#anyway. I think I need to go do hard drugs to wipe this one from the ol’ memory banks.
cattailtales · 2 years
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you ever read a take that is So Fucking Bad that it’s got you like
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aakeysmash · 3 months
hii, first time writing a prompt :)
maybe a drunk reader and sukuna has to take care of her and take her home, she forgot her jacket and he lends her his sweater. maybe established relationship?
(i love your sukuna fics hehehe)
i made this a bit angsty lol
"you look like a spider."
sukuna rolls his eyes, then turns around and keeps on dragging you by your hand, just like he has been doing for the past 10 minutes. "what the fuck are you saying now?"
you trip on your own two feet, again, and you have to stop, again. you see him closing his eyes and taking one big inhale. he's really close from breaking your neck. you wobbly get in front of him, squint and poke his chest with your freshly done nail. "you- *hic* have eight eyes. ouch!"
you frown, massaging your forehead. he just flicked you.
"spiders have eight legs, not eight eyes. and i do not have eight fucking eyes," he tells you, annoyed.
"okay but still," you pout. you look at him and- damn, he's really fucking pretty. even if he's blurry he looks like a king: he's only wearing a sweater, but he's the hottest man you've ever seen. you try getting on your tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek, but you almost fall face-flat on the concrete you're walking on.
"you stink, don't get close to me," he says, serious, dodging your attempt to grab his forearm. then he turns around and leaves you there, standing. you open your mouth to say something, but no words come out, so you just stare at his retreating back. you know you're annoying him badly. it's not like receiving a messy text saying your girlfriend is drunk and that she needs a ride could be pleasurable for anyone, especially if you told her to be careful while she was out with her friends and if the text was sent in the middle of the night. and especially if you fought before she got out.
you're a little bit lost in your thoughts, and walking has become really hard, and when you look up you don't see sukuna anywhere. you feel like crying. you hate when he gets angry, especially because you never know how to say sorry properly. you didn't think he'd leave you in the middle of the street, though.
you sit down on the sidewalk and decide to take off your heels. they're hurting your feet and they make you seem like a drug addict for the people that see you walk. not like you could care less without sukuna making fun of you for it. you went a little overboard, sure, but you don't leave a girl alone at night.
you start crying. you don't even remember why you fought in the first place; maybe something that had to do with mowing the lawn this saturday? or was it about last night's tv series? anyway, you start missing him badly, you just want to go to sleep and stop your head from hurting. plus, it's so cold tonight. why does he have to be this difficult?
"the fuck are you doing?" a voice comes from behind you. you jump a little and try turning around, but you're suddenly brought up by two massive arms, finding yourself face to face with your boyfriend. he's looking at you weirdly. it's so cold.
"oh. hi," you say, sniffling and trying to wipe your tears, only creating a bigger mess on your face from your mascara streaks. your feet are touching the bare concrete and you feel like a mess. you fidget while avoiding the eye contact he's trying to make.
"why are you- nevermind," he answers himself, exhaling hard. you close your eyes and try not to let more tears out, feeling like he's going to tell you you need a break of some sort, when a weird warmth engulfs you. you look at your shoulders, now covered by the jacket he always has in his car "just in case he gets cold". but you know he never gets cold, he always runs warm. he keeps that jacket in his car for you.
he gets one of his hands on your cheeks, angling your face towards him, then tries cleaning up your snot and make-up with a tissue. you look up at him, big eyes observing his every move. you're warmer now. his hand touching you is warm too, and he makes little circles on your skin. you know it's his way of saying he's sorry.
"you're so messy," he mumbles, his face extremely close to yours, kissing your nose lightly. you burst into tears again.
"yo what-"
"i- i thought you lef-left me here," you sob, leaning your head on his chest. he's paralyzed for a moment, then gets one hand on your small back and caresses your head with the other.
"baby, you were freezing, i just went to the car to get your- my jacket."
"i know but you were so-so annoyed *hic* i thought-"
"then stop thinking," he interrupts you. you still, then lightly nod, brushing your face on his shirt.
"not too much, pretty girl, this shirt is white," he chuckles in your ear, still massaging your scalp. you hum.
"let's get you home, m'kay? i'll run you a really nice bath. i'mma make sure you take aaaall your medicines and get you to bed, mh?" he mocks you, almost like he's talking to a child.
you softly punch his chest, then mumble, "the bath sounded nice."
you're swept off your feet, then he squats to get the heels you left on the sidewalk.
"then i'll run you one for real. everything for you."
you're already dead asleep when you get to his car, and he makes sure to kiss your forehead before closing the passenger door, a little smirk on his lips.
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starlightazriel · 23 days
bee 9
series desc: modern best friends > lovers (fem reader) tattoo artist az
warnings: 18+, az acting crazy and toxic haha, arguing/angst, just the beginning of the groveling, simp behavior hahaha, drug/alcohol addiction, reader struggling, heart break, time jumps, aa, depression mess, az is literally falling apart at the seams, don't expect good decisions from reader lol she's hurting that's all ima say
a/n: wow I know I ain't shit this took me so long I'm sorry angst central too ik
wc: 3.8k
other parts can be found on my az masterlist <3
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"Say the word Bee, I'll knock on his door and knock him out." His jaw was tight, eyes dark with the desire to inflict pain. Real pain, sometimes that side of Azriel scared me, these days it would only make my panties wet.
"Im fine Az," I wiped tears from my face with the back of my sleeve, my chest tightened slightly at his willingness to put himself at risk for my naivety. "Hes not worth it anyway," I added, trying desperately to swallow the lump in my throat.
"Well that youre right about. Tried to tell you he didnt deserve you," he pauses, his face looking displeased. There's a moment of silence and it made me wish I had the courage to fill it with my feelings for him. "Please stop looking so sad though. Bings will help," he smirks, trying the only way he knew how to lighten the mood, he held up his bong, already freshly packed. I sighed softly, letting a small smile tug at the corner of my lips despite the ache I felt in my chest.
"Yeah they might," I smirk a little bit, and take the bong from him, taking one of my little baby hits, I shove the bong back in his direction, coughing obnoxiously despite the small hit. Normally he would make fun of me, I figured he was sparing me the embarrassment in light of the current situation.
"I can kick his ass," he repeats and I just shake my head at him. I didn't doubt it either— when it came to me, Az didn't have any limits. He would go down swinging for me, no matter who it was.
Thinking back on that memory... It made me feel sick, that now he was the one to hurt me.
I had made the mistake of trusting Azriel too much. I knew better. I knew he wasn't ready for this and still I let myself live in some little fantasy world for weeks. And now... Now I was dealing with the consequences.
My heart was shattered.
Incomparable to my insignificant couple of break ups in the past... This was so much worse.
Az... My Az. Maybe not my Az after all.
He clearly couldn't even handle a relationship.
Or maybe... The alternative made my stomach sink.
Maybe he knew the entire time that he was moving and he was just passing the time until he did? Az wouldn't do that... Would he?
You can know someone forever... As soon as there are drugs involved... Well, nothing is guaranteed.
It seemed to be just as hard for me to admit that he had a problem than it was for him. I hated it, but this pain— it made me see things more clearly, see him more clearly.
I couldn't bring myself to block him. I did have to turn my phone off for a while because not picking up was just becoming hard. 39 missed face time calls, 12 missed regular calls, and a handful of text messages that I was leaving on read.
baby please just talk to me
i'm so sorry shit was so fucking stupid
please come home
bee i swear i'll come over there and drag you out of that house by your hair
you know i didnt mean that
im sorry
i need you bee, don't shut me out
just talk to me
i'll stop drinking so much i'll do whatever please just fucking talk to me
cass is a fucking idiot nothing happened i swear baby i didn't fuck anyone.
The messages were spaced out minutes between some, hours between others. I couldn't help myself when I typed out a reply to the last one.
how do you know you didn't fuck anyone? do you even remember? You were getting your fucking grind on with a random ass bottle girl. or maybe she wasn't random lol who fucking knows with you. and you had your face in tits Az. Tits. WERE TOUCHING YOUR CHEEKS. AND YOU WERE SMILING LIKE YOU LOVED EVERY FUCKING SECOND. AND I BET YOU DID CUS YOU LOOKED HIGH OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND.
It was only seconds before he read it and was typing.
i didn't fuck anyone. i only want you. i'm just a dumbass. bro please do not do this shit to me. i will do ANYTHING to make this up to you that's on literally everything.
And another one.
you don't have a choice anyway and i swear if i catch you outside with any of these mother fuckers yo youre both done
And another.
its not a threat its a warning don't play with me
I groaned in frustration and tossed my phone to the side. It was all so... Exhausting. My chest quite literally hurt. And the audacity, please don't do this to him?
He did this to us.
And why the fuck did he think he owned me? I hated that it made my heart flutter— bottle girls, titties, Vegas. I reminded myself.
I had confessed everything to my mom the first day I had came back to my parents house, which in hindsight I wished I hadn't. Knowing me... I would be back in Azriels bed within days of being back, my cheeks burned at the thought. No matter what he did, it didn't change the way I now knew how he could make me feel.
She had always loved Az, since day one... He had practically been a part of our family at one point, joining our family dinners every night, even my dad and him had a certain respect for each other. 'Some people are just better off as friends,' was my mom's response to the whole ordeal. Maybe she was right, but I didn't like it, not now.
How could we go back to that?
Was it possible to go back to that?
The stress, the heaviness of my heart... I couldn't stop myself from swiping a cig from my dad's secret stash in the garage. I was now sat on the rocking chair on my parent's front porch, debating on what I was going to do when I returned home. I had to go soon, it had already been weeks now I was starting to dip into my old wardrobe.
I had been commuting to class even though it was much farther than Azriel's apartment. I just didn't know what to say when I saw him. I didn't even know how to bring up the fact that I knew he was moving. Did he plan on telling me? What had been his plan for my living situation if he didnt have the apartment anymore? Had he even thought about it?
"So you're smoking now?" his voice causes me to jump, my heart nearly leaping from my chest as my head snaps to Azriel who's standing there, one hand shoved in his pocket other hand gripping a small bouquet of flowers. Scarred fingers against delicate stems, my cheeks turned pink remembering what he had done to me with those fingers. That feeling soon turned to anger remembering what he else he had done, he's frozen now, maybe half way up the stone path leading to my parents front door.
"Jesus Az what the fuck?" I breathed out, exhaling a shaky breath, my tone laced with a venom I had never used with him before. "You scared the fuck out of me, what are you even doing here?"
"You know what I'm doing here," his voice is soft but slightly strained, my stomach twists at the pain I can feel, radiating off of him. I didnt know how he did that, he was always able to change the air around me— like I was so hyper aware of him that I could sense his feelings.
"I love you," he cuts me off, my breath hitches, his cheeks are slightly pink, hand still shoved into his pocket. I set the burning cigarette down on the can beside me, I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat.
So long.
I had waited to hear those words for so fucking long. And now, here, under these circumstances— it didnt feel how I imagined it would. It didnt feel how it was supposed to.
"I love you too Azriel you know I do but I-"
"But what? You dont want me because Im so fucked up right?" His voice drops slightly, his throat bobbing and I noticed his grip tighten on the bouquet in his hand. His face was soft— pained, and my heart cracked again, remembering that boy so many years ago bruised and bloody with that same heartbroken face of betrayal, and now I had done that to him. "Im sorry, Im so fucking sorry please—"
"I didn't say that," I mumbled, my heart felt like it was bleeding in my chest, like there would be nothing left once he walked away. He didn't dare to step closer. "I just- I need some time Az," I mumbled softly and he closed his eyes for a minute before tugging at his hair, huffing out a frustrated breath. He looked like he would get down on his knees for me, like he would beg me if I asked him to.
"I know what that means Bee," he huffs out another small breath, his face slowly contorting into that hard cold stare I knew him to hide behind. "Anyway," he breaths out, looking away from me. "I'm going to change your mind, we—" he struggles again before giving up, I could see his eyes were bloodshot as he got closer, dark circles prominently underlining them. "Here," he finally says, he shoves the bouquet in my hand, there was an envelope taped to the side of it with my name on it.
"I'm coming home soon Az," I mumble, though, I didn't even know if I was ready for the conversation the two of us would be having. "I told you we could talk then," I add and he sighs, stepping back off of the porch.
"I'll see you soon then," he muttered softly and just shrugged his shoulders, I could tell he wanted to run to me... He wanted to wrap me in his arms and kiss me. He wanted to strangle me also— I could see that too, that deep rooted need for control, to make me see things his way. I couldn't blame him— it stemmed from years of physical abuse, traumas I would never truly be able to understand.
"Go home Az. Goodnight, thank you, for the flowers," is the last thing I say before walking back inside shutting the door behind me, in his face. I didnt watch him walk away, that short conversation had been painful enough. I put the flowers in some water and tore open the mini envelope despite how angry I was with him.... Seeing him, made me crave him so much more.
'I could lose every single thing I have in this world but I can't lose you. I miss you. Please stop shutting me out. I can't take much more of this Bee.'
His handwriting was rushed— desperate messy scrawl, guilt twisted in my gut. I couldn't help it... I had nothing to feel guilty about and yet... Imagining him alone, needing me, missing me... Enough to buy flowers and scribble out a little note. More than I'd ever seen him do for any other woman.
I couldn't fall for it.
My chest tightened and tears welled up in my eyes. Why did he have to fuck everything up? It had been so perfect. Leave it to a fucking man to ruin everything.
Azriel swallowed the bile that rose in his throat as he stared blankly in front of him at all of the faces looking back at him. His palms were sweaty, ears hot with embarrassment and he couldn't stop tapping his foot. He had opted not to get up and stand at the front, feeling much more secure in his seat toward the back of the room.
"Hi, uh, my name is Azriel, I'm twenty five, and Im um— Im an alcoholic," it was the first time he'd ever said it out loud, it tasted horrible on his tongue. "I've um I've been addicted to drinking alcohol probably for about ten years- Got me into other- shit and I'm here today because I fell in love with my best friend and um- I don't want to lose her. Never tried to quit drinking before— never really believed I had a problem but— yeah, here I am," his voice had gotten quieter as he finished and he realized he was rambling. His cheeks burned, he hated all the eyes on him, hated that he was the center of attention. And he was craving a line, bad.
His introduction was followed by many 'Hi Azriels,' which only made him feel more uncomfortable. They tried to make him feel welcome, tried to relate to him— get him to open up. He thought he might explode but he listened though. He listened to each and every persons story that shared. And when it was over the leader gave him a small white chip, service, unity, recovery. A pledge to a new beginning, toward sobriety.
He sighed and shoved it into his pocket, he was sitting on the step now, to go coffee cup in his hand, black obviously. Isn't that what recovering alcoholics did? Drink black coffee and smoke cigarettes?
"Can I bum one?" a male voice asks and next thing he knows he's sitting down next to him, he was a bit older, maybe 40.
"Sure," he mutters and pulls a cigarette from the pack and extends it to him, he recognized him from inside the meeting.
"It's Max, if you didn't catch it in there."
"Azriel," he mumbles, looking straight ahead at the cars passing by. He didn't know how to feel. He didn't want to get sober. But he needed Bee. He couldn't lose her, after getting a taste? He couldn't handle not having her again. He swallowed the lump in his throat.
"You need a sponsor?" he asks, raising an eyebrow, Azriel shrugs, the new sobriety coin felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket. The anxiousness... The insatiable desire to rid himself of any of his uncomfortable feelings by doing a line and buying a bottle... How the hell was he supposed to stay sane?
"You going to be my sponsor?"
"First things first, don't wear a cocaine vile around your neck to an AA meeting."
I was quiet, careful when I slowly pushed open the door to Azriels apartment, my apartment too, I guess. Not for long.
It didn't feel like home anymore— the sickening feeling that twisted in my gut as I took a step inside. It was quiet, he wasn't home... Fucking filthy. There was pizza boxes and take out containers, ash everywhere, multiple ash trays made from various things, there were unfinished cigs and blunts everywhere that made it smell awfully of cigarettes and stale weed. Cocaine residue and half crushed pills were out on the coffee table like it was normal. I swallowed thickly, a soft breath leaving my lips I knew I shouldn't feel guilty, shouldn't feel bad that he obviously wasn't okay... But I did, I just left him. Never, never had I ever done that to Azriel. I was the one constant in his life, the one person who was always there. Ever since that day in front of my house all those years ago.
Titties, bottle girls, moving to Vegas. I reminded myself, my stomach turned again. So angry. Fucking idiot.
I entered the kitchen for a glass of water, needing something to calm that sick feeling. The bile that rose in my throat that felt like I was about to hurl everything I ate for the past three days. I thought better of it quickly, before I consumed anything from this rancid kitchen I would need to deep clean and disinfect.
Dirty dishes in the sink, the dishwasher hanging open half loaded still with clean dishes like he had just been taking them from there and hadn't bothered to put anything away, empty liquor bottles overflowing from the small recycling bin, more take out containers, a bong tipped over, the foul smelling water from it still dripping off of the counter, a small puddle of brownish water collected on the white tile.
What the fuck?
My room was the only room that didnt smell like bong water and cigarettes, but still, he had been in here. Maybe even slept in here. Papers covered the floor, not just papers but drawings. There were drawings of me everywhere. Just me, me naked, him and I together, kissing, fucking, our hands intertwined— there were even drawings of us when we were younger. A little messy, like he had been pressing down so hard— drawing with such emotion that he kept breaking his utensil of choice that day.
I let out a soft sob, my hand flying to cover my mouth.
Kat. I needed Kat.
I tried to swallow the growing lump in my throat again and pulled my phone out to check her location. Of course she was at the shop.
"Hey," the bells chime softly as I walk into the shop, there was no one in the waiting room besides Kat and she looked up from her phone, our eyes locking.
"Heyyy baby," she greets, flashing me a smile that soon turns into a frown, her eyebrows drawing together. "Are you good?"
"No," I loosed a shaky breath, advancing to the counter, I leaned against it like I had so many times, but my chest was fucking aching. It was so fucking infuriating that nothing felt the same, nowhere felt the same. I guessed this was what heart break really felt like, seeing the world in every color one day and then black and white the next. "Is he here?" I dropped my voice lower, playing with one of the knick knacks on the desk to distract myself.
"No, he left a while ago, didnt say where he was going," she's still frowning, the worried look still plastered on her face.
"The house Kat?" I paused, making a face. "It's fucking disgusting, I don't understand how hes living like that," my harsh words could have only been brought on by anger, she softens, her look turning more sympathetic which annoys me only, I ignore it.
"He hasn't been the best at work either— snapping on everyone, late every day and fucked up," she lets out a small sigh, "Rhys is fucking pissed," she pulls her lip between her teeth.
"Fuck Rhys, honestly," I mutter quietly, she raises an eyebrow in response but I only ignore it. Of course, none of this was his fault, but still Vegas. Why fucking Vegas? "It's my turn to get fucked up, anyway, that's why I'm here I bought a bottle to pregame, just needed my bitch and one of her miniskirts," my words are met with a grin.
"Babes you know I got you."
I hadn't been drunk in a while, so to say the least I was enjoying myself. The pounding of the music, talking to strangers, dancing with Kat. I had needed all of this.
To slip out of my mind for a few hours and just let go.
Kat was definitely enjoying herself now too, and was dancing with some tall sexy man she had just met. I was keeping to myself for the most part, on the edge of the dance floor, swaying my hips to the music as I surveyed the scene with a fuzzy mind.
My mouth popped open in slight surprise and when I felt curiosity instead of the desire to leave immediately, I knew I had drank too much. There was Eris, in all his jewelry and expensive clothes, looking poised and composed as always. Long pale ringed fingers wrapped around a glass of amber liquid. I hadn't seen him since the night we shared.
"You ghosted me princess."
"I had other things going on— and I didnt finish," I smile boredly, not meeting his gaze, it must have been the liquor making me so bold, he scoffs slightly his eyebrows raising in surprise.
"Let me buy you a drink then, to make up for it, must have been an off day for me," he inquires, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction that my body was basically broken with anyone except for Azriel, I would let him believe it was his fault. His ego could be taken down a peg, anyway.
"I have one already," I raise it up slightly, smirking as I swirl the liquid around in the cup.
"Not anymore," in a swift motion he takes the glass from my hand and dumps the drink in a near by plant, a fake plant. I squeaked, looking around to see if anyone else had witnessed it.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? It's fake and you just filled it with liquor and juice! Have you even heard of a fruit fly?" I demanded, swaying a bit on my feet, liquor buzzing through my veins. If anyone did that at my bar, I scoffed slightly at the thought staring him down judgmentally for his utter carelessness.
"It's fake, so the liquor won't kill it," he flashed me his insufferable sexy grin before adding "there's wins and losses to every decision we make," his eyes flashed and I stopped for a moment, weighing those words.
No, I can't get caught up in this. I had to figure out what was going on with Azriel and I. "And now you don't have a drink and I get to buy you one, so I win, Im not really concerned nor do I care about any of the losses. Besides, I only ever come here looking for you, so I don't care if they get fruit flies." That cocky smirk he wore, the way he carried himself... He did look good. That piercing gaze, the confidence that radiated off of him along with his expensive dizzying cologne.
I remembered what Az had said about him 'theres a lot of people that would kill him in this city' hearing his words echo in my head, knowing how much he hated that I'd been with Eris... I swallowed, my cheeks turning pink.
Az didnt care when he was fucked up, when he was smushing his face between those two bottle girls titties he didnt think about me at home— waiting for him.
So I wouldn't care now.
I didnt think about him, I didnt think about what it would do to him when I wrapped my fingers up into Eris expensive shirt and yanked his tall frame down to me.
"Wins and losses you say?" I whisper before pressing a kiss to his lips.
a/n: cliffhangerrr only time and comments will tell if yalll are mad about this drama HAHA sorry I had to drag the groveling out into multiple parts Az WILL be on his KNEES in the near future
taglist <3: @smalljasper289 @cynthiesjmxazrielslover @scorpioriesling @userxs-blog @lilah-asteria @abadfantasybook @judeduartewannbe @lindsayscottagebythesea @velarisdusk @serxndipity-ipity-blog @julesvanslutta @honk4emoboyz @bookishbishhh @dakotali @blessthepizzaman @scooobies
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q1ngqve · 8 months
hi!! same anon here you dont have to take this as a request bc i just wanted to get this out of my chest yandere or at least obssesive averatio where both overstim the hell out of reader (lowkey mindbreak if you're comfy about that??) after reader rejects their advances NOT OUT OF HATE or anything but bc their insecurities got the best of them and either thought the two were just messing w them or they have abandonment issues (i do not have the second one whatever do you mean i am not projecting do not percieve me) no offense to these two but they look like the ppl to mess w your heart n leave you to rot
mb some predator/prey (they both hunt you down after you avoid them both and as ratio wisely said "what do you do with a cornered prey? hunt it to death" AUGHAHSGA) aphrodisiacs, drugging, etc. anyways after that you best bet you'll be too dumb to ever think of something as stupid as that, and sure, yes ratio hates idiots but well..... you will be the only exception given how cute you look all fucked out and broken on their bed with their cocks deep inside you <3
SKLDJALSDJAL HELP i feel awfully embarrassed w writing this lmao scuse me while i bleach my head.
i am very sorry this took so long </3 i wrote this as a fic at first but i lost motivation so now it’s just in the form of brain rot :(
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oh no :( poor reader with insecurities from your past relationships thinking every man out there is a liar, especially the two that gave their hearts to you :( running away from them is a smart move because we don’t trust men in this household!
but you forget how annoying they can be when it comes to getting what they want, and they want you (´▽`) so don’t be surprised when you find yourself feeling scared out of your mind walking home alone and feeling like you’re being watched! or when you find certain luxury items randomly appearing in your room! or the slightest hint of their cologne when you wake up every morning! because you asked for this by running away 😵‍💫
this was supposed to be holiday for you — coming to penacony, but the headache and blurry room before you has you panicking! you best know that no one is coming to save you when you’re running through the reverie hotel like a lost bunny when you receive a letter saying they’ll have you tonight! and if you think you had any chance of escape, you’re so wrong 😖
oh, and don’t let them know that you’re afraid, it only spurs them on! hunting you down through the corridors of the hotel is so adrenaline inducing for them <3 running shouldn’t be so hard though, so why do you feel as if your legs are going to give out any second? oh right, the drink! they probably drugged it, seems like something they would do
an exasperated gasp leaves you when you finally let your body fall, eyes closing, preparing for impact. and the next thing you know you wake up, hands tied above you to the headboard, your body completely bare. you’d struggle with all your might, soft whines sounding at the back of your throat when you spot the two of them hiding in the shadows, staring down at you with those bright, lust-filled eyes
oh, you’re so dead
your body feels like it’s on fire, desperately needing release, needing someone to touch you, anyone. your voice betrays you as whimpers leave you when they stalk towards you, their burning gaze not helping with the burning sensation.
you really did think you could escape! so why’re you here, tied and unable to move? tears fall as you lock eyes with veritas ratio, your fight or flight kicking in when he reaches out to caress your cheek, wiping the tears away. laughter sounds from aventurine on the other side of the bed, you’re just so naive! all he wants to do is to love and break you until you’re a sobbing mess beneath him 😵‍💫 so don’t blame him when he kisses you, he just can’t help it anymore, not when you’re already shaking when all they did was drug your drink and reveal themselves to you after months of stalking :(
the aphrodisiac is making you incredibly sensitive to their touch, which is perfect for them because that would mean hearing your sweet cries of pleasure! you best prepare yourself though, because they’re not stopping until you’re about to pass out 🧎🏻‍♀️ they haven’t had you for months, nobody is going to stop them from worshipping you, not even yourself.
you’ll be so overstimulated by the end of the night that even just innocent touches can have you whining and trembling like a leaf (^^)
“you really think you can run from us?” — veritas ratio
“who you knew you were so filthy, hmm? you wanted us to hunt you down, didn’t you? dirty, dirty girl.” — veritas ratio
“missed you so much, pretty girl.” — aventurine
“stop? now why would we do that? you’re clearly enjoying this. look at you, making such a mess on my cock.” — aventurine
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ribbonprincess · 5 months
confiscating rafe's drugs, but it's a little bit more comedic
i think he'd start tweaking idk man
(may you write it though, i dont know how to make good prompts so im really trying here)
warnings: drugs (ofc),slight choking,just Rafe being a lil scary.
🍭࿐ ࿔*:・゚
Rafe is pacing in his room when you enter,you can see his shirt clinging to his back due to his sweat as he looks frantic "rafey? what's wrong?" your boyfriend turns around immediately, looking at you with a hard glare that makes you freeze in your spot "I can't find my coke- have you taken it? I know you did,where is it?" he asks,pointing a finger at you as he comes closer with long strides.
"what- I don't know what you are talking about... why would I have your drugs anyway?" "cause you've been complaining about how I've been doing them too often,so I know you have them. Give them to me, right now." You furrow your eyebrows before shaking your head at him "no,I won't. I don't like when you take it, you've been doing it too much and you become all angry and...weird-"
Your words are cut off due to a pair of rough hands clasping your throat "you will go and take what's mine and give it back,Is that clear?" you let a small whimper escape,gripping on his wrists as tears start to gather on your lashline "don't want to... I've,I've thrown them down the toilet" you lie,knowing them well they're hiding in your room in one of your drawers under a bunch of clothes.
A small scoff escapes Rafe's mouth making you even more scared as his grip tightens on you before releasing you completely to walk over the window,showcasing a view of the whole tannyhill. "Are they at your house,in your room? hm,tell me- baby please...I need them,you know I do,they make me calm" his hands all over the place,before he harshly dug the heel of his palm in his eyes "hey- no,no...okay I'll give them back,I'm sorry." You're quick to be at his side,pulling his hands away from his face as you wipe at his eyes. "I'll give them to you,I didn't flush them down the toilet- I lied. But you gotta promise me to take a little less at least,for me?"
He looks at you through a blurry gaze before nodding "okay...yeah,okay I'll cut down some dosage. Didn't mean to lose control,I'm sorry" he says,rubbing his thumb over the red spots on your neck sure they'll bruise overnight. It's rare for Rafe to apologize especially multiple times so you just nod and bring him into a hug "it's okay,let's lay down and then we'll go to my house later,okay?" He nods at your words,pressing his forehead against your collarbone "okay...I love you doll"
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Hi first off just wanted to say I absolutely love your work! But please remember to take care of yourself and have plenty of water and Food and please remember to take breaks 🫶
Anyways I was wondering if I could req a fic where Jason finds out his s/o is an Ex-Criminal who's trying really hard not to fall back into old habits but is struggling because these guys keep harrasing them to become a criminal again
Mm just gonna take this :D -🎧
Better off Before You
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Jason Todd x Reader
Tags: boyfriend!jason todd, ex-criminal!reader, established relationship, kinda controlling!jason todd idk, angst but it gets resolved at the end
Warnings: romance and everything that comes with it, violence, crime, drugs, weapons like knives and guns, arson, sexual assault 🤨
Notes: I gagged writing this 😩 sorry to all the Jefferey’s out there I just think Jeff is a creepy name. Kinda put a spin on the req hope that’s okay ☺️
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34 stitches, 18 hours, and 1 bullet.
That’s what you’d scarified to get the life you had now. You’d done your time, and spent the hours necessary to detach yourself from your previous life and associates.
You had a lot to be grateful for and you knew that. It wasn’t like you were waking up everyday selfishly forgetting where you came from. That seemed impossible with the way the bullet was still lodged under the skin of your hip. But you were happy. You had a good life now and you were happy.
When you met Jay, you used to go by a different name, and when you thought about it, you were really a different person. But he pushed you. He wasn’t like those other self righteous hero’s you so often found yourself running from. He told it like it was, and he didn’t care if he hurt your feelings when he spoke. And back then, that’s something you needed desperately.
“You look like shit.”
Rolling your eyes, you wiped your lips, spitting the blood that had pooled in your mouth onto the gum covered pavement.
“You’re not exactly looking your best either, Red.” You drawled, eying the tall form of Jason Todd as he stalked down the alley towards you. “Yeah, well, it’s been one of those days.” He shrugged.
“Cortez?” Jason threw out there as he tucked his pistols away and got ready for a fist fight.
“No, Romero this time. You know what the buyers are like.”
Rain fell around you as you struck Jason in the stomach, his body expertly maneuvering to the side so he could grab your leg when you tried to throw a kick at him. Soon you were on your back, hitting at the inside of his elbow to push him off you. A well timed bite to shoulder and kick in the nuts let you escape.
That was 2 years ago.
Some days you almost wished you’d lost that fight, it would have made getting out from under your bosses thumb a lot easier had you been thrown in jail. You ended up having to do it the hard way. First breaking things off with Cortez, he was a squealer, especially when you pulled a few fingernails to reinforce he wouldn’t come after you.
Romero was harder. The man had a good few hundred men and women working for him. He practically ran the entire drug scene on the east end of Gotham. You used to be one of his best. It was a slightly demeaning work, being the person whose sole job was to ensure rich, high society people got their pill fix for the week, but it payed well. The only way you managed to get out was by knocking off his men one by one till you got to the top.
To him.
But Jay helped you, and you did it, even if it did leaving you with a permanent reminder in the flesh of your hip. There was no immediate way for Romero build back his little empire, and you allowed yourself to relax over the years, even getting to the point where Jason and you would run missions for Bruce.
Which is why this had to be a one time thing.
“Eh, c’mon pretty. Let’s not keep the boss waiting.”
How you found yourself back on the radar of the man you were trying so hard to distance yourself from seemed to be a sick joke from the universe. All it took was one wrong decision and you’d slipped right back into your old life like you’d never left. It wasn’t that you wanted to, but at this point, you didn’t have a choice.
You were sloppy. Normally you made sure to never take any jobs related to the underground drug rings so as to avoid spotted. But you didn’t do your research, and one bust got you noticed by one of Romero’s men who got away. That was all it took for him to go ratting back to his boss, who now held a massive grudge against you for how long it took him to regain power.
You fought hard when they found you again. The skin of your attackers still sat underneath your fingernails.
But you weren’t a super, you didn’t have powers or years of extreme training like Jay. You were just a girl who grew up on the wrong side of town, and chloroform wasn’t exactly easily avoided.
Scanning your surroundings, you tried to memorize the route of winding hallways you were being dragged through. The smell of gasoline and booze hung in the air, making your nose scrunch in disgust. Being pushed through a set of heavy metal doors, you found yourself face to face with the beady eyes of Jefferey Romero.
“You know, I’ve thought a lot about what I would say,” he began, standing up from the crusty folding chair he was sitting in. “When I saw you again.” Two men came and held your arms behind your back, their grip tight despite your struggling. “But all I can think about is how pathetic you look.”
One grubby hand reached up to clutch your chin, his fingers digging into your skin while he surveyed your face. The other reached down and squeezed at your ass.
“Fuck you.” You spat.
Driving your knee up, you kicked him as hard as you could in the dick, relishing the whiny noise of pain he made as he fell to his knees. Deciding to use the opportunity, you spat on him, but by then more of his men came to hold you still.
“You’re just as feisty as I remember too.” He coughed and brushed himself off. Getting back up, with a slight limp he came to stand in front of you. “You cost me a lot of money, you know.” Romero licked his lips. “It took me years to get it back.” He thread his fingers through your hair, yanking your head harshly to the side. “That’s why you’re gonna do me a little favour, bitch.”
You scoffed, wanting nothing more than to wrap your hands around his neck and choke him to death. “I’m not doing jack shit for you.” Romero let out a sneering laugh.
“Oh, but you will. Because I have this.”
As he held out his hand, your eyes darted down to the little enamel pin resting in his palm.
Your tongue was heavy in your mouth.
“What do you need?”
Jason wasn’t a great boyfriend when it came to his protectiveness. Knowing the life you’d came from, and how you two literally met when you were running from the cops, he was constantly worried about keeping you safe. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you, he just wanted you to have the life you deserved.
Because he knew you deserved so much.
Fiddling with the string of his hoodie, he tried to stay focused on whatever random ass tv show was on. Pressing the material to his nose, he took a deep breath. Your perfume filled his lungs and he felt dizzy and relieved at the same time. It had only been a few hours since you left to go get some groceries, but the time away was killing him.
Clingy was a word he liked to pretend didn’t exist, but with the way you’d been acting for the last few weeks, he was getting more and more reluctant to let you out of his sight. Bruises that you’d brush off as you being clumsy, scrapes lining your knees, even the way your eyes were seemingly darting around to look for a threat that wasn’t there. All of it was beginning to leave a sour taste in Jason’s mouth.
Normally, he would never do anything to invade your privacy, but the nagging feeling in the back of his head wouldn’t let him drop it. Rustling through drawer after drawer, Jason searched from the objects that would confirm his suspicions. Cursing under his breath, he mumbled a few prayers that this wasn’t what he thought it was as he moved to your half of the closet.
Pushing the clothes to the side, his eyes got stuck on the red dress he’d bought you, and he had to clench his fists from punching the wall when he saw what was lying in the shoebox behind it.
Your knives.
The same knives he’d taken from you when you first started to change the way you were living. The same knives he’d hidden from you to help you transition. The same knives that were sitting there, clearly having been recently polish, laughing at him as they glinted in the light. The sound of the front door ripped him from his stupor.
“Hey, Jay. I got those chips you like-” Your words died on your tongue as you came face to face with a very angry Jason Todd, standing in the living room, holding a reminder of your past.
“What the fuck is this, huh?” He ground out, holding knives out with a shaking hand. “I promise, it’s not what it looks like.” You began quickly. Letting out a huff of tightly contained anger, Jason stormed up to you, grabbing you by the wrists and sending your shopping bags to the floor.
“Not what it looks like?” He scoffed. “No, I-”
“Because to me, it sure fucking looks like you’re working again.”
Your breath caught in your throat, and you stared up into the now swirling blue-green eyes of the one man who never left. “You don’t understand.” You tried to plead. Throwing the knives to the floor, Jason backed you up against the front door, his hands caging you against the wood. “I don’t understand?” He hissed. “I risked my ass when I asked Bruce to cover your bail.”
The pressure of your rapidly beating heart was barely being held in by your ribcage. “Jay, you can’t understand.”
Jason swore he felt a tooth crack with how hard he was clenching his jaw. There hadn’t been a lot of instances where he’d felt truly hurt in his life, not before you. He always kept himself too closed off for that. But now? Now the small sliver of worth you had given him felt like it was being doused in salt and vodka.
“Then make me understand, baby.” Jay pleaded. “I can’t let you do this to yourself.” He hated the way his voice cracked.
All at once you were overcome with the urge to tell him everything, to fall into his arms and cry to him about how Romero had found where your sister went to university, and how you might not have talked to her in years but you still couldn’t let her die.
But your mouth didn’t open.
And Jason could only drop his hands to his sides and take a step back from you.
“Where the fuck having you been goin’ for the last 3 weeks?” He said disbelieving. “I don’t even know who you are anymore!” Wiping the tear you didn’t realize was forming, took a deep breath and steeled yourself.
“I’ll tell you when it’s over.”
All his years of experience, the instincts and reaction times he’d had trained into him, seemed to vanish as he watched you turn on your heel and leave. Standing frozen for a moment, Jason stared at the handle of the door, as if his gaze would somehow cause it to turn and you to come back.
“Fuck.” He snarled, whipping around to leave a fist sized hole in the wall.
One more job.
One more job and then this would all be over.
That’s what you kept telling yourself. The words got repeated over and over again in your mind as you stepped out into the streets of Gotham and began walking towards where you were stashing your things. The words echoed into the foggy air as you mumbled to yourself, changing into your district clothes and heading to the target Romero sent you.
They acted as a sort of prayer to who ever was listening. A plea, for all of this mess to somehow how straighten itself out, and for you to be forgiven as you hurled the bottle of alcohol and flames at the cargo truck you’d been ordered to destroy.
The fire danced across the surface of the truck until the whole thing burst into a ball of heat. You don’t know what was in it or why Romero wanted it gone, and you didn’t ask. You didn’t want to know. All you felt like doing was crumbling into the pavement and disappearing into one of the cities many potholes so you never had to show your face again.
It was nearly impossible for Jason to keep from destroying the apartment. Every item of furniture you’d picked out together sat like a reminder. He’d been the one to get you off the streets. He’d been the one to show you that there were people who cared about more than their next hit or how to get money. He’d been the one to help you get free.
And now he had failed you.
Jason sat on the couch, slumped forward with his head in his hands. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Really, everything was wrong, but something about the way you left felt odd. There was this look in your eye, the same one he saw the first time you’d met when he cornered you after the police slacked off at their jobs. A look of fear.
Not towards him. He could still remember it plain as day. It was more a look of dread, like you were worried about the consequences of getting caught and not the scary guy in the red mask who caught you. Like you were dreading someone finding out. Just thinking about it made his stomach churn. Although he was absolutely livid, he couldn’t stand seeing you in fear because he loved you.
He loved you.
“What the fuck am I doin’ just sitting here?”
When you got back to the seedy building near the docks, you were let in instantly by two of Romero’s men. The winding hallways of his new building had reluctantly become a familiar sight after spending the last 3 weeks running errands for him. But now your debt was paid, and you could get to tell Jay everything.
The same set of heavy metal doors that seemed to unlock a world you tried so desperately to forget opened once more, and you were once again standing in front of the man who used you. Putting out his cigarette, Jeffery Romero sauntered his way over to you.
“It’s done. The truck’s gone.” You spoke first. “I did my half of the bargain, so don’t you dare touch my sister.” With a thoughtful look that was clearly exaggerated, he looked you over, walking a circle around you. “I’ll admit, you weren’t as useless as I remembered.” The beady-eyed man snickered. Your hands were clenching, fingernails digging into your palms. “I might even take you back to work for me.”
“I’d never fucking work for you.”
His eyes narrowed, a dark smile curling across his lips. “That’s a shame,” He said nonchalantly. “Because you know too much now to be kept alive.”
As if waiting for their cue, the men who’d been leaning against the walls or playing poker and pretending not to listen pounced on you. Hands were tugging you in every which way, some tearing at your clothes as they shoved you to your knees. With a surge of adrenaline, you went down kicking and screaming, biting and pushing back against anyone who touched you. All the while Romero sat and watched, lighting another cigarette.
Glass shattered as the windows got kicked in. People were screaming. A gun went off. Again. And then again. And slowly, working through the shock, your mind caught up to process the image of Jason blowing the heads off of everyone around you, their brains splattering onto the walls and floor.
Letting out a practically feral noise, you lunged at Romero, shoving him to the ground and pounding your fists down into his face over and over again. Your vision was blurry, partly from your tears and partly from the blood that was spraying onto your face every time you brought your hand down. But you couldn’t stop. You busted his lip for your sister. You shattered his nose for the peace you’d fought for.
And you broke his jaw just for you.
Two strong arms were tugging you off the now lifeless body, and your face was pressed into a broad chest. Taking the first breath you’d been able to in 3 weeks, you got a lungful of Jason and you sobbed like a little baby. The hiss of his mask coming off barely registered in your mind.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, hey you’re- fuck, princess it’s okay.” He cooed and ran his gloved fingers through your hair. “It’s over. It’s over.”
“I should have-” You tried to speak but all that came out was a strangled gasping noise. Jason was wiping the blood off your face, pressing kisses to your forehead, your cheeks, your nose. “I should have told you.” You blubbered, clutching at the leather of his jacket. He didn’t even know what you were talking about, or how you got dragged into all this mess, but right now, he didn’t care. “M’not going anywhere, sweetheart. You’re stuck with me.”
“I’m always gonna stay.”
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qveerthe0ry · 9 months
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Summary: Dieter gets waxed for a role and gets a little too excited. Word Count: 966 Pairing: Dieter Bravo x GN! Reader Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings: 18+ mdni, dubious consent, body hair waxing, pain kink, humiliation kink (kinda), subby!Dieter, ruined orgasm, coming untouched, hands-free orgasm, reader does not engage in sex acts, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drug use, accidental exhibitionism, accidental voyeurism Note: I'm hoping this will be part of a long series of one-shots where I write Dieter as a pathetic little subby, desperate, whimpering mess. As of right now I don't have any big plans for what to write next, but I'm always down for suggestions ;) - Also, I had a hard time with the warnings on this one, don't hesitate to let me know if I missed something that needs tagged.
Dieter Bravo does not feel shame.
His entire schtick is doing whatever the fuck he wants, unapologetically. He hasn’t batted an eye at a tabloid headline in decades. 
But now… Now he feels like a fool. He’s gone and landed himself a really stupid part in a low-budget film about a bunch of old guys on an Olympic diving team. 
Which, first of all, ouch. He knows he has some years under his belt, but he wasn’t ready to be typecast into old guy roles this early on. 
But second of all, ouch again, because he’s gotta get a full body wax for this dud of a movie that’s inevitably going to sink anyway. 
And not ouch in a bad way, per se. But ouch as in he’s kind of really into the sting, and he’s ass naked on this cold table covered in paper, hard as a rock. 
Which was fine when he was turned onto his stomach. He was able to squish his cock in a not-so-pleasant way to stave off the desperation. 
But now you’re telling him to flip over, and he doesn’t want to move. Any other time he’d be dying to get his cock out and swing it around. But you’re just trying to do your job, and here he is, leaking onto your poor little waxing table, soiling it.
With a heaved sigh, he rolls onto his back, clambering all awkward on the small space. You’re turned away from him, preparing the next glob of hot wax, and his cock throbs. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, quiet and shameful, and you barely hear him.
“What’s that?”
Dieter can’t say it again. He just grumbles and covers his eyes with his arm as you fiddle with your waxing supplies and glance at him.
“Oh. It’s fine, happens all the time. I’ve seen worse.” 
That at least gets him to huff out a laugh. You sound unbothered, and it eases him a bit. 
“I’d hate to see worse,” he tries to joke.
You just hum in response. 
You start on his chest, though there’s not much to wax there. His armpits are ticklish, which makes him even harder. His cock bobs in the air, angry and red and neglected. He’s afraid to move, he’s afraid to breathe, he’s such a hair trigger. 
He starts thinking about all the directors he hates. He goes down the line, from his earliest project he can remember, and he’s about halfway through when you finally finish his shins and knees but it doesn’t help.
Your hand taps the inside of his thigh, prompting him to spread and bend, and the movement sends his cock lolling onto his stomach. It makes him jolt and suck in a deep breath. He can tell you’re trying to ignore it. He wishes he could. 
And fuck, he hasn’t gotten off in like, a week and a half, caught up between traveling and getting whiskey dick at that party and leaving his Cialis at his friends with benefits’ apartment. 
He jolts every time you wax the sensitive skin on the inside of his thighs. And every time he jolts, his cockhead rubs against his now smooth stomach. His dick is drooling. 
When you get to the well groomed, thank you very much hair at the base of his dick, you have to wipe away the obscene amount of pre-cum that’s pooled there. 
“Sorry,” he breathes again. 
“It’s okay,” you tell him, swiping the taut skin. 
It tugs on his dick. He whimpers. 
His knuckles are white now, gripping the edge of the table so hard he’s sure there will be permanent nail marks on the pleather. He’s biting his bottom lip, a metallic taste blooms inside his mouth. 
He’s lightheaded, between holding his breath and the fact that all his blood is in his dick, and his vision starts to tunnel a bit. Those tell-tale, fuzzy stars begin dancing around in the edges of his vision but promptly disappear when you grab his dick. 
The sound he makes is pitiful, a pathetic plea to his own body to stop betraying him. 
He chances a look down to see what you’re doing. One of your gloved hands holds his dick with just your thumb and forefinger, as professional as can be, while you spread wax across the wiry hairs just above it. 
He’s on the edge, his cock is jerking and pulsing between your two fingers, and if he can just make it past these next few minutes he can spill into his own hand as soon as you leave the room to let him dress. 
If only. 
You rip the wax from his skin, and it tugs on his cock and it hurts and it feels so fucking good. The pleasure shoots down his spine and he cries out a pathetic little whine. He’s barely able to push your hand away in time, breathing out an apology just as his prick jumps and releases a long, thick rope of cum. 
“I’m so sorry, fuck, s-sorry,” he pants. 
Tears prickle behind his eyeballs as he just keeps coming. There’s so much it’s almost comical, spraying the tender, reddened skin of his chest and belly.  You’re just staring too, completely emotionless, waiting for it to end so you can complete your job. 
Dieter whimpers again, biting his fist as he watches the last of his release dribble down his traitorous cock, then squeezes his eyes shut. A tear slips free, and he lets out a shuddering breath. This is the worst orgasm of his entire life, and that includes all the times he couldn’t help but rub one out with a UTI. 
You clear your throat, and you’re handing him a box of tissues. 
“I’ll let you clean yourself, then I’ll finish up.” 
He hears your impatient sigh as you leave the room.  Apparently Dieter Bravo can feel shame.
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 6 months
Excessive Force : Tom Ludlow x Fem Nurse Reader (COLLAB W/ THE INCREDIBLE @johnwickb1tsch) - Chapter One
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Summary : After you treat him in the ER, Officer Tom Ludlow asks you out. You turn him down, thinking you know his type, but he’s not willing to take no for an answer. In fact, you find out he’s more than willing to abuse his authority in his pursuit of you. Maybe Ludlow seems like an asshole, but when you are drawn into a dangerous conspiracy that could go all the way to the top of the LAPD, he might be the only thing that stands between you and a shallow grave.
TW : Abuse of authority, alpha male, sexual harassment, the word “no” is not in this man’s vocabulary
The ER is overflowing tonight. There was a huge drug bust down on South Hampton Avenue that ended in a fire and gunfight: turned out to be a big enough debacle that they had to call a code black throughout the hospital, which basically means, at least for you, no breaks or time between patients. In times like this, charting even takes a back burner thanks to a hospital policy where everything you learned in nursing school flies out the window and you don’t have to document what you’re doing. 
It’s a good thing, because you don’t have time to log onto a computer let alone write something down with pen and paper. Burn victims, gunshots, every bed full, people boarding in the waiting room and hallways with broken limbs and makeshift pressure dressings on bullet holes and stab wounds.
The once chemical, pristine floor and walls now look like something from a SAW movie, and you’re not much better off. Bloody, dirt caked scrubs, exhausted, sweat stains. You’ve probably done more chest compressing tonight than you have in your entire career leading up. And you’ve seen more people die tonight… well, more than you’d like.
You wipe some tears off your cheeks, pretending it’s sweat, before walking into the lobby to catch the stragglers. “Thomas?”
“Call me Tom.” He’s a cop, still in uniform, sitting on the floor with a big puff of gauze pressed into his shoulder. You kneel down beside him. 
“I’m y/n, can I take a look?”
“Sure.” He winces, pulls the bloody dressing away to reveal a big, messy gash slicing into his left shoulder. It will need stitches, that’s for sure, but other than that it looks like a fairly clean cut. 
“Knife?” You ask him, pulling back on his shirt. 
“Some fucking idiot crackhead with a sword, actually,” he grits. 
You laugh a little bit. “I’m having a hard time believing that.”
“So am I.” He tries to grin at you, but it comes out more like a snarl because of the way you’re poking and prodding at him. 
Maybe it's just because you're exhausted, you've had a terrible night, and you hurt all over, but you can't help but notice how handsome this man is, even after his own ordeals on the mean streets of the City of Angels. He watches you with sharp dark eyes that miss nothing. You almost feel sorry for the criminals who find themselves on the receiving end of that stare. As it is, you almost feel a little unnerved yourself, until you notice a sparkle of humor for you in those dark orbs. However, you still get the feeling like he's studying you while you are tending his wound.
“I gotta stitch this,” you tell him, a little shy under his gaze, now. 
“Are you good at that?” 
You’re kind of in your own little world when he asks that, looking at his arms. Solid and big. Nice veins. It takes you a minute to register that he even said something. Yeah, you chastise yourself, why don’t you just start fucking drooling while you’re at it? 
“Good at what?” 
His grin tips higher. “Stitches…” 
“No, but I'm going to stab you repeatedly with a needle anyway…”
He chuffs with laughter. “You just seem a little distracted.” The way he smirks at you, you just know you're caught out. Get it together, you scold yourself. Maybe act like a professional instead of oogling the nice police officer.
“Sorry. It's just been a really long night. I promise, you're in good hands.”
“Looking forward to it,” he answers, with a beam of direct eye contact that nearly brings you to your knees. 
This is where you catch your lucky break, because this is where you start to get annoyed. Mostly, at yourself, but partly at him too. He clearly knows how attractive he is. He's just that kind of asshole. And it's been fucking forever since you've gotten laid, because the world is just so full of assholes… It's not fair, the way he uses this advantage to tease you, when you feel like an extra in a Rob Zombie film. You do your best to appear unaffected as you walk away to retrieve supplies. You also pretend not to notice him staring at your ass, which, okay, you have to admit, it’s a little bit of a confidence boost. 
It’s almost stupid to put towels under his arm as you spray him off with sterile water - this floor could actually use it. You get the edges pink and shiny, uncake the blood and the viscera. Grateful for the distraction - distraction from the big, brown eyed cop who won’t stop looking at you. 
He has that type of stare that has weight to it. You feel it, on your skin– and you hate to admit it– in the aching throb between your legs, which is the last thing you need to be distracted by right now. Ah, the stupid lady parts, always making their vote known at the worst possible time. 
Even though you let the anesthetic sit for a while, modern medicine can’t account for all the pain. He’s wincing and grunting while you tug his open flesh back together, and those gruff sounds are not helping this whole being attracted to him situation. You feel like your skin is on fire from his overwhelming stare, from the noises coming out of that long throat. Christ, he’s not even touching you…
“You alright there sweetheart? I'm the one under the needle.”
You look at him, some of that anger escaping in your tone. “Please don’t call me sweetheart.” 
“Sorry. Been a long night for me too.” He lifts one of those sculpted dark brows at you, and you feel it as your heart tries most earnestly to tap dance right out of your fucking chest. 
You sigh, narrowing your eyes so that he knows he's not in the clear. Unfortunately, he just seems to find that adorable, those dark eyes sparkling like black diamonds. 
“Just…let me finish you off so you can get out of here.”
“Didn't know you performed that service here,” he quips with a smirk, and you're almost relieved he drives this final nail into his coffin, even if the suggestion makes a spear of desire shoot through you. 
“I'm starting to side with the crackhead now.”
“Ooo, ouch,” he snarks, unaffected. “Take your time, this is the most fun I've had in a while.”
You decide not to answer, concentrating on your work. This man has a quick comeback for everything, you have a feeling. Worse, you kind of doubt a girl like you has a chance in hell of outmaneuvering him.
As you're bandaging him up, he senses your time together is coming to a close. His demeanor changes a little– if you didn't know any better,  you'd think he was sad about it. “Thanks for stitching me up,” he says, surprisingly humble. He rolls those big dark eyes up to yours, and you feel your resolve to be a stone cold professional crumble–a little.
“You're welcome.” It's possible your touch on his shoulder lingers just slightly longer than it should. 
“Hey…” He clearly feels bold enough to catch your hand in his. And holy shit, that hand. Your little mitt disappears in his, wrapped up in long, blunt fingers. The things you bet that hand could do to you…
It's definitely not a helpful thought.
“Any chance I could give you a call sometime?”
Your initial, knee-jerk reaction to this question, from this fine-ass man, is Yes, please and thank you. You're sure he sees it in your eyes, the way you're practically ready to sit up and bark for him.
But then, past experiences raise their hands to the situation, and how grateful you are. 
You know this guy's type, you convince yourself. Handsome, and macho, and they think they're so cute they can say anything and you'll just keep eating out of the palm of their hand, grateful to be their girl. You've starred in this show before– and it always ends in tragedy, with your heart in shreds, and them shrugging you off before moving on. 
Not tonight. 
“Sorry, but…I think it's best we keep this professional.”
Why does it hurt to say it?
You expect him to sulk, maybe even get mean, the way so many manly men do when a woman bruises their fragile egos. However, it seems this man is different. He just smirks, and you realize with a skip of your heartbeat, that he is not deterred at all.
“If you say so, sweetheart.”
With your heart in your throat, you have a feeling this is not the last you see of detective Tom Ludlow.
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s3 episode 23 thoughts
the previous episode was SO good. but, it is true, i was distracted by the dog. it was SUCH!! a perfect episode. EXCEPT for that one thing. so i hope that today, i can face this episode with a clear head, free of judgement based on the fate of little dogs.
well, boy, i did face this episode with a clear mind, and wow. wowza. another AMAZING ep... and i will keep the angst from this episode in my heart forever and bottle it and take a nice long swig when i need my msr feels, which is basically always. wow. an exclamation point doesn't even feel APPROPRIATE, it just needs to hang in the air for a bit. (wiping tears away) wow....
let us go back to yesterday's notes, which shall commence below:
reading the episode description... so this one features murders linked to a device that alters television signals… huh. man, too many people i know don’t even have cable anymore. this simply would not work in the modern era. imagine if hulu or tubi or something made you kill people though lmao that would be silly to imagine.
we open with a guy digging a hole in the woods. always a promising start. seems he’s in an orchard of some sort? and the music is very very creepy. 
okay, so just as you suspect, this dude is burying a dead guy. sometimes your gut instinct is correct and tropes are not meant to be subverted. but the dude who is burying him says “your killing days are OVER” so is this actually a justice arc??? hmm. it is not clear. man, it would be hard to dig a hole like that.
shovel murder man is at home washing the blood off. but then someone else approaches him and he kills THAT GUY TOO WITH THE SHOVEL?? huh? what is going on. 
police at da guy’s house. everyone has the same face as the dude he just killed??? so they tase him. and then the faces go back to their REAL faces. now what is going on here!!!!!!!!!!
as the real faces return, the man realizes he killed someone named sarah!!! and he seems sooo upset by the fact that he killed sarah!!!! poor sarah :(
so does the tv make you see other people’s faces on the bodies of random people….? omg that’s insidious...
we now shift to a different scene, one where mulder is sitting in his car at 2 am. doing what???? waiting for some guy!!! he was waiting TWO HOURS for this guy!!! who is this guy...? it's giving blind date/drug deal.
the man who enters his car gives him a newspaper clipping about the murders we just saw. and mulder came here after getting AN ANONYMOUS EMAIL in the middle of the night??? this is crazy because literally so many people want him dead and this would have been a very easy way to accomplish that goal. wow. seriously, no self-preservation instincts on this guy.
mystery man says he has no obligation to explain what is going on, but if mulder walks away from it, more people will die. so no pressure!! xx
cutscene to a hospital, where mulder is watching our murderer through glass, while scully comes in saying that she is sorry she is late, but “the beltway was a parking lot”. beltway refers to interstate 495! thank you wikipedia i love your services!
murderer is named joseph. and he claims to have been killing the same guy over and over again, and that he wouldn’t die. which seems pretty awful.
OH! and the week before, in the same town, a babysitter attacked the kids she was watching because she thought they were WOLVES??? omg that is horrific??
they’re talking to the physician, dr. stroman, who says perhaps this was provoked by amphetamine abuse. then joseph starts SCREAMING. he sees a guy on the TV- miriskovic- sorry y’all idk my post-soviet history 💔 (update: i googled it, i don't even think that guy was real because all the results are links to wikis on this specific episode... reveals how little i truly know)
anyway, seeing that guy's face on the TV seems to have triggered the screaming situation. does he have trauma from the country he used to live in and seeing references to it makes these things happen…? that would be a wild episode. put me in the writer's room and let me cook.
scully quickly picks up on the fact that this case is Weird, and mulder admits it came from some random guy, which makes her suspicious. but they go to the crime scene, and, like always, he lifts the crime scene tape up over her head, and it’s very charming despite the lack of sensibility in going down this whole rabbit hole.
the minute they get in, they hear screaming and a gunshot! but it’s just some kids watching TV??? eating popcorn in a crime scene??? LMAO WHAT?
mulder kicks them out and scruffs one of the boy’s heads... ohhhh he needs to be a father so bad huh... like i have been saying this since s1 he just has a Need to tease and spoil children. well, we can unpack that another time. there's crime afoot.
so he watches the tv and it starts to go all static-y because a guy outside is fixing the wires. scully finds a TON of tapes and they’re just shelves and shelves of cable TV shows!!!
“there must be hundreds of videos here”, she says, to which he asks “anything good?” <- idk why this made me giggle. it sounded like he was gonna put one in and chill for a bit lmao
scully starts to wonder if seeing the cable news, like joseph had recorded, was what triggered his episode back at the hospital. ooooh! a theory!!! 
cut to mulder watching a tape in the bed of his motel, making an absolute pile of sunflower seeds- this dude is gonna attract mice or something someday omfg- and also he has a cola which is peak american culture. LMAOOOO he has a HUGE pile of tapes on the floor i’m crying... my type A self could NOT deal with him!
he says he watched 36 hours of bernard shaw and bobbi batista and is now also ready to kill someone as scully welcomes him into her room, which also has cola but is much more nicely organized! she found something weird on the tapes from late april, each a night when he committed a murder 
AND WHY DID MULDER GET ALL COZIED UP ON HER COUCH?????? hooooooly fuck i have never seen such a baby girl of a man
OMFG??? all the reports from the murder nights feature that miriskovic guy!!!
so did seeing violence make him violent? mulder says no, and that theory assumes that “americans are just empty vessels, ready to be filled with any idea or image that’s fed to them like a bunch of pavlov dogs, and go out and act on it” oh if only this man could see the news lately……… insert ben affleck smoking a cigarette image here to describe the things we see in our current age. mulder you would not believe.
he’s really bashing her theory, but she’s saying maybe he was high and seeing these things sent him on a spiral- makes sense to me
he is leaving to go get some sleep (after admitting he can’t explain what is going on!!! which always endears me) but scully says she is going to watch the rest of the tapes… a herculean task for our girl
middle of the night and it’s still tape time for scully, but she hears the phone ringing. she hears mulder having a conversation. and he says “no, she doesn’t” which is weird… that is suspicious… what doesn't she...
scully chews her ice which is so funny because me too sometimes. she has chewed all of her ice and must fetch more. and get a cola ofc!!! nothing more american than a cold soda iktr!
but she sees mulder in his car??? lighting up with cig man???? HUH??? and handing over a tape? omfg this is crazy. i assume she is hallucinating though, because no way….
cutscene to a lady named helene watching “the price is nice” (lmaooo) and washing some dishes. but the soap in the dishes starts to look funny- and everything is glitching around her!!! she sees a man outside in a hammock… kissing a woman!!! and oh, she is furious!! she gets her SHOTGUN?? this has escalated very fast. and we hear some shooting!!!
scully is still very visibly disturbed. mulder is reporting the murder, but she seems like a shell of herself. she checks the ash tray in the car, and there is no ash… she notices the car has been moved and he says he got a paper…. why do you ask…. “nothing. it’s nothing” OHHH THIS IS JUICY
so the crime scene has a very bloody hammock. and a dead man, who the wife claims he saw in the hammock with a blonde. but the only other creature at the scene was a dog!!!
OH!!! the hammock man wasn’t even helene's HUSBAND??? this really is LAYERED!! she killed the NEIGHBOR thinking it was her husband, who wasn’t even in town!!!!!! how do you mess this up so badly?
despite the fact that scully is clearly suspicious of mulder, she is sharing the umbrella with him in their usual fashion, and the sense of tension this produces is delicious 
they go to investigate the crime scene and mulder finds some sort of bike and immediately climbs upon it while proclaiming that television does NOT cause violence (LMAOOO HE IS SO WEIRD i need him.) 
they find a bunch more tapes and AGAIN the same guy is messing with the cables outside while they're investigating!!!! mulder is in chase mode!!!! but he cannot chase this dude in the van!!! no man, even a track star such as him, can outrun a van carrying secrets!
scully is trying to fast forward the TV and she looks out to see mulder climbing the pole…. average day for a man like him. he finds a weird cable scrambler in there. she wants to send it to the crime lab, but he says he’ll do the analysis, and she should go interview helene the murderer. OH... she is so suspicious, she just wants to go home…. scully :((( mulder is deeply confused as to why she is being so weird 
so he takes the thingy to the lone gunmen, who say it looks like it’s used for blocking premium cable channels, which i didn’t even know was a thing, you learn so much with this show. but it doesn’t block anything!!! HOWEVER, if you compare a tv with the machine and one without it, the one with the machine is slightly different. hmm...
“you know how television works?” “yeah, you click it on, you have a picture” <- the man who said that line went to oxford btw
it seems that this cable blocker thingy is adding some sort of frequency, but they can’t tell what… hmm.
mulder on the road. scully calls and only asks “where are you” in this very flat and creepy tone and OH i’m scared!!!!
he tries to explain that there is some sort of signal being introduced to the tv- he even says she might be right about the tv inducing violence theory! but she isn’t answering… she hears a clicking, like they're being listened to, and she says he never went to the detective…. let’s wait and talk on a landline, he says.
despite being in his car many miles away, he can tell that there is something very wrong with scully. he says don’t go anywhere, he’ll be right there, and redials after she hangs up. it's very much echoing when she said something similar to him in his crazed gargoyle quest.
but she is so scared, she rips the phone out of the wall and takes it apart!!!! and then the lamp too, and the table. she is checking everything for any sort of bugs!
holy hell, we have never seen her like this before... but i’m actually gagged because she is usually relatively stoic and seeing her paranoid is so different, but it also feels very natural??? she is acting her ass off here as she rips up everything in this motel room. big shoutout to GA, i love your work.
and the static that set in helene's vision earlier is setting in hers now!!! she hears a car pull up and drops to the floor…. she hears a man say “she’s in here” and a pounding on the door. 
OMFG someone tries to open the door and she FIRES 4 SHOTS RIGHT AWAY??? but it’s mulder!!!!
(author's note: i was thinking after i finished the episode, and we know that she is a good shot- remember how she hit just the right angle to knock mulder out but not kill him at the end of s2? so she is either SO out of it that she cannot even aim straight, or there is a tiny tiny tiny part of her that still thinks that mulder isn't worth killing. please mull over which option brings you greater angst)
he’s coming in with his gun and his hair is blowing in the wind and he can’t FIND HER!!!!! it was really very dramatic. hair blowing in the wind has this effect.
cutscene to scully’s mom’s house, and we see a picture of young scully on the table... AWW stop she’s so cuuuute and one of missy as well 😭😭😭
OH! it’s mulder on the phone calling mrs. scully in the middle of the night!!! NOOOO he has to tell her that he doesn’t know where she is :( NOOOO poor mrs. scully has gone through too much. he feels SO bad breaking this news, that he even apologizes for hanging up right away, something he never ever does. he must be in deeeep distress to do such a thing.
and why does he hang up?? because SKINNER IS HERE!!! he’s leading a manhunt for scully, and mulder is saying she shouldn’t be hunted like a convict… but skinner says dude SHE FIRED FOUR ROUNDS AT YOU AND SOME RANDOM GUY last night!!!!
despite this, mulder insists that he can get her to listen to him if they just keep her safe; she’s suffering from some sort of paranoid psychosis. skinner is being quite patient as he tries to explain that the video tapes made her do it. skinner says well... you better find her before these guys do.
GASP!!! he’s putting up the x on his window! and doing that thing where he bounces his basketball because he cannot relax!!! stop i'm emotional!!!!!
the lone gunmen call to say they found something on the tape…. and it induces electrical activity…. MIND CONTROL???
but why wasn’t he effected?
wait, is this just for plot purposes, or is DD actually colorblind and they decided to roll with it? because now i’m gonna be looking at all the red-ish things we see on screen (like his tie he is grabbing to emphasize his point) and wonder, can he see that? how does this impact his tie selection process....
okay that really threw me off guard. man, i was getting to think we'd never get another lore reveal, which is a shame because i quite like formatting those facts in that way. good to know we could get more at anytime!
he gets a phone call from maryland state police. the lone gunmen ask if she’s okay and he says no, he has to go and ID the body. WHAT!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! he is trying to keep composed. holy fuck………..
(heavy breathing as i grab your shoulder and squeeze) hey man. hey. he was trying so hard to be strong.
so he pulls up to the morgue and stops before he gets out of the car, and holds his head above the wheel STOP I’LL CRY???? i’ll cry… what are they putting him through??? losing her again……..
(i mean i have SEEN gifs of scully in seasons past this one, so i know she's gonna pull through, but HE doesn't know that, and must be reliving the worst days of his life AGAIN, and aughhhhh!)
but the mystery guy from the start of the episode that give him the info on the muders pulls up and says get in right now!!!!!! mulder is furious, he says he’s busy. in a shocking display of insensitivity, mystery man says he does not give a fuck. mulder is yelling that this is all his fault. mystery man says “they” are destroying the evidence, and they’ll finish it by tomorrow if he keeps searching for her, but he kicks the door shut and ignores him.
(omg…. he loves her enough to break him out of his bloodhound mode… the dogged ahab-like quest for answers and revenge… i’m getting flashbacks to his conversation with missy in one breath…….. realizing he needs to put the ones he loves before his need for revenge sometimes..... wow)
so he walks into the morgue, and the dude in there says they found a body nude and shot in the forehead.
he closes his eyes to try and brace himself before taking a peek, to prepare to see her lifeless, probably reliving those many hours by her bedside when she was in the hospital, trying to imagine her shot in the forehead, the scully he knows and loves with her dry humor and her teasing smile and caffeine dependency, the her that is so full of life, lifeless…
but it isn’t her. PHEW!
despite this being good news that he has to share- she's not dead! her mother isn’t answering her phone…. so he goes to her house. and i'm thinking, oh my gosh, did she do something rash in her grief?
but mrs. scully answers the door and claims dana isn’t here. he bursts in and says he needs to see her right now. omg, he saw right through her lies.
(also, it always feels weird to refer to her as dana, but moving on)
NO!!!! she has him at gunpoint and says he’s here to kill him!!! poor guy looks so flabbergasted… and her mom is trying to get her to please put down the gun, and he’s trying to explain what is going on!!! he is so singularly locked into her…. 
“he’s lied to me from the beginning. he’s never trusted me” “scully, you are the only one i trust” AUGHHHHH (rips my clothes off of my body in biblical levels of grief) 
“you’re one of the people who abducted me” AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (rips off not only my clothing but also my hair as i experience emotions that rival what job from the bible went through)
she’s CRYING, and saying he killed her sister while her mom gets between him and the gun… and she’s saying she knows she’s safe here, that’s why she came here, and to put the gun down. and she falls into her mother’s arms sobbing. 
WHAAAAAAAAT. and he had to watch all that… oh my scully oh my goodness my poor scully…
timeskip a little bit. he shows up to the hospital where scully is with her mother, and mockingly puts his hands up in surrender, because he is so STUPID and he always has to make a joke, and i love him so terribly, so so so terribly, because he loves HER.
she's laying in the bed, and he shuts off the tv and asks how she’s feeling. she says she is ASHAMED- as if being a victim of mind control was a personal failing. scully, i want to yell, you have NO REASON to be ashamed, let me take all the shame from you and carry it elsewhere. she says it was like the world was turned upside down.
and he makes ANOTHER stupid joke about the world being out to get him, and now she knows how he feels-
before leaning in and explaining how joseph, the first murderer on this case, became convinced he was killing the bosnian war criminal who people called “the modern hitler”, which was especially important to him because both of his parents survived the holocaust. hence his line about the killing days being over!!!
and helene was scared her husband would cheat on her. so somehow the TV signal turned their worst fears into a living nightmare. 
(this reminds me of that episode in s2- irresistible- when we learn her biggest fear is that humans are capable of terrible horrific things and grasping to trust despite that knowledge. we’re seeing that again right here. how uncertainty seeps in)
THEY CALL HIM THE CANCER MAN!!! wow very official canon recognition of the name (yeah it’s happened before but it happened again so that is cool) anyway she says she saw him giving cancer man the tapes and reporting.
he says that maybe cancer man was behind this, but then he whispers “why don’t you try and get some rest?” and there is something in me that melts so entirely as he leaves her to sleep.
(perhaps it is the fact that hurt/comfort and whump are my favorite tropes. because is there anything more intimate than letting someone see you at your most vulnerable, and them choosing to love you at it? is there any feeling more cutting than seeing your loved one suffer and knowing you’d stop the world for an instant of their relief? the terrible desperation of both parties, the wordless connection upon recovery, someone being the last thing you see before everything fades to black and then the first person you see when you return... yeah. it’s cathartic. but also it makes me want to yell and cry. pls give me all the hurt/comfort content)
so the doctor found high serotonin levels in her that maybe can be associated with mania, but now they’re back to normal. he asks if someone in her situation would be diagnosed with amphetamine abuse, and she says no. then he quickly calls the hospital where joseph is staying… what is he cooking in there…
he wants to talk to joseph's doctor, dr. stroman, who left behind only a number from the motel…. and he had JUST checked out…. so he’s going through his stuff. and asking about his calls. and he DOES find a cigarette in his room but a lot of people smoke so… try not to jump to conclusions juni… but the cigarettes mean one thing in this show!!! was this innocent-looking doctor behind such a cruel experiment?!
he calls and has the last number the doctor called get checked from the folks at the lab… so he goes to visit the place of residence and creepy music is playing. the dude from the cable company we saw before rolls up!!! he walks right inside the house, so mulder peeks inside. it seems the people in the house set up a trap of some sort, as they are talking about “him” showing up at 7.
he bursts in after hearing gunshots and both of the men in there are dead!!! shot in the head!!!!
who is there... but X???? X says he HAD to kill those men- he just hoped mulder would get them first. and oh, mulder is YELLING AT X!!! he is letting him HAVE IT!!! he says he is a coward, he was too scared to unveil the situation with the mind control TV murders himself….. he says X NEVER risks his own life, but he sure does make him risk mulder and scully’s.
OH! he is holding X at gunpoint. all X is saying is that he failed, and that mulder needs him. so he walks out, confident he won't pull the trigger. and he doesn't. 
WHAT! i need to kind of just let that sit for a second. i need to figure out this X fellow, but i get the sense i never will…. he failed… because he chose to try and save scully…….
cutscene to skinner’s office, where mulder is giving him a report. and scully walks in and says that dr. stroman DIED IN 1978!!! when skinner asks about the killer, mulder jumps in and says he remains unknown… oh, skinner is def gonna pick up on that….
so now we see X in a random back alley. getting into a car…. WITH CANCER MAN?????? X REPORTS TO CANCER MAN??? he asks if he has completed his work, and X reports that he has cleaned out all the personnel, everything is removed, but mulder still has a device. and mulder’s source has been eliminated. but the source’s source remains unknown. oh, he’s def lying through his teeth.
OOOOOOH this episode was SO good.
oh man, my brain is racing in a bunch of different directions. scully breaking down and sobbing into her mother’s arms…. scully convinced that mulder is a traitor, that he did those terrible things to her…. mulder so scared that she was gone, bouncing his basketball, getting a call from the police department that he had to go identify her… choosing her, even in what he thought was death, over following the Truth… the sick and twisted relationship he has with X, and X with Cancer Man, and Cancer Man with the world… it’s making me think of how mulder broke into his house that one time, was going to kill him over what he did to scully, and cancer man had the nerve to say he liked mulder… OOOH my brain is just racing racing racing. 
poor scully… how scared she was, how horrified afterward… 
other things that are on my mind, in no particular order: the bond between scully and her mother; mulder being all babygirl on that couch; mulder hopping on that bicycle and picking up some random doll from the murder victim's house; how haunting scully's voice was when she asked him over the phone where he was; their cola drinking; mrs. scully trusting mulder no matter what; how he tried to cover the grief in his voice when he told the lone gunmen he had to go identify her body; how he kicked the door shut of the mystery man, damning the investigation to pay his respects; how his head hovered above the wheel of the car before he got out to do that; how X uses and uses him to no clear end, and what is HE doing reporting to cig man, and what was that random doctor doing conducted fucked up experiments on random people; and scully's miraculously bad aim; mulder's conviction he could talk sense into her (spoiler: he could not); her shame at being convinced he had been the one who abducted her; how terrifying that must have been; and his stupid jokes when he walked into her hospital room, with the sincerity he tries so hard to outrun and outfox breaking through in his whispered why don't you get some rest?
so needless to say, i see why this one is a fan-favorite. this is certainly one i will be revisiting in the future when i need something strong. i have a million things to think over that will stick with me Forever, and i am in no rush to move on from this. in fact, i took these notes yesterday, but in the process of editing them tonight, i have decided i am not ready for the season finale and will have to save it for tomorrow because i'm still feeling So Many Things. so stay tuned to see how that goes, because whew!
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beansricejc · 5 months
tagged by @scarlettspectra @discoscoob & @gea-chan96
so actually I ended up sort of finishing the WIP I was going to post… it was meant to be a short & sloppy one anyways lol
[kinda dumb but this song helped me out - don’t ask]
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cw: john’s a peeping tom
A few hours had passed, and the exhaustion from driving for 8 hours has finally kicked into your body. You opt for a nice steamy shower, taking in a deep breath to clear out your stuffy nose.
The man at the desk was pretty… hot, you suppose. You just aren’t exactly sure why he out of all people is running a motel in the middle of nowhere. Of course this is one of those classic ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ joints. Ever since escaping your toxic ex, you’ve mastered the art of evading, and these places weren’t new to you.
Even though you weren’t a criminal, your fellow motel guests definitely were. Drug lords, mobsters, low level robbers and get away drivers. Honestly anyone in the game, you’ve probably accidentally bumped into at one of these places.
John certainly knows how many times you’ve been here. Or any other off brand Continental motel in the general region. After faking his death, he had to go way off the map. And cutting his hair was one of the only things he could do to help evade watching eyes.
But John was the watching eye at the moment. Unbeknownst to you, he’s taken a particular liking to the woman who checked in today. He’s checked you in about 5 times now, you leave the place clean and don’t make any trouble. The perfect customer.
If only you knew that this time, he gave you the room next to where he stays.
Your tits in this shower look fucking phenomenal. Your hands massage your breasts, working in the soap to create a lather in order to wash yourself. The foam of the bar makes its way to your nipples, even sliding down to your soft tummy. A good lather, the steam blowing into his eye, your voice humming some pop song, and watching your body, all naive and wet.
All for him.
What once was a building mistake actually gave himself the ultimate peeping Tom hole. Right into the shower of the hotel room next to his. Hidden by a simple framed picture, he was able to look in at any moment he chose.
John’s teeth dig into his bottom lip, tasting copper as his hand pumped his shaft. He’s unbelievably hard, wondering what it would be like to fuck you against that shower wall. To come up from behind and pull back the curtain, feasting his eyes while you screamed in shock.
In another world you wouldn’t scream. Scratch the scream. He needs this to be perfect.
In a perfect world you’d be his girlfriend, or secret lover.
Who cares?
You in this shower was the best thing he’s ever seen. The soap slips from your hand, and you’re forced to bend over, giving John the best possible view of your cunt, ass, and upper thighs. You’re so, perky. Silky smooth. Supple.
So fuckable.
John covers his own mouth as his hand twists the head of his cock with a tight grip. His hips buck forward, reenacting the movements he would be doing behind you in that shower.
That’s when you let out a soft moan, just from unwinding in the heat of the moment.
It’s like music to his ears. Your simple noise triggered something in his body, and the way his cock twitched in his grasp let him know of his impending orgasm.
John goes over the edge, he bites the skin of his palm, eyes rolling back into his head as heaps of milky seed shoot from the head of his member. Just thinking of you on your knees, smiling excitedly, eyes crossed just getting a closer look at his orgasm, it did wild things to his brain. He hoped you were a freak, using your fingers to wipe what he left on your cheeks, nose, lips, etc.
Picturing you sucking on your digits that are full of his cum really seals the deal.
The shower turns off, you wrap a towel around your soaking wet frame, and step out of John’s line of sight, proceeding to brush your teeth.
John catches his breath before looking around him, cursing that he didn’t put a new Kleenex box in his secret corner.
tagging: @rosevette @iovesia @cuddleyhoney @treedaddymcpuffpuff | sorry if you were already tagged!
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chadchady · 7 months
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Dom m!user x bot! FTM soap
Warning - mdni, fem aligned dni, scent kink, barebacking, breath play?, noncon, PiV, cunnilingus(not really tbh) , face sitting, fingering, masterbation, helplessness, ig somno, underwear fetish,
You were new, or the newest. You had been there for two months so far. While you had been welcomed with open arms, a specific sergeant welcomed you with open legs and a nice hairy cunt in between them. Not literally but it seemed like it. Soap was addicted to you, your scent, your face, hair, muscles, legs, anything and everything.
It had been your average day on base, a lot of hurry up and wait, paperwork, a headache pounding from the yelling. You are currently sitting in the empty mess hall at 11 pm, sipping some peppermint tea, you could feel yourself getting ill already, fuck you hated flu season. You tried to inhale through your nose but couldn’t, you grab a rough napkin and blow your nose with a groan. You grab a second napkin, dapping the sweat off your forehead and neck. You rest your head on the table for a few seconds but your startled out you dazed state by what feels like breeze, you look back, nothing, but you notice the napkin you wiped your sweat on was gone. Your too tired to care.
You drag your feet all the way back to your room, you feel hot, like you have a fever, so you strip. Now butt ass naked, you flop down on your bed and quickly fall asleep. You’re awoken way too soon by a scuffle and creak of the floor. You tiredly look up to see soap.
“Soap?” You groan as you rub your eyes “hey uh, I saw you in the uh uh mess hall, so I-I came to check on you- I saw you I-in the mess hall” he stutters a little, he seemed nervous. He quickly exits you room without saying anything. You would go see what’s up but. You’re too sick to care. Meanwhile, soaps having the time of his life in his room.
He’s laying against the headboard of his bed, one hand playing with his soaked cunt, the other holding your musky underwear up to his face, huffing the scent like it’s a drug. His whines and moans of desperation are muffled by the underwear, the drool slowly dripping down his face is caught by the underwear. It’s not enough for him, he needs the real smell, he needs your cock inside of him.
He pushes himself out of bed, he grabs a pair of loose shorts and slips them on before leaving his room. He hurriedly makes his way to your room. Soaps mind is clouded by arousal, he can hardly think about anything but you. He carefully opens your door and sees you sitting up, half awake, aggressively blowing your nose. You groan when leaning over to throw the tissue away. The noise makes Soaps thighs clench.
“Hey, i think I have a remedy” he says with a smile, though you can’t see it through the darkness. Soap would be awkward about this normally but the fog in his mind was just additional confidence. “What?” You croak, voice hoarse and painfully raspy. “Just lay back, close your eyes and open your mouth” he mutters and you do it. In a few seconds, you feel heat about your face and before you can process it you feel Soaps hot pussy against your face, his thighs squeezing your head. You feel too sick to do anything. He’s grinding against your face, it’s hard to breathe, but you liked the musky smell more than oxygen anyways.
You feel his hands firmly planted on your chest to help himself buck against your face, high whines and moans fill the room. With an particularly deep breath, you feel yourself cough against his cunt. Soap, who moans loudly at the odd sensation as he arches his back, giving you a moment(less than a second) to catch your breathe before grinding again. For what feels like and eternity of oxygen deprivation and the slick dripping down your face and neck and onto the bed, Soap finally pushes himself off your face. He pulls the covers down to expose your cock to him, he practically moans in excitement and desperation.
He takes little time to spit on your cock and stoke it a few times before he positions himself over it. He plunges it deep inside himself pulling an explicit moan from his throat and a weak groan from you. He sets a pelvis cracking pace. You feel your head pounding and lift your hand up to his face before shoving two fingers into his mouth, which he moans around and begins sucking and licking them. You buck your hips up into him and with a loud moan (that your fingers couldn’t even muffle) he squirts all over you, which makes you cum into his warm pussy. You feel the exhaustion take over and you pass out.
Soap contracted your sickness the next day
Should I make a outsiders au?
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Sombra needs a yandere alphabet! Please, I'm desperate qwp
Of course! We need more Sombra content anyways ^^ Decided to borrow a GIF off Tumblr this time.
Yandere Alphabet - Sombra
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Breach in privacy/No privacy, Isolation, Kidnapping, Blackmail, Somewhat soft yandere, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Drugging, Possible poor uses of Spanish, Breaking and entering, Forced/Dubious affection, Jealousy, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Sombra is a yandere that knows just about everything about you. She spends the first part of her obsession stalking you and hacking into any personal info she can get. The second half is when she acts on her obsession.
I'd say Sombra's obsession is mostly tame. She's really hard to detect as a yandere at first, right up until it's too late. By the time you know about Sombra she already has you moved to a secure location off the grid.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
I have a feeling Sombra isn't big on being messy. She prefers to keep her hands clean and instead isolates her darling through manipulation and lies.
She's someone to blackmail and threaten others to get her way more than outright murder.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Sombra would make sure the area she keeps you in is isolated yet cozy. No one may be able to find you except her. That way she's the only one you have to rely on.
She sees no need to mock you. She cares for you more than anyone else (She cares for Sigma, but not in the romantic sense). She plans to take care of you and hide you from Talon. If anything, having someone like her on your side should be an advantage.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
She tries not to, Sombra's not a monster (In her eyes). She respects you more than most would. She still treats you like a human even in your new isolated home.
She's just... looking out for you? That's why she keeps you away from others!
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Sombra is rather secretive so she isn't very vulnerable. Although you can tell by the tone of her voice when she talks to you and the gentle behavior of her actions that she cares. She doesn't wish to deprive you of comfort unless she has to.
She may be busy at times due to monitoring many networks and looking for any signs of you being searched for, but she cares. She won't pour her heart out entirely to you but she will indeed show she cares through little actions.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Disappointed and a little amused. She understands your fight, after all she took you from home like some abandoned animal. However... she sees this as just a little hiccup from you.
If you fight her she'll be sure to discipline you afterwards. It's hard to pinpoint her location due to her invisibility tech. She'll just surprise you and restrain you.
"Nice try... better luck next time, eh?"
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not a game and while she thinks its funny at first, it gets old. She originally thinks it's funny as she knows you can't leave. You won't even know where to go and she wiped any form of ID you had to keep you as hers.
Yet when you keep trying she begins to get... bored.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Sombra is very tame compared to other Overwatch yanderes I've covered, but here's what I think.
The worst experience with Sombra is your abduction. You had no idea you were being tracked or stalked. Right up until she slips into your room.
It's scary as you had no idea of Sombra's existence in your life up until now. Sombra has been watching your life like a hawk, absorbing every little piece of information she can get on you. She's been in the shadows of your life... completely out of sight.
Then she's suddenly in your room, pinning you to a wall with a drug injected in your neck. You don't know who this woman is or why her gaze is so intense. Then when you wake up... expecting it all to be a nightmare...
You wake up in a room with her standing over you, a loving grin on her face.
"Welcome home, cariño."
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Sombra has fallen for you by chance while searching through your files. Part of her feels a need to protect you from the corruption of this world, while another part of her just wants you to herself. She plans to start a relationship with you... even when she keeps you so isolated.
She tries to convince you your love is unique... different from normal... special, even.
It's different from normal alright... yet not in the good way.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
If Sombra is jealous she can hide it well. She tries not to concern you with it and it most likely happens early on in her obsession. If she's jealous of someone she gets to work on finding dirt on them.
Sombra will then use blackmail on those around you to keep them away from you. This makes it easier for her to wipe your presence from the world and isolate you. Then she can simply pluck you away from your old life.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Sombra seems like she could be flirty, teasing, and affectionate with you when she wants. She took you in because she loves you, of course she wants to show that. As a result expect her to show/give affection when she's back from her missions.
She'll kiss you, hold you, cuddle you, etc. She'll try to cheer you up if you seem upset, which you most likely are considering the situation. What's scary is she seems like a genuinely loving girlfriend.
If you met her any other way, maybe that's what you could be.
However... she stalked you, drugged you, and acts like it's all okay. No one else knows about you now. It's just you and her.
She likes it that way.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
As stated before, Sombra's "courting" is primarily just stalking you. She spends her growing obsession gathering all sorts of information, pictures, and videos about you. She even does it all while you are unaware.
If you were also part of Talon, it's a different story. She'd be her usual persona while doing everything behind the scenes.
Again, for the most part you have no clue about her obsession until it's too late.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
I'd say so. She's always been secretive so she can mask her true nature/intentions well.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Sombra isn't too big on punishment. She'd be a yandere who prefers to just lock you in a room more than anything physical. She wants to hear you admit you need her... only then will she let you out. She hates to hurt you though.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Just your freedom, your life can be somewhat normal besides the isolation.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient, it comes with her job.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
She'd have a really hard time, she acts stoic but if you died she'd be devastated.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
A little but no.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Hard to say when it comes to her, maybe curiosity?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
She tries her best to comfort you. She doesn't want you upset, she wants to love you. As a result she'll pull you in to comfort you.
"There's no need to cry... I'm here."
That's most likely why you're crying.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
She works much more in the shadows than most yanderes/isn't obvious.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
None, she keeps her weaknesses locked up well.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
She tries not to.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere but would go to great lengths to have you in her care.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
A long time. She can wait months to years to strike.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Most likely mentally.
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angellbarnes · 2 years
denial is best served hot
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day 2 - rivals
pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
summary: it's a competition between you two, always. every mission. this one, though, turns out a little differently than you'd expected.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: very very brief mention of blood, criminals, violence, 18+, dry humping, hands stuff but over clothes, utterly filthy dirty talk, horny asf Bucky
A/N: so I'm finally posting. day 2 of my 30 day writing challenge... 12 days later. but that's besides the point. the point is, it's posted and I wayy underestimated how busy I was going to feel after posting the first part. hopefully it'll be more regular from now on, but I think I'd rather take a lil more time on these fics and have the 30 days a bit more flexible, than rush out some that I know I could do so much better on. anyway, please enjoy☺️🤍
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You’re heading towards the meeting room after being called for a mission. The lift stops on Bucky’s floor and he steps in. You side eye each other as the doors close. It’s tense, but comfortable, as the atmosphere usually is between you two. 
“What do you think the mission is?” You ask him. 
“Whatever it is, just know that I’ll do it better.” You can sense his smirk while keeping your gaze forward. 
“In your dreams, Barnes.” The doors open and you pat his chest before walking off. “In your dreams.” 
He follows with a huff. 
A friendly rivalry is the way you two put it. It may not come across so friendly, but no harm has ever been done by it. Just a constant competition between you to prove who is the “better” Avenger. You even tried to get everyone to answer a questionnaire about it. To which you only got two replies: Sam who, with no hesitation, answered you, and Tony who simply wrote down his own name.
It all started during a mission, when you and Bucky had decided to take separate hallways, which conveniently had the same number of opposing agents down each, and see who could take them the fastest. The winner, so be it, was the one who reached the adjoining room first. He made it first, and you’d tried to argue your case, wiping blood from your face, and he’d come out clean as a whistle. You made it your mission, from then on, to prove his arrogant ass wrong, and smack the smug grin clean off his pretty face. He bragged about this for ages, and you desperately wanted something to boast, and humiliate him, about. 
Fury is waiting in the meeting room when you walk in. You seem to be the only ones there.
“Where’s everyone else?” You question.
“Oh, there is no one else.” Fury states. “It’s just going to be the two of you. We need to be as discreet as possible, so we want to keep numbers low.”
You and Bucky glance at each other, silent competition instantly arising.
“So, what is the mission?” Bucky enquires. 
“A guy, to put it simply.” Fury replies. “Or, an underground drug and crime lord associated with multiple different gangs, groups and countries and is very, very dangerous. Murder, torture, kidnap, fraud, theft, you name it, he’s done it. But this guy is damn hard to catch. We have a lead at the moment, the best one we’ve had, to an underground club. Criminals only, essentially. Called ‘The KillOut’.”
“Ohh, I get it. It’s like chill out, but kill out, right?” Bar the reason for it, you quite like the name.
“Wait a second, I recognise that name. I think I’ve been there. Before. As the Winter Soldier, that is.” Bucky says, a concerned frown upon his face.
“So, what, you’re sending us there? How will we even get in?” You ask. Fury taps the screen he’s holding, and projects it to the one behind. Two profiles show up.
‘Your new aliases.” He responds. “Bucky, I’m afraid you’ll be returning as the Winter Soldier. They already know you, admire you. We’ve got a new arm for you to wear that is identical to your old one. I know it’ll be hard, but you’re just gonna have to, ok?”
Bucky takes a deep breath and simply nods at Fury’s request.
“Y/L/N, you’re now going as Betty Smalls, a seemingly innocent but seductive accomplice of the Winter Soldier. You’re an angel by day but the devil by night, so be it. Make it believable, you two. Our aim is to get him alone, so we have a way of restraining him and taking him away. You have a few hours to prepare and get ready, and your outfits are waiting for you back upstairs.” And with that, Fury sends the two of you off again.
You both receive your profiles whilst in the lift, and a copy of the mission report and what needs to go down in order for it to be successful.
“Be prepared to fail, Barnes, and for me to rise from your ashes as the saviour for this team. Not even sure why you should bother coming along.” You tease.
“I’m the Winter Soldier, sweetheart. You wouldn’t even be able to attend without me.” He quips back.
“Fine. But that’s all you’re going to be good for.” 
“See you later, Betty.” Bucky says as he gets out on his floor. He turns and you simply salute him, with a ‘See ya, soldier’ as the doors close on you.
You reach your room and, sure enough, your outfit it layed out, with Nat holding a pair of strappy black heels beside.
“Pretty cute, huh?” She comments.
“Hmm.” You stare at the longline and elegant black dress, the long, white fur coat, and the heels once again and question what led you to this moment. “Hello, Betty.”
You get to the car that’s waiting for you, barely making it there with both of your ankles in one piece. Bucky is already there waiting. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t look hot as hell clad in leather like that, trousers clinging to his thick thighs. You clear your throat and compose your dirty thoughts as you approach.
“Wow,” he coos as he looks you up and down. “Betty looks good.” You wonder if the complement is for you too. Either way, you can feel a small butterfly going crazy in your stomach, having his eyes rake over you like that. He almost looks hungry.
“Take a picture, Buck. It’ll last longer.” You smirk, crossing your arms, unaware that it’s just enhanced your cleavage. Bucky has to tear his eyes away, feeling a sudden tightness in his trousers. “Anyway, Betty has almost broken both of her ankles in these ridiculous shoes. They’re something I should be looking at, not wearing.” You let yourself flop down into the backseat. Bucky chuckles and shuts your door, heading to the other side and sitting down beside you. You both put in your ear pieces and the driver starts the car.
“You guys ready?” Fury’s voice rings in your ear.
“Ready.” You say simultaneously. 
You both get out of the car, Bucky offering his arm, which you take, before heading to the entrance. There are two huge – huge – men covering the doors. Alas, you keep your confident visage. You’re a criminal now, remember?
“I’m not Bucky anymore, ok?” Bucky whispers, face oh so close to yours. A shiver runs through you. “Call me soldier, tonight. I don’t care how stupid it is, that’s how I am – was – known.” You turn your face, unaware of how close you’d be to him.
“Ok.” You breathe. You carry on walking towards the front of what looks like an abandoned warehouse.
You see the men squint at Bucky, perhaps recognising him. Then look to you. It seems your outfit is enough to distract them as they look at each other and begin whistling and commenting. You roll your eyes to yourself.
“Soldat.” They both say, standing tall in front of who they think is still the Winter Soldier. Bucky simply glares at them. “And who’s this treat?” One of them says, turning to you.
“Betty Smalls, pleased to meet you.” You smile seductively through your lashes, clinging to Bucky’s arm, one hand upon his chest.
“The pleasure is all ours, sweetheart.” You cringe at them but keep up the act.
“She’s with me.” Bucky deadpans to them. They both clear their throats, stepping to the side and opening the doors for them. You blow a kiss as you walk through, turning to wink at the other. God, men are so easy to fool in a tight dress and lipgloss.
You head down some stairs, turning left at the bottom and, there it is, above another door, a neon sign with the words “the KillOut” in glowing red.
‘Here we go.” You say to Bucky. He gives you a tight-lipped smile.
“Betty.” He says.
“Soldier.” And with that, he opens the door and you’re exposed to an entirely different world. A world full of people, criminals, who look just like anyone else would in a club. You keep your cool as Bucky leads you to the bar. There are many eyes on the two of you, whispers between everybody and the Winter Soldier and his girl walk through. All Bucky has to do is look at someone with his intense stare and they’ll move out the way. It’s kinda hot, you think to yourself.
“An old fashioned for me and a pornstar martini for the lady.” Bucky says to the bartender. You flash him a ‘seriously?’ look and he just winks back at you. So does the bartender when he hands you your glass. 
You take your drinks and Bucky stares a couple out of their seats in a booth in the corner of the bar. You have the view of the whole place from where you are. 
“There.” Bucky says, eyeing a man who’s just walked in, sitting himself at the bar. “That’s our guy.”
“You’ve located him?” Fury asks through the comms.
“Apparently so. But that is not who I was expecting.” His flamboyant style consists of a deep burgundy/pink suit, with, no doubt real, rhinestone detailing along his collar and lapels. His black suede boots have at least a two inch heel to them. His cheekbones shimmer under the dim lighting with highlight and his red eyeliner perfectly compliments his devilish looks. As well as that, you notice the way he crosses one leg over the other and delicately stirs his drink while eyeing up the bartender.
“Well, I never.” You say, leaning back into your seat and folding your arms.
“Ok, go and order me another drink and flirt with him. Our best option is for you to seduce him so we can get him alone.” You laugh a little too loudly and have to cover your mouth at his suggestion. He looks extremely confused at your outburst. “What?”
“I think you mean you need to seduce him.” You shortly reply.
“Excuse me?” He questions, sitting more upright to face you.
“Are you kidding me? Even a blind person could see that he’s oh, so clearly, gay, Barnes.” You're smiling excessively and his mouth has dropped. You smirk and prop his jaw back up so his mouth is shut. “What are you waiting for? Go get him, tiger.”
“Oh, I don’t think so, Y/L/N. I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to humiliate me, hit on this guy for your amusement. It’s not going to work. Now just go so we can get this mission over with.” You sigh at his ignorance, although that would be a good prank. Maybe another time.
“No, Buck, I’m not doing anything. Look at the guy. He’s one Madonna song away from voguing across the floor.” Your state. 
“Criminals can be over the top, you know? Just remember Zemo and his purple pimp coat.” He quips.
“Ok. What about the fact that he’s practically drooling over the bartender?” Your question is aimed rhetorically. Bucky is clearly struggling for an answer and the two of you become stuck in an intense staring contest. Neither planning on breaking first.
“Status report, guys? How’re we lookin’?” Fury asks.
“Bucky can’t accept the fact that our guy is clearly gay as all hell and is trying to get me to seduce him.” You reply, still not breaking eye contact.
“Wait, so let me get this straight. You two have gone to a bar, got yourselves a drink, sat yo’ asses down and have been arguing over whether the incredibly dangerous criminal we’re trying to capture is into fuckin’ men or women? Are you fucking kidding me?” Suddenly, Fury’s words send yours and Bucky’s eyes back to your target. “Get your heads together, agents, and will one of you, for the love of God, go and flirt with the enemy.” Fury cuts off and you’re left in silence. Bucky leans back in his seat and you raise a brow at him.
“Go. You heard the guy. Now, go ‘n’ flirt with the enemy.” He smirks. 
“Fine. I’ll go over. I’m going to have so much fun proving you wrong. My gaydar is never off.” You hold your glass up to Bucky as he scoffs, and saunter over to your target, who you know as Mr. Argot Boughley.
“Hey, honey. Saw you from the other side of the bar. Thought you looked lonely.” You wink at him and take a sip from your glass.
“Oh, I’m sorry babe, I’m not-”
“Oh, no, I know.” You cut the man off, chuckling. “I can tell a man’s man from a mile off. My friend, he’s shy, you see. But sweet as sugar once you get past the murderous tendency, am I right?” You point your glass towards Bucky, to which Argot’s eyes follow. You see him looking confused in his shadowy confinement of the corner booth. “Cute, right?”
“Mmm, as a puppy. I bet he looks good with blood on his hands.” He comments, side eyeing you with a smirk.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” You play along. Whatever gets him captured and proves Bucky wrong. “He likes a confident guy. I’ll send him your way, shall I? You two look hot together, I can already tell.”
“Tell him I’ll have a drink, and maybe something more, waiting for him.” He winks, biting his lip as he drinks Bucky’s form with his eyes. You walk smugly over to Bucky and sit yourself back in the booth. He looks concerned.
“Well? Did he fall for you or not? Should get back over there so you can get him alone.” Bucky says, to which you just giggle.
“Oh, baby boy. Sweet, naive, baby Bucky. That man over there is as straight as a roundabout. I’m not doing anything for him, but I told him I’d send you over. And he’s got a drink waiting for you.” Bucky’s eyes widen at your words, and you relish in his confusion. He has no words coming out of his open mouth.
“He’s really gay, huh?” Bucky weakly accepts his defeat and you grin in response as he makes eye contact with Argot, who holds up the drink he’s ordered.
“Time to shine, Barnes. Get your gay on. And, whatever you do, don’t fuck it up.”
He takes a breath and, shaking his head at you, stands himself up and heads over to Argot. You sit back and let the scene in front of you unfold. 
Argot begins by caressing Bucky’s thigh and continuously leaning closer to him. To begin with, you’re chuckling to yourself, thinking of the things you’ll be able to tell the team when you get back, but Bucky seems surprisingly believable when he also leans closer to Argot. Bucky’s hand roams Argot’s thigh and torso, as he grins and charms the pants off of Argot. You find yourself frowning at the two of them, unsure of the twang of jealousy that creeps through you. Their faces grow closer and closer and, before you know it, they share a short, but sweet kiss. 
Props to Bucky for the commitment, though you now find yourself wanting another drink. A strong one.
You can’t help the way your jaw drops when Argot begins leading Bucky away from the bar and through a doorway that you assumed led to the bathroom. Clearing your throat and trying to look as discrete and nonchalant as possible, you follow shortly after. It’s acting. Bucky’s acting. So, why did your jealousy feel so real?
When you turn the corner, you’re met with a corridor littered with doors, each to a different room. They must be for everyone’s criminal meetings. Or, whatever. You roll your eyes at your internal monologue and talk into your comm.
“Buck, if you can answer me, which room are you in?” No response.
You start heading slowly down the corridor, hand lightly atop the blade tucked neatly beneath your dress. Your head is lowered, trying to focus on and make out the sounds coming from each room. And there were a lot. Yelling, negotiating, probably murdering, moaning, the lot, and then there it is. A deep thud. And a muffled ‘goddamnit’ from Bucky. 
“Bingo.” You say, staring at room 22. You groan when you find that the door is locked. You’re pressed up against it to see if you can hear anything else going on, when it’s unlocked and you go stumbling into Bucky.
“Steady.” He chuckles as you straighten yourself up. He shuts the door and locks it again. “Careful, I think you’re starting to fall for me.” He smirks, hands proudly on his hips. Your throat is dry but you manage a dirty look his way.
“What did you do to him?” You ask when you turn your focus to Argot. He’s out like a light.
“A simple dose of my fist in his face. Trust me, he’ll be out for hours.” He gets to work tying Argot’s hands behind his back, ready to get him out of here and most likely shut the rest of the club down.
“Huh, good work I guess.”
“I was going to keep him around for a bit longer to see if I could get some information out of him first but, uh. He, uh… He tried to…” Bucky’s stuttering like crazy and your grinning, arms crossed, head tilted, ready for him to admit his wrong. “He tried to kiss me. Again. And more. I don’t know, it was a reflex. But, whatever, you, uh, you were right.” He mumbles the last part and turns away sheepishly.
“I’m so sorry, Barnes, I missed that last part. I was what?” You move closer to him and wait for him to say it to your face.
“You were right about Argot.” He mumbles again.
“Nope, sorry. Didn’t catch that.” Suddenly his eyes grow wide and you’re slammed against the wall. His body is firmly pressed against yours, faces mere inches apart and breathing heavily. Your heart rate has most certainly doubled.
“I said, princess, that you. Were. Right.” His eyes bore into your soul and you honestly can’t tell any of your emotions apart anymore.
“That’s all I wanted to hear.” You squeak.
“But don’t get me wrong. You may have been right about Argot,” Oh no, his cocky voice is out. “but don’t think I didn’t notice the way your fist clenched around your glass when he touched me, or how you couldn’t bear the sight of him leaning in towards me, even more so when he kissed me. Bet you wished it was your hands, your lips, on me, huh?”
You’re speechless. He’s right. How can he be right? You take in a sharp breath and dare yourself to look into his piercing eyes.
“In your dreams, Barnes.” You just about make a sound. A very unconvincing one. So much so, Bucky chuckles at your weak excuse for a response. He brings his hand to caress your cheek.
“Babygirl, you can deny this all you want, but I sure as hell was picturing your lips when he kissed me. Darlin’ it’s the only way I could do it. Be honest, you’ve never thought about it? About this, about us? Tell me you haven’t, and I’ll back away right now.” He lowers himself to release his deep voice into your ear. “Right now.”
You’ve never wanted a man so bad. And you hate yourself for it.
You turn yourself to look at him, lust blanketing over both of you like a storm. A surge of emotions and desire, now taking over. “I hate you. Come here.” You grab his face and pull him to your lips. The kiss is deep, passionate, messy, and long overdue. 
Finally, the pent up tension that you’d each been denying is being released. And it couldn’t be hotter. Your hands roam each other like it’s life or death, just wanting to feel each other. Everywhere. Your lips don’t stop. Then he starts kissing, nipping and licking your neck, forcing moans from you. You pull his hips into you and his hard on presses up into you. You both groan and look into each other's eyes. He begins grinding against you and you resume the kiss, now peppered with moans in between. You tug on his hair and he releases an almost feral sound. You smirk up at him. He does the same in return as he slips his hand beneath your dress and lets his hands roam over your soaked panties.
“All this for me?” He whispers, nipping at your ear. The sensation of him rubbing the thin fabric over your clit has you arching and moaning against him. “Doll, I don’t know how I’ve gone this long without fucking you. I’ve thought about it, ya know? By myself. In bed, in the shower. But I knew my hand would never feel as good as you would wrapped around me. It’ll never be as good as having my cock inside that pretty pussy of yours. Isn’t that right, baby?” 
You’re a mess. From his words, from his actions. This man is going to ruin you. And you’re going to let him.
“Yes.” You gasp. “Bucky, fuck, thought about you too. Touched myself thinking ‘bout you. But this is so much better.” You palm his erection over his trousers and he groans deeply into your neck.
“Fuck, baby.” He breathes.
“By the way, I’m still gonna tell everyone about how I was right about Argot.”
“I swear, I’m-”
“Agents? It’s been a while. What the hell is going on over there and please, for the sake of my sanity, tell me that motherfucker is caught now.” Nick’s voice yells at both of you, clearly unaware of anything. Your hand flies to cover your mouth. You can’t help the chuckle that escapes your lips, and Bucky does the same. He brings his hand to his ear.
“Everything’s fine. We’ve got the guy. He’s down and ready to be brought back. You can send the other agents in to shut this place down.” Bucky replies. Cool, calm and collected. Like nothing else was going on.
“Finally. What in the hell took you so long?” Fury bites back.
“Uh, yeah, sorry about that. Things got a little… harder than we expected.” You roll your hips against Bucky and he clenches his jaw not to make a sound.
“Fine. Well, at least it’s done. Good work. You can head back to the compound now.”
You’re left in a silence, eyes devouring each other. Hungry for each other
Bucky leans back down to you, a growling undertone to his words “Guess we’ve gotta finish what we started back at the compound. I can’t wait to be inside you, doll.”
“Excuse me?” Fury’s voice is back and both your eyes widen. 
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foodsies4me · 7 months
If you're still taking asks...I'd love a glimpse of a Sapphire AU - Alec isn't safe from the Clave for whatever reason and so the Warlocks do end up abducting him. The Warlocks are quite worried when he runs back to the Institute and are trying to figure out strategies to keep him safe in whatever way they can, except then he pops back up with his siblings. Of course he isn't going to leave them there once he gets out.
Okay, I adored this prompt. So much. Child!Alec would run back to the institute to make sure his younger siblings are okay and well before dragging them along with him. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
The distress call comes in the middle of a trial Magnus and the other Elders were overseeing. The squabble - and Magnus is being generous using that term - between Warlock Bail and Warlock Mordu would generally be something warlocks would settle between themselves. At most, a High Warlock would be involved to help mediate. So, the fact that both warlocks managed to drag the situation out to such an extent that it's being presented here in the hall of laws is laughable. The reason for their dispute is even more so. Magnus is already planning his escape route, a sudden emergency that would save him from listening to both warlocks drone on about the other having stolen their spell. Stolen. Even Magnus doesn't have the arrogance to claim to own a spell. He's about to open his mouth and make his escape when a sudden wave of pain-panic-fear makes him clench his hand around his seat hard enough for the wood to crack. The first wave is followed by a stronger second one that wipes all rational thought out of Magnus' mind because he needs him Alec needs him his little heart needs him and needs him and needs him and Magnus is not there.
There are voices calling his name but Magnus barely registers them, barely registers anything through the terror that has him tearing a hole through the labyrinth's foundations to portal to Alec's side.
All it takes is one look at the scared, tear-filled eyes for Magnus to incinerate every last Nephilim holding his little heart captive.
The shadowhunters don't have the time to react to Magnus' sudden appearance before they drop dead to the floor, their bodies scorching beyond recognition.
Magnus has already made it back to his loft, his young soulmate cradled safely into his eyes before he realizes all shadowhunters in that room had a circle rune branded into their skin.
"We can't let him go back," Elder Ndlovu says. Her voice is strained, worry visible in every line on her face and Magnus doubts he looks any better.
A warlock.
Magnus had barely believed his eyes when he'd caught sight of the small silvery-white scales - some of which had been ripped off - that decorated the young boy's skin. The warlock mark had looked out of place next to Alec's black runes and yet-
"No, we can't," Magnus agrees, his fingers clench around Alec's small, ice-cold hand. "How is he? What did they drug him with?"
Catarina grimaces. "I can't say for sure," she says apologetically. "It almost looks like they tried to drug him with everything under the sun. That or the Circle has taken a newfound interest in alchemy and potion-making - either is possible. But, I've managed to neutralize the Yin Fen, the fairy dust, and shaxweed pollen at least."
"I'm sorry - Yin Fen, fairy dust, and shaxweed pollen?" Elder Ndlovy asks incredulously, her face a mixture of horror and rage. "What the fuck were they planning to do with the child?"
"A shadowhunter-warlock hybrid capable of bearing runes - I don't think we need to guess what they were planning to do."
The lightbulbs in the bedroom explode. Again.
Catarina and Elder Ndlovu don't even react this time around. Catarina continues her monitoring of Alec's health, keeping an eye on his vitals now that his wounds have been healed and he only needs to work through the drugs they poisoned him with. Meanwhile, Elder Ndlovu banishes the glass shards with a wave of her hand, replacing the shattered lightbulbs with new ones for the fifth time.
Alec doesn't wake up until the next morning.
In that time, Ragnor and Catarina both have offered to take him in, as have Elder Ndlovu and Conan. Yet, as much as Magnus wants to accept each of the offers, he can't. Not without Alec's input.
Magnus just hopes it won't be too hard to convince the young boy that returning to his Nephilim life would be too dangerous.
Valentine might be dead - and even then, Magnus has his doubts - but the Circle was clearly still operating. And that is without taking into account the danger that the Clave would present if they were to ever find out their pure, angelic blood had been tainted in such a way.
They tell Alec as much.
While Magnus technically shouldn't be present for the conversation, the other Elders don't dare to stop him. Whether that's because he managed to inadvertently remind them how powerful he is by managing to do the impossible yet again, or because of the severity of the situation, Magnus doesn't know.
Whichever the reason though, Magnus is thankful for it because he would have promptly lost his mind if the last image he saw of Alec was of him still and lifeless in a too-large bed.
The discussion goes better than expected. And worse.
Alec is calm. Almost worryingly so. He carefully listens to Conan and Catarina's explanations, nods, and shakes his head when asked questions, the occasional mono-syllabic word escaping his lips when they ask him for more information. But he doesn't ask after his parents. He doesn't cry or scream when recounting what had happened for him to end up in the situation he was in.
The revelation about Alec's warlock status doesn't come as a surprise either, which considering the warlock mark on his back was to be expected. But, even then, Magnus had expected more. More anger. More sadness. More betrayal and grief and regret at the thought of losing the life he had lived until now. Not this-
This quiet subdued acceptance.
The Elders agree to let Alec stay another few days in Magnus' loft under Catarina's and Elder Ndlovu surveillance. The mixture of substances the Circle members drugged Alec with is still making its way through his system and placing him in an entirely new environment when he's still healing is the last thing the young child needs in his current situation unless they want to make sure he tries to run away.
Or so they thought.
Magnus is sleeping in bed, Chairman Meow lying curled up in his arms when a tingle warning him that someone passed through his wards wakes him up. The disturbance is nothing more than a minute tremble, a tingle that barely registers in his sleep-addled mind.
Magnus is halfway back to sleep when his mind registers that the disturbance carried a distinctive Nephilim signature.
Within seconds, Magnus is wide awake and racing to the guest bedroom where Catarina and Alec had been staying only to find one bed - Alec's bed - empty.
The noise of the door swinging open and smacking against the wall startles Catarina awake who looks at him strangely until her eyes follow his gaze to the empty, abandoned bed in which Alec should be sleeping.
"You don't think he-"
Magnus clenches his fists painfully. He knew Alec had been too docile. Too calm. He might not have seen the boy in years, but there was no way that the child who had sworn with so much conviction that he would make all the other shadowhunters like him, would just nod and bear it when his life got upended in the span of a few hours.
By the time they manage to track him, Alec has made his way back inside the dangerous walls of the New York Institute.
Magnus is forced to call the other Elders back ahead of schedule to alert them of the new situation as well as hopefully help him come up with a plan that would keep the young child safe without starting an outright war with the local institute or the Clave.
He is on the verge of throwing caution to the wind and stepping foot inside the New York Institute without a prior invitation when his wards tingle again, a request for entry made by one familiar angelic signature and three unfamiliar ones.
Magnus is halfway to his entrance door by the time the others notice the angelic signatures waiting for them outside. His heart is pounding in his throat as he needs to make sure the small, precious child is still safe and unharmed. Or as safe and unharmed as possible with what was very nearly a lethal amount of Yin Fen and fairy dust in his blood.
His hands are shaking when he pulls the door open, unsure what sight is going to greet him on the other side, only to stop short when he notices the two smaller, even younger children standing behind Alec, as well as the baby in the young boy's arms. A baby that is being handed to him."
"Max needs a new diaper."
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shawnxstyles · 2 years
addicted in the afterglow
DATE: JANUARY 20, 2023
summary: you meet up with harry to have sex again, but it’s completely different from before. it’s hard to stay quiet when interruptions keep knocking on his door. and this time when it’s over, you wonder if you two have something to lose.
words: 5.3k
warnings: SMUT (f- receiving [oral, nipple play], thigh riding, exhibition kink, slight edging, dirty talk, protected sex, i think that’s it?), mentions of drugs and alcohol, language, and angst at the end
note: this is part 3! i’m getting a lot of requests at the moment, and of course when i finished this i realized this was barely one of them 🫠 but enjoy anyway. previous part
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Remember when you said you would never need him again? Twice? Well, you lied.
In the outrageous group chat that consisted of you and your four friends (did Harry really count?), you had used Harry’s number for the first time.
You hadn’t even labeled his contact, it was just a naked set of numbers. You weren’t even sure if it was his number because he rarely responded in the group chat. However, you didn’t care when you typed out a single word into a message and pressed send.
Y/N: harry.
It wasn’t a question. You could guess his answer. However, you didn’t expect him to answer, since he always complained about how busy he was. His complaints about his time were worthy of your biggest eye roll because he probably spent most of his time fucking every number in his contacts.
Sadly, you soon hoped that would be you.
You named his contact before closing your phone, only for it to light up with a message from the random number instantly.
dickhead: Y/N
You were surprised he knew it was you immediately like he hadn’t labeled your contact to begin with. You considered if you should talk him up a bit or just get to the point. You didn’t want to seem needy or desperate (you were), but you chose the latter.
Y/N: i’m in the mood for some sex. know a guy?
You couldn’t go directly into it. He needs to want it too. Plus, your attitude was part of the package, you couldn’t help it.
dickhead:: I do
dickhead: What’s the catch?
Harry smirked at your messages. His quick response was for a reason. He had pulled out his phone to text you the same thing. It’s like you two were connected in a very twisted way.
He wanted you. So bad.
He was getting close to begging you to have sex. Surprisingly, he hasn’t had sex with anyone but you since you’ve hooked up. He’s gone out to bars and even a few clubs hoping to find a one-nighter, but no one lights him up like you do.
There’s something about your distaste for him that makes him want to pursue you more and more. Something about your passion. Something about your sounds. Something about your smile.
Harry wouldn’t let himself get farther than that. That was a scary place to think. To feel.
But he has been thinking about you nonstop. That stupid, flighty, and tingly feeling that he remembers all too well fiddles with his heart and he hates it. It’s only ever led him down the wrong path.
Why you out of all people? You’re the last person that wants him.
Y/N: i got a girl for you
dickhead: Seems only fair
dickhead: Want his address?
Mild surprise fills your face. It makes no sense for you to go over there when you don’t have a car and you live alone. But you know better than to ask or beg him for anything. His invite must mean Rina and Sean aren’t home anyway. This is very risky, but he always has to make everything so difficult, doesn’t he?
Y/N: i have a pretty good idea where he might live
Y/N: tell him i’ll be there in 20
dickhead: Stalker much?
Heading to your small bathroom, you freshen up before leaving for Rina's place. You refuse to call it Harry’s place when he just moved in there, and you didn’t want to catch yourself slipping in front of your friends. You didn’t notice the small smile on your face until you peeked at the mirror. You wipe it clean off with a shake of your head. Dialing a quick Uber, you pocket your phone and wait for the car to arrive.
Wasting money on him. A shame.
Knocking on the front door, you try not to seem impatient and well, horny. It’s only been a handful of days since you two have had sex. But God, did your body crave him. You felt that familiar pulse between your legs while you waited for him to open the door.
A shirtless (and hatless) Harry wides the door. You clench your jaw to keep your eyes on his, so they don’t scroll down his body. His toned, tanned abs cause a flutter in your lower belly and a pool in your panties. You made sure to wear a skimpy pair underneath your leggings. When a small smirk begins to arise on his lips, you push yourself into the house with a grimace, despite the bubbly feeling floating in your stomach.
“So where is he? Looks like I’m at the wrong place,” You sass, arms crossed while he shuts the door. That familiar smirk never leaves his face, ever. He strides past you and up the staircase, discarding your presence completely.
“He might be in here,” He points to what you assume is his bedroom. You roll your eyes with an irritated huff before trailing up the stairs.
His decor is so plain; white walls, brown dresser, queen bed. His bed is coated with gray sheets, which appear soft with little to no wrinkles and a couple of pillows with a single head dent. A solo Led Zeppelin poster sticks to his wall, adding some personality. Stacks of boxes are scattered in the corner and you assume it’s all of his belongings he hasn’t organized yet. Although it lacks so much, his room is so… him. Which you would say he lacks so much, but then you remember the way his thick cock stretched you out and fucked you into oblivion and hold it back.
“Led Zeppelin. Should’ve known,” You nod your head, your arms still crossed. He shuts and locks the door behind you and walks over to his bed, sitting on the edge.
“I have others. I haven’t had time to put everything up,” He simply states, and you try your hardest not to infamously roll your eyes.
He never has time for anything.
“What do you have time for?” You quirk an eyebrow as you slowly make your way over to him until you’re standing in front, basically in between his knees. How did he have time for this? Harry stares up at you and licks his lips. Your heart jumps at the sight, but you refuse to let it flee in your chest.
“You,” His voice lowered, but his tone was soft. Screw your heart fleeing, it was flying around in your chest. He rests his hands on your hips, circling the clothed skin. Your clit throbbed with need while your stomach erupted in butterflies.
What is wrong with you?
You came here for a rough fuck like the last two times you’ve been together. But the energy was different today. Although he was sarcastic and arrogant as per usual, he was softer today. He gazed at you a little too long and his fingers were hypnotizing on your hips. You had a feeling you would get something a bit different today. For some reason, you liked it.
Who have you become?
You followed the soft tug of his hands until you sat on his muscular thighs. Your breathing increased with every passing moment. Your eyes locked with his green ones and you nearly choked just staring at him.
Look away.
But you couldn’t. You were so entranced by him, it scared you. Your clit pulsates heavily and your legs would soon begin to shake around him from seduction. His softness was leaving you speechless; you lost all your wit and attitude that you had had when you first texted him.
“Didn’t expect this, did you, princess?” Harry’s voice is quiet and gentle, completely different from anything you’ve ever heard from him. You thought maybe you really did show up at the wrong house and this was a some multiverse version of Harry. But his words and a gentle squeeze on your hips confirm that this really is your Harry, just… softer. What? “Use your words. Or did you lose them?”
“I…” Your mind was hazy and he hasn’t even done anything. “I didn’t expect this.”
“Good. I like to keep you on your toes. Let’s try something new,” He grips your hips steadily and shifts you onto only his left thigh. You notice his tiger tattoo before he places you gently onto it. You bite your lip just peeking at it. “You like my tattoo?”
His lip curls upwards in a sly smirk and you take a shaky breath, waiting for his next move. Harry begins to slowly rock your hips and you gasp from the sudden friction on your clit. Your leggings on his bare skin shot electricity through your nerves, releasing a whimper from your throat. You lean over, your face in your neck.
What the fuck is going on? You don’t like soft. You like hard and rough. What is…
You thoughts are scrambled when Harry thrusts his thigh upward, causing you to moan into his neck. You continue to grind on him, even when he stops moving you. You increase your rhythm, gripping his shoulders tightly.
“Mm,” Another lustful moan slips from your lips and you’d mentally curse at yourself, but everything felt so good you didn’t care. You run your hands along his bare torso, scratching delicately before he thrusts into you again. You revolve your hips in a circular motion, rubbing your clit dangerously good. “fuck.”
“That’s it. Fuck yourself on my thigh,” He murmurs deeply in your ear and you clench around nothing. Your clit throbbed desperately and you huffed rapidly as your high approached you.
Suddenly, he stops you and you don’t have time to react before he flips you onto his mattress. He hovers over you, deep green eyes searing into yours. Your jaw tightens, frustrated that he edged you.
He does it every time and it just reminds you of why you hate him.
But he always makes up for it with mind-blowing orgasms…
He watches your jaw tick and anger rise, and he can’t help but smile just a bit. He loves annoying you. It means he’s in control.
“I’ve always wanted to taste you. Can I?” Harry’s rough palms return to your hips, playing with the hem of your leggings. You don’t hesitate to nod because it’s rare for a man to want to eat you out.
You can’t deny that you’ve been thinking of it too.
He tugs your pants until they’re completely peeled off and on the floor. He smirks at your legs widening quickly and your wet panties. Harry presses a thumb to your clit, feeling it pulsate under him through the cotton material. You yelp, instinctively rolling your hips into his touch.
Harry feels his rock-solid cock twitch at the sight and feeling. He wants nothing more than to sink so deep into your folds that you forget your own name, but he’s been dying for a taste of you. Hopefully, his mouth can have the same effect.
Although you have an iron-exterior that makes it hard to ever call you sweet, Harry has a feeling you’ll taste better than his favorite candy.
Discarding your panties, he spreads your legs wider than they had been. Heat crawls up your neck as smoke fumes from your ears, impatient and upset that he is going so slow. Your cunt is glistening with arousal, more than ready for him and he’s going slow.
Seeing this, he doesn’t make you wait any longer because you look too delicious to only stare.
The air was cold against your blazing skin until his warm tongue heats up your entire body. Harry’s tongue immediately attaches to your clit, sucking greedily. Your hands fly to his tousled hair, tangling your fingers and yanking. Your free hand palms your breasts through your shirt as your nipples tighten painfully good. He groans against you when you push him into you, sending an electric vibration throughout your whole body.
He gladly explored your cunt, memorizing each inch with his lips. His soothing tongue laps your juices like he can’t get enough of you, like he would die if he didn’t have you.
Your legs tense and find their way around his shoulders. Your back arches achingly as you shove his head impossibly closer. He inserts his skillful tongue into you, eliciting a nosy moan that would surely wake anybody if they were sleeping. It was warm and smooth, and the sensation made your eyes roll to the back of your head.
His delicate acts leading up to this made the pleasure feel dirtier. It made you feel like you were an innocent who just committed a sin. He was the devil and you were an angel.
“Harry, I,” You pant, while your eyes peer down at him. Harry’s nose pokes at your clit when he looks back at you. His glare itself told you he wanted you to come and he wanted it now. Even if he was being soft, he was still secretly in control. You’d never admit that though. “I’m gonna come—”
The blissful wave flushes over you as your head falls back in ecstasy. Back arching, all your muscles spasm and quake as you fall down from your cloud of euphoria. Harry drinks and swallows all of your cum like it was liquid candy in a cup. Your eyes flutter shut as your thighs quiver slightly, attempting to relax. Although he’d been tender from the start, nothing about his desire felt tender. He devoured every drop of you like he was dying of thirst. You’ve never had a man eat you out so vigorously yet sweet, and it was one of the most attractive things you’ve ever experienced.
Why was a part inside of you glad it was from Harry?
“Fuck,” You whine, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. You don’t even have to look at him to feel his smirk seeping through your heated, perspired skin.
“That good?” He crawls up your body, his infamous smug look cascading his face devilishly. He tauntingly swipes the frizzy hair away from your blown-out eyes, admiring your features. Your pupils were huge and your bottom lip was swollen from biting down too hard. Harry wanted to suck it until it bled as you huffed and puffed at his demeanor.
“You didn’t let me finish,” You sass, shooting daggers at him.
“Of course I let you finish. You came all over my—”
“That’s not what I meant!” You shouted and threw your head back into the pillow as familiar heat crept up your neck and ears in embarrassment. Your blood boils in irritation as your fingers fist tightly into your palm. It’s crazy how fast you can change up how you feel. “Fuck you.”
“I’ve been waiting to fuck you. Please, just say the word and I’ll have my cock in you in seconds, princess.” Harry’s voice is gravelly and low, loaded with lust and secret desperation. The control this man has on you is insatiable because you become speechless from his taunting, demanding words. Your clit throbs at his proximity, begging to feel him fill you up.
You hated how easily you gave into him.
You asked for him to fuck you, as politely as you could muster up, which was a heavy stink-eye and a sneer with the word please. You knew he was suffocating in his shorts, cock waiting to be surrounded by your fluttering cunt. You were soaked just thinking about it, and couldn’t wait any longer to have him pounding inside of you.
You discard your T-shirt on the ground. He can’t help but eye your hardened nipples as he rolls on the condom. He licks his lips as he rubs the tip around your drenched folds.
“So wet f’me,” He husks, slowly sliding into you. “Bet I’ll just slip right in. Like I always do—”
His words of foreplay are cut short when the sound of the front door alerts you both. You both freeze, sharing identical wide eyes as the door slams closed. His cock stills halfway inside of you.
“Harry, what the fuck?! I thought you said nobody would be here!” You whispered aggressively in his face. You were terrified, but you tried to hide it by fueling furiously at him.
“I never said that! They were supposed to be gone for hours!” Harry responds in the same hushed, yelling type of tone. Feet pad across the hall, nearing Harry’s bedroom door. You hold your breath in anticipation.
“Harry? You home?” Sean calls, not knocking on the door. Harry licks his lips before giving you one of the smuggest smiles you’ve ever seen. It scares you how he can be so nonchalant about you two damn-near getting caught! His cool demeanor made your fists tighten in annoyance because he doesn’t seem to understand the severity of the current situation.
“Uh, yeah. What’s up?” He answers with clenched teeth. Without warning, he thrusts fully into you, cupping your mouth in case. You gasp behind his rough palm as he pulls in and out deliberately. Your hips roll to grind against his cock, body emerging into his touch. Your heart races at the predicament, horrified of being caught, but your body yearns to continue the discreet, sinful act.
“Going to the pub. Wanna join?” Sean asks, probably leaning against the doorframe as he waits for an answer.
“Bit busy,” Harry tries to hide a groan as he flicks his hips savagely into your suffocating cunt, making your body squirm.
“Ah, finally hooking up again. ‘S been awhile,” He chuckles. “Hopefully, it’s that one girl you’re obsessed over.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at Sean’s words. What girl? There’s been a girl this entire time and Harry never told you? Why was he hooking up with you? You really were just a side chick…
Before your mind can wander anymore, Harry is ramming into you viciously, skin slapping as you silently cry into his hand.
“I’ll see you later,” Sean walks away and eventually the front door closes again.
Harry releases his hand from your mouth and moves it down toward your aching clit. He feels your soaking folds with every pounding thrust, each more brutal than the last. He rubs fast circles on your bundle of nerves, eliciting an echoey moan throughout his plain room.
Harry wanted this to be sweet and sensual to see how you would react, but he couldn’t contain himself around you.
“I knew you liked being fucked in front of our friends. Don’t you?” He taunts, guttural voice seeping through your body causing you to shudder. You shake your head even though you secretly thrived off of it. You clench around him needily and he tsks, removing his thumb from your clit and moving it to your neglected, pointy nipples. “Your body says otherwise.”
You growl when he thrusts roughly, directly hitting your G-spot. Your mouth gaped open and your hands fly up to his muscular shoulders, stabbing him with your nails in bliss. Arching into him, you clutch around his cock desperately, chasing your orgasm as it comes into view.
Suddenly, another door opens and slams shut, but Harry doesn’t stop this time. He only pounds harsher into you and you wrap your legs around his waist to push him deeper. Your heart ricochets off the walls of your ribs, nervous for who you think is at the door as the quick steps approach.
“Harry!” Rina clamors and bangs on the door, clearly upset and irritated. It’s hard to focus on anything in the outside world when Harry indulges into you with every ounce of attention. “I don’t know why you would know this, but do you know where Y/N is? She hasn’t been answering my calls.”
Your eyes widen nervously, like maybe she can sense your presence in his room. The idea of you and him together was basically impossible and most definitely insane, so it wasn’t likely she thought that. Right?
“N-not sure,” Harry moans through his words, lacking disguise, but Rina doesn’t notice. You quietly whimper at his noises, loving his vocalness in bed. Everything that came out of his mouth in the sheets frustratingly turned you on, but everything outside just made you frustrated period.
“She’s been missing my calls more often now that I think about it… do you think something happened that she’s not telling us?” Rina innocently questions, oblivious to that fact that her best friend is getting fucked into oblivion by the most stupid, irritating, and attractive man she’s ever seen.
Harry pulls at your nipples, and you bite your lip harshly to restrain your moans. He twists and tugs until you're spasming uncontrollably around under his weight. You’re so close and he knows it. Harry smirks as your foreheads get damper with the sexual heat and the nervousness of the interaction.
“Maybe she’s with a guy,” Harry hints and you try to hide the gasp that escapes you too quickly. He lowers himself onto you, causing you to feel his warm, chiseled stomach against yours.
His cross necklace lays between your sticky bodies like a reminder about how sinful and wrong this is.
“Come right now. While she’s outside the door. Right fuckin’ now,” He pants, demanding in your ear and there’s not much you can do as you obey.
“Oh my god!! You’re right. I have to go find her!” Rina runs away and you don’t remember if you hear the front door close again as your stomach coils and hips shake. Your eyes squeeze tightly shut as your muscles lock up. Harry covers your swollen lips with his palm once again just in case, muting your muffled moans. Your thighs tremble harshly as your release drains from you. You feel your body levitate from the floating cloud of bliss surrounding you as you huff unsteadily against him.
Similarly, Harry’s teeth stab into his bottom lip as his cock twitches painfully inside of you. His thrusts are sloppy as his thighs clench together. He nearly tumbles off the bed as he releases his load into the condom, overwhelming euphoria cascading over him. You remain still, too many feelings invading your body, but your mind stays hazy.
Harry doesn’t hesitate to discard the condom with a knot and clean you up. He dabs soft tissues over your cunt, sensitive from the recent events. You subtly jerk and then he tosses it in the garbage.
One look at your fucked-our face and Harry was a goner. If he looked at you for a second longer, he would get hard again, so he dips his head away and flicks your shirt at you. He snatches a new pair of boxers and hangs them low on his hips.
As your mind gets back in order, you recall what Sean had said. Harry knew many girls, but he never settled. He wasn’t the type to commit to one person, so when Sean said that it shocked you.
“So who’s the girl? Do I know her?” You inquire as you slip your shirt back on, bottom half still bare. With his back facing you, he clenches his jaw in a straight line.
“He’s bullshitting you.” He’s going to fucking kill him.
“Didn’t sound like it to me. I mean, you’ve missed your daily dose of hook-ups because of her. She must be a pretty big deal,” You smirk as he remains silent.
It never clicks in your head.
You don’t even attempt to get up and leave, you just lay back on his bed with your head nudged into his indented pillow like you were staying. Your eyes gaze at the plain, drywall ceiling like it’s the most intriguing piece of art ever.
He should put a poster up there.
“No, really. He does that to get the girl jealous,” He licks his lips and tags you with a knowing look.
He wasn’t lying. Sean has done dipshit things like that before. But when he said that in front of you, it made his heart race and palms sweaty. He felt… embarrassed? Exposed? He couldn’t quite pinpoint the feeling, but it was volatile and impulsive. It had to be.
But then, in flashes, he remembers the few times he’s seen you smile. He remembers your laughter that he wished he caused. He remembers the moment he first saw a picture of you, and how it was horrible timing when you finally met. All of those moments give him a similar feeling.
Annoying you was entertaining because you were adorable when you were mad, even when you tried to be a biter. If he couldn’t make you smile or laugh, he had to do something. He avoided any sort of feeling because he couldn’t have you, so he had everyone else. He didn’t care, but secretly he did. God, it irritated the fuck out of him that you were an attracter and not a chaser. You had this magnetic pull that made him yearn for you and he hated it. He didn’t even know what he wanted exactly, he just wanted you.
Maybe he loves being in control so much because in the grand scheme of it all, you were the one in control. Whether you knew it or not.
“I am not jealous. There’s nothing to be jealous over,” You sit up on your elbows. You swear you notice the second of sadness in his eyes before he blinks it away. Maybe you only thought you saw it because you yourself felt a pang of sadness in your heart at your own words.
Why did you feel sad at all? You were just two people who had sex occasionally. You’ve hooked up with a handful of people in the past, and Harry a bunch himself. You wouldn’t call yourselves friends with benefits because you weren’t even friends. You couldn’t be anything more even if you tried because of how infuriated you made each other.
So why did you feel any dismay after saying that there was nothing between you two? After three times and being mutual “friends” for months before, you know subconsciously that there was something to lose. If only you could admit it to yourself and Harry, maybe you could be something.
Harry pushed down any and every feeling, convincing himself it was nothing. It was never anything. That’s what you said anyway, so that is what it was going to be. Nothing.
“You should probably go call Rina,” He swallows after multiple beats of silence, the atmosphere shifting. The usual fire in the air was gone, coldness suddenly cascading over you both. You nod distracted, slipping your damp panties and leggings over your shivering legs. For some reason, him telling you to leave felt like a rejection. You didn’t expect him to have you stay, even if he did live alone. But that ever-changing dismay grows over your heart slowly like ice.
Harry shakes his head. He wanted you to stay. He’s never wanted any of his hook-ups to stay. He hasn’t had anyone spend the night since…
Harry never talked about his love life. He didn’t count random sex as his love life, seeing as there is no love there. He’s had one girlfriend in the past. One.
She meant everything to him. Everything that a high school sweetheart was made out to be; sweet, funny, and easy. Sometimes, it felt like their love was fake because of how easy it all seemed. But as he grew up, things grew different between them. He couldn’t pinpoint exactly when, but he assumes it all stemmed from jealousy, insecurity, and drugs.
Harry didn’t go out a lot before her. She would drag him to every house party and he would go along with it naively. They drank and smoked together, faded laughter haunting his memory. Now, he tried not to get drunk and high like he used to because he remembered everything that was associated with his past. Weren’t drugs supposed to make you forget everything?
Alcohol. Ecstasy. Mushrooms. Fentanyl.
He’s not religious, but he thanks some higher power every day that he never got addicted. They experimented together in ways that connected people for life. But she wasn’t in it for life like he was. She was it for him. Harry was momentary for her.
He winced when he remembered the nights in some random person’s basement as he slipped a pill down his throat to impress her. He recalls the few nights they stayed in and just lied comfortably on his bedsheets, high on nothing but the presence of each other. The days were better when she wasn’t high because she was herself; the person he fell for.
She was obsessed over those little medicines that she snagged in a baggie, and she changed completely. She got controlling, manipulative, and angry, and horribly enough, Harry felt like he had too. Her twisting words and her mind games made him forget who he was.
Maybe in the real grand scheme of it all, his ex was the real reason why he loved being in control. Because he never was. It took everything in him to walk away, but the feeling still pinches him occasionally.
Like right now, staring at you. His heart ached because it was reminiscing the familiarity of the sweet beating he once had for her. The desire in his chest outweighs the logical facts that his brain wants to listen to. But like he did a few years ago, he finds it in himself to walk away. Or more so, to let you walk away.
As you trudge towards his locked door, you feel yourself about to cry. Water wouldn’t come out, but you had that restricting tension in your chest and that suffocating feeling wrapped around your throat. Hand on the handle, his voice slices through the silence.
“Wait,” He croaks and glides towards you. You don’t move. He couldn’t just watch you go. “do you want to leave?”
“What?” Your voice, quiet and breathy. He was setting you up and it made you anxious. If you said yes, but he didn’t want you to stay, you would have felt rejected twice now. But you knew you couldn’t stay, it was way too risky.
You slowly turn around to face him, denial on your tongue.
“Don’t leave,” Your heart skipped a beat.
“Harry, you know I can’t—”
“Then let’s go somewhere,” He suggests, eyes wandering around your face like he was trying to find an answer to every problem so you couldn’t deny him.
“Where? My place? What if Rina is there?”
“We don’t have to go there. We can go anywhere. Let’s just drive,” His eyes were green and glowy in a silent pleading. They were probably his puppy eyes, and you fell for them.
“I…” It was impulsive because you didn’t have time to get your thoughts or feelings sorted out. You definitely couldn’t do any of that while he was sitting right next to you driving. You felt vulnerable, but agreed. “Okay.”
Checking both ways, you both quietly pad down the stairs. Harry grabs his keys out of the small bowl and then you two head for his car. It was dark outside, late evening most likely. You hopped in the passenger seat as silence filled the air.
The revving of the engine didn’t stop your mind from overthinking as he drove along the empty roads. The tension was heavy with unspoken words that were desperate to be said. You couldn’t find the right ones as your brain scattered to think and your heart pounded with overwhelming emotions.
His words don’t leave echo in your mind. You knew it was odd how sweet and tender he was being when you first walked into his room. But those words felt entirely different from it all. They were laced with so many possible emotions; vulnerability, fear, sadness. You couldn’t depict which one he might be feeling. Maybe all of them.
There was one emotion you didn’t sense in those words, and that deep part inside of you that ached painfully beautiful hoped it was something he never felt when it came to you.
tags: @harrysgf01 @whitemancumslut @raajali3
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The easy way
I'll probably either rewrite this or write at least a follow-up to it, bc i don't like to leave this hanging in the void
TW: manipulation, noncon drugging, implied threat of noncon, a little manhandlig, intimate whumper
"How many reminders do you need to get it through your pretty head, huh?" In all honesty Alyssa didn't need any. She wished she did so she wouldn't be stuck paralysed in his grip, fully aware of the lack of choice she has in the matter.
"Easy way or the hard?" he asked again, pushing her further so she was flush between him and the door. Easy? What was so easy about doing what she was about to on her own volition? Taking all the drugs she was offered, just so he doesn't jam a syringe in her neck while she's fighting him off. She should not be letting it happen. Fighting should be the better option, because if she fights she might be able to hold onto some scraps of her dignity. If she fought she could've proved to herself that she's not compliant. Not broken. And most importantly that she still hates him.
"The easy way then" she looked down, face turning red with shame. She was just so tired. She desperately needed those few seconds of quiet, over her dignity. The latter didn't hold much weight in this place any way.
"Good girl" Luke praised and opened the door they were standing at. She would've fell on her back into the room if he hadn't held onto her.
He motioned her to sit on the edge of the bed. She sat, timidly, unable to even mimick being relaxed.
He pulled a tray of chocolates from the bedside cabinet and offered it to her.
"Take one then!" She looked at the tray confused. Where are the pills? Will she have to pass the time eating chocolates before someone else comes in?
"What's in it?" she asked cautiously.
"Chocolate, of course" he laughed "And something else I can't wait for you to try" so the drug was inside the sweets. Sickeningly enticing array of delicious chocolates she hadn't had one in so long, and now it was offered on a silver platter. She slowly reached for one and took it out of thw box. It melted right where her fingers touched it, and she just stared.
"What are you waiting for? Eat it" he commanded and Aly obeyed. The chocolate didn't taste weird. She hoped it would just so she can feel a semblance of the pain that comes with being forced into this. The stupid thing tasted just like regular chocolate "Good girl" he praised again, she wanted to crawl out of her skin. She wasn't good. She wasn't anything, nothing she did matter because he would get whatever he wanted anyway.
He stood in front of her and slowly pushed her down into the pillows. Climbing on top of her effectively mobilising her.
"You make everything so hard on yourself all the time. Isn't this nicer?" It's not. This meant she gave in. She just nodded in acknowledgement "Come on now, I know when you're lying to me" he raked through her hair gently before grabbing it. He didn't pull on it yet.
"We can chat before it kicks in" he nudged.
"I- I don't, I can't- I don't want to choose the easy way"
"But you did" he pointed out "So many times before you chose it. Why?"
"Because it hurts less" she whispered averting her gaze "But I think about it more and it hurts that I- I took part in it" he cocked his head to the side studying her.
"But you know once you stop trying to go against me in everything it won't hurt at all? I won't hurt you then." he carressed her cheeks and wiped away the tears that started flowing with his free hand "I get what I want either way" he shrugged.
"And what do you want with me now?"
"You don't have to worry about that"
"Why do you need me to be drugged then?"
"Because it's fun. And I do what I want"
She didn't immediately open her eyes when she came to. She felt his hands draped around her waist huggung her from behind. She felt she had clothes on that was a good sign.
Her head was spinning a bit when she tried to move slowly inching away from him, but he pulled her back into his chest with a sleepy grunt as one would a teddy bear. It hurt her hip where he held onto, there was a few days old bruise, but it wasn't anything she couldm't handle. There was no other form of pain other than the dull headache she was sure would turn splitting later.
She tried to be conscious of her body to figure out what happened the night before. She felt nothing. No soreness, no weird sensations.
"Good morning, princess" he greeted her groggily.
"What did you do to me?"
"No 'good morning' to me?" he kissed into the crook of her neck "That's rude"
"Did you- did we sleep together?"
"Yes" he murmured "and we'd still be, if you haven't woken me up"
"I hate you"
"No, you don't" he smiled still not letting go of her "If you hated me we wouldn't be here like this"
"I truly do you drugged me for no reason!"
"You hate uncertainity not me. And you hate that I didn't fuck you last night"
"You're disgusting" Aly tried to wriggle away again earning a hand on her throat to keep her in place.
"Oh come on, you are you lying to here" he laughed squeezing her thoat "You're a little scared of me, and a lot more angry, but you like being this close, just enjoy it"
"No, I seriously fucking hate you, Luke" this time his hand closed around her throat.
"Let's get something straight here" he started "You don't call me that. And you certainly should think about when you decide to hate me" he suddenly let go "This is the thanks for a fucking nap? How can I reward you with anything bigger if you can't even appreciate this?"
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