#anyway uh this is not funny but I wanted to update you guys
theloveinc · 2 years
Got my bangs cut and I’m looking a bit too much like that lady aliceandfern on tik tok for comfort
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ericshoney · 1 month
Zoned out ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Due to your ADHD your prone to zoning out, especially if you find something boring. Nick, Matt and Chris often try to keep you zoned in and entertained.
Warnings: possible swearing, platonic nicknames, ADHD!Reader, fluff
You had been invited out for the day by Nick, Matt and Chris. The trio were already on their way to your place to pick you up. When you were with the guys, you always smiled and laughed, having a great time and if you were ever on camera with them for a video or stream, many fans compared you to Chris. That was due to your ADHD and many of the fans saying Chris possibly had it as well.
Chris often boosted your most "ADHD moments" by being as chaotic as you were, loud and childish. You knew this wasn't the case with everyone who had ADHD, but this was how you worked and the guys loved you for you.
Nick and Matt were basically your parents, making sure you had everything you needed and never got too distracted, especially if you were out, due to that once time you nearly walked out in front of a car because you saw a cute dog.
You then got a text from Nick saying they were outside. You walked out your house and saw the car parked up. You locked the door and rushed over, jumping in the back alongside Nick.
"Morning!" You cheered happily.
The guys greeted you as Matt began driving. You had first decided to go get food, as it was two in the afternoon. As Matt drove, you started showing Nick some funny videos you found.
After driving through LA traffic, you soon arrived where you wanted to be. You all got out of the car and headed inside, getting a booth. You sat next to Chris, across from Matt and Nick.
"How's work, kid?" Matt asked you.
"Shit." You answered bluntly, making the three males laugh.
"Then quit." Nick said with a shrug.
You opened your mouth to reply when the waiter came to order you some drinks. You ordered a Pepsi, making Chris smile.
"Taught you well." He said.
You laughed and once the waiter left, you continued what you wanted to say, or you would, if you hadn't forgotten.
"I forgot." You said.
"Don't worry petal." Matt replied.
"I said about quitting your job. You could get another job." Nick suggested.
You shrugged and listened to the guys talk about their next video. The drinks then came and you grabbed a straw, sipping your cold Pepsi.
"What about that new fortnite update?" Chris called.
You then zoned out. It wasn't like you hated fortnite, you played it occasionally, but just weren't that into it. It was sometimes hard to keep up with all the updates and skins and everything else Chris rambled on about.
"We should get Y/n to join as well! What do you say kid!" Chris exclaimed.
All three guys looked at you and saw you were miles away as you chewed on your straw. Matt gently tapped your hand that was resting on the table, bringing you back down to Earth.
"Back with us, sweetheart." Nick said with a chuckle.
"Sorry." You mumbled, sinking in your seat.
"Don't be sorry, darling. It's fine. Chris rambles on too much anyways." Matt said, as the youngest male stuck his tongue out.
You laughed and looked at Chris, who didn't look upset one bit. You gave him a sheepish smile.
"Can you repeat that please?" You asked.
"I suggested playing fortnite for a video and you joining, what do you say?" He asked.
"Oh uh sure. But It will have to be a tag team thing cause I'll get bored." You answered.
"No problem kid, you and me vs Nick and Matt." He replied.
"Okay. Now can we talk about something that isn't fortnite?" You asked, making them laugh.
@mattsfavbigtitties @lgbtq-girl @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @sturniolo-fann @riowritesitall
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critterbitter · 8 months
actually actually... *pulls out whole stack of paper*...I have. a FEW,, a good few,, questions to ask. they are not many I swear 😇
OK SO FIRST OF ALL HOW DO YOU DRAW SO FAST???? everyday I log onto Tumblr I always see something new from you and I get very very happy. But then I start to question my own existence because not even I CAN SPEED RUN ART LIKE THAT. AND SO SPECTACULARLY TOO
Last question! how do you color and make it look so well?? just. How. I need to know. This is a CRY FOR HE-
anyway thank you for being one of my favorite artists that always feed my brain rot, pls keep making amazing art because like a little yamper I will follow behind and stay updated.
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(Stands there)
Response and thoughts under cut!
First question! What art program I use!
Mostly procreate, along with a handful of brushes! (Specifically the Jing Set and some custom stuff, which is really just a circle brush with the shape changed to a square.)
Second question! How do i draw so much!
Okay so. I am. Ahhah. Unemployed,,,,? No, I do freelance illustration, but hmm. A studio job would be nice.
i graduated college last year and I’m very used to eight hour art shifts. The body sort of remembers to keep working, even though I no longer have storyboards or visdev homework to do.
Also. The hyperfixation is a deep vast tunnel I STILL have not seen the end of the light to, good golly. (I have dreams now about the kids committing shenanigan crimes. I wake up in cold sweat and write them down in a journal. It’s like being the mouthpiece to an angry god.)
So the overall gist is: I was trained to be a storyboard artist with a visdev background, and I’m using that higher education to draw funny muppets because my brain’s funny.
I also DO have a queue, and I’ve been treating this as a sort of inktober project. I am definitely going to slow down soon though! Maybe. Hopefully. Ah… (sheepishly drops my kofi here)
Third question! How do i color!
I. I, uh. I dont know man the coloring demons have a grip on my soul and i just go along for the ride. But also, if it helps, i prefer to limit my pallets to only a few colors at a time. Lighting is king, so if you can figure out if you want to focus on either on your lights or shadows, you’ll have a much easier time composing. That, and symbolic colors— idk, something hits different about art drenched in gold with a tiny hint of a man staring into the blinding horizon, or a green leafy environment with a single dot of artificial red. I also like using blue and purple for shadows, and I’m a big fan of muting colors with only one or two that pop— one of the reasons why I was so attracted to submas in the first place is because from a design aesthetic, they’re both super funny muppet men AND really cool train guys that have a limited pallet and thematic apparel.
Overall response! THANK YOU SO MUCH. This goes out to a BUNCH of people who sent me inbox queries— sorry for not responding, it’s a tad overwhelming because some of them are story questions even I don’t really know will go yet, and others are words of praise and I’m selfish and like scrolling through the inbox to look at them when I feel down. I am more of an artist who sits in the corner and sprouts like a potato rather then a branching vine who socializes, but I really do see people’s responses and they make me go :)))))
Okay ramble over. Thanks for coming to the soapbox, and good luck on creating!
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jungshookz · 1 year
apparently y/n's really good with toddlers and jimin thinks it's adorable
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➺ pairing; balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!y/n
➺ genre; alright balletteacher!jimin stans since the last update was.,,. uh,., anyway here’s some pre-breakupfluff!! actually idk if this is going to make u guys more sad knowing how that last drabble ended but this one is super cute so at least you have that <3 i’m FINALLY appeasing u with balletteacher!jimin content 
➺ wordcount; 2.3k
➺ summary; all the teeny ballerinas seem to gravitate towards y/n for some reason and it’s taking everything within jimin to not spend the entire class just watching her fondly. 
➺ what to expect;  “oops, i dropt my swipper again.”
»»————- 🧸 ————-««
when jimin first got the email from saying that he had to take over the toddler’s ballet class for a day because the teacher for that class called in sick at the very last minute and he was the only one whose schedule lined up perfectly with the toddler’s class, needless to say, he wasn’t very happy 
it’s not that he hates children or anything horrible like that (he really doesn’t understand people who say that they hate children) — don’t get him wrong, he loves when random babies wave at him on the street and he’ll even go as far as to make a face at them if their parents aren’t watching — it’s just that he’s literally never taught a toddler ballet class before so he doesn’t even know where to start… and he also doesn’t know how far he can push them before he’s being accused of being a horrible, mean teacher 
though it would be fairly impressive on his end if they were able to do grand jetés by the end of class 
“i’m so happy we get to play with toddlers all day!” lisa squeals, plopping herself down next to you as you continue your morning stretches in front of the mirror, “aren’t you excited??” 
“i think it’ll be fun!” you smile, nodding in agreement before shrugging, “i’m a little nervous because i literally have never interacted with a child other than my little cousins, and they’re like eight to nine years old now, so i’m out of practice…” 
“it’s okay, y/n,” you feel a harsh pat on your shoulder and you look up to see seulgi smiling sweetly at you, “not all of us can be good at everything. you keep the class humble.”  
“very funny, seulgi.” you grumble, rolling your eyes before turning to look back at lisa, “i’m just glad we kinda get a day off because we have to help mr. park teach the toddlers. i don’t know about you but i am not in the mood to do any pirouettes this morning.” you huff, adjusting your leg warmers before checking out your reflection in the mirror to make sure you look okay
you also feel a little groggy because you didn’t get much sleep last night 
you spent the night at jimin’s and then he drove you back to your place early (because lisa texted and said she’d come over in the morning to have breakfast with you before the two of you zipped over to the studio so you had to go home otherwise she’d be wondering where the hell else you’d be) 
“do you think i should’ve worn the sheep-patterned leg warmers instead? i feel like toddlers would be more receptive to sheeps-“ for some reason you feel like you’re trying to impress the toddlers even though they probably don’t even know what leg warmers are and even if they did they couldn’t care less about them
you were going to wear your sweatpants but you got a new pair of leg warmers and you wanted to show them off (they’re baby pink with little black bows on the back of them), so you decided to pair them with your black leotard, a matching black wrap cardigan, and your stockings of course
“ah, i just love kids,” lisa sighs, getting up from the ground as you get up as well before looping her arm with yours, “and i don’t know about you, but seeing mr. park interact with kids is also something that i’m very much looking forward to.” 
you feel a wide grin growing on your face at the reminder that yes, you’re finally going to see jimin interacting with cute little kids and you remind yourself to keep it cool
you and jimin only started dating a few weeks ago and you don’t want to scare him off by getting all baby crazy
you don’t even know if jimin wants kids 
does he want kids?
and if he does, would he want to have them with you? because you certainly wouldn’t mind carrying his beautiful children and-
“oh my god, they’re so cute!” 
the room erupts into high pitched coos and squeals when the toddlers, well, toddle into the room, all of them dressed in matching baby pink cardigans and leotards and chiffon skirts with stockings on their little legs and neat little slicked back buns on their little heads and it doesn’t take long for you to fall in love with all of them because oh my god they’re so cute and you just want to eat their chubby little cheekies and gobble them up and rRRaAWOOF- 
“ladies, here are our little guests for the day,” jimin laughs lightly, shutting the door behind him quietly as he gently nudges the little ones towards the group like a herd of little baby sheep, “there are twenty-four of them and twelve of you, so if you could each take two for the day, that would be wonderful- oh!” jimin pauses when he accidentally bumps into one of the girls and he reaches down to pat her head, “sorry honey, mr. park is a little clumsy today and you’re just so small-“ 
“oh god, i can’t take it-“ lisa groans quietly, holding a hand over her mouth as she muffles a squeal and starts to bounce on the balls of her feet excitedly, “i can’t take it i can’t take it i can’t take it that is so stinking cute-“ 
“what are we supposed to do, do we just grab two random ones and go?” seulgi asks with a frown and you can’t help but snort because that is such a seulgi thing to ask 
“don’t grab two of them and go, this isn’t a drive through-“ you chuckle, watching as the other girls disperse into the crowd of teeny ballereenies to collect their two for the day, “you just have to go and see which ones vibe with you, i think. which might be hard for you.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” 
“well, all children know that they need to stay away from the wicked witch of the west- OW-“ you yelp when seulgi delivers a hard punch to your arm before taking off 
it’s only in that moment you notice one of the little girls in the back, wide-eyed and holding onto both her slippers, looking as lost as ever 
she stumbles forward as the other girls start shuffling forwards slightly, all the toddlers clearly a little intimidated by all of you 
you make your way over to her and she immediately looks up at you, her lips parting slightly 
“hi! do you need some help with your slippers?” you crouch down so that you’re eye-level with her and she nods shyly before averting her gaze, “okay, i can help you. i’m y/n. what’s your name?” you stand back up before holding your hand out for her and she wraps her hand around two of your fingers, trailing behind you as you lead her to a free corner in the room 
“mia’s a very pretty name,” you smile, looking down at her (from your angle, you can see her little cheeks protruding out slightly and it’s just so cute) 
“i dropt my swipper.” mia suddenly stops in her tracks and you stop as well, letting her bend down to pick up her slipper only for the other one to fall onto the ground, “oops, i dropt my swipper again.” 
you and lisa make eye contact from across the room and she pushes her bottom lip out in a pout before scrunching her face and putting a hand over her chest and you make the same expression in return to tell her that oh my god, i know, right?!
“alright, miss mia, do you wanna sit down for me?” you hum, sitting down cross-legged before patting your lap, “it’ll be easier for me to put your slippers on if you’re sitting.” 
mia nods before plopping herself down on your lap and you nearly let out a coo when you notice how teeny weeny her slippers are
they’re just so cute! and they’re basically the size of your hand!!!!!! 
“how old are you, mia?” you ask, taking her slippers from her before lifting one of her chubby little legs up so you can put a slipper on 
“thwee.” she holds four fingers up and you giggle, reaching over to put one of them down for her, “i’m thwee.” she kicks her legs slightly, sticking the one with the slipper up into the air before wiggling her toes 
»»————- 🧸 ————-««
jimin smiles to himself as he looks around the room, feeling weirdly proud at how well all of you are looking after the little ones even though his teaching has nothing to do with how good you guys are with kids 
he started the class off with a few warm-up exercises and was very impressed at how well the little girls followed his lead (to be honest he’s already picked out the ones that would survive in his class when they’re older, and it’s definitely not the one that started twirling around in ditzy, uncoordinated circles when he asked everyone to get into third position), and it’s only been about twenty minutes but according to the schedule given to him, they take ten minute breaks every twenty minutes which seems a little too lax for his liking, but then again — he’s not a teacher for toddlers, so who is he to say what’s right and what’s wrong? 
and he has to admit that it was hard to not watch you the entire time you were guiding your girls and showing them how to do everything properly (“demi-plie, mia! keep your back straight just like me…”) 
at first he was going to tell you off because you were kneeled on the ground while he was teaching up front but then he realized you were only doing it so you could help the little ones with positioning their feet, and not to mention, you weren’t just helping your own two ballereenies, you were helping whichever ones were around you which was just… so nice to see 
and perhaps the others will suspect him of favouritism because he’s pretty sure lisa caught him staring fondly at you at one point but it’s not like anyone would ever confront him about it so he’s really not too worried 
“and at home, i- i do- um, i do, um, dance evewywhere and my favouwite- favouwite song is wet it go from fwozen because anna and elsa-“
“speaking of let it go- emma, you better let go of my bun before you yank my hair off my head!”
jimin’s ears perk up in interest when he hears your voice among the many voices and squeals and giggles in the room and he turns around, eyes scanning the room until he finally lands on you to see you surrounded by six of the baby ballerinas
you’ve got one of them sitting on your lap with her hand buried in a pack of animal crackers (none of them brought snacks with them so he’s assuming those came from you), one of them with their arms slung over you from behind and her cheek pressed to your shoulder, three of them sitting cross-legged around you, and the last one prancing around you chatting away excitedly 
you wrap your arm securely around the one sitting on your lap, reaching down to smooth some of her hair back before leaning over a little to look at her and ask if she’s alright, and she nods in response before holding a cracker up for you to take 
jimin feels his heart skip a beat at the adorable sight because he was certainly not aware of how good you are with children
he can’t help but chuckle when he notices you showing off your leg warmers off 
so cute
so, so cute
his eyes widen when you look up and immediately lock gazes with him only for you to wave at him shyly before returning your attention to the girls after jimin returns a smile and a wave of his own 
you and y/n would make a really cute baby, the intrusive voice in his head tells him as his arm drops back to his side, and jimin finds his cheeks flushing slightly at the thought of a teeny little y/n trailing behind him like a little duckling 
he could dress her up in her ballet clothes and put bows in her hair and train her to become the best ballerina the world has ever seen and she’d have your hair and eyes and his nose and mouth and she’d be so sweet and kind like you but strong and tenacious like him 
and not to sound like a hormonal boy or anything but the process of baby-making seems like it’d be very fun 
“mr. park, y/n’s stealing all the kids!” jimin looks over when he hears seulgi whining and he resists the urge to snort at how huffy she’s being, “i took two of them like you told us to but all of them are like, gravitating towards y/n for some reason-“
“well, i guess there’s just something about y/n that they like, seulgi.” jimin responds with a shrug, keeping his eyes glued on you with a fond smile twitching at the corner of his mouth 
🎙️ ask y/n where she gets her leg warmers (talk to my characters!) 
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (full fics!) 
💫 or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series!)
🌟 or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits!) 
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luvrxbunny · 1 year
Pairing: No Outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader
Prompt: Praise 
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, praise (kinda like body worship), age-gap, piv, unprotected sex (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 2.8k
A/N: this might suck im so sorry, its super rushed. also I couldn't think of a name (not proofread at all)
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You shake your head as your friends laugh. They always think it’s funny, and although it doesn’t bother you very much, it’s still quite annoying. Your friends seem to think that your relationship with Joel is a fling, some sort of manic, impulsive decision to date someone so much older than you. You’ve explained to them over and over again that what you have with Joel is as real as it gets. You’ve never been more in love with anyone, but they think you’re dickmatized, they’re waiting for you to ‘snap out of it’.
“I told you guys, I love him.” You state before finishing your drink, rolling your eyes at the way they giggle. You check your phone for updates but all you get is Joel’s same ‘15 minutes away.’ text that was there the last time you checked. You pray that every light he comes across is green and the streets are empty, you want to get out of here as soon as possible. 
“I don’t even know if I believe that!” Stacey is drunker than she should be, saying things she shouldn’t be. You’ve grown used to it now, she’s the one who has the most to say about your relationship. “I feel like you treat him like…” She laughs abruptly. “Like he’s your boss or something!” She cackles again at the way your face drops. “And he- he could be, ‘cause he’s so old.” You take a deep breath and look up at her, your face blank as her laughter dies down. 
“Joel is-” Just uttering his name from your lips brings a smile to your face. “He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He understands me, my needs, and my wants in a way that I don’t even understand. I’ve known him for a year and a half now, I’ve known you much longer, yet he knows more about me than you ever will. He’s my everything and that’s never gonna change. I’m not upset at you, just to clarify.” You say with a soft chuckle. “I think all of this is coming from a place of jealousy if I’m being completely honest. I hope that you find someone who loves you like you’re his entire universe.” You begin to collect your things, deciding you can wait for Joel outside. 
“He makes me feel like an angel, like-” You laugh at their shocked and confused expressions. They have no clue what you’re talking about, it makes you pity them a bit, but it mostly makes you happy, feeling lucky you were able to find it. “Anyway…” You chuckle awkwardly and stand to leave. “That’s how I feel about him. So, if you could like… not, say things insinuating that I don’t love my boyfriend, I would really love that.” You smile and awkwardly bow/curtsey at them, waving and walking away. You’re a bit embarrassed at the silence in the room as you walk away. You turn the corner as quickly as you can and jump at the man standing in the middle of the foyer. 
“Joel!? Oh- You scared the shit outta me!” You place a hand over your heart with a smile, taking deep breaths as you walk toward him. “Did you text? I’m sorry there was an… altercation.” He nods at you slowly and only then do you realize his stare. It’s different from the one you usually get, softer, more watery somehow. “I know.” He pauses to take a deep breath as you reach him. His hand reaches out for yours and you take it with a confused smile as you both start walking to the front door. “I uh- I heard actually.”
Joel feels your hand tense in his for a moment as you let out a nervous giggle. “Oh! That- That’s great.” You chuckle and glance up at him for a moment, mumbling. “That’s so embarrassing.” He laughs gently at that, his hand leaving yours once you guys reach the car. “That’s not true, darlin’.” He says as he climbs into the car. You’re chuckling quietly, still embarrassed as you ride home in near silence, the only noise being the little hum of the radio. 
He doesn’t bring it up until after dinner, you’re both on the couch, in Joel's shirt, watching some movie that recently came out but Joel’s mind is on the rant he heard from you earlier. He had shown up unannounced due to his phone dying mid-way through the drive-over. He heard Stacey mention the way you act toward him, how unaffectionate you were. Joel doesn’t necessarily agree with that but he’s definitely questioned your feelings toward him before, constantly wondering if you actually like him or if you’re just lonely. So of course he wanted to hear your answer, he prepared himself for the worst, held his breath, grit his teeth, and waited for the pain of your answer. His heart stuttered when you paused after “Joel is-” 
He was ready to hear the most heartbreaking words tumble from your mouth next, but then you said he was the best thing to ever happen to you, and his heart stopped. His eyes went wide as you rambled on, saying wonderful thing after wonderful thing. He felt his heart tremble inside his chest, loving the things you were saying, and the way you were defending him against your friends. The fact that you were outwardly announcing the extreme feelings you have for him made so many different emotions swirl through him. He was in a daze until you turned the corner, and he’s fallen into that same one again. 
You can feel Joel staring at you, you can see his head turned your way from the corners of your eye. You’re trying to ignore it, but he clears his throat and you turn toward him. “You okay?” His face is a bit frantic and he’s looking at you in that way again, the one you couldn’t really explain. He’s taking slow breaths and turns to you, letting you know this was going to be a whole conversation. You face him, letting the TV play because you don’t even understand the movie anyway. 
“Why don’t you talk to me that way?” His question baffles you. You glace over at the TV, seeing if he's referring to something that happened in the movie but come up with nothing. You turn back to him slowly, watching his expectant, worried expression, and furrow your brows at him, prompting him to explain himself. “Back at Stacey’s house, you were sayin’ real nice things.” You feel the temperature in the room rise as embarrassment creeps into your bones. 
‘Why don’t you talk to me that way?’
“Do you want me to?” You ask concerned. You would never want to even imagine that Joel isn’t feeling loved enough, that you’re not giving him enough, despite all the things you do for him. You reach out for him, waving your hands toward yourself to motion him closer. His head is hung, staring at the couch’s cushions as he scoots himself to you. “I can start telling you all this stuff. I- Honestly I didn’t think you’d want to hear it.” You giggle nervously and take a sudden interest in the couch's patterns. 
Joel’s shocked to his core at your words but quickly takes your opening. “I’d really like it if you’d tell me... I get worried that maybe you don’t- “ He takes a deep breath, his chest heaving with a sigh. “That maybe you don’t like me as much as I-” You cut him off with a hurt, yet firm, “No!”
“Joel you’re so so-” You grunt, unable to explain the way he makes you feel. “You just- You’re everything good, and positive, and amazing in this world.” His entire body relaxes as he lets out a relieved sigh. “You’re perfect. You can’t even argue with me on that. You’re literally my dream guy. You’re kind, even though you’re hot enough that you probably don’t even need to be as nice as you are. You care about me and my feelings even though I’d probably just let you use my body, and throw me away if you really wanted. I-” You pause and take a breath- already worried about how he’ll take some of the things you’ve said. You give him a shy smile, a small laugh slipping out at his dazed look. 
Joel couldn’t breathe as you spoke. His heart was swelling at every word, but there was also a dull hum in his lower stomach that was growing the longer you did. It flares up when you meet his eyes, giving him that pretty smile he loves so much. His head is all jumbled up. He doesn’t know if you’ve asked him something or if he should be responding. All he knows is that he really wants- really needs more. “Can-” He clears his throat, stalling and trying to clear his mind a bit. “Could you tell me more about- about my looks? How-” He feels anxiety flare in his chest as he requests. He’s looking at his hands, examining his knuckles, completely terrified at how you’ll react to the request, scared that you’ll have a look on your face that’ll break his heart. “How do you feel about ‘em?”
Joel has to fight the urge to run his fingers through his hair, run his nails along his beard to comb it and maybe cover the patches. He’s already regretting asking you. He didn’t get enough sleep last night, he probably has bags and he can’t even begin to think about how many gray hairs he has littering his head, and his beard. This shirt is a little too tight too, he can feel his stomach pressing against the fabric.
What do I expect her to say? Fuck, this was a stupid fuckin’ idea. I should’ve at least looked in goddamn mir-
His thoughts are cut off by a squeal and your shaking body. You’re wiggling yourself back and forth on the couch, bouncing in excitement. “Oh my god, Joel, I have so much to say.” He’s astonished at your excitement, at how eager you are to praise him. He can feel the humming in his stomach intensify. “You’re so-” Your voice drops to an adorably shy whisper. “You’re so fucking hot.” He lets out a soft gasp as you straighten your back, place your hands in your lap, and put on a semi-serious face before speaking. 
“So the first thing that’s coming to mind right now is your thighs.” His eyes flicker down, but it doesn’t clarify anything. “How big they are, how thick and meaty- Ugh! I love them so much!” His heart warms and his pulse races at the way you’re smiling, as though telling him these things brings you actual, genuine, joy. “So next I’d like to mention your arms- oh, your arms. They’re so thick, you’re so strong” Your hand comes up slowly to squeeze his bicep, then caress it softly and he can feel himself hardening in his pants. He finally understands the feelings your words cause, he’s grateful, feeling incredibly loved, and insanely turned on. 
“Now I wanna talk about your shoulders! Okay so, what really messes me up like- in general, is how fucking-” You take a shaky breath, that shy smile on your face again as you look at his lap, almost crying at how empty it looks. He notices your hesitance, where your gaze is and he sits back, opening his legs a bit wider and tilting his head toward it. He’s ready to have you on him, for you to know how this is affecting him. His breathing is already speeding up at the thought, watching you climb into his lap. You gasp, eyes wide, a devious smile on your face as you stare at him after feeling the way he's pressing into his jeans for you. “Joel…” Your tone is teasing but playful, bringing a smile to his face as you settle yourself in his lap. 
“You like this? That’s why you want me to talk to you all nice?” His mouth drops open as his hips tilt up, pressing into you as his cock hardens fully. You can feel him filling out his boxers as he nods eagerly at you. You’re grinning as he lowers his hips back down but keeps a small grind for his personal sanity. “Can you keep-”
You’re nodding and continuing before he can finish. “You’re so big, Joel.” The compliment comes out as a whine and you tilt your hips toward him, pressing your chest against his, and your clit into the tip of his dick. He’s groaning your name and bringing his hands to your hips, pushing you into him. “You’re so broad, m-makes me feel so safe.”
He’s kissing your cheek as you speak, grinding up into you, and pressing your hips to him. Your head is getting clouded, consumed with your love for Joel, with the pleasure you’re giving him. “You- Your hair.” His heart stutters slightly, nervous about what you’ll say. “The curls, and it’s so soft and-” Your eyes slip shut as your hips take over, moving on their own as you grip Joel’s hair, pulling him into your chest. “The salt and pepper look is so good, Joel.”
“Fuck me.” His eyes roll back and his hands push your hips up. His hands fumble with his belt as you smother him in your chest, whining about how much you love him. “Love that this turns you on s’much, baby. It’s so fucking cute.” He can hear the smile in your voice and his eyes roll back as he lets out a sweet moan of your name, pressing the heel of his palm into his dick for a moment. 
“Sweetheart, I gotta-” His words are broken by a whine as he finally gets his cock out of his pants, wrapping his warm hand and pumping his cock perfectly. He could cum like this, with you above him, telling him about every feature of his and how it affects you. Your hips are still swiveling in the air as you speak, waiting and looking for something to press against your pussy. It’s the only reason he doesn’t just keep jerking himself to your words. “I gotta fuck you, darlin’. Need you so bad, I want you so much.”
You don’t even look back, you just pull your panties aside, and lower yourself onto him, trusting that he’ll lead himself to the right hole. You’re clinging to his neck as you sink down, moaning his name over and over as he stretches you out. “You’re so tight, baby. Holy shit.” You clench down on him, and pull out of his neck, pressing a sloppy kiss against his mouth. 
He’s thrusting into you slowly, hands gripping your hips to keep your rhythm steady. You’re letting out beautiful moans and little mumbles into his lips, not having the restraint to pull away for even one second. Joel slides his hand from your hip, up your back to hold the back of your neck gently, and pulls you away from him. “What is it, honey?” 
He’s breathless as he fucks into you, his dick pulsing already. He grunts and closes his eyes as you moan incoherent words at him. You’re trying to answer him, your brain has completely turned to mush from the way he’s pounding into you. “-eyes are so p-pretty.” 
Joel’s eyes snap open again. “Your lips are so soft and-” You’re still praising him, still rattling off your list of things that you find arousing about him. He doesn’t understand how you even have this much material, how even though you’re too fucked out to grind yourself on his cock properly, but you can still talk all about how much he turns you on, and how beautiful you think he is. He can feel his balls tightening. 
His hand cups your face, sticking his thumb into your mouth as you whine and hump him harder. He’s trying not to focus too much on how warm, and wet your mouth is and slips his thumb out, ignoring the whimper you give. He relishes in the groan that’s pulled from your chest as he puts pressure on your aching, swollen clit. He’s rubbing circles before you can finish your moan of his name, your eyes roll back, and your body tenses. Joel’s in shock at how quickly he’s got you cumming around him. Your pussy spasms and your hips jerk against him with your mouth open in a silent moan. 
Joel keeps his finger running over your clit as he watches you cum, still thrusting into you, chasing that last push he needs to fall over the edge. You give it to him without him having to ask. “Fuck me so perfect, Joey-” You pitch up into a whine and tangle your hands in his hair roughly. “A g-good boy, such a great guy-” You’re cut off as he bucks into you, his hips lifting off the couch completely, almost throwing you off as he groans and fills you to the brim.
He’s resting his head against your shoulder, his arms wrapped around you and holding your body to his as he throbs inside you, spilling all he has into your pulsing hole. He's huffing out groans in time with the ropes his dick is spurting into you, his entire body shaking as pleasure takes him over. You’re encouraging him the whole time, talking him through his orgasm, helping him tame the fire that’s raging through him.
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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notiddygxthgf · 1 month
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1. Arrival in Tokyo
★ pairings: aki hayakawa x fem reader
★ ❝ Captain? Should I be calling you sir? ❞ ❝ Only if you want to. ❞
★ c.w.: aki being sexy a f (more content warnings and tags)
★ a/n: CHAPTER ONE IS UP AND RUNNINGGGGGG!! im so excited bc ive been sitting on this fanfic all fking summer like when i tell u i havent been able to focus on anything else. i have not known peace. ANYWAY im trying smth new w this story bc it was supposed to be a oneshot but uh... now its at 150 pages on google docs so erm... anyway! updates should flow quixker now that i have 90% of it written!! comment and let me know all of ur thoughts everywhere omg i love reading ur remarks bc u guys r so funny on my other ffs. ENJOY POOKIES! i love yall!!
★ w.c.; 4.3k
shameless ; chapter index
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"SO YOU'RE LEAVING ME because the Tokyo division needs backup?" 
"I'm not leaving you," You sighed, though a playful lilt and a smirk followed your sarcastic remark. You and your husband were discussing work-related matters over a sushi dinner – your favorite. Perks of being married to your work partner. "I'm being summoned. I won't be long. Promise."
Your husband frowned, brows knitting together. His brown hair was tied back into a bun, baby hairs licking at his forehead, his cheeks. Tanimoto Yoshiro was a man of many virtues, but patience was not one of them. With a sigh, he began to toy with his salmon roll, prodding it with the end of his wooden chopsticks. "One whole week without that sexy ass of yours... What will I do?"
Your left eye twitched – slightly, hardly noticeable by the naked eye. You, for one, wouldn't miss the sex. It was, for lack of a better word... unfulfilling. It would get better over the years, you were sure of it. The two of you had only had the last few years to practice, after all. You wanted to wait until marriage (With him. You were no virgin by any stretch of the word.).
It was unfair of you to take your sexual frustrations out on him. It had been a tiring week for the both of you, is all. You barely had time for sit down meals like this anymore – whatever hanky-panky the two of you ever did indulge in these days was rushed, messy, and often... short lived.
Anyway, needless to say... You would be fine. It was you and your rabbit toy against the world, anyway.
"You'll be fine," You smiled. You loved him. He loved you. He was a great husband, and he took care of you. You had no reason to complain. "I'll be back before you know it." .
The Japanese countryside was a blur, rushing past the window of your train like pictures, like a movie. You hadn't noticed the train slow to a stop, in fact, until you heard the doors open. Popping your head up over the seat, you observed the train station. Which stop is this? People began filtering in from both sides, eager to find a seat before the train took off.
A shrill cry of your name roused you from your thoughts. 
You whipped your head around. A familiar-looking woman with black hair and an eyepatch was waving you down across the aisle. She was wearing a Public Safety suit and slacks. Himeno.
A smile crawled over your lips before you knew it. "Himeno?" You asked, a teasing lilt in your tone. "Is that you?"
Without asking if anyone else was sitting there, she took a seat in the one across from you. She leaned forward, perching her chin up on her hand. "Never thought I'd see you again. How the hell are 'ya?"
You and Himeno went way back. She had been in the same division as you back when the two of you were teens. She was the first person in Public Safety who had ever actually welcomed you to the division and the last person to say goodbye to you. You parted ways before ever being able to exchange information but, for what it was worth, she had made those gruesome, tedious missions more bearable. 
"I've been good!" You grinned. "I've been in the Kyoto sector with my partner. I truly did plan on coming back, but one thing led to another, and now..." You trailed off, waving your hands around like you were trying to find the right words. "Well, I'm married to him."
The train creaked and groaned before it began to move again. 
"So I've heard," Himeno licked her lips. She sat back in her chair, producing a carton of cigarettes – the kind she always used to smoke when the two of you were on missions together. "You mind if I smoke?"
No, but the conductor might. "Of course not," You answered. "How about you? How have you been?"
She sighed. "Been better, honestly. Devil activity's been crazy recently," Fishing a lighter out of her suit pocket, she sparked up. The end of her cigarette sizzled and smoked between her slim fingers. Holding it up to her lips, she muttered, "Just doing what I can to stay alive. What brings you back to the city?"
"My presence has been requested by the higher-ups," You shrugged. The scent of nicotine and smoke filled the cabin. It was gross but, frankly, familiar. "My husband wasn't too happy that he didn't get invited, so this better be worth it."
"I see," Himeno hummed, breathing out a puff of smoke to the side. She kept on looking out of the window after that, at the train station that was now far behind the train. "You're leaving your partner and I'm returning to mine."
"You're married?" You asked.
"God, no," She chuckled softly, pulling another hit from her cancer stick. "Wouldn't mind being with my assigned partner, though. He's a fine piece of ass."
It seemed like you couldn't help the way you burst into laughter at her crude remark. She hasn't changed one bit. "Is he cute?"
"Cute?" She repeated the word like it was a foreign object in her mouth. Her voice was muffled by the cloud of smoke that flowed out from between her lips. "He's drop-dead gorgeous," She took another slow, calculated hit. "Enough about me, though, how's the married life going for you?"
Could be better. You feigned a warm smile at the mention of your husband. "Good. Yeah, it's good."
Good was a bit of an overstatement. .
You and Himeno spent the rest of the train ride catching up. There was talk about marriage, sex, old coworkers, and new ones. It felt kind of good to be back – to be able to talk to someone who shared the same history as you. You would almost say that you missed it.
By the time the announced its next stop at the Tokyo station, you hadn't even realized how quickly the trip had gone by. You could thank your talkative companion for that. As the train finally eased to a stop, you turned to Himeno with a smile. 
"I need to grab my bags," you said, rising from your seat and straightening your clothes.
Himeno nodded, her smile warm but tinged with a hint of sadness. "Okay. Take care of yourself!"
Navigating the narrow aisle, you headed toward the luggage compartment. As you reached up to grab your suitcase, you collided with someone. Startled, you looked up to find yourself face-to-face with a man who immediately captured your attention. He was tall, easily over six feet, with broad shoulders and a powerful build that spoke of both strength and discipline. His dark hair was tied back in a neat topknot, accentuating his sharp, angular features. But it was his eyes that held you—their piercing blue depths seemed to look straight through you, filled with a seriousness that made you catch your breath.
"Sorry—" he began, his voice a deep, resonant baritone that vibrated through the narrow space.
For a moment, the world seemed to narrow down to just the two of you. The closeness of his body, the scent of his cologne—clean and subtly spiced, lingering just faintly on the collar of his suit jacket—the intense focus of his gaze; all of it created a bubble of tension that neither of you could ignore. You could see the flicker of surprise in his eyes, a momentary lapse in his serious demeanor, as if he too had been caught off guard.
Both of you paused. His gaze flickered down to your uniform for just a heartbeat before he quickly looked away, regaining his composure. Without another word, you continued in opposite directions, the silent exchange leaving you... well, a little breathless to say the least.
Stop it. You're a married woman. Surely, you would know how to control your impulses after being away from your husband for only a day.
Reaching up, you pulled your suitcase from the overhead compartment, the weight of it a familiar comfort. Setting it down on the ground with a soft thud, you turned back to your seat, only to find the handsome man still standing there, now engaged in conversation with Himeno. He was so tall that he had to actually lean over a little bit to fit into the cabin.
Fuck me. You thought. Wait, no, don't fuck me.
"Is this your partner, Himeno?" you asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Yes, I found him!" Himeno responded with a wide grin. "Captain Hayakawa, this is an old friend of mine," she said, going on to introduce you by name.
"Hello," he greeted, extending his hand. The deep, velvety timbre of his voice sent a shiver down your spine.
"Captain? Should I be calling you 'sir'?" you teased lightly, shaking his hand – and his grip was firm and warm.
"Only if you want to," he replied, "Hayakawa is fine."
Only if you want to.
Get your fucking head out of the gutter.
Your heart skipped a beat as you found yourself momentarily lost in his gaze. His eyes were a captivating shade of blue, intense and unwavering. The handshake lingered a moment too long. You could feel the strength and warmth of his hand – it was far larger than yours, and had calluses at the tip of the palm.
Despite his serious demeanor, there was a flicker of something in his eyes, a hint of interest that he seemed determined to keep under control. Reluctantly, you pulled your hand away, feeling the lingering warmth of his touch. 
His gaze remained locked on yours for a moment longer, a silent acknowledgment of whatever the fuck had just happened.
Himeno cleared her throat, breaking the spell. "Well, let me give you a big hug, dearest."
You embraced her fondly, the familiarity of her touch grounding you. 
"Here, give me your number," Himeno said as she pulled back. She flipped her phone open. "Let's keep in touch."
With a smile, you told her your phone number. 
She snapped her phone shut after she had finished typing it in. "Okay! Hopefully, I'll get to see you around."
"Yes, of course! We'll be in touch," You agreed. You bowed your head to her, then to her partner. "Hayakawa."
He nodded back. You dismissed yourself after that, turning on your heel and practically scrambling to get out of that tiny train cabin. Still, you couldn't help but glance back at Captain Hayakawa. His eyes met yours again for a brief, fleeting moment before you turned away, heart racing with something you hadn't felt in a long time.
You didn't want to stick around and find out what it was. The weight of your wedding ring around your finger was a reminder of that much. .
You hadn't been in Public Safety's Tokyo headquarters in years. It was bigger than you remembered it being. The worst part? All the halls looked the exact same. It took you about thirty minutes to find the office in which you were currently standing.
A woman who you'd been dreading seeing the whole way over there was perched on a leather seat in front of you, arms folded over the desk, pink hair braided the same way it always had been, feline eyes flitting over your body. It made you feel small – like prey trapped in a predator's den.
"How was your trip over here?" Makima asked. Her voice was smooth, uniform – calculated, just like everything else she did. 
"It was pleasant," You answered. "I came as soon as I could."
"We appreciate that," Makima said, a hint of something sinister in her smile.
She stepped out from behind her desk, pacing slowly around the room. "I called you here because we've recently suffered a great deal of casualties," she explained, her tone measured and controlled. "I'm worried we won't have the manpower to deal with all the sudden appearances of gun-devil pieces."
"I understand. Am I being formally stationed?" you replied, trying to maintain your composure.
"Not that I know of, no," she responded, her eyes narrowing slightly. "For now, we need backup on a particular mission involving a school in the area. There have been reports of peculiar activity there, and I want to send one of my teams to investigate. I haven't decided whether you'll be in the field or here tying up some loose ends—we recently lost one of our best workers, and we're very far behind as a result. I'll have a certain answer for you within the next few days."
"A few... days?"
"Yes, is that a problem?"
"No, not at all, no. I just—" you sighed, feeling the weight of uncertainty. "Yeah, okay, that sounds good."
"You've also been booked a hotel suite nearby. Your stay will be provided at no cost to you," she continued, her tone unwavering. "I'll reach out to you as soon as I have more details. Hang tight until then."
With a tight-lipped smile, you nodded. "Thank you, Miss Makima. Am I dismissed?"
"Yes, I'll have one of our drivers take you to your room so you can drop off your luggage," she said, her smile not reaching her eyes. "Where did you leave it?"
"I left it in the break room," you said.
"Very well. I'll have someone collect it," she replied, her eyes closing briefly as she smiled. "Get home safely."
With that, you turned and left the office, the tension of the encounter still lingering in the back of your mind. There was just something about that damn lady that never failed to send a shiver up your spine. You sighed, glancing down at the old floorboards, at your shoes.
The reality of the situation began to sink in. 
You had traveled all this way, navigating the maze of identical halls and sterile rooms, only to be told you had to wait. The thought gnawed at you— That sounds about right from her, you mused. It was typical of Makima, always keeping you in the dark, always one step ahead, holding the reins tightly.
The cool, clinical atmosphere of the headquarters only heightened your sense of displacement. The fluorescent lights overhead cast a harsh, unforgiving glow, making everything look stark and unwelcoming.
Lost in your thoughts, you heard a series of footsteps echoing down the hall, followed by hushed voices. The sound grew closer, and you recognized the voice immediately—it was the young lieutenant captain again, the man you had bumped into earlier.
You glanced up, and there he was, standing just a few feet away. He was a striking figure, his presence suffocating – commanding and enigmatic. He had a sharp jaw, chiseled and defined, the kind that could cut paper. His eyes, a moody blue, held a penetrating gaze, one that seemed to see right through you, making you feel as though you were laid completely bare before him.
His brow was knit slightly in deep thought. There was a slight furrow at the bridge of his nose. The tufts of inky black hair that framed his features only added to the boyish charm of his face. 
As he spoke to the other Public Safety worker beside him, his hands moved with purposeful grace.
Your eyes were drawn to him despite yourself, unable to escape the force of his presence. 
His gaze caught yours briefly, and in that fleeting moment, you felt an almost tangible tension in the air. It was as if time had stopped for a heartbeat, the corridor seeming to stretch and contract around the two of you.
The connection between your eyes was like a magnet, pulling you in despite your efforts to look away. The faintest flutter in your chest was enough to have you gripping the collar of your shirt.
He blinked first, his eyes breaking away from yours as he turned back to his companion. The conversation resumed, but the air seemed thicker now, charged with the residual energy of your brief encounter. 
"We need to re-evaluate our strategies for dealing with the increased devil activity," he said, his words carefully chosen. "The losses have been significant, and our resources are stretched thin."
You turned and walked in the opposite direction, the soft hum of the fluorescent lights overhead seeming to amplify the distance you were putting between yourself and him.
As you moved down the corridor, you couldn't shake the feeling that his eyes were still on you, as if the weight of his gaze lingered even after you had turned away.  .
You had just stepped out of the shower, the steam still clinging to the room and curling around the bathroom mirror in hazy swirls. The cool, clean air of the hotel suite met you as you emerged, a refreshing contrast to the stifling atmosphere of the Public Safety headquarters.
You took a moment to let the chill of the air sink into your skin, feeling the pleasant coolness against your damp hair and freshly washed face. You dried yourself off, the soft towel enveloping you in its warmth, and slipped into a comfortable set of loungewear—simple, dark gray sweatpants and a loose-fitting, white t-shirt.
You walked over to the full-sized bed, the crisp white sheets and plush pillows arranged neatly. You flopped down onto it, letting out a relieved sigh as you sank into the softness of the mattress.
Reaching for your phone from the nightstand, you dialed your husband's number. As the call connected, you propped yourself up on one elbow and stared at the ceiling, trying to shake off the exhaustion of the day.
When he answered, his voice was calmingly familiar, cutting through the distance between you with a comforting ease. "Hey. How's everything going?"
"It's been a day," you said with a soft chuckle. "I finally got here, but of course, they've got me waiting for more details. Typical."
"Sounds about right," he said, his voice tinged with a longing that you could almost touch through the phone, "I miss you."
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to push away the brief flash of memories that drifted through your mind—blue eyes and raven hair, a fleeting image that made your heart skip a beat. An image of soft lips wrapped around the syllables, 'Only if you want to.'
You shook your head gently, trying to dispel the image from your thoughts. "I miss you too," you said, trying to keep your tone light and steady.
You heard the faint sound of his smile through the phone, a soft, reassuring sound. You had never been so happy to hear his voice. "How's the hotel?"
"It's nice," you said, shifting your position on the bed to get more comfortable. "Pretty standard, but it's got a good view of the city."
"I can think of one view I'd really like to see right now," he teased gently. 
Just as you were about to reply, your phone started ringing again. You glanced at the screen and saw the name of your old coworker. 
"Hold on, I'm getting a call," you said, your fingers hovering over the screen. 
"Ugh, okay," he said. "Bye."
"Bye," you replied, a smile tugging at your lips as you ended the call.
You took a deep breath before picking up. "Hello?"
"Heya, Hot stuff. What you up to?" Himeno drawled into the receiver.
"Just got out the shower," You answered. "Why? Is something up?"
"Nah. Well, yeah," She giggled. "Miss Makima's taking us out for drinks to celebrate the success of our last mission tomorrow. She rented out this whole space for us. You coming?"
You chuckled quietly, carding a hand through your damp hair. "I always feel dull at parties."
"You? Dull?" Came Himeno's retort. "This really the same person who used to take body shots off complete strangers back in the day?"
The mere mention of your past self had you laughing all over again. "Times change."
"Married life made you soft?" 
You winced. Sure, perhaps a somewhat-boring life in the countryside with your husband had made you a little soft. But there was something in the way she said it – something that made you tick. You were happy being a married woman. You had been happy since the two of you had eloped at 21.
You were happy, dammit. You just wished it was a little easier to convince yourself of that.
"I don't know..." You trailed off. "I won't be any fun."
"Noooooo... You have to come!" Himeno groaned. You could hear her pacing around in the background. "DENJI!" She called to god knows who. "Back me up here!"
The phone was handed over to someone else – a young-sounding boy. "I'm not gonna force someone to go to a stupid party."
"Tell her to come!" Could be heard very faintly in the background.
"Wait. She's a 'she'?"
"Not just any 'she', thats–"
"You should definitely come tonight," The boy decided. "Name's Denji, by the way."
"Hi, Denji," You sighed. "Could you hand the phone back to Himeno for just a moment?"
"Sure," He answered. "Bye, gorgeous. See you there."
Gorgeous. He hasn't even seen me and he's calling me gorgeous. You had to have been in the twilight zone.
"So, you're coming, right?" Himeno's voice chirped over the line.
"I don't know," You answered (again). "Who's going?"
"Aki's coming. Remember him? Partner? Total hottie?" She replied. 
Total hottie was an understatement. Again, the image of his pretty face flashed through your mind. You squashed the mere thought of it – like an incessant bug. "Yes, we met."
"I'm gonna get a smooch out of him by the end of the night," She giggled. "You can bet on that."
People came and went. Seasons changed. Himeno, however, did not. She was just as crude as you had always remembered her being.
"Just a kiss?" You teased.
"Maybe. Maybe more," She teased right back. "Can you believe he doesn't have a girlfriend? He's 20! That's gotta mean something."
He's five years younger than me... You picked mindlessly at your nails. "Something like...?"
"Dunno. Am I wrong for thinking he's holding out for me?" 
"Oh, to be young and naive again," You sighed. "I was engaged at his age," You trailed off, words hanging in the air for a moment after they had slipped past your lips.
Awkward. Did that slip out?
You leaned back against the headboard, feeling the cool pillows against your back while your mind drifted to the past. You had been so young when you'd gotten married, looking back. You loved him, you truly did. Sure, you had your issues, but didn't every married couple?
The two of you were happy. Still, a pang of jealousy surfaced when you heard Himeno speak so freely about her independence, her sexual prowess. In a way, you felt as though you had been deprived of that freedom far too early.
Your fingers traced the edge of your phone, your gaze drifting as memories flooded your mind. Himeno's laughter on the other end of the line seemed distant, a reminder of a simpler time, unburdened by the weight of responsibilities and commitments.
You were happy... weren't you?
"Hey, you still there?" Himeno's voice pulled you back to the present, her tone tinged with concern.
"Yeah, sorry," you replied, shaking off the melancholy that had crept into your thoughts. "Just got lost in my head for a moment."
"Don't we all," she sighed, her voice softening. "Look, just come down tomorrow. It'll be fun. We can catch up, have a few drinks, and maybe you can even be my wingman for the night."
You chuckled, the sound more genuine this time. "Alright, fine. I'll come. But no promises about playing matchmaker."
"Yay! It's at five," Himeno's excitement was palpable, and it was contagious. "I'll see you then. Hopefully, you can loosen up a little bit. Relive the good days."
"Yeah, maybe," you said, a small, half-assed smile playing on your lips. "See you then."
You ended the call and set your phone to the side. 
Loosen up a little, You thought. Yeah, you could definitely stand to do that.
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a/n: shortie but a goodie! i already have most of the story written (so this one doesnt wind up like my 25,000 other unfinished projects), and this was the only way i could think to cut this chapter off hehe. ANYWAYYYY i hope yall enjoyed and are prepared for the TENSION AND SPICEEEE. omg its so tasty i cant wait. stay tuned! its gonna be so amazing. please comment and whatever to let me know your thoughts, wants and desires for this story! or just smth fun. i love reading yalls comments hehe comments + reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
credits: UNKOWN ATM. I found it on pinterest unfortch. If you know the artist, please let me know, so I can credit them properly for their work!!! This is NOT MY BEAUTIFUL DRAWINGGG. I obviously do not own csm or anything related to it. please do not reproduce, copy, or translate my works anywhere. dont fk w me im a bruja.
also: come find me on my wattpad if u wanna interact more!
taglist: @mitsuyeahhh , @sleepysnk , @enneadec , @noaabean , @em1e , @drakensdarling , @bertholdts--butt , @satanlovesusall666 , @mitsuwuyaa , @noctifule , @scaraphobia , @ask-the-insect-hashira , @lovingranchturkeyweasel , @bontensbabygirl , @slvdsjjk , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn , @hqtiny , @ohmaiscool15 , @redlittlequeen , @leivane , @goldeneagles-posts , @yeahblahlame , @no-oneelsebutnsu , @cookiesandcreammy , @cawwn , @the-haitani-baton , @littlelovebug98 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @kokos-property , @violetmatcha , @hp-simp505 , @acethebrave , @mitsuyeahhh , @sleepysnk , @enneadec , @noaabean , @em1e , @drakensdarling , @bertholdts--butt , @satanlovesusall666 , @mitsuwuyaa , @noctifule , @scaraphobia , @ask-the-insect-hashira , @lovingranchturkeyweasel , @bontensbabygirl , @slvdsjjk , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn , @hqtiny , @ohmaiscool15 , @redlittlequeen , @leivane , @goldeneagles-posts , @yeahblahlame , @no-oneelsebutnsu , @cookiesandcreammy , @cawwn , @the-haitani-baton , @littlelovebug98 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @kokos-property , @violetmatcha , @hp-simp505
wanna join the taglist? | shameless ; chapter index
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freakutsk · 13 days
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Hey my name is Michael / Mikhail, but you can call me Micah! I was called Lolumboner but unfortunately fagblr fkn banned me! So follow me and reblog me so I can get my mutuals back lmao. I am 16 y/o my pronouns are he/him and I am well obviously T.C.C, I can speak Russian, Finnish and English ( obviously lmao) but,, I am learning GERMAN so maybe if you’re German you could like,, quiz me on it or something 😭 I’m also looking for my TCC friend Anders so like he’d Norwegian but his family is from Argentinia and his either ex or current bf has a blue hair so yeah… anyways here is my socials if u wanna get in touch!!
DISCORD : urinerigh
INSTAGRAM : joeysmacker88
AIRBUDS : carbine.high
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 : True Crime, Commentary YouTubers, First Person Shooters, Violent Video Games, Cryptozoology, Mythology, Folklore, Urban Legends, Psychological + Gory Slasher Movies, Firearms, Knives, Bombs, Tanks, Planes, Cars, History, War, Geography, Flags, music (black, heavy, nü, industrial etc), shock sites, self care, psychology, criminology, sociology, encyclopaedia dramatica, 4chan, Reddit, Lost Media, internet mysteries and lulcowz..
𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐒 : Eric Harris + Dylan Klebold, Artyom Anoufriev + Nikita Lytkin, Viktor Sayenko + Igor Suprunyuk, Kipland Kinkel, Anders Breivik, Dylann Roof, Brenton Tarrant, Murder Of Bianca Devins, Elliot Roger, Ben Field, Albert Fish, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Cho Seung-Hui, The Zodiac Killer, Jack The Ripper, Manson Family, Ed Gein, Ricky Kasso, The Unabomber, Jihadi John and Andrew Blaze (although not really “killers” I do enjoy reading about the Cases of Ronnie Mcnutt, Shaub Aslam, Gleb Korablev, Rina Palenkova, Christine Chubbuck, Blue Whale Victims and Budd Dwyer)
Soo uh yeah in conclusion follow me as imma very good and funny guy,, feel free to dm me if you want and I’ll update this later but I cba atm lol….
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sadlyiamgay · 9 months
Yandere Genshin Men Brainrot
Im going fucking insane. Anyways have any of you guys played silly or furry wisher? It's like a cute and funny genshin ripoff, a little boring at times but I enjoy clicking away in slime valley. While playing though an idea popped into my brain, "what if the real genshin characters (that's hopelessly inlove with you) finds out the reason why you haven't played genshin in a while? Only to realize that you're playing a genshin meme game" And then these men go and hack the shit out of the game because monika vibes I love. Uh might update from time to time, thie will only include Zhongli and Neuvillette (they're literally the only well built 5 stars I have. How the fuck do we build genshin characters I'm so confused)
By the way check out the games (Silly Wisher, Furry Wisher). It's fun and amusing
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--ZHONGLI: His reaction to the realization of you playing an.. Odd ripoff(?) Game was one of pure amusement, the Geo archon couldn't blame you either, I mean, your poor little head couldn't handle the amount of unfinished and WAY too hard quests, he thought you were taking a break, but after a while (when you eventually and finally returned) he finds out pretty quickly from your small mumbles and comments that he oh so always adores, and out of pure curiosity decided to break out of the game codings and go through your apps, seeing two new odd games on your phone, Silly wisher and.. Furry.. Wisher..? Of course he broke in the new favorite games you had in your device, and cooing at the fact that you *still* main and favor him even in these joke games. He also quickly realized that he could easily possess the John Lee (he was a little offended by the name, but quickly laughed along when he heard you wheeze everytime you played the game) as well as Meatball. Quickly making both the characters extremely and suspiciously.. **Overpowered.**
"... Wait. Since when did Johnny do 100k damage??? Is this what happens if you level them up to level 15??? "
- YOU, mumble, absolutely amused and still giggling after listening to Dr. Snek's voiceline. Zhongli smiles, happy that you were enjoying your gameplay, he felt grateful, even though he was a little upset that you decided to play some ripoff game instead of properly spending time with him, Zhongli was happy that he didn't have to hide his lovestruck and flustered face, in the real game he always tried his best to mess with the camera so that it would never face him, he used to be able to hide his true emotions, but overtime it got harder. Extremely, harder (haha that's what she said). So it was a breath of fresh air on seeing you without you yourself seeing him, letting himself indulge in fantasies that he could never think of whenever you were around. Especially with the other game too. He could stare at you all the time, and you'd brush it off. Each time Meatball came around and jumped into the screen you'd coo, making him fall harder (down the stairs of) inlove with you. Each time you needed a copy of him for the whole "gene splicer" He'd come home willingly. Hell, there was a pull you did once that consisted of him and only him. He of course didn't question the fact that the dog version (that sounds so wrong) of him has alot kids. But he brushes it off. Replacing the thought of his genetics being merged is weird, into a fantasy where all those merged, genetically made kids were yours and his.
Congratulations, you gave this old man wattpad fantasies. Fucking hell, he wants to pull you into the game to do that. Though, that thought can and should wait. For now, he wants to watch and stare at you longer. *Just* a little longer.
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--NEUVILETTE, the hydro dragon was always a man with (questionable) morals. But even he, the mascot of Justice has his limits. He was upset at the fact that you weren't as active as before, sure he sympathized with your overwhelmed situation (especially since it was he who activated half the quests), but that mean you can literally just leave like that. It wasn't his fault that his curiosity about the game you kept mumbling about made him break out of the game he's bounded in. What was his reaction to Hydropump Judge and Judgy Cat? Well, he laughed. Not because he was upset, but because he was *still* favored. He was still your main. Even if there was no differences in attacks when it came to grinding in slime valley. So he rewards you with extremely overpowered and multiple copies of him, it also doesn't help the fact that he could literally also just stare at you for hours and hours. And you still brush it off. You weren't weirded out. You weren't reporting to the game developers. Unlike when you felt uncomfortable when he forced the camera to not be able to move and freezing the option to switch through the characters. Just you and him. Eye to eye.
"Man I wished you had a voiceline, Neuvi. I mean, your banner description in this game is absolutely hilarious, but I genuinely want another funny audio. Aside fron Dr. Snek"
-YOU mumble as you kept spamming the attack button, watching your highscore be passed, you questioned why the character was able to hit high numbers, but you didn't question it, you never did. Brushing it off and thinking that it must be because he had the highest level out of everyone. Neuvillette smiles. Happy, satisfied and lovestruck at how calm and adorable you were. He loved your expressions, all of it. But he *adored* your relaxed state. Since it was rare to see you like this. He wished the Fontaine update and his banner came earlier when you joined the game.
...Maybe he should lower the world level himself? He wants to see you in this state more often. He wants to see you happy and carefree, proud that you finally finished your quests. He thought of this as he kept staring at you through Judgy cat. You had fallen asleep, not minding the fact that he was on screen a while ago. You didn't question it, since it was part of the games anyways. Seeing you in such a state makes him want to break out of your damn electronic and drag you with him. But that can wait, for now he should think of a way to make you play genshin more often.
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hairstevington · 1 year
i can't tune you out (part 1)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Eddie Munson is an up-and-coming rock and roll artist living in LA. Steve Harrington (under the stage name HARVEST) has been taking the radio by storm lately. When the fans start shipping them together as a couple, Steve and Eddie consider it an opportunity to boost their upcoming albums. There's just one problem - they can't stand each other. (Link to Ao3)
Part 2 Part 3 - the rest on Ao3!
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: Rockstar!Eddie, Indie!Steve, modern day AU, enemies to lovers, slow burn, fake dating/PR relationship, they are both assholes lowkey but they'll get better later in the fic I promise, Drunk!Steve, Nancy is still a heartbreaker, oh look Robin and Chrissy are also here
A/N: Here you have it folks, the much awaited return of Rockstar!Eddie. I've had this story on the backburner for a while now and am so excited to dive into it! Don't worry - I will be updating Flowers and Ink soon, I just got inspired and wrote this first chapter as a little teaser for you all ;)
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It all started with a t-shirt. 
Steve was playing his own show the night Robin went to a Corroded Coffin concert with a friend from work. He wasn’t upset or anything, because Robin had been to Steve’s shows countless times in the past. Besides, he didn’t like Corroded Coffin’s music anyway. 
Apparently, Robin liked the show enough to go to the merch table, where she bought a Corroded Coffin t-shirt, and the rest is history.
“Ridiculous,” Steve muttered to himself. His dryer was busted AGAIN, which meant he had to call the stupid landlord to have it fixed AGAIN. 
He’d been so busy with shows that he hadn’t had a lot of time to do laundry, and this was him finally catching up. Of course, the damn thing broke. Now he had no clothes. 
He sighed and went to the designated Robin drawer she insisted she have at Steve’s apartment. She was there a lot of nights anyway, so she always kept some pajamas and things just in case. Thank god for Robin’s love of oversized clothing. 
He grabbed the first shirt he saw, threw it on, and headed to the grocery store. 
Steve wasn’t even conscious of what the shirt said. Maybe he should have glanced in the mirror before he left, but he was tired and just needed to get food for the week. He’d been out of town on tour for a while now, so there was nothing at home. 
People were staring at him, but that wasn’t too unusual. His stage name was HARVEST, which was nice because he could separate himself from his music when he wanted to. His persona when he performed was vastly different to the guy wandering a grocery store in his best friend’s clothes, and he liked that. It was freeing. It gave him some semblance of privacy, because most fans of his music didn’t even know his real name. 
The more devoted fans, however…
People took his picture sometimes without asking first. That was common. It wasn’t great, but it was common. Steve was never that concerned with looking ugly on the internet, anyway. Although, if people went up to him and asked, he usually said yes if they were nice about it. 
It took about three hours for the notifications to pour in. Steve ignored them, at first. His publicist would handle whatever it was. But then, Robin called. 
“Steve!” she greeted when he answered. “You wore my shirt out?”
“Uh, yeah?” Steve responded. He looked down to see that it was a band t-shirt. Nothing too crazy about it. “That okay?”
“Yeah, it’s fine,” she assured him. “It’s just funny because somehow now people think you’re Corroded Coffin’s number one fan.”
“That’s…strange,” Steve said, confused. “All because I wore their shirt one time?”
“Yeah, well people looked into it and they found out you and Eddie Munson went to high school together -”
“Ah,” Steve acknowledged, starting to understand. 
“- and now people are shipping you with him and all that.”
“Wait, what?” Steve’s face fell. “They’re - Like, that’s insane. It’s only been a few hours and - I mean, I don’t even know the guy.”
“Yeah, but do you remember that TikTok you made last year?” she asked. “The one where you took the metal song and stripped it down, sang it in your style instead?”
“Uh, yeah, I think so.” 
Steve did that a few times with a variety of genres. He liked taking music to weird and unexpected places. So, sometimes when there was a viral song or sound, he’d put his own spin on it. 
“Okay, well that was a Corroded Coffin song,” Robin explained. 
“It…was?” Steve genuinely had no idea. He didn’t look into the artist before he’d made the video. 
“Yeah,” she confirmed. “You seriously didn’t know?”
“No,” Steve answered. “So, that combined with the t-shirt and now people think I’m having an affair with this guy or something?” He scoffed. He’d never understand why people were so hellbent on creating stories from nothing.
“It’s just the internet, Steve,” Robin replied. “People say all kinds of things.”
“Yeah, but -” Steve sighed, shutting his eyes tightly. It wasn’t just that he was being shipped with some random guy, it was that Steve wasn’t even out yet. It was kind of a whole thing he and his team had been working on. His new album was supposed to announce it, not some random pairing based on zero evidence.
“Yeah, I know,” Robin said. Steve knew she understood completely, even without him saying anything. She knew his sexuality before he did. “I promise it’s not a huge deal. Sorry the internet sucks.”
“Thanks,” Steve responded. He hung up, groaned, and collapsed onto his couch, where he fell into a deep sleep. 
“Eddie, we can use this.”
Eddie held back the groan he so desperately wanted to let out. He was on the phone with his manager, Carla, who had just told him that people online were pairing him with some other musician that Eddie had heard on the radio a few times and - yikes. It wasn’t his vibe. 
“Use it for…?” he asked, completely nonplussed. He picked up a rubber band ball on his desk and rolled it around in his hands. 
“You both have albums coming out soon,” she continued. “So, if you’re dating him then - I mean, think of the publicity.”
“Dating him?” Eddie echoed, confused. “Aren’t we jumping the gun, here? Do we even know if this dude likes other dudes in the first place?”
“No, but you should find out,” Carla insisted. “I mean, it’s HARVEST, Eddie. His music is everywhere right now.”
Eddie knew that much, at least. He didn’t listen to the music when he could help it, but people talked about it all the time. The mysterious HARVEST who wore disguises on stage and left cryptic posts on social media. Eddie couldn’t think of a single person he wanted to date less, and he didn’t even know the guy’s name or what he looked like. 
Eddie, on the other hand, had been busting his ass to maintain the little audience he’d accumulated over the last five years. Corroded Coffin started as a high school passion project, then devolved into a more serious band that played sporadic shows in his hometown, and then went through a series of changes and replacements until Eddie was the only original part of it that remained. Well, that and the name, of course. 
Eddie Munson. Corroded Coffin. They were pretty much synonymous at this point. The fans he had knew who he was and what he looked like. He rarely used social media, but when he interacted with fans he was blunt and to the point. No games. No mystery. This HARVEST guy kinda seemed like a tool. 
“Yeah, I’ll pass,” Eddie said, snapping one of the rubber bands rhythmically. 
“Eddie,” Carla prodded. “If you do this, you’ll blow up. Think of what you could do with the money. Merch. A tour. A vacation. A new house. Whatever you wanted, you could get.”
Money sounded nice, but it’s not like Eddie was living in poverty or anything. Well, he was in a tiny apartment in a shitty area of town, but it was Los Angeles. Who could afford anything more than that? Besides, he’d lived in places that small and shitty his whole life. Then again, he’d never had any other choice. Money would give him the choice. 
The popularity aspect was also intriguing, because Eddie loved attention almost as much as he loved music. Sure, there were downsides to fame, but he adored the glimpses of it he’d had so far, and it’s not like being around HARVEST was going to turn him into Leo DiCaprio or something. 
“Okay, so if I agree to this, what does that mean? Do you want me to DM him or something?”
“Actually,” Carla said. The playfulness in her tone caused Eddie to drop the rubber-band ball, because she only talked like that when she had a creative idea that he tended not to like. “He’s going to be at this launch party tonight that I may or may not have gotten you an invite to…”
Yup. That sounds about right. 
“So you want me to crash the party and proposition this guy?” Eddie asked. 
“Of course not,” she replied. “You’re invited, so it’s not crashing.”
Eddie had to chuckle at that one. She was a sneaky one, sometimes, and damn good at her job. 
“Fine,” Eddie agreed. “Send me the details and I might go.”
“Will do!” Carla responded. He could hear how excited this made her, and he was glad at least one of them was into this whole thing. “You don’t have to do anything too wild, okay? Even if you’re just spotted with him, it will spread the narrative that something is going on. Deal?”
It felt a little gross to go somewhere just to track a random guy down and cling to him for popularity. It was kind of a dick move, really. Then again, Eddie was kind of a dick. 
“Deal,” he replied. 
“This will never not be the coolest thing to ever happen to me,” Robin said, as she always does when Steve takes her as his plus one to events.
“Yeah, well since Nancy dumped my ass, get used to it,” he teased. “You’ll be filling in for a while.” Steve nudged her shoulder, causing her to laugh. She was wearing this beautiful, brand new jumpsuit. It was pressed and ironed and cost almost a full paycheck. Lucky for her, she didn’t have to pay for it. Steve was doing pretty damn well for himself financially.
The Uber driver pulled up to the bar and dropped them off. Since it was the grand opening or something, the place was entirely closed off and only people on a list were allowed in. 
“Name?” the security guard said at the door. 
“Uh,” Steve stuttered. He never knew which name was on these stupid lists. “Steve Harrington, and my guest.” He gestured to Robin beside him, who blushed. 
The security guard nodded, crossed them off, then opened the door for them to go inside. 
“Holy shit!” Robin said as they walked in. The place was nice, even by Steve’s standards. They headed to the bar to order their first round of drinks. 
Steve went to these kinds of things pretty often - he’d go, have a few drinks, hang out with people, then do it all again a few weeks later. He enjoyed them, for the most part. 
Well, except for one thing. 
Steve choosing to do music under the stage name HARVEST was great in a lot of ways. It was kind of like the whole Miley Cyrus vs Hannah Montana thing, except Steve wasn’t gonna show up to these parties wearing sunglasses, a wig, and an ugly vest - his signature look when he performed. He showed up as Steve, who was a nobody, and that felt kind of lame. To everyone else at the party, he just looked like a normal guy. Even Robin stood out more than he did. 
Steve had this whole thing where HARVEST rarely posted anything or did interviews, and when he did he was in disguise and using a voice changer. It started as a joke and then just…stuck. HARVEST was a completely separate entity from Steve. HARVEST was all the parts of him that made him popular in high school, and Steve was whatever was left underneath. 
He and Robin enjoyed the night anyway. They were handing out some sponsored cocktail throughout the night until everyone was good and drunk. Whatever was in that thing was lethal. Steve had only had two and he was feeling pretty tipsy. Robin was already on the dance floor after one. She’d pulled him to the photo area while a slower song played, urging him to get a picture with her and commemorate the night before she got too sweaty from dancing. 
They held up their branded glasses and smiled. The light flashed so bright they both winced, then laughed at their dramatic reaction. When they began stumbling away from the camera, Robin paused. 
“What?” Steve asked, confused. 
“Eddie Munson is here,” she said. 
“Where?” Steve asked. She pointed vaguely in Eddie’s direction, trying to act like she was just playing with her hair. Steve searched the room until his eyes locked in on the curly-haired brunette that the world wanted him to be with, apparently. Eddie was at the bar, talking up some of the other guests. “What is he doing here?” Robin shrugged. 
Steve had never seen Eddie at one of these parties before. His band wasn’t really that popular. Their only claim to fame so far was a chorus of one of their songs going viral on TikTok. Then, like an idiot, Steve had done a cover of the damn song, and now he was in a whole mess of a situation. Eddie Munson was going to inadvertently reveal Steve’s bisexuality before his album even came out. 
It wasn’t Eddie’s fault, and Steve knew that. Fans were going to say what they were gonna say. But still, Eddie being at the party was a crazy coincidence, considering the circumstances. 
Steve took a sip from his third cocktail and decided not to think about it. 
Eddie had never in his life been invited to something like this before. He’d had to talk to a guard and get let in, like some bigshot celebrity. If being around this HARVEST guy gave Eddie more opportunities to go to shit like this, maybe it was worth it. 
Once he got inside, he went to the bar to get a drink. They were serving some cocktail that Eddie had no interest in drinking, so he ordered a whiskey on the rocks as he chatted with the people around him. They were all nice, although it was a bit too loud to have any actual conversation. Plus, most of the guests were well on their way to being drunk. 
All in all, it was Eddie’s exact kind of chaos. 
He scanned the room for a man that matched his only reference point of what HARVEST looked like. Eddie had seen a few pictures of him on stage, and his outfits were always a little out there. He had different hair every time, but his absurd style stayed consistent. 
Nobody at this goddamn party looked like that. 
“Hey,” Eddie said after nudging the person beside him. “You know where HARVEST is?”
He realized as soon as he asked that he probably could have just Googled him to see what he looked like. Whatever. 
“Uhh, you mean Steve?” the woman responded. “He’s here somewhere. His date is in this gorgeous glittery blue jumpsuit. Find her and you’ll find him. He follows her like a shadow.” She finished her description with a light chuckle. Eddie turned back to face the rest of the bar and continued searching the crowd.
Okay, first of all - Steve? The man, the myth, the legend known as HARVEST was actually just…a guy named Steve? Eddie almost burst out laughing. 
Secondly, he brought a date. Of course he brought a date. A woman, at that. Eddie wasn’t cool enough to have a plus one, but Steve on the other hand…
Wow. Eddie didn’t think he’d be able to find the glittery jumpsuit as fast as he did, but it really was a dead giveaway. It sparkled under the lights of the bar, and the girl next to Eddie was right - it was gorgeous. Steve’s date was gorgeous overall, actually. No wonder he was following her around. 
“Him?” Eddie asked, pointing to the guy dancing with the woman in the jumpsuit. 
“Yup,” the guest at the bar confirmed. She took the last sip of her cocktail and set the glass down on the counter. “So, do you wanna dance?”
Eddie froze. He wasn’t a huge fan of dancing in public, and he also wasn’t sure if this dance was just a dance or if it was something else. 
“Well, I, uhhhh -” he began. “I mean, I’m like - ya know - gay.” She laughed in response, her face red from the alcohol. 
“No shit,” she replied. “You obviously have heart eyes for Steve, and he’s dancing with someone else, so let’s go out there and you can make him jealous and I can dance until someone who likes women steals me away.”
Eddie grinned. This chick was dope. He held out his hand for her to take it, and then he walked her to the dance floor. He figured that he could strike up a conversation, get Steve to take a picture with him at the photo area, and then call it a night. 
“What’s your name, by the way?” he yelled over the music. 
“Chrissy!” she yelled back. 
“Eddie!” he responded. She smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but notice how drop-dead gorgeous she was, too. Everyone at this party was perfect-looking, actually, and it was intimidating and weird. Eddie was grateful he'd decided to wear his nicer clothes. 
And then they danced. Eddie did his best to jump to the music and twirl Chrissy around. Over the course of the first song she managed to glide them through the crowd and strategically place them right by Steve. 
Chrissy was a total boss. 
“STEVE!” she shouted, acting much drunker than she actually was. She threw her arms around Steve, who returned the hug with a warm smile. “How are you?”
Steve said something, but it was so loud on the dance floor that Eddie couldn’t hear it.
“I’M ROBIN,” blue jumpsuit woman said. She looked like she was having the time of her life. “NICE TO MEET YOU!”
“YOU TOO!” Chrissy replied. She turned to Eddie. “THIS IS MY FRIEND EDDIE!”
Oh, shit. Okay then. 
Robin and Steve just kinda looked at him and didn’t say anything for a moment. There was no equally loud greeting for Eddie Munson, no sir. He immediately felt judged, and almost bolted right out of there. He didn’t fit in with this crowd at all. 
“H-hi, Eddie!” Robin finally said. “I actually know you! I went to your show a few weeks ago!”
“Woah, really?” Eddie responded, shocked. Nobody had recognized him here, yet. Maybe he wasn’t so different from these people after all. 
“YOU’RE A MUSICIAN, TOO?” Chrissy asked, amazed. Eddie nodded. Suddenly, the most beautiful man Eddie had ever seen approached Chrissy and asked her to dance. He recognized the guy as this famous actor who’d been in a ton of movies. Score for Chrissy, although she was perfect, too, and barely fazed. Instead, she took the actor’s hand and smiled. “GOTTA GO, SEE YOU GUYS LATER!”
And then, she was off. What a crazy life these people led.
Steve spoke again, but only Robin could hear him properly. She nodded, then gestured for Eddie to follow them to a less loud part of the bar. 
“Much better,” Steve said once they could all hear themselves think again. The light in the bar was dim, so it was hard to make out all of Steve’s features, but Eddie could have sworn he looked familiar. “So, you’re the famous Eddie Munson?”
Eddie thought for sure he’d heard Steve wrong. Like, he must have, because no way in hell Eddie could be considered famous among this group of people. Unless Steve was being condescending, in which case…ugh. Sure, whatever. 
“I - I mean, yeah,” Eddie replied. He turned back to Robin, who he already liked more than Steve. “So, you’ve seen Corroded Coffin in concert?”
“Yeah!” she said, her face lighting up at the question. 
“Why?” Eddie asked before he could stop himself. Robin and Steve laughed. “I just mean, you’re not really my usual demographic -”
“I’m full of surprises, Eddie,” she teased. “Okay, so I only went because my friend had an extra ticket, but still.”
“Ouch,” Eddie responded with a laugh, clutching his heart as if he’d genuinely been distraught. 
“What the fuck is in these things?” Steve said, staring intently at the drink in his hand. 
“It’s basically a long island iced tea with all their cheapest liquor and a splash of sprite,” Eddie answered plainly.
“How did you know that?” Robin asked, amused. 
“I asked,” Eddie replied with a shrug. 
“The bartender?” Robin pressed. Eddie nodded. 
“Yeah. I have this thing where I never shut up, so I tend to talk to everyone,” Eddie joked. Well, it wasn’t really a joke. “Anyway, how many have you had?” Steve’s brow furrowed as he desperately tried to remember his drink tally.
“One more than he should have had, apparently,” Robin said, taking the glass from Steve and setting it down on a table. “I’ll go get him some water.” 
She disappeared with no further warning, leaving Eddie alone with Steve. Am I supposed to babysit this guy until she comes back or something?
“So, you and Robin,” Eddie said, shifting back and forth on his feet. He really could not for the life of him stop talking, especially with whiskey coursing through him. “Are you guys, like -?”
“Just friends,” Steve snapped back. He almost seemed pissed at the question. “She’s been my best friend for, god, I dunno, since college.”
“Cool,” Eddie replied. Steve was clearly very drunk, and Eddie wasn’t sure how much of that was contributing to his standoffishness. “Are you okay, man?”
“Why're you even here, dude?” Steve asked, his words slurred. “What made you come here?”
“Uhhh, I was invited?” Eddie answered. This guy’s a real trip.
“So it wasn’t because strangers online want us to be together, and if that happens you get more fame or whatever?”
Oh, damn. While that's exactly what was happening, Eddie sure as hell wasn't going to admit it. To save face, Eddie did what he did best - he defaulted to assholery.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” he responded. “I’m here for the same reason you are.”
“So, it’s a total coincidence that I see you at one of these things for the first time the same day people started talking about us online?”
“Maybe I’ve been to a ton of these parties and you’ve just never noticed,” Eddie retorted. 
“I doubt it,” Steve shot back. 
“Because you’re hard to miss, Munson. Always have been,” Steve replied. 
“Always?” Eddie echoed, confused. Then, the lights hit Steve’s face and illuminated it entirely. Enough for Eddie to remember where he’d seen him before. 
“Got your water!” Robin announced as she returned. She handed Steve the new glass, and he took it without breaking eye contact with Eddie. 
“Ohhhh my god,” Eddie said, stunned. “You're Steve Harrington. HARVEST is Steve goddamn Harrington.”
“Sure is,” Steve replied, his voice even. 
“I missed something, didn’t I?” Robin asked. 
“I mean, kind of,” Eddie said, raising his voice. “Just a couple years of King Steve bullying the school Freak.” Robin turned to Steve, alarmed. 
“Wait, you bullied him?” 
“How did you not know it was me?” Steve asked, getting agitated now. “Did you seriously come here to try to mooch off me without even doing your research first?”
“I never said I came here for you,” Eddie replied. 
“You didn’t deny it either,” Steve reminded him. “You still aren’t, by the way.”
“Okay, fine!” Eddie relented. “You caught me. I came here to cash in on your fame, like some poor commoner in need of charity, and I didn’t even bother to look you up first because honestly? Your music kinda sucks.”
“Oh, I definitely missed something,” Robin muttered nervously. 
“You wanna talk about shitty music?” Steve said through gritted teeth. 
“Okay!” Robin interjected, inserting herself between them. “No more of this. It was nice meeting you, Eddie, but I think we should split.” 
“No need,” Eddie replied. “You stay, I’ll go. You’re the ones who belong here anyway.” He did a slight bow and walked away, leaving Robin and Steve behind. 
So much for fame. 
@lemondar93 i thought the whole #steddie thing was a reach but saw them together tonight and uhhhh 👀 idk there's something there
@izzierosieb wait omg at the Frolique grand opening? How tf did you get in??
@lemondar93 suuuuper lucky! Matty was supposed to go but he’s sick and I was backup!
@geegeedaheed tell us everything!!!!
@julijmonroe if steddie is real I will actually lose my mind wtf
@chasityseventeen no fr because we have so little and yet I’m already INVESTED
@camerohno Everyone just remember that these are real people and we shouldn’t be speculating about their lives even though they’re obviously secretly married
@lemondar93 LMAO
Steve woke up the next morning with the hangover from hell. After Eddie left, he and Robin stuck around for another song or two before heading out themselves. 
Steve never really liked Eddie that much in high school because he was a show-off. He loved making a scene in the cafeteria and he always acted like he was better than everyone else just because he refused to like anything that was popular. Sports, music, TV shows. They were never going to be friends, because Steve usually liked the stuff that other people liked. He used to follow the pack, so to speak, and do what the people around him expected him to do. Eddie tended to do the opposite. Eddie was abrasive and loud and obnoxious. 
Back in high school, anyway. Steve knew that people had the capability to change (after all, he sure did), but after reuniting with Eddie at the bar, he was skeptical any growth or development had actually occurred in the last six years. 
Eddie was still a dick, and Steve had no interest in ever seeing him again. 
He pulled out his phone to see that it was still blowing up. There was a new tag trending - #steddie. Yikes. He’d also gotten even more followers. Then, another update caught his eye. 
His new album had double the pre-orders it had the night before. 
He’d put his heart and soul into this album, and he wanted more than anything for it to be recognized. He was popular, yeah, but mostly for a couple singles that played on the radio all the time. This album was a piece of art from top to bottom that Steve had painstakingly planned and created from scratch. 
Maybe. Maybe this stupid ship with Eddie Munson could be worth something. But not enough to contact the guy. No way. 
Steve opened his Instagram and then felt his heart drop. 
@nancywheeler: Life hack - date a photographer so you get amazing candids on vacation ���
It hadn’t even been that long since Nancy left Steve for Jonathan Byers. Well, maybe it had been long enough, but still. Cute couple’s posts already? 
Oh, no. Steve wanted Nancy to feel like he did, and he knew what would do the trick. She was always a bit of the jealous type.
God dammit.
(Part 2!)
@paintballkid711 @abraca-fxckyou @allbimyself26 @jellybabiesforall @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @justaloadofgarbage-blog @alliemunsonsstuff @undreamingscatworld @thefruityfours @hobbitnarwhal @calivanus @wreckmyplans-thatsmyman @antheia @goodolefashionedloverboi @lillemilly @missmagillicuddy @steviesbicrisis @gamerdano @menamesniall eyeslikewildflowers111 @callmesirkay @stringischeese @eds-trashmouth @mnl-enuh @redfreckledwolf @itsanarrum @soulsofstarsliveinyourveins @gregre369 @stevesbipanic @momotonescreaming @aryakanojiaa @wrenisflying @comicmadlover @lilacrobin @itch-my-b0nez @anonymousbandgirl @disastardly @dangdirtydemons @daisyellsong @val-from-lawrence @starryeyedpoet17 @taikawaiteatea @clumsiluni @hollysimone @swimmingbirdrunningrock @witchofhawkins @steddiegarbage @suddenlyinlove @ricekristytreaty @eddielives1986
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crazystargirl · 1 year
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jealous? i don't get jealous! ♥
pt. 3 || pt.4 || pt. 5
pairing ♥: spider soccoro x reader, spider soccoro x human!reader, jealous!spider soccoro x reader
word count ♥: 0.7k!
author's note ♥: ok so funny story i forgot to find the photos and edit them so please ignore how vibrant they are (its hurting my eyes) i might fix it later but idk im lazy lmao, anyways heres pt 4! i honestly dont know if i hate this or not and i feel like it might be kinda rushed
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you woke up to spider shaking you softly, it was bright outside which was something you were not used to since you pretty much spent all your time in the lab
"y/n/n you're the last one up"
"holy shit what? why didn't you wake me up earlier?" you say with a groan
"baby we did or at least tried to, i was the last one to try"
Neteyam come in and starts laughing, you glare at him
"why the fuck are you laughing?"
"no it's just that lo'ak owes me and spider since he said there was no way spider could wake you up, but it looks like he did!" Neteyam says gleefully 
you groan and try and lay back down but spider grabs you
"nuh uh y/n you gotta get up" he says as you continue to struggle against his grasp
"I'll leave her to you" neteyam says as he walks out
you continue to fight spider and eventually he gets annoyed so he just tosses you on his shoulder and starts to walk
"shit! spider! put me down!" you say trying to get off
"no chance y/n/n you needed to get up and if i didn't do that you would've gone back to sleep" 
after marching you out to where everyone was he finally put you down
"good morning y/n!" tuk says giving you a hug
"morning tuk" you hug her back
"why was spider carrying you?" Lo'ak blurted out and as expected everyone was staring at him
"uh cause she wasn't going to get up and come out if i didn't" spider says looking at Lo'ak strangely
"why can't he do that hm? you jealous?" kiri says joining in on the conversation
"what no why would i be" Lo'ak says bitterly 
spider knew full well that lo'ak had a crush on you and was going to do everything in his power to make sure that you were not going to end up with him
"alright kids settle down" jake says coming over to you guys
"but things just got so interesting" neteyam says with a pout
you all laugh not realizing the Lo’ak was evidently pissed at all of yall
jake tells everyone that some of yall can go fishing with him, Neytiri, and tuk or go exploring
You all decided that you were just going to go exploring since in all honesty no one wanted to go fishing
as you guys started exploring, you noticed lo'ak kind of lingering behind the group
you decide to hang back and talk to him
"hey lo'ak you good?"
he looks at you like a deer in headlights, shocked that you decided to talk to him
it seemed that the whole time or even whenever you were allowed out the lab spider was always all over you, giving him barely anytime with you and obviously making him jealous. the worst part? you never even tried to stop spider which made lo'ak mad
"yeah im good, why whats up?" he said looking down at you
"nothing you just look pale and upset"
"yeah little bro you should go back to camp, you look like you're gonna faint or something" neteyam says looking back at the two of you 
"alright i guess I'll go…" Lo'ak says turning around
"i can go with him" you say looking at the group "y'know to make sure he doesn't get lost or anything" 
"thanks y/n" Lo'ak says looking at you and starting to walk, you folkowing behind
Kiri and Neteyam turn to spider whose eyes are narrowed and looks mad
"Dude you good?" Neteyam says looking at spider
"Yeah…no… i dont know" spider says sitting down
"Spider you like y/n its so obvious that its kinda vomit worthy" kiri says kneeling next to spider
"Yeah you get jealous whenever she's with or talking to lo'ak" neteyam adds
"i dont get jealous!" spider says looking at the two
"sure keep telling yourself that" kiri says laughing, "but seriously you need to ask her out before lo'ak does"
"we love our lil bro but honestly he's not gonna be good with y/n" neteyam adds
"i know i do i just dont know if i can do it…like what if she rejects me? thats gonna be awkward" spider says
"you gotta try first at least please for our sake?" kiri asks
"yeah alright i will" spider says getting up
"thats the spirit! now lets go so we can get back at a decent time!"
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series taglist ♥: @ok-boke, @spiderscrrowife, @myh3artttt, @multi-simp-page, @universal-s1ut
regular taglist ♥: @xyzstar, @ourloveisgod23, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @bhk1234uwu, @nonniesworld, @lanaslittletwinkie
©crazystargirl 2023 || do NOT copy or repost my work without my permission
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artsycloudysleepy · 20 days
i FINALLY settled on a design for the main character of Fabrication!!!! only took me............. six years........... sorry SELF.......
also did the guardian of perspective, shea (pronounced 'shay' iirc, they/them)! ended up being an anthromorphic horse guy, but they're a shapeshifter - it's just their base form :D
(SELF on left, shea on right)
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and you can see my frantic design here; SELF was quick to figure out but shea was, uh. significantly harder, majorly bc i don't know how to draw horse heads
(the lil cloud is how i draw my persona)
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fun fact abt SELF, they aren't actually a sentient die - they're a human, but they don't like showing their real face a lot of the time. what do they look like? beats me, i'm not about to make another bloody reference :p
also i used paint 3d for the first time!!! fiddly af but WHO CARES I GOT DEW TO SPIN :DDD
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will be doing this again at some point, i like experimenting like this! maybe i'll give her the jacket she deserves.. also i FINALLY FOUND my old pen + pad for digital drawing so ig i'm gonna try using it more - used it for the initial sketch here, and it's still hard with dyspraxia, but am getting the hang of it!
update: krita was being funny about my pen but i think i'm improving at mousepad art (i will never use a mouse sue me)!!! here's princess eleanor and thunder being silly <3
(for context, eleanor unofficially adopts children left and right, so when thunder and her met, she was nicer to xem than originally planned and took xem in. she was interested in meeting SELF and the Fragments, and when she realised they were children, she went off wanting to hurt/influence them. she's manipulative due to her own goals of totally NOT murdering/otherwise influencing political opposition, but only to an extent for kids. they're innocent and she is a protector)
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(shhh dw abt the blood....... she's innocent, look at that innocent face............ she's not an assassin princess, no............. shhh /jk /s)
oh and i remember @mylackofgrammaristerrifying saying that azzie should get a gf...... GUESS WHAT SHE GETS TWO, (though one is still being designed!) POLYAMORY TIME :DDD
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they love each other dearly dw, azzie is upset for *reasons* in this drawing but nettle is good to her. they'll heal a bit more <3
i don't think i made a proper post on them (maybe?), tho they've been sitting in my masterpost for a while! gonna revamp both the refs and the masterpost at some point to be more simple tho. anyway here's nettle (she/they)!
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the other partner is elle (they/them i think? either that or she/her, still choosing. genderqueer). all three are really in love, lil' goobers <3
oh, and one last drawing:
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moot tags! beware the horrors: @mrrottenreblogs @nylonnye2 and mlogit you have already been tagged! hope you guys are doing good :D
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cocozydiaries · 3 months
Can you tell me more about your mha dr please?
HIII tysm for the ask!!
noticed two mha related asks really close to each other? anon are you the same person twice🤨
okay okay if ur not new here u probably know i did post about my mha dr before BUT THAT POST WAS AWFUL so now it’s deleted and gone. sorry😞
Honestly with my updated version i’ve just kept most things kinda vague. Don’t get me wrong I love scripting, but i don’t do it that much anymore coz now i just let my subconscious handle it so my scripts are kinda empty.
I do still script, just less but dw i’ll share what i have!! I love over sharing🫶
be warned this is unorganised asf since i wrote it all at like 2am😭
My dr name (spoiler alert i don’t have one):
even tho i think names are very important I haven’t picked a name for myself in any of my drs💀. Partly coz I wanna be surprised but also partly coz just coz i’m lazy.
I did however script that my name suits me and has a nice meaning. I also scripted that my siblings and i all have the same first letter of our names (smth we have here!) but my parents also have different names for each of us, like a sorta nickname (mine is yara coz i have a love/hate relationship with butterflies)
Onto actual stuff related to my mha dr. Also probably the only thing you really care about smh. yeah ik your intentions anon🙄
soooo basically quirk basically siren/mermaid irl?? tbh idk but the main thing (aside from occasionally cosplaying as ariel) i’m basically able to shape and manipulate water. Very korra coded of me ik but she has always been my favourite.
Me, some of my siblings, and parents mostly have different quirks tho due to that fact that my parents adopted us. That’s a whole different thing tho we can get into later.
I haven’t scripted my family’s quirks because again lazy asf and wanna be surprised. I’m assuming based on their jobs they’re gonna have either powerful or really useful quirks anyhow. Just makes sense
Anywhooo onto actual mha stuff like
Idk if i’m gonna get in lmao💀 all i scripted is IF i do i’ll end up in class 1A. I did that coz i wanna know if i can get into class UA without scripting it. I mean ik i will but idk funsies ig.
I also changed the uniform coz it’s ugly asf. Honestly i just think dark blue would’ve been so much better than that vomit izuku inspired green.
i also scripted that midnight and mineta are actually chill and normal people. IM SORRY GUYS💔 but mineta is lowkey funny when he isn’t a creep and midnight is so extra i love her. i just don’t like when they’re…. icky. so i scripted that out!
and i scripted that toru gets a proper hero outfit kinda similar to mirio’s thing. makes absolutely NO sense that his hero outfit was made to adapt to his quirk but they leave my girl to freeze? nuh uh
i’ve actually scripted quite a few minor difference or things i want to happen. let me know if that’s smth you guys are interested in!!
Anyways that’s kinda it coz idk what to say… I need y’all to ask me specific questions PLS😭 i suck at answering vague stuff💔
EXAMPLE: “coco” (or yara since you lot did technically unlock a new name) “exactly what are you gonna do when you wake up in ur dr at 5:21am because you heard one of ur rat siblings cluttering around outside ur door while getting ready for school.”
how i’m feeling after checking what other people’s dr intros look like and realising i was only meant to write a couple of sentences and not explain why i picked each thing i scripted for my dr in a stupid amount of detail: 😐
i can drive in my dr btw!! can’t do that here tho. thought you should know. IDK HOW TO
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dreamdepot · 4 months
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Dreams of the Kingdom Ch. 6 - Stop the Presses!
Edited 7/9/2024 - Updated chapter navigation links
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As you and Link head towards Zora's Domain, distractions - err, side quests - seem to meet you at every turn. A prince's work is never done.
Read on: AO3 or Wattpad... or below!
“Think I might have to spring for that special water bed when we get to the Domain,” you said, stretching your stiff back. It had a been a long ride from Hebra. The two of you passed through Lookout Landing for a quick check in with Purah. Scorpis also passed on reports of a Hinox at Trilby Plains. That was short work for the both of you, so you decided to take a short stop at Woodland Stables to the north for lunch before continuing south to Zora’s Domain.
Link rolled his shoulders. “Yeah, not if I book it first.”
“You’d kick your Prince out of a special bed?”
He laughed. “Aren’t you the one who keeps saying you don’t want special treatment for being royal?”
“Not at times like this,” you groaned.
“Well, I suppose I could be convinced to share…”
You did have a comeback, but given you had arrived at the stables and children were about, you settled on a glare. Link checked the horses in at the stable. Both [H/n] and Epona seemed more than happy to rest and chow down. You were about to check your pack for what to cook for lunch when you overheard a conversation.
“…We got in our wagon to go to her. That’s when it happened…”
“Frightful, the whole thing! That’s when the woman with blonde hair jumped out in front of us. It was that woman, I tell you! She did something to the Great Fairy!”
That caught your attention. You saw that two members of a traveling musical troupe were explaining their story to a tall Rito, who was taking notes. “A blonde-haired woman… could it have been…”
“She did look an awful lot like Princess Zelda…”
You snagged Link and pulled him along with you to the group. “Excuse me, sorry to eavesdrop, but we overheard you talking about Princess Zelda?”
The Rito looked up from his notes. “Oh, are you guys friends of the princess?”
You and Link shared a look. “Uh, you could say that,” Link said. “Anyway, I’m Link and this is [Y/n].”
“Name’s Penn, ace reporter for the Lucky Clover Gazette!” He said with a lazy salute. “So, Link and [Y/n], right? Hah, funny, you guys have the same name as Hyrule’s power couple.”
Link was about to correct him, but you just patted his shoulder and shook your head. “Great to meet you Penn. So, you’re investigating the disappearance of Princess Zelda?”
“Not just that, but possible sightings. People all over Hyrule are saying they’ve seen the princess, so I’m following up on all the chirps and warbles.”
“We’ve been hearing a lot of rumors on our travels to the stables, though we never expected to have one of the weird sightings ourselves,” the young woman from the troupe said. “Oh, pardon me, my name is Violynne. This is Mastro.”
“A plea-a-asure to meet you!” The small man said with a tip of his top hat. “We were afraid that people would think we were a few notes short of a song, if you catch my meaning. Do you truly believe us?”
“Knowing my sis- I mean, Princess Zelda, stranger things have happened. Though it’s strange she’d jump out in front of you like that.”
“She was dressed really strangely too!” Violynne added. “It wasn’t anything like people wear today, even with those strange fashion designs coming from Hateno. It was almost like it was some kind of tribal dress?”
“White and green with strange jewelry?” Link asked. Both Mastro and Violynne nodded fervently. “So, it’s just like what I saw at the castle and what we saw in Hebra… when did this happen?”
“It was right after the castle rose into the sky!” Mastro said. “Our horse was scared off, and our beloved Breezer was hurt!”
“Breezer, was that the horse’s name?” Link asked.
“Don’t be silly, Breezer is our noble wagon!” Both you and Link turned to see the wagon with some missing wheels. “We haven’t been able to fix her and have been stuck at this stable since. And here all we wanted to do was perform for the Great Fairy since she’s refused to come out.”
Given the work you did to rebuild wagons after the Calamity for the trading company, you had more experience than most when it came to fixing them. Breezer was in fairly good condition; the wagon bed was unharmed and even looked to be watertight. The front axletree was also in good condition. The rear was another story. Not only had the wheels broken off, but the boreholes for the wheel linchpins was split. Normally, that would require an axle replacement, but you had something better.
“Hey Link, I’ll get my horse. Do you think you can do your thing?”
“My thing?”
“Y’know, with the whole…” You waved your hand around.
“Oh yeah, gotcha!”
By the time you’d fetched [H/n] (who was a bit fussy at being taken away from Epona), Link had slapped two new wheels onto Breezer, fused with Zonai technology. “Superb! Breezer rides again!” Mastro cheered.
“We’ll take you up to the Great Fairy, I’m sure she’d love to hear you play,” you said. As Link helped you hook up the wagon chains, you added, “I bet she has some answers on this too.”
It was a short ride up to the edge of the former Military Training Camp. Breezer rolled along perfectly, good as new, despite the green goopy appearance of the rear axle. “Great Fairy! We’re here to cheer you up!” Mastro shouted to the thorny green bulb. “Ready Violynne? And a one, and a two…”
As Violynne began her solo, you felt the same buzz in the back of your head from when you were fighting Colgera. Your vision blurred as her rosewood violin turned blue. The baton in Mastro’s hand also changed into an ornate silver design. For a moment, you felt as if the wind was moving in time with the song. Yet, just as quickly as it started, the feeling disappeared, right as Violynne finished.  
Suddenly, the green bulb began to tremble, blooming into a massive white and orange flower. Magical energy poured out from the center in a rolling mist. With a geyser of water, the Great Fairy Tera burst forth. “AH-HAAAAAA!!!”
Mastro jumped for joy. “Behold, Violynne! The Great Fairy graces us with her presence!”
“Truly divine!”
Tera leaned forward on the edge of the flower. “Hello darlings, I couldn’t help but come out to enjoy your beautiful music.”
As she started to chat with the musicians, a shout came from above you. “Hey, hey!” Penn swooped down to land next to you and Link. “Wow, you guys really solved this one quick! We should hire you full time!” He turned towards the giant woman. “So, this is… a Great Fairy.”
If Tera was offended, she didn’t show it. “I must admit I’m a little confused. The world isn’t at all how Princess Zelda described it to me. She said an awful gloom was spreading over the land, and that it would be soon lost to monsters. I hid myself away.”
“Zelda told you that?” You asked.
“Well,” Tera thought, tapping her lip with her long fingernail. “Now that I think about it, when she was speaking to me, I had the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. Perhaps it was someone else entirely…”
Penn scribbled furiously in his notepad. “On the bright side, the Great Fairy is back! That’s a big scoop! I gotta get this over to the newspaper!” Penn turned to the two of you. “I’m gonna take this story back, but I hope we can work together again on another story.”
“Penn wait,” Link said. “Have there been other sightings of Zelda like this?”
The reporter thought for a moment. “Well… there was mention of a sighting at the Dueling Peaks Stable.”
Dueling Peaks was a bit out of the way for your trip to Zora’s Domain, but it could be worth the trip if Zelda was there, real or fake. You looked to Link; he was thinking the same and nodded. “We’ll investigate for you,” you volunteered.
“Then, in that case, consider yourselves unofficial reporters for the Lucky Clover. In the meantime, I’ll get this written up. Soar Long!” And with that, the Rito reporter shot into the sky.
“Would you mind terribly if we joined you?” Violynne asked. “We’re heading to Dueling Peaks as well!”
“We’re going to reunite our members and recreate the Stable Trotters!” Mastro proclaimed. Before you or Link could respond, he added. “We’ll spread music across Hyrule and help all of the Great Fairies! We’ll get our things prepared to leave in the morning!”
The two happily left back down the mountain – forgetting Breezer was still hooked up to [H/n]. [H/n] snorted, not at all pleased they’d have to haul the wagon back down. “Well, I’m sure they appreciate you all the same,” Tera said. “If I may ask, would you please find my sisters and help them as well? Since you’re headed to Dueling Peaks, my dear sweet little sister Cotera said she would be there. Perhaps you could check on her?”
“Of course we will,” you said. “We’ll be traveling all across Hyrule, I’m sure we’ll find them.”
“Oh, thank you, this is why you’re my two favorite boys! Now, do either of you need a little boost on your clothing?”
“Just none of the touching,” Link said, arms crossed.
“Cross my heart,” the Great Fairy said. “And I am terribly sorry about that again, it was wrong. Besides, we ladies would never steal a taken man, especially one with such a handsome man of his own.” She winked at you. “Now, where should we begin…”
Dueling Peaks would be another day’s journey, so you all decided to sleep at the stable for the night. Before crawling into bed, you sat with Link at the edge of the river. He had his shirt off, and you were applying a homemade poultice on his burns. “I’m not sure if this really works for magic burns.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Link hummed. “It feels nice.”
You massaged the ointment in a bit more. “It isn’t starting to itch?”
“Not too bad. It just gets sore every now and then.”
You nodded. “It was really brave of you to do that. I don’t think I ever said thank you.”
“You don’t have to. I’m your knight, and more importantly, your boyfriend.”
“Still,” you laughed. “Thank you.” You looked at the burns, hoping that gloom or not they would heal soon. “I don’t know what I’d do without you – though maybe I wouldn’t have to worry so much about you getting hurt.”
Link groaned a bit as you worked a knot out. “Mmm, I know I wouldn’t have someone to help patch me up after without you.” You let your head drop to his shoulder as you traced the lines of the tattoos that formed from fusing his new arm. “Thanks for doing this, my prince.”
“I’m your boyfriend,” you parroted back.
“Still,” he laughed. The two of you laid back on the grass, looking up at the stars. “When was the last time we were able to just… do this?”
“Do what?”
“Just be two guys. No royal duties, no monsters. Just… us.”
You opened your mouth but paused. “I’m… not sure. That festival in Hateno?” Link was silent. You cuddled up against your knight. “Let’s enjoy tonight then. Tonight, we’re just two guys.” Link still remained quiet, but he leaned into your touch.
Perhaps the Great Fairy influenced your dream that night.
“Oh no, no, no! This won’t do at all!” You plucked the pins out of the mannequin with a grumble, tossing the fabric down. “What will Madame Couture say when I can’t get this right?” You groaned, knowing her other apprentice would probably have some kind of comment. “I swear, if that smug, green-haired little shit-”
“You good?”
You squealed, tossing your materials in air. “Oh, it’s you. I’m sorry, your new costume isn’t ready yet. I’ve been having trouble…” You then realized what he had overheard. “Wait, no, when I meant green-haired, I didn’t mean-”
“Nah I know,” Link shrugged. “I’m normally a blond anyway, it’s just green when the Doppel Master does his thing. And don’t worry about being behind. It’s better than anything I can do. I swear, you’ve got to be magic to do this.”
“Oh, it’s nothing really! I’m sure you’d pick it up quickly.”
“Yeaaah no. I used to work for a blacksmith before I came here, and believe me, the only thing I could make was junk. He only let me deliver things.”
“I highly doubt that. You always know how to make the best use of Madame Couture’s outfits on your adventures into the Drablands. I’m sure you’re just as resourceful at the forge.” You frowned as you looked at the mannequin. “I’m sure you know the feeling of having a creative block too.”
“Yeah,” Link muttered. “Maybe you need a break?”
“C’mon,” Link said, taking your hand and practically dragging you out of the store.
“Heading out for a moment Madame!” you shouted. The fashionista didn’t say a thing but waved you on.
Link led you through the town all afternoon, stopping at random shops and cafés, showing you the castle and the odd Lucky Lobby Ball. He even introduced you to his doppels, which was more than a little surreal. Everywhere you went you made notes in your personal notebook. Yet despite all of the inspiration, your mind was just dead for ideas.
You ended the day sitting at the edge of the fountain with Link, sighing. “You know, you can just rest, right?”
“Rest,” Link said. “Like, sometimes you need a break. You can’t be ‘on’ all the time. Doesn’t matter if it’s making clothes or fighting monsters or whatever.”
You thought for a moment. “Yeah… maybe I should try resting…” You started to lean back.
…And completely forgot you were at the fountain, flipping back into the water. Link looked down, trying and failing not to laugh. “Are you okay?”
You sat back up. Thankfully your notebook was okay, but you had thrown it as you slipped. Link picked it up and handed it to you. “What’s that? Looks like a hat?”
You looked down let out a half-laugh. “Yes… like, I hope you don’t think I’m crazy, but despite what Lady Maud did, and sure she’s evil but not like… Ganon evil, you know?” Link gave a nod that seemed to say he knew a little too well. “So, I do find her clothes interesting. I always wanted to design a hat that makes hers look as drab as the curse she put on Princess Styla.”
Link looked at the design. “I’m sure you’ll be able to pull it off.”
“Thanks… and thanks for the break. I think I’m ready to try out finishing the design. It’s a design for you after all.”
“Really? Think I can try it on early?”
“Not just yet…”
The ride to Dueling Peaks was uneventful. After helping the troupe once more and coaxing another Great Fairy out of hiding, the two of you met with Penn. “Thank goodness I found you guys! The Yiga Clan kidnapped Princess Zelda!”
Link frowned. “Penn, are you sure? I mean, this could be just another fake.”
“But the Yiga Clan are back! And they sent a message saying they were keeping her at the ‘carved-out heart of the towering twins!’ I figured they meant Dueling Peaks, but I’m not sure where they’re hiding.”
You looked up at the mountains, seeing a small bit of the shallow canyon near the middle of the south peak, then turned to Link. Your knight simply shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, Penn, we’ll look into it.”
Link led the way on the climb up, testing all the footholds for the best path for you. You followed, passing him pieces of honey candy to keep both of your energy up. Soon, you dismounted at the edge of the canyon.
To your surprise, the supposed Zelda was there, trapped in an unstable-looking iron cage. Despite what you saw in the vision back on the Stormwind Ark, this potential Zelda was at least much closer to your Zelda – by appearance at least. “Oh Link, please save me! Thou must get me out of this cage!”
“Thou? That’s definitely not my sister. Oh, wait a second,” you whispered. You pulled out a Mighty Banana and dropped it on the ground. This Zelda’s eyes snapped to it like a magnet before you picked it up and put it away. “Well, that answers that,” you groaned.
The fake Zelda gave you both her best puppy-dog eyes, which was completely ineffective. “Please lift this cage and we can be together again, my love!”
“I am actually offended,” Link whispered back. “Like, sure, we’re not super big on the lovey-dovey stuff in public, but five years. C’mon.”
“I mean they literally have been underground for five years,” you shrugged. “Wanna mess with them?”
“Oh yes.” Link’s eyes gleamed with mischief. He turned to the fake Zelda, clutching his chest. “My Princess, I am so glad to see you’re safe, but I can’t believe those terrible Yiga have trapped you in this cage.”
“Terrible?!” Not-Zelda scoffed before composing herself. “I mean, yes! Yes, and you should free me!”
“No, I can’t let you – for this is my chance!” You said. Both Link and Not-Zelda gasped. “Mwha-ha-ha! I can finally take over the kingdom and depose of Zelda!”
“Y-you what?!” Not-Zelda stuttered. “But, I’m your sister? You want to get rid of me?”
You laughed maniacally. “First, I will take over Hyrule, then the world! Ganondorf himself would even tremble before me! Then, once I’ve taken your kingdom, I’ll take…” you paused impressively. “Your man!”
“Yes! And I’ll… I’ll dress him in the most beautiful clothes as my personal muse and servant!” Link shot you a look, but you could tell he was trying not to laugh. You slammed your arms on either side of him, trapping him against the cage. “You dare laugh at me, knight? Maybe I should show you your place.”
“L-Link no!” Not-Zelda said, voice quivering. “Be strong!” Her words were weakened however by the flush on her face and her slowly growing nosebleed. She watched with rapt attention. “Don’t let that evil prince have his way with you!”
Link looked into your eyes, a smolder in his own. “Oh really, Prince [Y/n]? You want me to submit to you? Make me.”
“I… uh… this is a bit public…”
“Oh, come on, where’s your nerve?” Link teased. “Or maybe you’d like me to put you in your place instead?” You felt something poke into your stomach. Your eyes drifted down for just a moment to see Link passing you a bomb arrow. His eyes flicked to the cliffside behind you.
“Oh, I’ll show you nerve…” you growled. You whipped out your bow and fired the arrow behind you, taking out the hidden Yiga soldiers.
“Have I mentioned how much I love watching you fight?” Link sighed. “As for you,” he said turning to Not-Zelda and leveled his bow at her head, arrow tipped with an Ice Fruit. “Tell us what the Yiga Clan is up to.”
Not-Zelda flushed, trying to compose herself. “Not fair, you fight dirty!”
You leaned against the cage with a smirk. “It was just us having fun. Now, come on, you want to tell us, right? Believe me, you don’t want to see my boyfriend mad now, do you?”
“Wait, you guys really are together?”
“For masters of stealth and espionage, you really aren’t that great at your jobs. And we thought Kohga was bad at his job.”
She stamped her foot. “Don’t speak about Master Kohga that way. At this very moment, he’s working on his master plan to help the Demon King!” She clasped her hands over her mouth.
“You’re new at this aren’t you,” Link said, never letting his arrow drift from his mark.
“Only my third week,” she said meekly.
“So Kohga did survive…” You sighed. “Okay, listen. Tell us where he is, and we’ll let you out of the cage.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I think a Lynel lives over the next ridge. Maybe he’ll let you out.” You shrugged and turned, pretending to leave.
“No, no, wait!”
“This detour is going all over the place,” Link muttered as the two of you landed in the Depths below the Great Plateau.
“If it means stopping Kohga and the Yiga, it’s not necessarily a bad detour,” you said. “The last thing we need is a surprise attack from the Demon King courtesy of the Yiga… though knowing them, it might just blow up in his face. I just hope the Zora can hold out a little longer.”
“With Sidon looking after them, I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
“I hope so,” you said, thinking about how bleak the situation seemed for the Rito. “I wonder where they – whoa.”
“You can say that again.”
Sprawling before you was a massive Zonai facility that made the one you woke up in look like a joke. Minecart tracks spread out like a spiderweb, dipping even deeper into the earth. They all led to the towering smelter and a temple-like building. Even with the little bits of light from the Zonai lamps and your Brightblooms, it dominated the Depths. Massive statues seemed to lead the way towards the entrance, surrounded by clusters of Poes. You snapped a quick picture with your Purah Pad for Zelda and Josha.
It didn’t take long to reach the entrance, and you were slightly surprised to see you weren’t alone. Two Zonai researchers were inspecting what appeared to be a round chest with the Zonai activation sigil. Link tensed next to you, instinctively walking faster to put himself between you and them. You both knew this wasn’t going to end without a fight.
“Oh, did you two pass the interview too?” One of them asked, before muttering something like “Of course they did, why would they be here?” under her breath.
Link nodded, trying to keep things light and friendly – though you knew he would be able to strike both of them before they could move. “So, what’s this?”
“Some ancient statue,” she continued. “It should be able to grant us an ‘ancient power’. From my research, it’s supposed to let you rebuild anything you have committed to memory. Just think of the possibilities! The Yi- I mean, our investigation of this land would be unstoppable! If only we could wake it up.”
“Oh, that part’s easy,” Link said. Before anyone could ask, Link tapped the activation sigil. You and the two “researchers” jumped back as the odd chest turned out to be a construct. Link, however, was unfazed. “Hello!” He waved.
“Greetings,” the Construct replied. “Conferring Autobuild to user now. Please utilize it as you explore and excavate the Depths for zonaite.” A swirl of green energy gathered around Link’s arm, concentrating into a glowing orb, which sunk into his palm.
“Did… did that thing just give you the ancient power?” The other researcher gasped.
“Can you give us a demonstration?”
Link looked to you, and you shrugged. “Might as well test it out?” you said. After all, it wasn’t like the Yiga footsoldiers were any threat to either of you.
“Why not try it on our vehicles,” one of the researchers said, motioning to the two broken platforms nearby. “If you fix the wheel on the first, you should be able to use your power to repair the second in no time flat!”
Repairing the first vehicle didn’t take long, Link had gotten pretty good at the Ultrahand. As for the second, Link simply snapped his fingers, and you watched in awe as the vehicle reassembled itself. “Fascinating,” you murmured. “I wonder if we could use that to mass repair some of the wagons for the stables…” The possibilities were endless!
“Maybe, but we’ve got bigger things to worry about first.”
You looked up seeing the researchers drop their disguises. “Ah, right.”
Behind you, the footsoldiers reappeared in their Yiga gear, but they were joined by their eccentric master. “Great work, both of you!” he congratulated his soldiers. “You strangers too! Credit where credit is due. Yes, yes…” He froze, then stamped his foot. You could feel his glare behind his mask. “If there’s any foe I’d never forget, it’s the one who cast me out of my beloved hideout into these very Depths. It was YOU!” He shook his fists, trembling with anger. “Now I live for vengeance, upon that no-good Zelda, the blasted swordsman Link, and upon my sworn enemy! That means you, [Y/n]!”
“We are bound by fate, you and I! You, who embarrassed me by sneaking up behind me! The master of ninja!” He pointed at you. “Hear my name and know fear! The leader of the Yiga Clan! The Strong! The Depths-defying! From the ashes, rising! MASTER KOHGA!”
The two footsoldiers clapped while you and Link simply watched. “We… we know who you are. I mean, we knew you were down here,” you said.
“Wait, what?!” Kohga shouted, stamping his foot again. “How did you know?!”
“Your disguises are really good and all, but when you use the same plan every time, it gets to be… predictable?” Link said.
“Yeah, change it up every now and then,” you added. “Try something new, spice it up!”
“Spice it up, eh?” Kohga said. “Well then how’s this for spice?!” In a puff of smoke, a massive vehicle fitted with spikes materialized before you. Kohga stepped on the control pad, lights flashing on and nearly blinding you. “You’ll forever remember the day you crossed Master Kohga! I will have my revenge and steal that ancient power to give to the Magnificent One!”
“Me and my big mouth,” you muttered.
“Move!” Link shouted, and the two of you split off running in opposite directions around the small arena.
“Oh, I’m ready for you this time, you sneaky… sneak!” You dove out of the way of Kohga’s strange vehicle. The ninja master cackled as he spun it around for another pass, rearing it up on two wheels as it turned. “What’s wrong, Prince? Can’t sneak up on me this time?!”
“Maybe not – oof!” You dove again. “But you keep forgetting there’s two of us!”
“Wait, what?” Link leaped onto the vehicle, slashing Kohga’s back. The vehicle disappeared in a puff of smoke. Kohga fell flat on his backside. An evil plan hatched in your mind as you grabbed the sword Link fused for you – the one with the devilishly spiked Flux Construct core. “No, no, no, wait!” It didn’t matter, you had already wound up your spin attack, smacking him with each round before slamming the makeshift torture instrument down on the ninja master.
Kohga popped away, stamping his foot again. “STOP IT! You may have won today, but we’ll return and follow you to the ends of Hyrule! I’ve already found a whole bunch of ruins down here.” He snickered. “I’ve already seen Link use his right hand to activate that construct. I’ll grab the power you cheated me out of for myself at the Southwestern Mine! Then our magnificent Demon King and I will guide this world to its miserable end, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!”
In a puff of smoke, a large flying contraption appeared. Kohga hopped aboard, taking flight. “So don’t follow me! Mwhahaha-hehe-ho – YIKES!” He veered sharply to the left out of the way of the rock wall and sped off into the darkness.
“Maybe if we leave him alone, things will just work themselves out,” Link muttered.
You sighed. “Since when have we been that lucky?”
“You’re right,” Link groaned. “At least there’s no way he’s going to be able to activate any of the other constructs. I really don’t want to follow him all the way to Gerudo Desert underground.”
“I think we’ll be safe to let him think he’s won for a bit. Let’s head up and check on Sidon,” you said, pulling out the Purah Pad to find the best place to warp to.
Just then a Construct approached. “Pardon me, but we have found an anomaly in this batch. This is not Zonaite, but not an otherwise useful material or waste either.”
“So… what is it?” Link asked.
“Protocol dictates that all anomalies be presented to management.” The Construct looked down at Rauru’s arm. It then reached inside its chest cavity and produced a small bronze rock.
“May I?” you asked, and the Construct nodded, handing you the stone. “Yeah… same bronze color as the one I found when we beat Colgera. You said it’s not a waste rock or precious metal?”
“Correct,” the Construct said. “It does have an unusual radiation pattern but does not appear dangerous to flesh-based life.”
You had to admit, there did seem to be a little tingle as you held it in your hand. Whatever it was, it didn’t seem dangerous, more warm and comforting. “Do you mind if we keep this?”
“It is up to management,” the Construct simply said, looking to Link.
“Uh, yeah?”
“Then yes, you may.” The Construct floated off, seemingly pleased.
You turned the rock over in your hand before slipping it into your pack. You then realized your boyfriend had become oddly quiet. “Link, are you okay?”
Link was staring at Rauru’s arm deep in thought. “Do you think I could combine the Zonai devices to create something crazy?”
“I mean you could, but you wouldn’t make a massive war machine like Kohga, right?”
The evil gleam in your boyfriend’s eyes was more than a little unsettling. Using the Flux Core on Kohga almost seemed like a mercy. You just took his hand and tapped the waypoint on the Purah Pad, teleporting the two of you back to the surface.
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anzynai · 2 years
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Scaramouche Hcs
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helloooo this is a super SUPER old request but i thought now would be a good time for these since he’s finally here hehe i hope u guys enjoy bc this is my man
y’all also i haven’t posted in so long so here’s this lol pls love me ALSO i am aware that “lee:” is in there three times but idk something is wrong with the post cuz it’s not going away ugh anyways 😭
warnings: tickling, contains 3.3 spoilers!
NONO ok it’s kinda funny- cuz he’s like.. the type to be like “i definitely do not enjoy this. unhand me!” don’t. he totally does.
NONO ok it’s kinda funny- cuz he’s like.. the type to be like “i definitely do not enjoy this. unhand me!” don’t. he totally does.
NONO ok it’s kinda funny- cuz he’s like.. the type to be like “i definitely do not enjoy this. unhand me!” don’t. he totally does.
his pale ass face gets so FREAKING flushed cuz it’s so embarrassing cuz the big and scary scaramouche??? ticklish??? no way!!!
he once asked childe to tickle him to increase his tolerance (who ofc agreed cuz who wouldn’t want the chance to tickle THE balladeer) but.. never again. childe is a ruthless tickle monster and scara is too ticklish for his own good.
he is.. uh slightly violent so if u wanna tickle him, be careful. it’s not even like he could help it, but he will kick, hit, do literally anything to get away LOL
honestly one of his biggest weaknesses (to him at least), ESP since his worst spot are his hips and sides (and knees but no one rlly knows that) and that’s like the general tickle spot! though, his thighs definitely aren’t a bad spot.
this poor man has the most adorable shriekiest, squeals and giggles that u would never expect from a man like him like literally everyone who has heard it cannot stop teasing him for it.
FOLLOWING THE 3.3 UPDATE, imagine whenever he’s thinking bad thoughts or is upset, nahida tickles him bc she just knows the way to cheer him up and even tho he’s never verbally thanked her, she knows it works
he actually rlly enjoys those soft tickles on like his chin and ears, he’s not too sensitive in those spots and it gets him lightly giggling and on most days, he will swat at ur hand to make u stop but occassionally… he will let u and he will love every second of it
bro gets into tickle fights a lot and when he loses, it’s funny because u can literally watch him crumble under ur touch LOL
probably obvious but he’s a very sadistic tickler LOL like if he says he won’t stop until u scream for mercy, he means it
he loves watching his “victim’s” reactions most of all. this is why he tends to tickle their neck on random because he likes their neck scrunching up
ok so what about since he’s all good now (ehh well more an anti-hero) he vents his frustration with.. get this… TICKLING instead of violence?! so if he’s angry or if he’s had a bad day, he will tickle u until he’s satisfied
i know what i said about him being sadistic but what if i say.. gentle. bro he’s kinda gentle because on most of the people he’s tickled, gentle tickles work wonders so it’s just kinda become a thing.
teasy teasy teasy!!!! bros not gonna relent hntil ur face is bright red and ur blushing like crazy, just another one of the things he likes to see so he always wants to see it.
he’s typically the winner in tickle fights (by using backhanded tricks), and once he has u… uhh. just good luck! he has a lot of experience with childe and now, traveler.
if he’s not absolutely wrecking someone with tickles, it doesn’t mean ur safe. he typically will swipe a finger down ur spine or neck whenever ur occupied and just catch u off guard.
sometimes, he thinks it’s funny to tease u and be like “you wanna be tickled, don’t u?” or “you wanna be tickled so bad, it’s pathetic” and then, scribble somewhere on ur body until u begin to laugh. and then, stop. and walk away. just because he thinks it’s funny to see u all shocked (and sometimes even a little disappointed) and he just laughs until he eventually tickles u.
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quietbluejay · 24 days
Betrayer 11
Erebus and Argel Tal continue to speak, we get a funny bit with the Syrgalah crew, Lotara tries to find out more about the Nails, Kharn attempts an intervention and the librarians watch bloodsports
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and in like 3 sentences we really get the shape of their relationship and also where Lorgar gets it from annnd also I want to strangle Erebus
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Raum wants to kill Erebus, which apparently he always does lol
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i do wonder what this is actually referring to
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mirror of Argel Tal telling Kharn he doesn't have a sense of humour left after seeing past the veil
Erebus tells the whole story of what happened at Calth Argel Tal of course focuses on the most important thing
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yep he wants Erebus to bring back Cyrene oh best girl keeda is back i honestly don't know if i'm rooting for her to survive this book or not i guess i want her to have a good death, that's the only way out in this book lmao Syrgalah's being worked on by a whole flock of tech priests oh yeah also their team tech-priest was also a fun guy
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there's a funny little conversation with Ninth's boss where he is also very literal minded
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archmagos: so did you talk with your boss about your reassignment? both of them: REASSIGNMENT???
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this has been a genuinely funny exchange now they're out for blood time to go yell at their boss
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so I'm guessing that these guys are a lot more chill about insubordination than most places lol anyways they did not in fact read their offers lmao
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he's the actual HR guy lol
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not their smartest moment, as keeda says that was nice, a little bit of humour to stop things from getting too bleak
ah a return to Lotara and Lhorke rip, the Conqueror has a rat infestation Lotara wonders how well, you see, a legionary thought they were cute
that's me making stuff up to be clear there's been a little bit of headhopping going on in this book that happens when there's two viewpoint characters who share a scene it was going on with Keeda and Toth, it's happened a few other times too, Lhorke and Kharne, Kharn and Argel Tal, now Lotara and Lhorke
i'm not going to make a huge deal about it because it's actually only recently it's become considered a writing sin
(by recently i mean the past 20 maybe 30 years) but still, I'm not really a fan Haley also does this too which I think is funny that two of the BL writers I consider the best both do it
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i'm pretty sure that should count as some kind of harassment bit stupid to do to a dreadnought though lol
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lhorke is pretty good at emoting lol so, the techpriest Kharn bullied earlier in the book wasn't able to find all the teeth for Gorechild because they had to leave early so Kharn improvised
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i thought part of the whole point of raiding people was stealing their stuff i guess you don't get war booty if you're ship crew ah she wants to talk about Angron's Nails Vel-Kheredar: you don't have clearance
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this could also be why the emperor was so "whatever" to angron
eh he's going to die anyways, as long as he sometimes do things in the direction of being useful, it's fine
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oh we're getting Val-Kheredar POV
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he's another fun guy feel like Cawl would want to throw hands lol
time for argel tal to share his resurrection plan with Kharn
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"foul serenity" another fun choice of words kharn: lmao this ship is either cursed or haunted argel tal: it's both
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kharn attempts an intervention it…doesn't go well kharn: i've allowed your association with that daemon so far-
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kharn: so uh how do you know where cyrenes bones are argel tal: mutter mutter kharn: what? argel tal:…erebus told me
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argel tal and russ have something in common lmao
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and thus nice guy argel tal goes in and just straight up kills a bunch of unresisting and unarmed mortals but he's got Cyrene's mostly decayed body!
update: 103 people and now we're over to the librarians who are watching the fighting pits
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man being a world eater pysker sucks we knew it already but hey
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lmao who'd have thought Angron would be one for the anti-psyker group gee i wonder why they didn't get him to speak at Nikaea
oh boy everyone's beating down Delvarus Delvarus fights 26 opponents to third blood and then Kargos steps in and sets it to be to the death
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Kargos leaves him alive though
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shittyclive · 11 months
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this is our guy. vincent :-) this isnt a proper reference bc of. the messy details, and hes missing buttons on his jacket but. um. i write a infodump under the cut okay?
okay let me go consult the google doc that we havent updated in ages umm.
Vincent Krasnoff (he/it/she in order of preferences. he could not describe what type of queer he is to you OR itself) is a student at Gressenheller who is majoring in psychology but is also taking layton’s archaeology class. for fun! the archaeology interest is much more casual than his interest in the human mind though. criminal psychology is a particularly interesting subject to it, and would probably be his main study focus if he didnt know cops were bastards! instead he just watches many commentaries on criminal cases, and tries to get into their heads (i guess this is a more modern au for layton...??? just so youtube can exist... laytonverse sneegsnag... (also because of his stupid gay raccoon tails)). anyways i made him like that because the idea of someone who is fascinated in getting into peoples heads and understanding their motivations for things meeting clive (and hershel "repressed trauma" layton) was sooooo funny to me. lol.
you might recognise him from the daily clive 9/11 yuri image. no comment.
uh! he is from a town in laytonverse scotland called Snowsburgh! this is also where the professor's next adventure would lead him. vincent, who is fascinated by the professor's autism, decides to volunteer to act as a tour guide for the professor! layton doesnt want to be lost this time (seriously. why does he just wander around like that. i cant stand this. please just have a guy who knows things around. oh my god.) so he lets her tag along for extra credit :-). ^_^.
vincent is very relaxed! he is constantly masking (autism) so he always tries to make a conscious effort to have a nice polite smile. when he gets distracted or lost in thought he looks like this
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resting bitch face supreme. um. projection powers activate.
he likes being very laidback, though he is known to tease people after figuring out how to get under their skin. she is aware that most people think shes actually kind of cool when they first meet her, and would like to Keep It That Way. he realises wayyyy too late on the car/train ride to snowsburgh (we have NOT decided how theyre getting there yet) that his childhood friends are going to EMBARRASS him. SAD. unfortunately it is simply karma.
he gets along fine with anyone but theres always a level of detatchment. is he Hiding something? other than his childhood friends bullying him lightheartedly like friends do? he just doesnt talk about himself more than he has to.
hm! weird! im sure hes normal actually. anyways image of him that got irradiated by @emmejayy andthen i squished him
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