up on their walls in the dorms.
Inumaki and Yuta are no longer allowed to babysit Tsumiki and Megumi. Yuta ended up being the responsible adult (basically babysitting 3 kids), and Inumaki ended up with a makeover. He wore the makeup for three days straight until Maki ended up dragging him to the baths, demanding he take a bath because he looked like a sadistic clown who just broke up with their boyfriend.
Gojo knows how to do hair. He practiced on Shoko despite her complaints and can braid neatly.
Tsumiki likes to paint nails and uses Gojo as a test subject when he's asleep - once during a fight, a villian had to stop because they couldn't take Gojo seriously with bright purple nails.
Gojo is surprisingly a good cook. He failed horrendously at first but learned from Shoko, Nanamin, and even Tsumiki. He quickly learned how to make the kids' favorite dishes.
Gojo knows all of the gossip at school and constantly gossips with Tsumiki about her classmates. Tsumiki always has the dets/ drama/ tea.
Tsumiki likes to be close to someone when she's upset or sick or hurt. Megumi only likes to be close if he feels really bad.
Gojo almost always has candy on him, something Inumaki and Panda take advantage of (he's used to stopping bickering between the kids so he throws it at any problem).
Megumi is the hardest to put to bed. He sneaks around, finding new ways to try to stay up past his bedtime and around the Six Eyes.
Gojo has a lot of guilt over Tsumiki's accident. He tears up almost every time he visits her and spent a week drunk after it had happened. He gave her permission to go (even though she would have gone anyway being a teenager) and feels as though he failed at his promise to protect her.
The first time Tsumiki took a boy to the school dance; Megumi and Gojo stood at the door, arms crossed, staring menacingly at the boy until Tsumiki was ready to leave. Gojo might have threatened him... Megumi might have summoned his dogs, who stood at his side, growling.
Gojo has millions of pictures on his phone of the kids, including his students.
Gojo gets squeamish over pulling out Megumi's loose teeth. Tsumiki always has to do it for him, or Megumi will rip it out, mouth full of blood.
Despite his protests, Gojo showed up to every classroom visitation Megumi had in elementary school. He went to Tsumiki's too (who was over the moon).
Gojo once paid a kid money to stop crying. The kid was probably Yuuji.
When Tsumiki has nightmares, she will loudly barge into Gojo's room whereas Megumi will stand quietly at the foot of the bed or side of the bed and wait until Gojo notices him. Gojo has almost punched the 8-year-old several times.
Tsumiki begs Gojo to read to her or tell her stories when they have down time. Megumi lurks in the hall, at the end of the couch or in the shadow, listening. He secretly likes it just as much as his sister.
Gojo knows all the lyrics to all of the Taylor Swift songs. He finds himself humming them at random, and him and Miki sing them loudly in the car to annoy Megumi.
Megumi and Tsumiki got lice from school. Gojo freaked and spent three days with his hair under a shower cap and hat despite Shoko telling him he didn’t have it. He even begged Nanamin to let him sleep over. Megumi threaten to master a louse as a shikigami to freak Gojo out.
Megumi tries to sneak attack/ scare Gojo at random. Tsumiki is the only one who has succeeded.
Gojo playing Barbie or stupid things like store or restaurant. He’s very dramatic and almost always asks to speak to the manager who is Gumi. Gumi tells him to piss off and never come back.
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seokmattchuus · 7 months
Hi I’m the anon that was asking about how many prompts I can request… I decided that I’m going to put them all in here and then you can pick what you want. If you want to make more than one go ahead of you want to use all of them in one be my guest, if you do use any of them, can it be with Matthew please hahahah okay so we are looking at 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30… sorry for being annoying, if you want to ignore this you can haha I get it…
A/n: This took so fucking long and I'm so fucking sorry but I really didn't like it at first and it needed to marinate in my mind. Then I got sick and it's just been a mess, but long story short, here it is and it kinda sucks just a teensy tiny bit.
P.S. I don't think I proofread and I'm sorry. I couldn't bring myself to reread this and I don't have writer friends that I can send to look over 💀 We will suffer about it together <3
"I can’t help but get a little angry when they’re looking at you like that." Matthew leaned over to whisper in your ear as he wrapped a possessive arm around your shoulder, his eyes never leaving the table that sat behind you. "They've been staring all night."
"Cameras, babe." You reminded playfully, trying to get him to remember you were currently at an award show.
"Everyone knows we're together, anyways." He gave you a boyish smile. "It'll be good press for our collab, anyways."
You left him be and focused your eyes back to the stage.
Matthew's protectiveness was something you loved to see. After years of dating people who didn't seem to care, Matthew's attitude made you feel like a prized possession. As cringey as it seemed, it did feel nice to be wanted to that extent.
"Your stylist must hate me." He whispered again. "Remind me just once," He licked his lips. "Who do you belong to?"
You turned to him with wide eyes and smacked his arm.
"We're in ear shot of a lot of people." You whisper-scolded. "They know we're dating but they don't know we're dating seriously."
"Are you saying you don't want to say it out loud?" He raised a brow, the playful tone long gone. "Do I have to make it known that we're dating seriously?" His eyes were serious, but you didn't back down.
There was a time and place for everything, and this was not it.
"I don't know what got into you, but we have to behave here." You tried to ration with him.
"We can always find a way out." He countered.
"You wouldn't."
"Don’t tempt me." He stated simply. "It's not like I asked for much, just something to prove a point." He shrugged. "So, you can prove the point, or I can."
"Did something happen?" Your face and tone were serious now. "You're rarely like this at events like this." You could tell something was getting to him, but you weren't sure and as he kept this act up, you were getting worried.
You pulled your phone out to message your manager, asking for the keys to the car because you were feeling a bit sick. Within minutes, she was at your table, and you explained you'd run to the store and be back soon, plus, it wasn't fair to your members to be left alone. Before she could reply, Matthew told her he'd go with you, and you could see her caving.
In the end, you were given the keys and Matthew all but ran to the car with you barely keeping up.
Once the doors were closed, he couldn't help but pull you on his lap.
“Open your mouth for me, darling.” He whispered as he brought his hands up to your lips.
Your stomach was swirling at the thought of doing this in the back of the car. In the parking lot of the award show at that. Getting caught by anyone was a high risk.
"Don’t pretend to be so innocent, now.” He tsked. "At least the windows are tinted. If we're careful when we get out, no one will know."
You licked your lips before parting them and letting his fingers coat themselves in your saliva.
As he took in the sight of you, legs spread over his dress pants, looking all dolled-up while he had his fingers almost knuckle deep in your mouth, he couldn't help but chuckle.
"You dirty, little slut." He cooed at you. "So oblivious, aren't you." He teased, one of his hands trailing down to pull up the hem of your dress so it was draped over his thighs. "I bet you couldn't hear them saying how much they wish they could be doing this to you."
Your eyes darted towards him, and you pulled back.
"That's what this is about?" You looked at him like he was crazy. "Because you're jealous?"
"And if you heard someone say how much they wish they could ride me all night long? How they give me a better night than you ever could? Right in front of you?" He paused and waited for a response.
You stayed silent, unable to think of how you'd react.
"That's what I thought." He scoffed. "Now be good for me."
He finished his sentence by roughly slamming his lips onto yours, the fingers that were in your mouth now moving under the dress and through your underwear.
"All this for me?" He smirked as his fingers were met with slick. "And to think.." He paused as his fingers slowly slid over your clit. "We wouldn't be doing this right now had you just said you were mine."
He let silence take over the car as his fingers quickly worked their way inside you, your legs unable to close due to being on his lap.
You started but got cut off as his thumb started working against your clit, your head falling against his shoulder in a silent scream.
"God, I hated hearing them talk about you like that." His voice was lower, almost a growl, as he roughly sucked hickies onto your neck. "You're fucking mine."
You wanted to respond, but with the way his hands and lips were working against you, you couldn't find it in you to make words.
He looked at the marks he left and his hand came up to grab your chin to make you look at him, the fingers that were inside you starting a rougher pace.
"Who left these marks on you?"
"Y-You, fuck." You felt your legs tighten around his thighs as your voice broke.
"Are you going to cover them up?" He challenged as his thumb worked faster against your clit.
You shook your head as you didn't trust your voice, your eyes closing as you felt yourself getting closer.
"Use your words, angel."
"No, fuck, no, just please." You could feel your face redden as the words just flew out of you. Something about Matthew always made you a mess.
“Say my name. Scream it.”
"Matthew~" You whined loudly, your legs shaking around him as you felt yourself cum undone.
"I-I can't," You gasped as you tried, and failed, to catch your breath.
"You don't have a choice here, angel." He gave you a boyish smile as he kept rubbing your clit, his free hand holding you in place as you started trying to back away. "Don’t forget who you belong to.” He paused to watch your mouth fall in an open scream. "I'll use you until I'm done with you."
He quickly pulled his fingers away from you and moved them to work against the button of his suit pants.
"Matter fact." He licked his lips as he pulled himself out of his boxers. “I’m not going to stop until you’re begging me to." He smirked down at you as he moved both hands to move you over him.
Your mind was still hazy as you let out a chuckle.
"Do you think this is a joke?" He furrowed his brows, but his tone was full of amusement. Watching you lose yourself because of him was an ego boost he'd never get tired of.
"You're cute." You giggled until you felt him slide into you, the pleasure making you shiver.
"And you're cuter." He pulled you in for a kiss as you were fully sat on him, your hips moving before he could tell you to do so. He smiled into the kiss as his hands moved you faster against him.
“That's my good girl.”
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paleparapadas · 8 months
Ravik Headcannons!
So sorry it took so long to get this out! But it’s finally done. It might come off as a bit out character, so sorry if that’s the case. It also includes a little bit of an explanation at the start as to why the two are attracted to each other. Anyways enjoy!
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Havik’s attraction to Rain began after he watched him topple the capital of Seido. The amount of destruction wrought and the satisfaction knowing that his people were free made him almost mad with glee. But it also made him shift his attention towards the man who had done the job.
Water to Chaosrealmers is a staple in their beliefs. They believe that its formlessness and ability to destroy even the mightiest of empires perfectly encapsulates chaos. And although Chaosrealm does not exist in the new era, I feel as if Havik and other followers of chaos and anarchy still believe in this.
So when he watches Rain summon such a vast wave, completely toppling his mortal enemies in one fell swoop, the sorcerer’s status changes from peculiar mage to future follower of chaos.
At that moment, he thinks of all the destruction, all the anarchy, he and Rain could cause together. How they could bring the realms to their knees, and cause untold amounts of bloodshed. Needless to say, it doesn’t take much more thinking from then on for Havik to become obsessed with the former High Mage.
The fact that there is someone obsessed with him, who wants to be around him always fills him with a sick sense of pride, as much as he hates it. Like, he really wouldn’t mind it if anyone else BUT Havik was obsessed with him.
He feels as if his powers and ambitions are finally being recognized by someone who wasn’t attempting to manipulate him for their own gain. Who not only admires his abilities, but wants to help him become even more powerful. But the person in question, and the reason why he wishes Rain could attain more power makes him sick to his stomach.
So while he certainly doesn’t mind the admiration, he can’t say he’s particularly fond of who the admiration is coming from, curbing the pride he would’ve felt.
Havik’s love language is physical touch. He loves having some sort of contact with Rain if it’s possible. Likes resting his head on his shoulder, or putting a hand around his waist and tugging him towards him. He loves watching the mage get flustered or annoyed at their sudden closeness. Makes him all giddy.
Rain’s love language is acts of service and gift-giving. As knowledgeable as he is in the art of sorcery, he’s equally as proficient when it comes to art. He’s made a little piece of metal work for Havik that the other has had pinned to the leather of his attire since.
Havik finds Rain’s reluctance to engage in chaotic or messy habits irritable. He wants his partner to join him in chaos, to revel in the absolute anarchy that he brings with him. He wants Rain to feel free, and hates how his morals stop him from fully actualizing his own potential. Tries constantly to sway him towards chaos and although he yet to succeed, he won’t stop until Rain keels.
Havik likes to bite. Doesn’t matter where, doesn’t matter when, he will bite Rain. He likes to watch the look on the mage’s face as he does so, and gets giddy seeing Rain’s face twitch as he steals himself. He doesn’t do it as a way to claim ownership over Rain. He does it to prove his obsession, showing the mage that he’s obsessed with everything about him, and not just his destructive capabilities. Rain is free to bite him back of course, but he hardly indulges him (much to Havik’s dismay). (WILL MAKE FIC OF THIS)
Havik isn’t used to soft, reassuring touches, and so whenever Rain does something gentle with him, he’s both a bit shocked since Rain hardly initiates contact, and over the moon! Teases Rain endlessly about how he must be “warming up to him” and the mage is sick and tired of it. Really values these kinds of moments with Rain and considers it proof that the mage is growing closer to him.
Likes to freak Rain out by ripping off a limb or contorting his body in a way that a regular person would not survive. It’s not really the blood or gore that freaks Rain out, he’s had to study anatomy beforehand and has worked with cadevours, it’s just the fact that Havik can do it so… casually, and be not only completely fine afterward but laughing and joking about it too.
Both of them are cat people… I don’t make the rules
Havik always ends up bloody and dirty after his fights, which he gets into pretty frequently. Rain refuses to let him into his quarters if he doesn’t wash it off, and ends up just blasting him with a stream of water to wash off what he can.
Rain’s skin is soft and well-cared for, with hardly any markings or scratches on it. He’s gotten a few though through some failed spells, but he always takes some extra time in the morning to cover them up.
Havik’s body is marred and littered in scratch marks, and his skin is rough from the back-breaking labor he endoured whilst still enslaved under Seido’s government. Rain, if he’s feeling nice, might try to do what he can to smoothen his skin, rubbing him down with nice soaps and fermented oils in an attempt to rid him of the thick scent of iron that seems to constantly permeate off of him.
Havik isn’t really a fan of the treatment, but endures it since it’s some of the only time Rain willingly touches him, and so gently too. He relishes in the feeling of the other man’s hands running soothingly along his back. It’s the best he’s been treated his whole life, and he’s not about to turn it down, especially since it’s coming from the mage he’s grown so fondly of.
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wayward-dreamer · 8 months
Better Late Than Never
Square/s Filled: Snowed In @anyfandomfluffbingo | FREE @jacklesversebingo |
Pairing: Dean x F!Reader
Word count: 2,017
Summary: Dean and Y/N find themselves snowed in at Bobby's cabin. With a little whiskey and a cozy fire, it leaves Dean vulnerable to admit something to her he's been keeping to himself for some time.
Warnings: Minor angst, 99% fluff, brief mention of erotica.
A/N: I've had to forego tag lists as battling with dumblr isn't worth risking my mental health lol. So please go ahead and follow @wayward-dreamers-library and turn on notifications, if you want to read my stuff.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this, because it's been a while since I've written a Dean one shot. Thanks to my besties and beta's @hintsofhoney and @makeadealwithdean for looking over this one! <3
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Dean pushed the door open, the gust of chilly air causing it to hit the wall as he hurried inside, forcing it closed against the wind and shutting the cold out. He unwrapped the thick scarf from his neck, breathing heavily as the warmth from the fireplace in the living area thawed his frozen nose. He pulled the gloves off his hands and took off his leather jacket, hanging it up on the rack next to the door, before turning around, frowning at the quietness in the cabin.
Suddenly, he heard boots coming up the stairs from the basement, Y/N’s head appearing from the hatch followed by the rest of her, as she carried a big box in her hands.
“Hey,” she nodded at him as she set the box down on the dining table. “I hope you’re hungry for canned chicken soup because that’s all there was.”
“Well, as great as liquid salt in a can sounds,” he began with his signature sarcasm in place, “I got a few other things to eat, and something absolutely necessary to get through the next few days.”
He reached into one of the bags, pulling out two bottles of Bourbon, smirking as he placed them on the table. “We’re really livin’ it up here, huh?” he jested, chuckling.
“Oh yeah, it’s a real Four Seasons vibe,” she added, rolling her eyes as her laughter joined his.
“Called Bobby, told him we pulled in here and we’re gonna be staying until they clear the roads in the morning or the next,” he informed, taking out two glasses from the kitchen cabinets. “Said if we break anything, we owe him.”
“Sounds about right,” she muttered.
“So, looks like it’s just you and me,” he said, handing her a glass and cracking the seal on the bottle, pouring a generous amount into it. “Hope you don’t get sick of my face ‘cause there’s no tellin’ how long we’re gonna be here for.”
“As long as you don’t annoy me, I think we’re good,” she said, looking between her glass and him.
“Oh come on, where’s the fun in that?” he teased, smirking before he poured some bourbon for himself.
They clinked their glasses together before Y/N took a sip, turning away from him to avoid his gaze. Being in close proximity to Dean like this for God-only-knows-how-long was a dream scenario in her head. In reality, it was a nightmare. She had harbored feelings for him for longer than she cared to admit, and now being around him constantly until she finally got to leave was going to be incredibly difficult. She had to keep her bourbon intake low too; there was no telling what she would confess with too much of it in her system. She thought it was just a stupid crush she had from the first hunt they met on, something that would fade away soon enough. Then they kept meeting up, sometimes because a phone call from Sam would convince her to join them on a particular hunt, and other times by coincidence.
More cases led to more time around each other, until they became a pretty permanent part of each other’s lives. She’d even go as far as to say they were really good friends, which just made being in love with him even more complicated. Sam had been trying for a while now to get her to be part of their team, that it was better than her hunting alone, but she couldn’t do it.
Why torture herself with spending every single day in Dean’s presence when nothing was going to happen?
That was exactly what happened, however, when Sam got injured on a hunt and was resting up at Bobby’s. It had forced Dean to call her in on a vampire case, telling her he needed backup as the next was larger than he could take of on his own. The drive back to Bobby’s had been difficult, as the snow started falling harder, and they both knew they had to pull into his Montana cabin until the impending storm was over, as that was the closest place they could get to. It was five days and counting being alone with the man she had feelings for, and she wasn’t sure she’d survive it any longer. 
“I’m gonna keep outta your hair until dinner, I promise,” he proclaimed, walking past her. “How does 7 sound?”
“Sounds great,” she replied, smiling. “Thanks.”
“All good, sweetheart,” he smirked, turning on his boot to face her again. “Plus, I know you need some time with that dirty book in your duffle bag you think I don’t know about-”
“Dean!” she yelled as her eyes widened, her reflexes kicking in quickly as she picked up a couch cushion and hurled it at him.
He threw his head back as he guffawed, stumbling to catch the cushion in his hand and tossing it back on the couch. He shook his head as he continued to chuckle to himself, walking into the bedroom he’d be using and shut the door. She glared at the wooden barrier, dropping down on the sofa and taking a big sip of the amber liquid in her glass. She really had no desire to read her book now that it had been discovered.
At least she still had plenty of other fantasies to keep her company once she retreated to her room for the night.
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“Fucking… piece of–son of a bitch,” Dean muttered under his breath, battling with the ancient TV antenna.
Y/N pressed her lips together to keep from laughing, her eyes squinting as the glare coming off the screen as the static black and white crackled. “It’s no use, Dean.”
“This is literally the only thing to do here other than research. I’m fixing this thing,” he grumbled, glaring at the antenna.
“I saw a deck of cards in one of the drawers,” she stated, pointing towards the kitchen.
“Fine,” he lamented.
He finally gave up, turning off the TV with a scowl on his face. He retrieved the deck from the kitchen and sat across from Y/N, shuffling them quickly before dealing them out between them.
“Care to make it interesting?” he asked, grinning as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“If you’re thinking strip poker, you better think again, Winchester,” she countered, an unamused expression on her face.
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “You’re no fun, Y/N.”
“I know,” she giggled.
They played a few rounds of regular poker, with Dean winning the first round and then losing the next two. He grumbled as he handed his money over, but Y/N promised that she’d save it to buy drinks the next time they were at a bar. He stood up and put another log on the fire, before grabbing the bottle of bourbon and pouring some more for himself. He picked up her glass, which caused her to bite her lip, nervously. She knew she really shouldn’t, in fear that she might admit something she couldn’t if she had anymore to drink than she already had.
“Uh, Dean… I think I’m good,” she said, covering the glass with her hand.
“It’s not like we’re leaving any time soon,” he stated, gesturing at the snow outside.
She sighed, handing over her glass. She knew he had a point. “You twisted my arm.”
He poured her some before he took his place on the couch again. They fell into a comfortable silence, her eyes focused on the flickering flames and crackling of the fire. Dean looked at her, a soft smile pulling at his lips as he noticed the peace on her features. She always looked beautiful, but when she was completely relaxed and had no worries that plagued her was when she looked the most stunning. He could never tell her that though; he didn’t know how she’d react. He had liked her from the moment he met her, but he wasn’t sure if she felt remotely the same. He didn’t really want to find out, fearing that she wouldn’t.
“I can feel your eyes on me,” she broke the silence, glancing over at him.
“Sorry,” he muttered, frowning at the fact that she caught him.
“It’s okay, Dean,” she reassured him, resting her head back against the couch as she kept her eyes on him. “Anything on your mind?”
He took a sip of bourbon, staring down into the glass. “Nope.”
“That was a long pause,” she observed, smirking. “Okay, spill. There’s clearly something.”
“I was taking a sip,” he pointed out.
“Yeah, but there was still a lot of silence,” she argued.
“Y/N, it’s-it’s really nothing-” he started but his words dissolved on his tongue as she shifted closer to him on the sofa.
“Is it about Sam?” she asked. She knew his little brother was always a source of worry for him.
“No,” he replied, taking a large gulp of the alcohol in the tumbler.
“Is it about Bobby?”
“What is this, twenty questions?” he responded, annoyed at the third degree.
“No,” she sighed, holding his gaze. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. I shouldn’t push it.”
His eyes closed briefly as he let out a deep exhale, his lids fluttering open as he looked at her. “No, it’s not about Bobby.”
Their eyes never left each other as she thought his words over for a moment. “Is it about me?”
He knew he couldn’t ignore the question, or what he felt for her any longer. “Yes.”
She was taken aback by his answer, instantly fearing that she had done something wrong. She shifted closer to him, the scent of his aftershave tickling her nose, a couple of inches still between them.
“Dean, whatever it is… you can tell me,” she whispered, slowly curling her hand over his.
He could’ve explained himself through words, but he had never been good at expressing his feelings that way. Actions always spoke louder.
With their gazes still locked, her heart began to beat rapidly in her chest as his green orbs stared down at her, making her gulp at how close they were to each other. He slowly leaned in, and before she even realized it, a gasp escaped her just as his lips pressed against hers in a soft kiss. Her eyes fluttered closed as he squeezed her hand in his, allowing herself to move closer to him. She lifted her other hand, cupping his face and letting her thumb stroke over the chiseled line of his jaw, a low moan leaving her as his tongue slipped between her lips, deepening the embrace.
It was over just as quickly as it began, leaving her breathless when he pulled away, both of them staring at each other. Dean shook his head, hoping he hadn’t overstepped, that he hadn’t just ruined everything between them. A small smile, hopeful but weary, pulled at her lips.
“I wish you would’ve done that sooner,” she admitted, laughing.
He grinned. “Better late than never, I guess.”
She leaned into him, her hand resting over his heart covered by his red and black plaid shirt, her forehead pressed against his. She couldn’t really believe what had just happened, feeling like she’d wake up at any moment and it would’ve all been a dream. The longer she stayed in that embrace, in the peace and quiet of the cabin, the only sounds coming from the fireplace, she knew it was all real. It was finally real.
“We have until this storm is over to make up for lost time,” he said, peering into her eyes.
“Hey, better not just be during the storm,” she warned, lifting an eyebrow.
He chuckled, shaking his head as his lips hovered over hers. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I ain’t lettin’ you go any time soon.”
“Sounds good to me, Winchester.”
They spent the rest of the night curled up together in front of the fire, before moving things into the bedroom, finding a better way to keep warm during the snowstorm.
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(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Levi Ackerman, fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff
• Warnings: none
Summer rain
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃ ˚᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Levis Pov
I was mopping my office while I listened to the heavy raindrops crashing down out of the clouds. Today was hot like shit so the rain was more than welcomed.
The drops formed a quiet symphony on the heavy bricks the building was made of and invited my thoughts to dance around my head, while I continued to wet the floor with the soap water.
My eyes took a glance outside where I saw a few soldiers running over the, now muddy, training ground. Good thing I was done for today.
After a few more minutes I stopped my movements and looked proudly at my - now spotless - office. Suddenly the door swung open and (Y/n) stepped inside. With her boots. With her usual confidence she walked over the freshly cleaned floor over to me.
„What do you think you’re doing?“, I yelled and made a big step towards her to stop her from walking further into the room. „You need Hanjis glasses or what? Can’t you see that I just mopped the floor?!“
With an unbothered laugh she threw her arms around me and kissed my cheek. „You smell like horse shit“, I mumbled but accepted the hug nonetheless. „I come from the horses.“ - „I can tell.“
My anger was long gone when I looked into her (e/c) eyes and even when I looked behind her and saw the muddy footsteps I just couldn’t get myself to get angry again. Not at (Y/n).
„You’re a brat, you know that?“ Her laugh was like a warm breeze. „You say that often. You still love me though.“
„Unfortunately“, I mumble with a slight smile, while she pecked my cheek again. „How about a walk?“, she suddenly asked and instantly turned around to walk outside.
„Are you insane?“, I asked while grabbing her wrist. „I’m a soldier at the survey corps, you can answer that yourself.“
She didn’t got irritated by my grabbing and just tried to walk away but I was stronger so she was forced to stop. „Come on, I love this weather“, she pleaded and looked at me with her best puppy eyes.
I stood my ground and with an annoyed sigh she let go off me. „Then imma go alone!“ I heard her provoking tone, she knew she would get me like that, and then watched her as she walked out of my office.
„(Y/n), please, we’re adults“, I said as I followed her down the halls to the front door, thinking about the cold she would probably catch. But she opened the door anyways and stepped outside in the pouring rain.
„You’re going to get sick!“, I shout as I watched her how she threw the arms in the air, her face decorated with a big smile. „I don’t care!“
Her (h/c) hair was drenched already, sticking to her head and face and her white blouse quickly got see through. When I saw her bra under the, now useless, top, I quickly stepped outside, so I would be able to shield her from any possible looks she could get from other soldiers.
That was her opportunity to catch me and pull me to her, which she did and then threw her arms around me. „You want to show the world your breasts or what?“
She answered with a bright laughter. „If that’s what it takes to get you to go outside with me.“
Soon enough I was just as drenched as (Y/n) and to say I felt disgusting was an understatement. But that all flew away when I looked at (Y/n) again, who still had her arms around my shoulders but was now looking towards the sky, her eyes closed.
I never saw someone so genuinely happy before like her in this very moment. I never really understood how she was able to enjoy so many things so easily, even if it seemed like there is nothing positive about them.
She just lived in the moment and I realized that this is one of those many things that I love so much about her.
„We should head back inside“, I mumbled when I heard the first thunder growling. „And run a hot bath, before you really get sick.“
She shut me up with a kiss. I tasted the rain on her lips and the happiness of the moment.
Never in my life did I feel so alive.
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Todd with a reader who's not a mutant, they let him stay at their place, technically their parents but eh same thing, instead of the place Mystique has the brotherhood in?
Have a good day! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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Moving in with Todd Tolansky Headcanons!!
Thank you so much for the request! This is such a cute idea, I love it. The first thing I thought of was Gideon Graves in the rain honestly lmao. Anyways, here are my head canons for Todd living with this non-mutant S/O! As always, I'm sorry if I don't meet your expectations or anything, I'll always try my best!
(Slight TW for mentions of not eating and injuries)
• It took him a while to admit that he needed help, which isn't very surprising. His pride is one of the only things he has to his name.
• You first start noticing problems when he would turn up to school, tired and beaten down from battles with the X-Men.
• He's constantly falling asleep in class and looks like he's on the verge of passing out a lot, which is obviously worrying for his partner.
• Then you notice that he's not eating. He ignores his hygiene, he constantly gets sick. And he brushes it all off so that you don't get worried about him.
• But obviously you're still worried. Once you realize how awful his home situation is (no food, running water, constantly being forced to fight, etc) you immediately decide that he's going to live with you.
• You approach your parents and surprisingly they're pretty chill about it! (If that's unbelievable for anyone, just imagine it's a cool aunt or something)
• At first, Todd denies your offer. As much as he would love to be connected to your hip at all seconds of the day, his worst fear is you getting annoyed by him. Or you seeing him as a burden.
• But eventually, he relents. He just can't say no to you!
• It's rough at first. It's a big transition and he can't help but feel like he's asking too much. Even when he just asks for some water or something.
• Eventually, after showering him with enough affection, he'll start to get more comfortable.
• Also, he eats constantly. Like, there's no way that boy isn't starving. A diet of bugs isn't nutritious enough! He's probably extremely skinny too. Why do you think he wears such baggy clothes all of the time?
• After a while of living with you, he starts to get some of the life back in his face. He smiles more, he's more energetic, it's honestly a really nice change.
• He really doesn't know how to thank you, so he just does random things for you throughout the day. He likes making you food and drinks and he wakes you up gently every morning by rubbing your back (just so you don't get startled by the alarm AAGSHSG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH)
• He's still extremely clingy, but being around your parental figure makes him really nervous. He'll barely even hold your hand if you're around an adult, just because he wants to make a good impression (this boy definitely has parental issues btw)
• Todd also really appreciates your parental figures for allowing him to stay with you, so he'll do things like cleaning the dishes and buying them flowers. He just really wants some validation, you know? (same)
• All in all, he's always extremely appreciative of you. He looks at you like you're his entire world, because you really are!
Wow, that got a bit more angst-y than I actually would. I'm sorry for making it sad, I don't know if that's exactly what you were thinking, but it was the first thing that came to mind. Anyways, thank you so much for the request!! I hope I could at least come close to what you were thinking.
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vincess-princess · 6 months
in darkness shall you be reborn
Chapter 15
Word count: 2789 Warnings: some blood A/N: rejoice, for i am almost done with college (for this semester) and have much more time and energy, hence this chapter. consider it a christmas present <3
By the time the potato fortress was demolished, the bandage on Vince’s shoulder had grown soggy and heavy, and underneath dumb pain accompanied every Vince’s movement, occasionally sharpening into spikes. When Mick turned away to fiddle with the pot on the stove, Vince unbuttoned his shirt and peeled off the three-day-old bandage.
The wound didn’t look promising, with the skin between the stitches red and inflamed, and the thread dark and wet with blood. If it had been healing, the process surely was disrupted. This really begged for a doctor, but he had just refused to do that to Mick’s face, so going to a surgeon would mean admitting defeat, and Vince had enough of it today. Besides, while death of infection wasn’t among the ways to kill himself that he considered, but for lack of alternatives…
A hand grasped his forearm, startling him. The bandage fell onto the ground with an audible plop. Not paying that any mind, Mick silently dragged him to the door and then along the corridor to the sick bay. Vince didn’t resist. It made sense with Nikki. Not with Mick.
Izzy the surgeon wasn’t alone. A familiar redhead was sitting on the bunk in the sick bay and sipping beer from a mug. There was a talk in hushed voices going on, but it was, naturally, stopped as Mick barged in without a knock and unceremoniously shoved Vince inside.
“Take care of this idiot before I do,” he only said and, not sparing Vince another look, slammed the door shut.
“Wow.” Axl raised an eyebrow. “Never seen the old man so pissed. What did you do, hump his guitar?”
“I wish,” Vince jerked his shoulder, annoyed, but then the pain in it flared up, making him wince. Izzy the surgeon frowned, and Vince belatedly remembered he wasn’t supposed to disclose his and Axl’s connection to anyone on the ship. Well, that one reply didn’t mean anything, right?
“You got him so angry and didn’t even use the chance to hump his guitar?” Axl continued, making Izzy snort. That was the first time Vince heard him make a sound since he dryly informed him about that same shoulder wound during his first visit to sick bay.
“You seem unhealthily fixated on it, should I tell Mick to lock it up at night?” Vince replied half-mindedly, eyeing the surgeon nervously. Stopping in the middle of a conversation now would seem stranger than continuing it. Izzy, however, observed the battle of wits with no sign of surprise. No sign of anything, really. It was hard to see his eyes at all underneath the long, greasy hair and in the dim light of the sick bay.
“Oh, so he doesn’t lock her up?” Axl grinned. “Pray tell, where does he keep her?”
“Whatever you’re thinking of, I wouldn’t recommend it. You try to cross the galley’s threshold at night, you’re getting an early breakfast. Of lead.”
“Really? Does he also shoot at you when you go out for a piss?”
Vince nodded. He might have exaggerated Mick’s reaction a bit, to keep any night eaters’ hopes low. Just a bit, though, because anyone breaking down the closed door at night was guaranteed a couple extra holes.
“Oh you poor thing, can’t even go take a leak?” Axl didn’t sound too pitiful, more amused, and that felt good.
“Oh, I can. You don’t want to know where, though.”
“Ew-w-w!” Even Izzy couldn’t hold back a cry of disgust. Vince took it as his little personal victory. He had already learned that the reaction to this type of humor was deceptive. If the pirates didn’t love the joke, they wouldn’t say anything at all, and that silence could kill faster than staying in the same room with a dozen pirates who had beans for dinner. “Yeah, I’ll think twice before eating anything from the galley now.”
“Think as much as you want, you’ll eat it anyway. May I?” Without waiting for an answer, Vince reached out for Axl’s unfinished mug of beer and finished it off in two gulps. Watching Axl’s jaw loosen in indignation was quite entertaining. And reassuring, because whatever Nikki had said, those two treated him rather decently so far, even when he obviously overstepped the boundaries.
“You recovered rather quickly,” another voice said from behind Vince’s back. Izzy. “Surprising.”
“Really?” Vince abruptly turned on his heels towards Izzy. His face gave no indication of whether the last comment was meant positively or negatively, but Vince had a feeling that if it was the latter, the surgeon wouldn’t initiate the talk at all. “Why?”
“Well,” one corner of Izzy’s mouth curved ever so slightly, “last time you were here, you were trembling like a leaf and couldn’t string two words together. I didn’t expect you’d last the night.”
Not a muscle had moved in the surgeon’s face, but he tilted his head to the left slightly… it might have been the dim light of the sick bay and the shadows of Izzy’s hair falling on his face, but the nothingness of his face had an ironic undertone now.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, you were rather… distraught. You lost everything you had, including your vir… dignity. You don’t look the hardy type to me, and that would be the easiest way out.”
“Well, it wasn’t,” Vince said in a strangled voice. “If I die, I die of this infection that Mick dragged me here for. Stop talking nonsense and deal with it instead.”
“Hey, drop that tone,” Axl demanded, his voice suddenly stern. “Order your servants around with it- oh right, you don’t have any. Nobody owes you anything anymore.”
“Ax, relax,” Izzy said lazily, rising from his chair. “Old habits slip through in everyone sometimes. You, for example, still can’t take a shit when there’s someone else on the poop deck, and captain still expects us to know what minuet is. Shirt off.” That last one was addressed to Vince, who hastily pulled his shirt over his head. Izzy grabbed a candle and leaned forward, examining the wound, the candle so close Vince could feel the heat with his skin. He sure hoped Izzy’s hand wouldn’t slip.
“Let’s see… Haven’t I fixed it before? Yeah, those are my stitches… holy shit. It takes an effort to fuck up my work this badly. What you been doing with them?”
“Not me,” Vince said gloomily.
“Ah.” No emotion on the pale face once again. It contrasted especially starkly with Axl’s grimace on the background. “Well, tell the captain that if he keeps that up, he might lose his favorite whipping boy in a couple of months at best. This one looks fixable, but if they add up it’s gonna get real bad.”
“If I tell him that, it will take much less than a couple months.” Vince much preferred when they discussed his night pissing accommodations.
“C’mon, it’s not in his interest. It’s not like you can find pretty captives on every ship you raid. It was three years between you and Axl. Pretty boys don’t usually go seafaring – for obvious reasons.”
“But Axl said-“ Vince turned to the redhead, then caught himself. Izzy seemed aware, but to what extent?
“Yeah, he got luckier than you. Doesn’t mean that wasn’t one of the reasons,” Izzy interrupted him. Ah, so he was fully aware. Interesting that Axl didn’t consider it worthwhile to tell him about their little club. “Ax, get off the bunk. I’m gonna have to stitch him anew. Here, lie down.”
He pressed on Vince’s shoulder, pushing him to lie onto his back, then opened a cabinet and extracted a bottle of water out of it and a surgeon’s kit.
“Hold this.” He handed Vince the water. As Vince discovered three seconds later, it was actually vodka. A shitty painkiller, but better than nothing.
“Hey!” Izzy caught Vince red-handed sipping out of the bottle. “You parasite! That’s for medical purposes. Give that to me.”
“I’m self-medicating!” Vince protested, reluctantly handing back the bottle. The only upside of vodka was that it didn’t take much of it to get piss drunk, though, so he wasn’t too upset about the loss.
“For external use!”
“Why? If you want to clean the wound with it, why not just use water? And I could find a better use for this heavenly beverage.”
“Are you telling me how to do my job? Maybe you’ll patch yourself up too then and save everyone the trouble?” Izzy gave Vince a blank stare that impressed him more than any frown Axl could master. “No? Then don’t act all smart here. Stretch out the arm.”
He got down onto his knees next to the bunk and leaned close to the wound, carefully stretching the skin a little to get a better look at it. Then he cut the thread with small scissors and abruptly pulled it out.
“Don’t be such a pussy,” Izzy rolled his eyes. “At least, not more than you already are.”
Vince wouldn’t have swallowed the insult so meekly if the surgeon wasn’t just about the only person capable of fixing his wound. Without the thread the torn edges of the wound widened, exposing black, clotted blood inside. Vince winced.
“Could be worse,” Izzy waved him off. “It just started to inflame. I don’t see any pus there so far.” Then he pulled out a patch of fabric and the aforementioned vodka bottle and, before Vince managed to realise what was happening, poured vodka all over it.
A second passed, and then Vince threw his head back with a howl as the liquid burned exposed flesh and the skin around it. Izzy promptly pressed the fabric to the wound, pushing Vince back onto the bunk, and held him down as he cursed and hissed. Then he began cleaning out the dried blood with the cloth, and Vince discovered he knew even more curse words than he thought. Thankfully, he did the job quickly enough for Vince to only cycle through his collection of curses three times.
“This should be a torture technique!” he protested once he was again capable of coherent speech. “Wouldn’t water do the job just as well?”
“No.” Izzy threw the bloody cloth on the floor. “Over my years of practice I discovered that the wounds cleaned with vodka or other highly alcoholic beverages have much lower chance of inflaming. And you need that chance. I can’t really chop off a shoulder in case there’s a gangrene.”
Vince, realizing this was a real possibility, went quiet. Izzy, meanwhile, grabbed a needle, threaded it and then dipped it into the flame of the candle. For a second Vince believed the thread would catch fire, but Izzy knew what he was doing. After a couple minutes of this he removed it, tried to touch it with his fingers, cursed under his breath and blew onto the blunt tip. When it presumably cooled enough, he grabbed the needle and lowered himself onto a stool next to the bed.
“Now hold still. You fidget too much, I’ll have to ask Axl to pin you down.”
“You don’t want that,” Axl, who until now had been observing the scene with an interest one would express to a circus performance, confirmed from the back.
“Aren’t you going to wait until the needle cools down?” Vince asked warily.
“No. It will hurt anyway.” With that, Izzy began to stitch.
The stab wound was small and only took him a few minutes to stitch up, but to Vince they were hours. He gripped the edge of the bed so tightly his fingers went numb, and bit his lips so hard he drew blood. But, for the first time on the Shout, the pain was inflicted without a purpose to hurt, and so he kept silent, save for an occasional pained gasp.
“All done.” Izzy rose from his stool and wiped his bloody fingers and the needle with a towel. “And you didn’t have to be all tough and manly about it. Crying actually helps relieve the pain.”
“Yeah, so you get more excuses to call me a pussy?” Vince huffed, sitting up on the bunk and putting his feet onto the floor. His bloodied knees poked out of his pants, drawing a disproportionate amount of attention.
“Whoa, man,” Axl whistled in amazement, “you seen his knees? To fucking shreds! The blowjob must have been insane.”
Izzy raised his eyebrows. “Huh. The captain sure doesn’t fuck around. You might want to get these cleaned and bandaged, though.”
“I might, if you two stop talking bollocks,” Vince said through gritted teeth.
“That’s only in your interest,” Izzy shrugged, wetting a cloth with vodka and handing it to him. “These can get infected too.”
“I- ouch!- know.” Vince dabbed the cloth onto one knee, then another. He didn’t even have to take off his pants for that, which was convenient.
“Any other injuries I should know about?”
“None that I recall,” Vince said curtly.
“Man, if that’s just his knees, imagine what the captain is doing to his ass,” Axl said from behind Izzy’s back. “Maybe he’s just too shy to ask you about it.”
“If you don’t shut up, I will do something much worse to your ass,” Vince promised.
“Oh-oh, so scary.” Axl threw his hands up in pretended surrender, but had to cut the act short to dodge from the candle holder Vince hurled at him. He promptly picked it up to throw it back, but Izzy was quicker.
“Stop that right now!” He snatched the candle holder from Axl’s hand. “I won’t tolerate a mess in my workplace!” For the first time Vince heard an actual emotion in his voice – anger. “Rose, get the hell out!”
“Hey! He started that!” Axl protested.
“I don’t care. He needs my services, and you’re here just to gawk. Get out or I’ll make you.” The surgeon was thinner and lighter than Axl, but Vince didn’t doubt for a second that he could easily do that. Axl seemed to be of the same opinion, because he got up and disappeared behind the door, muttering indignantly under his breath.
“You done?” Izzy turned back to Vince like nothing happened and crouched next to the bunk to look at his knees. “Well, you certainly didn’t try your hardest. Gimme.”
He quickly and relentlessly wiped up the rest of the clotted blood off Vince’s knees and bandaged them.
“Try not to kneel much in the next few days. Even if the captain wants you to. Tell him I said so.”
“I will make sure to pass your recommendations on to him,” Vince promised grimly. “After which he, in turn, will make sure to break every single one of them. Thanks for the help. Drop by the galley when you can. I don’t have much influence over Mick, but I can coax an extra mug of beer out of him for you.”
“You sure know your strengths.” Izzy smiled with corners of his mouth. “I’ll consider it. Now off you go.”
Well, out of all of “get the fuck out of here” variations this one was rather polite. Vince, not wishing to test Izzy’s patience any longer, left the sick bay and almost bumped into Axl, who was waiting patiently by the door.
“You could have told me that Izzy knows about us before I had to find it out by trial and error!” Vince poked him in the chest accusingly.
“Well, it didn’t end in error after all, right?” Axl waved his hand carelessly. “Besides, I wanted to see how you’d hold up in the presence of another person. I gotta say, I thought you had better manners.”
“Learning from you all,” Vince grumbled. “Anyone else aware you haven’t told me about?”
“Nope. Izzy’s the only one on this ship I can trust.” Axl sighed.
“Three years, and you’ve only made one friend? You’re not a social type, aren’t you?”
“I’ll look at you in three years and see how you’re faring,” Axl scowled. “If you’re still alive, that is. The captain sure is hot-headed, but within reason. You must be a terrible pain in the ass to end up so beaten.”
“I’m not-“ Vince began, but realized anything he said would be taken as proof of that. A pain in the ass, a bother, an annoyance. None of the pirates would ever see past this description, would never believe it wasn’t his fault. They believed their precious captain would never do that on his own volition, and together with general disregard of the “blue bloods” it was enough for them to shift the blame completely onto Vince’s shoulders.
He gave Axl a deadly glare and stormed down the corridor to the galley.
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