#and it’s funny cuz I don’t even look like her remotely YET THIS HAIR
theloveinc · 2 years
Got my bangs cut and I’m looking a bit too much like that lady aliceandfern on tik tok for comfort
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Bug Bros
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Word Count: 2.4k
Requested by @lina-lovebug: Jaime Reyes x Parker! Fem! Reader? They both have a cruch on eachother and Tye and Ed and Barr tease him a lot about it, and always wonder why he doesn't just ask her out. Jaime just doesn't want to start a long distance since she lives in New York, but when she becomes part of the Young leaguers, now he has no excuse. They go out on a first date, which ends abrupt cuz his friends ended up following him. She kisses him anyway and he walks her back to Mt. Justice.
“Dude, staring at her isn’t gonna do anything.” Eduardo snickered at Jaime.
“There’s this thing called talking, you should try that with her.” Tye shook his head as he tossed the guys a soda, sitting down in the Mount Justice lounge with them.
“Shut up, guys!” Jaime groaned, face burning red.
You and your teammates, Peter Parker and Sam Alexander, were here in Rhode Island on official S.H.I.E.L.D business. This wasn’t your first visit here, so nobody was surprised when none of you had really paid attention to the debriefing back at S.H.I.E.L.D (as per usual), so the trip was taking longer than expected (as per usual). Your twin brother, Peter, was currently trying to work out some sort of deal with Black Canary, you and Sam were not listening. You were both bored, and eventually snuck off to the lounge, where some of the Outsiders were chilling.
“Guys mind if we crash here?” Sam asked them, sitting down next to Bart without an answer.
“Sure.” Tye mumbled sarcastically at him.
“So what do you guys do to avoid meetings around here?” You asked as you leaned against the back of the couch behind Jaime, eyes on the tv, which was currently playing Remember the Titans. Jaime’s eyes widened and he stiffened with how close you were to him, and his friends noticed.
“Usually just run the other direction.” Bart said through a mouthful of chips.
“What’s your meeting about, anyways?” Eduardo asked.
You and Sam both shrugged.
“How many times do we have to visit you guys for you to know we never know what’s going on?” You grinned.
“Yeah, we just follow Web Heads lead.” Sam stole a handful of chips from Bart. “It’s funny how you think we take our job seriously.”
Everyone looked at the both of you, concerned.
“We’re kidding, we take it seriously.” You reassure them. “Just nothing to do with...business meetings.”
“Nova! H/N! Get back here!” Spider Man ordered you. Sam rolled his eyes and took one last handful of chips before putting his helmet on and flying over.
“See ya later, Bug Bro.” You ruffled Jaime’s hair before shooting a web and swinging back over. Jaime’s face was now bright red, and he was clutching his soda can so tight his knuckles turned white. Eduardo and Tye started snickering at him, Jaime throwing his empty soda can at them in retaliation It didn’t affect either of them the way Jaime wanted it to, and they kept laughing at him.
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Bart asked.
“Because.” Jaime crossed his arms and pouted.
“It’s a simple resolution, dude.” Tye picked up the soda can and tossed it back at him teasingly.
“Just ask her out, amigo!” Eduardo shouted a little too loud. Thankfully, you were too busy getting scolded by Black Canary and Batman to hear. “She obviously likes you, and even a deaf and blind man would know you like her!”
“I can’t ask her out, guys!” Jaime snapped at them, now actually angry. Now they stopped laughing and looked at him, concerned.
“Dude, whats up?” Tye asked his best friend.
“Looks, she lives all the way in New York. I live in El Paso.” Jaime sighed. “There’s no way it would work.”
“But you’re mostly here.” Bart tried to reassure him. “Rhode Island isn’t too far from New York.”
“Asami lives in Japan, we still make it work.” Tye added.
“Asami doesn’t live in Japan. She moved here last week. Don’t think I don’t remember.” Jaime mumbled.
“But before that we had a long distance thing.”
“For like a month while she sorted stuff out with her parents.” Jaime scoffed. “Y/N lives in New York. She’s not moving anytime soon.”
“So...you like her, but you’re not willing to even give long distance a try?” Eduardo raised an eyebrow.
“Well that makes me sound like el huevón, dude!” Jaime snapped. “Look, it just won’t work, okay? Would you guys just drop it?”
The boys all glanced at each other, shocked at Jaime’s outburst. He was always so chill, would hardly even yell at villains, so they almost didn’t recognize him when he was angry. Even Tye didn’t, and he’s known the guy since middle school.
“What’s the ups, dudes? Change the channel, games on.” Virgil waltzed in, snatching the remote from the coffee table.
Virgil didn’t notice the tense atmosphere until his team scored, and he went to high five Jaime, and didn’t get a response.
“Uhh...don’t leave me hangin, bro!” Virgil said, then finally looked at the other boys’ faces. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” Jaime grumbled, getting up and walking out to the balcony.
“What’s his deal?” Virgil asked. “I didn’t think it was physically possible for him to be angry...”
“I’ll go talk to him.” Tye rushed after Jaime.
He walked out to the balcony, Jaime sitting on the rail and mumbling to himself, something he often did when he was nervous. Tye would often catch him doing this before math tests or trying a complicated skateboard trick.
“Talk to me, man.” Tye leaned against the railing, resting his chin on his hand.
“I really like her.” Jaime said, just above a whisper. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Well, you can either tell her and try, or never tell her and miss your chance forever.” Tye said nonchalantly, staring out at the city.
“Wow. That makes me feel better.” Jaime chuckled.
“Hey, you can always count on me to be real with you.” Tye nudged him lightly.
“That I can.” Jaime playfully shoved him.
“So? What are you gonna do?” Tye raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not sure yet.”
“Bug Bro!” You shouted, before jumping onto Jaime’s back. He yelped, quickly straightening up and holding onto the backs of your legs to keep you up.
“Warn me next time?” He asked, grinning up at you and you leaned over his shoulder to see his face.
“Sorry.” You laughed, ruffling his hair affectionately. “I have news, bro.”
“What is it, bro?” He asked as he continued making his way towards the kitchen for some lunch.
“Fury gave the green light, I’m joining the Outsiders!” You beamed excitedly.
“What? Really?” Jaime asked, eyes widening in shock.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be a counselor too.” You smiled.
“Why aren’t you staying in New York?” He asked as you hopped off his back and walked next to him.
“I need a change of scenery.” You shrugged. “Some space from my brother. I love him and all, but he never lets me do a lot on missions. Thinks I’ll get hurt or whatever.”
“Is it permanent?” He asked curiously.
“Nothings permanent, Jaime.” You giggled. “But maybe. I do want to help people more directly. I love my team but I just don’t have that kind of opportunity with S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“Yeah...S.H.I.E.L.Ds kinda scary.” Jaime rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Well, I’m glad to have you on the team, Y/N.”
“Now I’ll be with my Bug Bro all the time!” You grinned, elbowing him playfully.
“Yeah! Totally.” He grinned nervously.
“Dude, what do I even say?” Jaime hyperventilated as he paced back and forth in front of Bart and Tye.
Tye and Bart didn’t really get along, they tolerated each other, but thy weren’t best buds. But when Jaime needed help, they would stop the bickering and work together.
“You got the hard part over with.” Tye shrugged. “She said yes to the date.”
“I know. I thought that was the hard part, turns out it’s not.” Jaime said as he checked himself in the mirror for the thousandth time. “Now I gotta actually make sure she likes me?”
“Well...Yeah?” Bart blinked at his homie. “Dude, just be yourself.”
“But a little less nervous.” Tye added.
“And maybe stop sweating.” Bart nodded.
“Quit worrying about your hair, it hasn’t moved since 2008.”
“Try to flirt a little more.”
“But not too much, you don’t want to come off as an idiot.”
“But you said be myself! None of those things is myself!” Jaime shouted at his friends.
“Be yourself...but calm.” Bart instructed.
“How am I supposed to be calm? I-“
“Dude! You’re late!” Tye yelled when he saw the time, 7 minutes past when Jaime was supposed to leave to pick you up.
“Shit!” Jaime snatched his keys from the dish on the side table. “See you guys later! But what if I mess this up-“
“Go!” Tye and Bart both yelled. Jaime stuck his tongue out at ten before rushing out to his car.
Bart and Tye sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, blankly staring at the tv.
“Wanna follow him?” Bart grinned.
“Oh yeah.” Tye nodded. “Let me call for reinforcements.”
“...and then Danny punched a hole trough the wall and hit Sam on accident.” You giggled as you finished a story about your teammates.
“Isn’t Danny supposed to be the chill one?” Jaime chuckled.
“Apparently.” You shrugged. “To be fair, he had a reason to be mad.”
“I suppose. So-“ Jaime opened his mouth to ask another question, but froze when he saw something: a few tables back and on the row across from them, he saw Tye, Bart, Eduardo and Virgil wearing sunglasses, fake mustaches and their hoods. He instantly glared at them, motioning discreetly for them to leave.
“What are you-?” You turned to look where he was.
“Wait Wait Wait!” Jaime shouted, a little too loudly, gaining the attention of several other customers. He smiled nervously and cleared his throat. “Um...you mentioned earlier a time when Sam crash landed into the White House?”
“Oh yeah!” You laughed, and began the story.
Jaime wanted to pay attention, he really did, but he couldn’t take his focus off his idiot friends. First of all he couldn’t believe Tye agreed to the ‘disguises’. Second of all, he couldn’t believe they were spying on him! Had they no regard for privacy and personal space?? Okay, so, maybe he did believe it.
‘Jaime Reyes, I advise you to focus on the Y/N Parker. She may grow angry if she discovers you are not listening. Shall I activate and obliterate the Tye Longshadow, Bart Allen, Eduardo Dorado Jr and Virgil Hawkins so you may focus properly on the Y/N Parker’s story?’ The Scarab asked.
“No! No obliteration!” Jaime mumbled.
“Is the Scarab talking to you?” You asked curiously.
“Yeah, sorry. He’s been yapping in my ear, it’s hard to concentrate.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Oh. Well, we can leave if you want.” You smiled and waved over the waitress for the check.
“Please, let me.” Jaime set down his credit card before you could even open your wallet.
“Come on, you drove us here.” You sigh as the waitress took his credit card.
“It’s no trouble, really.” He shook his head. “It’s my fault this is ending so abruptly, it’s the least I can do.”
Once the waitress came back with his card he led to back out to his car, glaring at his friends as you passed the table. They all snickered, quickly paying their bill and piling into Virgil’s car.
“Where’d they go?” Bart asked as he leaned forward, between Virgil and Tye.
“Uh...there!” Eduardo pointed ahead. “¡Dale!”
Virgil stepped on it, following close behind Jaime’s black car. Tye looked at his phone when a text alert went off, seeing a text from Jaime: Quit following me! You’re all dead!
Tye just snickered, before responding with: wow, texting and driving? Not cool, man.
They followed Jaime’s car all the way back to Mount Justice, Eduardo and Bart bickering as they tried to see between the front seats, shoving each other. Virgil parked far behind them, just close enough to be able to see.
You were clueless to the car full of idiots as Jaime walked you up to the entrance. Jaime was well aware, and worried that you would notice them.
‘Jaime Reyes, get her inside quick. Once the door shuts we shall obli-‘
“Scarab, Stop!” Jaime scolded.
“He’s still chatty?” You giggled at Jaime as you reached the doors.
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You can’t help that the alien parasite attached to you is talkative.” You smile up at him, making him laugh. “Uh...I had a really good time. Even if it was cut short.”
“Yeah, me too.” He smiled back at you, equally as nervous and awkward.
You both stood there for a few moments, not sure what to do next.
“What are they doing?” Eduardo asked as he shoved Batt aside to see better.
“They’re just standing there.” Virgil shook his head. “Is this dude really not smooth at all?”
“Trust me, hasn’t been smooth ever since we were kids.” Tye shook his head. “Doesn’t have a smooth bone in his body.”
“Actually, I’m pretty sure your bones are smooth-Ow! What?” Bart rubbed his arm where Eduardo punched him.
“Come on, Jaime, do something.” Virgil groaned, starting to get second hand embarrassment for the guy.
Jaime knew he wanted to kiss you, but was it what you wanted? Would you yell at him? Not return it? Never lack to him ever again? Luckily, his anxious thoughts were interrupted when you suddenly craned your neck up to be able to press your lips to his. It was a quick peck on the lips, just to test the waters. He pulled you in for another kiss, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to lift yourself up a little higher.
“Finally!” Tye shouted, probably loud enough for the both of you to hear if you weren’t so busy.
“Oh, gross! I said kiss, not suck face!” Virgil pretended to gag.
“Dang, they’re really going at it.” Bart mumbled.
“You guys ruin the mood.” Eduardo shook his head. “Is this what it’s like to date you?”
“First of all, watching someone suck face is way different than sucking face.” Tye said.
“Quit saying ‘suck face’.” Eduardo cringed.
“Second of all, I am a delight to date.”
“Ha!” Virgil snorted, then slapped his hand over his mouth when Tye sent him a death glare. “I mean...yeah dude, who wouldn’t date you? You’re just so...lovely.”
“Uh...guys...Jaime’s coming for us.” Bart warmed.
“Crap! Start the car! Start the car!” Eduardo shrieked as Jaime activates his Blue Beetle suit, flying at them with the thirst for revenge in his eyes.
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satsuma-saturn · 4 years
is it alright if i ask for some belphie fluff? reader is female, if that’s alright w/ you! ^^ the scenario : reader gets her period, and this time the cramps are bad. they get bad that it prevents her from sleeping, due to the pain swelling up in her. she wants to sleep, but cant due to the cramps, so she goes to belphie to help get her to sleep. ^^
You Should Sleep - Belphegor x f!Reader
A/N: okay, so this highkey sucks and it’s short. it started off kinda strong, but i lost inspo part way through. i'll probably rewrite it in the future, but i didn’t want to put it off for any longer, which is why it’s rushed. i hope you enjoy anyway
WC: 1189
Warning(s): mentions of period/pain
fic is below the cut :3
For hours, you’ve been tossing and turning, trying to find the sweet release of sleep. Of course, this has been met with no results, other than the excruciating pain you’re in. Not to mention, none of the brothers understand what you’re going through. Mammon called you a drama queen and Leviathan just wrote you off as being a stupid normie. Basically, they’re useless. You feel like an idiot for expecting a bunch of demon brothers to be of any assistance. The only remotely helpful brother had been Beel, who offered you a singular piece of chocolate, not that it did any good.
As you sit up, giving up on sleep, you realize that there had been one brother missing from the picture while you were yelling around in pain. Belphegor. Most likely, he had been snoozing somewhere in the house, but he’s hard to find when he’s napping. Being the Avatar of Sloth, he typically sleeps wherever, like on a couch in the library, or even on the landing of the stairs. That time, it had been dark in the house and you’d stepped on him, waking him up and enraging him. Even though he doesn’t like being woken up, he was just mainly mad about being stepped on. At the time, you were terrified, but looking back, it was actually kind of funny. You’re not in a laughing mood, though. Exhaustion seeps into your core, yet the pain keeps you awake, hardly letting you linger on the precipice of sleep.
However, thinking about Belphegor gives you an idea. Who better to help you sleep than the Avatar of Sloth himself? Though he doesn’t necessarily have any magic to help you sleep, he is a good cuddler, his body always warm and smelling like freshly cleaned laundry. You scramble out of bed, hoping to find the path to sleep, with Belphegor’s help.
Padding down the hall, you slowly and carefully open the door to the twins’ room. Peeking inside, you see that neither of them are present. Most likely, Beel is having a late night snack in the kitchen, as he does every night, but where is Belphie? You sigh, knowing that he could be anywhere in the house. From the start, you know you can eliminate all of his brothers’ rooms, as well as his own, but there are still many rooms left in the house. Maybe he’s in the attic? He spends quite a lot of time up there, though you aren’t sure why, since that had been his prison for a long time.
While you stand in the doorway of the twins’ room, you feel a presence behind you. You freeze momentarily, praying to Diavolo that it isn’t Lucifer. The eldest acts similar to a hall monitor sometimes, disliking it when anyone is roaming out of their rooms at night. However, when you turn your head, you see that it’s just Beel, probably returning from his late night snack time. He appears to be confused about your presence in the doorway to his room, so you quickly try to explain the situation to him.
“Uh, I was just looking for Belphie. He isn’t here, though. Sorry for just bursting into your room,” you ramble, moving out of his way.
“No worries. I think he’s in the attic. He spends a lot of time up there, even though he was imprisoned there for a while.” A slightly worried look crosses his face as he glances at the ceiling, as if he could see Belphegor through the ceiling. You look up too, only seeing the blank ceiling staring back at you.
“I’m gonna go look for him,” you announce, heading for the attic stairs.
“Okay, see you,” he says, watching you for a few seconds, before he enters his bedroom.
When you reach the top of the stairs, you can hear soft snores through the slightly ajar door. You push it open the rest of the way, spotting Belphegor nestled in the pillows and blankets, his hair tufting in cowlicks off of his head. Despite him being fast asleep, he is alerted to your presence, grabbing you and pulling you toward him, like a child grabbing their toy. Normally, you’d be fine with it, but the sudden movements brought on a new wave of pain in your uterus. Alarmed by your sudden yelp of pain, he’s alert, his eyes wide.
“Are you okay?” He asks, his arms still wrapped tightly around you. His voice is full of sleep, having just been ripped from it. You aren’t concerned, though, since he falls asleep quite easily.
“No,” you reply honestly, wiggling out of his arms and flopping down on the bed next to him. He lays down next to you, pulling you close.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, rubbing soothing circles on your back. His breath is warm on your forehead as he presses a kiss on it. You relax into his arms, closing your eyes.
“‘M in a lotta pain,” you mumble. “I have cramps ‘cuz of my period,” you explain, nosing into his chest.
“Oh,” he replies, probably unsure of how to reply. “That’s that thing that human women have to deal with, right? Like your body shits out blood for a few days?” You scoff in response.
“I don’t shit out blood, Bells. It’s--”
“I know. I had to listen to Satan explain it in extreme detail the first time you had it here. I didn’t care, but Lucifer wanted everyone to know, especially after Mammon thought you were dying. He’s just an idiot, though.”
“Okay. Anyway, the pain is really bad tonight and I’ve been trying to sleep for hours. Nothing I’ve tried has worked and it’s going to be worse for me tomorrow if I don’t get some sleep,” you explain.
“So close your eyes and sleep. I know I’m the Avatar of Sloth, but it’s not like I have some magical sleeping powers,” he quips. “Still, I guess I’ll let you sleep here and we can cuddle. After all, you always let me come to you for cuddles, so I guess that it’s okay that you came to me,” he says. He’s probably blushing, but you can’t see his face in the darkness.
“I know that, but I just--” The demon cuts you off, not giving you the chance to finish your thought.
“Shhhhh...go to sleep.” He slips a hand under your shirt to continue rubbing your back, his hand raising goosebumps as it touches your bare skin. The pain hasn’t exactly dissipated, but Belphegor’s presence soothes you. His lips press against yours, warm and slightly chapped. You make a note to buy him some chapstick. Soon his lips leave yours as he rests his chin on the top of your head. “You seem more relaxed now, and the sooner you get to sleep, the sooner I get to go back to sleep, so you should sleep.”
With a small nod of your head, you close your eyes in an attempt to fall asleep. The pain still churns your insides, but being in the arms of someone you love makes you feel at ease.
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sometimes i think about how dice would react if kokichi randomly grew like fifty feet tall,,, they’d still love him but it would be pretty funny
HONESTLY g/t Kokichi and Dice is criminally underrated smh I'm glad someone else is thinkin bout it
But yeah huuu… before getting to the part where they dote on their giant leader I just kinda wanna think like how Kichi would react to that… cuz you know how in one of his fte's he said that they'd be better off without him/wouldn't care if he died (? Something along those lines ?) Like in this situation he'd still think they wouldn't want him around. so I'm thinking if he suddenly grew big-mean-villain-sized, he'd prolly like just up and run off to hide somewhere. I just love to think that even he doesn't show it and still acts like a fckin cloWn around others, giant kichi feels like a big ugly scary monster and would rather stay on his own than let anyone near him, and that could work with most of his classmates they wouldn't really care enough to try and get close to him so he thinks even his dice group would be the same but holly heck no they absolutely wouldn't leave him alone gosh that's so cute
Hhehehehhheez imagine the scene bro,,, Kokichi wakes up in the middle of the night with his body screaming in pain he feels weird and uncomfortable and it's like chains r tugging at his limbs to rip them off and it's awful and all and he's curled in on himself breathing raggedly flinching his eyes shut, when the pain subsides he looks around and chaos meets him, there's debris all over and below him and he's seeing everything from a helicopter pov but his feet still meet the ground. it's like he's a kid in the middle of a doll town except there are living people in this little doll town and it's terrifying and he has no idea what to do but he reaches down with shaky hands to see if anyone got caught and hurt in the mess he did, when he sees that no one got injured -or worse- it does little to calm him down. if he doesn't get away immediately someone will come and see him like that- then an image pops in his mind of his dice group standing at his feet with their necks craned up looking at him in horror before running off. he doesn't want to see that, he doesn't want the people he loves the most to leave and he won't let that happen so he runs to hide from them.
And he's a criminal genius and used to hiding and deceiving people so when he goes to a remote location he doesn't even think anyone could possibly find him- he knows dice will try but he knows each and every single one of them better than they know themselves, he can think ten steps ahead of them so they can't catch up to him. They'll get tired of looking and leave him alone and it'll be for the best for everyone. Yet they baffle him when they find him after a while- later they tell him that it's because they too know him better than he knows himself and know how he thinks when he's distressed, but at the very moment they find him their first reaction is discomfort and skepticism 😔 they aren't sure if this giant boy really is their Kokichi maybe someone is trying to cause havoc in their group, but if he really is Kokichi then they don't want to leave alone,,, like this. They're a lil unsure but they try to talk to him understand what happened. And Kokichi feels satisfied that he was right and they're afraid and they don't want to see him but that satisfaction is a bitter lie he's telling himself as comfort but the truth his that he doesn't want to see them like this so he keeps trying to push them away
But dice slowly sees past the bitterness and recognizes Kokichi's distrust and paranoia and their own distrust melts away and leaves room for relief. They slowly shift from interrogatory to fussing over their giant leader for running off without a warning n leaving them so worried. But they know Kichi won't believe their concern for him and if they try to be too supportive too suddenly he'll get paranoid and push them away thinking they're tricking him even if they only want to help, so they'll agree to move things slow nd gentle with their scared giant leader.
See the uhee afro guy? yea he kinda looks like second in command and kinda serious and professional (as professional as a criminal harlequin with an afro can be) I can kinda see him being the most collected in the situation and the first dice member Kichi feels a lil comfortable around- he likes to see him lead the group and keep his head cool in such crazy situation it's comforting normalcy. And the uh gal with super long hair who's curled up in the back on that dice group pic? (The one who for some obscure reason is the fandom fave) like yea she looks like the youngest member I can see her being kinda playful n affectionate and be all over Kokichi always climbing on him nestled in his hair or poking him around nd clinging to him and joking and playing around and Kokichi hates it cuz all that love and acceptance has to be a lie, no one can trust Kokichi Ouma when he's a short whimpy high school boy and no one could ever possiblity trust Kokichi Ouma when he's a giant monster who can hold human lives in the palm of his hand.
One thing dice agrees on is to never leave Kokichi completely alone- they know he'll try to leave again if he finds the occasion so they make sure to keep an eye on him (they also obviously want to keep him company in these trying times) and Kokichi can see that effort to keep him put and he doesn't like it. he doesn't like how they're pushing it with their lie of caring about him and wanting to be around him. he could leave if he really wanted to but somewhere buried deep in him he still longs for their company and comfort even if he's afraid of their betrayal- but he's really desperate so even if it's risky he trusts them just a little to stay with him and goodness, of course they don't disappoint.
No matter what happens after that and no matter how long he stays like that (even if it's forever irreversible) dice is sticking with their leader. they push and prod him around to go back to their routine and drag him to go make new pranks- it's a little hard to adjust to his new size but they do their best to work around it and even make use of it to pull the craziest stunts. all in all they do whatever they can to get Kokichi to be comfortable with them and with himself and they're there for him like he was always there for them cuz he loves them and they all love him too and no matter how hard it's to get through to him they'll show him their honesty n loyalty and prove he can trust them and gosh im not into the whole power of love shtick but let the boy be happy dang it!!
Haha and of course there's the flips side of shrinking ouma and dice,,, but the world isn't ready for that discussion yet.
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devilatmydoor · 4 years
love is fatal I  part 2
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A/N; Part 2 of my new Cal fic! Let me know what you think! :) I hope you are all rested and safe. 
part 1 
Word Count; 4.2k
Warning; angst, drug use, swearing 
The lump in her throat became more apparent as the girl looked Veronica up and down, staring at her choice of clothes.  She felt overdressed in her black hoodie, messy bun, and black leggings versus the other girl with Cal’s shirt on. Before she could even say anything or try and walk away from the half-naked girl standing next to her, her grating voice alarmed Veronica, “Are you Luke’s new girl?” 
Luke’s new girl? Where in the hell did she get that idea? 
“No.” Veronica breathed looking at Luke’s door to see if she stared at it long enough he’d look for her. 
“You’re here late for someone who isn’t his.” She commented and Veronica looked at her watch on her arm and saw that it was barely past 11pm. The girl looked Veronica up and down for the second time and Veronica furrowed her eyebrows and squinted her eyes, confused why she was still standing next to her, “But you are wearing far too many clothes to be here for Luke.” She winked. 
Veronica had to take a deep breath before replying to her, “I don’t fucking know you.What Luke and I are doing is between him and I. Even though whatever is going on between you and Calum isn’t.” Veronica insinuated as she walked back to Luke’s room ignoring whatever the other girl was going to reply with. 
She opened the door and closed it and Luke was sitting at the edge of the bed, the pizza boxes and empty coke cans vanished from the room. She shook her head and sighed louder than she anticipated. 
He tilted his head and ran his fingers through his curls, “What took you so long darlin’?” He asked softly 
“You didn’t tell me which door was the bathroom so I overheard Calum having sex,” She gagged, “Then I ran into the girl on the way back to your room and she implied that there was something going on between you and me.” 
He softly growled in response and motioned her to the bed,  “Oh god her. No wonder he was mad you were here. Ignore whatever she said, she’s the worst.” 
She sat down next to him and softly giggled at his comment, “Her voice is definitely something.”  
“Oh god isn’t it? I honest to god don’t know how he listens to her talk.” He giggled looking in her eyes. 
“I don’t think they spend too much time talking.” She replied and pursed her lips and leaned towards him.
He almost fell on the bed laughing and she couldn’t help but laugh with him, her nervous breath turned quickly into her trying to catch her breath from laughing so much. Her stomach hurt as she continued to laugh with Luke and they both fell backward on the bed laughing. He laid on his side to face her and she took a deep breath to stop herself from getting dizzy from all the laughter. He followed suit and then giggled softly, “Luke! It wasn’t even that funny!” 
“Then why are you laughing just as much as I am?” He chuckled and he sat on his bed with his back leaning on the headboard. 
Veronica moved so her back was leaning on the headboard and she blushed, “Probably because it’s true!” 
“I can’t see her having intellectual conversations” Luke’s eyes narrowed as he smiled at her. 
“Besides the obvious reasons, why don’t you like her?” She asked as she cocked her head sideways. 
“I just don’t get a good vibe from her. Ever since Calum met her she’s been coming to our place and he’s almost never at her house. It’s just suspicious like she’s hiding something from him. If she stays overnight, which rarely happens she expects Calum to have coffee ready for her. She complains about his smoking, gets jealous of any girl who talks to him, talks about how messy the house looks if it is a mess. She acts like his girlfriend when she’s his friend with benefits.” Luke explained, grabbing the remote to his T.V
“God she sounds awful. And I thought Caleb was the worst.” She speculated and pulled her sweater sleeves to cover her hands. 
“What’s he like?” He asked as he looked in her eyes. 
“He gets jealous too, I think he doesn’t like you and I hanging out but I could care less. He usually comes to my house but it’s mostly because his roommate knows my ex and the breakup wasn’t…” She trailed off trying to think of a word that would describe the disaster that was her last relationship. 
“You don’t have to talk about it but if you ever want to I am here for you no matter what okay? I understand messy breakups, I’ve been through some emotional ones myself. I’m here for you darling, whatever you need.” He mused and smiled at her. 
She smiled at him and kissed him softly on his cheek, “Thank you Luke, I appreciate that. I’m here for you. You can always talk to me about anything. I never judge my friends, ever.” She mused
“I don’t either.” He smiled at her and they finished watching The Ritual and watched Hush, Luke comfortably laying his head on Veronica’s lap so she could massage his scalp and run her fingers through his curls.
* * * * *
The sunlight in his room peeking through the black curtains, he rolled over on his side and slowly opened his eyes and saw her laying on the other side of his bed. She rarely stayed the night, especially during the week. She told him she was going to leave after going to the bathroom but he passed out and didn’t even notice she was sleeping next to him. He laid on his back and stared at the ominous blue wall until his stomach grumbled loud enough to wake up Luke. He sat on the edge of his bed and stretched his arms while flexing his tense muscles. His back and shoulders ached from his 10-hour shifts at the shop  and 80% of his shift he was hunched over clients’. He rolled his neck and a soft groan escaped his lips. He shrugged realizing she was still asleep. He stood up and put his boxers on and stretched his back and an even louder groan escaped from his lips. He stood up straight and thought of one last idea to wake her up. He walked to his leather jacket that was hung on his chair and  went through his pockets for the white box and lighter he clung to. He took out a cigarette and ignited it as he sat on his chair and inhaled the intoxicating yet soothing nicotine. He exhaled and waited for her to smell the smoke. He inhaled his cigarette and exhaled, her body slowly waking up as her eyes shot open and her eyes met his. 
“What the fuck Cal?” She said in a chiding tone, she moved the comforter off of her body to reveal she was partially dressed. She was wearing her bralette and underwear from the previous night. 
“Good morning to you too,” He huffed as he crossed his legs and inhaled his cigarette staring at her. 
“I told you I don’t like when you smoke.” She scoffed and sat up in his bed and leaned against the headboard and covered her nose further disapproving of him.
He exhaled his cigarette and rolled his eyes as he clenched his jaw, “I told you to leave.” He growled and stood up from his chair and ran his fingers through his messy hair. 
“You didn’t even notice I was sleeping in your bed.” She sighed as she slowly climbed off his bed. 
“I was exhausted, I trusted you to leave as we agreed. All you had to do was put your dress and shoes on, drive home which is hardly even a drive.” He shook his head in disbelief. 
“Did you think maybe I was exhausted too?” She walked towards him, her arms crossed as she narrowed her eyes at him. 
“From what? You don’t work 40 hour weeks.” He spat as he walked away from her and looked through his closet for clean clothes. 
“This is why we don’t talk, you think you know everything.” She muttered and he sharply turned around to look at her. 
“It’s mostly cuz you’re a snobby bitch who gets whatever she wants.” He growled and bit his bottom lip glaring at her. 
“Fuck you Calum.” She spat and walked away from him to grab her clothes from the floor. 
“You already did, multiple times.” He winked and turned around and grabbed his clothes for the day and looked at her as she put her dress on, “I’m gonna shower, you know the way out.” He spat as he opened the door and walked down the hall to the bathroom. He stepped inside the bathroom and closed the door behind him, louder than normal, and groaned in response. He turned on the shower to the hottest setting and slipped off his boxers and didn’t even bother to comb his hair. He stepped in the shower as steam surrounded him as he let the scalding water hit his back sighing in relief from the pain. He grabbed his shampoo and worked it into his curls as he enjoyed the water hitting his back in the perfect way. He rinsed the soap out of his hair while closing his eyes. He did the same treatment with his deep conditioner and let it sit in his hair as he lathered his favorite body wash on his body. He rinsed his hair and body off and turned off the shower. He grabbed a towel and dried off. His hair a complete mess from the shower and he put on his socks, then his black pants and his white tank top. He put on deodorant and put on his favorite cologne. He put his short sleeve top on buttoned his shirt from bottom to top. He combed his hair and opened the door and stepped out of the steam-filled room and walked down the hallway to his room to grab his phone from his nightstand, he sighed in relief when there was no sign of her. 
He walked down the hall toward the kitchen and he could smell coffee as he got closer to the island by the sink. He sat down on the chair and sighed as he  looked at Luke who was pouring two cups of coffee, “Thanks for making coffee, I’m gonna need it.” He thanked as he waited for Luke. 
“She left about 5 minutes ago, she didn’t even ask for coffee this time. You must’ve pissed her off.” Luke turned around to face Calum as he handed Calum his cup of coffee. 
“She slept over mate. She never does.” He looked at Luke and got off the chair to walk to the fridge to grab the milk. 
“Josslyn didn’t even say goodbye to me, She always does if she sees me,” Luke explained as he drank his coffee and leaned against the kitchen counter. 
“Why are you complaining? You hate her.” Calum expressed as he poured milk into his coffee mug and walked back to his chair as he thought about what he was going to eat for breakfast. 
“I’m not, just confused. She talked to Ronnie last night.” Luke remarked as he widened his eyes and shook his head. 
What the fuck? She never said mention talking to Veronica. 
He rubbed his temples and took a deep breath, “You two were obnoxious last night. You’re laughing fit ruined the mood.” He commented. 
“Abrupt change in subject, at least your acting normal.”  ” Luke raised an eyebrow and shook his head and opened the refrigerator to grab the milk, reached for his Cereal and grabbed a bowl and spoon. “You could’ve told me Josslyn was coming.” 
“You could’ve told me Veronica was coming but here we are.” He added before he grabbed his favorite cereal, grabbed a bowl and poured the milk first and then the cereal and grabbed a spoon. He checked his phone before plugging it in, “Where is Duke?” 
“Outside.” Luke answered as he finished drinking his milk and walked to the sliding door leading outside, “Duke!” 
He looked outside to see Duke running inside and he stretched his arms down to pick him up as he ran up to him, “Hey buddy! Pops missed you!” 
Luke put his  mug in the sink before grabbing his cereal and walked into the living room to turn the T.V on. He held Duke as he finished his breakfast barely paying attention to whatever Luke was watching on the T.V. He set Duke down as he put his shoes on and walked to his room to grab his leather jacket and his keys. “Do you need anything while I’m out?” 
“I was gonna go grocery shopping for us before I came in today. Just text me a list of what you want.” Luke looked up at Calum and smiled. 
“That would be perfect, thank you. I’ll see you later.” He smiled and bent down to pet Duke before leaving for work. He put his helmet on and started his motorcycle. His pride and joy, besides Duke. He saved up for 2 years to get a Harley Davidson and he used it as much as he could. He took advantage of the perfect weather, the sunshine and wind hitting his skin in the best way. As he got to work, he parked in the parking lot and grabbed the keys and took his helmet off and carried in his hand as he walked towards the shop. He grabbed his keys and unlocked the back door and opened it. He smiled when he saw his two best friends simultaneously work with him. 
“Morning Ash and Michael, how’s your morning?” He asked as he walked towards them. 
“Good, you and I are going to look through supplies and see what we need. Micheal is going to go through appointments and make sure we have enough supplies for the next two weeks. I think we should.” Ashton remarked as he put his hands in his pockets. 
“I think we’ll be okay, we usually don’t run out. I’ll be in my office if you need anything.” Michael smiled as he walked away to his office. 
“Should we go to the stockroom?” Ashton suggested and Calum nodded in agreement. They walked towards the stock room and he overheard his other coworkers coming in. He followed Ashton as he opened the door and led him to all of their supplies. Ashton went through all of the instruments and needles while Calum looked through ink. “We probably should’ve brought paper with us to write down what we needed.” He mentioned 
“That would’ve been smart huh?” Ashton remarked as he giggled and looked around for something to write on. 
“I’ll go to my office and get one.” He mentioned as he looked at Ashton and shrugged. He walked through the doorway and saw Grayson walking into the front door. 
“Good morning Calum!” Grayson greeted as he smiled. 
“Morning! Did you bring your laptop so we could go through your artwork?” He asked and without hesitation Grayson showed him his backpack. 
“I almost forgot, Veronica came home super late this morning,” Grayson said sleepily before yawning. 
“She was with Luke at my place, he has no concept of time I swear.” He chuckled before walking with Grayson towards his office. 
“Oh my god, neither does V. Drives me insane,” Grayson explained as he followed Calum.
“Trust me, I understand. I’m going through supplies Ashton, get comfortable and I will make sure that I am here before 11.” He addressed before grabbing a legal pad and pens from his desk, “If you need anything don’t hesitate to check in with me or Michael.” 
“Thank you! I will.” Grayson said as he sat down on the chair across from Calum’s desk and situated himself. 
He walked back to the supply room where Ashton was sorting through masks and gloves, he sighed when he realized this was going to take longer than anticipated. He sorted through the aftercare supplies and wrote down which ointment they needed more of, which soap they had in stock, and how many boxes of alcohol prep pads they had. Ashton wrote down how many disposable razors, cartridge grips, and gauze they had in stock. After they finished sorting everything and realizing they needed to find a day where they had no appointments or other obligations to come in and thoroughly go through everything. Ashton brought the list of numbers to Michael as he walked back to his office and saw Grayson going through his work. He sat at his desk and looked through Grayson’s favorite artwork as Grayson showed him the wolf tattoo that he drew for Veronica and the rose tattoo he’s perfecting. He decided to order Grayson and him Lunch since it was almost 2pm and they both needed to eat. Ashton and Michael came in to look at Grayson’s art and Ashton invited Grayson to help with an appointment after their lunch. 
He looked through his own drawings and his calligraphy and fonts and what needed to be updated on the website. Michael came in to go through the website with him and make sure they added Grayson, Michael showed him the schedule of appointments and what shift’s he’d work with Grayson to finish his training. After Micheal left, he attempted to focus on his drawing but the noise coming from the tattoo needles mixed with miscellaneous conversations and the background music became too distracting. He grabbed his cigarette pack, sunglasses, and lighter before he stepped out of his office while his eyes fixed on the front door. He weaved through customers and coworkers as he opened the front door and felt the warm sun hitting his skin. He quickly put his sunglasses on and lit his cigarette and inhaled instantly. He leaned against the window and looked at the busy traffic on the street and the sidewalk. He finished his cigarette and threw it in the trash before opening the door and took off his sunglasses to see Luke talking to Ashton at the front desk. He made eye contact with both of them and they motioned him to come over. He walked over to them while trying to avoid bumping into anyone. 
* * *
As she walked her thighs started to chafe and she regretted wearing jean shorts. Her least favorite season became more evident as the sun was out longer and humidity became more unbearable. As she saw the newly familiar area, she opened the door and sighed happily when she felt the cool air hit her skin. She took off her sunglasses and realized Grayson was nowhere in sight and Luke wasn’t at the desk. She walked over to the body jewelry and looked at the barbells again. Her eyes glued to the hot pink one that stood out surrounded by various blacks and silvers. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of it if she wanted to. She was brought back to reality when she heard an unfamiliar voice ask her if she needed help. She turned around to see a muscular man wearing a black and white striped short sleeve shirt and black pants with black hair. His hazel-greenish eyes met hers, “Hi! Sorry, I zoned out. I was admiring all of the beautiful body jewelry. ” She giggled, embarrassed by her complete lack of focus. 
“Don’t worry about that, I would be too if I was interested in getting a piercing. I can tell this isn’t your first time in a tattoo shop?” He asked and smiled at her. 
She giggled at his comment. “Oh no this isn’t my first tattoo shop and won’t be my last. I have more tattoos than piercings, obviously.” 
“Same here,” He winked and stepped closer to her and leaned over the glass case showing all of the body jewelry, “I noticed you have that wolf thigh tattoo. If I’m not mistaken you are Veronica. A new tattoo artist named Grayson showed me that EXACT tattoo the other day, unless he tattooed it on someone else and I am a fool.” He blushed as he looked away. 
She looked down at the tattoo that was on display, “You are not a fool, Grayson is my best friend. I came to pick him up and give him some good news.” She looked at him and smiled. 
He giggled and pretended to wipe the sweat off his forehead, “Oh thank god, I’m Ashton. It’s nice to put a face to your name.” 
She smiled and heard Grayson in the distance, “It’s nice to meet you Ashton. Luke mentioned you designed this place. It’s amazing.”
“Thank you doll, Calum and I both worked on it. Our artistic director gave us ideas for the overall anesthetic and we had fun.” He smiled as he stood up straight and put his hands in his pockets.
“It’s beautiful. Red and black are my favorite colors together.” She mused as she looked to see Grayson, Luke, and another person she hasn't met. He was blonde, the same height as Grayson and had black-rimmed glasses, his style similar to Graysons. 
“They work really well together, the contrast is beautiful.” He smiled and looked over to see his coworkers. 
“Almost every color looks amazing paired with black.” She mused as she waved at Grayson who waved and motioned her closer. She looked at Ashton and smiled, “I should go. It was nice talking to you Ashton.” 
“Nice talking to you, have a good rest of your day.” Ashton smiled as she walked away towards Grayson. She smiled as she saw him giving her one of many looks she had memorized.
“What?” She shrugged and giggled at his facial expression as she walked up to the front desk where Luke was conversing with the other guy and Grayson walked toward her. 
“What were you looking at?” Grayson asked as he put his phone in his pocket. 
She knew she couldn’t tell him what she was really looking at, “Nose rings. I’ve had a stud for my nose piercing for ages.” She fretted as she ran her fingers through her hair and fidgeted with her rings. 
“Oh yeah? That would be interesting.” Grayson mentioned as he waited for the other guy to leave and Luke leaned over the desk. 
“How was work darlin?” Luke asked as he smiled at Veronica. Calum slowly walked over to the front desk after he spoke to the other guy she didn’t recognize. 
“It was weird, I’m actually transferring to a new animal hospital. The assistant manager is having her baby soon and they need a new Vet Tech.” She smiled nervously for Grayson and Luke’s reaction. 
“No way! That’s great, where is the new hospital??” Grayson asked as she saw Calum walking towards the desk. 
“I’m not sure, I know it’s called Angel City.” She answered as Calum walked up to them. 
“Angel City, that sounds familiar,” Luke mentioned as he looked at Calum who was furring his eyebrows as he entered the conversation late. 
“Angel City, the animal hospital? It’s not too far from here. That's where I take Duke.” Calum clarified he made eye contact with Veronica and he looked at Luke and Grayson. 
“Duke?” She asked, remembering when she was at their house she didn’t see or hear an animal. 
“He’s my dog. He was in my room when you were at our house. What about Angel City?” Calum asked as he furrowed his eyebrows at her. 
“I’m transferring there, I start next week.” She explained as she grabbed her car keys. 
“Damn! That’s fast.” Grayson expressed as his eyes widened. 
“At least the clinic is closer, that way we can see you more!” Luke said excitingly followed by a familiar groan from Calum. 
* * * * 
After his three tattoo appointments back to back and his previous piercing appointment, he was ready for a break. He had 2 hours left of his shift and he didn’t have any other appointments. He walked towards his office and closed the door behind him. He went to his seat and got comfortable as he got out a legal pad and wrote down a list of things he and Ashton had to finish on Sunday. He and Ashton didn’t have appointments so they could come in at any time and work on organizing the storage room. Thankfully they had enough supplies for the next two weeks but Micheal wanted them to make sure they were fully stocked for upcoming appointments.
He heard a knock at the door and thought he was hearing things. People almost never knocked at his door, they usually just walked right in without even bothering. The second knock louder than the first, that’s when he knew he wasn’t imagining things. He stood up from his chair and walked away from his desk. He slowly opened the door to see her. He had no idea she even knew where his office was in the first place. Dressed in shorts paired with fishnets, a vintage tank top, and black converse. Her jet black hair with her pale skin. Her eyes met his as she bit her bottom lip. 
“Calum?” She said softly as she looked at him, he’d never seen her like this. Then again he only knew her for 2 weeks. 
“Veronica, Grayson isn’t here.” He clarified as he cleared his throat, confused why she’d be here on Graysons day off. 
“I know, That’s why I’m here.” She implied as she crossed her arms. 
t a g l i s t : @pxrxmoore​ @lukesflaredpants​ @sublimehood​ @talkfastromance4​ @lilacsos​ @ghostoflrh​ @calumscalm​ @mellifluoushood​ @calumthomcs​ @twilightmomentswithyou​ @malumsdildo​ @boytoynamedcalum​ @ohhmuke​ @calswildflower​ @highscal​ @sanrioluke​ @softlrh​ @flowers-on-the-graves​ @currentlyupcalsass​ @clemmings​ @tirednotflirting​ @highfivecalum​ @wastelandcth
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doctor243 · 4 years
The Girl Who Cried Wolf Chapter 8
I question myself when rereading this chapter. 
Summary: 5 times MJ says ‘I love you’ and 1 time Peter says it back.
Characters: Michelle Jones, Peter Parker 
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“Got it Jake?” MJ asked with her arms crossed.
“Yeah,” the large footballer grinned gleefully. “Prom and then paper.”
“Exactly,” she sniffed, satisfied.
“Oh my gosh, this is actually really exciting,” Jake gushed. “You guys ware gonna be so cute.”
“Oh please,” MJ rolled her eyes before spotting the Love of her Life. “Okay shut up here he comes. BABE!!”
She flung herself at Peter with as much gusto as she could muster and wrapped her arms around his neck like an octopus.
“Play along and I’ll make you cookies for a week,” she growled in his ear. “Don’t, and watch me make your life a living hell.”
She heard him gulp nervously and concluded that he’d made the right choice. She could feel his heart pounding against his chest and, therefore, hers. Once she was satisfied that he was afraid, she released him and turned around.  
“Sorry Jake,” she cooed, congratulating herself on how genuinely fake she sounded. “I know what I promised, but I don’t think my boyfriend will be very happy if I don’t take him to prom.”
“Wha-prom??” Peter squeaked, but MJ shushed him.
“I know,” MJ sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. “But it was before us, I swear!”
“You goddamn bitch!” ‘Jake’ yelled, garnering unwanted attention from surrounding students. His demeanour had completely changed from the teddy bear persona he’d emanated earlier. “You made a deal.”
She felt Peter stiffen for a quick second before he slipped out of her arms and positioned himself strategically in front of her.
“Whooaaah whoa whoa whoa,” he interjected, throwing his hands into the air. “What’s going on?”
“Your girlfriend here promised that I could take her to Prom if I did our science project by myself,” Jake growled out in reply. Good job Jake, MJ mused. Colour me impressed.
“That was last year!” MJ rolled her eyes. Never in her life would she imagine this to be so much fun.
“A deal is a deal, Jones,” he bit out. “Never took you for a liar.”
“Okay now listen here, Igor,” Peter stepped in. Oh no, MJ perked up. His Spider-Man is coming out.
“What the fuck did you call me?” Jake’s face was growing increasingly redder.
MJ had no idea whether Jake was just an outstanding thespian, or in fact enraged by Peter’s quips.
“I know you’re still hung up about things that happen in the past,” Peter continued, unperturbed. Peter, please stop. MJ pleaded mentally. “But you need to move on if you want to grow! Mind you, you should actually stay off the steroids, it might be hurting your brain.”
“You little shit-”
“But one day I’m sure, Hodor, you’ll come to realise that there’s so much more to life than forcing dates out of pretty girls and bullying people smaller than you.”
“My fucking name’s Jake!!”
“That’s what I said, Wun Wun,” Peter rolled his eyes. “C’mon, stay with me here. I’m trying-”
“MJ, I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean to take a swing at him, I just didn’t know how to-”
Jake was immediately apologetic to MJ, and was afraid he’d ruined her plan of taking Peter Parker to prom.
“Dude,” MJ scoffed. “It’s fine, he can take it.” He’s Spider-Man.
“I know, but I feel so bad, cuz he was just protecting you and being a nice guy.” The poor guy was still pulling out his hair.
“Hey, it worked didn’t it?” MJ smirked. “I got him to go to prom with me.”
“Why didn’t you just…ask him like normal people do?”
At that, MJ’s face fell a little. “Cuz he doesn’t like me like that, and he’d get all weird if I just outright asked him.”
Jakes expression softened into an amused smile. “Oh my dear Michelle Jones,” he whispered as she turned and left. “Ever so observant, and yet ever so blind.”
“I don’t appreciate that you called him Wun Wun,” MJ grumbled as she entered the roof deck of her apartment complex. She also didn’t want things to get so out of hand, but no one died, so that was a plus. Peter sat on the ledge of the roof, stuffing his face with a pout.
“What??” Peter exclaimed through a mouthful of cookies. “But he was being a dick!” She stared at his puffed-up face and indignant glare. It was strange to want to kiss someone so badly, yet here she was, staring at the crumbs on his face.
“I know, so don’t disrespect one of my favourite characters like that,” MJ smirked in response, passing him the ice pack and getting comfortable on the ledge.
Peter just grinned in response and accepted the ice pack, gingerly placing it on his bruised eye.
“Why didn’t you fight back anyways?” MJ grumbled as she hugged her knees, although honestly, she was glad he didn’t fight back. “You coulda trashed him - you’re fucking Spider-Man.”
“Language,” he warned.
“Okay Captain America,” she rolled her eyes, half tempted to push him off the roof. “You’re freaking Spider-Man. Better?”
“Much,” he grinned cheekily, before looking into the skyline. She opted to keep looking at his face, trying to drink in every detail and soothe her pounding heart. He was beautiful, even with that bruised eye and chocolate stained mouth.
“I don’t know,” he said after a while. “Probably for the same reason that I don’t fight back when Flash picks on me.”
MJ didn’t say anything, she knew he’d continue in his own time. She knew he was comfortable talking to her, and somehow, the favour was returned wholeheartedly.
“It probably sounds stupid,” he mumbled, grabbing another cookie. “But I mean, fighting fire with fire doesn’t actually work. Nobody became a better person because they got beaten down by someone stronger than them. Most people become bullies after they got bullied anyways.”
MJ shifted to take a cookie as well. She lived for moments like this, when Peter’s soul was revealed in his speech, not just his eyes. Moments where he wasn’t just cute or funny, but he was such a good person.  
“And anyways,” he took a gulp of milk, “if they can’t pick on me, they’ll probably pick on someone who can’t take it, right?”
She didn’t answer, just reached over and took a sip of milk. And then she smiled at him.
Her heart felt as if it was going to explode, but she had to hold herself before she burst into song like a Disney princess. She smiled at him with as much hope and joy as she could muster, wishing with all her heart she could sweep him up into an embrace, and force another cookie into his mouth. She wanted to tell him she loved him, that he was the best person she knew, that moments where it was just the two of them was all the social interaction she would ever look forward to. But she couldn’t express her love, because he didn’t love her back, and anything that even remotely drifted past the boundaries of their platonic relationship could sink the ship, so she did the next best thing.
“I love you for using Game of Thrones references, though,” she smirked, eyes still pointed to the sky.
And there, her heart ached as she almost let slip her deepest secret, teasing it with revelation and tempting it into exposure. One day, she promised, one wonderful and blissful day, she would say it while looking at him square in the eyes, raw and stripped of all disguise. One day, she would say it true, and he would say it back. One day.
“So,” he cleared his throat. “I guess we’re going to prom?”
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Tags: @you-guys--are-losers​ @spideychelleforever​ @spideychelleee​ @spidermaninlove​ @tonystarkissist​ @spideychellefics​ @spiderxboy @spideychelle-4-ever @spideyxchelle @thespideychellelibrary @here-be-spideychelle
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spideychelleee · 5 years
MJ FFH Analysis
I LOVE that they stayed true to MJ’s character in FFH but still allowed her to have a bit more depth. Get comfy, this is long. It gets really deep towards the end oof. Welcome to my part rant part analysis of Peter and MJ in FFH:
First of all, can I just say that MJ is represented so well. I’m so glad that she is still wearing casual clothing and little makeup and lets her curls run wild. I have naturally curly hair but always straighten it cuz i feel like i look crazy with it curly but after seeing MJ, Im starting to realize that I should just rock what I got. And I feel like her portrayal has this effect on every teen and adult that watches her on the big screen. She inspires everyone to just BE YOURSELF. Ugh yessssssss
Ok now onto the scenes. Almost immediately, we hear our very own Spider-Parker has got a 6 STEP PLAN to impress MJ. This man is crushing. Hard. Many people were disappointed that this sudden liking for MJ came “out of nowhere” but, as countless other blogs have mentioned, relationships CAN develop off screen. Especially friendships. Wow who knew. Peter and Ned were friends right when Hoco began and no one had a problem with buying their friendship. The period after Hoco when MJ becomes team captain to Infinity War is long enough for these two to become actual friends and for Peter to realize how awesome she is. And let’s not forget that it’s been 8 months since the Blip (ew) happened. The Blip 100% brought everybody closer, whether they liked it or not. And the fact that Peter knows MJ’s favorite flower and the reasoning behind said favorite flower hints that they have been getting closer.
The airplane scene yesss: Our girl MJ is not afraid to stand up for Peter when Flash makes fun of him. And omg the way his face lights up after she does that. I think that interaction with Flash was a great way to show the antis that MJ is not mean spirited like Flash can be. Yes, she is sarcastic, blunt, and a little morbid (she clearly likes crime investigation guys), but she is not rude. She isn’t afraid to stand up for the “little guy” (in this case Peter hahaha irony). Also in this scene we get one of our first peaks at awkward Peter and MJ when he slams the bathroom door in her face HA. Their wide eyed expressions say it all. And the fact that MJ puts her ear to the door to hear wtf he is doing is just a continuation of how observant she likes to be. Oof I love this whole scene. and if a boy ever cleaned the bathroom for me i would marry him
THE BO (boh?) SCENE. This is our first glimpse of excited MJ and I love it. She is more than just rbf and sarcastic MJ. She has normal human emotions that she seems comfortable to let show only around...drum roll...Peter!!! I’m not sure if she went looking for him or just saw him outside of the store she was in but either way she excitedly ran over just to tell him about a new word she learned and what she had been doing. Let’s note that both of these characters are clearly fine doing something alone, yes including Peter. The rest of the class went their separate ways in groups while Peter went to buy the necklace by himself and MJ went to learn about Italy by herself. But, if they were to hang around anyone, they would rather it be each other. So now they are alone together (wow look at that beautiful oxymoron). MJ comes out of literally nowhere with a skip in her step. You can clearly see how excited she is to just talk to Peter about her new favorite word. She’s finally opening up around him. But MJ is still is her normal sarcastic self when she shuts down that guy with the roses implying that they looked like a couple (cuz they do). AND this woman has the NERVE to say “bo” is her new superpower to someone with actual superpowers. She knew what she was saying and it was purely intentional cuz she loves messing with Peter. And of course MJ noticed Peter was holding a bag and asked about it. Observant, remember? His response was perfect. MJ appreciated Peter’s smarta** response because it meant he was paying attention to her and it was exactly what she would have said. These two enjoy being around each other and can bounce off the other easily when their feelings don’t make things awkward.
That small scene in the hotel where Peter mentions going to Paris tomorrow is *chef’s kiss*. He is testing the waters just like she was in Hoco when she was trying to make friends. But this time, Peter is trying to see if his plan is going to hold up and if she is remotely interested in Paris at all. Her response is pure MJ. And naturally, Peter is a little taken aback by her random, dark fact about the Eiffel Tower but she follows with it being her favorite destination on the whole trip. She would normally stop at the morbid fact with anyone else, but with Peter she offers a little more insight to how she’s feeling. 
Brace yourselves #1: THE OPERA SCENE. Let’s establish that MJ really gives zero effs about Brad. This dude really trying to tell her he’ll save her a seat HA. Good one Brad. You can feel how uncomfortable she was the minute he said that. And that’s when our hero Peter Parker swoops in cuz he can’t let this happen. This boy summons all the courage in the entire world to tell MJ she looks “really pretty”. And once again, her response is pure MJ. I feel like she has trouble interacting with people she likes because she just doesn’t know how to. But she saves Peter from wanting the ground to swallow him whole when she summons the courage to say “you look pretty too”. AHHHHH. This is the first time we have heard MJ compliment anyone. Like I said before, with anyone else *cough* Brad *cough*, MJ would have stopped at the “therefore I have value” line. HOWEVER, with Peter, she is continuously opening up little by little. And she takes matters into her own hands by cleverly asking Peter if he wants to sit next to her. And yet again the audience sees another first timer for MJ. She is nervous. We NEVER have seen her nervous. She is usually calm, cool, and collected. But not with Peter. I can’t reiterate this enough. She’s finally breaking down her walls and for no one else but Pete. AND she finally decides to run after him when she catches him leaving. She knows he wouldn’t ditch her for no reason. She’s got a hunch that he’s hiding something or that something is wrong and she wants to find out and maybe help.
Brace yourselves #2: we are going into the bridge date walk thing these two dorks managed to accomplish. At the hotel, MJ immediately asks Peter where he was. No one else asked him that. Not even Mr. Harrington, which would be his job lol. She also says “we missed you” and “glad you’re back” and gives a weak smile. We all know really she meant “I missed you”. You ain’t that slick girl. And Peter’s excuses are just getting worse and worse. “I got lost” jeez come on man what was that. She 100% (or 67%) knows he’s lying to her. ANYWHO, Peter and MJ clearly both want to hang out because she opens the door the minute he was about to knock. She spares his rambling with a definitive “yes” cuz she is eager to go on a date walk with this dork. And Peter is freaking out cuz omg she wants to meet in 5 minutes instead of 10. That line alone shows MJ’s eagerness and how she will take matters into her own hands if need be. And the entire walk out of the hotel these two COULD NOT STOP SMILING. This is just another example of how giddy MJ gets around Peter.
Ok actual bridge scene: Once more, we see MJ in a particularly vulnerable state. She’s trying to find something to talk about and nervously tells Peter yet another morbid fact about the Charles Bridge. AND AGAIN, SHE DOES SOMETHING SHE HAS NEVER DONE BEFORE. She apologizes. MJ is so nervous that she said the completely wrong thing and made things weird that she says “sorry”. She is so goddamn vulnerable around Peter it’s not even funny. And she was so excited to tell Peter that she knows he’s Spiderman that she cuts him off from his feelings confession HA. And of course Peter is shooketh. Because all this girl does to Peter is make him shooketh and catch him off guard, and visa versa. But MJ won’t hear his lame excuses anymore cuz she’s got the receipts. Our girl has actual evidence that ended up cracking the whole omg Mysterio is a fraud situation. AND UGH, when Peter asks if she was only watching him because she thought he was Spidey. And she LIES. MJ is “obsessed with telling the truth” and yet she goes against her character and lies to cover up the fact that she likes Peter because she is afraid of telling him how she really feels because what if he doesn’t like her back. Which is normal. MJ is not used to what she’s feeling around Peter and the minute she has the opportunity to confess she panics (like we all would).
I needed to start a new bullet point cuz that was getting long. Continuing with that scene: I love how Peter finally just admits that YES he is Spiderman (shocker) and he really messed up lol. Their little back and forth banter “are joking with me cuz it’s not funny” “I was only like 67% sure” “what are you doing on a school trip?!” is MJ both extremely excited and freaking the eff out at what is going on. In truth it’s a lot to process. The guy she likes is Spiderman and he just admitted it, she’s been carrying evidence to a major crime, they both just figured out together that Mysterio is gonna kill half of Europe, etc...MJ is showing her true human emotions to Peter and only Peter.
We continue to see MJ breaking down her walls in Peter’s hotel room. She’s actively trying to help him figure out what he is going to do about everything they just found out. She has emotional facial expressions. AND WOO MJ is revealed to be a hormonal teenaged girl who wants to look at Peter’s abs (don’t we all). But THE MINUTE Ned comes in, it’s like a light switch turned off. She goes back to being blunt “he didn’t tell me, I figured it out” and has no expression on her face. It really just goes to show how Peter brings out the best in her and ughhhh yesss
Ok this isn’t really analysis but Peter diving after MJ in that illusion (even after recognizing that it wasn’t real) goes to show how much he cares about her ok continue...
MJ is now a FOS (friend of Spiderman). She knows the danger that comes with being a FOS. She reminds Ned of this and urges that they should break off from the rest of the class. She doesn’t want others to get hurt on her account. It was a very brave thing for her to do. And she continues to be brave when she whacked the shit out of that drone with A MACE. And I love that MJ doesn’t have unrealistic levels of strength. Because she shouldn’t. She is a teenaged girl. She doesn’t have superpowers. The fact that she nearly dropped the mace on the floor is really realistic. it’s heavy. But she doesn’t need powers to have courage or to help save herself and her friends.
I love how in the vault MJ’s confession is that she is “obsessed with the truth and will always say it even if it hurts someone’s feelings”. Or something like that. And yes she is. Like I said before, MJ is not mean. Is she awkward? Yes. Does she sometimes not know how to continue a conversation? Yes. Are her interests dark and morbid? Yes. But she’s not a bully. She’s honest. Her personality is brutally honest and her appearance is brutally honest. She doesn’t try to look like someone she’s not to impress Peter. She doesn’t try to change her personality to please others. But she does indeed call you out on your bullshit when you are acting up. We need more people like MJ.
Brace yourselves #3: We are transferring into THE SCENE. Let’s all take a deep breath before we begin. Ok. MJ obviously cares about Peter. And obviously MJ is not a physical contact type of person. The minute the drones stop attacking, she runs to find Peter without a second thought. And what does she do? She hugs him. This isn’t a half ass hug either. She runs and launches herself into his arms. Which is an appropriate response because she didn’t even know if he was still alive. That’s when she pulls out The Necklace. I can only imagine how MJ must have felt when Happy gave that to her. I feel like in that moment she realized that hey, Peter might actually have feelings for her. And the fact that it was her favorite flower really sent her. She is so overcome with emotion that she interrupts Peter’s rambling yet again but this time with A PECK ON THE LIPS. And although she has an idea that Peter likes her now, you can still see all over her face that she’s waiting to see his reaction. SHES TESTING THE WATERS YET AGAIN PEOPLE. Just like she was doing in Hoco. I’m gonna make that my senior quote I swear I feel like I’ve said that so many times. AND THEN she admits that she has trouble getting close to people and that she lied about watching him just because he was Spiderman. (Btw Zendaya’s delivery was amazing and you could just see the emotion on her face and hear it in her voice.) That is a big step for MJ. Once again for the twentieth time in this rant/analysis, MJ is allowing herself to open up around Peter. And it’s a little scary for her but she does it anyway. 
BUT WAIT THERES MORE. “I actually like it better broken”. Of course she does. Tattoo this quote on my forehead. I changed my mind, this will be my senior quote. The amount of depth in that line is insane. Broken. The necklace. It’s broken. The boy standing in front of her has just had his ass handed to him, his face is bloodied and he’s limping. He is physically broken. He’s also witnessed the death of his uncle and Ironman, both important father figures in his life. Not to mention the trauma he’s been through fighting Thanos and being manipulated by Mysterio. He is mentally broken. MJ probably comes from a troubled household. Her family is broken (probably). The fact that MJ and Peter and half the universe were dusted and lost 5 years of their lives with zero say. The world is broken. But MJ doesn’t mind. She straight up tells Peter that she doesn’t care that times are tough or that it’s dangerous to be close to him. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger am I right? AND THEN she really admits, I’m talking blatantly, flat out, no sugar, clear as day, states “I really like you too”. WEVE GONE FULL CIRCLE YET AGAIN. She has officially opened up to Peter ladies and gents. Like really opened up this time. Full on. And then he nervously wiggles in to peck her lips and she gives him a shy smile. And then we get a full on K I S S and she’s got the courage to put her hand on his neck. Wow. The amount of shy smiles she gives Peter in this entire scene is just too much to count. And she MAKES A JOKE. And it’s not a sarcastic one. She awkwardly grabs that mace and pretends to beat someone’s ass “just in case” ahhhhh.
When Peter and MJ nervously hold hands in New Jersey. Yeah. And she’s wearing the broken necklace. And one final time we see MJ saying something blunt “nobody really pays attention to you” cuz that’s who she is but then adding how she really feels immediately after “except for me” all because she is with Peter. And only Peter makes her do that.
Oh and MJ freaking out and screaming at the top of her lungs was yet another relatable aspect that makes her so lovable. For the ten millionth time, she tries to play it cool around Peter, but he ends up breaking down her walls.
That was so long. I’m so sorry. If you made it this far you’re the real MVP and I appreciate it.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Twenty-Five: Flying Overhead ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, gun ] [ Verse: We’re Not in Konoha Anymore... ] [ AO3 Link ]
How did it come to this…
Sitting in her chair by the window, Hinata stares through the panes at the cloudy night sky beyond. The moon, risen above them, alights the plumes of vapor to create a fantastic landscape of highlights and shadows. If only she could be there, among the clouds, rather than trapped in here.
She’s still not sure how they found her. Their little village had been remote, far back in the mountains. With her family gone and herself all alone, Hinata had been living on her own in the little house where she was born, doing well enough to survive. Most of the other families had perished or moved on...but she refused to leave.
And then...the men came. One bore strange books with symbols that matched the old markings in her home. Those, apparently, were what he was looking for.
...and Hinata herself.
Unable to resist so many adults, she’d been forced to accompany them, refused any explanation or details about why they had come for her, or where she would be going. They had taken her out of the mountains to a nearby city...and now, she’s aboard an airship, heading to goodness knows where. Lethargic and silent, she doesn’t even turn to look when one of the ringleader’s underlings offers her a plate of the ship’s provided food. In truth it smells amazing, and she’s starving...but she can’t bring herself to eat. The less she acquiesces, the better she’ll feel. She doesn’t want to give these kidnappers anything more than they can force out of her.
So, she keeps staring through the glass, wishing to anyone listening for a route of escape.
...and that’s when she sees it.
From between the hills of cloud cover zip several small flappers, each bearing a person as they streak toward the passenger airship. For a moment they hover alongside the cabins, and Hinata recoils as one peers right into their room.
A begoggled woman grins, blonde hair flying askew before the little planes head up toward the front of the ship.
Tension buildings in Hinata’s gut. Even she knows what this means:
Within a few minutes, the distant sounds of a ruckus begin to filter down from the bow. Gunfire and screaming begin approaching fast as the renegades make their way to the cabins.
At once, the men with her spring into action. All three lackeys and their leader barricade chairs and luggage in the corridor beyond, wielding their own firearms and laying down covering fire.
Retreating and leaving that to his men, the mastermind pulls out a morse code radio. “Hinata...I need you to stay still and quiet. You won’t get hurt if you do exactly as I say.” Hunching over the device, he holds the headset to an ear, the other hand tapping out a message Hinata can’t begin to translate.
Edging back from him, she looks around the room. This might be her one bid for freedom…! Her gaze lands on a glass bottle, empty from the group’s drinking. Taking it up by the neck, she inches toward her captor, hands shaking as she brings it up over his head. Now or never. Teeth gritting, she brings it down with a cry. The glass shatters, and he crumples like a sack of potatoes to the floor. Pawing through his jacket, she finds her necklace he took from her, the stone gleaming as she ties it back around her neck where it belongs.
Her heart thunders in her chest. She...she has to get out of here, but how? The door is blockaded by the other men. That...just leaves the window. Taking a steadying breath, she gives a grunt as she pulls up the pane, the passing air quickly whipping hair, clothes, and debris alike as she eases her way out.
Okay, Hinata...don’t look down…!
Toes finding a rib of the ship, she clings to the sill, eyes pinching shut as she affirms her grip. Then slowly, so slowly, she starts sidling her way to the next window. If she can just make it to another cabin, she can hide, or...make a run for it! Whatever happens, she has to get away from these people…!
Back in the room, the pirates force their way through, immediately turning its contents upside down. Reaching for the unconscious man, the captain’s amber eyes narrow. “...so...it’s you,” she mutters under her breath. “Any sign of it?”
“No ma’am! Or the girl, either!”
“Well she has to be somewhere!”
Noting the open window, one pirate sticks his head out, hollering as he finds Hinata clinging to the edge. Gasping, she leaps for the next opening, almost slipping as her hands hold on for dear life.
“There, she’s got the crystal! Get her! You, head into the next room and -!”
Flinching at the ruckus as her feet and hands shake, Hinata can barely manage a gasp as they give way. Like a stone, she begins to drop through the sky, a screech tearing at her throat as gravity takes over.
Panicking, realizing this is the end...her mind goes blissfully blank as the wind tears at the tresses of her hair and the skirt of her dress.
...but not all is yet lost.
Miles below, blissfully unaware, one Sasuke Uchiha scrambles back from his quick trip into town. Despite the late hour, he’s still doing his best to help his boss keep the surface operations of their mine going. A crew of miners is currently still digging, and Sasuke was tasked with fetching the overseer some dinner as they wait.
Jogging his way back and coming up to the edge of the pit, he can’t help but notice a twinkle far above him. “...huh…?” Slowing to a stop, he watches as something slowly descends from the sky, flying overhead and making to land just atop the mine.
Squinting, he tries to puzzle out what it could be...and as it gets closer, he can see it: it...it’s a person!
Eyes widening, he bolts forward, making his way to a ramp along the edge of the crater. Setting aside the thermos of food, he eases his way to the very edge where the person makes to land, carefully holding hands under their form. It looks like...a girl. About his age, and just...floating. A strange necklace - the source of the twinkling he noticed - slowly dims...and then she falls!
“Ah!” Barely catching her, Sasuke struggles to pull her up, knees shaking as he stands at the lip of the platform. After a long moment, he manages to shift their weight enough to collapse on his backside, the girl still in his arms.
...what on earth…?!
Staring at her with wide, incredulous eyes, Sasuke catches his breath before flinching as his boss yells. Having...no idea how to explain this, he decides to leave her for now. Carefully setting her back from the edge, he shrugs out of his jacket and lays it over her. He should do more, but...well, he can’t get scolded, and he needs to tell someone about her!
Taking up the thermos and making his way down, Sasuke is nonetheless interrupted as pipes start leaking, and the hoist sounds. Going to manage the latter, Sasuke stares up at the girl’s distant form, scrambling for the break as the cart makes it back to the surface.
...the results aren’t encouraging.
Empty handed, the crew all sigh and head for home, leaving Sasuke to finish powering things down for the night. Left without an adult to turn to, he gives the girl a glance before getting to work. Only once he’s finished does he retrieve her, carrying her all the way up the hill to the little house at the top.
Thankfully his brother is already asleep, and Sasuke quietly heads in. As gently as he can, he arranges his new guest into his bed, not wanting her to be uncomfortable. Once she’s tucked in, he can’t help but look a little closer. People don’t just...float! It had to be something to do with that crystal, but...it’s dull now. No more light, no more floating. Funny...for some reason, the little insignia carved into it looks vaguely familiar, but...why…?
Having no energy to ponder it tonight, he instead checks on his brother, ensuring he’s still asleep. Listening, he doesn’t hear any rattling in his breath. Good...he took his medicine, then. Sighing, Sasuke then slinks onto a spare set of cushions, mind full of the mystery as he sinks into sleep...
     Well, I think this is a first xD I can't think of any direct crossovers I've done in this yet, aka a plot-for-plot cross with another story. I've done universes, but not exact scenes. I'm a little leery of it cuz it's not as...original as shaping my own scene, but admittedly I LOVE crossing Naruto with Studio Ghibli, haha!      So this, for anyone unfamiliar, is about the first ten minutes of Castle in the Sky, but with Hinata and Sasuke! And a few other unnamed characters you might be able to guess, but most I don't have specific ideas for, lol - so minor spoilers if you haven't seen that movie...which you should. It's awesome. Studio Ghibli is always amazing xD      Buuut yeah, that's all for tonight! Thanks for reading n_n
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nottodaylogic · 6 years
Summary: Roman can’t write kiss scenes and Logan tries to help: a prequel of sorts to the Logince Fluff Series! Dedicated once more to @sanders-sides-thuri and @today-only-happens-once aka the people who inspired this series in the first place!
Pairing(s): Logince 
A/N: self-control? Don’t know her. This entire series has literally only existed for us to write self-indulgent trope-y soft things, and this one’s no different haha :) 
Written with @shootingace , who agrees how ironic us writing this is because neither of us have kissed anyone, so OOPS buuuutttt I’m aro today SO YEAH
@hghrules @becca-becky @tinysidestrashcaptain I should really stop tagging y’all if you don’t like being tagged I’m sorry 
Hope you enjoy!
Roman frowned at his screen.
Their lips met.
They kissed.
They did whatever they did.
He was being so productive.
He knew that a kiss fit here, and he knew that it was needed because the plot couldn’t go on without it. He just couldn’t get it to cooperate.
“Logan! I can’t get this to work!” Roman shrieked, flopping down on the table, laptop pushed to the side.
Logan looked up from his homework, glaring. “What is it? Can you not simply let me study in peace?”
“Kissing,” Roman groaned. “They need to kiss, but when I write it, it doesn’t seem realistic. If only I could kiss someone to figure out…”
“Roman, the hopeless romantic, wants to kiss someone for research purposes?” Logan rolled his eyes. “What a cliche.”
“I mean kind of! I just want to get this right!” A malicious grin spread on Roman’s face as he remembered Logan’s feelings about puns. “Right. Haha, get it? Cuz I’m writing?”
Logan looked at the sky, exasperated beyond belief. “Yes, I can see the pun, Roman. That does not mean it is remotely funny.”
“Aww, c’mon, admit it, Bore-ena Ravenclaw, you think I’m hilarious.”
A light blush spread across Logan’s cheeks. “Maybe so, but I’m not going to admit it. Your ego is already big enough.”
Logan scooted closer to Roman. “What seems to be the issue with your characters?
Roman gestured to his laptop, pointing out the part where the trouble lay. “I just… when I try to write them kissing, it doesn’t seem right. It doesn’t really fit or flow.”
Logan tilted his head. “Can you not just make them kiss?”
Roman threw his arms to the heavens and let out a sound of exasperation. “I wish! But it doesn’t work that way! Otherwise it doesn’t feel right, you know?”
“No, I do not. You’re the author here, Roman. I am simply attempting to do my homework here.”
“Of course I am!” Roman flipped his hair and sighed. “It’s just that I don’t know how to fiiiix it! It’s so frus—”
Logan rolled his eyes. “Oh, come here.”
“Come here,” Logan repeated. “I can help you.”
“How?” Roman whined. “It’s hopeless.”
“Must I spell out everything for you? You can kiss me, idiot.”
“Wait, what—”
Logan slid an arm around Roman’s waist, pulling him close, and rested a hand on his cheek. His heart stopped while also beating faster than possible. His mind raced. Every gosh darn cliche he’d ever heard of was in his brain, in his bones, and somehow this was the exact same, yet also so different. “Is this okay?”
Roman could only nod.
And then Logan’s lips were on his and it was soft and gentle, and he couldn’t breathe.
It was everything he imagined.
It was something that he could never have dreamed of.
“I hope that will be sufficient for your research, Roman,” Logan whispered, pulling back slightly.
“I… are you only kissing me for the research??
“No.” Logan didn’t elaborate.
“Then… why did you kiss me?”
Because you’re kind and funny and determined and unique and thoughtful and smart. Because I think I love you. Because if this was just you helping me with a story I think I might cry.
Logan adjusted his glasses, eyes not meeting Roman’s. He didn’t dare get his hopes up, but Roman had read fanfiction before. Lots of fanfiction. “Because, Roman, I think I might like you. Romantically, that is.”
Roman cleared his throat. Yes, he was making this more needlessly dramatic than it had to be, but who cared? Not him. “Well, buddy, I have some good news for you.”
Logan still didn’t look directly at him. “Yes?”
“The feeling’s mutual.” Logan’s attention snapped directly to Roman. He opened his arms wide. “Congratulations. All this awesome stuff is yours to date.”
“Why do I like you?” deadpanned Logan.
“You love me.”
“A debate I’d totally win.”
“No, you would not. You don’t even know how to debate.”
Roman batted his eyelashes. “You could teach me.”
Logan shoved him, making Roman laugh loudly, startled. “Hey, Logan?”
Logan sighed. “Yes?”
“My characters are dating? And I can’t get it right? I just need someone to date me! For research purposes!”
“Are you making fun of me?”
“Am I?” Roman teased.
Logan glared, grabbing Roman’s collar and pulling him towards him, their lips inches apart. “You better not be.”
“I’m not.”
Logan kissed him. “Good.”
Their lips met, and though there weren’t fireworks, it seemed like there should have been.
It was indescribable.
It was opposites.
Hot and cold. Gentle and fierce. Disorientating and grounding.
It didn’t make sense, yet somehow it did.
Spinning and twirling and calm.
Unbelievably calm.
Isaac melted, eyes closing as he dissolved into the person he might be in love with.
It could not have been more perfect.
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teamkaiforever · 6 years
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Seven Minutes in Heaven
(requested by anon)
Kai Parker x Reader word count: 6 036 / reading time: 22 minutes warnings: smut, smut, smut … summary: Kai and Reader have some history together, study at the same college, and end up going to the same party where during playing ‘seven minutes in heaven’  something happens. [to the anon who requested it: i really hope you like it, i know its a bit more smuff than smut and definitely came out longer than i anticipated but… let me know] *gif by me ________________________________________
Her eyes drifted towards the bottle, watching it spin maybe for the 10th time that night. Parties weren’t her scene but lately she had been doing a lot of things that weren’t her ‘scene’. Going to a party in her dorm which her upbeat roommate was throwing was one of them. The other? It wasn’t a thing so much as a who and well, he was there too. His eyes kept doing the same dance her eyes did – drifting from the bottle towards her and back again while he sat at the opposite end of the same couch, completely ignoring the girl trying to find a way to wrap herself around him. All night every single girl had tried to get his attention in every possible way – offering him drinks, flirting with him, asking him to dance but he only seemed interested in getting her attention and the only time he danced that night was when she was on the dancefloor.
Y/N had been dancing by herself, looking at him from a distance and trying not to feel jealous at the fact his hands were on some girl’s waist. Then she had lost him in the crowd and a guy had started dancing with her. It was like they had pulled each other like magnets and at first she hadn’t even realized those were his hands on her body, then she had panicked a little but in the end the moment he had spun her around and their eyes had met she had caved. Her knees had gone weak and being by his side, in his arms had been the only thing she had need. Just like that one night almost two weeks ago they had slept together.
Sleeping with him had been a reckless, rush decision. At least that’s what she told herself to explain her out of character behavior but the truth was different. Kai had caught her eye the moment he had walked in the room that very first day, just like it had happened with every other girl in campus. He was the forbidden fruit, in a way. Something unreachable for her because… why would he pick her out of all the girls throwing themselves at him? He was a ‘dream bae’ as her roommate would put it, beyond charming, funny, drawing her in even more with each day and it had taken him sharing his secret with her to fully understand why that was. And instead of being frightened he was a vampire/witch hybrid, she felt relieved because there was someone who knew what it was to be a supernatural being.
     “Kai –” her friend clapped excitedly. “Wonderful. And now for the girl –”
Her friend spun the bottle mouthing ‘Let it be me’. Kai rolled his eyes almost unnoticeably at the words and he pushed away the girl’s hands off him yet again. Y/N sighed and her gaze drifted towards the bottle watching it spin around and around again, not stopping or slowing down for a moment. A part of her knew what it felt to be pushed away by someone you like and she felt bad about the girl, the other half was doing a little happy dance in her head thinking how out of every girl at the party for him it was only her. Even though she still couldn’t understand why or how she had caught his attention. Besides her having magic, there was nothing special about her. There were rare times she dressed up or put make up on or dressed even remotely like girls her age did. It was mostly pony tail, leggings or jeans with a t-shirt and her favorite sneakers; headphones on, focusing on her studies. Their first night together had been one of those rare times she had dressed up for a blind date which had stood her up and Kai had swooped her off her feet. The second Kai had walked in the bar on campus – everyone and everything else had vanished around her and all she could see was him. Later on they had been laughing, talking, drinking and he had offered to walk her home just to be safe. But in the end he had taken her to his place a little off campus, spending the entire cab ride making out with her in the back. What he had done to her that night to get her to open up and let go completely was still a mystery to her. It had been one of those instant connection she always saw in movies and never thought really happen off screen.
Her fingers pulled down on her skirt and she shifted on the couch, moving her feet off the table so one of the guys could walk past her, not even glancing at her. Not that she would’ve noticed anyways because her eyes drifted towards the other end of the couch where Kai hadn’t torn his eyes away from her. His lips curled up a little catching her gaze and he ran his fingers through his hair. What wouldn’t she give for that to be her hands –
    “Oh…” her friend muttered, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice as the bottle stopped pointing at – “Y/N. You lucky girl indeed.”
Y/N glanced at her friend then at the bottle and shook her head, mouthing ‘No.’ “You go, I don’t want –”
Kai jumped up, quickly wiping his sweaty palms in his jeans before outstretching his hand for hers. “I want you.” his eyes remained focused on hers. “Those are the rules right? And I know you are not a rule breaker. Don’t tell me you haven’t been dreaming about this all night too –”
Y/N studied his face for a moment, outstretched her hand towards his and he pulled her up from the couch. A shockwave of electricity flowed through her body the second he took her hand in his and led her towards the small closet. Her roommate called out to them she was setting the timer and a moment later they were all alone in the small dark space. Barely 0.2 seconds after the door got locked from the outside Kai had her pinned against the wall and his lips collided with hers in a passionate kiss, not wasting a second. Took her a split second to respond to the kiss, pull his body towards hers and less than half a minute to push him off.
    “Damn, I missed your lips against mine–”
Her fingers ran through her hair, attempting to catch her breath while trying hard not to smile at how good the kiss and having him close to her again had felt. “I didn’t –“
    “Liar.” he smirked leaning towards her again but she held him an arms lenght away. “You’ve been avoiding me. Why?”
    “I am not avoiding you.”
    “Really?” he pushed her hand way and rested his forehead on hers, gently brushing her cheek with the back of his hand. “Every time I try to talk to you after class, you run off. All night tonight you’ve been avoiding me except for that one time we danced together for like two minutes before you ran off again and now you didn’t even want to come here with me. Have I done something to upset you?” Y/N shook her head, avoiding his gaze. His fingers gently brushed against her cheek and he tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him. “Then why?”
    “Because this isn’t me!” she said in a hushed voice. “I don’t dance ‘hands all over’ with guys, even if they are the hottest guy I’ve seen in my life –“
   “You think I’m hot?”
   “– not even if I’ve slept with them.” she continued as if the way his eyes had lit up at her statement hadn’t just made her heart flutter like never before. “Let alone with a guy I barely know –”
    “You do know me. Better than anyone actually.” he cupped her cheek with one hand. “You know every part of me and I still cannot believe you didn’t run when you found out what I am. Where I come from and what I’ve done. That’s how I know you feel something too –” Y/N shook her head while he placed his hand over her heart. “That and the fact your heart never beats like that around other guys, only around me –“
     “Doesn’t matter.” she whispered, clearing her throat. “I saw you earlier with that girl. You both looked pretty into each other–”
Kai grinned. “Awwhh you got jealous someone else put their hands on what belongs to you–”
    “What?! Me?! Jealous?! Don’t flatter yourself, Parker.” she scoffed. “What we had w-was a one night stand prompted by –”
      “– how beyond hot you looked that night.” he finished, trailing his fingertips up her skirt. “I mean you look hot 24/7, but that night was something and that short skirt you are wearing right now just – ” he licked his lip. “Honestly, its been driving me nuts how every time you danced tonight it kept finding ways to lift itself up. And the way your body grinded against mine, my hands on your waist and your hands reaching back for me –”
    “You just can’t keep your hands to yourself.” she took a shallow breath. “Just like right now.”
Kai smirked, leaning in a little closer. So close she could feel his breath on her face intoxicating her completely. “I don’t see you pushing my hand away.” he licked his lip, lifting her skirt up a little.
Y/N pushed him off her and scoffed, ending up pinned against the wall again. “Fuck it, Malachai –”
    “Well, if you want me to.” he grinned. “How can I say ‘no’ to the girl of my dreams?”
Her mouth fell open for a moment. “T-that’s not what I meant. I–”
      “Wasn’t it? Cuz your eyes, they look different. Kind of like they did that night when I pushed you against the wall, tore off that dress and we spend the entire night  –“
     “—getting lost in each other?” she involuntarily bit her lip at the memory, quickly shaking her head in an attempt to clear it out which turned out to be the hardest thing to do. Her mind instantly drifted to the memory, replaying every second of their night together in slow motion –“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Kai brushed his lips against hers, his eyes darting between her eyes and her lips. “So if I am to slip my fingers between your legs right now… you won’t be wet for me? You won’t melt under my touch, your knees won’t go weak just like they did that night –“
Y/N shook her head replying with a ‘No’, her voice barely audible with the music playing outside. Though that wasn’t the reason why she couldn’t hear herself say the words. With him standing this close it was way too difficult to think and breathe let alone speak. Her heart raced in her chest, beating so loudly she was worried everyone in the whole building could hear it. All because of him –
      “You are such a bad liar.”
His lips crashed against hers in a kiss that left her feeling dizzy. He had taken her breath away again and with every passing second she could feel her control slip away. He held her wrists on either side of her head, his lips not wanting to part with hers for more than a second while his body pressed firmly against hers as if he wanted them to actually merge into one soul. His crotch grinded against hers a little harder every time making her mind drift away into a fantasy of the two of them, what they could do during the remaining maybe 5 minutes they had in the closet and the fact she could feel how hard he was in that moment only added more to it. Last time this had happened things had been different, kind of like in a haze. This time she was more sober and aware of her actions than ever.
      “You have no idea what you do to me, do you?” he whispered in between kisses, pushing his crotch against hers. “You drive me nuts just with being you. How you look at me and tear your gaze away with your cheeks flushed whenever I catch your eye.” He rested his forehead on hers, his eyes drifting between her eyes and her lips while his fingertips touched them gently. “You are not just a one night stand. Not to me. And if that’s all I am to you – I will spend however long it takes to change it. I want you, I will want you in my arms forever –”
   “Forever is a really long time, you know –” she took in a shallow breath, wriggling her wrists free. To her surprise he let her and she used her chance pull him closer, digging her fingers down his spine to her jeans pockets where they slipped in giving his ass a little squeeze. “Even as a vampire you can’t make this promise.”
   “I just did –”
    “You are just telling me what I you think I want to hear so you can get what you want—“
Kai pulled away a little, his eyes searching in hers. Her words had struck a nerve with him more than anything ever had. Maybe the old him would’ve done something like that, but the thing was with her everything was different. His feelings had gone haywire and each of them was connected to her. It had taken him a while to figure out it wasn’t just the physical attraction, that there was something else which he couldn’t control or push away. “You really think that?” A few seconds passed through to him they felt like centuries. “You want to know what I felt ever since I saw you and specially that night? Let me show you –“
Y/N barely managed to take a breath before his lips smashed against hers again, hungry, anxious. A moment later she was back at the bar where she had met with Kai two weeks ago, only seeing things from his point of view. Feeling everything he had felt – his heart racing, his palms getting sweaty, all the nerves he had to fight off while walking towards her. How the second their eyes had met the world had dissolved around him and all he could see was her; his heart nearly bursting hearing her laugh and call out his name, even more so when he had kissed her for the first time after daydreaming about it for weeks. Followed by the wave of panic as to what she’d do, stretching into eternity when in reality it had been barely a few seconds before she had gripped his shirt and pulled his lips towards hers –
A moan tumbled off his lips and she felt him rip her soaked panties straight off her. A moment later he pulled away, his gaze never leaving hers while he pinned her wrists together over her head, tied them together and then hooked the knot to a bolt-like clothes hanger on the wall.    “When I woke up in the morning and didn’t find you in my arms… a part of me died.” he trailed her lips with his fingertips. “Falling asleep with your head on my chest, my arms wrapped around you – that was the happiest I had felt in forever and… I kind of thought we were gonna stay in bed all day the next day. You know, I’d make you breakfast in bed… then have you for breakfast until lunch…”
     “You did?”
Kai hummed. “It’s been two weeks and I can’t sleep. I lay awake all night thinking about you. About us.” he unbuttoned her shirt button by button, his fingertips brushing against her skin lightly as he did. Every time it happened her heart skipped a beat and she could feel her skin turn on fire even more than it already was. “My mind goes wild and I can’t focus on anything but how much I want you. To kiss every square inch of your body like I did that night…” he kissed down her jaw line and onto her neck, going lower without taking his eyes off hers for a second. His fingertips trailed soft patterns on her skin sending shivers all through her body and turning her skin on fire even more. “Explore every inch with my fingertips; listening to your heart race when I touch you, just like it does right now. Two weeks I could almost feel your lips on mine, your naked body against mine every night. You know, you tore the sheets gripping on them that night and my pillow still smells like you –”
Y/N took a shallow breath, lightly biting her lip when he pushed her bra up and cupped her breasts with his large hands. All this teasing was driving her nuts; no one had ever been able to get her this crazy, it was a Kai thing. Her palms balled into fists and she found the urge to use magic to get herself free and bury her fingers in his hair while his tongue swirled around her nipple, rolling the other between his middle and index finger for a moment before he playfully slapped each of them. Every touch sent a thousand butterflies in her stomach, spreading the feeling all through her body and she couldn’t help but feel herself starting to drip down her thighs. “I’d say I’m sorry about the sheets–” she moaned quietly. “– but I’m really hot – not, I meant not.”
   “You’ll be burning by the time I’m done with you.” Kai smirked devilishly at her, lightly biting her stomach. Even in the dim light she could see his eyes had darkened and were no longer their usual shade of blue. Though there was something else too – they glowed like she had never seen them before. “So beautiful –” he whispered, drawing figurines with his fingertips all over her body not taking his eyes off hers for more a split second. “I can’t get you out of my mind. Your voice, your eyes, your smile …all the sounds coming out of your lips when we were together, tangled tight in the sheets –” he cooed, pulling her skirt down her legs until it was laying on the floor around her ankles.    “And then I see you in the hall looking at me, walking away from me –” he cooed, his fingertips brushing up her inner thighs all the way to her warmth, spreading her legs wider. “I sit next to you for 3hrs in class and all I want is to let my hand drop lower, slip where it’s not supposed to. I want to pull you in my arms. Kiss you until you need me to give you mouth to mouth then and there. No one would even know –“
    “Why didn’t you?” she wondered, her eyes darting between his eyes and his lips. Kai gave her a small smile, raising his eyebrows. “Oh –“
    “You are not getting away from me now.” he smiled innocently at her, drawing soft circles on her clit with his fingers enough to fuel the fire he had started even more. “Awwh, so wet you are dripping and I haven’t even touched you yet.”
Y/N bit her lip feeling his fingertips brush against her clit, spreading her arousal around for a moment and then his tongue against her swollen clit. A quiet moan tumbled off her lips and she couldn’t help but tremble at his touch. How long had they been in there? Five? Seven minutes? Less than that? Looking into Kai’s eyes she could feel herself getting lost in more ways than one. It was like they were stuck in a moment in time, frozen… just the two of them, the only two people in the world.
    “We have all the time in the world for me to drive you just as crazy as you drive me.” he cooed, lightly pinching her clit for a moment before sliding just his middle and index fingers inside her; slowly curling them around to feel every inch, pulling out to the fingertips and going in to the last knuckle again, thrusting them inside her a little faster every time. “Hmm, so tight, wet and fucking warm… I can barely wait to feel those tight walls wrap around me again –”
     “Kai –“ she bit her lip at the thought of what his words meant. “We are in a closet. With like everyone probably listening –”
    “I don’t care.” he leaned in closer, leaving wet sloppy kisses all over her neck and down her body. “I want you. Here. Now. I want to hear you beg for me to hold you up against the wall and make you cum around me again… and again.”
Y/N started saying something but all that came out of lips were moans. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she threw her head back, feeling his tongue against her clit; lapping slowly around it and straight through the middle while his fingers continued to drive her wild. Every curl was like a match, every pump adding more gasoline and the way his lips enveloped her clit, sucking and tugging on it was enough for her to give into him completely. All those girls who have been throwing themselves at him all night and even before that…  and he wanted her. The shy girl who kept to herself, never did anything even remotely close to breaking the rules or getting out of line in any way. A complete opposite of who he was and perhaps that was the reason why the attraction between them was so big.
    “Someone will walk in any moment –” he whispered. “Our seven minutes are almost up. You don’t want us to get caught in this position do you?”
Kai bit on her clit, making her squeal for a moment. “No. They are not.” Y/N furrowed her brows. “I cast a little spell –”
    “Fuck, Malachai –” she moaned, her lips curling up in a lazy smile. He had cast more than one spell otherwise her legs and arms would’ve caved by now, especially with his fingers thrusting inside her almost at vampire speed. “Cheater – You had me right where you wanted me the second our eyes met on the dancefloor. Hell, I was yours the moment I first laid eyes on you –”
   “I admit. I did cheat… to make sure no one else got the chance to come here with you.” he thrusted his fingers inside her a little rougher, slowly curling it around, pulling out to the fingertips and going in all the way again while her walls clenched around them. “I want you all to myself. Just like you want me – don’t think I haven’t noticed you doing the same.”
Y/N threw her head back, her back arching a little off the wall and bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from moaning louder.   “Guilty.” she moaned softly, feeling him suck and tug on her clit while his fingers continued to thrust inside her a little rougher. Her breathing was becoming more ragged every second those freakishly perfect long fingers continued to play with her. Everything they could do to her, all the ways they could drive her wild… that was something she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since the first time she had felt them curled around feeling every inch, thrusting inside her rougher and deeper until his fingertips hit her spot making it harder for her to keep quiet. Her moans were turning into whimpers and all she could think about was him and how much she needed all of him in that moment.  “Please?”
     “Please what? Tell me –”
     “I need you –” she tried to drown off a moan. “All of you. Every inch –“ Kai smirked at her, cheating for a couple of seconds with his vampirism to pump his fingers inside her faster, getting her almost at the edge. Her back arched off the wall and she balled her hands into fists, trying to get herself free with no luck. All she wanted in that moment was to pull him up, kiss him as if her life depended on it and get her hands on him. Right before he shoves her against the wall –  “Please, fuck me –”
     “I love it when you beg.” he thrusted his fingers inside her a little rougher, hitting her spot. Her body convulsed for a second and again when he did the same. “But, sweetheart, I don’t just want to fuck you. I want to spend the rest of the night making love to you. Worshiping every inch if your body, feel you pull my hair while I slip my tongue inside you; watch you grip on the sheets again while you beg me to stop teasing you and let you cum –”
     “You won’t really hear me beg until I’m on my knees in front of you with your fingers around my neck; my wrists tied together and my mouth pressing against your cock while you look at me with those gorgeous blue eyes darkened with lust trying to decide if you should let me get what I want still wrapped up nice and tight in those jeans or push me on the bed and have your way with me.” she blurted out without thinking.
Kai grinned, kissing up her stomach while his fingers slowed down a little/ just enough to delay her release. “I love a girl who knows what she wants. So fucking hot –“ he licked his lip. “I can easily spend the rest of the night teasing you until you can’t take it anymore –“
Y/N leaned towards him, struggling not to let herself go over the edge while her hips pushed down grinding on his fingers. “Try me.” she moaned, watching a devilish spark flash in his eyes. Damn that look, she thought. It was enough to turn her skin on fire all over again –
    “Damn it –” voices came from outside and someone pulled on the door. The lock opened and closed again just as fast. “I think its stuck.”
Neither of them seemed to care they were about to get caught at any moment. Their eyes remained fixed on each other and nothing else mattered but the other. Kai smirked devilishly at her and wound her leg around his waist to get better access and continued to tease her; getting her to the edge again and delaying. Quiet moans mixed with whimpers and his name tumbled off her lips, getting a little louder when his fingers thrusted and curled inside her almost in vampire speed, slowing down to give her a small chance to cool off for a few seconds before picking up where they had left off. “FUck Malachai – I’m so close – “
Kai’s lips pressed against hers in an attempt to drown her moans and he could feel her slipping down the wall and her legs starting to shake while her orgasm approached fast.  (‘Get the door open!’ voices shouted from the outside.) His lips pulled away from hers and he shushing her, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “I will stop teasing you and let cum you if you tell me what happened to my t-shirt from that night. You know, the one you’ve been wearing for the past two weeks in your dorm… pacing near by the window with the curtains open.”
Y/N bit her lip, trying to drown out a moan. Of course he knew about it, he had been watching her watching him hide in the shadows outside her dorm. “I don’t want you to stop. Your fingers down there feel so good, though I’d love it even more it if it was something a little bigger, thicker…” Kai grinned at her, getting her right to the edge again. Something flashed in her eyes for a second, a hint of fear mixed with excitement. Was she scared he’d be mad at her? Or aroused at the thought what he will do next? Or both?  “You tore my dress in half –“ she said as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “A-are you mad?”
    “Are you guys okay in there?” called out her friend, lightly banging on the door. “It’s been so quiet since you walked in –”
   “No. I’m not mad, princess.” he smiled innocently at her and placed his hand over her lips, feeling her body starting to shake as her orgasm began tearing through her body. His eyes remained fixed on hers, watching her eyes roll in the back of her head and her mouth hang semi open while he continued to thrust his fingers inside her. “I am raging I don’t get to see you wearing it up close going to bed and waking up with it pushed up your ass afterwards.” Kai smirked at her and called out to her friends outside.   “No rush guys. We are perfectly fine. Though I think Y/N might need some fresh air or she might faint into my arms.” He pulled out his fingers and brushed the back of his hand against her cheek for a moment before trailing her lips with his fingertips, slipping his fingers between her lips for her to clean. Her eyes remained focused on him the entire time her tongue swirled around his fingers, moaning quietly as she did. “You are such a naughty girl, I should punish you for leaving me that morning. Maybe I will make your wish come true and fuck this pretty mouth of yours too. I haven’t been able to get the way your tongue and lips felt around me, how looked at me with those innocent eyes just like you are right now.” he bit his lip for a split second. “Drives me nuts –“
A snap of his fingers later her wrists were untied, her shirt buttoned up and her skirt got back on her body as if it hasn’t just been laying on the ground. Y/N couldn’t tear her eyes away from Kai for a second, and he couldn’t look away from her either. “You and I –” she tried to calm down her breathing. “We um –”
    “‘We’. I love the sound of that word.” his lips curled up a little at the same time the lock unlocked and got locked by itself again. “There is something I need to know. I want to know how you felt the same the first time we –“
Y/N bit her lip, flicked her wrist to lock the door again and nervously reached for his hand before longingly gazing into his eyes, her other hand teasingly brushed against the bulge in his crotch. “What do you think?”
Kai moaned quietly at her touch and leaned towards her – “Show me.” he barely whispered before his lips crashed against hers.
Her hand moved up his chest until she cupped his face with one hand and let him inside her thoughts. There was no holding back from her – everything poured straight out. From how her heartbroken she had felt sitting alone at the bar to how the world had vanished around her the second her eyes had met with Kai’s. Her heart beating faster than humanly possible, almost ready to burst when he had smiled at her, saying her name for the first time that night and their hands had accidentally touched on the bar counter when he had gotten her a drink.
Their lips moved hard against each other, both moaning into the kiss, and her back hit the wall again. Kai braced one hand against the wall and pulled her towards him, continuing his trip in her mind. He felt the butterflies in her stomach when he had leaned in to kiss her the first time; how out of breath he had left her only after a single gentle kiss, making her crave more of his lips… Making her crave him like she had made him crave her. And to his surprise, his girl showed him the morning after, how happy she had been to wake up next to him; her fingers running through his hair, her fingertips gently trailing his lips before she kissed him briefly… How hard it had been for her to go, thinking he wouldn’t want her there in the morning. That everything had been a one night thing –
   “Take me back –“ he whispered when she pulled away to take a breath. “I want to see more. I need to see more –“
Y/N stared at him as if seeing him for the first time and in a way that was exactly what had happened because this time the connection had worked both ways and she had found out his little secret. “It was you. You didn’t stood me up. You –”
    “There you are –” the door swung open at once. Y/N balled her panties into a ball and shoved them in Kai’s pocket before anyone could see and both of them jumped away from each other in a split second. “Are you okay?” her friend asked.
Y/N ran her fingers through her hair, glancing for a split second at Kai before returning her attention to her overly peppy roommate. “Drunk. I feel… drunk.”
   “Drunk?” her friend raised her eyebrows. “You never drink. W-why are your cheeks red? Wait – did you two –”
    “No!” Y/N said.   “Maybe –“ Kai smirked.     Y/N gestured around them, trying hard not to stare at Kai who had a visible bulge in his jeans in that moment. Her mind drifted a little at the thought of getting him alone somewhere. He had explaining to do and even though she should’ve been upset with him for hiding the truth, she just couldn’t. Not with the way he was looking at her in that moment – like she is his entire world. “Closet. No windows… and it got kind of hot in here.” she glanced at Kai, placing her hand over her forehead for a moment. Sweat drops. “Like really really hot –“
  “I’ll say –“ smirked Kai.
  “With the lack of windows, I mean –“ Y/N laughed nervously.
   “Oh –“ her friend glanced between them.
Kai scratched his chin. “You know, you can blame it on the lack of windows but we both know it’s because of me.”
     “So freaking full of himself…” she gestured towards him, avoiding her friend’s questioning looks.  “Thinks he can get what he wants –“ she took a shallow breath. “—because he looks like a freaking greek God w-with those blue eyes, that smile.. t-those toned muscles and those freakishly perfect long fingers, I –“
      “Hey, don’t blame me.” Kai raised his hands. “Not my fault I am just your type.”
Y/N bit her lip lightly, shaking her head. “I hate you.”
Kai winked at her. “We both know you love me – “ Y/N’s eyes widened a little and she stumbled, still having a bit of a hard time to stand up on her feet. Kai caught her just in time, swinging his hand under her legs until he was holding her bridal style but still being careful for people not to see what he had done to her. Her hands instinctively hooked around his neck while he held her tightly towards him, bridal style. “I got ya, sweetheart. Don’t worry, I’ll take a really good care of you. You look like you need to lay down –“
     “More like hover on top of your lips and ride your face until I collapse.” she said so quietly if he wasn’t a vampire, he would’ve missed it. “I’m driving.”
Kai grinned. “Whatever you say, princess.” he leaned in whispering in her ear. “I wouldn’t be able to get enough of you either way.”
________________________________________  MASTERLIST- SMUT ‘17  MASTERLIST- FLUFF ‘17 / MASTERLIST - FLUFF/ANGST ‘18 
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torchkeeper · 5 years
Never-Ending Survey: Gan Arulaq
Rules: Repost, do not reblog
Tagged by: I steal and have no dignity @lightdevoid
Tagging:  Nah
FULL NAME: Gan Arulaq
NICKNAME: see bio but also most common one is Fool
AGE:  20
BIRTHDAY:  (8/17) 17th Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon
ETHNIC GROUP: Au Ra || Xaela
LANGUAGE/S:  Arulaq dialect (and near total deviation from Xaelic standard), Eorzean Common, good luck with anything else lmao 
HOME TOWN / AREA: A really, really, really remote mountain valley on the Azim Steppe
CURRENT HOME:  Not too close but not too far from his master
PROFESSION: himbo respected adventurer/peacekeeper and works with the Scions when needed
HAIR: Short red and black hair that i chose bc the cut is closest to Him
EYES: he green and theyre glowy cuz...Limbal Rings hell yea
FACE: c h i n, bright eyes, naturally dramatic expressions 
LIPS: half thicc but they gave up
COMPLEXION: light copper, like when you see Mars surface from space
SCARS: Not a lot tbh, I would say just one or two that are serious and lots more (but still low) that are just from mundane things
WEIGHT: 200 ponz
BUILD: B i g, athletic and lean
FEATURES: big hands! long tail! big horns! he is a stretched JPEG brought to life, deep mischievous voice
ALLERGIES: None he is cleaner than a whistle
USUAL HAIR STYLE: He is combing it back daily (even if its short) or whenever it gets out of place, rarely touches his thin bangs tho
USUAL FACE LOOK:  like he’s trying to figure out math and losing, confused at something, or smiling and laughing
USUAL CLOTHING: If he needs to wear clothes he Must show his titties somehow, even if just a bit, also shorts/capris but sometimes sleek form fitting pants- honestly my inspo was JJBA characters but replicate it through what FFXIV has
FEAR/S: Dying to leave his son behind, failure especially toward someone he values, not being enough
ASPIRATION/S: To make his loved ones proud of him, making the world a better place where he can (that can be from treating individuals kindly to world saving events)
POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, funny, courteous, determined in resolving serious conflicts, gravitates by instinct to help others
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  Naive, stubborn, oblivious, can get in over his head and harm himself in the process
TEMPERAMENT: Easy going and can be emotional
ANIMALS: Chocobo, birds, turtles, horses
VICE HABIT/S: More food in one sitting than a person should have-pays for it later with his stomach (a habit Vaste gave him), when he gets confused he needs a moment to get his emotion out before he rationalizes, easily focuses on one thing at a time
FAITH: Makes his head hurt so he doesn’t really bother
GHOSTS?: Yes, he’s heard many stories about the ones that follow Vaste, Ardbert’s WoDs are now the foster family he doesn’t know he has
AFTERLIFE?: Yes, see above
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Are you corrupt and abusing power? You die
EDUCATION LEVEL: Virtually none, only knows survival skills and things he’s been taught or observed on the road, he can kinda read and has his master helping him (but really him and her are both not great she’s still at a junior high level and he’s close behind- Alphinaud and others are their teachers)
NAME MEANING/S: Bold in Mongolian 
HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: None specific other than traditionally being considered a strong boys name, thus respected
BOOK: He loves any book he’s managed to read on his own, his recipe books are A+ to him
DEITY: He doesnt follow it but Rhalgar’s pretty metal
HOLIDAY: Moonfire Faire
MONTH: Finding pretty places in all of them
SEASON: Summer
PLACE: Can’t choose
WEATHER:  Sunny and fair, some breeze, he doesn’t mind cold too much as he was raised in it but not his first pick, rain
SOUND / S: Water, horse hooves, bubbling food he’s making, laughter, cicadas
SCENT / S: Food, herbs, the sea, wild plants like in a forest
TASTE / S: Spicy food, smoked food, stuff that has a sense of kick and weight
ANIMAL / S: Birds, turtles, horses, but he’s also unafraid to mess with non lethal snakes, scaring Vaste half to death in the process
NUMBER: Makes his head hurt
COLORS: Blues, reds, dark purple, black, orange
TALENTS: He can bake, he can cook- The Bismarck should hire him, horseback riding via his childhood, spear fighting, telling jokes and lighting people up from bad moods
BAD AT: Fully recognizing what others want if they aren’t clear about it, doesn’t like guns so his aim with them is bad, complex math, opening up when he’s annoyed
TURN ONS: Shiina, people who he finds pretty, kind, and made with a tough will
TURN OFFS: Cruelty and sadism (as in getting off on pain/murder, fear, and humiliation that dehumanizes others, not the BDSM), people who are rude and demand a lot or walk all over others thinking they’re above everything
HOBBIES: Baking, sewing, training, practicing his reading, sightseeing
TROPES: Gentle giant, big muscles not as big brain, shy but passionate romantic, loyal to his friends
QUOTES: “What is Courage? Courage is knowing fear and making that fear your own!” - William A. Zeppeli
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?      
A1 :  Wes Anderson directed mayhem similar in tone to The Grand Budapest Hotel covering his life in short so far (I would’ve said Satoshi Kon too but he unfortunately passed years ago)
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Yoko Kanno, which speaks for itself because how do you even begin pinpointing Kanno’s work to one thing
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?        
A3 : Haven’t rly yet but I’d like to, love the idea of that (and the one time I did “write” for him tumblr ate it)
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?        
A4 : I was playing with CC a year ago and when he came out I loved him immediately
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 :  He can be mature and responsible but he’s still young enough to rush into things
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :  I’m decent at cooking, I have some horseback riding experience, I hate when I can’t understand someone and I get an impulse to act over think at emotional peaks
Q7 :  How does your muse feel about you?        
A7 :  He is confused and horrified to now know he’s basically a Sim but in an FF game
Q8 : What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?
A8 : His mentor/best friend, his lover, his son bc he is the sweetest dad, someone new
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?    
A9 : I don’t fully understand yet which is why I started this blog, but putting him in in-jokes and memes is definitely a factor lmao
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?  
A10 : I did part of it during an all nighter then passed out, woke up to finish
0 notes
anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 11/23 NXT 11/25 NXT UK 11/26 Smackdown 11/27
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Such a hollow promo by Lana tbh. “I’m dreaming, don’t wake me up.” ??? You were the sole survivor by proxy, it’s not like you did anything. Like good for you, but come on now.
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I mean sure, hand out a title shot to fucking Lana, not like anyone else in the entire company cares about that belt. God I miss Becky.
“You may go home Raw women’s champion” HAHAHAHAHAAHHA sure.
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“Nikki Cross blames herself for what Alexa Bliss has become,” she should, she straight up threw her hissy fit cuz she didn’t win the title, and then she bailed.
Now don’t get me wrong, I get that Alexa has been... possessed, if you will, by Fiend... but I’m not seeing any signs of Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to her and Bray. Aren’t they both trapped by Fiend in lore? Bray seems to genuinely care about Alexa. Am I off the mark here??
Oh my god this moment of silence for the fucking frog, I--
Topped with them laughing about his death, oooookay. I’m left speechless once again.
Commentators come back with, “Is Alexa Bliss too far gone...” LMFAO bye.
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See I love this bullying Lana storyline cuz Nia and Shayna have no real reason to despise her 1/8th as much as they do. It simply boils down to ‘fuck Lana’ and like your typical high school bullies, they seethe when their victim succeeds at anything. It’s old school, believable, and doesn’t cross any lines that would upset parents or sponsors.
Also don’t get me wrong, I’m well aware that this title match is just a vehicle to advance the feud while involving Asuka, I simply wish the creation of the title match itself had been a bit more interesting. Lana’s dialogue ahead of it with both Sarah and Asuka just fell flat for me.
Omfg Asuka threw water on Nia and Shayna, bahahahah I can’t breathe. That might be the highlight of her entire reign, holy shit.
Negative points for her being floored by one punch though.
Well at least the segment ends with both Asuka and Lana standing, that’s not the worst.
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Not much to say about this match, it’s really just Nia and Shayna bullying Lana lol.
I’ll give them this, there is absolutely nothing about neither Nia nor Shayna that is even remotely likeable. They play mean really well, and not ‘annoying yet funny’ mean like Bayley, just straight mean.
It’s not that I hate this submission ‘hold’ by Shayna, where she steps on the back of their neck while pulling a leg back, but I’m curious why she switched legs lmao. Awkward.
What a knee strike by Shayna to Asuka, whew that looked nasty.
Lmfao Nia took herself out by charging into the announce desk. I cannot. What a bump. Comedic bump, but a bump. Points.
Haha Shayna ate a rollup. A happy ending indeed. Lana sold that ending well, but it was a weird choice to have her and Asuka on the opposite ends of the ramp.
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It’s been like 2 years and I’m still shocked Alexa never turned on Nikki.
This video is kind of just skipping over Nikki throwing her tantrum huh? Alexa played backseat cheerleader just to watch Nikki lose against Bayley 16 times and what did she get in return? Disrespect. Tsk.
Great package though. Points.
Nikki is so inconsistent. Internal conflict is valid, but she’s standing here claiming Alexa gave up on their friendship. First of all, this was initially instigated by Nikki. Second of all, she did nothing but trash Alexa’s boyfriend(?) when Alexa was nothing but kind to her after Nikki was a douche. She was confused so she gave Alexa an ultimatum, and now she’s pissy cuz Alexa chose him. This is toxic, I honestly have no sympathy for Nikki.
“I’m going to beat the Fiend out of Alexa Bliss” that’s... that’s not how this works... alright well you’re a shitty friend so, anyway.
Alexa slaps the back of Nikki’s hands and claims she won. I fucking can’t, she’s such a treat.
Lol Alexa’s just laughing at her.
My first introduction to Alexa was her as a master manipulator. Not a damn thing has changed.
Alexa has lost her god damn mind rofl.
*Bonus* online exclusive: victim Nikki, everyone. Why wasn’t this on Raw? Jesus they fill Raw with so many garbage replays while meaningful interviews to fill plot holes are put online. Dumb.
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Lacey’s really running around calling Peyton “PeyPey” good lord.
I mean she’s right, Peyton was the weakest link. Just saying.
“10 sizes too big” shot at Uncle Melted Cheese.
I fucking love how Lacey pronounces “opportun-tit-ies” lmao. I thought it was an accident at first but honestly it’s great.
They have zero chemistry in the ring but at least they’re fun outside of it.
Highlight: I know I say Alexa every single week but shrug it’s Alexa
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Alright Ember’s theme is wearing on me. She just has awesome theme songs.
Indi is really pretty and I love how she does her hair.
All nxt heels are the same; cowardly run from fights, slow methodical wrestling in the ring, recruiting muscle optional. It’s tired. At least be a good promo. Dakota is a good promo. She’s buyable. Actually where’s Dakota, I wanna see Dakota wrestle. No more Candice.
Holy shit that fall away slam onto Candice. Fucking THREW her ass across the ring. Whew everyone wave bye to Candice.
The setup to that step up senton by Candice was way too obvious.
Candice is too whiny.
Ah just as I’m beginning to get bored, Dakota comes out. It’s like nxt knows me.
Haha KO correcting Vic being a bad commentator.
See Candice isn’t even a bad wrestler, her style as heel just fucking blows.
Peeped that call by Ember.
Such a stupid setup to have Indi push Candice out of the way to take an Eclipse herself. It’s not like jumping in front of a bus. There was time. Whatever. I hate Candice matches 9 times out of 10 so there’s that lol.
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...so is Toni a heel yet??? I’m guessing they’re going for “badass loner babyface-leaning tweener” for Ember, but Toni is not a tweener. She could’ve been, alas she is not.
Haha Toni is funny. Good, let her be heel. Maybe she’ll show some personality.
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Alright but hear me out, what if we had a War Games team without Candice???
You did say we’d see a whole new side of you, Toni. Been waiting to see it though.
Wait back up, didn’t Toni attack Candice after their match recently?? Okay anyway.
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“Rhea Ripley/Io Shirai? Doesn’t get any bigger than that.” True Rhea, now move up to the main roster plz.
Oh man Io’s basement dropkick fucking nailed Rhea in the face lol, oof.
“Where do I go from here?” TO THE MAIN ROSTER.
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I don’t hate the tank and I don’t hate the idea of wearing a helmet, but those horns are super pointless.
Shotzi “pyromaniac” Blackheart. Stealing one of Alexa’s gimmicks.
It’s gonna be Shotzi, Io, Rhea and Ember, right? Who else would it be??
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Rhea says she’s there to stay. Ma’am I stg if I have to wait til after wm to see you on the MR...
Me: super invested in Rhea cutting a fantastic promo and seeing how far she’s progressed as a well-rounded talent; Candice: “lol fuck you”
I hate Candice. I will fill this review with vitriol for Candice, I don’t care.
How... how did Io “steal” any victories from Candice? What help did she have? Is it drugs? Is Candice on drugs?? Candice you haven’t even held the title, shut the fuck up. Also all of y’all can sit down cuz only one woman on that entire brand has had a singles match at wm.
Oh shit they laid Io out. That’s a yikes.
In kf, the only threat to Rhea on that entire team is Toni.
I mean sure 4 people was way too much for Rhea to handle, but man they let her look pretty fucking good. The way she immediately slid out to give Raquel the high boot was smart as hell.
Dakota looks good. She gets style points.
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Soooo Xia gets acting points, but what in the fuck is going on with her and Boa’s story...
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Why do I have to see or hear Candice again? Jesus lord.
There’s someone else masked? *sigh* I don’t care, goodbye.
Highlight: Rhea’s promo that Candice ruined
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I enjoy watching neither of these women wrestle, but at least Jinny’s persona is appealing and she has solid character work. She’s easy to dislike, so she gets heel-potential points.
Did they say Isla’s mentor is Nikki Cross? That’s... interesting...
So is this match gonna be interrupted by Piper? Probably not.
“This is an aggressive Isla Dawn,” well hey, maybe she actually started working on her stamina.
Jinny is vicious lmao.
Probably Isla’s best showing tbh.
I hate it when people jump off the top turnbuckle and then break into a slow, clunky roll, just to stand up and act as if their knee is tweaked. It’s so messy to me. Be smoother or don’t aimlessly jump off the turnbuckle.
Whole lotta yelling in the match.
Really don’t give a shit about a future Jinny/Piper match but okay.
Highlight: Jinny comes off as a vicious bitch, so that’s nice
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Oh snap Bianca’s graphic has some real potential.
Ayyyeeee it’s Captain Bayley. We starting our Bianca/Bayley feud?
oof Nattie straight outsmarted Bianca as the vet, there. Bianca friggin speared that ringpost.
“I think I did the world a favor, we got to see Bianca Belair shine,” she’s not wrong, Bianca was absolutely my mvp from SvS. In hindsight speaking from current day, Bayley really set up Bianca to be the upcoming star of this division, starting with SvS.
Oh snap did Bianca just call Nattie a bitch? How dare she, that’s Nattie’s only patented insult!
“You don’t want to get counted out again,” lmfao Bayley’s so annoying.
pppffffftttt Bayley inadvertently getting her ass whooped tonight.
Yeah somehow this is all Cole’s fault lol.
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No, stop, no more “them” promos. Bayley cut this promo literally a year prior, we don’t need to hear it from Carmella, too. Besides, she was never necessarily a fan favorite that the crowd gradually turned against like Bayley was. It’s different.
WHAT SHOTS ARE YOU CALLING?? Is this about Reggie? Has he even appeared on screen yet?
Lmao Sasha beating her ass. Good for her. Looking good while she does it, too. Sasha in shiny silver... whew.
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The wwe shop ad with the Riott Squad was worth a mention. They entertain me and they deserve tag titles. Not sure why wwe is still dragging their feet, but commit to them already, damn it.
Highlight: Bianca/Bayley seeds being planted
*Smackdown shined the brightest this week. Short, simple, straight to the point. Left me wanting to throw on next week’s episode, which no other show accomplished.
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