#anyway. merry christmas ya filthy animals
kazanskyy · 4 months
big dick energy + icemav
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necroromantics · 4 months
🧺 — Laundry And Taxes
chapter 11. // christmas special // (masterlist)
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AN: Helloo to all the readers of L&T, happy holidays to everyone and Merry Christmas for anyone who celebrates :] Heres my present to you 🔥
Standing on the station platform, tickets to Alabama in their hands, Natalie looked out at the approaching train. She leaned over to the boy waiting patiently next to her, and told him that she had never been on one before.
“Seems like we experience a lot of firsts together,” Toby grinned as Natalie punched his arm.
The girl sat on the window seat, resting her head in the palm of her hand as she looked out at the passing scenery. Toby laid back in his seat and closed his eyes, everything was in motion. The white winter landscape was complemented by tall, passing evergreen trees. Natalie watched the unspoiled morning skies mingle with the fluffs of clouds, and listened closely to the pleasant chatter of the two passengers seated behind her. By the sounds of it, they had only just met on that train, and were both headed south to see family. She glanced over at the boy resting quietly beside her and thought to herself how strange it is to meet someone you must’ve known lifetimes before.
The pair held fire in their eyes and their bags over their shoulders as they hurried down the streets sprawled with snow. Once they approached their destination of a tiny house decorated with an abundance of Christmas lights, Toby knocked heavily onto the front door. After waiting for a minute, the door creaked open, a familiar tall, blonde man wearing a Santa hat stood with a toothy grin on his face, welcoming the two inside. Brian gave Toby a hearty pat on the back as he led the boy to the living room, Natalie following silently close behind.
“Good to see you’re not in handcuffs yet, man.” Brian said
“Yeah, good to see you’re still growing out that awful mustache,” Toby teased back. In the living room, Tim sat in his recliner chair with an afternoon beer in his hand. He was sporting a red Christmas sweater that presented the words “Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal”. Beside him, there was a small Christmas tree perched atop the coffee table. Toby snickered to himself at the sight as he walked over and played with the plastic pine needles.
“Damn Tim, you really went all out this year huh.”
“Cut the shit,” Tim said, swatting the boy away.
Brian sat himself down onto the couch and grabbed the remote, turning on the television to whatever sports channel was on, letting it play quietly in the background. Taking a seat beside Brian, Toby looked over to Natalie who had been awkwardly lingering in the entrance, her arms crossed over her chest, her body pressed to the wall. The girl glanced over the room of men and furrowed her brow. She never liked proxies. Toby stared at the disinterested girl for a moment, watching her quietly reside in her own little world, before Brian spoke, catching the boy's attention.
“So you’re living in North Dakota now? How’s the weather up there treating you?”
“Uh, yeah, it’s alright. I’m used to all the snow from back home in Colorado, so it’s not too bad.”
As the two men continued to exchange their small talk, filling in the silence that hung over the room, Tim took another sip of his beer.
“You still hellbent on getting back to the old world?” Tim chimed in, causing Toby to look over with an irritated glare.
“So what if I am? Whats it matter to you?”
“Just wondering,” Tim lifted his bottle to his lips once again as he turned his head to look over at the football game. There was a long pause of tense silence for a moment, Toby’s gaze still directed at the man in a trained glare.
“Better to just leave all that shit behind anyways, right?” Brian said, leaning over to Toby to recenter the boy's attention over to their friendly conversation.
“Sure,” Toby muttered, looking down towards his feet for a moment, “What’re you up to now anyways?”
“Just working, trying to save enough up to get back to school, you know?” Brian groaned as he threw his hands back, stretching the tension out of his tired body.
“Yeah? Where do you work?”
“If I tell you that, I’m gonna have to kill you,” The man teased with a grin, to which Toby rolled his eyes in playful annoyance. Natalie watched from a distance as the men caught up with each other's lives, as if there had been no brutality between them. She watched as Toby joked with his colleagues; ones who had beaten him bloody many times before. She watched as Toby’s hands reached for the remote to switch on a channel that played Christmas music; hands that have killed countless people. She watched as Tim eased himself into the casual chatter, throwing in a sarcastic comment or two, bickering with the boy sitting across from him. They were a lively bunch, and as Natalie leaned back against the wall, her indifferent expression subtly hinting disdain, she wondered what gave them the right to act as if nothing had happened. The girl was no saint, and she knew this to be true, she was cruel and vicious, a killer, but she would never find herself sitting amongst men like these, pretending as if blood didn’t drip from her mouth from all the throats she had ripped out. They were rotten and vile, and it seemed her best friend was the worst of the worst.
A soft knock to the front door put a quick stop to the conversation, and Brian walked over to the entrance, past the girl who hadn’t said a word since she arrived. Toby’s head peered up, listening closely to the sound of Brian inviting somebody in. He wasn’t told of anyone else joining them that Christmas evening. As the stranger entered the living room, both Natalie and Toby’s eyes widened. The familiar man held his hands in the pockets of his dark gray sweater, his dark eyes glancing around at the three lounging around the room. Jack smiled awkwardly at Natalie as she shamelessly stared at his newly human appearance, her gaze meeting his. Toby, on the other hand, had been staring out of discomfort. The last conversation he had with Jack had been a fight months ago back in Mississippi. He knew Jack was never one to hold a grudge, yet the boy couldn’t help but feel a weird sense of unease when the man sat down next to him.
“Good to see you again.” Jack smiled.
Brian entered back into the room with a case of beer, breaking through the stiff atmosphere, and sitting on the couch next to the two others. He pulled out a bottle and handed it over to Tim, who had already drunk through his previous one, and then handed another to Jack, who shook his head.
“I’m not drinking tonight,” he declined.
“Suit yourself,” Brian exclaimed, popping off the cap and taking a sip. The four men talked amongst themselves as Natalie listened in, drumming her fingers along to the beat of the holiday tunes quietly playing from the TV. She couldn’t help but glance over at the clock, counting down the minutes until she could be free from that dreadful place. When she initially agreed to come to Alabama with Toby, she hadn’t considered how out of place she would feel. Tim never liked her much, Brian and her never really talked. They had both deemed her a weak point for Toby back in the old world — something in the way. There was always the expectation that she would turn on him, sell him out, be his downfall. And in a way, it was true. Whenever Brian snuck a glance over at the lingering girl, he noticed she would always be looking at Toby.
Once the clock had struck 5pm, Tim pulled himself out of his seat, tapping Jack to follow him into the kitchen.
“You too, Toby. I ain’t preparing dinner all by myself.” Toby groaned as he stood up, shuffling irritatedly behind the two men. As he passed by Natalie, he nudged into her with a sore smile, to which she playfully hit him back. The two would laugh at nonsense together as though it made perfect sense, bumped into each other as though it was an embrace. There was an awkward tenderness between the youths who had never been loved, and had to figure something out. Natalie had the tendency to lie through her gritted teeth. Not intentionally by any means, but she deluded herself for so long, so desperately, she was nearly a master at the art of self-deception. Brian had noticed this feat, and on that lively Christmas evening, begun to pester the girl.
“There’s plenty of seats, you don’t need to keep standing around you know,” he called out to the girl who only raised an eyebrow at him. He nodded his head towards the empty chair across from him, and Natalie huffed with annoyance at the bothersome man as she strolled over to take her seat. Brian sat with his bottle in his hands, the sound of bickering coming from the kitchen filled the open air.
“You and Toby live together now, huh?”
“I guess,” Natalie said with a stern look, crossing her arms as she leaned back into her chair, staring at Brian as if she were in an interrogation. The man only smiled back at her, his Santa hat draped over his head.
“Good to hear he’s found someone who tolerates his bullshit,” Brian said as he reached into his case of booze, “Want a beer?”
Natalie shrugged her shoulders in agreement as the man pulled out a bottle.
“Just remember, you can’t save that kid.”
“Great. I never wanted to. I wouldn’t know how to anyways.”
“So, do you love him?”
“What’s it matter to you?” she glared at the man.
“You got a fire between you two,” Brian continued to tease as he handed the drink over to the girl, who snatched it from his hand.
“Then I guess I should ask Santa for an extinguisher this Christmas.”
The man grinned at the witty reply, chuckling to himself as he glanced over towards the boy angrily storming into the living room, ranting to himself. Toby huffed as he collapsed into the couch beside Brian, sinking into himself.
“Toby, get your ass back in here,” Tim shouted out from the kitchen.
“Go fuck yourself,” the boy shouted back. Brian grimaced awkwardly as he took his leave, taking one last look at the girl who had once again been staring at Toby, before making his way into the kitchen to help with dinner.
Once Brian was out of the room, Natalie switched over to sit herself down beside Toby. She nudged her shoulder into him as the boy looked back at her.
“Stop being so cranky Toby, it’s Christmas.” The girl spoke as her eyes met with the boys who stared back at her. Toby let out a deep sigh and leaned into the girls side. He was warm, she was cold. The smell of the turkey and stuffing breezed past the two as Brian waltzed into the room once again, this time to alert them that dinner was ready, and to come get their plates.
The group, with food piled onto their plates, sat together as they made up for all of the lost time. On that drunken Christmas night, with loud chatter and laughter filling the fireplace warmed air, everything was fine. Bloodshed was past, sickness had wilted away. As five human beings sat victorious in that livingroom, ridden with battle of another world, their festive cheer only confirmed the triumph of man. The war was over, and they had earned their evening.
Toby sipped his booze as he watched Tim stumble over to his seat, sharing a tale of a time he had lied his way out of a speeding ticket.
“You’re a great actor, you should star in a film,” Brian teased with a grin.
“I will strangle you,” Tim threatened.
Natalie felt a hand shift over onto her own, and glanced down to see Toby’s fingers interlocking with hers mindlessly. She thought well of him. Even when he drank, she thought he was a good boy. The girl squeezed his hand back, and drifted away from the jokes and festivities to lose herself in her thoughts. He had already made plans to head back to Colorado to spend Christmas morning with his family, leaving Natalie to catch the midnight train back up north.
Once the late night tiredness had washed over the group, Toby found himself arguing with Tim, who alongside Brian, had too many drinks to drive the boy to his destination.
“How am I supposed to wait until morning? You agreed you’d drive me tonight.”
“I could drive, I haven’t been drinking.” Jack spoke out, stepping between the argument. Toby looked over at the man with his offer, and scrunched his brow with reluctance, before ultimately giving in and agreeing to the new arraignment.
Toby stood at the door with his backpack over his shoulder, saying his goodbyes to the drunken Brian and Tim as he waited for Jack to gather his things. Natalie hung around by the boy's side without a word as she waited for him to finish chatting with his colleagues. As Jack slipped on his shoes, and opened the door to head for the car, Natalie threw in a quick goodbye to her friend, and snuck away back into the livingroom as she waited for her train back home, which was going to arrive in two hours.
Tim and Brian chatted with each other as they sobered up, and cleaned the dishes in the kitchen, leaving Natalie alone in the other room after Toby and Jack had left. She leaned back into her chair as she stared mindlessly at the fireplace, watching the flames dance and flicker. In her dreams, her house is always on fire. She couldn’t bring herself to let go of the violence, even as it burnt holes into her. The dead girl with nothing to lose, the horrible girl who can’t escape. A loud ringing from her cellphone snapped the girl out of her daze, bringing her attention to the number presenting itself onto the screen as she flipped it open. It wasn’t one she recognized, but as she hesitantly answered the call, she knew the voice on the other end well.
“Merry Christmas, Natalie.” The woman spoke roughly. She sounded tired, a bit irritated.
“Just thought I’d call and wish you a good Christmas. But if you don’t want to talk to me, just say so,” The woman snapped. Natalie’s heart began to beat like a snare drum in her chest. She hadn’t heard her mothers voice in years, it made her sick to her stomach.
“Why would you bother calling me?” The girl asked quietly, and harshly.
“I guess it’s a crime now to want to talk to you since you left home. You know damn well you’re all I have left, so show some respect to your mother.”
Natalie scoffed. It seemed she hadn’t changed one bit.
“Sure, whatever, Merry fuckin’ Christmas.” She slammed her flipphone shut as she ended the call abruptly, squeezing her eyes shut as she felt a flurry of rage and shock. The walls felt like they were closing in on her, suffocating, choking her. Natalie quickly stood to her feet as she rushed out the front door to get some fresh air.
The outside was quiet as she sat herself on the front door step. It was late into the night, and everything was still. Natalie blinked back the sting of tears rising to her eyes as she took a deep breath in of the frost and mildew. She knew something bad had happened, she tried her best not to think about it. The Christmas lights hanging off of the edge of the rooftop reflected off of the white ground, sparkling. Suddenly, it began to snow. The girl watched as the snowflakes danced gently down through the night sky, landing on the streets and in her hair. Natalie felt warmth fall down her icy cheeks as she surrendered to her tears, quietly sobbing to herself as she looked out into the dark. Despite everything, the world was still so beautiful.
Toby stared quietly out from the passenger seat window, watching the snow as it fell. Jack remained silent as he drove down the highways of Alabama, keeping his eyes straight and his hands firm on the steering wheel. The boy sniffled to himself once in a while, coming down off of his evening buzz. He had always hoped for a mother, a father, something bigger than himself to tell him who to become. But as he stared out of the window into the dark abyss of the night, wartorn and battered, the world seemed so empty.
A few miles into the drive, Jack pulled the truck into a gas station parking lot, announcing that he was grabbing himself a cup of coffee, and that Toby should take a bathroom break before they continued with their long drive to Colorado. The bell jingled throughout the store which was nearly completely empty as the two men entered, Jack heading towards the coffee machine, and Toby to the toilets. The boy pushed past the door and quickly noticed all of the vandalism scribbled onto the walls, like a page from a book had been torn apart and plastered everywhere. His hand ran across some printing on a bathroom stall and read over a confession of sorts a passerby had left in a place they must’ve known they’d never return to. He read the admissions of guilt spread across the room, as if God had been listening. Memories of the old world rushed into his mind like the Great Flood, and he thought about all of the times he would wake up in places like these, thrashed and wrecked, with no recollection of what had happened, or the times he’d find himself leaning over the dirty sinks coughing up blood. His lungs must’ve been rotting. He never knew of anything that didn’t hurt.
Toby spent no more time in that bathroom as he rinsed his hands and quickly left back outside to the truck. Jack quietly placed his coffee into the cup holder next to him and continued to drive down the dark highway, into the night. The silence remained still between the two men, only the occasional car passed by them. Toby tapped his fingers against his knee as he thought to himself.
“You’re living in Alabama now?” He awkwardly asked, avoiding eye contact as Jack glanced over to the boy.
“Yeah, I am. I moved there mid-November. I thought it’d be easier for me if I was around people I knew. Like dipping my toe in the water,” Jack explained. He had turned away from his college room with his head down, running to Latin texts in the depths of an isolated forest. Jack started to find himself seeing the dead through the midst of the maple and oak trees which dangled hanged men from its branches. It seemed that he had no choice but to face what he had done, and find himself in the bustling streets of humanity once again. He wrote letters to his mother explaining a false reasoning for why he had left his education. He wrote them praying. Every letter he received back he collected as punishment for the sins he had committed. Jack kept them in a box under his bed.
“And you? Has North Dakota been keeping you busy?”
“Oh yeah, definitely,” Toby replied, fiddling with his thumbs as he kept his gaze down to his feet, “I actually started a small lumbering business for myself. Chopping wood and stuff.”
“That’s great to hear. Good for you,” Jack smiled.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“Of course.”
“I mean, thanks for helping me out. Always putting up with my bullshit,” Toby eyed his shoes, he didn’t want to see the satisfied look on Jack’s face. He didn’t want to think about how smug he must’ve been after hearing those words fall from the troubled boy's mouth.
“You’re not as difficult as you think you are, Toby. I’m not the only one who puts up with you.”
Toby looked over at the man driving, and shook his head. He remained untended to, like an overgrown tombstone, sick with decay. It was as if, from the moment he was born, that boy had never needed anybody else. He never asked for help, or reached out for support.
“I’m on my own. Always have been.”
“What about Natalie?”
“What about her?”
“She’s always been by your side, hasn’t she?”
The boy stayed silent for a moment. Toby didn’t know how to tell Jack that she, too, had left him to dig his own grave many times. She, too, loathed him. It didn’t matter, he thought, he didn’t need her, or anyone, anyways.
“Everyone who tries to stomach me eventually chokes me back up, Jack. Nat isn’t an exception.” There was a childlike loneliness in Toby’s voice as he spoke. One that made Jack quickly come to the unfortunate understanding that Toby wasn’t a soldier, or a war hero, he was just a boy. And the burden of always being the one who grits his teeth and fights an old man's battle must be far too heavy for a boy to carry.
“Does that bother you?” Jack asked. Toby shrugged his tired shoulders.
“After you’ve done and seen all the shit I have, nothing really bothers you anymore.”
Jack looked over at the other once more, a golden boy made to conquer, his eyes were desensitized and dark. Toby was entirely indifferent to himself and the world around him. He knew nothing of the time that had passed him, only that somewhere, at some point, there was a war being fought, and he was now far from the battlefield. That boy had long since lost his innocence, and his homesickness lasted forever.
“Do you actually feel bad for the things you’ve done?” Toby spoke again.
“You know, Toby, my guilt doesn’t mean anything. Apologizing while I killed someone doesn’t make me any different than someone who didn’t. I still took somebody’s life, I still sinned.”
“When I killed my dad…” Toby’s voice trailed off for a moment, “It was the happiest I had ever been, like all of those years of fear finally amounted to something. And I would do it again in a heartbeat. I'd rather have all of that suffering make me into a monster than for it to be for nothing at all."
“You don’t think you had any other choice?”
“It had to be done. Sometimes things just have to be done.”
“I understand,” Jack replied softly as he continued to drive.
“Hopefully God understands,” Toby said quietly to himself, turning his head to look out of the window once again. He tried to describe something unfathomable. Fate, the God neither of them believed in, whatever explained it.
"I guess just knowing that somewhere, my dad is still out there... I can't help but miss him. And I don't know why." The boy confessed, staring up at the stars in the night sky as they shined down brightly on the two men. There was a sense of knowing that he would be carrying that rage with him until he died.
“Do you love your father?”
“No, I hate him more than anything. If you met him you’d understand. Why else do you think I do the things I do?” Toby sat up straight in his seat, chuckling sorrowfully to himself, “I became the exact thing I was so fucking scared of growing up. And nothings going to fuck with me ever again.”
“You’ve suffered enough, Toby. I know you have a lot to carry, you did what you had to do to survive, I get it, but you can put it all down and still be safe.”
“I know that, I’m not stupid. I know I’ll have to listen to everyone someday and just let all of this anger go. But it’s like it clings to me like some scared little kid and begs me not to. And I’m not going to betray myself like that.”
“It takes some time, but there’s always the option to make peace with the past whenever you’re ready. You just need to stop looking in the wrong places for redemption,” Jack said.
“Yeah you’re right, time for me to become Mr. Goody Good,” Toby joked back.
“It really is that simple, you know. One day, wake up and decide to be kinder to yourself, and maybe others. You have been through too much to treat yourself so badly.”
The boy stayed silent, the quiet ambience of the drive filled the air. Toby hadn’t realized that he had been doing nothing but torturing himself the entire time. He didn’t know how to treat himself with anything but violence.
“I’m proud of you, Toby.”
The words Jack spoke drilled holes into the boy's burning chest. Toby looked over at the man who was staring ahead, keeping his eyes on the road, before turning his gaze back down to his hands. He had to do the impossible when he left it all behind, but he was alive, and that was his start. The boy was given no other choice, he needed to make his way in that world, it was just another thing that had to be done. He had always assumed that everybody around him looked at him through his fathers eyes, full of hatred and disgust. Toby assumed that his bitterness had left him intolerable, and it had never occurred to him that there would ever be people in his life who would tolerate him anyways. The praise of his violence in the past was replaced with a soft ‘I love you regardless’ when Toby bared his teeth. He then thought to himself how awful it was that his happiness hurt too.
Soon, the sun began to rise over the western landscape and Jack pulled up to Toby’s mothers house. They sat silently for a moment in the truck before Toby spoke.
“Thanks for everything, Jack. You’re a good guy.”
“You too, Toby.”
The boy dragged his tired body to the front step of his childhood home and waved as Jack drove off back to Alabama. It was late into the day, and Toby hadn’t told his mother he was coming over for Christmas. He thought for a moment about all of the time he had spent fighting against the world, and he had slowly come to the understanding that soldiers either die, or they return home from the war. As his luck would have it, on that snowy Christmas afternoon, it seemed he had made it out of the combat zone alive, regardless of what he had done. And now, it was his job to find peace for himself despite it all.
When he entered through the front door with a spare key his mother had given him, he glanced over the empty house, a tall Christmas tree standing in the livingroom. Toby called out for his mom, and sister, only to find that nobody was home. He turned around to look at the driveway, and noticed both of their cars were still there. Closing the door behind him, a sense of dread building, the boy quietly made his way through the house, cautiously examining every room. In his mothers room, he noticed a suitcase on the floor which had been half-packed. Toby bent down to look through the items packed away, before jerking his head up as he heard the sound of the front door opening.
Toby slowly, and silently, walked towards the entrance of the house, lifting his hands up as he prepared himself for a fight. A loud scream filled the house as Lyra jumped at the sight of the intruding boy, putting her hand over her chest as she realized who it was.
“Jesus, Toby! What's wrong with you!” She yelled as Connie quickly rushed in after her screaming daughter, only to relax as she saw her son awkwardly apologizing.
Connie rushed up to Toby, hugging him tightly and laying a kiss on his cheek. Lyra rolled her eyes and shook off the lingering adrenaline, walking up to give her little brother a hug as well. His mother explained that they had planned a surprise trip to North Dakota to visit him, but he had gotten to them first.
“We were down the street visiting Mr. Mulner and his wife. You remember Caroline. She had a fall a couple of weeks ago. Everyone in the neighborhood has been bringing them giftsfor Christmas," Connie explained to the boy the exciting happenings in her life as Lyra rinsed off an empty cookie tray in the kitchen sink.
“Wow, spreading Christmas cheer. How’d you get Grinch over there to come with you?” Toby teased, nodding his head over to his sister who only rolled her eyes.
“So, are you going to be leaving again?” Connie asked with concern in her eyes. She could never keep tabs on him anymore.
“Yeah, eventually. I’ve been living up North with that girl I was telling you about and-”
“You’re living with a girl?” Lyra interrupted with shock, having been listening from the kitchen.
“Shut up Lyra, don’t act surprised,” Toby argued back.
“Don’t fight on Christmas you two,” their mother scolded with a sigh as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.
Toby spent the day with his family, helping his mother cook dinner, and listening to Lyra’s latest gossip. The sun seemed to set as quickly as it rose, and the evening draped its darkness over the sky once more. After dinner, Connie went to bed early, and Toby sat in the livingroom with Lyra as they bickered over which Christmas movie to watch.
“Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie you dork,” she said.
“Fuck you, Die Hard is absolutely a Christmas movie.”
The warm glow of the lights that wrapped around the Christmas tree illuminated the livingroom as Lyra groaned and turned on Die Hard. Toby thought about all of the things he had talked about with Jack, and wondered if Natalie had gotten home safely yet. He thought about how strange that the place he thought of to be his home was no longer the place he sat in, but instead a small, old farmhouse in North Dakota. So many things had changed in such a short amount of time, and for once, as he sat by his sister under the roof he grew up in, he felt as if he could make something more for himself. For once, he felt a sort of happiness that didn’t hurt.
“Merry Christmas Toby,” Lyra whispered over to her brother, reeling him back in from his thoughts as he looked at her with a smile.
“Merry Christmas.”
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powermakar · 1 year
Take a Picture - Jt. Compher
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Merry Christmas ya filthy (slut ) animal!
well, this happened... 472 words of filthy smut with no plot
I have a soft and extremely horny spot for Jt okay
warning: cum play, unprotected sex (be careful please!), lots of swearing, pictures being taken during it too, and I think that's it
Jt Compher x fem reader
Jt wasn’t the most experimental person in the bedroom but when you two did do something new, 9 times out of 10 it would become his favorite thing. 
Now that is how you ended up laying on your bed with his head between your thighs. The scratchiness of his beard and the way he works his tongue over your clit sends you over the edge within minutes every time. “Fuck Jt how are you so good at this?” you ask, catching your breath. 
“Lots of practice. And I love watching you cum,” he smirks. You just hum in response as Jt flips you over onto your stomach and lifts your ass up. “I’m going to fuck you so hard tonight,” he says unbuttoning his pants. 
“Fuck me so hard Jt, I can take it,” you say reaching down to play with your clit. Jt smacks your ass and you can feel his spit slide down your folds. Before you know it, you are screaming his name as he is ramming his cock into your pussy. “Harder please, please,” you beg.
“I don’t want to hurt you, love,” Jt says but speeds up his pace anyways. The only thing that could be heard was breathy moans and skin slapping together. 
“Baby ‘m gonna cum soon,” he moans.  He spills into you embarrassingly fast, but at that moment he didn’t care. He wanted to try something new. Pulling his cock out of your tight hole, he gathered some of his cum on his fingers. Jt begins to rub the cum over your pussy. He sticks two fingers into your hole to gather more and rubs it on your clit, teasing you. This makes you clench your pussy and cause more to slip out. “Fuck, you should see yourself y/n you are so fucking beautiful like this,” he praises. 
“Take a picture, I want to see it,” you say, arching your back a little more. You thought that Jt was just going to grab his phone, but no, he grabbed his old polaroid camera. He took multiple pictures with and without his hands all over you. 
“So fucking un-believable,” Jt whispers in awe. He puts his favorite polaroid on top of his phone to put in the back of his phone at a later time. Jt fingers you roughly seeing all of his cum being pushed and pulled out of your sweet pussy making you both chase your next orgasm. 
“I’m close baby,” you say, squeezing your erect nipples. 
“Me too,”
“What?” you laugh
“Playing with my cum in your pussy is enough to send me over the edge babe,” he says gently slapping your pussy. That right there caused your third orgasm to rip through your body. In return, you sucked off Jt until he is spilling into the back of your throat.
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chaos-monkeyy · 4 months
merry christmas (/ happy holidays!) ya filthy animals, have some ✨festive✨ original smut
it's santa kink time 🎅 (Also on AO3!)
A little opening teaser:
He hadn’t been at all sure that Elijah would go for it when he’d first asked. And even now, after getting a ‘yes’— well, more of a taken-aback but indulgently and very lovingly amused, “…What, really? Yeah, alright sure. If that’s what you want.”— Jeremy still couldn’t quite believe it was really happening.
It was utterly ridiculous. He knew full well it was. But, well… when did kinks and fantasies ever make that much sense anyway, when you really got down to it? Anyway, it wasn’t his fault the mall-Santa had been really freaking hot in his formative years.
Tonight was even the quintessential Christmas Eve. The kind of perfect Christmas night you only got on rare occasions and then spent years in between hoping for again. Below zero but not bitterly cold; a soft, sparkling blanket covering the ground and more still falling lightly but steadily, dusting the whole world in fresh, white, fluffy snow.
Jeremy slipped out the front door a little before midnight. Shutting it on the warm, lit house behind him he crunched his way around the side and into the quiet, dark backyard. He shivered— from excitement rather than cold; he was well-bundled up— and hauled the ladder out and up to the balcony as quietly as he could. Elijah knew exactly what he was doing, of course. But half the fun was in pretending Jeremy had snuck out and left him snoozing in the living room.
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blondie20000 · 5 months
Rockin Around the Christmas Tree - Loki x Sylvie
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What in God's name is that?
Loki narrowed his eyes and looked through the branches.
He saw boxes flying out. Loki couldn't see what was in the boxes but he is pretty sure they are coming from a time door.
A time door?
How is that here?
Loki leans forward as much as he can. His frown deepens when he saw tables of various food gliding out of the time door.
What is this?
It kept going until Loki's eternal prison is covered with boxes, food, presents and...is that toys?
Loki focused on the doll which gave him a creepy smile.
Not weird at all.
He looks nervously around suddenly feeling vulnerable and on edge. He knew whoever is coming could attack him because after all Loki couldn't let go of the timelines he is powerless in this situation.
Then there's another possibility this could be a hallucination? He has sat here for...Loki couldn't say but it would make sense for him to lose his mind by now.
The God of Stories suddenly groans as his power courses him. His eyes shone green as images of the timelines go across his mind. He bites his lip and waits for the episode to ride itself out. After several moments the images fade away and Loki has regained control over his own mind again.
Mentally cursing himself and gripping the branches harder Loki glares at the time door again but what comes out next shakes him to the core.
She is just as beautiful as the last time he saw her. Her hair is longer now but it still suited her Loki would love to reach out and thread his fingers through her blonde locks. Her smiling face turns towards him but Loki is the first to break eye contract. He sadly looks away.
This can't be happening I must be hallucinating.
Still he found himself saying her name anyway.
"Syl..." He coughs and clears his throat. It has been a while since he spoke. "Sylvie!" He croaked.
The beaming smile is back facing him again.
"Hey Loki."
She bends down and picks up a box.
"Is this real?" He questioned out loud.
Sylvie responds with a nod.
"Very much so."
Loki rakes her up and down. She is out of her Asgardian clothes and is instead wearing jeans, sneakers and a jumper that said Merry Christmas ya Filthy Animal.
Why would I imagine Sylvie wearing that?
The jumper could be his mind reminding him of his sinful thoughts when it regarded Sylvie or maybe...maybe this is real.
Loki's eyes slowly widen with realization.
"Sylvie." This time he said it more clearly but his voice shook with emotion. She gives him an reassuring smile.
"I'm here Loki."
"But...What are you...What are you doing here?"
"What does it look like?" She opens the box. "I'm here to decorate the bloody tree."
"You turned this Godforsaken place into a freaking tree and as it's Christmas I thought we should decorate it."
"Christmas? Tree?"
"Christmas tree you got it."
She gets out the Christmas lights and lets it float into the air. The God of Stories looked with awe as the lights stretched and went around his new home. It disoriented him at first seeing so many different colors after seeing green for so long. His awe soon worn off and is replaced with worry.
"Sylvie what are you doing this could destroy the timelines this could..."
"I know what I'm doing."
Baubles came flying out of the next box. It floats in the air then tinsel followed that went round and round all the way to the top.
"Sylvie." He hissed her name. "What is the meaning of all this?"
She sighs and rolls her eyes.
"Getting ready for Christmas." She stated with an 'Isn't it obvious look?"
"But why? That is a Midgard tradition?"
"That's beneath you?" She said with a raised brow.
Loki said nothing.
Sylvie walks over to him and bends down so she is eye level with him. Loki's breath hitched up as she got closer. His hands trembled.
Don't lose focus don't lose focus. He told himself.
"Loki." She said her voice serious. "You told me we are Gods right? Well..." She sighs. "I never felt like a God...I...I never got the chance to be a God and to be honest I can't ever see myself being a God not like you."
She shakes her head.
"So you want be like them?" He asked.
"I wanted to be free." She nodded. "A chance to start fresh, a new life. After He-Who Remains when I first arrived at McDonald's when I first saw all those people, families, their children, their happiness." She smiles. "I realized then that I wanted that and from that day I swore I will try everything that includes celebrating human traditions. I am still sticking to that promise I will celebrate Christmas but I'm not celebrating it alone and nor are you."
He looks at her puzzled.
"I am forever grateful for what you did for me, for all of us. I want to say thank you." She gets out a present. "I know its not much but..." She smiles sheepishly. "It is Christmas and um well..." She puts the present down on his lap. "I hope you like it."
Loki chuckled slightly as her cheeks blushed pink. She frowns at him.
"What's so funny?"
You are cute when you are embarrassed. He thought.
"Well there's one thing." He added. He shrugs his shoulders. "My hands are tied."
"Oh...Of course." She laughed slightly. "I didn't think about that."
"You can open it for me?"
She smiles.
"I will."
She removes the ribbon then she lifts the lid. A gasp escapes Loki's lips as Sylvie lifts a blanket out. It looked exactly like the one he created in the void.
"You made this?" He asked.
"I been practicing." She grinned. Then she looks at the blanket. "Still looks like a tablecloth to me."
He huffed a laugh at that.
"Here." Sylvie said.
Sylvie wraps the blanket around his shoulders. Loki's smile widens. He brushes his cheek against the fabric. A mixture of both happiness and pained filled him. While he loved the present it also reminded him of what happened afterwards. Not wanting to upset her Loki clears his throat and thanks her for the present.
"You are welcome." She goes back to the box and lifts several ornaments out. She then gets out a smaller version of a tree. "More the merrier." She chuckled as she puts the miniature tree down.
"What's that?" He asked as he nods at the ornaments in her hands.
She holds up the two ornaments.
"S for Sylvie, L for Loki."
Loki studies the two letters in her hands.
"You may have created this tree but it's our Christmas."
She hangs the two letters on the little tree next to each other. It probably meant nothing but Loki couldn't help but see it as something more.
He sighs. God he sounded pathetic.
"And finally..." Sylvie gets out an angel. "The tree topper."
She walks back over to him and sticks the angel on one of his horns.
"Why?" He frowned.
"You are obviously the tree topper to this tree." She giggled at the sight of him. "I was originally going to pick a star but I thought an angel makes more sense because I know you are watching over us."
"I do." He slowly nods. He raises the branch that is nearest to him. "I keep yours close to me." He smiles. "I have always watched over you Sylvie it brings me comfort knowing you are happy."
She bites her lip at that. Another blush creeps up her cheeks. Loki found himself blushing as well.
"I...I brought food." Sylvie quickly changed the subject. She gestures to the trays. "I didn't know what you wanted so I picked everything I also brought some movies, some games, I even brought some festive tunes." Sylvie waves her hand.
All I want for Christmas started to play in the background.
"Had to jump to several timelines to get the stuff." She said. "This song didn't come out until 1994."
"You been busy."
She places an Elf hat on her head.
"You have no idea." She grinned.
"Why the toys?"
She looks over her shoulder at the piles of toys.
"Yeah I gone overboard." She grits her teeth.
"I like it." He said.
She looks at his face. He is smiling a genuine smile.
"I'm glad." She picks up a plate of pigs in blankets. "Want one?"
He shrugs his shoulders again.
"I can feed you."
He pulled a face at that. She rolls her eyes.
"I'm a God."
"There's no need to be ashamed. I'm cool with it. Here."
She lowers herself and gently orders him to open his mouth. He does and she pops the pigs in blankets in his mouth.
"Well?" She asked after he swallowed.
"It's okay."
She gasped at that.
"Just okay?"
"Well it's alright."
She runs a hand down his face.
"What else is there?" He asked in a teasing tone. His eyes shone with mischief.
Sylvie went and picked up a box of truffles.
"If I remember rightly." Loki said before Sylvie offered him the food. "This blanket is big enough for two people."
She raises her eyebrow.
He shifts in his seat.
"I never said anything about my legs being tied."
There is that hint of mischief again but also Sylvie noticed something else underneath it all she saw a hint of shyness as well.
"If you want to of course." He added quickly.
"It would make the feeding job easier." Sylvie sighs and nods. "Alright then."
Sylvie slides on to his lap. She grabs some of the blanket and puts it over herself.
"That okay?" She asked.
"Yes." He replied trying everything he can to contain his excitement.
She gestures to his mouth. He opens it and allows her to toss the truffle in.
"Sweet." He noted.
"But good?"
"Not sure maybe I need some more to find out." He grinned.
She scowls at him but amusement showed in her eyes.
They eventually settled on a movie. Sylvie chose Home Alone telling him it is a classic.
"Humans love it."
Both the God and the Goddess laughed at the movie. They loved Kevin and his traps. He is mischievous, chaotic and fun just like them. Sylvie snuggled into his chest as they watched the movie. Loki looks down at her. Warmth filled up inside him. He always imagined moments like this but never in his life did he think they would come true.
After they played snakes and ladders. Sylvie moved his pieces for him. The game prompted Loki to tell her the story of the time when he turned into a snake to prank his brother. Sylvie snorted and begun telling him funny stories from work.
"He tripped and the milkshake went all over him. The guy shrieked like a bloody banshee."
Loki chuckled.
"Serves him right for being a dick." He replied.
They had a few rounds of chess and told each other jokes from the crackers. Then they settled on watching It's a Wonderful Life.
Sylvie is back against his chest again. Loki wished he could wrap his arms around her. A wave of his power goes through him again reminding him of the burden he now has to carry. His face goes slack as images flood his mind.
Sylvie touches his cheek with concern. Few moments later Loki blinks and shakes his head.
"I'm fine." He said his voice strained.
"You look like you are in pain."
"I've had worse."
She didn't believe him.
"Sylvie don't let it ruin this...please."
Sylvie had so many questions but the way Loki looked at her silently pleading with his eyes made her go quiet. Sylvie then nods and decides to respect his wishes.
"Okay." She said.
She turns her head back towards the movie. She may have dropped it for now but this wasn't the end she will find a way to get him out of this.
She swore on that.
The awkward atmosphere soon vanished and the God and the Goddess found themselves engrossed in the movie. When the movie finished they both look up and see a mistletoe hanging above them.
"Now who put that there?" Loki raises an eyebrow. "Was it you?"
Sylvie shrugs and gives him a cheeky smile.
"Was it you?" She asked.
He shrugs back and smirks.
Seems no one is going to answer that question.
"Can it be fixed?" He asked.
Sylvie looks up at his hopeful expression. She knew what he meant. He meant them, their relationship.
"Loki." She replied. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
He narrows his eyes as he processed her response. Eventually a dawn of realization settles over his features. The tension melts away from his shoulders and a gush of relief comes out of him.
"Not broken." He mumbled.
"Hope kept it alive." She answered.
Loki leans forward. His face is inches away from hers.
"Together?" He whispered.
She cups his chin with her hand.
"Together." She repeated.
She then pulls him for a kiss.
Sylvie wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him harder and more passionately. He responds just as fierce.
"Sylvie." He mumbled into the kiss.
Sylvie felt the tears roll down her cheeks as they both poured their hearts out into the kiss.
Suddenly Sylvie heard fireworks. She looks up and sees rays of colors exploding all around them. It is a magnificent sight.
"Definitely you." Sylvie teased.
"Would you prefer rain? That's popular in romance movies."
"Definitely not." She kissed him again.
Eventually they both pulled away and touched their foreheads together.
"I love you Sylvie."
The words came out so quick Loki didn't even think twice but now he said it he became worried fearing he has gone too far. Sylvie beams at him. Her heart warmed at those words.
"Same to you Loki same to you." She straddles his lap and runs her hands down his chest. "Is it weird to feel attracted to a tree?"
He burst out laughing at that. She licks her lips and admires every part of him.
Na not weird at all. She thought with a smirk.
"Merry Christmas Loki."
Loki smiles and it is the most beautiful smile Sylvie has ever seen.
"Merry Christmas Sylvie."
It wasn't long before they begun filling each other up with the festive spirit with Rockin Around the Christmas Tree playing in the background.
The rocking is definitely not pun intended...
...Or is it?
The End
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pridepages · 5 months
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Thanks @heybuddy-drabbles for the tag! I may be having a hard day, but Alex has it worse...
“Mijos,” He calls, “Vamanos!”
The front door opens, and two kids come flying like birds to his whistle—a lanky thirteen-year-old in a plum cardigan, her curls pulled back in a ponytail, and a scrappy eleven-year-old in an ugly sweater at least a size too big for him that has the words Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal knit across the front.
The man grins, waving an arm to show off his haul. “Christmas trees wait for no man!”
The girl rolls her eyes. “Or woman, Pa!” She says pointedly.
“Right you are, CJ,” he says amicably. “Wanna help me get this sucker into the house? Alex,” he turns to the boy. “Is the cocoa ready?”
“No,” the boy’s face falls. “Ma’s working. I asked and asked, but she kept saying ‘five more minutes.’”
The man’s smile flickers.
Looking into the face of his childhood self, Alex whispers, “he has a suitcase in the back of his closet.” 
They can’t hear him. Of course they can’t.
He says it anyway.
“She works all the time, so she didn’t notice. Or maybe it’s the other way around—” he’s thinking out loud now. “Maybe she works all the time because she knows it’s there—”
If no one can hear him, does he even make a sound?
“It doesn’t matter because Pa’s leaving. He knows he’s leaving—he’s just scared to do it. So he’ll tell himself he’s giving you one more good Christmas, then he can leave in January. Except he doesn’t leave in January. He won’t get the guts until summer—he’ll move out while you’re at Boy Scout Camp and tell you it was better that way.”
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w-illlo-w · 1 year
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i got carried away while working on the 6 fanarts (coming soon) and so here’s a catra as she ra redesign that didn’t fit in the template at all so i might as well post it. couldn’t figure out where the whip went, but its a sketch anyway so merry christmas ya filthy animals
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lostestleo · 1 year
I’m drunk for the first time in a year, woo.
I gotta say, I am not having the best time on this ride home. It’s definitely not as fun as it used to be!
Celebrating was my favourite holiday, but the fun seems to disappear when you’re an adult who is surrounded by other adults… the kind that doesn’t hang.
My inner child has been going fucking nuts. I miss my friends, my work, my social life… I miss the ability to make life mine.
I miss waking up and seeing what my day brings.
Unfortunate circumstances are a necessity for life, and it doesn’t make you feel too great when so many unfortunate events keep on happening, and it never seems to end. Not only that, but human beings have a tendency to focus on the negative- as opposed to recognizing the positive. I am certain you’ve noticed this, as I have been noticing this my whole life. This is something we are all guilty of at some point(some more than others) and trying to fully heal oneself must be done with support and reassurance, which is usually fueled with optimism and hope.
But when you think about it, why must we deal with all these bad things happening? Why can’t we always just be happy? Well, we would never grow emotionally/mentally if there was no reason to. We need the bad in order to appreciate the good. And that is exactly what I am trying to do more of: appreciate the good.
So, aside from feeling slightly stifled, and isolated at home… I also feel incredibly safe, and taken care of. I always know that I have unconditional love from my family, and the few I choose share my life with. This kind of love is able to top any kind of alcohol induced sadness.
Cancel my pity party, please.
…No one was gonna show up anyway.
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Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals
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It’s time for our holiday party!
Everyone’s been chilling out and listening to the tunes and eating snacks so far. Taya is gonna try to talk to both Damien and Matt later in the night, see what’s bothering both of them. She came to me about it, said she’d like to try before me. Something about my approach not being “subtle” enough or something. Whatever the fuck that means.
Anyway, I got put in charge of the music for the party, so I’ll get back to that. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.
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mysticalgalaxysalad · 3 years
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Ship: Grand Admiral Thrawn x fem!reader
Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels
Rating: Explicit (18+)
Warnings: smut, vaginal fingering, squirting, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, soft!Thrawn (because i said so), aftercare, porn without plot, blindfolding
         „Well, well, well, now what do we have here?“
       Thrawn purred into your ear, his voice deep and smooth. You felt goosebumps rising on your skin, and new wave of arousal dripping out of you.
       You were naked and blindfolded with dark blue silky cloth, spread on Admiral’s bed, wrists tied up above your head. Grand Admiral Thrawn laid beside you and slightly touched your soft tummy.
       „You know, you look so pretty like this, spread out for me, all soft, pretty girl,“ with every word, Thrawn kissed and nipped at your neck, marking you as his. His big hands softly caressed a pillowy flesh of your breasts, nipples stiffening quickly under his long slim fingers. You couldn’t help quietly moaning and arching your back into his touch. Grand Admiral smiled at your reaction.
       „Yeah, so pretty. And only for me,“ Thrawn’s velvety voice flowed around you and you gasped. „So tell me, my pretty princess, whom your little pussy belongs to? Who gets to fuck this tight little cunt and suck those beautiful tits? Hm?“ Thrawn moved big palm from your tits to your hips. He circled your inner thighs.
       You don’t know, how are you able to do it, but you answer him, your voice shaking. „O-only you, Grand A-admiral, I’m – ahh – only yours, forever.“ His red eyes, darken with lust and arousal, sparkle. „That’s right, my sweet, smart dove. Good girl. So good for me. And all beautiful, good girls like you get rewarded.“ He moved his hand slowly to your dripping, pulsing core. At this point you were so worked up, you felt you could cum just from hearing your Admiral’s voice.
       Admiral groaned, when he felt your wetness dripping on his fingers. „Kriff, you’re soaked, little one,“ and he slowly entered you with two of his fingers. You moaned loudly, but you couldn’t give a damn kriff. Your body was burning with arousal and you already felt so on edge, that you started to ramble, and you even didn’t know what you were saying. Everything was…breathtaking. Every flick of his thumb over your clit, every thrust of his fingers…
       „Grand Ad-admiral, ahh, ahh, gods, p-please, mhmm…“ You were a trembling and moaning mess and Thrawn was enjoying the sight of you.
       „Shh, beautiful, I’ve got you,“ he added third finger and quickened the pace. „T-Thraawn, I’m g-gonna – aahh, ahh-“
       „Yes, my precious, smart girl, let go, let my fingers drown in your sweet release, the sweetest juice I had ever had...“ Thrawn’s filthy words was the legendary last drop for you to cum. And, oh dear Maker, did you cum.
       Your body shook and arched, as you did as Thrawn asked of you. Pure pleasure flowed through your veins as a hot molten lava, as your cum drenched Thrawn’s hand, your thighs and the sheets beneath you. Your eyes rolled into your head and you let out a very sinful long and loud moan. In your post-orgasmic bliss you didn’t realize, that Grand Admiral Thrawn hadn’t slowed down thrusting his fingers into your pussy, untill you felt heat and tension pooling between your legs again.
       „Give me one more, beautiful angel, one more,“ Admiral’s voice sounded slightly choked. Little did you know, that your pretty Admiral boyfriend was painfully hard, hot and throbbing in his pants.
       And you couldn’t deny him anything. Not when he looked at you with such uncontrolled passion and lust in his beautiful dark red eyes. Also, it felt just so incredibly good, what he was doing to you…
       „T-Thrawn, aahhh,“ with a sharp cry, you came once more, clenching tightly around his fingers. It wasn’t as intense as your first orgasm, but it was enough for Thrawn to come in his pants with a feral growl of your name.
       Right after you came down from your high, Thrawn untied your wrists. He massaged them and kissed. Then he removed also your blindfold. „You did so great for me, my smart angel,“ Thrawn cupped your cheek and kissed you so softly that it brought tears to your shiny eyes. „Thank you, my love,“ you smiled at him.
        Thrawn then picked you up in bridal style and brought you into the bathroom. You both took a warm shower, Thrawn peppering you with soft kisses and holding you all the time. When you came back, he quickly changed wet sheets and gave you a cup of water to drink. Meanwhile, Grand Admiral laid down on the bed and happily sighed. You joined him few seconds later and he immediately cuddled you to him.
       „You’re so beautiful, sweetheart,“ Thrawn whispered, as he kissed your forehead. You blushed and yawned. Two very awesome orgasms tired you. After you closed your eyes and fell into an empire of dreams, you didn’t hear Grand Admiral saying „I love you so much, precious girl,“ before he fell asleep as well.
taglist: @samrubio @deewithani @tibbietibbs (thank you, my sweetheart, for beautiful thots ♥) @rexsjaigeyes @soclonely @kavecika  @bvcketfvcker​ 
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Böhmi brutzelt - Backen mit Bela B
well, he tried. bonus:
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lilhawkeye3 · 3 years
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Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals 👀🔥
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screamloudernow · 3 years
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Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.
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1-0-1-9archived · 3 years
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“ Mnnnn, never thought I’d see the year when I’m rarin’ to put some shit together ‘round this time for more than just two — ! ”
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Heeeeey Luca fandom, y’all still alive or am I screeching into a void right now? Anyway, Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.
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