#anyway sometimes also i have like. friendship crushes lets say. where i really really like someone qnd like talking to them and want to be
karmanticmoved · 2 years
need 2 fuck around and flirt with someone for fun, who want me <3
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
But FWIENDSHIP!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Okay, so you all know how I get when something gets stuck in my head, but yesterday I saw a post talking about how Katara and Zuko's potential romance messes with their friendship, and I don't understand how, but that's beside the point. This is an anti-Kataang post.
I will once again admit that I don't spend a ton of time in Kataang/anti-Zutara spaces (cause I'm respectful like that), but every so often, I see one of those takes pop up in my safe area (because respect isn't always a two way street, unfortunately). It's interesting to see how many times this take seems to crop up. Katara and Zuko falling in love would ruin their friendship, yet those same people fail to acknowledge that Bryke went ahead and ruined their friendship anyway out of jealousy. These same people also tend to hold Kataang as a prime example of Friends to Lovers, the only problem is, Aang isn't Katara's friend at any point.
Throughout the series, it's made very clear that Aang likes Katara, but for most of the series (until literally the last few seconds, in fact) it's also clear that Katara only sees him as a friend. This should have been an object lesson that sometimes crushes don't work out, but friendship can be stronger than temporarily disappointed feelings. However, that's not what we get. Aang doesn't care about Katara's friendship. He doesn't want Katara in his life unless it's in a romantic capacity. We see it in how he reacts when he feels romantically rejected (lava fissure, EIP). The narrative doesn't give Katara any space to say no to Aang without it permanently damaging their relationship, because they never had the relationship Katara thought they did. Katara thought she was Aang's friend, but for Aang, their 'friendship' was just a precursor to romance. In this, the year 2023, I know we all understand why this is a problem.
Aang can't even conceive of a world where Katara does turn him down. He dreams about her enthusiastic response to his declaration of love; he assumes that since they kissed he kissed her and staked his claim, they should be together, despite there never being any sort of conversation, and the fact that the one time he did try to talk about it, she changed the subject very quickly. Katara's feelings are an afterthought for Aang, which is terrible for any relationship, but particularly in a romantic one. There is never a moment where Aang puts Katara's emotional needs ahead of his own. He never puts a value on her platonic friendship. There's never a moment where he decides that despite his feelings for her, having Katara in his life as a friend is better than not having her at all. That moment should have happened regardless of whether they ended up together or not, because friendship is the most important component of the Friends to Lovers trope.
By comparison, the friendship Katara eventually forms with Zuko is much deeper, and based on a mutual respect, understanding and emotional support for each other. This is a fantastic foundation for a romance, although bafflingly, people who laud Katara and Zuko's deep friendship don't seem to agree. Them potentially falling in love doesn't cheapen their friendship because they actually were friends first. On top of that, their Enemies to Friends journey ending romantically would not only not cheapen their friendship, it would tie into the themes of the show beautifully (the illusion of separation; love being stronger than hate; learning to respect other people's differences etc).
Let's be real, what Kataang actually represents is The Hero Gets the Girl, and I think deep down we all know that, even the ones calling it Friends to Lovers. In the Hero Gets the Girl trope, the Girl in question doesn't really matter. She's less of a romantic partner and more a prize for the Hero saving the day. Her emotional journey to falling for the Hero mostly plays out off screen, even though she may not have even liked the Hero like that initially, and the hero doesn't ever show that he respects her as a person. For the most part it works (arguably) because the Girl isn't a character in her own right, she's just part of the Hero's story. The reason it doesn't work with Kataang is that Katara is a character. She does have her own journey, and as passionate and outspoken as she is in pretty much every other aspect of her life, it doesn't make sense for her journey to falling for Aang takes place largely off screen. Not unless you understand how little Katara's feelings matter to their relationship. Had Katara actually rejected Aang, their friendship would have ended because Aang was never interested in her friendship.
It's interesting to me to see people who claim to value friendship over romance spend more time complaining about a romance that isn't canon over the actual canon ship that really does cheapen the friendship. But then again, I guess that was never the problem in the first place.
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gigisdoll · 3 months
Cw: noncon, dubcon, blackmail, murder, blood,somnophillia
Pairings: g!p serial killers!winrina x naive/gullible!fem reader
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The horrified screams were heard all throughout your neighborhood and yet the killers have yet to be found.. When the school caught up on the news they pointed fingers towards multiple people, including you now obviously you didn't do it? But your schoolmates never listen! As they called you mean names, pushed and shoved you around there were only two people that you sort of hang out with you! But to your surprise they were... Two of the most popular girls in the school? Why would they hang out with you?
Paranoia spread all over you... Why were all the murders linked to you? Everyone who was killed was associated with you in the past, like past girlfriends, ex friends or even ex crushed you thought no one knew about but everyone knew... You were too obvious you liked them, and they did not like that! They couldn't bear to watch you throw heart eyes at girls who would throw your likeness awayso the next best thing Karina and Minjeong thought of was well... Getting rid of the competition! Yeah!
"Y/nie we promise you're safe with us! You'll never have to worry about anything harming you while you're with us.. " Minjeong told you while you sat atop of her, some may say this isn't normal in friendships like yours but you find it completely normal! Or that's what Minjeong and Karina tell you... Friends do kiss each other right? That's what they do to you, you're new to this whole friend thing so you don't really know they say it's some sort of courtesy? Well what reason would they have to lie to you? "Y/n you know we'll never let anything hurt you right? " Karina said comfortingly "Mhm" you nodded, not a thought in your head.. Why would you have one anyway? when you could rely on them instead..
Karina and Minjeong were incredibly strategic, but god was it hard to decide if they should kill u or not, u were always soo loopy and out of it, sometimes barely being able to think! They just agreed not to! I mean... Why waste such a cutie like you right? You were also so gullible too Oh..! The red stuff? Nah... It's just ketchup we swear! And.. The knife..? Uhm we were making homemade ketchup don't worry! Of course you believed their awfully made up lies!.. Why wouldn't you...?
The night where they snuck in was eerily quiet. Way too quiet for a neighborhood full of teenagers, whose only hobbies consisted of gaming, making loud noises and ding dong ditching. You were paranoid, as anyone would be. Any noise was amplified by 10 to you, and small movements would suddenly startle you. Well at least you locked the doors and windows... Now no one can get in without you knowing! Of course like the naive girl you were, you gave a copy of your key to Minjeong and Jimin cause they convinced you they would need it in the most dire of situations. They didn't. Obviously. But they were your friends they wouldn't... Would they?
Deciding you needed a good night's rest to just shut off with all the paranoia built in you, the lights shut off, the doors checked, as well as the windows. You were ready to go to bed, and sleep the night away, and you did just that as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were fast asleep. And they were still wide awake, peeping closely at you, why'd you have to give them the key? Now you're in a situation where you can't get out of, let alone know about. Karina and Minjeong were well versed in your home, so much so that they knew which floor board would make a creak and ones that won't. Minjeong looked at your sleeping figure as you tossed and turned unable to really shake off the feeling of anxiety within you... But don't worry... They'll help!
In the state you were in was incredibly vulnerable, as it was also already established you were much weaker than the pair... Once it was a joke. Now it's very much not.. With a pair of hands traveling down to your pretty pink panties and another pair going up to your matching bra, they were scared you'd wake up. Not because of the fight you'll put up or the screams and cries you'll let out, it's because it's almost a guarantee you won't be alive if you do any of the two. Squirming in their hold you felt quite the bulge or... Bulges pressed up and grinding on both your back and stomach with a pair of lips kissing down on your neck making you whimper in your sleep, as Minjeong's hands held you down. Both your pants and panties were pulled down by Jimin's hands.
Your eyes' we're blurred as you stirred awake, and your arms tried pushing the two away, but too weak to actually do anything. Your limp legs trying to kick away the intruders "Y/n..." Someone in your left side said, oddly you were familiar with the tone. Something hard and warm pushed against the entrance of you and you squeaked, finally awake but unaware of who was doing this. Kicking and punching was obviously going to happen, but Jimin didn't care it only fueled her to push past the entrance and gasp as your warmth enveloped her. "Minjeong??" You cried out as your eyes adjusted to the darkness while you looked behind you, you were horrified! Jimin was bullying herself into your hole while her arms are wrapped around your waist.
Minjeong hushed you, as her dick slapped itself on your mouth as it dripped with pre. "Suck. Or you'll know what'll happen otherwise. " you knew what she was referring to, you knew whatever dirt she had in you had to be bad. With tears in your eyes you opened your mouth and an intrusion immediately inserted itself inside as Minjeong groaned out as your mouth was insanely warm "Fucking hell y/n..." Jimin bit her lip as she starting pounding inside of you. More tears flowed from your eyes as the pain settled in of Jimin pounding straight inside of you "We are sorry but we had to do this... " "We didn't want to kill you, unless you just want to disobey us? " you didn't know who was speaking the pain [and pleasure] taking over all your senses, just nodding and suckling on Minjeong's cock "That's a good girl" Jimin spoke drilling herself inside of you faster "Such a pretty girl, with pretty tears"
Your face was red and stained with tears while your eyes were wet and shameful, Minjeong almost moaned at the sight of you being so obedient to them, along with your disheveled state it was hard not to squeal at the cuteness. You hoped they would be done sooner or later, only wanting to simply sleep, as soon as the pair shot out their loads you blacked out completely, the pleasure being too much to handle. Maybe tomorrow you'll wake up more refreshed to take their cocks :)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
i dont know how to articulate this correctly but... sometimes i think about how saiki is so mentally disconnected and isolated from other people, and his powers make it feel impossible to understand them, esp because he hasnt had any faith in humanity since he was a kid (hes also so autistic but shh he probably doesnt know yet)
and so he truly doesnt understand the nuances and complexity of love+friendship+relationships etc... so imagine how confused he could get during times where his relationships get deeper/more complicated
examples ?? (warning for very brief sa+abuse+suicidal thoughts mention in the second one) -
accidentally making one of his friends mad and hearing their thoughts, which are purely from frustration and anger in the moment, about hating and not wanting to be around him.. makes him think they genuinely dont want to be as friend at all anymore, so ONE argument makes him think hes ruined his friendship with them forever and he doesnt think to just apologize, immediately shutting down and just "going away" instead because he thinks thats actually what they want
not understanding why people feel sympathy for him when he talks about tragic things in/about his life, especially when he even dulls it down as to not reveal his powers, (ie: his brother literally trying to murder, humiliate, and borderline sa him OR having one or multiple bullying incidents in elementary school that caused him to lose all his friends and change schools OR saying that the only reason he decidedly hasnt offed himself yet is cuz itd make his mom sad) and mentioning those things a little too casually, then thinking people are trying to pity him and telling the people who are just trying to help to shut the fuck up ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
^a specific but not quite as angsty one, offhandedly mentioning once that he had a big crush on a guy from another class but he helped set them up with someone else even though it upset him, because he just wanted to see him happy and he never had a chance anyway (bro was def straight too) and his friends being like ...hey thats really sad im sorry you felt like that :(( and him being like ?? whats sad about that. hes happy, and its not like im completely devastated or anything. shut the fuck up.
teruhashi getting over her crush on him and no longer seeking him out as often, and he's immediately upset and confused because now he thinks that she ONLY cared about him when she thought she was going to get something more than friendship from it so he doesnt believe she ever saw him as a true friend..
(similar to the first one, slightly different situation) getting into an argument with one of the friends he sees every single day and still expecting them to at least BE there the next day, and when they arent because theyre avoiding him, his first thought isnt "i should seek them out and apologize" its "wow it was so easy for them to just let go of me, i clearly have formed a dependency and feel like i need them more than they need me. especially now that i know they dont feel the same, i should sever that attachment."
SO YEAH anyway, he genuinely does not believe that he has anyone he can trust enough to actually talk through this stuff with+doesn't even think its that bad so he just sits and tries to feel numb at the bottom of the ocean or on the moon haha what a guy...
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mobblespsycho100 · 13 days
👍psychoanalyze ur kabru playlist now boy
yes I shall #1 boykisser... 🫡
ask game thing
anyway formatting the last post was kinda hell for me. which is why I'll do the same exact formatting for this one...
(rambling all over the place is commencing)
1. Valley of The Dolls by MARINA
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baby. where do i freaking begin.
"In the valley of the dolls, we sleep" -> his adoptive mother, Milsiril, is a big fan of collecting dolls. Like, plushies of everything. She animates them to fight, but they're also there to soothe her. She also adopts a lot of children from short-lived races who don't have a family and she got allegations that she treats them all like her dolls lmao... I mean she kind of does in the sense that they're all precious to her. She does respect their autonomy but uhhh still living with such a doting and overbearing/overprotective mother makes u wanna break outta the dollhouse the cage . be free . hashtag transgenderism also gosh im getting off topic . anyway i bet Kabru slept with a lotta those dolls. in his comfy bed . that he left behind because hes not abt that life mama he wanna see the world and save it and get killed in dungeons. boy.
"Got a hole inside of me / Living with identities / That do not belong to me" -> Grouping these lyrics together because it makes sense for my twisted narrative i mean my very real and based takes. Anyway, he's got a hole inside of him the void in his heart (in his mind) and thats why. his autism and ptsd masking swag. thats as eloquent as i can put it. theres a lot more i can say though
"In my life, I got this far" -> He survived the tragedy of Utaya his hometown . the bloodbath because of the dungeon. It has to be for a purpose ™ . It's because he has to save the world from suffering the same fate and it's his burden to bear it's his purpose it was why he survived (the survivor's guilt... goodness man. trauma processing of all time. :[ )
"Now I'm ready for the last hoorah" -> boy . letting these panels speak for itself. putting it under the cut because spoilers for the peeps seeing this maintagged and they're not caught up with manga .
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yeah boy hes falling. fallen. uhm. in the pit. Ready for the last hoorah in this case like. yeah 🤣 just leaving it up to laios (Liar . kabru and mithrun dungeon adventure speedrun)
"Dying like a shooting star" -> guy keeps dying. not even like a shooting star really. well. ig hes going out in style somewhat id getting crushed by Falin's chimera dragon claw counts as shooting star style
2. Lip Sinking by The Hoosiers
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We all know Sash does not play about The Hoosiers which is why I have 26 damn The Hoosiers songs on there I should get awarded tbh .
Now Lip Sinking is really good because it's another one of those scammer / masking guy anthems i keep talking about. These lyrics in Verse 5 in particular is really easy to match to Kabru's character moment™ though, so let's break it down.
"I float above my body" -> Common depersonalization experience. For trauma reasons, Kabru probably feels like this a lot sometimes but specifically in this scene...
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(apologies for no alt text peeps . but this is the friendship confession scene for those in the know if it hasnt loaded in yet)
anyway, back to the show (psychoanalyzing Kabru) . I think this disconnect with his words VS his thoughts and his heart is so real. Like. seeing urself out of ur body is again a depersonalization thing, and idk if hes feeling depersonalization in this moment specifically but he was really out of it and in a sort of , scrambled and intensely anxious state. His usually calm and cool persona slash facade is Crumbling and man he hates that .
"Must be out of my mind / Cos I watch myself / Getting it wrong everytime" -> He's like. man what the hell am I saying
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letting the page speak for itself again because It's like. its there i mean its in tha text what am I supposed to dissect hes dissecting himself already 🤭😭 okay. 'What am I saying' 'I can't find the words' so true man idk what the hell im saying either rn
"I can't tell you how I'm really feeling" -> because he doesn't know his own emotions. He thinks he does, he has been so good at controlling them and like being fake about what he's truly feeling in his heart, adjusting his personality for others' sake. So they trust him, believe in him, listen to him. But for Laios, how does he even say anything? Before this, the words just spilling out, he didn't even know how he felt about Laios. It sounds ridiculous even to himself and that's why he clamps his mouth afterwards but indeed it Is what he was truly feeling all along... (and then Laios thinks he's lying and hes like "NO BITCH!!!? what?!!!?! im being vulnerable and honest rn?!?" )
"Cuz I'm just lip-syncing" -> for so long that's what he's been doing. lip syncing, saying things he doesn't really mean to influence others' perception of him... but this time his mouth moved faster than his mind racing with thoughts. that he's able to convey what he truly wanted all along and finally admit to himself and his own consciousness. like. aaaahgh. man hes so special to meeee....
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bonus: the outro's lyrics is rlly good aha. he can finally say what he actually feels... he can be #real.
3. Allies or Enemies by The Crane Wives
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This one is . a lot of vibes I think.
"Are we allies or enemies? / This will be the death of me / This will be the death of me" -> He legit says this to Laios . like hes still wondering if they're allies or enemies . Technically he doesn't want them to be enemies. he's cautious but he knows Laios isn't really a bad guy but like, his mind just keeps fixating on Laios and the steps he takes to get the dungeon under control so. hes desperately trying to figure it out because goodness this guy is so. waugh
"All is fair in love and war, but I can't fight with you anymore / This will be the death of me" -> his mental conflict is sooo tasty to me. like . all is fair in love and war !!! any method is justifiable !!! means justifies the ends but also he understands that in the end he can't fully wrap his head around Laios' love of monsters but he knows that Laios will be the one to conquer the dungeon because he also loves his family. He can't fight with him anymore and he can't "kill" him anymore because somehow this man has wormed his way in. well, he never wanted him dead in the first place but I find that he often thinks about killing him to save humanity from his... well. freakishness (complimentary) (concerning sometimes) ;;; but in the end Kabru lets him go and is willing to trust and support Laios till the end ... also once again the repetitiveness of "this will be the death of me" because he's stressed as helll!!!!
"What happens now, do we have another go?" -> I think this is post-Marcille being talked down out of being dungeon lord . Kabru's probably like ok so now what. well. Laios goes its my turn with the dungeon lording 😭😭 (and shit goes down) (but its okay he got it covered)
"Do we bow out and take our seperate roads?" -> Now this is probably when they're (the whole gang) is like "WHERE'S LAIOS DID HE DIE?" no he lives guys its fine. and namari toshiro and kabru run at him in relief. wauh. and also ofc the whole people coming together to eat faligon meat and save Falin ... yippeee... so yeah they don't go seperate roads because Kabru is like yeah imma be Laios' pr manager . #royaladvisor . sticking with him fr fr
"I'll admit I had my doubts / But I want to be let in, not out / But I want to be let in, not out" -> again the repetition ... of him wanting to help. I've mostly been talking abt how this entire song is Kabru's conflicted thoughts @ Laios but this can also be Kabru lending a helping hand to Mithrun at the end of everything. Because he's the one to like help Mithrun realize that there is a purpose to living and like . new desires and ppl who care abt him... but also yeah Kabru "i want to be let in, not out" because he wants to help out Laios with running the new kingdom instead of being in the background again and being ignored ahhaa he wants to be friends for real (and maybe even . lovers. lets go gay people)
ANYWAYYY YEAH THATS THE END WOOOOO idk how to close this out. happy belated birthday kabru and ty juno for sending this in ajshjdhsb :33 ♡
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theroundbartable · 1 month
Can I ask from this ask game : https://www.tumblr.com/toomanyfandomsthings/749729499738996736/send-me-a-ship-and-a-number-and-ill-tell-you?source=share
No. 2, 10, 11, 12, 15 for Merthur, Klance and Drarry....Thanks 🌻
I don't mind being asked :). @comingfromastatechampionasshole, I hope this is alright with you, since it's your post. ^^ 2. What their love letters look like
Merthur: I imagine that Arthur would be the one writing love letters. Merely because Gwen told him he was unromantic and that Merlin WOULD do it. Merlin doesn't do it, however, because Arthur keeps calling him a girl. Besides, giving him flowers does the job just fine. So Arthur writes and writes and doesn't ever dare to give them to Merlin because of how much he himself cringes. Merlin finds the attempts between tax reports and the drawings Arthur sometimes makes of him. Merlin never mentions it either but they both know he's seen them.
Klance: Lance writes a DOZEN letters all the time for Keith. He makes a full show of it. But he also gives friendship love letters to Hunk and Allura and Pidge and everyone who appreciates it. Once in a while, Keith would give him one back and every single time, Lance starts to cry when no one is looking.
Drarry: Draco. But it's not love letters, it's HATE letters. It's little pictures of Harry getting electrocuted or sending goblins with insult poems at Harry. Once, he accidentally mixed a drawing of them holding hands up with one where he slapped him and when he noticed, he nearly obliviated Harry.
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
Merthur: They watch Disney movies and specifically King Arthur movies together. Arthur hides that he's watching BBC Merlin though because he loves seeing Merlin use magic and wants to know what he's done the entire time. Merlin keeps that very show from Arthur, unsure how Arthur would react. Unbeknownst to him, Arthur keeps gushing about him every single episode.
Klance: They watch - I would say anything together. From documentaries to soap operas, they watch everything together. Keith hides that he's watching Mamma Mia though because he knows Lance will be insufferable when he finds out.
Drarry: When I say they watch everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Draco doesn't like to admit it but he's really fascinated with muggle technology and especially the effects, so he watches it all and then talks about how "shitty" those effects are, even though he's secretely amazed. Harry knows and teases him about it all the time.
11. What their first impression was of each other Merthur: instant attraction. Have you seen the episode? They were flirting. Merlin =brave idiot, Arthur = kind pratt Klance: Lance was amazed at first, completely focused on him which then turned into jealousy and an awkward crush. Keith didn't notice Lance at first, then slowly got to know him as Lance wiggled his annoying habits into Keith's life and Keith never wanted to let him go again.
Drarry: Draco had always wanted to meet THE Harry Potter and be friends with him, from the very day he learned they were the same age. When they met, he was shocked to find Harry to randomly antagonize him for reasons Draco couldn't fathom. Harry just saw a blond guy who reminded him all too much of his bullying cousin and instantly disliked him.
12. What they do for their anniversary Merthur: Arthur would absolutely forget about it until Merlin reminds him. Then Arthur would make Merlin plan a picnic, which Merlin has long planned anyway. And then they ride out and end up in trouble. It happens every year, the bandits are basically family by now.
Klance: Stargazing. But like, in the black or blue lion on a different planet. Lance really likes water planets and Keith likes deserts, so they switch it up every year.
Drarry: Draco would be OBSESSED with anniversaries. He makes monthly anniversaries and he keeps annoying Harry with it all the time. Like, "It's our 34th monthly anniversary, I GOTTO call at the Ritz to get a table!" Meanwhile, Harry is like: "He just loves going out and I like when he's happy." Anyways, Draco sometimes REALLY blows it out of proportion and arranges a meeting with the queen or something.
15. What they would change about each other
Merthur: ... "I don't want you to change. I want you to always be you."
Klance: At first it was the Mullet, but when Keith came back from the abyss, Lance is furious that Keith is now taller than him. So it's that, the height. Keith however, he's the jealous type, he's make Lance flirt with him more often. And yeah. MORE. Just so Lance doesn't flirt so much with everyone else anymore.
Drarry: Draco has a list. A very long, very detailed, very annoying list. He means absolutely none of it. Harry wishes Draco would stop writing that list. This was very fun to do haha XD I hope it was fun to read, too ^^
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yesimwriting · 10 months
Hi! I hope you're doing well!
I've recently watched scream 6, and while it definitely wasn't my favorite (the original cannot be beaten) I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
I've seen you mention him a little, but I really liked Ethan. His betrayal felt kinda predictable, but he was cute and I'm a sucker for "soft/sweet/nerdy character is actually a killer".
Ig I'm just wondering if you have any more thoughts about him? I really like how you portray characters so I wanna know your take on him ig
hi!! i totally get what you're saying about scream 6 i can't imagine anything beating/slaying as hard as the originals but i did thoroughly enjoy it as it's own thing lol
especially ethan!! like him being a ghostface was so obvious, but his character was so awkward bf and i really like the soft/nerdy character as a killer trope too!!
i also feel like there's so much in the movie that gives us a way to characterize him so i have a lot of thoughts, some stick closer to canon and others are just vibe-based, ig? if that makes sense
idk if these count as headcanons, i feel like they do bc i have a lot of thoughts on him
have to immediately mention the "a special bond between a father and his first son" line, i love any excuse to give a character daddy issues 😭so maybe i'm projecting, but i can definitely see that relationship being strained and maybe a competitive relationship with his siblings, especially Richie
i'm not saying that this means he didn't want to kill!! between the cut stuff about their mom and the way Anika died, the urge had BEEN there lmao, and i think it actually would have added to any competition with Richie
like maybe growing up Ethan felt jealous of Richie in a way bc he had this outlet for exploring gory things bc of his interest in horror movies, but that's just not how Ethan's family saw him and not something he was particularly drawn to
or maybe he liked the movies and tried to bond with Richie over them when he was younger just to have that thrown in his face (siblings are such gatekeepers sometimes😭 Richie gives me mean vibes so i feel like he'd be the worst about it)
i feel like growing up he didn't have many close friends, like the jokes about being a virgin were obviously more about his romantic life but i think it kind of hints at him not being super socialized, and he dropped everything pretty quickly to just join a random college in NYC
ik Quinn did the same thing, but she seemed to click/adapt a lot quicker socially, like she was closer to the girls than Ethan and she was dating
besides the way Ethan switched up and became a Chad hater,, i could see that stemming from hating that kind of person, like maybe in high school he struggled bc of guys like Chad and that's where that aggression came from
this one is a bit more of a stretch, but going with the assumption that he had some kind of rivalry with Richie, i could see Ethan seeing Chad as competition bc of how easy college and pulling girls was for him
anyway!! that's a general psychological break down! let's get into more presumptuous/friendship/romantic relationship thoughts!!
i can see him being relatively used to having crushes on people/generally thinking someone's attractive so he wouldn't go totally feral over just liking someone
i think this is his most noticeable romantic difference from other ghostfaces i've written (cough, billy and stu, cough) bc i read him as having more psychopathic tendencies than sociopathic ones
BUT the second that that's reciprocated in anyway some switch flips in his head
like he's probably used to being an outsider in friend groups and feeling relatively disposable, so if you were to make a point of calling him a best friend or picking him over anyone else even in a small way,, poor guy wouldn't know what to do with himself
like that would take his crush to the next level and suddenly Ethan's like 'well ig i have to do whatever to ensure their happiness for the rest of time now'
it's not his fault :( it's just bc he's not used to having anyone pick him first
would probably be less inclined to follow through/have murder-y thoughts while being caught up in some kind of crush/relationship,, at least at first bc i can see him being content/distracted
but i see one exception with that:
i could see Ethan being super prone to jealousy and not even being aware of it until he really started to have a crush on someone/dating them
like before when people he liked would either blow him off or date other people he'd be like that's life, but with the only person that's ever made him feel irreplaceable?
he's not having it!! suddenly, he's imagining what it'd be like to brutally murder anyone that flirts with you/hints at liking you
not saying he'd act on it every time he felt jealous, but he'd think about it!!
would definitely be pouty though, trying to act cold bc he's mad at the other person and is trying not hold it against you but then he starts to wonder if he imagined your connection and if you've been stringing him along
but the second you make it clear that it's still him, Ethan's snapping out of it and is immediately all heart eyes
actually a vicious cycle because every time you "pick" him he just starts to feel even fonder for you and then that makes him more upset when someone else tries to come between you two and then you "pick" him again, so it keeps adding to itself lol
kind of random but i feel like he's closest to Quinn in his family, like yes they still might have competed a little but it wasn't that son vs son thing, so it wasn't as tense
if he had a crush i feel like he'd eventually tell Quinn about it, at first casually like 'omg y/n just showed me this song, that new perfume you got is similar to hers, ik we're here to avenge our brother but y/n needs help with her econ homework so let's reschedule the plotting session'
and then one day he's like 'i think i like y/n' and Quinn's like 'no way!! really🙄?!😒' and then she's instantly giving him all the dating advice even if the timing is terrible bc she's a real one and her brother never likes anyone!! let him hook up with someone for once!
i feel like after the ghostface thing starts his ego would switch up, like the adrenaline and confidence of knowing what he's doing and getting away with this would make him act different
nothing that you could quite put your finger on, but he'd be a little touchier, maybe care less about hiding clingy tendencies
his dad's sudden influx of approval would probably also make him feel more like a man, y'know, so he'd be able to accept/get you liking him more bc of that
despite the aggressive undertones that i've focused on here i actually feel like he'd be such a cutie while pining/dating someone
like he'd go out of his way to remember things about you, would want to ghostface anyone that upset you, definitely would give 'my girl is mad at me, i hope i die' before you're even officially dating
he's a whole puppy once you have him, but will still be happy to stab ppl
this was a lot longer than i thought it'd be and it was really fun to write!! if anyone wants anything else ethan related pls send asks!! actually might just write a fic just bc lol
also a reminder that i'm generally open to writing about any scream character :)))
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hoshi-y · 1 year
Hello there, I'm a big fan of your work! I was wondering if it's okay I put in a request. Could you do a Tsukasa Yugi x Female reader who are best friends with each other? But then Tsukasa figures out the reader has a crush on him. Could it also have a little bit of a lime in it, if you are comfy with that? Thank you for taking your time to read this, I hope this isn't confusing and fits all of your rules. Just know this is only a request and you don't have to write this if decided not to, I understand.
-Anon <3
Fifty Fifty
Female Reader (She/Her)
Genre : Fluff Lime
Characters : Yugi Tsukasa
A/N : THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING MY WORK HEHE AND OF COURSE ITS OKAY!! I still accept requests even though its close 👁️👁️... That's just me being lazy
ANYWAYS I am always comfy with lime, but not lemon and any weird kinks 😭
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"The things you make me wanna do.."
Yugi Tsukasa, also one of the schools Prince with that charming smile and outgoing personality. He has alot of admirers I should say, he gets gifts and treats on his desk anonymously, or personally
You are one of those anonymous gift senders. You've fallen head over heels for this energetic boy, and you were scared that he would find out.
Why would you be scared? Well.. You've known him since elementary, and you two have created a bond together and you were scared that if he ever found out, its game over for you. He might be weirded out and call of your friendship, or the fact you don't know how he rejects people sometimes can be scary..
"[F/N]!! My favorite person in the world~" Tsukasa surprised hugged you as your face began to redden "H-hey Tsukasa!" clumsily closing your shoe locker.
You've liked him for 3 years now.. Isn't it appropriate to finally let him know?
"Whats up with you? Your face is all red. Or is it that you've fallen for me?~" He teased making you playfully shove him as he laughed
These pent up feelings for you, are slowly killing me..
"Whatever.. Let's go to class" Turning your heel to head for the stairs, Tsukasa grabbed your hand. "Come on, we have 2 weeks of free time because of the school event~ I don't want to spend all of that sleeping in the classrooms. Lets go check out what they're doing!" Before you could retaliate he dragged you to the back of the school where most of it is happening.
You and Tsukasa went around different stalls that they were putting up or games that they were offering. This school even of yours will last 2 weeks, giving you two enough time to have fun.
'Fun' I should say if ykyk
"Tsukasa they're gonna put up inflatables!!" You shook his shoulder pointing at a big inflatable they were inflating. "Awe man! I can already feel that this year is gonna be better than last years!".
After walking around and looking at different stalls, you two bought some food and sat down under a shade, eating while spilling gossip. This has been you and Tsukasa's passing time, you two just LOVED spilling tea, I mean who doesn't right?
A midst of your conversation, you caught sight of a group of girls pushing one of their friend towards Tsukasa as she shakily hands him over a box of strawberry pocky, and a letter.
"T-this is for y-you Yugi-kun!" She stuttered
'Duh... Who else would you be giving that to...'
Tsukasa carefully grabbed the pocky and envelope from her as he thanked her, she ran away looking like a cherry as her friends cheered.
"Yugi you and Mira should get along! She is a REALLY fun person to be with you know? And also not boring" They ran after their friends, while you clenched on your drink
"Was that last part directed to me?" You mumbled. Tsukasa stood up and dusted off any dirt on his pants as he lend you his hand. "I appreciate the gifts and all.. But this is getting out of hand, lets go somewhere please? I want to take my mind off things." You accepted his hand as you atood up nodding.
"Alright! How aabouutt... The mall?" Your eyes lit up, you heard that they opened a new arcade there and wanted to check it out with Tsukasa. He nodded and you two excitedly went to the mall.
You should know how it feels on how hard it is to hide your feelings for someone right?
There are times you want to grab them by the collar and kiss them, or bluntly say it to let those feelings out
You in the other hand kept it a secret from your best friend for 3 years
It was getting harder and harder for you to hide them each passing year with Tsukasa always getting a glow up
He has become undeniably handsome, and you saw that. It was also harder for you not to look jealous or bothered when someone comes up and gives him treats or little presents
Heck you could hardly keep your composure when he tells you the someone confessed to him.
Calls yourself evil or anything, you were glad that he rejected all of them, you didn't how you'd live if he were to go in a relationship with someone.
During the event at school, you two had a great time I should say
Those 2 weeks spent together was amazing, it was shocking nobody stopped you two so another can confess to Tsukasa
You were glad.
Some peace and quiet with your 'best friend' without having it ruined by someone who doesn't know the definition of do not disturb.
It was the last day of the event. And after this, everyone will be busy to catch up requirements or study for something else
You had to tell Tsukasa. You just had to before he becomes busy
Wether he rejects you or not.. Or your friendship goes into shambles. Atleast he knows how you feel about him.
You pant as you finally reach the rooftop. It was getting really crowded downstairs so you two decided to watch everyone by the rooftop.
"Hurry up slowpoke, god how could you be the last one to come up here when I gave you 10 second headstart?" He laughed as you purposely bumped on him. "Shut up you slowed me down!"
He leaned on the railings looking at everyone below, you could hear chatter, laughter and even saw alot of couples down there. "Hey look, there's Amane and Yashiro, looks like they're together now.." You pointed at Tsukasa's older twin brother who was holding hands lovingly with a girl in your class.
"Yeah, I told him he should confess before its too late, not that anyone is going for Yashiro-san.." You punched his arm playfully "What does tgat supposed to mean you big meany?" You laughed as he held the area you punched "I'm just saying! I'm glad Amane found someone, he needs to lay off the star drugs.."
"Now you're just talking shit about your brother" You watched as Amane sneeze, Him and Yashiro get along so well.. You wondered who confessed first.
"Please, he talks shit about me all the time, although I am happy for him. Finally finding someone who could make him smile and feel himself.. I am really happy for him." Tsukasa rested his head on his folded arms
Engulfed with a comfortable silence. You were curious, did Tsukasa 'like' anyone? It would hurt you if he said yes, but you had no right to feel hurt, you were only an admirer, a best friend and nothing more.
"Hey, Tsukasa. Have you.. Ever liked anyone?" You asked biting the inside of your cheek.
He looked at you down looked back down at the crowd "Maybe? Why do you ask?" You felt your heart crack a little. "I'm just curious you know? You never really entered that topic with me and I am really curious on who you like."
"And why is that?"
"So I can steal them away from you duh" You joked as he chuckled.
"Well.. I'll tell you a little about her.. She's very cute, and a really fun person to be with.. She's very smary, passionate about the things she love. I've heard alot about her kindness and how she loves to help someone in need. She has a great sense of humor too, you should meet her." At the end of his sentence, you saw how this girl put a blush in his cheeks. Something you can never do..
"What about you? Do you like anyone?"
"Well.. I just found out today that he likes someone else.. I was planning in confessing today but nevermind.." You choked back tears looking away so he wouldn't see. "Why don't you confess to him? Atleaat this idiot will know that a really great person has liked him. It's better to let out your feelings than keeping them to yourself [F/N]." He sounded.. Angry? You couldn't tell, Tsukasa can hide how he is feeling very well so you couldn't read him sometimes.
Turning to him surprised he was already staring at you. "S-Should I go confess to this idiot?" He nodded. "Like I said, its better for him to know than you keeping it to yourself. Now if he ever hurts you or so much as humiliate you, I'll go break his neck alright?" You giggled. "Okay Dad."
"So, who is this idiot anyways?"
"Its you.." You quietly say, the moment you said that you wanted to run away, but you couldn't. You hopd to God he didn't hear that.. But he did
Tsukasa looked at you wide eyed as his full attention was now on you. There was no going back now.
"Your the idiot I like, Tsukasa.. I-I have liked you for 3 years now.. The way you look after me and my well-being is what started those feelings because I have never had anyone look after me like that.. You are very caring and won't judge the things I want. I always catch myself looking for you in the crowd, you make me feel an emotion I couldn't feel with anyone else.. There were times I wanted to drag you somewhere to atleast tell you that I liked you.. But I couldn't.. I was scared."
Wiping the tears that were falling down your cheeks, you were met with silence. You didn't wanna look at Tsukasa, you didn't wanna see his reaction. So you turned away and started walking
He grabs your hand, making you turn around.
"Are you not gonna hear about how I feel?" You looked down. "G-go ahead.."
Tsukasa smiled as he pulled you in for a hug, this wasn't the usual hyper hugs he'd give you but rather a comfortable one.
"I like you too, [F/N]. I think I've liked you longer than you have of me.." You look at him teary eyed. You couldn't believe it...
HE chose YOU out of the many options he had..
Tsukasa pulled you into a hug as he kissed away all your salty tears and tucked away any loose hair behind your ear. "I know you aren't ready to have a boyfriend.. So I wanted to ask I could—"
"Who said I wasn't ready..?!" You chuckled in between sobs, Tsukasa chuckled as he playfully flicked your forehead. "You did, you big dummy.." Tsukasa joined your fit of laughter as he slowly leaned closer. "There was never a really dull time in my life where I didn't imagine you as my girlfriend.."
You teasingly placed a finger on his lips as you giggle. "You're so lame, you're asking me to be your girlfriend like this?" Tsukasa chuckled as he faced you towards him. "Okay Ms. Extra, I'll ask you out properly."
Tsukasa held both your hands tenderly as he looked at you straight in the eyes filled with adoration and love.
"[L/N] [Y/N]. I love you.. Will you be my girlfriend?" Your cheeks were probably starting to hurt from smiling, you nodded happily as he pulled you closer, leaving a little gap in between your lips and his.
"I love you [Y/N]... With all my heart.."
As he sealed the little space between you two, fireworks were set off into the air at the right time when you two have sealed in your first kiss with each other.
The remainder of the festival went by in just a blink of an eye.
Your relationship with Tsukasa spread like WILDFIRE across the school
You think after all that Tsukasa will your relationship a secret? Nope!
Dating Tsukasa was probably the BEST and most memorable chapter in your life.
Despite his crazy and chaotic nature, he was very gentle with you, patient, loving and understanding
Of course he bullies you from time to time—
Its natural right? There's still that relationship you two had before you two started dating.
Its been about 5 weeks since you've dated Tsukasa, and life was absolutely great! You didn't know how much of an amazing boyfriend Tsukasa was, you kind of only focused on his chaotic side—
"Hey, are you alright?" Tsukasa gave your hand a light squeeze bringing you back to reality. "Mhm, I'm fine don't worry" giving him one of your signature smile, he was immediately captured. "G-geez.. Do you have to keep looking at me with that cute smile?.."
With nothing to do. You wanted to tease him, I mean you RARELY see him flustered, if you ever shot a flirtt comment he'd return it, no sign of blushing cheeks, malfunctioning nor speech problems
"Mhm, I mean you're the reason why I am always so happy yeah?"
"I know. And I'm glad I'm your source of happines.." He leans down and kisses your forehead
Obviously a fail, the total opposite happened..
"Are your parents gonna come home tonight?"
"Nope, they went on a business trip to Korea, and they'll stay there for a week or two, I'll be home alone for awhile"
He didn't like that. He hated at the thought of you being home alone
"Are you sure you're gonna be alright on your own?"
"Mhm, don't worry Tsu, plus your only 3 houses down from mine" That wasn't enough to convince him, the last time you were left home alone someone tried to break in. And he wasn't gonna take anymore chances. "I mean.. You don't know how to cook right? I can come over—"
"Just say you want to come and stay over it's so obvious you dork—"
"Just shut up, yeah? I'll go cook you something too" You giggled as you hugged his arm. And off you two went to your house, to do who knows what
It's just you, your boyfriend, cooking together and having a sleep over like you used to! Well the change is that Tsukasa is now your boyfriend. What could possibly happen?
"Man, you still suck at Mario Kart?" You cackled almost choking on your food as you watch Tsukasa bump into another wall, he ruffles his hair in frustration and face plants his face onto your bed handing over the controller. You giggled as you heard a faint 'I give up'. You grabbed the controller and continued off his game.
Tsukasa moved his head to face you. You were so focused you didn't even realize him staring. He was mesmerized by your beauty.. He didn't care about the imperfections he sees, you were PERFECT.
He sat up behind you pulled you into a hug as he dug his face onto your neck, you let him be as you tried to win the game he abandoned "Ha, I'm in first place!" Your smiling face turned into a flustered one when you felt Tsukasa kiss your neck. "H-hey, just what do you think your doing?"
He doesn't answer as he keeps peppering your neck with kisses. "T-Tsu.. I'm playing.." Your eyes went back to the tv to focus but with what Tsukasa is doing. It was a bit distracting.
"Put it down.." He grabbed the controller from your hands as he placed it elsewhere. He laid you down as he hovers you. You couldn't escape those Amber eyes staring back down at you, just him staring at you is already making you flustered. "Stop looking at me like that.." He chuckles.
Tsukasa hummed as he held your hands down and continued to kiss your neck. "You smell so sweet... It makes me wanna.." Finding a spot, he bites and sucks onto your skin, leaving a small purplish hickey. "H-haa~ Tsu.. W-wait.." He shuts you up my pressing his lips againsts yours as he deepened it.
He licks your bottom lip for entrance but you refused. His hand mischievously makes its way to your chest as he gave it a little squeeze which made you gasp giving him access.
You and Tsukasa fought for dominance but he won. Tsukasa explored that prettu mouth of yours leaving none untouched. You were started to lose breath which made you pull away. A string of saliva connected between your tongues.
"My~ How messy you have drool on the side of your lips my Love.. ~ He huskily whispers into your ear. "Stop.. Stop teasing.. Me.." You breathed out. Tsukasa chuckled as he slid his knee against a certain area making you let out a sound. "Oh my.. ~ I never knew you could make such a noise.. ~ Now I want to hear it alot more... ~" Tsukasa brought you back into a kiss. It wasn't the warm bubbly sweet kisses at the beginning.
But rather a passionate one. Tsukasa slowly holds your hands and pins them down onto the bed. He licked your bottom lip for entrance as you shyly decline. You were new to this and never really learned how to do it.. I mean you saw it in Mangas and Shows but, ehh.
His hand slowly made its way to your thigh as he gently squeezed it, as you elicit a small gasp as his tongue enters your mouth.
You whimper out shyly as he continues to dominate your mouth. He gently pulls away to ler you breath as he chuckles. "I didn't know you could make such sweet sounds, my dear.. ~"
He leans back down and slowly peppered your neck with kisses. The more he kissed you, the more he fell inlove with you. He couldn't stop kissing your tender and soft lips.
"I love you.. [F/N].."
"I love you too Tsukasa.."
Tsukasa leans back down as he kisses your neck all the way down to your collarbone to your..
Ahh, I'll let your imagination continue the rest ;).
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Character.ai taught me that, mhm definitely.
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vanderwoodlings · 1 month
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fire escape: a dan&vanessa playlist (x)
Tracklist and commentary under the cut:
1. “We’re Going to Be Friends,” The White Stripes. Here we are, no one else/We walk to school all by ourselves is definitely the specific line that made this one for them as little kids need to be here—there’s a very specific way that Dan and Vanessa’s friendship involves (but quietly and unacknowledged) their family bullshit
2. “Kids In The Dark,” All Time Low. They left alone, the kids in the dark/To burn out forever or light up a spark
3. “You Get What You Give,” New Radicals. This whole damn world could fall apart/You’ll be okay, follow your heart/You’re in harm’s way, I’m right behind/Now say you’re mine
4. “Little Cellist,” Bears In Trees. Hmmmm yeah I think they’re a little fucked in the head
5. “Walk Backwards,” Maude Latour. We’re still early days, here, little fourteen year olds who haven’t quite had anything go wrong with them yet and so they’re orbiting closer and Dan hasn’t really noticed that Vanessa’s got a crush and neither of them know it’s a bad idea
6. “Bruises,” Reneé Rapp. …but the truth is I bruise easily/And sure I’m down to be the joke/Metaphorically though.
7. “Prodigal,” David Wirsig. In the beginning we were banished/Then we stoked the fires/And scrapped our songs for salvage. The thing is, like, Dan craves acceptance by the cool kids even as he holds up his pretentiousness as a shield and Vanessa is an outsider who wants people to meet her where she is and accept her
8. “Forgive Me Friend,” Smith & Thell feat. Swedish Jam Factory. This kind of tracks us into s1: And I, I promised that we would never change/That you and me would always stay the same/How I let you down
9. “That’s What Friends Are For,” Dionne Warwick, Elton John. Keep smilin’, keep shinin’/Knowin’ you can always count on me for sure/That’s what friends are for/For good times and bad times
10. “Old Friends,” Pinegrove. …Significant amounts of this playlist may be bitchy. Maybe I should have gone out a bit more/When you guys were still in town/I got too caught up in my own shit
11. “Platonic Cuddling,” Breakup Shoes. But significant parts are also sweet! Lovely day to watch the clouds race/Lovely day, nothing I would change
12. “You’re My Best Friend,” Queen. They are. So stupid for repeatedly trying to date. I love them
13. “Give It Up,” I Fight Dragons. The UES is a seductive kind of hell. Give it up for human nature/Give it up now, bit by bit.
14. “Misfit,” High Dive Heart. I know people say that you’re a misfit/But that’s the thing I like about you
15. “Everything I Had,” Sub-Radio. And sometimes you grow apart and you don’t want to admit that things are falling apart and here you are anyway
16. “Youth,” Daughter.
17. “I’ve Been Over It,” Geowulf. Time and time again, my head just wants to find a reason why/I needed another lesson in choosing who to give my heart. Wherein you date the guy
18. “Grow Up and Be Kids,” The Cab. But it’s still gone.
19. “Dial Tones,” AS IT IS. All we ever share are dial tones
20. “Twins,” The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart. I didn’t mean to let you down/And now I know everything that’s good is gone
21. “I’m Not Calling You A Liar,” Florence + The Machine. I’m not calling you a liar/Just don’t lie to me
22. “It Ain’t Me, Babe,” Johnny Cash with June Carter Cash. Go away from my window/Leave at your own chosen speed/I’m not the one you want, babe/I’m not the one you need
23. “When We Were Writers,” Indigo Girls. This… might’ve been the first song on here? Idk the sense of artistic nostalgia just worked so very Correctly with their vibe
24. “Sober Up,” AJR feat. Rivers Cuomo. Won’t you help me sober up/Growin’ up, it made me numb/And I wanna feel somethin’ again. And we have arrived in early s4!
25. “Quarrel,” Moses Sumney. I love Moses Summey btw. Everyone should just go check him out. Quoting this as a quarrel so immorally implies/We’re equal opponents and we both antagonize
26. “i hope ur miserable until ur dead,” Nessa Barrett. She can be a little evil. As a treat. I hope you be yourself and lose your friends/I hope they call you out for shit you said/I hope you’re miserable until you’re dead
27. “Somebody That I Used To Know,” Gotye, Kimbra. But then she gets completely written off the show so… ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
28. “Please Leave A Light On When You Go,” fun. How do you fix something/That you can’t touch without hurting?/The lesson you’ve learned is leaving you dumb/Please leave a light on when it’s done
29. “Call Off Your Ghost,” Dessa. We’ve lived too close for too long
30. “Your Ex-Lover Is Dead,” Stars. I put this one one the Vanessa playlist, thinking about her and Dan, and I knew I was going to end with it the moment I started this one—it’s kind of both the best and most tragic ending for them, to me, saying ‘I’m not that person anymore’
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total-feminism-takes · 2 months
Lesbian Courtney anon!
Why there do much beef between the girls in general?
Gwen vs Courtney for Duncan? Ew. Courtney is an A type, therefore I believe she would research off seasons the emotions, love triangle nonsense then let Duncan go and Gwen have him in sense of this teenage bullshit, I am not some item or object you can pick up as you please whenever you want!
Anna Maria vs Zoey for Mike/Vito? Really?? I know Anna Maria could had an arc with Zoey of course of friendship or understanding after that season!
Let girls be less of enemies and misunderstanding.
I want write more about Jo and Courtney in general along with the other girls as adults and teenagers more girl moments only based off their love interest.
Right now I have one of Jo and Courtney liking Brick/Duncan, but guess what they are friends now! I think I want them focus on themselves more and their blooming friendship as well as growing up as teenagers.
Like Jo is more masculine than most girls, Courtney is more feminine than most, but guess what?! I believe these boys or crushes won't stop them to realizing maybe they love each other as much as they don't like to admit and became sisters along the way!
Another fanfic Jo and Courtney are friends again as well as friends with Zoey but they all with their own lives and love themselves their roles of womanhood even though if's different! Army Jo and Zoey along Courtney wife at home but she loves it with a business at home!
I used to think womenhood and girlhood were about pain and hurt.
But I know nothing about humanity. All I know is that womenhood is different for all and any form.
I love chilren therefore a lot my fanfics have babies and children but that doesnt mean that only role!
Sisters, ladies, and more, if you don't want babies, be a housewife, and in the kitchen then I hope you the best! Please learn to cook to survive not to uphold sex roles (not gender roles because gender state of mind and essence of the soul!) You still women if you don't want the things I want too!
I am a bad writer I swear I know but goddamn it! I am trying! Womanhood is more than hurt and suffering!
It ever changing!
More agency for my girls! (Well for all the characters in general)
I want be in world where I can be like I am boy then laugh it off because I am being silly billy that day act the fake alpha male things as I cook in my kitchen giggling then baking for my family.
I am she/them. Anyway, what I am saying is make your niche fanfics, make Courtney and Jo fight over a boy sometimes then fight for themselves then most importantly together as friends!
Angst where they find a common ground, they lay there or stand there in the heat of the moment then hug each other and in tears or hugging each other laughing this so stupid!
Then find a bit of themselves in each other and think about no matter what else happens we made for each other as friends along the way.
Sometimes love triangles or love squares end in no one hurt as friends. Other times it's one girl realizing oh shoot I think am in love with all of you but we are better off as friends because we are too young or brash to start more than friendship!
Jo and Courtney friendship now!
Anna Maria with Jo girlsfirends?
Brick nonbinary and his close girlfriends Jo with Courtney"
GO further my dear TD people with your favorite characters! Endless multiverse of your dreams to these characters!
Also, I love you y'all!
- 🧡
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sunnnfish · 2 months
sunny sunny sunnnfish ask game timeeee any thoughts on miyazawa (miyano-hanzawa) :) also curving out of left field but any thoughts on chilshi dungeon meshi ?
HI MALT. IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. GENUINELY DIDN'T SEE THIS IN MY INBOX.? but anyways. hehehehh. so like. miyazawa. upon my very first reading of sasamiya i had the tiniest feeling that hanzawa could've had a crush on miyano. i can't remember specifically why. hes just kinda... weird about miyano sometimes. so like. it does compel me and kinda makes sense...? but like the thing about hanzawa is that i think he holds his feelings inside him for very very long times. even if he did have feelings for miyano like. that would stay bottled up in a corner of his heart for five years minimum. he also seems like the. if you love them let them go type. if we're in a world where miyano still likes sasaki then he would just. let that happen. as for miyano... hmmm. its almost like. i can't see him ever really developing feelings unless someone confesses to him first..? i have a hard time shipping miyano with anyone else because sasaki is just sooooo perfect for him. like the way it developed couldn't have happened with anyone else. so like. it all does compel me but in a like. hanzawa character study way. and miyano's just kinda there. and like miyano certainly does respect hanzawa a lot !! but maannn i just really can't see miyano falling in love with anyone else. (probably could with prompting by someone much better at writing than i am though... im never opposed to anything)
and then curveball chilshi dungeon meshi.... honestly have never really seen the appeal...? but i think its cause like. dungeon meshi is one of those things that so perfect to me, especially in its existing relationships, that like. i don't want to change any of it. i do think the combined dad power is really funny though. and they've got a fun mutual respect for each other. so its like i do kinda see why people would ship them but at the same time it feels a little bit like pair the spares. and the fact that they don't have any like prominent ship-worthy relationships like farcille and sometimes labru. so its like oohh chilchuck and senshi don't have a super homoerotic friendship with someone... why not just pair them up instead. but it really is mainly i just love dungeon meshi so much as it is that adding like. random romantic relationships to the existing relationship dynamics is so unnecessary to me. BUT all that to say i'm not against it at all and i do like seeing art and stuff of them :3
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strrvnge · 2 years
sherlock getting jealous of you and john’s friendship because it seems as if john somehow knows you better and you prove to him it’s not possible by having him touch you and get you all turned on.
“John doesn’t know me like you do, Sherlock. He’s never seen me the way you’ve seen me. He’s never felt me the way you’ve felt me. Never had me the way you have me. I am yours.”
Sherlock can be quiet insecure when it comes to his relationship with other people. Thats simply because he's not experienced and is afraid he might do something wrong and push them away, something which he is terribly afraid of as he never had people to care for. But at the same time he has trouble approaching someone or understanding or caring about some basic (to us stupid people) things which makes him sometimes (alway) look insensible or aloof. Whether you're his friend or the person he has a crush on there is no way you won't be told to shut up during a case at least once.
In contrast with John who always seemed to get along with everyone, John who always said and did the right thing, John who knew how to talk to you, who knew how to comfort you. John who did things Sherlock was only now starting to learn, because of you. Because he wanted to keep you in his life
So of course the observer he was he noticed how close you two were getting, how much time you spent together at the point of even having a few stupid inside jokes Sherlock couldn't get.
Walking into the crime scene you searched across the crowd of police officers for Sherlock who was talking (nagging) a very exhausted Greg.
"Hi" you cheered
"My good saviour" Greg exclaimed and patting your shoulder he started walking away "He's all yours!"
"Wow"you mumbled but Sherlock didn't even turn around to look at you. "Where's John? I tried to call him a couple but he didn't answer so I guessed he was with you"
"Well I'm surprised you don't know where he is given your special relationship", Sherlock muttered under his breath.
"What special relationship?" You asked confused.
"I dont know perhaps the one that made you be late in our yesterday's case session because you had gone out for fish and chips with John" He explained only now turning to look at you "Who even eats this thing anyways?"
"Yes like you needed me to solve the case!" You joked but the look he gave you made you choke on your own laugh.
"What?", you laughed shocked "Sherlock you don't seriously think I like John better than you?"
Sherlock avoided your gaze, looking everywhere except you, but that was enough to answer your question. "I wouldn’t care-"
"Becaude I don't", you cut him off and he frowned. Sherlock wasn't the jealous type, actually he was anything but jealous when it came to other people, so you were rather confused about his strange complaint.
"Well that sounded kinda terrible but it's not that I don't like John because I do! As a friends he's great" you said and swallowed uneasily, not believing what you were about to say just to make him feel nice."But you Sherlock..." You took a deep breath and Sherlock noticed how your hands trembled uncontrollably, a profound sense of guilt creeping into him"I actually-"
Before you could even start the suicidal attempt of a confession, he gave you a small kiss on your cheek, making your eyes pop wide open in shock.
"Thank you Y/N I really appreciated our little chat. Please don't be late when it's about a case." He said and just like that he left as you stood there freezed unable to process what had just happened.
"Come on Sherlock I think your friendship can survive this little crush. You just have to let her down slowly" John said before taking a sip of his tea, quietly watching from his armchair as Sherlock paced up and down the living room.
"And how do I do that?"
"Be honest. Tell her how you feel. You can't kiss someone you say you don't like Sherlock", John said.
"That wouldn't work. Also I never said I didnt like her otherwise I wouldn't invite her to our usual murder cases" Sherlock explained
"Oh yes always the romantic. And why wouldn't it work again?" John raised an eyebrow making Sherlock huff in annoyance with his friend's brain functionality.
"Because if I tell her how I feel she might get the impression I want to pursue a relationship with her" Sherlock said in one breath before noticing the unamused expression on John's face.
"Yes, John I might appreciate her in a manner friends don't, please don't give me that look"
"I'm not giving you any look", John laughed, raising his hands as a sign of innocence "But I can't say I didn't know you liked her. It's too obvious to ignore"
Sherlock hands locked behind his back as he studied John who looked especially proud for his detection.
"Hm. That's very perceptive of you John, I didn't know you were capableof such thing-no offense. Anyways to the reason of our today's meeting"
"Yes of course. So why would she think you'd like to have a relationship with her?" John ignored his friend's comment, knowing it was pointless even thinking about it.
"Because I might be...interested in her. Only the slightest I sweat. Please don't have me explain to you how love is a -
"Chemical reaction" they said together
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butterfrogmantis · 1 year
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It’s Spinner hours again lets go. Specifically in depth ones this time rather than generic cause I feel like I’ve never really EXPLAINED it in specifics and in case there was any other confusion I feel like this helps clean it up. 
1 - Teenage confusion. Teen Spinner has been listening to the village go on and on about first relationships and snogging behind Papa’s lab where he can’t catch them and he just doesn’t understand it. At first he’s like ‘ok cool well I guess we’re growing up now those urges will come to me soon’ … they don’t.
Vanity Smurf is a bit of a serial romantic. Spinner isn’t sure he’d called Vanity a friend but … he’s the best he’s got. It’s a bit awkward, he doesn’t really know how to go about it but eventually he just sort of pulls Vanity to one side and is like ‘uh um ah I know this sounds weird but can I kiss you?’ and hey Spinner is a good looking enough Smurf so Vanity assumes he’s asking because he (Vanity) is just irresistible. Of course Spinner darling who WOULDN’T want a piece of this?
They kiss. Spinner does not react well. In fact he really doesn’t see what all the hype is about. They try again after an apology for the bad reaction. He just feels nothing. Not good, not bad … just nothing. It’s like kissing a warm stone. Vanity is a bit miffed because what kind of Smurf isn’t overjoyed to receive such an honour but Spinner decides to give up on his quest to understand the romance hype and goes home deciding to unpack that another day.
2 – Current day; Platonic Soulmates. So whilst Spinner generally prefers the company of Weaver and Tailor growing up, there is ONE other Smurf he eventually becomes quite close to and it becomes more than friendship … BEST friendship!
Spinner & Wooly refer to each other as ‘zucchini’ or ‘squish’ (platonic crush; desire to be close to but not romantic) and are a bit closer than even Brainy & Clumsy in terms of physical affection which can include holding hands, cuddles or sharing beds or partially living together all with the EXPLICIT understanding than none of these actions mean romance. Hence, rather than just being best friends like B&C, it’s a QPR which blurs the line a little bit. Think of it like a platonic life partner. There’s 0 kissing or intimacy but might joke about get married for tax benefits in the human au. Hence also why Wooly was the only one Spinner was comfortable asking about having a child, but they aren’t traditional “parents”. They’re both fairly lonesome Smurfs but that’s not the same as wanting to be loneLY. Call em besties, buddies, pal o’ mines, whatever, as long as they get to share a stew and a warm woollen blanket. Might say ‘I love ya’ but this is the same thing I’d say to a good friend so that’s more a familial love.
It’s also currently the only QPR (at least specifically described) and other aro-ace Smurfs like SmurfJockey and SmurfCobra specifically don’t want anything like this so it’s more of an exception than a norm but it works very well! Sometimes you just gotta cuddle ur buddy. Wooly could theoretically have a romantic relationship alongside if he wanted but he doesn’t anyway and is grateful to have his aroace pal because unfortunately for Wooly a lot of Smurfs have crushed on him and he can’t say he thinks the same about them DFJSK
Spinner (sorta but mostly mine tbh) Vanity and Wooly (c) The Smurfs
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anomalystudy · 2 days
only managed to get 11 different expressions from the one, two? scenes we see of younger mitch, so if I do write him, definitely not going to post an icon every reply. i suppose I could make it 13 if I added him trying to coddle his grouchy cat(her name is mrs boosh if you must know), but... genuinely, what would I use icons with his cat for? anyhow... another long Mitch ramble below.
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I want to show off just how genuinely happy he looked and specifically touch base on this episode in general - the copycat episode. Y'know, the one where he got everyone replaced with clones! Also want to mention another episode...later. For now... Context on the icons, he's doing a gaming tutorial video here, and he's genuinely helpful. Five pulled his last video up and was talking about how Mitch was the most popular gamer on the platform, and suspects he abandoned the channel to focus on being a Glitch Techs. The rest of this episode does not touch on Mitch's past - it truly just does leave it at that. They instead touch base on his inability to work with others - Five outright blowing up at him and saying something the along the lines of "If you won't be a team player, then we don't need you!" The comment...actually leaves Mitch speechless and he just walks away. Eventually, Mitch realizes he let a glitch into HQ, gets put into stasis and is replaced by a glitch in a hat, succeeds in getting everyone but Five get replaced by glitches. Somethig I want to point out - it heard some people's fears and then pretended to be them when they had full confidence and honesty - so Bergy was no longer afraid of dancing and Zahra when previously shy confessed her crush on Five. Mitch's copycat had him saying to Miko "You know, you and Five always have each other's backs. Sometimes I think I act so awful to you because I know I will never have that bond." Given the rest are implied to stem from truths, maybe the clone wasn't just saying that to manipulate Miko to be the next victim - there's a bit of truth to that. Mitch is aware he isn't nice but has difficulties being such. The episode does end with him admitting he made a mistake and being clearly disheartened that Five once again expresses that they don't need him, and he jumps in to genuinely support the team and prove himself. But he does turn around in the next couple of scenes where he just acts selfish all over again.
The next time we see mention of Mitch's past and behavior is in episode 9 of season 2, where we're introduced to his siblings. I'm just going to mention that this is the first time we see him act hopeless and have a lost in confidence. He first talks about how he can't stop his family from getting permanently banned, how he can't get them to look at the state of their home, how he couldn't clean this place up in time - sounding like he was fully expecting his siblings to not even help him. He then soon goes on a ramble on how Five and Miko will show off the power of teamwork and band together, or use friendship, empathy, understanding each other - and then just quietly adds "They don't need me." Before all this, he was going on about how he doesn't need them, and getting more and more progressively stressed and angry that they cut in anyway and helped him out. And time and time again do they one-up him anyway, showing him what working together can accomplish. Because no one can really do anything alone. We don't see Mitch again for the last episode - it's focused on his boss and Bitt over him - but given that the copycat episode ends with them showing off hardly changing whatsoever, I'm going with the assumption that all we got out of that episode is learning that Mitch fears being useless and maybe despises the idea of being so weak he has to rely on others(go play kingdom hearts and hear Sora say "my friends are my power!!!" please Mitch I am BEGGING.) on top of him making sure to genuinely visit his family time to time.
I could go on since there's a LOT to impact in that episode - go figure for one titled "I'm Mitch Williams!" How Mitch interacts with his siblings, how and why he left them, and directly stating "I moved out a year or so ago to focus on work." Maybe it contradicts what Five was thinking earlier - Glitch Techs made Mitch into who he was today - and maybe it's more of the Furious Four made him into what he was today? ...It would take me like 10 more paragraphs to discuss that episode further(doesn't help that it's my favorite) and I already rambled about one whole episode enough, along with a couple obvious aspects of this one. I'm not going to go into further detail unless prompted. Don't prompt me unless you really want me to, I WILL explode into another 10 paragraphs on Mitch alone.
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marengogo · 2 years
hi dunno if you had this question or not but do u think before jikook become a "thing" vmin and jihope messed around... cos if u ask other blogs they will beat around the bushes but aint nobody actually answering lol im saying this cos vmin are close as jihope hobi was his roomate tho (roomates) i didnt see jimin &hobi dynamic turn around like this until bv in malta or burn the stage..?
anyway it doesnt changr my opinion on jikook im just curious cos it looks like they prob messed around lol and
at some point i think rm had a crush on jimin too thats why sometimes jungkook had ?? a "problem with minimoni " monitoring jikook
Hello Anon,
Sure, let’s talk abou it.
No, I don’t think JM messed around with any other member in BTS before, during or after JK. Short answer; amongst other factors, one (not the main factor but  …) is it would take a person who actually thinks they are desired in such a manner to do so, and quite unfortunately, for the longest time, I do believe JM didn’t believe himself to be said person at all. As for the Long answer, let’s look at each pairing you mentioned, shall we?
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Let’s start with giving some context to my thoughts: 
Not sure if you read any other of my posts, but I think 2015 was the year JK started “peacocking” so to say, at JM, and through ups and downs it took them 2017/2018 to actually enter a steady relationship and by steady I don’t mean they were in an open relationship prior to this. What I mean is that they both were trying to figure out things like, for example; what they actually were feeling for each other, or would them “being together” actually work, or could they really actually do this., etc, etc etc.  
Furthermore, I should add, that I believe JM “taunting” JK with requests of kisses and telling him he liked him and wanted to go out with him etc, as they already had a very good relationship off-camera (as proven by various interviews), was just an also quite naive approached mixing at an attempt to establish a connection with JK on camera, with feelings he still himself hadn’t quite properly acknowledged. In simple words: He was consciously kidding about feelings he subconsciously already had but never really took seriously. 
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Last but not least, I’m team: JK made the actual first move, which is not to be confused with: he fell first, he fell harder, etc … whatever with all that BS. And yes, people are entitled with their own opinions, but yeah, I didn’t see none of that. I’m talking about moves. If you will, look at it as a chess game, at some point in 2015 JK impulsively/(frustratedly) moved a pawn at a game neither he or JM knew they were playing; and the “game” began. 
Ok … now that you have the pretext, let’s go back to our regularly scheduled program of the day: 
VMIN: We have a period between 2012 (when JM joined BH) and 2015 where JM supposedly would have had the time to be messing around with Tae. Because after 2015, JK’s not very well structured (lol) plan of action kept JM rather busy (added to the fact that JM was going through personal awakenings of his own). Now this particular friendship during and pre 2015 gave us pearls such as this:
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JM and Tae have a very deep, unique and special friendship and  like every relationship in the world, context matters, but like every great relationship, theirs, goes beyond that (context). Their context was/is South Korea, being both of the same age bracket (‘95) they had a common ground on which they began to bond, as age is an important factor in SK, but then there was more. For example, they just so happened to fall into the catching up team. One (JM) arrived last in the group, and was playing catch up internally (with the members), the other had been there for a while, but was only revealed after debut, so he was playing catch up externally (with fans not knowing about him until debut). And please don’t think that one is harder than the other, particularly not on the scale of things they were in.  
And there were their personalities. What were the chances that two young men, so different in thoughts and actions could be so compatible in soul/Seoul? Tae standing up for JM at school, JM playing along with Tae’s acting passion, them allowing themselves to be vulnerable with each other. Making mistakes with each other. Taking the time to make it right with each other. We are never going to know how deep this connection goes between the two of them. And here is where you might think: “I’d want to give it a go romantically with such a connection!”. I’d want to as well, NGL,  if only I had realised it and if my preferences were also so inclined. 
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But here’s what I think happened/ was(is) the situation:
1. Tae, out of all the members was/is the one member, who knew/knows exactly who he is. And I can’t assume people’s sexualities, but, in MY opinion,  from what I’ve seen, I feel like he is a very big ally, but straight (or at the very least queer-curious? Those that even exist?).  I think Tae is very secure in his skin and loves to test his limits constantly and not because it is fun to do, but because he can and it would possibly allow him to maybe gain something from doing so. Most likely, all the time spent being a secret member, also gave him the time to think about how he wanted to be perceived, which also eventually would have ended up affecting everything else positively or negatively. So when it came to JM, someone he started to feel really close to, he let his guard down, completely. So much so that sometimes he just would almost test him, or throw at him anything that he came across in his mind, just to see how far their relationship could go? And, even if at some point he did think to maybe try and give it a go romantically, the next point came up.
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2. JM wasn’t up for it. Not in a mean way or dismissive way, not at all; you really got to care a lot about someone to end up fighting and being emotionally-drunk over fucking dumplings. Let that sink in. Another thing that needs to sink in is that JM does, and will do, what he feels and what he wants. Always (Ironically enough, so will Tae, another thing they have in common). At the time, JM was the last member to join, he was struggling with his identity, he was publicly struggling with JK (not irrelevant) and who knows what more. So his brain had to somehow work with processes of elimination to keep sane and in my opinion, if ever Tae made a move, it was shut down, because JM also needed friends. Friends are always needed. Friends are important, have them if you can. And I do think that Tae was friendzoned, early on, because he was a good friend at that. Tae was his ‘95 buddy, his “we are kinda going through the same shit” buddy, his let’s conquer the musical world together buddy. But all was very platonic, because, even though the subconscious may not be out there; it is there and JK was in it. 
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JIHOPE: Jung Hoseok. The worlds’ brightest ray of light with a powerful little cloud hidden at the corner of his caring soul. In a way, just like JM a troubled soul (like every member really  … like everyone on this planet really!). But Hobi and JM had something else to bond over first and foremost: DANCE. That probably started the conversation with the two of them but then there was fashion, shopping, laughing at dumb stuff, the aching need to become the best version of oneself, the natural want to find and provide comfort to those who needed it the most. 
Hobi and JM connected on a nurturing level. One thing I feel strongly about, is that Hobi never had any sort of romantic thoughts towards any of the members in BTS and perhaps a part of JM picked up on that and allowed him to feel “secure”. Secure in the sense where he knew that every touch, every hug, every kiss (we are talking of friendly pecks) was out of caring love, and had no chance of being misinterpreted, ever. Reason why I think JM had singled out Hobi as the mother of the group at the very beginning, but now I do believe that Hobi is kinda like that caring brother, who would do anything to support his brothers.
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Also, something that people seem to either not think about, or just really underestimate is that Hobi was spending quite a lot of time with JK as well. 3J get along, not only because they are good dancers. I’ve always felt that out of all the hyungs, Hobi was the one that truly treated JK like an actual little brother, allowing him to pester him, and not in the same way he did with Jin. Jin mentally also becomes a maknae (or even younger, lol) when he gets into it. Hobi just had that big brother vibe doting on a cute little brother, something that JM has tried as well, but was never quite like Hobi.
Another thing that Hobi does a lot is observe, he is a quick learner, he observes and quickly puts in practice. I can guarantee you there was a lot of that while he was hanging out with Jikook and part of me thinks that at some point, he observed and put in practice by questioning JM. Hobi has this way of nonchalantly bringing up pertaining/delicate points in any situation, without making a big deal out of it. This might have eventually made him become someone who JM could confide in and talk to about things he didn’t necessarily know how to with others.
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And last ..
JK and MINIMONI: I’ve actually quite recently written about Minimoni, so please do read this if you would → CORONA BOREALIS - 1: The Emphat & The Intellectual - MiniMoni. Upon reading that (if you do) you’ll see why I think, neither ever had feelings for each other. So, no Joon never had a crush on JM. Now because of another very long ask (sent to me now an eternity ago), I just so happen to have to write about NamKook, so look out for it, it’s going to be called → CORONA BOREALIS - 2: WonderBoy & The Wanderer - NamKook, should be coming out pretty soon. 
But to answer your question, I don’t think JK has ever had a problem with RM monitoring them (neither did JM), I think he’d probably understand that Namjoon would have no other choice but to do so on occasion, particularly if things seemed like they were getting out of hand. If anything, at the very beginning JK has had moments in which he seemed uncomfortable with MiniMoni’s interactions, which was probably caused by unintelligible fears and projections, (which were directed at JM rather than RM) and as humans who have lived on this planet we all know a little bit about this don’t we? … But JK’s possible insecurities are a whole other story, isn’t it?
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Currently, I think JK appreciates Namjoon’s presence more than we know, and because he knows him, and knows JM, he most likely understands why and on what level MiniMoni connect. I think that JK has been on a mission, for a while now, to have RM see him as a capable grown ass man, he’d like for the man he admires to look at him and think “yeah, you really do got this, don’t you?” (not that I don’t think Namjoon doesn't already think this of JK), but I also believe that deep down JK just needs someone to keep looking up to and not someone he has to beat, if it makes sense? But I’ll better discuss this in the NamKook post I’m writing.
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Well, not sure that I’ve answered your questions but I sure did express my opinions in this long-ass post haven’t I? MY BAD.
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Always very respectfully your 🫰🏾💜,
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dufrau · 1 year
Hello! Secret lore anon here again. I love love love everything about molotov—including everything that didn’t make it into the story. Do youuuuu have anything you can/want to share about entirely on purpose and according to plan? That’s the fic that got me hooked on your stuff and I think about it a lot
Hmmm. I don't know if there's too much about Entirely On Purpose that didn't make it into the story. That's one where they sort of wind up saying everything out loud by the end.
Where they're at when that story starts, just finishing junior year of college, in that universe they've gotten very close. They don't live near each other or see each other very often but they talk on the phone and their tentative "friends as in officially" has progressed to a very stable and close friendship over those intervening years. Robin obviously has a huge crush on her, but not in a heartbreaking way so much as in a way that is truly secondary to their friendship and their connection.
That story is a Robin POV so you get less of what Nancy is thinking. Nancy fully knows Robin has a crush on her, and she fully reciprocates that feeling, but the circumstances havent been right to do anything about it previously and Nancy is practical and she *also* values their friendship. But in my mind, Nancy was going to ask Robin out by the end of summer. It was a mission, it was going to happen one way or another. The timing was finally right, she was feeling very sure of her feelings and Robin's feelings. The stakeout thing was not about that, although she certainly didn't mind the excuse for a one on one hang out with Robin, she was legit interested in figuring out what was going on with Agent Stinson. She expected to hopefully be dating Robin by the end of summer break, not on the second day!
This story started out as a different idea of a sort of monster-of-the-week one off that i might still write sometime where they are kind of antagonistically flirty with each other which would culminate with some kind of weapon-removal-leading-into-sex scene but then whenever I tried to write it I was like... the only part of this I really feel like writing is the weapon removal scene. So I reworked the concept to make it less plotty and more bantery and let that scene really be the focal point. In my mind originally it was like the Hawke/Isabela romance cutscene in Dragon Age 2 just pulling daggers out of nowhereand chucking them over her shoulder, but it turned into a much more methodical and less silly version of a still very silly trope. But I really feel like that whole foreplay section is some of the funnest stuff I have ever written lol I love it and stand by it!
Also as much as its very silly in the story I really do like the idea of Hawkins having a secret gay B&B. Gay people are everywhere! There are secret gay hotels! Agent Stinson trying to pick up women over a game of boggle in the den lol.
Anyway they're still very young and they have their whole lives ahead of them but by the time they're like 40 Nancy is absolutely a hardboiled private investigator, Robin is a crusty academic who still prefers not to wear pants, and they are the proud parents of an entire cellar full of cans of beans.
Thank you again for asking!!!
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