#which like. hm. I get it. but… okay fair.
theloveinc · 1 year
Got my bangs cut and I’m looking a bit too much like that lady aliceandfern on tik tok for comfort
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muirneach · 2 months
nobody tells you this about getting into sports but once you like one sport you start liking all sports like i keep getting baseball videos on my feed and sitting here like damn fr these guys are dope as hell. seeing kids play hockey like fuck i should do that. i dont need MORE hobbies!
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kuromochimi · 4 months
baby I’m nothing like your broke ex
gojo satoru, nanami kento
Content warnings: mentions of past toxic relationships, not proof read
🔜 suguru geto, kamo choso, higuruma hiromi
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Gojo Satoru
Satoru was rich. Like rich RICH. You first noticed this the moment you met him when you spilled coffee on his shirt then offered to buy him a new one instead. Instant regret when you realized that his shirt was worth more than your entire closet combined.
Being in a relationship with him was… well it was an adjustment. You lived a fairly simple life before you met him. It wasn’t a bad life. You still got to spend on your wants here and there but you had to budget such things much like any other common person had to. On the other hand, the word budget was non-existent to satoru especially when it came to you. He quite literally gave you everything. A few weeks into the relationship though, he had noticed how reluctant you were to accept his presents. You didn’t seem uncomfortable, just.. reluctant. He toned down a bit after this realization. But god he just couldn’t figure out why you were almost unwilling to accept anything at all from him, even food, even a ride home, even his hoodie which he already said you could keep. “Baby” he called to which you responded by looking his way. “Why do you never want to accept my presents?” He asked before he got up to approach you, immediately hugging you from the back as soon as you were within reach. “Hmm it’s not that I don’t want to.. it’s just.. you have to let me get used to these things first, okay?” satoru raised his brow “baby I know that shitty ex of yours can’t come close to how much I spoil you but was he that stingy?” at first satoru was only joking but your silence meant it was probably true. “So he was?” He asked as his chin was resting on your shoulder. “Come on satoru, he’s a thing of the past. He doesn’t matter anymore, ‘kay?” You tried your best to steer away from having to tell your boyfriend in detail but he’s right. Your ex was stingy as hell. It’s not like you ever asked for anything too much in fact, you don’t ever remember asking for anything at all. All the times he had to pick you up, he asked for gas money which seemed fair enough but it wasn’t just that. The man loved going on and extravagant dates but was never willing to fish out more than gas money. He adored receiving presents from you but could never be bothered to get you even the cheapest flowers. He used to say that he was just saving up to be able to give you the life you deserve but 8 years of having to sustain the luxurious lifestyle of a bum just made you snap hence, the break up. Satoru’s tightening embrace woke you from that little flashback. “Okay baby, I’ll make sure to spoil you but don’t hesitate to tell me if I go overboard hm? Love you” he gave you a kiss on the cheek and god, you felt so lucky to have found such a good man.
Nanami Kento
It quite literally took years of yearning for nanami to be finally able to date you. He was your junior in university and your junior at work as well. All that time, he had to witness you be head over heels for your then boyfriend, another one of his seniors. He thought the man might have put a spell on you because for the love of god, he could not see what kept you with the jerk for so long. Having observed your relationship from when he was a college freshman up to when he was a work colleague, your ex never even tried to mask how selfish he was with you. The man dawned expensive watches and drove a not so cheap car, he loved going to expensive places with his friends but with you? He wouldn’t hesitate to pass you the bill (like 85% of the time) whenever you went on dates, bought you nothing but cheap jewelry and quality reject flowers just because they were cheaper. Even worse, he also let you take the crowded train home everyday despite him driving to and from work everyday. He just couldn’t be bothered to pick you up because your workplace was “too far” and gas was expensive. If he really was struggling, it wouldn’t have been a problem but any person could see that he was more than capable of treating you better. He just didn’t want to.
Dating nanami was like a breath of fresh air. It’s not like you were materialistic in the first place but receiving pretty flowers and having someone make sure you’s comfortable and safe felt so heartwarming. On top of that, nanami didn’t make it feel like he was obligated to do any of that. He just genuinely wanted to care for you. It was all new to you that you even had to ask him to stop spoiling you too much, you felt bad accepting all that he was giving. “I know you don’t need them and I know you’re capable but let me do these things for you, hm?” Was what he’d always say and despite bot being able to voice it out to him yet, there is so much love in you knowing that it was possible to be treated this way. With so much care and love and concern.
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chvoswxtch · 6 months
teach me
pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
summary: you want frank to teach you self defense, but it doesn't quite go the way you expected.
warnings: swearing, some angst, mentions of guns, explicit sexual content (minors dni)
word count: 8.3k
a/n: what better way to end this year and start the new one than with our favorite hot bodyguard. don't ask me how many times I watched that scene with him and amy. it was for science. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
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“You’re being a dick.”
“Hey, you said you wanted to learn.”
“You’re still being a dick.”
“Yeah yeah, you ain’t gettin’ no sympathy from me, sweetheart. Now c’mon, try again.”
It was a good thing the cabin was isolated in the middle of the woods, because if anyone had been looking in the living room window at that very moment, they would’ve definitely called the police in horror. Frank had a gun in his right hand that was trained on you, and while he wore a neutral expression on his face, your brows were furrowed in pure annoyance and there was a faint scowl on your lips.
Letting out a huff of irritation, you kept your eyes focused on the gun in Frank’s hand, getting back into somewhat of a fighting stance again. Clenching your hands open and closed a few times, your teeth sank down into your bottom lip before you suddenly rushed forward in an endeavor to take the gun out of his hand. 
But just like he had done the past seven times you tried this, Frank easily managed to block your attempt. He grabbed your wrist in his free hand and spun you around swiftly, pulling you back firmly against his chest while a deep chuckle sounded right next to your ear.
“That was real cute.”
Letting go of you, Frank took a step back and lightly pressed at the back of your knee with the heel of his boot, sending you down to your knees below him. He decided to take it a step further and used the toe of his boot to gently shove at your ass, causing your hands to fly out to catch yourself, rendering you on all fours in front of him. Turning to narrow your eyes at him over your shoulder, the smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth let you know that was very intentional.
“You know, if you wanted me on my knees, all you had to do was ask.”
“That right?”
Grumbling a string of curses under your breath, you pushed yourself back up onto your feet and turned around to shoot a death glare in Frank’s direction. His plush lips instantly parted into a crooked grin while he looked at you, cocking his head to the side slightly while his eyes twinkled in amusement.
“Aw, what’s wrong baby, hm?”
“I already told you, you’re being a dick. You’re supposed to be teaching me-”
“Then why don’t you quit actin’ like you know everythin’ and start askin’ questions, yeah?”
“How the hell am I supposed to know what questions to ask? I asked you to teach me. Teach me means tell me what to do.”
“And when have you ever done what I told ya to?”
As you opened your mouth to protest, Frank arched one of his thick brows and shot you a pointed look, and your rebuttal quickly died on your tongue. You did have a history of ignoring his instructions completely and doing whatever you wanted anyway. With that in mind, you let out a deep exhale through your nose and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Okay, that’s…fair. But this is completely out of my area of expertise. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never even held a gun until four days ago. And for the record, when it comes to something serious, I do listen to you. This is serious, and I’m listening.”
Originally when you asked Frank to teach you self defense with a gun, he was completely against it. He made the argument that with him around, you wouldn’t have to worry about that, to which you reminded him of the incident where two people tried to kill you in your own home where you had nothing to protect yourself with and no knowledge of how to in the first place. 
The two of you went back and forth about it for at least an hour. He made the case that it was a one time incident that would never happen again, and argued that nothing was ever going to happen to you in the first place anyway because he showed up to take care of it. You argued back that Frank wouldn’t be by your side twenty-four seven anymore and would eventually be assigned to someone else, possibly taking him far away for extended periods of time.
In the end, you wore him down like you usually did until he gave in and you got your way.
Frank took in the impatient and stubborn expression covering your features, the one he had become all too familiar with and grown to adore. You were a force to be reckoned with when you wanted something, just as much as he was. Even though he didn’t want you to ever have a reason to use a gun, he would rather know you were safe and could handle yourself in his absence if it came down to it. 
“Alright, alright. Wipe that pout off your face and c’mere.”
Doing your best to conceal your tiny smile of victory, you went to stand in front of Frank, but he held his large hand out to stop you and motioned for you to move back a little.
“Keep your distance, okay? You don’t wanna be too close. Now, step one.”
Frank reached out to grab your wrist and brought your hand up towards the barrel of the gun, placing his large hand on top of your own and squeezing gently to signal for you to grab onto it. Once he felt your tight grip on the barrel, he slid his hand over to grab onto your forearm and pushed against it, which caused the gun in his right hand to shift directions. It was no longer aimed at you, but pointed at the wall to your left.
“You wanna take the gun offline, yeah? Look.”
Glancing up at him briefly, you nodded to show him that you were paying attention. When he pulled your arm back in the position it was before, aiming the gun at you once again, you quickly redirected your focus back to his large hands. To reiterate what he was trying to explain to you, Frank repeated his demonstration two more times to make sure you understood.
“Offline, right? Offline, right? And push hard, as hard as you can.”
While Frank’s eyes were locked on you as he demonstrated the first step, you were studying his movements, committing every detail to memory. It seemed simple enough in theory so far. Keep your distance, grab the barrel of the gun, and push it away from yourself hard. When he let go of your arm, you let go of the gun, and you looked up to see that Frank was already watching you.
“Show me.”
Without hesitating, you swiftly reached out to grab the barrel of the gun and forcefully pushed it to the left. Frank let you redirect it to a certain point, and then pushed back to hold the gun in place. His strength was something you couldn’t combat, and as you kept pushing at the barrel, his resistance  made the gun almost wobble in your hands. 
“Attagirl. Easy, easy. Relax.”
Frank reached out with his left hand and grabbed onto your wrist, gently squeezing it to steady your hand.
“Alright, now step two, you go for that wrist, yeah? You get control. Go.”
Immediately you reached out with your right hand to wrap your fingers around Frank’s wrist to grab onto it tightly. Giving a slight shake of his head, Frank pulled your hand off of his wrist and guided it underneath his wrist instead.
“Look, underneath, yeah? Underneath. Go for the joint. Joints are weakest.”
Everything Frank was showing you seemed so simple that it filled you with a false sense of confidence. With your right hand under his right wrist, you gripped onto the barrel tightly with your left hand and took a step back as you tried to tug it away, thinking it would spring loose. Frank let out a grunt of disapproval and pulled his right arm back, easily slipping the gun out of your grasp completely and causing you to stumble forward a bit. He had a somewhat stern look on his face as he wagged the gun in your direction twice.
“Easy, bang bang. Don’t ever pull a gun towards you. You push it away.”
Letting out a huff of annoyance as your previous overzealous confidence fizzled out, you looked up at Frank as he held his left hand out towards you to signal for you to stay in place. He wasn’t teasing you anymore like he had been earlier. This wasn't Frank that had made you strawberry pancakes and caressed your legs while they sat in his lap as the two of you shared breakfast this morning. This was Frank that nearly sent your ex to the morgue instead of prison. He was back in full protective bodyguard mode.
“Listen to me. Use your legs, get underneath, and twist. Don’t pull, twist. Yeah? C’mon, show me.”
Taking a deep breath, you gave a slight nod and went over the steps in your head. Grab the barrel of the gun, shove it away from yourself, slip your other hand under the wrist joint, and twist the gun away. Your lips faintly twitched as you silently recited the steps to yourself three times for good measure. Frank didn’t make a move to rush you. He kept his eyes on you and waited patiently until you were ready to give it a try. 
Sucking in one more deep breath, your tongue darted out to wet your lips, and you sprung into action. Taking a quick step forward, you reached out to tightly grab the barrel of the gun with your left hand, and while you pushed it away to the left, you simultaneously slipped your right hand under Frank’s wrist. Twisting the barrel of the gun forcefully to the right caused Frank’s wrist to twist with it until he was forced to let go, and in that short window of weakness you were able to pull the gun out of his hand with a hard step backwards.
Glancing down at the gun in your hands, your eyes went wide with surprise and your mouth hung open as you let out an incredulous laugh. 
“Holy shit, that actually worked!”
Frank held his hands up like you had just made a touchdown, and he started to clap as a proud tooth bearing grin stretched over his lips.
“Look at that, huh? Who got a gun, huh?”
Looking up at Frank, your lips parted into a huge grin of your own while you held it up like a trophy and spoke in a proud voice.
“I have a gun.”
“Attagirl. You’re goddamn right you do. You did good, sweetheart. Real good. Feels good, yeah?”
Biting down on your bottom lip, you let out a soft laugh while admiring the gun in your hands. Well, more so admiring the fact that you were able to actually take it from Frank. The only reason you felt comfortable holding the gun right now was because Frank had shown you the clip was empty before he started demonstrating the basics earlier. 
Pointing a loaded gun at Steven had been different. You were blinded in a fit of rage, not thinking clearly, but deep down you knew there was no way you would have actually pulled the trigger. However if you had been level headed, you probably wouldn’t have taken it from Billy, even if he offered. 
“Yeah…yeah it does.”
And it did feel good. It made you feel strong…less helpless. Frank was giving you back a sense of safety and security that had been stolen from you when you were first threatened by the Defenders of Freedom. Even if you never used this lesson, and you genuinely hoped you wouldn’t have to, you felt a surge of confidence knowing that you were at least capable of protecting yourself in some capacity. 
“Okay, step three.”
A pinch of confusion settled between your brows as you looked up at Frank when he mentioned a third step, and you noticed that he wasn’t smiling anymore. A grim look had settled over his features that sent a chill of unease down your spine.
“You just took a gun off someone that wanted to use it on you. What d’you do.”
The delight of pride had disappeared from his face and was swiftly replaced by a shadow of severity that was now coveting his sharp features, and the elated grin that was on your own lips had slowly fallen from grace. It was a rhetorical question you both knew the answer to, but you hadn’t factored in a third step. It hadn’t even crossed your mind, and Frank could see that in your eyes.
“You use it on them. Don’t matter who they are, you do not hesitate. You got that?”
Looking down at the gun in your hands, the weight of it was suddenly too heavy in your palms. Step three was a reminder that step one and two weren’t just to boost your confidence in protecting yourself; they were steps to defend yourself. Swallowing thickly, you nodded your head in silent understanding.
“Good. Show me.”
Frank’s voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. It wasn’t a command, but it wasn’t a suggestion either. Placing both of your hands on the gun the way he had shown you to properly hold it, you took a deep breath, slowly raising it to aim in Frank’s direction. You weren’t sure if it was the fact that he knew the clip was empty, or that this most likely wasn’t the first time he had stared down the barrel of a gun, but he looked completely unphased. The canvas of his face was expressionless, but his eyes were what you had learned to read. Only right now, you couldn’t understand what they were trying to tell you. 
The gun trembled slightly in your grasp, as if every cell in your body knew exactly how wrong it felt to point a gun at Frank, loaded or not. The self defense lesson you wanted for a possible yet highly improbable scenario had quickly become too heavy and realistic, and you were quickly regretting even asking for it.
“Show me.”
“I’m not doing that-”
“It ain’t loaded-”
“Frank, I don’t want to-”
“What’d I say, huh? I don’t care who it is, you do not hesitate. Ever. Now, show me you understand.”
Frank’s tone was a little more forceful, but the volume of it was still even and somewhat soft. You knew there were no repercussions if you didn’t pull the trigger. He had learned early on that he couldn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to, and you trusted him enough to know that he would never try to force you. Frank never demanded anything of you, he always asked.
But you had asked for this, and he wanted you to follow through with it.
Clenching your jaw, you let out a shaky exhale through your nose, and you slowly squeezed the trigger like he had taught you to yesterday when you were out in the woods using cans as target practice. The click that sounded caused you to flinch, and it seemed to echo loudly in the living room. Frank on the other hand didn’t visibly react to it at all.
Without another word, you placed the gun down onto the coffee table a little too forcefully and headed towards the back door, wanting to put as much distance between it and yourself as possible. Frank caught your wrist before you could get too far and gently tugged you back towards himself.
“I’m going for a walk.”
“No, you ain’t. You ain’t runnin’ away, you’re gonna stay here and talk to me. We ain’t doin’ that not communicatin’ shit. Why are you upset?”
“I told you I didn’t want to do that-”
“You asked me to teach you. I said no, but you kept on beggin’. What did you think this was gonna be, huh? You think you get a gun off someone, and it ends there? No. As soon as you get control and take it, you use it. No negotiatin’, no questionin’ it, you do it-”
“And what if I can’t, Frank?”
The distress in your voice made him pause and clench his jaw. He could see that you were visibly upset, and for a moment he wondered if he was being too hard on you. You said it yourself, this was not your area of expertise. It was his. Frank had years of professional training under his belt. Pulling a trigger was something he didn’t even have to think twice about. It was an automatic response. The aftermath of what followed didn’t even make him bat an eye. There were always casualties in war. 
But you weren’t a soldier, and having to actually pull the trigger on someone would be something that haunted you for the rest of your life if it came down to it.
Letting out a deep exhale through his large nose, Frank stepped forward and wrapped one of his arms around your waist to pull you into his embrace while using his other hand to slip his fingers gently into your hair to brush it back before cradling your face in his right hand.
“Listen to me. If it comes down to you, or someone else, you do whatever you gotta do to save yourself, you got that?”
The rational part of your brain knew that Frank was right. If you had taken a gun from Cavella or Walker, you would’ve had to shoot them. There’s no way they wouldn’t have missed the opportunity to kill you if they had it. But the emotional part of your brain was struggling to figure out if you could handle the consequences of taking someone’s life, justified or not. Frank could see the internal conflict in your eyes, and he lightly brushed the calloused pad of his thumb along your cheekbone as the rough timbre of his voice broke the tense silence.
“Hey, no one’s sayin’ you gotta shoot ‘em point blank, alright? I’ve seen your aim, and it ain’t all that great anyway. You’d be lucky to scare ‘em off with firin’ a terrible shot just so you could get away.”
Rolling your eyes at his comment, you let out a dry laugh. As much as you wanted to be annoyed, he was right. You were terrible. You didn’t hit a single can yesterday, even at close range. You did manage to scare the shit out of some crows in a tree though.
“You are such an ass.”
The edge of Frank’s mouth twitched up into a light smirk while giving your waist a gentle squeeze.
“And you’re cute thinkin’ you could actually do some damage. I know a blind guy that can hit targets better than you. Look, you gotta stop gettin’ upset ‘bout things that might not even happen, alright? If it ever comes down to it, remember that you’re the one controllin’ the gun, yeah? It ain’t controllin’ you. Wherever you aim, the bullet’s gonna go. You can shoot ‘em in the leg, foot, shoulder, hell shoot ‘em in the dick for all I care. That’ll keep ‘em down for a while. You just promise me you’ll pull that trigger. You get ‘em down however you want, and then you get the hell outta there. That’s all you gotta do, yeah?”
Frank dipped his head to catch your eyes, staring intently into them. Letting out a deep breath, you bit down on your bottom lip and nodded while placing your hands on Frank’s biceps. You could do that. Injuring someone just to get away was a lot more manageable for your conscience. Frank lightly grasped your jaw in his large hand, his bottom three fingers wrapping around your throat while his index finger and thumb held your jaw. He tipped your head back so that you had no choice but to look up at him.
“Lemme hear you say it.”
Staring up into his warm brown eyes, you gazed up at him silently for a moment before speaking.
“No hesitating. I promise.”
“Attagirl. C’mere.”
Frank leaned in to capture your lips in a soft and sweet kiss. Sometimes it amazed you how easily he was able to talk you down from the ledge. Frank was a man of few words, but he somehow always knew exactly which ones to say to ease whatever anxieties were weighing on your mind. And the distraction of his plush lips against yours also certainly helped.
Ever since the other night by the fireplace, every kiss between the two of you that started out soft and sweet had a way of evolving into something more passionate and insatiable. Maybe it was the months of denying your feelings for one another, or maybe there was just some magnetic pull between your souls, but whatever it was, neither of you could get enough.
Before you could even register that you were moving, Frank was lifting you up by your hips and setting you down on the dining table, his hungry kisses leaving a searing path along your jawline and down the column of your neck.
“Did good today, sweetheart. Did real goddamn good, made me so proud.”
Frank’s gravely songs of praise in your ear only further ignited the flame of desire that was burning in your lower belly. Despite the warmth of his large palm touching your bare skin as he slipped it underneath your shirt to caress your lower back, a shiver teasingly tumbled down your spine from the contact.
“I had a good teacher.”
“Nah, I think you’re just a natural, baby.”
“I thought I had terrible aim?”
“Didn’t say you were perfect. Everybody’s got their strengths and weaknesses.”
A soft laugh escaped your lips before you could stop it, and you could feel the rumble of Frank’s deep chuckle vibrating in his chest that was pressed against yours.
“Wow, you really know how to sweep a girl off her feet, Castle.”
Frank pulled back slightly to look down at you, his eyes traveling over your figure to drink in the sight of you sitting on the edge of the dining table before they slowly wandered back up to meet your gaze. He arched one of his thick brows as a smug smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth.
“Yours are currently danglin’, sweetheart.”
Before you could retort with a smartass comment of your own, Frank’s mouth was back on your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses along your sensitive skin. Feeling his tongue gliding along your collarbone and giving it a delectable love bite, you closed your eyes and let your head fall back, granting Frank all the access he wanted to your skin.
The feeling of his lips on your neck was so heavenly you almost didn’t notice that he had popped the button on your jeans and tugged down your zipper until he was lifting you up slightly with one arm around your waist and pulling the denim down your hips with his free hand. As soon as your jeans were completely off, your own hands were reaching for Frank’s belt buckle, but he grasped your wrists and halted your attempt. A soft noise of protest quickly slipped past your lips.
“Shh shh shh. Spread your legs for me, baby.”
A rush of heat pooled in your cheeks at his request, but you obliged immediately. Frank leaned in to kiss you deeply, swiping his tongue along your bottom lip and nipping at it softly while his thumbs hooked into the waistband of your panties and slipped them off too slowly for your liking. The sudden contact of the crisp autumn air coming in through the open windows hitting your slicked folds had you gasping, and Frank used that to his advantage by slipping his tongue into your mouth to caress your own sensually. 
“Spread ‘em wider for me, sweetheart. C’mon.”
Frank’s deep voice was quiet, but it nestled in your ears as comfortably as it did between your thighs. He pulled you a little more towards the edge of the dining table, and when you spread your legs further for him, he sank down to his knees in front of you and let out a low groan of appreciation at the sight waiting for him. 
“Attagirl, that’s it. God, look at you. You should see how fuckin’ pretty you look right now, baby.”
His large hands gripped onto your soft thighs, kneading and squeezing your flesh with his thick fingers. Frank didn’t waste a second before diving into your cunt face first. As soon as his warm and wet tongue began to strum your clit like chords to his favorite song, your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head. He brought your legs over his broad shoulders, burying his face so deep into your core, you weren’t sure how he was breathing.
Your hand quickly found a fistful of his slightly grown out hair that you gripped onto to steady yourself, and when you gave it an experimental tug, the vibration of his groan against your clit had your thighs trembling more than any toy you had ever gotten for yourself before.
Frank let out a loud grunt as he pulled back for just a moment to stare at your glistening pussy almost in awe, his hooded eyes briefly meeting your own for a second before focusing back on the display of your desire for him.
“Taste so good sweetheart, so fuckin’ good. You got no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.”
He dove right back in, this time slipping his tongue inside of you to explore while using his large nose to bump against your clit repeatedly. The stimulation had your back arching off the dining table and a loud moan echoed throughout the cabin. Tugging harder at his dark roots, you pushed your hips up against his face, desperately and greedily searching for more. None of your exes had ever eaten you out like this before. Most of them didn’t even know what the fuck they were doing, and the rest gave up after a few minutes because it “took too long”, but still expected you to suck them off until your jaw ached.
But Frank…God, Frank knew what he was doing. His thick fingers were digging into the soft flesh of your thighs, following your hips wherever they went. The groans that continued to vibrate against your clit not only turned you on because of their stimulation, but because you could tell that Frank was genuinely enjoying eating your pussy. The fact that he was getting just as much pleasure out of it as you were had you on the brink of an orgasm alone. Frank had a way of making every experience feel brand new, and it made you realize just how much you had been missing out on in your previous relationships.
That familiar bubbly feeling was building up inside of you, cresting slowly like a tidal wave ready to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting beach. Your breaths were coming out in short staccato variations, and at this point you were roughy tugging at Frank’s hair with both hands while essentially fucking his face. Not that he seemed to mind at all. If anything, it just seemed to make him more feral.
“Yesyesyesyes…please-fuck, Frank…I…I…”
Frank pulled you even closer towards the edge of the dining table to where your ass was basically hanging off of it, and the jolt of his large palm smacking against your ass was the only indication you got that he understood what you were trying to tell him.
You thought you had more time, but your climax suddenly crashed into you without further warning, and your hips were stuttering as Frank continued his incessant assault on your pussy with his tongue. It seemed like he didn’t want to let a drop of your essence go to waste, and while you appreciated his enthusiasm, the way he was flicking his tongue rapidly against your overstimulated clit was riding that very thin line between pain and pleasure, and you were weakly shoving at his broad shoulders.
“Okay okay okay…Frank…fuck, please! Just…give me a second, God-”
Frank dragged his tongue up your entire pussy from your entrance to your clit one last time before granting you mercy with a low growl. While you panted heavily laying back against the dining room table, he was pressing featherlight kisses to each of your inner thighs, but due to your body feeling like a live wire, they felt like faint shocks that had your body jolting every time his wet lips met your heated skin. He chuckled deeply watching you respond to his touch.
“You alright there, sweetheart?”
Lifting your hand, you gave him a weak thumbs up, and Frank just laughed even louder in amusement at that. The sound of his laughter combined with your own blissed out post orgasm state had a lazy grin stretching over your lips. You felt his large and rough hands slipping underneath your shirt, gently caressing your bare skin and grabbing your waist while he leaned over you, kissing your lips deeply. The taste of your own sweet tang on Frank’s tongue had your head spinning, and a soft hum sounded in the back of your throat.  Even though you were still recovering from your first ever oral orgasm, the feeling of Frank’s hard cock straining against his jeans and rubbing against your inner thigh reignited your greed.
Brushing your hand slowly down his chest, you palmed him firmly through his jeans, and Frank let out a grunt while pushing himself further against your hand. He broke the kiss momentarily to nuzzle his large nose against your throat.
“If ya need a minute-”
“No. Now.”
While you unfastened his belt in record time, Frank placed his hands on the table on either side of your head and pulled back to look down at you with a soft chuckle at your impatience. He lightly cocked his head to the side, his brown eyes darkened with lust as they roamed over you shamelessly. His tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip, and a crooked smirk caressed his mouth.
“Anybody ever tell you what an impatient lil thing you are?”
A smirk of your own tugged across your lips while you slipped your hand into his jeans, stroking his thick cock through his briefs, earning a quiet grunt from Frank.
“Apart from you every day since we met? Maybe a few other people. Is my lack of patience really what you wanna talk about right now, big guy?”
The sultry tone of your voice did not go unnoticed by Frank, and in fact, it only made his cock swell even more in your welcoming hand. He slowly moved his hips back and forth as you teasingly stroked him and leaned down closer towards you, nuzzling his nose along your throat before whispering huskily into your ear.
“Got somethin’ better in mind.”
By the time Frank had carried you down the hall to the master bedroom, the two of you had left a trail of forgotten items of clothing strewn like breadcrumbs along the path from the kitchen. He let you push him back against the mattress and grabbed your hips to pull you on top of him, his lips moving in sync with your own, but when you felt the swollen head of his cock bump against your clit, you suddenly pressed your palms firmly against his chest and pulled back while breaking the kiss.
Frank immediately paused, loosening his grip on your hips, his lust clouded eyes clearing a bit while searching your own and wandering over your figure for the source of the problem.
“What? What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
The concern in his rough timbre combined with the worry in his soft brown eyes made your heart melt. A gentle smile covered your lips while you reached out to delicately hold his strong jaw in your hands, and you leaned in to kiss his lips softly.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just don’t think it’s fair you get to have all the fun.”
Frank’s apprehension morphed into confusion, and a few creases nestled between his thick brows. 
Letting out a soft laugh at how adorable he looked when he was confused, you decided to explain with actions instead of words. When you moved backwards off his lap to settle between his legs, Frank raised himself up on his elbows, following you with his eyes as he watched you intently. 
“What are you-holy shit.”
Frank’s jaw went slack the second you leaned in and wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, swirling your tongue around it once before beginning to take a few inches into your mouth. Placing one of your hands on his left hip, you teasingly moved your lips up his length until he was out of your mouth with a satisfying pop. Pursing your lips, you let a string of glistening saliva slowly drop onto his tip and used your free hand to spread it down the rest of his thick cock for lubrication, and after wrapping your fingers around his girth, you began to twist your wrist up and down slowly. 
You could feel how tense he was through your hold on his hip. Glancing up at him through your lashes, you noticed that he was staring directly at you, completely mesmerized, and was gripping onto the sheets so tightly you thought he might rip them. Moving your hand from his hip, you reached out to caress his hand, and he slowly loosened his grip, his knuckles no longer stark white. His plush lips were parted, and he was breathing hard, his thick brows knit in complete focus. You allowed him to slip out of your mouth for just a moment to smile softly up at Frank.
“Just relax.”
The sweet sound of your voice seemed to reach his ears, and after a few more moments of hesitation, Frank finally laid back against the mattress and let his head rest on the pillows. He moved the hand that was underneath yours to grab your wrist, turning your hand over so he could slot his fingers between yours to hold it. His other hand slowly came over to card his fingers through your hair before cradling the back of your head. Giving his hand that you were holding a light squeeze, you continued to hold eye contact with Frank while slowly sucking him off, using your hand that was around his base to work over what wouldn’t fit in your mouth.
The sound of his quiet grunts and low moans sent a thrill through you, and you wanted to know just how vocal he could get. Letting go of his hand, you placed both of your palms firmly on his hips and relaxed your jaw completely, taking his entire cock into your mouth until his tip hit the back of your throat. A guttural groan ripped from the depth of his chest and his lower abdomen instantly tensed up as he gripped onto your hair.
“Goddamn-fuck…fuck, sweetheart. Do…do that again. Please…please baby, do it again.”
Taking in a deep inhale through your nose, you prepared yourself to deepthroat Frank’s thick cock again, and this time you held him there until your eyes started to water. He let out a louder moan of your name, and that caused the throbbing between your thighs to evolve from dull to downright unbearable. You thought about sneaking your hand downwards to get a little relief, but Frank had been so unselfish when he ate you out, only focused on your pleasure, and he deserved that same treatment. 
All of a sudden, Frank roughly tugged at your hair, and that made you moan around his cock. You heard him let out a quiet fuck under his breath in response. He gave your hair another tug to get your attention, and his cock slipped from your lips as you licked them and tried to catch your breath while staring at him, noticing that he had sat up.
He didn’t give you a chance to protest before he grabbed your throat and pulled you in close to kiss you fervently. Frank’s large and rough hands grabbed your hips and pulled you onto his lap again, and you let out a soft whine against his lips when the head of his cock rubbed against your sensitive clit. 
“Frank, I didn’t get to finish-”
“As much as I’d love to come down that pretty throat, I need ya baby. Need ya now.”
Grabbing the base of his cock, Frank positioned himself perfectly with your entrance and pulled you down slowly, letting you feel every single inch of him. Your mouth hung open at the sensation, and your body instantly tensed up. You thought Frank had been deep the other night, but he was reaching an even greater depth inside of you right now if that was possible. There was a slight burn as your walls stretched to accommodate his size, but your brain barely even registered it, because Frank was slipping his tongue into your mouth and kissing you sensually as if he wanted to steal the very essence of life from your lungs. 
Once he was fully nestled deep inside of you, a high pitched cry left your mouth, and he wrapped his arm around your waist tightly.
“Shh…s’alright. Just relax for me, sweetheart.”
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you clung to Frank as he wrapped both of his strong arms around your waist and held you tightly against his chest. Both of you sat there for a moment, your foreheads pressed together as you panted. He rubbed his large calloused hand up and down your spine soothingly, his teeth grazing along your ear lobe and biting down gently to distract you from any discomfort. Slowly, the tension in your body melted, and you gave an experimental roll of your hips that had your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
“That’s it…attagirl. Take your time, sweetheart. M’right here. I got you.”
This felt right. It felt…perfect. Those three little words almost slipped out right there. Grabbing onto the back of his neck, you pulled Frank in for a passionate kiss, trying to pour every ounce of emotion you felt into it. He groaned quietly against your lips when your nails lightly scratched at the back of his head where his hair was shaved closely to his scalp. Moving your hips in slow circles, you grinded down onto Frank’s cock, and he flexed his hips upwards to match your rhythm. The other night by the fireplace had been the best experience of your life, but this…this was something you couldn’t put into words.
Placing your palms against Frank’s firm chest, you pressed lightly and he followed your silent instructions, allowing you to push him onto his back. His large hands gripped firmly onto your hips as he gazed up at you, and you kept your palms flat on his chest while slowly riding his cock. Neither of you could tear your eyes away from each other. The feeling of his warm hands leisurely moving up your bare skin made you shiver, and a soft gasp left your lips when he groped your breasts and squeezed gently. The calloused pad of his thumb gingerly brushing over your peaked nipple had you arching your back, pressing your chest further into his eager hands.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful.”
The sincerity in Frank’s vulnerable whisper nearly brought tears to your eyes. He wasn’t saying it because he thought it was what you wanted to hear, he was saying it because he felt it, and he was making you feel it too. The way he was staring up at you like you were the only thing that mattered had your heart swelling inside your ribcage like a balloon about to burst. It had been a long time since you mattered to someone, and you felt lucky it was Frank. The look in his eyes was almost too much to handle.
Letting your head fall back, you closed your eyes for a moment as you writhed on top of Frank, getting completely lost in how good it felt to be connected to him in such a raw and intimate way. One of his hands traveled up from your breast towards your throat, and he wrapped his fingers tightly around it almost entirely, forcing you to face him again. He pulled you down over him so that your forehead was pressed to his, and the two of you stared deeply into each other's eyes. 
“I wanna see you. Wanna see those pretty eyes when you come for me. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”
Being this close to him, you noticed for the first time that there were scattered flecks of honey in his deep brown eyes. They looked so warm and inviting, like two melted pools of chocolate you wanted to drown in. The eyes that could say so much with a single look. You thought you could see it…that flicker that he felt it too. You wanted to tell him so fucking badly, but you didn’t want to ruin the moment, and the way he was hitting that spongy spot inside of you that could cause supernovas to appear behind your eyelids was making it hard for you to speak at all.
Holding his face in your hand, your eyes drifted back and forth between his own as you stared down at him in complete devotion, your lips parted as you nodded your head frantically while short and breathy moans escaped you. Frank’s eyes were focused solely on you, one of his hands holding the back of your head while his other remained around your throat. It was getting harder and harder for you to keep your eyes open, but you didn’t want to miss a single second of this moment.
It was also getting harder and harder to not voice the sentiment that was overflowing from your ribcage.
Frank cut off your words by capturing your lips in a heated kiss. The softness of his lips against yours, the heat of his bare skin pressed to your own, his thick fingers wrapped around your neck and tangled in your hair, his pubic bone rubbing just right against your clit…it was all too much. Breaking the kiss, you buried your face into the crook of his neck and let out a sharp cry of his name. Your nails raked harshly down his chest when your climax finally peaked, and a white hot cloud of hedonistic desire blinded your vision. 
Your entire body seized up, and you could faintly hear Frank whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he gripped your hips and repeatedly thrust up into you, fucking you through your orgasm while barreling towards his own. The sensation of that alone was enough to nearly send you free falling into another. The intensity of your orgasm had rendered you an incoherent and moaning mess. Frank dug his fingers roughly into the flesh of your hips and came with a deep grunt that nearly sounded like a growl, letting out a loud groan of your name.
The room felt like a sauna. Your face felt overheated, and your hair was stuck to your cheeks and the back of your neck with sweat. Frank had his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, hugging you against his chest. The feeling of his strong heartbeat thundering against your own chest kept you anchored to the moment while your body trembled with aftershocks. You couldn’t move, and you didn’t want to.
As soon as Frank made a move to sit up and pull out of you, a desperate and high pitched whine of protest fell from your lips while you gripped onto his shoulder and dug your nails into the muscle.
“No no no no no, please…don’t move.”
Frank instantly stilled, bringing one of his hands up to brush the sweaty hair stuck to your forehead and neck away. He pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead and gave your body a gentle squeeze in his strong arms.
“Okay, we don’t gotta move yet.”
Letting out a soft sigh of relief, you buried your face further into Frank’s neck, letting the comforting scent of his cologne calm you. He gently carded his thick fingers through your hair and kept holding you tightly to his chest while resting his head against your own.
“I just wanna stay like this for a while.”
“We can stay like this as long as you want, sweetheart.”
When you started to regain your senses, you started to wonder just how true that statement was. 
How long could you and Frank stay like this before reality came knocking?
Your home wouldn’t always be a crime scene. Eventually the two of you would have to go back to work. Now that everything had changed between the two of you, what would a new normal look like? Frank’s job required him to be with someone constantly. What happens when he gets assigned to someone else? What if it’s another woman? Even though Frank was broody and unapproachable initially, you had still found him attractive, and all the time you spent together over the past few months led you right here to this moment.
What if that happened with someone else? What if the next woman he was assigned to found him just as attractive? What if she wanted him? You and Frank hadn’t really established what this was between the two of you. Were you together? Did he want to be together? Would he still want to be together if the next woman was prettier and less stubborn and actually-
“Quit it.”
The sound of his deep voice breaking through the silence interrupted your spiraling. 
“Whatever you’re overthinkin’ right now, let it go.”
Removing your face from the crook of Frank’s neck, you pulled back slightly to peer down at him in pure curiosity.
“How do you even-”
“I can practically hear the gears turnin’ in your head, sweetheart. You keep thinkin’ so hard, smoke’s gonna start comin’ out of your ears.”
Giving him a pointed look expressing you weren’t amused, he let out a quiet chuckle and gently brushed the calloused pad of his thumb along your cheekbone.
“C’mon, you ain’t got nothin’ to worry ‘bout right now. Just relax, yeah?”
Letting out a soft sigh, you nodded and laid your head back against Frank’s shoulder, nuzzling your nose against his neck as he hugged onto you tightly. For a while, you two laid there wrapped up in one another, and you were able to let some of your anxieties go. The afterglow of your shared euphoria was peaceful, and you could’ve even fallen asleep at that moment, but something Frank said earlier suddenly popped back into your head. 
“Hey Frank?”
“Do you really know a blind guy that has a good aim with guns?”
Frank let out a quiet snicker at your question.
“He don’t use guns. He’s too…Catholic.”
That did nothing to answer your question and only fueled you with more inquiries.
“But…you said he could hit targets better than I could.”
Frank simply grunted in response. You stayed silent waiting for further explanation, but when one didn’t come, you continued your questions.
“Hell if I know.”
Sitting up a little bit again, you stared down at Frank in complete puzzlement.
“But…he’s blind. That doesn’t make any sense.”
“No it don’t.”
“An asshole. Go to sleep.”
Letting out a soft laugh, your eyes widened slightly as you gently smacked his chest.
“What? Cause he’s blind he can’t be an asshole?”
“Well…no. But…how does he do it?”
“You’ll have to ask ‘em yourself.”
“I thought Billy was your only friend.”
Frank pulled a look of faux offense at that, his thick brows knit as he let out a puff of air through his lips.
“Ouch. I got other friends, smartass. And I never said he was one. He’s more of a pain in my ass.”
Frank gently pinched your ass which made you squeal before erupting into a fit of laughter.
A huge grin split across your lips as he suddenly flipped you both over, managing to keep himself nestled inside of you while he pinned you beneath his large body. As he leaned in to kiss your lips, you brought your index finger up and pressed it against his mouth.
“I’m not done. I have more questions.”
“Course you do.”
“I wanna know who this mystery blind man is with good aim, and your other friends that you suddenly have that you’ve kept from me. While you’re at it, is there anything else you’re hiding, Castle?”
While your question was intended to be teasing, a dark look flashed across Frank’s eyes, and it made your breath hitch in your throat. He stared down at you silently for a moment, and it made you wonder just how much more there was to Frank that you hadn’t uncovered yet. As soon as you removed your finger from his lips, Frank leaned in closer, caging you in with his large hands on either side of your head. As he loomed over you, he slowly thrust his hips against your own, pulling a sharp gasp from your chest. His breath was warm against your lips while he nuzzled his large nose along your own, his rough voice coming out in a husky whisper.
“Think I liked you better when the only thing you could say was my name, sweetheart.”
tags: @thyme-in-a-bubble @day-dreaming-goddess @messymissy @itwasthereaminuteago @strawberry1042 @queenofthenoobs @wanda2themax @xcastawayherosx @avengerstower-houseplant @stevenknightmarc @ponyosmom35 @babygal-babygal @wellwwhynot @oldermenaremyreligion @combustiblemeow @tired-night-owl @fairykiss32 @danzer8705 @calkissed @fxckahs-blog @lemon-world1 @polskiperson @imperihoe @v4leoftears @harperdoodle @spideyvibez @joalslibrary @cherry-berry-ollie @sorrowfulfragmentation @kdogreads @sumo-b98 @blackhawkfanatic @gloryekaterina @whistle1whistle @starbritestarlite @callmebrooklynbabes @hallway5 @scarletfvckingwitch @bifuriouslatina @soupyspence @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @wonwoosthetic @linguist-breakaribecca @nerdytreeflower @mrs-bellingham @smhnxdiii @s3riou2 @slavic-empress
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cosmiiwrites · 3 months
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ enemies to lovers
.ೃ࿐ adam x fem!reader .ೃ࿐
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: in which you and adam find out you don't hate each other as much as you think you do cw: NSFW, fem!reader, p in v, oral (fem recieving), creampie, adam (he's his own warning), hair pulling, semi-public sex, cussing a/n: FINALLY DONE !! first smut fic though, so apologies if some things dont make sense :(
you hated adam. you hated his cocky attitude and his fuckboy persona. and most of all, you hated how everyone stayed quiet about it. him being the first man didn't mean jack shit to you. if he was being an egotistical asshole? you won't hesitate to put him in his place. even if that meant starting an argument in front of the promenade, putting your hatred for one another on display.
adam, on the other hand, loved someone who could match his abrasive attitude. and it meant more that you went out of your way to shout insults at him every chance you got. to be honest? it turned him on. but he would rather die then admit that. during meetings, you two would bicker non-stop, shooting daggers at each other from across the table. so yes, everyone and their mothers knew about you and adam's ongoing feud. what did everyone also know? the unspoken sexual tension between you two. the tension so thick it was tangible. the tension everyone knew about except the two idiots who claimed they hated each other. even lute was getting sick of it. "what a bitch, am i right?" "yes, sir." "she's just salty because i'd never go for a cunt like her," "mhm, sir." "maybe i sho-" "you know what i just remembered? sera saying she had something to discuss with me. ill be leaving now, sir." adam shot her a confused look. it wasnt like lute to walk out on a conversation so abruptly. (spoiler alert, she just didnt want to hear adam talk about you for the millionth time today) "well, uh, shit, okay." upon leaving, adam bumped into a familiar face. "well, well, well, if it isn't-" you slid right past him, ignoring any advance he'd tried making towards you. "what the fuck?" adam's face grew warm from embarrassment. did you just ignore him? he planted himself in front of you, hoping to make a statement. his tall figure hovered over yours. "ignoring me, hm? is that any way to treat the first man?" he teased. you sighed and rubbed your forehead in annoyance before answering, "if by 'first man' you mean 'overly-confident egomaniac' then yes." that's what adam liked about you; you didnt kiss his ass 24/7 like all the other angels. you didnt crave his approval. "i seriously don't understand how people can tolerate being around you," you groaned.
"oh fuck off, the ladies love me," he grinned. "especially in be-" you threw your hand to cover his mouth. "ugh, spare me the details, you gross fuck." your statement only widened his shit-eating grin. "why, jealous?" he teased, dragging on the s. "fuck, no! i feel bad for all the women you've slept with, they've probably faked all their orgasms as to not hurt your fragile ego." you retorted. adam's smirk dropped. he couldn’t BELIEVE you thought he was incapable of pleasuring a woman. luckily for you, his anger quickly turned to interest as an idea popped up in adam's head. he leaned into your ear, voice low and husky, "you wanna bet on that?"
taken aback from his sudden offer , you backed up until your back hit the wall of the alley you two were in. “what,” you breathed, “are you on about?”
“if i can make you cum,” adam started, “you have to admit that one; im the dick-fuckin’-master, and two; i AM capable of pleasuring a woman. deal?” adam's said a ton of dumb shit, but this? you let out a boisterous laugh. “are you serious?” but after a few beats of unearthly silence, thats when you knew he was. “well, shit.” you did want a chance at proving him wrong and taking down his ego. to be fair, no one’s made you cum in a long, long time. and you were always up for a challenge.
you grabbed adam by the collar and dragged him down to your level.
thats how you found yourself up against a wall, being eaten out by the first man, the first soul in heaven, and your well-known rival.
you didnt want to admit it, but god, this man was good with his tongue. not to mention his hands.
he gripped your thighs tightly, spreading them apart and smirking up at you. your flustered face drove him mad, only fueling his desire for you. its not his fault you looked so fuckin’ cute. maybe he should get you like this more often…
adam shamelessly licked up and down your entrance, earning small involuntary whimpers from you. he dragged his hand down your thigh to rub circles on your clit, making you twitch under his touch. “taste so fuckin’ good,” he growled. wanting more, you tugged at his hair, forcing his tongue to prod at your cunt. “impatient, are we? and to think you hated me.”
it was like he was waiting for this exact moment; for adam ate like a man starved. like he hadn’t eaten in days, and you were the only thing that could nourish him.
suddenly, he sunk his long tongue into your clit, “shit, adam!” he smirked against your cunt. “enjoying y’self, babe?” “f-fuck—haah—you!” was all you can manage, before he sunk his tongue deeper into you, fingers now circling your clit twice as fast. “dont worry, tits, you’ll be doing that in a bit.”
it wasnt long before you had cum all over his tongue and face, panting like a maniac. you had already lost the bet, but you didnt care. nor had any of you two mentioned it. lost in a drunken haze, all you wanted was his cock buried inside of you.
you quickly recovered from your high and grinded against his painfully hard erection. “s-shit, babe, didn’t take you for a desperate whore,” adams words were slurred, his need for you fogging his brain. “s-shut up,” you retorted “looks like you can still talk back,” he grinned. “i’ll fuck that bratty attitude out of you.” “youve yet to do so,” you teased. “you bluffing, dickmaster?” oh, now you’ve got him in a chokehold.
those would be your famous last words, before adam would recklessly pound into you.
adam quickly undid his boxers, revealing his hard cock, precum already spilling from his tip. you thought he was joking when he called himself the ‘dickmaster.’ you silently wondered how that would fit inside of you. “see how fuckin’ worked up you get me, tits?” adam babbled.
he bent you over, your wrists just above your head.
you were about to reply with a snarky comeback when he pushed his cock into you, no warning beforehand.
“i fuckin’ knew it,” he said. “tight as shit. bet no one’s fucked you as good as im about to, huh?” you wanted to respond, to deny his accusations, but the only sounds that left your mouth were desperate moans and whimpers. it was like music to his ears, fueling him to fuck you brainless.
his large size stung, but pain quickly turned to pleasure when he began to move.
he picked up his pace, pounding into you brutally. it was oh, so sinful. but adam would go to hell anyday if that meant he could have your tight little cunt all to himself.
adam took a fistful of your hair, forcing your back to arch. when you didnt protest, adam threw a line of praise at you. “there we go, good fuckin’ girl, just like that…” the position you were in was a bit uncomfortable, but you quickly stopped paying attention to that when adam thrusted into you sharply. “s-so good f’me,” he babbled.
you knew he was almost at his peak when his thrusts grew sloppy. “shit, almost there, fuck!” he groaned. “m-me too, adam, fuck,”
in one deep thrust, he buried himself inside of you, spilling his cum. you felt your stomach grow warm, full of adam’s seed.
adam was still inside of you, even after you both had came. there were no sounds other than your pants and his huffs. thank god this was an empty street.
finally, he pulled out of you. you whined at the loss of contact, earning you a cheeky grin.
“so,” he said, breaking the silence. “how was that for pleasuring a woman, hmmm?” adam smirked. “still hate me?”
“always, just a little less now.”
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How would someone like Miko, Ei, and other high ranking officers react to an S/O with a long list of titles like Settra the Imperishable, King of Kings,-
(Genshin Impact) Yae, Ei, Sara, Kokomi, Furina, Jean, and Xianyun's S/O with an absurdly long list of titles
I've been building and painting a lot of Bretonnians lately, so dear readers, you will now become aggressively French.
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By the Archons above, nothing was worse to Yae than having to be so serious during a ceremony,
Of all the things she could be doing, literally anything would be better than having to listen to some stuffy noble read their title.
So it was by chance S/O had to be present. She recognized their title was of Fontaine descent.
'The Red Hand of Brionne', 'The Red Duke', Something something Red.
...Wait, their titles were still being read off?!
(Yae) "My goodness, just how many titles with the color red can one have?"
Yae internally sighed as the list kept going. And going. And going.
All the while S/O stood perfectly still and respectful, not even batting an eye at the list of titles that probably would stretch from the top of the shrine all the way to the bottom.
Yae's head looks up to the sky momentarily, wondering how of all the people in the world she could have as a lover, it was the one who had to bore her to tears.
No doubt there were interesting stories of how the titles came to be, but this is not the way she wanted to find out.
And here Yae thought Ei had a lot of names to go by...
(Yae) "...Why is it still going?!"
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Ei doesn't react too much at the titles being read off for S/O's form of address at first.
She had to deal with similar situations of people reading off her own titles, so it was only proper etiquette.
"Water-Knight," "The Holder of Secrets", "Keeper of the Way"
(Ei) "...Hm."
It was only now she noticed that the list actually exceeded her own titles.
Which surprised her more than anything.
As far as she knew, S/O was just a mortal. How many feats did they achieve in Fontaine during their short life?
She made a note to ask later, but now the list was starting to become a bit absurd.
...Maybe she should implement a law where only the most notable of titles are read off, because they would actually be here for eternity if this continued.
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Sara gets jealous fast.
Not because S/O has more titles than her, she couldn't care less about that.
What really irked her, was they had the gall to own more titles than Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho!
Sara masks her annoyance well as she keeps reading off the list.
Line after line, name after name.
...Okay, who the hell even gave her this list, this was way too many!
(Sara) Leader of battles...? What kind of title even is that?!
She made that comment in her head as she droned on with the names.
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With every single title read off, Kokomi's energy drained.
She loved her S/O dearly, but by the Archons, how the heck did they get that many titles while living in Fontaine?!
(Gorou) "Lionheart, The Lionhearted, High Paladin of the Breton Court-!"
As far as she was aware, there wasn't even any Knight Houses like this in Fontaine!
...Then again, this was Fontaine she was talking about. They did have their theatres.
Kokomi doesn't mention anything about their stupidly long list of names until after the formal ceremony.
She drops her head onto their shoulders, sighing loudly.
(Kokomi) "S/O...why did we need to have all your names read out...?"
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To have more titles than HER, FURINA?!
This transgression would never be forgotten!
...But they were some pretty cool names, she did have to admit.
'The Golden Paladin',' 'Lord of the Lance', 'Roi Breton'
(Furina) "Hmph, and where exactly did you acquire such names, S/O? More importantly, how does it nearly rival my own?! Hmph! Perhaps I should read all of mine so that we are on equal footing!"
Honestly, some of those were starting to sound like stage names, which wasn't fair at all!
If they could do that, then so could she!
Needless to say, the ceremony the two were attending dragged on for way too long.
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By Barbatos, those were some extra titles.
'The Green Knight', 'Knight of the Glade', 'Heart of the Lion'
Though, she only had a few titles under her own belt, the sheer number S/O had was honestly staggering.
But it was also admirable.
It made her want to keep up, and wondered if she could ever live up to Vanessa, and apparently S/O.
Because at this point she was wandering in her mind, the list was still going, and probably outnumbered Vanessa herself.
(Jean) Well...I suppose we did say we were to refer to all forms of address...Maybe we should revise that.
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Xianyun was no stranger to titles.
She did indeed go by many, but S/O seemed to go by even more.
Which both impressed, and honestly annoyed Xianyun.
How did a mortal go by more names than Rex Lapis?!
'The Sacremor', 'The Soul-Killer', 'Duke of Couronne'-
(Xianyun) "One has to wonder why you must have all your names read aloud? We could be doing something much better right now..."
Granted, she did recognize a few of these titles, but that was no reason for dinner to get cold now!
Xinayun pouts, adjusting her glasses as she tries to get comfortable as the reading continued.
One found this situation inane...
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Incorrect C.o.D Quotes, AGAIN AGAIN✦
Ghost: Release me, woman. Fem!Y/N: …. *hugs him tighter* :3 Ghost, scared of intimacy: UNHAND ME!- -- (Comedic Death Mention) Someone: I shot you six times hOW ARE YOU ALIVE?! Y/N: Fool! The only one that’s gonna knock me off is ME! Price: *PANICKING*
-- Gaz: What did you do? Soap: ….suckdickonaccident Gaz: What? Soap: Sucked dick on accident! Gaz: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SU-
-- Gaz: Here. We’ll put your phone on the aux- Y/N: NO DON’T- Speakers on full volume: FUCKFUCKFUCKMEUPANDCUTCUTCU- Price: JESUS BLOODY CHRIST *shuts off radio* Soap: *scratching the inside of his ear* Steamin’ Jesus- Y/N: I tried to warn you! Gaz: Who listens to Slipknot at 0900?! Ghost: *raises hand* Gaz: That’s- okay that’s fair. Soap: I’ve gone deaf. Y/N: You’re a bomb tech, it was gonna happen eventually. Soap: *middle finger* Price: *disappointed sigh* It’s too early for this-
-- (This one’s kinda sad but I couldn't stop thinkin' bout it-) Alejandro: You used to be nice…or did you never used to be? Valeria: … Alejandro: Oh god…maybe you never used to be…
-- Not a quote but if any of you have heard that audio that’s the names of the Princes of Hell overlayed on Funky Town, please imagine Soap & Y/N dancing to the Funky Town portion while Ghost sits there menacingly. Thank you.
-- (Depression joke) Y/N: Ahaaaa I’m soooo unwell. Price: Go to the psyche- Y/N: Ya know what it never was? That serious. It was never that serious- Price: Get your ass back here- Y/N: NEVER!-
-- König: I’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day, I’ll die. Horangi: No-
-- (Valeria has no color here, I ran out) Valeria: *eye roll* I am not trying to seduce you. Y/N, bi panicking: …. Valeria, but now smug: Would you like me to seduce you? Y/N: *strained wheeze & squeaky* Already achieved ma’am- Gaz: *listening to a mic implanted on Y/N* God damnit dON’T LET YOUR MOMMY ISSUES RUIN THIS MISSION!
-- (These next two have mental health jokes in’em) Y/N, hyper cleaning the base: AHAHA, yes! I’m finally feeling bett- ah, wait. I’m manic, and I’m hyper cleaning everything, ✨as a diversion✨. Price: P s y c h e . Y/N: Jokes on you, old man. I already have meds for this! …might need to up them though they feel like they’ve stopped working. Price: When did you start to feel they weren’t working? Y/N: Like three months ago. Price: PSYCHE Y/N: ASKING THEM QUESTIONS ABOUT MEDS ARE SCAAAARRYYY Price: YOU KILL MEN ALMOST EVERYDAY Y/N: Fair point. (Take ya meds)
-- Price: I don’t understand you- Y/N: Good! Means you’re probably mentally well. Price: I- Gaz: We really need to like- specify when you’re joking and when you’re serious, you’re gonna give him a heart attack.
-- Gaz: …Hm. Price: You’ve been staring at me for the past six minutes, what is it?Gaz: I think you have a grey hair. Price: Y/N, speeding in: WHICH IS TOTALLY FINE, IT’S BARELY EVEN THERE AND EVEN IF YOU WERE GOING GREY IT’D LOOK FANTASTIC ON YOU. Price: …would it? Y/N: Absolutely! …*thumps Gaz in the back of the head* Gaz: Ow-Uh yeah! Yeah! Actually I don’t even think it’s there, just the lighting. Price: Hm…alright. Y/N: Mhm! *death glare* Gaz: *mouthing* I’msosorry-
-- (Will someone please notice that I write Ghost as "Simon" when he's with Soap and they're being soft? It's intentional-) Soap: I’m not really sure what I’d do if I lost you… Simon: I know what I’d do. Soap: What? Simon: I’d find you.
-- Soap: I got my ankles microwaved. Ghost: X-rayed. Soap: They took my blood away for science! Ghost: Cholesterol tests. Soap: Si had his sinuses…removed? Ghost: Looked at. Soap: Some guy looked at my penis, touched it. That was weird. Ghost, cleaning blood off a knife: That guy wasn’t even a doctor.
-- Medic!Y/N: You think killing is hard? Try healing something. That is hard, that requires patience. Alejandro, watching them bandage his hand: Hm… Medic!Y/N: You can break something in two seconds. *vaguely motions to Ghost, then Price, then at a necklace Alejandro wears that came from Valeria* But it can take forever to fix it. Alejandro: …aye…well said.
-- Gaz: *being annoying and singing a song for the 10,000th time* Price: KYLE! Gaz: I’m watchin’ my tone, dunana. I ain’t talkin’ back, no, why? Cause I’ma get thrown, dunana-
-- Graves: You know, Ghost, real talk bro, you never say nothin’ when you’re around us. Why is that? Ghost: Cause I don’t fucking like you guys.
-- Enemy: I’m gonna send you to God. Y/N: God? I’m insulted you think I’d end up in Heaven. I work hard for my sins, thank you very much. Ghost: We are hostages right now, can you please not-
-- Valeria: And guess who gets to be my little helper.~ Y/N: It’s me, I’m the helper… Valeria: That’s right, you sure are.~ Alejandro: Alright that’s enough! Valeria: What? You don’t believe in positive affirmation?
-- Rudy: Me gustan los perros. Alejandro: Me gustas… Rudy: ….hm. Me gusta un hombre en el ejército. Alejandro: Aye? Rudy: Mhm. Alejandro: *chuckles* Me gusta mi mejor amigo. Rudy: Me gustas.
(This was poorly translated but listen, I tried for the gays)
-- Price: You actually were telling the truth. Valeria: I do that quite a lot, you people are always surprised.
-- Laswell: Don’t pull any of those stunts like you did last time. Fem!Y/N: I made an offering. Laswell: You dropped a dead mouse into that poor man’s lap. Fem!Y/N: Yes! Like a cat. Laswell: You are not a cat! Fem:Y/N: No…tragically, I am a woman.
-- Ghost: Some people are simply…better than others. Graves: You really think you’re that much better than me? Ghost: Oh I think we both know the answer to that.
(Needing to fake a date for a mission) Y/N, on the phone: Laswell, I don’t need help with dating. I’ve been on loads of dates! Y/N: *turns and whispers to Gaz* I’ve literally been on one.
-- Enemy: Think you can answer questions without the usual level of sarcasm? Y/N: If you can ask them without the usual level of stupid. Enemy: Where’s your captain and why hasn’t anyone been able to contact him? Y/N: I dunno, I’ve been here, haven’t seen him in days. Enemy: Is he drinking again? Y/N: What do you mean again? He never had to stop. Enemy: But he did have to slow down, is he drinking like he used to? Y/N: Alright, how bout this? Next time I see him, I’ll give’im the field sobriety test, okay? We’ll do the alphabet, start with F & end with U.
-- Graves: And that’s why I personally, don’t agree with your opinion. Soap: Okay, counter point- Graves: Valid argument? Soap: No. Pipebomb!
-- Gaz: Y/N: Gaz: Y/N: Y/N: I’ma instigate. Gaz, lightly pulling them back: nnnnoooooooooo-
-- Y/N: Eeraaawr >:3 Gaz: What sound is that? Y/N: A dyianosaur Gaz: A what? Y/N: Dianoswaur. Gaz: Make the sound again. Y/N: Uurraawer Gaz: Oh you talkin’ bout them things from ✨Jerressi PerAHck✨ Y/N: AHAH! Ghost: I’m gonna lose it. Soap: Hush yer mouth, it’s cute. Lighten up ya big log.
-- Ghost: I think I’ve finally had enough. Y/N, getting his antidepressants: I think you’re full of shit.
-- Medic!Y/N: C’mon, stick with me, Ghost. Ghost: Might be time to follow my call si-OH FUCKING HELL WHY Medic!Y/N: You listen here you Fuckin’ bastard, I’m gonna love the absolute shit out of you until you never make a joke like that again. And then, if you still do it, I’ll have the team smother, smother, you in affection. And if you STILL don’t get it, THEN I’m gonna whoop your ass. Shut your perfect fucking mouth, you got that, soldier?! Ghost: ….since when did you get scary? Medic!Y/N: Adrenalin keeps people alive and sometimes we run out of epipens, had to substitute somehow.
-- Price: Now, sergent, what would you rather be? A lion or a panda? Soap: Captain, I’m me. Why would I want to be anything else? Price: I’m not sure you realize how psychologically healthy that is.
-- Ghost, pissed off: Sometimes I can’t stand you. Y/N, while walking away: Then kneel! And while you’re down there, occupy your mouth, you’d do better down there, QUIET, anyway!! Ghost: I-…… Soap: Oooooo…. Gaz: I- I-…they have no fear. None. Absolutely no survival instinct, no self preservation. None!
-- (Younger Y/N as in like…mid-late twenties. Also, this one is long. I might honestly make a lil oneshot with this one and I welcome anyone else to do the same) Y/N: John… Price: I know, I know. You love me. You’ve said it a thousand times and it should just stick, I just…can’t help but think about how you’re so… Y/N: *snort* Out of your league? Price: To put it bluntly. Y/N: Well, regardless of where I rank? I still love you. I’m going to love you for a long time, you’re stuck with me, ya sweethearted bastard. Price, fondly: Ah Dear, whatever will I do. Y/N: Yeaaaah. Besides! Even if I wasn’t completely and utterly, disgustingly, in love with you? …you are way too good of a sugar daddy to ditch. Price: Hah! Oh really? Why’s that? Y/N: Are you kidding?! Paid off house, paid off car, successful military captain, great manners, great dick, extremely attractive, good with kids, good cook, sexy voice. I could go on for awhile. Price: Oh now you’re just feedin’ my ego. Y/N: Yes, yes I am. Price: I’ll get cocky. Y/N: You’re sexy when you’re arrogant too, that doesn’t deter me. Price: *sigh* Far out of my league. Y/N: You’re a rank climber, I think you’ll keep up.
-- (NSFW but it's in a ha-ha funny way, based on a conversation I've had. Kink mentions) Soap: Look, I just...I need advice on how to spice it up in the bedroom. Y/N: Do you know how little that narrows it down? Gaz: I feel there are few options. Y/N: No there are a lot of options, it depends on your level of spice. I dunno your boundaries wit'cha man! Soap: I just need something! Y/N: THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS! Get some handcuffs, grab a vibrator, TRY ANAL, I don't fucking know! Gaz: *chokes on drink* Soap: Okay, listen- Y/N: No, you listen. Rule of thumb with kinks? It's a mountain and there are three kinds of people on it. People who don't wanna climb, people who want to climb but choose not to, and people who stay climbing. You reach a level of kinkiness and you stay there. You can't go back down the mountain. Me, personally? I have chosen to stop climbing because I know I'll get worse. I'm choosing to stay on my part of the mountain. Where you wanna climb is up to you. Soap: Where do I climb then? Y/N: The beginner's trail is fuzzy handcuffs, orgasm control, and mirror sex. Soap: This is the weirdest advice I've ever gotten. Y/N: It's my specialty.
-- (Follow it up with an asexual joke) Graves: Are you fighting the urge to make out with me right now? Y/N: Not really, I'm really into this pizza though. Soap, in the back: Aw they burnt my fuckin' cookies! Assholes. Y/N: Karma. Soap: It is not my fault I ate the last slice of cake, I didn't know it was yours- Y/N: IT WAS LABELED! Soap: I DIDN'T SEE IT!! Graves: *slowly backs away*
-- Y/N, holding up a coffee pot: Anyone want more coffee? Price: No, we've all had ours. Y/N: *takes off the lid* Cool. Gaz: What are y-NO! Y/N: *chugging from the pot* Ghost: ...This is the peak of mental illness. Price: PUT THE DAMN POT DOWN! Soap: This is the scariest thing I've ever seen them do- Y/N: *fighting to finish the coffee as Price tries to get it away from them*
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mirrology · 1 month
I wanted to request Platonic Boothill and child reader!
After finding out about what happened to Boothill’s daughter wanted to request him finding child reading and taking them in as his own kid and caring for them, taking them to little events or fairs 😭
— Wunderkind .ᐟ ʚɞ
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୨୧ Wunderkind: (noun) a wonder child or child prodigy
Ft. Boothill, gender-neutral reader, platonic. wc: 972
Content: child reader, reader is a sort of 'prize' for an unknown person, the first scene is inspired by mizisua meeting but its platonic, got a little lazy so the rest is headcanons, reader gets surprise adopted, boothill is the best dad ever, he spoils the reader, they both go to fairs and parks often. / a strange man took you in when you were at your lowest. You never knew that you would be at your highest when with him. slight angst but then fluff
Notes: thank you for the request!! i tried my best to incorporate everything that you mentioned. boothill's backstory is so sad and it truly made by tear up, also the IPC sucks.
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Fate hadn't been kind to you, you don't remember how you ended up being a so-called prize for a person you barely knew. You don't remember your parent's face nor remember if you even had any. They dressed you up in the fanciest clothes, ones laced with ruffles and the softest cloth, made sure your hair was always neat and tidy. Yet they never actually cared for you, they only wished to show you off as a trophy as they called you.
When out of all the eyes that watched you, they treated you roughly. Grabbing your head and pushing you down to the ground when you didn't meet their expectations, gripping every inch of your arms and leaving blooming bruises in their wake. All while showing you off to everyone in their premise.
You stared blankly at the street, watching people walk by and cars pass. You sat down in an alley way, leaning against the wall of a shop, just, waiting. You had escaped from that manor, from that wretched place. Although you had no hope that you would be free, sooner or later they would find you and bring you back all to restart that agonizing cycle. Just the thought made you squeamish, it made you disgusted.
Your eyes drooped as you looked at people living normal lives, you oh so desperately wished from someone to take you away from this world. As you were lost in your thoughts a pair of boots stopped in front of you, you snapped out of your daydreaming and slowly tilted your head up. Your eyes met with grey ones, you stared blankly at the man in front of you. He had white and black hair, the two colors clashing like yin and yang, it was pretty. He... looked concerned? The man crouched down on one knee to be at your level, you watched him as he did, not once did you take your eyes off of him.
"Hey, uh, ya' okay, kid?" he questioned, his tone was soft and barely above a whisper as if you would run away at the slightest noise. You blinked in surprise, you hadn't expected to be asked such a thing. Your eyes darted somewhere else that wasn't his face, did he want to help you? You considered saying that you didn't want help, but what would that mean for you?
You would be stuck living a life full of emptiness, unfulfilled by your wrongful choice. You looked back at him. He was still there, patiently awaiting your response. "I'm..." You momentarily stopped, your throat felt dry, you swallowed. "I'm lost and... alone, " you squeaked out. Although this wasn't the entire truth, yet it wasn't a complete lie either.
"Hm.." He hummed as his eyebrows furrowed, a conflicted expression on his face. He then perked up or rather tensed. He noticed a bruise, one which is black and dark purple at the moment, looks like a darker spot beneath your sleeve. He slowly reached out towards your arm, and he looked back at you. "May i?" He asked, his robotic fingertips gracing the edge of your long sleeve. Your eyes widened slightly, but you nodded. You suppose that this man really does want to help you.
He gently grasped your smaller hand in his, it was cold and stiff. Yet it didn't feel like theirs, this one was careful, considerate. The cool material felt nice against your sweaty palms.
The bruise spread from halfway up your arm down to almost your wrist, a deep purple-black bruise that stood out from the lighter colors of your clothes. It looks like it was recently made and very painful. The man looked stunned, as if this wasn't a normal occurrence. Well, you guess it wasn't for anyone else other than you. "Yer gonna need medical care, bud." He swiftly picked you up in his arms, holding you softly as if you would break in an instant.
You jumped slightly; you weren't used to being picked up nor touched in a way that wasn't aggressive for that matter. He led your arms to wrap around his neck, "Hold on, bud." He grinned at you, showing off his shark-like teeth. You stared in awe at your savior, being helped felt... nice. No one had ever been at your Beck and call, only ever "helped" when they wanted.
Tears sprung up into your eyes. You closed them tightly, not wanting to be seen in such a vulnerable state. "Thank you..." You whispered as you burried you head into the junction of his neck. He smiled and stroked the back of your head.
"Uhm.." You hummed out "What's your name mister?" Your head turned to look at him as your cheek was pressed against his shoulder blade. "Boothill, don't forget it." He chuckled and started walking to the nearest hospital.
You nodded, taking his words into account.
You wouldn't forget your savior.
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Boothill is the best dad confirmed, he gets you whatever you want, whether it be food, toys, clothes or accessories. He gets it for you.
He's always patting your head or ruffling your hair; you don't mind thought. It's actually very comforting.
CONSTANTLY tells dad jokes and it makes it funnier when he tries cursing but it gets covered up by his synthesia beacon.
The both of you go out often to parks to play. He definitely pushes you on the swings, and helping you go as high as you can. And when he sees your big smile as you reach the bar, he knows he did a good job.
He brought you penacony once (when he was actually let in) and you had the time of your life.
It was very bright but new and exciting.
You got to eat new things that you've never seen before, such as cotton candy
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lukespookie · 3 months
sweetheart. | luke castellan x f! child of ares!reader
about - "i need you more than i want to." - camila cabello
warning - smut, all characters are 18+, petnames, oral (f receiving), luke is MEAN. brat taming sorta kinda maybe
a/n - guyssssss i luv enemies to lovers im gonna SOBBBBB anyways i hope this is good lmao
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here you two sat. in mr. d's office while he yells at you for fighting again. it wasnt even in a in trouble way, more of a shut the fuck up and get along kinda way.
but it wasnt your fault!!
it all started when you were training. you were extremely upset since luke had, once again, beaten your team at capture the flag. you had such a good plan too!
then, luke just had to come on over and brag.
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"you look a bit tense, sweetheart. don't tell me your upset that we won?" luke smirks from behind you, making you turn around.
"you only won because you cheated." you say, your eyes squinting.
from there, it basically turned into you insulting each other back and forth.
you hadnt always been like this. there was a time when you two were the best of friends. but you were driven away by your siblings since the ares cabin and hermes cabin hated each other
so now, here you were getting chewed out all because luke is cocky!!
"you two are both banned from capture the flag until next month." mr. d says, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"what?!" you and luke say in sync.
"luke started it! this isnt fair!" you groan, standing up from your seat.
"how did i start it? you're the one who started being rude!" luke argues. the two of you ramble on and on before mr. d gets fed up at kicks you out.
you and luke walk outside of the big house, burning in anger. leave it to luke castellan to ruin your month!!
his stupid handsome face is always getting on your nerves! and what annoys you the most is that you cant stop thinking about him.
mostly at night, when you touch yourself in your bedroom. luke is who you think of. but who can blame you?! hes just soso hot when you spar, sweat dripping down his forehead and his chest heaving. :(( his veiny arms tense as he holds his sword and swings it with ease.
and gods, his lips!!!
"you started it!" you repeat, annoyed that he was blaming it on poor lil you!! :((
but, thats when you get a genius idea. you had to find a way to put luke in his place, and thats what you had.
as a child of ares, you had the power of telumkinesis, the power to curse your opponents' weapons and transfigure any object into any weapon. you could also change the weight of your opponents weapons, which is exactly what you planned to do.
"we could settle it with a spar?" you sugest, shrugging to look as natural as possible!!
"you're on." he smirks.
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you get dressed in your camp half-blood shirt, cut and fitted to be shorter and tighter, and some jean shorts. you throw on your super dirty, red converse and grab your sword, walking to the arena to spar.
you see luke and look down at his hand, holding his sword.you stop walking and.. okay, how does this shit work?
you stare at the sword, focusing only on that and eventually lukes arm drops a bit and he brings his sword up to his face and examine it. it worked!!!
you walk over, feeling as confident as ever.
"you okay, castellan? you look a bit stressed out." you smirk, making him snap around to face you, a scowl on his face.
"what'd you do to my sword, daughter of ares? dont think im dumb." luke snaps, making you scoff.
"i dont know what you're talking about." you shrug.
luke looks around before snatching you wrist, his grip tight as steel as he drags you into the forest.
luke ignores your insults and protests as he pins you to a tree, his hands on your waist and him towering over you.
"not so strong now are you? hm?" he growls, grabbing your face.
"l-luke.. this isnt funny.." you whisper, stomach twisting into a billion knots. "wasnt tryna be" he mutters, grabbing your sword and throwing it gods know where.
"so fuckin' pretty when you're not talking." he sighs looking at you for a moment before connecting your lips.
he kisses you sloppily, not caring to try to use skill. you're stunned for a moment before you kiss back, kissing with as much desire as him.
he pulls away. "shit, can i?" he breathes, making you nod rapidly.
he unbuttons and unzips your jean shorts, tugging them down and letting them pool at your ankles.
"gonna make you feel so good, sweetheart." he mutters, kissing your cheek before he kneels down in front of you.
he rubs his thumb over the wet spot on your panties with a groan, making you shutter.
"you're soaked." he smirks. he pulls your panties down and your pussy is connected to it with a string of wetness. "fuck, who knew you were such a whore?"
he digs in, lapping at your swollen clit like a starved man. your hands find their way to his messy curls, tugging as hard as possible out of spite.
he slightly pulls away. "don't tug so hard." he mumbles, arousal all over his chin. you push his head back into your cunt, moaning when his nose connects with your clit.
he thrusts his tongue in and out of your hole, making you cry out and tug his hair hard. "pull my hair like that again and i'll stop." he warns.
you quickly move your hands to his shoulders, not wanting him to stop eating your cunt.
he goes back to pushing him tongue inside of you, your moans and cute noises egginng him on.
"fuck, luke! dont stop, dont stop." you cry out, back arching off the tree.
he pulls away, breathing heavily onto your cunt. "im not baby, im not."
he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking and flicking his tongue on it.
"luke! cant, its too much!" you sob, trying to push his head away. "you can take it. you'll take it."
your orgasm crashes over you, shuttering as luke licks it all up.
he stands up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
you notice the prominent tent in his pants, making you frown. "what about you?" you ask, looking up at him.
"just gives me a reason to see you again." he shrugs, kissing your cheek.
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realtalkswithfinn · 6 months
Christmas at the Compound
Avengers x reader
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Summary: Avengers x reader Christmas head cannons because I am a sucker for the found family trope.
a/n: I tried to get this up before christmas but totally spaced it, so… tale it as a christmas morning gift! I tried to make it as age neutral as possible, so it could totally be teen!reader or not.
The holidays are a tough time for the Avengers.
Most of them have lost family members or friends, and the idea of celebrating anything is extremely difficult.
Tony especially - he always gets gloomy around the Holidays.
He always says something along the lines of, "I don't actually care about this, but its social convention."
But secretly he cares a lot.
He overcompensates for his lack of affection throughout the year by buying everyone the expensive gifts he knows they want but could never justify spending on themselves.
At surface level, it just seems like “oh rich guy is spending rich guy money”
But they’re actually really thoughtful gifts
Like last year, he got Peter a new laptop for school.
He bought Bucky new and thick clothes since all of his were old and worn.
He upgraded Clints cellular data so he could talk to his family anywhere.
Things like that.
Sam and Rhodey take one for the team and string the christmas lights on the tower
“It’s too cold for this.” Sam would complain, the sharp wind nipping at his cheeks as he flew from one end of the building to the other, lights in tow.
“Come one man, where’s your christmas spirit?” Rhodey would laugh
“I’m just doing this so stark’s power bill goes up.”
it really was worth it seeing the tower lit up top to bottom though
Wanda LIVES for commercialized American Christmas
"We have to make gingerbread houses and go to Rockefeller to see the Christmas tree and we have to go out to the snow and go sledding-"
She demands family Christmas photos be taken, even though you don't really have anyone to send them to.
This years theme was christmas pjs
Which lead to a few very interesting viral videos of the avengers in an Old Navy
“Tony come on the reindeer ones are cute!”
“Bruce. A man can not hold onto his masculinity while wearing pjs with dancing reindeer.”
Natasha gets tired of the bellyaching and bickering and makes the final decision
She grabs everyone’s size in the Reindeer pjs and marches to the front of the store
After snagging Tony’s credit card, of course.
Actually taking the picture is a whole other ball game, but that’s a story for another day
Thor has a hard time with the idea of Santa
You try to explain it to him, but it doesn’t seem to help
“So a fat man breaks into the safety of your home late into the night… and you let it happen because he comes baring gifts?”
“Well… yeah.”
“But only to nice children. That he stalks throughout the year.”
“He doesn’t stalk the children he just…”
“Hm.” He squints. “what about the naughty children?”
“They don’t get any presents.”
“OR,” Wanda interjects, “Krampus comes to get them.”
“Is that another fat man in a red disguise?”
“No. He’s a demon sent from hell to eat them.”
Thor nods in approval. “Ah. That’s much more asgardian. A fair reward system for the youth!”
You stare at him. “So… you’re okay with Krampus but not Santa?”
“Well I think they work together well, like a team. Like us!”
“I… I guess…”
Decorating the tree was an all night event
You would help happy bring up what felt like hundreds of boxes of christmas decorations
The tree itself was about 15 feet tall, because it wouldn’t be a holiday at the compound if you guys weren’t extra
It was placed in the living space, right next to a huge wall of windows so all of New York could see your festivity
it had to be decorated to the nines to pass Wanda’s inspection
Not a bare branch
Theres tinsel, ribbons, colorful lights, and hundreds of ornaments
But of course, ladders were a no go
You guys liked a challenge
To reach the higher branches, you and Natasha would stand on Steve and Buckys shoulders
And I mean stand
Not sit
It was a thrilling balancing game
You trusted them to catch you if you fell, but you still had to try to avoid it at all costs to save the tree from certain destruction
Peter would dangle from the ceiling, crawling around to hang ornaments toward the very top
Both of these acts nearly gave Bruce and Vision a heart attack
“CAP, you’re moving to fast shes gunna lose balance-“
“Bruce, please take a breath.”
Meanwhile Thor is getting distracted by all the ornaments and forgetting to actually hang them up
“This one’s a little man of snow! How silly!”
Speaking of ornaments
You all have an ornament of yourself on the tree
Or, your super hero alias at least
There’s a tiny black widow, a little iron man, a bity baby hulk, so on and so forth
Tony always demands his be the highest up on the tree to fuel his god complex
Drawing names out of a hat to see who got to put the star on top of the tree
(except you guys would always rig it behind Wanda’s back, only putting her name in the hat)
She would always protest, insisting to let someone else do it this year, but you guys never relented
So with a big cheesy grin on her face, she would use her magic to delicately place the star on the tippy top
You would think Natasha wouldn’t want to see the Nutcracker Ballet after her time in the red room
But it makes her so happy to see dancing as an art form instead of a way to brainwash young girls
She drags you, Clint, Wanda, and whoever else wants to tag along every year
She even splurges on front row seats
You look over and see her eyes glittering while she watches every turn, leap, and stunt intently
Leaving the theater, she’ll walk on her toes and do a few turns, encouraging you to try as well.
She ends up cackling watching you trip and stumble
“We’ll work on it.”
Can you IMAGINE the ginger bread making contest???
You’re all huddled around the long dining room table with christmas music playing
Theres Clint and Natasha, who just make the classic gingerbread house, no fancy bells or whistles.
Then there’s Bruce,Tony, and Peter who are going absolutely wild building gingerbread sky scrapers and gingerbread hotels.
“Mr. Stark look, I made a working elevator!”
Bruce puts an electric system (fairy lights) through his
Steve and Bucky rebuild their childhood homes
Wanda is going all out, delicately hand placing every candy and covering the whole thing in edible glitter
Visions is pretty similar, but more sleek and modern than Wanda’s
And then there’s Thor, who’s totally missing the point and just DUMPING everything on top
“Hey Peter, I think yours is missing something.”
You string a long thread of white rope candy from his structure to yours.
“You know… we can probably make a web-like consistency with some starch and frosting…”
That becomes a whole sticky project, but you eventually get it to work, connecting everyone’s gingerbread houses with icing webs
Steve and Bucky are TOTALLY participating in the classic christmas traditions they grew up on.
They sit quietly together in the living room, making paper chains and stringing popcorn
“Do you mind if I join you guys?”
they smile gently. “Of course not.”
You sit crisscross in front of the couch while they teach you
They tell you stories of christmases long, long ago, which feels kinda silly considering they’re talking like grandpas while not appearing much older than you
On Christmas eve, you’re all there except for Clint, who went home to his family
Youre all dressed in your pajamas from the christmas card
You make hot coco and cider
Wanda pops in some old vhs tapes and you watch the classics late into the night
“Alright you nutcrackers,” tony would say around midnight. “I know you want to stay up and catch Santa, but he’s not coming if you all stay awake.”
he really just wanted to go to bed
He sauntered off, calling for lights out.
Most of the boys wandered away to their rooms, leaving you, Wanda, Nat and Thor not quite ready for sleep.
“So,” you ask, taking a sip of coco, “Do you guys think we’re on the naughty list?”
Natasha Chuckled. “I’m not sure. Does beating people up count as naughty if you’re taking down the bad guys?”
Thor set his mug down on the coffee table, the bells on his sweater jingling. “Do not fear ladies, I will catch that nasty Krampus if he comes in to devour your soul. I believe you were doing the right thing.”
You all laughed, thinking he was joking. But he just stared at you.
“Thor… you realize Krampus and Santa aren’t… real?” Wanda asked.
He had a hard time swallowing that.
He ended up sleeping on the couch “just in case”
you woke up at 3 am to a loud clattering coming from the living room
You decided to check it out against your better judgement
There was Thor. Hammer in one hand, cookie in another.
Down the hall toward the elevator was a completely destroyed life-size nutcracker.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I thought I heard something by the elevator.”
“Congratulations. You murdered the Nutcracker.”
“I feared he was an accomplice of the holiday demon.”
“He’s been there for weeks!”
“He could have been a spy. Or possessed.”
“Goodnight Thor.”
Christmas Morning finally arrived
Everyone was sleeping soundly in their beds
Until Sam decided to be a little shit and wake everyone up at 7 am
He pounded on every. single. bedroom door.
“Y/NNNN. SANTA CAME TO TOWNNNNN.” he sing-songed
“No he didn’t.” You grumbled. “Thor killed him.”
“… I don’t know what that means.”
You all stumble out into the living room
Natasha took the time to actually run a brush through her hair and do her morning skincare
You and wanda were far too excited and skipped over that completely, barely remembering to brush your teeth
Tony looked the roughest - he had a silk robe draped over his pjs and looked like he was just awakened from a coma
Essentially, everyone was a little disheveled
Vision made everyone coffee before you started the gift exchange
You all sat around the coffee table in a circle so everyone could see each other
Bruce and Steve passed out the gifts from under the tree
it took a solid few minutes, there was a MOUNTAIN of presents
You went one at a time opening gifts
Some people think this is awkward, but you felt it was more genuine
this way, everyone can see the gift and the joy on the receivers face
as well as a million “thank you”s
It also gave time for the giver to explain why they chose the gift they did, whether it be something they remembered you said you wanted, something they knew you needed, or even just a simple “this made me think of you”
In the end, you loved all your gifts
And everyone loved what you got for them
But mostly, you were just happy to spend the holiday with your family
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pettydollie · 8 months
movie night (jess mariano x gilmore reader) ♡.。.:*
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a/n: just letting you know before you read, i wrote this at like 10:30, i was super tired and i did not proofread 😭 i’m just trying to get this out tbh. also this is kinda just bc i may not be able to get out chapters 5 and 6 for iwmflyb this week. ik it’s not billy but maybe i’ll do something for him tmr wc: 1.4k
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“rory! where’s my white sweater?” you yelled to your sister. you walked out of your room and ran downstairs to her room. “can i give it to you tomorrow?” she asked with puppy dog eyes, pouting. you folded your arms in her doorway. “why tomorrow?” you raised an eyebrow. “dean’s coming over tonight.” rory told you , getting up from her bed. “hm, okay. as soon as prince charming leaves, i’m stealing it back!” you sassed. rory stuck out her tongue at you in which you did right back.
then a knock was heard at the door. mom forgot to get luke to fix the doorbell, so everyone had to knock for now. “coming!” you yelled. you ran out of rory’s room to the door. you opened the door to reveal a slightly messy jess. “oh, hey.” you greeted. this was very random. “oh, hey back.” he teased. he welcomed himself into your home and walked to the kitchen. “wait why are you here?” you followed.
he took off his jacket and put it on the back of a chair. “i thought we were hanging out today?” he stated, confused. “no, you’re coming over tomorrow, silly.” you walked over to the fridge and took out a chocolate pudding. “dessert before dinner? naughty, naughty.” jess joked. “shh.” 
“your mom won’t mind right?” he questioned slightly nervously. 
“mind what?” you replied with a mouthful of pudding. rory came out of her room in a rush but stopped in her tracks seeing jess. “um. what’s he doing here?” rory folded her arms and tapped her foot. “hello to you too. i’m great, thanks. how are you?” jess spoke sarcastically. “you guys are bad hosts.”
you ignored jess and turned to rory. “jess forgot that he was coming over tomorrow instead of today, ror.” you explained. “you mind of we change it to today?” he wiggled his eyebrows. “no! dean is coming over today and i don’t want you to ruin it.” rory whined. “how would i ruin it?” he responded highly offended. “yeah, please tell us.” you quipped.
“by being… jess!” 
“now that’s a great answer if i’ve ever heard one.” you giggled. “i mean it though, dean doesn’t like him, he doesn’t like dean. you see the pattern?” she tried to convince you. “oh hush, you.” you silenced her, turning to face jess. “sure, you can stay. as long as you bring us the goods from Luke’s.” you ordered, standing taller. “i’ll go get them right now.” he winked.
rory rolled her eyes as soon as he left. you put your spoon in the sink. “why are you being so mean today? you’re friends with him!”
“okay, i’m sorry, but dean really doesn’t like him. i just don’t want him to ruin anything between us.” she confessed. “MOMMY! RORY’S HAVING BOY PROBLEMS!” you yelled very loudly. “shut up!” rory grinned, laughing. “NO IM NOT!” she yelled back upstairs.
the thudding of lorelai’s loud boots was heard as she ran into the living room. “spill it, sister.” she sat down excitedly. rory turned back to you. “he’s bringing Luke’s! i think it’s a pretty fair deal. and it’ll be like a double date!” you reasoned. “oooohhh. a double date!” lorelai’s eyes shone brightly like a cartoon character. “well fine, but what am i supposed to tell him? ‘oh, hi dean! do you mind if your least favorite person on earth joins us for our very romantic date tonight? thanks!’” she overdramatically acted out. 
“ooh, ooh, i’ll be dean!” lorelai turned her chair. she furrowed her brows and her voice changed to a deep tone. “oh no way, rory, i repeat, NO. WAY.” you giggled at your mother’s impression. 
“he doesn’t sound like that!” she tried to hide it, but rory couldn’t help grinning. “just don’t tell him.” you simply put. you nodded while rory scoffed. “whatever you say.” she walked back into her room. lorelai looked at you.
“she seems excited.”
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the first knock of the night was heard at 7pm. “knock knock!” rory went running to the door hoping it was dean first. but she was disappointed as it was jess instead with a box. “food!” rory cheered, grabbing the box from him. “thanks.”
jess closed the door and stepped inside. you were spread on the couch with a soft blanket on top of you. he walked over to where you were and bent over to kiss your head. “someone looks cozy.” 
“i am.” you grinned. “what are we watching tonight?” he asked sitting on your feet. “Donna Reed!” rory yelled from the kitchen. jess rolled his eyes smiling. “that’s not a movie. this is supposed to be a movie night.”
“whatever. she still deserves to be seen.” you sat up and leaned onto jess’ shoulder. “dean says he’s gonna be here in five minutes.” rory announced walking into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. “ooh, ooh!! you should hide and scare him.” you giggled mischievously. 
“no, that’s a terrible idea. that’ll make it even worse for him.” rory sympathized. she wasn’t wrong, dean would probably get super mad. “fine.” you shrugged. it’s alright, there will always be next time!
the second knock of the night was heard a few minutes later to which rory got up to answer the door. “hi, dean.” she leaned up to kiss him. he walked in and gave her the tub of ice cream. “what flavor did you get?” you asked him, shouting. 
he chuckled and walked into the living room. “hey-“ he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw jess’ face staring back at him. he turned to rory. “wh- is this some kind of joke?” you could see the anger starting to rise.
“y/n wanted him over tonight. he said he’s going to behave.” rory soothed, handing you the ice cream and sitting down on the couch. his mouth formed a straight line when jess gave his little wave. 
dean walked over and sat next to rory with his arms crossed. you gasped. “neapolitan!” you cheered. jess grabbed a spoon from the table and dug in with you. “what are we gonna watch?” dean questioned, taking some popcorn. “donna reed.” you and rory answered simultaneously.
“what’s that?” he manspread on the couch. “i’m sorry, what? you’ve never seen it?” you exaggerated, putting a hand to your heart making jess grin. “that’s a sin.” rory gasped. “that’s a cruel statement.” you quipped.
“so it’s like a show?” he asked, smiling softly. he was slightly nervous with jess being here. part of him didn’t know how to act. “it’s more than a show. it’s a lifestyle!” rory boasted and turned to you. “it’s a religion.” you pointed with your spoon and a mouthful of ice cream. rory nodded with you.
“oh jeez, can you put it on already? i’m dying over here.” jess groaned dramatically. you stuck your tongue out at him and pressed play.
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“bye dean!” you waved goodbye after watching a few episodes of the great donna reed. rory was quite upset, though. jess fell asleep on the couch while you guys were watching so you decided to leave him there for a few minutes to talk to rory privately. “how could he like that kind of stuff?” she whispered. “i think he just meant that the idea of a wife cooking for her husband is nice.” you reasoned.
“but i don’t think he understands the time period. what it was like for women at this time, you know?” she continued whispering. you nodded your head in understanding. you think she was being a little extra, but you kept that to yourself. “i’m tired i’m going to sleep.” rory kissed your cheek and walked to her room. “nighty night!” you whisper yelled.
you crawled onto jess and he shifted over slightly. “jess,” you shook him slightly. “wake up for a sec, babe.” you needed to quickly make sure he was allowed to sleepover without luke going into a frenzy before you could sleep comfortably.
you could hear him awakening from his slumber. “yeah, what’s up? you okay?” he sat up quickly. “i’m alright, are you able to sleepover?” you asked, rubbing his arm. he nodded and laid back down, bringing you with him. he stroked your hair as you covered yourself with the blanket. “goodnight!” you kissed his neck before snuggling into him. “goodnight y/n.” 
you sat up all of a sudden. “my sweater!” you whisper-yelled out. “huh??” jess hummed. “i need to get my sweater back from rory!” you got up and ran down the hall to her room, slamming her door open. jess chuckled to himself. “I WANT MY SWEATER BACK!”
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2cupids · 8 months
pairing: gamer bf yunho x fem reader (ft. ys, wy, and jh)
word count: 1.2k
tags: mdni (17+), brat taming, light d.egradation and h.umiliation, cowgirl, petnames, mentions of other members and they basically listen to y’all fuck (they all get off to listening to you but wooyo is the only one who makes it obvious lol), a tiny bit of humor towards the end.
notes: this was about jongho at first but yunho’s been on my mind real bad lately and this was a drabble but i accidentally turned it into a fic. thank you in advance for reading. feedback is appreciated!
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“don’t be shy now baby, this is what you wanted.” he’s exactly right but it doesn’t do anything to soothe the feeling of humiliation that’s coursing through your veins at the moment. “let everyone hear what a slut you are. give em a show!” he laughs, letting one of his big hands come in contact with your ass, a deafening echo filling your shared bedroom.
in all honesty, you did deserve this— to be humiliated like this. you kept bothering yunho while he was trying to play whichever silly game he and the other members had decided upon. he told you numerous times that he would do whatever you wanted after he got done playing, which was fair enough.
but, like the spoiled brat you are, you didn’t listen. you kept up your little game; teasing him and distracting him and almost causing him to get killed at one point. he warned you to stop but you refused, instead wanting to see how far you could go before you eventually pushed your boyfriend over the edge.
you eventually succeeded in doing so. the final straw was when you started to palm his dick through his sweats, resulting in him grabbing your wrist and forcing you into his lap as he paused the game and told his friends that you had a little surprise for them.
that’s how you got here; riding your boyfriend in his beloved gaming chair in a desperate attempt to get yourself off while his friends listen attentively in their respective areas to what’s unfolding.
through his headset, you can faintly hear someone utter something incoherent on the other side that’s accompanied by a high pitched moan seconds later. “you okay over there woo?” yunho questions, as if he’s worried for him, yet there’s not an ounce of concern evident in his voice as he flashes you a mischievous grin.
you can’t hear wooyoung’s reply but yunho nods his head and gives a small ‘mm hm’ in response to whatever he said.
yunho covers his mic with one hand, making sure no ones hears this but you. “naughty girl, look at what you’ve done. you’ve got my friends jerking off to you.”
the embarrassment and humiliation you first felt minutes ago slowly starts to fade away, being replaced by a different feeling. one that excites you, that stirs up something inside you. it’s the feeling of— arousal.
the realization hits that his friends are listening in on an intimate moment between the two of you, and that they’re touching themselves and masturbating to the sweet sounds of… you.
never would you have imagined that you would find people listening to you having sex arousing, the thought alone was gross and disgusting, but for some odd reason it’s causing more wetness to pool between your legs.
it unintentionally makes you clench around your boyfriend’s shaft, drawing a chuckle out him. “you like that don’t you?”
you let out a whimper in response to his question. your grip on his broad shoulders tighten as you roll your hips against his faster, as you feel your orgasm start to build up.
“aw, you close baby?” he coos, pressing a few small kisses to your jaw. “gonna let them hear those pretty moans of yours while you cum all over my dick? hm?”
you acknowledge his words and simply give him a weak nod of your head, scared no words will come out if you open your mouth. you look down at him with pleading eyes, silently begging him to help you out, to touch you where you need him the most. he gets the message loud and clear but he needs to hear you say it— to beg for it.
“can’t read your mind, tell me what you need. talk to me.”
“touch me. p-please touch me.” your voice comes out frail and shaky. it’s embarrassing and pathetic but it’s gets the job done because no sooner than the words leave your mouth, is yunho’s delicate hand between your thighs, rubbing at your clit.
you continue rutting your hips against his, chasing your high. his name repeatedly falls from lips as your stomach tightens and legs tense, your fingers dig into his shoulder blades as your pussy spasms around his length. his hand stays on your clit, working you through your orgasm and it takes everything inside him to keep himself from cumming with you and filling your hungry cunt with everything he has to give.
as your brain clears and you come back to your senses, your body relaxes and you rest your face in the crook of yunho’s neck as you try to catch your breath and regain your composure.
it’s only a few moments after you’ve come that you hear a loud groan come through his headphones. you look up at yunho only to find that he’s already looking down at you and he busts out laughing. “hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves, especially you, wooyoung. whenever everyone’s ready, we can continue where we left off.”
you exhale, letting out a deep sigh as you bring your hands up to cover your face. yunho softly laughs at your reaction while rubbing your back to comfort you and put you at ease.
you raise up to get out of yunho’s lap and leave his warm embrace but you pause as you overhear what sounds like bickering coming from his headset.
“hey! if you’re going to do that, turn off your mic. we don’t want to hear you!” you hear what sounds like jongho’s voice and presume he’s talking to wooyoung.
then you hear yeosang chime in, appearing to agree with jongho, saying something along the lines of it “being weird.”
“what the fuck?!” wooyoung shouts. “now all of a sudden you two want to act like you’re holier-than-thou like you weren’t just doing the same thing! i just forgot to turn my mic off, what’s the problem? you guys are always doing stuff like this to me— i don’t even want to play anymore.” you smile to yourself in amusement, you can basically hear the pout in wooyoung’s voice.
jongho and yeosang backtrack on what they said and try to talk wooyoung into not leaving and that’s when you see your chance to get up. you maneuver yourself out of yunho’s lap with his help and fix your shorts back to the way they’re supposed to be. you turn to leave and go to the bathroom when you finally register something. he didn’t cum.
you turn back around, feeling guilty and wanting to return the favor. “why didn’t you—“
“i knew you would ask that.” he says while tucking himself back into his boxers before pulling his sweatpants back up. “don’t worry about that right now, just be prepared to be sore for the next few days. i gave you what you wanted, now go and leave me alone before i show you what real humiliation feels like. understand?”
he playfully raises his eyebrow at you but you can tell by the tone of his voice that he’s far from being as playful as he appears and you know it’s best not to try him. at least not at the present moment.
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sereneres · 9 months
“introducing le sserafim’s only…” ⁰
le sserafim x 6th member!reader / 3.3k
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summary. — “introducing le sserafim’s only extroverted member (ln yn) in 10 minutes or less.”
warnings. — reader is considered an extrovert / video format is inspired by @/jihyoruri’s yt series
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🎬 — sleepy yn
“hello~” eunchae greeted quietly, the top of her face – the bridge of her nose, eyes, and forehead – the only thing visible on the screen. “we’re practicing for our debut today… which is going to be in around two weeks or so, if i’m not wrong, and–”
“cam’s too close t’your face, eunchae.” a voice – rough with sleep yet airy like a daydream – interrupts, and the younger girl blinks before moving the camera further away, revealing a bleary-eyed yn clinging to her shoulder.
“oops, didn’t realize that.” the younger girl says as she chuckled nervously, embarrassment tinting her cheeks with a light pink. “heh, if it’s not, uhm, obvious, i’m not really used to this yet.” she then sighs, frowning. “it’s starting to feel like i won’t ever get used to it.”
you also frown, raising your head from eunchae’s shoulder and sandwiching her face in between your hands. “you’ll get used to it, ‘nchae.” you murmur, eyes more wide and attentive in comparison to their normal half-lidded and hazy state. “you just have to believe in yourself.”
[oh she’s so cute-]
“m’kay.” eunchae responds, words slightly muffled by the fact that your hands were squishing her face. “c’mf you lef go mew?”
you blink, tilting your head. “what?”
the younger girl sighed – though, of course, with her cheeks pressed together, it was more like she was just blowing air out of her mouth – and took one hand off of the camera to pull down yours from her cheek. “anyway, as i was saying, our debut is in a few days, so we’re practicing for it.”
“more like we are practicing for it while yn daydreams.” yunjin snorted, plopping down beside eunchae and waving at the camera. “hello, everyone.”
“‘s nothin’ for me t’practice.” you murmur sleepily, once again laying your head on eunchae’s shoulder. “○○○’nnie said i was good to go.”
eunchae gasps dramatically, turning to you with wide eyes. “yn-unnie, you can’t just say her name like that…” she trails off, a brow raising ever so slightly. “can you?”
[lmfao not yn almost leaking her staff’s name 😭]
“don’t worry, they’ll edit this part out or at least bleep ○○○-unnie’s name.” someone says somewhere offscreen. “that’s what they did back then…”
“aw, does that mean that there’s a chance they’ll cut this part out of the video?” eunchae asks, deflating ever so slightly, a pout on her lips.
[don’t worry, eunchae, it didn’t get cut ⌃⌃]
yunjin, amused by the younger girl’s visible disappointment, laughs. “with you acting this cute, eunchae, i don’t think they’ll do that.” she says, petting the girl before looking up. “unnie, come say hi to our fans.”
there’s a sigh before a mess of black hair covers the camera, inciting shrieks and yelping from the two girls – eunchae and yunjin – and a whine from you, who had been rudely awakened by the loud screaming in your ear.
“hello.” chaewon greets, eyes bright with mischief. “i hope you’re liking the video so far and- oh wow.” she blinks, her brows furrowing. “being upside down is sort of giving me a headache, so i’ll be saying good bye for now…”
“mmph, why’re you guys s’loud?…” you murmur sleepily, eyes closing. “g’back to practice…”
[boss baby #2]
“yah, just who do you think you’re ordering around?”
“oh fine… urgh, those puppy eyes are so not fair.”
[they are definitely not fair.]
“hello, everyone, i’m– mph.” you yawn, making you raise a hand to your mouth and turn your head away from the camera for good measure. “s’rry ‘bout that.” you murmur, rubbing at your eye as you blearily looked at the camera. “hello everyone, my name is ln yn and i will – hm – be your host today.”
[why does she introduce herself like this as if we don’t know who she is??? it’s cute though.]
“ev’ryone’s probably asleep right now.” you continue to say, stretching your arms up and humming quietly. “it’s pretty early ‘n the mornin’, ‘n they usually sleep late… ‘cept for ‘kura-unnie.”
you then stand up, picking up the camera in the process, and trudge outside, only to nearly bump into a more awake sakura. “ack-”
“ah, ynnie, you’re awake.” she murmurs, blinking at you with surprise and confusion on her bare yet pretty face. “i thought you said you were going to sleep in today?”
“that was b’fore manager-unnie told me i had somethin’ scheduled t’day yesterday night.” you sigh, scratching the back of your head and messing your hair up even more than it already was. “i jus’ wished she told me earlier… that way i would’ve slept ‘nstead of staying up.”
“is that so?” sakura asked, tilting her head with a curious look on her face. “that’s odd, manager-unnie always tells us at least a day before…”
“right?” you huff, crossing your arms. “‘s weird, but it’s whatever. i need to get ready to leave in a hour or somethin’, so ‘m gonna have to start gettin’ ready now.”
[does anyone else find the way she talks cute? no? just me? okay…]
“ah, hold on, ynnie.” she said, pulling out her phone and fiddling with it. “let me just call manager-unnie and ask if you really have a schedule today. maybe she got the date wrong.”
you said nothing in response, choosing to instead hum quietly as you watched the older girl contact your manager, occasionally looking at the camera and making funny faces in an attempt to entertain those watching.
after a quiet conversation – which would only last a few seconds for those who were watching – sakura pulls her phone away from her ear, a half-smile half-grimace on her face. “alright, ynnie, i’ve got some good news and some bad news. which one do you want to hear first?”
“the good news.”
“alright, so the good news is that you don’t have a schedule today.” she says, smiling as she watched you pump a fist in the air sleepily, something you did often whenever you were too tired to cheer loudly.
[mother kkura is back again-]
“and the bad news?”
“you have a schedule at around five in the morning tomorrow.”
[oh. that’s not- uh.]
“oh, okay… wait, what?!”
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🎬 — clingy yn (sort of an extension to sleepy yn?)
“yn-unnie is the clingiest out of all of us.”
chaewon, confused, looks away from the camera to raise a brow at her youngest member. “what?”
[our pupu leader is so confused lol]
“someone asked who the clingiest member of le sserafim was.” eunchae explained, lifting her phone and showing the older girl the said comment. “see?”
“ah…” the leader was quiet for a brief moment, eyes fixed on eunchae’s phone, before she nodded her head. “yeah, ynnie, out of the six of us, is the clingiest member. in fact, she might even be the most clingiest person i’ve ever met.”
“like, there’s clingy, and then there’s yn-unnie.” the younger of the two said, giggling. “it honestly surprised me because she didn’t seem like the type to like physical contact when i first met her.”
“ynnie does looks cold on the outside but is very warm and gooey on the inside,” chaewon said before turning to the camera. “did you hear that, fearnots? our yn may look heartless, but she isn’t!”
[yn on the outside: ⛓️🌹💔☠️ vs yn on the inside: 🍫❤️🍰🍓]
“yeah! and–”
“hey, c’ld you two keep it down?” a sleep voice interrupted, sounding mildly irritated. “‘m tryin’ t’sleep here…”
[speak of the devil and she will appear…]
“ah, sorry, yn-unnie,” eunchae said apologetically, wincing as she looked away from the camera, presumably at the older girl herself.
chaewon, on the other hand, was not so apologetic. “you knew we were going to go live in this room, yn, so why did you decide to try and sleep here of all places?”
“mmph… ‘cuz the dorm felt too lonely…” came the sleepy response, making chaewon, who looked somewhat indignant only seconds ago, visibly melt like chocolate in hot milk.
[oh. my. god?!]
“see?” eunchae said matter-of-factly, crossing her arms. “i told you yn-unnie was the clingiest!”
“…who ev’r said i wasn’t?”
“she even admitted it!”
to you, you were just hugging yunjin. to said girl, you were like a blanket. a heated and weighted blanket.
to everyone else? you were practically all over her.
[she’s laying on yunjin like she’s a bed or something 💀]
“yah, yn, get off yunjin before you squish her into the couch.” chaewon sighed, tugging at your arm in an attempt to get you to stand up. “we also have to go rehearse in a few minutes, so you’re going to have to get up either way.”
you whine, nuzzling your head further into the yunjin’s neck as you pulled your wrist out of your leader’s grasp and tucked it under you. “five m’re minutes, unnie, please?”
[oh she’s so cute-]
“we don’t have five more minutes, yn-unnie.” eunchae deadpanned, staring at you through the mirror. “chaewon-unnie just said that we only have a minute or so before we have to go on stage.”
[ln yn uses the attack, “puppy eyes”]
“get up, ln yn, or else.”
[it, unfortunately, does not have much of an affect on her opponent, kim chaewon, who has become somewhat immune to her attacks.]
“our manchae is so cute…” yunjin cooed, chaewon nodding her agreement while sakura and kazuha let out hums of agreement, their eyes alight with adoration as they watched their youngest member pose with an aloof expression on her face.
[our eunchae has grown up sm T⌃T]
“she always looks cute when she’s pretending t’be serious.” you murmur, nuzzling further into yunjin’s neck as you wrapped your arms around her waist. “‘s like a kitty pretending t’be a lion…”
[ah yes, clingy and sleepy yn.]
noticing how sleepy you were getting, chaewon sighed before separating the two of you. “yn, you can’t fall asleep right now.” she murmured, looking apologetic. “you still have your photo shoot left to do, and if you miss it, we’ll have to reschedule everything.”
hearing this, you frown, having forgotten that you would be the last one to get her pictures taken. “‘m sorry unnie.” you apologized, bowing your head and rubbing at your tired eyes. “didn’t realize i was about t’sleep until m’eyes closed…”
“it’s alright, ynnie, i’m not upset.” the older girl then lifted your head up, cooing upon seeing the frown – which was, admittedly, very pouty – on your lips. “i promise, once we’re back in the car, you can go right back to sleep.” she then smiles. “sound good?”
now a little bit more awake than you had been moments earlier, you nod in response, and chaewon’s smile visibly grew wider as she patted you on the cheek – it was something she did often, though you never complained because, well, she was the kim chaewon – before letting you go.
“i have no idea how she can sleep so easily like that.” kazuha murmured from behind the two of you, looking at you with awe written all over her features. “it’s really cold in here.”
[such is the power of exhaustion.]
sakura chuckled, smiling as she watched you talk animatedly with chaewon. “as long as she’s with one of us, that girl could sleep anywhere.”
“that, or i’m just really comfy.” yunjin simpered, wiggling her eyebrows at the camera and at the girls.
shaking her head, sakura sighed before walking away from the two younger girls to greet eunchae, who had just finished her shoot. kazuha, on the other hand, just smiled politely, choosing not to say anything lest it sound rude.
[kazuha: 🙂]
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🎬 — extrovert yn (read: introverted extrovert yn)
“for being an E, ynnie is a lot like an I.” yunjin mused as you all ate dinner, chopsticks in the air and pointed in your general direction.
[this is the first time they have ever mentioned yn’s mbti btw]
“ah, that’s right!” sakura says, eyes widening as she clapped her hands together. “i totally forgot about that.”
“wasn’t kazuha-unnie also an E?” eunchae asked, raising a brow.
“i was, but then i became an I.” kazuha murmured, taking a sip of her drink. “i had always been gotten E-something-something before though, so…”
“i feel like it’s our fault that you became an I.” chaewon said, chuckling while also looking somewhat apologetically at the japanese girl. “sorry about that, by the way.”
[they converted an extrovert into an introvert lol]
kazuha giggles, shaking a hand and dismissing the leader’s apology. “don’t worry, unnie, i’m pretty sure i was more of an I deep down. i’ve always been half-and-half between I and E anyway.” she pauses, turning to look at you. “yn, on the other hand…”
“huh?” having been more focused on your food, you had been surprised when you looked up to see all five of your members looking at you. “what’s happenin’?”
[now that i think about it, yn never knows what’s happening- she has zero self awareness 😭]
“we’re talking about our MBTI’s.” sakura explained, leaning forward with a curious look on her face. “are you sure you’re an E?”
you blink. “uh, yes…?” you say, somewhat unconvincingly. “i got entp a few months ago, right bef’re our comeback. why?”
“yunjin-unnie commented on how introverted you act despite being and extrovert.” eunchae said, pointing at said girl. “and then kkura-unnie asked zuha-unnie if she was an E, zuha-unnie said she was an I, and chaewon-unnie apologized to her for making her an introvert.”
“ah… is that so?” you hum, nodding to yourself. “when i was searchin’ up stuff ‘bout my MBTI, it said that entp’s were the most introverted extroverts.”
[…someone fact check that]
“why couldn’t you just be an introvert?” yunjin playfully grumbled as she crossed her arms and pouted. “that way, we could’ve had the biggest introverted group!”
[that title belongs to fromis_9 but okay-]
you shrug unapologetically. “‘dunno, i was just born this way.”
[yn and her idgaf attitude 😭]
“i’m back!~”
eunchae, upon hearing your voice, perked up immediately and scrambled to get up to go greet you. “yn-unnie! what took you so long? the vending machine wasn’t that far away, was it?”
“ah, no, it wasn’t, i just had to help one of the newer staff members.” you say, chuckling. “they got lost looking for the bathroom, so i had to show them where it was before making my way back.”
“a new staff member?” sakura asked, looking up from her phone. “did they ask you for help or did you go to them?”
at this, you blink owlishly, unsure of how to respond. “uh, it’s a mix of both? i saw them wandering around and looking lost, but i didn’t like, go up to them or anything. i just stared until they felt me staring at them.”
[yn: 😶😶😶😶]
“that… that’s it?” chaewon asked incredulously. “you stared at them and they just came to you?”
“well, no, they noticed me staring, i gestured for them to come to me, and… yeah.” you giggled somewhat nervously, having noticed that all of your member’s eyes were on you. “then i showed them where the restroom was.”
[yeah, wow-]
“that’s an extrovert for you…” eunchae murmured, eyes wide. “if it was me or one of the other unnies, i don’t think we would have done that.”
“actually, i would have–”
“shut up yunjin.”
[she got shut down rq 💀]
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🎬 — random moments with the fimmies.
“doesn’t it hurt your neck to do that?”
you hum questioningly, peeking an eye open to see sakura standing above you with her hands on her hips, one of her eyebrows raised. beside you, kazuha giggled quietly, the slight shaking of her shoulders making you whine in complaint.
[she’s so- AHDSBNA]
“ah, s’rry, ‘kura-unnie.” you murmur, rubbing at your eyes sleepily. “what’d you say? couldn’t hear you…”
sighing but not surprised, sakura shakes her head and repeats her question. “does it not hurt your neck to always keep it twisted like that, yn?”
[twisted is… an interesting word choice.]
“twisted?” you repeat, lifting your head from kazuha’s shoulder. “what d’you mean by twisted?”
“well, you know…” noticing the lost look on your face, sakura, once again, sighed before tilting her head to the side, her cheek almost touching her shoulder. “like this. every time you sleep, you always have your head tilted like this, even when you’re in bed.”
“oh, really?” you ask, frowning. “so that’s why chaewon’nnie keeps tellin’ me that i’ve got horrible sleepin’ habits…”
“ah, is that what she was scolding you about this morning?” kazuha questioned, raising an eyebrow with an amused smile on her lips. “i was wondering what that was all about. turns out, she was just telling you off for having bad posture when you sleep.”
[chaewon = mother]
you, on the other hand, weren’t amused whatsoever, which was made very evident by the sleepy pout on your own lips. “‘s not m’fault. i just… sleep like that.”
“hm...” sakura hums, her expression . “in that case, i suppose there’s nothing we can do but force you to start sleeping with proper posture.”
“proper-” you yelp as the older girl abruptly grabs your face, squishing it between her hands and making you sit upright. “‘nnie! ‘at’re yu d’in’?!”
[…what’d she say?]
“wow, you can barely understand a single word she’s saying.” kazuha muttered, watching with apathetic eyes. “not that that’s any different from how it normally is…”
“uh, do we even want to know what’s happening here?” chaewon asked, standing by the door with a look of concern and exasperation on her face.
“probably not?”
chaewon frowned, her brows furrowing as she turned her head. “yah, what are you doing back there?”
“nothing!” came eunchae’s very loud reply, followed by a loud thwack!, a grunt, and shrieking.
[’nothing’… sure.]
“that doesn’t sound like nothing.” the older girl said skeptically, sighing and turning to her phone with a exasperated look on her face. “i’ll be right back, okay, fearnots? i need to make sure those two aren’t doing anything dangerous.”
she then stood up to leave, waving goodbye to the camera before walking away, and it doesn’t take long for those watching the live to hear yelling – shrieking – and wailing, though no one could tell who was doing what.
[what the fuck is happening off screen 😭]
and then yunjin popped into view, her glasses askew on her face and her hair messy.
“hello fearnots, how have you been?” she asked, dropping onto the couch with a groan. “ynnie and manchae started arguing over who are the last oreo a few minutes ago, which turned into a pillow fight that they somehow managed to get zuha and kkura-unnie involved in.”
[comments: what about you?]
“me? are you asking about me?” yunjin asked, pointing to herself with a look of surprise. “i was just minding my own business in the corner of the room until then someone – i think it was kazuha? – threw a pillow at me, so i threw it back, and, well…” she gestured to her hair and face. “this is what happened.”
“yah, you little-! get back here!”
“aaand i guess chaewon-unnie got involved too.” the american sighed, clicking her tongue and shaking her head in mock disappointment. “honestly, as our leader, you would think she had more self-control…”
[damn okay-]
“huh yunjin, what did you just say about me?” chaewon questioned, sounding much closer than she had been moments prior.
”nothing!” yunjin responded, smiling nervously as she glanced at something off camera. “unnie, when did you get there?”
“it didn’t sound like nothing.”
[chaewon sounds so suspicious of them 💀 that’s totally valid tho]
“aha… ha… ha.” yunjin gulped, looking away from – presumably – chaewon and at the phone in her hands. “uh, i’ll see you guys later, assuming that i don’t die right now.”
[and that’s the end! make sure to like and subscribe and to hit that notification bell so that you won’t miss a single video! cheers :)]
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lionizingheathen · 2 years
Agreement - R.L.
Flatmate!Remus Lupin x fem!reader
Giving your flatmate, Remus Lupin a blowjob to help him relax
Warnings: Smut, Oral sex male recieving, face fucking, pet names, cum swallowing
"Y/N." Remus asked from your doorway, and you raised an eyebrow. What was he doing in your room? He didn't often just come in, normally he was invited.
"Yeah, what's up?" You glanced over at him, brows furrowing. He had bags under his eyes and his cheeks looked sallow... he hadn't been taking care of himself and he probably had forgotten to take his potion. Which he needed to do. Soon. "You look like hell, did you take your potion?" You asked, and he shook his head, rubbing his eyes. He needed to, you knew that.
"Not yet, no." He glanced around your room, as if he was worried that someone was going to be in there, listening to your conversation. "Are you willing to do something for me?" He asked, and you nodded, putting your bookmark into your book.
"Uh... Sure, what's up?" You asked, setting your book down as you sat more attentively. He was quiet, chewing on his lip thoughtfully, as if he was trying to figure out how to ask what he wanted to ask.
"Give me a blowjob." He said, and you nearly dropped your book as you looked over at him, hoping that your face didn't betray your shock at him saying that. You'd happily do that... Remus seemed like he'd be fun in bed.
"Okay... I really thought you were going to say like 'go to the store and buy me eggs' or something along that line..." You said, and he shrugged.
"I think it would help the aggression." God...
"Are you feeling agressive?" You asked and he scoffed, giving you an annoyed look. Fair, that was self explanatory and you knew it.
"Of course I am. You know I am." Remus snapped, and you rolled your eyes. Werewolves. So dramatic... probably. Remus was the only one that you'd met.
"Normally you just... handle it, I don't know." You said flippently, and he was quiet.
"How did you know that?" He asked, and you chewed on your lip. Caught.
"The walls are thin, Remus. I know a lot of what you get up to." You murmured, giving him a half smile. He grimaced, picking at the ends of his sleeves as he spoke, clearly not appreciating how easily you had said that to him.
"That's incredibly disconcerning, I don't like that at all." He mumbled, and you shrugged, kicking your feet up on your desk once again. Clearly this would probably just end in a conversation, nothing more, so there was no need to be sitting at attention.
"Move out, then. Get a more expensive apartment." You sighed, and he was silent for a moment, leaning against your wall, fiddling with his fingers.
"Are you listening to me on purpose?" He asked, and you felt your face get hot. Yes. But only sometimes, only when you needed to get off... only when you wanted to fantasize.
"You're lying." He said, and you shook your head. Yeah, you were lying but he didn;'t need to know that.
"I'm not lying, I have never intentionally tuned into you while you're wanking, Remus." You said, and he chuckled, pushing off the wall to stretch up, the hem of his sweater coming up as he did.
"I have." He sighed, and your head snapped away from the strip of skin and back to his face. What?
"Hm?" You asked, and he shrugged, tucking his hands into his pockets as he kicked his foot at the ground.
"Intentionally tuned into you while you're wanking... or while you're being fucked." He said, and you felt like you were going to fall out of your chair. What the fuck?
"Why?" He asked, and he shrugged, taking a step closer to you as he spoke. God, this energy looked fucking good on him.
"Becuase I know I could do it better than any of them. I'd have you trembling and screaming within moments and they can't even last long enough to make you cum. You've got horrible taste in guys." He said, and you rolled your eyes. Most of them were scared off by Remus, it wasn't as if you had a long line of suitors.
"Shut up." He flicked his eyebrow up at you.
"Come suck my cock and I will." He said, and you tried to ignore the pang between your thighs. This was all about making him feel better.
"Tie your hair up and get the fuck over here." He said, and you did just that, standing up to walk over to him.
"Sit on the edge of my bed." You sighed, and he nodded, sitting down with his hands splayed behind him, a small smirk on his face. The way that the deep scar on his cheek distorted it slightly... God.
"Okay..." He said and you walked over, falling to your knees beside him. You didn't miss the way that he inhaled sharply at that, looking down at you with a raised eyebrow. You unbuttoned his pants, tapping his hip lightly so he would lift his hips. You dragged his pants down his thighs, his boxers quickly following, making his cock spring up against his stomach. It was thick and long, intimidating. You brought a hand up to wrap around it, unable to meet your fingers on either side. He was bigger than moast people you'd been with... and he probably knew how to use it.
"Holy fuck." You murmured, brushing your thumb over the tip, making him jump as he hissed out a breath. So sensitive.
"What? What's wrong?" He asked, and you smiled up at him, jerking your hand up and down his cock, making him let out a low and throaty groan.
"Nothing... You're just really big." You said, and you kissed up the side of his cock, flicking your tongue over the veins. "And your cock is really pretty." You murmured, and he let out a nervous sort of chuckle, clearly trying to keep from thrusting into your face.
"I don't know if I agree with that..." His voice jumped up as you brought the tip of his cock into your mouth, licking over the slit, tasting the precum that was leaking from it. It made your cunt throb.
"You taste good." You murmured, pulling back for a moment to lick up the side before sucking on the tip again, enjoying his movements, the way he was quickly becoming desperate. There was a reason people finished so fast when they were with you.
"Please get on with it." He groaned, and you opened your mouth wider, taking him further into your mouth, choking when he hit the back of your throat. He pulled away from you. "You don't have to take it all, I understand-." You shook your head, looking up at him with a wide smile.
"I want you to fuck my throat until it's raw, Remus. Stop being polite when you were just being demanding." You said, and he nodded, taking a deep breath.
"... Okay." You swallowed him down quickly, forcing yourself to take him all the way down your throat, making him let out a loud shout of your name. Your neighbors were gonna hate this... not that you cared. "Merlin's... fuck... your mouth is so warm..." He moaned, and you bobbed your head up and down, trying to take more of him. You wanted all of him down your throat.
"Mmmph." You groaned, and he pressed his hand into your hair, lifting his hips to fuck into your throat, making him hiss.
"Tight... your throat is so tight." He sighed. "Holy shit, you look even prettier than I could've imagined." You blushed, but pulled back. He was being too gentle, too sweet... he needed release, he didn't need sweet.
"Fuck, Remus. I'm doing this so you can take out your aggression. So use me." You instructed, and you watched as he shivered, throwing his head back for a moment. He was beautiful, his adam's apple bobbing in his throat, his stomach rising and falling quickly, knuckles white as he gripped your comforter. He looked nearly feral when he glanced back down at you, shaking his head.
"You can't talk like that." He said, and you shrugged, smirking at him as you leaned back in, flicking your tongue out across his tip.
"Then shut me up, or I'll continue." He pulled you back down, letting out a laugh that almost came off as bitter.
"You're so fucking cocky." He fucked your face faster, making you choke around him. Your cunt clenched around nothing as you thought of him taking you like this, fucking your cunt until it was ruined for anyone else. "It'd be annoying if you weren't fit." He grunted, and your eyes rolled back as he forced himself deeper. You breathed out of your nose, wanting to let him use your throat for as long as you could.
"You were made for this. Made to be my cocksleeve, weren't you?" He groaned, and you blushed. You would've nodded had he not chosen to increase his pace. Fuck.
"I bet your cunt is even better... I'll be taking that soon as well. Maybe I should just do this every time I get angry... come in here and fuck you until I'm relaxed, would you like that?" He pulled you up by your hair, glaring down at you as you gasped for air. "I asked you a fucking question." He said, and you nodded. God, that sounded good.
"Yes... Open door policy." You coughed, and he nodded, giving you a large grin as he tugged your hair, making you swallow his cock once again
"Good girl. That's what I was thinking." He murmured. He held your head down, making your eyes water as your nose pressed agianst his pelvis. You dug your nails into his thighs, choking around him as he let you go, let you get a breath in before he began again, fucking your throat in earnest. God, this was hot.
"Fuck, you're so good at this baby, so good..." You brought your hand between your thighs, rubbing at your clit, whimpering at how swollen it was. God, you wanted to cum. Above you, Remus growled, yanking hard on your hair. "Don't touch yourself, I want you to be horny for me... in case I need more. Gotta have you ready." He groaned, and you pulled your hand away, whimpering at the loss as you chose instead to scratch at his legs, making him let out a high moan. Fuck, he sounded so pretty.
"I'm getting close baby. So close." He groaned, chewing on his lips as he continued fucking your throat, his pace getting sloppy. This was perfect... Remus Lupin using your throat, you could cross something off your bucket list.
"I'm cumming..." He held your hair, making sure you wouldn't pull off... not that you were planning on it. "Fuck... Y/N! Swallow it... Take it all, baby." He gasped as he came down your throat. You swallowed around him frantically, moaning at the taste... God, everything about him was utterly intoxicating. You sat back on your kness, giving him a wide smile before you let yourself drop onto his lap.
"Jesus, that was..." You sighed, shaking your head.
"Was it too much?" He asked, and you shook your head, easing him back onto the bed.
"Remus, that was the hottest thing I've ever experienced." You promised, him, placing a gentle hand on his cheek as you settled down beside him.
"Really?" He asked, and you nodded, lunging forward to press a kiss to his lips. He looked shocked when you pulled back, and for a moment you were worried that you'd misread the situation, before he pulled you back in, kissing you deeply. You moaned into his mouth, grinding your slick cunt onto his skin blindly, needing any friction you could get... God, you needed to feel him inside you.
"Yeah." You rolled on top of him, straddling his waist. "I need you to fuck me." You said, and he let out a long sigh, chuckling at the end of it as he shook his head, resting his hands on your hips.
"I need to recover for a moment... Can't... I need to rest. But we will. I promise." He said, and you nodded, looking away from him as you slid to the side, feeling embarrassed as you sat on the edge of the bed.
"Right, sorry." You said, and a moment later you felt his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back down beside him.
"S'okay." You laid like that for a moment, silent, existing in each other's space. "You know? We actually do need some eggs and some bread... milk too..." He mumbled into your hair, and you chuckled.
"I'll go get them." You sighed, and he let out a groan as you stood up, taking yourself out of his arms. You watched as he burrowed into the blankets, giving you an almost-glare.
"Hurry back. I'll be waiting." He mumbled, and you paused for a moment. He was going to fuck you when you were back... there were steps that should be taken.
"Should I get condoms too?" You asked, and he shook his head, giving you a large, lazy grin as he rolled over, laying on his stomach. He looked good, tangled up in your sheets.
"Oh, we're not using them, just take a potion..." He paused for a moment, looking worried. "Is that okay?" His question was soft and gentle, a far cry from the first one he'd asked this evening. You gave him a smile as you shrugged on your sweater and nodded. There was nothing more okay than that.
"Fuck yes. I'll be back." You said, shutting the door behind you with a large grin growing on your face, replacing the tentative one from moments earlier.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Charlie: “-so we have TONS of angel-killing weapons now, thanks to Vaggie! Who had a lovely… Errrr. Fight?”
Vaggie: “It was pretty one sided. Call it a training match.”
Charlie: “She had a lovely training match with Carmilla Carmine! Who repeatedly kneed and kicked her in the face, which I’m not allowed to get upset about, because Vaggie isn’t upset about it!”
Sir Pentious: “Oh that sssounds… Pleasssant?”
Angel Dust: “Of course the one time Saint Sapphic isn’t pissed is when someone actually beats the crap outta her.”
Husk: “Wha’d I say? She’s got issues.”
Niffty: “Kneed in the face by Carmilla Carmine!?” (wistful sigh) “Lucky…”
Husk: “And you’ve got even worse issues, somehow.”
Vaggie: “Meanwhile, Charlie was off singing herself up a whole army in Cannibal Town.”
Charlie: “I wouldn’t call them a whole army-”
Vaggie: “They barely fit inside the hotel, babe.”
Charlie: “-and I wouldn’t really call it mine. Alastor and Rosie helped!”
Vaggie: “Did they give you the cannibal army?”
Charlie: “Nnnnoooo… I mean they did introduce me, but I had to do the convincing part myself.”
Vaggie: “Then it’s your army.”
Charlie: “Huh.”
Charlie: “…..hm.”
Vaggie: “Feels kinda nice, doesn’t it?”
Charlie: (giggling) “Maaaybe a little~”
Angel Dust: “If yous two LBs start kissin’ about the literal man eating army now under ya sway, I’m gonna be sick.”
Vaggie: “Aren’t you supposed to have zero gag reflex?”
Angel Dust: “That’s for sex stuff, Vaggitales. This is sappy and sincere.”
Husk: “A word that’s barely in your fucking vocabulary.”
Charlie: “Now Husk, you know that’s not true-”
Angel Dust: “Oh it’s true baby! But I’d be sucha a gooood little school boy if ya wanted to try teachin’ me, Purrrrfessor~”
Husk: “Can we feed him to the cannibals.”
Charlie: “No!”
Vaggie: “If they get sick before the big fight then we’re all dead.”
Angel Dust: “Hey!”
Sir Pentious: (SNIFFLING)
Charlie: “Oh oh Pen! Don’t be scared- no one’s feeding anyone to any cannibals!”
Vaggie: “Well. We’re not feeding anyone from the hotel to them…”
Charlie: “You hush, beautiful. Now there there Pentious, what wrong?”
Sir Pentious: “Nothing issss now! But EVERYTHING wasss, while you and missss Vaggie were fighting!”
Vaggie: “We weren’t-”
Charlie: “That was just me being-”
Vaggie & Charlie: “...”
Vaggie: “Sorry, you go-”
Charlie: “No no after you!”
Vaggie & Charlie: “..…..”
Hotel Crew: “….”
Vaggie: “Charlie had good reasons for being angry-”
Charlie: “I wasn’t angry! Or, not the way I THOUGHT I was? It’s complicated-”
Vaggie: “Valid. Reasonable. Way more forgiving than called for.”
Charlie: “If I’d just TALKED with you like you’d WANTED-”
Vaggie: “You didn’t want to. That’s fair.”
Charlie: “I guess, but. It wasn’t fun.”
Sir Pentious: “No it wasss not!” (crying) “It sssseemed as though you were ssssplitting up! L-leaving ussss! It wasss! DREADFUL!!”
Charlie: “Ohhhhh nooooo we would never-!”
Vaggie: “The hotel thing is kinda bigger than one relationship, Pentious. We’re not giving up on you guys.”
Charlie: “-and that’s also why we’d never break up.”
Vaggie: “Never’s a long time sweetie… and three years was a long time too.”
Charlie: “Not with you it wasn’t. And forever won’t be either.”
Vaggie: “…”
Angel Dust: “If you cry, I really will throw up.”
Vaggie: “Shut up.”
Charlie: (hugs vaggie) “See, Pen? You don’t have to worry about us, okay?”
Sir Pentious: “Okay. Y-essss.”
Charlie: “Shh sshh, please don’t cry…”
Sir Pentious: (wailing) “I can’t help it!!!”
Vaggie: “Hey, how come HIS tears aren’t vomit worthy but MINE are??”
Angel Dust: “Cuz he’s a sad snake boy in a top hat that cuddles with eggs, and you’re supposed to be tough as nails and impossible to fucking break, Vagina. Seein’ ya as being anything other than gay or pissed? Stomach turning. Yuck” 
Husk: “You’ve got issues too, dumbass.”
Angel Dust: “I know.” (preens) “But they look GOOD on me~”
Sir Pentious: (snuffles) “It’sss jussst so good, sssssseeing you two the way you sssshould be! Ugh.” (dripping) “May I borrow a, a tisssssue, Niffty?”
Niffty: “SURE-”
Husk: “You don’t fucking want that or to know where the fuck it’s been. Here. Napkin.”
Sir Pentious: “Thankssss!”
Charlie: “Better?”
Sir Pentious: “Much, yessss. But how did you manage it?”
Charlie: “Manage what?”
Sir Pentious: “Fixssssing thingsss between you! After it wasss so bad!”
Husk: “Without any alcohol, even.”
Sir Pentious: "Or exssssplossions!"
Angel Dust: “Yeah toots, three years of not sayin’ she was an angel is a pretty big shit pile to have dropped on ya, even in hell.”
Vaggie: “Thousands.”
Husk: “FUCK.”
Niffty: “OoooOOoohhhhh~”
Angel Dust: “Now that’s a body count. Like, not a good one but. Wow.”
Sir Pentious: “Sssee? And now Charlie isss hugging you! How iss that possssible?”
Vaggie: “… I don’t… I, gave her space….”
Charlie: “She’s Vaggie. I already knew who she was.”
Husk: “Exorcist.”
Angel Dust: “Liar?”
Niffty: “Mass MURDERER heheheh…”
Charlie: “My partner.”
Sir Pentious: “I don’t underssstand! Did ssshe sssay ssssorry?”
Vaggie: “Sorry really wouldn’t cut it.”
Charlie: (laughing) “She helped me start the hotel- and run it- and get my dad’s help talking to heaven, and- more things than I can count, honestly! Doesn’t that say enough?”
Sir Pentious: “Oh… ssso wordsss are not… what mattersss?”
Charlie: “They can matter, but it’s what we DO that makes them mean anything.”   
Sir Pentious: "...what we... do?"
Angel Dust: “Like how heaven and it’s angels say it’s all full of great people up there but then they go an' leave us all to rot and die, yeah?”
Charlie: “Vaggie didn’t."
Angel Dust: "Score! Hell's got ONE angry lesbian on it's side!"
Charlie: "And I won’t either.”
Hotel Crew: “…”
Husk: “Are we done. I need a drink.”
Vaggie: “Y-eah.” (hoarse) (clears throat) “That’s where we’re at now. Any questions?”
Angel Dust: (raises hands) “Husk has one!”
Husk: “Fuck you no I don’t-”
Angel Dust: “Sure ya do babypaws. What the FUCK-”
Angel Dust: (points at Vaggie’s wings)
Angel Dust: “-are THOOOOOOSE???”
Vaggie: “…Those are my wings. Asshole.”
Angel Dust: “Bitch~”
Husk: “Motherfucking dumbasses.”
Charlie: “Angel please, it’s rude to point like that! And to um. Say the other part also- but that’s okay I know you mean it in a nice way!”
Angel Dust: “An’ what about Saint Vagatha huh? She called me shit too! Was that her bein’ nice?”
Charlie: “She-”
Vaggie: “I’m nicely not stabbing you.”
Charlie: “-she’s trying her best.”
Angel Dust: “By not stabbing me?”
Husk: “Now that’s impressive as hell.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.”
Angel Dust: “Hmph. Lucky a guy can take pride in people wantin' to stick stuff in him...”
Sir Pentious: “Vaggie? Pleasse pardon the quesstion, however I ssssseem to recall you sssaying you didn’t HAVE any, ah, wingssss?”
Niffty: “Or tits!”
Vaggie: “They grew back.”
Niffty: “Did your t-”
Vaggie: “Niffty-” (groans) “Look, there’s a cockroach over there. Go hunt, kill- whatever.”
Niffty: "KILL KILL KILL-!"
Charlie: “Aren’t her wings AMAZING! LOOK AT THEM!!! You guys have no idea how soft-! wait they what? Grew back?”
Angel Dust: (grinning) “What about your-”
Vaggie: “Ask about my tits twice in one day and die.”
Charlie: “They were gone? You weren’t just hiding them- Twice?”
Niffty: (on vaggie’s shoulder) (checking down her shirt) “Nope! Tits still missing. Nice pecs though!”
Vaggie: “………”
Angel Dust: “She said it, not me!!”
Vaggie: (SIGH) “These are the people I’m about to risk my life for.”
Charlie: “I feel like I’ve missed something important..?”
Husk: “No you fucking haven’t.”
Angel Dust: “So oh heavenly cunt, what the fuck did ya do with Carmine to get the feather dusters reinstated?”
Vaggie: “No idea. Uh- Thought gay thoughts about Charlie? I guess?”
Charlie: “Awww~!”
Sir Pentious: “Aww!!”
Vaggie: “And mostly non-violent thoughts about the rest of you.”
Niffty: “Booo…”
Vaggie: “Anyway, since Lute didn’t use heavenly steel while tearing them off my back, I guess they just needed time to heal up or whatever.”
Charlie: “I’m SO gonna send a thank-you note to Carmilla for helping you with… tha….”
Charlie: “….tEARING? She, Lute-”
Vaggie: “Not now. Tell you later, babe.”
Charlie: “BUt- I’ve met her TWICE and you didn’t say-!”                   
Vaggie: “Let’s focus on finishing debriefing the troo- the friends for now. ‘kay?”
Charlie: “I…”
Husk: “Then why the fuck did you bring it up!?”
Angel Dust: “My mouth likes to be open and stupid shit comes out of it sometimes- I dunno!”
Vaggie: “Yeah well I’m so not about to start spilling the gory details in the hotel lobby. The cannibals are already starting to look hungry. If we’re up to date on the mission statement and current crew resource management situation, then-”
Niffty: “Hey Vaggie, Vaggieee.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Niffty: (giggles) “Did Lute steal your tits too?”
Vaggie: “….”
Angel Dust: “…what? Don’t glare at ME about ya blindly obvious shortfall in that depar-Tit-ment-”
Husk: “Shut up before she fucking tests some of her new shiny weapons on you.”
Vaggie: “Don’t give me ideas.”
Charlie: “Why is everyone talking about my girlfriend’s breasts. She got her wings ripped off and suddenly has them back, and we’re all just, talking about bra size???”
Angel Dust: “Toots, if she wears bras, it’s gotta be just so’s she looks good for you.”
Vaggie: “I’ll take that compliment.”
Angel Dust: “I wasn’t sayin’ it as one-”
Vaggie: “Change your mind or lose your hair.”
Angel Dust: “-you’re a very loving lesbian and ya make Sappho the OG herself proud.”
Vaggie: “Better.”
Sir Pentious: “E-excusssse me!? Thisss, sssssadistic Lute person iss, ssssssomeone we will be fighting against..?”
Vaggie: “Yeah but I’ll handle her, don’t worry.”
Charlie: “wHAT!?”
Vaggie: “I said, I’m the one who knows how she fights anyway, so I’ll-”
Charlie: “YOU. WILL. NOT-”
Vaggie: “AUGH?!”
Niffty: “Aww.”
Angel Dust: “Oh that’s nasty.”
Husk: "Hreaugh." (hairball noise) “Whatever’s wrong with you, Niffty, never EVER fucking tell me what it is.”
Niffty: (waving cockroach) “It’s just for padding~ You know what they say! Every little bit helps! Right?”
Charlie & Vaggie: “NO!”
Niffty: (CACKLING)
Sir Pentious: “…..thisss isss, sssssso beautiful….”
Husk: “The fucking cockroach?”
Sir Pentious: “No. Them.” (wipes tear) “They’re ssstill, hugging.”
Angel Dust: “Yeah... It’s almost sweet enough to make a guy puke.”
Husk: “Almost?”
Angel Dust: “Well I’m not gonna ruin the mood for them by actually puking!”
Husk: (smiles) “Uh-huh.”
Angel Dust: “Plus, think of my boots! What if they got splashed on and shit?”
Husk: “Right.”
Angel Dust: “And Niffty’s doin’ good work breakin’ the tension and grossin’ them out anyway…”
Husk: “Mm-hmm.”
Angel Dust: “….And. It’s nice to see ‘em bein’ cute again.”
Husk: “…..”
Angel Dust: “….because it was weird when they weren’t and maybe, MAYBE, I was worried.”
Husk: “There we fucking go. Good boy.”
Angel Dust: “!!!”
Sir Pentious: “Oh that sseems to have cheered him up immenssely..”
Husk: "Fuck."
Angel Dust: “Oooh~ Nauseous to horny in less than a second? Damn, Purrrfessor. That’s a new record even for me~”
Husk: “Fuck no.” (fleeing)
Husk: “Alright, I’m opening the fucking bar! Come get your complimentary we might all be dying together soon drinks- and nobody fucking DARE ask me to use body parts in them. This isn’t fucking Cannibal Town. My drinks are good enough without fingers or eyeballs floating in them or whatever.”
Cannibal crowd: (grumbles but politely ques up for drinks)
Charlie: “I think maybe we’ll pass? Vaggie? Our room, us, alone, maybe?”
Vaggie: “Are we gonna talk about stuff?”
Charlie: “I would VERY MUCH like to talk about all things now yes please.”
Vaggie: “Then I’m gonna need a drink. Husk-”
Husk: “Take the fucking bottle.”
Angel Dust: “Here, and this bottle too!”
Charlie: “Oh thank you Angel D- is this LUBE!? Already OPENED lube!??!?”
Angel Dust: “Happy make-up sex~”
Charlie: “I- Vaggie no, not the spear- thanks, Angel Dust, but I think- Vaggie I said not the spear- I think we can do without borrowing your, uh, personal bottle of- okay that’s it, up over the shoulder you go. Hup!”
Vaggie: “I’m gonna kill him! I’m gonna save him from the extermination by killing him RIGHT NOW!”
Charlie: “-and you told me to ignore you when you talk like that. Anyway, everyone else have good night with the drinks and cannibals!”
Angel Dust: "Will do, toots! You gays enjoy eatin' each other out!"
Vaggie: “Babe please just let me strangle him a little bit-”
Charlie: “Nope! We’re gonna go explore some past trauma!”
Angel Dust: “An’ each other’s bodies!!!”
Charlie: (carrying vaggie upstairs) “Not helping!”
Vaggie: (still struggling) “I don't NEED to talk about my trauma- i need to get my hands on that asshole twink!"
Charlie: "Hold my hand instead?"
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: (melting) (holds hand) "...fiiiiine."
272 notes · View notes
peterman-spideyparker · 8 months
Two Round Apples (Matt Murdock x fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! This is a very horny fic. Not much thought or plot, but a lot of steamy thots. Enjoy :)
Summary: You try to do a good deed for your closest friend, but it backfires . . . and you accidentally see Matt naked. And his butt. It's awkward, but the thing about the both of you is that you both value fairness.
Warnings: Fluff, friendship, regular Nelson and Murdock shenaniganery, swearing, smut (oral - m! and f! receiving, fingering, p in v protected sex, dirty talk, Matt being a little cocky in bed)
Other Characters: Foggy Nelson and Karen Page
Word Count: 4,053
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“And Matt’s at that client meeting, so he’s gonna swing back by his place before he comes in to grab some files he was working on last night,” Foggy says over the phone as you cross the street.
“Which files did he take to work on last night?” you ask, looking down at your watch.
“The Kenadie case, the Wayne file, and I think the Slavo, Riley, and Samuels case, too.”
“Wow, no rest for the wicked, huh?”
“You know our Matty Boy—he never takes a break. Ever.”
“Well, I should be in shortly,” you say, taking a left toward Matt’s building instead of a right toward the office. “A lot of foot traffic.”
“No taxi for you?”
“Gotta get my steps in, Fog. Besides, it’s a really nice day out. I’ll see you soon.”
“See ya.”
Hanging up, you slide your phone in your pocket and open the door to the lobby of Matt’s apartment, moving up the stairs before you reach the top floor, sorting through your keys before you find your spare for his door. It’ll be a nice surprise that he doesn’t have to go back and get them. You mean, you were literally right here anyways—sure, it’d be an unnecessary extra mile for an employee, but not for his friend he’s known since undergrad that just so happens to work at his law firm. At this point, it’s just something you’d do for him.
“Let’s see,” you hum as you close the door, looking at the table in the small entryway to see if they’re there before you move into his living room to search the coffee table. As you look and straighten things out, you hear a rustling from his bedroom, your head snapping in the direction of the sound. To your surprise, you watch Matt shuffle out of his room, naked as the day he was born, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with the heel of his hand. You yelp in shock and surprise, dropping the files and turning around as you cover your eyes.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean—I didn’t know you—!” you start, desperately trying to backpedal and lessen the embarrassment you're feeling.
“You’re okay, really, I—,” he starts, sounding just as frazzled as you are.
“Foggy mentioned you had a meeting and left some files—!”
“Oh, that’s nice of you, but—.”
“I-I’m gonna go,” you say, covering your eyes as you turn back around to try and find your keys you dropped on the ground. As you search around for the keys, you catch a glance of Matt’s ass as he’s turned around, his hands reached around to his front to cover himself. You stop in your tracks, letting your eyes linger on his strong muscular thighs and his perfectly round asscheeks. The perfectly round asscheeks that you could bounce a quarter off of.
The perfectly round asscheeks of one of your best friends. 
Swallowing hard, you regain your focus and pick up your keys, standing straight and scurrying out of the living room and rushing out of his building. You navigate the sidewalks as fast as lightning and get to the office in record time, immediately sitting down at your desk and throwing yourself into the work at hand.
“I don’t understand how it’s possible, but you look white as a ghost and totally flushed at the same time,” Karen says after about fifteen minutes.
“Hm? I’m okay,” you lie, as you type at your computer.
“Do you need coffee or something? You just don’t seem like yourself.”
“Slept funny—bad.”
“I’ll get a fresh pot of coffee brewing.”
As Karen gets up, the door to the office swings open and Matt enters, his cheeks bright red as he avoids turning in your direction. Foggy starts to head out of his office to ask Matt a question, his mouth opening but quickly closing it when he catches Matt’s demeanor. 
“What’s up with him?” he asks, turning toward Karen with furrowed brows.
“Maybe the client meeting didn’t go as planned?” she suggests.
“Maybe,” he sighs. “Nothing coffee can’t fix. Karen, sit down. It’s my turn to be brewmaster.”
“I’ll go get some coffee,” Matt says, all too eagerly leaving his office. “We should all caffeinate, and I mean, we have all day to drink coffee brewed here. My treat.”
“I’ll come with,” Foggy says, falling in step with his partner. “We’ll grab some bagels, too. Maybe they’ll even have muffins.”
Your eyes follow them as they slip outside of the main lobby, and as soon as the door clicks shut, Karen turns around to you.
“Okay, what’s going on?” she breathes.
“Kare—,” you start.
“Don’t even try to lie to me. What happened?”
“I saw Matt naked.”
“This morning on my way back from taking care of those filings, I went to Matt’s place to pick up some files Foggy said he had left, and I used my spare key because Matt was at a client meeting, but he apparently wasn’t, and he walked out of his bedroom buck-ass naked, and I saw him.”
“Oh my God. Front or back?”
“Oh my God.”
“I mean, the front was brief, but I still saw things, but he turned around and I saw a lot of back.”
“Oh my God,” she repeats.
“And I stared. A lot.”
“Oh my God.”
“I know! I didn’t mean to stare, but, I mean . . . Kare, you’ve seen his ass in slacks. In jeans. Sweats. You know what it’s like to see it bare? It’s even better. Like, so so much better. It’s so firm and round and . . . I broke our friendship.”
“What, no!”
“Kare, I saw him naked. All I’ve been able to think about since is how I saw him naked, and how good he looks naked. You saw how he scurried in this morning and how he quickly he left to go on a coffee run! He wasn’t even in the same space for me for a full minute before he found an excuse to bolt! I ruined things!”
“It’s just awkward. I can guarantee, at some point, all super close friends see one another naked for some reason or another.”
“You think Matt has seen Foggy naked?”
“(Y/N), listen! You’re overthinking this!” She places her hands on your shoulders. “This is just a weird hump that you both have to push through. Sooner or later, you’re both gonna move past it and it’ll be fine.”
“You better be right, Kare. You better be right.”
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“Staying late?” Foggy sighs, slinging his messenger bag over his shoulder.
“Mm,” you confirm. “I was telling Karen when I got back from filing those papers at the courthouse that I didn’t sleep great, and unfortunately the coffee you and Matt so kindly got didn’t give me the boost I hoped for. And I’ve been plugging along all day with my work because I haven’t been able to focus. I just want to get a little more done.”
“Well, don’t over do it—you’re the glue that holds this place together.”
“And you’re the wind beneath my wings, Nelson,” you tease.
“See ya, (Y/N). Have a good night.”
“You, too, Fog.”
“Hey—sweet dreams!”
You give him one final wave as he leaves the office. When the door clicks shut, you turn your head to look at Matt’s office door. You shouldn’t just leave the events of this morning hanging in the air. It was awkward all day, and if you can nip this in the bud, it’ll be better for the office and your friendship as a whole. You get up, wiping your sweaty palms on your pants before you walk over to Matt’s office. As you raise your hand to knock on the door, it swings open on the hinges and Matt starts to walk out, basically knocking you over.
“I’m so sorry,” you both start to say, his hands resting on the small of your back to keep you upright.
“Matt, listen,” you start. “About this morning—.”
“Please, let me go first,” he breathes.
“No, please,” you counter. “Please let me go first.” 
“I’m sorry about this morning. I didn’t mean to interrupt you like that—.”
“You didn’t interrupt anything, I promise.” Matt dips his head slightly and flashes you a small smile to apologize for interrupting. “Foggy was covering for me—I haven’t been sleeping well the last few nights.” He sucks in a little breath, making his chest stick out a bit and decreasing the space between your bodies. “I also don’t usually sleep naked.”
Your cheeks burn hot as your mind trails back to seeing him bare this morning, imagining how glorious he must look in his bed, the sheets crinkled and pushed so far down on his hips that just his privates are covered, how beautiful his exposed, muscular thigh must look as he lounges on the mattress. “I was just too tired for pajamas last night.”
“Do you also sleep fight? You looked like you had bruises and scars all over you. Not that I was looking. 
“Restless sleeper,” he smirks. You swear the space between your bodies disappears even more as his voice drops an octave lower; there’s no need for him to do that with you being the only two in the office, barely any space between the two of you, but it does so many things just right. “And you don’t need to be bashful that you looked. I didn’t mind at all.”
Is this man trying to give you a heart attack?
“I was thinking . . .” you start, your heart pounding out of your chest. “It’s only fair that you see mine since I saw yours.”
Matt’s tongue pokes out to wet hips perfectly pouty lips. “I’d have to touch you to see it, sweetheart.”
“I know.”
You both swallow heard, and as he starts to move in for a kiss, you dip your head and pull back slightly.
“Not here,” you breathe. “Let’s go back to your place.”
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Matt gently closes the door to his apartment behind him as you gently walk through the space, bringing yourself to the same spot where you stood this morning. He folds up his cane and puts it with his glasses by the door before walking toward you slowly—not terribly slow, but not as his normal pace, either.
“You don’t need to,” he breathes in the little space between you two, his nose practically touching yours as his unfocused eyes move all over your face.
“I know,” you breathe. “But I meant what I said in the office. It’s only fair.”
Grabbing hold of his tie, you gently tug on it to pull him in closer to you, closing the space between your bodies and feeling is soft, pouty lips again yours. If air in your lungs was scarce before, it’s completely gone when your lips connect. His body melts into yours, one hand resting on your hip and the other resting on your ribcage. Matt is the first to pull back, only pulling his lips away enough to officially break the kiss as he rests his forehead on yours. 
“Ah ah ah,” you tut as you feel his fingers start to pull at the hem of your shirt. “You were already naked when I got here this morning. Give me a little room.”
Matt’s face looks completely blown with lust, but he slowly nods, moving his hands from your body. With a shaky breath, you pull off your shirt and drop it to your right before you undo the clasp and zipper on your pants, looping your fingers in the elastic of your underwear to get them both down in one fell swoop, fabric pooling at your ankles. Matt’s face flushes, and his tongue slips out between his lips as he gently flexes and wiggles his fingers as he keeps himself from touching your body for the time being. Your eyes start to look up and down the length of his body before you reach around your back and unclasp your bra, feeling it go limp before you push the straps down your arms and let it fall. As it falls down, you notice it hit against a growing erection in his pants that looks increasingly uncomfortable. 
“You can touch me whenever and wherever you want,” you breathe. 
“Mmm,” he hums, his lids hooded with desire. His fingers start to graze over the back of your hands before gently tracing up your arms, making goosebumps dance all over your skin. Once his fingertips hit your elbow, he tilts his wrists so his hands start to glide up and over your skin. As they reach your shoulders, Matt gently glides them up, his hand cradling your neck while his other hand tucks hair behind your ear. “Is this okay?”
“Y-Yes,” you stutter, your heart racing a million miles an hour.
His eyebrows gently lift up in delight and care as if he’s listening to your body tick and purr as he nods softly. “If you want me to stop, say the word.”
“Okay,” you breathe before adding with a little smirk, “You can keep going.”
He smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling with delight as he smiles. His hands gently glide down from your face and neck, over your collarbone, and down over your breasts, his thumbs grazing over your nipples, causing them to peak. 
“I might get a better image if I feel you some more,” he says, his voice low and gravely with what you can only describe as desire as his hands gently drag along your ribcage and around to your back.
You half-register the “yes” that tumbles from your lips, and you gasp in delight when you feel his lips on your neck, softly pressing kisses down the column of skin, over your breasts, above your pounding heart, and eventually around one of your pert nipples. He gently sucks at it with each kiss before moving to the other one and doing the same exact thing again.
“Matt,” you breathe, your hands slipping into his soft hair, your fingernails scratching at his scalp. He hums into your skin, moving off of your breast and spreading kisses all over your stomach before he is on his knees in front of you. As his embraces spread across your pelvic bone and grow closer to the dripping heat between your legs. Matt’s hands slide down your back further before they’re gently resting over the curve of your ass. You gasp, a small moan falling from your throat as you tilt your head back in delight as he starts to kiss and lick at your dripping pussy. “Oh m—. . . fuck, Matt.”
He just hums, continuing his work diligently and deliberately as you get pulled closer to the edge, teetering on the brink of your pleasure. As you approach, Matt pulls his lips from the apex between your legs, kissing down your thighs and legs before moving back up, carefully moving his kisses around to your back and kissing the skin he neglected. Matt kisses up your spine as he straightens his legs to stand, one of his hands staying at your hips and between your legs, carefully playing with you as his lips and other hand continue to explore your body. A tingle shoots down your spine as his lips press kisses into your shoulder, his fingers brushing your hair aside so he can kiss up your neck and behind your ear.
“How good of a look did you really get this morning?” he asks quietly, his voice dropping to an octave that goes right between your legs and would make you do absolutely anything he told you to do.
“I-I tried not to look,” you stutter.
“But you stared at my ass, though.”
“Yes,” you grin.
“Sounds like you could use a better look at the front. You know, all things being fair in this.”
“I’d hate to be unfair.” He chuckles deeply, kissing at the sweet spot behind your ear before moving around to your front. “I think your bedroom as better lighting, though. It’d mimic this morning. Again, all things being equal.”
“Like you said, sweetheart. I’d hate to be unfair.”
You turn into his touch, bringing your lips to his and kissing him deeply as his hands hold you flush against him. Your lips move back and forth, the desire and delight growing more and more that you almost forget your plan to move to his room. He sweeps you up, his strong hands wrapping your legs around his waist and holding you up before he begins to move across his apartment, his lips never leaving your skin. You moan into his mouth when you feel the cool, soft, silky-smoothness of his sheets on your back.
“You want to undress me, or should I do it?” he smirks.
“I’m happy to assist,” you grin, matching his expression. 
He laughs and nods, his fingers working to unbutton his shirt while you make quick work with his belt and pants, wrapping your hand around his sizable erection and pumping, making Matt groan at your touch.
“Lay back, angel,” he husks, pulling his shirt off. “Lay back and take it all in.” You let go and do as he asks, watching him as he steps out of his pants and boxers, pumping himself as he kneels on the bed. “Tell me what you want.”
“You. I want you.”
Matt leans down, supporting himself on one hand while he keeps pumping himself, his lips crashing into yours. You cup his face in your hand, doing what you can to intensify the kiss. Your other hand slips into the sweet spot of his back, right above the curve of his ass, his erection gliding right against the slick between your legs. You groan into the embrace as your privates touch in the most delicious of ways, the hand you have on his cheek sliding up to tug on his hair. Matt pulls his lips from yours and kisses your neck and clavicle, marking you up before moving back up to kiss you deeply and repeatedly before pulling back to reach over in his nightstand to grab a condom. Tearing open the foil package, you watch him roll it on his length, making sure the tip has room and it’s secure.
“You ready, sweetheart?” he breathes, one hand cradling the side of your face as he kisses your cheek and neck, the other sliding down your side.
“Yeah,” you breathe.
“Hang on, angel.” With another kiss, he reaches over and pulls down one of his extra pillows at the head of his bed. “Lift your hips for me.” You do as he asks, and he wiggles the pillow under your hips, kissing all the way up your stomach, between your breasts, and back on your lips. “Spread your legs, please.”
Tilting your knees to the side, you expose everything to him, gasping and leaning back into the pillow under your head while he strokes his cock up and down your slit.
“Matt,” you breathe, digging your nails into the soft flesh of his shoulders. “Matty, please.”
He kisses you again, saying so much with the embrace without saying a single word. He nose brushes against yours tenderly before rolling his hips forward and slowly pushing in. You cry out, nuzzling into him as he sinks in inch by inch, stretching you wide and filling you gloriously until he can’t push in any further.
“Tell me when I can move,” Matt kisses into your chest.
“Move,” you beg almost immediately. “Matt, please, move.”
He chuckles softly and smiles, nodding and giving you a kiss as he starts to drag his hips back before starting to push back in. The pace is steady and comfortable, but with each push and pull, you just about lose your mind at the sensation thanks to the pillow under your hips, unable to prevent the moans and whimpers that fall from your mouth. Matt grabs one of your legs and lifts it higher, helping him hit deeper and making you cry out louder.
“Just like that, angel,” he grunts. “Fuck, (Y/N), you feel so good.”
“Matt!” you swallow. “Matt, harder!”
“Fuck, just like that, please!”
His hips pick up the pace, making the bed squeak and filling his bedroom with the sounds of your slapping skin. Your head lolls back in pure bliss as your chest heaves as you pant in pleasure, blindly grabbing at Matt’s arms for a sense of stability. The moans that he pulls from your throat sound absolutely animalistic and feral as he repeatedly thrusts into you.
“Deeper, please!” you beg. “Matt, please!”
“I know, angel girl,” he grunts. “You feel so fucking nice, I want to make you feel all kinds of good, sweetheart.”
“Kiss me,” you swallow, finally managing to get a good grip on him to pull him down, his lips crashing into yours, his hips only faltering slightly. He moans into your mouth as he resumes his thrusts, his hands gripping your hips tightly in an effort to help in hit deeper. Pulling his lips from yours, he attaches them to your neck, right on your sensitive spot as he nips and sucks to mark you up as his. “Matty, I’m gonna cum.”
“Yeah?” he taunts. “This dick just too good for you? Can’t hold out for more?”
“Tell me how good this dick is, angel.”
“Fuck, Matt! Your dick is so good! Best dick I’ve ever had!”
“Shit, (Y/N), you’re so good for me—your pussy is so tight, sweetheart. And it’s all for me.” He trusts deeply. “All.” Thrust. “For.” Thrust. “Me.” Thrust.
His pelvis rubs against you just right with a deep thrust, and you cum around his dick with a body-trembling force, your voice reaching a pitch you didn’t know was possible. Matt’s mouth slots over yours, capturing your cries of pleasure in his mouth, using it as fuel for his own passion.
“Matt,” you whisper in his ear. “Pull out.”
“What?” he huffs in confusion as his hips slow. You muster enough energy to roll your bodies over so he’s flat on his back and you slide off of him. You whine at the emptiness, but you eagerly move over him and pull off his condom, replacing the latex with your mouth and hand. Matt moans out in pure ecstasy, the muscles in his strong thighs clenching in surprise as you play with him and eagerly bob your head.
“Angel, I’m gonna cum,” he breathes. “I’m gonna cum.”
You hum in delight at the thought of your mouth being the thing that pushes him over the edge, the thought of just how big his load is shooting right between your legs and making you want him even more. With a careful squeeze of your hand at his base with his balls, he bucks his hips up, shoving his cock all the way down your throat as he cums. You move your hands and spread them across his hips, working to keep all of Matt down your throat as you swallow his cum, one of his hands cradling the side of your face. When he’s finally done, you slowly slide off of him, gasping for breath when your lips finally release his cock with a soft popping noise. You go back down, wrapping your lips around his head to suck him dry and clean him off before you move your kisses up his body, up along his bellybutton and abs, his chest and clavicle, neck, and finally his lips.
“Mm,” you hum into the embrace, nuzzling your nose against his after you break the kiss.
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” he murmurs. “I didn’t hurt you?”
“No. Everything was great.”
Matt smiles like an idiot, wrapping his arms around you and kissing you again before rolling the two of you onto your sides, your legs tangling together. 
“I like that you value fairness so highly,” he chuckles softly, his pouty lips kissing under your jaw.
“I like that you were too tired for pajamas last night.”
This time you both laugh before your lips connect again.
“Maybe I’ll make it a habit when you’re around.”
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