#anyway sorry for the constant tag vents i am just
tera-starstorm · 2 months
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kalashtars · 1 year
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hipipi · 6 months
#personal#i'm so miserable#Broke my 7 year sh streak#I want to die so bad#I wish I could want to live#Everyday for months ive felt physically choked#I'll delete later maybe I just need to vent a little bit#Refusing to believe I'm at rock bottom because I just can't fathom returning to the same place I was at when I was 18#I had nothing to live for at that point and I was so fucked up#But I'm better now! Everything I wanted to do I've done!#I don't feel as useless and alone anymore#So why am I still here being violent with myself#I write rants to put on my Instagram and delete them#Bc I realized they were serving as suicide notes and final remarks to the people I've met#So extremely bitter#The answer to the earlier question is probably just to end the constant pain#I can't do it anymore#How many times have I said that#And then I do it anyways#And then I end up here all relapsed and fucked up#Negative#I kind of just feel like 90% of the time things have gotten “better” I've actually just been manic#Making and saying irrational stuff#It's funny though because I don't think I've ever set out deliberately hurt someone#I definitely have hurt people by accident and I try so hard to be on guard to avoid that#And I think that's part of the reason I turn to hurting myself instead#But I just find it funny how other people set out to deliberately hurt me for small petty reasons#And then feel terrible after so they come saying sorry but blaming it on their mental health that they've never even researched or looked at#Before they used it as an excuse#I'm out of tags but yeah like I'm suffering and constantly declawing myself for everyone around me but I have to grin and bear it
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trans-androgyne · 4 months
hey, thank you for having and running this blog. you're doing the equivalent of gods work.
first, i'm sorry for the amounts of jerk anons you have to deal with. you literally articulate yourself very well and clearly, and still, people will find a way to twist it or not take it seriously. it reminds me of me "arguing" with terfs back in 2022 on twitter. (shudders.)
and second, how do you deal with the constant negativity? i have found myself doomscrolling the transandrophobia tag, and, well, to no ones surprise, my mental health is down the gutter. do you have any tips to deal with it? mainly with the transandrophobia in general? it is more than exhausting existing as a (gnc & enby) trans guy atm, and it's really getting to me. the thing is, I wouldn't mind it if it were non-queer bigots, but the fact it's coming from inside the community is devastating. i am more than hurt. this intense hatred for men and masculinity, queer, trans, or not, is incomprehensible to me. it never does anything good. anyone who says "i hate all men and anything masculine" is definitely going in the "yep that's either a radfem or a radfem hatchling" box. i partially understand as to why- i had a fear of men myself when i still identified as a girl, and slipped into the "all men bad. kill" side of the internet for a short while but ONLY because of this rhetoric ("you need to be afraid because there are men outside." , "men and masculinity are inherently predatory or dangerous")- but i got out of it because i saw how fucked it was eventually (thank goodness)- but nothing should ever be an excuse to excessively hate a gender or masculinity this badly. and its mostly gender essentialist bs anyways imo, so i do not understand it at all...it reminds me of people saying men/mascs cant be asexual because it's "in their nature to be sexual"- because testosterone. its hard. i just wish we all could respect each other. you're either "one of the bad bad evil men" or "noooooo not YOU. you're AFAB!! never!! youre a girl/woman in spirit!!" from my personal experience with terfs/radfems/idiots.
anyways, sorry for invading your anon space with this long rant, but i just wanted to leave this and the question. i hope you have a nice day/night, and thank you for reporting on transandrophobia as much as you do. it's sadly very much needed right now.
Thank you so much, this is such a kind ask to receive. To be honest with you: I don’t handle my mental health very well around it </3 It’s weighed on me pretty heavily these last few months especially. The things keeping me running this blog anyway are my passion for the transmasc community and lovely anons like yourself cheering me up. When it comes to trying to manage it, the most important thing for me has been finding people I can vent to about it who will understand. I’m lucky enough to have a wonderful discord server full of awesome trans people who will talk it through with me, and that’s been a life-saver. Staying offline for a bit and trying to engage in person with people who are unlikely to be transandrophobic towards you can be a nice relief. I catch myself doomscrolling constantly too, and it doesn’t feel great. If you need to set some sort of time limit on your phone even just to remind yourself not to do it, that’s helped me before and might help you too.
Having this much hatred levied at me for my identity from my own community lately has been devastating. I completely understand you. I’ve always been vocal about supporting transfems in particular, so it really hurts to see so many turn against me for speaking up. I understand how the queer community got this way, though. Antimasculinism has been an issue in queer and feminist spaces for ages. I think people are starting to notice it more and understand why it sucks and how much it negatively affects trans men and mascs. It feels like a losing battle sometimes with how much cultural feminism — the Men Bad Women Good flavor of pop feminism — has pervaded our communities and often led to very overt radical feminism that people still can’t always recognize because they don’t know anything about TERFs outside of them hating trans women. I believe the culture will start to shift soon such that people are able to recognize sexism and gender essentialism that harms all genders, and I will be doing my part to help that happen.
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sol1loqu1st · 11 months
under a readmore because. yeah. cw for discussion of like. everything happening on the news rn
i don't know how to talk about any of this without it sounding like i am making. like. Literal G*nocide (censored to avoid tags not because i think it's a Bad Word) about Me And My Mental Illness so i guess prefacing with. like. this is not any sort of #Take, i'm just processing some complicated personal feelings that i don't know how to talk about with my therapist. at the core of it all i'm scared and not sure how to help and i feel like there's so much confusion that if i ask for real, tangible things i can do, there's a not-insignificant chance i might end up helping to make things worse.
anyways like. i've probably got moral ocd and at the very least have a lot of the symptoms, and i also have cptsd from like. a million different things but partially from constant, unrelenting exposure to horrific news (specifically, in a way where the narrative tends to be both "if you aren't spending a majority of your time and effort thinking about and trying to solve this, you are complicit" AND "this is hopeless, there's nothing the average person can do, no amount of donations and calling your reps and front line activism is ever going to help") since i was a young teen, again, who probably has moral ocd, and just. idk. everything happening right now is immensely triggering on so many levels.
i don't know what's *actually* happening because it feels like there are a hundred different narratives but i know there's a horrific genocide happening and i'm terrified that by not reblogging or talking about it much i'm not doing even the bare minimum of my part. but so many of the posts i would actually reblog (specifically, posts with actual information or ways to help -- as a personal rule, i won't reblog posts that are just fear or anger or venting (not because i think that's Bad(tm) but because it just makes me feel hopeless and suicidal)) seem to go out of their way to like. pin the blame on average citizens, or even jewish people, instead of the israeli (or hell, the united states) government, and i know that like. nuance gets lost when you're scared and angry and grieving and as an outsider it would be ridiculous to tone-police but with the rise in rampant antisemitism in the last few years, at least in the US, happening alongside all of this i am so so scared for my jewish friends and i'm scared for what it means for me when i eventually start my conversion process (or if it means that i'll never start, for my own safety) and i've already been struggling with activism burnout since like 2020 and i'm just. i feel sick watching genocide happen across the world and not knowing how to help and being scared that even if i attempt to help it's going to make a different problem worse. and i feel disgusted and horrified at myself for being so paralyzed by fear and confusion and my own much less significant trauma that i'm essentially no better than someone who intentionally sticks their head in the sand and doesn't care at all. which, see above, makes me worry that i'm complicit.
i'm open to replies to this post, including ones that challenge the way i feel and especially if anyone has any suggestions on constructive ways i can help (or groups i can donate to who are doing constructive things -- i've heard someone say even donations aren't helpful right now, i don't know if that's true or not) but i'm begging for compassion because like. believe me, whatever thing you're going to say about my position of relative privilege or like. White Guilt(tm) or anything like that, my brain has already guilt tripped me about it. i'm not necessarily asking for advice on how to turn this into actually constructive activism because i know that ultimately it's kinda on me, but i'm open to hearing advice anyone has
sorry for this being kinda incoherent, i didn't want to talk about it at all since i know it is like. the way i personally feel about this is not relevant or important. but it's consuming a lot of my thoughts and energy and i'm trying to find a way to find some sort of balance where i can still function without just sticking my fingers in my ears and pretending it's not happening
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beesarebadkissers · 4 years
knuckle tattoos that say COUNT RUGN
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drsunshineistrans · 4 years
i know people followed me for sk drawings and the occasional mildly humorous post but like fuck recently i’ve only used this blog to vent through a weird textpost once a day, reblog a couple things, and leave so like. sorry,,
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onepureangel · 4 years
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ivorydice · 7 years
Ah yes, I just love having a stabbing pain in a weirdly specific part of my abdomen that just gets worse with every day that passes.
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Standing Right In Front Of You
Pairings: Alexander Hamilton x reader, Thomas Jefferson x reader
Warnings: a complete VENT, indecisive reader, kinda fluffy in the end, the reader is l o n g i n g, but overall sad and unfair :(, mean girl Eliza if you think about it
OKAY! So, I had a thought the other day, since I’m a total sucker for the Alex vs Thomas fics, because truly, I love them both. So, I thought: let me make a fic where you could really choose who you, as the reader, want to be shipped with? Or, even better, can be BOTH! I hope that makes sense, because despite not having a real ending, I left it open so you can choose which man you want to go for, even though both are shown to have feelings for the reader? Okay, anyway, next thing. Where am I to ever figure out a plot for this fic, you ask? Well...I totally based this off an episode of The Office. I have NO regrets! DM me if you know what episode this if from hehe! Okay, sorry I’m rambling, enjoy! I love feedback, and let me know if you wanna be tagged!
The party was in full swing; with the sun setting and various kinds of alcohol being passed around, everyone was warm and giddy. People were dancing in the middle of the room, others were sitting at tables laughing. The top lights had been dimmed and replaced with flashing lights of different colors near the stage.
It was definitely a kind of party that Y/N wasn't used to.
Once the ceremony was over, they had moved inside and she hadn't left her seat since. John had left to go dance and Anjelica only came to talk to her every once in a while. Currently, Y/N was sipping on her straw and watching the crowd in front of her.
She was lost in her own thoughts and when she heard the chair beside her scrape across the tile floor, she jumped in her seat.
"Some party, huh?" Alexander sat and looked across the room before lookign at Y/N.
"Yeah, it's uh...it's nice," She shrugged and sat up in her chair, suddenly becoming nervous from the man being so close to her.
"I bet you twenty bucks that John ends up bellyflopping on a table," Alexander smirked as he watched his friend do shots with Hercules and Lafayette.
Y/N scoffed, "I bet you double that the three musketeers try and steal the swan over there."
They both laughed as Lafayette looked suspiciously at the ice sculpture in the corner, whispering to John and pointing accusingly.
"You know what, I don't doubt that," Alexander folded his hands behind his head as he leaned back. "So, when are we going to see those dance moves? A little birdie told me that you can swing pretty good."
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Whoever told you that was a liar, I've never danced in my life." Alexander obviously wasn't buying the lie as he looked up at the ceiling and groaned.
"That's not true, I know you can at least do a shimmy!" Alexander raised a brow teasingly as she gave a glare.
"That's what you want to see? A shimmy? How classy." Y/N tossed her hair over her shoulder and ducked her head, oblivious to the way Alexander was looking her up and down adoringly.
"So, I was thinking-" Alexander was cut short by the burst of excitement from Eliza, who wrapped her arms around his shoulders and giggled.
"I am loving this venue," Her eyes were lit up in excitement, Y/N always wish she had her attitude of constant positivity and bliss. "I'm so glad we got to come!"
Alexander looked up at her with a soft smile, caressing her arm with his hand. He looked peaceful, looked at Eliza with adoration. Something lovingly.
Something Y/N would never have with him.
"You know this could fit maybe another fifty people, Alex? It would be a perfect place to hold another wedding don't you think?" Eliza rambled on and on and Y/N had to sip on her drink in order to keep her mouth shut. She couldn't stand that they were talking about their hypothetical wedding in front of her, not that they could know that it bothered her that much. They couldn't understand that Y/N was pained every time they kissed, or every time they called each other cute pet names. They didn't understand that she aches for Alexander and his warm hands and witty smile.
They didn't understand that she craved something she could never have.
Before they could talk about their future even more (if she heard the names of their children, she might explode), Aaron came over and clapped Alexander on the shoulder. Eliza gave him a hug and a wide smile.
"Glad you could all make it," Aaron smiled and kissed the top of Y/N's head.
"Congratulations, Aaron! This really is a beautiful set up!" Eliza smiled at him as Y/N put her drink down.
"Yeah? I thought it would be too much, but this is what Theo wanted, and if it makes her happy, then I'm happy." It was so sappy that Y/N wanted to punch him in the face.
Screw everyone being in love and happy, I want that, too.
An upbeat song started playing and Eliza gasped, "I love this song! Alex, babe, come dance with me!" She took his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. Alexander went easily, smiling at Eliza with such passion.
Y/N had to admit, she had never seen Alexander happier than now. Ever since the two started dating, he smiled more and was high spirited, he even took days off from work, could you imagine?
She must of had a somber look on her face because Aaron placed a hand on her shoulder and looked down at her with a sympathetic look in his eyes. "You okay?"
Y/N nodded, "I'm fine..."
Aaron pursed his lips, but nodded nonetheless. He knew about her feelings, at least that's what he thought it was. To Y/N, it was something that grew incredibly.
She used to only imagine what his lips would feel like, imagined what it would be like with his arm around her shoulder. Now, she imagined how he would look in the morning, when the sun would wrap around his skin. She imagined if he would whisper to her late at night, when the world was quiet. She imagined what he was like when he just came back from work, if he would be all grumpy, or if he'd want to take a shower, or if he'd just wrap his hands around her waist and give her a kiss on the neck and tell her about his day.
But she didn't tell anybody that, of course not. Because it didn't matter. He probably did all those things with Eliza anyway.
"Well, I'm gonna give Laurens some water before he knocks something expensive over," Aaron tapped the chair and went to walk away, but Y/N called his name.
"Congratulations, I'm really happy for you," She smiled and he returned it before walking away.
The song switched to something slow and Y/N kept her eyes on her cup, refusing to look up because she knew her eyes would land on Alexander holding Eliza close as they swayed slowly.
Yet, temptation fought her, and the moment she looked up she saw them. Alexander was resting his cheek against Eliza's, whispering something in her ear. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck and their bodies were closer than imagined.
Moments passed and she was still watching them, a mix of envy and guilt resting in her chest. Suddenly, Alexander's gaze found hers and she quickly looked away, pretending like nothing happened.
Footsteps approached her and she saw Thomas walk over, waving softly. "There you are,"
"Hey, Thomas," She sighed, hoping that he didn't notice the way her mood changed, how she was totally different than earlier that afternoon, when they talked in the courtyard briefly, his smart charm making her laugh.
"Well, don't sound so excited to see me," He raised a brow and sat in the chair Alexander had previously been in.
"No, sorry...just- it wasn't at you," Y/N rubbed her temples and sighed again, looking up at him and giving a half smile. "Sorry."
"No worries," Thomas smirks and lays his arm on the back of her chair. "Nice ceremony, huh?"
"Yeah, it was beautiful," She never been to a beach wedding before, and while she didn't appreciate the sand in her shoes, she liked the fresh air. She wouldn't mind having a beach wedding one day, if she found someone who she could spend the rest of her life with, someone who appreciates her and listens and laughs with her and loves her.
Once again, her eyes fall on Alexander, and she pushes the thoughts away.
Thomas follows her eyes and clears his throat, "You want to dance?" He holds out his hand, and Y/N is hesitant before she takes it.
He has big hands, promising hands. They hold her own with such care, and as he lead them to the dance floor, his grip staying the same.
Thomas wrapped one arm around her waist and held her own hand with his other. Y/N held onto the back of his shoulder with her free hand, and for a while they just held each other close.
Y/N could feel his breath near her ear, his fingers finally intertwining with hers. It made her stomach flip, not used to such affection. She leaned against him and laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.
It was peaceful.
While others around them danced in a soft sway, they moved slowly in a circle, more focused on each other's warmth than the actual dance. As Y/N buried her face into his neck, she could hear him swallow. She hoped he was feeling what she was feeling.
Seconds passed, maybe minutes or hours, she couldn't tell, too lost in the tempo of the song in the background mixed with the safe feeling she had. Suddenly, Thomas was pulling back, licking his lips and looking at her with soft eyes.
"Y/N, do you want to get out of here?" He asked nervously, she'd never heard him sound so shaky. Looking into those dark orbs, she knew that he held promise, of what, she didn't know yet. But, she'd like to find out.
"Yeah," Y/N whispered and he nodded firmly. He took their untwined hands and lead them back to her table, gathering her purse and saying goodbye to the others at the table. As they headed for the door, she looked back to the dance floor to find Alexander looking back at her.
It made her pause; he looked unsure, eyebrows raised and mouth parted slightly.
Y/N would like to think that one day, he would try. He would stop distracting himself with work and worrying about what's next. He would sit down and have an honest conversation about them and that he would let her see that vulnerability that he hides so well. She'd like to think that they would be the one dancing right now, or even the ones sneaking out.
It was too late.
She mentally shook herself as she blinked, looking away and walking out of the reception, the look of what seemed to be heartbreak on Alexander's face.
Let me know if you want to be tagged!!!!
@notebookgirl30 @dontblinkumightmiss @companionjones @tinywhim @checkurwindow @21bruhs
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redhawtriot · 4 years
Baby Boom (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I felt as though since this story had such a specific narrative (especially delving into the harsh world of modeling and the effects of discrimination) that it would reach out to a very specific niche of reader.
I was actually astonished by loud support this fic has obtained so for, so thank you so much! I cannot stress enough how much that means to me. 
HnM 💕
Tag-list: @steggy4ever​ @library-trash​ @watevermelon​ @glimmadora-ble​ @persephones24​ @dragonempress123​ @your-pri-ncess @broken-from-fandoms​ @hot-pocket01​ @tsukineho​
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Month 1, Month 3
--Month 2--
You looked at the stick of plastic in your hand with wide eyes as your mouth stuttered into a slack jaw—your breaths hardly making their way in and out of your lungs evenly.
You squeezed your eyes shut so hard that you saw white spots underneath your lids before you snapped them back open again, internally praying that you would wake up form whatever nightmare you were having.
However, you couldn’t blink away the big, fat smiley face that stared back up at you from the piece of purple and white plastic that sealed your fate.
No. No. No!
The sudden urge to puke came back with a vengeance and you threw yourself to the toilet, slamming your knees to the ground in the process. As your stomach lurched up into your chest, you couldn’t tell whether the tears forming in your eyes were from the harshness of the motion or something else entirely.
“Gah!” you loudly choked out as you pulled away from the mess in the toilet. 
Once the nausea became slightly less debilitating you leaned back against your bathtub, throwing your head up as you groaned to the ceiling, “No, no, no, nooo…” you softly sobbed. You tried your best to keep from bawling so you didn’t find yourself with your head back in the bowl, but you couldn’t help the stream of hot tears that spilled from your eyes as you stared at the vent in the ceiling.
How could this happen? How could you be… pr...
A sudden stirring in your gut made you swallow hard as you tried to keep your stomach out of your throat.
Don’t be an idiot, Y/N. You took sex education in high school. You put the condom on the banana and were scolded with constant threats of STDs and the fires of Hell like everybody else. So yeah. You know how it happened.
You sighed as you thought back to all the guys you had slept with recently-- which was luckily not too many within the past few months, and only one since your last period.
Fuck, you didn’t even remember what the damn fathe-- guy looked like.
Well, excluding his rippling muscles.
You threw your head into your hands as the uncanny image of a body builder newborn infiltrated your mind. Well, that didn’t fucking help at all. Grabbing your hair tightly as you stared at the tile between your legs, you cursed yourself, “You dumbass! How could you be so goddamn stupid!? Stupid, stupid, stupid!” you repeatedly knocked against your skull.
You reached into the recesses of your memory for any information you might have about the guy. Where was his apartment again...? On the other side of town somewhere right… Near Club 52? God, you didn’t even fucking know! and what did it matter anyway, huh? What were you gonna do? Storm up to his place, pregnancy tests a-blazin’, and tell the complete stranger that you were carrying his kid?!
With a weak and tired moan, you lifted yourself off of your bathroom floor and went to the sink to rinse your bile infested mouth out and wash the salty tears off of your cheeks.
But not before you got a good look at yourself in the mirror.
Swollen eyes.
Red nose.
Drying, teary snot pooling on the rim of your upper lip.
“You look like shit,” you harshly reprimanded yourself before turning the sink on and sticking your face into the cool water. Your hands blindly reached around your counter until you finally grabbed a nearby hand towel to bring to your face. As you patted your cheeks dry, your eyes wandered to the counter where three other positive pregnancy tests that you had taken earlier that morning resided.
The trio all sported a similar smug smile as they looked up to you as if to say ‘we told you so.’
The little shits.
“Shut up.” You quickly grabbed all four tests and with a hint of bitterness chucked them into a nearby trash bin before making your way to your bedroom across the hall.
Plopping down onto your screeching mattress, you took your phone out:
Boss Lady
[2:50 pm]
Hey, brat. I hope you’re doing better.
Don’t forget that we have that runway fitting next week. And the test shots. And the international scouting event.
Think. Thin.
No carbs. No red meats.
Fucking no alcohol for nine whole months. You attempted to scoff at this, but what came out could have probably been mistaken for the last sounds of a dying animal.
[3:31 pm]
Hope you made it home safe last night!
As you read this text, a piece of you wished that maybe you hadn't made it home safe last night... Your brain briefly wandered into the dark territories of ‘what if’s’ as you imagined falling in front of the train at the subway, walking past a drug deal gone wrong, hell-- drowning on the water you took with your Pepto Bismol. You quickly brushed these thoughts away as you continued looking through your phone, 
Boss Lady
[4:45 pm]
Oh, also Deku just asked for a meeting with you personally.
You’re going of course. Glad you got his attention. Good girl.
Tomorrow.  5:00pm. El Vino’s downtown. (EAT LIGHTLY!)
Inches! Inches! Inches!
You slammed your phone down onto your mattress as you loudly sighed.
Inches. Your entire livelihood depended on your damn inches and now there was no way you could maintain the “golden ratio.” The thought made your blood churn.
Modeling… was all that you had. You didn’t have any other fucking talents—no quirk to depend on-- so when would your growing stomach steal your life away?
When do people even start ‘showing’? 
You haven’t come across many pregnant women, but all of the ones you have seen either looked like normal people or like freaking beach balls. For some reason your brain couldn’t conjure an intermediate.
Did they just blow up out of nowhere? If so, then when? How long could you pull a ruse off before your growing organ snitched on you? 5 months? 6 months? Next fucking week?
You realized then that you knew next to jack squat about pregnancy.
Or damn kids for that matter.
Okay so... abortion? For some reason, even just the thought of that word made an icky taste surge in your mouth—or maybe it was the leftover vomit, who knows?
To be honest, you had never really thought much on abortion before—it was one of the many topics filed into your brain under ‘that does not and will not pertain to me, so why the fuck should I care?’ Filtered out and forgotten, your feelings on abortion had yet to be developed.
Until now.
After a few beats, you opened your phone back up and began to dial Kimi, fearing that you might soon explode with the brunt of knowledge that weighed heavily upon your shoulders.
You paused.
Had you ever actually talked to her about anything that wasn’t exclusively work related? In the past two years of knowing her, have you ever actually learned anything about her, and she about you? Very suddenly, you were slapped in the face by a crude fact: Kimi was just a work-friend.
That was fucking fine and dandy up until now. You pretty much either worked, or drank, or showed up to work drunk. But now…
Who the hell else could you call? You barely had any friends, and you hadn’t talked to your family in what felt like ages. Who was there for situations like this? If half of your life was working, and half of your life was drinking, and your work friends were a no go… what about your drinking friends? Your mind briefly fled to the stashes of your best buddies-- vodka and tequila-- that you kept in your kitchen.
But not even they could save you now.
Fuck you really were alone.
That night, you found yourself constantly flipping your pillow to find a new dry spot to assault with fresh tears. You hadn’t cried so much since you were a kid. Wait-- come to think of it, you couldn’t even remember the last time you had cried at all.
So, was it hormones? Pregnancy hormones?
The surreal thought made your tears fly down your face even more furiously.
The next evening there was practically no trace or evidence of your mental breakdown from the night before as you strolled up to El Vino’s. It was honestly kind of frightening how quickly you had managed to pull yourself together before this little meeting—but mostly, it was empowering.
Okay, Y/N. You fucking got this. Hormones or not, you were still a baddie to your very core.
Deku was easy enough to spot in the little Mediterranean themed restaurant—with the green-ass hair and all. You strolled up to the table with the warmest smile that you could muster, “Mr. Deku,” you quickly approached his table and gave a slight bow.  
“H-Hey!” You seemed to startle him with your sudden appearance. He jumped a bit in his seat and awkwardly shifted as you made your way to your own chair. His face was a bit red as you maintained your eyes on his shying expression. 
“Look, before you say anything. I just want to say sorry,” his shocked eyes suddenly snapped back up to yours as you continued, “I had no idea that the event was yours and I probably ruined the rest of the night for you. If you want me off the brand deal, then I completely understand, just... don’t blame Ainu’s agency.”
His mouth fumbled over itself for a moment, causing you to quirk an unsure eyebrow before he could finally speak up, “No t-that’s not what I am here for at all, Miss L/N.”
“Call me Y/N. please,” your smirk was a little less sure than usual and you prayed that he couldn’t detect how off he had thrown you. This was going much different than you had expected it to. For one, he wasn’t trying to ‘put you in your place for disrespecting him’ or bargain  sex ‘as an apology’ like most power hungry men in his position would.
“Okay, M-miss Y/N,” the blush that adorned his cheeks confused you even further and you felt the space between your eyebrows involuntarily tighten. That was another thing… He didn’t seem like a typical man in a position of power. He was… soft... you didn’t know how else to explain it other than unusual for a man of his size and stature.
“I actually wanted to apologize to you,” he spoke up once more and you were completely lost by then. You could only blink as he continued to speak, “You really got me thinking about things the other night-- you were totally right. The brand of my sneakers did lose its true meaning. I really meant to have it be a symbol for kids growing up without a quirk to enjoy—to give them hope, but it turned into more of an endorsement to myself. The whole thing. It was wrong. That’s why I have decided to give 100% of my personal Red Sneakers profits to establishing my Quirkless Youth Initiative,”
You looked around for any hidden cameras—any hidden agenda behind his motives before looking back to him with a stiff expression. You had to physically keep your face from scrunching, “And just how are you going to make a living out of a mindset like that?” you dared to call his bluff.
“It’s just gonna have to work. It’s what my mentor would have done—given 100%. Beyond actually.”
Holy shit. This man was being serious. ‘100% and beyond’ serious, to be exact. Your face scrunched up once more, “Why do you care so much anyway?” you cut back on your tone as you noticed his eyes widen a bit at your accusatory voice, “Not to be rude, but… what’s a strong hero like you doing caring about us quirkless?”
He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment or two. Contemplating on whether or not he was going to lie, you noticed, “I… I…  didn’t have a quirk until much later in life. I was 14. Growing up, I always wanted to be a hero, and I just wish that I had someone back then believe in me. I want to be the one that tells kid’s—with a smile-- that they can do it. That they have at least one person who believes in them.”
His name-- Deku-- it meant worthless. The puzzle pieces were finally coming together and things began to make sense. It was a name that either himself or others used to describe him when he was growing up probably, and the man had taken it and spun it around to make it his own. Even you had to admit--
“That’s pretty damn impressive,” you couldn’t help the curl that tugged into the corners of your lips as Deku bashfully looked away from you,
“It’s nothing, really!” he tried to deflect. You gave a small laugh before smoothly bringing up the glass of wine in front of you to your lips. As soon as the liquid rushed in your mouth, your eyes flew wide open with realization,
Shit! What the fuck were you doing?
You immediately spit the alcohol back into your cup and snapped your eyes back to Deku who had, thankfully, been too caught up in his own embarrassment to be paying attention to you. You gave a sigh of relief and sat the wine glass as far away from you as inconspicuously possible. 
“So,” you leaned into the table a bit to get his eyes back on you, “Tell me about this Quirkless Youth Initiative,” you smiled. 
From that point on, you and Deku actually found talking to each other relatively easy—okay, extremely easy. In fact, you stayed past the point of dinner and ended up talking at your table hours after the bill had been paid.
You talked about everything and nothing altogether and didn’t know just when to end the conversation. You lowered your borders for some reason. Well-- you knew the reason. It was because you had been dying to talk to someone since you found out that you were the ‘p-word.’
 He ended up walking you home. Past that, for the next two weeks you guys pretty much saw each other every other day or two and talked fairly regularly. Things became habitual.
In fact.
As you stood in the beaming light of the wardrobe, getting your makeup done, you found yourself stealing little glances here and there to your phone to text with your new friend, Deku. Every buzz of your phone left you with a giddy sense of excitement.
One of the models sharing the gigantic mirror with you quickly took notice of your demeanor, “What are you smiling at, Y/N?”
“She’s texting someone,” another spoke up as your friend/babysitter, Kimi strolled up next to you,
“What?! Y/N L/N texting someone back? Have we entered the Twilight Zone??” she joked. You only responded with poking your tongue out at her before your phone buzzed again, 
[1:00 pm]
Good Luck on your runway thing today!
More like run away thing🏃‍♀️💨
I could help? Bring comfort snacks?
Most of us haven’t eaten a full meal in days BB
You would literally be stampeded by women
Wait that sounded too good🤔
You will literally be stampeded by hungry women***
You haven’t been eating?!
Since when?!
That’s not what I said. 
Just pre-show prep to keep the waists snatched and the legends skinny💁‍♀️
Sorry I don’t know how your job really works.
I’ll come over again tonight after your show and bring dinner!
If that’s okay. Sorry didn’t mean to sound pushy.
“Didn’t you hear? Her and Deku really hit it off on their date,”  Your attention was instantly snapped away from your phone screen.
You gave an ugly snort, “It wasn’t a date.” And you certainly weren’t lying. The friendly atmosphere between you and Izuku felt comfortable as best—nothing intimate about it.
You wouldn't have it any other way. It felt as though he was placed in your life to perfectly fill the holes in your boat just before you started sinking.
“Girl your phone is blowing up!” a co-worker exclaimed, loudly.
Kimi laughed as she pinched your cheeks, “Look at that smile on her face”
All of the commotion gathered the attention of Boss Lady, who was currently storming up to you with the ‘phone box’ (or phone cemetery as some of you liked to call it) in her hand. She liked to have this on her especially in big events like runways or show casings because some of the girls—you were guilty as charged—spent quite a bit of time on their phones behind the scenes, “Phone. Bin. Now.”
Usually, you would put up some type of argument or give a quick-witted remark, but this time around you only rushed to send one final text in before you threw your cellphone into the crate.
I should get off at like 11 see you then broccoli boy🥦🤪
Kimi looked terrified as though she was the one who had just incurred Ainu’s wrath, “Still smiling, huh...?” 
You hadn’t even notice that you had been.
Talking to Deku really did make you happy when you needed it. Just like he spun ‘deku’ around and made it make sense, he had spun your life around and did the same. He made you feel like life was normal—whatever the hell that was. You’d never really been classified as normal anyway, but you had some impression that this resembled what it must feel like.
For a fleeting moment you think that maybe you should just sleep with Deku and pass this pregnancy off as his since you had yet to tell him-- or anyone-- about it. 
But the better half of you instantly slaps this thought out through your ears.
Hello? Welcome to psycho bitch incorporated. Seriously. What the fuck was wrong with you?
Damn, you had been separated from your phone (and Deku) for exactly 23 seconds and you were already outta your cot-damn mind. You get one friend and suddenly you don’t know how to act. 
You needed to somehow find “blond muscle man” and let him know what was up. Fuck, how were you supposed to do that when you didn’t even know his name?
The runway that night went pretty much how every single other runway went, except this time-- you opted not to attend any of the after parties. Instead, you went home and had Deku over, who delivered on his promise with sushi. 
You could smell the sushi as soon as he walked through the door and your mouth instantly watered. He really was god sent. 
The two of you settled quickly in your apartment, deciding to risk it all and eat on your living room couch to watch TV; however, you quickly noticed that the TV wasn’t the only thing that Izuku was watching. As soon as you turned to raise an eyebrow on him he feebly attempted to avert his gaze, but you caught him anyways, “What? You better stop sizing me up unless you wanna fight, Deku,” you sang as you popped another sushi roll into your mouth.
“W-what sizing you up?!”
You cackled at the sudden redness of his face, “I’m just joking. We both know I’d probably kick your ass!”
“You think so?” he actually sounded a bit nervous in his tone, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“Oh, I know so,” you shrugged with a growing smirk, “Anyway. What are you staring so hard at me for?”
The air became very still around the two of you as he looked down to think. This was something that became pretty expectant of him these past few week-- a funny little habit.
“It’s just… we’ve been hanging out a lot the past few weeks and I never really noticed it—your… dieting,” he seemed to fall into that last word a bit as if it wasn’t exactly the word that he had wanted to use. 
You knew that he meant to say ‘starving yourself’ but was too reserved for that level of bluntness. That was okay with you. You weren't particularly ready to open that can of worms, “Damn, and here I was thinkin’ I was looking pretty damn good,” you joked as the both of you began cleaning up your food mess.  
“No. That’s not what I meant I—”
“Joking! I’m just joking with you, Big D,” you found yourself using this nickname for him whenever you wanted to see his face fall into it’s deepest shades of red. It worked every single time,
“I have just been at this for a long time—modeling for Ainu’s agency. Since I was 15 actually,” you shook your head a little at the surge of nostalgia that wanted to bubble up your back. You clutched a nearby pillow and hugged it to your chest, “She scouted me at a mall food court. She changed my entire life—for the better of course. She is practically my mom... I owe her a lot,” you found yourself giving into the nostalgia a bit-- a small, fond smile tugging at your lips. You looked up after a few beats of silence filled the air and was met with Deku’s admiring stare, “What? You nerd!” you exclaimed with a giggle, chucking the pillow at him. 
“It’s nothing. I just like hearing about you. I feel like I have been doing a lot of talking about me since we have been hanging out.”
Yeah, he was a Cancer zodiac for sure. You pretty much knew his entire life’s story after only the first week of knowing him, “Are you kidding me?! Your life is straight out of a comic book, BB! I love hearing about it!” You began talking to him from out of the kitchen as you put your leftovers in the fridge,
“You went up against the League of Villains, the Vanguard Action Front and The Paranormal Liberation Front as a freshman?? You powered up from a quirkless crybaby! (Hey!) to an amazing, uprising, super considerate, overpowered crybaby on his way to number one! Your U.A. friends all seem like comic book characters, too. I love them already from what you tell me,” you closed the fridge, revealing his shocked expression.
“Really?” You nodded, igniting a spark in his eyes, “Well, I am actually having a little get together at my place for my friends if you wanna stop by.”
“Yeah sure. As long as my favorite character, Kaminari, is there,” Izuku seemed shocked and slightly offended by your choice in favorite, so you clarified, “He sounded really cool and all with his ‘chatty zappy’ thing going on,” you suddenly rolled your eyes as a bad taste emerged in your mouth, “Kacchan sounds like a little bitch baby though, no offense.”
“What?! Kacchan can ‘Kach’ these ‘hans’! Oh come on. Not even a pity laugh? A little one?” You apparently thought you were a lot funnier than Izuku did. 
“I think the two of you might actually get along. You’re very similar now that I think about it,” he trailed off on his last part, seemingly talking to himself as he grabbed his chin. 
You almost felt offended by his comparison, “Fuck that. Oppisites attract, Similars repel. Besides. Why would I wanna be friends with a little bitch baby that bullies and pisses on quirkless people?”
“Well, when you meet him next week you might like him…”
You clicked your tongue, “So now I am obligated to come, huh?” you smirked.
“N-no well that’s not what I meant but I would appreciate if you—”
You were only half paying attention to his freak out as the abrupt craving for orange juice infiltrated your mind and placed itself on the forefront of your thoughts, “Deku. I am joking!” you absentmindedly reminded him as you scoured your pantries for a wine glass. You had taken to drinking out of these instead of regular cups to at least maintain a semblance of your old self. 
Izuku’s eyes widened at the sight of your collection of wines and alcohols in one of your cupboards. You smirked at him-- throwing him  look that said ‘you ain’t seen nothin yet’ as you opened your freezer to reveal the insane hoard of alcohol you had stored.
His jaw practically dropped to the floor at the sight, “Holy woah, you have an entire liquor store in here!”
“Saving for a rainy day,” you almost immediately realized the error of your words as Izuku motions to one of the windows near you. The two of you sat in a beat of silence as the pitter-patter of rainfall splattered against the glass pane.
“It’s raining today,” he grinned excitedly. 
“No... I cant,” the way that the words fell out sounded about as convincing as a disguise with groucho glasses. You could really go for a drink right about now.
He looked to you a bit sadly, if not disappointed, “Y/N if this is about your diet… I am just saying, I don’t think one day will hurt too much.”
“No, I really shouldn't.” Understatement of the century. 
Izuku grabbed two glasses out of your cupboard with a soft smile gracing his features, “We’ll pour you just a little bit in case you change your mind—”
Maybe one glass wouldn't hurt... No. NO! God, you knew he meant well, but he is really fucking making this hard for you!! “I cant, I’m pregnant!!” you suddenly yelled. He immediately froze, 
“I’m pregnant...”
“Oh... Uhhh congratulations,” the most unconvincing thing to have ever come out of his mouth probably, “Who…”
“I don’t know,” the look of utter horror on his face had you instantly backtracking your answer, “Well—let me rephrase that. I do know who it is, but I don’t know his name. It was a umm.. ‘Wam. Bam. Thank you ma’am’ type deal.” Your face began burning as hot blood rushed into your cheeks. You literally couldn't have phrased that worse if you tried. What the hell was wrong with you? 
“You don’t look pregnant...” the horror on his face now registered into your mind as pure shock. 
“I sure as hell would hope not. I am like a month-ish along—I think.”
“You haven’t been to the doctor?”
“Uhh no...” He was right, you didn't even look pregnant. There was no way in hell that you needed to go to the doctor yet. Right?
“W-wait! Y/N the night we met! You were drinking alcohol!”
“So? I am probably only like a few weeks pregnant and I drank like two glasses. I am sure it didn’t do anything…?”
“Are you really sure? How can you know!? You have to go see a doctor!” he looked terrified. It was as if he suddenly was the embodiment every stressed emotion that you had been shoving away from you these past few weeks and the sight scared you. 
“You’re freaking me out, Deku.”
He instantly froze, “S-sorry,” he looked down to his shoes. Maybe you just might let him pour those drinks after all. He looked like he could use both of them right about now...
The next week dragged on for what felt like eons, as Izuku seemed to cautiously dance around the topic of your “preexisting condition.” It was quite obvious that every time the topic came up, a cloud of discomfort would come and sit on his shoulders; however, the man still made it a point to urge the fact that you needed to set up a doctor’s appointment.
Eventually, you caved in and scheduled for one at a local clinic, but they couldn't get you in for a few weeks anyway-- the joint was at maximum capacity, you guessed?  Apparently, there were more pregnant bitches waddling around than you thought.
Still, Deku urged you to read up and research some things prior to your appointment so that you could ask the doctor any questions that might pop up. It seemed like he was almost way too into this-- taking notes in a composition notepad that he dubbed “Baby Notes Vol 1″ and even mentioning coming along with you to your clinic visit.
It made things extremely real. 
Your little safe space with Deku had effectively been conquered and subjugated by the little parasite that took residence in your body. You shook your shoulders with a sigh as you neared Deku’s door for the party. 
When the door opened you couldn't help the way that your eyebrows flew up in surprise at the sight of a woman opening the door. Uhh... did you go to the wrong house?
The brown haired girl in front of you looked just as surprised as you-- if not even more so. 
Okay, you definitely went to the wrong house.
The sudden sound of Izuku’s voice coming deep from withing the apartment led you to breath easy. You deflated a little bit as you relaxed. You wouldn't have to make a mad dash in a lagged game of ‘ding dong ditch’ after all,  “Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.”
A series of emotions flashed across her expression at your greeting: shocked, nervous, then... disappointed? “Y/N! I’ve heard... so so much about you!” the smile that stretched across her lips seemed almost painful, “I’m Ochako Uraraka! I... love your hair!” she threw out the last part like a rabbit would throw steak to wolves. 
“Thank’s...” you felt fucking awkward and she still hasn’t let you into the apartment, “I’ll make sure to thank the stylist and the bottle of dye she used.”
“That’s not your real hair color? It looks so healthy though!” she seemed heartbroken as she used a pitying tone and you could gauge that the pity was not for yourself. 
“Nah. My agency pretty much determines what hairstyles I wear...”  You made eye contact with Deku inside of the house as he made his way to the door... Thank god! you were saved from that terribly awkward interaction.
“Agency? Hero agency?”
“Modeling, actually. I’m not that badass,” you smirked before walking into the party.
Her figure deflated as if to say, ‘of fucking course’, “Oh. That’s cool!” You didn’t see much of Uraraka after that 
Meanwhile, Bakugou was just a tick away from being angry enough to kill. His roommates had all three convinced him to go to this get together over Deku’s house and they weren't even going to be there on time! 
He had honestly never been to a party with these losers without at least Shitty Hair being with him, so he wasn’t exactly sure how it would pan out and that really bothered him. He wasn’t exactly social at these events, but at least the three stooges kept him somewhat entertained (he would never admit this aloud).
What could those other losers possible do to entertain him?
“Whyyyyyyy?” he heard crying as he neared Deku’s home. His face scrunched in on itself even further than usual as he approached the whining noise. He scoffed at the inebriated mess in front of him,
“What the hell are you doing, round face?”
Uraraka, who was leaning against the edge of Izuku’s front patio looked up, causing Bakugou to deeply grimace at the germy snot that trailed down her red face, “Deku’s new girlfriend sure is cool. He deserves someone like her, right? She’s perfect!” Bakugou couldn't help the way that his face shriveled into itself in disgust. 
It wasn't too late. He could still turn around and go the fuck home and no one would even know he was here. Well, save for bubble cheeks here, but she probably wouldn't even remember to be honest. 
But as soon as Bakugou turned back around to make his escape Uraraka spoke up again, “She’s a model. They met at the Red Sneakers Event apparently,” Of course this piqued the man’s interest. There were only a few models branding the event and he just so happened to be searching for one of them. Uraraka continued with her drooling of words as Bakugou brushed past her and made his way into the house-- not bothering to knock,
“You know I am the one who gave him that idea in the first place? It’s kinda like. I set him up with his future wife!” she drunkenly cried to no one in particular as Bakugou stormed away.
He passed Iida on his way in, “Go get round face and shut her drunk ass up-- she’s outside,” he didn't bother on stopping to further explain before walking back to the commotion of the party.
 As soon as he entered the packed room, his eyes landed on you. It was like the Red Sneakers Event all over again. You were simply glowing-- hard to miss-- especially with the crowd of his old classmates hovering around you like some damn flies on shit-- especially Deku. He was way too close to you-- the rat bastard. 
“Oooh! You’ve been to Milan! That’s so cool, girl! So you must get to sight-see like a lot!”
The way that your shoulders leaned and swayed as you talked sent flutters into Bakugou’s heart. Fucking gross. He watched you speak very intently-- searching for the magic you had used to bewitch him, “Actually I was working a lot when I was there, so I really only got to see the sets and runways,” you made fleeting eye contact with him from across the room, furrowing your eye brows a bit at his stare before breaking the gaze. 
“Do you get to keep the outfits after the shoots?!”
“Pfft. Hell no! This loser still hasn’t sent me a pair of his red shoes. What happened to helping the quirkless, huh, broccoli boi?” The most primal urge of jealousy that Bakugou had ever felt sprinted through his body as you leaned over to playfully tap that shitty Deku in the arm. The feeling was so intense that he hadn’t even registered what you had said fully. 
“You’re quirkless?” Racoon Eyes inquired, snapping Bakugou out of his feral trance. His face fell a bit as he dutifully awaited your answer. 
“Yeah. It’s whatever,” you shrugged.
“The competition must be so difficult!” Momo spoke up as she placed and apologetic hand to her chest. The gesture made you tense up a bit, but you reminded yourself that she probably didn't mean it in a belittling way as she continued,  “I’ve been to a few magazine shoots myself and it is always girls with flashy quirks who end up in front and center!”
“Well, I compete well, I guess,” you knew that hero hero modeling and your fashion modelling were two completely different worlds. Designers saw you guys mostly as clothing racks and mannequins for their clothes, so usually they wanted their models to be as mundane as possible-- not to distract from their fabric art. So basically the perfect job for someone like you, “it’s no big deal. I get by like everybody else.”
“You just live your life like normal!”
“Awhhhh. Y/N. You’re an inspiration!”
Suddenly you felt extremely tired. You couldn't find the energy within  yourself to filter out and soften your next response, “Glad I could inspire you just by breathing I guess.” you gave the girls a slight smile as you shrugged, but the undertone of your comment had not gone unnoticed-- especially by Bakugou who found himself stifling a proud smirk.
You once again made eye contact with him in this moment-- this time not daring to backtrack your gaze until he did-- a warning sign to back he hell off with that staring shit.
As the night progressed you found yourself becoming more and more tired. The debilitating sense of sudden fatigue actually felt like it had taken over even your bones at this point as the aching structures weighed heavily inside of you skin. You decided after about an hour that you were gonna make an early trip back home.
“What, why!?” Deku scanned your face nervously-- he thought you had been having fun!
“Just really damn tired suddenly.”
“Oh...” he trailed off, but suddenly realized the hidden context of your words. Baby Notes vol 1 page 4 section 3: ‘prenatal fatigue’, “Ohhhhh okay! Right! Well Let me call you a taxi or something.”
“Nahh, I’ll walk,” you waved him off as you made your journey toward small crowds of his friends-- waving them goodbye. Deku followed you in your path around his house, 
“W-what? You can’t be serious! You shouldn’t do that!”
You turned around and threw your hand on his shoulder, causing him to instantly freeze up, “I’ll be fine,” you smirked throwing your hand up to his cheek to gently pat his face. Of course, he was left a shivering, blushing mess. It was a low blow, but, hey, it gave you a good opportunity to escape. 
You felt a wave of relief as soon as you made it a few steps outside of the apartment. You released a heavy sigh as you continued walking away. 
Finally. You internally planned the rest of the night in your head: orange juice, Netflix and sleeeep. You could finally just let yourself relax and--
“HEY!” you jumped out of your skin a little at the sudden loud shout. You whipped around to see that blond spikey-haired dude from Deku’s house attempting to close in on you. 
You rolled your eyes as he neared. Hardly throwing him a glance as he approached you to walk a little behind you, “God. You’re the weirdo that was staring at me all night,” you groaned, hoping he would catch your drift. 
“We need to talk!” 
One of you eyebrows instantly quirked up as your lips curled into a look of disgust. You whipped back around towards him, “Look, I am actually tired as hell, so excuse me for my bluntness, but FUCK OFF!” You only caught a glimpse of his flabbergasted expression before you spun back around to storm down the stairs entering the subway. 
“You really don’t know me?” he sounded pissed. 
That’s when it hit you. 
“Oh! it’s you!” you snapped your fingers at the sudden realization, 
“You’re Kacchan!” the look of disgust that hardened on his face intensified by ten fold when he heard you use that nickname. You continued regardless as you neared the train platform, “The asshole bully who likes to pick on quirkless kids. Yeah, well, I don’t give a damn how great you think you are, buddy. You can really fuck off now!” you spun once more to ditch him; however this time around your ankle twisted from underneath you, causing your body to fall down toward the ledge of the platform where underneath the tracks resided.
Bakugou cried out something like ‘you idiot!’ before grabbing you by the waist and yanking you into him before you could completely fall down the ledge. Everything happened so quickly that you hadn't even realized that you were holding your breath until you gasped heavily into his chest.
With a shocked expression you trailed up his neck to his face until you were met with his vermilion eyes, “Shit…” suddenly a wave of familiarity crashed into you. you breathed deeply, “I-It’s you...”
671 notes · View notes
adenei · 4 years
Bad Blood
Written for The House Cup Competition - Standard. For this challenge, we were given a list of pairings to choose from and write a story. This is very much out of the wheelhouse of anything I write, so I wasn't going to post it here, but I figure I haven't posted anything lately, and y'all have been leaving my prompt/ask box empty so...
This is a [negative pairing] story about Remus Lupin and Marlene McKinnon. It was so hard to write Remus negatively because I love him. There's not much I know about Marlene, so it was kind of fun to play around with her character! There's a wee bit of Jily thrown into the mix, so I hope y'all give this a chance! It's quite angsty, but I enjoyed writing the Marauders era!
Bad Blood
“Hey, Remus,” Marlene McKinnon called from the other end of the corridor.
Remus cringed as he pretended not to hear her. His feet kept moving swiftly as he made his way to the library where he was supposed to tutor some younger Gryffindors before dinner. Unfortunately, Marlene didn’t give up and leave him alone. 
“Didn’t you hear me calling?” Marlene asked as she sidled up next to him.
“Oh, hi Marlene. I didn’t, no,” he said curtly.
“Are you headed to the library?” she asked. Merlin, couldn’t she take a hint?
“Yes, I’m due to tutor a group of third years, and I’m running late. So if you don’t—”
“I’m heading there, too!” Marlene said quickly, cutting him off. “We can walk together,” she said with a sweet smile.
Remus always had a hard time saying no. He was the voice of reason with his inner circle of friends, always trying to see the good in people. With Marlene, though, she was getting to be a bit much.
Dismissing his hesitation, Marlene pushed on with her chatty nature. “So, are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?”
“Haven’t decided,” Remus responded shortly.
It wasn’t exactly a lie, since he technically hadn’t. Sirius had his own date with a fellow seventh year Ravenclaw he’d been seeing recently, and Peter was serving detention because he broke a set of glass vials in Potions today. Slughorn was furious. James was trying to convince Remus to join him and Lily, but he had his reservations and didn’t want to be a third wheel.
“Oh, well, I’m free if you want to go together?” Marlene asked while she fluttered her eyelashes up at him.
Remus tried not to outwardly cringe, though he felt his insides shrivel in annoyance. This had to stop. This was the fifth time she’d approached him about going to Hogsmeade together. Apparently, politeness wasn’t going to work anymore. They reached the doors of the library and Remus stopped and turned to Marlene. 
“I appreciate your tenacity, but in tandem with the other four times you’ve asked me this year, it’s a no. I’m not interested.”  
Remus turned quickly so he didn’t have to see the hurt look on her face. He wasn’t Sirius. He couldn’t just turn someone down and not feel anything. So he chose the cowardly way out, as he quickly opened the door to the library.  Marlene was left standing speechless outside the doors.
“The nerve of him!” Marlene complained to Lily.
“What did Sirius do this time?” Lily asked with an eye roll.
Marlene laughed derisively, “Not Sirius, Remus! You’re awful at paying attention to things ever since you let James into your life.”
“Remus would never hurt a fly—” Lily started to say.
“Ha! That’s what he wants you to think! But you weren’t there. Nooo! You didn’t witness the way he treated me outside the library!”
“Mar, I’m sure it’s nothing,” Lily defended, in an attempt to keep the peace between her friends and James’.
“It most certainly is not nothing! What have I done? I didn’t even specify that I wanted it to be a date! What is wrong with him that he won’t let anyone else in besides James, Sirius and Peter? Is he hiding some dark secret or something?”
Lily shoved her nose closer to the parchment as she wrote her essay, hoping that Marlene wouldn’t catch the slight blush on her face. She’d only just learned about Remus’ condition, and had sworn to James she wouldn’t tell a soul.
“Maybe he’s just introverted,” Lily offered, hoping to take Marlene off the scent.
“Well, he doesn’t have to be a jerk about it!” Marlene complained. “Maybe I just wanted to go as friends! To get to know him a bit better! Not everything has to be a date just because we’re seventeen!” 
Lily shot her a look. “But you want to be more than friends, and you and I both know it, so stop trying to talk your way out of that.”
Marlene stuck out her tongue in a rather unbecoming manner. “Correction: wanted to be more than friends. Not anymore! Now, what am I going to do? Go to Hogsmeade alone? Stay in the castle and be bored out of my mind?” Her pout turned into an evil grin when she developed another thought. 
“Ohh, what if I go wherever Remus goes. If he stays here, I’ll just happen to stay back in the Common Room or the library to study across from him. Give him a constant reminder of what he could have had if he just gave me a chance!”
Lily set her quill down. “Marlene, you’re crossing the line to creepy. Just let it go. Why don’t you join James and me at The Three Broomsticks for a drink? That way you can get out of the castle and not be alone all day. Then, you can go do whatever shopping you need to accomplish and head back up to the castle.”
Marlene folded her arms and thought about what Lily had offered. The sour look began to dissolve on her face. “I guess I could do that. Only if James promises not to be a prat, and that it won’t feel like I’m the third wheel.”
“You know I can’t promise a prat-free James, but I’ll do my best to make it not feel like you’re tagging along on a date. How’s that?” Lily reasoned.
Marlene’s eyes turned upward as she thought about the proposed plan. “Okay, I suppose that will work.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. Marlene McKinnon asked you on a date, and you turned her down?” James asked Remus.
“You weren’t there! You didn’t hear how pushy she was being, James! This is the fifth time she’s pressed the issue! I had no choice, but to turn her down. I’m not interested!”
“She’s not really that bad, Rem,” James countered.
“I never used to think so either, but I can’t stand it when people don’t take no for an answer! If that was me pushing her and she said no, I’d get detention for harassing her!”
“I think that’s a little extreme—”
“It is not! Look, I am perfectly fine keeping to myself. I don’t need to date anyone. I’m too dangerous. It’s bad enough that you three and Lily know.”
“You wouldn’t have to—” James tried to cut in, but Remus held up a hand to interrupt him.
“Can you imagine if she found out? She’s one of the head gossipers in this school. That’d be the end of me! I’ve gotten this far, and I’m not about to ruin it by laying false trust in her. I don’t know how Lily can stand her.”
James snorted. “Is this one of those things you’re going to ask me not to repeat?”
“What do you think? When you and Lily are too busy making eyes at each other in Transfiguration, I have to listen to her drone on and on about who broke up with who, or what the latest trend is in Witch Weekly. Doesn’t she ever get tired of hearing herself talk?”
James wasn’t used to hearing Remus go off like this. He always tried to be a pillar of reservation and neutrality. “Tell me how you really feel, Moon.”
“That is how I really feel!”
“Alright, alright. So Marlene’s just a pretty face, but pushy as hell. Anything else you want to vent about?”
“Have I mentioned how overbearing she is?”
“Once or twice.”
“Then I think I’m good. I’m sorry, I don’t normally complain about people,” Remus apologized.
“No need to apologize, Moony! I’m loving this side of you!” James said.
“Well, don’t get used to it. Looks like I’ll be spending another Hogsmeade weekend in the castle,” Remus sighed.
“Why don’t you join Evans and I? We’re going to The Three Broomsticks this time. Have a drink with us, get out for a bit. The full moon’s not for another week; why don’t you try to enjoy yourself for once. Let loose a bit?”
“I don’t know, Prongs,” Remus said, shaking his head.
“It’s one drink. That’s all I’m asking. Please? You and Lily can talk potions, or whatever it is you two geek out over,” James pressed, knowing Remus would fold when his favorite subject was mentioned.
“Fine, but only one drink,” Remus conceded.
James and Remus were sitting at a table in the Three Broomsticks when Lily and Marlene walked in. “Is this some kind of sick joke?” Marlene asked, immediately rounding on Lily.
“What are you talking about?” Lily asked. 
“Very funny, Lily. What is he doing here?” 
Lily looked in the direction that Marlene was pointing, and was shocked to see Remus sitting with James. “I—I have no idea. Why don’t we go and see? I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation—” Before Lily could finish, Marlene was already storming over to the table.
“So, you couldn’t accept my invitation to go to Hogsmeade, but you can come here with James and taunt me over it?” Marlene seethed.
“I didn’t know you were going to be here,” Remus responded coldly to her as he glared at James.
“Well, Lily invited me to spend the afternoon with her and James, so you can go get to your studying, or whatever excuse you had to not accompany me today,” Marlene said with a snarl.
“And James invited me for one drink, so I’m committed to staying for that as well,” Remus said, not backing down.
“I’m going to go get a drink,” Lily said quickly, noticing that there were only three on the table. 
“I’ll come with you!” James said as he shot out of his seat. “I’ll be right back,” he mouthed to Remus.
Marlene and Remus both sat at the table and stared indignantly at each other. It was almost as if they were in a contest of who could glare silently at the other longest. It was Marlene who finally broke the silence.
“What did I ever do to you anyway?” she asked. “I’ve been nothing but nice to you over the last seven years!’
Remus was taking a sip of his Butterbeer and almost snorted it out of his nose. “You’ve been nice to my face, but who knows what you may have said behind my back. I’ve heard the things you say about Sirius and Peter, and even James before he started dating Lily. Why would I want to place myself in the presence of someone as toxic as you?”
He’d probably regret his words later on, but he always tended to get moodier a week before the full moon hit. Controlling his anger was difficult, and of course James had sought refuge at the bar, leaving him completely vulnerable.
“I’ve never had a single mean thing to say about you until this week! You deserve it now after the way you treated me. Apparently, your niceties and caring air is just a facade for your standoffish self-righteousness. I should have known you were too good to be true!”
Lily and James returned as Marlene finished her latest insult. They eyed the two nervously as they sat back down. Remus was seeing red, and it didn’t take James long to catch the wolfish look in his eyes. 
He put a hand on Remus’ shoulder and said under his breath, “Easy there Moony.”
This brought Remus down slightly from the rage he was feeling. “Well, I’m sorry you took my disinterest for rudeness. Perhaps you should grow a thicker skin,” he said through gritted teeth.
Marlene was ready to respond when Lily intervened. “So, how about Sluggy’s Potions essay? I’m personally having a difficult time looking up the ingredients for Mopses Potion without utilizing the Restricted Section.”
Lily’s diversion was enough to prevent more arguing amongst Marlene and Remus, but did not help the next hour pass by any faster. The tension between the two never dissipated, and the awkwardness remained, as neither made an effort to keep the conversation flowing. Eventually, both decided they had enough and took their leave.
“Thanks for the lovely afternoon, Lily,” Marlene said, sarcasm dripping from her words as she glared at Remus.
“Yes, James. It was positively splendid. Now I know what I’ve been missing out on when I stay at the castle. I’ll see you later,” Remus said with a look that told James he’d be receiving an earful later.
James shot a grimace at Lily as they watched the two head for separate exits. “Well, that was a disaster.”
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toesuckler · 4 years
this is a vent, so please either block the tag or scroll by unless you want to yell at me, if so then please stay
sometimes u just gotta realize that what you are going through isnt healthy, ive been so yold that teens are just "like that" but they arent, i dont think i know anyone who is like me. am i alone? no one is like me, so how can they tell me how to get better? please i just want an answer, this is why i used to have a religion, why cant i get an answer? am i not worth an answer? it wouldn't be surprising in the least, honestly i wish i had some proof of why im so messed up because no adult ever belives me, well of the one ive talked to. aren't parent supposed to be kinder than this? i dont have any bruises to show or any dates to name, only my constant saddness and how much i just wish i wasnt ever here. people say they like me but I know they lie, id rather somone tell me o deserrve death than anything positive, i know its never meant for me, it never is, it never has been, my life shouldn't be about me because i dont deserve it, i never have, im so fucking stupid. i love acting dumb and playing it up for a camera that doesn't exist, just fucking lieing constant, i lie so much i know im lying, its not a question, i dont know why i lie anymore, i want to be interesting but if i am (which i doubt) i will never even hear it. maybe i want somone to say "sorry", i want to know that im real again. do i deserrve it. this isnt even a fucking joke, its not self deprcating, its just true. john likes to say it's a lie but its not, i dont think we lik to lie. now its 3 am and im sitting on my bed typing on my phone, i want to write something, anything. just bring me back, i want to be back. i dont want to be some lie in our own head, i want to not be a joke. . ive improved, so why am i still acting like I haven't?? why am i still crying?? was my lie not the focus????? please please i want answers ill beg and pray whatever the fuck you need , use me, scream at me, somthin to shownme that i still exist, i dont want some stupid "you exist" or some reality checks, i want to feel that im still alive, i want to be hit and yelled at ans used anyway anyone wants, pull my hair scream at me hurt me please. it doesnt feel good and thats how i know im nit on drugs or dead, ive never done drugs, I hope i never do, im si afraid of being somone thats not me but i love lying so much. i cant escape it, i will never reveal myblies, just leave them to rot , ill kick our friendship to the dirt, i dint want to be a liar, ill leave that person behind with you.
can they just hate me already? im a lost cause, same child ive always been, just no more tears to cry out. kick me , throw me down, pull my hai, yell at me, anything, absolute anything, literally anything. end me if you want, it would make me feel healthy again
i wont end myself, i deserve the pain of living still, if i crave pain so bad ill fucking get it. please yell and scream at me and hurt me or somthing if you have gotten this far, send me an ask or somthin just telling me i deserrve to die ans i should drink bleach or somthin
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rhetoricalrogue · 4 years
OTP Question Meme
I was tagged by @bimollymauks thank you!
Answering with my new Zoe/Mason Wayhaven pairing and also my favorite OC OTP, mine and @alittlestarling‘s Roz/Vincent
Leaving this as an open tag, so whoever would like to join in, please do!  Fingers crossed that my Read More cut works, as this is LONG.
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Z/M: both, tbh. Zoe yells when she’s angry
R/V: depending on the situation, both, though Vincent goes deathly quiet when he’s truly upset.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Z/M: neither. Zoe’s abandonment issues kick in like woah and it’s a line that Mason never crosses.
R/V: Vincent, but it’s not leave-leave, it’s more “I need some air, I’ll be back later” to deescalate an argument before someone says something hurtful they don’t mean. 
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Z/M: N/A
R/V: Vincent, but he’s back in an hour or so after he’s cooled down.
Who trashes the house?
Z/M: not the house, but Zoe’s been known to vent her frustrations by throwing rocks into nearby bodies of water and scream if she’s at like Anger Level 11 on a 1-10 scale.
R/V: neither. Vincent would probably want to flip a table, but he doesn’t because he’d ultimately be the one to clean it up afterwards.
Do either of them get physical?
Z/M: Coming to blows? No. Shoving Mason out of her way (if he hasn’t already left yet) so she could storm out? Probably, but she retreats into her Touch Me Not mode, so that would only be if she felt cornered.
R/V: Absolutely not.
How often do they argue/disagree?
Z/M: rarely. They bicker and snark more than hold true arguments.
R/V: only when one feels the other is putting themselves in danger. They’ve grown up together for practically their entire lives, they’re pretty much of a same mind on many issues.
Who is the first to apologize?
Z/M: Zoe. “I’m sorry I was being an asshole” is a regular statement.
R/V: Vincent. He hates being at odds with Roz and is miserable if he can’t apologize and make things right between them.
Who is on top?
Z/M: either/or with Zoe barely creeping in on top more.
R/V: Vincent, but he loves it when Roz takes initiative.
Who is on bottom?
Z/M: either/or, depending on the mood
R/V: Roz, but it’s a 50-50 split
Any kinks?
Z/M: Yep
R/V: Absolutely. You know, it’s the quiet ones that surprise you.
Who has the strangest desires?
There’s nothing too strange for either pairing. Both are open for experimentation and the “try it once to see if we like it” mindset, but it’s also not like “is the NSA agent looking at my search history blushing?” variety either. 
Who’s dominant in bed?
Equal opportunity for both pairings! 
Is head ever in the equation?
Z/M: Yes. Zoe texted Mason after not hearing from him for a few days with “Hey, I froze my ass off giving you a blowjob in the woods last week, answer your phone.”
R/V: Yes. It’s nice that it worked out that Vincent loves to give and Roz is enthusiastic about receiving.
If so, who is better at performing it?
Z/M: Mason, though he doesn’t complain at all when Zoe offers.
R/V: Vincent, since he’s had more practice during his “have casual sex with anyone with a pulse to get over Feelings” phase of pining over Roz.
Ever had sex in public?
Z/M: a few times
R/V: they’re Circle mages. It’s easier to name a place they haven’t had sex in, especially in the Sweethearts AU.
Who moans the most?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: They’re both quiet by default, but when they have the opportunity to be a couple out in the open? Vincent. 
Who leaves the most marks?
Z/M: Mason, purely because he heals up faster than either of them would like
R/V: Roz. It was a surprise to them both when they found out biting was a big turn-on for Vincent, so she uses it often. 
Who is the more experienced of the two?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Vincent
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
Z/M: fuck, though they have some “oh shit, this got Emotional and I am NOT prepared to deal with this, WHAT DO I DO?” moments later on
R/V: make love
How long do they usually last?
Z/M: hot and heavy quickies to release all the pent up energy from the constant flirting banter they keep up, then a slower second round
R/V: quick and rushed during the day, but multiple slower sessions when they can be alone
Rough or soft?
Z/M: both
R/V: both, but more often soft
Is protection used?
Yes to both pairings
Does it ever get boring?
Yes and no to both. The whole intimacy thing where you can carry on a conversation or “oh hey, I remembered what I meant to tell you earlier” starts happening and sometimes sex is more scratching an itch than the whole soulful event. Then again, there’s those times when someone moves or does something different and “okay, so I didn’t know THAT was something we liked. Let’s do that again.” (idk, I have a lot of Feelings about couples and sex, see the sexlaughterhonesty posts @thesecondseal​ has)
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
Z/M: in an abandoned building Zoe used to go hang out in when she wanted to be alone as a teen
R/V: extremely late night rendezvous in Skyhold’s library. May or may not have happened in the same nook Dorian likes to frequent. Also may or may not have been 100% sure Solas was asleep downstairs.
Do they plan on having children/or have children?
Z/M: no. Zoe’s afraid of becoming her mother and focusing more on her work than her child and she never wants anyone to have to experience that.
R/V: yes. It’s an option that was never available to them before, but once it’s an avenue that they can actually think about, they would love to become parents.
If so, how many children do they want/have?
Z/M: none
R/V: they wind up with five, all named after flowers
Who likes to cuddle?
R/V: both. They’re both very touchy-feely by nature and always seem to gravitate towards the other when they’re doing something in the same room
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Z/M: Mason, but it’s not like Zoe’s arguing either
R/V: Roz
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
Z/M: both
R/V: Vincent
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Z/M: for a while before an arm falls asleep and they need to move positions/one of them gets too hot
R/V: for pretty much forever, except in the summertime. They’re both walking furnaces (Vincent says Roz is like a tiny space heater) so it makes for uncomfortable hot weather snuggles
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Z/M: Hanging out together outside and enjoying the quiet/scenery, especially at night
R/V: gardening
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
Z/M: in bed or on the sofa
R/V: wherever, whenever
Who snores?
Z/M: neither
R/V: Vincent, but very lightly. more of a slight rumble ever so often
If both do, who snores the loudest?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
Z/M: separately. Bed sharing = commitment and this is supposed to be no strings fun
R/V: share a bed. Skyhold’s is the largest bed they’ve ever slept in, so there’s a lot of giggling and “I have crossed oceans of bedsheets to find you” jokes at first.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Z/M: N/A
R/V: starts cuddled together with Roz’s head on Vincent’s shoulder, but they move a lot during the night, sharing Big Spoon duties. Even if they wake up with both of them on their backs, they either have a foot touching a leg or holding hands.
What do they wear to bed?
Z/M: underwear & a t-shirt or nothing at all
R/V: dedicated PJs. Roz: nightgown/chemise or one of Vincent’s shirts, Vincent: sleep pants
Are either of them insomniacs?
Z/M: Zoe when something’s bothering her. Since Mason doesn’t technically need a lot of sleep, he doesn’t consider himself one.
R/V: Vincent, especially in the Sweethearts AU. Nightmares from his time conscripted into the Orlesian army keep him awake and afraid to sleep. 
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Z/M: no
R/V: yes, in both powdered and potion form, though Vincent rarely uses them since he hates how sluggish he feels the next day (and they rarely give him dreamless sleep anyway)
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Z/M: both
R/V: tangle of limbs
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Z/M: both, though Zoe tends to sleep with her hair in a braid most nights, so it’s not as bad as Mason’s
R/V: both, and it’s a tie as to who has the worse bed head most mornings
Who wakes up first?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Vincent. He’s an early bird up before dawn and she’s more of a later morning riser
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Z/M: breakfast is normally coffee at home with a croissant from the bakery for her, so Mason usually turns on the coffeemaker when he stays over or before he leaves in the morning
R/V: either, but usually Vincent since he’s awake before her
What is their favourite sleeping position?
Z/M: they claim they’re both knives, but Zoe is a Big Spoon who likes to wrap her leg over Mason’s hip
R/V: snuggled up with Roz’s head on Vincent’s shoulder/chest, but they wind up with Vincent curled around her (and with a mouthful of hair) or Roz doing the turtle backpack/jetpack when they do spoon.
Do they set an alarm each night?
Z/M: Zoe needs at least two alarms, but did away with one of them when Mason nearly threw her phone out of the room after it blared right in his ear.
R/V: both of them have pretty good internal alarm clocks and wake up at the same time every morning
Who has nightmares?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: both, but probably more on Vincent’s side
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
No for both
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Roz, maybe
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Vincent, purely because he’s taller
Who makes the bed?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: either, whoever winds up doing it first
What time is bed time?
Z/M: 11 to midnight, but she’s usually asleep closer to one in the morning, even without Mason showing up
R/V: either anywhere between 8 and 11 or so late it’s considered early because they’re both working and one of them manages to drag the other into bed. There is no in-between.
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Z/M: usual tooth brushing, changing clothes, Zoe’s half-assed attempt at a nighttime skincare routine. Zoe usually spends some time brushing her hair out since it’s been in a ponytail during the day and brushing tends to soothe the all day pull on her scalp.
R/V: tea by the fireplace, changing clothes, putting aside work. Roz likes to braid her hair before going to bed and sometimes Vincent will ask if he can brush it and braid it for her since the act is calming for both of them
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Z/M: Zoe. Do not talk to her before her first cup of coffee.
R/V: Roz. Vincent is an automatic Ray of Sunshine first rattle out of the box and it’s a good thing she loves him as much as she does or else she may have killed him years ago.
Who is the busiest?
Z/M: it’s a pretty equal amount
R/V: either, depending on which AU we’re talking about and who’s Inquisitor (*trips and a thousand AUs spill out of my pockets*)
Who rakes in the highest income?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: *insert “You people are getting paid?” meme here*
Are any of them unemployed?
Who takes the most sick days?
None of them are likely to take sick days, unless they’re truly sick, and they’re all pretty healthy people aside from one or two seasonal colds per year
What are their jobs?
Z/M: Zoe’s Wayhaven’s detective and human liaison to the Agency. Mason is with Unit Bravo
R/V: one of them is the Inquisitor and the other is a companion/former Circle mage, depending on the AU. Vincent was ranked higher than Roz as an Enchanter pre-Inquisition  
Who sucks up to their boss?
None of them
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Z/M: Zoe, but it’s rare
R/V: both are punctual 
Who stresses the most?
Z/M: both are cool as a cucumber on the outside, but internalize their stress, so who knows
R/V: Roz
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
They all like their jobs!
Are they financially stable?
Z/M: yes, though Zoe really, really wishes she made enough to afford a new car
R/V: Yes.
Who does the washing?
Z/M: the dishwasher. They take turns loading/unloading it
R/V: Roz does the washing, Vincent does the drying and putting away
Who takes out the trash?
Z/M: either
R/V: Vincent
Who does the ironing?
Z/M: Zoe, but only her clothes. Mason, but only his clothes.
R/V: Roz
Who does the cooking?
Z/M: is picking up or calling in for takeout considered “cooking”?
R/V: they like to cook together
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Z/M: “Mason, it was ONE. Fucking. Time.” Zoe set the fire alarm off while trying to be domestic and Mason won’t let her live it down.
R/V: neither, they’re both pretty decent cooks
Who is messier?
Z/M: Maybe Zoe, she’s neat but she leaves things out sometimes just to irk Mason
R/V: both are pretty neat and don’t really make messes without straightening things up
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Z/M: neither
R/V: neither
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Z/M: both, but it eventually gets picked up
R/V: both, if they’re really tired. Otherwise, there’s a hamper.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
None of them
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Z/M: neither
R/V: (Modern AU) neither, but sometimes keys are misplaced even though they have a dish on a hall table right when you walk in. 
Who answers the telephone?
Z/M: depends on who’s calling. Bobby gets an automatic ignore and deleted voicemail.
R/V: (Modern AU) they answer their own phones, but will hand the other their cell to answer if the other person is away from where it’s at.
Who mows the lawn?
Z/M: Zoe lives in an apartment with landscaping management included in the rent. Mason doesn’t know who mows the Warehouse’s lawn, but it sure isn’t him.
R/V: (Modern AU) Vincent will go over to mow Roz’s rental house lawn (and probably sneak in a few plants from the nursery he owns into her flowerbeds)  
Who does the vacuuming?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Roz
Who does the groceries?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: both
Who takes the longest to shower?
Z/M: Zoe, purely because she has thick, thick hair almost down to her waist that is a chore and a half to shampoo/condition
R/V: either, depending on who decided to sneak into the shower with the other
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: depends on the day. Shaving usually takes Vincent a longer time since he’s careful of his facial scars, but Roz has the same hair issues that Zoe has, so it’s pretty much a tie.
Is money a problem?
Z/M: No, but Zoe thinks that it would be nice to invest in her motorcycle or a new car
R/V: No. No matter the AU, Vincent’s technically a trust fund baby with wealthy parents willing to help out.
How many cars do they own?
Z/M: Zoe: beaten up silver hatchback that’s seen better days and is held together with spit and a mechanic’s prayer, WiP motorcycle she’s restoring. Mason: Agency SUV
R/V: two sensible, mid-priced cars, both pre-owned and paid for
What’s their song?
Z/M: Ghost - Au/Ra
R/V: Work Song - Hozier
Do they live in the city or in the country?
Z/M: they live in (Zoe)/on the outskirts of (Mason) Wayhaven
R/V: in the country, near Wycome post-Inquisition to be close to Vincent’s parents
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Z/M: Rents an apartment/lives in the Agency-owned Warehouse
R/V: (Modern AU) Vincent: rents out an apartment, Roz: rents a house
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
Yes for both
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Z/M: work, hanging out with friends
R/V: work, friends, mentoring young mages
Where did they first meet?
Z/M: met when Zoe shot Adam (she was sorry about it later), but made a bad first impression on the other when Rebecca formally introduced them
R/V: Vincent was five, going on six years old when the Templars brought in a new girl his age. He was sad when he saw her crying and decided to be her friend. 
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Vincent
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Z/M: neither. Zoe would like to have nice things, but she’s not going to be a showoff with them if/when she gets them
R/V: neither
Any mental issues?
Z/M: Zoe’s abandonment feelings/anger with her mother
R/V: PTSD for both of them, Vincent’s insomnia 
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Z/M: both, since they’re both light on their feet and agile. They do check to see if the other is okay, even if they’re smirking while they do it
R/V: neither, they help the other up and ask if they’re okay, but don’t overly worry about it unless it was a bad fall or there was an underlying reason they tripped in the first place, like being exhausted.
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Z/M: neither
R/V: neither, unless you count giant spiders and whatnot as bugs. Then both.
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Z/M: either, though Mason is more likely to find a cup in the middle of the room with a “DO NOT OPEN” sticky note on top if it’s a big spider
R/V: either, and they usually try to scoop them up and release outside. 
Do they have any fears for their future?
Z/M: Aside from the whole immortality vs. human lifespan thing, they try not to dwell on things. The future is uncertain and it’s better to enjoy the present.
R/V: so many, but they’re in it together and can deal with whatever gets thrown at them.
Their favourite place?
Z/M: the Warehouse’s rooftop
R/V: Skyhold’s gardens
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Z/M: Mason, maybe?
R/V: Vincent
Who pays the bills?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Vincent
Who’s the tallest?
Z/M: Mason. He’s 6′0″ and Zoe’s 5′9″
R/V: Vincent. He’s 6′1″ and Roz’s 5′1″ (my favorite tol and smol, tbh)
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Roz
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Roz
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: both
What do they tease each other about?
Z/M: both of them being grumps with no filters. Mason about Zoe nearly burning her apartment down making a grilled cheese sandwich that one time. (”It wasn’t THAT bad!”)
R/V: I don’t really know! I mean, they do tease the other, but a lot of it is in-jokes and maybe Roz being a small ball of fury at times? *shrugs into the abyss*
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Z/M: neither. They tend to wear mostly the same dark colored clothing and stuff that’s not likely to stand out and get them noticed
R/V: neither. Vincent thinks Roz is beautiful in anything she wears and Roz likes the fact that Vincent’s pants are snug around his butt and his shirts emphasize his broad shoulders.
Who crushed first?
Z/M: Zoe, in that “stupid hot Agent, he makes me SO MAD...oh no, I think he’s hot. FUCK.” way.
R/V: Vincent P I N E S over Roz for Y E A R S but doesn’t do anything because she’s his best and dearest friend and telling her how he feels would risk ruining that friendship since there’s just NO WAY AT ALL she would EVER feel the same for him...
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
Z/M: none. Both will drink socially, but nothing more serious than a few drinks and a minor buzz. They both have a smoking problem, but Mason tends to cut back because of Zoe and Zoe has a rule of never smoking at work. She eventually cuts back in her off hours because of Mason, but will light up when she’s stressed or upset, mostly with things centering on Rebecca.
R/V: none
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Z/M: neither. Zoe doesn’t like to get more than a pleasant buzz where the edges are a little hazy but nothing past that
R/V: Vincent. He’s a horrible lightweight who can’t hold his liquor. Two drinks in and he’s all “WHOMST wants to see me naked???” Forget about tequila making his clothes come off, ANY booze and he’s stripping.
Who swears the most?
Z/M: both
R/V: Roz, though Vincent keeps a good internal swearing streak going every now and then.
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ohmyteez · 6 years
This is part one, find part two here, three here, four here, five here, epilogue here
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Out of nowhere, Spencer’s girlfriend disappears from her apartment and the only lead is what the surveillance footage shows. The team is given 10 days to find her, only that the first five were already used up by another case. Will they be able to find her in time? Or is it gonna be too late?
Warnings for all chapters: IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE READING STUFF LIKE THAT I SUGGEST YOU SKIP THIS FIC!!! Angst, mention/description of kidnapping, mention/description of sexual assault, mention/description of starvation, mention/description of beating, loads of sadness, fluff
Word Count: 1.5K
Requested: No
Note: I AM BACK ALREADY with something new. something sad bc Spence having happy and good things happen to him apparently isn’t a thing. 
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You would’ve appreciated waking up on your own on a Saturday morning, but Spencer’s phone apparently had a different idea. The constant beeping of it ripped you out of your deep sleep and Spencer groaned as well, sleepily reaching over to grab his phone from the nightstand. 
“Please don’t tell me it’s what I think it is.” You mumbled groggily and buried your head deeper into his chest. Spencer let out a sigh and closed his eyes shortly, hand reaching up behind your back to stroke your hair.
“Unfortunately it is.”
“But it’s supposed to be your weekend off. What time is it, anyway?” You asked and rubbed your eyes, turning Spencer’s phone around in his hand and making it light up, showing you the time. 7:13am. 
“I’m sorry, love.” Spencer said and started to slowly get out of bed, but not before he bent down and placed a kiss on your lips, waking you up a little more, “You can obviously sleep some more. I’ll check in with you whenever I can, and you just text me when you’re awake. Okay?”
You just hummed in response and pulled him down for another kiss, savoring the moment before he had to go get ready for work. That kiss turned into a tired make-out session, making him groan before he pulled away and stroked the side of your face with a tight smile.
“If we keep doing that I might not leave at all. I would love to continue this, but they really need me.” He said with a chuckle and you nodded, finally stretching your body while laying in bed. 
“Mm, I know. Go overwhelm everybody with your brain, I’ll talk to you later then.” You responded, earning a laugh from him. He placed one final kiss onto your head before he fully slipped out of the bed and into the bathroom to get ready. 
Not even ten minutes later, he emerged and called out an “I love you” to which you responded the obvious “I love you, too” before he left your apartment. You turned around and got back into a comfortable sleeping position, deciding to just nap a few more hours before starting your day. You were in no way a morning person, at least not on the weekends, and you valued your sleep a lot. But you also knew that something like that, being woken up early on a weekend because Spencer was called into work, was possible and happened often. You just wished your boyfriend would get a break. 
In the six months you’ve been dating, you’ve maybe had three full weekends together because the BAU needed their genius. You never complained because you understood, of course, but it made you a little sad knowing you’d never really be able to go on vacation or take a trip longer than a day without him being called to work. You thought about joining him on cases plenty of times before, but then again, you wouldn’t be able to see him much then either, although it would allow you to travel so much more. You’d talked to Hotch about it, too. He’d told you it wouldn’t be a problem for anybody if you tagged along, as long as you wouldn’t distract Spencer and/or the case. You might do it someday, but today wasn’t that day as you were way too tired from staying up late last night with Spencer, having done movie night with some wine and sex in the middle of the night. You were always surprised how he wasn’t tired after nights like these, but Spencer was a morning person so you didn’t question it. 
Sleep came over you fast and you were asleep in no time, getting some more well-deserved rest. What you didn’t know was that Spencer had opened the window in your living room prior to leaving, wanting to vent out the room so you could have a cool and non-smelly apartment when you wake up. That was the perfect opportunity for a hooded figure to slip in from the fire escape and tiptoe through the room, quiet and steady so they wouldn’t wake you. They slipped through the slightly open door and saw you on the bed, calm as the night and sat down on the armchair in the corner of the room, just watching. Your vulnerability and calmness drove them wild and the fact that you were wearing nothing but your underwear and Spencer’s shirt had them know that choosing you was the right decision. 
After some time of looking around and taking in your room, they spotted the security camera in one corner of the bedroom and took this as the perfect opportunity to give whoever would see the video a chance of saving you. They walked out the room and went through drawers in your desk out in the living room, looking for a blank piece of paper and sharpie to write with. When successful, they scribbled onto the paper and stuffed the sharpie into their pocket, not wanting to leave anything they’d used behind, even though they were wearing gloves - but better be safe than sorry. With the paper in hand, they walked back into your bedroom and pushed the armchair across the room and under the camera, the commotion making you stir. They stepped onto the chair and held the piece of paper up in front of the camera until they heard you whimper softly and shift in your bed.
“Spence?” You called out softly, making the person whip their head around and stare at you. You opened your eyes slowly, eyes searching the room for any sign of Spencer before they landed on the hooded person. You were suddenly wide awake and scrambled out of bed with a gasp. The person wasn’t too worried, making sure to send a slow and creepy wave into the camera before they jumped off and caught you from behind just as you were about to run out of the bedroom. They reached into their pocket and pulled out a cloth soaked in chloroform, forcing it onto your mouth and waiting patiently for you to inhale it and fall unconscious. They then picked you up and carried you out of the room, removing the hood to seem less obvious when carrying you through the apartment building. 
After they successfully maneuvered you and them out of the building and into their van, they drove off, tires screeching in the process. 
It was now almost 12:30 and Spencer was starting to get worried. He knew you liked to sleep, but you never slept past 10:00 and he hadn’t heard from you since he left. He’d called and texted but nothing came back. 
The BAU was in Colorado, their case being one of what seemed to be ritualistic murders in Superior. There were two victims so far, all of them with their hearts missing and eyes gouged out. The Unsub seemed to go up in the age of his victims, the youngest so far being 12 and the second one being 18. 
Spencer couldn’t keep his mind straight though, making it difficult for him to work the geographical profile as Hotch had ordered on the jet. That also caught the attention of his fellow teammates Derek and Emily. 
“You okay, kid?” Derek asked as he noticed no progress on the board. Spencer turned and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“No... I don’t know. Y/N hasn’t responded to any of my calls or texts and that’s unlike her. I don’t know if I’m overreacting, but I’m really worried.” Spencer explained while his friends pursed their lips in thought. 
“Do you want Garcia to check in on her?” Emily asked and Spencer nodded slowly. That was until his phone made a “ding”, meaning that he got a message and he whipped it out of his pocket and sighed in relief when he saw it was you who finally responded.
Y/N: Hey! Sorry for only replying now, I slept longer than I thought I would. I must’ve forgotten to set an alarm! I’m doing good, heading out to grab lunch soon. How’s the case going? Do you know when you’ll be back? Love you.
“She just responded.” Spencer announced with a smile, texting you back quickly. 
Spencer: Hi! I’m surprised you slept that long, last night must’ve really tired you out ;) Happy to hear from you though. Working on the geo profile, it’s a tough one and we’re in Colorado! If all goes well we should be back by Tuesday, I’ll keep you posted! Love you too.
The person, who identified themselves as a male, smirked as he locked your phone and put it into the pocket of his pants. He stepped closer to your sitting form on the tiny mattress placed on the floor and then squatted down. He reached his hand out and brushed the hair out of your face, your head immediately flinching away from the unfamiliar touch. 
“Why are you doing this?” You whispered as he rose. 
“Everything happens for a reason, my love. Everything happens for a reason.” Was all he said before he turned around and left the room, the heavy metal door shutting behind him with a bang. You whimpered and hugged your knees, tears spilling freely from your eyes as you thought about Spencer, and if you’d ever see him again. 
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mysafeplacetovent · 2 years
I’m genuinely so lonely, and that fact only just hit me.
I know that it’s kind of stupid to make an entire blog dedicated to this, but I don’t like keeping vents in physical places (I.e. notebooks) where just anyone could pick them up and start reading, and if I stuff this kind of stuff in my notes app, it’ll just follow me around with iCloud and there’s always a chance of people seeing it. This option is objectively the safest, as I can stay as anonymous as I want, I can put my feelings out in the world, and get stuff off my chest… and the possibilities of people actually finding this blog is slim to none, especially if I don’t add any tags.
Anyway, point is, I think I’m actually very lonely.
I have a pretty big following on some social media, a few close friends, some work acquaintances, and… that’s about it.
I don’t know how to make connections with people. I don’t know how social cues work. I don’t know how to meet people. I don’t know what im feeling most of the time… and most of the time, im fine being alone! I prefer it, even! I don’t understand people, and people don’t really understand me, either. When I go into a social situation, even when I tell myself that I will really act like myself, as soon as another person comes into my sights I put on a mask. I put on a bubbly, loud, obnoxious mask, because then if they end up not liking me, then that’s ok, because that’s really not ME.
I’ve got so many masks now for so many different people and situations that sometimes IM even losing track of which one is really me, because when I’m alone I just feel drained. I feel like I’m not really a person and I can’t be real with anybody, because am I even being real with myself at the end of the day? Who am I if not a blank slate for other people to project onto? Who am I if I’m not being exactly who someone else wants me to be?
I think that’s where the root of my issue stems from. I don’t know who I am, so how can I expect others to know who I am? I put on such a big mask and performance for everybody, to the point where I change my posture, my walking, my laugh, the pitch and rhythm of my voice, and my sense of humor, that nobody can get close. How can someone learn to love something so fake? People keep me around for the comedic value I possess, to bounce ideas off me, to have a ‘yes’ man, because I feel so guilty if I don’t end up agreeing with people.
I get too attached too quickly, and then don’t realise that people don’t hold the same amount of stock in their relationship with me as I do with them, because I don’t need constant socialization to feel close to someone. A glance at their instagram story is sometimes enough for me for the day, but other people, NORMAL people, arent like that. They need conversation. They need to get to know me. They wont ask me to hang out with them because im a background character in their life.
Today, my best friend FaceTimes me and tells me that she was having a get-together and inviting her friends, and decided last minute to ring me up to ask if I wanted to come. I haven’t hung out with her properly in a few months, and I thought that she, like me, was cool just seeing each other through text and social media, but hearing that she hadn’t thought about me until the last-minute was kind of like a punch to the gut, even though she only said it to follow it up with “sorry I didn’t think of you sooner, idk how it slipped my mind!” But it still hurt. Really bad.
Then at the gathering, it was mostly people in relationships. I’m not sure about one of the people, seeing as I never met them before, but everyone else there was in a committed relationship, and as soon as that unknown person left, I was then outcasted, and it dawned on me.
I’ve always been the third wheel.
I had thought back to most of the stories I’ve told people, most of the plans I’ve made, and they all start the same way. “I’m going to do xyz with my roommate and her boyfriend,”
Granted, my roommate’s boyfriend was my friend before I had even met my roommate, but still. I don’t have a single friend in my immediate area that isn’t my roommate or her boyfriend. I consider a few other people my friends, but we haven’t really reached that threshold where I feel comfortable texting them out of nowhere with my usual masked style. I’m still very formal with them. I’m using the proper emoticons with them. Some of them I use the old fashioned :D type of faces, whereas with others im overusing the crying emoji as a kind of humor… but either way, it’s heavily forced, and I think they can tell it is.
I don’t know how to make connections. I don’t know how to make friends. The friends I have are because we went to school for so many years and they’re willing to look past my many flaws and accept whichever mask I put on around them, but I don’t think they’d actually like me if I felt comfy enough to take those off and just be me around them, because im not even sure that I like me when I take off the mask.
I don’t know how to meet people. It’s the summertime and I have endless amounts of time. I spend that time alone, even when im at events, because I don’t know how to approach people, and even though im usually alone, people don’t know, or don’t care enough, to approach me. I’ve never had a significant other, im not sure if im aromantic or just inexperienced, I dont want to disappoint anybody, and im scared.
I’m scared to be alone and im scared to be with people and im scared to care about new people and
I wish that I could still be alone, but not feel so lonely.
I like being alone.
I hate feeling lonely.
I hate feeling like this.
I wish I was different and normal and able to make friends and make small talk and make people care about me past surface value.
I wish people would seek out my company
I wish that I wouldn’t feel so exhausted every time I spoke to somebody
I wish that someone would love me unconditionally.
I just want to be loved.
I just want to stop feeling like this.
I just want to be normal.
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