#anyways!! i couldn't share these names for WEEKS i have been in HELL have my children
buckysegan · 7 months
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With all my gratitude, hope and adoration John.
Summary: Everyone deserves a letter from home. John x She. Word Count: 785. A/N: we are def rolling with some historical inaccuracies in regards to letters here but sue me. he deserves it. Part Two.
"mail boys!"
the familiar call sounded through the bunks and bucky didn't even bother to lift his head from where he had been watching crank deal out the cards. he didn't need to look, he never needed to look because there had never been any mail for him. it was a well known fact among the boys, something none of them seemed brave enough to comment on. and john? well he wasn't the type that was going to dwell on such a thing with anyone other than buck.
"buck another one for you, brady, one for me....bucky." the silence that took over was almost immediate as his name was called and for a moment he almost didn't want to look, terrified how he may react if he found a smirk on murph's face. instead he was greeted with absolute sincerity and just as every other face in the bunk did, his pulled into a picture of confusion as he moved to swipe the letter, blue eyes quick to inspect the penmanship.
there it was, as clear as day, his name. lifting it to his nose the way he had seen each man do it sniffed, the rounds of taunts flying from the boys over some secret broad he'd had hidden away from them all. not that the major was listening, already retreating to his bunk with the piece of paper as buck silenced the rest of them, sending them on their way to read their own letters as he watched with quiet concern for his best friend.
he had known john long enough to know he wasn't the pen pal type, but he'd also seen the change, the longing for something that the rest of them had. it wasn't anything he had ever expected of his john, ever the class clown so he was as confused as the rest of the crew.
none were more confused than john though, as he tore, with gentleness he had long since reserved for the touch of a woman, wondering who the hell had wrote him.
"dear major egan..."
Dear Major Egan,
It's odd I find, to be writing a letter to someone when your name and rank is all I know of you. It feels terribly impersonal and honestly I'm not sure how this letter will be received so I am sorry if this feels like an intrusion on your day but the thing is...
Well the truth Major, is that it seems to have been noted that during your time in England you have yet to receive a letter. When I learnt that fact my heart broke a little and not with pity I assure you, but any man fighting for home deserves something to hold onto. You may have that, I hope you do, but just in case I wanted to offer you some form of peace.
I am with you Major Egan, for as long as it takes you to get back home. There is someone out there praying for you every night, someone waiting on your soul to make it back. I know not what your favorite warm meal is, nor what you sound like, I know not what you look like or what makes you laugh, but I would like to learn all of those things should you wish to write back at all.
In return I shall share all those things about myself and anything else should you wish to know any of it. Oh they tell me your name is John, may I call you John next time? I'm going to do it anyway.
With all my gratitude, hope and adoration John
A friend from home x
he wasn't aware the tears had welled as he finished the letter. really bucky had almost forgotten what it was like to cry. but as he scanned the page, again and again and again, he couldn't bring himself to stop the tear that spilled over his cheek, even with the silence he could feel around him again as the boys grew curious once more.
"who was it john?" the gentle voice of his best friend broke through the fourth rerun of the words, the blonde stepping forward so that the answer could stay between them.
blue eyes lifted to meet hazel, with a smile he knew that he hadn't worn in weeks really. one not dissimilar to the smile he had given buck when he had seen him behind that fence. "i - i have a friend from home." someone, somewhere was waiting for him, someone somewhere, had given him what he had forgotten about in this war. hope. she was with him and unless god himself tried to stop him john egan was going to make it home.
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lilliumrorum · 8 months
What does he have that I don’t? (Part One)
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<<Previous | Masterlist | Next>> Synopsis: After discovering your lover's affair with his best friend, you found yourself in emotional turmoil. Seeking comfort, you end up in your captains office for the second time that night.
WC: 2k
Content/Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Verbal abuse, Smut, Cheating, Unrequited love, Threesome is mentioned.
Notes: Sorry this took so long to post, I've been in school, at work or stoned so I didn't have the time. I do now and I'm back!
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Betrayal, heartbreak, shock, and confusion are common reactions in such situations. However, this was definitely not just some situation. The head that was once thrown back in pleasure was now gawking at you, awaiting your reaction.
"[Name]..." Simon sighed.
How could he have expected you to respond? He shared intimacy with someone who understood him better than you ever did—the person he introduced you to just two weeks into your relationship. Johnny was his closest confidant, his right-hand man, the one he would willingly take a bullet for. You're not even sure he would even identify you on the battlefield.
"Sorry I barged in, I'll leave you to yourselves."
Without granting him the opportunity to finish, you swiftly closed the door and slung the robust duffle bag over your shoulder.
You always had a feeling that he was attracted to Johnny, but didn't think he was aware. Simon wasn't one to express admiration openly, but he consistently praised Johnny as the best sergeant he had ever witnessed in action. You wished Simon would speak about you the way he talked about Johnny, but you never felt jealous. Now, you felt numb, the only sensation you feel is that of your knuckles turning white as you tightly grip your bag.
Wandering aimlessly, you had no idea where to go without a single friend nearby. Sure you had teammates, but you weren't close to any of them. You were genuinely alone, and it seemed even Simon didn't want you around (not that you were planning on going back tonight anyway). You couldn't comprehend how something so right could turn so wrong. Maybe it started when those morning kisses shifted to him leaving under the guise of going for a "run." The movie nights together evolved into you being isolated, reading a book in your dimly lit bedroom, with him conspicuously absent. Your bed was usually always empty, due to Simon's "workload", but there was going to be one less body tonight. It was no longer your bed.
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"Really? Are you actually going to leave me when you've just come home?!"
Simon seemed unbothered by your tear soaked face.
"I don't always want to walk in and deal with your naggin'. Fuckin' Christ, I can't even go for a lap around the base with out your crazy ass losing your shit!" He lashed out.
A whimper left your lips.
"I just missed you, Si! I love you! It's not nagging if I tell you that I want to see you! Where is the man I fell for? Where did his love go? This is not you Simon! It's not fucking you!"
"I never fell. 'Si' does not exist. Simon doesn't fucking exist."
"So you never felt any of it? You've just been faking your way through this entire fucking relationship? Do you even want to try anymore? You don't even fucking care!"
He paused.
"How can I try to feel remorse for a love that was a lie? The only thing I even remotely enjoy about you is that after we fuck you leave me the hell alone and go to sleep." He spat at you coldly.
"Okay... well if Simon doesn't exist then whos been sleeping in my bed?! Who used to kiss my tears away? I want him back. All you ever do now is cause them."
"A ghost." his words dripping with malice as he slammed your door.
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You were too caught up in the sadness of your relationship to realize you were crying or understand what was going on around you. The sadness caused something to decay in your heart. The thought of what you witnessed made you feel nauseous, so you tried to get your conscience off of the present matter. Your thoughts drifted to your captain, the only person you felt you could trust now. He had repeatedly mentioned his availability in his office, even beyond regular hours.
Captain Price was consistently kind. Despite the necessity of sternness in his role as a captain, his gaze was always gentle when directed towards you. As you started to notice the features of the building, a sense of lightness washed over you, as if all your problems faded away upon its sight. You observed a light flicker in response to the loud steps you took across the terrain. The door cracked open, and you saw his eyes start to crinkle when he noticed you.
"Things aren't goin' very well I reckon?" He smiled sympathetically.
"Not at all. I think things wont be going anywhere now. I have nowhere to go."
He cocked an eyebrow at your words, then turned to hold the door. John Price was a genuine gentleman, not someone pretending to be what they weren't, but the authentic, real deal. At times, you wished Simon could be more like him—kind yet firm, resembling an actual person.
"You can tell me about it once we get to my room." He shot you a soft, closed lip smile.
After reaching the stairs in the hall, both of you climbed them wearily. You could sense his gaze on you; he was studying your face. He could see that the whites of your eyes were visibly red from crying, and there was a faint trace of a tear on your cheek. He stopped examining your face as you reached his door. Once more, he held the door open for you as you entered.
"You can place your bag in the closet {name}, I know you've had a hard night."
You followed through, placing the oversized bag on his closet floor. He entered his bedroom with you, staying close in case you needed any assistance. Your face became heated for some reason as you found yourself in the bedroom with your captain. You hurriedly left his bedroom, while he followed slowly with fatigued movements. Upon reaching the living room, he sat down on the couch with a grunt, and you followed suit.
"Tell me all that happened after you left my office." He commanded.
Price was always very protective of you, intervening with Simon when he observed your distressing situation. When he witnessed Simon screaming at you for reaching for his hand, he nearly lost his mind. He couldn't bear the way his lieutenant treated you. Some part of you had always been drawn to your captain. His soft smile and sweet demeanor made you ponder what it would be like to be in a relationship with him. The only obstacle in your path was the age difference, and you were aware that if he ever found out, it would complicate things between you.
"I found him. I found him with someone..."
Your face told him it wasn't just someone.
"Do you know who?"
You nodded slowly, a tear rolling down your cheek. His eyes widened. Just as he was about to ask, you answered.
His jaw dropped almost comically. He would never suspect Simon to be interested in men, and hearing that he was involved with Johnny just made the news ten times more shocking.
"How can I compare to his best friend? The one who understands him more than I ever will?" You sniffled.
"Sometimes a man does foolish things.."
You turned your gaze to John, anticipating the completion of his sentence. He looked lost in thought.
"But nothing. What Lieutenant did was beyond foolish. I've seen the way he's treated you, dear. For the last several months, to be exact."
You stared at him with a questioning expression. If he had noticed, why hadn't he said anything?
"You have?"
A smile tugged at his lips.
"Everyone has, Sergeant. Why else would I be comfortable with you staying here?"
You huffed out a breath,
"If you knew then why didn't you tell me?"
John found himself at a loss for how to respond to your question. On one hand, his lieutenant demonstrated exceptional skills and garnered respect among comrades. On the other hand, you were hardworking, determined, and notably stealthy, often taking the lead in infiltrating enemy bases. Both of you held immense value to the 141, and he was reluctant to risk losing either of you.
"I'm caught in a position where I can't say anything, love."
Your heart fluttered at the nickname.
"Ah. I'm sorry John. I don't want to get you caught in this mess."
Another droplet fell onto your combat pants.
"You weren't the one who made it." He said as he placed his hand on your shoulder.
The pain of witnessing your partner with someone else lingered in your mind, and tears continued to stream down from your reddened eyes. Your cheeks noticeably swelled as you fought to contain your emotions. Did Simon ever truly exist?
Maybe he was right. Maybe the whole time he really did just want a reliable source of pleasure.
"Stop thinkin', love. How about you take a nice shower and change out of that uniform. There's no way in hell that that's comfortable."
With a sniffle and a nod of your head, you made your way to his front door and proceeded to undo your bulky military boots.
"Yes Love?"
"Where is your bathroom?"
He huffed out a laugh and tilted his head, signaling for you to follow him. The sound of his laughter enveloped you in a warm, appreciated feeling. As he walked you down the hall, you found yourself imagining what it would be like to truly be loved. The thought crossed your mind that if only John were younger, maybe you could have felt that. You sighed at your thoughts, and he looked at you with a puzzled expression. He opened the door and held it for you once more.
"Make sure not to use all the hot water." He teased.
As you walked in, he left you to yourself. The room had a certain charm to it, although it was evident that a man lived there. It featured dim lighting, a burgundy rug, and a stylish shower that housed some kind of sauna tub beneath it. You couldn't help but doubt whether he had even had the chance to use it. Everything about it appeared brand new.
As you stripped yourself from your clothing, your mind began to wonder. What would've happened if you didn't leave. What would they have done? What would Simon have done?
For some reason, you found yourself fantasizing about them. You were still mad of course, but Imagining Simon feasting on your core as Soap sucked him off was so arousing. It was almost repulsive how vividly your fantasies stirred up that sensation within you. Running the tips of your fingers through Simon's messy blonde hair as his tongue conquered your cunt, looking up at you with those blown out brown eyes. God, Just the thought of it was making you clench.
You started the shower, feeling a sense of self-disgust. Here you were heart broken and now all you can think about is having a threesome.
You took a deep breath and increased the temperature, attempting to divert your attention from the unsettling thoughts in your mind.
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He didn't know what to do with himself. You hadn't stomped back to the room like you usually do. You didn't have any friends nearby to stay with, and you couldn't have gone far.
He glanced at the clock in your living room. It had been almost four hours since you walked in on them.
Where the fuck could you be?
"What're yae so bloody mad about mate? It's not like it's the lass' fault." John said sarcastically.
Simon slammed his hands on the cheap coffee table in front of him as he stood.
"I fuckin' know that."
Johnny searched his eyes, attempting to discern any trace of emotion and understand what thoughts were running through his mind.
"I was kind've hopin' she would join in."
That piqued Simon's interest.
"Yae think it's a proper idea too, huh? I told yae I'm secretly a genius!" The Scot comically jumped as he spoke, adding a touch of humor to the situation.
Maybe Johnny was right. Maybe it was a good idea.
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unreliablesnake · 10 months
Reunion (Simon Riley x reader)
Simon wasn’t a huge fan of the school reunions that some of his old friends organized every few years. Usually he wasn’t even around to attend them. But he kept track of some people on social media, although this was something he would have denied without hesitation.
His main target was you. He knew about everything you shared, he saw the photos, he saw the cheesy posts about your life. About your perfect husband.
Because that guy was perfect based on the photos, your posts, the comments from friends and family, and his own profile. Tall, handsome, successful, popular, coming from a good family, and apparently he was so madly in love with you that Simon felt like throwing up every time he saw one of his declarations of love.
Back in the day, during those terrible teenage years, he had wanted to ask you out on a date. But with his background, he always felt like he wasn’t enough for you. You talked to him, yes, but it usually felt like an empty, polite chat instead of a deep conversation.
So when he went grocery shopping one day, he was surprised to meet you in the parking lot. His first reaction was to look away and act like he didn’t recognize you. You wouldn’t remember him anyway, and since you were still a beautiful woman, men looking at you should be nothing new for you.
But his whole body froze when he heard you call after him. “Simon? Simon Riley? Is that you?” He slowly turned around and watched you without a word. Sure, he nodded, even smiled a little, but he didn’t want to look desperate to talk to you. “Oh my god, it’s been so long!”
Before he knew it, you were wrapping your arms around him in a warm hug. He didn’t even know what to do. You were a married woman in the middle of a crowded parking lot, anyone could see you hugging a man who wasn’t your husband.
“You never come to the reunions, you’re inactive on social media… I know nothing about what you do these days,” you said with a pout after you playfully punched his chest. “The last thing I heard is that you joined the SAS. Are you still there?”
Who the hell had told you that? Whoever it was, they deserved a punch in the face. But it was water under the bridge, you already knew the truth. “Yeah, that's my life now,” he replied with a nod. “And what about you? What do you do these days?”
He listened to you giving him the answer with wide, happy gestures, and he couldn't hold back the smile that crept on his lips. You were so nice, so alive, so different from the people he was surrounded by. Maybe it was nostalgia making him see you in such a way, but he didn't really care about the why.
Having you in his life again, even if for just a few minutes, made him happy, made him wish you would stick around. He wanted to spend more time with you, although he knew you weren't available. But you could be friends, right? There were no rules stating a man and a woman couldn't be friends.
You suddenly looked down at your phone and cursed under your breath. “I'm late. It was so nice to see you again, Simon,” you said with a wide smile as you unlocked the phone and gave it to him. “Can I get your number? I might check in every now and then. You know, just to know you're okay, even if you don't attend the reunions.”
Oh, he was more than happy to give you his number. Once he gave back the device, you quickly called him so he would have your number as well. “Don't get lost,” he told you with a smirk.
“I won't,” you promised.
Yet you disappeared. He expected you to call him, to send a text, but there was nothing in the following months.
Being deployed and being focused on the mission he was on made things a little easier. He didn't spend every moment of the day thinking about you, thinking about whether or not it was him who did something stupid that made you change your mind. Price noticed that something was wrong with him, but when Simon refused to explain, he gave up trying.
And then, just one week before he was supposed to go home, your name showed up on the screen. At first he thought it was a mistake and you would end the call right away. But it kept ringing, so he took a deep breath and picked up.
“Hey, Simon. You got a minute?” you asked cheerfully.
Note: Thanks for reading. I don't have a taglist. If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button.
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What Was I Made For? - Charles Leclerc
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<word count - 1251>
Another day: done. Another day that had felt like it had been wasted doing your ever so boring job while you watched pedestrians walk in and out, smiling as their carefree hours whizzed by. 
You served coffee after coffee, frappe after frappe, and each one took you an inch closer to insanity. As soon as the clock struck five, you threw your apron into your locker and traded it for your jacket. 
Just as you were about to slip out of the employees only back exit, you heard your boss collaring your name. You were just going to pretend you couldn't hear and leave anyway, but there was no ignoring her when she tapped you on the shoulder.
"Y/N, I'm going to need you to put in a few extra hours next week since we're pretty short on staff and we've been really busy lately," she smiled, and the urge to punch her in the face had never been stronger. The last thing you wanted was to put in more hours of your life doing the least rewarding job you had ever had. 
"Do I get paid any extra or anything?" you asked. You only did the job for the money, since you liked to have some independence from Charles. As expected, he had offered to support your life since he made more than enough, but you wanted to do something with your life. But this wasn't it.
"Sorry honey, the best I can do is more coffee coupons," she chirped, and you wondered how she was always so cheerful and happy. It was almost envious. Well, it would be if it wasn't so damn infuriating and irritating. 
"Just send me through the hours," you tutted, not wasting anymore time in that god forsaken coffee shop than you had to. Walking back home, you couldn't help but frown at all of the people around you, enjoying what they did for a living. 
They were all making names for themselves, leading fulfilling lives and living their dreams. And then there was you, serving coffees just finding a way to spend time. 
What were you doing with your life? Who were you supposed to be? Why did you have to live through groundhog day every day?
As per usual, you walked past the art gallery, boasting creativity and colour, and the jewellery stores with glittering pieces that you wished you had made. Just so someone would recognize something you had done. 
Finally, you arrived at the safe haven that was the apartment you shared with Charles. He wasn't back yet, since he had gone for dinner with some friends for the evening.
You got yourself comfortable, taking a shower and snuggling up on the couch. As you watched a movie, you couldn't help but feel saddened by the actor's success.
They were household names, doing what they loved for a living. And there you were. Sat on your couch counting the hours away.
You just wished you could have been like them - even if just a little bit. Hell, you just wanted to be someone. You just wanted be something.
These thoughts rushed through your head for a while, so much to the point where you failed to notice the movie had ended and you were staring at a blank screen with watery eyes.
You also failed to notice the front door opening and closing as a tear of disdain and jealousy rolled down your cheek. "Hey, amor. How are you?" Charles asked, but you couldn't snap out of your darkened haze.
"Y/N? Are you alright?" He asked again, placing a hand on your shoulder and shaking you slightly.
"What am I doing with my life?" You asked, your eyes still glued to the black screen. You didn't hesitate to ask, there was no point. "What?" he asked, clearly not understanding the question.
"Who am I?" you asked, and Charles just looked at you, trying to figure out what you were asking. This was so out of the blue since you were normally a happy, cheerful kind of person.  "Exactly, I'm no one," you said, leaning forward and resting your elbows on your knees after he didn't respond.
"I just serve shitty coffee to shitty people and that is my life," you continued, the frustration building as you spoke. "Nobody knows who I am and nobody cares," you rambled, shrugging his hand away.
"Baby, you know that's not true," he said, struggling to come up with something to help you snap out of the stupor. He wondered how long you had felt like this for it to all come out so suddenly and strongly. "There's no point in trying that, Charles. I know it is,"
"I used to be untouchable," you sighed, thinking back to when you met Charles and what had lead up to it. You had worked your ass off like you had through your whole life. You tried hard in school and did everything you could to contribute to your community and others around you. 
"I used to be amazing, and now look at me," you babbled. You were living your dream, but you left your job to move to Monaco with Charles. "I threw it all away," you whispered, not wanting Charles to think it was his fault in the slightest. 
"But you are amazing," he tried to console, his heart breaking to hear you talk about yourself like this. "Not anymore," you said, thinking about what you could have been. Long distance could have worked and maybe you'd be happy right now.
"You can be whatever you want to be, you know that right?" he asked, not realising what he had set himself up for. "I'm not talented enough to be a singer, I'm not pretty enough to be a model, I'm not charismatic enough to be a talk show host, I'm not driven enough to have my dream be my job like you,"
"Everyone already has their lives planned out and are making leaps and bounds towards their end goal, and then there's me. Wasting my time and wallowing in my own self pity," you sighed, and Charles was wracking his brains for something that might help.
"You're still young, baby, you have loads of time to figure it out. And once you do, you have more than enough to get yourself there because you can do anything you put your mind to," he tried to reassure, mentally cursing at himself for how cheesy that sounded.
He hated that you had this opinion of yourself. To him, it didn't matter if you were the most talented, the prettiest, the most charismatic. It just mattered that you were you and he loved you for that. 
"But everyone else has it figured out. Everyone is already someone. You're Charles Leclerc, the face of Ferrari, the man from Monaco, hero to children across the globe. You have a purpose.  And what about me? Well that's exactly it, I'm just me," 
"There's no such thing as 'just me'. You are hard-working beyond belief, you take pride in your job, you care about other people, you're the love of my life. Surely that's enough?" he desperately tried to claw you back out of the slump, but his sweet words couldn't shield the darkness this time.
"Maybe it isn't, not anymore," you mumbled, standing from the couch and shutting yourself in the bedroom, leaving Charles sat on the couch by himself, gobsmacked. He didn't know how to help you realise how brilliant you really were, but you didn't really know either.  
A/N - I went to see Barbie the other night, and this song just destroyed me. I guess it just made me think about things, y'know? If anyone has any requests, feel free to submit them, I adore writing them!
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 5 months
Katherine’s horny thought was sent to you: 💌
Now share something short but smutty with this promt:
“Where have you been, sweetheart? I’ve been waiting for you.”
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[No pressure bby.] 🤍
a/n: Hey, Kat, and fellow Readers!!! So sorry this took so long, it's been an intense couple of weeks... School has just started, and I'm already feeling the pressure. But, I'm happy to have written this for us. It calmed me down, and gives me great pleasure (innuendo not intended 😆) to know that I am capable, and getting better at writing dirty smut 🤭
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this, as much as I enjoyed writing it. ❤️
Requested: Yes
WARNINGS!!! Talk of sex life, Steve being Steve, Dom!Captain!Steve, some possessiveness, some rough handling, major cursing, name calling (Y/n is called slut a couple of times), Smut with a plot, talks about sex and trusting your partner, MAJOR CUTENESS at the end.
DNI Divider by @firefly-graphics
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It all started when Steve caught the end of your conversation with Nat.
"And honestly, I wouldn't mind if things got a little heated, in a certain way with Steve." He heard you say.
"I mean it wouldn't be too hard. He's Steve..." You trailed off, the swoon clear in your voice.
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Sometime later, you'd be sitting in the comfiest corner of your room, when Steve, flushed and barely able to catch his breath, bursts into your room. Talking a mile, a minute.
"Okay, Doll. I've been thinking. And you're right. Our sex life should be exciting. So, sometime soon, I'm going to do something that you won't expect. We cool? Okay, talk soon!" He finished before hurriedly giving you a quick kiss, and rushing out of your door. Leaving you more confused, than anything.
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A few days later, Nat and Wanda had taken you out on a Girl's Night. It had become kind of a tradition for the ladies of the Avengers (including Pepper). Especially on days when either missions got too much, your S/O had left you at a loss, or just to decompress from life in general.
"So, basically if Tony is going to pester me about that paperwork one more time, Pepper is going to give him hell." Nat laughed, hands steady on the wheel of the car on the ride back to the Compound.
"Shame Pep couldn't make it." Wanda sighed, resting her head against her hand, with her elbow resting against the passenger side door.
"Having Morgan with us wouldn't have been too bad." She added.
"Everything we do is basically PG-13 anyway. Like Y/n's sex life..." Nat trailed off, the playful teasing tone at the end of her sentence evident in her voice.
"It's almost been a week, and still nothing?" Wanda asked, turning her attention to you, sitting in the backseat of the car.
"Nope. And he's been acting strange, all week!" You sighed, exasperated.
"Ever since he came bursting into my room, talking about how, I was right about our sex life needing a little more spice, and that he's got just the thing. But only when I least expect it." You huffed.
"I don't know... I know, I said that I wouldn't mind that we add more spice, but that doesn't mean that we have to. Being with him is more than enough." You said, eyes shining.
"Maybe you should tell him that, Y/N/N." Nat replied, reassuringly.
"Even Super Soldiers need a little assurance, every now and again..." She smiled, knowingly.
Wanda reached for your hand to give some more comfort, and the tension was lifted from your shoulders, almost like she used her skills to help you.
With your mind at ease, you were more than determined to assure Steve.
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It wasn't long before you arrived at the compound, and separated yourself from your girls to head up to your floor. But when you got off of elevator, something was amiss.
Your floor's lighting was suspiciously dim. And it had you cautiously approaching your room. Which you were successful, until you shut your door.
"Where have you been, Sweetheart? I've been waiting for you." A gruff voice said from within the space, making you jump right out of your skin.
In a panic, you went to grab the handle but it wouldn't budge, FRIDAY had locked you in!
"I-I'm sorry. We were caught in traffic... I don't have control over that, Steve." You gasped, as your boyfriend's form prowled towards you, before pinning you to the door. So, close to you that every breath you took, caused your chest to brush against his.
"You think I don't know what you've been out doing all night, slut?" He hissed into your ear, pulling you flush against him, one hand teasingly rubbing up and down your hips and ass.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Steve..." You trembled, unsure how to act or feel, but undeniably feeling the unmistakable sensation of slick building up between your legs. Steve's complete change in persona had its desired effect on you.
"Oh, don't play coy with me, Darling... A little bird told me how you played and danced with all those men, while you were out." He smirked against your cheek, after placing a tantalizing kiss on it.
"Did you forget that your Captain is waiting for you at home? Desperate to feel you, practically melt in my hands? Are you that desperate to have something in you, that you'd deny him his right?" Steve said, intense lust-blown eyes boring into your soul.
"No, Captain. I'm only desperate for you." You cried, needing friction between your thighs, sooner rather than later.
"Prove it." He growled, before pinning you to your door, one arm holding you up against it, the other hand shoved between your legs. Spreading your walls around his thick digits, cause you to moan loudly.
"I see. My girl, is more than desperate for her Captain... You're practically dripping, My Dear..." He sighed, looking at your ruined center. His expert fingers rubbing and brushing up against your walls and clit.
"Oh... Captain, please..." You gasped, the pleasure building and building, desperate for release.
"Are you desperate for your Captain?" Steve smirked, his lips mere inches away from your own.
"YES! I FUCKING AM!" You cried out, every sensation turning more and more intense, and you haven't been allowed to come yet.
"Then come..." Steve said in a low voice, causing you to release it all, with a wail, as his lips came crashing down onto yours to swallow every cry.
He pulled away to kiss, and suck on your sweet-spot. Wanting to mark you all over, but also, as a way to ground you, and bring you back down from your high.
"Are you alright?" He asked, looking right at you. His eyes wide and gleaming, ever so soft for you.
"Y-Yes... I'm fine, just need a sec." You breathed, unable to believe what just happened.
"Do you want me to stop?" Steve asked, softly.
"No. God, no!" You exclaimed, gripping his shirt by the front and pulling him for a messy kiss.
"Take me to bed, Captain." You sighed, before he ripped your shirt in two, and carried you with one arm to your bed, where you shared another messy kiss once more. A promise of the long night that was to come.
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You both finished with a roar, Steve tenderly kissing you, allowing you both to calm down, from your climaxes. He gently pulled out and rolled off of you. Walking into your En Suite to wash himself off, and prepare your bath.
He came back a few minutes later, gently picking you up, bridal style into your shower. Where he allowed you to lean on him, shaky legs unable to keep you upright for more than a few seconds.
His hands, gentle and warm, massaging your shampoo into your hair, lathering soap all over your body, and especially on your most intimate parts. You have never felt safer, or more loved than in that very moment in Steve's arms.
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Once he had given your exhausted body a final rinse, he grabbed your fluffy towel, wiped you dry, wrapped you up in it, before taking you back to the bed where, he had a shirt all ready for you to wear. Although, you definitely noticed that he hadn't brought out your own pair of underwear, instead had his own loose boxers for himself.
Steve asked if it was okay with you to wear his shirt. You agreed, as he slipped it over your head, and around your body, the gesture just as intimate as anything you've done that night with Steve.
He carefully laid you on a carefully arranged pile of pillows, and went to put on his shorts, before joining you in bed, gathering you up in his arms, and snuggling into you. Knowing that this is probably your favorite part after sex.
Rubbing your head softly, you let out a contented sigh, before pulling back slightly to look up at him, determination in your eyes.
"Steve, what was this? I-I mean, you said you'd do something to spice things up, and that I'll never expect this. And I definitely did not expect to be dominated by my Captain. But this is definitely out of the blue, what's the matter?" You asked, your face full of concern as you lovingly cupped his cheek.
"You said that you wouldn't mind if things heated up between us. And I wanted to prove that we can do more than just the regular old making love." Steve sighed. Gone was the strong facade he put up, in its place, the young boy from Brooklyn.
"I did, Steve. But I don't want you to escalate to a place you're not comfortable with." You smiled, using your hand to keep his eyes on you.
"Sex isn't just about love, or getting relief from some sexual tension, it's about communication, and telling your partner, what it is you do or don't like. And that means, taking baby steps if you want to live things up in the bedroom." You said, with a smile.
"So, I could just tell you what I want to try, and you can do the same. And it'll be alright?" Steve asked.
"Yes, Honey. We communicate, and find out together what works or what doesn't. It's about you and me. I trust you, full-heartedly, Steve. Do you trust me, too?" You asked in earnest.
"I do, Doll. I really do, you make me feel complete, and I feel safe enough with you, that I feel like I can ask, and you wouldn't judge me for it." He grinned, his smile getting bigger and bigger.
"Good. Because that means we can try bondage next time." You laughed, half jokingly.
"Slow down, Sweetheart..." Steve laughed, pulling you closer to him. Both of you, happy to have moved up a step in your relationship, and content in the safety the other provided.
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Hope that this was a good one!
Until next time!
❤️ Booky
Taglist: @nescavaneck @jiyascepter @royalwriteroftheuniverse @femefetalelevelingup
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sakumz · 10 months
a/n : I got a nintendo switch... now what? anyways REI!?!?!??!?!?@?@8#?@8#)@,-^(2?@ if my man don't look like him, I don't want him jk
「 s. rei x gn reader 」
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" when we grow up, you'll marry me right? " the young yet oldest sakuma asked.
" of course, " replied the other. his smile was so blinding when you agreed.
time flew by as quickly as that question was told. heck, after moving away and trying to make a living after all those graduations. rei was a big shot idol. you were nothing as special to compare, just a little business worker working in an office as you've always wished for when you were younger. ( me fr )
it's been a good three months since you moved into your new apartment. you're in your early twenties, your parents have been asking you to find a lover to settle down after a while and you know, those family making and all. you would if rei, the man you promised was the one.
it was childish to believe your play pretend husband when you were younger was the man you'd marry right now. he was a big shot idol, you were nothing as special to compare. you've never been in his life after you moved away back when you both were in your first years of middle school. no conversations shared, no meet ups either.
you've never attended any of his concerts, too afraid he'll forget you and make you an idiot for asking all sorts of silly questions about when you both were younger. his fans would definitely cook you alive for being as delulu as them.
going home later than usual today at your work. you were about to press the elevator when a taller built man, with long raven black hair, pressed the button before you. as you both went in, you were the first to press the button to your floor. you didn't bother to look at the male in the elevator but looking as he didn't press any other buttons. it was safe to assume he lives around your floor.
as the elevator stopped at your floor, you quickly left but the man was walking suspiciously behind you. was this a stalker? no way! you speedwalk to your home as the male starts to pick up his pace too. stopping in front of your door, you rummage through your bag for your keys as the male stood infront of the door next to you.
he starts knocking on the door... " kaoru! let me in, come on. let's play~ "
you couldn't help but turn to look at the suspicious man as kaoru opens his door for him. he too, caught on and starred at you as kaoru looks at rei before turning his head to look at you too.
" ah! Good evening, lovely y/n~ it's rather late for you to come home, no? " kaoru questions playfully as you sigh. right, he's babysitting his sister's home till she's back from vacation in three weeks time.
it's only the first week and he's annoying already. always ready to strike up a conversation with you as you don't seem like a fan of his or undead, hell you don't look like you're interested in idols either. rei ponders as both male await for your answer.
" well... its just overtime work and I'm finally home... I'm tired so I'll just head in and sleep, dont stay up too late hakaze or you'll get wrinkles, which will make you lose fans as you become ugly. " he can't help but laugh at your response, making rei follow along with the laughter.
" y/n l/n? " the suspicious man calls as you stop turning your keys to look back over at kaoru side.
kaoru looks over at his friend, how does he know your full name? it took him months to get your name, even his sister wasn't allowed to tell him your name as you told her not to.
" yes, rei sakuma? " you replied.
" ah so you do remember, my dear. fufufu~ " he walks over and engulfs you in a hug as kaoru watches with confusion swirling everywhere.
" how could i not? I rejected the love confessions I received for your promise. I missed you so much, " you confessed as rei smiles fondly at your honesty. he misses you too.
" of course I didn't forget the promise, would you still marry me? for real, this time. " tears welled up at your eyes as you say yes.
he was your childhood sweetheart and you were his. both wanting to grow old as fast as possible to make your promise come true. the wait is finally over, soon he'll slide a ring over your ring finger and soon you'll both be living in a house that's a little too big for two people.
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acknowledge-reigns · 10 months
No Yeet (Roman Reigns x Fem!OC SMUT) 18+
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Description: Roman hates the word yeet. His bratty sub loves to push his buttons.
Warnings: Dom/sub dynamic, bratty sub, pet names (babygirl, princess, baby. Lil, short for Lilith...), light degradation (use of the word slut), orgasm control and denial, oral (f receiving), fingering, teasing, begging, edging, spanking, aftercare, fluff at the end, tiny bits of angst if you squint.
Kayfabe compliant. This is a story about Roman, not Joe.
18+!!!! MDNI!!!!
Face claim is Megan Thee Stallion.
See my other stories here.
It had been a couple of months now since the press conference where Jey and Cody had affectionately been dubbed 'team yeet' by the fans, due to Jey's obsessive ussage of the word and getting even Cody, although in a drunken state at the time, on the 'yeet' train as well. It was like overnight the word was re popularized, amongst the WWE Universe and the wrestlers in the locker room at least.
Two Months. Eight weeks of hearing that damn word non stop. Roman had lost count of the amount of times he's yelled at Jimmy not to say yeet, simply explaining "I don't like that".
That explanation was a hell of a lot easier than the deeper reasoning.
He missed Jey. His little cousin, his right hand man. While Roman refused to admit that he was in anyway jealous of Cody, he refused to utter that word. That word was a symbol of betrayal. Of his cousin leaving him and aligning with the enemy.
A lot has happened as of late. More recruits to the bloodline. Specifically a newly signed Lilith "The Vixen" Obsidian.
Fresh out of the independent circuit but with plenty of experience, Lilith knew what she was doing. Not just that but she practically grew up with Roman and The Usos. They had been close childhood friends. She and Roman had shared their first kiss, went to prom together and so much more.
There was never a question of where her loyalties lie. The two had gone their seperate ways after high school with no hard feelings at all. They just wanted different things in life at the time. Roman was pursuing football, and Lilith was ready to begin a wrestling career.
Fast forward and years later, Lilith couldn't have gotten signed to WWE at a more perfect time. With the bloodline's rivals growing more powerful by the day something had to he done.
The minute Rhea Ripley sat in Roman's locker room and said for Paul, Roman's Wiseman, to acknowledge her.. That was when Roman knew it was time to make the call. Lilith of course eagerly agreed to join the bloodline and handle any potential drama and disrespect from Rhea. And things grew from there.
Feelings were quickly rekindled. It started as a one night thing. Roman needed to blow off some steam, Lilith was ready and willing. So they had sex. From there it moved on to friends with benefits. Any time either of them were in need of pleasure, the other was one call away.
It continued to grow though until eventually Roman asked Lilith to be his girlfriend. And she said yes.
Roman sat in the chair in his locker room, Lilith perched in his lap playing with his long gorgeous mane.
"Yeet" Jimmy says
"I already told you, I don't like that." Roman snapped. To be fair he was already frustrated as hell with LA Knight of all people having the audacity to challenge him. And he'd hurt his finger in the process of the scuffle with that nobody, to say he was in a pissy mood was an understatement.
Lilith though, ever the brat didn't miss a beat seeing the look on his face. She looks directly in his eyes with a challenging smirk.
"Yeet" Lilith says as if daring him. You could hear a pin drop in that locker room.
"Everybody but Lilith, out. NOW." Roman's voice boomed. Lilith giggled, clearly amused with herself as Solo, Jimmy and Paul quickly headed out of the room at the tribal chief's command.
As the door closes, Roman faces Lilith. With a determined look on his face, he takes a step towards her, his dominant aura emanating from every pore. Lilith's eyes widen slightly.
Roman firmly grabs Lilith's wrist, his grip both gentle and commanding. Lilith's heart races, her bratty facade crumbling under the weight of Roman's dominance.
Standing in front of her, Roman leans in, his voice low and authoritative. "Now babygirl, I know you know better than breaking your tribal chief's rules." he spoke.
Roman maintains his dominant stance, his eyes locked with Lilith's as he contemplates the appropriate punishment for her bratty behavior. He smirks, sensing her nervous anticipation.
With deliberate slowness, Roman reaches out and gently brushes a strand of Lilith's hair behind her ear, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. He leans in closer, his warm breath grazing against her earlobe as he whispers, "You know, I think you need a reminder of who's in control here."
Roman's hand trails down Lilith's neck, his fingertips grazing her collarbone, before slowly sliding underneath her shirt. His touch is both firm and tender, igniting a mixture of pleasure and anticipation within her.
Roman's eyes gleam with a mix of mischief and dominance. He leans in, his lips grazing against her earlobe, his warm breath tickling her skin yet again. "You've been a very naughty girl, Lilith," he murmurs, his voice dripping with a potent mixture of authority and desire.
"You remember your Safeword, Princess?" Roman asks.
"Oreo" Lilith stated.
"Good girl." Roman responds as his hands move lower, skimming over the curve of Lilith's waist before slipping underneath the waistband of her pants. His touch is tantalizingly light as he traces circles along her hip bones, teasing but never fully satisfying her growing need. Each touch leaves her craving more, her body yearning for release. Once he pulls his hand away, he relievers delivers two quick slaps to her ass.
He leans back slightly, his eyes locked with hers, relishing in the sight of her desperation. "You see, Lilith, I am the one who decides when and how you receive pleasure, I'm the one who makes all the decisions around here." he says, his voice a low growl.
Roman's lips curl into a smug smile "You want my touch, don't you, Lilith?" he whispers, "You're craving it, yearning for it. But you gotta learn, babygirl." he muttered.
Roman's fingers trail along the edge of Lilith's pants again, teasingly close to where she desires him the most. He watches as her breath quickens, her eyes pleading for his touch. However, he remains steadfast, denying her the relief she so desperately seeks.
"Tell me, Lilith," Roman continues, his voice dripping with authority. "Tell me how much you need me. Beg for my touch."
Lilith's cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and desire as she hesitates for a moment before complying with Roman's command. With a trembling voice, she whispers, "Please, my tribal chief... I need you. I need your touch. Please."
Roman's grip tightens ever so slightly on her waist, his dominance palpable. "Good girl," he murmurs, his voice laced with satisfaction. "But I'm not finished with you. Strip." he added.
Roman watches with lustful eyes as Lilith begins to strip for him immediately. He couldn't help but grin, she probably thought he was going to let her cum. She would be wrong.
For the next couple of hours He pushes her to the brink of climax repeatedly, only to deny her release.
With a calculated touch, Roman continues to tease Lilith's body, his fingers tracing a maddening path along her sensitive skin. He brings her to the edge of climax, skillfully manipulating her pleasure until she's on the verge of losing control.
Just as Lilith's body trembles with anticipation, Roman withdraws his touch, denying her the satisfaction she craves. A whimper escapes her lips, a mixture of pleasure and frustration. Her eyes plead with him, silently begging for release. She was laid back on the couch, her legs spread wide displaying her glistening pussy and allowing his fingers and mouth to work their magic.
He continues to repeat the tantalizing cycle, each time bringing her closer to the edge before abruptly stopping. The waves of arousal crash over Lilith again and again, intensifying her desire and driving her to the brink of madness
"You're mine, Lilith," he whispers as his fingers pump in and out of her pussy with a steady rhythm. "Your pleasure, your release, everything belongs to ME."
Lilith's breath quickens, her body yearning for release. "Please" she whimpered and begged.
"You think you can defy me and still expect pleasure? Nah, princess. Not today." He chuckled.
"Look at you," Roman continues. "Pleading for release like a desperate little slut." he says as he denies Lilith release time and time again, "MY desperate little slut."
Roman slowly and sensually explores Lilith's body, his touch becoming more intimate and passionate. He pays meticulous attention to her responses, ensuring her pleasure reaches its peak.
"You can cum for me now, babygirl." Roman says as Lilith's arousal builds under Roman's skilled ministrations, he carefully listens to her body, attuned to her every moan and whimper. He knows exactly when she reaches the point of no return, when her pleasure is on the cusp of overwhelming her.
With a final flick of his tongue against overly sensitive clit, Roman pushes Lilith over the edge, allowing her to climax with a wave of intense pleasure that echoes through her entire being.
Roman grins, his beard still glistening with her juices as he lifted her gently into his arms and sat again with her in his lap.
With a tender touch, Roman runs his fingers through Lilith's hair. He leans in, pressing a soft kiss against her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin. "You did beautifully, my love," he whispers, his voice filled with admiration and affection. "I'm so proud of you."
Roman wraps his arms around Lilith, pulling her close to his muscular chest, offering her warmth and security. He gently rocks her back and forth, creating a soothing rhythm that helps her unwind from the heightened sensations.
As they bask in the afterglow, Roman peppers Lilith's skin with light kisses, his lips tracing a path of tenderness along her neck and shoulder. He murmurs words of reassurance and comfort, reminding her that she is cherished and loved.
"So, what's your problem with.. that word?" Lilith asked curiously, refraining from repeating the word that had led to her punishment in the first place.
"I don't want to be reminded of how I messed things up with Jey." Roman stated honestly. Lilith was the one person he could share his true emotion with.
"Ro, you know you could try talking to him. Apologizing. He'll forgive you." Lilith encouraged.
"I can't be seen as weak. That makes the bloodline vulnerable." Roman said.
"Baby, you are anything but weak. And whatever decision you make, I'm gonna be right here along for the ride." Lilith assured him.
"I love you, Lil." Roman says.
"I love you too." Lilith smiled as she kissed him.
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kimsmuse · 1 year
Hiii, I just came across your blog, and I L O V E it! Since you said you were looking for a recommendation, here's one from me. Yandere school president. They have immense power at their school because not only are they the president, but their parents own the school. Their word is quite literally the law at this school. He just so happens to be head over heels in love and obsessed with you. Give in to their obsessive and possessive love or suffer the consequences. Since he holds so much power, he can make you a school outcast in less then a week, and he can have teachers fail you or pick on you for the stupidest reasons ever, he'll make your life a living hell at school if you don't accept his twisted and fucked up love, it's best to just be a good darling, and let yourself be loved on his own terms. It's a concept I've thought about a lot, but I haven't seen much of it. Anyways, thank you for your time, and keep up the good work!!!
okay okay omg first of all your brain???? this way too good and oml now i'm sad i spent my entire school life without a class prez like this :( but let's talk about this !!! this is mildly inspired by this one guy from the kdrama called taxi driver (ep 3) !!!
gender neutral!reader. warnings for obsessive behavior, mentions of killing someone but it's nothing graphic. blackmail/coercion type thing?? and typical yandere behavior.
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okay so yandere!class president who is so focused, he's the top student of the grade and he's good at sports too?? captain of the basket ball team?? i don't know how he does it because i really couldn't but anyway even apart from that he keeps on taking part and neatly scoring in debates, and writing contests, you name it and he's doing it. it does happen sometimes that he ends up getting silver or bronze but he's there on the list somehow.
and obviously if you've ever been a teenager then you know how attractive this type of people are, because they're good at everything, because they look very unattainable and bonus for our class president is that he's super hot as well. so obviously he had a classroom filled with admirers. and he loved the attention, who doesn't? but he's never thought more of it than that, the aspect of romance is kinda alien to him, he's had his fair share of physical relationships (if they can be even called that) but none of them too good to stay.
so he keeps on with his day, his cram school, having lunch, dinner, studying, more studying.
and when he bumps into you from his way back from the library, he just stops dead in his tracks as you attempt to pick up the books you both dropped, and when you look up at him he's literally frozen. who are you? why has he never seen you around? why do you look so pretty? hey, where's that romantic instrumental playing from? why-
"hey, mister, are you okay? i didn't hit your head or anything right?"
and trust me when he's the literal embodiment of the ":0" emoji.
anyway, but that guy has never had a crush before so at first he just feels like its some kinda internal intuition? that there's something wrong with you or something.
but then he finds himself trying to find your class, sitting there on the excuse of talking to some friends and obviously he's welcomed there.
and he figures that his initial impression might be a wrong because you were such a sweetheart. not as popular as him, and you stuck to your 2-3 friends but he saw the way you would smile at people - a gentle, warm one. and he quite literally died when you greeted him that way once, surprised that you would know about his existence
it wasn’t that he forgot he was famous but having a crush really does wonders to your self esteem.
also you best believe he's digging up all your information, your past schooling if you've transferred, your parents' background, your social media and duh, where you live, where you work.
and if you work somewhere like a cafè or a convenience store, he's there for half the day, "studying" for exams and stuff, he claims it helps more than studying at home. and all the time his eyes barely register a page because he's looking at you as you're hard at work, helping customers, greeting them with that damned, charming smile and then in rare moments he looks at you as you lose that demeanor and sigh out of exhaustion. poor baby, he wished he could something for you so bad in those moments.
and then comes the part where his friends (he has a lot of friends but he believed that when you have a crush you shouldn’t tell everyone? also given his popularity... he figured it wouldn't be a greatest idea ever. so he only told like a guy or two) they adviced him to just go up to you and ask you out? what's the problem even? he's literally the golden boy of the school, why would someone reject him ever? you shouldn’t even be worried about that, dude! but with that confidence in himself, he decides on a day, nothing too significant and he looks at himself in the mirror.
"uh, actually, i do have a partner," did you hear that? the glass shattering? uh, that was his heart. that was his reaction when you told him this. but it was true, you had a partner in another country (which made sense that the yandere did not come to know of this before because he had been following you, just to make sure you were safe ofcourse, and he did not see a persosn who could classify as a romantic threat) and you loved them very much! no matter how cute and great this guy was, you were loyal to them.
and now cue the yandere's sad era. but only for like a day or two. until he realizes something. this was absurd, you were rejecting him? when so many people would literally kill for something like this? it was unbelievable. but he was deadset, this was the first time he felt this way for someone and he was determind to make you feel the same, or at least keep you with him, and he would do it with any means necessary.
he realized that your friends' parents were mere employees in his dad's company so all it took was one meeting. "stop talking to y/n." for them to start ignoring you and they did not even try to keep it lowkey and you had to resort to sitting alone at lunch, giving an easy access to the guy who used it as a time to sit beside you and tell you about his day, nevermind the fact that for the first few times you would just up and leave. and then you finally decided to just snap.
"what the fuck do you want?" you look at him, frustrated by all these things, and changes happening in your life in less than a week.
he just smirked, that mf had the audacity to smirk? "you, ofcourse,"
now he wasn’t quite violent because he'd just entered adulthood, he did not want to fuck up and spend the rest of his years in jail (not that he actually would because his parents would be hiring the world's best lawyers for him) but he did imagine it, murdering your s/o. he did not know what they looked like, but all they saw was you happy in their arms and as much he loved that little smile of yours, he wanted it to be for himself! not someone else!
so anyway, after you storm out on him after the last conversation, you get your english test results back and a big, red F is staring at you.
and normally your parents weren't grade obsessed but you would boast to them about how good you were at english and how much you loved the subject and even the teacher agreed thaf you were good at it.
when you meet with the teacher after class, he just removes his spectacles and rubs his eyes, "listen, y/n, you're one of the smartest students i've had the pleasure of teaching. so make the right choice, it's good for your future. just say yes to him. he's not bad, you know,"
he was behind this???????
you felt even more utterly helpless when you found that the yandere's parents fund almost more than half of the school so there’s nobody who would be willing to go against them and help you, no matter how much you would plead them.
"a transfer? don't even think about it, baby, nobody is going to issue that certificate unless i say so,"
chills run down your neck as he whispers this. you were truly stuck with him.
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whiskeynwriting · 1 year
MBFD - Chapter Ten: Even When Apart
Dave York x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Mentions of separation/divorce, reader descriptions, dirty talk, sexting, male masturbation, spanking, praise kink, mentions of oral (m and f receiving), unprotected vaginal sex.
A/N: soooo we planned out this chapter a hot minute ago, and expected it to be way longer. But I hope you enjoy it anyway my babies <3 I feel like having 14k chapters and then 6k chapters is a running theme in this series lmao
Also, sorry for the late post lovelies. But if you know me, you should know it’s a regular thing 😂😭
My Best Friend’s Dad Masterlist
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“John,” He nods, walking down the hall. Just barely, the coffee in his to-go cup swishes inside, the contents still boiling. 
His coworker returns the friendly gesture with a smile on his face, asking briefly, “Dave, how’re the kids?” 
All he does is shrug, putting on a brave face. “Can’t complain.” But that’s the end of it. 
As he expected, life’s been shit since you left again. But he understands, he can’t exactly live at your apartment forever. At least, not yet. He has considered it, though. Over the past few days, he’s been researching homes, mainly condos and townhouses. It’s not likely that he’ll be sharing a home with Carol and his daughters for much longer, and maybe you’d be willing to move with him. But Dave’s waiting to bring all of this up. He thinks it will be best to do so toward the end of your trip. Which is in about… shit, three days. He can’t fucking wait. 
David is well aware that he’s living in a fantasy land. The two of you living together? Officially? It blows his mind to even think about it. At that point, Molly would have to know. There’d be no hiding it. But for now, he’s ignoring all of that. He’s choosing to bask in the peace you bring him. 
Settling in at his desk, he releases a heavy breath. Honestly, he doesn’t need to be here this early - he hasn’t needed to stay so late, either. But it gives him time away from the anxiety surrounding his family, and in turn, helps him relax. He’s good at his job and truthfully, figuring out how to quietly and expertly remove people from their own lives is easier than dealing with his current familial stress. It does, however, have one downside. It takes time away from you. 
“Oooh, who misses you?”
Immediately, you’re snatching your phone out of Angela’s hand, staring down at the screen to see the text Dave sent. Eyes widening, you feel a sense of heat run through your cheeks, and Molly notices, too. 
“It’s probably just Anthony.” Rolling her eyes, she moves into her next stretch, preparing for today’s warm-ups. 
“No, it’s not. I told you I’m done talking to him.” Trying to dull your annoyance, you turn back to your screen, smirking ever so slightly. He misses me? 
Frowning, Molly leans upright once again. “Well then who the hell is it?”
The quiet that follows seems to infuriate your closest friend, because she’s immediately trotting over to snatch your phone from your hand.
“Miss you, princess.” She reads out loud, raising a brow. “How come I don’t know about this?” It’s easy to see now that Molly isn’t angry, she’s sad. She assumed you’d tell her about your next relationship. And all at once, the guilt you’d been pushing down for weeks bubbles into your throat again. 
“I, well, I just… I’m…” 
“That’s funny,” She cuts in, staring at the screen. “My dad’s name is Dave.” 
At first, you feel like an idiot. You really couldn't have changed his name? But as soon as Molly starts giggling, you release all your anxieties in one breath. 
“That’s so weird, is he my dad’s age, too?” She jokes, tossing your phone back to you while returning to her position. 
Chewing on the corner of your lip, you close your phone, shoving it into your backpack. “Maybe.”
“Wait, really?” Spinning on her heels, she darts back over, sitting on the floor in front of you. And a few other girls scooch in, too.
“Of course you’d be the one to go for older men.” Nora chimes in, causing you to turn your head.
“What? Why?” 
“Maybe it is Molly’s dad.” And now, everyone is turning to Lexi. “What? It could be!”
“Yeah, right.” Molly snorts, rolling her eyes. “Like that would ever happen.”
“It’s not her dad!” God damn, this is frustrating. 
“Whatever,” Molly groans, patting her hand on your knee. “Just tell us about him!”
Side-eyeing her, you grin, quickly glancing down at your hands. You almost can’t keep it in, your relationship with him. Not when everyone is so eager to know. Hell, you can do this, you can still keep this a secret. 
“Well… he is older. And, I don’t know… we’re still kind of… new.”
“Have you said I love you?”
“Well, yeah…”
“Awe! Wait, who said it first?” The girls seem ecstatic, but you can tell Molly is still pretty hurt. 
“Um… he did.” Your heart beats a little harder, thinking back to that night. 
“So it’s definitely not new.” Lexi adds with a few of your girls agreeing. 
“So, his name is Dave?” Molly inquires further, trying to ask the important questions. If you’re telling this guy that you love him, she should know more about him. “How did you guys meet?”
“Oh my gosh, what does he look like?!” Angela unexpectedly butts in. 
“We have a… a mutual… friend.” It’s all you could come up with. “And he’s tall, way taller than me. He has light brown hair and dark brown eyes…” Trailing off, you find yourself caught up in the thought of him. “He’s pretty strong…”
“You said he’s older, right?”
“Mhm,” Nodding, you shake yourself out of your thoughts. You just had an overnight trip with him not too long ago, you should be able to focus on your personal life. 
“Does he have a dad bod?” She’s grinning wildly, and now, every head is turned toward you. “Is he big?”
“Angela!” You scoff, still smiling. “Yeah, he has a dad bod…” Replying with a laugh, you turn away. 
Raising a brow, you turn to face your teammates. “You think I’d be with him if he wasn’t big?” 
Everyone is giggling like little school girls, but Molly still can’t shake the feeling of being lied to. Why haven’t you told her about this? Are you not as close as she thought? 
“Go stretch!” You demand with a grin, shaking them off. “We have warm-ups in ten.” 
On the other side of town, Dave smiles down at his phone. Once you’d gotten a moment to yourself, you responded to him. I miss you too. 
He hasn’t seen your pretty face in days, not in person, at least. But he’s been thanking the lord for SnapIt. Wait, no… Snapchat? Whatever it is, it’s been his only way of actually seeing you. At home and in the office, he can forget about personal calls and video chats. But cute selfies and quick videos easily make up for all of that. 
“Jesus,” Giving his head a quick shake, he sighs, staring down at the video you just sent. 
You’re in the bathroom, the camera fixed on your reflection in the mirror. That smile lights up his entire life, and prompts his own to form, too. And while the short clip might seem sweet, it’s less than innocent. What you’re wearing immediately sets him off. 
“Remember this, daddy?” Comes your cute, girly little voice. 
With one hand on your phone, the other finds the edge of your skirt, twirling it slightly. Of course he remembers it, how could he not? The last time he saw you in your cheer outfit was when he came on it. 
His response is pretty simple, a picture of his work pants. Well, a specific spot on his work pants. With his hand holding his semi-hard crotch, he captions it with, think I’d ever forget? 
“Shit!” Nearly jumping out of your skin, you turn, seeing Molly. “Oh, h-hey, hey Goof.”
She smiles sheepishly, “Texting Dave?”
For a split second, your eyes widen. But then you remember, she now knows your boyfriend’s name. How… strange. 
“Um, yeah.” It comes out as an awkward chuckle, quick to close your phone and put it away. 
“I… I was wondering.” Staring at the floor, she swallows, unsure of how to start this conversation. “Why haven’t you told me?”
“About Dave?”
“Yeah.” She nods, finally returning her gaze to you. “Did I, I mean… have I done something wrong?”
“What? No! No, not at all, Molly!”
“It’s just… I don’t know. You’re already saying I love you to each other, and… I just don’t know why you wouldn’t tell me about it.” 
Jesus Christ, what the hell are you going to tell her? Is this when it happens? When everything just comes out? When your insides spill out of your mouth like word vomit? Every single secret you’ve been hiding, now rushing to the surface?
“Honestly,” Laughing away your anxieties, you shrug. “I thought you’d think it was… too fast. After Anthony.” Okay, that was good. That was smooth. 
“Really?” Raising a brow, she shifts her stance. “I hate that guy. You being with literally anyone else is better than you being with him.”
You chuckle, eyes wandering. Not anyone else.
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide things from me.” Shrugging, she steps closer to you. “That’s all.”
Offering your best smile, you wrap her in a big hug. “Thanks, Goof.” 
And you want to stay true to your friendship, you don’t want to lie to her. There are days where you’ve thought about the outcome of your secret relationship, and it’s really torn you to pieces. In the end, you figure it’s best if she doesn’t know. Maybe it’s best if she never knows. 
A few buzzes from your phone end your brief moment, with Molly now back away. Pulling out your phone, you glance down, watching the screen light up with Dave’s name. 
“Well… I guess I’ll let you get back to it.” She chuckles, acknowledging the notifications. 
It’s weird, her finally knowing about this. And although she doesn’t know everything about this, her knowing some of it sort of… normalizes it. But you’re not exactly sure that’s a good thing. 
Before you can get a response out, she’s walking away. “Tell Dave I say hi.” She grins, shutting the door behind her. Now that comment, makes your insides twist tight. 
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Doing as he says, you open the app, seeing another notification from him. And inside, you’re already full of butterflies, thinking about what he’s sent. 
This time, it’s a video. It starts out in the same position as the photo he sent, directed at his covered lap. But now, his hand is moving, slowly undoing his belt before pulling it open. Thick fingers then move to his zipper, pulling it down to reveal the pretty periwinkle underneath. But then it abruptly ends. Frowning, you close the app to message him, wondering if he’d intended to send more. But just before you can, another video loads. 
Groaning, David sighs, pulling himself out of his light purple boxers. He’s red, already dripping down the sag of his foreskin. Pulling it back, you can hear him gasp, a quiet noise as he holds himself in hand. 
“I miss you, baby.” His voice is low, but sweet. Gliding his thumb over the tip, he sighs again. “Miss the way you feel around me…” 
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You’ve already spent at least ten minutes in here, so you’ll need to do this quick. And be creative. It’s not like you can just get naked in the middle of the bathroom, and you definitely don’t have the time for that. But Dave isn’t exactly a hard man to please. 
“Fuck me.” 
He thought the two of you were just having fun together, sending these messages back and forth. Sure he’d touched himself in a video for you, but he had no real intention of actually getting himself off. That is, until you sent an upskirt picture of yourself to him.
Your cheer uniform is clearly visible, and with your panties tugged to the side, he can see you perfectly. The smooth pinkness of your skin, just barely glistening for him. Jesus, he misses that, misses how it feels and tastes and smells. Fuck, he’ll have to convince you to give him your panties again, especially if you’re not sure when you’ll next see him.
Making sure to screenshot the image, he pulls it up in his photos, no longer having the Snapchat timer on it. Spitting into his palm, he stares at the screen, at the beautiful picture of your sweet, tiny pussy. It’s his, it’s all his, the entirety of your body. Your gorgeous tits and smooth thighs, the plumpness of your ass. All he wants to do is touch you, feel and grab on your most sensitive places. He loves your hips, loves digging his fingers into the thin skin, especially when he’s fucking you. Jesus Christ, it’s all he can think of, bending you over and taking you from behind, fucking you in his car, in the basement lounge of his home, anywhere secluded enough for him to have you.
Tugging on himself, he releases a rough sigh. Even though he has an entire office to himself, he still wants to keep quiet. He has absolutely no idea who could be walking the halls. Truthfully, though, it’s hard to do so when he has a woman half his age sending pictures from between her thighs. 
His head tilts back, resting on the upper portion of his chair as he spreads his legs further. Thrusting up into his palm, he gasps, continuously brushing the flat of his thumb over his leaking head. He just loves how you play with it, how you tug his foreskin back to suck and lick on it. The next time he sees you, he’ll demand it, shove you down onto your knees until you’re gagging on him. It’s what he’s wanted for days, it’s what he needs. 
Spit isn’t enough to be an adequate lubricant, nowhere near as slick as your cunt. It’s amazing to him, just how slippery you get, just how desperately you want for him. And he knows if you were here, you’d be doing this for him. 
Slamming the phone down on his desk, he finds his breaths becoming ragged, using his now free hand to cup his scrotum. He fondles the softness of it, imagining it to be you while he jerks off into his hand. Internally, he’s thinking about your mouth, about the way you swallow him. Even when he cums, you’re sucking it down, urging it to the back of your throat and Christ, just the thought of it is enough for him. 
It’s incredible how sensitive he gets, especially when he cums. He has to bite into his lower lip to keep himself at bay, to keep those whimpers from slipping out. Thrusting up into his own hand, he groans, eyes pitching shut with his brows furrowing just above. His mouth hands agape, unable to think about anything other than your pretty face. He can feel it oozing down the side of his hand, seeping into the cracks between each fingers, leaking over his knuckles. He never used to cum so much before you. 
“F-Fuck,” He grunts out, eyes shooting open to look down. 
Slowing his pace, he takes a breath, staring at his mess. Some of the warm, white goo is on his boxers, even his work pants, too. But he’s not frustrated about that. He’s annoyed about something else entirely. 
“Should’ve filmed that.” 
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It’d be for the best that you accept her offer, you want to reassure her that your friendship is as strong as ever. But you just can’t bring yourself to. Dave’s presence is nowhere in that house, but Carol sure as hell is. She’s always complaining, whether it’s about Dave, or her work, or her friends, it’s always something. It’s never-ending. And you just don’t feel like dealing with that right now.
“I think I’m okay today, but thanks for askin’.” Is your final response, alongside a grateful smile. 
“You sure?” Molly inquires, shifting her bag on her shoulder. “You don’t want to hangout today?”
“Not today, babe. But we will sometime this week, I promise.” 
Honestly, you’d like to get home and eat. It’s been a long day, with an early practice and then another after your classes. You’ve barely had time for a latte and some crackers, and you’re starting to feel woozy from it. 
“I need to get home and eat. Talk to you later!” And with that, you’re hopping in your Jeep. 
Some days, it’s easy to get caught up in the world around you. With school and work and cheer and pom, Dave occasionally falls to the wayside. Even though you’ve been missing some classes and practices lately… But while these days come and go, he always wiggles back in somehow. Today had been busy, you weren’t able to respond to him after your flirty morning messages. But now that you’re driving home, finally on your way to relaxation, your head is full of him again. 
“Hey, baby.”
“Hey!” You’re giddy all over again, just hearing his voice. You’d decided to call instead of text, you missed his voice. “How are you?”
“Tired,” He groans, staring down at the paperwork he’d been tasked with. “How are you?”
“Tired, too. But I'm finally on my way home, think I’ll take a day off tomorrow. This week has been draining me.” 
“Just remember, we’ll get a break soon.” Smirking, he traces an imaginary shape onto his desk, sighing. 
“What do you mean?”
“Our trip, we’re leaving on Thursday.”
“Holy shit, I completely forgot! Fuck, I need a break.”
“You’ll get one soon, princess.”
The way he says it makes you sigh, releasing the stress of your day. His voice is smooth and reassuring, deep and just a little bit gravely. 
“I miss you.” 
“I know, honey. But I’ll see you soon.” 
“I don’t know, sweetheart. I’m pretty busy, I’ll probably be home late.” 
Immediately, you have the thought of visiting him. You’ve never gone up to his work, you haven’t really had a reason to. But maybe you could surprise him today. 
“Okay, babe. Just get some rest, okay?”
“Sure, baby.” He chuckles, checking the time on his wrist. “We can talk more later, okay?”
“Okay,” Pouting, you pull into your parking lot, wishing the call didn’t have to end. 
“I love you, sweetheart.” He says it with intention, like he’s apologizing for your time apart. 
“I love you, too.” And while your response isn’t said as sweetly, he accepts it, promising to text you soon. 
As soon as the call ends, you’re scurrying inside to see what food you have. Instead of just visiting him, you figure you’ll bring him some dinner. He did say he was busy, maybe he hasn’t had the chance to eat yet. 
Thinking back to the first time he stayed in your apartment, you remember one of his favorite meals. Easily enough, you find noodles and alfredo sauce in the cupboard, and some frozen chicken in the freezer. 
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“Dave York… does he, does he not work here?” It’s the third time you’ve had to ask for him, and everyone’s been acting super strange. 
“No, he does, he does. I just… are you one of his daughters?” And now, you freeze up. “I haven’t seen you before.”
“I’m… a friend. Can you just tell me where to find him, please?” Did it have to be that big of a deal?
Though, you suppose it should be a big deal. This isn’t just any office, it’s the office for the Central Intelligence Agency. Maybe you should’ve thought this through. 
“Sure… just let me give him a call. What was your name?”
Sighing, you hand your ID to the man at the front desk, watching him eye it while picking up the phone. He dials a quick number, Dave’s voice heard on the other end almost immediately. 
“Yeah, I’ve got a younger woman here that’s asking for you.”
At this, he sounds flustered, though you can’t quite make out what he’s saying. But then this man is repeating your name, and he goes silent. Shit, is he upset that you’re here? Maybe this was a bad idea. Shit, shit. 
“Hm? Yes?” Startled out of your worried haze, the man says, “You can go in. He’s right down that hall, and to your right. Office number twenty-nine.” 
Raising your brows, you feel a surge of adrenaline burst inside. “Oh… okay, thank you.”
You’re very suddenly intimidated by your surroundings. Everything looks so… professional, monochrome colors and sleek lines, engraved name cards and security surveillance at every turn. Regardless, you make your way down, albeit with timid steps. And when you’re at his door, you take in a deep breath. Gulping, you lift your hand, knuckles knocking shyly against the door. 
“Come in.” His voice is deep, loud, demanding that you enter. 
Slowly, you twist the knob, urging the hunk of wood forward. Peaking your head inside, you’re met with an abundance of dark wood and grays. Wooden side tables and shelves, and further in, a dark wooden desk, too. 
“H-Hey, hi.” Grinning sheepishly, you fully make your way in, closing the door behind you. 
“Hey…” Standing from his desk, you’re not quite sure how to read his expression. Both hands fall to his shirt, fiddling with his buttons. “What…” Walking toward you, he exhales a nervous breath. “What’re you doing here?” 
“I, well…” Lifting the tupperware in your hand, you glance down, explaining, “I wanted to bring you dinner.” 
As soon as he sees it, his eyes are wide, lips parting slightly. “You… brought me dinner?”
“Mhm, I made it. It’s chicken alfredo, I… I thought you’d like it.”
“Baby,” And the way he says it prompts your eyes to return to him. “Thank you.” 
He takes the container so gingerly that you’d assume it was glass if you didn’t already know better. Spinning on his heels, he sets it on his desk, just as quickly turning back to you.
“Thank you, baby.” Reaching out, he pulls you tightly into his arms, heart beating out of his chest. You can feel it against your own, your hands sliding up to wrap around his neck.
“Of course,” You’re flush from his reaction, beyond happy to see him this way. “I’m so glad you’re happy to see me.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He asks, loosening his grip to kiss your forehead. And then he’s turning, walking back to his desk.
“I don’t know, I’ve just never been here before and I got… nervous.” 
“You’re cute when you’re nervous.” He’s chuckling, opening up the container and grabbing the silverware you brought with it. 
Slinking into one of the chairs before his desk, you grin, watching him dig in. And in this brief lull, you take a look around his office, having wondered what it’d be like in here. All the lights are warm-toned, his shelves full of novels and his desk incredibly clean. Usually though, it’s quite messy. He’s lucky his secretary called first, it gave him time to hide a few things before you came in. 
“Did you eat?”
“Yeah, I ate at home. Don’t worry about me.” 
All he can do is stop and stare at you, smiling sweetly. No one’s ever been so thoughtful toward him before. In all their years of marriage, Carol never thought to do this. And if she did, she never followed through on it. 
“You’re so sweet, honey.” 
“Yeah well I try.” You respond, rolling your eyes with a grin. 
With an ounce of confidence, you stand, making your way behind his desk. Wrapping your arms around him from behind his chair, you lean down, kissing his cheek. 
“I was a little bit nervous, if I’m being honest.”
“Well, everyone knows I’m married, baby.” He laughs, thinking that was obvious. “And now I have some young girl bringing me food.” 
Shrugging, you grin. “Maybe they’ll be impressed.” 
Setting down his fork, he grins, turning a bit. “C’mere.” Grabbing hold of your hips, he pulls you into his lap, your back pressing against his chest. “I’m impressed.”
“With what?” You giggle, feeling his lips dragging over your neck. 
“How caring you are, baby.” Kissing your neck, he grins, hands unwilling to move from your hips. “I’m lucky to have you.” 
Tilting your head back onto his shoulder, you sigh. “I’ve missed this.”
“I know…” Dave groans, “I can’t wait to take you on this trip, do whatever I want with you for days.” 
“You could do whatever you want with me right now.” You return, eyeing him from the side. 
As if the sound was meant to directly ruin your moment, his work phone rings. And then, a notification pops up on his laptop. A work meeting.
“Yeah, not while talking to my bosses.” 
Frowning, you release a pouty huff. “Could I maybe… stay? I’ll be quiet, I promise!”
At first, he’s inclined to say no. He isn’t sure what this meeting is about, but… he could always take it on his AirPods, too. 
“Sure, baby. Just keep quiet, okay?”
Your face lights up at his words, nodding enthusiastically. Darting to the side, you grab a chair, pulling it up beside him. It takes all but two seconds for him to connect the call, popping in one of the small, white earbuds. 
It’s cute, really, how sweetly you cuddle up to him. But can you help it? Going days without him feels like a fucking crime. And since he’s not on camera, you really can snuggle him, looping an arm around his and nuzzling into his shoulder. 
Smiling, he enters the chat, happy to hear it’s about the upcoming trip. “Yeah, the tickets are set. Resnik checked into the hotel already, I’ll be meeting him early Friday. Yep, leaving Thursday night.” 
He’s going through the facts, just running over the plan, but even though the conversation is mundane, you couldn’t be more entertained. The smooth melody of his voice lulls you into relaxation, that baritone sound rumbling in his throat. 
Something about laying on the sturdiness of him, listening to him converse nonchalantly with his coworkers, it’s healing your inner child. Even though he’s at work, clearly busy, he still wants you here. He still does his best to make sure you know you’re loved. 
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“Come here.”
“Sh!” You giggle, moving with him. “We have to be quiet!”
“I know that.” Dave grunts in response, pulling you into his body again. 
It all happened so quickly, him waking you up before leaving the office. You’re shocked that you fell asleep in the first place. Thinking back, you weren’t even that tired. Maybe he just made you that comfortable. 
“Doesn’t mean I can’t have my fun with you.” He finishes, biting into your neck. 
After he woke you up, he suggested that you come back to his home. Truthfully, it’s become far too easy for this to take place, for you to fuck Molly’s dad just down the hall from her bedroom. Coming home past midnight, he’s certain that his family will be asleep. And as long as you’re out before six the next morning, you’re in the clear. And anyways, he’d missed having you in his bed, beneath his body and hands. There was a point where you’d told him that you wanted a home, a home to share with him. And after that, he kind of lost it. 
At first, it was innocent, the two of you snuggling in your undies together. He locked the door after you were both inside, releasing a contended breath once he finally got to hold you. Dave wrapped the covers around the two of you, settling into his bed. But then you were shifting, trying to get ‘comfortable’, all while grinding back against him. 
“You know what I can’t stop thinking about? Your gorgeous fucking mouth,” Reaching up, he covers it with his palm, hissing into your ear, “And all the sexy sounds it makes.”
He’s holding you from behind, having shoved your panties to the side. Slipping himself out of his boxers, he slides along the slickness of your sex, grunting hot breaths directly into your ear. 
“Jesus, baby, you don’t understand. You can’t do that to me, you can’t grind that perfect ass against me. I just, fuck, I cum so fucking easy with you.”
And while he’s talking, only riling himself up, you’re still doing it, shoving yourself back against him. Both of your hands are clinging to his forearm, lungs doing their best to release quiet breaths. 
“Every time you leave, I think about you, baby. I think about you every goddamn second of the day. Think about your beautiful lips, tapping the head of my dick against them.” And that’s when you release your first, true moan, eyes fluttering just above his hand. “You want it, princess? You want me?”
It’s a smile whine, one accompanied with a nod, that you give in response. And with one small slip, barely adjusting the angle of his hips, he’s sliding in. It feels like it’s been forever since you felt him, the thickness of him splitting you open from behind. 
“Talk to me,” He finally gives in, taking his hand away. “Talk to me, baby.”
“Baby,” You nearly squeal, feeling his hips thrust into you. All at once, he’s forcing you to take him, every inch. And it burns but it feels just right. “Fuck, I need this.”
“C’mon,” Dave grunts, teeth dragging along your neck. Sliding one hand down, he smacks your outer thigh, demanding, “Grind yourself against me.” And like always, you give in. 
“More, daddy.” Already, your breaths have turned heavy, feeling his hips rotate against your ass. The sting of his slap still radiates along your skin, his fingers now pressing into the plump muscles he can’t seem to get enough of. 
“I can’t wait to give you more, I’ll give you everything.” He promises, huffing out a deep moan. “When we’re on our trip, I’ll taste you everyday, every goddamn day.”
“David,” He’s pumping himself into you, meeting the smooth rotation of your hips. 
“Fuck, I can’t wait to have your mouth on my cock again. Shove it down your throat and make you look up at me while you swallow.” He can’t even begin to tell you about the fantasies he’s dreamt up about this trip. “I can’t wait to take you with me.” 
“I…” Sighing, you smile. “I can’t wait, daddy.”
“Daddy’ll give you whatever you want, okay, baby? Whatever you need, it’s yours, it’s yours, princess. Fuck.” Sliding his hand down, he fondles your chest, gripping you in hand. “Maybe I can show you off, take you to some beaches and clubs.”
“Fuck yes, you think I’d pass up that opportunity?” You hate to say it, but feeling like a prize to him is making you drip. “Let everyone see the sexy little thing that’s with me… Fuck, you can be so dirty, can’t you, baby? Sending me pictures of your pussy, huh? Letting me see up your cheer skirt?”
“I, I want that. Want you to do that.”
“I already have.”
“No, baby…”
“What?” Pressing his nose into your cheek, he groans. “What do you need?”
“Want you to do that at our next game.” And you almost can’t help the wicked smile that forms on your face. 
“Yeah? At halftime? Just like how we first met?”
“Yes, baby.” The feeling of his cock dragging along your walls is almost too much when coupled with his words. And before you even realize it, your hips are stuttering in their motion.
“Did I tell you to stop?” Another harsh spank, one loud enough for you to worry. 
“You like that?”
“You know I do.”
You can feel his stubble scratching along your jawline and cheek, his lips insistent in their kisses. But then he’s lowering himself, finding and then sucking on your neck.
“Do you like it, daddy? You like being inside me?”
“Fuck,” It’s a growl, one vibrating over your throat. 
At this point, he’s slapping his hips against you, diving deeper every time. 
“I loved sitting in your lap, daddy. Maybe I can do that more often at your office.”
“Maybe you can do a little more than that.”
You’re pulsing around him, trying to quiet your shrill gasps. Molly and Alice are just down the hall, and so is Carol. And to think you’re fucking their dad makes you hot all over again. It’s become so exciting. Hell, who are you kidding? It’s always been exciting. 
“I love you, sweetheart. You were meant for this, you were made for me. Even when apart, I still want you. I still need you.”
“I need you, David.” Clinging to his forearm, you release a soft moan, feeling his tip punch against your most sensitive spot. “I love you.”
“B-Baby,” He suddenly stutters, holding you tighter in his grasp. And you almost can’t breathe from it, can’t think of anything else but him. 
“I know, daddy. Will you cum inside me?” 
“Jesus,” Eyes rolling back, he grunts. “You’re perfect for me.”
The sloppy sound of your meeting sexes makes your face burn, and if it weren’t for the loud fan in David’s room, you’d be worried. It makes you grateful for the times you get at your apartment, where you can be as loud and sloppy as you want. And you’re sure this vacation won’t be any different. 
“I’m gonna take you with me,” He promises breathlessly, eyes pinching shut. His tongue is laving over your neck, lips kissing your jawline and cheek, moaning sweetly, desperately into your ear. “I can’t wait to take you with me.” In less than three sharp thrusts, he’s spilling into you, feeling the hot liquid rush out of his tip. It shoots into your center, the gooiness of it coating your insides white. His muscles turn to jelly, his once steady breaths now faltering, especially when you shove your hips back against him. 
“I love you,” He proclaims through his high, his voice and chest straining as he speaks to you. “I love you, sweetheart. You’re mine.” 
“I know,” You promise in return, nuzzling back into his barely-covered body. “I know, baby. And you’re mine.” Reaching around, your fingers find that soft, light brown hair, finding gentle purchase with it. 
“You’ll always be with me, I promise.” Kissing the shell of your ear, David sighs, basking in the sensation of your fingers in his hair. “Princess, I’ll take you everywhere.” 
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lucius-morningstar · 4 months
Magic Happens? (Part 2)
Awkward conversations and Panic. ------- Lucius: Okay so what did you want to talk about? Charlie: I'm about to ask a question that's going to be very uncomfortable for us, so I need you to answer me honestly and quickly so it doesn't get anymore awkward then it needs to be. Lucius: Okay. Charlie: Who of you in this hotel had sex in the past couple weeks. Lucius: Charlie the fuck. Angel: I don't kiss n' tell dollface. Husk: The fuck you talking about, that's all you do. Angel: Well way to make it less fun. Cherri: Yeah I fucked, I can't recall when or with who. Mostly out of it Charlie: Okay thank you Cherri for being the only one to give me a straight answer. Angel: I mean you know me babe, I'm always fucking with someone. So yeah more then likely. Husk: Probably but I don't have the best record of it so apart from last night, no. Charlie: Lucius please don't make me ask again. Lucius: I am not answering that because I love you too much to admit I've had sex. Angel: I can answer that. He snuck off the Carmine place last night. Vaggie: How the fuck do you know? Angel: He texted me, let's see he said "If Charlie asks, tell her I am fucking Compound Pussy." Then it autocorrected to which he kept trying to write Clara's name but it came weird before he said "Fuck it, you know what I mean, just say I'm smashing ass n' that my phone will be off until tomorrow." Lucius: Ugh.. Bees fuckin honey, stuff makes me share too much Angel: Husk fucked me last night. Husk: Angel the fuck?! Angel: She wanted honesty, don't have a lot of details but I have the claw marks on my back to prove it. Charlie: I don't need visuals, just a confirmation. Husk: *Sighs* Can I ask why? Charlie: Uh.. Well so I was letting dad know the baby news, he asked how? Husk: Please don't give us a play by play. Charlie: No, just anyway I explained that I tried the creation spell and it overloaded and kinda blew all sorts of fuses in the hotel. He asked me if anyone was in the hotel aside from ya know me and Vaggie. Lucius: Weird question to ask. Charlie: I thought so too, so I asked him why and he said and I quote "Nephilim magic is new, stronger and unstable in new hands so the effects could be far bigger and far more.. Uh. Wild in the hands of someone whose still learning." Lucius: What'd he mean by that. Charlie: That I have to keep an eye on everyone for the next couple weeks. Lucius: Why. Charlie: Nothing serious- Lucius: Charlie please just spit it out! Charlie: There's a risk the creation spell might have worked on everyone in the hotel.. Whose been intimate in the past couple weeks. Lucius: What the fuck does that mean! Vaggie: It means that there's a risk that if you've had sex, unprotected especially, that there is a huge chance your fertility odds have doubled.. and tripled in some cases. Cherri: I thought we couldn't have kids in hell. Charlie: In normal standards yes but.. my magic may have reversed it on accident. Cherri: Please tell me this is some kinda sick joke. Angel: Yes please tell us it's a sick joke. Husk: Why are you panicking, you're a guy. Angel: No-No reason. Charlie: Gender is irrelevant, the chances are high regardless. Lucius: Fuck! Charlie: It might not work on you Lucius. You're a Nephilim too, it's possible the spell didn't even effect you. Lucius: Well I fucking hope so Charlie. I just got with Clara and Carmilla will kill me if in the first two weeks one of her daughters ends up knocked up. There's only one place and person she'll be looking for and that's me! Vaggie: Well it's too late to complain now. Charlie: Lucius it might not even mean anything. It could be completely false and nothing could happen. Lucius: R-Right.. Charlie: But.. Yo-You still gotta tell Clara. Just in case. Lucius: I-I can't. I can't fuck this up more when we're actually in a good place. Vaggie: You think she'll like you if she finds out on her own and finds out you knew and said nothing. Lucius: ..I fucking hate you so much.
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yorutsuki · 5 months
「 ✦ Befriending the Worse Pt. 1 ✦ 」
↳ Kourina, a fairly new transfer student who attended UA. Fairly quickly, the two of you had started a friendship. It started off quite nicely, the two of you shared many things in common and enjoyed each other's comapany. Until a few weeks pass—the friendship takes a turn and became-well, more like a one sided friendship..
"So...x equals to the square root of 10?"
Bakugo nodded, "look at that, you got it quickly. But get it quicker next time." He furrowed his brows with a huff. You rolled your eyes, "yeah yeah. Anyways, I don't get what ever..." You squinted at the word problem, pointing towards it. "This is.." You looked at the sentences in disgust.
You weren't really ever good at word problems, or math in general. You couldn't quite tell why, maybe it was because you have to make sense of the words and put two and two together? Or maybe it's because there were letters involved with letters? Or maybe it was the subject itself.
"Sherley had 30 coins, all nickels and dimes. The total value of coins are $2.60. How many nickels are there?" Bakugo reads, "well, the coins together are 30 and equal to $2.60. N equals to 0.5 and d equals 1. The amount all together are $2.60, so what do you multiple the three by." He quizzed, pointing towards the $2.60 and the imaginary nickels and dimes.
You furrowed your brows, "err...10?" You guessed which he nodded. "And that would be?" You paused in thought, your brain overworking itself. "Uh...n equals 5, d equals 10 and they equal to 260?" Your voice pitched higher with every number as Bakugo nodded once more "Write it."
You picked your pencil up, writing down the formula so far, well that was until you heard a pitched voice call out your name.
Looking around, your eyes fell upon a long messy brown haired girl who was walking towards the two of you. "Jeez, I was trying to find you everywhere!" She chuckled before her eyes landed on the explosive blonde. "Heyyy Bakugo!" She smiled which only got a pair of rolling eyes in return. "What do you want." He asked as she turned towards you, a look of nervousness plastered her features.
"Well..you see, i've been stressing quite a lot—with the pile of assignments I have. I wanted to ask if you could do one of them for me.." She bites her lip anxiously as she lays the assignment in front of you.
You furrow your brows. "I mean..I understand the stress load—it's just I have quite a lot on my plate too. I'm not sure if I have time to do an extra-" "Please! Just this once! I can pay you back with lunch or anything!" She begged with a slight bow.
You looked at her assignment, "I don-" "please! I have so much on my to do list that i'm falling behind!" She insisted, her voice booming.
You looked around at the new on lookers, your face flushing in embarrassment.
"She doesn't gotta do anything for you, you realize that?" A gruff voice interrupts—Bakugo crossed his arms in annoyance.
"And you don't have control over her." She barks back, her brows furrowing. Bakugo was slightly taken aback, his anger rising with Kourina's tone.
The boy didn't mind a bicker or banter, but something about her tone just ticked him off. Though the tension between the two was interrupted with your voice, "it's fine, i'll see what I can do." You sighed, a small smile gracing your lips.
Kourina smiled brightened, "thank you so much {y/n}!! I promise i'll return the favor!" She spoke before deporting out of the room.
You sighed tiredly, re-looking over the assignment.
"What the hell was that?"
You looked up towards the blonde teenager, confusion dawning on you. "You're just gonna let her beg her way into things? Hell, even interrupt you like that? Also y'know the quiz is tomorrow, right?" He quizzed.
You bit your lip anxious of the situation and nodded, "yea, but she's my friend-" "don't bullshit me, that didn't look like 'friendship'."
You rolled your eyes, "well you don't know her enough to understand the relationship." You shrugged, "it's like how I don't understand your friendship with Kirishima." You snickered as it fueled the blonde's irritation even more.
The next day came crashing down onto you. Last night, you had stayed awake quite early for preparation of the quiz—in hopes of filling in any missed information. The time showed 3:55 am when you took your first break.
You would've had gone to sleep earlier if it wasn't for the fact you had to do Kourina's assignment that you briefly forgotten about.
And boy did the consequences hit you like a train.
The next morning sucked, you felt heavy bags weighing down your eyes and your hair was a tangly mess.
You looked awful—like you just got into a cage fight with a monkey.
Once you had gotten ready and tidied, you headed out the 1-A dorms and towards your first class, english. Lucky for you, you had company as Kourina spotted you down the hallway.
"Jeez {Y/N}, you look like hell and back." She comments. You let out a tired huff, "well, I stayed up reviewing for the quiz today and—oh right."
You briefly stopped, unzipping your bag and grabbing an assignment.
"Here's your assignment." You said, giving her the said paper. You hoped for even a small 'thank you' but your hoped dimmed as her lips slightly curved downwards. "{N/n}...some of these are wrong.." She sighed, "it's whatever, you tried." She shrugged before stuffing the assignment into her bag without any ounce of care.
Your brows furrowed at her actions.
"Oh, it's almost time for class. I'll catch you later, bye~" She waved a small bye before disabandening your side.
You yawned, exiting English class, at this point your were practically dragging yourself around school.
"Hey! {L/N}!"
You turned around and was met with the familiar green hair, "Midoriya." You nodded. "I was wondering if you'd wanted to join me and some others during lunch." He offered, a smile plastering his face.
You looked around for any sightings of the brown haired girl, yet saw nothing before turning back towards the green-ette. "Sure, i'll meet you at the café entrance?" You suggested as he nodded, "sounds good! See ya there." He waved before heading off.
You huffed as you headed towards your next class, math. The class was something you dreaded as you would have a face off with a piece of paper—it slowly taunting you with its teasing questions.
‘Thank God that’s over..’
The bell had rung signaling it was finally time for food. Your stomach felt like an empty void at the moment so you quickly sped walk ahead from the other students, getting 6th in the cafeteria line.
After receiving your food, you walked towards the entrance where a green-ette was waiting.
“Hey, sorry for the wait.” You apologized as Midoriya waved towards you.
“You’re all good! I just got here.” He smiled, before the two of you made your way towards a cafeteria table with some of your classmates already there.
You eternally groaned as you recognized the pitched voice.
“You keep on leaving me.” She frowned as she caught up to you. “Sorry, I was hungry so..." Your words were nothing but mere dust in the wind as they were ignored with Kourina talking to Izuku. "Are you Midoriya?—From class 1A?" She questioned, her eyes shinning like diamonds.
You frowned as she drowned your words out.
"Hey Midoriya, i'll meet you at the table." You informed him. Before the boy could even respond Kourina chimmed in. "I thought we were going to sit together?" She furrowed her brows before rolling her eyes. "Well, could I sit with you guys? I don't really have anyone to sit with." She frowned, upset, though her question was more towards Izuku who had a faint frown. "Sure..!" He smiled, though it looked quite strained if you looked hard enough.
As the three of you made your way towards the table, your eye twitched with annoyance at Kourina's constant self-inclusion.
"{L/N}! You joined us this time!" Uraraka brightened up even more with your sudden arrival, offering a seat next to hers. You faintly smiled back and nodded before sitting down.
"Ah, and who might you be?" Tenya asked your friend as her and Midoriya sat down as well.
"Oh, i'm Kourina! {Y/N}'s best friend!" She smiled, sitting down next to you.
"I see, well it's nice to meet you." Iida nodded, giving a hand motion. "I'm Iida, this is-" "Ochako, Asui and Shoto, you guys were a big hit at the sports festival." She grinned.
Normally anyone would like the compliments and recognition, if it were said with respect. The group awkwardly stared at the brown haired girl, glancing at each other. Shoto and Iida furrowed their brows at the informality and rudeness.
Uraraka, not wanting the mood to be damped, awkwardly laughed it off. "Well then, i'm glad we made some impressions!" Tsu nodded.
As lunch continued, so did the conversations, though you and Todoroki were more on the quiet side, happily eating your meals.
"So, how did you meet {L/N}?" Tsuyu asked Kourina who chuckled. "It's quite funny, I saw her when she accidentally tripped after school—" Oh boy...
Your cheeks faded into a pick hue of embarrassment. You looked at her, almost pleading her not to go further, unfortunately she just continued.
"And it was raining that day so she fell in a puddle. God I don't know how she didn't freeze. I kinda felt bad and had a umbrella and lended it to her and then we hit it off from there." She smiled—almost proud of herself.
Your eye twitched at that, 'KINDA FELT BAD?'
"{N/N}, here cannot keep herself upright even if she tried-" She snickered, elbowing you on the side. "-but that's why we're friends."
You chuckled and nodded before excusing yourself to the restroom.
As soon as you entered a stall, you sat on the toilet's seat, letting out a frustrated sigh of embarrassment as you let your head fall into your hands. How bad you just wanted to punch her—just to humble her. Ever since a few days ago, she's been more annoying with every passing hour.
With each negative thought, your heads clawed against your face with irritation.
A few minutes passed by before you decided it was time to go back. After splashing some water onto your face, you made your way back to the table were you could see slight discomfort on some of your classmate's faces as Kourina ranted.
"-After that, it was our tu-"
You could barely see the look of relief on their faces as the bell had rung.
"It was a pleasure talking to you, maybe we you can continue next time?" Uraraka smiled softly which Kourina returned, "definitely."
You watched as Kourina then turned her attention towards Midoriya. Not wanting to be a bystander, you decided to head towards your next class.
As you were taking your leave, you heard your name get called out by the boy who jogged over by your side.
"Sorry about that. Want to walk to class?" He asked, a small bashful smile plastered. You nodded, "sure."
The two of you finally made it to your homeroom, stopping in front of the door. Midoriya looked around, furrowed eyes. You looked around in confusion.
"I know your friends with Kourina but I just don't trust her. I feel like she isn't a friend you want.." He bit his cheek worriedly.
You furrowed your brows in thought before sighing. "I..know, but—..I'm sure it's just a small incident?" You scratched your arm nervously. Midoriya sighed before giving you a comforting smile. "Well, if you need anything, let me know—even some of our classmates."
You nodded with a small smile before you both entered the classroom.
What you didn't realize is that a brown haired transfer had over heard everything.
[ Next Part ]
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shallyne · 4 months
The Diary of Feyre Archeron Ch 7
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Chapter seven is here! It's getting a little angsty, buckle in. Full fic on AO3.
Words: 1.8k
TW: kidnapping, in a way
December 8th
I've been working for Rhys for two weeks now and I thought I was lucky to not cross ways with him at all during that time but yesterday he went home just as my shift ended, so we both went out at the same time. Yesterday of all days it was raining cats and dogs and because it is Rhys, ever the gentleman, he insisted he'd drive me home. I must admit that I haven't declined as much as I should have, I agreed pretty easily but you try walking home, or even to the next bus stop, in Velaris rain. It doesn't rain often but when it does, it's chaos. 
The drive was pretty quiet for the first half, and tense. At least from my side. I can't decline that Rhys is even more attractive now than he was when we were fifteen. I was a girl and I had a crush on a boy. Now I am a woman and he, well, he is a man. A really big, muscular, manly man. The most beautiful man I have ever seen if I'm being honest but all of this doesn't excuse that he lied to me back then. That I have to live this life because of him. He saved us with this, yes, but I'm sure somehow this all could have been avoided if he told me. We could have found a way, together, but he tried to do it all on his own. 
Well, when we stopped at a red light he broke the silence to ask me how I was doing. It didn't take a genius to know he was genuinely interested but I couldn't really tell him that I am still hurt about something that happened eight years ago because if I would there is a possibility he would ask why and I had to tell him it's not what he did (I mean, yes, that too but it's not the reason why I was that hurt) but that the real reason is that I am was in love with him and my heart broke at the possibility he would ever lie to me that way about something that would ruin my whole family. I trusted him. 
Shit, I'm babbling. I probably don't even make sense? Do I make sense? Probably not.
Anyways, Tamlin picked me up later that day and I spent the night with him. He was in a weird mood again and asked me tons of questions about my sisters for some reason. I don't like answering questions about them, not because we don't have a story we tell people but because I could slip up. Sometimes I still call them by their real names in the comfort of our own four walls, it's a dangerous game, I had to shut him up by distracting him. 
This morning we ate brunch with Lucien, the mood lighter again, which was mostly thanks to Lucien and his questionable jokes. It was funny. I didn't laugh, Tamlin doesn't want me to laugh at other people's jokes. 
After brunch we all went our own ways, Tamlin went home, Lucien went to visit his mom and I walked downtown to work. 
Rhys was in again today, I don't know why but I also don't care, he probably just had to deal with some things because the Lounge just opened. 
December 12th
Today has been stressful. It's christmas season and Mara, Daisy and I tried shopping for a new couch. It was hell. After a guy poured coffee all over Mara’s shirt and a fight almost broke out between them, we gave up and went home. It started snowing like crazy about half way home and Daisy almost walked into a door because we could barely see between the flocks of snow. It was cold and by the minute we got more and more miserable. We decided to wait for the weather to clear up in a Café where we sipped hot chocolate when suddenly Rhys turned up and I tried to hide behind a menu because I didn't want him to see me all disheveled from the day. I think I succeeded because when I looked up he was gone. Mara looked at me weirdly. No, I wouldn't say weird. Knowingly, she knew what's up and I hate that she knows, but luckily, she didn't say anything. But at home she accused me of wearing her shirt, which wasn't even true, we just have similar shirts. We fought but that's okay, when dinner time rolled around we shared the last pizza roll. 
Right after dinner Tamlin called and insisted on coming over to our apartment to spend time there, Mara looked at me like she'd kill him with her bare hands if he came over and even Elain shook her hand. Truth be told, I don't feel comfortable with him coming over. Not because I am ashamed of our apartment, we really tried to make it homely. I like it. But, I don't know, it's just a feeling I can't shake. I don't really want anyone here but us, it's our sanctuary, in a way. I never took anyone to our apartment. Never. 
I had to make up some excuse about having explosive diarrhea and that was enough for Tamlin to leave it. Maybe I should tell him the truth but, honestly, I am scared of his reaction. 
Am I the problem?? 
December 14th
Tamlin and I agreed that i spent my birthday with him. As much as I would like to be with my sisters, I had to agree because he's getting antsy about me not inviting him to my apartment. At least we found a solution for now. 
Also, Rhys saw me in the Café two days ago. I was kind of embarrassed when he told me but, as surprising as it was, we slipped into banter pretty easily, just like 8 years ago. I've missed it so much. Just the banter today felt like a step forward between us. The more we talk, the more I realize I want to forgive him, SO badly. Maybe we should talk it out, maybe I should listen to his side of the story. I never bothered, have I? Maybe I should have listened before blowing up on him. And I did, I really blew up on him and he just let me. I really want to hear his story. 
Am I crazy? 
I don't know. 
I just miss my best friend, a lot. He's here now, against all odds. We find each other in a city thousands of miles away from home, isn't that a sign? 
Letter from Feyre Archeron to Rhysand
December 15th
Dear Rhys, 
I really don't know how to start this letter, I feel like no words in the world could express how I feel, but I'm going to try. 
My plan was to talk to you today but I saw you standing at the bar, talking to Rita, and all the words left my mind. I need to write this down or I'm going to forget half of this, you still have that effect on me. 
I want a new start for us, if you are willing to. 
I've talked to you really harshly years ago, I never gave you a chance to explain yourself. More importantly, I know you wanted to protect me, you always want to protect the people close to you. I should have looked past my fury, I should have given you a chance, and after my mistreatment of you, you still helped my sisters and I, which I will be forever grateful for. If you can't forgive me, I understand but if you are willing to try, you'd make me the happiest woman in the world. 
Since you came back into my life, I realized how much I missed you. There has always been a shadow where you should have been. You were my friend, my best friend, and I was yours. I really wish to become your friend again, to be a person you can trust, a person you feel comfortable around. I can't describe how sorry I am, but I'd like to show you. If you let me. 
We can start new, we can leave the past behind us. You and me. 
Please text me or talk to me or write a letter back or whatever you want to do, if you want this, too. 
Unsent Letter from Rhysand to Feyre Archeron
Dear Feyre
Dear Clare
I miss you
I missed you
There is nothing to forgive
There is no need to apologize
Come home
I would die for you
I'm yours
I love you, 
December 20th
I promised Mara and Daisy we would celebrate my birthday when I'm back from Tamlin’s. With our combined income we can afford a little night out, I'm pretty excited. Especially for Daisy's cake. I'm always open to new flavors so Daisy is trying something different every year for me. Mara is more of a chocolate cake girl, so that's her birthday cake flavor almost every year. For my birthday two years okay Daisy made me a lemon raspberry cake and it was so good, I'm still dreaming about it. 
But I'll only get my birthday cake in a few days. At Tamlin’s it is probably going to be his favorite flavor. I don't mind, I don't want him to go extra lengths for me, it's not important. 
I'm packing right now, because I'm going to spend the night with him. 
I'm excited to see Lucien again, I missed him. He had his own stuff going on with his family these days, hanging out will hopefully be a little reprieve for him. 
I should go to sleep now, it's pretty late. 
I shouldn't be this nervous about a stupid birthday, right? He's my boyfriend. 
Note from Feyre Archerin, slipped to Alis for Rhysand on December 22nd
Warehuse red
Chat between Rhysand and Azriel on December 22nd
Rhysand: You need to look for Feyre's whereabouts ASAP
Rhysand: Her sister just crashed into my office saying Feyre is missing since her birthday
Rhysand: She thinks something happened to Feyre
Azriel: Elain?
Rhysand: Nesta, but she has Elain in tow
Azriel: On it, I'll call when I find something
Chat between Rhysand and Morrigan on December 22nd 
Morrigan: There is a woman who wants to talk to you about Clare
Morrigan: she says it's important
Morrigan: her name is Alis
Rhysand: coming
Chat between Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel and Morrigan on December 22nd
Rhysand: Tamlin has Feyre. She left a note with a maid of his for me, they are on their way to Neva
Cassian: that can't be, Hybern still has all his men in Dunmere. They think the sister's are dead
Morrigan: not anymore
Morrigan: wait, NEVA? 
Rhysand: Neva. He brings her to Amarantha
Rhysand: Cassian, Azriel and I will drive to Neva. Mor you stay here with Nesta and Elain
Chat between Rhysand and Amren
Rhysand: I need to call in my favor 
Amren: I've been waiting for you to reach out, boy. What do you need? 
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Title: One Night Only
Pairing: Chase Collins x F!Reader
Word Count: 2k +
Tags: 18+ MDNI, smut, fluff, bedsharing, praise kink, fingering (female receiving), unprotected sex, possible dubcon (Idk if this classifies as that so I'm tagging just in case), pet names, cuddling, biting, marking, nipple play, begging, explicit sexual content, explicit language, and I think that's it.
Written For: @sebastianstanbingo and @kinktober2022
Squares Filled: Bedsharing for Kinktober and Square B5 - One Bed for Sebastian Stan Bingo
Beta(s): T. Thompson and A. DiLorenza
Title Card: Yours Truly
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"Well, that's just fucking great!"
You sigh as you look at the soaked floor of your dorm room. It hasn't even been a week since you moved in and things were already going south.
Thankfully, you're able to save your school books and important papers, but almost everything else the water touched is ruined. Your bedframe, the dresser, and the desk, they're all made of wood that is now saturated.
Just as you're about to call your RA, a knock sounds on your door.
"Y/N? Hey, is water leaking into your room too?"
You open it and groan, "unfortunately, yes. I was actually just about to call you, Dee. What are we supposed to do? The rain isn't set to stop for another twelve hours."
She looks around your room briefly before training her eyes back on you. Her eyes look tired like she's been trying to desperately control this uncontrollable situation for hours.
"I've got good news and bad news," she runs a hand through her curly hair. "The good news is that the school is going to have new furniture in all of our rooms by the end of the day tomorrow."
You gaze at her warily. "And the bad news?"
Dee almost winces and you know what she's going to say before she even opens her mouth. You shake your head and take a step back.
"No. Absolutely not. I am not, under any circumstances, sharing a room with Chase."
"Y/N, please...can't you just put aside your differences for one night? Besides, I didn't pick who had to sleep where."
Chase fucking Collins, one of the most arrogant, self-centered people you've ever met, hit on practically any woman with a heartbeat. He'd recently taken a liking to you and you had made it perfectly clear to him that you weren't interested.
That didn't stop him from trying to get in your pants every chance he got, though. Why couldn't he just accept that you just didn't want him? Girls threw themselves at him all the time anyway, so it wasn't like it was hard for him to get laid.
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Dee was right, this wasn't her fault.
"Fine," you shrug, "I'll get my things. I've survived the last three weeks of him drooling over me so I sure as hell can survive one more night of it."
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An hour later you stand outside Chase's door with the same sour look on your face from earlier. You don't even want to knock. The thought of spending any amount of alone time with him sounds about as fun as laying on a bed of nails.
Maybe you can sleep in the hallway or, come to think of it, who even needs sleep? College is about pulling all-nighters and eating your weight in Ramen, right? Before you can turn and walk away, Chase's door opens, his eyes raking over you like a hungry wolf would when seeing a lamb.
"Well, if it isn't Y/N. Have you finally come over to be my pretty little plaything?"
You roll your eyes and shove past him. "In your dreams, Collins. I'm only here because I have to be."
His eyes follow your figure as you walk to the middle of his room. "And," he shuts his door and leans against it, "may I ask why?"
You huff, "because this place is a fucking dump, and the roof leaks in the girl's dorm area. Now that you've asked your question, I've got one. Where's the other bed?"
He smirks and you swear you see his eyes flicker to a deep onyx. "There's only one, sweetheart. Don't worry though, we can share mine."
Your arms cross over your chest, "you can't be serious. I'm not sleeping with you, Chase. I'm here for one night until they put new furniture in my room. I'll just take the floor."
Chase watches with an amused look on his face as you grab the comforter off of his bed and throw your sweater down as a pillow.
"Suit yourself. Also, I hope you don't mind," he looks directly into your narrowed eyes and grins as he undoes the button on his jeans and slides them down his legs, "I sleep naked."
Your eyes go wide and you look away just as he takes his boxers off. "Whatever. Even if I did mind it's not like it matters."
He doesn't say anything else to you as you lay against his dresser. His room looks like yours only it's tailored to his style. It smells like him and you hate that you like it.
You really, really like it.
You close your eyes and try to ignore the fact that Chase is only a couple of feet away from you laying in his bed. Wearing nothing but one of his stupid, smug smiles on his face. At least, that's how you picture him.
Annoyingly, the floor isn't at all comfortable, but you stick to your guns and try your best to adjust. About forty-five minutes later, you finally fall asleep.
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You wake up shivering.
Even with the comforter wrapped around you like a cocoon it still feels like you're in the arctic. You touch the screen on your phone and groan. It's only three in the morning and there's no way you're going to be able to go back to sleep with how cold it is.
"I can hear your teeth chattering all the way over here." Even if you can't see his face, you just know he's smirking.
"Well, if you didn't keep your room so fucking freezing then you wouldn't have to hear them."
"You know, the offer still stands, Y/N. You'll be much warmer if you come up here with me."
As much as you absolutely loathe the thought of giving in, the hard, cold floor isn't doing you any favors. Plus you have a test in the morning and you want to be well rested for it.
"Fine. But no funny business, Collins."
You untangle yourself from the comforter and begrudgingly stand up. Chase lifts the sheets and pats the empty space next to him.
Grabbing one of his extra pillows, you slide in beside him keeping as much distance as possible between the two of you.
"Just stay on your side of the bed and we'll be fine."
He chuckles, "whatever you say, sweetheart."
For a few moments, neither of you says anything. You're facing toward his dresser while he faces you. Even with all of the blankets you still can't get warm. You feel his fingers brush your arm and you jump.
"Jesus, Y/N, you're shivering." He wraps his arm around your torso and pulls you back against him with ease, "come here."
"Chase?! What are you doing?! I said-"
"I know what you said, but we both need to sleep and that's not going to happen if you're shaking like this. Now relax for me, okay?"
"...Okay." You have to admit, he is extremely warm. And you don't exactly hate the way it feels to have his big hand splayed across your bare stomach.
He nuzzles against the back of your neck, his warm breaths tickling your exposed skin. You squeeze your eyes shut and try to ignore the coil of arousal blooming in your core. No, there is no way, no way, you're letting yourself be attracted to Chase and his womanizer reputation.
"I can hear your heart racing, sweetheart." His fingertips play with the hem of your sleep shorts just barely sliding underneath them. "You say you don't want me, but," Chase moves closer and you can feel his arousal pressing against your lower back, "your body tells me a different story."
You gasp, "Chase...I-"
"Shh, let me warm you up, baby."
His fingers slip between your folds and he groans, "oh, princess, you're already so wet." He circles your clit slowly, a moan falling from your lips. "That's it, Y/N."
You tilt your head back to rest on his shoulder, your hips thrusting up to meet the pads of his fingers. Chase begins to trail kisses along the side of your throat, your pulse thrumming wildly against his parted lips.
"Mmm, so pretty, sugar. Let's see if we can warm you up even more." He pushes his middle and ring fingers inside of you making you whimper.
"Oh, God...Chase!"
"That's right baby," he can't help rutting against you, his cock beginning to leak from how you're pushing back into him.
"Please! I- Oh, fuck...I need more."
"More? You mean like this?" He quickens his movements, curling his fingertips upward every so often. It's just enough to graze that specific place that makes you keen with want.
Any amount of protest you had left in your body dissipates as you feel your previous simmer of arousal turn into a full-fledged inferno. Chase's low, sultry voice in your ear makes your body erupt with goosebumps, and you can't help the whine you make when he nips at your earlobe.
"Doing so good for me, sweetheart. Wanna see you cum for me though. Come on, Y/N, you're right there. I can feel how close you are. Show me, baby. Cum all over my fingers."
You fist the sheets as your legs begin to tremble. The heel of his hand rubs your bundle of nerves every time he plunges into your soaked cunt.
"Oh, Chase! Fuck, I-I'm gonna...gonna cum!"
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, the force of it making your eyes roll back of their own volition. Chase doesn't stop, the overstimulation causes your body to shake with aftershocks.
"Oh, baby... you look so beautiful cumming around my fingers. Such a good girl for me. Think you can do it again around my cock?"
You're panting as he rolls you onto your back. Chase towers over you, his once electric blue eyes now completely black.
"Don't be scared, sweetheart. I won't hurt you." He leans down on his forearms and captures your lips in a predatory kiss. He licks into your mouth, and his tongue tangles with yours, hot and dominant.
"Chase, what ... are you?"
He smirks, "I'm one of the sons of Ipswich, honey." He brings the two fingers that were just buried inside of you between his lips and moans around them. "You taste like heaven, Y/N."
Those same two fingers hover above your wide-eyed gaze briefly before flicking upwards. Immediately your wrists are held above your head and you realize you're unable to move them.
It dawns on you that he used magic to restrain you and, fuck, if that wasn't the hottest fucking thing anyone's ever done to you.
"Please...," you try to reach down and wrap your hand around his erection, but to no avail.
"Someone's eager," he growls and you roll your eyes.
"I swear to fucking god if you don't fuck me right now-"
"I hate to break it to you, sugar, but I'm not the one restrained here." You huff as he chuckles and you aren't sure if it's more condescending or authoritative.
"Chase! I'm not kid-AH!" Before you can finish, he lines himself up and effectively shuts you up with his dick.
"You're so demanding, pretty girl... - oh, fuck - and so damn tight!"
Your wrap your legs around his waist as he starts to move his hips. He's thick, the thickest you've had, and the way his cock nudges your sweet spot makes your toes curl.
"Oh, my fucking god, oh, Chase! Baby, you feel so good!"
He peppers open-mouthed kisses anywhere he can reach as he fucks you slow and deep. "Yeah, princess? Do you like the way I fuck this tight little pussy? I can feel the way your I pulling me in, sweetheart."
Chase cups your breasts and leans down to roll his tongue over one of your nipples. His name is a cry of pleasure from your lips as you arch into his touch, the familiar heat from before rekindling low in your belly.
He kisses you again, his teeth sinking deliciously into your lower lip. It's filthy, almost as if he's claiming you as he continues to mark your skin.
"You're so fuckin' hot, baby. These beautiful tits, this perfect little pussy, and those aren't even the best parts of you. God, you're a dream, Y/N."
"Chase, please!"
He brushes the pad of his thumb over your kiss-swollen bottom lip, "I got you, sugar. I'll give you what you need."
Chase lifts one of your legs onto his shoulder and both of you groan, the new angle making his cock go impossibly deeper.
He fucks you at a punishing pace, hard and precise as the flared head of his dick hits your spot on every thrust.
You can't get enough of him. His coal-black eyes stare down at you, his skin glistens with beads of sweat, and little grunts and moans fall from his smooth, parted lips. It lights an eternal flame inside you, and you know you're a goner for him.
"Oh, god... oh, god, I'm gonna cum again. Chase, I'm gonna cum!"
He draws circles around your clit that match perfectly in time with his thrusts, his eyes shut tight now that you're beginning to clench around him.
"C'mon, Princess...do it. Cum on my cock, Y/N. Fuck, baby, you're gonna make me cum. Yeah, that's it...just like that! Oh, oh, FUCK!"
Chase stills inside of you just as you come undone for him a second time. Both of you are panting as he lets go of your leg and buries his face in the crook of your neck.
You lay there for a few moments, just breathing together until he finally looks at you again. His eyes are back to the beautiful blue that you're used to and you smile as he cups your cheek.
"You can move your hands, honey. They're not restrained anymore."
"Thanks," you grin and wrap them around his neck.
He kisses you sweetly and pulls out of you gently.
"I'm glad you're warm now, sweetheart."
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elderemorune · 6 months
An Interesting Title
What a monumental week it's been.
Awful, but monumental.
My best friend introduced me to the whitest band I've ever heard, Bear Ghost, something like six months ago, and I've been a little hung up since. Not obsessed, but they're damn good. Hell, I'll share one of my favorites from them here:
Take a Disney Villain, give them a guitar and a bit of ska, here you go. Bear Ghost. They call themselves 'adventure rock', a genre created by Swedish band Hällas, who play "a blend of progressive rock, hard rock and heavy metal inspired by 1970s bands". You know what, I see it, and it fits.
Anyway, they played a show at Madame Lou's in Seattle on Monday, and holy shit were they fun. Honestly way better live than I ever thought they'd be! Their crowd work was impeccable, I loved the way they moved about onstage and dude, their smiles are so fucking warm, it was like being in a sunlit field while they were onstage.
The brought with them a smaller band by the name of Damn the Weather.
Their music is truly beautiful, and I honestly couldn't really explain it, so here's a song from them:
They're tiny right now, and this was their first time on the road, same as Bear Ghost. I couldn't tell you the name of any song they played, but I was enraptured by them during the opening act. They were less bombastic, lower energy, but there was something so incredibly beautiful about that melancholic vibe they brought that not only matched the venue, but served as the perfect palate cleanser prior to the main act taking the stage.
I love them. Please, anyone reading this, give them a listen on Spotify, sub to their YouTube, signal boost the hell out of them!
After the show, the frontman (whose name I have tragically forgotten) was going through the crowd and thanking everyone who would talk to them. I was waiting in line to get some merch signed by the dudes of Bear Ghost, and they walked up, so I told them what I felt:
"Your music was so beautiful, I cried during the violin solo holy shit dude" and they thanked me so much. I offered them a hug, and they took it and started crying, saying "I never thought we'd make it here, I can't even believe this is real." I just kept hugging them and said "You made it baby, you made it and you'll always be welcome back here."
So overall 10/10 show. The venue was perfect, the sound was on point, and the drinks were cheap too! The bands were amazing, and I cannot wait for them to come back.
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thesupreme316 · 2 years
Let’s Make a Bet (Part 2) Hook x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, another failed attempt at comedy
Summary: You and Hook go your first date and things transpire…
Word Count: 1793 (my google docs was 3 and a half pages)
Supreme Speaks: I’m so sorry for going M.I.A, my life has been hell for the past week or so. But I is back and on my ish! Also, here, Snoop is also called Calvin as that’s his real name. I forgot to even put that in part one…my bad.  Thanks again to @triscillal​ for giving me ideas and requesting this miniseries!
Warnings: none really...This part has a lot more dialogue than the first, “mature language”, i tried to proofread it
Link to Let’s Make a Bet (Part 1)
Taglist (dm if you want to be added/removed): @triscillal @taymelos@wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom
A week after your championship win, you were at home, happily singing to the music in the background as you were doing your hair and makeup. You couldn't help but feel this way as you were finally going on a date with the man you’ve been crushing on, Tyler. 
Even the memory of him asking you out made you smile in the mirror. Yet it made you so nervous.
You spent the last hour trying to figure out what you should wear, at least making 13 outfit changes. That was until Mercedes told you to do your hair and makeup while she gets your outfit ready.
Even though you and Mercedes were cousins, you treated each other more like sisters. You were constantly over at each other’s houses, on the phone for hours, sometimes speaking with no words exchanged, sharing clothes, etc. So you trusted her with your wardrobe. 
“Okay, I found the perfect outfit!” Mercedes said from your bedroom.
“Remember; he said to be casual!” You yelled back in response. You peeked from the bathroom to see Mercedes proudly showing off her creation to you and her phone: jeans with a sexy top that complimented your skin tone. “It’s the perfect blend of sensual and casual.”
“I like it ‘lil cousin. It shows enough skin for that dude to be all on you.” Your other cousin said over the phone.
You couldn’t see being close to anybody else like you were with Mercedes, except your other cousin, Calvin, aka Snoop Dogg. Calvin was like your big brother who always had your back no matter what. You got away with a lot of stuff as a teenager because of him. 
After finishing your hair, you walked into your bedroom to Mercedes pushing the outfit towards your body. “Why is he muffled?”
“He’s eating that cake you left at your celebration party.”
You marched over to the phone, seeing him taking another slice of the cake. “Martha made that for me!”
“I know and it’s so good.” He said as he took another bite.
You rolled your eyes as you heard a sound from your front yard. Looking over with wide eyes, you saw Tyler get out of the car and start making his way up to the door with items in his hands. 
“He’s here!”
“I know, and you still have your pajamas on,” Mercedes said while looking at your current state. You groaned while grabbing the clothes and running back to the bathroom. “Hey, he hasn’t knocked yet so he’s probably nervous too!”
Yes. Yes, he was. He was probably even more nervous than you were. 
On his way over to your house, and as he was walking up to the door, he was on the phone with Ricky Starks, trying to calm down
“Dude, it’s gonna go great. You look good.” Tyler looked down at his polo shirt and jeans outfit as Ricky continued. “All I’m saying is don’t mess it up, do you know how many people are waiting for her? Myself included.” 
“Thanks, you’re such a great wingman,” Tyler said sarcastically
Ricky laughed, “I’m joking man… kind of. I heard she’s been waiting for you to ask her out.”
“Tyler, if you could have seen the way she would look up at you, you would have asked her out sooner. Anyways, get off the phone with me and go on your damn date!” Ricky said before he hung up.
Tyler sighed, putting his phone away. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door, making you gasp as you were putting on your shoes.
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna get the door.” Mercedes said as she was walking downstairs. She opened the door to Tyler fixing his fluffy hair. “So, you’re the cold-hearted and handsome devil everyone is talking about?” Mercedes smirked.
“I guess that would be me,” Tyler said.
“Hook! My main man!” Calvin said from the phone while munching on some cake. 
Mercedes invited Tyler inside and explained that you were still getting ready for the date. When he sat down, she immediately started to ask him questions like she was in a sitcom
Part of her did it to break the ice, the other part of her did it to make sure that Tyler was a good match for you. Again, Mercedes has always treated you like a little sister, so she’s very protective about who you invited into your life. 
Just as she was about to ask Tyler her 20th question, you made your way downstairs and stopping both of them mid-sentence
Tyler stood in awe of your appearance, having a dumbstruck smile on his face and instantly feeling butterflies. He felt lucky just by being in your presence and seeing your beauty this close. Likewise, you started blushing as you took in his image.
“You look amazing.” He said while giving you a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
“Thank you, you look very handsome.” You smiled
“Alright, alright, you high school lovebirds,” Mercedes said interrupting the lovey-dovey atmosphere. She ushered you two out of the front door, “Go on your date and enjoy each other. And Tyler, if I find out anything, I’ll beat your ass.” She said with a smile
“Mercedes-” You started before she cut you off
“I’m gonna clean up and be gone before you get back. Enjoy each other and have fun.”
And that’s exactly what you and Tyler did
Tyler decided to take you to Quincy Market for a lunch date and shopping. You tried different foods together and impressed each other with how much you could eat within one sitting, you even shared food. 
Even though it was your first date, you two already felt like an established couple with Tyler holding your waist from behind, the constant hand-holding and cheek kissing, cuddling while walking, etc.
Afterward, Tyler took you to the park for a walk and stargazing where you talked about everything and nothing; goals, dreams, and debates about random topics. 
Despite it being a simple and lowkey date idea, you two had fun getting to know each other on a deeper level. And it all led up to Tyler asking you for another date to which you answered by capturing his lips in a soft yet passionate kiss
That was three weeks ago…
Now you are backstage at Rampage, sitting on top of a crate, wearing an oversized hoodie while talking to Tyler about your match with Kiera Hogan
“I just don’t like how Kiera talked about Mercedes. And to be hone- Tyler, are you listening?” You looked over at the 6-foot man just staring at you with nothing but admiration in his eyes.
He blinked a few times before responding, “Sorry, I was too busy staring at my girlfriend to listen.” 
Yeah, that’s right 
You two became official after the third date. However, not many people, outside of close friends and family, know because you both like to keep your lives private. To everyone else, you two are still very close friends.
“What was my boyfriend thinking about whilst staring?” You questioned with a smile
“How beautiful you look with my clothes on.” He said with a smirk before kissing your forehead. 
And then part of you wondered if people really don’t pay attention because there have been so many signs; you constantly wearing his clothes or even the fact that you two swapped necklaces.
Just like how Tyler has his signature cross necklace, you have a dog tag necklace with your name on it. You swapped necklaces to “carry a piece of each other at all times”
Before you could respond, a stagehand told you that your match was up next. You sighed and took off Tyler’s hoodie before wrapping your title around your shoulder again. “I’ll see you after my match.” You said as you gave him a quick kiss and started to walk away. 
Tyler called out after you, “Your ring gear looks good.” You looked down at your grey and orange gear, a reference to his signature colors and gear. You winked at him before going to the entrance tunnel
Your match was going on great and after about 5 minutes, you made Kiera tap out with your finishing submission
As you were celebrating, the crowd’s cheers quickly turned into boos as you were surrounded by two people; Sonny Kiss and Ari Daivari, members of the Trustbusters. 
Who also happens to be feuding with Tyler for the past couple of weeks. They either found out that you were dating Tyler and wanted to intimidate him or just want to attack you for bragging rights
Either way, you weren’t gonna take it
They were on the apron of the ring, staring at you with smirks and malice in their eyes. You dropped your title to the mat and yelled at them to step in the ring. As they went through the ropes, the lights went dim and the sound of your boyfriend’s sweet entrance music filled the arena.
The crowd roared with cheers and went crazy as Tyler was walking swiftly to ring. He dropped his title on the apron before jumping over the ropes and clotheslining Ari, while you jumped on Sonny. 
After throwing punches, kicks, and doing a couple of suplexes, you set Sonny up for what Tyler and the audience thought was your signature submission. However, you smiled at your partner before putting Sonny in Tyler’s signature, Redrum; making the crowd chant your name.
Chuckling, Tyler grabbed Ari and quickly put him in your signature submission as the crowd grew with excitement and disbelief. You two held on while the Trustbusters were tapping and trying to get out of the holds
After a couple of moments, you both let them go and watch them roll out the ring, spewing insults at you two. Waving them off, you turned to Tyler and jumped in his arms with a smile, to which he immediately wrapped his arms around you, with the audience’s cheers becoming background noise.
You didn’t mean to, but you couldn’t help yourself as you were just happy to share the ring with him and that he came out to defend you.
Putting you down softly, together you raised your titles in the air while looking at the intimidated team
While leaving the ring, Tyler leaned down to your ear and whispered, “I bet we can beat them in 5 minutes.”
You giggled and responded, “I say 3 minutes.”
“Oh, you are so on.” He said walking up the ramp with his hand interlocking with yours, ignoring everyone and everything else.
By the time Rampage went off the air, you and Tyler were trending
Not only because of your segment
But because your relationship was also officially announced
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mx-piggy · 1 month
Okay I've finally watched the new Futurama... almost a week after it came out. In my defence, I had a pretty busy week, if you can class 'binge-watching several movies ready to go see stuff at the cinema and trying and failing to get some sleep before job interviews' as being busy. I digress. So, here's my review of The Temp. Spoilers ahead!!
This season has been consistently strong so far.
The Temp is an example of an episode that is all-around good; I'd rank it pretty highly amongst these revival episodes. The story is interesting, most of the jokes land, there's a lot of fun cameos and references for simpletons like myself to point at excitedly. After the devastating end of Quids Game, it was fun to see Futurama showing how great of a sci-fi comedy it is, with a fun, sci-fi, Twilight Zone-esque premise that is packed with strong comedy.
This episode definitely could have turned out more meanspirited than it did, but the crew constantly forgetting who Frank was never, for me anyway, veered into the cruelty of some of the Comedy Central episodes. I'd say that it stayed in the territory of funny, as opposed to doing a disservice to the characters like the Comedy Central era did.
The Temp actually reminded me a bit of Homer's Enemy, not just because Frank shares a name with Frank Grimes, and both episodes are named after each Frank. But, this episode feels a lot lighter than Homer's Enemy.
My only real issue with the episode is that the pacing feels a bit off at the end. I do appreciate its attempt at using a unique structure, and I would love to see further attempts from the revival to use a more a unique story structure without it being reserved for more emotionally-driven episodes like Quids Game. That said, I guess that it feels like, by the time Frank takes over Fry's identity in the main bit of the episode, it only lasts for a few minutes before they find the real Fry again. So, in total, there's only around seven or eight minutes where, as the episode synopsis describes, 'a mysterious temp worker takes over Fry's job, as well as his entire life', and we get around five minutes of that at the beginning, then three minutes in the middle of the episode. That and the six week timeskip leaves the episode feeling a bit rushed at the end, so it made it feel a bit underdeveloped. Again, it's just a minor criticism, and I liked the episode as it was; the structuring did make for an interesting story overall.
Part of me is tempted to write a Homer's Enemy-esque character study of Frank to satisfy my love of exploring characters whose lives kinda fucking suck lmao.
Something I really enjoyed about this episode is all the cameos and references it has. There's the Omicronians, Calculon, the Robot Mafia, Zoidberg's Uncle. And, I loved the incorporation of Amazonian Women in the Mood into this episode's story. It was such a fun, clever choice, and (unlike with Children of a Lesser Bog) it wasn't delivered in a clunky way. I also loved the Professor's 'I'm already in my pyjamas' (and how they subvert it).
And, this episode was so funny that I couldn't possibly list everything that made me laugh. Probably the biggest laugh was Bender's 'who the hell is he?'.
Overall, I probably liked The Temp a bit more than Quids Game and a lot more than The One Amigo, because I really enjoyed having an episode where we got to see the Planet Express crew together. Right now, I'd give this one a 7.5/10. I've used the word 'fun' far too much in this review (my apologies) but I really do want more fun episodes like this with interesting sci-fi premises and a mystery element to them, all the while being comedically strong.
As always, let me know what you thought about this episode!
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