#anyway thanks for reading I’m gonna go stress sweat in a corner
miralparis · 6 months
that terrifying rush of actually sending in job apps to someone’s email instead of an anonymous portal
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moonstruckme · 9 months
hiii! idk if i already requested this because I'm very forgetful but do you think you could do a tasm!peter fic with a bit of hurt/comfort? maybe r's just really burnt out and tired from school and studying and stress? thank u sm <3 i adore your work
No worries dude, you didn't! Thanks sm for requesting <33
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 681 words
Peter sets your coffee down in front of you with a kiss to the top of your head. You raise it to your lips on autopilot, blowing gently. 
“Thanks,” you murmur. 
“No sweat.” His hand lingers on your shoulder. Instead of going back to his video game, he leans down to peer at your laptop screen. “Hey, this isn’t Jane Austen.” 
“No,” you confirm. Ordinarily, this is where you’d think up something witty to say. Like you would know the difference, science geek or I didn’t know you knew how to read words that didn’t end in -ion. You find you don’t have the energy. “I turned in the Austen essay earlier today. This one’s for my Flannery O’Connor class.” 
“What?” Peter’s voice pitches upward excitedly. He tugs your shoulder so you’re facing him, crowding your eyeline. “Baby, that’s amazing! You’re done!”
“I’m not done,” you say, covering your disappointment with a shrug and a small smile. “I still have this essay due by the end of the week.” 
“But you’re done with the Austen one!” Your boyfriend won’t allow his ebullience to be dampened, giving your shoulder a happy squeeze. “You worked on that for days, sweetheart, it must feel so great to have it turned in.”
You take another sip of your coffee, refocusing on the blinking cursor on your screen. Your eyes ache. “Yeah, I guess so.” 
“Hey.” Peter’s hand cuts across your vision, turning your face back towards him. “You deserve to celebrate at least a little, don’t you think? How long do you have until this essay is due?” 
“A couple days.” 
“Sick.” His touch leaves your cheek, and you hear the click of your laptop shutting. “Take the night off.” 
“Peter.” Your sigh is long and heavy. You swear you feel some essential part of you leave with it. “I can’t. I need to get this done.” 
He works his hand between your back and the desk chair, encouraging you out of it. “You’ve got plenty of time to do it,” he reassures you, palm finding its favored spot on the small of your back to guide you towards the sofa. “I felt weird about giving you coffee at night anyways. We’ll switch it out for some tea, get cozy on the couch, just take it easy for the night. You could use a break.” 
You really could, but you’re not sure you can afford one. You cast a glance back toward your laptop, abandoned and beckoning with a cold imperativeness from your desk. “Let me just get this paragraph down…” 
But Peter is determined, setting one hand on each of your shoulders to push you down onto the cushions. “It’ll still be there tomorrow,” he says, sitting next to you and settling you against his side before you can try to get up. He tilts his head as he meets your gaze, brown eyes sharp and more discerning than you think you’re comfortable with. “Look, I wasn’t gonna pull this card, but you’re not acting like yourself. This whole quiet and ghostlike thing is freaking me out.” 
He turns up a corner of his mouth to let you know he’s at least partly joking. You crack a smile in return. Peter pecks your cheek and goes on, encouraged. 
“Just give me tonight, sweetheart. If you wanna go back to Flannery at nine tomorrow morning, I won’t stop you, but give yourself at least a few hours off.” 
You shouldn’t be surprised he’d remembered which class your essay was for, but you are. You suspect that if you looked hard enough, you’d eventually find an encyclopedia your boyfriend has filled with tiny things to remember about you. It’s the only explanation. 
You really are tired. 
“Okay,” you say, and he actually fist-pumps, your favorite dork. “Just let me make the tea, okay? You never steep it long enough.” 
Peter rolls his eyes, smiling as he kisses the skin next to your eye. “Such a perfectionist,” he says fondly. “How about I make us hot chocolate instead, and then you won’t have to worry about it?” 
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borathae · 10 months
chapter 15
Can’t you like it for me?” he says with big puppy eyes.
You look away.
“You’re being emotionally manipulative here.” shut up girl im loving u too much i cant
“You are playing with fire here, Bunny. Try not to burn yourself”, you grumble.
He chuckles and pecks your cheek.
“I like the burn”, he rasps against the shell of your ear, turning to the front afterwards.
SHUT UP IM CANT TAKE IT. try not to lose your shit challenge- mission failed successfully
He treated you so goddamn fucking well that sometimes you still felt the urge to punch him in the face and run away jk in the corner, i'll take that as a compliment
Lately the latter have become more and more. YAY
“Hey kiddo. How are you doing?” he says in a surprisingly deep voice for such a small frame. me with felix and taehyung
“for half a million bucks I expect to have the painter constantly working on it in a metal cage in the middle of my living room or something.” - ........ - a few bystanders had heard you and were now looking at you with weird eyes. SHUT UP THATS SOO ME except my voice would be low and nobody would hear but could be loud too cuz universe makes it louder at times when u dont want anyone to hear shit
although he was stressed and exhausted he never once smelled of alcohol. AHHHH IM SO PROUD OF HIM *gives a big ass hug and a smooch
again a fluffy moment after the tense thank you, her threatening to buy green and purple pillows PLZ that sounds like me trying to threaten my parents by telling them im gonna marry a cat crazy dude
“I’m not asking for it. I am very much anti punishment uwu i love this stupid noodle
He swallows heavily, “a-are we going to make out now?” he asks, grasping for your hips. he is such a cute and horny noodle pls and no u are about to cringe for the rest of your office time
“don’t say that what the hell my cock twitched.”
“I am not going to apologize because I am way too turned on to care.”
He looks from side to side with the tip of his nose rosy.
“What’s with the sudden horniness oh my god?”
“It’s just that I never really saw you work before and it’s kinda doing things to me.” SAME HERE IM FEELING IM WATCHING SOME HOT CEO FROM KDRAMA BUT EVEN BETTER AAAAH
It makes his ass cheeks tense up and forces a quiet whimper from between his lips. SHUT UP SHUT UP HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MOVE ON FROM THIS MOVE ON WITH MY DAILY LIFE????? VANESSA HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE LAUGH LOVE IN THESE SITAUTIONS ??
WHY IS SHE CONNECTING THE DOTS SOMETIMES CHARACTERS SHOULD BE DUMB PLEASEEEE also why is there a group of people surrounding kook??? 👀
the whole thing was soo tense i sweated through my shirt now im a stinky kid -_- BUT WE LOVED IT the emotions was captured soo well and he was supportive yet very unsupportive if your brain's going haywire with an anxiety/panic attack
Twirling him threw him straight into subspace. *insert meme i hope i dont fall, her: twirls him kook : oh no mommy
i prayed for her to not go to the mirror AND SHE DID NOO its really the worst thing to do during a panic attack :(
that was soo scary even i felt the uncontrollable demons while reading and thanks it ended on a good note and it was cute.
anyways i wish her a great day next morning(tho the story has ended) cuz them muscles be hurting like a bitch oof
Me reading through all your reactions:
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hahahahha I love how you went on an emotional rollercoaster with this chapter jfdjsf also you quoting so many parts is my weakness hehehe thank you so much for doing that
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blissstardust · 3 years
Kiss Me
James Potter X Reader
Seventh year
Kind of a long read
Enjoy :)
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It was nearly midnight and yet you laid wide awake, not being able to sleep because of many reasons. The match against Slytherin is just around the corner and you’re determined to beat them, or else you’ll just have to die—all the annoying homework that your dear professors assigns everyday, not to mention N.E.W.T.S.—seventh year is the worst. All of a sudden, you hear three light taps on the window glass, just next to your bed. You sat up in your bed, looking around at all your dorm mates still fast asleep. You weren’t sure if you were just imagining the sounds. When no other sound came, you figured that it was just your imagination and you’re just exhausted, so you laid back down.
Tap. . . Tap. . .Tap. . .
You jump out of bed, grabbed your wand and whispered “Lumos”. This time you knew for sure that you weren’t imagining things. You slowly made your way to the window. Your hands shot to your mouth to stop yourself from screaming. Shaking away the scare that you just experienced, you quickly opened up the window. “James, you git,” You hissed as the boy on the broom gave you a boyish smile.
“Can I come in?” He asked softly. You rolled your eyes, but let him in anyway. You stepped aside making room for him to climb in. Once he was inside he closed the window and gently placed his broom on the floor. “Hi,” James cooed as he turned to you. His hair was a perfect mess and he was in a plain white t-shirt and checkered sweats that were the colors of the Gryffindor house.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, pressing your hand to his chest as he tried to take a step closer to you. “This is the girls dormitory. It’s against the rules for you to be up here, Potter”
“Well crap. Rules are supposed to be broken, now can I get the kiss that I came here for, Y/n?” He said as he encircled his hand around your wrist, gently removing it from his chest. You shook your head at his attitude towards the rules, but couldn’t help but giggle.
“You’re terrible,” You smiled as you took his hand in yours and led him to your bed. James gladly followed you onto it. He helped you close the canopy curtains and you switched on your lamp that you had levitating at the ceiling of your Canopy. You also used the muffliato spell to quiet your voices, so you don’t wake any one.
“I see where this is going. Plan, on being loud tonight?” James asked with a smug smirk on his face. You scoffed as you grabbed a pillow and hit his head with it.
“You’re an absolute pig, James Potter”
“But you still love me,” He said. This boy, this mischievous, beautiful, caring boy is too much. But he’s right. You do love him.
“Do I?” You teased. His brow quirked up as he smirked.
“Oh is that what we’re doing now?” He asked as he began leaning in, but you weren’t going to let him have you just yet, so you began to slowly pull away from him.
“Mhm,” You hummed as you began to giggle.
“Oh really?” The boy said dramatically as he caught on to what you were doing. So, he kept leaning in because he knew that once your back hit the bed he would have you pinned. Your laughter burst out of your mouth when he began to tickle you. It’s a good thing you used muffliato.
“James!” You choked out as you continued to laugh and wriggle under his tickling touch. Your whole face was red now from laughing so much. “Okay! Okay!” You managed to shout out. “I’m gonna pee!” and you weren’t lying. If he didn’t stop soon your bladder was going to burst.
“What’s that?” He teased as he continued his playful assault. “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say, L/n”
“I-I’m sorry! I love you!” You laughed out. Relief washed over you when he finally stopped. You were left a panting mess. Your chest rose and fell as you breathed heavily, trying to catch your breath. “I love you,” You breathed out, repeating what you said earlier.
“Yeah, you do,” He said in a teasingly cocky way as he nodded his head. You began to laugh again at his playful attitude. “I’ll take my kiss now,” the boy chirped. You looked up at him and stuck your tongue out.
“No,” You said as you pushed him off of you, allowing yourself to get up. “You don’t get awards for breaking rules, James Potter,” You playfully scolded.
“Y/n L/n, you give me my kiss right now!” He shouted as he drummed his fist into the mattress.
“Okay, fine,” You decide to give in. At least that’s what poor James thought. He leaned over towards you with a happy smile on his face, ready to get his kiss. Just as you lured him in, just as your lips were about to touch, you tackled him;pinned him to the bed and began to tickle him. His boyish laughter made you break into your own laughter. Eventually his laughs turned into cries of pleas and you had to show him mercy.
“Y/n, alright!” He screamed out and, unlike him, you came to a stop. “You’ve gone mad, woman,” He breathed out. While he took a moment to catch his breath, you laid down beside him.
“You’re the one who drives me mad, Potter,” You replied as you rolled onto your side to face him. When he did the same, you were met with his beautiful eyes that remind you of home. You smiled warmly as he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. “You have pretty eyes,” You hummed.
“Why thank you, darling,” James grinned a boyish grin as a light pink painted his cheeks. You loved how easily you could make him blush. “Come closer so I can hold you,” He cooed.
“Okay,” You said softly as you scooted closer to him, shifting a little so your bodies perfectly molded together. He rolled onto his back, allowing you to rest your head onto his chest as he had his other arm wrapped around you, holding you close. Your eyes slowly closed as you listened to his steady heart beat. You suddenly realized that your mind was no longer a mess. It was as if all you knew, now, was that you were here safe in James arms. It wasn’t long till you heard the quiet snores—that were sure to get louder through the night—coming from your boyfriends mouth. A small smile found it’s way to your lips as you carefully sat up to look at him. You began to wish that you had a camera, so you could capture this moment. He looked peaceful and quite adorable. “James,” you whispered as you rested your hand on his chest. When he didn’t respond you leaned down closer to his face, only a few inches apart. You took a moment to study his beautiful features. The way his perfect lips—even if they were a bit chapped—were slightly parted. The way his hair fell every which way, but somehow made him look ten times hotter. You began to wonder, how come you never realized how long his lashes were. Anyways “James, you have to go,” You whispered softly as you lightly patted his chest. He hummed but didn’t open his eyes. A sly smirk appeared on your face as a brilliant idea popped into your mind. “James,”You whispered once more, giving it another try, but no such luck. So, you leaned down and gave him a sweet lingering kiss on his lips. Just as you were about to pull away, you were pulled back to him. This time kissing you back. When you pulled away he had a crooked grin on his face.
“Success!” He cheered. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“James Potter, you need to head back to your dorm, now,” You told him. Please say no
“No can do madam. I need to make sure you get a good nights rest,” James protested.
“But what if we get caught? I can’t get caught having a boy in my bed,” You retorted.
“Like I said, rules were made to be broken, baby” Your stomach flipped and was swarmed with butterflies at the way he called you baby. You bit your bottom lip as you shrugged your shoulders and pretended that you had to ‘think’ things over. “Oh come off it. You know you want me to stay,” He laughed as he wrapped his strong arms around you and held you tight. You began to laugh as you tried to break free, though it was no use. James pulled his wand out and put the light out, then proceeded to pull your blanket over your bodies. “Much better,” He let out a long sigh.
“You know I love you right?” You asked him. Even though, you knew the answer to your question.
“Yeah, and do you know that I love you?” James asked softly.
“Yeah, I know,” You said as you relaxed in his arms. “Kiss me?” You hummed
You could just see his smug smirk on his face in the darkness. “Oh you want a kiss, do you?” He said as he managed to pin you beneath him. You could tell that his face was just mere inches from yours. Soft giggles left your lips at the way he was teasing you and getting all up in your face. “You want a kiss, do you?”
“Yes! I want a kiss, James,” You laughed. “Now kiss me”
“Right, because I’m so nice—because I want those beautiful soft lips on mines—I’ll kiss you” You felt him smile into the kiss that you asked for. It was short but sweet and tender. “Delicious,” He said dragging out the ‘s’. You began to giggle at his goofiness.
“We need to go to sleep now,” You whispered as you began to calm down.
“Alright, let’s go to sleep,” James said as he shifted so that you both were in a comfortable position. “Goodnight Y/n,” He hummed as his thumb drew circles on the skin of your arm.
“Goodnight baby,” You cooed as your hand gently played with his soft hair on the back of his head.
It wasn’t long till the two of you fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms. But, before you fell asleep you whispered a soft ‘thank you’ to James for taking your mind away from all the stress you’ve been dealing with. You were glad that he showed up to your window just to get a kiss. What you didn’t know, was that James didn’t just come here tonight to get a simple kiss from you. Like you, he wasn’t able to sleep properly and felt that you were the only solution to his problem, and he was right. As soon as he held you in your arms his mind was put to ease. You give him peace and he gives the same to you.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Heyo!! Can I request a Kuroo x male reader, where yn goes to give him a love letter one day, but he sees him with his new girlfriend??? And he’s like-sad and he tears up the note and he moves on??? But then one day kuroo asks to talk to him, and he confesses to reader, but since reader already moved on he doesn’t accept??? Angsty ending if you will 💔💔💔 thank you, Mr. Mizunetzu !!
Hi paola ily paola hee hee
Kuroo x reader - you did once...
⚠️Warnings - Kuroo gets a gf, angst, not so much of a good ending?
Pronouns- male, he/him
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You can find part two here!
“(Y/n), can I talk to you real quick?”
(Y/n) looked up from adjusting his loose kneepad, and wiped a bead of sweat rolling off his face. He turned his head to his teammates still on their diving punishment, and looked back at Kuroo. They just lost to another school again, but he got his punishment done rather early. “Mm? Okay..?”
He rose to his feet, following Kuroo out the gym door. The walk to a secluded place far, far away from the main gym was silent and awkward, not to mention suspicious. If Kuroo wasn’t one of his good friends, he would’ve thought he was about to be kidnapped. Or murdered.
Eventually, they stopped where the fenced pathway met the grass. Kuroo stopped ominously, further proving (Y/n’s) ‘serial killer’ theory. He turned around, facing (Y/n), and leaned on the railing.
(Y/n) stiffly held his hands behind his back. “So...” he rocked on his heels, trying to seem as casual as possible. “...what did you...need...?”
He was met with no response. Kuroo, instead, gripped the railing tighter, his knuckles turning a pale white. His eyes were downcast and he was sweating like crazy. He looked like he’d seen a ghost.
(Y/n) stepped forward and crouched down, so he could see Kuroos face behind the mop that was his hair. He rested his palms on his knees, trying to decide what to say.
“...I...think your hair looks nice...today...”
If it’s one thing he hates, it’s awkward silence. Not to mention the suspense of waiting on someone to say someone possibly life changing. I mean, why else should he drag him out miles away from the gym during training camp?
“Uh-If we don’t hurry up, we’re gonna miss our next match-“
“I need to get something off my chest.”
(Y/n’s) throat closed up. It was simple. The secluded area, Kuroo flushed face, fiddling and chipping the rust off the railing. He didn’t know how he didn’t see it before. He’s been in this situation plenty of times, with girls he can’t even remember the face of. But oh how much he’d love to be in this situation a few months ago.
‘Just do it. just do it. God, just do it. Worse comes to worse, he’s straight. It’s not like he’s the type of person to de-friend someone because they like them!’
(Y/n) gripped the white envelope behind his back harshly, crinkling it on the corners. It had a red, heart shaped sticker on the seal flap, with the words ‘To Tetsu’ written in dark pink across the back.
Both Karasuno and Nekoma were bidding their new friends goodbye, all scattered across the parking lot of Karasuno. (Y/n) paced around awkwardly, looking for Kuroo’s familiar mop of black, messy hair. He was nervous, to say the least. Very nervous.
“Ne, Kenma,” (Y/n) placed a sweaty palm on Kenmas handheld game, pushing it down lightly and forcing him to look up.
“Have...have you seen Tetsurou? I need to give him something.”
Kenma hummed in acknowledgment, and nudged his head to the side. Sure enough, Kuroo was there, off in the distance and talking to someone he couldn’t make out. His back was facing towards them, and his hand was on his hip. (Y/n’s) heart pounded even more.
“Th..an..k...y-you...” (Y/n) gave a lopsided, very stressed out smile, and limped his way over to Kuroo. Kenmas eyes were drawn to the extremely obvious love-letter being wrinkled by (Y/n’s) sweaty hands. He pursed his lips.
He then looked up to the petite girl chatting with Kuroo. It wasn’t visible in (Y/n’s) line of sight, but it was to Kenma. He almost felt kind of bad.
(Y/n) stopped dead behind Kuroo, his eyes fixated on the ground as he ran through his memorized confession for the millionth time that day. He tapped on his shoulder, keeping the letter flush against his back with his other hand.
Kuroo turned around, and that was when his eyes landed on the brown-haired girl wearing an obviously oversized Nekoma jacket. From context of the scene, (Y/n) supposed it was Kuroo’s. He gripped the letter tighter.
The girl walked forward and extended her hand out. Her bubbly aura practically suffocated (Y/n). “Hi! You must be ‘(Y/n)’. Tetsu was just talking about you! You two are like—buddy buddies right?”
‘Tetsu.’ That was (Y/n’s) nickname for him. Only he got to call him ‘Tetsu’...and who gave her the right to call him by his first name?
(Y/n) glanced at Kuroo. Kuroo shoved his hands into his pocket and grinned. It wasn’t his usual shit-eater smirk, rather a genuine, lovesick dopey smile. A smile (Y/n’s) never seen before, not directed at him at least. It was a sight he wanted to burn into his mind, but at the same time, he wanted to slap that smile right off his face.
“(Y/n), this is Yumi-chan. She’s our new manager.”
Kuroo stepped behind Yumimite, and draped his arms around her dainty shoulders.
“She’s also my new girlfriend~”
“Oh-hush it, you!” Yumimite turned around and berated Kuroo with small punches, earning a playful chuckled from the Kuroo. (Y/n’s) grip on the wrinkled letter loosened.
“...ahaha! Congrats..! When...when did you two get together?” If (Y/n) was good at anything, he was good at pretending to be interested in something. Maybe he should’ve joined the drama club instead of the volleyball club.
“Mm. We got together just last week. She gave me a love letter.” Kuroo patted the girl on her head, ruffling her neat brown hair and making her blush red. It looked like it felt nice. He wondered how it would feel to have Kuroo’s undivided attention, to be pat on the head like a blushing schoolgirl. To be a small, pretty girl next to Kuroo, to have the ability to call him ‘his’. All his nervousness simmered away, replaced by a strange ache of numb.
“Well, that’s awesome dude! Honestly, I don’t know how you managed to snag a girlfriend before me...” (Y/n) slouched dramatically, quickly hooking the letter in the waistband of his volleyball shorts and tugging his shirt over it. “Especially such a cutie like her! I’m (L/n), by the way...”
Kuroo chuckled, slinging an arm around Yumimite. “Don’t go flirting with my girl now. You have plenty of girls practically throwing their panties at you.”
‘Yeah...but I’m gay, Tetsurou. For you no doubt! I-I love you-!’
(Y/n) almost wanted to yell that out. And he almost did. But he chose instead to keep silent and laugh in response.
(Y/n) bowed slightly. “Anyway, it was nice meeting you. I just wanted to say hi to Tets-uh, Kuroo...”
Kuroo tilted his head at the use of his last name, but brushed it off when Yumi hooked her arm in his. The couple bid their goodbyes, as they turned around and walked off. (Y/n) followed suite, turning around robotically and marching off.
Once he was a good enough distance away, he stopped behind a trash can and fished the letter out from his sweaty back.
He watched as the big pink words ‘To Tetsu’ bled and distort with every falling teardrop rolling down his cheeks. The water expanded and smudged the ink lighter and lighter until the words were practically indecipherable. You couldn’t tell it was a love letter anymore. Especially because (Y/n) ripped and trashed it up til it was a pile of pink and white paper shreds.
He tossed the stray flakes of soggy paper into the trash bin, watching as it fluttered and twirled tauntingly down the trash can. He quietly scrubbed at his red hot face, probably soaking his shirt with his salty tears. He rested his hands on the edges of the bin.
“Okay...” (Y/n) stretched up, spitting onto the concrete. “I...wonder...if my favorite ramen place is open...”
Strangely he didn’t feel devastated, or heartbroken at all. He just felt sort of numb. He didn’t feel the need to blast heartbreak music and cry out on his bed for hours on end. In fact, he was glad. Albeit a bit raw, and maybe a bit tired, but glad.
He got closure for the confusing feelings bubbling down his throat ever since he’d met Kuroo Tetsurou. He got his answer, and even if it wasn’t the preferred one, it was something.
The recovery process was easier than most people would think. It only took a couple long days to get him back to his prime condition. It was a given, since (Y/n) had so much other things to be worrying about. Midterms, volleyball practice, his friends. It’s a given that he would move on the things that was no longer on his priority list.
And Kuroo Tetsurou was no exception.
It was kind of pathetic to see such a high strung man like Kuroo so shaky and nervous. Though, he felt the same way three months ago, spending the whole golden week perfecting a letter he never got to read. What a hypocrite he was.
(Y/n) cleared his throat. “So...what did you wanna say?”
“I-just,” Kuroo swallowed thickly. “Ah-I...give me a second...”
“Okay, take you time, Kuroo~” he stood back up to his full height, and leaned on the rail across from him. It was obvious they weren’t gonna get anywhere. “So...hows ‘Yumi-chan’ doing?”
“Ah. We broke up. She’s gay. She has a girlfriend now.”
“Aw, I’m sorry. Though, good for her for snagging a girlfriend. No offense.” Kuroo mumbled out a ‘none taken.’ (Y/n) continued.
“Was that what you wanted to talk about? Her breaking up with you?”
“No! Actually, I broke up with her first. And it was...it was kinda mutual.” Kuroo sharply inhaled. “But it does have something to do with what I need to tell you.”
How could he be more obvious. (Y/n) forced a smile. It felt mandatory now. “Really? That’s interesting. Do tell.”
‘Please...Please don’t say it.’
“I broke up with her...because I had these...feelings.”
‘Please don’t say it. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to see it. I don’t want to read it. I don’t want to know it.’
“And you know how she’s gay? Well, I think I am too.”
‘No shit Sherlock. I don’t wanna hear it. You’ve been fiddling around with your hands like a schoolgirl. Stop it, so we can just be friends like we used to be. Don’t make it awkward. Don’t make me hear it. Please.’
‘Don’t make me look at your crestfallen face when I say no. It’s too much for even me to handle. I don’t want to see that.’
(Y/n) knitted his eyes shut. A fierce shudder threatened to rattle him and cover Kuroo’s mouth, but he kept still, as difficult as it was. He braced for impact.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
There it was.
(Y/n) pursed his lips and let his smile finally drop. Kuroo looked up from his trained gaze on the ground, only to be met with (Y/n’s) pitiful expression. (Y/n) never saw his face go from hopeful and love struck to devastated and heartbroken so fast.
(Y/n) cleared his throat. He was going to lay him down gently if it was the last thing he did. “...uh.”
He never said it’d be easy, though.
“If it makes you feel better...I did like you once, Tetsurou.” He only used his full first name during important situations, as he switched to using his last name instead of his first a long time ago. A lump grew in Kuroo’s throat.
Kuroo jabbed at his chest exasperatedly. “T-then what’s the problem?! We both-“
“The problem is I don’t love you. Not anymore.” Kuroo fell silent. He was so prepared to do anything it took to win over (Y/n), but after standing in front of him now, it was clear. Watching as he looked down at him with a pitying expression that made his brain go numb. He would get no where if he tried.
“...a-anymore? You liked me before? When!? Why didn’t I know?!” Kuroo grasped fistfuls of his black hair, a cold sweat condensing on his forehead. He was so animatedly desperate it was kind of sad.
“Not too long ago. Though, you kept me waiting since forever. And I thought I could wait forever.” A sorry chuckle emitted from (Y/n’s) lips. “I watched you go though girlfriend after girlfriend, Tetsurou. You even introduced me to Yumimite when I was going to confess to you. How do you think that felt? Even I got tired of waiting.”
“You...you were...” Kuroo had never felt so helpless. (Y/n) shrugged.
“I would give you the love letter I wrote for you that day, but it’s in a trash can somewhere. Ripped to shreds. And I don’t remember the words I wrote. I’m sorry, Tetsurou.” (Y/n) sighed and patted Kuroo on the head.
“You missed your chance...”
Kuroo’s eyes stung, threatening to unleash hell, but he promised himself he wouldn’t cry. No matter what. Instead, he rubbed the back of his neck and stood back up.
“I never stood a chance, did i?” Kuroo chuckled. It was a sad chuckle, one that made (Y/n) want to cry aswell.
“That’s the sad part.” (Y/n) pressed his lips into a fine line, turning it into a smile conotated with pity.
“You did once.”
Go sit there and stare at the wall in silence as you feel bad for Kuroo getting rejected by you. Go on, stare. Maybe then I’ll consider a part 2 (and if people comment or reblog asking for a part 2, hee hee.)
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sgwrscrsh · 4 years
winter days: underneath the tree
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☁️a/n☁️ this made my heart very warm to write even though i pulled an all-nighter to get it done because my time-management has gone to shit after finals. requested by @sachirou-senpai​. thank you, ellie, for giving me a reason to bring back my boys. i’ve missed ‘summer on you’ so much. this can be read as a stand-alone or as a spin off of ending b, my fave. either way, merry christmas to my babes who celebrate! i have one more christmas fic for tmr and then i’m hiding away to plan + write an smau.
includes: female!reader, poly!seijoh four, post-timeskip (very minor manga spoilers), lots of domesticity, a little suggestive bit, a lot of eating and sleeping now that i realize, a christmas tree, matching pajamas, a very special christmas gift, makki slapping your ass once, a lil teary moment w tooru, homemade curry + pancakes (but not together), lots of cuddling, lots of love, happy holidays, 4.35k words
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shivering slightly, you unlock the door to the rather spacious apartment you shared with your four boyfriends later into the evening than you would’ve liked. 
yes, four boyfriends. whom you love very much and are loved by in return.
living with four towering hunks has it’s ups and downs, but you wouldn’t trade tooru’s extensive skin care regiment sprawled across the bathroom counter; hajime’s bag of protein powder that he always forgets to put away; issei’s boots that you always tripped over when you came through the front door; or takahiro’s costco-sized box of cream puffs in the freezer that he insisted he would finish by the end of the month, almost half a year ago, for the world.
you made sure to stomp off the snow stuck on your boots before entering the building, but you couldn’t help but sigh at the warmth that greets you once you toe them off.
“ahhh,” you think. “thank goodness tooru convinced us to invest in heated floors.” another perk of having four boyfriends was that two of them brought in enough bank for you to seriously consider becoming their cute little housewife. snorting, you shake your head, though the idea of prancing around in a maid outfit to tease them seemed very appealing. “maybe we should make hiro dress up and clean the house since he still hasn’t found a new job yet.” 
“what’s so funny, sweets?” speak of the devil. makki’s head pops out from the bathroom nearest to the front door, steam rolling out and droplets falling from his hair, signifying that he had just taken a hot shower. wordlessly, you stare at him, lost in thought imagining the water caressing his toned body, but a second later, he gets a better look at you and laughs. “you look like a wet dog!” your glare loses some of its edge when he takes in your own damp strands. 
“did someone say something about a dog?” tooru comes bounding round the corner, and you could’ve sworn he drooped a little when he realized it was just you in the hallway sans dog. turning your icy glance on the setter, you open your mouth to complain about how mean the two of them were being to you when your prince charming comes in to save the day.
“you two, stop bullying the poor girl and let her take a warm bath before she gets sick!” iwa chides as he helps you unbundle the layers that protected you from the snow and sharp winds of the winter. pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead and promising to pick out comfy clothes for you, he ushers you into your spacious en suite where a steaming tub full of rose petals awaits you. hajime chuckles at the starry eyes you give him, heart warming at the love and appreciation shining clear as day on your face, before he leaves to grab a clean pair of underwear, one of issei’s t-shirts, and a pair of his own sweats, knowing you much prefer to wear their clothes at home.
submerged in the bath, you exhale contentedly, eyelids fluttering shut as you enjoy the product of iwa’s consideration and foresight. letting the stress of work and the chill of the outdoors melt from you, you stay in the water until it cools and your fingers prune. a lone thought of how much more you would’ve enjoyed the bath if the boys had joined you flits through your mind, but you jolt when you open your eyes and find issei sitting on the counter with a towel and your robe in his lap, some of the water sloshing over the side of the tub. 
“oh thank god, i was scared you fell asleep and would drown or choke on a rose petal.” you giggle while he wraps you up in your robe before gently toweling your hair dry. “you can’t leave me to deal with the three of them alone.” 
rolling your eyes, you retort easily, “if anything, i’d feel bad about leaving hajime to deal with the three of you alone. the poor man puts up with enough from his team, he doesn’t need you guys ganging up on him, too.”
“well i’ll have you know, sometimes he really enjoys us ganging up on him.” his cheeky quip paired with his wiggling eyebrows earns him a smack on the chest but regardless, you let him sweep you up into his arms and drop you on the massive bed the five of you shared. “get dressed, babygirl. as much as i’d love to spend more time with you naked, i gotta help haji finish dinner.” with a quick peck on your lips, issei leaves you to do just as he said. 
emerging revitalized and relaxed, your mouth waters at the smell of homemade curry, distracted enough to not notice tooru’s arms wrapping around your shoulders and waist. 
“hey, cutie, i’ve missed you,” he sings, face snuggled into the junction of your shoulder and neck. you spin around in his hold to slip your arms around his slim torso, relishing his firm lines against your soft curves. 
“‘ve missed you too, tooru.” and you really did, grateful that all of you were able to take time off work and he was able to come home a week before the holidays, giving the five of you a whole month to spend together before he had to jet back to argentina for his next bout of training and practice games.
“hell yea! group hug!” makki comes running towards you guys, only for you to twist out of his reach at the last second, sending him straight into the sofa behind you. “oof, that was cold, y/n.”
you stick your tongue out at the strawberry boy. “yea, well that’s what you get for laughing at me when i got home. sucker.” still entangled in tooru’s embrace, you feel his body shake with mirth and bite the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from dissolving into giggles when you see a pout take over hiro’s pretty face.
“dinner’s ready,” comes iwa’s call, beckoning the three of you into the kitchen before you could antagonize each other some more. once you all got your servings of curry, you settle into your proclaimed seats on the large sofa, your body comically small compared to their tall frames dwarfing the cushions. noting the way tooru threw his long legs over iwa’s and how mattsun and makki leaned against each other as they ate, you fold your legs to tuck your feet under takahiro’s thigh and dig in to your meal with some trashy reality show lighting up the tv screen, completely certain that the warmth in your chest was from the company of your loved ones more so than the piping hot potatoes in your stomach.
during breakfast the next day, you blearily rub the sleep out of your eyes before taking a sip of your coffee, a satisfied “ahhh” escaping your parted lips as you lean against the kitchen counter. slowly peeling your eyelids open, you notice all of their gazes were focused on you. “yes? can i help you?” you ask amusedly, awake now that caffeine had be introduced to your tired body.
“how are you still so gorgeous in the morning?” you blink at the dreamy look on iwa’s face propped up in his hands with his elbows on the surface of the island. looking around, you see the other three matching the athletic trainer’s pose and expression next to him. thinking over your messy bedhead, mysteriously stained pajamas, and almost impressively dark eyebags, you want to scoff, but the unfairly handsome men giving you their undivided attention despite all of that (“because of all of that, y/n-chan,” tooru would argue) make you blush instead.
“you’re one to talk, haji,” you opt to remark, hoping to divert their focus from you and your rosy cheeks. “and don’t look at me like that,” your pointed finger swinging wildly between the four of them like the needle of a compass. “you already know you guys are way outta my league, you don’t need me to tell you that.” with one last flourish, you wave your hand dismissively before grabbing your mug with both hands, palms warming against the ceramic.
“as wrong as you are, you can’t blame us for wanting to hear the love of our lives compliment us first thing in the morning as we admire her natural beauty,” mattsun grins once he sees the success his words have at deepening the flush on your face. tooru nods gravely in agreement, but it’s makki’s one-two combo of a wink and an air kiss that breaks you. you roll your bottom lip between your teeth to stifle a laugh but release it immediately when the playful atmosphere takes a heady turn. clearing your throat, you pay no heed to their hungry expressions, knowing full well that they all noticed your little action and how they would react to it.
“a-anyways,” you stutter, “i’m gonna go get ready ‘cause i have things to do today so-” you try to slip by, leaving your empty cup in the sink, only to get caught in your tracks by hiro’s long arms. 
“ah, ah, ah, princess. and where do you think you’re going?” soon enough, you find yourself surrounded by your smoking hot boyfriends and heat up in anticipation of their next moves. 
“this so isn’t fair,” you complain aloud, though you were just as eager as they were to get you out of your worn sleep clothes. 
“tough shit, babygirl. guess you’re just gonna have to add four more things to your to-do list, huh?” 
naturally, you leave your errands for some day later in the week when you’re able to walk properly again.
the opportunity comes when you rise earlier than the rest of them, a rare occasion where you found yourself graced with the freedom of sleeping on the outside instead of being sandwiched in the middle of the bed. tiptoeing about, you brush your teeth and get dressed, somehow managing to not wake any of the sleeping beauties. you scribble little love-filled messages on post-it notes and stick them around your apartment on your way out, but not without one last soft smile in the direction of the bedroom, the sight of the four of them cuddled together through the door left ajar renewing your motivation to accomplish your tasks and come home sooner. 
with your laptop bag in tow, you set out for your first destination, settling into a corner booth at the coffee shop with a full cup and a pastry. once you finish your breakfast, you pull out your laptop and get to work, scouring the internet for the perfect gifts for your lovably imperfect partners. you rack your brain for any recollection of any moment where they would’ve let a potential present slip into conversation and light up when you come across volleyball print pajama pants. you check the availability of the sizes you needed and upon realizing that they were all in stock and would be delivered before christmas, you place your order without a moment’s hesitation. satisfied with your progress, you pull up the animal shelter’s hours before heading out of the cafe, the barista’s greetings and the jingling bells echoing behind you. 
by the time you return home, it’s late in the afternoon and you’re greeted by a wall of warm bodies as soon as you step through the front door. 
“where’ve you been, babe?” once again, takahiro is the first to meet your return, but this time he plants a sweet kiss on your lips with his long fingers encircling your waist after his inquiry. 
“oh, you know,” you sigh, dazed from the saccharine embrace. “out and about.”
“busy day? hope it was productive.” you nuzzle into tooru’s chest, feeling the timbre of his voice through your skin, and nod.
“as a matter of fact, it was.” their eyes soften at the proud grin stretched across your face. but your grumbling stomach just had to ruin the moment, making the three of you stare at each other before bursting out in chuckles.
“you skipped lunch?” oiks asks, wrapping each arm around yours and hiro’s waists and guiding you into the kitchen. you rub the back of your neck sheepishly.
“i guess so? i didn’t really notice i was hungry until now.”
“good thing we saved your favorite from that chinese place down the street for you,” mattsun comes up behind you and lands a kiss on the crown of your head. you beam gratefully up at him and skip over to the fridge to retrieve the takeout.
“welcome home, love,” iwaizumi emerges from the bathroom to complete the set and gives you a once over. “you look tired.”
“gee thanks, hajime.” he rolls his eyes playfully at you while you wait for your food to heat up in the microwave.
“what time did you get up this morning?” 
“uhhh,” you start, mouth full. at iwa’s stern glare, you swallow before answering, “seven-ish? earlier than i would’ve like for a vacation day but it was worth it.”
“hm, well i’m glad you had a good day at least.” you shuffle over to kiss his cheek before dropping yourself on top of where tooru and hiro were cuddling on the sofa, eyes drifting around the room to take in the holiday decorations adorning the space.
“thanks, haji. but you’re right, i am sleepy.” suppressing a yawn, you lean back against the broad chests behind you and tuck back into the paper container. “can we take a nap once i’m done?”
“sure thing, babygirl.” the innocent smile mattsun sends your way turns mischievous with his added comment. “we really tuckered ourselves out while you were gone.” you nearly choke but makki’s hand thumping your back helps you dislodge whatever food got caught in your throat. iwa shakes his head and looks to the side in an attempt to hide his face, but the reddening tips of his ears give him away. meanwhile, oikawa catches your eye and winks.
“how else did you suppose we keep ourselves occupied when our baby wasn’t home?” you get up to toss your now empty container, shaking your head as you go. 
“i’m glad to see you at least got the christmas tree up before going at it. god, you’re all insatiable.”
“i mean, it’s hard not to be in this relationship,” hajime grumbles.
“aww, iwa,” makki pushes his lips into an overexaggerated pout. “you make me hard, too.” full-bellied chortles escape the four of you, ignoring iwaizumi’s indignant huffs.
“whatever,” comes his miffed reply, but you know he takes all your antics in stride. soon enough, he returns to the living room with a stack of blankets and finds you and issei added to the pile of limbs tooru and hiro founded. somehow, hajime situates himself to fit perfectly in your cuddle fest, blankets sprawled about to keep you warm.
one last yawn leaves your mouth before you mutter a sleepy, “night, guys. love you,” barely registering the quiet “love you”s you get in return as you drift off, the lights adorning your christmas tree twinkling above you.
christmas day, you wake up before the others again, this time more than willing to feign sleep and revel in the warmth of your shared bed. luckily, you don’t have to wait long for your boys to stir. sitting up, you stretch your arms above you head and begin to climb out of bed only to be caught by the wrist and dragged back down.
“haji, please,” you draw out. “we can finally open the presents under the tree!”
“i don’t care, it’s too early for you to leave me, princess.” you hum as he pulls you closer to him, revisiting your mental note that iwa is much more openly (and selfishly) affectionate in the mornings. 
“oi, the rest of us are still here you know.” face buried against tooru’s back, mattsun’s muffled complaint gets hajime to loosen his hold on you. 
“yea, yea,” he props himself up on his elbow to lean over you and kisses the former middle blocker’s temple. “unfortunately.”
“so mean, iwa-chan,” oikawa pipes up, stretching his arm across you to caress your boyfriend’s toned arm before lacing his fingers with makki’s. the pink haired man himself, still half-asleep, squeezes tooru’s hand before sitting up.
“hey, wait. it’s christmas, isn’t it?” takahiro’s question reminds you of the package you received a couple days prior, prompting you to spring out of bed before one of them could reel you back in. the four watch you rifle through the closet and resurface with the pajama pants you ordered.
“merry christmas!” you cry excitedly, tossing each boy their respective pair and eagerly awaiting their reactions. “they’re matching pj’s! look, i got one for myself, too.” thankful that you chose to go to bed in just one of iwa’s godzilla t-shirts and underwear last night, you rush to slip on your volleyball print pants. the boys take in your childlike joy, chests tightening at how precious you are. “hurry up, i want you to try them on so we can match!” at your insistence, they roll out of bed and dutifully don your gifts. 
“oh these are actually really soft,” tooru murmurs thoughtfully, fingering the fabric on his thigh.
“right?” you pipe up, nearly bouncing off the walls. “i wanted to do something to commemorate our first christmas together in this apartment and i thought these were really cute since volleyball is what brought us together in the first place.” eyes meet each other as you all reminisce that special summer, grateful that you stayed close despite your individual journeys after graduation.
suddenly, the doorbell ringing catches your attention. a brief glance at the clock on the bedside table tells you it’s much later in the morning than you though, but you’re quick to answer the door.
“who could that be?” the boys are left wondering, wandering out into the living room in time to see you wave goodbye to whoever it was with a large gift-wrapped box sitting on the floor next to you. 
“babe? who was it?” tooru is the first to ask the question on all of their minds. 
“oh, just my best friend. they wanted to drop this off on their way to their parents’ house.” you gingerly pick up the box and bring it to where your boys were waiting for you. “go ahead!”
“go ahead?” hajime parrots. 
“yea! open it!”
“it’s not for you?” takahiro ponders.
“well yes and no. c’mon just open it already!” you’re bouncing on the balls of your feet at this point. tooru finally takes the initiative to remove the lid of the box, eyes widening when he sees what it hid.
“oh my gosh,” he breathes. the other three nearly knock heads with how quickly they lean over the opening.
“is that-?” a furry little head pops up over the edge of the box, round eyes peering up at the four of them.
“a dog! yes!” you squeal. “he’s a shelter dog!”
“he is?” hiro is in awe, slowly reaching out to cradle the little guy in his arms.
“i met him the other day when i woke up early and ran errands without you guys. isn’t he just the cutest?” big hands dwarf the small pooch as they gently pet his head and stroke his fur.
“does he have a name?” tooru has the good sense to ask. 
“mhm, the lady at the shelter said his previous owner named him ponyo.”
“ponyo…” issei whispered, eyes shining. 
“i know we’re nowhere near ready to start thinking about kids,” you start, the topic of the conversation instantly drawing their attention. tooru even ignored ponyo’s little tongue lapping at his fingers. “but i thought we could use an addition to our family.” 
“y/n, princess, we obviously all love him already, but we’re busy with work- well, most of us are. who’s gonna take care of him?” hajime questions, almost reluctantly.
“i mean, hiro is home all the time since he’s still unemployed (“i said i was looking, damn!”), but i actually got promoted so my schedule is way more flexible and i can work from home most of the time.” your voice trails off bashfully, but they give you no time to be embarrassed, swallowing you up in a huge hug. 
“why didn’t you say anything sooner, baby? we’re so proud of you!” now you know how the dog felt being smothered by their affection, not that it was anything new for you.
“uhh, surprise?”
“fuck yea, surprise! god, you’re incredible. lemme make a list of things we’ll need to get for ponyo once the stores reopen tomorrow.”
“you didn’t.”
“i did, with help from my best friend.” going into the lowest cupboards in the kitchen, you show off the bag of dog food and water and food bowls you bought soon after visiting the shelter. “his bed and crate are in the other closet by the washroom.”
“how did we get so lucky?” takahiro asks aloud, making you blush as the others nod in sync, all of them blown away by your thoughtfulness.
“this is nothing. i just wanted to show you guys how much i love you.” you play with your fingers, a little overwhelmed now that the initial excitement has worn off. “oh wait!”
“there’s more?” tooru asks, shocked.
“but wait, there’s more!” mattsun and makki chime in simultaneously, making you laugh as you retrieve the last present. you hop over to where tooru was sitting on the sofa with ponyo on his lap, scooping the dog up and locking the two of you in the bathroom. a couple minutes later, you open the door to let ponyo scurry over to his dads, who coo softly once they see him come around the sofa.
“when did you have time to do this?”
“my pants were a little long, so i hemmed them one night after you guys passed out on the sofa watching your old volleyball matches. i kinda guessed ponyo’s measurements based on standard info i found on the internet, but it fits perfectly so i’m glad!” looking at the little sweater you made for your new family member out of the extra fabric from your pj pants, you couldn’t stop the pleased grin that broke out on your face. “now even ponyo matches with us!”
while your gaze was trained on the tiny dog that was exploring his new home, theirs were stuck on you, your resemblance with a proud mother struck something in them, giving them thoughts of you with their children. yes, children. but for now they shoved those images to the backs of their minds, meeting each other’s stares to confirm they were all in silent agreement.
“we’re gonna make breakfast, you just sit there ‘n look pretty while you watch ponyo, yea?” issei announces before pulling you into a searing kiss as he walks by. 
“not that that’s hard for you,” iwa tags on, kissing your cheek and ruffling your hair following mattsun into the kitchen.
“but i’m always hard for you.” you yelp when hiro playfully slaps your ass, flipping him off as he trails after the other two with a loud hoot. tooru comes up behind you and rubs your sore cheek, spinning you around so that you were face to face.
“why’d you do this to me, y/n-chan?” you meet his frown with a confused look of your own. “now it’s gonna be even harder for me to go back to argentina.”
“oh, tooru,” you wrap your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes to bring him close. “you have the next few weeks to spend with us and our new baby.” as if he knew you were talking about him, ponyo pads over to sit by your feet, tail wagging. oikawa sighs melodramatically.
“a few weeks is nothing compared to the months i’ll be gone!” 
“oi, shittykawa, you better not be complaining after everything this morning,” hajime hollers from the kitchen.
“love you, too, iwa-chan!” tooru calls back instinctively then he looks back down at you, his eyes giving away how much leaving will hurt him and it nearly makes you tear up with him.
“tooru, baby, it sucks every time you leave us, but you’re following your dreams and doing what you love. and we want to support you all the way, even if it means doing so from across the world. but with my new work schedule, i’ll be able to call or text you pretty much whenever. and just think how much sweeter it’ll be the next time you do come home to us. so don’t be too sad, okay, my love? we’ll all be here waiting for you.” 
as the last words leave your lips, tooru has you pulled flush against him, arms wrapped tight around your body. his face was hidden, but you could feel the sobs in hot breaths against your shoulder. you guided him over to the sofa and let him cry, petting his hair and peppering kisses on his tear-streaked face until he tired himself out. 
issei, hajime, and takahiro come out of the kitchen with stacks of pancakes and all the fixings, setting them down on the coffee table in front of you once they see tooru snoozing in your lap. iwa picks ponyo up before he could get a bite of your breakfast while you gently shake your boyfriend awake. mattsun and makki set up ponyo’s crate and bedding, leaving him with a toy to keep him occupied while the five of you filled up your plates.
sitting in the living room of the apartment you shared with your four boyfriends on christmas day, stuffing your face with fruit and whipped cream topped pancakes that they made, in matching pajamas with your new rescue dog scampering about, you couldn’t ask for a better gift underneath the tree.
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taglist: @lovemeafterhrs​ @sachirou-senpai​ @honey-makki​ @kenmaki​
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fukurodaze · 4 years
some days
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pairing: post-timeskip! oikawa tooru x fem!reader genre: angst wc: 2.4k warnings: cursing, stress, anxiety, homesickness, insecurity requested by @dasighosamu​ <3: “oikawa video chatting regularly with his girlfriend that somehow convinced him they’re okay [...]”
a/n: i.. am.. so so so sorry this took so long... many of the negative feelings here are taken from my own personal experiences as well, so i’m very sorry if this seems a bit impersonal for some people, but i tried to make it feel as y/n-able as possible! enjoy!
special thanks to nat @natszoo​ for beta reading! love u :(
LISTEN TO: blue - taeyeon; through the night - iu
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you feel it in your bones. you feel it rumble and twist and turn. some days you feel it more. some days you feel it less. you know what it is today. 
it’s so empty, you think, movements like a crack of sound in silence. you had woken up in the afternoon today, the room still dark yet covers already warm. oh, you feel disgusting.
the least you do is open the curtains, hoping to squeeze in some sunlight for the day you had almost missed. you remember, though, to wake up for today, because it’s saturday. you look forward to saturdays, actually, because it has in store one constant that you hold onto - facetiming your boyfriend, oikawa tooru, at 7pm.
it used to be everyday that you facetimed him, until careers advanced and work took up more and more space in lives. still, you would always watch his matches when they were televised (it was a hassle sometimes, though, to get through to argentinian television channels, but it was worth it) and he would text you good morning and goodnight in your timezone most days (it slips his mind sometimes, but you could never blame him; you like the texts anyways). and it’s okay, really, it’s okay that you don’t get to see him that often. it’s just that work gets a bit harsh sometimes and you live alone and most of your friends live quite a bit far from you and you feel like you’ve cried to them about tooru way too many times and-
okay, you are not okay. but you hold on. you try to hold on.
you get yourself an instant meal in the fridge, feeling well into the shitty weekend when you see the stack of dirty dishes in the sink. you wash them anyways, thinking that it might be a way for you to feel a little bit better. you don’t want to be irritable when you’re with tooru, because then he’ll just worry. he already worries enough about himself - the least you could do is smile. right?
it’s what you tell yourself as you slap on some skincare, hoping that the various products containing tea tree essence and papaya are enough to mask the layer of sleepless nights and early mornings on your face. it’s not like you’re afraid of him seeing you in your dejected state; it’s more like you wouldn’t want the only time you spend with him this week be a negative memory.
now, you settle on the carpeted floor of the living room, laptop placed on the coffee table between the couch and the tv you never really use anymore. you remember when tooru had bought you this apartment right before an off-season with promises of him visiting in the summer. he even insisted on that nice tv screen for netflix nights. 
but alone, you prefer a laptop; so you’re thinking of selling it, yet you don’t want to pass up on the chance that tooru might come back one summer.
eventually, the facetime on your laptop sounds its ringtone, and a smile grows on your face as quickly as you pick up the video call. 
"wait- can- can you hear me well?”
you purse your lips, your tired eyes seemingly so much more eager to stay open. you say, “yeah, i can hear you well. can you?”
he hums, and there’s a loving silence that ensues. you don’t really know what to do with your insides feeling all warm again, so you fold your legs to your chest and let out a light laugh. it’s him.
“wow,” you mumble through chuckles, “hi, tooru.”
“i missed you, pretty girl,” he coos. you see how tooru has his back against his headboard, one arm folded behind his head and the other holding his phone up. it’s seven in the morning there, you reckon, and he looks like he’d just showered. 
“i missed you too. just showered?”
your boyfriend nods, “woke up later than usual today, but it’s, like, hot outside even at six in the morning. or maybe i just sweat too much.”
you giggle, “here, it’s so cold already. i can’t even go anywhere without a sweater - i even sleep with socks these days.”
“are you sure your heater’s doing fine?”
“my heater’s almost on its highest setting. i’ve just been getting so cold lately? maybe i just hate winter...” you trail off as you hear your own stomach grumble. still hungry...? you mutter to yourself, standing up to get a little snack for yourself, “tooru, i’m getting a snack. just keep talking, though, i can hear you.”
tooru’s smile falters a bit when he hears of you getting cold. he knows you’ve never really minded winter, using the season as an opportunity to stack up on cozy clothing and coats. hell, he had heard you say once, during one autumn, that you were so excited for winter because “you could finally wear the hoodies and sweaters since you felt too warm for them even during autumn and spring.” back then, tooru had told you that you were just too warm of a person. 
but maybe he’s just thinking too much into it. he hasn’t been to japan in a long time, anyways. maybe it really is that cold.
you come back with some toast and a glass of water. a crisp, warm bite into the food makes you feel relieved. you tuck your hair behind your ears, putting your focus back on tooru. “so, how’s everything?”
“everything... is... a lot.” tooru makes his way off of the bed, telling you, “seeing you eat just makes me hungry, too. lemme get some food.” he brings his phone with him to the kitchen, propping it against a vase on his dining table, giving you a perfect view of the kitchen. 
“welcome to my cooking show!” he exclaims as he lets go of the phone. it falls immediately, of course, but he takes care in propping it against some more items. it works somehow.
“i just recently perfected my egg poaching technique,” tooru smirks as he takes two eggs from the fridge, “it’s kind of flawless, not gonna lie.”
“can i see?” 
he sets the eggs down on the countertop, making his way to his phone before pausing, “erm, due to camera placement issues and a shortage of hands, i am unable to give you a full view of my absolute skill. is that okay, baby?”
you nod, your lip protruding slightly in a quiet pout. tooru’s pointed it out before, but it seems like every time he calls you baby your body automatically responds with a little pout. he looks at you with calm eyes, “cute.”
as he makes his eggs, you let him go on about the people around his neighbourhood, the results of the ca san juan tryouts from last week, his new team members, and one restaurant he’s found around town. he tells you, “their food is just so good. i’ll take you there someday.”
your cheeks raise slightly at his last statement, “really? tell me more about it.”
“well, it’s a bit expensive, but so worth it. they sell japanese stuff, actually, and i seriously kid you not, it tastes exactly like food from home.”
home, huh? 
“maybe when i visit one day i can bring you some food from home, too.”
somehow, the mention of home stings a little bit tonight.
 it’s an off-day, off-night, off-week, you’ve told yourself, and now that the week is ending with a call from your boyfriend, you were positive that it was going to end on a high. here, you stand corrected, with your throat getting all tied up threatening hot tears from the corners of your eyes. you’ve made it this far in the week, why must you cry in front of tooru, of all people? 
you take a long gulp from your glass of water in an attempt to blink back your tears. you’re glad that tooru’s back is facing the camera as he takes out a plate to put his eggs on. 
you quiet down intensely, afraid that any word out of your mouth will come out as a choked sob. of course, tooru notices, whipping his head around with a faltering smile.
“y/n, are you alright-”
“um, tooru, i think my laptop’s running out of battery, so i’ll reconnect the call from my phone instead, yeah?”
tooru nods, and you hastily stand up, clicking blindly at what you thought was the red hang-up button. your legs carry you to the kitchen, a place where tooru can still hear you even after the both of you thought you had hung up, to get another glass of water. 
but your arms don’t go so far as to reach for the tap, and instead, they only hold onto the edge of the countertop, trembling lightly against the cold marble. 
“shit,” you curse, head hanging as tears flow down your cheeks in warm waterfalls with your breath unsteady, your neck heating up. you see how some teardrops make little puddles on the shiny countertop, and some are swept away when your hand flies over to rid them, swiping in quick motions, angry that your body betrayed you by crying.
“stop crying, goddamnit.” you mutter, “it’s going to be so obvious, and tooru’s just going to worry, and he’ll just find it a hassle to stay with you, and-” you can’t even continue your spoken train of thought when you choke on your own words, your legs not even enough to support you up. 
“what a shitty week...” you slide down to the floor, trying to steady your breath. you tell yourself to hurry up with this damned cry, as you told him you were going to call him again on your phone. maybe you could say it was the wifi. 
you look up, wondering why, why do i feel like this?
is it because you just miss him? is work just getting hectic? should you be going out more? but it’s cold... nothing’s been working out lately. it’s just become doubts on top of doubts and you don’t know where to stop.
on the other hand, tooru’s freezing up. he can still hear your sniffles from afar, and as he stares at the warm plate of poached eggs on toast, he wonders if it would be okay to call out to you. 
it’s not like this is the first time he’s ever seen you cry, because you two have seen each other in more ways than one. still, tooru feels his heart crumble at the fact that he had had absolutely no clue as to what you had been feeling all this time, whether it be just a week, a few days, or a few hours. he wants to call out to you, hug you tight, wipe your tears, do something to make you feel better. 
but tooru doesn’t really know how to make his way through this, seeing as the distance is too far for any physical comfort. he’s learned he’s not as good with comforting words as he is with flirting, but now that he doesn’t flirt with anyone other than you, he doesn’t know if he even is good with words at all. he thinks, if you were to be okay with him reaching out to you, why were you choking back your tears? why were you so quick to hide what you felt? why do you not want him to worry about you the same way you worry about him?
tooru likes to think things through, especially when he’s never felt so unprepared with you before, as he’d been used to resorting to physical comfort in the past. but in this moment, through all the doubts and negative thoughts, his mouth moves faster than his brain.
“y/n, i’m still here.”
in this moment, your breath hitches and you make the dreaded way back to your laptop, your eyes swollen and cheeks glossy. 
“y-you heard everything?” 
your boyfriend nods, “do... do you want to talk about it?”
you shrug, swallowing slowly. “i don’t know how to talk about it, really,” a shallow laugh falls from your lips, “some days- this week- it’s just not... it’s been low, for me.”
tooru’s chin leans patiently against his forearms, eyes focused on you. 
“oh god. i haven’t cried in months,” you exhale, “and it just happened to be in front of you. i probably look ugly, or something.”
your boyfriend shakes his head, “you and ugly are words that simply do not go together.”
“you can keep crying, if you want. i’ll be here for you.” he affirms, “we take care of each other at our lows, remember? no matter the distance.”
you sniffle a bit more, your sweater sleeve damp from your tears. his words are new, but it makes you feel much less alone. 
the call fades into you attempting to steady your breathing once more, and tooru reassuring you left and right. maybe it does feel nice, you begin to think, to have someone there with you. to know that they’ll care for you as much as you’ll care for them.
in the midst of your thoughts, tooru calls out, “y/n?”
you hum in response, and he continues, “i wasn’t supposed to tell you this, since it’s not final, but there’s a possibility that i’ve been selected to play for the argentinian national team in the olympics next year. in tokyo.”
you do a double take at him. “wait, you... in japan...?”
he loves seeing you smile like that. “i was called in a meeting yesterday. they were pretty positive about me being a starting setter, but, again, it’s not final.”
your shoulders drop a bit, “but there’s always a chance, right?”
“well, ‘not final’ is just their way of saying ‘don’t tell anyone yet’. and how could i not tell you?”
you giggle a little, “maybe if you come over i might have some use for this big ass tv you bought for me.”
tooru laughs, “i’m coming home, y/n.”
here comes your second wave of tears.
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hellsenthero · 4 years
New Life
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Written by: hellsenthero
Bucky X FemReader
Just as Bucky gets home from his mission you find out you’re pregnant. With a flustered mind you quickly leave your fiancé at home to go out making Bucky draw to some wrong conclusions.
Square filled: Pregnant Reader
Warnings: None. (1.6k Words)
A sudden gasp escaped your lips as you looked down at the little white stick in your hands, the two pink lines staring up at you reeling you back into reality. 
“Ohhh…” Is the only word in your vocabulary as you continue to stare with wide eyes, your mouth half open in shock before a knock on the bathroom door rattles you. 
“Y/N,” Bucky says from the other side of the door, “I’m back. You in there?” Shoving the test into the pocket of your hoody you clear your throat before answering your fiancé. 
“Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute.” You hastily began cleaning up the bathroom, making sure to hide the pregnancy test box and instructions at the very bottom of the trash, you hadn’t expected Bucky to be home from his mission just yet. You also hadn’t told him about your missed period or pregnancy concerts. After all, he’d told you before that he didn’t think he could even have kids with all the shit Hydra’s put his body through. 
Well guess what Bucky, turns out you can knock a girl up. You think to yourself. With all evidence hidden away, you take a calming breath as you look yourself over in the mirror. Your eyes are slightly glassy, dark bags beneath from the many early mornings you’ve spent with your head in the toilet, your face is flushed with equal parts shock and excitement and you can’t help but smile at yourself in the mirror. You’re going to have a baby. 
You’ve always liked the idea of having kids, so while this was all a shock to you, you weren’t disappointed at all, you were happy. The only question in your mind now was; would Bucky be happy about this? 
Stepping out of the bathroom you walk over to Bucky who’s sat patiently on the bed, waiting for the bathroom to free up so he can wash away all the dirt and sweat from his body. 
“You’re back early, everything go okay?” You ask him, wrapping your arms around his neck you press a quick kiss to his lips. 
“Yeah, we got all the intel we were after.” He answers as he slides his hands down your back and towards your waist. You pull back quickly before stepping out of Bucky’s arms. With the pregnancy test hidden in your pocket you couldn’t have him wrapping his arms around you there and finding out about your little secret. Not yet, anyways. You pretend to not see the concern in your fiancé’s eyes as you walk over to your wardrobe, pulling free your jacket you slip it on before facing Bucky. 
“I’m gonna head out to the store, there’s some things I need to pick up. You should wash up, there’s left over pasta in the fridge if you’re hungry.” Before you can get an answer back, you leave the room. 
Going to the store was an obvious lie to both you and Bucky, but in your frazzled state, you don’t particularly care. Instead you head out in the direction of your local coffee shop, pulling out your phone you call the one person who you think has the answers you’re looking for--Steve. 
“Hey Steve,” you begin after he picks up on the second ring, “do you have some free time right now by any chance?” 
“Hi Y/N, yeah I’m free. Is everything okay?” He asks. A small smile graces your lips at his words. With his friendship with Bucky and concern for others you couldn’t help but love and trust the Captain. 
“Yeah, everything’s fine. I was just hoping we could talk about some things. It's about Bucky so if he texts you please don’t let him know we’re meeting, he thinks I’m out at the store.”
“Uh, yeah, sure thing.” Steve answers, you can hear by his tone of voice he’s trying to figure out what’s going on with you and Bucky. 
“Great, then I’ll meet you at the Espresso Hut.” You tell him before hanging up. 
It’s only ten minutes later before Steve shows up wearing a baseball cap and shades in a pathetic attempt to stay anonymous to others. 
“Hey,” you greet him as he takes the seat opposite you, his hands wrapping around the warm latte you took the liberty of ordering for him. 
“Hey, you sure everything’s okay Y/N/N? We don’t usually meet like this.” Talking a sip of your decaf coffee, something you’ll unfortunately have to get used to over the next nine or so months, you nod your head. 
“Yeah, well I wanted to ask you…” you pause, thinking over your next words, “has Bucky ever talked to you about wanting kids?” Steve’s eyebrows raise in surprise, not expecting your question. “I know this is personal, but everytime I try talking to him about it he just changes topics. The most he’s said on the matter is that he doesn’t think he can have kids, but he’s never told me if he even wants them. I was hoping maybe, well, maybe he’s told you more on the matter?” You ask softly. You look away from Steve’s knowing gaze to down at your lap, your hands folded over top your stomach as you fiddle with your fingers nervously. 
“You’re pregnant?” Steve says it less as a question and more as a statement but still, you nod your head and answer. 
“Yeah, I just found out and I’m happy about it, really happy. I just don’t know if Bucky will be and it’s stressing me out, I don’t think I could handle him being disappointed at this.” You say truthfully as you look back up. Steve’s full lips spread into a wide smile before he’s leaning across the table and wrapping a gentle arm around you. 
“Congratulations Y/N, that’s great news.” 
“Thanks.” You say before pulling back from the hug. Situating himself in his seat once more Steve reaches a hand out to you, clansping it gently he gives a small squeez. 
“I don’t think you have anything to worry about, doll.” A light blush covers your cheeks as you smile. 
“Really?” You can’t help but double check. 
“Really.” Steve answers with a small nod and wide smile. 
“Well, in that case I really should be heading out to the store.” You tell him. 
By the time you enter your front door you’d been gone for a little over two hours. Stepping inside the fresh scent of vanilla catches your nose as heavy footsteps make their way towards you. 
“You’ve been gone for two hours.” Bucky says by way of greeting as he comes around the corner. 
“Yeah sorry about that, I had a few different places to go to.” You say as you shake off your jacket. Bucky nods his head but you see a flash of worry in his eyes as he looks away from you and down at the floor. “What’s wrong?” You ask him as you take a step towards him, your hand coming to rest gently against Bucky’s cheek. Your fiancé shrugs his shoulders as his head tilts up, his blue eyes meeting your own. 
“You tell me. I’ve been gone for a week on a mission and the second I get home you can’t wait to be rid of me, so much so that you literally ran out the door.” He says, gesturing to your front door behind you. “Are you upset about the missions?” He asks. 
“Oh bub, no,” you say softy, shaking your head at him, “I just, I found out some news just before you got home and then I had to go out to get some...stuff, for it.” Bucky’s dark brows furrowed in confusion, his eyes looking you over. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, his voice thick with concern. You nod your head as you gently push him back from you before you grab his hand and walk him into your living room. 
“I’m fine. But I have something for you.” Sitting Bucky on the couch you reach into the shopping bag you carried with you into the house. Pulling out a white box that you got the cashier to wrap up at the store you set it gently onto Bucky’s lap. “Open it up.” You tell him. 
With a look of curiosity Bucky gently undoes the yellow ribbon on the box before opening it up. With both hands he pulls out a small grey onesie with Daddy’s sidekick written on the front in bold black letters. Bucky’s blue eyes widen in shock, his mouth dropping open as he looks between you and the onesie and back again. 
“Really?” He gasps. With tears threatening to slip down your cheeks you nod your head, a smile gracing your lips. 
“Are you-” Before you can finish your question, Bucky’s already standing before you and wrapping you tightly in his arms, his face coming to rest in the crook of your neck where you can feel his hot tears against your skin. 
“We’re having a baby.” He whispers. 
“We’re having a baby.” You repeat with joy. Bucky pulls away from your neck, his eyes meeting yours. 
“You’ve made me the happiest man in this whole damn galaxy, you know that Y/N/N.” Before you can answer Bucky is already kneeling on the floor, resting his forehead against your stomach and his hands on your waist he whispers softly, “Hi baby, it’s your pop. You have no idea how many nights I’ve dreamt about you. I love you so much already.” 
As a laugh escapes you at his words you can’t help but think to yourself; this new chapter is going to be something special.
I hope you enjoyed the read, don’t forget to check out Bucky Bingo. 
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causalgelato1993445 · 3 years
Drunken Snaps & Unrequited love
Chapter two
pairing: felix x reader, with a hint of chan
word count: 1,376 
warnings: mentions of alcohol abuse and fighting
group: skz
The morning is fresh, and rich with the smell of earthy autumn leaves. A cool breeze drifts through the holes in my cream sweater, and on any other day, I'd exhale with a smile and thank the universe for a cool day to break the cycle of endless heat. Today, however, I'm holding in that breath. My body is tense and stiff. I’ve dreaded this Monday morning and its consequences for two days.
As I slide into the seat of my car, I open snapchat, and read over the messages to which I still haven't responded. Part of me feels guilty, and rightfully so. Felix does not deserve to be left on open. However the situation is tricky, and I fear saying the wrong thing. 
Last Friday, I made a big mistake.
Before Christopher arrived, Felix Lee and I were best friends. We grew up together, experienced middle school alongside one another. We giggled together when Mrs. Miller would mispronounce words, or when Peter DeWitt would run down the halls screaming profanities. The beauty of public school was the friends i’d made, and the heartbreaks, and the fights and make ups. And all the while the smaller blonde remained by my side, faithfully, as if it were his only responsibility.
It never occurred to me why…
Felix is a straight A student. He does his community service at the local animal shelter to play with all the “lonely dogs”. He’s on the swim team, and swimming has given him a beautiful physique, but the boy only wears baggy sweaters and hoodies. He is trustworthy and patient, and anyone would be lucky to have him. And yet, he chose me.
In another life, if I'd never met Christopher, I might have loved felix.
When Chris moved here, and started school our freshman year, Felix grew distant. He hung around less, came over less, and began cancelling plans. He snarled his nose when I would speak of chris. He would act annoyed when I would lose myself in thoughts of him. And now, I understand.
The smell of sweat, and ungodly amounts of Victoria's secret perfume hits me like a brick as I walk through the doors. I’m eyeing my surroundings, turning every corner with caution so I don't run into Felix unintentionally. Of course, I plan on confronting him eventually, but for now, avoiding him seems to be the most promising option. The homeroom bell has not rung yet, so i opt for a quick stop by my locker. It would benefit my stressed out mind not to have 30 extra pounds of weight on my back.
But my heart stops when I see him standing at my locker. Why him, why now. 
“uh...Chris. What’s up?”
He’s leaning against my locker, arms crossed with a friendly smile. 
“Oh, hey, I was waiting for you!” He speaks in his thick aussie accent. I do my best not to melt into a puddle.
“Yea, I noticed. What can I help you with?” I ask. It’s too early for this.
“Actually, (y/n) was it? I need some help with something, and I was told you could help. Do you know Clara?” He asks. I flinch at the name. And suddenly i realize, she was the blonde girl with the flowers.
“You mean Clara Casteel? Yeah, Why?”
“Well,” he reaches a hand up to scratch the back of his neck. “I was hoping you would talk to her for me.”
“uhhh...Clara and I haven't talked since 5th grade. You know we aren’t-”
“I know I know, the big fight, your parents, the drinking. You aren’t friends with her anymore. But why would that stop you from at least trying?” He persists. I stare at him in confusion. Why would he push me to talk to her if he knew what had happened. And who told him that I would?
“I...i’m gonna get to class.” I mutter, brows furrowed.
The lunch bell rings, and I’m awoken from my class nap. Nobody seems to have suspected anything. I rise from my seat slowly and stretch out my stiff limbs. Something catches my eye. A tiny ghost notification. My heart beats a little faster and I curse at myself for being so afraid. 
I open up a snap, and as I suspected, it’s felix. This time, without thinking i open it to reveal all four messages. 
“(y/n)? Did you get my snap?”
“Am I bothering you?”
“When can I see you?” and finally
“(y/n) i’m sitting in the far left corner at the empty table. Please come sit with me.”
I sigh, collecting my things and trudging to the lunchroom. When I arrive, marissa waves me over, but my eyes instinctively drift to the far left corner. And there he is. In front of him is a single chocolate muffin and a ceramic travel mug of tea. He’s sporting an oversized blue knit sweater and a pair of ripped jeans, his platinum locks tousled from the outdoor wind. He must have walked to starbucks for lunch. 
The boy has his slim legs crossed at the calves, and he’s giggling at something on his phone. I almost want to go sit with him. I start to turn to head towards marissa’s table, when i see felix pop his head up. He immediately looks at me, and breaks out in a grin. Suddenly, the boy waves me over, pulling a small Starbucks bag up from the seat next to him. Que the guilt.
Against my better judgement I start to walk over, and he’s practically buzzing with excitement. When I reach the table, the boy is at his peak of happiness. 
“Oh, (y/n) for a second i thought you wouldn’t show, but i’m so glad you did. I saw you finally opened my snaps, you must not have gotten them until today.” he rambles. I crack a smile. 
“Yeah, I got them. Is that for me?” I smirk. He grins, and he resembles the sun.
“Oh, yeah! It's a lemon pound cake. I know it’s your favorite.” he bounces it off his seat as he hands it to me. It’s a little crumbled. I chuckle.
The blonde stares down bashfully as I take a bite of it, pulling his small hands into the holes of his sleeves. For a minute I can see the sheer infatuation in his eyes. He’s so genuine, and full of life. He deserves to have someone, he deserves to be loved on. But I just don’t want to push him further away than I already had.
“You know,” he mumbles, “I almost questioned if that snap was even for me. But why else would you have talked to me at hyunjin’s party?” I frown, resting my chin on my palm. “Anyway, I'm glad you did. I’ve loved you since 6th grade. I felt so bad for you after what happened with Clara. I thought you were still hung up on chris.”
“Well…” I begin “we’ll see what happens.” I gave a weak smile, taking another bite of the treat. 
“Can I take you out this weekend? Well, I mean...you’ll have to drive us, but dinner is on me.” he smiles bashfully. 
Before I have the opportunity to answer, the bell rings yet again. We stand, and Felix does a small stretch. He waddles over to me with his arms outstretched, and embraces me around my waist. He has a look of joy on his face, almost as if he were a child holding a puppy. 
As the lunchroom grows empty, the boy looks at me in the eyes for the first time with red cheeks. Platinum bangs falling into his eyes. 
“(y/n), i missed you. Please don’t forget about me this time.” he whispers. The room is silent as we stand alone in the far left corner of the lunch room. I brush the hair away from his face and he wrinkles his nose. 
“I’ll pick you up at 5:00 on friday” I whisper to him, letting go of his small body and exiting through the metal doors. 
Outside the art room, Clara Casteel giggles, twirling her hair as Chris smiles his lopsided smile. Our eyes meet as I pass by.
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davidpastrsnack · 4 years
drive (pt. 2) - matthew tkachuk
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a/n: ngl i’m not obsessed with this chapter. it’s kind of a filler but i promise things will get more juicy in the next one. hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
part one
Your eyebrows furrowed at his words as you looked at him in complete shock. 
You must have been hearing things, because there was no way Matthew just asked you to move to Calgary with him. 
“What?” you exclaimed. “You’re right, I do think you’re crazy,” you said with a chuckle. 
Matthew sat up straighter in the chair preparing to make his case, your body shifting with his. 
“Why? You’re just going to live at home while you try to figure out this job stuff, so why not do it with me in Calgary?” he spoke like it was the most obvious thing ever. 
He was dead serious about this. 
“Matthew, it's not that simple. I can’t just pick up and move with no plan. And to a different country? There’s a little thing called a border.”
“I’ll have my agent help with anything you need for your visa and I have a spare bedroom. Come on, Y/N. No offense to them, but do you want to spend your first year out of college living with your parents or with me?” he questioned. 
You rolled your eyes at his comment, you knew he loved your parents but he had a point. Still, there was just no way this would work out. You had only met some of his teammates once before, and now you’re just supposed to join their circle? Not to mention your feelings for him were at the forefront of your mind. You felt lucky that you never had to watch girl after girl fall at his feet because that wasn’t his life back home. It was a perfect example of ignorance is bliss. Moving to the city with him would rip that ignorance away and you didn’t know if you could handle that. 
You were silent for a minute, the only sound being the crackling of the fire and the crickets. You looked down and played with the sleeves of his sweatshirt, trying to gather your thoughts as he gazed at you hopefully. 
“Matty,” you started, “I appreciate you trying to help me, but I don’t see this happening. I don’t even have a job, how am I supposed to pay for a huge move like this?” you asked, not expecting an answer, but he had one anyway. 
“Is that a joke?” He laughed. “Not to sound like an asshole, but have you seen my contract? Y/N, I have more money than I’ll ever know what to do with.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “When have you ever tried not to sound like an asshole.”
He scoffed right back, but the words that followed were his most sincere of the night. “Just think about it, please, Y/N. I hate to see you so stressed about everything, you don’t deserve it. So just let me take care of you,” he whispered, looking up at you with the softest eyes. 
Your heart ached at his words. No matter how much you denied it, you were completely and utterly fucked for this man. If you went with him you knew it would only be a matter of time before you exposed yourself, which would most likely result in your lifelong friendship blowing up. You couldn’t let that happen. 
But before you could speak again, he opened his mouth, “Listen, I’m not letting you say no tonight. Sleep on it.”
“Fine,” you groaned, standing up from your post across his thighs. “I’ll think about it.”
He jumped up after you, throwing his arm around your shoulders pulling you in close while you both walked towards the house. 
“Just think about how much fun we’re gonna have. It’s cold though, you’re gonna have to get over that,” he chirped with a cheeky grin.  
“Well good thing I haven’t said yes,” you teased back, slipping inside the door he held open for you. 
You woke up to the sun pouring through your windows, mentally cursing yourself for forgetting to close the curtains last night. You weren’t surprised though, your brain was absolute mush after hearing Matthew’s proposal. You rolled over to check your phone, the screen reading 7:12am. 
“Fuck,” you mumbled into your pillow. Emma was still passed out next to you, the bright light not at all phasing her. You ran your hands over your face, pausing to tangle them in your hair. It was way too early, but you also knew there was no chance of falling back asleep, so you pulled yourself out of bed and headed into the bathroom. 
You barely slept that night, there was just too much on your mind. The more you thought about it, you realized Matthew was right. It would be good for you to do something new during this time of your life. No matter how much you tried to resist it, you could feel him slowly but surely luring you in. 
You headed downstairs into the kitchen, needing caffeine immediately if you were going to be awake this early. You had the whole space to yourself and you sat on top of the counter while you waited for the coffee machine to heat up. The house was quiet and the view of the lake was helping to calm all your uncertainties. The water was flat like glass, the reflection of the trees clear as a photograph. You quickly got lost in the peaceful image, not even hearing the front door open. 
“Morning, sunshine,” you heard from behind you. 
He may have been on a mini vacation this weekend, but Matthew still started training camp in two weeks. He had clearly just come back from a run, his tall frame standing in front of you in just a pair of sneakers and basketball shorts. His toned chest was glistening with sweat and you had to physically pull your eyes away before he caught you staring. 
“Morning,” you replied, returning your gaze to the windows. 
“What are you doing down here? I’ve never seen you get up before ten unless you absolutely had to,” he spoke as he grabbed water from the fridge. Damn him for knowing you so well. 
“Uh- I don’t know,” you nervously muttered, not wanting to admit that you were up all night thinking about him. 
“Busy making up your mind?” he smirked, leaning against the countertop giving you the perfect view of his flexed arms. 
You rolled your eyes, mumbling a thank you as he slid a cup of coffee towards you, made exactly how you liked it. The two of you sat there for a few minutes slowly sipping the hot liquid from the matching mugs. Matthew was busy texting Keith and his trainer, both making sure that he was staying on track while away from the gym, while you kept admiring the lake. It never failed to amaze you how comfortable you two were around each other. The room was silent, but it wasn’t awkward at all. In that moment you decided it was time to give him an answer, suddenly throwing all caution to the wind. 
“Matty?” you asked, turning your body to face his as he sat on the stool next to you. 
“Hmm?” he responded, putting his phone to the side and meeting your gaze. 
You took in a long breath, wondering if you were really about to do this. 
“I’ll go with you,” you spoke softly. 
The grin that spread on his face was unmatched to anything else you had ever seen. The corners of his mouth were practically reaching his forehead and his baby blue eyes lit up at your words. 
“I’m sorry, what was that? I didn’t quite hear you,” he teased, gloating in the fact that he convinced you. 
“Matthew I will change my mind right now.”
“No, no way,” he stood up, stepping closer and wrapping you up in his arms, squeezing your frame tight as it sunk in that you were really coming with him. 
Your body relaxed in his grasp, your arms slinking around his waist to hold him to you. His head rested on top of yours, both of you so at ease with the other. 
“I promise you won’t regret it,” he whispered. 
“You need to shower,” you joked, feeling like it was time to break the embrace. There was only so long friends could hug platonically and you guys were seconds away from crossing that line. 
He laughed as he finally pulled away, “Whatever you say, roomie.” 
Your head twisted to the other side of the room to see Brady standing in the hall. Great, you thought, just what you needed. It was one thing for you and Matthew to talk about this but you couldn’t deny that you were nervous to see everyone’s reactions, especially both of your families.  
“Y/N is coming to Calgary with me,” Matthew stated. You waited for Brady’s next words, noting the warning glare his older brother was sending him. 
“She is?” he raised his eyebrows, shifting his gaze to you. The look on his face was worth a thousand words: Brady was onto you. 
But little did you know, he was also onto Matthew. 
“Yup,” you anxiously laughed.
To say it was awkward would be the understatement of the century. 
“Alright well I’m gonna go shower,” Matthew broke the silence, moving towards the staircase to go upstairs. 
You and Brady nodded, neither one of you speaking until he was out of sight. Your eyes were focused on the cup of coffee in front you, refusing to make eye contact with him because you knew what was coming. 
“You know, I don’t even think I need to say anything,” he started. 
You scoffed louded at his words, standing up to go back into your room to get ready for the day. You weren’t in the mood for his teasing, especially not when it only reminded you of what you would never have. 
“Y/N, wait,” he pleaded, his attitude quickly shifting, the regret clear in his voice. 
“What, Brady?” you snapped, turning to face him. 
“It’s not just you. He’s compared every girl to you for as long as I can remember.”
You shook your head at him in disbelief. There was no way that was true, and Brady was seriously messed up if he thought screwing with you like this was funny. 
“Look, you don’t have to agree with me right now, but I’m giving you two a month of living together before you finally pull your heads out of your asses,” he stated confidently. 
“Don’t hold your breath,” you chuckled, finally heading up the stairs. 
Just a week later you found yourself arriving at Calgary International Airport, Matthew right by your side. Your parents had been more supportive of your decision than you expected, but then again they had always loved Matthew. The two of you were sitting by the baggage claim waiting for your luggage when the exhaustion of the day finally hit. On top of that, the airline warned that there were baggage delays, so you didn’t plan on getting out of here soon. You didn’t mean to, but you let out an obnoxiously loud yawn as you caught up on your social media feeds. 
“You alright there?” Matthew joked, looking at you with his eyebrows raised. 
“Yes, dad, I’m fine,” you countered. 
“I’m gonna go get coffee, we both need it. The usual?” he asked, standing up before you could tell him he didn’t have to get it for you. 
You knew he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so you opted for a simple nod. Just a few moments later, a young boy who was with a man that you assumed was his father tentatively walked up to you. 
“Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you, but was that Matthew Tkachuk?” the man inquired. 
You smiled at them both, remembering that Matthew wasn’t exactly nobody in this city. “Yeah, it is.” The boy’s face lit up at your words, clearly a huge Flames fan. 
“You guys can wait with me, he should be back any minute now and I’m sure he’d love to say hi,” you encouraged. No matter how well known Matthew had become, he always made the time to stop for kids. 
The pair sat down across from your seat, patiently waiting for the hockey player’s return. It wasn’t long until you saw him walking back towards you, two coffees in hand. When he saw the people with you he had a quizzical look on his face, but you gave him a gentle nod to let him know it was okay. Once he got closer, he realized just what was happening. 
“Hi there,” he smiled, “I’m Matthew.” He paused to hand you your coffee before shaking hands with the man and sinking down to his knees to fist bump the boy. 
They settled into an easy conversation, the boy finally warming up after the shock of meeting one of his idols. Matthew was unbelievably good with kids, and no matter how many times you saw it, he still made your heart flutter each time. It came so naturally to him, and you couldn’t help but let your mind wander to how incredible of a father he was going to be someday. After you took some pictures and Matthew signed a few autographs, the pair went back to their own baggage carousel. 
He settled back into his chair next to yours, sighing as he ran his hands through his brown curls. 
“That was really nice of you, Matthew,” 
“It’s nothing. I used to be that kid,” he said, trying to brush it off. 
“I’m serious, you didn’t have to do that. You’re a great person when you want to be,” you teased. 
“Yeah? And how’s that coffee I just went to get you?” he chirped right back, bumping his shoulder into yours with a grin across his face. 
After Matthew stubbornly refused to let you carry your own bags out, you two were finally sitting in the back of an Uber on the way to his apartment. It was nearly dusk and the city was lit up with the beautiful, golden light of the approaching sunset. 
“It’s nice, isn’t it?” you heard from beside you, Matthew’s voice snapping you out of your daze. 
“Yeah it is,” you smiled, meeting his gaze to find him already looking at you. 
It didn’t take long for you to arrive at his building, Matthew stopping at the front desk to introduce you to the concierge. It was the first of what you assumed to be many times someone would be confused by your situation, and you knew you would soon get used to saying, “Oh no, we’re not- we’re just friends.”
After heading up the elevator and walking down the hall, Matthew unlocked his door, letting you walk in first as he followed. 
“Wow, not bad,” you mumbled, taking in the interior. It was the definition of a bachelor’s pad, the dark, sleek design a clear reflection of his lifestyle. 
“I just moved in at the end of last season so it’s missing some things, but yeah, it’s not bad,” he laughed. 
You walked over to the floor length windows taking in the view of the lit up city around you. You crossed your arms over your chest, the fact that you were really here was definitely settling in. But something about it just felt right, like you belonged here. Matthew’s body slid next to yours, joining you to admire his home after so long away. 
“I’ll show you around tomorrow and we can get dinner or something with the guys that are back already,” he spoke, pulling you into his side with his arm. Your head fell to rest on his shoulder. “I really want this to feel like home for you,” he said softly. 
You slipped your arms around his torso reciprocating his embrace, “Thank you, Matty.”
“Let me show you your room,” he spoke as he grabbed your hand to guide you into the rest of the apartment. 
You and Matthew spent the night unpacking and settling in. He ordered food, making sure to give you the rundown on all his favorite spots, before putting on a movie. After eating more than either of you should have, you found yourself cuddled into his side on the couch, a fuzzy blanket covering your bodies and his frame vibrating beneath you each time he laughed at the screen. You don’t remember when, but at some point you drifted off on his chest, only to be woken up to him carrying you to bed. 
Yeah, you could get used to this. 
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ohpedromypedro · 4 years
To The Future
A/N: This is my first Dave York fic, so I hope you all enjoy it! It does switch between present and past tenses at parts. Mainly I write in present tense, but some of the fic is needed to be in past. Thoughts are in bold italics.
word count: 7.3k+ (oops?)
characters/pairing: Dave York x f!Reader, small appearance by Resnik, minor oc characters created for this fic.
warnings: angst, stalking, hiring/plotting for a murder, the actual murder, swearing, mentions of jealousy, adultery, mentions of failed marriage, mentions of divorce, possessive!Dave, rough smut, blow job (m receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), Daddy kink, etc.
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Hiring a mercenary to get rid of someone for good was never something you thought you’d put at the top of your to do list, but with the man who’s been stalking you for several months now only getting worse, you decide enough is enough.
At first it started off with random bouquets of flowers showing up on your desk at work, noted that it was from a secret admirer. You were flattered at first, thinking it was harmless, but then things started to show up outside your apartment door, and immediately you knew something wasn’t right. Your building was a secure building and somehow this person was getting inside just to leave you gifts which you just threw in the trash anyway. No one except for your family knows where you live, so you knew someone had to be following you. And how right you were. 
Occasionally you’ll go on evening jogs to sweat out the day’s stress, take a few laps around the block where your apartment is located before heading back home to shower and wash it all away. This particular night you decided to take a jog, you weren’t alone. You decided this time to take a jog through the park, switch your routine up a bit, but what you didn’t know was that your stalker was in that very park and when he spotted you, he started to follow you. Closely.
You were unaware at first, completely oblivious to the fact that someone was following behind you. It really didn’t help that you were wearing headphones with music almost at high volume either, so it was partly your fault for not being on high alert, especially knowing you had someone stalking you. After a few minutes of jogging through the park you really started to feel the unease creeping up on you, the hairs at the back of your neck starting to raise. That’s when you stopped and quickly spun around, your eyes searching the area but seeing nobody. You sighed and gave your head a small shake, silently scolding yourself for getting so easily worked up. You decided to turn your music off and just jog in silence for the rest of the way.
When you reached one of the exits of the park, you smiled when you saw an older woman with a doggy stroller standing there idly. She had a look on her face you couldn’t quite read, but when she spoke to you, you realized why she had that exact look on her face.
“I’m...sorry to bother you, but I’ve been walking along the outer edges of the park for a while and...there’s been a man following you pretty much since you started your jog.”
Your face fell and once again you found yourself turning around and looking, your heart rapidly beating in your chest while your eyes scanned the area. You still didn’t see anyone, but you trusted wholeheartedly that this woman was telling you the truth.
“Thank you. I...I had suspicions that I might have a stalker. Guess I was right.” You sighed and shook your head, looking at her with hopeful eyes. “Could… Could you maybe walk me home? It’s just around the corner, but--”
“I would be glad to.” She nodded and motioned for you to the lead the way, which you did. “You should call the authorities once you get home. I’ll be happy to stay and tell them what I saw since I am witness to the young man who was following you.”
“Yeah? That would be very kind of you. Perhaps it’ll be good to report it so it’s on record in case anything else happens.”
The woman nodded and smiled, walking along the semi quiet sidewalk while you led the way toward your apartment. You exchanged names during your walk home and even shared a little bit about yourselves. Turns out Marjorie, the kind woman escorting you home, was widowed and retired from the air force. When you finally reached your apartment, you helped her to carry the dog stroller up the small steps to the front entrance of the building. When you got inside and to your apartment door, you opened it and walked inside, stepping aside to allow her entrance into your cozy abode.
“Make yourself at home. Would you like some tea or coffee?” You smiled, closing the door and locking it before walking into the small kitchen.
“Some chamomile tea would be lovely, darling. Thank you.” She took her small dog out of its stroller and moved to sit down on the love seat in the living room.
“Chamomile tea it is,” you hummed, grabbing a cup and saucer and the box of teabags from the cabinet before setting them on the counter while you got your Keurig machine turned on.
Once the Keurig was ready to brew a nice cup of hot water for the tea, you put the tea bag in the cup and placed it on the small stand, pressing the smallest button and letting the machine brew. While you let the water fill the cup, you decided to use that time to dial the police station on your cell, moving to secretly peek through your kitchen curtains while it rang.
“911, what’s your emergency?” The calm voice of a woman answered.
“Uh hi, I’m just calling to report a stalking,” you chewed your lip, moving away from the window and leaning against the counter.
“You’re the one being stalked?” She asked calmly, already pulling a report up on her computer screen to type out everything you say.
“Yes ma’am. At first it was just little things. Bouquet of flowers being delivered to my office at work almost every day, but then whoever it is started leaving things outside my apartment door and only my family knows which exact apartment I live in, so I’m a little worried.” You sighed, running your fingers through your hair. “And just a few minutes ago while I was out on my nightly jog, I was told by a nice older woman just outside the park that she saw someone following behind me while I took my jog through. She ended up walking me home because I was nervous to walk alone and she offered to wait inside with me while I called you.”
“Okay sweetheart and would you like an officer or two sent out to get some more info regarding the man stalking you?”
“Yes please. I think she did get a good look at him, at least enough to give some sort of description.”
“Okay. I’ll have a car dispatched to your location soon.
“So what exactly can you tell me about the man you saw, ma’am?” The officer that showed up just a few minutes after you hung up with the operator asked Marjorie who was sitting on your couch sipping her tea.
“Well, he had to be at least mid 30’s, looked like he could be one of those boys who still live in their mother’s basement. Tall, Caucasian, shoulder length blond hair, large square glasses, dressed in a long black trench coat.” She speculated, nodding as she tried to remember every detail of the man that she could. “He definitely looked like your typical creep. Skinny little thing.”
The officer only nodded, scribbling in his notepad as she listed off the details. He finally looked toward you after finishing jotting things down and shoving his notepad in his pocket.
“And for you, Miss Y/N, what would you like if we do find this stalker of yours?”
“I want a restraining order against the creep, that’s what. As a female living all by herself with no one or nothing to protect her, a restraining order is at least the better first option.”
“You got it. I’m gonna send my fellow officer waiting outside to search the premises as well as the park for the described person of interest. In the meantime, I’ll be outside searching the database for men with that description.”
“Thank you, officer.” You smiled, watching as he nodded his head and gave a small tip of his hat before leaving your apartment.
You sat down on the couch with a sigh, smile tugging at your lips when Marjorie’s dog came padding over to you with a wag of her tail, looking up at you with a smile of her own. You brought your hand down to give her a few pats and scratches behind the ear.
“Daisy likes you,” Marjorie smiled, setting her empty cup and saucer down on the coffee table. “Have you considered getting a dog of your own? Perhaps a nice Pitbull or bulldog.”
“Actually,” you laughed softly at that, giving your head a nod. “That’s not a bad idea after all. I’ll have to consider it.”
“You’ll thank me later,” she winked, moving to stand up from the love seat and grabbing the cup and saucer from the table. “I won’t impose for much longer, sweetheart. I think you deserve some rest after all this.”
“Thank you,” you gave her an appreciative smile, standing and following her into the kitchen. “I’m glad you made this process a lot easier for me. I would have had no idea where to even begin with a description of my stalker.” You shook your head and smiled at Marjorie when she walked back over to you after setting the cup and saucer in the sink.
“Of course. Anything to get another creep off the streets.” She mused as she scooped Daisy up from the floor and set her back in her stroller.
“Well, I’m grateful. You live close by?”
“About a five minute walk, sweetheart. I’ll be just fine, if you’re worried.”
“A little bit. I guess my nerves are just a little heightened.” You shrugged, smiling when she put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“We’ll be just fine.”
You could only nod, quickly saying your goodbyes to Marjorie and Daisy before letting them out of your apartment. You closed the door once they were down the hall and immediately locked it, leaning against it with an exasperated sigh. You hoped the police could find your stalker and arrest him for being a creep and that a restraining order could be put in place to keep him as far from you as possible. You didn’t think you could put up with this any longer.
Days went by and you still heard nothing, absolutely nothing from the police department regarding your stalker. Not a single follow up call, visit or any info at all for that matter about whether they found out who the guy was. Of course now the situation was only getting worse. There were nights where you swore you could hear someone trying to pick the lock to your apartment door, but since you’re smart, you locked the doorknob, deadbolt, and chain lock. And fortunately for you, it prevented whoever it was from getting in. You weren't entirely safe, though. Not only did this man know where you worked and lived, but he was somehow getting into a secure building. There wasn't a place you could go to hide yourself from him. If anything he’d just find you wherever you went and that’s what scared you most. You didn’t know what this man’s intentions were, for all you knew, they were far from harmless. No stalkers intentions are harmless in the end.
That’s what brings you to your current situation, calling your cousin Resnik who you know is a mercenary now since he was let go from his previous job with the DIA. He told you to call him for emergencies only and you figure having a stalker trying to break into your apartment multiple nights in a row is good enough a reason to call him.
“Y/N? What’s going on?” Your cousin’s voice is monotonous on the other end of the line and you sigh.
“I need a favor.”
“A mercenary one?” He asks.
“I’m booked.”
“Are you fucking kidding me, Res?” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You told me to call you for emergencies and this is one.”
“Again, I have tons of jobs booked.”
“I’m family.”
“I’m aware of that,” he states. “But I really can’t. Not right now, at least.”
“Resnik, I have a fucking creep stalking me. He’s only been getting worse and I don’t know how much longer until he successfully breaks into my damn apartment.” You’re spitting your words at this point, anger boiling over the fact that your own cousin is blowing you off.
“How long has this been going on? The stalking”
“Has the guy actually made contact with you?”
“Clearly he’s trying to since he’s been trying to break into my apartment.”
“Do you feel safe at all?”
“No!” You snap.
“Calm down,” he grumbles. “I’ll send my buddy Dave to deal with this guy for you, okay? Just explain to him everything that’s happened and he’ll figure something out for you.”
“Alright,” you sigh, slumping onto your couch. “I trust whoever you send me.”
“Good. I’ll have him be there within the next day or so, can you handle that?”
“Yeah, yeah. I can handle another day of this fuckwad. Thanks Res.”
You hang up before he even gets the chance to respond, tossing your cell phone onto the coffee table in front of you. You rub your hands down your face and groan to yourself, hoping this Dave guy can actually rid this stalker of yours. For good.
You’re in the kitchen making yourself a rum and Coke when the buzzer to your apartment goes off. Biting your lip, you shuffle over to the intercom on the wall and press the talk button.
“Y/N? My name’s Dave York. Resnik sent me.”
“Thank God.” You groan, pushing the button to buzz him into the building and anxiously waiting for him to get to your apartment door.
When the knock finally sounds on the door, you bite your lip and undo the locks, hesitantly pulling it open. Your eyes are met with a middle aged man, probably early to mid forties if you had to guess, and he’s for sure a sight for sore eyes. Dark hair that you wish you could just run your fingers through, deep brown eyes to match which you know he’s been through and seen some shit in his days. When his gaze finally lands on you when your door opens, he straightens his shoulders, taking in every inch of your form as he stands just outside the threshold of your door. He thought his wife was beautiful, but you? You are absolutely stunning and just standing here in front of you is stirring up some adulterous thoughts in his mind.
“Didn’t realize anyone related to Resnik could be so breathtaking.” Dave chuckles softly, smirking at the way your cheeks go red. “You sure you’re related to him?”
“Unfortunately,” you bite your lip and sigh dramatically, stepping aside and motioning for him to come inside. “Please, come in. We’ve got a lot to discuss.”
“Quite right,” he smiles, his eyes doing one more sweep over you before he steps inside.
You’re flushed by the time you close the door and relock all the locks, giving your lip a hard bite from the way his eyes raked over you just moments prior before internally shaking your head and turning around to face him.
“Would you like something to drink, Dave? I was just making myself something when you arrived.” You muse, making your way into the kitchen where you finish pouring your drink.
“I’ll have whatever you’re having,” he hums, letting his eyes linger on you longer than he would anyone else he talks to.
“Bacardi and Coke it is then,” you smile, grabbing another glass and making a drink for Dave.
“A Bacardi girl, huh? At least you’ve got taste.”
“I suppose so,” you smirk, walking over to where he’s standing and handing him the glass. “Enjoy.”
“Thank you,” he winks, taking a quick sip of his drink and letting out a satisfied hum. “Mmmm delicious. Now,” he says softly, placing his free hand at the small of your neck. “Let’s sit so you can tell me all about this stalker of yours, yeah?”
“Of course,” you smile, grabbing your rum and Coke before leading him to the living room to sit on the long couch.
When you sit, Dave sits right beside you, setting his drink on the table just as you do before facing you and giving you his full attention.
“Does your stalker have a name?” He asks, watching while you shake your head.
“Nameless and only kind of faceless?” You question, more to yourself than anything. “The older woman who saw him following me around the park during my jog a couple of nights ago said he’s a tall white male with shoulder length blond hair. He was wearing a black trench coat at the time, but who knows if he wears the thing all the time.”
“And does the description sound familiar to anyone you might know?”
“No,” you sigh. “I barely know anyone around here. I only just moved in a year ago and I’m not exactly the social type when it comes to associating with neighbors. I’m here to live, not make friends.”
“Understandable,” he chuckles, picking up his drink again. That’s when you finally spot the wedding ring on his left hand. What a shame. He takes a sip before setting the glass back down. “So tell me more. How did this whole thing start?”
“Well, at first it was just flowers showing up on my desk at work with a simple note, nothing too extreme, but then whoever the fuck this is started leaving things outside my apartment door. How he’s getting into a secure building in which you need a key or a buzz to get in, I have no idea. But I’m scared, Dave. The past few nights I could hear someone trying to pick the lock on my door to get in. I don’t know what this man’s intentions are, but clearly they aren’t good ones. Maybe in his mind they are, but not mine.”
“Do you think it could be someone living in the building? Perhaps a creepy neighbor trying too hard to get in bed with you?” You laugh at that.
“Honestly I may have considered it, but I’ve seen many of the people who live here, none of them fit the description of my little stalker friend here.” You roll your eyes, picking up your drink and taking a nice long chug. Dave watches with semi raised brows and a smirk.
“So I’m assuming you want the guy gone for good.” He states, watching you closely.
“Please,” you plead as you set your glass back down, your eyes practically begging for it when you look back over at him. Dave smiles at the sweet sound of your begging voice, slowly raising his hand to rest against your cheek while his now intent gaze is set on your pleading one.
“I will gladly rid the planet of this guy for you, Y/N. We’ll just need to figure out how to track him down or lure him out, for that matter.” His thumb grazes your cheek and you can feel your face burning up again, giving your bottom lip a small bite.
Dave notices that and it only spurs him on even more, his eyes tracing over each inch of your beautiful face before finally landing on your lips and lingering there, his thumb brushing along your bottom one. All those adulterous thoughts come swarming through his head once again and though he knows it’s wrong to be wondering what it would look and feel like to have those pretty plump lips of yours wrapped around his cock, with the fact that his wife never goes down on him, he doesn’t really care. He’s only with her still because of his daughters, things haven’t been going quite well for him and Carol for a while. Maybe you’re the change he needs, the thing that will help him out of the marriage he feels so trapped in.
“Dave?” You whisper breathlessly, not even realizing that the both of you have inched even closer to each other, too lost in the burn of his touch and the way his eyes hungrily take you in.
“Y/N...” He murmurs right back, giving his own lips a lick before bringing his eyes back up to meet your gaze.
“I-- You’re-- Fuck it,” you sigh, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him hard, allowing him to pull you onto his lap as he kisses you with as much fervor in return.
His hands rest on your ass so he can pull your hips flush against his own, eliciting a surprised gasp from you when you feel something hard pressing against your clothed core. I really make him that hard? As if he read your mind, he groans.
“Feel how hard you’ve made me? Just thinking about how good those lips would look and feel wrapped around my cock…”
“Dave,” you gasp again, instinctively rocking yourself against his rock hard cock. The action makes him growl and immediately his fingers are digging into your firm ass cheeks.
“Tell me you want this.” He states, his tone stern and bathed in seriousness.
“I want this. I want… I’ll do anything you want me to.”
His whole demeanor changes at that very statement, his hand coming down on your ass for a hard slap before he flips the two of you so that you’re now sitting on the couch in front of him and he’s standing between your legs. A quiet yelp left you at his sudden slap to your ass and when you’re finally staring up at him once he’s settled between your thighs, you give your bottom lip a bite.
“Look at you…so willing to let a struggling married man do whatever he wants to you.” He smirks, brushing his fingers through your hair before wrapping it around his fist and giving your head a tug backward. “Open your mouth.” You do as he says, letting your tongue hang out in the process. “Good girl.” He smirks, dropping his free hand to start undoing his belt.
Your walls clench around nothing at his praising words, eyes trained on the way his hand quickly gets his belt undone along with the zipper of his slacks. You bring your hand up to stop him from going any further, giving your eyelashes a few bats.
“Let me…” You murmur, moving his hand away before bringing yours back up to yank down his pants, freeing his fully erect cock. Your head spins at the sheer size of him. “Oh…” You bite your lip. Hard.
“Mouth,” he gains the attention of your gaze again, fingers tightening in your hair. “Open.”
You do as he tells you, reopening your mouth and letting your tongue hang out once more. He rubs the swollen head of his cock along your tongue and lets out a low, pleased groan at the warm feeling, his lips parting while he slowly pushes his hips forward until his cockhead just barely brushes the back of your throat. Your cheeks are hollowed out around him now, your hands giving his thighs a small squeeze as you swallow around the head of his cock.
“Fuck,” he hisses, his lust blown gaze staring down at your mouth wrapped around his length. “Haven’t felt a mouth this good since before I married my wife.” You hum around him, wondering how in the world his wife doesn’t suck this big delicious cock? “And I was right too…those lips of yours look and feel so damn good wrapped around my cock.”
“Mmmm…” You moan around him, pulling back as you give a hard suck before taking him right back down your throat, purposely gagging around him.
“Goddamn,” he groans, bringing his other hand down to hold your head in place while he starts rocking his cock in and out of your mouth, keeping aim for the back of your throat since clearly you enjoy the thrill of choking and gagging around him. “You like this, don’t you? The feeling of my cock in and down your throat.”
“Mmhmmm…” You moan, your eyes still set on his dark gaze as he fucks your mouth and throat, your hand moving to rub at your clothed cunt for some sort of relief. You can feel how wet you are just from having him in your mouth.
“What’s that sweetheart? Does that poor little cunt need relief? Is having my cock down your throat turning you on?” He growls, basking in the glory of the sight before him, his cock twitching at the feeling of your whimpery moan vibrating through his length.
“Mmm…” You nod your head as best that you can with his cock buried down your throat, your eyes starting to roll toward the back of your head.
“Yeah? You want me to fuck and fill that needy little cunt with my cock?” He smirks, yanking you off his length before pulling you up from the couch by his grip on your hair. When you only answer him with a nod of your head after he pulls you off his cock, he grabs your chin with a growl. “Use your words.”
You open your mouth to speak until you hear the sound of your doorknob being turned and fiddled with, looking toward the door with wide eyes. You look back up at Dave after a moment and he’s only smirking wider, moving his hand from your chin and down between your thighs to palm at your drenched, clothed cunt.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard, your stalker will hear how good I make you feel.” He rasps so low it makes your heart jump in your chest and your cunt clench once more. He feels the way your cunt moves beneath his hand and it only proves to him that you really really want this. “Yeah, he’s going to regret ever stalking you.”
Dave immediately rips your shorts right off of you, the quick sudden action making your eyes go wide. The strength. His hand moves to slap right against your drenched cunt, which makes you moan out and silently thank the gods for deciding to wear a g-string today.
“Fuck, you are a sexy little thing, aren’t you? So wet and ready for me.”
“Daddy, please.” The words slip from your lips before you can correct yourself, immediately flushing when realization dawns on you. The pleased look in Dave’s eyes, though, proves that perhaps maybe your mistake isn’t a mistake at all.
“Tell Daddy what you want, baby.” He hums as he gives your folds a few rubs, earning himself a few small whimpers.
“I want you to...to claim my little cunt so my stalker can hear and know he’ll never have me the way you do…” You whisper for only him to hear, your gaze set on his own.
Dave only groans, pushing you back onto the couch and moving you into a lying position, quickly yanking your g-string off and shoving them into the pocket of his button up shirt. You bite your lip at that, watching as he climbs above you with his knees resting on each side of your hips, his cockhead pressing right at your entrance. You quickly wrap your legs around him, lips parting with a long moan as he slowly pushes forward and lets your walls swallow each thick inch of his length.
“That’s it, baby…moan for Daddy... What a tight little cunt you have, fuck.” He groans, stilling once he’s buried to the hilt inside of you and allowing your tight walls to adjust to him stretching you.
“You’re--” You moan, squeezing around him like a vice. “So fucking big, Daddy.”
“Fuck, no cunt has ever squeezed me this good before.” He drops his head to bury his face against the crook of your neck, slowly pulling his hips backward before pushing right back in hard, earning himself a nice loud moan from you. “You take my cock so well, beautiful girl.”
“Oh Daddy, yes! Fuck me j-just like that.” You moan, rocking yourself against him. Dave growls and immediately sets a quick hard pace, eliciting several elongated moans from you.
“Only Daddy can fuck you this good, huh babygirl? No one could ever fill you the way I do.” He purposely speaks in a tone of voice loud enough for your little secret visitor outside the door to hear. If only you could see the rage and jealousy that takes over in your stalker’s eyes, the way his fists clench at his sides.
“O-Only you, Daddy! Only you!” You cry out the deeper he sends his cock inside of your warm cavity, your legs wrapping tighter around him.
“That’s right. Only,” hard thrust against your cervix. “I,” another hard thrust. “can,” harder thrust with loud cries of pleasure from you. “fuck,” more hard thrusts. “you.” deeper harder thrusts.
“Yes yes yes!” You practically sob out your words, your orgasm quickly building inside of you from how damn good Dave is fucking you. This was definitely not how you expected hiring a mercenary to take out your stalker to turn out, but are you complaining? Hell fucking no. “D-Don’t stop! Oh please don’t stop!”
“Who said I was going to stop?” He smirks, nipping and sucking at the pulse point of your throat while keeping the same pace and force of thrusts. “Are you going to cum, baby?”
“Mmmm yeah!” You cry out, your arms wrapping tight around his middle while your nails claw at his back through his shirt, your head tilting sideways to grant him better access to your sensitive throat. “‘m s-so close.”
“Yeah? Gonna drench every inch of Daddy’s cock?” He rubs circles as fast and hard on your clit as his thrusts into your throbbing cunt, your head flying back with a loud cry of his name at the new feeling.
“Oh yes!” You moan, giving your walls another clench around his cock as your hips now rock against his own to match his pace.
“Fuck, squeeze me just like that baby.” He groans, going right back to nipping and sucking at your throat while continuing to coax you toward your release.
“Please,” you gasp, closing your eyes tight as you try to focus all your attention and energy on his thrusts and rubs to your swollen nub. “Please fill my tight, warm little cunt with your cum.”
“Yeah?” He growls, snapping his hips with even more force now, the two of you moaning loud in unison. “Want me to really claim this cunt?”
“Yes! It’s--” your moans deepen the harder his cock hits at your cervix, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. “--yours!”
“Fuck,” he hisses, grabbing you by the throat with the hand not rubbing your clit and moving to kiss you hard, swallowing your cries and moans of pleasure the more relentless his thrusts become. “Cum for me. Now.” He orders and right on cue, you cum hard, your orgasm crashing right into you and making you writhe and tremble beneath him. Your eyes are truly rolled back now from the tightness of his hold on your throat and you’re absolutely loving it. “Fuck me, you are the most beautiful little thing when you come undone for me. Where the fuck were you before I met my wife?” He groans, kissing you hard once more.
His words make your heart leap in your chest again, wondering if he truly means them or if he’s just saying them to help get the both of you off. What’ll happen between the two of you once your stalker is ridden from your life? Will it be as if this night never happened? Will Dave look at you as nothing more than just a one time fuck and that girl he saved from a stalker?
“Y/N,” he groans deeply, snapping you from your thoughts and bringing you back to reality, pleased groan leaving your throat when you realize he’s filling you with his cum.
“Dave,” you gasp against his mouth, clenching harder and harder around him to milk his balls for all the cum in the world, your arms and legs wrapped tighter around him. “Oh yes.”
“That’s it, baby… Take all that cum. Fuck you are such a damn good girl.” He growls, continuing to fuck the both of you through your highs and his cum even deeper inside of you, going right back to kissing and nipping along your throat.
The two of you are panting by the time he finally pulls out of you, your limbs loosening from around him and falling limp to the couch you lay out on. He chuckles at how fucked out you look, but if he’s to look in a mirror at any moment, he’ll see that he himself is just as fucked out looking as you are. Your eyes are closed as the after effects of your orgasm finally pass, only opening them to look up at him when he gives your throat a firm squeeze. You moan at the feeling which only makes him smile.
“Y/N…” He murmurs quietly, moving his hand from around your throat to brush a few stray strands of hair from your face.
“Dave?” You whisper, giving your bottom lip a soft bite.
“After I rid you of your little pest,” he mumbles, obviously referring to your stalker in case he’s still out there listening. He’s not. “If I divorce my wife--”
“Yes.” You cut him off, already knowing what he’s going to ask.
“Really?” He grins, brushing the backs of his fingers against your cheekbone. “You sure you can handle this life?”
“What? Spending it with a mercenary?” You murmur, smiling up at him as he nods. “Would I have had my cousin send you if I couldn’t handle it?”
“True,” he chuckles, kissing you once more. “You truly are what I need to get out of my marriage once and for all. Don’t get me wrong, I love my daughters, but I don’t love Carol. Not anymore, at least. Not for a long time.”
“I’m sorry.” You frown. He only shakes his head, giving you a genuine smile.
“Don’t be. You’re not the reason my marriage is fucked and fallen apart. Her and I are. We just...don’t work out anymore. We’ve built up our issues with each other over the years.”
“Issues that can be fixed through divorce?” You smile.
“Precisely. We’re just...not cut out to be a couple any longer,” he sighs, kissing you once more before carefully climbing off of you and admiring the view of your mixed releases dripping from your fucked hole. “Such a beautiful sight… One I don’t get to see often.”
“Glad I can change that for you, Mister York.”
He smirks at the name, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to the side of your knee.
“Now, let’s get cleaned up and get a plan set in stone to off your stalker.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Dave asks with a concerned look in his eyes and you give him a reassuring nod.
“I’ll be fine…” You whisper, reaching up to brush your thumb against his cheek. “It’s best to use me as bait, seeing as I’m the target. We’ve got this…”
“Okay,” he nods, pulling you in for a deep kiss before slowly pulling back and pressing his forehead against yours. “I’ll be down the alleyway we discussed hiding out and waiting. You remember which one, yes?”
“Yes,” you smile, nodding your head with reassurance. “Got the whole plan right up here.” You give your head a few light taps with your pointer finger.
“Good. I’ll see you in roughly ten minutes.” He smiles. “Please, be careful and on high alert.”
“I will,” you murmur, pressing a quick, soft peck to his lips. “See you in ten.”
He nods and you let him out of your apartment, waiting at least two minutes before leaving yourself and locking up behind you. Dave figured having you go on your usual jogging route would be the best plan, since there are several dark alleyways along the way that’ll be easy to lure your stalker down. If the guy is so intent on having you, why not follow you down a dark empty alley. If only he knew the outcome.
You start your jog down your street with a quiet hum, only one of your earbuds in while you listen to music so you can keep somewhat of an ear out for anyone around you. It’s only after five minutes that you start to hear and feel someone close behind you. Swallowing your fear, you continue your walk toward your destination and when you finally reach the alleyway where Dave is hiding and waiting for your arrival, you turn down it with a soft sigh of relief, making your way down the dark, damp corridor.
You pass where Dave is hiding and when he sees someone in a long black trench coat following right behind you, his fingers tighten around the handle of his knife, ready to make his move if the guy tries anything on you. He wants to wait at least a minute to see what his intentions are, see if he’s sick enough to lay a finger on you.
You feel a hand grab you by the shoulder and immediately pin you to the stone wall of the building beside you, looking up at the dark eyes of your stalker for the first time. You swallow hard, fighting back the urge to scream since you know Dave is right there waiting for the right moment to attack. The man is definitely exactly how Marjorie described, right on the nose, really.
“Can I help you?” You finally gain the courage to ask, a bit of disgust in your tone as you look up at him. He’s too close in your personal bubble for your liking and you swear you can smell the garlic and Camel cigarettes on his breath. “Do you always push random women against walls in dark alleys?”
“I’ve been waiting for this day for so long…” He breathes, kind of a wheezy breath, clearly ignoring your question. His hand moves to gently touch your cheek and immediately you turn your face away from him, swallowing the lump in your throat. “You don’t need to deny me, Y/N...not anymore.” His other and slides along your inner thigh and you quickly slap at his hand.
“Don’t touch me.” You growl, looking back up at him with a death glare. “I don’t belong to you. I’m not your property.”
“Yes you are,” he smiles a creepy smile at you, his hand going right to grabbing your clothed core a little too roughly.
“Hey! I said don’t--”
Your words are cut off as Dave comes and yanks the guy away from you, one of his hands holding a rag and moving it to cover the guy’s mouth to muffle any screams he may make while his other hand repeatedly jabs his knife into the guy’s side and chest. You watch as his eyes widen with every stab of the knife into his torso, part of you enjoying the sight of his pain and the muffled sound of his screams. Is this too much? Killing a man for being a creep? Perhaps not too much because you already know that if you don’t kill him, there’s a possibility he’ll go and find someone else to stalk and potentially harm after Dave takes you away from this entire situation. You’re looking forward to it, really, being free from this city and it’s creeps and you’re happy to be ridding it of one.
“Sorry to say, bud, but you made the wrong life choices.” Dave growls in your stalker’s ear, giving one more hard stab into the guy’s stomach before slicing sideways to gut him, letting his body fall to the ground with a hard thud. “No one touches my girl like that.”
“Oh, Dave…” You whisper, looking from the lifeless body of your once was stalker to your new lover’s slowly diminishing murderous gaze, giving him a smile and earning yourself one right back. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, beautiful girl.”
“Good afternoon, miss Y/N,” the soft, sad tone of your now previous landlord’s voice meets your ears as you exit the apartment building, giving her a small frown.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Patterson. Is everything okay?” You ask her, adjusting the last box of your things from your apartment beneath your arm.
“Oh no, honey, unfortunately I can’t say it is.” She sighs, shaking her head with a lost gaze. “I lost someone close to me a few weeks ago…it still aches my heart just thinking about it. My poor nephew was mugged and left for dead in an alley a few blocks from here. I told that boy not to go messing around with the people around here since he was wired a little differently and could easily trigger the wrong group of people… I suppose I was right.”
Your blood runs cold at her words, everything now all making sense in your head about how this guy was getting into your building. Instead of saying anything at all relating to her nephew’s death you only shake your head and frown, giving her your condolences either way.
“I’m so sorry to hear that, Mrs. Patterson. I guess some people around here just can’t handle a little difference.”
“Unfortunately so,” she nods, looking up at you with a sad smile. “You take care though, okay sweetheart? And good luck on that new job opportunity you got. If you ever need anything once you get moved into your new place, don’t hesitate to give me a call.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Patterson. You take care yourself.” you smile, giving her a small hug before walking over to where Dave is parked with his trunk open and giving Mrs. Patterson a small wave goodbye, placing the box in the back of his SUV and closing the back door. You quickly climb into the passenger seat and close the door behind you, turning to look at Dave with a tight, nervous smile. “Get us the fuck out of here and I’ll explain everything on the way.”
“Okay?” He chuckles, putting the vehicle in gear before pulling away from the sidewalk and starting your several hour drive far away from here. Once you’re far from your previous apartment building you breathe out a relieved sigh, turning and looking at Dave with wide eyes.
“That woman, my previous landlord...is the aunt of my now dead stalker.”
“Get out. For real?” He asks, glancing over at you with raised brows.
“Yeah. She told me how her nephew was found mugged and murdered in an alley a few blocks away…”
“That explains how he was getting into the building and even found you to start stalking you.”
“It all makes sense now, yeah.” You sigh, reaching over to rest your hand on top of his own, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Thank you again for everything. I truly don’t know where I’d be without your and your help…”
“How many times do I gotta tell you, baby, you don’t need to thank me anymore,” he chuckles, bringing your hand up to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles. “Now that my divorce is final, I’m excited to start a new life with you...a safer and more happy life.”
“Me too, Dave. Me too,” you whisper, leaning over to press a quick, firm kiss to his cheek. “To the future.”
“To the future,” he grins.
Everything taglist: @halefirewarrior​ @takemepedropascal​ @wildcard566​ @readsalot73​ @talesfromtheguild​ @msmona​ @oberynispunk​ @whiskeyxinxaxteacup​ @pedrosdoll​ @ah-callie​
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erin-bo-berin · 5 years
Remember this post? Well the fic I was writing when I posted it is finally here. It’s a tad shorter than most, but it’s kinda meant to be a quickie. Pun intended. Also not gonna lie, the gif was very inspiring too. Happy reading and beware of Spencer Reid feels.
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: M (smut)
Word Count: 1,759
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Spencer was extremely stressed, that much you could tell.
You had just gotten home from a trip to the grocery store earlier that day when you had gotten a call from your boyfriend.
“Hey, you,” you smiled, happy to hear his voice.
“Hey, Y/N.”
His voice was strained and gruff and you frowned, concerned at the unusual tone of his voice.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s just been a rough day.”
You didn’t have to see him to know he was rubbing one of his eyes and running a hand through his hair, two common gestures he did when he was stressed.
“I’m sorry,” your brow furrowed, your sympathy for him seeping through the phone.
He had a tough job, working in the FBI and catching killers. It definitely wasn’t a job for just anyone.
“I was just wondering if maybe you could come down and have lunch with me? I thought maybe that would help me some.”
“Of course. I’ll pick up takeout for us and be there soon.”
“Thanks babe. See you soon.”
Getting takeout you did. 
You’d grabbed both of your favorite dishes from the Mexican restaurant you both loved and headed for Quantico.
Exiting the elevator half an hour later, you walked towards the doors of the BAU, opening them to see a deserted bullpen, which was quite unusual.
“Where is everyone?” you asked, seeing your boyfriend at his desk, hunched over some paperwork.
“They went out for lunch. I thought I could use the peace and quiet.”
You nodded in understanding, holding up the bag of food.
“Where shall we eat?”
He stood from his desk, motioning for you to follow him. It was then you noticed his tie missing from around his neck. With one glance at his desk, you saw it bunched up in the corner. It must have been a bad day.
“I figured we could eat in one of the interview rooms. It’ll be more comfortable than sitting at my desk.”
You followed him out of the unit and down the hall just to the right of the doors. He opened the door, allowing you to walk in first.
You walked in setting the bag on the table in the room. You turned, walking back towards the door.
“They didn’t send any napkins but I can go grab us some from the coffee nook in the bullpen.”
When you returned, Spencer still stood in the same spot of the doorway, holding on to the doorknob, his eyes watching your every movement.
You paused in the doorframe, a questioning look on your face, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
His eyes roamed your face, his tongue moving over his lips. In a blink of an eye, he had you pressed against the door jamb, your face in his hands and his lips moving with yours with such fervor it made your knees tremble.
His hand tangled in the back of your hair, gripping it tightly and his body pressed against yours. The other hand was splayed on your side, his thumb moving just shy of the side of your breast.
“Spence,” you mumbled in the mere second his lips parted yours before connecting with them again. Your next few words could only come when he parted for breath again.
“What about lunch?”
“Not hungry,” he answered, his lips still close to yours.
It truly was like a magnetic force pulling your mouth back to his. It was sloppy, it was heated but it didn’t really matter at the moment as you lost yourself to his kisses.
Apparently stressed and horny was not a good combination.
His body rocked into yours slightly as he kissed you like his life depended on it. Not that you were complaining though. 
His hips pressed against yours, pressing you even harder against the doorway as his tongue moved with yours. He moaned lowly, clearly having some pent up energy to dispel.
His hands had traveled down your body and were now working their way underneath your shirt. They glided up your skin gently, palming your breasts through your bra. If you weren’t worked up before, you sure were now.
He had just pulled off your shirt, tossed it into the room and was about to kiss you again when you heard voices.
“Spence, we gotta stop,” you warned, moving to retrieve your top.
“Come here,” he murmured, pulling you into the room and shutting the door behind you.
He picked you up and set you on the edge of the table, sliding the bag of food in the opposite direction. The voices were getting closer and you grew panicked, afraid that the team were heading towards this room.
“Man, I can’t believe our favorite restaurant was closed today,” you heard someone say.
You were pretty sure that was Emily.
“Well, we can order pizza,” came another voice.
“Pizza again? We’ve had it twice this week,” you heard Penelope groan.
You visibly held your breath as the voices grew in volume, but the door didn’t open. You did however hear them enter the next room over.
“Spencer, they’re right next door,” you whispered, biting your lip as he kissed your neck, sucking on a spot gently before running his tongue over it.
“Then we’ll just have to be quiet,” he murmured. 
“Are you serious?!” you whisper yelled, tilting your head back as his lips reached your throat.
“As a coronary thrombosis,” he mumbled against your ear, smirking at your groan.
His hands tugged at the waistband of the sweats you’d thrown on that morning. You lifted your hips as he pulled the sweatpants over them and down towards your ankles. With one yank, your underwear followed.
Your fingers worked to unbutton his dress shirt. If he was gonna get you worked up, you would be delighted to return the favor. 
Your palms moved up his stomach and over his chest as you sucked on his jaw, just below his earlobe, a place that he had a weakness for. He groaned lowly, his arousal growing against your leg. He fumbled with unfastening his pants as he kissed you again, your hands working over his.
The excitement of the current endeavor had caused a hot lava sensation in the pit of your stomach and all you wanted was him as close as possible. You throbbed with need, the idea of trying to be quiet making the entire thing even hotter.
 Your fingers dipped into the waistband of his underwear, helping him pull them off. You stopped briefly to run your fingers down the length of him, teasingly, making him grit his teeth.
“If you keep that up, I’m going to be anything but quiet,” Spencer warned. 
You heard a burst of laughter coming from the room next door and you bit your lip as he slid inside you, trying desperately to quiet the moan that wanted to escape.
“Oh god,” you groaned softly, halfway giving in to the temptation.
“Has anyone seen Reid?” you heard from the next room.
You smirked, gripping his arms.
“He’s a little busy right now,” you mumbled, moving your hips with his.
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned into the crook of your neck.
“Shh,” you half whispered, half moaned.
The only sounds in the room besides the voices from next door were your labored breathing and your bodies moving in sync. He gripped your hips, pulling you closer to the edge of the table, moving faster within you. Your moan came probably a little too loud.
“Spence,” you whimpered.
You were struggling to stay quiet. It was ironic how now that you had to be quiet, it seemed like your body wouldn’t let you be. Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer as you gripped the edge of the table.
You’d never been very vocal before, but now all you wanted to do was practically scream his name, that’s how wild he was driving you at the moment.
He was struggling as well, his teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he thrust, his own deep moans increasing in volume.
Whether you were getting too loud or he was, you had no idea, but he grabbed your face, kissing you hard, your mutual sounds of pleasure being muffled into the kiss.
His hand moved through your hair, gripping it as he kissed you, your bodies in perfect rhythm with one another. 
Your head was pounding and your entire body felt like it was on fire. You broke the kiss, your back arching into his chest, desperate to cry out.
“Oh my god, Spencer,” you groaned, his fingers coming down between your thighs to rub you.
He went tumbling over the edge, head thrown back and lip bit until it almost bleed. Slight whimpers emitted from his throat as he, too, desperately tried to remain as quiet as possible.
You were severely struggling at this point, your nails clawing at his back, your pants and groans becoming more frequent. You couldn’t help it, he just felt so good. 
He groaned appreciatively when you told him so. 
You were nearing your own edge and his hips and fingers worked hard to bring you tumbling into the abyss. 
You buried your face in his shoulder in an attempt to muffle your moans. Your teeth briefly sank into the skin somewhere between his shoulder and neck as your own orgasm hit you. It was the only way you knew how to keep quiet. If it bothered him, he showed no sign. His fingers were gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises anyway, something you hardly paid attention to in the heat of the moment.
When your intense euphoria had ebbed, you fell away from him, panting, your head falling back. His lips traveled up your chest and throat to your lips where he kissed you softer than previously.
“Thanks for lunch,” he smirked, pulling away from you.
He pulled himself together as you dressed again. He reached into the bag of now cold food, grabbing his lunch.
He kissed your cheek, telling you he needed to get back to work and that he’d see you later.
“Maybe we can have lunch from Tres González more often,” he winked, before walking out.
You chuckled as you gathered your things and your lunch, feeling quite proud that you two had somehow managed to pull it off.
It was only when you were passing the team in the room next door that you heard a comment from Luke.
“Holy shit, is that a bite mark, Reid?”
Well, shit.
Tag List: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @fuckthealarm​ @whatspunispun​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @thomasfoockinshelby​ @tinyminy88​ @theitcaramelchick​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​ @sammy-jo1977​ @theonlyone-meeeee​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @lemonypink​ @multifandommandy​ @marril96​
735 notes · View notes
cheesy09 · 4 years
Lo and behold, my first Helios fic! Phew, this took a while but I finally managed to get it complete. WARNING: UPCOMING ANGST. Oh, and also a sprinkle of Helios fluff. Also, I maaay have added a reference to one of Kiro’s cancelled R&S. This takes place after Chapter 17, in-between Kiro’s Thorns Date and Light Pursuit Date. 
Dedicated to @kudoriee​ / @church-of-helios​ whose amazing fics and friendship really allowed me to grow in this fandom. Thank you so much, rie!! 😭 Also dedicated to @thatfanfictionchick​ whose insatiable thirst for Helios provides me endless amusement as well as some of THE GREATEST FICS I HAVE EVER READ. You ma’am, are my Kelios Queen and I hope you know that. 🤣
Anyway without further ado, enjoy!
Pairing: Kiro/Helios x Reader Genres: Angst/Fluff Word Count: 4,102
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A loud sigh escaped your lips as you walked home that evening. Work had been much stressful today than normal. The guest speaker for today’s show had been a handful, constantly demanding things at the last moment and just being a complete douchebag. You had to practically restrain Kiki and Willow before they could judo-flip the dude. But honestly, you’d be lying if you said that that guy hadn’t been getting on your nerves as well. Especially with the constant passes and winks he’d throw your way…… you had to suppress a shiver.
Why couldn’t we get someone better?
A certain blonde-haired superstar came to your mind and you felt your heart clench painfully tight, threatening to drag all the air out of your lungs. You bit your lip hard.
Where are you…?
It had been weeks since you had last seen him. The last thing you remembered was that agonizing farewell, his blazing gold eyes, and that dazzling smile.
“Miss Chips… wait for me!”
His clear words that day still resonated in your mind. His voice had been so tender then, full of promise and hope. It was just one sentence, but to you, it was as valuable as a lifeline; something you clung to desperately—wishing, praying, believing that Kiro would come back home someday. That’s all you had to do. As long as you believed in him, you were sure he’d come back to you. After all, he was your hero. There was nothing in the world that Kiro couldn’t do.
That being said, it didn’t make the process any easier. It had been hard enough when he’d have to go on tour, but at least then you had known where he was. But now that you didn’t, it just made this so much harder. You missed him. Terribly so. And the fact that you couldn’t see him, hurt. You missed his unreserved, joyous laughter, dyed with the colors of youthful innocence.  His sincere, affectionate gazes that he’d direct at no one but you. His voice, that would whisper sweet nothings to you whenever you’d feel stressed or worried. His slender arms, that would wrap around you in the most secure embrace, driving all of the darkness away. You missed the way he’d run his fingers through your hair, or the way he’d softly press his forehead against yours to look into your eyes. He had been all the warmth and gentleness that you’d ever want in your life, and you missed him.
But that wasn’t all.
Besides all that warmth, there were other things about him you missed as well. That other side of him; the one he’d show to no one else but you. Like the way his eyes would darken with sheer want and love when the air between you two would get heated. The way your blood would boil whenever he’d touch you. The way your cheeks would light on fire every time he’d confess his feelings to you.
The passionate kisses.
The soft caresses.
The longing filled in every ‘I love you.’
You had to pause your footsteps as the memories flooded your mind, rapidly blinking away the tears that blurred your vision. You choked on your sobs, the tightness making it hard to breathe. People brushed past you, occasionally throwing questioning glances your way, but you were too heartbroken to care.
That was, until you felt a tap on your shoulder and a kind voice say, “are you okay, miss?”
You looked up and found a woman looking back at you, concern evident in her kind brown eyes. You quickly wiped away the few tears that had managed to slide down your cheeks and gave her a strained smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.”
Her eyebrows were still scrunched in worry when she began to dig around in her purse for something. “I should have a few tissues around here…” she mumbled to herself.
“Oh, no, it’s okay!” You immediately exclaimed, feeling guilty from making a total stranger worry about you. You took out a handkerchief from your own purse. “I have a handkerchief. You don’t have to trouble yourself. And besides, my place is just a few blocks away. I’ll be fine.” You gave her a reassuring smile, just in case.
The woman finally let out a soft smile. “Oh, okay. You take care then.”
You nodded gratefully, thanked the kind lady again, and continued your walk home. Unfortunately, contrary to what you had told her, your home wasn’t just a few blocks away. It was still quite far, in fact. You had to take the subway there, which happened to be jam packed at that time of day—much to your chagrin—and by the time you neared your apartment complex, the sun had already set.
Making a firm decision, you entered an alley which also happened to be a shortcut to the complex. All you wanted, was to get home as soon as possible.
The alley was dark, with hardly any light to spare. Shadows flittered across the wall in a creepy dance, causing you to break out in nervous sweat.
That’s when you heard it—the sound of heavy footsteps right behind you. They sounded quick and alarming, causing a shiver to run up your spine. Without looking back, you quickened your own pace while you slowly brought your purse to the front, attempting to dig out your phone so you could the police.
As if sensing your motives, your pursuer’s footsteps increased in speed.
Suppressing the urge to scream, you broke out into a run, your heels sounding loud in the cold, dark night, wishing nothing more than to reach your apartment complex so security could catch whoever it was that was following you. But just as you reached the end of the alley, about to turn the corner, you ended up bumping into something flat and hard.
You lost your balance, your body tilting towards the ground as you braced for impact. But instead of falling, you felt a slender hand grab your arm and pull you back on your feet, steadying you. You looked up on reflex, ready to thank whoever it was that helped you, when a pair of familiar blue eyes entered your vision. Your eyes widened in shock and the name that escaped your lips belonged to one that you never would have expected you’d run into.
Helios looked just as amazed as you did, his lips parting ever so slightly. But then a second later, his features contorted into a look of exasperation, as if he was not at all happy to have run into you (which, he probably was). “Not you again,” he grunted in that cold voice of his, letting go of your arm in the process. Only then did he notice the person behind you and motioned with his head, his silver bangs brushing over his beautiful eyebrows. The hard lines on his face grew even more fierce. “Is this a friend of yours?”
You carefully looked behind you, knowing what he was referring to. It was the creep who had been following you, an inconspicuous middle-aged man who now stood frozen in his tracks, carefully eyeing the two of you. You immediately shook your head, trembling slightly. “N-no,” you whispered. “He isn’t.”
“Is that so…?” Helios muttered, not taking his eyes off the man, who now seemed to be getting nervous under his icy glare. Not that you could blame him. Even if Helios appeared to be relaxed, casually stuffing a hand in his pocket, nothing could hide the aura of danger that seemed to be radiating off of him—strong and oppressive. You didn’t know whether to feel comforted by his presence or feel even more intimidated by your predicament.
“H-hiya, pal…” the man began, his voice sounding shaky. He took out a dagger from his pocket and held it up for him to see. “If you know what’s best for ya, you better leave the lady with me an’ leave.”
Upon hearing his words, Helios’ indifferent expression slowly morphed into a sneer and his gaze turned mocking. “Or what? You gonna stab me with me with that little toy you got there?”
“What did you-?!”
Before the man could finish, Helios held up a gun in his direction, the silver steel glinting with a deadly light as he aimed it right at the man’s heart. “I give you three seconds,” he said, voice devoid of emotion. “Leave this place and never come back. Or else…”
Helios didn’t even have to begin counting. With a terrified yelp, the man had quickly scurried away, leaving nothing to show he was there to begin with. Helios quickly slid the gun back into his holster.
“Tsk, stupid low-lives. They’ve got way too much of free time,” he grumbled, running his fingers through his platinum hair. He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes and found you staring. “What?” he asked coldly.
Until now, you had done nothing but watch what was unfolding in front of you with wide eyes, much too shocked to move. To think that Helios, a member of Black Swan, would be the one to save you… again, despite the fact that he was a part of the enemy…… you didn’t think it was possible.
And yet, here you were, in said ‘impossible’ situation…… Just what had your life come to?
Helios glared at you impatiently and you cleared your throat, finally getting the words out of your mouth, though it still sounded weak. “U-um, thank you for saving me…”
You were taken aback. “I-I’m—excuse me, what?”
“Again. I saved you, again. Don’t make me repeat myself,” he growled, a tremendous anger belying his tone. It made you shrink, still unable get used to his ferocity. But then again, it was understandable; you had only met the guy for a total of three times so far and they weren’t exactly in the friendliest circumstances. “You really have a knack for getting into danger, don’t you,” he sneered, eyes cold, distant and mocking.
“It’s not like I ask for this,” you frowned. You didn’t know why, but the way he spoke made you feel misunderstood and wronged somehow. The fear that you had felt just a few moments ago, suddenly came crashing back at you with full force. Overwhelmed, you turned your head to the side as you felt tears start to sting your eyes once again.
If Helios didn’t show up when he did… what would have happened to me?
Helios must’ve noticed your sudden silence and he pursed his lips, eyes darting off to the side. He didn’t say anything, probably not know what to do with the unexpected situation. After a few moments of stretched silence, slowly, you felt an awkward hand gently being placed on your head. “Relax. The bad guys are gone now,” he said, sounding uncharacteristically gentle. Well, as gentle as Helios could be, anyway.
You wanted to laugh; so hard your lungs would burst. Gee thanks, you wanted to roll your eyes. But all of that was caught in your throat. Instead, you found your cheeks unexpectedly heating up.
You were caught off guard. Helios’ sudden soft tone in that moment sounded so painfully familiar, like you should’ve known it like the back of your hand. It was right on the tip of your tongue, so close you could taste it. But there seemed to be a fog clouding your memories. A gap in your soul that desperately needed to be filled. It clenched your heart so painfully tight, it almost sucked out all the air from your lungs. Yet you couldn’t put your finger on it, and that frustrated you.
Deciding to ignore whatever it was you felt whenever this man was close by, you slowly took a step back from him. Helios’ hand fell back to his side.
“Anyway, gotta go,” he turned to leave, not bothering to give you a second glance. But before he could, your hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. He paused and turned back to look at you, clear confusion washing over his face. Honestly, you couldn’t blame him. You were just as dumbfounded by your actions as he was. But the fear you felt if he left was so tangible, so utterly terrifying that it was enough to make you forget about the logic behind your actions. “C-could you accompany me till I reach home, please?” You stammered, not daring to look at his expression. “I-I’d be much too afraid on my own.”
Helios let out a snort. “And you want me to accompany you? How is that any better?”
You shook your head. “I know you. You wouldn’t hurt me.”
“Oh?” He narrowed his eyes sharply. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“But I know you enough to know that you wouldn’t do anything bad to me.” You gave him a slight smirk. “Call it a woman’s intuition.”
He side-eyed you for a while, as if trying to figure out something, his cold cerulean eyes calculating. Finally, he let out a resigned grunt. “…Tch, whatever. Only up until your door. After that, you’re on your own.”
You nodded. “That’s all I ask.”
The walk to your apartment was quiet, as expected. Helios was a rather stoic man, only speaking up when necessary, or when riled up. But rather than feeling awkward about it, you actually welcomed the silence. It was comforting, in a way. Sure, the though of relying on Helios for protection at the moment was rather weird, but you knew you could trust him. For some reason, even though he was a member of Black Swan, you couldn’t sense any malice coming from him. It felt like, rather than supporting Black Swan’s ideals, Helios seemed to be occupied with his own agenda; not once had he said anything about you being the Queen. Wait, did he even know you were the Queen? You figured it was something every member in Black Swan knew about…… unless you were wrong.
The two of you passed through the entrance of the apartment complex where the security guard had been fast asleep. You heard Helios let out a soft snort behind you.
Once you got to your door, a memory from not long ago surfaced to your mind and you widened your eyes. “Oh, right! I still have the jacket you gave me back at the greenhouse.” You turned your keys, opened the door and walked in without looking behind you. You switched on the lights and dumped your bags on the couch. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll return it back to you.”
“You don’t need—”
“You don’t have to stand out there. You can come in, if you want,” you said without thinking. You heard Helios sigh behind you as you disappeared into the bedroom to get the jacket he had left behind when the two of you had last met. Although Helios made it clear that he didn’t need it to be returned, you had still carefully washed it. Maybe you had an inkling that the two of you would meet again, by some weird twist of fate.
You walked back to the living room where Helios was waiting. But as soon as you reached the entrance, you stopped in your tracks. He was hovering close to the entrance, busy looking at a photograph that was placed on top of the wooden counter nearby.
It was a photo of you and Kiro.
The photo had been taken during your trip to Japan, when the two of you had gone flower-viewing together. You had requested a kind passer-by to click that picture while the two of you sat over a spread-out picnic blanket. You were seated in-between Kiro’s legs, your back pressed against his chest while his arms encircled your waist, the both of you flashing bright smiles at the camera, laughter dancing in your bright eyes. The happiness that the two of you radiated was infectious to anyone that laid their eyes on you.
You suppressed the storm of emotions that threatened to overwhelm you and shifted your gaze to Helios. You couldn’t see the expression on his face from where you were standing, but the loneliness that he exuded tugged at your heartstrings. You tightened your hold on his jacket, fingers curling into the rough fabric. The vision of loneliness that came from this man gave you a sense of déjà vu, almost like you’d seen it somewhere before. Before you could dwell on it further though, you heard a slightly teasing voice calling out to you. “Just how long are you going to stand there and look at me?” Helios asked, shooting you a look with a raised eyebrow. “Or do you just love admiring me that much?”
You grew flustered and glared at him. “I wasn’t admiring you!”
A corner of his lips tugged upwards, the motion so slight, you almost didn’t notice it. For some reason, it made butterflies flutter in your belly. “Oh really?”
You puffed your cheeks in exasperation and strutted up to him, shoving the jacket in his hands. “Anyway, here’s your jacket. I washed it for you, so you don’t need to worry about stains or anything.” You paused, then added “thank you for lending it to me.”
He looked down at his jacket, then looked back up to meet your eyes. You were taken aback by his gaze. At the unfathomable emotions swirling in its otherwise-emotionless depth. Your breath caught in your throat. You knew that look. You’d find it on your own face every time you thought about Kiro.
As if catching himself, Helios looked away almost immediately. “You know, between the shabby security of this place and your attitude towards your safety, you’re gonna get yourself killed sooner or later,” he said dryly, as if the look he had just now was nothing but a lie.
Maybe it was.
You shook your head and snorted, ignoring your pounding heart and flushed skin. “Don’t underestimate me, Helios. I may be a girl, but I’m more than capable of protecting myself.”
He scoffed. “Says the person who was fleeing for her life just a few moments ago…… Admit it. You were utterly defenseless.”
“……W-was no—!”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence. Your vision blurred as you felt a sudden force grabbing you, two strong hands latching onto your wrists and pinning you against the wall, your front pressing against the cool surface. You felt Helios’ hot breath right next to your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He was so close; you could smell him. It was a chilly fragrance, one that was foreign to your senses, but still drew you in. His jacket was left forgotten on the floor.
“See?” He whispered; his soft voice dangerous yet alluring. “Defenseless.”
“I-I get it, I get it. N-now, could you please let go of me?” You pleaded, your mind a complete blank. Having him so close made you unable to think straight.
He chuckled. “Relax. Just like you said; I won’t hurt you.”
His hands left your wrists. But instead of pulling back, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you against his firm chest, the force almost knocking the air out of your lungs. His palm was scorching through the thin fabric of your blouse, setting your skin ablaze. It confused you to no end. Helios confused you to no end.
You registered his chest pressed against your back, the chin brushing against the top of your head. You fit so perfectly against him, as if your bodies were molded for each other, like two pieces of a puzzle.
This wasn’t the first time you felt this body pressed against your own.
Your mind raced as the blood rushed to your cheeks. You struggled to remember something, desperately seeking through your hazy memories. But no matter how much you searched, you just couldn’t get past the murky fog that blocked your hunt. You let out a shuddering breath. Why? Why did this heat feel so familiar…?
Involuntarily, you pressed yourself further against Helios, trying to feel more of this familiar warmth.
Startled by your actions, Helios visibly stiffened against your back. His fingers tensed on your waist, slightly pressing the supple flesh. “What are you doing?” he asked, voice low and guttural.
You tilted your neck backwards, eyes meeting his from under his chin. Your locked gazes seemed to have added a layer of intimacy to the surrounding air, thick and lingering. You had never gotten a closer look at him than you did right now. Immaculate features graced his face, along with deep blue eyes, fair skin and pretty silver hair. You had to admit—when he wasn’t busy sneering at you, or when his eyes weren’t so hurtfully cold, he actually looked… beautiful…
“Why are you so……” Your voice trailed, unable to finish. Unconsciously, your hand landed over his at your waist, your fingers brushing against his knuckles.
……familiar? You finished internally.  
Helios’ eyebrow twitched, seeming to have been irked by your words and he let go of the embrace. He picked up his jacket from the floor and swung it over his shoulder, acting as if nothing ever happened. He nonchalantly walked up to the front door, tossing one last glance at the photograph on his way out. “See ya. Don’t get killed.”
And just like that, he was gone.
You looked at the photograph sitting atop the counter. Kiro’s smile shone through the frame, the corners of his eyes crinkling ever-so-slightly. You picked it up and pressed it against your forehead, feeling the tears starting to sting your eyes.
“Kiro…… I miss you……”  
Helios walked through the night, the moonlight reflecting his lithe figure, making his silver hair shine with a beautiful but deadly glow. His combat boots let out an audible crunch as he stepped over the dead leaves that scattered the ground. The breeze that blew that night brought with an unusual chill with it. But the warmth that emanated from the jacket he was wearing seemed to block that out. It felt like the sun’s rays, wrapping warmly around him.
Just like her.
Helios hadn’t expected to run into her when he did, and especially not like that. He’d done nothing but try to avoid her as much as possible and yet… It was like there were magnets stuck to his back, drawing him to her.
He couldn’t help it. That’s what seventeen years of feelings does to you.
She had looked thinner since he last saw her at the greenhouse. And there had been dark circles under her eyes, as if she wasn’t getting enough sleep. Not that he could blame her. He knew of the burden she carried, being the Queen that Black Swan was after. The one factor that could single-handedly change the fate of this world. And knowing her, she wouldn’t just sit by and let herself be swallowed by fate. So he had decided to support her, by doing what he could on his side, as well as complete the mission his master had given him.
But still……
The memory of her in his arms from just a few minutes ago flashed through his head and he clenched his jaw. His self-control in that moment had been astounding. She had been so close, enough that he could’ve just leaned down to kiss her. He wanted to. Almost did, but he held himself back. And he was glad he did. Leaving her had been hard enough, but treating her coldly and making her forget about him had been pure torment.
He knew it was selfish, but he just couldn’t bring himself to show her this side of himself. If she knew about the things he’s done, about the sheer amount of people he has killed, how would she look at him…?
Just the possibility of her pretty smile disappearing from her face, or her pure, starry eyes being laced with disgust every time she looked at him, utterly terrified him.
So he had no choice but to make her forget. Even if it tore him up inside, if she was able to live with the happy memories of Kiro the Superstar, that was enough for him. After all, he didn’t plan on staying in this darkness for long.
Even if she was experiencing pain for now, he’d make sure to return to her side again someday and take all her pain away. And when that happened, he’d hold onto her tight and never let go.  
───※ ·❆· ※─── ───※ ·❆· ※───
Thank you so much for reading! If you’re interested in checking out my other works, you’ll find them in my Masterlist.
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ladyideal · 4 years
Ficmas~ Day 9
Pairing: Mckirk x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 1125
Warnings: Mention of alcohol
Summary: With the prospect of getting reapproved for hand to hand combat and Leonard going on the last away mission of the year, you spent the day cleaning and baking.
Requested by: @headcannonsforlife
A/n: I think I'm going insane with the amount of fics that I have to write. And this is only the 9th.
Tumblr media
"It smells so good here, doll. What are you making?" A familiar blonde haired bounced into the kitchen, and immediately recoiled at the smell of cleaning products.
"Baking," You spoke flatly, scrubbing away at the faucet. "And cleaning. Too much stress."
"Bones will do fine down there. He'll be back soon."
You glared at him before resuming your task. With his hands up in surrender, the Captain continued letting you clean and bake as you wish. Why Leonard volunteered to go down on an away mission on a Class M planet was beyond you. So to keep yourself from biting off Jim's head, you decided to stress bake.
"Did he say anything new?" You asked, checking on the latest batch of cookies. 
"Only to say and I quote "Too many goddamn infants running around," Jim spoke, pushing himself onto the counter to get a better look around.
You shook your head, grabbing the oven mitts when the cookies were done. "Typical. Now come help."
"Want a taste tester?" He asked, already reaching for one.
Gently, you slapped it away.
"Nuh uh, mister. Touch those cookies and you die," You brandished a whisk at him. "I've already tried the battery, just need to put the ones from the oven onto the cooling rack, and those on the rack into a container."
He pouted at you, but pushed his sleeves up anyways. "How many have you made?"
You concentrated on scooping dollops of cookie dough onto the parchment paper. "I'm gonna make as much as I can, so that everyone on this ship can have at least one. It's about twenty per tray, around ten minutes each, and I've been baking since Len beamed down onto the planet."
Quickly the blonde did the math in his head. One quick glance at the amount of containers and then at the chron, there was a rough estimate.
"So about three hundred forty?" He popped the lid of a container to put in two more cookies.
"Yeah, give or take. Only thing I thought of to do since I'm still waiting for the exam results to return," You nodded, washing your hands to start the next match. "Hand to hand combat and phaser were both today."
"And how did you do?"
"Terrible. The hand to hand combat didn't go as I planned. I know I did well with the phaser, just the simulation threw me off in the beginning," You mumbled. "I mean I know at least passed, but not with flying colors."
"I'm sure you'll do fine, Y/N."
An amiable silence filled in as you and Jim worked together. He poured in the ingredients, you whisked and scooped into small portions onto the tray. It was repetitive, and the motions distracted you for a while. 
"There we go. Maybe two more batches and get these chicken fried steak warmed up," You wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of a hand, and wiped the flour on the apron. 
"Three hours," Jim spoke, wiping the sink.
You and him shared a glance.
"Kirk here."
"Captain, the away team are ready to be beamed up at any moment now."
Your eyes widened.
"I'll be down shortly, Scotty." He snapped his comm away, and held you tightly in his arms. "Hold on for a little longer, doll. I'll bring him back home. I swear it."
Instead you kissed him, desperation, love, and anxiety poured in. Thankfully, your boyfriend understood. You didn't really know what you would do if one didn't return. 
"Dinner. Wait for me and Bones. Understand?"
You nodded before reluctantly letting him go. "Go get him."
You waited.
And waited some more.
Cleaned a little more before finishing the last of the gravy and the coleslaw. The table was set. The candles cautiously placed on, and lighted. The chicken noodle soup bubbled warmly on the stove, and green beans just needed to drop into the boiling water for a couple minutes before it too was done. 
Bourbon and Scotch bottles were popped, and a generous glug were poured into three glasses. Now all you needed were the star of the show. You could've gone down to the Teleporter Room with Jim, but Leonard would still have to stop by Medbay anyways to get himself checked. 
Curling up on the sofa, you settled down with your PADD and comm. You loved them both, Jim and Leonard. Both boyfriends were wonderful, and if you were honest, you would thank your luckiest stars that they were still alive and well.
Being on the USS Enterprise, anything could happen. Literally. Space was wild, and all the people you loved and cherished were out here with you too. With that in mind, you started the first of many mindless videos.
"We're home!"
Dropping your PADD, you rushed to the door where you met your favorite doctor, clothes dirtied, but alive. Without a doubt, you hurried into his waiting arms in the same manner a child would do.
"Hi sweetheart. Miss me?" He chuckled.
"I missed you so. So. Much," You nearly cried in happiness. "What took you so long?"
"Where's my hug?" Jim pouted, but nonetheless hugged you both. 
"How about over dinner? Goddamn infants down there didn't think about making food," He snorted. 
"And maybe a shower and some change of clothes. You stink," You wrinkled your nose, wiggling out of his grasp. 
He laughed, and you smiled inwardly. You could get used to the sound. A good twelve hours away from the ship, but the wait was agonizingly slow. 
"Come on. Dinner's gonna go cold if you continue standing there," You spoke. "Jim, could you throw the green beans in? They only need a couple minutes in the boiling water."
"You made all this from scratch, sweetheart?" Leonard was the first one to speak after cleaning his plate, and polishing it off with a nice glass of bourbon.
You nodded, spooning the last amount of mashed potatoes onto the plate. Thank god they turned out well. There was no way you would replicate one from the replicator, nearly everything from it tasted like cardboard. "And some cookies still in the oven."
"Some?!" Jim spoke incredulously. "Get this Bones. Y/N baked enough cookies so that the entire ship could have at least one." 
You smiled weakly. "It was that or I clean the entire quarters a second time today."
"Save some for me, darlin'. Good god, one day I need to get that recipe off your hands. I swear you can win a contest with them." He had noticed the cleaning products in the bathroom, but said nothing about it. 
As the doctor continued praising your chocolate chip cookies, a hint of smile twitched at the corners. This was home.
eAts Everything: @mournthewicked @asraime @aspiring-ginger @bluesclues-1234 @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @groovyfluxie @keijibum @also-fangirlinsweden @mysoulshideaway @charlielotte @fandom-imagination-ss @mayday1284 @sayanythingcreations @bbeasehnsucht @supergeekfangirl​ @your-sparklywinnercollection​
Trekkies: @marvelouslytrekking @lykxzandlove @piccolaromana @strange-old-worlds @mrs-l-mccoy @april-showers-and-flowers @scraftskhu35 @worm-cant-read @fandomismymiddlename @childofthecornflakes @yueci @lgbtqcontinuum @dartheldur @goddess-of-many-fandoms @crackheadcastdirector @writerdee1701 @readingtrek
McCoy: @cobe76 @yakuzussian @space-cowboy2227 @lacychick @kimberlyfletcher @samanthasmileys @cappuccinosandcosmos @fxngsfogxarty​ @nerdy-weirdo 
Urban: @fandomsfeelsandfamily​ @justa-traaash​ @morriganwarrior @jkholmes 
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crybabyjam · 4 years
objective truth
my first bnha fic (reposted on my new tumblr weeee)
super long post ahead! 
ship: bakudeku
rating: t
summary: izuku gets hit with a truth quirk. 
available on ao3 here
Kacchan is pretty.
It's something Izuku thinks often. About how Kacchan looks, or if he's in the mood for Izuku to be around, or how he feels about their friendship. But, it was never something he'd ever say out loud— not unless he wanted to survive to become the Number One Hero.
Everyone had begun filing out of the dorms for homeroom, and Izuku had caught just a glimpse of platinum hair as Kacchan turned down the sidewalk.
Izuku mumbles under his breath, "Kacchan is beautiful today."
"Hm? Did you say something, Deku?"
Izuku startles as Uraraka taps him on the shoulder, a bright smile on her face as Iida continues to wave his hands around just one step ahead of them both.
"Ah, nothing! I was just thinking about, uh, you know! Ahaha…" Izuku laughs it off quickly, face bright red.
(read more)
Fire and blood. It's something Katsuki had gotten all too familiar with at UA. Even before UA.
Sweat stings its way through a cut on his cheek as he stands, and he angrily smears it further into the wound with the back of his hand. His gauntlet was gone, torn off by the quirk of the villain in front of them.
Their quirk was something like glass shattering. Whatever they touched, the item became brittle and broke upon any impact.
Katsuki knew, though, that it only worked on inanimate objects. Not that he had known when Deku got grabbed, right on his dumbass face, by the shitty villain. When he got flung down onto the train tracks they were battling on, Katsuki was pretty sure he popped all the blood vessels in his brain from the stress.
But he hadn't shattered on impact— rather bounced like a little ball until he rolled himself onto his front.
Katsuki shoots himself over to Deku's curled form, wrist aching without the stabilization from his gear. "Get the fuck up."
Deku's already on his knees, though, watching the villain as he scrubs at where the fingers had clutched him. "I'm okay. Let's finish this quickly."
Behind them laid half a shattered train. The people inside were trapped— nowhere to go unless they jumped off the bridge.
"Don't tell me what to do," Katsuki growls, yanking Deku up the rest of the way.
Despite the fact that the villain couldn't shatter them directly, they had full control over the things they could. The little shards of metal shot towards them in waves, and Deku shot a blast of air to blow most of it to the side.
"I'll keep him distracted, Kacchan." Deku takes a step back, forming a strong, protective barrier in front of the civilians behind them. "If you get him from the back, or to turn around away from the train, I can— "
Katsuki socks him on the shoulder, just in time for them to dodge another shot of projectiles. "What the fuck did I just say, fucking asshole!"
Still, Katsuki uses the plumes of smoke between them and the villain to blast his way underneath the bridge.
Something explodes above him— not fire but more glass, and it cuts across his arms as he flies high above the villain.
Deku rushes forward, keeping the villain's eyes on him with a swift kick to the chest and a blast of air to make them stumble backwards.
Before the villain goes down, those glass pieces reunite in a group behind Deku's back. Katsuki isn't fast enough to stop it— but is in the perfect position to aim a full blast right in the villain's back.
So he does.
Izuku has multiple lacerations across his back from the glass and mild burns on his arms from Kacchan. There were only two injured civilians and Kacchan got off with a broken wrist and a cut on his face that would heal without scarring.
"Good job, Midoriya!" Iida congratulates him, on a personal mission to bring notes for the classes Izuku had missed.
Although the burns were mild, the cuts needed to be watched closely by Recovery Girl before she could repair them. He didn't want to have glass stuck beneath fully healed skin, after all.
Laying on his stomach, Izuku can only nod helplessly and grin. "Thanks, Iida. I'll study right away."
"Maybe next time you can defeat a villain without getting injured, dumbass."
Kacchan appears behind Iida, startling the latter something fierce, but Izuku only grins wider.
"You got hurt, too, Kacchan."
"Shut the fuck up." A water bottle, metal and shiny, is shoved against his cheek and Izuku hisses at the sudden chill. As he juggles it and the notebook Iida had brought, Kacchan watches him critically. Then, once Izuku reaches to place the bottle on his side table, Kacchan snatches the book from his bed.
"Bakugo—!" Iida starts, but Kacchan has exploded it before he'd finished the first syllable. "My notes!"
Izuku chokes on air as Kacchan stabs a finger in the back of his neck, still warm from his Quirk. "You're getting outta here at lunch, yeah? You'd better be at my room once I'm back from classes, shithole."
Then, he shoves past Iida and skirts around Recovery Girl before he leaves just as quickly as he appeared.
Izuku half-heartedly comforts Iida as he mourns the loss of his carefully crafted notes, but he can't stop the way his mouth curls at the corners. Reading between the lines, it was obvious that Kacchan wanted them to study together.
When Iida has gone, speedwalking (not running!) so that he isn't late for the next class, Izuku buries his head in his pillow and lets his smile grow wider.
'ill be there!! ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ' He texts to Kacchan.
'Fucking better, nerd.' He gets in response.
All Might visits him, just before lunch.
Recovery Girl had just finished healing him, though his back only partially so because of his low energy, and he and All Might almost bumped into each other when he opened the door to leave.
Which is how they found themselves walking along the forest line, shielding their eyes from the sun.
"And you're sure you're feeling alright, Young Midoriya?"
"Feeling great! I could probably use 100% right now!" As if to prove it, Izuku begins to bounce from one foot to the other.
When All Might begins to stutter and wave his hands frantically to stop him, Izuku grins wide. "Just kidding."
The two find a bench near the middle of the forest, overlooking the rest of the city. A pond gently flows in front of them, and a few ducks peck at his red shoes before they move on to swim away.
Izuku's back still burns, if he's being honest. Not as much as it did, but there was a faint ache where each piece of glass had dug in and dragged down.
"If it still hurts in the morning," she had began, glancing down at her notes. "Come back and I should be able to heal you fully."
Now, All Might places a gentle hand across the nape of his neck, as if sensing the pain lingering there. It grows silent between them until All Might pulls away to show off his lunchbag.
"Hungry, Young Midoriya?"
Their lunch consisted of a sandwich and juice boxes— and candies from Present Mic. Each bite was quickly scarfed down as the ducks wandered between their legs, pecking at the crumbs. Izuku feels bad not sharing any fuller bites with them— but he also clearly remembers the time Aizawa-sensei had scolded him about their diets so…
He shoos them away with the back of his hand and a promise, to himself, to bring lettuce or peas next time.
When they finish, All Might pats around his pockets before producing a handful of wrapped treats, each one a pale pink or bright red. The candies nearly overflow All Might's palms and Izuku is quick to catch them before the ducks get there first.
"I never really liked strawberry flavored things," All Might confesses, as if it were the greatest sin. "But Hizashi— ah… Present Mic, I mean. He loves to share them."
Izuku pockets two of the little lollipops and promises not to tell anyone the secret.
They part ways well after lunch had concluded for the rest of the UA students.
"I think… I'm gonna go for a run in town," Izuku says as they start circling back through the forest. "I probably should buy Iida a thank-you gift for his notes." Not that he'd be able to use them but…
All Might sends him a thumbs-up. "Be careful, young man. You'll send me to an early heart attack if you get attacked again so soon."
"I'll try my best!" Izuku says, and runs off with a teasing laugh before he can specify what, exactly, he'd be trying his best to do (or not do).
Although the sun had just reached its peak in the sky, the air was a bit cold as Izuku jogged down the mountain. It reminded him of the water bottle Kacchan had given him, and Izuku tried to remind himself to bring it to their study session, to return.
The town is quiet as he jogs through, pausing at an intersection to wipe sweat from his brow. Makes sense, being early afternoon on a weekday.
He and Kacchan had gotten attacked the day prior (on their way back to UA from what had basically been a mini-field trip), but already the rhythm of their town had gone back to relaxed.
Izuku waves hello to some resting construction workers, watching as they go about fixing the cracks in the bridge of the train.
On his way back to UA, he begins to eat one of the lollipops All Might had given him. It's super sweet, covered in a fine powder from where it had been smushed in his pocket. Completely and artificially strawberry, but it satisfied a craving somewhere in his stomach anyway.
As he crunches down on the hardened sugar, he doesn't hear the snap of branches as footsteps dart behind him. Not until pain explodes on his already aching back.
He goes down, silent. Minutes later, if one were to pass, all that would be left of him was the cute, pink wrapper of his candy.
Izuku wakes up to a broken wrist, a black eye, and a cloth gag being unwrapped from around his head.
Voices circle around his head, and a hand keeps his shoulder pressed to the ground— not painfully but firm.
All Might's sad smile comes into view as Izuku groans and tries to roll over onto his stomach. The hands touching him move away and are replaced by All Might helping him sit up.
"Young Midoriya," He begins, but Izuku misses the rest when police sirens go off behind him, sending his head into a spiral of pain and bright lights.
He's pretty sure he faints because when he wakes up next, his wrist is healed and blood rests on his tongue, replacing the taste of old cotton.
He isn't allowed to leave the infirmary until two days later. Not even allowed visitors the entire time. Not that he'd been awake if there were any visitors.
When he did wake up, though, it'd been maddeningly silent. Recovery Girl doesn't even lecture him for being hurt, but All Might does come to assure him that he hadn't died of a heart attack as he'd predicted.
"From now on, you'll have to be accompanied by an escort, young man."
Izuku readily agreed with a soft, hoarse, "Please."
It isn't until the next day that he remembers the study session he'd missed with Kacchan.
"You were hit with a quirk," Aizawa-sensei tells him. "We don't have all the details yet, but... by making a person ingest a piece of themself, the villain makes it so that their victim can't control what they say."
When Izuku's brows quirk and he turns green around the edges, Aizawa pats him on the head. "I'll spare you the details, but you aren't a cannibal, if that's what you're worried about."
Izuku scribbles down on the whiteboard placed in his lap and holds it up to be read.
'Is that why I'm wearing a gag?' He asks. A knotted cloth rests just behind his teeth, heavily soaked with his saliva. Gross.
Aizawa nods. "Mm, we aren't sure how long it'll take to get out of your system. Even while you were unconscious, the quirk made you speak. For the sake of your own secrets— and my own sanity—" and boy does Aizawa put stress on the word, "— we found it better to muffle it rather than find a way to stop it."
Izuku hums, but he does feel words forming on his lips around the gag even as he tries to stop it.
"If you're able to stop yourself by tomorrow morning, we'll see about classes. For now, Recovery Girl suggests letting you sleep in your own room for the night."
Aizawa-sensei is surprisingly gentle when Izuku flinches away from his hands as they reach to untie the gag.
His teacher moves to instead pat him on the head, moving sweaty hair from his eyes. "Just change it out when you get to your room," Aizawa concedes.
When he stumbles back to the dorms, half dragged by the arm across Aizawa-sensei's shoulder, his classmates understandably freak.
"Is he…"
"Deku, we missed you!"
"What's with the…" Kaminari motions to the almost soaked through gag. Even without Aizawa-sensei talking directly to him, Izuku spoke everything that came to mind on the short walk from UA to the dorms.
"He's still recovering," is all Aizawa-sensei says. "Do not take it off of him. Even if he's sleeping."
At the serious tone, the class quickly parts to let them head towards Izuku's room.
"If he's still sick, why not leave him to rot in the damn granny's office?" Kacchan grumbles from the kitchen as they pass, locking eyes with him.
Izuku grins as best he can around the gag. Aizawa only grunts, but Izuku is pretty sure Kacchan gets the gist of the motion by the way he rolls his eyes and angrily downs an overfilled glass of water.
It isn't until he's been tucked in bed and given a plethora of cloths to use as a gag for the next few days that he notices the time: thirty minutes past midnight.
He sends a quick text off to Kacchan.
'sorry for worrying u! Get some rest (-ω-) zzZ'
Kacchan responds almost immediately with a quick, 'Fuck off.'
Just before Izuku turns over to place his phone back on the charger, he gets another text which reads a simple, 'You too.'
Izuku is, in fact, allowed to go to classes the next day.
Aizawa-sensei walks him to Recovery Girl early in the morning.
"Given that you've missed half the week, we decided it was best to let you come back instead of make-up classes."
Izuku nods, words coming forward before he can stop them. "I'd rather not do those. They're harder than actual classes."
Aizawa rolls his eyes, but it's half-hearted at best. "When I came to wake you, you weren't mumbling in your sleep. As long as you bring your gag, you should be fine."
Then, half under his breath, "Maybe I should gag the rest of the class. Finally get some peace and quiet."
Izuku laughs, tugging an embroidered cloth out of his pocket. It was designed with a stitched thumbs up on one side and a messy side profile of Golden Age All Might, and Izuku has a feeling a certain mentor of his is the one who made it.
He and Aizawa-sensei make it to class much earlier than the rest of the class— almost 45 minutes earlier.
"What about the person who used their quirk on me?" Izuku had asked on the way to UA.
His teacher stayed troublingly silent for a long while, after that. Izuku's nervous, constant stream of thought filled the spaces in between them.
"It's being handled," Aizawa had said, finally. "The campus is under lockdown, and no one is allowed off-site."
And Izuku had left it at that.
His back still hurts. He'd forgotten to bring it up with Recovery Girl, which is surprising to him considering the nature of the quirk that hit him. With as many times as he'd interrupted Aizawa-sensei with segways that had nothing to do with their conversation both walking to and from the infirmary, he's sure his teacher would be surprised to hear it, too.
He'd go before lunch break, then.
Izuku sighs softly, muttering to himself as he goes over the texts Uraraka had sent him the few days he'd been absent. Just major notes about what they'd gone over in classes she knew he had trouble with. She'd mentioned something about Iida wanting to give him another notebook, but (to none of their surprise) decided to hold off giving it to him until Kacchan wasn't around.
The gag sits soundly in his lap as he half-studies, half looks out the window.
As his class begins to shuffle in, keeping their distance but still sending happy greetings his way, he fingers the frayed edges of it.
When his friends come in, Uraraka two steps behind Iida, Izuku shouts out a sharp, excited, "Hey!"
Everyone startles at the sudden, loud sound of his voice, and he sheepishly waves them over. Aizawa-sensei narrows his eyes at him as he leaves to get notes before the beginning of homeroom, and Izuku sends him a quick, apologetic shrug.
"Dekuuu, we missed you!" Uraraka throws a quick hug across his shoulders. "We weren't even allowed to visit!"
"Ahaha, well— " Izuku begins, quickly parsing through his thoughts. "I guess I just had to be observed for a while longer."
"Mm. The quirk I got hit with, uh…" Izuku flinches. Maybe he shouldn't have said that part? Ah, well. "Well, Recovery Girl still had to monitor me— plus I was still injured from the train incident— and maybe it could've been contagious, so— !"
"Ah, that makes sense. It would be inefficient to have half the class out of commission, after all." Iida nods to himself.
"Mm," Izuku smiles, kicking his legs out to turn towards the two of them. So far, it seemed the quirk was fading faster and faster with time. Even as the back of his mind panicked to talk about the classes he missed, he was able to ignore it in favor of small talk before class started. It helped when his friends smiled at him, especially helped when the worried squint of their eyes faded to something more relaxed.
Maybe he wouldn't even have to use the gag. Seeing as it was hand-stitched by All Might himself, it already earned a place on the highest shelf of his hero collection.
But then, Kacchan comes in.
Well, Ashido and Kaminari do, first. She has her arm around his neck and seems to be trying to hop on his back so he can carry her to his desk and he, rightly, is struggling.
Kirishima comes in third, knocking shoulders with Sero as they play rock-paper-scissors. Kirishima loses when he plays rock, and lets out a loud yelp when Sero pinches his side as part of the punishment.
Kacchan is right behind them, laughing meanly as Kirishima rubs his gut. His bag has slipped from his shoulder to his forearm, caught there with his hand in his pocket. Although it was morning and the air outside was chilly, he had a faint line of sweat dripping from his brow.
Kacchan had always been quick to sweating— probably because of his Quirk. His palms had always been sweaty when they were younger, always warm, too. He wonders if they still are after all these years— rough and soft at the same time.
Izuku melts as Kacchan swipes at his hairline with a handkerchief. When he moves to yell at Kirishima and Sero for trying to pounce on him to join their game, his eyes sparkle and shine happily even if his tone doesn't match.
As he closes the door behind them all, sunlight filters through the window and illuminates the shine of his teeth and the glimpse of bare midriff as Sero dodges between Kacchan's legs to crawls to his seat before Kacchan can retaliate.
Iida and Uraraka have turned to him, waiting for a response to the conversation he hadn't been paying attention to.
Instead of the apology he was expecting to spew, he instead says,
"Kacchan is beautiful, today."
His friends freeze, and even Todoroki glances up from his half-asleep staring contest with a bird in a nearby tree.
"I mean— what I meant to say, Kacchan is always beautiful, and— " The words spill out easily even when his horrified fingers cling to his lips and desperately try to force them closed. It was as if the carefully crafted dam that had been being repaired all morning had gotten slammed through and demolished like glass under a hammer.
His muffled voice— "Kacchan is…. Kacchan is…" slip out of his grasp, literally slip between his fingers, and all eyes turn to the startled blond boy still standing at the classroom door.
By the way his eyebrows shoot down, a scowl on his lips replacing the carefree smirk he had just moments prior, Kacchan is livid.
chapter 2 and the rest of the fic available here 
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debbiechanclub · 4 years
Best Two Out of Three, Part 23
😁 I’m nervous.
Three more parts after this. @what-does-mine-say and I can’t promise it won’t end in total devastation. 
(Note: If you start reading this and are a little confused, you might have missed Part 22. I think a lot of people did. Click the link below to catch up!)
Best Two Out of Three
Part: 23/26
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC x Cash Wheeler and Adam Page x OFC x Matt Jackson 
Word count: 6.1k
Warnings: Language; angst; overwhelming heartbreak
Catch up on previous parts here.
Tag squad: @freshlysqueezedmox @gabbynorth98 @librathepheonix13 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @exe-sadboi-exe @comeasyoudar
Matt’s alarm clock blared through the early Tuesday morning silence, waking Callie just as she was dozing off again. She felt Matt roll away to shut it off, returning them to quiet, and then he rolled back and wrapped his arm around her again, pulling her close. She let out a contented hum as she snuggled back against his chest. He’d already hit the snooze button twice, and she knew they had to get up soon. But she didn’t want to.
“As much as I don’t want to get out of this bed, we should really get up,” Matt said. His voice was husky with sleep, and Callie’s senses tingled as he nuzzled her neck and pressed his lips against her pulse. He slipped his hand underneath her shirt and traced his fingers over her stomach, ghosting over her skin. Callie grinned, her eyes closed.
“Someone’s up,” she teased.
“Fuck.” Matt rolled away and adjusted himself underneath his sweatpants. Callie bit back a laugh. She didn’t mind. Honestly, she liked knowing that she turned him on. It had been a while since she’d felt wanted like that.
She rolled over and rested her head on his chest, and he wrapped his arm around her and buried his fingers in her hair, messaging her scalp. She’d felt wanted last night, too. They’d ordered Chinese and cuddled in front of the TV until she’d started falling asleep, and then he’d taken her hand and led her to his bed, where she’d drifted off wrapped in his arms. She wished they could have another night together. But they had to go get on a plane.
“Do we have to go back to Jacksonville?” she asked as she rubbed his bare chest.
“Yes,” he chuckled and kissed her head.
“But I just got here.”
“I know. But at least we won’t have to turn right back around on Thursday.”
Callie frowned. On the contrary, she didn’t think that was a good thing. Because the longer they spent in Jacksonville, the more time she’d have to spend around Adam; and with whatever was going on between her and Matt… just the thought stressed her out.
“Are you getting your own room?” he asked.
“Yeah. Who else would I room with? You?”
She was being sarcastic. But he smirked. “Yeah. I’ll tell Nick he has to stay with Kenny this week.”
She scoffed. “That would go over well.”
He let out a silent laugh. Callie felt it rumble in his chest. “It’s alright. I’ll just sneak into your room.”
She looked up at him. “Who says you’d get anything?”
Matt didn’t answer. He hooked his fingers underneath her chin, tilted her mouth up toward his, and kissed her. Slow at first—but quickly needy. Wanting. Callie slid her palm up his chest and maneuvered so that she was half on top of him, straddling his thigh, tangling her fingers in his hair. He moved his hand to her backside, and she hummed into his mouth when he gave it a squeeze. She could feel him straining harder through his sweats. It sobered her up and she broke away.
“Sorry,” she sheepishly apologized. “I’m being a tease.”
But Matt shook his head. “Don’t apologize. I don’t want to do anything you don’t want to.”
Callie bit back a smile. Part of her did want to, but it was too soon. She appreciated that Matt understood that.
“Besides,” he added. “It’s not your fault you could just look at me and turn me on.”
Her cheeks flushed and she rolled her eyes. “Stop.”
“What? It’s true.” He reached up and brushed her hair away from her face, running his fingers over her brow. “You’re gorgeous. I’ve always thought so.”
He took her in, studying her features, and Callie’s heart did a little flutter. She could get lost in those eyes of his if she wasn’t careful.
But then the alarm went off again. Matt let out a sigh and silenced it for the final time. “Okay, we really do need to get up now.”
They reluctantly untangled from each other, and Matt threw back the covers and climbed out of bed. “I’m gonna get in the shower. You want to join me or…?”
She smirked up at him. “Keep trying.”
He put his hands on the mattress and leaned toward her. “You know I will,” he grinned, and he gave her a kiss. He pulled away too soon for her liking and shot her a wink as he disappeared into the bathroom, leaving her wanting more.  
* * * * * * * * * *
Later that evening, Callie stood in her hotel bathroom primping her blonde waves in the mirror. She, Matt, and Nick had arrived in Jacksonville a couple hours ago, and she and Matt were going out to dinner—just the two of them. It had surprised her when she’d found out that Nick wouldn’t be joining them—and she was relieved Kenny wouldn’t be—but then she’d gotten nervous. Was it meant to be a date? Matt hadn’t said it was, but she’d put a little extra effort into her appearance, anyway. She wanted to look good for Matt, date or not. She knew that now.
He knocked on the door just as she walked out of the bathroom. She hurried to grab her purse and open the door. Matt’s eyebrows arched as she stepped into the hall.
He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in for kiss. Callie returned it as the door fell closed behind her —but she quickly pulled away. “I thought we agreed no PDA?”
They’d agreed on it before they’d left for the airport: no handholding, no kissing, no anything in public—and especially not at Daily’s Place. Matt had pushed back a little, but he’d conceded for her sake. At least for the time being, Callie preferred that they kept whatever this was between them as just that: between them.
But if the look on Matt’s face was any indication, it would be harder to do that than she thought. “I know, but I couldn’t help myself,” he said. “Plus, no one’s around.”
He leaned in again, and she couldn’t help but give in that time. The danger of being caught only made his kiss that much more tantalizing. She had to fight back a moan when he tugged at her bottom lip as he pulled away.
“Maybe we should order in,” he smirked.
She pushed him away at that. “No! I took all this time to look nice for you. Thanks for returning the favor, by the way,” she quipped with a glance at his t-shirt and jeans.
He pursed his lips. “Please. You know I look good.”
Callie just shook her head, an amused smirk on her lips. He did look good, but she didn’t need to tell him that. His ego was big enough as it was.
They walked side-by-side down the hall, making sure to keep a respectable distance from each other. But Callie kept catching the scent of his cologne, and she didn’t want to keep her distance. He was right—there wasn’t anyone around. So when they stepped onto the elevator, all alone, she reached out and intertwined her fingers with his. Matt smiled and gave her hand an affectionate squeeze—but then the elevator stopped on the floor just below. The doors slid open, and they were suddenly met with Trent, Chuck, Orange, and Alex.  
Callie couldn’t pull her hand from Matt’s fast enough. Alex stared at them, her eyes wide and unblinking. Callie’s entire face went red. She prayed she hadn’t seen them holding hands.
“We’ll get—” Alex started to say—but Orange walked onto the elevator, unbothered. Callie rolled her eyes. Of course.
Trent, Chuck, and Alex all filed in after him. Callie stepped back against the wall; she felt Matt place a comforting hand on the small of her back. She gave him a tense smile.
The doors slid closed. Chuck cleared his throat. “Well this is awkward.”
“Well now it is,” Matt shot.
Trent’s brow lowered. “Where are Nick and Kenny? Are you meeting them somewhere? Or is it just you two tonight?”
Callie felt Matt tense next to her. “Why don’t you mind your business?” he returned.
Trent scoffed. “So just you two, then?”
Alex looked up at him. “Stop,” she mouthed. For whatever reason, it angered Callie.
“Why don’t you put a muzzle on your attack dog, Alex?”
“What?” Alex, Trent, and Chuck all said at once. The elevator arrived at the lobby with a ding. “What the hell is your problem?” Alex added.
The elevator doors slid open and Matt ushered Callie out. But she talked back over her shoulder at Alex. “Really? You sicced him on Matt for no good reason last week.”
Alex’s mouth dropped as the rest of them exited the elevator. She looked hurt. Callie didn’t care.
But Trent barked out a laugh. “Look, I don’t know what lies he told you, but Alex didn’t ‘sic’ me on him. I knocked out your boyfriend on my own.”
“You didn’t knock me out.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
Callie and Matt exchanged a glance. The corners of her mouth turned down. She hadn’t meant for that to come out so harsh, but it was true—he wasn’t her boyfriend.
“Awkward,” Orange commented.
“We don’t have time for this,” Matt breathed, agitated. “Sorry you’re still upset I told the truth about dear Alex.”
He started to lead Callie away again; but Alex spoke up. “You basically called me a slut.”
He shrugged. “Yeah. And?”
Trent started for him, but Chuck put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back. “Dude, he’s not worth it.”
Matt scoffed. “Come on.” He reached for Callie—but then Trent said something unexpected.
“You want to settle this? Then give us a match. A mixed tag match.”
It was Callie who scoffed that time. “What?”
Trent shrugged. “What, scared you’ll get DQ’d again?”
Callie bristled. But Matt responded before she could.
“We have way more important things to do than wrestle a mixed tag match against you two clowns.”
“Yeah, like what? Screwing over Hangman some more?”
Anger rose in Callie’s chest. Trent didn’t know the half of what he was spouting. He didn’t know the pain Adam had caused her; he didn’t know how Matt had been there for her when she’d needed it most. Adam had done this to himself, and she told Trent exactly that.
“Hangman screwed himself.”
Alex’s lips parted in silent shock as she stared back at her. But Callie held her chin high. She was done feeling guilty and sorry for herself.
Matt smirked. “What she said,” he added. And as he led Callie away from them and out of the hotel, she looped her arm through his and hugged herself close, not caring who saw.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex knew it was probably a bad idea to try to talk to Callie. A lost cause, even. But after their run-in at the hotel last night, she had to try. She doubted they’d ever be friends again—things had gotten too messy, too personal—but she hoped they could at least come to an understanding. She hadn’t meant for any of this to happen. If nothing else, she hoped Callie could see that.
Colt had told her he’d seen her in catering. Alex spotted her sitting alone at a table in the corner. She crossed the room, pulled out the chair opposite her, and sat down. “We need to talk.”
Callie gave her a hostile look. “There is nothing we need to—”
“I’m sorry, okay?”
That stunned her into silence; she obviously hadn’t expected an apology. But she didn’t push back, so Alex went on.
“I can’t imagine how much this entire situation has hurt you, and I’m sorry. But I need you to know that none of it was intentional. I swear. I was completely blindsided when—”
She cut herself off, instantly filled with regret. She’d put her foot in her mouth. That last thought had come out like stream of consciousness and she didn’t want to finish it. But judging by the dark look on Callie’s face, she’d already figured out exactly how it would go.  
“When what?” she pressed.
Alex frowned. Her voice came out quiet; ashamed. “When Adam told me how he felt.”
Callie let out a breath. She looked down at her nearly empty plate. “So he’s told you now.”
The weight of that statement was crushing. The truth of Adam’s feelings wasn’t just speculation anymore—it was fact. Alex fumbled to recover. “Not in so many words but… I had no idea, Callie.”
“Oh please, Alex,” Callie spat. “A blind man could see that Adam’s in love with you.”
Her chair scraped loudly against the floor as she abruptly stood from the table and snatched up her plate. Alex jumped up to follow. “Come on, he’s not in love with me,” she insisted. But she wasn’t sure she believed it herself.
“I’m done with this conversation,” Callie returned. She dumped her plate in the trash can and made a beeline for the door. But Alex wasn’t done with the conversation.
“Well you should know that I rejected him,” she said as they crossed into the hall. Callie scoffed.
“Oh what, afraid there won’t be enough of you to go around if you add Adam on top of Cash, Kenny, and Trent?”
Alex’s brow lowered. “Trent? And fuck you, Callie. I’d expect a dig like that from Matt, but not you.”
“Stop attacking Matt.” She halted and whirled around to face her. “He was there for me when no one else was.”
The anger in her eyes struck Alex frozen. She didn’t know what to say. She knew what she wanted to say. She wanted to say that she would have been there for her if only she’d said something. But of course Callie hadn’t said anything to her. Alex was, in part, the cause of all this, even if she hadn’t known it. She couldn’t have been there for Callie, even if she’d wanted to be.
“I didn’t want any of this to happen,” she said.
Callie’s eyes darkened. There was no belief in her expression, no hope of forgiveness, not even a glimmer of it. Alex had thought right—this was a lost cause.
“Well that didn’t keep it from happening,” she bit, and when she turned and walked away that time, Alex let her go.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex had wanted to go out with Chuck and Trent for their match against Santana and Ortiz, but they’d both told her no; their feud had been too brutal and too personal and they didn’t want to put her in harm’s way. It had annoyed her—she felt like they were treating her with kid’s gloves because of everything with Matt and Callie. But the longer she watched from backstage, the more she started to think they’d made the right call.
Santana and Ortiz had jumped them on the ramp as they’d walked out. Alex had watched through her fingers as Ortiz had choked Trent with a rolled-up t-shirt; she’d cringed when Santana had thrown Chuck from the stage into a structure of steel chairs that he’d built himself. He still hadn’t recovered by the time the match had officially started, and Trent was left to fend for himself. Somehow, he’d managed to hold his own—until he tried to hit Santana with a spear outside the ring. Santana leapfrogged over him and Trent went crashing into the steel barricade. Alex covered her eyes again. She didn’t know how much more of this she could watch.
“Now Chuck Taylor makes the tag!” Excalibur proclaimed.
She looked back at the TV. Chuck started clearing house, and after sending Santana and Ortiz both outside the ring, he launched himself over the ropes and hit a picture-perfect tope con giro. He threw Santana back inside the ring, followed up with Sole Food and the Falcon Arrow and went for the cover—but Ortiz jumped from the turnbuckle and broke up the pin.
“Fuckin’ A,” Alex breathed.
Not wasting any time, Chuck hit Santana with a Sunset Flip powerbomb right into another pin attempt, but Santana kicked out. Trent tagged in after that. He rebounded off the ropes and caught Santana with a bicycle knee strike. Alex wrung her hands in front of her, hopeful that the tides were finally turning in Best Friends’ favor. But when Trent climbed through the ropes onto the ring apron to follow-up with more offense, Ortiz held his legs so that he couldn’t move. Santana charged. He shoulder-checked Trent and sent him flying back-first square onto the steel steps outside the ring.
“Fuckin’ A,” Alex repeated. At this point, she had half a mind to go out there with a steel chair, a kendo stick, something. She had a feeling Santana and Ortiz had another dirty trick up their sleeve, and it would only be a matter of time before they pulled it out.
They threw Trent back into the ring. Santana tagged in Ortiz. They set up for the Street Sweeper, but Chuck pulled Santana down from the turnbuckle and sent him bouncing off the ring apron. Trent reversed Ortiz’s hold and hit a Crunchie. He covered him—but he was too close to the ropes. Santana revived himself to put Ortiz’s arm on the bottom rope just in time, and the ref broke the count.
“Seriously?” Alex ran her hands through her hair, watching in frustration as Santana grabbed Chuck and tossed him over the barricades into the crowd. Then he crouched down next to the ring. He slipped his hand behind the apron and grabbed something.
“No,” Alex said to herself. In the ring, Trent tried to pick up Ortiz for a powerbomb, but he couldn’t lift him for the pain in his back. Ortiz escaped him and pushed him toward the ropes—and then Santana flicked open that retractable baton and cracked Trent right in the spine. The ref didn’t see it.
Santana tagged in. Ortiz picked up Trent. They hit the Street Sweeper. Santana hooked Trent’s leg, and that was it.
Alex didn’t want to sit backstage any longer. She hurried to Gorilla and went through the tunnel and down the ramp. She shot Santana and Ortiz a glare as she passed them and ducked through the ropes. They smirked and talked shit, but she ignored them as she knelt next to Trent on the mat.
“Hey, are you okay?”
He didn’t look thrilled to see her. “What’re you doing out here?” he groaned.
She just pursed her lips and helped him sit up. He was obviously in pain. Chuck rolled into the ring and they both helped Trent to his feet.
“What happened?” Chuck asked.
Alex glowered at the retreating backs of Santana and Ortiz. “Santana hit Trent with that baton of his. Bryce didn’t see it.”
“Fuck,” Chuck breathed.
They all exited the ring and went back up the ramp. Trent leaned on Alex’s shoulders and she wrapped her arm around his waist for support as they walked slowly back through the tunnel. Gorilla was full of people when they returned backstage. An eight-man tag match was next, pitting SCU and Private Party against Jurassic Express and the Young Bucks; the winning teams would face each other that Saturday at All Out. Alex noticed Matt and Nick out of the corner of her eye, but she ignored them. Unfortunately, Matt and Nick didn’t give them the same courtesy.
“Sucks losing unfairly, doesn’t it?” Nick smirked.
Alex shot him a venomous glare. “Mind your business, Nick.”
Matt let out a laugh. “Oh, that’s rich.”  
“Alright, seriously,” Chuck spoke up. “I’ve had enough of your bullshit and I wasn’t even there when Trent knocked your ass out.”
“He didn’t knock me out,” Matt insisted again.
Alex scoffed. “Yeah he fucking did.”
He turned his glare on her. “Why don’t you go get bent, Alex? It’s what you’re best at.”
Trent pulled away from her and walked threateningly up to Matt. Nick stepped between them, but he completely ignored him. “I thought I warned you about saying anything to her ever again.”
Matt nodded. “Yeah, you did. But you didn’t do shit about it last night, and you won’t do shit about it now.”
“Try me,” Trent challenged.
A cruel, cocky smirk curled Matt’s lips. “Alex is a sl—”
Trent lunged for him, but Nick pushed him back. Chuck ran over and grabbed Nick, spun him around and tossed him away, and with the coast clear, Trent speared Matt into a stack of equipment crates with a violent crash. The four of them starting brawling, throwing fists left and right, but the chaos was short-lived. Jurassic Express pried apart Chuck and Nick while SCU did the same for Trent and Matt. The latter pair fought tooth and nail to get back at each other.
“You want your mixed tag match?” Matt shouted as he strained against Kazarian’s grip. “You got it, next Wednesday. And I’ll make sure I knock you the fuck out.”
“You’re on,” Trent spat. “But trust me: you won’t even get the chance to try before Alex makes your girl tap.”
He shoved Scorpio off him, and he, Chuck, and Alex backed out of Gorilla, the gauntlet officially thrown.
* * * * * * * * * *
By the time Kenny asked FTR if their whole plan had been to “bamboozle” him while he was out there by himself, Adam had decided he’d heard enough. He made his way through the halls toward the ring, his AEW World Tag Team Championship in one hand, his whiskey glass in the other. He appeared on the entrance stage just before a fight could break out.
“Yeah, Adam, come on!” Dax taunted when he saw him. “It’s the great Adam Page, everyone! It’s the big superstar! It’s the cowboy hero! Everyone give him his welcome!”
Adam glowered at Tully as he passed him by. “Stay the fuck out of my way,” he muttered to him. He ducked into the ring. And then he fixed his red, watery eyes on FTR.
“We’ve been waiting to hear from you, Adam!” Dax went on, talking loudly and forcefully into the mike. “Why don’t you go ahead and tell Kenny, why don’t you explain to him who got in your head? Go on! Explain to him who made you do the things you did! Tell him what you told us last week at the bar—tell him who made you turn on your best friends so you wouldn’t have to have a rematch at All Out. Tell him who pushed your girlfriend into the arms of another man.”
Adam bit down on his jaw. Dax fixed him with a dark, unforgiving stare.
“Because it wasn’t us,” he said, pointing between himself and Cash. “In fact, it wasn’t anybody. It was you.”
Adam’s vision went blurry. He had told them that in confidence last week. He knew he’d done this to himself. He knew he’d pushed Callie away. He knew he’d thrown the Young Bucks’ gauntlet match not only to get revenge on Matt, but because he felt—he knew—they were better than him. But he’d told them that in confidence. They were supposed to be his friends.
But now, Dax was unrelenting. He looked at Kenny. “Listen, you’ve known him for four or five years. I’ve known Adam Page his whole career, and his whole career he’s been nothing more than an insecure little boy.”
Adam stood up straight, took a step closer to Dax. But he didn’t stop.
“And that’s the thing—you got in your own head. We did nothing! We didn’t have to talk to you at all—you got in your head. So tell him! Explain to Kenny! Explain to him how you’re so egotistical, how you’re so egocentric all you do is care about yourself! Tell him, Adam, how big of a piece of shit you are!”
Kenny immediately stuck out a hand to hold Adam back. It only made him angrier. He stumbled toward Dax, but Kenny pushed him back harder, flinging his title from his grip and throwing his own to the mat. Adam glared at Kenny, right in his face. Kenny shoved him again.
“They’re trying to get in your head again!” he told him, pointing at his own temple. “They’re trying to get in your head again! Don’t listen to ‘em!”
He glared at him, jaw hard. Cash took the mike from Dax.
“You know what, Adam?” he said. “I think Kenny already knows how big of a piece of shit you are.”
Kenny looked back at him, hesitant. He shook his head, but he didn’t say anything. Adam didn’t know what to make of it. But then he saw Dax and Cash pick up their tag title belts from the mat. Adam rounded on them.
“Come on, put those down,” he asked. Not angry—defeated. “Just give ‘em back.”
Cash and Dax glanced at each other. They both held out the titles; but just before Adam could take them, they dropped them to the canvas.
Adam’s eyes connected with Cash’s as he ducked out of the ring. Even though Dax had been the one who’d berated him, Cash was the one he was most angry with; the one he was most hurt by. He never should have pushed Alex to him. He didn’t deserve her. Not in a million years.
He bent down and picked up the belts. He held out Kenny’s to him as he stood—but Kenny didn’t take it. He looked. Kenny was outside the ring, his hands on his hips. And then he walked away, disappearing into the back.
Adam couldn’t be out there a second longer. He slid both titles onto his left arm and picked his whiskey glass back up as he ducked out of the ring and moved back through one of the tunnels, in a daze. He brought the whiskey to his lips and took a drink. When he saw Callie’s distorted image through the bottom of the glass, he thought he’d imagined her. But when he pulled the glass down in a panic, he saw she was real.
She walked tentatively closer, a frown creasing her pretty face. “Hey. Are you okay?”
Adam’s brow lowered. Her false sympathy was the last thing he needed after what had just happened. “Don’t act like you care, Cal.”
He tried to walk past her, but she put a hand on his bicep. It tugged at his heart.
“I do care. I still care if you’re okay, Adam.”
She turned him to face her, stepping close, still hesitant. But then she took a chance and reached up and hugged him.
“You’re not a piece of shit,” she said.
Adam stiffened. But then he smelled her perfume. It was his favorite perfume of hers. It smelled like fresh cut roses. He relaxed and hugged her back.
Her hand went to the back of his neck, holding him, gently squeezing, and he buried his face in her hair. In that moment, things felt restored between them. Maybe it was the whiskey, but right then, he just wanted her back. And so, when she unwound her arms from around his shoulders and pulled slowly away, he caught her lips in his and kissed her.
It was tender, pleading. And for a second, she kissed him back. But then she abruptly pulled away like he’d burned her.
“Why would you kiss me?” she asked, just above a whisper.
He stared back at her, unsure what to say. “I’m sorry. I just—”
She cut him off. “We aren’t together anymore. You made that choice,” she said, and she turned and left him standing there, half-wondering if he’d imagined the entire thing.
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex was enraged. Murderous. She felt blindsided. Duped. Hurt. She needed to speak with Cash. Now.
She found FTR just as they were about to retreat into their locker room with Tully. She picked up her pace, her hands balled into fists at her sides. “Hey! Hey!”
Dax saw her first. “Here we go,” he breathed with a roll of his eyes.
She pointed a firm finger in his face. “Fuck you, asshole.”
Dax’s brow lowered. “Excuse me?”
“Alright, alright,” Cash put a hand on his shoulder as he tried to advance, but Alex came in hot.
“What the fuck was that out there, huh? Was that your plan from the get-go? To make Adam think you were his friend and then just shit all over him once he’d served his purpose?”
“It’s like I said out there, sweetheart,” Dax returned. “Adam did that shit to himself.”
Alex saw red. “You piece of shit snake—"
“Alex!” Cash gripped her arm. “Come on.” He pulled her away from Dax and around a corner. She wrenched free from his grip and pushed him away.
“Don’t touch me. Don’t fucking come near me.”
Cash held his palms in the air. “I know you’re upset—”
“Oh, don’t try to justify what you just did out there,” she bit. “Don’t try to justify the awful fucking things you just said to him.”
His arms fell to his sides. There was no remorse in his eyes. “Alex, you know better than anyone that Adam is his own worst enemy.”
The air seemed to leave Alex’s lungs. He might as well have punched her in the gut. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing; didn’t want to believe it. She’d thought she’d known Cash. She’d thought she’d known who he was. But now, it was like she was looking at a complete stranger.
“You sat across from him at the hotel bar last week and acted like you were his friend,” she evenly returned. “Like you had his fucking back.”
“No,” she held up a finger, silencing him. “You tricked him. And you know what? You tricked me, too.”
Her nose burned. Tears stabbed at the back of her eyes. Her next words came out choked. Hurt.
“I can’t believe I was ever falling in love with you.”
Cash’s face fell. She didn’t give him a chance to respond as she turned and marched away, back around the corner, past FTR’s locker room, her vision blurring with unshed tears. She didn’t stop until she reached one of the lounges. She slipped behind the curtains and sunk down into one of the booths, let her head fall back against the cushions, and closed her eyes, pushing the tears out. They streamed down her face, silent. She was broken; defeated. She couldn’t take this anymore, not any of it. It was all too much.
She wilted at the soft sound of Kenny’s voice from across the room. “Kenny, I just want to be alone.”
She opened her eyes. He walked toward her, his eyes just as soft as his voice had been. “You’re crying. I’m not just gonna leave you alone to cry.”
For whatever reason, hearing him say that only made the tears come faster. He sat down and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him. She buried her face in his neck, gripping the fabric of his shirt in her fists, shaking.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered.
“What?” he hugged her tighter. “What are you apologizing for?”
“For leaving you for him. I shouldn’t have ever done that.” She pulled back and looked up at him, eyes shining, mascara smudged. “He wasn’t worth it. I’m sorry.”
Kenny frowned at her. “Baby…” he wiped the tears from her face and hugged her again. “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” she shook her head against him. “It’s not okay. What he just did to Adam is not okay.”
Her body shook. He rubbed his hand over her back in slow, comforting circles. Alex hadn’t expected to say that, but she knew in her heart it was true. At the time, she thought she’d been doing the right thing. But Cash had tricked her. He’d tricked them both. She felt so, so stupid.
She pulled back to look at him again. Her voice wavered as she spoke. “You have to fix things with Adam, Kenny,” she implored. “Please. Even if you don’t do it for the sake of the titles just please do it for me. You’re all he has left.”
She searched his eyes, pleading. Time seemed to pause. And then he nodded, and she felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from her chest.
“I will, baby,” he said, wiping more tears from her cheeks. “I will.”
She collapsed back into him, and he hugged her tight. Alex wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but the tears had nearly stopped when Kenny spoke again.
“Hey.” He loosened his embrace and looked down into her eyes. “I’m not staying here in Jacksonville; I’m heading back home until All Out. Come with me. I know you said you need time, but… let’s get some space away from all this. Just you and me.”
Alex’s throat grew thick with emotion as she gazed up at him. She felt his arms around her, relished in their strong comfort. After the chaos and hurt of the last few hours—how awful Matt had been to her, how Cash had pulled the rug out from underneath her feet—after the heartbreak and stress of the last few days and weeks, Kenny felt like a safe haven. She wanted that; needed it. And so she tilted her chin up and kissed him.
Kenny wrapped her up again, drawing her as close as he could. Their mouths moved together, deep and slow, like it had been an eternity since they’d kissed. Alex tasted the salt of her tears on her tongue, smelled his cologne, felt the scratch of his beard against her face. She wanted all of him; she wanted to be anywhere but here with him.
They broke apart, breathless. He pressed his forehead against hers. “Is that a yes?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Later that night, Callie laid with Matt on the bed in her hotel room, her head on his chest, his arm around her as they watched TV. He’d asked her if she wanted some company. She’d told him yes, hoping that his presence would help her forget about the way Adam had kissed her back at the arena.
So far, it hadn’t.
“So are you sure you aren’t mad at me for making the match against Trent and Alex next week?” Matt asked.
Callie gave a short laugh despite herself. “Yes. I’m actually looking forward to it.”
She nodded. “You know she tried to apologize to me today? She claimed that she was blindsided by how Adam felt.”
“Seriously? What’d you say?”
“I told her to fuck off. Well, not in those exact terms… but basically.”
Matt chuckled. “Good. I’m glad you stuck up for yourself.”
They fell back into silence, and Callie’s thoughts turned inward again. It affected the atmosphere in the room. Matt could tell there was something on her mind.
“Hey.” He gently took her chin in his fingers and titled her face so that she looked up at him. “You deserve better than Adam, Callie. He didn’t treat you anywhere near how you should have been treated.”
He gazed down at her with those dark, captivating brown eyes. It wasn’t hard to tell what he was thinking, what was just on the tip of his tongue, aching to be said. But I would.
Callie sat up. She leaned into him, running her fingers over his chest. “Do you remember yesterday morning? In your bed?”
She didn’t look at him as he answered, focusing on her touch brushing over his skin. “How could I forget?”
“Well,” she started. “I want to.”
She flicked her eyes up to meet his. They somehow turned darker. Full of lust.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
Callie thought about it. She thought about Adam’s kiss, remembered how it had made her lips tingle as she walked away. She thought about what Alex had said to her, the revelation that Adam had actually told her how he’d felt, remembered how that had hurt her. She couldn’t reconcile the former feeling with the latter. And because of that, she needed to forget his kiss. She needed to forget him.
She nodded. “Yes.”
Matt smirked. “Come here,” he said, and he pulled her toward him and kissed her, and she let him help her forget.
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