#anyway new hyperfixation besties <3
autisticenbydonnie · 6 months
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something something comfort characters but the vibes somehow match
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skeletronza · 6 months
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uselessnbee · 8 months
hello i came back from the dead to say that Percy and Thalia are Mike and Max in another universe
no i will not elaborate
that's it i'm leaving again goodbye
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 month
was looking through old posts and i'm surprised to see that i seemingly didn't have any commentary on anything in 3 in chapter 7, 8 or 9, the posts related to 3's story go from "my first reaction when i saw yopple-bot was 'i love you. but also you are definitely the boss for this chapter-'" to "i have been in hell all day. hell being bada-bing tower." funny to me cuz those chapters are like, the best ones sdfkljsdfjfsdkjlfsdjkl-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#i love dukesville. yo-kai watch wild west. though also everyone in bbq talks like they're in the wild west-#i don't blame myself for not having any commentary on hazeltine mansion tbh. it sucks ass. i mean it's kind of fun but like#god is it annoying. i think using the mechanic of switching between nate and hailey for puzzles is a cool idea but. bad execution#very bad execution. it is so annoying#especially the section where you're in the basement and have to use the drill a bunch#... why are there prison cells in the basement anyways??????? i just realized how fucking weird that is-#i'm mostly just annoyed by the dining room puzzle tbh. i KNOW the fucking answers but verygoodsir is an ASSHOLE for some reason#and won't let me choose the FUCKING CORRECT DOORS#3's so fucking amazing tbh. i really wanna replay it soon. don't wanna have to delete a save file though#wish 3 had three save files like 1 and 2. i get why though i mean it's the biggest 3ds game klsfdjfskjfsdjksdf-#i wanna like. actually use my originyan for once. i might just end up using nyases ii instead tho fsdkljjdsfjskd-#i love every chapter in 3 after nate and hailey meet tbh. the bestie moments are so good#though also i don't think it was an amazing idea tbh. it means there's six main characters after that point#sometimes one character will go several cutscenes without talking at all. it's usually buck#he doesn't have any dialogue during any of the key quests in new yo-kai city. which is pretty amusing admittedly#i think the writers just forgot about him or something fslkdjdfslkjfsdljkdf-#i think my favorite thing related to that is like. during the stuff in bada-bing tower komasan and komajiro are there too#but they don't have any dialogue. which makes it seem kind of pointless#i get why they're there plot-wise but like. at that point you should either have them leave before you go to bada-bing tower#(esp since they don't end up in the ufo with everyone else. idr if there's a reason for that there probably isn't-)#(i think i slightly blocked out everything in bada-bing tower cuz it is so grueling)#or just. give them dialogue???#i love 3 and all but it definitely has some problems-#which is why i'm so excited to rewrite it <3 for both of those reasons. i can fix things. and also it's the best game#just. full-stop. not just the best yo-kai watch. i just think it's the best game ever#that title changes based on my current biggest hyperfixation though sfldfsjdkslfdjkfdj-#i think i'd say my overall top 5 is like. yo-kai watch 3. deltarune. ummmm. fantasy life is up there
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septembersghost · 1 year
what addictive stardust does baz put in his movies
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lyss-butterscotch · 11 months
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Elden Rain 1 • 2 • 3 • VOID
I lied the hyperfixation isn't over. No painting this time because I picked up a new brush during this and spent a week on all these combined for some reason djjdndnd
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Here's some extra tidbit from my friend @dayzadraws for making the Pebbles and arti doodle worse because I said that Pebbles was long gone from the rot and arti is still aware :))))
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Last few tidbits on the doodles I wanna share :
Fack you sliver and moon gets to be sword married
Riv and saint would be besties, saint pretends theyre annoyed but really theyre not
I broke the one sacret rule of the rw community of never making pebbles tall and/or cool have mercy
My friend and i were debating on whether to have anthro-arti like riv is to moon or steed-arti like in elden ring so i combined them kinda
Also come on. Suns gave the rot to pebbles in rain world. Malenia gave rot to Radahn in their fight. Its RIGHT THERE
Also ranni and radahn are siblings!!! They fit moon and pebbles!!!!
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lunabug2004 · 22 days
New to the stranger things fandom. Do you have any good fic recs? Especially byler.
First of all, omg welcome! I hope you're enjoying being a part of the fandom!
Second, bestie I wish I could supply you more but I don't keep track of the fics I read at all :(. I have a few that I remember so I'll link those after the break! (but I gotta warn that all of them will be Mike-related and not necessarily canon because I have an addiction to his character):
'a cruel summer with you' by andiwriteordie, astrobi, and wiseatom: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48097207/chapters/121281193 Byler summer camp AU. Iconic & rightfully so. So so so good. [Ongoing, currently ~303k words]
'It's still raining. Why is it still raining?' by bouncehouce: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41543979 Mike angst, love it. + Mike&Hopper fiction is my fav tbh (after byler ofc) [Finished, ~2k words]
'The snow won't melt in mid-december' by GhoulSanderson: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45649651/chapters/114871651 Again, pure Mike angst. Love it. Also Byler, but might be pretty slight, I don't remember. [Finished, ~39k words]
'Please stay' by GhoulSanderson: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42486687 Madwheeler. Again, Mike angst but this time with Max. Madwheeler fiction is also my fav (also after byler ofc). [Finished, ~1.8k words]
'Code Purple Series' by BewitchingNotes: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3039501 Pure Mike angst as a series. No Byler unfortunately but very good and very sad. I reread a lot. [Finished, 15 works, ~24k words]
'Force of Gravity' by oceanfruit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40134231/chapters/100515708 Byler modern AU. Also pretty iconic. Very good. [Finished, ~170k words]
'a stranger things group chat <3' by cosmicbrowniefan: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39748521/chapters/99513723 Byler. Everyone's LGBTQIA+ and it's amazing. This one's just very fun and lighthearted if I remember correctly. [Finished, ~69k words]
This last one's only for registered AO3 users so it's being difficult but it's 'The Darkest Eyes' by light_lanterne. Byler. This one is probably my top favorite but it's incomplete and seems to have been abandoned. It's "a semi canon-compliant character study of mike wheeler, his unaddressed trauma and his relationship with will byers, told through the eyes of a very tired jim hopper who can’t help but to become attached to the boy who keeps dating his children". (Yes this is the only one I'm using the actual summary for cuz I'm lazy by the end of this.)
Anyways, I hope you find enjoyment out of at least one of these! Sorry I couldn't give you more, I haven't read ST fanfic in while as my hyperfixation has died down atm (still there, just not as crazy as a few months ago). Also I'm so sorry for how long this response took me! I had to gather the fics and had lots of family gatherings going on these last couple weeks so my time was limited!
Thanks so much for the ask! I appreciate you so very much! <3
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littlest-bugz · 4 months
current hyperfixation? (feel free to infodump!!)
YIPPEEE!!! This made my day FR!! Thank you, mutual <3
This is kind of embarrassing, but I’ve been deeply invested by my own OCverse for going on 8 years now. Its my Special Interest, which sucks because,,, im the only one who can make content of these stinkies,,,,,
I really find it hard to hyperfixate on anything else because of the fact Ive been invested for so long (except for Web Design and coding, which I wont infodump about, since its literally all for these stories, deadass).
It is not fun at times because 1) all the characters live rent free in my head and criticize how I write them in my novels [that DID life] and 2) its SO hard to make new projects and get attached to them. Ive been trying for 2 years to make a horror project out of one concept but I seriously cant get fully invested and it SUCKS. Let me make my silly little horror web series damnit!!!!! (@ my brain)
I have 3 novels and one fantasy series im working on so,,,, Infodump time >:3c
TWs: Terminal Illness + brief mentions of (mental institute) hospitalization, murder, war, and some others that I’m not 110% sure the exact tags for them (basically kind of cannibalism, but between nonhuman species). Other than terminal illness, they’re super brief mentions, but still proceed with caution.
Right now, I’m working on one of the books I’ve been writing for nearly my whole time writing. Ive been only working on it since feb 1st (it’s, like, the THIRD draft tho).
Blurb about book
Melissa is a bassist in a rock band she formed with her high school friends. Just as her, and her friends’, career begins takes off, she gets diagnosed with a terminal illness. With a month left to live, and a shit ton of unfinished business, she invokes her best friend’s patron deity who is capable of miracles, Flip. Melissa and Flip make a pact to keep her alive until her business is over, but oh no! Melissa has caught the eyes of another god, and a pretty shitty one at that. How is she going to make her last months peaceful if she’s being hunted down by a god?
The working title is called “Ensuring Your Spot In Hell” because Flip is, essentially, a demon in the universe (rules an infernal ring of hell- it means I would have to explain the worldbuilding around hell and its A LOT), but titles are!!! So hard for me!!!
A list of random facts about the book™️ because I don’t want to write full paragraphs bc I can go on forever if u ask me to:
Flip’s name is a shortened version of his actual name, Fli’pyek. Furthermore, the domain Flip rules over is that of Wrath and Violence
Trinity (Melissa’s childhood bestie, and the friend that worship’s Flip) is a hereditary witch and pagan. Her family has been worshipping Flip and practicing witchcraft for several generations! They literally have their own holy book (generational BoS/Grimoire/whatever u want to call it).
Melissa had been sick with the disease™️ since she was 16. She just neglected the shit out of her own health (me too bestie, me too). It easily could have been prevented if she went to the doctor back when she was, at least, 18 years old, max 24.
At the time Melissa is diagnosed with her terminal illness, she’s 26. By the time she was supposed to die, she would’ve been freshly 27. Has anyone heard of the 27 club theory before? Or is it just an obscure reference I made LMAO
Melissa has extended biological family that worships Flip! It gets super awkward when Melissa visits them with Flip lol
The other primordial god that Melissa finds herself in a predicament with is named Ama, the god of Cruelty and Torture. Not a swell guy to get mixed up with, that’s for sure!
Melissa has an orange and white cat named Cheddar!
Flip always smells like whiskey and freshly cut tobacco. At all times. It’s bc his blood smells like it (and tastes like it too, but why are you tasting it? /j)
Any other facts might be getting into spoiler territory, BUT!! Thats the one Im working on rn, in February. In January I worked on another book, but that one honest to gods might be too triggering for this acc for an indepth thingy like the book I just did. It’s being rewritten to not be so triggering, but bc it’s a throw up of some of our trauma, it’s not an easy task to censor it.
REGARDLESS, Here’s a rundown of ALL of my main novels (minus the one I already talked about)
The Case of Twin Woods [mystery, drama, crime] (the one i worked on January)
Chastity hates her life. She hates her shitty job, she hates her shitty friends, and she hates her shitty family. After opening up too much to an online friend about her chronic suicidality, Chastity gets taken to Twin Woods Mental Institute, the state’s mental institution. There she befriends an eccentric group of patients, then finding out something terrible might be going on with the head warden, Leon Bellamy. She takes it upon herself to find out and solve the mystery, but she may have bitten off more than she can chew.
Untitled One (but leaning towards the name of ‘Jealousy’ or somethin idk) [drama, romance, crime]
Mia has a quiet life. She works at a library, she fosters cats, and by all means, has what could be considered a ‘boring life’. One day, she gets laid off from her job under the excuse of “cutting costs”, leaving her without a job and severance. While scrambling for a job, she finds one at a local cafe, the most frequented one in the city. There she befriends one of the regulars, a cold, quiet man named Zander, and after she unknowingly helps Zander’s brother, she becomes significantly closer to him. However, her boss, a bitter ex of Zander’s, hears about their ensuing closeness and decides she doesn’t like what’s going on. One failed dinner party and murder attempt later, Mia is left scrambling to hide that she killed Angelina in self defense. Will she be successful in hiding the murder? Or will the justice system make quick work of her?
Untitled Fantasy Series (has about 2 actual novels and 3 novellas… a possible third novel too) [drama, romance]
book one
Since his birth, King Sunshine has known his fate. He is to be sacrificed for the greater good of the realm he resides, killing his oppressive father, but losing his life in the process. It’s a prophecy that has been laid out since the beginning of Racktokian history, one King Sunshine was never able to escape due to his father’s unspoken rage at his own murder. After meeting a Vurtock for the first time, a species his father only used as cattle, Sunshine finds himself quickly entangled in a plot to overthrow his own father to liberate the Vurtockian race. He knows what he has to do, but it isn’t easy.
book two
The great war tore apart the country King Sunshine called home. His father left no stone unturned from his rage, and public opinions split the people. In the rubble of his home, he builds a new country founded on the importance of the civilians, only to be elected as a King in place of his father. Living in the palace he always called home, but had tried to escape, he finds that his father keeps sending assassins to make attempts on his life. One assassin, a vurtock with nothing to lose, hits a soft spot in Sunshines heart. After deescalating the attempt on his life, he offers the vurtock to stay in his castle until they’re able to find the proper resources to help him build a life in the new country. Far away from the oppressive dictatorship of his father. Yet, as his guest begins to stay for longer than intended, he sees that yet another step in the prophecy will begin.
Despite how the second book blurb is written, it’s more from the vurtock’s point of view than Sunshine’s. I just had a total brain fart.
The novellas for the fantasy book follow the POV of other important characters, such as the ruler of the Vurtockian rebellion, the POV of other rulers. For a while I wanted to write one from Raphaël’s POV, but I decided it wouldn’t be worth writing a whole book about a piece of shit finding joy in the pain he causes. Like, no thanks, ill pass.
Theres a possible 3rd book that would essentially be an extended epilogue, since the prophecy doesn’t stop at Sunshine’s death. I just haven’t thought as far as the 2 books and 3 novellas, in terms of outlining the books and stuff.
I honestly could give TONS more info on the fantasy books because that part of my universe has been around nearly the whole time Ive been writing. I have maps of the world, maps of countries, maps of even just cities, house and castle layouts, moodboards, art. Visual references galore. Not to mention the playlists for each character + each book. I also made a document called “The Remian Bible” because it has everything about the world in it, including the alphabets of the languages, grammar structures for said languages and literally 5 holy books for the religions even tho they wont evEN BE TALKED ABOUT IN ENOUGH DEPTH (why did i do that to myself /lh j/. It doesn’t help that I still want the write the holy books in their native languages… oo,,, and imagine writing the actual novels in the native languages,,,,). It’s honestly kind of,,, surreal how much time Ive put into this world 🧍 Like??? Damn,,,,
BUT YEAH!!! Those are all the books that take place in my ocverse + some other info!!! The things that are my hyperfixation,,,, My own books and world LMAO— The books don’t include half of the ocs in my ocverse tho, so thats where the website im coding comes in. It’ll have short stories based on the backstories of various characters on it, and Yes, even the background characters will be on it bc Im fucking bonkers and fleshed them out, even though some of them are in one scene for 2 minutes.
That being said, if anyone, or u mutual (if u read this wall of text), found any of this interesting, or wants to read even just the prologue of any of these, DM me!! I’m always looking for beta readers!! Or people to talk to about it too, that’d be fantastic. I really need beta readers, so seriously. DM me if u want to read my cringey stories!! I can give better in depth tws too!!!
EDIT: I need to mention that I go through spurts of hyperfixating on only one book or series. Thats why its both my hyper fixation AND my Special Interest
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When the morning came we Were cleaning incense off your Vinyl shelf ‘cause we lost track of time again Laughing with my feet in your lap Like you were my closest friend
“How’d we end up on the floor anyway?” you say “Your roommate’s parents’ cheap-ass screw-top rosé, that’s how” I see you every day now
And I chose you The one I was dancing with In New York LA No shoes Looked up at the sky and it was
The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed your wine into me And how the blood rushed into my cheeks So scarlet, it was The mark you saw on my collarbone The rust that grew between telephones The lips I used to call home So scarlet, it was maroon
When the silence came we Were shaking blind and hazy How the hell did we lose sight of us again? Sobbing with your head in your hands Ain’t that the way shit always ends?
You were standing hollow-eyed in the hallway Carnations you had thought were roses, that’s us I feel you no matter what The rubies that I gave up
And I lost you The one I was dancing with In New York LA No shoes Looked up at the sky and it was maroon
The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed your wine into me And how the blood rushed into my cheeks So scarlet, it was maroon The mark you saw on my collarbone The rust that grew between telephones The lips I used to call home So scarlet, it was maroon
And I wake with your memory over me That’s a real fucking legacy, legacy And I wake with your memory over me That’s a real fucking legacy to leave
The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed your wine into me And how the blood rushed into my cheeks So scarlet it was maroon The mark you saw on my collarbone The rust that grew between telephones The lips I used to call home So scarlet it was maroon
It was maroon It was maroon
...well, barely, but still XD
Anyways, I remember when Midnights dropped last year, I was lowkey FLOORED because there were not one, not two, but THREE YasMoon songs on there??? Like maybe I was just a little biased because that was at the very cusp of my life-ruining hyperfixation, but STILL. I was very akjdnshkuefdyurgfuygfeuksy about it for several days straight XD
I've always wanted to write an angsty Maroon fic for these two, and already kinda dipped into it here, here, and here. This is basically an expansion on these! This is kind of a companion piece to my ongoing 10-minute All Too Well YasMoon fic (snippet here, btw!) since it goes into more detail about the dance scene in that one.
Btw!!! The kiss in this fic is 100% what I headcanon their first kiss was <3 It takes place circa October of their freshman year, so well before they started hanging out with Sam in the beginning of S1.
(Yes I do in fact think they started macking on each other within a few weeks of meeting at the beginning of freshman year ajsdnhkufduh Like they both have the confidence and the popularity that I think they'd just dive right into it with the intention of writing it off as "just bestie things" if one or both of them realizes they're not actually gay XD)
Hope Moon's POV isn't too purple prose-y ^^; I kind of struggle to write her sometimes because she seems like the kind of person who's very poetic in how she describes things and people (i.e. "I dreamed I was a drop of dew glistening in the moonlight"), very possibly to the point of being insufferable/cringey XD It can also be tricky to describe how much (I genuinely believe) she loved Yasmine without it coming across as like...idk, corny? Or over the top? But since this is romance fic, that's probably okay maybe? I guess not being that spiritual myself, I sometimes have a hard time incorporating Moon's spirituality into her character in what feels like a genuine and realistic way.
Fic preview under the cut! Y'all are lucky I stopped when I did so you just get the fluffy bits and aren't subjected to the absolute gut punch that the second half is inevitably gonna be XD No particular TWs for this section aside from mentions of (canon-typical) underage drinking and drug use and some descriptions of a make-out session.
As always, moodboard pic credits available upon request :3
@karatecaulfield pspspsps!!! I Marooned them!!!
“What the fuck.”
Moon yawned in tired confusion, trying to piece together why Yasmine was so distraught.
“Mmmm. What?”
“We stayed up all fucking night.”
Yasmine nodded at the vast panoramic window, her face outlined in a faint orange glow. It took Moon a moment to realize it wasn’t just from the city lights.
Somewhere along the way, among the smoking and the laughing and the making out and the easy conversations, dawn crept up on them. The tree-covered hillside was bathed in rosy light, yellow porch lamps and streetlights mingling with the first rays of sun.
“Oh my god.” Under the haze of drugs and alcohol and sleep deprivation, Moon felt the alarm catch up to her. “Are we gonna die, Yas?”
“No, idiot.” Yasmine jabbed her shoulder—hard, but still affectionate. As was Yasmine’s way. “You’ll just be kind of tired later. And we can use my espresso machine.”
“Because my dad says if you don’t sleep, you’ll start seeing spirits and demons—”
“Your dad also licks LSD tabs enough to show up the damn tootsie pop owl, Moon.”
Moon snorted, lifting a foot from where it rested on Yasmine’s leg and kicking her lightly in the stomach. The other girl only cackled, emanating the same smug victory as always.
And god was it hot.
“I seriously can’t believe we pulled an all-nighter for no reason.” Yasmine laughed, one hand starting to absentmindedly massage Moon’s feet. “I haven’t pulled an all-nighter since I was like 12.”
Moon frowned. “What were you staying up all night for in middle school?”
“Oh, you know.” Yasmine clicked her tongue. “My mom wouldn’t let me ditch school on my 13th birthday, so I stayed up as a protest. I really didn’t want to like…cross the threshold of finally becoming a teenager while trapped in the shittiest place on earth. So I tried to put it off as long as I could.”
“Did it work?” Moon gave her a coy look.
“Oh, shut up.” Yasmine snickered, shoving her a little harder than before. Moon fell to the carpet in a giggling heap, feet still leaning against Yasmine’s stomach.
It was a strange sort of comfort, she thought. The effortless ease of being with a best friend.
A best friend.
Something Moon hadn’t had for a long while. Possibly not since early elementary school, where she had a bad habit of befriending girls just as strange as her only for them to move away the next year.
But then Yasmine happened. And it seemed that, unless disaster struck, she was there to stay.
“So be straight with me.” She gave Moon a searching look, drowsiness slowing her movements. “Did you secretly—”
“Be straight with you.” Moon cut her off. “You were Frenching me like your life depended on it 4 hours ago, and you want me to be straight with you.”
Yasmine’s entire face flushed. “You know what I mean!”
“Yeah, and you used the funniest possible wording for it.”
“You’re so annoying.”
You think so? Doesn’t look like that from where I’m standing.
Yasmine wasn’t open about fondness. But Moon could always feel it, hovering in the air in a sort of balmy, indescribable energy.
“But real talk.” Yasmine went back to scrutinizing her. “Did you secretly do one of those like…weird Wiccan spells when we burned the incense? To make time speed up or whatever?”
“No.” Moon had to smirk. “You just like hanging out with me. You wasted an entire night on me that you’ll never get back.”
And so Yasmine had. She could tell Moon tomorrow that she never wanted to see her again, and it couldn’t erase the hours they’d spent with their auras interlaced in that beautiful living room. The time their souls spent weaving into one blinding beam, like the first ray of sunrise over the Valley.
Yasmine answered with an eyeroll, but her cheeks were still undeniably red. Moon savored the taste of a rare victory.
“You like hanging out with me, Yasmine Pyne,” she taunted playfully. As though voicing it again would cement it into something more tangible. More permanent.
“Oh, bullshit.” Yasmine scoffed—albeit one devoid of any real disdain. “I invited you over to dance around my house and get crossed with me because I hate you.”
And Moon burst out laughing, because that quick, deadpan wit had to be her favorite thing in the world.
She hoped it would always be a short reach away.
“Speaking of the incense, though!” She sat up, suddenly reaching for a roll of paper towels on the ebony wood coffee table. “We should get back to work.”
They’d made quite a mess earlier, the remains of amber, cedar, jasmine, and copal sprawled across the decorative record shelves that Yasmine’s parents had never stored a single record on. Until about an hour ago, they were diligently cleaning it up.
Or maybe it was 2 hours? Moon wasn’t quite sure when they got sidetracked.
“How’d we even end up down here?” Yasmine glanced at the white carpet below them, which at some point they must have decided was a better seating arrangement than anything else the room had to offer.
“This probably helped.”
Moon plucked the empty rosé bottle from where it had almost rolled under a navy blue couch. The wine really was exceptionally shitty grade, for being from Yasmine’s mother’s padlocked liquor cabinet.
But Yasmine figured out the combination long ago, as well as the fact that the crappier the wine was, the quicker her mother would completely forget it existed.
Yasmine laughed, and Moon didn’t think it would ever stop being addictive. Full, beautiful, showing off dimples that only glowed their brightest when the frosty walls came down.
“We’re ridiculous. Loveseat over there’s worth 4 grand…and yet here we are.” She patted the floor, rolling her eyes.
“Should we move, then?”
“Mmmmm…no. That sounds like a lot of work.”
Yasmine ran thin, delicate fingers down Moon’s leg. Serenity trickled across her body, more cleansing than settling into a warm rose bath.
She leaned back, reclining on the carpet and closing her eyes. For a moment she swore she was floating, suspended in the sunrise with Yasmine backlit by the approaching morning. Both of them one with the sky and the vast infinity beyond.
She had so much to say, but wasn’t sure how to voice any of it without sounding silly.
Does she know she’s my peace? Does she know I never knew what bliss could really be until we entwined ourselves? Does she know I haven’t been this happy in a long time?
Does she know I’m falling in love? Does she know it scares me?
Does she know I still want to hold on as hard as I can?
“God.” She opened her eyes to see Yasmine smiling down at her—the kind of rare, unrestrained affection she could get used to. “You’re the coolest person I know, and I get to see you every day. I’m the luckiest bitch in the world.”
Moon thought she was, too.
Their shoes were kicked off at the foyer entrance, forgotten.
Yasmine led Moon around the hall’s velvet centerpiece, twirling with one hand on her friend’s waist and the other on a glass of merlot. The marble floor was cold against Moon’s feet, but her cheeks were burning.
It all felt like an elegant princess ball, straight out of some fairy tale picture book. Well…a princess ball if True Love’s Kiss was completely fucking unattainable, anyways.
She never should’ve agreed to this—“practicing” for the Halloween dance with Yasmine, of all people. Now she was an undignified, blushing, well-on-her-way-to-being-crossed mess.
Not like Yasmine was doing much better for herself.
Already half-drunk, her merlot swayed this way and that as she pulled Moon through the foyer. She giggled and hummed along to the soft pop music drifting from the boombox from the corner, green eyes bloodshot and slowly drifting shut.
Moon knew on some level that disaster was eminent. But the entire scene was so gloriously strange and delightfully ridiculous that all she could do was go along with it.
“We are so dumb.” She sniggered the words in between puffs from a bong, intermittently put down on Yasmine’s rose gold couch.
“Yeah. We’re idiots.” Yasmine erupted into a devilish grin, completely unperturbed. “But you’re having fun, aren’t you?”
Moon playfully blew a puff of smoke into Yasmine’s face. “I guess I am.”
“Tooooold you this was a great idea.”
One more lap around the centerpiece before the night irreversibly shifted.
A tiny misstep, and Yasmine’s leg collided with the velvet arm of the couch. She yelped, toppling forward and sending burgundy sloshing from her wine glass.
Gray-green eyes stretched wide with horror as Moon felt something wet on her. It was as though Yasmine banished her altered state with sheer force of will, now fully cognizant of the unfolding catastrophe.
“Shit. Moon. I’m so sorry.”
Her hand flew from Moon’s waist, covering a pained gasp. Moon surveyed the damage.
It wasn’t that bad. Just a dark red patch on a relatively unimportant floral-printed t-shirt. Nothing a good dry clean couldn’t fix.
But Yasmine was looking at the discolored smudge like Moon had been shot.
“Hey. It’s fine.” Moon rested a hand on her shoulder. “It’ll come out. Promise.”
Yasmine only whimpered, shaking her head. She nearly slammed her glass on the marble, putting it down in a rush so she could use both hands to inspect Moon’s shirt.
“God.” Her face twisted in disgust. “I’m such a moron. I’m sorry. I can’t believe I did that.”
“It’s okay!”
Moon forced a chuckle. Perhaps if she laughed this all off, so could Yas.
She found herself desperately wanting back the Yasmine of a few minutes ago, all giggles and easy smiles and clumsy movements. Too often she was a hot coil, ready on a moment’s notice to surge into a burst of concentrated, destructive energy. Never allowing herself to loosen or cool down.
It’d been nice to finally see her let all that go.
“It just looks like another rose in the pattern.” Moon shrugged. “Or…a carnation, maybe. Probably too dark to be a rose. But the shirt’s kind of a watercolor design anyways, so. Doesn’t look that out-of-place.”
“But I ruined it!” Yasmine ran the fabric through her fingers, staring at the stain like she was trying to will it away. “Now people are gonna see you and think you’re some kind of…I don’t know, sloppy alcoholic loser. I’ve seen my mom’s maid try to get out stains like this, and they’re a bitch.”
“Hey. Yas.” Moon ruffled her hair affectionately. “It’s just a shirt. I can get another one just like it.”
“Yeah, but…I was a big fucking dumbass, and now you have to go to the trouble.” Yasmine stepped back, looking up to meet Moon’s gaze.
Her face was pressed into a deep frown. Moon slid her hand back onto her friend’s shoulder.
“I thought wine would be fun, but it was all so stupid,” Yasmine muttered, eyes darting away.
“It was not!” Moon rolled her eyes. “You’re being overdramatic. What would it take to convince you I’m not mad?”
“Why aren’t you?!” Yasmine practically wailed it. “Like, you’re not showing nearly enough concern over this fashion disaster! Imagine if anyone at school saw you like this. They’d never take you seriously again. Start calling you ‘Moonshine’ or some shit.”
“Yes, but they aren’t here.” Moon shook her head, fond smile tugging at her lips. “You worry too much about things that haven’t even happened yet. Take a deep breath, okay?”
“I still can’t believe I was that stupid.” The other girl’s frown morphed into an embarrassed pout. “Like. Ugh. Practically pouring wine on you like some sort of dumb fuck because I forget where my own fucking couch is. I’m—I’m really sorry. I’ll buy you a new shirt if you want.”
It was strange—this minor thing sending her into near hysterics. She was never one for even small apologies, let alone making a huge, borderline groveling show of them. There was a cognitive dissonance in it—this facet so drastically different from any of the Yasmine Moon had seen.
And yet.
Something about Yasmine’s flustered, self-conscious blubbering, Moon thought, was so beautiful.
And that was about when it hit her.
In a matter of weeks, Yasmine had clawed her way to the top of the school food chain, pulling Moon right along with her. They were practically royalty, hallways clearing out for them to walk through and geeky classmates not even daring to look them in the eye.
Moon could have anyone she wanted now. Half the jocks were constantly ogling her, any one of them more than content to be a trophy on the up-and-coming cheerleader’s arm.
But she wanted Yasmine.
She could have kids from every high school in California vying for her affections—presenting her with gifts and flattery and sensual touches and promises and everything in between—and her choice would be the same every time.
She plucked up her own wine, sitting on a nearby table, and took a long sip. The warmth of the alcohol bubbled through her like a holy elixir—and in a single, elevated moment, she made up her mind.
Yasmine was still mumbling apologies and bemoaning her tiny moment of weakness when Moon cupped her cheeks, pulling them together.
Heat coursed from her purple-painted toenails to her tanned cheeks and everywhere in between. It was like sinking into a hot tub on a cold winter night, jets pressing on her from every direction.
And for what felt like a while, Moon let herself lie suspended in the moment. Not taking in a thing but the dazzling now.
Yasmine tasted like strawberry bubblegum lip gloss, and her mouth was soft and sensual and perfect—like the stars had always aligned for Moon to end up there. Smooth, manicured nails cupped the back of her neck, massaging every runaway hair and every hidden crevice of skin.
The only reason Moon pulled away was to center herself. Make sure she hadn’t done something completely insane.
Her name was almost inaudible.
Yasmine stared in quiet disbelief, completely motionless. Moon held her breath, waiting for everything to process.
When it did, there was no horror on Yasmine’s face. No disgust. No shame. Not yet, anyways.
She was in awe.
“Why the hell did you stop?”
The sheer aggression of the statement caught Moon off-guard. She scarcely had time to think before Yasmine was holding her chin, yanking her forward and slamming their mouths together.
They pulled apart and crashed together again and again, fire and fervor and sheer, insatiable hunger blazing hotter than every star in the sky. And even tingling with a euphoria that felt eternal, Moon couldn’t help but think this was a long time coming.
She’d always had a feeling her and Yasmine’s auras were destined to interlock—far more than hers had with anyone else’s. And she’d always had a feeling they wanted each other.
It was a tension that hung in the air, coloring the space between them in vivid, pulsating pinks and reds. The ever-present agony of wanting the flavorful candy stored on top shelves, but never sure how to get it. The frustration of entangling themselves when they hugged goodbye and realizing that a brief hold would never be enough.
The way when they touched, they didn’t want to let go.
No, they were always meant to end up that way. And come what may, Moon would not question the wills of fate and the universe.
Especially when it gifted her the most beautiful thing she ever felt.
Sunset light streamed in through elegant bay windows, and the whole foyer glowed like topaz. In between kisses Moon saw it wash over Yasmine, outlining her in peach and orange and finally deep scarlet.
She was brighter than a goddess.
Dusk was pleasantly warm against Moon’s arms. Pure, relieving, freeing. Peaceful as the rhythm of evening crickets and the hum of distant 101 traffic.
The beginning of something beautiful. Not merely the last touch of daylight before the world was taken by darkness.
Then again, for someone named after the brightest thing in a black sky…
It only made sense the most radiant moments of Moon’s life would be on the cusp of nightfall.
When Moon looked out the windows again, the sky was deep red, and the clouds glowed like rubies.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 4 months
5plat00n Idol AU!!!!
my hyperfication is hyperfixating
AU! Tmmy is an Octoling and AU! S3án is an Inkling (I asked my s3án for input on the littol design actually. oh em gee,,,,, this is so pog we are so pog they are so pog,,, our OCs,,,who are us but also not us like not direct splatsonas really??? secret third thing)
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They're Idols who end up working together!!! S3an has been in the buisness longer but Tmmy is really popular on social media and gets picked as like, a fresh new update to their lineup.
S3an ends up taking a liking to Tmmy like almost immediately tho, i think like right after this comic maybe they talk and it's immediately "oh ur my bestie for life we are so twinning"
They both swear and say stupid shit on their live so it ends up having to be part of their branding because. there is no way management can get them to calm down and the fans seem to like it anyway!!!
but yeah they get along great on set and end up becoming inseperable n shit, you can assume what happens yk you get the gist it's just a cool setup/premise for stuff
workplace romantic comedy anyone??? YES?????
and u can wear their merch as gear in turf wars <3
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rowanisawriter · 6 months
hiiiii how about 🐌 🦖 and 🥳 for the writer asks?
HI AD thank you bestie!!!
answering these end of year writer asks here!
🐌 answered here!
🦖are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you'd like to return to?
yeeessss 10 years (10???? 10?!???) ago i wrote these two assassin’s creed stories and i recently reread them and they’re really not bad?? like that was a fun time and i would like to go back and write for this fandom again lol
🥳 how are you going to celebrate when you achieve one of your writing goals?
sooo one really easy goal i set is to hit 50 stories on ao3 next year which should be easy because i’m at 46 and elbows deep into hyperfixation rn but i might buy a new notebook or something… i used to really like writing by hand but when i was pregnant i got carpel tunnel in both hands and could barely hold a pen for like 2 years (a warning to everyone, pregnancy destroys your body forever!). even now (she’s 3 now!!) i still don’t have full use of both hands, but it’s much better now so id like to try and start writing by hand again a little like maybe journal idk. anyway ive told myself to get a fancy new notebook when i hit 50 stories haha
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firewoodfigs · 8 months
ERI MY BELOVED bestie what have you been working on recently? anything new? twiyor or royai? or something else entirely?? i'd love to hear about them all 🥰
EMMA MY BELOVED HOW HAVE YOU BEEN??? HAS IT REALLY BEEN A YEAR??? SINCE WE MET??? (that memory fills me with infinite fondness every time it drifts back it was such a lovely time walking through the gardens and the cobblestoned streets with you :'')
i gotta confess i've been working on a lot of twiyor recently but i'm still trying to figure out their dynamic tbh because they're a lot--for lack of a better word--healthier than royai, LMAO. there are some similarities but overall i think they're less codependent with a far superior chance of a happy ending AHAHAHA. that said i haven't forgotten about the college au and am hoping to get back to it when work slows down :) anyway i blame @nightofnyx8 entirely for my new sxf/twiyor hyperfixation... we're so normal about this... totally!
i also have been trying to compile some of my poetry into an anthology--my tentative title is womanhood, love, and the cooks, but we'll see how it all goes!! (imposter syndrome do be rough)
other than that i've mostly just been besieged by work tbh :( it was going fine until this case exploded in my face and now i'm gonna have to go on a business trip overseas next month to interview some witnesses, which is exciting (my first!) but also terribly nerve-wrecking... ANYHOW fingers crossed i cannot wait for Christmas ehehehe hopefully i get to squeeze in another holiday eoy :)
(i want to hear all about what you're working on!!! sending you all my love as always and i hope you're well and chilling with some good prosecco tonight <3)
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but yeah! i’m so excited to hear more abt hero from you! i haven’t been able to check any moots blogs recently so tell me about hero and you! i think it’s in a /p way? info dump to me abt it :00 also just tell me abt your hyperfixation on omori anyways! i love talking abt the game
you mentioning aksel and august being very similar to hero and irl, omg they are i don’t know how i never realized this!! but yeah i think they’d identify with the characters a lot. especially since i may or may not give aksel a crush character for ooo story 👀. either way, i love expanding fankid stories past like my s/i and f/o! so aksels gonna have his own dumb adventures (where he babysits everyone else /j)
yup!! it's very and super /p ive been feeling very attached to hero lately hehe but bestie along with hero being my comfort/platonic i accidentally picked up the crush card and looked at captain sp.aceboy SBDBDJSJJSNSKDJDKDKKS HAHA <33333333
oh the pleasure to talk about hero even more is ALL MINE AHAHSBSBSHSHSHSHSH HEHEEHE
I honestly don't know how to put this into words!!! I just knew I was gonna like him!! also how is the fandom telling me he's the most underrated WHAT
hero is actually, uhm. like my first actual comfort character!! I never really considered any comfort charas because a lot of them would be my romantics, so I couldn't really classify them without being ALWAYS romantic (im just being picky don't correct me/lh) so hero being like, this new character that I enjoy so much without feeling the romantic aspect makes me so!!! 🥺 akakdkakkea I LITERALLY MADE EVERYONE IN MY DISCORD SERVER HAVE A PHOTO OF HERO IN A "take this, it's too dangerous" MEME AHSBEJDJRJJSKE
dude I swear I keep saying this exact line everytime, it's either in here or in discord LMAO but I've always liked characters who are loser romantics/charmers. applicable in /r and /p!! I just think it's a funny character design, ONLY IN FICTION do not go flirt irl it's very weird SHDVFHDJDHDJJS but when I saw hero, he works in the charmer aspect YET he's the most polite and gentlemanly type and it's a very new concept to me and I love it very much!!
though I feel like a lot of omori's perspectives of them in the headspace is greatly exaggerated
(like kel being so stupid but he's really a wonderful silly guy in the real world; or how sunny has a crush on aubrey and that has been emphasized in headspace in which aubrey is evidently showing her puppy crush on him)
so I feel like hero being literally loved by the whole world of headspace is just sunny's perception of him and I guess I dwell a little more on headspace hero (but that's not to say I don't care about real world hero; ABSOLUTELY NOT. MY BOY HAS GROWN UP LOOK AT HIM) oh I need to mention his dynamic with mari is what really sold me into liking him. he can be such a flirt to mari but is the one to get flustered instead because we all know mari is girlboss SBSBDHSJDJKEKS
there's just so many tidbits about hero I can keep going on about, but I bet there wouldn't be enough room to respond to other topics 🤧 okay but last thing, I want to have a friend like hero, someone who can tell me everything is okay, and I in return can be the one to make him feel confident about himself. he's gone through a lot and.... yeah. that piano scene with hero all by himself got me really bad /pos
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MOVING ON!!! it's definitely my recent and newfound love for hero is what made me wanted to mention how similar aksel is to hero AHBSBSHDHSJDHS LIKE rmbr that drawing you did for me where he's carrying susan??? I FR THOUGHT OF HERO AND AUBREY THERE LIKE 😭😭😭 THEN I WAS LIKE WAIT ISNT AUGUST AND AKSEL LIKE HERO AND KEL AJSHHSJEJEJEKE
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
things that make 3 the best game:
lots of cool features added. the crank-a-kai system in 3 is better than in 1 and 2 (though also the darts suck), the new yo-kai searching minigame thingie is neat, the yo-kai vacuum cleaner is nice and the yo-kai drill and yo-kai blaster add unique mechanics (the drill leads to neat secrets), i could probably go on.
all of the new characters are great. as is to be expected nate's bbq classmates/friends n hailey's classmates are pretty underdeveloped but they seem neat from what we see of them. and of course, hailey n buck are the stars of the show here. they're both great n make both stories equally fun. usapyon's also great, i KNOW he debuted in blasters but his personality is extremely different there- the weakest of the new characters are probably blunder n folly since they basically don't do anything for the whole game except inexplicably act like they're plot important when they're not but even they can be neat n there's funni comedy with them at least.
blasters t is fun. it's hell but it's fun.
the story's great too. there being two different stories for most of the game is a really interesting idea, though it can also be annoying if you want to progress one story but can't because you need some fancy that! issue you get in hailey's story as nate or something dumb like that. why's all the story linking hailey doing things n then getting stuff done as nate i only just realized that what the fuck. anyways.
there's soooooo much content. both in the main game and the post-game. the main game alone took me like, a week to complete, whereas my playthroughs of 1 and 2 take like, four days at most (2 has added time from grinding for dame dedtime so ignoring that). and i'm STILL going through the post-game. there's so many post-game quests and other fun things you can do, like going to bbq as hailey (which is useless. she can't go on the raft or do zombie night or anything. she's limited in things she can do in bbq but nate can do everything in springdale) n also just the stuff you'd expect from yo-kai watch's post-game.
did i mention that hailey n buck are amazing n that i love them. best yo-kai watch characters apart from jibanyan.
oh also nate, hailey n buck being besties is amazing. nate getting friends who can also see yo-kai n who aren't his dead grandpa is great good for him he deserves it.
i can't decide if the length is good or bad. i guess i already mentioned how long it is. i have like 100 hours of playtime and i've only finished two blasters t dungeons what will my playtime be like once i finish blasters t and the post-game and everything-
nate, hailey n buck being besties is so great that it gets to be a bullet point twice over. they're so fucking stupid together i love them. there is a single braincell n nate n buck share it n hailey never gets it.
oh also hailey high-key has adhd n autism i made a whole essay about that. the points were like. 1. her interests are v intense (like hyperfixations/special interests). 2. she's v hyper seemingly both physically n mentally (the h in adhd stands for hyperactivity so). n 3. she is seemingly not very great at socializing but also idk how much of that's actually canon n how much of it is me projecting sdklfjklfsdjfds-
i mean i feel like you could make some sort of argument for most yo-kai watch characters being neurodivergent in some shape, way or form. though i'm saying this as a neurodivergent person who ends up headcanoning like every character i like as neurodivergent n has no idea how neurotypicals work so- i high-key accidentally made katie neurodivergent in my rewrite ngl i've just accepted it at this point.
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mountinez · 1 year
hello i just want to say your content is amazing! I’m new to football after the World Cup (I’m usually a hockey girlie) but your posts are truly feeding the football hyperfixation, I literally always love them!! I hope you’re doing well <3
owwwwww bestie! sending all my love to you and welcome, btw! this fandom is hell, but it's quite good sometimes. anyway, i need to say i feel a bit surprised because my blog is kinda messy (messi?). it's a personal blog so is not football related only. maybe i'm talking about it a lot lately, but it is not my only interest. i'll probably go back to f1 as soon as the races start. but well, thank u anyway and i feel so glad that you can find some joy in my silly posts :')
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thank you for this, gonna sleep with my heart full 😍
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ancient-reverie · 4 months
s/o to my fellow systems whose brains are just wild and will see a nice rock and make an alter. like okay brain, that's nice thank you. no idea what started us as a system, but over the years we've had many new people form and the causes are varied. this is not a full list, just a couple of experiences
i want to preface that there is nearly no way to "prove" if these are true reasons or not as is the nature of dissociation. but they FEEL right and it's our brain so we would have some idea. and it Doesn't Really Matter in the end being as what matters is that we Are Here Now.
really we made this as a list so maybe someone who needed to could relate to or laugh at one or more of the things
a lot of feelings about not being able to sing gave us a vocaloid with a broken voice
almost drowning landed us a transmasc siren
started writing a new character and oops hi pretty okay and strong girl
"i need a big brother"
some really bad shit went down in mindspace (this happened often when we were younger) and an alter or two were traumatized so write a note to wait two months and start looking for a new one but still be surprised and confused when the new one comes up anyway
some symptom got too much to handle so now it's this guys turn wait who is this guy
discovered a new song and listened to it on repeat and maladaptive daydreamed someone a new friend or child
bestie said we weren't friends no more so i'm gonna become someone who has never met bestie
We Aren't Talking About The YouTuber That We Watched Too Much Of And Used For Emotional Support Until They Showed Up And We Pulled Off A Perfect [redacted] Accent And Refuse To Speak Of Since (sorry)
uncomfortable moment you will only ever be Confused about despite being able to remember it and what was happening
every alter rotating out during the Suicidal TimesTM until there's no one else who can handle it so yOu MakE ONe and they're actually really happy for a minute and can appear to break the depressive session but very quickly realizes what they're in for and joins the rest of the Sad Club, thanks for the help buddy, sorry and welcome to the club we have weed
Bird Hyperfixation
"i need a new mom"
Vampire hyperfixation
literally just a different version of an existing alter. alternate-timeline 'if this had happened or hadn't happened' or future/older selves
you really liked this character in that show but your brain for some reason won't take the actual character. oh no it has to make its own person that is an exact mirror of that character! but it wont tell you! you have to forget all about that character until 10 years later when the alter realizes it but they're so different now you don't actually know but it probably shaped you in some way
had a slut phase on discord and the fake personality 2 of the alters used online turned into her own person
You haven't met the alter that you know exists because you asked for them to exist at the same time you heard your father cry for the first time at 27 when you all Lost a creature who the whole system considered their daughter.
people just form when the brain decides it's a good idea for us. it's been awhile since we've had a new fully fleshed out alter who has the energy and desire to be out/slots into the main group that takes care of most things. when new ones form these days (like 2.3 every 4 years) it's "quieter" people that pop up, introduce themselves, and then chill in mindspace with the rest and we don't really hear from them much.
Last we counted we have about 50 people (we counted a long time ago i'll be honest), but on a daily basis only about 3-5 people are active and it's not always through the whole day. at least 2-3 are always active. Siruss is the only one who can solo we dunno why.
our usual routine someone will be out and they'll have a co-fronter and or a couple background buddy(ies), and then the co-fronter and background people change after a week to a month, it depends on who it is. sometimes one of the background or co-fronters will swap out and be the main one for however long they can manage (depends on who it is)
but if we're leaving the house and around other people the routine is totally subject to change.
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