#also ive been dreaming about my first girlfriend and it makes me wonder if she dreams about me too
homoerotvic · 8 months
even though you were possibly the one to hurt my feelings the most in my entire life in every single dream you appear in i forgive you
#and it literally ruins my entire day. even thinking about you makes me feel like shit.#anyway the pain will pass and it will be like nothing ever happened im sure#also ive been dreaming about my first girlfriend and it makes me wonder if she dreams about me too#idk last time i saw her she looked so sick. im worried about her but its the weirdest feeling because... theres nothing i can do#we barely know eachother anymore but i still care about her so much#i know thats just the way it is but i sincerely just want her to be happy#i just know that i cant have anything to do with that anymore i guess#or i could because we could still ne friends but shes back in brazil so its a no go#p#this looks like a justgirlythings post oh well. send it#honestly its ridiculous how aforementioned first girlfriend broke up with me on my birthday while i was frankly depressed and alone#in a whole other continent lol#what this person did to me hurt harder. frfr. this whole situation makes me sick to my stomach#and i think they dont even like. think about it. or regret anything. or know i feel this way. and my stupid ass is here#avoiding the though of them at all costs. i just want this to pass and the hurt to be over it like i just have to forget all of it.#anyway its stupid shit. like the situation is not even that deep my feelings were just deeply hurt whatever so dw👍#ok the person who hurt me the most besides my mom but thats just like. what parents do#they hurt you irreparably without even noticing sometimes and then you just get over it. so im not counting that
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lolexjpg · 5 months
dts s2 e6-7
e6 -ALEX EPISODE -every time ive watched this episode and he says his sisters name (zoe) it's startled me. i anticipate it and it surprises me every time -"we are trying to give young people a chance. That's part of the Red Bull philosophy." (Helmut Marko) oh ok. oh OK. OH OK. -i need him biblically. i need him in a way that's concerning for feminism -OK UM so i watched the first half in the morning and the second half after my shift and i was like. im so wiped idk how emotionally i'll even be able to engage -and damn do i truly underestimate my ability to be affected by something i've seen and heard about over and over again. -ok but the parallels between alex's mom talking about being scared as a mom vs daniel's mom talking about the same thing in s1e1 -random cate sighting is crazy i almost forgot how she dated pierre lmao -god i NEED an alex/williams episode next season i miss him on this show soooooo much -its silly but every time i see that clip of anthoine kissing his girlfriend its instant waterworks
e7: -first of all obsessed with seb saying y'all. love him miss him sm -GOD you can just see how charles still has hopes and dreams here he hasnt been crushed and hardened by the ferrari machine yet. what a sweet time for him :/ -sebchal makes me so *gnawing at the bars of my enclosure* -part of me wishes they showed charles' win at monza w/ more charles centric focus? it was such a big deal for him and i think it deserved more. THAT BEING SAID it does set up the sebchal rivalry dynamic well, which is what the documentarians chose to focus on, and for that they did well. -i could say the same for seb's singapore win. it makes sense from a storytelling persepctive to focus on these from the rivalry lense but damn do i know these are iconic wins for both of them and its bittersweet that they don't get their own focus -i'm so confused how charles literally looks straight down the camera lense and says that he was signed with the knowledge that he'd be second to seb, and then gets MAD when they prioritize seb???? like when they prioritize charles seb has ever right to be mad bc that goes against what he was told but charles?????? i know that its bc theyre gonna be super competitive no matter what they're told bc its in their nature but Come Onn -"every world champion has what I term an 'inner bastard', and its the ability to make the tough decision when you have to." i do NOT take will buxton slander on this blog. i love this quote sm and as a baby fan it was big in understanding driver v team politics. it is SUCH an important skill to know when to be a team player and when to be selfish, and the ones who figure it out are the ones who maximize best outcomes. (a good example of this recently imo is carlos in singapore!) -"we'll start by holding hands." when i know its coming and i'm still vibrating gnawing on my enclosure etc etc. brainworms well and alive and fed -GOD rly puts into perspective how charles has been being fucked over by the ferrari engine since Day One -sebastian vettel has the vibes of a restaurant manager who isn't doing the greatest job but he'll never get in trouble because every single waitress is swooning every time he speaks. let me know if this makes sense -with more seb history context: i wonder how much this parallels to the dynamic in rb when daniel joined--and he left the following year. christian talks all about daniel "running from a fight" with max... wonder if thats also, at least in these instances, sebs instinct as a driver in this system. don't take this analysis too serious btw i'm just spitballin
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Okay, since you're invested and Im too lazy to study for my Theory presentation tomorrow (but somehow awake enough to do this- God gives his hardest battles to his stronger soldiers) let's go! I also realised after writing this whole thing that it's too long to be an ask but i couldnt copy it as a post and.. ive come too far for anything else! ch.3
“Found him,” Aemond said.  Aegon trails behind him, looking disheveled.  “Where was he?” Baela asks.  Aemond glances around the room.  “Y/N here?” 
MY BABY!!!! he knows it's gonna devastate her to be yet again faced with aegon's complete disregard and shitting all over their relationship and still he's being so careful and tactful and thoughtful!
His tongue pokes at his cheek, as he watches you. His sapphire eye catches the light from the kitchen, sending geometric shapes on the wall.
this was such a good line tho! like, you can imagine the little light shapes around the room moving around whenever he tilts his head or turns his head. such a good visual! (the V on the sweatpants as well but for now im keeping it classy)
“She’s single, I’m single,” he says, no growls, at you, “it's not a big fucking deal.”
imagine having to defend to your crush why you fake shagged sb and having to argue that you're not dating anyone so you're allowed to have ALL the fun!! Yay such joy!!
also btw!! why lie in the first place? just to spite her? maybe......... to see how she would react?.... i mean... there's a saying in my native language : "you fish with empty nets hoping to get full ones" dude was baiting her? wishfully baiting her? crossing his fingers baiting her? and it fucking worked too? what a mad lad
“Fuck, Aemond,” you want to keep yelling at him. You want a reaction from him, some remorse, something besides that cold look, “you really are heartless.”
Aemond turns his head to you, purple and sapphire eye aglow with anger. He pushes off the counter, striding towards you. 
“Go to bed, Y/N,” he says in a voice dripping with disdain, “you’re not my friend, you’re not my girlfriend. Stop acting like one.”
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“I’m not staying.” A flicker of confusion dances across his sharp features.  “Why?” [...] Aemond stays eerily still. His eye searches your face, taking in the look of acceptance that follows the words you speak. 
“So after the party, you won’t have to deal with me anymore,” you tell him, the bitterness evident in your voice. 
see previous gif
Aemond’s eyes light up as you fail to answer, the beginning of a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth.  [...] There is a look in Aemond’s eye, reminiscent of a rabid dog.
no comment... i just love those lines... pay no attention to me
I have to wonder... how many times in the past had Aemond fantasized about waking up, going to the kitchen to have his morning coffee and toast and whatever and then her showing up, all warm and lazy from her sleep. how many times did he do the do thinking about lifting her on that very counter and fucking her just like he did irl? because you know since those mornings have been established as a sort of "them" time, you know he latched onto that and used it as jerking off material.. also those morning showers? i bet you my left lung he did. (please dear author.. what Does he think about while getting himself off?) also you have to love how open and responsive and vocal he is! all the love! all the kisses!!!
He fucking ripped your stockings holy shit. 
you know he'd been thinking of doing that for a looong ass while
Aemond blinks to look up at you, drinking in the hedonistic expression on your face. 
i love it when dreams come true. very heartwarming ya know....
“You gonna cum for me?” he asks, his voice rough as gravel.
God, you want to smack that stupid self-indulgent look off his face.
if only she realized how much he risked -like emotionally- by kissing her and making that first move...
now some ch. 1 because i MUST
Aemond nods, flagging down the bartender.  “Yeah 'cause you’re acting like an idiot.” [...] “No you’re an idiot,” he faces you, a sick smile on his face. He often gets that wild look in his eye when you start arguing. 
it's the attention.. he's a lovesick fool. pay him no mind
“You’re a very smart girl,” he says leaning closer, “but you’re not acting like one.” “You don’t get it,” you tell him[...] Aemond chuckles [...] “I live with you fuckers,” he says, taking a sip from his drink, “I know everything that goes on, princess.” [...] “Don’t you think you deserve better?” [...] “You’re not my friend Aemond,” you snap, “you’ve made that quite clear the past couple of years. So stop acting like one.” His eyes bore into yours. [...] He doesn’t say anything, he only hums deep within the back of his throat before tearing his gaze from you. 
and one last line from ch, 4
Aemond’s silk shirt is open at the top, revealing his chest. He wears a different chain tonight, nothing hanging from it. You swallow hard.
let the chain be a main character! it has all the potential, we want her, we love her, she is stunning, amazing, showstopping...
As for lying about Rhaena: yeah he lied, knowing it would start a fight, he was totally baiting her. He just went along with it because she was like "seriously?? you fucked Rhaena??"
You've hit the nail on the HEAD! As for what he thinks of when he ya know 💦 😏 ofc he's thinking about the reader, those moments in the kitchen, the moments when they argue just grabbing the back of her neck and kissing her, breaking all his rules and going for it.
and then he finally does 🥹
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glitchdollmemoria · 1 year
relationship pda ramble thing
im coming up on the five month anniversary of dating my partner (not to mention the couple months we knew each other before dating), and im getting all excited about them possibly hopefully being able to visit this summer after they finish up with finals, and as im thinking about this im also realizing that i have so much more trust in them than ive had in anyone else. for about half our relationship, they havent been able to talk often because theyve been putting a lot of energy into studying. at first this made me anxious, but over time ive seen them repeatedly come check in with me when they can. especially when i think back to their behavior before they got caught up in studying for finals, the way they were able to show their trustworthiness esp compared to past partners, the affection theyve shown me, the fact that our life/relationship goals line up so well, and the fact that they keep messaging me when theyre able... theres a part of me that gets anxious and paranoid, but that part of me keeps shrinking.
the more i think about these things, the more i realize that im worrying less and less about the possibility of him being dishonest. which - its not that i have reason to think hes untrustworthy, i just have mega bpd. but things make sense in my brain for once. hes told me before that he struggles with school environments, so of course he needs to spend months focusing on studying. hes proud of the career hes pursuing, so of course hes going to work hard for it. he was the one to bring up the idea of me being a house spouse instead of working, so now that he knows i agree with that plan, i wonder if - and even kind of hope - pursuing that future together is part of his motivation.
plus, as far as ive gotten to know her, shes a very confident person who doesnt seem to keep people around out of pity. once, she made a joke about breaking up and i thought for a second she was serious, and she told me she loves me too much to break up with me, and that if she were to break things off it would be over a call. so, it makes more sense that she really is just busy rather than ignoring me, especially when like i said she does still reach out when she can and she wouldnt need to do that if she was trying to ghost me or something.
this is all just word soup. i have a lot of thoughts right now and not much brainpower to articulate them cleanly. mostly, im just excited that i have such a sense of security in this relationship, because i really do want to believe this will be a lifelong partnership and i dont have any real reason to suspect it wont be, as long as we both keep putting in the work. every time my girlfriend apologizes for being away so much, i want to just gently grab it by the shoulders and tell it how much i really truly adore its work ethic and that im willing to wait as long as it takes if it means we can someday reach the life weve talked about wanting to build together.
sometimes i think about the dream i had a while back, being escorted by angels to a beautiful towering library, and how thats sort of incorporated itself into my religious views even if im not sure what it all means. and the fact that once, during a call, she told me that even though she doesnt believe in any particular religion, her ideal afterlife would be a library full of truth. i think, if anything, its all at least a sign that this is whats right for us both right now. she doesnt know about that dream i had. its all coincidence. but it seems too coincidental to not mean anything. maybe we just have similar ideals. maybe its a sign that were meant to be together, at least for the time being. i dont know for sure. but everything feels right. and im so happy that i can look back on the way past partners have treated me, and i can look at the way my current partner treats me, and i can see such a difference in that treatment, and i can feel so much more secure than i have in the past. it makes me grateful in a way for the suffering ive experienced. if nothing else, it serves to make the difference in treatment obvious. im just glad about all of this, grateful to feel secure finally.
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indigo474 · 13 days
Meetings and paperclips 61224
Work has been busy. Busy with meetings-meeting after meeting and meetings about the meeting. My team is growing- that's a good thing although it makes more work for me. I have a few needy reps. You start to really get a feel for people after a few weeks. at first they are on their best behavior. I have a review to do for someone who thinks she is a lot better than she really is. she likes to fight me on every thing. we got into it about the difference between a flip flop and a sandal- I don't care if you spent $120 on your flip flops- they are still flip flops-. Her review should be fun. I can't help but feel bad for her. she told me she was a disappointment to her parents- how her mom use to beat the crap out of her and her dad was never around and hated her. her brother was the favorite. she's big and loud and funny and there is a sadness about her that could break my heart if I let it. she is constantly apologizing- like she's been apologizing her whole life for taking up space. Anyway- I have that to do. I guess it's good to be busy- it's hard keeping track of everyone- who's working when- who's on vacation. I have never in my life ever thought I would be someone who had a paperclip preference but I do. I have myself wondering why i'm not utilizing a stapler. I have to start.
A visit with my Mom on Sunday. It was a nice visit. A few times she started to talk about x or his girlfriend or Chatham - I had to redirect the conversation. She's not as bad with it as she use to be- i'm also not as bad with it as I use to be. I just have no desire to talk about him or her or anything to do with any of it. I'd rather talk about anything else. I had to tell MAdison I was done talking about him/them- at a certain point the conversation isn't doing either of us any good. I want her to talk about "it" when she needs to but at some point the conversation has to end.
something I think about- or have been thinking about. i feel a real sense of failure being divorced. it feels like ive failed in a big way. even if leaving my abusive marriage was the best decision for me-it feels like a failure. i'll never be able to look at someone ive been with for 20-30 years and say look what we did together. because i failed at life- i picked the wrong person to have children with. i'm not sure why this is coming up now. i had a dream my x sister in law died. oh well- it is what it is AND life goes on
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hs-devote · 3 years
iv. láthi: the mistake
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Moodboard * Content * Masterlist
All characters and situation in this story are fictitious. Resemblance to any person living or dead is only God knows.
chapter iii. láthi: the lie
iv. the mistake The pouring rain is the first thing Y/N hears when she opens her eyes, the cold wind outside coming through her window makes her pulling her blanket up until her neck, not caring about making someone lying next to her whining of losing the warmth from the thick blanket that wrapped his body earlier.
She stays still, cocooned her naked body to keep the warmth and turn her back to Harry, who seems no longer bothered by the cold that morning. Yet, he stirs a little in his sleep. Unconsciously wrapping his arm around her hips and bringing her closer.
Y/N really wants to fall asleep again, but the dream she just had earlier a bit bothered her.
In the dream, she was standing alone in the middle of a hallway in a massive castle with a high ceiling that she could barely see it. She was just there alone. When she stepped her foot to find about what was the place, she saw a large bright ball approaching her along with several small balls twinkling. She didn't know what it was, but they seemed to want to lead her out of the place. And that’s what she did.
Once she got out, the light balls were no longer there. And now, she saw the endless ocean with thick fog covering its surface. She could faintly hear the flow of fast water stream.
She was confused.
Where was she?
“Your Majesty.”
She never snapped her head this fast, hearing someone addressed her with such a title. She was the only one there, who else did they mean if not her?
She found a girl who appeared to be a maid, looking at her timidly. The young girl looked scared, but scared of what?
Y/N hadn't yet had time to open her mouth, yet someone embraced her from behind and made the maid leave immediately.
The voice.
She recognised the voice.
Unfortunately, when she wanted to turn around to see who was holding her, she awoke from her sleep with extreme confusion.
What's the meaning of that?
She blinks her eyes when she feels her neck being kissed from behind, making her slowly turn around and find Harry staring at her with his sleepy eyes.
“Good morning, love.” his lips draw a small smile, “You wake up first.”
“Mhm,” she hums softly while brushing away his unruly curls from his forehead, “The pouring rain woke me up. And it's cold.”
"Cold? I should be the one who feels cold because you took the blanket." he groans, snuggling closer to her warm body. Y/N laughs softly, her hands stroking his cold cheek.
“Are you hungry? I want to make something before my granny wakes up.”
“Sometimes it makes me feel a little bad when your grandmother is sleeping in the other room while we have sex and try not to be noisy. Yet, at the end of the day, we couldn't hold back the screaming.” he speaks softly while his arms creeping under the blanket and rubbing Y/N's hips with his thumb, “I hope she's not traumatized.”
“You're such a filthy animal when it comes to sex.”
“That's why I prefer my place.”
“Okay, okay.” he chuckles, “Go make something delicious, I'll wait here.”
Y/N just rolls her eyes before picking up her discarded clothes on the floor and get dressed. Before she leaves the room, she doesn't forget to give her man a delicate kiss on the lips making the man's heart soars in affection.
When she gets to the kitchen, she's surprised to see Ilitia who had prepared the breakfast on the dining table. With a small smile, Y/N comes closer to her grandmother and give the old woman a kiss on the cheek.
“Buongiorno nonna.”
“Mia cara..”
"I just wanted to make something for breakfast but it seems you beat me first." Y/N hums while sitting on the chair nearby, looking at Ilitia who just turn off the stove. The grandmother just smiles while taking off her apron.
“Non preoccuparti! I knew you were going to wake up late. So, I thought I could do something for you and Harry." she shrugs, "Are you not tired? Your scream was loud last night."
Y/N's face flushed red when Ilitia teases her while wiggling her eyebrow, she blushed even more after her grandmother gives her the I-knew-what-you-did look. Were they that loud last night?
“I thought you were already asleep.” she mumbles under her breath while fumbling with her fingers, avoiding the eye contact with her dear grandmother who just admitted that she heard they had sex last night. Well, this is not her first time hearing her granddaughter having sex with the guy named Harry, but what she heard last night kind of traumatized her. She doesn't know this horny couple could be wild if they wanted to.
"I did, mia cara. But, the way you guys screamed hurt my hearing and made me awake.”
Y/N slumped her shoulder in embarrassment, in the bottom of her heart, she promised to be more careful and maybe keeping their hands off each other when Ilitia around.
"My dear. I know I have no experience with love and things like that but are you sure? Are you sure about him? Because Harry is the first man you take home and I see you really into each other. I just don't want you to get heartbreak if something goes wrong."
This is the first time for Ilitia to talk seriously to her granddaughter, the look on her face so careful and concern. She doesn't want her only granddaughter to feel hurt from choosing the wrong person. This is the first time Y/N has shown she really likes someone and it seems that her feelings are much deeper than Ilitia thought.
"I really, really like him. I've never felt like this with anyone. He's a good man and.. I'm really happy with where we are now."
“Nonostante non ci ufficializzi.” she adds with a sad smile.
It's right. They admitted to liking and adoring each other, not hesitate to kiss each other and even have sex. But, Harry never openly make their relationship official as a boyfriend and girlfriend. That's all enough for her. The most important thing is they admit their feelings and her feeling isn't one-sided.
She really wants Harry to make official of their relationship, yet she understands that he's not someone who's outspoken about romance. Just each other know where they stand, what they feel, and all set. They're in a relationship. But, is it a boyfriend-girlfriend thing? She isn't sure.
One thing she knows and the matter is.. they live the relationship as it should.
While Y/N is happy yet a little worried about her relationship with Harry, the legal wife of him, Selene, is angry and also worried about her husband. She had just returned to Centauri with anger fueling her chest. She just catches her Harry whom she loves so much, sneaking behind her back with another woman and seems to have feelings for that woman. Not just a woman, a mortal human who is far below them. What even human compares to Goddess, like her?
She doesn't know what her husband was thinking and seeing in that woman. She's much honourable than that creature.
She wants revenge, yet she doesn't want to get her hands dirty. She has to gather a lot of evidence before carrying out her plans.
Fine if Harry doesn't want to be honest and listen to her.
Like she said before, she would make him regret for ignoring her.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
One of her trusted men immediately approaches her when the Goddess calls him. He bent down for a few seconds before returning to his feet like a tough fighter.
“I have a mission to carry out. Bring Khosaid, Aharo, and Helios to the throne room now.”
The man just nods, leaving a smirking Selene who's plotting something inside her head. She has hundreds of plans to get Harry back into her arms and deter him. No one can take her husband from her. No one. . . . .
Selene is wondering out loud.
What kind of human could make her husband turn away from her.
She doesn't know the name, doesn't know anything about her but her face.
She admits that the human is beautiful, but still she’s more beautiful she thinks, and look innocent. Yet, behind the innocence, the human is even worse. She doesn’t know how Harry got hooked on his secret lover.
And she wants to know.
That’s why she’s now standing a few metres away from a certain flower shop. According to her spy, the girl works as a florist, also she just found out that her Harry often buys flowers there. So, she thinks it all started with him buying flowers and they met regularly. If it isn’t her husband’s affair, she won’t want to come down and mingle with the humans on Earth. Selene avoids that very much.
“Hello, can I help you?”
What a coincidence.
The woman she was looking for, is standing in front of her with a smile formed on her lips that she hated. The lips that her husband savoured beside her, the lips that she's sure did something more than just a kiss..
“Do you have Anemones?” Selene quickly pulls her focus back, doesn’t want the woman to be suspicious since she almost throwing a glare, “The red ones, actually.”
“Yes, we do. How much do you want?” Y/N immediately put on her gloves and looking for a scissor, not realising that her new customer had been gripping it for some reason.
“Make it a bouquet.”
"Sure! Let me find my sci– Oh, thanks!" Before she finishes her sentence, Selene quickly holds out the scissor right in front of her. To her surprise, her customer seems to be pointing the scissor in front of her face rather than holding out because how quick it was in her face.
“My.. darling said this is the best flower shop in Syracuse,” Selene begins, her eyes staring at Y/N who’s picking up her order, “And now I know.. why.”
“I think your boyfriend is too much. But, thank you.” Y/N smiles, “I guess he once bought flowers here?”
“My husband,” Selene corrects her, “And.. yeah, I guess. He often buys flowers here. Or I could say, always.”
“Your husband? You’re so lucky then, having a romantic husband.” she beams while tying up the Red Anemones, “I should have known him if he always buys flowers here.”
“Mhm. You could say that.” Selene silently rolls her eyes, feeling sick of this nonsense talk. But, she has to be patient so she can get what she wants. Her eyes looking at the woman in front of her closely, from the head to toe. She doesn’t find see anything interesting about Y/N, and why could her husband be attracted to her, get into her trap, and was lulled into forgetting the fact that he’s a married man.
“You’re lovely, you know that? It’s a bit embarrassing you work just as a florist.” Selene shakes her head, “I wonder, a lovely girl like you must have a boyfriend already.”
“Something like that.” Y/N chuckles, handing out the finished bouquet to her customer.
“Ooh, he’s lucky then.” hums Selene, “Or.. you are lucky then. Because I believe, Italian man is so damn romantic.”
“He is,” her cheeks flushed, indicating that what Selene said is true. She smiles shyly and it makes Selene feel even more annoyed, “But, he isn’t Italian. So..”
Selene no longer wants to hear the words from the woman in front of her. The Goddess immediately take the money out from her pocket and gives it to Y/N without asking the price. She quickly leaving the confused Y/N without saying another word.
Did she say something wrong earlier? Y/N wonders.
She shrugs. Maybe the woman is in a hurry, she thinks.
Not long after, she sees from a distance that Harry had just closed his car door. With a blinding smile, the man walks towards her with something in his hand.
“Hi, Harry.”
The man quickly gives her a peck on the lips, before he hands her a paper bag from his hold, “Here, I brought you lunch.”
"Why?" Y/N smiles, slowly take the bag and peeked inside.
“I know you sometimes forget your lunch. Then I stopped by at the nearest restaurant before I got here.” he shrugs, “That habit will get you sick. And I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Thank you,” she grins, “Come inside. We can eat together behind the counter, Mia will be here soon.”
Y/N grabs Harry’s hand to follow her inside. Luckily, her boss didn’t come today so she can freely sneak him inside without any worries.
“You’re off tomorrow, right?” he asks when she’s taking out the lunch box, “I want to take you somewhere.”
“Yep,” she confirms, “Where to?”
“It’s secret.” he winks, “But, you’ll definitely like it.” . . . .
Y/N has an off day today and like Harry promised yesterday, he takes the advantage to take her out for a date. A date like normal humans usually do. It’s just one day trip in Marina di Ragusa, yet he already rented a private boat for both of them to enjoy the beautiful Mediterranean Sea until the sunsets. When they arrive at the port, someone was waiting for him. Harry and the person talk for a while and soon give him the key, and not forget to wish them a nice trip.
“This is unusual,” Y/N hums while they walk to their boat, “But, I like it.”
“Oh, you’re going to love it once we hit the water.”
The man carefully helps her to climb into the boat, with the help of the dock clerk of course. Once he joins her in behind the steering wheel, he puts the key into the ignition, letting the engine to roar and ready to sail.
“Ready?” he averts his gaze to the girl next to him, lips forming a smile seeing her looked all giddy and excited.
“Of course!”
He shakes his head of how cute she is. After the dock clerk gives him a clear to sail, he doesn’t hesitate to show his skill to drive a boat expertly. In fact, he’s so carried away by the sea breeze hitting his face as they started to move away from the dock, and makes him pick up the speed.
“You’re expert at driving a boat, huh?” Y/N teases him, her eyes occasionally glance at him while looking at the distant coast.
“One of my hidden talent, actually.” Harry jokes, before making a sharp turn that caused the water splash over them. He let out a laugh while Y/N groans because her clothes are wet a little.
“I told you to bring spare clothes, didn’t I?”
“All of this was planned, wasn’t’ it?” she pouts, “You wanted to get me wet so you told me to bring spare clothes!”
“We’re on the water, so it makes sense if our clothes get wet.”
“I know, but – Harry!”
She screams as the boat suddenly accelerated, making her startled and reflexively grabs his arm. When they slowed down in the middle, she slaps his hand on the wheel.
“You want to knock me overboard?” she glares at him, “Don’t do that!”
“You have to see your own face!” he giggles, “It was funny.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
“Good thing that you’re still on your seat. If you were standing, you could fall in and drown.”
“Sometimes I can’t trust you behind the wheel, you know?” she murmurs under her breath, and now looking out over the endless expanse of the sea, “And now we’re in the middle of the sea. What we will do?”
“Technically, not.” he shrugs, “Well, I just want you to feel the calm water. Isn’t this calming?”
“It is, H. But, I’m just afraid that if we run out of fuel and cannot come back.” she laughs, eyeing him with a raised eyebrow.
“We can swim. I’ll hold you tight if you can’t swim, though.”
“How romantic of you.”
“Second to none.”
Y/N chuckles at his silliness. The way his unique thinking always amazes her, and it seems Harry always has his own thought. And sometimes, she cannot guess it.
“I just want to cherish our time together. I just want to be alone with you and enjoying each other’s company.” he starts, “I know sometimes the world doesn’t work the way we want but I’m always here for you.”
“Harry…” she coos, “I know the world is too hard and cruel sometimes but I’ll always be by your side. No matter what.”
She doesn’t know where this comes from, him talking like this isn’t his usual. Like there’s something he tried to convey implicitly, it’s clear from the way he looks at her. He doesn’t smile, lips pressed together but his eyes are so soft.
“Promise?” he then cheekily put his pinky finger for her to intertwine, and of course she happily locking their pinky’s together.
Harry lovingly grabs her face and kisses her dearly. Both of them closed their eyes, letting the moment drown between them. He smiles into the kiss as does she. Still locking their lips together, tasting each other, and melting their feelings into one.
They hurriedly untied their lips when the boat rocked suddenly, making them laugh.
“We shouldn’t be here to long,” Y/N nervously giggles, “It seems the ocean hates us.”
“Fine then, we’re going back to the coast.”
Before he drives them back, he pulls her head towards him and kisses her forehead.
“What was that for?”
“You’re just too cute.”
From the very distant dock, the woman can see what’s happening with her own eyes. She understands what’s going on between them, their feelings, yet she has to make a decision before it’s too late. . . . .
“You’re one step closer, Your Majesty.”
"You're very close to your destiny but you haven't realised that."
“You must be careful.”
Harry gasps when he opens his eyes, watching the huge waves roll away from him as if it had finished delivering the messages. His eyes wandering at the reflection of the moon on the surface of the ocean before his eyes. Then, he remembers Centauri, Selene, his mission. And.. Y/N.
Sweet sweet Y/N.
How come he likes a mortal human, especially he already has a wife who’s always waiting for him to come home every day?
How could he believe that the human made him fall in love with her?
How could he feel carried away and complacent, making him forget his wife when he was with Y/N?
Those kisses, those touches, their skins against each other.
Their lust for one another.
The desire.
Harry knows what he committed, yet he couldn’t stop.
He cannot.
What if Selene finds out? His people and his realm know that he's cheating with a mortal human and having affair?
They won’t blame him.
They’re going to go after Y/N, and he doesn’t want that. But, he doesn’t want to let go of her.
While Harry was standing on the beach and contemplating his thought, Y/N was arguing with her grandmother who suddenly forbade her to be close to Harry without giving a definite reason.
"Why are you suddenly against my relationship with Harry, granny? You never said anything before?" Y/N asks quietly, staring at Ilitia who's looking at her with a gaze she cannot interpret. Ilitia just sighs, paused for a moment to choose the right words to say.
“I just.. there’s something wrong with him that I feel but I can’t really say. Especially, I don’t want you to get hurt later because he didn’t say anything about your relationship, did he?” Ilitia gives her a plea look, “If he’s good man, he’ll make clear what kind of relationship you two have.”
"He's a good man, granny. He takes care of me well. He's always nice with you and why don't you like him?" she fights, "I thought you like him.."
“I do, mia cara. I just–”
"If you don't want to tell me, I won't listen to you." Y/N stomping her feet before leaving Ilitia like a grumpy child. She doesn't understand why Ilitia suddenly forbids her to see Harry even though her grandmother seemed fine before. She gets suspicious since Ilitia won't tell her the reason behind of all this and she thinks it's odd.
When she just steps out from her porch, she sees Harry who just gets out of his car. Her mood gets lighten seeing him who comes to her house.
The pair kiss each other immediately when they get into one another’s arms. Y/N smiles into the kiss, feeling the joy while Harry stroking her hips with his thumbs. They break the kiss shortly after and putting their forehead against each other.
“What are you doing outside on nights like this?” he hums, rubbing her nose with his own.
“I kinda.. arguing with granny for some reason.” she puckers her mouth, making him give a quick peck on her lips before backing away.
“Why? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Granny asked me to stay away from you.”
Harry is the one who frowned this time. He didn't mishear, did he? Why on earth did Ilitia ask her granddaughter to step back on him? He made no mistake. Why?
"She doesn't have a valid reason yet she still remains adamant against our.. relationship." she answers his unspoken question, "And that's why I'm here."
“Want me to talk with her, love? Maybe there was something she was doubting about?”
“Are you sure?”
Without another word, Harry takes Y/N's hand to follow him from behind. Slowly, he opens the door and finds Ilitia pacing in the living room – looking all confused and anxious.
“Good evening, Ilitia.”
“Mia cara!”
The old woman quickly pulls her granddaughter from Harry, making the young couple shocked by her act. Ilitia stares at Y/N and him in turn, before standing to shield Y/N from the man who just escorted her granddaughter back home.
“You better go home, Harry.” Ilitia warns him, “And please, never come back.”
“Did I something wrong, Ilitia?” Harry confusedly asks, “Why are you suddenly like this?”
“I don’t like you.” Ilitia scoffs, “My granddaughter is better off without you.”
“Granny!” Y/N cries out, “Why did you say that? You were fine with him before. He didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Ilitia, I apologise if I made a mistake. But, please. If you don’t like me, please tell me the reason so I can fix it.”
"The way you can fix it by staying away from Y/N, and forget her." Ilitia hiss, "I don't want my granddaughter to get hurt if she's still with a man like you."
"You're talking nonsense, granny. You don't even have a clear reason why I–"
“Y/N Y/L/N!”
Y/N flinches. This is the first time in her life that her grandmother yelled at her and called her full name. She's sad and ashamed by the way Ilitia treats her like a child. Never once was Ilitia like this before. Her heart sink and her tears are ready to burst. Before Ilitia and Harry see her crying, she quickly leaves them both to burst into her room, making them both hear how loud she slams her door.
"Ilitia, I don't know why you hate me so suddenly. If I made a mistake, then I'm sorry. But, please give me a chance to prove to you that I won't hurt her. We both love each other and…"
"Love?" she scoffs, cutting him off, "Are you sure about that? Don't tell lies to me. We both know what's your intention; you're just fooling around with Y/N. My granddaughter's future is bright even more if you stop this nonsense. Whatever you're having with her is just bullshit!"
“Excuse me?”
“I know who you’re, Harry. Don’t fool me.” she pushes him out, which makes him wonder why this old woman is strong enough for her age, “Just leave before you regret everything. I just want to protect my Y/N.”
Harry winces as Ilitia slams the door right on his face, making the hanging pot next to it rattling. He doesn't understand what Ilitia told him. What makes him even more confused, why did she dislike him so much? He was always nice to her and didn't do anything wrong. He's always trying to please her beloved granddaughter and makes a nice impression on her.
Maybe Ilitia was just tired and had a lot of thoughts that made her like that. He hopes tomorrow everything will be fine and back to normal. He wants Ilitia to like him because he knows how much that means to his Y/N. . . . .
When Harry opened his eyes this morning, he felt something strange.
That day was gloomier and sorrow, as if a storm was coming. The sun even seemed shy to shine on the Earth, dark clouds clustered over the sky. And when he passed the shore, the waves looked fiercer than usual.
And, he doesn’t know why.
The unexpected scene a few days ago between him, Y/N, and Ilitia still nagging his mind. He hasn't met Y/N again because he doesn't want to annoy her grandmother, meanwhile, he also gives Ilitia time and space to calm down.
He was thinking about what caused Ilitia to despise him.
He and Y/N never quarrelled, he never made her cry. Their so-called-relationship is fine. Then, what?
Then, he remembers Y/N’s face that night. She looked sad, obviously wanting to cry yet she holds back. He never saw her so sad, he always saw her smile and laugh even when she was tired.
Oh, Harry misses her.
He misses her smile, her laugh. Everything.
He hadn’t seen her for days, but during that time they’d been texting each other. He couldn’t call her because she was worried that her grandmother would hear them. He also couldn’t see her at work since, according to Mia, Y/N asked to take leave. When he confirmed it to her, she didn’t deny it. Ilitia forced her to take leave because her grandmother knew Harry would try to see her.
But, on that day, his heart forces him to meet her, whatever the risk. He hopes that during the few days he didn’t see her, her grandmother will soften up on him a little.
So, he takes his keys and quickly drive to her house.
On the way Y/N’ house, he then remembers his wife who hadn’t sent him a message like usual. Every week, he would receive a roll of parchment about his wife’s longing letters, and that made him feel less lonely. Selene would tell him her daily life or whatever she wanted to tell him.
But, that feels like it’s been a long time.
She stopped send him the letters since his return to Centauri that time.
And he wonders, why.
However, with Y/N by his side, his loneliness was relieved. His void of love and affection is perfectly fulfilled because of her. That woman always showered him with care, attention, and.. love.
Love is a strong word, Harry knows that.
But, he feels it. He feels it towards her.
Yet, his heart hesitated. How could he love two women at once, at the same time? How could he fall in love with another woman when his wife is always waiting for him at home.
That's what made Harry never clearly declare his relationship with Y/N. He never makes their relationship official as a boyfriend and girlfriend. She knows his feelings and so does he. Their feelings aren't unrequited, and that's enough for him for their relationship.
It’s like he’s having affair. And he’s very well aware. However, he cannot let her go. He’s addicted to the woman. He sounds selfish, he doesn’t want to lose Selene if she finds out, but he also doesn’t want to let Y/N go.
He knows his behaviour hurts the two women, and he wants to be selfish and keep them around. He cannot imagine losing one of them, or both. He loves them too much to lose them.
Strangely, it only took a few weeks for him to fall in love with Y/N, but it took years for Selene to win his heart.
Although there is some Selene's behaviour that he doesn't like, but he cannot deny that it was Selene who never got tired trying to capture his heart. While many females threw themselves at him, she remained patient and tried until he finally melted at her.
Meanwhile, Y/N.
The darling, sweet Y/N.
She didn’t overtly show her efforts to win his heart. Yet, her shy and sweet gestures that melted him. She has this factor that made him unable to get the woman out of his mind, and let her creep down and capturing his heart.
If Harry likens his wife to a fierce woman, Y/N is more shy one who’s gentle and very careful with everything. They’re very different, and he never knew he could fall in love with two opposites females.
Nevertheless, he doesn’t want to think about it now. All he thinks are his longing for Y/N. He cannot wait to see her.
When he arrives at her house, he gets out of his car with a smile painting on his lips. He didn't forget to buy a basket of her favourite flowers when he stopped by the middle of the trip. He's a little confused to see her door is wide open. Were she and Ilitia having guests? But, their house looks deserted.
With confident steps, Harry rushed inside. Yet, his frown gets deeper when he sees the living room was messy. Everything scattered on the floor. Something must have happened.
He calls them loud but no one answered.
This is strange.
He’s getting inside, seeing the kitchen and dining room empty. Then, he sees Ilitia’s bedroom which the door is closed. His mind begins to diverge, thinking about nonsensical things. His heart starts to race fast when the house feels even more empty with the two hosts nowhere to be found.
Then, he faintly hears dimmed sound from Y/N's bedroom. Without thinking twice, he immediately runs and seeing the door was open. His eyes found a scene unfold that makes him feels the time freeze and everything stopped. *
oops...  👀
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nanasarea · 4 years
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𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵: In a world where soulmates can visit each other in their dreams and can only remember the dreams once they found each other, what happens when you’re disappointed at the man of your dreams?
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: angst and fluff
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: reader x Jaemin
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1.6k
𝘢/𝘯: please tell me what y'all think of the series so far!!
𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵  𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵  𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
Tag list: @keiboo @minavenue​ 
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“You get so much more surly when you drink, do you know that?” Chenle asked as he watched Jaemin chug another drink down. 
“I am not surly!” Jaemin yelled before sitting down next to Chenle and resting his head on his shoulder. 
“How do you smell so much like tequila? You hate tequila.” Chenle sighed.
“Is he always like this?” Jisung asked, chuckling at the interaction in front of him. 
“Most of the time, yes.” Chenle answered. “Thanks for keeping me company, I couldn’t handle taking care of him by myself.” He added.
“No problem. Besides, I like scolding my friends once they get sober again, it intensifies the nagging.” Jisung joked. “Huh, smart.” Chenle said as he continued to down his drink.
“What about your girlfriend?” Chenle asked, making Jisung both confused and amused. 
“Girlfriend? First of all, what part of me made you think I was straight so I can change it immediately.” Jisung laughed and took a sip from his cup. “Second of all, if you’re referring to Patrick, that’s my younger cousin and she caught a ride home with a friend, she still has a curfew.” Jisung explained.
“Oh, sorry, man, should’ve guessed from your cuffed jeans.” Chenle joked.
 “And? Do you also listen to boy in blue? Or whatever the equivalent to do you listen to girl in red is.” Jisung asked. 
“Indeed, I am the gay.” Chenle said, raising his cup. “And we shall drink to that!” Jisung announced, so they both drank before Jisung took a seat next to Chenle.
“Do you ever wonder like.” As Jisung looked at Chenle, he saw him looking at the abyss with a calm expression. “Why do we urinate?” Chenle asked, turning to face Jisung, who only stared at him in disbelief.
“Are you really that drunk?” Jisung laughed, causing Chenle to shake his hand as he joined in on the laughter. 
“Then you must have a fever!” Jisung joked, placing his hand on Chenle’s forehead to check his temperature as a joke. They both laughed as Jisung took his hand away before they realised that both of their marks were fading.
“Wait-“ Chenle said, looking at Jisung’s hand, his hand shooting up to feel his forehead as he shifted his gaze onto Jisun, who just nodded, signalling that Chenle’s forehead mark has indeed faded and had been left with only the outline.
“Are we about to kiss right now?” Chenle asked, jokingly fixing his hair behind his ear. 
“Do you want us to?” Jisung asked in a serious tone, causing him to blush and slightly nod, giving Jisung the green light to close the gap between the two.
“Did you just Debby me?” Jisung asked, once he pulled away, his hand still on Chenle’s cheek, right before they both started laughing. 
“This might be the alcohol talking, but if you don’t go back to kissing me, I will extremely upset an-“ And with that, Chenle was cut off by Jisung kissing him again as Jaemin continued to drift off to sleep in the corner.
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As Jaemin stopped rubbing his eyes, he saw me walking towards the coffee machine. As I waited for my refill, I noticed him, shaking and curled up into a ball, his eyes red and puffy. 
“Hey.” I greeted, trying to use the softest voice possible. 
“Hey.” He greeted back, his voice cracking, making him clear his throat before making eye contact. “Guess you wanna wake up now?” He asked, making me chuckle.
“I might hate you, but I’m not gonna leave you to cry on your own.” I said, sitting down next to him.
“So, do you need comfort or do you wanna talk about it right now?” I asked, patting my shoulder, signalling him to rest his head on it.
“You sure you want to hear me cry about something so insignificant?” He chuckled, which made me place my hand on his knee. 
“You’ve heard me cry over literal spilled milk, I think we’re past that.”
“You want me to just listen?” I asked, to which he nodded while sniffling. 
“I wanted to make things right, but it's too late, isn’t it?” He asked, to which I just shook my head. 
“I’m just so use to people leaving and abandoning me, without even allowing us to have a normal conversation to sort things out. Plus, you know me. I have horrible social and communication skills, I didn’t have many friends growing up, and being an only child didn’t really help with that.” He said, trying to hold back his tears. 
“I grew up with my parents’ friends, which means I had to grow up faster, to be able to understand their conversations. I always thought it made me mature, which I have now figured out is just a fancy way of saying trauma, isn’t it?” He asked, tears rolling down his face occasionally.
“Yeah, I understand that, understand more than I care to admit.” “You too, huh?” I nodded, to which he finally smiled for second.
“I guess we’re not soulmates for nothing.” He chuckled. 
I rolled my eyes and slightly pushed him away in a playful manner before he stood up.
“Come on, while we’re still dreaming, let me buy you a drink or two to make up for being a dick tonight.” Jaemin said, extending his hand to pull me up.
“Tonight?” I asked, playfully. 
“I’ll buy you more for all of the other times I was a dick in our next dream.” He rolled his eyes. 
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rosesatsunrise · 4 years
losing and feeling
(a/n: knsjdgskgja okay here’s my first public fic i guess, i wrote this at two in the morning because i was feeling sad so... this happened i guess. it’s originally self-indulgent so some of it might not fit your ideals and i’m sorry about that, lol! anyways hope you enjoy!)
KEY: (y/n): your name | (y/l/n): your last name
WORD COUNT: 3,269 words
PAIRINGS: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
SUMMARY: bakugou katsuki wanted to have a lifetime of memories with you, so how is he supposed to deal with it being cut short?
WARNINGS: angst, swearing obviously it’s bakugou 
weak in the knees. i couldn’t see through the blur of tears, i couldn’t hear through the gut wrenching sobs of my friends. the screaming. the screaming wouldn’t stop.
“you have funny hair!” her eyes made me restrain myself from shouting at her. they were so beautiful, i got lost in them immediately.
“(y/n), sweetie, that’s not a nice thing to say! i’m sorry honey,” the girl’s mother sounds tired.
this couldn’t be happening. i think i was the one screaming, but i couldn’t tell. i couldn’t hear my own voice.
“you still have stupid hair.” (y/n)’s eyes are still so beautiful. i stared at her, feeling my glare soften without wanting it to. she just did that to me, softening me until i didn’t know what it felt like to be anything but happy when i was around her. 
i felt someone’s hands on my shoulders but i felt so numb that it didn’t register. everything was so loud. everything was so dark.
“i need to tell you something.” (y/n) was standing in front of me, her hands stuffed in her pockets. she was nervous, i could tell, but i wasn’t really aware of it as i tried to distract myself from the butterflies in my stomach. 
“oi, fucking say it then.” i grumbled in response.
“i really like you, bakugou. like, as more than a friend.”
“i - huh?”
“i really fucking like you!” she shouted. her voice cracked. “like i want to date you. i’m sorry if i’ve fucked up our friendship, i just thought -”
“i like you too,” i managed, saying it out loud for the first time. the words rang through my head as i realized how true they were. the feelings i had been trying to hide from all this time, defined by a few simple fucking words.
“oh! oh. wait, seriously?” 
“yes, idiot. jesus.” i flushed really hard as she slipped her arms around me and pulled me in close, kissing me softly for the first time.
she was mostly asleep, wrapped in my arms. i had my face buried in her hair because i liked the smell of her shampoo. she was pressed against my chest and her voice came out muffled. i had one of my hands under her shirt to draw shapes on her bare back, because i liked to be touching her.
“yeah (y/n).”
“i lied. i really like your hair.”
i couldn’t control the smile that lit up across my face. i hated how incredibly soft this fucking girl had turned me. i probably looked like an idiot, grinning widely all because she said ‘i like your hair.’
“i love you.” i whispered, hugging her tighter. then i realized what i had just said. the first time i ever told my girlfriend i loved her, and it was this. all because of this domestic bliss that had overtaken my life.
“i love you more.” (y/n) sighed, and i felt her breathing even out as she fell asleep. fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck. i was so in love with her.
“tell me the truth!” her voice was cracked, strained from the screaming. her eyes were puffy from crying. it hurt me so much to look at her so upset, to know it was my fault. “tell me why you keep doing this shit, katsu!”
“we should break up.” i blurted, my voice loud. it cut through her panicked rambling. i watched all the emotion drop off her face. (y/n) just stared at me. hiding again. i could see all the pain in her eyes, and it cracked me open.
“fine.” she whispered. “fine. do whatever the fuck you want. goodbye, bakugou.” 
watching her leave, hearing the door close behind her made my heart break. the emotions, the walls she had broken down, started to put themselves back. i stumbled to my bed, numb and emotional. i had done it because i wasn’t good enough. i couldn’t support her. i wasn’t affectionate enough. she needed a certain level of affirmation and love from someone, and i couldn’t give it to her. 
i cried.
tension built up in my stomach, like stoking a fire, every time i saw her. she purposefully made me jealous, i knew it. when she would play with deku’s hair or flirt with todoroki or poke kirishima’s muscles i had to look away and try not to scream.
but this was it. this was the last straw. she hugged him, deku, the way she only hugged me, so i left, my hands shoved in my pockets, ignoring the tears running down my cheeks. 
“can i talk to you?”
i stopped, not needing to turn to know it was (y/n). she sounded upset, but then again when was she not upset?
“fuck off,” i grumbled.
“you’re the piece of shit who broke up with me, bakugou. i think you can listen to me for a few minutes.”
i wiped desperately at my face, trying to get rid of the tear tracks. i turned to look at her, meeting her eyes, and the fury written on her face was immediately replaced by panic. 
“hey, are you crying? you never cry. what’s wrong?” she cupped my cheeks, catching the tears that would not fucking stop falling. why the fuck would they not stop? 
“yes, i’m fucking fine.” i tried to sound as threatening or harsh as usual, but it was hard to do when she was holding me again for the first time in months and i was fucking crying.
“tell me what’s wrong.” (y/n) begged, swiping at the hot spots where my tears congregated with her thumbs. 
“this,” i breathed. “this is what’s fucking wrong. because i still fucking want you, more than i’ve ever wanted anything in my entire life.”
“so why did you break up with me?” (y/n) asked, searching my eyes. 
“because i’m not good enough for you. i can’t give you the physical affection and emotional connection you need, because i’m just a self centred piece of shit who can barely deal with my own emotions! especially the fact that i’m terrifyingly in love with you. you are my only fucking weakness, (y/n). i can’t - i don’t fucking know.” i said it all very fast. the things i had bottled up for weeks when we were dating and after spilled out like a dam finally breaking.
“bakugou katsuki!” she cried. “why the shit would you not tell me these things? how long have you been keeping all of this in?” 
“months.” i sighed. 
“katsuki,” i heard the shake in her voice. she was about to start crying. “you can’t keep these things to yourself, it’s not healthy! i - i love you so much, no matter how much of an idiot you can be. and i - look, i know i need a lot of reassurance, and physical affection, but you just sitting next to me counts as both of those. little touches, your hand on my back, letting me lean on your shoulder, those are reassuring as well as touching. you gave me everything i wanted and needed. losing you was hard as fuck on me, so i was overly touchy with everyone i saw.”
“is that why you hugged deku like that?” i croaked. 
“yeah. yes. i’m sorry. i just missed feeling your chin on top of my head - it was so protective. made me feel safe.” she mumbled. 
i let my self-control tumble away. i had built it up all these months without her, because it felt like dangling off a cliff with my little finger everytime she was looking up at me, even with angry eyes. 
i wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug, letting the smell of her perfume come back to me. she was shaking with tears as i held her. 
“i love you,” i grumbled. “i love you, i’m so fucking sorry, princess.”
“i love you more.”
“i love you most.”
black is a depressing colour. (y/n) had once said it made me look even paler, making my eyes and hair stand out more. but she also liked me in a suit. i felt the sad smile drift back across my face as i stared at the tux she had made me buy. 
the funeral was next week. (y/n) had passed away a full month ago. 
the days had passed like molasses. when the words were spoken, when i heard her shout how much she loved me at the top of her lungs, i knew she wouldn’t be coming back. two hours later i found her, and sobbed over her body. she was gone then, and i felt all the tears i had held in for most of my life come spilling out. i cried for so long and so much that i passed out from dehydration and lost my voice. i ended up in the hospital with an iv hooked up to me. i remember kirishima whispering that they couldn’t deal with losing me too.
at first, i spent my days wrapped up in my bed, wearing the hoodie she stole from me, the one she always washed with her laundry detergent. it still smelled like her, and i sobbed my heart out. 
eventually, i went completely numb. i sat on the couch, flipping through the television channels. i accidentally ended up on a memorial for her, showing an interview she had done once, after a huge rescue. i was standing next to her, and i was looking at her with an embarrassing amount of love. that was the night i proposed to her.
sometimes i wondered if her death was faked. it was a (y/n) thing to do, and she had been threatened by a high level villain. it would be a great way to get him off her back. 
i had dreams about her coming home, telling me it had all been a ruse to save her life and would’ve put me at risk if i’d known. then i would gather her in my arms and sob against her shoulder while she assured me she wasn’t going anywhere.
those dreams never came true.
“i don’t really want a big wedding,” she mumbled, pressing the heels of her hands against her eyes. 
“you okay, my love?” i asked, leaning over her shoulders.
“hmm? sorry, yeah. i just - it’s not about you or anything, i just still don’t know if i want to get married. i’ve seen so many examples of bad marriage. it’s just a piece of paper.” she sighed, tilting her head back so she was looking up at me. i snuck a kiss before she shoved me off her, laughing.
“well, fuck them.” i crossed my arms. “they clearly never loved anyone as much as i’m in love with you, idiot. you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.”
“but no kids.” (y/n) held up a pointed finger at me.
“no kids,” i held my hands up in surrender.
“yes dog.”
“yes dog.”
“i love you,” she smiled, her big wide smile that always made my heart race.
“you know i love you, stupid.” i reminded her, pulling her to her feet, and hugging her tightly. 
someone gave me back the ring i’d given (y/n). it hadn’t been a big engagement ring or anything, just a pretty carved band that she always wore on a chain or on her finger. when they gave it back to me, i cried again. 
we never got married. 
“we just can’t agree on the fucking date!” she groaned. 
“i’m sorry. i just don’t know why you want to get married in august. it’s hot as shit and i don’t want to deal with that!”
“but december, katsuki? fucking december? that’s like, my least favourite month! plus, we’d have to compete with christmas and new years.”
“well what are we supposed to do?”
“may?” i blinked.
“yeah. spring is pretty too. and it’s not super hot either.”
i sighed, pausing to think about it. “may it is.” i whispered, and a smile glowed on her face. 
“i love you!” she tackled me in a hug, covering my face in kisses.
“stop! personal space, shitty woman!” i shouted, laughing as she did it. i slipped my hands to her waist and pulled her against me, which stopped her. 
“i love you more.” i whispered. 
“i love you most,” she grinned.
i spoke at the funeral, of course. i kept it as short as i could so i wouldn’t cry in front of them. i listened to ashido and midoriya talk about (y/n), and to her mom speak about her best memories through tears. i felt numb.
about two months after her funeral, kirishima asked me why i never went to see her tombstone. i said it was because i didn’t fucking want to, but in reality it was because i was scared. i was scared to see her name on that stone and know she was gone. there was no coming back from that.
my therapist, who i was forced to see but i also went to because i needed someone to talk to, told me i should probably go, because i was living in this stupid place of hope, believing she might come back. 
i sat in my car in the parking lot of the cemetery. i knew where (y/n)’s headstone was, but i was scared to go look at it. i was listening to the music filter through the radio.
“i like this song, katsu.” (y/n) was leaning over me, her hair falling in front of my face like a waterfall.
“so? what’s it to me?” i scoffed.
“get up! we’re gonna dance.”
“we’re gonna what?” i asked, standing up and following her. she turned the volume up on the speakers, and reached for me.
“we’re gonna dance!” she exclaimed. i sighed, giving in easily. i could’ve held my ground, but she was so beautiful i couldn’t think straight.
i circled my arms around her waist, and she intertwined her fingers behind my neck. we swayed slowly, side to side. i admired every inch of her face.
“what?” she grinned. “see something you like?”
“obviously. that’s why i proposed, stupid.” i grumbled.
she blushed, and i smiled. i liked knowing i could still make her flustered sometimes. i pulled her closer, resting my chin on top of her head, and she leaned her head on my chest. 
we swayed some more, and i listened to the music and felt her breathe.
“thank you. for being my hero.” she breathed.
i closed my eyes, this time relishing in the grin that spread across my lips.
i locked the car doors as i walked towards the hill where the willow tree she always pointed out when we drove past was planted. i pushed my hands deeper in my pockets as i felt the nerves bubble in my stomach. 
i was looking at a piece of stone, and it shouldn’t have made me cry.
but it was my last name. not (y/l/n). bakugou was written on her tombstone. i felt my knees weaken and i dropped to the ground, heaving with sobs as i wrapped my arms around myself. 
“you’re so against tradition. are you going to take my name?” i asked.
“do you want me to?” (y/n) tilted her head to the side, searching my eyes.
“yes.” i said honestly.
“then of course i will. i’ll take your last name.” she smiled. “i’d love to be a bakugou, katsuki. because i love you.”
i reached out to touch her hand across the table. she intertwined our fingers, glancing back down at her mission briefing. 
it took a long time for me to clear my vision. when i did, i took a while to sit in silence, reading her tombstone over and over. 
“i miss you.” i said out loud. i almost flinched at the sound of my own voice, but once the words were out of my mouth, it all came out.
“these - months without you have felt empty. i miss falling asleep next to you, or having you beg me to make dinner because i’m the only one who can cook. i miss you forcing me to do shitty things that i was scared to do on my own.” i wiped aggressively at my eyes. 
“this is so fucking stupid. fucking - i wish it had been me, sometimes. but then i think that it would be you, sitting here alone. crying. it would’ve been worse. but i can’t fucking do this, princess. i can’t do this without you.” i glanced up at the sky. i had never felt more weak in my whole life. so empty. there was a physical piece of myself missing without her, and there was nothing that could replace it.
“i never got to see your dress.” i clenched my hands into tight fists. “your beautiful wedding dress… i remember the look on your face when you came home with it. ‘if we’re gonna do this, we’re doing it right’ you said. so that meant i didn’t get to see your dress until i watched you walk towards me.”
“i feel like this is my fault. if i had taken the patrol route that night, instead of you, you might still be here. i might be married to you by now.” i had to squeeze my eyes shut to try and suppress the tears again. “i fucking hate this. i fucking hate that i can’t fucking do anything! i promised i’d always protect you. i promised i would be your hero. i fucking love you! i’m so sorry i couldn’t save you, (y/n)… i’m so fucking sorry!” i choked on my sobs, covering my face with my hands.
“why do you always hide your face when you cry?” (y/n) asked softly. “you don’t need to pretend you don’t feel things, baby. you’re the love of my life. let yourself feel your emotions.”
“i have to be strong.” i told her, keeping my voice as angry as possible. “i have to.”
“why?” she asked bluntly. “what valid reason do you have to force yourself to be emotionless and strong all the time?”
i didn’t have a response for her. i stared into her eyes and just waited. for her to tell me why that was wrong, why i should be letting myself feel.
instead she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me against her the way i did to her when she cried. i let myself be comforted by her, just this once. her hands ran down my back in a calming motion. 
“i can’t really get mad at you for it.” (y/n) sighed. “i do it too.”
i glanced at her, holding her gaze as she wiped my tears away. “but you don’t have to hide from me, katsuki. i promise.” 
the nightmares varied after that. she was really gone, i guess, and once that settled in i managed to force myself back up in the morning to train. things fell back into place, as i trained harder, fought harder. i was determined to not let anyone die the same way (y/n) had. 
and she never came back. i never fell in love again, because i was so scared that i wouldn’t be able to protect them again. i let myself hide behind my emotional barriers again, the ones she had broken down, and i stayed there.
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Ive never really understood the hype surrounding Taylor Swift - I mean, I like some of her songs, but im not big on modern pop music so generally she just doesn’t really click for me. But I find it interesting that theres quite a few of Beatles/Swift blogs - like, they should have very little in common given that they’re from completely different eras and all, but somehow people seem to find a lot of semblance between the two. << and thats not me shitting on any of these blogs btw! Hope I don’t come off as rude or condescending there <3
Anyway, I was just wondering what got you into Taylor Swift? (I think ive read your post on how you got into the Beatles)
Hi, anon! Don't worry, I don't think you're rude or condescending! I agree they don't have too much in common and I don't really like their music for the same reasons.* I do have a playlist of Paul songs that have similar vibes to Taylor songs but it's mostly lyric-based. (Also the Beatles For Sale songs actually have quite the Taylor-tinge because Paul and John were not immune to Country Music)
I saw @stewy say once that a possible reason there are a good handful of us Swiftie-Beatle People on here is the appeal of a vast discography, which I agree with. If you have an artist/group with 200ish songs, it's just really fun to really dive into their work and explore all the facets. I also think: we're talking about the most popular band of all time and one of the highest-selling artists of the 21st century. They have a lot of fans so there's bound to be overlap, regardless of musical differences.
Moving on to your question: Getting into Taylor was an extremely personal experience for me and so my explanation is probably going to be kind of long so I'll put it under a read more.
It was spring-summer 2014, I was 15. I had heard the more popular songs of hers starting with Love Story and enjoyed pretty much all of them (I always found her hopelessly romantic point of view fascinating) but before I got a Spotify account in 2013 it was difficult in general for me to really get into an artists' entire discography so most of her songs had flown under my radar.
At the time, I was in this very weird sort of codependent online friendship with this girl who was basically my first real best friend and my first more or less crush. She was very depressed and I was very much in an I Could Fix Her™ mood, except that I obviously couldn't fix her and it made me feel like I wasn't enough and she had begun pulling more and more away from me and not replying to my messages and it was simply driving me insane. I consider it the saddest period in my life.
at some point during this period, I started trying to connect with other people (all online, I didn't know how to talk seriously to anyone IRL) and explaining the issues I'd been having, and one of the people who brought me joy and whom I actually felt not drained talking to was a huge swiftie. And IDK the fact that she loved Taylor and the fact that talking to her made my life better (and also the fact that I liked all the Taylor songs I knew at that point) just made me decide to give her a listen. And I think that whole "large discography discovery" phenomenon really helped me at the time (funny, because her discography has doubled since then). It gave me something new to focus on; there were just so many songs to discover, all telling such rich stories. I also have always loved bridges, they are almost always my favourite part of a song. And Taylor, god-bless her, loves them too and always puts her ALL in them. Like pretty much every bridge of hers brings the song to the next level, and even a lot of her songs I don't adore tend to have great bridges (Stay Stay Stay and Paper Rings come to mind). I think one of her most underrated qualities is how good she is at song structure and really building up an entire musical journey with a song. She also almost always adds cool ad-libs in her second and third choruses to keep the songs interesting and dynamic (or at least since she's gone pop). Anyways, back to the story: Then Taylor announced 1989 as her next album and released Shake It Off, and it was just like this great happy thing for me to look forward to, when I had very little keeping me going. The era was promoting a lot of happiness which in hindsight was slightly fabricated and it was just a really great thing for me to latch onto.
At the same time I was coming to realize that I was gonna have to pull away completely from my friend and all those break-up songs just… Hit, y'know? Like, some people seem to think Taylor's a one-trick pony because she likes to write break-up songs but to me, break-ups are just like this moment where you as a human can potentially feel every single emotion, and Taylor's songs have covered every facet of the concept. Here are some songs I remember from that period, that all meant a lot to me at the time because they explained my own pain to me so well:
Haunted, for the absolute terror you feel in the first moments you realize someone is probably gonna leave you. Come on, come on / Don't leave me like this / I thought I had you figured out / Something's gone terribly wrong / You're all I wanted.
I Almost Do, for the inner turmoil you feel when you know you have to stay away from someone for your own good but you really, really have to resist just running back to that person. We've made quite a mess, Babe / It's probably better off this way / And I confess, Babe / In my dreams you're touching my face / And asking me if I wanna try again / With you / And I almost do.
Last Kiss, for that absolute sadness that comes simply with remembering everything that was good and not comprehending how it could've possibly ended. I still remember / The look on your face / Lit through the darkness / At 1:58 / Words that you whispered / For just us to know / You told me you loved me / So why did you go / Away?
Forever and Always, for that feeling of desperately wanting to hold on to what you still have but at the same time realizing it probably isn't going to last and having no idea how to fix it, plus feeling like the other person doesn't even care. So here's to everything / Coming down to nothing / Here's to silence / That cuts me to the core / Where is this going? / Thought I knew for a minute / But I don't anymore.
Dear John, my all-time favourite song, for that moment you find clarity and realize that you deserved better and that you were headed in an extremely dark direction because of this other person. [DISCLAIMER: my friend did NOT abuse me nor did we have some inappropriate age difference. But the way she would ignore me and her general moodiness really affected my own mental health and self-worth problems] You paint me a blue sky / And go back and turn it to rain / And I lived in your chess games / But you changed the rules every day / Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone / Tonight / Well I stopped picking up / And this song is to let you know why.
(She's covered more aspects of break-ups in other songs [cheating, divorce, feeling awkward around your ex amongst others], these are just the ones I remember being really important to me when I was first getting into her)
She really helped me feel a lot less alone during one of my loneliest periods and I really can't thank her enough for that. Soon after this, I started crushing on a girl in my class and Taylor's love songs started to take on a new meaning for me as well.
What's crazy to me is, when she went on hiatus for a few years, a part of me thought maybe I'd grown out of her and no longer had much in common with her, but when reputation came out I was pulled right back into my love for her as a person and musician and then when Lover came out I found that she was still explaining feelings to me better than I ever could (specifically with the songs The Archer and Cornelia Street). And now with folklore and evermore she's simply absolutely perfected her story-telling and I find myself deeply moved even by the songs I don't directly relate to. I feel like she has this amazing ability to find the absolute truth in the specific. I've never had a summer romance with someone who already had a girlfriend and mostly wanted to go back to her, and yet the bridge of august feels so real to me, y'know?
Back when we were still changin' for the better Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope of it all Cancel plans just in case you'd call And say, "Meet me behind the mall" So much for summer love and saying "us" 'Cause you weren't mine to lose
It's hard to explain but looking at this, like it's so much more than the story it's telling. It's talking about how when you're young you really need so little to feel satisfied; how sometimes the idea of someone maybe spending time with you is better than actually doing things with other people; and how if someone using you without much thought can make you feel like you're not even entitled to grieve what you lost. Sorry. I'll stop. Don't want to go insane.
So, all of this is very personal and unique to me, but I think really the main thing that draws me to her is how vulnerable and honest she is about emotions, how eloquently she can explain the pain of being alive to me. Some people think she isn't the strongest singer, but I think, much like John actually, one of her greatest assets is how good she is at projecting emotion. The song happiness is a song I think has some lyrically weak moments but her vocal performance on it is so raw and devastating that every single line works even when, looking at it on paper, it feels like it shouldn't.
Hope this rambling made sense to you, lmao?? I love talking about Taylor though so thanks for the ask! Also very open to giving song recs if you do want to check her out more but I won't unless solicited to lmao *Sort of off-topic but I do think there's a relation between my fascination with the Beatles' history and my love for a great break-up song. I like pain I guess :)
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The Other Girl (Jungkook X You) (ONESHOT)
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A/N: Its a bit short but I hope you will like it <3
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here and you are in no way obligated to do it but if any of you like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
Jungkook and Rissa.
They are the ultimate couple that everyone want to be. That everyone envy. They are the definition of perfect, romantic, lovable. Everything you want to be as a couple. And everyone always thinks, no, know, that they will end up together forever. There is no way one of them would love someone else, theres no way one of them would leave the other for anyone else.
Y/N smiles and looks into Jungkook's eyes who staring back at her. And she is sure as hell that no one could have ever thought she would be the one who would steal's Jungkook's heart from Rissa.
Thats right, shes the other girl.
Jungkook has always been her dream guy. She has had her eyes on his the moment he step on stage on his debut day. But Y/N is just a trainee, and as Jungkook and his group grew more popular, she knows her chances with him are slim to none. Y/N's heart broke to pieces when she found out that Jungkook also has a long time childhood girlfriend whom he loves so much. Everybody favorite's couple.
It doesnt help that Rissa is the definition of a perfect girl. Beautiful, soft spoken, intelligent, funny, kindhearted. Everything a girl wants to be. And every guy wants to be with. Everybody tells Jungkook thats hes lucky to be with her. That he should hold on to her forever.
They are the perfect couple in everyones eyes.
But all that never once stop Y/N from continuing to crush on him, falling in love with him. Once she debuted herself, Y/N slowly make her way to be friends with Jungkook's hyungs, his friends and slowly, very slowly, make his way into Jungkook's heart.
And now, here she is. In Jungkook's embrace, lips locked with each othet like theres no tomorrow. They have been seeing each other in secret for almost six months now, and it was the most wonderful time for Y/N. The best moments of her life.
"I love you Kookie," she giggles and hugs his neck.
"And you know I love you too baby," he smile and leans in to kiss her. A long, deep, passionate kiss. "I have to go," he pouts. "But I promise I will call you before you go to bed?"
Y/N pouts playfully.
"Do you really have to go home to her, Kookie?"
"You know I dont want to baby, but you know I have to. For now. Okay?" Jungkook smile and stroke her hair. "I love you Y/N,"
"I love you too, so much Kookie. We are going to be together for real, soon right? You promise right? That you will choose me?"
"You know I do baby. Just give me some time yeah?" Jungkook smile and kiss her one last time before leaving.
Y/N pouts alone. Thats the promise Jungkook keeps on giving her ever since they got together. That he will leave Rissa. That they will be an official couple. That he never loves Rissa. That he loves her so much more.
All those promises, they are nice to hear, but deep down, Y/N knows that Rissa will always be Jeon Jungkook's first love and he will always, always love her.
"Hey bunny, you are back. Hows practice?" Rissa smiles and gives him a quick kiss.
"It was okay. Just the usual. Hyungs bickering, Jin hyung fell and all thay," he laughs. "How about you? How was your day princess?" Jungkook smile and kiss her back.
"Same old, same old. Nothing interesting like yours, Im sure," she giggles. "I cooked your favorite for dinner today bunny. Why dont you shower, since you are all sweaty and smelly, and we can have dinner together?"
"Yah, you like it when I'm sweaty," Jungkook grins and winks, making her blush. "But yeah, I'll take a quick shower and I'll be down in a bit okay princess?" Jungkook smile, gives her another kiss and head to the bathroom.
As her usual routine, Rissa went over to where Jungkook throws his clothes and collect his dirty laundry for washing. And just like every single day since the last few months, theres the same perfume smell lingering all over his clothes. A women's perfume. The same one. And of course, stain of lipstick in random places on his clothes. She doesnt want to believe it. Its so unreal that Jungkook would do that to her. But it has been months. Theres no denying it anymore.
Rissa sighs.
Jungkook is still cheating. And she dont know how long her heart can pretend otherwise
"How is the food bunny?" Rissa smile, looking at the man sitting from across of him.
"Delicious as always princess," he smiles and to show he meant it, shoved a large amount of food inside his mouth, making his cheeks blows up like a chipmunk. Rissa giggles. Shes going to miss this mam so so much.
"Im glad you love it bunny. You deserve the best after a tiring day at work,"
"I dont know what I do to deserve you princess. Im the luckiest guy in the world," Jungkook smile and hold her hand from across the table. Rissa stop chewing. Something in what Jungkoom said hit a cord, and it just hurts. So much.
"Jungkook?" Rissa looks up at him.
"Yes?" Jungkook frowns. Its unusual for her to call him by his real name. "Is everything okay?" Jungkook is confused. They were happy just a second ago. What could have happened?
"You know I love you very much right?" Rissa asked, eyes softly looking into his.
"Of course I do know princess. Whats wrong? Anything bothering you? Want to tell me?" Jungkook stops eating and frowns heavily.
"And you. You love me right Jungkook? Just as much as I love you?"
"Rissa, princess. You already know the answer. Of course I love you. You are my life. Now, can you tell me whats going on?"
"Nothing really," she smile and looks down at her plate, slowly playing with her food. "I just want you to know, that it has always been you for me Jungkook. No one else. And Ive never wanted or look at anyone else either. You are my dream come true, and I'm sorry..." she sniffles.
"Sorry? What for? Hey, why are you crying princess?" Jungkook stands up and walks to her side, squating down to her level, startled by her sudden tears.
"Im sorry if I bore you. If my love for you isnt enough. If I am not what you wanted. What you still wanted. Ive tried my best to love you. Im just sorry Im just simply not... enough," she sniffles harder, looking down at her lap.
"Hey, what are you even talking about? Not enough? Where did all this even came from?" Jungkook smile and lifted her chin to look at him. "I love you. Only you. Forever and always right? You are ny everything. You are everything I wanted and everything I could ever dream of. Theres nothing to worry about. I promise. Okay?"
Rissa nodded weakly, knowing everything he said is nothing but empty promises.
They make love that night. Love so passionate, that one could never thought that theres a third person between their love. But there is. And even after a passionate night together, Rissa will never forget the fact.
It has been a few months since that night. And the same thing still happens every single day. Late night texts, whispered calls when Jungkook thought she was sleeping, perfumes and lipstick stain on his clothes... its even worse now because Rissa now knows whos Jungkook is actually cheating with.
Enough is enough. Enough time and chances has been given. Its time. Its time to finally do something about it.
She looks at her. Her beautiful face, with a tired smile plastered on, but still beautiful nevertheless. Y/N can tell right now why Jungkook loves her. She never gets mad, she never raises her voice at him, whenever hes tired, mad or upset, whenever he yells at her for no reason at all, she will say she understand. Her love for Jungkook is unconditional, and Y/N is the reason why Jungkook is hurting her.
"Rissa," was all she could choked out as she looks into her eyes.
"Hello Y/N," she smiles. "Its nice to finally meet you in person. Come, have a seat,"
Y/N feels her throat dries up nervously. Not really sure know what Rissa meant by that. What she being sarcastic? Sincere? What is it? Why did she ask to meet her? Does Jungkook knows about this?
"I- uh yeah, its nice to finally meet you in person too. I-I have heard so much about you," Y/N smiles nervously.
"I'm sure," she laughs. A beautiful sound. How can she still smile brightly at her? Knowing that she has been with her man for so long? Y/N is sure Rissa knows.
"Im kidding!" She laughs. "Dont worry Y/N, you dont have to be nervous. I dont bite," she laughs again. "Lets just talk  is girls. Yeah? I think we have so mich to talk about, dont you?"
Y/N nods again, nervously.
"Listen Rissa. Jungkook and I..." Y/N stops her words, not knowing herself what she should be saying. Apologize? Beg her to give Jungkook to her? Ask her to share? Explain to Rissa her feelings towards Jungkook? She has no idea. No idea at all what to do or say.
But lucky for her, she doesnt have to think further as Rissa cut her off.
"Im leaving Jungkook,"
Y/N looks at her, mouth slightly gapped open. Out of all the 1001 scenarios in her head, she never expected this to come out from Rissa's mouth. Y/N had imagined Rissa would yell, scream, hit her, slap her, laugh at her, throw a tantrum, everything anf any possible reaction, but not this. Never this.
"What? Rissa you-"
"Im leaving him, and thats my decision," she smile and take a sip of her tea. "Dont get me wrong Y/N. Iys not that I hate him, or stop loving him. I love him. I love Jungkook so much. More than anyone can ever imagined," she smiles softly. "We have been together since we were teenagers. We grew up together, and I always thought me and him are destined to be together till the end of times,"
Y/N clear her throat awkwardly. She wish the earth would just swallow her right now. The pain and hurt in Rissa's voice pierced right through her heart. She has caused another woman pain. When did she become this? What has she done?
"But I cant make something that doesnt work anymore, work... I tried. Oh god, believe me, I tried," she smile again, but a sad one. "You know... I have known about you two for the longest time,"
"Y-you did?"
Rissa laughs, a beautiful one.
"Of course silly. I think everyone knows," she smile again. "You two are always together. And when you two are together, you guys dont really keep it subtle. And it doesnt help how nervous his hyungs were went I asked them where Jungkook went when I surprise him at practice," she giggles but Y/N knows Rissa's heart is breaking. Memories with Jungkook flashes through her mind. The kisses, quickies, secret dates between shows, practices, asking his hyung to lie for them eventhough they know they didnt approve. All those days that they thought were subtle enough and kept a secret.... every little thing they did, her happiness, all at the expense of this beautiful girl's broken heart. What has she done?
"But I thought, maybe Jungkook just need a distraction. We have been together for so long, and in his line of work, he meets pretty girls like you every single day. Hes a man afterall. So I thought, maybe after he gets it out of his system, he will come back to me. That our love was still intact,"
"Y-you knew... and you are willing to let him cheat?"
"I love him Y/N. Ive never love anyone. Hes my everything, my first and I thought, if being with someone else makes him happy, makes him come back to me eventually, Im willing to," she sighs. "But I was wrong. I dont think his love for me is the same as before,"
"Thats not true Rissa! Jungkook loves you! I know he does!" Y/N raises her voice. She dont know why shes trying to protect Jungkook's and Rissa's love when Jungkook has been everything she wanted. With Rissa gone, she shpild be happy. Jungkook is all hers. But something doesnt seems right. Their love is too beautiful to destroy.
Rissa smile softly and stroke Y/N's hand across the table.
"I know you want to believe that Y/N. Maybe so that you wont feel so bad. But truly, its okay. Havent you heard the saying, if you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one? You are the second one Y/N,"
"B-but Rissa. Jungkook-"
"Stop," she raised her hand and shakes her head. "Stop trying to change my mind because I wont. Y/N, I think I owe it to myself to leave. I have done everything to love Jungkook and I dont think its fair for me to share his love when I have given my everything to him," tears finally falls down her soft cheeks. "I finally found the courage to leave, to let go of this fairytale that I wanted so much to come true and finally give myself something I deserve. Someone I deserve. I believe that I deserve someone who will love me for all that I am, and who will give everything he has for me, just like I will do for him. And thats no longer Jungkook," Rissa slowly wiped down her tears and takes a deep breathe.
"So, do me a favour yeah? Love him, take care of him and show him the same kind of love that I have been giving him all these years," she flashed a small smile as she took of the ring from her finger and placed it on Y/N's open palm. "This... Jungkook gave me this when we first met. Its a promise ring he said. We fell in love at first sight," she laughs. "Stupid, I know. But we were young and he promised me, that one day, when hes finally made it when he found everything hes chasing all this while, he will marry me, he will propose with a proper ring," she laughs. "Jungkook is always so dramatic, dont you think?"
Y/N looks at the ring and without realizing, tears has streamed down her face too. Jungkook truly loves her. And Rissa, shes willing to let go so that hes happy. Thats how strong their love are. And here she is, a monster! A home wrecker! What has she done? What has she done?!
"Hes all yours now Y/N. And thankyou for making me realize my worth," she smile one last time and stands up. Without looking back, Rissa walks out, leaving her painful love story for a better future without Jeon Jungkook in it.
"Jungkook?" Y/N walked into their messy apartment after walking aimlessly for a few hours, thinking about her earlier meeting with Rissa. Furnitures are upside down everywhere, vases are broken, books are strewn across the floors. Y/N quickly try to look for Jungkook, hoping hes alright, not sure whats happening.
"Kookie??" She ran to their bedroom and found Jungkook in the dark, at the far corner hugging his knees. Y/N immediately went over and sits besides him, hugging his shoulder. "Kookie? Are you okay? What happened? Did we get rob? What happened? Tell me? Are yoi okay?"
"S-she left. She left me. She left...."
Y/N feels her heart beats faster. Okay, Jungkook has found out then. Rissa must have moved out from their apartment.
"Kookie, baby....I-I know,"
Jungkook looks up with his tear strained face.
"Y-you knew?"
"I-" Y/N paused for a moment. Not knowing if she should proceed. "R-Rissa... she asked to meet me earlier today..."
"She what?" Jungkook immediately perked up and turns to look at Y/N. A part of her feels hurt that Jungkook cares so much about Rissa, that he showed it, especially in front of her. Didnt he say that he loves her? That he wants a future with her? That he will leave Rissa for her? Then what is all this? Shouldnt he be happy instead? Y/N shakes the thoughts away. This is not the time to think about herself. Right?
"She asked to meet me Kookie... and I didnt know what its for until we met," Y/N looks into his eyes whos looking at her, confused. "Rissa... she uh.. she gave me this," she slowly and reluctantly gave Jungkook the ring. Jungkook just stare at it, as if its some poisonous snake that he shouldnt touch.
"Kookie?" Y/N whispered slowly. "Y-you okay?"
He jolted from her the sound of her voice, like someone shocked him and grab the ring, surprising Y/N, and threw the tiny ring across the room.
"She thinks she can just leave me like that?! No fucking way! We promised forever! She promised she will be with me until forever!" Jungkook suddenly screamed. Y/N was taken aback, both by his sudden outburst and whats hes saying. Doesnt Jungkook remember who is with him right now? Doesnt he remember that he promised her forever? That hes supposed to love her, to be with her?
"Kookie p-please calm down," Y/N pulled him tight into her embrace, trying to calm him, immediately making Jungkook burst into tears. "Im sorry Kookie. Im sorry, Im really, really sorry,"
Im really sorry I fell in love with you.
Y/N knows. Oh she knows Jungkook is only staying in the relationship with her, being with her all because of guilt. Just to prove that he made the right decision, that he didnt regret what he did, that he didnt regret he cheated, that hes happy with her. Because, if he didnt... if hes not happy... then he just threw away Rissa, his love, the greatest thing that could have happened in his life, for... her.
The other girl.
Y/N knows, everytime Jungkook thinks she wasnt looking, she saw him staring blanklessly out the window. And Y/N knows hes thinking about her. Her smile, her laugh, if shes thinking of him too. But Y/N also know, that she isnt. Y/N knows that Rissa have moved on. That she would probably have found another man that would love her woth all his heart, make her happpy. The kind of man she deserves. A man that would appreciate her. Why would she think about a man so stupid, a mam who broke her heart like its nothing, so idiotic, a man who would threw out a girl like herself, for a girl like her...
The other girl.
After Jungkook calmed down that day, he asked Y/N to tell hin everything that Rissa told her. Because Rissa left without saying goodbye, without saying anything. Jungkook came back from practice to find all Rissa's things gone. Her stuffed animals, their photos together, her shoes, her books in the side table. Everything. All traces of her... gone.
And thats when Y/N knew how much Rissa was hurting from what she did. Maybe she didnt show it, she didnt say it, but it shows. Y/N also finally knew how much Rissa loves Jungkook. Because she cant even bare to see him one last time. She cant even say goodbye to him. Because she knows she will give in. She will give him another chance and he will break her all over again.
And Y/N finally knew how she has ruined a love so great.
And as years goes by, yes, Y/N and Jungkook are together, exchanging little smile here and there, a dull how are you at the end of the day instead of laughter and love. But Y/N knows, from the dying glint in his eyes whenever he looks at her that whatever they have is not love, never love. She stole away his love story, his one true love, hoping that she can be a greater one, a better one. But she was wrong. Dead wrong.
But is she the only one to blame? Jungkook fell in love too, didnt he? He betrayed their love too? Didnt he? Both hers and Rissa. So she guess they are both to blame. The dark storm in a beautifil love by a beautiful girl.
And for hurting her.
For making her cry.
For breaking her heart.
For making her loose the love of her life...
This is what Y/N deserve. To forever be with the man she loves, the man she long for everyday, the man she wants to love her back as much as she loves him, but he never will.... the man who will forever see her as.. the other girl.
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Party Crashers
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Request - Here
Summary - Billy and Mayor Clines daughter are in a super secret relationship, but things become a little restless and the truth gets revealed by accident... but not in the best way...
Warnings - Tommy being a bit of a creep lmao, Alcohol consumption, Mentions of underaged drinking, a small mention of drugs
Word Count - 2048 , I finally counted them yay!! x 
Authors Notes - This was a hefty one and i’m so sorry it was so late, ive been super preoccupied and I also wanted to make this to the best of my abilities and I hope you enjoy it! x 
Everyone in Hawkins knew you. Everyone.
A lot of people would think of this as some popularity dream come true, but in all honesty it was a nightmare. Any hope at a relationship was diminished due to a lack of privacy, even going to the store at the weekend people made a fuss.
“The mayors daughter bought meat? Does she hate animals?” Or “Y/N L/N caught smoking!” And your personal favourite “The Mayors Soon To Be A Grandad”. That was after a certain Harrington got caught making out with you behind his car.
That was another problem with relationships, you were constantly being set up with rich kids who owned islands and beaches. Steve was the most casual relationship you’d had after his parents started to cozy up to your father. Unfortunately that didn’t end on the best of terms, both of you growing apart romantically and only really wanting to keep in sexual contact till you officially broke it off.
But then he came. Sun kissed skin and golden curls, he was the definition of a bad boy. Someone your parents would hate the thought of you dating. Billy Hargrove.
He was the everything you’d been told to walk away from. But instead you walked towards him, and soon enough you’d formed yourself a secret relationship.
Making out in his camaro at midnight, down by an old wreck on the outskirts of town. Fucking in your bed at the dead of night whilst he held your hands. Cuddling up on his sofa whilst you got out of your mind high.
He was a rush of adrenaline in your boring and plain life.
Every event you went to, your mind would wonder to the way his hands felt on your body, or how soft his lips were.
Everything was simply divine.
Tommy pulled a flyer from his bag and waved it around in Billy’s face. “There’s a fancy ass party up at the lakeside mansion, and I’d say we crash it tonight, theres gonna be beer and shit, they probably do drugs too man, all rich people do drugs right?” He blabbed, a sure fantasy made up in his mind about some crazy party going on.
“Sure whatever, but you’re in the shit if there’s no beer k?” He chuckled, flicking his cigarette on the floor. His eyes gazed around the parking lot, trying to scope you out. Usually, he didn’t have that hard a time, your elegant stature and bounce in your step drew obvious attention towards you. Finally he caught sight of the familiar heels that clicked against the concrete.
“Y/L Cline man... fuck if I wasn’t with Carol I’d fucking-“ Billy elbowed him harshly and dragged his eyes to look at the rest of you.
“I gotta go” he mumbled, heading to your usual make out spot, the back of the school, behind the bike shed.
You did the same, waving goodbye to your friends to go ‘do some errand’.
Quietly, you looked around to make sure the coast was clear before heading behind the shed to meet with Billy.
“Heya Princess” he winked, his arms were open as he engulfed you into a strong hug. Squeezing you a little before pulling away. You leaned up on your tip toes and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
“Can we pretty please hang out tonight? It’s my birthday tmr and I wanna make sure I get to spend as much time with you as I can before I have to go to some shoddy event...” Billy sighed, remembering back to Tommy.
“I wanna so bad princess, but Tommy asked me to do something with him... and I’ve kinda stood him up like 5-6 times already, I’m an asshole but not a jerk” he chuckled. You rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek one last time.
“Well be safe and don’t get too drunk or high, because I’m not prepared to try and heave a 5,10 brute through my window again... mr muscles..” giving his bicep a quick squeeze. “Oh and before I forget, here’s your lunch... Maxine told me to make something with jam in it” Billy’s face lit up, food being something that always got him in a good mood.
“Thank you angel, and you can call her Max if you want... I only call her Maxine because it pisses her off etc..” His voice lowered a little in embarrassment and slight shame.
“Don’t worry, I tease my younger cousins all the time” you giggled, handing him his sandwich and giving him a tight hug. “See you when I see you, and I’m expecting a birthday kiss tomorrow!” You giggled and headed away from the spot.
9pm headed around the corner as Billy waited outside Tommy’s house.
“Thought your parents were rich as shit, why aren’t you going?” He muttered, lighting a cigarette.
“Not as rich as these fuckers... probably related to royalty or something.. gonna get so wasted tonight” Tommy chuckled. “So we sneak in through the back and head across the hall towards the wine cellar, and then figure it out from there” The plan was stupid enough, let alone Tommy’s fantasy that he was gonna get beyond wasted.
Your mother fussed around the house, dressed in a gown with her hair tied up and prepped. “Y/N! Why aren’t you ready? The party is in an hour and you’re in your dinner wear?” She scolded, heading down the hall, muttering something or other about how irresponsible you were.
In all fairness you’d completely forgot about this party, it was a small celebration by your fathers lake house. A few kids from your old middle school would be there, probably dressed in diamonds and crystals. Private school wasn’t your favourite place in the world...
Quickly, you shoved on a gown from your wardrobe and did it up. Your mother rushed into the room, pulling your arm to take you to her bedroom where she curled your hair and applied some makeup to your face. “Can’t believe you’re wearing this old thing darling... there’s a pink dress in there that I bought especially for this event” she huffed. So you scuttled off down the hall and carefully stripped yourself of the green gown, being aware that you had a full face of makeup and hair was sprayed perfectly into place. The pink dress was pretty and hung perfectly on your frame... a bit flouncy but still beautiful.
Finally you were ready, getting into your fathers car and heading straight for your birthday party thingy.
Billy heaved Tommy up the wall and over into the garden.
Tux on and everything. If he was to say so himself, Billy thought he looked quite handsome, might keep it on and surprise you later.
They both landed on some bush and wiped themselves down, climbing from the foliage.
“There it is, the lake house. These really are some rich fuckers” Tommy smirked, admiring the huge mansion, lit up with classical music coming from it.
“Right, but I don’t see any bear?” A low growl causing Tommy to twiddle his thumbs.
“Eh well maybe there might not be beer, but! There might be... ok truth is these guys have a daughter and I’ve heard that she’s hella hot so I kinda wanna see for myself ya know” Billy rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“You have a girlfriend”
“You don’t”
“Yeah I - I don’t” Billy stiffened up, remembering the pinkie promise you’d forced him to make.
“Right so let’s go get you laid, and then you can tell me everything” He smirked, eyebrows wiggling as he pushed Billy towards the house.
“Look man I’m tired”
“Bullshit” he chuckled, pushing him through the doors. The house was indeed grand, marble check floors with beautiful fluffy rugs and a glamorous chandelier hanging in the middle.
“Who the hell owns this place?” Tommy shrugged and dusted off his tux.
“No way... I think there is beer” The mischievous grin played on Tommy’s face as he spied a rather large old man swigging back some liquid.
You sat glumly with Sabrina, she chatted on about how ravish her private school life was and how perfect everything was going, something like that. Your mind wondering to Billy, how he’s probably high as hell right now without you. Everything was boring and dull without him.
“Dude! Let’s check out upstairs” Tommy grabbed Billy’s arm and hauled him up the stairs a long corridor of various doors facing them. A voice started to make its way up the stairs to, quickly Tommy shoved himself and Billy into the first door. They both stumbled and fell into the huge room.
“Holy shit dude... this is the chicks room” Tommy slurred, that clearly wasn’t beer that he was chugging back.
Slowly Billy took in the surroundings. His eyes focusing on a picture on the dresser. Was that him? Then it dawned on him.
Who was rich, had a lake house and was a chick? His girlfriend.
Tommy started to shift through the closet, grabbing a pair of panties and holding them up.
“Woah... she’s foxy” he was hammered.
“Give me those” Billy snatched the panties out of Tommy’s hand.
The voice that had been following them got louder. Quickly Billy grabbed Tommy and pulled him into the other side of the bed, forcing him to duck.
“So this is my daughters room... goodness, it’s quite a mess, I apologise she doesn’t-“ A loud thud cut off your mother’s words. She let out a screech as two teenage boys stumbled from behind the bed. One drunk and laughing, the other looking like a deer in the headlights.
And that very moment led to Billy sat in front of the very Mayor himself, you sat right next to him and Tommy sitting against the wall.
“He’s my boyfriend and I tried to sneak him in” you mumbled, fuddling with your fingers, trying your best to not get Billy into trouble.
“So you snuck him through the window? Look I don’t want to hear it anymore, you can’t see him again, and you boy, if you come near my daughter again I’ll have you out of this town fast” Your father was beyond mad. He looked about ready to kill.
“But dad-“
“She didn’t sneak me in, it’s not her fault, I just wanted to surprise her and I chose the wrong night” billy piped up, looking at the floor.
“Surprise her? Why?”
“Because it’s her birthday tomorrow and we probably wouldn’t have seen eachother on the day because you usually plan stuff out for her... so I came early”
“Without a gift?”
“I don’t have much money sir but I do have a gift for her”
“What is it?”
“DAD?!” You squeaked, “look I’m tired of this, it doesn’t matter anyway, I love Billy but clearly you only ever care if he’s got money or if he’s some private school kid but I don’t care because he’s amazing and none of that matters” You sternly presented your point. Grabbing Billy’s hand and squeezing it.
“Fine, be with him but don’t expect to come running to me for comfort when he leaves you high and dry, and also if you break my daughters heart-“
“Dad... he gets it” you muttered, looking in Billy’s eyes. A small smile on both of your faces. Quietly your mother stood smiling to herself, rembering when her own father had yelled at her for dating some bad boy, turns out that bad boy became the mayor so jokes on him she chuckled to herself. History sure does repeat itself.
Tommy’s snores came from the back of the room.
“Dipshit wake up” Billy shoved his leg.
“Fuck off” Tommy grumbled, eyes still closed, Carol was gonna kill him.
“Langauge” you scolded both of them, taking Billy into the party again.
“I think we should head to your room” Billy whispered. You gave him a playful smack on the arm.
“We just got told off we can’t do that now-“ Billy held his hand out, a certain pair of lace panties in his palm.
“Why do you have those?!”
“Tommy’s a fucking perv” he grunted, as you both shuffled back into your room.
It was gonna be nice not to have to hide Billy anymore.
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S2 E8
quarantine diaries: may 29 2020
season 2 episode 8: “spacewalker”
yeah with this title, finns gonna die this episode isnt he? sooo looong spacewalker 
ooo and with these two grounders? this is not a good sign for finn. they are coming for you finn. they want you.
blood for blood. hey its 18 for 1 that ain’t so bad
also why did clarke say this out in the open?? she really could have told her mom in private and just avoid this whole public uproar. how is it that clarke can be so smart sometimes but then be such a dumbass
yess raven. standing up for your friend even if hes been a dick and a thirsty boi. homegirl is loyal.
flashback...this is a bad omen. yep finn is definitely going to die.
ooh its the necklace. is that really a raven tho. i did get that. i thought was just a crane
yes they really are screwed if murphy has a gun
side note: no matter how much i hate finn rn. kudos to the actor like this finn is completely different person then when we first met finn. 
clarke be spitting fire murphy. but he just spit some fire back. ok  
lincoln....suffer the death of 18...like i agree but can we just hold the phone for a moment. lincoln was literally feasting on one the guardsman in the last episode and yet here he is. y’all could argue that lincoln wasnt lincoln when he did this. but you could argue the same for finn. yet no repercussion for him???? these people cant just pick and choose who has to face consequences. i really hate how inconsistent this show is sometimes
“that was another time. that was another chancellor.” speak abby speak. 
honestly let finn go. let him redeem himself.
“im in love with you.” wow really be making him crazy. but at least he admits it. 
“say something”...im giving up on you
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“they’re trying to scare us.” well its working. but i do like clarkes fake it until you make it tactic because i can relate
kane of all the times to come back. also abby and kane? another ship?
abby said im keeping the leader. im still the leader. feminism
“its a strong possibility.” lol ok thats verrrry reassuring kane
if finn is going to be executed it better be clarke humming over him and then just stabs him in the neck. y’all know that would be his dream death
like i knew raven was smart but wow im so proud. i also gotta say you guys already know my hc for raven and high school musical. well i like to think that one of the reason she was so insistent on studying because the home girl gabriella montez. 
also this is raven talking about her pre-existing condition. i love this meme too much. because it wasnt even created specifically for raven yet it fits so perfectly as her pre-existing condition = no spacewalk/no helmet and with this whole spacewalker/skywalker episode.
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bellamy is such a loyal king. yes bellamy protect your people. i love this found family trope. i also love how even tho the ark came down there is still a separation between the ark and the 100 + raven cuz the 100 just really had to bond if they were to survive.
what if the finns gift was really just ravens name on tape tho. how made would raven be? but dont lie thats a better gift than killing 18 people.
ooh ravens the reason why hes in prison wonder she so loyal. but really finn threw this whole relationship for clarke a girl he just met. wooooooow. i honestly dont get it. 
“if death has no cost, life has no worth”-lincoln. ok lincoln the philosopher 
the fact that they’re not cutting back to monty and jaspers pov in mount weather means that shit is real. finn is definitely going to die. and he is going to die soon 
wow character growth. finn not wanting to shoot a person for clarke. i applaud thee. but a little too late my dood
ofc they throw murphy in here. ugh.
raven’s face in that astronaut suite looks terrible. she looks like mr. electric from sharkboy and lavagirl. like editors really did her dirty. 
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‘when you need a healer, but your people only have one healer, and that healer is you’. oooh that look that finn gave to clarke. yeah hes gonna turn himself in isnt he?
now is not the time to be saying ‘thats what she said” finn. this is serious business  
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“i never meant to hurt you.” - finn. another high school musical 2 reference?? yep im convinced that these two watched HSM 2. but i gotta be honest raven and finn will never be able to live up to troy and gabriella
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“always”-finn. they’re harry potter fans too. please give finn more original lines. please. now that i look at it. snape and finn have similar haircuts
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“finn wasnt the only one at the village.” fuck yes raven. say it louder!!! raven is big brain. 
ofc finn would turn himself in. i cant believes hes actually getting redeemed. but i shouldnt be surprised bc the writers really like to redeem their characters right before they kill them
raven, bellamy, clarke, or even murphy should have shot him tbh instead of letting him go with the grounders.
kane said “son” im still convinced that kane is bellamys father idc what you guys say
clarke gave bellamy the look. but also this is the dumbest idea i have ever heard. there are thousands. i know that raven is smart. but thats a big ask and a dumb idea
clarke walked into the spear literally what. soooooo unnecessary. who tf fuck walks into a spear?! but i guess clarke knows that her plot armor is strong af
“you bleed for nothing”-lexa  literally!!! haha
that look that finn had when he saw clarke is was saying “you shouldnt be here but woooow clarke really looves me tho”
“i love you too” !!!!! oohmygosh! i was actually right about clarke killing finn?! (like i swear to god i swear to god i wrote down that prediction down before i saw his death and i wrote it as a joke wtf) this is the kind of death that finn would want bc ofc they give finn a romantic tragic death
wow so basically finns whole character was all just for clarkes development. 
side note:  is finn Clarke’s first boyfriend? cuz this a lottt. like the only other possibility ive seen up to this point is wells it was made pretty clear that they were never a real thing. like imagine if this show was marketed to be about teens coming of age and first loves then the show gives out this shit. but in general what is this shooow? like i know sokka’s first girlfriend turned into the moon but this. this is ‘thats rough buddy’
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jiminfms · 4 years
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         *  hi  ,  my  name’s  tee  and  this  ain’t  a  waist  trainer  bitch  ,  this  a  back  brace  i  got  scoliosis  .  𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨  ,  𝐢𝐭'𝐬  𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫  𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫  𝐤𝐫𝐢𝐬   ( finally  )  !  i  prefer  either  feminine  or  non - binary  pronouns  ,  and  i  reside  in  the  est  time  zone !  it  has  taken  me  so  long  to  formally  write  and  i  highkey  hate  it  because  i  lost  muse  for  my  queen  miss  giavanna  ,  so  i  decided  to  bring  another  muse  instead  of  leaving  because  honestly  ...  i  love  ya’ll  🥺 .  the  way  i  love  miss  jennie  kim  is  more  than  i  wanna  admit  ,  so  let  me  introduce  you  guys  to  the  tiny  ball  of  aggression  that  is  jimin  jung !
          omg  !  i  was  walking  yonge  street  downtown  ,  and  you’ll  never  guess  who  i  saw  .  jimin  jung  !  i  just  saw  a  post  about  them  on  sixsecrets ! i  think  it  said  something  like  ' jimin  jung  physically  restrained  by  security  guards  following  a  verbal  argument  with  fellow  customer  at  drake  one  fifty ! ' .  isn’t  that  wild  ?  i  guess  it  makes  sense  though  ,  since  they’re  apparently  antagonistic  and  bellicose  .  but  i’ve  heard  they’re  also  sultry  and  voguish  ! i’ll  just  stick  to  giving  them  the  benefit  of  the  doubt  .  i  mean  ,  it’s  not  like  i  know  them  personally  —  they’re  a  famous  singer  /  songwriter  and  model  ! you  know  ,  i’ve  actually  heard  rumors  that  redacted  ,  but  they’re  just  rumors  …  i  think  .  i  dunno  .  if  you  happen  to  run  into  them  ,  tell  them  i’m  their  biggest  fan !
FULL  NAME  :  jung  jimin  .
NICKNAME(S) :  n/a  .
AGE  +  DATE  OF  BIRTH :  24  +  june  10th  ,  1996  .
ASTROLOGICAL  SIGN  :  gemini  .
MORAL  ALIGNMENT :  chaotic  neutral  .
GENDER  +  PRONOUNS  :  cis  female  +  she / her / hers  .
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  bisexual  .
ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  biromantic  .
PLACE  OF  BIRTH :  kensington  ,  london  ,  england  .
PLACE  OF  RESIDENCE  :  toronto  ,  ontario  ,  canada ( specifically  ,  in  the  neighborhood  of  forest  hill ) .
OCCUPATION  :  singer  /  songwriter  and  model  .
VOICECLAIM  :  dua  lipa  .
NATIONALITY  :  british  -  korean  .
ETHNICITY  :  korean  .
LANGUAGES  SPOKEN  :  english  ,  korean  ,  and  japanese  .
i.  prosopography  .
            jimin’s  story  begins  with  the  fateful  meeting  of  her  parents  ,  kim  seo - yeon  and  jung  do - young  ,  on  a  cold  winter’s  day  .  they  found  themselves  at  the  tender  ages  of  20  and  22  ,  attending  a  boring  christmas  gala  with  their  parents  when  they  would  have  preferred  to  do  anything  else  in  the  world  .  seo - yeon  was  a  women  who  knew  what  she  wanted  the  moment  her  eyes  landed  upon  it  ,  so  when  she  made  brief  eye  contact  with  do - young  ,  she  purposefully  spilled  a  glass  of  champagne  onto  his  expensive  tom  ford  suit  and  made  a  big  deal  of  it  .  this  sparked  their  whirlwind  romance  ,  and  six  months  later  they  found  themselves  announcing  their  engagement  to  korean  media  outlets  .
           despite  how  quickly  they  were  engaged  ,  their  parents  saw  this  as  mutually  beneficial  .  seo - yeon  is  the  youngest  daughter  of  the  wealthy  kim  family  ,  owners  of  the  kq  group  conglomerate  that  was  worth  billions  in  its  own  right  .  do - young  was  the  only  child  of  his  parents  ,  and  came  from  park  family  lineage  where  their  hotels  and  resorts  were  the  cause  of  their  fortune  .  the  families  were  soon  to  be  one  ,  and  the  couple  was  the  chaebol  heirs  that  others  envied  .  following  their  lavish  wedding  ,  seo - yeon  and  do - young  decided  that  they  were  going  to  head  off  to  london  to  make  a  life  for  themselves  .  so  ,  they  transferred  to  oxford  university  ,  finished  their  schooling  ,  and  shortly  after  seo - yeon’s  graduation  from  the  financial  economics  program  ,  the  couple  discovered  that  they  were  expecting  .
          it  was  a  sticky  summer  day  when  seo - yeon  unexpectedly  gave  birth  to  their  daughter  ,  who  decided  not  to  allow  her  parents  time  to  get  to  the  hospital  .  jimin  was  born  in  the  bathtub  of  her  parents’  luxury  bathroom  ,  and  right  into  the  arms  of  her  slightly  panicked  but  overjoyed  father  .  from  the  time  that  she  was  a  toddler  ,  araminta  was  a  very  precocious  child  ,  picking  up  on  skills  quite  quickly  and  speaking  in  few  short  sentences  by  the  time  she  was  eleven  months  old  .  as  she  grew  older  ,  jimin’s  parents  remained  hands  on  despite  their  busy  schedules  ,  and  decided  that  they  would  see  what  their  daughter  would  have  the  most  interest  in  .  when  she  was  four  ,  her  parents  began  piano  lessons  ,  and  it  was  evident  that  she  had  a  natural  gift  for  the  instrument  .
            life  for  jimin  had  always  been  comfortable  ,  but  she  didn’t  want  to  take  the  usual  route  ,  or  what  was  expected  of  her  .  she  had  always  been  interested  in  music  ,  so  she  she  originally  started  with  taking  dance  classes  .  she  trained  in  all  forms  of  dance  in  order  to  be  well  rounded  ,  and  she  initially  had  dreams  of  becoming  a  backup  dancer  ,  but  when  she  was  playing  around  and  decided  to  make  a  video  singing  a  song  that  she  had  written  all  on  her  own  ,  jimin  became  an  overnight  sensation  .  her  song  ,  hotter  than  hell  ,  blew  up  almost  instantly  and  she  was  signed  to  warner  music  group  .  
            i’ve  written  enough  VCJNXVBHCV  but  her  career  has  followed  the  timeline  of  dua’s  ,  although  it’s  slightly  off  by  maybe  the  month  or  the  year  .   she  has  won  a  total  of  forty - two  awards  in  her  career  ,  including  two  grammy  awards  and  three  brit  awards  .  although  miss  dua  got  a  lil  clowned  for  her  dancing  at  one  point  ,  i  must  say  that  jimin  is  quite  the  performer  ,  and  definitely  makes  use  of  the  stages  by  recreating  music  videos  or  simply  giving  the  audience  an  experience  .  she  has  not  released  future  nostalgia  as  of  yet  ,  but  it’s  what  she’s  currently  working  towards  !  through  her  career  ,  she  is  known  by  her  mononym  jimin  !
ii.  temperament  .
jimin  is  a  real  bitch  ,  but  she  doesn’t  go  out  of  her  way  to  ‘  out  bitch  ’  someone  because  she  finds  it  to  be  kinda  dumb  .  she’s  primarily  looking  to  have  fun  ,  and  no  one  is  about  to  be  bitchy  around  her  without  getting  snatched  up  .
she  parties  like  she  just  turned  twenty - one  and  dares  someone  to  say  something  about  it  !  invite  her  to  the  club  and  she’s  coming  without  a  second  thought  .  she’s  the  friend  who  will  make  plans  and  will  get  a  little  sad  when  people  cancel  on  her  ,  but  she’s  still  going  to  find  a  way  to  enjoy  herself  .
does  not  take  authority  seriously  and  she  can  be  seen  making  a  jerking  off  motion  whenever  someone  kisses  up  to  those  of  authority  .  talks  shit  ,  but  backs  it  up  because  if  you’re  bold  enough  to  talk  shit  you  might  get  hit  ,  right  ?  
she’s  a  sultry  bitch  and  she  loves  it  .  give  her  the  chance  and  she’ll  flirt  with  a  tree  ,  she’ll  flirt  with  a  plant  ,  and  she  might  flirt  with  your  significant  other  .  she  can  get  kinda  lewd  and  will  say  something  really  off - beat  ,  and  honestly  shut  her  up  if  you  do  .
the  epitome  of  a  gen - z  /  millennial  line  straddler  as  she  can’t  walk  past  a  mirror  without  taking  pictures  of  herself  .  sickeningly  vain  as  she  takes  pictures  at  any  chance  she  can  like  after  getting  her  hair  and  makeup  done  or  even  when  she’s  out  and  about  shopping  .    
iii. headcanons  .
jimin  is  quite  chaotic  and  she  does  not  hold  back  from  it !  she’s  a  pot  stirrer  ,  and  she’ll  watch  everything  unfold  as  if  she  wasn’t  the  one  to  start  the  problems  in  the  first  place  .  not  afraid  to  spread  a  rumor  or  putting  a  trolling  instagram  comment  on  one  of  her  posts  on  blast .  she  likes  to  be  petty  ,  but  she  can  back  it  up  ( but  it’s  NOT  fat  enough  😔 )  .  
her  style  is  vastly  different  than  what’s  expected  .  on  stage  ,  i  would  think  her  style  is  something  akin  to  kpop  stage  outfits  ,  but  not  necessarily  as  tame  .  she’s  not  afraid  to  show  skin  so  there’s  a  lot  of  embellished  leotards  and  heels  ,  dramatic  eye  makeup  and  perfectly  styled  hair  .  off  stage  ,  she  likes  a  relaxed  but  high - end  style  .  lots  of  denim  ,  lots  of  black  ,  loves  oversized  pieces  ,  but  she  loves  to  follow  trends  where  she  can  .
loves  to  yoga  ,  pilates  ,  and  anything  else  that  doesn’t  involve  having  to  go  to  an  actual  gym  .  she  especially love aerial  yoga  as  it  keeps  her  flexible  as  a  dancer  .
miss  jennie  didn’t  let  us  enjoy  it  long  enough  ,  but  jimin’s  hair  is  canon  to  jennie’s  blonde  pieces  ! she’ll  switch  up  the  color  every  so  often  with  temporary  dyes  ,  but  other  than  that  ,  it’s  usually  always  blonde  !
she  doesn’t  drink  st*rbucks  so  don’t  ask  her  to  go  ,  and  she  especially  doesn’t  go  because  she  likes  very  simple  coffee  drinks  .
iv.  wanted  connections  .
give  me  everything  ,  please  !  i’d  love  some  of  the  basics  like  former  friends  ,  best  friends  ,  industry  rivals  ,  friends  with  benefits  ,  confidant(s)  ,  frenemies  ,  good / bad  influences  ,  one  night  stand(s)  ,  enemies  with  benefits  ,  or  a  current  or  ex  fling  !
because  i  love  my  women  loving  women  ,  hand  over  the  ex  girlfriend  !  in  my  head  i’m  thinking  that  they  were  a  really  happy  couple  and  they  were  really  good  to  one  another  ,  but  they  drifted  apart  .  they  remain  good  friends  and  people  probably  think  there’s  still  feelings  because  they  can  be  rather  touchy  feely  with  one  another  (  👀 )  .
ifykyk  ....  but  i  love  angst  !  i  love  to  have  my  heart  ripped  right  out  of  my  chest  so  give  me  angst  in  any  form  :  angsty  friends ,  exes  ,  anything  !  
a  couple  who  are  stuck  in  a  limbo  !  they  have  yet  to  make  it  past  the  point  of  friends  ,   wondering  if  they’re  just  a  hookup  to  one  another  would  there  could  potentially  be  more  .  they  probably  fight  a  lot  because  of  those  underlying  feelings  ,  but  it  could  be  interesting  to  explore  either  way  !
give  me  enemies  !  and  not  for  fake  but  two  people  who  genuinely  dislike  one  another  .  it’s  not  surprising  for  jimin  to  not  get  along  with  a  lot  of  people  considering  the  fact  that  she’s  not  ...  the  nicest  ,  and  i’m  not  entirely  sure  as  to  why  they’d  dislike  each  other  ,  but  it  could  be  so  much  thank  u  KFJDFDS  .
give  me  the  heartbreak  that  still  lingers  i  will  sell  you  my  SOUL  .  maybe  their  relationship  was  good  ,  or  it  was  a  mess  KNFJD  ,  but  but  when  they  broke  up  they  haven’t  fully  gotten  over  it  yet  ?  probably  a  lot  of  lingering  looks  ,  and  giving  compliments  but  they’re  kinda  awkward  because  they  don’t  know  how  to  approach  each  other  sometimes  .
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chocojjk · 5 years
Tumblr media
summary: idol minho, fan reader ??? lots of smiling and overall just soft things...nothings changed, i still suck at summaries 
words: 2.1k
a/n: not my best work and also not edited but i haven't written in so long and i kind of just forced myself to write this,, hopefully someone still enjoys it lol 
you noticed the boy ahead of you panicked as the cashier behind the counter gawked, slightly yelling out a “omg, are you lee minho???!!”
this definitely caught your attention, especially since you were a huge fan of said idol
“uh? what?” he says, as you noticed his fingers fidgeting from behind the counter
“you’re the guy from stray kids!!” she says out loud, her voice beginning to catch the attention of others
you couldn’t really tell if it was him or not as he was wearing a face mask and his bangs mostly covered what was left of him
however you scanned him up and down and noticed the little cat paw airpod case hanging on his belt, hidden behind his large sweatshirt
and so you confirmed that the person standing in front of you was indeed, the one and only, lee minho from stray kids
“n-no th-that’s not me , i-i uh…” he replied frantically, his hands quickly yet unnoticeably playing with the hem of his black sweatshirt
seeming as the boy has entered panic mode, you decided to step in and help him out
linking his hand around yours, you turn to him “babe, what’s taking so long?,” you say, smiling sweetly as your eyes gave him a stern look seeming to say ‘play along’
minho couldn’t explain it
there was just something about you that made him put his trust in you
maybe it was your smile
maybe it was because he recognized your face
or maybe it was just due to the outburst of the situation that he found himself in the middle of
whatever it was, he played along with your little act
“uh….. uhm I forgot your order, what did u want again princess?”
princess ?/!:?;??? holy fuck!?!?!? he catches along quick...u swear u could die right there but instead you playfully slapped his shoulder, “Oh cmon, I've told you like 5 times now,” you say jokingly
facing the cashier, “add a matcha frappuccino with a pump of hazelnut please,” 
“uhm yes ma’am, will that be all?”
“yeah that’s all,” you say as minho fished for his wallet, getting ready to pay
“so you’re really not the guy from stray kids???” the cashier asked again
‘gosh, when will she let that go’ you thought to yourself
“he looks like lee know huh!!!” you say enthusiastically, at this, minho seems to freeze up by your side until you continued with “I tell him that all the time and he never believes me!” you finished with a pout as you and the cashier shared a laugh
minho handed her the total of your drinks as she bid you two a goodbye with “our waiters will bring your drinks out to you once they’re ready”
you made your way over to an empty table, expecting the boy to sit with you yet he had other plans
“what are you doing???” you whispered as he sat at the table across from you
“uhm... sitting?” he replies as it’s the most obvious thing in the world
“ uhh yeah, why are you sitting all the way there??”
“am i not allowed to?”
“hello,, in case you haven’t noticed i’m supposed to be your girlfriend!!” you say as you quietly stomped towards him and took the chair by his side
“look, don’t worry I don't want anything, I'm just trying to get you out of this coffee shop in one piece,” you explain since you start to feel the nervousness oozing off of the boy and that was the last thing you wanted to make him feel  
“why?” he says puzzled as to why you were helping him
“because i’m a fan, and i would like it for my idol to go back home in one piece,”
“y-you know it’s me?”
“y-yeah, you’re gonna need a better disguise if you wanna go out in public and not be recognizable” you reply, giving him a soft smile
at this, his eyes turned into little moons and you realized that he was smiling behind the black face mask sat upon his face
“thank you,” he says sweetly
you stare at him, mirroring his expression when you realized “oh!, i need to pay you back!” you say as you opened your wallet, however right when you were about to grab your money, he stopped you, his hand quickly enveloping yours but leaving as soon as it came
“you don’t have to... think of the coffee as my way of saying thank you,” he says, his voice gentle and soothing
“uh, okay, thank you,” you stutter, the feeling of his hands around yours still hazing your mind, making him laugh
you couldn’t believe it, you were really sitting in front of your idol, and not just any idol,, your BIAS...having a conversation with him, making him laugh
holy fuck you really are “y/n” from all the aus written out there
you stared at him until you realize that you’ve been staring for too long
clearing your throat, you try to open up a conversation
“so what are you doing out here anyways?”
“you just finished a concert, shouldn’t you be at the hotel with the rest of the boys...getting some rest?” you wondered
“oh well uh- i came out to clear my mind”
“ah, okay,” you say, not wanting to ask anymore as you felt like you were crossing territories that you shouldn’t be crossing
a couple of minutes later, your orders were finally brought out to your guys’ table
“Well, i guess this is goodbye,” you say as you guys walked out of the coffee shop together, sadness taking over as you realized that you would have to part ways with him
“Actually, I was gonna ask for one last favor,” he said, breaking you out of your thoughts
“Uh-yeah sure, a-anything,” you reply, trying to hold back the smile that was forming on your lips
“I forgot the way to my hotel,” he says sheepishly, scratching the back of his head
“D-do you want me to walk with you?” you ask, slightly baffled at his confession
“If you don't mind, my hotel is [enter name of hotel in your city] and it's just, I don't know the city that well and what if something like what happened back there happens again...i just wouldn’t know what to do and-” he continued
He said this all in a matter of seconds that it was hard for you to understand so you finally cut off his rambling by stretching your hand out and grabbing his
“ok cmon boyfriend, let’s go get you back to where you belong,” you say dragging him towards the way of the hotel, earning a laugh from him
As you guys walked side by side, you expected him to drop your hand already, however it seemed like he held on to it even tighter
However, you weren’t sure if he did or if it was just a figment of your imagination and so you asked him, “are you okay with me holding your hand?”
With this he smirks at you, “well, you're supposed to be my girlfriend, right?”
You let out a small giggle, “ that was back in the coffee shop, you don’t have to keep holding my-”
“No,” he says abruptly, causing you to to turn and look at him
“I-i like it, it’s nice,” he continues, slightly nodding his head, almost like he was telling himself ‘good job for speaking up’
reader , I honestly have no idea how you're still holding on, I would have fainted already
“Besides with the life I live, it's not everyday I get to hold a pretty girl’s hand... and even have a girlfriend,” he said softly, the vibe in the air slowly changing from a lighthearted one to a more serious one
You, being the cheerful one that you are, decided to break the tension, “what do you mean! You get to hold pretty girls’ hands all the timee!!,” you exclaimed
He looked at you like ‘what the fuck do u mean’
“Stays!” you reply, like it was the most obvious thing in the world
Again he let out another laugh, this one different than before...this one more alive… I guess the mention of his fans just sparks something different in the boy 
“..yeah but that's different,”
“ how is that different? I'm a stay just like them and were holding hands,”
“They're not as pretty as you,” he says smiling, as he took a sip of his drink, acting like those words didn't just come out of his mouth
‘Oh minho, you smooth mother******,’ you thought to yourself, trying to regain your senses
“I like your necklace” you say, changing the topic to ignore the butterflies erupting in your stomach, yet you couldn't hide the smile that was begging to be shown
he doesn't reply and just continues smiling, his hand still in yours, as the two of you continued to walk side by side, the hotel getting nearer with each step you take
After a good 3 minutes of silence, you contemplated what to say until the boy beat you to it, “you look familiar,” he says aloud
“I feel like ive seen you before,” he said, eyebrows furrowing as he continued to think, which honestly he’s been trying to remember where he’s seen you ever since he first laid eyes on you
You laughed out loud and he looked at you, an eyebrow raised, curious as to why you found his statement so funny
“That's because you have,” you pointed out
‘Huh??? Where ??”
“I was at the hi touch today,” you say, giving him a smile
“oh..Oh, OH!,” he replied, his hands swinging yours in large motions as realization finally kicked in, “you were the one that called me your brightest star!” he chuckled, slightly teasing you
“ohmygod,” you say laughing along with him
your guys’ laugh mixing along together in the night air, creating an almost perfect melody
“yeah that was me,” you say breathlessly after the both of you calmed down
perfect timing as well, as you stopped right in front of the hotel, “well, here you are,” you say with a soft smile
“Thank you for tonight -uh,” he was about to say your name then realized he never even did ask you
“y/n,” you say, finishing it for him
He smiles at you, “thank you for tonight, y/n,” he says softly
“anytime,” you say back, mirroring his tone
“maybe next time i get lost in this city, I’ll have you by my side again to help me find my way,” he continued as he brought his mask down
you were now seeing all of him, and damn, his pictures don't do him any justice 
this man was truly the definition of beauty
you almost forgot that he was holding on to your hand until he brought it up to his lips, giving the back of your hand a soft kiss, breaking you out of your thoughts as you watched him do the small action
the same action that got your heart doing flips all over the place yet you composed yourself
“I hope I helped clear your mind,” you whisper, having a hard time regaining your voice after what the boy did
for the umpteenth time this night, he smiled at you, “get home safely okay,” he says as he turned his back from you and disappeared into the hotel, leaving you breathless and unsure if you were dreaming or not
It wasn't until a tall man in a black shirt came up to you that you finally regained your senses
How long were you standing out there for? You honestly weren't too sure
“Are you y/n?” he asks
“Uhh y-yeah, who’s asking?”
“Thanks for getting minho back safely to us, we've been worried for hours,” he says, as you finally realized that you were talking to their manager
“Oh uhm- it was no problem! I had nothing to do anyways,” you say sheepishly
“Well, he told me to make sure you get home safe so i'm here to be your uber driver,” he replied with a laugh
“Oh no, you don't have to, I know my way around,” you say, not wanting to cause a problem
“Please, it's the least we could do,” his manager retorted
Not having the energy to argue, you nodded and accepted the request
“By the way, he asked me to give this to you,”
and there in your hands, lay the cold, shiny, silver necklace that was around the boys neck, forever reminding you of the carefree night that you two shared
‘I guess it wasn't a dream after all,’ you thought to yourself, your smile as bright as the stars in the sky
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emybain · 5 years
After the Battle
hey @rubys-finger-cymbals im your secret santa for the gift exchange!!! ive never written an osby/tuckva-centered fic before so I hope I did okay with this one:) I had so much fun delving into ruby’s mind, and hopefully this wont be the last time I write these two beans! I hope you have a merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and if not, I hope you have a wonderful day!!
    It seemed like an eternity had passed in the amount of time Ruby spent searching for her friends. If it weren’t for Max, she wouldn’t have been there in the first place. He convinced her to sneak him out of her home, as her mom put the two of them on house arrest, and take him to the scene of the battle. For someone so young, he was a pretty persuasive kid when he needed to be. Now, after witnessing the near destruction of Gatlon and it’s unexpected reconstruction, she knew bringing Max was the right thing to do. However, she had dozens of questions in her head about what the heck just happened. Gatlon was saved, Ace Anarchy was finally killed, and silence...silence, and then out of nowhere, a powerful energy sweeping out from the cathedral and over Gatlon, bringing with it a beautiful light. At first, she was frozen in awe, until she felt familiar aches from her arm, chest, and stomach where she had been stabbed all those years ago. After being neutralized at the arena, her mom patched up her wounds, which had grown more painful than when she was a prodigy. Peeking underneath the bandages confirmed her giddy, although confused, suspicions. The murmurs and gasps and screams of joy further confirmed that she wasn’t just hallucinating; those who had been neutralized were prodigies again. 
    Ruby shoved through the mass of people gathered at the cathedral, only barely paying recognition to the gathering media stations and helicopters to the battle scene. There were three people on her mind, one more than the others perhaps. Her heart began to sink, tears springing to her eyes, at a possibility that she refused to be true. But then her eyes laid on Captain Chromium and the Dread Warden, embracing tightly. Nearby stood four figures, three of them that Ruby knew. A grin broke out on her face as she ran towards them, calling out their names. 
    Oscar was the first to turn, eyes widening at the sight of her. That dopey, relaxed grin that Ruby adored played at his lips. She all but hurled herself into his arms, burying her face into his neck. She felt his hold on her tighten, tugging her closer to him. Pulling back just slightly to look at him, she could tell he was exhausted but elated to see her. The tension in her shoulders relaxed upon seeing that other than a few scratches here and there, he was mostly unharmed. 
    “I was getting worried when I couldn’t find you,” she murmured, bringing her hand to rest on his cheek. “You’re a big, dumb, stupid idiot for doing that to me.”
    Oscar leaned into her touch. “Didn’t I promise I’d come back to you? We still haven’t gone on a first date, after all, and me dying would’ve been a bit awkward for timing.”
    Ruby rolled her eyes, and was pulling him in for a kiss when a throat cleared. She opened her eyes and glanced over Oscar’s shoulder at Danna.
    “We’re alive too, by the way,” she teased, gesturing to Adrian and herself. Ruby broke out into another smile and planted a kiss on Oscar’s cheek before her racing heart could decide for her otherwise. 
    She parted from him and hugged her other two friends, gripping them tightly. The fourth person she had seen earlier stood awkwardly off to the side behind Adrian, and Ruby gasped when she recognized who it was. But...why was Nova dressed like...like…
    “Nova’s Nightmare?” She frowned up at Adrian, then Danna, then Oscar. Clearly, she had missed a lot more than she had originally thought. “But...but what about Cronin’s granddaughter?”
    “It was a cover up to get me out of prison,” Nova explained, taking a hesitant step forward. Ruby stepped back, mouth agape. If Nova was an Anarchist, then why was she still alive? And here with Ruby’s friends? “Ruby, I-”
    “You betrayed us,” Ruby snapped, causing Nova to flinch. “You manipulated us and tricked us and...and-and…” her mouth struggled to find the right words, her body suddenly filled with anger, “you neutralized innocent people! Among dozens of other things,” she added. 
    “She’s on our side again, Ruby.” Adrian reached for Nova, who tentatively allowed him to pull her beside him. Ruby’s frown deepened at the protective way his hand rested on her arm. “Listen, it’s been a long night, and we’re all tired. We’ll explain more tomorrow, okay?”
    Ruby shook her head firmly. “No. I don’t trust her, not after everything she’s done to us, to Gatlon. And I frankly don’t understand why any of you would trust her, either.”
    Oscar wrapped an arm around hers. “She helped us kill her uncle, Ruby, as well as other Anarchists. I didn’t want to trust her at first, either, but I think she’s genuinely sorry for everything.”
    Nova coughed into her arm. “Right here, you know.” Her gaze shifted to Ruby, and her eyes softened, almost making Ruby’s frown lighten up. “I don’t blame you for not trusting me, Ruby, and I understand if you never want to speak to me again.” She glanced over the others quickly. “That goes for the rest of you. I’ve been blinded for most of my life, and because of that, I’ve been following the wrong cause.” She shook her head. “I thought I was doing the right thing, but it turns out I was just lied to my entire life and-” her voice broke, and she dropped her head to the ground, releasing a slow sigh. She raised it back up again, and at the sight of unshed tears in her eyes, Ruby’s frown disappeared this time. “I’m sorry, really. If I could turn back time and fix all my mistakes, starting ten years ago, I would.”
    Although she didn’t want to forgive Nova just yet, Ruby nodded.  Her apology would do for now, and in all honesty, Ruby had a feeling there was more to the story that she hadn’t heard yet. Deep down, even when she had previously believed Nova to be an Anarchist when the other girl was arrested, Ruby knew that she had a good heart. Too many instances had occurred where Nova had proven that, and Ruby couldn’t forget about them. There were still questions dancing at the tip of her tongue, but judging from the worn state of her friends, they would have to come later. 
    Adrian and Nova had left to check on Max, who, according to Adrian, was more spent than the rest of them but resting. Danna had also left to speak with some other Renegades, leaving Ruby alone with Oscar. 
    They sat in front of the cathedral in the dirt, joined at the hip. She leaned against him, playing with his fingers that rested in her hand. They didn’t speak for a while, just letting everything sink in and settle before saying anything. Ruby didn’t want to talk about the fighting or the events of the night, not yet anyway. Not until her questions were ready to be answered. Oscar, apparently, didn’t either. 
    “I had a plan, you know,” he spoke up, turning his head slightly to look down at Ruby. 
    Ruby hummed, lacing their fingers together and letting their joined hands fall into her lap. “What do you mean?”
    “To ask you out.” A small blush formed on his cheeks; Ruby would’ve teased him about it had she not felt her own heat up. “Called it Operation Crown Jewels.”
    Ruby scrunched her nose in disgust. “Ew, seriously? What the hell, Oscar?”
    He threw his free hand up in exaggeration. “Because, you know, your gift and your name and all. Crown Jewels.”   
    Okay, she had to admit that the thought was sweet. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze, heart thrumming at the way his thumb traced a pattern over the back of her hand in response. “And what was this plan?”
    Oscar dropped his eyes to the ground briefly before returning them to Ruby, his expression sheepish. “Well, it was many things, really. Poems, speeches, grand declarations of love…” he trailed off, shaking his head. “But nothing was ever good enough. It had to be perfect.”
    Ruby snuggled closer to him, reaching her free hand up to push back one of his curls. She thought back to the arena and how he fiercely defended her after she lost her gift. And their kiss…
    “It was perfect, planned or not.” A teasing smile appeared on her lips. “Although, I wish you would’ve made a move sooner, dummy.”
    “Hey!” Oscar nudged her shoulder playfully, causing a laugh to escape her mouth. She pushed him back, their hands separating from one another. But the chill that went through her body at the loss of his warmth was brief, for he wrapped her up into his arms once more. This time, though, she was practically in his lap, his arms draped loosely around her waist; she had to twist her whole body toward him to be comfortable. Their laughs slowly disintegrated, their smiles falling shortly behind. 
    Oscar placed a hand under her ear, fingers curling around the hair at the nape of her neck. Ruby’s heart pounded in her chest. In her mind, she chided herself on this sudden burst of nerves. It was just Oscar. Her friend. Her best friend. 
    “I’ve had a crush on you since I first saw you at the trials.” Ruby’s lips parted a little at that; while she had been crushing on him as well, it hadn’t been as long as that. Her crush had only surfaced about a year and a half ago, confusing and terrifying and wonderful and painful all at once. “And since then, I’ve been a sucker for girls with white and black hair. Oh, and also the color red.”
    Ruby blushed furiously, wanting to look away in embarrassment but forcing herself to keep her focus trained on his eyes. “Oscar, I-”
    “You’re the most amazing girl I know, Ruby,” he interrupted softly. “You’re also the girl of my dreams, which is why I’ve been terrified to do this.”
    Ruby scrunched up her nose when he didn’t continue. “Terrified to do what?”
    Oscar inhaled slowly, then exhaled. His gaze shifted to the ground, then back up to her. “Ruby Tucker, will you be my girlfriend?”
    The world around her shrunk to just her and Oscar. No longer were they resting on a battlefield, surrounded by Renegades and the media. It was just the two of them and the overflow of happiness expanding in Ruby’s chest. She beamed at Oscar, laughing wildly before leaning forward and smushing her lips against his. 
    He hummed in surprise, but quickly reciprocated the kiss with enthusiasm. Her hands were just starting to wound their way around his neck, her fingers itching to dig themselves into his crazy curls, when he pulled back suddenly. Her lips, not expecting that, chased after his. 
    “Wait wait wait.” He held up a hand between them, a goofy sparkle in his eyes. “Is that a yes.”
    Ruby groaned loudly, fingers wrapping around strands of hair as she pulled him back to her. She had waited a year and a half for this, and didn’t want to waste a single moment. “If I say yes will you go back to kissing me?” While she was fully teasing him, like he had teased her, her answer wasn’t completely a joke. 
    His hand dropped to her waist. “Mhm.”
    “Then yes.” She peppered light kisses around his face, from his nose to his cheeks to his eyebrows, then to his lips. “A thousand times yes, Oscar Silva.”
    When they kissed again, Ruby shivered. Very quickly, the kiss deepened, possibly more than it should considering they were in public and surrounded by dozens of people. But Ruby didn’t care, not one bit.
    The only thing she cared about at the moment was right there in front of her.
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quentinblack · 4 years
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Smoke and Mirrors
Word Count: 8.5K words
Chapter 15 - Ron IV: Australia Magizoo (link to full story on FF.net)
Featuring: Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger
Warnings: Explicit sexual content. 18+/Rated R. 
Author’s Notes: At the time of writing this was pretty much the longest chapter I’d ever written. I’ve read a lot of fluff/sex scenes in fanfic over the years, some good, some bad, some ugly, so whilst writing my first proper long-running fic I was somewhat hesitant about including it. I didn’t want to have it just in there for the sake of it, but if I could find a scene or chapter where I felt like it would work well for the story and the arc of, in this case Ron’s story, then I thought I would throw it in. The cool thing about this chapter I felt was playing around with subverting people’s expectations upon reading at the start, then have it go full circle towards the end of the chapter. It’s probably not the best chapter I’ve ever written, but it was one of the more entertaining ones to actually write.
A warm breeze brushed across Ron’s face, as he felt his fringe pushed to the left hand side of his face by the summery wind.
He leaned forward casually on the white marble railing towards the end of their hotel balcony, wearing just his sky-blue swimming trunks, whilst he watched the stunning sunset taking place across the scenic artificial beach that lay not far from their room.
Ron was not quite sure what kind of magic the Australians were using to conjure up such a relaxing ambience, but he was very impressed by it all the same.
There were entire geo-magical landscapes and weather-enchantment spells surrounding the inner walls of the hotel, which were all very carefully adapted for the preferences of different guests. Their part of the hotel had a tropical theme, equipped with a synthetic summer climate, palm trees and a beautiful beach, with the clearest of seas that one could imagine.  
The hotel’s colossal size was such that Ron and Hermione had not managed to venture out to any of the other geo-magical landscapes yet. However, Ron read in the glossy brochure (entirely devoid of any magical moving images in full faux-muggle style) that there was also a secluded woodland retreat theme for lovers of nature, as well as a winter wonderland, equipped with a massive mountain for skiing - and there was even a newly built and increasingly popular section entirely based on muggle Britain’s royal heritage.
Brad hadn’t been joking when he’d said that Wizarding tourism was booming in Australia – and they were even taking advantage of people’s reluctance and fear to travel to Britain too. Ron wondered how long they would be able to capitalise on that particular niche, as Kingsley’s new government was hopefully going to help usher in a new era of peace and prosperity in the coming months and years.
Ron heard Hermione’s faint call of his name, which was barely audible above the gentle whirl of the simmering bubbles in their enormous en-suite hot-tub.
He stared down into the bubbles for a brief moment.
There was something about the water that did not look quite right, but he could not put his finger on what it was that was off about it.
He was, for a brief moment, utterly mesmerised by the relentless pulse of the bubbles and he very nearly hurled himself into the warm and inviting water, but then thought better of it.
“Ronald! Oh do hurry up, it’s urgent!”
There was a more frantic tone to his girlfriend’s call this time – and it was much louder too.
Perhaps she had received word that they had found her parents.
He paced quickly across the paved floor of their balcony and back into the room to see what it was that she wanted and… and…
Hermione was laying on her back, facing the balcony door… but her eyes were closed.
Ron looked at her in complete shock.
He couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing.  
She was completely naked, except for a black lace bra that slightly covered her small, firm breasts.
Her eyes were closed, but not in a state of sleep – no, quite the opposite in-fact, they were closed in a state of pure pleasure, as, with the fingers of her right hand, she softly played with herself.
Ron felt his cock harden slightly and it began to bulge in his swimming trunks as he watched her caressing her completely shaved cunt.  
Hermione opened her dark, brown eyes and she grinned devilishly as they met his own.
She bit her lip slightly and motioned with her spare left hand for him to join her on the bed, whilst she continued to masturbate with her favoured right.
Ron could not quite believe his luck and momentarily paused in panic.
He had been dreaming of this moment for months, or years really.
He had secretly hoped once it was confirmed that Harry was no longer coming with them to Australia that this moment might somehow present itself, but to have it fall into his lap this way really was like a dream come true.
Ron excitedly pulled down his trunks and discarded them to the floor, letting Hermione have her first look at his now fully erect penis, which burst out from a bushy bed of red pubic hair.
“Oh fuck,” Hermione moaned, as she bit her lip once more and began playing with herself with increased vigour.
Ron had never heard her say fuck before.
It didn’t sound quite right coming out of her pure, pretty mouth, but it turned him on and made his cock swell up even more, as he began to pull himself onto the bed towards her.
“Quickly Ron,” she sighed desperately, as he clamoured towards her gorgeous naked body. “I need you inside me… please…  I’ve been waiting so long for you to finally fuck me!”
Ron began to slowly pull his bulging dick towards her tight, wet vagina.
This was it.
The moment of truth.
The moment he had waited so long for.
He thrust his cock towards her, but just as he was about to enter her everything went black and faded away.
Ron woke up in a panicked, nervous sweat, breathing heavily as he came to terms with the fact he had just been dreaming.
His arms were clutched around Hermione’s waist, with the pair having slept cradled together in their pyjamas in the lightly air-conditioned room.
He felt Hermione stir slightly – and, to his absolute horror, he discovered that the erect penis part of his dream had in fact been based on reality.
His crotch was positioned in such a way that his bulging erection, which was pressing mercilessly into his pyjama bottoms, was also pressing mercilessly into Hermione’s bottom.
He thought that there was no way that she could not feel it.
Ron adjusted the positioning of his thighs slightly so that he was no longer making direct contact with her with his lower body, but just as soon as he had done that she had wriggled herself backwards a bit, which meant his cock was now pushed up against the back of one of her thighs instead.  
He wriggled slightly to get away from her again, but after a few moments she once again moved back towards him, inadvertently nudging his hard-on in the process.
It was almost as if she was doing it deliberately, but she was still half-asleep and probably hadn’t even noticed what was happening.
Ron lay awake in their king-sized bed still spooning Hermione for another ten minutes, with it gradually becoming less awkward as his erection slowly subsided.
It soon became apparent though that he would not fall back to sleep any time soon, so he relented and decided to get up and shower
The hotel bathroom was state-of-the-art, even by muggle standards according to Hermione – and it was all very impressive, with the hot water jets blasting against his fair-skin soon ensuring that he was fully awake and energised.
Ron spent a considerable amount of time in the shower, as once he had fully washed his hair and body he slowly lathered himself up once again and masturbated, thinking of the naked Hermione from his dream as he relieved himself and eventually climaxed.
It took several minutes to ensure the last of his cum had trickled down the drain… then, just as the last of it was washing away there was a knock on the bathroom door.
He ignored the knock as he meticulously watched the final traces of his semen slide out of sight.
There was another knock on the door, but this time it was a fair bit louder.
“Ronald! Are you alright? You’ve been absolutely ages in there!” Hermione remarked, with a slight sound of worry in her sleepy sounding voice.
Ron quickly wrapped himself in a towel and in a slightly panicked fluster he opened the door.
“I’m fine,” he said. “Just enjoying myself in the shower,” he blurted out.
“Oh, I see-
“Enjoying myself because it’s bloody brilliant!” he quickly added. “I mean, as shower’s go, its right up there… it’s really good… wakes you right up… you should try it!”
“Right, yes… well, I will have to, when I have a wash myself…” she replied, perhaps a bit confused at his feigned enthusiasm for the shower. “I was just a little worried that’s all, I know, I was just being a bit silly, but you don’t usually take that long and you locked the door and…
“You’d get used to locking bathroom doors too if you grew up living in a house with Fred and George!” he replied softly, with what he thought was a well-timed save, as he remembered the countless times that his older twin brothers had tormented him and caused many a toilet-related mishap, which were now nothing more than bittersweet memories.
“Yes, of course,” Hermione retorted. “And I know you would never wish for me to intrude or invade your privacy-
Ron momentarily considered correcting her on this point, as, on the contrary, he would’ve loved nothing more than for her to walk in on him naked, but he swiftly decided against it.
“I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I just wanted to make sure that you were alright,” she said, as she blushed slightly.
“As always I appreciate your concern,” he joked, before leaning forward and kissing her on the lips, which caused his soaking wet hair to press right up against her dry, bushy mane.  
She was slightly taken aback at first, but then soon pressed her lips back to his – and she even briefly parted them, to allow him to slip his tongue into her mouth, before she reached back and broke free.
“Oh and can you believe this?” she demanded, instantly killing the moment, as she then reached down towards the bed and picked up their daily newspaper, which must have been delivered whilst he was washing.
It was The Sydney Spell, which seemed to be the Australian equivalent of The Daily Prophet.
“CROOKED KRUM SEIZED AS MATCH-FIXING SCANDAL ROCKS THE QUIDDITCH WORLD!” read the headline, which was accompanied by an animated picture of Viktor Krum catching the snitch in the World Cup final they’d seen live all those years ago, before the Death Eaters had wreaked havoc on the camp-site.
“Bloody hell!” Ron exclaimed.
“My thoughts exactly,” Hermione added in a glum tone. “You’re obviously a lot more clued up on the nuances of a Quidditch match than I am…” she added, as Ron reflected on whether this was the first time she had ever admitted that he was more clued up on something.
“You watched that match… do you really think it’s possible that it was fixed?” she asked.
“Well… I dunno,” he began, as he thought back to it. “I mean, it was a little odd that he caught the snitch in a losing position, but it does happen… it’s a very fast-paced sport so he could well have missed something or thought the score was closer than it actually was… and… well, Quidditch players aren’t exactly renowned for being the most intelligent of people -
“You know full well that Viktor is not stupid!” she hissed slightly.
“Well… no,” he conceded. “But if I remember rightly both Krum and Lynch spotted the snitch at the same time, so if Krum hadn’t have caught it when he did then they would’ve still lost anyway, just by an even bigger margin.”
“Yes, that’s what I thought,” Hermione replied, deep in contemplation. “Although Krum was, or rather, still is considered one of, if not the greatest seeker of his generation, is he not?”
Ron felt a slight flush of jealously at hearing her talk about Krum with such high regard.
“Well… I mean, some would argue that to be considered the greatest seeker of a generation you would have to win a World Cup, which Krum has never-
“If not the greatest, then one of the greatest then?” she sternly replied.
“Yes, one of the greatest, of course,” he quickly conceded.
“Then wouldn’t one of the greatest seekers of his generation always be aware of what the current score was? And wouldn’t one of the greatest seekers of his generation do everything that was physically possible to avoid catching the snitch until he was absolutely sure it would win his country the World Cup?” she asked rhetorically, perhaps now questioning herself more than Ron.
“I… I suppose-
“Think back to our 3rd year… the final game of the season against Slytherin, when Harry caught the snitch to win the House Cup,” she said, once more deep in thought.
“Oh yeah – that was brilliant!” Ron exclaimed, as he remembered the moment Harry had captured the little golden-snitch with both hands off of his broom.
“Think harder!” Hermione urged. “You remember, don’t you? Gryffindor had to win the game by at least 210 points, otherwise Slytherin would have still won the Cup on point’s difference.”
“Yeah… yeah I do remember, of course,” Ron said, as he thought he began to grasp what she was getting at.
“Wood drilled it into Harry for ages… whatever you do, Harry, do not catch the snitch whilst it is mathematically impossible for Gryffindor to win the Cup. You do remember that, yes?” she demanded.
“Yes… yes of course I remember. So what are you saying then? You actually think that this stuff about Krum is true? That he really did agree to throw the final?” he asked, slightly bewildered at what she seemed to be insinuating.
“No. Of course not!” Hermione snapped back.
Ron was completely lost now.
“But I thought you were saying-
“I don’t think for one moment that Viktor agreed to throw the match. His professional pride, desire to win and love for his country would prevent him from doing that,” she said solemnly. “However, I do think there’s a very good chance that it was fixed and that somebody may have been controlling him... but who… how… and to what end?”
Australia Magizoo really was quite something.
Their day had begun with an extremely filling breakfast that could’ve possibly put even Hogwarts to shame, as Ron loaded up on copious amounts of poached eggs, bacon and sausages.
Hermione had settled for a few freshly made French pastries and a slice of toast with something called Vegemite spread onto it. Ron was not sure what exactly Vegemite was, but it had an awful smell to it and did not look up to too much cop either – his girlfriend reassuring him that it was just a type of yeast extract did not particularly sell it either. It looked like it had been scooped out of the bottom of a cup in one of Professor Trelawney’s tea-reading classes.
Following their stomachs being filled by their respective breakfasts, they had spent nearly the entire day exploring the gigantic grounds of Woollahra’s wizarding tourist attraction – and Ron could see why it was such an attraction.
The park was filled with almost every creature that you could possibly name, with a large section even being dedicated to housing non-magical creatures of interest too - such as lions, giraffes and even wild polar bears in a sub-zero arctic section!
A lot of the magizoo’s star attractions were dedicated to beasts that Ron and Hermione had been fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to encounter before. He had never really considered how lucky they’d actually been over the last seven years, at least in terms of seeing such a wide array of creatures.
Children and adults alike were crowding round for a glimpse of a phoenix in the flesh, which Ron shrugged off as nothing too exciting, as he’d seen Dumbledore’s one countless times before in their former headmaster’s office– and he’d even been flown out of the Chamber of Secrets by it in second year.
They balked at a massive queue that had formed for rides on the thestrals, with many lucky adults and children very excited at the prospect of riding on a beast that was invisible to them. Hermione read on a sign that outside of Britain the wild populations of thestrals were dwindling quite a lot, so for many non-Brits this would be their first and possibly only chance to ever see, or indeed, not see a thestral, which any British student would obviously just take for granted - they were even used as a mode of transport at Hogwarts!
If they had thought that the queue for the thestrals was large then that paled in comparison to the one for the hippogriffs, as everyone longed to receive a bow from one of the delightful, but deadly part-horse, part-eagle creatures. They did not linger there too long, as again, unlike much of the world’s population they had also had their fair share of experiences with hippogriffs.
The next portion of the park following the hippogriffs was dedicated to the world’s deadliest beasts – and after Ron hastily hurried Hermione away from the acromantulas, they spent a while looking at the magnificent Antipodean Opaleye dragon. The purple dragon was a New Zealand-native and as such, one of the more locally sourced creatures in the entire magizoo, although they soon noticed that the next part of the tour was actually dedicated entirely to the magical creatures of Australia.
At first they were introduced to the bunyips which were based in a large swamp. They were peculiar creatures, with big tusks, flippers for feet and large bushy tails. A sign near them spoke of how over the years there had been several infamous incidents where rogue bunyips had got loose and attacked muggles, with the beasts coming out at night in the cover of darkness to attack small children, women or defenceless household pets.
One of the world’s last living muldjewangk was housed in a lake not far from the bunyips. The muldjewangk, who did not surface whilst they were at the lake, were described as kind of like a cross between giant squid and merpeople.
It was said that in centuries gone by hordes of muldjewangk terrorised muggle fisherman all over the Indian Ocean, but in the last hundred years they had become an endangered species thanks partially to pollution in muggle waters, but mostly due to wizarding-poachers hunting them for their teeth and blood, with both apparently fetching a pretty penny due to their rarity and variety of uses.
It was just as they were walking away from the lake, somewhat disappointed at not glimpsing a sight of the muldjewangk, that they bumped into Tezza, who was the porter that had taken their bags upon arrival and asked about You Know Who’s nose. It seemed that Tezza performed an array of roles at the hotel, one of which also seemingly involved working with the creatures themselves.
“Alright guys?!” he chirped excitedly when he spotted them, as they said hello and made some small talk.
“Didn’t get to see the muldjewangk? Don’t be too down guys, they don’t like coming out during the day much anyways. The kids here are always devo at missing out like, but let me show you some little buggers that I think you’ll both be stoked on seeing.”
They followed Tezza over to some large gum trees, which had magical protections placed just in-front of them, indicating how dangerous whatever beasts they housed must be.
“Now these little ones might look cute, but trust me, they’re fierce little bastards especially if they’re after a bit of grub,” he said, as he pointed to what looked like a tiny little bear climbing the tree nearest to them.
“Isn’t that a koala bear?” a confused Hermione asked, as Tezza burst out laughing.
“They might look like koalas, but take a look for yourself,” Tezza said, before waving his wand and erecting a human-like mannequin on the ground about 10 metres directly below the creature. It noticed and after a brief second of contemplation it instantly threw itself down through the sky, claws first, soon landing on the head of the mannequin, tearing it apart with both its paws and teeth.
“Bloody hell!” Ron swore.
“You can say that again, mate!” Tezza replied. “That little bugger is called a drop bear and well… it lives up to its name,” he added, as the little beast tore furiously at the prop, before Tezza conjured it up a few dead rats for it to feast on instead as a treat for its part in the show.
“Do they mind being here… at the magizoo… with all these people ogling at them?” Hermione asked Tezza.
“The drop bears?”
Ron felt a little awkward as he guessed the train of thought and line of questioning that his girlfriend would have for Tezza.
“Yes, the drop bears, but, well, all of the creatures and beasts you house here really. Do they like it here… rather than being in the wild?”
“To tell you the truth Miss Granger,” Tezza said, as he paused for a brief moment before continuing. ”For most of them now there ain’t no wild no more anyway... what with all the poachers like, and it ain’t as easy as it was years ago keeping ‘em away from exposure to muggoes neither. It’s the same way most the muggo animals are going too. Woollahra’s the best place for ‘em I say.”
Hermione seemed content enough with Tezza’s response, although Tezza was hardly going to turn round and admit the creatures all hated it there if they did anyway.
The magizoo worker began guiding them away from the drop bear enclosure and further along to a stretch of grassland in the distance.
“Course, we don’t house any beasts that are sentient,” Tezza continued, as Hermione nodded along in approval. “You won’t find no centaurs, vampires or werewolves here… ‘tho all the guests would be clamouring to see ‘em if they were, as you can imagine, like.
Fancy that ehh? Seeing an actual centaur or werewolf in the flesh, now that would be proper gnarly!”
Ron was once more left feeling a bit spoilt by his education.
He couldn’t quite believe that Tezza had never seen a werewolf or centaur in the flesh, at Hogwarts they’d had a werewolf and a centaur among the faculty at varying intervals of his stint at school.
“What about house elves?” Ron asked nervously, as he stole a quick glance at Hermione, who looked even more interested in Tezza’s response to the latest question posed to him, as they walked past a giant, yellow warning sign that read:
“You certainly won’t find no house-elves here!” Tezza said in a slightly bemused tone. “Not working for us anyway… course we get lots of rich families from America, India and France come and visit who bring theirs along for the trip… ya’ kno’, funny thing is I’d never even seen one in the flesh before I started working here myself!”
“Why is that?” Hermione asked. “Are house-elves against the law in Australia?” she added, with a hopeful tone in her voice.
Tezza audibly chuckled.
“Against the law? We’d have to bloody have some for ‘em to be illegal! Never really caught on down here since nobody could bloody afford one. I’m sure whoever cooked up the idea for this place could have their pick of them now though, like, you know I-
“WHAT’S THAT?!” Ron burst out, as Hermione instinctively grabbed his hand, as she too saw a giant bear-like creature waddling towards them.
It was just their luck.
The one time they visit the magizoo was the time that the extremely dangerous creature broke out.
Why was it always them?!
At least Tezza would know what to do.
He didn’t look in the slightest bit afraid, which reassured Ron that he must know how to handle the very dangerous looking beast heading towards them.  
“What’s what?” a bemused looking Ted asked them, as Hermione and Ron both drew their wands, which confused him even more.
“Over there!” Hermione gasped, as she pointed over to the furry giant which was getting closer to them, albeit at a fairly slow pace.
“HA-HA! You can’t mean… oh you think that silly bugger is the dangerous beast that sign was warning yous about?” he asked with a patronising look on his tanned face, as Ron nodded awkwardly.
“HA-HA! You wait until all of the lads hear about this one!” he blurted out, with a furious grin washed across his face. “Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger frightened off their rocker by a silly old yowie! COME HERE YA BIG WALKING CARPET!” Tezza shouted, as the yowie responded to his call and quickened his pace, although only slightly.
“They’re clever creatures, yowie’s, but they’re bloody pussies. Wouldn’t hurt a mozza, even if it was biting on one of their balls!” Tezza joked, as he stretched his arms out for the yowie to give him a hug.
The yowie towered over him, it must’ve been at least seven foot, but he showed no fear when it barked softly and wrapped its furry arms right round his thin-frame, almost lifting him off of the ground with enthusiasm as it hugged him.
“We call him Chewy,” Tezza said excitedly, as the yowie released him. “You know, like the wookie from Star Wars.”
“What’s Star Wars?” Ron asked blankly.
“Only one of the greatest bloody movies of all time, mate!” Tezza replied indignantly.
“I’ve never watched any movies,” Ron responded.
“You ain’t ever seen a single movie in ya’ life?”
Tezza looked in a state of shock, perhaps he was a half-blood or a muggle-born and had grown up with the muggle television.
Ron shook his head in response.
“Blimey. Where did you find this guy?!” Tezza quizzed Hermione.
“It’s kind of a long story,” she replied, before smirking a little at both Tezza and then Ron himself.
“Now you run along now Chewy,” Tezza ordered to the yowie. “Shouldn’t be out here near the yara-ma-yha-who anyway you daft git,” he added, as he poked his bear-like companion. The yowie obeyed, sauntering off in the opposite direction after uttering what sounded like it could only be a laugh at Tezza.
“Oh my goodness,” Hermione mouthed, seemingly noticing something in the distance. “Is that… is that…
“Too right-o, Miss Granger,” Tezza replied. “That is a yara-ma-yha who.”
Ron saw it out of the corner of his eye, rested on a similar tree to the one that the drop bear had been grasping to before it flew out of the sky.
The yara-ma-yha-who was a slightly slimy, amphibious looking red creature that can’t have been much bigger than the average goblin.
Its dark blood-red body resembled a frightening cross between a frog, an octopus and a common garden gnome.
It was truly hideous.
It hung to the tree by its tiny red hands, but it also had thin, slippery suckers on the rear of its body which it used to swing around the tree too, almost like a monkey would do with its tail.
“That little bugger is damn-near the most deadly beast in this entire magizoo. If I had to face the dragon or that thing without a wand – I’d choose the dragon every bloody time… you wanna kno’ why?” Tezza asked, pausing slightly for effect.
Ron suspected that he would tell them the answer whether they wanted to hear it or not, but nonetheless he humoured Tezza all the same.
“Alrite, I’ll tell you why… you run into a hungry dragon on a bad day, it’ll smoke you alrite… but dragons don’t play with their food… a dragon will roast ya’ long before it thinks about eating ya’ to stop ya’ from runnin’ away… but these things… mate… ya kno’ what these things do to ya? It uses those suckers to drain you of your blood, but not enough to kill ya’… na’, it takes just enuff to weaken ya’ and keep ya’ within its grasp… then it will swallow ya’ whole… they can swallow up to four time their body weight… but that’s not the last of it, oh na’, wouldn’t be so bad if it was, like, but that’s only the start of it… ya’ see once it falls asleep it pumps oxygen right through the victim’s brain and airwaves… acts kinda like an oxygen tank in there… to try and keep ya alive… then as it gradually comes out of its slumber it slowly regurgitates ya’… then… when it wakes up… it starts the process all over again. They can sometimes keep their prey alive for over four days before finally killing it for good.”
Hermione said nothing, but she had a look of utter disgust and horror on her face.
“And has one of those…things… ever actually escaped?” Ron managed to muster.
“Oh Christ no!” Tezza jibed. “They’d probably shut the whole place down if one of those got out and killed a poor little ankle biter or somethin’. Can you imagine the bad press we’d-
A loud, slightly muffled booming voice came out from what looked like a small, portable muggle radio on Tezza’s belt.
Tezza smiled slightly.
“Funny you should ask that, Zoe,” he said into the radio. “I’m with ‘em right now. Over.”
“Is that you Terrence? Over.”
“Sure as hell is, Zoe, you see-
“What’s your nearest assembly point? Over.”
“Well… we’re just by the old Yara-ma-yha-who enclosure… so I’d say…erm… ah ya! The Great Barrier Reef café. Over.”
“That’s great. Head over with them now… I’ll meet you there in ten minutes. Over.”
“No worries, Zoe, mate. I’ll bring ‘em right down. Over,” he said into the radio, as he started heading east, then motioned with his hand for them to follow him.
The Great Barrier Reef café turned out to be a massive muggle-style aquarium, with a sizeable restaurant in the back serving up mostly seafood-based cuisine. The aquarium hosted mostly exotic fish found in the seas of Sydney, but there were also other creatures like sharks and turtles housed there too.
Tezza stayed with them in a waiting area of the main reception, which housed a large open-tank filled with different types of rays, which people, mostly children, were able to reach in and feed if they so pleased.
Whoever had designed the hotel had really gone all in on the muggle-theme, as this particular section even had a large boxed television raised up high on the wall, with some kind of muggle wildlife program playing.
“That man on the television. Is he a muggle?” Hermione asked, as the blonde, burly man in a khaki outfit stalked a large crocodile whilst he talked to the camera.
“Who? Steve Irwin?! He’s only one of the most famous muggoes in all of Australia! Surprised you ain’t heard of him,” he replied.
“But how… but how is he able to avoid being killed by that crocodile? If he’s not a wizard?” Ron quizzed, as he too began watching on at the TV in surprise.
“Beats me, mate. But he ain’t in no danger – those crocco’s love him,” Tezza said with a wry smile on his face, as he placed his left hand into the water and reached down. “Why… Steve-o up there’s in no more danger with one of those crocs than I am with this little sting-ray,” he added, as he caressed one of the floating flat creatures with his fingers.
“AH YA CUNT!!!!” Tezza blurted out, splashing water everywhere as he quickly removed his hand from the tank.
“The little bastard stung me!” he exclaimed in outrage.
“Hermione Granger? Ron Weasley?”
Ron saw a middle-aged lady with heavily tanned skin and thick dark hair, who he guessed had been the female voice from the muggle radio. She was well dressed, with a face full of perfectly applied make-up and the fixed-forced smile of someone who had probably been working in customer-facing roles for a long time.
“That’s us,” Hermione responded eagerly, with a distant sound of hope in her voice.
“I’m Zoe Federici. Head of Guest Relations here at the hotel,” Federici said, just before shaking both of their hands. “The Ministry have sent us word that they have found your parents, Miss Granger,” she added, flashing a brief smile and her bright, white teeth in Hermione’s direction.
Ron heard an audible gasp of both relief and excitement from Hermione, as she grasped onto his hand very tightly.
“Given the circumstances they thought it best to err on the side of caution and have opted against using magic to transport them here.  Their current working plan is for you to be re-introduced just after breakfast tomorrow morning… meet me in the main lobby reception just after 10AM... and in the mean-time, please, if there is anything I or any of my staff can do to improve your stay with us, all you have to do is ask.”
The good news that Federici had delivered to them earlier in the day had come as a pretty big relief to Ron, but it couldn’t compare to the relief that it had taken off of his girlfriend’s shoulders. In the hours that followed Hermione had finally allowed herself to properly enjoy the extravagant and exotic surroundings that they found themselves located in.
Their first act, on Zoe’s own suggestion, had been a trip to the beach bar in their section of the resort. The Guest Relations manager had insisted on pouring their first round of celebratory cocktails herself, which had presented a new dilemma for them, as neither of them had ordered an alcoholic cocktail before in their lives.
This did not act as a set-back for Federici, more-so, it actually put a genuinely excited smile on her face, as she whipped out a strange, leathery brown hat which had several corks attached to it with string.
“This isn’t just any old hat,” she had said. “This hat has been charmed to explore your mind, body and soul to work out the exact cocktail that you would most like at that given moment.”
They had each had a go at trying on the hat over two hours ago – and were both now pretty tipsy after consuming their fair share of cocktails at the bar. Hermione drinking the refreshing rum, lime and mint mojitos, with Ron knocking back the even sweeter pineapple and coconut concoctions called pina coladas.
Ron was now drinking his fourth, or maybe his fifth, as they relaxed on comfortable cushioned chairs back up at their balcony whilst watching the artificial sun-set. The synthetic weather was still warm enough that Ron sat with his top off, just wearing a pair of swim-shorts, whilst Hermione relaxed in a white swimsuit, which was nicely cut around her cleavage.
Ron was sure that Hermione had caught him on one of the few occasions that he had stolen a quick glance at her slightly protruding breasts – and to his surprise she had not told him off, instead she had said nothing, merely looking away hesitantly with a wry smile on her pretty face.
“You know… there was something Miss Burke said back at the Australian Ministry that I found a little… odd,” a tipsy Hermione said, as Ron looked over at her, pondering his reply as he tried to avoid staring at her cleavage.
“Did you know that Kingsley had a brother?” she said with a confused look on her face before he could think of anything to say in response. “She mentioned that back when they were at Hogwarts together Kingsley and his brother used to gloat to her about the Quidditch results.”
Ron did vaguely remember Olivia Burke making an offhand comment like that, but such was his mental and physical state following that horrific portkey journey that it had completely passed him by, not registering as particularly odd at the time – or if it had, that train of thought had swiftly departed the station of his mind just as soon as it had entered it.
“No… no I don’t think he’s ever mentioned having a brother before,” Ron responded, as he searched through his less than sober mind for any recollection of such a conversation.
“Don’t you agree that that’s a little bit odd?” Hermione offered, as she took a deep sip on her straw, twirling around the little mint leaves in her sugar-coated glass as she did so.
It was a little bit odd, Ron agreed, but that sort of thing wasn’t completely unheard of in the wizarding community.
“Perhaps a little, yes… but Mum never likes to talk about her brothers… maybe Kingsley’s brother was killed in the first war too.”
“That’s a good point,” Hermione said. “I hadn’t considered that… yes… yes, you may well be right.”
“Always the tone of surprise,” he teased sarcastically, as Hermione smiled a little, then let out a tipsy laugh.
“I do understand why she never talks about them,” Ron continued, suddenly steering the conversation to a more serious direction, perhaps partially due to the influence of the alcohol, as he noticed the expression on Hermione’s face turn from a smile to one of sympathy.
“Dad always said that a little part of her died the day she found out that they’d been killed… and I know it must have been really hard for her… but I do sometimes wish she would’ve talked about them more. Even just told us some funny family stories or something. It feels weird to even say their names out loud since nobody would ever talk about them…
Hermione reached over and placed her soft, warm hand on top of Ron’s, caressing his hand with her slim fingers as he kept talking.
“… I won’t ever let myself do that with Fred,” Ron added, trying to reassure himself more than Hermione.  
“When we’re married and have children of our own I’ll tell them every funny story about Fred that I know and-
Ron stopped himself as he realised what he had just said.
Hermione had already started laughing.
“Wait- that’s not what I meant- I-
“When we’re married and have children of our own?” Hermione jibed, as she sarcastically raised her eyebrows.
“No- no- I meant- you know what I-
“I’m very interested to hear what you meant to say, Ronald,” Hermione said, still giggling at his mistake, as she stood up from her chair after finishing the last of her drink.
Ron clumsily pulled himself up from his chair so that they were standing face to face in the sunset.
“Well I just meant if… you know if-
Hermione kissed his lips before he had a chance to finish.
He felt her arms wrap tightly around his shoulders, pulling him in even closer, as he rested his own arms around the back of her slender waist.
“I don’t know how much you know about the human anatomy Ron,” she said softly, almost in a whisper, as she temporary broke away from the kiss. “But it seems a little premature for you to be thinking about getting me pregnant when we haven’t even… you know…”
Ron felt his heartrate rise rapidly.
He didn’t quite know what to say.
Her skin looked so soft and creamy.
His eyes fell on her cleavage once more and he noticed the outline of her two nipples and breasts against her white swimsuit.
His cock tingled slightly as he imagined what it would be like to have one of her breasts in his mouth.
“Why is it that we haven’t yet, do you think?” Hermione asked.
“I dunno… I mean-
“I suppose I have been awfully stressed about my parents… and I’m sure it has been awfully difficult for you too… we’ve been so caught up with everything we just haven’t really had time to think about it,” she concluded, as Ron nodded in agreement, even though it wasn’t the slightest bit true that he hadn’t had time to think about it.
“You do want to… you know… don’t you?” she whispered, with a look of doubt on her face.
“Yes!” he blurted out. “I mean… if… only if you want to,” he quickly added.
“You don’t think I look awfully stupid… in this swimsuit, I mean. You don’t think I look too-
“I think you look perfect,” Ron drunkenly pronounced, as he pulled her close and passionately kissed her lips. He heard her sigh softly as he ran his hands gently down her back, eventually resting them on her bottom.
Ron squeezed her bum cheeks firmly as her tongue aggressively fought its way into his mouth.
He lifted her up and stumbled slightly, before she straddled her legs around his waist as they continued lustfully kissing whilst he carried her into the bedroom, before thrusting her down onto the bed and pressing her down against the sheets as they continued their steamy embrace.
Ron broke away from kissing her lips and quickly worked his way across first to her right cheek, then further down the side of her face before he began amorously pecking her neck.
Hermione sighed softly, then began to press her nails across his back as he remembered the technique that Lavender had taught him during their brief fling in sixth year.
He opened his mouth as if to bite her neck, but instead he sucked strongly, causing his girlfriend to gasp with pleasure. Ron wondered if he would be the first person to give Hermione a love-bite, he hoped he was – and the jealous thought of Viktor Krum, or anyone else having done this to her only caused him to suck with a renewed sense of vigour.  
Hermione scratched his back in delight as he felt his penis grow harder and harder, as he broke free of his sucking to begin snogging her again, tasting the rum, lime and mint on her tongue and breathe as he did so.
His train of thought briefly went back to Lavender Brown – and he quickly pushed the horrific sight of her dead, mutilated body out and away from his mind.
He pulled back from his embrace with Hermione and got up slightly, before untying the cords and taking off his shorts, leaving him fully naked and exposed in-front of her.
Ron’s cock stood firmly to attention and Hermione studied it with enough curiosity for him to feel reassured that his was the very first that she had seen in the flesh. The excitement of her studying his naked body like it was a brand-new book made him feel about as horny as he could ever remember feeling.  
She followed his lead in getting undressed and smiled shyly at him, before sitting up and slowly taking off her white swimsuit and casting it aside, leaving only her glorious, bare-naked skin in its wake.
Her body was scattered with occasional freckles, much lighter and less noticeable than his own, but noticeable in their own way nonetheless. His dick stiffened up even more as he finally cast his eyes on her beautiful breasts and perky, pink nipples. She had a small mole on her left breast and just above her belly button – and upon seeing those little imperfections he had never felt more intimate and close to her.
He stared at her bare, naked body as she did the same to him, for all his sneaky glances at her breasts throughout the last hour or so, she was more than getting even now as she bashfully eyed up his cock.
Ron looked towards the middle of her legs and unlike her smoothly shaven sex in his dream that morning, her vagina was covered by small tufts of bushy, brown pubic hair.
They caught each other’s eye at the same time and hungrily embraced once more, lips against lips, tongue to tongue, as they began to explore each other’s body with their hands. Ron fondled her breasts firmly, as she reached out and got her first grasp of his erect cock.
He was surprised he didn’t cum there and then, but he relaxed himself as she begin gently pulling up and down on his penis as his right hand trickled down from her breast to her stomach, before he eventually reached the inside of her thighs and the tufts of her pubic hair.
Hermione moaned and swore under her breath as his fingers slowly glided their way through the hairs and reached her glistening clitoris and he began to softly rub it, as Lavender had once taught him.
At the time of their break-up Ron had harboured a slight tinge of regret that they had only ever gone as far as to fondle around with each other, but in hindsight he had absolutely no regrets considering that he was about to lose his virginity with the girl that he had loved for several years now.  
The sight of Lavender’s dead corpse once again entered his mind though - and for a brief moment all sense of arousal was lost.
“Don’t stop,” Hermione whispered gently – and he was soon just as horny as he was before when she increased the speed and force of her grip on his cock.
He continued to press his fingers against her, feeling her wetness increase with each stroke, causing her to dampen her pubic hairs and cover his index and middle fingers with the fruits of his labour.
“I think I’m ready,” she softly gasped, as she reluctantly relented her grip of his cock and lay back, opening her legs even further.
He stared down at his beautiful naked girlfriend, her dark brown eyes gazing down at him with a look of both excitement and slight nervousness on her face.
Ron remembered that he hadn’t yet uttered the contraceptive spell and quickly grabbed his wand from the bedside table, muttering the spell he had first seen written on a desk in one of the Herbology greenhouses in 3rd year.
A feint and very quickly invisible trail of white smoke brushed against, then evaporated onto his penis, as he held onto Hermione’s thighs and then slowly but surely entered her tight, wet cunt.
Hermione gasped heavily, with what seemed like a mixture of pleasure and pain.
So this was it.
This was what it felt like.
The sight of Lavender’s corpse once again entered his horrified mind as he came to terms with the fact that he was finally inside of Hermione and had lost his virginity.  
He reached out and held one of his girlfriend’s hands, softly pulling his penis slightly out and then back inside of her again.
Now he saw Remus, Tonks and finally Fred’s lifeless body laid out in the great hall.
Ron tried to get the horrible, graphic images out of his head but they just wouldn’t budge.
He slowed his rhythm almost to a halt entirely - and felt the blood and the excitement of his arousal slowly shift away from his penis.
His eyes opened slightly and Hermione shot him a curious, concerned look.
“Are you alright?” she murmured.
Lavender – dead.
Remus – dead.
Sirius – dead.
Mad Eye – dead.
Tonks – dead.
Dobby – dead.
Dumbledore – dead.
Fred… Fred… dead.
“They’re all gone,” he mumbled, as he felt the hot tears began to form in his eyelids.
“They’re all dead.”
The tears began to slowly run down his face, before he quickly began blubbing his eyes out.
Hermione held him tight for a while, as he buried his face into her bosom and then slowly cried himself to sleep.
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