#anyway the pain will pass and it will be like nothing ever happened im sure
homoerotvic · 11 months
even though you were possibly the one to hurt my feelings the most in my entire life in every single dream you appear in i forgive you
#and it literally ruins my entire day. even thinking about you makes me feel like shit.#anyway the pain will pass and it will be like nothing ever happened im sure#also ive been dreaming about my first girlfriend and it makes me wonder if she dreams about me too#idk last time i saw her she looked so sick. im worried about her but its the weirdest feeling because... theres nothing i can do#we barely know eachother anymore but i still care about her so much#i know thats just the way it is but i sincerely just want her to be happy#i just know that i cant have anything to do with that anymore i guess#or i could because we could still ne friends but shes back in brazil so its a no go#p#this looks like a justgirlythings post oh well. send it#honestly its ridiculous how aforementioned first girlfriend broke up with me on my birthday while i was frankly depressed and alone#in a whole other continent lol#what this person did to me hurt harder. frfr. this whole situation makes me sick to my stomach#and i think they dont even like. think about it. or regret anything. or know i feel this way. and my stupid ass is here#avoiding the though of them at all costs. i just want this to pass and the hurt to be over it like i just have to forget all of it.#anyway its stupid shit. like the situation is not even that deep my feelings were just deeply hurt whatever so dw👍#ok the person who hurt me the most besides my mom but thats just like. what parents do#they hurt you irreparably without even noticing sometimes and then you just get over it. so im not counting that
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coloursofaparadox · 1 year
im still not over the sleep thing one sec i gotta rant about this shit
#i think the problem now is that historically my sleep habits have been Really Messed Up by what can loosely be called insomnia my whole life#its always kinda just been a given that if im in bed and i cant sleep there is absolutely nothing that can be done to help#and thats not for lack of trying i have tried every meditation and suggested solution possible. it does not happen.#if i cant fall asleep and try to force myself w/o distractions i will be awake staring at the ceiling for hours. usually till the morning#thats not an exaggeration it happened often before i gave up on it. so i figured out coping methods!#namely 1) making sure my body is taken care of as well as possible to make sure its not caused by pain or hunger or anxiety#and 2) not trying to force it and accepting itll happen when it happens. and then reading a book or watching a show on a dim screen#until i physically cant keep my eyes open and then i can fall asleep. if i try any earlier than that no dice. my brain wakes itself up again#these worked for years! but now thanks to adhd meds that actually make my brain quiet. uh. these same coping methods are. not working#im physically tired and start my usual routine and wait to pass out while reading but i just. dont. ever.#like. the physically tired feeling has never made a difference in my body cooperating with sleep. but now apparently it will????#and ive been ignoring it??? bc im used to it not working? i tried just. closing my eyes and trying to lay still yesterday and it WORKED#after like. 10 minutes or so. it was fucking crazy. i thought media and pop culture was lying about people doing that.#anyways. apparently i can fall asleep like a human and not some kind of weird chronically exhausted cryptid now.#(because of new adhd meds to be clear) but i havent been because i didnt even think to TRY it. since. yknow. cryptid status.#shits weird.
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birth-screaming · 1 year
Beach Birth
Request by @frank5804
Hazel really had hoped for a peaceful trip followed by a peaceful birth. The universe, however, had other plans. It was a hot day when Hazel had gone on a beach trip. She had decided to wear nothing but a pink bikini. Her due date was well over a week from now, so she felt comfortable and safe to go on the trip. She had a c-section planned anyways.
Her massive belly stuck out like a sore thumb. She was pregnant with twins, both of which being 9-11 pounds. Did she feel a little embarrassed? Sure, but she didn't care that much. She waddled onto a far away corner of the beach. Her stomach felt so low, and she had to painfully walk to lay down her blanket to sit on.
Some time passed by, and she decided to go in the water. She waddled away and gently sat down in the water, but still near the shore. Out of nowhere she felt a sharp pain in her lower back. She told herself that that was normal during pregnancy. The pain, however, did not go away. She continued to painfully play around. All of a sudden a sharp pain ripped through her abdomen. She doubled over in pain. She realized that people were giving her worried looks, but she could not focus on that. The pain only kept building until it finally faded away. Hazel's concerns grew, but she assumed that it was only a braxton hick. She continued to swim around, hoping nothing had happened.
Only three minutes go by, when she gets hit by another contraction. This one was even more painful than the other. She grabbed her massive belly and squirmed in pain. Pressure grew near her abdomen, using full strength the push down. She felt something move down her birth canal. She realized, still doubled over in pain, that she was definitely in labor. She tried to scream through her clenched teeth, but she could not make a sound. She realized she had to give birth here, her massive twins having no chance of c-section.
As soon as her contraction was over, she ran out of the water. She could barely stand with her belly and her drenched bikini. "SOMEONE, HELP!" she screamed. She barely made it out of the water before another contraction hit her. She felt her baby shift further down her birth canal. The pain in her abdomen was unbearable as the pressure continues to keep growing. She held her breath and tried not to scream, even with the pressure she was dealing with.
"She's giving birth!" someone yelled out from the beach. Hazel saw a tall man walking towards her. She had gotten not even a minute of rest when another contraction hit her. This one was different. On top of her pain in both her abdomen and the pressure-which were both worse than the previous ones- she felt her pussy lips part rapidly. She was about to crown. She clenched her teeth and grabbed her stomach. She got the urge to push-a big one. She tried to tolerate it but the pain kept growing. She quickly bore down and screamed louder than she had ever heard anyone scream.
The man came close to her and sat down. "Hey, just breathe for me, okay? I'll help deliver your baby" She could not believe him. How could a random man know how to safely deliver her abnormally large baby? "Just pull down your bikini, you're about to start crowning". She wanted to argue, but she simply had no strength. She obliged and took off her bikini's lower half.
Another contraction came through her, and she could take it no more, she bore down with all the strength she had. She felt her pussy stretch, more, more, until it felt like it would rip open if she continued to push. "I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE, ITS TOO BIG". "I know, but right now you need to push." "IT BURNS SO MUCH, IM GONNA TEAR, ITS SO BIG" "You. Need. To. Push. Otherwise the baby will go back inside. Terrified at the thought, she agreed and continued to push. Her pussy was stretched so wide that someone could fit their whole adult leg in it. She felt searing white hot pain, but she felt all of it. The next contraction was even worse, when she pushed, her pussy had reached its limit, it was about to tear. "I see it! Push!" he said. Hazel nonetheless kept pushing. Her whole body was shaking. "GET IT OUTTTT AAAHHHHHHH!!" she screamed. When she realized that she couldn't stretch anymore, she felt the head pop out with a gush of amniotic fluid. The man pulled out her baby and held it out to her. "It's a girl" he said.
The discomfort didn't stop though. Hazel continued to moan, louder each time. She began to whimper. She shifted uncomfortably in the sand. "ooohh" she said in a shaky moan. "what happened, my dear?" "I have twins" Hazel said with a pang of pain. "ooOOHH" Her voice grew as she felt a small contraction rip through her. "Please, i cant do this again, help, please, stop this" she cried and begged him, knowing that there was nothing he could do. She painfully realized that this was going to be the larger and heavier baby. She moaned even louder, her voice and body still shaking. "We can get you to the hospital, and don't worry, this one will be easier." Hazel nodded and tried to get up. He tried to help her up, as she moaned even louder, her moan almost being a scream.
Before he could even get her to take a step, she screamed out and doubled down. "NO! NOT NOW! NOT AGAIN!" she yelled out. "its okay, dear, relax". She didn't listen to him. She bore down with all her strength. "FUCK, ITS COMING, ITS COMING!! ITS WAY. TOO. BIGGGG!!" Her screams grew. He realized that this one would require more help. Without thinking, he laid her down on her sand, and pushed on her stomach. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ILL TEAR," He put more pressure. "STOP. ITS COMING FASTER!" She bore down again, screaming and begging him to stop. "I'm sorry, if i don't do this the baby will definitely slip back in. Now you don't want to birth this baby twice, do you?" he told her. She shook her head. She was crowning again. "See, this time its easier" "IT BURNS SO MUCH. SO MUCH PRESSURE" He still had no choice but to continue pushing on her stomach, this time with much more pressure, almost as if he was working a machinery, not tending to her pain. He couldn't though, as it was necessary to apply as much pressure as possible to prevent
Hazel continued to push, and she felt her pussy being stretched to the max. She knew she had to stop and let herself stretch. The man, however, didn't notice and put even more pressure, so much so that her stomach wasn't even round anymore. "STOP. IM TEARINGG!" she screamed, but it was too late. She felt her pussy rip apart, as if the pressure on her abdomen was not already enough. She felt the head pop out, giving a rest to her bulging pussy. The man noticed it and quickly pulled the baby out. She amniotic fluid rushed out as she finally felt relief. The man handed her her second baby. Hazel lovingly held them both.
"My name is Axel, by the way"
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atlasofthestaars · 1 year
Can you write something where the reader is sick, and their love interest Smoke helps take care of them? Thank you!
Tried to make this lighthearted and funny!
Sorry this is really short (or short for how long you waited for this) </3 I wanted to finally get this out and I couldn’t think of much to extend this
Colds were perhaps the worst thing ever.
Okay, you were being dramatic. You’d never admit that outloud, and especially in this state, but you were. They definitely weren’t the worst thing ever, but you loathe being sick. It sucked the life out of you, it made you miserable, and everyone wanted to avoid you. Not to mention, even after the worst is over, you’d be left with sniffles and coughs for an unreasonable amount of time.
Why couldn’t being sick just be a one day deal? It was all too easy to get sick anyways, one tiny mistake then you were suddenly down on your luck and getting sick. It didn’t help that you were staying in possibly the worst place right now to deal with a cold. The Lin Kuei temple was not the best place with its freezing temperatures to recover from a cold. 
Haha, cold. Cruel irony.
Grumbling, you sighed as you pulled the covers over yourself, curling into a tight ball as you closed your eyes. This way, you’d be warmer. And then maybe, just maybe, you could sleep and wake up and suddenly be better. It was definitely wishful thinking, but it was better than nothing.
Sadly, your plan was thwarted in a matter of minutes.
The door of your room opened, shining the light leaking in from the hallway directly on your face. You flinched at the sudden change in light, a frown tugging harder at your lips. It was as if the elder gods were mocking you. They enjoyed your pain, surely. 
You squinted open your eyes, nearly hissing at the light. Your grumpiness was somewhat quelled as you noticed just who was the figure who had decided to disrupt your attempt to hibernate your way into wellness. 
Tomas, the light of your life. Not that he knew it, nor did you ever mention it to him.
You blinked, focusing on his form which was being outlined by the light outside. By the elder gods, it was making him look like an angel. Not that you didn’t think he wasn’t an angel already, but now he especially looked like one. Especially when you spotted the things he was carrying in his hands.
Water and soup. 
Nevermind, maybe the elder gods were blessing you today. Maybe they pitied your sickly state, so they sent an angel to nurse you back to health. Surely that must be it.
“Are you feeling better?” Tomas asked as he set down the bowl of soup and water on the nightstand. He then knelt next to your bed. You tried to take a sniff of the soup, before remembering sorrowfully that your nostrils were clogged. You mourned the loss of smell, suddenly. 
“I think I’m dying.” You croaked out, using your status as a sick person to be even more dramatic than usual. It was a treat to yourself, to help you cope with your status. You groaned as you shifted in bed, wanting the pain of being sick to end already. You glanced at the soup and water, before glancing back at Smoke to see his reaction.
“You wouldn’t be dying if you didn’t go out in the snow like I warned you not to.” Tomas chided you, yet at the same time he had a smile on his face, and a playful note to his voice. You stared at his face, making sure to commit it to memory. It was going to be one of the few things that was going to get you through this sickness.
Or the last thing you remembered before you passed away from this illness like a sickly Victorian child.
“Well I’m not a coward.” You huffed, rolling your eyes as you recalled how you had brazenly rushed out into the snow. You were too overjoyed by the snowfall to bundle up. Plus, you weren’t out there for too long, you assumed nothing was going to happen to you.
Maybe pride was your downfall. 
“But you are sick now.” Tomas quipped back, raising his eyebrows to emphasize his point. You grumbled, not thinking of a proper comeback to his statement. You blinked in surprise as you felt his hand brush over your forehead. You were glad your face was already flushed from sickness so your blush didn’t stick out. “Seems you don’t have a fever.” 
“Yeah.” You said, stunned for a moment as you recalled his gentle touch as he retracted his hand. You didn’t care how warm your sickness was making you feel, you missed the soft warmth from his hand. You cleared your throat as you glanced at the bowl. “So, what type of soup did you bring?” You asked, all too curious.
You were shocked to hear it was your favorite soup. He had brought you your favorite soup when you were sick to make you feel better. You closed your eyes for a second, to thank the elder gods above that you had met this man.
If it weren’t for your sickness, you’d kiss the man.
That, and well, you were too much of a coward to tell him your feelings. 
“Did you hear me?” You were taken out of your stupor, looking at the man as you furrowed your eyebrows, trying to recall if you had processed what he said. You were thankful he was patient as he repeated himself. “Are you well enough to feed yourself?”
“Come on, sit up.” He urged you. Confused, you sat up. You reached out to grab the stack of tissues on your nightstand and blew into it. While you didn’t find it dignified to blow your stuffy nose in front of your crush, you found it was far less embarrassing than to drip snot in front of him. You grimaced as you tossed the tissue into the trash can. As you looked up, you were surprised to see a spoon of your favorite soup hovering in front of your face. “Here.”
“Huh.” You said, dumbfounded. Maybe the sickness was taking your intelligence too, because it felt like right now all you could muster were confused sounds and words. You blinked as you watched Tomas nod towards you, gently lifting the spoon closer to your mouth. Panicking, you leaned forward and ate the soup.
How is it that him being here made your favorite soup just a bit better?
“Good.” Tomas praised, and you felt yourself flush at the simple word. Does he know how much you adored him? No, and you doubted how much even these simple actions meant to you. Happily, he seemed to urge you to eat more, and you complied. You were not going to pass up on this opportunity to bask in his attention. “You know, I worry for you, sometimes. No one in their right mind would normally run into the snow like that.”
“I’m not a fragile baby.” You huffed stubbornly, sniffing. Yet on the inside you were fawning. He worried for you. Maybe it’s because he thought you were insane, but he worried for you! That had to mean something, right? The gray clad man shot you a look, and you pouted. “Just because I’m sick doesn’t mean anything.”
“Uh huh.” Smoke replied, sass in his tone. Still, he gave you a radiant smile as he continued to feed you soup. You felt on top of the world. If only you didn’t feel miserable otherwise, you’d consider getting sick more often so you could bask in his attention.
You glanced at Smoke’s face.
Nevermind, you would gladly trade your health if you could continue to be pampered by this man.
You had several blissful minutes of Smoke feeding you soup. As you finished the bowl, he let out a satisfied hum as he set the emptied bowl on the nightstand next to you. You also drank more from the glass of water he brought.
You were feeling a bit better already! Or maybe that was just the effect Smoke had on you. You weren’t certain which one it was. Maybe it was both.
“Glad to see you’re feeling better.” Tomas said, and you felt your heart skip a beat. You were so, so lucky to know this man. You inhaled, holding your breath as he pressed his hand to your forehead again. His touch lingered longer this time. And you weren’t sure if you were being delusional or not when you swore his thumb brushed your cheek. “Good, no fever.” He murmured, though you weren’t sure why he checked again.
Still, with the way he was looking at you, you had no room to question or complain about that. Certainly he just wanted to make sure you were feeling better. 
You sat there, taking in the sight of Tomas. His warm, gray eyes. His nice, fluffy hair that you always had to hold yourself back from playing with. Your eyes traced over his cheekbones down to his chin, and for the most briefest of seconds, you gazed at his lips.
Why did you have to be sick!?
“Did you take any medicine yet?” He asked, peering at you curiously. You froze, completely forgetting that medicine was a thing. You had just been planning on honestly sleeping this stupid sickness off. Medicine would have definitely helped.
“Uh, no.” You admit, sheepishly. You watched as Smoke playfully rolled his eyes before pulling out a small bottle from his pocket. 
“Good thing I brought some for you.” Smoke said, an almost smug tone in his voice. He poured out two pills, and glanced at you. “I know you too well.” He shook the bottle in his hand as if to emphasize the point.
There was something all too sweet in his voice that made you want to swoon and fall into his arms.
He held out his hand, the two small pills in his palms. Quickly, you reached for them. You ignored the rising heat to your face as your hand brushed his. You really, really wanted to hold his hand. They felt warm and soft.
You felt his expectant eyes on you as you reached for the last of your water. You popped the two pills in your mouth, and you quickly tilted your head back as you took a mouthful of water. You swiftly swallowed, and you let out a sigh as the pills disappeared into your stomach.
“Thank you, Tomas.” You croaked out, and immediately wanted to slap yourself for. Why did your voice have to give out on you on what was supposed to be such a heartfelt moment? Your worries all melted away as he shot you the most beautiful grin you’ve seen in your life.
“Anything for you.” Tomas said, his voice gentle and soft. He said your name with reverence, as if you were the most important thing. He grabbed your hand. And held it carefully between his own. Your eyes dropped to his hand holding, and it felt like the wind was knocked out of you. You weren’t sure if you could pass off the heat on your cheeks as you simply being sick.
“Did you hear what I said?”
Snapping out of your daze, you looked up to see Smoke’s intent gaze on you. You opened your mouth, trying to come up with the correct answer. You certainly couldn’t say that you were too busy swooning over the man to hear what he said. But you couldn’t just say anything because then it’d be obvious you hadn’t been paying attention.
And yet, it didn’t matter.
“You’re too cute.” Tomas said softly, and you suddenly wondered if you had been dreaming all this all this time. Getting up, he leaned over and gently pressed a featherlight kiss onto your forehead. He then drew back with a soft smile. “Get some rest, okay?” He murmured, cupping your cheek gently, rubbing his thumb against it before letting go.
You watched wordlessly as he gathered the bowl and water glass. He turned around and sent you another sweet smile. And you swore in his eyes he had the hint of the smuggest attitude you’ve ever seen on him as he looked you up and down.
He must know how much you adored him. That bastard.
As the door closed, you sat in silence as your face continued to burn. Your heart was beating far too fast for what was healthy for a sick person. You lifted your hand to brush against where his lips had met your forehead, and you felt like you were falling in love all over.
Maybe being sick wasn’t so bad.
“Look who’s the reckless one, now?”
You grinned as you entered Tomas’ room, a bowl of soup and a glass of water in your hands. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the eye roll he sent you as he blew his nose. Still, he sent you a weak smile as he laid in his bed. He didn’t catch your sickness as bad as you, but he was still sick regardless. Bumping into the door, you closed it as you approached him.
“Maybe it was reckless, but the look on your face was worth it.” Smoke said, a hint of smugness in his voice as he smiled at you. You scoffed, but you knew you couldn’t even fake being mad at this man. Setting down the bowl of soup and the water, you sat on his bed beside him.
“Was it worth it?” 
“Anything is worth it if it involves you.”
Sighing dreamily, you cupped his cheek as you leaned forward to press a soft kiss on his lips. You marveled as his face bloomed into a soft pink. He held your hand in place, leaning into your soft touch. Your heart skipped a beat.
“I don’t think you should be kissing sick people.” Smoke teased, his eyes squinting at you as his eyebrows raised. You rolled your eyes. Raising your hand, you pinched his other cheek, eliciting an exaggerated ‘ouch’ from the man.
“Says you.” You huffed, pouting. 
“My bad.” Tomas chuckled. “I really couldn’t resist though.” He admitted as he looked up at you. Why did he have to have the dreamiest eyes in all of Earthrealm? You returned his smile, rubbing his cheek gently with your thumb. 
Yeah, getting sick wasn’t so bad after all.
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
volume 12 already? damn that went fast. just yesterday we were crying about vash drinking in a church
anyway :D volume 12 thoughts time
chap 1:
-chronicaaaaaaaaa :3
-these quiet panels are the fucking best/worst thing that have ever happened to me
-too many memories :c
-YES LINA IS THERE THANK GOD (at the same time this is heartbreaking as fuck)
-all the enemies after all the people he has ever loved/helped
-im gonna go cry now
-i wonder what "anti plant" entails...is it a special material?
-ok fine, chronica can call knives a terrorist. she gets a pass
-oh sweet geesus
-oohhhhhh.....ok fuck
-nothing can stop the hatred of this man. kinda admirable but as the song says "your misery and hate will kill us all"
chap 2:
-"corrosive thunder", love the title
-OH SHIT DOMINA NO, pls dont let him get to you
-the plants kinda look in pain there....
-for pain purposes, i choose to believe that when they resonate they hum like vash did in stampede
-aaand shes gone
-oh god, the end of evangelion flashbacks
-tbh everything in your ship just being consumed by someone else so quickly must be scary af. nothing belongs to them anymore and soon, chronica could even loose herself
chap 3:
-oh shit oh fuck oh shit
-oh shit not thors hammer
-omg look! the laws of physics!
-noooo :c we dont get to know domina too much but its still sad
-ohhhhhhh okok i get it
chap 4:
-childish is a good word for it cuz knives just doesnt want to accept hes wrong and scared
-is vash pausing cuz even though his plan was to kill knives hes kinda sad that knives wants to kill him? i may never know
-let him use his fucking gun ok? hes an expert. also i like to think he uses it to stay grounded. like to stay with the people hes fighting with. hes not superior or anything
chap 5:
-omg right it hated this. hes just a baby :c
-so vash left with a stranger? i forgot about that
-honey just be glad YOU ARE ALIVE
-BECAUSE HES VASH THE STAMPEDE- i should rewatch that episode huh
-tbh vash, you should have. then and now
-tbh i would also think thats enough to break the chain. hmm
-"stay with me" vash pls i cant jump into the void rn
-GEESUS CHRIST, the cleanest cut in the west
-also you think vash made that face cuz the last time he made someone bleed was rem-
-"we dont belong in the future of this planet" dont fucking say that
chap 6:
-actually wanting to humans to talk with plants is a great step for improving their relationship but sure knives, whatever
-ive said this before but as someone who was mocked by wanting context before judging people, vash is so...reassuring. like it wasnt wrong of me to want to know all the sides of one story. im glad
-also i completely forgot about that town and radiation. how tf radiation happens in that planet, what am i missing
-oh nvm, thanks nightow
-WHY IS IT THEN? HUH KNIVES?- oh shit what
-yknow what, ill give knives the fact that humans are ignorant and we are repeating history etc etc, but im done. finish him vash
-for some reason this reminds me to that scene with the soldiers in ep 12. my man really cant catch a break
-"you've been abandoned" maybe by some but not by everyone. and thats the whole point
-awww :c
chap 7:
-ofc the military would be like this
-i literally cant say whos bleeding
-ah fuck ok
-ugh no...pls dont tell me hes fucking bleeding through his eyes...pls dont (if i see stampede vash bleeding like that i will eat my pc piece by piece)
-chronica :c
-OMG YES, YES, IM SO HAPPY. quoting 98 "and i know in my heart he would have done the same"
-oh well thats not fair, hes too cool
-wait why is knives not wanting to kill vash bad?
chap 8:
-considering the blockers chronica has, entering a fused entity must be scary but also exciting
-ngl i dont get the spikes on the screen thing
-wait no i want to see whats happening with vash- and its livio time
-oh hes alive thank god (this is my 2nd read why am i surprised)
-i hate seeing his eyes like that if im being honest, its scary
-OH SHIT its my wife
chap 9:
-omg its the legato episode
-what is happening, what am i looking at
-oh oh shit
-what is happening?
-ok flashback time
-yeap. its that time. shit
-geesus fucking christ. tbh ofc legato would think knives is right. there was nothing to prove him wrong
-yeap. i would do the same actually. stomp on his head
-oh honey...honey thats gay-
-is that why he has short hair...cuz knives gave him a name AND A HAIR STYLE??
-damn son
-also i may be wrong but where do people get the idea he inserted metal in his own brain to have those powers?/gen
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 year
Triple Affirmative
it's once in a blue moon lads. that means it's fic time (even though im very rusty) anyway i wrote this in 30 minutes or smthn bc i had the idea and thought it was cool
AO3 Link
Summary: Two mysterious stories become one. Sometimes, you must join the cycle to end it.
Sliver knew this was risky. How could fae not know? 
The danger of gene editing had already made itself clear when iterators had begun to come down with the rot. The process of creating creatures was safe, of course.
But to control to a new, separated puppet was completely unheard of.
Nonetheless, Sliver was sure that if this worked, everyone could escape this damned cycle.
The triple affirmative was not something other beings needed, but none of the iterators had a choice in it. If they could all ascend, however, there was nothing left to stay here for.
Faer sat down in front of the new puppet.
It was a green, furred slugcat— a variety special to Sliver’s cold reigon. They were adaptable, clever, social. They could travel long distances.
It was perfect.
Faer began the process.
Despite the tingling of faer neurons reaching out, the alien feeling of a new body, it came quite easy. Fae’s mind wanted to flit about, the excitement getting to faer, but the distraction was too costly to risk, so faer set into a low power mode, only focusing on the work.
Cycles and cycles passed. Faer did not know if the others were calling.
All they knew is that the solution was close.
So close
that they could
touch it.
The notification was jarring, startling fae out of faer focus. 
Faw could feel the defined surrounding of the slugcat. That was a good start.
Sliver moved one paw.
Then the other.
Slowly, fae stood, and a thrill rushed through their body.
Sliver had found the way out. They were free. Everyone could finally, finally be free!
The excitement overwhelmed faer systems, and at first, faer didn’t care to monitor that feeling.
That is, until fae felt a spark.
Suddenly, agony ripped through every piece of faer— from the smallest neuron to the surface of their can— and it hurt, IT HURT— 
A scream ripped from faer vocal cords as everything began to malfunction in an agonizing series of individual processes.
First, faer cooling systems.
Then, the gravity of faer rarefraction cells.
The spine carrying faer puppet began to seize as faer body thrashed in the air, and neurons dropped dead one at a time.
It was at the very end, where the chill of death settled in, that something happened.
The scorching pain became background to an unusual sense of peace.
Fae could see it. 
Fae could see it all. 
Every ancient that had built faer and faer siblings. Every creature that had journeyed to the void sea. A cycle that spun on into eternity.
Sliver was not sure where fae was, or even who fae was, but the knowledge of ten thousand eons poured into their mind.
Fae thought faer processors would not be able to take it, and yet somehow, faer mind was clear as ever. The knowledge wound through every part of fae, before neatly furling in faer chest, like golden thread on a spool.
Fae felt more awake than ever, not weighed down by every process that had plagued faer mind anymore.
Somehow, the feeling didn’t quite dissipate with the high that came with it.
Sliver’s senses returned to faer, and fae found faerself staring up at faer hanging puppet, limp in the air.
Fae could feel their eyelids over their eyes still, but vision remained with them all the same.
When fae opened faer eyes, fae saw golden string.
It hung from every surface, somehow denoting a date in faer mind.
The answer finally came to faer as fae stared into the yarn intertwined with everything.
Fae could cut these threads.
Fae could cut a cycle short.
My string...?
Looking down at faerself, fae found a thread spiraling all around them, tangled and knotted, unruly.
It did not end. In fact, it seemed to go on forever. Fae’s paws went through the wires when they tried to cut it.
Eternity was designated to the thread.
It would never end.
But if fae could cut each thread but faer own, that meant fae had found the Triple Affirmative. For everything.
Everything but faerself.
A grim whisper of a laugh escaped faer lungs, sounding more like a breath of air than a sound.
Fae finally wobbled up onto faer own two feet.
If fae was the solution, then fae needed to get moving. Faer siblings would not free themselves.
Silently, fae wondered if eternity would be more bearable if fae could journey.
Fae would have to find that out for faerself.
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lostacelonnie · 1 year
Thank you! I kinda just. Realized i pay for all my own stuff & have for years so whats stopping me y'know. Oh we love to hear about the fall of far right leadership i hope that turns out well & you can get your eventual hrt as well. Oh yeah i never wear swimsuits to the beach typically. Always been with people i dont like or too many strangers for my liking. But i like to find seashells & stuff. Oh? English is such a weird language having a partner to learn from who's fluent is like. Required almost. So im glad you had one. I appreciate when people are chill as long as you try its nice & leaves room for mistakes that'll happen inevitably. Got confused for a moment & the concept of having a birthname you dont have listed in your bio lost me like. What do ya mean you had any different name what. Both mine are easy so i dont have that as a first name problem. Where is tromso? I wish you luck in that fall/winter trips are so nice. I especially love to go camping in them because less people so more space. Oh she just gets all the counters wow. Gonna have to focus on her a bit for sure. I dont know if i have enough for guaranteed kafka but i will probably try. Just to see what happens. If nothing else i hope bronya or welt come home for you. Fontaine is one of the regions im most interested in so ill stick through for it but i might squeeze a break in towards natlan honestly. Chasm was. A pain anyways i do not blame you for skipping it honestly. Thats an average day in warsaw? Wild. Ohhh that sounds like it was a blast please pass belated birthday wishes to avery for me. Hair dye is such a fun thing to do congrats on the red! I wanna dye mine again soon. Eyeliner is a thing i wanna teach myself to do too ive just been. Forgetting a lot
yeah thats very understandable!!! and thank you!! after a long time i finally feel at least a little hopeful ab this countrys future but well see. yeah i have the exact same thing but at the same time drying a lot of clothes is Annoying [esp on camps since thats the main place i actually go into the water on] so i often just put regular clothes over a swimsuit. win-win situation. seashells ARE fun to find but i always forget to bring sth to carry them sjdjflksjf plus its pretty hard to find actually nice ones, over here at least. YEAH god plus the way english is taught in polish schools does NOT help so honestly if i didnt have additional lessons i probably wouldnt have learned anything despite studying for a looooong time. and yeah its that way with almost anything isnt it. AH I DO THAT EXACT THING SO OFTEN i genuinely forget that people Have birthnames. or even names in general i just treat usernames as first names a lot of the time. tromso is the place in norway i was in!! pretty far up north but very charming. thank you!! ahhh i almost never go camping but perhaps One Day..... yeah clara has been my best friend ever since i got her. shes so fun to use. thankies and good luck to both of us!!! already got 106 pulls ready + the 9 more from the login event + 20 days left to grind so while i defo wont get enough for guarantee i think it might be possible for me to get her. honestly the region im most excited for is snezhnaya and thats gonna be the last one released iirc so. still a while until that happens. but at least when/if i come back im gonna have a lot of stuff to check out so thats fun. i unfortunately suffer from having to see everything thats new Immediately so i often speedrun new versions in 3 days and them im like....... What Now........ until the next update and then the cycle repeats. ah i should play more games that arent released this way. but yeah while the chasm was quite pretty imo and the story was. well. it wasnt STUNNING but it was fun. but the exploration aspect SUCKED good lord i hated how i could never quite tell if im in the region displayed on the map or below it. agh. glad thats over. and well yknow how it is with big cities, at least i live in a fairly peaceful part so we dont really have big stuff like that often. i will!! and thanks!! i agree hair dye IS very fun but unfortunately my hair texture makes it really hard for dye to stick so it washes off quickly :'] but alas. and yeah fair jdjfklg i have the same thing PLUS. its annoying i can never get it even
0 notes
equallyshaw · 2 years
are you with me - quinn hughes.
inspired by nilu: are you with me.
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warnings: mentions of death. swearing. angst. shitty/toxic man.
Word count: 3.6k +
duvshanit: honey in hebrew.
Wake up, stay with me
Through the flood and through the fear
Right now I need you here
I looked over at Quinn from across the bar, and sighed before running a hand through my hair. I didn't get him, I didn't get this, I didn't get us. I never had. We had been seeing one another for 7 months, on the down low. Only his teammates knew about us and that's who he was with right now. I was at the bar ordering another drink and not once did he look over to make sure I was okay like I had seen the other guys do with there girlfriend or fiance. Again, none of it had made sense. In his words, "We work well together. This works well because we know it's nothing serious." Yet the way he treated me behind closed doors, made it seem like we were so much more. Like he actually gave a damn about me. My friends saw the way he was in public and when it was just them at our place. They didn't understand it and had given up doing so. I looked down at my ringing phone and looked at the name, my dad was calling. I made my way outside the bar and picked it up. "Hey dad." I asked rubbing my arms up and down, during this November night. "Hi y/n..." He said trailing off before I realized it, he was crying. "Dad what's wrong??" I profously asked, trying to get him to speak. "Is mom ok? Jane? Ryan?" I questioned about my immediate family. He sniffled, "Yeah, yes they are all fine. But it's grandma.." He trailed off, me already putting the pieces together for my last living grandparent. I shut my eyes and started to sob as I leaned back against the bar wall. "Im so sorry dad." I sobbed, wiping my own tears. "She's no longer in pain, sunshine. Let me know when you want to come home, Ill get you on the next flight home." He breathed and I nodded. "Ill let you know dad, love you." I spoke before hanging up.
I wanted to be anywhere but here. I huffed as I walked back inside to grab my coat from our area. I didn't speak to anybody nor did I look at anybody. I grabbed my jacket and walked right back out. Not like he would of noticed anyways, he just didn't do that when we were around strangers. I hopped in my car, and drove off towards my apartment that I had with one of my closest friends, Ava. I texted her that I was coming home early, and what had happened. It was like the world wanted me to be in the car for an un godly amount tonight. It took me 35 minutes instead of my usual 20 minutes. After making it up my way into elevator and zipping to floor 6, it still hadn't really hit me. Not until I walked into my apartment and saw a text from Quinn. He was annoyed that I had left without speaking to anybody. I ignored him and went to hug Ava, who was standing there with her arms out wide. In that moment, I allowed my pent up tears to fall. Allowing grief to begin and settle in.
It was around 2 am, when I felt the bed next to me dip and a pair of warm muscular arms wrap around me. Instantly I knew who it was, but I didn't care. I didn't care that he was shitty half the time. I didn't care that he would 'forget' plans or that he would run late for our dates that he would infact make. I didn't care that he put on a persona to the world, and then in private he was a worshiper. I didn't care, all I cared about was that he was here. I felt warm salty tears fall out, as the realization hit me again that my grandmother had passed. Quinn held me tighter, allowing me to cry for a few minutes. I looked up to him he wiped the last few tears from my cheeks. His hazel eyes twinkling as he was riding out his alochol buzz. His eyes met mine, and I internally crumbled. "What's wrong duvshanit?" He murmured softly, as he could tell I was in the most fragile state he'd ever seen me. He searched my eyes for anything that would tell him what was going on. "My grandma, she passed away." My voice breaking at the end, as he pulled me in as close as he could. Hoping and praying that I wouldn't break in his arms. "Please...don't leave me in the morning. Please stay, I need you." I softly whispered, wondering if he could hear me. "Ofcourse duvshanit, i'll be right here." Yet, he didn't stay.
I need you to stay strong
To remind me where I came from
And where I belong
It was three weeks later that Quinn followed me from Vancouver to Seattle Washington for my grandma's funeral and wake. Despite him leaving that morning, I again didn't care. I wanted that anchor, that companionship that I knew I needed. Ava and my other friends objected as soon as I mentioned it, but they don't know him the way I do. Yeah, the sometimes stolen glances we had in public made up for it when it was just the two of us. As soon as we stepped into my parents home I was bombarded with hugs and words of hope. My grandmother would have never wanted us to be sad, or sad for very long. She had one hell of a life and wanted us to celebrate it. My family had never met Quinn, so this was the very first time they were meeting. Quinn had a odd confidence about him. He took that first meeting in his hands, and charmed them like he had charmed me the first time we had met at a buisness meeting almost 9 months ago. yes, it took me 2 months to say yes to a date. I pulled Quinn further into house, saying hi to my aunts and uncles, and our closest friends. I was incredibly grateful for the support system we had, my grandmother would of been happy to see so many come and show there love for us. It was hard growing up, always stressed out and running to place to place. My parents didn't have much free time growing up, so we stayed with my grandma and grandpa most days after school. My grandma always had something freshly baked for us and my grandpa always having a dad joke prepared. Quinn and I took a seat at the kitchen counter, greeting and introducing him to everybody before we all settled into a comfortable conversation.
It was later in the evening when I went to show him my childhood room, that was filled with sports trophies and awards from my time with soccer and theater. Quinn took it all in, as I sat on the edge of my bed. Ryan my younger brother walked in and made chat with Quinn for a few minutes before I walked out. I made my way downstairs towards my parents. They were sitting on the couch with my aunt, a beer in there three hands. I sat down next to my dad and he wrapped an arm around me, "You ok?" He questioned and I shrugged. "I think im acting stronger than I think I am." I confessed and he set down his beer and gave me his full attention. "I think im putting on a front, especially with Quinn around. And it's exhausting, and Im sick of it." I explained and my dad nodded. "Well you're here. You are with us, where you can be exactly who you are. No front, no persona. Just y/n y/mn." He smiled and I nodded. "I haven't felt this genuinly comfortable since I moved out to Vancouver last year." I murmured nonchalantly and my dad picked that up. I met Quinn a month after moving here and I thought maybe he'd help me settle in and grow comfortable with the city. But no, the opposite happened. I always felt on edge, especially since I didn't get what was going on between us. "Im not sure..if Vancouver is for me." I said for the first time out loud. My dad was taken back because of what I had said over our weekly phone call. "Yeah, it doesnt add up to what i've told you and mom. But grandma knew, she knew it all." I breathed as he pulled me in closer as I began to cry. "Don't worry sunshine, you belong here and you always will." My dad said as I was slowly beginning to shed my persona.
'Cause I'm starting to think
That I never actually had you
It's been 2 months since the funeral, and 2 months since Quinn had seen a very vulnerable side to me. Since then Quinn and I had barely seen one another. Maybe it was for the best? Maybe it wasn't? Yet, I couldn't just throw away 8 months of us. That would mean, that it didn't happen. As I sit here in my apartment on a saturday evening, I think about the reality of us. Did I even have you? Did I matter to you as much as you mattered to me? Didn't seem like it since you acted like we were just friends in public but in private we acted liked girlfriend and boyfriend. It was exhausting not knowing if you were gonna text me after we hanged out or if we were going to see one another aside from the buisness meetings you had at my office. In a way, it was almost sad to think that I was pining for you and you could have cared less.
My friends were worried about me, and knew that going home to Seattle would be for the best. I was going to be surrouned by my family, which was exactly what I needed. So I put in my 2 weeks, started packing and sending things over to the us. I then shipped my car, and that was the final thing. That's when reality hit, as Ava and I had one last italian saturday 12 am dinner. A staple when we first moved in together. And in the morning, she'd be dropping me off at the train station where I would wallow in my feelings for 3 in a half hours, going over and over the time I had spent with Quinn. And how he met my parents, and how he stopped trying as soon as we got back. Maybe I was too emotional or too vulnerable with him that weekend. Yet, that's the toxicity talking. My grandma died, I didn't over react. He was just a shit dude. And it kills me to say, that I probably never had him the way I thought or wanted him.
Don't give up, not yet
No matter how hard this gets
Ava dropped my off at the trainstation, and an hour in I recieved a text from him. I sighed, unsure if I should read it or delete it. I had every right to delete it. But I wanted to know what he had to say. I opened it up, and saw a simple "hey". I rolled my eyes before responding, "Don't text me anymore Quinn. Ive moved back to Seattle. It's a good thing we were never really together, so this isn't as hard as it could of been. good luck with hockey." and with that I shut my phone off and fell into a small nap.
I thanked my parents for the ride over to my new apartment near the downtown. My mom was a godsent and had started to put things away into there spot, hoping to ease any anxiety for me coming home. It was around 8:30 at night when I was in the middle of eating my takeout thai food, that I got a facetime from him. I rolled my eyes, declining and went back to watching The Holiday. My phone kept blowing up, each and everytime I either let it go to voicemail or I declined. It was on the 10th time that I growled, accepting the facetime call. Quinn appeared on the other side, his hair a mess - as usual, his hazel eyes buzzed - as usual and his stupid face beautiful as ever. It took him a second to realize that I had actually accepted the call. "Quintin." I spat, trying to get his attention. His focus whipped towards me as soon as he heard my voice. A sense of visual relief dawned his face as I patiently waited for him to speak. "Y/n, god you are one hard lady to get ahold of." He said sarcastically, hoping i'd crumble and laugh at his dumb joke. I stared at him, hoping he'd say what he wanted to say before I hung up. "Quinn, what do you want?" I said taking a sip of my hard liquor. His forehead creased with confusion before speaking, "Why did you move away?" He asked. I sighed, running through the amount of excuses I could say. "Because, I didn't feel like myself there." I confessed and he looked confused. "The version you saw of me was filled with anxiety and a persona that looked like I had my shit together. In reality, I was fucking struggling. I barely knew anybody besides Ava, Jackie and Lizzie. I didn't feel comfortable living in the city, didn't enjoy my job as much. I didn't have a support system like I do back home." I exclaimed, sipping some more of my drink. Confusion washed over his face again, "But you had us. You had me." he retored, and I laughed akwardly. "Oh my god, Quinn! Youre gonna sit here and say that I had you when you know god damn well- I didn't. You could never tell that I was head over heels for you, when you were in love with something else. You were in love with idea of being 'untouchable' the idea of having girls fawn over you, hoping to get a rise out of me, or the feeling of knowing that you had some sore of status in the city. So no, don't sit here and say I had you because we know that to be false." I snapped, downing the rest of my drink.
Quinn watched as I did, and heard my murmur to myself as I got up to get more. "Y/n- are you drinking?" He questioned and I laughed, the fucking nerve. "So what if I am?" I mused setting the phone down and propped it up. "Y/n - duvshanit. I know you are having a hard time but please, be safe." He pleaded and I stopped pouring the drink. I turned towards him and glared. "Don't give up on Vancouver. Don't give up on us please." He begged, "There was never 'us'. You made sure of that. I get the feeling that I never had you in the first place, Quintin." I huffed before ending the call.
We're not equal parts
Light and dark
I stepped off the plane and walked into the Vancouver airport and spotted Ava immeditly. "AHHHH Y/N/N!" She screamed, running towards me as I walked outside. I laughed as she wrapped her arms around me, god I had missed her hugs. "Hi A! I missed you too!" I giggled. She pulled away, almost dragging me towards her car. "Where are we going?" I questioned as we drove off. "Somewhere fun." She smirked getting onto the expressway. "Oh geez." I said hesitantly and she stuck out her tongue. We drove towards downtown and made our way to one of the bars we used to frequent with the four of us: Lizzie, Ava, Jackie and I. "Lucys?" I grinned as we hopped out, and she nodded- again almost dragging me towards the door. As soon as we headed towards the back of the bar, Lizzie and Jackie shrieked and pulled me into huge hugs. I had left in late December and now it was the beginning of April. I had missed these girls, and everything that accompanied them. "Hi babes." I mused, as we sat down to shots of tequila. We downed them instantly, whilst Jackie went to go get our usuals. "Hey- isn't that Quinn?" Lizzie whispered as quietly as she could to Ava who only nodded. I looked up towards the two and bit the inside of my cheek. God, he still had something over me. Yeah, I had gone on a few dates since moving back to Seattle. But fuck, this stupid boy still held something over me. And I for sure know it's not in a good way.
We are complete opposites, and could easily get on eachothers nerves because of it. I was sunshine and daisies, and he was cold and broody. He was the storm to my sunshine. Yet,in a way we fit together because of it. We shared some of the same beliefs or morals but at the end of the day, we were just so vastly different that it became like a chore sometimes to keep him from getting annoyed or angry. We hadn't spoken since the night I had gotten to Seattle and wanted it to stay that way. Maybe it would.
I had changed, and hopefully he had too. You could see it in the way I dressed, the way I spoke and presented myself. After snagging a amazing journalism job at The Seattle Times, things started getting better. I loved my job, and for the first time in a year, I felt like myself. Never again, would I allow myself to 'settle' or compromise who I am for a boy who barely acknowledged me unless we were in one of our apartments. It's sad, but I am glad I went through what I did. Because if I hadn't, I would not be where I am today. Completley and utterly in love with my life.
Are you in or are you out?
It was September of the same year that I had made my way back up to Vancouver to cover a international philanthropy event. I didn't have anything planned for the time I was there. Partially because The Seattle times hooked me up with the four seasons and took care of all the costs while I was there. Which meant, I had a couple dates with the spa and coffee cafe within the hotel. Yet Ava and the girls wouldn't let me do that. We sat down at an exclusive restaurant and bar, excited to catch up and make plans for the time I was here. "Ill be back." I stated picking up my glass, and heading over towards the posh bar. "Hi, can I have a expresso martini please? That table over there?" I asked the bartender and he nodded. I took a glass of water he sat down, and I sipped a bit before putting it back down. "Y/N?" I heard to the side of me. I looked over and saw the incredibly charming brunette boy I had fallen for. He smiled once I realized who he was, and didn't make a run for it. Which, I was still considering. "Hi, Quinn." I said stepping closer to him as he waited for his drink. "How are you? How's Seattle?" He questioned, a genuiness washed over his face and I swallowed. He saw the hesitancy written across my face and body language. "It's um, it's great. Im great, just up here for an event I am covering. How are you? Excited about the season?" I questioned taking the maritini with a thanks. "That's great! And yeah, I am. Should be a good one." He mused and I nodded, unsurely. "Well, you have a great evening." I mused before stepping past him. He grabbed my arm softly, and I looked into his eyes trying to read him. Thankgod for the dark ambience and secluded bar, or else this would be even more embarrasing. "Can I convince you to stay?" He softly questioned and I could feel the excitment building in my body. Don't do it Y/N.
A few minutes later we were in his car, driving back to his place. We were high on excitment, a little buzzed from alochol and the feeling of 'we know this isn't right but fuck it.'. He grabbed ahold of my hand and kissed it as he drove, butterflies growing by the second. We made it to his apartment, and hurried inside. As soon as we got into his room, he wasted no time in taking off my dress and me with his button up shirt. We couldn't get enough of one another.
A little while later, we laid in his bed talking about what we both had been up to since December. I grew quiet and Quinn noticed instantly. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours, duvshanit?" He said almost, as sweet as honey. "Just thinking about everything that went down between us." I sighed, sitting up and grabbing my clothes. "Are you leaving?" He questioned throwing on his shorts and I nodded slipping on my dress. "Wait, why don't you want to stay? Did that mean nothing to you?" He questioned as we faced one another. "Thankyou for the offer Q, but I will happily decline it since you don't mean anything to me anymore." I mused giving him a quick peck on the cheek before walking out. There would never be an us, ever again. Quinn simply did not deserve what I had to offer and give in a relationship. I was over trying to persuade him to be with me. It didn't work before, it sure as hell would not work now. So don't settle ladies, it'll just hurt you in the end.
I hope you guys enjoyed! Please like and reblog- appreciate it :)
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starryevermore · 3 years
remember me: the extraction (5) ✧ bucky barnes
remember me ✧ a bucky barnes series | ao3
pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
summary: they find you.
word count: 1,475
warning(s): minor character death, im really bad at writing fight scenes so i just…didn’t lol, not proofread
note: there is no set update schedule for this; new parts come whenever they come.
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“The serum’s finally been recreated,” Sharon said, passing off the briefcase containing the serum to one of the scientists. “Nagel just finished performing the tests on it. It should work fine.”
“Should or will?”
“He’s said it’s been recreated with remarkable accuracy, though he made a few adjustments. The serum won’t have the same physical changes as it did with St—ehem, Rogers. She’ll look the same as she does now, but she’ll receive all of the other benefits. He also said that there won’t be a need for all of the original, complex machinery as before. A simple injection is all we need, just like a vaccination.”
“Good. We can’t afford the Avengers catching wind of this. Not yet, anyways.”
“Not yet?” Sharon frowned. “I thought the whole point of selling The Doll out was to stop the Avengers from caring about her.”
“Well, you ruined that plan, didn’t you? You didn’t make sure all the loose ends were tied up, and they figured out that you had misled them. An unaccounted for mistake, but we mustn’t kick a gift horse in the mouse. We can, and we will, use it to our advantage.”
That wasn’t part of Sharon’s plan. No, she thought the Avengers would be fine. That Hydra wouldn’t send The Doll after them. Assassinating the Avengers would look too suspicious. It would look better if the Avengers were killed on a mission or in a far less obvious way. What was Hydra playing at? 
And, if Sharon was being honest with herself, she wasn’t looking forward to the idea that she would play a direct role in the death of the Avengers. For better or for worse, she did like being on the team. She only sided with Hydra because she felt betrayed by the team after the debacle with the Accords. Steve had promised that she would be okay and yet, he forgot about her. It wasn’t until years later that he reappeared and helped her go back to her old life. By then, though, Hydra had already helped her, and she was now indebted to them. There was no backing out now. She’d made her bed, and now she must lie in it. 
Your scream pulled her from her thoughts, her back perfectly straightening as she listened to your pained scream. She wanted to flinch, to look away, but she knew that eyes were on her. She couldn’t afford to slip up. She would have nothing if she did. So, she stood there, back straight, eyes locked on you, as you writhed in the chair they strapped you in. 
“I see the serum still comes with all the pain,” he said.
“Of course it does. You can’t go through those kinds of changes without being hurt in the process.” 
But, just as quickly as it started, your screams stopped, your body going limp in the chair. Sharon fought the urge to step forward, to see if you were okay. She wasn’t sure why she cared. She never liked you much in the first place. You had always been part of the mission to her. But, you meant something to Bucky, and Bucky meant something to Steve, and Steve…Well, he meant a lot to Sharon. Even after everything that had happened. 
“Кукла?” the man said as the scientists released your bonds. Slowly, your body arose, you looking at your handler. “Сломанный. Эксперимент. Красный. Вдова. Тринадцать. Убегать. Двенадцать. Мститель. Два. Предательство. Кукла?” 
“Готов подчиниться.”
“Убей ее.” * 
And that was the last thing Sharon heard before your hands were wrapped around her throat and it all went black. 
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If Bucky thought he had felt anxiety before, it was nothing compared to this. He didn’t want to hurt you. At least, not more than he already has. But this was going to come down to a fight, he was sure of it. Ever since FRIDAY had found you, the…whatever it was had been tracking you. The rumors Yelena had been told were right, as far as Bucky could tell. The path that you were taking was a clear shot to the base in Siberia he had once been housed in. 
“We’ll get her back, Buck,” Steve said, watching his pace through the quinjet.
From the front of the quinjet, Yelena snorted. 
“Is there a problem?” Steve asked, his eyes narrowing at the former assassin. 
“Oh, no, none at all,” Yelena said. “Except maybe that you shouldn’t be the one to make promises about finding and bringing Y/N back considering you’re the reason she was taken by Hydra in the first place.”
Steve clenched his jaw. “That’s not fair. You weren’t there—”
“You act so high and mighty, like people should listen to you, should follow you,” Yelena said, turning in her seat. “And yet you’re willing to sell out your own soldiers at the first hint of—”
“You all are not my soldiers! We’re a team, and I have to make sure that—”
“Oh, a team?” Yelena laughed. “Right. Because a team sells out its members all the time, no questions asked! If this is what the Avengers are, I can’t believe I ever thought…I can't believe anyone ever thought that you were the good guys. That you were the type of people that could be looked up to.”
“We are the good guys.”
“Well, if the good guys are you, then I know that the answer to the age old question of whether people are inherently good or bad is that we are the evilest, most rotten species to walk the earth.”
“Yelena—” Wanda started to say. 
“What? You’re going to stand there and tell me I’m wrong? I’m not wrong! You all have said that you love Y/N, that you would give anything to have her back, but you wouldn’t need to worry about any of this if you had thought for even a moment that maybe there was more to the story, none of this would have happened! What is it that you Americans pride yourselves on? Fair trials and all that? Where was Y/N’s? Where was hers?”
Like before, part of Bucky wanted to push back, to prove Yelena wrong. But, deep inside, he knew that she was right. There was no reason for them to behave the way that they did. He, especially, should have given you the chance to tell your side. And yet, once the finger had been pointed, once Hydra had been mentioned, it was as if all of Bucky’s rationality went flying out the window. And you were the one who suffered for it. 
“Save the fight for Hydra,” Nat said. “We’ve reached the base.”
And for what was probably the first time since he broke free from Hydra’s control, Bucky lost himself in the fight. He operated fully on autopilot as he and the others broke into the base, cutting down anyone who got in their way. He only had one thing on his mind and that was bringing you home. This had gone on long enough. His actions had hurt you for long enough. If this wasn’t successful…he didn’t know what he would do. They only had one shot at this, and he couldn’t afford to mess it up. 
As he got deeper into the base, the anxiety started to creep up again. He was going to see something he didn’t like. He just didn’t know when. But, as he got closer to the room he knew he was once tortured in, when he saw Sharon’s lifeless body on the ground, he knew that he had to save you now. If they’d already had you kill Sharon…He shuddered to think about what else they’d forced you to do. About who they forced you to kill. 
“Кукла?” he called out. The Doll, that was what they called you now. Somehow, and he wasn’t sure how, it felt worse than when he was called Soldat. 
It almost felt like the wind had been knocked out of his lungs as he heard the clunk! of your boots as you stepped toward him. As you stepped into the light, your head cocked to the side as you looked at him. But, god, he wished he could forget the way you looked at him. How you didn’t recognize him. How he was a virtual stranger to you.  
“Кто ты?”**
“I’m sorry,” he said, grabbing the tranquilizer he’d been given, “but this will only hurt for a moment. And then we’ll take you home.”
And, with the kind of expert precision that could only be found in an ex-sniper, Bucky shot the dart at you, the tranquilizer striking into your skin. He surged forward, dropping his weapon as you began to stumble forward, catching you just before you hit the ground. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered to your unconscious body. “But I’ll make this better. I promise.”
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* per google translate: “Doll? Broken. Experiment. Red. Widow. Thirteen. Runaway. Twelve. Avenger. Two. Betrayal. Doll?” “Ready to comply.” “Kill her.” 
** per google translate: “Who are you?” 
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Dry Humping w/ Nagito Komaeda
request; P-Perhaps dry humping with Nagito? If not that is okay 👉👈
warnings; dry humping, gender-neutral reader, dub-con??, i am dying, slight humiliation, nagito is pretty good at dirty talk, no fluff, pwp, degradation??? but it’s like idk self-degrading degradation, not edited but i used spell check.
note; i got a pretty unpleasant eye infection so i had to write this with one eye open and the other eye closed- but hey, even diseases can’t stop my hornee *pained laughing* (on another note, i think i might be sick- i can’t breathe through any of my face holes properly, so uploads this week or month will be slower; i can barely see what i’m typing)
also i’m literally so sorry for cutting this off so short but please, i am drowning in my own fluids im so soryr sbhasjdfksdbfsjd please send help i think i am going to pass out /hj
wc; 1k+
“Are you-“ Nagito breathed out from in between your kisses, face flushed as he stared at you through half-lidded eyelashes. “—sure you want to-“ Swallowing down his words, your hands slid down to the waistband of his pants, fingers reaching in between you eagerly.
“S/o-!” He gasped into your mouth, hands that had been awkwardly hovering over your back, darted to your ass, pushing you closer to him selfishly as he arched his back into you ever so slightly. 
His calls for your name only seemed to egg you on, as well as his touch; prompting you to practically hop into his lap, perching your core over his bulge. Nagito whined against your lips, fingernails digging in your thighs in desperation.
Whatever pleas, and worries of you not wanting trash like him from earlier, seemed to dissipate into thin air as he bucked his hips into yours. He didn’t seem to have to worry about you not wanting him, as your hips reciprocated his move by squeezing your thighs around his waist.
Nagito shuddered at the pressure, gasping out into your mouth; he muttered your name through pants. As you sucked and nibbled on his bottom lip, your hands fanned out on the back of his neck, cradling him further into you as he kissed you back with fervour. 
You pulled away from his lips to take a breath, eyes peeking open to see his flushed face, and his own green stare he bore into you through his eyelashes. Nagito seemed to dislike the fact you stopped kissing him, and though he didn’t say anything about it, the domineering gaze he had on you was enough to start grinding against his lap like before. Dragging your crotch over his, mind you, extremely prominent bulge, you could feel it grow against you; causing you to jerk away and gasp as it had been too much pressure. 
The gasp of air had been cut off as Nagito gently but eagerly pushed you to your back, taking things into his own hands as you had been going painfully slow for him. He adjusted your thighs around his waist as he leaned his back and hips into you, delicate and bony hands gripping the sides of your rib cage as if it was his lifeline. 
“I’m so sorry; trash like me- Shouldn’t even be touching you, let alone humping you like a whore-ish animal, but-” He whispered, flushed, grinning face right above yours as he bucked his hips into yours, causing you to throw your head back in graceful ecstasy, lips parting as you let out a small moan. 
Nagito let out a slightly delusional laugh at the face you made, eyes widening as he wanted to see you more clearly. “Haha, to be fair-” Nagito dipped his fluffy head down and nibbled the sensitive skin of your collar bone, hands sliding up to your shoulder blades as he arched his hips into your crotch a little harder. He spoke nothing but the truth against the crook of your neck, “you seem to be enjoying this a lot.” Mewling, you nodded frantically, urging a small obsessed chuckle from his side.
You bucked your hips up into him, trying to relieve some tension in your nether regions as it had begun to be too much. Nagito had practically scrambled to give you what you wanted, it was at that moment had you remembered that this was still Nagito, despite the domineering hold he had on you; this was still your Nagito. 
He pulled his hands away from your back, bringing his forearms up to rest beside your head, lining up his flushed face right above yours. Through pants, his words fanned against your face—and notes of mint hit your nostrils. “I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to see- Ghhah! T-trash like me right above your f-face, huh?” He groaned out, an apologetic smile on his face as he jerked his hips into yours, causing you to moan out a little louder, to his lot. 
You shook your head, fingers that had been gripping the sheets beside you, just seconds ago, shot up to his head full of fluffy white hair, pulling it slightly as you pushed him into your own face. His own green eyes widened as if he wasn’t expecting you to do that, breath hitching as he caught the lustful look in your eyes— lustful for him as it seems.
He almost felt pressured to make you feel good, cutting his call of your name off with his own lips on yours— he found himself melting into you, becoming completely immersed in you, your touch, your scent, your lips, your hips- It was as if he was binding himself into you; or at least that’s what he thought was happening. 
Nagito had not only been melting into you in mind but also in body, as his knees buckled, causing him to fall and push up riiiiight against your sweet spot. Sure, you can call it a happy accident- but who’s to say Nagito didn’t do that on purpose? 
“I’m sorry, so sorry-” He didn’t seem to be as sorry as he said he was, as he began grinding into you quicker, harder; a pace you could barely keep up with though you sat there and still took it with a glass of water. 
“N-Nagito—!” You sobbed out suddenly, feeling your own fluids start to soak up your underwear and pants, you felt humiliation- though it had been nothing akin to how Nagito had been feeling. He was already thinking of what to say to you after he gets you to finish, cultivating several ways to beg for your forgiveness straight after. 
With his voice slightly shaky from his grinding movements, he spoke anyway, “S-saying a name that belongs to trash like me, surely you know that’s below you, right?” His tone had almost been mocking, teasing; although it hadn’t truly been his intention to sound so. It was strange how he could degrade himself, and make it sound like he was degrading you all at the same time. Either way, it didn’t really matter as it only seemed to make your body grow warmer in arousal.
“Haha- oh god-” His bubbly laugh lowered an octave as you felt him grind especially hard and slow against your hips, you could feel him getting more desperate; the short social cue he had spoken earlier seemed to further your suspicion; he was close. 
You arched your back into him and brought his hips closer to yours by wrapping your legs wrapped around his waist snugly. You bucked your hips up into his yet again, back lifting off the mattress as you stifled a loud moan from the increasing pressure. 
Nagito didn’t seem to see the point of stifling his moans, as he seemed to moan as loud as he possibly could— fortunately and unfortunately, the pretty, breathy moans had been muffled by the cloth of the top garment you had been wearing, that he had been digging his nose into. It was unfortunate, the moans were too beautiful to be muffled, but you wouldn’t want any of your neighbours to complain, right?
“S/o, h-how close are you? S-seems like trash like me got ahead of myself, huh? I.. Hh- D-don’t think I can last any longer, but maybe I can get you off with my thigh-” You shook your head; though you weren’t opposed to the idea, you certainly were close.
“Nagi- Nagito-” the thing he had last said seemed to slip your lusted mind as you started repeating his name over and over again, the vocal repetitions getting faster as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your high.
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Bucky Barnes | Drabble | Contaminated
Hey !! i loved i spy so much, your writing is so good you captured his character so perfectly?? im in awe??? i was just wondering if there is any chance you would write about the reader falling really sick due to a virus outbreak or something and shes in alot of pain and bucky is just there like NO ONE TOUCH HER SOMEONE HELP BUT DONT TOUCH HER (LMAO) i was thinking about it this morning and it sounded awesome, anyways if you dont have time no worries at all !! i look forward to reading more of your stuff hehe -@simpingjunebug
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Agent!Reader
Plot: It's you or the rest of the world. So you watch time tick by, living through your worst nightmare...
Warnings: Violence and fluff.
Words: 1,6OO
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Everyone saw it. How the small flask rolled off the desk as if in slow motion, five pairs of eyes following it down as it hit the squeaky clean floor once, twice, and shattered with its third collision. You are almost sure you saw the clear substance it encased evaporate as the glass sprung apart. Natasha’s trained reflexes activated her protective mask when she saw the flask rolling down the desk, Steve and Bucky knew the substance couldn’t hurt them, Sam was still outside of the glass lab.
But you… You were still stuck in a chokehold right near the desk where you had tried to stop it from happening, arm still reached forward from where you got dragged backwards. Frozen, both you and the agent who has his arm wrapped around your throat, you process the fact that a deadly virus has just been released into the air. And since the agent didn’t let you stop it from happening and you are closest to it, you realise you are the only one that is completely screwed.
“No, no, no, no, no, no…” You hear Sam’s faint exclamation through the glass wall. There’s only a faint sound of dark laughter form behind you before Bucky storms over, rips the agent off your body and snaps his neck without blinking an eye, making you fall forward onto the white floor and the agent drop dead behind you.
“Don’t!” Bucky roars, pointing a stern finger in Steve’s direction as a warning to not tell him off right now. He’s almost shaking with adrenaline at the realisation of what happened. “We have to get her out of here as soon as possible!”
Looking up from your seat on the floor, your eyes connect with Natasha, who has pity written all over her face. You know that look. There’s nothing you can do. You have been contaminated and the room you’re in, is sealed shut. If you leave, you infect everyone. You can’t get any help either, they won’t get here in time.
“We can’t get her out…” Natasha finally speaks out the dreaded words and you bite your lip to stop it from trembling, the realisation hitting harder as the minutes pass and that they might be your last ones.
“Natasha, I swear to god, if you decide to give up now-” Bucky’s voice is loud and intimidating as his massive frame makes its way over to her in large strides. He’s terrifying this way, his eyes dark, his body tense and his voice like the rumble of thunder. Steve stops him and grabs his shoulders.
You watch Steve’s mouth move as he tries to calm Bucky. But he doubles, triples. They all do. It’s like the room is filled with a hundred versions of your colleagues and they make noise. So much noise. The room is moving too, the desk growing and towering over you. The lines on the floor are dancing in your vision and there’s a dull ringing in your head.
A rapid heartbeat pulses through your flushed cheeks and neck and you feel like you’re going cross-eyed. It’s like you’ve been roasting above a fire for hours and someone decides to rain ice cold water over you, penetrating you with bullets of ice.
A cold hand presses against your forehead and you instantly lean into the refreshing touch, chasing the coolness offered to you. When your eyes flutter open, you see Bucky’s face with more worry creased into it than you’ve ever seen before.
“Sam.” Bucky rasps, but his voice is barely coming out “Sam! Fuck! Get help. NOW!”
His voice is pleading as he lets you collapse to the floor, pulling you between his legs and resting you against his chest. His metal hand alternates between resting against the scorching skin of your face and your chest, trying to cool you down as the fever rapidly chases through you.
“Natasha, use your brain and get us an antidote or something that slows the process!” Bucky orders, not taking his eyes off you.
“Bucky, I-”
“I DON’T CARE!” He roars again “Now!”
Natasha shares a look with Steve and they both nod, starting to rummage through everything they can find in the lab as Sam hurries off to get help. None of you have seen this side of Bucky before and it would scare you if you didn’t feel so safe in his arms. Gently rocking you back and forth, he has somehow managed to grab a cold, wet cloth and dabs it to your hairline.
“I’m going to fix this.” He promises you “You don’t get to die on me. I’m the one who gets to kill you, no one else. You’re not dying on me.”
He’s trying to convince himself more than anything, you realise that, but it makes you smile. You remember him telling you that a few times during missions. It was his excuse for saving your ass a few times. Only he was allowed to kill you, because he was convinced you annoyed him the most. Naturally, you returned it. You saved his ass plenty of times with the promise that you’d kill him once you got back to the compound.
Tears slip down your cheeks at the realisation that you are going to die in the arms of a friend who you had never been able to tell that you loved him. You loved him. You love him. You’re in love with him.
You feel your mouth open, but no matter how loudly you scream in your head, it’s not coming out. No sound is coming out – like your worst nightmare.
Slipping in and out of consciousness, you have no idea how much time passes. All you notice is that you have started shivering away from Bucky because everything hurts. Your entire nervous system is on fire and you can’t stop the ripples of pain pulsing through you. Your clothes stick to your body from your sweat and Bucky’s terrified voice rings in your ears.
“Hurry up, Sam… Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up…” It’s like a prayer as he sits next to your shaking body, his fingers itching to reach out to you as he tries to restrain himself. Natasha and Steve had found something to slow the virus and buy you time, but Bucky almost knocked them straight out when they inserted the needle to your skin.
“Don’t touch her! Careful! She’s in so much pain! Just help her already!”
“Barnes, if you don’t calm your tits right now, I will give you a tranquilizer.” Natasha spits at him followed by Steve explaining to Bucky calmly that he has to stay calm for you. But you hear the fear in all of their voices.
That’s about as much as you follow before the entire worlds turns completely black.
Your body is cold, freezing almost. If you had to guess, you’d guess your skin is the palest it has ever been. That’s when you notice the warmth around your fingers. Waves of warmth move from your knuckles, up your lower arms where the cold conquers again.
When you finally manage to pry your eyes open, you see your hand being held into Bucky’s hands, his soft lips blowing hot air onto your freezing skin. His eyes are bloodshot and he must not have been able to shave for a few days.
“You’re awake.” His voice is soft, completely broken. You’re not entirely sure, but you think you see light reflecting from his waterline.
“Bucky…” You whisper and a weak smile breaks through his features.
“You suck so much.” He tells you, gripping your hand so tightly, you think it might break “Don’t ever fucking do that again.”
You heave a deep sigh, realising just how weak your body still is. The hospital room falls quiet and you realise he’s the only one here and taking in his current state, you don’t think he has actually left. Remembering a few things from the incident, you can already imagine Sam, Steve and Nat trying to drag him away from the room and him threatening to kill all of them.
“Bucky, I’m cold.” You mumble softly and his eyes widen, sitting up straight as he thinks about what to do.
“Maybe I can get you a blanket, or a hot water bottle, maybe a nurse can help you?” He asks and your fingers weakly clench around his.
“No, come here.” You offer powerlessly “Please.”
“The bed is not nearly big enough, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart. He’s never called you that before. It makes you feel all fuzzy and warm.
“Figure something out, soldier.” You order him, maybe in an attempt to flirt with him. You push back the thought of how horrible you must look right now, but you can not let another moment pass by without telling this man what you wanted to scream at him when you thought your life might well and truly be over.
He chuckles tiredly and nods. Getting up from his chair, he bends down and slides his arms under your body, lifting you off the bed so effortlessly, a blush creeps to your cheeks. He lays down onto the hospital bed and gently pulls you into his chest, your legs resting between his as you lay on top of him.
Moving the bed so he’s sitting up slightly, he then gently presses the back of his flesh hand to your cheeks with a worried frown on his face “You’re getting a fever again…”
You let out a soft laugh and playfully slap his hand away, your cheeks growing even redder “Shut up. This is all you.”
“Blushing because of me, huh?” A sly grin spreads over his lips and he tilts your chin to look up at him. His blue eyes sparkle with admiration and you look up at him with wide eyes.
“Good, because I can now finally say it back…” He mumbles, pressing the softest of kisses to your lips “I love you too.”
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
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ifhy. (nsfw) dabi x bottom!male reader
pronouns: he/him
warnings: hate sex, a lot of cursing, a little bit of degrading, fucking on a counter (?) idk if that counts, and implied violence a little
a/n: sorry this took a while to write i was passed out for the past two days 😀👍
ever since you entered the league of villains you've hated everything about the man. the cockiness, the way he talked, even the way he smiled, though he barely did. you wanted to prove you were better than him. due to the fact that he had a flashier quirk than you, he received more attention from tomura than you did.
everything about dabi pissed you off.
you weren't very subtle about it either, you made sure that dabi knew you didn't like him. In fact everyone in the league knew you hated his guts and they didn't want to get in the way of you two either, just so they don't get hit by the crossfire.
you challenged him one time during another one of shigaraki's meetings because he was taunting your abilities in the mission tomura assigned you to. the fight was pretty bad and thankfully kurogiri was there to stop you guys or else the hideout would've been burned to crisps in the matter of seconds.
believe it or not, there was actually one thing you hated more than dabi. it was how much you wanted to fuck the man. everytime you were with dabi, you were practically undressing him with your eyes. his tall and lean body, those ocean eyes you could melt in and the fact that you could see his pecs slightly due to his clothing.
you didn't want to admit it but you couldn't deny your own desires. not saying you would volunteeringly ask him to fuck you but if the oppurtunity came up you wouldn't say no either. there were times you touched yourself thinking about the black haired male deep inside you stuffing you full of his cum. he turned you on so much and you couldn't deny it.
it was another day were shigaraki excluded you from a mission. you didn't mind too much this time since you didn't want to go anyways. shigaraki and your ideals weren't similar but he recognized your strength and you recognized his authority.
you were resting at the bar table in the hideout and fixing yourself a drink. you knew kurogiri had to have some good booze hidden here somewhere. while ruffling under the counters you heard slow footsteps coming down the stairs. the person you wanted to see the least appeared in front of you.
"what are you doing back here, aren't you supposed to be with them?" you said in a cold tone.
"they don't need me anymore, they've got it handled. shigaraki's plan also failed once."
"wouldn't be surprised."
"fuck is that suppose to mean."
"i said what i said , burnt face."
you felt the atmosphere in the room tense up and so did dabi. you both stayed silent for a few seconds until he spoke again.
"real rich coming from someone who's been eye-fucking me ever since we entered the league together."
you were startled by his response. did you make it that obvious? you stopped looking for the alcohol and stood up.
"so what if i did, huh? i still fucking hate you, i don't know who in the right mine would want your cocky ass here but i guess some people just don't see how much of a piece shit you can be."
you could feel it in your bones a fight was about to go down. dabi wasn't the type to stay silent after you insult him. well, if he does try something you were ready to face him. backing off from something like this wasn't your style.
dabi walked closer to you and put his hand on the counter.
"i always thought you had a pretty face, what a shame it came with a shit personality." dabi said while cupping your cheek with his hand.
his touch felt so right against your skin. the male's hands weren't cold but it wasn't exactly warm either. you didn't know why it felt good but you didn't care either.
"don't fucking touch me, bastard." you said while slapping away dabi's hand.
you wanted dabi to touch you but you didn't want to admit it infront of him. in fact, he was getting too close to you for comfort and the tense atmosphere with just the two of you, him pushing you against the wall. even a nomu would know what he's trying to do.
“oh please, we all know you want it you fucking slut... you want me to fuck your brains out right on this counter, don’t lie to yourself.”
“don’t be so full of yourself, who do you think you are? just because i like your body doesn’t mean i like you.”
dabi turned around and started to walk away realizing you were being serious about this.
“then again, i'm not saying no. so if you want to prove me wrong, come and show me.” you said
dabi understood what you meant, he turned around and grabbed you by the waist pulling you in for a sloppy kiss.
you've never felt your heart beat so fast in your life before. you hands on his shoulders pulling him closer towards you. both of you struggled to take control of the kiss but dabi ended up winning this time.
after a few minutes the kiss broke and you wiped your mouth with your left arm.
"is that all you got bitch boy? c'mon there's no way you're this weak right?" you taunted
"you haven't seen nothing yet, you fucking squirt."
dabi said as he unbuckled his belt. you could see the thick outline of his cock under his boxers. it was so much bigger than you could’ve ever imagined all those times by yourself. dabi soon took off his boxers to show you the real deal. his cock was still half erect but it already looked too big to fit into your hole.
“you like it?” dabi asked with a smirk on his face
“tch, i’ve seen better.”
“oh? is that so.”
right after he said that, dabi grabbed your head and shoved it onto his dick, making you take his cock by all its length right away. you attempted to push yourself away but dabi’s hands were on your head the whole time. Soon enough you submitted to dabi and adjusted to his rhythm. after a while dabi finally let go of your head and pulled out his cock, this time fully erect. you couldn’t tell the exact size but it was practically double the size of what it was initially. during this entire time, you had an erection in your pants too. you were begging for a release preferably through dabi’s cock.
“c’mon sweet heart, we all know what you want. now show me that fucking ass and get on the counter.”
you stayed silent for a bit thinking whether or not to pass up this opportunity or take it. the decision was still in your hands because although dabi might be a villain he would never do something like this if he didn’t get their consent first. after considering, you realized this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity and agreed. you slid the bottom half of your clothing off and sat on the counter. you didn’t expect dabi for the type to ever get flustered but he did. when his eyes locked onto your ass and thighs his eyes widened just like when you saw his cock.
“bet you never had something like this huh~” you teased.
and just like your response earlier, dabi scoffed and said
“i’ve seen better.”
you were both impatient for what’s about to happen next. one person to be stuffed and the other to do the stuffing. dabi’s precum was the most lubricant he was ever going to use on you so without prepping he pushed his cock inside you. right away you felt a bit of pain under there but it quickly turned into pleasure after dabi moved around the area a bit more.
“f-fuck bitch… you’re tight huh…”
“nngh... tch, i told you AH-.”
“this is the good spot isn’t it~” dabi said as he pushed his dick further into you.
you moaned in pleasure as a response with grunts in between. you were feeling euphoric, this was the situation you’ve imagined so many times and now it’s finally coming true. you looked down at your own dick to see the tip of it leaking pre-cum. you couldn’t deny how good you felt at this point even if you wanted to.
“fucking hell… you fuck pretty good for some a-ah! who talks like a bitch.” you managed to make out.
“don’t talk with you ass full, slut.” dabi said as he yet again thrusted into you this time with even more force.
“and you wanted to deny it, look how good im making you feel. you’re gonna cum just from me fucking you in the ass.”
“you’re one to talk, i can feel all of your pre inside. i know you’re feeling just as good as i am don’t lie to me.”
you two gave each other a smirk as if this was some kind of competition of who can make the other person feel better. well it is, but in an aggressive way.
as both of you were getting close the moans and grunts started to become more frequent.
"hgh! im fucking cumming." dabi grunted out
"a-ah fuck! me too." you replied
the two of you came at the same time. pants filled the room with dabi still inside you.
"heh… not bad y/n."
"that's the first time you said my name, dabi."
"the same goes for you."
"i still fucking hate you by the way."
"the same goes for you."
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
volume 9 you say....hmm
i fear for my life to be completely honest
chap 1:
-geesus no pls no i dont wanna read anymore
-3 days of crying is nothing when youre a trigun fan, am i right people :'D
-no im not fucking suffering cuz while all of that is happening the only thing on his mind is young livio NO IM FINE I SWEAR-
-lmao yeah wolfwood call him out >:D
-"you cant understand how i feel" my brother in christ YOURE SURROUNDED BY ORPHANS
-hmmmmmmmmm i mean im not sure if that applies here but who am i to tell him how he feels, sure buddy. happy for you
-geesus man not the dog, like....WHY THE DOG (i think ik why but still)
-tbh i would also go and ask for an explanation
-nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :c
-ah shit so we're here now oh fuck oh shit okokok cool
-ah yes, sweet bait actually, makes me cry every time
-"once this ark scare is over we'll be living the high life" yeaaaahhhh....about that.....
-thanks livio :3
chap 2:
-about his age i think hes on his 20s mentally but he looks like hes on his 30s, so hes still an adult but yknow...younger
-oh his eye :0 i love that tiny window between his glasses and his face where you can see his eyes, makes me sad every time
-the coolest mf
-"worse" you say...i wonder who did that to him...
-fuck off, take those fucking tears somewhere else old man
-THANKS AGAIN LIVIO (livio's good actions counter: 2 so far) BUT FUCK THAT OLD MAN
chap 3:
-oh ok yeah here we go
-GEESUS MAN, i hope someone kick you ass later
-aw livio noooooo :c
chap 4:
-no that fucking title while theyre bleeding holy crap no stop it nightow stop it
-leave my man alone plsssssssssssssssss
-oh thats...thats kinda hot actually (i say while wolfwood fights for his little life)
-i love nightow taking his fucking time. yes sir i will enjoy a page of the vial dropping from his mouth without any dialogue, thank you sir
-"please survive"................................im gonna need a million years
chap 5:
-demon....while hes killing his bro.....i have a limit thats all im saying
-oh....he looks so pretty tho. likes he came back to life and is surrounded by his servants....damn that goes hard...
-oh yeah, that arm that had no explanation whatsoever. its ok tho, nightow gets a pass
-ah fuck.....hes here...
-yeap, you could say thats a demon ig
chap 6:
-im sorry
-im jumping through the window idc anymore. poor livio man
-yeap that is scary as hell RUN WOLFWOOD GET TF OUTTA THERE
-orange if you animate this i will punch you but also kiss you in the lips
-i wonder what he means with that bell thats supposed to be tolling. hmmm. maybe its like a "hey come back to reality" kind of alarm thats not sounding
nightow you amazing bastard
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boneheadduluc · 3 years
I'm in need of some Andrea smut every time I read something about him there is no sex because this was in the 30's and it would be inappropriate to do it before marriage. So...let's get inappropriate (?
no mommy kink please, i can't cope with that
Actually this was going to happen v/ soon in my fic of Andrea BUT I'll write a quick drabble/one shot for you bc same! we need that in our lives :) I'll be doing gender neutral reader for dis ;) Warnings!! 18+ , loss of virginity, perhaps slight edging? oral on reader (female presenting) and NO mommy kink per request :)
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Rules were rules. Marry a nice man, then lose your virginity. You had been following those rules. Even now, you lived alone in a small cottage on a hill. And you still haven't lost it. You never felt inclined too really...and you were fine with that. It's just everyone in the village usually was a kid or a senior. No one was around your age, so you preferred a secluded kind of life. 
 Even if that meant following rules you didn't want to follow. You hated that you didn't have a choice. You hated how your parent's voice replayed in your head over and over. Telling you “wait! get married first!” You were sick of it, you were desperate sure, not desperate enough to lose it to whoever you met, but then...
 a new boy showed up, you learned his story since you were a bit close with Janet and Ursula, the old sisters who were housing the young man. So you met him, and god... he was just your type.
Plus they invited you over so he could play for you? meaning the violin. At first, you felt a little out of place... until he started playing. Needless to say, he was more than talented than you expected. You’d never heard anything like it, afterward, he wanted to talk to you surprisingly. 
“What is you name?” he tried his best to speak, you were told his English wasn't the best so you found it more endearing than anything and applauded his effort since he’d only been here for a few weeks. So you looked to him, sitting beside you with wide eyes and rosy cheeks. His hair was a bit shaggy as he shook the hair out of his eyes.
“Oh, my name is (y/n).” You gave a warm smile, shifting in your seat to face him more. “And you are Andrea, yes?” and he nodded before he repeated your name warmly, and honestly you loved the way it sounded in his mouth.
Weeks passed, you visiting, Andrea playing for you, afterward, you would talk to Andrea, his English noticeably getting better. And sometimes he would even be a bit of a flirt. So one day you just asked the sisters if they would allow you to take him into town. You did your best to sound as friendly as possible and it seemingly worked.
You showed him a few of your favorite places, took him dancing to the pub. Though he wasn't a very good dancer, you had to kind of show him. Guiding his hands to land on your hips and pull you close, telling him to watch your feet as he got red because honestly he couldn't help but stare at your face. 
Then finally he asked to see your home. And you couldn't help be nervous, he had been making eyes at you all day, smirking like a cat with cunning eyes. Like he had so much more in that head of his, thoughts that he wasn't sharing. Plus he was already holding hands with you, keeping you close to him as he kept calling you ‘Liebling.’ And of course you didn't refuse him, not at all. So by the time, you were halfway up the path on the mountain and he slowly stopped walking, staring at you with a sweet smile. 
“Something the matter Andrea?” you questioned- confused as to why he had stopped. He moved slowly, stepping closer to you, leaning in, quickly pressing a kiss to your cheek. Then backing away, checking your eyes for permission. You nodded and Andrea knitted his brows together, exhaling through his nose as he slowly moved to press a kiss to your other cheek. Gently. Wonderfully. Then your forehead. The tip of your nose, then finally his mouth hovered over your own. Breath shaking with feverish anticipation.
You ached to lean in and finish what he started, but you wanted to see if Andrea would do it himself, and after about 5 nervous seconds you felt him roughly slot his lips against your own.
You were lost, blindly lost to pleasure and yearning. You barely realized the way you pulled him up the hill, mouths slotted together as you rushed backward, your back soon up against your door, your hands at his waistband, he moaned against your mouth.
And soon enough you were turned around and inside and he was walking backward as you led him to your bed. Pushing against his chest as he sat and you climbed his lap. Kissing him so harshly you felt your teeth clink against his own, embarrassed you pulled back, your hand coming to your lips. 
“I apologize, Andrea-” You were breathless, with shy eyes and flushed cheeks. 
He looked the same, though less embarrassed. More lustful than anything. 
“No, no-” He started softly. “You are wonderful.” He spoke slowly, catching your eyes as he brushed your hair out of your face with his thumbs. Putting a strand of hair behind your ear lovingly. 
“But...I need-” He started up again, and he groaned out, almost a whimper really, like he was in pain and that's when you felt something poke against your inner thigh, and then you understood. You ground forward and watched as his mouth fell open. Andreas eyebrows furrowing, his face growing red, a moan caught in his throat.
“Oh, you wonderful creature.” You mused. Almost amazed at the power you held over him. So you did it again and again until he was begging for you to let him cum. 
“Please...Please (y/n)-” He buried his face into your neck, his large hands on your waist, fingers digging in deeply, his shoulders going tense at your dry humping. 
A part of you was nervous honestly. You didn't know if Andrea was also a virgin, but judging by his closeness already ...you were gonna bet on the fact he was, but then again you didn't know what you were doing anyway. 
So instead, you simply stopped. And he stopped breathing. He was frozen actually, and you wondered why, a part of you wanted to laugh, he was curled up into you, unmoving, holding you. 
“Andrea?” you questioned and finally he moved, looking up at you, 
“I do something wrong?” he slowly drawled out, voice tiny and nervous and you shook your head. “No, of course not I just...have you ever done this before?” It was your turn to be tiny and nervous now, especially self-conscious. 
He gulped, Andrea understood. And he slowly shook his head ‘no’
“I'm sorry,” he whispered and it almost broke your heart. 
“Oh my love, no! You have nothing to be sorry for. I have never...done this... either. So it's okay Andrea. And...and honestly, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to.” You cupped his face, giving him a warm smile and he returned one. Slowly pressing a kiss to your lips. 
“I want you.” He whispered after breaking the kiss barely. 
And that was all you needed to push him back on the bed so he was laying down. You climbed atop him, undoing his pants slowly. He raised himself on his elbows, watching you, breathing heavy, eyes flickering back and forth between you and your hands. 
And suddenly he took your hand, putting it away from him. Softly and gently and lovingly.  “first you. Let me...help.” He muttered, looking to you for permission and so you switched roles and he was helping you undress from your light dress. 
And you were naked and self-conscious and nervous in front of him. 
But he was smiling, eyes running over your perfect form. You were perfect to him, everything about you, even the things you considered a flaw, he would reach out, brushing his fingertips lightly over them. He muttered how you were beautiful before reaching with both hands to your thighs. Parting them slowly, gently as all his movements were. 
He slowly moved off the bed, to his knees as he pulled you to the edge of the bed, your legs over his shoulder, his eyes on yours, looking up to you the entire time. Your hands gripped the blankets harshly and nervously. But you nodded at him and he leaned forward, delving his tongue over your entrance. And you moaned, the feeling making you throw your head back. 
And he did it again, though opening his mouth even wider, taking you into his mouth, his tongue lapping up your wetness. Moving up to run over your clit. And you shivered, sensitive all over. 
He realized that was the spot, so he did it once more and got the same reaction, actually an even bigger one. Your back was beginning to arch. Toes curling. 
And he kept eating you out- tongue sometimes delving into you, into your warmth and he would moan against your wetness and heat. Eyelashes fluttering and closing as you would spread your legs further, pushing your cunt against his mouth- thighs shaking and quivering as you felt a knot of heat in your lower stomach slowly coming closer and growing bigger. And finally you were gripping his hair, pulling as he whimpered against you. 
“Oh Andrea- Andrea Im so- Im going to-” You could barely get a full comprehensible sentence out before your thighs were convulsing around his head and your back arching and a loud moan was drawn out from deep within you moaning- screaming his name as a intense orgasm slapped you right across the face, and god- you were exhausted in all honesty. You even fell back on the bed, his tongue still on you though as if he couldn't get enough, nose sometimes even nudging up against your clit as he hungrily and greedily tasted everything in you. 
And as much as it was amazing soon you were becoming over sensitive and with each lick and moan of his against your pussy you were being shocked, body twitching and you pulled back, breathless, a mess for a lack of a better term. 
And you began to chuckle as well as he rose up now, smirking at you, his lips and chin, all slick with your wetness and his own spit. And you grinned right back at him, and pulled him down to meet your mouth as you kissed him, without a care in the world. It was almost satisfying to taste yourself on Andreas tongue. 
But finally you broke the kiss, cupping his face as you knew what came next. “Your turn my love.” You muttered. Sitting up now as you went for his belt, undoing it slowly, hoping he wouldn't stop you again. Though it was worth it last time. But he allowed you to- Andrea even began unbuttoning his shirt. Throwing it to the floor along with your dress, as you followed up with taking off his belt and pulling the pants away- his cock finally free and hard. Fully upright, beads of pre-cum forming at his reddened tip. He was so desperate, it was clear in his expression. Mouth slightly agape as he watched you. 
You thought for a moment, wondering on what you should do now. On what position and honestly how all of this was gonna go. A part of you was scared as you shuffled back on the bed, and patted the space beside you, signaling him to come be by you, but first he began shuffling out of his shoes, then along with his pants until he was fully naked. The look on his face signaling he didn't want you to feel self conscious with him being half clothed, so he decided he too would be fully undressed for this.  He moved beside you now, huffing out a short breath, nervous. It was clear so you pulled him close, kissing his jawline softly.  “Lets go slow, yes?” You mumbled to him softly. He looked up at you, shoulders tense as he nodded. “Yes mien Liebling.” he whispered back, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he furrowed his brows again for you were laying back now, resting your head on the pillow as you slightly spread your legs for him to fit in between. So he moved to lean over you, head of his cock teasing against your lower belly softly, it made him whimper as you couldn't help but giggle as you looked up to him, he looked beautiful this way.  “Should I- uhm..” he stuttered, cheeks burning red as he lowered himself slightly, trying to align himself with your entrance.  “Yes Andrea- go ahead.” You bit at your lower lip, eyes gazing as he closed his eyes, throbbing tip budding at your opening, he pushed his hips forward, his tip sliding in before it slipped upwards, you really were that tight- though you felt bad, for if you were more relaxed it would've gone in easier. “I apologize-” you mutter, exhaling shakily but he shakes his head.  “No- not your fault.” Andrea shares a calming smile, his eyes shining as he looks deeply into your eyes.  “I try again.” he reassured and positioned his cock to your entrance once more, this time sliding it in your slickness and heat easily. You held your breath, feeling him stretch you wide, Andrea on the other hand groaned out, whimpered as his head fell into the crook of your neck. You couldn't imagine how sensitive he must be at the moment.  He kept sliding in until he couldn't anymore, and he filled you to the brim, you felt so full and couldn't help but moan softly, your hands going to the back of his nape, playing with his hair, twirling it around your fingers, admiring the feeling of his warm body atop of yours, holding you. he stayed still, immediately understanding you would need some time to adjust. So you two stayed still, breathing and trying to figure this all out, he lifted his head, and you just stared at him until the two of you broke into small laughter. Warm chuckles filling the air around you, and you caught his lips softly, he laughed into your mouth even- so shy and nervous, Andrea couldn't help it. But after a minute of kissing and nervously giggling you finally felt ready. You broke the warm kiss. And caught his eyes. “Andrea I think I'm ready...move...please?” You muttered shyly- you didn't want to sound demanding but were soon relived when he just smiled at you. Giving you a look as to say “of course.”  And he pulled out halfway, inhaling deeply as he then slid back in setting up a pace, not to fast not to slow, just right honestly. And that's when you felt the pleasure slowly beginning to take over the slight discomfort. When he soon began pumping into you like a animal in heat. You moaned his name over and over, arching your back as you watched his face turn desperate. He would mutter in polish and German. whispering into your ear and you couldn't help but scratch at his back. He changed his angle slightly, cock hitting your g-spot. 
“Oh! Oh Andrea you- oh fuck.” You cursed, closing your eyes. “Yes harder please.” you moaned out, feverishly. Everything felt so hot, you were even sweating across your forehead slightly.  And he did as you commanded, pushing harder, fucking into you, moaning brokenly each time he pushed in. The squeeze of your pussy around him making him lightheaded even. He dropped his head to your chest eventually. Tongue finding its way to your nipple. Opening wide and sucking on your breast. And you felt so sensitive, everything overwhelming you but in the best way possible. 
“Oh yes, yes-” you chanted, breathless and suddenly wrapped your thighs around him, flipping the two of you over so you were on top, he gasped- eyes wide as he looked to you, his face becoming flushed once more- the sight of him was enough to push you to the edge as you began to bounce on his cock, suddenly reaching you climax, steadying yourself by putting your hands to Andreas chest- your back arching as you clenched around his cock, falling forward now- pushing your lips together. 
He kept thrusting into you though- desperate to cum inside, “Please- please.” He begged for release, closing his eyes as you groaned softly, your insides sensitive as you sat back up, and it only took 2 bounces on his cock for Andrea to be moaning out your name- as he gripped your thighs and soon you felt his warm seed fill you up, he whimpered and fucked into you harshly now- sitting up and pulling you close, fitting his mouth over your tit to muffle the shameful sounds spilling out of him. 
As he fucked through his climax he soon began to slow down, exhausted as you moaned- feeling him suck your nipples softly now, closing his eyes as his breathing calmed. 
You ran your fingers through his hair softly. Kissing the top of his head- satisfied now and he now popped off your tit, lips a bright color that matched his cheeks. He smiled at you and you grinned back, pressing a kiss to his nose. You raised yourself off of him, and you felt his warm seed inside of you, you adored the feeling as you rolled off and laid down- he lowered himself to be by you. 
“You were amazing Andrea- absolutely wonderful.” You sighed softly as his hand reached your stomach, drawing invisible lines with his fingers over the soft skin. Andrea shyly smiled now. “Danke.” he whispered in German, you knew what it meant and chuckled softly. 
“Im sleepy.” you whispered, and it was true- your eyes were heavy and Andrea nodded. “Sleep.” he kissed your cheek warmly. And so you did, you fell asleep to him cuddled beside you, humming a tune that was familiar to you. 
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seiijohhh · 3 years
the slow demise [1/?]
summary: He’d found you coated in blood, surrounded by death, and decided then and there, you were perfect. pairing: megumi fushiguro x f!gojo!reader a/n: this has been reposted from my original account @justauthoring​ -- so, if you recognize it, that’s why. im also tagging those who originally requested to be tagged in it, so they know where to find future parts. tags: @thatprofessionalfangirl - @sugarandsoft - @honeyy-honeyy-sweets - @strawberryflavoredjeans - @flowersbloominthedark - @juliajempire​ - @princess-bumblebee - @sageandberries-png - @yue-caelum - @a–nonymousse - @aryksworld - @godsentkita​ - @kat-su-ki
part one - part two - part three - part four
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“This is a hundred percent your fault.”
Deadpanned, Fushiguro glowers down at you. “How is this my fault.”
“Dunno,” you shrug, stretching your arms above your head with an exaggerated sigh, making sure to keep your eyes trained on Fushiguro. Your intent is to make him feel guilty (even if he is right, it isn’t his fault) but that’s far easier said then done. The boy’s as stoic as ever. “Just is.”
“It was about time you came back to the school anyway,” Fushiguro huffs, and you blink slightly at the somewhat distressed tone of his voice – that was definitely off.
He doesn’t let you dwell on it very long before he’s walking off ahead of you, glancing around the rugby field the both of you found yourselves on. Purely because of curse power that basically reeked from it.
“I never was part of Jujutsu High School,” you cut in, rushing to catch up with him. “So I wouldn’t be returning. I’m not returning.” He turns to look at you, to which you glare at him, hoping that’ll make it perfectly clear. But he merely shrugs, not even bothering to respond to you, turning back to the field.
Huffing, you cross your arms over your chest, glancing down just as a curse pops beneath the veil, gurgling and groaning, before disappearing from sight once more. “What’s with this rugby field anyway?” You call out, turning to look over your shoulder at Fushiguro whose gone off the other direction. “Is there a dead body buried here or something?”
“Even if there is,” Fushiguro mumbles, and you turn to see the same curse from before climbing up a pole, “I’m surprised to see one this high-leveled. It’s probably a grade two curse.” Then, meeting your eyes, he frowns. “Must be that cursed objects influence.”
Shuffling on your feet slightly, you glance up at it; “should we exorcise it?”
“Nah,” Fushiguro shrugs, walking past you and up the steps from the field.
Frowning, you glance back at the curse before moving to catch up with Fushiguro. “Why not? It could hurt somebody, the schools littered with stupid teenagers all day.”
“Nobodies walking on this field,” he gestures to the sign in front of him. “Not for a long time anyway.”
Eyeing the sign the blocks off the entrance to the rugby field, reading the words ‘No Unauthorized Entry’, you shrug. You were just tagging along because he forced you to, no need to put in anymore effort then necessary if Fushiguro wasn’t going to.
“Still, it’s presence is too strong to pin down. It feels like it’s close by, but it could still be far away, too. This special-grade curse is really a pain.”
Glancing over the boys shoulder at the photo of the curse he’d been provided, you raise a brow; “it’s been moved, right?” Fushiguro nods, “who could’ve been stupid enough to move it? And where is it now?”
“I have–”
“Over here! Coach Takagi is taking on Itadori from West Middle.”
“Woah, what are they competing for?”
Blinking at the new, bolstering voices, your head turns in the direction before your eyes gleam with excitement. Now, this is what you called exciting. Tugging on the sleeve of Fushiguro’s shirt, you turn to him with a gleam in his eyes; “we have to watch, Megumi!”
“We should really look for the–”
But you’re already pulling him along by the wrist, barely giving him any time to argue further, making it just in time to see what you assume is the coach previously mentioned lugging a weighted ball across the field. He throws it a respective distance, eyes lighting up with excitement as he cheers himself on in celebration.
“Fourteen meters!”
“Oooh,” you sing, clasping your hands in front of you.
Fushiguro eyes you, “what’s so exciting about track and field?”
Turning to him, you laugh; “it’s so…. simple!”
“Yeah!” You nod eagerly. “I mean, we train every day, exercise curses every other day, but everyone here,” you gesture around you to the kids the exact same age as you, “has no idea and is living a perfectly normal teenage kid’s life. It’s… It’s amazing.”
You’re back to the scene before you, eyes caught by a shade of bright pink, that you don’t notice Fushiguro’s wandering gaze. You’d said it all with a smile on your face, but Fushiguro couldn’t help but notice the absolute longing in your gaze as you watched.
His attention, however, is caught by the growing volume of the crowd as they all cheer on ‘Itadori’ – the boy with pink hair and lanky arms that nearly topples over when the weighted ball is dropped into his hands. However, he swings it with ease and your jaw all but drops when it tosses it as if it weighed nothing, soaring through the air.
“Uh, roughly thirty meters.”
You turn to Fushiguro with a blank expression; “that wasn’t simple.”
All Fushiguro can do is nod.
“Or normal.”
Tugging you forward, Fushiguro and you come to a stop in front of the boy and who can assume is his friends. Knowing Fushiguro is doing the same, you pause, eyeing the boy.
“No curse energy.”
You nod, “pretty amazing.”
“I wonder if he’s like Zen’in-senpai.”
You shrug; “maybe.”
“Well, c’mon,” he sets a hand against your back, gently guiding you forward, “we should start looking for the–”
Pulling him back and out of the way from the approaching steps, your head turns in time just to see the boy from before, Itadori, racing past the both of you, with incredible speed. However, it’s the sharp shock of cursed energy you feel the second he runs past and the pair of eyes that seem to stare deep within your sole that have you gasping for air, blinking in surprise.
“Hey! You!” Fushiguro calls, obviously having sensed the same thing, but it’s hopeless – the boys too quick.
“Y/N,” Fushiguro calls, setting a hand on your back as you press your own against your chest. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, shaking your head. “I’m fine.” Then, meeting his eyes, you glance in the direction Itadori had run off. “Are you going to follow him?”
“Try to, at least,” he huffs, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You felt it too, yeah?”
“Nearly took my breath away,” you sigh, “but I think I should stay here.”
His brows furrow; “why?”
“I can still sense it here.”
Fushiguro frowns, glancing in the direction of the boy before back at you, lips pursed and worry clear in his gaze. He may pretend not to care, but it’s moments like these the truth bleeds through.
Shaking your head, you huff; “go.” You nod at him, “I’ll be fine. It’s not like I have been sitting on my ass these past months,” you tease lightly, sending him a wink but Fushiguro continues to just stare down at you, causing you to sigh.
“I’ll call you the second something shows up.”
He nods, content, moving to walk off.
“But Megumi?”
He glances back at you, brow raised.
“You call too, okay?” And at the look he sends you, you keep your face impassive, nodding; “the second something happens.”
With a simple nod, he’s off.
You really should’ve trained more.
Ignoring the pang that radiates throughout your entire body, and the blood that fades into your vision, you push yourself up, pressed against the wall. Originally, you’d thought that you’d be able to control the curse for just long enough that it’d let go of the two students it was trying to swallow and then you’d focus on getting the curse.
Fushiguro would scold you – tell you that getting the curse was the first priority, but you could stomach the thought of sacrificing lives just for a single finger. Even if that finger was one part of a whole to an incredibly strong, the strongest of all, King of Curses, Sukuna…
None of it really matter however – the finger was making the curse stronger, and you could barely control it for a second before you’d been flung back by your own power. Now, both kids and the finger were about to be swallowed, and you had no idea what to do.
And your phone had been crushed long ago that you had no way of contacting Fushiguro. You had no idea where he was or if he’d be coming back; which meant you were utterly and completely alone.
Ducking from a hit made directly for your head, you slipped past, sliding your hand along the body of the curse, infusing it with your curse power. You used speed you didn’t know you could still have with a pounding head and blurring vision, pointing your left point finger up, the right down, thumbs connection; “Cursed Technique; Domination: The Imprisonment Of One!” before flipping your hands.
The curse stops, your heart thumping and chest panging, but you can barely focus on that when you need to move fast. Rushing forward, you slide to your hip, moving to strike your hand up. And you land a good hit, moving to grab the girl first, before something wraps around your ankle, and pulls you up and away before flinging you across the hall.
You smack into the ground, rolling, your chest seizing as the wind is knocked out of you. Your vision darkens for a moment, and you think you’re going to pass out, but the pain is all too conscious and you realize with a huff that your ankle has been sprained with how it had thrown you.
“Fuck!” You call again, putting all strength in your hands to sit up.
Relief floods you almost instantly. You may be half awake, but you’d recognize that voice from anywhere. Hands land on you, and a small smile curls onto your lips almost subconsciously when you find Fushiguro staring down at you. His eyes flicker across your entire body taking in the blood and wounds, before meeting your eyes.
“It’s strong,” you huff, voice raspy, “I can’t hold it and fight.”
Glancing back, Fushiguro growls; “it’s trying to swallow her along with the cursed object?”
“I can hold it,” you call, grabbing his arm and squeezing, pulling his eyes back on you.
“Y/N, you can barely–”
“Just go! I can do it,” you interrupt, voice sharp, “you just have to–”
You’re interrupted by the sound of glass shattering, and before you know it a blur of familiar pink is flickering across your eyes once more. Your eyes widen when you realize it’s the boy from before, Itadori. What the hell was he doing here?
“Itadori!” Fushiguro calls, just as stunned as you. He moves to a stand in front of you, blocking you from sight, and huffing, you lean forward, trying to find the strength to stand.
He grabs the two students, pulling them from the curses grasp, making your eyes bulge in surprise – how did he…?
“So, this is a cruse? Not what I was expecting.”
Pushing yourself to a stand, ignoring the way your ankle throbs, you grab Fushiguro firm around the arm; “Megumi, what the hell is he doing here?”
Sighing, Fushiguro shakes his head; “it’s a long story.” And with a final glance forward, he steps towards the curse, exorcising with one more simple hit since it no longer has the finger so close in it’s grasp, before he moves towards Itadori.
“Honestly,” you huff quietly to yourself, “I leave him alone for a few hours and he’s already dragging an innocent kid into this.”
“I want to ask you what you’re doing here,” Fushiguro calls to him, his demon dogs snacking on the curse behind him, “but good job.”
“Not good job,” you growl, leaning on the wall for support as you glare at the two boys, specifically Itadori; “you could’ve gotten seriously injured,” you ignore the pointed look Fushiguro sends you, “or worse, killed.”
“Why so haughty?” The boy tilts his head; “by the way, what’s that munching on the curse?”
“My shikagami,” Fushiguro answers, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You can see them, then? Normally a curse can’t be seen. Not unless you’re on the verge of death or in special places like this.”
“Oh,” Itadori’s lips part in understanding; “I’ve never seen a ghost or anything before tonight.”
Lips parted, you eye the boy; “you’re not scared?”
“Well, I was scared for a bit,” he answers honestly, still holding his classmate in his arms. “But did you know? People really can die.”
“Y/N, help me!”
“Please. Y/N, stop…!”
“I… I–I can’t–I don’t–!”
Blinking, you force the memory away, shaking your head.
“So I at least want the people I know to have proper deaths.”
“You’re killing us!”
Pressing your hand against the wall, your breath hitches, Fushiguro turning to you in concern briefly before turning back to Itadori as moves to stand; “not that I really get it myself.” And as he does, the curse slips from his classmate’s skirt pocket, catching it with ease reflexes; “this it?”
“Yeah,” Fushiguro nods, “that’s the special-grade cursed object, Ryomen Sukuna’s finger. It’s a miracle it didn’t get swallowed, though, I think that’s mainly thanks to Y/N,” both eyes fall on you, to which you offer a half-smile.
“Why would anything eat it?” Is the first question that leaves Itadori’s lips, “is it tasty?”
“Don’t be stupid,” you cut in, shaking your head, “you’d do it to gain stronger cursed energy.”
“It’s dangerous,” Fushiguro adds, holding his palm out; “so hand it over already.”
“Sure, sure.”
You notice it a second too late, the curse from above.
You move to pull him back, just as he pushed Itadori out of the way, but the sudden weight on your ankle causes you to lose balance and instead, the hand from above crashes directly onto Megumi. Dust and debris make everything blurry for a moment, but the huge curse holding Megumi is easy to spot as your eyes widen in panic.
It pulls Megumi to it’s mouth, but Fushiguro makes quick hand signs, calling for another one of his shikagami; Nue. However, before he can, a burst of lightening flashes from the curse and he’s slammed against the wall, blood splurting from his lips. Heart racing, you move to stand once more, cursing the way your ankle throbs and throws you off balance once more.
Before you know it, the curse is breaking a hole through the concrete and sending Fushiguro flying through it.
“No…” Teeth clenching, you turn to Itadori who looks torn between helping you and rushing after Fushiguro.
“Go!” You call, shaking your head and ignoring the worry in your chest; you were the one to scold Fushiguro for bring an innocent kid into this fight and now you were sending him off to save your comrade. But this was the only option. Fushiguro wouldn’t last on his own, so, if Itadori could just hold off the curse long enough for you to get your bearings, it’d be okay. “Help him! Please!”
Itadori doesn’t need another word otherwise.
“Get up!” You call to yourself, the bangs and commotion from outside causing your heart soar. “No one else dies because of you, remember? That was your promise!”
Forcing yourself to your feet, you ignore the pang and force the other foot to step in front of you the other. It takes you a minute, but when you look out the gaping hole in the wall and get a good look at what’s happened; you can tell you’d made a severe error in judgement.
“There is a way to save everyone!”
He can’t be serious…
“I just need some cursed energy, right, Fushiguro?”
He really is.
He just… ate Sukuna’s finger…
You just cost a boy his life…
Then, a flash of cursed energy burst from him, ripping the curses hands to shreds, and your eyes widen. It couldn’t be possible. That was rare, incredibly rare…
But the markings that start to cover his skin and the cursed energy pooling around him tell you otherwise.
Itadori… no, Sukuna destroys the curse in one hit.
His laugh echoes, even from where you’re stood, his claws clear as day to your eyes, you’re unable to look away. “I knew it!” He laughs, his voice more deep, twisted then Itadori’s; “the light feels best in the flesh!” Shredding his hoody into pieces without any effort, Sukuna races towards the edge of the roof, glancing at the open area. “A cursed spirit’s flesh is so boring. Where are the people? The women?!
“What a wonderful era to be in. Women and children are crawling everywhere like maggots. Wonderful! It’ll be a massacre!”
But then he’s pulled back, a hand gripping his own jaw, feet stammering backwards; “what do you think you’re doing with my body? Give it back.”
It’s Itadori’s voice.
“How are you able to move?” Sukuna.
“I mean, it’s my body.” Itadori.
“Don’t move,” Fushiguro calls out, voice sharp; “you’re no longer human.” And he crouches, hands moving to make the necessary signs. “Under Jujutsu regulations, Itadori Yuji, I will exorcise you as a curse!”
“Wait, Megumi–!”
You’re suddenly picked up in a pair of arms, a flash of white and purple, before, somehow, you’re behind Fushiguro.
“What’s the situation?”
Turning to the person carrying you, you glower when you realize it’s him.
“Gojo-sensei?! Why are you here?”
Setting you down carefully, he smiles at Fushiguro; “hey! I wasn’t planning on coming, but man,” his eyes drift from you to Fushiguro, “you’re both roughed up. I should show the second years.” He starts to take pictures, specifically of Fushiguro, to which you slap him sharply on the arm.
Huffing, you glare up at him; “never mind that, I’ve told you to stop doing that with me!”
“Sorry, sorry,” he waves you off, “but you looked a little stuck.”
Flushing, you turn away from him.
“The higher-ups wouldn’t shut up with a special-grade cursed object gone missing,” he moves to explain, “so I stopped by while doing some sightseeing. So, did you find it?”
“Um,” Itadori slowly speaks up, raising his hand as Gojo turns to him; “sorry, but I ate it.”
There’s a pause, then; “for real.”
And all at once, all three of you answer; “for real.”
Gently letting go of you, Gojo sets you against the rock the Fushiguro’s leaning on, and you notice the way your vision blurs in response, dark peering in around the edges, before blinking it away and focusing on Gojo. He’s stepped towards Itadori, leaning forward with his head in his hands, eyeing him closely.
After a moment, he lets out a laugh; “damn, it really did combine with you. That’s hilarious.” He steps back, as nonchalant as ever. “Anything off with your body?”
Looking at his arm, Itadori shrugs; “not particularly.”
“Can you swap out with Sukuna?”
Your eyes widen.
“The curse you ate.”
“Oh,” Itadori shuffles on his feet, “yeah, I think I can do that.”
You really, at this point, shouldn’t be surprise.
Moving away for more room, Gojo lowers into a crouch, stretching out; “then, give us ten seconds. Once ten seconds are up, come back to us.”
“But…” Itadori tries to argue.
“Don’t worry,” Gojo calls out with a smug grin, “I’m the strongest.”
“Megumi,” he calls out, “hold this.”
He tosses the bag that’s been in his hands this entire time, and, falling to a seat next Fushiguro, you curiously peek in.
“What is it?”
“Kikifuki from Kikusuian,” he explains, still stretching, and your eyes dull. “It’s Sendai’s specialty, and it’s super good. I recommend the zunda and cream flavour.”
“You went out and bought mochi while people nearly died!” You call, glaring at him.
“It’s not a souvenir, and it’s not just mochi,” he turns to grin at you and Fushiguro, “I’m going to eat it on the bullet train home.”
Yeah, and I think I’m going to throw up.
“Behind you!”
Gojo is barely phased by Fushiguro’s call, and even as Sukuna gains on him he continues to explain; “Kikufuku’s not like other souvenirs…” Before there’s a crash, dust flooding your already wobbling vision. Fushiguro pushes you behind him, arm outstretched as you both prepare for impact, only for you to open your eyes and see Sukuna directly before you, Gojo sitting on him.
“And the whipped cream inside is simply exquisite…”
You can’t focus on the fight. Things start to fade and the sounds of a fight almost seem like it’s miles away. Your skin feels hot, sweat beading on it, and the edges of your vision is turning black; except this time it isn’t fading away. You feel tired, extremely so, all strength fading. You don’t hear Fushiguro call for you, nor do you feel your body falling.
It’s okay though, right?
After all, despite how annoying he can be, you know you can trust Gojo…
He really is the strongest.
A little girl covered in red, coated in it.
Bodies surround her. Torn, ripped apart, limbs apart from bodies, heads apart from bodies.
Everything is silent except for the sound of wailing.
Loud, screaming wailing. Sobs retching, coughs echoing, but the girl doesn’t move, even as she sobs.
She’s frozen in place.
“I can help you, don’t you trust me?”
“What’s this? Who are you?”
“So little to be covered in so much blood.”
“How about I train you, huh?”
“I’ll help you control them.”
“All of them.”
Eyes blinking open, you frown at the familiar ceiling above you.
You were home. Or at least, your room. It didn’t feel like home to you, but the soft cushion beneath you was definitely comforting with the lasting panging in your head.
Raising your arm, you glance at yourself, the faint bruises, before pushing yourself up so you’re sitting. A small groan leaves your lips, but you ignore the pain, pulling back the sheets to glance at your ankle; it’s been wrapped and treated, but you’re sure that if you were to try and walk on it, it’d still hurt.
You were alive, but you hated being stuck bedridden.
Head falling, you sigh; you wonder what happened with Itadori and Sukuna–
“I’m visiting Y/N.”
“Oooh! I want to say hi, I never properly introduced myself.”
Clearly, he was still alive.
Eyes flickering over to your bedroom door, you simply smile as Fushiguro pops his head in, making sure you’re awake before inviting himself further inside. Itadori bops in after him excitedly, a happy grin on his face despite his scenario which you could only imagine, and of course; Gojo behind the two, smiling down at you.
“Glad to see you both okay,” you smile softly at the two, eyes lingering on Fushiguro’s a little longer.
“You gave us a quite a scare,” Gojo comments, leaning against the frame of your door. “Passing out like that.”
Rubbing the back of your neck abashedly, you let out a small laugh, flushing slightly at the intense look Fushiguro regards you with. “Guess I hit my head harder then I thought,” you mumble, “sorry…”
There’s an echo of silence, and hating it, you hurriedly turn to Itadori.
Sticking your hand out, you grin; “Y/N Gojo,” you laugh at the wide look in his eyes, “it looks like you and me are classmates.”
But honestly, the widened looks on both Satoru and Fushiguro are way better.
“What?” You call to Fushiguro who hasn’t stopped staring at you; “I’d miss all the fun if I didn’t come back to school now.”
And at that, Fushiguro lets a small smile curl onto his lips, Gojo clapping his hands like a small child as he calls out cheerfully “I knew you’d change your mind!” all while Itadori continues to stare at you blankly.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Prompt: Vampire Chris drunk on blood?
CW: Drunkenness, drug addiction, blood drinking, vampirism, creepy abusive comfort, WWI-period-appropriate xenophobia and brief vague possible homophobia reference, dehumanization, war whump
"Now, that'll get you blotto faster'n French liquor," Kirk says, sinking back against the muddy trench wall, careless for the dirt caking itself into the hair at the nape of his neck.
His helmet lay beside him upside down on the ground, and his brown hair was free to explode in its wealth of curls, a kind of halo around his head. He had one arm out, sleeve rolled back. His hands were caked in mud and smeared with drying dirt - above the line of his sleeve, though, the skin was paper-white, almost clammy.
It was this white skin that the vampire's fangs were buried in.
"Shit, Holden, y'gotta have 'im bite you, too." Kirk's grin widens. The shells had gone silent but every man flinches, now and then, hearing a phantom sound or feeling a rumble beneath their feet.
At least it's finally stopped goddamn raining.
The venom rolls through Kirk's veins, soothing his jangled nerves. He can barely feel the trembling in his hands and it feels like his mind, when it's in him. He's a farm kid from western Nebraska, the second son and not needed so much as the first to bring the crops in. So here he is, learning to love the feeling of teeth in his skin.
Maybe when he gets shipped back home he'll stick to the cities. They say the vampires have their dens there, where they can hide. You can buy venom enough to quiet your mind for a day or two, the city boys tell him.
They're in it as deep as he is, now.
Feels like half the American army is itching for venom these days.
"No thank you. I'm not gonna get sent home and start chasing fangs like the rest of you." Holden squints, looking up into the dark sky, the rolling clouds that seem far too close to the ground. "It'll rain again soon."
"When isn't it going to rain again soon? Oh, right, when it's already bloody raining." That's a Brit, they just call him Tommy. No one knows his real name.
He claims to hate them all, but since half his unit was blasted apart two days ago, he's hung with the 'Yanks' close enough. Kirk thinks he's fond of them, even if he won't admit it. Or just scared to be alone. He can understand that. He's terrified of the thought himself. "Shove the little vamp over to me, Kirk, I want some."
The vampire pulls his fangs free, licking over the wounds he's made until they close. He's a skinny little thing, pale as paper with bright red hair they stuff under his helmet when he's running medic checks in No Man's Land, trying to make him less obvious. Sure, he can't die from gas, but he can be blown to bits by a whizz-bang fast as any living soldier can.
"Please," The vampire says, turning big green eyes up to Kirk. "I, I, I'm tired, please, can I sleep?"
He's got heavy dark circles under his eyes. It's kind of cute.
"No," Kirk answers, curt, shoving the vampire away by his head, watching him fall into the mud. His uniform is marked with it, now, a dab of dirt over the 'V' sewn next to his medic's cross. There's a satisfaction, in Kirk, just in seeing the little thing laid low.
He won't die in this war, and Kirk probably will, but before that happens he can at least hurt something he can see. You can't see old Fritz when you fire on him from a distance - but you can see a vampire flinch in the dirt. It's not much.
It's something.
"Must be daytime," Holden speaks up, still staring up at the clouds. "You can't tell, weather like this, but if the fangs're tryin' to sleep, must be day."
"He sleeps when we're done with him, and not a moment before." Kirk's voice is a murmur, eyes half-closed. He's drifting in it, the way the venom dulls and deadens the eternal ache in his back and legs. The Germans could come roaring over the bags right this second and Kirk wouldn't give a damn at all. Let them kill him, at least he can go with venom in his veins, not as a basket case carried off the field. "Not a second before. Go on, bloodsucker. Get over to Tommy and help him get some shut-eye, huh?"
"I've been drinking all night, pulled some rations off someone," Tommy groans, rubbing his fingers at his temples. "It's done no good at all." It's a funny little gesture, so oddly normal and casual. Reminds Kirk of home.
His throat tries to close, homesickness bowling him over. The wish to return to his mother's worn smile, sit down to dinner and have her ask him about his day, when his problems revolved around the harvest and the hard backs of the pews in church-
He takes a breath, forcing it back, and gives the vampire a vicious kick in the ribs, listening to his high-pitched cry and how he curls around himself with a smile of his own.
Oh, he'll die, probably. The others from his town already have. But he can remind himself he's still alive, for now. One way or another. He can cause pain he can't feel himself, for once.
"I said get over to Tommy and smooth out his sharp bits, bloodfuck."
"Yes, um, y-yes, Kirk," The vampire says, pulling himself onto his hands and knees. His fingers are smashed into the mud deep enough to nearly disappear. If they could only get a few days of sunlight to dry out all this dirt, it wouldn't be such hell.
As it is, his socks've been damp for weeks, his boots feel like they're caging his feet in a swamp. He's worried about trenchfoot and trying not to think about it. He stole these boots off a dead German when his own started to fall apart, anyway.
He could've probably gotten new ones, but... it had felt good, taking something from Fritz after Fritz took so much from him.
Kirk tries not to remember that the German soldiers he fights have never caused him a single moment's harm on purpose. They're only fighting for the same reasons he is - because someone higher up who doesn't give a damn about them said to.
Kirk had been all gung-ho for the war until he'd been sent over here to fight it. All those articles in the newspapers, all the speeches given by men standing in town squares... it had all made it seem so patriotic.
They never tell you, Kirk thinks bitterly, that you'll be sent into a slaughterhouse. They don't tell you you'll spend your day breaking a vampire's fingers one by one just to watch them heal back into place and listen to his little cries.
Just to pass the time.
"Trade me your flask while the fangs takes care of you," Kirk says, and Tommy hands it over easy enough.
He watches Tommy grab the vampire by one arm and yank him over, vicious and violent, making the vampire boy cry out again. The sound is starting to grate on Kirk's nerves. It makes him sound too human. He hates being reminded that every vampire used to be a person.
He drinks whatever's in the Brit's flask, and it burns down his throat just the way he needs it to. Wipes out his worries, relaxes shoulders that seem always to be tensed up nearly to his chin.
His mama's a teetotaler, back in Nebraska. He'd been one, too, until the first bombardment. Now he drinks anything he could get his hands on, and the officers mostly looked the other way.
"Bite," Tommy orders. Kirk raises his eyebrows when Tommy doesn't roll up his sleeve but pushes the vampire's face instead towards his neck, turning his head to the side to bare it.
His eyes meet Kirk's, and he smiles, bitterly. "Works faster this way," He explains. Kirk just watches as the vampire's fangs glint in the eternal dim twilight, hesitating before they bury themselves in Tommy's skin.
The little monster's back arches, pressing them chest-to-chest. A low rumble comes from somewhere deep inside, the animal sound the vampire makes during a good feed. He doesn't do it much with the regular unit any longer, they mocked him for it and one day he stopped.
The vampire's throat works as he drinks, and Tommy's arm slides around the monster's thin shoulders, forcing him closer. He's nearly kissing his forehead, this way.
It's an embrace, and altogether more intimate of one than Kirk thought he'd ever see from the cold, standoffish Brit. He feels a blush creeping up his neck and his cheeks as Tommy lets his head fall back, groaning softly in a kind of contentment as the venom hits. The sound isn't quite like a groan at all, it's more like-
"Fucking hell, Tommy, are you an invert?"
"Invert suggests I give a damn what bites me," Tommy replies, without opening his eyes. His slurred speech deepens, goes slow. His hand curves around the vampire's shoulder, holding him tightly. "I'm after oblivion, lads. I don't care what parts the fangs have that give it to me."
"Fang-chaser," Holden says, good-naturedly. Clearly not bothered the way Kirk is. Maybe that's just his farmboy past talking, that he's even unsettled at all. Maybe Tommy's got a point - who cares what's between a vampire's legs if you're only interested in the damn thing's mouth in the first place? "Fucking fang-chaser, that's what you are. End up in a den getting your hips bit like Oscar Wilde."
"Who's Oscar Wilde?"
Holden laughs. "You should try reading a book or three sometime, Kirk."
"Sure, sure, whenever I get the damn time in-between running over this blasted nothing. In any case, Tommy's definitely a fang-chaser."
"Guilty as charged... just like you two." Tommy's hand slides up into the vampire's hair, gripping tight and gently pulling backwards. The vampire's fangs slide free, and it laps at the wounds, rapidly. Tommy groans again. Kirk finds himself unable to look away at the bob of Tommy's throat. How good does it feel, in the neck? He's never thought to try it. He thinks about it now. "Turn me in to face discipline for unnatural relations with the fangs and I'll do the same to you."
"Yeah, yeah, we got it. Fucking Limey bastard." There's no real animosity in Kirk's voice. He's too distracted, drunkenly considering the vampire boy's mouth. Wondering if he knows how to kiss. "You shared your liquor, I shared our bloodsucker, we're both of us in it to our necks."
"Not me," Holden says, innocent and pure as the driven snow. As if he weren't the one to give Kirk the idea to use the venom in the first place.
Kirk throws a clot of mud at him, which he dodges, laughing. They're all laughing, soon enough, except for the fangs.
The vampire lays there, his head pressed to Tommy's chest and forcibly held in place by his arm. His eyes are slightly wide, unfocused, and Kirk leans forward.
"What's this, then? What'd you do to the fangs, Tommy?"
"Hm? Nothing. Oh, I'm pissed as can be, do they feel the liquor in your blood?"
"I'm guessing they sure do. You drunk, fangs?"
The vampire's eyes drift over to Kirk, move too far to one side, come back again. He swallows, thickly. "I... I think I, I, I am," He says, and tries to push back against Tommy's chest, to free himself.
The Brit's arm crushes him back into place, his other hand moving up to run through the vampire boy's dirt red hair, petting him like one of the ambulance dogs. Kirk and Holden laugh at the vampire's weakness. "Stay right where you are," Tommy murmurs. "Or I'll run you through with my bayonet and let you squirm all day."
"Christ," Kirk says, blinking. "That's a bit rough, isn't it?"
"He's not alive, what does it matter?" Tommy lets out a bitter little laugh. "Might as well get a preview of our own ends, shouldn't we?"
"You two, maybe." Holden crawls into the dugout, the little bed-space, a kind of cave dug in underneath the upper layers of the trench. He lays down on his back, closing his eyes, hands behind his head. "I'm going to go back home and never think of you lot ever again."
"I pray every night to make it home," Kirk says, nodding along. "Not sure anyone's listening, but I got to try, don't I?"
"What happens to the fangs, anyway?" The Brit looks up, rocking a little back and forth. As if the bloodsucker were a baby needing soothing. The vampire boy has relaxed against him, the liquor-laced blood he drank lulling him into a complacent bonelessness. Kirk watches the vampire boy's fingers start to tap over the Brit's chest, a strange movement he's seen the boy do before in his few relaxed moments between the scream of the shells. He hums, low in his throat, tuneless.
"Huh?" Kirk blinks. "What d'you mean, what happens to him?"
"After the war's done. What are they gonna do with the bloodsuckers? Can't exactly pin a bloody ribbon for valor on them and send them on their way, now can they?"
"Nope. I don't know what happens. Maybe they'll just stake them all and have done with them."
The vampire shudders, giving a little whimper. Tommy leans down, lips moving against the vampire's hair. "Ssssshhhh. Not to worry, little fangs. War's not over just yet, now is it?"
"N-... no. Not, not, not, not yet." The vampire's eyes close, pink-tinged tears creating pale tracks in his dirty face. He's a sad drunk, then, Kirk figures.
Aren't they all, these days.
"Maybe you'll outlive us all, and make fools of us for keeping you." Tommy speaks with a patronizing affection, as mocking as it is tender, petting through the creature's hair still. It's... unsettling to watch. Kirk had figured the Brits and French probably killed all their vamps, since they were all disturbed by the sight of the vampire medics when the doughboys first arrived in Europe.
This, though... this makes it seem like Tommy's known a vampire or two himself, in his life. And he's sure as fuck not unfamiliar to what venom is good for outside of giving relief from agony to the injured.
Kirk frowns, thoughtful.
He's turned into a thoughtful drunk, too, thanks to this goddamn war. Sad and thoughtful. What a fucking waste.
"Sleep," Tommy says, almost gently, to the drunk little vampire. "I've got you. Sleep, little one."
The vampire's eyes slip closed. He doesn't breathe - there's no sense of his chest rising and falling. Kirk has to look away before the sense of wrongness, watching Tommy cuddle a corpse, makes him sick.
He takes a long, long draught from the flask, and relishes the burn that reminds him he's human, and alive.
His own eyes slip shut, and he prays for an hour or two of sleep before the next screaming shell bursts overhead.
@mylifeisonthebookshelf @insaneinthepaingame @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @burtlederp @finder-of-rings @astrobly @newandfiguringitout @pretty-face-breaker @endless-whump @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @doveotions @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whump-tr0pes @downriver914 @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @nonsensical-whump @outofangband @what-a-whump
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