#anyways i didn't tear up at school while reading the note
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 4 months
my gf got me such a cute and sweet valentines gift bwah <333
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bbunnyyy · 4 months
All The Stars~
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A/N: This idea has marinated in my head for wayyyy too many weeks, so here you go. There will be a part 2 to this.
P.S: Not proofread. Sorry for any mistakes.
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It was the second day of school after the summer break. You peeked out from behind the wall at the lockers- your crush's locker. Your stomach grumbled in pain- ah, the sacrifices you make for love. Maybe this was a stupid idea, why would Katsuki fucking Bakugou reciprocate the sickening feelings you harboured towards him? You were better off staying his secret admirer.
Bakugou was the last person you'd imagine a puppy dog romance with. He surely wasn't worth skipping lunch for. What were you thinking anyway, hoping his love for you would blossom? Well, that's all it would be. Hope. You told yourself. Not that it would matter, the gifts inside were unsigned anyway.
Sighing, you turned to walk away- maybe you could convince Lunch Rush to let you have a peck or two before class started. Walking into the hallway, you scratched the back of your head as you felt a headache come on. Looking up, you saw Bakugou, Kirishima and the others walking towards the lockers. Scrambling, you ducked behind the staircase- Holy fucking shit. This was it. They hadn't noticed you, luckily. Not yet, at least. Your knuckles were white from grabbing the wall as you stood on your tippy toes, trying to get a closer look at his expression.
That idiotic blonde was screaming at Denki for electrocuting his lemonade or whatever- at least he saw that coming; what he didn't see was the hellish amount of confetti falling onto him as he opened his locker. The rest of the Bakusquad looked with their mouth open as you cowered behind the wall, blushing. You were grateful no one had noticed you yet. "Ooh, looks like someone's got the fancies for Bakubro ;)" Kaminari said, almost emoting in surprise, along with Kiri.
"What the actual fuck is this?" Bakugou grimaced, stepping on the now confetti-covered floor. He rummaged around his locker, pushing the confetti around to uncover boxes stacked on top of each other next to his textbooks. Pretty pink boxes adorned with ribbons, must I add. A neon orange sticky note taped to the topmost box stood out in contrast with the monochrome textbooks and grey metal of the locker. Bakugou had half a mind to throw it all away or blow up the entire locker. It wasn't worth the hassle anyway.
Denki snickered, peeling off the note that read 'High protein chocolate~' "Woaahh, real thoughtful, ain't it?" Kirishima said, elbowing Bakugou in the stomach. "I wonder who it isss~~" Mina piped up, opening one of the heart-shaped boxes to reveal chocolate-covered strawberries. Popping one in her mouth, she sighed, placing a hand on her cheek while relishing the flavour. "I wonder how they got all that confetti into your locker."
You took a deep breath in, relaxing your shoulders. One step at a time- You walked towards Bakugou. "I wonder who's masochistic enough to have a crush on Bakugou, let alone express themselves, hahaa-" you laughed, interrupted by a sharp jab on your ribs. "Aahh that hurt, y'know?" You sulked, rubbing the sore spot. "What kinda coward leaves this unsigned?" Bakugou grumbled, tearing up the note and resuming rummaging through his locker for his textbooks for Present Mic's class.
Katsuki Bakugou was not a kind man. You more than most people, knew that well. But Bakugou didn't mean to push you out of the way as he made his way out the hall. He didn't mean to bruise your chest. He didn't mean to hurt you.
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jungwonnz · 10 months
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feat niki x reader ; genre fluff, forced proximity, cute confessions! ; word count ~ 2.3k ; warnings swearing, miscommunications, my bad grammar
after a failed (?) confession to your friend riki, you get stuck in an elevator with him.
note it’s so hard to write comprehensive stories but i hope you guys can see the vision… i love the forced proximity trope sm 🙏 anyways, thank you for reading! 🥰
“oh my god, y/n, are you actually going to confess to him?!” your best friend, haerin, shouted, as you walked through the hallways to your second period class, ignoring the curious looks the other students gave you two. “shhh!!! do you want everyone to know? and yes, i’m serious.” you ended with a small smile on your face, watching your best friend excitedly squeal.
“finally! i’m so tired of watching you guys flirt, it’s so obvious he’s head over heels for you.” haerin concludes. you give her a playful shove as you both settle into your desks.
today was the day you decided to confess to your longtime crush, neighbour, and (other) best friend, nishimura riki. you met in middle school when he moved into the same floor as you. you always had small talk with him, and you can’t deny that you always found him cute.
when high school began, you both started walking to and from school together, talking about the most mundane things and growing close. you and riki were known for causing trouble in class.
your feelings for him grew more and more over the years. you both were in your final year of high school, and you decided it was now or never. plus, you were 99% sure he liked you back; the way he would blush and get so flustered around you made it obvious. or at least, that’s what haerin said.
you went old fashioned and wrote him a letter, mainly because if you did it in person you would likely become a stuttering mess and run away before you could finish. you were brave, just not that brave.
you walk with haerin to riki's locker right before lunch starts, and with a deep breath slid your letter in. haerin clapped and cheered as you pulled her hand and basically ran from the spot.
you and haerin sit outside on the school field, eating your lunches. you expected riki to come find you and talk to you about your letter at lunch, but he's nowhere to be found. haerin tries to reassure you by saying maybe he didn't see it yet.
as you both walk back around the field, you see him. his tall figure is running around the basketball court with his friends. and his bag is with him.
your heart drops. haerin looks at you, confused as to why you look so upset.
"haerin... riki always leaves his bag in his locker after first period and gets it right before break. that means that he got his bag from his locker, right?"
"if he got his bag from his locker, he must've seen your letter..." haerin realised.
and suddenly, your mind is racing with images of him laughing while reading your confession, laughing at you, and you wonder, how could you be so stupid to think he liked you back? haerin quickly put her arm around you and tried to reassure you. "y/n, you have no way to be sure that he read your letter so don't be sad. why don't you go and confront him? maybe this is all just a misunderstanding."
the rational part of you knew that talking to him was the best thing to do, but you were too scared. you used most of your courage to confess to him. you just wanted to go home and lie in your bed, away from everything. you were embarassed.
you felt yourself tearing up as you ran back inside the school, haerin right behind you. what you didn't see was riki looking at you from the basketball court. his friends followed his eyes. "isn't that y/n? why is she running?" jungwon asked. "yeah, it is. she's been ignoring me all day..." riki replied sadly.
you pulled yourself together in the bathroom, not wanting to cause a scene. finally, the end of the day came. riki would usually meet you at your locker to walk home with you, so you ask haerin if she could quickly get your stuff from your locker and bring it to you.
she managed to avoid him and brought your stuff to you quickly. "thank you haerin. i appreciate your help." you say, giving her a quick hug. you tell her that you'll wait in the library for a bit so you don't see riki. haerin is reluctant to leave you alone, but you reassure her that you'll be fine, so she left to catch her bus, waving at you with a sad smile on her face.
as you scroll meaninglessly on your phone, someone taps you on the shoulder. you look up to see sunoo, one of riki's friends. you feel your heart race.
"y/n! what are you doing here? riki's been looking for you since school ended, he's waiting to walk home with you." sunoo says, looking at you with a confused expression.
"ah sunoo, actually, i'm supposed to retake a test after school today. i was just doing some last minute revision! it might take me some time, so can you tell him to go on without me?" you say, forcing a smile.
sunoo agrees, and leaves you alone again. after a while, you leave the library and start walking home on your own, taking a different route.
by the time you finally reach your apartment and get into the elevator, you're just about ready to pass our on your bed. the walk home seemed like hours without riki's funny commentary, or his random stories about his day. you sigh and quickly press your floor number.
right before the elevator door could close, someone sticks their foot through to stop it. the door opens, and you watch as riki walks through the doors. your breath stops, and you suddenly feel as if you're drowning. your ears burn and you look down at the floor.
riki, on the other hand, is ecstatic to see you. "oh my god. y/n, where have you been all day? you never told me about retaking any test. are you avoiding me?" he asks, waving his hands around.
you don't answer him, anger and confusion boiling up inside you. why is he pretending not to know?
"you can't be serious right? i can't believe you." you scoffed. "i knew you were dense, but not this dense, riki."
now it's his turn to be confused. "so you have been ignoring me? what did i do? i've been looking for you basically all day." he said, the emotion in his voice growing.
"that's all you have to say? it's okay, riki. just because you don't feel the same way as me doesn't been you don't have to pretend it didn't happen. you can just tell me." your voice was cold and flat.
"what do you mean 'feel the same', y/n? am i missing something?" riki says softly, trying to calm you down.
"just leave it. i don't want to talk to you." is all you can say to him before your words catch in your throat. and suddenly the elevator feels suffocating and all you can think is “why haven't we got to our floor yet?” and your vision is tearing up and you try to ignore the way riki is looking at you with the most heartbroken eyes because if he really cared about you, then maybe this situation could be different.
without warning, there's a thud. both you and riki jump, startled. you notice that the elevator stopped moving.
no way. you and riki are stuck. you feel like bursting into tears.
a quick "what the fuck?" slips out of riki's mouth, while you curse your own luck. out of all the times this could happen, it had to happen now?
though it's silent as you both assess the situation, it feels deafening at the same time. you can't hide the feeling of panic growing inside you.
"are we really... stuck right now?" riki says, looking at you nervously.
you look at him out of the corner of your eye. "well obviously we are. this day can't get any worse, can it?" you reply with a sigh, covering your eyes with your hands as you sink onto the floor.
you watch as riki also settles down on the floor of the elevator, opposite from you. the management makes an announcement over the speakers, saying that technicians have been called and the elevator will be fixed soon, and that you both just have to wait it out.
you wonder if you should speak up, address the tension between you two. but you're just too scared. you tap on the floor apprehensively, thinking "why isn't he saying anything?"
as you steal a glance at riki, you realize why. his face is pale, his hands trembling, his eyes shut tight. his breaths are long and slow, as you notice sweat forming at his hairline.
and you finally remember that your best friend hates being in tight spaces.
in an instant, you scooch closer to him, unzipping your bag and taking your water bottle out. "what kind of friend am i? how could i forget?" you scold yourself. you hand him the water bottle, and you swore you could feel your heart shatter in your chest when he looked up at you with the most innocent look in his warm brown eyes.
you sit and hold his hands while he drinks, wiping his face and calming him down. no matter what happened between you two, riki would always be your friend before anything.
"thank you, y/n. i'm sorry about... everything that happened. but please, i genuinely don't know what you mean about... your feelings. did something happen?"
you look away from him and sigh, accepting the situation. "riki, i know you don't like me back and it's okay. i was just upset that you were acting as if you didn't read my letter." you look at him. "you know you could've just told me right? it would've hurt less."
a short pause followed your words.
"y/n you... like me?" riki whispers, his expression unreadable. you roll your eyes playfully and say "yes, idiot. that's what all of this was about."
out of nowhere, riki sits up. "y/n, what letter are you talking about?" he asks urgently.
"the letter that i left in your locker? my confession?" you answer, clueless as to why he's asking this way.
in an instant, riki looks away, his head in his hands. and slowly, you watch the smile on his face grow, his laughs slowly becoming louder, as you watch bewildered.
"y/n..." he spoke between giggles. "my lock broke this morning. i couldn't get into it all day. the janitor was supposed to open it after school, but i ended up leaving to look for you. i didn't read your letter..."
your jaw fell as you gasped. and the reality of the situation began to unfold in front of you. shocked, you realised that you had been upset and mean to him for no reason.
and you also realised that you had just confessed to him.
"riki... i'm so sorry. i didn't know..." you said, covering your face.
riki took your hands gently, and smiled at you. you looked at him as he began to speak.
"it's okay y/n. you should've just told me. i don't bite, y'know?" you watch as a blush begins to form on his face, and now you're very aware of how close your faces are, and the fact that niki is holding your hands.
"now that i know... y/n. i like you too. i always have, since the day you showed up at my door in middle school and introduced yourself. you've always been there for me since we started high school, and walking with you is my favourite part of everyday. i'm so happy right now..." he spoke softly, never once breaking eye contact.
"and i really hope that's what your letter was about because if not... this is kind of awkward." he finished, laughing.
you couldn't help yourself from tearing up as you broke out in a smile. covering your face, you smacked him. "i can't believe you're laughing at my pain! and yes, silly. that is what my letter was about."
you move forward to hug him, asking him "is this okay?" when he nods, you wrap your arms around him, smiling into his shoulder while you stroke his hair.
"i promise i'll read your full confession when i get it." he says, holding you tight. and you both settle comfortably in each other's embrace, almost forgetting that you both were stuck.
you were just so happy to be with him again.
and soon enough, the elevator began moving and you both were rescued. as soon as you stepped outside of the elevator, you stretched your arms and legs, looking over at the pretty boy beside you, the smile never once leaving your face.
you and riki walked down the hallway holding hands. stopping at your apartment door, you turn to face him, looking up at him.
the fondness in his eyes is undeniable. "y/n, you're so beautiful. i meant it all the times i said it." you noticed the way his hair fell in his eyes, and how he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
"can i.. kiss you?" he mumbles.
you nod quickly, closing your eyes. and there, in front of your apartment door, you share a sweet kiss with your longtime crush, neighbour, and (other) best friend, nishimura riki. you both smile into the kiss.
after a few seconds, you pull away, giggling. he pulls you into his arms again, as you allow yourself to drown in the scent of his cologne.
"i can't believe we had to get stuck in an elevator to get to this point." he said, shaking his head. you laugh and pull away, just to give him another kiss. "thank you, riki." you whispered.
he looked at you and nodded, understanding right away. "anything for you, y/n."
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loveephia · 1 year
bashful moments you had with them. (suna, osamu, kenma, iwaizumi, semi, kuroo, sakusa, ushijima.) 100 followers special!
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, use of cute petnames, reader has glasses in kuroo's, reader is afraid of loud noises in ushijima's.
⚠ warning/s: accidentally hurting yourself in osamu's.
note: i didn't expect my account to grow this much with all the cheesy and lame headcanons i make of the boys. 😭 thank you, sososo much for 100 followers because that's a loTTA people HAHA. NERVOUS SWEATS. anyway, sTAY HYDRATED AND ENJOY READING!!!
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he hands you his favorite chuupet flavor, lemon, and watches as you struggle to tear it open. with minimal effort (and the fact that he's so used to opening these things a million times already), he tears it open using the fang of his teeth and hands it over to you. you quietly thank suna and eat your chuupet with cherry red cheeks. how cute.
he watches as you cut up the chives into uneven bits, and then comes a moment where you happen to slice a small part of your finger. you wince in pain, and osamu is quick to come to your aid. "you okay, darlin'?" he asks with care in his tone as you nod. you wash your hands with soap and water, and he comes back with triple antibiotic ointment and a bandaid (it had a bunny design on it).
you were trying to beat the final boss in the game you really liked, but it seemed almost impossible. kenma sees this and asks if he can give it a go. you say yes and watch as he swiftly plays through the entire level. when he finishes, you thank him with a big hug. he pouts, "i wanted a kiss, y/n."
it was the school festival, and the hallways were busy with students stressed left and right. you, in the midst of everything, get pushed around quite a lot. iwaizumi forcefully (not meaning for it to be harsh) pulls you aside to a safer part of the hallway, and you thank him. his sleeves were rolled up so you could see his biceps.. wow.
you kept looking over at the boy who shared your school's uniform. he sat next to you on the train. he had earbuds in, and you couldn't help but be curious as to what he was listening to. deciding that semi has had enough of your sneaky glances, he hands you one of his earbuds.
you were falling in and out of sleep while he tutored you. "just for five minutes.." you told yourself as you rested your head on the desk. kuroo sees you slowly drifting off to dreamland and decides to set aside your glasses for when you wake up later.
from the crowd's constant chatter, you couldn't hear what sakusa was trying to tell you, no matter how loud he tried to speak. soon, having enough, he pulled his mask down and whispered what he wanted to say in your ear. even then, you still couldn't hear him. (lol)
you both were at the summer festival, the fireworks being as loud and abrupt as you remember. your palms weren't enough to drown out the noise. it was starting to bother you, so much so that you contemplated on leaving. ushijima then places his warm hands over yours in an attempt to drown out the now muffled fireworks.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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mchlgayser · 1 year
☆ we've met again ft michael kaiser
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synopsis: Four years past since you left and raised his kid alone until fate decides to bring him back to the picture.
─── ୨୧ warning: slight angst
─── ୨୧ notes: Is the fandom dying?? Why hadn't my post gotten as many hype as before lmao! It's sad but anyway I'm back with another drabble to feed you all!! Happy reading everyone xoxo!
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You hastily pick up your car key and grab a few of your works essential stuffing them inside your suitcase. Your four-year-old son is by the patio sitting and playing games with his nanny when you tread to him 'Kay, mama had some work to do. I promise I'll be back for dinner. Be a good boy for me and do not cause trouble alright? Have a nice day at school.: He nods putting down his gadget, and wrapping his arms around your neck to hug you 'I love you' You give the side of his head a chaste kiss before letting go.
'I had some leftovers from last night you can use as his lunch and as for the dinner I'll just buy takeouts.' You inform his nanny giving her an advance payment before you left the house.
You drove to your office receiving an unknown call on the way. You pick it up and greet the caller but silence. They said nothing before it abruptly ended. You stare at your phone before shaking your head. It didn't occur to you about anything serious as you continue steering the car and parked at the basement parking lot.
Your secretary, Miss. Juliette is already by the automatic door waiting for you with a clipboard in her hands. You got out of the car and rush to her 'What's my schedule for today?' You punch the elevator button while your secretary notify you about every single of your tasks today.
You got a lunch with one of your important client, a meet -up with your temporary business partners and a dinner with another client -
'Cancel my dinner with Mr. Han. I'm having dinner with Kayden tonight.' Juliette didn't need to be asked twice knowing how firm you can be when it comes to your son. For him, everything comes first. No matter how important your job is. She immediately postponed the dinner meeting to another date before moving along with you to your cabin.
'Do you need your coffee today?' You rapidly nod and start doing your tasks, bringing out works and files so that you can finish faster. 'Make it two, I need extras.' You lend a sweet smile before you got to work.
The clock almost strikes six - just enough time for you to finish all of your work for the day and get the takeouts you ordered online. You pack your stuff and your necessities when your phone rang for the nth times of the day. You didn't think twice before picking up 'Hello?' It was silence... Again before a sharp and low 'Hey' is heard.
You blink in surprise asking them to know who they are but no answer and it ended again. You rolled your eyes and left the room to the car park. Yo throw away your bag in the back seat and resounded the car, cooling off the engine and blowing on some loud music to distract you from the suspicious spam calls.
'Yes, thank you so much! Have a nice day!' You rolled up the window putting down the food beside you on the shotgun seat. You maneuver the car to Kayden's school in silence but the radio.
You arrive at Kayden school's main gate and got out to meet with his teacher 'Hello ma'am. I'm here to pick Kayden up.' She was looking at you back and forth 'A man has already picked him up claiming to be your husband. Kayden went along with him.' You started to panic bringing out your phone and calling his nanny asking her to come by his school and help you look around.
You bow down at his teacher and run around the neighborhood, looking for your son. Thick tears threaten to fall when you look around but find him nowhere.
You call for his name again but are abruptly interrupted when you see a vogue silhouette of your son with a familiar blond and blue streaks hair sitting together on a bench near the playground.
'Kayden!' You yelled his name averting his whole attention toward you 'Mama!' He cries out running your direction to hug your trembling form 'You scared me!' You scolded him with tears now cascading down your cheeks 'I'm sorry...' You sigh tightening your hug and breaking it off after some moments.
You suddenly remembered the familiar blond guy with your son 'And who are you with-'
'He is with me.' The familiar voice brings you out of your trance. You pick Kayden up and rush away but he holds your hand 'I met him already, no need to hide away.' You carefully yank his hand away and sigh.
You put Kayden down and hide him behind you out of instinct.
His irises collided with yours, the identical smile adorning his complexion. 'This weird uncle said that he's my father. I don't believe him because he is so ugly. I don't have an ugly father right, ma? I'm too handsome to be his son.' He absentmindedly roasted his biological father that succeeded to bring a smile and a chuckle from you.
You pull his hand gently and turn to Kaiser 'He got all your traits.' You mentioned bringing confusion written all over Kayden's face.
'You are making my mama cry.' He said creating a dagger on Kaiser 'Am not.' He challenged, his hand on his midriff with his head tilt aside 'You are. If you are my father then you are the reason my mama cried almost every day because... She missed you.' A soft gasp elicited from you, your eyes sheet moist with tears once more.
'Then tell her, she should've not run away.' Kaiser held your hand, one brow furrowing. You push him away and wipe your tears. 'Kayden, stop spouting nonsense.' He huffs and pouts away.
'How do you find out about us?' He shrug 'I had my ways and that is not your concern. Not at all.' He lifts your chin and smirks 'You are still as beautiful as I remember.' You scoff but could not help the bright red hue on your cheeks.
'And I suppose it was you too, the one that's been calling me?' He laughs but nodded 'But I'm sure with my calls it helps to remind you of one thing.'
'And that is...?'
'It would be dangerous for such a gorgeous lady as you to be in a house that's not with your husband.'
'Can you stop flirting with my mama, weird uncle.' Kaiser is about to bite the tongue of his son but you prevent him from doing so 'Kay, I need you to start getting along with this uncle from now on.' He groan cut obligated
'Do you finally accept me back? Oh, and I need an explanation as to why you left. It can't be because of you are pregnant...' You look down at Kayden and ignored his question.
His mouth formed an 'o' shape but then he smiles 'I guess I can forgive you.'
'I think I need some time...' You suddenly mention making Kaiser confused 'About what?' You held his forearm 'About us.'
He nods picking Kayden up and make him yelps in surprise 'Sure. Let's go now little K.'
He places an arm around your waist and the other used to hold Kayden. You smile feeling somehow relieved - Kaiser and Kayden ended up bickering as to who you loves more all the way home and they both get a nice scolding after.
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Hey 👋 how are you? I think this is my first time doing an ask so sorry if it's not worded very good 😅. Anyways I was wondering if I could request a Tokyo revengers (Bonten) x male child reader (it's an angst) is adopted and where the reader is like 10 or 11 and he loves to bake and sing/play an instrument, but bonten finds this a little weird since they grew up around tough boys idk, anyways i thought that they could be talking about it and how they think it's a little weird and the reader hears this without them knowing so he stops doing the things he loves and when he tells them why he stopped they feel really guilty and then the reader reveals that he thought that they would get rid of him for that. Sorry if this is kinda long I didn't know how to shorten it but thank you for reading my very long request and it's ok if you don't do it I just kinda wanted to put the idea out there! Thank you!😋
Well I'm glad I'm your first! Sorry this took so long!
Warning: male reader, child reader, angst to fluff
Bonten realized that (name) wasn't even remotely like how they were as kids, the boy more interested in less physical activities and more into homebody things like baking and such.
He was even in both music and cooking clubs at school.
"It's just a little odd he's so invested..." Ran said as the criminals thought (name) was asleep "it is a little strange that he's not interested into what most boys his age enjoy" Mochi said and all were unaware that (name) was around the corner, crushed at this.
Was he not what they wanted?
Dread filled (name) as he quickly but quietly went back to his room, already thinking of ways to be what they wanted so they didn't abandon him.
(Name)... Well he wasn't himself.
And bonten took note of this change immediately.
They spotted the teen tossing his baking books in the trash with a heartbroken expression, the boy having been trying to take up more sports and such.
"Ok what's going on?" Kakucho asked while pulling the books out, thankfully they weren't damaged "I... I don't want you guys to get rid of me..." (Name) mumbled fiddling with his fingers, confusing the men "the fuck would we do that?"
"You guys thought my hobbies were weird... So I am changing so you guys don't get rid of me" (name) said simply while rubbing at his eyes and Bonten felt like shit.
This was their kind of kid and they crushed his joy so easy, didn't they adopt him so he could have an easier life and not deal with this disappointment?!
"Oh shit... We didn't mean it like that" ran said wiping a tear from his kids eye and the rest nodded "we were just worried about you making friends"
"I have friends... The girls at the baking club really like me!"
"Yeah, they always ask weird questions though"
"Like what?"
"What kind of girl I like and do I have anyone I'm interested in, I don't get it really why would I care about what kind of girl they are...what does that even mean?"
Bonten silently cheered for their son, he was the schools heartthrob it seemed.
"Well we don't hate your hobbies and we aren't getting rid of you so stop trying with the sports, it's sad to watch"
"Ok dad" (name) said with a laugh and they helped him put his books back
Two weeks later he had new baking supplies and a new (instrument) on his desk.
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jenna0rtega27 · 3 months
My request
Could you do a Wednesday Addams x reader smut
She catches you flirting with Enid and reads the text between you two, and later you come over to her dorm, it’s only her there, and she’s mad and silent.
She try’s explaining but is to angry to do so, ends up fucking you until she’s not angry anymore
G!p Wednesday btw
At the end enid walks in to see you two in Wednesday’s bed lol
Thank you so much.🖤
The love of his life
Thank you for asking +18 Wednesday x F!Reader (mermaid) Summary: Request Warning: Wednesday g!p, smut, penetration, rough sex, jealousy, slight mention of choking, dom!Wednesday, sub!Reader
Note: Sorry if this sucks. I am very tired today. But I still wanted to respond to a request so I hope you will like it anyway. Number of words: 1597
3rd Person Pov:
Y/n is sitting on a table outside. She is between Enid, Yoko and Divina sitting on Yoko's lap. And in front of her there are Bianca, Ajax and Eugene. It’s the weekend so no one has school.
"How's it going with Wednesday?" » Divina asks, turning to Y/n to give her full attention. She wraps her arms around Yoko's neck who also gives you her full attention.
" I don't know. Wednesday is less distant with me than the others. But she doesn't want us to show our affection in front of others. So we don't kiss in public. She doesn't even want to hold hands in public. » Y/n gives a sad smile to her friends. She wished Wednesday would show her love towards her more.
“And when you are alone? » Enid asks curiously. Y/n's cheeks reddened thinking about yesterday with Wednesday fucking her.
“To deprive her of that is a whole different person but I’ll keep that to myself.” »
Y/n and Wednesday have been together for 3 months. Even though everyone at school knows you're in a relationship, Wednesday still doesn't like to show love in public. But for Y/n it didn't bother her because in private, Wednesday showed her love. Y/n was truly in love with the goth and she knew she was going to end her life with this emotionless girl.
“Yeah good idea I don’t want to have too much explanation that could harm my hearing. » Adds Bianca with an expression of disgust. Everyone laughs at his comment.
“My shoulders hurt so much, yesterday’s fencing really exhausted me. » Enid complains while massaging her right shoulder which is painful.
“Wait, I’m going to massage you, you’ll feel better. » Y/n gets up and stands behind Enid and begins to massage her shoulders. Enid closes her eyes in happiness. It's been a long time since she had a shoulder massage.
" Yes like this. Just there. » Enid groaned slightly from the tension in her shoulders.
“Looks like you were fucking.” » Said Bianca laughing.
What no one knew was that Wednesday saw and heard everything. And she thought Y/n and Enid were flirting together. Anger surges through his veins. She clenches her fist and quickly heads to her dorm where she shares with Enid and Y/n. She goes back to her dorm and she does everything in her power not to kill Enid or Bianca or even Y/n. While pacing around the room, Wednesday sees Y/n's phone on her bed. The young goth had watched Y/n do her code once and she had held her back. She knew this information would come in handy one day.
Wednesday takes the phone and enters the code which is her date of birth. She goes to her girlfriend's messages and immediately finds Enid's name. Rocks form in his stomach.
Enid 🐺🌕❤️: I love you my dear
Y/n ❤️‍🔥🧜🏻‍♀️: I love you too my wolf
Enid 🐺🌕❤️: No you don't understand, I love you madly. I am so blessed to have met you.
Y/n ❤️‍🔥🧜🏻‍♀️: Stop it, you'll make me cry. And Wednesday is sleeping next door I don't want to wake her because you make me cry.
Wednesday closes the phone and throws it across the room. She's so angry you'd think smoke was coming out of her ears. Not only does she see her girlfriend flirting with Enid but they also exchange little words of love.
“Enid, I’m going to tear you into pieces and feed your flesh to the squirrels. » Wednesday serves her hands while injuring her hands from her nails digging into her skin.
" You're better? » Y/n sat back down in her place between Enid, Yoko and Divina.
“Yes thank you you were the best. » Enid smiles and kisses Y/n's cheek. “Oh no I put lipstick on your cheek. » Enid laughed softly. " Let me see. » Y/n searches in her pocket for her phone but can't find it. “Shit, I forgot my phone at the dorm. I will be back. »
Y/n gets up and heads inside the school to go back to her dorm.
When she comes home, she finds Wednesday standing between her bed and Wednesday's bed and looking out the window. His arms are crossed over his chest.
“Wednesday you haven’t seen my phone? »
“I threw it at the wall. » The young goth responds without emotion. Y/n frowns.
" All right? And why? » Y/n responds softly because she senses that her girlfriend is upset but she doesn't really know why and slowly walks towards Wednesday.
Wednesday quickly turns around and pushes Y/n onto the bed so she is sitting on the edge of the bed and Wednesday straddles her girlfriend's lap. The emotionless girl cups Y/n's jaw between her thumb and the rest of her fingers and squeezes.
“I saw your little interaction with Enid earlier and your messages between you and Enid. » Wednesday clenches her jaw and squeezes harder on Y/n's jaw. But then she notices the lipstick mark on Y/n's cheek and she immediately knows it's Enid's because of the pink color. Wednesday's irises turn even darker with anger and jealousy.
Wednesday forcefully pushes Y/n to lay her down and gets off of Y/n's lap.
" Take off your clothes. » Orders Wednesday, undressing too. Y/n immediately does as she is told and quickly undresses. Both women are now completely naked.
Wednesday climbs onto the bed and sits on top of Y/n between her thighs. “I’m going to remind you who you belong to. » Wednesday takes his hard cock and thrusts without warning into Y/n's dripping vagina. The young woman moaned in pain and pleasure at the same time.
Wednesday moves her hips with animal speed. “I'm going to remind you who can fuck you and put their lips on you. » Wednesday releases all her anger in her hip movement.
The young goth leans in and kisses Y/n. She sticks her tongue in her mouth and pushes it down Y/n’s throat who chokes her slightly.
" I'm near. » Y/n cries into Wednesday's mouth and clutches the sheets. Wednesday bites her girlfriend's bottom lip hard enough to draw some blood. She licks the blood and gets off of Y/n. The y/h/c girl moans and is sexually aroused and angry. “Get on all fours. » Y/n listens and gets on all fours. Wednesday feels even harder seeing Y/n's ass. She spanks her left buttock hard and Y/n moans in pain and excitement.
“You 'slap' is 'slap' to 'slap' me” Y/n moaned with each slap. Wednesday thrusts into Y/n’s vagina always without warning. She holds Y/n’s hips in place to help him enter her.
Y/n moaned loudly into the cushion. The young goth takes a handful of Y/n's hair and pulls it towards her so that Y/n's back is against her chest. Wednesday puts her hand on Y/n's throat and chokes her slightly as she continues to penetrate her.
“Tell me who you belong to.” » Wednesday whispers in Y/n's ear which sends shivers all over her body.
" Yours. I belong to you only. » The young mermaid said with difficulty with Wednesday's hand still on her throat.
“You’re right Cara Mia. You belong to me and only me. »
Wednesday pushes Y/n so that she is head on the cushions and butt in the air again. Y/n services Wednesday’s cock, a sign that she’s close. The girl with black braids moaned at the pressure on his penis.
“I’m going to cum.” » Y/n cries feeling close.
“Cum for me Cara Mia.” » Wednesday keeps her speed and rubs circles on Y/n's clit to help her cum.
Y/n screams and cramps her back while cumming on Wednesday's cock. The young goth moans and jerks off to cum in Y/n's pussy. The young y/h/c girl moaned as she felt the hot liquid invade the inside of her vagina. Y/n lays on her side with Wednesday lying behind her both tiredly.
“I didn’t hurt you Cara Mia?” » asks Wednesday, worried that she has hurt her girlfriend.
“Are you kidding, it was the best sex I’ve ever had. » Y/n smiled as she turned her head towards Wednesday.
“I love you so much Mio amore. » Wednesday kisses Y/n passionately. Their tongues dance together.
" I love you too my love. And don't forget that you are the only one on my mind. » Y/n replies, pulling away from the kiss and caressing Wednesday's cheek.
“Go get some sleep amore. » Wednesday kisses Y/n's cheek. The girl rolls her head over and falls asleep in her girlfriend's arms with Wednesday's cock still in her pussy.
The door opens slowly and Enid enters the dormitory. “It smells like sex in here. » Enid smirked seeing Wednesday's glare.
“From now on, I forbid you from touching or kissing Y/n’s cheek. »
“I can’t promise anything. » Enid laughed lightly without waking Y/n.
“If I see you flirting with Y/n again, I’ll destroy your stuffed animal collection and tell everyone that you and Ajax had sex in the school library.” » Wednesday responds without emotion.
“Okay, okay but I’m just telling you that Y/n is madly in love with you. So you don't have to worry. And I am madly in love with Ajax. But if you don't mind, I'm going to sleep in Yoko's dorm. I don't want to smell like sex all night long. » Enid hops and leaves the dormitory, closing the door gently.
Wednesday looks at Y/n and gently caresses her cheek.
“I’m madly in love with you too. » Wednesday whispers and she kisses Y/n's cheek lovingly. And she's sure she saw a smile and a blush on her girlfriend's face.
Y/n will be and remain the love of his life.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Hey, I love your writing 🫶
Please can you write an Eddie angst pleaseeeee.
The idea is that reader has been in love with Eddie for years and when he dies they’re distraught. The gang helps them through all the stages of mourning. Months later they wake up feeling really good so they go to one of the gangs house where they all will be hanging out. They all are acting really off and try to make them leave and then Eddie walks. Reader thinks they’re hallucinating until Eddie starts talking to one the kids and then it dawns on them that their best friends and the person they love have been lying all this time knowing the suffering they’ve endured. An argument and a confession follows, where they try to explain they did It to protect them but reader isn’t having any of it. All they want to do is hug Eddie but they can’t even look at him. They leave on bad terms with everyone. I can’t think of an ending heheh :))
I’m so sorry that request is so long. Thank you so much hope you have a lush day :))
In the back of my mind, you died
a/n: ANON I LOOOOOVEEEEEE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!!! YOUR BRAIN IS SO SMART FOR THIS!!!! i'm sorry it took so long my life has been hectic rn😭i'm not sure if i'll be writing a part two to this?? the ending might be fixed/changed cause idk how i feel about it,,anyways i hope you enjoy it and credit to the gif owner! <3
read part two here!
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Denial. That's all you've been doing is denying. Eddie didn't die, no. He's just decided to lay low until this whole "earthquake" shit and him being a murderer dies down. That's all he's doing you think to yourself, but that doesn't stop the nightmares of him dying in your arms. Every time you close your eyes you see the exact moment where the life leaves his eyes. You can't escape the horrible memory no matter what you do, you don't want to consider therapy cause how are you supposed to say that the love of your life died in the claws of bats from another dimension? Exactly, you can't.
You appreciate your friends, you do. You love them so much but you wish that they can leave you alone.
“I’m not broken, you know that right?”
Steve looks up from the magazine he's reading on your bed and smiles.
“I know that.”
“So why are you guys on babysitting duty with me?”
He sighs.
“Y/n, we're just worried. You've been ignoring the fact that Eddie-”
“Don't.” you cut him off.
“He's gone y/n. We're not rushing you to let him go, take all the time you need.” he stands up from his spot on the bed and crouches down to be eye level with you.
“But you're going to have to accept it sooner or later, and when you do we promise to all be here for you.”
Tears start to form and you throw your arms around him finally letting go of all the bottled-up emotions you have.
Anger. Pure anger is running through your veins when you see students gathered in front of Eddie's locker. Some are writing mean things, others are leaving sincere notes either way it pisses you off. Nobody in this school liked Eddie! It was always just you and hellfire who stuck up for him, so why the hell is everyone acting as if they care?!
“This is bullshit,” Gareth mumbles next to you.
You scoff. “Tell me about it. He's gone and suddenly the whole town loves him?”
“Like they weren't accusing him of murder weeks ago.”
If there was anyone you knew who was taking his death as hard as you, it was Gareth. Gareth knew Eddie his whole life, Eddie was practically his brother, and the fact that he doesn't even know what happened to him kills you.
“I fucking hate this town.” You whispered while shaking your head when the cheer team leaves a teddy bear in front of his locker.
Gareth chuckles, you take it as a sign of agreement.
“If I could I burn it to the fucking ground.”
You turn your head to look at him. His eyes are red and you're not sure if it's cause he's been crying, or because maybe rick gave him the hookup but you give him a soft smile. You've talked to Gareth before, and you consider him a friend. You glance down at the watch resting on your wrist and look back at Gareth.
“Do you wanna get out of here?”
“Hell yeah, let's go.”
You Gareth quickly exit the school and you both try to ignore the heartbreak you feel when you think of how happy Eddie would be knowing his best friends have someone to watch each other's backs.
Bargaining is something you find yourself frequently doing. You toss and turn through the night and look at your alarm clock. The bright red 1:00 taunting you. You let out a quiet tsk and decide enough is enough, quietly searching through your dresser you pick out the first pair of pants and grab the first shirt you see. You open your window making sure to leave it a crack open for you for whenever you sneak back in. You're not sure where you're going yet, your brain is not up to full speed with your body but soon you start recognizing that you're going to Eddie's trailer. Before you know it you're a good distance away from it but you stop in your tracks. Your heart is pounding and it's the first time you ask yourself what exactly are you doing here? We're planning on going to the upside down to find Eddie? Were you even looking for Eddie? Your thoughts are cut short when you see a familiar set of curls hidden under a hat exit the trailer quietly.
His body tenses and he turns around slowly to face you. He smiles at you nervously and waves as you take steps to get closer. You weren't supposed to be here, he hasn't even spoken a word to you and the guilt is already starting to eat him alive.
“Y/n! What are you uh, doing here?”
You cross your arms.
“I should ask you the same thing.”
Dustin stood frozen on the porch speechless, his eyes scanning your body trying to find any kind of clue as to why you're here. He wants to come clean and say it but he made a promise, and he was way too scared to break it. He narrows his eyes at you and something in his clicks when he sees the determined look on your face.
“Were you going back?”
“I-i think so? I don't know.”
Dustin mumbles out a Jesus Christ and stumbles over to you, dragging you away from the trailer.
“Are you insane?! What exactly were you gonna do?”
You stop walking, causing Dustin to look at you. His heart sinks when he sees tears falling down your cheeks as you stumble over your words.
“I just want him back Dustin.” you cry out.
Dustin wraps his arms around you and holds you as you cry, his brain is screaming for him to tell you. To just end all the pain you've been feeling but he made a promise. They all did.
He pulls away from you and gives you a sad smile.
“I miss him too, but y/n, you can't risk your life going back in there for something that's not even there.”
“We just left him there Dustin. His uncle never even got to see him.”
The both of you are crying now.
“And that's killing me, but there's nothing we can do.”
You look Dustin in the eyes and you have a strange feeling in your gut that he's hiding something but you're too exhausted to question him. You nod your head, wiping away the tears that fell down your face, and take a deep breath.
“Yeah. Yeah, you're right.”
“C'mon, let's go home. You can ride my bike, my leg is killing me.”
You hum knowing his leg is a bit more sensitive since the incident and agree to take him home.
“I'll walk home after I drop you off.”
“My mom thinks I'm at Lucas’.”
Silence is shared between the two of you as you slowly turn to look at Dustin.
“You mean the Lucas who's practically living at the hospital reading to Max?”
Dustin kicked a rock and mumbled out how it sounded better in his head. You shake your head and chuckle, throwing your leg around his bike and waiting till you felt his hands resting on your shoulders. While Dustin was getting on the bike you took a glance at the trailer that sat behind you two and you could be sworn you saw a figure that you knew all too well.
“You ready?” Dustin asked you. You looked at him then back at the trailer only to be met with nothing. You cleared your throat and nodded your head.
“Yeah, let's go.”
Everyone was worried about you the second Eddie was gone, but to their surprise, you were still up and moving. What they should have been worried about was the third month of his death. Depression hit you like a semi and you couldn't get out of bed to save your life. Everyone would stop by to drop off some food and water only to throw it out the next day when they saw it was untouched. They tried everything to get you out of bed but were unsuccessful every time.
It was midnight now, Nancy was sleeping on the couch in the living room as you rotted away in bed. They usually didn't spend the night but you haven't eaten in five days, to say your friends were worried about you was an understatement. You stared at the picture of you and Eddie laughing that rested on your nightstand when the familiar feeling of needing to use the restroom came back. For the first time in days, you slowly took the blanket off of you and began to sit up in bed. The room spun a little bit but now you were sitting up and looking at your bedroom door.
Go. You thought to yourself. Just go pee and then you can get back into bed. The thought of standing alone was enough to exhaust you, let alone use the restroom. You know you should get up, your bladder was starting to hurt from how long you haven't used the restroom but you couldn't move. You look down at your feet and see one of Eddie's shirts on the floor, it was his favorite, and now it's dirty. It's dirty, it's on the floor, and it was nearly forgotten about until now. The pain in your bladder was getting stronger but you didn't move, you stayed sat in bed looking at the shirt with tears streaming down your face.
Your thoughts are cut short when you feel a sudden pang of pain in your lower abdomen. You let out a gasp and quickly put pressure on it but it only makes things worse. I need to pee. Was the only thing running through your mind. You start to stand up but let out a small cry from how much it hurts.
“Y/n?” You heard Nancy call. You stayed quiet trying to steady your breathing. You take small steps toward your bedroom door, counting down how many you have left to go to the restroom when you fall to the ground. You hear Nancy start to run to you as you cry and clutch your side tightly.
“Jesus Christ, what happened?!” Nancy asks as she rushes over to you. You push her away determined to get yourself to the restroom. You know what she's thinking. You know she probably thinks you're insane at the fact that you could get a kidney infection trying to get to the restroom by yourself cause you're thinking the exact same thing. You curl into a fetal position on the floor, your breathing rapid as the pain gets worse with each passing minute. Nancy decides enough is enough and helps you up while whispering how you'll be okay. She helps you stand up and gently shushes you when you let out a whimper.
“It's okay, you're gonna be okay,” she whispers. She takes you toward the restroom and turns on the bath for you. She makes sure the water is warm before she looks at you, you have your shirt pulled over your legs as you sit on the toilet finally giving your bladder some ease.
“I uh, I'm running you a bath,” she says gently. “If you need help with anything, call me, okay?”
You nod your head and watch as she leaves the bathroom and closes the door, leaving it a little open.
You sigh and slowly get off the toilet, holding onto the wall for support as you flush it. You step into the bathtub with your shirt still on and sit in the warm water. Nancy knocks on the door and peeks her head in to check on you. You both make eye contact and you clear your throat.
“C-can you wash my hair?”
Nancy nods her head and rolls the sleeves of her pajama shirt up. She sits on the edge of the tub and gently strokes your hair as you rest your cheek on your knees.
“There's a cup in the cabinet. Eddie would bring the dog that lived next door and we’d give her a bath.
Nancy makes her way to the cabinet and grabs the small cup, filling it with water and counting down before she gently pours it onto your head. Comfortable silence is shared between you two before she drains the water and grabs a towel. She helps you stand, squeezing out as much water as she could from your shirt before you grab onto her hand.
“Thank you. F-for helping me.”
She gives you a sad smile and wraps the towel around your shoulders.
“I changed your sheets, and there are some clothes laid out for you.”
You hold onto her hand as she helps you out of the slippery tub and onto the cold tile floor. She leads you to her room, closing the door all the way so that you can change out of your wet clothes. You place the towel on the floor and toss the shirt on top of it knowing you'll take it out soon. You slip into the comfortable clothes and sit on the edge of your bed, your hands rubbing over the clean material of the new sheets Nancy changed for you.
Your eyes drift back to the picture that's on your nightstand and you swear that you can hear Eddie's voice in your head telling you to eat something. You hear three knocks on your bedroom door and you're guessing you told Nancy to come in cause now she's leaning up against your door and smiling at you.
“I know it's nearly one in the morning but are you hungry?”
You wanted to say no, you're too tired to eat anything and you just want to lay in bed and sleep until you feel better, but you don't. Instead, you slowly nod your head.
“I think there's still some pizza in the fridge from when Steve and Robin came over.”
Nancy gave you a genuine smile, happy that you finally decided to eat some food. She started to leave your room to reheat the pizza when she heard you call out for her.
“Thank you. Seriously, this whole…healing process hasn't been easy for me.” You clear your throat and send her a small smile. “So thank you, really. You've all helped me so much, I don't know what I would do without you guys."
Something in Nancy shifted, you could tell from the way her shoulders dropped and the small smile she gave you.
She wants to say it. She's seen you suffer enough and it's killing her not to tell you everything she knows. It's on the tip of her tongue, she's so close to saying it. You look at her with raised eyebrows.
“You never have to thank us. What are friends for?”
A few more months pass and little by little you start to feel okay, normal even. Is currently Friday, which is movie day at Steve's. It started as a way to get you out of the house but it's blossomed into something more now, you park the car in front of Steve's house and grab the snacks that are in the passenger seat of your car. You hum out a tune and gently kick at the door with your foot. Robin opens the door laughing but quickly stops when she sees it's you.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?”
“Haha, very funny.” you teased. “It’s movie day! Here grab the snacks so I can come in,” you say while dumping some snacks into her arms. She stumbles over words and her feet as you make your way into the house, you throw a hey to everyone and place the snacks onto Steve's counter.
“Geez, why is everyone quiet? Did you guys start the movie without me?” you chuckle out. You turn toward your friends who are sitting on the couch staring at you with wide eyes.
“Jesus, are you guys okay? It's like you've all seen a ghost or something.”
“Thanks for giving me my vest back Steve, I've been dying to see her again.”
Your body stiffens and your blood runs cold when you hear a voice that you've missed for far too long. Your eyes lock with Dustin and suddenly everything clicks. The night you found Dustin at Eddie’s trailer, the way everyone looked at you with guilty eyes, how everyone seemed like they were walking on eggshells when they were around you. They knew. They all knew.
“It's no problem man, I washed like three times- oh shit.”
This had to be a trick. You must've not been over his death yet and now your brain is making you hallucinate him. You slowly turn around to face him and tears instantly form in your eyes. Eddie feels himself freeze under your gaze, feeling like a criminal that's been caught. You shake your head and walk up to him, you raise your hand as if you're going to rest it on his shoulder but you freeze.
“You're not real.” You whisper while shaking your head. You let out a laugh like it's some kind of sick joke and turn toward your friends.
“Please tell me he's not real.”
The lack of answers confirmed it for you. You then turned toward Eddie with tears streaming down your face, but there was fire behind your eyes.
“How long have you been here?”
“Y/n, hear me out-”
“How long?!”
Eddie stays quiet and decides his shoes are much more interesting cause he can't bring his eyes to meet yours. You let out a scoff and look at your friends.
“Okay, since the fucking ghost doesn't want to talk I'll ask you guys. How long has he been back?”
“Ever since you caught me at his trailer,” Dustin spoke up.
You sniffled and nodded your head.
“So did you all know?”
Everyone on the couch nodded their head and Steve mumbled a quiet yeah.
“Was anyone going to tell me?”
“We wanted to,” Mike began.
“That's not what I asked. I asked if you were ever going to tell me.”
Everyone was silent once again and to be honest, you were getting fed up with it.
“you know what?” you chuckled out. “I think I'm done.”
“Done?” Nancy asked.
You grabbed your keys and started to walk toward the door.
“Yeah. With you guys.”
Everyone started to talk over each other and Eddie rushed to stand in front of the door, blocking you from leaving.
“Hey hot shot, just hear them out. Hear us out.” He begged.
For the first time in months, you look Eddie in the eyes, and it feels like you're back at the very beginning.
“Get out of my way Eddie, or else you'll wish you were dead.”
Defeated, he steps out of the way but chases you outside. The sun was no longer in the sky and the dam finally broke. Tears were streaming down your face and you felt arms wrap around you. You try your best to push him away but he's not letting you go.
“Get off of me!” you cry out.
“Sweetheart, please.”
“No! Do you know how fucking miserable I was Eddie?! Did you know that I considered going back to that hell hole to get you?!” you're pushing him now and you catch a glance of your former friends watching you from the window.
Eddie grabs your hands trying to stop you but you twist out of his grasp.
“For months people you love have suffered Eddie! This isn't even about me anymore! Does your uncle know you're back?! What about Gareth and the rest of the party?!”
Eddie shakes his head and tears are forming in his eyes.
“Really?! You're crying, Eddie?!”
“You weren't supposed to find out this way.”
“Then how? How the fuck was I supposed to find out Eddie? Were you going to come to my house with a bouquet of flowers? Were you gonna wait until I tried to go back to the upside-down again?”
Eddie stayed silent. He never really thought about how he was going to tell you, or how you would react. He knew that the more time dragged on the more difficult it would be, but he still had hope.
You saw a tear fall down Eddie's cheek and it took everything in you to not wipe it away. You've dreamt of this moment, you've even prayed for it but this isn't how it was supposed to happen. You were supposed to be happy he was alive, jump into his arms and finally kiss him as you've always wanted to do.
“You know,” you started as you walked to the driver's side of the car. “You may not be dead anymore Eddie,”
You start the car. “But you're dead to me.” you nod your head at everyone gathered by the window.
“They are too. I don't want to see any of you ever again.”
You drove off after that, you weren't sure where you were going, considering all your friends lied to you about something that big. Part of you wants to rationalize what they've done, and you can kinda understand why they did it but you would've never done that to them.
Your heart is pounding out of your chest as you walk up to the front door of the last person you should be seeing. You knock three times and wipe away the tears that are streaming down your face, you look like a mess right now you're sure of it but you don't care.
“Y/n?” Gareth asks with concern. “What's going on, why are you crying?”
“Eddie isn't dead.”
Gareth wants to laugh, but he can't. He won't. The way you look right now, the shakiness in your voice. He wants to think you're joking but what kind of sick person would make a joke about this? He steps to the side and opens the door wide for you, silently asking you to come in. You step inside his home and stuff your hands into your pockets, not bothering to wipe away your tears anymore.
“You've got a lot of explaining to do.”
You let out a humorless chuckle. “How much time do you have?”
Gareth let's out a sigh and hugs you, his hand rubbing your back gently as you cry into his shoulder.
"I've got all the time in the world right now."
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julysn · 5 months
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nothing looks the same in the light | a julysn xclusive.
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ship: kyle broflovski x reader.
character(s): kyle broflovski, reader, ike broflovski (comes in around the end)
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort, eventual romance, aged-up characters, high school, enemies to lovers, secret crushes, love confessions, mild gore, somewhat ooc kyle, also ike is being a little shit hes 13.
warnings: rated T for cursing and mild gore.
summary: you get mugged and beaten up, left alone in a dark alleyway. you get lost in thought when suddenly, your crush worst enemy appears to rescue you.
other notes: gn reader, kinda corny.
word count: ≈3300
spotify playlist: here
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a/n: crossposted from ao3
also pls give me suggestions.. first fic on tumblr HIIII is this aesthetically appealing would y’all read.. anyways i wrote this on impulse so it might be kinda bad?? but i had an idea and i tried..
kyle isn’t perfectly in character (i think). everything’s more fun when its slightly ooc imo !
posted while i’m at school… kinda rushed
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You had just gotten into one of the bloodiest, most gruesome fights of your life
You were walking home from school, wanting to just go home and sit in your bed and use your phone until your parents reminded you of your homework. You had just wanted to stare at the wall, trying to fall asleep early, so you wouldn’t wake up late tomorrow.
But those plans —could they even be considered plans?— were interrupted when you were suddenly whisked away into the dark, beaten and mugged. Your backpack and phone were stolen; hell, even your dignity and pride had been snatched too.
Should I be embarrassed or annoyed?
You glanced down at your body, staring down at each and every injury that blanketed your figure. Bruises littered your usually clean and well-kept body, and blood dripped down from your nose and onto your weak hands as you sat against the brick wall of the empty alleyway.
Your breathing was ragged and heavy, as tears spilled down from your eyes to your cheeks. Your teeth were clenched, the pain swarming your fragile figure. I shouldn't have gone this way when I was walking home from school, you mused. Bad decision. Maybe bad is an understatement.
You were sitting all alone, bloodied and bruised, with potentially no one around to help except for your thoughts to offer mental support. Of course, this had to happen to you.
You were unlucky. Very unlucky. Maybe even the unluckiest person in all of Colorado.
Your luck has always been horrible since.. what, forever? You were always the first one out in dodgeball—always going out in the most embarrassing ways. Like the time Eric Cartman hit you in the face and as you were walking to sit down on the bleachers, you tripped on your shoelace and fell face-first. You earned two new bruises that day.
Your unlucky streak didn't end there, though. You always found ways to trip or fall over nothing. There was that one time you were in the cafeteria and you stood up to walk over and get a napkin, but you tripped over the air in front of your foot. You fell face-first into the floor, your shoe flying off your foot and into the air. You swore it did a backflip as it landed on the floor, and your friends burst out laughing... Needless to say, the memory still haunts you to this day.
There were countless stories that your family, friends, or even classmates could recite of you and your horrible luck embarrassing you in different ways. Woeful, isn't it?
You were sinking deeper and deeper into your thoughts until you heard some voices outside of the alleyway. Your head perked up, attempting to decipher the identities behind the ones who were speaking. However, they weren't being too loud, and you still couldn't figure out if you knew them or not.
Who's over there?
Luckily, you didn't have to force your weak body to stand up and walk over to answer that question. One of the ones in the group saw you in the alley and pushed away their friends to check on you.
Once your tired, sad eyes could finally process the sight before you, your jaw dropped to the core of the Earth. Figuratively, and hell, probably literally. Your jaw unhinged at who was standing in front of you, with a look of concern so surprising you almost pinched yourself to figure out if you were in a dream. Your eyes widened immensely. Your blinking went rapid. You were surprised (obviously).
"Kyle..?" You asked weakly, your soft and teary eyes looking up to see him. He was usually annoyed when you were around, so why did he look... genuinely concerned? I’ve never seen him this worried about anything. Do I mean something, or am I just overthinking it?
“Y/N? God, what the hell happened to you?” Kyle exclaimed, his eyes widened and eyebrows furrowed as he tentatively reached out to see your bruises. You reluctantly shuffled a bit, positioning yourself for him to see the majority of the injuries you had sustained. One of his hands reached out to gently brush away your tears, and you felt your heart pound in your chest at the intimate contact.
“I got mugged.” You sighed, pressing your lips together to form a straight line as your eyes darted away from his, not wanting to see the look of worry etched onto his features. His lips curled into a frown as he heard your words, feeling sorry for you. “Besides, why do you care? Do I look like a damsel in distress?”
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, clenching your teeth in irritation and pain as he examined your wounds. You had some cuts on your arms and neck, but mostly just purple and blue bruises were scattered across your figure.
This was a very unusual scenario—you were practically being rescued by your worst enemy. The two of you have hated each other since elementary school... maybe even preschool. And yet, in a time of desperation and need, he was the one to offer you care and comfort.
It makes sense why he’s being nice to me, I guess. If I saw my worst enemy like this, I’d take care of them too unless my worst enemy was Eric Cartman. I’d leave him there.
However, while one part of you was completely caught off guard by his sudden kindness and care, another side felt giddy and excited. Why? Because you had slowly begun to develop feelings for him over the past year and a half.
It sounded cliche, but Kyle was just irresistible. In your eyes, he was so gorgeous and kind (usually not to you). You liked him for not just his looks or personality but for his intelligence and talents.
Everything about him was perfect in your eyes. Everything, You admired each and every little feature that he had. The tiny, almost unnoticeable stitches around his mouth, his stunning emerald eyes, and those soft red curls that usually hid underneath his hat... you especially loved his hair.
One day, Kyle had shown up to school without his ushanka, and he looked so good. You swore the clouds parted just for the sun to admire his beauty, and that it was less cold—like he was an angel who had blessed the entirety of South Park.
That day was probably the best day of your life—the rivalry between the two of you wasn’t as strong or as harsh, school was quite easy that day (or maybe you were actually paying attention in class.), and things just felt... better. It sounds stupid, but that was the effect he had on you.
God, he’s gorgeous. And his personality? Even better-
”C’mon.” Kyle sighed gently, popping your thought bubble. He stood back up, seemingly having finished examining your wounds, He held out his hand for you to take, and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you blinked for a couple of seconds, bewildered. What are his motives?
“Wait, where are you taking me?” You asked, staring at his open hand in suspicion. Kyle sighed and shoved his other hand into his pocket, his hand still stretched out towards you.
”My house, I guess. I need to bandage your wounds, and I don’t have a first aid kit on me.” He shrugged, pulling his hand away from you and placing it into his pocket. You contemplated the offer, thinking about the possibilities.
What if something happens while he’s taking care of me? Maybe he’ll kiss my bruises to soothe them... or maybe he’ll kiss me. I bet this is gonna be so damn romantic.
”Yeah, sure. I need it, anyways...” You weakly chuckled, letting out an awkward laugh as Kyle did the same. He held out a hand for you to grab onto, and you winced as you held his hand as he helped you to your feet.
The two of you walked down the street, your weak figure leaning against his as his warm, calloused hand lay on your waist. His presence was immensely comforting, and you found solace in the fact that he was being nice to you for a bit. Even if his kindness was temporary, it was heartwarming.
The walk was quite peaceful, steps slow and quiet as Kyle held you against him so you wouldn’t fall or trip. You winced as you felt his hand brush against one of your clothed bruises, and he immediately noticed your discomfort and moved his hand downwards so as not to hurt you further.
It was a partly cloudy afternoon in South Park, the chilly Colorado winds brushing against your (now bruised) cheeks like usual. The silence between you and Kyle was pretty soothing, as the two of you could sink deeper into your thoughts without it being awkward or uncomfortable.
Finally, after what felt like an hour of walking (but was only a few minutes), the two of you reached his house. His house was painted dark green with a detached garage, and the front door was painted coffee brown. You sighed, as he took you inside and led you to the kitchen.
”So, uh..” Kyle began, as he turned to glance at you while his hands rummaged through the medicine cabinet. He pulled out some bandages, before stepping over to you. He hopped onto the countertop beside you and leaned downward as his hands carefully wiped off the blood from a slit you had received on your arm. “How the hell did you get mugged?”
”I. I dunno.” You grimaced weakly, blinking back tears of pain as he wiped away the blood on all of the cuts you had. Kyle noticed this and he brushed away the tears with his fingertips, and you felt yourself melt underneath his sweet actions. His touch was delicate. Caring. He was being so kind, and your heart fluttered inside your chest. “But, uh. I’m fine, you don't have to—“
“Y/N, you’re not fine.” Kyle sighed, balling up the tissues smeared with blood and tossing them into a trashcan. He gazed into your eyes with a soft, caring look. The two of you held eye contact for a few seconds before he snapped out of it and picked up some Neosporin. You yawned and watched as he gently rubbed the cream into the bruises and around some of the cuts, as gently as ever. "Just let me bandage you, alright?"
You felt yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with him at his tender, attentive behavior. He was perfect. Astronomically attractive. Everything someone would want in a man. No words in the English dictionary could describe the amount of love you had stored in your heart for him.
Kyle Broflovski was the man of your dreams.
As the two of you sat there, your mind was flooded with a hurricane of thoughts. Did he like you back? Was he just being nice or is this his way of spending time with you? Are you overthinking it? Why was he being so nice to you? Did he have ulterior motives?
You had to ask.
“.. Why are you being so sweet to me?” You asked quietly, voice bashful and sheepish as you looked up from your lap to face him. Kyle was working diligently to wrap bandages around the cuts, and god he looked good. His narrowed eyes as he focused, his parted lips... You shook your head gently to distract yourself from these very thoughts.
"I feel bad," Kyle admits, looking up at you as he leaned back and took a deep breath. Pearls of sweat dripped down from his forehead, and he slipped off his jacket and ruffled his hair as he looked over your arm to see if he missed any cuts he needed to bandage. He yawned and ruffled his hair, and you couldn't help but admire the way his hand ran through those gorgeous curls of his. He's perfect. But he isn't mine.
He was the one guy you wanted so badly, yet you thought he was out of reach. Whenever Wendy and Bebe would drag you to basketball games because they wanted to see their boyfriends and not go alone, you couldn't help but sneak glances at your crush enemy.
The way Kyle would practically destroy the court with skill was the most attractive thing you've ever seen.
Unfortunately, 1/3 of the attendees from other schools would agree with you. You had seen many people, both girls, and guys, eyeing him with interest in their eyes. He had many admirers, mostly from other schools—you were probably the only one in the school who found him attractive, unless he had secret admirers... Of course, you always felt a rush of jealousy fill your veins whenever you saw someone try to gain his interest, but luckily, he was only focused on winning the games.
Everyone was aware that he had many "fangirls and fanboys" at other schools, as many even joked about it. Lighthearted, amusing stories of his “simps” were passed around during lunch for people to have a soft laugh about.
But, his worst admirer had to be you. You were down horrendous. The quick, sneaky glances towards him during class. How you would go home and sit on your bed, laying on your stomach, index finger twirling your hair while your other hand held your phone as you scrolled through his Instagram, blushing and giggling.
And not to mention the occasional unholy dreams that had overcome your thoughts for the rest of the day due to their vivid and exciting nature...
You were down enormously.
Your train of thought came to a halt as you felt the bandage meeting your other arm. Kyle had finished working on your right arm, and he had moved to sit on your left arm. The feeling of the fabric hitting your skin once more brought you back to reality, and the awkward silence was… well, awkward as hell.
And so, the two of you continued to sit in silence as Kyle worked delicately on the injuries you had sustained. The quiet atmosphere was beginning to feel comforting, instead of awkward. Your ears filled with the quiet sound of the both of you breathing, and it was a beautiful moment.
That was, until a black-haired freckled kid who looked to be around 12-13 years old walked in. His jaw immediately dropped at the sight of you two on the counter, in a bit of an intimate position as both your faces were just inches apart. It almost looked like the two of you were a couple, with the way you were so close.
”Holy shit!” The freckled kid shrieked, his jaw practically at the core of the Earth as he processed the sight before him. He blinked rapidly, trying to make sure this was real and not just a hallucination or anything. “Kyle, you and Y/N finally fucked?!”
“Finally?” You raise an eyebrow, your suspicions close to being confirmed. Finally... does finally mean that— No, I need to interrogate this kid. “How do you even know my name?”
“Kyle talks about you all the time,” The young teen smirked teasingly, though it was evident that he was still in shock. He slowly approached the two of you, a hilariously wicked smile on his face as he crossed his arms. Meanwhile, Kyle’s cheeks faded into a bright tint of red that rivaled his hair.
“No, I don’t—“
Kyle’s protests were cut off as the kid interjected, giggling furiously. It was evident that Kyle was trying to deny it, but his flushed cheeks and death stare toward the freckled kid made it a bit obvious that what he was saying was true. "My brother has the biggest crush on you. He shows me your Instagram posts all the time—"
Your jaw dropped. Your eyes widened. Your breath caught in your throat. So, according to this random little kid, the love of your life liked you back.
"Ike, get out," Kyle growled, finally putting a name to the face before you. Ike simply let out a mischievous giggle as he shot the both of you a wink, turning around and leaving the kitchen. for the both of you. You sighed, completely dumbfounded by what had just occurred.
"Was what he said true?" You asked quietly, blinking rapidly. Your heart pounded in your chest, your stomach filled with butterflies. This was probably the best day of your life, had it not been for the fact that you were mugged.
”… Yeah.” Kyle admitted, his cheeks bright red and lips pressed together to form a straight line, feeling quite awkward now that the truth was out. "I've had a crush on you for about, uh.. 9 months now."
You thought you were about to explode. You felt a tsunami of emotions wash over you, as you felt so giddy yet shocked. Your heart was beating real fast, and you could swear it skipped some beats too. Butterflies flooded your stomach, and you could barely identify your true feelings about all of this. The news had practically flipped your world upside down, leaving you completely breathless and disoriented.
"Am I dreaming? Kyle, pinch me. Do something so I know I’m awake." You pondered aloud, feeling the last bandage being applied to your cuts as Kyle finally pulled away, avoiding your gaze with embarrassment in his emerald eyes. He was unsure if you liked him back—after all, the two of you were known to be worst enemies. Silently, he was begging, pleading, praying that you reciprocated.
Instead of pinching you, however, Kyle decided to do a little more than that. He gently picked up your hands, slipping his palm into yours as your fingers intertwined, and took a deep breath as he leaned in. Your breath caught in your throat as you realized what was happening, and you decided to lean in too.
The two of you shared a soft, short kiss, one full of affection and tenderness. The kiss was quick yet passionate, and you felt yourself longing for more as he finally pulled away.
I really hope this isn't a dream.
You needed more of Kyle's sweet, delicate lips, so, you quickly leaned in and gave him a gentle peck on the lips. He smiled into the kiss, squeezing your hands as you both sat on the counter, staring at each other in silence. The absence of words made the tranquil moment more divine, and you wanted this to last forever.
“… So, are we dating now, or..?” Kyle asked shyly, his tone slightly awkward but still warmhearted and soothing. You giggled at how he said it, but another part of you was literally about to start screaming and jumping up and down in excitement.
“Yeah,” You nodded, and in turn, he wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you into a tight embrace. You buried your face into his neck, savoring the moment while it lasted.
You hugged him tightly, wanting nothing more than to just stay in his arms forever. You wished time could stop so you could live in this moment for eternity. His arms felt so comforting around yours, as his fingers gently brushed against your bandages.
You felt Kyle’s lips brush against your temple, and your heart fluttered in happiness. This was it. We’re finally together now.
“Are you two— Woah.” Ike interrupted as he walked back into the kitchen, hands in his pockets as he processed what he was seeing. “Ew! Get a room, you two!”
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walmarttrashbag · 10 months
Hurt - Mike Wheeler Tw: bitchy, rude Mike. It was an extremely hot day in the summer of '82, and you had just moved into Hawkins, Indiana. The day was full of unpacking and decoration, and you had made your bedroom just as you wanted.
Your mom had told you to try and explore the neighborhood and make friends, which you happily obliged.
You decided to go to your new neighbor's house, and you politely knocked on the door, expecting an adult, but your expectations were too low, because what opened the door rocked your world even with just a look.
It was an extremely cute boy, with fluffy-seeming dark, burgundy-like hair, and his brown eyes stared into yours with some kind of emotion you couldn't read.
"Who are you?" The cute boy asked almost coldly.
You smiled innocently and sweetly "My name is Y/n! I'm your new neighbor! I live in that house, right there!" You pointed to your house that stood still.
The boy looked over and his eyebrows furrowed "I don't really care..." He replied, and shut the door.
That hit you like a book, but you wouldn't give up, not ever! For the last days of the summer, you decided to ask the boy to come play or to share his name while you'd ask to play, but all you got was a harsh "No" and a door slam.
But you weren't giving up at all, besides, he was just across the lawn!
It was now the start of 6th grade, and Mike was keeping a low go, in case you were in Hawkins Middle School, but his eyes widened at the fact of you walking into his classroom all giddy.
Mike's teacher smiled "Class, we have a new student joining us today. This is y/n l/n, and she will be sitting next to Mike Wheeler. Mike, could you raise your hand for us?" The teacher asked.
You quietly gasped in excitement "So that's what the cute boy's name is!" You thought happily. Mike hesitantly raised up his hand and you skipped along, sitting beside him.
During reading time, you noticed Mike was leaning far away from you, but just enough to keep balance on his chair, so you decided to rip a piece of paper and wrote down "Hi!" And slid it toward Mike, who glanced at it but ignored it, and throwing it away after class.
During lunch, you saw Mike hang out with three other boys, one with curly hair and tan skin, one with a bowl cut and pale complexion, and one boy who was African-American.
You smiled and walked over to the table with your lunch tray, but Mike quickly said "This table's full!", Making his friends looked at him confused, and you frown but nod. "I understand" You replied, deciding to go to a different table, but nobody would wanna sit by the weird new kid... So you had to sit alone, and that went on for the rest of the year.
Nobody liked to be near you. Usually, the teacher had to pair you up with someone because even the last kid wouldn't want to. You didn't get why no one liked you, but maybe it's because you were just still the new kid.
Your crush on Mike hadn't gone away, but in the second year you were there you finally made some friends, they were fun and cool to you.
By the time you got to middle school, Mike had straight up told you to leave him alone, but you were determined to make him love you, so you left cute little stuff in his locker like notes and gifts, but in the corner of your eye, you'd see Mike grumble angrily and throw it away.
You felt hurt, but nothing came close to what you were at the park. You hid behind a tree and listened to what Mike and his friends would say about you.
"She's fucking obsessed with me! She won't leave me alone!" Mike yelled angrily. "Have you told her to stop?" Will asked. Mike nodded and Lucas tilted his head "Well be more assertive" Dustin shook his head "She's gonna want you more, man. Just ignore her." Mike laughed "Yeah, nobody likes that freak anyways."
You felt tears in your eyes, and you ran home, your loving heart shattered. Once at home, you fell on your bed "I didn't know he hated me like that..." You whispered, you felt horrible.
Seventh grade rolled around and you had completely given up. You felt destroyed and you didn't talk to anyone. You didn't start wearing black or slitting your wrists, you weren't like that, you were just quiet now.
Mike noticed that his locker was always empty beside his backpack. There were no happy notes or small gifts you had slipped inside. There was nothing to throw away.
Mike also noticed that you'd sit by yourself and do your projects alone, which he thought was weird. At least you weren't bothering him anymore.
During lunch, Mike would watch you walk passed him with tired, sad eyes, and he'd watch you eat all alone. It was like you didn't even care anymore... But you did. Mike never knew how many sleepless nights you've cried over him.
Dustin, Lucas, and Will saw, too, but they didn't address it to Mike, who watched you eat while talking to his friends every day at lunch.
You were no longer your happy, loving self, you were just a depressed girl trying to get over a heartbreaking crush. You sometimes never even went to school because you were just too tired to get up.
Mike would sometimes wait behind the front door, waiting for you to ring his doorbell, waiting for you to ask him to play, but that you didn't exist anymore... And Mike felt sad that you wouldn't bother to ask anymore.
Eventually, Mike went against every fiber of his being and got outside, walked across the lawn, and knocked on your door. You opened up with tear-strained eyes.
"What do you want, Wheeler?" You asked Mike coldly, and that kind of shocked him.
"Hey, Y/n! My friends and I are gonna play this cool fantasy game called Dungeons and Dragons and I just wanna ask if you would like to play with us." Mike said, cracking a fake smile that you could see right through. "I don't wanna play with you, Mike. Just go away." You scoffed, trying to shut the door on Mike. Mike kept the door open and whined "Come on! It'll be fun! It's a game about-"
You groaned "I said I don't wanna play with you, Michael Wheeler! Leave me alone!" And you shut the door on Mike's face.
Mike felt Hurt but he wasn't gonna give up, as his crush on you has only just begun.
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ky-yk · 1 year
tears of the kingdom (ayj x f!reader)
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genre: fluff || word count: 1.7k
author's note: two works in a day, who is she?? anyways my kitsch obsession gave birth to my jock yujin fixation and then this came about so i hope y'all enjoy mwamwa
"zelda...zelda...where is it?"
maybe there was a god up there because the sequel to one of your favorite games of all time, the legend of zelda: tears of the kingdom, happened to come out on the last day of your final exams of the year. you'd been skipping lunch since the game was announced so that you could pick up a copy for yourself on release day. and now here you were, scanning the wall of small titles against bright red spines looking for your well-deserved reward.
mumbling to yourself, your eyes repeatedly raked over the switch covers while debating with yourself whether you should cut your losses and just ask the lone worker by the counter. which you'd rather die than do -- the only person you'd want to be talking to is princess zelda, thank you very much.
a certain someone didn't get the memo, apparently.
"um, hey," you heard from beside you. everyone and their mother could recognize that voice anywhere.
"you're y/n, right? i'm yujin, we go to school together."
of course i know who you are, ahn yujin. resident quarterback, heartthrob, and obnoxious little sh--"oh yeah, that's me," you ended up saying.
don't get it twisted: you definitely saw the appeal if she just wasn't so. damn. loud. your morning would be perfect: birds chirping, wind blowing, and food digesting until you'd hear yujin and her cronies pass the halls making way too much noise for 6:30 in the morning.
"oh thank god, someone who can help me," she sighed in relief. your curiosity was piqued: why was yujin in a video game store at 9pm on a friday night when jang wonyoung was throwing a huge rager on the other side of town (whether or not you were invited is unimportant).
"you do know there's someone who gets paid to do that right over there, right?" you remarked with a raise of your eyebrow.
"i mean, i guess you're right, but i could say the same for you."
how long had she been standing there then?! and how did she notice that...
she beamed, showing off her charming eye smile. "well, can you help me?"
"with...?" you asked apprehensively. if there was anything you were known for, it was for reading into things way too much. your friends would go to you last for anything because of how much time you spent directing every little happening. what if i'm being punk'd and the whole football team is outside ready to burst through with their cameras and--
"um, my friend sakura's birthday is coming up and i wanted to get her this game," she pulled up google and then showed you her phone. "you know it?"
lo and behold, there was the cover art for the very game you were looking for.
"oh yeah, i know it. i've been looking for it here too, actually, but it doesn't look like there's any on the shelves."
"huh," she remarked with a pout. cute--wait, what?
"i mean, we could try asking the guy over there? you know, the one who gets paid to look for it?" i asked, looking over to the tall and lanky boy who sat behind the counter who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else.
she chuckled. "well, i guess you're right."
on the short trip across the store, your mind would not. shut. up.
wait, she knows kkura-unnie? but her and kkura-unnie could not be farther from each other on the high school food chain. then again, anything is possible: this is a world where ahn yujin could act all shy and quiet, notice me talking to myself, and look like a puppy dressed in her varsity hoodie and cyclers instead of partying it up with the rest of the school.
"excuse me, do you have this game in stock?" she asked the boy -- whose name tag read 'felix' -- expectantly.
"hm, we've only got one copy left though," felix replied after checking the stack of switch games under the counter and placing the lone copy on it.
you and yujin looked at each other, eyes wide, and going through your own dilemmas.
"oh, really...?" you asked.
"yeah, a bunch of people came to pick up some copies throughout the day."
"hm, alright. well, she'll take it," yujin said.
felix hummed in acknowledgement and scanned the game while you looked over at the girl in disbelief.
"kkura-unnie's birthday isn't until sunday; i've got time. come on, felix is waiting for your payment."
you didn't even register him telling you the price because you were just staring at this girl. what in the...
"oh, i'm sorry. here you are," you said as you took out your weeks worth of allowance. yujin noticed your face scrunch up as you passed over $70 in cash to felix and couldn't suppress her little chuckle.
you both made your way out of the store with yujin holding the door open for you and the rest of the store to be met with a gust of cold, refreshing night air.
"are you sure you don't want this game? it might be hard to find tomorrow -- i mean, you saw how this was the last copy they had in stock..." you turned your body to face her, arms flailing about as you spoke. all you were met with was an easy smile from the star quarterback.
"don't sweat it, y/n. i saw that you really wanted it and besides, my presence is enough of a gift for kkura-unnie, don't you think? she'll understand," she replied cheekily, causing you to roll your eyes in response.
"anyways, i'll get going, bye yujin!"
"wait! do you need a ride home? it's pretty late, don't you think?"
"don't sweat it, yujinnie," you turned her words around on her. "my house isn't much farther from here."
"don't you live nearby wonyoungie?"
"yes...? how'd you know that?"
"i've been known to be observant," she replied nonchalantly.
"is that just code for 'stalker' or..."
"yah!" exasperated at the accusation, she hit your shoulder.
"i'm kidding, i'm kidding, god did you have to hit me?!"
her eyes went wide in worry. " i am so s--"
"stalker, violent, man, wait until the school hears the truth about their resident heartthrob," you joked, trying to ease her worries, which seems to have worked when you saw her shoulders relax and her trademark smile take over her features.
"anyways, let me give you a ride home. i was going to go over to wonyoung's anyways," she said.
"if you insist," you replied.
quietly, you both made your way over to her car. she opened the door for you before making her way over to the driver's side, the action making you raise your eyebrows before getting inside. she turned on the ignition and reminded you to put your seatbelt on.
"i'm not an idiot," you rolled your eyes.
"better safe than sorry, y/n. i wouldn't want your blood on my hands."
your eyes might as well have been seeing the back of your skull with how much you'd been rolling your eyes at the girl. when she heard the buckle click, she started making her way out of the parking lot and onto the main road.
around strangers, you were usually reserved. you pretty much just flew around the school like a ghost, doing your own things with no one minding you. it took a while for you to get talkative.
it took one night for ahn yujin. what can you say, the girl was interesting.
"i'm curious, how do you know kkura-unnie?"
"oh, we go to the same dance class every weekend."
she dances?! "you dance?!"
"is that so surprising?" she spared you a glance before focusing back on the road. she's got precious cargo after a--what?
"kinda, yeah. i'm learning a lot about you, ahn yujin."
"only good things, i'm hoping."
"very good things, yujinnie."
after talking about anything and everything, you realized she'd already pulled up to the front of your house.
"well, here you are."
"oh. alright," you replied, the disappointment evident in your tone. you were about to open the door when yujin spoke up.
"hey, i don't know about you, but i had a lot of fun, y/n. if you're down, do you wanna hang out again...?" she looked over at you like she was preparing for the worst.
all you gave her was a small smile. "i'd love to, yujinnie."
her entire face brightened up and then she grabbed a marker from her glove compartment. you just stared at her as she grabbed your hand and wrote her phone number down, your face heating up slowly but surely.
"text me, okay?"
"alright, yujinnie. go enjoy your party!" you said as you walked out and closed the door.
"and go enjoy your game, y/n. good night!" she called out and waited for you to go inside your house before driving off.
6 months later...
your morning could not have gotten any worse. you slept in, skipped breakfast, and it was raining like hell. the rowdy quarterbacks were basically drowned out by the storm.
which explains why you didn't notice her until you felt a heavy yet comforting jacket resting on your shoulders, followed by slender arms wrapping around your shoulders. you looked up and saw ahn yujin: star quarterback, quiet lover, and your heartthrob.
"hey," she looked down at you with an easy smile. you smiled back, although it looked a lot more like a grimace as your lips formed a thin line and your cheeks puffed up.
"i saw your messages. i brought you a croissant," she said while placing the paper bag on your desk.
"thank you, yujinnie," you said while wrapping your arms around her waist and tightening your hold on the girl. past y/n would be screaming, crying, throwing up at this, you thought to yourself. she hummed before leaving a soft kiss on the crown of your head.
"i'll go ahead, but i hope your morning gets better, love. are we still on for later?" she asked expectantly. you chuckled. "of course we are, yujinnie. go now!" you said as you playfully shoved her away. she ran off, but not without sparing you one last glance: the same one that got you hooked all those months ago.
"eh?! you're dating yujin-ah?!" you heard from beside you. your eyes went wide as sakura's unmistakeable voice finally settled in.
this'll be a long morning...
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mediocreanomaly · 11 months
Cuz I’m a sucker for angst, what would happen if in your soulmate au, the reader rejects the boys because of all the pain they put reader through??
Authors Note: I'm so sorry for putting this one off I just didn't want to spoil pt.3 !!! now that I have it out of the way here's my hurt no comfort version of how pt.3 could have gone. Basically an alternative time line where you break these boys hearts :( (Please read the other parts for this to make sense)
For Context: Vashwood Soulmate AU Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Vashwood x Reader Soulmate Au, Angst
"I hate you" It's what comes out of your mouth. It's not your fault really, this is all too much too soon you didn't even know if you wanted soulmates, at least, not the kind that made your life a living hell since you were seven and yet here they were, stumbling into your clinic like this was acceptable or remotely normal.
"You...what?" the blonde ask. It's quiet, so quiet you'd almost miss it if it weren't for the kicked puppy expression he's currently wearing.
"Vash they don't mean that, I said mean shit too when we found out" Nick huffs. Vash and Nick huh? You almost wished he hadn't said the kicked puppies name, it'd make it easier to forget them when they left.
"No...No I do mean that" this gets both of their attentions, The dark haired man's brow furrows while Vash takes a sharp breath obviously steeling himself for whatever your about to say next.
"You two...you two made my life hell. I found out about you on my fucking birthday because I thought I got shot."
Vash winces at that.
"I had to be taken out of school because I cried all the time- hell I couldn't get out of bed! My parents had to look after me I nearly died myself from malnutrition because I couldn't stop screaming from how bad it all hurt!"
Nick shifts on his feet, squaring his shoulders, guarded as if it'll physically protect him from your onslaught of words.
"My dad left because he couldn't watch me suffer- my own mother prayed I would die. To be honest I kind of wanted to, I don't even know how I stayed sane, I don't laugh like I used to I don't- I hurt so fucking bad every day." your voice breaks.
You don't know what the two look like anymore, their forms get blotted out by the tears pooling in your eyes. It's good, you don't want to see their expressions anyways.
"I hate you! I wish you two would've just died!"
It's silent besides your own sobs that you try to muffle with your sleeve. If there was a god, he was a cruel one. One that played tricks and hurt for the hell of it. Because if there really was a god, why you? Why did you get the two people who hurt with abandon? Why did you have to be the one to send them away?
"We never meant to hurt you" Vash says softly, he's not crying. In fact when you glance up at him he's offering your a weary smile, it looks tired and fake.
"But you did"
Nick looks like he wants to say something but he reaches for his pack of cigarettes' instead, grabs one and lights it. Filling his lungs with a large inhale of nicotine. You can feel the burn when he holds his breath for too long.
"I'm sorry" the blond offers in a broken sort of tone, this bristles the other man but this too he doesn't comment on. He probably knows it's a losing battle anyways.
"I am too. Like I said, we're closed." You gesture to the door and that empty smile on Vash's face falters, you swear you see tears beginning to prick at his eyes too but it's too hard to tell with those yellow glasses.
He swallows the lump in his throat and nods slowly reaching for the door, he doesn't bother on waiting for his companion as he walks out shoulders lower than when he came in.
The man holding the cross watches you for a moment, expression hard to read under his dark shades.
"What" you say bitterly
"...He's right, we never meant to hurt you. Don't think we don't feel bad about it. I was mad too when I first met him but you shouldn't- you didn't even give us a chance"
"a chance? I've given you chances since I first felt the two of you. Every single day I gave you a chance, praying it'd be the last time I was shot or stabbed or fucking ripped apart." you snap back
He sets his lips in a firm line letting smoke curl up towards the ceiling.
"That "ripping" apart sensation was all me doll face. You want to be mad? Fine. But don't take it out on him, he likes to play martyr and I hate it just as much as you do but only because he loves too damn hard. Because he does love you, you get that right?"
It's your turn for your expression to sour. "Loves me? he doesn't even know me"
"Well that's just the type of person spikey is. He loves with abandon even if it get's him hurt, even if it ends in his own soulmate turning their nose up at him. If you want to be mad be mad at me."
"Why do you even care."
"Because we're your god damn soulmates! As much as you don't like it god or the universe or whatever the fuck picked us. Us. All three of us to be together"
"Well I guess god makes mistakes then huh."
He stills at that. He's angry, or defeated, or tired, you don't know which, or maybe its all three but there's something akin to recognition in his stance. You were right, he knows when to pick his battles.
"Yeah...guess so." he scoffs "Sorry 'bout the smoke."
You don't say anything when he opens the door to leave.
There's a pull, your soulmate connection telling you to follow, to beg them to come back but you shake your head. Maybe God makes mistakes but you won't.
It doesn't take Wolfwood long to find Vash. He's leaning against the clinic still, watching the stars. He doesn't really know what to say. He'd known this would happen, had known since they felt you pinch back all those months ago...but what can he say? The needle noggins optimism had rubbed off on him, he had forgotten that their lives were a tragedy, doomed by the narrative from the start.
"It's not your fault spikey so quit makin that face" Nick huffs, he wished he could say something kinder, more reassuring but he wasn't built for kindness. Vash knew that though, had felt it.
"Isn't it? I'm the one that's always diving in front of bullets, always getting hurt, letting myself get hurt I- I've hurt them so bad Nick. I don't deserve them, I don't deserve you either." Vash sniffles
Nick runs his tongue over the end of the cigarette in his mouth. He knew that if you had turned Vash down this would happen. He had a self deprecating streak like no other, not that he was one to talk. Nick reaches out to gently press his knuckles to the other mans temple.
"C'mon tongari none of that. These things take time, I nearly rung your neck too when I found out we were soulmates. 'sides, if we wanna play the guilt game I win by a landslide. The eye of Michael-"
Wolfwood holds up his hand to finish "-The eye of Michael messed me up real bad blondie. That's not your fault or theirs. It's just a fact. So quit actin like this is black and white."
Vash quiets, he's not satisfied, but he won't pick at the wound more than he has to, not now at least.
"What do we do we do now?"
Nick eyes the other man and shrugs.
"What we always do. Keeping going and maybe...maybe one day we'll feel a pinch and know it's time to come back."
The next day they aren't in town, Gary tells you all about the two odd strangers who asked him about you last night. Ask if they ever made to the clinic.
"No they didn't but I closed early, must've missed them." you say
"Must've not been important then since they left so early, probably journalist" he chuckles, you just nod along.
"Yeah, probably."
You feel a pinch as you walk home, light on your right arm. You had caught a glance at Vash's- the blond mans left arm. Prosthetic, so the feeling must be from him. You don't pinch back.
There's no hurt after that, you move through your day painless, no bullets, no stabs, no pinches, no burns. No trace of you ever even having a soulmate.
Your life goes on like normal, although you have gained one new habit. Every night when you close the clinic, you double check to make sure the door is locked.
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melloween-candie · 1 year
Second choice [L.G]
Lip x Rejected Reader
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You fell for Lip the moment you meant him. You thought that he fell the same way you did, love at first sight an all but you were sadly mistaken.
Warning! Rejection, slight bulling
Word count: 1,160
Shameless Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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***Y/n's Pov***
We had one week left till prom night. I know it may sound weird, but it was a tradition in our school for the girls to ask out the guys. Now I'm not usually the type to want to go to these things but that was because I never had someone to go with.
Don't get me wrong, people did ask me out sometimes, but I always say no since I didn't really like them. I'm very picky if you couldn't tell.
Anyways this time is different. Because this time, I have a crush! I know it's kind of weird for a twelve-grader to get excited over a crush nowadays, but in my defense, I've never really had a crush before.
It was love at first sight. Or at least that's what it felt like. Ever since we meant, we didn't stop hanging out. He even introduced me to some of his friends and family members so I'm sure he likes me back right?
Anyways he told me he wasn't really a big fan of dances too, so we had that along with a lot of other things in common. I know our friendship is still early, but I really like him. I'm planning on asking him out during the dance. Once he says yes to coming with me, of course.
I don't want to do something too crazy or out there when I ask him. Just a simple card and maybe some chocolates. He isn't really a fan of the flare.
Anyways I almost forgot to tell you, but the guy I'm talking about is Lip Gallagher. I know it's a bit of a reach since he doesn't seem like the type to commit, but what's the harm right?
The next day!
***Narrator's Pov***
It is now Monday. Y/n had everything prepared. She had her speech written down in her head perfectly. She even took the time to memorize Lip's schedule so she would know exactly where he was at all times.
***Y/n's Pov***
And there he was, standing outside the boy's locker room as per usual. Though what I didn't expect was for a blonde girl to walk right in a few minutes later. It shocked me because that was the boy's locker-room.
A second later, Lip walked in closing the door behind him. What he didn't realize was that the door didn't fully close. So I had a chance to see what was going on.
I quickly and quietly followed them in. I made sure no one saw me as I closed the door, locking it behind me. I heard some strange noises a few lockers down.
I snuck closer and took a peek at the too from behind a locker wall.
And there he was; my heart was scattered all over the floor knowing that he was doing that with her.
Karen Jackson. She was a complete bit*h. I never realized it before, but I guess I was just a fool for thinking their relationship was nothing but platonic.
I couldn't even close my eyes. They started to water as I watched them. They were all over each other. Karen was against the locker as Lip grinned at her.
The tears started pouring down my cheeks, and then Karen saw me. We meant eyes. I panicked and all she did was smile evilly as she held on to him tighter.
I couldn't stand it anymore. I left quickly and quietly. I prayed that she wouldn't tell Lip what I saw. He doesn't know how I feel about him, and now he never will, but that's not a bad thing. After all, at least I can still be his friend without any awkwardness.
Of course, it's gonna hurt for a while, but I'm used to it by now.
Time skip!~
***Karen's Pov***
Me and Lip just finished another hot morning sesh. Clearly, he didn't see Y/n at all. Which is a good thing. As he left, I saw a small little note on the floor where Y/n stood.
I picked it up and read it-
- To Lip -
Will you go to prom with me
-- Yes - No --
- From Y/n -
OMG. I mean sure I questioned why Y/n would be in the boy's locker room, but I never thought she had a crush on Lip! I just figured she was a little freak... Welp this is gonna be fun.
Karen made an evil smile as she skipped off.
The next day!~
***Narrator's Pov***
It was now currently Tuesday. Y/n spent the whole night crying, as expected. Now she was getting ready for school. Praying that Karen isn't going to do something. However, she was sadly mistaken.
Time skip!~
You stood by your locker. Your heart ached even more, knowing that Karen's locker was just right across from yours. Though that's not even the worst part.
The worst part was that Lip walked towards her. Y/n thought Lip was going to her, but disappointment fell when he stood by Karen's side. Not even giving her a glance.
Karen looked at you and smirked as she kissed Lip on the Lips out of nowhere. This frustrated you. But you tried not to show it. But then you saw something.
Karen was holding a small little note that kinda looked like yours.
Your heart started racing when you realized it was yours.
How did she get that?! You started checking your pocket. Oh no... I must have dropped it!
You were now panicking inside, and Karen could tell. She giggled evilly from across the hall as she gave Lip the note. She said something to him as she stared at you. You couldn't make out what she said to him, but it didn't matter anyways it was all over.
Lip read your note.
You were ready to watch him walk towards you and reject you, but that didn't happen. What happened was that he nodded his head. You assumed he said yes, and Karen started to scream. It was a joyful scream as she jumped on him, and he spun her around.
You were so confused, but the people close to them started clapping, making it even harder to hear them. Then Lip kissed her on the forehead and walked off.
A few seconds later, Karen walked towards you.
"Don't worry. I didn't tell him your little secret. Here." She smiled as she skipped off.
The thing she handed you was your note. You opened it slowly.
It read -
- To Lip -
Will you go to prom with me?
-- Yes - No --
- From Y/n Karen -
Your heart broke in two when you realized that Karen Jackson used your note to ask out the guy that you like knowing dame will she didn't actually like him.
You were clearly upset, but there was nothing you could do now.
I guess I was wrong. You thought. Love at first sight really doesn't exist.
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Odds & Ends: The Muscle Shirt, a Sk8ter Dreams story
9,900 Subscribers SPECIAL
Thank you everyone! In the lead up to the big 10,000 subs, I'm going to be posting some of my oldest original stuff. I used to be a tf writer known as LanceFan2001 or Ikaika. I frequented cyoc.net and the narcississ archive (i think it's the predecessor to the current GSS.com) and the original gay muscle story archives.
These were the days that we had to put warning lables before we posting gay stuff. It was a time before network admins or parental controls, It was a different world. But maybe not so different.
I was lucky to find a community, and someone important to me, whom I have lost contact with was O'Melissokomos: The Bee Keeper. He had his own site, that was part transformation stories part political news blog. It just worked. Anyway, he illustrated this story. I am so thankful that CYOC still has those images. So, I present,for the first time with illustrations , Odds & Ends: The Muscle Shirt.
Odds and Ends: the Muscle Shirt
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction depicting gay sex. If reading such material is offensive to you, or if you are under the legal age to read such material, please read something else.
Author's Note: This is a tale in the Sk8ter Dreams universe spin- off, "Odds and Ends". Special Thanks goes out to Reaver who started this universe.
Second Author's Note: This story is not meant to offend ANYONE. It is FANTASY, and should be taken as so. Thank you! >>>Ikaika<;<<
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Trent Stephens dried his hair with a towel he had taken to storing in his school locker-yet again. This time, some freshman jocks had the pleasure of "flushing" him. You would think that as a high school senior, Trent would be the one administering that particular rite of passage, or at the very least would garner a little respect from the incoming freshmen. Sadly, he did neither.
Perhaps it was because of his appearance that he faired so poorly with his peers. Trent stood at 5'6", and weighed 235 pounds, most of it fat. He never wore any trendy clothing, instead, sticking to a wardrobe consisting of thrift store finds. Perhaps, adding to Trent's position on the bottom of the social ladder, was the combined fact that he was the new kid, who had no backbone.
Trent was also a nerd. Growing up, while the other boys were outside, playing tag or participating in sports, he preferred to sit in the library and read books, or sit in front of his custom-built computer, and play games. He really had no friends either. He obviously didn't fit in with the jocks or trend setters, and even the computer nerds felt that he was too geeky for their clique.
Trent slammed his locker shut, and with a clumsy, jerking movement, swung his book bag over his shoulder. Just as he was leaving the school, his backpack, filled to the brim with books for school, and "a little light reading", ripped at the seams, causing one of the straps to tear, and littering the deserted hallway with his books and folder paper. "Shit," he silently cursed, "What else can go wrong today?"
It took Trent about 15 minutes to pick up his things, and find a plastic bag to put his stuff in. He exited the school, and made his way to the bust stoop. As he approached the stop, he heard the bus approaching. He ran for it, only to be left behind in a cloud of dust, as the bus zoomed past.
"Great," he thought to himself, "looks like I'm walking home again."
Luckily for Trent, he only lived a mile from the school. He began his trek home, huffing and puffing in the hot and humid August sun.
He passed the many banks, stores and strip malls that were a common sight in suburbia, not paying too much attention to what he was seeing. He walked by a bakery, enjoying the smells waffing in the air. He pressed his face against the glass to see what treats were available for sale inside. As he glanced back towards the sidewalk, he noticed something unusual. The lot next to the bakery, that had been empty ever since Trent had moved to town, was now filled. In it, a store had appeared, almost overnight. Green awning lined the front and the sides of the store, and a sign reading "Odds & Ends", displayed the name of the establishment.
His curiosity piqued, Trent entered the store, and he heard the jingle of a bell ring overhead. Trent took a moment to look over the shop. It looked like a thrift store, with shelves piled high displaying miscellaneous artifacts. There were also a few racks, tables and bins of clothing, and a shoe rack in the corner. His eyes fell upon one item in particular... a sleeveless, Navy Blue, Abercrombie & Fitch shirt. Trent walked towards the rack, his palms sweating in anticipation. The shirt looked oversized... Really oversized! Just as eh was about to reach for the shirt, a voice called out to him, "Can I help you, sir?"
Trent jumped in surprise. "Where did he come from?" he wondered as he got a look at the person the voice belonged to. He was a teenager, looking both innocent and mature. The shopkeeper was dressed in a baggy green shirt, and had a backwards, sized, baseball cap on with a logo that was unfamiliar to Trent.
"Hi," Trent said, a little shakily.
"Hello," The shopkeeper said, "looking for anything in particular today?"
"Well, this shirt intrigued me," Trent answered. "I've never seen such a large A & F shirt before. Is it genuine?"
"Indeed it is, sir," the shopkeeper said, as he calmly walked to the rack, picked up the shirt, and showed Trent the sewed-in labels.
Trent looked at the labels, the shopkeeper presented. Stitched into the material of the shirt was an original label. It showed the size of the shirt as being a XXL. It also had a second tag sewed in above the main tag that read "muscle."
"I never knew A & F made shirts in a XXL size," Trent quasi-asked, quasi-stated.
"If I'm not mistaken," the merchant replied, "They tried it once, but found that it didn't fit in with their marketing campaign."
"Heh," Trent thought, "their marketing campaign. All those hot models in, but mostly out of their tightly fitted clothing. Those hot bodies... how I wished I had a body like that.
"How much?" Trent asked.
"Only $5.00," the storekeeper responded, "but, I think that it's a little too big for you. Why don't you try it on? The fitting room's right there," he added as he ushered Trent into what looked like a closet with a shower curtain in front of it.
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Trent shrugged his shoulders, took the shirt the teen held out, and slid the curtain shut. Feeling a little strange, he shucked off his sweaty polo shirt, and put on the Abercrombie & Fitch tee. Trent looked into the mirror. He felt that the shirt fit him just fine. It wasn't baggy at all. In fact, the vertical white stripes down the sides of the shirt, actually helped Trent look a bit simmer. It was his slight paunch, however, which stretched the shirt out a little, that kind of ruined the effect.
"How does it look sir?" The storekeeper asked, breaking Trent from his train of thought.
"It's a little tight," Trent said.
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"Nonsense!" The teen replied, opening the curtain and ushering Trent out of the room, and in front of a mirror mounted on a wall. "Let me take a look."
"It's a muscle shirt," the shopkeeper said, "so, it's supposed to be a little tight." He tugged the shirt in a few places, adjusting a few folds, and smoothing out the shirt. "Looks like a perfect fit to me," he said, admiring his work.
"How can you say that?" Trent asked, a little irritated.
"Look in the mirror."
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Trent did as the shopkeeper asked, and was taken aback by what he saw. His stomach wasn't protruding as much as it was just a few moments ago... In fact, his belly seemed to be diminishing, the accumilated fat, just melting away.
"How did that happen?" Trent asked.
"What do you mean sir?"
"That," Trent said, as he pointed to his stomach in the mirror. Trent let out an audible gasp as he was in for another surprise. His once flabby stomach was now gone. He stood transfixed as ridges formed on the shirt, holding tight to his body, and revealing slight definition. The crevices deepened as a four-pack developed into a six-pack which then morphed into a highly defined, ripped eight-pack.
"Whoa... What was THAT?" Trent asked dumbfounded.
"I still don't know what you're talking about sir," the shop keeper said, ignorant to the fact that Trent was changing before his own eyes.
Trent realized that he was now looking down on his companion. He could have sworn that he was eye to eye with the shopkeeper when he had walked into the store.
"This is so fucking cool," Trent said.
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"Sir," the shopkeeper responded, "I still don't know what you're talking about..."
But the shopkeeper's remarks were cut short, as Trent doubled over, and reached for his legs. They were cramping... BIG TIME! As he put his hands around his calves, he thought to himself, "They're growing!"
And he was correct in his analysis. Trent's claves were growing. In fact, his whole leg was expanding in both directions. Rock hard muscle developed on his calves and thighs, as they both lengthened. They were engulfed in pain, until finally, the growth stopped. The results were diamond shaped calves, the definition impeccable, and the size of a football. His thighs were so thick, they resembled the trunk of a coconut tree.
Trent then began to feel a pressure around his feet. They felt squeezed into his shoe all of a sudden... suffocating in the tight quarters in which they were contained. Quickly, Trent bent down to take off the shoes. When he did so, he found that his feet were also growing. Creeping past a size 11... slowly stretching, elongating past a 12 �... the bones crunching, crackling and reconstructing themselves, finally stopping at a size 15. His socks then reshaped, and readjusted themselves from knee high tube socks, a pair of Nike no-show socks.
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"Are you okay sir," the shopkeeper asked, not really understanding what his customer was going on about.
"I don't kn..." Trent cried out, "But.. but... ARRGGGHHHHHH..."
Trent's comment was cut short by a new pain, this time centered in his chest. On the one hand, he felt like he was being massaged, yet on the other hand, he felt like his chest muscles were being pulled apart. He started sweating profusely, as he gawked in the mirror. His man-tits were disappearing! They were restructuring themselves, turning the once jiggly fat reserves, into solid plates of steel. His pectoral muscles (that's what they were now, not fat, but pure muscles) stretched his shirt to the limit. Trent realized that the shirt he was wearing began to shrink. The bottom hem creeping up, revealing the cobblestone bricks he now had for abs. Trent watched as his nipples shifted, now facing outwards, instead of the downward direction they once faced.
His pecs now pumped, the pain moved to his sides, back and shoulders. Trent's traps, lats and back muscles grew out, forcing his arms to hang at an angle, instead of straight down. His shoulders widened and broadened. The changes finally stopped when Trent's frame looked like a doorway: intimidatingly looming.
Trent didn't have time to comment on this, however, as the pain moved to his arms. Bones crackled and muscles elongated to keep up with his lengthening arms, which grew in proportion to his new physiology. Then, as they stopped their downward journey, his arms began to swell. Like a balloon inflates, Trent's arms blew up, but unlike a balloon, Trent's biceps and triceps were filling up with strong, hard, potent muscle tissue.
Trent's arms continued bulking up, finally reaching a point when his upper arms resembled basketballs. His skin was stretched tight, that it appeared his skin was no more than a sheet of paper. The feeling shot from the arms, down to the forearms. They pumped up, increasing in size, finally looking like miniature legs of lamb, but without any of the fat.
Next, Trent's hands expanded. Growing to mach the size of the rest of his body... HUGE! Joints popped, bones broke apart and reformed, and ligaments and tendons realigned themselves until Trent could more than easily palm a bowling ball... yes, a bowling ball!
At this point, Trent looked into the mirror, and realized what was happening. He saw his solid body, rippling with newly formed mass and muscle. He was turning into a jock. He was becoming one of those jocks he had always fantasized about being. One of those jocks that had always picked on him. The very jocks he detested, yet, subconsciously longed to be.
With that thought, an erotic rush came over Trent's body, centered in his groin. He accepted these changes... No... not accepted, he embraced them... welcomed them. Then, he felt movement on his thighs, and realized that his briefs were turning into boxer briefs... The underwear inched down his thighs, and fit tightly over the densely packed muscles of Trent's thighs and bubble butt. Then, he felt more movement, and an electric shock in his penis. "No, not my penis," Trent corrected himself, "My cock... my fuck stick."
He felt his cock snake down his thighs, and was surprised when the growth seemed to complete itself when it reached about three-quarters of the way down his thigh. Another erotic rush shook his body, as his balls swelled in size from the size of grapes to the size of golf balls, and even then, a little bit bigger. Trent's nutsack dropped, and met expanded to match the growth of its contents.
"UUUGGGH!" Trent grunted, his now deep voice, echoing with a bassy resonance. "Oh, fuck!" he exclaimed, a new sensation spreading across his face and neck.
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"Sir," the shopkeeper said, "If you're going to be a while in front of that mirror, I'll just be doing a few things that need to get done. Just call me if I can help you with anything." And with that, he disappeared from Trent's view.
Trent watched in the mirror as his face rearranged itself. First, his eyes lightened, going from a dark brown, to hazel, passing pale green, and finally stopping at a bright, mesmerizing blue. His cheekbones and facial structure transfigured, giving Trent more angular features, raising his cheekbones higher, and squaring off his jaw. Then, his nose collapsed, and reconstructed itself, giving Trent a nose that appeared to have been broken a few times, yet still having a shape that perfectly matched his other facial features. The pieces of the puzzle coming together, Trent looked into the mirror, and marveled at the fact that the face looking back at him was a face that could be on billboards, magazine covers, and even in the Abercrombie and Fitch Quarterly!
Trent's hair lightened in color. Changing in a few seconds from black, to a sun-highlighted, bleached blond look. It filled in fuller, and thicker than ever before, and all of a sudden, his scalp started itching, as it all started receding back into his skull. All that was lift was a short crew cut, with the sides and back faded down, and his bangs up-turned and spiked out. Then, he watched as his sideburns filled out.
The itching exploded all over his body, as all the hair on his chest, legs, arms, abdomen, back, underarms and crotch, retracted back into his skin. The itching continued as fine blond hairs, started filling in creating just a very slight treasure trail that lead to a very well trimmed and maintained patch of hair. His balls still remained hairless, as did the rest of his body, which would forever remain so. Trent's skin then started darkening. It changed from the pasty white that he once was, and darkened into a rich, golden tan. His complexion was simply perfect, and his whole body just radiated a glowing aura.
All of a sudden, Trent clutched his chest. It felt like something was moving in his heart. He felt something crawling under his skin, and in a moment, he realized that the sensation was veins. Veins snaking their way across his body, down and across his chest and abdomen. Veins popped along his legs, and arms, forming obvious webs and patterns here and there. And then veins started popping along his newly muscled neck.
Trent was feeling pumped! He felt the strength that he now possessed welling inside of him. As he made a double bicep pose in the mirror, he froze. He wanted to stop posing, to go into a most muscular pose (something that he never knew about before), but was frozen in place. Something was wrong... something was tickling him? Trent looked into the mirror at his stomach, and saw that his clothing was now changing. The shirt he tried on remained the blue and white sleeveless Abercrombie and Fitch shirt that it was, however, bottom hem crept up, and took on the appearance of a cut-off tee-shirt.
His former jeans, which now looked like ridiculous high-waters, tied on with a cloth belt (which seemed to have tightened itself throughout the transformation) altered themselves. They grew longer to match Trent's new height. Then, they changed colors. In some places it got darker, turning into a dark brown or black. In other areas, the jeans lightened, turning olive or light green. Then, as a whole, the jeans began to fade, looking as if they had been washed many, many times. Rips and tears appeared randomly, and Trent's belt's excess length hung in front, perhaps hinting at the massive organ that Trent now possessed. The pants had become a pair of waist 28, vintage wash cammos from Abercrombie and Fitch.
The shoes that Trent had cast off earlier now faded out of reality. They disappeared from sight! A brand new pair of black and white Nike cross-trainers formed on his feet.
Trent's book bag then began to flicker. It elongated and widened, darkening to black. A logo appeared on it, finally revealing itself to be the Adidas logo. Trent's backpack had become a gym bag. The books that were in a plastic bag next to the backpack disappeared, gone from Trent's memory, and the memory of the world. The new gym bag filled itself with workout clothing, a pair of shoes, and a jock strap. Not to mention a few other items... condoms and lube!
Suddenly, a sharp, throbbing pain erupted in his head. Trent quickly reached for his temples. It was like a vise was pressing his head, squeezing tighter and tighter. "ARRRRGH," Trent screamed in anguish, "My fucking head! What the fuck is happening to m... ARRRGH!" The pain was incredible!
A new feeling was added to the torture he was enduring. From somewhere within his cranial cavity, it felt like his brains were being forced through a small sieve. Trent's natural ability to learn, and hold knowledge of the world decreased. His very IQ lowered, nearing 90. Things Trent learned from school and books seeped from his head, leaving an empty brain. "Fucking A man, make this stop," Trent cried out, still in pain.
As the torture continued, Trent's brain rewrote itself with information. It filled with knowledge about working out, nutrition, and sports. Trent could no longer tell you the state capitols, but he could tell you that he worked out everyday for two hours, doing bench presses, cable flies, and bicep curls. He could ramble of rosters from sports teams. He didn't know anything about foreign trade policies, but he now knew that the Camero was a bitchin' ride.
Trent's attitudes changed. He now had an aversion for geeks and nerds. His life revolved around, hot guys, hot cars, hot sex, and flexing his muscles on and off the sports field. His world now focused on keggers, and his vocabulary now only encompassed simple words and phrases. Trent no longer would be the sniveling coward who just took everything that came his way. He would now be a cocky jock, who had an air of arrogance and confidence in everything that he did. And his voice, no longer would Trent be confused for a woman on the phone. Instead, his testosterone charged voice boomed with a bassy resonance.
And, as suddenly as the pain started, it stopped in an instant.
"Whoa," Trent said, "That was one nasty trip. I wonder if that's the ephidra in Xenadrine or somethin'."
The sales person came back to the dressing area. Not having heard or seen Trent in a while, he was a little concerned about his customer. "You still doing okay, sir?" he asked.
"Yeah, dude," Trent replied, "I'm okay. That was one hell of a rush!"
"Sorry sir."
"Not your fault guy," Trent said, "what do I owe you for the shirt?"
"Let's see now," the shop keeper said, "Five dollars for the shirt."
Trent reached into his pocket, and retrieved his money, having a little difficulty counting out five ones.
"Thanks man, that's fucking cheap! Let me know if you get anymore in." Trent said after handing the kid his money. "I gotta go to the gym... There's a stud waiting for me, and he's gonna be in for the pounding of his life," he added, thinking about how the star quarterback was his own personal boy toy. Man, this shirt is gonna look awesome on me tomorrow when I start going to my new school `Trent Hall's School for Young Adults'."
"I'm sure it will sir," the shop keeper replied.
And with that, Trent Stephens picked up his gym bag, and walked out the door, the bell overhead jingling one last time, and headed out to his new life.
"Another satisfied customer," the mysterious shopkeeper said to no one in particular. •
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Please let me know if you liked this retro post. I have some others that are in reserve, so if you would like to see me post more, like and comment!
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circusmania · 5 months
SIN Chapter 2
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I can still hear your heart beating for me
Wishing for my lavish
Waiting for me to return
That heart that is only mine
Of which only I can touch
Just you wait
I'll come back
My heart almost jumps out of its rib cage. I turned around and was met with Marcus…and his cigarette. 
“Uhm, I…” Now that I think of it, why did I come out here? “Fresh air, I guess.” He seems to be convinced, for now.
We stood in silence for a little while. Marcus took a drag of his cigarette and let the smoke run free. 
I coughed, not only was it nauseating, but it was also unbearable witnessing someone waste their life away like this.
“You know you can't smoke on school property, right?” Marcus continued to face the ground, he took another puff of his cigarette. 
Ugh, and to think I was starting to like him. I coughed again, this time only to make him feel bad. I don't think it worked, though. 
“I'm pretty sure you'll develop lung cancer or something, too,” I continued. 
“Why did you really come here?” He interrupted me. “I know for a fact you didn't come here to bitch about me smoking, and you sure as hell didn't come for a smoke break.”
No shit.
 “I told you I came for fresh air, but now I see that that idea is out of the window-”
All of a sudden, the back door swung open and Judy marched out.
“What do you think you're doing? Are you seriously ditching us for this loser?” 
Uh oh…
“Judy, please, I was just trying to tell him how smoking is bad for him,” I said while Judy gritted her teeth. 
“I don't want to see you hanging around this… Freak anymore.” 
Judy grabbed my arm and pulled me up the steps back into the cafeteria. She opened the door, but before she could step in, Marcus grabbed my arm, yanking us both back.
“He doesn't need to go anywhere. More or less, you can't tell him who he wants to see or not. That's not how a relationship works.”
“What do you know about how a relationship works?” Judy snapped, turning towards me. “Well?? Tell him to leave you alone.” 
“Judy… I think you should just leave.” I said, watching her eyes slowly widen and her lip quiver. 
I felt her slowly letting my arm go, her eyes filling up with tears. 
“Judy, I-” Before I could say anything, she ran past me, choking on a few sobs. I thought about chasing after her, but Marcus stops me.
“Don't, that's exactly what she wants you to do.”
“I've never seen her cry like this before…”
“I assure you it won't be the last.” Marcus lit another cigarette and took another puff before crushing the butt with his heel. “She'll be back anyway. Who can resist you?” I hear him lightly laugh to himself. Jokingly. 
He's right. This wasn't the first time she ran away from me, but it will be the last time I chased after her. 
Marcus takes a seat at the bottom of the stairs, and I shortly join him. We both sit in silence for a while. 
“What are you?” I ask without thinking. 
I see him stiffen a bit before turning to face me. 
“Excuse me?” 
I couldn't read his facial expression, however, I could tell I have offended him in a way.
“Erm, I mean, are you goth, alt, vamp…?” 
I watch him relax, slightly chuckling. 
“Heh, I guess I fall more into being alt.” He smiles.
“Have you always been alt?” I said, trying to get him to open up more. 
He starts to pick the dirt off his shoes. “I've always had an interest in this kind of style. The clothes, the makeup, the music, god don't make me get started on the music.” He went off.
I smiled, I like seeing how people can get so wrapped in their thoughts and just ramble off like that. I see it in Omar all the time. 
“Kind of stereotypical, but I'm also really into rituals and shit. I especially love scaring people with it, too.”
“Oh! So you're into dark fantasy too? Omar is into that as well, technically he's into any type of fantasy.” Marcus said nothing for a bit.
“Dark fantasy… yeah, you can say that.” Marcus smiled; I smiled back.
“Mm, you should come to his house this weekend, he's having this huge party. Here, I'll write you his address.”
 I take a scrap piece of paper and pen from my pockets and write it down for him. He takes it gingerly.
“Will you be coming?” He asked, examining the paper. 
“Of course.” 
He smiles. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚🔔🔔🔔˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
I grab my binder and pencil case from my locker; preparing for my last but least favourite class, science. Abruptly, I was enveloped in a tight hug from behind.
I sighed and turned around to face her. Her face was all red and puffy. She was still sniffling and had tears dripping down her cheeks. I felt awful. 
I cupped her face and wiped her face with my sleeve. 
“I should've thought about your feelings too!” She cried.
I hugged her back, “It's okay, we all make mistakes.”
She started to slowly calm down and rub her face with her bare arm. 
“Thank you… I'm so lucky to be with you. I'll be going now.” I nod.
I watch her walk away before turning toward my next class. My science class was way further down the hall, what's worst is that I didn't share it with anyone I know. My schedule consisted of English with Vanessa, theatre with Omar and Judy, and math with Judy (and now Marcus). I was all alone in science… or so I thought until I was met with an empty seat next to Marcus in science class. 
Every other seat was filled since I was running a bit late, except Marcus's of course. 
I sat down next to him, it seemed like everyone was avoiding him. Not that I didn't know why, he was dressed a little out of the ordinary. However, I don't think the pity stares I earned were necessary, he's not going to be killing me. Hopefully. 
Either way, he seems like a very nice and misunderstood kid. Some people were just assholes.
The teacher walked in, making the class go silent. 
Suddenly, the intercom chimed. 
“Will Marcus D Angelo please make his way to the office? Marcus D Angelo, thank you.”
Everyone turned towards him, watching him make his way out of the classroom. 
A few minutes later and London Oswald came in. He had a black eye…
He sat next to me and pushed Marcus's stuff to the side, setting his binder on the desk. 
“Uh, Marcus is sitting there...”
“He won't be coming back anyway, you see this?” He points to his black eye. “That fucker did it. And it's only because I made a simple, harmless joke.”
“What was the joke about?”
“Nothing serious, really! It was a joke about how he looked emo and shit. He didn't have to give me a fucking black eye.”
I stayed quiet. I didn't know Marcus was sensitive like that. 
London sighed. 
“Look, I don't know if y'all are friends or something, but don't worry, he's not suspended. Just got sent home early.”
Marcus came in and swiftly gathered his stuff. I couldn't see his eyes, but I could tell he was glaring at London. He looked at me and shot me a quick smile before disappearing again. 
London sighed.
“Listen, man, I like you, you're a good teammate, and you don't take shit from no one. My only advice to you is to stay away from him.”
I bit my lip and ruffled my hair.
Maybe he's right.
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
for the 500 follower special, idia + 75?
I love how all of my gamer knowledge reappeared as I was writing this lol.
Prompt: 75. I’m an insomniac who calls my best friend at 3am except I misdial on my landline and I tell you all about my nightmare before letting you talk and now I’m mortified but you don’t hang up (I changed it a bit)
Note: Modern au. Fainaru Fantajī XV is Final Fantasy 15 but in Japanese. I was gonna use FFXVI but idk how the story goes and I might just watch it on Youtube lol. I DO know the story for FFXV and I love it so much
Word Count: 959
Warnings: not beta read and possible OOC characters
500 Follower Event
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Idia's day typically goes as follows: 1. Wake up, 2. Collect his dailies, 3. Stream in his room for hours (while snacking during it). 4. Use the bathroom. 5. Eat sweets, 6. Stream again. 7. Stream. What's sleep anyway?
Idia sighed after setting his headphones down. He just finished playing the latest Fainaru Fantajī XV game since its release. His body ached from the long sitting position, but it was all worth it for him. The story was good, and the gameplay was phenomenal! Idia needed to tell someone about it!
Usually, he would rant about it to Ortho. Still, his little brother was currently out of town because he was starring in a movie with the Vil Schoenheit. Idia was proud of his brother and wanted to keep his much-needed rest. 
Idia grabbed his phone and sorted through his list of friends.
Azul? No, he would only talk about board games. 
Riddle? No, they both had a mutual dislike for one another. 
Cater? HECK NO! NO NORMIES! (Idia made a mental note to delete his number later. How his contact information got on his phone was a mystery.)
Lilia? Idia's eyes widen. Yes! Lilia was perfect! They both share a love of games and often play co-op together. Surely he would be awake at, Idia glanced at the time, 3 am! Idia quickly typed his number, too excited to click on Lilia's number, and brought the phone to his ear. 
"Hello?" A clearly feminine voice replied, but Idia had already started his passionate ranting.
"Lilia! Did you get to play the newest Fainaru Fantajī XV game?"
"Who is-"
"I love the open world concept, and did you see the Regalia? That car screams luxury, and it has to be my dream car. I need to get one ASAP. That would show those lame normies I deal with, ugh."
"Lilia" laughed but continued trying to speak, "That's nice, but-"
"And the chemistry between the main characters! Luna was pretty, I guess? Lowkey women still scar me after the whole Eliza incident." Idia shivered at the memory of his "self-proclaimed" (and crazy) girlfriend (it was one-sided, and Idia didn't consider her his girlfriend anyway) in high school. Never again. "But the bond between Noctis and the other guys was top-notch! It made the gameplay even better!" Idia sighed and leaned back in his chair. "If only Noctis survived to the end, ya know? I guess the developers loved angst. The song choice at the end was the cherry on top. I actually shed a tear."
"Uhh, that's very interesting, but who is this?" "Lilia," asked, and Idia frowned. Now that he was partially done with his rant, he noticed the strange pitch in his friend's voice.
"Lilia, it's me, Idia. You know? The super cool guy who you spend playing League with. Are you sick? Your voice sounds off."
"I don't know a Lilia. My name is Yuu, and no, I am not sick. I am very healthy." Yuu's voice replied, and Idia froze. OH NO, NO, NO
He could imagine the stranger frowning and thinking he was some creep. "Yes?"
"Eep!" Idia squealed and immediately pressed the big red "end call" button. He threw his phone at his bed, jumped face down on his bed, and groaned loudly. "Stupid, stupid, stupid! You just embarrassed yourself in front of a stranger! In front of a girl!" Idia was ready to bury himself in a hole.
Idia's phone rang just as he made the decision to do it. He groaned at the annoying ringtone, picked it up, and brought the phone to his ear without checking the caller ID. 
A female voice laughed. "You hung up on me, Idia."
"Ah!" Idia screamed. He looked at his phone and raised his finger to hang up the call.
"Wait! Don't hang up!" Yuu exclaimed, causing Idia to freeze. He slowly brought his phone back to listen. The girl sighed after a minute passed. "Look, before you hang up again, I wanted to say that I love that game too."
Idia blinked, and his mouth opened in shock. "Y-you do?" he managed to say and wanted to facepalm.
Yuu laughed. "I'm not far into the game, though. I got distracted by fishing and playing with chocobos."
Idia felt himself relax, and he laughed with Yuu. "They are adorable. I liked racing them."
"Me too! Hey, Idia, can I ask you something?"
"Uhh, sure…What is it?"
Yuu sighed, and Idia could hear some shuffling on her end. She was probably adjusting herself to get comfortable. "Can you tell me more about the game? I need some help getting through it and would like some advice."
Idia felt a smirk grace his face. "Of course, you would need my help. I'll help you beat all the bosses with 0 deaths. You're good to talk for tonight?"
Yuu chuckled. "Yeah, I don't have anything planned. Oh great, Idia. Give me your wisdom." 
Idia ended up not sleeping that night but made a new friend instead. 
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"I heard the Child of Man made a new friend." Malleus looked up from his Gao Gao Drakon-kun to speak to his father.
Lilia paused his game and turned to Malleus. "Oh? Did she say who?"
Malleus nodded. "It's actually your friend Idia. The one you often play games with." He said and gestured to the monitor that currently had Fainaru Fantajī XV. 
Lilia smiled, feeling happy for his friend. "What a coincidence. It is a small world, after all."
Malleus nodded and smiled, thinking about Yuu's happy rant that morning after staying up to talk to Idia before passing out from exhaustion. He was also delighted for her that she had met him. "Indeed it is."
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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